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G7F N~fsTLN~, OF JULY 12, 1966 at. the Hall on Island Park at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Mayor Gordon Tuiberg, Trustees James Regan, Wilfred Anderson and James Scruton; Attorney Ray Ploetz~ Manager Leonard Nopp~ Engineers William Schoeil, Clarence Leer and . redr~kson. Ra!~h F ~- PLANNING COMMISSION RECO~%ENDATIONS Request to build fence on commons, ~urt Carlson, Lot 16, Block 17 Devon, Mr and Mrs Carlson so,eared, after a lenFthty discussion is was ~ecided to table the matter until August 9th atp allow time to make reoairs on the access Lot size variance, Lots h, ~, ~,.9 & 10, Block 12, Scion Ray selden aooeared for ~^~lliam ~urton, the oetitioner Re~an moved and Anderson seconded a motion RF. SOLUTION 66-1~7 RE~OLUTION AU~.~.~ORIZ!NG IDT SIZE VARIANCE (Lo~s h, ~, 8, 9 and 10 Block 12 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carrie5 '~ B~ILDiNO [' T ~ ~' Lot h Block 7 Whiu~le ~©U~..~? FOR IAR~A_,Cm - Gable, Mr. and Mrs. Uable appeared and requested ~ermission to connect to sewer and water - a summer cottage - No action. O~ERStZE SIGN REOUEST -,','- Campus Crusade for Christ - High School Property Scruton moved and ~esan seconded a motion RESOLqTt0N 66-1~8 RE~OLUTtON AUTHORIZING Ti~.fPO?~RY SIGN Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried PERN%IOE ~SSES'SI'~£NT !t~RING DATE SET - Au~ust 16, 1966 Regan moved and Scruton seconded a motion R~$O~I~.0N 66-1~9 RE~()Lt!T!ON FOR H/~ARING ON PRO?OSED ASSESSIN~:T (Fernside Place, curb, {}utter and Storm Sewer, 6~-!) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Re,an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye $o resolved BROOKTON 'PARK IMPROVemENTS - (Maude Chapman Park) Regan moved and Secuton seconded a mo',;ion RESOLUTION 66-160 RESOLUTION APPRO~NG PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTIS~T FOR R!D5 * BROOKTON PARK G76- Roll Call Vote $cruton Aye Re~an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved PIPER ROAD - Request by oetition .for storm drains and pavinK only Matter tabled until July 19th, meeting VICE PRESIDENTS CO.~FERENCE - send Manager Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the ~illage of Mound authorize and direct the Manager to attend the Vice-Presidents conference in Washington and to pay expenses for such a con'~renceo The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. EMERALD DRIVE Clarence Leer aopeared, discussion - no action EDEN ROAD IMPROVEMENT - Curb, Gutter, Pavin~ and Storm Sewer Anderson move~ and Re~an seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-161 RE.%OLUTION ORDERING I~ROVE~E$TT AND PREPARATION 0v PLANS (Eden Road: Paving, Curb, Gutte~· and Storm Sewer 66-1) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye .~o resolved DICKE~S LANEWATER - Advertse for Bids Anderson moved and Scruton seconded the motion R~]SOLUTION 66-162 RE~OLUTiON APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERIN~ ADVERTISF2~Eh~ FOR BIDS Dickens Lane Water 66-2) Roll Ca~EI_ Vote Scruton Aye R~gan Aye Anderson Aye Tu!berg Aye So resolved COUI~CIL SALARY - discussed and tabled until July 19, 1966 PRIMARY ELECTION WOR VILLAGE OFFICIALS Regan moved and Anderson seconded a motion RESOL~TION 66-163 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye ~nderson Aye Tulber~ Aye So reso!ved RE~OLUTION ESTABLISHING VT[LIeGE PRIMARY ELECTION BROOKNER SEWER APPF~AL Scruton move'l and Re~an seconded a motion REqOLUTION 66-16}¢ Roll Ca'I Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulber~ Aye So resolved RE3OLTTTYON ~II~HORI~I, O .... R~C ~I[,~!