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MINUTES O? THE MEETINC OF APRIL 12, 1966 ~t 8:00 P.M. at the MOUND t~iRE STATION Present were: Mayor Gordon Tulberg, Trustees James Regan, Del Pfeifer, Wilfred Anderson, and James Scruton; Attorney James Grathwo! and Engineer Clarence Leer and Village Manager Leonard L. Kopp. COMMITTEE REPORTS Del Pfeifer - Relief Board Meeting, of 27 members 15 were represented, changes made as to costs for food, housing. Ail that were present were receptive to the changes. Welfare insurance was discussed for office employees of the Relief Board, it was given general acceptance, detailed costs have to be worked out. James Scruton - Lake Minnetonka League of Municipalities, they adopted a sample ordinance for commercial boat dockage and. storage. Gordon Tulberg - Hennepin County L*;ague of Municipalities, County Government clans studies are in progress. Joint Transportation was discussed, Mound's share would be approximately $1~0.00 with Mpls .'s share ~1~,000 and St. Paul's share is ~10,OOO ( all figures are a~roximate) PLANNING ~OMMISSION RECGMMENDATIONS Side Yard Set Back Variance - Ray Saldent~%t__~tl6 Block 13 Avalon Ray Sal,~en appeared Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound allow a side yard set back for Lots 15 and 16 Block 13 Avalon. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. Side Yard Set Back Variance - Ronald J. Grundeen, Lots 11~ 12 Skarps's Glen Arbor Romald Grundden appeared Pfeifer moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound allow a variance of side lot requirements on Lot 11~ in order to allow the splitting of the lots into two building sites, not on their common lot line. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. Resuest to rebuild on small lot - Audrey L. Johnson~ Lot 11~ Block 33 ~¢hwood Thomas Reiersgord o~ Yngbe and Yngbe, aopeared for Mrs. Johnson to request the waiving the square foot requirements for a building site. RESOI2~T~ON 66-7~ WAIVING ~ILDINO CODE Anderson moved a~ T~!berg seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Councit~of the Village of Mound waive the square foot requirements and allow Lot 11~ Block 33 W ychwood, to be considered a building site. · he vote was:~ Regan, Scruton and Pfeifer - Nay Tulber and Anderson - Aye The motion failed TEMPORARY BUILDING - James Palmer, appeared Re~an moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOLUYION 66-7~ Roll Call Vote RESOLUTION GRANTING ZO~,~G VA~IANCE (Lots 12-1~, Inclusive, Block 1, Ohirley Hills Unit A Temporary Non-Conforming Structume) $cru ton Aye Re ga n ~ye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved REQUEST TO BUILD ON UNDER-SIZED LOT Tim Meyers appeared Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOU~TION 66-76 RESOLUTION GRANTING ZONING VARIANCE (Lot 16, Block 1, The Highlands, Lot Area~ Requirement) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye So resolved Tulberg Aye REQUEST TO REMODEL BOAT HOUSE AND S~MER COTTAGE Mel Zackman appeared Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-77 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESO~ITION GRANTING ZOh~NG VARIANCE RLS 1150 - Second Dwelling on Lot) (Tract A JANITOR SERVICE - no bids received, council approves hiring work done by the hour. DENBIGH LA~e - Petition for Water and Sewer Service - tabled until April 26th DICKENS LANE - Petition for Water Service - tabled until April 26th - Herb Flesher appeared B LACKTOP?ING - Glenlyn Road, Three Points Blvd and Shorewood Lane - tabled until April 26th RIDG~OD ROAD Pfeifer moved and Anderson seconded a motion XESOLUTION 66-78 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regsn Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESO~TTON APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (Ridgewood Road formerly Hawtho~'ne Drive and Ridgewood Drive) Water 66-1 IMPR"VE~ENTS ON FAIRVI~[ LANE, MA~OOD ROAD AND SHIRLEY HILI~S 'F' SO~RM S~YER $cruto~ mo~red ~d O~eifer secorde~ the motion RE~OLUTION 66-79 RESOLUTION ORDERING REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT (Fairview~ Lane, Bayport Ro~d, amd Maywood Road, Streets, Curb Roll Call Vote and Gutter, and Storm Sewer) Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved BROOKYON PARK Anderson moved and Scruton seconded the motion RE.