1966-02-08MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8~ 1966 at 8:00 P.M. at the Fire Station Present were: Mayor Gordon Tulber, Trustees James Regan~ James Scruton, Del Pfeifer and Wilfred Anderson; Manager Leonard Kopp, Attorney Ray Ploetz, and Engineer Clarence Leer. BEER LICf~SE APPLICATION - Peter Lentsch of Lentsoh's Cafe submitted! applications for On and Off Sale ~.2 Beer Licenses, and a petition with signatures of property owners, were presented. The attorney took the petition for checking. PLANNLNG COMMISSION RECOMM~DATiONS Sylvia Ogren appeared and presented a preliminary plat for the property of Mrs. Ek~ma Ogren in the Three Points area. Scrunch moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, to accept the preliminary plat of the Ogren property, the ~ater a~d Sewer brought in, the roads to be brought up to village standards and the triangle in Harrison Shores dedicated to the villager and the written permission of the Harrison Shores developers for the continuation of Jones Road. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. TORRENS TITLE - Tonka Corp., discussed LAKELAJ~D ASPHALT - loins on certain properties in the Village of Mound The attorney was directed by the council to: To take action to have the liens apportioned To purchase an interest in one of the liens and if possible to have the liens removed SU~,'~IT LANE EXT~-DED - Roger Reed appeared and asked for a quit claim deed Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion RESOL~iTION 66-46 Roll Call Vote Regan Aye Scruton Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried and resolved. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SALE BY QUIT CLAIM DEED SWANSON EXCAVATING - Final Payment Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-47 Roll Call ?ote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried and resolved RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WOld( mND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT (Shad, ywood Point, Water 64-2, Sewer 64-1) Charles Hartman appeared and made several complaints about sewer and wa[~er services. The engineer will investigate these complaints. CEMETERY LOT DEED Anderson moved and Regan seconded a motion BE IT MOVED~ the Village Council will ['ecognize a decree of distribution of the estate of Harry E. Olsen by the probate court to allow a non-resident to have a deed to Grave 2, Lot 196 of Division C of the Mound Cemetery. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. REFUND BUILDING PERMIT Pfeifer moved and Anderson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-48 RESOLH.TION AUTBRIZING REFUND OF BUILDING PERMIT Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tul berg Aye So carried and resolved I. P. HALL - redorating and tiling the floor in the hall by the Mohawk Jaycees. The council by poll approved the plans and the proposed necessary expenditures for paint, tile and lumber, approximately $6~O~OO, for title ~nd paint. SEWER ~ASSESS~LNT HEARING SET Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-49 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried and resolved RESOLUTION O[-OERING HEARING ON PROPOSED RE-ASSESSMENT (Sanitary Sewer Project 62-1, Laterals and Services) POLICEMAN'S SALARY WHILE INJURED Anderson moved and Scruton s~sconded a m~tion RESOLUTION 66-50 RESOLUTION AU~-~ORIZING POLICE ~NS SALARY Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried and resolved TRANSFERS Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-51 ~IESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T~SFER OF FUNDS Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye P~eifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried and resolved BILLS The following list of bills were presented for approval. Pfeifer moved a~d Anderson seconded a motion to pay the following bills where funds are-~available, he vote was unanimously in favor, so car~'ied. MOUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY BILLS PAID IN FEBRUARY NOT LISTED Louis Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons, Co. Lynn Johnson Co., Inco Grigg, Cooper & COo, Inco Edo Phillips & SoaB Co° Old Peoria Co., Inco Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo Louis Dist. COo Lynn Johnson Co., Inco Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Mound Shopping Center Berglund T.Vo 4~o06 1~657.10 776.33 253.21 832.90 687°72 548.58 71.86 499.36 1,688.17 412.50 19.lO TOTAL $7,490.89 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Northwest Linen Service North-West Exterminating August Hart kop Minnetonka Plumbing Minneapolis Gas Co. Standard Oil Co. The Minnetonka Herald }finneapo!is Restaurant Supply Northwestern Glass Co. Tonka Builders Culligan Village of Mound David Agency ?.~e st onka Telephone LIQUOP. FU~D-Purchases Famous Brands, Inc. McKesson & Robbins Distillers Dist. Co. Lynn Johnson C~ Inc Tonka Vending Scott Duncan Old Dutch Foods Twin City Home Juice Consolidated Beverage F.&F. Dist. Co. Canada Dry Beverase ?epsd-Cola Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Minneapolis Bottling Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. St. Boni Bey~erage Co. Mann~ng-Ande~s on Co. Leding Distributing Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Not ermann-Weber Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter Beverage Co. Day Dist. Co. O.ff. Droney Beverage Co. 45.37 8.OO 16 .