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1990-01-23 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET 1/23/90 ��1 • Cl • CITY OF MOUND MOUPD, MINNESOTA Aa3ND MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 7 :30 P.K.. TOESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1990 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 9, 1990, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AND THE JANUARY 16, 1990, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. Pg. 160 -170 3. PUBLIC HEARING: DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS. Pg. 171 -173 4. REQUEST FROM WESTERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ACADEMY (WAFTA) TO TERMINATE LEASE WITH MINNEGASCO. Pg. 174 -194 5. CASE #90 -901: SCOTT A. OLSON, 2168 BIRCH LANE, LOTS a & 2, BLOCK 8, MOUND TERRACE, PID #14- 117 -24 32 0041 AND 0042. REQUEST: MINOR SUBDIVISION. Pg. 195 -203 6. DISCUSSION: PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE IN THE B -1 ZONING DISTRICT. Pg. 204 -209 7. APPROVAL OF LMCD MULTIPLE DOCK & MOORING LICENSES: A. AL & ALMA'S B. CHAPMAN PLACE ASSOCIATION C. DRIFTWOOD SHORES D. LAKEWINDS ASSOCIATION E. MINNETONKA BOAT RENTALS /EDGEWA'ER MARINA F. WILLIAM NICCUM G. SEAHORSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION H. SETON TWINHOMES Pg. 210 -231 8. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 9. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $3,389 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE COMMONS DOCF FUND. Pg. 232 10. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER $1,051 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE CEMETERY FUND. Pg. 233 11. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - SECTION 255 - RENAMING THE PARK COMMISSION TO PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION. Pg. 234 -235 12. REQUEST FROM MINNETONKA BASS CLUB TO UTILIZE MOUND BAY PARK FOR WEIGH -IN ONLY - JUNE 9, 1990, 2:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Pg. 236 Page 158 C7 Page 158 7''d 13. RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 22, 1990, AS EARTH DAY IN THE CITY OF MOURD. Pg. 237 -238 • 14. RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A WRITTEN FEASIBILITY REPORT INCLUDING ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR MUNICIPAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND TO PREPARE; AN UPDATED REPORT ON THE CITY WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Pg. 239 15. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 437:10, SUBD. 7 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO CAR TIRES ON COMMONS DOCKS. Pg. 240 16. PAYMENT OF BILLS. Pg. 241 -254 17. INFORMATION /MISCELLANEOUS A. Planning Commission Minutes of January 8, 1990. Pg. 255 -259 B. Park commission Minutes of January 11, 1990. Pg. 260 -263 C. Economic Development Commission Minutes of December 21, 1989. Pg. 264 D. LMCD mailings. Pg. 265 -273 E. REMINDER: February 27, 1990, regular Council meeting has been rescheduled to February 20, 1990 and therefore, no Committee of the Whole • meeting in February. Next C.O.W. meeting is March 20, 1990. F. REMINDER: Annual Congressional /City Conference, National League of Cities, Washington D.C., March 3 -6, 1990. Please let Fran know TONIGHT if you are planning to attend. C7 Page 158 1 January 9, 1990 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 9, 1990 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, January 9, 1990, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Andrea Ahr•:ns, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Jim Larson, City Engineer John Cameron, Fire Chief Don Bryce, Recycling Coordinator Joyce Nelson and the following interested citizens: Jerry Babb, Cliff Reep, representatives from BFI - John Moreland and Tom Moline, Marsha Jerde, and Carol Norberg. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.0 MINUTES MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1989, Regular Meeting, as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.2 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MAYOR FOR 1990 Smith moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -1 RESOLUTION APPOINTING SKIP JOHNSON ACTING MAYOR FOR 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.2 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER Smith moved and Ahrens seccnded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -2 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY CLERK FRAN CLARK ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. • /60 14/ 2 January 9, 1990 1.3 DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Smith moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -3 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL BONDS Ahrens moved and Johnson seconded -he following resolution_ RESOLUTION #90 -4 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OZ A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY CLERK The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: 1.5 RESOLUTION #90 -5 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/ FINANCE DIRECTOR The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.6 TRANSFERS Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -6 TRANSFER OF $950 FROM THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND TO CLOSE OUT THAT FUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: 1.7 RESOLUTION #90 -7 AUTHORIZE TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS i SUG FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There were no comments or suggestions from citizens present. 14/ • 3 January 9, 1990 1.8 TRANSFERS Jensen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -8 TRANSFER OF $49 FROM THE LIQUOR FUND TO THE 1989 SEALCOAT PROJECT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: 1.9 RESOLUTION #90 -9 TRANSFER OF $4,256 FROM THE FIRE EQUIPMENT DEBT SERVICE , 1984 FUND, TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND TO CLOSE OUT THAT FUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.10 PARK COMMISSION APPOINTMENT Johnson moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90-10 APPOINTMENT OF CAROLYN A. SCHMIDT TO THE PARK COMMISSION- TERM 1 -1 -90 TO 12 -31 -92 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.11 APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS Ahrens moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -11 RESOLUTION APPOINTING PHYLLIS JESSEN TO THE PARK COMMISSION; LIZ JENSEN TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION; AND SKIP JOHNSON TO THE CABLE T.V. COMMISSION; AND STEVE SMITH TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (EDC) AS COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.12 DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES Johnson moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: • RESOLUTION #90 -12 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 1990 /9z 4 • January 9, 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.13 A PPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE /RESCUE APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT AND SETTING BID OPENING DATE Smith moved, Ahrens seconded a motion to approve the plans and specifications for the Fire /Rescue Apparatus and Equipment; setting the bid opening date as Thursday, February 22, 1990 at 11:00 A.M.; and authorising the advertisement for bids in the Construction Bulletin and The Laker newspaper. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.14 REQUEST FROM WESTERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ACADEMY (WAFTA) TO TERMINATE LEASE WITH MINNEGASCO The Mayor asked that this item be withdrawn from the Agenda until the next meeting, January 23, 1990. The Council agreed. 1.15 APPROVAL OF BID ON ONE TON DUMP TRUCK BID The City Manager explained that two bids were received. Star West Chevrolet $23,160.21 Superior Ford $23,396.00 The recommendation is to approve the Star West bid. Ahrens moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -13 RESOLUTION TO AWARD THE BID FOR ONE TON DUMP TRUCK TO STAR WEST CHEVROLET IN THE ANOU_r OF $23,160.21 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.16 APPROVAL OF PARTIAL PAYMENT - DENBIGH ROAD IMPROVEMENT The City Engineer recommended approval of a partial payment in the amount of $23,531.78 to Widmer, Inc. MOTION bade by Ahrens, seconded by Johnson to approve a partial payment request to Widmer, Inc. in the amount of $23,531.78, for the Denbigh Road Improvement. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 0 /63 • 5 January 9, 1990 1.17 MUNICIPAL STATE AID SYSTBlL The City Engineer explained that Tuxedo Blvd. from C.S.A.H. 125 to Clyde Road should be scheduled this year for reconstruction. It was last improved in 1967 with bituminous curb and sidewalk. The reconstruction would consist of minor subgrade corrections, new concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, necessary storm sewer upgrades, and a bituminous overlay. The estimated cost would be $170,000 to $180,000. This would be paid for with MSA funds. Some of the storm sewer costs may not be allowed under MSA and would have to be paid by the City. The City will need some variances because parts of this section do not meet MSA design standards. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to approve preliminary cost estimate and order the engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Tuxedo Blvd. from Clyde Road to C.S.A.H. 125. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The City Engineer then explained that the City needs to add almost one mile to the allowable mileage for MSA route designation. He suggested the following sections be added for MSA designation: 1. Highland Boulevard from Bartlett Blvd. (H.C.S.A.H. No. 100) to Idlewood Road. 2. Idlewood Road from Highland Blvd. to Ridgewood Rd. 3. Ridgewood Road from Idlewood Road to Westedge Blvd (H.C.S.A.H. No. 44). 4. Three Points Blvd. from Shorewood ,t :.o glen Elyn Rd. 1.18 MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to turn in a preliminary request to add additional mileage to MSA street system as per items 1 -4 listed above. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.19 REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHT AT THE WEST END OF ACOR ROAD The City Manager explained that a petition has been submitted requesting the installation of a street light at the end of Acorn Road. The Police Dept. has recommended approval. /c y 6 January 9, 1990 Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION $90 -14 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT AT THE END OF ACORN ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.20 EXTENSION FOR REVIEW OF METROPOLITAN POLICY PLAN AMENDMENTS The City Manager explained that the Planner is asking that the Council request a 6 month extension for review of metropolitan policy plan amendments. This will allow public: comment on the Mound Comprehensive Plan update and ensure that the City's plan is in conformance with the regional wastewater and transpoLtation policy plans. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following rc elution: r - � u RESOLUTION $90 -15 RESOLUTION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REQUESTING AN EXTENSION TO THE TIME ALLOCATED FOR THE POTENTIAL MODIFICATION OF LOCAL PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH MINN. STATUTE 473.856 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.21 REQUEST TO ADDRESS CITY COUNCIL ON RECYCLING - SKIP JOHNSON Councilmember Johnson presented a plan to go to weekly curbside pick -up of recyclables showing that the cost to the City for 1990 would be $4,391.00 more than Budgeted. The Council discussed the following: increased participation; increased costs; the County's reimbursement program and how it may change after 1990; source reduction; other cities who have weekly recycling curbside pick -up; increases in garbage bills for residents. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to authorize notification to BFI, Inc. that the City of Mound wishes to have weekly curbside recycling pick -up starting on January 29th and 30th, as outlined in the current contract with BFI, Inc. for a cost of $2.05 per household, per month. This will stay in place until the end of 1990 and be reviewed at that time. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. • 145- 7 January 9, 1990 1.22 APPROVAL OF BID ON 1990 MAINTENANCE DREDGING BID The City Manager explained that two bids were received. Minnetonka Portable Dredging, Inc. $38,850 Contracting Services Independent, Inc. $170,400 The amount budgeted fog this was $35,000. The recommendation is to accept the bid of Minnetonka Portable Dredging, Inc., deleting Area D - Emerald, bringing the total amount to $34,350. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the f.11owing resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -16 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE BID OF MINNETONKA PORTABLE DREDGING, INC., DELETING AREA D - EMERALD, FOR THE 1990 MAINTEN7.NCE DREDGING PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,450. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.23 GRADING PERMIT - VAN DER STEEG PROPERTY - RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS - APPLICANT: MINNETONKCA PORTABLE DREDGING, INC. The City Manager explained that a Restrictive Covenant, prepared by William Koenig, has not been reviewed by Curt Pearson, City Attorney, because Mr. Pearson will be out of town until January 17. Tom Underwood, attorney in Mr. Pearson's office, reviewed it and drafted a new one which he felt protected the City better. • Mr. Clifford Reep, Minnetonka Portable Dredging, stated that he has some problems with the new draft and would like the Council to consider approving the grading permit, conditioned upon the two attorney's, Mr. Koenig and Mr. Pearson working out a mutually agreeable Restrictive Covenant for the Anthony VanDerSteeg property. The City Manager also suggested that Minnetonka Portable Dredging, Inc. escrow $500.00 for the legal fees the City will incur. If the entire amount is not used, it will be refunded to Minnetonka Portable Dredging. /Z Z • 8 January 9, 1990 MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to approve the grading permit for Minnetonka Portable Dredging, Inc., conditioned upon the two attorney's, Mr. Koenig and Mr. Pearson, working out a mutually agreeable Restrictive Covenant for the Anthony VanDerBteeg property. Minnetonka Portable Dredging, Inc. to escrow $500.00 with the City for the legal fees the City may incur, with excess, if any, to be refunded. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.24 ADD -ON ITEMS MEETT DAT IN FEBRUARY The City Mana explained the the February 27th Council Meeting is th:: same night as the Precinct Caucuses. Therefore, a changa or cancellation is necessary. wn'"',j made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to reschedule the February 27, 1990, Regular Council Meeting to February 20, 1990. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.25 REAPPOINTMENTS TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Smith moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -17 RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING CHIC REMIEN AND PAUL MEISEL TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - TERMS 1 -1 -90 TO 12 -31 -92 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.26 PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount of $301,564.05, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INFORMATION /MISCELLANEOUS A. Department Head Monthly Reports for December. B. LMCD Representative's December Report. C. November 1989 Financial Report as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. • D. Planning Commission Minutes of December 11, 1989. 147 s 9 January 9, 1990 Park Commission Minutes of December 14, 1989. F. Notice from NSP dated December 29, 1989, regarding increasing electric rates. G. REMINDER: Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, January 16, 1990, 6:30 P.M. H. Mailings from the L.M.C.D. includiLg Pelican Point Multiple Dock License Application. I. NOTICE: AM% Breakfast Meeting with the Legislators on Saturday, January 27, 1990, from 9:00 to 10:30 A.M. at the Hopkins House, 1501 Highway Seven, Hopkins, MN. •- COST $5.00. Please call and let Fran know if you plan to attend. J. REMINDER: Annual Congressional /City Conference National League of Cities Washington, D. C. March 3 -6, 1990 Please let Fran know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend so that reservation may be made. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens to adjourn at 9:35 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk • 14P MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 16, 1990 The meeting was called to order at approximately 7 PM. Members present: Mayor Smith, Skip Johnson, Phyllis Jessen And Liz Jensen. Absent: Andrea Ahrens. Also present: City Manager Ed Shukle, _ngineer John Cameron, Architect Steve Jantz'en, Bob Tomalka --nd Bob Morgan members of the Citizen's Task Force on '- Public Facilities. Steve Jantzen reviewed the city hall expansion project and the plans to date. The cost Astimate was also reviewed. City Manager Ed Shukle indicated that the final plans would be ready for the February 13, 1990 regular Council meeting. Assuming the City Council approves the plans on that date, the bid opening for the project could be set for March 16, 1990 and the bid could be awarded on March 27, 1990. Based on this schedule, construction could begin as early as April 15th. Mark Koegler was present to review the Comprehensive Plan Update. After some opening remarks, it was the consensus of the Council to set a special meeting of Saturday, February 10, 1990, at 8 AM, in the Council Chambers to go through the Comprehensive Plan in detail. City Manager Ed Shukle and City Engineer John Cameron presented • some information with regard to performing a feasibility study on the water distribution system and a municipal water treatment plant. Consensus was to bring this to the next regular meeting, at which time the Council could take action to direct the City Engineer to present feasibility reports on these issues. Speed limits on County Road 15 between County Road 110 and the Seton Bridge were discussed. Ed Shukle presented some information that he had received from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, who has the authority to set the speed limits. The current speed limit is set at 35 miles per hour between County Road 110 and the Seton Bridge. Consensus was to leave the issue alone, and discuss it further with the police chief as to how he is going to enforce the speed limit. Pole buildings in the City of Mound, specifically it the downtown area, were discussed. This matter was referred to the Planning Commission, directing them to discuss how the City can influence the construction of attractive buildings within the City. They were also directed to discuss how aesthetic values could be created within the City. • /47 MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 16, 1990 Other issues discussed included Tax Increment Financing. There being no further business, upon motion by Johnson, seconded by Jensen, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ed Sh kle City Manager ES:ls • 2 /76 22 2320 602 22 2320 753 22 2350 392 22 2380 392 22 2380 451 22 2382 543 22 2382 724 22 2440 151 22 2560 063 22 2560 452 22 2590 481 22 2592 993 22 ?596 841 22 2598 601 22 2620 151 22 2800 451 22 3010 392 22 3102 333 22 3102 397 22 3102 545 22 3430 692 22 3730 183 22 3880 781 22 4040 213 33 4060 302 33 4150 153 33 4180 031 33 4210 021 33 4390 001 111 Delinquent Water and $111.60 86.86 74.11 161.86 87.29 94.35 121.49 147.86 89.92 108.19 116.54 89.76 130.69 104.83 180.60 82.96 98.37 69.71 119.24 167.12 145.35 227.60 83.16 145.36 177.96 92.17 104.79 124.76 135.09 1/17/90 • • 2. 0 33 4392 181 $134.93 33 4392 272 102.79 33 4392 814 107.54 33 4394 244 154.90 33 4420 392 107.72 33 4600 212 68.66 33 4630 212 144.56 33 4630 966 12.04 33 4660 361 143.09 33 4660 421 139.46 33 4750 241 231.22 33 4842 571 113.80 33 4842 783 143.86 33 4844 902 143.52 33 4846 061 115.62 33 5150 211 84.80 33 5180 331 90.66 33 5180 392 183.53 33 5360 151 128.85 33 5450 031 149.04 33 5450 051 217.33 33 5510 211 90.96 33 5600 121 105.72 33 5720 396 251.44 33 5810 421 126.28 33 5880 071 121.48 33 5990 091 156.36 33 5960 211 132.85 33 5960 482 140.94 1/17/90 112. 3 ' 1/17/90 33 5990 094 $ 111.46 33 5990 331 110.14 33 6200 961 122,22 33 6202 873 98.86 33 6202 931 91.40 33 6204 603 118.16 33 6206 031 114.53 33 6206 091 81,97 33 6206 211 119.12 33 6440 062 148.57 41 1990 091 550.50 41 1990 122 220.62 41 4040 151 181 211 4568.41 42 4040 691 214.80 42 4040 812 105.24 $14159.54 • • • Ili Delinquent Water and Sewer 1/17/90 22 2320 602 Thomas Cook Pd.$60.00 $111.60 2343 Fairview Ln. 22 2320 753 Bob Longnecher Pd.$10.00 86.86 2361 Fairview Ln. 22 2350 392 Deb Hunter Pd. 74.11 2331 Chateau Ln. 22 2380 392 Anthony Brinatte 161.86 4875 Edgewater Dr. 22 2380 451 Burt Linquist Pd. 87.29 4879 Edgewater Dr. 22 2382 543 Joe Kopstein Pd. 94.35 5024 Edgewater Dr. 22 2382 724 Dean Kuhn 121.49 5047 Edgewater Dr. 22 2440 151 Ron Hayes Pd. 147.86 5019 Rosedale Rd. 22 2560 063 Steve Hart Pd. 89.92 4778 Northern Rd. 22 2560 452 Geo Papidakas 108.19 49' Northern Rd. 22 2590 481 H.Miller Pd. 116.54 4949 Bartlett Blvd. 22 2592 993 Tony Pyatt 89.76 5449 Bartlett Blvd. 22 2596 841 Perry Ames 130.69 6070 Bartlett Blvd. 22 2598 601 Michael Malaske 104.83 6557 Bartlett Blvd. 22 2620 751 John Richards Pd. 180.60 3037 Highland Blvd. 22 2800 451 Michael Peterson 82.96 5928 Idlewood Rd. 22 3010 392 Michael Bennett 98.37 2973 Hazelwood Ln. 22 3102 333 Mark Duwal 69.71 3108 Westedge Blvd. 22 3102 397 Tony Marlett 119.24 3120 Westedge Blvd. 22 3102 545 Greg Oaklari 167.12 3148 Westedge Blvd. 22 3430 692 Barlow & Swailes 145.3 2072 Commerce Blvd. 22 3730 183 Jack Roshalt 227.60 5031 Woodridge Rd. 22 3880 781 Randal Goise 83.16 5061 Avon Dr. 22 4040 213 Marvin Bentfield 145.36 5019 Shoreline Dr. 33 4060 302 Charles Camps 177.96 2700 Tyrone Ln. 33 4150 153 Jeff Bakken 92.17 4824 Longford Rd. 33 4180 031 Ed Gibh pd. 104.79 2614 Clare Ln. 33 4210 021 Ron Eikaa fed. 124.76 4/04 Cavan Rd. 33 4390 001 V. 135.09 4416 Wi 1 ,- Ihi re Blvd. 2. 1/17/90 33 4392 181 Carol Stodola Pd. $134.93 4510 Wilshire Blvd. 33 4392 272 Joeseph Boege 102.79 4527 Wilshire Blvd. 33 4392 814 Mike Frankenberg 107.54 4719 Wilshire Blvd. 33 4394 244 Stefsnic & Wulf Pd. 154.90 4800 Wilshire Blvd. 33 4420 392 Julie Beno 107.72 4474 Denbigh Rd. 33 4600 212 Dave Skenkyr 68.66 4669 Suffolk Rd. 33 4630 212 Brad Mc Intyre 144.56 4660 Bedford Rd. 33 4630 966 Kim Sandberg Pd.$20.00 72.04 4924 Bedford Rd. 33 4660 361 James Grady Pd. 143.09 4937 Brunswick Rd. 33 4660 421 Scott Bishke Pd. 139.46 4957 Brunswick Rd. 33 4750 241 Bonnie Engle 231.22 4531 Manchester Rd. 33 4842 571 Alan Johnson Pd. 113.80 4609 Tuxedo Blvd. 33 4842 783 Robert Forrest 143.86 4821 Tuxedo Blvd. 33 4844 902 David Gustofson Pd. 143.52 5142 Tuxedo Blvd. 33 4846 061 Gary Carlson 115.62 5174 Tuxedo Blvd. 33 5150 211 Vince Forystik Pd. 84.80 3131 Inverness Rd. 33 5180 331 Ray Coleman Pd. 90.66 4709 Hampton Rd. 33 5180 392 Charles Ham 183.53 4717 Hampton Rd. 33 5360 151 Barb Pankow 128.85 2561 Wexford Ln. 33 5450 031 Steve Myers Pd. 149.04 4800 Lanark Rd. 33 5450 051 Dennis Desmond 217.33 4812 Lanark Rd. 33 5510 211 Richard Maxwell 90.96 3087 Alexander Ln. 33 5600 121 Ralph Burlingame Pd.$60.00 105.72 4843 Dale Rd. 33 5720 396 Steve Schmidt Pd.$160.00251.44 4930 Monmouth Rd. 33 5810 421 Harold Christianson Pd. 126.28 2933 Cambridge Lu. 33 5880 071 Paul [lost Pd. 121.48 3054 Brighton Blvd. 33 5990 091 Bobbie Robinson 156.36 5110 Windsor kd. 33 5960 211 Kevin Smith 132.85 4724 H'Inover Rd. 33 5960 482 Ron Pd. 140.94 4f,56 Hanovr,r Pd. 3. 1/17/90 33 5990 094 S.Hanson Pd.$30.00 $ 111.46 4580 Aberdeen Rd. 33 5990 331 Wm. H bbs 110.14 4700 Aberdeen Rd. 33 6200 961 R. Navarrete 122.22 4539 Island View Dr. 33 6202 873 Dirk Young 98.86 4738 Island View Dr. 33 6202 931 Phil Hofherr Pd.$42.56 91.40 4746 Island View Dr. 33 6204 603 Gerald Pearson Pd. 118.16 4841 Island View Dr. 33 6206 031 Kevin Hetchler Pd. 114.53 4913 Island View Dr. 33 6206 091 Joe Andrews 81.97 4921 Island View Dr. 33 6206 211 Mark W2rnimont Pd. 119.12 4936 Island View Dr. 33 6440 062 John Hodena 148.57 5232 Seabury Rd. 41 1990 091 Jane Elliott 550.50 2136 Belmont Rd. 41 1990 122 Karei Rustad 220.62 2142 Belmont Ln. 41 4040 151 181 211 Terrace Park Pd.4568.41 5000,5014,5028 Belmont 42 4040 691 Century Auto Body 214.80 5533 Shoreline Dr. 42 4040 812 Wm. Alexander Pd. 105.24 5569 Shoreline Dr. $14159.54 $ 6188.40 SMITH a FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW jod Fisher Market Plaza Barbara L Jones 732 West 66th Street Doodas F McGuire Richfield, Minnesota 55423 ✓.kd C. wonle (612) 8614556 Sioen C Snwh December 28, 1989 Mayor Steve Smith and Council Members (EST JAN 2 G90 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 RE: Western Area Fire Training Academy Lease /Minnegasco Dear Mayor Smith: Attached hereto you will find copies of the following: 1. Joint and Cooperative Agreement /Western Area Fire Training Association and Member Cities (for reference). 2. Use Agreement dated August 14, 1974 between Western Area Fire Training Academy and Minnesota Gas Company /Minnegasco. 