~ STINTIATION IN ASSESSMENT A??~RL (Ssnitary Sewer 62-2. Lateral As ses smen%-Bro o~a~er ) D[SC~S:~ION OF [DCK Oi.,TfERSHiP - Attorney states it was a civil matter between the ~rites and we only ~ermited the use of the space with the dock ~ermit. No ~ctiom BRFP~KINO ANDa,,:"WTrr,~Tt'TO. ~,,.~_ ,,~ ~ O}IDINANCE ~egan moved and Scruton seconded a motion AN OR]:I~ANC~ Ai~NI~I[HG CHAFT~ ~, ~OFFEN3ES A(IA~LST THE I~BL~C PEACE', OF THE MOI~HD Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye ire g a n Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So ordained BE ~T ORDA.mI~ED BY THE V~GE COUNCIL OF MOUI~, I~I~TAI 1' 2~ BIWCK) PERMIT - a request for a Bin~o Permit was received from the Three ~oints Park Assn. No Action 6?7 AMERICAN LEGION CLUa LICENSE ~cruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED~ the Village Council of the Village of Mound grant a Club License to the July 12, 1966 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Page 1 Northern States Radio Serv. Frank Blackowiak Culligan Culligan August }tartkop Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Standard Oil Mpls. Gas Co. Northwest Linen Service North-West Exterm. Co. National Cash Register Co. Al's Janitorial Service Northern States Power Westonka Telephone 3~ound Shopping Center Village of Mound LIQUOR FUND-Purchases McKesson & Robbins Mid-Wes t Wine Distillers Dist. Co. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Grimms Grocery Scott Duncan Old Dutch Foods Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Home Juice Co. Minneapolis Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Canada Dry Bev. Pilgrim Bottling Co. ?~nning-Anderson St. Boni Bev. Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter ~ev. Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. Notermann-Weber Consolidated Bev. Co. Day Dist. Co. O.M. Droney Bev. Co. TOTAL ~21,586.43 11.10 20.00 5.50 15.20 16.46 16.70 5~+ .36 ? .36 46. O1 4.00 & 255.00 333.49 24.05 412 .~0 21.25 1.247.26 2,681.63 62.20 2,674.48 614.19 1,~9.05 39.98 105.69 19.80 29.76 ~7.06 59 .~5 177.60 153.00 160.71 1,874.39 2,3~2.14 645.85 514.39 2,315. ~4 304.98 1,268.54 816.70 146.20 527.00 380.29 2~, 3'3"9.17 ADM!~ISTRATION FUND Grathwol and Ploetz Lentsch's Cafe American Public Works Assn Or~thwol & Ploetz International City Mgrs Assn Leouard Kopp Mound Medical Clinic 156.5o 9.00 5.oo 50.00 b1.00 6.00 WATER ~ND Grathwol & Ploetz A~erican L~ hen Suvply Co C~itol Electro. cs lm~ & ]~qui~ Outlay Northern ~tes Po~r Mound Hardware Potty C~sh ~e~olds & ~o~old0 Lentsch's Cafe M~rkson C o~p~ny Bernard ~inkel S~gER OPERATING FUND Autocon Industries Inc Nimball Co. Inc. Lyon Chemicals John ~ss & ons Inc M~nkato ~elding Northern States Power Mols Gas Co Mound Hardv~re Petty Cash Reynolds & Reynolds Specialty Screening St. Boni A~to Thurk Bros Imp Oeo T. Walker & Co Imc ~idmer Bros PARZ ~ID Orsthwo! & Ploetz Eberts Inc Imp & ~q~ip Supply Co Northern Sta es Power Mound Hardware Petty Cash Reynolds & ~eynolds Satellite Serwice Co. Richard Erickson Oscar Haddorff Jim Chapman Steve Chapman Greg Oayne CIVIL DEFUSE FI~D Grathwoi & Ploetz BOND & INTLREST - No. h N.W. National Bank of Mpls STORM DRAINAGE Northern ContractinM AVON PARK FUND Grsthwol and Ploetz RIDGPI~00D !