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1990-01-09 CC Agenda Packet
vw Ty ` ' PACKET 1/9/90 • BID 90 -1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SECTION I • • - -3- 21 CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS ONE (1) NEW FIRE /RESCUE APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT BID. #90- -1 The City of Mound Fire Department is seeking bids for the manufacture of One (1) New Fire /Rescue Apparatus and Equipment that meet the specified requirements. Specifications and bids forms are available in the office of the City Clerk, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 - Phone 472 -1155. Selected proposals, in accordance with the requirements and detailed specifications, will be received at the City Clerk's Office: City of Mound, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN. 55364, until 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, February 22, 1990, and at that time they will be publicly opened and read. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerni,,g the bidding procedure or the requirements and specifications, please contact: Jeff Andersen, (612) 472 -7564. City of Mound By: Francene C. Clark, CMC City Clerk Publish in The Construction B>>lletin - January 12, 1990 The Laker Newspar-r - January 15, 1990 .7 -4- Al BID 90 -I I1STRUCTIONS /REQUIREMENTS TO BIDDERS SECTION II C7 • -- 1� - 30 INSTRUCTIONS BIDDERS I It is the intent of these specifications to secure an apparatus to withstand the service and continuous use encountered in the emergency set _ce. The apparatus shall, be the latest type, symmetri, proportioned and constructed with due consideration of a toad to be sustained. All parts, not specifically mentioned herein, but which are necessary in order to furnish a complete fire apparatus, shall to furnished and shall conform to the best practices known to the fire /rescue hazard vehicle apparatus industry. BIDDER_REQUIREMENTS: Sealed proposals are requested in ac:,ordance with these requirements and detailed specifications. To insure all current modern engineering and design measures will be taken, only manufacturers curre;itly active in the manufacture of fire /rescue apparatus and equipment will be considered, and they shall provide a list of at least 5 cities for whom the Bidder has supplied the sale or similar apparatus. The Contractor shall furnish satisfactory avidence t. it he has the ability to construct the apparatus as specified an. s` +all state the location of the factory where the apparatus is to be built, tested, and serviced. The apparatus body design prints, as required by the specifications, shall be original design generated by the Contractor /bidder, and not reproductions of rescue /fire apparatus designs previously engineered by other contractors /manufacturers. The bidder shall furnish complete "proposal specifications" on their own stationery, but e:ch total _bid shall be submitted on the enclosed Bid Proposal Form. Copies or reproductions of these "advertised specifications" are not to be used as any part of the Bid Proposal. AnY contra: -t in which the purchaser shall enter into shall include the atta- specifications in addition to the Bidder's "Proposal Specifications" and Tutal Bid Proposal For -:. The api - iratus ar:d all m•a .r ^.poncnt.s shall be manufa -turn in the United States. where the following sr- -cif ications specific brand names, MO'l - riu -ters, dimc';,S;onS, or c- 3f:1i(::tlC> of components, the sa ^.�' shah be s�.rppl -ied as all have been caref selected for the reliaLility anal avail- _it -iiity of ref F -n t. parts. • 31 The Bidder shall provide, with his Bid, a Certificate of Insurance listing the amount of his company's Product Liability Insurance Coverage. All contacts with Cit }' officials, from the time this Bid is let until a Bid is awarded, concerning the requirements or specifications of this Bid, shall be through Jeff Andersen (Truck Committee Chairperson). No exceptions to this requirement will be tolerated. • • • 32 2. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specifications for use by contractors submitting a bid may be obtained froi the City Clerk, City of Mound, 5341 Maywood "/2 Road, Mound, Minnesota 5`164. Phone number (612) 4 -1155. EX V ARI ATI ONS, OR CLARIFICATIONS T_O LED SPECI It is the intent of the Fire Department to receive proposals on equipment /apparatus meeting the attached detailed specifications in their entirety. Any proposals being submitted WITHOUT "full compliance" with the advertised specifications shall so state on the Bid Proposal page, followed by a detailed "Letter of Exceptions" listing the areas of non - compliance and equipment being substituted. Failure to l i s t i st_ each an( every_. except ion_ wi l'__ result _in_ re�ectio� of _Bidder'_s propos_al__ To provide for a fair and readily comparable evaluation of the Bids, the Bidder shall list his apparatus /equipment description in the same sequence as pro in this Bid Specification. Any Bid not in this sequence will be disregarded and rejected. SUBMISSION OF_PROPO�ALS ® Each proposal shall be submitted on the -nclosed total Bid Proposal Form. Each proposal must be accompanied by the Bidder's written detailed specifications covering the apparatus and equipment which it is proposing to furnish. A11 integral parts no specifically mentioned in the scope of these specifications that are necessary to provide a co--.plete working unit shall be furnished. Each proposal shall be su` >mittfJ with two (2) comple,- detailed prints of the apparatus as specified. The prints shall tc• to scale (minimum of one inch .- 10 inc:hc,$) of the exa -t apparatus being propo: -red, an! not a stCC- }, print of a si °il�r unit. The print shall have c: v.E: of the left L:,Ir e of the chassis cab, right body side, and rear of apparatu Ff apparatus shall also include full tcp v E •. aFlarat� �, `� 'y - ind cl!assis cab = eat;ng are -,3s. Ali cAr:r') t''J arrangc'^E'r;ts, 1z��Yitin�I lc ":�_i� s arl] -jny l;t:Grl."11 crF_w _.ib ditF.n ions Y. -�11 Y:F n tc i on trint. A:l dr,„, js shall be�_or -e a part of �.Y;e Fr�I , l;,re tout -it the recluired prints with thF. �F:�:e-: Eiid Fr_ r ���.al .s_ �, fir REJE;CTI(;I" r` al. for n {n - pii<in 33 Bidders taki►.• "total exception" to these advertised specifications are hereby advised that such statement will result • in immediate REJE TION -, f the Bid Proposal. A,l specifications herein contained are considered as minimum. r.,, exceptions to these minimum standards shall be allowed relating to gauge of metal, size of c—apartments, method of construction, and overall design. No exception will be taken for aluminum material, where specified, since it is available to all custom fire /rescue manufacturers. All raw materials of the specified type are available to all manufacturers. Since all qualified custom manufacturers have the ability to shear, brake, and weld as these specifications require, all basic requirements must be cor.plied with. All bids must be signed by the manufacturer of the apparatus being proposed. Bids signed by a sales representative shall be declared informal and will be re;ected. Each Bid must give the full business address of the manufacturer. maids by a corporation must be authorized and signed by the President. Same signature is required on spe. -ified Bid Bond, DELIVERY._ OF Each Proposal and all papers bound and attached thereto, together with the Proposal Guarantee, shall be placed in an envelope and securely sealed. The envelope shall be so mar as to indicate the following: NAME OF BIDDER BID ON ONE (1) FIRE /RESCUE APPARATUS & EQUIPMENT The Proposal shall be addres ed to: Fran Clark, City Clerk City of Mound 5341 Maywood Read Mound, MN. 55364 Proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk prior to the time set for the opening :)f Bids. Fropcsals received after t,ae "Bid opening" will be returned unopened. PUBLIC OPFNING OF FROPOSALS The Bids will be F>>bl icly and rc-3d in quarts rs of the Mounci City N -111 at the time and date st,itcll ors the Noticr- to Bid�1F>rs. • 54 REJECTION OF_ P_RO-P08AL8 . The City of Mound reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to accept such proposal that, in the opinion of the City Council, is in the best interest of the City of Mound. Propc'als may be rejected for any alteration, erasures, or penciled entries, WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Bids may by withdrawn by Bidder's certifieu mail or telegraphic request prior to the time and date fixed for opening. Negligence on the part of the Bidder in preparing the Bid confers no right for the withdrawal of the Bid after it has been opened. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid until 30 days after the opening of the Bids. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT BID BOND AND 100J_PERFORMANCE___BO_ND Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bidder's Bond or a certified check, payable to "City of Mound" in the amount of ten percent • (10 %) of the maximum amount of the Bid, to assure the City of Mound of the adherence of the Bidder to his Bid, the execution of the contract, and the ability of the Bidder to furnish a 100% Performance Bond, if his Bid is accepted. All Proposal Guarantees, except those of the two (2) lowest acceptable Bidders, will be returned within fifteen (15) days after the day of the opening of the proposals. The Proposal Guarantee of the second low Bidder will be returned within tnirty (30) days after the date of the opening of the proposals. The Proposal Guarantee of the successful Bidder will be returned following delivery and acceptance of the corlleted fire /rescue apparatus and equipment. If the Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded refuses or neglects to execute, or fails to furnish the required 100% Perforrance Bond within ten (10) days after notice to him of the award, the amount of his deposit may be forfeited and retained by the Purchaser as liquidated dar�(jes. ALTERATION OF THE WORK The City of Mound reserves the right to rodify the work originally contemplated in these requirements and detailed specifications if deemed to Lt! in the best interest of the City. 1 150 NON - COLLUSION_ AFFIDAVIT LEGAL REQUIREMENTS All Bidders must complete the enclosed Affidavit of Non- Collusicn certifying that the Bid amount was arrived at independently and without collusion with other vendors. Collusion between vendors shall be cause for rejection of the Bids of those Bidders involved. TAX EXEMPTION The City of Mound is an instrumentality of the State of Minnesota and is therefore not subject to statE sales tax or federal excise tax. Appropriate certificate... shall he furnished if requested. PATEN I DENTIFIC ATI ON_BY__BIDDER The 9idder, if his Bid is accepted, shall indemnify the City of Mound against patent infringement claims, and will defend any and all suits, and assume all liability for use, and all claims made against the City of Mound or any of its officials or agents for the use of any patents, process, device, or article forming a part of the apparatus, or any appliance furnished under contract. • COMPLETION AND PAYMENT is COM PLETION DAT Bidders shall indi,-ate in their proposals the maximum number of working days for d- plivery of the completed apparatus, from the date of Bid acceptance. PAYMENTS S FINAL PAYMENT All Bidders shall be requirc tc detail in enact terms, the payment for said apparatus in their Fire Apparatus 1'ropofs�l . Prepayment for the chassis portion shall be permitted. Final payment by the City will be m,tdr within thirty (30) dtys cf del ivery and accept.Ancr , i n with thF' f the completed appar.3tu5. e 26 ( MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 0 PF. The newly constructed apparatus, chassis, and equipment shall be in compliance with the N.F.P.A. Booklet No. 1901, 1985 Edition, and any changes or additions made to those requirements since that date. Newly constructed apparatus shall also conform to all current Federal Highway Safety Standards, OSHA requirements, and any other applicable federal and state regulations. The manufacturer shall furnish certification of GVWR on a name plate affixed to the vehicle. The completed vehicle shall be weighed, and the results provided to the purchaser to determine compliance with the above requirements. SERVI M ANUALS The manufacturer must supply, at time of delivery, two (2) complete and detailed Operation and Maintenance manuals for all apparatus components, including: chassis, pump, generator, lighting fixtures, wiring diagrams of electrical system and all production drawings on body fabrications. CARRYING C APACITY The full laden weight of the completed vehicle, including the full complement of equipment and equivalent personnel loading of 1500 lbs., shall not exceed chassis manufacturer's published GVWR for this model. In any event, the total load on each axle shall not exceed the published rating for the axle, nor exceed the axle loads permitted under applicable laws. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS To insure a Purchaser of a source of service and carts c r the 20 year anticipated life of the apparatus, the Bidder shall provide factory service, fahri-- ition /�inufacturing and testing facilities within 150 r"le of the City of Mound. This same facility must stock a _);rf;lete line of all fire fi<3hting equipment and parts for this apparatus. Records as to the purchase source of all auxiliary componr-nt; of the spr-cified apparatus shall be availablf to the p:irchrasez LAp hi rfcl;F;st. This purchase in�crraticn �h.ill inch '��nt�f�r: *._urcr n c��lel number, authorized distributer, c�_�r- _ Part ;�;7� ,er, -I,, d 1 �,, -i_31 installaticn instru�_�tior.s. • 37 C]► CEPT ANCE _ Acceptance Tests, on behalf of the City, shall be prescr ed and conducted prior to delivery or within ten (10) days after delivery by the manufacturer's refresentative in the presence of such person or persons as the City may designate in their requirements for delivery. In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements of these _pec-ifications on first trials, second trials may be trade at the option of the Bidder within 30 days of the date of the first trial. ROAD_REQUIREMENTS Road Tests shall be conducted with the apparatus fully loaded ad a continuous run of 60 miles will be made under typical driving conditions during which time the apparatus shall show no icss of power or overheating. The transmission, drive shafts, front and rear axles, etc., shall run quietly and be free from al - normal vibrations or noise throughout the operating range of the apparatus. FINAL DELIVERY Final delivery of the completed apparatus is to be made F.O.B. Mound, Minnesota to the Mound Fire Department, 2415 Wilshire • Boulevard. If the City desires, delivery may be performed by Truck Committee Personnel. Delivery in this case shall be via drive -away from the factory direct to the Purcha < < Insurance to be provided by the customer. T U INING AND INSTRUCTION The successful Bidder, or trained factory representative, shall provide training and instruction to the selected Fire Department personnel in the operation and maintenance of the fire /rescue vehicle, as well as all other ccmponent parts. WARKAN Bidders sh -:11 include as a part of 'heir F.r(�posal, a certlfiel copy of thf- Warranty, signed by an off icer of the B, _1 company, f . the c( f 1 rc cue a1Ap-)r Atus a:,d ( i t,-r.nc, as well as S[,,ocific corporc systems. • 300 TRA • It is the responsibility of the Bidder to supply transportation and all expenses for Mound Truck Committee's two (2) members for two inspections before delivery of the finished fire /rescue apparatus. Inspections shall be scheduled at the following tir— s: 1. A Body and ^hassis Modification Inspection shall be made before any interior finishes are applied, in order to inspect construction or substructure wiring and component installation. 2. A Final Inspection is to be made to the completed apparatus before exterior paint is applied. A DDITIO NAL RE JQ IRW TS All dimensions are subject to a plus or minus 1/4 in-n tolerance. 0 is .37 SMITH . FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW AqI fisher fbnhm� (_ Jimer lh (hive 1rr r�r ( S %�urh December 28, 1989 Mayor Steve Smith City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Market Plaza 732 West 66th Street kichfield, Minnesota 55423 (6 8614556 and Council Members (ECT JAN 2 IM RE: Western Area Fire Training Academy Lease /Minnegasco Dear Mayor Smith: Attached hereto you will find copies of the following: 1. .joint and Cooperative Agreement /"estern Area Fire Training Association and Member Cities (for reference). 2. Use Agreement dated August 14, 19 between Western Area Fire Training Academy and Minnesota Gas Company /Minnegasco. 3. Proposed Termination Agreement. This office has been retained by Western Area Fire Training Academy regarding Minnegasco's violation of their Use Agreement. Pursant to the Use Agreement, Minnegasco has used the WAFTA training site until sometime in early 1988 at which time Minnegasco abandoned its present use thereof. In verbal commur:ication with its attorney, and in written corresp>ndence, Minnegasco has indicated to us that they had no plans to use the site n 1989, and no plans thereafter. Further that. they would be ame .a`ile to a negotiated termination of their ]( if WAFTA is so interested. The Board of Directors of WAFTA has approved the enclosed proposed Termination Agreement, and has instructed us to begin negot=iating a termination of their lease following you: councils approval of the agreement. WAFTA also has environmr� concerns as contained in t'.e proposed Termination Agrc�ment_ . WAFTA ask your earliest review and approval of the proposed Termir;at io ii Arlrecm� Also we invite you to consult your city at tc�rr;e for any thou(3ht5 h may have. We wo�_rld l ike y k,7/ as early as possible in January 1990, so that we c,in f,>rward the 7/,r ;p s,ed Termination Agreement. to Minnegasco and t heir l7/— (,r as recited in the Use Agreement. 0 • 40 December 28, 1989 Page Two We would appreciate, when you act, that you would have your clerk all me at my office se t =hat we can circulate by cc r:,r the original copy of the proposed Termination Agreement for atfixing signatures of all the Ma }'ors of th- various cities. Also if you want me to be present at ye ,lr council meeting when this matter is discussed, you can reach me at my office at 861 to arrange same. Again, the actual proposed Termination Agreement herein has riot yet been pre�7.ted to Mir.negasco and will not be until all cities approve the Termination Agreement and allow us to proceed with terminating the Use Agreement according to WAFTA's instructicns. Sincerely, SMITF FISHER, ATT NF: A LAW Steven C. Sm SCS:kr . cc: WAFTA /Michael Savage Enclosures • 41 TERMINATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 1989, between WESTERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ACADEMY, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "THE ACADEMY" and MINNESOTA GAS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, licensed co do business in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as 'THE COMPANY ". RECITALS 1. "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" have entered into a Use agreement dated January 1, 1979, by which the "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" agreed to certain terms and conditions for the use by "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" of property described and known as the Launch Area, Nike Battery 470, in the County of Carver, St. Boriifacius, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "THE SITE" by which "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" agreed to the terms and conditions as stated in the Use Agreement. "THE SITE" shall include not only tie said property but also any buildings, storage facilities, equipment, and any physical improvements thereon. r 2. The parties desire to terminate and cancel the Use Agreement, and to release each other from their respective obligations under said Use Agreement except as hereinafter stated. 3. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained ' herein, the parties agree as follows: k The Use Agreement shall be and is. hereby terminated and cancelled and the term thereof is brought to an end as of the date of the signing hereof, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" arc released and discharged from their respective obligations to observe the terms and conditions of the Use Agreement on their respective marts to be observed, unless hereinafter otherwise stated. 1 A ;L. "THE ACADEMY" herein terminates its right to receive any yearly rental, or training Fees due "THE ACADEMY" from "THE COMPANY" pursuant to said Use Agreement. "THE COMPANY" hereby vacates its easement or use cf any of the existing buildings or property above or below around on "THE SITE ". "THE ACADEMY" herrbv terminates all expectancy to receive any costs or expenses due it or claimed due from "THE COMPANY" for the filling, grading, fencing, building remodelling, providing of any fuels and materials and storage materials and anv ecuioment previ.ously supplied and the ase of any and all buildings and areas Dn "THE SITE". :HE COMP.VNY" terminates its use of "THE SITE" either in its c stead or by any of its designated agents or any other organizatio -ns as may nave contracted wit.`. "THE COMPANY" for use of "THE SITE ". "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" hereby agree that any costs whatsoever associated with environ.mentaI liabilities incurred on "THE SITE" as a result of use by "THE ACADEMY" and /or "THE COMPANY" shall remain the sole liability of "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY ". Further, it shall be an overriding provision herein that any said liabilities directly attributable to "THE COMPANY" shall be the sole obligation of "THE COMPANY ". Said environmental liabilities include, but shall not be limited to, the following: any costs associated with regulatory compliance review; soil and ground water assessment; structual inspection; industrial hygiene assessment; ident.ficat of PCB's, asbestos, other hazardous materials; testing and investigatic of inrl- rground storage tanks; testing and cleanup of soil; assessment of hazardous material /waste handling and storage ar -as; also any other costs incurred to .investigate potential problems and correct same, which may include but not be limited to collecting insulation material for analysis; collecting surface sail samples from visually contaminated areas; drilling soil borings for analysis; installing ground water mcnicoring wells and collecting yround water sa:7ples; collecting other `13 T LIE .. ^��1 _ ° ?.fiY" .'acat ° d "THE S.TE scmet:me in 1988 an- nereoy aoandons and vacates "THE SITE" of ect:ve the is date here•,ith. "TFF CCMPANf" . Here y ✓3cates its easerent t0 use suc' areas wit.�:: n "THE S: - E - " as ' TFE ACADEM'z ' and "Tf:7- COMPANY" have mutually agreed uc.cn ne- re_nnefore either for any remodelling or alteration or For use in related training ?rcgrams. "THE ACADEMY" herein terminates its right to receive any yearly rental, or training Fees due "THE ACADEMY" from "THE COMPANY" pursuant to said Use Agreement. "THE COMPANY" hereby vacates its easement or use cf any of the existing buildings or property above or below around on "THE SITE ". "THE ACADEMY" herrbv terminates all expectancy to receive any costs or expenses due it or claimed due from "THE COMPANY" for the filling, grading, fencing, building remodelling, providing of any fuels and materials and storage materials and anv ecuioment previ.ously supplied and the ase of any and all buildings and areas Dn "THE SITE". :HE COMP.VNY" terminates its use of "THE SITE" either in its c stead or by any of its designated agents or any other organizatio -ns as may nave contracted wit.`. "THE COMPANY" for use of "THE SITE ". "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" hereby agree that any costs whatsoever associated with environ.mentaI liabilities incurred on "THE SITE" as a result of use by "THE ACADEMY" and /or "THE COMPANY" shall remain the sole liability of "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY ". Further, it shall be an overriding provision herein that any said liabilities directly attributable to "THE COMPANY" shall be the sole obligation of "THE COMPANY ". Said environmental liabilities include, but shall not be limited to, the following: any costs associated with regulatory compliance review; soil and ground water assessment; structual inspection; industrial hygiene assessment; ident.ficat of PCB's, asbestos, other hazardous materials; testing and investigatic of inrl- rground storage tanks; testing and cleanup of soil; assessment of hazardous material /waste handling and storage ar -as; also any other costs incurred to .investigate potential problems and correct same, which may include but not be limited to collecting insulation material for analysis; collecting surface sail samples from visually contaminated areas; drilling soil borings for analysis; installing ground water mcnicoring wells and collecting yround water sa:7ples; collecting other `13 s�:.. as ;: sanp:as `rim floor or �a: 1 s_r f aces, sam.,les fr cm drams or transformers or storage amts, any. sar•.p.es of sludge or other waste• �a- 3 _ ana le 3K 7a s _ng indergrour.'. storage but :,ot ze v _n any and a_: federal, rep .at ions with regard to e-;', i. ;n •enr_a': assessment, u analysis, testing, and clean . :� :... :: _ ;r any e, ✓i_cnmental problem or natural resources damages caused by use of "THE SITE ". " THE CCU!: ANY" ereby repr = - ._ r is and warrants that it has caused no nat :rai r e s e _•3 �7 a . is use of "THE SITE' . Fu her, that any and all required federal, state or local p� nits concerning or relating to environmental protection and regulation at "THE SITE" during the use Agreement have been secured and are current. Further, "T'liE rC"1PA:4Y" warrants tha . it has been in full compliance with an_• and 31_ permit-s, and any other requirements under federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. Further, "THE COMPANY" wart ants there are no pe .ing� actions against it under any env law, reg':'atior or ordinance, and "THE COMPANY" has not received notice in any form of such an action, or every possible ac -.gun, relat.ng to its use of "THE SITE ". Further, "THE COMPANY" warrants there are no past or current releases of hazardous substances :,n, over, at, from, into or onto any facilit•. at "THE "THE CCMPA.,'!" warrants that it is no aware of any en'Jir::i'1E":_ 31 ^_Ondit ion, S: ",:at ion or incident on, at or concerning "THE SITE" that pos'sibi .• --ould give rise to an action or to 1 iabi ltv under a;:. ' aw . r : :Hance or commrn law thear,. "TF. ;'MPAN " war f3nts aa' it 3 is breached, "THE CI-Nip ANY _. :e: n= ,:hit f,r a.: :es,.lting w.ii if � f' dn.'j :'lC .. �lc.lr"l.t'`: ,,..... A�.ADEMY 1 -abi . �' �, and _ .. 44 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herelo - ave executed tnis agreement at the day and year first above written. M"INEES(__'T,� ( C(,MPANY Dated: t s ' �_iANHAF I`, EN Dated: 4 �_ . 'I VT� ____ - __ - - Y - 4so z e r e r gym r O conditions - than 1:., s, I r, remain with "THE COMPAN'. . _7 Termination Agreement L! : Ceo7 .3 contaminat -on and `at ar - s* a _ e .-�e-ro 7, ACADEMY" has ,.he r 1.(gh t D f rec s s L cn 6 :'F._. written notice to "THE :CM For purposes of t"is aQrt 2 i 1 w r i t n 7i,-) s be directed to the addresses written zelow; i.e., "THE ACADEMY" Western Area Fire 7rdininq Academy c/c City Hall C-- of Exc�_ , IQ Thir Street Excelsior, MN "THE COMPANY" Minnesota gas Company c/o Safety Director 733 Marquet Avenue Minneaoolis, MN 55402 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herelo - ave executed tnis agreement at the day and year first above written. M"INEES(__'T,� ( C(,MPANY Dated: t s ' �_iANHAF I`, EN Dated: 4 �_ . 'I VT� ____ - __ - - Y - 4so Da t Da ed: Dated: Da t e ma • 4L ',i,N( ',AFE ma • 4L -a� e�!: Dated: • Da - — : E - � p f 1 C '.TY CF V I C T C R , A May (-, r C I e r k CITY CF MAPLE PLAIN Mavor C -e r)" C:TY CF WATv-RT'- yor e r 4 � USE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 1st day of January, 1979, by and between Western Area Fire Training Academy, a Minnesota Non - Profit Corporation, crea'_ed on the / 1/ _ day of T 19 z, hereinafter referred to as "The Academy" and Minnesota Gas Compa;:y, a Delaware Corporation, licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "The Company WHEREAS: The City of Excelsior, MN, acting as and for "The Academy" as purchaser, in that certain Contract for Deed and Rental Agreement from the United States of America (vendor) dated August 14, 1974, and designated Contract No. GS -05B -96001 (PK) for the purchase of the real property described therein known as the Launch Area, Nike Battery N70, in the County of Carver, Bonifacius, MN, hereinafter referred to as "The Site" and, WHEREAS: "The Academy" by reason of the above Contract for Deed and Rental Agreement is the beneficial. owner of "The Site" and operates and maintains thereon a volunteer fire fighting training facility and "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" may share in the use of "The Site" and its facilities for training and related purposes and activities, NOW, THEREFORE, "The Academy ", in consideration of the tarns and conditions contained herein does, for itself, its successors and assigns, grant and convey unto "The Company" the express right, license, and easement for the period of twenty (20) years from the 1st day of January, 1979, to the 1st day of January, 1999, to use such areas within "The Site" as "The Academy" and "The Company" may mutually agree upon in w for the construction or remodeling at "The Company's" expense of facilities and equipment for fire fighting and related training programs a6 "The Company" may from time to time desire. u 1t -2 -- i s 41 It is expressly understood and agreed between "The Academy' and "The Company" herein that the following terms and conditions shall apply at all times unless changed during the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof, by mutual agreement, prepared in writing, and signed by "The Academy" and "The Company ": 1. "The Company" shall pay annually to "The Academy" a minimum Use Fee of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1 ,200) on or prior to the 1st day of January, 1979, subject however, to the biennual use fee adjustment setforth herein. 