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2013-04-23 CC Agenda Packet
QUALITY OF WATER QUALITY OF LIFE -1127- 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard, Deephaven, MN 55391 0 Office: (952) 471 -0590 o Fax: (952) 471 -0682 6 www.minnehahacreek.org Date: April 1, 2013 The Minnehaha Creek To: Local Government Units within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Watershed District is State Review Agencies committed to a leadership From: Craig W. Dawson, Director, Aquatic Invasive Species Program, MCWD role in protecting, improving and managing Re: Draft Plan Amendment — Addition of Section 6.10, Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Management Program; 60 -Day Comment Period the surface waters and affiliated groundwater resources within the The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District welcomes public comment on a draft District, including their amendment to its Comprehensive water Resource Management Plan for aquatic invasive species (AIS) management and prevention. relationships to the ecosystems of which In 2011, after conversations with cities and other units of local government throughout the MCWD, there was general agreement that the District should be they are an integral part. the local government to take a lead role in (AIS) within its boundaries. The goal We achieve our mission of the MCWD's AIS Program would be to prevent the introduction and spread of AIS and manage existing AIS within the watershed while maintaining access to through regulation, public water bodies and preventing significant harm or changes to native capital projects, ecosystems. education, cooperative In order to enable and enhance the District's involvement in this area, the Board of Managers directed that an Aquatic Invasive Species Management Program be endeavors, and other developed and included by amendment in the District's Comprehensive Water programs based on Resource Management Plan. To ensure a transparent, inclusive process in which all viewpoints and ideas are considered, the Board appointed an AIS Plan Task sound science, Force in 2012 to develop the AIS Management Plan. Its members were drawn innovative thinking, an from residents with interests in water bodies, water - oriented businesses, outdoor recreationists, and policymaker -level representatives of key local governments. informed and engaged To provide further information and guidance to the Task Force, a Technical constituency, and the Advisory Committee also was convened. Its members largely came from the professional staffs of a variety of governmental agencies (including the MN cost effective use of DNR) and the University of Minnesota. Through nine months of hard work and public funds. the important input and leadership from the Task Force members, a consensus emerged on AIS management that has the support of all stakeholders on the Task Force. The AIS Management Plan, and the recommendations within it, is the product of that consensus. -1127- 18202 Minnetonka Boulevard, Deephaven, MN 55391 0 Office: (952) 471 -0590 o Fax: (952) 471 -0682 6 www.minnehahacreek.org The purpose of the AIS Management Plan is to guide the MCWD in the management of aquatic invasive species and, through education and awareness, prevention measures, and applied research, work with state and local partners to protect the District's water resources from this environmental threat. The AIS Management Plan is organized around three goals: Prevention, Containment of new introductions, and Control of existing populations. The emphasis of the plan is on prevention, as the costs to manage AIS after they are present are significant. The policies and goals in the District's Comprehensive Plan are designed around the ecological integrity of water resources within the District. Accordingly, the District's involvement in the long -term management (i.e., control) of AIS present would be based on the benefit to the watershed's ecological systems. Other benefits would be secondary. The Plan follows several themes to support achievement of the three major goals: • Research (basic and applied) — The District will be a ready partner for pilot projects. • Reliance on partnerships — The District is fully committed to collaboration. • Working with willing partners — The District will perform activities where local governments and other organizations are willing to invest and work with the District to implement them. • Adaptive management — The Plan provides a framework to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. • Funding for implementation — The Plan includes guiding principles for decisions on implementing activities, which will be made during the District's annual budgeting process. The Plan is not intended to be static or prescriptive. It provides a framework to address any AIS, not just a particular species. In designing management activities, the District will not supplant the work of others but will complement them and/or fill in gaps in what is being performed. The AIS Management Plan has been prepared in the official amendment format. The entire 60+ -page plan is new, and all of the text and graphics are underlined to show that they would be added as Section 6.10 of the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan. For readability, a version of the plan without such underlining is enclosed for your review. The official amendment format version and the more readable version of the AIS Management Plan are available on the District's website, www.minnehahaereek ore, or will be mailed to you upon request. The MCWD Board of Managers has authorized staff to distribute the enclosed draft plan amendment for a 60- day comment period prior to a public hearing and adoption. Please submit your continents by Monday, June 3, 2013. The public hearing must be held no sooner than 14 days after the end of the 60 -day comment period. We will notify you of the date and time of the public hearing once it is established. After responding to comments during the public comment and hearing process, and making any changes it deems necessary, the District will send the proposed amendment to the Metropolitan Council, state review agencies, and Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) for final review. BWSR has a 90 -day period to complete its final review. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the draft plan amendment, District staff will be happy to meet with you to answer questions and provide clarity on any of the contents of the amendment. Please feel free to contact MCWD AIS Program Director Craig Dawson at cdawson@minnehahacreek org or 952.406.2715. NiY� =� CITY OF MOUND REVENUE - BUDGET REPORTING MARCH 2013 25.00% FUND BUDGET MARCH 2013 REVENUE YTD REVENUE VARIANCE PERCENT RECEIVED GENERALFUND 276,184 581,574 32.20% Docks 155,597 Property Taxes 3,589,611 - - 3,589,611 0.00% Business Licenses & Permits 18,800 4,100 4,925 13,875 26.20% Non - Business Licenses & Permits 109,500 18,137 27,267 82,233 24.90% Intergovernmental 30,000 2,105 32,105 (2,105) 107.02% Charges for Services 197,116 22,431 55,861 141,255 28.34% Fines & Forfeitures 50,000 12,051 16,043 33,957 32.09% Special Assessments 10,000 - - 10,000 0.00% Street Lighting Fees 90,589 6,874 20,197 70,392 22.30% Franchise Fees 411,641 21,082 21,082 390,559 5.12% Transfers 63,515 - 7,002 56,513 11.02% Miscellaneous 133,000 1,900 104,770 28,230 78.77% TOTALS 4,703,772 88,680 289,252 4,414,520 6.16 OTHER FUNDS Area Fire Services 857,758 276,184 581,574 32.20% Docks 155,597 135,423 20,174 87.03% Transit District Maintenance 50,800 3,500 47,300 6.89% Water Utility 1,591,000 386,554 1,204,446 24.30°/ Sewer Utility 1,583,905 376,317 1,207,588 23.76% Liquor Store 2,800,000 590,849 2,209,151 21.10% Recycling Utility 225,276 45,043 180,233 19.99% Storm Water Utility 436,758 106,862 329,896 24.47% Indian Knoll Public Housing 240,300 57,765 182,535 24.04% Investments - 1,291 (1,291) nla -1129- SAFINANCE DEPT \REPORTS\2013 \REVENUES.XLS MAR CITY OF MOUND EXPENSES - BUDGET REPORTING MARCH 2013 25.00% MARCH 2013 YTD PERCENT FUND BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERALFUND Council Promotions City Manager / City Clerk Elections Finance Assessing Legal City Hall Building Computer Police Emegency Preparedness Planning & Inspections Streets Parks Cemetery Transfers Cable TV Contingency TOTALS OTHER FUNDS Area Fire Services Docks Transit District Maintenance Capital Projects MSA Construction Sealcoating TIF 1 -2 - Metroplains TIF 1 -3 - Mound Harbor Water Utility Sewer Utility Liquor Store Recycling Utility Storm Water Utility Indian Knoll Public Housing 78,715 3,639 14,239 64,476 18.09% 67,500 - - 67,500 0.00% 185,166 14,809 39,914 145,252 21.56% 1,555 - - 1,555 0.00% 350,045 23,812 63,532 286,513 18.15% 96,600 10 18 96,582 0.02% 105,500 - 2,688 102,812 2.55% 88,500 6,428 16,596 71,904 18.75% 31,848 2,238 10,892 20,956 34.20% 1,629,909 6,460 804,314 825,595 49.35% 8,150 753 1,599 6,551 19.62% 336,536 24,406 63,998 272,538 19.02% 887,094 80,987 173,748 713,346 19.59% 503,807 32,633 130,829 372,978 25.97% 11,118 - - 11,118 0.00% 396,165 28,847 86,541 309,624 21.84% 57,133 - - 57,133 0.00% 73,000 6,114 24,445 48,555 3149% 4,908,341 231,136 1,433,353 3,474,988 29.20% 1,082,461 86,453 253,829 828,632 154,724 1,729 16,977 137,747 50,800 2,573 4,956 45,844 - 131,773 94,000 (94,000) - 497 950 (950) - 6,000 6,000 (6,000) 1,756,250 116,717 542,802 1,213,448 1,811,688 157,767 474,468 1,337,220 618,116 41,033 112,421 505,695 198,581 13,967 28,874 169,707 379,408 19,651 114,780 264,628 243,600 21,831 61,069 182,531 -1130- 23.45% 10.97% 9.76% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 30.91% 26.19% 18.19% 14.54% 30.25% 25.07% S: \FINANCE DEPT\REP0RTS\2013 \EXPENSES.xIs MAR w m 0 r U O K w m f w a w N f N Q N 2 F K O O W Q gw" 'F LL N >O N F j U Z J_ 08 a' 2 Q N 6 U ci <O = N m N (O N O N M C I° O (O M V V to N O V' O V N V M O M U O W M C QN(DM< �(OM�M (OMrWvW �MM (pv�MmMN W N C V O N W N N N 1 0 W N M O W O N W LLl V M O (0 tO r � � N O O M O (O (O [0 C C m <D O C V W C h M C V N M W W O f0 G (O O C m W M W N W W f0 M r N M (O M W N r h C N W h W NON O W C r r M N N W M W O� W 0 M V Ql r T N O (O M M O i O N C N M M N N M M O i O U a W rn y N o YQ1 (¢ p o m m °o °o °o 0 0 ¢ m 0 £ rn m +-+-N N C N u U U o m c c c c c c c y. o n o N m° N E N E E E E E° E c m V E E a i i i > > >> LL �rn n 2 22 o o 2 m ' m N X 6 a s a n¢•a 2 0 N g _ >> E E E E E E E ° E w w Q u Q �� O J Q- ° O m TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmNmLL 0oom (Ia (D CD (D (D 0 0 0 Q (D (D (D (D O N M M M M N N (O (D (D fO (0 f0 (0 h r r O O N N r O O O r r M F W W W N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M C C C C C t0 fD <0 <O <0 W W W M N Z J�pA� ;7 J�O O �I"IND SS Federal Emergency Management Agency The Honorable Mark Harms Mayor, City of Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor Harms: Washington, D.C. 20472 Community: Community No.: wkp 11 70 City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota 270176 On December 31, 2005, the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided your community with Preliminary copies of the revised Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and revised Preliminary copies of the revised FIS report and FIRM on August 30, 2012 and February 28, 2013. The revised FIS report and FIRM, when finalized, will become the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community must adopt or show evidence of having in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, before the data are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to comment on the Preliminary and revised Preliminary FIS and FIRM. The 90 -day comment period will begin on April 1, 2013, and end on June 29, 2013. The review period provides your community with an opportunity to correct and add nontechnical information, such as roads (within or adjacent to the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs)), bridges, and streams, presented on the revised FIRM or in the revised FIS report. We will review all comments or changes received during this review period and incorporate them, as appropriate, before the revised FIRM and FIS report become effective. Please forward all comments to Bo Murphy, CFM, at Atkins, the designated mapping partner, either by telephone at (301) 210 -6800 ext. 4381295, by facsimile at (301) 210 -5156, or by e -mail at William .Murphy @atkinsglobal.com. -1132- If you have any questions regarding the revised FIS report or revised FIRM for your community, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange, toll free, at 1- 877 -FEMA MAP (1- 877 - 336 - 2627). Sincerely, r � . Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration cc: Community Map Repository Catherine Pausche, City Clerk, City of Mound -1133- r7q; OD O oa ti v " J W U Q v U O �O cz z W U UO as -t bt bt K � OvfNa o, tL40 a Q Qt4iH� m 4! V Q W rn � zZiz R k to WW W W ti m o� ww K 9 is 00 ui to 00 t 0�1 ®1 W Ot ® c � J o a W 0 J b d 0 e� x° � ®o I V 1` c a j m ' Z 0 0 �C6 O oa O m o� Ag �a H, IT a om r J O ob E O a�U c o e 3yty 1% O�6 �o •aa � Y .01 0 C � mow° I N v to yD p ,C ul .� O w W 1 ,nc. Pad l ®t �..._ (Pa /g OARUJ uoD Mau! ! ON NMVd AVG ONWn /a lo/d »d CM 78 �o a O 'YMPr '0410, 1\ oI a 0 Ii V E b. o n� t gom ON z J � d ° Ec T ° >aOJ. > a ° tll G.b yq �atn�o p o J m$4Tr0 � .:OT 'aa MdEEs-2. na0.0 ® c`mu _ O ,c a Q ,C X W Pad alajouc� N t0 o o ° T � Z a y C 0: J 1 MO e n1\ O O1 tai a CL o° eaAvls o, /N/ae "�. a 'B m 4! O W rn ,nc. Pad l ®t �..._ (Pa /g OARUJ uoD Mau! ! ON NMVd AVG ONWn /a lo/d »d CM 78 �o a O 'YMPr '0410, 1\ oI a 0 Ii V E b. o n� t gom ON z J � d ° Ec T ° >aOJ. > a ° tll G.b yq �atn�o p o J m$4Tr0 � .:OT 'aa MdEEs-2. na0.0 ® c`mu _ O ,c a Q ,C X W Pad alajouc� N t0 o o ° T � Z a y C 0: J 1 MO e n1\ O O1 tai a CL o° Y W .5 t o •- m VC .0 _OppW N OO O a Q 2 r% N Os ,z® e LL " oaa o mac cr m J p w rn m�aa gQ V�a�• A n 0 6 0 0 (ri N �a$ea o v N ®usE'�o W 10 N g' 6xc sa Etna .y Zo � 0 C5 & y C M r i O p a -g- g OL c O ag g$� 0 a� E •no o 0 ao c° 0.g ou n a p �V bbgb W QI NgUCbi-a- V V °c vv os $���°' ° vo 0 zl�mw N 1 • 0) Q >e 0 e go �a `a 2 Z Q� QI W Q I S w �a o cac i w Q m S� i, rm i L ,oy e' 01 �pp O Immu Wd AY& 4AM M OO snumv apO7 JO sup o c y w O V N 'a' W 0 Ev c liAO4 A G C L 9 3++ O �V O 00.00 O 03 CO a V oo�0p vLEO�� aoOOOa t`o�oZo _ c`0=.t�c"n ■ ti 6 V C x N a O ti 0 J w E® ti Y a� N o'� o q�goti �c�eg r UNIXa sts my 4.'SO l n W Cl) N N Jul g q C L3E` rC = E go 2 G O 9C c � 88 g O G C -1125- Sarah Smith From: Tony Myers (tmyers@moundfire.com) Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:41 PM To: Vicki Weber, Greg Pederson Cc: Sarah Smith Subject: RE: Supplemental Information from Ken Pittel on behalf of Bay Rental RE: CUP application I did talk to Ken in regards to the issues I had addressed about the Bay Rental project. The propane tank fill station will be removed, which takes care of that issue. I addressed the issue of access around the building with him. I told him that we would fine with his proposal as long as the trailers are kept away from the building and don't interfere with accessing any part of the building (this includes all sides and laddering the roof). IVTony Myers, CFEI Deputy Fire Marshal I Mound Fire Department 1952,472.9711 (Direct) 1952.472.3775 (Fax) tmyers@_moundfire.com -1124- Hennepin County G1S - Printable Map Parcel 23- 117 -24 -14 -0007 ID: Owner R L g R B Weber Name: Parcel 2630 Commerce Blvd Address: Mound, MN 55364 Property Commercial - Preferred Type: Home- Non - Homestead stead: Parcel 0.23 acres Area: 9,867 sq ft A -T -B: Abstract Market $117,000 Total: Tax $3,580.88 Total: (Payable: 2012) Sale $165,000 Price: Sale 06/1999 Date: Sale Code: -1123- Map Scale: V - 50 ft. Print Date: 3120/2013 rage t or t ff' 1i This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS' with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT 0 HENNEPIN COUNTY 2013 "rv!. Grear: http: / /gis.co.hennepin.mn.us /Propertylprintldefault.aspx ?C= 447202.7347500003,4975442.... 3/20/2013 3/14/2013 Please accept the following comments as they pertain to the proposed plan of Bay Rental Inc. at 2630 Commerce Blvd. 1) The proposed trailer storage on the north side of the building would make accessing the east and a portion of the north side difficult in an emergency situation (apparatus placement, ladders, etc.). If the trailer storage was to be kept as purposed and the two parking spaces were being occupied on the south side of the building (next to the propane filling station) the rear or east side of the building could not likely be accessed. 2) Although the propane refill station and propane storage tank are existing, their current location in regards to the property line should be evaluated to ensure compliance with the Minnesota State Fire Code and NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code) and also that the proper impact protection is in place. Respectfully, Tony Myers Deputy Fire Marshal Mound Fire Department -1122- At this time, the City Council public hearing date has not yet been determined but will be scheduled as soon as possible following review and recommendation from the Planning Commission. Staff also wishes to advise that additional Staff, consultant and /or agency comments and /or requests for additional information may be forthcoming as part of the application's routing process or as part of the forthcoming Planning Report preparation process. I also wanted to offer a courtesy suggestion that I'm happy to schedule a meeting with you in person to go over the proposal and information contained in this letter. Please feel free to contact me directly at (952) 472 -0604 or by email -1121- S. The Proposed Parking Exhibit is under review related to the applicable City Code provisions; also the building and fire code regulations. 6. No building/floor plan /elevation drawings were provided. As applicable, please provide any available information regarding any proposed changes for the interior and /or exterior of the building that you may be contemplating. Please advise if any fighting changes are proposed for the site. 8. How do you plan to secure the personal watercraft at night? 9. The Building Official has commented that the proposal may be a change of use to a "B" occupancy requiring permits and possible upgrades for accessibility. 10. Please provide details related to all proposed signage to be used including both permanent and temporary (i.e, type, location, size, number, etc.) 11. Staff would also respectfully suggest you review the memorandum dated 12 -17 -2012 sent to you previously and included preliminary comments about the subject property and proposed use including but not limited to, zoning, land use, permitting, etc. 12. Can you please provide information about how the personal watercraft will be fueled. 13. There may be other local or agency permitting required for the proposed project. Staff requests your response to the aforementioned questions and /or requests for information in advance of Tuesday, March 26, 2013. Assuming the information is received by the requested date, the tentative date for Planning Commission review of the CUP application is Tuesday, April 2, 2013 but is subject to change. Due to an anticipated heavy agenda for this meeting, it is possible that an additional Planning Commission meeting may be scheduled for the month of April. I would respectfully request you contact Staff at your earliest convenience to further discuss this matter. -1120- or Y A {. ■� ®®.� 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD 1 ®F M ®YN MOUND, MN 553641687 PH; (952) 472.0800 FAX: (952) 472.0620 WEB: www.cityoftmund.com Bay Rentals, Inc. Ken Pitteil, President 70 Pleasant Avenue Tonka Bay, MN 55331 RE: Determination of Completeness — Conditional Use Permit Application This letter is in regard to the supplemental materials submitted on February 27, 2013 (Certificate of Survey) and March 4, 2013 (Proposed Parking Exhibit) related to a previously submitted conditional use permit application for operation of a personal watercraft rental /retail shore on the property located at 2630 Commerce Boulevard. Based on review, the application has been deemed to be complete for review. With regard to the submitted application materials, Staff respectfully offers the following comments and /or has the following questions that have come up as part of the City's routing and review of the submitted materials: 1. No response(s) was provided to the "Effects of the Proposed Use" question on the 2nd page of the CUP application. 2. Please provide the proposed days /hours of operation for the proposed business including both weekday and weekend use. Can you also advise how many employees will be on site during regular business hours. 3. There is an existing fence on the east side of the property depicted on the survey. Please confirm whether or not the fence will be staying on the property. 4. Preliminarily, two of the more significant issues about the proposal include evaluation of the site to determine that there is adequate vehicle parking to accommodate the proposed uses and the status of the existing, gravel parking lot related to the current off - street provisions in the City Code, including, but not limited to, the need for hard surfacing, striping, setbacks, curbing, screening, etc; also adequate trailer parking and accessible parking spaces. City Code Sec. 123 -323 (e) states that uses not specifically listed on the parking table are determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. 11 -- cyodpWor #12 Fueling of PWC — Either at the gas stations or using small gas tanks as we have done in past years. I don't want to go into any problems with having a large gas tank brought in as I know this would probably be a problem I really think I will also have the propane tank taken out as I'm not interested in this at the moment but haven't given it much thought yet #13 Other local or agency permitting required — I have no idea Hopefully this answers a lot of the questions but we do need to talk about this. Talk to you tomorrow morning. Ken AeroTravel Intemational Ken Pittel, President 70 Pleasant Avenue Tonka Bay, Minnesota 55331 USA Toll Free U.S. & Canada: 1- 800 - 548 -3490 Voice: [9521474 -0366 Fax: [952] 474 -8098 E -mail: aero(ED.spacestar.net www.aerotravelinternational.com - 1118 Sarah Smith Prom: Ken Pittel [mailto:aeroCabspacestar.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:35 PM To: Sarah Smith Subject: Comments and questions Hi Sarah, I left you a message this afternoon and mentioned that yes I would like to go over this with you and get things right. So thanks for the offer and please contact me when you would be available. Below I will answer as many of the questions briefly as I can with hopes that after talking with you we can get what is needed. Here are my responses as follows: #1 Effects of Proposed Use -1 left that blank as there should not be much effect of my new use as there are boats with trailers coming into Kirby's Bait all the time already. Our trailers will basically do the same thing. #2 Days /hours of operation and employees - We will be open 7 days a week usually from mid May until mid September. 1 don't know at this time if any use would be involved for the off season and as of now I don't suspect we will be open. The times are usually from gam as Jet Skis can't be on the lake until 9:30am daily and they have to be off the lake one hour before sunset. We are sometimes there until 9pm but not if we can avoid being this late. There might be 3 to 4 employees during the weekends and less during the week. #3 Existing fence on the east side of property - No changes are expected to this or the out side of the property except cosmetic and of course future pavement with parking lines if required. We would like to make the outside look moreaike the building next door and across the street with plans unknown at the moment. #4 Significant issues - I want to do a new parking and drive lot surface as it is definitely needed as well. I'm hoping to get into the property and do this soon but later after we figure out what the drainage existing conditions are. Kirby mentions that this property has a natural flow to the building next to it and if this is hard surfaced without thought that it will be a fas, new ride for the water. There are also factors such as what he said should be a city or county flow plan that is needed to be looked at, if this is the case or not it still needs to be looked at. I'm on board with what needs to be done but as I mentioned I would like a little time leeway to get it done right. #5 Proposed Parking and fire code - I see more then enough parking room and fire code I really don't know about but don't see any additional issues. #6 Building /floor plan /elevation - I'm not changing from the existing building except cosmetically. So I thought this was just a basis CUP question which might cover new construction etc. #7 Lighting - No outside lighting id expected #8 Secure of PWC at night - Locked and insured. I have been doing this business for over 17 years in this area with the same type of outside use. I have not any had problems in the past and hopefully not in the future. I have also spoke to others who store boats and jet Skis outside such as Jet Boyz in Spring Park and he hasn't had a problem either. Locks just keep honest people from opening up places they shouldn't and if a thief wants something they will probably try and get it anyway. This is why I carry insurance and deter with the locks doing the best I can. Maybe a night light that turns on with motion and a camera or fake one works as well but only usually as a deterrence. #9 Building Official - The use of the property is basically the same use as it has been for many years except instead of selling bait I would be renting Jet Skis. Kirby is selling bait and I would get rid of the bait and sell some other things as he might or might have already or he has had in years past. #10 Signage - I really don't know yet but normal signage is expected #11 Memorandom dated 12 -17 -12 - Hopefully falling under the same type usage -1117- Sarah Smith From: Ken Pittel faero @spacestar.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:04 PM To: Sarah Smith Subject: Bay Rentals, Inc. Hi Sarah, I'm hoping that your opinion along with Kandis's opinion and comments to the Planning Commission helps us by pass the Appeal process as we were all thinking and me hoping it does. I'm hoping as we talked about that the Commission feels the same that my PWC and Kayak/Paddle Board rental business falls under the same type of use as the already "Boat and Marine Sales" business in place. I am selling Marine and Boat use but as rentals instead of ownership and therefore applying for the CUP on my future uses. I'm also hoping that these are the same people that review these topics which I understand at the moment that they are. Please let me know if any additional information is needed from me. I'm glad Tony Myers from the fire department sent you an email going over I'm sure what I talked with him about. I didn't see his email to you but he did mention he would send one to you. Thanks again for you help! Ken AeroTravel International Ken Pittel, President 70 Pleasant Avenue Tonka Bay, Minnesota 55331 USA Toll Free U.S. & Canada: 1 -800- 548 -3490 Voice: [952] 474 -0366 Fax: [952] 474 -8098 E -mail: aeroCa2soacestat.net www. aerotravel i nternational. com 1116- Sarah Smith From: Ken Pittel [aero @spacestar.net] Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:29 PM To: Sarah Smith Subject: RE: Q - number of trailers /units per narrative vs. Proposed Parking Exhibit Hi Sarah, I have the following trailers: 2 — 4 place 6 -2 place I was trying to demonstrate a possible day use if all trailers were emptied and returns all happened in a perfect world. Since I'm not sure what types of rentals I would have on any given day such as hourly, half day or full day rentals I was covering a maximum usage scenario. Most likely we would put 4 skis off a 4 place trailer and then park that trailer. Then use a 2 place or the 4 place to pick them up depending on the return times. Sometimes we would grab an empty 2 place or a couple and fill them up with skis getting them ready that would be going out of town which always is the case. Not knowing this now I gave you a 12 ski scenario but I know this seldom would happen. We never send the 4 place trailers out of town as in most summer weeks some of the skis are gone to other lakes, on the lake Minnetonka or even gone for over a week's time along with some of the extra trailers. This usually leaves us with working with 8 spots open for usually some of the spots open on the 2 four places as the skis are not around. Having the working capacity to load 8 skis with my two 4 places makes things work smoother. I wish I could be more definite but I can't predict what type of rentals will be booked. I hope I haven't confused you with this rambling but I have tried to explain this the best I can. Thanks, Ken - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Sarah Smith [mailto:sarahsmith@city fmound.com) Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3 :11 PM To: Ken Pittel Subject: Q - number of trailers /units per narrative vs. Proposed Parking Exhibit Hi Ken, Two (2), 4 -place trailers and Six (6) 2 -place trailers are shown on the Proposed Parking Exhibit and Narrative says that 12 Jet skis are generally in use during the rental season with lake use and out of town trailers. Daily operations is usually operated using two (2), 4 -place trailers and two (2), 2 -place trailers. Please confirm which is correct. Sarah Smith Community Development Director iCity of Mound 15341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 5536412 952.472,06041 A 952.472.0679 ® Sarahsmith@cityofmound.com 1-2� www.chLqfmound.com information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, may be subject to aftomey- client or work product privilege, may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected, and the unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. 1115- Sarah Smith FPOM: Ken Pittel [aero @spacestar.net] Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:36 PM To: Sarah Smith Subject: RE: Q - Bay rental Hi again, I thought of this as soon as I left the other day but thought I would answer this at the meeting when asked. Two of the employee parking spaces you mentioned might be utilized actually would be two vehicles we use for our trailers. So this reduces employee parking needs every day these two vehicles would be there. Usually attached to the two 4 place trailers. Yes, I though about this as to having the room and this has been my plan all along as I have mentioned the angling of the parked trailers for this purpose. Thanks, Ken - -- Original Message---- - From: Sarah Smith [ mailto •sarahsmith(a)citvofmound.com1 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:24 PM To: Ken Pittel Subject: Q - Bay rental Q: It is our understanding that Bay Rentals can launch the watercraft units. How is this accomplished? Is there a Bay Rental truck on site and, if so, is this included in the 3 -4 employees you previously mentioned in 3 -20 supplemental narrative. Sarah Smith community Development Director City of Mound 15341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 12 952.472,0604 1 8 952.472.0679 ® Sara hsmithColcitvofmound.com 1-,6 www.citvofmound.com information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, may be subject to attomey- client or work product privilege, may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected, and the unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. -1114- Sarah Smith From: Ken Pittel [aero @spacestacnet] Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:42 PM To: Sarah Smith Subject: RE: Office hours Hi, As I mentioned before that you can't put jet skis on the lake until 9:30am and they must be off the lake an hour before sunset as well. Ninety nine percent of the time we open at gam and try to get done before the hour before sunset. The college kids that work for me are dependent on getting down early and stress this to me all day long! I like to get done as early as possible but of course we have some rentals come back at the legal hour before sunset. Sunset is about 9pm in June and July and 8pm in August. I like to tell them they have to be back earlier then the hour before sunset for the reason just mentioned along with allowing time if they get lost. Thanks again, Ken - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Sarah Smith [ mailto :sarahsmith@citvofmound.coml Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 2:47 PM To: Ken Pittel Subject: Office hours Do you have set office /business hours? Sarah Smith Community Development Director JCity of Mound 15341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 19 952.4710604 1 8 952.472.0679 ® Sarahsmith@cityofmound.com (-'b www.citvofmound.com Information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, may be subject to attorney- client or worts product privilege, may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected, and the unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. -1113- Proposed usage plans for Bay Rentals, Inc. at 2630 Commerce Blvd., Mound, Minnesota commonly known as Kirby's Bait. Bay Rentals, Inc. will purchase this property from current owner. We would like to be part of Mound's Magic renewal of this Lake front community, bringing our customers here to enjoy all Mound has to offer. By doing so we would be providing excellent recreational opportunities to all who visit Mound. Our customers will also enjoy all other venues in the city of Mound and of course spend money at other merchants within the city. Bay Rentals rents Personal Water Craft [PWC's] also known as Jet Skis or Wave runners. Bay Rentals Rents Jet Skis with hourly, 1/Z day, full day and weekly rentals. Bay Rentals usually have 12 Jet Skis in its use during the rental season with lake use and out of town trailer away type rentals. The daily operation is usually operated using two [2] four[4] place trailers and two [2] two [2] place trailers. These trailers along with the Jet Skis will be taken to the landing and put into the lake in an orderly fashion for the daily lake rentals. Bay Rentals is a licensed Lake Service provider by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Within the inventory for the Jet Ski rental we also have additional 5 empty trailers so we can manage the position of the Jet Skis for trailer away rentals. All Jet Skis and trailers are stored in tandem type form to present a very orderly look to the operation. The Jet Skis Bay Rentals uses are new 4 Stroke environmentally clean and quite PWC. Bay Rentals uses the new 4 Stroke Personal Water craft not only for environment reasons but also because of their reliable mechanical performance. Over the 17 years of operation having new equipment reduces mechanical work needed and therefore we don't do any work other then normal maintenance to our PWC's on site. We bring any major mechanical work off site which negates any noise issues. Bay Rentals, Inc. has rented Jet Skis on Lake Minnetonka for 17 years and has been well respected by the head of the Minnesota Boat and Water Safety division along with very good references from the Water Patrol on Lake Minnetonka We are thinking of using the property for our PWC. use by tandem parking the equipment on the North side of building allowing easy access to the road [Bartlett Ave.] for transport The front or West and South sides of the existing building would be used for parking. Over the 17 years of our operation of the Jet Ski Business we usually have 5 of which have parked on location. This is a really good estimate of parking needs as although we have 12 Jet Skis to rent some are usually out of town. So we are working with a reduced fleet daily usage of Jet Skis and most of the time two to three Jet Skis come from one car arriving with our clients. Other uses of this building site would be in the concept of a Ship's Store. Providing last chance items for retail sale as people head out to the lake. Also we would like to offer the SurfRde Park users items to enhance their park experience as they use the beach and park areas. We would like to be able to rent Kayaks, the stand up surf paddle type boards as well. Basically the use for this site would be the same as it is already doing with a diffferent offering then the bait shop and of course the Jet Ski Rental operation. The Jet Ski rental operation involves paper work for rental, operational instruction which of course would be on site. The actual usage of this equipment would of course be off site as to the lake and trailer away to other lakes in the area- -1112- FED -22 -2013 11:34 GM HANK -TOFTE 218 663 7544 P.02i02 Planning Commission Case No. if aPDlb ", a dvVW0MWd sMeWfe Shd be a@achW to ft aWkabM p Mft reason" 90MOM for the complefbn of ft proposed ftValopmaC EBfandW Cwt of 11" P(O ect $ "fwt Appocanft Nate jfnc s cdua �,w�ar• Plot k A— if;'r3 Dgte . -z-rg -/3 Daft MT114-rn L71 ii r. 00 TOTAL P.02 -1111- FES -22 -2013 1134 GM BANK —TOFTE ', i S t X777T =MM Planning Comm Case Ila. 216 663,8 44 P.01i02 �2 cwdmmw Um Pemdt into M29=2) PvQm 4 of 6 -1110- ! 0 N. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control are in effect; also others including but not limited to, stormwater and shoreline alteration. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as rules regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant will be responsible for contacting the MCWD related to the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed in the event of any future building or site alteration project (ie. parking lot improvement, etc.) As applicable, any future building permit (or related permit) will be conditioned upon the applicant providing receipt of the MCWD permit(s) issuance, as applicable, and or receipt of written confirmation from the MCWD that no permit(s) is needed for the project. O. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: (to be inserted) This conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. Cb The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow. The business use may not commence until a recorded copy of the resolution has been provided or received by the City. In recommending approval of the CUP, Staff offers the following findings: 1. The criteria in Sec. 129 -38 (a) are met. 2. There is adequate parking on the site to accommodate the proposed seasonal use. 3. There is also parking opportunities in Surfside Park. -1109- B. The existing parking lot shall be hard surfaced in accordance with the City Code within 1 year from the City's approval of the CUP and shall include all applicable requirements related to striping, curbing, fencing, etc. At the time the parking lot is hard surfaced, a landscaping plan, shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by Staff. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required permitting related to the parking lot improvement project. C. Required off - street spaces must be reserved for vehicle use and shall not be used for open storage of goods or equipment. D. The use shall be limited to two, 4 -place trailers and units and six 2 -place trailers and units. Hours shall be 9AM to one hour past sunset. E. Staff for the facility shall be limited to no more than (4) personnel on site at a time. The City reserves the right to require future evaluation of the site related to the proposed personal watercraft rental use, if needed, in the event parking becomes a problem, which may include review and processing of a CUP amendment, if deemed appropriate. G. Determination of whether an accessible parking stall is needed to be determined by the Building Official which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. H. A sign permit is required for all future signage that is installed, erected, relocated, modified, altered, or changed on the site. All signage shall conform to Sec. 119. The applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit or related applications, when appropriate. K. Applicant is responsible for obtaining a Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) determination from the MCES and payment thereof, which shall be provided in written form. L. The applicant shall be responsible for contacting the Public Works Director in advance of undertaking any construction activities on the site with regard to required permitting to include any and /or all required conditions. M. Payment of all fees associated with review of the applicant's proposal. In 1: d. Sec. 129 -323 states that no off - street parking area containing more than four (4) spaces shall be located closer than (5) feet from an adjacent lot zoned or used for residential purposes. There is also a requirement requiring fencing for parking lots exceeding 6 spaces that are adjacent to a residential district. e. Sec. 129.323 (b) (2) allows required off - street parking spaces (or portions thereof) to be provided elsewhere than on the principal lot subject to conditions. Parking spaces must be located within 800 FT of a main entrance for the principal building. If parking spaces are to be located elsewhere than on the lot in which the principal use served is located, they shall be in the same ownership or control, either by deed or longterm lease, as the property occupied by such principal use, and the owner of the principal use shall file a recordable document with the City Council requiring the owner and his /her owners and assigns to maintain the required number of off - street spaces during the existence of the principal use. The Proposed Parking Exhibit shows (8) parking spaces on the site. With respect to the required number of parking stalls for the business based on the proposed use for the site, please see below information provided by the applicant: 3 -4 employees on site during the week (per applicant) 5 -6 guest spaces (per applicant) Preliminarily, Staff finds the (8) on -site parking spaces to be reasonable on the basis that the business operates on a set schedule for unit pick -up and launching. However, as part of the meeting, Staff would like to review and discuss in cooperation with the applicant whether the proposed parking plan could be modified to gain more spaces. Additionally, improvement of the parking lot to current standards, which the applicant has commented that he would be agreeable, to within an established timeframe (ie. 1- year). Per discussion with Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson, it is likely that additional spaces could be provided when the parking lot would be redesigned /resurfaced. Staff will also provide additional comment following research related to parking evaluation and determination as this is a unique, seasonal operation. Additional discussion about unit return would be helpful so as to ensure that the site does not become overburdened when units are returned. -1107- 6. There is no front setback requirement in the B -1 District. Side and rear setback(s) in the B -1 zoning district (if abutting a residential district) are the same as the B -2 setback requirements. The subject site abuts a residential district on the east side therefore a 50 FT setback is required in this location. Setbacks for the existing building are not affected by the proposal. 