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671 MINVJTES OF THE JULY ~, 1966 ~ ~mT~TO AT ........... J~oLA,,,l~ 8: ~ ~"i~.I~ll_~ ,.~ T~'Ti~ ~!ht/4Ol~ HALL AT m~" ~n o~ ~ ~- ~R~'~ - O0 ~.M. Present ware: Mayor Gordon Tulberg, Trustees ,James iTegan~ Del Pfeifer~ James 6crubon; Attorney P!oetz and Hanager Leonard Kopp SPECIAL USE PN~Pr[T -ANIMAL CLiNiC HSARIN© The attorney declared the publications to be sufficient and met legal requirements Regan moved and Scruton seconded, a motion REGOLU TION 66-1~0 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan .Aye Pfeifer Aye Tulberg Aye .Go resolved RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL PERMIT FOR SPECIAL USE (Small Animal Clinic - Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A) TONK6WOOD WATER ASSESiiMr!3fT De ' P moved and ~ emi. er ~{egan seconded a motion Ri-;OLrrTiON 66-1S1 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT (Tonkawood Drive Water 65-2) DRtFRIOOD SHO~,..~o Sewer and Water Plans Scruton moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion ~.~OL~ !ION 66-1~2 Roll Call_ Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION APPROVING PERLIMINARY PLANS OF PRIVATE SEWER AND WATER CONSTRUCTION (Plat of Driftwood Shores) The minutes of the March 8, 1966 meetins were read. Jcr"~ton moved and R~}gan seco.nded a motion to apnrove the minutes of the March 8, 1966 meetinF, as read. ~e, vo-'~e was unanimously iN favor, so carri~d. The minutes of the April 19, ].966 meeting were read. Re,an moved and $cr'~ton secoxded a ,o.mon to accent the minutes of the norml 19, !966 .m. eet, inq as read. Zhe vote was unanimo,.~sly in favor so car~ied and aporoved. SULLIVAN SEiSR DAMAqE CL.~M 2]ne attorney reconzmends this settlement Resan moved and Scruton seconded the motion R~:3OL1?PION 66-!~3 Roll C~tl Vote Scru ton Aye Regan Aye Pfeifer Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CONDEMNATION SETTLEMENT (Condemnation 4~7, Parcel 7, Sullivan) 672 NORTTiEEN oT. :,', PO'!..~NR R~T£S Lee Hurry in%roduced James Mc~e]lie the Minne%onka Many,er for No?,hern St, ares Power Oomnsn}~. Mr. }%Ke!lip ~s~e S %alk on ~he fortbcomin~ increase in i, he rate on S%ree% Lights, generously i!!ust:-'~ted with sta%istic~t material. R[~ESS - ~eclared bj/ the Mayor to observe the possible tornado brewin~ '~rus+,,ee Del. Pfeifer devarted a'b 9:30 P.N._ ~ ]:~ .~Awn DRIVE Hr. Streeter appeared; he stated that he would guarantee that the residents would take care of the ~ro~osed drain and that he personally would r,,~l~ce it if it :lid not ho!d up. Matter tabled ,:ntil July !2~ 1966 ~A?i~D O? REVIi?li'{ -,':-Contir~uation from June 20, 1966 fScruto~ moved and Regan seconded a motion R£ 0LUTION 66- 5h BOARD OF REVIE~W Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan A~ Tulberg Aye So resolved ROAD - discussed ( iSngineer and. Mr. Scruton to ±.a!k with ~,~. Nolner) ~n~2 C!TT~P,~G Wilshire [}rive '3cr~ ton moved and rt~gan seconded a motion Roll Call Vote 3cruton Aye Regan Aye Tulberg Aye So resotved RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORITY TO CUT CURB (24~1 Wilshire Boulevard) ~A ~' ~A " ' }_ I0.., FOOD - [,our_cml a~r~:es to allow the use of the same cigarette and beer lJca~nses in their new store, next door to the old one. BA :.. fJ, t T '[lOAD ............. Paving ~cr~oon moved a~}d Resan seconded a motion 'lION 66-!~6 Roll Call Vote "~cruton Aye Re,an Aye Tulber~ Aye So resolved RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AN~ CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (Avon Drive and Bayport Road, Paving) The meeti, ns ad'on~r/~d un~5.! the meetins of Jul.y 12, 1966 at 8~'00 P.M. at +h~ Vill~?e f{sll on Island Park Gordon Tul.,erg~~