2. In each odd numbered year thereafter 'The Company' shall increase the minimum Use Fee by five percent (51) and the ..se fee as so adjusted shall be paid to "The Academy" on or prior to the 1st day of January. 3. "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" may continue its use of "The Site" subject to mutually agreeable terms and conditions of this Agreement for an additional period of • twenty (20) years if prior to the 1st day of January, 1999, it notifies "The Academy" in writing of its intention to do Bo. �. "The Company' agrees that in addition to the payment of the minimum Use Fee in any given year, it shall pay to "The Academy" a training fee of $5.00 for each person trained by "The Company" on "The Site "; this amount shall be paid at the end of every quarter in each year during the term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, and may be increased or decreased by mutual agreer;.ent if in writing and signed by "The Academy" and "The Company ". 5. "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" at its own expense y may perform such remodeling of the existing "Buildings" on "The Site" as it deems necessary or convenient unless "The Academy" formally objects in writing to same. i s 41 -3- 6. "The Company" agrees that it will, without cost or expense e to "The Academy ", do all necessary filling, grading, fencing, building remodeling, and provide all fuels and materials and storage facilities and other equipment as it may deem necessary or convenient to the construction and development of a "Fire Demonstration Area' on "The Site' for use in its activities. 7. "The Company" agrees that it will, without cost or expense to "The Academy ", provide for the maintenance of those areas of 'The Site" being used for "The Company's' activities, programs and facilities and will provide for all instructors and personnel. B. 'The Academy" agrees that "The Site' shall be available for use by "The Company' as may be necessary during all twelve (12) months of the year provided, however, that 'The Company" shall pay for all }now remo val,_ nhMatipg_And electrical expense of "The Academy' directly resulting from the use of "The Site" by "The Company' between November 1_ • and April 30 in any given year. 9. 'The Company" agrees that 'The Academy" shall have first priority but the non - exclusive use of all facilities at or upon 'The Site" with the exception of such "Fire Demonstration Area' as 'The Company' may design and construct, provided, however, that upon thirty (30) days written notice to 'The Academy" the 'concrete vault and /or smoke chamber" shall be available to "The Company'. Upon thirty (30) days written notice to "The Company', the "Fire Demonstration Area' shall be made available for use by "The Academy" for up to ten (10) days in any given year. 'The Academy' agrees to obtain and continue all necessary permits for the operation of 'The Site' as a fire fighting training facility, to provide for such security as may be necessary to protect "The Site ", maintain all properties and areas at "TFe Site" other than those constructed by "The Company'; 'The Academy' shall provide for all necessary utility expenses at 'The Site" from 5 10 May 1 through october 31 in any given year without cost tq "3;he Company % For purposes of this Agreement, all written notices nall be directed to the addresses below; i.e., 1 "The Company ": Minnesota Gas Company c/o Safety Director 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 . "The Academy ": The Western Area Fire Training Academy c/o City Hall City of Excelsior 339 Third Street Excelsior, MN 55331 S 4- 11. Upon written agreement with "The Academy ", "The Academy" agrees that other organizations may contract with "The Company" for the use of "The Site" provided it is used for purposes consistent with the rights granted to "The Company" by this Agreement. 12. "The Company" agrees t(l'l ovide adequate insurance coverage for its employees, personnel, and trainees, and fire and liahility insurance covering its property and activities on "The Site ". 13. "The Company" and "The Academy" agree that at the termination of this Agreement and /or any extensions thereof "The Academy" may purchase such property and /or physical improvements as "The Company" may have made at "The Site ", for the undepreciated book balue of same as may be demonstrated by "The Company" from its records, but shall not be obligated to do so. If "The Academy" does not purchase said property and /or physical • improvements, "The Company" may remove any or all of same provided such removal does not result in perma.,ent damage to "The Site" which shall be left in as good a condition as reasonably possible following re- moval. For purposes of this Agreement, all written notices nall be directed to the addresses below; i.e., 1 "The Company ": Minnesota Gas Company c/o Safety Director 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 . "The Academy ": The Western Area Fire Training Academy c/o City Hall City of Excelsior 339 Third Street Excelsior, MN 55331 S CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA A 0 3 N D A MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7430 R.N., ` TUESDAY. JANUARY 9. 1990 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEM3ER 12, 1989, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Pg. 1 -8 3. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MAYOR FOR 1990. Pg. 9 4. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 1990. Pg. 10 5. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1990. Pg. 11 -13 6. APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK. Pg. 14 7. APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR. Pg. 15 8. TRANSFER OF $950 FROM THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND TO CIASE OUT THAT FUND. Pg. 16 9. AUTHORIZE TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND. Pg. 17 10. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 11. TRANSFER OF $49,749 FROM THE LIQUOR FUND TO THE 1989 SEALCOAT PROJECT. Pg. 18 12. TRANSFER OF $4,256 FROM THE FIRE EOIPMENT DEBT SERVICE , 1984 FUND, TO THE AREA FlAE SERVICE FUND TO CLOSE OUT THAT FUND. Pg. 19 13. APPOINTMENT Or CAROLYN A. SCID'.IDT TO THE PARK COMMISSION. Pg. 20 -23 14. APPOINTMENTS OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO THE CITY'S VARIOUS ACSISORY COIrMISSIONS. Pg. 24 15. DESIGNATION OF THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 1990. Pg. 25 16. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE /RESCUE APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT AND SETTI4G BID OPENING DATE. (SUGGESTED DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 199', 11:00 A.M.) Pg. 26 -39 Page 1 17. REQUEST FROM WESTERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ACADEMY (WAFTA) TO TERMINATE LEASE WITH MINNEGASCO. Pg. 40 -60 18. APPROVAL OF BID ON ON1� TON DUMP TRUCK BID. Pg. 61 -63 19. APPROVAL OF PARTIAL PAYMENT - DENBIGH ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Pg. 64 -68 20. A. MOTION TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE AND ORDER ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF TUXEDO BLVD. FROM CLYDE ROAD TO C.S.A.H. 125. Pg. 69 -70 B. MOTION TO TURN IN A PRELIMINARY REQUEST TO ADD ADDITIONAL MILEAGE TO MSA STREET SYSTEM. Pg. 69 -72 21. REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHT AT THE WEST END OF ACORN ROAD. Pg.. 71 - 74 22. RESOLUTION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REQUESTING AN EXTENSION TO THE TIME ALLOCATED FOR THE POTENTIAL MODIFICATION OF LOCAL PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH MINN. STATUTE 473.856. Pg. 75 -76 23. REQUEST TO ADDRESS CITY COUNCIL ON RECYCLING - SKIP JOHNSON. 24. APPROVAL OF BID ON 1990 14AINTENANCE DREDGING; BID. 'Material to be handed out Tuesday evening.; 25. Payment of Bills. Pg. 77 -100 26. iNFOnLATION /MISCELLANEOUS A. Department Head Monthly Reports for December Pg. 101 -136 B. LMCD Representative's December Report. Pg. 137 C. November 1989 Financial Repor; as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. Pg. 138 -139 D. Planning Commission Minutes of December 11, 1989. Pg. 140 -143 E. Park Commission Minutes of December 14, 1989. Pg. 144 -147 F. Notice from NSP dated December 29, 1989, . regarding increasing electric rates. Pg. 148 -157 G. REMINDER: Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, January 16, 1990, 6:30 P.M. Page 2 185 December 12, 1989 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 12,1989 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, December 12, 1989, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Andrea Ah- rens, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, and the fcl- lowing interested citizens: Lorraine Painter, Chuck Champine, Gus Knott, and Cliff Reap. The Mayor opened the meeting anu welcomed the people in atten- dance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the November 28, 1989, Regular Meeting and the Reconvened Budget Hearing of December 5, 1989, with the fol- loving corrections. 11 -28 -89 - CASE #89 -845: The second sentence in the first paragraph should read as follows: "She stated the Planning Commission has found the proposed building to meet all zoning regulations and is of the same general character and appearance as other buildings in the vicinity.$' 12 -5 -89 - NEEDS - Include the following: '.....using people who have to serve community service time during the summer to do weed whipping.$# The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPROVAL OAS A N AMENDMENT TO SECTION 300:25 OF THE CITY CODE RELAT,jNG T HE MOVING OF BUILDINGS The r',-y Manager explained that this change was requested by the CC,.AlCil at the November 28, 1989, Council Meeting. It will change the public hearing from a discretionary matter to being mandatory under the ordinance. It also deletes one word as it relates ',:c the Planning Commission and strikes through the word "favorable ". The fee would be the same as a conditional use per- mit. Jen , -en moved and Jessen seconded the following: • 3 186 December 12, 1989 ORDINANCE #37 -1989 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 300:25, SUBD. 3 OF THE CITY CODE, RELATING TO BUILDING MOVING The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, WFSTONRA POOL BOOSTERS Lorraine Painter, representing the Westonka Pool Boosters, again requested assistance in operating the swimming pool at Mound Wes - tonka High School. The concept suggested is that 50% be funded by the General Fund of the district and 50% be funded by a com- bination of city (Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park and Orono) funding, user fees from Community Services and fund raising ef- forts by the Pool Boosters. The amounts proposed are: $12,000 from the four cities, and $8,000 from the Pool Boosters and Com- munity Services. She stated she has presented the same proposal to the other cities and has received favorable responses. The School Board would like to enter into a joint powers agreement With the cities r that approximately 30% of the total operating cost or ;12,000 would be prorated to the cities. Based on that proration, Mound's share would be approximately $6,600. The Council discussed this request and the fact that this is not 0 a one time request, it would be ongoing in future years. The Schocl Board has made the commitment to keep the pool open for the next 75 days. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Smith directing the City Manager to attempt to work out a Joint Powers Agreement with the School District and the cities of Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park and Orono to help fund the pool. The Council committed no funds at this time. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PRESENTATION O GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATI (GFOA) CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FO E XCE L LENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING AWARD - FRED CIIRISTIANSEN FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF MAPLE GROVE Cit} of Maple Grove Finance Director, Fred Christiansen presented the Mayor and Mound Finance Director, John Norman, with a Cer- tificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. This Certifi_,ate is the highest fora of recognition in governmen- tal accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment repre- sents a significant lccomi_.ishment by Mound, its management, and the commitment by `he City Council to excellence in this are -_ • 187 0 December 12, 1989 APPROVAL OF PARK COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION NOT TO RENEW A DOCK PERMIT FOR THE YEARS 1990 AN 1991 - DOCK SITE 60700 TO MC MO RS, 5235 PHELPS ROAD The City Manager reviewed the memo fro Park Director concerning Dock Site #607 whose responsibility it was to clean up mit holder or Mr. McMasters. The memo states that Mr. McMasters agreed to tak e then did not follow through. The Park renewing this dock permit for the year McMasters. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded the Park Commission recommendation nit for the years 1990 and 1991 McMasters, 5235 Phelps Road. The Ahrens voting nay. Motion carried. m the Dock Inspector d 00. The Council discussed the site, the former Per- from the Dock Inspector care of the clean up and Commission recommends not rs 1990 and 1991 for Todd by Jensen to concur with and not renew a dock per- - Dock Site #60700, Todd vote WES 4 in favor with APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S 437:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO DOCK DESIGN STANDARDS The City Manager explained that this amendment would allow one 72" x 72" dock section on an L, T, or U shaped dock to provide for a bench or a general gathering areas for the users. It is something t:at is not provided in the current ordinance and was recommended by the Park Commission. It would allow docks which are in existence June 1, 1989, to remain until expansion or modification is requested. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following: ORDINANCE #38 -1989 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 437:15 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO DOCK DESIGN STANDARDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. GRADING APPLICATION FROM MINNETONKA PORTA DREDGING CO. IN OR- DER TO PREPARE AND MAINTAIN A FILL SITE FOR THE PLACEMENT OF 14,000 CUBIC YARDS OF SP OIL MATERIAL FROM DREDGING PROJECTS CO DUCTED BY MINNETONKA PORTABLE DREDGING The City Engineer explained that the conditions in previous resolutions were not followed. There was discussion on removing the existing vegetation, such as brush, trees, etc., from the fill site b ^fore filling. s s 188 December 12, 1989 The City Attorney suggested that a deed restriction could be put on the property showing that the fill site is unbuildabl_e without corrections to the site. This would require proper descriptions of the fill areas. MOTION made by ,;essen, seconded by Johnson to refer this matter to the owner of the property, Minnetonka Portable Dredging (applicant), and the City Engineer to work out a covenant, with proper descriptions of the fill site, restricting the use of the land in the future as unbuildable without corrections to the fill site. The vote was unanim- ously in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION REQUES:"ING AN INCREASE IN M.S.A. MAINTENANCE FUNDS DUE TO INCREASED MAINTENANCE COSTS ON CITY OF MOUND M.S.A. STREETS Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -158 RESOLUTION REQUEdTING AN INCREASE IN M.S.A. MAINTENANCE FUNDS DUE TO IN- CREASED MAINTENANCE COSTS ON CITY OF MOUND M.S.A. STREETS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There were no comments or suggestions. RESOLUTIONS CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING BONDS: A. Johnson moved and Jessen seconded tier following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -159 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE $1,550,000 G.O. IMPR0 BONDS OF 1965 ISSUE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. B. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -160 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE $2,377,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1965 SECOND ISSUE The vcte was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. • 4 189 0 December 12, 1989 C. Jessen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -161 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE $261,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1975 ISSUE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. D. Ahrens moved and Johnson seconded the followina resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -162 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE $200,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1976 ISSUE The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount Of $156,317.35, When funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHT The City Manager explained that there i.s a request for a street light in the vicinity of 3137 Argyle Lane. The Police Dept. has reviewed the request and recommends the installation. Ahrens moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -163 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT AT THE CORNER OF LANARK ROAD AND ARGYLE LANE ACROSS FROM 3137 ARGYLE The vote was unanimcusly in favor. Motion carried. LELS AND TEAMSTERS POLICE UNION CONTRACTS The City Manager explained that the City recently received the binding arbitration awards for both the ;sergeants and the Pat: -o1. The Council now needs to authorize the h!ayor and City Manage;: to execute these contracts. Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: • 190 December 12, 1959 Is RESOLUTION #89 -164 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER ^O ENTER INTO A LABOR AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PDBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL 320, POLICE PATROL The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion. carried. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #89 -165 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LABOR AGREEMENT WITH THE LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES, INC., LOCAL #35 (LELS), POLICE SUPERVISOR /SERGEANTS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATIONZMISCELLANEOUS A. Department Head Monthly Reports for November 9. B. L.M.C.D. Representative's Monthly Report for No'. -mber 1989. C. L.M.C.D. Mailings. 0 D. Planning Commission Minutes of November 27, 1989. E. Copy of Resolution No. 89- 11- 961R1, Hennepin County regard- ing the possibility of requiring all cities in Hennepin County to identify one or more sites within the city that could be used for the composting of yard waste. This resolution was discussed last week before the County's Put-lic Service Committee. Also attached is a copy of a resolution adopted by the City of Edina opposing the County's resolution. F. REMINDER: There will be NO Committee of the Whole meeting on December 19 or a Regular Meeting on December 26, 1989. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Johnson to adjourn at 9:15 F.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukie, Jr., City Manager Fran Clerk, CMC, City Clerk 0 N6 0 January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION APPOINTING ACTING MAYOR X - OR 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Acting Mayor for the year 1990. • • a 0 January 9, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION APPOINTING ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint Francene C. Clark, Cit:' Clerk, as the Acting City Manager for the year 1990, if the City Manager is disabled, incapacitated, away on city business or away on vacation. If both the City Manager and the City Clerk are disabled, incapacitated, away on city business or away on vaca- tion then John Norman, Finance Director, is hereby appointed as Actinq City Manager. 10 1] January 9, 1990 RE30LUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTIO!, *DESIGNATING THE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate The the offi- cial newspaper for the City of Mound for 1990. • • The Laker Our office is located at 2310 Commerce Blvd., Mound, Mn. 55364 Phone: 472 -1140 The Pionee RF7 J A N ? 1990 December 26, 1989 To: Mound City Council Re: Appointment of Official Newspaper Dear Council membel s: As you make your appointments for the coming year, we ask that you cog- s ?der re- appointing The Laker as your city's official newspaper. The Laker is puNished each Monday. The deadline for legal notices is 10 a.m. the preceding Wednesday. Our rate for publication of legal notices is $5.20 per column inch (52 per line) for initial insertion, and $3.38 per column inch (33.8 per line) for each additional insertion. The column width is 12 picas (2 inches). We have enjoyed working with you in the past, and we look forward to continuing to do so. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Bill Hoim Associate Publisher The Laker • ift M 6 aw // I I INNESOTA SUBURBAN N EV05 APERS Representing Sailor, Current, Sun- Current and Post Publications December 7, 1989 City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rcad RECL DEC 1 1 X989 Mound, MN 55364 Dear Council Members: We would appreciate your designation of the Westonka Sailor to be your official newspaper for the ,rear 1990. The new rate structure for legals effective January 1, 1990 Main office will b e: 7M East Bush Lai® Rd Moorrrnglon, MN 55435 612-8964= 1 column width 59.0 cents per line - first insertion Eag DO 1209 taae� 32.9 cents per line - subsequent insertions Burnsudie. MN 55337 612490.4456 This rate is bawd on our column width of 11.5 picas. 464 Seaxrd Sleet Exxftm MN 55V. We will provide, at no additional charge, two notarized 612- 174-0265 affidavits on each of your publications. Additional 4s21 Babcock lai notarized affidavits, on request, will be furnished at 35 lew Grove Hegtft MN 55075 cents each. 612.4 t-C" All publications should reach this office by Thursday a.m. preceding our Wednesday publication. However, we would appreciate receiving any large quantities of legals or any lengthy legals at an earlier time. In order to expedite our services to you, it is requested that you direct your publications to c.he attention of Meridel Hedblom, Legal Publication, 7831 East Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, MN 55435. We appreciate being considered as the official newspaper for the city of Mound. Sincerely, • MINNES N NEWSPAPERr L 1u.1� Greg acin General Manager GP:kt )j January 9, 1990 r RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of a $20,000 bond for the City Clerk, Francene C. Clark - Leisinger. • OKI /y 0 January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER /FINANCE DIRECTOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the purchase of a $20,000 bond for the City Treasurer /Finance Director, John Norman, for 1989. • !S. January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90 • RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $950 FROM THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT FUND TO THE GENERAL FUhJ TO CLOSE OUT THAT FUND WHEREAS, a Sidewalk Improvement Fund was established in 1985 for downtown sidewalk improvements; and WHEREAS, the Sidewalk Improvement Fund was funded by special assessments levied against benefiting properties with the final year of collect beinq 1989; and WHEREAS, the Sidewalk Improvement Fund has a $950 balance as of December 31, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound. Minnesota, does hereby approve a transfer of $950 from the Sidewalk Improvement Fund to the General Fund to close out that Fund. • • 14 0 January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FL.D WHEREAS, Resolution X81 -394 created a Special Revenue Fund called the Area Fire Service Fund to account for operation of the Fire Department; and WHEREAS- the City of Mound entered into fire contracts with five surrounding municipalities; and WHEREAS, Mound's share of the total cost of fire serv- ice is $160,209 for 1989; and WHEREAS, $41,904 of Mc id's sha s provided by spe- cial tax levies which are cred�L.ed directly to the Fire Relief Fund and Fire Equipment Certificate F and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby transfer $11.8,305 from the General Fund to the Area Fire Service Fund. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilr,�mbers vcted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: May or Attest: City Clerk 1�1 /7 • January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $49,749 FROM THE LIQUC FUND TO THE 1989 SEALCOAT PROJECT WHEREAS, Resolution #82 -46 approved the plans and specifications for a five year rotating sealcoating of the streets in Mound; and WHEREAS, the 1989 Budget called for sealcoating ex- penses to be funded from the Liquor Fund; and WHEREAS, The 1989 Sealcoat Project costs consist of the following: Engineering $ 1,057 Street Maintenance Materials 14,,07 Paving 33,731 Publishing 1;�4 TOTAL $ 49,749 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve transfers of $49,749 from the Liquor Fund to the 1989 Sealcoat Project. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember_ The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilr^2mbers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest.: City Clerk 14 0 RESOLUTION NO. 90- January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $4,25F FROM THE FIRE EQUIPMENT DEBT SERVICE, 1984 FUND, TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND TO CLOSE OUT THAT FUND WHEREAS, a Fire Equipment Fund was established in 1984 for the purchase of a Fire Truck; and. WHEREAS, Certificates of indebtedness of $100,000 were issued in 1981 to finance the purchase of fire equipment; and WHEREAS, revenue to pay the principal and interest was derived from a city tax levy and charges to communities covered by the Mound Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the final principal payment was made on August 1, 1989, Revenues collected (including penalties and interest on the tax levy) have exceeded expenditures by $4,256. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the transfer of $4,256 from the Fire Equipment Debt Service - 1984 Furd to the Area Fire Service Fund to close this fund out. i s _r /I January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION TO APPOINT CAROLYN A. SCHMIDT TO THE PARR COMMISSION FOR A THREE YEAR TERMS - TERMS EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1992 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, dces hereby appoint Carolyn A. Schmidt to the Park Commission for three year terms starting January 1, 1990 - term expires December 31, 1992. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: • Mayor Attest: City Clerk is !1J MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 1989 Interview for 9Feninc Park Commission At 7:15 p.m. the interview began for Carolyn Schmidt of 3001 is- land View Drive for the vacancy on the Park Commission. When asked why she was Interested in becoming a member on the Park Commission, she stated that she has attended some Park Commission meetings this year and has found the topics of discussion very interesting, she would Iike to get invc ved. she is concerned with the maintenance and up - keep of the City's parks, and she is interested in enhancing the summer park programs ,or ci ildren. Carolyn added that she has Iived in Mound since 19158, and presently lives across the street from Avalon Park. Carolyn was informed that she would be notified of the final decision from the City Council after their meeting on January 9. 1990, and if she is appointed, they hope site can attend the i January Ilth Park Commission meeting. ® Chair Byrnes called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Review of Ca Schmidt's_Interview The Commission agreed that despite Carolyn being the only ap- p icant, she is an excellent candi:da *e. MOTION made by Bailey, seconded by Andersen, to recom- mend to the City Council that Carolyn Schmidt be ap- pointed to the Park Commission, replacing Nancy Clough's nnsition with her term ending 12/92. Motion carried un- Imously. It was decided that Byrnes will call Carolyn and inform her that she has beer. recommended for appointment. This recommendation will be heard t)v the City Council on J�3nuary 9, 1990. e 011 November 22, 1989 Carolyn A. Schmidt 3001 Islandview Dr. Mound, MN 55364 612 - 472 -5996 Honorable Mayor Steve Smith and Mound City Council 5341 Maywood Lane Mound, M?d 55364 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council; I am responding to the Laker newspaper article asking for applicants to the Mound Park Commission. I have enclosed my resume for your information and am available ,just after the first of the year. I am a lifetime resident of the westonka area currently making my home in Mound with my family. My husband and I chose to remain in Mound to raise our family. For this reason I feel an obligation to serve the community I've found to be so ideal for our lifestyles. • I'm looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration. Respectfully yours, it Carolyn Schmidt El 2. • WORK EXPERIENCE RESUME Carolyn A. Schmidt 3001 Islandview Dr. Mound, MN 55364 612 -472 -5996 December 1988- Present: Waconia Ridgeview Hospital Public Health Nurse for Home Care Division. Responsibilities include case management, supervision of health care providers of a multi - disaplinary team. March 1988 -April 1989: Riverside Medical Center Staff Nurse on Rehab and Hospice responsible for direct patient care and supervision of certified nursing assistances. June 1984 -March 1988: Ebenezer Caroline Center. Various posi- tions held include: Staff Nurse, Charge Nurse on Complex Care and Palliative Care Stations. Responsibilities included direct patient care, case management, implementa- tion of a multidisaplinary care plan, supervision of staff. May 1983 -June 1984: Ebenezer Society Luther Hall Staff Nurse in a skilled nursing facility. e May 1981 - May 1983: Ebenezer Society Field Hall Certified Nursing Assistant in an intermediate care facility May 1980 - May 1981: Honeywell General Offices Secretarial Pool as a fill in receptionist and secretary. May 1977 -May 1981: Twin Birch Health Care Center Certified Nursing Assistant in a skilled care area. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts 1983 College of St. Catherines Major; Nursing linor; Spanish Diploma 1979 Mound Westonka High School PERSONAL Date of Birth 11 -05 -61 Resident of Mound since 1968 and attended the Mound Schools Member of Our Lady of the Lake Church Married with 2 children age 10 months and 2 years Husband, Cliff, employed by hernipen County Sheriffs Department r � L A3 s January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION APPOINTING TO THE PARR COMMISSION; PLANNING COMMISSION; CABLE T. V. COMMISSION; AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR (EDC) 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby appoint the fol _owing Councilmem bers as Council Representatives to the following City Commissions for 1990. to the Park Commission to the Planning Commission to the Cable T. V. Commission to the Economic Development Commission r � r� _TO THE TO THE TO THE OR • January 9, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEP03ITORIES FOR 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby designate the following banks and financial institutions as official depositories for the City of Mound in 1990: Marquette Bank - Mound First Minnesota Firs Bank American National Bank of St. Paul Marquette Bank - Minneapolis Norwest Dain Bosworth, Inc. Shearson Lehman Hutton Offerman & Co., inc. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Prudential -Bache • El Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund Merrill Lynch BE =T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City's deposits shall be protected by Federal Deposit Insurance and /or collateral in accordance with MSA Chapter 118. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to open or continue an account or accounts with said institutions on such terms as required by said institutions in *he names of the City, and to deposit, or cause to be deposited in such account or accounts, any monies, checks, drafts, orders, notes or other instruments for the payment of money, upon compliance by said depository with this resolution and the law in such case provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the designation shall con- tinue in force until December 31, 1990, or until written notice of its revision or modification has been received by said in- stitution.. 25' 8 P E C I F I C A T I 0 N 8 F O R F I R E / R E S C U E A P P A R A T U 8 A N D E Q U I P M E N T MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT MOUND, MINENSOTA BID 90 -1 0 FRANCENE C. CLARK, CITY CLERK CITY OF MOUND 5341 MATWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 - 1 - 2L • • • TAB OF CONTENTS ITEM SEC TION NOTICE TO BIDDERS . ............................... I INSTRUCTIONS /REQUIREMENTS TO BIDDERS ............. II SPECIFICATIONS .... ............................... I_II PRO°OSAL FORM ..... ............................... IV NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT .......................... N -1 2.? -5- IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF, the parties hereto have executed this Vc ;e Agreement this n diy of ({ - 1979. WITNESS: MINNESOTA GAS CpMPANY S y- CITY OF EXCELSIOR For: THF. WF.STF?N AREA FIRE TRAINING ACAI.)P By -`(— ayor City t, xcelsior, MN l � u i • 52. .. L0 ,r .. .. _ .....11 cor Icns c:.vl..un �: ? :1nn�•., i. This n Z r c: ...to -o t`.c authority con by S,, cLion 4 'i.59, i I . tii\ ?L: S,3 c nan` of tho orjanizaticn Of rr created by is "TI Uestern Ar,a Fire Training Association." III. PU:21 The parties have entered into tars agreement for the purpose Of providir.3 a fire training facility at which full time and volunteer fire fighters who serve the members can develop and i. -Drove their fire fighting capabilities. The parties have detarr:ined that the joint acquisition of the Launch Area, Nike Battery 70, St. Bcnifacius in Carver County ran be utilized as suc•, a cacility, and that said site is available from the General Servicos Administration of the United States of America upon favorable to tie merd)ers. It is the purpose of this c- ,rca;:ant `o facilitate the acquisition of said site and its cor' ersion into a fire training center for the members. IV. DFFI : :ITIO : :S Section 1. For purpose of this agree: ::t the terms defined in z..15 a_,.:cle have the r.eanir,gs giver, them. S. ctio:i 2. "Association" mear:s the Western Area Fire Tralnirg Association. S— Lion 3. "Board of Directors" or "Board" means the body of the Association created by Article V. 4 . CeT :ttee" or "Committee" means the rr,..�t,,l f:' ?.};• Dc.rzd u:,r_' •. 7•.rticIe VII. �'' S • ' :•�r" r.can ; a- i >ci i tical subdivision of the : _..._ o: :•li : wt ! h becc ;res a r1o. -„e of the Association. S,3 c__0:1 �,...... jov._rni ng body Of .emaer 0 Section "u. "Sic laden: Launch Area, Nike Battery 70, St. 3onifaciu3 in Carver County, D. Minn. 494. V. A35OCjj'% ION CREATED Section 1. Creation The Western Area Fire Training Assoc_;ition is hereby created with the powers and duties assigned zo it and in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Section 2. Initial Members The initial members of the Association are the following cities which comply with Section 3 prior to March 1, 1974: ilatcrtosra Chanhassen Chaska Eden Prairie Excelsior Long Lake Mound Mayer St. a cius Victoria Section 3. Procedure A member shall indicate its intention zo ;oin the Association by appropriate authorization of its governing body and the filing of such resolution and an executed copy of this agreement with the City Clerk of the City of ;.xcelsior. Section 4. Organization The Association is deemed to have aaen createa when any four of the initial members have complied with Section 3 of this Article. Section 5. Additional Members Any other political sub- division of the State may become a member of the Association by complying with Section 3 of this Article and other pertinent provisions of thiG agreement. Membership by other than initial :.;cabers shall be subject to approval by the initial members. VI. COVZIZNI: :C BODY Sa, 1. B oard of Directors. T e governing body of the ;oc:. - , - ,ion is its 13o,::c of Direct(,.;,. The Board is composed of sy v. ., G . :G', t.l:az o� .;he two a director cea:,es to be or if spi ointmcnt of any director is 'u b" COUnCil O .1 Municipality, t, vacancy shall f - ,_zisc and -n.ili ne filluc: by the Ccuncil as in the case of in all other cases, Directors shall serve u :t.l tloii succesaors are appointed and qualify. Section 2. M eetinn s , Qu orum, Cy- r-aws The Board Shall �= orc,'Qnization.-,l :^(-'eting within 30 days after the Association is c:cated, sul) to , e provisions of Section 3 of this ArZIC -e• At its organizational meeting the Board shall elect =om its members a Chairman, Vice - Chairman and 4ecretary Treasurer, ant it shall adopt by -laws governing meetings, quorums, duties of officers and such other matters as it deems necessary and as may be required by the agreement. to Section 3. Interim Me etinc; o Board Time being of the ence, when fcur members have joined the association as nrov -.ed in Article V, Section 4, an interim organizational r.aetinq shall be held. Temporary officers shall be selected and ,er,pora=y rules adopted sufficient to enable the members to negotiate ti:e purchase of the fire training site from the General Services Administration, but for no other purpose. Section 4. Powe and Guties of the Board Subdivision 1. :tie Board si:all exercise general supervision and control over the operatio: of the fire training center. It shall adopt rules and i regulations for the proper administraticn of the center including but not limited to its scheduling, maintenance, preservation, use and manager,ont. i Subdivision 2. Funds Emo The Board may apply for or accept grants, gifts or loans f -nm any source whatsoever and the scime for the purposes of the center. It may employ 4 r;onnc�l to operate the center and an executive director to eperarion of the c or. 5 S 2ropor and its organization al r..eating the .:elect from chi. di a.'ong � rectors an executive coaaittee co oc Seven ner_:ons zor terms corresponding to their re L11,,= torm of office as director. Section 2. DutiCs The executive committee shall have the :z sPOnSibilities assigned to it by the by -laws of the Board and �.� per:or:a any function assigned to it by such by -laws between reg;;Icr meetings of the Board. The executive committee shall r.o:iron the operation of the training center and make such recommendations to the Board as are necessary for the proper o?erZZion of the training center. VIII. FINANCIAL MATTCRS Section 1. Purchases and Contracts. All purchases, con - trzcts and expenditures of funds made by the Association shall :Da r.•sde in accordance with the laws governing such matters for st;.t•atory cities in Minnesota. Strict accounting for all funds o. t:.e Association shall be provided for. S, 2. CaDit31 and Operating Costs All Capital and _:tarest costs 04 acquisition and it „ provement of the training center s;iall be shared equally by the members, according to ?rocaduras a6upted by the Board. operating costs of the training center si;all be defrayed by equitable user fees as determined by the Board. Section 3. Acouisition of Site. The City of Excelsior shall be the contracting party for the members to purchase the site ,rom the General Services Administration. The purchase shall be :)f co:tract :or deed pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.221 Subd. 2, and in such terms as may be a.c ataole to the General Services Administration and•tho City o: Z: -c ” Oi , ?:ovidad hcvor, that the City is under no obligation • 56 S0? o jol:,ifl� Jr. _a:.iJl contrijc_:on �.'• towar6 ecpital rind interest costs provided bY Section 2 of c..is Arcicic ill ••.� ( =0) 'ncf',.be :s listed in Articlo V, Section 2 join the Association, the initial contribution of SSoc.cO Ozc :: will provide sufficient monies to make the initial down -ant and provide monies to cover expenses in forming the Association and purchasing the site. Each member agrees to pro - k vi-'a eac`i year sufficient monies to pay its prorate share of t::a purchase price due on the Contract for Deed. If all ten (10) ,.e. do not join the Association, those members who do join, agree to pay to the City of Excelsior their pr-rate share of the contract costs as they become due under the terms of the Contract for Deed. Section 4. Ownershio of the Site The record title to the sire snail be in the name of the City of Excelsior. The City of • Excelsior agress to hold title to the site property in trust for all members who contribute money for the site purchase. Each me ;;Zers interest in the site shall be in accordance with its 2ro:ar share paid to acquire the site. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the creation of record ownership by joint tenancy or in such other manner as is deemed to be equitable by the :.anbers. If there is not nnar.imous consent by all members as to na the title shall he recorded, it shall rer „ain with the City of ' ::celsior in trust for each member who contribute to its purchase and who continues to contribute its equal share under the terms of Article VIII, Section 2. Withdrawal from the Association in scccrdance with Article IX, Section 3 shall act as a forfeiture oc :iny rights to any interest in the site or to any of the trust provisions of this Section. • Section 5. Bud<ret The Board shall prepare and subait 'In -nnuul budget to the members p :io: '_, June 1 of each year. S0? v • _ .. r .i ... i .. .. .. ✓ ...... _ .... v . .. �. C. u .. VO S.:ct10;1 1. Jug? iu:,. 1'r.:; r,yrccr.u,nt is is efier.: ur.t:: in Scctior. 2. Ter;- ia-- tior- Tni.; agreement may 'se te_rinated �)y unanimous consant of the merihers indicated by the appropriate. :Osoiutio; of their Con c'_is iil ^d with the Board. Upon tevv..na- ::on t`o Board o, continue to function for such time as is necessary to wind up the affairs of the Association. Upon ter- .ir.ation all assets of the Association shall be divided equally among the members. Section 3. Withdrawal Any member may withdraw from the Association by resolution of its Council forwarded to the Board at least 60 days prior to withdrawal. Upon withdrawal, a member shall not be entitled to any share in the assets of the Association or any refund of capital or interest costs contributed by it to the Association. is 51 E • 0 1974 City rf Excelsior By,' Mayor Cleri 1974 CLty cif Long Lal:e By Mayor Clei✓ 57 nl L r 1 97 '/ 197 C i t y o f, C h a By e r x, Dare: 1974 C�tl/ of Eden Prairie :Iayor e r Y. 1974 City rf Excelsior By,' Mayor Cleri 1974 CLty cif Long Lal:e By Mayor Clei✓ 57 4 4 b0 1 i 97. Cit� of Mayer C) EY y G cl C r Date. 1974 City of St. Bonifacius B X. Mayor >4 er& Daze: 1974 City of Victoria By-_2 '-- (/vi�' Mayor �I K 1 7 L of . ;p7) 1 .c PI I 1 9 7 4: city or Wotortown By mllyor Mork Memorandum DATE: January 4, 1999 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Director SUBJECT: One Ton Dump Truck Bid Acceptance . After examining the bids from Star West Chevrolet and Superior Ford, my recommendation is to accept the bid from Star West Chevrolet. The price from Star West with the Crystal box would be $23,160.21. Superior Ford's bid is $235.79 higher at $23,396.00. The only change from the original specifications is that quad shocks are not available on either unit. JF:pj Enclosures • "The Country Store" AW 6%R w 4 t t CHEVROLET. OL®SMOBILE INC. S U.S. HWY. 12 PO. BOX DI DELANO, MINNESOTA 55328 PHONES: Metro 479 -2341 . Delano 972.2984 WE C s^y/ o� /✓1�,�,r� /�y .,i:.�.+� � r DATE✓,o•*= 3 yR9 )DRESS.- ��'r/ ��'�D 4'0-0 BUS. PHON iTY STATE ZIP HOME E_AR /gr M �..,Lir�. D SCAIPTIO / - Ti.✓ -fw�j C.eB ODEI S;,-& �1 (�c''cr4 INTERIOR e o-,- 0 > ,, EXTERIOR YJG7.� Gr 3ico3 BASE PRICE �? Ot�fO - fivcv �an•Y� FACTORY D & H F REIGHT ;ODE OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES SUB -TOTAL �'/ ,t/• d • �+,�SS/S a�r �v.,/ 4W riv t cezr -Z. i80 .[� <s�e .feSirQ A.�izsP.e�.r�►s.4� .2�'�. 7 Sv 1` .42 '2)" rr .ee.•b r. F v.. �- - �b _ Gee At r . ye . cv0 = ✓ S 5.�� =c, r 9i..rr - Gtivsb � ease -.✓ of -vi rG _ _ G� /,L •�• �ar�r S�s'�y�,�,ssC 1.�ss�1' :y. ae = G 0 .l ' yy .,.�. -.. << .wv .•� -�-� ter. ov --9Sf LgC�I(er�r ex .IF X -7.e v c. ,0000 Y AR. r . e" 'S Fd/.L , A &4av •US e i ✓u/ ri!fsP<Ss 40, OFet �" t/.n/ 7302 Y �iSi �r �it.�yJ� �RGR! S',4.L yY�'f'•� TOTAL DEAL INSTALLED OPTIONS F= Qoo�.�►rzo� � Superior Ford, Inc- I CE I • ' I . I= - file A""%M MWIR • Cmp"T AwIs is • a&" ts.. fSeee Yiiw+ieia. Uk"Weele 55&4 Phone (61Z 559.9111 Ta: 7ov�a� Date = evl- 90 Sri Y CjCzlO, Atzz �/l, 010t" tl 9 o�iya� ,5 .36 Phone Dcz "-efc— In t — TMA1. s Trade Alloe*aaee • Da:.tf_�„�„Y�z�.,_._ mks mileage TOTAL Nr. MI CZ Fl ee. Sales Rei:est�:i::ve s $ _ e 2 3, 3 9 6 lS Spe �ic.f �, e'dA -o McCombs Frank Roos Associates, I nc. January 3, 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Twin Cities St Cloud 15050 23rd Ave N Plymout,i. MN 55447 Telephone 612/476 -6010 Facsimile 612/4 -8532 Engineers Planners Surveyors SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota 1989 Street Improvements Denbigh Lane MFRA #7064 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Enclosed is Widmer, Inc.'s Payment Request No. 1, for work completed through November 30 1989 on the subject project, in the amount of $ The project is complete, except for a few minor items, which will be completed next spring. We have reviewed this request, find that it is in order and recommend payment to Widmer, Inc., in the amount of $ US. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron JC :jmj Enclosures 1 � u • • 44 A,, Fq-il Opportunity Employer CONTRACTOR PAY ESTIMATE NO. 01 PAGE 01 7064 • CITY OF MOUND - 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - DENBIGH LANE ENGINEER' McCOMBS FRANK ROOS 156.50 23RD AVE. N. PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 DATE: 01/03/90 CONTRACTOR: WIDMER, INC. -- CONTRACTOR PAY ESTIMATE SUMMARY -- APPRDYED: / - 3 - 90 ENGINEER: McMIBS FRAM( ROOS APPROVED: CONTRACTOR: WIDMER, INC. �J 450 THIS PERIOD TO DATE WORK COMPLETED 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 24,770.30 24,770.30 MATERIALS ON SITE 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 - - - - -- --------------- 0.00 ADJUSTED TOTAL --------- 24,770.30 24,770.30 LESS RETAINACE - OZ PREVIOUS, 5Z CURRENT 1 - - - - -- --------------- 1,238.51 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FOR WORK COMPLETED TO DATE --------- 23,531.78 23,531.78 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 23,531.78 23,531.78 * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPRDYED: / - 3 - 90 ENGINEER: McMIBS FRAM( ROOS APPROVED: CONTRACTOR: WIDMER, INC. �J 450 1 ONTRACTOR PAY ESTIMATE NO_ O1 PAGE 02 7064 CITY rlF MOUND - 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - DENBIGH LANE 1989 STREET IMPROVEMFNTS • ENGINEER: McCOMBS FRANK ROOS 15050 23RD AVE. N. PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 DATE: 01/03/90 CONTRACTOR: WIDMER, INC. -- PAYMENT SUMMARY FOR WORK COMPLETED TO DATE -- ITEM ITEM N0. DESCRIPTION 1 COMMON EXCAVATION 2 REMOVE CONC. PAVEMENT 3 REMOVE BIT. PAVEMENT 4 TREE WMAL 5 WK. CURB • GUTTER 5512 6 CnK. DRIVEWAY APRONS 7 MA GRAVEL, 1001 ROCK 8 BIT. BASE MN/DOT 2331 9 BIT. WEAR MN/DOT 2341 10 12' PVC STORM SEWER 11 CATCH BASINS 12 C.B. MANHOLE Y /SUMP 13 2 CMP FLARED END 14 RIP RAP 15 6' WOOD GUARD POSTS 16 TURF ESTALK DIRT & 9DD 17 F!I 6' DIA. IIAPLE .18 2' PLANK INSLLATION 19 12' SURGE BASIN CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT 284.0 CY 280.0 SF 70.0 SY 3.0 EA 560.0 LF 960.0 SF 250.0 TON 60.0 TON 50.0 TON 180.0 LF 1.0 EA 1.0 EA 0.0 EA 3.0 CY 3.0 EA 610.0 SY 1.0 EA 126.0 SF 1.0 EA TOTAL 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS UNIT PRICE 8.00 1.75 2.50 200.00 6.75 3.00 11.50 41.00 46.00 30.00 800.00 1,050.00 175.00 30.00 55.00 2.00 500.00 4.00 750.00 - - -- THIS PERIOD - - - -- QUANTITY AMOUNT 284.0 2,272.00 344.0 602.00 70.0 175.00 5.0 1 573.0 3,867.75 935.0 2,805.00 223.7 2,572.55 60.0 2,460.00 0.0 0.00 180.0 5,400.00 1.0 800.00 1.0 1 0.0 0.00 4.0 120.00 0.0 0.00 320.0 640.00 0.0 0.00 64.0 256.00 1.0 750.00 24,770.30 - - - - -- TO DATE - - - - - -- QUANTITY AMOUNT 284.0 2,272.00 344.0 602.00 70.0 175.00 5.0 1 573.0 3,867.75 93F-.0 2,805.00 223.7 2,572.55 60.0 2,460.00 0.0 0.00 180.0 5,400.00 1.0 800.00 1.0 1 0.0 0.00 4.0 120.00 0.0 0.00 320.0 640.00 0.0 0.00 64.0 256.00 1.0 150.00 24,770.30 0 • 44 CONTRACTOR PAY E.STIM4ATE NO. 01 F'AGE 03 7064 CITY OF MOUND - 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - DENBIGH LANE 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEER: McCOMBS FRANK ROOS CONTRACTOR: WIDMER, INC. 15050 2RD AYE. N. PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 DATE: 01/03/90 -- PAYMENT SUMMARY FOR MATERIALS ON SITE -- ---- - - - - -- THIS PERIOD ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- TO DATE ------- - - - - -- ITEM ITEM CONTRACT UNITS INVOICE UNITS TOTAL INVOICE UNITS TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY DELIVERED PRICE ON SITE ITEM VALUE PRICE ON SITE ITEM VALUE TOTAL 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 • 0 47 CONTRACTOR PAY ESTIMATE NO _ 01 PAGE 04 7 064 CITY DF MOUND - 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - DENBIGH LANE 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEER: McCOMBS FRANK ROOS CONTRACTCR: WIDMER, INC. 15050 23RD AVE. N. PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 DATE: 01/03/90 -- SUMMARY OF CHANGE ORDERS -- CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 01/03/90 575.00 ITEM ITEM -- - - - - -- PREVIOUS-- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- CHANGED--- - - - - -- AMOUNT AMOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE QUANTITY UNIT PRICE DEDUCTED ADDED 13 12' CMP FLARED END 1.00 EA 175.00 0.00 to 175.00 - 175.00 19 12' SURGE BASIN 0.00 EA 0.00 1.00 EA 750.00 750.00 PREVIOUS CONTRACT PRICE 27,744.00 + CHANGE ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE 27,744.00 + CHANGE 575.00 = REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 28 575.00 = REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 20,319.00 • 0 A f :o COUNTY ENGINEER INFORMALLY REQUESTS REQUESTS DESIGNATION OR DESIGNATION s ' ORMALLY CITY ENGINEER SUBMITS DATA For MSAS and for__ -1 "� n (SAH ,nbmal cAUMat NOTIFIES I onfy. Skip to No. 1_____- v______. DISTRICT REVIEWS STATE AID 2 RECOMMENDS , f � REVIEWS S. ENGINEER a TRANSMITS .� � SUBMITS i For CSAH additional NOTIFIES REVIEWS• miNaBa mqw u. .OFFICE OF APPROVES 3 ' M " p tO NO S - ___ - � `� S � --- -�� -�- APPROVES B WRITES SfATE AID OR REJECTS 12 COMMISSIONER 5 PRESENTS ORDERS COUNTY BOARD OR 9 DESIGNATING CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNTY SCREENING 6 APPROVES BOARD OR REJECTS MSAS ravisronl • additiorq and for CSAH COMMISSIONER OF ❑ c0"P"S&Irrq~`mons mth now immam in m"W ROUTE TRANSPORTATION OFFICALLY 3 DESIGNATED Additional mrlaaw req%mts on CSAH ryj"m oMY FLOW CHART FOR REVISIONS IN THE STATE AID HIGHWAY AND STREET SYSTEMS N D m _D 3 D Z C D r i0 a CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE County Board Approved project u Alnor funds Authorizes construction Takes bids R awards Contract or approves force account 1. Deposits payment 2. Stakes Project 3. Supervises construction O 4 agreement 10 4. Reports Progress S. Flies certificate of performance City Council 1. Prepare! survey 6. Accepts nlalnlelrance Plans i estimates 2. Obtains R/W Permits Deposits payments Su pervlses ri"Intenan ce and agreements Reports annual costs Count Engineer Y I O City Engineer Records Suggests protect 3 1 2 5 Files Contract 1 2 3 " 1 2 3 4 5 6 and bond or agnt Reports reeme action 14 1. Rees plans i prints 20 Deposit 17 m Payalntenance �r tents 2. Prepares Proposalf i ads or force account agreement 3. Recommends construction Inspects District Aid Engineer Q Records I t Plans s approval 8 Flies Files Prints reports Progress 12 Accepts on 15 Completion ReCommends action 1a inspects maintenance Recommends action Office of State !lid I t I Plan approval 2 Records projects Microfilms Notifies extra Prints 2 �- Pays up to 95% of contract partial estimate on force account work Pays Preliminary engineering Pays balance or project �.� pay construction 16 Files engineering Pays maintenance 19 Completes record reports Completes record I L � Bridge Engineer ` NOTE: Brldffe plans to Bridge Englneer Prior to acceptance Bridge plans approval Commissioner Of Allots funds Transportation FLOW CHART SHOWING STATE -LOCAL COOPERATION ON COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECTS F4 w O r .D r N D M D Q D Z C D r W s" N McCombs Frank Roos Associa Inc. Twin Cites St Cloud 15050 23rd Ave N Telephone Engineers t Plymouth MN 612 476 -6010 Planners 55447 Facsim le Surveyors 612 476 -8532 January 2, 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 53 41 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: Muricipal State Aid System MFRA #8921 Dear Mayor and Council. Members: We have two items regarding the City's MSA system that need to be discussed with the Council. The first item pertains to your MSA construction fund balance and where tlis money will be spent. MSA regulations state that this fund cannot exceed $300,000 or two times the annual construction allotment (whichever is greater), not including the current year's allotment. At the present time, you have $259,977.18 in the fund and can expect the 1990 allotment to be approximately $195,582.00, resulting in a balance of $455,559.00. According to the regulations, the City would be notified by March 1, 1991 of this excess balance and if it is not reduced by September 1, 1991, you would be put on notice that the City could suffer lnss of apportionment. Enclosed is a copy of the projected 5 -year Construction Program, which the Council approved one year ago. We have rev i this program with Ed Shukle and Geno Hoff and are in agreement that the # ,.oject listed sec id, Tuxedo Boulevard from Clyde Road to C.S.A.H. 125, should be scheduler: )r this year. Without doing a detailed preliminary cost estimat we believe the amount listed is probably $30,000 to $40,000 low. This section of Tuxedo Boulevard was last improved in 1967, with bituminous curb ardosidewalk. The reconstruction would consist of minor subgrade correction:=, new cu: :crete curb ane gutter, concrete sidewalk, necessary storm sewer upgrades, and a bituminous overlay. The cost for these improvements, including engineering fees, should be very close to 100% eligible for reimbursement from your MSA construction fund. The second item pertains to Mound's MSA rcite designation. At the present time, the City is almos' one mile under the maximum allowable by the state. It would be a good idea to request that additional streets be added, because the yearly allotment is based partially on projected 4mprovement costs. We have reviewed Mound's stregt system atit.h Ed and Geno and re ommend the following sections as the bEst candidates for MSA designation: 41 An Equal Opportun.t, E, iLA . to, Honorable Mayor and Members • of the City Council January 2, 1990 P:,ge Two 1. Highland Boulevard from Bartlett Boulevard (H.C.S.A.H. No. 110) to Idlew•ood Road. 2. Idlewood Rcad from Highland Boulevard to Ridgewood Road. 3. Ridgewood Road from Idlewood Road to Westedge Boulevard (H.C.S.A.H. No. 44). 4. Three Pcints Boulevard from Shorewood Lane to Glen Elyn Road. The addition of these four streets would bring the mileage up to the maximum allowable for MSA designation. Enclosed is a City map which shows the present system. If the Council is in agreement, we will proceed with submitting a preliminary request to the state, which, if appro% will require a formal resolution from the City. L1 RN If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Very truly yours, • McCOMBS FRANK ROOS .ASSOCIATES, INC. co John Cameron JC:jmj r �J 7 o -o- • 337 December 13, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88 -186 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE M.S.A. FIVE YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS SUBMITTED �. WHEREAS, the Office of State Aid has requested that each City submit a five year construction program; and WHEREAS, this program is to include sufficient projects to utilize all existing and anticipated funds accruing during the next five years; and WHEREAS, this is only a projection and the City will not be held to these specific projects or schedule; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the City Engineer have looked at the total M.S.A. system and come -up with the schedule for Mound's five year program (attached and marked Exhibit A). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the M.G.A. Five Year - rogram as outlined-on Exhibit'A and attached hereto. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Jensen and seconded by Councilmember Abel. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. M yor • Attest: City Clerk I 1 MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET SYSTEM 5 -Year Construction Program For MAoJ .I'p (State Aid Expenditures Only) REVENUE Present State Aid Construction Balance September 1, 1988 = $ estimated Annual Construction Allotment $ I S�o00 av - - X 4 = $ (p�/, O ONE , O O :.stimated Total State Aid Allotment for Progranming Purposes $ S I�t 8 ESTIMATED EXPZNDITURES Year Estimated of State Aid Exnenditure Termini Project Descriotion Expenditure On G . S, l S W./ W c�:aST ANO $� From M D To 'SETot.► M&1326 Goc�ts T'R_J �Tloty p $ C301000 Length 0 1 .O'1 M I L.ES EhIGIN�Et�ING KmA ►1 �8 TV=61 Ec-T On E.m MWI:I l tyRa From RDI-D �. G uT`TE..SZ , Q2 � q q To Q.S.A,1}. 7 1 0 SCREW b%LY, 4-N0 $ ab. je20 Length Q,5E) M ILES Bt — 1 vM1h►00S D J ER.I.�•~( on 1t�'RE.E �IPCTS �JD GoNC- 1E_E.T � C.��iz.'b I Q 0 FromSZEST �Ea.l 11s. To <a r:s I EW * 62 L)TTEM w A.'. u. $ Length o,pS Wt. al rvviAOJS of e7-L- A"`( On l�o� : L Dd 7 L_ From <- .dS P-A . 15 SuF•FpC.II.LC -� , c.ONC -, 10 1 4- I q 4171 To CAKE TA '2.'Q 15 * L7 JTT�'i�, $ ,, Length 0.0'S ►'11 ALE t _ j lAJ E� 'L�oA GRAD I r.1 , FMS E , On� t.11 ESZ V'RFALa �b GOAiG -. OD t CA C A Z From pp..KDa 2'Q To CS M+* 1 l O , GuZ E'er G�J T'S E.'g. $ Length O. 7-3 Mit_ES �SCDY�ti SEl�7EQ. On M tat' UJ 9 m ID VZA Fro- L S po- 1 i Q S �RFA+C.1 t�1G GONG QJS To 0.10 m16= SP - S T• ��Q°.� GvTTE $ 73,7q, Length o.%o M IL15 c E ?'. 1 I LEN HARRELL Chief of Polio T0: Ed Shukle FROM: Len Harrell MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472 -3711 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 5449511 EMERGENCY 911 December 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Request for Street Light - Acorn Road • Attached is a petition for a street light for the dead -end on Acorn Road. The request covers why there is a need. I am familiar with the area and recommend the addition of a street light. Le Chief (-F Police LH /sh • 7,3 November 4, 1989 Mr. Ed Shukle City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Hound, Minnesota 55364 Roo Street Light at end of Acorn Road, Mound Dear Mr. Shukles afro DEC 1 19 Me, the undersigned, request the City of Mound to install a street light at the and of Acorn Road. We feel that the road is seldom patrolled by the police becaus it is a dead end, therefore, making it incovenient to drive by on a normal patrol. However, with a light at the and of Acorn Road, the patrol would be able to view the and of the block while passing the intersection of Acorn Road and Halstead Lane. The dead and meets with a wooded area and for safety and deterrence, we feel the addition of street light would be a great help. without a light, it is a great place to avoid being seen. Recently, tte police answered a call from one of us when a car was parked at the dead - ad and several young sort were "canvassing" the neighborhood. The Mound police, specifically, Officers Ewald and Viccum, handled the matter quickly and without incident. We commend thou for their quick response and thank them for keeping us safe. Your consideration of this important matter will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully SubmitteC, NAME CCs Mr. Len Harrell Chief o f Police ADDRESS ( 3 FS" *CoX-A" 4CE / /1�1�c.