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2013-03-12 CC Agenda PacketPLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims 490 -511 *B. Approve minutes: Feb 26, 2013 regular meeting 512 -514 *C. Approve Resolution Appointing Jill Norlander as Acting City Clerk 515 *D. Approve Application for Exempt Permit for Mound Fire Auxiliary for 516 -517 bingo /raffle dates: March 26, June 1, and Nov 19, 2013 *E. Action on Resolution Authorizing Execution of Easement with 60 -day 518 -522 Notice 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker) 6. Mark Ruff, representing Ehlers & Associates, requesting action on Resolution Calling for Sale of $6,460,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A and $2,580,000 in Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013B to Finance the Following: A. $2,870,000 Street Improvement Project and Retaining Walls B. $1,575,000 Watermain Capital Improvements C. $ 635,000 Storm Water Capital Improvements D. $1,390,000 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvements E. $1,550,000 Current Refunding of 2003C Taxable TIF Bonds F. $1,030,000 2010 Lift Station Improvements Reimbursement 523 -556 PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer, requesting action on the following: A. Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds B. Resolution Approving Purchase of Duty Officer Vehicle C. Resolution to Increase Contribution to LMA for Milfoil Treatment Study for 2013 Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Minutes: Planning Commission: Jan 15, 2013 C. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits: Feb 2013 Fire Commission Agenda: Feb 27, 2013 D. Correspondence: Ltr to Minnehaha Creek Watershed Dist: Feb 28, 2013 Ltr from MN State Fire Dept Asso: Jan 24, 2013 9. Adjourn 557 -561 562 -569 570 571 -600 601 -602 603 Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: www.citvo/ YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2013 031213CITY $ 226,412.60 2013 031213HWS $ 90,187.04 TOTAL CLAIMS , 316,599.64 -490- S: \FINANCE DEPT\AP \CITY COUNCIL CLAIMS LISTING 2013.xisx MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Batch Name 031213CITY User Dollar Amt $226,412.60 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $226,412.60 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 AIR COMPRESSORS PLUS, LLC Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies AIR COMPRESSOR REPAIR, ADAPTER, $599.03 COPPER TUBING, FILTER, PUB WKS BLDG Invoice 34374 2/20/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/1/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $599.03 Refer 34 ALLDATA, INCORPORATED�����»N..r�m�, Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DATA SUBSCRIPTION TO AUTO INFORM $375.00 SYSTEM 3 -10 -13 THRU 3 -10 -14 Invoice 03122013 218/2013 PO 22801 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DATA SUBSCRIPTION TO AUTO INFORM $375.00 SYSTEM 3 -10 -13 THRU 3 -10 -14 Invoice 03122013 2/8/2013 PO 22801 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DATA SUBSCRIPTION TO AUTO INFORM $375.00 SYSTEM 3 -10 -13 THRU 3 -10 -14 Invoice 03122013 2/8/2013 PO 22801 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft DATA SUBSCRIPTION TO AUTO INFORM $375.00 SYSTEM 3 -10 -13 THRU 3 -10 -14 Invoice 03122013 2/8/2013 PO 22801 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer 38 ALLIED WASTE«- 4.., �,,... �... m... ,.,�..,».nm.,m„�.p�..m»w,.�., Cash Payment E 670 -49500 -440 Other Contractual Servic FEBRUARY 2013 CITYWIDE RECYCLING SVC $12,991.77 Invoice 0894- 003112360 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,991.77 Refer 37 ALLIED WASTE _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose MARCH 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB SAFETY $113.44 BLDG Invoice 0894 - 003115415 2/2512013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose MARCH 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB SAFETY $113.44 BLDG Invoice 0894- 003115415 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa MARCH 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB WKS BLDG $113.02 Invoice 0894 - 003115417 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose MARCH 2013 GARBAGE SVC CITY HALL $117.59 Invoice 0894 - 003112665 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose MARCH 2013 GARBAGE SVC PARKS BLDG $204.90 Invoice 0894- 003113230 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $662.39 Refer 29 ANCOMCOMMUN/CATIONS Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -325 Pagers -Fire Dept. 6 MINITOR PAGERS & ACCESSORIES- NEW $3,481.80 FIREFIGHTERS Invoice 35694 2/22/2013 PO 24227 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,481.80 Refer 38 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LS LP#1 REPAIR- REPLACED ANTENNA AT $2,551.45 STANDPIPE Invoice 26052 2/25/2013 -491- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Invoice 6974 - 198336 2/1/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts 91'ua• , , 'd Transaction Date 3/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,551.45 Refer 39 BENIEK PROPERTY SVCS INC.Mm.v FUEL FILTER HD, OIL FILTER #400 $15.84 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -440 Other Contractual Servic CBD SNOWPLOW COMMERCIAL AREAS $9,290.00 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -221 Equipment Parts FEB- COMMERCE BLVD, PARKING DECK, $31.96 Invoice 6974 - 198541 2/6/2013 BLVD AREAS Invoice 140590 3/1/2013 LUB 2.5 GAL TRUCK #412 $11.79 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,290.00 Refer 3 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPP RAD STOP LEAK TABLETS #192 $2.45 Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply LIGHTBULBS CITY HALL $22.07 Invoice 905247391 2/12/2013 -492- Transaction Date 3/1/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.07 Refer � 44 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -232 Landscape Material RED BALL DIAMOND AGGREGATE $867.65 Invoice 41251 2128/2013 Transaction Date 3/612013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $867.65 Refer 40 CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC. Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -219 Safety supplies G3 AED BATTERIES, $490.00 Invoice 1560746 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 315/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $490.00 Refer 4 CARGIL SALT DIVISION _ Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -237 Deicing Salt DEICER SALT BULK SHIPPED 2 -18 -13 $1,659.49 Invoice 2900994860 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -237 Deicing Salt DEICER SALT BULK SHIPPED 2 -11 -13 $7,068.35 Invoice 2900979837 2/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -237 Deicing Salt DEICER SALT BULK SHIPPED 2 -26 -13 $1,980.85 Invoice 2901012443 2126/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -237 Deicing Salt DEICER SALT BULK SHIPPED 2- 25 -13. $2,005.79 Invoice 2901008861 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -237 Deicing Salt DEICER SALT BULK SHIPPED 2 -27 -13 $1,663.77 Invoice 2901014278 2/27/2013 _ Transaction Date 3/1/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,378.25 Refer... 51 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/WJ Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials ADHESIVE CLEANER QT $15.07 Invoice 6974 - 198140 1/29/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply ON BOARD MAINTAINER, 12 VOLT EURO $108.87 BATTERY- LAKEWIND Invoice 6974 - 198336 2/1/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTER HD #202 $16.53 Invoice 6974 - 198338 211/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts FUEL FILTER HD, OIL FILTER #400 $15.84 Invoice 6974 - 198364 2/1/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -221 Equipment Parts PIN & BUSH KIT FOR'08 SILVERADO $31.96 Invoice 6974 - 198541 2/6/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts LUB 2.5 GAL TRUCK #412 $11.79 Invoice 6974 - 198542 2/6/2013 Cash Payment E 10143100 -221 Equipment Parts RAD STOP LEAK TABLETS #192 $2.45 Invoice 6974 - 198574 2/612013 -492- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Invoice 6974- 198950 2/14/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts AMSOIL PRE MIX CHAINSAW OIL Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts SCR LOCK PINS #605 $14.08 Invoice 6974- 198609 2/7/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts 1.2G 12 MPX #202 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials INCANDESCENT SEALED BEAM, TRACTOR $44.15 LAMPS SHEET METAL PLUG Invoice 6974- 198631 217/2013 Project 13 -3 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials FUEL FILTER -HD, OIL FILTERS $42.22 Invoice 6974- 198661 218/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts BELT, SEA FOAM MOTOR TREATMENT, LUB $36.04 $19.09 GAL #206 & # 112 GAS SVC 11 -21 -13 THRU 2 -19 -13 Invoice 6974- 198950 2/14/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts AMSOIL PRE MIX CHAINSAW OIL $50.98 Invoice 6974- 199036 2/16/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts 1.2G 12 MPX #202 $28.51 Invoice 6974- 199247 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SHEET METAL PLUG $5.61 Invoice 6974 - 199498 2/26/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $424.10 Refer 1 CENTERPOINT ENERGY(MINNEG Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $19.09 $19.09 GAS SVC 11 -21 -13 THRU 2 -19 -13 Invoice 031213 2121/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 4791 NORTHERN RD LS D1 GENERATOR $19.05 NATL GAS SVC 1 -21 -13 THRU 2 -19 -13 Invoice 031213 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 3303 WATERBURY RD LS GAS SVC 1 -21 -13 $16.51 THRU 2 -19 -13 Invoice 031213 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 2649 EMERALD DR. LS E3 GENERATOR $19.09 NATL GAS SVC 1 -21 -13 THRU 2 -19 -13 Invoice 031213 2121/201.3 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR $17.77 NATL GAS SVC 1 -22 -12 THRU 2 -20 -13 Invoice 031213 212112013 Transaction Date 2128/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $91.51 Refer 5 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL $17.23 Invoice 00083655 1/31/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL $15.56 Invoice 00085291 2/2812013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/1/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.79 Refer 30 D�VINC/S NAVARRE, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -431 Meeting Expense FIRE COMMISSION LUNCH 2 -27 -13 $48.22 Invoice 151650 2127/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $48.22 Refer EGAN COMPANIES Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHT POLES & FIXTURES MTCE- $2,174.44 REPLACED RECEPTACLES, FUSES, BALLASTS Invoice JC10079434 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells F. 10100 Total $2,174.44 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 42 ELECTRIC PUMP Cash Payment E602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA 2010 LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION PROD- $16,405.31 EMERALD LS E -3 Invoice 0049314 2/25/2013 -_ Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16,405.31 31 ELECTRIC PUMP _Refer Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA 2010 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROD- $16,405.31 EMERALD E -3 PUMP REPLACEMENT Invoice 0049314 2125/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16,405.31 Refer 41 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials 8 STROBE TUBES, AMBER LED HEAD, 2 PC $795.41 MOUNT KIT FOR WHELEN Invoice AW021913 -2 2/19/2013 PO 22799 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $795.41 Refer w 32 FIRE MARSHALLS ASSOC M /NNESu���M�b�� Cash Payment E 222 - 42260433 Dues and Subscriptions ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES- T. MYERS $35.00 DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL Invoice 03122013 2/18/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 „ �.:.. �,.,.., �...,... �..,. �.,..«. Wells Fargo 10100 Total ,. �, N... �.,..,w... �. �.. w.,,. �.. mw., �,. ��, �. �.. �.., �,.,.., �„ �,..., �.,. �. � .m.,...�,..,�.,_...a......,..,. $35.00 Refer ,,...,..,...�m 8 FIRSTLAB Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -305 Medical Services RANDOM DRUG SCREEN TESTING $35.00 Invoice 00616953 2/13/2013 Transaction Date 3/412013 Wells Fargo 101.00 Total $35.00 Refer 43 FIVE TECHNOLOGY Cash Payment E 101 -41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,800.00 MTCE- MARCH 2013 Invoice 126590 3/1/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,800.00 Refer FLAHERTY, ADAM Cash Payment E 101- 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions REIMB MN GFOA MEMBERSHIP -A $60.00 FLAHERTY Invoice 03122013 2/26/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41500 -433 Dues and Subscriptions Invoice 03122013 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Refer 56 FORTIER, JOHN - HYPOLITE DESIG _ Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 03122013 3/2/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Refer 10 FRONTIEWCITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3914351 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41920 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 3914351 2/20/2013 REIMS CPA LICENSE -A FLAHERTY $148.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $208.50 PATCH, SAND, PRIME DENTS, HOLES, $3,600.00 APPLY 1 COAT sw EGG SHELL TO ALL WALLS OLD PD AREA Project CH2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,600.00 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 2 -20 -13 THRU 3- $157.95 20 -13 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 2 -20 -13 THRU 3- $315.94 20 -13 -494- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 5 Payments Invoice 3914351 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $789.79 Refer . 44 FRONTIER(CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 10143100 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01/13 TO 3/29/13 $433.12 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 60149400 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01/13 TO 3/29/13 $433.12 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01/13 TO 3/29/13 $446.23 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3101113 TO 3/29113 $62.28 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01113 TO 3/29/13 $117.83 Invoice 03122013 2/2812013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3101/13 TO 3/29113 $569.82 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3101113 TO 3/29113 $915.97 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01/13 TO 3/29113 $381.66 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SERVICE: 3/01/13 TO 3/29/13 $228.99 Invoice 03122013 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,589.02 Refer � 11 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 10141910460 Janitorial Services MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 2 -18 -13 $141.89 Invoice 1006377729 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SVC 2 -25 -13 $58.58 Invoice 1006388853 2/2512013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 3 -04 -13 $167.49 Invoice 1006400109 3/4/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 2 -18 -13 $154.89 Invoice 1006377732 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -18 -13 $45.48 Invoice 1006377732 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES 2 -25 -13 $61.63 Invoice 1006388859 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -25 -13 $40.76 Invoice 1006388859 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SVC 3 -04 -13 $87.31 Invoice 1006400105 3/4/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $758.03 Refer 12 G & K SERVICES - Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -18 -13 $24.40 Invoice 1006377728 2/18/2013 -495- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -18 -13 $133.80 Invoice 1006377728 2/1812013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -321 Telephone & Cells UNIFORM SVC 2 -18 -13 $35.59 Invoice 1006377728 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 2 -18 -13 $151.56 Invoice 1006377728 2/18/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -25 -13 $24.40 Invoice 1006388858 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -25 -13 $24.80 Invoice 1006388858 2125/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -21.8 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 2 -25 -13 $35.59 Invoice 1006388858 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 602.49450 -230 Shop Materials MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 2 -25 -13 $370.98 Invoice 1006388858 2/25/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 3 -04 -13 $144.28 Invoice 1006400108 3/4/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 3 -04 -13 $87.87 Invoice 1006400108 3/412013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 3 -04 -13 $68.28 Invoice 1006400108 314/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 3 -04 -13 $29.83 Invoice 1006400108 3/4/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms MISSING UNIFORM GARMENTS $84.03 Invoice 1006288396 12/2412012 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms MISSING UNIFORM GARMENTS $84.03 Invoice 1006288396 12124/2012 Transaction Date 3/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,299.44 Refer � 13 GLASS PLUS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies GLASS THERMOS UNITS $68.40 Invoice 12415 2/11/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $68.40 Refer.. w 14 GOPHER STATE ONE CALLw« Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -395 Gopher One -Call FEBRUARY 2013 LOCATES $36.45 Invoice 63854 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -395 Gopher One -Call FEBRUARY 2013 LOCATES $36.45 Invoice 63854 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.90 Refer 44 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -210 Operating Supplies PIPE TAPPING DYES WATER DEPT. $190.22 Invoice 9072100341 2/2012013 PO 23920 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $190.22 Referp 33 GUSTAFSON, BRUCE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training EMT ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING- 3 -8 & $219.00 3 -9 REIMB B. GUSTAFSON Invoice 03122013 3/6/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $219.00 Refer 15 H& L MESABI AGGREGATE CONS������� -496- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 7 Payments BAUER Invoice 03122013 3/412013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $149.70 Refer 43 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -227 Chemicals 150 LB CHLORINE CYLINDERS & BULK $2,773.84 HUDROFLUOSILICIC ACID BULK Invoice 3440639 2/27/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,773.84 Refer 16 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MA/NTEN Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CLAMPS- SLEEVES $262.38 Invoice 6195133 2/1312013 PO 24089 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply GATE VALVES, VALVE BOX ASSEMBLY, $2,904.18 ADAPTERS, PIPES, BOTTOM SUCTION, CLAMP Invoice 6205968 2/15/2013 PO 23694 Transaction Date 3/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,166.56 Refer X17 INFRATECH Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic HIGH PRESSURE CLEAN- REMOVE $675.00 MINERAL DEPOSITS 3 PTS BLVD 1 -8 -13 Invoice PR13107 1/8/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $675.00 Referm 45 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, /NCOR Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -460 Janitorial Services MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING PUB WKS $271.73 Invoice MIN03130332 311/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice MIN03130327 311/2013 BLDG MARCH 2013 Project 13 -3 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING CITY HALL MARCH 2013 $508.73 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $780.46 Refer - 34 JEFFERSON FIRE AND SAFETY, IN KK PW nMa R d 4^�M1 Nmm Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 194605 2/27/2013 PO 24232 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Refer 46 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 0024 2/8/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 0002 2/1212013 HOLMATRO FLAT FACE FEMALE COUPLER, $160.31 MALE COUPLER W /DUST CAP Wells Fargo 10100 Total $160.31 HWS 10 YR ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT- $50.61 PAPER SUPPLIES HWS 10 YR ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT- $32715 CAKES -497- Current Period: March 2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts CUTTING EDGES FOR BLIZZARD PLOW $383.06 BLADES, NUTS, BOLTS Invoice 86934 2/5/2013 PO 23922 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $383.06 Refer 33 HANSON, RAY Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms REIMB R. HANSON- WORK SHIRTS EDDIE $149.70 BAUER Invoice 03122013 3/412013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $149.70 Refer 43 HAWKINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -227 Chemicals 150 LB CHLORINE CYLINDERS & BULK $2,773.84 HUDROFLUOSILICIC ACID BULK Invoice 3440639 2/27/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,773.84 Refer 16 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MA/NTEN Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CLAMPS- SLEEVES $262.38 Invoice 6195133 2/1312013 PO 24089 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply GATE VALVES, VALVE BOX ASSEMBLY, $2,904.18 ADAPTERS, PIPES, BOTTOM SUCTION, CLAMP Invoice 6205968 2/15/2013 PO 23694 Transaction Date 3/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,166.56 Refer X17 INFRATECH Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic HIGH PRESSURE CLEAN- REMOVE $675.00 MINERAL DEPOSITS 3 PTS BLVD 1 -8 -13 Invoice PR13107 1/8/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $675.00 Referm 45 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, /NCOR Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -460 Janitorial Services MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING PUB WKS $271.73 Invoice MIN03130332 311/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice MIN03130327 311/2013 BLDG MARCH 2013 Project 13 -3 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING CITY HALL MARCH 2013 $508.73 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $780.46 Refer - 34 JEFFERSON FIRE AND SAFETY, IN KK PW nMa R d 4^�M1 Nmm Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 194605 2/27/2013 PO 24232 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Refer 46 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 0024 2/8/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 0002 2/1212013 HOLMATRO FLAT FACE FEMALE COUPLER, $160.31 MALE COUPLER W /DUST CAP Wells Fargo 10100 Total $160.31 HWS 10 YR ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT- $50.61 PAPER SUPPLIES HWS 10 YR ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT- $32715 CAKES -497- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 8 Payments Invoice 24584 2120/2013 Cash Payment Current Period: March 2013 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- ri `ga i `ybatAYd "a4iT1i�7?"eslti'�xi1'8& 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies RETURN PAPER GOOD OVERAGE HWS 10 - $27.07 Cash Payment YR ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- Invoice 0040 2113/2013 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies HWS SIDEWALK SALT $13.62 Invoice 0131 212/2013 E 101 -42110 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies BOTTLED WATER- FIREMEN $30.96 Invoice 0074 2/6/2013 2120/2013 Transaction Date 315/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $395.87 Refer 45 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -221 Equipment Parts OIL FILTERS, O- RINGS -PARTS FOR PARKS $96.63 EQUIP. BOBCATS E 101- 43100 -1.51 Worker s Comp Insuranc Invoice 59505 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $96.63 2/20/2013 47 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment _Refer Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SOCKET HEADS, SEAL CONNECTORS, $214.25 13 TO 2 -1 -14 SUPER BUTTS, NYLON CABLE TIES, Invoice 24584 2120/2013 FENDER WASHER, HEX CAP SCREWS, SS Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- NUTS Invoice 9301454031 2/20/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 3/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $214.25 Refer 18 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T E 281 - 45210 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $12.17 Invoice 24584 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2120/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41310 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $1,227.87 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2120/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $1,201.32 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $1,181.85 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2120/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $785.39 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -1.51 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $6,053.04 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $2,477.85 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2120/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $6,223.39 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $535.39 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $2,818.56 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 -498- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 9 Payments Current Period: March 2013 1uTr Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $6,420.30 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $2,035.38 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 1ST INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2 -1- $88.49 13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24584 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $31,061.00 Refer 52 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE F Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -361 General Liability Ins VOLUNTEER ACCIDENT INS PLAN 2 -1 -13 TO $853.00 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24631 2125/2013 _ Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $853.00 Refer» 53 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -202 Duplicating and copying LEASE RETURN FEE FOR POLICE COPIER $536.38 Invoice 1532404 2/26/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -202 Duplicating and copying FINAL INVC ON RETURNED PD COPIER- $11.54 OVERAGE CHG BLCK & WHT COPIES Invoice 1531818 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -202 Duplicating and copying FINAL INVC ON RETURNED PD COPIER- $49.88 OVERAGE CHG COLOR COPIES Invoice 1531818 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $597.80 Refer 54 LYNN &ASSOCIATES Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -434 Conference & Training CITY ADMINISTRATOR LOGG PEER GROUP $980.00 FACILITATION Invoice PG212013 3/1/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $980.00 Refer MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC.»»»»»