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1963-05-28~{£RUTES OF THE ADJOURJ~ED ME~'II~G OF MAY 28,. 1963 at 8:uO P.M. pRESEI~T WERE: ~ayor H,. B. R. ]~arson, Trustees Raymond Koehn,~ i~Roy ~eikkila, Manager i~onard Kopp, A,~torney t~mond Ploet OPEi~ING BiD$~ ON WII~HIt~ DRiV~ The attorney declared ~e publications to be sufficient and RE$OI3JTION ACCEPTING BID (Wi] RESOI3JTIOI~ 63-103 (Municipal State Aid Improves Koehn offered the resolution and Heikkila seconded the mott Roll Call Vote Batdorf A~ve Aye Koehn Aye Pfeifer Heikkzla dye Larson So Damried and ~a~ljourned AVON PAi{K H~I~ - Attorney stated the ,published and mailed notices were T. J. Hanson spoke with reserve.tions on accept~uce, but Henry Olson and wife were against the project, wanted have it assessmd ~gainst property owners. Mrs. Allen b~ a do_it-yo~self- ~s ~dson ~ainst entire pro jet project ~d said two of his neighbors who were ~mble to A second pl~ was proposed by the e~ineer t~t wo~d and Mrs. bindem~, Mrs. Henry Olson and Carl Brookner we~ pointed out the Vitae wo~d not give the offere~ l~ A po~ was t~en: Orgin~l Pl~ - Entire Project - Alternate P~ ' Partial Project No Project at all '~ i{EsOLUTION TO ACc~FT ENTIRE PLAN 'SOLUTION 63-10~ RESOL~IO~ ~{DER~N~ ~PR~ ~' (P~k and Storm~Sewer - S~ Batdorf offered the resolution and Koehn seconded the Roll 0all Vote Koehn Aye Pfeifer Aye Heikkila Aye Aye Batdorf Aye J.~rson So carried. The hearing was a~journed and the regular meetinE was B~u~TiST CHU~CHADDITION ~he Fire Code calls on a one hour fire resistance Pfeifer moved and Koehn seconded %he motion. BE IT MOVED, UPO~ THE RECOMME~DATIO~ OF .~HEBUILD~G COMMiSSIOn, a vari~uce of the Building at the MOU~D F£t~ t~ Del Pfeifer, Gordon Batdorf and Engineer W.m. Schoell. Legal - ~hire Drive Street) ~nt ~o. 45-103-01) 'icient and legal. t against entire project. done but did not want to reene wanted the project to t~ Vic%or Gordon wam for ~ttend were also for it. ~ drain the ~rk, not the road ~e for that; until the Mayor zpport for the partial project. )~NERT 'AND ~irley Hills Unit m .tion. 9F PLA~S lled into session. ISF,~CTOR AND THE PLANNI~IG de be allowed the in remodeling.-: .o~ the Baptist Church. csrried. The vote was unanimously in favor so SiTE PLAN FO~ NUt,SlinG The sit~ plan for the proposed nursing home on Commerce Blvd. was discussed, no further action necessary as Resolutt. on 63-?1 COvers action requested. RATiFI~NG LIBRARY B RES OLUT IO,~ 63-105 RESOLUTION APPR6V~NG CHAPTER 560, LA~S 1963 Joint Library Board Batdorf ~offered .resolution and Heikkila seconded motion. Roll Call Vote Pfeifer Eoehn Aye Bat~orf Aye Heikklla Aye A~arson So carried Aye N.S.P. PO~ER OR GENERATE 0~ N~S.P. sent three representatives to give their side of story _ Mr. Frey gave the self generating side. The engineer, Mr. Scheell recommends that we stay with our plan and generate our owhn power. The council thanked the I~.S.P. representatives~ but said due to the time element they could not now change p~ans, s~ain. UNIO~ CONTRACT Batdorf offered the resolution and Heikklla seconded the motion.. RESOLUTI O~ 63-106 Roll Call Fore Heikkila Eoehn Aye Pfeifer ~ Aye Batdorf _ Aye Larson So carried. Aye tLYEESS LIQUOR STORE RESCLUTION 63-107 RESOLUTION AUTHORiZiNG oALE (Excess Liquor Store Furniture) Koenn offered the resolution and £atdorf seconded the motion Roll Call Vote Batdorf Koehn Aye Aye Pfei£er ~ye Heikkila i~e l~arson Aye So carried. TRANS~S Batdorf offered ~e resolution and ~eikkila seconded the moti RESOLUTION ~7~T~ORIZING TRA~.S,. ~ RESOI~dTION 63-108 GENERAL FUND TO %~[ILSHIRE DRIVE LOAN), A~INISTRATION~ FIRE, ?