✓ J ✓ V }rte R 4 0 • 74 RECD DEC 15 1989 December 14, 1989 Mr. Ed Shukle, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Ed: Enclosed, please find a resolution requesting a six month extension to the time allotted for the review of metropolitan policy plan amendments. Upon adoption, this resolution needs to be sent to Anne Hirlburt at the Metropolitan Council. This extension is being requested to permit the City of Mound to obtain public comment on the Mound Comprehensive Plan update and to ensure that the City's plan is in conformance with the regional wastewater and transportation policy plans. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, VAN DOREN- HAZARD- STALLINGS, INC. by: -- Mark Koegler City Plaoner RMK:dbm Ent. r� 7S' 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldq.11, Suite 104 Minw lolls, MN. 55447 -2175 612/553 -1950 RESOLUTION i90- 0 RESOLUTION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REQUESTING AN EXTENSION TO THE TIME ALLOCATED FOR THE POTENTIAL MODIFICATION OF LOCAL PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH MINN. STAT. 473.856 WHEREAS, The 1976 Metropolitan Land Planning Act (Minn. Stat. 473.856) states, "Within nine months after receiving an amendment to a metropolitan system plan, each affected local government unit shall review its comprehensive pian...to determine if an amendment is necessary to ensure continued conform`ty with metropolitan system plans. If an amendment is necessary, the governmental unit...shall prepare the amendment and submit it to the council for review... ". and WHEREAS, on April 13, 1989, the City of Mound received a copy of it's 1988 Metropolitan Systems Information Statement which contiineo information on two new policy plans, wastewater treatment and handling and transportation, and WHEREAS, the City of Mound is in the process of completing a revision of it's comprehensive plan, a process which is expected to be completed by June 1, 1990, and WHEREAS, the City desires to complete the public hearings on it's comprehensive plan in order to ensure that the local plan is consistent with the revised metropolitan wastewater and transportation policy plans. NOW, THEREFOR,, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota that the City does hereby formally request o six month extension to the nine month time period allotted for local plan amendments consistent with metropolitan policy plan amendments. The City of Mound will submit all appropriate local Plan amendments to the Metropolitan Council no later than June 15, 1989. Mayor Attest: City Clerk • 7/ ■ 1Q weekly pick up cost kly cost $2.05 per x 3156 homes x 12 mo.- $77,638.00 Less Twice per mo 1.45 x 3150 " x 12 mo.- 55,680 increase cost . 21,958.00 county reimb. Less 80% _ 17.5 net increase 4,391.00 this amounts to $1. 39 per household 199L Week 5% increase $81,520.00 less cty reimb. 80% 65,215.00 net cost to city 16,305-00 Twice mo. 5% increase 58,464.00 less 80% net cost to city 11993 twice ffil 16,305 11,693 net difference 4,612 1991 Tonnao!a based ctv r einibursment Awice mtly cost Same tonnage 522 tons @ $55 net cost to city Wkly cost Double tonnage 1044 @ $55 net cost to city Wkly cost Triple tonnage 1522 @ $55 net cost to city plus 58464 28710 29,754 81,520 5 7,420 24,100 81,520 86.130 4,610 area. ���■ •rr��v- �t��v�� By state law, metro-ares trash isn't supposed to go straight to a dump anymore. But that five law, intended to protect the environment, is more goal than reality. Prob l in g er Regional trash officials haven't com- pkted planning how best to recycle, burn and compost to to mini - f ���0 ` mize how much ends up in landfills. �OUnt��� That means much of the metro re- gior's garbage `oa directly from � lore trash can to landfill — especially in r ecycling processinc akota Caner counties. , Scott and `a f The Metropolitan Council estimates that even in needed , plants w all planned are t e officials sea pleoperating. Icc are slated to percent of the metro area's trash_! ili straight `tom` G . :rb"e C,,d.A d 6.. jeep 13 AA 11 . is a resuh of a ma, *'r decision * ti Lagislature — with the en- Jaw. :meta of counties — to find a sane: way tl.o purial for disposing 3(p, age. lWassed Mss that leaky Intdt s comminate ground water lihve rompled tightar annuals on ilndt .s and a sumik for alternatives, Fleet. , !teen much progress in the 10 r�r� ; nce tt .eg 1i"re told coun- les r rind those alternatives and the !earl rive yeses since it set a desd- line Jan. 1. 1990, for instituting them h th k we're seeing the beginning of a trr. sea change, said Hennepin Cow . Commissioner Mark An- kew The rabiestion of nepped-up r.eX- Ang red garbage processing now is hand ..g between 43 sad 50 percent of th region's garbage, according to Metr Council figures, Yet the do- assn, nor Iaadfill space hasn't eased as n ch a regional officials had kW Thee. ere thme reasons: First, trub good tion is risin4 brier than ex- iaetc Seoaad giemu# garbagtrproe- ilain plants opersu n has taken :at,. than expected.: hey burn &ar- tAW. impost it or taro it into boiler %W ..d thus reduce the volume of natc A sent to landfills. Third, thm processing plants aren't shrink. s& k bage volume as much as had , seen ,Iticipated. Two major processing facilities didn't start up until late in the 1980:. Last year brought the openings of Hennepin County's incinerator m downWwn Minneapolis and an Elk River boiler fuel plant commissioned by Anoka County that takes garbage from five counties. A sister plant to the Elk River facility opened in 1987 in Newport, under sponsorship of Washington and Ramsey counties. But prbW processing lags in other metro counties. Dakota County's burner isn't expected to be ready un- til at last 1993. and Scott and Carver counties continue negotiating over a arbase-com punt they hope to bu ild. The Metro Council in 1985 told counties they should divert 80 per- cent of their garbage to processing plants. Recycling was supposed to divert most of the rest. But the council new estimates that plans for garbage processing and re- cycling will handle only 85 percent of the total waste. A major issue for the 1990: will be how to close that pp. A regional consensus seems to be emerging that rtes.! headaches associated with ildins processi plants — espe- cially controversial p burners — rule out more such facilities. lities. Almost by default, then, the next few years are likely to see a debate over how to close that pp by expanding recycling. If yard waste is included, the Metro Council estimates, roughly 12.4 per- cent of the region's waste is being recycled by residents or businesses that generate it. Additional recycla- ble: are being captured at processing plants. A substantial additional amount is recycled in gate- sector programs that an difficult for the council to documen! This effort needs to reach 35 percent by 1993 to mat a goal set las, year by the Legislature. And recycling lev- els world need to increase beyond that to enure that aU of the region's garbage is recycle: or processed. Metro Council planners say it's clear that additional makTials will need to be recycled in order to meet the state goal. More efToru to get businesses to recycle are needed, they say. And more work needs to be done to as• sure markets for recyclable products, they add. That's led Council Chairman Steve Keefe to suggest a major change in how Twin Citians recycle. He says they ought to commingle their bot- tles, cans, newspaper, plastics, card- board and other recyclable materials, rather than making separate piles for each. This would lower costs, Keefe argues, because it would make collection faster. That would save money, de- spite added costs of hiring people to sort the materials, he said. He main- tains that hired sorters could produce a more carefully segregated finished space in those IsndtiMt is Owk So `be MU be a bw metropolnaa isra in dsa'. IS even though disposa to be sealed in dis I The coming decade probo Bing more protests Against, it Wit and landfills. The decade also wiU a"* asked to recycle eves P owners will be '{raked e grass clippto and o them on their lawns, a sharply higher prices posal — and those wwe or compost will pay th Garbrge continued on uct that would be . system also i dents to dispose of f such as batteries. beausa pm could seprelate'the n forW dling, he said. 1W Keefe's suggestion is V-4 6 change in P - had begun to dncuss with nsepp o It would use financial i lO o induce homeowners an"t. handle their awhow in with the of mini use. �i For example people d wl�e f garbage laden with recy" pay more than those sub s recyclable: from their other g Their surcharge would costs of taking recycle— their trash. • ;. n The change Keefe is dissusi would make using land pensive than sending processing plant. He a t Present system in whicidt cheaper undermines tho4oh of minimizing landfill use The realization poli , present plans will fall � :(tort c for diverting waste from lands produced something of lock. The Metro CouncU he. the better part of a y.tr tr decid where to go from Mate. Hennepin County CommiWo Spartz thinks volumahaani disposal will become coWphor 1990s. That mans those w pose the most pay the moist. Pi I)F. CI I I t it it-F: 4A f L) 9B" ANLIW I Mf N3 j"t4t I(J, � Val 1 ,11, . ' IA 1 WL WILL J1 Sl(V T IN6 WIT" T i I I S I YLA IR i i Q\ L) 9B" ANLIW N3 j"t4t I(J, � Val 1 ,11, . ' IA 1 I► W IN •� I; IRy A� � "�. _1'] ;F. ED 'K IA'Lf T1•Slf'f31 SL'Lf0'L 00'1Tr -9 OT'11T Cf9'{7► 1'pT'9 p�,'Q E7E: CIS 3m EB6: mi 'Trl :: MIX Orr es CTQ'T VI£'D 01'9C 5 ��� 9D£'L M T3t�iiCCIC WOE L � Me' LS L06'I 1i£'9 gt�k R OT'" t T£ ='95 OoQ'S flf'9 139ZZX 00 0 O C ODC'El D p %CLL---S 00'D p p U'.+T'CS p p lam' =r 00'0 D•C 009'PS C p 1 Z:' 00 D•C 0 O C 3 IM: 00'0 O'n 0 0 0 1Vh 3D'0 D•C p C "IbdC 0 30'0 0'0 0 C 0 Fti"Wli D O C C 0 0 11f a p d= Sad NIitdloUVd 7yraLVW al=T= gMMaMM Q7 3^/l Y 'JA 1317 s r—:s 3llHIF Z:J lz *Tr= ;.7:- -:L¢3k s", 1499 KKnIL7 =AL 67 CIT7 OF: L Sr ST iDU15 PAM am S 10P5 w K. I 19 E]l0E L44 MMMW MUB= M711AL PUnCIP = PE1310P JA U187 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 FE Ul8T 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 NIRM 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 SAIL 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 MAT 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 im 2S.908 17.909 414.4M 73.9 73.60 JWd 50.= 79.09 519.410 58.7 17.50 AUMW SAW 32.396 944,77, 07.9 Il.M 60.316 47.715 417.990 65.1 15.90 a ' mR 65.741 31.M !8.940 61.7 19.0 NGVDGM 66.615 a.Wr 03.900 Gal 17.50 O°0DOM 0.778 44.900 4u^ 51.7 17.40 WrAL Es 1980 MAN lv.M &=.170 42.10 ATOM MR 1980 Y.707.n 78.07.E 158 N&W 57.an 17.44 ry 1660 I111rlFS.T T37AL ST CM V, CM OT: mb" BAT wm STWU E r v r��� . 6 L16 ������y�1l muxm yy /� ZA1'OART 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 F'ESROART MARCH C 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 C 0 0.00 APR:L 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 KAT 0 0 0 0.0 C.00 .U'E 2.31 673 25,2On 16.4 15.60 J'VLT 2.940 2.010 26.130 66.4 13.00 AJ=-I' SEPTEMU 2.352 1. x01 16.940 66.6 13. .4 2,3E2 1.331 16.800 56.6 14.10 o:: ootx 2.0.; 1.701 Ja .660 ` 56 .0 16.20 11OVF7eER 2.'62 :.272 16.2w 61.1 15.10 AE WCER 2.362 1.96 W .m0 52.1 16.60 TOTAL FOR 19V 17,wn 6.617 164.1!0 113.40 ivuum Fm 1066 2.69.00 1.416.71 23.061.43 W.70= 16.20 F ilk - . 1969 [QlfmT .=AL !T —, , C:T OF: ©E! PRAIE..IE I SOME S+DES w Yf. 2 AVERAGE Las M- W= = MATrum ?ALTICrwm Pt3 5 + 1 JAl1[1Ai! 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 �+uAai 0 0 0 0.o 0.00 alARCi 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 APRIL 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 MAT 0 0 0 0.0 0 00 JME 30.757 7,649 127,251 3d.9 16.60 JOS.T 26.7" 12.591 196.270 43 .6 15.60 AMUM' 32,472 16.3;1'2 226,2gu 50.0 13.90 SEpTEMR 21.731 14132 216.1W1 49.6 15.3D OC=vL 29.697 14.676 221.410 19.1 15.30 70VEMBEi 30.279 14.311 2 17.3 17.20 DFMMul 27.146 14.561 217.670 53.6 15.00 :- Fm im 196.025 94.x3 1.465."1 506.90 AVERAGE FM 1919 26,266.43 13.166.14 27,077.29 17.E 15.50 - Z} Em # ay Memorandum • Minnetonka Porta Area A - Waterside Area B - Ridgewood Area C - Carlson Area D - Emerald r- dge, inc. Contracting S ervices independent, Inc. 23,100 7,150 4,100 4,500 38,850 Area A - Waterside 85,200 Area B - Ridgewood 28,400 Area C - Carlson 28,400 Area D - Emerald 28,400 170,400 DATE: January 5, 1990 ti TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Director SUBJECT: 1990 Maintenance Dredging Project Bids received: Recommendation by staff to accept the proposal of Minnetonka Portable Lredge, Inc. with deletion of Area D - Emerald $4,500 in accordance with Section 3.0 -15 Special Conditions. Total adjusted bid to be $34,350. JF:pj E &a il 0 PROPOSAL ,IAN UAP-Y 6 . 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 53 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 5536 SUBJECT: Mound, Minnesota 1990 Maintenance Dredging City Property MFRA #7090 0 w b i Gentlemen: We. the undersigned, having carefully examined the site of the proposed work and the plans and specifications, instructions to bidders and contract documents prepared by MCCJmbs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.. Consulting Engineers for the subject project. do hereby propose to furnish all labor, tools. and equipment, anj incidentals required for the complete constructior of said project and such other work as may be incidental thereto for the following unit or lump sum prices: ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. AREA A L.S. LUMP SUM $ ; 3 /00 2. AREA B L.S. LUMP SUM t O 3. AREA C L.S. LUMP SUM i d 4. AREA D L.S. LUMP SUM = O TOTAL ......................... .............................. g 8 6 The undersigned bidder also agrees to furnish the required bond and to enter into a contract with the Owner within ten '10) days after the Owner's acceptance of this Proposal or any section or sections thereof. and further agrees to complete the entire work covered in the contract award :oy February 28. 1990. except as noted in she specifications and subject to the provisions of the contract documents. Enclosed is the required Proposal guarantee in the amount of 5%. which the undersigned bidder agrees to be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Mowd, as liquidated damages should this Proposal be accepted and a contract be awarded to him and he fails to enter into a contract within ten (10) days, but otherwise the aforesaid Proposal guarantee will bP returned upon his signing the contract and delivering the approved bond. In submitting this bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any and all bids. and it is understood that this bid Way not be withdrawn within period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for the receipt of bids. r • PROPOSAL tv u. C� 0� y 4 �4 ' . 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Ro Mound. Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: Mound, Minnesota 1990 Maintenance Dredging City Property MFRA 07090 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned. having carefully examined the site of the proposed work and the plans and specifications. instructions to bidders and contract documents prepared by McCombs Frank Roos Associates. Inc.. Consulting Engineers for the subject project, do hereby propose to furnish all labor, tools, and equipment. and incidentals required for the complete construction of said project and such other work as may be incidental thereto for the following unit or lump sum prices: ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. AREA A L.S. LUMP SUM $06 2. AREA B L.S. LUMP SUM S "O 3. AREA C L.S, U. ", SUM : ^ r" 4 . AREA D L.S. LO SUM U y ec - - 01 � TOTAL BID ......................... ..............................S 7C ' GC. The undersigned bidder also agrees to furnish the required bond and to enter into a contract with the Owner within ten (10) days after the Owner's acceptance of this Proposal or any - -tion or sections thereof, and further agrees to complete the entire covered in the contract award by February 28, 1990. except as noted in the specifications and subject to the provisions of the contract documents. Enclosed is the required Proposal guarantee in the amount of 5%. which the undersigned bidder agrees to be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Mound, as liquidated damages should this Proposal be accepted and a contract be awarded to him and he fails to enter into a contract within ten (10) days, but otherwise the aforesaid Proposal guarantee will be returned upon his signing the contract snd delivering the approved bond. • In submitting this bid. it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any and all bids, and it is understood that this bid may not be withdrawn within a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for the receipt of bids. •e a THIS DECLARATION is made this day of 1990 by Antonie VanDerSteeg and Eva VanDerSteeg, husSand and wire tr Fe %clarants). WHEREAS, the Declarants are fee owners of certain real located in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota (the "Property') legally described as follows: The North 43.30 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, mccept that part lying east of a line 606.02 feet test of and parallel to the east line of said Government Lot 1. AND WHEREAS, Declarants have applLed to the City of Mound (the "City") f a grading permit for purpose of preparing and maintaining a fill Pr operty , WHEREAS, as one of the conditions to the granting of said permit, the City has required that restrictions be placed on the Property prohibiting the construction of any buildings or other structures thereon, and WHEREAS, the Declarants are willing to impose the restrictions required by the City. NOW, 7100 RtE, the Declarants hereby declare that the Property shall be subject to the following limitations aid restrictions: I. The Property shall be considered unbuildable property, not suitable for the construction of any permanent dwelling or structure thereon, and shall not be eligible for the issuance of a building permit by the City. 2. This Declaration and the restrictions imposed hereby may not be terminated or modified without the written consent of the City, which shall be given only after corpli.ance with such conditions as the City, in its sole discretion, Rhall deem necessary or advisable to assure proper cleanup and preparation of the soil so as to make the Property suitable as a building site. 3. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarants, their heira, personal representatives, successors and assigs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarants have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. Antonie VanDerSteeg Eva VanDerSteeg a sm or mnNiM) �y�� /� �.p�t) SS V1 UNr O HEWP N) sk The foregoing instnment was acknowledged before me this day of wife. aid , 'u 1990, by Antonie VanDerSteeg and Eva VanDerSteegsbmW Marquette Bank Mould, a Minnesota corporation, hereby consents to the foregoing Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and agrees that its interest as mortgagee in the Property shall be subject thereto. MARQUErIE BANK MXW By: I ts By: I ts STATE of MUHOM) ) S.S axurY OF IEMEPIN) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 1990 by and , t and of tte , a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of corporation. This Instrument Was Drafted By: Thomas F. Underwood M rst, Pearson, Larson, Underwood & Mertz 1100 First Bank Place [Jest Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 rlgok IV!I �: t i ... s.■t rr ■■sro ■o• YIJa•t: .•�.f. p.0. Box 387, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 NAM eF rM #MU: jam R SpwAjn Pros • Aftn t l OVW • MM E mortis � Rrdrrr) R. Moor • RMa 0 Emkw • C ft#Aow lure • C4kwrr LdVA i Zernit Application Na, 89-202 January 4, 1990 Owners Anthony Vandersteeg Anthony's Floral 1861 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Locations City of Hound, Sec. 14AD, Dutch Lake Purpose. Stormwater management plan for the placement of 14,000 cubic yards of till. Dear Mr. Vandersteeg: At the regularly scheduled December 21, 1969 meeting of the Board of Managers, the subject permit application was reviewed. Action was taken allowing the District staff to issue your permit only after receipt and staff approval of the followings 1. Erosion control Installation detail. 2. Notification by registered mail of the adjacent property owner to the south which advises them of the project, and allowing a period of 45 days to respond, requests their agreement to the project. 3. Results of the notification in Item 2 listed above. 4. Flood elevation of the lowest adjacent structure. S. Review and approval by the City of Mound. Please be advised that the project is not authorized until the above has been submitted to me and you have been notified of permit issuance from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Should you have any gojestions regarding this matter, please contact me at 473 -4224. Sincerely, JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS ccr Board Engineers for the District L. th ty of Mound 4 C. Reep Ronald S. Quanbeck, P.E. bt • • MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 12,1949 i � 1 • • y . • �r L r .! • .p y s s The city Engineer explained that the conditions in previous resolutions were not followed. There was discussion on removing the existing vegetation, such as brush, trees, etc., from the fill site before filling. The City Attorney suggested that a deed restriction could be put on the property showing that the fill site is unbuildable without corrections to the site. This would require proper descriptions of the fill areas. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Johnson to refer this tatter to the owner of the property, Minnetonka Portable Dredging (applicant), and the City sngineer to work out a covenant, with proper descriptions of the fill site, restricting the use of the land in the future as unbuildable without corrections to the fill site. The vote was unanim- ously in favor. Motion carried. • Tvnn Coto$ St Cloud 15050 23rd Ave N Telephone Engm�arf Plymouth. MN 612476 - 6010 Planners 55447 Famma ? surveyors 612476 -6= December 7, 1989 Ms. Jan Bertrand Planning and Zoning City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 5536 SUBJECT: Grading Application Anthony's Floral 1861 Commerce Boulevard MFRA #7279 Dear Jan: As requested, we have reviewed the latest grading application for filling the old wastewater treatment ponds west of Anthony's Floral. This application is almost identical to the previous ones, so I have enclosed all that • information, including my latest review letter dated July 7, 1988. Our position on this matter would remain the same as stated in said letter of July 7, 1988. Conditions 1 and 2 are included in the application this time; therefore, Item 3 , which requires permits from the Watershed District and the DSR, would be our only recommended condition. As before, we have not required that existing vegetation, such as brush, trees, etc., be removed prior to filling because corrective action has never been taken to remove such materials from previous fill operations at this site (see previous correspondence and resolutions). The City could also require that the applicant furnish a bohd to insure that all conditions are met, but we do not feel this is necessary because the location will only be accessible to Minnetonka Portable Dredging. The City will have to periodically inspect the site to make sure the fill operation is conducted according to the permit. If any violations are noted during these inspections, the permit holders would be notified to tyke corrective action or the permit would be suspended. If you have any questions or need additional informatics, please contact US. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. • John Cameron JC: jmj Enclosures 3470 oil RECEIV GRADING APPLICATION E� LcC -� DATE: D ecember 1, 1989 PERMIT NUMBER: APPLICANT'S NAME: Minnetonka Portable Dredging Co. PHONE 1: 474 79454 ADDRESS :Clifford Reep, 500 West Lake Street, Excelsior MN CITY: _5533 OWNER'S NAME•An Vandersteeg, Anthony's F' PHONE 1. 472 - 1176 ADDRESS: 1861 Commerce Blvd., Mound, YN 55364 CITY: SITE ADDRESS: 1861 Commerce Blvd. Mound MN 55364 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commence at a point in the East line of Govt. Lot 1, a distance 215.05' South from the Northeast corner thereof, thence West parallel with the North line t ,"ereof, Continued, Sec. 1 4, T 117N - P_A See reverse side for instructions DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Prep are and maintain a f site for the place o f 14, cubic yards of spoil material from dredging projects conducted . ty Minnetonka Porta-.e Dredging. Additional information included pith enclosed letter. OTHER AGENCY APPROVALS:Plans submitted t Minnehaha Creek WSD on 12/1/89. NUMBER OF CUBIC YARDS TO BE MOVED: Approximately 14,000 Cubic Yards. BOND REQUIRED: $ I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state that the Informa- tion is correct and agree to comply with the City of Mounds, Codes and the State of Minnesota Laws. OWNER: Signature of Pei ittee: FEE: $ PLAN CHECKING FEE $ 01 GRADING PERMIT FEE TOTAL FEE $ �' aZ • 5 O APPROVED BY PERMIT TO EXPIRE WITHIN 1 YEAR OR 180 DAYS AFTER FILL PLACEMENT IS DISCONTINUED. December 1, 1989 Minnetonka Portable Dredging 500 West Lake Street Excelsior, MN 55331 M. Ms. Jan Bertrand Zoning Administrator Qity of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Application for fill placement at Anthony's Floral. Dear Ms. Bertrand: Fnclosed are copies of the Filling and Grading plans for Anthony's Floral and additional information supplem•!ntal to the Grading Application. The project consist of the placement of approximately 14,000 cubic yards of spoil material from dredging projects conducted by Minnetonka Portable Dredging. The spoil material (dredging spoil) is organic, sand and gravel or clay which Is dredged from the bed of Lake Minnetonka at various locations. The fill material will be free from objectional materials, tires, bumpers etc. The spoil material will be trucked from the dredging projects to Anthony's Floral located on Cty. Rd. 110. i • Tte sit^ will be prepared by constructing an erosion control f ?nce around the fill area. A safety fence will also be constructed near the fill edge and will include a post and chain gate that will be locked by Minnetonka Portable Dredging. Only fill material from dredging projects completed by Minnetonka Portable Dredging will be placed at the site. The locked gate will prevent the illegal filling of objcctional materials by others. The first phase of filling will include the placement of soil material along the south boundary of the the fill area to construct a soil dike. After completion of the south dike grading, the slope will be seeded and mulched. The south dike along with the existing dikes on the property will contain the remaining 11111 to prevent the erosion of the spoil material. Erosion control fences will be maintained as a buffer to the dikes. The placement of fill material is expected to take 2-4 years untill final completion. All fences, gates dikes and erosion control fences will be maintained through out the project. Upon completion of the final filling, the area will be graded according to the enclosed plan, and all areas will be seeded and mulched. Respectfully Submitted, -, Clif ord Reep Minnetonka Portable Dredging .(Applicant) C�� (LITZB � Anthony Van _rsteeg Anthony's Floral (Owner) 36 72. u- Y .1 J J F- 1 1 11 I t � I I i,- JEu 0. r.�E4n.�,aYk I J_ a �v r� ORMIONIA PMT"U NED61M [[Y Mw. � M. L•w1 [1C(l [1011 YIMI[bT�lL111 {t t ZP- v • • • SILLS--- - ---- JANUARY 9, 1990 BATCH 9121 102,068.10 BATCH 9122 71,759.85 BATCH 9123 46,617.04 BATCH 9124 57,567.28 Widmer, Inc. Denbigh project 23,531.78 TOTAL BILLS 301,564.05 • 77 1 Ty `G i'ty' 'COUNCIL PACKET = 1/9/90 PAN 1 - CO2 -O! �:'• O= "LA1L ':ME :..?Q.37 Im :CE ME H7_: PRE : K. Imca me DATE DATc .T »"l!5 ���7 ESCR::' ;y; aCCxA�' �RJ"8EF an3Jti7 :�fD s DATE 9 `�9 PRE 0 62.=f -'. 12/20/89 12/20/8; 962.88 ,p1. - :6 :0 X62.;;£ 300K..2':2!3° BELEOT CORPORATION VENDOR TOTAL 962.88 X888 PRE -PAID 3,176.00 CR UNION " OR 01- 2040 -M)0 12,'2�19 12120.'8 3,176.00 JRIL-CD :0!C 317t,nC 30084 12!!4/£+ CIT COUNTY CREDIT UNION VENDOR TOTAL 3176.00 C0920 PREPAID 44.82 RED P /C-L:UI 71- 71 COO. -2:OC 12/20/89 12/20/89 44.42 JRNL-CD 1 010 44.82 30060 12/05/89 PREPAID 37.10 REPLEN P/C- POLICE 01-4140 -2200 12/20/89 12/20/89 37.10 JRNL-CD :010 37.10 30072 :2! :4 /8 CITY OF MU ND YENDOR TOTAL 81.92 0999 PRE -PAID 217.65 JAN L :FE INS 1 0 01-2040 -0000 12/20/89 12/20/89 217.65 JRNL -CD 1010 217.f5 3008 COIIENCIAL LIFE INS CO VEIIDOR TOTAL 211.65 C1001 PRE -PAID 3,121.74 SIT 12/9 PF 01- ?040 -0007 12/20/89 12/20/89 3,121.74 ,JAIL -CD 1010 3121.74 30076 !2!14189 PREPAID 120.28 NOY SALES TAX 73- 3592-0000 5,847.66 NOV SALES TAX 71- 359"4-0000 12/20/89 12/20189 5,967.94 JRNL-CD 1010 5967.94 30M l2� :5/8 COMMISSIONER OF REIJEN E VENOOF TOTAL 9089.68 D1219 PRE -PAID 132.24 14.5 CONTRACT HOURS 81-43`, ^-3!00 12/20/89 12/20/89 132.24 JRNL -CD 1010 132.24 30070 !2/12, D1 MT RUDOLPH VENDOR TOTAL 132.24 D1326 PREPAID 42.46 PIIIA-DEFM TKAING 01-2300-0.^20 12/20/89 12/20/89 42.46 JRIL-CD 1010 42.46 30062 12/11!89 DOMINO'S PIIIA VENDOR TOTAL 42.46 E1429 PREPAID 2,046.08 LID 71- 7:00- 407,41 MINE 71-7100-0`20 44.99- DISC 71-7100-9560 12/20/89 12/20/89 2,406.50 JRNL-CD 1010 2408.50 30057 ::105/89 P9E -PAID 443.19 LID 71- 7100- 515.79 MINE 71-7100-9520 14.01- DISC 71- 7100-9560 12/20/89 12/20/89 944.97 JRNL-CD 1010 944,97 30066 1:/12/8 PREPAID 74.93 LID 71- 7100 -9510 329.95 MINE 71- 7100-9520 5101- DISC 71- 7100 -9560 1.010 39 12/20/99 1./20/89 3 JOIL-CD y 12- / ?: • • r M 4M - FL'RCHASE JOURNAL DaTE!2l2CM.