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2014-07-02 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2014 — 6:30 PM SPECIAL MEETING WORKSHOP MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Open meeting: Purpose -- June 1 and June 19, 2014 Storm Events 2. Introductions System flow response & operational activities during and after the storms A. City System B. MCES System 4. Proposed Regional Improvements A. Improvement list B. Capacity to be provided C. Timing D. I/I Investigation E. Other efforts being made 5. Proposed City Improvements A. I/I mitigation efforts (past and future) B. Lift station upgrades C. Home inspections for discharges into the sanitary sewer system D. Other 6. Follow -up tasks and wrap -up Adjourn or I November 4, 2013 Ms. Karen Keenan Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 3565 Kennebec Drive Eagan, MN 55122 RE: MCES capital projects in Mound Dear Karen, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 -1687 PH: (952) 472 -0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB: www.cityofmoJund.com As City Manager for the City of Mound, I am contacting you about sewer main capital projects that are scheduled for Mound. The age of infrastructure in Mound combined with some monumental rain events have caused repeated damage to homes, with more frequency in recent years. It has been determined that Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) systems are contributing to sewer backup events in Mound. This condition exists in more than one neighborhood in Mound but in one instance, the household has had four sewer backup events in their home in about 40 years. Two such events have occurred within the last 10 years or so. The City of Mound is never found at fault by adjustors in these situations, due to our routine maintenance practices. However, this damage is seldom fully covered by the homeowner's insurance, leaving this recurring burden to the homeowner. This is a devastating situation for these people to be in and they live in fear of the next event. (The City assisted this neighborhood with the cost of backup valves in 2002, which are manual and cannot be depended upon when the homeowner is away.) I have been told that the upgrade to MCES system in this particular neighborhood was, at one time, scheduled for 2005. It is my understanding that work in the same neighborhood has been pushed to 2014 or 2015. As the authority responsible for Mound residents, I must advocated for them and say this is simply too long for Mound residents to live under this threat. -1- ®Printed on recycled Paper Page: Two Date: Nov 4, 2013 Subj: MCES capital projects in Mound I am asking that MCES reconsider its capital plan for projects in Mound and work with Mound staff to get these critical projects underway. I'd be pleased to meet and include Public Works Director Carlton Moore as we jointly work toward quick resolution to these problem areas in Mound. Thank you, r/.1- Sincerely, Kandis Hanson City Manager Cc: Mayor Mark Hanus Public Works Director Carlton Moore Director of Finance and Administration Catherine Pausche -2- i %A .r P 4 c :k, �S t M. i i r 4 Q J 0 LL d m ri N N n ci W J O z d w w V) a c-+ ay tr. Laf' F. l= s r 0 J m w ul ul J_ ¢S I Ol I �m w O z Q cw l w tD ;� ;�, , , i� . j2 �r .- �i ■ �f�� u� _ �� zii Y S.s, �� � �: ate'• P ♦:' ,:, ,� < ' y .N, ��Y.� _b�! �„ J i ., L` ' Y x �s ��, � .�� . � t ;�... 1'�: A;ib' �r .- �i ■ �a. . - � | .# . � . r ' � •\ ��� .•`vim •��y,' Q' a�i ,. a i jam ^y x. r /' � A �. At If 1,14 it y! ✓. F fir; s 4 K H �'�s9Z3 4ESTNUT RD �� Alt ti Li ma IF L N , 4 7 C AiV4 yi,r-v,w t , u ,.c x. 6-1 4t MANHOLE A-9 A46 L { .r +s?' C' �' t�� y��„ �• ,sd, tfde ti �Y ��� Vi ; �fM+�i l Y b W my, .s 4r . w 40 lowo, J Now A A4 1 Ni Al Irv,! y jjy � h �� }+ ��iY�y /��,�, 4 � Y� t• �f�f�f }tea � �� '. oWit yC� + � �bY r1a'9► {� � r rl + s RrcR iS r�1 } s' 4� t oar � °� T�,f \��j� �.4. Y e� av�,p /i � �� � ;li ,� U1� � � ia� „4 -• 517..t_ _ 1 A � �kt� � a nt �� 'i �s iV��� �fG 'iy� -” \` „!ur• :^',� . E;){, r'`' s 1 I h d.7t v tW tii ?� �` ! fi. [ yyf°,' liR�•� µ �N 4. ,9: �y, ~O�Sj toll rs�e{ , `.�tol� 4 � V 1 City Code Excerpt — Section 74 -216 Prohibiting discharges into the sanitary sewer system (a) Purpose. The discharge of water from roof, surface, groundwater sump pump, footing tile, swimming pool, air conditioning, or other natural precipitation into the city sewerage system results in flooding and overloading of the sewerage system. When this water is discharged into the sanitary sewer system, it is treated at the sewage treatment plant. This results in very large and needless expenditures. The City Council, therefore, finds it in the best interest of the city to prohibit such discharges. (b) Discharge prohibited. No water from any roof, surface, groundwater sump pump, footing tile, swimming pool, or other natural precipitation shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer system. Dwellings and other buildings and structures which require, because of