_,�.»».,,,,. Cash Payment E 475 - 46386 -300 Professional Srvs RESEARCH & CONSULTING SVCS- RE: $2,500.00 REDEVELOPMENT DOWNTOWN MOUND TIF 1 -3 Invoice 15107 2/8/2013 Cash Payment E 475 - 46386 -300 Professional Srvs RESEARCH & CONSULTING SVCS- RE: $3,500.00 REDEVELOPMENT DOWNTOWN MOUND TIF 1 -3 Invoice 15131 3/6/2013 Transaction Date 317/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,000.00 Refer 48 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -388 Waste Disposal -MCIS WASTEWATER SERVICES APRIL 2013 $47,720.38 Invoice 0001011592 3/5/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total » »� » »� » »�� $47,720.38 Refer 19 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH_���- Cash Payment R 60149400 -37170 State fee -Water 1ST QTR 2013 COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY $5,793.00 SVC CONNECTION FEE Invoice 03072013 2/21/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,793.00 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311: 36 AM Page 10 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 49 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic LIFT STATION PARTS -4" SEALING FLANGE $192.38 Refer 35 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SER VIC _ LUGS Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -219 Safety supplies STRUCTURAL GLOVES $1,042.17 Invoice 00389286 2/26/2013 PO 24235 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19238 Cash Payment E222-42260-219 Safety supplies CARBON HOOD SHIELDS $192.00 Invoice 00389287 2/26/2013 PO 24234 SIGN SHEETINGS -PED CROSSING (STOP) $745.46 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -219 Safety supplies RUBBER FIRE BOOTS $1,161.57 Invoice 00389285 2/26/2013 PO 24235 SIGN SHEETINGS -BLANK $461.58 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,395.74 Refer 36 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASS Wells Fargo 10100 Total ��„»«.. W,...b...,..„.....,... o�......»..., w«..,,,.�,.u.w.�.,.,N.�,..,�,. $1,207.04 Cash Payment E222-42260-308 Building Inspection Fees FIRE INSPECTION MATERIALS $432.40 Invoice 5720771 2123/2013 PO 24225 REBUILD HOT WATER PUMP MOTOR #2 $1,086.12 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES MOUND FD $165.00 Invoice 5760535 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $597.40 Refer 49 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic LIFT STATION PARTS -4" SEALING FLANGE $192.38 LUGS Invoice 6140 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 3/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19238 Refer 21 NEWMAN SIGNS Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN SHEETINGS -PED CROSSING (STOP) $745.46 Invoice 0258883 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN SHEETINGS -BLANK $461.58 Invoice 0258905 2113/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ��„»«.. W,...b...,..„.....,... o�......»..., w«..,,,.�,.u.w.�.,.,N.�,..,�,. $1,207.04 Refer mm 20 NS/1 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING,„.,»..„ Cash Payment E 101 -41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REBUILD HOT WATER PUMP MOTOR #2 $1,086.12 CITY HALL Invoice W27775 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 3/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,086.12 Refer � 37 OFFICE DEPOT ( FIRE) Cash Payment E222-42260-200 Office Supplies CANON BLACK & TRI -COLOR INK $75.86 CARTRIDGES Invoice 645413086001 2/15/2013 PO 24233 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.86 Refer ...m,».w,.«,.. 50 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -200 Office Supplies LEXMARK PRINTER CARTRIDGE- C. MOTRE $70.48 Invoice 647363452001 2/26/2013 PO 24093 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -200 Office Supplies HP LASER TONER CARTRIDGE, $215.83 LAMINATING POUCHES -HWS Invoice 646838277001 2/22/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $286.31 Refer 22 ORONQ CITY OF Cash Payment G 101 -22801 Deposits /Escrow OLL INCREDIBLE FESTIVAL -SEPT 2012 $150.00 POLICE RESERVE REIMS Invoice 03122013 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Farqo 10100 Total $150.00 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 11 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 27 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply COVER HYD PUMP $125.42 Invoice 25074 2/11/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.42 Refer 23 PETTIBONE, P.F. AND COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 101- 41110 -210 Operating Supplies MINUTE BOOKS & ACCESSORIES $723.21 Invoice 27173 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $723.21 Refer 51 PLUNKETT S, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic CONTRACTED PEST CONTROL SVC 2 -18 -13 $50.20 LIQUOR STORE Invoice 3556407 2/8/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ��..,.....»,. �.,,-. n,.,a.....,.,,.«.,. ��. .,,...,,,....:.,,.w,-.....,.,_ $50.20 Refer 25 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED,», Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -223 Building Repair Supplies SERVICE WIRE COMPRESSOR AT MTCE $1,152.34 BLDG & WIRE DRYER AT SHOP Invoice 3694 2/14/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,152.34 Refer RAYS SERVICESa�p�M��nw���h Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -533 Tree Removal TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL -2033 CAMBRIDGE $5,450.63 LANE Invoice 03122013 2/2012013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,450.63 Refer w.W....�.�,s...,,„,38 RICOH USA, INC. Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT COPIER RENTAL FEE 12- 1.3 -12 $158.73 THRU 3 -12 -13 Invoice 88592416 2/22/2013 Transaction Date 3/612013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $158.73 Refer 26 SCHARBER AND SONS OF LONG L _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies HANDLE $103.16 Invoice P07023 1/8/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies EXCHANGE CREDIT FOR PLASTIC HANDLE - $28.89 Invoice P07137 1/11/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.27 Refer X39 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS������������ Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic AUTOREAD SOFTWARE SUPPORT UTILITY $762.30 BILLINGS 4 -18 -13 THRU 4 -18 -14 Invoice ZA13015439 2/15/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic AUTOREAD SOFTWARE SUPPORT UTILITY $762.30 BILLINGS 4 -18 -13 THRU 4 -18 -14 Invoice ZA13015439 2/15/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,524.60 Refer SIGNCAD SYSTEMS, WC. Cash Payment E 10143100 -226 Sign Repair Materials ANNUAL CAM SOFTWARE MTC 1 -10 -13 $963.11 THRU 1 -9 -14 Invoice 104426 1/10/2013 PO 24075 Transaction Date 31412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $963.11 Refer 27 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair/Maint Supply COVER HYD PUMP $125.42 Invoice 25074 2/11/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.42 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:36 AM Page 12 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 55 STREICHER S Cash Payment E 101- 42115 -210 Operating Supplies 6 UNIFORM BADGES- EMERGENCY $680.99 SERVICES Invoice 11002485 2/28/2013 PO 24149 _ Transaction Date 3/712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $680.99 Refer � 47 SUBURBAN UTILITIES SUPERINTE���F� ~�w�������p„�m������� Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MEMBERSHIP R. HANSON- SUBURBAN $62.50 UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT ASSOC. Invoice 03122013 3/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -433 Dues and Subscriptions MEMBERSHIP R. HANSON- SUBURBAN $62.50 UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT ASSOC. Invoice 03122013 3/1/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 -n,.. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $125.00 UPP ELEVATOR CDR Refer 35 THYSSEN- KR, Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 3 -1 -13 THRU 5 -31- $772.12 13 CITY HALL Invoice 3000433991 3/1/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo HRA 10120 Total $772.12 Refer 4 40 TRUE VALUE MOUND (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $5.07 Invoice 102139 2121/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -210 Operating Supplies 25 CABLE SNAKE FISH TAPE $22.43 Invoice 102167 2122/2013 Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.50 Refer 50 TRUE VALUE MOUND (POLICE) Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 101752 2/4/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 101944 2/12/2013 Cash Payment E 10142115 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 101752 2/4/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 102240 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 31712013 Refer 49 TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 101720 2/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 101786 2/5/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 101788 2/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 101841 2/7/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 101842 2/7/2013 PD AREA CLEANING SUPPLIES $7.99 GLASS TO SECURE POLICE AREA, TRASH $43.81 BAGS Project CH2O13 LIQ CAR WASH - EMERGENCY VEHICLES $9.09 SURGE PROTECTOR CITY HALL $24.57 CONVERSION Project CH2O13 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.46 COUPLING, HEX BUSHING, COVERS $18.13 0 -RINGS $1.05 Project 13 -3 ELBOW, CLAMP, CUR REIN HOSES, NUTS, $57.35 BOLTS CABLE TIES, DISH SOAP, BULBS, CLEANER, $101.46 TRASH BAGS, DELIMER SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $7.48 -502- MOUND, MN Payments Current Period: March 2013 03/07/13 11:36 AM Page 13 Invoice 102134 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E601-49400-220 Repair /Maint Supply SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $3.63 Invoice 102136 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -210 Operating Supplies TRUCK #105 AA ALK BATTERIES $8.00 Invoice 102260 2/27/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $347.09 Refer 30 VER/ZON WIRELESS Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $33.16 2013- HRA -IKM Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 211312013 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 REIMB PERSONAL CELL PHONE CHARGES $1.84 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13 -2013 CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $233.84 2013 STREETS CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $141.74 2013 WATER CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $219.73 2013 SEWER CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $21.24 2013P &I CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $155.25 2013 PARKS CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $79.24 2013 CITY MGR -503- - iTc1"& , tw�+"u77v?t!"11at1U1'J6u,. ti*id§k�� Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies 9V ALK BATTERY, SIMPLE GREEN SPRAY & $27.22 GAL Invoice 1.01843 2/7/2013 Cash Payment E 285 -46388 -220 Repair /Maint Supply MURIATIC ACID PARKING RAMP $7.47 Invoice 101858 218/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -230 Shop Materials RAT PELLETS -D -CON $18.15 Invoice 101947 2/12/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply THIRD STL ROD $9.61 Invoice 101972 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 10143100 -220 Repair /Maint Supply SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS TRUCK #312 $1.92 Invoice 101977 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies SHARPIE MARKERS, ANTI SEIZE $28.80 COMPOUND, LYSOL Invoice 102085 2/19/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -220 Repair/Maint Supply TRUCK #192 SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $1.92 Invoice 102091 2/19/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply KARBON BLK TAPE CITY HALL $20.30 Invoice 102124 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -220 Repair /Maint Supply WELL #8 70W SODIUM BULB, SCREWS, $34.60 NUTS,BOLTS Invoice 102134 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E601-49400-220 Repair /Maint Supply SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $3.63 Invoice 102136 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -210 Operating Supplies TRUCK #105 AA ALK BATTERIES $8.00 Invoice 102260 2/27/2013 Transaction Date 3/7/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $347.09 Refer 30 VER/ZON WIRELESS Cash Payment G 101 -13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $33.16 2013- HRA -IKM Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -22816 Personal Cell Phone Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 211312013 Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41310 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 REIMB PERSONAL CELL PHONE CHARGES $1.84 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13 -2013 CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $233.84 2013 STREETS CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $141.74 2013 WATER CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $219.73 2013 SEWER CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $21.24 2013P &I CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $155.25 2013 PARKS CELL PHONE CHARGES 1 -14 -13 THRU 2 -13- $79.24 2013 CITY MGR -503- F&MOITINAM Payments 03/07/13 11:36 AM Page 14 Invoice 2872294388 2/13/2013 _ REPLACE GATE VALVE @ BARTLETT- Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,015.60 Refer 28 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE _ Invoice 3451 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LEAK LOCATES @ 2127 FOREST LANE & @ $661.04 REPAIR WATERMAIN BREAK @ BARTLETT- $2,020.00 5569 BARTLETT 1 -21 -13 Invoice 3722 2/412013 Invoice 3450 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LEAK LOCATE @ 2098 GRANDVIEW 2 -4 -13 $278.00 Invoice 3782 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LEAK LOCATE @ 5218 BARTLETT 2 -11 -13 $357.30 Invoice 3801 2/28/201.3 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,296.34 Refer 29 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC Cash Payment E 601- 49400400 Repairs & Maintenance REPLACE GATE VALVE @ BARTLETT- $3,535.00 WILSHIRE 2 -13 -13 Invoice 3451 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR WATERMAIN BREAK @ BARTLETT- $2,020.00 WILSHIRE 2 -11 -13 Invoice 3450 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR WATERMAIN @ 2098 GRANDVIEW 2- $2,525.00 4 -13 Invoice 3452 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 3/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $800.00 Refer 52 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC CARLOW RD K -1 LIFT $91.48 STATION 1 -26 -13 TO 2 -25 -13 Invoice 460997834 2/27/2013 Transaction Date 3/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $91.48 -504- MOUND, MN Payments Current Period: March 2013 Fund Summary Pre- Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $226,412.60 Total $226,412.60 -505- 03/07/13 11:36 AM Page 15 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $65,705.53 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $14,573.85 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $535.39 285 MOUND HRA $7.47 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $6,000.00 601 WATER FUND $28,945.94 602 SEWER FUND $93,308.55 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $3,483.49 670 RECYCLING FUND $12,991.77 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $88.49 $225,640.48 10120 Wells Fargo HRA 101GENERALFUND $772.12 $772.12 Pre- Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $226,412.60 Total $226,412.60 -505- 03/07/13 11:36 AM Page 15 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Batch Name 031213HWS User Dollar Amt $90,187.04 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $90,187.04 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $109.62 Invoice 431305606 2125/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 431305606 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $110.62 Refer 2 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES $61.30 Invoice 88073300 3/1/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $68.40 Invoice 88043500 2/22/201.3 Transaction Date 212812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $129.70 Refer 3 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $416.15 Invoice 77114000 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,137.91 Invoice 77097200 2/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $40.69 Invoice 77097200 2/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,093.75 Invoice 77099600 2/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.00 Invoice 771.13900 2/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $38.75 Invoice 77099600 2/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,433.95 Invoice 77203200 3/4/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,401.20 Refer 4 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $72.00 Invoice 46076 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $654.30 Invoice 46077 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $726.30 Refer 5 COCA COLA BOTTLING- MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $187.56 Invoice 0138054006 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $187.56 Refer 6 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $432.00 Invoice 10588 2/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $326.00 Invoice 10624 2/25/2013 -506- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 11 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT - $50.00 Transaction Date 212812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $758.00 Refer 7 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY_ _ Invoice 010874 211/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale $80.70 Invoice 690304 2126/2013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Total 4145.00 $2,486.81 Invoice 690305 2126/2013 _Refer Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT 2/26/2013 -$0.80 Invoice 689402 2/19/2013 E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,621.15 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $274.00 Invoice 690750 2/2812013 $87.00 Invoice 2049256 3/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale $30.00 Invoice 690541 2128/2013 3/512013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $149.00 $2,838.70 Invoice 691287 3/5/2013 Cash Payment _ Transaction Date 2/2812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,709.41 Refer 8 GASKETS ROCK LLC Wells Fern^ 10100 Total $4,737.35 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery /Equip Repairs GOOIER DOOR REPAIR/REPLACE $880.00 Invoice 18243 2/1812013 Transaction Date 31612013 Wells Fargo �� 10100 Total " �" $880.00 Refer 9 HOHENSTEINS,� INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $320.50 Invoice 637456 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $401.00 Invoice 637687 311/2013 Transaction Date 2/2812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $721.50 Refer 11 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT - $50.00 Invoice 010871 1/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT - $47.00 Invoice 010874 211/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT - $48.00 Invoice 010882 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 2128/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 4145.00 10 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _Refer Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,056.40 Invoice 2049216 2/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,621.15 Invoice 2049248 3/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $87.00 Invoice 2049256 3/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $770.00 Invoice 2049265 3/512013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $149.00 Invoice 2017078 315/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $53.80 Invoice 2049249 3/5/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fern^ 10100 Total $4,737.35 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 12 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR - Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $32.49 Invoice 1512257 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,221.51 Invoice 1.512255 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,452.90 Invoice 1512256 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,489.19 Invoice 1507059 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $4,864.00 Invoice 1507060 212012013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $0.00 Invoice 1512257 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $4,380.05 Invoice 1517522 3/612013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $8,459.07 Invoice 1517521 3/6/2013 Transaction Date 2128/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26,899.21 Refer 13 LAKESHORE WEEKLY COMMUNIC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising 3 X 6 4 -COLOR WINE SALE AD PG 7A 2 -19 -13 $403.00 Invoice 00131496 2/19/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising 3 X 6 4 -COLOR WINE SALE AD PG 7A 2 -26 -13 $403.00 Invoice 00131526 2/26/2013 Transaction Date 2128/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $806.00 Refer X23 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 2 -18 -13 $37.80 Invoice 27518 2/18/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 2 -21 -13 $316.40 Invoice 27534 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 2 -25 -13 $11.20 Invoice 27543 2/2512013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 2 -28 -13 $350.00 Invoice 27562 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $715.40 Refer 33 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609 - 49750440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 2 -11 -13 $65.19 Invoice 928008032 3/3/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer MINNESOTA PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 60949750 -340 Advertising 1/4 PAGE AD MARCH 2013 WEST LAKE $130.00 BUSINESS PUBLICATION Invoice 15017 3/1/2013 Transaction Date 5/16/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $130.00 Refer MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS Cash Payment E 609 - 49750440 Other Contractual Servic MARCH MUSIC SERVICE $111.61 Invoice AG21807 3/1/2013 _ Transaction Date 5/16/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $111.61 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 18 RJM DISTRIBUTING INC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $197.00 Refer 16 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,565.99 Invoice 8389216 2/25/2013 WINE Invoice 1007554 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $0.00 Invoice 8389105 2/25/2013 EDITION LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,501.89 Invoice 8390217 3/4/2013 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $40.00 Invoice 8390217 3/4/2013 Cash Payment E Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $4.50 Invoice 8390222 3/4/2013 3/7/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 m:,.,A w:.