% AP-CO2 -O' CITY OF MOUND TIME 11.39.37 +=NDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PREPAID 00K NO. :NVC:CF %lmBF DATE DATE _ -A T'JS AMOUNT XSCR:P' 3N AMW NUMBER AMMMiT CHECK t DATE EE PHP.:iPS & SONS VENDOc TC'A! 3753.:9 PE-PAD 1,328.00 DEF COME 12/9 PR ?i -2040 -0000 12 1,328.00 ift-CD 1010 1 2'8.00 30082 12/!4/89 MEAT WE! _'FE ASSURANCE VENDOR TOTAL G1911 PRE -PAIL 264.31 rN HLTP JAN PSEM 01-2040-0000 268.31 ,RNL -CD 1010 268.87 30088 12/14/89 ORDUP HEALTH PLAN .'EW. TOTAL 268.37 G!972 PRE -PAID 222.76 LIU 71-7100-9510 391.6! MINE 71-7100-9520 14.63- DISC 71-7100-9560 10.04 FRY 71-71OD -9600 116.88 MIX 11-7100-9540 12/20/89 12/20/8? 726.66 JRNL -CD 1010 726.66 30050 12/05 1P PRE- PAID '.,713.89 83.58 LIU MINE 71- 7100-9510 71-7100 -9520 35.94- DISC 71-7100-9560 10.90 FRTC 71-7100-9600 12/20/89 12/20189 1,772.43 J K -CD 1010 1712.43 30064 12/12/89 PREPAID 1,230.61 LIU 71-7100-9510 972.06 MIME 71-7100 -9520 47.45- DISC 71-7100-9560 27.55 FRT 71-7100-9600 83.92 MIX 71-7100 -9540 12/20/89 12/20/89 2,266.69 ttMl -CD 1010 2266.69 30093 12/19/89 GF:GGS COOPER 6 COMIFANY VENDOR TOTAL 4765.78 HC145 PRE -PAID 288.46 12/ PR DED 01-2040-0000 12/20/89 12/20/89 288.46 JHK-CD 1010 288.46 30077 12/14189 HENN M SUPP'GF T L COLLECT• VE1070R TOTAL 288.46 I230! PRE-PAID 5:2.90 ICMA 457- -1219 PR 01-2040 -0000 121 `12.90 JRNL_CD 1010 `,12.90 300e1 !2!14/89 :--V ;£'SRC y' 'RLST 'F T O'k `.'12.rl PRE - PA :D °:.n . an; -1L /' PP 2040 0000 . : ' ' 1:'2r o :.x ix -CI 1 0 1.96 300% 12/14/8 � :1W RET:;E 4'N' TP"JS JENDOF 'C'AL 91.92 .. `.` PRE-PA1C 15.'4 :*PC M 75 01-4 -4 120 YNL -CI : ^1^ :`..!10 3n754 :,3E ALI _!.0: - 0: %'.r : H nJE \ !k VIE: :.47.w DATE E% *OJN :i; KF' . F 3N ft TAFFE VENOM T rK) 38- DISC 1 ,733.2A YN_ - 7",:. 54 a,.18.48 W:NE 66.81- 'L,'SC 12/20/89 12120189 . 3 ' ". - JPNL-CD PRE-PAID 2, LI9 • ,590.2? WINE 63.61- DISC ill!20/89 : 3,0:0.64 JK-CD XWM M OWSALE Llf VENOM TOTAL :0469.69 Km PRE-PAID 1,316.56 MED C-JAN PREM 12/n./89 12/20/89 1,316-56 JRK.-CD MED CENTER 11EALTH PLAN VENOM TOTAL 1316.56 M3170 PRE-PAID 1,707.75 NOV SAC 1 12/20/89 1,707.75 JRNL- PM WASTE CONTROL COMMIE V9M TOTAL 1707.75 PRF 'miD 323.65 NOV GAS 123.17 NOV GAS 04.44 NOV GAS 475.22 NOV GAS V9.2 NOV SAE 617.64 NOV GAS 150.43 NOV GAS 12/20/89 12/20189 2,404.45 JFK-CD MINNEGASCO VENOM TOTAL 2404.45 K3265 PRE-PAID !K.5C DEC PRE4- :2/20/8 11/20/89 lh BENEF ASSN VENDOR TC'k 132.51 ?c 230 03 YVI - _"i MN RETIREW STS'EM ')ENXF TC'k Al w qZ 7 7 �P, 7! - 7 100 - 20 1 010 : 300Q4 ':f:o.'qQ 01 - .1040 -0000 1010 13:6.56 10087 12 72- 2304 - COX .01" 170 3005 . 2' "'S 'r 01 4320 - 0 1- 4340 -3720 01- 4 230 -3 0 7-730,'-?':(' 78- L-4170 2 - 37n 7i 7100 1010 ^.A00.4 1 ::": • 10 -3 - i 4 T I iF FkA. JE :i� DA 7E S 44_IN7 IN A- kyqt RP LEN POSTAX METER 7 .1, R_qltE riSTAGR ME 0. 9 7 REPLEN FC5 "E'ER 0; - 4 2 4 0 - 3::0 :0.52 ;E?j__EN POSTAGE 1 4 _1x00321 0 0 EN POSTAGE ME7U Kg"— " Cl 4 IO 2MI REPLEN P05743E METER 73 28.4 WMLEN PM !STEP 78 85.34 RMN POS7ta METER 01 4 .00 RE POSTAGE METER 0: - 4_2K - K!0 .4! REPLEN POSTArx P ETE; c' REPLEN POSTAGE NEU 0 !0 I .251 WILD POSTAGE METER 01-4020-3210 20.30- REPLEN POSTAGE METER 01-4320-3210 600.00 im 1010 600.00 30074 12,V", POSE-MASTER VENDOR TCTAL 600.00 PRE - PAID 8.35 RATE A0.; - MBL S 01 2.22 RATE ALJ LTD 01-4140-! 2.18 RATE AWMBL LTD 01 2 It. 46 - M9L J' RATE ABJ 1, 0 1 - 4' 2 8 0 - 1520 1.96 RATE MJ : _TD 01 - 1520 2.02 RATE ADJ '_ 7 D 71 I 2/20/99 I2r10/89 19.19 JRNL iocl 1 9.1 0 Xo 2 PRE - PAID 562.58 MBL P REM 01 12/20/89 12/20/8 562-58 JK 1010 562.58 300 12,4,19 VUX BENEFIT LIFE VEW TOTAL 581. 000 PRE 6.2 NN ELEC 7 12/4 12/201 6.2 JK 1010 6.20 3()oQL �UTHERN STATES POWER CC YEW TC'AL 6_ Z 3 1 V PRE-PAID 6,787.92 PERA 12/ Pl; 01 :040-0000 12/20/89 12/20/89 6,787. JK -CD 1 01 67$'JI: 30077 PRE 2,601.21 PERA - - SPEC PF POL I CE 2040 - 0000 12120/?9 l /2( :,Y) im-cp 10:0 260:.2' 30078 1 : ' : 4,79 : E R A VEW TOTAL r,. : -30 7, ?A. 4K J* PRE" - 2040 - 6000 : JAN Pcim-P[':;U '" CI RS ■ AID,' - 5 'c :co:-1N 0: Y?1 TS:CIA4S OF 1% A w T OTAL 7?" A. 46 PPE " 3C • ,1TE BAT,- cT.'�S PIJLN Xs:;ipl'3N - : 1 7 7 - _ : G 507.8r W!4E 1 : _ - ,76:.74 _;X CNE 6 SP!R:'S VEW ll^�TAL 9015. FA268 PRE-PAID 96.86 K.;'NL,-SW DO 71-W 12M/89 12r2G/99 96.36 JRL-Cr- 300C i:!0518 'T—E REED VENDOR TCTAL 96.86 RE PR E -PAID W . -30 ARE:R.A'r0R X I, i,_.,'20189 5 86.00 PIL - a K KARLINS VENDOR TrTAL 586.10 PRE-PAID /00.12 FIT '2! PR 31-2040-M 12/20/89 12M.M, 1 2,700.72 JRNL-M 1016 1 270C. 1 2 300 12!,4!t- - W TOTAL —E BAW OF MOlM A 1: PRE-PAID 4 CR XON 1:/9 PP 12/20!89 I'lr.'LO/S? 404 JRW -:v z CAPITOL CREDIT LINION VEW TOTAL 0 8.33 se PPE-PATO 2t), DIERGY 5RWT 2? 00 - NX(l 20,C2.00 JRNL-Cl,' 1 0069 SST HENN RM SERY PLN 'YEW TOTAL 208 12.00 ec- PRE-PAID 17.00 NNW rG 0: -4040 -412C 8.50 DiOW rG 0 : - 4:40 -4 :20 i:,In./ 12%[0 25.50 ift-,rr ! o: '' 2!.5C 300" '? orz'34,A C OF 73fM9 'VEW, TOTAL 2!. 5C , ALL '&NM • ',ATE 1 PUFChASE :C' ::f:kIV C :T` OF MOON, 71!E 1 06.1 NC. INVOICE 4% :47 DATE _ G -- A DE5-�1FT :3K k , I-MK- aMCLIN :,J-r3 a DATE s•;60 S.=? Cr:CE SYP: :E= 11 1 - 1 - _iCM 5.03 7F :E SUPP::E£ 01- 40+.' 22.84 OFFICE SIFPL'ES ^:- 4:40 -2100 6. `PO OFF :CE SUPFL :ES 01-4100 -2100 5.02 OFF 9UPPLIE5 01-4340 -200 10.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4230 - 7 100 2.5I OFFICE SUPPLIES 71-7100 -2100 2.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.- 7300 -.100 5.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7v 700 -.100 42.77 L LS, RIEOGS 91 :20. JtNL-CD :010 ACRO-NN VENDOR TOTAL 120.99 A0100 104.40 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01 -4280 -3950 10.80 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01 -4240 -3950 25.20 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4190 -39`C 54.00 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4290-3 10.80 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4140 -3 10.80 RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4040 -3 50.40 66.40 RADIO SERV CONTRACT RADIO SERV CONTRACT 73- 7300 -3950 78-7800-3954 25.20 RADIO SERV CONTRACT - 4170-3950 12/26/8912/26/89 360.00 JK -^-I 1010 AIR COMM DIVISION VETS? TOTAL 360.00 b0577 4,577.65 NOV RECYCLING SEW 01- 4,70 -4200 12126/89 12/26/89 4,577.65 JK-CD 1010 BFI RECYCLING SYSTEMS OF n VEW TOTAL 4577.65 80600 59.00 NOV GAPBAGE-F. =- 4170-3750 35.00 NOV GARBAGE-STREETS 01-4.% -3 79.00 NOV GARBAGE- LYWOOD G1- 4: 12/26/? 12 173,00 JX-CD 1010 BLACICONIAK AND SON VENDOR TOTAL 173.00 C0803 549.00 SMINTEC TYPEWITER :?-4:70 -5000 12x6/89 12126/89 519.00 JtNL-00 1010 ;ALC TYPE VUW TOTAL 5 :7PN 7.0( RIBBON 01-4: :° 2200 7.0( Yw - CD ;A '47 BAILEY )ENOOF C 7.0C 7 7:.39 C :G ,,;tr -EF P; JG 4;4( 7NE SAL R SEx.: '1Eti:'7F - ; - AL 'r -_;LAP )r P40 _ °uRCF+ASE JOUPNA_ DATE 1r26/8 C "T OF MOUND :ICE :4.06.14 :?@JR :VV^ :CE WIE .:Z XD1 'E i 5' » - .'F 4wJJ`• i1ES : :JIB ACM01% N[PM �Ol1ti' Cf X f 1 .4.7 ::Ty JF 8 901 �TN ='ARt .s"i f]F T7AL *15! : ^O n7.10 NDV :EASE 01- 4045-5000 545.25 NOV NX MAIN: 01- 4025-3800 JrK -CP 10:: :JMPIITOSERVICE X T „ AL :452.25 : ^'? :13.78 TE -EPHOW ' 1- 4140 -.T. •3. x TEtEPtOE - 4340-3220 3:•3.94 TElEaISiiE 01- 4;,20-32:1' 2.31 TELER►OE .31- 409'5 -"_ 63.74 TE H"X 01- 4'_'80 -3220 119.12 TELEPHX 73-7300-r"10 31.87 TE - -YWX 78-7800 - 3 0 147.74 TEIEPHX 71- 7100-3220 'M 37 TE H OE 2 4170 - 320 67.70 TELEPHONE- CONPIITEP 2-4170-;220 1:/26!89 1,108.95 ift-Lb 1010 CX:NENTAL TELEPHONE VENDIIR TYAL 1108.95 MOD 141.76 REPAIR TR1!!;K MASK 2- 4170-270 12/26/89 12/26!89 141.76 ,RNL -CD 1010 CWINENTAL SAFETY EQUIPNE SSW TOTAL 141.76 X1130 26.00 AIF SMITCN :'- 4170-2200 12/2618o 12061 26.00 iw-CD 1010 CIlSTOR FIRE APPARATUS VENDOR TOTAL 26.00 C: x 104.00 DICT 11A1NT- IBC -PP[ 01- 1285-0000 "'2618" 1026/32 104.00 J IL -CD 1010 DICTAPHONE VENDOR TOTAL 104.00 1531 `92.18 FINGER PRINT EQUIP 01-4:40 -5000 121.6/89 12/26/89 59:.16 .I -CD 1010 = ESHER'S, INC. VEW TOTAL 5 519 :4.05 IUI: CAL: "CT:CE FEE K 600.-E :2( 1:'2` -/:° 104.05 ,RW-CC- 1010 =:"WEE & COOVERCE VEW 'C'AL 1014.05 :So0 2!.00 3E;%' :CE FIRE E1T :%L. z{ 3F2t ' :' r . : :` . OC JPW - CI 10:0 :aE CONTRJL E►' :40: :9fP 1E% .7`- REP.!; • • 0 -, 3E ^•. FUR,4ASE .;CUhNA'- 4 - 00: ^! CITY OF 40M. .''M,Ri ItVVC1,.c 'JJE ►2C 4C. INVOICE NPW OATS DATE STAnJS Algllf. 3EV PT13N =A*, RFR: ERATION VFN- TOTAL ;7 7.75 _2.00 ;AS►± Off BOA' 12 /2b!8S .2J2b/29 2 ,RIE -_P . = C A 1vm TOTAL -00 .:760 112.80 SPLINE ON 12126/8 1 .2 1 26/89 312.80 JOL -CD V C DEMICAL CURE FETM TO 312.80 2: 480.00 WETERY SIGNS 12/26/84 12/26/89 480.00 JK-CV 394M SIGNS VE1M TOTAL 480.00 �:•'B2 389.86 CI -E SAM,BLADE 12. '.2.26/84 389.86 JK -CL DIER HARDWARE M. VE10OR TOTAL 389.86 0:800 685.90 CLUTCH -t8 600.00 TPA O I SSN - t13 12/26/8 12/26/84 1, 285.90 ,RNL-CD ;ART'S DIESEL SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 1285.90 G 0 05 195.00 NOV ONE .ALL SERV 12/26/89 121260 195.00 sx-CD GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC VENDOR TOTAL 195.00 x_560 290.80 REPAIR MPRESSIR 12/26/89 12126/89 :90.80 JRPI-CD - 07DEN-mipff VENDOR TOTAL 290.80 ►2080 64.50 CUT 9W. PETAL 72.45 PIPE 12/26/89 12/26/89 136.95 JRPI-S �ED(SEL PIOINE SHOP VEbOR TOTAL 136.95 ;120 f .95 POSTAL VERIF -NOV 1212618° 12!26/2? 2`.. ,RML -CD _'N CO DE PT OF PROPERTY T VENDOR TCTAL 25.95 _ 40 4,727.00 FAP:C PEN i MTAL:74 1 :'2612 1:126/8 4,721.00 JAL - :f -E 4N co S►E 9I «S IIEp - VE?L'IOF. 7: 4 4! . Dri PE: r S?E V DAT_ 12'26"89 TIME 14.06.14 4CCaA'r NUPIBEF MW. :!EC! i DATE 01 -409{ -4170 1010 22-417^ -2200 1010 80-8000 -4100 1010 01- 4340 -2350 1010 01- 4280 -3810 01-4?80 3810 1010 73- 7300 -3100 1010 78 -7800 -2300 1010 01- 4280-2300 01- 4290 -2250 1010 G: 4060 -3:10 1010 01- 41k)-? 1010 0i-41K0 -??IC x:-4:4: ?:0 ml . ^.%1 4 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 12/26/9 CIT OF n. W TIME 14.06.14 ts'L70F INVOICE U. ;W -IRE-:A:[ ►fI �C. iW410E NMBR DATE WE t VJS AMU' &SCR:r+'13N »:.v'., r "4^KEF AM33J ChD i DATE I2126/A9 !2':6�F 322.93 .1P11-CD : ^10 :_ -AND PARE; 9 w'L1 VENDOR -7;4L 322.°3 J=421 540.00 ^R ,WNITOP SEPV Qi 4 ^20 1 .2/26/8° 12/26x39 590.00 Jilt -CD 1011 6 5 CLEANING CO. VENDOP TOTAL 590.06 ,x440 111.68 CHEMICALS !2'26/891_'21.1 111.68 RW -CD ;'!0 J 8 DISTRIBUTING VENDOR TOTAL 111.68 ►_5QO 32.60 MTOS EXP 01-4190-4!2 12/26/8 !2/26/89 32.60 J1ll-CD 1010 JANET BERTRIMO V9W TOTAL 32.60 ►' "FSl 167.94 SCREMS,FUSES,ETC 01-42% -2310 64.06 PLOW BOLTS 01- 4280-2310 12/26/89 12126/89 232.02 Jill -CD 1010 $A PRODUCTS VEND TOTAL 232.02 L2W 80.00 '90 DIRECTORIES -PPD 01-1285 -0000 12/26/89 12/26189 80.00 JK-CD 1010 LEAGUE OF ►N CITIES VETS TOTAL 80.00 L_' 380 189.32 TUITION RE!*-HWR<LL 01- 4140 -41!0 12/26/89 12;26189 189.32 Jill -CD 1010 LE7NARD HAM VENDOR TOTAL 189.32 '*9;p !18.52 9ATTERIES ")-4170--''1% - 778.57 NOV Of SLPP. 01- 4290 -2310 12/26/89 !2 .6/8 897.09 Jill -CD 1 1C10 LOMELL'S AUTOMOTIVE /IITCD4 VDCW TOTAL 897.09 L2 700.00 TREE REMCJk 81-4rh-5:1 3,550.00 'REE REMNAL 01-439-!"10 121261 ?0 12 4f?; 4, N.oc JBl-CP 1010 TREE SERV VENDOR T OTAL 4 ► ;:40 1M.Do JAN Pf )D� "A:M F 12/261E 112,- ?0 135.00 .RNL - :D 1010 %S /S C"ATI7N VEW *CTk 135.00 may: ?1 1X.8C :p K ?ZX..3`� 12/26/99 -1 _,.M IOC.3C .;FALL r LJ Pl1R JCJRN' CITY OF 4M VEkDOF INVO:CE 011 Q1 K, I►dl"JICE NIfR BATE DATE STAPJS 4 DEKRI r-y,w 0 I2/26/89 1:/26189 N[xl>t�S FRANK 8005 ASSOCI# VENDOR TOTAL X3130 12/16/8 12/26/89 PETRO AREA MIT ASSN VENDOR TOTAL !t^s140 12/26,/89 12/26/89 METRO FIRE EG#1IP4W VERN TOTAL "3207 12/26/89 1212618 r, :OWES' BOLT L SIFPLY VDIOOR TOTAL KL 40 12/26/89 12/26/89 11 INN COMP VENDOR TOTAL w - got 12/26/ 12 -6189 Mh Cam! ; :RE 4 SAFETY VENDOi? TOTAL !_470 12/26/89 12/26!R9 4K '1AL E 'ES' M. '_AMTC 'JAN gF TOTAL rY,4f =40.00 NOV ENGP- DREDGE -PPr 6 NOV ENGR -DOCK "AF 542.00 NOV ENGR -DEPDT REHAB 30.00 NOV ENOR -PARK 270.00 NOV ENGR -CO 1 It LITES 120.00 NOV M_ I's 690.00 NOV ENGt -OMIGH 113.00 NOV M_ - WATER,'SEIER 113.00 NOV DIOR- NATER,fSM 30.00 NOV EAfx+-- TREETS 235.00 NOV ENGR- PLAN /INSP 30.00 NOV DIOR -VFW 440.80 NOV ENm- AERIAL PHOTOS 15.00 NOV ENOR- REVIEW AODIOA 60.00 NOV DIOR -LOST LAa 76.00 NOV DO -79 STREETS :20.00 NOV M- LANGDN VIEW ESCROW 90.00 NOV DIM-CATALTST ESCROW 30.00 NOV ENGR-0011ERL1E PLACE 3,972.80 JRNL -CD 3972.80 46.50 NAMA MTG 46.50 JRNL -CD 46.50 67.04 AIR COMP PARTS 67.04 Jt1L -CD 67.04 9.36 KITS 9,86 JRNL -CD 9.86 29.98 DEC PAGER RENT IN. 98 JRNL-CD 29.08 77.X KNEE POOT 77.00 JRNL-CD 77.00 44.X WA EP ANALYSIS 44.7<' Y* -CD 44,"K. SE;' .Ab -_° - WE '2' 26 TIME 14.Od.1 PRE -rA:D `E A' �''7 NurKr AnW, C E:K R DAr nl- G340-3100 01-4340 2t- s7oo -3' n� 73-73no- 3!�i�- 7R -780U -3100 0: -42SC :,100 01- 4100 -3:00 01 - 4190-310 01-4190-3100 01-4020 -3100 60-6000-3100 60-6000 -3100 01- 2300-0972 01-2300 -090` 64-5600-2100 1010 01- 4040-4120 1010 22- 4170 - -1 70 101^ 78-7800 -2300 1010 01-4140 -3950 !0!0 .�-4! 730C' IJ;U �AuE F U R L N S - E J 0 U R N A_ DATE 12 ?261'89 AF-0O2-01 CITY OF MOLTNv 71PE 14.06.14 ''NDOR INr1 :.c DyJE Hl; PRE - PAID Of :K NO. INVOIa 10 DATE :ATE S - A S N*INT 3E5CPI =':ON ACCOLNT KM Amw, AEI] ! DATE NKS HEALTH DEPT VE!C10R TOTS 13.00 M3610 181.48 COOLER REPAIR 71-7100 -33:0 12!26 /8 12;26•!?9 161.48 JRV- -CD 1010 M'YA REFRIGERATION 'V ENDOR TOTAL 181.48 N3710 29.1: PLENIGLASS 0; -4290 -2310 9.75 SCREWS ^1-4340 -100 38.66 NOV HM :2- 4170- - V 8.59 NOV HD WE 73- 7300 -22% 15.54 NOV 1101E 78- 7800 -2200 337.86 BLLBS-CBD 01- 1280 -1''00 1 2/26/89 12/26189 439.61 gill -CD 1010 NAVARRE HARDWARE VENDOR TOTAL 439.61 0770 506.18 WATER PETERS 73- 7300-1300 12!26189 12/26/89 506.18 JK -3 1010 NORTH STAR WAT -MMS PROS VENDOR TOTAL 506.!8 N3802 4,746.46 DEC ELEC 01 -4280 -3110 12126/89 4,746.46 ,lull -CD 1010 NORTHE,M STATES POWER VENDOR TOTAL 4746.46 M3 375.00 TAN( ;VMAL -IP PW 60 -6000 -3100 12/26/89 12/26/89 375.00 JRN. -CD 1010 NOVA ENVIROOMAL SERVICE VENOM TOTAL 375.00 P4031 205.45 JAN HOSP -M THARALSON 01 - I2/16/8 12/26/89 M.45 ,lW - 1010 PMTS!CIANS OF MI VENDOR TOTAL 205.45 P4049 30.00 11-12-1 EXTERMINATING 71-7100-4200 12126/89 12/26189 30.00 JRK-CD 1010 P.'M(ETT'S, INC VENDOR TOTAL 30.00 R4230 35.00 7 ID CARDS 01-4140-4100 11/26/?Q 12!26i8Q 35.00 JRNL - CD 1010 RCIDENTIFICATIONS VENDOR Tr7k 3`..00 54357 348.0( RADIAL ARM SAW 01- 434(-500(! 12/26/89 12/26/8 348.00 JOL-C1 1010 SEARS VENDOR 7 2'AL ?48.(00 su30 75.6( FOLD DOD :FPt w 4.0(.' FAY 01-1'4 "•l; 8 ,• • .. • u W E 7 PURCH SE JOURNAL C:TY OF ON v':YJR INVOICE ME HOU PRE -PAIQ C>�IC h ". 1WEICE WW DATE DATE STATUS A? QJNT DESCRIPTION ACCOIW KVW AMOUNT D�1E PRIN':NG VENDOR TOTAL 79.60 5 66.50 NOV CAR MASH 01-4140 -3810 7.00 NOV CAR MASK 01-4280-3810 12/26 12/26/89 73.50 JRWL-CD 1 1010 SK ING PARK CAR MASN VENDOR TOTAL 73.50 Sy90 211.96 114IT 9 SPRINGS 78-7800-3810 039.09 WO.SPRINGS -In 78-7800-3810 12/26/89 12/26/89 i, -1.05 JRAL-CD 1010 5 SPRP19 CO VENDOR TOTAL 1551.05 SAS90 582.35 MOVE SERV -L:F' STATN 78-7800-4 --U 12/26/89 12/26/89 582.35 JRNL -CD 1010 S'E it ELECTRIC CO Vow TOTAL 582.35 S4590 75.26 &M PIPE 73-7300-2300 0 12/26/89 12/26/89 7.26 -RL-CD 1010 S'VENS WELL CONPANT VENDOR TOTAL 75.26 54500 194.90 MAP LIGHTS,SPEAKER 01- 4140 -3810 778.35 BALLISTIC SHIELD 01- 4140 -5000 12/26/89 12/26/89 973.25 JRNL-CD 1 .010 MICIEP.'S VENDOR TOTAL 973.25 54610 30.33 TUBES 73- 7300 -2300 30.33 TLW 78- 7800 -2300 10.11 TUBES 01-4280-2310 498.00 TIRES 73-7300-2300 852.96 TIRES 78-7800 -2300 12126/89 12/26189 1,421.73 JRNL-CD 1010 S:1 LWX TIRE CO VENDOR TOTAL 1421.73 54530 10.56 NOV GASOLINE 01-4190 -2210 24.13 NOV GASOLINE 01-4290-2210 86.85 NOV GASOLINE 01-4340 -2210 674.82 NOV GASOLINE 01-4290-- 121.48 OCT GASOLINE 22- 4170-2210 99.27 NOV GASOLINE 78-7800-2210 203.68 NOV GASOLINE 73-7300-2210 9.90 GLOVES 73-7300 -2200 720.47 NOV GASOLINE 01-4140-2210 • 12/26/89 12/26/89 1,951.16 J K -CD 1010 3.1PERANEFiCA VEROOR TOTAL 1x51.16 '4'16 93.50 'EMP HELP 73- 7300.1300 5;.00 TEND HELP 01-4270-1340 1 :: �26!£� t:reit� 1u.50 JMtnl•CD tow =AGE S PURCHASE JOUFNA AR -0O2-01 CITY OF MOUND FEW !MICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE ON DATE DATE S'ATUS AHOUNT DESCRIPTION 7 WORAF:ES '0 GO VENDOR TOTAL :44.5^ ACCOLINT NAW Af"T DIED t DATE 14730 25.00 THANCSGiV AD 12/26/39 12/26/84 25.00 JK -CD THE LAKER VENDOR TOTAL 25.00 747n $47.22 REPAIR 88 CELEB 12/26/8912/26/80 547. ,)BBL -CD T4RK 90 DIEVROLET VENDOR TOTAL 547.22 T4925 107.90 ROUD STAND 12/26/84 121264c 107.40 JOE-CD TREND- LINES, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 107.90 -4991 82.58 TREE TRUST PROD EXP 12126189 12/26/89 82.58 URNL-CD TWIN CITIES TREE TRUST VEND TOTAL 82.56 115040 104.99 RIBBONS 12/26;89 12/26/P° 104.99 ,18112 -CD UARCO INC VENDOR TOTAL 104.94 V5190 1,040.00 NOV PLAN CONSULT 227.50 NOV COIF PLAN-COBG 12/26/89 12/26/89 1,267.50 JRNL-CD VAIVIEN-HAIARD-STALLINGS VENDOR TOTAL 1267.50 15430 142.82 XELD,NUT 12/26189 12/26/89 142.82 ,IRfL-CD RATER PRODUCTS COIPANY VENDOR TOTAL 142.82 W5450 14.52 COUPLER 12/26189 12/26/89 14.52 ,1RNL -C: WATIATA AUTO SERVICE VENOM TOTAL 14.52 WM29 83.84 WCAN TELE 159.38 WCAN RENT 121'26/89 12!26/89 243.22 JRNL-CD WESTONNA COMU4ITY ACTH W VENDOR TOTAL 243.2 166V 1, 0°5.00 2 I LAKEM-ASSESS :,000.00 6340 BATRIDGE-BFEAK 544.00 RAMBLEP LN•BPcA► 162.00 DUG LIP I INSTAL',,:D 9O 683.25 9CWPLOWIW-3 /4 :27.75 SN ,OWINO-:14 r DATE 12,XPP TIME 14.06.14 PRE -PAID CHECK ACCOLINT NAW Af"T DIED t DATE 71-7100-3500 1010 01-4143 -3810 1010 01- 4340 -2200 1010 01-4340 -2200 1010 01-4190-2100 1010 01-4190-3100 16-5894 -3100 1010 73-7300-2300 1010 7 .'- 7300 -2300 1010 16-5886-4100 16-5886-4100 1010 78-1190-0000 73- 7300-3800 79- 7800 -3900 78- 7800 -3600 40-6000-4200 01.4280 -4;00 • • • a OL 9 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP- 002.01 CITY OF MOUND VENDOR INVOICE DUE ItOL.D NO. INVOICE *9 DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT 'DESCRIPTION '.2/.6/89 12/26/89 3,711.00 JRIL -CO 0 INC Yom TOTAL 3711.00 IFA" 8,560.03 ev CONCRETE sae- 1639.85T 12/24/8912/26/89 8,560.03 JAK431 NR 1M.L9t i SOMB %ow TOTAL 8560.03 r cm 3.783.00 NN PROSEVION 014110.3120 12126/8912/26/89 3,783.00 JR14. -M or- PdM8bRAMON , Vm TFAL 3783.00 CI- 4320-5600 t010 "m 01 K5.76 OCT,MW -5452 12/26/89 12/26/89 663.76 JAIL -L4 im CONWITION VERlNYR TOTAL 665.76 1010 1585/1 20.40 Nrt B,F1= W 19.00 my Corma 14.00 11t11�B 12/26/89 12/26/69 53.40 AL -L to'S INC YEW TOTAL 53.40 25870 9 LOADER AFFAIR , 12/26/89 12/26/89 9,920.57 AL-CD ZIEGLER INC VENDOR TOTAL 9920.57 TOTAL ALL VENDORS 71,759.85 • ys -y("zS" 7/ a 11An aMW TIME 14.4444 PILE - PIE D CHO �. ACCMW IRiNO9! AItOlA1T CHM ti DATE .� 1010 y 4 01- 4280.2340 lOtO r 014110.3120 1010 �s CI- 4320-5600 t010 01 G 01-41'10.2200 01- 4280 -2310 1010 01- 4260-4200 1010 ys -y("zS" 7/ i 'fix l + 1 IRCN;SE ,;OU k:L PG'E12!291c A1►- 00�' -41 =TY OF M,OX 'iM::C.5fi.4S "" VEND INVOICE DIE; ROLL' °'?; - FM:P CHED' NO. INVOICE NCR DATE DATE STA:JS AMO,'N? DES7 1PT :ON / A:rJJN, J!1KF 4 4 DATE 10549 PRE -PAID :,M.6: LIC 71 -7100 - 12/2y/89 12/29/89 :.655.61 JMNL -CD 3010::: -:6,8� BELLBOY CORPORATION VET400R TOTAL 1655.61 X920 PRE -PAID 32.14 REPLEN P/C - 12/29189 12/29/89 31.14 JOL -CD :010 K.14 30 :10 :11 PRE -PAID 41.18 REPLEN P/C-POL 01- 4140 - 00 12/29/89 12/29/89 41.18 JRNL -CD 1010 4:.:8 30123 12!29/89 CITY OF MW VENDOR TOTAL 73.3: 01001 PIE -PAID 2,296.24 SIT 12/23 PR 01- 2040 -0000 12/29/89 12/29/89 2,2%.24 AL-CD 1 ,010 :296.:4 30111 :2/28/89 CDNMISOI NER OF WME 00 TOTAL 22296.24 01081 PIE -PAID 139.00 PRINTER RIBBOIE 22- 4170 -_'00 12/29/89 12/29/89 139.(0 JRN- 1010 + -3 3011 12/28/89 MWEXT SYSTEMS MWIATES VEND► TOTAL 139.00 01219 PRE -PAID 45.60 5 CONTRACT HORS 814350 -3100 12/29189 12/29/89 A` e0 JRN. -CD 1010 45.60 30109 12/26/89 aim RlmPH MW TOTAL 45.60 E1429 PRE -PAID 370.73 LIG 71- 7100 -9510 426.55 MINE 71-7100 -9520 12.15- DISC 71 -7100 -9560 48.20 MIX 71-7100 -9510 • 12/29/89 12/29/89 833.33 AIL-CD 1010 8'3.,3 30105 12116/89 PRE -PATO 764.96 LIC 71- 7100-9510 $5.90 MINE 71-7100-9520 15.86- DISC 71- 7100 -9560 12/29189 12/29189 805.00 JML -CD 1010 305.00 301- :2118/89 PRE -PAID 435.98 LID 71-7100 -9510 1,431.16 MINE 71-7100-9520 23.02- DISC 11- 7100 -9w 12/29/89 12/29j39 1,844. ,MNL -CD :010 :?44. 301:7 ?;/1or89 9 PHILLIPS i SONS VENDOR TOTAL 3482.55 61955 PRE -PAID 1,31f.0C DEF C" 11/23 PR 1:- :040 -1 12/29/89 11/29189 1,3:"8.00 JP`L-CP INC : 301 :7 11126/8 GREAT WEST LIFE ASS AM VE`W TOTAL 1328.00 y,2 ' :1972 PREPAID 468.4` LlG u .OS W!* %1 710( 9510 so /oo - 3• I - i P 13.9` 39 CISC FPr 74-7100-OW 7:-7,0646% y U R C P. A S E C DATE. 2/2M CM OF NIOLNr TIME 1C.5S.4*. :Nrj::E XlE PRE -FAIR -A-: t - AVNT DES:;.'D 13N AC:W MMEF AM W CHED # DATE 1K.10- SIG 19 10 St . r_2 WINE 71-1100-95.'0 LEK 71-7100-9560 7.59 FRTC 71- .' 2 14 '1 10 1211 , 21Z./lI9 590.2* JRNL-:r 1010 590.30 3012 !. t 2 9 /8 0 is :MS COOPER t :GWANI V-400P Tr,,TA' 1279.24 <14` =RE PAID 288.46 2ED 12 !2^ PR 01- 2 2040-0000 ?98.48 YK. - cr 1010 V.46 3011? 1. HENN CO SJPPOFT t COLLECT* 'VENDOR TOTAL :%,.46 PRE-PAIE 51. ICMA 457 I2,f23 PR 01-2W-0000 . 2m/89 I. - nnieg 512.90 JK - CI) 1010 512.90 110 lUn.lv !:9A RETIREMENT TRUST -457 VEPM T:Tk 512. I:? 04 PRE-PAID 91.98 INA 401 1212: PR 01-2040 -0000 12129/89 0 ,1011A 91, 01 - ift-c!) 1010 91.9F 30115 12/281 RETIREMENT TRYST -401 VENDOR TOTAL 91.98 J 571 PRE-PAID "'1 162.50 25 CONTRACT HOlJRS 01-4 40-3100 12 12/2918 162.50 JK-CD 1010 162.50 30106 12/26/8 JOM TAFTE VENDOR TOTAL 162.50 :2579 PRE-PAID 2,29.31 LI9 71-7100-9510 623.07 WINE 71-7100-9520 51.01- DISC 71-7100-9560 12 12/29/89 2,901.37 JFX-CD 1010 2901.37 30104 12/26M PRE-PAID 821.28 WINE 71-7100-9520 12/29/89 12/2 821. JOIL-3 1010 821.28 30121 12128M PRE -PAID 2,108.36 LIQ 71-7100-9510 2,755.57 WINE 71-7100-9520 69.76- DISC 71-7100-9560 12/29/89 12/29/8 4,794.17 YX - C r 1010 4794.7 30126 12129M JNFSON W13S MESALE '"I# VEW TCTAL 8416.82 ::!.Bo PRE-PAID 171.86 BAGS 71-7100-22W 12/29M 171.86 JRNL-CD 1010 171.86 30107 12f26189 J046a PAPER COMPANY VTK T74, 171.46 . ;6ry5 PRE-FAI'D 5,096.50 REM ESCROW-C" SO 0 12/2 121N,/? 5,096.90 J L-CD 1010 5096.50 3011' 12128/89 JFN PROPERTIES, INC VENOOF `]'k 50 rl: 71 PRE-PAID 1,118.50 rlEC SAC 78 2?c4 0000 3 c( J"__ll 14 DATE 'I!E PRE -DAIL" CHECY ACMA" NJMES Am -3JN' -: EDK t DATE 01 -41 -32!0 !010 ,7.55 30101 12'2i/8 :i'!0 ��.00 3011612'29;8 73-7300 -3210 78- 7800-.'•210 1010 !29.87 30100 1:;20/89 01-2^40-0000 1010 6158.60 30112 12128/8 71-7100 -9510 71-7100 -9520 71-7100-9560 1010 2234.17 30106 12/26/89 71- 7100 -9510 71-7100-9520 71- 7100-9560 1010 14 30128 1:/2 01-2040 -0000 1010 10114.13 301!0 12/28/89 9/2 3 • • • HA5E J0JRN�_ AF - 0O2 -M .:-� OF Wax V'voR 1NVCICE D'JE 4L'L' N^. TKI010E NO DATE DATE STATJS A"7'JNT XKRIPT:OK 'E'RO WASTE COM MMM1+ VENDOR TO'AL 1!38.5C PREPAID :7.55 %:3" LIP PLATS-ALEX PI:,CoMr! a C 12/2°/3 '2/2' 17.55 JRNL -CD ":'.VEST DELIVERY SEPVICE,+ VENDOR TC'AL ! %.7 2?ull PRE -PAID 288.00 Tc COMP 12!23 PR 12/: 12 :43.00 ,FNL_Cv Mti RETIREMENT SYSTEM VEW, TOTAL . Mw20 PRE -PAID 64.93 POSTG FOR WTR BILLS 64.94 c%TG FU WiR BILLS 1:/29/89 12/29;80 129.87 Pt-CD MAD °OSTMASTER VENDOF: TOTAL 129.87 r"Sf' PRE -PAID 6,1::3.60 °ERA 12/23 PR 12/29/89 12 ,120/8 6,158.6C JX -CO F E R A VENDOR TOTAL 6158.60 r4 :71 PRE -PAID 1,724.59 L 549.55 W:NE 39.97- DISC 12/':9/89 12/2 2,234.17 JRNL-CD PRE -PAID 1,086.61 LIQ 435.10 WINE 26.07 - DISC 12/29/89 12/29/89 1,495.64 ,RNL -CD RKITI WINE 6 SPIRITS VENDOR TOT4. 3719.81 54500 PRE -PAID 10,114.13 FIT 17/23PR 12129/x9 12/29/89 10,114.13 J X -CD SATE BANK OF MUM VENDOR TOTAL 10114.13 TOTAL ALL VENDORS 46,617.04 14 DATE 'I!E PRE -DAIL" CHECY ACMA" NJMES Am -3JN' -: EDK t DATE 01 -41 -32!0 !010 ,7.55 30101 12'2i/8 :i'!0 ��.00 3011612'29;8 73-7300 -3210 78- 7800-.'•210 1010 !29.87 30100 1:;20/89 01-2^40-0000 1010 6158.60 30112 12128/8 71-7100 -9510 71-7100 -9520 71-7100-9560 1010 2234.17 30106 12/26/89 71- 7100 -9510 71-7100-9520 71- 7100-9560 1010 14 30128 1:/2 01-2040 -0000 1010 10114.13 301!0 12/28/89 9/2 3 • • • �:.Y � c 0� C g E � 0 „ G N "_ - or MCK . 1 W:4P 1147 :iATE S'A Ale DEF 1 4:Rc '.'E% TOTAL 5 40 7. DK OXYGEN 7.5:' DEC OXYGEN 5 0 DEC OXYGEN .50 TEI, ACETYLENE PA'WE COMPANY ' Tc'AL 30. OC2 K660 12 PAINT,WASHERS !/05/ 1/05/90 123.74 JRNL BOWMAN DI S7 T BLfT 'JON VEW TOTAL 123.7 "Y320 1,174.04 BE SALT' 1/051 1l05i90 1,174.04 JW. O ARG ILL SALT DV!SION kW TOTAL !174.04 11 84. r XIC 29.99 " SPEAKERS 1/05/90 1/05190 114.Q8 JRN--CD CHAMPION AUTO STORES VENDOR TOTAL 114. CW. 40.60 REPLEN P /C-OFFICE 4.57 REPLEN P/C-OFFICE 5.08 REPLEN P/C-YFICE 3.90 REPLEN P/C-OFFICE 12.1 REPLEN P/C .05 REF UN P/C-OFFICE 11.94 REPLEN P/C-OFFICE 1/051'90 1/05/90 77.71 JRNL-CI) C: TY OF MOUND VENIV TOTAL 77.7: C 040 33.84 DEC RUG RENT 47.7E DEC RUG RENT 8:.&o JRNL I T :JAN S'FF RENTAL VENDOR TC'AL si.hc X o 3CA CIA qOTTLjW 'vc-W T OTAL M 1t - ?%T14EN'k TE.EPHC* SErlf F-KOF 01-4n-2310 :010 logo 7?-7W-2.U 1010 0:4140 0!-4140-3210 01-4090-r,10 0! -4000 -4!20 01 0:-41 0'.- - 1010 01-4 nI-41 4010 10 4: V - I 9 / 2- y Is- PUPC14 ASE JC'FAAL CIT' OF 'ICJNC .R :NVC :CE U aOLD _. :NV^ ::E NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMTJK DESC.°: : - :3K 21..kl X7 :71EP MAINT 1, 1105;90 ::.00 .rx -C: :3F' DYL :CATING PRODUCTS VENDOR TO . REPAIR DOOR 1/05/90 1 11 05! 9 0 92.75 JRNL -CD 7:oFOPD DOOR SALES VENDOR TOTAL 92.'5 _00 3,341.27 JEC BEER 1 /05! 1105/90 3,341.27 JRNL -CD DISTRIBUTING CO VDOOR TOTAL 3341.27 .130 13.20 MILEAGE--HUD 333.00 MILEAGE 1105/90 1/05/90 46.'0 - JRL-CD :EJRIS SD%ALBE VENDOR TOTAL 46.20 :: ^n 413.k DEC CHEF SALARY 1/05/90 1/05/90 413.00 ,1RIL -CD 7 L BRYCE VENDOR TOTAL 413.00 ::?32 299.40 XORINE 1/(15/90 1/05190 299.40 JRNL-CD :PC INDUSTRIES, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 2".40 ::39) 6.50 LP GAS 7.95 KEROSENE 1/05/90 1/05190 14.45 JRNL-CD :AE'S 66 SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 14.45 1:420 5,500.71 DEC BEER 1/05/90 1/05190 5,500.71 JRNL -CD 'AZ 7 SIDE BEVERAGE VENDOR TOTAL 5500.71 .:430 30.36 MILEAGE 9.00 MTG ET; /05/90 1/05190 39.36 JRNL CD' -WARP SHJt'LE VENDOR TOTAL '-' k =:.4: 27o DEC M: r 1/05/90 1/05/ :70.00 JR L Cl ' -+EFT' S HAPPY TYME VENDOR TIC AL :70.00 ACCO'1rT N!rBER Ape-K D»T� : : -4 :70-310 :olu 7 1 -':00 -9530 01- x(w0-3?40 01-x090 -iot0 1010 :2- 4170 -1370 1010 73- 7'300 - 2260 1010 73-7300-2''00 01-4290- '00 1010 7! -7:00 -9530 1010 01- 40x0 -3340 01-4040.41?'} ,010 71.71,, °`x( 1013 • • 0 RAM 3 PUPCHASE J0UFNAL DATE : /05/ A;-0O2 -01 CITY OF MOUN^ 'IME .31.52 .rw INVOICE DUE HOL" PRE - P AU , C!ECV aO. INVOICE N►!BP DAT= DATE STATi,'S 4nl%T - ESM k M' NJMI9ER AP"T :FE`S I DATE Fx1F ST* BAR SUPPLY VENDOP TYAL Z26.48 =i 444.05 OEC FREIGHT 1/051 1/05! 444. JRNL -CD =%ANCKS 'RUCKING VET? TC -A` 444.95 :!750 220.00 70A CONF C!- 40 -4110 1/05/ 1/0 - - 1 0.00 JRNL -CD !010 A VENDOR ?C"k 220.00 :1370 258.37 DEC 4ARSHALL SALARY ::-4:7:-:370 1/05/90 1 /05190 258.37 JRML - CD 101C GERALD BAq VENDOR TOTAL 258.3 C!8o0 20.55 DEC WATER COOLER 01- 4140-4100 40.50 DEC WATER COOLED 3 i- 4090 -2200 6. DEC WATER COOLEF 0!- 4280 -r00 2.63 DEC WATER COOLER 73-7300 -2200 2.44 DEC WATER COU-EP '8 -7800 -2200 1/05,/90 1/05,/K 73.65 JRML -CD 1010 OLEIMM INGLEWDOC VENDOR TOTAL 73.65 x.120 140.0` ASSESSMENT CHARGES 30.00 -4!00 1/05/00 1 /05 / 140.05 JRML-CD IMO CM CO DEPT OF PROPERTY T VEND? -G'AL !40.05 42140 4,'46.34 RENT 5 INSTALL FEE -FIRE 22- 4170 -?00r 24,00 SPEAKER REPAIP 01- 4140-^320 2". NOV BOOH:ING FEE 01-4110 -4250 1/05/90 1105/90 `,070.30 JRML- 1010 -EM CO SHERIFFS DEPT VENDOR TOTAL 5070.30 x 160 1,717.98 NOV 9W, 01-4110 -4250 1/05/90 1 /0.`•,1 1, 717.08 JRNL -CD !M Q X-N CO 'REASI.IRES VENDOP 'OT :717. !('!.5! ALTERVTOR 1!0 ° /�0 1 /OSIOf' 1U1.`d JPNI-�D 101(' :!AND PAW SKELLY 'AW T74L 10:.`,6 ^520 1 - 'S, 48 FLASH 'UBES C 1 42 ?P 2.10 1 /0`; I /0`l / !2H.48 JRML•CD !n;r ,:M HAT W SALES CC V_NDOF ."AL a= q :0 t.. pq 2( 0 41 4 PURCHASE JOIiFM DATE 1/05190 W-0O2-01 CITY 3.F 03M 'IWE 11.31.5: .�:ly INVOICE ME HIV PRE -PAID CHECY ti .:�r. MIBR DATE DATE S'c JE N JNT. DESCRiF 34 ACL*)Pr WMBER AMDJNT DIED 0 1 ,0TE JOE: RJMM VENDOR TOTAL 6.87 1/05/ 1/05/90 ?5�. JRNL -CD IG10 JOHN BE! INS VENDOR TOTAL M. 95 ,,0 5.24 MILEAGE 01-4090-:40 1/05/90 1/7`;°0 5.24 JRK -rD 1010 ,L'DI'H A FISHER VPW TO 5.24 L2752 233.24 NO'V,DEC GASOLINE 22- 4170 - =10 1/05/90 1/05/90 233.24 JRNL-CD 1010 LlWBATT'S SPRING PARK SPUR VENDOR TOTAL 233.24 L2 8.55 XMAS LE?'WADS 01-4040-4100 1/05190 1/05/90 8.55 JRK-3 1010 :ARSON PRINTING i I;AAPHICS yEW. TOTAL 8.55 L 911 10.03 MILEAGE 01-4090-3340 1/05/90 1/05/90 10.03 JRNL-CD '.010 LOIS SANDWiUIST YET4DOR TOTAL 10.03 M3030 `,244.85 DEC BEER 71-7100 -9530 1/05/90 1105/90 5,244.85 JRNL-CO 1010 MARK VII DISTRIBUTOR VENDOR TOTAL 5_44.85 F-460 15.00 CHANGE TIRE 01-4,40 -381(1 4/90 1/05/90 15.00 JRNI -CD 1010 MARTIN1 NAVARRE 66 VENDOR TOTAL 15.00 83171 0;7.33 NDV INSP, PLAN PEVIEM 01- 4;40 -31rk 1/05/90 1/05/90 93 7.33 JRWL -CD 1010 METK WEST INSPECTION SER+ VENDOR TOTAL 9 37.33 !:40 124.50 KE Y NOTE VOICE PAOF 78- 7800 -WS0 124.50 KEYNOTE VOICE PAir_P 7:- 7300-39`.0 1/05/90 1/0"! :4 JRPL-CD 1010 M :NN COMM IENDDF TC'AL -4 °. C, rrxG x,4.30 ("AS [ :NNEF•RESEP'VES 01- :300-::20 1/05/90 1/05;90 3iA - 3(l JP►L-CD 101r r :4fTth_A Ml S' VENDOR TCTAL ' ?4.30 41.00 r'�lULAF 'E-E 0:•414C-:2'r: 14 05/90 1/05/40 4°.^V - e,L-�-,C :',;r. • • • AF- CO: -O: C:TY OF nOUND YBW INVOICE DUDE HMO NO. INVOICE NlRNR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION MN CELLULAR TELEPFDNE CO VENDOR TOTAL 45.00 199.00 HOOD 82.50 1000 1/05/90 :/05/90 .71.50 ,1RIL -S MN CONWAY FIRE 11 SAFE7Y VEW. TOTAL 271.50 M3490 4,514.75 DEC SALARIES 1,000.00 DEC MINT 665.00 DEC DRILLS 117.04 '89 MILEAGE 1 /05/x0 1/05/90 6,296.79 ,Bt1L-CD MUN FIRE DEPARTMENT VENDOR TOTAL 6296.79 P3"4 100.00 DEC WINE 1/05/90 1/05/90 100.00 AL-M PAUSTIS L SONS VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 P40DO 170.54 DEC MIX 1/05/90 1/05/90 170.54 JRNL-CD PEPSI-COLA COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 170.54 P4060 2,129.15 DEC BEER 1/05/90 1/05190 :,129.15 Jlx -CD S FOA DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL :129.15 R4209 73.00 DEC GARBAGE 1/05/90 1/05/90 73.00 ,RNL -CD RANDT'S SK TATION VENDOR TOTAL 73.00 R42T 20.00 ID CARDS 1/05/90 1/05/90 20.00 .M-CD RCIDENTIFICATIONS VENDOR TG'AL :0.00 R42B0 2!0.00 DEC ASST CHIEF SALARY 1/05/ 1 /OS rv0 200.00 Y%-CD RONALD MARSH VENDOR TOTAL 00.00 94290 124. d° DEC ICE I /45 /or' 1/05/90 :24.80 Yit -CD RON'S ICE CowANT VENDOR 'O?AL 124.8 G {'rife .00 :'WY - SHU►1E RO'AFY :1—IF OF 90_hD 1E4DOF 'C?AM- 254,Gn • TIME 11.11.53 PRE -PAID CHM ACCpNT NUMBER AMOUNT CIM 1 DATE 22-4170 -'_200 22- 4170 -2270 1010 22-4170-1390 22- 4170-3190 22- 4170-1380 22- 4170-22M 1010 71-7100-9520 1010 71-7100 -9540 1010 71 -7100 -9530 1010 01- 4320 - 37`x(! 1010 X1-4140-4100 1010 4170 -1370 :0:0 71-'1 ^0 -x4r 101? :1 W -C °7 io I 1, loo - W- 002-01 C:7Y OF !CLW TIME 11.31.52 YOM INVC:CE DE HOLD PRE -PAID DECK 0. INVOICE NM DATE DATE STATUS AMOIMlT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MU NT DECK t DATE 54430 1,062.68 PRINTED FORMS 01-4140-21:0 1/^5!