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2013-12-10 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OR MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at reasonable cost, quality sei � ices that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DEC 10, 2013 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent A,Qenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will he removed, from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance Approve agenda, with any amendments *Consent A.enda *A. Approve payment of claims Page 2621 -2640 *B. Approve minutes: Nov 26, 2013 regular meeting 2641 -2644 *C. Approve Resolution Approving Contributions 2645 *D. Approve Dock Location Map Addendum Changes for 2014 2646 *E. Approve a Cable Franchise Agreement with Mediacom Minnesota, LLC 2647 -2662 *F. Approve Ordinance Amending Chapter 66 of the Mound City Code as it 2663 Relates to 'telecommunications *G. Approve Resolution Authorizing Publication of an Ordinance by Title and 2664 Summary *FL Approve Pay Request No. 7 from GMH Asphalt, Inc, in the amount of 2665 -2666 $59,983.10, for the 2013 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City Project No. PW -13 -01 *I. Approve for Northwest Tonka Lions, Temporary= On -Sale Liquor Permits For the following events, with fees paid: 1. December 29, 2013 Chili Feed at the Gillespie Center 2667 2. January 18, 2014 Fundraiser for the Gillespie Center at the Gillespie Center 2668 3. February 8, 2014 Benefit at the Gillespie Center 2669 *J. Approve a Resolution Approving Variance for Property at 5308 Three Points 2670 -2693 Boulevard (Planning Case No. 13 -33) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. 2014 Final Budget and Levy Discussion and Approval- - Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer, with 2013 year -end forecast and proposed amendments to the 2014 Preliminary Budget, and requesting action on the following: A. Resolution to Approve the 2014 Final General Fund Budget in the amount of $4,996,558; Setting the Final Levy at $5,448,864; and Approving the Preliminary Overall Budget for 2014 B. Resolution to Approve a Levy of $182,728 for the purpose of Defraying the Cost of Operation, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound for year 2014 C. Resolution Adopting Fee Schedule for 2014 Informatiorr/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers /City Manager B. Minutes C. Reports: D. Correspondence Adjourn 2694 -2700 Also see Separate Packet 2701 -2702 2703 2704 -2710 Docks & Commons Commission — Nov 21, 2013 2711 -2714 Planning Commission - Nov 3, 2013 2715 -2717 Harbor Wine & Spirits —Nov 2013 & YTD 2718 -2719 Finance — Nov 2013 2720 -2721 Public Works - Bolton & Menk 3rd Qtr Billing Summary 2722 Letter from Mediacom — Nov 26, 2013 . 2723 Note. This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may he viewed at City Hall or at the City ofMound web site: os • • 1 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2013 120613CTYMAN $ 26,875.34 2013 OCT13KENGRAV $ 11732.56 2013 121013CITY $ 109,502.47 2013 121013HWS $ 68,820.64 ITOTAL 1I S, 206,931.01 -2621- S: \FINANCE DEPT \AP \CITY COUNCIL CLAIMS LISTING 2013.xlsx 12 -10 -13 MOUND, MN 12/05/133:01 PM Page 1 Payments y,p.:t, Current Period: December 2013 Batch Name 120613CTYMAN User Dollar Amt $26,875.34 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $26,875.34 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ALL AMERICAN TITLE _ Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY CREDIT- ACCT #29540 $204.38 A.SUNDELL Invoice 12062013 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $204.38 Refer 4ALLIED WASTE Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -384 Refuse /Garbage Dispose DEC 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB SAFETY BLDG $128.80 Invoice 0894- 003349191 1112512013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa DEC 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB SAFETY BLDG $128.79 Invoice 0894 - 003349191 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa DEC 2013 GARBAGE SVC PUB WRKS BLDG $208.59 Invoice 0894- 003349193 11125/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa DEC 2013 GARBAGE SVC CITY HALL $13175 Invoice 0894 - 003346393 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposa DEC 2013 GARBAGE SVC PARKS BLDG $38.17 Invoice 0894- 003346878 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 670 -49500 -440 Other Contractual Servic NOV 2013 CITYWIDE RECYCLING SVC $12,991.77 Invoice 0894 - 003346089 11125/2013 Transaction Date 12/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,629.87 Refer 14 BRENSHELUFINE LINE DESIGNS _ Cash Payment G 101 -23007 Erosion Control Escrow REISSUE- CHK #36880 1 -21 -11 EROSION $750.00 CONTROL REFUND -5120 EDGEWATER Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 1214/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 2 COMMUNITY TITLE & ESCROW Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY CREDIT -ACCT #28559 M. $257.54 BERG Invoice 12062013 11/2712013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $257.54 Refer 3 EDINA REALTY TITLE Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REFUND UTILITY CREDIT -ACCT #20489 S. $600.43 KING Invoice 12062013 11127/2013 Transaction Date 1214/2013 Refer 5 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Cash Payment E 355 - 47000 -300 Professional Srvs Wells Fargo 10100 Total TIF DIST 1 -2 FINANCIAL ADVISORY SVC - REVIEW PARCELS -BASE VALUE CHANGES $600.43 $200.00 Invoice 346339 6/10/2013 _ Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer 15 FRETHAM, JAMES Cash Payment G 101 -23071 2308 Fernside #05 -68/69 Va REISSUE - CHK #33636 12 -16 -09 ESCROW $1,467.50 REFUND- FERNSIDE- HIGHLAND Invoice 12062013 10122/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,467.50 2622 MOUND, MN 12/05/133:01 PM Page 2 �k \ Payments Current Period: December 2013 Refer 7 FRONTIERICITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $118.85 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 6 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $70.58 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $592.37 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $451.57 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $438.29 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $438.29 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $304.53 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 222 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $304.53 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells PHONE SVC 11/30/13 TO 12/29/13 $913.61 Invoice 12062013 11/30/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous LABOR PHONE SET UP NEW CITY HALL 10- $182.38 23 -13 Invoice 12062013 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Refer 6 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 4097257 11120/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 4097257 11/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 4097257 11/20/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41920 -321 Telephone & Cells Project CH2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,815.00 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 11 -20 -13 THRU $157.72 12 -20 -13 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 11 -20 -13 THRU $157.72 12 -20 -13 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 11 -20 -13 THRU $157.72 12 -20 -13 NETWORK ETHERNETSVC 11 -20 -13 THRU $315.42 12 -20 -13 Invoice 4097257 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 10/2/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 16 GABLES, CLINT Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REISSUE- CHK #42488 12 -05 -12 REFUND - WATERBILL CREDIT 2548 AVON DR Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 121412013 Refer 10 HOME D_EPOT/GEC_F (PAM Cash Payment E601- 49400 -221 Equipment Parts Wells Fargo 10100 Total PAY BAL DUE - INCORRECT CREDIT TAKEN- - ACCT 1615 PUB WKS Invoice 12062013 9/18/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 17 LANGSETH, JON S, AND DANA J -2623- $788.58 $140.42 $140.42 $13.04 Total $13.04 MOUND, MN 12/05113 3:01 PM Page 3 Payments or RIANRM Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REISSUE- CHK #38670 8-23-11 REFUND- $156,22 WATERBILL CREDIT Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $156.22 Refer 19 NORLANDER, JILL Cash Payment E 101-41500-331 Use of personal auto REISSUE- CHK #42645 12-20-12 USE OF $12,70 PERSONAL AUTO J. NORLANDER Invoice 12062013 10/2212013 Transaction Date 12/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,70 Refer 9 RICOH USA, INC. Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT COPIER RENTAL FEE 9-13-13 $158.13 THRU 12-12-13 Invoice 91246021 11/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $158,13 Refer 11 S & N LANDSCAPING INC. Cash Payment E 101-49999-430 Miscellaneous ACID WASH, BRING TO GSI FRONT EXT $1,325.00 SIGN NEW CITY HALL Invoice 327 10123/2013 Project CH2013 Transaction Date 12/412013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,325.00 Refer STANCHFIELD, RONALD Cash Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto REISSUE- CHK #35859 09-14-10 USE OF $71.95 PERSONAL AUTO R.STANCHFIELD Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $71,95 Refer 18 STUSSY, DAVID Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu REISSUE- CHK #35980 9-29-10 REFUND-2650 $22,78 LAKEWOOD LANE Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.78 Refer 13 TIMBERLAND BUILDERS Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow REISSUE- CHK #38743 8 -25 -11 ESCROW $750.00 REFUND-4886 BARTLETT Invoice 12062013 10/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.00 Refer 8 VERIZON WIRELESS Cash Payment G 101-13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHGS 10-14-13 THRU 11-13- $33.16 2013- IKM Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE CHGS 10-14-13 THRU 11-13- $191.27 2013 Invoice 9714911327 11113/2013 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE CHGS 10-14-13 THRU 11-13- $200.91 2013 Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE CHGS 10-14-13 THRU 11-13- $195.10 2013 Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE CHGS 10-14-13 THRU 11-13- $21.23 2013 Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 -2624- MOUND, MN 12/05/133:01 PM _..- _...___. .. Page 4 . Payments Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -321 Telephone & Cells CELL PHONE CHGS 10 -14 -13 THRU 11 -13- $130.95 2013 Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41310 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 42110 -321 Telephone & Cells Invoice 9714911327 11/13/2013 Transaction Date 121412013 Refer_ 12 WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 341739 10/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 346400 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 346400 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 346105 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 346105 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 347152 11/26/2013 Cash. Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 341739 101312013 Transaction Date 1214/2013 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 355 2003 -C G.O. TIF 1 -2 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND CELL PHONE CHGS 10 -14 -13 THRU 11 -13- $69.30 2013 CELL PHONE CHGS 10 -14 -13 THRU 11 -13- $322.42 2013 CELL PHONE CHGS 10 -14 -13 THRU 11 -13- $33.16 2013 CSO Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,197.50 WINE $160.00 WINE $352.00 FREIGHT $9.90 WINE $224.00 FREIGHT $4.20 WINE $560.00 FREIGHT $4.20 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,314.30 10100 Wells Fargo $7,673.50 $1,071.60 $71.95 $200.00 $2,034.01 $925.84 $1,906.67 $12,991.77 $26,875.34 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $26,875.34 Total $26,875.34 2625- Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,732.56 Total $1,732.56 -2626- MOUND, MN 12103/1310:24AM Page 1 Payments — "N 1 09 1140UND Current Period: December 2013 Batch Name OCT13KENGRAV User Dollar Amt $1,732.56 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,732.56 $0.00 In Balance Refer 10, KENNEDYAND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101- 41600 -300 Professional Srvs ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SERVICES OCT $588.00 2013 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 41600 -314 Legal PNV PUBLIC WORKS LEGAL SERVICES OCT 2013 $36.00 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41600 -318 Legal Parks PARKS LEGAL SERVICES OCT 2013 $4.56 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23281 3140 ARGYLE /4852 LANAR 3140 ARGYLE BOUNDARY ADJ APP LEGAL $144.00 SVCS OCT 2013 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment G 101- 23284 4991 SPARROW - INFINITY 4991 SPARROW - EASEMENT LEGAL SVC $228.00 OCT 2013 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -316 Legal P & I PLANNING LEGAL SERVICES OCT 2013 $492.00 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -316 Legal P & 1 2974 OAKLAWN /5966 HAWTHORN SPLIT- P $180.00 & I LEGAL SERVICES OCT 2013 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -23291 BOYUM- 2544COMMERCE -P 2544 COMMERCE - BOYUM LEGAL SVCS OCT $60.00 2013 Invoice 117034 11/11/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,732.56 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $1,732.56 $1,732.56 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,732.56 Total $1,732.56 -2626- MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM — Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2013 Batch Name 121013CITY User DollarAmt $109,502.47 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $109,502.47 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSO _ Cash Payment G 601 -15500 Prepaid Items MEMBERSHIP DUES 2 -1 -14 THRU 1 -31 -15 R. HANSON Invoice 7000735404 10/29/2013 Cash Payment G 602 -15500 Prepaid Items MEMBERSHIP DUES 2 -1 -14 THRU 1 -31 -15 R. HANSON Invoice 7000735404 10/29/2013 Transaction Date 12/312013 Refer 36 ASPEN EQUIPMENT _ Cash Payment E 101 - 43100 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 10124006 11/19/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $155.00 $155.00 $310.00 FABRICATE & INSTALL SALT SHIELDS- $452.80 TRUCK #312 Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -221 Equipment Parts FABRICATE & INSTALL SALT SHIELDS- $470.59 TRUCK #412 Invoice 10124007 11/19/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $92139 Refer 30 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -210 Operating Supplies COFFEE, COCOA, CREAMER- FIRE DEPT $179.00 Invoice 1135451 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 1214/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $179.00 Refer 37 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPP Cash Payment E 285 - 46388 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 10 STREET LIGHT BULBS FOR PARKING $261.44 DECK Invoice 906549039 11/18/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer 38 BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNT_ Cash Payment E 101 - 41500 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 048114 11/30/2013 PO 22895 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer _ 39 CAR_QUEST OF NAVARRE (P/W) - Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 6974 - 215062 11/8/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer 3 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG _ Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $261.44 W2S, ENVELOPES, W3 AND 1096 $116.55 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $116.55 COUPLER PLUS, AIR CHUCKS $11.83 Project 13 -3 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11.83 2649 EMERALD DR. LS E3 GENERATOR $18.55 NATL GAS SVC 10 -18 THRU 11 -19 -13 4791 NORTHERN RD LS D1 GENERATOR $18.55 NATL GAS SVC 10 -18 THRU 11 -19 -13 3303 WATERBURY RD LS GAS SVC 10 -18 $17.16 THRU 11 -19 -13 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR $20.00 NATL GAS SVC 10 -18 THRU 11 -19 -13 -2627- MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM Page 2 Payments x A1 Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $17.89 GAS SVC 10 -18 THIRD 11 -19 -13 Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -383 Gas Utilities 4728 CARLOW RD LS GENERATOR NATL $17.89 GAS SVC 10 -18 THRU 11 -19 -13 Invoice 09102013 8/22/2013 Transaction Date 413/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $110.04 Refer 40 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR - Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL $18.90 Invoice 00010332 11/30/2013 Project 13 -3 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials ARGON, CO2, OXYGEN, ACETYLENE $263.18 CYLINDERS Invoice 00751593 1114/2013 Project 13 -3 Transaction Date 12/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $282.08 Refer 4 DOCK MASTERS OF LAKE MTKA, I _ Cash Payment E 281 - 45210 -440 Other Contractual Servic REMOVE DOCK SECTIONS FOR TREE $400.00 REMOVAL @ LOST LAKE COMMONS Invoice 202505 11/1912013 Transaction Date 12/312013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 2 DURKIN, DAVID.... ,... Cash Payment E 401 - 43110 -500 Capital Outlay FA RETAINING WALL WORK- STREET PROJ PW $30,150.00 13 -02 Invoice 12102013 11/26/2013 Project PW1302 Transaction Date 12/312013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30,150.00 Refer 5 ECLIPSEPAINTIN_G_ _ Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous PAINT 44 FILE CABINETS- CITY HALL $3,300.00 Invoice 12102013 11/25/2013 Project CH2O13 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,300.00 Refer 41 EMERYS TREE SERVICE, INCORP _ Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -533 Tree Removal TRIM 2 COTTONWOOD TREES @ 2549 $740.11 EMERALD DR Invoice 18679 11/1812013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $740.11 Refer 46 EXTREME BEVERAGE Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Rasa MIX $152.50 Invoice W858135 11/1312013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $152.50 Refer 42 FERGUSON WATERWORKS _ Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -210 Operating Supplies POCKET PROER WALL CHARGER UNIT $75.61 Invoice 0063618 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.61 Refer 31 FIRE SERVICE CERTOF MINNESO _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -434 Conference & Training FIRE INVESTIGATOR CERTIFICATION EXAM- $225.00 B. FOSTER 9 -8 -13 Invoice 2338 11/18/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $225.00 Refer 6 FIVE TECHNOLOGY -- - — - -2628- _ MOUND, MN 12/06113 9:01 AM "'�� Page 3 Payments a E Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,800.00 MTCE- DEC 2013 Invoice 128200 12/1/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41920 -440 Other Contractual Servic SALES TAX COMPUTER NETWORK SVC - $41.25 OCT 2013 Invoice T4176 Transaction Date Refer 11115/2013 10/2/2012 7 FLAHERTY, ADAM _ Cash Payment E 101- 41500 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 12102013 11/22/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Refer 8 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 1006816575 11/18/2013 Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 1006816575 11/18/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 1006816575 11/18/2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -230 Shop Materials Invoice 1006816575 11/18/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer 9 G & K SERVICES Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006827804 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1006839145 12/2/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms Invoice 1006827813 11125/2013 Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -210 Operating Supplies Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,841.25 REIMB 2013 MOUNDWEAR- A. FLAHERTY $49.99 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $49.99 UNIFORM SVC 11 -18 -13 $26.95 UNIFORM SVC 11 -18 -13 $27.42 UNIFORM SVC 11 -18 -13 $39.38 MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 11 -18 -13 $147.55 Project 13 -3 Jells Fargo 10100 Total $241.30 MAT SVC 11 -25 -13 LIQUOR STORE MAT SVC 12 -2 -13 LIQUOR STORE UNIFORM SVC 11 -25 -13 PARKS MAT SVC & SHOP SUPPLIES 11 -25 -13 PARKS Invoice 1006827813 11/2512013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 11 -11 -13 PARKS Invoice 1006805292 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 11 -11 -13 PARKS Invoice 1006805292 11/11/2013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -218 Clothing and Uniforms UNIFORM SVC 11 -18 -13 PARKS Invoice 1006816576 11/1812013 Cash Payment E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies SHOP SUPPLIES 11 -18 -13 PARKS Invoice 1006816576 11118/2013 Transaction Date 10/2/2012 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 44 GAMETIME ,.. ..,.. Cash Payment E 101 - 45220 -525 Other Capital Improveme PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE -2013 GRANT PROGRAM GAMETIME Invoice 828043 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment Invoice 82887 11/22/2013 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 10 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL E 601 - 49400 -395 Gopher One -Call NOV 2013 LOCATES 11/30/2013 -2629- $59.57 $59.57 $51.40 $164.68 $80.18 $51.40 $45.95 $67.76 $580.51 $23,435.05 $23,435.05 $58.72 -- - MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM Page 4 Payments e•.ti5,v+ygik o, y 4 Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 602- 49450 -395 Gopher One -Call NOV 2013 LOCATES $58.73 Invoice 82887 11/30/2013 OCT 2013 $2,281.60 Transaction Date 615/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $117.45 Refer 11 GUST RONALD R. JR _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -331 Use of personal auto REIMB MILEAGE & PARKING 9 -19 TO 11 -18- $177.37 $869.89 13 R. GUST- HWS TRADE EVENTS, TRIPS $869.89 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING CITY HALL TO CITY HALL DECEMBER 2013 Invoice 12102013 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177,37 Refer 21 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -409 Other Equipment Repair REPAIR PLOW FRAME Invoice 96745 11/812013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 13 HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY $144.29 Total $144.29 Cash Payment E 101 -41600 -450 Board of Prisoners CORRECTIONS & REHAB ROOM & BOARD $1,140.00 OCT 2013 Invoice 1000036822 11/25/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Refer 14 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORM_A_T_IO _ Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -418 Other Rentals Invoice 131038110 10/31/2013 Cash Payment E 222- 42260 -418 Other Rentals Invoice 131038034 10/31/2013 Transaction Date 6117/2013 Refer 33 HENNEPIN COUNTY TAXPAYERS _ Cash Payment G 101 -15500 Prepaid Items Invoice 12102013 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Refer 15 JANI -KING OF MINNESOTA, INCOR Cash Payment E 101 - 41910 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice MIN12130510 12/1/2013 Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice MIN12130511 12/1/2013 Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -460 Janitorial Services Invoice MIN11130627 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services Invoice MINI 1130627 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 6/5/2013 Refer 29 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -220 Repair /Maint Supply Invoice 12102013 11/1612013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies Invoice 12102013 11/21/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,140.00 PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE - $159.00 OCT 2013 $2,281.60 Project 13 -3 $75.09 FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & $492.90 ADMINISTRATION FEE - OCT 2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $651.90 2014 TRUTH IN TAXATION NOTICES $869.89 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $869.89 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING CITY HALL $508.73 DECEMBER 2013 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING PUB $276.62 WRKS BLDG DECEMBER 2013 Project 13 -3 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING PUB $748.12 SAFETY BLDG DECEMBER 2013 MONTHLY CONTRACT CLEANING PUB $74813 SAFETY BLDG DECEMBER 2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,281.60 JOHN'S OUTDOOR -CITY HALL PLANTERS $75.09 SAFE STEP ICE MELT- HWS $7.03 -2630- MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies AA BATTERIES- HWS $7.99 Invoice 12102013 11/29/2013 Transaction Date 12/312013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $90.11 Refer 16 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH _ Cash Payment R 601 - 49400 -37170 State fee - Water 4TH QTR 2013 COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY $5,793.00 SVC CONNECTION FEE Invoice 12102013 11/13/2013 Transaction Date 1213/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,793.00 Refer 17 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA _ Cash Payment E 601- 49400 -470 Water Samples MONTHLY CHLORINE REPORT & COLIFORM $77.50 WATER TESTS Invoice 680874 11/19/2013 Transaction Date 9/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7250 Refer 18 MNS_PECT ........ Cash Payment E 101- 42400 -308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2013 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES $8,391.68 Invoice 6180 12/2/2013 Cash Payment G 101 -20800 Due to Other Governments NOV 2013 - ELECTRICAL STATE - $70.00 SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT Invoice 6180 12/212013 Cash Payment R 101- 42000 -32220 Electrical Permit Fee NOV 2013 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION - $206.00 PERMIT FEE CREDITS Invoice 6180 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,115.68 Refer 12 MOORE, CARLTON _ __ Cash Payment E 602 - 49450 -434 Conference & Training REIMB MILEAGE MPWA CONE 11 -21 & 11 -22 $58.76 2013 C. MOORE Invoice 12102013 1212/2013 Project 13 -4 Transaction Date 1213/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $58.76 Refer 19 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIA TIO _ Cash Payment E 222 -42260 -124 Fire Pens Contrib DEC 2013 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $12,983.33 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 12102013 12/1/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,983.33 Refer 32 NAPA AUTO PARTS - SPRING PAR Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -409 Other Equipment Repair OIL FILTER & 15W40 OIL- GRASS RIG $27.58 Invoice 874157 11/24/2013 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $27.58 Refer_ 20 NS /I MECHANICAL CONTRACTING, _ Cash Payment E 101- 41910 -440 Other Contractual Servic SVC ZONE #4 UNIT- LUBRICATE, FREE $336.87 DAMPER, CHECK THERMOSTAT CONTROLS Invoice W29941 11/2112013 Transaction Date 812112013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $336.87 Refer 48 OLSON CABINETS & WOODWORKI _ Cash Payment E 101 - 49999 -430 Miscellaneous INSTALL CHAIR RAIL MOLDING- C. MOORE'S $300.00 OFFICE Invoice 12102013 12/3/2013 Project CH2O13 Transaction Date 12/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer - 22 ORONO, CITY OF MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM ---' ,. ------ age Payments nor, Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 101- 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $29.22 FEES OCT 2013 Invoice 20130202 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Refer 23 R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 101- 49999 -430 Miscellaneous Invoice 4034 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Refer R.C.ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 285- 46388 -400 Repairs & Maintenance Wells Fargo 10100 Total $29.22 INSTALL EXTERIOR MONUMENT & FLAG $2,629.38 LIGHTS- NEW CITY HALL Project CH2O13 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,629.38 FURNISH & INSTALL NEW LED FLOOD $799.84 LIGHTS- PARKING DECK 11 -14 -13 Invoice 4032 11/20/2013 3.5 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY _ Cash Payment E 285- 46388 -400 Repairs & Maintenance REPLACE 120V CONTACTOR @ PARKING $245.50 PLANNING COMMISSION OPENINGS AD 11- DECK Invoice 4033 11/20/2013 2 -13 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,045.34 Refer 25 ROSS, DAVID & LOIS _ Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -351 Legal Notices Publishing _ Cash Payment E 401- 43113 -300 Professional Srvs PERMANENT FIRE HYDRANT EASEMENT- $56.80 11/3/2013 PROD PIN 13 -01 Invoice 12102013 11/27/2013 Project PW1301 END OF PROHIBITION SALE 3 X 10 AD 11 -30- Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.80 Refer 24 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA Invoice 61207 Cash Payment E 285- 46388 -440 Other Contractual Servic SVC PARKING DECK ELEVATOR- CLEAN $200.42 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 SENSORS, RESET ERRORS 11 -12 -13 $98138 Invoice 7151870085 11/20/2013 47 TRUE VALUE, MOUND(PW PKS) Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.42 Refer 34 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATI _ Cash Payment E 222 - 42260 -205 Computer Hardware /Soft SERVER COMPUTER- 2013 MULTI $1,583.89 WINDOWS SOFTWARE Invoice 801520757 11/21/2013 PO 22897 Transaction Date 12/4/2013 Refer 45 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT, INC Cash Payment E 101 - 45200 -221 Equipment Parts Invoice 28007 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 TOGGLE SWITCH 10.1 AMP -PARKS Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,583.89 $61.40 Total $61.40 Refer 3.5 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY _ Cash Payment E 101 - 42400 -351 Legal Notices Publishing PLANNING COMMISSION OPENINGS AD 11- $70.85 2 -13 Invoice 41676 11/3/2013 Cash Payment E 101 -45200 -351 Legal Notices Publishing PARKS COMMISSION OPENINGS AD 11 -2 -13 $70.85 Invoice 41676 11/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -340 Advertising END OF PROHIBITION SALE 3 X 10 AD 11 -30- $839.68 13 Invoice 61207 11/30/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $98138 Refer 47 TRUE VALUE, MOUND(PW PKS) -2632- Cash Payment Invoice 110016 Cash Payment Invoice 109995 Cash Payment Invoice 110016 Cash Payment Invoice 110040 Cash Payment Invoice 110054 Cash Payment Invoice 110063 Cash Payment Invoice 110080 Cash Payment Invoice 110104 Cash Payment Invoice 110117 Cash Payment Invoice 110229 Cash Payment Invoice 110247 Cash Payment Invoice 110249 Cash Payment Invoice 110259 Cash Payment Invoice 110291 Cash Payment Invoice 110398 Cash Payment Invoice 110398 Cash Payment Invoice 110425 Cash Payment Invoice 110447 Cash Payment Invoice 110493 Cash Payment Invoice 110547 Cash Payment Invoice 110574 Cash Payment Invoice 110620 MOUND, MN 12/06/13 9:01 AM Page 7 la� \ Payments � Current Period: December 2013 E 101- 43100 -210 Operating Supplies 11/5/2013 E 601 -49400 -210 Operating Supplies 11/5/2013 E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 11/6/2013 E 609- 49750 -210 Operating Supplies 11/6/2013 E 101- 49999 -430 Miscellaneous 11/6/2013 E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies 11/7/2013 E 101 -43100 -221 Equipment Parts 11/7/2013 E 101- 43100 -210 Operating Supplies 11/8/2013 E 281 - 45210 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 11/8/2013 E 281- 45210 -220 Repair /Maint Supply 11/13/2013 E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials TREE LIGHTING 96 CLEAR LIGHT SETS LED HEADLIGHT, AAA & 9V BATTERIES OUT CARP TAPE TENSION HACKSAW, SHELF -HWS PICTURE HANG STRIP PACK Project CH2013 65W FLOOD LIGHTS -HWS VELCRO STRIP. CALK BATTERIES TREE LIGHTING 96 CLEAR LIGHT SETS DOCK LOCK HARDWARE- BAR HOLDER, CABLES DOCK PADLOCKS PADLOCK, JET DRY, DISH SOAP, DISINFECTANT 11/13/2013 E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials 9V & AA ALK BATTERIES 11/13/2013 E 601 - 49400 -230 Shop Materials SCREWS, NUTS BOLTS 11/14/2013 E 601- 49400 -230 Shop Materials HEX BIT SOCKET 11/15/2013 E 602 - 49450 -218 Clothing and Uniforms LEATHER PALM GLOVES 11/19/2013 E 602 - 49450 -230 Shop Materials TV 6' APPLIANCE CORD 11/19/2013 E 285 - 46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS 11/20/2013 E 602 - 49450 -220 Repair /Maint Supply GENERATOR CORD CLEAR COAT CABLES, CD FERRULES /STOPS 11/21/2013 E 101 - 43100 -210 Operating Supplies 11/2212013 E 101- 41910 -210 Operating Supplies 11/25/2013 E 601 - 49400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 11/26/2013 E 101- 45200 -210 Operating Supplies 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer 26 UHL COMPANY TREE LIGHTING EXTENSION CORDS SPRAY ADHESIVE - CENTENNIAL BLDG DEERSKIN GLOVES WIRE ROPE- SNOWMOBILE TRAIL $337.55 $23.48 $9.61 $19.75 $11.75 $21.36 $11.73 $337.55 $75.00 $166.60 $114.79 $17.08 $4.70 $6.94 $11.99 $9.07 $4.94 $40.39 $25.62 $18.16 $33.99 $8.90 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,310.95 -2633- MOUND, MN 12/06/139: 01 AM Page 8 �\ Payments l" Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 101- 49999 -430 Miscellaneous TEMPERATURE CONTROLS -FRONT END $3,550.00 NEW CITY HALL BLDG -WORK 10 -26 TO 11- 25-13 Invoice 23573 11/25/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Reefer _ 27 X_CEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 601 -49400 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 0498149730 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 12/3/2013 Refer XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101- 43100 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 0497522545 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 602 -49450 -381 Electric Utilities Invoice 0497776883 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/312013 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 MOUND HRA 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND Project CH2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,550.00 ELECTRIC SVC 9/25 TO 10/24- WATER WELL $1,333.93 #8 EVERGREEN RD. Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,333.93 SHORELINE /COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS- $75.40 ELECTRICITY 10 -22 TO 11 -20 -13 ELECTRIC SVC CARLOW RD K -1 LIFT $93.38 STATION 10 -23 TO 11 -23 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $168.78 10100 Wells Fargo $50,456.92 $16,239.82 $641.60 $1,512.14 $30,206.80 $7,531.76 $1,568.61 $1,344.82 $109,502.47 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $109,502.47 Total $109,502.47 -2634- MOUND, MN 12105/13 1:14 PM - -� Page 1 Payments ••a" F iota: n. Cv1' ✓'.. Current Period: December 2013 Batch Name 121013HWS User Dollar Amt $68,820.64 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $68,820,64 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 463333708 1213/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 463333708 12/3/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 2 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES Invoice 89390000 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 89390000 11122/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES Invoice 89406100 11126/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 89406100 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 89417100 12/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -210 Operating Supplies BAGS, SUPPLIES Invoice 89417000 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 1215/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 3 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 40707200 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 40707200 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 40707200 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 40806700 12/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 40758800 11/2612013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 40758800 11/26/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 4 BLUSKYPUBLISHING 10100 $91.26 $1.00 Total $92.26 $91.65 $34.00 $85.40 $22.75 $231,99 $91.45 Total $557.24 $639.40 $15.50 $93.75 $6,267.75 $4,852.15 $57.35 Total $11,925,90 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 1/4 PAGE HOLIDAY SALE AD DEC13 WEST $130.00 LAKE BUSINESS PUBLICATION Invoice 15648 12/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -340 Advertising 112 PAGE END OF PROHIBITION SALE AD $243.00 DEC13 WEST LAKE BUSINESS PUBLICATION Invoice 15648 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $373.00 Refer 5 CHANKASKA CREEK TASTING RO -2635- MOUND, MN 12/051131:14 PM Page 2 � Payments Current Period: December 2013 . Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 56148 11121/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 6 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 16349 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 16386 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 16542 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 1215/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 7 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM_PAN_Y__ _ _ _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 729002 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 729003 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 729935 1213/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 729934 12/3/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 8 EXCELSIOR BREWING COMPANY - Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2752 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 121512013 Wells Fargo 9 FLAHERTY S HAPPY TYME COMP _ _Refer _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 28320 11/22/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT Invoice 27906 1/26/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 10 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 676514 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 11 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2150894 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2150895 11/25/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo Refer 12 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2150930 12/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -254 Soft Drinks /Mix For Res@ MIX Invoice 2150931 12/3/2013 -2636- $378.00 10100 Total $378.00 $450.00 $673.00 $324.60 10100 Total $1,447.60 $44.80 $2,048.67 $0.00 $2,401.00 10100 Total $4,494.47 $195.00 10100 Total $195.00 $247.80 - $57.75 10100 Total $190.05 $854.00 10100 Total $854.00 $3,909.15 $94.30 10100 Total $4,003.45 $6,798.18 $117.60 MOUND, MN 12/05/13 1:14 PM _.._. -. Page 3 Payments Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 8317 $26.65 Invoice 2150941 12/3/2013 12/5/2013 Refer 19 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA - Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 8427053 $43.70 Invoice 2150945 12/3/2013 E 609- 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8427053 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,986.13 Refer 13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,220.78 Invoice 1726545 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,338.03 Invoice 1726546 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - $20.69 Invoice 599757 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,538.12 Refer 14 MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11 -18 -13 $84.10 Invoice 28898 11/1812013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11 -21 -13 $392.60 Invoice 28917 11/2112013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11 -27 -13 $197.05 Invoice 28941 1112712013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $673.75 Refer 15 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 9 -23 -13 $65.19 Invoice 928016106 10/13/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic WASH EXTERIOR WINDOWS 10 -21 -13 $37.41 Invoice 928017134 11/10/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $102.60 Refer_ 16 MOUND, OF _ _CITY Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -382 Water Utilities WATER SERVICE 10 -1 -13 THRU 11 -1 -13 HWS $49.86 Invoice 12102013 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 17 PARLEYLAKE WINERY Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8317 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Refer 19 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA - Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8427053 12/2/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8427053 12/2/2013 Transaction Date 12/512013 Refer 18 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale Invoice 8426319 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight Invoice 8426319 11/2512013 Total $49.86 $339.00 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $339.00 WINE $707.47 FREIGHT $12.50 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $719.97 WINE $378.60 FREIGHT $10.50 -2637- MOUND, MN 12/05/13114 PM Page 4 Payments `t`vt�; Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,348.80 Invoice 8426679 11/26/2013 Invoice 788155 1117/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $30.00 Invoice 8426679 11/26/2013 BEER CREDIT -PER 11 -27 -13 STMT - $398.00 Transaction Date 12/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,767.90 Refer 20 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Transaction Date 1215/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $485.80 Invoice 2523283 11/26/2013 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $74190 Invoice 2523284 11126/2013 11/2512013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,229.70 Refer 21 PLUNKETT S, INCORPORATED $8,721.60 Invoice 791193 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -440 Other Contractual Servic CONTRACTED PEST CONTROL SVC 11 -8 -13 $50.02 Cash Payment HWS- 2135 COMMERCE BEER Invoice 3984602 12/1/2013 Invoice 791448 11/26/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.02 Refer 22 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, _INC_ BEER $352.00 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 11 -15, 11- $45.00 30 & 12 -15 -13 EDITIONS Invoice 234851 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 Refer 23 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ _ Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $574.00 Invoice 1105499 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,145.55 Invoice 1105498 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $244.00 Invoice 1105500 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,963.55 Refer 25 THORPE DISTR_IBUTING_COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,603.50 Invoice 792221 1213/2013 Cash Payment E 609 -49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $207,35 Invoice 792216 12/3/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT - $87,50 Invoice 788155 1117/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -PER 11 -27 -13 STMT - $398.00 Invoice 12102013 11/27/2013 Transaction Date 1215/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,325.35 Refer 24 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $100.70 Invoice 791192 11/2512013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,721.60 Invoice 791193 11/25/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $130.00 Invoice 791448 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $352.00 Invoice 791934 11/27/2013 -2638- MOUND, MN 12/05/13 1:14 PM .._.._........_. Page 5 Payments tt.�:55 Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $102.00 Invoice 790731 11/21/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,406.30 Refer 26 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $99.75 Invoice 0088482 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $12.00 Invoice 0088482 11/2712013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $176.00 Invoice 0088483 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $4.00 Invoice 0088483 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,234.00 Invoice 0085403 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -265 Freight FREIGHT $14.00 Invoice 0085403 11/21/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - 5300,00 Invoice 0087490 11114/2013 _ Transaction Date 12/512013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,239.75 Refer 27 WINE CONNECT Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -340 Advertising DEC 2013 HWS WEBSITE $95.12 Invoice 1170 12/1/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.12 Refer 28 WINE MERCHANTS _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $832.00 Invoice 481556 11/26/2013 Transaction Date 1215/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $832.00 Refer 29 WINE NEWS INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE ENTHUSIAST DEC 2013 ISSUES FOR $15.00 SALE Invoice 233779 11/20/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $15.00 Refer 30 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER _ _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,948.00 Invoice 1090145887 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $246.00 Invoice 1090145888 11/26/2013 Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -252 Beer For Resale BEER $131.60 Invoice 1090145889 11/26/2013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,325.60 Refer 31 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT _ Cash Payment E 609- 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $112.00 Invoice 1080114435 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $442.41 Invoice 1080114434 11/27/2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE $152.00 Invoice 1080095256 10/10/2013 -2639- Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $68,820.64 Total $68,820.64 -2640- MOUND, MN 12105/13 1:14 PM -- - -` Page 6 Payments Current Period: December 2013 Cash Payment E 609 - 49750 -253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT - 5101.46 Invoice 2080023782 11/2712013 Transaction Date 12/5/2013 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $604.95 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $68,820.64 $68,820.64 Pre - Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $68,820.64 Total $68,820.64 -2640- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 26, 2013 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Hanus; Council members Mark Wegscheid, Heidi Gesch, Kelli Gillispie and Ray Salazar Members absent: None. Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Fin Dir /Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, Patricia Nauman, Katie Henning, Molly Schufman, Cassidy Taylor, Aurora Fonzl, Veronica Spurbeck, Courtney Casher, Paul Locker, Zach Altman, Mason Kenny Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Wegscheid to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Hanson requested Item 4H be added to the Consent Agenda. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Wegscheid to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $402,006.35. B. Approve minutes of the November 12, 2013 regular meeting. C. Approve pay request by American Engineering Testing, Inc. in the amount of $1,937.09 for engineering and construction testing services for the 2013 Street, Utility, and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City Project No. PW- 13 -01. D. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -105: RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPERATION OF REPORT ON LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT FOR 2014 — CITY PROJECT NO. PW- 14-03. E. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -106: RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY REGARDING ELECTRONIC PROPRIETARY GEOGRAPHICAL DIGITIZED DATA BASE (EPDB) -2641- Mound City Council Minutes - November 26, 2013 F. Approve second installment payment of $30,000.00 to the Gillespie Center for 2013. G. Approve pay requests by Lake Minnetonka Association for the East Phelps Bay Plan Inventory in the amount of $1,500.00 and the 2013 Milfoil /Curly Leaf Pondweed Treatments for $3,000.00. H. (Added) RESOLUTION NO. 13 -107: RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL FOR 2612 TYRONE LANE (PID 19- 117 -23 -23 -0029) 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None were offered. 6. Patricia Nauman, representing Metro cities Association of Metropolitan cltles, presenting member benefits and introductory membership offer. Patricia Nauman, Executive Director of Metro Cities Association of Metropolitan Cities (MCAMC), explained the history of the organization and highlighted what issues her organization worked on that are important to Mound. Nauman highlighted the work done on Local Government Aid and helping metro cities get some of the funding. MCAMC is the primary oversight body of the Met Council and Nauman stated it is important for Mound to have a voice on issues like Inflow and Infiltration (I &I). MCAMC has statutory appointing authority for the Met Council Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and GIS boards as well as the GEARS Board. Nauman stated the City could play a role in, or have a voice on, those committees. Other MCAMC services include an on -line newsletter, legislative alerts, a legislative bill tracker, and salary and permit/license fee surveys. Although MCAMC does not lobby for City specific projects, it can help cities navigate through the legislative process. The MCAMC Board has authorized a 50% discount on the first year dues as an incentive to join. Mayor Hanus stated the City wishes the Local Government Aid program would go away but they are not going to turn away money. Regarding I &I, the City has been struggling with other Cities and the Met Council feeding into our lines causing our charges to increase. Hanus asked if MCAMC lobbies regional jurisdictions like watershed districts. Hanus said cities that get the most LGA appear to be the most wasteful, like Minneapolis. Nauman said as an organization, MCAMC supports the LGA program and focuses on the fairness from a geographical perspective. Minneapolis and St. Paul have their own lobbyists and Nauman does not see LGA going away anytime soon. MCAMC has also spent time on advocating for state funds for cities. Sub - regional meetings are under consideration to be able to further define issues unique to area cities. Hanus stated mandates such as the sump pump check were done by Mound and nothing came of it. Nauman stated the MCAMC continues to challenge many Met Council initiatives. Hanus asked how MCAMC decides what issues to take up. Nauman stated the board adopts many policy issues each year and then works with staff to determine which ones to focus on. Nauman said 2014 is a bonding year and the session will be shorter because of it. Hanus asked if Nauman could share the list of priorities so Mound could determine to what extent the City may benefit from membership. Wegscheid asked Nauman to describe how cities can participate. Nauman said the board has a nominating committee for the appointments to the Met Council TAC, GIS and GEARS boards. -2642- Mound City Council Minutes — November 26, 2013 Usually, nominees had some level of interaction on a MCAMC policy committee or governor task force or participated in one of the forums. Nauman stated the MCAMC staff consists of three full -time lobbyists and one full -time office manager. Salazar asked Nauman to describe the LGA program and Met Council's approach. Nauman said many legislators agreed the system was broken so a coalition, including Greater Minnesota Cities, MCAMC, and the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), developed the criteria using regression analysis in an attempt to make the formula more equitable using a scientific basis. MCAMC pointed out metro cities have needs as well, including aging infrastructure and housing. The last time the LGA formula was reviewed was 20 years ago. Hanson described a few instances in the last few years where she felt the City would have benefited from membership. Nauman agreed that being a liaison between the cities and the Met Council is a key objective of the MCAMC. Hanson stated that with I &I, the Met Council did add a few meters but it will take time to determine a baseline and it just seems the rates continue to rise. Mound has made significant strides in lining the system but any decrease in I &I was offset with rate increases. Met Council is holding listening meetings that Hanson has attended as transportation options in the area are diminishing. Hanson sees the need for a marketing /education component to encourage ridership. Mound feels it is losing services to light rail. Staff feels the affordable housing requirements need to be viewed in conjunction with jobs and transportation. Hanson stated that is where Mound could benefit from a larger voice. She would like to see Met Council funding for WeCab who is filling the transportation void. Hanson stated those are some of the reasons why Staff would like the City to be a member. Hanus said the City Council would not vote on membership tonight and that it could be brought back to the next meeting. Salazar asked the Mayor to describe the service levels when the City used to be a member. Hanus said he does not recall specifics but times have changed. Nauman said the issues mentioned by Hanson are issues that MCAMC are proactive on. MCAMC is lobbying the Met Council to streamline comprehensive plan requirements. Hanus asked if the affordable housing targets had been changed. Hanus wonders how other cities comply if Mound, with all of its affordable housing, is struggling to meet the targets. Nauman said the methodology to set affordable housing targets changed in 2006 and MCAMC is calling for the state to fund the creation of more affordable housing. When the Met Council tried to increase the requirements for Livable Community Grants, the MCAMC defeated the initiative. 7. Catherine Pausche Director of Finance and Administration, requesting action on a Cable Franchise Agreement with Mediacom Minnesota, LLC. Pausche stated Chapter 66, Article 11 of the Mound City Code covers the granting of a cable franchise and that the City's 15 -year cable television franchise agreement with Mediacom Minnesota LLC expires in 2013. Pausche stated negotiations began in 2011 as required by the Federal Communications Act. Pausche stated she has taken feedback from citizens regarding the quality of services and customer satisfaction levels and has relayed that feedback to Mediacom. Staff has also reminded citizens that the franchise agreement is non - exclusive and that the City has attempted to attract other providers to produce competition to no avail. Staff has been told the capital investment required to build the necessary infrastructure is cost - prohibitive for the area. Pausche stated the objective of the negotiation was to renew the terms of the existing agreement and that Mediacom appears to be in agreement with that but their legal department still has to sign off. Therefore, the agreement will need to be brought back to the next meeting -2643- Mound City Council Minutes — November 26, 2013 for Council approval. Hanus requested that Staff monitor changes at the LMCC to identify any potential impacts to the City due to changes in membership and funding. 8. Information /Miscellaneous A. Comments /reports from Council members /City Manager Hanson stated Harbor Wine and Spirits is having a sale on December 5`h to honor the 80th Anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition. The sale includes 15% off any alcohol and many samples will be available. Hanus reminded the public that as a municipal liquor store, profits are used to lower property taxes. B. Minutes: C. Reports: WeCAB — October 2013 Finance Department — October 2013 D. Correspondence: 9. Adjourn MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Hanus CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 2013 - RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, The City of Mound is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and WHEREAS, The following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash sums set forth below to the City Name of Donor Amount Date Purpose Michael & Lori Schaust $ 250.00 12/11/12 Fire Department Donation Sharon Corl 100.00 12/18/12 Fire Department Donation Ronald & Kathleen Marschke 1,000.00 4/19/13 Fire Department Donation Westonka Community & Commerce 53.06 5/13/13 Fire Department Donation Justin & Sarah Smith (Alerus Financial) 100.00 6/26/13 Fire Department Donation Minnetonka Beach Civic Association 150.00 9/10/13 Fire Department Donation Helen Ohnesorge 10.00 11/14/13 Fire Department Donation Westonka Vision Center 50.00 11/18/13 Holiday Lights Donation Mound True Value Hardware 100.00 11/22/13 Holiday Lights Donation WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The contributions described above are hereby acknowledged and accepted by the City of Mound. 2, The City Council of the City of Mound expresses its thanks and appreciation for the contributions. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound this 10 '' day of December, 2013. ATTEST: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mark Harris, Mayor -2645- MEMORANDUM Date: November 13, 2013 To: Mayor Hanus and City Council Members From: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Dock Location Map Changes Proposed for 2014 The following suggested changes were approved by the Docks and Commons Commissioners at the November 21, 2013 DCC Meeting. 1) Change Dock Site #TW 03901 Abutting Address to 2152 Ashland Lane 2) Remove Dock site—NIP #11077 Was supposed to be removed for 2013, but slipped in the transition. 3) Modify Slip site —TP 14660 (Lakeside) This is a straight dock (aprox 50'), so limit to 2 boats. 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: www.cttyofmound.com 4) Remove Slip site -- EIP 5644 -H (Scherven Park) This is on the inside of the slip (on straight section to multiples). There is insufficient room to navigate between the boat in the outside slip and the abutting property owners dock site. This slip can also be subject to low water. Person assigned for 2013 did not use, and was new in 2013, so they will be restored to wait list. 5) Add Dock Site #NIP 05721 -- Abutting Address 4644 Carlow Road -2646 - printed an recycled paper Al MEMORANDUM Date: December 5, 2013 To: City Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Cable Franchise Renewal 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 412 0600 FAX: (952) 472 -0620 WEB: www.cityofmound.com The cable franchise agreement was reviewed and approved by attorney Brian Grogan of Moss & Barnett representing the City and by Mediacom Minnesota LLC. As stated at the November 26, 2013 regular council meeting, the objective of the franchise renewal is to preserve the status quo for the next 15 years. Staff recommends approval of the attached franchise agreement between the City of Mound and Mediacom Minnesota LLC. -2647 - printed on racyc. -d PePSr FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THIS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT (hereinafter the "Agreement" or "Franchise "), made and entered into this — day of , 2013, by and between the City of Mound, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter the "City "), and Mediacom Minnesota LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, (hereinafter the "Grantee "). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 66, Article II, of the Mound City Code and all other provisions of the City Code (the "Code "), the City is authorized to grant and renew one or more nonexclusive revocable Franchises to operate, construct, maintain and reconstruct a cable television system within the City; and WHEREAS, the City intends, by the adoption of this Franchise, to allow for the continued operation and expansion of a Cable System serving the City. Such operation can contribute significantly to the communications' needs and desires of the businesses and residents of the City. Further, City may achieve better utilization and improvement of public services and enhanced economic development with the continued operation and expansion of the Cable System. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall be defined as set forth in the Code unless (i) otherwise defined herein, or (ii) the context otherwise requires. 1.2 Written Notice. 24175210 2417521x5 All notices, reports or demands required or permitted to be given under this Agreement and/or the Code shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given when delivered personally to the party designated below, or when five (5) days have elapsed after it has been deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, with registered or certified mail, postage paid thereon, or on the next business day if sent by express mail or nationally recognized overnight air courier addressed to the part to which notice, report or demand is being given, as follows: �- If to City: City Clerk City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 If to the Grantee: Mediacom Minnesota LLC Attn: Legal Department One Mediacom Way Mediacom Park, NY 10918 With a copy to: Mediacom Minnesota LLC Attn: Regional Vice President 1504 2nd Street SE Waseca, MN 56093 Such address may be changed by either party upon notice to the other party given as provided in this section. SECTION 2 RENEWAL OF FRANCHISE 2.1 Grant. Upon acceptance of this Franchise by Grantee, the franchise granted on June 23, 1998 to Triax Midwest Associates, L.P., currently held by Mediacom Minnesota LLC, is hereby replaced and superseded by the provisions of this Agreement. This Franchise hereby provides Grantee with the authority, right and privilege to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain a Cable Television System to provide Cable Services within the Franchise Area. 2.2 Right of City to Issue and Renew Franchise. Grantee acknowledges and accepts the right of the City to issue and/or renew the Franchise under the law as it existed on the Effective Date hereof and Grantee agrees that is shall not now or at any time hereafter challenge any lawful exercise of this right by City in any local, State or Federal court. 2.3 Effective Date of Renewal. 24175210 2417521v5 The renewal of the Franchise provided for in this Agreement shall be effective on the date that both parties have executed this Agreement (the `Effective Date "), provided that said date is no later than thirty (30) days after the date the City Council, by Resolution, approves this Agreement (the "Approval Date "). The renewal of the Franchise provided for in this Agreement is further contingent upon the filing by the Grantee with the City Clerk of the -2649- City, of this Agreement duly executed by Grantee together with the security fund and insurance certificates provided for in this Agreement and in the Code, except that if such filing does not occur within sixty (60) days after the Approval Date, the City may, in its sole discretion, declare the renewal of the Franchise provided for herein to be null and void. 2.4 Term. The term of the Franchise renewed pursuant to this Agreement shall be for the period of fifteen (15) years commencing on the Effective Date, at which time it shall expire and be of no force or effect unless the Franchise is renewed in accordance with the Code and Applicable Laws. 2.5 Franchise Not Exclusive. The Franchise renewed pursuant to this Agreement shall not be construed as limited the right of the City, through its proper offices, and in accordance with the Ordinance and Applicable Law, to grant other Franchises containing terms and conditions that are no more favorable or less burdensome than those imposed on Grantee in the same Franchise Area the Grantee is entitled to occupy by this Agreement, permit or otherwise; provided, however, that such additional grants shall not operate to materially modify, revoke or terminate any rights granted to Grantee herein and shall be in accord with the Code. SECTION 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Governing Requirements. Grantee shall comply with all lawful requirements of this Agreement, the Code, and Applicable Laws. 3.2 Franchise Fee. 24175210 2417521v5 (a) In consideration of the renewal of the Franchise provided for herein, the Grantee shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, pay to City a Franchise Fee of five percent (5 %) of Grantee's Gross Revenues as defined in the Code. The Franchise Fee shall be payable quarterly within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the preceding calendar quarter. Each payment shall be accompanied by the Franchise Fee Worksheet in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A showing the computation of the Franchise Fee as it relates specifically to the Mound Franchise Area for the preceding calendar quarter and other relevant facts as may be required by the City. (b) Grantee shall not apply or seek to apply or make any claim that all or any part of the Franchise Fee or other payments or contributions to be made by Grantee to City -2650- pursuant to this Agreement and/or the Code shall be deducted from or credited or offset against any taxes, fees or assessments of general applicability levied or imposed by the City or any other Governmental Authority, including any such tax, fee or assessment imposed on both utilities and cable operators or their services. (c) Grantee shall not apply or seek to apply all or any part of any taxes, fees or assessments of general applicability levied or imposed by the City or any other Governmental Authority (including any such tax, fee or assessment imposed on both utilities and cable operators or their services) as a deduction or other credit from or against any of the Franchise Fees or other payments or contributions to be paid or made pursuant by Grantee to City to this Agreement and /or the Code, each of which shall be deemed separate and distinct obligations of the Grantee. 3.3 Security Fund. 2417521v3 2417521v5 (a) At the time of acceptance of this Franchise, Grantee shall provide, from a financial institution mutually acceptable to the Parties, and in a form and substance mutually acceptable to the Parties, an irrevocable and unconditional Letter of Credit in the sum of Ten Thousand and No/ 100 Dollars ($10,000.00) for the benefit of the City to ensure compliance by Grantee with all terms of the Franchise ( "Security Fund "). Grantee shall maintain this Security Fund throughout the term of this Franchise and pursuant to Section 3.4, and until such time as Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with City. (b) The Security Fund shall provide that funds will be paid to City, upon written demand of City, and after the procedures of this section have been complied with in payment for liquidated damages charged pursuant to this section, in payment for any monies owed by Grantee pursuant to its obligations under this Franchise, or in payment for any damage incurred as a result of any acts or omissions by Grantee pursuant to this Franchise. (c) In addition to recovery of any monies owed by Grantee to City or damages to City as a result of any acts or omissions by Grantee pursuant to the Franchise, City in its sole discretion may charge to and collect from the Security Fund the following mutually agreed upon liquidated damages: (i) For failure to timely complete system upgrades /extensions as provided in the Code unless the City has approved delays, and for failure to comply with construction, operation or maintenance standards and requirements, the penalty shall be Five Hundred and No /100 Dollars ($500) per day for each day, or part thereof, such failure occurs or continues. 2651- 24175210 2417521v5 (ii) For failure to meet the customer service standards and requirements as set forth in the Code, the penalty shall be Three Hundred and No /100 Dollars ($300) per day for each day, or part thereof, such failure occurs or continues. (iii) For failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise, the Code, or other City ordinance related to Franchise operations for which a penalty is not otherwise specifically provided pursuant to this subparagraph (c), the penalty shall be One Hundred Fifty and No /100 Dollars ($150) per day for each day, or part thereof, such failure occurs or continues. With respect to the damages assessed pursuant to this Section 3.3, all similar violations or failures from the same factual events affecting multiple subscribers shall be assessed as a single violation, and a violation or a failure may only be assessed under any one of the above - referenced categories. Violations or failures shall not be deemed to have occurred or commenced until they are not cured as provided in Section 3.3(e). (d) Whenever City finds that Grantee has violated one (1) or more terms, conditions or provisions of this Franchise, a written notice shall be given to Grantee, specifying with particularity the alleged violation. At any time after thirty (30) days (or such additional reasonable time which is necessary to cure the alleged violation) following local receipt of notice, provided Grantee remains in violation of one (1) or more material terms, conditions or provisions of this Franchise, City may draw from the Security Fund all penalties and other monies due City from the date of the local receipt of notice. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the City shall also have the right to exercise any available remedies set forth in the Code. (e) Whenever notice of an alleged violation has been received by Grantee, Grantee may, within thirty (30) days of local receipt of notice, notify City that there is a dispute as to whether a violation or failure has, in fact, occurred. Such notice by Grantee to City shall toll the running of the time frames for cure and the accrual of any penalties herein and shall specify with particularity the matters disputed by Grantee. City shall hear Grantee's dispute at its next regularly scheduled Council meeting or as soon thereafter as possible pursuant to this Section 3.4. In no event shall City delay hearing Grantee's dispute for more than ninety (90) days from receipt of Grantee's notice. Grantee shall be afforded a reasonable notice of the meeting and afforded a reasonable opportunity to participate in and be heard at the meeting. City shall supplement its decision with a written order sustaining or overruling the decision, and shall specify with particularity the factual and legal basis for its decision. -2652- (f) Upon determination by City that no violation has taken place, City shall withdraw the notice alleging a violation. Upon determination that a violation has occurred, Grantee shall have thirty (30) days to cure said violation before penalties shall accrue. (g) Grantee shall have the right to challenge in a court of competent jurisdiction the City's findings that Grantee has violated one (1) or more terms, conditions or provisions of this Franchise or has failed to substantially cure such violation. (h) If said Security Fund or any subsequent security fund delivered pursuant thereto expires prior to the expiration of the Franchise, it shall be renewed or replaced during the term of this Franchise to provide that it will not expire earlier than the expiration of this Franchise. The renewed or replaced Security Fund shall be for the full amount stated in paragraph (a) of this section. (i) If City draws upon the Security Fund or any subsequent security fund delivered pursuant hereto, in whole or in part, Grantee shall replenish or replace the same within fifteen (15) days and shall deliver to City a like replacement Security Fund for the full amount stated in paragraph (a) of this section as a substitution of the previous security fund. (j) If any Security Fund is not so replenished or replaced, City may draw on said security fund for the whole amount thereof and hold the proceeds, without interest, and use the proceeds to pay costs incurred by City in performing and paying for any or all of the obligations, duties and responsibilities of Grantee under this Franchise that are not performed or paid by Grantee pursuant hereof, including attorneys' fees incurred by the City in so performing and paying. (k) The collection by City of any damages, monies or penalties from the Security Fund shall not affect any other right or remedy available to City, nor shall any act, or failure to act, by City pursuant to the Security Fund, be deemed a waiver of any right of City pursuant to this Franchise or otherwise. SECTION 4 PUBLIC ACCESS PROVISIONS 4.1 Public, Educational and Government Access. 2417521 v3 2417521 v5 City or its designee is hereby designated to operate, administer, promote, and manage public, educational, and governmental programming (hereinafter "PEG Access ") for the Cable System established pursuant to this Section 4. Grantee shall have no responsibility whatsoever for PEG Access except as expressly stated in this Section 4. -2653- 4.2 Grantee Support for PEG Usage. In accordance with the provisions of the Cable Act and Minnesota Statutes Section 238.084, Grantee shall provide and make available for PEG Access usage within the Service Area in accordance with Exhibit B hereto. (a) PEG Access Facilities shall be operated by the City or its designee (b) Community Access/PEG Programming. Subject to the legal and technical feasibility of same, Grantee shall, upon request from the City provide carriage of the Lake Minnetonka Cable Commission (LMCC) PEG programming originating from the LMCC. SECTION 5 REGULATION 5.1 Amendment of the Franchise Agreement. Grantee and City may agree, from time to time, to amend this Agreement. Such written amendments may be made if City and Grantee agree that such an amendment will be in the public interest or if such an amendment is required due to changes in federal, state or local laws; provided, however, nothing herein shall restrict City's exercise of its police powers The City may only amend this Agreement by action of its City Council. 5.2 Conflict between City Code and Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the provisions of the Code, the provisions of this Franchise shall control. Grantee expressly acknowledges and agrees that the City hereby retains all of its police powers and the City may unilaterally amend the Code in the exercise of its police powers and Grantee shall comply with the Code as may be amended; provided, however that City hereby agrees to use reasonable efforts to address public health, welfare and safety needs without resorting to amending the Code and shall in all cases shall not act in any manner which materially impairs the rights and/or privileges granted to Grantee pursuant to the Code or the Franchise. By executing this Agreement both City and Grantee acknowledge and agree that neither is aware of any conflicts between this Agreement and the Code. 5.3 Force Majeure. In accordance with Chapter 66, Article II, Section 66 -76, in the event Grantee's performance of any of the terms, conditions, obligations or requirements of this Franchise is prevented by a cause or event not within the Grantee's control, such inability to perform shall be deemed to be excused for the period of such inability and no penalties or sanctions shall be imposed as a result thereof. For the purpose of this section, causes or events not 7 2417521v3 2417521v5 -2654- within the control of the Grantee shall include, without limitation, acts of God, civil emergencies and labor unrest or strikes, sabotage, riots or civil disturbances, restraints imposed by order of a governmental agency or court, failure or loss of utilities, explosions, act of public enemies, and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, landslides and fires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Grantee have executed this Agreement the day, month and year first above written. CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA Dated: 12013 By: Its: ATTEST: M. Its: (SEAL) S 24175210 241752lv5 -2655- ACCEPTED: This Franchise is accepted, and we agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Mediacom Minnesota LLC Dated: 12013 By: SWORN To BEFORE ME this day of 2013 Notary Public 241752IN3 2417521v5 Its: -2656- EXHIBIT A FRANCHISE FEE AND PEG FEE PAYMENT WORKSHEET TRADE SECRET — CONFIDENTIAL Fee Factor: 5% PEG Fee 241752lv3 241752lv5 A -1 -2657- Month/Year Month/Year MonthlYear Total Cable Service Revenue Installation Charge Advertising Revenue Home Shopping Revenue Other Revenue Equipment rental REVENUE Fee Calculated' Fee Factor: 5% PEG Fee 241752lv3 241752lv5 A -1 -2657- EXHIBIT B PEG ACCESS FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL AND GOVERNMENT (PEG) ACCESS CHANNELS. a) Grantee shall provide to each of its Subscribers who receive some or all of the Services offered on the Cable System, reception on at least one (1) specially designated noncommercial public access Channel available for use by the general public on a first -come, first- served, nondiscriminatory basis; at least one (1) specially designated access Channel for use by local educational authorities; at least one (1) specially designated access Channel available for government use (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "PEG Channels "); and at least one (1) specially designated access Channel available for lease on a first -come, first - served, nondiscriminatory basis by commercial and noncommercial users. The VHF spectrum must be used for at least one (1) of the PEG Channels required in this paragraph. No charges may be made for Channel time or playback of prerecorded programming on the specially designated access Channels. Personnel, equipment and production costs may be assessed, however, for live studio presentations exceeding five (5) minutes in length. Charges for those production costs and fees for use of other public access Channels must be consistent with the goal of affording the public a low -cost means of television access. b) Whenever the PEG Channels are in use during eighty percent (80 %) of the weekdays, Monday to Friday, for eighty percent (80 %) of the time for any consecutive three (3) hour period for six (6) weeks running, and there is demand for use of an additional Channel for the same purpose, the Grantee shall then have six (6) months in which to provide a new PEG Channel for the same purpose, provided that provision of the additional Channel or Channels must not require the Cable System to install converters. C) The PEG Channels shall be dedicated for PEG use for the term of the Franchise, provided that Grantee may, utilize any portions of the PEG Channels not scheduled for PEG use. City shall establish rules and procedures for such scheduling in accordance with Section 611 of the Cable Act (47 U.S.C. § 531). d) Grantee shall also designate Channel 6 for uniform regional channel usage currently provided by "Metro Channel 6" as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 238.43. Programming on this regional channel shall include a broad range of informational, educational, and public service programs and materials to cable television Subscribers throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area. e) Grantee shall provide the Access Channels on the Basic Cable Service tier. Upon written request by the City, Grantee shall provide one (1) PEG Channel which may be programmed by the City in high definition (HD). City shall offer a broad array of programming designed to provide a composite of the programming available of the PEG Channels. City understands and agrees that if it exercises this option, Grantee may reduce the number of PEG B -1 2417521v3 -2658- Channels on the Basic Service tier to two (2) PEG channels in addition to the Regional Channel six (6) if applicable. 2. PEG TECHNICAL QUALITY. Grantee shall meet FCC signal quality standards when offering Access Channels on its Cable System. 3. RELOCATION OF GRANTEE'S HEADEND. In the event Grantee relocates its headend, Grantee will be responsible for replacing or restoring the existing dedicated fiber connections at Grantee's cost so that all the functions and capacity remain available, operate reliably and satisfy all applicable technical standards and related obligations of the Franchise free of charge to the City or its designated entities. 4. PEG OPERATIONS. As of the effective date of this Franchise, the City contracts with the Lake Minnetonka Cable Commission ( "LMCC ") to assist with the playback of the City's PEG programming on channels which the LMCC shares with other neighboring jurisdictions. Grantee acknowledges the current relationship between the City and LMCC and Grantee agrees to accommodate the continued sharing of such PEG channels as desired by the City. In the event the City and LMCC terminate their relationship or Grantee is otherwise prohibited by applicable law from cable casting the LMCC PEG channels on the system serving the City, Grantee shall then provide the City full use of the PEG channels set forth in this Exhibit B to be used in City's sole discretion in accordance with all applicable laws. City may in its sole discretion, negotiate agreements with neighboring jurisdictions served by the same Cable System, educational institutions or others to share the operating expenses of the PEG Channels. City and Grantee may negotiate an agreement for management of PEG access facilities, if so desired by both parties. 5. TITLE TO PEG EQUIPMENT. City shall retain title to all PEG equipment and facilities purchased or otherwise acquired. 6. PEG ACCESS OPERATING SUPPORT. a) Upon Grantee's acceptance of this Franchise, Grantee shall collect on behalf of City a per Subscriber fee of One Dollar and Twenty Cents ($1.20) per month solely to fund public, educational and governmental access expenditures (hereinafter "PEG Fee ") which shall be payable to the City quarterly at the same time as the payment of Franchise Fees and included in the Franchise Fee Worksheet attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City Council may reduce the PEG Fee at any time and the parties may mutually agree to increase the PEG Fee at any time. b) The PEG Fee shall be used by City in its sole discretion to fund PEG Access expenditures in a manner consistent with Applicable Law. C) The PEG Fee is not intended to represent part of the Franchise Fee and is intended to fall within one (1) or more of the exceptions in 47 U.S.C. § 542. The PEG Fee may be categorized, itemized, and passed through to Subscribers as permissible, in accordance with 47 B -2 24175210 2659- U.S.C. §542 or other Applicable Laws. Grantee agrees that it will not offset or reduce its payment of past, present or future Franchise Fees required as a result of its obligation to remit the PEG Fee. d) Any PEG Fees owing pursuant to this Franchise which remain unpaid more than thirty (3 0) days after the end of a given quarter shall be delinquent and shall immediately thereafter accrue interest at the same rate and under the same terms as late Franchise Fee payments as set forth in Section 3.2 of the Franchise. Enforcement of unpaid PEG Fees shall be handled in accordance with Section 3.4 of the Franchise, however, Grantee shall in all cases be subject to interest on any payment more than thirty (30) days after the end of a given quarter. SERVICE TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS. a) Throughout the term of this Franchise Grantee shall provide, free of charge, one (1) service drop, one outlet, one (1) convertor, if necessary and requested, and Basic Cable Service and the next highest penetrated level of Cable Service generally available to all Subscribers (as of the Effective Date referred to as expanded Basic Cable Service) ( "Complimentary Service "), to all of the sites listed on Exhibit C attached hereto. b) The City or the building occupant shall have the right to extend Cable Service throughout the building to additional outlets without any fees imposed by Grantee for the provision of such service to such additional outlets except for the cost of additional terminal equipment required to receive the signals. If additional outlets of the Complimentary Service are provided to such buildings, the building occupant shall pay the usual installation and service fees associated therewith. The Complimentary Service provided shall not be used for commercial purposes and such outlets shall not be located in areas open to the public. c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this section, Grantee shall not be required to provide Complimentary Service to such buildings unless it is technically feasible. d) Grantee shall, in any public building hereinafter built, provide all drop materials, design specifications and technical advice to provide Complimentary Service to a demark point at such building. If the drop line to such building exceeds five hundred (500) feet the City or other agency shall pay the actual cost of such drop in excess of five hundred (500) feet. e) Two -way capability allowing for live transmission of PEG programming upstream to Grantee's headend shall be provided to the public buildings listed in Exhibit D at Grantee's expense. B -3 24175210 ..1 EXHIBIT C SERVICE TO PUBLIC FACILITIES CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA BUIDLINGS City Council Chambers /Centennial Building City Hall/Fire Station/Police Precinct Westonka Public Library Gillespie Community Center Shirley Hills Elementary School Grandview Middle School Bethel United Methodist Church Mound Evangelical Free Church Mount Olive Lutheran Church Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School St. John's Lutheran Church 2417521x3 C -1 -2661- 5341 Maywood Road 2415 Wilshire Boulevard 2079 Commerce Boulevard 2590 Commerce Boulevard 2450 Wilshire Boulevard 1881 Commerce Boulevard 2116 Commerce Boulevard 2116 Commerce Boulevard 5218 Bartlett Boulevard 2385 Commerce Boulevard 2411 Commerce Boulevard 2451 Fairview Lane EXHIBIT D PUBLIC BUILDINGS TO BE PROVIDED WITH TWO -WAY CAPABILITY CITYOF MOUND, MINNESOTA BUILDINGS City Council Chambers /Centennial Building City Hall /Fire Station/Police Precinct -2662- 5341 Maywood Road 2415 Wilshire Boulevard CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE NO. -2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS The City Council of Mound does ordain: That Article II. Cable Television Systems, Section 66 -19, Definitions, be hereby amended as follows: Grass revenues means pFE)N,iq'Rn of eable serviee by the +antee within the Pit), ineluding, but nat limited to, ME)flthb fees eharged to subsefibefs for an), tiev of qprvipg Other than halqip cable ser;46e; iftstallatien, diseenneetion and feeeflneCtign fees; !eased channel ne',P,flRip,q gh-all �e the biisis faf somputui�, the franchise fees imposed pursuant tR qeetien 66 69 heFe0f-. The gFA4qtP8 qh8ll ffanehise agFeemern. The teffn "gFess FeV2m4p_q,, shall jiip,114da fva4iphisp, fees PRIllected by the grantee an behalf of the Bity. wand all revenues derived by the Grantee from the operation of the Cable S sy tem fo provide Cable Services in the Service Area. Gross Revenues shall include. by way of examIp e but vat limitation revenues from Basic Cable Service all Cable Se vice fe es. rerriium pay -per -view pay te(evision�_IatQ fees guides home shopping revenue_ Installation and reconnection fees revenues from program guides and electronic guides. additional outlet fees, Franchise Fees required lov this Franchise upgrade and downgrade fees. advertising revenue. Convener rental fees and lockout device fees and any and all other revenue derived by the Grantee from the ogg_agon cf Granfee's Cable em to rovide Cable Services in the City. Copyright flees or other-license >aid_bV Grantee shall not be subtracted from Gross Revenues for purposes of calculatfng Franchise Fees_ Gross Revenues shall include revenue received bV !1Y affiliated_ emit uvhere that aftliated emit receives revenue from the op ration of the Cable System to provide Cable_ Services in the Service Area. Revenues which are not direct attributable to specfic customers such as advertising revenue and home shoppi!�g commissions, shall be allocated to sustems and jurisdictions on a per subscnber basis measured in a consistent manner from period to period "Gross Revenues "' shall not be net of (1) any operating exoense_ a accrual. includi without Iimltation, aDy gcnaal for commissions: or (3) any other expenditure, regardless between the Grantee and the affiliated entity, and that would otherwise constitute Gross Revenues of both the Grantee and the affiliated entity. shall be counted only _once for purposes of determining Gross Revenues_ Sii ('arty operating expenses of the Grantee which are payable from Grantee's revenue to an affiliated entice and which may otherwise constitute revenue of the affiliated entity, shall not constitute additional Gross Revenues for purposes of this Franchise. "Gross Revenues shall not include any taxes fees or assessments of general agpl'cability impos °d or assessed by any Governmental Authority. A Franchise Fee is not such a Lax fee or assessment The City acknowledges and accepts that Grantee shall maintain its books and records in accordance with GAAP. Passed by the City Council this 10 "' day of December, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Published in The Laker the 21 st day of December, 2013. Effective the 22nd day of December, 2013. Mayor Mark Harms 2663- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF AN ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound has adopted Ordinance No. _ -2013 amending Chapter 66 of the Mound City Code as it relates to Telecommunications; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4, allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the following summary of Ordinance _ -2013 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound has reviewed the following summary of the ordinance and approved its publication in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4: Ordinance 13- has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound. The Ordinance amends Chapter 66 of the Mound City Code, Section 66 -19, as it relates to Cable Television Systems by changing the definition of Gross Revenues for the purposes of calculating the cable franchise fee. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available at City Hall and at the Westonka Public Library. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk keep a copy of the entire text of the ordinance in her office at city hall for public inspection and that she post a copy of the entire text of the ordinance at Westonka Public Library in the City. Passed by the City Council this 10`h day of December, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -2664- Mayor Mark Hanus Taffim ' 1 ? Consulting Engineers Surveyors It® �`� 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318 -1172 _ Phone (952) 448 -8838 • Fax (952) 448 -8805 �- www.bolton- menk.com December 5, 2013 Ms. Kandis Hanson, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2013 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project City Project Nos. PW- 13 -01, PW- 13 -02, PW -13 -05 Pay Request No. 7 Dear Ms. Hanson: Please find enclosed Pay Request No 7 from GMH Asphalt Corporation for work completed on the 2013 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project from October 26, 2013 through November 25, 2013. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $59,983.10 to GMH Asphalt Corporation. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK4 INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. Mound City Engineer cc: Carlton Moore, Director of Public Works Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance -2665- DATE: 12/4/2013 CONTRACTORS PAY REQUEST NO. 7 CONTRACTOR GMH Asphalt Corp. 2013 STREET IMPROVEMENTS OWNER City of Mound City Project Nos, PW- 13 -01, PW- 13 -02, PW -13 -05 ENGINEER Bolton & Monk BMI PROJECT NO. C12.105545 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 10/26/2013 THROUGH 11/2512013 TOTALAMOUNT BID ...... --- .............. ............................... _... ......... .................................. ..................................... $ ............ 4,2X4,544.41 .. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS +EXTRA WORK. .. ....... ......... _.. 1111 .....,......$ 290,898.41 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT .................... ..._..... .,............_ ._....__ .....,.,.. .1111. 11,.11. _. $ 4,565,442.82 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE ........... ...... .... ....._..... ... .... ......__. .... ...... ... .... ........ .... ... .. .... ........... ............. $. 4,507.854.94 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ............. - .... ........ ............ ............... ..... .... . 1111.. _.. ....... ......... ...........$............... - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED ...... .................. _....,_...,............. $ - TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS ............................................................. ...........................$... 4,507,854.94 RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) 111....1.... TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS .................. NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE........, TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ..... .. ...I.......11 .................. $ 225,392.75 .. .... ............. ..... - .......... .....1 _ _ $ ......... ..... _ ................._........ _. ...... ,... ............ ........ $ ........ ....4,282.462.20 ........................_.. ................. ... 1111............ $ 4.222,479.10 PAYCONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 7 ...................... _.,..........._................... .... . .......... ........... ... ... ..., ....$ ................. 59,983.10 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: GMH Asphalt Corporation 9180 Lake Town. Road Chaska, MN 55318 By Name Title Date CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 263B SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55316 By &a ;e _/�— 761,.- a.c.t�c , PROJECT ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner _E Date 1 1� �� l APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By -2666- ,a it r , ':c� }% ! i i� r_ E;siurceralelti Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St, Paul, MN 55101 651- 201 -7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Date organized Tax exempt number / I jam{ �—� Address City State Zip Code Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Date set ups will be sold Type of organization A Club 0 Charitable ❑ Religious ❑ Other non- profit Organization officer's name �/�r! City State Zip X �.. . , < �. ® ✓a .� t. xf !" / /L?L.Lan cY.. -.... _.._ Minnesota `s _a Lrocation where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Cep J /lev e 61 eYl Je'y ` r rrr ooz r)59fo� G.olnrnere.re. 13(fuc G a?� cF.l /6 CA �, v If the pp7cantwi con raPt i� 'itaxYca`flnr�liquorservicegive he name and address of the liquor licenseprovidingt eservice. ( o If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide / }the f carrier's name » and amount of coveraage.. /{ p `�% { ieE /n ✓4- E .. -N-'l f✓l./ {'f� {'}°'� 4 11 / I ✓� oc� ; _) . 00� / ( k Lf�ft ✓1 ULFi %' �-� . APPROVAL t�«,y PPLICIkTICNMUST BE APPROVED BY CITY-OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTINGTO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City/County ate Approved Pp roved I0 l 1( ) Permit Date City Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 0,1wI io �:,y, "' ,r m . jsnt. F oo w,,rd 4p,.licador- signed by city indlor couwy to the address fth" .In;": . . ;VeO lforce, n�IrtDivision will retunnhl ,ag>olirauont06eaxedasthe Fri�approrc-Q -b . slizirt - 2667 -` Page 1 of t F w n l i .F $; r Yflfl,3ir.;; �Qt ft CHl�tit , Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651- 201 -7500 Fax 651- 297 -5259 TTY 651- 282 -6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Date organized Tax exempt number I j u. I y I ci so I — __7 Address City State Zip Code Minnesota .f. Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Date set ups will be sold Type of organization f5-Club ❑ Charitable ❑ Religious ❑ Other non-profit Organiza ion officer's name City State Zip Pj r Add.pkw Officer Y ( Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. / ,✓ r ,� -te � a' /�� 2 i� C5 "y) trr M If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and a dres o t e liquor license providing the service. 111b If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. y`'� (CX fJC c. =.d(2 APPROVAL APPLI TION MUSTBE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City/County Date Approved lC) fr-,\.0 City Fee Amount Permit Date Date Fee Paid Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement kJ UZ ��m?r thi, fo,"I co u_ city or ru.nty aO d y p} imto PvtNlt, 6ora ,Id applkcatirn signed by city and /or county t c, the addross t;arnbljr, f.nforcernem Division will return this application to be u4ed as thQ 0(j ! tlx :'vent. -2668- Page 1 of t Minnesota Department of Public Safety x Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division �A { �` n a+ 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651- 201 -7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY d.0 ,.P a. P, n td a it tot, resik,nt I TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization // Date organized Tax exempt number C7 � ' o. ) ' (2<� �� Address C\it \y,, �e Zip Code Minnesota (� Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Date set ups will be sold Type of organization (.�ub ❑ Charitable E] Religious ❑ Other non-profit �- Organization of er's name City State Zip C X � r ���L�r �� Minnesota Js3� Adcf,__ Officer Location where permit will be used. f an outdoor area, describe. f e 0 &r) Ate- ( J9D, C 61 Ca-_/ If the applicanT1)6" /'� f for / /xica g l�uor ervice give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. ji /0 If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance pl ase provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. )le S/ DA G Y b APPROVAL APP CATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT 1City/County —W Date Approved City Fee Amount Permit Date Date Fee Paid Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement ,va;yo. Cot iirv'tOZ .°ior20 _;; t. Fo rwaa;d,�ppli- zdonsignzdbycityand/or county to The address r nr, C .¢mbin i Iferfem,,iii I livkioi, will return this applicatmi in be user`as the . CAoDD -2669- Page i of i Y EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1 } Honorable Mayor and City Council Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director December 5, 2013 Lakeside Setback Variance Request Dustin and Wendy Timmons 5308 Three Points Boulevard (PID NO. 13- 117 -24 -21 -0041) Low Density Residential SUMMARY At its December P meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed a variance application submitted by Dustin and Wendy Timmons, owners of the property at 5308 Three Points who a requesting a 3.78 foot lakeside setback variance. The applicants are proposing changes to their existing deck which was constructed by the previous owners in a stepped out pattern to maximize the space available meeting the 50 foot lakeside setback area. On the west end of the existing deck the applicants are proposing to expand the deck to a total of 8.41 feet in depth from the house and square it off. It is this expansion that requires a lakeside setback variance. On the east end, the applicants are proposing to convert the deck into a porch and construct a conforming porch addition to enlarge it. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission discussed that the requested variance involves a small portion of the project and the impacted area is less than 40 square feet. It is also mentioned that the deck to porch conversion portion of the project meets the code requirements. Staff noted a correction in the Recommendation portion of the Planning Report to reflect that the requested variance is 3.78 feet from the required 50 foot Lakeshore setback from the OHWM. It was also determined, as part of the Planning Commission's discussion, that the previous variance criteria was included in the Planning Report in error. Staff correctly displayed the variance criteria that are in Mound's code on the overhead which were adopted following the 2011 legislative changes and also reviewed the definition of "practical difficulty" which replaced the "hardship" standard in the variance regulations. Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend Staff approval of the requested variance and noted that their recommendation was based on the definition of practical difficulty the current criteria contained in Sec.129 -39 (a). A resolution based on the Planning Commission's recommendation has been prepared for Council consideration. -2670- RESOLUTION NO. 13 -_ RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCE FOR 5308 THREE POINTS BOULEVARD PID NO. 13- 117 -24 -21 -0041 PLANNING CASE NO. 13 -33 WHEREAS, the property owners and applicants, Dustin and Wendy Timmons, submitted a request for a lakeside setback variance to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing deck for their home located at 5308 Three Points Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the property is located along the north side of Three Points Boulevard by Jennings Bay. The 10,912 foot property has a home that was constructed in 2004 by a previous owner; and WHEREAS, the applicants purchased the home in February of 2013 and have found that the deck is not useable in its current configuration. On the west end of the existing deck, the applicants are proposing to expand the deck to a total of 8.41 feet in depth from the house and square it off. This is the portion of the deck addition project that requires variance approval. On the east end, the applicants are proposing to convert the deck into a porch and construct a conforming porch addition to enlarge it; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the R -1 single- family residential zoning district; and the applicant seeks the following setbacks for the project: Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Lakeshore Side Yard Hardcover (maximum 40 %) and Required 10,000 sq. ft. 60 feet 80 feet 30 feet 50 feet 6/10 feet <4,364 sq. ft. -2671- Proposed /Existing Variance 10,912 sq. ft. - 69 feet - 124 feet - 31.4 feet - 46.1 feet 3.78 feet 8.01/10.18 feet - 3,199 sq. ft. WHEREAS, City Code Section 129 -39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129 -2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 129 -2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. WHEREAS, details regarding the requested variances for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Commission report dated November 26, 2013 and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the variances subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the variances were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its December 3, 2013 meeting; and -2672- WHEREAS, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend Council approval of the variances, as recommended by Staff; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the variance request at its December 10, 2013 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, in granting approval, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The criteria included City Code Section 129 -39 (a) are met. 2. The orientation of the home on the property and the location of the 50 foot lakeside setback limit the ability of the property owners to construct a reasonably shaped deck on the property. 3. The desire for a deck on the property oriented towards Lake Minnetonka is reasonable for residentially zoned properties such as this. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the variances with the following conditions: 1. The deck shall be constructed with at least one - quarter inch openings between the boards so it does not impact the site's impervious surface coverage. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 3. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the expansion permit application is approved. 4. Applicant shall submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 7. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 8. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. -2673- 9. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain and erosion control are in effect; also others. Applicant is advised that these rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as rules regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. The applicant is requested to contact the MCWD regarding the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Any future building permit release will be conditioned upon the applicant providing receipt of the MCWD permit(s) issuance (as applicable) and/or receipt of written confirmation from the MCWD that no permit(s) is needed for the project. The variance is hereby approved for the following legally described property: (insert) Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mark Hanus, Mayor -2674- MINUTE EXCERPTS • r• • • tj DECEMBER 3, 2013 Chair Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners Jeffrey Bergquist, Douglas Gawtry, David Goode, George Linkert, Cynthia Penner, Kelvin Retterath and Councilmember Mark Wegscheid. Members absent: Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Planning Consultant Rita Trapp and Secretary Jill Norlander. Others present: Mayor Hanus, Councilmembers Gillispie & Gesch; Bill Stone, 2670 Commerce; Jameson Smieja, 1700 Baywood Shores Dr; Kurt Koubal, 6221 Deerwood Drive, Dustin Timmons and Dave Willette. BOARD OF APPEALS A. Lakeside Setback Variance Request Planning Case No. 13 -33 5308 Three Points Boulevard Applicant: Dustin and Wendy Timmons Trapp introduced the variance request. Applicant is requesting a 3.78 foot lakeside setback variance to expand the deck to a total of 8.41 feet in depth from the house which will also square it off. it is this expansion that requires the variance. On the east end, it is proposed to convert the deck into a porch and construct a conforming porch addition to enlarge it. Trapp also noted a correction on page 26 of the report which referenced a 15 foot setback. The variance is for 3.78 feet. Trapp also stated that a letter in support of the variance was received from the adjacent property owners who live at 5300 Three Points Boulevard a copy of which was provided to the Commission. Linkert pointed out that this is relatively new construction with a deck that was planned by the original owner. Retterath indicated that the setbacks of the adjacent houses are closer to the lake. If it were an average setback line like in some neighboring communities it would be approved. He doesn't really see the hardship but does support the request. Penner asked the Commission to look at the picture of the grill. She felt that was a hardship. Linkert felt that there are other places to put a grill. -2675- Trapp pointed out that hardship is not a standard for a variance anymore; it's practical difficulty. She came down on the side of the notion that 1) desire for a lakeside deck is reasonable; 2) 8.41 feet is not an overly large size for a deck; and 3) houses on both sides are closer to the lake than this proposal. As part of the Planning Commission's discussion it was determined that the previous variance standard was included in the report therefore excerpts from the City Code including the definition of practical difficulty and the new variance criteria were displayed on the overhead and reviewed with the Commission. Retterath said that when he pulled up to the house, it was evident that the porch will add to the house. He expressed concern that the proposed angle of the enclosed porch lakeside wall, relative to the back of the house, may result in an odd appearance of the back of the house from the lake. Wegscheid thought that goes back to where common sense wins out over code. Bergquist commented that this is about the smallest variance we've ever received. Retterath said if the variance was for an enclosure, he would not be in favor of it. Dustin Timmons, 5308 Three Points Blvd, said that the last section of deck is currently only about 4 feet wide; not suitable for seating or much of anything else. This proposal is a functional improvement. MOTION by Ward, second by Penner, to recommend approval of the variance with revised staff recommendation language based on the current variance and practical difficulties standards. MOTION carried unanimously. -2676- 5300 Three Points Mound, MN 55364 December 2, 2013 City of Mound Advisory Planning Commission 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Planning Case No 13 -33 Variance 5308 Three Points Boulevard Dear Commission Members: We are writing to you regarding the above entitled matter since we will not be able to attend the December 3`d meeting of the Commission. While we would like to attend the meeting we have a conflict that makes this impossible. We are the land owners directly to the east of the applicants and have lived there for more than thirty five years. Since the purchase of the subject property by the Applicants in February of this year we have come to know them as a fine young couple and a good addition to the community. We respect their taste in maintenance of their property and their desire to make the deck safer and more useable for their family. We are sure they will use good taste in the construction and use of the proposed addition of the deck and three season porch in keeping with the fine landscaping now on the property. We support this minor modification to the property as per the plans submitted. We wish them well with the proposed changes to enhance their use of the property and their reduction of fire risk. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Baker -2677- P. nAJL D TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING: •' ) Planning Commission Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director November 26, 2013 Lakeside Setback Variance Request Dustin and Wendy Timmons 5308 Three Points Boulevard (PID NO. 13- 117 -24 -21 -0041) Low Density Residential R -1 Single Family Residential The applicants and property owners, Dustin and Wendy Timmons, have requested a 3.78 foot lakeside setback variance. The applicants are proposing changes to their existing deck which was constructed by the previous owners in a stepped out pattern to maximize the space available meeting the 50 foot lakeside setback area. On the west end of the existing deck the applicants are proposing to expand the deck to a total of 8.41 feet in depth from the house and square it off. It is this expansion that requires a lakeside setback variance. On the east end, the applicants are proposing to convert the deck into a porch and construct a conforming porch addition to enlarge it. The property is located along the north side of Three Points Boulevard by Jennings Bay. The 10,912 foot property has a home that was constructed in 2004 by a previous owner. The applicants purchased the home in February of 2013 and have found that the deck is not useable in its current configuration. -2678- 5308 Three Points Blvd Variance PC Report PROPOSED DIMENSIONS The lot is considered a lot of record and therefore has reduced side yard setbacks and an increased hardcover allowance of 40 %. REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Section 129 -39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances in the City of Mound and generally states that a variance to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance may be issued to provide relief to the landowner in those areas where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his or her land. A variance can only be granted if one of the following conditions exist: (1) Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances apply to the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of property since enactment of this chapter have no control. (2) The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this chapter. (3) The special conditions or circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. (5) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. (6) The variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this chapter or to property in the same zone. -2679- Required Proposed /Existing Variance Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. 10,912 sq. ft. - Lot Width 60 feet 69 feet - Lot Depth 80 feet 124 feet - Front Yard 30 feet 31.4 feet - Lakeshore 50 feet 46.1 feet 3.78 feet Side Yard 6/10 feet 8.01/10.18 feet - Hardcover (maximum 40 %) <4,364 sq. ft. 3,199 sq. ft. - REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Section 129 -39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances in the City of Mound and generally states that a variance to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance may be issued to provide relief to the landowner in those areas where the ordinance imposes undue hardship or practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of his or her land. A variance can only be granted if one of the following conditions exist: (1) Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances apply to the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of property since enactment of this chapter have no control. (2) The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this chapter. (3) The special conditions or circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. (5) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. (6) The variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this chapter or to property in the same zone. -2679- 5308 Three Points Blvd Variance PC Report 60 -DAY PROCESS The date of submittal /completeness of the variance request is November 4, 2013. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for application of the 60 -day rule for land use applications in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 15.99 and was determined to be November 5, 2013. Therefore, the City's deadline for action on the submitted variance application is January 4, 2013 unless an extension is executed by the City of Mound as provided by Minnesota Statutes 15.99. CITY DEPARTMENT REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. Comments received are summarized below: Dan Faulkner, City Engineer Melissa Manderschied, City Attorney Carlton Moore, Public Works Director Ray Hanson, Public Works Supt. This seems like a reasonable and justifiable request. The applicant will need to meet the requirements in city code for granting a variance. I have no comment. I have no issues with this request. Total variance requested is 39.32 square feet. DISCUSSION • While the lot does meet minimum size requirements in the R -1, the buildable area of the site is fairly limited given the 30 foot front yard setback and 50 foot lakefront setback. The footprint of the existing home is 2,151 square feet. • The shoreline setback area is at an angle to the home alignment. This further limits the shape and depth of a deck that can be constructed. The applicants are seeking a variance so that the deck can be rectangular in shape across its entire width with a consistent depth of 8.41 feet. • The impact of this expansion into the setback area has been minimized by the applicants in that it is for a deck which will not impact impervious surface coverage. • The applicant is proposing to also expand the porch but will be keeping that expansion within both the lakeside and side yard setback requirements. • Given the placement of the homes on the adjacent property, the expanded deck does not appear to have the potential to significantly affect site lines to the lake for either of those properties. 9 5308 Three Points Blvd Variance PC Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION In accordance with City Code Sec. 129 -39 (a), Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of a 15 foot front yard variance as requested by the applicant subject to the following conditions: 1. The deck shall be constructed with at least one - quarter inch openings between the boards so it does not impact the site's impervious surface coverage. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 3. No future approval of any development plans and /or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the expansion permit application is approved. 4. Applicant shall submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and /or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 7. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 8. No building permits will be issued until any and /or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. 9. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain and erosion control are in effect; also others. Applicant is advised that these rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as rules regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. The applicant is requested to contact the MCWD regarding the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Any future building permit release will be conditioned upon the applicant providing receipt of the MCWD permit(s) issuance (as applicable) and /or receipt of written confirmation from the MCWD that no permit(s) is needed for the project. 5308 Three Points Blvd Variance PC Report In recommending Staff approval, the following findings of fact are offered. 1. The criteria included City Code Section 129 -39 (a) are met. 2. The orientation of the home on the property and the location of the 50 foot lakeside setback location limit the ability of the property owners to construct a reasonably shaped deck on the property. 3. The desire for a deck on the property oriented towards Lake Minnetonka is reasonable for residentially zoned properties such as this. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW. It is anticipated that the proposed variance will be reviewed at an upcoming City Council meeting. The date will be scheduled once the Planning Commission has made a recommendation regarding the proposed variance. Possible meeting dates are Tuesday, December 10, 2013 and Tuesday, January 14, 2014. -2682- 2. .� w l A Application Fee and Esc�q ow Deposit required at time of application.! y Planning Commission Date�j, \�(,� "1 (1 !�� Case No. i ✓��� City Council Date PROPERTY Name OWNER Addre, Phone (IF OTHER Zoning: Rt R1A R2 R3 B1 82 83 (circle one) Email Name a_ Email Address OWNER) I Phone Home Work Fax Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No ( If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. of proposed Variance Information -2683- (6/14/2013) Page 4 of 6 numberofptorihb, type of use, etc.): Case No. 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (g) No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, to area, etc.): // J I // i 8 / / lxe1111 7�i7 Front Yard: (N S E W) ft. Side Yard: (N S E W) ft. Side Yard: (N S E W) ft. Rear Yard: (N S E W) ft. Lakeside: (N S E W) ft. (NSEW) ft. Street Frontage: ft. Lot Size: sq ft Hardcover: sq ft REQUESTED (or existing) M u� ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft VARIANCE ft. ft ft. ft. ft. ft. sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (, No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( too narrow ( too small ( ) too shallow Please ( ) topography ( ) drainage ( ) phape Variance Information 214- (6/14/2013) Page 5 of 6 ( ) soil ( ) existing situation ( ) other: specify Case No. '1J 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (A No ( ). If yes, explpin: J v 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (�Q. If yes, explain: 8. Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (V; No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for t e pu pose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required Owner's Signature Date Applicants signature •ems, � Date Variance Information -2685- (6/14/2013) Page 6 of 6 ; : -.4r -� OWNER'S NAME: ,(f LOT AREA LOT AREA (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) SQ. FT. X 30% = (for all lots) ......... ............................... SQ. FT, X 40% = (for Lots of Record) —_` - Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, as outlined in Zoning Ordinance Section 129 -385 (see back). A plan must be submitted and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SQ FT HOUSE X i C;?/5/ DETACHED BUILDINGS (GARAGE /SHED) DRIVEWAY, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. DECKS Open decks (1/4" min. Opening between boards) with a pervious surface under are not counted as hardcover. x - TOTALHOUSE ..................... ............................... x = x - TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... 0 X x TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ......... ............................... x _ x - x = TOTALDECK ........................ ............................... X x = TOTALOTHER ..................... ............................... TOTAL • • . IMPERVIOUS UNDER/ OVEfin feat ( Jitt erence) // J � PREPARED BY !�t' I�% h ^F ✓c i 4rJ Cj,�rnr� �f}(✓ - 2686 -` ` Revised 1110 L Up /' Sarah Smith From: Dustin Timmons [dtimmons76 @gmail.comj Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 2:44 PM To: Sarah Smith Cc: dwillette@frontiernet.net Subject: Timmons 5308 Three Points Variance Application Sarah, Good afternoon, I received the Determination of Completeness - Variance Application form today. I wanted to provide pictures, that may better show than words would, the functional restrictions I have with the current size of the deck as constructed without the additional space of the variance. Pic 91: Shows me and our grill and its proximity to the home, discoloration of the stucco and risks with being as close as I am to both the grill and the natural gas FP vent on the side of the home as well as the grills proximity to the home or handrail. This area is only roughly only 4 ft wide and largely unusable as pictured or alternatively for seating or other functional uses. Additionally, this variance would improve the architectural aesthetics by squaring off the deck rather than having it run at an angle or repeated step backs as seen currently in the draft drawings. Pic #2 (Looking Eastward) and Pic #3 (looking Westward, which is largely where the variance lies): Provided in order to show the lack of any obstruction to my neighbors view on either side of me if the variance were approved. Each neighboring homes' foundations are 10 -15 feet nearer the lake than my foundation. As this is my first time applying for a variance I would appreciate if you have any further suggestions too best describe the layout, impact (or lack thereof), or other descriptions or images to assist in the decision making process. If you see any other concerns that I may remedy I would be interested as well. If this would be better received in a different format let me know. Thank you for your time Sarah. Sincerely, Dustin Timmons -2687- 0 -268,9-,, 3 t, - 2690 -, 4 D v a 14 Q O O I� xi Q 6P /B 6ugsrx�� �a���Q y�J�N \ OKI 99 wl 011 -+ a38'6 � 'a � \ O 3 c v ' o � o I I 1 I I / o --501 a� 1 G Q Cv CO Z, oIl IN V[y] zz 4 _ C 6 �I d- h h hhh hh h OR �N ai �o O� \\ 99;l� 80j "' kt 1 9411 6P16 6ur)s1x� 75.55 f s17'S — x ti \ 5 6u'Is x� J \ i i -49.64 5, 7ar6:�9 �0 C � O a � O 0 0 O DIN 0 N_ 0 3 O y `v cn O m O O O I o \ y C C S w' n ti t L c 0 O ~ nv O C/] ¢ C Q� c � � a j Z �W tz R C h ifi v o o C W p m'°� eeeee q�°4aw -2691 - ism _ I LINE «AKESHERE> I I I I SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = V —D" Li z Gene. Notes 1 CONTRACTOR u WILLETTE BUILDING 6074 COU1Y ROAD 6 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 LICENSE # BC001804 `o.' PeNSion/laeue ' WtrJ MnYm�W� DwellWell Rc 1005 Rhode Island Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55427 ep.a s"..e ws TIMMONS RESIDENCE 5305 THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND, MN 55364 AI -11" 16' -3" SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" Cs .i N.W 1 CONTRACTOR 11 WILLEITE BUILDING', 6074 COUIY ROAD 6 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 '.. LICENSE # BC001804 n" x.. a ..e. DwetlWell llc 1005 Rhode Island Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55427 TIMMONS RESIDENCE 5308 THREE POINTS BLVD MOUND, MN 55364 A�11 -2 -13 1/4" = 1' 0" -265 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council Members FROM: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director /Clerk/Treasurer DATE: December 5, 2013 SUBJECT: 2014 Proposed Budget /Truth in Taxation Information The Council approved the preliminary budget and levy at the August 28, 2013 regular council meeting. The attached sheet summarizes the changes to the General Fund budget recommended by Staff. The net effect is $3,355 and is felt to be immaterial, but the individual adjustments are needed to more accurately depict anticipated revenues and expenditures. In addition, at the August 20, 2013 special budget meeting workshop, utility rate increases were discussed with the Council. The Council agreed that infrastructure improvements should continue, so the corresponding rate increases are reflected in the proposed budget. The following pages are what will be presented at the December 10 meeting. The public will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the budget prior to any action on the budget by the Council. The following highlights should be noted: ® A 21 % reduction in full -time employees has occurred since 2008, excluding the impact of the police contract. General Fund expenditures have increased less than 2% per year over the past six years. ® The City significantly reduced its severance pay liability through staff concessions and the contract for police services. • The City is optimizing the use of its facilities and rent from the Centennial Building is providing a new revenue stream. It is anticipated that 2013 will be the last year of a diminishing tax base for Mound as the housing market continues to recover. o The City used the Local Government Aid allotted to reduce the tax burden on its residents. 6 The City has saved on interest costs by refunding debt to take advantage of lower rates. Please let me know if you have any questions on the budget prior to Tuesday's meeting so I can prepare accordingly. -2694- X 0 O o O O � N O N O M M d W N O O O O O O N Q O O �i O z y O O p O 0 0 C p 0 0 0 0 L'' O O 0 0 O O O O L; M` O O p O N d O d 0 O ♦I°nn'' O a d, O Z O C c 3 N' O d 0 = U w � m O W O ( O M 0 CO (D M LL v "v C C u 0 0 0 N LL d 0 0 r 0 0 d d 0 E (� C > O R t `' C c U J. Q LL ru,4 R O Y d CL X O LO N O M d W N O O O O O O N O O O O O z y O O p O 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O p O O O O G N 0 O O 0 CO O O O N O w O o 0 u 0 O N O O W O ( O M 0 CO O 00 (O u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 E O LO N O M N O W ll) M M N N (D O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O w C O O N O O m fM r r 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 Y d � r O r Y L') tl� o o m 0 o r O _ 0 N ea Y » u O O O fl CO Y 6 o o U m o a o o m O E m > c ° c O P N N W o ti ? CJ 6 f1. N om N> N L U N LL C .0 W C d' N @ .0 .a N y N N LL N Q Wn y N 0 n (D 6 Q N y� E d d c 0 � >_ m m v� G -; m 0� v 0 N N co J LL N E O m m Q N m c N (4 E a o c n m c Q "O Q W n. O" J m U` �¢ m 0 N N U M N U 00 m m m m m ` ° E r N M N N 0 N m 'IT -2695- d LL � 0 0 0 0 0 o e o o o 0 a0 N N N N W OI M M n n e} ' y M N Q OD N N V N N N %� N If1 n A h l0 V V n N 1` t0 N e OO C N V Of CD 00 N N N 1p M N N V O U > M N N n n T m W OG OI V W 11 a d L) o U OI O a uj N W v t CK� f�0 IMO d u o O OI N CO O LL N O O Y 0 G C N O i1 N N tMh ONt O O V C n N < N fm0 tO0 ` _> > M OD l0 N O! n O V 1O r N O d w C E o a O U Z d Y SD 6 d w w _ W W N � N O O d U U d o r a c d x- u a lii C U LL O 0 c n w ,lyO1 c A w Sm m m N n o N o 0 0 0 0 W o O N N o O z U Y Q 0 m O M O tp D7 C O O O O .0 C d NV M N N N M N N N c N N N y U Q G C LL m V n 7 L A } R T W N M C R O X G p O A LL N M V N b n CO N O c N QI Co CO N -2696- d LL � O r N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) OBI y N O C tC .0 V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M 4 4 N N 'd' M M _ �.-. W O 3 O N LL O O O O. O O O O O M N N N r N O (O N L� r O N L V M V Cl) NP Cl) <t Cl) rl' M d' M 't M It M d' cP V' IT V' V <Y O I O O O O O (O O Lr) O O O O O O co 1 LO 1 V N N N 1` O I M u7 O O � O r O I N N O f0 O O O (0 V) C O C :) U N E� C O O O O 2 cc o U LL >1 d m U ❑ 0 LL n LL - 2697- t- L C d d O N O C d g O OJ O O O d 3 w 3 d y N C a N a A Q a EW t U Q O J � D72 Z V � � m 000 d o r r w A tO M N d L V N m U�o�ovv Y9 O N V V O m O m O M r W N O N N O V O O O O d L � iJJ M N N N N m O m O M Q V O N M1 m m �O A Qf N O N M M n O N m M O N N m M1 C m cli M Q Q Q Q ° Q m Q N o° 0 0 0 Z Z �rj Z Z N Z M Z M V V O V p V M to W N (O t0 O a' of a r d 3 m c: M m° Q Q Nv Q M v n Q r N M o m d d CO M1 Z Z O N Z N �ci r N Z M1 r m W N 0 y O CD N m d N r N N N M N M p N N N O 0 t0 M1 W m ci ' N N m m O m V m N V O �- m O N m( o R N u7 N N N V N W m N N N N t0 i- m m d lyV i0 N r r N N V O N N N O N N r m ON N N 0 o d N O N m 9 O O N �- w W t0 W M O r O O O O N c- !i m m W m Q I K M O N y y Z H a m is M N.: ly Ny0 Y R C O) 4: R Q a � Oi w 0_ , p C N N d d Q > E 0 °c `o v c E E c v v a >> a s d rs a 0 0 y g v O O > g x ti m (7 3 4¢ a a A d 9 o No.-M a���- 2698- �arwvi a N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O m a o 0 O O O N 0 0 0 O O O � N O m O N a 0 0 N O O M r f0 N O N 0 0 0 o N Nor � 0 N O (A O N d R L O � O N U N (D C C � 0 O 0 0— C d ✓� O y N O O C 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 " m �i N N December 4, 2013 Mayor Mark Hanus and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55341 Dear Mayor Harms and Council Members: Thank you for the opportunity to present information about Metro Cities at your meeting last week. I appreciated the discussion and questions. I also wanted to follow up on your request for some examples of Iegislative /Met Council priorities for Metro Cities. To provide some context, member city officials of Metro Cities come together each year to debate and recommend policy positions for the organization. Those recommendations are then adopted by our Board of Directors, and then the full membership. The result is usually over 60 legislative policies in all. Once those policies are adopted, our Board and staff undertake the work of identifying specific priorities for the coming year. Here are a few priorities from the last couple of years: Securing both state bonding and Clean Water funds for the purposes of assisting local governments with inflow - infiltration (1 /1) mitigation. Metro Cities was successful in securing funds for these purposes (and the city of Mound received a grant in the amount of $31,000 from these funds). This money would not have been available without Metro Cities' advocacy work. • Advocating for more flexibility in the use of SAC (Sewer Availability Charge) credits at the Met Council and support for a comprehensive study of the SAC system. The Met Council adopted a policy that provides for more flexibility in credits by allowing them to be used city wide, and we are currently working with a group of city officials and Met Council members to take a `big picture' look at how sewer capacity is funded in the region. o Support for fiscal disparities and opposition to diversions from the fiscal disparities pool. We also convened a task force of city officials to study our policy and make recommendations on its content, in anticipation of legislative proposals that would alter the program. • Additional resources /tools for transportation and transit in the metro area. • Support for reforms to organized waste collection laws; we were successful in getting legislation passed this year to streamline these processes for cities. ® Street Improvement District Authority for cities 145 University Ave. W, St. Paul, MN 55103- _2699_ne: 651- 215 -4000 www.MetroCitiesMN.org • Support for staggered terms for Met Council members (we have gotten legislation passed on this policy that passed both bodies of the Legislature but was vetoed). We will continue to push for modifications to state law in this area. Support for flexibility in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) statutes and additional resources for cities to do economic development and redevelopment. Again, these represent a few examples of specific priorities and issues. During the legislative session and at the Met Council, Metro Cities, in addition to its priorities, works to respond and react to any proposals generated at these government levels that have impacts on cities in the metropolitan area. Such proposals might be expected or unexpected. Our task is to monitor and respond to such proposals on behalf of our cities and in a manner that reflects our legislative policies. To reiterate from our conversation last week, Metro Cities serves a unique role in the local government community in that it is the only city entity representing municipal interests at the Metropolitan Council. Every city in the metro region is affected by the policies of the Council, and our role is to make sure that city interests are accounted for in their policymaking. Generally speaking, the underpinning of all of our work is support for local autonomy and decision making, as well as adequate resources and tools for cities to do the work they need to do on behalf of their residents and businesses. This means keeping a close watch on state and regional policymaking and activities and responding consistent with our policy positions. This is work that city staff cannot provide as cost effectively on an individual basis, and in this way, we see ourselves as an extension of your city staff. As I mentioned, the Metro Cities Board of Directors has authorized an introductory one time membership discount for 2014. If the city were to become a member, the dues would amount to $1,886.00 for 2014. This figure represents a 50% discount for the first year of membership. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you need any further information. I speak for our Board of Directors and staff in saying that we would very much appreciate the opportunity to have the city be part of out organization and to work with you and your staff on the many issues of interest and importance to cities in the metro region. Sincer r atricia A. Nauman Executive Director 145 University Ave. W, St. Paul, MN 55103 -2044 Phone: 651- 215 -4000 www.MetroCitiesMN.org -2700- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13 -xx RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2014 FINAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,996,558 ; SETTING THE FINAL LEVY AT $5,448,864 ; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2014, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following final 2014 General Fund Budget appropriation: s • $ 4,996,558 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following final taxes for collection in 2014: SPECIAL LEVIES Fire Relief G.O. Tax Increment 2003C G.O. Improvement 2005A G.O. Improvement 2006A G.O. Improvement 2007A G.O. Improvement 2008E G.O. Improvement 2009A G.O. Equipment Certificates 2009C G.O. Tax Increment 2009D (Dump) G.O. Refunding Bonds 2011A G.O. Improvement 2011 B G.O. Improvement 2012A G.O. Refunding Bonds 2012B (PS Building) G.O. Improvement 2013A FINAL REVENUE LEVY Final Certified Levy Total Special Levies -2701- 78,920 45,000 85,000 62,000 128,000 63,000 215,600 28,425 200,000 367,440 190,685 110,346 349,000 131,154 2,054,570 3,394,294 $ 5,448,864 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the final overall budget for 2014 as follows: GENERALFUND As per above $ 4,996,558 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Area Fire Service Fund 1,102,121 Dock Fund 176,377 HRA Transit District Maintenance Fund 50,800 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,329,298 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Recycling Fund 196,357 Liquor Fund 622,604 Water Fund 1,757,460 Sewer Fund 2,036,483 Storm Water Utility Fund 418,460 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 5,031,364 SUMMARY General Fund 4,996,558 Special Revenue Funds 1,329,298 Enterprise Funds 5,031,364 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 11,357,220 Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mayor Mark Hanus -2702- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13 -xx RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY OF $182,728 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AND FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2014 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a resolution from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound, entitled `Resolution Authorizing The Levy of a Special Benefit Levy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and Approval of a Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 "; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount of $182,728. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, of $182,728, is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before December 27, 2013. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -2703- Mayor Mark Hanus CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 13- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: Fees shall be hereby established. In the event of a conflict between this schedule and the City Code, the fee schedule shall prevail. An application or code provision may require payment of fees for consultation with experts, professionals or other qualified persons or for other matters, which may result in the imposition of a fee greater than listed in this fee schedule. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES & CHARGES Assessment search $20.00 /search Comprehensive Plan $30.00 Copies $0.25 /page Faxes $0.25 /page 38 -23 Duplicate license /permit $10.00 each Duplicate meeting tapes $3.00 /tape Board and Commissions Minutes (not Council) $0.25 /page Notary (set by State) $1.00 each Returned Check $30.00 1check Zoning Ordinance $20.00 74 -129 Certification Fee (per parcel) $25.00 /account Late fee for invoices not paid within 30 days 1 % per month (for billable services provided by City) AMUSEMENT & COMMERCIAL RECREATION Amusements: (Set by State) Expire April 30 10 -37 Mechanical Amusement Machines $15.00 /location+ $15.00 /machine Arcades: Expire Dec. 31St 10 -37 Arcade Permit (fee per machine) $15.00 /location + $15.00 /machine Carnivals. Shows, Entertainment: 10 -73 Circus, show, game or concert Indoor show $100.00 /day Outdoor show $100.00 /day Tent shows $100.00 /day Dance Hall: Public dance or live music $300.00 /yr. $100.00 /day Parades: 38 -1 Parade N/C -2704- BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS Alcoholic Beverages: Expire June 30th 6 -112 3.2 beer license investigation fee $500.00 /investigation 3.2 beer off -sale $150.00 /yr. 3.2 beer on -sale $500.00 /yr. 3.2 beer on -sale temporary(non - profit) $25.00 /day (for profit) $50.00 /day 6 -21 Set -ups ( +State charges $150 for $300.00 /yr. Consumption & Display Permit $300.00 /yr. Temporary (one -day) set -ups $25.00 1day 6 -49 Liquor Lic. Investigation fee (in state) $500.00 /app (out state) Actual (up to $1,000) 6 -48 Liquor on -sale $5,000.00 /yr. Liquor on- sale /cabaret $5,000.00 /yr. Temporary On -Sale Liquor $100.00 /day 6 -48 Wine on -sale $500.00 /yr. Investigation fee $500.00 /investigation 6 -48 Club license (regulated by State) Membership 200 or less: $300.00 /yr. Membership 201 -500: $500.00 /yr. Membership 501 - 1,000: $650.00 /yr. Membership 1,001- 2,000: $800.00 /yr. Membership 2,001- 4,000: $1,000.00 /yr. Membership 4,001- 6,000: $2,000.00 /yr. Membership more than 6,000: $3,000.00 /yr. 6 -48 Sunday liquor $200.00 /yr. 6 -53 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and /or revocation of license 6 -117 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and /or revocation of license Charitable Gambling: Investigation fee (set by State) $200.00 Cigarettes: Now regulated by the County. Fireworks: 38 -253 License to Sell Consumer Fireworks $100.00 /yr. Additional inspection if need -2705_ +$35.00 Garbage Collection: 54 -48 Permit Fee $500.00 /yr. Secondhand Goods Dealer Background check /investigation fee $100.00 first year Dealer License - annual background check $100.00 /yr. Peddlers & Solicitors: 38 -152 Transient merchants, Peddler, Hawker One day $30.00 One week $50.00 One month $75.00 One year $200.00 CEMETERY FEES 18 -22 Adult grave - resident $600.00 Adult grave - non - resident $850.00 Baby grave- resident $300.00 Baby grave -non- resident $400.00 Ash burial - resident $300.00 Ash burial - non- resident $400.00 Locate Actual cost $50.00 (min $25.00) Maintenance Agreement (June -Oct) $15.00 /mo. Ash burial placed on top of casket $50.00 DOCKS: 78 -38 Commercial Boat (fee per boat) $30.00 /yr. 78 -56 Commercial Dock Renewal $500.00 /yr. Slips $30.00 ea /yr. Boats stored on land $10.00 ea /yr. 78 -76 Charter Boat License Fee $1,000.00 /yr or $100.00 /occurrence Investigation Fee $100.00 78 -101 Non - refundable processing fee for wait list Application $20,00 /yr 78 -101 Processing fee for full dock refunds $50.00 78 -101 Late dock license application fee on or after March 1s` (abutters only) $50.00 /mo. 78 -101 Late dock license application fee for applications received between March 15` and March 315` (non- abutters only) $100 78 -101 Dock fee that includes Primary Watercraft (1 boat) $300/y r. $350.00 /yr 78 -101 Each secondary Watercraft $75 ea Fyr.