„.,,.,,: nw:,. ,�..,,.,��.�...�....� Total $4,112.38 „�,...,,. Refer 17 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC,...,.,„.,,.,..» Cash Payment E 60949750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $800.35 Invoice 2384843 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,968.70 Invoice 2384844 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,935.65 Invoice 2381513 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,265.40 Invoice 2381514 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $41.95 Invoice 2384845 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $593.55 Invoice 2388117 3/6/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $217.50 Invoice 2388116 3/6/2013 _ Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,823.10 Refer 18 RJM DISTRIBUTING INC Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $197.00 Invoice 22659 2/21/2013 2/28/2013 Transaction Date 2/2812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $197.00 Refer 19 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC������������ WINE Invoice 1007554 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 2 -28 -13 $15.00 Cash Payment E 609 EDITION LIQUOR Invoice 131798 2/22/2013 Transaction Date 5/16/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 20 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1007553 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1007554 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1007552 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1005345 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1009705 3/7/2013 _509_ Total $15.00 $3,088.00 $1,364.00 $422.12 $746.00 $1,096.00 MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Refer 23 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $488.00 Invoice 322997 2/21/2013 _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,052.42 Invoice 1009706 3/7/2013 Cash Payment Transaction Date 2/2812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,768.54 Refer 21 FHORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,651.20 Invoice 738823 2126/2013 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $127.95 Invoice 738824 2/2612013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $86.00 Invoice 739691 3/1/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,838.67 Invoice 00750826 315/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,703.82 Refer m�...- 22 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $144.00 Invoice 0072658 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $50.75 Invoice 0072811 2125/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $5.00 Invoice 0072658 2/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $2.50 Invoice 0072811 2/25/2013 Transaction Date 2/28 /2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $202.25 Refer 23 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $488.00 Invoice 322997 2/21/2013 _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 322997 2/21/2013 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,500.00 Invoice 323561 2/28/2013 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $23.10 Invoice 323561 2/28/2013 Cash Payment Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,019.50 Refer 24 WINE CONNECT Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising MARCH 2013 HWS WESSITE $95.12 Invoice 1079 3/1/2013 _ Transaction Date 3/6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -, x$95.12 Refer 25 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,789.90 Invoice 444663 2/20/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,328.00 Invoice 445486 2127/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $296.00 Invoice 446319 3/6/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,413.90 Refer 26 WINE NEWS INCORPORATED - -510- MOUND, MN 03/07/1311:37 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: March 2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE ENTHUSIAST MARCH 2013 ISSUES $15.00 FOR SALE Invoice 129744 2/20/2013 _ Transaction Date 5/16/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer 27 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,034.15 Invoice 1090009427 2/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,370.15 Invoice 1090013021 3/6/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $112.00 Invoice 1090013022 3/612013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 �.,.,, m., �.. �...,., Total �„„,. �.e, ��: ....,.�,_,..�,�.,�,�...�....„„ $3,516.30 � 28 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRI��y��v.. _Refer Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $264.00 Invoice 1080006289 212112013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $926.06 Invoice 1080009146 2128/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,487.24 Invoice 1080009146 2/28/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $278.46 Invoice 1080011654 3/7/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $405.32 Invoice 1080011654 3/7/2013 Transaction Date 2/28/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,361.08 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $90,187.04 $90,187.04 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $90,187.04 Total $90,187.04 -511- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2013 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, February 26, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Councilmembers Kelli Gillispie, Mark Wegscheid, Ray Salazar, and Heidi Gesch. Others present: Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Mark Wegscheid, Blaze Fugina, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Dick Osgood, Mike Mason, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Steven Bona. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1.Oaen meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Mayor Hanus requested the removal of Item 4D from the consent agenda. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie to approve the consent agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $451,401.62. B. Approve minutes of February 26, 2013 regular meeting. C. Approve application and permit for Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor for the Knights of Columbus March 1, 2013 fund raising event. D. (removed) E1. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -21: RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 10 -38 FOR THE WOODLYN RIDGE SUBDIVISION AT 6301 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. E2. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -22: RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 08 -16 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR WOODLYN RIDGE THE PROPERTY AT 6301 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD. E3. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -23: RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 10- 33 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFIED FINAL PLAT FOR WOODLYN RIDGE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 6301 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD. -512- Mound City Council Minutes — February 26, 2013 E4. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -24: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH WOODLYN, LLC FOR THE WOODLYN RIDGE SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 6301 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD. F — H. (not used) 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -25: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2013 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - SOUTHEAST ISLAND AREA (PW- 13 -01), AND WOODLYN RIDGE (PW- 13 -05) 4D. Approve Resolution Approving Second Amendment To Water Structure Space Lease Agreement with T- Mobile Central LLC to Premises Located at 6125 Evergreen Lam Mayor Hanus questioned if a CPI adjustment or other escalator was built into the lease amount and how does the rate compare with other leases. Carlton Moore stated Bob Vose from Kennedy and Graven did the negotiation and he believes it is a flat rate. Moore stated the lease rate is high in comparison to others. Hanus asked how long the agreement is for. Moore stated he would have to research but he thought it was 5 to 1C years with a certain notification requirement of cancellation. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Salazar to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -21: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO WATER STRUCTURE SPACE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH T- MOBILE CENTRAL Councilmember Gesch arrived at 7:09pm. 5 — 6 (not used) 7. were offered. 8. 2013 Lift Station Reconstruction Project Dan Faulkner of Bolton & Menk presented the engineering report as printed in the agenda packet and stated that this will be the 15th of 30 total lift stations improved to date. Total estimated project cost for Three Points Boulevard Lift Station C1 is $461,000. The Mayor asked the condition of the remaining lift stations and whether the City is on the proper schedule to avoid problems in the future. Faulkner stated it is a matter of managing the pace of utility rate increases. He added that some of the remaining lift stations to be improved are smaller and should not cost as much. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -26: RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING THE -513- Mound City Council Minutes — February 26, 2013 ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR THE 2013 LIFT STATION RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. 9. Lake Minnetonka Milfoil Treatment Program Dick Osgood, Executive Director of the Lake Minnetonka Association, presented a summary of the five -year demonstration project to control milfoil in select bays (2008 — 2012) and stated that based on the results, the LMA is looking to expand treatment areas going forward. Osgood requested additional funding for 2013 to help fund a pretreatment study /plant inventory of a larger area of Phelps Bay, referred to as "Big Phelps." Mayor Hanus stated when the City first contributed it was with the intention to support the test and ultimately, if the project was successful, wean off the public subsidy. The Mayor stated he supports the project is open to providing additional funding. Mike Mason, 4909 Island View Drive, gave testimony that in his experience, the program has been very effective. Gesch and Gillispie stated they would want to know where the additional funds would come from before approving an increase. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Gesch, to direct staff to look at finding a funding source for an additional $1,500 contribution to the LMA and bring it back to the next Council meeting for further evaluation. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager Gillispie stated Walgreens is scheduled to open early to mid -April and plan a special open house for area business owners. B. Minutes: DCC Meeting 01/17113 C. Reports: BMI 12/31/12 YTD Billable Hours BMI comments on Minnehaha Creek Watershed District's (MCWD) draft Rules: Appropriations Rule; Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Rule. D. Correspondence: Notice of proposed Xcel Energy rate increase Mayor Hanus requested discussion on item 10C. Hanus expressed concerns that the MCWD may be reaching beyond their authority in this case and wanted to ensure Bolton & Menk's comments properly represent the City's position. The Council agreed that in the interest of time, Mayor Hanus should assist in preparation of the comments on behalf of the City or prepare them himself. 10. Adjourn MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie to adjourn at 8:04 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -514- Mayor Mark Hanus CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION APPOINTING JILL NORLANDER AS ACTING CITY CLERK BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Jill Norlander, Administrative Assistant to Planning & Inspections, as the Acting City Clerk, to act in this capacity if the City Clerk is disabled, incapacitated, away on City business, or away on vacation. Adopted by the City Council this 12`" day of March, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -515- Mayor Mark Hanus MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING 1/13 Page 1 of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: Application fee (non refundable) - conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and - awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If application is postmarked or received 30 days or If total prize value for the year will be $1,500 or less, contact the licensing more before the event $50; otherwise $100. specialist assigned to your county. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization name Previous gambling permit number Mwkn& Tr VV ( 4U/k (A� f� w; l (+ Minnesota tax ID number, if any Federal employer ID number (FEIN), if any - ill a Type of nonprofit organization. Check one. ��yy = Fraternal Religious Veterans _Other nonprofit organization Mailing address City State Zip code C unty Name of chief ex cutive officer [CEO] Daytime phone number E -mail address n lal� -`ijc --1 Its c rri NONPROFIT STATUS Attach a copy of ONE of the following for proof of nonprofit status. ElNonprofit Articles of Incorporation OR a current Certificate of Good Standing. Don't have a copy? This certificate must be obtained each year from: Secretary of State, Business Services Div., 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55103 Phone: 651 -296 -2803 %, IRS income tax exemption [501(c)] letter in your organization's name. Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS at 877 - 829 -5500. ELIRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization [charter] If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: a. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and b. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted. For raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place. (A A Address [do not use PO box] City or township Zip code County Date[s] of activity. For raffles, indicate the a of the drawin ale � Z - 2l� t Check each type of ambling activity that your organization will conduct. �. Raffle ELPaddlewheels* Pull -tabs* Tipboards* Bingo* .,n. *Gambling equipment for bingo paper, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo number selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to and click on Distributors under the WHO'S WHO? LIST OF LICENSEES, or call 651- 639 -4000. -516- cap LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 1/13 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT CITY APPROVAL COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises for a gambling premises located within city limits located in a township '/The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. _The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting _The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 [60 days for a 1st class city]. days. _The application is denied. —The application is denied. C. i t`i t,4 M C Lt it L Print county name Print city name - Signature of county personnel Title Date TOWNSHIP. If required by the county. On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. [A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minnesota Statutes 349.166.] A li Print township name Signature of township officer Title Date CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE The information provided in this complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board with' 30 days of the event date. ��V`��ilyi`r,%��y.�� Chief executive officer's signature- ^'-' Date z Z. Print name REQUIREMENTS Complete a separate application for: Financial report and recordkeeping required • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or A financial report form and instructions will be sent with your • all gambling conducted on one day. permit, or use the online fill -in form available at Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are conducted on the same day Within 30 days of the event date, complete and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Board. Send application with: a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and questions? _ _ application fee (non refundable). Make check payable to Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board "State of Minnesota." at 651- 639 -4000. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) To: Gambling Control Board upon request 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 Data privacy notice: The information requested on this All other information provided will be pri- General; Commissioners of Administration, form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling vate data about your organization until the Minnesota Management & Budget, and Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's Board issues the permit. When the Board Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in issues the permit, all Information provided international gambling regulatory agencies; Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to will become public. If the Board does not anyone pursuant to court order; other indi- supply the information; however, if your organization issue a permit, all information provided viduals and agencies specifically authorized refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be remains private, with the exception of your by state or federal law to have access to able to determine your organization's qualifications and, organization's name and address which will the information; individuals and agencies as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your remain public. Private data about your for which law or legal order authorizes a organization supplies the information requested, the Board organization are available to: Board mem- new use or sharing of information after this will be able to process the application. Your organization's bens, Board staff whose work requires notice was given; and anyone with your name and address will be public information when received access to the Information; Minnesota's written consent. by the Board. Departs_ 517 _Public Safety; Attorney 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -3190 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Date: March 12, 2013 Subject: Easement for fiber optic cable at 6125 Evergreen Road The City of Mound owns a water tower at 6125 Evergreen Lane. T- Mobile Central LLC has succeeded to and assumed the rights and obligations of VoiceStream Minneapolis as tenant under the original agreement. Zayo Bandwidth LLC provides the underground fiber optic cable for T- Mobile LLC to the well house in which T- Mobile houses their cell equipment. Staff and the City attorney have negotiated the proposed easement to the well house. The easement provides for a monthly rent of $100 for a period of 60 months which can also be paid at any time as a lump sum payment. The easement will terminate when Zayo no longer provides the fiber optic service for T- Mobile. The City also has the right to terminate the easement with 60 days notice. Recommendation Based on its review, Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing execution of the easement with Zayo Bandwidth LLC. -518- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF EASEMENT WITH 60 -DAY NOTICE WHEREAS, The City of Mound has entered into a water structure space lease agreement with T- Mobile Central; and WHEREAS, T- Mobile has an agreement with Zayo Bandwidth LLC to provide fiber optic cable to support the cell equipment on the water tower; and WHEREAS, The City of Mound owns the water tower at 6125 Evergreen Road and is entitled to compensation for use of the property; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the execution of easement agreement as shown in Exhibit A and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of March, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -519- Mayor Mark Hanus Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT is made by the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, Grantor, in favor of Zayo Bandwidth, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation, Grantee. Recitals A. Grantor is the fee owner of property located at 6125 Evergreen Lane (the "Property") legally described as: The east 330.00 feet of the west 660.00 feet of the south 165.00 feet of Government Lot 3, Section 23, Township 117 North, Range 24 West, Hennepin County, Minnesota. B. Grantor intends to grant an easement to the Grantee on the following terms and conditions Terms of Easement 1. Grant of Easement. Grantor hereby conveys and grants to the Grantee a non - exclusive easement five (5) feet in width across and through that part of the Property as described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. Scope of Easement. The easement is solely for purposes of installing, maintaining and repairing a buried fiber optic line serving T- Mobile Central LLC, and its lawful successors or assigns to facilitate operation of wireless communications facilities and equipment at the Property. The easement includes the right of the Grantee or its agents to enter the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of locating, constructing, maintaining, and repairing a fiber line in the easement. Grantee's rights are subject to any easements, rights of way, improvements or uses of the Property existing as of the date hereof. Grantee will be responsible for completely repairing any damages it causes to the Property. Grantee shall promptly, and at its own expense, temporarily remove or relocate its fiber line as necessary to accommodate City maintenance of the Property, or the maintenance or repair of any public utilities located on the Property. 