8. Minimum lot size in the B -1 District is 7500 SF. According to the Certificate of Survey dated 1 -27 -1013 from Otto & Associates. The lot exceeds the 7500 SF minimum lot size. 9, impervious surfaces / hardcover in business zoning districts cannot exceed 75% of the total lot area per the City's shoreland regulations. Based on information provided on the hardcover calculation sheet, the site is slightly over 81% which exceeds the 75% allowance but is deemed to bean existing condition. The applicant has not proposed an increase in the amount of hardcover on the site. 10. No variance or conditional use permits were located in the City's files for the subject property. 12. Please see previous comments from Building Official Scott Qualle regarding occupancy /change of use on Page 4 of this report. Applicant is also advised that in the event future building interior or exterior modifications are contemplated, plans for commercial buildings are required to be prepared by a professional architect. 15. Members are advised that there are specific regulations in the LMCD Code regarding watercraft rental operations. It is also important to note that there are specific regulations for personal water craft use on Lake Minnetonka, including hours of operation. Applicant is reminded there are on- street parking regulations as well parking regulations at Surfside Park. 16. Off- Street Parking a. The off - street parking space requirements are contained in Sec. 123 -323 (e) and states that uses not specifically listed on the parking table are determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. b. Parking spaces are required to be 9 ft x 18 ft; driveway access must be a minimum of 24 FT. ADA accessible spaces, per zoning code, are to be constructed pursuant to state law with stalls not less than 10'x 20'. Accessible parking stall requirements and design are determined by the Building Official in accordance with the applicable building code(s.) C. Parking lots and access drives are required to be paved with concrete or bituminous surface with proper drainage and concrete curb. Portions of the existing parking areas are not hard surfaced. Refer to Certificate of Survey. -1106- Hennepin County Transportation Department —Carla Steuve No comments regarding the CUP. (Note: per information provided by the applicant no access change is contemplated). INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION 1. Based on review of property file information, the site /building has been used as a bait store since the late 1970s. Prior uses included a ice cream shop following construction of a Tastee Freeze in approximately 1967. Prior to the Tastee Freeze building, previous activities on the site included a grocery /superette and drive in. 2. As stated previously, the proposed personal watercraft and canoe rental and canoe business is not listed as either a permitted /conditional /accessory use in the B -1 district, Therefore, Mr. Pittel submitted a request for interpretation of the proposed use as provided in Sec. 129-21 (Appeals to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals) for a determination by the Planning Commission and City Council whether the proposed personal watercraft and rental business could be included in this category and therefore allowed by conditional use. Staff's position is that the proposed use is similar to that of boat sales. Retail is a permitted use in the B -1 District. 3. Refer to Proposed Parking Exhibit which shows the proposed exterior location for storage of the personal watercraft units and trailers for the business. The applicant has indicated that customers would be able to come to Bay Rentals and take a personal watercraft unit off site to a lake of their choice. Also, customers would be able to make arrangements to have Bay Rentals deliver and launch the watercraft in the lake. It is important to mention that Bay Rentals, which has been in operation for 17 years, and has in the past, and would continue to use the public access at Surfside Park for watercraft launch /retrieval. According to the applicant, Bay Rentals would be open 7 days a week usually from mid -May until mid - September. There would likely be 3 -4 employees on site during the weekend and less during the week. Typical hours would be 9AM to approximately sunset. See emails dated 3 -29 regarding hours of operation and unit /trailer parking. In general, no building or site modifications are contemplated; however, the existing propane tank and vending machine would be removed. During the off- season, the applicant would have the units shrink wrapped, covered and neatly stored alongside the building. Empty trailers could be stacked to condense space. 4. The subject property at 2630 Commerce Boulevard is zoned B -1 Central Business District. The adjacent zoning classifications of the subject property are described as follows: East : West: North: South: 5. The permitted/ Sec. 129 -135. R -1 residential B -1 commercial B -1 commercial and R -2 residential (vacant) B -1 commercial conditional /accessory uses for the B -1 Zoning District are outlined in -1105- (4) Increasing the street width. (5) Increasing the number of required off - street parking spaces. (6) Limiting the number, size, location or lighting of signs. (7) Requiring diking, fencing, screening, landscaping or other facilities to protect adjacent or nearby property. (8) Designating sites for open space. Any change involving structural alterations, enlargement, intensification of use, or similar change not specifically permitted by the conditional use permit issued shall require an amended conditional use permit and all procedures shall apply as if a new permit were being issued. The planning staff shall maintain a record of all conditional use permits issued including information on the use, location, and conditions imposed by the City Council; time limits, review dates, and such other information as may be appropriate. 60 -DAY PROCESS The CUP application was deemed to be "complete" for review on February 27, 2013. The Board of Appeals and Adjustment Request was deemed complete for review on March 27, 2013. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 60 -day rule. CITY DEPARTMENT/ CONSULTANT /AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the request and all supporting materials were forwarded to all applicable City departments /consultants /agencies for review and comment. Comments are summarized below: Public Works Superintendent — Ray Hanson I have no comments at this time. Orono Police Department — Chief Correy Farniok Only concern is for adequate parking. Mound Fire Department — Deputy Fire Marshal Tony Meyer See attached memorandum dated 3 -14 -2013 and supplemental email from Deputy Fire Marshal Tony Meyer dated 3 -26 -2013. Building Official — Scott Qualie Building Official Scott Qualle commented that this may be a change of use to a "B" occupancy requiring permits and possible upgrades for accessibility otherwise no comments or concerns. -1104- (3) Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. (4) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide sufficient off - street parking and loading space to serve the proposed use. (5) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration, so that none of these will constitute a nuisance, and to control lighted signs and other lights in such a manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result. (6) The use, in the opinion of the City Council, is reasonably related to the overall needs of the city and to the existing land use. (7) The use is consistent with the purposes of this chapter and the purposes of the zoning district in which the applicant intends to locate the proposed use. (8) The use is not in conflict with the policy plan of the city. (9) The use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion. (10) Existing adjacent uses will not be adversely affected because of curtailment of customer trade brought about by the intrusion of noise, glare or general unsightliness. (11) The developer shall submit a time schedule for completion of the project. (12) The developer shall provide proof of ownership of the property to the zoning officer. (13) All property taxes, special assessments, municipal utility fees, including, but not limited to, water and sewer bills, and penalties and interest thereon have been paid for the property for which the permit has been submitted. (b) Additional conditions. In permitting a new conditional use or the alteration of an existing conditional use, the City Council may impose, in addition to those standards and requirements expressly specified by this chapter, additional conditions which the City Council considers necessary to protect the best interest of the surrounding area or the community as a whole. The conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) Increasing the required lot size or yard dimension. (2) Limiting the height, size or location of buildings. (3) Controlling the location and number of vehicle access points. -1103- (b) The board of adjustment and appeals shall act upon all questions as they may arise in the administration of this chapter, including the interpretation of zoning maps, and it shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement decision, or determination made by an administrative official charged with enforcing the chapter. Such appeal may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board or bureau of a town, municipality, county or state. (c) The conditions for the issuance of a variance are as indicated in section 129 -39. No use variances (a use different from that permitted in the district) shall be issued by the board of adjustment and appeals. (d) Hearings of the board of adjustment and appeals shall be held within such time and upon such notice to interested parties as is provided in its adopted rules for the transaction of its business. The board shall, within a reasonable time, make its order deciding the matter and shall serve a copy of such order upon the appellant or petitioner by mail. Any party may appear at the hearing in person or by agent or attorney. (e) The board of adjustment and appeals may reverse or affirm wholly or partly or modify the order, requirement, decision, or determination as in its opinion ought to be made to the premises and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal was taken and may issue or direct the issuance of a permit. The reasons for the board's decision shall be stated. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Procedure. Sec. 129.38 requires that all requests for conditional use permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission and also requires that a public hearing be held by the City Council. Procedurally, state statute requires that the planning agency and /or governing body must hold a public hearing on all requests for conditional use permits. As of this date, no City Council public hearing date has been scheduled. Sec. 129-38. Conditional use permits. (a) Criteria. A conditional use permit is required for conditional uses. In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council shall consider the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safety, morals and general welfare of occupants of surrounding lands. Among other things, the City Council may make the following findings where applicable: (1) The conditional use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the immediate vicinity. (2) The establishment of the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property for uses predominant in the area. -1102- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 25, 2013 SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment and Appeals and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Requests PLANNING CASE NO: 13 -09 APPLICANT: Ken Pittel, Bay Rentals, Inc OWNER: R L & R B Weber TAXPAYER: Kirby J Ellingson LOCATION: 2630 Commerce Boulevard ZONING: B -1 Central Business District COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Linear District SUMMARY The Planning Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 129 -32 (Appeals to the board of adjustment and appeals), will review and make a recommendation that a personal watercraft and canoe rental business proposed to be operated by Ken Pittel of Bay Rentals, Inc. at 2630 Commerce Boulevard is consistent with the "Boat and Marine Sales" use category per Sec. 129- 135. which is currently allowed by conditional use. Watercraft rental is not listed as a permitted, conditional, or accessory use in the B -1 District. The Planning Commission will also review the request from Mr. Pittel for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a personal watercraft rental business on the 2630 Commerce Boulevard property. Canoe rental would be also offered and would be stored inside the building. The building would serve as the office for the rental operations but would also offer convenience retail, sundry and possibly some pre - packaged foods /snacks as a compliment to the business. The upper floor would be used for storage. Retail use is a permitted use in the B -1 District. Details and background regarding the request are contained in the application and submitted support materials which have been provided by the applicant. APPEALS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS As the request involves an interpretation of the City Code, it is being reviewed in accordance with'the provisions of Sec. 129 -32 (Appeals to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals). According to City Code Section 129 -32, the Board of Adjustment and Appeals is the City Council. Prior to review and action by the City Council, review by the Planning Commission is required. Below are the applicable excerpts from Sec. 129 -32: sec. 529 -32. Appeals to the board of adjustment and appeals. (a) The board of appeals and adjustments shall be the City Council. The Planning Commission shall hear and advise the City Council of its findings and determinations. -1101- Goode asked about access issues because of the ground "tilt" and what the recommended timeframe is for the installation of blacktop. Smith indicated 18 months was considered reasonable. No proposed change in access with Hennepin County. Goode asked what the use at Surfside Park. Will there be trailers parked at Surfside? Smith said "yes" as it's a public access with public parking. Ken Pittel, 70 Pleasant Ave, Tonka Bay, has been operating Bay Rentals, Inc. for 17 years. They've operated at Surfside Park for 17 years. They give complete training. The Water Patrol has commented that their clients are well trained. No trailer storage in Surfside is anticipated. They arrange for return times so inspections can be made before they're sent out again. Bergquist asked where the PWC would be maintained. Pittel said he buys the Yamaha because they're reliable and he replaces them frequently. Oil changes may be done on site. Any major repairs are done off site. Rental office is in the ka ding. Goode asked about the time frame of paving. Pigeflaid it's`` p issue that he wants to address. He wants to see how the water flows AN w *pave hin a reasonable amount of V n. time; September of 2014? Smith clari e operty owner would need to bring an engineered plan for staff to review. Pitteldild at whatever needs to be done will be done. Wegscheid asked about i g 0 .nto Bartlett and making a left turn onto Commerce. Pittel said 4 place tradetare more 4neuverable than a 2 place trailer in getting straight. Bergquist asked about seculfy Pittel said they haven't had any issues. The trailers will be locked and will be insured. Cameras and lights are an option that will be considered. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Penner, to qualify the watercraft rental use to be consistent with "Boat and Marine Sales" category in City Code Section 129 -21. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Gawtry, recommending approval of the CUP with conditions and amending condition B to 18 months. MOTION carried unanimously. 11 Goode asked about access issues because of the ground "tilt" a nd what the r cornmem timeframe is for the installation of blacktop. Smith indicated 18 months was onsidere, reasonable. No proposed change in access with Hennepin County. Goode asked what the use at Surfside Park. Will there be traile rs parked at SL--.-.,j rfside? said "yes" as it's a public access with public parking. Ken Pittel, 70 Pleasant Ave, Tonka Bay, has been operating Bay Rentals, Inc. f r 17 year. They've operated at Surfside Park for 17 years. They give compw fete training. he Watei Patrol has commented that their clients are well trained. No trailer storage in Surfside i anticipated. They arrange for return times so inspections can be made before they're s( out again. Bergquist asked where the PWC would be maintained. Pittel sa id he buys the -- Yamaha because they're reliable and he replaces them frequently. Oil changes may be- � done on Any major repairs are done off site. Rental office is in the building. Goode asked about the time frame of paving. Pittel said it's an %slue that he a nts to address. He wants to see how the water flows and will pave within a reasonat=mmmom lea mour time; September of 2014? Smith clarified that the property owner would nee to bring engineered plan for staff to review. Pittel indicated that whatever needs to be- -q Mw done wil done. Wegscheid asked about puffing out onto Bartlett and making a left turn onto C4wx=====rnrnerce Pittel said 4 place trailer are more maneuverable than a 2 place trailer in gettirmawmaw. g straight Bergquist asked about security. Pittel said they haven't had any issues. The tr ilers will locked and will be insured. Cameras and lights are an option that will be considered. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Penner, to qualify the watercraft rental use to a consist with "Boat and Marine Sales" category in City Code Section 129 -21. MOTION c® rried unanimously. MOTION by Ward, second by Gawtry, recommending approval of the CUP with conditior and amending condition B to 18 months. MOTION carried unani mously. D.. MINUTE EXCERPTS APRIL 2, 0 ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, David Goode, George Linkert, Cindy Penner, Kelvin Retterath, Pete Wiechert and Councilmember Mark Wegscheid (7:04). Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Commission Secretary Jill Norlander and Planning Consultant Rita Trapp. Others present: Mark Saliterman, 4725 Highway 7, Mpls; Linda Johnson, 2307 Lost Lake Ct; Milt Hygulien, 2303 Lost Lake Ct; Kathryn Alexander, 401 Lake St, Wayzata; Patrick & Nancy Manion, 2311 Lost Lake Ct; Mike Schrader, ALS properties 5501 Lakeland Ave N, Crystal; Patricia MacTaggert, 2301 Lost Lake Ct BOARD OF APPEALS A. Request for review of proposed personal watercraft and kayak rental use for property at 2630 Commerce Boulevard and applicability to "Boat and Marine Sales" use category PC Case No. 13 -09 Conditional Use Permit, Property: 2630 Commerce Boulevard Applicant: Ken Pittel of Bay Rentals, Inc. Smith introduced the request. it is requested the commission review and make a recommendation that a personal water craft and kayak rental business is consistent with the "Boat and Marine Sales" use category. A conditional use permit is also requested to operate the rental business on the property. The building would serve as the office for the rental operations and offer convenience retail and sundry sales as a complement to the business. Smith indicated that Staff's position is that the planned parking is adequate with the anticipated activity level on the site. Applicant is advised to schedule rentals to avoid parking issues. Linkert left at 9:14. Staff recommended approval of both items with the following requirements: a paved driveway agreement with a pavement in place within a reasonable amount of time; submittal of a landscape plan with the paving/drainage and utility plan; would like to have additional discussion about refuse; units will be shrink wrapped and stored on site for winter - seems to be consistent with our lake community. These types of operations are regulated from a use standpoint as well as the LMCD, inspection, etc. Applicant would be responsible for procurement of other permits and licensing required. I•: Resolution No. 13- K. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control are in effect; also others including but not limited to, stormwater and shoreline alteration. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as rules regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant will be responsible for contacting the MCWD related to the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed in the event of any future building or site alteration project (ie. parking lot improvement, etc.) As applicable, any future building permit (or related permit) will be conditioned upon the applicant providing receipt of the MCWD permit(s) issuance, as applicable, and or receipt of written confirmation from the MCWD that no permit(s) is needed for the project. L. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: (to be inserted) M. This conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. N. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow. The business use may not commence until a recorded copy of the resolution has been provided or received by the City. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of April, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mark Hanus, Mayor -1097- Resolution No. 13- B. There is adequate parking on the site to accommodate the proposed seasonal use. C. There is also parking opportunities in Surfside Park. 2. The City Council's approval of the requested CUP subject to the following list of minimum conditions: A. The existing parking lot shall be hard surfaced in accordance with the City Code within 18 months from the City's approval of the CUP and shall include all applicable requirements related to striping, curbing, fencing, etc. At the time the parking lot is hard surfaced, a landscaping plan shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by Staff. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required permitting related to the parking lot improvement project. B. Required off - street spaces must be reserved for vehicle use and shall not be used for open storage of goods or equipment. C. The use shall be limited to two, 4 -place trailers and units and six 2 -place trailers and units. Hours shall be 9AM to one hour past sunset. D. Staff for the facility shall be limited to no more than (4) personnel on site at a time. E. The City reserves the right to require future evaluation of the site related to the proposed personal watercraft rental use, if needed, in the event parking becomes a problem, which may include review and processing of a CUP amendment, if deemed appropriate. F. Determination of whether an accessible parking stall is needed to be determined by the Building Official which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. G. A sign permit is required for all future signage.that is installed, erected, relocated, modified, altered, or changed on the site. All signage shall conform to Sec. 119. H. The applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit or related applications, when appropriate. The applicant shall be responsible for contacting the Public Works Director in advance of undertaking any construction activities on the site with regard to required permitting to include any and /or all required conditions. J. Payment of all fees associated with review of the applicant's request. -1096- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY AT 2630 COMMERCE BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the applicant, Ken Pittel, on behalf of Bay Rentals, Inc. has submitted an application for a conditional use permit requesting the operation of personal watercraft and kayak rental at 2630 Commerce Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the property owner consented to the application; and WHEREAS, the subject site is located at the corner of Bartlett Boulevard and Commerce Boulevard: and WHEREAS, the Council adopted Resolution No. 13-_ which approved a Board of Adjustment and Appeals request deeming personal watercraft and kayak rental use to be similar to the Boat and Marine Sales use category in the B -1 District; and WHEREAS, Boat and Marine Sales which is allowed by conditional use; and WHEREAS, the proposal includes operation of a seasonal, personal watercraft rental business. Kayak rental would be also offered and would be stored inside the building. The building would serve as the office for the rental operations but would also offer convenience retail, sundry and possibly some pre - packaged foods /snacks as a compliment to the business; and WHEREAS, details regarding the proposal are contained in Planning Report and Executive Summary No. 13 -09 and the submitted materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the conditional use permit application at its April 2, 2013 meeting and recommended Council approval, subject to conditions, as recommended by Staff; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its April 23, 2013 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed conditional use permit application; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the submitted conditional use permit request based on the following findings of fact: A. The criteria in Sec. 129 -38 (a) are met -1095- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS REQUEST FROM BAY RENTALS FOR PROPERTY AT 2630 COMMERCE BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Ken Pittel, on behalf of Bay Rentals, Inc. in accordance with City Code Chapter 129.32, submitted a Board of Adjustment and Appeals request for a determination that personal watercraft and kayak rental is consistent with the Boat and Marine Sales use category per Sec. 129 -135; and WHEREAS, Boat and Marine Sales use is allowed in the B -1 District; and WHEREAS, the request was reviewed and processed pursuant to City Code Chapter 129.32 Appeals to the Board of Appeals and Adjustment; and WHEREAS, as set forth in City Code Chapter 129.32, the Board of Appeals and Adjustment is the City Council; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 129.32 requires review of all appeals by the Planning Commission prior to review by the City Council; and WHEREAS, details regarding the request are contained in Planning Report No. 13 -09; and WHEREAS, the request was considered by the Planning Commission at its April 2, 2013 meeting and recommended for approval, as recommended by Staff; and WHEREAS, the application was reviewed by the City Council at its April 23, 2013 meeting; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the aforementioned request from Ken Pittel on behalf of Bay Rentals, Inc. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of April, 2013 Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -1094- Mayor Mark Hanus PLANING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW The Board of Adjustment and Appeals request and Conditional Use Permit application from Bay Rental were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its April 2, 2013 meeting. It was noted at the meeting that the proposal includes kayak rental as opposed to canoe rental. Discussion took place about traffic, parking count determination, seasonal storage and hard surfacing of the parking lot. In general, the Planning Commission was favorable to the request and commented that this type of use is appropriate for a lake community like Mound. Discussion also took place about the proposed condition about requiring the parking lot to be paved within 1 -year. Excerpts (draft) from the April 2, 2013 Planning Commission meeting minutes have been included. RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the appeals request and CUP application from Bay Rental, as recommended by Staff, with a modified CUP condition to require that the parking lot be hard surfaced within 18 months instead of 1 -year. Resolutions, based on the Planning Commission's recommendations have been included for consideration by the City Council. ADDITONAL INFORMATION • The applicant may wish to discuss with the Council about the proposed condition regarding limitation of the number of employees on the site at a time. • Staff was notified on April 19th by MCES that no additional SAC charges are required. • The City's deadline for action on the CUP is on or around April 27, 2013, unless an extension is executed. -1093- 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 25, 2013 SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment and Appeals and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Requests PLANNING CASE NO: 13 -09 APPLICANT: Ken Pittel, Bay Rentals, Inc OWNER: R L & R B Weber TAXPAYER: Kirby 1 Ellingson LOCATION: 2630 Commerce Boulevard ZONING: B -1 Central Business District COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Linear District SUMMARY Appeals to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. The City Council pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 129 -32 (Appeals to the board of adjustment and appeals), will review and make a determination that a personal watercraft and kayak rental business proposed to be operated by Ken Pittel of Bay Rentals, Inc. at 2630 Commerce Boulevard is consistent with the "Boat and Marine Sales" use category per Sec. 129 -135 which is currently allowed by conditional use. Watercraft rental is not listed as a permitted, conditional, or accessory use in the B -1 District. Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit. The City Council will also hold a public hearing for review of the request from Mr. Pittel of Bay Rentals for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a personal watercraft rental business on the 2630 Commerce Boulevard property. Kayak rental would be also offered and would be stored inside the building. The building would serve as the office for the rental operations but would also offer convenience retail, sundry and possibly some pre - packaged foods /snacks as a compliment to the business. The upper floor would be used for storage. Retail use is a permitted use in the B -1 District. Details and background regarding the request are contained in the application and submitted support materials which have been provided by the applicant. PROJECT DETAILS. Please refer to Planning Report No. 13 -09 which has been included as an attachment. 1092- LANDSCAPE NOTES MILM MAL .— ALL ILLIALMALLATIATIM III MAIL I'LAA III —,I— —I .t.„ � m or :�a TU „, Imo.FNMM LwI �` I, ©_°.. 1.11 AAL a, I..I,: MATIMM. �w�d�a,%n< .wLL ,MM.. „�,. M O p.z . _,wet I„ -e'I MwM•., xw¢. x,emWn..ae rvan +w q,.,MUUu D" .,„> a.», s<. ,..M..,.w�w.I1�.;.°...' °."°�t. °, ooh MaM,.,a,M M M.aa,,M .a a�., �.nm., ,.Ice.:... ALI ,ttcsM, wum09°e M.—A I o Y 4 tP2i9 ,a ,rt.�YM+"1•!R..AT. ITIL ,. IT, I __I eMt., aMa r. r1 -1 M uw ...o wo AM. ,. ” ATATAIA� —1 OIRRAIN GARDEN NOTES Me WITTAL 1. M.—I'M I.— ALTAT .1 —1 1AL LIATTAIIII ALL e.vzvew rI I .m �t .x, .,.a. —I. x LLI N .a.- �a.",Mx„a.» I —, ..MM.e,a,,. x,M, v„ec.,wu .,,».I —I-- ...1 —N"u�1 AN,..l VW RAIN GARDEN SEED MI TA MI LIMA I. ALLAIIIIIII PRELTWNARY PLANT SCHEDULE ALI, °n,w.rtuo N..ea,° °. ssMM r,m xmm w.o �. z:.,oa.oF xw�,n.M.l MM MALITIL . --- TAIIA MATTIAM DECID�OUS TRDE9 IMITAT —1 AIAM T. IF 0 TLITLI MITI CBNIFERIOUS TREE$ „ MIT ALLIA . TALI I� III © „ ,, v~,. �, ° ,u, M. M� . ,A p tMM°M.., ° ° ,ea °.° . a. a . E) ,MMt Drervnuenml, races LATI TIA Dem000us se6u6s © o °' - Mauve, , ,<M .., .N... o ©.,.M,xw o ISM A„MM v., eN. ,�. M. ,. p © wI- .e °, a.,°N,LL.a,m. r „ ., N,AM I, ,IM. .., , ... E) © ..u.Mw MM EvBACREEN sHRUBB e, xa, nv ,.ax, +,N+, um" M ,w a°+ ,vweTIMI O A, , IT_ e°, a . ,v p © tvacaen b we Misaw.u¢ta ATIITTAILAI z. — an v..r []© MATMA. pM_ MIT— I.L. M..— FERENNIRLS a a� TATTATTA cu. wt r . av tp p hwtemc... <u Po, „.. D p MI .a.,, TAI ,w All M. � p ,.....aM <� T IMAT <.t ,% I.- oo ..M A IT , w °, —II � o ,e. emu, NORSH MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE BNNexmerEllaec MOUNDMORRENAISSANCE 141 M'fNIANf: M. BWNE.IAI WM9 AM Mnm°M mam nn CITY OF MOUND,.. N�IN� ancs,rtnx�x LAAAM AT RfW5pNM9ilRY MQIELf IAM4DG .M uxnvrcnnax PRE LIMINARY MT SUOMITAL APRIL 28,2006 WDA. MOUND HARBOR MOiTND, MN 0 30 6D ITWeRR? PRELIMINARY 1AN09UPE PLAN 6CA1.E M FELT LZ. I B -1091- °n,w.rtuo N..ea,° °. ssMM r,m xmm w.o �. z:.,oa.oF xw�,n.M.l MALITIL . --- TAIIA NORSH MOUND HARBOR RENAISSANCE BNNexmerEllaec MOUNDMORRENAISSANCE 141 M'fNIANf: M. BWNE.IAI WM9 AM Mnm°M mam nn CITY OF MOUND,.. N�IN� ancs,rtnx�x LAAAM AT RfW5pNM9ilRY MQIELf IAM4DG .M uxnvrcnnax PRE LIMINARY MT SUOMITAL APRIL 28,2006 WDA. MOUND HARBOR MOiTND, MN 0 30 6D ITWeRR? PRELIMINARY 1AN09UPE PLAN 6CA1.E M FELT LZ. I B -1091- m /,vi MET A VMLAS 'ON LOST LAKE 2ND AMMON O v �- h� fig k >, 6615 S / 0 OVI A Sfi6b5'JJ "F ) 35.95 MANAGE AfA 11TLRY J6p 01 s! ^46• / W2 EASE T LOV1. I-L 11: F NT / 669' 0 56 4 °43 LI) J o wa •N tP �„md \ A O .. r= Oy ~� o Ma6566 ) °- p'. nE 4 - —. F LN23 E2 - /� 574.73 26 // i ,fag 54•E OU LOT A „<p. `\ }fi ZI'W T4.43.p6'E 8119 Z 6 p� Q b 6B 5'D 8 C..ALE AW ViLRY 6 \1a \ N 5gl N) 4Q 1560 \ N \u o3 N} - EA6FHE� OE¢ xL J ,fA fs39 Nh , •p 18 R& �g Ni 4•ai5i E \'° R< y30. fi6.30 \° 00 a. yz•sy's o h = ., .E ,� 1n NRa'4R 1 N N w °a:g 4 $ rvar,� .5t E '(S, ., 3 _ �\ P, (fy 6650 \w 3a B ^r/4'43j0 \ 6 z s M ,3 m v 5 � NO o:.$. E NT4'4194 \ ia•4i 54E Ot m 66.`� 1� Nt1S N 6030 a6J9 I ' ,p b \0 � <y 659EF�° 2111 Sy S v 2f 6 $1 5E N o V w 4.47 54E M e'YSf'. J MS \ op 5 B o v 0 — N63}6'SI�E_ 5> /. 569 35.73 JaE 4i 665p sAI = 6`6 > >dt E i5'.hh H89 "W yl n p U, ® S�A10 9\O �� S6yb8p / n 6'06 h� tl 0'Ip j1 w / iSiK syo TT /1 gin' O♦tVELOT A s' ®. 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AS THUS: (rvOT 10 SCALE) II 5--1 NORTH 0 30 60 THE KYST LINE OF SECTION 13 HAS —}-J 60 L- THE ASSUMED DEMING GL M02 43'32-E. 5 L DENOTES 1/2 INCH IRW PIPE SET BEINQ 5 FEET IN YADTH AND ADJOINING SCALE IN FEET O MARKED'JMP 44647' LOT LINES, AS SHOW ON THE PLAT. -1090- p(, -096 -ure4li6m giOW All PEASONSBY3HFSA PRFSEMH: 768 MOmdN�PrempaM e Axbpmml ,LLC,a111ieano4lrmbdliehil'ry mmpmry: Bhm Sky monm®m dMamwq LLC.aMimcpmn ®mdnLL'iip wapmy; lo�.Wo ofaid J4�1DD�. Idie DaW Rawik em Sea N. Burk baheetl W vrlrc Umkl M. F6oipavud kmifvA. Flr.Veq bNbmd mE oim; 2iada JObmpq a amelePaePa; lea:Sdvemmtl Amom RawliSr&wa, hwbbdmdwim; ed Hmmep rp.ae®w, uc.axe r�;aa Baeanr�aamr.r:oPV.eorme cumae6 �eabaapnlpmy .ammammacalMdHm.epb, smmorMbocw m.r's I,dmlOeonn.�smw+paA. TMpewarmc Sapdcm Qu oflheSw& saw Qoe ofSmbe 13,T..W 111. Haoge 24, eoE mmpal of 6. AO l Sobdlvkba No, 170. Hm kCamry, Mmvmwa and 6vrpR of6ewwed aLL.Y io N m MALd Ad&a�mµb Npm4fia Mimwmh`eildmeled ®plkpe: C ®�'vggm;fiav4pvl Cw�d.eid 9oybwal Qum<tofH<SmhRUeQWn; geoocmmuwm(d peviy o(NMb 01 bg ® {] v' ebw6 dr Wateee o[wmem41e6Qmvtro0 .32 QPwbr 66{ 100 Wmm5owh 89 p99 aw 36umv 35e 20 JMDM b mepoktdbeekobwm 43 wlmee2 e9 ImobP rr6Pm lOmrabJSewcm&rm658.66&!;•ma sm6036erenu mbmJ2 mmetle Wm M9.Il 6k mmmSmi 69 de6w 30 mkvua LVecoMe Few 100.006eµWmzNPem6ldwtta L3 mim1632emmtle / Pawl{9.TIfa(1EaeSambN de®emb�ffi35 eea«Fm 113.10 [eµ dlmc<SmmMel¢ty {903!leetamea Wm4avmv<.mwaveb ( he5mlhwt, MVU6aMbmdl{303)6nemdaampelmAk P[19 STATBOF M(A.t C3OPW iepeb Slvamw lebemdN 4mm Nml l9 de®mll mmrw {I eamaNEeY mK6ymlb mw bvebe6mve,0.60 Eµ 6ms8 POm 10 tlegaee{0mbwa 2{amodeBW I6106UbmcbmclnvwJhde Fmlmc fAJHrc OF n ereaH SemwQe6lw pane 9a6ENa6Qew6r,mbpeSOmMly Mmy wid5ew bw 6zlnmwbmesawbeNl mmm.rem smmam<QPe,mwrme SOmbmlQaw6�.mmm wwmy6{e.url.meme swmmePr Y^ �,FYLm,pAv.m,a' uitl Saemam Qe6[mR�Bmtlwew QvMbapod 695,18 Be PNOrme SOWamwoaofevidSm4wtQwefao( me SVwiwvt Qou[c,mmoc Nwmvly 215.19fi#bapoiY501316l PUmlyafdm BwtlhRtt[ 21x fm8omB ieva®mewectmNNgMpcmaculbu u dcYO( y�^N —�2aM1 amglepaeoa vecof W 11, Apino(. sbnweim No.Ira w mv®ad emae• tim dnem (mm me eaM Swps�a ®ed[n Ir mapanna rime Some I¢coreW soeWaw pwlcorme saa4nal Quv� Omoewtime J Vamdy aEN 4trmbptlmsc lA.00 btgmocdmmb4e kflll dcmm bradiemvma[169.6)(w bebC iobeeloauxp6 hie E.dviv a,_ nftl.e m.ada..f ell..... x- nl..en:.ww,..f�u.. u...v. maxnwmury umg me ..—I. 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Mvu iHbbarRmeumic DCrtmPmm (IZC.eMmmmal®VOd iudildy mopwl.mOeWfaf�mm9uvY. . ._ C� � f \\ N gp3n l NIHi1 ANNMOORB MyypeNk, g N]OM•NBIC,I@! �j �. mmmmlmeptwmBbe sLytow[Mbmom,Il.CraM ®mom l ®eedlkMSrywogomy, bemwa0 O[eeprtemhbbe eip�d bYmpe^PwoGwthi[ GT dare[ �iW =7 . Bfls S!YYhl6armh dMmeep; IJ.0 D HmtM�, STAlAOF /la[ COUNTY OF- FJ�[(CF%t__ . . oipp kumeaaw lvl6W bCaevmtiva�dryat�.YfFjy y y, . on¢ o ._., X r1 uu; N NICKIEGUTEKUNST Ndary PUWk M rwsola MY[�m�.a BaNm W WCmmSwnf+41'�vpM.]aM11 d d t forbrmwbew €o6 LaWDevid Aoea3 evd SuaMAmu�MCheeago eetbcrtheme tlila A–a dy of_ /` Pr �]rb�. =--(e– by TdbDavid Amoe,cad Bvv M. Awkk nmbmd mdsi4 �e NICKIEOUIEKUNH! NM.I. MP �� Mbobmle W co,amliFgxa,m.51,m1 Ivs� ®aimNe� Db'si MPlmipamdf ®BCA Pkmipw,Lachuaamemhabm&16is �� bryd�l2W�, Dmie1M/.PJ1®Sm odkmifi[A.FlBtipa, hodmd®dwiE. U a r.-- DmsIRLFLO;6m SmoilmA Fi{oyeo J —' STATH OPMf' COLNN OP (Nw ; . 3lmmeew� m1Q6w o1maAS5d{ed eemm ��. 2-1ti`myo zpo� eyD®;a M. Finaisbbd,emirmw FlmigegLpdmd a6dAife - NICKIEGUTEKUNST NW7 My Caui+:w _ NWik -... f Mln sole Wm'*w'wlssmar.zpr n,n 0n, •`^ (UU _ _ NICKIEGUTEKUNST No' O•..�15 C rY f �f' Nomn PuNk MYCOmmisim Fapvo-�T -'�C> Mm to '" Wco-m�.wlm'a.w a�,mn m.ImeN.bamrww 3.n s�m.mBamamAalticcbwv, mvecacmmeemmama.�aayet�unr __,100. ,bt Scboeb letl Aanwm P.wFiSduN¢. b9ebmd and ada STTIHOF COYINTY 0 I R.T. DOC. NU. 4 3 3 3 'L 5 5 I NmpPf WW+ec l A VV 1 ^ ^'ee1 " �� NrmIC.KrIEGUEKU roNmry Pool. ai —m. MYCO®nim Byvw W w.am6e abamrmHBwben ranbamN,1)r.,aMmmeam Umw B.EEkr m. war, m. oeeaa m..:meemm mba eumSMmpmpaoe m: 1 41% drd�ml. B,aben rmmema, LCC StorweA Sb4se STATEOF COUNTPOP Tie roo oioe i., ww .1* od hd me tbu f `.. de of K�. 1300 i ,6y ThomsA Sbbn dw, Bemebell To� ll.C, aTfmasO¢I®[M h bdn wm}vny. mb fot&c .,MA p4 met he¢ihd ml pw b VBLAH ON LOST LAKH 2ND ADD=N:M W pWUawe <n¢vmtl4w ofine wry ,mwe d'vbma m=wdye m 6 pw oomumebe kooa .. dy PL io 2e 4aua{ behmm wB;B be, Sm1almN by em ba59ov¢ommYlm416ffilhe nitride bmeday r ...,oc*d.,q mft K W e Moro. D»a fL /f f l �. P �v tlmnbL Pebmm,tspd Sbvc,ss Mivueaoe 6cmee No.H6[) STATS OF MT CYfA CwlM OFHFN w Tbc 6agoby S."e CeSSaemw YmvAdg 66e6m metlriv�dey or.TLM. 2W�by lao®Im M.NmwgLd SOeveyve. N.b, De . Hcmn,m C , ) N16dE1dEMAPoF DJN31 MYfo®iorioa8apbo �� � MI Wmi F2P OB3;f910 MCAR , MQiNA9OTA 16iep1korVHIASONWSTr.AI[H 2ND ADDIIYONw ellpmwdmdsrnypd bylbe City Cmmdor4e( LyorMOOND, MmoceoSy ma Nyalamxeingd¢wrbddmie dl.f MAAXM 200iL. HyglimblSlEavmmmoo�mdmm ®mdenmadibe COmmuabeedlYmePm�omdemCmbrl ;Bb*'aY FnGmae.'Eeab®eaeivetlh'P+e CCnYyorPoefl6aBad lO d®YPBiod Me aiag da'Gm6 1my[o(mdmmmam md6m�diwaupmvbiadbyM Ma SMYCm.S tim565.05. SUt&vivm2 CMCgjI MOFTHHCRYOPMODND,MHRW3OTA Hvi{r /4//b/ 222 dee,O� MaW HY �( CMd LUO'AYBA SEANCES DFPAAI,Hm Tw CP , w Iheaby mtifylhwmxw - ead¢dmYmehavebem Pei0 me4Mdmlbdmtlw Ple[IWd PoiewS day p[y`M V68RA�� 100. B Pmvk H.00amm, "v CClmtyAWer' c SUBV EY DMSION, Hmoq'm Cmmy, MmemMe emmmemMke.om smar ]e]HSm (E969)me ymbwb�app<owamia �� dayd 1�F1F/nbER zodf�. - A. ld P,& ,cop emvePn AEOL9TAAA OF 1J11ES, Nmecpm Cwmry, Maozw ,barere:,6ry mwme wMaPm[erv,,..