°0 1 /05Ia0 :,062.68 JRNL -CD 1010 SOS PRINT ING 'nNDOF' TOTAL 54440 7.00 DEC CAR MASH 01-4 -3810 105.00 DEC CAP MASH 01-4140 -3810 11 1 /05;90 112.00 ,MRNL-CD 1010 SPRING PART( CAR MASH VENDOR TOTAL 112.00 54643 25.00 REPAIR LOCK 22- 4170 -3830 35.00 FO0 KEY 01 -4290 -2330 52.00 BROKEN KEY - -U7 73- 7300 -4200 1/05/'0 1/05/90 11 ,MDU.-CD 1010 90NSON LOCK VENDOR TOTAL 112.00 54644 `' FIRE PREY MATERIAL '- 4170-2280 1/75/90 1105/90 298.00 AL-CD 1010 ST►OISTAR, INC VENDOR TOTAL 298.00 T4716 57.38 TM HELP 01- 4270 -1300 1!05/90 1/05190 57.38 ,MRNL -CD 1010 TEMPORARIES TO GO VENQIOR TOTAL 57.38 T4730 700.00 HOLIDAY AC-LIO 71- 7100-3500 • 20.83 HELP MTD AD -LI6 71-7100 -3500 103.27 LEGALS 01- 4020 -3510 13.1 AD-DUMP TRUCK 01- 4340 -3510 25.51 PID AD-DFEDGING 81-4350 -'—Y00 1/05/90 1!05/90 862.97 ,MRN.-CD 1010 TIE LAKEP VENDOR TOTAL 862.97 X4770 12,173.70 DEC BEER 71-7100 -" 1 11 1 05190 1/05/90 12,173.70 ,MRNL-CD 1010 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 1- T4798 1.00 39 HANDBOOK 01-4190- 21CK) 1/05/90 1/0`./ 1.0(' ,MRNL - :010 TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA, I VENDOR TOTAL 1.00 '4 1,127.15 REPAIR PWr 7R 7800 - ?.800 "OF /Q0 1,127.15 JPW-CD 1010 ''-: - STATE PUMP � CON' "l : '"_ rQR TOTAL '4 4F.,30 DEr "11 7: - 7 1 V -�40 JJF% -CD ,n I 1, loo • January 4, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Greg Skinner, Water & Sewer Supt. SUBJECT: December Activity Report WATER DEPARTMENT In December we pumped 23,219,000 gallons of water. We had 5 water main breaks this month. With the blast of cold arctic air that we had, there was quite a few freeze ups and broken water line calls. SEWER DEPARTMENT The Sewer Dept. is working on their preventive maintenance on the lift stations this month. This consists of gate valve operations, panel checks, pump and compressor inspections, etc. • /o/ 11 �� Now C F IN of !I(A'N1) January 4, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Joyce Recycling Coordinator SUBJECT: December's Recycling Hennepin County Commissioners have passed a resolution beginning April 1, 1990 the County will only accept yard waste in bulk form and not in plastic bags. We will be signing an agreement with the City of Minnestrista. We will be in better shape than alo- of cities. We will still be reimbursed 80% funding for 1990, but it 1991 is when Hennepin County is thinking of changing their funding policy. They will be reimbursing us on a per ton basis, so the more we recycle the more we will get paid. For 1989 we have recycled a total of 466.76 tons or 12% of our waste stream. This figure is just from our curbside program. In 1988 we recycled 200.7 tons for our curbside program, so you can see we have more than doubled our tonnage by going twice monthly and with the containers, even with the drop -off site for 3 months during the summer. December's tonnage was 29.62 tons • 1 02. w �pop :IT'N' o N K)l' \'I ) • January 4, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Greg Bergquist Mechanic SUBJECT: December's Shop Report December brought the City some of the coldest weather yet this year. As a result 27 cold starts were required, even with the normal measures taken for cold weather operations. I installed 4 auxiliary heaters, repaired 3 and replaced 6 batteries. Fuel saturated oil was removed from 6 vehicles. /03 11 ROAD January 4, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Geno Hoff, Street Supt. SUBJECT: December Activity Report As you all know a good part of December was well Lelow normal as far as cold weather goes. The street crew spent alot of time pulling maintenance and repair to equipment. We only had 7" of snow this month. We plowed and sanded twice and sanded 5 times. We spread 80 loads of salt /sand. CTelm WnDv We took down 16 stop signs that were damaged either by spray paint or faded by the sun, refaced them and put them back up. We also replaced 6 street name signs. CEMETERY We had quite a lot of activity at this cemetery this month. We had 4 stakeouts and 4 stone locations. The person who usually digs the graves and helps set the stones passed away this month, so we've spent some time showing the new people what has to be done. • goy �f, T • • M OU� 5341 Maywood Road Tetepi101$ , Mound, MN 56364 . Notch 1 L E EMERQENa 911 ' am of IbNa TO: Ed Shukle FROM: Len Harrell;�_r SUBJECT: Monthly Report for December, 1989 I. STATISTICS The police - department responded to 736 calls for serv- ice during the monta of December. There were YV Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 3 criminal sexual conduct., 1 aggravated assault, 10 burglaries, and 19 larcenies, and 5 vehicle thefts. There were 62 Part II offenses reportgd. Those of- fenses included 7 child abuse /neglect,• 7 forgery /NSF checks, 4 criminal damage to property, 4 narcotics violations, 1 liquor law, 5 DWI's, 9 simple assaults, 4 domestics (2 with assaults) , 6 harassment, 2 runaway /truancy, and 13 other offenses. The patrol division issued 98 adult citations end 1 ¢ juvenile citation. Parking violations accounted for an additional 56 citations. Warnings were issued to 53 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 7 adults and 15 juveniles arrested for felonies. Two adults and 3 juveniles were ar rested for misdemeanors. There were 10 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 13 vehiclular accidents', two with injuries. There were 33 medical emergencies and 71 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agenciai on 15 occasions in December and requested assistance 11 times. Property valued at $21,533 was stolen during in Decep- ber, with $21,375 being recovered. 1 '0� t MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER, 1989 II. INVESTIGATION Investigators worked on 9 child protection cases and 3 criminal sexual conduct cases in December. These 12 cases accounted for almost 76 hours of investigative time. In addition, cases involving burglary, arson, narcotics, assault, theft, NSF checks, possession of stolen property, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and truancy were investigated. One search warrant was executed in December. Investigators also followed up leads as requested by the Jacob Wetterling Task Force of individuals and vehicles in our area. Formal complaints were issued for public nuisance, theft, motor vehicle theft, fleeing a police o_ficer, liquor in the park, open bottle, no insurance, and pos- session of fireworks. 0 investigator Grand spent 45 hours in the schools in December. Officer Truax continued the D.A.R.E. program at Our Lady of the Lake in December. III. personnel /Staffing The department used 128 hours of over -time during the month of December. Officers used 70 hours of sick time which accounted for some of the over -time. Other use of over -time came from an involved court case that necessitated 3 officers in court over a several day period. Officers uses: 28 holidays during the month and 21 days of vacation. Officers earned 37 hours of comp -time and used 70 hours of comp -time. 2 I] 'ON MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER, 1989 IV. Training Officers received 4.5 days of outside training in December. That training consisted of emergency med =cal training. Each of the officers, as well as many of the reserves, attended a day long training in the use of the side - handle baton. Each officer will be certified in its use in January at an additional four hour train- ing session. V. Reserves a, • lad DECEMBER, 1989 0 TOTA< 28 Hennepin County Child Protection B CHIPS 1 TOTAL 736 4 15 20 32 5 • 104 1 OFFENSES CLEARED EXCEPT. CLEARED By ARRESTED REPORTED UNFOUNDED CLEARED ARREST ADULT JUVENILE PART I CRIMES Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Sc.ual Conduct 2 1 1 0 2 1 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 1 0 0 0 0 0 Burglary 10 0 1 0 0 0 Larceny 19 1 2 1 1 0 Vehicle Theft 5 1 0 3 4 1 Arson 0 0 0 U 0 0 TOTAL 37 3 4 4 7 2 PART 11 CRIMES Child Abuse /Neglect 7 1 5 1 2 0 Forgery /NSF Checks 7 0 0 1 0 0 Criminal Damage to Property 4 0 0 0 0 0 weapons 0 0 0 0 0 0 Narcotics 4 0 0 4 5 0 Liquor Laws 1 0 0 1 0 1 DWI 5 0 0 5 5 Simple Assault 9 0 3 1 0 1 1 Domestic Assault 2 0 1 1 1 0 Domestic (No Assault) 2 0 0 0 0 0 Harassment 6 0 1 0 0 0 Runaway /Incorrigibility /Truancy 2 0 1 1 0 1 Public Peace 1 0 0 0 0 0 Trespassing 1 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Offenses 11 0 0 1 2 0 TOTAL 62 1 11 16 15 3 PART III i PART IV Property Damage Accidents 11 Personal Injury Accidents 2 Fatal Accidents 0 Medicals 33 Animal Complaints 71 Mutual Aid 15 Other General Investigations 496 TOTA< 28 Hennepin County Child Protection B CHIPS 1 TOTAL 736 4 15 20 32 5 • 104 1 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER, 1989 0 1 /09 THIS YEAR TO LAST YEAR GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY MONTH DATE TO DATE Hazardous Citations 65 1,429 1,333 Non - Hazardous Citations 15 356 617 Hazardous Warnings 4 137 346 Non - Hazardous Warnings 35 351 643 Verbal Warnings 93 1,368 1,521 Parking Citations 56 604 637 DWI 5 62 89 Over .10 4 36 53 Property Damage Accidents 11 102 118 Personal Injury Accidents 2 29 34, Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 Adult Felony Arrests 7 51 36 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 15 320 316 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 11 87 94 Juvenile Felony Arrests 2 35 79 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 3 68 108 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 0 30 58 Part 1 Offenses 37 347 392 Part II Offenses 62 669 849 Medicals 34 297 266 Animmal Complaints 71 1,097 1,091 Other Public Contacts 496 6,780 6,729 TOTAL 1,028 14,255 15,409 Assists 40 672 691 Follow -Ups 18 297 600 Henn. County Child Protection 8 60 60 Mutual Aid Given 15 210 170 Mutual Aid Requested 11 103 -- 0 1 /09 MONTHLY PROPERTY LOSS /RECOVERY SUMMARY DECEMBER, 1989 STOLEN RECOVERED Bikes $ 80 $ 50 Snowmobiles 3,250 3,250 Boats, Motors, Trailers 0 0 Clothing 455 0 Currency, Notes, Etc. 251 0 Jewelry & Precious Metals 200 200 Guns 325 325 Home Furnishings 0 0 Radio & Electronic Equipment 1,122 625 Vehicles & Vehicle Equipment 2,300 16,900 Miscellaneous 13,550 25 TOTAL $21,533 $21,375 1 0 110 • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER, 1989 CITATIONS ADULT JUV DWI 5 0 More than .10% BAC 4 0 Careless /Reckless Driving 0 0 Driving After Susp. or Rev. 2 1 Open Bottle 1 0 Speeding 46 0 No DL or Expired DL 1 0 Restriction on DL 0 0 Improper, Expired, or No Plates 14 0 Illegal Passing 0 0 Stop Sign Violations 6 0 Failure to Yield 1 0 Equipment Violations 2 0 H &R Leaving the Scene 1 0 No Insurance 1 0 Illegal or Unsafe Turn 1 0 Over the Centerline 0 0 Parking Violations 56 0 Crosswalk 4 0 Dog Ordinances 0 0 Derelict Autos 0 0 Seat Belt 6 0 MV /ATV 1 0 0 Miscellaneous Tags 2 TOTAL 154 1 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER, 1989 WARNINGS ADULT JUV No Insurance 25 2 Traffic 4 1 Equipment 12 1 Crosswalk 0 0 Animals 1 0 Trash /Derelict Autos 4 0 Seat Belt 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 Miscellaneous 3 0 TOTAL 49 4 ARRE STS Warrant Arrests 10 0 1 C_J • Ilx RUN: 4-JAM-90 CFS03 PRIMARY ISN'S CNLYT NO is IVI'.Y CODES: ALL ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 09000 SPEELING 09002 NO D /L, EXPIRED D/L 09010 SAC 0.Ek .10 09012 OPEN BOTTLE 09014 STOP SIGN 09016 FAILURE TO YIELD D9018 EOUIPMENT VIOLATION 09022 EXHIBITION DRIVING 09024 ILLEGAL /UNSAFE TURNS CROSSWALK VIOLATION 0 MV /ATV STREETS-PARKS 09036 OBSTRUCTED VISION D9040 NO SEATBELT 09041 J-NO SEATBELT 09100 PARKING /All OTHER 09140 NO PARKING /WINTER HOURS 09200 DAS /DAR /DAL 09201 J•DAS /DAR /DAC 09210 PLATES/NO 09220 NO INSURANCE /PROOF OF 09312 FOUND hNIMAI,S /IMPOUNDS 09313 FOUND PROPERTY 09314 FOUND VEHICLES /IMPOUNDED F_ - I L__� INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 11/26/89 TMRU 12/31/89 • . . • . . . . • • PATROL AREAS • - • • . • . • . • 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 12 8 13 4 9 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 46 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 18 38 2 1 14 1 8 4 5 113 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 7 4 3 3 13 6 13 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 46 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 18 38 2 1 14 1 8 4 5 113 RUN: 4-JAN-90 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 CFS03 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S ACTIVITY CUDES: ALL CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 ACT - - - - - - - - - . - PATROL AREAS - - - - - - - - - • - CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 09430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 1 1 2 09450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS c 1 1 3 3 10 09451 M/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. 1 1 09452 N i R ACCIDENTS WICKET 1 1 09562 CAT BITES 1 1 09563 DOG AT LARGE 4 1 2 7 09710 ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 1 1 09720 SUDDEN DEATHS /BODIES FOUND 1 1 2 09730 MEDICALS 4 5 3 2 6 20 09731 DETOX-MEDICALS 1 1 2 1 5 09732 CRISIS INT.-MEDICALS 1 2 2 1 6 09750 FIRES 1 1 09800 ALL OTHER /UNCLASSIFIED 2 2 1 5 09801 DOMESTIC /NO ASSAULT 1 1 2 09900 ALL HCCP CASES 2 1 4 1 8 09904 OPEN DOOR /ALARMS 1 1 09913 CHIPS 1 1 09930 HANDGUN APPLICATION 2 1 3 09945 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 1 09950 INTELLIGENCE 1 2 3 09980 WARRANTS 1 1 5 3 10 09992 MUTUAL AID /8100 1 6 7 09993 MUTUAL AID /6500 5 2 7 0 lly RUN: 4-JAN-90 CFS03 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO 0 IVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 09994 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER A0002 ASLT•UNK DEGREE-UNK ACT-UNK WEAPON- ADLT-ACO A3214 ASLT 3-SUBSTANTIAL INJURY-POS FRRM-CHLD-FAM A5305 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-UNK WEA- CHLD -ACO A5351 ASLT S•TNFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRH- HANDS -ADLT -FAH A5352 ASLT S-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT-ACO A5354 ASLT 5- INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-CHLD-FAM A5355 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM- HANDS - CHLD -ACO A5522 ASLT 5•THRT BODILY HARM- FIREARM-ADLT-ACO AS ASLT S-THRT BODILY HARM-KNIFE ETC-CHLD-ACO A A TERROR -THRT INFLT BH-UNK WEAP- POLI - : 81164 BURG 1 -OCC RES FRC -N-UNK WEAP•COM THEFT 83334 BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-D-UNK WEAP•COM THEFT 83494 BURG 3 -UNOCC RES NO FRC-U -UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 84390 BURG 4-UNOCC RES FRC-U-UNK WEAP -UNK ACT 84760 BURG 4 -UNOCC NRES FRC-N -UNK WEAP -UNK ACT C3391 FORGERY-MS-USES -OTHER TYPE - PERSON 08500 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION E4700 ESC- GM-FLEE AN OFFICER 13060 CR:M AGNST FAM- MS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD J2500 TRAFFIC-GM-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 02700 TRAF- ACCID•GM- AGGRAVATED VIOLATION JbOC TRAF- ACCID UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR I u PAGE 3 • • • - - - - - - - - PATROL AREAS - - - • • - - - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TuTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 S 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 //4r RUM: 4- JAM-90 CF$O3 PRIMARY ISM'S ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME MOUNJ POLICE DEPARTMENT EMFORS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION L7031 CSC 4-UNK ACT- GUARDIAN 13 -F L7371 CSC 4 -FRC OR COERCN- ACQUAINT -UNDER 13-F M3003 JUVENILE-HABITUAL TRUANT M4199 LIOUOR - OTHER M5350 RUNAWAY M6501 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA - POSSESSION N3090 DISTURB PEACE-MS-OPEN SEAL LETTER - TELEGRM -PACK N3190 DISTURB PEACE-MS- HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS P3110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE INTENT P3310 TRESPASS-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3600 LITTER- UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-MS 01221 STLN PROP- FE-POSSESS-VEHICLE -OVER 2500 01293 STLN PROP-FE-POSSESS-OTHER PROP-301 -999 T2021 THEFT- $25142500 BUILDING-MONEY T2029 THEFT - $251- S2500-FE-FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T2189 THEFT-S251- $2500-FE-FRM FISHHOUSE-OTH PROP T29" THEFT-251.2500-FE-FRM OTHER -OTH PROP T3029 THEFT -$250 LESS -FE -FRM BUILDING -0TH PROP 74021 THEFT -$250 LESS-MS-FRM BUILDING -MONEY T4029 `HEFT-S250 LESS- MS-FRM 8UILDING-OTH PROP T4059 THEFT -$250 LESS-MS-FRM Y40S -0TH PROP T4099 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTH PROP 14159 THEFT•SZ50 LESS -MS -FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-OTH PROP PAW 4 1 � u - - - - - - - - - - - PATROL AREAS - - - - - - - - - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 3 4 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 • 114 RUM: 4- JAM -90 INSTALLATION NAME -- MOUND POLICE DEPARTINKIT F?As CFS03 •••••• PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S �IVITY CODES: ALL CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 ACT . . . . . . . . . . . PATROL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL T4189 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS -FRM FISHHOUSE-OTH PROP U1034 THEFT -FE-BY CREDIT CARD-S301 -5500 0016 THEFT -MS -BY CHECK -5250 LESS 0021 VEN THEFT -FE -OVER S2500-AUTO V1024 VEN THEFT-FE-OVER 2500-SNOWMOBILE V2021 VEN THEFT- FE-S251- $2500-AUTO 2 1 S 1 1 1 1 2 1 S 1 1 2 REPORT TOTALS: • 58 44 64 63 93 4 5 6 4 361 it? RM: 4-JAW-90 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OFF01 •••••• PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S DISPOSITION CODES: ALL ACTIVITY CODES: All OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 /------ --- - -- - --- OFFENSES CLEARED ---- ------ -- ---- -/ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ----BY ARREST.... BY TOTAL PER :ENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION ------------------------------- CLEARED CLEARED A0002 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 ASLT-UWK DEGREE -UNK ACT -UNK WEAPON- ADLT -ACO A3214 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1G:.0 ASLT 3- SUBSTANTIAL INJURY-POS FRR14-CHLD-FAM A5305 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM -UNK kEA-CHLD-ACO A5351 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 1G;,.0 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM-HANDS-ADLT -FAM A5352 4 0 4 2 1 0 1 2 5J.0 ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM- HANDS-ADLT -ACO A5354 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 103.0 ASLT S-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM- HANDS-CHLD-FAM A5355 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 • ASLT 5-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM - HANDS- CHLD-ACO A5522 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM - FIREARM- ADLT-ACO A5535 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 ASLT S-THRT BODILY HARM -KNIFE ETC-CHLD-ACO A9507 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 TERROR -THRT INFLT BH-UNK WEAP-POLICE 81164 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 BURG 1 -OCC RES FRC-N -UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 83334 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC -D-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 83494 5 0 5 4 0 0 1 1 20.0 BURG 3-UNOCC RES NO FRC-U-UNK WEAP-COM THEFT 84390 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 BURG 4-UNOCC RES FRC-U 'JNK WEAP -UNK . "T 84760 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 BURG 4-UNOCC NRES FRC-N-UNK WEAR -UNK ACT • Ii 8 111 } RUN: 4- JAN -90 INSTALLATION NAME -- NMUm POLICE KPARTNENt 3Estia g OFFOi •••••• :. PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S e� CODES: ALL T ITION IVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION t GRID: ALL 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/09 / ................ OFFEtIIEf CLEARED ••.,•••• ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ....BY ARREST -• -• M 1""ft ` DESCRIPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION ZtEAM .............................................................................................. ......................••►.r.... s C3391 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 FORGERY -"S- USES -OTHER TYPE- PERSON Grp ^ DO500 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 DRUGS -SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA- POSSESSION + E4700 1 0 1 0 1 0 O a 1 4 10A. ESC-01 -FLEE AN OFFICER 13060 S 1 4 0 0 0 i' GRIN AGNST FAN -NS- NEGLECT OF A CHILD y J2500 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 TRAFFIC -GM -DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR; WOO 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 f.3 TRAF- ACCIO-GM-AGGRAVATED VIOLATION 3 OCCID-NS-DRIVE 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 0031 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 CSC 4 -UNK ACT - GUARDIAN -UNDER 13 - F L73?1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 CSC 4-FRC OR COERCN-ACQUAI NT -UNDER 13-F M3003 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 JUVENILE-HABITUAL TRUANT "4199 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 LIQUOR - OTHER M5350 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 RUNAWAY M6501 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESSION W 3090 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 DISTURB PEACE-MS-OPEN SEAL LETTER TELEGRM- PACK N31" 6 0 6 5 0 0 1 1 16.6 DISTURB PEACE - MS- HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 0 111 ';to INSTALLATION NAME -• MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 3 5` 7YlN • • f • • • NIMRt 11)11 ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S 911MITION CODES: ALL ACTIVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION • GRID: All 11/26/89 TNRU 12/31/89 /---------- ------ OFFENSES CLEARED ................. ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ---- BY ARREST. - -- BY TOTAL PERCENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED ...............................•--------•-......----...----------.................--------........... OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION ............................... CLEARED CLEARED 03110 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 .0 POW DAMAGE -MS- PRIVATE -UNK INTENT ►3310 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 TRESPASS- NS- PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3600 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 LITTER- UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE -MS 01221 1 0 1 0 1 O 0 1 100.0 STLN PROP- FE-POSSESS- VENICLE -OVER 2500 01245 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 STLN PROP- FE-POSSESS-OTNER PROP ;J1.999 12021 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 THEFT- 1125'- S2S00- FE- FIX WILDING -MONEY 12029 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 TIIEFT•161- 52500- FE-FRN WILDING-OTN PROP T2109 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 T11EFT- 1251 - 52300- FE-FRM FISNMOUSE-OTN PROP T2999 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT- 251 - 2500- FE•FRM OTHER -OTN PROP 73029 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -11250 LESS -FE -FRM BUILOING-OTN PROP 14021 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT -5250 LESS-MS-FRM SUIIDING-MONEY t4029 4 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -5250 LESS -MS -FRM SUILOING -OTM PROP T4059 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 INEFT -1250 LESS-MS-FRM YARDS•OTM PROP 14099 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 50.0 INEFT -1250 LESS-MS -FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTN PROP T4159 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -SnO LESS- MS-FRM MOTOR VEMICLE -OTM PROP • ';to RUM: 4-JAM-90 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE i 2 OFF01 ,_ ry PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S ITIOM CODES: All IYITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 11/26/89 THRU 12/31/89 /---------------- OFFENSES CLEARED ................. ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ---- BY ARREST - --- BY TOTAL PER :ENT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ..................... ADULT ".rvENILE -.. EXCEPTION . ............................... CLEARED CLEARED 74189 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -5250 LESS-MS -FRM FISHHOUSE-OTM PROP U1034 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -FE -BY CREDIT CARD-S3014500 00% 5 0 5 4 1 0 0 1 20 ' THEFT-MS-BY CHECK -5250 LESS V1021 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 VEN TNEFT- FE•OVER S2500-AUTO V1024 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 .EH THEFT-FE-OVER 2500-SNOWMOBILE V2021 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 50.0 VEN THEFT- FE•S251 -$2500 -AUTO , r u REPORT TOTALS - all 4 84 49 18 2 15 35 41.6 w / tQ / —_- -- -- l— January 2, 1990 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER RE: DECEMBER 1989 MONTHLY REPORT It's finally over! We are all exhausted. The let down in panic buying seems soothing and comforting in a way, but in the words of Jack Webb's "The Wichita Lineman ", sung by Glen Campbell, "I need a small vacation..." The month of December went down in the logs as the busiest month ever eclipsing July of 1988, when we did $102,747. We had $105,415 in sales last month compared to $100,580 for December of 1988, about a 5% increase. For the record book, we also had our best day ever on Saturday, December 23rd, doing $14,227 in sales surpassing the high mark of $12,187 on July 2, 1988. New Year's Eve of 1989 now ranks as the second busiest day ever with $12,226. To date, for the year ending 1989, total gross sales were $966,504. compared to $948,847 for last year. That's the highest it has ever been. We are closing in on that prestigious million dollar club. One of the reasons for our huge success last month was a big promotional campaign put into effect for the last two weeks in December. Perhaps you all saw the two half page advertisements run in color, in consecutive issues of the Laker? If you didn't, I have attached a copy to this report. We needed to do $3000 in sales to pay for the ad. Since we did $5000 more in sales than last year in Decemt,r, the net effect were profits on $2000, plus the exposure. JK:ls • • Ira I Prices that would make even Scrooge merry! ♦ Pdul M asson Brandy. lore Parfet' for L Hum hire rom & Jerry's • Badey s 750 ml • K ah,ud 7S0 nil • Absolul Vodka 750 ml k L Holiday Sale Dec. 16-30 0" Dreaming of a white Christmas? Let it snow White Zinfandel! * Sutter Home 750 ml * Gallo 1 5 1 & 750 n7 1 P , * NA PA Ridge 750 ml * Inglenook. 1 5 1 A * Charles Krug 750 ml a-= * Sebastiani I * Glenn Ellen 750 ml .11 11 nT: Vj Give them the gift they won't return! PAI I L MASSON CARAFE TRio Gift Set * Many more to a choose from' = I I = Rudolph, the Red- Nosed Reindeer knows here's a good deal on beer! AAA Bud Dry 22% a" Labatt Pabst 30%." Michelob (7,— " '2 N ii r-11— 13%otf Groisch Awoa� S P,.,k tlolTWS Miller 12 10% off 1 2% off Ring in the New Year O UN�D A with your favorite cheer! 7S re O nil I LIQUOR *And *Cook S Champagne 750 ml 2324 Wilshire Blvd. • 472-3093 LeDorndme Ctidmpdgrie 1 5 i All at .,1-11 10 11,, 21 & 111•, 1111 *Freixenet Cordon Negro 750 M1 I.—d 4 11—tilia, D., .-d Ili- , D- Toil s CrIdn'Odyne 750 ml 10 - 30%. on I North Pole Cellars HulOd Champagne 750 ml 0 0 0 i 'quapp' - ( :I. I )' I N 1( A ', \I January 4, 1990 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: DECEMBER MONTHLY REPORT There was 1 regular Council Meeting and 1 Special Budget Meeting in December. There was agenda preparation, packets, 9 resolu- tions, 2 ordinance amendments and follow -up items from each meet- ing. In December the Cemetery map was updated to include all lots that were sold and the names of persons buried during the year. I cross checked all the information to be sure there were no er- rors. I started to work on the 5 tax forfeit parcels that came from Hennepin Ccunty and will have this for the Council in early 1990. There are always a number of calls during the month for informa- tion on tax forfeit land. Preparation for 1990 were made, i.e. new annual files, proposed resolutions for the first meeting in January, etc. The school district election generated a number of voter registration transactions; 84 new additions, 70 transfers, 21 data changes, 38 moved and 23 name changes. You may be interested to note that 1,902 persons in Mound voted in the school district referendum election. All information must be checked to verify accuracy with the inputting done at the County. All corrections are made and forms filled out for each correction to be forwarded to the County. The County also sends us an update list of "date last voted" which must be checked to assure all persons voting received credit. I reviewed the plans and specifications for the Fire Dept. rescue vehicle bid to be sure all the instructions to bidders, bidder's requirements, proposal requirements and conditions, legal requirements and miscellaneous requirements were in order. • i02 y 1 I continued to work on the Police Policies and Procedures Manual and completed it at the end of December. This is now all on the new computer which will make any revisions much faster and easier. There were the usual cal'_s and questions from resilents. fc • • 2 ,4AS MONTH OF p6CEIBER 1989 NO. OF CALLS MOUND - FIRE EMERGENCY M'TONKA BEACH - FIRE EMERGENCY MINNETRISTA - FIPE EMERGENCY ORONO - FIRE EMERGENCY SHOREWOOD - FIRE EMERGENCY SPRING PARK - FIRE EMERGENCY MUTUAL AID - FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL FIRF CALLS T OTAL EMERGENCY CALLS COMMERICAL RE SIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL GRASS 6 MISCELLANEOUS AUTO — 9 FALSE ALARM NO. OF HOURS - MOUND FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL - MTKA BCH FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL - M'TRISTA FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL - ORONO FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL - SHOREWOOD FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL -Sp. PARK FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL -MUTUAL AID FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL TOTAL D RILL HOURS TOTAL EHERGEIICY HOURS TOTAL FIRE HOURS TOTAL FIRE L E "EP�ENCY HOURS ;C THIS LAST MONTH MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE LAST Y EAR TO DATE 7 380 413 7 82 124 12 0 9 1 0 14 1 log 18 2 1 1 18 23 3 0 18 19 1 5 41 36 0 0 9 11 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 4 1 27 46 2 1 21 18 0 1 2 5 0 1 1 0 18 16 185 253 17 11 195 17 44 7 81 74 1 7 4 2 40 68 2 24 31 1 2 14 29 22$ 474 134 300 1775 4438 2965 j 4855 45 23 366 377 0 0 11 34 45 23 377 411 11 24 643 573 74 0 354 385 85 24 997 958 32 204 1256 634 n n 186 225 32 204 1442 859 0 0 21 11 0 0 29 16 0 0 50 27 77 16 542 853 37 22 354 316 114 38 8% 1169 0 56 143 295 n 17 17 0 0 73 160 175 167y 1967 1822k 357 205 457 3614 28 4746 5706 7SQ 662 8360 8574 0 0 4 0 2� 3 T"" Mound, Hinncsota • • • lti11ND •iRt DLPAIITMENT FOR MOMI OF DEMMER 1989 TIRE FICHTERS DRILLS i t.AINTENABCE FIRE i RESCUE D 1 ` 8 RILLS DRI WAGES MAIN. WAGES TOTAL HOURS HOURLY RATE WAGES J. ANDERSEN X X 2 19.00 31 6.00 186.00 6.n0 'P 6 168.00 -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -� - - -- - - - -- J. BEAL'CHA" P X X 2 19.00 24 6.00 1 "• D. BOY v v IQ nn 17 6.on X X 2 19.00 19 6.50 123.50 21 6,00 126.00 9.50 17 6.00 102.00 J•. CASEY 19.00 33 6.00 198.00 S COLLINS X X 2 19.00 15 90.00 2 6.0n 192.00 B. ERICYSON X X 2 19.00 13 6.00 S. ERIC"m X X 2 19.00 23 6.00 138.00 6.On 00 X X 2 19.00 19 114.00 6.00 C. HENDERSON X X 2 19.00 34 6.00 204.00 P. Nl NRT y 2 19 18 6.n0 108.00 16 6.00 96.00 B'L .00 23 6. Of) 138.00 R. 14ARSCHKE 2 19.00 21 6.25 131.25 J. NAFUS 18 6.00 108.00 X X 2 19.00 17 6.00 102.00 16 6.00 96.00 A. OPITZ x x 2 19.00 23 6 138.00 C. PALM 6.n0 M . PALM X X 2 19.00 31 6.00 186.00 X X 2 19.00 27 6.00 162.00 19.00 18 6 108.00 13 6.00 78.00 M_ KA VArr 2 19 12 6.00 72.00 R. STALLMAN X X 2 19.00 8 6.00 48.00 T. SWENSON x X 2 19.00 17 6.00 102.00 18 6.00 108.00 R. WILL x X 19.00l 21 126.00 ., 6.00 120. 