3. Consideration. In consideration of grant of this easement, Grantee shall pay to Grantor for a period of sixty (60) months, on or before the first day of the month beginning the first month after execution of this instrument, One Hundred and 00 /100 DOLLARS ($100.00) per month. Such payments may be pre -paid as a lump sum payment to Grantor at any time. -520- 417772 RJV MU200 -174 I Exhibit A Page 2 of 3 4. Termination of Easement. This easement shall terminate and expire upon Grantee's ceasing the delivery of telecommunications services over the fiber line located in the easement or removal of the fiber line from the easement. This easement shall be terminable upon written notice from Grantor to Grantee in the event of non - payment of the consideration required by paragraph 3. Upon termination of this easement, Grantor may record an instrument memorializing the easement termination. 5. Relocation Fiber Line. If Grantor determines that this easement or the fiber optic line, or part thereof, causes unreasonable interference with a public use or public purpose, Grantor may require Grantee to remove and relocate the fiber optic line, at Grantee's expense, to a substitute easement location provided by Grantor. Grantor will give Grantee at least sixty (60) days' notice of required relocation, together with a copy of the substitute easement, and after the passage of such notice period this easement will terminate without further action. 6. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this instrument shall run with the land and be binding on the Grantor, its heirs, successors and assigns. STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: NONE Dated this day of 2013. Mayor City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2013, by and the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the City of Mound on behalf of the City. Notary Public NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street 470 U.S. Bank Plaza Minneapolis, MN 55402 -521- 417772 RJV MU200 -174 2 Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A Depiction or Legal Description of Easement -522- 417772 RN MU200 -174 3 MEMORANDUM Date: March 7, 2013 To: Mayor Hanus and Mound City Council Members From: Catherine Pausche Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer Subject: 2013 Bonding Needs This year I am proposing to reimburse the Sewer Fund for the 2010 lift station improvement projects. I have attached the memo I wrote in 2010 when the City chose to use the Sewer Fund reserves as opposed to bonding for the projects. The most recent Capital Improvement Plan is also included and shows this should be the last year of $5M+ bonding as this is the last year of our neighborhood street improvement projects. The interest rates are very low and the Sewer Fund has a negative cash balance, so I believe it is appropriate to replenish the cash. The Sewer Fund in particular needs reserves as we still have 15 very old lift stations and an aging sewer vac truck. This additional bonding will necessitate a higher rate increase than what was projected last year. Whereas I projected a 7.5% increase in water and storm sewer rates for 2014 — 2016 and 6% for sewer in 2014 and 2015 and 4% in 2016, Sewer will need a higher increase to fund the additional debt service. For every $1 M in bonds issued, it costs approximately $70K per year in debt service which would equate to a 5% rate increase for the Sewer Fund. I propose increasing the sewer rates 10% in 2014 and 7.5% in 2015 & 2016, but this decision does not have to be made until late in the year when we can reassess revenues and expenditures. It should be noted that sewer rates increased 1% in 2010 and 0% in 2011, as shown on the history of rate increases included in the packet. -523- MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Hanus and City Council Members FROM: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director DATE: July 21, 2010 SUBJECT: Funding for 2010 Lift Station Improvement Projects The City of Mound is committed to long -term financial planning and developed a Key Financial Strategies plan in 2005, which was revised in 2007. Additional work has been done since then to analyze actual expenditures compared to the assumptions used in the plan as well as to evaluate cash flow to determine necessary adjustments to the utility rates. The City Council chose to delay the 2010 street improvement projects in order to provide relief to the citizens during this tough economic time, as well as to allow time for the utility funds to recover from large capital outlays. The majority of the utility infrastructure improvements related to the street projects have been charged to the Water Utility Fund. The Sewer Fund has a healthy fund balance, although it began operating at a deficit in 2009. The 2010 Lift Station Improvement Project is the fourth year of a ten year lift station reconstruction plan. Eight of the city's 30 lift stations have been improved to date. Improving four lift stations in 2010 would keep us on target for an average of three lift stations being improved per year over the ten years. In addition, with no 2010 street project, city resources are well positioned to adequately administer the lift station projects. This leaves the subject of costs and the potential impact on utility rates. The debt service for a 20 year bond issue would have the following impact on rates, if rates were adjusted to keep pace with the increase in expenditures, otherwise fund balance could also be used to manage the timing and impact of rate increases: Bond Issue Project Annual Debt Service Rate Increase % (Sewer Portion) $13M 4 lift stations $96,043 Approximately 7% $L0M 3 lift stations $73,879 Approximately 5% Sewer Fund Unrestricted Net Assets as of 12/31/09: $ 1,333,059 Attached is a summary of Mound Utility Rates compared to other area cities for 2010. Staff Recommendation: Proceed with all four lift stations in 2010 project due to operating necessity and the competitiveness of the bidding climate. -524- cQ M G � C � G N H -525- N N C o0 ry m ry �D O O N 01 V d� N to lNl1 Lo � a N lNO N O a W rn a o m o °N° axis a O N� O 1441 t� .- i N t0 O C OM � V m O N O N N V V C fD aA NT ti O m ti m V N m H .-1 m m V tD O M It m N N M m m N H m N N N W N vi +n W m N O N N O N I� N tND m m v m n O 00 m m r-1 N t/T a. m H 0 0 0 2 IT �D m a N a N tD' w N O O m GO M1 M N N l0 N u1 V1 N N 4? ti C LL> O 3 N O N O v u U w N w O O u O u O w a - G v o o Z w LL 0 7 �... U W z O W 3 H Z 3 � o fY Q -525- City of Mound Capital Projects - WATER, SEWER, STORM 12/31112 Cash 534,638 -65F `11 - 168,078 - 289,061 -526- Fund 601 Fund 602 Fund 675 Total Year Bond Issue Water Sewer Storm Water All Funds 2001 2001A 552,728 0 741,138 1,293,866 2002 20028 0 0 0 0 2003 20038 651,578 0 0 651,578 2004 2004B 899,044 163,463 572,119 1,634,626 ou 2005 20058 3,254,592 0 0 3,254,592 O Z 2006 20068 904,746 100,608 200,250 1,205,604 O 10 O 2007 2007B 807,974 1,108,079 392,445 2,308,498 n m M 2008 2008C 1,840,373 0 0 1,840,373 N 2009 2009B 2,550,035 1,675,018 775,016 5,000,069 2010 n/a 0 0 0 0 2011 2011B 1,400,000 985,000 455,000 2,840,000 2012 2012A 1,190,000 880,000 545,000 2,615,000 2013 2013A 1,525,000 1,340,000 615,000 3,480,000 2014 0 Ttat:B:o 1Pro eetls,`? a �;�1 ,576 4 0 y, . 68 , :. . : 9 i._6. ,, \,� „" 2001 0 2002 179,766 5,966 396,528 582,260 2003 183,747 96,022 80,128 359,897 2004 186,626 113,717 0 300,343 A D 2005 2,013,122 106,994 106,209 2,228,325 D 2006 2,745,692 336,793 150,746 3,233,231 r 2007 1,819,062 531,888 456,355 2,807,305 IT! x a 2008 1,764,229 1,314,990 1,233,946 4,313,165 IT! Z v 2009 1,147,767 1,149,271 933,503 3,230,541 C 2010 182,419 1,483,898 76,717 1,743,034 M Ch 2011 1,032,969 1,028,481 398,916 2,460,366 2012 1,140,202 912,455 567,604 2,620,261 2013 1,525,000 1,340,000 615,000 3,480,000 2014 0 1, . o ExP.,,,._!. -_ -� .2...6 r.'t t... 8,!t.2,��. <... f.h -+.,5 ,tT., S$n ? Balance: 1,655,469 - 2,170,307 - 719,684 - 1,234,522 12/31112 Cash 534,638 -65F `11 - 168,078 - 289,061 -526- City of Mound WATER, SEWER, STORM - History of Rate Increases Year Fund 601 Water % Fund 602 Sewer % Fund 675 Storm $ /mo 2001 0% 0% 1.63 2002 5% 5% 1.63 2003 5% 5% 1.71 2004 10% 10% 1.88 2005 20% 5% 2.16 2006 10% 5% 2.16 2007 15% 10% 2.16 2008 15% 5% 2.16 2009 15% 5% 2.16 2010 Tiers Implemented 1% 4.00 2011 Increase base only 0% 6.67 2012 0% 7.5% 7.17 2013 7.5% 6.0% 8.24 -527- Debt Issuance Services ..... . ...... ............. ..... ---- - - i_­�! March 12, 2013 Pre-Sale Report for $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A M $2,580,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013B EHLERS LEADERS IN -PUBLIC FINANCE Prepared and Presented by: Stacie Kvilvang And Mark Ruff wwwehlers-inc.cor Minnesota phone 651-697-8500 3060 Centre Pointe Driv Offices also in 519pr7sin and Illinois fax 651-697-8555 Roseville, MN 55113 11 toll free 800-552-1171 Debt Issuance Services L - 1-2 � ...... .... Executive Summary of Proposed Debt Proposed Issue: $6,470,000 GO Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series, 2013A and $2,580,000 Taxable GO Bonds, Series 2013B The Series 2013A Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Authority: Statues, Chapter 429 (street and assessment portion), Chapter 444 (utility debt), and 475 (general bond statute). The Series 2013B Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469 (TIF), Chapter 444 (utility debt), and 475 (general bond statute). For the Series 2013A Bonds, because the City is assessing at least 20% of the project costs, the Bonds can be a general obligation without a referendum and will not count against the City's debt limit. Because the utility portions of the Series 2013A Bonds are paid 100% with revenues, there is no requirement for a referendum nor does the Chapter 444 portion of the Bonds count against the City's debt limit. For the Series 2013B Bonds, because the City is paying at least 20% of the debt service on the 2003C Taxable General Obligation TIF Bonds, the Bonds can be a general obligation without a referendum and will not count against the City's debt limit. Because the utility portions of the Series 2013B Bonds are paid 100% with revenues, there is no requirement for a referendum nor does the Chapter 444 portion of the Bonds count against the City's debt limit. Purposes /Funding Sources: Series 2013 A: The Series 2013A Bonds is intended to pay for the costs of the 2013 street and utility reconstruction projects including the SE Island Park Area, retaining walls and other utility improvements. Approximately $3,030,002 will be costs for the street improvements and retaining walls. Approximately $3,472,249 will be for water, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer work attributable to the respective enterprise funds. The remaining bond proceeds will pay for capitalized interest, underwriter's discount, and costs of issuance. The breakdown of the various costs is attached. The Series 2013A Bonds will be paid with water utility revenues, storm sewer utility revenues, sanitary sewer utility revenues, special assessments, and a tax levy. Attached to this report is a schedule of annual debt service costs and the specific revenues available in each fiscal year to pay the debt. We have capitalized 9 months of interest to be available for the February 1, 2014 payment. The utility revenues will be available for debt service for the first principal payment on February 1, 2015 and will continue for 20 years of Presale Report -529- March 12, 2013 City of Mound, Minnesota Page 1 Debt Issuarce Services payments. The assessments will be levied for a 15 -year tern, commencing in 2013, for collection in the years 2014 through 2028 for payment on the Bonds. It is the intent of the City to levy approximately $1,256,979 in special assessments against benefitting property owners at 5% and staff expects approximately $251,396 in prepaid special assessments (approximately 20 %). The issue size has been reduced the prepayment amount. Series 2013B: The purpose of the 2013B Bonds is to provide funds sufficient for a current refunding of the 2014 through 2023 maturities of the 2003C Taxable General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds (the "Prior Bonds ") and $1,000,000 to replenish the City's sewer fund for 4 new lift stations constructed in 2010. Interest rates on the Prior Bonds proposed to be refunded average 4.55 %. The new rates are expected to be approximately 2.0 %. The future value savings is approximately $175,170 (approximately $17,500 per year over the next 10 years). The Net Present Value Benefit of the refunding is estimated to be approximately $151,130, equal to 10.177% of the refunded principal. Term /Call Feature The improvement portion of the Series 2013A Bonds are being issued for a 15 -year term, the utility portion of the Series 2013A Bonds are being issued for a 20 -year period. Principal on the Series 2013A Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2015 through 2034. The 2003C TIF refunding portion of the Series 2013B Bonds will have the same term as the original bond issue (2023) and the utility portion of the Series 2013B Bonds are being issued for a 10 -year period. Principal on the Series 2013B Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2014 through 2024. The sewer utility portion of both the tax exempt and taxable Bonds is being structured to "wrap" the debt service payments around each other. This allowed shortening of the term on the sewer portion of the taxable bonds by 10 years, paying interest only on the tax exempt for this same time period, while paying full principal and interest on the taxable bonds. This allows for the total annual payment by the sewer fund to be approximately the same as if both issues were tax exempt. Simply stated, if both portions of the sewer debt could have been issued as tax exempt, the total debt service would have been approximately $3,000 /year less than as currently structured (if we didn't "wrap" the debt service payments and shorten the term, the difference would have been approximately $8,000 /year) The Bonds will be structured to have an eight (8) year call date. Presale Report -530- March 12, 2013 City of Mound, Minnesota Page 2 _.. __ Debt Issuarce Services Bank Qualification Since the City is issuing less than $10,000,000 in tax exempt debt in the calendar year, the City will be able to designate the Series 2013A Bonds as "bank qualified" obligations. Bank qualified status broadens the market for the Bonds, which can result in lower interest rates. Rating: The City's most recent bond issues were rated "AA" by Standard & Poor's. The City will request a new rating for the Bonds. If the winning bidder on the Bonds elects to purchase bond insurance, the rating for the issue may be higher than the City's bond rating in the event that the bond rating of the insurer is higher than that of the City. Other Considerations: Because yields for investors are very low at this time, a bank or underwriter may choose to submit a bid for your competitive sale with higher coupon rates than the yield on the bonds. Higher coupons are valuable for institutional and retail investors who may either trade bonds in the future or may want a higher yield if you as the issuer choose not to call the bonds at the call date. For example, the coupon rate may be 3% but the yield may only be 1.5 %. To achieve the lower yield of 1.5 %, the investor will pay you, the issuer, a "premium" at the time of closing. In other words, they will pay more than $5,000 for a $5,000 block of bonds in exchange for more tax - exempt interest at a later date. The amount of the premium varies, but can be as high as 10% of the bond issue. This means for a $2,000,000 issue, you may end up with a bid that offers $2,200,000 in proceeds. The amount of the bond will be reduced if a premium bid is received. The adjustment may slightly change the true interest cost of the original bid, either up or down. Method of Sale /Placement: In order to obtain the lowest interest cost to the City, we will solicit competitive bids for purchase of the Bonds from national and regional bidders. We have included an allowance for discount bidding equal to .85% of the principal amount of the Series 2013A Bonds and 1.4% of the principal amount of the Series 2013B Bonds. The discount is treated as an interest item and provides the underwriter with all or a portion of its compensation in the transaction. If the Bonds are purchased at a price greater than the minimum bid amount (maximum discount), the unused allowance may be used to lower your borrowing amount. Presale Report -531- March 12, 2013 City of Mound, Minnesota Page 3 Debt Issuance Services Risk Factors: If significant amounts of prepayments of special assessments are received (above what has been anticipated), the levy may need to be increased in future years because the City's investment earnings on additional prepayments will likely be less than the assessment rate. Review of Existing Debt: We have reviewed all outstanding indebtedness for the City and find that the only other current refunding opportunity at this time is the Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2006 (Metro Plains). These are TIF revenue bonds and we will need to discuss further with staff whether to pursue refinancing with an underwriting firm. Continuing Disclosure: Because the City has more than $10,000,000 in outstanding debt (including this issue) and this issue is over $1,000,000, the City will be agreeing to provide certain updated Annual Financial Information and its Audited Financial Statement annually as well as providing notices of the occurrence of certain "material events" to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB "), as required by rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The City is already obligated to provide such reports for its existing bonds, and has contracted with Ehlers to prepare and file the reports. Arbitrage Monitoring: Because the Series 2013A Bonds are tax - exempt securities /tax credit securities, the Issuer must ensure compliance with certain Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules throughout the life of the issue. These rules apply to all gross proceeds of the issue, including initial bond proceeds and investment earnings in construction, escrow, debt service, and any reserve funds. How issuers spend bond proceeds and how they track interest earnings on funds (arbitrage /yield restriction compliance) are common subjects of IRS inquiries. Your specific responsibilities will be detailed in the Arbitrage Certificate prepared by your Bond Attorney and provided at closing. Presale Report -532- March 12, 2013 City of Mound, Minnesota Page 4 Debt Issuance Services _....... __ -_- ._ ..... Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council: Distribute Official Statement: Conference with Rating Agency: City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds: Estimated Closing Date: Prepay 2003C TIF Bonds Attachments Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Refunding Savings Analysis Resolution Authorizing Ehlers to Proceed With Bond Sale Ehlers Contacts: March 12, 2013 Week of March 25th, 2013 Week of April 1, 2013 April 9, 2013 May 2, 2013 June 1, 2013 Financial Advisors: Stacie Kvilvang (651)- 697 -8506 Mark Ruff (651)- 697 -8505 Bond Analyst: Wendy Lundberg (651) 697 -8540 Bond Sale Coordinator: Alicia Aulwes (651) 697 -8523 Financial Analyst: Alicia Gage (651) 697 -8551 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the City Council at their home address or e- mailed. Presale Report -533- March 12, 2013 City of Mound, Minnesota Page 5 Council Member Resolution No. introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A and $2,580,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013B A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A and its $2,580,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds (the "Bonds ") to finance the City's 2013 road and utility reconstruction projects, refinance the City's Taxable TIF Bonds Series, 2003C and recapitalize the City's sewer fund for prior improvements in the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization; Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on April 9, 2013, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this 12th day of March. 2013. City Clerk -534- City of Mound, MN $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013 Issue Summary Table of Contents Report ISSUE SUMMARY Total Issue Sources And Uses _ _ t Debt Service Schedule 2 Net Debt Service Schedule 3 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Net Debt Service Schedule 4 Lew Schedule 5 Special Assessments _. _.. _. .. 6.. SEWER FUND Net Debt Service Schedule 7 Levy Schedule ... 8 WATER FUND Net Debt Service Schedule 9 Levy Schedule _..... _....._ _ _. 10 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND Net Debt Service Schedule I I Levy Schedule _.. _.. ... _... 12 Ser 2013 New Money Pmjec I Issue Summary 1 3/8/2013 1 8:36AM IS EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE —535— City of Mound, MN $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013 Issue Summary Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 0510212013 1 Delivered 05102/2013 Storm Improvement Water Issue Bonds Sewer Fund Water Fund Utility Fund Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $2,870,000.00 $1,390,000,00 $1,575,00000 $635,000.00 $6,470,000.00 Prepaid Special Assessments _ 251,395 74 _ - - - .251,395.94 Total Sources $3,121,395.74 $1,390,000.00 $1,575,000.00 $635,000.00 $6,721,395.74 Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (0.850 %) 24,395.00 11,815.00 13,38750 5,397.50 54,995.00 Costs of issuance _._. 24,397,22 11,816.07 13,388.72 5,397.99 55,000.00 _ Deposit to Capitalized Interest (CIF) Fund 39,911.01 28,861.46 25,898.72 10,380.78 105,051.97 Deposit to Project Construction Fund 3,030,002 00 1,339,126.00 1,520,475.00 612,648.00 6,502,251.00 Rounding Amount .2,69051 (1,61853) 1,850.06 1,175.73 4,097.77 Total Uses $3,121,395.74 $1,390,000.00 $1,575,000.00 $635,000,00 $6,721,395.74 Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Issue Summary 1 3182013 1 8:36 AM EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -536- Page 1 City of Mound, MN $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013 Issue Summary Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 Fiscal Total 05/02/2013 - - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 105,051.97 105,051.97 105,051.97 08/0112014 - - 70,295.00 70,295.00 - 02/01/2015 265,000.00 0.600% 70,295.00 335,295.00 405,590.00 - - 69,500.00 69,500.00 _ - _08/01/2015 02/012016 265,000.00 0.750% 69,500.00 334,500.00 404,000.00 08/01/2016 - - 68,506.25 68,506.25 - 02/01/2017 275,000.00 0.950% 68,506.25 343,506.25 412,012.50 08/01/2017 - - 67,200.00 67,200.00 - 02/01/2018 275,000.00 1.150% 67,200.00 342,200.00 409,400.00 08/01/2018 - 65,618.75 65,618.75 02/01/2019 280,000.00 1.300% 65,618.75 345,618.75 411,23750 08/01/2019 - - 63,798.75 63,798.75 - 02/01/2020 280,000.00 1.500% 63,798.75 343,798.75 407,59750 08/01/2020 - - 61,698.75 61698.75 - 02/01/2021 285,000.00 1.750% 61,698.75 346,698.75 408,397.50 08/01/2021 - - 59,205.00 59,205.00 - 02/01/2022 290,000.00 2.000% 59,205.00 349,205.00 408,410.00 08/01/2022 - - 56,305.00 56,305.00 - 02/01/2023 295,000.00 2.150% 56,305.00 351,305,00 407,610.00 08/01/2023 53,133.75 53,133.75 - 02/01/2024 330,000.00 2.250% 53,133.75 383,133.75 436,267.50 08/01/2024 - - 49,421.25 49,421.25 - 02/01/2025 425,000.00 2.350% 49,421.25 474,421.25 523,842.50 08101/2025 - - 44,427.50 44,427.50 _ - 02/01/2026 440,000.00 2.450% 44,427.50 484,427.50 528,855.00 08/01/2026 - - 39,037.50 39,037.50 - 02/01/2027 445,000.00 2.550% 39,03750 484,037.50 523,07500 08/01/2027 - - 33,363.75 33,363.75 - 02/01/2028 465,000.00 2.650% _ 33. 363.75 498,363.75 531,727.50 08/01/2028 - - 27,202,50 27,202.50 02/01/2029 475,000.00 2.750% 27,202.50 502,202.50 529,405.00 08/01/2029 - - 20,671.25 20,671,25 - 02/01/2030 260,000.00 2.800% 20,671.25 280,671.25 301,342.50 08/01/2030 - - 17,031.25 17,031.25 _ - 02/01/2031. 