<ON 1nsr LAkEA'D Annmoxam stm;ae�w ps mk /sf syar SEC E✓✓1862 100�,m BY Y LANDFORM ggg pV MWl. 44. TNa HINNE APOL ISPMOFNIR 6 6 call Numcer Lol A'. (sa1Ll Unit 1 4523 us 11 ecd 2 4.265 s4 .ft Unit 3 4.U15 sq It. Unto 3.el. on It unit, 3200 no in U n'l fi 2999 sp ft. Unli 3496 soft. Unit B 6.30] ad, 11 Itch 9 3]21 sa.11 Lail 10 zaa to if Unt n 1 762 as n. Led 12 1 952 aq.ft. Lmi u 1 sss a9. n. Un<1a lmasLL. Unit 15 1>65 as It an 16 nu a, mm rro k' e6] on it, - L1 SITE DATA NUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS = 26 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS = 16 - „- SHORELAND DENSITY EXHIBIT ee' Sly ORec THE LANDINGS e ON LOST LAKE 1 — � e (c° se car an an y . UNITS 9 / 111 �1 iIL. two ® ®:. aft� ' e\ E w UNIT 4 \ 00 aa L OOay ,y- 'TIER 1 LINE-PER LAND RM 1 / SHORELAND DENSITY fXHlelr y0 t /7 /} 000 (� kk X T '"," -.. AR P. TOWNPp ED a s trSftr - S r iUNIL '�7N1'�' UNIT? � � n rtr NH MES IJJJiT 7 "°� ! � UNITS UNIT' UMIb' UN� . 0 1 12j 73 14, 5, 16d i syti�• X; *``^'" - - -`_� °<u FOSE. HUNIT9 _ -- - - -- - - - --' — s _ Z`rlti0 • • �tMc �O w m m' 1p� s' nA y�o r • n EX/ /SANG (rGAL Df5k Ncn l (Pen Schedule A of Title Corneatri Fee Na /e Ote� /NE (92g 4 P•�\ / j 12 -19073 prepared by Bumet ido as agent for First Anatole- Title Insurance) C 1 2jD`5�) ) Og f- ,� • 1 Lots 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 and B Block 1 Altos on Lost Lake Cad Addt'm CIC No, DOCK---, 3 le /p' �� " -- ��"�^ _ _ 1653 Hennepn County. eacnesom. N x1 Hennepn Co t 8, y l no 10 &1 } V'llas on Lost Lake 2ntl Adtltan CC No 653 LEGEND r� I tsnnepin County. kn nesoto. Cook 4, Was an Last Lake Cold Addition, CC No 1653, He tnr ®-1 TIER i - 1136,000 Sall ±3.12 AC. 1 a`�w.1 (200' FROM OHWL) I ) ceNtxat NVES Proposed bandng mcalons were ..pored Gy owner. 2 2 ki ouGeark' Nn /DOT G510 Stofon q 11192 -Top of Survey Disk, Elevation = 0 15 30 so � I 94596 (NGVD 24). 3. Ordinary Hi9b Water c-"a, .as located on February 6. 2013, as shown ( di FEET ) hereon. d. All existing drainage and utility ea nuents, as dedicated on the plat on Villas of Lost Lake 2nd Additin , lying dear, antler and ounces the above described lots re to be vacated. ml \ \7 - -1— — — —J --2-- A I l S�eo l l l - - -- k In N't / S2q aoQO va, I 2 / - If ,e E m 1633 i 6a] I 1v1 n nl� S � Say, �. , / / mF' 41.� 25`5 12]5 p864 11,64 1419 _ 589°3122 E 3.03 26 F ]59] 2589 °a�Q05E I �'S6g° / ° 3 S89 nI 11 11 < E- IV V III L — 3/ THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE 5 - , ry0�o \ \ 4 / G ssov2'n w\ o V 588 °1698'E z9 S6 _ -, 202.08 S" l/ � ��2gj'E -' _ 26 _zs az _ :a e1 _�6e1 zs.ez sez z`L]z• For the pumoses of this plat. the South line of Section ll, Township 117 Range 24, is assumed to have o hearing of South ar45'39" East Denotes 1/2 Inch by 14 inch iron nument set recording n 0 or to be set within one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 SBAaS'39'E ss4as] � - SoutFwe 4ge 2a (PoSl�hon MOnumaent) R ti]. __ i 5e3N�5]E u— of section 6. T. —I,, II] Range 24 Ouorle, c of Se<llon 34, townaM1ip 11>, ange 24 (rail bon Monument) -A Carlson c i _ ENNnONMENT. - ENGINE.1K - 11y're. l S�eo l l l - - -- k In / S2q aoQO va, I 2 / - If ,e E 1633 i 6a] S � Say, �. , / / mF' 41.� 25`5 12]5 p864 11,64 1419 _ 589°3122 E 3.03 26 F ]59] 2589 °a�Q05E �'S6g° / ° 3 S89 esos o Imo / \fr \\ W lJ 7 8. 30 f7 I w \ li V3 1 nl 1 T r w_ v Iv I I i For the pumoses of this plat. the South line of Section ll, Township 117 Range 24, is assumed to have o hearing of South ar45'39" East Denotes 1/2 Inch by 14 inch iron nument set recording n 0 or to be set within one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 SBAaS'39'E ss4as] � - SoutFwe 4ge 2a (PoSl�hon MOnumaent) R ti]. __ i 5e3N�5]E u— of section 6. T. —I,, II] Range 24 Ouorle, c of Se<llon 34, townaM1ip 11>, ange 24 (rail bon Monument) -A Carlson c i _ ENNnONMENT. - ENGINE.1K - 11y're. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Last Lose Homes and Morino, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner and prapnetor of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin Stole of parmordla, to wit', Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 5. 6. 7 and 6, Block 1, Villas on Lost Love End Addition, CIC No 1653, Hennepin County. Minnesota. Late 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, B, 9 and 10, Block 3. Yllas on Last Lake Said Addition CIC No, 1653, Hennepin Count, Minnesota. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9, plate 4, Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition, CIS No 1653, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Had C based the came to be s rveyed and plotted as THE LANDINGS ON L05T LAKE and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the easements ttmted by this plat far drainage aad utility purposes only In witness AM1 erect said Lost Lake Homes and Morino. LLC, a Minnesota limited liability campany, has caused Mese presents to be signed by its proper officer this _ day of 20 LOST LAKE HOMES AND MARINA. LLC Mork A. Salrterman o5 chief Mona9er STATE OF COUNTY OF Thie Instrument we, but aawladged before me on this _ doy of 20 by Mark A Defend- ad Chief Manager of hurt Lake Homes and Marina, LLQ o Minnesota limited liability aompony, on beM1 elf of the company. Notar y Public. My IcmmoriAn expire, I, IDamas R. Bolluff, or hereby cert ify that this plat w.s prepared or me m under my dolor superv"Al that I rude a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the Stale of Minnesota: tM1 at this star is a correct representation of the bmundory survey, that all mothemoted data .nit labels cr orrecOq tlesignoted on this start that ail do numents depicted on this plat have been or WI11 be corectly ser within oae year', iM1af all, water boundaries aad we loads as bathed In Minnesota Statutes, Section 50501, Subd. 3, os of the date Of this certification are shown antl labeled .n IMS pat; unit that all public or, or. shaven and labeled an this plat. Doted this _ day of 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on this Thomas R. Selloff, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesato License No 40361 day of 20_ by Thomas R, Balluff. Notary Public, by < mrrawnrn ar"Ae5 ago R.T. DOC. N0. MOUND, MINNESOTA This plat of THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE was Approved and accepted by the City Council of Named. Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this _ day of 20_ I1 applicable, the written de ants and remmommum tans of the Commissioner, of TonspoRation and toe County Highway Engineer Lure been received by the City or the prescribed 30 day period has .'.,,ad without receipt of such comments and drund endatlans, as provided by Minn. Statutes, Section 505.03. Subd. 2, 95. M.yor Br Clerk TAXPAYER SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Hennepin County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that foxes payable in 20_ and prior fears have been paid for land described on the plat, dated this _ day of 20 Mark V. Graph, County Puditof By Deputy SURVEY DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota Pursuant to Mon... to S(atutes. Section 3838.565 (1969), this plot has been approved Ibis _ day of Wiliam P_ Brawn, County Survafar By REGSTRAR OF LCLES, Hennepin County. Minnesota I hereby certify that the within plot of THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE was .led In track mle, talk _ day of 20,_ at _ .'cluck _m. "art, McCormick. political of Titles By Deputy 20 �j Carlson )McCain ENVIRO weranPL - ENGMEFAINC - SUrpeoriG Lot . 81.1 Lot also (SgEI) 1/r 4,523 Ian. 2/1 1,285 ap H. 3/, 4,615 A, 11. 4/1 3.925 sg.X. 1/2 1200 ah d 2/2 2.999 a'9e. 3/2 3.41. soft. 4/2 1. a9. tt 5/2 1321 r/3 z.bo aG IL 2/1 1,182 so,It. 3/3 1,952 5'911. 6/J 1.969 59.11 r \ '1 1 / I 5/3 1.116 a9.lt • _ \ \ mmo.\ / / 'I / / v.. .. v r� J \ \ \ N 636 �i •\ 'fide / / \ \ 6/3 vas as a 0 total l 5 56e 47.666 ar 1, SITE DATA NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS = 16 • x \ •a� r a \m LEGEND t n t t DENOTES EXISTING RETAINING WALL A " C�.A 'mom�'.� ' DENOTES (MCWD) FLOODPLAIN - 931.5 • 70 _„ , 1g - DENOTES (CITY) FLOODPLAIN - 931.0 1. t - -- `— — /�.� DENOTES OHW LINE (929.4) V x{�' 58:g0 -y'9 �6 �_� \ . - . DENOTES OHW LINE PER LANDFORM • wm4 A r m ,�1 l l / e3`� Aiy� J `V 20208 ,. W SHORELAND DENSITY EXHIBIT 2 �� ' PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF MOUND \4F,a4i T�, I Top of Ice = 927.7 (2/05/13) i _ I j 2 r r ;eua - t_ ` ��,� 6g' 1 �Tv �� r 6 7 Fla 24 r p] e 116 2 ! 259 10 44 ,A._. a a y I .. . - syh� .. _ _ _.� - — _ — _ _ _. _ — _ 666.05 --L_ % ,reS6d� /J/ 5 ,...w, 264 All _ 931 78 9 s�stio� Eioo PbCp✓D) a -nva W4< n :v 30 T a' DOCK---, � {,py , ka 1 r. �. J. A• ,031'9 _ 1 �\ i r )/ ly _ j` FlOavplaLjo J A- OHW EX/SLNG CEGIV GESCR /P710N5 (Per ExFOI A of Owne¢ The Insurance False File No 12- 19013, prepared by Burnet T11e a agent for Frst /uno—h title Insurance) d d /OS 7 DOCK -- �]3 - \ - _ �� I , '65 1. 2 } A. 5. 6 ] and B 01cck 1 'Ilos on Lost Lake 2nd Atldition. CIC no 1653 H nepn Coun{v M' rota. Nl I Lots 2 } 4 5. 1, 7, B. 9 ad 10, Block 3 Ith on at Lose 2nd addition, CIC Na. 1653 Lonna, Co 1y hannee.l. . j I Lcts 1 2 3, 4, 5, 6. ] B, and 9, Block 4, Vll- an Lost Lake and Addition, CIC no 1653, HennepN Coonl, Minnesota. Top of Ice = 927 7 (2/05/13) I I CENERA[ NO]£S L p p d bu ld ng locatbnz were wppl'ed by owner. 0 IS 30 60 I 2. B h a Mn /DOT G510 Slat on p 11192 Tap of $Yrkay Oak El-0a. = 9 Its .95 (W 29). hassled ( I 3. Ordnary oI, Wale, contour was hassled on February 6 2013 wn as sho hereon IN FEET) . 4. latthng ."Latent per .'anal sobmtel. S NI ex sing dmnog and ability easements as dedcafed on the plat of What o n Lost Loke 21tl Anatol, ryi g r unde, and across the .bore desc'betl lots .re m oe vacated. a 2 M J a U J J Z bli a h an Z m 2 ¢ L f rn� Lu a c N N N O a 'o S J Y DO H REVISIONS Y O J y ZC O� fA M = ¢ 2: J W S F andhade se a, LU/y a dices, so eal mn a. Maury PRELIMINARY PLAT m m C C= P N_ lhmm P. BaIIM LS UMe.O�S3 SL3 Manx t: 40361 .>a of NFORiE THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE 1085- U ad �V� a U2 O Vim I / o / ^ I \\\ --' .0 eqs / lv / inn \ \ � � � ,• n `� at 6/J 1.969 59.11 r \ '1 1 / I 5/3 1.116 a9.lt • _ \ \ mmo.\ / / 'I / / v.. .. v r� J \ \ \ N 636 �i •\ 'fide / / \ \ 6/3 vas as a 0 total l 5 56e 47.666 ar 1, SITE DATA NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS = 16 • x \ •a� r a \m LEGEND t n t t DENOTES EXISTING RETAINING WALL A " C�.A 'mom�'.� ' DENOTES (MCWD) FLOODPLAIN - 931.5 • 70 _„ , 1g - DENOTES (CITY) FLOODPLAIN - 931.0 1. t - -- `— — /�.� DENOTES OHW LINE (929.4) V x{�' 58:g0 -y'9 �6 �_� \ . - . DENOTES OHW LINE PER LANDFORM • wm4 A r m ,�1 l l / e3`� Aiy� J `V 20208 ,. W SHORELAND DENSITY EXHIBIT 2 �� ' PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF MOUND \4F,a4i T�, I Top of Ice = 927.7 (2/05/13) i _ I j 2 r r ;eua - t_ ` ��,� 6g' 1 �Tv �� r 6 7 Fla 24 r p] e 116 2 ! 259 10 44 ,A._. a a y I .. . - syh� .. _ _ _.� - — _ — _ _ _. _ — _ 666.05 --L_ % ,reS6d� /J/ 5 ,...w, 264 All _ 931 78 9 s�stio� Eioo PbCp✓D) a -nva W4< n :v 30 T a' DOCK---, � {,py , ka 1 r. �. J. A• ,031'9 _ 1 �\ i r )/ ly _ j` FlOavplaLjo J A- OHW EX/SLNG CEGIV GESCR /P710N5 (Per ExFOI A of Owne¢ The Insurance False File No 12- 19013, prepared by Burnet T11e a agent for Frst /uno—h title Insurance) d d /OS 7 DOCK -- �]3 - \ - _ �� I , '65 1. 2 } A. 5. 6 ] and B 01cck 1 'Ilos on Lost Lake 2nd Atldition. CIC no 1653 H nepn Coun{v M' rota. Nl I Lots 2 } 4 5. 1, 7, B. 9 ad 10, Block 3 Ith on at Lose 2nd addition, CIC Na. 1653 Lonna, Co 1y hannee.l. . j I Lcts 1 2 3, 4, 5, 6. ] B, and 9, Block 4, Vll- an Lost Lake and Addition, CIC no 1653, HennepN Coonl, Minnesota. Top of Ice = 927 7 (2/05/13) I I CENERA[ NO]£S L p p d bu ld ng locatbnz were wppl'ed by owner. 0 IS 30 60 I 2. B h a Mn /DOT G510 Slat on p 11192 Tap of $Yrkay Oak El-0a. = 9 Its .95 (W 29). hassled ( I 3. Ordnary oI, Wale, contour was hassled on February 6 2013 wn as sho hereon IN FEET) . 4. latthng ."Latent per .'anal sobmtel. S NI ex sing dmnog and ability easements as dedcafed on the plat of What o n Lost Loke 21tl Anatol, ryi g r unde, and across the .bore desc'betl lots .re m oe vacated. a 2 M J a U J J Z bli a h an Z m 2 ¢ L f rn� Lu a c N N N O a 'o S J Y DO H REVISIONS Y O J y ZC O� fA M = ¢ 2: J W S F andhade se a, LU/y i . eaten set w wnw lh dices, so eal mn a. Maury N_ lhmm P. BaIIM LS UMe.O�S3 SL3 Manx t: 40361 1 of 1 1085- IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DATA ORIGINAL BUILDING LAYOUT - SHADED AREA (LOTS 1 -8, BLK. 1, 2 -10, BLK. 3, and 1 -9, BLK. 4 VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2ND ADDITION, CID No. 1653) TOTAL AREA ......... ... . ...._....47,865 Sq.Ft. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .. 37,600 Sq.Ft, IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 9 ...................78.6 PROPOSED BUILDING LAYOUT (LOTS 1 -4, BLK, 1, 1 -5. BLK 2, and 1 -7, BLK. 3 THE LANDINGS OF LOST LAKE) TOTAL AREA _ -..- ....47,865 Sq. Ft, IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. .. ..... .31,277 Sq.Ft, IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 7. ....... .... .. .... 65.3 NOTES 1) ORIGINAL BUILDING LOCATIONS USED FOR THIS EXHIBIT (SHADED AREA) FURNISHED BY OWNER. 2) PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATIONS USED FOR THIS EXHIBIT FURNISHED BY ALEXANDER DESIGN GROUP - -- EXHIBIT A - „ iSN�RF�)Ne DR)�£ THE LANDINGS o ON LOST LAKE 1 -- �; \ \ \ (CpUNry ROAD 5) LA v _ Cn = •, n Bp,O(�C �Ie1U Jocof (929 4 ) • �.� DOCK---, Y CA"k solv Cd 2 /Ggh s • • �_ _ _ I I ,. McCA103 r� I i '1 0 15 30 60 (IN iEEi Rev. 03119113 ISM cortwrwn z.Ml -1083- a 6UILDING SECTION 2 SCALE. V4'•I' -0• 3 BUILDING SECTION Z xxc. vs•.1 -0' CGPTRIGM $013' pLE% M. pE51GN G2 .. ING SQUARE FOOTAGE GARAGE -540* FIN, LOWER -260* 810* TOTAL - 1610* y UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 2 ecxE. va•.r -m° C °v ----------------------- T 3 GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 2 ecZW va••r-m' -1082- COVE a pATlO x KiH 0..6. ��iFw I BEDROOM 2 of ma 9 M` fNIfiIED Ga�,E I------ I I - - - -- I I I I 1 ----------------------- T 3 GARAGE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 2 ecZW va••r-m' -1082- 10 "W X 48 "HT X 36" PROJ BRACKET DETAIL5 s BRACKET DETAILS t xa.e 1n••rvm• 3 ONE BEDROOM OPTION I acx.E. va••r -m• DOPTRK 2013 µE.G DER DE5. GAUP. W �a1 REAR ELEVATION 1 xxe, va••1• -m• 2 LEFT END SIDE ELEVATION I ecua, w•.r -v TRIGHT END SIDE ELEVATION ac.us, va•.r -� t FRONT ELEVATION i rue. v.•.r -m• $ i UFi'ER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN WOW C.OPTWGHT wm. AtP mGE GPPJP,M i o n MAN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN g MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 3 scut. vr.we 3 xxe. w•.re saur�roorar� eaiaffrrorave naou- ew rou'- awe• ,�- yyy ustx- ao- rm zmr_.. rma.. zzn• � zou..tiLO•nvoaR ceei swam, w -1079- Z xsLE, vs•.r -a fQ+YRKdR ]0Q. ALEXANDER DESIGN GF .. MC. I L� __EFT SIDE ELEVATION Z evas w• -r-a• z RIC"T SIDE ELEVATION $ xxb W.P. -1078- �1 FRONT ELEVATION z(�FRONT ELEVATION xaE w•.r -o• I xa.c w•.r- av,•.rr Z� ME ON ma CLPYRLdrt=, ALIX. mm.9 GR'IIP. MG -1077- zm zeu• rm - z m z n UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN erxE w•.r -r CCPTWWR 2.U. ALFX mvE5. GA' ,M n UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Es UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 4 acw.e. w•.r -a -1076- "NMRM 10 1� 1 1 1 1 �i VoLi.00 i7 F- - - -- v MAN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 3 sate. w•.r.r spuraa rooracE rvw- wu WER- 6Y1 LOi - CGPTWGiIi WM. N.WaVDER DESK GR.7JP�P1G o(D aaw 1 MAN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN `3J xxe. w•.r�• saaff rcoix� r,>M- w3w Of4- 1d1.• .s P. 1 i 1 state, w•.rs• Eawae worv� rua- uu. IR}ER- 6'L ]m 1 E� ss a� Q N 0 Jr d O Z Q Q J w 3: 1!4 1075 V re � Z w'.r e RICsF1T SIDE ELEVATION i OCilt. V4'•1'C LEFT SIDE ELEVATION____ Z eca.e. vs'.r -r -1074- loo mms uu UNIT i �1 FRONT ELEVATION I ecu.e• w•.r -e• :::: wnM UNIT & (sl FRONT ELEVATION I erstE. va•.rr Emmons an son uu C6 ,41_0 UNIT 5 n FRONT ELEVATION 1 scat. w•.r -o• Cw) COPTRKaHi W0 , aEX .Y D 8. G , .G 5g� 2 9� 6® sa •Q N Jr Z m d 0 z� a _ z Q m z IOF4 -1073- - OPTIONS A 4 5 - UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN O ICN A - C IVD COVERED DECK, LOFT STYLE UPPER FAMILY ROOM LAR1 E B- ONDOOR COVE(£D DECK LOFT 9TTLE IIWiR FAMILY RXA1, OFFICE VB BEDROCA1 LAR-iE IAFMISHED STORAGE UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN n UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 4 seas. w••r -a 4 ecxa w••r -a OPTION A t 5 - SIDE ELEVATION W/ COVERED DECK OPTION 4 OPTION A t B - REAR ELEVATION COVERED DECK OPTION 4 seas. w•e-v arue• w•r-r UPPER LEVEL OPTIONS A45 CAN 5E ADAPTED TO UNITS 3, 4, 5, (o, 1, 8, 8 g CCPTRKMIe 1013, FLEX M p .. GRYJP, M m m e 6® 68 9 ep N zQ O m m � r 'V Z 0 Z Q J lu Y 4 4 4 -to72- WY MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 9 erxo w o. SMARE FOOTAGE MAN- W9S0 I.QFER- 1321 TOTAL - Yt28 CCNRIGHf 2013. Al EXI MDESIGN GPd MG Q MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SGJAl� FOOTAGE MAN- * UFPER- 1320 TOTAL - 2228! -1071- x a c D .ax GATHEOr, Bm 0 -- COMM DAM RPM MASTER MASTER 00 t I i 11 11 II �i rL05Ex I+ I I 1 I L___________J _1 - .1 cLowt I• 1 I I I L_____________J II 11 11 C*D KrTc4E t WE �1 _TI} KIIf M ��.. _ri raur O O O O F— — -1 r -I -- - - - - -- , I LNDW C) Fps Hn I I I l i foym ism C� I II t •xewm fxe I II YxYNw. •xYwua I �s PAM p 1 I I I I } Q{ThY' POIW,H wca+e WRY gy4 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 9 erxo w o. SMARE FOOTAGE MAN- W9S0 I.QFER- 1321 TOTAL - Yt28 CCNRIGHf 2013. Al EXI MDESIGN GPd MG Q MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SGJAl� FOOTAGE MAN- * UFPER- 1320 TOTAL - 2228! -1071- 3 Z ME;,— coP+Rxnn zmu. x¢xnweR ces�ry �P, Mu z LEFT 51DE ELEVATION Z ecux. w•.rc• -1070- r�a iii iii _ ::: ■. ■■ ■■ n FRONT ELEVATION I etas. w•.rs• lam mom so. .....m uu w••rva ::] mwero vwm.u.eu n REAR ELEVATION eLVR w•.r -m• coFrRKSIr amu, aexainax oE9Ka CaFOUP, R1G. 4 REAR ELEVATION 1 eats w•.rs• n UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN i UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 4 arstc. w•.rs• SCd1ARE FOOTACxE SQUARE FOOTAGE MAM- 558Y MAM- L563, UFtiR- 619 TOTAL 669* TOTAL - 3161 TOTAL - 13531 CCNRI(aHt 2.M, ALE %M9EQ DES1 GFLVP, MG MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN `3f eulR w•.r -p SLL.4�€ FOOtACE MAM- Y{9t ISYER- 6391 TOTOL - 31BU CLPYRIGR =M. NEW . PE.. GR , MC 1 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN f auLe vs•.re sauaRE wotAGE MAM- Ed3� OFFER- 689e i 61 - 319N -1067- n SECTION a GCAL! V4'J' -O' L� _ EFT SIDE ELEVATION a...,. w•.rr L RRin� V�Vi. Hrr rr+. ...•. a eaux. w�•r.n a G az 9 N N l9� Z Z 4 Ul m 2 2OF4 -1066- •ecu.e. vs•.r.o• � 2.u, � PES.�. w WAYUTM Wi 55T Pome'9526]3PI1 PAX:952<]9.�2 yu� Qm Y!3 d� m Q J N 1 0 N Z_ Q 4 J w 1 OF 4 -1065- PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims *B. Approve minutes: April 9, 2013 regular meeting *C. Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 of the Mound City Code as it Relates to Waterways *D. Approve Resolution Approving Variance for XXXX Windsor Road - PID No. 25- 117 -24 -12 -0206 (PC Case No. 13 -04) *E. Approve for 2013 Mound Fire Relief Association Annual Fish Fry 1. Application for Temporary Sign Permit 2. Application for Public Dance /Live Music Permit 3. Application for 1 -4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License 4. Application for Liquor Liability Coverage Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Planning Commission Recommendations A. Consideration of The Landings of Lost Lake Applications /Requests from Lost Lake Homes and Marinas, LLC, which involves replat of the 26 remaining undeveloped lots in the Lost Lake 2nd Addition with an alternate 16 lot configuration with a 2 -story design 1. Public Hearings — to consider Preliminary Plat -Major Subdivision and (PC Case No. 13-04) and Conditional Use Permit (PC Case No. 13 -06) applications; also review of Variance (PC Case No. 13 -03) 2. Public Hearing— to consider application to vacate drainage and utility easements in the Villas on Lost Lake 2 °d Addn (PC Case No. 13 -08) Page 935 -959 WIT4 0m 993 -1000 995 -996 997 998 999 -1000 1001 -1091 PLEASE TURN OFF AT CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Consideration of Final Plat -Major Subdivision (PC Case No. 13 -12) Requested Actions a. Action on Resolution Granting Approval of Preliminary 1004 -1005 Plat -Major Subdivision for The Landings on Lost Lake b. Action on Resolution Granting Approval of Final Plat- 1006 -1007 Major Subdivision for The Landings on Lost Lake C. Action on Resolution Granting Approval of Conditional 1008 -1012 Use Permit and Variances for a Planned Unit Development for The Landings on Lost Lake d. Action on Resolution granting approval of Subdivision 1013 -1028 Agreement for The Landings on Lost Lake e. Action on Resolution Vacating Drainage and Utility 1029 -1030 Easements in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition B. Consideration of Request for Board and Adjustment and Appeals from 1092 -1126 Ken Pittel of Bay Rentals, Inc. regarding proposed personal watercraft and kayak rental use for property at 2630 Commerce Boulevard and applicability to `Boat and Marine Sales" use category which is allowed by conditional use in B -1 District 1. Public Hearing — to consider Conditional Use Permit from Bay Rentals, Inc. to allow personal watercraft and kayak rental use at 2630 Commerce Boulevard Requested Actions a. Action on Resolution Granting Approval of Board of 1094 Adjustment and Appeals Request from Bay Rentals, Inc. for Property at 2630 Commerce Boulevard b. Action on Resolution Granting Conditional Use Permit for 1095 -1097 Property at 2630 Commerce Boulevard 7. Discussion/directive to prepare comments to Minnehaha Creek Watershed 1127 -1128 District on Addition of Section 6/10 — Aquatic Species (AIS) 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Minutes: C. Reports: Finance Department - March 2013 1129 -1131 D. Correspondence: Letter from FEMA - March 22, 2013 1132 -1133 9. Adjourn Note: This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City ofMound web site: www.cityo5nound com. • • • 1� YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2013 APRIL13- ELANCC $ 21511.68 2013 0405CITYMAN $ 41187.04 2013 0411CITYMAN $ 294.93 2013 0417CITYMAN $ 647.39 2013 042313CITY $ 168,878.91 2013 042313HWS $ 45,945.77 2013 03- 13HOISING $ 2,561.60 2013 0313BOLTMENK $ 140,712.00 i6TAL CLAIMS 365y739.32 -935- S: \FINANCE DEPT \AP \CITY COUNCIL CLAIMS LISTING 2013.xlsx 4 -23 -13 Batch Name APR13- ELANCC Payments Refer 4 ELAN CREDIT CARD h9[o11] kq10im -il Payments Current Period: April 2013 User Dollar Amt Computer Dollar Amt Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -431 Meeting Expense Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 04232013 4/2312013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 04232013 412312013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 04232013 4123/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -208 Instructional Supplies Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -455 Permits Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions Invoice 04232013 4123/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -217 Fire Prevention Supplies Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -219 Safety supplies $2,511.68 $2,511.68 $0.00 In Balance MN CITY MGR'S ASSOC CONFERENCE 5 -1 TO 5 -3 -13 REGISTRATION K. HANSON SCOTTY B'S LUNCH 3 -29 -13 K. HANSON & SUMMER INTERN WWW. IAND1.COM. POLICE DEPT WEBSITE MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS ASSESSMENT NEW PW /ADMIN ASST.HIRING MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS ASSESSMENT NEW PW /ADMIN ASST.HIRING MICROSOFT OFFICE SKILLS ASSESSMENT NEW PW /ADMIN ASST.HIRING AMAZON.COM 12 PR CHAIN SAW PROTECTIVE & LANDSCAPER GLOVES AMAZON.COM AUTOMOTIVE LAPTOP COMPUTER MOUNT Project 13 -3 3 FIRST RESPONDER 8TH EDITION BOOKS INTL ASSOC OF FIRE CHIEFS CONF REGISTRATION AUG 13 -17 CHICAGO- G. PEDERSON UTILITY PERMIT HENNEP CTY 3 -28 -13 WATERMAIN BREAK 1806 COMMERCE MN FIRE SVC CERT BOARD- RE CERT 5 FIREFIGHTERS -3 YRS PRIZEWHEEL.COM- SPINNING WHEEL FOR FIRE PREVENTION EVENTS SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT FOR FIRE DEPT DISPATCH ROOM WALLS OURDESIGNS.COM- FIREFIGHTER II HELMET DECALS, REFLEXITE HELMET STRIPS, HAZ MAT OPERATIONS DECALS 04/16113 10:26 AM Page 1 $225.00 $15.00 $44.97 $61.50 $50.00 $50.00 $251.22 $247.99 $273.55 $475.00 $215.00 $100.00 $236.45 $29.38 $114.12 Invoice 04232013 4123/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41920 -210 Operating Supplies BAUDVILLE INC- IDVILLE- ID MAKER $122.50 PRINTER RIBBON /INK Invoice 04232013 4/2312013 Transaction Date 4/11/2013 Wells Fa 10100 Total $2,511.68 ...a. ,. , -,- MOUND,MN Payments Current Period: April 2013 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $720.19 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,228.50 601 WATER FUND $265.00 602 SEWER FUND $297.99 $2,511.68 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,511.68 Total $2,511.68 -937- 04/16/13 10:26 AM Page 2 Payments 04/08/13 3:48 PM Page 1 Current Period: April 2013 Batch Name 0405CITYMAN User Dollar Amt $4,18204 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $4,187.04 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 EXTREME BEVERAGE - Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $227.00 Invoice W730117 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $31.50 Invoice W705565 2/20/2013 Transaction Date 5/16/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $258.50 Refer 2 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30/13 TO 4/29/13 -PARKS $117.83 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30113 TO 4/29/13 -LIFT $62.28 STATION Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30/13 TO 4/29113 -HWS $569.86 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 10141910 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30/13 TO 4/29/13 -CITY HALL $914.92 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30113 TO 04/29/13 -SEWER $446.30 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 60149400 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30/13 TO 04129/13 -WATER $43317 Invoice 04232013 3/3012013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3130113 TO 04/29/13- STREETS $433.17 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30113 TO 04/29/13-POLICE $304.97 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 3/30/13 TO 04129/13-FIRE $304.98 Invoice 04232013 3/30/2013 Transaction Date 10/3/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,587.48 Refer 4 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF CC Cash Payment E 602 - 49450434 Conference & Training CITY ENGINEER'S ASSOC ANNUAL CONF -C. $285.00 MOORE 1 -30 TO 2 -2 -13 Invoice 1273802 1/22/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 4/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $285.00 Refer 3 SCANDIN, FRANK Cash Payment R 601- 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY BILL OVERPYMT -5149 $56.06 WOODLAND RD - F. SCANDIN Invoice 04102013 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.06 MOUND, MN Payments 04/08113 3:48 PM Page 2 Current Period: April 2013 ry�axx .,t;d ='?Yuk ut siri�,i;; .\ 1s„ 3." i"" fia€. 4u',, �3rl" nau�, u3" w. Vi '�X�">�:�"r�1F1Gl?Sa7� },�,�4s� xxe <axn5��kwa7�suwi��xa.?5a�ita' rra�xn zlvis�ii. Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,770.89 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $304.98 601 WATER FUND $489.23 602 SEWER FUND $793.58 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $828.36 $4,187.04 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $4,187.04 Total $4,187.04 -939- MOUND, MN Payments Current Period: April 2013 Batch Name 0411CITYMAN User Dollar Amt $294.93 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $294.93 $0.00 In Balance Refer _ 2 MUNICI -PALS_ _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -434 Conference & Training ANNUAL WORKSHOP REG. APRIL 30 - C Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $294.93 Total $294.93 $294.93 E 04/12/13 8:11 AM Page 1 $45.00 $45.00 $90.00 $187.43 $187.43 $17.50 $17.50 ROBERTS Invoice 04102013 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -434 Conference & Training ANNUAL WORKSHOP REG. APRIL 30 - A. STARK Invoice 04102013 4/1/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 4/912013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 4 THOMAS HERZOG REAL ESTATE _ Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscelianeous Revenu REFUND WATER BILL OVERPYMT- 4709 BEACHSIDE RD- T. HERZOG RE Invoice 04102013 4111/2013 Transaction Date 4/9/2013 Wells Fargo 101.00 Total , . ...,.w. Refer 3 TRILOGY PROPERTY OF MN LLC ....,... _ Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND WATER BILL OVERPYMT -5025 SHORELINE DR. TRILOGY PROPERTY Invoice 04102013 4/7/2013 Transaction Date 4/9/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $45.00 601 WATER FUND $204.93 602 SEWER FUND $45.00 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $294.93 Total $294.93 $294.93 E 04/12/13 8:11 AM Page 1 $45.00 $45.00 $90.00 $187.43 $187.43 $17.50 $17.50 Ii!i11111191 I��i�!( I Payments 04/17/13 1:07 PM Page 1 Current Period: April 2013 Batch Name 0417CITYMAN User Dollar Amt $647.39 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $647.39 $0.00 In Balance Refer 3 GIESE, LEROY _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -438 Licenses and Taxes REIMBURSE CLASS A DRIVERS LICENSE $19.00 UPCHARGE - L. GIESE Invoice 04172013 4/17/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 .y�,�,�a�._ Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.00 Refer.- 2 JAKUBIK, MATTHEW Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training TRAVEL ADVANCE M. JAKUBIK FIRE $300.00 OFFICER TRAINING INDIANAPOLIS 4 -23 TO 4 -26 Invoice 04172013 4/15/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer 1 MOUND POST OFFICE _ Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -322 Postage APRIL 2013 - UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $164.20 Invoice 04172013 4/17/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -322 Postage APRIL 2013 - UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $164.19 Invoice 04172013 4/17/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $328.39 Fund Summary 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $300.00 $183.20 $164.19 $647.39 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $647.39 Total $647.39 -941- Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 1 Batch Name 042313CITY User Dollar Amt $168,878.91 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $168,878.91 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 AUTOMATED CONVEYING SYSTE Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -404 Machinery/Equip Repairs INSTALL ROLLERS ON CONVEYOR BELT $527.87 Invoice 2171OW 4/2/2013 Transaction Date 4/1.6/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $527.87 Refer 9 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic LIFT STATION #6 & #7 RESTORE $406.90 COMMUNICATION ANTENNAE CONNECTION FAILURE Invoice 26112 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $406.90 Refer 10 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC � CSUPP Cash Payment E 101 -43100 -381 Electric Utilities LIGHT BULBS Invoice 905468156 4/312013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 35 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair SPARK PLUG INTERCHANGES Invoice 6974 - 200712 3/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair ENGINE DEGREASER Invoice 6974 - 200716 3/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair VEHICLE BELTS Invoice 6974 - 200715 3/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair VEHICLE BELT RETURN CREDIT Invoice 6974 - 200831 3/26/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 42115 -210 Operating Supplies WIPER MOTOR EMERGENCY MGMT VEHICLE $29.31 Total $29.31 $16.20 $3.94 $42.67 - $12.96 $145.54 Invoice 6974- 201571 4/1012013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $195.39 Refer 1 CENTERPOINT ENERGY(MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 2415 WILSHIRE- $378.83 POLICE Invoice 04232013 3/2112013 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 2415 WILSHIRE- $378.83 FIRE GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 4812 $663.20 CUMBERLAND -PARKS GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 5341 MAYWOOD $890.03 CITY HALL GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 5468 LYN)NOOD- $1,367.48 PUB WKS Project 13 -3 GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 2135 COMMERCE $362.54 LIQUOR STORE -942- Payments 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 2 Current Period: April 2013 tU'% ,m'Xlr Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 2 -19 TO 3 -20 -13 5801 BARTLETT- $200.99 DEPOT BLDG Invoice 04232013 3/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/2112012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,241.90 Refer 11 CONCRETE CUTTING AND COR_IN _ Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -232 Landscape Material STIHL HEDGE TRIMMER Invoice 53108 4/2/2013 PO 22034 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total _Refer 89 CUSTOMER DRIVEN REALITY _ Cash Payment R601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND OF UTILITY BILL OVERPAYMENT - 2354 FAIRVIEW LANE CUSTOMER DRIVEN REALTY Invoice 04232013 4117/2013 Transaction Date 411812013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer_ 3 ELECTRIC PUMP _ FIRE HATS, FIRE SAFETY RULES TATTOOS, Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -221 Equipment Parts 3 FLUSH VALVE REPAIR KITS Invoice 0049555 4/2/2013 PO 22035 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -221 Equipment Parts MIX FLUSH VALVE Invoice 0049601 4/11/2013 PO 22035 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer - 41 FIRE CHIEF, MNASSOCIATION $1,293.00 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 2013 MEMBERSHIP DUES MOUND FIRE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies DEPT MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSN. Invoice 04232013 4/17/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 38 FIRE SAFETYEDUCATION Total Total $427.46 $427.46 $80.01 $80.01 $931,14 $2,844.71 $3,775.85 $270.00 $270.00 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -217 Fire Prevention Supplies FIRE HATS, FIRE SAFETY RULES TATTOOS, $1,293.00 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK TATTOOS /STICKERS, LOLLIPOPS Invoice 25517 4/3/2013 PO 24236 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,293.00 Refer -� 36 FIRE SAFETY USA INCORPORATE_ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies COMPARTMENT TURTLE TILES & FEMALE $200.00 EDGES Invoice 59746 4/2/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total _ ---- ., $200.00 Refer � 4 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006456342 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006467588 4/15/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006467586 4/15/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 1006456348 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 1006456348 4/8/2013 MAT SVC 4- 8- 13 -HWS $58.58 MAT SVC 4 -15 -13 PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG $111.81 MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 4 -15 -13 $141.89 SHOP SUPPLIES 4 -8 -13 $61.63 UNIFORM SVC 4 -8 -13 $40.76 -943- MOUND, MN 04/18/131:20 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: April 2013 'A, •`::.:, `µ nw .. v�„ l" il..,...." Jlv4.., 1{°`} ai d...... i.. a�% �wd1i+ 5, V,* Y1S+.' shM1ilflCPR1� "�+Yr�3i);k„",t��,uii }.Y!�L', NUaln.+��`1�u3+iTi1A ice` ✓�xii'rw.�;,tit 3'il±.`�Vi+ Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 4 -15 -13 $72.82 Invoice 1006467589 4/15/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -15 -13 $45.48 Invoice 1006467589 4/15/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -8 -13 $24.40 Invoice 1006456347 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -8 -13 $24.80 Invoice 1006456347 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -8 -13 $35.59 Invoice 1006456347 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES 4 -8 -13 $110.01 Invoice 1006456347 4/8/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -1 -13 $24.40 Invoice 1006444761 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM. SVC 4 -1 -13 $24.80 Invoice 1006444761 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 4 -1 -13 $35.59 Invoice 1006444761 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -230 Shop Materials SHOP SUPPLIES 4 -1 -13 $147.78 Invoice 1006444761 4/1/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -460 Janitorial Services MAT SVC 4 -15 -13 $91.65 Invoice 1006467587 4/15/2013 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,051.99 Refer 5 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -418 Other Rentals PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE - $159.00 MARCH 2013 Invoice 130338111 3/31/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -418 Other Rentals FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & $553.40 ADMINISTRATION FEE - MARCH 2013 Invoice 130338033 3131/2013 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $712.40 Refer 43 HOME DEPOT CREDIT (FIRE) _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies LATCHBOX, TOTE, PLASTIC SHELF TOTE $72.86 Invoice 2071021 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies TOOLBOX, PLIERS SET, RATCHET, $433.70 HAMMER, SNIPS, HEX SET, WRECKING BAR, DUCT TAPE, PAINT BRUSH, CABLE TIE SET. ELECTRIC TAPE Invoice 6146022 4/8/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $506.56 Refer 44 HOME DEPOT /GECF (PM) _ Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies GROUT, SLEEVE ANCHORS, GROUT BAG, $122.51 MINWAX LACQUER, BIT, SEGMENTED DIAMOND BLADE, SHIMS Invoice 5015187 Cash Payment Invoice 2211051 Transaction Date 4/9/2013 Project 13 -3 E 602 - 49450 -223 Building Repair Supplies SOLIDCORE PIPE, FITTINGS, ADAPTERS, COUPLING, TRAPS, TORCH BLADE, CEMENT /PRIMER COMBO, SAWZALL BLADE 4/2/2013 Project 13 -3 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $107.39 $229.90 MOUND, MN 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 4 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Refer 12 INFRATECH _ $412.99 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA JOINT GROUTING ON WILSHIRE BLVD. MH $1,572.07 Cash Payment G4 TO G3 $435.48 Invoice PR13168 3/12/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA HIGH PRESSURE CLEANING SANITARY $1,800.00 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total SEWER 3 -12 -13 Refer ��- � � Invoice PR13169 3/12/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,372.07 Refer 39 KLM ENGINEERING, INCORPORAT 4/2/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23261 Sprint/Nextel - 2355 Chat Ln. SPRINT ANTENNAE MODIFICATIONS $1,800.00 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 DRAWING REVIEWS- CHATEAU LANE 4/2/2013 Cash Payment TOWER $1,201.32 Invoice 4815 4/1912013 Invoice 24883 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,800.00 Refer X14 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT_�� 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -500 Capital Outlay FA BOBCAT 78" INDUSTRIAL FORK GRAPPLER, $4,687.39 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- FORK TEETH, Invoice 03 -5181 4/8/2013 PO 22885 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -500 Capital Outlay FA BOBCAT 78" INDUSTRIAL FORK GRAPPLER, $498.19 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 FORK TEETH, Invoice 24883 Invoice 03 -5181 418/2013 PO 22885 Cash Payment R 101- 48500 -39101 Sales of General Fixe 66" FORK TRADE -IN CREDIT - $1,200.00 Invoice 03 -5181 4/8/2013 PO 22885 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,985.58 Refer 13 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply DRILL BITS, FLAT WASHERS, HEX CAP $412.99 SCREWS, SAFETY GLASSES, NUTS, Invoice 9301564199 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 10145200 -220 Repair /Maint Supply CARB & CHOKE CLEANER, STRIPING PAINT, $435.48 DRILL BIT, HEAT SEAL RINGS, DEGREASER, MTGE PAINT Invoice 9301570581 4/1012013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $848.47 Refer ��- � � ----------- -7 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T Cash Payment E 101 -41110 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $12.17 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $1,227.86 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41500 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $1,201.32 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $1181.85 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $785.39 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $6,053.04 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 -945- Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 5 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -151 Workers Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $2,477.85 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $6,223.39 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $535.39 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 601 - 49400 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $2,818.56 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $6,420.30 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $2,035.38 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 412/2013 Cash Payment E 675 -49425 -151 Worker s Comp Insuranc 2ND INSTALLMENT WORKERS COMP INS 2- $88.50 1 -13 TO 2 -1 -14 Invoice 24883 4/2/2013 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $31,061.00 Refer _M,.n.