~ATER FU~ Orathwo! and Ploetz POOR & '¥~LFARE FUND Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board ~.o0 ~.0o l~?.~o ~.~o 23.6? 6.66 h.51 9.00 20.O~ 2~.73 20.28 65.00 F!9.~7 131.88 11.23 1,392.13 h.30 21.90 ~?.3h ~.~~ 18.00 lh.O0 1S.3o 36.00 3S.00 !.7~ 127.93 12.96 hi.l.!9 6.68 3l~.oo 22.F0 17.2~ i?.2S !0.00 309.OO 7So.oo 2~.00 20.00 393 649.00 2,286.~9 390.23 10o00 309.OO 7So.oo 2~.00 20.00 393.2h C, 7F MINV~TES OW %t{E N~T~N~ OF J~LY 12, 1966 a±. the Hall on Island Park at 8:00 P.M. S Present were: Mayor Gordon Tuiberg, Trustees James ~egan, Wilfred Anderson and James ~cruton; Attorney Ray Ploetz~ Manager Leonard Kopp~ Engineers William Schoell, C]arence Leer and Ralph Fredrickson. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMP~ENDATIONS ~equest to build fence on commons, Kurt Carlson, Lot 16, Block 17 Devon, Mr and Mrs Carlson a~eared~ after @ len~thly discussion is was decided to table the matter until August 9th ato allow time to make re~airs on the sccess Lot s±ze variance, Lots h, 5, '~a, 9 & 10, Block 12, Seton Ray salden a~eared for ~^~lliam murton~ the ~etitioner Re~an moved and Anderson seconded a motion R~SOLU?ION 66-1~7 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried RE 1)LUT!ON AUthORIZING LOT SIZE VARIANCE (Lo~s Ii, ~, 8, 9 and 10 Block 12 B,~IL~I.~,, VARIANCE Gable, Lot h Block 7 ~ipple R. EOU iiiST FOR ~ ~ ,- Mr. and Mrs. Uable appeared dud requested perm±ssion %o connect to sewer and water - a summer cottage - No action. O~E~SIZE SIGN REOUEST * Campus Crusade for Christ - Hi_~h School Property Scruton moved and 'lea, an seconded a motion RESOL~.ITION 66-1~8 RE,GLUT!ON ^UT~ORIZT,NG Ti,i~OP~RY SIGN Roll Call Vote Scruhon Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried FE~tT%I 0E ~.SSESSI'{2?,?T H~RING DATE SET - Aur~ust 16, 1966 Regan moved and Scruton secopded a motion R~SO~ON 66-1~9 RESOLUT!ON FOE H/iARI~G ON P~nOSED ASSEo,.h~.T (Fernside Place, curb, Gutter and Storm Sewer, 6~-!) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye $o resolved BROOKTON PARK IMPROV~EENTS - (Maude Chairman Park) 9legan moved and o~cuton seconded a mo%ion RESOLUTION 66-160 RESOLW_~ION APPRO~ING P~NS oP?~oIF~ATI~NS AND O~{N~RiNG ADVZ~TIS~k{~T FOR R!D5 * B~OO~TON PARK Roll Call Vote $cruton Aye Re,an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved ~I~ER ROAD - Request by ~etition for storm drains and pavin~ only Matter tabled until July 19th, meeting VICE PRESIDENTS CON?ER~CE - send Manager Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED~ the Village Council of the 'Village of Mound authorize and direct the Manager to attend the Vice-Presidents conference in Washington and to pay expenses for such a conference. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. EMERALD DRIVE Clarence Leer a~Deared, discussion - no action EDEN ROAD IM?ROVEMENT - Curb, Gutter, Pavins and Storm Sewer Anderson moved and Re,an seconded ~ motion RESOLUTION 66-161 RE,~OLUTION ORDERING !