3. Proposed Termination Agreement. This office has been retained by Western Area Fire Training Academy regarding Minnegasco's violation of their Use Agreement. Pursant to the Use Agreement, Minnegasco has used the WAFTA training site until sometime in early 1988 at which time Minnegasco abandoned its present use thereof. In verbal communication with its attorney, and in written correspondence, Minnegasco has indicated to us that they haJ no plans to use the site in 1989, and no plans thereafter. Further that. they would be amenable to a negotiated termination of their lease if WAFTA is so interested. The Board of Directors of WAFTA has approved the enclosed proposed Termination Agreement_, and has instructed ,-, to beg i n d tE rm ] '.aL 1 Gf of t.l'e r lease following your council's approval of the agreement -. WAFTA also has environmental concerns as contained in the proposed Termination Agreement.. WAFTA asks your earliest. review and app;: oval of the proposed Te=rm i nat i on Agreement . A 1 so we i nv i to you tc> cr;nsu l t your c i t.y attorney for any t_hought_s t,e /st :e may have. We would like your approv as early as possible in January 1990, so that we can forward the Terminal ion A; ;recment. to Minnegasco and concl i. ;de the i r u�;e or as rec i t ( -� in the ['se Agreem(�nt.. Oy December 28, 1989 Page Two 0 We would appreciate, when you act, that you would have your clerk call me at my office so that we can circulate by courier the original copy of the proposed Termination Agreement for affixing signatures of all the Mayors of the various cities. Also if you want me to be present at your council meeting when this matter is discussed, you can reach me at my office at 861 -4556 to arrange same. Again, the actual proposed Termination Agreement herein has not yet been presented to Minnegasco and will not be until all cities approve the Termination Agreement and allow us to proceed with terminating the use Agreement according to WAFTA's instructions. Sincerely, SMIT FISHERAATT EY S A LAW Steven C. Sm SCS:kr cc: WAFTA /Michael Savage Enclosures • 115 TERMINATION AGREEMENT i THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 1989, between WESTERN AREA F TRAINING AC :ND-EMY, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "THE ACADEMY" and MINNESOTA GAS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, licensed to do business in the State of ;Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "THE COMPANY ". RECITALS 1. "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" have entered into a Use Agreement dated January 1, 1979, by which the "'THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" agreed to certain terms and conditions for the use by "'THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" of property described and known as the Launch area, Nike Battery -#0, in the County of Carver, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "THE SITE" by which "TFE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" agreed to ..ne terms and conditions as stated in the Use A,;reement. "THE SINE" shat: include not only the said prooerty but also any buildings, storage facilities, ecuipment, and any physical improvements thereon. 2. The parties desire to terminate and cancel the Use Agreement, and to release each other from their respective obligations under said Use Agreement - - ept as hereinafter stated. 3. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained - erein, the rties agree as f0'10ws: The Use Agreement shall be and is hereby terminated and cancelled and the term thereof is brought to an end as of the date of the signing hereof, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. "THE ACADEMY" and "T;iE COr4PANY" are released and discharged from t;ieir respective obligations to observe the terms and conditions of the Use Agreement on their respective carts to be observed, unless hereinafter otherwise state:. 174 " COMPANY" vacated "THE SITE" sometime in 1988 and hereby abandons and vacates "THE SITE" effective the date herewith. 0 "THE COMPANY" hereby vacates its easement to use such areas within "THE SITE" as "THE ACADEMY" and "Th COMPANY" have mutually agreed upon hereinbefore either for any remodelling or alteration or for use is related training programs. "THE ACADEMY" herein terminates its right to receive any yearly rental, or training fees due "THE ACADEMY" from "THE COMPANY" pursuant to said Use Agreement. "TFE COMPANY" hereby vacates its easement or use of any of the existing buildings or property above or below ground on "THE SITE ". "THE ACADEMY" hereby terminates all expectancy to receive any costs or expenses due it or claimed due from "THE COMPANY" for the filling, grading, fencing, building remodelling, providing of any fuels and materials and storage materials and any equipment previously supplied and the .:se of any and all buildings and areas on ""_'HE SITE ". "THE COMPANY" terminates its use of "THE SITE" either in its own stead or by any of ills designated agents i :n or any other organizations as may nave contracted wit` "THE COMPANY" for use of "THE S':TE". "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY" hereby agree that any costs whatsoever associated with environmental liabilities incurred on "THE SITE" as a result of use by "THE ACADEMY" and /or "THE COMPANY" shall remain the sole liability of "THE ACADEMY" and "THE COMPANY ". Further, it shall be an overriding provision herein that any said liabilities directly attributable to "THE COMPANY" shall be the sole obligation of "THE COMPANY ". Said environmental liabilities include, but shall not be limited to, the following: any costs associated with regulatory compliance review; soil and ground water assessment; structual inspection; industr2al hygiene assessment; iden,t.fication of PCB's, as0estos, other hazar:c -s materials; teetinc and investigation of underground storage tanks; testing and cleanup of soil; assessment of hazardous material /waste handling and storage areas; also any other costs incurred t; investicate potential problems and correct same, which may include but not be limited to collecting insulation material for analysis; collecting surface soil samples from visually contaminated areas; drilling soil borings for analysis; installing ground water monitoring wells and collecting ground water samples; collecting other 1071 -noes of samples such as wipe samples from floor or wall surfaces, samples from drums or transformers or storage tanks, and samples of sludge or other waste materials; and leaking, testing underground storage tanks. Said 1-labillt,es sal: also -nc :ice, but not be limited to: compliance with any and all federal, state and local regulations with regard to environmental assessment, analysis, testing, and clean up liability for any environmental problem or natural resources damages caused by use of "THE SITE ". "THE COMPANY" hereby represents and warrants that it has caused no natural resource damage by its use of "THE SITE ". Further, that any and all required federal, s°_ate or local permits concerning or relating to environmental protection and regulation at "THE SITE" during the Use agreement have been secured and are current. Further, "THE COMPANY" warrants that it has been in full compliance with any and all environmental permits, and any other requirements under federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. Further, "THE COMPANY" warrants there are no pending actions against it under any environmental law, regulation or ordinance, and "THE COMPANY" has not received notice in any form of such an action, or every possible action, relating to its use of "THE SITE ". Further, "THE COMPANY" warrants there are no past or current releases of hazardous substances on, over, at, from, into or onto any facility at "THE SITE ". Further, "THE COMPANY" warrants that it is not aware of a:ly environmental condition, situation or inc.dent on, at or concerning "THE SITE" that possibly could give rise to an action or to liabilty under any law, rule, ordinance or common law theory. "THE COMPANY" warrants that if a representation or warranty is breached, "THE COMPANY" is responsible for all resulting liability, and will indemnify and hold harmless "THE ACADEMY" 179 therefrom. 'Furt ^er, an;,• and al: :- ab_II : :y for any env_ror.mental conditions other than those directly caused by "THE ACADEMY" shall remain with "THE COMPANY". If at any time subsequent to the s.gn. of this Termination Agreement it is determined that there has been waste contamination and that any costs are incurred therefrom, "THE ACADEMY" has the right of recession ct this Termination Agreement by written notice to "THE COMPANY ". For purposes of this agreement, all written notices shall be directed to the addresses written below; i.e., "THE ACADEMY" Western Area Fire Training academy c/o City Hall City of Excelsior 339 Third Street Excelsior, MN 55331 "T9E COMPANY" Minnesota Gas Company c/o Safety Director • 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement at the day and year first above written. MINNESOTA GAS COMPANY Dated: 3y: It S. CITY OF CHANHASSEN Dated: Mayor Clerk 0 119 -4- CITY OF CHASKA . Dated: Mayor Clerk CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE Dated: _ Mayor Clerk CITY OF EXCELSIOR Dated: Mayor Clerk 0 CITY OF LONG LAKE Dated: Mayor Clerk CITY OF MOUND Dated: Mayor Clerk CITY OF MAYER Dated: Mayor Clerk L_ J 1?0 CITY OF ST. BONIFACIUS Dated: Mayor Dated: Clerk CITY OF VICTORIA Mayor Clerk CITY OF MAPLE PLAIN Dated: Mayor Dated: Clerk CITY OF WATERTOWN Mayor Clerk • Imo' USE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 1st day of January, 1979, by and between western Area Fire Training Academy, a Minnesota Non- profit Corporation, created on the day of . lg hereinafter referred to as "The Academy" and Minnesota Gas Company, a Delaware Corporation, licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "The Company ", WHEREAS: The City of Excelsior, MN, acting as and for "The Academy" as purchaser, in that certain Contract for Deed and Rental Agreement from the United States of America (vendor) dated August 14, 1974, and designated Contract No. GS -05B -96001 (PK) for the purchase of the real property described therein known as the Launch Area, Nike Battery 1170, in the County of Carver, St. Bonifacius, MN, hereinafter referred to as "The Site" and, WHEREAS: "The Academy" by reason of the above Contract for Deed and Rental Agreement is the beneficial owner of "The Site" and operates and maintains thereon a volunteer fire fighting training facility and "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" may share in the use of "The Site" and its facilities for training and related purposes and activities, NOW, THEREFORE, "The Academy ", in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein does, for itself, its successors and assigns, grant and convey unto "The Company" the express right, license, and easement for the period of twenty (20) years from the 1st day of January, 1979, to the 1st day of January, 1999, to use such areas within "The Site" as "The Academy" and "The Company" may mutually agree upon in writing for the construction or remodeling at "The Company's" expense of facilities and equipment for fire fighting and related training programs ai "The Company" may from time to time desire. • 1 I SL -2- It is expressly understood and agreed between "The Academy' and "The Company" herein that the following terms and conditions shall apply at all times during the term of this Agreement and any extensions there unless chmnged by mutual agreement, prepared in writing, and signed by 'The Academy" and "The Company ": 1. "The Company" shall pay annu ally to "The Academy" a minimum Use Fee of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200) on or prior to the 1st day of January, 1979, subject however, to the biennual use fee adjustment setforth herein. 2. In each odd nunbered year thereafter "The Company" shall s increase the minimum Use Fee by five percent (51) and the use fee as so adjusted shall be paid to "The Academy" on or prior to the 1st day of January. 3. "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" may continue its use of "The Site" subject to mutually agreeable terms and conditions of this Agreement for an additional period of twenty (20) years if prior to the 1st day of January, 199 it notifies "The Academy" in writing of it3 intention too do so. �. "The Company" agrees that in addition to the payment of the minimum Use Fee in any given year, it shall pay to "The Academy" a training fee of $5.00 for each person trained by "The Company" on "The Site "; this amount shall be paid at the end of every quarter in each year during the term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, and may be increased or decreased by mutual agreement if in writing and signed by "The Academy" and "The Company ". 5. "The Academy" agrees that "The Company" at its own expense i may perform such remodeling of the existing "Buildings" on "The Site" as it deems necessary or convenient unless "The Academy" formally objects in writing to same. r I is -3- 6. "The Company" agrees that it will, without cost or expense to "The Academy ", do all necessary filling, grading, fencing, building remodeling, and provide all fuels and materials and storage facilities and other equipment as it may deers necessary or convenient to the construction and development of a "Fire Demonstration Area" on "The Site' for use in its activities. 7. "The Company" agrees that it will, without cost or expense to "The Academy ", provide for the maintenance of those areas of "The Site" being used for 'The Company's" activities, programs and facilities and will provide for all instructors and personnel. S. "The Academy" agrees that "The Site" shall be available for use by "The Company" as may be necessary during all twelve (12) months of the year provided, however, that 'The Company" shall pay for all snow remo val,_ rating_and electrical expense of "The Academy' directly resulting from the use of "The Site" by "The Company" between November an Alril 30 in any g year. 9. 