�..W....,,6 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES _ Cash Payment E 101 -41500 -434 Conference & Training 2013 CLERK'S CONFERENCE $245.00 REGISTRATION C. PAUSCHE Invoice 181901 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $245.00 Refer 8 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR _ Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -202 Duplicating and copying FINANCE COPIER OVERAGE CHGS BLACK & $156.51 WHITE 1 -20 -13 THRU 4 -19 -13 Invoice 1553580 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C652 - COLOR $17.36 OVERAGE - 3/14 TO 4/13 Invoice 1550082 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C652 - BAN $91.08 OVERAGE - 3/14 TO 4/13 Invoice 1550082 413/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA B200 4TH FLOOR COPIER $22.06 B & WHT COPIES OVERAGE 3 -10 THRU 4 -9 Invoice 1548752 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA 8200 4TH FLOOR COPIER $22.05 B & WHT COPIES OVERAGE 3 -10 THRU 4 -9 Invoice 1548752 4/1/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 4/16/2013 Wells Fargo 1.0100 Total $309.06 Refer 15 MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. _ Cash Payment E 475 -46386 -300 Professional Srvs MARCH RESEARCH & CONSULTING SVCS- $5,000.00 RE: REDEVELOPMENT DOWNTOWN MOUND TIF 1 -3 Invoice 15153 4/5/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,000.00 40 METRO FIRE _ _Refer -946- MOUND, MN 04/18/131:20 PM Page 6 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Refer 18 MINNESOTA DEPT OFHEALTH Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes WATER SUPPLY OPERATOR CERTIFICATE Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies HARNESS ASSEMBLIES, TX RECEIVERS, $1,644.52 Invoice 04232013 4/10/2013 PO 22825 COMPONENTS, ELITE FACE PIECE LENS Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Invoice 46926 415/2013 Refer 19 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INS Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,644.52 Refer 16 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE PAID - B. RITTER Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS WASTEWATER SERVICES MAY 2013 $47,720.38 Invoice 0001013805 4/4/2013 $59.71 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $47,720.38 Refer 18 MINNESOTA DEPT OFHEALTH Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes WATER SUPPLY OPERATOR CERTIFICATE $23.00 RENEWAL S. KIVISTO Invoice 04232013 4/10/2013 PO 22825 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $23.00 Refer 19 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INS Cash Payment E 101-49999-140 Unemployment Comp 1ST QTR 2013 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS $7,930.00 PAID - B. RITTER Invoice 8561498 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp 1ST QTR 2013 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS $59.71 PAID - C. JOHNSON Invoice 8561498 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp 1ST QTR 2013 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS $78.38 PAID - P. CHEELEY Invoice 8561498 4/912013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,068.09 Refer 17 MNSPECT Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees MARCH 2013 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES $10,014.51 Invoice 6018 4/412013 Cash Payment R 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee MARCH 2013 -ELECTRICAL PERMIT CREDIT -$151,00 Invoice 6018 414/2013 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments MARCH 2013 - STATE ELECTRICAL _$60.00 SURCHARGE CREDIT Invoice 6018 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,803.51 ....... . .......... Refer 20 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIA T/O Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib APRIL 2013 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $12,983.33 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 04232013 4/23/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,983.33 Refer 24 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities WATER SERVICE 3-4-13 THRU 4-1-13 HWS $45.26 Invoice 04232013 4/15/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ...... .... $45.26 11 ',- 1-1-11---, Refer 21 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous 2013 RESIDENTIAL COMPOSTABLE YARD $12,812.50 WASTE DISPOSAL Invoice 13289 3/31/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 22 NAPA AUTO PARTS - SPRING PAR -947- Total $12,812.50 Quito n?ATAI Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 7 S:i.w, .�., t, d�$, M.. L UV�. Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -210 Operating Supplies BOOSTER PAC -FIRE DEPT. $150.00 Invoice 842939 3/1912013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 23 NEOPOST _ Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -210 Operating Supplies INK CARTRIDGE POSTAGE MACHINE $153.89 Invoice 13913310 4/1/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $153.89 Refer 26 NS 11 MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies RESET & ADJUST MAKEUP AIR UNIT 3 -18 $222.12 PARKS BLDG Invoice W28007 3/3112013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $222.12 Refer. 25 OFFICEDEPOT Cash Payment E 101- 41.910 -200 Office Supplies LABELS, COLORED COPY PAPER $83.96 Invoice 652531784001 4110/2013 P022810 Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -210 Operating Supplies BADGE HOLDERS $3.23 Invoice 652531784001 4/10/2013 PO22810 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $87.19 Refer 27 ORONO, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $284.41 FEES MARCH 2013 Invoice 20130056 4/5/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $284.41 29 SIMPLEX GRINNELL - _Refer Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -440 Other Contractual Servic PW BLDG MONITOR EXTINGUISHER, $846.55 SPRINKLER & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081543 4/1/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic CITY HALL MONITOR EXTINGUISHER, $1,187.65 SPRINKLER & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081546 41112013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic HWS MONITOR EXTINGUISHER, SPRINKLER $719.46 & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081544 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -440 Other Contractual Servic PUB SAFETY BLDG MONITOR $1,036.38 EXTINGUISHER, SPRINKLER & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081547 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -440 Other Contractual Servic PUB SAFETY BLDG MONITOR $1,036.37 EXTINGUISHER, SPRINKLER & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081547 4/112013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -440 Other Contractual Servic PARKS GARAGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS $80.00 TEST & INSPECT Invoice 76081542 4/1/2013 Cash Payment E 285- 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic PARKING DECK MONITOR EXTINGUISHER, $830.55 SPRINKLER & FIRE ALARM TEST & INSPECTION Invoice 76081550 4/1/2013 -948- MOUND, MN 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 8 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,736.96 Refer 37 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER CITY _ Cash Payment G 101 -23274 AEROTRAVEL - 2630 COM WATERCRAFT RENTAL USE- BAY RENTALS $29.40 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUB HEARING Invoice 1157697 4/13/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23272 SALITERMAN: #13 -04 to #13 LOST LAKE HOMES- VACATION OF $75.90 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS -LEGAL NOTICE PUB HEARING Invoice 1157692 4/13/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23272 SALITERMAN: #13 -04 to #13 LOST LAKE HOMES- CUP & PRELIM PLAT- $49.61 MAJOR SUBDV LEGAL NOTICE PUB HEARING Invoice 1157696 4/13/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $154.91 Refer ............. .r.�,_ 42 TRUE VALUE MOUND (FIRE) _ „,. ..,....h......., ,.w..�., �.�.,. ., _�....,.. .. �..,„....., ..,., ,. -..._ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $1.71 Invoice 102359 3/4/2013 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies SS CLAMP $3.18 Invoice 102811 3/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -210 Operating Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS $1.64 Invoice 102803 3/23/2013 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -322 Postage FED EX SHIPPING- RETURN 1ST $15.56 RESPONDER TEXTBOOK Invoice 103313 4/12/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.09 Refer 28 TRUE VALUE MOUND (POLICE) _ Cash Payment E 101 -42110 -210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG $10.14 Invoice 102857 3/26/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -210 Operating Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG $10.14 Invoice 102857 3/26/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $20.28 Refer 32 WESTONKA MECHANICAL CONTR��� Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Servic 2913 HOLT LANE -SVC CALL - INSTALL 3/4” $62.75 METER Invoice 35431 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $62.75 Refer 33 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC _ Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR FORCEMAIN @ 110 GRANDVIEW 3- $2,887.50 26 -13 Invoice 3496 4/412013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,887.50 Refer 34 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -381 Electric Utilities STREET LIGHTS ELECTRIC SERVICE 3 -3 -13 $5,426.50 TO 4 -2 -13 Invoice 465770077 4/3/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,426.50 ft4 fell I.I��'i( l Payments Current Period: April 2013 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $49,242.59 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $25,413.14 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $1,033.58 285 MOUND HRA $830.55 475 TIF 1 -3 Mound Harbor Renaissan $5,000.00 601 WATER FUND $3,440.82 602 SEWER FUND $67,130.05 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $3,887.18 670 RECYCLING FUND $12,812.50 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $88.50 $168,878.91 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $168,878.91 Total $168,878.91 -950- 04/18/13 1:20 PM Page 9 MOUND, MN 04/18/13 1:25 PM Page I Payments Current Period: April 2013 Batch Name 042313HWS User Dollar Amt $45,945,77 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $45,945.77 $0.00 In Balance Refer I ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Mise Merchandise For R ICE $75.44 Invoice 461310001 4/10/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $1.00 Invoice 461310001 4/10/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 "", Wells Fargo 10100 Total $76.44 1 I'll -111, _11111— . . 111-111 "," . Refer 2 BELLBOY CORPORATION . ........ .. ......... Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES $41.05 Invoice 88230900 4/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rase MIX $44.50 Invoice 88263000 4/12/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MERCHANDISE, CORCKSCREWS, JIGGERS, $68.50 SHOT CUPS Invoice 88263000 4/12/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 I'll 1-11- Wells Fargo 10100 Total $154.05 1 1 11 ' "I. --l- ......... -... 11..I 11 1-111, - 1"' __111 Refer 3 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1-1-1111-1. 111' .......... Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $20.15 Invoice 77760500 4/12/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,701.00 Invoice 77760500 4/12/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,327.00 Invoice 77679000 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,269.50 Invoice 77662400 4/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $13.95 Invoice 77662400 4/5/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,331,60 Refer 4 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $111,20 Invoice 53777 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $402.05 Invoice 52440 414/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $513.25 Refer 5 BLU SKY PUBLISHING Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 114 PAGE AD APRIL 2013 WEST LAKE $130.00 BUSINESS PUBLICATION Invoice 16086 3130/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $130.00 Refer 6 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $217.48 Invoice 0138056319 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $217.48 Refer 7 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC -951- MOUND, MN 04/18/13 1 25 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Refer 11 ✓J TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment ... .. r ... 1. ..., ..Qlt. BEER Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment $157.60 Invoice 11500 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $157.60 Refer DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Refer 12 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR �- Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1539022 $1,295.30 Invoice 696063 4/9/2013 E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1539023 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,295.30 Refer 9 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA _ ........,,.u., ---- ... .,.v.,. E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Transaction Date $1,290.00 Invoice 151157 4/11/2013 13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $15.75 Invoice 151157 4/11/2013 Invoice 1544219 4/10/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,305.75 Refer -� -10 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED���� E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $177.00 Invoice 643255 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177.00 Refer 11 ✓J TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2072463 419/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2072464 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2072450 4/5/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 12 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR �- Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1539022 4/312013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1539023 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 572071 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1539024 4/3/2013 Transaction Date 4/1 712 01 3 Wells Fargo Refer 13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 1544221 4/1012013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 1544219 4/10/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 1544220 4/10/2013 Cash Payment E 60949750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 1544222 4/10/2013 $1,772.14 $38.80 $225.00 10100 Total $2,035.94 10100 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 571191 3/26/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fa 95 .L 10100 $4,484.92 $3,123.20 -$4.85 $60.50 Total $7,663.77 $36.00 $2,203.80 $3,568.25 $97.44 - $56.90 Total $5,848.59 MOUND, MN 04/18/13 1:25 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: April 2013 „1 .... �., Ywa re ,.�.i:.riU,-1 Refer 14 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA _ Invoice 8394750 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 3 -11 -13 $65.19 Invoice 928009036 3/31/2013 E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer 15 MOUND MARKETPLACE LLC _ Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -412 Building Rentals MAY COMMON AREA MTCE & INSURANCE $977.50 Invoice 8394584 HWS Invoice 04232013 4/17/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -412 Building Rentals 2012 BUDGET RECONCILIATION- CAM & -$101.98 4/8/2013 INSURANCE HWS Invoice 04232013 4/17/2013 E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Transaction Date 4/18/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $875.52 Refer PARLEY LAKE WINERY _.. Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.00 Invoice 8305 8/31/2012 18 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS INC _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $300.00 Invoice 8307 9/30/2012 $452.03 Invoice 2401747 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $207.00 Invoice 8312 4/12/2013 E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $747.00 Refer 17 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,036.91 Invoice 8394750 418/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $15.00 Invoice 8394750 4/812013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $160.00 Invoice 8394584 4/5/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $57.00 Invoice 8394754 4/8/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $2.25 Invoice 8394754 4/8/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,271.16 Refer 18 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS INC _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $452.03 Invoice 2401747 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $532.05 Invoice 2401746 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $28.49 Invoice 2401748 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $56.00 Invoice 2401749 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $813.36 Invoice 2395595 3/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $599.35 Invoice 2405159 4/10/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $466.70 Invoice 2405160 4110/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Farnn 10100 Total $2,947.98 _. MOUND, MN 04118/13 1:25 PM Page 4 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Invoice 9004633 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 9005425 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 9004882 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4118/2013 _Refer 22 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 745851 41912013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 745852 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 00770592 415/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 00770644 4112/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Refer 23 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0074936 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 0074936 4/4/2013 WINE CREDIT S. JEAN PINOT NOR INVC # - $90.00 1018935 WINE CREDIT YELLOW TAIL CAB INVC # - $48.00 1017310 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $768.00 BEER $52.95 Refer 19 PHILLIPS WINE-AND SPIRITS, INC _ BEER $119.00 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT - $83.90 Invoice 3502500 4/9/2013 $424.00 FREIGHT Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - $12.41 Invoice 3502499 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - $37.23 Invoice 3502502 4/9/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total - $133.54 w � .,o... WIN. TS OF Refer 20 SOUTHERN WINE Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $796.00 Invoice 1021317 4111/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX $40.12 Invoice 1021316 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $400.31 Invoice 1021314 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $464.00 Invoice 1021315 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 ...... Wells Fargo 10100 Total .,�k..,.� .... ... .. .. .... $1,700.43 ,wu - ..._,,—. ,...,_,..._.m, ,.1111__"__"_'' Refer 21 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ ..... ..... w,. m..,_., .. .....w,.�..M Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR -ITEMS PREV PD INVC #1009706 $0.00 Invoice 5000613 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $996.00 Invoice 1018935 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT S. JEAN PINOT NOIR INVC # - $90.00 1018935 Invoice 9004633 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 9005425 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 9004882 4/4/2013 Transaction Date 4118/2013 _Refer 22 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 745851 41912013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 745852 4/9/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 00770592 415/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale Invoice 00770644 4112/2013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Refer 23 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 0074936 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 0074936 4/4/2013 WINE CREDIT S. JEAN PINOT NOR INVC # - $90.00 1018935 WINE CREDIT YELLOW TAIL CAB INVC # - $48.00 1017310 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $768.00 BEER $52.95 BEER $1,873.65 BEER $119.00 BEER RETURN - $30.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,015.60 LIQUOR $424.00 FREIGHT $12.50 -954- MOUND, MN 04/18113 1:25 PM Page 5 Payments Current Period: April 2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $295.24 Invoice 0075311 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $16.00 Invoice 0075311 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $648.00 Invoice 0075311 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,395.74 24 WINE COMPANY _ _Refer Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $432.00 Invoice 326373 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 326373 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $248.00 Invoice 326945 4/1112013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 326945 4/1112013 Transaction Date 4/1712013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total - -- ...... -.,. --... $696.80 .,...��. Refer 25 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $896.00 Invoice 450874 4/10/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -251 Liquor For Resale BEER CREDIT - $84.95 Invoice 60909 4/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $560.00 Invoice 449942 4/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale BEER $61.90 Invoice 449343 4/3/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,432.95 Refer 26 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $240.00 Invoice 1090026161 4/312013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $21.50 Invoice 1090026162 4/312013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,798.70 Invoice 1090026090 4/312013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER - INCLDS CR R09007192 $1,197.60 Invoice 1090029561 4/10/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,257.80 Refer 27 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRI _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $72.00 Invoice 1080022605 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $0.44 Invoice 1080022604 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,456.00 Invoice 1080022606 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $997.03 Invoice 1080022553 4/4/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $671.85 Invoice 1060025283 4/11/2013 -955- 11 • ai••PA111ik] Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 1:25 PM Page 6 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $678.55 Invoice 1080025334 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $48.00 Invoice 1080025335 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,923.87 Refer 28 Z WINES USA LLC Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 11905 4/11/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 11905 4/11/2013 Transaction Date 4/17/2013 Fund Summary 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND WINE $72.00 FREIGHT $2.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.50 10100 Wells Fargo $45,945.77 $45,945.77 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $45,945.77 Total $45,945.77 -956- tfreAII?AljI kq Payments Current Period: April 2013 Batch Name 03- 13HOISING User Dollar Amt $2,561.60 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $2,561.60 $0.00 In Balance Refer 45 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP,/ Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007 - 001 -59 4/9/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23271 KAHMEYER -1571 FINCH -P 1571 FINCH LANE VARIANCE KAHMEYER PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007- 005 -56 419/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23272 SALITERMAN: #13 -04 to #13 LOST LAKE TOWNHOME & MARINA CUP PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007 - 005 -56 4/9/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23266 Windsor Road WINDSOR RD COMPLETENESS REVIEW PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007- 001 -59 4/9/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23270 MCCALL - 5346 PIPER- PC PIPER EXPANSION PERMIT PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007 - 001 -59 4/9/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23274 AEROTRAVEL - 2630 COM BAYSIDE RENTAL PLANNING SVCS MARCH 2013 Invoice 007- 001 -59 4/9/2013 Transaction Date 4117/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,561.60 $2,561.60 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,561.60 Total $2,561.60 -957- 04/17/13 3:31 PM Page 1 $435.75 $926.15 $1,054.45 $62.25 $41.50 $41.50 $2,561.60 Ll • RP0 111I� Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 8:57 AM Page 1 k: . , ,,..� , ..,. ,..., ,;. , -. "WG , I�sahu�@m+'3k:1l, lhNillCi?Fae,1Yi?t�..;ti.:'a, e:,"�A "'RU. -t� , e?& `, .�a. ,b. «�.tt Batch Name 0313BOLTMENK User Dollar Amt $140,712.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $140,712.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 88 BOLTONAND MENK, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E 402 - 43120 -300 Professional Srvs MSA SYSTEM UPDATE SVCS THRU MARCH $1,165.00 152013 Invoice 0155580 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 401 -43101 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155581 3/3112013 Cash Payment E 401 - 43127 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155582 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155584 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155585 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155586 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155587 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 401 - 43112 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155589 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0155591 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0155592 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 675 - 49425 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155578 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155577 3131/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155577 3/31/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23266 Windsor Road 2011 SW ISLAND STREET PROJ PW11 -01 ENGINEER SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW1101 2011 HIGHLANDS STREET PROJ PW11 -02 ENGINEER SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1102 SURFACE WATER MGMT SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 2010 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJECT ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 2011 LIFT STATIONS PROJECT PW 11- 03ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW1103 2011 STORM DRAIN IMPROV PROD. PW11 -05 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW1105 2012 NORTH ISLAND STREET PROJ. PW 12- 01 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1201 2012 STORM DRAIN IMPROV. PROD PW 12- 05 ENGINEERING SVCSTHRU MARCH 16 2013 Project PW 1205 2012 LIFT STATION PROJECTS PW12 -03 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1203 WCA ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 MCES ISSUES SANITARY SEWER ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 WINDSOR RD VARIANCE & MTG ENGINEER SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Invoice 0155579 3/31/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23231 6301 Lynwood #10 -07, Wood WOODLYN RIDGE PLAT REVIEW & MTG ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Invoice 0155579 3/31/2013 $522.00 $1,334.00 $2,108.00 $1,474.00 $198.00 $710.00 $7,454.50 $426.00 $117.00 $87.00 $877.50 $195.00 $442.00 $158.00 MOUND, MN Payments Current Period: April 2013 04/18/13 8:57 AM Page 2 .....I'.a >. a w.' k' S' 11 ,1tt`iYtSa.;&vkC?:�w°Y`kk•"L,A ;�35+'iF1'� 1, v�Qffl.a19.a OiU .aax Cash Payment G 101 -23272 SALITERMAN: #13 -04 to #13 VILLAS @ LOST LAKE PLAT REVIEW & $474.00 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Invoice 0155579 3/31/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23275 METCOUNCIL: 6270 WEST MCES MTCE FACILITY CUP ENGINEERING $245.50 SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Invoice 0155579 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 401 - 43113 -303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0155593 3131/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0155596 313112013 Cash Payment E 675- 49425 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0155597 3/3112013 Cash Payment E 401- 43213 -303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0155595 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0155594 3/31/2013 Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0155577 3131/2013 Transaction Date 4/18/2013 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 402 MUNICIPAL ST AID ST CONSTUCT 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 2013 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROJ. PW13- $112,175.50 01 ENG SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW1301 2013 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROD. PW13- $1,918.00 03 ENG SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1303 2013 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROD. PW13- $2,828.50 04 ENG SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1304 2013 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROJ. PW13- $5,294.50 05 ENG SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1305 2013 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROD. PW13- $313.00 06 ENG SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Project PW 1306 LYNWOOD WATERMAIN ENGINEERING $195.00 SVCS THRU MARCH 15 2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Wells Fargo $2,197.00 $126,780.50 $1,165.00 $195.00 $4,215.00 $6,159.50 $140,712.00 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $140,712.00 Total $140,712.00 C 10100 Total $140,712.00 MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 2013 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, April 9, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Council members Mark Wegscheid, Heidi Gesch, Kelli Gillispie and Ray Salazar Members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Fin Dir /Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, City Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok, Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison, Blaze Fugina, Liz Vandum, Susan Johnson, Michael Piepkorn, Karly Curtis, Carolyn Brooks, Mick Murphy, Joe Marston, Joe Bohmert, Darren Kahmeyer, Joel Dahl Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda Hanson requested Agenda Item 8 be amended to replace Carlton Moore, Public Works Dir, with Correy Farniok, Orono Police Chief, and that item 4J be moved to Item 8a for discussion. Heidi Gesch requested item 4B be pulled from the consent and Kelli Gillispie requested item 41 be pulled from the consent. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Heidi Gesch requested the removal of Item 4B as she wishes to abstain from the vote for that item. Kelli Gillispie requested the removal of Item 41 for discussion. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Gillispie to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon role call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $ 162,496.64 B. (Removed) C. Approve permits for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - `The Blast," May 18, 2013, with fees paid: 1. Public Dance /Live Music Permit 2. Temporary On -Sale Liquor Permit 3. Exempt Permit for Raffle 4. Temporary Sign Permit Application •.1 Mound City Council Minutes —April 9, 2013 D. Approve Public Gathering Permit for Minnesota Pro Team, LLC, Big Bass Bonanza Tournament Weigh -In at Mound Bay Park on Sat, June 16, 2013, with fees paid. E. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -2013: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES RESOLUTION NO. 13- 37: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF AN ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY, AS IT RELATES TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES G. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -38: RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPANSION PERMIT FOR 1571 FINCH LANE PLANNING CASE NO. 13 -13 H. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -39: RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR 1571 FINCH LANE PLANNING CASE NO. 13 -03 I. (Removed) J. (Removed) K. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -40: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2013 CIPP LINING PROJECT (PW- 13 -06) MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the minutes of the March 26, 2013 regular meeting. The following voted in favor: Hanus, Salazar, Gillispie. The following voted against: none. Gesch and Wegscheid abstained as they were absent from that meeting. Motion carried. Gillispie asked Mound Farmers Market and More (MFMM) Karly Curtis if the City has been helpful, for which Curtis replied "yes." Gillispie encouraged the MFMM organizers to work with other organizations and groups in a professional and responsive manner. Curtis stated Mary Perbix is the secretary and should be the first point of contact for other groups wishing to participate. Mayor Hanus complemented the MFMM stating that it is a wonderful community event and seems to get better every year. MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Salazar, to approve the seasonal use and activites of the 2013 MFMM in downtown Mound. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Comments and agenda. None were M. Mound City Council Minutes — April 9, 2013 6. Jan Callison, Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison, Hennepin County Commissioner, stated she represents District 6 which covers approximately' /2 of Mound (Precincts 2 and 4) and all of Orono and Spring Park, Jeff Johnson represents District 7 which covers the other'' /2 of Mound (Precincts 1 and 3). Callison is in her second term as commissioner and formerly was on the Minnetonka City Council for 12 years and served as Mayor for part of that time. Callison presented an overview of the County budget and levy. Callison confirmed grant money for playground equipment was available through the Youth Sports Program. Hanson asked about the status of decentralizing the Human Services function and Callison confirmed Rex Holzemer is in charge of Human Services and she would ask him to follow -up with the City about their ideas. 7. A. MOTION by Salazar, second by Gesch to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13-41: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL ON THE SALE OF $6,270,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION UTILITY AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2013A, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCEAND PLEDGING FOR THE SECURITY THEREOF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND NET REVENUES AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF B. MOTION by Salazar, second by Gesch to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -42: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROPOSAL ON THE SALE OF $2,495,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2013B, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND PLEDGING FOR THE SECURITY THEREOF TAX INCREMENTS AND NET REVENUES AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PLEGE AGREEMENT Chief Faniok stated the City of Mound received a Change of Service Petition requesting stop signs be placed at the intersections of Grandview Boulevard and Hillcrest and Grandview Boulevard and Sunset Road, and that the speed limit be posted along with caution and school signs. Farniok stated a review by Public Works and Public Safety staff confirmed Grandview Boulevard is being used during rush hours as a pass- through but that a speed study a few years ago showed the vast majority drive within the speed limit (30mph). Farniok recommends installation of stop signs at the intersection of Grandview Boulevard and Hillcrest Road and the intersection at Grandview Boulevard and Bellaire Lane, along with the addition of warning signs that would accompany the stop signs at these intersections to serve as education. Farniok also recommends a cautionary sign at the curve near the boat landing and a 15 mph speed sign under it. -962- Mound City Council Minutes — April 9, 2013 Discussion followed and the Mayor asked what the petition requested and invited members of the audience to speak on the issue. Liz Vandam, 5816 Grandview Boulevard, thanked the Council and Staff for the quick response and noted a concern with the number of commercial vehicles as it relates to the safety of walkers in the area. Joe Marston, 5856 Grandviwe Boulevard, expressed concern with the traffic by the boat ramp and the fact it was a very narrow street with no street lights. The Mayor stated this is a process for neighborhoods to petition the City for a street light. Joe Bohmert, 5842 Grandview Boulevard, stated that because parking is allowed on one side of the street, it further narrows the street. He stated he has witnessed near misses with the commercial traffic and is trying to be proactive. The Mayor thanked him and encouraged him to come back if the stop signs don't solve the problem. Mick Murphy, 5964 Sunset Road, said he likes to utilize public transportation but is often afraid he will be hit on the road walking to the bus stop. The Mayor said the street is part of the 2015 Street Improvement Project and that a sidewalk could possibly be added and that the neighborhood should begin discussing it now as it take easements and possible assessments. Joe Bohmert, 5842 Grandview Boulevard, asked about speed bumps. The Mayor said speed bumps create difficulty with snow removal. Moore stated they have proven to be unsuccessful in many cases are removed. Research shows education and enforcement of speed limits is more effective. Moore cautioned residents that Lynwood Boulevard will be shut down for repairs in a few weeks and Grandview Boulevard will be the detour. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -47: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON GRANDVIEW BOULEVARD AS IT INTERSECTS WITH BELLAIRE LANE AND HILLCREST ROAD Moore stated Staff requested this item be removed from the consent agenda because the Woodlyn Ridge Developers failed to get the required information in on time. Moore suggested approving the bid without Alternate 1. Moore stated this could be brought back and accepted at a later date. Motion by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the resolution as amended to remove Alternate 1. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -43: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR THE 2013 STREET UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (PW13 -01, PW13 -02, and PW18 -05) -963- Mound City Council Minutes—April 9, 2013 9. Carlton Moore, Public Works Dir, requesting action regarding Wolner Field property Moore stated that the Upper Tonka Little League is disolving and the Westonka School District is taking over in order to preserve little league in the area. Therefore, changes are necessary on the lease agreement for the ball fields located by City Hall. A. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Gillispie, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -44: RESOLUTION TERMINATING THE RECREATIONAL LAND LEASE, AS AMENDED, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND THE UPPER TONKA LITTLE LEAGUE FOR THE WOLNER FIELD PROPERTY MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Salazar, to adopt the following resolution with the revised Exhibit B. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -45: RESOLUTION APPROVING DECLARATION REGARDING STORMWATER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AT THE WOLNER FIELD PROPERTY C. MOTION by Hanus, seconded by Salazar, to adopt the following resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -46: RESOLUTION APPROVING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND ISD # 277 (WESTONKA) FOR THE WOLNER FIELD PROPERTY 10. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Council members /City Manager The City Manager invited Carolyn Brooks to speak about the May 18, 2013 Wheels for Meals event. Brooks stated participants may register on -line at www.wecan- help.orp. Brooks handed out orange bandanas and stated all proceeds will go to the Meals on Wheels program. B. Minutes: Planning Commission — March 5, 2013 Planning Commission — March 19, 2013 C. Reports: Orono Police Commissioner Meeting Agenda — March 27, 2013 Minnetrista & Met Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sanitary Forcemain Rehab Project D. Correspondence: Letter to legislators on tax forfeitures —April 1, 2013 Letter from Mediacom on rates — March 29, 2013 Letter from Kennedy & Graven RE: the Suburban Rate Authority Assessments Hennepin County Assessors — 2013 assessment and Open Book Info Mound City Council Minutes —April 9, 2013 11, Adiourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Gillispie to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -965- Mayor Mark Hanus MEMORANDUM Date: April 18, 2013 To: Mayor Hanus and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Subject: Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 of the Mound City Code At the March 26, 2013 Council Meeting, Ordinance 02 -2013 was approved that amended Chapter 78 of the Mound City Code as it relates to Waterways. The definition of Wait List was amended, but upon further review, the original language was more appropriate as it is only meant to apply to assignment of docks and slips in the City of Mound Dock Program, and not apply to the Lost Lake Slips that are administered under a separate LMCD license and section of the code. In addition, Section 78 -122 (e) was amended at the March 26, 2013 Council Meeting that pertains to the license priorities for the Lost Lake Slips. Upon further consideration, it became clear that the priorities established to assign the docks have to expire at some point each year, similar to our last day of February for the Mound Dock Program, so that the slips can be rented and renters assured they won't be bumped out by someone with a higher priority. Therefore, the following language was added: "The following priorities govern the issuance of Lost Lake Slip licenses available in the pool to be issued on an annual basis through the enrollment period ending the first Monday in May of each year. After the first Monday in May of each year, the Lost Lake Slips will be assigned on a first come -first serve basis until all Lost Lake Slips are rented. The Lost Lake Slips in the pool will be rented at the rates established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule for Lost Lake Slips at the Non -Lost Lake Resident and Lost Lake Resident Second Slip Rates..." References to the "wait list" list in this section were also replaced with the phrase "City of Mound Dock Program Wait List" in an attempt to add clarity as to what wait list is being used. The applications for the Lost Lake Slips will contain the following disclaimer: V understand that l am required to be in compliance with the LMCD rules governing Lost Lake Slips and that the rental of this slip is temporary and I am not guaranteed renewal of the slip in future years. 1 understand l need to be on the Mound Dock Program Wait List if l wish to participate in the Mound Municipal Dock Program in the future." The information above was reviewed with the City Attorney and approval is of the Ordinance is recommended. Please call me at (952)472 -0633 with any questions. -966- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO WATERWAYS The City of Mound does ordain: Sec. 78 -100. Definitions. That Chapter 78, Section 78 -100, Definitions, be amended as follows: Wait list means the list of current, First Pfierit Second Prierib, Third Priority, and Fourth Priority, Fifth y a�D.;may, a d- 8i)Ah- Prierib applicants waiting for a dock or slip. That Chapter 78, Section 78 -122, Licenses, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 78 -122. Licenses. (e) License Priorities for Lost Lake Slips ( "Lost Lake Slips'). The Dock Administration shall assign all locations to the applicants upon compliance with this ordinance and subject to reasonable conditions. The number of slip licenses available in each of these categories will be determined by the Dock Administration on an annual basis. Every Lost Lake townhome located on Lost Lake Lane or Lost Lake Court in Mound, Minnesota ( "Lost Lake Resident "), will be offered one Lost Lake Slip to be charged on an annual basis at the Lost Lake Resident Rate for Primary Slip Holders as established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule. If any Lost Lake Resident declines a Lost Lake Slip, it will be included in the pool of slips rented at the higher rates as established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule. The following priorities govern the issuance of Lost Lake Slip licenses available in the pool to be issued on an annual basis through the enrollment period ending the first Monday in May of each year. After the first Monday in of each year, the Lost Lake Slips will be assigned on a first come -first serve basis until all Lost Lake Slips are rented. The Lost Lake Slips in the pool will be rented at the rates established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule for Lost Lake Slips at the Non -Lost Lake Resident and Lost Lake Resident Second Slip Rates: (1) First Priority: Mound residents on the current City of Mound Dock Pro rg am wWait IList who rented a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season, based on seniority on the City of Mound Dock Program wWait IList. (2) Second Priority: Lost Lake Residents wanting a second slip who rented a second Lost Lake Slip in the prior season. (3) Third Priority: Mound residents on current City of Mound Dock Program ivWait IList who did not rent a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season, based on seniority on the City of Mound Dock Program wWait IList. (4) Fourth Priority: Lost Lake Residents wanting a second slip who did not rent a second Lost Lake Slip in the prior season. (5) Fifth Priority: Mound residents not on the City of Mound Dock Program wWait IList, with priority given to those who held a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season. (6) Sixth Priority: The general public, including non -Mound residents, with priority given to those who held a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season. Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of April, 2013. Mayor Mark Harms Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Published in The Laker on the day of , 2013. -967 - Effective on the _ day of 2013. Executive Summary 1 1 � 9 1 TO: Mound City Council, Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: April 18, 2013 SUBJECT: Planning Case No. 13 -14 Variance Request (bluff) REQUEST SUMMARY The applicants, Daniel and Laura Sanden, have requested a variance to the bluff setback requirement of the Shoreland Protection Ordinance to allow the construction of a home and detached garage. The currently undeveloped property is owned by the Rogers' estate. The applicant has only provided a site plan at this time as they would like to be ensured the variance will be approved prior to completing detailed building plans. The applicant is proposing a one -story walkout home with a detached, two -car garage. In addition to the standard setback requirements of the R -1A Zoning District, the site is also required to meet setback requirements including the Lakeshore setback to the ordinary high water line. Per MCWD Rules, there is also a required wetland buffer requirement. A proposed 25 -foot buffer has been shown and is consistent with the applicable rule. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this case at their April 16th meeting and recommended unanimously for its approval. A draft of the meeting minutes is included for your reference. RECOMMENDATION As both the Planning Commission and Staff recommended approval of the requests, Staff has prepared the attached resolution for your consideration. Staff recommends approval of the resolution including the conditions and findings of fact. 12- 6 " Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (6 i9 z -5 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY AT XXXX WINDSOR LANE (PID NO. 25- 117 -24 -12 -0206) WHEREAS, the applicants, Daniel and Laura Sanden, have applied for a variance to the bluff setback requirement in order to build a one -story walkout house and detached 2 -car garage; and WHEREAS, the property is located on Windsor Lane in the R -1A single - family residential zoning district; and WHEREAS, the 16,000 square foot property has not been previously developed; and WHEREAS, in addition to the standard setback requirements of the R -1A zoning district, the applicants are required to meet minimum setbacks to an adjacent wetland and the ordinary high water line; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the property has a bluff as is defined in City Code Section 129 -2: Bluff means topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having all of the following characteristics: (1) Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; (2) The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high -water level of the water body; (3) The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the ordinary high -water level averages 30 percent or greater; and (4) The slope must drain toward the water body. M WHEREAS, City Code Section 129 -385 (d) (1) (c) requires a 10 foot setback from the top of the bluff for all structures except stairways and landings; and WHEREAS, the bluff extends almost completely across the property from the southeast to the northeast significantly reducing the buildable area of the lot; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking to construct the home and garage on the property with the following minimal standards: M WHEREAS, City Code Section 129 -39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129 -2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and -970- Required Proposed /Existing Variance Lot Area 6,000 sq. ft. 16,000 sq. ft. - Lot Width 40 feet 80 feet Front Yard (north - Windsor) 20 feet 20 feet Rear Yard (south) 15 feet 15 feet Side Yards (west) 6 feet 6 feet Side Yard (east) 10 feet 10 feet Lakeshore (east/southeast) 50 feet 50 feet Wetland Setback (east/southeast) 25 feet 25 feet Bluff Setback (east/southeast) 10 feet 0 10 feet Hardcover (maximum 40 %) 6,400 sq. ft. 3,480 sq. ft. M WHEREAS, City Code Section 129 -39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129 -2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and -970- WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 129 -2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. M WHEREAS, in identifying the buildable area of the lot the applicants have sought to minimize their request to only a bluff setback variance; and WHEREAS, the proposed development of the property as a residential home will be in character with the surrounding neighborhood; and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested variance for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Commission report for the April 16, 2013 meeting, as well as in the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, the variance was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its April 16, 2013 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of recommending approval of the variance; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the variance at its April 23, 2013 meeting; and determined that approval would allow the property to develop in a reasonable manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the bluff setback variance with the following conditions: Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. -971- 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action. Applicant shall provide all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Approval of the drainage plans, utility plans and proposed grades by the City Engineer. 5. Building height of the proposed structures shall be less than 35 feet as required by City Code. 6. Impervious surface coverage shall be less than 40% of the site. 7. No buildings or structures shall be constructed within the 25 foot wetland buffer area. 8. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback, 25 foot wetland buffer, public right -of -way, or 100 -year floodplain area(s). 9. The finished floor elevation of the home and garage shall be constructed at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation of 933.0 feet. 10.Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 11. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 12. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. 13. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control and others are in effect. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Evidence from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. -972- In approving the requested variance, the City Council hereby makes the following findings of fact: The criteria of City Code Section 129 -39 (a) are being met. 2. The variance is requested due to existing site characteristics that were not created by the applicant. 3. The extent of the bluff results in the entire site being generally unbuildable without a variance. 4. The applicant has minimized the variances needed for the development of the site to bluff setback requirement. 5. The development of a residential home will be in character with the surrounding neighborhood. The variance is hereby approved for the following legally described property: See Exhibit A Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mark Hanus, Mayor -973- MINUTES EXCERPTS APRIL 16, 0 Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners David Goode, George Linkert, Cindy Penner, Pete Wiechert and Councilmember Mark Wegscheid; Absent: Douglas Gawtry, Kelvin Retterath & Jeffrey Bergquist. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Planning Commission Secretary Jill Norlander. Others present: Dan Sanden (applicant XXXX Windsor Rd) BOARD OF APPEALS A. PLANNING CASE NO. 13 -14 VARIANCE FOR XXXX WINDSOR ROAD APPLICANT: DA Smith introduced the case to those in variance to the bluff setback requiren detached garage. CONSTRUCTION applicants have requested a construction of a new home and The lot meets the requirements of a bluff. If the required 10 foot bluff setback were enforced, the applicants would not be able to build on the property. A wetland delineation has been approved by the City's consultant, Mark Perry of Bolton & Menk. A 25 foot buffer from the edge of the wetland has been identified on the survey. The applicant will not be building within the wetland buffer area. Comments from Staff and other agencies have been received and are outlined in the planning report. Staff recommends approval of the variance with conditions and findings of fact as listed in the planning report. Discussion Linkert said that the City intended to have a house on this lot and it would be a nice addition to the neighborhood. MOTION by Goode, second by Wiechert, to recommend variance approval with conditions and findings of fact as specified by staff. MOTION carried unanimously. -974- TO: FROM: DATE: PLANNING CASE NO. SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: BACKGROUND Planning Commission Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director April 10, 2013 (revised April v, 2013) 13 -14 Variance Daniel and Laura Sanden XXXX Windsor Road (PID NO. 25- 117 -24 -12 -0206) R -1A Single Family Residential Low Density Residential O The applicants, Daniel and Laura Sanden, have requested a variance to the bluff setback requirement of the Shoreland Protection Ordinance to allow the construction of a home and detached garage. The currently undeveloped property is owned by the Rogers' estate. The applicant has only provided a site plan at this time as they would like to be ensured the variance will be approved prior to completing detailed building plans. The applicant is proposing a one -story walkout home with a detached, two -car garage. Please see the included applicant narrative for additional information. 10 :LrJ I45rI9':181014 D1I1 .7 City Code Section 129 -39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. In evaluating the variance the City Council must consider whether: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129 -2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. -975- According to City Code Sec. 129 -2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. 60 -DAY PROCESS The variance application was submitted on February 15, 2013. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. As provided by Minnesota Statutes 15.99, Subd. 3 (f), the City of Mound on April 4, 2013 (revised April 11, 2013), executed a 60 -day extension regarding the City's timeline for approval or denial of the variance request. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 60 -day rule and was determined to be February 18, 2013. Therefore, with the 60 -day extension, the City's deadline for action on the variance application is on or before June 16, 2013. SITE INFORMATION The property extends between Windsor Road and Waterbury Road adjacent to the wetland east of Tuxedo Boulevard that has an open channel connection to Phelps Bay. The 16,000 square foot property has not been previously developed and will be accessed from Windsor Road. it was owned by adjacent property owners at 5156 Waterbury Road. The estate of the previous owners is now seeking to sell the property. PROPOSED DIMENSIONS Required Proposed /Existing Variance Lot Area 6,000 sq. ft. 16,000 sq. ft. - Lot Width 40 feet 80 feet - Front Yard (north - Windsor) 20 feet 20 feet - Rear Yard (south) 15 feet 15 feet - Side Yards (west) 6 feet 6 feet - Side Yard (east) 10 feet 10 feet - Lakeshore (east /southeast) 50 feet 50 feet - Wetland Setback (east /southeast) 25 feet 25 feet - Biuff Setback (east /southeast) 10 feet 0 10 feet Hardcover (maximum 40 %) 6,400 sq. ft. 3,480 sq. ft. -976- CITY /CONSULTANT /AGENCYREVI E W Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. Comments received are summarized below: Dan Faulkner, City Engineer Drainage plans, utility plans and proposed grades will need to be reviewed and approved the City Engineer. Greg Pederson, Fire Chief There are no fire code issues with this proposal. Carlton Moore, Public Works Dir. Agree with above comments from Dan Faulkner. Nothing additional. Correy Farniok, Orono Police Chief No issues or concerns. Steve Christopher, MCWD Commented that the project appears to trigger the District's Erosion Control and Wetland Protection rules. Applicant encouraged to contact MCWD Staff regarding the proposal. Note: A 25 foot buffer was shown on the submitted survey which is consistent with current MCWD rules per information provided by applicant. Greg Nybeck, LMCD The comments from the Lake Minnesota Conservation District (LMCD) relate to docking and boat storage on Lake Minnetonka. If there is an interest to dock and store watercraft, it must comply with authorized dock use area requirements (LMCD Code Section 2.01) and boat density allowances (LMCD Code Section 2.02). Applicant encouraged to contact the LMCD office to discuss this in detail, if applicable. DISCUSSION ® According to the hardcover calculations, the applicant is proposing a house with a 1,456 square foot footprint. The applicant has indicated that the home will be one -story walkout so the total square footage for the house will be approximately 2,912 square feet. The applicant is proposing a two -car detached garage with dimensions of 25 feet by 23 feet for a total of 575 square feet. The applicant is also proposing a 13 foot deep deck to extend along the back of the house. -977- To the east of the property is the undeveloped Cobden Lane. City Code Section 129 -197 (k) states that unimproved street frontages having a width exceeding 15 feet shall be considered side or rear yards, as appropriate and have a minimum setback of 10 feet. The applicant has shown the 10 foot setback required for the proposed house. • Unimproved Waterbury Road abuts the property on the south side. A wetland delineation was been approved by the City's wetland consultant, Mark Perry, from Bolton and Menk on March 4, 2013. The wetland edge, shown on the survey, is located on the east /southeast side of the property. A 25 foot buffer from the edge of the wetland has been identified on the survey. The applicant will not be building within the wetland buffer area. The proposed 25 -foot buffer shown is consistent with MCWD Rules per information provided by the applicant on April 2, 2013 following discussion with MCWD District Technician Catherine Bach. City Code Section 129 -385 (d) (1) (c) requires a 10 foot setback from the top of the bluff for all structures, for a lot of record, except stairways and landings. City Code Section 129 -1 provides the following definition for a bluff: Bluff means topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having all of the following characteristics: (1) Part or all of the feature is located in a shoreland area; (2) The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high -water level of the water body; (3) The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the ordinary high -water level averages 30 percent or greater; and (4) The slope must drain toward the water body. As shown on the survey, it has been determined that this property contains a bluff. The bottom of the slope is shown extending from along the southeast edge of the property. The slope is 33% from the toe of the bluff to the point 25 feet above the ordinary high water level. Thus, the applicants would not be able to build within the property if required to meet the minimum bluff setback of 10 feet. ® Section 113 -53 (b) (4) states that all structures shall be constructed so that the lowest floor is at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation, which for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0 feet. The proposed lower level for the home is at 946.6, while the garage is at 961.0. The applicant is advised that the lot was assessed one -unit (approximately $4,000) for the 2011 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project. The lot was assessed in accordance with City assessment policy. Sec. 129 -197 includes the regulations for accessory structures. The setbacks shown in the "Dimensions" section on Page 3 of this report are for principal structures. The propose detached garage is shown to be conforming to standard setbacks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the bluff setback for this site subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action. 3. Applicant shall provide all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Approval of the drainage plans, utility plans and proposed grades by the City Engineer, 5. Building height of the proposed structures shall be less than 35 feet as required by City Code. 6. Impervious surface coverage shall be less than 40% of the site. 7. No buildings or structures shall be constructed within the 25 foot wetland buffer area. 8. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback, 25 foot wetland buffer, public right -of -way, or 100 -year floodplain area(s). 9. The finished floor elevation of the home and garage shall be constructed at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation of 933.0 feet. 10. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 11. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 12. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. 13. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control and others are in effect. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Evidence -979- from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. 14. Any additional conditions from Staff, Consultants, the Planning Commission and City Council. In recommending Staff approval, the following findings of fact are offered: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129 -39 (a) are being met. 2. The variance is requested solely due to existing site characteristics that were not created by the applicant. 3. The extent of the bluff results in the entire site being unbuildable without a variance. 4. The applicant has minimized the variances needed for the development of the site to bluff setback requirement. 5. The development of a residential home will be in character with the surrounding neighborhood. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW It is anticipated that the proposed variance request will be reviewed at an upcoming City Council meeting. At this time, possible dates are Tuesday, April 23, 2013 or Tuesday, May 14, 2013. •SI City Council Date Please type or print legibly SUBJECT Address )(XY 1(�,ndSQ( L"A 01-7 PROPERTY Lot I a , d4 J �(g Block LEGAL f,t / DESC. Subdivision 11 -7AclliJi PID # CS— I ! `o )a —��d Zoning: RI 92 R3 131 B2 B3 (Circle one) G1c n !�I Ls Q x/srS )c' }v f cyT Y PROPERTY Name plYO Email OWNER Address Phone Home Work Fax APPLICANT Name L -,4,c, Email aahlel0S,Sk4n autI�YF��l�,to: (IF OTHER Address_ (I—]Sy Vev� st• /Ui� , C.��p �1 r>7iy Ssy33 THAN f OWNER) Phone Home 70- 67d -Ak Work 01a_LSS,41q; � Fax Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No Q(). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): 1� jj ` J'101") f j L �,gasee Si=311C' - t'mi�. -, reff0�"��6a�yS'to's++T9 -1% 1,11 OnC-ii'o9a. -4 �r..��t Vy U�iILoly' bASa 'IN &Ift UnN AJ"L�Q tl qt_4� a liw0 -.s,f) d�,'ctG r',+.•t'+l �.i k� be gjg�, A 4,o rr � .2eL C�ti rl el' 4,. •Y�x 1 ` pp I G�nG� lhtti' r'etl,""U Sz'i �+scky �Rf +'Kl lej %zl�y�y� c...A .n i..�•\,ZL'4�q.Z �C�t's tilJr c,..yG'G wi Fl, Variance Information li5ri'iiax. -�" 1 c�.•.�,�'..5 tp4 � ' 'fe vt- )'fie �����`�r, J (1 /6!2012) Page 4 of 6 SI Case No. ) � 14, 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (x) No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, lot area, etc.): SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE. k j- c7ryv�[5 e ka2 lwr�, VQ.T 41I� (orexisting) v lefr-d io ..c.e�" Front Yard: ,�, ('lam E W) ft. wN o2 - -- ft. Side Yard: (N S E(WD (O ft. (_ ft. ft. Side Yard: (N SCE I Q ft. ) 0 ft. — ft. Rear Yard: (N&W) I5 ft. I S ft. --- ft. Lakeside: (N S &) 10 ft. ) 0 ft. ft. (Oti keS r2 (50�4� ; (N S &) SO ft. 50 ft. Street Frontage: V0 ft. ?0 ft. ft. 0�i tot {C - 'o+ �o rYl� .S tJl �. 84.kt ' /areq Lot Size: L:) 10; 000_ sq ft 1b, )00 sq ft sq ft �,Y10 Hardcove : (1010{ �e e,�-�� / sq ft so ft/ sq ft ! j (MOO:.�L�ZIO (GeYoO 4 LIg.ASd- ).—..Ste �'A." (`i�(4i HS 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (k), No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow 0 topography ( ) soil ()0 too small ( ) drainage po existing situation ( ) too shallow ( ) shape Q() other: specify Please describe: Variance Information (1/6/2012) Page 5 of 6 e j- c7ryv�[5 e ka2 lwr�, VQ.T 41I� h2 (��+e lefr-d io ..c.e�" �-Ij1 �cS¢T VV (h d d-03C Variance Information (1/6/2012) Page 5 of 6 e =Un'v"-4LlAa 7. JYss qlro Vao5oW ddSzu Wq tly aested by (Oher hWan-UMde chute. such as 'ha rckxMmr' of a law, ye$ ( ), No (� ). If M. axPlaW Q_ Aro ffw =idfinm of pndfc4 drmuKy for whUl WU PRMAst s vatWme Peculisr DAIY to the POwy desuibed in this osligm? ye!j No 04 � ff no, rst same other pupcojon W& ar® rJfngwiy affedbW? Comm 1�-- �kL - �ioLll lu 4" that all of tfte 13Whd sWwy* spom or n to Im s be ziubmftd roan vbaTPUu6mW.acmr-ft I ackignIedgaurA i twe mad a] oftlie variax-loa Wbrmaft ptm*wd, 1.00mud tote efmy in or upw the preffams dMoobed in this appkallun by any aullboeoW DfflcW of the Cdp of Mount Wfhe pwpose of inspadvIg, or of poStirig, mintaWng sm mnwubg Wx;h m<ges $a moy be required tqlaw. OvmWs slgrmtwU_"_ Applicarft S4nHtUmt=j=::: mukw6inbambom (MMIZI, FgA 4 Of M -983- Case No. 1 J'1 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (), No X. If yes, explain: 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (X). If yes, explain: 8. Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ), No ()(). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? y 9. Comments: f, t r 6+ lz2 LIB •lop d A RI,4F r �tip.�l� a DNW se41Cks A#racwb -sib GkS VA S y41nV L iSl+v w�'I ' t n $�ZQ, c..✓�iX r�.. -. �. r�l�l�., ✓^ES }ric�tGa ia� c�u l�t r� vi• -e Jim �� �x%'Y.� iisC1Y c�t+�Lt I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. 1 acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Applicant's Variance Information (1/6/2012) Page 6 of 6 •j. Date tlo�j Date WILL _ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN In Re: Estate of Alice E. Rogers, Also known as Alice Rogers, Deceased FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PROBATE MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION LETTERS TESTAMENTARY MN. STAT. 524.3 -601 (UNSUPERVISED) FILE NO. 27-PA-PR-08-1582 The above named decedent having died on September 13, 2008, and JoAnn Rogers having been appojnted and qualified, is hereby authorized to act as,Personal Representative according to law. r" ........ L , • Alonna J. WpAs Date Probate Registrar " l tliat!:1, nministra4r.i Fy �G�7 %�/•rn.cyY�- .��..._- _......� �tsr Jt f HARDCOVER CALCULATIONS nrvoFr�ouNO (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) PROPERTY ADDESS: y xy jay dSn. Q6 . �i LOT AREA t(O, 0120 OWNER'S NAME: (yien!, 4- a1"CL L RCg&' wilt, .lo w, Ace.e --r LOT AREA — SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) ......... ............................... LOT AREA t(O, 0120 SQ. FT. X 40% = (for Lots of Record) ............................. ho, yob . Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 129 -385 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official, LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE X DI? X TOTALHOUSE ..................... ............................... DETACHED BUILDINGS a -Si X a3 - S %S (GARAGE /SHED) X TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... DRIVEWAY, PARKING �tI X a I - S U`f AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. X = X - — TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC DECKS open decks (1/4" min. AO X 1.3 = Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not X — counted as hardcover. X = __ TOTAL DECK ...................... ............................... X 5 = IBS X - TOTALOTHER .................... ............................... TOTAL HARDCOVER / IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .................... ............................... 81 OVER (indicate difference) ..++ ................................... ............................... PREPARED BY Nt S4 -jevi i L Cw✓Yi L. Revised 1110 -986- 1L15(� S -7 S 014 a (0 0 gas DATE RE: Supplemental Narrative for Variance Application Property: XXX Windsor Road, Mound Mn Applicants: Daniel & Laura Sanden Property Owners: Glenn & Alice Rogers At the request of the City of Mound, we are providing a supplemental narrative to accompany the Variance Application. Above applicants have entered a Purchase Agreement to buy the property with JoAnn Rogers, executor of the estate for Alice Rogers. Property owners of record, as stated above, are both deceased with Alice Rogers deceased most recently. Documents have been attached providing support of the ability of JoAnn Rogers to act on behalf of the deceased property owners. Purchase of the property is contingent on the ability to pass the Variance process to develop the property as noted in the Variance Application and attached site plans. As noted, property is located wholly within a "bluff' area as designated by the City of Mound. The property is located on an extremely challenging terrain which, as a result, in combination with being designated within a "bluff' area, has not been developed for its intended residential purpose (RIA). As a result of being within a "bluff' area, required setbacks make the property currently "unbuildable" without variance approval. Request is to build a modestly sized residential house (rambler -w /walkout basement) with a detached garage, to be occupied by the applicants. As depicted in the site plans, all other required setbacks will be met in the project, including wetland setbacks. In order to reduce impact to the site and respect the natural flow of the land, a detached garage/house combination was chosen to allow for reduced land fill and to allow the house portion of the project to follow with the natural flow of the land, reducing fill and alteration to the land. A standard house with attached garage (or even detached garage) combination both fronting the street is not a viable option on this particular property both due to resulting costs associated with an excessive amount of land fill that would be required to make the house desirable, and along with doing so, would be drastically changing the natural flow of the land, which is not desired environmentally. This attached plan would seek to preserve the natural flow of the land, only providing for a modest residential property which includes a garage and house combination with buildable areas for the house, garage, and driveway, and no other significant changes to the contour of the land. We respectfully request to move forward with this project as requested, while working with the City of Mound. We thank you for your help during this project to date, and look forward to partnering with the city to develop a property which has been undeveloped for some time. We look forward to answering any additional questions you may have. Thank you, Dan & Laura Sanden �- -CONC. CURB AND GUTTER ° WINDSOR ROAD ; M S 89049,400 W 80.00 I i 56 i o, w ARq�, a .942' A, / i «Q7 `r �/ •O O .° ! � F Sapp of 6 �`, � � ®i � i cq 25' FROG ry l y 8s'49' 40" �3 Shop %F, 7! oe v 40.00 /- - - - -- �� Go —i— i O° et z lb `\l I EDGE OF WETLAND LOCATION 'N ' ACCORDING TO COORDINATE � ati� i'r4 �h ` , (' DATA PROVIDED BY ARROWHEAD °o gtFi� ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTNG ON,' q�F s AUGUST 15,, 201?. 30 �O °/ �p°E I ao t oQ3 I rn s JEO I I / ^rye o ��� REVISED 08117112 - ADDED WETI oy� LOCATION ACCORDING TO COORDINf PROVIDED BY ARROWHEAD ENVIRON f 6 ! �� Q�Q�� \° CONSULTING — 20.00 roo.o y�° 2��0 ` ... _ REVISED 03120112 - ADDED POS; 12(1.00 B /p o�o� SETBACK LINES AND ADDED SURVE S 89.49' 40 j W / / /� ' �y �FP NOTES CURB AND GUTTER- °�e 'ROAD APPROX. END OF PAVEMENT -- hoc, pSTESy, I WATERBURY ROAD (NOT OPEN) Ilk `�- -GONG. CURB AND GUTTER WINDSOR ROAD r S 89 049'40" W � I 0 80.00' / o / h 0 ! - Z / r r q`OO h� S� 1 , i I r 6 ' 9ilt FF:_: fr / W HOUSE N y`co ( s v. 00 s ... 4 F Z m \ V DECK O 1 a- :�>�� /I r / Z 960 - O of .... FRO / ( Q<v I `-- ! 1 a .. �.. -- = WETCAN M S 89 °49'40" F / �� fl(#�j{f3E#'y'1 -3y / Fo 40.00 FF / /''' cD ? -946.5 FF��lo�.ver): =: =_ DEC rn ry / 7- :- 950313 O R. � _ ....- f -:: -. -.: _- 4TLAND OCATIONr AC fat TO C RDINATE / ; QP\o� /' Cry° DATA PR I BY ARROWHEAD qR /ENVIRONMENTAL ONSULTING ON /!Ill' 30 AUGUST 15, 201?. szoA 12 / / ® 47 w / y 2 3r co Y, A13 6 C7 E — 20.00\ / / 100.0 I l / i ° 2w °e ` . . . _ ea _ .. \ 120.00 I I ` / /% ��0 0�0� e S 89°49'40lW jr i ® / / / / /'i 0���o��vae -989- / Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Local Government Unit (LGU) Address City Of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Applicant Name Project Name Date of Application Daniel Sanden Windsor Road Property, Mound, Application Number MN July 13, 2012 ® Attach site locator map. Type of Decision: ® Wetland Boundary or Type ❑ No -Loss ❑ Exemption ❑ Sequencing ❑ Replacement Plan ❑ Banking Plan 1 ectmical hvaluation Fanet rmomgs antl Kecommendatton (it any): ❑ Approve ❑ Approve with conditions ❑ Deny Summary (or attach): 2. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT DECISION Date of Decision: 08 -13 -2012 ® Approved ❑ Approved with conditions (include below) ❑ Denied LGU Findings and Conclusions (attach additional sheets as necessary): I find the wetland delineation is accurate and I have had no comments from TEP members or anyone else. -yyu- BWSR Forms 7 -1 -10 Pagel of 3 for Replacement Plans using credits from the State Wetland Bank: Bank Account # Bank Service Area County Credits Approved for Name Title Mark L Perry Withdrawal (sq. ft. or nearest .01 Signature Date Phone Number and E -mail acre) Replacement Plan Approval Conditions. In addition to any conditions specified by the LGU, the approval of a Wetland Replacement Plan is conditional upon the following: ❑ Financial Assurance: For project - specific replacement that is not in- advance, a financial assurance specified by the LGU must be submitted to the LGU in accordance with MN Rule 8420.0522, Subp. 9 (List amount and type in LGU Findings). El Deed Recording: For project - specific replacement, evidence must be provided to the LGU that the BWSR "Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants" and "Consent to Replacement Wetland" forms have been filed with the county recorder's office in which the replacement wetland is located. ❑ Credit Withdrawal: For replacement consisting of wetland bank credits, confirmation that BWSR has withdrawn the credits from the state wetland bank as specified in the approved replacement plan. Wetlands may not be impacted until all applicable conditions have been metl LGU Authorized Signature: Signing and mailing of this completed form to the appropriate recipients in accordance with 8420.0255, Subp. 5 provides notice that a decision was made by the LGU under the Wetland Conservation Act as specified above. If additional details on the decision exist, they have been provided to the landowner and are available from the LGU upon request. Name Title Mark L Perry Natural Resources Specialist Signature Date Phone Number and E -mail 08 -13 -12 952 -448 -8838 „.- Z l�l markpe @bolton- menk.com THIS DECISION ONLY APPLIES TO THE MINNESOTA WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT. Additional approvals or permits from local, state, and federal agencies may be required. Check with all appropriate authorities before commencing work in or near wetlands. Applicants proceed at their own risk if work authorized by this decision is started before the time period for appeal (30 days) has expired. If this decision is reversed or revised under appeal, the applicant may be responsible for restoring or replacing all wetland impacts. This decision is valid for three years from the date of decision unless a longer period is advised by the TEP and specified in this notice of decision. 3. APPEAL OF THIS DECISION Pursuant to MN Rule 8420.0905, any appeal of this decision can only be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal, including applicable fee, within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice to the following as indicated: Appeal of an LGU staff decision. Send Z, ,d $500 fee (if applicable) to: found 3 sywood Road 1oi >nd, MN 55364 L Appeal of LGU governing body decision. Send petition and $500 filing fee to: Executive Director Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 -991- ,< i . ,urs 7 -1 -10 Page 2 of 4. LIST OF ADDRESSEES ® SWCD TEP member: ® BWSR TEP member: ❑ LGU TEP member (if different than LGU Contact): ® DNR TEP member: ❑ DNR Regional Office (if different than DNR TEP member) ® WD or WMO (if applicable): ❑ Applicant and Landowner (if different) ❑ Members of the public who requested notice: ® Corps of Engineers Project Manager ❑ BWSR Wetland Bank Coordinator (wetland bank plan decisions only) 5. MAILING INFORMATION ➢For a list of BWSR TEP representatives: www.bwsr. state .nm.us /aboutbwsr /workareas /WCA areas ndf ➢For a list of DNR TEP representatives: www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/wca/DNR TEP contacts ndf ➢Department of Natural Resources Regional Offices: NW Region: NE Region: Central Region: Southern Region: Reg. Env. Assess, Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol, Reg. Env. Assess. Ecol. Div. Ecol. Resources Div. Ecol. Resources Div. Ecol. Resources Div. Ecol. Resources 2115 Birchmont Beach Rd. 1201 E. Hwy. 2 1200 Warner Road 261 Hwy. 15 South NE Grand Rapids, MN 55744 St. Paul, MN 55106 New Ulm, MN 56073 Bemidji, MN 56601 For a map of DNR Administrative Regions, see: httn:// files .dnr.state.nm.us /aboutdru/dm regions.pdf For a list of Corps of Project Managers: www.mvp.usace. army. mil /regulatory /default.asi)?paaggid =687 or send to: US Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District, ATTN: OP -R 180 Fifth St. East, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55101 -1678 ➢For Wetland Bank Plan applications, also send a copy of the application to: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Wetland Bank Coordinator 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 6. ATTACHMENTS In addition to the site locator map, List any other attachments: -992- BWSR Forms 7 -1 -10 Page 3 of 3 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472 -0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith Date: April 18, 2013 Re: 2013 Mound Fire Relief Association Annual Fish Fry — Temporary Sign Permit(s) SUMMARY The Mound Fire Relief Association is requesting approval of a temporary sign permit(s) for the Annual Fish Fry event which is being held on Saturday, June 1, 2013. Waiver of the $25.00 temporary sign permit and extended periods for the portable signs are being requested. In summary, the following signs are proposed: Banners— 2 locations adjacent to County Roads in Mound (Surfside Park and Mound Fire Station) Hennepin County Transportation Department electronic sign boards -3 signs Details regarding the request are included on temporary sign permit application that has been submitted. Respectfully, Staff offers the following information 1. Pennant / Banner. City Code Section 119 -4 (i) (3) allows temporary banners and pennants employed for special events as long as they are removed after (15) days unless an extended period is approved by the City Council. The requested 5/22/13 — 6/1/13 timeframe is within the standard 15 -day period. 2. Portable Signs. City Code Section 119 allows for the placement of portable signs and is eligible for administrative approval in most instances subject to conditions, including a 10 -day allowance. Portable sign placement on public property requires approval by the City Council. The requested 5/17/13 — 6/1/13 period exceeds the 10 -day period. 