December 3], ]980
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the City Council
of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was called for 1 P.M. on
December 31, 1980 at 5341Maywood Road, Mound.
Those present were: Councilmembers Gordon Swenson and Donald Ulrick. Also
present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp and Acting City Clerk Marjorie Stutsman.
There being no quorum present, special meeting could not be held.
In view of the number of people present, it was decided to have a discussion of
goals and policies. Councilman Ulrick asked a record of discussion be kept.
The fo]lowing persons were present: Mayor Elect Leighton Lindlan, Councilmember
Elect Karol Charon, Orval Fenstad, Ray Tharalson, Brad Roy, Bill Hudson, Gary
Cayo, Joe Dutton, Steve Grand, Cheryl Grand, Dr. Dale Fisher, Chuck Peterson,
Bob Smestad, Bill Roth, Steve Anderson, Jim Regan, Bill Holm and several unidenti-
fied persons.
Discussed police manpower available for duty and keeping Smith on a part time
basis. The City Manager recommended keeping Smith on part time with full bene-
fits during the part time status. Councilmembers Ulrick and Swenson had no
Discussed goals and policies for all City departments and the possibility of
restructuring departments.
Mayor Elect Lindlan would like to see the following:
1. Getting into hiring professional people - brought up because of number of
complaints - a good many of them on roads.
2. Wants master list of possible applicants for appointment to Commissions
from Councilmembers. (Newspaper to run story of openings)
3. Would like all motions read and clarified before voting on same.
4. Is planning on appointing Bob Polston Acting Mayor and would like comments.
5. Wants Snyder Drug Store to work out parking with the Bank as proposed addi-
tion to building will take 85% of present lot.
6. Asked why a delay can't be gotten on the Police situation mediation hearing.
Councilmember Swenson asked that roads be checked over by someone other than
McCombs Knutson before year's guarantee has expired; also complaints have been
received of dirt on streets.
Lindlan wants time to identify what requirements are needed in Mound - need to
develop process for selecting new City Manager and Police Chief and structuring
departments. Discussed possibility of opportunities for cooperation with other
communities, share officers with similar duties, etc. Many options to work out.
Discussed structure of police department and options for reorganization. Lind-
lan requested that the objectives for year be thought over.
Discussion meeting adjourned.