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MI}~!ITES OF THE MAY 10, 1966 ME~;TI??e AT ~:00 P.M. AT TN~?, MOUND FIRE HALL Present were: Mayor Gordon Tulberg, Trustees James ReRan, ,lames Scruton and Wilfred Anderson; Attorney Ray Ploetz and Manager Leonard Kopp PLAN~KNG COFPKSSION RECOPP!ENDATIONS Lions Club Bus Sheltems Anderson moved and Regan seconded a motion RESO~JTiON 66-1OZ' Roll CaR! Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESO~ITION GRANTING ZONKNG VARIANCE (School Bus Shelters, Initially Lot 11, Block 8, Mound Terrace) MARTINS RESOt~T Mr. Russel appeared and stated the building housing the restrooms was a total loss havinE been hit by an automobile. The matter was ~iscussed and tabled until May 17, 1966 at ?:30 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station, in order to allow time for the council to view 6he damaged building. ~OVE ~IILDING - Robert Johnson Section 23 Parcel 283 Robert Johnson appeared and requested the council to split a ~arcel and allow him to move a building onto part of the split parse! BE IT MOVED~ the Village Council of the Village of Mound authorize the moving of a building nn to Parcel 283 Section 23, such building to be moved in accordance with the ordinances of the Village of Mound The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL A-2 to B - Eugene Gravelle Anderson moved and Scruton seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-103 Roll Gall Vote Scruton Aye ReRan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION O?.!)ERIN H~.~R._N~ ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CH~PT[~R 23, MOUND CODE OF ORD!VANCES~ ENTITLED "ZONING" (Blocks 2h and 2~ l,~chwood) RODDING MACHINE BIDS Anderson moved and Scruton seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-!oh Roll Call Vote Anderson Aye Scru!,on Aye ReRan Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLU~ON ACCEPTING BIDS (RODDING MACHI~£) CO[~ITTEE REPORTS Leonard Kopp - Hennepin ~ounty League of Municipalities, report on uniform ordinance covering Drugs, Barbiturates smd L.S.D. PAUL'S STORE Regan moved and Scruton seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of 'the Village of Mound grant a Game of Skill license to Paul's Store in the Three Points area for the current year. The vote is unanimously in favor, so carried. SIGNS Robert Schlisinger appeared and requested permission to install 2 kxh slig~s on Grandview and Commerce advertising land for sale. BE IT MOi?ED, by the Village Council of the Village of Mound that two hx4 signs be allowed on Grandview and Commerce Blvds advertisine land to be sold. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. SALARY SCHEDULE AME~YDED Anderson moved and Scruton seconded a motion REaOL~t TION 66-105 RESOLUTION AMENDING SALARY SCHEDULE Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved SEVgER ORDINANCE APPEAL Dorothy Gimbert appeared and requested a stay in the hooking up of Sewer to her property - Lot 7 Block 9 Minnesota Baptist Assembly - the matter was tabled until May 17, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. at the Mound Fire Station BOARD OF REVI~Y Anderson moved and Scruton seconded a motion R?]SOLUTI~ ~ON 66-106 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE FOR BO~AD OF REVIEW AND ORDERING NO~CE Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Re~an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved DOCK PERMITS Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, by the Village Gouncil of the Village of Mound that the following list of Dock Permits and Slips be approved. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried ASSESSMENT AP~EAL Re~an moved and Scruton seconded a motion 66-!07 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye F. egan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLNT~ON 0RDb]RING H~RI?q~ ON PROPOSED RE-ASSESSMENT (i~anitsry Sewer Project 62-1, Laterals and Services) O,.%.ON ON LOT 6 Auditors Sub. 170 - discussed and the com:cil felt that an executed option plus consideration would be looked on favorably by the council, this was an informal poll. TEMPO~qRY BOND Anderson move~ and Scruton seconded s motion RESOL~TI_ON 66-108 RESOLUTION P~J,[iTTING SUBSTITUTION OF BOND (Tempora~ Non-Conforming Structure (Lots 12-15, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A Roll Call Vote Scrutoh Aye Regan Aye And:~rson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved TRANSFERS Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-109 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING 7HE T?~NSFER OF FUR~DS Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved BILLS The ~ollowing list of bills were presented for approval. Anderson moved and Regan seconded a motion to pay the following bills where funds are available. The vote was u~animously in favor, so carried.. MAY 10, 1966 LI~t. ~. DISPENSARY MOU}ID MUNICIPAL ~¥)o BILLS PAID IN MAY FOR DISCOUNT Ed. Phillips & Sons Griggs, Co®per 2 Ce., Inc. Loois Dist. Coo Lynn Johnson Co~, Inco Griggs, Cooper & Coo Old Peoria Co, inCo Ed. Phillips & Sons Ed. Phillips & Sons, Co. Lynn Johnson,Co., Inc. Farm. & Mech. Bank NoW. Nat. Bank of Mpls. National Cash Reg. 272.25 889.26 32°97 569°77 331o14 318.29 1,069.50 938.~4 284.12 101o39 34,666.55 .62 TOTAL $39,47~o20 FIRE FUND Auto Parts Service Co. Duanes 66 Mound Hardware Northern States Power Standard 0il Westonka Telephone Mound ~ire Dept MUNICIPAL COURT FUND Grathwol and Ploetz M©ls City Treasurer $d Ryan, Sheriff OLANSENG COI~ISSION FUND Grsthwot and Ploetz Mtka Herald ~OLIC~] FUND American Linen Supoly Connors Oil Co. Drews Electric Inc Imp & Equip Outlay M. C. Larson National Cssh Re~ister St. Boni Auto Reo Ra~ Kennels Widmer Bros Westonka Telephone STREET FUND American Chemical Co. Bury & Carlson Bituminous Roadways Inc Connors Oil Drews Electric Grathwol and Ploetz Imp & Equip Outlay Mpls Gas Co Mankato Welding Long -Lake Farm Supply Northwestern Sanitary Supply National Cash Re~ister Northern States Power Standard 0il Thurk Bros Chev. Zeco Company Wm H Ziegler Co Inc Petty Cash LIQUOR (Additional) Grathwol and Ploetz National Cash Register Standard Oil INSPECTOR FUND Duane Dodds Grathwol and Ploetz ~dmer Bros Westonka Teleohone Clinton Mann 3.96 5.00 ~8.28 5o.51 753.00 335.oo 2~.~0 25.00 !0.20 5.00 95.88 22.~o 15o.oo 2~.oo 19.00 54.o5 5~ .5o 114. O0 56.89 268.75 204.75 297.00 lh?.40 22.50 37.50 214.38 47.29 5.~4 579.77 39.00 19.00 987.62 37.25 29.60 h.75 143.34 7.78 60.00 49.?8 60.36 ~5.oo 28.50 25.51 941.50 531.70 35.80 59h.89 3,094.92 169.64 6~3.46 CEMETERY ~VJND Mound Hardware 20.62 20.62 MAY 10, 1966 LIQUOR FUN D-Operating North-West Exterminating Co. Mound Hardware Minnetonka Herald August Hartkop Culligan Culligan Northwest Linen Service Johnson Paper & Supply Transport Clearing S. Riekes & Sons Chermak Refrigeration Mpls. Restaurant Supply Sterne Electric Reed Agency Northern States Power Frank B~kowiak Minneapolis Gas Co. Farmers & Mech. Bank Westonka Telephone LIQUOR FUND-Purchases Distillers Distributing Famous Brands, Inc. McKesson & Robbins Gri~mns Grocery Old Dutch Foods Scott Duncan Tonka Vending Minneapolis Bottling Home Juice Co. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling~Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Canada Dry Bev. Consolidated Bev. Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. Minmetonka Bev. Co. Leding Dist. Co. Manning-Anderson St. Boni Bev. Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter Bev. Co. Notermann-Weber Day Dist. Co. O.M. Droney Bev. Co. ~ .O0 69.23 172.55 18 .OO 11.OO 15.2o 3~ .03 O~ .70 3.2~ 1o1.34 17.50 32.70 8.00 3z3.0o 257.2~ 20.CO ~0.3~ 150.00 23,45 2,012.61 1,132.93 1,7&6.98 27.87 13.50 ~5.76 36.70 28.31 29 10.05 91.66 131.50 66.1o 89.70 7/+3.09 ~06.89 1,18~ .00 83/+ .26 /+96.30 ~00.76 83~.73 /+22.68 2/+8.70 12/+ .9~ 11,126 .?~ ADMI_NISTRA ?TON FUND Eastman Kodak Stores Grathwol and Ploetz League of Lake Mtka Municipalities National Cash Register Mtka Herald Northern States Power Schoell and Madson Typewriter Sales & Service Widmer Bros Westonka Telephone Petty Cash ~SSESSOR FUND National Cash Register Widmer Bros Westonka Telephone 43.44 50.00 100.00 11.40 28.85 53.76 25.00 8.00 ~f.5o 54.39 4.42 3.80 ~8.5o 22.30 464.76 54.60 WATER FUkD Badger Meter Mfg Co. Fidelity File Box Inc Imp & Equip Outlay Mound Postmaster Municipal °upoly Mpls Gas Co Nickmilt Construction National Cash Register No~th~n States Power Standard Oil Bernard Winkel Widmer Bros Westonka Telephone Zeco Company Petty Cash 1,470.70 2.33 ~2.50 90.00 ~,~65.55 47.29 17.00 11.4o 302 81 .~ 2o.~_5 ~88.5o h.76 3.7~ 347.93 S~FER OPERATING FUND Carl Millerbernd Machine Co. Mp!s Gas Co Mankato Welding Mtka Herald Mound Harakca re National Cash Register Northern °tares Power Water Dept - Repair Materials Westinghouse Electric Geo. T. Walker Co Inc Westonka Telephone Petty Cash PAR~ FUND Grathwol and Ploetz Barbara Heyman Imo & Equip Outlay MDls Gas Co Mound Hardware Nickmilt Construction Northern States Power Standard Oil Wayzata Paint Ntka Herald CIVIL D!]FENSE FHND Schoell and Madson 6.30 28o~0 la.20 1,721.59 245.24 35.82 10.00 1~.86 7.50 5.o0 16.66 7.95 188.10 17.25 16.64 34.44 15.88 13.5o 2,407.75 ..2.92 :::2.50 RI DGE~3OOD WATER Mtka Herald Construction Bulletin Schoetl and Madson TOI?KAWO0 D WATER Schoell and Madson 24.00 29.60 438.8~ 430.77 492.48 430.77 7PRUCE STREET WA~LR Schoell and Madson 704 704.58 PRRO AND WELFARE FUND Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 850.50 85o.5o & WATER 64-65 SIN NG Grathwol and Ploetz Herman C. Harms Wm Mueller & Sons Schoell and Madson 522.O6 809.97 7,127.36 9,233.62 1961 WATER PROJECT FUND Grathwol and Ploetz 80.00 80.OO Total to here 37,074.23 k~ote: Tonkawood Water and Spruce Street Water are paid from Sewe~& Water 64-65 Sinking LIQUOR FUND (additional - second time) Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Old Peoria Co Griggs Cooper Lynn Johnson STREET FUND (Additonal) St. Paul Insurance Co. 1,933.24 564.49 1,764.78 994.60 5,257.11 33.O0 33.00 64-65 SE~R ~NDWATER SI~INO (Additonal) P~ Mueller & Sons 1,F25.35 1,225.35 ~DMINISTRA?~ON FUND (Additional) League of MinnesotaMunicipalities l.OO 51.oo Total to Here 43,64 0.69 FIRE FUND Mound Fire Dept Total to here 30.75 30.75 43,671.44 COURT COND~IATION #437 - May 24th - was discussed I~gORMATION MEMOS DISCUSSED: Urbam Renewal, Tac Forfeit Procedure, Heme and Traffic Safety Handbook, Sewer and Water Assessments, Convention, Taxes on Village Properties, Ordinance Violations, Insurance Claim, Pneumatic Hammer $675.00 for each Sewer and Water Funds Meeting adjourned until May 17, t966 at 7:30 P.M. ~~tation.Gordon Tulberg,