infiltration of water into basements, crawl spaces, and the like, a sump pump discharge system shall have a permanently installed discharge line which shall not at any time discharge water into the sanitary sewer system, except as provided herein. A permanent installation shall be one which provides for year round discharge capability to either the outside of the dwelling, building, or structure, or is connected to city storm sewer or discharge through the curb and gutter to the street. It shall consist of a rigid discharge line, without valving or quick connections for altering the path of discharge, and if connected to the city storm sewer line, include a check valve and an air gap located in a small diameter structure as shown in the city's standard plates. (c) Disconnection. Before April 1, 1997, any person having a roof surface, groundwater sump pump, footing tile, or swimming pool now connected and /or discharging into the sanitary sewer system shall disconnect or remove same. Any disconnects or openings in the sanitary sewer system shall be closed or repaired in a manner, as approved by city public works or its designated agent. (d) Inspection. Every person owning improved real estate that discharges into the city's sanitary sewer system shall allow an employee of the city or a designated representative of the city to inspect the buildings to confirm that there is no sump pump or other prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. In lieu of having the city inspect their property, any person may furnish a certificate from a licensed plumber certifying that their property is in compliance with this section. Any person refusing to allow their property to be inspected or refusing to furnish a plumber's certificate within 14 days of the date city employees or their designated representatives are denied admittance to the property, shall immediately become subject to the surcharge hereinafter provided for. Any property found to violate this section shall make the necessary changes to comply with this section and furnish proof of the changes to the city. (e) Future inspections. Each sump pump connection identified will be reinspected periodically. (f) New construction. All new dwellings that require sumps shall have sumps piped to the outside of the dwelling and comply with the provisions of this section before a certificate of occupancy is issued. (g) Surcharge. A surcharge of $100.00 per month is hereby imposed on every sewer bill mailed to property owners who are not in compliance with this section or who have refused to allow their property to be inspected to determine if there is compliance. All properties found during reinspection to have violated this section will be subject to the $100.00 per month penalty for all months between the two most recent inspections. (Code 1987, § 600.25; Ord. No. 88-1997,3-15-L23-' Map Document: (Li�GIS DataWound \Mound LS Rankings (color code based on per foot II).mxd) 26/2007 -- 9:56:09 AM CITY OF MOUND INFILTRATION & INFLOW STUDY I & I RANKING BY LIFT STATION SERVICE AREA (I & I PER LF) FIGURE NO. 2 MAY, 2007 - - -� CITY BOUNDARY LIFT S7 A7'ION Lift Station Service Areas > 100 Gal /ft = C4. D1 50 -100 Gal /ft A2, A3. D3. E2: F1 40 -50 Gal /ft C5, D2 30 -40 Gal /ft B3 C1; D4. 11' N1 P1 20 -30 Gal /ft BL C6; E3 E4 J1 K1; R1 10 -20 Gal /ft Al, C2; C3: C7, E1: Lt; S1 10 > Gal /ft = B2 MUM DATA 84: D5; G1: H1: LM L50 N W E s 1,000 0 1,000 Ft Saunders Lake m FLI t J if-- -I t, FEI FQ 1 `L© IEI s -- f�a[om Legend it June 1st Backup ' June 1st Backup, Made Clain t� June 19th Backup June 19th Backup, Made Claim June 1 st & 19th, Made Claims June 1st 19th, Claim June 1st © MCES Lift Stations © Mound Lift Stations — Mound Sanitary Sewer Blaek Lakex MCES Sanitary Sewers — ©� _ — 6 -MO -650 0 — 6 -MO -651 —7021 Municipal Boundary —r— Parcel Boundaries e 0 1,000 _ © � Feet Sanitary Sewer Backup Locations w« Figure 1.0 June, 2014 -25- O A rm ^O ii O G N �w m E i O •Lm W V O Av` W O U 4=0 M 3 ^W ^Y W E N U N i U � � U i � O O N U O � C N m O � C m � a C O W U m m G - m � a C O O O � m N G N C m � � c N y N N O N Q m Q C � � m . m � O OYU o] F Y d W Q 0. M 2 R L N E T x N a) c M 3 Q) Q) N o m 3 E o aEi c y a N 0 o a3 m 3 cm 3 � m 0 Q) O > .F- u7 c m M O 0 W 2 0 c 0 m C 0 (D c 0 0 a c M 0 2 v O N (D N c>a T � Q E 0 w Q) 0 m E � E .c o E 0 0 0 0- LL w c ai o c cm EOo Q LO Q) a Co Q) .. c U) m O T Q 0 n a m c 0 U c w E T UJ m c 0 Q) Ir- `o m -o 0 CL 0 c 0 a CD c E Q) c > w O i a Q m L � R Q Q U L Q m .% o a L Q) �' Q w, new A M g� u� Z u Z o u m O 0 F` 3 E 0 U E W L TOM 7 O 0 N C N O 3 N d d E a d u a N W 0 LL d 3 L N °s Wd9 19 o$ g M S$ M I s R um .«. 3 E O U E i N Q 06 C 3 O 2 v v v u v W g r 0 0 LL J C r O N TOM 1 -, � e h wdO s s s 3 Y � Tom a� N C � �L Q� Q = N nR V Vi fa O LM C L 2 ++ d O O C O -a FL a C O O N O � 3 am E O O = U U) N a d v rn m 0 0 N s a B G x� °n a WJ� L r T O IT N Im O ^C N^ Vi _i O 'L m O 3� 1O FL Y Y O N O � O Q. d E O O i- U fn s r rt f m ? 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