265,000.00 2.900% 17,03125 282,031.25 299,062.50 08/01/2031 - - 13,18895 13,188.75 - 07/01/2032 275,000.00 3.000% 13,188.75 288,188.75 301,377.50 08/01/2032 - - 9,063.75 9,063.75 - 02/01/2033 285,000.00 3.100% 9,063.75 .294,06375 303,12750 08/01/2033 - - 4,646.25 4,64625 - 02/01/2034 295,000.00 3.150% 4,64615 299,646.25 304,292.50 Total $6,470,000.00 - $1,891,681.97 $8,361,681,97 Yield Statistics Bond Yea Dollars _ $75,209.53 Average Life _ _. _ _ 11.624 Years Average. Coupon _... _._ _ _ 25152159% Net Interest Cost (NIIC) ,. _ 2,5883,382% True Interest Cost (TIC) Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes _ , _ _ _. __ 2,4850143% All Inclusive Cast (AIC) _ .._ _ 2.6590404 Net Interest l;OSt Weighted Average Maturity _ _... __ _.. __._ 11624 Years Ser2013 New Money Projec I Issue Summary 1 3/8/2013 1 8:36 AM E L _537_ Page LEAUENS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $6,470,000 General Obligation Utility and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013 Issue Summary Net Debt Service Schedule Ser2013 New Money Projec I Issue Summary 1 31820131 &36AM 4aEHLERS _ Page 3 LEADE RS IN PUBLIC RNANCE -538- Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I CIF Net New D/S Total 05/02/1013 - - - - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 105,051.97 105,051.97 (105,051.97) - - 08/01/2014 - - 70,295.00 70,295.00 - 70,295.00 - 02/01/2015 265,000.00 0.600% 70,295.00 335,295.00 - 335,295,00 405,590.00 08/01/2015 69,500.00 69,500.00 69,500,00 02/01/2016 265,000.00 0.750% 69,500.00 334,500.00 - 334,500,00 404,000.00 08/01/2016 - - 68,506.25 68,506.25 - 68,506.25 - 02/01/2017 275,000.00 0.950% 68,506.25 343,506.25 - 343,506.25 412,012.50 08/01/2017 - - 67,200.00 67,200.00 - 67,200,00 - 02/01/2018 275,000.00 1.150% 67,200.00 342,200,00 342,200,00 409,400.00 08/01/2018 - - 65,618.75 65,61875 - 65,618.75 02/01/2019 280,000.00 1.300% 65,618.75 345,618.75 - 345,618.75 411,237.50 08/01/2019 - - 63,798.75 63,798.75 - 63,798,75 - 02/01/2020 280,000.00 1.500% 63,798.75 343,798.75 - 343,798,75 407,597.50 08/01/2020 - - 61,698.75 61,698.75 - 61,698.75 - 02/01/2021 285,000.00 1.750% 61,698.75 346,698.75 - 346,698.75 408,397.50 08/01/2021 - - 59,205.00 59,205.00 - 59,205.00 - 02/0l/2022 290,000.00 2.000% 59,205.00 349,205.00 - 349,205.00 408,41000 08/01/2022 - - 56,305.00 56,305.00 - 56,305.00 - 02/01/2023_ 295,000.00 2.150% 56,30500 351,305.00 - 351,30500 407,610.00 08/01/2023 - - 53,13175 53,133.75 - 53,133.75 - 02/01/2024 330,000.00 2,250% 53,13175 383,133.75 - 383,13175 436,267.50 08/01/2024 - - 49,421.25 49,42115 - 49,421.25 - 02/01/2025 425,000.00 2.350% 49,42125 474,421.25 - 474,42115 523,842.50 08/01/2025 44,427.50 44,427.50 44,427.50 02/01/2026 440,000.00 2.450% 44,427.50 484,427.50 - 484,427.50 528,855.00 08/01/2026 - - 39,037.50 39,037.50 - 39,037.50 - 02/01/2027 445,000.00 2,550% 39,037.50 484,037.50 - 484,037.50 523,075.00 08101/2027 - - 33,363.75 33,363.75 - 33,363.75 - 02/01/2028 465,000.00 2.650% 33,363.75 498,363.75 - 498,363.75 531,727.50 08/01/2028 - - 27,202.50 27,202.50 - 27,202.50 - 02/01/2029 475,000.00 2.750% 27,202.50 502,202.50 - 502,202.50 529,405.00 08/012029 - - 20,671.25 20,671.25 - 20,671.25 - 02/01/2030 260,000.00 2.800% 20,671.25 280,671.25 - 280,671.25 301,342.50 08/01/2030 - 17,031.25 17,03125 17,031.25 02/01/2031 265,000.00 2.900% 17,031.25 282,031.25 - 282,03115 299,062.50 08/01/2031 - - 13,188.75 13,188.75 - 13,188.75 - 02/01/2032 275,000.00 3.000% 13,188.75 288,188.75 - 288,188.75 301,37250 08/01/2032 - - 9,063.75 9,063.75 - 9,063.75 - 02/01/2033 285,000.00 3.100% 9,063.75 294,063.75 - 294,063.75 303,127.50 08/01/2033 - - 4,646.25 4,646.25 - 4,646,25 - 02/012034 295,000.00 3.150% 4,646.25 299,646.25 - 299,646.25 304,292.50 Total $6,470,000.00 - $1,891,681.97 $8,361,681.97 (105,051.97) $8,256,630.00 - Ser2013 New Money Projec I Issue Summary 1 31820131 &36AM 4aEHLERS _ Page 3 LEADE RS IN PUBLIC RNANCE -538- City of Mound, MN $2,870,000 - Purpose 1 of 4 (Series 2013) Improvement Bonds $3,030,002.00 Net Project Costs Net Debt Service Schedule Ser2C13 New Money Proled I Improvement Bonds 1 3182013 1 8:36AM EHLERSPage 4 LEABERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -539- Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 CIF Net New D/S Total 05102/2013 - - - - - - 02/0112014 - - 39,911.01 39,911,01 (39,91101) - - 08/012014 - - 26,706.25 26,706.25 - 26,706.25 - 02/0112015 175,000.00 0.600% 26,706.25 201,706.25 - 201,706.25 228,412.50 08/01/2015 - - 26,181.25 26,181.25 - 26,181.25 - 02/01/2016 175,000.00 0.750% 26,181.25 201,181.25 - 201,181.25 227,362.50 08/01/2016 - - 25,525.00 25,525.00 - 25,525.00 - 02/012017 175,000.00 0.950% 25,525.00 200,525.00 - 200,525.00 226,050.00 08101/2017 - - 24,693.75 24,693.75 - 24,693.75 - 02/012018 175,000.00 1.150% 24,693.75 199,693.75 - 199,693.75 224,387.50 08/012018 23,687.50 23,687.50 - 23,687.50 - 02/01/2019 180,000.00 1.300% 23,687.50 203,687.50 - 203,687.50 227,375.00 08/01/2019 - - 22,517.50 22,517.50 - 22,517.50 - 02/01/2020 180,000,00 1.500% 22,517.50 202,517.50 - 202,517.50 225,035.00 08/01/2020 - - 21,167.50 21,167.50 - 21,167.50 - 02/01/2021 185,000.00 1.750% 21,167.50 206,167.50 - 206,167.50 227,335.00 08/012021 - - 19,548.75 19,548.75 - 19,548.75 - 02/01/2022 190,000.00 2.000% 19,548.75 209,548.75 - 209,548.75 229,097.50 08/01/2022 - - 17,648.75 17,648.75 - 17,64835 - 02/01/2023 190,_000.00 2.150% 17,648.75 207,648.75 - 207,648.75 225,297.50 08/012023 _ - - 15,606.25 15,606.25 - 15,606.25 - 02/01/2024 195,000.00 2.250% 15,606.25 210,606.25 - 210,606.25 226,212.50 08/012024 - - 13,412.50 13,412.50 - 13,412.50 - 02101/2025 200,000.00 2.350% 13,412.50 213,412.50 - 213,41150 226,825.00 0910IY2025 - - 11,062.50 11,062.50 _ - 11,06150 - 02/01/2026 205,000.00 _ 2.450% 11,062.50 216,062.50 - 216,06150 227,125.00 08101/2026 - - 8,551.25 8,551.25 - 8,551.25 - 02/01/2027 210,000.00 2.550% 8,551.25 218,551.25 - 218,551.25 227,102.50 08/01/2027 - - 5,873.75 5,873.75 - 5,873.75 - 02/01/2028 215,000.00 2.650% 5,873.75 220,873.75 - 220,873 75 226,747.50 08/01/2028 - - 3,025.00 3025.00 - 3,025.00 - 02/01/2029 220,000.00 1750% 3,025.00 223 025.00 - 223 025.00 226,050.00 Total $2,870,000.00 $570,326.01 $3,440,326.01 (39,911.01) $3,400,415.00 - Ser2C13 New Money Proled I Improvement Bonds 1 3182013 1 8:36AM EHLERSPage 4 LEABERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -539- of Mound. MN $2,870,000 - Purpose 1 of 4 (Series Improvement Bonds $3,030,002.00 Net Project Costs Levy Schedule Sn2013 New Money Prolec I Irepnow -t Bonds 1 3/612013 1 8:36M EHLERS IBAR£R5 IN PUBLIC rINANG£ 540- Page 5 Net DS Special Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I CIF Net D/S 1.05% Asmnt Levy Amount 02/01/2014 - - 39,911.01 39,911.01 (39,911.01) - - - - O2/01/2015 175,00000 0.600% 53,41250 228,412.50 - 228,41250 239,833.13 (96,880.16) 142,952.97 02/01/2016 175,000.00 0350% 52,362.50 227,36250 - 227,362.50 238,730.63 (96,880.17) 141,05046 02/01/2017 175,00000 0950% 5105000 226,05000 - 226,050.00 237,352.50 (96,080.16) 140,472.34 02/01/2018 135,00000 1.150% 49,387.50 224,387.50 - 224,39750 235,606.88 (96,880.16) 138,726.72 090112019 180,00000 1.300% 47,37500 227,375.00 - 227,375.00 238,743.75 (96,080.16) 141,863.59 02/01/2020 180,00000 1.500% 45,035.00 225,03500 - 225,03500 236,28675 (96,880.17) 139,406.58 02101/2021 185,000.00 1.750% 42,335.00 227,335,00 - 227,335.00 238,70175 (96,08017) 141,821.58 02/0112022 190,00000 2.000% 39,097.50 229,097.50 - 229,097.50 240,552.30 (96,880.17) 143,672.21 02/01/2023 190,00000 2.150% 35,297.50 225,297.50 - 22529750 236,56238 (96,880.16) 13902.22 02/0112024 19500000 2250% 31212.50 226,21250 - 226,212.50 237,52313 (96,880.16) 140,64297 02/01/2025 200,000.00 2350% 26,825.00 226,82500 - 226,825.00 238,16625 (96,880.16) 141,28609 02/01/2026 205,000.00 2450% 22,12500 227,125.00 - 227,12500 238,48125 (96,88016) 141601.09 02/01/2027 210,000.00 2550% 17,102.50 227,102.50 - 227,10250 238,457,63 (96,88017) 141577.46 0901 Y2028 215,00000 2650% 11,747.50 226,74750 - _226,74750 238,08408 _ (9688016)_ _14120472 02/01/2029 220,000.00 280% _ - 6,05000 226,05000 - 226,05000 237,35250 (9688016) 140,472.34 Sn2013 New Money Prolec I Irepnow -t Bonds 1 3/612013 1 8:36M EHLERS IBAR£R5 IN PUBLIC rINANG£ 540- Page 5 City of Mound, MN $1,005,583 Series 2013 Special Assessments 5.00% - 15 Year Term Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I 12/31/2014 46,601.01 5000% 50,279.15 96,880.16 12/31/2015 48,931.07 5.000% 47,949.10 96,88017 12/31/2016 51,377.62 5.000% 45,502.54 96,880.16 12/31/2017 53,946.50 5000% 42,933.66 96,880.16 12/31/2018 56,643.82 5.000% 40,236.34 96,880.16 12/31/2019 59,476.02 5.000% 37,404.15 96,880.17 12/31/2020 62,449.82 5.000% 34,430.35 96,880.17 12/3112021 65,572.31 5000% 31,307.86 96,880.17 12/31/2022 68,850,92 5000% 28,029.24 96,880.16 12/31/2023 72,293.47 5.000% 24,586.69 96,880.16 12/31/2024 75,908.14 5.0 00 % 20,972.02 96,880.16 12/31/2025 79,703.55 5000% 17,176.61 96,880.16 12/31/2026 83,688.73 5000% 13,191.44 96,880,17 12/31/2027 87,873.16 5.000% 9,007.00 96,880.16 12/31/2028 _ 92,266.82 5.000% _ _4,61334 96,880.16 To[al $1,005,582.96 - $447,619.49 $1,453,20145 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $8,95239 Average Ltfe _ 8.903 Years Averse Coupon 5.0000001% Net Interest Cost (NICI ,_.. 5.10000001% True Interest Cost TICS _, 4.9390154% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Poses _, 4.9390154% All Inclusive Cost AICI _ � _.. .__ __ ._.___ __ —_ ______ 4.939015_.._ - — 4% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 5.0000001 % Weighted Average MatunTy . _ 8.903 Years Set 20131mpr, SW Asmnt I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 3/6/2013 1 3:48 PM L -541 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Page 6 City of Mound, MN $1,390,000 - Purpose 2 of 4 (Series 2013) Sewer Fund (Wrap Around Sewer Taxable Portion) $1,339,126.00 Net Project Costs Net Debt Service Schedule Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Sewer Fund 1 3182013 1 8:36 AM EHLERS Page 7 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -542- Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I CIF Net New D/S Total 05/02/2013 - - - - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 28,861.46 28,861.46 (28,86146) - - 08/01/2014 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2015 - - 19,312,50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/01/2015 - 19312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 - 02/0I/2016 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/01/2016 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,31150 - 02/01/2017 - - 19,312.50 19,31150 - 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/01/2017 - - 19,31150 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2018 19,312.50 19,31250 19,312.50 38,625,00 08/012018 - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2019 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,31250 38,625.00 08101/2019 - - 19,312.50 19,31150 - 19,312.50 - 02/012020 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/012020 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2021 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 38,625,00 08/01/2021 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,31250 - 02/012022 - - 19,312.50 19,312.50 - 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/01/2022 - - 19,312.50 19,31150 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2023 19,312.50 19,312.50 19,312.50 38,625.00 08/01/2023 - - - - 19,312.50 19,31150 - 19,312.50 - 02/01/2024 30,000.00 2250% 19,31150 49,31150 - 49,312.50 68,625.00 08/012024 - - 18,975.00 18,975.00 - 18,975.00 - 02/012025 120,000,00 2.35000% 18,975.00 138,975.00 - 138,975.00 157,950.00 08/012025 17,565.00 17,565.00 17,565.00 - 02/01/2026 125,000.00 2.450% 17,565.00 142,565.00 - 142,565.00 160,130.00 08/01/2026 - - 16,03175 16,033.75 - 16,033.75 - 02/01/2027 125,000.00 2.550% 16,033,75 141,033.75 - 141,033.75 157,067.50 08/01/2027 - - 14,440.00 14,440.00 - 14,440.00 - 02/01/2028 130,000.00 2,650% 14,440.00 144,440.00 - 144,440,00 158,880.00 08/01/2028 - - 12,717.50 12,717.50 - 12,717.50 - 02/01/2029 135,000.00 1750% 12,717.50 147,717.50 - 147,717.50 160435.00 08/012029 - - 10,861.25 10,861.25 - 10,861.25 - 02/01/2030 135,000.00 2.800% 10,861.25 145,861,25 - 145,861.25 156,72150 08/0112030 - 8,97t.25 8,971.25 8,97125 02/01/2031 140,000.00 2.900% 8,971.25 148,971.25 - 148,971.25 157,942.50 08/012031 - - 6,941.25 6,941.25 - 6,941.25 - 02/01/2032 145,000.00 3.000% 6,941.25 151,941.25 - 151,941.25 158,88150 08/01/2032 - - 4,766.25 4,766.25 - 4,766.25 - 02/012033 150,000.00 3,100% 4,766.25 154,766.25 154,766,25 159,532.50 08/012033 2,441.25 2,441.25 2,441.25 - 02/012034 155,000.00 3.150% 2,441.25 157,44115 - 157,44125 159,882.50 Total $1,390,000.00 - $642,536.46 $2,032,536.46 (28,861.46) $2,003,675.00 - Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Sewer Fund 1 3182013 1 8:36 AM EHLERS Page 7 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -542- City of Mound, MN $1,390,000 - Purpose 2 of 4 (Series 2013) Sewer Fund (Wrap Around Sewer Taxable Portion) $1,339,126.00 Net Project Costs Levy Schedule Total Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Sewer Fund 1 3/6/2013 1 8:36AM EHLERS Page 8 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -543- Net DS Levy Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I CIF Revenue 1.05% Amount 02/01/2014 28,861.46 28,861.46 (28,861.46) - - - 02/01/2015 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2016 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2017 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2018 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625.00) - - 02/0112019 - - 38,625.00 38,62500 - (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2020 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2021 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625,00) - - 02/01/2022 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,625.00) - - 02/01/2023 - - 38,625.00 38,625.00 - (38,62500) - - 02/01/2024 30,000.00 2.250% 38,625.00 68,625.00 - (68,625.00) - - 02/01/2025 120,000.00 2350% 37,950.00 157,950.00 - (157,950.00) - - 02/01/2026 125,000.00 1450% 35,130.00 160,130.00 - (160,130.00) - - 02/01/2027 125,000.00 2.550% 32,067.50 157,067.50 - (157,067.50) - - 02/01/2028 130,000.00 2.650% 28,88000 158,880.00 - (158,880.00) - - 02/01/2029 135,000.00 2.750% 25,435.00 160,435.00 - (160,435.00) - - 02/01/2030 135,000.00 2.800% 21,722.50 156,722.50 - (156,722.50) - - 02/01/2031 140,000.00 2.900% 17,94150 157,942.50 - (157,942.50) - - 02/01/2032 145,000.00 3.000% 13,882.50 158,882.50 - (158,882.50) - - 02/01/2033 150,000.00 3.100% 9,532.50 159,532.50 - (159,532.50) - - .. _ 02/01/2034 _... __. 155,000.00 __. 3.150% 4,882.50 159,882.50 - (159,882.50) - - Total Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Sewer Fund 1 3/6/2013 1 8:36AM EHLERS Page 8 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -543- City of Mound, MN $1,575,000 - Purpose 3 of 4 (Series 2013) Water Fund $1,520,475.00 Net Project Costs Net Debt Service Schedule Ser213New Money Projec j Water Fund 1 3/82013 1 836AM EHLERS Page 9 UADEN51N PUBLIC FINANCE -544- Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I CIF Net New D/S Total 05/02/2013 - - - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 25,898.72 25,898.72 (25,89832) - - 08/01/2014 - - 17,330.00 17,330.00 - 17,330.00 - 02/01/2015 65,000.00 0,600% 17,330.00 82,330.00 - 82,330.00 99,660.00 08/01/2015 - - 17,135.00 17,135.00 - 17,135.00 - 02/01/2016 65,000.00 0.750% 17,135.00 82,135.00 - 82,135.00 99,270.00 08/01/2016 - - 16,89115 16,891.25 - 16,891.25 - 02/01/2017 70,000.00 0.950% 16,891.25 86,891.25 - 86,891.25 103,782.50 08/01/2017 - - 16,558.75 16,558.75 - 16,55835 - 02/01/2018 70,000.00 1.150%. 16,55875 86,558.75 - 86,558.75 103,117,50 08/01/2018 16,156.25 16,156.25 - 16,156.25 - 02/01/2019 70,000.00 1.300% 16,156.25 86,15625 - 86,156.25 102,31150 08/01/2019 - - 15,701.25 15,701.25 - 15,701,25 - 02/01/2020 70,000.00 1500% 15,701.25 85,701.25 - 85701.25 101,402.50 08/01/2020 - - 15,176.25 15,176.25 - 15,176.25 - 02/01/2021 70,000.00 1.750% 15,176.25 85,176.25 - 85,176.25 100,352.50 08/01/2021 - - 14,56335 14,56375 - 14,563.75 - 02/01/2022 70,000.00 2.000% 14,563.75 84,563.75 - 84,563.75 99,127,50 08/01/2022 - - 13,863.75 13,863.75 - 13,863.75 - 02/01/2023 75,0.00.00 2.150% 13,863.75 88,863.75 - 88,863.75 102,727.50 _ 08/01@023 - - 13,057.50 13 057.50 - 13,057.50 - 02/01/2024 75,000.00 2.250% 13,057.50 88,01 - 88,057.50 101,115.00 08/01/2024 - - 12,213.75 12,21175 - 12,21175 - 02/01/2025 75,000.00 2.350% 12,213.75 87,213.75 - 87,213.75 99,427,50 08/01/2025 - - 11,332.50 11332.50 - 11,332.50 - 02/01/2026 _ 80,000.00 2.450% _ 11,332.50 91,332.50 - 91,332.50 102,665.00 08/01/2026 - - 10,352.50 10,352.50 - 10,352.50 - 02/01/2027 80,000.00 2.550% 10,352.50 90,35150 - 90,352.50 100,705.00 08/01/2027 - - 9,332.50 9,332.50 - 9,332.50 - 02/01/2028 85,000.00 2,650% 9,332.50 94,332.50 - 94,332.50 103,665.00 08/01/2028 - - 8,206.25 8,206.25 - 8,206.25 - 02/01/2029 85,000.00 2350% 8,206.25 93,206.25 - 93,206.25 101,412.50 08/01/2029 - - 7,037.50 7,037.50 - 7,037.50 - 02/01/2030 90,000.00 2.800% 7,037.50 97,037.50 - 97,037.50 104,075.00 08/01/2030 - - 5,777.50 5,777.50 _ - 5,777.50 - 02/01/2031 901 2.900% 5,777.50 95,777.50 - 95,777.50 101,555.00 08/01/2031 - - 4,472.50 4,472.50 - 4,472.50 - 02/01/2032 95,00000 3.000% 4,472.50 99,472.50 - 99,472.50 103,945.00 08/01/2032 - - 3,047.50 3,047.50 - 3047.50 - 02/01/2033 95,000.00 3.100% 3,047.50 98,047.50 - 98,047.50 101095.00 08/01/2033 - - 1,575.00 1,575.00 - 1,575.00 - 02/01/2034 100,000.00 3.150% 1,575.00 101,575,00 - 101,575.00 103,150.00 Total $1,575,000.00 - $485,461.22 $2,060,461.22 (25,898.72) $2,034,562.50 - Ser213New Money Projec j Water Fund 1 3/82013 1 836AM EHLERS Page 9 UADEN51N PUBLIC FINANCE -544- City of Mound, MN $1,575,000 - Purpose 3 of 4 (Series 2013) Water Fund $1,520,475.00 Net Project Costs Levy Schedule Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Water Fund 1 382013 1 8:36AM Page 10 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -545- Net DS Levy Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 CIF Revenue 1.05% Amount 02/01/2014 - - 25,898.72 25,898.72 (25,898.72) - - - 02/01/2015 65,000.00 0,600% 34,66000 99,660.00 - (99,660.00) - - 02/01/2016 65,000.00 0.750% 34,270.00 99,270.00 - (99,270.00) - - 02/01/2017 70,000.00 0.950% 33,78150 103,782.50 - (103,782.50) - - 02/01/2018 70,000.00 1.150% 33.117.50 103,11250 - (103,117.50) - 02101/2019 70,000.00 1.300% 32,312.50 102312.50 - (102,312.50) - - 02/01/2020 70,000.00 1.500% 31,402.50 101,402.50 - (101,402.50) - - 02/01/2021 70,000.00 1.750% 3035150 100,352.50 - (100,352.50) - - 02/01/2022 70,00000 2.000% 29,127.50 99,127.50 - (99,127,50) - - 02/01/2023 75,000.00 2.150% 27,72750 102,72750 - (102,727.50) - -. 02/01/1024 75,000.00 2.250% 26,115.00 101,115.00 - (101,115.00) 02/01/2025 75,000.00 2.350% 24,427.50 99,427.50 - (99,427.50) - - 02/01/2026 80,000.00 2.450% 22,665.00 102,665.00 - (102,665.00) - - 02101/2027 80,000.00 1550% 20,705.00 100,705.00 - (100,705.00) - - 02/01/2028 85,000.00 1650% 18,665.00 103,665.00 - (103,665 00) - - 02/01/2029 85,000.00 1750% 16,41150 101,412.50 - (101,412.50) - - 02/01/2030 90,000.00 2.800% 14,075.00 104,075.00 - (104,075.00) - - 02/01/2031 90000.00 2.900% 11,555.00 101,555.00 - (101,555.00) - - 02/01/2032 95,000.00 3.000% 8,945.00 103945.00 - (103,945.00) - - 02/01/2033 95,000.00 3,100% 6,09500 101,09500 - (101095.00) - - _ 02/01/2034 100,000.00 3.150% 3,150.00 103,150.00 - (103,150.00) - - Total $1,575,000.00 - $485,461.22 $2,060,461.22 (25,898.72) (2,034,562.50) Ser 2013 New Money Projec I Water Fund 1 382013 1 8:36AM Page 10 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE -545- City of Mound, MN $635,000 - Purpose 4 of 4 (Series 2013) Storm Water Utility Fund $612,648.00 Net Project Costs Net Debt Service Schedule Ser 2013 New MOney Projec I Storm Water Utility Fund 1 318/2013 1 836 AM Page 11 tEAOER$ IN PUBLIC FINANCE -546- Net New Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +l CIF D/S Total 05102/2013 - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 10,380.78 10,380.78 (10,380.78) - - 08/01/2014 - - 6,946.25 6,94615 - 6,946.25 - 02/01/2015 25,000.00 0.600% 6,946.25 31,946.25 - 31,946.25 38,89150 08/01/2015 - - 6,87125 6,871.25 - 6,871.25 - 02/01/2016 25,000.00 0.750% 6,871.25 31871.25 - 31,871.25 38,742.50 08/01/2016 - - 6,777.50 6,777.50 - 6,777.50 - 02/01/2017 30,000.00 0,950% 6,777.50 36,777.50 - 36,777.50 43,555.00 08/01/2017 - - 6,635.00 6,63500 - 6,63500 - 02/01/2018 30,000.00 1.150% 6,635.00 36,635.00 - 36,63500 43,270.00 08 /01 /2018 6,462.50 6,462.50 - 6,462.50 - 02/01/2019 30,000.00 1300% 6,462.50 36,46250 - 36,462.50 42,925.00 08/01/2019 - - 6,267.50 6,267.50 - 6,267.50 - 02/01/2020 30,000.00 1.500% 6,267.50 36,267.50 - 36,267.50 42,535.00 08/01/2020 - - 6,042.50 6,042.50 - 6,042.50 - 02/01/2021 30,000,00 1.750% 6,042.50 36,042.50 - 36,042.50 42,085.00 08/01/2021 - 5,780.00 5,780.00 - 5,780.00 - 02/01/2022 30,000.00 2.000% 5,78000 35,780.00 - 35,780.00 41,560,00 08/01/2022 - - 5,480.00 5,480.00 - 5,480.00 - 02/01/2023 30,000.00 1150% 51480.00 35,480.00 - 35480.00 40,960.00 08/012023 - - 5,157.50 5,157.50 - 5,157.50 - 02/012024 30,000.00 2.250% 5,157.50 35,157.50 - 35,157.50 40,315.00 08/0112024 - - 4,820.00 4,820.00 - 4,820.00 - 02/01/2025 30,000.00 2.350% 4,820.00 34,820.00 - 34,820.00 39,640,00 08/01/2025 - - 4,46750 _ 4,467.50 _ - 4,467.50 - 62/01/2026 _ 30,00000 2.450% 4,46750 34,467.50 - 34,467.50 38,935,00 081012026 - - 4,100.00 4,100.00 - 4,100.00 - 02/01/2027 30000.00 1550% 4,100.00 34,100.00 - 34,100.00 38,200.00 08/01/2027 - - 3,717.50 3,717.50 - 3,717.50 - 02/01/2028 35,000.00 2.650% 3,717.50 38,717.50 - 38,717.50 42,435.00 08/01/2028 - - 3,25375 3,253.75 - 3,253.75 - 02/01/2029 35,000.00 2.750% 3,253.75 38,253.75 - 38,253.75 41,507,50 08/01/2029 - - 2,772.50 2,772.50 - 2,772.50 - 02/01/2030 35,000.00 1800% 2,772.50 37,772.50 - 37,772.50 40,545.00 08/01/2030 - - 2,282.50 2,282.50 _ - 2,282.50 - 02/01/2031 35,000.00 2.900% 2,282.50 37,282.50 - 37,282.50 39,565.00 08/01/2031 - - 1,775.00 1,775.00 - 1775.00 - 02/01/2032 35,000.00 3.000% 1,775.00 36,775.00 - 36,775.00 38,550.00 08/01/2032 - - 1,250.00 1,250.00 - 1,250.00 - 02/01/2033 40,000.00 3.100% .1,25000 41,250.00 - 41,250.00 42,500.00 08/012033 - - 630.00 630.00 - 630.00 - 02/01/2034 40,000.00 3.150% 630.00 40,630.00 - 40,630.00 41,260.00 Total $635,000.00 $193,358.28 $828,358.28 (10,380.78) $817,977.50 - Ser 2013 New MOney Projec I Storm Water Utility Fund 1 318/2013 1 836 AM Page 11 tEAOER$ IN PUBLIC FINANCE -546- City of Mound, MN $635,000 - Purpose 4 of 4 (Series 2013) Storm Water Utility Fund $612,648.00 Net Project Costs Levy Schedule Ser 2013 New Money Ploiec I Storm Water Utility Fund 1 3/82013 1 8:36 AM EHLERS Page 12 LEADERS IN PUBLIG FINANCE -547- Net DS Levy Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 CIF Revenue 1.05% Amount 02/01/2014 - - 10,380.78 10,380.78 (10,380.78) - - - 02/01/2015 25,000.00 0.600% 13,892.50 38,892.50 - (38,892.50) - 02/01/2016 25,000.00 0.750% 13,742.50 38,742.50 - (38,742.50) - - 02/01/2017 30,00000 0.950% 13,555.00 43,555.00 - (43,555.00) - - 02/01/2018 30,000.00 1.150% 13,27000 43,270.00 - (43,270.00) - - 02/01/2019 30,000 00 1.300% 12,925.00 42,925.00 - (42,925.00) - - 02/01/2020 30,000.00 1.500% 12,535.00 42,535.00 - (42,535.00) - - 02/01/2021 30,000.00 1.750% 12,085.00 42,085.00 - (42,085.00) - - 02101/2022 30,000.00 2.000% 11,560.00 41,560.00 - (41,560.00) - - 02/0112023 30,000.00 1150% 10,96000 40,960.00 - (40,960.00) - - _ 02/01/2024 30,000.00 2.250% 10315.00 40,315.00 - (40,315.00) - - 02/01/2025 30,00000 2350% 9,640.00 39,640.00 - (39,640.00) - - 02/01/2026 30,000.00 2.450% 8,935.00 38,935.00 - (38,935.00) - - 02/01/2027 30,000,00 2.550% 8,200.00 38,200.00 - (38,200.00) - - 02/01/2028 35,00000 2.650% 7,435.00 42,435.00 - (42,435.00) - - 02/01/2029 35,00000 2.750% 6,507.50 41,50250 - (41,507.50) - - 02/01/2030 35,00000 2.800% 5,545.00 40,545.00 - (40,545.00) - - 02/01/2031 35,000.00 2.900% 4,565.00 39,565.00 - (39,565.00) - - 02/01/2032 35 000.00 3,000% 3,550.00 38,550.00 - (38,550.00) - - 02/01/2033 40,000.00 3.100% 2,500.00 42,500.00 - (42,500.00) _ - - 02101/2034 40,000.00 3.150% 1,260.00 41,260.00 - (41,260.00) - - Total 5635,000.00 $193,358.28 $828,358.28 (10,380.78) (817,977.50) - Ser 2013 New Money Ploiec I Storm Water Utility Fund 1 3/82013 1 8:36 AM EHLERS Page 12 LEADERS IN PUBLIG FINANCE -547- _City of Mound, MN _ $2,580,000 Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Dated: May 2, 2013 Issue Summary - Proposed Current Refunding of Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds, Series 2003C and New Money - Sewer Project Table of Contents Report ISSUE SUMMARY Debt Service Schedule Operation Of Project Constmction Fund-,-- CURRENT REFUND SERIES 2003C 7 NEW MONEY - SEWERFUND Net Debt Service Schedule Proposed CR of Ser 03C$2 1 Issue Summary 1 3/8/2013 1 8.40 AM EHLERS 548 - LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $2,580,000 Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Dated: May 2, 2013 Issue Summary - Proposed Current Refunding of Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds, Series 2003C and New Money - Sewer Project Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 05!02/2013 I Delivered 0510212013 Current Refund New Money - Issue Series 2003C Sewer Fund _ Summary Sources Of Funds - Tar Amount ofBonds $1_SSQ,000.00 $1,030,000.00 Total Sources $1,550,000.00 — _ S1r030,000_00 _ _$2,580,000.00 Uses Of Funds Total Under iter's Discount (1.400n_ _ _ 21,700.00 14,420,00 36,120.00 Costs of issuance 1 027.13 . _ 13,972 87 35 000.00 — -- — DeQosrtto Protect Construction Fund 1000,00000 ___ aoo 000.00 �,__ ___ --- D�osit to Current Refunding Fund �-- 1 505 982.00 _ _, _2_ - "" -- — — -, _ - ._ 1505982,00 — Roundm Amount 1,290;87 ____ __ ___160713 898.00 _, ?,____. __-2 Total Uses __.