~ 0LUTION 66-80 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye T_~lberg Aye So resolved REoOLU~ION RECEI'KING REPORT AND CALLING H ARING ON ~ '~ '~ (Br~kton Park) I. ~ ;~OV~NT E~E~LD DRIVE PAVING IMPROVEMENT - discussed, the manager was instructed to soeak to the oetitioners again about this improvement S°RUCE ROAD - FrankWeiland Jr. appeared and requested that his street be blacktopped. The council informed him that if the street were blacktopped it m~st be first served ~ith a storm drainage system and Curb and Gutter would be necessary before any black- to~ping would be done and all such work would be assessed to the benefitting property. Mr. Weiland stated that all they were interested in was blacktopping. CIGARETTE LICENSES Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, that Cigarette Licenses be granted to Clifford Roskaft for Marina Manor and to Tonka Vendin~ for Midwest Oil Station~ for 1966. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. ON AND OFF SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSE REN~ALS Pfeifer moved and Ande:~son seconded the motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Villa[e of Mound grant Off Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses to: Na~ionalFoods Thrifty Drug Gri~mm's Grocery and On and Off Sale 3.~ Beer Licenses to: Mound Lanes Del Mar Surfside Paul's Store A1 & Alama:'s all restriction put on these licenses orgina!ly will still be in force. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. GA]'~S O'F SKILL PE~TS AND PHONO PEPd~ITS Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion C ' of BE IT MOVED, the Village ounczl the Village of Mound grant Juke Box (Phono) permits to Mound Lanes and Paul's Store, three Games of Skill permits to Mound Lanes The vote was unanimousl~ in favor, so carried. DOCK LICENSES Pfeifer moved and Regan seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village Slip Permits. of Mound grant the following Dock and 0064 Pe4er~on D~nmld 0044 Pfeifer, Del 10~1 Pfeil~ticke r Lee 0079 P~eroe B, L~ 101£ ]~reat tee 0arrie 101~ Romdowf R. J. 119~ Row ~. R. 10~0 M~h'm~ider ~h r].e~ 107~ 8he lle~barger 110~ 5holde~ 1038 ~hone ~elvin ~. 10~9 Sol lie Allen ~. 1057 ~aker Arthur 10~ 5tageberg Jerr2 2260 8teflon gdward 1814 Terlinden ~udley 11~9 ~a~er ~u~ne 105~ ~ikner Oaoar ~en~o re Com~ona. ~illow Point, ~m~erslde Park ~von Brighton ~von Commons ~io~a Co~ons. ~o~a Oo~on~ Park Highlanda. B~Igbton The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. WATER PI~ING CONTRACT Pfeifer moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound renew their contract with Northern States Power for another six year term. The attacted rates are now in effect. First 2,000 kilowatt-hours per. month'@ 2.1¢ per kwh Next 2,000 kilowatt-hours per month~ 1.6¢ per kwh Excess kilowatt-hours per month~ 1.1¢ per~wh Monthly Minimum Charge = l~lrst 1 horsepower or less of connected, load ........ $1.00 Excess horsepower of connected load @... ..... ~. 25 per RP The vote I~s Scruton, Pfeifer'; AnderSc~ and Tulberg - Aye Regan Abstained LI©?OR BONDS - INCREASE BUDGET :Pfeifer move~: and Scruton seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-81 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING AN INCREASE OF 74~000 IN THE LIQUOR FU}~ BUDGET · oll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye T-!berg Aye So resolved NOTE FOR ~10,000.00 DEPOSIT~ Anderson moved and Regan seconded a motion RESOLVTION 66-82 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Abstain Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION TERM SAVINGS ACCOUNT LOAN NOTE I~LFARE INSUTANCE CHANGE Pfeifer moved and Regan seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-83 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION AU~{ORIZING AND DIRECTING MAYOR AND ~NAGER TO ACCEPT INSURANCE RIDER (Hospitalization - Coordination of Benefits) GRAVEL CONTRACT Pfeifer moved and Scruton seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-8h Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION RECEIVING AND ACCEPTING BIDS (Season Supply of Gravel) TO~AWOOD WATER ASSESSMENT ROLL - tabled until April 26th TRANSFERS Pfeifer moved and Regan seconded a motion RE ~OLUTION 66-8[ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved BILLS The following list of bills will presented for approval. Pfeifer move~i and Anderson seconded a motion to pay the bills where funds ~re available. The vote was unanimously in favor~ so carried~ FIRE FUND Minnesota Smoke Eater liO. O0 LIQUOR FUND M C. Larson 9.00 PARK FUND Northern Ststes Power Co 6.23 NOTE; Deduct the Grathwol and Ploetz charge~om the Fire Fund of $30.00; thus the total~¢i!l be ~62,9h9.18 A'~RIL 12, 1966 MOUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR PiS}:EI'iSARY BILLS PAID II~,t I~RCH FOR DiSCOU~T Lynn Johnson COo, Inc. Ed. Phillips & Sons. Louis DiSto COo Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Old