MARCH 9, 2004
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular
session on Tuesday, March, 9, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall.
Members Present: Acting Mayor Mark Hanus, Councilmembers David Osmek and Peter
Members Absent: Mayor Pat Meisel and Councilmember Bob Brown.
Others Present: City Attorney John Dean, City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk
Bonnie Ritter, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Engineer John
Cameron, Public Works Director Carlton Moore, Bryan Oakley, Adam Parker, Fire
Chief Greg Pederson, Pete Norton, Bill Pauling.
Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in
nature and will be enacted by a single roil carl vote. There will be no separate
discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests. In that event
the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence.
1. Open Meetinq - Pledc~e of Allecliance
Acting Mayor Hanus called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge of
2. Approve Aqenda
Acting Mayor Hanus requested the addition of 6A, Water Tower on Chateau Lane.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Meyer to approve the agenda with the addition of 6A
as requested. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consent Aqenda
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to approve the consent agenda.
vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
Upon roll call
A. Approve minutes of February 24, 2004.
B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $309,853.56.
C. Approve public gathering permit for Fishers of Men for bass tournament weigh-in at
Centerview Beach.
4. Comments & Suq.qestions from Citizens Present on Any Item Not on the
Agenda. - None were offered.
Mound Council Minutes - March 9, 2004
5. 2003-2004 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Annual Meetinq
Carlton Moore informed the Council that in 2003, Staff prepared and submitted the
Mound Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program to the MPCA to satisfy compliance
with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit for the City.
The intent of the Phase II program is to encourage and require cities to reduce or
control the amount of stormwater runoff both in the form of water quality and rate
control. The meeting tonight constitutes the annual meeting that is required with the
submittal of an annual report to the MPCA. Public notice was published in the Laker on
February 7, 2004.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to approve the 2003/2004 Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program Annual Report, noting there were no comments from
Council or public testimony offered at the annual meeting. All voted in favor. Motion
5. Engineer's Report on Well #8 Pump House
John Cameron introduced Bryan Oakley from MFRA, who requested authorization to
develop plans and specifications for the Well #8 pump house. He stated that decisions
made during the design of the pump house may impact future options for water
treatment, and reviewed these options. The water treatment would not be a water
softening plant, but remove iron and manganese before water goes into the distribution
system. Meyer expressed concern that the arsenic level in one well periodically
exceeds the upcoming EPA standard and Oakley informed him that this could be
resolved by treatment, but the most cost effective solution is well management and
blending. Discussion followed regarding the three options spelled out in Oakley's letter
to the Council dated March 3, 2004.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to order plans and specifications for the Well
#8 pump house, making sure it is designed for the capability of expansion in the future
to accommodate water treatment. The following voted in favor: Osmek and Hanus.
The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried.
6A. Water Tower on Chateau Lane
John Cameron informed the Council of concern over reconstructing Chateau Lane in
the 2004 Street Project, and then coming in next year with heavy equipment to build the
new water tower on that street. They suggest eliminating Chateau Lane from this year's
project and put it on the 2005 project.
Osmek asked if it would make sense to eliminate Fairview from this year's project also,
because they are in the same vicinity. Cameron stated that Fairview does need repair,
as does Chateau, but it wouldn't hurt anything to delay them both for one year.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to remove Chateau Lane and Fairview Lane
from the 2004 Street Reconstruction project, due to concern over coordination with the
Chateau Lane water tower construction. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes - March 9, 2004
It was noted that MFRA will come back in the hear future to request that a preliminary
study be done on the Chateau Lane water tower, so that construction can begin in the
Fall/VVinter of 2004/2005.
7. Fire Department
A. Resolution of Appreciation for Conqressman John Kline for Securinq
$250,000 of Funds for Clean-up of the WAFTA Site
Fire Chief Greg Pederson gave a brief history o WAFTA and the plans for the site
clean-up in Watertown Township. He informed the Council that John Kline was
instrumental in securing $250,000 in federal funding to help with the clean-up
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
B. Joint and Cooperative Use of Fire Personnel and Equipment
Fire Chief Greg Pederson presented the Joint and Cooperative Use of Fire
Personnel and Equipment agreement to the Council for their consideration.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to adopt the following resolution. All
voted in favor. Motion carried.
8A. Action on Subdivision Exemption - Lot 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills, Unit F
Sarah Smith stated that a provision was put in the City Code about nine months ago
that provides for a "Subdivision Exemption". This request falls under this new provision.
Discussion followed regarding the particulars of this request.
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to direct staff to prepare a resolution for
consideration at the next meeting, that is in compliance with the Subdivision Exemption
clause of the City Code as it relates to this request. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
8B. Action on Joint Planning Commission/City Council Workshop
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Hanus to set a special joint Planning
Commission/City Council workshop for March 29, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. at city hall. Meyer
stated he is voting against this, because he will be unable to attend this meeting, and
the schedules of the two absent members are not known. The following voted in favor:
Osmek and Hanus. The following voted against: Meyer. Motion carried.
Mound City Council Minutes - March 9, 2004
9. Community Development Director's Update
Sarah Smith presented an update to the Council that included the current status of:
MCWD Rule M Buffer Proposed Amendment; HCRRA Railroad Corridor Abandonment
Process; Joint PC/CC Workshop set for March 29; Langdon Trails; Langdon Bay;
Mound MarketPlace; Village By the Bay; Mound Harbor Renaissance Development; and
CSAH 15.
10. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Minutes: Planning Commission - March 11,2004
B. Newsletter: Metropolitan Council
C. Report: Harbor Wine & Spirits
D. Newsletter- Gillespie Center
E. LMC - Friday Fax
F. Calendar: LMCC
G. Correspondence: LMCD
H. Newsletter- Lake Minnetonka Association
I. Minutes: DCAC - February 19, 2004
11. Adjourn
MOTION by Osmek, seconded by Meyer to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
,~ttest: B0nn~e Ritter, (~it-y ~;lerk
Acting Mayor Mark Hanus