~8 8. O0 122.02 ~?~ .6:+ 38.00 29.40 g .21 27.~O 5.50 19.45 7].9.70 22.76 ~i,153.82 1,120.06 1,444. O1 1,430.62 929.46 26.?6 30.54 17,12 23.8O 4.60 66.60 21.26 ~2.10 124.35 37.53 813.95 418.55 696.?7 962.61 29?. 6/+ 203.33 152.64 684. O0 240.25 70.03 ~9,866.68 Administration fund Bertelson Bros. Curtis 1000 Eastmas Kodak Petty Cash Harris Office Equip. Co. Barbara Heyman Grathwol and Ploetz Miller Davis Mtka Herald Mound Hardware Gordon Swenson Schoell and Madson Skokie ?en Co. Standard Oil Co. Transport Clearings Assessor Fund Bertelson Bros Curtis 1000 Petty Cash Miller ~avis Fire Fund Duanes 66 Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Assn MinnesOta Fire Chiefs Assn Markson Co. Mound Medical Clinic Philbrook Ins. Mound Fire Dept Standard Oil M-Court Fund Orathwol and Ploetz Northern Automotive Ed Ryan, Sheriff Planning Commission Fund Grathwol and Ploetz Mtka Herald Police Fund Connors Oil Eastman Kodak Improvement and Equioment Outlay Petty Cash Hennepin County Chiefs of Police Assn Hennepin County Auditor Mound Dry Goods Mound Hardware Philbrook Ins Reo Raj Kennels STREET FUND Grathwol and Ploetz Cargill, Inc David Agency Connors Oil Improvement and Equipment Outlay Petty Cash Herman Harms Long Lake Farm Supply Mankato Welding WmMueller & Sons Mpls Gas Co Thurk Bros Chev. Co. Paper Calmenson Philbrook Ins Standard Oil Thurk Bros. Implement Fred A. Thomas, Inc. .80 21.20 35.44 4.95 7.50 13.50 5o.oo 3o.5o 6.30 44.39 25.oo 49.00 6.94 57.72 3.25 1.50 21.20 3.88 6.00 1.65 5.00 7.00 22.5o 4.00 ll6.14 549.75 65.88 770.00 25.00 14.52 328.50 33.90 183.54 35.43 165.62 16.20 5.00 2OO.OO 8.10 9.91 79.85 52.5o 30.00 185.43 24.00 59 203.26 2.55 428.19 205.86 6.12 442.13 97.43 154.45 60.22 166.95 78.54 132.75 191.10 356.49 32.58 771.92 809.52 362.410 756.~5 2,468.02 Liquor Fund - Additional Grathwol and Ploetz Philbrook Ins. Inspector Dund Grathwol and Ploetz Mtka Herald Clinton Mann Water Fund Badger Meter Mfg Bertelson Bros Curtis 1OOO American Linen Supply Eastman Kodak Improvement and Equipment Outlay Petty Cash Grathwol and Ploetz Barbara Heyman Mpls Gas Co. Mound Hardware Northern Contracting Philbrook Ins Standard Oil Thurk Bros Chev Transport Clearings Widmer Bros Bernard Winkel Sewer Operating Fund Autocom Industries Inc Water &Wastes Engineering Fischer & Porter Improvement and Equipment Outlay Petty Cash Water Fund General Fund (for Streett Fund) Lo~lls GTC Auto Parts Lyon Chemicals Mpls Gas Co Mound Hardware Michel Sales Co. Philbrook Ins Turnquist Paper Co Widmer Bros Geo T. Walker Co Inc Waconia Creamery Park Fund Improvement and Equipment Outlay Mound Hardware Phil~rook Ins. Civil ~efense Fund Grathwol and Ploetz Storm Drainge Fund Grathwol and Ploetz Sewer Assessment Fund Henneoin County Auditor Avon Park Fund Hennepin County Auditor Wilshire Blvd Fund Hennepin County Auditor Bayview Blvd Water Hennepin County Auditor 8%.00 319.39 hS.00 30.60 162.0o 849.oo 8.07 21.20 12.50 12.40 30.00 8.60 97.42 23.66 358.00 14.52 68.98 14.50 5.5o 288.00 15.3o 10.28 lln.oo 2.50 94.31 94.31 21.52 356.55 145.79 2o.05 132.5o 7.26 19.92 563.oo 16.42 240.00 16.66 14.69 21.13 30.00 2.00 554.75 .6o 1.25 .2O 404.39 237.60 1,868.08 1,876.37 53.13 30.00 2.00 554.75 .6O 1.25 .2O Koehlers 2nd Addition Fund Hennepi~ County Auditor Special Assessment - Concord ~lvd Hennepin County Auditor T. & A. ap. Ass. #1 Hennepin County Auditor T. & a. Sp Ass. #2 Hennepin County Auditor Poor~andWelfare Fund Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board .8O .40 3.60 4.50 791.25 .8O .hO 3.60 4.50 791.25 Sewer and Water 64-65 Sinking Fund 1st National Bank of Mpls 1st National Bank of St. Paul Northern Contracting 61 1-4 Sinking Fund 1st National Bank of St. Paul Hennepin County Auditor Sewer II Fund Grathwol and Ploetz Schoell and Madson 1961 Water Fund Grathwol and Ploetz 7.70 2,299,641.81 8,256.35 13,636.53 37.70 897.00 2,484.38 2,307.905.86 13,674.23 3,381.38 60.00 6o.00 Total to here 2,347,427.97 POLICE DEPARTM~T -Vernon Anderson, Chief of Police appeared and discussed the activities and problems of the Department. The meeting was adjourned until the Febrary 15, 1966 meeting at the Mound Fire Station at 8:00 P.M.  Gordon Tulberg, Mayor At t e s/~~~_~ ~~ ~ ~]~egnard Kopp ' ~/~-~ RECORDS MiCROGRAPHIC SERVICES UNIT ]DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE OF MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the microfilm appearing on this Film-File starting with ~~. ,~/~- and ending with ~~ ~, /~ ~/dis an accurate and complete reproduc- ! CITY OF MOUND tion of records of the following agency: delivered to the undersigned by ~ARY ~RSIfE the legal custodian of said records, who affirmed that such records were microfilmed by the undersigned in the regular course of business pursuant to established policy of the following agency: CITY OF ~.~OUND to maintain and preserve such records through the storage of microfilm ~eproduction thereof, in protected locations. It is further certified that photographic processes used for microfilming of the above records were accomplished in a manner and on microfilm which meets with the requirements of the National Bureau of Standards for permanent microphotographic copy. R~/FICHE NUMBER COUNCIL ~INUTES DOCUMENT T.D. JAN 18 1979 DATE PRODUCED CA~E RA OPERATOR RM-00062-01