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1965-10-19MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 19~ 1965 at 8:00 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station Present were:' Mayor R. C. Koehn, Trustees Vernon Brandenburg, James Scruton, Del Pfeifer and Richard DeGuise; Attorney Raymond Ploet~; Engineers Steve Roe~ Clarence Leer; Manager Leonard Kopp CONTINUED HEARING - ReZoning - Robineon, Marina (From Commercial District to Limited Business District B-2) Wally O'Dell of Chaska, Minnesota appeared to represent the proponents .Speaking for the Project were: Charles Howard, attorney for Mrs. Zaklan; Jerry Moxham, Mrs. Carlson, Bruce Robinson Soeaking against the project: Herb Wolner, attorney for a certain unidentified Kroup of property owners; Rex Tweed, Arnold Morris, Richard Diercks of Minnetrista, asked to be heard because a Mound citizen had been heard at a Minnetrista council meeting; Carl Hofmeister, Cappy Jones, Sylvia Ogren, Melvin Falk Scruton moved an ordinance to allow the rezoning from Commercial District to Business B-2, Brandenburg seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Brandenburg Aye Scrtuon Aye DeGuise Nay Pfeifer Aye Koehn Nay Motion failed, rezoning denied PLANNING CO~$$ION RECOMMENDATIONS Variance requested on Lot 12, Block 7 Devon Pfeifer moved and DeG~ise seconded a motion RESOLUTION 6~-2h7 RESOLUTION GRANTING ZONING VARIANCE (Side-line Setback, Lot 12, Block 7, Devon) Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved Scruton moved and Brandenburg seconded a motion BE IT MOVgD, the Village Council of the Village of Mound hereby request the Planning Commission of the Village of Mound to study side yard setback requirements with a change in mind. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. NSP STREET LIGHTING CONTRACT - discussed, Mr. Lee H~:rry aooeared REPLA~PTING IN THE HIGHLANDS Will Johnson appeared Pfeifer moved and Scruton seconded the motion RE:{O~TION 6~-2h8 RESOLUTION ORDERINq IMP~ROV~ENT AND EXTENSION OF PRIEST LANE Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandeuburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved HOUSE NUMBERS - discussed with Jaycee members Facts stated: 100 numbers for every 800 ft. going west 4800 at Seton Bridge (some in Island Park are 4400) 5600 at Commerce Blvd. 6400 at Westedge Drive North to South County Road 84 is 0 3 Pts Road is 1600 and goes to 3300 February l, 1966 is the date the Post Office will use the new numbers DeGuise moved and Brandenburg seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the house numbering system be acceoted and be effective February l, 1966. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. SPRUCE STREET WATER Plans and Soecs were presented by%he Engineer Scruton moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOLUTION 65-249 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (Spruce Street Water) Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved EMERALD DRI.VE - too late to do anything in 1965, maybe new coucil could insist on doing the project right, not the way the citizens want it. STREET GARAGE - Changes in Contract and Plans plus an Extension in time Scruton moved and DeG,~ise seconded the motion RESOUITION 65-250 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT (Street and Water Garage Addition - Amendment No, t ) Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved S~R APPEALS Mound Shoooing Center Appeal Pfeifer moved and Brandenburg seconded a motion RESOLUTION 65-251 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STIPULATION TO FACTS (Mound Shopning Center. Inc. et. al, Sewer Plant and Trunk Main Assessment Appeal~ OCTOB. ER 19, 1965 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Dahl's Services Aug. F. Hartkop Morthwest Linen Service Cbermak Refrigeration Culligan The Nat. Cash Register Co, Mpls. Restaurant Supply North-West Exterm. Co. Strike 'n Spare Northern States Power Mpls. Gas Co. Village of Mound Farm. & Mech. Bank [)avid Agency Al's Janitorial Serv. Westonka Telephone Transport Clearing N.W. National Bank Mound Shopping Center Gray Bros. Decorators 15.00 1~.76 46.91 31.20 5.50 52,65 12.50 4.OO 28.50 374.93 9.71 21.25 150.00 952.00 25O.OO 47.48 io.g4 704.25 412.50 238.00 3,386.58 LIQUOR EUND-Purchases Louis Distributing Co. Distillers Dist. Co. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. McKesson & Robbins Tonka Vending Old Dutch Foods Canada Dry Corp. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Minneapolis Bottling Co. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Home JBice Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter Beverage Co. Consolidated Bev. Co. Thorpe D~st. Co. Minnetonka Bev. Co. St. Boni Bev. Co. Leding Distributing Co. Manning-Anderson Notermann-Weber Day Distributing Co. O.M. Droney Bev. Co. 91.24 1,889.86 3,480.66 2,368.74. 1,159.95 80.34 19.80 149.96 126.54 31.74 32.04 5~.86 110.99 ].56.~6 81~.05 78.80 7oo. 38 ~50.56 369.?0 1,465.38 1,O75.06 266.46 452.84 193.08 TOTAL $19,Oll.O7 15,624.49 ADMINISTRATION FUND Al's Janitorial Oervice Arnell Business Forms Bertelson Bros. Columbia Ribbon & Oarbon David Agency Eastman Kodak Miller Davis Mtka Herald National Cash Register Northern otates Power Westonka Telephone Grathwol and Ploetz ASSSSSOR FUND Arnell Business Forms Bertleson Bros. Westonka Telephone 75.00 2~.45 24.!5 13.75 41.00 42.50 18.00 48.80 51.oo 60.?9 66.8? 