1966-06-20MINUTES OF BOARD OF REVIEW - June 20, 1966
Village Hall in Island Park
8:00 P.M.
The Village Council sat as the Board of Review at the Village Hall in Island
Park at 8:00 P.M. on June 20, 1966. Present were Mayor Tulberg, Trustees
Scruton, Pfeifer, Anderson and Regan, Assessor Helen Newell, County Supervisor
of Assessments Wayne Johnson, Attorney Ray Ploetz and Village Manager Kopp.
The following written applications were heard:
Plat Parcel
Assessor's Value
1. M. Dahl 57750 8075 $ 5,100
Mr. Dahl was present. He objected to the high valuation placed on his property.
He said he didn't have lakeshore, but he has access on Commons.
2. Hans L. Melgaard 37850 2290 $25,3'00
Objected to high valuation. After the Assessor looked at it again, she
recommended it be reduced to $21,500.
3. Charles Cell 37870 2400 $6,500
Mr. Cell was present. He said he has a small summer cottage which cannot be
converted into a year-around house. He said the lot is on at $4,000 and the
cottage is on for $2,500. He objected to raising the land from $2,900 to
4. C. WilliamRichards 37890 5100 $15,900
5. Vernon Burns 37910
The Assessor wished to check this again. (Held over)
3525 $6,400
6. Frank Sworsky
57950 2310 $2,700
7. Robert Walker 57950 6510,6800 $24,450
Mr. Walker was present. He said he had had it appraised and was told it was
worth $21,500. He said the assesor has raised the valuation lO0~ over last
year. He has thrde lots that are on lakeshore, but the lot with the house
doesn't have lakeshore. The lakeshore they have is poor.
8. J. B. Heller
37990 140o $ii,ooo
9. Herman Quist
37990 3i00 $i3,350
10. David Stein
57990 5550 $8,575
ll. Robert Schwebel
37990 5100 $19,650
12. L. W. Fahlen
37990 5800,5900, 6000 $21,900
15. Otto Weissenborn 57990 6100,6200,6500 $18,550
Mr. Weissenborn was present. He said he had three fifty-foot lots 300 feet
deep. He has a small cottage. He has private lakeshore on Cook's Bay. He
has it insured for $8,000 and personal belongings for $2,000 because he
didn't think it was worth any more. He lives on a steep hill and actually
has no access by boat. The real estate people are not interested. He would
be willing to sell it for $16,000.
14. Helding Nelson
(Held over)
37990 6400 $5,700
15. Robert Woytke 38010 4475 $14,200
16. Carl Monson 61570 250 $7,200
(Held over)
17. Harry Olson 61570
(Held over)
5250,3500 $10,200
18. Lewis Vrooman 61580 6550 4,100
Parcel Assessor' s Value
19. Priscilla Jones
61610 940,960,980 $28,800
20. Gordon Knott 61610 ll05 $24,900
Mr. Knott was present. He didn't feel that it should be assessed over what
he paid for it. He paid $25,400 for it, which he felt was too much. He said
he had had 'two abatements to bring the assessor's valuation down to $24,900.
He has a rental unit over the garage, which he has been fortunate to keep
rented. The house is assessed at $13,440; the garage and apartment for $4,460
and the lot for $7,000. He has had it apprised by three companies and the
County has looked at it. They all come up with $24,900, which is too high.
21. Lloyd Bode 61610
(Held over)
2400,2420 $18,700
22. Herbert J. Flesher
61610 2485,2500,2520,2550 $29,400
23. Donald Taylor 61610 2570,2590 $20,000
Mr. Taylor was present. He thought he could sell his place for $18,000. The
terrain is difficult. The house was built by the owner and is not up to
standard. He has been asked where his house in Minneapolis is as people
think this is only a cottage. The lake is no good here. Has a mud bottom.
