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~!UTES OF THE MEETING OF October h, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. at the Island Park Hail. Present were: Mayor Gordon Tulberg, Trustees James $cruton, Ja~es Regan~ Del Pfeifer, and Wilfred Anderson, Attorney Ray Ploetz and Engineer Clarence Leer; and Village Manalger Leonard Koppo HEARING REZONING - Netka The attorney stated the mublications met the legal requirements Re,sa moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion ORDINANCE NO. 214 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 23, "Z~NING", OF THE MOUND OODE OF ORDINANCES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINNESOTA~ 1. ~hat Chapter 23 of the Mound Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning", be, and hereby is, amended by reducing the Rssidential A-1 Use District as established by Section 23.011 by removing ~erefrom, and by increasing the Commercial Use I~strlct as established by Section 23.07 by adding thereto, the following described tract: The Westerly 130 feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 168 2. That this ordinance be effective from and after its adoption and publication according to law. Rol]jCall Vote Rega~ aye Scru~on Aye Pfeifer Aye Anderson Aye TulbSrg Aye So or SPECIAL USE PER~%T - Bartlett and Commerce Blvds Regan moved and Pfeifer seconded a motion ?~SOLUT!ON 66-227 Roll Call Vote Regan Aye Scrubon Aye Pfeifer Aye Anders on Aye T~lberg Aye 7~o resolved RE$OLUTI~[ GRANTING CONDITIONAL PERmiT FOR SP~i~IAL USE Restaurant Part of Gov't Lot 1 Section 23, Twonship 117 Range 2h AVON DRIVE AND BAYPORT ROAD IMPROV~M~I~T Scruotn moved and Anderson seconded a motion ~ESO~ITION 66-228 RoliGall Vote Regan Aye Scrubon Aye PfeiFer Aye ~Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved RESOIg7~ION REJECTING BIDS Avon Drive and Bayport Road, Curb, Gutter and Paving JANITOR BIDS Scruton moved and Anderson seconded-the motion RESOLUTION 66-229 RESOLUTION REJEC~NG BIDS - Janitorial Service Roll Csl! Vote Regsn Aye Scruton Aye of~ifer Aye Anderson Aye Tuiberg Aye Solresolved POLICE CAR Sc~uton moved and ReEan seconded the motion ~ ~ ..... OLTION RE~OLUqI©N 66-230 ~2 F ~ REC!~VING AN 0 ACCEPTING BID - Police Patrol Car Ro] Call Vote Re,an Aye Sc~uton Aye Pf~ if er Aye &n~ [erson Aye Tu:.berg Aye So resolw~d BR( NO~ RE~ Ro _1 Call Vote Re an Aye Sc oton Aye P~;ifer Aye An~[erson Aye Tu~berg Aye So|re ~o!ved ,OKTON PARK also kmown as Maude Chaoman Park was discussed ~THERN CONT~C~NG 'uton moved and Anderson seconded a motion 1OLUT!ON 66-231 RE~OLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIR.ECTING PARTIAL PAY~i~T Sanitary Sewer 62-1C, 62-2A 'WA7 Sc: P~ Re Pf An Tu So IN Re RE Ro Re Sc Pf An Tu S, iVERS ~:R SB..'~R AND WATER ~uton moved and Regan seconded the motion 30LUTION 66-23~ I1 Call Vote ~an Aye ~uton Aye ~ifer Aye ~erson Aye [berg Aye resolved. RESOLUTION LEVYING DEFERRED AND SUPPLEMENTAL ASSES~E~TS UPON WI! ~ER OF '~ORMALITiES: DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ABST;i~CT: AND DIRECTI~fG CERTZFICATION TO THE COU;'~TY AUDITOR ]RZASE BUDGET - Fire Relief Fund gan movecd ~nd Scroton seconded the motion SOLUTION 66-233 RESOL~ITION AUTHORIZING INCRE~.SE IY FIRE RELIEF BURET 11 Call Vote ~an Aye ruton Aye eifer Aye derson Aye lberg Aye resolved BI LLS The following bills were presented for approval. LIQUOR FUND Louis Distributing 13~.12 Old Peoria hl.!3 Griggs Cooper 392.66 Ed Phillips 1,Olh.27 Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion to pay these bills where funds were available the vote was unanimoulsy in favor~ so carried. NOTE: Sealing coating of Lan~don Heights discussed Brooks claim discussed Avon Drive and Bayport Road to be reconsidered in the Spring of 1967 Adjour until Oct. 6, 1966 at 9:30 P.M. at the Mound Village Office. Go rdon Tu!berg ~ Mayor