[ STREET FUNDS Roll Call Vote Pfeifer Aye Heikkila Aye Koehn Aye Batdorf Aye barson Aye So carried B~LLS Batdorf moved and Heikkiia seconded the motion to pay the : are available- The vote was unanimously in favor, so ca Americas Public WorkS BertelsOn Bros. £nce ~estonk~ Telephone Northern States Power S ears B. H eymau Beld Business Forms Mtk~ Pilot Pitney Bowes,. £nc Mtk~. O~l Miller avis Bud's Pure.Oil Westonk~ Telephone Rot them Automotive Navarre Motors St ~ndard Oil B. Heyman David Agency Mtka~ Oil WII~HLRE I~IVE MUNIC£PA~ AID CONSTRUCTIOR~ Construction Bulletin Mtka, Pilot BUILDING INSP ECTGR Oscar Pehrson B. H eymazx Westo~km Telephone Northern States B~er Minn. Fire Equip~ Mtka. Oil >n OF FUNDS FROM THE C ~STRUCTION (AS A ~ (AS A tO~) ~NO ~.ollowing bills where funds ~ried. =5000 8000 ~1.81 93.63 17~0~ 28.75 28e00 28.12 L08.55 6,00 80.63 3.35 33.25 9.20 6.2? 16.56 15e00 97.02 1.50 9.67 2.60 25.20 9.75 539,05 6.25 t6Z.?O 67.8~ 14.38 138.88 538.88 197.07 3a. 95 388.80 WestonkaTelephone ~ational Chemsearch Northern States Power Sears Power Process Equip. ~ce 6Z.05 33.~1 29i0.47 3.38 31.57 420a88 Weston~a Telephone Sears B. Heyman ~tka. Pi2ot National Ghems earch Northern ~tates Power Sterne Electric Sanfax Corp, ~ower Too is, ~nce DaSd ~ency MUNICIPAL COURT Ed Ryan, Sheriff Sears Miller Davis Citer ~'reas, Mpls. DOCK It'S PECT ~R Bo H eyman 1962 ~ATER CONSTRUCT ~ O~ Mt~ Pilot Police Supply TRUST AND A~E~Oy SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ~orthwestern ~ation~ B~k of Mpls TRUST ~D ~OY, SPEC~ ~S~S~T Net thwes tern Nation TRU'~ ~D AC~'Cy BOND ~D I~ST SE~RIES Nor thwes ~ern ~atio~ SuB total 1963 S~ CO~STRUCTIo~ Pa~ R. JOnson ~st Ole~ ~ernon Br~den~g C~ir Hasse ~a~er C. and ~ ~ Helen Sub total 3.00 #.?6 16, ?5 79, 75 ll, z5 33.50 1,825.66 6,80 59,50 4.8.23 15.75 37.50 17.0~ 9#. 75 16.00 3.00 20.4~ 2,525.50 503, O0 138.53 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ll6, Ol 1,979. 35 165.29 3.00 20.44 2,525.50 403.00 1.265. 25 8,599.71 8, 7~2, 2# ~estonka~elephone Eorthern Sta~es Power Lynn Johnson Go. Griggs Cooper ~ Co,, Or~nd total lnc 18. O0 2?6.89 48?.29 173.57 Bills ~ 3 955.73 697. 99 ASSESSMENT H~I~G sET Koehn offered the resolution and Heikkila seconded RESOifOT ION 63-109 Roll Call Vote Heikkila Koehn Pfeifer Batdorf L~s on So carried Batdorf moved and Heikkil~ seconded a motion to adjourn. favor so carried and adjourned. ~ard opp the motio~ RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDEMI~G pREPAR~TIO~ O}~' PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Water 61,1-4: Three Points Water, Highland ater, Sandy Drive Water, and First Avenue Water) A~e The vote wms unaimously in TABULaTiON OF B~DS 1963 MoS.A.$ IMPROVEMF~, S. A. P. Z5----103-~i SCHOELL AND M~DSON ~iLLAGE OF MOUND, ~INNESOTA ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Clearing Trees Grubbing Trees 3 $ Remove Sidewalk Class A Excavation 19, 500 Metallio Conduit 29O Subdrain Backfill Cl 7 135 F&I 15" RCPipe 162 F&I 18" RCPlpe C1 II 656 F&I 24" ROPipe C1 II Reconstruct CB's 244 F CB 's, C or G F&I Casting Assy,s F&I Cone Apron, 15" F&I Cone Apron, 18" l~oacl side Seeding Seed C1 15 Water Bit. Mat '1, Prime Ct Bit. Ma%'l for Prime Ct Mat '1 for Mixture Bit. Mixt. Binder Cs C~rb Conc. Pavement ESTIMATED TOTAL BID. OF BID BOND Rmmm~s B~tY & CARISON, aPLS. ~'~ILSHIRE DRIVE May 28, 1963 C. $. Mc~ROSSAN Osseo ,50. 00 $ 150.00 30.00 90o00 50. 00 250. O0 ~0.00 150. O0 1.50 67. 1.50 67. 0.46 8, 970. O0 O. 80 15, 600. O0 3. O0 5.75 3, 772. O0 3O. OO 159.00 12 65.00 ?80° O0 1 ,4o. co 3 45. oo 135. oo 1 5o. 120 o. 5o 6o. co 158 3. OO 47~.oo 3.00 725 0.!4 383..50 4. S6 2, 72.].. 6O 0°50 3O. OO $.5 24. CO 2, 280. 835 5.35 33O 6.75 ' - - ° 3.~ 472.50 7,75 40. O0 212. O0 75.00 9OO. 00 20. 21. oo 63. oo i00, 0.80 96. OO 1.70 IO, 7~.OO %.oo ~o. oo o.18 O. 2O 12. O0 2, 6. CO 5, 010. O0 2.22 9.00 2,97O. OO $ ~, 77s.25