____ _ ___$1,550,000_00__,_ _-_,_ 51,030,000.00 _ 82,580,000.00 Proposed CR of Ser 03C $2 1 Issue Summary 1 3/812013 1 8:40 AM L-549- Page 1 LEAOERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $2,580,000 Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Dated: May 2, 2013 Issue Summary - Proposed Current Refunding of Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds, Series 2003C and New Money - Sewer Project Debt Service Schedule Date P Princi al c co" Don I Interest T Total P +I F Fiscal Total 05/02/2013 - - - - 40,144.51 1 185,144.51 1 185,144.51 - 2 26,246.25 2 26,246.25 - - 08/01/2014 - - - 1.000% 2 26,246,25 2 261,24625 2 287,492.50 02/01/2015 2 25,071.25 2 25071.25 OS /0_1/2_015 _ ____- 2 08 /01/1016 02/01/2017 250,000.00 1550% 23,511.25 273,511.25 297,022.50 08/0112017 - 21,57335 21,573.75 - 02/01/2018__ —,,,_ _....__.._ 25Q000.00__,__ ___1.750% _____ __ 2n57375___.__, _ -__._ 271,573.75,,,__ ____ __ 293,14750_ 08/01/1018 - - 19,386.25 19,386.25 - 02/01/2019 260,000.00 2.250% 19,386.25 279,386.25 298,77150 08/01/2019 - - 16,461.25 16,461.25 - 02/01/2020 265,000.00 2.450% 16,461.25 281,461.25 297,922.50 ,.__— _13z215.0D 02/01/2021 275,000.00 2.60000/ 13,215.00 288,215,00 301,430.00 08/01/2021 - - 9,640.00 9,640.00 - 02/01/2022 280,000.00 2.750% 9,640.00 289,640.00 299,28000 08/01/2022 - 5,790.00 5,790.00 - 290000.00 3.000% 5790.00 295,79000 ___- __._301,580,00 _02/01/2023 _ _ _.__.._. ______ . - -_. _ .-- ..___. _— ...___ 06/01/2023 - - 1,440.00 1,440. - 02/01/2024 90000.00 3.200% 1,440.00 91,440.00 92,88000 Total $2,580,000.00 - $364,814.51 $2,944,814.51 - Yield Statistics Years Average Coupon _.__ 2.6804317% Net Interest Cost NIC ----------- - - -� -- - -�-- �--- - -�_ —" -- _ - -- ---- � —"- - "" - 2.6867635% �--- - --- -- - -- ----- -- .2.4214829 Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes _ - - - - - -- ---- - --- -- ----- --- " "- -___ -- - - -- 2,9488390% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) - -- --- - -" IRS Form 8038 _2.4389529% Net Interest Cost — .— —_ -- �- - -_ —�� �— -- —�_ - -- — � -_ -- - -� 5.798 Yews Wai f hted Av eMa ure _ Proposed CR of Ser 03C$21 issue Summary 1 31 812013 1 SAO AM EHLERS -550- Page 2 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Yield Statistics Years Average Coupon _.__ 2.6804317% Net Interest Cost NIC ----------- - - -� -- - -�-- �--- - -�_ —" -- _ - -- ---- � —"- - "" - 2.6867635% �--- - --- -- - -- ----- -- .2.4214829 Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes _ - - - - - -- ---- - --- -- ----- --- " "- -___ -- - - -- 2,9488390% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) - -- --- - -" IRS Form 8038 _2.4389529% Net Interest Cost — .— —_ -- �- - -_ —�� �— -- —�_ - -- — � -_ -- - -� 5.798 Yews Wai f hted Av eMa ure _ Proposed CR of Ser 03C$21 issue Summary 1 31 812013 1 SAO AM EHLERS -550- Page 2 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $2,580,000 Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Dated: May 2, 2013 Issue Summary - Proposed Current Refunding of Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds, Series 2003C and New Money - Sewer Project Operation Of Project Construction Fund Date Principal Rate Receipts Disbursements Cash Balance 05/02/2013 1,000,000.00 - 2,505,982.00 1,000,000.00 1,505,982.00 0/[5/2013 - - - 1,505,982.00 - Total $1,000,000.00 - $2,505,982.00 $2,505,982.00 Investment Parameters Investment Model L GIC or Securities _ _____.___ — ___GIB_ Default investmentyield target __ ___,__ ____. _._._._ _._Unrestricted Cost of Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds Total Cost of Investments 1,505,982.00 1,000,000m $2,505,982.00 Target Cost of Investments at band yield, _ _ _.. $2,504,673.61 Actual.positive or(negatwe) arbitrage (1308.39) Yieldto ield forArb Y Receipt, itrage Purposes._ 2.4214829 State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 3/06/2013 Pmposed CR of Ser 03C $2 1 Issue Summary 1 3l 812013 1 8:40 AM EHLERS 551- Page a LEADERS 04 PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $2,580,000 Taxable G.O. Refunding Bonds, Dated: May 2, 2013 Issue Summary - Proposed Current Refunding of Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds, Series 2003C and New Money - Sewer Project Pricing Summary Bid Information Par Amount of Bonds $2,580,000.00 Gross Production Total Underwriter's Discount_C1 4. 00L/.) _____ _ $(36 [20.00) Rid (oa ennui ., ._543,880.00 .Total Purchase Bond Year Dollars 5.798 Years Average Coupon _ _ Net Interest Cost�NJC) _ _ 2.6804317% __— Tnw Interest Cost (TIC) _ 16867635% Proposed CR of Ser 03C$2 l Issue Summary 1 31812013 1 8:40 AM EHLERS 552 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE - - Page 4 Type of Maturity Maturitv Bond Coupon Yield Value Price Dollar Price 02101/2014 Serial Coupon 0.850% 0.850% 145,000.00 100.000% 145,000.00 02/01/2015 Serial Coupon 1.000% 1.000% 235,000.00 100.000% 235,000.00 02/01/2016 Serial Coupon 1.300% 1.300% 240,000.00 100.000% 240,000.00 02/01/2017 Serial Coupon 1.550% 1.550% 250,000.00 100.000% 250,000.00 02/01/2018_ Serial Coupon 1.750%1.750 % _ 250,000,00 _ 250,000.00 02/01/2019 Serial Coupon 2.250% 2.250% 260,00(.00 100.000% 260,000.00 02/01/2020 Serial Coupon 2.450% 1450% 265,000.00 100.000% 265,000.00 02/01/2021 Serial Coupon 2.600% 2.600% 275,000.00 100.000% 275,000.00 02/01/2022 Serial Coupon 2.750% 2750% 280,000.00 100.000% 280,000.00 02/01/2023 Serial Coupon ___ 3.000% 1000% _290000.00,.__. 100,000% 290,000.00 02/0112024 Serial Coupon 3.200% 3.200% 90,00000 100.000% 90,000.00 Total - - - $2,580,000.00 - $2,580,000.00 Bid Information Par Amount of Bonds $2,580,000.00 Gross Production Total Underwriter's Discount_C1 4. 00L/.) _____ _ $(36 [20.00) Rid (oa ennui ., ._543,880.00 .Total Purchase Bond Year Dollars 5.798 Years Average Coupon _ _ Net Interest Cost�NJC) _ _ 2.6804317% __— Tnw Interest Cost (TIC) _ 16867635% Proposed CR of Ser 03C$2 l Issue Summary 1 31812013 1 8:40 AM EHLERS 552 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE - - Page 4 City of Mound, MN $2,300,000 Taxable General Obligation TIF Bonds, Series 2003C Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +l _ Fiscal Total 02/01/2013 - - - 08/01/2013 - - - 36,315.00 36,315.00 - 02/01/2014 115,000.00 4.550% 36,315.00 151,315.00 187,630,00 08/01/2014 - - 33,698 75 33,698 75 - 02/Ot/2015_ 12Q,000_00,___ _, 4550%______33,698_75 153,698.75, - __.187,397.50_ 08/0112015 - - 30,968.75 30,968.75 - 02/01/2016 125,000.00 4.550% 30,968.75 155,968.75 186,937,50 08/01/2016 - - 28,125.00 28,125.00 - 02/01/2017 135,000.00 5,000% 28,12500 163,125.00 191,250.00 08/01/2017 - 24,750.00 24,750.00__ - 02/01/2018 140,000.00 5.000/ 24,750.00 164,750.00 I 08/0112018 - - 21,250.00 21,250.00 - 02/01/2019 150,000.00 5.000% 21,250.00 171,250.00 192,500.00 08/01/2019 - 17,500.00 17,500.00 - 02/Ol/2020 5_000/ _____._,.,,, 17500.00 - _177,500.00_ _ _,.. 195,000:00. 08/01/2020 - - 13,500.00 13,500.00 - 02/01/2021 170,000.00 5.000% 13,500.00 183,500.00 197,000.00 08/01/2021 - - 9,250.00 9,250.00 - 02/01/2022 180,000.00 5.000% 9,250.00 189,250.00 198,500.00 U /OU2022 - - 4,750,00 4750.00 02/0112023 190,000.00 5.000% 4,750.00 194,750.00 199,50100 Total $1,485,000.00 - $440,215.00 $1,925,215.00 - Yield Statistics Base date for AvLLiFe & Avg. Coupon Calculation _ 5/02/2013 Wei hted Avera a Matun Par Bam-S _ 5,720 Years Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date RefundingDelivDate _ __5/02/2013. Ser03c$2.3MTxbIGOTIF I SINGLEPURPOSE 1 31812013 1 8:40AM -553- Page 6 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $1,550,000 - Purpose 1 of 2 (Taxable Series 2013) Current Refund Series 2003C Net Debt Service Schedule PWOSed CR of Ser 03C $2 1 Cwrent R&Und Senes 200 1 31812013 1 8:40 AM EHLERS 554- Page 6 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 Net New D/S Total_ 05/0212013 - - - - (1,290.87) - 02101/2014 145,000.00 0.850% 23,182.57 168,18157 168,182.57 166,891.70 08/01/2014 - - 14,896.25 14,896.25 14,89625 - 02/01/2015 140,000.00 1.000% 14,896.25 154,896.25 154,896.25 169,792.50 08/01/2015 - - 14,196.25 14,196.25 14,196.25 - 02/02016 140,00000 1300% 14,196.25 15419625 154,196,25 168,392.50 08101/2016 - - 13,286.25 13,286.25 13,286.25 - 02/01/2017 150,000.00 1,550% 13,286.25 163,28625 163,286.25 176,57150 08/01/2017 - - 12,12375 12,123.75 12,123.75 - 02/01/2018 150000_00 1.750% 12 1, 23.75, _ 162,123_75 -- I - 62,123 75 17424750 _ _. 08/01/2018 _ _ - - 10,811.25 10,811.25 10,811.25 - 02/01/2019 155,000.00 2.250% 10,811.25 165,811.25 165,811.25 176,62150 08/01/2019 - - 9,067.50 9,067.50 9,067.50 - 021012020 160,000.00 2.450% 9,067.50 169,067.50 169,06750 178,135.00 08101/2020 - - 7,10250 — 7107.50 710750 - 02101/2021 165,00000 2600% 7,107.50 172107.50 172,10750 179,2150 08/01/2021 - - 4,962.50 4,962.50 4,962.50 - 02/012022 170,000.00 2.750% 4,962.50 174,962.50 174,962.50 179,925.00 08/01/2022 - - 2,625.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 - PWOSed CR of Ser 03C $2 1 Cwrent R&Und Senes 200 1 31812013 1 8:40 AM EHLERS 554- Page 6 LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE City of Mound, MN $1,550,000 - Purpose 1 of 2 (Taxable Series 2013) Current Refund Series 2003C Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 02/01/2014 168,182.57 166,891.70 187,630.00 20,73830 02/01/2015 169,792.50 169,792.50 187,397.50 17,605.00 02/01/2016 168,392.50 168,392.50 186,937.50 18,545.00 02/0112017 176,572.50 176,572.50 191,250.00 14,677.50 74,2L47. _ __189,50_0.00 _ _ ____ 15,252,50 _02/01/2018 02/01/2019 176,622.50 176,622.50 192,500.00 15,877.50 0210112020 178,135.00 178,135.00 195,000.00 16,865.00 02/01/2021 179,215.00 179,215.00 197,000.00 17,785.00 02/01/2022 179,925.00 179,925.00 198,500.00 18,575.00 02101/2023 _ 180,250_00 _ _ _._____ 180,250 00 _ _ _ _ ,- 199,500 00 19,250.00 Totai $1,751,335.07 $1,750,044.20 $1,925,215.00 $175,170.80 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savis. ... ... _ 155 016.15 Net PV Casbflow Savings (off 2,421 %(Bond Ywld 15 -- --15 Contingencyor Rounding Amount ..... 1290.87 Net Present Value Benefit _. $156 307 02 Net PV Benefit / $1,700,645.85 PV Refunded Debt Service 9.191% Net PV Benefit / $] 485 000 Refunded Princi al 10.526% Net PV Benef10 $1 550 000 Refunding PrincipaL 10.084% Refunding Bond Information Refundinoated Date 5/02/2013 Refundi�Deliver�Date _- 5/02/2013 Proposed Proposed CR of Bar 0K$21 Current Refund Series 200 1 3/8/2013 1 SAO AM EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCL —DZ)Z)— Pagel City of Mound, MN $1,030,000 — Purpose 2 of 2 (Taxable Series 2013) New Money - Sewer Fund Net Debt Service Schedule Pmposed CR of SK 03C$21 New Money -Sewer Fund 1 31812013 1 8'.40 AM LE RS LEAD E RS I N PB BLIC F1 N ANCE -Uuu- Page Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Net New D/S Total 05/0212013 - - - - - 02/01/2014 - - 16,961.94 16,961.94 16,961.94 16,961.94 08/01/2014 - - 11,350.00 11,350.00 11,35000 - 02/01/2015 95,000.00 1.000% 11,350.00 106,350.00 106,350.00 117,700.00 08/01/2015 - - 10,875.00 10,875.00 10,875.00 - 02/0112016 100,000.00 1300% 10,875.00 110,875.00 110,875.00 121,750.00 08/01/2016 - - 10,225.00 10,225 00 10,225.00 - 02/01/2017 100,000.00 1.550% 10,225.00 110,225,00 110,225.00 120,450.00 08/01/2017 - - 9,450.00 9,450.00 9,450.00 - 02/01/2018 ]00,00000_ 1750%__ 9450.00__ ._ _ 109450.00 109,450.00 118,900.00 08/01/2018 - 8,575.00 8,575.00 8,575.00 - 02/012019 105,000.00 2.250% 8,575.00 113,575.00 113,575.00 122,150.00 08/01/2019 - - 7,393.75 7,393.75 7,393.75 - 02/012020 105,000.00 2.450% 7,393.75 112,393,75 112,393.75 119,787.50 08/01/2020 - - 6107.50 __. _ _ 6,10750 _ 6,107.50 - 02/0112021 110,00000 2600% 6,107.50 116,10750 116,107.50 122,215.00 06/01/2021 - - 4,677.50 4,677.50 4,677.50 - 02/01/2022 110,000.00 2,750% 4,677.50 114,677.50 114,677.50 119,355.00 08/01/2022 - - 3,165.00 3,165.00 3,165.00 - 02/01/2023 _ _115,000,00 _ _ _ _ 3.000% 3,165.00 1,18j65,00----,,---, 11_8t65,02,,_ 121,330.00_ 08/01/2023 - - 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,44000 - 02/012024 90,000.00 3,200% 1,440.00 91,440.00 91,440.00 92,880.00 Total $1,030,000.00 - $163,479.44 $1,193,479.44 $1,193,479.44 - Pmposed CR of SK 03C$21 New Money -Sewer Fund 1 31812013 1 8'.40 AM LE RS LEAD E RS I N PB BLIC F1 N ANCE -Uuu- Page MEMORANDUM Date: March 7, 2013 To: Mayor Harms and Mound City Council Members From: Catherine Pausche Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Finance Related Issues Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds The 2012 audit fieldwork was completed on February 27, 2013, and the auditors requested that we have the City Council approved the attached resolution authorizing the transfer of funds. These two transfers will clean up and close -out debt service funds on retired or refunded issues and is considered a housekeeping matter for financial presentation purposes. Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Duty Officer Vehicle In the 2013 budget memo from Fire Chief Greg Pederson, he requested authorization to purchase an additional SUV vehicle to support the new Duty Officer Program, but this vehicle failed to appear specifically in the Capital Expenditures budget or the Fire Department line item budget. The other cities who contract with Mound have given their consent to begin the Duty Officer Program and purchase this vehicle. Staff has stated that capital items over $5,000 that were not specifically listed in the budget will be brought to the Council for approval, even if the expenditure can be covered within the existing budget allocation. The budget provides for $18,000 for the Fire Truck Replacement Fund that can be used to cover a portion of the $32K purchase price. In addition, the preliminary 2012 audited financials show the Fire Fund favorable to budget by over $40K. Staff requests approval of the purchase of the SUV and will only return for a budget amendment if it is determined to be necessary in the latter half of 2013. Staff does not believe it will be necessary at this time. Resolution to Increase Contribution to LMA for Milfoil Treatment Study for 2013 Dick Osgood, Executive Director of the Lake Minnetonka Association, presented at the February 26, 2013, Council Meeting and requested the Council to consider an additional contribution to the Milfoil Treatment Program in order to help fund a study to expand the treatment area of Phelps Bay. The Mayor and Council requested that Staff research possible funding sources for an additional $1,500 in funding for 2013. -557- The General Fund Budgeted Expenditures are $4.91M for 2013, so it is difficult to say with precise certainty what will be favorable or unfavorable to budget. A series of assumptions are made to develop the budget, the larger ones involving tax capture assumptions and insurance and utility rate increases. The fact that the requested $1,500 is a one -time commitment vs. an on -going commitment in future years makes me more comfortable that we can most likely absorb it without the budget being negatively affected. That being said, the Council and Management are scrutinized for our spending choices as there are always other competing uses for the funds. The decision to outsource Utility Billing to Opus 21 will favorably impact the budget, even with the projected conversion costs. This would be one potential source of funds. Savings from this decision will also help to offset increases in electric utility rates that were also not anticipated. At this point in time, Staff knows of no reason we should be over budget for 2013. A resolution has been provided so that if based on the Council discussion, you want to proceed with an additional $1,500 in funding for the Phelps Bay Treatment Study, you can. -558- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13 -_ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, the Government Accounting Standards Board and the Office of the State Auditor strongly recommend Cities to adopt a formal Fund Balance Policy; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions; WHEREAS, the City of Mound, Minnesota, approved the City of Mound Fund Balance Policy on December 13, 2011; WHEREAS, City of Mound Fund Balance Policy allows, at the discretion of the City Council, that fund balance may be committed for specific purposes by resolution designating the specific use of fund balance and the amount; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, authorizes the Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer to perform the following transfers between funds for the fiscal year 2012: 1. $254.72 from 2009 Equipment Cert. (Fund 335) to 2007 Equipment Cert. (Fund 333) close out Fund 333 which debt service was completed in February of 2012. 2. $27,692.11 from 2002 Lease Revenue Bonds (Fund 396) to 2012 G.O. Refunding Bonds (Fund 371) to close out inactive Fund 396 and restrict these funds for debt service on the 2012 G.O. Refunding Bonds. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of March, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -559- Mayor Mark Hanus CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF DUTY OFFICER VEHICLE WHEREAS, the Mound Fire Department will implement a duty officer program to increase efficiency, productivity and response times on certain types of fire calls; and WHEREAS, purchasing an SUV to be used by the duty officers will reduce wear and tear on more expensive vehicles and will provide for greater flexibility in the department; and WHEREAS, a unbudgeted surplus from 2012 and the 2013 annual fire truck replacement fund contribution are available to fund the purchase of the SUV; and WHEREAS, the Fire Commission has discussed and approved the duty officer program concept and supports the vehicle purchase; and WHEREAS, the vehicle will be purchased under State Contract 35472, which complies with Minn. Stat. § 471.345, the Uniform Municipal Contracting Law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the City Manager to purchase an SUV not to exceed $32,000 in total cost to be used as the duty officer vehicle. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of March, 2013. Mayor Mark Hanus Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk 3/12/13 CC Agenda Item 7B Replacement Page -560- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION TO INCREASE CONTRIBUTION TO LMA FOR MILFOIL TREATMENT STUDY FOR 2013 WHEREAS, the City of Mound has made contributions to the LMA for the milfoil demonstration project since 2008; and WHEREAS, the five -year demonstration project has produced positive results that support increasing the original project scope to more areas of Lake Minnetonka; and WHEREAS, a study is necessary measure the plant inventory of the expanded Phelp's Bay area, which includes areas of Mound; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the City Manager to contribute an additional $1,500 to the LMA to help fund the Phelps Bay Study in 2013. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of March, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -561- Mayor Mark Hanus MINUTES JANUARY 15, 0 ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, David Goode, George Linkert, Cindy Penner, Kelvin Retterath, and Councilmember Ray Salazar (7:10). Absent: Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, Planning Commission Secretary Jill Norlander and Acting City Manager Catherine Pausche. Others present: Robert Boese, Jubilee Foods; Betsy Brady, 2180 Centerview La; Jeremy Berg, MainStreet Covenant Church; Tom Penn, Sojourn Adult Day Services; Sandy Wing, Westonka ECFE. Commissioner David Goode was sworn in by acting City Manager Catherine Pausche. APPROVE AGENDA WITH ANY AMENDMENTS MOTION by Linkert, second by Bergquist, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 4 2012 MOTION by Linkert, second by Gawtry, to approve the minutes for December 4, 2012. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS A. Review of Text Amendment to City Code Section 129 —Local Government Buildings definition In light of the City police services moving to Orono, there is an opportunity to move City Hall to the former Police Department area in the Public Safety building and open the current City Hall to other occupations. The definition of Local Government Buildings is being reviewed for amendment to enable community based and governmental uses in City Hall. Community Development Director Sarah Smith introduced the item. Retterath questioned whether it was open to retail. Trapp responded that, in order to open it to retail, the Comp Plan and zoning would both need to be amended. Staff noted that this definition is for local government buildings that are zoned residential and guided in the Comprehensive Plan as residential. We are amending the definition to be open and transparent as to the new intended uses. -562- Retterath wondered if this gives the City more freedom in other public buildings of the city. Smith said it wasn't automatic. CUP's would still be required. Each would be evaluated on its own. MOTION by Ward, second by Penner, to approve the amendment. MOTION carried unanimously. B. Review of Conditional Use Permit Amendment— Local Government Buildings in R -1 District The City is requesting a CUP amendment to incorporate community based and governmental uses in City Hall. No major changes will be made to the building. Ward asked for clarification of the MCES item under Staff recommendation conditions. Smith said it concerns sewer capacity with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. Linkert reaffirmed that this doesn't affect other city buildings. Trapp said all other residentially zoned city buildings will fall under this definition but would require individual cups. Retterath asked if we were limiting the private sector by enacting this, particularly for the Depot. Smith said this is about the leasing of permanent space and wouldn't affect the Depot event use. This facility is not meant to be home for a general business office. There's a difference in the goals and missions between WeCAB and WeCAN and services a private engineering firm would provide. Pausche noted that the City is not trying to compete with commercial real estate firms but rather cover the costs of City Hall operations. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Bergquist, to approve the CUP amendment with conditions as recommended by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. C. Parking Determination — Stonegate Shopping Center/ MainStreet Covenant Church Trapp introduced the determination request. The applicant, MainStreet Covenant Church, is seeking to lease tenant space in the Stonegate Plaza at 5229 Shoreline Drive. In its review, City Staff has determined that churches are permitted within the B -1 Central Business District; however, the City must ensure there are a sufficient number of parking spaces to serve the proposed use as well as all existing uses. City Code Section 129 -323 identifies the minimum requirements for parking. Demand is generally determined by use. As the City's parking requirements do not specifically address this situation, Staff is requesting a determination from the Planning Commission and City Council. -563- Based on the summary of current requirements, there is a deficiency in parking spaces. However, because the shopping center has a shared parking arrangement, Staff suggests that the parking demand is less than required by the standard application of the code. A current parking inventory indicates that there is a smaller demand for parking than is required based on the City's parking standards, most probably because there is a mix of day /night and weekday /weekend tenants. in an informal review of parking requirements in surrounding communities it was found that a more global approach was used rather than re- evaluating every change of use as they occur. In accordance with City Code Section 129 -323, Staff recommends that the Planning Commission apply a standard of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet, less 10 percent for unusable and /or common space, to the Stonegate Shopping Center subject to conditions outlined in the planning report. Ward wanted clarification of the purpose of the request. Trapp indicated that the current code doesn't allow for the proposed use based on standard application of the parking requirements. There is no change to the site. Goode informed the commission that he is a board member of WeCAN, another tenant in the shopping center. WeCAN is contemplating expansion of services and could very well see more intensive use of the parking lot. He is not opposed to the new tenant; he just wanted to clarify the future WeCAN plans. Salazar gave an overview for understanding. He sees no reason it shouldn't be approved. It's good for the City. Ward reminded the commission that the City is reserving the right to re- evaluate in the future. Linkert also felt it was a good thing. He asked Pastor Berg if there was any intention to use street parking on Elm Road. Jeremy Berg, Pastor of MainStreet Covenant Church, said there was no plan to park on Elm Road. MOTION by Linkert, second by Bergquist, to approve the Parking determination with conditions as recommended by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. Retterath commented that he would support a general relaxing of the parking requirements across the board. -564- D. Review of Conditional Use Permit Amendment — Sojourn Adult Day Services — 5200 Maywood Road Smith indicated that the request for amendment of the CUP is as a result of expansion of the number of clients serviced. This expansion triggers an increased parking requirement. Staff recommends approval of the request. They are a great asset to the community. The use is appropriate for the zoning district. Staff recommends approval with listed conditions. Tom Penn, Sojourn Adult Day Services, thanked the commission for their support. He stated that demand for services is continuing to grow. Smith inquired as to the expected increase in vehicle trips. Penn thought there would be 1 more staff car on site. The number of added trips are determined by the Metro Mobility schedule; probably 1 -2 more in both the am and pm. As noted in the Staff report, the increased parking demand can be handled through the shared parking agreement with St. John's Church. Linkert thought the City should consider use of interim use permits in the future. MOTION by Bergquist, second by Salazar, to approve the submitted CUP amendment on behalf of Sojourn Adult Day Service subject to the recommended conditions. MOTION carried unanimously. E. Review of Conditional Use Permit/ PDA -CUP Amendment for Outdoor garden center areas — 2131 Commerce Boulevard The applicant is requesting review and approval of an amendment to the PDA -CUP for Mound Marketplace to have seasonal, temporary outdoor accessory sales areas in the shopping center for the spring, summer and fall seasons along with evergreen tree sales. The size and configuration of the garden center will change for the different seasons and will be reduced in size as products are sold. Because it is proposed to incorporate temporary, seasonal outdoor sales areas on the site, the conditional use permit needs to be reviewed and approved. Smith reviewed the discussion points #1 -9 outlined in the planning report. She also added that discussions have occurred with Fire and Police with satisfactory results. Linkert asked how this would affect the Pond arena parking. Smith said that all parties within 350 feet will be notified of the plans. Also, spring will be the largest use of the area, which isn't the big season for The Pond. There was no feedback from the neighborhood notifications. Linkert asked about the success of the 2012 season. Smith replied that the space appeared orderly, pleasing to the eye, access was maintained, traffic and pedestrians were accommodated well, and approvals for signage were secured. Good experience. -565- Penner asked if the ECFE sale in the spring was considered. Some parking will be taken out in stages during the year. Temporary fencing was used in 2012. It would be important to re- evaluate the materials used so it's safe and visually pleasing. Bob Boese, Jubilee Foods, said that 2013 will be a test year. 1) Johnny brings expertise; 2) exposure is better and parking is better than it was at John's Variety; 3) the townhome association liked looking at the color from their vantage point; 4) The ECFE sale at the Pond Arena will most likely be moved to Thaler Arena this year, and maybe in futureyears. Smith asked how the Pond Arena felt about the rerouting of traffic through their parking area. Boese said that he met with Bruce and it was fine with them. Salazar saw the fall display and, as a citizen, thought it looked nice. Mound Marketplace is the only shopping center he knows of that didn't have a greenhouse. Ward asked how the electric, water and drainage were being addressed. Boese said that power, water and phone lines were put in when the building was constructed. They utilize a wireless register system that was used with the tree sales. Personnel coverage will be scheduled from 8 am to 8 pm. Temporary fencing will be easily moved as needs change and will display well. Smith and Trapp discussed the visual / material aspects of the fencing. Ward asked about moving the plants to the customers' cars. Boese said that they've considered special parking spaces for loading instead of the liability of carts. Retterath reminded the commission that the drive through is private property. He doesn't see an issue. He thought that Boese should consider fencing with sleeves into the ground. Trailer will be temporary; not a permanent kiosk. It is a good use of idle parking area on that side of the building. Boese said they will be using "road closed" signs at each end of the area to increase visual recognition for drivers. Various options were discussed regarding emergency and delivery vehicle access. Trapp thought it would be a good idea to allow administrative approval of the use of carts, if their plans change, without another CUP amendment. There was a question about lighting and the location of the trailer. Boese would love prior approval of carts. Lighting will not be an issue until after 10 pm. String lights would be used in fall and Christmas tree season. The trailer will be located close to the building. -566- Linkert asked if with this CUP amendment he is locked into the site plans as presented. Trapp said that, if there are significant changes, a new approval would be required. Staff suggested two additional conditions to those already listed in the planning report. 14. Carts shall be allowed within the accessory outdoor retail use area pending administrative approval of City Staff. 15. A signed loading area for customer vehicles be allowed within or immediately adjacent to the accessory outdoor retail sales area MOTION by Goode, second by Salazar, to recommend approval of the CUP amendment with conditions as recommended by Staff and the additional #14 and 15 as proposed by Staff. MOTION carried unanimously. F. Review of HC Conservation /non- conservation determination for tax forfeit parcels Smith gave background information regarding the process of tax forfeit reclassification. Re: 13- 117 -24 -21 -0080 Staff recommends this parcel to be classified as non conservation and conveyed to the City. It would be retained for public purposes (wetlands). The City Attorney feels this is the best way to go. However, it may fall under the purview of MS 282.018 requiring legislative committee approval of special legislation, if it has 150 feet or more of Lakeshore. Staff has not determined yet the width of Lakeshore as it would depend on the location of the ordinary high water level. If it could not be conveyed to the City, it could be sold to the City by Hennepin County. The market value is $100. Staff recommends that it be retained by a governmental unit in order to protect the wetland. It would be included in shoreline count for dock program. Re: 23- 117 -24 -42 -0079 Staff recommends this parcel to be classified as non conservation, combined with parcel 23- 117 -24 -42 -0086 to the east and released for public auction with the City resolution to include mention that development of the property will require approval from the City of Mound because of non conformities. Staff is recommending that it be combined as this parcel is undersized for development. Further conversations with Hennepin County indicated that the complicated land use process was not likely to entice a buyer and they recommended offering to the adjacent property owner. Re: 24- 117 -24 -11 -0025 (4807 Longford Road) Staff recommends this parcel be classified as non conservation and released for public auction. Staff notes that the City resolution should include mention that the future buyer be made aware that the City intends to reassess $22K in special assessments as allowed by statutes. Parcel is zoned R2 and appears to meet lot size requirements. -567- Linkert was very frustrated that we didn't know about the 0079 property when we were dealing with the subdivision of the Anderson property. He suggested this might be a place where the Economic Development Authority would be appropriate. Salazar reminded him that a large checkbook would need to be available along with the EDA. The current council does not think that way. It's very conservative and leaves projects such as this to private development. MOTION by Ward, second by Salazar, to recommend classifying parcel 13- 117 -24 -21 -0080 as non - conservation and conveyed to the city with knowledge that it may require legislative action. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Salazar, to recommend classifying parcel 23- 117 -24 -42 -0079 as non- conservation and offered to adjacent property owner. MOTION carried. Voting for: Ward, Bergquist, Gawtry, Goode, Linkert, Penner, and Salazar. Voting against: Retterath Retterath believes it should be put up for public auction for greater competition since the adjacent property owners would have the ability to purchase it as part of the public auction MOTION by Ward, second by Gawtry, to recommend classifying parcel 24- 117 -24 -11 -0025 as non - conservation and released for public auction with notification to the buyer that the City intends to reassess. MOTION carried unanimously. OLD /NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2013 MOTION by Salazar, second by Penner, to nominate Stephen Ward for Chairman, MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Salazar, to nominate Cynthia Penner for Vice Chairman, MOTION carried unanimously. Ward likes Penner's addition to the Commission and perspective on things. She brings diversity to the commission and he would like to see that perspective remain in place and take a leadership position. Salazar remarked that this is likely his last meeting. The new Councilmember will be the liaison. He stated that It's been a pleasure serving with the commissioners. Ward thanked Salazar for his service. .: B. Staff /Council Liaison Updates Salazar — Today was last day to apply for the City Council position; the next heroin informational meeting is February 21't at the Gillespie Center. C. Discussion of rescheduling the February 5, 2013 meeting Smith indicated there were no cases in the cue for the next meeting. The joint meeting is already scheduled in February. MOTION by Ward, second by Salazar, to cancel the February 5th meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Penner, to schedule a meeting for February 19th, if needed. MOTION carried unanimously. Linkert wanted to make everyone aware of the Moonlight Trail Night on January 26th as well as the MCWD public meeting regarding the trail connection through Six Mile Marsh. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ward, second by Linkert, to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jill Norlander -569- Harbor Wine & Spirits February 2013 Date Weather Cust 13 Cust 12 Variance 2013 2012 Difference +/- Cash =/- 2/1/2013 sun -13 509 2/2/2013 sun 0 625 2/3/2013 superbowl 2/4/2013 snow teens 226 2/5/2013 pt sun 12 279 2/6/2013 pt sun 28 205 2/7/2013 ovrest 20s 262 2/8/2013 sun 28 482 2/9/2013 cldy 32 554 2/10/2013 2/11/2013 ovrest 30 236 2/12/2013 sun 35ansl 448 2/13/2013 pt sun 36 250 2/14/2013 pt sun 326 2/15/2013 sun 11 441 2/16/2013 sun teens 547 2/17/2013 2118/2013 sun 20 235 2/19/2013 sun wnd 0 273 2/20/2013 ptcidy 0 234 2/21/2013 ovrest 15 286 2/22/2013 snow 25 532 2/23/2013 pt sun 35 549 2/24/2013 2/25/2013 pt sun 30 254 2/26/2013 cldy 30 300 2/27/2013 pt sun 30s 262 2128/2013 cidy 25 299 02/29/2013 Totals 8614 229 253 479 617 182 233 208 240 522 438 221 350 219 230 473 504 219 256 230 271 494 508 243 267 247 8133 280 372 -479 -391 279 23 29 274 314 -522 -202 448 29 -24 222 317 -473 -269 273 15 30 302 278 -494 -254 300 19 32 -247 481 -570- 12047.74 4415.71 16691.53 494165 11747.44 4638.25 15602.91 5512.54 0 3810.56 2995.47 4927.71 4198.73 10868.91 3993.73 15788.59 4604.85 12476.7 4213.09 10472.44 14398.06 0 5132.09 3788.3 7442.84 7673.13 10540.04 4082.21 13085.72 4987.32 10546.11 5019.97 11985.56 5277.45 0 4188.3 3948.31 5861.51 5498.35 12738.1 4264.75 14231.89 6486.13 12946.79 5523.05 1264933 6371.6 0 5370.78 4690.35 6743.32 5819.87 5191.25 200423.6 180009.4 �- COD(. t , 7632.03 -3.7E 11747.88 -3.5E - 11747.44 - 10964.66 -10.91 5512.54 0.0: 815.09 728.98 C 6875.18 -1; 11183.74 -0.1 - 12476.7 - 6259.35 -0.01 14398.06 0.4; 1343.79 0.47 - 230.29 -9.37 6457.83 0.0� 8098.4 -3.02 - 10546.11 - 6965.59 3.9E 5277.45 -2.61 239.99 2.7£ 363.16 C 8473.35 -9.94 7745.76 -1.64 - 12946.79 - 7126.28 10.9E 6371.6 4.09 680.43 -1.5 2 923.45 - 5191.25 0 20414.25 `r -38.6E Fire Commission Meeting Wednesday February 27, 2013 11:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m. 1. General Information and Updates 2013 Fire Commission meeting schedule . 2013 Fire Commission Members Contact Information e 2012 Department and Staff Response Activity a Recap of recent Emergency Response Incidents 2. Hot Topics and Fire Chiefs 2013 Priority Projects • Fire Chief Priority Projects and Status Review • 2013 Organizational Structure Firefighter and Staffing Plan • St. Bonifacius Automatic Aid — Project Overview and Update • MVFD Relief Association Bylaws — "Return to Service" Provision • Changing MFD Response Protocols and Duty Officer Program 3. Financial and Budgets e 2012 Budget vs. Expenditures (DRAFT not audited) ® 2012 Year End Fire Fund Balance — Apparatus Replacement Fund • 2013 (and beyond) Capital Equipment Plan and Purchases 4. Other NEWS and Follow up ® Coming Soon! 2012 Mound Fire Department Annual Report 5. Adjourn -571- ml 1•I- Fire Commission Meetings 2013 Schedule Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. -572 - jAadmin \calendar\2013 calendars\2013 fire commission.docx Mound Fire Dept Greg Pederson - Fire Chief 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 952- 472 -3555 Station 952- 472 -3533 - Direct 952- 472- 3775 -Fax City of Spring Park Dan Tolsma 4349 Warren Ave Spring Park, MN 55384 952- 471 -9051 - City Hall 952 -471- 9160 -Fax City of Minnetonka Beach Suzanne Griffin - City Administrator 2945 Westwood Rd Minnetonka Beach, MN 55361 952- 471 -8878 - City Hall 952- 471 - 7416 -Fax City of Minnetrista Mike Funk - City Administrator 7701 County Rd 110 W Minnetrista, MN 55364 952- 446 -1660 City Hall 952- 446 - 1311 -Fax mfunk City of Shorewood Bill Joynes - Intermin City Admin. 5775 Country Club Road Shorewood, MN 55331 952- 474 -3236 - City Hall 952- 960 -7905 - Direct 952- 474- 0128 -Fax biovnes Mound Fire Department 2013 Fire Commission Representatives pft V%Vml tnv Kandis Hanson - City Manager 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 952- 472 -0609 - Direct 952 -472- 0620 -Fax Gary Hughes - Council Member 4349 Warren Ave Spring Park, MN 55384 612 - 889 -5706 -Cell k lakesidemedia Mike Taylor - Council Member 2945 Westwood Rd Minnetonka Beach, MN 55361 952- 471 -8878 - City Hall 952- 471 -7616 - Fax Catherine Pausche - Finance Director (Alt) 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 952- 472 -0633 - Direct 952- 472 - 0620 -Fax catherinepausche Bob Christians - Council Member 7701 County Rd 110 W Minnetrista, MN 55364 952 -446- 1660 -City Hall 952- 446 - 1311 - Fax (0 1Z - Lill 0 0 %L (c) bobc @christia Larry Brown - (Alternate) 5775 Country Club Road Shorewood, MN 55331 952- 474 -3236 - City Hall 952- 960 -7913 - Direct 952- 474- 0128 -Fax -573- 1: \admin \fire Commission \2013 Fire Commission \2013 Fire Commission Member Tlroffnrslufflmll . 2012 Activity Report EMERGENCY CALLS FIRE /RESCUE CALLS 2012 IN OUR PRIMARY SERVICE AREA 538 MUTUAL AID CALLS 2012 OUT OF OUR SERVICE AREA 16 TOTAL OF ALL FIRE /RESCUE CALLS IN 2012 554 INCLUDING MUTUAL AID • FIRE /RESCUE PERSONNEL HOURS 2012 IN OUR PRIMARY 9,815 SERVICE AREA MUTUAL AID FIRE /RESCUE PERSONNEL HOURS 2012 863 FIRE /RESCUE PERSONNEL HOURS 2012 10,678 INCLUDING MUTUAL AID FIRE /RESCUE PERSONNEL HOURS IN 2012 10,678 INCLUDING MUTUAL AID MAINTENANCE HOURS IN 2012 922 TRAINING (IN HOUSE) HOURS IN 2012 2,487 TRAINING (OUTSIDE) HOURS IN 2012 604 MEETING HOURS IN 2012 1,158 PUBLIC RELATIONS / FIRE PREVENTION 626 TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR 2012 16,475 G(uw(t J: \admin \Reports - Fire Incident & Performe ZID12 Performance Reports\2012 Incident Report 3 Mound Fire Department Firefighter Hours Breakdown By City Mutual Aid Calls Mutual Hours 2,010 24 1,317 11,990 Mutual Aid 2,011 14 508 12,254 2010 6,154 2011 1,529 Mound 6,347 59.5% 6,878 58.6% Minnetrista 1,585 14.9% 2,167 18.4% Spring Park 2,045 19.2% 2,241 19.1% Minnetonka Beach 602 5.6% 407 3.5% Shorewood 94 0.9% 34 0.3% Weather /Special 0 0 19 0% Total 10,673 100% 11,746 100% Mutual Aid Calls Mutual Hours 2,010 24 1,317 11,990 Mutual Aid 2,011 14 508 12,254 9,815 100% z_,012 16 863 10,678 V (e n Oi { }�fvLteSSr r BiUYC' j rir, ) jlC.GYto S a �(->K- iii T&IVt, /I s,,u ,IJ,�S -k/ - �vi --�- k/ S. `a v-. -575 - J: \admin \History Response Data \FF Hours by City 2009 -2011 2012 6,154 62.7% 1,529 15.6% 1,611 16.4% 358 3.6% 163 1.7% 0 0% 9,815 100% z_,012 16 863 10,678 V (e n Oi { }�fvLteSSr r BiUYC' j rir, ) jlC.GYto S a �(->K- iii T&IVt, /I s,,u ,IJ,�S -k/ - �vi --�- k/ S. `a v-. -575 - J: \admin \History Response Data \FF Hours by City 2009 -2011 • y. � r �1! b 4 1 Q LO Q LO O LO Q U) m m N :V r r LEE -576- 0 0 3 a� 0 0 s s U l0 (D m f6 0 O O C C N O C i" V ca CL O) Q. m �j m m Alla. O N N w O O 0 $iEe3 p!d Eengn -577- N O N j® O .�j r O N y 1C O o O N N m O O V� N C 0 co O O N a y :J O d > m v N > O O O N �) i 6 O O N N o N S m 0 N C O O O N 0 Y t6 d D a_ Q Cl) O � O N � m m N 0 O a NN r 0 E a 6 k § 0 / k k ) ) \ ( J > _ k z / LL C IL k w ( Z 2 e K R w \ ;lI co w,,,,r = . Lo (f{ G /& » §LO c/ 2oa ) 0 § $ 3 =r�w��� %ee,o, CL C -4m c2m w (Jez�r /$ 0 / \° }� � } °. { .2 ~k§�=,e !22 /) {/ © §§0 w @±((W "oo= =0000 §!b(E§) co gpoa %I�®" ow05- ��moo, =Fo=e 2# )JAR- /W) -m -r co 11 (mp2rle4ie2ƒ ,o(eeam§= ® ® = ©` ID 00 °7 oaGm (J - - =r= rr � , (( 7f|A= \m o c o e \ - e ( _ CV (D (0 } = =m=m JJwe�r,n9=�000=c /!j=§=) M ` !)!)!|!|. ■ ■§�/ * w *�E�`wIx w 3 w ! w ) / § ) c § z 2 2 ° ± ƒ _ § 0 < °0 z 2 w z / a ) [z z § W / k / « 27/ \ m \ 1 co C\l G § $ 3 CL Lo w /$ 0 / \° }� � } °. { .2 \$\ !22 /) {/ © §§0 w @±((W §!b(E§) ow05- 1 • •' a - • Total 538 218 320 9815 Mutual Aid Breakdown By City For 2012 Greenfield 1 Call Breakdown by City for 2012 39 Loretto Independence 1 1 City #off Calls Fire Related I Rescue I # of Personnel Hrs. % of Total Mound 336 138 198 6,154 Minnetrista 76 38 38 1,529 Spring Park 95 26 69 1,611 Minnetonka Beach 22 13 9 358 Shorewood 9 3 6 163 Total 538 218 320 9815 Mutual Aid Breakdown By City For 2012 Greenfield 1 1 39 Loretto Independence 1 1 33 Maple Plain Loretto 1 1 44 Loretto Maple Plain 1 1 54 Maple Plain Minnetrista 2 2 121 St Boni Orono 5 2 3 133 Long Lake St Bonifacius 2 2 250 St. Boni Tonka Bay 1 1 87 Excelsior Wayzata 1 1 42 Wayzata Total 16 12 4 863 GRAND TOTAL 554 230 324 10678 579- I Contact Fire Chief Greg Pederson Telephone 952- 472 -3555 Fax 952- 472 -3775 Finaii Chiefl VVebsite FOR IMRAIEDIATE RELEASE February 5, 2013 MOUND EIRE DEPARTMENT BUSY WITH CALLS OVER PAST 2 f WEEKS Mound, MN, February 5, 2013— The past few weeks have been unusually busy at the Mound Fire Department. Between January 18 and February 4", the Fire Department has responded to 20 fire related calls and 24 medical related calls for a total of 44 call outs. The total man -hours for these calls was 939. When the temperature drops into subzero ranges, we receive more alarm tails than usual, medical calls increase, and fires are more frequent. Below is an overview of some notable incidents. Notable Events: 1-18-2013: MFD responded to an ice rescue in the channel between Priest Bay and Halstead Bay located in Minnetrista at 17:10 hours. 20 Mound Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle though the ice with an infant trapped in the sinking vehicle. Firefighter's wearing ice rescue suits went under the water and freed the infant from the vehicle within 15 minutes of the 9 -1 -1 call time. The infant was transferred into a Ridgeview Ambulance within 16 minutes of the 9 -1 -1 call out time and immediately transported to Waconia Ridgeview Hospital. Three Mound firefighters rode with the ambulance to provide patient care assistance. 1 -30 -2013: MFD responded to an apartment fire at Bayview Apartments located in Spring Park at 18:50 hours. Upon arrival firefighters found smoke in the hallways. Further investigation found a resident had left a hot pad on the stove, and it had started on fire. It was fortunate for the other residents that the owner returned home and was able to extinguish the flame. Had it been left unattended longer it could have resulted in a devastating apartment fire. There were no injuries to residents or firefighters. j:\adnnin \Public relationsipress release \nnfd news release feb 2013.doa -580- 1 -31 -2013: MFD responded to a residential structure fire on Game Farm Road in Minnetrista at 00:41 hours. Upon arrival the structure had heavy flames showing through the roof. Because this was in an area in Minnetrista without hydrants, Mound Fire called for a 2 "d alarm which started mutual aid from St Bonifacius, Excelsior, Maple Plain, Victoria and Loretto Fire Departments to provide tanker trucks with water. With temperatures in the single digits, care had to be taken to keep firefighters, firefighting equipment and hoses from freezing. The fire caused significant damage to the home; however Mound fire crews made a very effective stop and saved further damage to the home. 23 Mound firefighters responded and were on scene for 4 hours. There were no injuries to the residents or firefighters. 