Peoria COo, Inco Ed. Phillips & Sons Griggs, Cooper & COo Superior Match Coo Ed. Phillips & Sons Lynn Johnson COo, Inc. Old Peoria Co., Inc. Ed. Phillips ~ Sons Griggs, Cooper Old Peoria Co., Inco 327°34 911.72 109.92 639.90 1,393 o14 1,367o29 99°63 1,261.5~ 279.29 221o75 596.01 230.25 510o76 TOTAL $8,3~6.86 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Culligan Water Conditioning Minneapolis Gas Co. Frank Blackowiak Village of Mound Northwest Linen North-West Exterm. Co. August Hartkop Mound Shopping Center,Inc. Del Chemical Corp. Crown Sales National Cash Register Chermak Refrigeration Mound Hardware Tonka Builders Robert Kratt Mound Shopping Center Westonka Telephone Northern States Power Farmer~ & Mech. Bank 5.50 39.42 40. O0 24.10 63 .~8 ~.o0 17.2~+ 30.80 13.18 116. ?0 73 .lO 8.00 51.19 7.50 275.00 412.50 23.45 260.20 150.00 ~1,615.36 LIQUOR FUND-Purchases Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Dist. Co. McKesson & Robbins Old Dutch Foods Scott Duncan Canada Dry Beverage Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Home Juice Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Beverage Co. St, Boni Bev. Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. Carter Bev. Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Manning-Anderson Schlitz Brewing Co. Notermann Weber Day Dist. Co. O.M. Droney Bev. Co. 2,544.93 1,355.47 1,772.74 1,027.13 20.70 63.34 74.29 123.55 28.28 72.45 9.93 14.90 413.85 846.56 9?9.O4 386.66 1,267.97 1,245.06 135.69 204.88 322.15 299.42 Total $14,824.35 $13,208.99 ADMINISTRATION FUND Ben Franklin Store Columbia Ribbon and Carbon Eastman Kodak Grathwol and Ploetz Am. Public Works Assn~ Miller Davis Mtka Herald Markson Co National Cash Register Northern °tates Po~er Petty Cash Pitney Bowes Schoell and Madson Sears Standard Oil Westonka Telephone 7.90 13.75 60.00 15.oo 9.22 ~.5o 63.20 25.29 i5.~4 5.03 25.35 25.oo 1.73 55.56 57.?~ 440.06 ASSESSOR FUND Am. Linen Supply Miller Davis Pitney Bowes Westonka Telephone 5.00 24.75 25.35 22.5o 77.60 FIP~ MIND Grathwol and Ploetz Minn, Fire Equip Co Minn. Fire Extinguisher Mound Fire Dept. (116.,75 to be ratified) Northern °rates Power Standard 0il Westonka Telephone 30.00 512 .oo 42.65 53.58 68.16 50 1,228.79 MUNICIPAL COURT FUND Grathwol and Ploetz Ed Ryan, Sheriff 250.00 33.88 283.88 PLA~UfNG COMMISSION ~JND Orathwol and Ploetz 35.00 35.00 POLICE FUND Vernon Anderson Buds Pure Oil Connors 0il Barbara Heyman Imp & Equip Outlay M. C. Larson Mound Dry Goods Mound Hardware National Cash Register Northern States Power Petty Cash Pitney Bowes Westonka Telephone STREET FUND Frank Blackowiak Buds Pure Oil Connors Oil Imp and Equip Outlay Lyle Sign Co. Wm Mueller & Sons Mols Gas Co Mankato Welding Mound Hardware National Cash Register Northern ~tates Power Thurk Bros Chev Thurk Bros Implement Wm Zeigler Co Inc LIQUOR FUND (Additional) Mtka Herald N. W. National Bank of Minneapolis National Cash Register Standard Oil Farmers and Mechanics Bank INSPdCTORFUND Mtka Herald Duane Dodds Clinton Mann Westonka Telephone WATER F[BD Badger Meter & Mfg Berte!son Bros Goodin Co. Imo & Equip Outlay Markson Co Mols Gas Co Municipal Supply Go National Cash ~egister Northern States Power John Schoening Standard Oil Water & Sewage Works Bernard Winkel Widmer Bros Westonka Telephone PARK FUND Derby Paint Imp & Equip Outlay Fund Petty Cash Standard Oil Wayzata Paint and Waloaper Co 46.03 180.49 8.50 163.72 12.5o 30.00 .24 25.29 17.65 ~5.35 57.oo 16. O0 h6.90 47.36 204.62 117.55 el.h5 [th .53 6.16 2o.85 25.29 992.64 ~60.15 ls.75 43.17 3.60 34,666.55 126.!~6 112.56 101.39 10.80 67.50 ~1~.~5 25.51 50.25 13.60 35.8o 1~ .5o 31.80 41~. 53 146.85 25.~9 298.05 .36.00 36.ho 2.50 8.70 51.o9 12.90 16.66 .35 72.12 137.56 6~b.64 1,865.42 35,0i0.56 616.96 1,741.61 239.59 SEWER OPERATING FUND Village of Excelsior Lyon Chemical Mtka Septic Tank Millipore Filter Corp Midwest Pneumatics Mpls Gas Co National Cash Re~ister Northern States Power Petty Cash C · Transport learmngs Paul Farren Wate~ & Sewage Work We stonka Telephone 7O.OO 156.o0 53.90 16o.82 25.29 1,714.o7 11.84 14.o9 11.7o 2.5o 21.24 2,410.54 RIDGEWOOD WATER Grathwol and Ploetz 25.oo 25.oo POOR &WELFARE FUND Grathwol and Ploetz Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 64-65 WATER & SEWER SINKING FUh~ Grathwol and ?loetz 20.00 1,154.88 1,174.88 7~6.25 716.25 1961 WATER FUND Grathwol ~nd Ploetz Mtka Herald S~,/~ II PROJECT FUND Herman C. Harms 45.00 18.O0 63.00 1,545.82 1,545.82 Total to here 62,923..95 The meeting ,was adjourned until the meeting of R~rii 19, 1966 at 8:00 .P.M. at the Mound Fire °tation. Mayor Gordon Tulberg