~?ROVEME%~T AND PREPARA'TIO~ O? PLANS (Eden Road: Paving, Curb, Gutte,? and Storm Sewer 66-1) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved DICNE%~S LANEWATER - Advertse for Bids Anderson moved and Scruton seconded the motion RESOLUTION 66-162 RE{OLUTION APPROVING PLANS AWD SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERIN~ ADVERTISF2~ENT FOR BIDS Dickens Lane Water 66-2) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye R~gan Aye Anderson Aye Tu!berg Aye So resolved COU~CIL SALARY - discussed and tabled until July 19, 1966 PRIMARY ELECTION WOq I~LLAGE OFFICIALS Regan moved and Anderson seconded a motion RE$OL: TION 66-163 RE~OLUTION ESTABLISHING V[LIAGE PRIMARY ELECTION Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye ReEan Aye ~nderson Aye Tulber~ Aye So resoIred BROOKNER S~..*~ER A~ ~ ~AL Scruton move~! and ~egan seconded a motion RE ~OLWTION 66-164 Roll Ca'l Vote Scruton Aye Re,an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg AMe So resolved Ri~]-,OL~ r~ON AI~HO,~IZI~,~ ~T~ DiRECTI?,[~ STIPUIATION IN ASSESSMenT AP?[¼L (Sanitary Sewer 62-! Zateral As ses sment -Bro ok~er ) 0i_SCUS~ION OF ~3CK O%~RSHYP Attorney st~ s it was a civil matter between the .oarites and we only ~ermited the use of the space w~th the dock ~ermit. No ~ction BREAKING AND £NTEP. II'.!G O}IDIhrANCE ~{egan moved and Scruton seconded a motion Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye ire ga n Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye ~o ordained BE IT OR]I~D BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MOU~D, MINNESOT&s 1' ~hat Chapte~ ~1 of the Mound O~de of ~ naneeeu entitled "Offenses ~t ~ ~o ~~ ~e ~~ons of ~on ~.~1, ~ fo~, ~tt apa.-tmen%, o1, building o~c~o~ ~ his own, ~i~chou% tnvtta&vton o~* oonsen% of '~he OVnm' o~ ooe~a%, ahall be guilty of a ~i~dmea- BIW~© PERMIT - a request for a Bin¢o Permit was received fro?o the Three Ooints Park Assn. No -'"~ction AMERICAN LEGION CLUa LICENSE 6cruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound grant a Club License to the M/kc American Ia=ion Club for the currant vear with the condition /bat July 12, 1966 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Page 1 Northern States Radio Serv. Frank Blackowiak Culligan Culligan August Hartkop Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Standard Oil Mpls. Gas Co. Northwest Linen Service North-West Exterm. Co. National Cash Register Co. Ai's Janitorial Service Northern States Power Westonka Telephone Mound Shopping Center Village of Mound LIQUOR FUND-Purchases McKesson & Robbins Mid-Wes t Wine Distillers Dist. Co. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Grimms Grocery Scott Duncan Old Dutch Foods Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Home Juice Co. Minneapolis Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Canada Dry Bev. Pilgrim Bottling Co. Manning-Anderson St. Bent Bev. Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Leding Distr'ibuting Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter Bev. Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. Not ermann-Web er Consolidated Bev. Co. Day Dist. Co. 0.~. Droney Bev. Co. TOTAL $21,5~6.43 11.10 20.OO 5.50 15.2O 16.46 16.70 5a .36 ?.36 46.01 4.0O ~.28 255.00 333.49 24.05 ~12 .~0 21.25 1~247.26 2,681.63 62.20 2,674.48 614.19 1,~89.05 39.98 105.69 19.80 29.76 47.06 59.85 177.60 153.00 160.71 1,874.39 2,382.14 645.85 514.39 2,315.84 304.98 4~7.85 1,268.54 816.70 146.20 527 .O0 3~0.29 ADMINISTRATION FUND Grathwol and P!oetz Lentsch's Cafe American Public Works Assn Orsthwol & Ploetz International City Mgrs Assn Leopard Kopp Mound Medical Clinic 156.