'The Company" agrees that "The Academy" shall have first priority but the non - exclusive use of all facilities at or upon "The Site" with the exception of such "Fire Demonstration Area" as "The Company" may design and construct, provided, however, that upon thirty (30) days written notice to "The Academy" the 'concrete vault and /or smoke chamber" shall be available to "The Company'. Upon thirty (30) days written notice to "The Company ", the "Fire Demonstration Area" shall be made available for use by "The Acade -y" fc up to ten (10) days in trip given year. 0 "The Academy" agrees to obtain and continue all necessary permits for the operation of 'The Site' as a fire fighting training facility, to provide for such security as may be necessary to protect "The Site ", maintain all properties end areas at "The Site' other than those 0 constructed ty "The Company "The Academy' shall provide for all necesgary utility expengeg at 'The Site' from May 1 through October 31 in any given year without cost tq "The Company ". 184 -4- 11, Upon written agreement with 'The Academy ", "The Academy' agrees that other organizations may contract with "The Company" for the use of "The Site" provided it is used for purposes consistent with the rights granted to "The Company" by this Agreement. 12. "The Company" agrees to provide adequate insurance coverage for its employees, personnel, and trainees, and fire and liability insurance covering its property and activities on "The Site ". 13. "The Company" and "The Academy" agree that at the termination of this Agreement and /or any extensions thereof "The Academy" may ,•, chase such property and /or physical improvements as "The Company" may have made at "The Site ", for the undepreciated book balue of same as may be demonstrated by "The Company" from its records, but shall not be obligated to do so. If "The Academy" does not purchase said property and /or physical M wrk* o a r improvements, "The Company AT ay remove any or all of same provided such removal dces not result in permanent damage to "The Site" which shall be left in as good a condition as reasonably possible following removal. For purposes of this Agreement, all written notices shall be directed to the addresses below; i.e., "The Company ": Minnesota Gas Company c/o Safety Director 733 Marquette Aven Minneapolis, MN 55402 'The Academy ": The Western Area Fire Training Academy C/o City Hall City of Excelsior 339 Third Street Excelsior, MN 55331 115 -5- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Use Agreement this _ O day of i ,f , 1979. WITNESS: MINNESOTA GAS CpMPANY By -- yon -- -- - Its - -�1� C4�rl1 - 7<<b f a.0 /�.� CITY OF EXCELSIOR 9 For: THE WESTERN AREA FIRE TRAINING ACA By ayor - - City xcelsior, MN i )8L �: to •� ,•;:.�icipal cozpor.:.tions o- -Ica ionc of the S,,Itc of :;innesota. This .L onz2rod into _ur:;uan': to the authority conferred by : :ir. :.esotz St:.tutos, Section 471.59. i I . tJ,l:•L. :.e name of the organization of municipalities created by agreement is "Tile 1:estern Urea Fire Training Association." III. PURPCSP The parties have entered into this agreement for the purpose Of providing a fire training facility at which full time and volunteer fire fighters who serve the members can develop and improve their fire fighting capabilities. The parties have determined that the joint acquisition of the haunch Area, Nike Battery 70, St. Bonifacius in Carver County can be utilized as suc•, a facility, and that said site is available from the Genera Sir Administration of the United States of America upon r<_... favorable to the members. It is the purpose of this to facilitate the acquisition of said site and its conversion into a fire training center for the members. IV. DF.FI,:ITIO :aS Section J. For purpose of this agreement the terms defined in z.._s article have the meanings given them. Section 2. "Association" means the Western Area Fire ^raining Association. icn 3. F,� ;rc3 of Directors or the "Board" means gov ruing holy of t'- Association created by Article V. -lion 4. "E >:ecu m tive Committee" or "Committee" means the cc" by the 13o,ir r Article VII . "'`= %n �• "M �i, r" rean'; any political subdivision of the Uf Ninr.esota which beccres a nr; -,t�ez of the Assoc, iation. I �� `�G body •g o: er.)J : ;like battery 70, St. Soai_ac.us in Carver V. A:;,`?6,:1 IO :: C:'.L::,TED Section I. C_C,i - on T:i_ rlestern Area Fire Training ... is hereby created .oiti; the po::ers and duties assigned =o is and in acccrda:;co with the tens of the agreement. Section 2. Ini = ::1 '1e ribcrs. T:;e initial members of the Association are the following cities which comply with Section 3 Prior to Marcie 1, 1974: atc:.o.a Chan:lassen Chaska Eden Prairie Excelsior Long Lake Mound Mayer St. cius , Victoror.a Section 3. Procec',:re A mcr:ber shall indicate its intention co ;oin =he association by appropriate authorization of its yo:er ;i::q boc:y an3 t:le filing of such resolution and an executed c32'' of this agreer „enc with the City Clerk of the City of -7 : :ce -. Socticr, 4. Or,an_, io n. The Association is deemed to have `n creaLec w },en any io,.r of the initial members have complied With, Sac:tion 3 of this Article. Section 5. Addit ional Mc Any other political sub - c: t:,- �.�_ ,, - -:y beco:, a of the Association by cccPiying wit:n er.tio;i 3 of this Article and other pertinent Pro`: -• ons o= t:"is c,- -„•_; t. ; by other than initial .;6: to approval by the initial membera. V1. (")7;:i? l : ;G �(• governing houy of the o: D rr��ct.., The Board is composed of I Cuc .:e. - ..;Cr .Jr a tQr :.+ z J:: v etl . iJ.l ,..•.�� J ., ,.1� -. �: a direc ceases to be or if the apixrintMent of any director Is = c :noel by he Council Of a Municipality, a vacancy shall exist and ::hall be filled by the Ccur;cil as in the case of ori.;inal a ?oin .moat : :: in all oth cases, Directors shall serve u :t.l their suc(_eSsor�; are appointed and qualify. Section 3. Meetinqs, 0-o G' * ws . £ _ — Y - • -a The Board hall o n crc;anizational meeting within 30 days after the Association is created SubDe_ct to tie provisions of Section 3 of this l�r ic:e. At its organizational r..cetirg the Board shall elect from its mer-.bers a Chairman, Vice - Chairman and Secretary- Treasurer, and it snail adopt by -laws governing meetings, quorums, duties of officors and such other maters as it deems necessary and as may be required by the agreement. Section 3. Inter "e etinc o Boar Time being of the when fcur mr•mbers have joined the association as provided in Articie V, Section 4, an interim organizational ezing shall be held. Temporary Dfficers shall be selected and mror. rules adopt-ed sufficient to enable the members to n•go :late ti:e purchase of the fire training site from the General r ✓lee; . +d^inistration, but for no other purpose. S•,ction 4. PG'•t-rs and Duties of the Board Su :odivision 1. ^_he P,c;ard shall exercise general supervision and control over the operation of the fire training center. It shall adopt rules and .egul..tions for the prc er ac ?rr.ini_;,r,3ticn of the center including but r.ot limited to its scheduling, maintenance, preservation, use and ManayC- T -ont. Sutjdivision 2. Fun s _E_m 1o;ce< The Board may apply for or .,ccep', ,rants, gift, o: lo, n: fro. - .' any source whatsoever and :e she sn;,e for ti- of the center. It may employ 1 to o ;orate ii. -c nt r ;;cl Jn executive director to 1 49 rG • At ;.ID:.si:,....•q of of f lc" .,., c :rrCCtOr. or(;anization al r-eeting the eczors an executive committee corresponding to their tio:) 2• Dut --s T. :e c : ;ccu:ive committee shall have — — - the assiq;o to it by the by -laws of the Eoard and ?adorn any f assigned to it by such by -laws between r29"lar meetings of the 3oard. The executive committee shall . .onitoz the operation of the training center and make such recom to the Board as are necessary for the proper o?er_tion of the training center. VIII . FINA\ :CIAL r:A'rTZRS Section 1. Pur chases and Contracts. All purchases, con- tracts and expenditures of funds ma by y` the Association shall ace in accordance with t :ne lac.•s coverning such matters for tor;' cities In y. : :r.esota. Strict accounting for all funds O_ association shall he provided for. t:on 2. Capital and Oneratin Costs All Capital and - torts of acquisitic.: and im-)rovement of the training ..;al: oe skarec ecually by the members, according to ? =ccea i.-s a'.uptec by r'c' Board. Oporating costs of the training c nter shall he defrayed by equitable user fees as determined by .e Board. S czicln 3 T.c <r,,: The C f . �•.t.cn of Site• City o f :r.celsior s},all be the cor,tracti. g part) for the r)c r,, ers to purchase the site frcm t,-,o General S rvlcr Au,.inistration. The purchase shall be to t... provisions of :•tinn�sota 2, and in such terms as may be �rv.ccs Ac;.;ini: '� �tration and the City or `• r, t. . Ci'y is u ;c.er no ohli,atio :: /10 ea c: :c .,:u „:ors o. 7 ...tom: - •.). "G.:r; _.�., :97., .,, :.i :_ ...,..a' 1n _ni COntriJution of ��JJ.OJ towarG cr<<ital :,nci interest -osts provided by action 2 r is . \r icic. I: 111 �e•1 ( =0) mcrL-Ocrs listed in Article V, Scctior, 2 join the Association, the initial contribution of $50C.G0 will provide sufficient monies to :Hake the initial down ?:1r.:ent and provide nonies to cover expenses in forming the A-isociation and purcinas_ng the site. Each member agrees to pro- vi- each year sufficient monies to pay its prorata share of t ,purchase price due on the Contract for Deed. If all ten (1G) me.;.bers do not join the Association, those members who do join, agree to pay to the City of Excelsior their proratr share of the contract costs as they become due under the terms of the Contract for Deed. Section 4. Ownership of t h e Site The record title to the size shall be in the name of the City of Excelsior. The City of E:<caisior agress to hold title to the site property in trust for al: e. - -bers who contribute money for the site purchase. Each maz - hers interest in the site shall be in accordance with its proraz share paid to acquire the site. Nothing in this section stall prohibit the creation of record ownership by joint tenancy o: in such other ;nanner as is deemed to be equitable by the ra ^ra. If there is not -inanimor:s consent by all members as to :ow the tit'.e shall be recorded, it shall remain with the City of :: ::ce1sior in trust for each member who contribute to its purchase continues to contribute its equal share under the terms cf lrticIe VIII, Section 2. withdrawal from the Association in accord rice with Article I::, ection 3 shall act as a forfeiture rl'jiIts to c,ny intrr ,st in ti— site or to any of the :ust = o..s:cns of this Section. reef ion 5, i;ud hoar? .,h .11 prepare and suumi t to t�j June 1 of each year. 191 contributed by it to the Association. • NZ _: yr 'o .. .:a ` ....; ::._J..... •.r ..,.. i _ .. .? �:CQ;. ;C (: tl/ ..0 Vi: uv: (; SQc::ioa 1. Jur.i tion. Tnis ayrccnent is in effect until tc:- inatcd in accord .r.ce with this Article. Section 2. Tcr ;::in :tion. This agreement may be terrinate by u nani:;tous consent of the mer.tbers indicated by the appropriate .esoitt�io -, of. their Councils fi.lt•d tai *_h the Board. Upon terTi.na- " on the Board way continue to function for such time as is necessary to wind up the affairs of the Association. Upon terination all assets of the Association shall be divided equally among the members. , Section 3. Withdrawal Any member may withdraw from the Association by resolution of its Council forwarded to the Board at least 60 days prior to withdrawal. Upon withdrawal, a member shall not be entitled to any share in the assets of the Association or any refund of capital or interest costs contributed by it to the Association. • NZ 196 i L7 O Cy �� ��� ✓� /� f -- �.,- 1 / �I • / • / Clerr -- —_ i D " "` ". "�' i• �� 1974 City of Chas':a BY Mayor Clerk Daze: 1974 Cit/ of Eden Prairie 1 � Mayor i /J Z C erk J " 1 °7•. City o f Excelsior By %'�� Mayor Cleri: 1974 City cif Long Lake By Ma} or '- -� -'-- Clear ' 196 L ' u 1974 Cit,'of Mayor 7 By Dlayor C1erkl 1974 City of St. Bonifacius B y s.sr�!� / fir Mayor erk/ 1974 City of Victoria Byl_.