3. General Sign Provisions Applicable to All Districts. ® Illuminated Signs. No illuminated sign which changes in either color or intensity of light shall be permitted except one giving time, date, temperature, weather or similar public service information. The City, in granting permits for illuminated signs, shall specify the hours during which same may be kept lighted when necessary to prevent the creation of a nuisance. -993- 4. Similar to previous years, the Fire Department plans to use the Hennepin County electronic sign message boards to promote the annual 2013 fish fry event. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends that the City Council approve the temporary sign permit request(s) for banners and the Hennepin County Transportation Department electronic sign boards for the Mound Fire Department Fish Fry 2013 event and grants permission for sign placement on City -owned property subject to the following conditions: 1. Extended period for the portable sign(s) beyond the 10 -day allowance is approved. 2. As applicable, the applicant shall work with Staff to evaluate all proposed sign locations. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining permission from the current property owner for sign placement on private property. 3. Submittal of a temporary permit application and waiver of the involved fee. 4. The City shall reserve the right to regulate hours of operation for any illuminated sign so as to prevent the creation of a nuisance, if applicable. 5. The applicants obtain permission from all private property owners prior to placement. 6. All signage is removed immediately following the event. 7. No signs can be placed within any County Road right -of -way unless approval is granted by Hennepin County. 8. No sign shall be placed in the sight triangle or obstruct vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Sign placement shall be subject to field modification by Mound Staff, if needed. • Page 2 ••. n SEASONAL, BANNER, & PORTABLE SIGN PERMIT Maywood Road, Mound, 55364 Phone A P P L I CAT I O N Phone 952 - 472 -0600 Fax 952- 4-4 72 -0620 Note: Any information supplied on this form will be considered public according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. SITE Property Address VAC1CI,t5 ? )?) LDC�J -V � M(mo Zone e 5 Business Name �f c C ft 113t Phone APPLICANT Name � =4-t Email C hiP���'Y DUIV%nrC -L/ � Phone Fax Other OWNER Name othY ofF Mbolld a;'I� MOU'ld htt E�� C27flY(rf Phone 0601 Fax '/V-VV - D%. D Other SIGN Company Name C-U5tb r 1 n0MYLt - �E /7Y7F�' /� Cc� f %�G7YG'YlJc Address f ✓ /%) CONTRACTOR Contact Person 4f Ur ll t Email Phone 95 Lii �,.5 Fax i.D -'/V .757,75— Other See City Code Chapter 1194 ❑ Seasonal Sign $25 - Dates from to Size — feet x _ feet = sf Message Seasonal Signs - Seasonal signs of a temporary or portable nature may be used in the non - residential districts to promote or advertise on- premise seasonal services or merchandise. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty -two (32) square feet and shall not be left in place for more than a two (2) month period. Permits and fees shall be required for all seasonal signs, and permits may be issued no more than two (2) times per calendar year per business. Banner /Pennant $25 - Dates from .5 ;�- to t /3 Describe event Sign locations (list or attach map) 51� L�Ca tms . �S(tir Fsrr ha rk i 026 Lid (if"f 6 1 Temporary banners and pennants employed for grand openings of business establishments, special events or promotions and holidays are not exempt from permits and fees and shall be removed within thirty (30) days upon permit issuance unless an alternate schedule is approved by the City Council. Temporary banners and pennants are prohibited from being placed upon any decorative fencing unless the banner or pennant is used in conjunction with a government, a quasi - public function, or similar- related special event. Permits for banners and pennants can be issued no more than four (4) times per calendar year. Portable Sign (no fee) -Dates from /1 i to Number of signs 3 Sign locations (list or attach map) _ c��lES A Utb - 01a rInc' CO 4 /S Lr -el #g L)?' n10Cf sG e 6�� tra rCj IV Gt r : Sty r-6 k � 1'i�CtJrVJ firic- �5-iarra» Describe sign (message, materials, etc.) rn _s`!Sn a�' D .I1e �7,- (�7"de d c� Of 0 C' a rc,2 loc, � 1� Y'1YiPf�ly (�� i (af-rw hot-+ -995- Portable Signs used for the purpose of directing the public may be permitted under the following conditions: (a) Said sign is coincidental to, or used in conjunction with, a governmental unit or quasi - public function; and (b) The period of use of said sign shall not exceed thirty (30) consecutive days; and (c) Signs shall not be used more than four (4) times during a calendar year; and (d) Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event and /or on such other premises following approval of a temporary sign permit by the City of Mound. Administrative approval of a portable sign permit is permitted if the following conditions are met: 1. The sign is not being placed on public property. 2. Written permission from the property owner of record is provided if being located off - premises. 3. The criteria reference in subsections (a), (b), and (c) above are met. 4. The proposed location of the sign is reviewed and deemed acceptable by Mound Staff, which shall include the Police, Planning, and Engineering Departments, based on the following criteria: • The sign is not being placed in the road right -of -way. • The sign does not obstruct the sight triangle for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. • Placement of the sign does not create any potential traffic or other related hazard; and (e) Portable sign placement on public property requires City Council approval; and (f) Such signs shall require the issuance of a permit but will be exempt from all fees; and (g) In the instance of a multi -use facility, only one seasonal sign may be placed on the premises at any one time. Applicants are advised that incomplete applications or insufficient information can delay the processing of the permit request or may result in the application being rejected. Please fully complete all involved sections of the application and provide as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the proposed locations of signs, using addresses or landmarks, and written permission from the property owner for off -site locations. (OFFICE USE ONLY) SPECIAL CONDITIONS & COMMENTS: /6 f +PrZ_tL .2-6l?y DATE RECEIVED BY & DATE PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED BY & DATE COPIED APPROVED ZONING $100 /day $300 /yr. Date of Single Dance - License Year Annual Dance LICENSE CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC DANCE/LIVE MUSIC PERMIT APPLICATION EVENT: Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association Fish Fry and Dance 2013 LOCATION OF DANCE /LIVE MUSIC: in front of Mound fire station, on drive apron and in roadway on Wilshire Blvd. TYPE OF DANCE /LIVE MUSIC: Variety of Dance, Rock -n -Roll, and Oldies TIME PERIOD OF DANCE/LIVE MUSIC: Saturday June 1, 2013,8:00 pm - 12:00 midnight (HOURS PERMITTED: Mon -Sat: 8pm- 12:30am — Sunday: 8pm- 11:30pm) CHAIRPERSON OR APPLICANT: Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association TITLE: Fire Chief Gregory S. Pederson ADDRESS: 2415 Wilshire Blvd. ADDRESS: 6087 Aspen Road Mound, MN 55364 Mound, MN 55364 HOME PHONE #: 952- 292 -0150 HOME PHONE #: same WORK PHONE #: 952- 472 -3533 WORK PHONE #: syqne 16 Avg-,L. 2-o(3 Date Applicant's Sign e Department Approval /Denial (Submit memo if denied) Approved Denied Police Dept. Adm. Fire Dept. -997- Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651- 201 -7500 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651- 282 -6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Date organized Tax exempt number Mound Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association Jan 4, 1937 7 Address City State Zip Code 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound Minnesota. 55364 Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Gregory S. Pederson - Fire Chief 952- 472 -3555 952- 472 -5785 Date set ups will be sold Type of organization June 1, 2013 E] Club ❑ Charitable 0 Religious ® Other non - profit Organization officer's name Andrew Drilling - Relief President Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. City State Zip Mound Minnesota 55364 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364- located at the Mound Fire Station inside apparatus bay and outside building in parking lot and on front apron. If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. N/A If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Minnesota Joint Underwriting Association- Minnesota Liquor Liability Assigned Risk Plan - Coverage $1,000,000 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City of Mound City /County Waived City Fee Amount N/A Date Fee Paid Date Approved Permit Date Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and /or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the permit for the event. = Page i of 1 MINNESOTA JOINT UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION 445 MINNESOTA ST SUITE 514 ST. PAUL MN 55101 1- 800 -552 -0013 651- 222 -0484 FAX: 651-222-7824 APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE Coverage will not be bound if the correct premium payment, written rejection or if quote exceeds 20% above plan rate, current license and required documentation of liquor receipts are not attached. Coverage cannot be bound prior to 12: :0/�1 a.m. the day following receipt of the above by the administrator, Legal Name of Applicant i' d VOL11kcr Elre Af>Q('iahoyl Trade Name (DBA) �� y1y) I -f �/ J A Mailing Address , qL/(S Ylt 1 kh I re- :� O e i" (<i U t3 t' ( N -Sa j 3 PhoneJS�°%� Individual _Partnership _Corporation A Non -Profit _Other { jyQ pl If Applicant is Individual: Applicant Name If Applicant is a Partnership or Corporation: Name of each Partner or Owner Spouse Name Percentage of Ownership Operating Location(s)— List all locations: Agf5 M15hft' °2�ENd' . mouil�7.%r✓j/1,�.�_.�i."364-1 Classification: Primary Nature of Business: /AUrl(Lpa{ I fft- f.,l}t°30'y'�l`i'�p�!' 15ehF'tC!f, - (V�r'`(4hL )Y1 Check all applicable: _ Restaurant _Club _Bar Special Event _Bowling Alley NOTE: OFF SALE FACILITIES MUST HAVE A SEPARATE ENTRANCE TO QUALIFY FOR AN OFF SALE RATE. _Off Sale Only _X_On /Off Sales Total receipts of entire establishment: $ 5 t Jr -7 d 00 Gross receipts from Liquor Sales included above: $ Gross receipts from OFF SALE: $ Nl /A ON SALE: $ Seating Capacity: % ,AOQ Total "' Bar Only License in effect? _XYes No - pp Licensing Authority: LA f I' n -f7t,, "L�P lxlit Address: v�-',3t-j% %✓(fit.( lx rl City: (�j F't State: MN Zip Code:e Fax #: 175,�- Lf7�,7'1S -999- License Number: Effective Date: Une- (, r Expiration Date: J f/l1 e ,�)f Has license ever been revoked / suspended? _ Yes _X No If Yes, list date and explanation: CAUTION: Any misrepresentation made by the applicant can void coverage or result in cancellation. False or misleading answers to the following questions would constitute gross misrepresentation and VOID COVERAGE. A "Loss" does not include "notice of claim." Unless, following receipt of notice, your insurer or you in the event you were self - insured made a payment in settlement of the claim or the insurer established a reserve for the loss. A "Violation" includes any conviction on a charge brought against the applicant or any employee or agent of the applicant arising out of the illegal sale of liquor. You must submit hard -copy of LOSS RUNS from previous carriers, if applicable, for three years preceding your request for coverage. In the event you were self - insured, please submit a listing of all claims made against your establishment during your period of self - insurance. Loss history MUST be submitted for each of the three years. Coverage Information: Liquor Liability Coverage currently in effect? YES NO Previous three years of insurance coverage prior to effective date of coverage desired: Carrier Address Policy # Policy Period Losses Violations 2. 3. Has Liquor Liability Coverage ever been cancelled? If yes. Explain why: Yes -'(_No Applicant agrees to permit contract administrator to audit applicant's books and records during normal working hours to extent deemed necessary to verify information relating to receipts from Liquor Sales and/or other matters concerning the coverage applied for. Coverage is requested to take effect at 12:01 A.M. on -.J a o < t, 91015 o� 5 /6 4 0415 952 - 472 °35 -33 Signatur o. Apla cant Dat� e Telephone Number Agency Name: Agent Name: Phone Number: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Agent's Fax # : Agency Federal I.D. # : or Agent SSN: 111 Executive Summary 2 i TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council, Staff and Consultants FROM: Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: April 18, 2013 SUBJECT: The Landings on Lost Lake APPLICANT: Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC REQUEST SUMMARY The applicant, Mark Saliterman of Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of the 26 undeveloped lots of the Lost Lake 2nd Addition. These applications include a preliminary plat, a conditional use permit for a planned unit development, variance, vacation, and final plat. The applicant is proposing to replat the property as The Landings on Lost Lake. The proposed replat will reduce the number of homes in the 1.1 acre project area from 26 to 16 and includes a 2 -story design. As noted in the included narrative, the applicant is generally following the building layout as originally proposed for the project so as to use the existing pilings to the fullest extent possible. PROCEDURAL ITEMS Public Hearings The City Council is required to a hold a public hearing for the vacation, preliminary plat and the conditional use permit. All necessary public hearing notices have been published, noticed and mailed in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes and City Code. 60 -Day Land Use Application Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. Within the 60 -day period, an automatic extension of no more than 60 days can be obtained by providing the applicant written notice containing the reason for the extension and specifying how much additional time is needed. Because the applications were submitted in conjunction with a preliminary plat additional time may be taken if determined necessary. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 15.99, "Day 1" is determined to be March 19, 2013 as provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 645.15. 11001- Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 338 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 220 -Day Subdivision Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 462.358, local government agencies are required to approve or deny subdivision requests within 120 days. The 120 -day timeline expires on or around. An extension of the review period can occur if agreed to by the applicant. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 462,358, "Day 1" is determined to be March 19, 2013 in accordance with MS. 645.15 PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this case at their April 2nd meeting. A public hearing for the preliminary plat was held in accordance with Mound City Code. The included draft Planning Commission minutes summarizes comments presented at the meeting. A few highlights include: 1) A representative of the commercial property attended and commented that they would like to work with the applicant in regards to parking. He indicated he has a cross - access easement and parking agreement that allows his tenants to use the parking at the east end of the property. He stated a meeting was scheduled for April 8th to discuss parking, construction traffic and timing of the project. 2) Residents expressed concern about construction traffic, particularly on how it would impact the existing road quality. While it has not been determined exactly how construction traffic would move through the site, the applicant has agreed to do a lift on the private drive in front of Block 3 once construction is complete. 3) Residents also requested 2 bedroom units in Block 3 similar to how the property was previously planned. Villas neighbors expressed concern that the smaller, one bedroom units would attract buyers that will see these as seasonal homes and that single occupant units may not fit existing character of the neighborhood. The reduction in the floors of the unit means the applicant was originally proposing build out with only one bedroom and the option for the homeowner to finish a second bedroom on the lowest floor. In response to neighbor concerns the applicant has agreed to build out 3 of the 7 units with two bedrooms at the onset. Residents express a desire for all of the Block 3 units to be built out with 2 bedrooms. After the public hearing and discussion, the Planning Commission passed a number of motions related to the project. As noted in the Planning Commission minutes all motions were passed with six members voting in the affirmative, none in the negative and one abstaining from the vote. 12 'j Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (6 E )03 -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS See letter dated April 19, 2013 from CenterPoint Energy objecting to the proposed vacation of the requested drainage and utility easement due to existing gas utilities within the proposed drainage and utility easements to be vacated. Per email received on April 3, 2013 from Charles Meyer, CenterPoint Energy Right of Way Specialist, advised that CenterPoint Energy would release their objection to the vacation of the drainage and utility easements in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition DU &E when the new plat is approved and the easements are updated to THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE. The letter dated April 19, 2013 also states that the petitioner must reimburse CenterPoint for relocation costs. • A Plat Opinion Letter dated April 2, 2013 from Corinne Heine of Kennedy and Graven was provided to the applicant. The applicant is working with his legal counsel in cooperation with the City Attorney to address the issues raised. One of the requested Council actions includes review and approval of a Subdivision Agreement for The Landings on Lost Lake project. Council is advised that the proposed Subdivision Agreement was provided to the applicant on April 18th and is currently under review and discussion with Staff. Some of the issues being discussed, includes but is not limited to, timing of the 2nd bituminous lift, items that are be included in the letter of credit and waiver of City Trunk Water Area Charges, Sewer Connection Charges and Water Connection Charges. These fees were waived in the Subdivision Agreement with Mound Harbor Renaissance in 2005 as an inducement for the original developer to do the project. The proposed Subdivision Agreement does not include waiver of these fees as this is a policy issue for the Council. The current rates for these items are: $ 2000.00 Trunk Water Area Charge per unit 240.00 Water Connection Charge / per unit 240.00 Sewer Connection Charge / per unit $2480.00 x (16) units $ 39,680 Total Staff will provide additional information regarding the Subdivision Agreement at the meeting. In particular, applicant is requesting the fee waivers approved with the 2005 MHR agreement. RECOMMENDATION As both the Planning Commission and Staff recommended approval of the requests, Staff has prepared the attached resolutions for your consideration. Staff recommends approval of the resolutions with their findings of fact and conditions. 12? "T--"-'^hind Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (6 19A, -0800 Fax (612) 338 -6838 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT - MAJOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE WHEREAS, the applicant, Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC, has submitted a preliminary plat application to plat the proposed The Landings on Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, the subject site is located along Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) in downtown Mound and was previously platted into 26 lots as part of the Villas on Lost Lake plat in 2005 and the Villas on Lost Lake 2 Addition in 2006; and WHEREAS, to date, 4 townhomes in Villas on Lost Lake and 7 townhomes in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition have been constructed. The Landings on Lost Lake project includes the remaining 26 lots; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to reduce the number of units previously platted for the 1.1 acre property from 26 to 16 lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at its April 2, 2013 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed The Landings on Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, after its review the Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve the preliminary plat request subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its April 23, 2013 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed The Landings on Lost Lake preliminary plat/major subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City has considered how the proposed project might affect public health, safety, or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the preliminary plat and development plan, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the preliminary plat based on the following findings of fact: a. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the type of development and use being proposed. -1004- c. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. d. The preliminary plat is approved for the following described on Exhibit A. A copy of the preliminary plat drawing labeled as Exhibit B is hereby incorporated into this Resolution. All improvements shall be as shown on the plans or as modified under the approval of the City. 2. The preliminary plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, vacation, and variance applications. b. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the preliminary plat application. c. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such execution of the certificate upon said plat by the Mayor and City Manager shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the applicant and City Officials and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality, all in compliance with Minnesota State Statute Chapter 462 and the City of Mound Code of Ordinances. Adopted this 23rd of April, 2013 Attest: Catherine Pausche, -1005- Mark Hanus, Mayor CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT - MAJOR SUBDIVISION FOR THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE WHEREAS, the applicant, Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LCC, has submitted a final plat application for the proposed The Landings on Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, the subject site is located along Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) in downtown Mound and was previous platted into 26 lots as part of the Villas on Lost Lake plat in 2005 and the Villas on Lost Lake 2n Addition in 2006; and WHEREAS, to date, 4 townhomes in Villas on Lost Lake and 7 townhomes in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition have been constructed. The Landings on Lost Lake project includes the remaining 26 lots; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to reduce the number of units previously platted for the 1.1 acre property from 26 to 16 lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed final plat at its April 2, 2013 meeting; and WHEREAS, after its review the Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve the final plat request subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the final plat request at its April 23, 2013 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the final plat taking into consideration the requirements of the City, giving particular attention to the lot arrangement and the present development of adjoining lands and the requirements of other official controls; and WHEREAS, said final plat is in all respects consistent with the preliminary plat, and the regulations and the requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the City Code of Ordinances of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the final plat based on the following findings of fact: a. The proposed final plat is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. 11. b. The proposed final plat is in all respects consistent with the preliminary plat. c. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. d. The final plat is approved for the following described on Exhibit A and the final plat drawing labeled as Exhibit B is hereby incorporated into this Resolution and all improvements shall be as shown on the plans or as modified under the approval of the City. 2. The final plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Drainage and utility easements, as required by the City Engineer, shall be provided and submitted in a form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County and shall be subject to review and approval by the City. b. Payment of all required utility fees at the current approved rates prior to release of the resolution. c. Concurrent approval of the preliminary plat, conditional use permit, variance, and vacation applications. d. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the final plat application. e. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. f. A Subdivision Agreement agreement is prepared and approved between the City and the applicant g. As required, the homeowner association documents shall be revised which shall be reviewed and accepted by the City Attorney. h. As required by Sec. 121 -87 (f) (2), a written report on title shall be provided by the City Attorney prior to the City's approval of the final plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such execution of the certificate upon said plat by the Mayor and City Manager shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the applicant and City Officials and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality, all in compliance with Minnesota State Statute Chapter 462 and the City of Mound Code of Ordinances. Adopted this 23rd day of April, 2013 Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -1007- Mark Hanus, Mayor CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE WHEREAS, the applicant, Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC has submitted applications for a conditional use permit (CUP) and variances for a planned unit development (PUD) as part of the The Landings on Lost Lake plat as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the subject site is located along Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) in downtown Mound and the property was previously platted as part of the Villas on Lost Lake plat in 2005 and the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition in 2006; and WHEREAS, to date, 4 townhomes in Villas on Lost Lake and 7 townhomes in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition have been constructed. The Landings on Lost Lake project includes the remaining 26 lots; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to reduce the number of units previously platted for the 1.1 acre property from 26 to 16 lots; and WHEREAS, as part of the previous approvals, Resolutions No. 05 -80 and 06 -44 were adopted and approved a conditional use permit and variances for the site; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking to amend the previous approvals to allow the completion of residential homes as originally proposed for the development; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to plat the 1.1 acre property into 16 lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed residential use is listed as a permitted use for the PED -PUD District in City Code Subsection 129 -139; and WHEREAS, the request also involves a variance to the setbacks to the ordinary high water line for the residential development and a variance to the shoreland density tiering requirements; and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested variances and conditional use permit for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Commission report for the April 16, 2013 ��: meeting, as well as in the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to maintain the building locations in essentially the same location as the prior approvals thus minimizing the amount of variance needed for the proposed development; and WHEREAS, as part of the application process it was determined that the location of the ordinary high water line has moved generally closer to the property since the prior approvals; and WHEREAS, with the reduction of 10 units in the development, the density of the development has been reduced resulting in a decrease in the size of the shoreland density tiering variance required thus minimizing the amount of variance needed for the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting the following proposed setbacks that are under the 62.5 foot minimum: Lot Setback Lot 1, Block 1 37.4 feet Lot 2, Block 1 52.3 feet Lot 3, Block 1 60.1 feet Lot 4, Block 1 59.7 feet Lot 5, Block 2 41.9 feet M WHEREAS, the proposed residential development is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the Pedestrian District in both the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the variances requested are reasonable and the result of the size of the lot and its proximity to Lost Lake; and WHEREAS, the proposed residential development will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding Villas on Lost Lake neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the conditional use permit application at its April 2, 2013 meeting and recommended Council approval, subject to conditions, as recommended by Staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its April 23, 2013 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed conditional use permit application; and ��• WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances and other official controls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the conditional use permit for The Landings on Lost Lake based on the following findings of fact: a. The Landings on Lost Lake is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for type of development and use being proposed. c. The proposed development is.providing adequate utilities, drainage, and parking. d. The proposed development has sufficiently considered traffic impacts and access. e. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve a variance to Section 129.397 to allow an additional four (4) dwelling units within the first tier based on the following findings of fact: a. The adopted Mound Visions Plan anticipated increased densities in the downtown area within the Shoreland Management Overlay. b. The second tier has seven (7) fewer units than the maximum allowable. c. The proposed overall total of 26 units is less than the 37 units that would have been allowed based on the previous approvals. d. Hardcover for the proposed project is within maximum allowable thresholds. e. Additional vegetative management was incorporated in the development site and on the Lost Lake Greenway to further minimize the visual impacts of residential development. -1010- 3. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve a variance to the 50 foot minimum setback provision of Section 129.385 (d) and the minimum setback of 62.5 feet required due to the density increase requested using Section 129.397 (d) for Lots 1 -4 of Block 1 and Lot 5 of Block 2 based on the following findings of fact: a. The structures as proposed are in a similar location as was approved in the Villas on Lost Lake plat. b. Although the structures are located no closer than in the previous plats, the ordinary high water line (OWHL) has shifted closer to the development which results in an increase in the size of the variances requested. c. Three of the five lots needing a variance meet a setback of more than 50 feet, which conforms to the minimum setback required prior to the enactment of the additional 25% setback increase for density tiering. d. The remaining structures in the project are setback more than 72 feet from the new ordinary high water line (OHWL). 4. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve a conditional use permit for the planned unit development subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the preliminary plat permit, vacation, and variance applications. b. No construction shall take place within the wetland buffer area. c. No structures shall be placed closer than as identified on the preliminary plat. The deck of the house on Lot 1, Block 1 shall be modified so as to not extend past the setbacks as permitted in the original Villas on Lost Lake plat. d. Waiver of the PED -PUD requirement for wood lap siding and substitution of fibercement board as the predominant exterior material so as to match with the existing homes in the neighborhood. e. If the wetland buffer signs need to be removed as part of the construction process they will be replaced once construction is complete. f. The area within the wetland buffer and between the buildings and the pedestrian path shall be seeded as wetland buffer. ffm g. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the conditional use permit application. h. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not 5. The conditional use permit and variances are hereby approved for the following property as described on the attached Exhibit A. 6. The Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with these variance and conditional use permit applications. Adopted this 23rd day of April, 2013 Attest: Catherine Pausche, -1012- Mark Hanus, Mayor CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO 13- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WITH LOST LAKE HOMES AND MARINA, LLC FOR THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE WHEREAS, the subject property includes 26 lots in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition and is proposed to be replatted as The Landings on Lost Lake, which includes a 16 lot major subdivision of the property legally described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the applicant for The Landings on Lost Lake project is Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC; and WHEREAS, a condition of Resolution No. 13- is the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between the City and the applicant; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, to approve the Subdivision Agreement for The Landings on Lost Lake subject to the following conditions: 1. The final form and content of the Subdivision Agreement shall be in substantially the same form as Exhibit B and shall be subject to the review and acceptance of the City Attorney; and 2. Pursuant to the requirements of paragraph 2, the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute the final form of the Subdivision Agreement and all other documents and amendments arising out of or as required by said Subdivision Agreement; and 3. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the Subdivision Agreement and all other documents and amendments arising out of or required by said Subdivision Agreement and providing evidence of such recording to the City of Mound. Adopted by the City Council this 23`d day of April, 2013. Catherine Pausche, City Clerk 1013- Mayor Mark Hanus EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION -1014- Draft April 19, 2013 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE This SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") dated as of the day of , 2013, by and between the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ( "Subdivider "). 1. Request for Plat Approval. The Subdivider has asked the City to approve the subdivision of land and a plat of land to be known as The Landings on Lost Lake, which land is legally described on Exhibit A' attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property "). 2. Plat Approval- Related Documents. The City has approved the preliminary plat via Resolution No. 13- ; the conditional use permit and variances via Resolution No. 13- and the final plat via Resolution No. 13- — Numerous approvals, permits and licenses necessary for the original construction and operation contemplated in the development plan for Villas on Lost Lake and Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition were previously obtained. Those approvals, permits and licenses are on file in the office of the Mound City Clerk. 3. Effect of Subdivision Approval. For two years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved preliminary plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Subdivider. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. 4. Development Plan. The Subject Property will be developed in accordance with the Site Development Plans received by the City on March 22, 2013, copies of which are on file -1015- with the City. If the Site Development Plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. 5. Improvements. The Subdivider shall pay for and install or cause to be installed, the following Improvements to be installed within the boundaries of the Subject Property in accordance with plans reviewed and approved by the City and shown on the referenced plan sheets on file with the City: A. Streets (private) — 2d bituminous lift; and B. Landscaping, including but not limited to plantings and seeding; and installation of a landscape irrigation system, if not installed pursuant to that certain Subdivision Agreement dated November 23, 2005 and recorded as Document No. 4194005 on November 28, 2005 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles; and C. Utilities (private). (5A., 5B., and 5C. hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Improvements. ") And other items as necessary to complete the development as stipulated herein. The locations of the Improvements are as shown on the referenced plan sheets on file and of record in the office of the Mound City Clerk. A listed Improvement for which no plan sheet is identified will be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director. None of the Improvements will be constructed until the City has reviewed and approved the plans and specifications, which review shall be consistent with standard city practices. 6. Time of Performance. The Subdivider shall install, or cause to be installed, the Improvements, enumerated in Paragraph 5 by no later than The Subdivider may, however, request additional time from the City to complete the Improvements. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Subdivider to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Security for Cost of Subdivider Installed Improvements. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Agreement relating to the installation of and payment for the improvements listed in the following schedule, the Subdivider will furnish the City an irrevocable letter of credit ( "Security "), approved by the City Attorney, in the amount of in the amount of , which is 125% of the estimated cost of the relevant Improvements. The initial term of the letter of credit shall be to December 31, 2013, provided that the City will approve a letter of credit containing a shorter initial term upon a showing that the requested initial term is not available. The Security must contain a provision that prohibits the issuer or surety from terminating the Security without first giving 30 days' written notice to the City of the proposed termination or expiration of the Security. Failure of the Subdivider to post a substitute Security within five days after notice by the City shall constitute a default that shall be grounds for drawing on the letter -1016- of credit. The City Council may grant a reduction in the Security upon written request by the Subdivider based upon the value of the completed work at the time of the requested reduction. The Security may not be reduced to less than 20% of the original amount until all work required of the Subdivider by this Agreement has been completed and accepted by the City. Upon failure of the Subdivider to perform, the City may declare the Agreement to be in default and the amount of the Security shall be paid over to the City. From the proceeds of the Security, the City shall be reimbursed for any attorneys' fees, engineering fees or other technical or professional assistance, including the work of the City staff and employees, and the remainder thereof shall be used by the City to complete the Improvements. The Subdivider shall be liable to the City to the extent that the Security is inadequate to reimburse the City its costs and pay for the completion of the work. The amount of the Security was calculated as follows: Improvement Cost 125% 5A. Private streets 5B. Landscaping 5C. Private Utilities Total No work shall be commenced under this Agreement until the Security has been delivered to the City. S. License. Each party hereby grants to the other, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the Subject Property to perform all the Improvements contemplated under this Agreement and all work and inspections legally required by the City. Each party, as grantee of such license hereby indemnifies and agrees to defend and hold harmless the other party as grantor from any claims or causes occasioned by or arising out of said grantees activities pursuant to the license. 