%o 9.00 15.oo 50.00 41.00 i3.55 6.00 WATER FUND Grathwol & Ploetz American L5 nen Suvply Co Caoitol :Electronics Imp & :Equip Outlay North ~rn gtates Po~r Mound Hsr~x~sre Petty Cash ~e~.olds ~ Lentsch's Cafe Markson Company Bernard Winkel S,~2~ER OPERATING FUED Autocon Industries inc Kimball Co. Inc. Lyon Chemic~ls John Uss & ons Inc Mankato Welding Northern States Power ~ls Gas Co Hound HarS~re Petty Cash Reynolds & Reynolds Specialty Screening St. Boni Auto Thurk Bros Imp Oeo T. Walker & Co Inc Wicker Bros PARK ~.~D Grathwol ,~ Ploetz Eberts inc Imp & Eq~ip Supply Co Northern Sta es Power Mound Har5ware Petty Cash ~eyno!ds & ~eynolds Satellite Service Co. ~ichard Erickson Oscar Haddorff Jim Chaoman Steve Chapman Greg Gayne C~VIL DE?~SE F~D Grathwol & Ploetz BOND & INTLEEST - No. h N.W. National Bank of Mpls STORM DRAINAGE Northern Contractin~ AVON PARK FUND Gra6hwol and Ploetz RIDG~I~OOD WATER FUND Orathwo! and Ploetz POOR & 5I~LFARE FUND Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 6~.00 ~.00 1~?.~O la.fO 8 23.~? 6.66 9.00 ~o.o~ ~.73 20.28 519.27 131.88 11.23 1,392.13 ~.3o 21.90 17.3h 18.OO lh.O0 1~.3o 36.00 1.75 127.93 12.96 6 3l~.o0 a~.fo h~.50 17.75 !7 9.75 !0.00 309.00 750.00 2~.oo 20.00 393.2h 6h9.oo 2,286.59 390.23 10.00 309.00 750.00 25.00 20.00 393.2h G7~ MINVTTBS OF q~{E ME~.~ING OF JITLY 12, 1966 at the Hall on Island Park at 8:00 P.M. .. Present were: Mayor Gordon Tulberg, Trustees James Regan, Wilfred Anderson and James Scruton~ Attorney Ray Ploetz~ Manager Leonard Kopp, Engineers William Schoell, Clarence Leer and Rs!ph Fredrickson. PLANNING COMMISSION RECO~'~!ENDATIONS Request to build fence on commons, Kurt Carlson, Lot 16, Block 17 Devon, Mr and Mrs Carlson aT}neared, after a len~thly discussion is was decided to table the matter umtil August 9th ato allow time to make remairs on the access Lot size variance, Lots h, ~, ~,...9 & 10, Block 12, Seton Ray salden amneared for William murton, the metitioner R.e~an moved and Anderson seconded a motion R~!]SOLUTtON 66-1~7 RE'T~LU~ON AU~ORIZING LOT SIZE VARIANCE (Lots 1~, ~, 8, 9 and 10 Block 12 ~oil Call Vote Scruton Aye [Tegan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried. RE~JSST FOR ~TILDINO VARIANCE - Gable, Lot h Block 7 ¼~ipple Mr. and Mrs. Uable appeared and requested nermission to connect to sewer and water - a summer cottage - No action. O~ERSIZE SIGN REOUEST * Camous Crusade for Christ - High School Property Scruton moved and Texan seconded a motion Rm°nTT~ . ~.~,~,~,,~ON 66-1~8 R~OLU'TtON AUTHORIZING Ti~PO?~&RY S/qN Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So carried PE~N%IOE ASSESSI'f~NT H~RING DATE SET - Aur~ust 16, 1966 Re~an moved and Scruton seconded a motion R~SOLU~ 0~ 66-159 RE:;OLUT!ON FOR H~RING ON PF%OnOSED ASSESSM~:T (Fernside Place, curb, Gutter and Storm Sewer, 6~-!) Roll Cai]. Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye $o re~olved BROOKTON PARK IMPROV~.{ENTS - (Maude Chapman Park) 7egan moved and o~cuton seconded a mo%ion RESOLUTION 66-160 RESOLUTION APPROVING P~S SPECIFICATIONS AND O~D6RiNG ADVE~TIS~¥{~NT ~DE R!!)3 * Bi~COKTON PARK Roll Call Vote 13cruton .&ye Re~an Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved PI?ER ROAD - Request by oetition .for storm drains and pavinK only Matter tabled until July 19th, meeting VICE PRESI~ENTS CONFERENCE - send Manager Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED~ the Village Council of the 'Village of Mound authorize and direct the Manager to attend the Vice-Presidents conference in Washington and to pay expenses for such a con'~renceo The vote was unanimously in favor so carried. EMERALD DRIVE Clarence Leer aopeared, discussion - no action EDEN ROAD IM?ROVEF~.