6.00 34 36 70 665.00 hrs ,514.75 85 hr§ 90 hia 175 hr 1750 drills 665.00 maint ,000.00 TOTAL 6,179.75 /27 HOUND VOLUNTEER pIM nFPARTKENT MOUND, MINNESOTA Date: /t -/L` v D R I L L R E P O R T Pumper Operation Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstrations Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio operations House Evolutions Nozzle & Hose Alliance Inhalator Operation Discipline and Team work Critique of Fires Pre - Plaining and Inspections Tools & Apparatus Identifying Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self- Contained Masks Time -- Note: Hou a Training Paid (e Excused X Unexcused Miscellaneous: :) I /s J. Andersen &? �� G. Anderson J. Babb Q'/.. J. Beauchamp D. Boyd D. Bryce ►/ a. Bryce D. Carlson J. Casey S. Collins . M. David Q Present, Not paid IA B. Erickson 2A S. Erickson ,31 P. Fisk 21/� J. Garvais � K. Grady P. Henry 1 C. Henderson vTa� G. Johnson B. Landsman aI/ R. Marschke a a J. Nafus B. Niccum a' /.. M. , A. G. T. G. !� T . M. R. T. W. R. � T. .12A Nelson Opitz Palm Palm Palm Pederson Rasmussen Savage Stallman Swenson Swensc i Williams Williams Lo O DxX41master � • 10 r [oil) Z I b s ISM • Date: �� , �- C> D R I L L R E P O R T T ime Discipline and Team work Critique of Fires Pre - Plaining and Inspections Tools & Apparatus Identifying Hand Extinguisher Operation Wearing Protective Clothing Films First Aid and Rescue Operation Use of Self- Contained Masks Pumper Operation Fire Streams & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural & Propane Gas talk & Demonstrations Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzle & Hose Alliance Inhalator Operation Note: Hourse Training Paid Excused Unexcused Q Present, NoL paid Miscellaneous: ; h Q GAS'C o CAA P -At �� S �S S fcd ✓ran, H c e:) e Y e A — elli li r" -)' J Andersen 2-1/ B. -G. Anderson a��— S. J. Babb P -- -a.-Bak J. J. Beauchamp K. .2� D . Boyd P �-. D. Bryce C ! S. Bryce G. D• Carlson �� B. J. Casey R• f S. Collins J. M. David] B Erickson Erickson Fisk Garvais Grady Henry Henderson Johnson Landsman Marschke Nafus Niccum M. A. D " L G . M. ��- T . T. M. J /ate R . T. W . R. j Nelson Opitz Palm Palm Palm Pederson Rasmussen Savage Stallman Swenson Swenson Williams Williams D ill ter J M DATE: January 2, 1990 TO: City Manager, Members of the City Council and Staff FROM: Jan Bertrand, Building Official SUBJECT: December 1989 Monthly Report STA December brought in winter with a bang. Unseasonably cold weather made Mound appear to be the frozen tundra of the North Pole. Occasionally, the staff would see visions of a little gentleman with a red suit trimmed with white on a sleigh. Peggy James took a few hours of this month to trace the activities in and around the sleighs loading area. Festivities were held at the VFW christmas party, Westonka Senior Breakfast and a lunch- eon was held on December 19th for all of the city staff. I at- tended an annual luncheon with Metro West Inspection Service. Obviously, dieting will be started by all staff members this month. There were nineteen scheduled working days and two holidays during the month. I took one day as vacation; Peggy took 1 -112 day sick leave and 1 -112 day vacation. Peggy James attended both the Planning Commission and Park Commission meeting in December. I att. ?nded one Planning Commission meeting and one City Council meeting. INSPECTIONS The following inspections were conducted during the month of December: 130o ' Site Inspections 24 Footing Inspections Framing Inspections 3 Insulation Inspections 4 Drywall Inspections 10 Final Inspections 9 Progress Inspections 13 Erosion /Grading Inspections I House Moving /Demolition U " Heating Inspections Plumbinq Inspections h Fire Sprinklers /Fire Code I Conx)l,31ntc, / TOTAL 84 • • December 1989 Monthly Report Planning & Inspections Page Two The above list does not include inspections made by the electri- cal and plumbing inspector. REPORTS AND PLAN REVIEWS There were 3 plan reviews completed during December. The monthly report for November was submitted to the City Manager. Reports were submitted to the Planning Commission, City Council, normal correspondence, and inspection notices. There were 12 notices sent out during the month for building code corrections and zoning enforcement. Hennepin County Planning 5 Development of- fice has been requested to give a grant to a Housing Urban Development mobile home which was built and put on a foundation on 1982. We had several conversations and correspondence mailed regarding the condition of this HUD built structure with Carol Salistrom of Hennepin County. PLANN COMMISSIO The Planning Commission completed the draft of the Comprehensive Plan which will be forwarded for City Council consideration in January. The Planning Commission vacancies were filled by two new commissioners in December. They forwarded no Board of Ap- peals items as they had tabled one variance under consideration. LEGA STATUS I attended one court trial for the parking of commercial vehicles on residential property. We had three subdivision plats final- ized for filing at Hennepin County during December. Negotiations are being conducted for the completion of a court case at 6195 Sinclair Road. TR AINI NG /MEE I attended one Planning Commission meeting, one City Council meeting, and the regular staff meeting during the month. I met with the fire marshal, Jerry Babb, at a fire site in the trailer park to review extensive damage which was done to that structure. l attended the International Association of Mechani- cal and Plumbing Organization meeting in St. Louis Park, and the North Star Chapter meeting, and the Minnegasco breakfast meeting In December. Topics of discussion were interior natural gas pining systems using corrugated stainless steel tubing, plastic lath and plastering. ceramic tile installation, and an up -date of the new heating codes for Minnesota. /3/ December 1989 Monthly Report Plannina & Inspections Page Three I met with Randy Vogt of the State Building Code Division regard- ing the federal requirements for remodeling of HUD built manufac- tured housing and forwarded the information to the Hennepin County Planning & Development office for their information. CIT E UIPMENT 8 PUR The new IBM Wheelwriter was delivered with the billing to be for the 1990 budget. We want to thank the City Council for our new equipment and will assure you of better and more efficient cor- respondence. STATI OF ACTIVITIES The total number of building permits issued in the month of December was 9 with a total valuation of $197,490. The valuation figures are attached on the building activity report for Decem- ber. In addition, Peggy has arranged appointments for the building and plumbing inspections. She has prepared the Planning Commission and Park Commission agenda and minutes. She has issued building, Plumbing and heating permits, and typed correspondence for the Building Official and Park Director. She has compiled month -end reports for building activities, Sewer Availability Charge, and U.S. Census Report as well as completing a great deal of filing during December. • Site inspections include siting of Santas sleigh, the review of the Planning Commission requests and requirements, site in- spections for flood plain verification, complaints and follow -up to code compliance such as no building permit, recheck of ex- terior storage compliance notices, review status of various sites for the city prosecutor, preconstruction meetings at various sites for building permit applications, fire damage and periodic commercial inspection updates. ** The heating inspections during the construction of a project are included under the framing and final inspection of the build- ing. The heating installations mentioned are for separate equip- ment being placed in homes and businesses. ' l; ► N 1 5 • • iNWSC. IF U1E PA LITTLE FL116t ON OF 1VG -M,;.. :a 1 311 0 • CITY Of WJND 5341 MlYWW lb64 Mound, Mil .55364 wOLD"m Aanvnn PONT Moo D e e embe n 1909 JA3 a JA3 0 © ® ®. ■a'a�s■■���rti■■�� ®tom ■��� JA3 � DECEMBER 1989 MONTHLY REPORT PARK DEPARTMENT Parks e The month of December was shorter due to the holidays. The weather has not been good for the ice rinks, with ltttle snow to make berms to retain the water and the temperature flexing from mid - thirties to sub -zero that freezes the water hoses after one flooding. The rink in Highland Park received a floodirg from a water main break. Th I s took out one side berm and pushed a lot of snow onto the r i nk wh i ch froze i n I umps . We w i l l have t h i s repaired in the next few days. 1 have seen a lot of tracks from snowmobiles and ATV's in the Parks. The problem is that the operators are spinning their tracks or wheels tearing up the grass. Swenson Park had a truck/ • car tear up a I of of sod that w i 1 1 have to be repa i red i n the spring. Commons Docks The four dredges are proceeding, I am still working with the DNR and Watershed on permits. New requirements and the pressing of current ones have made the process slower. I still will have them rear' for the end of January when the dredges w i l I be per- formed. The 1990 dock application mail was put together and sent out. A booklet on understanding chemical treatments was sent to all abutting property owners along with other general information sheets on the LMCD and our regulations. Trees There were fourteen City trees removed in the month of December. One of these two -an $1,800 because of its size and it was lo- cated at the boti:om of a steep hill off of Denbigh Road. The contractor had to go over the ice and drag it in sections to the County Road 125 bridge where it could be picked up. 131 January 3, 1990 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR RE: DECEMBER FINANCE REPORT INVESTMENTS Balance 12 -1 -89 $8,386,951 Bought: Farm Cr. 8.10 Dain Due 3- 1 -90 300,000 • BA CD 8.36 8.30 Am. Nat'l Dain Due Due 1 -31 -90 4 -15 -91 197,204 89,755 CP 8.22 Marquette Due 3 -15 -90 341,886 CD 8.00 Marq. Mound Due 6- 5 -90 100,000 FNMA 8.00 Dain Due 2 -15 -92 201,985 CP 8.20 Shearson Due 4- 2 -90 399,185 FNMA 8.00 Marquette Due 6- 5 -90 200,000 CP 8.30 Dain Due 3 -15 -90 384,226 Farm Cr. 7.95 Shearson Due 12 -20 -90 300,000 CD 7.80 First MN Due 6 -29 -90 100,000 CD 7.70 Marq. Mound Due 6 -29 -90 300,000 Matured: CD 8.80 Marquette -Mound (300,000) CD 8.90 First MN (100,000) CP 8.60 Marquette (500,167) CP 8.74 Marquette (149,830) CP 8.90 Dain (195,796) CD 10.05 Marquette (285,459) CP 8.70 Marquette (427,530) Balance 12 -31 -89 $9,342, • We received the second half tax settlement from Hennepin County of $929,900 and one -half of the Local Government Aid and Homestead Credit from the state of $426,472 during December. /3.S LEAGUE INSURANCE DIVIDEND For the past four years we have purchased insurance from the • League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. A majority of the cities in Minnesota have purchased insurance through LMCIT. The `otal premium for all insurance (excluding worker's compensation) for the 1989 policy year was $96,730. For the third consecutive yea.-, we have received a dividend back from the LMCIT. During December we received $2 267 dividend compared witn $1r 621 received in 1988 and $7,324 received in 1987. If LMCIT charges more than what turns out to be needed, the only place the extra money can go is back to the member cities. JN :ls • 9 1310 2 / ♦� MINNE � M � _- f1 1[ TM lEE LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAY2ATA MINNESOTA 5539 TELEPHONE 6 473 -7033 EUGENE R STROMMEN EXFI �'TIVF DIRECTOR WARD MEMBERS ,k*llen L Hwr Chan Orono Thomas Reese Vice Ch-F Mound .'an Boswlnkel. Secretary Minnetonka Beach Mark Westlund. Treasurer Wayzata Marvin Blorbn Tonka Bay Da-d Cochran Greenwood Mpert O Foster Deephaven James N Grathwol Excel sror Ron Kraemer Spring Park John Lowman Mrnnetnsta John G Mahnka VlctOrla Pobert K Pillsbury Minnetonka Robert Rascop Shorewood ob Rert E Slocum Woodland TO: MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE. JANUARY 4, 1990 FROM: TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: DECEMBER REPORT - LMCD 1.1 Eurasinn Watermilfoil Task Force. Still no commitment for funds other than the lake cities. Gene and I met with Hennepin County Public Works, suggesting that they take responsibility for the land side of the operation (loading, trucking and disposal) while the LMCD handles the water side. (Cutting, hauling and recording.) They are reluctant to commit either men or equipment, since they were cut 7 positions in the new county budget. In a counter proposal they agreed to support our request to the county that they cover the land side costs in cash. We would then bid the trucking and disposal with private parties. It looks as though we will not be getting the supervisor that they supplied last year. There still is hope that the matching funds from the Corps will materialize. 1.2. Comprehensive Lake Management Plan Just the Institutional Arrangements and Funding sections of the plan remain to be completed. It appears that report I made last month will be the final word on funding by other sources. 1.3 Other General Interest Items_ Multiple Dock Moratorium. Tabled back to committee. No further action. 2.0 QTY SP&CIFIC ITEMS - MOUND None om i/ Mound Representative Lake Minnetonka C , )nservation District TR:mac • cc. Gene Strommen 137 CITY OF MOUND 1989 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT NOVEMBER 1989 91.7% NOVEMBER YTD PER CENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- GENERAL FUND Taxes 984315 0 495866 488449 50.381 Intergovernmental 965800 -300 540647 425153 55.981 Business Licenses 9410 66 8120 1290 86.291 Non - Business Licenses and Permits 86700 4368 71430 15270 82.391 Charges for Services 38800 1844 12514 26286 32.251 Court Fines 100000 6623 76885 23115 76.89# Charges to Other Departments 16500 1322 18975 -2475 115.001 Other Revenue 51850 22009 24107 27743 46.491 TOTAL REVENUE 2253375 35932 1248544 1004831 55.41% s = = = = == s == = ==_ =em = = = == =s=ass= == =s =s LIQUOR FUND 880000 69315 794750 85250 90.311 WATER FUND 330000 29408 297981 32019 90.301 SEWER FUND 580000 47214 522195 57805 90.031 DOCKS FUND 65300 0 61781 3519 94.611 CEMETERY FUND 3050 0 1400 1650 45.901 0 • 139 • CITY OF MOUND 1989 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES NOVF4BER 1989 91.78 NOVEMBER YTD PER CENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Council 46030 1039 63876 -17846 138.778 Cable TV 9980 0 8717 1263 87.34% City Manager /Clerk 143210 10223 129302 13908 90.298 Elections 650 56 337 313 51.858 Assessing 43930 132 41935 1995 95.468 Finance 152760 11548 139153 13607 91.098 Computer 20000 3221 21673 -1673 108.378 Legal 97100 6162 58544 38556 60.298 Police 677770 54636 614125 63645 90.618 Civil Defense 1880 600 953 927 50.698 Planning /Inspections 128400 9959 106775 21625 83.168 . Recycling 67400 10804 68856 -1456 102.168 Streets 391140 29864 421749 -30609 107.838 Shop i Stores 57760 6056 59822 -2062 103.578 City Property 81860 25241 94997 -13137 116.058 Parks 149320 24820 141445 7875 94.738 Summer Recreation 11090 6056 8917 2173 80.41: Contingencies 30000 6181 23920 6080 79.738 Transfers 126150 - - - - -- 9858 - - - - -- 108545 - - - - -- 17605 - - - - -- 86.048 - - - - -- GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2236430 216456 2113641 122789 94.518 szsszz: sssssss sszsz :s sssssss sssssss Area Fire Service Fund 209230 13742 169080 40150 80.818 Liquor Fund 158810 11299 146116 12694 92.018 Water Fund 322550 26007 330116 -7566 102.358 Sewer Fund 634160 58216 599449 34711 94.538 Docks Fund 72240 2280 63208 9032 87.508 Cemetery Fund 3950 361 2202 1748 55.758 131 MINUT=S OF A MEETING OF THE • MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION December 11. 1989 Those present were: Chair Bill Meyer. Commissioners Geoff Michael, Ken Smith, Frank Weiland, Bill Thal, Michael Mueller. and Bill Voss, Council Representative Liz Jensen. Building Offi- cial Jan Bertrand, City Manager Ed Shukle, and Secretary Peggy James. Absent and excused was: Commissioner Jerry Clapsaddle. The following citizens were also present: Steve Opheim, Kurt Opheim, Eva Vandersteeg, and Ross Nelson. MINUTES: MOTION mode by Weiland, seconded by Thal to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of November 27, 1989 as written. Motion carried unanimously. BOA OF APPEALS: a. Ca se No. 89 -849: Kurt Opheim, 1665 Blueb Lane /1660 Avocet; Lang, L 5. 18, & 19, Block 6, Dreamwood, PID 117 -24 -21 0006/00 SETBACK VARIANCE. Building Official, Jan Bertrand, reviewed the applicants request • for a variance to construct a new home with a 20 foot setback from the Ordinary High Water level. Jan referred to her suggest- ion within her report to have the applicant purchase Lot 4 in or- der to help alleviate the intensity of tho setback, however, she informed the Commission that upon further investigaV on, she found that lots I through 4 were owned by the same party and they have already been granted a variance to build on that parcel with the house being constructed on lot 4. Jan commented that she would prefer to see the house set further back from the lake and maybe place the dwelling as close as 6 feet to the side property lines. Staff recommended denial of the site plan as submitted, but does recognize the shape of the parcel and other options that would still require some deviation from the 50 foot Lakeshore setback requirement. Mr. Kurt Opheim. applicant, stated that tie is willing to work with Jan to re- design his plan and better fit the home into the required setbacks, possibly getting the home 30 feet from the lake. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Thal to table this request until the applicant returns with a revised proposal. Motion carried unanimously. • Igo Planning Commission Minutes • December 11. 1989 Page Two Approval of the Planning Commission Work Rules: Jan Bertrand suggested to the Commission that the new Appointment Procedures be an attachment to the Work Rules for future reference. MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Weiland, to approve the Work Rules for 1990 as written. Motion carried un- animously. . .■ i.• ! .1 •� It was noted that there were three dates with conflicts: May 28th being Memorial Day, November 12th being Veteran's Day. and December 24th being Christmas. It was unanimously decided to change the meeting dates in May from May 14th and 28th to May 7th and 21st. The Commission determined that at the October 8th meeting they would discuss the cancellation or rescheduling of the November 12th meeting, and the meeting date on December 24th would not be rescheduled. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Smith to approve the calendar for 1990 with the following changes: the meet- ing dates in Key will be the 7th and the 21sto the res- chedu 1 i ng of the meeting date on November 12th will be discussed at the October 8th meeting, and the meeting date of December 24th will not be re- scheduled. Motion carried unanimously. Election of Chair and Vice -Chair for 19 90: The Commission questioned if this election should take place at the first meeting in January as stated in the Work Rules. Bertrand stated that since the newly appointed Commission members are already attending the meetings as full - fledged members, she thought this task could be taken care of now. MOT i ON :Trade by Thai, sec Aided by :iue 1 1 er, to suspend the Work Rules requirement to elect a Chair and Vice -Chair In Januar ?. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Meyer opened the nominations for Chair. MOTION made by Michael to nominate Meyer as Chair for 1990. Weiland moved to close the nominations, Smith seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 1 41 Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page Three Chair Meyer opened nominations for Vice- Chair. Meyer moved to nominate Michael as Vice - Chair. Thal moved to cast an unanimous ballot to elect Michael as Vlce- Chair. Welland seconded. Notion carried unani- mous 1 Y. Discussion reoardina interpretation: Letter from Anthony's Floral dated 11- 14 -89. Building Official, Jan Bertrand, explained that the Vandersteeg's have requested to enclose the space below their 10' x 18' deck. Bertrand explained that she allowed the deck to be repla:ed, and increased in size, this year as incidental repairs, however, enclosing the lower portion is a different story. She explained that one and two family homes are not allowed In a 8 -2 or 8 -1 zoning district, therefore, Vandersteeg's home is nonconforming, and conditional use permits are not allowed to be granted for this use. Eva Vandersteeg spoke on her behalf and explained that they would like to enclose the space under the deck to help alleviate the cold and wind on that side of their home. She added that their water pipes have frozen In the past on that side of their home. The Commission reviewed Zoning Code Section 23.404, Non - Conforming Uses, particularly Items 7 and 8t (7) Normal maintenance of a building or other structure contain- ing or related to a lawful non - conforming use is permitted. including necessary non - structural repairs and incidental alterations which do not extend or intensify the non - conforming use. (8) Alterations may be made to a building containing lawful non- conforming residential units when they will improve the livability thereof, provided they will not increase the num- ber of dwelling units or bulk of the building* with the recommendation and approval of the City Council. The Commission discussed whether the bulk of the building will be Intensified by enclosing the space under the 10' x 18' deck. The Commission questioned that since the deck is Already there, would It Intensify the bulk of the building? • Er 14:L Planning Commission :Minutes December 11, 1989 Page Four MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Michael to recommend that the addition be allowed to be constructed as the Planning Commission interprets Section 23.404 (8) as follows: the overall bulk of the building will not be changed, it will improve the livability, and the number of dwelling units will not be Increased. Some of the Commissioners questioned the definition of "bulk ". The Commissioners noted that decks are allowed different setbacks than dwelling, therefore, is a deck as intensifying as an addition? Mueller moved to withdrew his motion, and Michael withdrew his second. It was questioned if the residential use within a B -1 and B -2 zoning district should be addressed. it was determined that with different businesses such as a funeral home and greenhouse, it is preferable to live on the site. Bertrand commented that the ap- plicant could apply for a zoning amendment. Meyer informed Mrs. • Vandersteeg that the code does not allow her to intensify the use of her home, however, she could apply for a zoning amendment which could alleviate this problem. City Council Representative Report. Jensen reviewed the City Council meeting of November 28, 1989 and the agenda of the December 12, 1989 meeting. MOTION made by Weiland seconded by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 9x30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Bill Meyer Attest: 1 /VJ MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION • DECEMBER 14, 1989 Present were: Chair Marilyn Byrnes, Commissioners Neil Weber, Tom Casey, Steve Burke. Shirley Andersen, Cathy Bailey, and Brian Asleson; Council Representative Phyllis Jessen; Park Director Jim Fackler; City Manager, Ed ShukIe. Dock Inspector. Dell Rudolph. and Secretary Peggy .lames. The following citizens were also in attendance: Carolyn Schmidt, Larry Beno, Buzz Sycks, and Marge Stutsman. Int for openi on P ark Co mmission At 7:15 p.m. the interview began for Carolyn Schmidt of 3001 Is- land View Drive for the vacancy on the Park Commission. When asked why she was interested in becoming a member on the Park Commission. she stated that she has attended some Park Commission meetings this year and has found the topics of discussion very Interesting, she would like to get involved, she is concerned with the maintenance and up -keep of the City's parks. and she is interested in enhancing the summer park programs for children. Carolyn added that she has lived in Mound since 1968. and presently lives across the street from Avalon Park. • Carolyn was informed that she would be notified of the final decision from the City Council after their meeting on January 9. 1990, and if she Is appointed, they hope she can attend the January llth Park Commission meeting. Chair Byrnes called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mi nutes The minutes of the Park Commission meeting of November 9, 1989 were presented for changes and /or additions. Bailey noted a change on page five within the third paragraph (the motion); Bailey is listed as being in favor of the vote. however, Bailey was not present at the meeting, therefore her name should be deleted. MOTION made by Weber seconded by Casey to approve the Park Commission Minutes of November 9, 1989 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion relating to the__possibl re novation of the Mound D epot Larry Beno of 2885 Highland Blvd. was present to represent the • H i s t o r i c a l Society. 14 y Park Commission Minutes December 14, 1989 Page Two Weber referred to item B. within Mr. Jantzen's letter and ques- tioned the present size of the water service into the depot and if the cost to replace the water service was included in the figures of $5.000 to install a sprinkler system. Jessen questioned if the kitchen had to be upgraded to the stand- ards listed in the letter, she stated that the kitchen is rarely used. It was determined that there are two types of kitchens required in a commercial building. a service kitchen or a preparation kitchen. The current appraised value of the building was questioned. Weber informed the Commission that to construct a new building. without a kitchen would cost $80 - $85 per square foot. Mr. Beno stated that he thinks the building is safe. and i' it is not, why is the City still renting it? He would like to see the building remain since it is part of Mound's heritage. Beno in- formed the Commission that the Historical Society has no funds tc offer the City for renovation. Buzz Sycks informed the Commis- Sion that the the original depot burned down in 1907 and was re- placed in 1915. The depot was then moved to its present site in the late- sixties /early- seventies, and was renovated about 8 to 10 years ago. The Commission requested the Historical Society to write down the history of the depot. emphasizing its value as a heritage to the City of Mound, and collect some pictures and submit it to the City. The intent is to possibly publish some articles in the lo- cal paper to arouse interest from the community, and maybe obtain contributions for a renovation. Burke informed the Commission that if the building was constructed in 1915. next year will be its 75th anniversary. Park E " Open Space Commission? Casey explained to the Commission that his reason for proposing tl`Is name change is not to expand the Park Commission's func- tions. ;ut to better describe what the Park Commission presently has r- sponsibility for. Jessen stated that she has no objection to t— concept. Casey enhanced his reasoning by stating that the Park commission currently makes recommendations to the City Coun- cil on lands such as nature areas. City forfeited properties. and open space. He added that wetlands are. or can b considered "open space." He also stated that the Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan proposes recreational uses for wetlands. • /9 sop Park Commission Minutes December 14, 1989 Page Three MOTION made by Casey, seconded by Burke to recommend to the City Council that our advisory capacity not include Just parks, but other open space, and that the Park Com- mission be called a "Park and Open Space Commission." It is also recommended that the pertinent ordinances be amended changing the name to a Park and Open Space Com- mission. Motion carried unanimously. It was determined that Casey will write a proposal to the City Council which wi!! be reviewed by the Commission at their meeting on January 11, 1990; and then it will be forwarded to the City Council on .:anuary 23. 