1 -31 -2013: A Mound firefighter was driving by Surfside Park in Mound around 06:30 hours and spotted a person attempting to flag down a vehicle for help. The Mound firefighter stopped and found a young man whose clothes were frozen to him from the chest down. The MFD firefighter loaded the patient into his vehicle (to thaw out) and called 9 -1 -1. The victim's vehicle had broken through the ice about a mile off shore near Cedar Point, and he walked approximately 1 mile across the ice in sub -zero temperatures. First responders that were called out included personnel from: Hennepin County Sheriff Water Patrol, a Ridgeview ER Doctor, Ridgeview Ambulance crew, and Mound Fire Department. A total of 17 Mound firefighters responded to the call. The male patient was checked out by Ridgview Medics and brought to the Mound Fire Department to warm up and where dry clothes were given to him. The male patient was extremely fortunate he did not suffer hyperthermia, frost bite, or death. 2 -1 -2013: MFD responded to a residential structure fire on North Arm Drive in Minnetrista at 06:19 hours. Upon arrival smoke and flames were visible on the second floor coming from windows in front of the structure. This home is located in an area of Minnetrista without hydrants so a 2"" alarm was requested by Mound Chief #1 which deployed water tanker trucks from St Bonifacius, Maple Plain, Loretto, Excelsior and Victoria fire for mutual aid. The temperature was 15 degrees below zero, making it difficult to keep the equipment from freezing up. Another challenge was the slippery conditions caused by the water freezing on contact in the area surrounding the fire apparatus and residence. Most of the damage to the residence was contained to the second floor and the exterior siding. A total of 23 Mound firefighters responded, performed an effective fire stop, and were on the scene for approximately 4 hours. Thankfully the occupants, including their pets got out of the house safely. There were no injuries to the residents or firefighters. 2 -2 -2013: The Mound Fire Department was called out by Maple Plain Fire Department for Mutual Aid to assist in fighting a large garage fire at 11:37 hours. MFD responded with an Engine Company and a 3000 Gallon Tanker Truck with crew. Once again temps were in the single digits. 13 Mound firefighters responded and were on scene for 4 hours. There were no injuries to residents or firefighters. if you would like more information, please contact Fire Chief Greg Pederson at 952 -472 -3555 or email at Chief Page 12 ME 2/27/2013 WATER INCIDENT- JANUARY 18, 2013 • MFD Response, Actions, and Outcomes • Communications En -route IC to Units • Risk Management "Risk vs. Benefit" • Involved Parties — names and ages • Other agencies and dialog, discussion. and feedback • Confidentiality issues • News and Print Media issues • Social Media B.S. • Medical update on infant child • Next Steps — CISD ? ?? 11 t r -e_ L Yu� C�� JFA yx�L ("", �Ylok 'tie4 9 -11 DISPATCH AND MFD RESPONSE • 9 -11 Call Time 17:08 0:00 • 9 -11 Call Entered 17:09 0:40 elapsed time • MFD Page Time 17:10 1:15 • Chief 1 en -route 17:11 3:55 • Chief i on scene 17:13 5:04 • MFD Utility #11 en -route 17:14 6:44 • MFD Utility #11 on scene 17:18 8:09 • Infant out of water 17:24 16:00 • Infant in Ridgeview Rig 17:24 16:31 -582- 11 -583- /A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/9/2013 Chief 1 Captain 11 Captain 14 Lieut. 11 Captain 15 Fire Marshal Captain 16 Lieut. 12 Lieut. 14 Lieut. 16 Lieut. 15 3 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Seniority List NAME START DATE EQUIP. # Yrs Svc' GREG PEDERSON 2/3/1975 18 Over 20 years 37.91 TIM PALM 5/1/1989 17 23.67 EDDIE VANECEK 11/4/1991 34 2116 DENNIS WOYTCKE 3/2/1992 24 20.83 PAUL BABB 9/13/1993 28 15 - 20 years 19.30 CHRIS POUNDER 9/13/1993 36 19.30 BOB CRAWFORD 3/21/1994 6 18.78 JASON MAAS 512/1994 32 18.66 JOHN LARSON 3/6/1995 5 17.82 RICH ROGERS 10/16/1995 19 17.21 ROGER KRYCK 12/4/1995 27 17.08 BRUCE GUSTAFSON 2/5/1996 11 16.91 MATT JAKUBIK 11/17/1997 37 15.12 TONY MYERS 5/4/1998. 33 10 - 15 years 14.66 DARREN POIKONEN 12/19/1998 30 14.03 KEVIN FLAIL 4/19/1999 7 13.70 BRIAN BERENT 4/24/2000 1 12.69 STEVEN HENKELS 9/10/2001 2 11.31 MIKE MCCARVILLE 1/6/2003 35 5 -10 years 9.99 JOSH CLEMONS 5/1012004 23 8.64 MIKE FOLEY 5/10/2004 16 8.64 PAUL JOLICOEUR 5/10/2004 39 8.64 MARK LEE 5/10/2004 40 8.64 DERAK ANDING 7/2612004 3 8.43 JASON RICE 7/26/2004 42 8.43 ANDY DRILLING 5/20/2006 25 6.61 BEN FOSTER 5/20/2006 29 6.61 BEN GOTTSCHALK 5/20/2006 26 6.61 BRYAN GORMAN 11/5/2007 21 5.16 MATT MORRIS 11/5/2007 44 5.16 JEREMY SPADER 11/5/2007 45 5.16 AARON CRANDALL 10/5/2009 8 Under 5 years 3.24 JEFF HARRISON 10/5/2009 10 3.24 SHAWN HAYES 10/5/2009 38 3.24 JEFFREY BRYCE 3/21/2011 20 1.78 :, 'Years of service is as of: 12/31/2012 J:\admin\Admin & Organization\Active Information \Seniority List - Current 13 �`I N L N 7 I-- S M d V .V O O Y 0 U Vuj i N S m N d c t L D J Q 0 o ix m h ti U d M +T N E o 0 O d O O1 V S m L N d a.. w !!r + s o 3 's C. EYS `2 o as° .o N c 4� L {{ In ® •F r-1 q N N } r4 t9 0 O F- M O� N .� N= Y N in c t o o ® N u O L N O Ol C C L ° U t L. A ® N L ~ \0 N L u' N h L = Y_ OI i `� L i N .0 LO Q ll.. W u- J M -n 7 i Y Y N d `� a .7 N p } a V In F7 o C S O J A v W 4- (.L L y Y In V m Of LO N Lo i= t L1 Ct + - to d co 06 d L .n d U N d d} v ,d' FL m U o o N O O O Y d N ® U ]L m CL m C d ~ C9 Ol } N d C �O ~ N t d o aS v N a d i u G W. J ; * U 'L N a- V ° U N L N iu- a N -585- 4 w �`I AROUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Serflorltjr List NAME START DATE EQUIP. # Yrs Svc Chief i 1 GREG PEDERSON 21311975 18 Over 20 years 37.91 Chief 2 2 JEFF ANDERSEN 9/22/1980 31 32.27 Dist. Chief 11 �,� y ,\'� 3 RICK WILLIAMS 1117/1983 22 29.15 Dist. Chief 21 �" 4 GREG PALM 2/6/1984 15 28.90 Captain 11 5 TIM PALM 5/1/1989 17 23.67 6 EDDIE VANECEK 11/4/1991 34 21.16 Captain 14 7 DENNIS WOYTCKE 3/2/1992 24 20.83 8 PAUL BABB 9/13/1993 28 15 - 20 years 19.30 9 CHRIS POUNDER 9/13/1993 36 19.30 10 BOB CRAWFORD 3/21/1994 6 18.78 11 JASON MAAS 5/2/1994 32 18.67 Lieut. 11 12 JOHN LARSON 3/6/1995 5 17.82 13 RICH ROGERS 10/16/1995 19 17.21 14 ROGER KRYCK 12/4/1995 27 17.07 15 BRUCE GUSTAFSON 2/5/1996 11 16.90 Captain 15 16 MATT JAKUBIK 11/17/1997 37 15.12 Fire Marshal 17 TONY MYERS 5/4/1998 33 10 - 15 years 14.66 18 DARREN POIKONEN 12/19/1998 30 14.03 Captain 16 19 KEVIN FLAIG 4/19/1999 7 13.70 Lieut. 12 20 BRIAN BERENT 4/24/2000 1 12.69 21 STEVEN HENKELS 9/10/2001 2 11.31 Lieut. 14 22 MIKE MCCARVILLE 1/6/2003 35 5 -10 years 9.98 23 JOSH CLEMONS 5/10/2004 23 8.64 24 MIKE FOLEY 5/10/2004 16 8.64 25 PAUL JOLICOEUR 5/10/2004 39 8.64 26 MARK LEE 5/10/2004 40 8.64 27 DERAK ANDING 7/26/2004 3 8.43 28 JASON RICE 7/26/2004 42 8.43 Lieut. 16 29 ANDY DRILLING 5/20/2006 25 6.62 Lieut. 15 30 BEN FOSTER 5/20/2006 29 6.62 31 BEN GOTTSCHALK 5/20/2006 26 6.62 32 BRYAN GORMAN 11/5/2007 21 5.15 33 MATT MORRIS 11/5/2007 44 5.15 34 JEREMY SPARER 11/5/2007 45 5.15 35 AARON CRANDALL 10/5/2009 8 Under 5 years 3.24 36 JEFF HARRISON 10/5/2009 10 3.24 37 SHAWN HAYES 10/5/2009 38 1 3.24 38 JEFFREY BRUCE 3/21/2011 20 1.78 39 NICK FARLEY 3/4/2013 Probationary 40 DANNY GRADY 3/412013 41 CHRIS HEITZ ' 3/4/2013 42 JED KOBERNUSZ 314/2013 43 AARON MORRISON 3/4/2013 44 DANIEL PATTERSON 3/4/2013 Lf -586- `Years of service is as of. 12/31/2012 J:\admiMAdmin & OrganizatioWActive lnformation \Seniority List - Current � S I do as • • N I kk N O cn O, Ln v� 'd o 4-+ 0 o '� � U U w .° -d cfj y o a�i .,5 by N ~ ° n n D v b O Cd c vi M4 Ln N tv t+ O1J Gam? �s Pc 0 -S 4-4 v � n ctj 03 � Cd �� �� lcdl 41 N y y., r o o o �'' •' -d ° ° 4 Cd -587- l6 TO: Pat Kuchera, Tele- Communicator FROM: Gregory S. Pederson, Mound Fire Chief Shane Weber, Saint Bonifacius Fire Chief SUBJECT: St. Bonifacius Fire Protection CAD Changes for Automatic Aid DATE: February 22, 2013 I have met with St. Bonifacius Fire Chief Shane Weber, and St. Bonifacius Officials regarding automatic aid to the City of St. Bonifacius. This past week the automatic aid contract has been approved by both city councils (Mound and St. Bonifacius); therefore we have agreed to proceed with the CAD programming changes for automatic aid. We will test this procedural change for 12 months and then evaluate the program. Please initiate the CAD programing changes to reflect the automatic aid to the City of St. Bonifacius as described on the attached summary. This change will initiate a dual fire department response as stated on the attached sheet. The fire department response changes as shown will be on what we consider to be the six "High Risk" CAD Event Code Types. We are requesting that these CAD programming changes are implemented and effective on March 1, 2013. Thank you for your help on this project. Best Regards, Gregory S. Pederson Fire Chief, Mound Fire Department Cc Chief Paul Falls, Minnetrista Police Brenda Fisk, St. Bonifacius City Clerk Attachment Shane Weber Fire Chief, St. Bonifacius Fire Department :: /I Saint Bonifacius Automatic Aid Project Automatic Aid Protocols with CAD Event Code Types and Response February 2013 CAD programming change details Please program CAD for Automatic Aid to be provided to Mound Fire Department for all geographical areas of St. Bonifacius as follows: 1). St. Bonifacius CAD Zones 81F010 and 81F050. 2). Six CAD event types, weekdays ONLY from 0700 hours — 1700 hours APT - Apartment Fire GARAGE — Garage Fire SCHOOL — School Fire BUS — Business Fire HOUSE — House Fire AIR — Aircraft Incident 3). Primary (initial) Automatic Aid Apparatus Response will always be an Engine and Crew as per the matrix that follows. The crew size minimum for an Engine Company will be (4) four firefighters as defined in Mound Fire Department SOP. AIR — Aircraft Incident —► Engine and Crew APT — Apartment Fire Engine and Crew BUS — Business Fire —► Engine and Crew GARAGE — Garage Fire —► Engine and Crew HOUSE — House Fire — ► Engine and Crew SCHOOL— School Fire ---Engine and Crew 4). Secondary Automatic Aid Apparatus Response will be optional and /or as needed. The secondary response will be based upon the specifics and the seriousness of the incident, safety concerns, requests for resources from incident command, and the availability of Mound fire personnel. The crew size minimums will be as defined in the Mound Fire Department SOP. AIR — Aircraft Incident --► Engine and Crew APT — Apartment Fire --e Aerial Ladder and Crew BUS — Business Fire ---p- Aerial Ladder and Crew GARAGE — Garage Fire --+ Engine and Crew HOUSE — House Fire —+ Engine and Crew SCHOOL — School Fire --*Aerial Ladder and Crew :• %5 ' Mound Fire Department Section: Revision: none Staffing & Standard Operating Procedures Performance Subject: I Number: Pages:3 Standard Response Protocol, Administrative Staffing, and Apparatus Sequence Standards — 201.02 (Minimum Staffin I. Scope This standard applies to all types of emergency and non - emergency responses that the Mound Fire Department Staff and Apparatus are dispatched. This standard applies to incidents of all sizes, including mutual aid. II. Purpose • To provide fire officers and firefighters with a guideline that defines the fire department standard response protocol. • To define staffing maximums and minimums by event type, by apparatus type, and apparatus response sequence which meet the accepted National Standards and OSHA Laws. • This standard is to be implemented with life safety as a top priority. III. Responsibilities • All firefighters are responsible for understanding and adhering to the procedure as defined in this document. • The fire officer in each apparatus is responsible for his/her crew, apparatus response sequence, and the number of personnel on the apparatus. • The senior fire officer is responsible for the overall deployment and utilization of department resources to any type of incident including staff, apparatus, utilization, and incident management. IV. General • To work in a safe manner as per the NFPA 1500 Standard for Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health program, which adopts the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134 (g) (4) including the two- in/two -out provision. (Refer to OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134 (g) (4) for detailed information). • To utilize the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard: NFPA 1720 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Department 2001 Edition as a guide for fire department operations and deployment. Standard Operating Procedure matrixes for Staffing and Apparatus Response Sequence are defined on page 2 and 3. -590- 11 MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDARD FIRE - RESCUE CALL RESPONSE PROTOCOL Standard Staffing Category Apparatus Required I Personnel Minimum 1. EMS Basic Rescue Rescue Truck 5 3 Total 1 5 1 3 II. Water Rescue Incident Rescue Truck 5 4 Utility Truck 6 4 Fire /Rescue Boat 5 4 Total r 14 1 12 III. Personal Injury Accident Rescue Truck 5 4 Engine - Pumper 5 4 Utility Truck 5 4 Total 15 12 IV. Hazardous Material Response Engine - Pumper #1 5 4 Utility Truck/Trailer 5 4 Engine - Pumper #2 5 4 Rescue Truck 4 3 —155 Total 19 V. Structure Fire - Residential Engine - Pumper #1 5 4 (Includes Mutual Aid) Engine - Pumper #2 5 4 Utility Truck 5 3 Rescue Truck 5 3 Command Officer 1 1 Total i 15 VI. Structure Fire - Commercial Engine - Pumper #1 5 4 or Residential with Aerial Ladder Aerial Ladder 4 4 Engine - Pumper #2 5 4 Utility Truck 5 3 Rescue Truck 5 3 Command Officer 1 1 Truck 25 19 VII. Other Tanker Tender 3 2 Utility Boat (Zodiac) 2 2 Command Vehicle 1 1 Duty Officer 1 1 1/10/2013 -591- EAResponse Standards and Response Times \MFD Fire - Rescue Call Response Protocol 01102013 AO C N a) C� T Q � d � ®_ U- s m C .. U- 0 ✓`1 Moo d) OMm V) OI-O M O (- MMn:t�OM O 2 N 2 T = C CL 10 0) I� OO 2 m 1+ LL O j W O O O M M O W O M O W M M M (O O M W O O CO U) a1 MD 0) 000M OOM co, U)Oo - 0 0 o0 W MM(6 MMMOOO 0, cn (0 to 0, 0 W CD I O) V co > ,0)(o U) 00 CO V to o r, W CO MO �:to. a V 0CDW O Q1 N r, O 7 r- t()CA M Lo NM -4 v N NMI- V CD . to N , O M .-- V V) fA V) V) V) V) V) CO V) V) V) V) V) V) O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 O O U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O «i000 000a000000 Lo w N U) O O O O m (N 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N r) r 0 U) 0 0 N W W O V 0000 W Nto ON to N O N M (O N I-MN W to a0 ON�M V V O W V M O Co N _O M r N r W V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) 61316- V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) V) d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O O O O V N W O O O O O O O O O O O O O to N N o 0 o U0 U) V C` U) O O O 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 N N V (D c W to (� O N U) W M W to W U) N U) V_ to O <f V W It m O:NN r- W V W W W NM V Vr NN V T !' 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L$q� 0 0§ q -� 3 / -@ m % c k « ®`. k @ § \ $ � 3 # 2 I = I | � \ ( « � ] ( �§ k {\!Z !| {/\ } /!m( k k } } ! / /g $ i -599- a 5 171911nw FIKt UtFAKTMENT 22242260 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 CODE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 101 FULL TIME SALARIES 126,990 119,732 120,764 127,513 153,775 153,775 21% 103 SALARIES, TEMP. 3,937 2,457 4,637 4,951 3,500 3,500 -29% 116 SEVERANCE 0 4,180 0 0 0 0 124 FIRE RELIEF PENSION 209,389 215,704 215,987 143,625 155,800 155,800 9% 170 OFFICERS PAY 5,600 5,900 18,250 26,700 27,200 27,200 2% 180 DRILL PAY 9,590 9,730 10,270 12,600 12,400 12,400 -2% 185 MAINTENANCE PAY 12,189 13,283 10,100 15,000 15,000 15,000 0% 190 MONTHLY SALARIES 98,933 108,716 107,177 103,000 102,000 102,000 -1% 121 FICA/PERA 28,911 28,805 30,588 32,694 - 36,361 36,361 11% 131 HOSP /DENTAL 18,593 18,269 16,602 16,224 20,165 20,165 24% 134 LIFE INS. /DISABILITY INS 614 534 565 606 735 735 21% 135 POST RETIREMENT 5,059 4,943 4,896 5,101 2,400 2,400 -53% 151 WORKERS /UNEMP COMP INS 12,104 8,892 14,130 28,130 28,130 28,130 0% 200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,068 1,992 2,096 1,800 1,800 1,800 0% 202 COPY MACHINE & FEES 458 529 974 780 840 640 9% 205 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 996 1,867 2,138 600 600 600 0% 208 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 400 1,088 328 800 800 800 0% 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 35,792 18,175 62,548 20,000 18,000 18,000 -10% 212 MOTOR FUELS 5,706 7,821 9,463 9,000 8,400 8,400 -7% 216 CLEANING SUPPLIES 170 40 0 600 600 600 0% 217 FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES 1,565 1,800 1,418 1,500 1,500 1,500 0% 219 SAFETY SUPPLIES 14,682 9,879 10,437 2,400 2,400 2,400 0% 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,960 11,962 4,164 3,600 3,600 3,600 0% 301 AUDIT /FINANCIAL 3,514 4,132 2,992 3,600 3,600 3,600 0% 305 MEDICAL SERVICES 5,457 2,084 3,663 3,000 3,000 3,000 0% 307 ADMIN SUPPORT & OVERHEAD 14,505 14,505 14,505 14,500 14,500 14,500 0% i -599- a 5 171911nw 2010 2011 2009 CODE 2013 ACTUAL 308 BUILDING /FIRE INSPECTIONS 5,296 321 TELEPHONE 4,529 322 POSTAGE 656 325 PAGERS - FIRE DEPT. 1,812 331 USE OF PERSONAL AUTO 188 350 PRINTING 195 361 GEN. LIABILITY INS. 18,784 381 ELECTRICITY 13,954 383 GAS 5,250 384 GARBAGE 1,161 401 BUILDING REPAIRS 23,989 402 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 7,622 409 OTHER EQUIP. REPAIR 37,414 412 BUILDING RENTAL 291,776 418 RENTALS /RADIO 12,403 430 MISCELLANEOUS 357 431 MEETING EXPENSES - 436 433 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,155 434 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 12,343 440 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 364 460 JANITORIAL SERVICES 2,164 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 278,796 580 FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT FUND 0 525 CAPITAL Reserve Fund 18,187 1,719 SCASA Lease ihm'12 3,600 611 2009C GO Equip Cert. Interest 7,433 31,656 2010 Tanker Pumper & 2010 Tahoe for Rescue Duty 19,800 19,800 TOTAL 1.372.444 304,255 TOTAL EXCL CAPITAL EXP /RESERVE 1.075.461 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED PROPOSED 3,315 2,584 4,750 3,000 3,000 -37% 5,647 6,422 5,100 5,400 5,400 6% 566 637 600 600 600 0% 3,713 3,655 4,800 4,800 4,800 0% 77 913 400 400 400 0% 0 0 600 600 600 0% 19,076 19,426 20,000 20,000 20,000 0% 13,640 13,853 12,000 12,000 12,000 0% 4,356 4,463 6,300 6,600 6,600 6% 884 1,165 800 800 800 0% 844 10,515 2,500 3,000 3,000 20% 3,530 1,719 3,600 3,600 3,600 0% 23,434 31,656 19,800 19,800 19,800 0% 301,549 304,255 285,000 282,940 282,940 12,592 10,365 10,200 10,200 10,200 0% 114 4,030 600 600 600 0% 525 790 360 360 360 0% 4,115 4,981 4,800 4,800 - 4,800 0% 21,226 4,246 18,000 16,800 16,800 -7% 1,114 10,428 8,400 8,400 8,400 0% 1,846 1,496 2,400 2,400 2,400 0% 0 0 6,000 2,000 2,000 -67% 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 0% 17,077 17,077 17,100 5,000 5,000 -71% 9 527 33_,2_20 33_255 33255 33 255 0% •11 1.082.461 1.76% 1.075.461 3% 12/6/2012 February 28, 2013 Mr. Steve Christopher Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 RE: Draft Appropriations and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Rules Review Comments Dear Mr, Christopher: 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: It is my understanding that the Watershed District has prepared these draft rules to meet the requirements of State Statutes. With that understanding, I've read the draft rules and the Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) which states "these proposed rules (are) for the purpose of making them as resource protective as possible without creating excessive administrative costs or placing an undue burden on those subject to them ". The draft Appropriations Rule: 2. Regulation discusses conditions under which an individual permit would not be required. The five conditions that must be met are anything but "an undue burden ". The burden would be on the homeowner to PROVE that there are no impacts to adjacent water bodies. As currently written, the required data and study would necessitate the homeowner to hire an engineer to study, write up reports, and help write the application, simply to tap the watercourse for watering of plants or lawns. Keep in mind that healthy vegetation surrounding the watercourse is a better filter than a dried up dormant vegetation belt. Therefore, there is a dual benefit from allowing this without permitting by homeowners who wish to do it. These conditions are not clear as to what is needed and I am concerned that they are much too subjective and could lead to inconsistent rulings that would end up being a disservice to individual property owners. The language of the Rule must clearly describe restrictions but equally must clearly describe exemptions in order to be good public policy. -601- _ primed an recycled Paper Prior to enacting rules that place additional burdens on homeowners, there needs to be a determination of prior historic of problems created by private homeowners using water from public water basin, wetland or protected watercourse. If there has not been problems in the past, there must be a blanket exemption for private homeowners using abutting water bodies for watering plants and lawns etc. As stated above, the process of obtaining an exemption if required at all must be clear, fair, and reasonable. If there is a history of homeowners stressing water bodies by using water for watering private residences, perhaps a much lower threshold of water use could be established, under which a blanket exemption would be granted. A homeowner could simply provide records of estimated water use during wet and dry months to determine the approximate amount of water used for lawn and plant watering. I can see no reason to report the time of day, or day of the week the water is appropriated, yet that is a requirement under the proposed language. Keep in mind that if metering of these individual watering systems is required, it will probably price most people out of the benefit. This is just one idea but it would certainly be much easier for a homeowner to provide and meet the District's "reasonableness" test. I strongly urge the District to reconsider the currently proposed conditions stated in the Appropriations Rule for private homeowners to receive an exemption for the appropriation of water from a public water body for the purpose of watering lawns and /or plants on their property. If this use is not granted a blanket exemption, then the permit process needs to be one that is more user friendly to the average homeowner and is not so burdensome as to eliminate them from continuing the practice. I was also wondering by adoption of this rule, how the MCWD avoids violation of statute 103D.515. My reading of this clearly specifies private rights to use the water for any purpose will continue to exist as it was when the watershed was established. When the watershed was created I do believe that property owners had rights to the use of the water and still do today. The proposed rules would restrict those rights in violation of this statute. I would like to have this addressed and responded to prior to adoption of any new rules. Sincerely, Mark Hanus Mayor City of Mound -602- �5J r ORCANILHD 1873 January 24, 2013 Chief Greg Pederson Mound Fire Chief 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Dear Chief Pederson, 1 On behalf of the Minnesota State Fire Department Association, I would like to commend you and your Department on a job well done involving the water rescue on Lake Minnetonka. The professionalism you demonstrated has not only been noted byyour colleagues, but also by the general public who have complimented your Department for its response during this time of tragedy. Please extend to each of your members our gratitude for their hard work and dedication to the fire service. Sincerely, Shane Schmidt MSFDA President -603 -