$125.00 /yr. 78 -101 Sailboat mooring $3001y r. $350.00 /yr 78 -103 Shared dock application - filed on or after March 1" $25.00 78 -102 Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit - up to 21 days $50.00 78 -103 Shared dock application $150 / 200.00/ r LMCD charge (based on boat length) Set by LMCD LMCD charge (no boat) Minimum as set by LMCD 78 -104 Penalty fee for undeclared boat at dock $100.00 78 -104 Penalty for undeclared boat at a slip $100.00 78 -121 Multiple Slip Fee _2706_ $350iyr. $400,00/y r 78 -121 LMCD charge based on slip length 78 -121 Small watercraft slip fee Set by LMCD $75,lyr- 125.00/ r 78 -121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (Villa of Lost Lake Residents) 78 -121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Mound residents who are not Lost Lake residents) 78 -121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Non -Mound residents or Lost Lake Residents for second slip) 78 -121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (After August 1st of the year) 78 -121 LMCD Charge (based on sf of slip) 78 -121 Multiple Slip Refundable Key Deposit 78 -123 Processing fee for full slip refund 78 -123 Processing fee for voluntary suspension of license 78 -123 Penalty for boat at slip after Fall deadline FIRE SERVICES: Fire report (MFD Report) 30 -51 Burning Permit 30 -51 False Alarm (per calendar year) 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -10th ea. over 10 PARKS & RECREATION: Depot rental - residents Depot rental - non - residents Damage deposit Cancellation fee (depot) City Hall /Centennial Building room rentals PUBLIC GATHERING: $1,148.00/yr $1,950.00/yr. $2,050.00 /yr $1, 000 /yr Set by LMCD $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $150.00 $250.00 $500.00 $125.00 /day $250.00 /day $350.00 plus $50.00 cash $75.00 $75.00 /day 50 -20 Parks or commons use fee: $300.00 - $600.00 /day Damage Deposit $500.00 - $1,000.00 /day Permit fee and damage deposit to be determined by City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of application stating specific use and requirements. TAX FORFEIT AND /OR CITY -OWNED PROPERTY Fee for staff review of request for release of tax forfeit and /or city -owned land $200.00 Escrow Deposit for above $500.00 POLICE SERVICES Administrative: State Accident Report $1.00 Police report: up to 5 single -sided pgs $1.00 Addn'I pages, same report $0.25 ea. Drivers license check: non - resident $1.00 Photographs: cost + reproduction, film $25.00 Audio Cassette $15.00 Video Cassette $25.00 Finger printing: resident: N/C Non - resident: -2707- $25.00 DVD's $25.00 False Alarm (per calendar year) 1" $0.00 2 n $0.00 3rtl $0.00 4 t $150.00 5th -10th $200.00 ea. ea. over 10 $350.00 ea. Animals: Expire April 301h 14 -38 Dog /cat license: 2 -year, neutered or spayed, with proof $25.00 After April of odd year: $12.50 Dog /cat license: 2 -year un- neutered or $275.00 /meter spayed $35.00 After April of odd year: $17.50 Duplicate Tag: $1.00 Kennel Fee: per day $15.00 Quarantine Fee per day $20.00 14 -44 Commercial Kennel: $150.00 /yr. Late application: on or after May 10 + $1.00 14 -1 Redemption of impounded animal First impound in current year with current license: $50.00 without current license: $75.00 ...above impound fees, plus license purchase and following kennel fees... Mound Animals kennel fee $13.00 /day Other city animals kennel fee $16.00 /day (fee starts the day the animal is brought into the kennel) SPECIAL CONTRACTOR LICENSES Heating, AC, Ventilation: Contractor registration: Tree Surgeon: Expires April 1" 38 -207 Tree surgeon (removal & treatment) Street Excavation: 61 -23 Street excavation: Unpaved street Asphalt Concrete $0.00 $200.00 /yr. $100.00 +$500.00 deposit $100.00 +$500.00 deposit $100.00 +$500.00 deposit UTILITIES Late Fee Penalty - For all bills not paid on or before the due date specified on the bill, a 10% late fee will be added for the current amount due. Water: 74 -46 Service Contract Violation $35.00 /upon t -o 74 -77 Water Meter (with MXU) 5/8 x' /< $275.00 /meter '/ $300.00 /meter 1 $340.00 /meter For (2) 5/8" meters $392.00 for two For (2)'/" meters $495.00 for two For (2) 1" meters -2708- $560.00 for two 5 Sewer: 105 -100 Master plumber registration I - 1 '/2 $525.00 /meter $498.50 $119.35/gtr. 2 $650.00 /meter Residential: 2 Hpt $700.00 /meter $71 -.06 $78.16min /qtr 3 Hpt $950.00 /meter Minimum quarterly charge 4 Hpt $1,500.00 /meter apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. 2 tru /flo $1,610.00 /meter 3,000 gals or less -2709- 3 tru/flo $2,225.00 1meter 4 tru/flo $3,000.00 /meter MXU only $135.00 ea. Sprinkler Meters (without MXU) 5/8 x 3/4 $125.00 1 " $275.00 74 -128 Water Meter Test $50.00 1test 74 -127 Water gallonage rates Service Charge $44.51 $14.80 /mo /acct. User Fee Residential (Quarterly) Tier 1 1 -5,000 gallons $3-.7-7 $3.85/1000g. Tier 2 5,001- 25,000 gallons $4-34 $4.43/1000g. Tier 3 25,001+ gallons $4 98 $5,09/1000g. User Fee Commercial (Monthly) Tier 1 1 -2,000 gallons $3: $3.85/1000g. Tier 2 2,001- 15,000 gallons $434 $4.43/1000g. Tier 3 15,001+ gallons $4:89 $5.09/1000g. New Account Charge $10.00 On /Off at curb box (during normal $35.00 business hrs.) On /Off at curb box (after normal Actual Cost business hrs.) Repair Fee Actual Cost Reconnection Fee $35.00 Sprinkler System 2 inch $3.00 /mo 4 inch $4.00 /mo 6 inch $6.00 /mo 8 inch $15.00 /mo 10 inch $25.00 /mo 12 inch $33.00 /mo 74 -27 Water Trunk Area Charge (WTAC) $2,000.00 /unit Water Service Connection Fee $240.00 /unit 74 -44 Water Turn -on $35.00 1event 74 -45 Plumber Violation $100.00 /viol. Sewer: 105 -100 Master plumber registration $0.00 74 -241 Connection to sewer, but not water $498.50 $119.35/gtr. Treatment rates: Residential: 10,000 gals or less $71 -.06 $78.16min /qtr Over 10,000 gals /1,000 gals. $4.44 $4.85 Minimum quarterly charge $71.06 $78.16 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. Commercial, Industrial & Multi -unit Dwellings: 3,000 gals or less -2709- $23.69 $26.06min /mo. Over 3,000 gals /1,000 gals. $4 -A4 $4.85 Minimum monthly charge /unit $23.69 $26.06 Sinqle Family Dwelling - The sewer rate shall be based on the actual water used. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Two - Family Usage and Multiple Dwelling Usage — It is computed on the same basis as a single dwelling, except that the total quarterly charges on all such properties shall not be less than the number of units multiplied by the $2369 $26.06 1month minimum charge per unit. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Dwellings Connected to Sewer but not Connected to Municipal Water— Shall pay a quarterly rate of $115.01. If such users wish to pay sewer rates based on gallons of water used, they can purchase a water meter from the City and have their own plumber install the meter on their well. 74 -241 Sewer Availabilitycharge(SAC) $2,435.00 /unit (passes through to Metro Council Environmental Services Agency) Sewer Trunk Area Charge (STAG) $2,000.00 /unit Sewer Service Connection Fee $240.00 /unit Storm Sewer: Single - Family or Two - family Residential Cemeteries Parks and Railroads Public and Private Schools /Institutional Use Multi- family Residential Uses Commercial /Industrial/Warehouse Use Churches Recycling Household Charge: Fee per household per month Street Lighting - Franchise Fee per account per month $24.72 $26.94 /lot/qtr. $3:29 $3.59 /acre /mo. $19.04 $10.94 /acre /mo. $16.76 $18.27 /acre /mo. $40.25 $43.88 /acre /mo. $67.50 $73.57 /acre /mo. $46.76 $18.27 /acre /mo. $4.00 /mo. $1.50 /mo. Miscellaneous Fees: A miscellaneous fee shall be paid by the applicant for land use application expenses which the City incurs in regard to the review and processing of that application, and which exceeds the application fee. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, direct City payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants or professionals acting as an agent of the City, the cost of printing, mailing and supplies. Such miscellaneous fees shall come due immediately upon notification by the City. The City shall provide, upon request of the applicant, a breakdown of the various expenses incurred by the City. The City may withhold any final action on a land use application and /or rescind prior actions until all miscellaneous fees are paid in full. The City may request additional deposits if deemed necessary. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December, 2013. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -2710- 7 Mayor Mark Hanus DRAFT MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2013 The Mound Docks and Commons Commission met on Thursday, November 21, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Present: Commissioners Derrick Hentz, Susan Gardner, Rodney Beystrom, Council Representative Kelli Gillispie Excused: Chair Jim Funk, Vice Chair Mark Drahos Others Present: Director of Finance and Administration Catherine Pausche Public Present: Mark Wegscheid, Ted Hall Per the work rules, in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, the DCC elected Commissioner Rodney Beystrom to serve as the Temporary Chair for the meeting. Temporary Chair Rodney Beystrom called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda. MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Hentz, to approve agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 2. Approval of August 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes. MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Gardner, to approve the minutes as written. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 3. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present: Ted Hall, 4430 Manchester Road, stated he is a multiple slip holder at Avalon. He pulled his boat out in September and the lower unit was covered in zebra mussels. He feels the only solution is allowing boat lifts. Pausche stated this is an item for discussion on the agenda. Mark Wegscheid, 2465 Lost Lake Road, reiterated the need to allow boat lifts. He stated in Lost Lake the participants maintain their own docks and he thought there would be no burden to the City. Pausche stated that is the case with all dock sites and the City only maintains the multiple slip sites. 4. Dock Program Fees for 2014 Pausche updated the commission that all of the fee increases approved by the DCC at the August meeting were accepted in concept by the Council at the August 20, 2013 budget workshop and will be officially adopted at the December 10, 2013 regular council meeting with the exception of limiting the increase on additional BSUs to $50, instead of the $75 proposed by the DCC. Pausche stated that the fee increases and a reduction of administrative payroll allocation will free up the capital needed to fund the shoreline improvement projects. -2711- 5. In /Out RFQ Requests Pausche stated quotes were solicited for the in /out service for the Dock Program multiple slips and that the current vendor, Dock Masters of Lake Minnetonka, was selected for 2014/2015 based on the results. Beystrom asked if it was the same vendor list as used the last time and if the response was the same. Pausche stated one vendor was added and she did not know how many responded the last time. She stated she believes concerns were raised about the number of vendors invited to respond to the rip -rap request for proposals as there are more vendors who provide that service and she has noted that for future RFPs. 6. Public Lands Permit -4633 Island View Drive Pausche stated that this item was added as information only as the permit was approved by the City Council at the October 22, 2013 regular meeting. Staff moved the permit forward since it was just to replace an existing stairway and was thought to be minor in nature. 7. Proposed Changes — 2014 Dock Location Map Addendum Pausche explained the changes being proposed for 2014 as outlined in the memo in the packet. Beystrom asked about the slip site being removed at Scherven Park and why the site was not used this year. Pausche stated there was a boat registered and the slip paid for but it was not used. In addition, Pausche stated a survey for 4644 Carlow Road revealed it was City owned shoreline, so the location needs to be added as a new abutting site. It was noted the dock is currently non - conforming and the LMCD is working with the City and the property owner to make it conforming. MOTION by Gardner, seconded by Beystrom, to approve the 2014 Dock Location Map Changes as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. Shoreline Improvement Project Pausche stated that on September 27, 2013 the shoreline improvement sub- committee members toured the shoreline by boat. A booklet of pictures taken on that day was prepared by Jim Funk and was given to DCC commissioners. Pausche stated much of the shoreline has been improved over the years, either funded privately or by the dock program. Exhibit A in the packet summarizes the contiguous shoreline that has abutting and non - abutting sites and excludes wetlands and solely multiple slip sites. This shoreline is split into three groups: • Group A: Higher exposure to erosion based on bay /location (5,422 LF) • Group B: Lower exposure to erosion based on bay /location (8,521 LF) • Group C: Improved in conjunction with street project or by dock program (6,774 LF) The sub - committee toured shoreline in all three categories to get a feel for the range of quality of shoreline. It was agreed that Group A (Phelps Bay and Cooks Bay) is exposed to more wave activity /erosion than the areas listed in Group B. -2712- Pausche stated that assuming approximately $30,000 - $50,000 per year would be available to fund shoreline improvement projects; it would take approximately 8 —10 years to improve Group A shoreline. A project was approved in 2012 for four properties in Group A on Island View Drive. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approved the permits and the vendor is willing to honor the original quote at $70 per linear foot. Because these properties fall within Group A, and have ratings of land 3, Pausche stated that the subcommittee recommends completing the project in 2014. Future projects will be determined based on contiguous shoreline and relative ratings per Exhibit B, for which the following ratings have been established: 1 Exposed roots and soil /steep incline 2 Exposed roots and soil /smaller rocks /redrock /old materials 3 Aged /improperly installed rock & miscellaneous materials 4 Smaller rock but newer /dense 5 Boulders replaced within last 10- 12 years with fabric for erosion control Pausche stated the plan is for staff to get bids annually for 500 — 700 LF of shoreline improvements for contiguous properties with ratings between 1 and 3. Staff will also weigh areas with storm sewer outfalls as higher priority as the storm sewer fund pays for a portion of the project and early action helps the City meet the requirement to reduce the amount of phosphorus and other pollutants entering Lake Minnetonka. MOTION by Beystrom, seconded by Gardner, to approve the approach to shoreline improvements as presented and recommend the plan to the City Council. All votec in favor. Motion carried. 9. Discussion: Possible Mound City Code Amendments to Chapter 66: Waterways Pausche stated the following items were put on the agenda for discussion and that Staff would be bringing recommendations back at future meetings. A. Multi -year dock license renewal options If time permits to prepare a proposal to the City Council by the December 10, 2013 meeting, Pausche stated Staff would like to offer dock program participants the chance to have a multi -year lease where the license holder would be billed on their utility bill in January each year and an annual application would not be required. A separate schedule for DNR registration updates would be maintained as needed, since most are only valid for two years. Pausche stated the goal is to reduce the amount of paper and processing each year. -2713- B. Require non - abutters to put docks in Pausche stated that Staff is attempting to identify recurring issues in order to put policies in place to reduce the amount of disputes and complaints by dock program participants. Pausche stated requiring non - abutters to put in some minimum number of sections may reduce the amount of shifting or encroaching on dock -sites and the number of complaints that the program is underutilized. C. Side set -back requirements Pausche stated some of the dock complexes are getting very wide and leading to congestion in some areas. Currently, the only language addressing side set- backs is the LMCD 10 foot side set -back to private shoreline. Staff will be examining alternative language to see if a practical solution can be achieved. D. Restricting Activity On or Near Launches Pausche stated the City Manager will be organizing a sub - committee to look at regulating business being conducted on public lands and parks early in 2014. Pausche asked members of the commission to consider taking part. E. Boat Lift Requirements Pausche stated with the increased threat of zebra mussels the demand for boat lifts is increasing. Pausche stated lifts exist in the program, particularly on abutting dock sites, but that there is no language in the code addressing requirements. Beystrom stated previous discussion by the DCC centered around slip sites and the main point of contention was whether or not sites would need to be eliminated to accommodate lifts. Pausche stated her concern has to do with winter storage and the congestion in the parks and commons. Pausche requested a sub - committee be formed to develop language and policies to address the growing need for lifts. Members of the audience, Mark Wegscheid and Ted Hall, agreed to participate. Commissioner Derrick Hentz agreed to participate. Pausche stated she would send an invitation to all DCC commissioners, including those absent, and that discussions would start in early 2014. 10. Reports City Council Representative: Gillispie stated Dakota Junction opened in September and the Tree Lighting Ceremony took place tonight at the Greenway. Staff: Pausche gave an update on the police contract a year later. Commissioners: None. MOTION by Hentz, seconded by Gillispie, to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. -2714- MINUTES NOVEMBER Chair Ward called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Stephen Ward; Commissioners Douglas Gawtry, David Goode, George Linkert, Kelvin Retterath and Councilmember Mark Wegscheid. Members absent: Jeffrey Bergquist and Cynthia Penner and Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith. Others present: Art and Barb King, 2964 Pelican Point Circle; lane Kempf, 2207 Centerview Lane APPROVE MEETING AGENDA MOTION by Ward, second by Linkert, to amend the agenda. MOTION carried unanimously. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 1 AND OCTOBER 15 2013 MOTION by Goode, second by Wegscheid, to approve the minutes for October 1, 2013. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Goode, to approve the minutes for October 15, 2013. MOTION carried unanimously. Linkert Abstained. BOARD OF APPEALS A. Sketch /Concept Plan Planning Case No. 13 -31 2201 Centerview Lane Applicant: Art King Smith introduced the sketch plan for review. The property includes an existing single family home that was constructed in 1940. This is a proposed 3 lot subdivision that will be reviewed in the future as a minor subdivision. The sketch plan includes a detached garage and future addition with the existing house. The plan also shows building footprints for the two additional lots. Property is guided low density in the Comp Plan (zoned R -2). The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Plan. The existing house and setbacks conform at present; however, the subdivision would trigger non -lot of record status and the house would no long conform to the 10 foot side setback requirement. The hardcover on the new lots is shown as over the 30 percent, non -lot of record requirement. This would need to be addressed as hardcover variances are generally not granted, particularly for new lots. -2715- Smith summarized that there are no floodplain or wetland issues; there are no utility services and we generally require them to be constructed or escrow be provided; the project is pretty straight forward. One issue to be addressed is the position of the existing house. Staff recommends approval pending that the garage and addition needs to meet the 10 foot setback and whatever arrangement is decided on must meet setbacks and hardcover requirements. Two other alternate plans were submitted that were not reviewed in the planning report. Goode asked if we require an archeological review. Smith says we refer everyone to the State Archeologist. Discussion Art King (applicant) handed out different concepts to the commissioners. The initial plans were lacking code compliance in a couple of areas; specifically setback from the proposed garage addition to the lot line and lot depth of the lot that buts up to Noble Lane. Hardcover has also been addressed on the alternate plans. He brought up the question of lot depth and how that is determined. Retterath asked Smith if a 5-sided lot has been seen before. She indicated that they are usually cul -de -sacs or square. Retterath said the difficulty is that we are forming the new lot, not a variance on an existing. King wants to do what is needed to comply with the code and create a nice layout for the neighborhood. King discussed each of the sketch plans. Discussion ensued regarding "front" and lot depth. Retterath thought that Option 4 shows the most promise but he wouldn't want the driveway to go to the back. He indicated that the future addition to the house doesn't necessarily have to go between the house and garage. Linkert loves the neighborhood and is glad to see a couple more homes here. The Planning Commission would try to support you in this. Retterath the problem is that the solution requires multiple disciplines and just having an architect won't necessarily solve it for you. Smith added that we should keep in mind the 80 foot lot depth. If we can make the leap that the original depth is an existing condition it would be an issue that you didn't create and could be solved with a variance. Retterath asked about the lack of utilities and how that was handled. Smith indicated that an agreement was signed and escrow money was taken. -2716- Ward said that we have given some direction and that the applicant will now have to come up with a plan for the commission to evaluate. OLD /NEW BUSINESS A. Staff Report and Projects Update Request for special meeting on November 19, 2013 — one land use application for the reuse of the VFW pending and parking and urban agriculture. MOTION by Ward, second by Linkert, to add a special meeting on November 19, 2013. MOTION carried unanimously. B. 2013 Term Expirations — Ward /Gawtry /Linkert C. Council Liaison Report —The final Maxfield Marketing Study has been submitted. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ward, second by Retterath, to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jill Norlander -2717- Harbor Wine & Spirits November 2013 Date Weather Cust 13 Cust 12 Variance 2013 2012 Difference +/- Cash 11/1/2013 ovrest 50 501 289 212 11/2/2013 ovrest40s 605 500 105 11/3/2013 2901.5 526 -526 11/4/2013 rain lo 40s 288 12998.38 288 11/5/2013 late snow 29 313 260 53 11/6/2013 ovrest hi 30s 259 368 -109 11/712013 part sun 45 333 251 82 11/8/2013 wind 30s 501 310 191 11/9/2013 ovrest 30s 519 521 -2 11/10/2013 526 -526 11/11/2013 ovrest 30s 261 11772.99 261 11/12/2013 sun 35 266 218 48 11/13/2013 sun to 40s 268 315 -47 11/14/2013 sun 40s 264 291 -27 11/15/2013 sun 55 566 280 286 11/16/2013 rain 39 530 528 2 11117/2013 599 -599 11/18/2013 wnd pt sun3E 219 219 11/19/2013 wnd 45 290 299 -9 11/20/2013 cldy 40 274 455 -181 11/21/2013 pt cldy 43 282 896 -614 11/22/2013 pt sun 25 568 7241.94 568 11/23/2013 sun 18 571 473 98 11/24/2013 515 -515 11/25/2013 wnd cldy 30 297 297 11/26/2013 high wnd 20 374 235 139 11/27/2013 pt sun 33 846 266 580 11/28/2013 - 514.12 249 -249 11/29/2013 cldy 35 479 272 207 11/30/2013 pt cldy 40 510 579 -69 28674.67 - 22542.63 5.18 0 Totals 10184 10021 163 -2718- 12245.34 7001.35 5243.99 0.09 14628.22 11726.72 2901.5 -6.08 12998.38 - 12998.38 5578.71 5578.71 0.86 6994.66 4457.56 2537.1 -1.49 5366.98 7153.99 - 1787.01 1.16 6631.51 5123.35 1508.16 9.32 11772.99 6827.23 4945.76 -3.55 12461.49 12057.93 403.56 -0.15 12170.91 - 12170.91 4784.42 4784.42 0.73 5166.6 4072.11 1094.49 -0.77 5906.21 6150.8 - 244.59 - 190.65 5640.22 5662.12 -21.9 0 13261.17 6019.23 7241.94 189.62 12470.3 12726.39 - 256.09 8.59 14300.82 - 14300.82 3858.89 3858.89 -1.05 5638.33 6152.45 - 514.12 5.18 5294.24 11331.81 - 6037.57 -1.07 6132.04 28674.67 - 22542.63 5.18 14894.88 14894.88 1.41 15534.76 11244.69 4290.07 -1.22 11294.5 - 11294.5 6330.93 6330.93 0.86 9435.43 4417.58 5017.85 0.37 28562.91 5474.24 23088.67 -8.03 0 4822.94 - 4822.94 11270.9 5766.61 5504.29 6.12 11767.24 15597.06 - 3829.82 1.28 0 241629.4 204542.7 37086.67 $16.71 Harbor Wine & Spirits 2013 Date Cust 13 Cust 12 Variance Sales 2013 Sales 2012 Difference +/- Cash +/- January 8,714 7,806 908 184,339.57 163,31190 21,025.67 -12.93 February 8,614 8,133 481 200,423.60 180,009.40 20,414.20 -38.68 March 9,237 9,543 -306 207,569.80 214,285.70 - 6,715.90 -27.81 April 9,100 8,856 244 196,147.79 188,776.43 7,371.36 -6.49 May 10,590 10,655 -65 243,744.83 244,052.50 - 307.67 -52.24 June 10,827 12,072 -1,245 257,333.00 288,098.66 - 30,765.66 -30.46 July 12,196 12,431 -235 299,483.48 307,293.30 - 7,809.82 106.37 August 12,806 11,816 990 304,315.79 250,809.09 53,506.70 -26.92 September 10,183 10,688 -505 213,541.40 235,656.00 - 22,114.60 -28.83 October 10,339 10,357 -18 234,353.00 235,106.10 - 753.10 -3.58 November 10,184 10,021 163 241,629.40 204,542.70 37,086.70 16.71 December 11,224 - 11,224 294,301.44 - 294,301.44 Totals 112,790 123,602 - 10,812 2,582,881.66 -2719- - 223,363.56 - 104.86 CITY OF MOUND EXPENSES - BUDGET REPORTING NOVEMBER 2013 91.67% NOVEMBER 2013 YTD PERCENT FUND BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERALFUND Council Promotions City Manager Elections Finance /Clerk Assessing Legal City Hall Building Computer Police Emegency Preparedness Planning & Inspections Streets Parks Cemetery Transfers Cable TV Contingency TOTALS OTHER FUNDS Area Fire Services Docks Transit District Maintenance Capital Projects MSA Construction Sealcoating TIF 1 -2 - Metroplains TIF 1 -3 - Mound Harbor Water Utility Sewer Utility Liquor Store Recycling Utility Storm Water Utility Indian Knoll Public Housing 78,715 8,827 69,012 9,703 87.67% 67,500 34,500 66,000 1,500 97.78% 185,166 13,966 163,901 21,265 88.52% 1,555 - - 1,555 0.00% 350,045 24,181 261,029 89,016 74.57% 96,600 - 96,274 326 99.66% 105,500 2,093 61,060 44,440 57.88% 88,500 15,839 71,982 16,518 81.34% 31,848 4,496 34,204 (2,356) 107,40% 1,629,909 6,184 1,621,409 8,500 99.48% 8,150 362 5,211 2,939 63.94% 336,536 53,887 312,212 24,324 92.77% 887,094 190,722 787,702 99,392 88.80% 503,807 28,281 411,622 92,185 81.70% 11,118 - 954 10,164 8.58% 396,165 108,847 397,318 (1,153) 100.29% 57,133 12,185 37,044 20,089 64.84% 73,000 26,584 150,759 (77,759) 206.52% 4,908,341 530,954 4,547,693 360,648 92.65% 1,082,461 72,651 969,613 112,848 89.57% 154,724 7,356 161,309 (6,585) 104.26% 50,800 5,165 27,828 22,972 54.78% - 448,686 4,942,680 (4,942,680) n/a - 852 10,254 (10,254) n/a - 925 95,262 (95,262) n/a - - n/a - - 21,923 (21,923) n/a 1,756,250 118,011 1,945,166 (188,916) 110.76% * 1,811,688 376,665 2,357,270 (545,582) 130.11% * 618,116 93,433 532,376 85,740 86.13% * 198,581 13,929 163,671 34,910 82.42% * 379,408 27,726 369,295 10,113 97.33% * 243,600 28,862 287,546 (43,946) 118.04% * * Some Enterprise Fund expenses still need to be capitalized which will reduce overall expenditures for year. -2720- SAFINANCE DEPT \REPORTS \2013 \EXPENSES.xIs NOVEMBER F N (7 Q M N V' N N rn n LL} to n � O f0 rn OJ O N O N O N O, O M YJ V O] O M V n h M N V W Ql T V rn rn O rn r n O M O n� (p M V � r M V �_m_n_Nr v. -_voMO n_n �M�_M m_rnmN n_m Mrn o_M W m_ N M N V M N - •- N V M M am M `-' to O - ltd N rn n N rn n N n M N M 0 l0 O N N N V V V O t(, M V Wm M V' W O N V W rn rn V N M M O] n O W O OJ O V M N O N n M W N M M n V V O W M rn N n N ON (O M N W (O N n V M W O N M N V M N - N N - M M r (O M `-' -V"- N r rn W O>N 0) n «l M V tOO NrnM ONMN rn00 u�-irnrn V O M N N M YJ N V W rn rn N W M M M W n O n O n � 0 e- M M M M 'V rn M n N O V N n M W V M r N rn N M N QI n W N rn O rn O M N N N M N a V W p OO rn( i I N h M n n n a V O CO CO N W N (O W M W lP r O tJ1 M O) W r N N O M O r N N M e N M r 1G a M rn N N N M M M W T N N M M r 16 W W V N r (D 10 V M N H N d M C Y] M N O C7 r N N W V N h r � O M tlJ n V N M O V N M M ai M .- a a M W CO 1l W M � O N M O QI M O K M M `° (nD r MOON V M M lMp O V (p M V NI III N CM Z M �- M W M N M V V M M f0 (O N W rn y 9 O O c m N N W M O N M r M O rn O aT N M V W M N V N O O N M �O W M V rn M M � a- N M N rn M M. M O- C Z iPM W r' N N O> V O � o]NMn(ri •-(O Mn MMMn n vn M!- W N N M M N rn E E > > > > 0 O eO C O O O O O O O � 2 0o' � p O O e X X ¢,R om X a O ' =_ (n � Q J LL N E N W E E E E E E K K� U V - N O O E N T m LL Z m m 02 0000000000000OO m M m LL LL m BO g COQ 7 (Om � rN� s cn P wo 65 W 3:3: a N rn O: 272 i- n uJ M N M O } n n a r - V M rn M M V M M M M N M M N V M N V V M 0 O Ol N M O C' M rn V N C �- N V M M M M M O) (JJ N r t!) (O M (p M n (D O V M O NN W M M Z� �• v M � � OJ c M v 7 F Ste, W M M M M O, n N M N M M M W .- O F; O O M O M r' C M O OO M M to M V W M M M N n NM O N V N rn O N M M M 0 (O M I> tl60 M M M M P (p N V V M rn M V O M M (O d O M O M (p n N 1� W M t(J N M n O N OM M W W Q W M M M n N N N r M S Z. N tP 1I) f� N U _Z ob � = O N W N (O W ( ( O d' A N O N W V M (0 O M B V M N M V OJ V N M O M N O M tll N U Ir �MM V ='(NOM -MMMMr MM- M N M M M(MD�M� M moOrni V MM Q r M M M M N N N v v- M M --M y v N N M O N N O N M O QI M O K M M `° (nD r MOON V M M lMp O V (p M V NI III N CM Z M �- M W M N M V V M M f0 (O N W rn y 9 O O c m N N V rn M M O- C M M O N (O MIX-- Q O M a N O I 02 � N N M M N x E E > > > > 0 O eO C O O O O O O O � 2 0o' � p O O e X X ¢,R om X a O ' =_ (n � O N M O QI M O K M M `° (nD r MOON V M M lMp O V (p M V NI III N CM Z M �- M W M N M V V M M f0 (O N J f W rn y 9 O O c m N N N c N C N C 02 � N E N N W N N N N E O � tEN mc5 E E E E E E E m 2 x E E > > > > 0 O eO C O O O O O O O � 2 0o' � p O O e X X ¢,R om X a O ' =_ (n � Q J LL N E N W E E E E E E K K� U V - N O O E N T m LL Z m m 02 0000000000000OO m M m LL LL m BO g COQ 7 (Om � rN� s cn P wo 65 W 3:3: a N rn O: 272 i- n uJ M N M O J f City of Mound BMI Engineering Hours YTD as of 09/30/13 < Project I Hours 1 $ Billed I Fund I Fund /Funding Source Escrow Accounts - Billed to property Mound /Woodlyn Ridge Subdivision 324.50 29,198.50 Escrows owners Escrow Accounts - Billed to property Mound /MCES Projects, Review /Coordination 40.00 4,961.00 Escrows owners /agencies Escrow Accounts - Billed to property Mound /Development Reviews 26.00 3,226.00 Escrows owners 390.50 37,385.50 Mound /General Engineering 206.50 17,915.00 101 General Fund /Taxes Mound /Update Street & Utility Maps (1 /4) 2.63 300.50 101 Streets (1 /4)/Taxes Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) 0.50 52.50 101 Streets (1 /4) /Taxes Mound /I &I Analysis Report 209.63 18,268.00 675 Storm Water Fees (114) Mound /2012 Street /Utility /Retaining Wall 846.50 82,467.50 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Mound /Street Light Replacement 0.00 0.00 401 Federal Grants /City Match /MSA Mound /SW Island Area 103.00 9,642.50 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Mound /Ridgewood /ldlewood /Highland 59.50 5,741.00 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Mound /2013 Street, Utility Improvements 6,731.00 618,975.51 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Mound /Island View Drive Reconstruction 11.00 1,049.50 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding Mound /2014 Street, Utility Improvements 170.50 16,110.50 401 Capital Projects Fund /Bonding 3,759.00 7,921.50 733,986.51 Sewer Fees Mound /MSA System Update 51.00 7,156.00 402 Municipal State Aid for Streets (MSA Mound /2013 Crack Seal Coat Project 75.00 8,369.00 427 MSA Funds /General Funds 18,381.00 126.00 15,525.00 Sewer Fees Mound /Watermain Loop Island View 15.50 1,337.00 601 Water Fees Mound /Water System Modeling 0.00 0.00 601 Water Fees Mound /Update Street & Utility Maps (114) 2.63 300.50 601 Water Fees (1 14) Mound /Water Supply Emergency Consery 0.50 71.00 601 Water Fees Mound /Wellhead Protection Plan 0.00 0.00 601 Water Fees Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) 0.00 0.00 601 Water Fees (1/4) 18.63 1,708.50 Mound /2011 Lift Station Reconstruction 9.50 908.00 675 Storm Water Fees 602 Sewer Fees Mound /2013 Lift Station Improvment 426,00 55,365.90 2.63 602 Sewer Fees Mound /I &I Analysis Report 18.00 2,250.00 675 Storm Water Fees (114) 602 Sewer Fees Mound /Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 2,63 300.50 111.00 602 Sewer Fees (1/4) Mound /SWPPP Update 5.50 546.50 675 Storm Water Fees 602 Sewer Fees Mound /2012 Lift Station Reconstruction 43.50 4,712.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) 0.00 0.00 602 Sewer Fees (1/4) Mound /2010 Lift Station Reconstruction 39.00 3,759.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound /MCES Flows /City Charges 3.50 480.