1993. Review of Carolyn) Schmidt's Interview The Commission agreed that despite Carolyn being the only ap- plicant, she is an excellent candidate. C7 MOTION made by Bailey, seconded by Andersen, to recom- mend to the City Council that Carolyn Schmidt be ap- pointed to the Park Commission, replacing Nancy Clough's • position with her term ending 12/92. Motion carried un- animously. It was decided that Byrnes will call Carolyn and inform her tnat she has been recommended for appointment. This recommendation will be heard by the City Council on January 9, 1990. Ci ty g guncil Rep res enta tive's Repo PhYIIIS Jessen reviewed the approval of the 1990 budget and ex- plained that two citizens did appear to the City Council meeting to oppose the dock rental fee increases. She also informed the Commission that Todd McMaster's dock privileges were revoked any the revised dock design standards were approved. Ci - ty Manager's R eport Ed Shukle informed the Commission that since their last review of the park budget, it increased, and that they got their membership to the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. He also in- formed the Commission that the City Council will be reviewing final plans for the City Hall addition in February, and if they are approved the plans will be submitted for bids. Park D Report Jim Fackler stated that he worked on the budget last month and the Park Department has been working on the ice rink3 this last week. 144 4NI pu'r air 5, Park Commission Minutes December 14. 19139 • Page Four Dock Inspcctor's Report r Dell commented that he is preparing the mailing for the 1990 Dock Permit Application. Je s sen raised a question for the Park Commission to think about and consider. Could a portion of the $23.000 that is budgeted for new park equipment be used to help renovate the depot? There was discussion on the subject, and what type of park equipment will be needed for 1990. MOTION made by Weber seconded by Byrnes to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. • A /yJ Northern States Power Company Law r"artwwnt ftv :�.' Nb w 9 "Wo �.. 1 NW" errweror, wrrn..e�. o+ sw ew . a...... imp a.r -u. h jamo o 8r a waft ON Ow WNW Now j so" 330 -6648 ,';:;.�..� December 29, 1989 " on it. OWN L M RECT JAN 2 1990 M~J4 "alm TO MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES IN NSP'S ELECTRIC SERVILE TERRITORY: Re: Minnesota Public Utilitiea Commission Docket No. E- 002/GR -89 -865 On November 2, 1989, Northern States Power Company ( "NSP ") filed for an electric rate increase with the Minnesota Public Utilities Comnission ( "PUC "). The Commission has referred this filing to the Office of Administrative Hearings for evidentiary and public hearings. A prehearing conference was held at 9:30 a.m. on December 21, 1989, before Judg Richard C. Luis, at the American Center Building, 780 Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Other procedural matters are discussed in the PUC's Notice and Order for nearing w.iich is enclosed. Also enclosed is NSP's Notice of Application for � Increase. If there are questions, feel free to call tf _ undersigned. DAVID A. LAWRENCE Director - Law • IYY Proposed Notice to Counties and Municipalities . Under Minnesota Statutos 2165.16(1) WORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STATE OT MINNESOTA In the Matter of the Application ) of NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, ) NOTICE Or APPLICATION Minneapolis, Minnesota, for ) TOR RATE INCREASE Authority to Change Its Schedule ) of Electric Rates for Retail Customers ) Docket 2002/GR -19 -165 Within the State of Minnesota ) On November 2, 1919, Northern Statis Power Company (NSP) filed notice of an increase in its electric rates with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 2165.16. The Company proposed a schedule of new rates to take effect on January 1, 1990. If the Commission suspends the proposed rates so they do not go into effect, it meat permit the Company to put interim rates into effect on January 1, 1990, until a final rate level is determined. NSP has filed a schedule of interim rates based on the Commission Order in the preneding NSP electric rate case. The Commission will determine the amount of increase in rates it will allow on or before September 4, 1990, and final rates reflecting that determination will be implemented thereafter. if the final rates leveA. is less than the interim rate level, the amount collected during the interim period attributable to that difference will be refunded to customers with interest. • H1 follows: 7 xamp1e3 of the effect of these increases on typical bills are as Average Monthly Dills Residential Service Use Pre Interim Proposed 250 KMH $ 16.10 1 17.21 1 19.26 S00 KWH 1 34.69 1 37.09 1 38.02 750 KWH 1 49.79 1 53.23 1 54.71 1000 KWH $ 64.88 1 69.36 1 71.53 Small General Service 500 RMH 1 36.79 $ 39.33 1 40.55 1000 KWH 1 66.98 $ 71.61 1 73.85 2000 KWH $127.36 $136.16 $140.45 The Department of Public Service is conducting an investigation of NSP's books and records. Individual customers will be notified when public hearings are scheduled. The proposed rate schedules and a comparison of present and proposed rates may be examined by the public during normal business hours at the Department of Public Service, 790 American Center Building, 160 test Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul and at Northern States Power COWany offices located at 414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis; 2302 Great Northern Drive, Fargo; 417 Wabash& St., 8t. Paul; 825 Rice St., St. Paul; 1700 t. County Road Z, White Bear Lake, 3000 M*xwll Ave., Newport; 2763 First Ave. N.W., Faribault; 3930 Pepin Ave., Red Wing; 3515 Third St. N., St. Cloud; 5050 Service Drive, Winona; 500 W. Russell St., Sioux Falls; 4501 68th Ave., N., Brooklyn Center; 5309 W. 70th St., Zdina; 210 Lima St., Mankato; 5505 County Road 19, Shorewood; 1505 Washington Ave., Montevideo; and 3115 Centre Pointe Drive, Roseville. If you want to testify or become an official intervenor in this case, contact Richard C. Luis, Office Of Administrative Hearings, Sth Floor, Flour Zxchange Building, 310 - 4th Avenue, South Minneapolis, HN 55415. 0 Imo BEFORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION S Barbara Beerhalter Chair Cynthia A. Kitlinski Commissioner Norma McKanna Commissioner Robert J. O'Keefe 'mommissioner Darrel L. Peterson Commissioner In the Matter of the ISSUE DATE: November 29, 1989 Application of Northern States Power Company for Authority to DOCKET NO. E- 002/GR -89 -865 Increase its Rates for Electric Service in the State NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HEARING of Minnesota PROCEDURAL HISTORY On November 2, 1989 Northern States rawer Company (NSP or the Company) filed a petition seeking a general rate increase of $120,782,000, or 10.2 %, effective January 1, 1990. On November 29, 1989 the Commission issued its Ordsr Accepting Filing and Suspending Rates in the matter. A copy of the Company's rate increase proposal is on file in the offices of the Department of Public Service, 790 American Center Building, 160 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 and is open for public inspection during regular office hours. Copies are also available for public inspection at the Company's offices at 414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis; 2302 Great Northern Drive, Fargo, North Dakota; 421 Wabasha St., St. Paul; 825 Rice Street, St. Paul; 1700 East County.Road E, White Bear Lake; 3000 Maxwell Avenue, Newport; 2763 First Avenue Northwest, Faribault; 3920 Pepin Avenue, Red Wing; 3515 Third Street North, St. Cloud; 5050 Service Drive, Winona; 500 West Russell Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; 4501 68th Avenue North, Brooklyn Center; 5309 West 70th Street, Edina; 210 Lime Street, Mankato; 5505 County Road 19, Shorewood; 1505 Washington Avenue, Montevideo; and 3115 Centerpoint Drive, Roseville. • 1 /so/ c ,$ I . $t#i The Commission has jurisdiction over proposed rate changes under Minn. Stat. f 2169.16 (1988). If the Commission is unable to resolve all significant issues regarding the reasonableness of the proposed rates on the basis of the filing itself, the Commission is to refer the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings for contested case proceedings. Minn. Stat. f 2168.16, subd. 2 (1988). The Commission finds that it cannot satisfactorily resolve all questions regarding the reasonableness of the proposed rates on the basis of the Company's filing. The Commission will therefore refer the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings for contested case proceedings. II. Preoosed Bates The Company proposes that any final rate increase be allocated by customer class as follows. Residential 10.21 Commercial and Industrial 10.28 Public Authorities 11.6• Street and Area Lighting 10.2% Other (Late Pay, Misc. Service) 21.6% Overall 10.21 The Commission has suspended the Company's proposed rates by separate Order. By further Order, the Commission will direct the Company 'ro place an interim rate schedule into effect. interim rates are subject to refund if the Commission ultimately orders a lower overall revenue increase than is recovered through interim rates. Minn. Stat. f 2168.16, subd. 3 (1988). III. issues to be Addressed Parties shall address the following issues in the course of the contested case proceedings ordered herein: 2 0 Isx (1) Is the test year revenue increase sought by the Company reasonable or will it result in unreasonable and excessive earnings by the Company? (2) Is the rate design proposed by the Company reasonable? (3) Is the amount built into the Company's base rates for its test year conservation program reasonable, given actual and projected levels of spending ?. (4) Are the Company's proposed capital structure and return on equity reasonable? The parties may also raise and address other issues relevant to the Company's proposed rate increase. iv. �iaistrative iav JWdae -- The Administrative Law Judge assigned to this case is Richard C. Luis. His address and telephone number are as follows: Office of Administrative Hearings, Fifth Floor, Flour Exchange Building, 3.1.0 Fourth Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415; (612) 349 -2542. Procedure -- Bearings in this muter will be conducted in accordance wit:i the Administrative Procedure Act, Minr. Stat. f; 14.57 -14.62 (1988); the rules of tho Office of Administrative Hearings, Minn. Rules, parts 1400.5100 to 1400.8400; and, to the extent that they are not superseded by those rules, the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, binn. Rules, parts 7830.0100 7830.4400. Copies of these rules and statutes may be purchased from the Documents Section of the Department of Administration, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul, ]Minnesota 55155, (612) 297 -3000. Under these es parties may be represented by counsel, may appear on t. r own behalf, or may be represented by another person of thbir choice, unless otherwise prohibited as the unauthorised prantice of law. They have the right to present evidence, conduct cross - examination, and make written and oral argument. Under Minn. Rules, part 1400.7000, they may obtain subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents. Any party intending to appear at the hearing must file a notice of appearance (Attachment A) with the Administrative Law Judge within 20 days of the date of this Notice and Order for Hearing. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in facts and issues being resolved against the party who falls to appear. • 3 !s3 Parties should bring to the hearing all documents, records, and witnesses necessary to support their positions. They should take note that any material introduced into evidence may become public data unless a party objects and requests relief under Mi,.n. Stat. s 14.60, subd. 2 (1986). Any questions regarding discovery under Minn. Rules, parts 1400.6700 to 1400.6800 or informal disposition under Minn. Rules, part 1400.5900 should be directed to Jon "tngstad, Special Assistant Attorney General, 780 American center Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296 -0413. The times, dates, and places of public and evidentiary hearings in this matter will be set by order of the Administrative Law judge after consultation with the Commission and intervening parties. -- Persons wishing to become formal parties to this proceeding shall promptly file petitions to intervene with the Administrative Law Judge. They shall serve copies of such petitions on all current parties and on the Commission. Minn. Rules, part 1400.6200. -- A prehearing conference will be held in this matter on Thursday, December 21, 1989 at 900 a.m. in tho Small Hearing Room at the Commission offices, 715 American Center Building, 150 Bast Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Min*..;sota 55101. Persons intending to intervene in the matter should attend the conference, prepared to discuss time frames and scheduling. Other matters which may be discussed include the locations and dates of public hearings, discovery procedures, and similar issues. -- The Commission is required to act on the Company's filing within ten months, or the proposed rates are deemed approved. Minn. Stat. f 216B.16, subd. 2 (1988). This ten -month period can be extended for two months, if the parties submit a settlement which is rejected by the Commission. Minn. Stat. f 216B.16, subd. 2 (1988). The Commission asks the Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct contested case proceedings in light of these time constraints and requests that the Administrative Law Judge submit his final report by July 5, 1990 to allow the Commission adequate opportunity for thorough consideration of the case. snplication of LobbgjMg Provisiuns -- The l. provisions of the Ethics in Government Act, Minn. Stat. is 10A.01 !M =., apply to general rate cases. Persons appearing in this proceeding may be suLject to registration, reporting, and other 4 0 15y requirements set forth in th this case are urged to refer Minnesota Ethical Practices 1720, with any questions. at Act. All persons appearing in to the Act and to contact the Board, telephone number (612) 296- �z pane Cossninications Restrictions on RE 2art communications with Commissioners and reporting requirements regarding such communications ;iith Commission staff apply to this proceeding from the date of this Order. Those restrictions and reporting requirements are set forth at Minn. Rules, parts 7845.7300- 7845.7400, which all parties are urged to. consult. 1. A contested case proceeding shall be held on the Compan proposed rate increase. The proceeding shall begin with a Prehearing Conference on Thursday, December 21, 1989 at 9 :30 a.m. in the Small Hearing Room at the Commission offices, 715 American Center Building, 150 East zollogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. 2. This Order will be ser-ied on the Company, which shall mail copies of the Order to all municipalities and counties in its service area and to such other persons as the Department of Public Service may request. 3. Public hearings shall be held in this matter at locations within the service area of the Company. 4. in addition to the notices of the proposed change in rates required by the Order Accepting Filing and Suspending Rates, the Company shall give the following notices of the evidentiary and public hearings: a) Individual written notice to each custom-jr, which may be in the form of a bill insert, and shall be served at least ten days before the first day of hearings. b) Written notice to the governing bodies of all municipalities and counties in the area affected and to all parties in the Company's last two rate cases. Those notices shall be mailed at least ten days before the first day of hearings. • 5 16rtr b; .. : c) display advertisements in legal newspapers of affected counties and other newspapers of general circulation within the Company's service area. These advertisements shall appear at least ten days before the first day of hearings. They shall include the heading RATE INCREASE NOTICE, which heading shall appear in bold face type no smaller than 30 points. d) The above notices shall contain the information required in Minn. Rules, part 7830.3200, subp. 2. The Company shall submit proposed notices for Commission approval prior to publication or service. S. This Order shall become effective immediately. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION Lee Larson / Acting Executive - Secretary (S E A L) • G isi ATTACHMENT A BEFORE THh MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Fifth Floor, Flour Exchange Building 310 South Fourth Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 760 American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 In the Matter MPUC Docket No. E- 002/GR -89- 865 OAK Docket No. Date of Hearing: December 21, 1989, 9 :30 a-m, Name and Telephone Number of Administrative Law Judge: Richard C. Luis 612!.;49 -2542 TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE LAN JUDGE: You are advised that the party named.below will appear at the above hearing. NAME OF PARTY: ADDRESSt TELEPHONE NUMBER: PARTY'S ATTORNEY OR OTHER REPRESE*1TATIVE: OFFICE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY: 10 DATE: is7 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE A G E N D A 7:30 a.-n., Saturday, January 13, 1990 LMCD Office, Wayzata 1. David Thomas development, new dock license proposal and review of public hearing report ( enclosed) 2. Review of Code 12.05, Subd. 1, 52.05, Subd. 4(a)(16), and 12.05, Subd. 4(b), relating to new vs. existing amenities for Special Density License considerations (excerpt enclosed) 3. City of Wayzata Special Density License and New Docl; License; review of public hearing report (enclosed), and pending notificatio;i on mandatory EAW 4. City of Deephaven Special Density License and New Dock License application review, recommending an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), enclosed 5. Exceisior Bay Yacht Club Special Density License and New Dock License application review; evaluation of expansion for possible EAW, and change of use (to luliow) 6. Proposed Code amendment recommending an interim ordinance to restrict licensing, construction and maintenance of new commercial and multiple docks, evaluating wetlands in relationship to shoreline measurements and other considerations • (copy enclosed as previously submitted) 1. EAW evaluation for Minnetonka Boat Works (Orono), based upon results of the submission to the EQB; recommending final consideration of the new dock license and Special Density License applications without further environmental studies ( hearing report attached) 8. Discretionary EAW for Wayzata Yacht Club's District Mooring Area (enclosed); review and recommendation to Board as presented /amended 9. Inquiry regarding refund of dock license application fees 'Zor slips not used in 1989 and /or 1990 10. Cuidelines (enclosed) for temporary residential dock extensions without a formal permit application, recommending renewal for 1990 11. Reaffirming that 1989 temporary low water variances for multiple dock licensees are renewable as part of 1990 license applications (copy attached) 12..' Pelican Point multiple dock license application review for preliminary acceptance without final property development plan (copy attached) 13. Rockvam Boat Works temp. low water extension request and proposal to submitute floating docks in exact same configuration as existing dock plan on site ll 1. (Copy attached.) • ENVIRONMENT: 1. Eurasian Water Milfoil 1990 planning progress ROo - OJT LAKE MINNETCNKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT / 1/4/90 RECD JAN 81990 i T0: Dock Committee Chair Jim Grathwol, Dock Committee Members INFO TO: LMCD Chair Dave Cochran Applicant Ralph Turnquist FROM' Gene Stromman SUBJECT: Pelican Point Multiple Dock License Application ihis application initially called to the committee's attention 11/18, has been completed with the inclusion of application fees for 45 Watercraft Storage Units applying to 38 Boat Storage Units -- 28 at slips, 10 at moorings. The purpose of the application initially is to re- instate a license granted in 1979 for the same number of slips. Conceptually the applicant believes the residential development will be similar to that presented to the City of Mound originally. A developer has not yet been engaged therefore the dock license application would still require further review and approvals by the city once the development is more firmly established. Upon review of the previous application /license files, a communication from the MN DNR raises the point that the application as submitted previously for the development proposed would be subject to a mandatory Environmental Impact Statement {EIS}. because the City of Mound does not have a state - approved shoreland ordinance. The applicant would be advised to review this requirement with the City of Mound as he moves along on the development plans for the current project. A copy of the MN DNR letter of 1/4/85 is enclosed. The applicant agrees that he does not expect early committee review or a public hearing to be scheduled on this application until further plans are developed for the residential use of this parcel. In the meantime the applicant trusts that he has satisfied our immediate requirements to re -open this application and preserve it from any restrictions which may later ensue due to multiple dock studies the District may be contemplating. • �ECEIVEO DOCK LICENSE Lake Minnetonka Conservation District NOV 301989 License Year • I.MCD Pee I! l r S( .�� r� /fie ! .V /.. • LM .C.D. Village response due _ No. of Boats received Boat Density Index J / Can be reached at phone _ (for LMCD use) Because this form is to be copied, please 1 use black ink or type APPLICATION: MULTIPLE DOCK, RAP1P AND /OR MOORING LICE R alph C, Elsie and Rolf W. Turnquist 922 -9693 _ (Print or type owner's name) Phone; if no 3220 W Calhoun Parkway, Mpls. ,Mil 55416 (Ralph /Elsie) answer, call: (owner's address) Q75 Regents Walk, Shorewood,fi!1 55331 (Ralph,'Elsie) 47 -9285 Rolf -2000 Chestnut RD,Hamel,MN 55340 478 -6950 Hm 529 -7711 A the owner of land in the City of phelrc le1anA aarh. Business name Pelican Point Mound, Mtl. _ _ ( if different from owner) Phone; if no 2320 Tuxedo Road, Mound, M11. answer, call: (Street address, (Mailing address if different from street address) which is riparian to LMCD area(s) Spring Park Number(s) 11 • Lake Minnetonka, applies pursuant to LMCD Code Chapter Il, Section 2.03, for a new or revised multiple dock license, in accordance with all data and other information sub- mitted Herewith and made a part hereof. The following must accompany this application (see samples): (a) Locator map (d) Site plan of dockage to scale, (b) County plat of the area to over -lay the survey (c) Certified signed survey and (e) Dock construction detail sheet legal description (f) Gas storage detail sheet 1. Type of application ( )Outlot association ( )Municipal ( )Corrunercial marina (please check one): ( )Multiple dwelling ( )Transient ( )Private club ( )Private residence 0000ther (explain) Planned unit devgl ni 2. Intended use of facility Residential development 3. Abutting property owners at th- lakeshore: North or west (fort Lak 4379 11i lshi re Blvd. ,hound, litl. 55364 (Name and MAILING address) South or Fast South: _Ron on _ 4416 Dorchester Road, Mound 14N. 55364 (Name and ttA1LING address) Other affected partie — (Names an(i MAILING addresses - attach sheet if necessary) 4. All required permit;, licellS ,; and approvals have been obtained from the City in which the multiple dock is locate i, and the 110 DNR: Yes_ - , _ No_ *See atta::hed letter 5. Publ 1 iabi 1 ity Insurance* Amount $ 300,000 - 5t1t1 Company Fe ueral I n; u ran C r' • a Lake Minnetonka Conservation District „ Application: Multiple ;,ock, Ramp. Ralph C.',Elsie and /or Mooring License Name 6. Maximum number of Boat Storage Units (BSU): by Location at slips . . . . . . . . 28 bSU at slides . . . . . . . _BSU at lifts . . . . . . . . 11SU S. BSU computation: 10 at moorings . . . . . . BSU at tie -ons . . . . . . . BSU at off -Lake storage . . BSU other (explain): BSU B SU TOTAL BSU applied for: 3�3BSU �f{ for rent, lease, etc. . . . for service work . . . . . for company use . . . . . - for private use . . . . . . for transient use . . . . other (specify): TOTAL BSU applied fort { 11/08 ndee- sopa"ta L"v- le b- #*ocLag -& u- pendt ts-- *......,,_,, 7. Site Lake frontage 1300 test. Plus 1300 feet Island S. BSU computation: Frontage feet t SO BBUs a1iowtbli under the 3ne- boat -per- fifty -foot rule. (If this number is less than the total BSUs applied for in 06 above, an application for a Special Density Perin is _ require4.) All CMmercial (and others, where applicable) must provide the following additional infc• otion: 9. Check the nature of services and parking provided: a) Boat storage number of parking spaces ,...�....... -; b) Launching ramps number of parking spaces Times ramp is open for public use: ramp overflow parking c) Sales number of parking spaces d) Service number of parking spaces e) Boat rentals ; number of parking spaces f) Restaurant number of parking spaces g) Other (explain) number of parking spaces h) Parking not required ; reason • TOTAL parking spaces 11/08 = s . q =d Lake Minnetonka Conservation lllutriet ' ''Application, Multiple Dock, Ramp, E151C and O l t TuAt and /or Mooring License Na.a�e Ralph C . 10. Sanitary facilities are provided: Yes No _{ number of units_,,_,,,,,„` 11. bat toilet pumping se -vice is provided: Yes no 12. Watercraft Storage Units (WSU) computation Rchedutst: 11 0 N e, -o 1Ne. SCrC) @ 1 WSU (each sLip,,up to 23' long and /or up to 10' wide) - _1 V_ Wt. @ fig WSU (each slip 20 to 24' long and /or up to 11' wide) a � _ WSU Q 2 WSU (emeh slip 24'+ to 32' long and/or up to 12' wide) a WSU @ 2'N WSU (each slip 32'+ to 40' to -g and /or up to 14' wide) • WSU @ 3 WSU (each slip 4C'+ to 48' long and /or up to !6' wide) a WSU @ 4 WSU (each ali- over 48' long and /or over 16' wide) ' WSh Total Watercraft Storage Units (WSU) N Al m USU ALL A" PLICATIANS: Base 'se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 50.00 Watercraft Storage Units NSU) - $10.00 + WA License depcsit (refundable, Depending >•pon Lull com- •plisn:e with the LNCD Code and extent of administrstive, inspection and legal service required) . . . . • • • • . 1 00.00 Totat fee enclosed $ 6['►D I certify that the information provided herein and the attachments hereto are true and correct strrementai I understand that any license issued may be revoked by th District for violation of the LHCD Code. I agree to reimburse the District for ary legal. aurveyiug, engineering, inspection, maintenance or other expenses incurred b3 the District in excess of the amount of the deposit. I consent to permitting officers and agents of the District to enter the preaaises at all reasonable times to investigate and to determine whether or not the Coue c�, the District is beirg complied with. Aurhorized signature Title / RO%tionship to o: Date Re rn this application end attachments to: .ake Minnetonka Conservation District 402 East Lake 4reet Wayzata, i+nne.ora 55391 Phore: (6i2) 473--7033 11/88 RFrD JAN 5 •� I WEE T s � 4 " C cr rr q 5' " w F u M�w pm 0 § L LO Lao. VA of 0 g� flit � � s F on F [FIR lir IkI wur ot le 11 FED i� * , a [F �a f 1I � �� e ` �1 �. U #� . s U1 I lit Ill-wFu I it w tons s rs . 1 r t s s lop mw E 0 r" �D .�7 w 0- . i�oo -otJ LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 473•-7033 L.H.C.D. MEETING SCHEDULE 8170 JAN 8 1990 JANUARY 1990 Saturday 13 Water Structures b Environment Committee 7:30 a.m., LMCD office, Wayzata Depot Wednesday 17 Advisory Committee, Management Plan 7:00 p.m., Tonka Bay City Hall Thurday .8 Intergovernmental Relations /Funding Subcommittee, ManaRcient Plan 7:00 o.m., akR Bay City Hall Friday 19 Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force 8:30 a.m., Freshwater Foundation, Navarre Monday 22 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m., LMCD office, Wayzata Depot Wednesday 24 LMCD Board of Director's regular meeting 7:30 p.m., Tonka Bay City Hall Wednesday 31 LMCD and LMCD Cities participation in MN DNR Shoreland b Rules: Workshop (by invitation /reservation only) Thursday Feb 1 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Holiday Inn Minneapolis West at Highway 12 b 169 1 -3 -90 r] • amid of President MOW IL P" Vice PreeMent Pest President awry W. amen U""Waa. Director* KOM 110*araM m►►aawab a.Mb low" K ..M MM ear~ Mari eral►arda Ecks" vw rorwe .Mawr pamsma F"dwy KaMa FraaK C" Aftes" waa.gw Owna Ktaaw P4bed C. Lem K hd Oarw ManbaK eraoa►yn F'MY sarnar Para: e, +ar►Ka oaaw KMra4/ Mao►a arwt Coal* " erooalya Pwk Tyra eF4a shown Executive Director var►r Parr." January 12, 1990 a c o � � n of me�ro �an mania a ihes En JAN 8 IM Mr. Ed Shukle, Jr. City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Iagislative Contact: The date for the Breakfast Meeting with the Legislators in your area has been set. Please reserve: Saturday, January 27, 1990 from 9:00 to 10:30 A.M. For a Continental Breakfast at the Hopkins House 1501 Highway Seven Hopkins, Minnesota Enclosed is a copy of the letters sent to your area legislators. Will you please follow up? A handwritten note or personal invitation from you will encourage their attendance. The AMM encourages you to also invite the one or two other people, either on your City Council or city staff, who will be the most active in dealing with your legislators. In order to help defray costs, the AMM asks that you share the cost by paying $5.00 for yourself and for each city o:ficial atte.,ding. 1 81 university i -,or, - . __,., rr,, (r) 1 91 227 -4008 a' y. r' a� Please call Carol Williams or Roger Paterson 221 -4008 With the names of people atteniinq, or it you have any rw questions. We are looking forward to seeing you and your legislators! Sincerely, Walt tehst, president Association of Metropolitan Municipalities =nclosures • CITY OF N 0 U N D MINNESOTA . . . . . . . . . . . . Sn q