CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound. through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable
cost, quality, services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe; attractive and flourishing community.
1. Open meeting
2. Interviews for Mound representative to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation
District — Jan 2013 through Dec 2015
A. Jay Green 5966 Lynwood Boulevard
B. Rodney Beystrom 4466 Denbigh Road
3. Action appointing a representative
4. Adjourn
Kandis Hanson
Kandis Hanson
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 3:44 PM
David Osmek; Heidi Gesch. Kelli Gillispie, Mark Hanus, RAY SALAZAR
Catherine Pausche
LMCD rep interviews.....
Mayor and Council—
I received a message today from Rodney Beystrom, who was a candidate for the Lake
Minnetonka Conservation District representative. Due to all of his other obligations at this
time, he has regretfully bowed out of the process. I have thanked him, for his interest and told
him I will contact him in the future, should there be an opening.
The remaining candidate, Jay Green, will be interviewed at 7:00 a.m. in the Conference
Room, The doors of the room will remain open and there will be public seating along one
wall, should public attend.
Thank you!
City Manager
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
w: 952.472.0609
Mound is under Regular Hours November through April.
Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:30
the 1..MCD Board of Directors meets on the 2 "" and 4 " Wednesday of each marsh (excluding the second meeting in November and
December). They meet at Wayzata City Hall, 600 Rice Street, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings typically last a couple how-s. The following
link to our website may be of interest to you; www.Imcd.org,
• Although 2 LMCD Board of Director meetings per month are scheduled, 24 per year, the LMCD has historically
conducted approximately 18 -20 per year. This takes into consideration the holiday schedules in November and
December, as well as a reduced workload for the Board at a certain times of the year (particularly late summer
and early fall).
The LMCD also has a number of advisory committees to the LMCD Board of Directors that Board members are
encouraged to participate on at least one. Active standing committees for the LMCD include an AIS Task Force,
a Save the Lake Committee, and a Public Safety Committee. Currently, outgoing Mound representative Steve
Johnson serves as Chair of the Public Safety Committee.
* Interested persons are welcome to contact the Exec Dir for any questions that they might have.
Greg Nybeck
LMCD Executive Director
(952) 745 -0789
Please use black ink or type.
Date: Dec 4th, 2012,
Name of Board: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Personal Information:
Name:_ Jay Green
Address:_ 5966 Lynwood Blvd, Mound MN 55364
Email Address: _ jaygreenfishing @yahoo.com
Cell: 612 - 817 -6388
Place of Employment:_ Laker Software 10567 165th St. Lakeville, MN 55044
Please describe work, volunteer, or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for
being the City of Mound representative to the LMCD.
Since the beginning of 2010, 1 have sat on the LMCD's AIS (aquatic invasive species) Task Force as a representative from Anglers
For Habitat. The LMCD was looking for someone to bring the anglers point of view and concerns into the milfoil /zebra mussel
discussion. I also sit on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District's AIS Task Force. From a statewide perspective, t have
participated in the DNR's stakeholders meetings on AIS prevention and management. I recently submitted my application for the
DNR Commissioners new AIS Citizen Advisory Group and should know more about that in the coming weeks. I firmly believe that
while there are steps we can be working on locally to prevent the introduction of AIS and to increase public awareness, a
comprehensive statewide strategy must be implemented if we are to truly be effective. t want to continue to help shape that strategy
so that there is a positive impact on our AIS prevention efforts and no negative impacts on the public's access to our aquatic resources.
1 served as President of the Minnesota B.A.S.S. Federation from 1998 thru 2005. 1 also served as President of the Minnesota
Sporttishing Congress for two years during that timeframe. These positions allowed me to represent Minnesota anglers at the local,
state, regional and national events and conferences. It also gave me opportunities to work with the Minnesota State Legislature on
various topics and to build a strong working relationship with the DNR.
1 consider Lake Minnetonka my home lake and spend an average of 40 to 50 days on the lake each summer. It is an incredible public
resource and I want to help keep it that way.
2. What skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of this Board?
First, I have a good, long term, working relationship with the LMCD. Whether it's regarding special event permitting, milfoil
management or public safety issues, Greg Nybeck, the Executive Director of the LMCD, has always been open to discuss my opinion
and concerns. Over the past couple of years, I have also gotten to know some of the board members, past and present, and feel that
I've had a good working relationship with them as well.