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound /2012 VICES Grant Program 1/1 Reduct 162.50 18,381.00 602 Sewer Fees 710.13 86,702.90 Mound /2011 Storm Drainage Improvements 10.00 1,392.50 675 Storm Water Fees Mound /WCA Administration 18.00 1,606.50 675 Storm Water Fees Mound /Update Street & Utility Maps (1 /4) 2.63 300.50 675 Storm Water Fees (1/4) Mound /GIS Updates (1/4) 0.00 0.00 675 Storm Water Fees (114) Mound /2012 Drainage Improvement Project 10.00 1,420.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound /Surface Water Management 111.00 13,161.88 675 Storm Water Fees Mound /2013 Storm Drainage Improvements 204.50 21,591.50 675 Storm Water Fees Mound /2104 Storm Drainage Improvements 1.50 171.00 357.63 39,643.88 09/30/13 YTD Total 9,734.00 933,220.29 -2722- Theresa Sunde Government Relations Manager Sent November 26, 2013 Via Certified Mail Dear Mound Community Official: This letter is to inform you that, on or about January 1, 2014, Mediacom will be implementing the following rate adjustments:' Product: Old Rate: New Rate: Net Change: Local Broadcast Station Surcharge $1.61 $2.12 $0.51 Digital Plusz $14.00 $16.00 $2.00 HBO $16.95 $17.95 $1.00 Showtime $12.95 $14.95 Starz $9.00 $11.00 $2.00 The decision to make price adjustments is always a difficult one. We are very reluctant to raise video prices because, when we do, we lose customers. However, cable and satellite companies are constantly being pressured by the programmers we buy from to pay more for the channels we carry. The fees we pay to retransmit local broadcast stations like ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC are by far our fastest growing programming cost component. Outdated federal laws give the local broadcast stations monopoly power over network and syndicated programming within their respective market areas. Over the past few years, many broadcasters have used real or threatened blackouts to extract huge rate increases during contract negotiations. American consumers, through their cable and satellite bills, are now paying billions of dollars each year to broadcast station owners for "free" over - the -air television. In May 2013, Mediacom instituted a Local Broadcast Station Surcharge equal to the fee increases the local broadcast stations in your market have demanded we pay to them since the start of 2012. By bringing more transparency to the unjustified fee increases being taken by local broadcast stations, we hope to draw the attention of consumers and their elected representatives to this rapidly escalating problem. Unfortunately, local broadcasters aren't the only programmers causing cable and satellite prices to rise. Other channel owners are also insisting on rate increases. From time to time, it is necessary for Mediacom to adjust the cost of certain products we offer. Despite the business challenges we face, Mediacom appreciates the opportunity to continue to serve your community's telecommunications needs. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at tsunde@mediacomcc.com. Sincerely, Theresa Sunde 1 Depending on the terms of their contract, certain customers on promotional rates mayor may not receive this rate change at this time. 2 The Digital Plus level of service is no longer available for purchase by new customers. Mediacom Communications Corporation 1504 2rd Street SE,-2723 -a, Minnesota 56093 t 1 1 MOUND CITY OF WILSHIRE ;! •! MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 YEAR 2014 TABLE CONTENTS PROPOSED YEAR 2014 LEGISLATIVE & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1 BUDGET MESSAGE 2-7 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8-10 GENERAL FUND REVENUE 11-12 GENERAL FUND - SUMMARY OF REV & EXP 13 TAX LEVY RECAP 14 DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVIES 15 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL 16 PROMOTIONS 16 CITY MANAGER 16-17 ELECTIONS 17 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 17-18 ASSESSING 18 LEGAL 18 CENTENNIAL BUILDING 18-19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 19 CITY HALL 19 POLICE 19-20 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 20 PLANNING & INSPECTIONS A STREETS 21-22 PARKS 22-23 CEMETERY 23 CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS 23-24 AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND 25-30 DOCKS 31-32 TRANSIT DISTRICT MAINTENANCE 33 ENTERPRISE FUNDS LIQUOR 34-37 WATER 38-41 SEWER 42-45 STORMWATER O RECYCLING 50-51 MUIR City Manager Kandis Hanson City Attorney Melissa Manderschied Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok Public Works Director/City Engineer Carlton Moore Community Development/City Planner Sarah Smith Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson Fire Chief/Fire Inspector Gregory Pederson Liquor Store Manager John Colotti -1- December 5, 2013 Mayor Hanus Council Members City of Mound 5341 Maywood Roa Mun, MN 55364 1 • • Dear Mayor and Council Members, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364-1687 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB- wwwcityofmound.cow, Please find the attached 2014 Proposed Budget for your review and consideration. As City Manager, I remain committed to responsible and ethical budgeting and spending. Because it is my responsibility to stay abreast of the short-term and long-term needs of the City, my 'recommendations represent a very hands-on level of awareness. You may be confident that I am sensitive to your priorities and to the politics. As you know, the Preliminary Levy can go down or stay the same, but not be increased. The proposed General Fund budget reflects the following.- • A $150,000 reduction in the General Fund Levy, or (4.23%) • Utilization of $97,060 of General Fund reserves An unassigned fund balance of 20% of expenses, with an additional $300,000 available for inter-fund year-end loans A City tax rate projected at 55.27% City staff is committed to keeping expenditures in line with our revenues, and we are aware that the financial pressures will continue into the near future. Staff has continued to try to take advantage of opportunities for savings and to minimize spending where possible. We are benefiting from many initiatives that were started in previous years, including contracting for police services, moving to a flat fee for prosecution legal services, contracting for utility billing services, and the many department/staff reorganizations that resulted in a reduction of 7 full-time employees, or 21%, since 2008, excluding the police contract. The contract for police services with the City of Orono will allow the City to predict increases for a large portion of our General Fund budget for the next 10+ years. This partnership saves the City an estimated $200,000 a year without impacting services levels. In fact, the City was struggling to maintain service levels and provide for our officer safety in 2012 when staffing printed on recycled paper -2- reached critical levels. In addition, all of Mound officers were hired by Orono and 9 out of 10 of them received a raise, better supervision and promotional opportunities. The revenue budgets and corresponding fee schedules are part of this final budget approval and reflect the feedback received at the August 20th special budget workshop. The public will be allowed to speak on the budget prior to its approval the evening of December i oth. Enclosed are the materials for discussion at the December I Oth meeting. To ensure quick progress is made at the meeting, you are invited to email, or otherwise direct, your specific questions to me in advance. By doing so, Department Heads may gather the data in time for the meeting, enabling us to better answer your questions and satisfy your concerns. Please try to do so by noon on Monday, December 9th. Thanks! Operations Budget, The packet contains the detailed budget for each department in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds and Enterprise Funds. Capital Purchases. Large equipment purchases had traditionally been funded by issuing equipment certificates, which are paid back over five or ten years. Due to high issuance costs, the City has not issued any since 2009 since the capital expenditures have been at a manageable level and, therefore, have been funded with cash. It is anticipated equipment certificates will be issued for larger expenditures, such as the sewer vacuum truck and fire ladder truck, which will be needed in the next 2 — 5 years. Human Resources. Personnel costs will always be the largest expenditure of local government, since it is a service agency and it takes people to provide the services. Demands on staff are growing as staff size diminishes and capacities are being reached. I contend that current economic conditions have our customers expecting leaner government and discretion applied to the services provided. Certain tasks cannot be compromised, however. The City now has more green space and infrastructure than ever before but the effort that has been put into developing the community must be maintained. The list includes new public buildings, their grounds, the Greenway and landscaped medians. At the same time, the City has taken an active role in community gatherings such as the Spirit of the Lakes Festival and the Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Fire Department also serves as a prominent partner in mutual aid for neighboring cities. Salaries & Wages - Salaries and wages in all departments reflect step increases for employees with less than six years' tenure, as required under the City of Mound Pay Equity Policy. This budget reflects the Public Works labor agreement settlement of a $0.50 per hour increase as of January 1, 2013 and a $0.50 per hour increase as of January 1, 2014, in addition to the $25 per month increase to dependent coverage for 2013 and 2014. Personnel-related expenses (FICA, PERA, hospital/dental insurance, life/disability insurance, health care savings plan, and worker's comp insurance) have been adjusted accordingly. Programmin Our charge as City officials is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. That generally means providing for the basic needs. Other services beyond that scope can be thought of as enhancements to quality of life and can oftentimes be reduced or eliminated. Programs, being a matter of -policy, should be designated by Council Members. The following list has been developed over the years and is included each year in the budget packet: --designating several parks as natural, eliminating their mowing --reviewing the status of green spaces, to determine other possible uses --increase the time between grass and weed trimming citywide --increase the snow accumulation before the start of snow plowing --in-kind staff support to events such as Music in the Park --eliminate Clean Sweep nuisance abatement I tnam vlo= State Aid. Mound will receive Local Government Aid in 2014 for the first time since 2003. This allows Mound to decrease its General Fund Levy by $150,000, or (4.23%), even after many years of negative or flat General Fund Levy changes. It is also anticipated Mound will receive LGA in 2015, but based on history, the City should not over rely on it. That being said, it comes at a time when our tax base is still diminishing in value and will help the City maintain its overall tax rate. It is anticipated that the decrease in the 2014 tax base will be the bottom and then begin to increase moderately assuming the economy stays healthy. Lea Umits. Levy limits were imposed for 2009 -2011 and again in 2014. The preliminary General Fund Levy increase is well below the limit of a 3% increase. The reduction in the General Fund levy of (4.23%) helped to offset the increase in special/debt levies, for an overall levy decrease of (1.18%). Franchi*se Fees The $2.75 per month per meter franchise fee for gas and electric customers is assessed by the utility companies, Minnegasco and Xcel, at the request of the cities, and is mid to the City on a quarterly basis. The Council approved keeping these fees in place through , December 3 1 � 2014, at the same rate of $2.75 per meter per month. It should be noted that Public Works and the Fire Department supports the gas and electric companies on a frequent basis during storm-cleanup, after lines have been severed in construction, in response to gas leaks, etc. IM E,nterpri*se Funds. Liquor Store Fund. The liquor store made their first profit in 2007 since moving to the new store in 2002. Liquor store cash was used to fund part of the construction, resulting in negative reserves that profits are being used to replenish. Serious reduction in force efforts were applied in 2006 which has significantly reduced operating expenses. That along with an emphasis on inventory management, controlling operating costs, and emphasizing customer service, is expected to grow profits. Sales have remained steady the last few years, suggesting that growth in profits will come primarily from effectively managing the mark-ups and operating expenses. The Liquor Fund began contributing to tax relief again in 2012. $50,000 per year for 2012 -- 2015 is assumed. The dollars are transferred from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund because Minnesota State statute prohibits the transfer directly to the Seal Coat Fund. Ultimately, the General Fund will transfer the equivalent dollars received to the Seal Coat Fund. Seal Coating is an integral component of extending the life of our new streets. The plan is to seal coat the streets every 5 — 7 years. That, along with a one-time mill and overlay, should make the new streets last over 30 years. The underlying water and sewer infrastructure is expected to last 40 — 50 years. KEY 1 -32 0 MAG The City has had an informal policy of increasing rates steadily over time. The tiered rate system has been in place since 2010 and infrastructure improvements will somewhat diminish now that the 10 -year neighborhood street reconstruction project has been completed. LHOM.02mr1ral Lift Station Upgrades - The City has 30 sanitary sewer lift stations, 15 of which have been replaced as of 2013. The plan is to replace one per year or perhaps more if bids are favorable or smaller lift stations can substitute. In addition, sewer pipes are being relined to eliminate inflow and infiltration. This program addresses mandates from the Metropolitan Council for upgrading our infrastructure which is intended to reduce our fee to Met Council for wastewater treatment. Metropolitan Council - The City's effort to reduce I & I has resulted in a reduction in fees to the Met Council over the past few years, although rate increases and increased flows are once again cutting into those savings. This is a highly volatile line item for the sewer fund and is scrutinized closely by department heads. Storm Sewer Fund. Storm sewer projects have increased dramatically in the past few years. In 2009, we began allocating some payroll to this fund as staff time on these projects went up. The City will 10 continue to seek alternative funding through the state and other grants to help fund mandates to reconstruct outfalls that filter water into area lakes and streams. Recycligg Fund. We negotiated a 9% reduction on our Allied Waste curbside recycling contract, from $4.00 per month per household to $3.63 for the contract period 2012 — 2016. Residents pay $4.00 a month. We have other costs related to administering the program, including the leaf drop off and Spring Clean-up Day, but we are looking for ways to make this fund self-supporting and minimize costs for residents. The HRA is the owner of the Transit District. The HRA took action to levy for funding the municipally -owned portions of the Transit District construction equal to the amount of the annual debt service for a 30 year term. The existing levy balance at that time was dedicated to soft costs for the parking deck project. In addition, an HRA budget has been established for the Transit District's routine care and long-term maintenance, which are costs that go beyond the debt service requirement. It should be noted that the current HRA levy amount, which is limited to 1.85% of the prior year taxable market value, has decreased due to our declining tax capacity. Therefore, HRA fund balance is being used to supplement the Transit District maintenance budget. The 2014 budget impact, as proposed, is depicted in the following summary: General Fund Levy Summary 2014 Change to General Fund Levy $ ($150K) Change to General Fund Levy % (4.23%) Change to Total Levy % (1.18%) Change in Gen Fund Balance $ ($971060) Unassigned Fund Bal as % of Exp 20% Total Fund Balance as a % of Exp 39% Funds Available for Interfund Loans $300K Another consideration is the City Property Tax Rate. Even though many recent levy increases have been negative or flat, the tax rate has continued to increase due to the decline in Tax Capacity (Net Levy/Tax Capacity = Tax Rate). Tax Capacity is expected to increase again in 2015, the first time since 2009. Fund Balance is important to maintain in order to provide cash flow between the bi-annual tax receipts. Unassigned fund balance is a key factor in the City's bond rating and a reflection of its fiscal strength. The City of Mound has an informal target of 20% unassigned fund balance as a "I percentage of expenditures, which we have been able to maintain at or better,, with the exception of 2011 when the classifications changed due to the implementation of GAS B 54. The Office of the State Auditor recommends a total fund balance of 35% - 50%, a range we have also been able to consistently maintain. Moody's renewed the AA Stable bond rating for the 2013 bond issues. In closing, I recognize the budget is the prerogative of the City Council, and appreciate the support and guidance you have provided in developing this proposed budget and levy. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email Catherine or myself in advance of Tuesday's meeting. Thank you for your kind consideration. MEMEM Kandis Hanson City Manager M CITY OF MOUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2014 BUDGET 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION � REQUESTED P 2014 CITY OF MOUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2014 BUDGET DEPARTMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION 2014 REQUESTED PROPOSED AMOUNT AMOUNT Fire Protective Turnout Gear (12) 20,100 8,000 IPAD Tablets - To replace current mobile data computers (4) - CPS 2,520 - 100' Aerial Ladder Truck - 2016? 875,000 - Lucas Device - Automated CPR machine. 13,000 - Bauer High Pressure SCBA Breathing Air Compressor 32,000 - Basic Power Tool Replacements - Chainsaws, Fans, Blowers 3,000 3,000 800 Mhz Motorola Portable Radios (30) - Lease? 95,480 - Building Repairs - Replace deteriorating concrete 16,000 Building Repairs - Replace exterior lighting fixtures 12,000 - 1,069,100 11,000 Liquor Store Security Camera Upgrades 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Water Wheel & Tire Balancing Machine (to handle larger wheels/tires)1/3 1,320 1,320 Garage Improvements (soffit & insulation) 1/3 8,250 8,250 Chevy 2500 4 x 4 (#302 2002) 75,000 3/4 Ton 4x4 with Plow (#308 2008) 45,000 2015 Ford F-550 (10%, Remainder from Streets & Sewer) 8,052 - 2014 Freightliner Plow Truck (10%, Remainder from Streets & Sewer) 18,000 18,000 155,622 27,570 Sewer Wheel ,& Tire Balancing Machine (to handle larger wheels/tires)1/3 1,320 1,320 Garage Improvements (soffit & insulation) 1/3 8,250 8,250 2014 Ford F-550 (25%, Remainder from Streets & Water) 2015 20,130 - 2014 Freightliner Plow Truck (10%, Remainder from Streets & Water) 18,000 18,000 Vac Truck - 2015 400,000 - 447,700 27,570 Storm Sewer n/a - - Docks Weed Whips / Backpack Blowers / Chainsaws* 150 150 Stand on Mower - 2015* 813 813 Stand on Mower - 2015* 813 813 Utility Trailer for Skid Loader - 2015 938 938 1/2 Ton Pickup - 2015 * 3,125 Ford F-550 Dump & Plow Setup 9,125 Deck Replacement 7,700 7,700 Rip-Rap 50,000 50,000 72,663 60,413 Transit District Mainenance n/a - - Page 2 of 3 12/5/2013 CITY OF MOUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2014 BUDGET DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND LIQUOR STORE FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND STORM FUND DOCK FUND HRA FUND TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2014 REQUESTED PROPOSED AMOUNT AMOUNT 2014 REQUESTED PROPOSED AMOUNT AMOUNT 315,646 177,558 1,069,100 11,000 2,000 2,000 155,622 27,570 447,700 27,570 72,663 60,413 2,062,730 306,110 Page 3 of 3 -10- 12/5/2013 Taxes 31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 3,086,032 3,053,400 3,088,993 2,958,262 31015 Ad Valorem Taxes for Rent - - - - 31020 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 140,596 78,833 125,000 80,000 31040 Fiscal Disparities 373,273 359,929 360,618 360,618 31900 Penalties and Interest DelTax - - - - 31910 Penalties and Interest AdVaITx 36,353 27,884 15,000 15,000 Total 3,636,253 3,520,046 31589,611 31413,880 -4.90% Percentage of Levy Captured 82.82% 87.87% 87.15% 87.15% Business Licenses & Permits 32010 Liquor Licenses 12,333 11,475 12,000 13,000 32020 Temp Liquor License 100 50 100 100 32030 Garbage Licenses 3,000 3,000 2,100 3,000 32170 Amusements - - - - 32172 Public Gathering Permit 650 900 600 600 32175 Fireworks Licenses 235 - 200 - 32180 Other Licenses/Permits 4,538 4,200 3,000 3,000 32190 M , isc. I Business Permits 900 710 800 800 Total 211756 20,335 18,800 20, 500 9.04% Non-Business Licenses & Permits 32210 Building Permits 114,608 101,420 90,000 115,000 27.78% 32215 Fire Permits 15 - - - 32220 Electrical Permit Fee 3,224 3,679 2,500 3,500 40.00% 32230 Plumbing Connection Permits 7,986 8,810 8,000 8)000 32235 Heating Permits 5,767 5,102 5,000 5,000 32236 Public Land Permits - 550 - - 32238 Plumbing'kegis'tration - 32239 Mechanical Registration - 32240 Animal Licenses 500 32241 Dog/Cat Licenses 1,229 3,367 - 3,000 3227-0 Grad in'g/Excavating 13,387 2,711 4,000 4,000 32280 Moving Permits - - - - 32290 Msc. P&I Fees 15 Total 146,716 125,655 109,500 138,500 26.48% Intergovernmental 33100 Federal Grants and Aids 1,856 33422 Other State Aid Grants 6,769 291,936 100.00% 33100 Federal Grants, and Aids - - 38421 Police State Aid 79,826 76,592 33430 Other State Grants and Aids 25,544 8,121 - - 33418 Muni State Ai I d St Maintenance 30,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 100-00% 33160 Grants from other Govt. Units - - 33402 Mkt Value Homestead Cr 129 1,103 - 33425 PERA State Aid 6,060 6,060 67060 Total 150,185 121,876 30,000 357,996 1093% WN IN w Charges for Services 34101 Revenue _ - - 35,000 100.00 °% a 34105 Sale of Maps and Publications 184 153 300 150 34107 Assessment Search Fees 11100 11320 500 11000 34104 Plan Check Fee 43,926 47,814 35,000 40,000 14.29% 34114 Planning Commission Approval 2,500 7,563 3,000 3,000 34191 Surcharges _ 121 - 350 350 34203 Accident Reports 11048 731 - - 34210 Dog Pick -up Charges 11240 11029 _ - 34215 Kennel Boarding Fees 1,024 17177 - - 34220 Filing Fees - 12 - - 34230 Misc Service Charges 9 188 - - 34310 Container on Right of Way 200 - 100 100 34110 Depot Rental' 6,845 4,815 5,000 5,000 34940 Cemetery Lot Sale 6,350 41375 51000 5,000 37290 Street Lighting Fee 197,847 71,144 89,589 75,000 - 16.28% 37295 Street Lighting Penalty 31182 897 1,000 11000 38051 Cable TV Franchise Fee 1061921 1041892 105,000 1057000 38053 Cable TV Peg Access Fee 23,291 211828 341641 341641 38060 Center Point Franchise Fee 1257781 125,076 125,000 125,000 38070 Xcel Energy Franchise Fee 152,828 150,993 147,000 147,000 34108 Admin Charges to Other Funds 1741482 133,991 1477866 132,866 - 10.14% Total 848,879 677,998 699,346 710,107 1.54% Fines & Forfeiture 35100 Court Fines 53,968 56,525 50,000 50,000 35150 Administrative Fines 8,608 27320 - 81000 35200 Forfeits 291 Total 62,867 58,845 50,000 587000 16.00% Other Revenue 35100 Special Assessments 19,929 39,077 10,000 10,000 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,335 301 1,000 1,000 36230 Contributions and Donations - - - - 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 45,749 67,481 20,000 20,000 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 17015 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 79,417 72,174 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 41309 18,278 34750 Park Dedication Fees 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - - - - 36210 Interest Earnings 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 13117 11113 39310 Proceeds -Gen Obligation Bond 38055 Antenna Leases 82,742 86,280 80,000 90,000 36210 interest Earnings 16,104 31436 20,000 6,000 - 70.00% 39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 23,690 10,546 - - 39210 Duplicating Service Charge 10,068 117000 121000 107000 39203 Transfer from Other Fund 8,438 65,452 63,515 63,515 Total 295,913 375,139 206,515 200,515 -2.91% 591622568 418992894 417039772 4,8999498 4.16% City of Mound General Fund Summary of Revenue and Expeditures (Note.- Public Safety Building Tax Rev/Rent Exp Removed for 2011 - 2012) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,021,33 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 5,103,047 4,908,342 4,996,558 1.80% 1411232 (203,153) (204,570) (97, 060} 2,308,172 2,449,404 21253,586 2,049,016 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND E 141,232 (203,153) (204,570) (97,060) ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,449,404 2,246,251 2,049,016 1,951,956 -4.74% Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/xx 21443,441 2,253,586 2,049, 01411 Nonspendale for 2011 2012 2013 2014 % Classification Actual 'Actual Budget Requested Changei Revenues 441,033 359,087 Restricted for Taxes 37636,253 81520,046" 31589$611, 31413,880 -4.00% Business Licenses & Permits 21,756 20,335 18,800 20,500 9.04% Non-Business Licenses & Permits 146771-6 125,655 109,500 138,500, 26.48% Intergovernmental 150,185 121,876 30,000 3571996 1093.32% Charges for Services 848,879 677,998 6991346 7101107 1.54% Fines & Forfeitures 62,867 58,845 50,000 58,000 16.00% Other 295,913 375,139, 206,515 200,515 -2.91%, TOTAL REVENUES 51162,568 4,899,894 41"7031772 4,899,498, 4.16% Expenditures City Counci 1 77,142 73,927 78,715 87,603 11.29% Promotions 69,000 69,892 67,500 66,000j -2.22% City Manager Clerk 8-071401 277,700 185,166 186,513 0.73% Elections 2,169 11,673 11555 12,000 671.70% Finance 285,210 294,572 350,045 330,337 -5.63% Assessor 95,286 961431, 96,600' 97,600 1.04% Legal 126,628 1161340 1051500 105,500 0.00% Centenial Building 100,572 791486, 88,500 68,600 -22.49% Information Technology 38,605 8,61004 31,848 31,848 0.00% City Hall (2416 Wilshire) 65 100 100.00% Police 11737)514 1,878,808 1)629,909 1,622,250 -0.47% Emergency Preparedness 8,355 2,902 8,150 38,318 370.16% Planning & Inspections 314,783 307,530 336,536 345,416 2.64% streets 929,744 906,33& 8877095, 926,355 4.43% Parks/Cemetary 486,187 493,167, 514,925 475,110 -7.73% Other 442,839 458,280 526,2981 538,007 2.22% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,021,33 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 5,103,047 4,908,342 4,996,558 1.80% 1411232 (203,153) (204,570) (97, 060} 2,308,172 2,449,404 21253,586 2,049,016 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND E 141,232 (203,153) (204,570) (97,060) ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,449,404 2,246,251 2,049,016 1,951,956 -4.74% Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/xx 21443,441 2,253,586 2,049, 01411 Nonspendale for Prepaid Items 6,718 1,740 - - Liquor Fund Loan - Long Term 560,196 520,967 441,033 359,087 Restricted for Park Dedication 13,084 - - - o ite for Interfund Loans - Deficit Cash 315,221 - 325,000 300,000 Assigned for Severance Pay 435,682 1801851 190,000 2001000 Next Year Budget Deficit 149,035 204,569 100,000 100,000 Unassigned 963,505 11345,459 992,983 992,869 Total Fund Balance 12/311xx Unassigned as a % of Exp 2,443,441 2,253,586 19% 26% -13- 2,049,016 1,951,956 20% 20% UP Fundl Description I Type 1 2011 1 2012 , - 1 2013 1 2014 101 Revenue - General Revenue 3,726,374 3,4741798 3,544,294 3,394,294 222 Fire Relief Contribution Special 78,311 82,069 83,782 78,920 355 G.O. Tax Increment - 2013B Special 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 368 G.O. Improvement - 2005A Special 75,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 331 G.O. Equipment Certificate - 2005C Special - - - - 369 G.O. Improvement - 2006A Special 58,000 58,000 58,000 62,000 332 G.O. Equipment Certificate - 2006C Special - - - - 361 G.O. Improvement - 2007A Special 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 333 G.O. Equipment Certificate - 2007C Special 60,000 - - - 362 G.O. Improvement - 2008B Special 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 334 G.O. Equipment Certificate - 2008D Special 47,000 46,400 - - 363 G.O. Improvement - 2009A Special 136,000 235,000 215,600 215,600 335 G.O. Equipment Certificate - 2009C Special 58,450 7,850 46,675 28,425 375 G.O. Tax Increment - 2009D (Dump) Special 120,349 125,048 214,400 200,000 370 G.O. Refunding - 2011A Special 419,200 387,190 376,923 367,440 364 G.O. Improvement - 2011 B Special - 191,368 191,105 190,685 365 G.O. Improvement - 2012A Special - - 113,181 110,346 371 G.O. Refunding - 2012B (PS Building) Special 392,789 357,500 349,000 349,000 3xx G.O. Improvement - 2013A Special - - - 131,154 TOTAL LEVY 5,407,473 5,286,223 5,513,960 5,448,864 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 1.99% -2.24% 4.31% -1.18% REVENUE LEVY 3,726,374 3,474,798 3,544,294 37394,294 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 0.00% -6.75% 2.00% -4.23% SPECIAL LEVY 1,681,099 1,811,425 1,969,666 2,054,570 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 6.70% 7.75% 8.74% 4.31% 1 Fund l Description lyp e 2011 2012 2013 2014 285 HRA - Operating HRA 66,407 48,498 16,854 7,541 350 HRA - Limited Tax Pledge - 2006 HRA 178,000 172,325 174,340 175,187 _ TOTAL LEVY 244,407 220,823 191,194 182,728 LESS: FISCAL DISPARITIES LEVY (16,548) (16,397) (16,830) - NET LEVY 227,859 204,426 174,364 182,728 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 0,23% -10.28% -14.71% 4.80% Tax Rate Calculation 2011 , 2012 2013, 2014 CERTIFIED LEVY 5,407,473 5,286,223 5,513,960 5,448,864 LESS: FISCAL DISPARITIES LEVY (360,618) (363,097) (405,203) (368,659) NET LEVY 5,046,855 4,923,126 5,108,757 5,080,205 MUNICIPAL TAX RATE 42.135% 47.525% 54.709% 53.353% HRA TAX RATE 1.902% 1.973% 1.867% 1.919% TOTAL DIRECT TAX RATE 44.037% 49.499% 56.577% 55.272% Projected Taxes (Value of Home) 20111 2012- , 1 2013 2014 150,000 $ 661 $ 742 $ 849 $ 829 225,000 $ 991 $ 1,114 $ 1,273 $ 1,244 400,000 $ 1,761 $ 1,980 $ 2,263 $ 2,211 600,000 $ 2,752 $ 3,094 $ 3,536 $ 3,455 17000,000 $ 4,954 $ 5,569 $ 6,365 $ 6,218 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMB" D.XLS 12/5/2013 14- tll as CD 0 7 O ".4 -Z cr, C) rr cf) N ( 0.) C) IN C) 0 w� C,C cz Cl C, 5 oo 0 > C,4 C'4 Cl\ < CL cc 'n 0 0 np 0 ct 0 U ct 0 u CT CN V) 110 — rl- C) t-- 00 00 ',1- 00 00 m 110 C) tt — -I, (-- — 00 r- (ON N ,,c tom- W) V) W [-- W V) N W) 00 — O so "o "tt m V) W mil 10 in N ON m m VI) N ":t N w 110 C*N m w VI- kn w V) m I kr1 N 't m N C) "t oh r- 1,0 tt ,:I- M N cl� N C4, N cl� N -"' W W � V) r- kn 00 r- Izt W O N "t W e14 C'., Cr" C) V') N M C'- V") '%0 m "t, C) to 16 00 r1f rl� 00 C� CO N' rl� try � 06' (:5 r4, -4, w oc C� rl� d oo C� C� w w t- w w 00 w w w w Cl% CN Cn cn ON (Z) C) O C) C) CT C) C) C) C) (= 0 C) C) C) C) "ti- C:) C) C) C> C) C) C) C) C> ct C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) cp� C� oe all^ Cls� cr1 C� 0� Cn C C C C� oe CT 00 00 00 Oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 1-4 N ON 00 0 0 C) C) C) C) C) 0 C) C) 00 00 try C> C) C) C) C) C) C) 0 C) C) w C) 0 C) 0 C) C) C) C) a C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C> kf) 10 1-4 Ch 00 C) (Z C) C) a 0 C) C) C) C) C> "I" CD 0 C) O C) C,-) C) C) C) 0 C) LT 0 �t C) (5 kr� ,:r (=� CO 0 a 0 C:) C) C) N N CTS N C4 N N N C-4 N C'4 N — C-q N' 0 C) 0 C) O 0 0 C) 0 C:) 0 C) 0 C) C) (= C) C) C:) C) C> C) C) C) C) (= C) (= C) C) C) C) (D C) C) C) C) CD C> M kM lM kr M V� to tri kr tri kri V� Vi ,:t It It "Zt I�r Ict Ict Nt ICZI- 191- It It 00 V-) le IRt CIN 'Itt IRt cl, Itil Itt C., C\ Cn Itt 141- 0 C\ -tl- C- � zt d0 rd- — r-- 00 4t C) kn "o rt C:) kn M a M or "'Zl* r- h© N N 1,0 ON ,-4 ---I --1 --4 in Rt gl- kn — — — try m W C> M kn C,\ C� CD M M W) \,C On ---( — — t- cl ti6 .4, \16 rl� kr � rl� M � t--- C) a CD C) CD CD CD CD C> C) C) 0 C) --4 --t -4 -.-q r� r-+ r--4 r- r--4 ." r- oo kn tn oo m (=) cn oo m \,o w) r- rn r- rn I'D C) 00 C) I-- m N kn V,) d ,zj- CD r-- C*� ON CN cl� w C� cl, CT w Ch w Ch 01� CT w P-.q --.q P-4 ---4 ---4 —4 � —4 --i O C) 0 m = ,c vt C7" to C--, tt N -,I- C:) (=> C)\ N It M r- r- — t-- r- ',o kn ON Nt r- t-- O C) N W) N r- C> O N m try c) m Cn W) kn d M a C) t-- C) 0 C> 0 C) C) 0 C) C) C) C) C) CD C> C) 0 C) = CD C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) rn C> 0 � do � \C 110 a � \JD � %C a \C rq �o kn kt) In 'Lr) W) W') In kn kri W') kr) kn Wj rn Cn --4 "-( -" -" --4 --o --4 -4 --4 -4 --1 4 — rq cq eq Cq N N N N N rq N N rq C) C> 0 C) C) C) C) 0 C) (= C) C) 0 0 C) C) C) C) C) C> C) C> C) C) C) C) O C) C) C) CD C) C) C) C) C> cl-� M, cl cl� M M M M M, �e 110 \10 110 \C dc \10 0 C) (D C) C> C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) CD C) CD C) C) C) C) C> C� C) C) C) C) CO C> C) CO C) C) oe 06\ oe Oo^ 06 oe oe oe & O (:::), C� C) N r-4 Cq N eA rq N N V) V-) kr) W) wl 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 C=) 0 0 C) C) 0 C) (Z C) O C) C) (=> a C> CD a 0 CD = C) O C> C> C) C) C) oe 06' oe oo^ eT C-4, N N (-� N C4 kn to try try \0 110 110 \.c � \10 110 � C) C> 0 C) C) CD CD C) C) C> C) (= C) (= O C) C) C> C) C) C) C) <D (D C) C) C:) C) C) C> O kr kri kr tri kr M Vi kK lri kri V- w 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 �o C) C) vl� M try W) V- e4 r- It N ISO le Lri lll \S 00- kf) 'Tt C4 C) N rn 4e 1r) I'D t-- 00 cl\ C) N rn "ZI, V*) \,O h 00 CN C> ---K -" r--( -" — --4 r- N N N N N N C'4 N N N M O C) C) C) O C) a 0 a 0 0 C:) C) C) 0 0 C:> C) C) C) C:) C) C) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r*4 N N N N clq N \0 CT ct 00 lz:t:, C> \0 C:) 00 00 rn 00 kn C) rn -A rl� C) O C) 00 0 C) 0 14, C) C) C) C) C) C) 1-4 oll 2010 2011 2012 - 2013 2014 % Account Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Requested Cha City Council - 101-41110-103 Part-Time Employees 15,000 16,500 17,384 16,500 16,500 101-41110-122 FICA 11148 11263 11330 1,260 1,262 101-41110-151 Prem 75 90 58 55 55 101-41110-200 Office Supplies 11144 2 - 500 500 101-41110-202 Du plicating and copying supply 2,415 2)655 21838 3,000 3,000 101-41110-210 Operating Supplies 129 47045 524 500 500 101-41110-322 Postage 27869 21782 31402 41000 47000 101-41110-350 Printing 5)977- 6,387 6)087 61500 6,500 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 952 1,278, 1)410 700, 700 101-41110-361 General -Liability Ins 6,882, 6,899 8,056 71500 71500 101-41110-430' Miscellaneous 585 11150 651 11800 1,800 101-41110 431 'Meeting Expense 968 663 484 1,000 1,000 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 341174 32,642 311703 341300 36,186 101-41110-434 Conference & Training - 260 - 600 600 101-41110-440 Other Contractual Services 528 - Total 727318 777142 73,927 78,715 87,603 11.29% Promotions 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous - Gillespie 601000 617500 60,000: 61,500 61,500 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous - Festival 1,5K 11500, 61892 11500 17 101-41115-430 11. Miscellaneous - LMA Milfoil Tx 101000: 6)000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total 71,500 697000 69,892 677500 66,000 -2.22% City Manager 101-41310-101 F T Empl Regular 188,016 185,513 150,148 135,004 137,048 101-41310-102 F T Empl Overtime 101 392 101-41310-112 Comp Time Pay 101-41310-113 Vacation Pay 22,616 171150 167564 101-41310-114 Holiday Pay 117145 9,503 9,251 101-41310-115' Sick'Pay 71762 10,545 19,038 101-41310-116 Severance Pay 21506 11544 31889 101-41310-121 PERA 15,895 15,603 16,009 19,019 91936 101-41310-122 FICA 16,095 15,412 14,078 9,868 101-41310-131 Employer Paid Health 217770 22,560 19,184 10,870 117172 101-4131-0-133 Employer Paid Dental 900. 