~NT - Curb, Gutter, Pavin~ and Storm Sewer Anderson move5 and Re~an seconded a motion RESOLUTION 66-161 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye iJo resolved RE~OLUTION ORDERING I~ROVE~ME$~T AND PREPARATION OTM PLANS (Eden Road: Paving, Curb, Gutte,? and Storm Sewer 66-1) DICKE~S LARq~ WATER - Advertse for Bids Anderson moved and Scruton seconded the motion R~]SOLUTION 66-162 RE3OLUTION APPROVING PLANS AWD SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERIN~ ADVERTISF2~ENT FOR BIDS Dickens Lane Water 66-2) Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye R~gan Aye Anderson Aye Tu!berg Aye So resolved COUWCIL SALARY - discussed and tabled until July 19, 1966 PRIMARY ELECTION FO~ ~LLAGE OFFICIALS Regan moved and Anderson seconded a motion RE$OL~'TION 66-163 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING V'[LIAGE PRIMARY ELECTION Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye nnderson Aye Tulberg Aye So reso!ved BROOKNER OE~fER APPEAL Scruton move~! and Ressn seconded a motion RE:;OiYTTI ON 66-16~ Roll Ca'l Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulber~ Aye So resolved REtOLU~ON AUTHORIZI~,~G At~D DZRECTINn STIP~TIATION IN ASSi,]SSM~TT APPEAL (Sanitary Sewer 62-! L~teral As ses sment-Brook~er ) DT_SGUSZION OW DOGK O~;,~[ERSHiP - Attorney states it was a civil matter between the msrites and we only mermi%ed the use of the space w~th the dock mermit. No action BR~KING AND ENTERING ORDINANCE ~tegan moved and Scruton seconded a motion Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye ?.e ga n Aye Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye ~o ordained BE ~T ORDA~qED BY THE V~L~ ~UN~ OF MOUND, ~hat O~pter ~ off the ~ound Code o~ Ord.- moos, entitled "~ff~ses ~et ~e ~o ~~ ~ ~~onf o~ ~on ~,~l, ~ &paFtment, or bu~d~nf othe~ than h~s mm, v~thou% tn~tat~on or oonfent off the ovne~ BIN~) PERmiT - a request for a Bingo Permit was received fror~ the Three Points ?ark Assn. No $'77 AMERICAN LEGION CLU:~ LICENSE °cruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound grant a Club License to the Mtka American Icgion Club for the current year with the condition that three Fire ~tinguishers be installed and kept in prime condition. This condition is to be endorsed on the face of the license. The vote was unanimously in favor~ so carried. LIQNOR STO~E SPACE - discussed additional space to cost ~}[[.h2 a month to a to%a! of ~h67.92 this is at the rate of ~1.7~ Der sq. foot. TRANSPER OF ~NDS Scruton moved and. ~nderson seconded a motion RESOLU770N 66-165 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Anderson Aye Tulber~ Aye So resolved RE$OL!'~TION AUTHORIZING &ND DIRECTING THE TPINSFER OF RINDS BILLS - the following list of bills were presented for consideration. Scruton moved and re~an seconded a motion to bill the following bills where funds are avsilable. The vote was unanimously in f~vor~ so carried. JULY 12, 1966 HOUND MUNICIPAL TT"'vi'T;~ ,D~.. ~,~.~. DIS, ~TT TO .~ PAID IN JUNE FOR DISC~uhT Lynn Johnson COo~ Into Griggso Cooper & Co.~ inc Old Peorie Co., Inco Ed. Phillips & Sons~ Coo Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Origgs~ Coopere~ Co.~ Inco Old Peoria ~o Inc Rolin Brethorsh Lynn Johnson COo, In¢o Old Peoria Co.