9. Erosion Control. Before any utility construction is commenced or building permits are issued, the Subdivider shall comply with all erosion control measures required by the City and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit. 10. Landscaping. The Subdivider shall grade and install sod or seed and landscape plantings, and landscape the Subject Property in accordance with the landscape plan submitted as part of the Site Development Plans, as referenced in paragraph 5 above, and specifications on file with the City and shall also install an irrigation system, if not previously installed, as stated in paragraph 5 of this Agreement. The City may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy for the last townhome unit to be constructed until landscape work has been completed. 11. Subject To, Superseding and Replacing. -1017- A. Subieet To. The City and the Subdivider understand, acknowledge, and agree that this Agreement and the Subject Property are subject to and will continue to be subject to the following: 1. Disbursing and Escrow Agreement dated September 13, 2007 by and between Mound Harbor Renaissance Development LLC, The Villas on Lost Lake Common Interest Community No. 1633, acting and through its association board, and the City of Mound; and 2. Subdivision Agreement dated November 23, 2005 and recorded as Document No. 4194005 on November 28, 2005 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles; as amended by Document No. 4333448 to the extent set forth in subparagraph B of this paragraph 11; and as further amended by the partial Release dated April 20, 2011; and 3. Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Mound Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC dated November 23, 2005; Supplement to Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Mound and Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC, and the Villas on Lost Lake Homeowner's Association dated November 25, 2008; Second Supplement to Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Mound and Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC, and the Villas on Lost Lake Homeowner's Association dated February 24, 2009; Third Supplement to Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Mound and Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC, and the Villas on Lost Lake Homeowner's Association dated March 24, 2009; and Fourth Supplement to Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Mound and Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC, and the Villas on Lost Lake Homeowner's Association dated May 12, 2009 (hereinafter collectively, the "MOU "). The Subdivider further understands, acknowledges, and agrees that the activities undertaken on the Subject Property pursuant to this Agreement will require an amendment of the MOU; and the Subdivider agrees to fully cooperate in the execution of such an amendment to the MOU; and 4. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement among the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, the City of Mound, and the Mound Harbor Renaissance Development, LLC as described in Article 7.16 of the Common Interest Declaration recorded as Document No. 4235086 on March 8, 2006, as amended by Document No. 4333471 on December 1, 2006 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles. B. Superseding and Replacing. In the event of an inconsistency between this Agreement and the Subdivision Agreement dated November 23, 2005 and recorded -1018- as Document No. 4194005 on November 28, 2005 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles; as amended by Document No. 4333448 on December 1, 2006 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles; and as further amended by the partial Release dated April 20, 2011. C. The City and the Subdivider understand and agreed that this Agreement supersedes and replaces all previous oral agreements and oral negotiations between the City and the Subdivider in relation to the Subject Property. 12. Construction Hours; Noise; Dust; Clean up. A. The Subdivider shall clean the Subject Property streets of dirt and debris that has resulted from erosion, siltation or construction work by the Subdivider, its agents or assigns. The City will inspect the site on a regular basis and determine whether it is necessary to take additional measures to clean dirt and debris from said streets. After 24 hours verbal notice to the Subdivider from the City, the City Public Works Director, or designee, will complete or contract to complete the cleanup at the Subdivider's expense. B. The Subdivider will comply with all requirements of the City pertaining to the hours and days during which construction activities may take place. The Subdivider shall provide dust control to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, 13. Warranty. The Subdivider warrants all work required to be performed by it against defective material and faulty workmanship for a period of two years after its completion and acceptance by the City. All landscaping set forth in subparagraph 5B of this Agreement shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free for two years after planting. 14. Responsibility for Costs. A. The Subdivider will reimburse the City for all third party legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred by the City in connection with approval and acceptance of the subdivision and the plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the Subject Property. The Subdivider will pay all accrued but unpaid costs, charges and expenses at the time of execution of this Agreement. Estimated future costs are described in paragraph C below. B. Except as to the negligence, bad faith or the intentional torts of the City, the Subdivider shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat or subdivision approval and development of the Subject Property. The Subdivider shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all. costs, damages or expenses that the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. The provisions of this subparagraph B shall not be -1019- construed as limiting in any way the right of the Subdivider to commence and prosecute actions against the City for breach of this Agreement. C. The Subdivider shall reimburse the City for pre - agreement costs incurred for the preparation of this Agreement (and not included in the amounts described in paragraph A above), for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering, planning and attorney's fees. Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Subdivider deposited with the City an escrow deposit of $5,000.00. Such amount is the estimated amount of such costs. The deposit is security for Subdivider's obligation under this subparagraph C, and the City may apply the escrow to the payment of all costs covered by this paragraph. In the event that the amount of the deposit is reduced below $1,500.00, the Subdivider will have five business days following written notice of such to make a sufficient additional deposit to return the balance to at least $5,000.00. Any unused portion of the escrow will be returned to the Subdivider within 15 business days after the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy as set forth on the Site Development Plans. D. The Subdivider shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt development work and construction including, but not limited to, the issuance of building permits, until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of nine percent (9 %) per year. 15. Fees and Charges. The park dedication fees for the Subject Property have been paid. The Subdivider shall pay the City $ ($2,000.00 per unit) for Water Trunk Area Charges for area charges and $ ($2,000.00 per unit) for Sewer Trunk Area Payment of water service connection fees of $240.00 per unit, sewer service connection fee of $240.00 per unit, and payment of Sewer and Water Trunk Area Charges fees will be made by the Subdivider to the City as part of the building permit application. The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sewer Area Charge (SAC) shall also be collected that the time the building permit is issued and shall be at the rate established by the MCES at the time of the building permit issuance. The 2013 MCES SAC charge is $2435.00 per unit. 16. Occupancy Permits. In addition to the other requirements for the issuance of an occupancy permit, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Public Works Director, no occupancy permits shall be issued until (as to the unit to which the permit relates): A. all utilities serving the unit are tested and approved by the City, and have been placed in service; B. the second lift of bituminous for the street serving the unit is in place and approved by the City; except that certificates of occupancy for up to two model units will be issued if the first lift of bituminous for the street serving the unit is in place; and -1020- C. all building permit fees for the unit have been paid in full. 17. Subdivider's Default. In the event of default by the Subdivider as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Subdivider shall, upon written notice from the City, promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Subdivider is first given notice of the work in default, which notice shall be of sufficient length to allow the Subdivider to complete the necessary corrective action, but in any event not less than two days in advance (except in an emergency) and the Subdivider fails to correct the item of default within this time period. This Agreement is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a court order for permission to enter the Subject Property. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, levy the cost in whole or in part as a special assessment against the Subject Property. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as a waiver of the City's rights pursuant to paragraph 7 of this Agreement. 18. Declaration Compliance Evidence. No building permits will be issued until the Subdivider has provided the City with evidence that the Subdivider has obtained the necessary approvals required by Section 7.2 of the Declaration recorded as Document No. 4235086 on March 8, 2006, as amended by Document No. 4333471 on December 1, 2006 with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles. 19. Vacation of Existing Drainage and Utility Easements; Installation of Utilities. The Subdivider agrees to vacate the existing drainage and utility easements as dedicated on the plat on Villas of Lost Lake 2nd Addition, lying under, over, and across the Subject Property. The Subdivider shall contact the electric, telephone, gas and cable companies that are authorized to provide service to the Subject Property for the purpose of ascertaining whether and when any of those utility providers intend to install underground lines within the Subject Property. The Subdivider agrees to comply with applicable requirements of franchise ordinances and other requirements in effect in the City, copies of which are available from the Mound City Clerk. 20. Consent. The Subdivider represents and warrants that there are no other persons or entities with interests in the Subject Property except such lenders, if any, who hold mortgages on the Subject Property and have consented to this Agreement by executing the Consent attached as Exhibit B. 21. Insurance. The Subdivider shall furnish proof of insurance acceptable to the City, covering any public liability or property damage by reason of the operation of the Subdivider's equipment, laborers, and hazard caused by the Improvements. The Subdivider must keep the insurance in force at all times that construction on the Subject Property is in progress. The insurance must name the City as an additional insured and must provide that the insurer will give the City not less than 30 days' written notice prior to cancelation or termination of the insurance policy. -1021- 22. Indemnification. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the City, its officials, agents and employees shall not be personally liable or responsible in any manner to the Subdivider, the Subdivider's contractor or subcontractor, material suppliers, laborers or to any other person or persons for any claim, demand, damages, actions or causes of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of this Agreement or the performance and completion of the work required by this Agreement to be performed by the Subdivider. The Subdivider will hold the City, its officials, agents and employees harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, or causes of action and the costs, disbursements, and expenses of defending the same, including but not limited to, attorneys' fees, consulting engineering services, and other technical or professional assistance, including the work of City staff and employees. The indemnity obligations contained in this paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any liability limits or immunities contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. 23. Miscellaneous. A. The Subdivider represents to the City that the proposed development of the Subject Property, and the subdivision and the plat comply with all City, county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the subdivision or the plat or the development of the Subject Property do not so comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work on the Subject Property until the Subdivider does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Subdivider shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties have no recourse against the City or the Subdivider under this Agreement. C. Breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Subdivider shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. E. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Agreement shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. The Subdivider shall be responsible for recording this 1022- Agreement, and take such steps, including execution of amendments to this Agreement, as are necessary to effect the recording hereof. After the Subdivider has completed the work required of it under this Agreement and is approved by the City, at the Subdivider's request, the City will execute and deliver to the Subdivider a release. As the Subdivider sells individual lots to individual third party buyers, the City Manager is authorized to execute releases of individual lots from the terms of this Agreement, but said individual lot releases shall not in any way release the Subdivider from any of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. G. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to the City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. H. The Subdivider may not assign this Agreement without the written permission of the City Council, which permission will not be unreasonably withheld, and will be given in all instances in which the proposed assignee is owned or controlled by the Subdivider; or when the assignee demonstrates a capability to complete the development at least equal to the Subdivider. Such assignment will not relieve the Subdivider of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement unless the assignee executes an agreement with the City undertaking all of the obligations of the Subdivider and agreeing to be bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement that are binding on the Subdivider. L This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. The Subdivider agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the United States, Minnesota, the County, and the City that are applicable to the Subject Property. L This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and shall constitute one and the same Agreement. 24. Notices. Required notices to the Subdivider shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Subdivider, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Subdivider by registered mail at the following address: Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC 4725 Highway 7 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 Attn: Mark Saliterman, Chief Manager. -1023- Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Manager at the following address, or such other address provided to the other party in compliance with this paragraph: Kandis M. Hanson, City Manager Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 with a copy to: Melissa Manderschied Kennedy & Graven 200 South 6a' Street, Ste 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402. [The balance of this page was left blank.] -1024- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF MOUND I� Mark Hanus, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) C Kandis Hanson, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2013, by Mark Hanus, Mayor, and Kandis Hanson, City Manager, of the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public LOST LAKE HOMES AND MARINA, LLC By: Mark Saliterman Its: Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2013, by Mark Saliterman, its Chief Manager, on behalf of the company. Drafted by: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Notary Public -1025- Exhibit A Legal Description of Subject Property Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Villas on Lost Lake 2 "d Addition, CIC No. 1653, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 3, Villas on Lost Lake 2 "d Addition, CIC No. 1653, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Villas on Lost Lake 2 "d Addition, CIC No. 1653, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and to be platted as The Landings on Lost Lake. -1026- Exhibit B Bank Consents (`Bank ") holds a mortgage encumbering the Subject Property. The Subject Property is subject to the foregoing Agreement and, accordingly, Bank hereby consents to the Agreement; provided, that in doing so, Bank shall not be liable to the City or any other person for the performance or non - performance of the Agreement by the Subdivider; provided fiuther, that in the event that Bank acquires fee title to the Subject Property by foreclosure or sale in lieu of foreclosure, Bank shall not be required to perform any of the obligations required of the Subdivider in said Agreement during the Bank's term of ownership so long as Bank is actively marketing the Subject Property for sale and maintaining the Subject Property in compliance with applicable ordinances. Dated: IS Its: 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR BANK STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_, by , the of on behalf of the under the laws of Notary Public [Subdivider to provide the required consents to the City, if applicable at any time] -1027- CONSENT The Subdivider hereby consents to the provisions of the forgoing letter and agrees that said letter does not modify or restrict the authorization granted by the undersigned and Lender. Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC A Minnesota limited Liability Company LM Mark Saliterman Its: Chief Manager Dated: -109$- 422190v7 MJM MU200 -171 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF THE VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR THE VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2 "D ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant, Lost Lake Homes and Marina, LLC, has submitted a request to vacate certain drainage and utility easements within the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the subject site is located along Shoreline Drive (County Road 15) in downtown Mound and was previously platted as part of the Villas on Lost Lake in 2005; and the property was replatted as "Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition" in 2006; and WHEREAS, applicant requests the vacation of the drainage and utility easements located within Villas of Lost Lake 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to establish new drainage and utility easements as part of the requested The Landings on Lost Lake plat; and WHEREAS, information about the proposed vacation was sent to all private utility companies; and WHEREAS, comments received from the private utility companies have been shared with the applicant to address; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the vacation application at its April 2, 2013 meeting and recommended Council approval, subject to conditions, as recommended by Staff; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its April 23, 2013 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed vacation application; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the preliminary plat and development plan for The Landings on Lost Lake taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances and other official controls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the vacation of the drainage and utility easements of the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition to facilitate the platting of the property for The Landings on Lost Lake, including the platting of new drainage and utility easements. -1029- 2. The vacation of the drainage and utility easements is hereby approved for the following described property: Alf of the drainage and utility easements dedicated on the plat of VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying over, under and across Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, said plat. 3. The vacation of the drainage and utility easements is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, variance, preliminary plat and final plat applications. b. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the vacation application. c. Applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with relocation of all utilities. d. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. Adopted this 23rd of April, 2013 Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -1030- Mark Hanus, Mayor CenterPoint, 700 West Linden Avenue PO Box 1165 Energy April 19, 2013 Minneapolis, MN 55440 -1105 Jill Norlander Planning and Building Inspections 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 -1687 RE: Proposed Preliminary Plat; Villas on lost Lake 2nd Addition and Vacation of drainage and utility easements Dear Ms. Norlander: With reference to the proposed Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation mentioned above, CenterPoint Energy does have an existing natural gas service; in that portion of Drainage and Utility in the proposed Lost Lake 2od Addition to be vacated. Since this gas main is an important part of the distribution system for this development we must object to this proposed Vacation unless suitable easement rights are reserved to CenterPoint Energy pursuant to MnSta 160.29 & MnRule 7819.3200. Please reserve an easement to CenterPoint Energy, created by and within the document establishing the vacation and filed with the Hennepin County Recorder's office, over all of the proposed vacation; We may consider removing our objection should the petitioner wish to reimburse CenterPoint Energy the cost of relocating the existing gas main. To discuss this and other options that may be available, please have the petitioner contact Andrew Balgobin, Administrative Engineer at 612- 321 -5426. Thank you for the advance notice and please send me a copy of the final action on this proposed Plat. Respectfully, CENTERPOINT ENERGY 6L *d' Chuck Mayers Right -of -Way Specialist pc: Andrew Balgobin, Administrative Engineer Roger Brandel, Area Manager Keith Novy, Supervisor Field Operations Chem Monson, Sate Associate Alla Denisova, Engineering -1031- • - r T •.1. ;• r CASE #13 -08 VILLAS - ON LOST LAKE 2 No ADDITION 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364_1667 FH: (`J62) 4l2 -U6UU FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: VAVW.dty0fM0und.c0m s.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound will meet on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at 7:00 PM, or as soon as possible thereafter, to hold a public hearing to consider a request from Mark Saliterman, on behalf of Lost Lake Homes & Marina LLC, for vacation of drainage and utility easements previously dedicated in the "VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2ndADDITION" plat as follows: All of the drainage and utility easements dedicated on the plat of VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2N° ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying over, under and across Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Lots 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10, Block 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, said plat. New drainage and utility easements will be dedicated in the proposed Major Subdivision -Final Plat for "THE LANDINGS ON LOST LAKE". Copies of the application materials are available to the public upon request at City Hall. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Jill Norlander Planning and Inspections Administrative Assistant Posted: April 2, 2013 Published in the Laker on April 6, 20' 1)32 April 13, 2013 printed on recyNedpaper MINUTE' EXCERPTS APRIL 2. 2013 ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, David Goode, George Linkert, Cindy Penner, Kelvin Retterath, Pete Wiechert and Councilmember Mark Wegscheid (7:04). Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Commission Secretary Jill Norlander and Planning Consultant Rita Trapp. Others present: Mark Saliterman, 4725 Highway 7, Mpls; Linda Johnson, 2307 Lost Lake Ct; Milt Hygulien, 2303 Lost Lake Ct; Kathryn Alexander, 401 Lake St, Wayzata; Patrick & Nancy Manion, 2311 Lost Lake Ct; Mike Schrader, ALS properties 5501 Lakeland Ave N, Crystal; Patricia MacTaggert, 2301 Lost Lake Ct BOARD OF APPEALS A. Public Hearing for Landings on Lost Lake Major Subdivision ( replat of the remaining 26 lots in the Lost Lake 2 "d Addition) Case No. 13 -04 Preliminary Plat Case No. 13 -OS Variance Case No. 13 -06 Conditional Use Permit Case No. 13 -08 Vacation Case No. 13 -12 Major Subdiviston%Final Plat Trapp introduced the items for consideration. The applicant, Mark Saliterman, has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of the 26 undeveloped lots of the Lost Lake 2nd Addition. The owner is proposing to replat the property as The Landings on Lost Lake. The proposed replat will reduce the number of homes in the 1.1 acre project area from 26 to 16. The applicant is generally following the layout as originally proposed for the project. Grading, private utilities and drive have been installed. The applicant is not proposing to expand the development. In reducing the number of lots from 26 to 16, the width of the lots have increased. Also, the height of the homes has decreased from 3 stories to 2 stories enabling the existing homes a view of the lake. The increased unit size allows an increase in the size of the garages. Trapp commented that site improvements related to wetlands, floodplain, grading and storm water management, impervious surface, erosion streets and utilities were completed as part of the Villas on Lost Lake and Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Additions. -1033- Retterath asked how much of the extra parking spaces are used. Schrader indicated that they seem to be well used but couldn't give a specific amount. Patricia McTaggert, 2301 Lost Lake Ct, said the original plan was only year round homes, not lakeshore cabins and that units with only one bedroom might be purchased as lakeshore places Mr. Saliterman agreed to build larger. She asked what the typical setback would be from the OHWL and how many units would be allowed. Trapp explained the process in refiguring the required setbacks. Linda Johnson, 2307 Lost Lake Ct, wanted to comment about the wonderful walking path along the lake. It is heavily traveled during the spring and summer. The lake is rather green in that area. Penner uses the path frequently to Caribou. Will that still be open to the public? Smith indicated that maintenance of the path and wetland buffer is the responsibility of the City. Retterath asked about the structure (deck) on unit 3, Block 1. Alexander reminded all that there are existing pilings that they are required. so minimal pilings would be Manion asked if the walkway area between 81 and B2 was being disturbed and if they were putting in more pilings. Saliterman indicated that substantial fencing will be installed between the construction area and the buffer, including the walkway area to protect what is there. There will be some additional pilings needed, but it is unknown at this point how many will be needed. Linkert read from the Comp Plan regarding the Pedestrian District. He doesn't believe that this development follows the Comp Plan. He feels that the 3 car garages aren't part of the intent of the Pedestrian District. Trapp told the commission that there was a waiver in the previous approvals regarding the "wood" lap siding material standard in favor of a "fiber cement board" alternative. Ward asked if the public had anything more to add. Saliterman indicated that the 2 homes next to the sidewalk area have no windows on the sidewalk side of the homes. The intent was to minimize the potential impact of the trail use on those homeowners. MOTION by Ward, second by Goode, to close the public hearing. MOTION carried unanimously. 1034- Retterath summarized that he is in favor of the reduced height; minor issue is the close proximity of the trail on the north end; nothing proposed that wasn't approved earlier; in support of the pedestrian friendliness aspect of the trail; future consideration of the pedestrian walkway easements. Goode asked what the suggested line of connection between the docks and non - resident dock renters is. Smith said that the rented slips c probably being accessed by the closest road in the subdivision and the sidewalk between Blocks 1 and 2 and that they may have to park along Auditor's Road and use the sidewalk. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Penner, to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with staff recommendations. MOTION approved unanimously. Linkert abstained. MOTION by Bergquist, second by Gawtry, to recommend approval of the conditional use permit with conditions 1 -7, the wood siding substitute and the adjustment of the deck on Lot 1, Block 1. MOTION approved unanimously. Linkert abstained. MOTION by Ward, second by Penner, to Shoreland Density Tiering requirements provided by staff. MOTION approved un MOTION by Ward, second by ordinary high water mark setl approved unanimously. Link( MOTION by Penner, sE conditions as provided of a variance to the 4 units with findings as 'tained. approval of a variance to the s as provided by staff. MOTION to recommend approval of the vacation with approved unanimously. Linkert abstained. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Ward, to recommend approval of the final plat with conditions as provided by staff. MOTION approved unanimously. Linkert abstained. -1035- r;c Ti• H is TO: Planning Commission FROM: Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 28, 2013 SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat- Major Subdivision ( #13 -03) CUP for a PUD ( #13- 06) Variance ( #13 -03) Vacation () #13 -08) and Final Plat ( #13 -12) APPLICANT: Mark Saliterman, Lost Lake Homes & Marina LOCATION: 26 undeveloped lots of the Villas on the Lost Lake 2nd Addition MEETING DATE: April 2, 2013 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Pedestrian District ZONING: Pedestrian District Planned Unit Development ;7_T�i;Edai 11,01 , The applicant, Mark Saliterman of Lost Lake Homes & Marina, has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of the 26 undeveloped lots of the Lost Lake 2nd Addition. These applications include a preliminary plat, a conditional use permit for a planned unit development, variance, vacation, and final plat. The applicant is proposing to replat the property as The Landings on Lost Lake. The proposed replat will reduce the number of homes in the 1.1 acre project area from 26 to 16. As noted in the attached narrative, the applicant is generally following the layout as originally proposed for the project. The development of the Lost Lake District is part of a larger redevelopment initiative for Downtown Mound called Mound Visions. In the original Villas on Lost Lake plat, the developer Mound Harbor Renaissance proposed 37 townhomes and a 12,500 square foot commercial building for the 3.64 acre site. Development on the site to date has included 11 townhomes and the commercial building which is currently completely occupied. Site development activities also included the creation of two wetlands, establishment of a wetland buffer, construction of the Lost Lake Greenway, overall site grading, installation of private utilities, and construction of private drive. Due to market conditions, the remaining 1.1 acres of property, which was to contain 26 townhomes, was foreclosed upon and made available for sale. -1036- The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report PREVIOUS APPROVALS The Villas on Lost Lake addition was originally platted by Mound Harbor Renaissance in 2005. At that time the approvals included preliminary plat, rezoning, conditional use permit and variances. Additional information about these prior approvals will be provided later in this report as needed to provide context to the current land use requests. The property was replatted in 2006 as Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition to slightly modify property lines with the addition of approximately 259.6 SF of additional land. The 4 -unit townhome structure (Lots 1- 4, Bock 2 Villas on Lost Lake) was not affected by the replat and was labeled as an EXEMPTION in the Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Addition plat. Amendments to the PDA were approved in 2007 to reduce the commercial building size to 3,003 SF to accommodate 2 tenant spaces (east space and west space) and in 2011 to split the west space to accommodate 2 tenants. The commercial building is fully occupied by Caribou Coffee, Sir Knight Cleaners, and Larson Chiropractic. REVIEW PROCEDURE The applications under review include the following land use and subdivision requests: • Preliminary Plat • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) —required to regulate dimensional and design standards for the Planned Unit Development (PUD) • Variances • Vacation — drainage and utility easements needs to be vacated and restablished due to the replatting of the property. • Final Plat 60 -Day Land Use Application Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. Within the 60 -day period, an automatic extension of no more than 60 days can be obtained by providing the applicant written notice containing the reason for the extension and specifying how much additional time is needed. Because the applications were submitted in conjunction with a preliminary plat additional time may be taken if determined necessary. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 15.99, "Day 1" is determined to be March 19, 2013 as provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 645.15. 120 -day Subdivision Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 462.358, local government agencies are required to approve or deny subdivision requests within 120 days. The 120 -day timeline expires on or around. An extension of the review period can occur if agreed to by the applicant. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 462,358, "Day 1" is determined to be March 19, 2013 in accordance with MS. 645.15. March 28, 2013 -1037- Page 2 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report Public Hearing City Code Section 121 -61 requires that a noticed public hearing of the preliminary plat be held by the Planning Commission. It is the only one of the applicant's requests that requires a public hearing at the Planning Commission. The public hearing notice was published in the Laker on March 23, 2013 and posted on March 19, 2013. The Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all affected property owners located within 350 feet of the entire redevelopment area on March 21, 2013. CITY DEPARTMENT & AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the requests and supporting materials were forwarded to involved Staff, consultants, and and affected agencies on March 1, 2013 and to utility companies on March 4, 2013. Staff, consultants, agencies, and utility companies were also invited to attend a Development Project Review Meeting held on March 18, 2013 to further discuss the project. Revised plans were sent for review to Staff, consultants, affected agencies and utility companies on March 22, 2013. A summary of comments received is provided below: Scott Qualle, Building Official Dan Faulkner, City Engineer Ray Hanson, Public Works Supt. No comments, no concerns It should be ensured that drainage and utility easements cover all that is needed. No comments. Hennepin County No comments regarding access, right -of -way or traffic impacts as the plat will use the two existing access points to CSAH 15 and no additional access points are requested. See attached letter. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Orono Police Department No comments received. Verbal confirmation from staff that no additional MCWD approvals will be needed as the project is covered by previous approvals granted prior to the transfer in 2011. Applicant is advised that erosion control permits will be needed for individual townhome construction. No concerns. March 28, 2013 -1038- Page 3 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report LOST LAKE VILLAS NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS The applicant met with the existing Lost Lake Villas owners and residents a number of times and Staff has attended some of the meetings. According to the applicant in the attached narrative, adjustments to the project have been made to address concerns raised. This has included the addition of stone on the front fagade to match with the existing buildings, the use of similar colors and siding to the existing buildings, consideration of an alternative garage door style and the marketing of three units on the east side of the project as two story full units instead of just a garage on the main level. It should be noted that the new property owners will become part of the Homeowners Association. DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL REVIEW Preliminary Plat The preliminary plat encompasses the 1.1 acres of the previous plat that has not yet been developed. Thus, the plat organizes the property into three residential blocks (Blocks 1 -3). These residential blocks are further divided into lots that would be held by individual owners. Each lot will have one single - family home. There is not an outlot as part of this preliminary plat as it was established in earlier plats and was not a part of the property purchased by the applicant. The outlot, which is owned and maintained by the homeowners association, includes the road, trail, wetlands, and open space. As identified previously, the number of lots for this property is being proposed to be reduced from 26 to 16. The proposed lots will be larger in size, ranging from 1,742 square feet to 4,523 square feet and width from 25.7 feet to 61.7 feet. Conditional Use Permit The City of Mound uses the Conditional Use Permit as the regulatory tool for establishing the dimension and design standards for a planned unit development (PUD). The previous approvals for the site established design standards that will continue to apply for this project, particularly since the remainder of the site was built under those regulations. Building Design and Materials The application materials submitted include the building elevations and floor plans for each type of structure proposed. As part of the reduction in the number of units, the applicant has reduced the size of the units from 3 to 2 stories. This reduction will enable the existing homes on the site a view of Lost Lake. All of the homes proposed will be under the maximum allowed height of 35 feet in the Pedestrian District. The increased size of the units has resulted in an increase in the size of the garages provided. As can be most easily seen from the included elevation drawings, units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 will have 3 car garages while all the remaining units will have 2 car garages. This is a change from the previous plat where some of the smaller units had a 1 car garage. March 28, 2013 1039 Page 4 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report Wood lap siding is required by the Pedestrian District as the predominant exterior material for street facing facades. The elevations provided by the applicant show that the building design is intended to match what is currently on the site with similar colors and materials. The front fagade will have siding with stone accents. It is anticipated that building materials will be available at the meeting. While the Pedestrian District requires minimum percentages for window area, it was determined in the previous approval process that those standards were not intended for residential homes. Circulation and Parking Access to the site will continue to be from Shoreline Drive (CSAH 15). There is one full entry into the site and one right in -right out access. There are no additional accesses requested. The private drive within the development has already been constructed and is not proposed to be modified as part of this approval process. All of the units meet the standard requirement of 2 spaces per unit with one being enclosed. Additional parking is provided in the driveways for the unit. Given that there is no parking allowed on the street, the applicant has indicated that the reduced number of units will improve the parking situation. The applicant has been advised that conversations with the adjacent commercial property owner and tenants are likely needed as the parking spaces along the east side of the property are currently used by the commercial property but intended for the residential portion of the development. Adjustments may need to be made by the commercial tenants, particularly for employee parking. Landscaping The applicant has provided a landscape plan (LS1) that shows the primary ground cover treatment within the plat area will be seeded grass. Crushed stone will be used in the small islands between the driveways in the two unit buildings. Multiple family landscape standards require a minimum of one tree for each dwelling unit (16 trees). The applicant is proposing 18 snowdrift crab trees. The landscape plan also shows juniper shrubs in the areas near the street and yews near the homes. As noted in the wetland section below, applicant is advised that wetland material will need to be used in the buffer areas. The landscape plan provided is not as extensive of what was included in the Villas on Lost Lake plat (see included exhibit). However, it does meet the minimum standards of the City Code. Staff also notes that the extent of landscaping proposed is limited to the areas within the plat boundaries. Staff will provide further comment on the landscaping plan at the meeting. Wetlands Floodplain, Grading and Stormwater Management Generally all issues with wetlands, Floodplain, grading, and stormwater management were addressed as part of the Villas on Lost Lake and Villas on Lost Lake 2nd Additions. The applicant has been advised that there is a wetland buffer that extends along the entire shoreline side of the plat. The applicant has been advised that the buffer is signed in the field and no construction must take place within the buffer area. The wetland buffer likely extends into the Block 1 lots as it goes around the wetland in that area. Care is going to be needed to ensure the wetland buffer area is left undisturbed. March 28, 2013 -1040- Page 5 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report Impervious Surface The maximum impervious surface coverage in the Pedestrian District is 75% or as approved by the CUP -PUD. The total impervious surface proposed in the Villas on Lost Lake plat was 74.7 %. The reduction in the number of units has resulted in a decrease in the amount of impervious surface proposed for the project area. According to the calculations presented on Exhibit A, the previous approvals had a proposed impervious surface of 78.6 %, while the impervious surface of what is proposed is only 65.3 %. Erosion Control City Staff has confirmed with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) that additional permitting from MCWD is not needed as the project was approved prior to MCWD assuming regulatory authority in September 2011 and would be subject to the rules in place at that time. However, erosion control permits from the MCWD will be needed when the individual buildings are constructed. Utilities Public water and sanitary sewer utilities have already been established within the project area. Individual, private connections to dwelling units are the only component of utilities that will need to occur as construction commences. Representatives of the utility companies were provided a copy of the application materials. Frontier has indicated that they have built facilities for 26 lots with the cables installed and ready for service. Xcel Energy has indicated that they are prepared for 26 lots as well. With regard to the proposed vacation of dedicated drainage and utility easements, the applicant will need to work with utility companies related to existing utilities and would be responsible for relocation. Variance There are two variances being requested as a part of this project: 1) Shoreland Density Tiering and 2) Setbacks to the Ordinary High Water Line. Both variances were requested and approved as a part of previous approvals and are related to City Code Section 129 -387 (b) — (d). This section relates to the development of Planned Development Areas within shoreland areas. As noted in the included narrative, the applicant is proposing to maintain the homes in the same general location as the previous plat. This is particularly true in Blocks 1 and 2 were there are existing pilings on which to construct the home. A comparison of the location of the proposed structures and the previously approved structures can be seen visually in Exhibit A where the gray areas are the previous plans and the black outlines are what is being proposed now. Staff recommends that the extent of the deck on Lot 1, Block 1 be reduced so as to not extend further than the location of the previously approved structure, particularly since this lot does not meet minimum setback requirements discussed later in this report. March 28, 2013 -1.041 Page 6 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report While the structures are in the same general area, the applicant has discovered that the ordinary high water line (OHWL) has moved since the previous approvals. Exhibit A shows both the previous and existing locations of the OHWL. A possible reason for the shifting of the OHWL is due to the previous work in Lost Lake, including dredging, construction of docks, and establishment of the two wetlands. This also could be a benchmark issue. The movement of the OHWL is notable as it affects the nature of both variances requested, particularly regarding setbacks. Density City Code provisions require the project area to be divided into tiers for the purposes of evaluating density. The first tier is to have a depth of 200 feet from the ordinary high water line (OHWL) and the second to have a depth of 267 feet. The Shoreland Density Exhibit illustrates how the tiers apply to the plan. The extent of the tiers is different than in the previous approvals. However, we have included a table showing the previous approvals for reference as the variance requested previously is greater than the variance requested in this application. It should be noted that a density increase is allowed when additional vegetative management is provided. The vegetative management of the plat was proposed and completed as part of the previous approvals so the density increase continues to be allowed. PrPvinlls Villas an Last Lake Annrova) Prnnosed The Landing on Lost Lake Allowed Density With Proposed Suitable (base Allowable Dwelling Tier Area Area density) Increase Units Variance 1 127,195 113,902 11 16 27 11 2 71,882 70,046 7 14 10 (4) 199,077 183,948 17 30 37 7 Prnnosed The Landing on Lost Lake *The suitable area has also likely changed due to the movement of the OHWL. However, given that the applicant does not have the as- builts from the previous approvals it is a difficult number to calculate as it would require knowing where the wetlands were constructed and how much land is below the OHWL. Since the density variance is decreasing with this application, March 28, 2013 -1042 Page 7 Allowed Density With Proposed Suitable (base Allowable Dwelling Tier Area Area* density) Increase Units Variance 1 135,907 Unknown 11 16 20 4 2 63,170 Unknown 7 14 7 (7) 17 30 27 (3) *The suitable area has also likely changed due to the movement of the OHWL. However, given that the applicant does not have the as- builts from the previous approvals it is a difficult number to calculate as it would require knowing where the wetlands were constructed and how much land is below the OHWL. Since the density variance is decreasing with this application, March 28, 2013 -1042 Page 7 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report Staff did not feel that requiring a recalculation of suitable area was warranted. The Planning Commission can request that information be calculated if needed. for purposes of calculating density, staff used the same allowed based density as the previous approval. As shown on the table above, the total number of units is now under the number allowed by 3 units. A variance is still required because there are more 4 more units in the first tier than is allowed by code. Staff notes that the variance would have been even a few units less had the OHWL not moved. Setbacks to Ordinary High Water Line The minimum setback for residential structures is 50 feet plus the additional 25 percent increase (12.5 feet) for density increases resulting in a 62.5 foot setback. OHWL setbacks in the previous approval ranged from 50 to 130 feet. The only structures previously that required a setback variance were Lots 1 and 2 on Block 1 that had setbacks of 50 and 55 feet respectively. It is for these two lots that a setback variance was approved previously. As noted, the OHWL has moved since the previous approvals. As shown on Exhibit A, the OHWL has shifted towards the development, particularly near Blocks 1 and 2 of the development. While the homes are in the same general location, the shifting of the OHWL has resulted in an increase in the number of units that require a variance. As shown in the preliminary plat, the following are the proposed setbacks for lots that are under the 62.5 foot minimum: Lot Setback Lot 1, Block 1 37.4 feet Lot 2, Block 1 52.3 feet Lot 3, Block 1 60.1 feet Lot 4, Block 1 59.7 feet Lot 5, Block 2 41.9 feet Given that the structures are in the same location as previous approvals and it is the OHWL that has moved according to the surveyor, Staff suggests that the variances requested are reasonable. The size of the lots prevents the applicant from moving the structures further back from the rear property line, especially since a useable driveway is also needed for each home as there is limited parking on the site. Staff also notes that the open space, including the wetland buffer, has already been established and is to remain as a part of this project. Vacation The applicant has applied to vacate the existing drainage and utility easements platted as part of the Lost Lake 2nd Addition. The vacation of easements is needed due to the changing of the location of lot lines. As noted in the final plat section below, a 5 foot drainage and utility easement is proposed along the private drive. Notice of the proposed vacation has been sent to all private utility companies. Based on a drawing provided by Xcel to the applicant, the easterly most transformer, along with any additional utilities, between Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, March 28, 2013 -1043- Page 8 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report may need to be moved. This would be due to the new layout and repositioning of lot lines and buildings. The Planning Commission is advised that additional comments on the proposed vacation may be forthcoming. Final Plat The applicant has concurrently applied for final plat approval for this project. The final plat is in conformance with the preliminary plat submitted. The final plat establishes 5 foot drainage and utility easements along the private drive. No park dedication is required for this development as it was included as part of previous approvals. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff's recommendation for each application of The Landings on Lost Lake submittal package is provided below. Please note that the conditions proposed are preliminary and subject to change as review and discussion of the development project continues. Preliminary Plat Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Prelminary Plat as submitted with the following conditions: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, vacation, and variance applications. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the preliminary plat application. 3. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 4. Any additional recommended conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission or City Council. Conditional Use Permit Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit as submitted with the following conditions: 1. Concurrent approval of the preliminary plat, vacation, and variance applications. 2. No construction shall take place within the wetland buffer area. 3. If the wetland buffer signs need to be removed as part of the construction process they will be replaced once construction is complete. 4. The area within the wetland buffer and between the buildings and the pedestrian path shall be seeded as wetland buffer. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the conditional use permit application. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 7. Any additional recommended conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission or City Council. March 28, 2013 -1044- Page 9 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report Variance Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the following variances with the findings and conditions outlined below: 1. A variance to Section 129.397 to allow an additional four (4) dwelling units within the first tier. Findings: a. The adopted Mound Visions Plan anticipated increased densities in the downtown area within the Shoreland Management Overlay. b. The second tier has seven (7) fewer units than the maximum allowable. C. The proposed total of 16 units is less than the 26 that were previously approved. d. Hardcover for the proposed project is within maximum allowable thresholds. e. Additional vegetative management was incorporated in the development site and on the Lost Lake Greenway to further minimize the visual impacts of residential development 2. A variance to the 50 foot minimum setback provision of Section 129.385 (d) and the minimum setback of 62.5 feet required due to the density increase requested using Section 129.397 (d) for Lots 1 -4 of Block 1 and Lot 5 of Block 2. Findings: a. The structures as proposed are in a similar location as was approved in the Villas on Lost Lake plat. b. Although the structures are located no closer than in the previous plats, the ordinary high water line (OHWL) has shifted closer to the development which results in an increase in the size of the variances requested. C. Three of the five lots needing a variance meet a setback of more than 50 feet, which conforms to the minimum setback required prior to the enactment of the additional 25% setback increase for density tiering. d. The remaining structures in the project are setback more than 72 feet from the new ordinary high water line (OHWL). Conditions of the variance approvals include: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, vacation, and preliminary plat applications. 2. No structures shall be placed closer than as identified on the preliminary plat. 3. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the variance application. March 28, 2013 -1045- Page 10 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report 4. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 5. Any additional recommended conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission or City Council. Vacation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Vacation as submitted with the following conditions: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit, variance, and preliminary plat applications. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the vacation application. 3. Applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with relocation of all utilities. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 5. Any additional recommended conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission or City Council. Final Plat Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the final Plat as submitted with the following conditions: 1. Drainage and utility easements, as required by the City Engineer, shall be provided and submitted in a form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County and shall be subject to review and approval by the City. 2. Payment of all required utility fees at the current approved rates prior to release of the resolution. 3. Concurrent approval of the preliminary plat, conditional use permit, variance, and vacation applications. 4. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the final plat application. 5. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 6. An agreement is prepared and approved between the City and the applicant. 7. As required, the HOA documents shall be revised which shall be reviewed and accepted by the City Attorney. 8. As required by Sec. 121 -87 (f) (2), a written report on title shall be provided by the City Attorney prior to the City's approval of the final plat. 9. Any additional recommended conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission or City Council. March 28, 2013 -1046- Page 11 The Landings on Lost Lake PC Report CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation (s) is received from the Planning Commission, it is anticipated that the requests will be considered by the City Council at their April 23, 2013 meeting. Public hearings are required for the preliminary plat, conditional use permit and the vacation so publication and notification requirements in accordance with City Code and State Statutes will be undertaken. March 28, 2013 "1047 Page 12 r 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 5364 Phone 952 -472 -0600 FAX 9524724620 Planning Commission Date City Council Date APPLICATION Case No. C 42013 FEES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPI ICATIh AI CHECK BOX TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE Subject Address 5441 - SKETCH PLAN REVIEW $200* X— PRELIMINARY PLAT 16 Lots $590 $350 +$15 per lot' X FINAL PLAT 16 Lots $350 +$15per lot $590 " X CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT /PDA $350" ESCROW DEPOSIT $5,000 X VARIANCE $200" Name_ Mark Saliterman, TOTAL $ $6,930.00 cHLL I He MOUND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO CONFIRM CURRENT FEES, PLEASE nmfk T OR Tvnc Major Subdivision Information -1048- (1/2/2013) Page 5 of 6 , ro, TY Subject Address 5441 - 5495 Lost Lake Lane Name of Proposed Plat Lost Lake Homes & Marina FEXISTING Loti_8, 2 -10, 1 Block 1, 3, 4 Subdivisio,".11ason the Lake 2nd Addition, TION See attached FID /k— Zoning: R1 R1A R2R3 B1,_ 82 „83_(Clrcle one) Zonin2 is PED -PUD APPLICANT' The applicant is: owner X other_ Email mark @scpateam.com Name_ Mark Saliterman, Chief Manager Address_ 4725 Highway 7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Phone Home 952 -544 -4446 Work 952- 920 -8555 Fax 952 - 955 -8455 Name Lett Iaka Homac k Marini C N/A OWNER (if other than Address-4225, Highway 7-._S±. I nuic Park, MN 55416 Phone Home N/A Work "952- 920 -8555 Fax 952- 955 -8455 applicant) SURVEYOR/ ENGINEER Alexander Design Group Inc Name 9 P Email N/A Address 401 East Lake Street, Wayzata, MN. 55391 — Phone Home N/A Work 952- 473 -8777 Fax 952 - 473 -8222 Major Subdivision Information -1048- (1/2/2013) Page 5 of 6 Description of Proposed Use: . Build townhomes on the lots after replatting the existing 26 lots - see attached plans. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke /odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. Less units; less congestion If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ 6 - 7 Mi 11 i on RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS: Number of Structures: 6 Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit sq. ft. Number of Dwelling Units /Structure: 16 Total Lot Area: sq. ft. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? (X ) yes, ( ) no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies . of resolutions. To numerous to mention but this was the Lost Lake Project originally approved. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject properly, or explanation given why this is not Elie case I certify that akl of the statements above and statements contained in any required Pa" I pers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided (including Section 121 of the Mound City Ordinance) and that 1 am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. f Mark Saliterman /`/ 3 Print Applicant's Name Applicant's signatu r Date Lost Lake Homes & Marina LLC Yf 13 � Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature C i e Manager Date Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date Major Subdivision information (1/212013) Page 6 of 6 -1049- VILLAS ON THE LAKE 2 °d ADDITION PID # Block 1 PID # Street Address Lot 1 1311724330129 5495 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330130 5493 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330131 5491 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330132 5489 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330133 5487 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330134 5485 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330135 5483 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330136 5481 Lost Lake Lane Block 3 Lot 2 1311724340133 5441 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724340134 5443 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724340135 5445 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724340136 5447 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724340137 5449 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724340138 5451 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724340139 5453 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724340140 5457 Lost Lake Lane Lot 10 1311724340141 5459 Lost Lake Lane Block 4 Lot 1 1311724330145 5479 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330146 5475 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330147 5473 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330148 5471 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330149 5469 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330150 5467 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330151 5465 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330152 5463 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724330153 5461 Lost Lake Lane -1050- APPLICATION • 1' Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Case No. Please tune or nrint tha fnllmuinn infnrm�Hnn• W PROPERTY Subject Address 5441 --549q lost take Lane INFORMATION Name of Business N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot(s). 1 -8. - 2 -10. 1 -9 Block 1, 3, 4 Subdivision Villason the Lake 2nd Addition_Plon See attached APPLICANT Theapplicantis: Owner X Other. Email mark @scpateam.com Name__Mark Sal iiPrman Chiaf Manager Address 4725 Highway 7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Phone Home 952 - 544 -4446 work 952- 920 -8555 cell 612 - 718 -8282 E-MailAddress-.-.mark@scpateam.com Fax 952 -955 -8455 Name Lost Lake Homes & Marina LLC Email N/A OWNER (if other than Address 4725 Highway 7 St. Louis Park MN 55416 applicant) N/A 952- 920 -8555 Phone Home Work Cell —. _N /A Name Alexander Desigry Group Inc. Email N/A ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, Address 401 East Lake Street, Wayzata, MN 55391 OR ENGINEER Phone Office 952- 473 -8777 Cell N/A Fax 952 - 473 -8222 ZONING Circle: R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B -2 B -3 DISTRICT i 1. Zoning is PED -PUD Description of Proposed Use:_ 'Build townhomes on the lots after replatting the existing 26 lots - see attached plans Conditional Use Permit Info - 1�5'I- (11212013) Page 4 of 5 Planning Commission Case No. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke /odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. Less units, less congestion If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ 6 - 7 Million Has an application ever been rnade for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? ()� yes, () no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. To numerous to mention but this was the Lost Lake Project originally approved. Application must be signed by all owners of the subjectproperty, or explanation given why this is not the case. Mark Saliterman Print Applicant's Name Lost Lake Homes & Marina LLC Print Owner's Name Applicant's Signature Owner's Signature Chief Manager /ma(d, 3 Date Date Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date City Code Section 129 -38 relating to Conditional Use Permits must be reviewed by the applicant. If applying for a two fancily dwelling, City Code Section 129 -102 must be reviewed by the applicant. Conditional Use Permit Info -1052- (1/2/2013) Page 5 of 5 VILLAS ON THE LAKE 2nd ADDITION PID # Block 1 PID # Street Address Lot 1 1311724330129 5495 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330130 5493 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330131 5491 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330132 5489 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330133 5487 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330134 5485 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330135 5483 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330136 5481 Lost Lake Lane Block 3 Lot 2 1311724340133 5441 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724340134 5443 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724340135 5445 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724340136 5447 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724340137 5449 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 131 1724340138 5451 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724340139 5453 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724340140 5457 Lost Lake Lane Lot 10 1311724340141 5459 Lost Lake Lane Block 4 Lot 1 1311724330145 5479 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330146 5475 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330147 5473 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330148 5471 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330149 5469 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330150 5467 Lost Lake Lane Lot? 1311724330151 5465 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330152 5463 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724330153 5461 Lost Lake Lane -1053- k- 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55354 Phone 952 - 472 -0600 FAX 952- 472 -0620 0:1:11410FA • Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date City Council Date Please tyne or print le ibl Case No. <013 SUBJECT Address 5.441 - 5495 Lost Lake Lane PROPERTY LEGAL Lot _1. - 8, _2 - 10, 1 - 9 Block 1, 3, 4 DESC. Subdivision Villas on the Lake 2nd Addition Zoning is PED -PUD PID# See attached Zoning: R1 R1A R2 R3 31 32 B3 (Circle one) PROPERTY Name Lost Lake Homes & Marina LLC Email N/A OWNER Address 4725 Highway 7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Phone Home N/A Work 952- 920 -8555 Fax 952 - 955 -8455 APPLICANT Name Mark Saliterman Email mark @scpa team. com (IF OTHER THAN Address 4725 Highway 7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 OWNER) phone Home�952- 544 -4446 Work 952 - 920 -8555 Fax 952 - 955 -8455 Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes (X ) No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. To Numerous to mention but this was the Lost Lake Project originally approved. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): Build townhomes on the lots after replatting the existing 26 lots - see attached plans. Variance Information -1054- (1/2/2013) Page 4 of 6 Case No. 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No ( ), If no, specify each non - conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, lot area, etc.): Reduction in number of units and reduction of 3 story structure of previously approved plat and development to 2 story structure. SETBACKS: Front Yard: Side Yard: Side Yard: Rear Yard: Lakeside: (NSEW) ft. (NSEW) ft, (NSEW) (NSEW) (NSEW) : (NSEW) Street Frontage: Lot Size: Hardcover: ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft ft. ii ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ), No (X ). If no, specify each non - conforming use: See #3 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) too small ( ) drainage ( ) too shallow ( ) shape Please describe: See #3. Variance Information 1055 (1/2/2013) Page 5 of 6 ( ) soil ( ) existing situation p() other: specify Case No. 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes ( ), No ( ), If yes, explain; See #3 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No ( ). If yes, explain: See #3 8, Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ), No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? See #3 9. Comm I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Owner's Signature —v`T Date LJ /I Lost Lake Homes & Marna LLC (Chief Manager) / `1 Y/ Applicant's Signature ,� ,L_ ��/ o� ��, Date /3 Mark Sali.prman Variance Information (1/2/2013) Page 6 of 6 -1056- VILLAS ON THE LAKE 2nd ADDITION PID 4 Block 1 PID 9 Street Address Lot 1 1311724330129 5495 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330130 5493 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330131 5491 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330132 5489 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330133 5487 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330134 5485 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330135 5483 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330136 5481 Lost Lake Lane Block 3 Lott 1311724340133 5441 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724340134 5443 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724340135 5445 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724340136 5447 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724340137 5449 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724340138 5451 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724340139 5453 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724340140 5457 Lost Lake Lane Lot 10 1311724340141 5459 Lost Lake Lane Block 4 Lot 1 1311724330145 5479 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330146 5475 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330147 5473 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330148 5471 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330149 5469 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330150 5467 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330151 5465 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330152 5463 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724330153 5461 Lost Lake Lane -1057- lut N�Q 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952- 472 -0600 Fax 952.472 -0620 VACATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date City Council Date Pleas t Case No. APPLICANT e e or nn� ciaan Name Mark Sal iterman Email__mark@scpateam.com Address 4725 Highway 7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Phone (Home) 952-544 -4446 (Work) 952 - 920 -8555 (deli) 612 -718 -8 82 E -Mail Address mark @scpateam.com Fax 952 - 965 -84F5 ADJACENT PROPERTY (APPLICANT'S PROPERTY) Adjacent Address_ 54_41 - 5495 Lost Lake an NameofBusiness Lost Lake Homes & Marina Lot 1 - 10, 1- 9 Block 1 3, n 4 Subdivision yillas on the Lake 2nd Addition Pic# See attached Circle: R -1 R -1A R -2 R -3 B -1 B -2 B -3 Zoning is PED - PUD ZONING DISTRICT AREA See attached documents TO BE VACATED REASON FOR Build townhomes on the lots after replattina the exi ina 26 lots REQUEST IS THERE A PUBLIC No NEED FOR THIS LAND? I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing Mark Saliterman Print Applicant's Name Print Applicant's Name of this I' ati i� Applicant's Signature Applicant's Signature Vacation Information -1058- (2/5/2013) Page 4 of 4 213-1 /3 Date Date VILLAS ON THE LAKE 2 °a ADDITION PID # Block i PID # Street Address Lot 1 1311724330129 5495 Lost Lake Lane Lot 1311724330130 5493 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330131 5491 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330132 5489 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330133 5487 Lost Lake Lane Lot 1311724330134 5485 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330135 5483 Lost Lake Lane Lot 1311724330136 5481 Lost Lake Lane Block 3 Lot 2 1311724340133 5441 Lost Lake Lane Lot 1311724340134 5443 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724340135 5445 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724340136 5447 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724340137 5449 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724340138 5451 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724340139 5453 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724340140 5457 Lost Lake Lane Lot 10 1311724340141 5459 Lost Lake Lane Block 4 Lot 1 1311724330145 5479 Lost Lake Lane Lot 2 1311724330146 5475 Lost Lake Lane Lot 3 1311724330147 5473 Lost Lake Lane Lot 4 1311724330148 5471 Lost Lake Lane Lot 5 1311724330149 5469 Lost Lake Lane Lot 6 1311724330150 5467 Lost Lake Lane Lot 7 1311724330151 5465 Lost Lake Lane Lot 8 1311724330152 5463 Lost Lake Lane Lot 9 1311724330153 5461 Lost Lake Lane -1059- smi February 21, 2013 Revised: March 18, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL • ENGINEERING • LAND SURVEYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED All of the drainage and utility easements dedicated on the plat of VILLAS ON LOST LAKE 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying over, under and across Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, said plat. 248 Apollo Drive, Suite 100 ^ Lino Lakes, MN 55014 - T- "" 1,89 -7900 - Pox 763- 489 -7959 - wevw.carlsonirecoin.corn -1060- Dear Mayor, members of the City Council and members of the Planning Commission, I purchased the 26 lots that were foreclosed upon by a group of banks on the previous development in the Lost Lake Project. I know you understand everything about this development but 1 felt it might be useful for you to understand my thinking as how I would like to go forward. 1 am familiar with Mound as I have owned the shopping center now called Stonegate Plaza across from the old Tonka Toy building since 1984. 1 have a definite interest in helping Mound grow and I hope finishing this project will allow for more growth in the future. When I first looked at the proposed un -built homes, I had doubts. I felt the density was too great. Parking on the streets was not permitted. Narrow homes were designed without the master on first level and with all the stairs an elevator might be needed if the homeowner was more my age. To build these units would be very expensive to build and might be difficult to sell. After talking to your City Staff I felt that an amendment to the existing proposed structure might be approved so I purchased the property from the banks. Due to its location close to the water it was important that the existing pilings be used. In order to get a good floor plan and a first floor master the number of units had to be decreased from 26 to 16. This decrease in density would be better for traffic flow, helping deal with the shortage of on street parking and allow the units to go to 2 story. This also allowed the existing neighbors to still have some lake views from their 3`d level. They of course knew from the beginning that they were not going to have any lake views, so this should make them happier. The density would also help with a pool that the association said sometimes is overcrowded. The reduction from 3 stories to 2 also allows the selling price to come down as each home will probably be around 800to 1000 sq ft less than was previously proposed. -1061- I understand that the high water mark may have moved and there may need to be more variances to accomplish what was already approved. Again my intent was to not move the homes any closer than what were previously approved. My surveyor had the following explanation which might assist: Originally, the site was shown to have a 50 foot building setback to the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHW) of 929.4. Due to the new findings of fact that the OHW line is actually closer to the originally proposed units, we have been advised to request this variance to move the project forward. While none of our proposed units are closer than 25 feet (50% of the required setback), we currently have 3 units which have a setback of less than 50 feet, being proposed Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and proposed Lot 5, Block 2. However, the average setback for the 5 townhome buildings immediately adjacent to the OHW mark is 57 feet. A good part of my hardship is working within the confines of what is existing and what already was approved for the project. We are using the existing pilings and keeping the footprint of the buildings the same — no closer to the lake, street or sides. It will not impact or alter the essential character of the locality. If anything, it will improve it and allow the existing neighbors some more space and view. I also felt that decreasing the hard cover would be beneficial. From an aesthetics standpoint, building more homes with 3 stories would give the area an enclosed feeling so reducing the height could only help make it better. The building design, colors and materials would be complimentary to the existing building. We would like to reduce the impact of the garage doors so you notice more of the home. I would also like to do more landscaping than the minimum to soften the look of these homes so close to the street. I have met with the existing Association on several occasions. There were several requests. The reduction in height was welcomed. We added some stone to pick up the stone work in the existing building. We agreed to use the same siding and colors that were similar. As a compromise we agreed -1062- to market three units on the east side as two story full units instead of the just a garage on the first floor. Due to the limitation of space this only allows a little more living space. I understand that most of the present owners are over 50 but making the rest of the homes with the same demographics was not possible. We plan to work from the west to the east. This will allow the staging to go on the remaining land. If we need more areas for staging or parking the east parking lot at Stonegate Plaza is available. The original developer did comply with the Variance and Conditional Use Permits requirements. The size and use of the property has not changed and we have made sure that the homes are built no closer to the water or the road as originally approved. We feel the granting of these permits are still needed and necessary to finish the project. I hope you can approve what is being submitted. I just want to make the homes and the site more friendly and inviting to the owners and their guests while allowing the price point to be more in line with the markef. It is a practical difficulty that is peculiar to this PUD that was approved and 1 am now asking that you amend some of those approvals. Sincerely, Mark Saliterman -1063- Hennepin County Public Works Transportation Department Public Works Facility 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340 -5421 March 11, 2013 Ms. Sarah Smith Community Development Director City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Phone: 612 - 596 -0300 Web: www.co.hennepin.mnus us Re: Preliminary Plat Review — The Landings of Lost Lake Southeast Quadrant of Shoreline Drive (CSAH 15) and Auditors Road Hennepin County PIat Review No. 3270 Dear Ms. Smith: Minnesota Statutes 505.02, 505.03, and 462.358, Plats and Surveys, allow up to 30 days for county review of preliminary plats abutting county roads. The preliminary and final plat for the Landings of Lost Lake was received by Hennepin County on March 1, 2013. The county Plat Review Committee reviewed the plat on March 5, 2013. Based on this review and discussions with you, the following comments are provided: It is our understanding that access for the additional 16 dwelling units on this site will be provided at the two existing driveways on CSAH 15, located between Auditors Road and Cypress Lane. No additional access to CSAH 15 is being requested. Based on our review of the preliminary and final plat, we have no comments regarding access, right -of -way or traffic impacts. Please inform the developer that all proposed construction within county right -of -way requires an approved Hennepin County permit prior to beginning construction. This includes, but is not limited to driveway and street access, drainage and utility construction, trail development, and landscaping. Permit questions can be directed to Steve Groen at (612) 596 -0337 or steve.2roenk o.henneptn.mn.us. Please contact Bob Byers (612) 596 -0354 or robertbyersirr7FO .hennepin.rren.us if you need anything further. Sincerely, _ -_ .,��✓w1 -cam �)� :�. �- 6.t,� -:�. James N. Grube, P.E. Director of Transportation and County Engineer JNG /cjs cc: Plat Review Committee Mark Larson, Hennepin County Survey Office -1064 - An Fqua' Oo ortuni ±y Emplol,e7