1 3 025 17060 616 101-41310-134 Employer Paid Life 25-- 25 24 - 14 101-41310-135 PI 117630 11,350 11,596 1)440 11440, 101-41310-137 LTD 17032 11090, 11106 633 568, 101-41310-140 Unemployment Comp 11877, 101-41310 1 -151 P I rem 11259, 11433 2,577 57550 21500 Payroll Related 300,651 294J32 264917 172,516 173,163 0.38% 101-41310-200 Office Supp�l ies 11555, 589 365' 600 600 101-41310-202 Dupl-i-catin-g-an'd copying supply 11347 054 17300 11300 101-41310-203 Printed Form-s 39 - 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies 257 67 448 150 300 101-41310-218 Clothing - a - nd Uniforms 95 23 122 100 50 101-41310-305 Medical Services 100 50 100 100 101-41310-321 Telephone & Cells 583 11285 17521 11200 1,500 2 5, 101-41310-322 Postage 337 285 307 300 300 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto 765 1 1624 137 11000 11000 101-41310-36-1 General Liability Ins 2,033 1,943, 1,921 2,000 2,000 101-41310-400 Repairs & Maintenance 129 129 129 -16- 101- 41310 -404 Machinery /Equip Repairs /Maint 101 -41310 -430 Miscellaneous 144 288 307 300 300 ' -41310 -431 Meeting Expense 544 581 170 1,000 500 - 50.00% ..j 1 -41310 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 21153 668 11415 2,000 11100 - 45.00% 101 -41310 -434 Conference & Training 41600 31792 41899 , 21500 4,200 68.00% 101 -41310 -435 Books and Pamphlets - 8 - - 101- 41310 -438 Licenses and Taxes - - _ - - 101- 41310- 440 Other Contractual Services 101 -41310 -500 Capital Outlay FA - ...... ........ Total 3157265 3071401 277,700 185,166 186,513 0.73% Elections _ 101- 41410 -102 F T Empl Overtime 402 - 405 - 500 101- 41410 -103 Part -Time Employees 896' - - - - 101- 41410 -121 P E RA 34 - 29 . - 50 101- 41410 -122 FICA 34 - _ 28 - 50 101- 41410 -131 Employer Paid Health 279 _ _ 108 _ 200 101- 41410 -133 Employer Paid Dental 1 - - - - 101 -41410 -134 Employer Paid Life 0 _ _ 0 _ - 101 -41410 -135 PI _ 43 _ 16 101- 41410 -137 LTD _ 7 - 3 - 101 -41410 -200 Office Supplies 72 - 215 _ - 200 101- 41410 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 206 0 461 - 300' 101- 41410 -210 Operating Supplies _ 21038 _ 362 a 955 - 1,000 101 -41410 -300 Professional Srvs 5,993 - ` 6,602 - 7,000 101- 41410- 322 Postage 295 - 600 50 400 101 -41410 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 269 _ 86 _ 100 z n1- 41410- 400 Repairs & Maintenance 6,056 1,806 1,906 1,505 2,000 -41410 -430 Miscellaneous 119 - 48 __ - 100 1 -41410 -431 Meeting Expense 97 - 210 - 100 101 -41410 -500 Capital Outlay FA - - _ Total 16,841 21169 11,673 11555 127000 671.70% Finance & Administration 101 -41500 -101 F T Empl Regular 198,912 164,592 1761099 233,526 223,047 101- 41500 -102 F T Empl Overtime 578' 36 - _ - 101- 41500 -112 Comp Time Pay (24) _ u 101 -41500 -113 Vacation Pay 14,217 14,226 12,398 - - 101- 41500 -114 Holiday Pay 10,866 81849 91998 - - 101 -41500 -115 Sick Pay 81240 9,633 41178 101 -41500 -116 Severance Pay - - 134 - - 101- 41500 -121 P E RA _ 15,132 14-1313 14,7982 41,403 18,600 101 -41500 -122 FICA 15, 846 131172 131915 - 19,626 101 -41500 -131 Employer Paid Health __ _ 32,042 30,147 27,482 431403 38,082 101- 41500 -133 Employer Paid Dental 11571 11345 11325 - 11797 101 -41500 -134 Employer Paid Life 32 32 30 1,333 41 101 -41500 -135 PI 9,308 - 7,889 81060 41800 4,200 101- 41500 -137 LTD 926 863 890 _ 1,094 . 101- 41500 -140 Unemployment Comp - 11706 - - 101- 41500 -151 Prem 8061 1,123 2,346 51430 3,000 Payroll Related 308,453 267,926, 271,836 329,895 309y487 -6.19% 101 -41500 -200 Office Supplies 2,347 613 392 500 500 101 -41500 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 580 879 1,428 11004 1,500 50.00% ", -41500 -203 Printed Forms - - 41500 -210 Operating Supplies 566 11325 526 800 800 101 -41500 -212 Motor Fuels - - 101- 41500 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 216 150 193 150 150 101 -41500 -300 Professional Srvs 100 _ - - 101- 41500 -301 Auditing Services (OPUS '13) 31428 5,789 6,997 6,800 6,800 SAFI A C D P l PJ GE 12014\201 - COMBINEDALS 101 -EXP -17- 2010: 2011 2012 2013 2014 °lo Account Number Description Actual Actual , Actual Budget Requested Change 101 -41500 -305 Medical Services 100 - 112 50 50 101 -41500 -315 Service Charges - 21733 _ - - 101- 41500 -321 Telephone & Cells - - 101 -41500 -322 Postage 11995 1,620 11171 2,200 21200' 101 - 41500 -328 Employment Advertising - - 396 - - 101 -41500 -331 Use of personal auto 385 600 325 700 700 101- 41500 -340 Advertising - - 310 - - 101 -41500 -351 Legal Notices Publishing - 212 940 500 500 101 -41500 -361 General Liability Ins 27624 21622 21593 21700 2,700 101 -41500 -430 Miscellaneous 4,240 304 107 - - 101- 41500- 431 . Meeting Expense 111 30 6 150 150 101- 41500- 433 Dues and Subscriptions 715 840 515 1,000 1,200 20.00 % 101 -41500 -434 Conference & Training 1,919 17748 11439 31500 3,500 101 -41500 -438 Licenses and Taxes - - 21462 - - 101- 41500 -440 Other Contractual Services 11687 552 91 100 ` 100 Total 329,465 285,210 294,572 350,045 3307337 - 5.63% Assessor 101- 41550 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 69 27 32 100 -100 101- 41550 -322 Postage 366 37 520 500 500` 101- 41550 -350 Printing - - - ` - 101 -41550 -440 Other Contractual Services 93,631 957223 95,879 96,000 97,000 Total _ 94,066 95,286 96,431 96,600 97,600 1.04% Legal 101- 41600- 300 Professional Srvs - K &G 19,418 151286 8,621 40,000 401000 101 - 41600 -304 Legal Fees - Prosecutor 827245 83,393 841516 50,000 50,000 101 -41600 -312 Legal Police 162 192 2,154 - 101 -41600 -313 Legal - Liquor - - - 101- 41600 -314 Legal P/W 2,200 31134 31761 - - 101- 41600 -316 Legal P I 10,388 91720 5,903 - - 101- 41600 -318 Legal Parks 324 391 1,013 - - 101 -41600 -319 Legal /Docks _ 84 204 - - - 101- 41600 -361 General Liability Ins 481 ' 486 480 500 500 101- 41600 -450 Board of Prisoners 10,440,' 13,822 97892 15,000 15,000 Total 125,741 126,628 116,340 105,500 105,500 0.00% Centennial ._ Building ( Maywood) 101 -41910 -200 Office Supplies 146 31204 2,684 1,500. _ _100.00% 101 -41910 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 351 11652 2,308 - - 101- 41910 -210 Operating Supplies 41129 1,557 2,027 27000 2,000 101 -41910 -220 Repair /aint Supply _ 11304 11061 723 11400 1,400 101 -41910 -300 Professional Srvs 1,602 - 101- 41910 -321 Telephone & Cells 13,690 12,951 137405 15,000 - - 100.00% 101 -41910 -322 Postage 570 _ 190 190 400 - -100.00% 101 -41910 -361 General Liability Ins 1,060" 11068 11057 11100 11100 101 -41910 -381 Electric Utilities 121079 12,407 121755 12,000 121000 101 -41910 -383 Gas Utilities 71510 7,644 51350 12,000 127000 101- 41910 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposal 17042 11211 11268 1100 11100 101- 41910 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 47897 111480 61559 47000 47000 101 -41910 -401 Building Repairs 141144 217978 51865 101000 10,000 101- 41910 -430 Miscellaneous 825 _665 1 3,000 - - 100.00% 101 -41910 -438 Licenses and Taxes _ - - 26 - - 101- 41910 -440 Other Contractual Services 12,050 121124 131400 13,000 13,000 101 -41910 -460 Janitorial Services 10,967 1080 117867 12,000 12,000 101 -41910 -500 Capital Outlay FA 17,672 - - 101 -41910 -600 Debt Sry Principal - 101 - 41910 -611 Bond Interest - - - - - SAFINANCE D P G T\201 \?014- GE COMBINEDALS 101 -EX -18- nt /0 iancie Total 104,038 100,572 79,486 88,500 68,600 -22.49% 0��#M 101-41920-200 Office Supplies 36,465 99 36,004 100 100 101-41920-202 Duplicating and copying supply 6 - - - - 101 -41920 -205 Computer Hardware/Software 7,044 1,298 2,651 - - 101 -41920 -210 Operating Supplies 448 846 45 500 500 101-41920-300 Professional Srvs 50 - - - - 101-41920-309 EDP, Software and Design - - - - 101-41920-321 Telephone & Cells 1,411 3,535 3,709 3,500 3,500 101-41920-400 Repairs & Maintenance 700 - 101-41930-321 Telephone & Cells 101-41920-434 Conference & Training - - - - - 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Services 26,806 321726 28,650 271748 27,748 101-41920-500 Capital Outlay FA - - 949 - - M Total 36,465 38,505 36,004 31,848 31,848 0.00% City Hall ( r'1_ ire 101-41930-200 Office Supplies - 1,000 101-41930-205 Computer Hardware/Software - - - - - 101- 41930 -210 Operating Supplies - 101-41930-220 Repair /Maine Supply - 101-41930-300 'Professional Srvs - - 101-41930-321 Telephone & Cells - 157000 101-41930-322 Postage 400 101-41930-361 General Liability Ins - - - - 5,000 101-41930-381 Electric Utilities w - - - 14,000 lnl-41930-383 Gas Utilities - - - - 5,000 -41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal - - - - 11200 1 -41930-400 Repairs & Maintenance - - 6,500 101-41930-430 Miscellaneous - 101-41930-440 Other Contractual Services - 101-41930-460 Jan_ itorial Services 17,000 101-41930-500 Capital Outlay FA - Total 65,100 100.00% Police 101-42110-101 F T Empl Regular 904,704 930,563 908,967 101-42110-102 F T Empl Overtime 80,518 80,546 707686 - - 101-42110-103 Part-Time Employees 2414,96 37,528 39,834 241574 16,848 101-42110-110 Clothing Allowance 8,800 8,800 11,686 101-42110-116 Severance Pay 21506, 35,242 230,242 101-42110-121 PEPA 13079-14 135,846: 123,568 3,662 11221 101-42110-122 FICA 18,620' 19,225 20,743 - 17289 101-42110-131 Employer Paid Health 138,079 151,133 155,420 8,531 51298 101 -42110 -133 Employer Pa I id Dental 6,075 6 1434 6,194 11027 101-42110-134 Employer Paid Life 106 -112: 91 101-42110-135 PI 39,241 40,575 40,048 101-42110-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 51292 31871 4,511 101-42110-137 LTD 3,927 3,705 3,572 101-42110-140 Unemployment Comp - 81237 - - 101-42110-151 Prern 28,334, 32,418 48,648 5,342 5,342 Payroll Related 11391,611 11494,234 11664y2lO 42,109 3_ , -26.32% -,1-42110-200 Office Supplies 41390, 3,815 3,094 - - .42110-202 Duplicating and copying supply 21646, 31141 21914 - - 101-42110-203 Printed Forms 742 624 673 101-42110-205 Computer Hardware/Software 1,657, M89 6,039 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 4,734 41859 3,951 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels 29,866 40,738 35,942 2,000 2,000 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINEDALS 101-EXP M 2010,1 2011 2012 2013 2014, % Account Number Description Actual 'Actual Actual Budget Requested d Change 101-42110-218 Clothing and Uniforms 6)644 51898 9,315 600 600 101-42110-219 Safety supplies 51912 5,065 7,595 - - 101-42110-220 Repair/Maint Supply 1,315 1 ,072 165 - - 101-42110-300 Professional Srvs 708 17,879 261 1,545,000 1,583,625 2- A 101-42110-305 Medical Services 668 771 358 - - 101-42110-306 Personal Testing 195 - 434 101-42110-321 Telephone & Cells 157527 16,374 16,588 101-42110-322 Postage 1,081 997, 942 101-42110-328 Employment Advertising 101-42110-331 Use of personal auto - - 101-42110-350 Printing 11622 485 159 101-42110-351 Legal-'Not , ices Publishing 493 - 50 - - 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins 151374 16,133 15)463 10,000 5,000 -50.00% 101-42110-381 Electric Utilities 13,640 13,853 12,954 14,000 - -100.00% 101-42110-383 Gas Utilities 4,356 4,463 2,320 5,000 - -100-00% 101-42110-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 884 1,165 1,207 1,200 - -100.00% 101-42110-400 Repairs & Maintenance 10,514 3,657 8,681 - - 101- 42110 -402 Building Maintenance 81236 4,570 8,555 6,500 - -100.00% 101-42110-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 13,220 13,580 18,544 - 101-42110-409 Other Equipment Repair 41 272 - 101-42110-412 Building Rentals - - - 101-42110-418 Other Rentals 15,813 15,233 12,087 101-42110-430 Miscellaneous 11455 2,119 22,047, 101-42110-431 Meeting Expense 760 907 835; 101-42110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2,006 1)576 2,585 101-42110-434 Conference & Training 12,569 18,191 8,008 101-42110-435 Books and Pamphlets 50 - - 101-42110-436 Towing Charges 563 - 415 101-42110-438 Licenses and Taxes 115 75 2)123 101-42110-440 Other Contractual Services 71312 11,423 8,127 101-42110-445 Dog Kennel Fees 215 160 159 101-42110-460 Janitorial Services 21389 2$556 2,007 3,500 -100.00% 101-42110-500 Capital Outlay FA 31,393 30,441 Total 1,610,719 17737,514 11878,808 17629,909 1,622,250 -0.47% Emergency Preparedness 101-42115-101 F T Empl Regular 20,374 101-42115-121 PERA 1,477 101-42115-122 FICA 1,559 101-42115-131 Employer Paid Health 5)850 101-42115-133 Employer Paid Dental 257 101-42115-134 Employer Paid Life 6 101-42115-135 PI 600 101-42115-137 LTD 46 101-42115-151 Prem Payroll Related 309168 100.% 101-42115-210 Operating Supplies 6,965 41462 (187) 4,000 41000 101-42115-329 Sirens/Phone Linesl 11366: 2,208 2,259 1,550 1,550 101-42115-361 General Liability Ins 219 291 288 300 300 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities 286 315 398 300 300 101-42115-431 Meeting Expense - - 73 - - 101- 42115 -434 C'onfere-nce'& Training 1,160 1,080 71 2,000 2,000 101-42115-500 Capital utlay FA 15,831 - - - Total 25,827 8,355 2,902 8,150 38,318 370, Planning & Inspections 101-42400-101 P T Empl Regular 148,364 120,168 1311178: 152,746 147,961 101-42400-102 F T Empl Overtime 767 117 334 1,000 1,000 101-42400-103 Part-Time Employees - - - - - SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS 101-EXP -20- I Account Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget ] Requested Change 101- 42400 -112 Comp Time Pay 278 494 235 - _ 1 01-42400-113 Vacation Pay 12,244 11,878 10,398 - - -42400 -114 Holiday Pay 8,381 61344 67790 - - 4 1-42400-115 Sick Pay 41321 3,227 1,338 101- 42400 - 116 Severance Pay - - - - - 101- 42400 -121 PERA 12,194 10,312 111098 231281 10,800 101 -42400 -122 FICA 121286 10,121 117110 - 11,396 101- 42400 -131 Employer Paid Health 28,877 241993 237348 33,907 231400 101- 42400 -133 Employer Paid Dental 11234 11000 1,036 - 1,027 101- 42400 -134 Employer Paid Life 29 24 24 752 23 101- 42400 -135 P1 6,968 5,689 5,976 3,000 21400 101- 42400 -136 Post Retirement Health /Dental 31438 2,922 31169 _ _ 101- 42400 -137 LTD 776 690 725 - 560 101 -42400 -140 Unemployment Camp - 11225 - - - 101- 42400 -151 Prem _ 11026 11164 11631 3,550 3,550 _, Payroll elate _ 241,184 200y370 208,3819 - 7.39% 101- 42400 -200 Office Supplies 860 318 136 500 500 101 -42400 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,554 17074 11220 11500 17500 101 -42400 -203 Printed Forms - ` 89 101- 42400 -210 Operating Supplies 71 954 66 200 200 101 -42400 -212 Motor Fuels - - - 100 100 101- 42400 -218 Clothing and Uniforms 81 50 57 100 100 101- 42400 -220 Repair /aint Supply 38 101 -42400 -300 Professional Srvs 141601 12,620 4,669 15,000 15,000 101- 42400 -305 Medical Services - - - 100 100 101- 42400 - 308 Building Inspection Fees 89,178 89,916 76,093 90,000 115,000 27.78% 101- 42400 -321 Telephone & Cells 297 298 289` 250 250 101 -42400 -322 Postage 828 458 880 750 750 A n1 _42400 -328 Employment Advertising - 42400 -331 Use of personal auto - - - 100 100 'i u1- 42400 -351 Leg-al Notices Publishing 673 374 477 500 500 101- 42400- 361 General Liability Ins 2,493 21525 21497 2,600 2,600 101- 42400 -400 Repairs & Maintenance _ _ _ 100 - - 17200 11200 101- 42400 - 404 Machinery /Equip Repairs /Maint 117 - - 300 300 101- 42400 -418 Other Rentals - - - _ - - 101- 42400 -430 Miscellaneous 208 27100 1 1,000 11000 101 -42400 -431 Meeting Expense 551 8 1,414 600 600 101- 42400 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 64 - _ 100 100 101 -42400 -434 Conference & Training 640 11863 792 1,500 1,500 101 -42400 -435 Books and Pamphlets 101 -42400 -438 Licenses and Taxes _ 35 35 144 _ - 101 -42400 -440 Other Contractual Services 1,924 11820 107316 1,900 1,900 101- 42400 -500 Capital Outlay FA - - - - - Total 355,496 _ 3141783 307,530 3361536 3457416 2.64% Streets 101- 43100 -101 F T Empl Regular 182,692 1931209 203,836 241,040 2411403 101- 43100 -102 F T Empl Overtime 12,381 5,885 61427 151000 15,000 101 -43100 -103 Part -Time Employees - 17540 10,340 81000 8,000' 101 -43100 -112 Comp Time Pay 21452 31308 21653 - _ 101- 43100 -113 Vacation Pay 1 47711 20,542 18,938 _ - 101- 43100 -114 Holiday Pay 10,686; 10,476 11,071 - - 101- 43100 -115 Sick Pay 91809 13,298 13,724 - - 101- 43100 -116 Severance Pay 32,225 _ 36,018 29,579 1-43100-121 PERA 161170 177969 18,877 39,342 _ 18,589 - 43100 -122 FICA _16,054 16,564 18,696 T 20,227 101- 43100 -131 Employer Paid Health 39,396 44,282 427976 56,961 59,157 101 -43100 -133 Employer Paid Dental 11652 11950 11950 - 31621 101- 43100 -134 Employer Paid Life 39 47 47 11172 48 101- 43100 -135 PI 97809 9,914 10,157 - 4,860 S A i A c_ \ _ _ T 01 01 - T COMBINED.XLS 101 -E P -2- 101-43100-136 'Post Retirement Health/Dental 15,379 16,141 15,020 4,860 101-43100-137 LTD 941 1,124 1,176 825 101-43100-140 Unemployment Comp - 2,025 101-43100-151 Prem 15,044 171194 25,415 271360 30,096 Payroll Related 379,439 4129485 430,882 3939735 401,825 2.05% 101-43100-200 Office Supplies 520, 659 105 750 750 101-43100-202 Duplicating and copying supply 179 592 314 200 200 101-43100-203 Printed Forms 101-43100-205 Computer Hardware/Software 440 3 500 500 101-43100-210 {operating Supplies 585 849 877 1,000 71600 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels' 24,200 22,199 24,694 24,000 24)000 101-43100-218 C16-thingand Uniforms 2,823 2,024 2,719 3,500 31500 101-43100-220 'Repair/Maint Supply 1,313 462 5,170 1,000 1,000 101-43100-221 Equipment Parts 16,987 11,472 16,838 11,000 11,000 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies 10,351 4,122 31964 51000 5,000 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 22,605 24,036 22,614 351000 35,000 101-431 - 00-226 Sign Repair Materials 17,911 15,188 12,268 15,000, 15,0100 101-43100-230 Shop Materials 6,523 6,962 7,500 6,000 6,000 101-43100-232 Landscape Material 75 500 500 101-43100-236 Clear Lane'Salt - - - - - 101-43100-237 Deicing Salt 311213, 24,651 33,384 25,000 40,000 60.00% 101-43100-238 Concrete Sand ' 15,921 10,7-7,5 2,822 - - 101-43100-300 Professional I Srvs 117198 177030 10,235 12,000 121000 101-43100-305 M , edical I Se rvices 608 81 530 800 800 101-43100-321 T�Iepho_ne & Cells 8,719 8,669 91,0158 9,000 9'.000 101-43100-322 Postage 191 225 107 400 400 101-43100-328 Employment Advertising 268 144 101-43100-331 Use of personal auto 71 - 101-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing - - - - 101-43100-361 Ge-neral Liability , Ins 20,135 18,026 15,847 16,500 16,500 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 82,104 91,786 77,686 100;000 100,000 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities 3,165 3,008 6,508 5,000 51000 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 329 387 483 500 500 101-43100-400 Repairs I & Maintenance 9,749 (102) 13,967, 10,000 10,000 101-43100-404 -Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 23,527 19,337 27,075 30,000 30,000 101-43100-418 Other Rentals 53 412 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous 449 17 0 300 300 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscriptions 118 1_68 292 250 250 101-43100-434 Conference & - Training 987 3,344 3,116 3,000 3,000 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes 307 67 14,039 400 400 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Services 87355 12,669 271747 31,500 31,500 101-43100-455 Permits 260 260 101-43100-460 Janitorial Services - 29 490 1,076 11000, 11,000 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA 14,420 217,597 133,859 144,000 153,570 6.65% Total 715,399 929,744 906,336 887,095 926,355 4.43% Parks 101-45200-101 F T Empl Regular 172,897 139,679 151,032 183,199. 186,611 101-45200-102 F T Empl Overtime 7,322, 57357 5,003 10,000 10,000 101-45200403 'Part-Time EE ($85K Gross) 20,662, 12,489 8,317 19,000 19)000 101-45200-112 Comp Time Pay 3,393 6,975 3,779 - 101-45200-113 Vacation Pay 211296, 14,827 8,933 101-45200-114 Holiday— Pay 11,369, 61409 71585, 101-45200-115 Sick Pay 6,344 8,497 5,607 101-45200-116 Severance Pay 1 4,735 101-45200-121 PERA 15,173 10,628 13,345 31,618 14,254 101-45200-122 FICA 19,289 13,686 13,262 17,718 101-45200-131 Employer Paid Health 35,103 29,572 27,372 31,001 32,289 101-45200-133 Em"Ployer Paid Dental 1,800 11281 11524 - 11669 101-45200-134 Employer Paid Life 42 37 894 38 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS 101-EXP "a 101-45200-135 PI 9,331 6,956 7,184 3,900 3,900 ln1-45200-137 LTD 1,048 774 814 752 45200 -140 Unemployment Comp 397 1,989 - - - 1-45200-151 Prern 5 1 1251 6,000 9,362 11,200 12,320 Payroll Related 330J09 2655155 277, 892 2909812 298$552 2.66% 101-45200-200 Office Supplies 585 935 29 1,300 1,300 101-45200-202 Duplicating and copying supply 302 391 306 400 400 101-45200-205 Computer Hardware/Software 372 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 5,723 4,251 3,759 4,000 4,000 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels 121883' 171400, 12,388 12,500 12,500 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 313101, 3,896 4,344 2,950 4,000 35-59% 101-45200-220 Repair / Mant S I upply 4,650 4,073 9,721 5,500 5,500 101-45200-221 Equipment Parts 5,509 7,313 2,257 5,500 5,500 101- 45200 -223 Building Repair Supplies 1,219 2,711 182 7,850 5,000 -36.31% 101-45200-232 'Landscape Material 101665 12,801 7,143 17,600 127000 -31.82% 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs 525 1,144 1,755 500 500 101-45200-305 Medical -Services 117 848 40 500 500 101-45200-321 Telephone & Cells 3,728 4,034 4,5810 4,020 4,020 101-45200-322 Postage 167 1- 34 87 700 200 -71.43% 101-45200-328 Employment Advertising - 300 576 200 300 50.00% 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publishing 100 100 101-48200-361 General Liability Ins 31564 3,594 3,554 3,700 37700, 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 11132, 21540. 1,991 3,000 3,000 101-45200-383 G as Utilities 5,488 5,957 4,670 71500, 61000 -20.00% 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 116, 4,686 5,177 4,000 5,500 37.50% 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintenance 11,780 15,942 31,526 25,800 25,800 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 4,520 5,868 4,238 6, ' 900 6,900 101-45200-409 Other Equipment Repair 777,68 5,999 1,159 4,900 4,900 *"11-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 4,625 4,845 5,973 5,500 5,500 •5200-418 Other Rentals 801 500 500 'i u1 -45200 -430 Miscellaneous 435 435 733 500 500 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense 35 14) 210 4150 450 101-45200-433 Dues and Subscriptions 80 55, 655 600 600 101-45200-434 Conference & Training 697 1,331 2,448 1,500 1,500 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes 204 461 11788 600 600 101-45200-440 Other Con I tractual Services 6,825 80 37522. 1,000 1,000 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay FA 451929, 377981, 32,533 54,925 23,988 -56.33% 101-45200-525 Other Capital- Improvements 13,476 201615, 12,210 101-45200-533 Tree Removal 29,440 40,990 19,512 28,000 28,000 101-45200-534 Tree Planting - - - - Total 516,204- 477,925 456,959 503,807 472,810 -6.15% Cemetery 101-45250-103 Part-Time Employees 6,430 6,400 7,500 7,500, 101-45250-121 PERA 942 900 - 1,118 101-45250-122 FICA - - 101-45250-135 P1 257 - - - - 101-45250-210 Operating Supplies 439 9 500, 500 101-45250-229 Street Repairs - - - 101-45250-232 'Landscape Material 192 600 600 101-45250-300 Professional Srvs 101-45250-400 Repairs & Maintenance 954 954 954 1,200 7 1,000 101-45250-430 Miscellaneous 60 200 200 101-45250-500 Capital Outlay FA Total 9,022 8,263 9,824 11,118 2,300 -79,31% Other 101-49300-700 Tra I nsfers - FIRE 427,151 387,826 383,784 346,165 360,874 4.25% 101-49300-700 Transfers - SEAL A L COAT 50,000 80,000 60.00% SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS 101-EXP -23- 101-49840- 1 300 Professional Srvs - LMCC TV 44,604 44,086 41_,316 57,133 57,133 101-49999-116 Severance Pay 361610 101-49999-122 FICA 21789 - - 101-49999-140 Unemployment Comp - 3,429 - 25,000 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs 31348, 3,631 19,751 5,000 5,000 101-49999-430 (Abatement/Trans) 10,607 7,296 10,000 68,000 10,000 -85.29% 101-49999-621 Discount on Bonds Issued Total 525,108 1 442,839 458,280 526,298 538,007 2.22% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 479'34,853 5,021,336 5,103,047 41908,342 41996,558 1.80% SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS 101-EXP -24- AREA FIRE SERVICE5 amm Current Ad Valorem Taxes 76,030 781311 82,069 [*j tas AREA FIRE SERVICE5 11010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 76,030 781311 82,069 83,782 83,782 )15 Ad Valorem Taxes for Rent - - 66,191 157,169 1571169 %.,X_215 Fire Permits - - - - - 32216 Burn Permits - 10 10 33100 Federal Grants and Aids - - - 33400 State Grants and Aids - 80)195 33401 Rev 78,104, 74, 362 34200 Public Safety Charges for Srvs 150 34202 Fire Protection Svc Contracts 464,321, 475,493 4831354, 270)642 270,642 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,632 423 40 36210 Interest Earnings 169 232 923 36230 Contributions and Donations 2,600 4,005 1,800 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 173 10,141 81327 39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 3,151 71800 - - - 39203 Transfer from Other Fund 5.121454 508,482 4327076 346,165 346,165 39301 Capital Lease Proceeds - - - - - 39310 Proceeds-Gen Obligation Bond 224,703 244,363 TOTAL REVENUES 1,138,634 111597409 1,154,986 11082,461 1,102,121 1.82% AREA FIRE SERVICES 222-42260-101 F T Empl Regular 108,882" 109,957 116,654 153,775 154,419 222-42260-102 F T Empl Overtime 1,838 665 222-42260-103 'Part-Time Employees 2,457 2,799 21420 3,500 2,500 222-42260-112 Comp Time Pay 171 93 - 222-42260-113 Vacation Pay 4,082 5,477 5,749 222-42260-114 Holiday Pay 57550 4762 5719 222-42260-115 Sick Pay 17047, 475 376 -42260-116 Severance Pay 4)180 - - ,r-42-42260-121 PERA 15,133 151874 16,934 36,361 19,487 222-42260-122 FICA 13,673 i 14,714 14,698 - 18,232 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib 215,704, 215,987 217,335 155,800 147)000 222-42260-131 Employer Paid Health 17,482 15,897 15,247 20,165 20,532 222-42260-133 Employer Paid Dental 788 705 752 - 1,027 222-42260-134 Employer Paid Life 17 17 18 735 22, 222-42260-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 47943 4,896 5,127 2)400 2,400 222-42260-137 LTD ... 516 548 589 - 695 222-42260-140 Unemployment Co-mp - 1,055 - - 222-42260-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem 8,892 13,075 27,593 28,130 27,791 222-42260-170 Fire Chief-Officer Pay 5,900 18,250 28)457 27,200 30)350 222-42260-180 Fire- Drill Pay 9)730 10)270 8,940 12,400 14,880 222-42260-185 1 Fire-_Maintenance'Pay 13,283 10,1bo 93523 15,000 14,140 222-42260-190 Fire-Monthly Salaries 1087716: 107,177 89,755 102,000 103,700 Total Payroll Related 541,144 5537965: 566,549 5577466 557,176 -0-05% 222-42260-200 Office Sup'Oies' 17992, 21096, 11894 11800 11800 222-42260-202 Du"plicaiing4nd 'copying supply 529 974 1,148 840 900 222-42260-205 Computer Hardware/Software, 1,867 2,138 1)051 600 600 222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies 11088, 328 21118 800 800 222-42260-210 Operatin'g Supplies 18,175 62,548 18,313 18,000 19,200 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels 77821' 9,463 73646 8,400 8,400 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 40 - 37 600 720 222-42260-217 Fire Prevention Supplies 1,800 1,418 1)871 1)500 1,800 222-42260-219 Safety supplies 97879, 10,437 27911- 2,400 2,700 992-42260-300 Professional Srvs 11,962 4,164 21796, 3,600 3,600 -42260-301 Auditing and A cct g Services 4,132 2,992 3,377 3)600 3,600 Idl-42-42260-305 Medical Services 2,084 3,663 9 - 50 31000 3,600 222-42260-3 1 07 Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs 14,505 14,505 14,505 14,500 147500 222-42260-308 Building Inspection Fees 37315 21584 2Y465 3,000 3,000 222-42260-315 Service Charges 734 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS Account u mb6r Description Actual Actual,,,,,'' Actual Budget Requested Change 222-42260-321 Telephone & Cells 51647, 6,422 6,615 5,400 5)400 222-42260-322 Postage 566 637 632 600 600 222-42260-325 Pagers-Fire Dept. 3,713 31855 81859 41800 41800 222-42260-331 Use of personal auto 77 913 125 400 400 222-42260-350 Printing - - 200 600 600 222-42260-361 General Liability Ins 19,076 19,426 197209, 20,000 20,000 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 13,640 13,853 12,954 12,000 12,000 222-42260-383 Gas Utilitie . s 47356, 4,463 2,320 67600 6,600 222-42260-384 Refuse /Garbage Disp osal 884 1,165 1,220 800 1,200 222-42260-401 Building Repairs 844 101515- 10,534 3)000 4,000 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance 3,530 1,719 5,498 3,600 4,500 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 23,434 31,656 24,517 19,800 19,800 222-42260-412 Building Rentals 301,549 3041256 285,000 282,940 282,940 222-42260-418 Other Rentals 12,592 10,365 8,562 10,200 8,400 2 1 22-42260-430 Miscellaneous 114 4,030 774 600 600 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense 5 1 25, 790 456, 360 360 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 4,115 4,981 4,234 4,800 4,800 222-42260-434 Conference & Training 21,226 4,196 18,850 16,800 18,000 222-42260-438 Licenses and Taxes 50 10 222-42260-440 Other Contractual Services 17114, 10,428 6,826 8,400 11,800 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services 1 1 )8461 1,496 1,914 2,400 2,400 222-42260-500 'Capital Outlay FA 6)218 2,000 3,000 222-42260-525 Other Capital Improvements 17,077 1 17,077 17,078 5,000 8,000 222-42260-580 Other Equipment (Truck Fund) 18,000 28)000 222-42260-600 Debt Sry Principal 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 222-42260-611 Bond Interest 91527 71975 7,475 8,255 6,525 222-42260-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 245 279 222-42260 w621 Discount on Bonds Issued TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11065)786 17156,788 1,103,726 1,082,461 1,102,121 1) r, a - CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 72)848 2,620 51 = L(o BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 185,353 258,201 260,822 312,081 3121081 (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 721848 21620 517259 (0) ENDING FUND BALANCE 258,201 260,822 3121081 3121081 31210801 KM sm CD U-) O O LO LO 00 07 LO N O N N V) 00 (3) 00 C.0 LC) O 0") CY) 0 U") NT � t-- 0 � N, N - � V/ VO `M C) W O C��./ V./ O O/+ N r N oo Co w f , 1 ,\._./J T- O C.'\I LO 0 o ` 0 0 o N t3? 07 O 0) O I`� �- C37 CO. O 1``- (N CY) ui X x x x X LL 00 00 00 00 00 N- r-- T-- T - a) 0-) 6 0') 00 00 00 00 00 Q O Lli z 0 U) CO 0 < N N F- < �- O O CL < O C) Oe o Co sm •i -28- N LO N U-) OQ (S} T— oO 0') c'e) OQ • • o Z U) 0 N � J C- �I • 0 �( R 1/ • �i A C) 0 0 L 'O / N N 9 Y c( 0 CU N U I LO co c'\I /��//(D \) \ I ( jm 0Y R U R T— CO N N .j (/N/�\� ,®0 C.0 NN O tt N N c-- U) I (Y) ® I U) N C) m P�-- N OQ r`" N N 0') c) N N `r LO r it V/ ZZ ) V- � � V ®/�I I \ �il�// "� N (0 co LO 00 Cr) LLJ oo 00 C) 0) (0 N N U) 1 I ®® "' w L6 R R R U LLJ LO ®0 C' C U. cle) G') C) ui (D �/ R (N� \� Y F R ` �J\ ui < 0. M� ' P r,., N't -28- • 0 LLJ •0 0 40 • • o Z U) 0 • • 0 -28- LLJ • o Z U) 0 • • • CL 0 -28- N T- T- N 00 C.0 CS3 00 CN N 00 CO O T— C) N N N 00 00 Qc) M C) t`- t"ll CY? CO C7 CY) T' 0 CY) LLJ 1 • 1 i sm RW N Lo N @ CO N } ) uIl6 CY) LLJ U ) c �/ O C ® 4 N- �j N N N j/ U )/I ® I < < N N sm RW N Lo N @ commonsUOCKS le 34705 LMC D Fees 67338 6,463 EMS 67350 67350 34715 Public Land Structures Permits commonsUOCKS 34705 LMC D Fees 67338 6,463 61399 67350 67350 34715 Public Land Structures Permits -725 Dock Permits 961110 106,645 1077070 1031240 1257940 35 Multiple Slip Permits 29,325 34,625 30,229 361000 411000 34737 Villa Slip Revenue (NET) 277750 291600 " 311200 71357 77357 34745 Wait List Fee 21960 21840. 21780 2Y500 27500 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - 377 11290 36210 Interest Earnings 180 175 703 150 150 39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 1621663 1801725 179,672 155,597 183,297 17.80% Commons c s 281- 45210 -101 F T Empl Regular 281937 81925 9768 46,322 33, 000 281- 45210 -102 F T Empl Overtime 113 12 33 281 - 45210- 103 Part -Time Employees 40,626 531600 587327 201450 211500 281 -45210 -112 Comp Time Pay 144 - 281- 45210 - 113 Vacation Pay 274 11080 482 281 -45210 -114 Holiday Pay 495 459, 504 - 281- 45210 -115 ` Sick Pay 128 693 666 281- 45210 -116 Severance Pay - - 5, 894 281- 45210 - 121 .. ......... . PERA _ 31232 41427 11385 31647 399 281 -45210 -122 FICA 31775 41715 57209 - 421 281- 45210 -131 Employer Paid Health 11579 11436 11291 11436 - 281 - 45210 -133 Employer Paid Dental 90 92 72 - 281 - 45210 -134 Employer Paid Life 21. 2 2 54 - 281 - 45210 -135 PL 374 447 443 - - 281 -45210 -136 Post Retirement Health /Dental - - - 180 281 - 45210 -137 LTD _ 40 _ 52, 51 1- 45210 -140 Unemployment Comp - 538 - - -45210 -151 Prem 987 17164 1,599 27420 11600 Payroll e e _, -23.61% 281 -45210 -200 Office Supplies 270 490 187 500 500 281 -45210 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 504 711 520 17100 11100 281 -45210 -205 Computer Hardware /Software 410 31003 281 -45210 -210 Operating Supplies 331 116 - 200 200 281- 45210 -212 Motor Fuels 17780 11350 11350 11850 11780 281 - 45210- 220 Repair /Maine Supply 31149 17365 763 21500 21500 281 - 45210 -223 Building Repair Supplies 11125 560 17190 11190 715 281 - 45210- 300 Professional Srvs - 919 11024 500 500 281 - 45210 -301 Auditing and Acct g Services 17463 11060 11158 1,200 11200 281 - 45210 -307 Ad min/ Fin ance /Computer Chgs 81775 87775 81775 81800 81800 281 - 45210 -315 Service Charges - - 559 281- 45210 -321 Telephone & Cells 647 541 90 281 -45210 -322 Postage 817 888 796 1,400 11400 281 -45210 -331 Use of personal auto 278 281- 45210 -340 Advertising 281- 45210 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 43 43 136 500 500 281 - 45210 -361 General Liability Ins 77004 61991 71236 67900 67900 281- 45210 -381 Electric Utilities 21493 1,646 1,388 11800 1, 800 281- 45210 -383 Gas Utilities 21650 11200 1,200 11200 860 . .. .... .. .. 