(Held over)
24. C. D. Kgpplin
61730 2260 $15,500
25. Della Rydeen
61735 1600,1800 $12,100
26. Herbert J. Patzwald 61730 12
(His question was on the mill rate, not the valuation)
27. Philip Gross 61510 4110 $14,200
28. Andre Knott 61895 6000 $32,000
29. Geo. Moll 61980 540,560
The Assessor wished to check this again (Held over)
R. T. Crist 61980 820
The Assessor wished to check th~s again (Held over)
Mrs. Wilbur Baldwin
61980 1640,1660 $4,4OO
52. G. Koehler 61980 1760,1780
The Assessor wished to check this again (Held over)
Lew D~nham 61980 1640,1660 $15,800
Mr. Dunham was present. He said he has a small summer cottage. He has
raised it and put in a basement which he uses for storage. He has an in-
vestment of $6,250. He had had one offer of $8,000. It is 125 feet deep
and has approximately 100 feet of lakeshore. The lot is on for $4,500 and
the house for $9,500.
54. Esther Ellingson
61980 2520 $9,200
55. Carl Jahnke
61980 438O $14,100
56. Eo C. Malgren
61980 8280 $14,OOO
57. Thomas McCarthy
62010 200 $10,200
38. Chris Hanson 62150
The Assessor wished to see this again (Held over)
1700 $6,000
39. Helen Farris
62200 3585 $7,200
40. Lewis W. Elt 61870 1060 $5,500
Lot ll and Part of Lot 12 has no buildinss. The lot is 65 x 258 feet. He
objected to the increase in value along lakeshore.
45. Paul Spangrud 37750 4550,4575,4600
Mr. Spangrud was present. His had been a summer cottage. He added 16 feet.
Had put in for an abatement last year and nothing happened. Assessor was
to check to see what happened to the abatement paper.
The following appeared but had put in no application:
1. M~urice Tobin 37870 4750,4725 $11,100
Mr. Tobin bought th~s in 1960 and paid $10,000 for it. He has remodeled the
cottage. It is on a lot 80 feet wide and 100 to 109 feet deep. The house
is on for $10,400 and the lot for $700.
2. Lea Davidson 61980 3820 $9,900
Since sewer construction the water runs down into her house so she felt she
should have about 50% depreciation.
3. Glen Smith 61730 2450 $7,500
Mr. Smith objected to the sharp increase in valuation this year over last
year. He said that just because it was not valued high enough the last time
wouldn't mean it was right this year either.
4. Merlin Skoglund
Mr. Skoglund questioned how assessing was one on lakeshore property and other
property. He made no request.
5. L. F. VanGordor 37990 1100 $18,700
Mr. VanGordor said he had made no change on the property, yet the valuation
appears to go up every two years. The land is on for $4,200 and the house
for $14,500.
The Board of Review discussed all the requests again and took action on the
3. Charles Cell
Kept the land on at $4,000 and reduced the house to $1,600.
20. Gordon Knott
There appeared to be no solution to his problem this evening. Wayne
Johnson recommended that the Council deny his request and refer it to
the County Board. He felt the property was assessed correctly. The
Council felt they could make no change inasmuch as three appraisers had
set it at this figure.
21. Lloyd Bode
The Assessor told him it was worth this much but that he was letting
it run down. The Council asked the Assessor to check this place if
she could get into it within the next two weeks. (Held over).
43. Paul Spangrud
The Assessor was to check what happened to his abatement papers.
2. Hans L. Melgaard
The Board of Review concurred with the Assessor to reduce this one to
The Assessor said she would write a letter to S. O. Almen, Plat 37850, Parcel
150, explaining that they do have a building s:ite, which they didn't think they
had as the lot is narrow.
Cappy Jones appealed, but had the wrong legal. He was concerned with his prop-
erty on Island Park, Plat 37910, Parcels 1625 and 1650. The Assessor was
goin~ to review it.
The meeting adjourned at l:O0 A.M. to reconvene July 5 at 8:00 P.M.
Attests: ~{~ ,._ j/
Leonard L. Kop~ -' \ ~,~/
Gordon Tulberg ~,'