��t /I Z i F7or / Clerk 197L City Of 1 Y 1 1 4 1 J j i Date: 4 ' I Da ce : r J i � 1 . a J: to: 1974 City or Watortown By ✓`') r,nyor lock ITV • Proposed Resolution Case No. 90 -901 RESOLUTION 490- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR LO 1 & 2, Block B. MOUND TERRACE, PID ##14- 117 -24 -32 0041 & 0042 2168 BIRCH LANE (P&Z CASE NO. 90 -901) WHEREAS, the minor subd;v ision of Lots 18 2. Block 8, Mound Terrace. PID ##14- 117 -24 -V 0041 & 0042, has been submitted in the manner required for platting of land under City of Mound Or- dinance Code, Section 330 and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota StOt.e Statute and a1I proceedings have been duly conducted thereunder; and WHEREAS, an application to waive the subdiv - sion require- ments contained in Section 330 of the City Code has been f1 with the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, said request for waiver has been reviewed by the . Planning_ Commission and City Council; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that there are special cir- cumstances affecting said property such that the strict applica- tion of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; and that the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right; and that granting the waiver would not be detrimental to the Public welfare or injurious to the other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Citv Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: The request of the applicant for a waiver from the provi- sions of Section 330 of the City Code and the request to -,uhrJ i v i r1F- r,ro rerty of 1 ess than t i ve acres, described as toIIows: Lots I & 7. Block 8, Mound Terrace, PID 414- 117 -24 -32 0041 8 004�� . is 19,5 p f 3� f .1 Proposed Resolution Case No. 89 -815 A . It Is hereby granted to permit the subdivision as per the following descriptions as shown on Exhibit "A" (survey): Parcel A: Lot 1 and the North 14.00 feet of Lot 2, Block 8, Mound Terrace. Parcel B: Lot 2 except the North 14.00 feet thereof, Block 8, Mound Terrace. B. Let it be known that there Is no water service stubbed Into the newly created Parcel B. C. It is determined that the foregoing subdivision will constitute a desirable and stable community development and it is in harmony with adjacent properties. D. The City Clerk Is authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the applicant for filing In the office of the Register of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County to show compliance with the subdivision regulations of the City. E. This lot subdivision is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date of this resolution. • 11/0 Proposed Resolution Case No. 89 -815 A. It is hereby granted to permit the subdivision as per the following descriptions as shown on Exhibit "A" (survey): Parcel A: Lot 1 and the North 14.00 feet of Lot 2, Block 8, Mound Terrace. Parcel B: Lot 2 except the North 14.00 feet thereof, Block § Terrace. ` e� �J ►''�- �-f ✓ ti �c�.l�«.� B. L e 's no water service stubbed Into the newly created Para_ I B .,53,,"1' C. It is determined thdt th fo goin hubdivision will constitute a desirable and stable community development and it is in harmony with adjacent properties. D. The City Clerk is authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the applicant for filing in the office of the Register of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County to show compliance with the subdivision regulations of the City. E. This lot subdivision is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date of this resolution. 1 9/0 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1990 a. Case No. 90 -901s Scott A . Olson. 2168 Birch Lane, Lo 1 It 2, Block 8, Mound Terrac PID N14- 1 17 -24 -32 0041 3 0042. MINOR SUB Building Official, Jan Bertrand, reviewed the applicants request for a minor subdivision. The ap , 11cant is requesting to move the lot line between Lots 1 and 2 by adding 14 feet to Lot 1 from Lot 2. Both lots. as proposed, will exceed the 10.000 square foot minimum lot size requirement. Staff recommended approval of the minor subdivision. upon the condition that the applicant install water service from the street Into the vacant lot, or provide a cash deposit or bond to assure that water service is available to the new land owner. Welland raised a question regarding the nonconforming shed which Is 3.2' from the north property line, and the nonconforming garage which is 17.8' from the west property line. It was noted that both the shed and garage should be setback 30' from both the north and west property lines as they abut platted streets. TV: Commission discussed a possible vacation of the portion of th unimproved Birch Lane which runs east and west at the north cf the subject property. Weiland commented that he never sees aiy traffic on that portion of the street, nor does anyone ever park vehicles there. Smith commented that the street_ dead ends to lots on Forest Lane. therefore has no reason to be improved. Smith also expressed that it would be unreasonable to make the owner of Lot I relocate his accessory buildings since the lot is so big. Dale Pixler, the realtor who is representing the potential pur- chaser of Lot 2. spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Pixler stated that the reason for moving the lot line is only due to the present landscaping of Lot 1, and that it would be better for the houses to have the property line where it appears to be. He added that if It was required to relocate the accessory build- ings, they would withdraw the subdlvis-an request. Mr. Pixler also requested that the requirement to install, or provide for, water servl(� be eliminated. He stated that when the lot is sold. then trey new owner should pay for the water. The commission determined that since this subdivision involves only the moving of a lot line, the owner should not be reouIred to provide water service. 0 MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Smith to approve the minor subdivision as per the survey submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Th i s case w i l l be heard by t r e C i t y Counr i I on ,anuary 2 3. 1 9,)(j. CASE NO. 90 -901 TO: Planning Commission. Applicant and Staff FROM: Jan Bertrand, Building Official DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of January 8. 1990 CAFP NO.: 90 -901 APPLICANT: Scott A. Olson LOCATION: 2168 Birch Lane LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Mound Terrace, Block 8. Lots I & 2 0 PID ##14- 117 -24 -32 0041 & 0042 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision EXISTING ZONING: R -I Single Familv Residential PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing a subdivision of two tax Parcels to remove the north 14 fee,: of Lot 2 and combine it with his existing structure parcel. Thereby, the newly created parcel will have Lot I and the north 14 feet of Lot 2. COMMENTS: The R -I zoning district requires 10,000 square feet of lot area. The new parcels will be approximately 136' x 105' and 105' x 136', therefore, 10,000 plus square feet. The tax parcel 14- 117 -24 -32 -0042, Lot 2, Block 8 is vacant and has sewer service to the lot, but no water service stubbed into the vacant parcel. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the minor subdivision approval conditioned upon submitting a survey indicating rr,e lot descrip- tions of both Parcel A and Parcel B after the subdivision ap- proval with the understanding that both parcels will meet and exceed the 10,000 square foot lot area minimum. The applicant shall install water service from the street into the vacant lot or provide a cash deposit or bond to assure that water service is available to the new land owner. The abutting neighbors have been notified. This case will be referred to the City Council on January 23. 1990. JB:p.I 198 r L T CITY OF MOUND DEC 2 1 Case No. q0 - q 0 1 318�� 1 1 Date Filed APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND FEES: Minor Subdivision Ma_ior Subdivision: Application $50 Preliminary Plat $150 Park Ded. Final Plat $100 Other Escrow Deposit _ $1.000 Delinquent Taxes? yes no Park Led i cation + i Other (Please type or print the following informatll�n.) App 1 i cant's Name T i �_ Day Phone �� ,' `1i Applicant's Address Fee Owner(s) —' `' 7 r print name 4 t mailing address print name mailing address Signature of Fee ' Owner Signature of Fee Owner • This application must be signed by @11 the OWNERS of the property, or ari explanation given why this is not the case. Property to be divided: Address /Location Addition Lot Block / __ -- P I D # '1 P l a t To b e d ivided as_ fo Name of proposed subdivision:___ E x i s t i n g Use of Propert Zoning District:___ � Application for Subdivision Pace Two Case No. q6 0 an application ever been made for zoning, variance, co tionaI use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? es no . If yes, list date s) of application, acl.:ion taken, and provide resoI n numbers) (Copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application.) 1 certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting. or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Applicant's Signature i C � Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 0 nning Commission Recommendation Council Action: Date Resolution No. • Date . 0100 VIVI 0 U Cl� R /0a- / ,,VA' - A I NC • Iv51 I I J i 4J�N 09 It, EC+ rDJ 1.'. ". .� :a iYyi^ a • I' = n J—;k Y. -.� + a ` I �+ W s � t •E i 47 _ � • 2 .! ! � .� � 9� W D ti Z I•� � t• J 'f O' of i 4J�N 32 v _ \`�J�/ ................... �" �t f 4t.I�► 40 r 1 fi • .s ue � �1 7 ' d� DUTCH L AKE ..� 3 29 ' ► 33 e � 3 /' / ► �.. rJ r �G S1� •7� ,.._ r� \ \l. -_ 0 0���5 /o S oo ♦ `,` °ti �e • 4� � � as � . � � � M �• t• S� y a � � tl b 1 ( � 36 � � I � _ '1 a II ,.1, v ytn � ► ` , i..15 \ 3' 2 8 ` y. a 1,1.1 s • J `G� , v �` 5 � ° ' O p, � +r- .•}Ii' _ 7 6- 4M 3 Z 4 1 • 11 � `, �` ! �+ fr, NI 5• T 5. '� M• '1S ��� _ 37 ` 1s p MAPLE RD (� r ,y ! �,��• .� 1 fI �. ` � J y ' f t `'1 (� 1 l�\- 1� ti 1 p _ . / °I '�'f i_ + ,.. 2 , ` li, l � I i. �,• � ���� `... \ -, C . I `'' \ ` '� ,, - J. O t59) 'f .'rf r 111` '• .• ` - CIO 9 e 7 6' S 4_ 3 2 PARK IL S• �. t• 4 2 • �� L.� � ftf f1 f N� aye 3e Sib. ,. '� \' . 4 -7 " 1 if /•� 'r e(�D • • ��1' —IZ �y cr 4 i� �. 6 ( 3 ♦ � OR b '✓ wAt j a h 1, ,`� i s J 0 40 A' ?' s � J c�i1S• e Q o y t1 �a: iM a 1 4 RU - ( � �1�� 3 52 2 1 e iso� '�► ► 531 �i < °� . ^) 4 41 � � ~ sl 1 o \ e t t r 1 ;• 3` C� g Q: w 53 v 4 ^' 3 + 2 111,1 11l 1 6 S -- _ 1` `O J °o ~ 2 °o � s 42 � S4 151 �� 60 0 `51 0 ; - o° ( A ok i ) � " [so -Y fi4.z� tucl - • -- - ° W �1 5L I 102.1 !.v al too Z 1 2 (� t l� � l � ��1 ((► ►l �� �l j �'�1 w '1 y4 43 S 44 as 46 47 48 Imas to r Ill YN 1►'t °4 li 12 /.t 1.1 s. rj 4 __ . • I i. y-- Ms - L�WOQO E s..' ., D — r lip � 1 CITY (ANI(A NI) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MUUND MOUND. MINNESOTA CASE NO. 90 -902 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATION OF THE MOUND ZONING CODE TO ALLOW PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE AS A CONDITIONAL USE SUBJECT TO ESTABLISHED PER- FORMANCE STANDARDS IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS (B -1) ZONE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, MwpeO► --1_ 1990 to consider 0+ 10 ; adding "Publicly Owned Outdoor Storage" as a conditional use in the Central Business (B -1) zone. The proposed modification es- tablishes a definition, allows the use by conditional use permit and a -ztablishes performance standard criteria for publicly owned outdoor storace areas. The proposed change is not site specific. It represents a change for the entire B -1 zone. All persons appearing at said hearing will be given the oppor- tunity to be heard. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the aoove will he heard at this meeting. C Cf4v, i ' F rancene C. Clark, City Clerk • Published In "The Laker" 2 -26 -90 and 3 -5 -90. aoy MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION January 8, 1990 Pub I I c I y Owned Outdoor Storage In the 8 -1 Zoning District City Planner, Mark Koealer, reviewed his recommendation for the proposed zoning amendment which he submitted per the City Council's request. Koegler reviewed the definition which he created. as follows: PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE: Storage of any goods. equipment, fuel, materials. merchandise. supplies or motor vehicles not fully enclosed Ina building for more than a twenty -four hou7 period. Such facilities must be located on land owned by a local, county or state public agency. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by said agency. Koegler also informed the commission that they need to determine If this use should be classified as a Conditional Use or a Per- mitted Use within the B -I Zonina District. Koegler reviewed the performance standards which he suggested to be added to Section 23.702. as follows: 1. front. side and rear setbacks shall be thirty (30) feet. In areas where storage abuts a residential use or zone, side and rear setbacks shall be fifty 150) feet. • 2. Open storage areas shall be properly graded for drainage purposes and shall maintain a dust free environment. 3. Incineration or reduction of waste material other than government sponsored recycling activities shall be prohibited. 4. Storage o impounded vehicles and equipment is prohibited. 5. Publicly owned outdoor storage shall comply with all other performance standards identified in Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. Meyer questioned the meaning of "reduction of waste material" as listed In performance standards pJ. It was determined that this statement included compaction of cans, cars, etc. and conposting. Thal ques *ioned performance standard 02 which states ". . . rr4,in- tain a dust free environment." Meyer suggested using the words "dust control" Insteac: of "dust free" which may be easier to comply with. the definition of publicly owned outdoor storage was reviewed. The commission questioned the need fo "fuel." Will the City be needing their own fuel tanks In the future? City Manager, Ed Shukle commented that they recently studied the feasibility of having their own fuel tanks versus buying fuel from SuperAmerica and It was determined that It would be more cost effective to buy from SuperArrerica. considering the liability involved with owning a fuel storage tank. It was determined the word "fuel" would be e deleted from the definition. �D V The commission quest loned If outdoor storage use should be avail - able to all "local. county or state public agencies." It was determined that Mound cannot even handle their own needs as it relates to outdoor storage. therefore It was determined that the definition should be changed as follows: Such f a c i l i t i e s must be located on land owned by a - +e- eei,- �w�r+ty- ee -�tat� - p � F IC- egeney the C i t y of Mound. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by sa +d- ageney the City of Mound. The commission unanimously decided that the use should not be a permitted use, but should be a conditional use under Section 23.625.3. The commission discussed the setback requirements. It was agreed that the 50' setback requirement to residential property should be enforced, however the 30' setback requirement from abutting commercial property was discussed. It was determined that these setback requirements are essentially the same for any Industrial use, therefore it was the feeling of the commission that the City should abide by the same requirements. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Jensen to approve the proposed zoning ordinance amended with the noted changes as a draft document for public hearing purposes. Motion carried unanimously. This draft document will be reviewed by .e City Council at their meeting on January 23, 1990. It was determined that a notice for a public hearing will be published, and the public hearing date at the planning commission level will be February 13. 1990. • AID 4 • PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner W_ DATE: January 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Publicly Owned Open Storage in the B -1 Zone At the meeting on January 8, 1990, the Planning Commission discussed potential modifications of the zoning code to allow publicly owned open storage in the B -1 zone. The purpose of this amendment is to accommodate public works storage within a site to be selected in the CBD area. Amendment of the ordinance to illow public works storage involves three items: 1) creation of a definition, 2) modification of the use provisions of the B -1 section and 3) appropriate performance criteria. In order to accommodate storage in the B -1 zone, the following modifications are suggested: n a f i n i f inn In the definition section of the ordinance, add the following: PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE: Storage of any goods, equipment, materials, merchandise, supplies or motor vehicles not fully enclosed in a building for more than a twenty -four hour period. Such facilities must be located on land owned by the City of Mound. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by the City. Use Publicly owned outdoor storage could be established as either a permitted or conditional use. In most zoning ordinances, outdoor storage for private entities is by conditional use permit giving the approving authority maximum control. It is suggested that the City of Mound hold itself accountable to the same standards used for private businesses. Therefore, it is suggested that the use be listed as conditional rather than permitted. X07 3030 Harbor Lane North BIOq.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447 -2175 612/553 -1950 Planning Report January 10, 1990 Page 2 Establishment of outdoor storage as a conditional use would require the following ordinance amendment: Section 23.625.3 Conditional Uses add: Publicly Owned Outdoor Storage. Performance Standards Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code identifies performance criteria. Section 23.702 identifies requirements for exterior storage with the present emphasis on residential storage. This section could be easily expanded to also include Publicly Owned Outdoor Storage. Such a modification could be accommodated by inserting the following immediately prior to the last paragraph of Section 23.702: Publicly Owned Outdoor Storage is subject to the following conditions: 1. Front, side and rear setbacks shall be thirty (30) feet. In areas where storage abuts a residential use or zone, side and rear setbacks shall be fifty QO (50) feet. 2. Open storage areas shall be properly graded for drainage purposes and shall maintain a dust controlled environment. 3. Incineration or reduction of waste material other than government sponsored recycling activities shall be prohibited. 4. Storage of impounded vehicles and equipment is prohibited. 5. Publicly owned outdoor storage shall comply with all other performance standards identified in Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. • ;td$ Nixo $ - MOUND CITT CDOM 11, - NOVI== =s, Lost T =. • .. .. w �. ,•� ♦�1 • �. �. Jan Bertrand reviewed the City Planner's report addressing two issues: 1. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on the possibility of establishing outdoor storage areas to the east and west of the city hall building. 2. Regardless of the Commission's recommendation in item /1, provide a recommended zoning modification to accom- modate the outdoor storage at the city Call site. The recommendations for issue /1 are: 1. The proposed use is inconsistent with city hall and the surrounding wetland environment at Lost Lake due to the inability of the sites to ad - quately handle on -site storm drainage retention. 2. Both sites (and particularly the western site) are in- herently unsuitable for the proposed use due to topog- raphy and tree cover. 7. The cost of improvements to establish the two areas is not justifiable since three other sites including Lost Lake will still be needed to accommodate public works storage. Issue 12 would require the rezoning of the current R -1 district to a B -1 district and than modifying the B -1 requirements to handle the storage of publicly owned outdoor materials. The recommendation being: is Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that if the City Council eventually finds that no other reasonable alternative to the city hall site exists for public works storage, the B -1 zoning district should be modified to allow "publicly owned materials storage areas" as a conditional use. Performance standards should also be developed to min- imize the impact on the surrounding properties and the natural environment. Council discussed this issue. NOTION by Johnson, $0000406 by Smith to send item back to the Planning Commission to develop performance standards foe the 3-1 district as it relates to publics owned outdoor storage and to allow its use. Motion carried 4-1, Jessen voting nay. MOTION by Jessen, seconded by Je :.sen to exclude from con sideration both the east and west sites by city hall accord- ing to the recommendations given by the Planner. The vote was Jensen and Jensen, yes; Smith, Ahrens and Johnson, no. Motion failed. MOTION by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens and carried unanim- ously to eliminate the site on the vest side of city hall from consideration as a storage area for public works out- door materials. • 2.01 • MINUTES (1: A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 1990 &proval of the LMCD Multiple Dock and Mooring Area License MOTION made by Weber, seconded by Jessen to recommend approval of the LMCD Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Licenses as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. • A/o MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION January B. 1990 LMCO Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Licenses The City Manager explained to the commission that they are reviewing the commercial dock applications to determine If any zoning violations exist. Bertrand informed the commission that she did receive a complaint regarding the glare of the light at the Driftwood Shores docks. Weiland commented that he would Iike to see some comparative in- formation on the applications stating how many dock slips they had in previous years and how many they are currently applying for. It was determined the City Manager would bring this to the LMCD's attention. The transient dockage shown on Lakewinds application was dis- cussed. The commission determined that since the last variance request to allow this dock was denied due to the distance from the now vacant restaurant of approximately 350'. that it does not comply with the zoning ordinance. MOTION made by Weiland. seconded Uy Mueller to notify the City Council that the transient dockage as requested on Lakewind's Multiple Dock License does Wt comply with the Mound Zoning Code as the distance from dock to the restaurant is approximately 300 feet more than what is allowed. Motion carried unanimously. Thal questioned William Niccum's dock application for the six slips on Seton Lake. Was there a restriction in the final plat or wetlands permit limiting the number of boat slips? MOTION made by Thal. seconded by Meyer to request that the City Council review William Niccum's dock applica- tion for six slips on Seton Lake, and confirm that they are In compliance with any restrictions that may have been created with final plat approval. Motion carried unanimously. The City Council will be reviewing the LMCD Dock Applications at their meeting on January 23, 1990. 0 All March 10, RESOLUTION 187 -43 r � RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR.A FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION ALONG BARTLETT BLVD., PID 113.117 - 24 44 0001/0002, P 6 Z CASE 187 -biO WHEREAS, the City Council on March 10, 1987, held a public hearing pu rsuant t the Ma Code of ordinances, to consider approval of a registered land survey for the establishment of four residential lots on property described PID raters 13 117 24 44 0001 and 13 117 24 44 0002; and WHEREAS, said Registered Land Survey is consistent with the Mound Comprehensive Plan, ordinances ` the City of Mound and the Subdivision Code. . NOW, TWM= BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE =NM OF TIM CITY OF M Prellminary_ of Registered Land Survey Case 187 7610 Is granted upon compliance with the following . requirements: 1. Per Registered Land Survey on file at Mound City Ball dated January 12, 1967. 2. All lots shall a*et minimum area, setback and frontage requirements. 3. Grading, drain s and utililcy plans shall be prepared by the applicant and approved by the city engineer. 4. Park dedication fees in the amount of $300.00 per lot for each of • the three newly created lots shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance. S. The applicant shall submit plans to the watershed district for,* review, 6. All proposed docks shall be reviewed and approved by the LMCD. 7. The discrepancy with the adjacent RLS shall be resolved. 8. If the legal description for the property extends to the centerline of Bartlett Boulevard, the 33 feet used as right- of-way for Bartlett Boulevard shall be shown as a separate tract and deeded to the City. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for furnishing water service to all four lots. 10. At the time of final approval, three (3) deficient street unit diarges in' the amount of $5,484.45 shall be paid. 11. Drainage and utilit, easements shall be furnished to the City in accordance 4th the rec:x--- ^ndations of the city engineer. 0 A /0. M = ua1_ tag i �Nr1oN O�ti 7,, I - L LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT40 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 5121473 7033 EUGENE R GTROMMEN. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR souM rEtrsans lyooerl Raacop. Chaumen Shorewood JoEaen Hui(. Vice Charrman Orono cam H Weleser. aecrelarY ExcNalor Marl) Waallund. Tteasurer Way:ala Main Slorlln Tonka esy Jan Somwlnkel Minnetonka Beach oa+ d Cochran Groonwood MDen O Foster Deephoven Ron Kraemer Spring Park John lawman MinnelrlNa John G M al.nka VlClona Rooerl K Pillsbury M,nnelonko Thomas W Reese Mound RoL*rt E Slocum Woodland August 10, 1988 Mr. Clifford Reep Niccum Development 500 West Lake Street Excelsior, mN 55331 Dear Mr. Reepl Your application for a common dock license for four riparian lots for a total cf six boat slips, per the enclosed drawing, was approved by the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Board on June 22, 1988, subject to the DNR and City of Mound approvals. We understand from your June 22 presentation to the Board that the DNR has authorized the dock as of its June 2, 1988 communication. May we please have a copy of the DNR response to complete our file at your early convenience. Your approval with the City of Mound is also needed, after which we wi'_i promptly draw up the license. In the meantime, you are proceeding with our approval. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, LAKE MINNCTONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Euge R. Stro en Executive Director ERS:jIm enc • 413 • • IT) (A N R A ',\D December 18, 1989 TO: MARK KOEGLER, CITY PLANNER JAN BERTRAND, BUILDING OFFICIAL JIM FACKLER, PARKS DIRECTOR FROM: FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK RE: MULTIPLE DOCK AND MOORING AREA LICENSES FOR THE FOLLOWING: AL b ALMA'S SUPPER CLUB CHAPMAN PLACE ASSOCIATION DRIFTWOOD SHORES LAKEWINDS ASSOCIATION MINNETONKA BOAT RENTALS /EDGEWATER MARINA WILLIAM NICCUM SEAHORSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION SETON TWINHOMES Attached are applications for dock licenses before the LMCD. The LMCD ordinances require that the City of Mound sign off on the municipal zoning requirements for each of the applications. Please review these and let me know if you have any problem with them. We will be taking these applications to the City Council the 2nd meeting in January. Please take these applications through the Park Commission and Planning Commission per our policy to make these commissions aware of what is being applied for with regard to multiple docks. Thank you. fc enc. AN / LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRIC4 C i 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAYZATA. MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 612147:3 M3 EUGENE R. STROMMEN. EXECUTIVE DIREC70R 11ON O s December 14, 1989 David H. Cochran, Cher Graerawod FOeMr. Chair REn DEC 181989 AIbaA O. Vic D..a City of Mound Jan Soewinkel Secretary MlnneW " Beech c/o Edward Schukle , Mgr. '°"Ml n ne M: 'eUrN 5341 Maywood Road °oap1�ng � k Mound, MN 55364 Marvin Sprlin Ion" a" James N. Grethwol EiOoew,w JoEllen L. Hurr Dear Ed Orono John G. Malinke Victoria Thomas Mart -The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has received Wayzata Robert K. Mlkibury ap for a Multiple Dock and Mooring Area an a PP P 8 Minnalonw Roben Raecov Shorewood License as described on the attached certificate. Thom" W. Roe" "" Robert E. S LMCD ordinances require that before a license can be Woodland issued, the affected property meet municipal zoning requirements. Therefore, it is the policy of the LMCD that all dock license applications be referred to the village for review, and that a zoning certificate be required from the village before final action of the District on the application. If a zoning certificate or a request for delay for reason is not received from the village within 45 days of the above date, the Di.::trict will continue its consideration for approval of the application. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to this office so that prompt action can be taken on the application. Thank youl Sincerely, ;ug NETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT ne R . rommen Executive Director Enc. Al b Alma's Supper Club Minnetonka Boat Rentals /Edgewgt_� Chapman Place Assoc. William Niccum Driftwood Shores Lakewittds Assoc. Seahorse Codominium Assoc. Seton Twinhomes ;.IS 0 1.UN1C11'AI, CER11F1CA11ON FOR DUCK LICENSE. ?.U14111G APPROVAL FOR _ 19 (year) -- Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District ('LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. 'llie issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Lake. LMCD hereby advises its memhrr nnmicipallty that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage Al 6 Almas Supper Clvb 5201 Pi�ppr Road- U"d 0 (flame and address of dock applicant) Same ('title, description and location of docks) I certify that the above clock l icens e al'hlic���t Itas met the for z0fi ordinance requirements of — �(tlunicipality) property described for ___1990_ and is entitled to a Lake Minnetonka (Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license thereunder for A,O tj (Z — slips and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) • — -- - - - - -- (Unto) WL SKETCH OF DOCK LOCATION FOR AL 6r ALMA'S SUPPER CLUB �.. AL & ALMA'S: Subject to / iaV..aaq wa•W..v hAU •.a .va.sa. 1964 Order of 6- 27 -84, and to r.....a. ,........,...... �•, / Special Density Permit of 6 -27 -84 / 20 Transient Slips - No overnight boat parking. / �o G iv)-4 sw K E _ QINNETONKA 10 6 20 `x Z 'r: , 9 � .. : 8� ; � N 1 tv ,V RECE! ED MAP, G 989 WHIPPLE SHORES q t LM -G- - 9 2S ` LOT I BLOCK 3 24 23 22 I city of Now "0 �► N ' WHIP t Q v WWMIPISLE 0 11UNiCIFAL CERIIFICAI'IUN I -UR DUCK LICENSE ?.UIIINC AITROVAL FOR (year) Under the terms of Lake Pil►u►etonka Conservation District WICD)Code: Section 1.U6,Subd.11 Compliance With Utlter Laws. The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from she responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency havit►g _jurisdiction► over tite Lake. LPICD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license fo► multiple dockage Chapman Place Marina Kirk Johnson, Manager 2670 Commerce Blvd Moind MN 55364 (flame and address of dock applicant) Same ('Ittic', drscr lilt ion and location of (locks) I certify that the above dock license applicant has ►net tl1e foritlgie ordinance requirements of Mound ( municipality) property described for _1940_,_, at ►d is entitled to n bake Hinnetonka (Ycnr) Conservation District duck and /or mooring area license thereunder for a ` slips and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) • Ate S �D R Ly' / . • �' � st't� ����• sib -j �, - " • ® •_ ` z' - / -� z 2. - ts 7 ivy Z 3L �� � - - IG� /Ne Cf-lap•hap� P l a ce SS3 6JIA S c.le I I s 2 D' :w O \ �y RECEIVED F) MAR 31989 - LM.C.D. - °O .D W ~ „ Nt oz. 1. • i7�y' © � ' lD2 re• , 1 � Z H O V) A c N I.... b I � N A A n Z aD R �J R A S t*1 M �O 0. H ►t 9 S �D R Ly' / . • �' � st't� ����• sib -j �, - " • ® •_ ` z' - / -� z 2. - ts 7 ivy Z 3L �� � - - IG� /Ne Cf-lap•hap� P l a ce SS3 6JIA S c.le I I s 2 D' :w O \ �y RECEIVED F) MAR 31989 - LM.C.D. - °O .D W ~ „ Nt oz. 1. • i7�y' © � ' lD2 re• , 1 � Z H r MUNICIPAL (J"RIIFICATION FOR DOCK LICEINSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR 1990 Under the terms of lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. 'The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: Driftwood Shores c/o Sylvia Cgren, 1756 Lafay e Lane, MOund, MN 55364 (Name and address of dock applicant) 0 Outlots 1 & 2, Block 3, Driftwood Shores (Title, description and location of docks) I certify that the above dock license applicant has met the zoning ordinance requirements of Mound for the (Municipality) property descrihed for 1990 and is entitled to ,i Lake Minnetonka "Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license thereunder for - 10 slips and /or _ TTIM)rings. (Authorized Signature (Date) �� variance order of 8-25 -82 fN V 1 1 1 �I l I � L `A 1 � L, C• a g c� \ � J i f f7 %oo =� I 1999 - �o .7 U (, v lei ll� l`1 r k4 / X V � v ` / I � L `A 1 � L, C• a g c� \ � J i f f7 %oo =� I 1999 - �o .7 U • MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATION FOR DOCK LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR 1990 (year) Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Se ction 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permi;.s, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: Lakewinds Association c/o Michael A. Koch, Garsten Management Coraoration.1485 Enpray Par T)rt.,a (Name and address of dock applicant) St. Paul, MN 55108 I] 4379 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 (Title, description and location of docks) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 certify that the above dock license applicant Lds met the zoning ordinance requirements of Mound for the (Municipality) property described for _1 and is entitled co a Lake Minnetonka (Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license thereunder for slips and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) -- - - - - -- (irate) - - - - -- 42422 Lk 7 • 10 /• ,, r \ /! OV `` �, �. % • x, 11. 9O0 �� - �' ` J ,/ �... � � . 1 � � �� � `� t •` is ' —' t{ � -` �� !- r?•,� �' V im ► s ,w St. C III LAKEWINDS: Transient ~'" '! 'yi f �tl" • dockage subject to written ' agreement with restaurant � I owners. No overnight boat ��,y `�, /�•` storage allowed. RECEIVED). MAR 71989 L.M.C..D AA3 3 Ab C� MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATION FOR DOCK LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FCR 1990 (year) Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: M!.s.netonka Boat Rentals and Edgewater Marina c/o Charles R. Jones, P. 461, Spring Park Mn 55384 (Name and address of cock applicant) 4850 Edgewater Drive (Title, description and location of docks) I certify that the above dock license applicane has , .,et the zoning ordinance requirements of M _ for the (Municipality) property described for 1990 _ and is entitled to a lake Minnetonka (Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license thereunder for slip4 and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) C (Date) 62IZy Subject to Order of 6- 27-84, and M 11NET01'KA BOAT RENTALS AND EDGEWATER MARINA that the section of dockage that : will not be used under the vari- 1/200, �s ance Order for tie -on of the pontoon which was moved, be fenced. 'u, J 4- 4-22-87 _ job 1f 1 l� A 4 LL . 11 1 (" i ,Ot 1� 1 4 •99� /S � � • �� -� � t . ;: , •� y J r � 3 RECEw t' l MAR 13 1987 G MUNICIPAL CER1'IFICAnot4 FOR DUCK LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR 1990 — (year -- Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (I.MCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. 'file issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Lake. • LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: William Niccum, 2 895 WestedQe Blvd Mound MN SS166 (Name and address of dock applicant) Seton Lake - LMCD Area 14 (Title, description and location of docks) 1 certify thit the ahmve dock license applicant has met the zoning ordinance requirements of Mound_ _ _ ___�_ _ for the (Municipality) property described for 1990 and is entitled to a Lake Minnetonka ('iear) Conservation District dc+ck and /or mcw ring area license thereunder for slips and /or mocrings. (Authoriz('d Signature) • - - -- - (Date) aU LW 930 ` 1 bb � Q Co f U 'I CC — — — SHORELINE NOMN 92 °a -QI-PA � A KE 1 1 I� ,6o• � u R£GWv! JUIR Gas 30 1 3' 30 1 tl 1. )J U U Q Cf- i �- 12. I �►u One piling to contact F— island at 929.4 as per (, DNR authorization 6/2/88 Q Cr- I � 111E 1- 928. I �---- 2 (-- 30' i� LMCD # 14 � i c 0 MUNICIP:_'. CERTIFICATION FOR DOCK LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR 1990 (year) Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having Jurisdiction over the Lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: Seahorse Condominium Association c/o Administrator,5440 Three Points Blvd. Mound. MN 55364 (Name and address of dock applicant) 0 Same (Title, description and location of docks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I certify that the above dock license applicant has met the zoning ordinance requirements of Mound for the (Municipality) property described for 1990 and is entitled to a Lake Minnetonka (Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license their under for 67 and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) 0 (Date) Azov /0000 V• a �1 w N _ M w � � s ••e~ s z IT td� OU 1 . O L 40 y 4 V x o O N O Z k� ssyy = ae � H SEAHORSE stipulations: that the ten visitor slips may not be converted to any other use, and that the slips be marked with "Visitor Parking Only" sins. 10 transient slips: no overnight boat parking. • so 9 PQ -4-2h.4a r- • MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATION FOR DUCK LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR -- _ (yer:r ) Under tl►e terms of Lake 1 ttetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Subd.11 Compliance With Other Laws. 'file issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, State, municipal, county or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over tl►e Lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization his applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage Seton Twinhomes c/o Richard M. Smith, 6600 Mohawk Trail, Edina, MN 55435 (Name and address of dock applicant) Seton Place - Emeral Lake - Area 13 - 4808 thru 4854 Wilshire Blvd. ('Title, description and location of docks) I certify that the above clock license applicant has met tite zoning ordinance requirements of Mound for the (Nuniciprility) property described for --199q- acid is entitled to a Lake Minnetonka (Yvir) Conservation District duck and /or mooring area license thereunder for 6 slips anal /or moorings. (Authorize) Signatut::) • A36 • ON _ bock use 1 2 34 Walkway Eosamtn� BIOCk 5 1 2 3 4 Iw oins lq . C9 HGwY ' No , 25 N�� co � z a January 23, 1990 RESOLOTION 110. to- REBOLOTIOH TO TRM$nR � FROM THE GZMZ AL FOMD TO THE COWWN8 DOCK FOW WHEREAB, the Commons Dock Fund was established in 1988 to monitor the revenues and expenditures of the City of Mound Dock Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council has set a goal to have the Commons Dock Fund be supported solely by dock fees; and WHEREAB, the Commons Dock Fund final revenues and expenditures as of December 31, 1989, are as follows: Revenues Dock permit fees 55,126. LMCD fees 6.405. 