281 - 45210- 384 RefuselGarbage Disposal 27877 11100 11100 17100 785 281- 45210 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 26,817 41094 281 - 45210 -404 Machinery /Equip Repairs /Maine 17940 990 11192 990 990 281 -45210 -409 Other Equipment Repair 21180 710 710 710 700 o 1 -45210 -430 Miscellaneous 98 162 178 650 650 - 45210 -431 Meeting Expense 308 130 508 130 60 401 -45210 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 90 90 90 90 85 281 -45210 -434 Conference & Training 430' 480 634 630 220 SA FINANCE T \201 1201 - COMBINEDALS 281 -31- Account Number] Description 'Actual j Actual' Actual i Budget Requested Change 281-45210-438 Licenses and Taxes (83,670) 31,251 30 6,920 281-45210-439 LMCD 6,573 8,642 6,608 7,000 7,000 281-45210-440 Other Contractual Services 121359 127580 167206 127800 121800 281-45210-500 Capital Outlay - Parks Equip/FA 14,898 47938 950 7,275 2,713 281-45210-515 Capital Outlay - Improvements - - - 50YO00 281-45210-525 Captial Outlay - Deck Repl 118,662 3,715 12,200 71700 281-45210-533 Tree Removal 6Y519 4,402 77000 7J000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 181,106 264)395 148,420 154,724 176,377 13.99% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (18,442) (83,670) 31,251 873 6,920 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 225,506 207)064 123,394 154,645 155,518 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (18,442) (83,670) 31,251 873 6,920 ENDING FUND BALANCE 207,064 123,394 154,645 155,518 162,438 Sod FINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014—BUDGET COMBINEDALS 281 -32- Transit District EA 31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes Transit District 31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 66)407 481498 501800 7,541 31040 Fiscal Disparities - - - - - ',02 Mkt Value Homestead Cr 7)640 47019 45 - - %.00200 Miscellaneous Revenues - - 1)041 - - 36210 Interest Earnings 16 87 - - 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements - - - - 39203 Transfer from Other Fund 2- - - - TOTAL R EVE N U ES 71659 707426 497672 50, 800 71541 Transit District 285-46300-300 Professional Srvs 72 285-46300-430 Miscellaneous - - - - 285-46388-200 Office Supplies 35 80 - 100 100 285-46388-202 Duplicating and copying supply - 230 416 - - 285-46388-210 Operating Supplies 287 47 157 500 500 285-46388-212 Motor 'Fuels 57 95 - - - 285-46388-220 Repair/Maint Supply 158, 219 502 500 500 285 -46388 -223 Building Repair Supplies 42 39 500, 500 285-46388-300 Professional Srvs 5,143 125 - - 285-46388-315 Service Charges - 69 285-46388-322 Postage 11 9 20 - - 285-46388-361 General Liability Ins 41937 41918 51023 5,200 5,200 285-46388-381 Electric Utilities 171906 191366 17Y955 221000 227000 285-46388-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal - - - 500 500 285-46388-400 Repairs & Maintenance 27739 11140 431, 31000 37000 285-46388-401 Building Repairs 590, 27946 278 2)500 2,500 "5-46388-430 Miscellaneous - - 1)250 1)000 1,000 ,,-46388-440 Other Contractual Services 57089 151865 111199 151000 157000 285-46388-500 Capital Outlay FA - - - - - 285-46388-700 Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37,065 44)953 37,426 50,800 50,800 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (29,406) 25,473 12,246 - (43,259) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 37,819 8,413 33,886 46,132 46,132 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (29,406) 25,473 12,246 - (437259) ENDING FUND BALANCE 8,413 33,886 46,132 46,132 2,873 Liquor Store 33422 Other State Aid Grants 12,033 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - 73 36205 Check Processing Fees - 36210 Interest Earnings - 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 21355 - 37811 Liquor Sales -Off Sale 880,213 927,932 921,811 949,277 37812 Beer Sales -Off Sale 11014,783 11093,151 1,063,225 1)1181060 37813 Wine Sales -Off Sale 702,968 737,108 736,401 753,898 37814 Taxable Mix & Misc. 29,764 34,749 78,563 78,765 37815 Other Merchandise -Off Sale 33,506 32,087 - - 37817 Promotional Event - 437 - - 37835 Cigarette Revenue 14,261 11,269 - - Cash Over -Off Sale 482 (370), - - 37850 Liquor Bottle Deposits (446) (930) - - TOTAL SALES 21689)917 2)8357505 2)8007000 219007000 3.67% 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 673,214, 712,249 698,766 728,325 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 760,212 844,836 798,654 864,374 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale 4971364 514,904 5391935 526,808 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resale 23,418 23,991 - - 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For Resale 13,132 11)473 52,644 65,467 609-49750-256 Tobacco Products For Resale 12,306, 8,730 609-49750-260 Liquor Discount 609-49750-265 Freight 17,435 20,126 TOTAL COST OF SALES 17997,081 21136,308 27089,999 27184,974 4, GROSS PROFIT 6921836 699,197 710,001 715,026 GROSS PROFIT - % 25.76% 24.66% 25.36% 24.66% ior Store 609-49750-101 F T Empl Regular 111,684 126,645 145,774 145,766 609-49750-102 F T Empl Overtime 9, - - 609 -49750 -103 Part-Time Employees 84,285 76,653 80,000 807000 609-49750-112 Comp Time Pay - - - - 609- 49750 -113 Vacation Pay 9,751 71285 - - 609-49750-114 'Holiday Pay 6,386 7,071 - - 609- 49750 -115 Sick Pay 61547 21319 - - 609- 49750 -116 Severance Pay - 1,601 - - 609-49750-121 PERA 15,333, 15)545 33,640 16,368 FICA 14,902 151743- - 17,271 609- 49750 -131 'Employer Paid Health 22,800 221200 23,238 23,400 609-49750-133 Employer Paid Dental 931 964 - 1,027 609-49750-134 Employer Paid Life 23: 23, 699 23 609-49750-135 PI 51425, 51648 2,400 21400 609-49750-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental - - - - 609 -49750 -137 LTD 624 656 - 656 600-49 -50---140' 7-' Unemployment Comp 1 1,460 488 1,500 1,500 609-49750-151 Prem 51552 61522 9,200 9,200 Total Payroll Related 2859703 289,372 2969451 297,612 0.39% 609-49750-200 Office Supplies 11663 1,425 1,600 1,600 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying supply 26, 343 100 100 609-49750-203 Printed Forms - 47 - - 609-49750-205 Computer Hardware/Software - 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies 5,660 57200 6,000 6,000 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms - 11202, 1,000 1,000 609-49750-300 Professional ' ' - S ry s 354 3, 000 31000 B&I I_ Liquor tare 609 - 49750- 301 Auditing and Acct g Services 4,088 4,632 51600 5,600' 609 -49750 -305 Medical Services _ - - 50 50 609 - 49750 -307 Admin /Finance /Computer Chgs 33,780 33,780 33,800 33,800 609- 49750 -315 Service Charges - 405 - - 609 -49750 -321 Telephone & Cells 7, 393 6, 576 97000 9, 000 609 - 49750 -322 Postage _ _ - 10 - - 609 - 49750- 328 Employment Advertising - - 200 200 609- 49750 -331 Use of personal auto 595 414 500 ` 500 609- 49750 -340 Advertising 141139 17,237 17,000 207000 609- 49750 -350 Printing - 609- 49750 -351 Legal.otices Publishing 143 72 200 200 609- 49750 -361 General Liability Ins 27124 271458 28,400 287400 609 - 49750 -381 Electric Utilities 16,646 16,309 171000 171000 609 - 49750 -382 Water Utilities 568 510 400 400 609 -49750 -383 Gas Utilities 27403 11461 31000 31000 609 -49750 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposal - - - - 609- 49750 -400 Repairs & Maintenance 4,226 280 81000 81000 609- 49750 -401 Building Repairs 56,218 - - - 609- 49750 -404 Machinery /Equip Repairs /Maim 67242 41554 400 400 609- 49750 -405 Depreciation Expense 351313 35,313 357000 35,313 609 -49750 -409 Qther Equipment Repair - - - - 609- 49750- 412 Building Rentals 131366 13,561 141000 147000 60949750 -430 Miscellaneous 87328 105 1010 1 00 107000 609- 49750 -431 Meeting Expense 64 53 100 100 609 -49750 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 17517 11570 21000 2,000 609- 49750 -434 Conference & Training 470 594 500 500 609- 49750 -438 Licenses and Taxes 20 3101-1 300 300 609- 49750 -440 Other Contractual Services 87021 91392 81000 87000 609 -49750 -460 Janitorial Services 21977 31585 31000 31000 609 - 49750 -485 Credit Card Charges 44,486 411497 50,000' 50,000 609- 49750 -500 Capital Outlay FA - - - 23000 609- 49750 -611 Bond Interest 227803 - 13,515 11,529 609- 49750 -620 Fiscal Agent s Fees - - - - 09 - 49750 -700 6b9- Transfers 81438 651452. 50,000 507000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6121776 5851417 6187116 622,604 0.73% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 84,305 11550,891 11471,883 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 213891141 377737447 51324,337 61796,220 113847305 1, 550, 891 1,471, 883 17562,370 31773,447 51324,337 61796,220 81358,590 z Hill, r r -36- 12/5/2013 LIQUOR OPERATING INCOME B COST OF GOODS GROSS OPERATING DEBT SVC/ DEAR SALES SOD PROFIT EXPENSES TRANSFERS 1998 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ C") % 24.7% 787500 1999 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 5% 24.9% 3487500 2000 1 v861 v914 1 v406v548 455v366 ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 6% 24.5% 797500 11899v857 v434v850 465vOO7 ! ! Growth in Sales/G P %/Transfer $ , 2% 24.5% 2191000 118819175 ! ! 9 9 ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ -1% 23.5% 1941000 290999734 ! ! ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 12% 23.2% 0 198729304 ! ! 015 398,289 486,859 -88,570 Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ -11% 21.3% 0 21134,980 ! ! 952 449,028 5087100 ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 14% 21.0% 0 212919715 J40,257 ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 7% 24.1% 0 2!525!960 !8551331 ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 10% 26.5% 0 2y696,660 ! ! 182 6541478 533,222 ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 7% 24.3% 0 ! ! 2!05794811 ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP %/Transfer $ 2% 25.2% 0 297387976 ! ! ! 568,003 ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 0% 26.3% 0 2y675,527 !9971081 ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ -2% 25.4% 0 2! 835! 506 ! ! 309 699,197 519,965 ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 6% 24.7% 501000 2013 Budget 2!8001000 ! ! ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ -1% 25.4% 50,000 2014 Proposed 299009000 ! ! ! ! ! Growth in Sales /GP% /Transfer $ 4% 24.7% 50,000 Unrestricted Net Assets 2011 2012 Actual Actual (6307908) (4817815) -36- 12/5/2013 Q N LO r 0 0 -0 Down man= malm -37- O O Q O O D CO rll-_ co Plk- O ■. .. co m 00 00 0 Wt LO co U) N TOO LO TOM LO qqt w CII) N TOM co TOO w C-4 CD 0 .. ■. CL .■ Q N LO r 0 0 -0 Down man= malm -37- O � O A O co .. ■. .. co m 00 00 0 Wt LO co Q N LO r 0 0 -0 Down man= malm -37- CL co 0 .. ■. .. co m 00 00 0 Wt LO co qt� Wi TM x C4 O CN TOM Q N LO r 0 0 -0 Down man= malm -37- CL co 0 co m 00 00 0 O CN TOM Q N LO r 0 0 -0 Down man= malm -37- CL Lo O CN 0 CL .■ -37- Water Utility Water Utility 36100 Special Assessments 260,971 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - 36201 Sales Tax Refund - - 36210 interest Earnings 604 11900 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 2,203 - 37100 Water Sales 11486,573 17365,636 1)591,000, 11695,000 37144 Sales of Meters & Reader 5,105 6,330 - - 37155 Sprinkler Charge 648 576 - - 37160 Water Penalty Charge 247045, 23)458 - - 37170 State fee - Water (11451) (11357), - - 37185 Inspection Fees 455 665 37190 Connection Fees 5,504 61007, 37195 Watermain Assessment 2)000 10,000 39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 10,581 - - 39210 Duplicating Service Charge - 39320 Premiums on Bonds Sold 12,180 TOTAL REVENUES 11525)686 11696,948 175911000 116951000 6.54% Water Utility 1 601-'49400--101 F T Empl Regular 159,919 141,415 224,662 2151318 F T Empl Overtime 25,146 241264, 28)000 28,000 601-49400-112 Comp Time Pay 5,886 3,149 - - 601- 49400 -113 Vacation Pay 11,644 9,193 - - 601- 49400 -114 Holiday' Pay 71679 7,851 - - 601-49400-115 Sick Pay 7,067 6,382 - - 601- 49400 -116 Severance Pay 3,089 121312 - - 601-49400-121 PERA 15,611 14)832 37,647 171641 601-49400-122 FICA 151260 14,561 - 18, 614 601-49400-131 Employer Paid Health 34,959 30,334 35)988 43,572 601-49400-133 Employer Paid Dental 1,693 11500 - 21106 601-49400-134 Employer Paid Life 40. 35, 17094, 42 -601-49,400-135 E'm ploye'r Health' Ca, re, 8av,ing PI 8,737 1 , 7,967 4,620 4,320 601-49400-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 11703: 1,771 - - 601- 49400 -137 LT I D 937 878 399 601- 49400 -140 Un r employment COMP 1,684 - - 601-4-9400-151 Workers Comp Insurance Prem 4,657 10,456 12,740 14,014 Totall Payroll Related 305,708 286y9001 344,751 344,026 -0.21% bffic-e'8-upp'I'ies 617 112 600 600, 601-49400-202 Duplicating and copying supply 181 238 250 250 601-49400-203 Printed Forms - - 500 - Computer HW/Software/Scada 41000 - 500 27500 601-49400 -210 Operating Supplies 2,726 1,230 2,000 2,000 Motor Fuels 13,457 8,516 16,000 16,000 601-4'940b-218 06thing"-an'd U-niforms, 1,993 11986' 3,000 3)000 601-4,9,400-220 Repair/Maint Sup - move to 221 20,079 22)101 12,000 12,000 601-49400-221 Equipment Parts 3,498 5,690 12,000 12,000 601-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies 5,431 3)964 5,000 5)000 ,601-4-9400--224 Street M I ant M I aterial's 7,623 9,368 8,000 1 8,000 6 'themi-cal-s 9,842 101028- 12,500 12,500 601 -49400 -229 Street Repairs - - - - 601-494OOw230 Shop Materials 6,989 7,381 5,000 5,000 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs 11,447 3,364 15,000 15,000 60 1 1-4040-0-3-O'l --Auditing and Acct g Services 2Y685 3,040 3,150 3,150 601- 49400 -305 Medical Services 509 146 550 550 601-49400-307 Chgs 271610 27,610 27,600 521600 601-49400 -31- 5 S'' e-rv'ice'C' ha'rge- s - 17512 - - Water Utility e Utility 601- 49400 -321 Telephone & Cells 91261 81237 9,000 91000 601 -49400 -322 Postage 21443 21,577 21000. 41000 601 - 49400 -328 Employment Advertising 268 - 100 100 601 -49400 -351 Legal Notices Publishing 931 1,033 800 800 601- 49400- 361 General Liability Ins .... ........ 161220 16,040 161700: 16,700 601 - 49400 -381 Electric Utilities 437415 411587 42,000 421000 601- 49400 -383 Gas Utilities 31008 11472 41000 41000 1 601- 49400 -384 Refuse /Garbage Disposal 387 483 500 500 601 - 49400 -395 Gopher tJne -Call 1,174 13257 11000 17300 601 -49400 -400 440 8,100 51175 357000 - 601 -49400 -404 11 Machinery /Equip Repairs /aint 11370 41670 97000 9,000 601- 49400 -405 Depreciation Expense 5531484 590,102 588,000 610,000 601- 49400 - 418 - Other Rentals 53 439 500 500 601 -49400 -430 Miscellaneous 134 1 100 100 601 -49400 -433 Dues and Subscriptions 689 558 750 750 601- 49400 -434 Conference & Traini n g 4, 807 4, 32.6 7, 0 00 71000 601- 49400 -438 Licenses and Taxes 12 906 400' 400 601- 49400 -440 Other Contractual Services 33,459 39,688 307000 65,000 601- 49400 -455 Permits 1,697 31260 11000 11000 601- 49400 -460 Janitorial Services 490 11076 11000 1,000 601 -49400 -470 Water Samples 930 930 11000 1,000 601 -49400 -500 Capital Outlay FA 1,289 - 120,000 277570 601 -49400 -525 Other Capital Improvements - 601- 49400 -611 Bond interest 442,615 4091604 405,000 4301564 601- 49400- 620 Fiscal Agents Fees 21582 21366 131000 31000 601- 49400 -621 Discount on Bonds Issued 153,243 19,076 - 287000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,706,455 175481048 17756,251 17571460 0.07% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE :i •: 1481900 • (62,460) 114471978 112677209 114161109 17250,858 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (180,768) 1481900 (165,251) (62,460) 112671209 , 0• 17250,858 :: •• sun • • t ligo iii I ii 9a AM AIL , 2008 0I' Actual 1 a 2010 2011 2012 Actual Actual Actual 3047345 47227 110057940 8837718 1)0137240 * 2010 - Capital Contribution from Fund 401 o -4- 12/5/2013 OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVENUES INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES (EXPENSES) (LOSS) 1996 424) 085 5.7% -3841379 -578 391128 1997 4407308 3.8% -3777634 61283 687957 1998 491,127 11.5% - 3597407 117462 143,182 1999 4721661 -3.8% -416,955 151856 717562 2000 4677680 -1.1% -4207255 317716 791141 2001 480, 467 2.7% -4947771 107733 -31571 2002 6081703 26.7% -5577538 -327072 19,093 2003 6133653 0.8% -5907322 -297282 -57951 2004 6247087 1.7% -572)075 -497906 27106 2005 6647400 6.5% - 6347541 - 267284 3,575 2006 7307754 1 o.o% -7587797 -1311355 -1597398 2007 873,412 19.5% -899)302 -2187222 - 2447112 2008 890770 2.0% -110497222 -3211773 -4801225 2009 170117968 13.6% -170937270 -3977726 -479,028 2010 172221848 20.8% -111087649 -432)692 -3187493 2011 175257082 24.7% - 1,108, 019 - 4317169 - 147106 2012 1, 672, 286 9.7% -111167999 -4067385 1487902 2013 Budget 175917000 -4.9% -172187250 -4187000 -457250 2014 Proposec 1)695,000 6.5% -11268,326 -4611564 -341890 NOTE: Budget and Proposed excludes capital expenditures iii I ii 9a AM AIL , 2008 0I' Actual 1 a 2010 2011 2012 Actual Actual Actual 3047345 47227 110057940 8837718 1)0137240 * 2010 - Capital Contribution from Fund 401 o -4- 12/5/2013 WATER RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 2006 BASE RATE $6.70 10-00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 2007 BASE RATE $7.70 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.30/THOUSAND 15.00% 2008 BASE RATE $8.86 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.65/THOUSAND 15.00% 2009 BASE RATE $10.18 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $3.05/THOUSAND 15.00% 2010 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $15.00 47.35% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 15.08% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 32.46% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 52.13% 2010 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $5.00 47.35% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 15.08% COM SECOND TIER 2)001 - 15,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 32.46% COM THIRD TIER 157001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 52.13% 2011 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $40.50 170.00% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 0.00% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2011 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $13.50 170.00% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 0.00% COM THIRD TIER 151001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2012 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $40.50 0.00% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 0.00% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2012 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $13.50 0.00% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 0.00% COM THIRD TIER 157001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2013 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $43.54 7.50% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.77/THOUSAND 7.50% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.34/THOUSAND 7.50% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $4.99/THOUSAND 7.50% 2013 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $14.51 7.50% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.77/THOUSAND 7.50% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.34/THOUSAND 7.50% COM THIRD TIER 15,001+ $4.99/THOUSAND 7.50% 2014 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $44.41 2.00% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.85/THOUSAND 2.00% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.43/THOUSAND 2.00% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $5.09/THOUSAND 2.00% 2014 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $14.80 2.00% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.85/THOUSAND 2.00% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.43/THOUSAND 2.00% COM THIRD TIER 157001+ $5.09/THOUSAND 2.00% 12/5/2013 Sewer Utility 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 31,375 36210 Interest Earnings 286 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 956 335, - 37197 Sewermain Assessment 2,000 10,000 37200 Sewer Sales 17400,818 114121128 115831905 1)6301000 37250 Sewer Connect/Reconnect Fee 45 166 - - 37255 Sewer Inspection Fee 875 980 37259 Sewer Connection Fee 240 960 37260 Swr Penalty 21,051 227008 39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 2,386 39320 Premiums on Bonds Sold 8,998 TOTAL REVENUES 1,457,646 1,457,960 1,583,905 11630,000 2.91% Sewer Utility 602-49450 -1 01 F T Empl Regular 2221224 220)303 224,662 213,238 F T Empl Overtime 361540, 347 415 36,000 37,440 60-2-4'9450-103 Part-Time Employees 1,100 8,000 81000 602-49450-112 Comp Time Pay 3,064 4,341 602-49450-113 Vacation Pay 16,587 19,251 _ _ 602-49450-114 Holiday Pay 10,950: 11,320 602-49450-115 Sick Pay 9,185 81405, 602-49450-116 Severance Pay 41781 16,547 602-49450-121 PERA 201 720 22913, 1 40031 , 18 1 174 602-49450-122 FICA 191828 211951 - 19,789 602- 49450 -131 Employer Paid Health' 48,888 50,750 49,221 43,572 662- -49450-133 Employer Paid Dental 2,174 21325, - 2,106 602-49450-134 Employer Paid Life 51, 53 17094, 42 602-49450-135 PI 11,622 12,398 4,620 4,320 602-49450-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 11703, 11771 - - 602-49450-137 LTD 1,184 1,284 398 602-4945-0-140 Unemployment Comp 21103 - - - Prem 171194 26,846 291020 317922 3otal Payroll Related 429,898 454,875, 392,648 3799001 -3.48% 602- 49450 -200 ''' ''' - Office Supplies' 889 102 500 500 602-49450-202 Duplicating and copying supply 109 117 100 100 602-4945- 0'-_2 03 P rin'-te'd Forms - - - - 602-49450-205 Computer . HW/Software/Scada 6,676 21314 17000 3,500 602- 49450 -210 Operating Supplies 31567, 1,877 67500 2)500 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels 15,999 13,763 111000 15,000 Clothing and Uniforms 2)411 2,929 3,500 3,500 60 1 2-49450-220 Repair/Maint Sup - move to 221 2,375 4,848 41000 4,000 602-49450-221 Equipment Parts 9,735 71480, 8,500 8,500 602-49450-223 -Building Repair Supplies 41122 3,964 51000 5,000 602-49450-224 Street Maint Materials 17598 141393 61000 67000 602-49450-229 Street Repairs - - 602-49450-230 ' s, Shop Materials 67806 10,614 6 �b2_,4 94 , 5 1 0_,�00 Orofe , ssion - a - I - S rvs 30,576 50,832 25 1000 25,000 6b2- '9450'-3bl' Auditing and 'Acct 'g Services 2,685 31040 31150 31150 6 - 0249460-305 Medical Services 164 640 400 400 '602- 49450 -307 ' " C'-hgs 201547- 20,547, 20,547 45,547 602-49450-3_ 1 -5 Service th a- r' g e' s - 328 - - 602-49450-321 Telephone & Cells 8,726 9,580 9)000 9)000 602-49450-322 Postage 2,377 2,736 21500 4,000 602-49450-328 Employment Advertising 268 1,083 100 100 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing 189 221 200 200 602-49450-361 General Liability Ins 15,055 15,887 15,500 15,500 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 37,859 31,799 37,000 37,000 1"41 Sewer Utility low@ I • 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities. 33441 we] a k 1 a A rZ, A Sewer Utility 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities. 33441 41052 4,000 4,000 60-2-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 387 249 400 400 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCES 652,475 748,290 572,645 672,645 6 1 02-4945b-395 Gopher One-Call 12174 1,257 1,000 1,000 602-49450-400 440 21375 151564 71500 - 602-49450-404 Machinery /Equip Repairs/Maint 21,829 7,695 10)000 10,000 602-49450-405 Depreciation Expense 363,094 436,091 449,000 4851000 602-49450 -418 Other Rentals 213 705 - - 602-4945 Ir 0-430 Miscellaneous 1 5 100 100 602-49450-433 Dues and Subscriptions 158 312 300 300 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 4,633 6,425 7)000 71000- 11 602-49-450 -438 Li- c-ensesan'd- Taxes' 12 200 400 400 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Services 41,306 30,925 20,000 27,500 602-49450-455 Permits - - 500 500 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services 490 1,076 1,000 1,000 Capital Outlay FA 6,109 71311 18,000 27,570 602-49450 -525 Other Capital Improvements - - - - 602- 49450 -611 Bond - Interest- 133,884 149,552 157,000 214, 570 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 497, 598 10,700 17000 602 - 49450- 621 Discount on Bonds Issued 38,755 9,233 16,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 178731464 21073,510 11811,690 27036,483 12.41% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (415,818) (615,550) (227,785) (406,483) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 41284)270 31868,452 312527902 31025,117 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (415,818) (615,550) (227,785) (406,483) ENDING FUND BALANCE 31868,452 312527902 31025,117 276182634 �17 EY��i93a 12/5/2013 -- OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVS UES INCOME DEPR Year REVENUES EXPENSES -(EXPENSES) � SS) EXP 1998 956, 437 -9947534 27389 -357708 1999 9957027 -871)928 17498 1247597 2000 998, 870 -7817222 227717 2401365 2001 1, 080, 344 - 928,175 141157 1661326 2002 170357487 -9681307 -77646 591534 2003 1,142, 893 -110457 174 -37599 941120 2004 172617953 -170647856 81273 205, 370 2005 112757722 1.1% -171217323 337307 1877 706 2006 173191761 3.5% -1 , 235, 632 53,264 1371393 2007 1, 377,136 4.3% - 1,453,146 697175 -61835 2008 1,411, 833 2.5% -1, 335, 043 -37293 737497 2009 17445,498 2.4% -1)5187012 -867462 -1587976 2010 114027765 -3.0% -1, 457, 791 -1147714 -169)740 2011 1,425, 029 1.6% -1, 700, 328 * -1017764 -3777063 3631094 2012 11446,242 1.5% -17914)126 -1471664 -6157548 4367091 2013 BUD 1, 533, 017 6.0% -1)6251990 -1677700 -2607673 4497000 2014 BUD 17 630, 000 6.3% -117777343 -2317570 -3787913 4857000 12/5/2013 -- 000 KIWI Mm -45- 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 5.00% 10.00% 10.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.50% 7.50% 6.00% 6.00% 10.00% 10.00% 12/5/2013 for water utinty NTA w-um Grants from other Govt. Units for water utinty 33160 Grants from other Govt. Units 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 36210 Interest Earnings 36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 37270 Storm Sewer Revenue 347,425 354,265 436,758 448,000 37275 Storm Sewer Penalty 5)868 5)640 - - 39320 Premiums on Bonds Sold - 5,568 - - TOTAL REVENUES 353,294 365,472 436,758 448,000 2.57% Storm Water Utility 675 - 49425 -101 F T Empl Regular 23,235 20)635 171386 18,776 675-49425-102 F T Empl Overtime - - - - 675-49425-112 Comp Time Pay' - - - - 675-49425-113 Vacation Pay 1,128 1,238 - - 675- 49425 -114 Holiday Pay 17100 1)152 - - 675-49425-115 Sick Pay 501 321. 675-49425-116 Severance Pay - 2,967 - - 675 -49425 -121 PERA 1,812 1,888 2,591 1,361 675-49425-122 FICA 1,811 11885 - 1,436 675-49425-131 Employer Paid Health 21902, 3,052 1,709 2,340 675-49425-133 Employer Paid Dental 151 145 103 675-49425-134 Employer Paid Life 41 3 2 675-49425-135 PI 1,000 1,017 - 240 675-49425-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental - - 83 675-49425-137 LTD 107 ill - 8 675-49425-140 Unemployment Comp 218 - - 675- 49425 -151 Prem - - 240 264 of Payroll Related 33,968 341414 22,009 24,531 11.46% 675- 49425 -200 Office Supplies - - 400 400 675-49425-205 Computer Hardware/Software - - 675 -49425 -210 Operating Supplies 675-49425-212 Motor Fuels - 675-49425-218 Clothing and Uniforms 32 - - 675-49425-220 R I epair/Maint Supply - - 17200 11200 675-49425-223 Building Repair Supplies 1)849 500 31000 3,000 675 ' -49425-225 Landscaping'M'ate'rials - - 500 500, Professional Srvs 39,725 16,063 35,000 35)000 67549_425 -301 'Auditing and Acct g Services 767 772, 800 800 675-49425-307 Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs 191269, 19,269 20,000 20,000 675-49425-315 Service Charges -- 91 - - 675-49425-321 Telephone & Cells - 675-41942_51-32.2 Postage 675-49425-351 Legal Notices Publishing 33 675-49425-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint - - - - 675 - 49425 -405 , 1 , De , preciation -1 Expense ' '- 14 11037 1551511 161, 000 1771000 675 -49425 -430 Miscellaneous 1 5,861 (2) - - 675- 49425 -433 b u e'e a- ri d Subscriptions - - ' " - - - - 675-49425-4-34 C' -on f 6' re n c'e & Training 21 11000 1,000 675- 49425-438 , Licenses and Taxes 2,002 - - 675-49425w440 Other Contractual Services 9,250 28,772 20)000 20,000 67''5--'4- 9425-5_00 Capital Outlay FA - - - 675- 49425 -525 -Other Capital Improvements 3,312 - - - 675-49426-6111 Bond I h t e- re- st 1151911 110,966 1097000 122,029 675-49425 -620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 615 489 5,500 1,000 675-49425-621 Discount on Bonds Issued 34)656 10,284 - 12,000 675-49425w700 Transfers - - - 10 F Y, I af] W, r 1-2 �-ln , • 7MRTlvn M&N-1 11Ti Pl TOTAL EXPENDITURES 406)252 3791185 3791409 4187460 10.29% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (52,959) (13,712) 57,349 29,540 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 150,492 97,534 831821 141)170 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (52,959) (13,712) 57,349 29,540 _ ENDING FUND BALANCE 97,534 83,821 141,170 170,710 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2014\2014-BUDGET COMBINED.XLS 675 -47- • • t 2011 2012 Actual Actual OTHER NET OPERATING OP A I EVE S INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES (EXPENSE S) (LOSS) 2004 129) 194 6, 365 (38)845) 437984 2005 1537442 18.810 277121 (26,633) 997688 2006 1557099 1.1% 647524 (15,536) 75, 039 2007 1517694 - 2.210 617370 (12,495) 777829 2008 151,826 0.1 010 1171948 417799 751677 2009 1711075 12.7% 268,674 (2307768) (328)367) 2010 2551116 49.1% 2811081 (101,196) (127)161) 2011 3531293 38.5% 255, 072 (116,242) (18)021) 2012 3597905 1.9% 2571445 (116)171) (13,711) 2013 Budget 4367758 21.4% 2647909 (114,500) 57,349 2014 Proposed 8, 000 2.610 2831431 (1357029) 29, 5 0 UNRESTRICTED ALA C AS OF 12/31/X 2011 2012 Actual Actual (220,194) (112,309) -48- 12/5/2013 STORM WATER RATE HISTORY MONTHLY % YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 2002 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $1.63 0.00% 1 REF =$8.15 /MONTH 2003 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =115 REF $1.71 5.00% 1 REF= $8.55 /MONTH 2004 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $1.88 10.00% 1 REF =$9.40 /MONTH 2005 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 15.00% 1 REF = $10.80 /MONTH 2006 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF =$10.80 /MONTH 2007 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF =$10.80 /MONTH 2008 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF = $10.80 /MONTH 2009 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $2.16 0.00% 1 REF = $10.80 /MONTH 2010 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $4.00 85.19% 1 REF = $20.00 /MONTH 2011 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $6.67 66.67% 1 REF= $33.35 /MONTH 2012 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $7.17 7.50% 1 REF = $35.85 /MONTH 2013 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $8.24 15.00% 1 REF = $41.20 /MONTH 2014 HOUSEHOLD /MONTH =1/5 REF $8.98 9.00% 1 REF =$44.90 /MONTH REF = Residential Equivalent Factor Note: Only Single Family or Duplex Rates are listed above. Other classifications include: Current Rate Proposed Rate per month per acre per month per acre Cemeteries $3.29 $3.59 9.00% Parks and Railroads $10.04 $10.94 9.00% Retail/ Commercial /Industrial/Warehouse $67.50 $73.57 9.00% Church /Schools /Institutional Use $16.76 $18.27 9.00% Multi- Family $40.25 $43.88 9.00% Rates for these classifications are higher because of the amount of hardcover typically associated with these properties. -49- 12/5/2013 Recycling Utility W-a tw. 4 Grants from other Govt. Units 30,170 29,730 wow* 29,700 36200 Recycling Utility 33160 Grants from other Govt. Units 30,170 29,730 29,700 29,700 36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 131553 8,787 14,000 8,000 36210 Interest Earnings 2 80 - - 37280 Recycling Sales 186,517 164,143 181,576 165,000 37285 Recycling Penalty 3,240 2,869 - - TOTAL REVENUES 233,482 205,608 225,276 2021700 -10.02% Recycling Utility 670-49500-101 F T Empl Regular 2)138, 1,955 4,629 21683 670-49500-102 F T Empl Overtime 11083, 1,011 1,200 1,200 670-49500-112 Comp Time Pay - - 670-495-00-113 Vacation Pay 286 272 670-49500-114 Holiday Pay 110 119 670-49500-115 Sick Pay 77 147, - - 670-49500-116 Severance Pay - (87) 670-49500-121 PERA 260 268 869 282 670-49500-122 FICA 236 251 - 297 670-49500-131 Employer Paid Health 1,013 949 581 585 670-49600-133 'Employer Paid Dental 23 24 - 26 670-49500-134 Employer Paid Life 1 1 19 1 670-49500-135 PI 143, 143, 60 60 670-49500-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental - - - - 670 -49500 -137 LTD 22' 22 1 Total Payroll Related 51391 51075 7v358 51134 -30.23% 670- . 49500-200 Offi , ce Supplies 3 - - 670 -49500 -202 Duplicating and copying supply 6 10 9 9 670-49500-208 I'nstructional Supplies - - - - 670- 49500 -210 Operating Supplies 670-49500-300 Professional Srvs - - - - 670- 49500 -301 Auditing and Acct g Services 650 772 789 789 670-49500-307 Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs 8,381 8,381 87381 87381 670- 49500 -315 - - Service Charges - 64 - 670-49500-322 Postage - 670- 49500- 331 Ose' of personal auto - - - 670-49500_430 Miscellaneous 16,166 81834 12,875 127875 670-49500-431 Meeting Expense - - - 670- 49500 -433 4 Dues and Subscriptions 670-49500-434 Conference & Training - 25 - - 670-49500 w440 Other Contractual Services 171,363 155,902 1561000 156,000 670-49500-460 Janitorial Services 11,057 11,126 131169 13,169 1109111011111*09-:01 • 2131014 190,193 1981581 196)357 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 207468 15,416 26,695 61343 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 46,153 66,621 821037- 108,732 20,468 15,416 26,695 61343_. 66,621 821037 108,732 115,075 ME 12/5/2013 RECYCLING RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1995 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,522 1996 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,949 1.40% 1997 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,802 -0.47% 1998 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.75 16.67% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $311172 1.20% 1999 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 14.29% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $301842 -1.06% 2000 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,182 -2.14% 2001 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,009 -0.57% 2002 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,848 -0.54% 2003 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $271001 -9.54% 2004 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.20 10.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,446 1.65% 2005 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.40 9.09% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $26,716 -2.66% 2006 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 14.58% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $261805 0.33% 2007 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.73% 2008 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.00 45.45% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% 2009 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 6.25% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% 2010 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $271000 0.00% 2011 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29700 10,00% 2012-2014 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.00 -5.88% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,700 0.00% 12/5/2013