~ Inco Ed. Phillips & Sons Turnquist Paper C~. Origgs, Cooper & Co.~ In. 901o26 109o~1 656°53 2~811o86 900~21 ~6o92 16o00 263°69 2~629o73 164o36 ~U5o09 TOTAL }10,g22o95 July 12, i1966 LIQUOR FUND-Operating Page 1 Northern States Radio Serv. Frank Blackowiak Culligan Culligan August Hartkop Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Standard Oil Mpls. Gas Co. Northwest Linen Service North-?fest Exterm. Co. National Cash Register Co. Al's Janitorial Service Northern States Power Westonka Telephone Mound Shopping Center Village of Mound LIQUO~ FUND-Purchases McKesson ~ Robbins Mid-Wes t W~ne Distillers Dist. Co. Lynn Johnson Co., inc. Famous Brands, inc. Grimms Grocery Scott Duncan Old Dutch Foods ?epsi-Cola Bottling Co. Home Juice Co. Minneapolis Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Sever-Up Bottling Co. Canada Dry Bev. ~ilgrim Bottling Co. Manning-Anderson St. Bent Bev. Co. Minnetonka Beverage Co. Ledins Distributing Co. Schlitz Brewing Co. Carter ~ev. Co. Thorpe Dist. Co. Notermann-,~e~er Consolidated Bev. Co. Day O~st. Co. 0.~. Droney Lev. Co. TOTAL 11.10 20.0O 15.2O 16 .~6 16.70 5 .36 7.36 46.01 4.00 ~ .2~ 255.00 333 .~+9 ~4.05 21.25 1,24.7.26 2 , 681.63 62.20 2,674.48 51~.19 I,~89.05 39.98 lO5.69 19.80 29.76 47.06 59.85 177.60 153.00 160.71 1,~Y4.39 2,}82.14 ~45 p~4.39 2,315. ~4 30~.98 ~47.85 1,268.54 816.70 !46.20 527.00 3f~0.29 ADMIYTSTRATION Fb$ID Grathwol and P!oetz Lentsch's Cafe American Public Works Assn Orsthwol & Ploetz International City Mgrs Assn Leo? ard Kopp Mound Medical Clinic Northern ~tates Power Petty Cash Oswin Pf!ug Reynolds & Reynolds ~ am~s Regan Schos!l a~d Madson State of Minno T?/~ewriter Sales and Service 156.Fo 9.00 i .oo o.oo bl.O0 6.00 56.32 6.09 32 .t8 o.o0 17.90 489.56 ASSESSOR ~JND Clary Business Machines Inc Finance & Commerce Miller Davis Reynolds & Reynolds Lentsch' s Cafe Grath~,ml & Ploetz FIRE FUND Grathwol & Ploetz Duanes 66 Service Mound ~ire Deo% Minnesota Fire Equipment Markato Welding Northz;rn States Power Wayzata Paint & Wallpaper ~U{!CIPAL COURT FUND Wolner & Haglund Grathwol & Ploetz PLANNING COMMISSION FUND Mtka Herald Grathwol and Ploetz POLICE FUND Connors Oil Co Imo & Equip Outlay Mound Medical Clinic National Recorders Petty Cash Reynolds & ~eynolds Rea Raj Kennels Lentsch' s Cafe St. Bani Auto M. C. Larson STREET ~OND Imp & Equip Outlay Long Lake Farm Supply Mtka Electric Mankato Welding Minn. ~ning & Mfg Northern States Power M~ls Gas Co Petty Cash Lyle Signs ~, Reynolds~& Reynolds Frsd A. Ihomas Inc l~eeler Lumber Bridge & Suooly Co Ziegl~r Inc Hal! oi~ & Post Inc Paul Johnson Grathwol & Ploetz LIQUOR ~ND (Additional) Reynolds & ~teynolds Grathwol & Ploe%z IN3PECTOR FUND Mtka Heral~ Reynolds &~ynolds Grathwol & ~loet~ CD~ETERY FI~D Ganzel Signs Mound Hardware Petty Cash Illies& Sons 1.75 26.00 9.00 80.00 lO .55 215.~5 86O. OO 2.44 32.27 292.15 250.00 25.oo 33.00 50.00 90.01 15o.oo 4.00 8.50 2.39 4.52 17.5o 9.00 96.80 17.5o 2OO.00 632.57 13.5o 4.88 317 °99 987.42 9.48 .97 ~77.50 4.52 29.00 165.oo ~.55 638.66 38.28 160.00 4.52 6O.OO 6.30 4.52 20.00 25.00 28.43 .50 39.00 177.70 1,422.66 3o0.00 83.00 400.22 3,411.32 64.52 30.82 92.93 WATER WYND Orathwol & Ploetz American L5 nen Su'o~oly Co Caoitol Electronics Imp & Equip Outlay Northern gtates Power Mound H a rdwa re Petty Cash Lentsch's Cafe M~rkson Company Bernard 5~inkel SE~ER OPERATING FUND Autocon Industries Inc ~imball Co. Inc, L~on Chemicals John ~ss & ons Inc Mankato Welding Northern States Power MO!s Gas Co Mound Har~v~re Petty Cash Reynolds & Reynolds Specialty Screeniny St. Boni Auto Thurk Bros ImD Oeo T. Walker & Co Inc Widmer Bros PARZ ~D Grsthwol .