200.65 21.44 6.45 22.30 663.96 50.19 Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved JAM~S SHAW FENCE - take the whole thing down, the attorney is to service notice to have the fence removed. BUDGET INCREASES $cruton moved and DeGuise seconded the motion RESOLUTION 65-252 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN PERA, WATER AND SEWER OPERA TI NG FUNDS Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandanburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved 1965 Census Figures discussed GAS MAIN PERMITS Pf,~ifer moved and Scruton seconded a motion RESOLUTION 65-253 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN GAS MAINS Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved TRANSFER OF FUNDS Scruton moved and Pfeifer seconded ~ motion RESOLUTION 65-254 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANFER OF FUNDS Roll Call Vote DeGuise Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Brandenburg Aye Koehn Aye So carried and resolved BILLS The following bills were presented for approval. Brandenburg moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion to aporove the following bills where funds are available. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. ELECTION FUND Miller Davis Mtka Herald Grathwol and Ploetz FIRE FUND Bud's Pure 0il David Agency Duane's 66 Service Mound Fire Dept MinnFire Extinguisher Northern °tates Power Standard Oil Westonka Telephone MUNICIPAL COURT FUND Barbara Heyman Mpls City Treasurer Miller Davis Ed Ryan, Sheriff Grathwol and Ploetz IMSPECTOR M~D Arnell Business Forms Duane Dodds Chellis Engstrom Clinton Mann Westonka Telephone POLICE FUND Bertelson Bros Buds Pure Oil Connors 0il David Agency Barbara Heyman Improvement & Equipment Outlay I.P. Skelly Kale U~iforms Minn. ire Extinguisher Netka's Furniture National Cash Registerer Reo Raj Kennels St. Boni Auto Standard Oil Uniforms Unlimited Westonka Telephone STREET FUND Frank Blackowiak Cox Bros Connors Oil David Agency Duanes 66 Service Hall Sign & Post Inc Improvement & Equipment Outlay Long Lake Farm Supply Mankato Welding Minn. Minning &Mfg. National ~ash Register Northern tates Power Robinson Electric Thurk Bros Wright County Concrete Co. Dave Willette Wm H. Ziegler Grathwol and Ploetz CEMETERY FUND Mtka Herald David gency Grathwol and Ploetz 2.75 18.60 35.00 112.47 4.60 3o8.~o lOO.65 5.37 75.6o 5o.51 4.00 341.00 5.5o 9.68 112.5o 21.44 227.70 5.40 534.60 25.51 6.44 26.75 170.76 745.63 8.OO 164.40 5.00 52.75 5.9o 6.24 51.oo 8.75 54.80 22.00 67.80 71.47 16.00 80.73 61.50 1,242.61 72.18 27.92 206.00 2O8.32 6.72 402.94 51.00 973.40 78.42 25.2o 4,900.00 195.oo 334.68 5o.oo 9.00 6.85 10.O0 56.35 1,402.03 472.68 814.65 1,467.69 8,932.62 25.~5 PARK FUND Frank Bla ckowiak Improvement & Equipment Outlay Mound Hardware David Agency Sears Standard Oil WATER FUND American Linen Supply Bertelson Bros Badger Meter David Agency Improvement and Equipment Outlay Long Lake Farm Supply Municipal Supply Northern Contracting National Cash Register Northern °tates Power Robinson Electric Bernard Winkel Dave Willette Westonka Telephone Grathwol and Ploetz OPERATING FUND Connors Oil David Agenc~ Duane's 66 ervice Barbara Heyman Improvement and Equipment Outl~ Lyon Chemical, Inc Municipal Supply Mpls uae Co. Mankato Welding Mound Hardware Northern States Power TransportClearings Geo T. Walker Co. Westonka Telephone CIVIL DEFENSE FUND Edwin W. Olson John Theobald Morrison Truck ~ervice SEWER ASSESSMENT FUND Miller Davis Mtka Herald Schoell and Madson Grathwol and Ploetz DRAINAGE FUND Northern Contracting Grathwol and Ploetz IMPROVEMENT AND EQUIPMENT OUTLAY FUND Dickey & Shaver POOR AND WELFARE FUND Suburban Hennepin CoUnty Relief Board S~ER II PROJECT FUND Mound Sand and Gravel Steenberg Construction Northern Contracting 65.00 16.66 19.42 6.85 15.09 21.36 6.45 1,698.00 153.11 12.5o 104.16 4o2.22 101.25 51.00 274.78 78.43 15.45 720.00 52.14 5.00 4.08 99.76 5.7o 5.00 .48 lO5.88 5.00 122.90 7.15 6.01 1,543.98 3.25 9.00 21.25 48.00 25.00 1,'~253.50 31.35 13.50 2,450.86 707.50 6,698.70 110.00 15o.oo 634.72 1,921.24 5oo.oo 27,684.38 144.38 3,679.49 1,939.44 1,326.5o 3,2o3.21 6,808.70 15o.oo 634.72 30,105.62 Additional Liquor Fund National Gash ~tegister Balance to here 51.00 80,940.15 Additional FIRE FUND Mound Fire Dept. Balance to here 1,O40.OO 1,040.00 81,980.15 VILLAGE OF MOUND, MINHESOTA SRPT. 30, 1965 BILLS PAID FOR DISCOUNT NOT LISTED Griggs, Cooper & Coo, inco Ed. Phillips & Sons, Co~ General Fund Grathwol & Ploetz Ed. Phillips & Sons, COo Old Peoria Co°, Inc. Griggs, Cooper & COo, Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inco Lynn Johnson Coo, Inc. Ed. Phillips & Sons, Co. Old Peoria COo, Inco Edo Phillips & Sons Co° 177.04 1,921.~8 4,000.00 55°00 6?5°98 1,422o43 280°22 1,006o81 663°30 1,730o81 1,033o18 377.46 TOTAL $13,34~+oll Scruton moved and DeGuise seconded a motion to adjourn until the mmeting of Oct. 26, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried and adjourned. R. C. Koehn, Mayor