1966-10-06Pres,, Wilf~ LEVY Rega Roll Scr~: Reg~ And~ So CER Sot RES Roi Scr And Tu] So T A] AR~ RE Ro Re Sc T~: O~ MEETING OF October 6~ 1966 st 9:30 P.M. at the Mound Village Office mt were: Mayor Gordon Tulberg and Trustees Jam, es 5cruton, James Regan, and 'ed Anderson~ and Village Manager Leonard Kopp FOR S]~R BONDS moved and Scruton seco:oded the motion LUTION 66-23[~ RE!~OLUTION DIRECTING ~i-~ COU~',?Y AiTDITOR NOT TO LEVY FOR S~4ER BONDS Call Vote ton Aye n Aye :rson Aye ~erg Aye ,esolved I?IFYING ton moved and Anderson seconded the motion ....... ~,- w ~v ~ - !FNPAID ~'"~ '~ ~ C~ LTUION 66-235 RE~, ;,~,.JION C~R ........ hG .o.r~,ff~R SERVI~ C~iRG~ ! Call Vote uton Aye an Aye .ersom Aye berg Aye resolved LEVY 'OR 1967 BUDGET arson moved and Re~'sn seconded the motion 0LUTION 66 236 RESOLUT'ON L~'~VYING T,~XES FOR 1967 BUDGET L1 Call Vote ~an Aye ~erson Aye rtuon Aye lberg Aye resolved 1 Burners from Well Houses ~ and 2 cuton moved and Regan seconded a motion IT MOVED THaT TH, E xf[_LIAGE DONAT.~] TO ~]~E ~ISi~)[UM ~[E OLD OIL BURNERS FROM LL HOUSi!]S 1 and 2. ~e vote was unanimously in favor~ so carried. he meeting adjourned until October 1!, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. at the Island Park Hall Gordon Tu!berg~ Mayor -~LeO~qar~ ~opp ! ~