~ Ploetz Eber%s Inc Imp ~ E?~ip Supply Co Northern Sta!es Power Mound Hardware Petty Cash Rey~_.o!ds & ~eynolds Satellite Service Co, Richard Erickson Oscar Haddorff Jim Chamman Steve Chapman Greg Gayne CIVIL DEFUSE FInD Grathwol & Ploetz BOND & INT~tEST - No, ~ N,W, National Bank of Mpls STORM D~INAGE Northern Contractin~ AVON PARK FUND Gra'thwol and Ploetz RIDG~OOD !qATER FUND Orathwo! and Ploetz POOR & ~ftLFARE FUND Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 65.00 5.00 127.50 ~2.5o 3h9.38 23,6? 6,66 ,51 9.00 2o.o~ 25.73 20.28 65.oo ~19.27 131.88 11,23 1,392.13 4.30 21,90 !7,3h 18.00 14.00 ~%.~o 36.00 35.00 1.75 127.93 12.96 41. b 9 6 h. 51 34.00 22.Fo b.2.5o 17.2f 17.~5 9.75 !0.00 309.00 75o.oo 25.00 20.00 393.24 649.00 2,286.59 390.23 10,00 3o9.00 750.00 25.00 20.0O 393.2h 6h-65 SbWL~{ & WATER SINKING American National Bank of St. Paul Flexible Pipe Tool Co First National Bank of St. Paul Northern Contrac ting Wm Mueller & Sons Grathwol and Ploetz 1961 WATER PROJFET FUND Grathwol & Ploetz 27,941.18 4,59o.bo 3o,2 o2,h 2,026.32 6,557.51 574.0o 35.00 71,939.85 35.00 ADMIE~S_~t_ ATION FUND (Additional) Westonka Plbg Westonka Telephone Starlite Motel ASSESSOR FUND (Additional) Westonka Telephone 9.49 6.00 22.30 66.63 22.30 POLICE FUND (ADDI'~ONAL) Westonka Telephone FIRE FUND (Admitional) Westonka Telephone STREET FUND (Additional) Westonka Telephone 62.23 57.~ 5 .!0 62.23 57.41 5.10 INSPECTOR FUND (Additional) Westonka Telephone Clinton Mann Duane Dodds WATER ~D (Additional) Westonka Telephone 25.51 1,O81.~5 168.75 21.25 1,275.51 21.25 SE~/~R OPERATING FUND (Additional) Westonka Telephone LI~OR FUND (SECOND ADDITIONAL LISTING) Mound Post Master District Director of Internal Revenue 21.25 31.45 54.00 21.25 Total to here 106,484.20 RATE S~DY FOR STREET LIGHTS - discussed SEAL COATIt~G - discussed TRAILER COURT - discussed CIVIL DEPENgE - discussed The minutes of the April 12, 1966 meeting were read. Anderson moved and Scruton seconded ~ motion to accept the minutes of the April 1~, 1966 meeting as read. vote was unanimously in favor so carried and aporoved. The minutes of the May 24, 1966 meeting were read. Anderson moved and Scruton seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the May 24~ 1966 meeting as read. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried and approved. The minutes of the May 3, 1966 meeting were read. Scruton moved and Anderson seconded a motion to aporove the minutes of the May 3, 1966 meeting as read. The vote was unanimously in favor so carried and approved. ~e minute~ of the June 21, 1966 mee%in~ were read. Regsn moved ~nd Anderson seconded a motion to a~rove the minutes of the June 21, 1966 meetin~ as read. The vote was umanimousl¥ in favor~ so carried and approved. The minutesof the A~ril 26, 1966 meetin~ were read. Anderson moved and Scr~ton s~conded a motion to a~rove the minutes of the April 26~ 1966 meeting as read. T~e vote was unanimously in f~vor, so carried and apmroved. The meeting was adjourned until the meeting of July 19~ 1966 at 8:00 P.M. at the Village H8ll ~t Island Park. Ma~or Gordon Tu!berg ~ ~Le~nard Kop~-~ ~ 1 / /