Secondly, I look to the experiences in my professional life. i am a software engineer /architect by trade and have lead a number of
large scale projects. Aside from my technical knowledge, my major strengths have been that I can focus on the detail of individual
tasks while maintaining an eye on the big picture, and 1 have been able to effectively communicate, written and verbally, with the
technical staff in the lab as well as with the executives in the board room. 1 feel that these strengths have allowed me to work
effectively on the various task forces and committees 1 currently participate on, and I feel these skills will also be an asset when
communicating with the Mound City Manager and Council.
3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues the
LMCD will need to address in the next two years?
Over the next two years, 1 believe the number one issue facing Lake Minnetonka is AIS. Today, that is primarily eurasian water
milfoil and zebra mussels.
The LMCD has been dealing with milfoil since the 1980s. Through the harvesting program, troublesome "public" areas are essentially
mowed to make the area more navigable. This work needs to continue. The recent conclusion of a 5 year study on herbicide
treatments has lead to the development of a new milfoil management plan which is currently under review by the board. The
challenge for the LMCD will be dealing with the balance of public and private funding for such a project, and also in determining each
year where, if any, treatments are applied.
The true impact of zebra mussels has yet to arise. The LMCD needs to closely monitor their spread and watch for those impacts. The
LMCD needs to continue support for the DNRs statewide prevention strategy, but also needs to continue its' own efforts to prevent
other exotics from entering the lake.
The second significant issue I see for the LMCD is the continued effort to determine its funding requirements and how those funds are
And finally the third issue I see the LMCD needing to deal with is the continuing assessment of their ordinances, such as those for
public safety, and insure they are up to date, correcting or eliminating obsolescence, and taking into account the ever changing
demographics of the users of the lake.
4. What one or two contributions do you think you would make, in the short term (first few months) and in
the long term (after a year)?
In the first few months, the LMCD will be preparing for the 2013 boating season. As an angler and a "high use" user of public access,
I bring a different point of view into the discussions. 1 also think my current work on the AIS Task Force, as well as my other AIS
activities, would allow me to be immediately effective on those issues without having to go through a steep learning curve.
After a year, aside from contributions on the AIS front, I would hope to be more knowledgeable and involved in issues specific to the
city of Mound.
5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest you may have serving on this LMCD.
I do not believe I have any overt conflicts of interest. As a member of Anglers For Habitat, l am always looking out for the resource
but I also understand there is a balancing act between protecting the resource and the public good.
To be eligible, candidates must be available for the interview on Tuesday, Dec 11, 2012.
Please return by 10:00, Thurs, Dec 5, to:
Mail or drop box: Kandis Hanson, City Manager
Mound City Hall
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
Or fax: 952- 472 -0679
Or email: kandishansoal@cityofinound corn
FROM Clw of M .0 a 002- 47= - 70
FAX NO. :7634936171 Dec. 07 2012 01:37PN P2
<THU >b6c a 2012 O.47 /YT. &; OB /N.i. 7600000A69 i y
Please use black ink or type
Date: /
Name of Hoard: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District
Personal Information:
Telephone: Homc: 9sa9- -�f ?,7 -Gur�� Work: 7,6s ` j�93 -i'o7/ Cell: 95a"7olf - 3011
Email Address:
Place ofEmalovment; �Ty ®rF• B/W/CIVXI 4A ZJ4'r.vA/
1. Please describe work, volunteer, or life experience that you have had that would prepare you for
being the City of Mound representative to the LMCD. /
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2. What.skills and abilities do you have that would be helpful in doing the work of this Board?
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3. With what you know about the Mound area, what do you see as the three most significant issues the
LMCD will need to address in the next two years?
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4,' What one or two contributions do you think you would make, in the short term (first few months) and in
the long term (after a year)?
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5. Please fully disclose any potential conflicts of interest you may have serving on this LMCD_
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To be eligible, candidates must be available for the interview on Tuesday, Dec 11, 2011
Please return by 10:00, T hors, Dec 5, to:
Mail or drop box:
Or fax:
Or email:
Kandis Hanson, City Manager
Mound City'Hall
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364
952- 472_0679
>�ndishanson�acitwfm�o,ynod c