61,531. Expenditures Temporary employee 2,623. Dock Inspector 4,227. Supplies 973. LMCD fee 7,245. Dock map 679. Computer 2,252. Tree removal 4,155. Dredging /Rip - rap 43"692. - 65.845. Fund Deficit (4,314.) a =axe =as WHEREAS, the General Fund has a sufficient balance to fund the Commons Dock Fund deficit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve a transfer of $4,314 from the General Fund to the Commons Dock Fund. 0 1 A SX January 23, 1990 R380LUTXON NO. !0- 0 UDOLUTION TO TR71>tBYZR $1, 0'51 FROM TIIII OIIIIERAL FUND TO T3= ClMITERY FUND MMRM, the Cemetery Fund is supported by revenue from cemetery lot sales; and WEER3AB, the cemetery lot fees were increased in 1989 in anticipation of the Cemetery Fund deficit; and WNR R3h8, the Cemetery Fund final revenues and expends — res as of December 31, 1989, are as follows: Balance 1 -1 -89 $ 778. Sale of Lots 1,400. Expenditures Temporary Employee 1315. Supplies 182. Map Update 548. Siqns 565. Need Control 515. Miscellaneous fig,, - 3,229. S Fund Deficit ($1,051.) sxsxeaxo�x WII3RBAB, the General Fund has a sufficient balance to fund the Cemetery Fund deficit. NOD, TII3RE70R3, 3E IT R38OLVED that the City Counci- of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve a transfer of $1,051 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund. 1 0 XS3 Mound City Code P � Sj9 Section 255:00 av O Oection 255 - Park Advisory Commission Section 255:00. Establishment o Commission. City Park an Open Space Advisory Commission for the City of Mound is hereby established. Section 255:05. Composition. The Park and O Spa ce Advisory Commission shall consist of nine members. Eight members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by a four- fifths vote of the Council; the Council shall select one member of the Council to serve on the Commission from among the Co•_rncilmembers, the said Councilmember to be appointed for one year, commencing in January of each year; the City Manager and the Park Director shall be members of the Commission ex- officio and without vote. On the terms of the members first appointed, two shall expire December 31, 1989; three shall expire December 31, 1990; and three shall expire December 31, 1991. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years. Both the original and successive appointees shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed and qualified. The term of ex- officio members shall correspond with their respective office tenures. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties shall take an oath that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of !:is or her office. All members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefor are provided in the adopted budget of the Park Department. (ORD. #36 -1989, 10- 30 -89) Section 255:10. Organization, Meetings. etc. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its appointed members for a term of one year with a limit of two consecutive terms as Chairperson; and the Commission may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, and findings, which record shall be a public record. Section 255:15. Duties. It shall be the duty of the Commission to meet from time to time with the City Manager, the City Council, and the Park Director to consider matters pertaining to docks., recreation programs parks and spac in the City as shall be referred to the Commission by the City Council, City Manager, the Park Director, or as members of the Commission deem proper'. U 1 -29 -90 413y MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION JANUARY II. 1990 Discussion: Name- change for the Park Commission At the December 14th Park Commission meeting a motion was ap- proved to recommend to the City Council that the advisory capacity of the park commission not include Just parks, but other open space. and that the Park Commission be called a "Park and Open Space Commission." It was also recommended that the Per- tinent ordinances be amended by changing the name where needed. Casey drafted a memorandum to be submitted to the City Council at their meeting on January 23rd relating to this recommendation. The commissioners reviewed the memo and the ordinance with proposed changes. It was noted that the official proposed name of the commission should be "City Park and Open Space Advisory Commission." It was also noted that Section 255 :15 should be amended as follows: of and the Park Director to consider matters per- taining to docks, recreational programs, parks and open spaces in the City as shall be referred . . ." MOTION made by Bailey, seconded by weber to recommend to the City Council that they approve the name- change of the Park Commission to be a "City Park and Open Space Advisory Commission" along with the recommended changes within City Code Section 255. Motion carried unanim- ously. • C7 • 235 Minnetonka Bass Club • January 10,1990 Mr. Ed Shukley City Manager 5341 Matwood Dr. Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Shukley: The Minnetonka Bass Club teas for the past several years received authorization from you and your council to utilize the park facilities at the Mounds Bay Park, adjacent to the old Surfside Supperclub on Cook's Bay. This year, as last year, we are requesting this area for our weigh -in site only. In keeping with the L.M.C.D. guidelines, we will use another area for our morning boat check and take off. We are requesting authorization for Saturday, June 9, 1990. We have appliedfor the necessary permits from the State DNR, LMCD, and the Hennepin County Sheriff Water Patrol. The weigh -in hours will run from approximately 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We will begin our set -up several hours prior. If there are any questions, please contact me at home, 432 -8064 or the office, 696 -4602. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this application. Yours Truly, ..* This is a catch and release Terry Spaeth tournament with all fish Tournament Director being returned to the water. Minnetonka Bass Classic Terrance P. Spaeth 943 Carden View Dr. Apple Valley, Mn. 5x124 s Minnetonka J3traa C • • 6 January 10,1990 t d w 5,i Dear Mr. Shukley: Mr. Ed Shukley City Manager 5341 Matvood Dr. Mound, Minnesota 55364 The Minnetor_ka Bass Club ;.as for the past stvKml years rewly t a i You and Your council to utilize the park facilities at tbo 1-9 1 4 to the old Surfside Supperclub on Cook's Bay.' This year, as last yearl we are requesting this aL*a i'ar sw ws keeping with the L.M.C.D. guidelines, we * a ll use ► ur. cheek and take off. We are requesting authoriaatifln ft* We have appliedfor the necessary permits from the abate 100 *4 A County Sheriff Water Patrol. The weigh -in hours will M fray to 4:00 pay. We gill begin our set -up sarou I hdWO ptiM. , If there are any questions, please contact art at hcr, or Thank you in advance for your assistance with this dppliqnttim. {>' Yours Truly - . } Terry Spaeth Tournacs-c, Director Minnet,onk, Bass Classic p•s rr Ir ' vw Apple VaUtw" ;r MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOUi0 ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION JANUARY 11. 1990 h. # I 4W Ob Casey handed out a sample resolution declaring Earth Day 1990 as a special event. He noted that he chanood a portion of thr recommended sample to include the precsdtng or following week of Earl Day (April 22. 1990) be set aside for public activities promotion the preservation of the global environment and launch - Ing the "Decade o.' the Environmer. he also suggested that a coordinator be appointed to facilitate the implementation of Earth Week events. ZuS&y gave some s - wetion for events, s,,d rioted that he - is some literature that would help a coordinator. Casey denied to be c xird 1 nator due to time constraints . The comm 1 acs 1 on discussed how the schools and cemf►kun i ty could get involved. Salley and Jeissen suggested Chuck Peterson of Shirley Hills, who is In charge of the ScIonce Cepart►mert, to be a coor- d i nator. Facie 1 cr suggested Jim G 1 asoe ofl Qwmn 1 ty Services, and he also stated that the Boy Scouts have inquired about events such as this. it was determined that tlw'City Manager would con- tact a coordinator. NOTION made by Webere seconded by Jessen, to r4coewsend to the City Council to approve the rftj1ut1cn acknow- i salving Earth Gay 19" as submitted. Motion carried uQ►- an laws 1 y. This resolution will be submitted to the City Council on January 23. 1 9110 for :ores I derat i on . X E 0 • RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 22, 1990 AS 0 EAMM DAY Ilhereas, almost twenty years ago, more than twenty million Americans Joined together on Earth Day in demonstration of concern for the environmment. and their collective action resulted In the passage of sweeping new laws to protect our air, water, and lands Whereas, in the nineteen years since the first Earth Day. despite en- vironmental Improvements, the environmental health of the plant is Increas- Ingly endangered, threatened by Global Climate -- "hange, Ozone Depletion, Grow- ing World Population, Tropical Deforestation, Ocean Pollution, Toxic Wastes. Desertification. and Nuclear Waste requiring action by all sectors of societys Vheres %, Earth Day 1990 is a national and international call to action fcr all citizens to Join in a global effort �j save the planets Wherem, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens an the Importance of acting in an environs ntally sensitive fashion by recy- cling, conserving energy and water, using efficient transportation, and adopt- ing a more ecologically sound Iifestyless Mher'ees, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens on the importance of buying +end using only those .:roducts least harmful to the environments Wwress, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens a. the Importance of buying and using only those products least harmful to the env!ronmentl Iteremsis, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens on the Importance of doing business only with those companies that are en- vIronmentaIIy sensitive end responsIbIaI Whereas, Earth Day 1990 activities and events will educate all citizens or, the Importance of voting for those candidates who demonstrate an abiding concern for the environments Wwress, Earth Day MO activities and events sill educate all citizens on the Importance of supporting the passage of legislation that wilt help protect the environments Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Ci Park Advisory Commissi recommends that the My of Noundm 1. Oesignate and proclaim April 22, 1990 as Earth Day and that Aprii :2, 1990 and the preceding or Following mieek be set aside for public activities promoting the preservation of the global en- vironment and launching the "Decade of the Environment," and 2. Appoint a coordinator to facmlltate the implementation of paragraph I. 136 RE8OLOTION NO. 90- January 23, 1990 0 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A WRITTEN FEASIBILITY REPORT INCLUDING ESTIMATED CrVBTRUCTION COSTS FOR A MUNICIPAL WATER TREATKENT PLANT AND TO PREPARE AN UPDATED REPORT ON THE CITY WATER DISTRIBUTION BYSTEK WHEREAS, the City of Mound has had a consistent long standing problem with minerals in its public water supply; and WHEREAS, the City has been considering how it can resolve this mineral problem; and WHEREAS, it has been suggested that the City consider constructing a Miter treatment plant to remove the minerals that exist in the water supply; any+ WHEREAS, the C ti , at :.ad a water distribution sys- tem analysis done in re years to study the water system and make recommendations on h o improve it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby directs the City Engineer to prepare a written feasibility report including estimated con - struction costs for a municipal water treatment plan and to prepare an updated report on the City's water distribution sys- tem. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this report will be presented to the City Council on or before June 1, 1990. 1 • A31 - I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 037:10 SUED. 7 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO CAR TIRES ON CONNONS DOCKS The City of Mound Does ordain: Section 437:10, Subd. 7, of the City Code is amended to read as follows: Subd. 7. Construction Materials: Use of Car Tires All private docks shall be constructed of materials specified by the Building Inspector and the Dock Inspector and in accordance with all buildinq codes of the City. The standards for the public: health, safety, and general welfare and neither the materials or the workmanship for an approved licensed private dock shall result in docks being located on public lands which are un- sightly, unsafe or create r_ public nuisance. No tire or tires shall be hung or attached on dock posts, dock poles, or on dock hardware of any dock on or abutting public shorelands under Q control of the City. etnitee-- se #c�res- ar�y- eeokrrorbtsehe� - te the- 4oek- sts^tto tyre- te- �rre�ren! -t �fre -trot tfR' -tfi� �t-er washed - #rte - the-- ieke -: -- Any -*-4t* - -seoarecF-te- a -deok @hail --hove -e hete cut- 4- e--t!" -bo oze -le -a ew -t�►a- grater- to-- dre�%t- to�pre�rewt -e breeding -or- nesting- p *aee- for- meegaiteesr Mayor ATTEST City rlerk Adopted by the City Council Publish in The Laker • 1 qty o a Yp SILLS --------- JANUARY 23, 1590 BATCH 0011 115,119.54 BATCH 0012 57,803,60 SuperAmerica Dec gasoline 2,088.10 Lowell's Dec auto parts 829.30 TOTAL BILLS 175.860.65 • • wA, W �x ..Tv ,� > ' .. NO. w DATE I; S A'A N10`1!R DESCRIPTION COW ;r 603 PRE-PAIa :7V. AN :N5*-SBiA+Or 01. 4140 -4110 18/99 :74.00 ,gym -CD :010 1 A RCSSON REST VEW '7AL ?A!:: ME-PAID 30.00 .;AN PARKING LASE 01 -4280 -4200 30.00 JAN PARK LEASE 73- 7300 -4200 30.00 ,iAN PARKING LEASE 78- 7800 -6:00 9 0.00 AL-M 10:0 90.00 3013: 1 ., 31.x r;•�s.,' -a ',..' lPAA'�' Vt'k'� -3.+7L ",.fin pml PRE -MID 630.00 7 REGISTR -STATE CW 22- 4170 -4110 1/18/90 1/18190 630.00 ik-CO 1010 630.00 30141 V. IDJI FIRE DEPT VENDOR TOTAL 630.00 B0872 PIG - 59.99 CALCULATOR 71- 7100-:100 1 /18/ 1/18/90 34. JO L-0 1010 59." 30133 1'`. BEST CONPANY VENOOR TOTAL 59.99 30!1@0 PRE -PAID 134.49 HYDRAULIC FLUID 01- 4290-2250 1/18/90 :118 1:4149 JK_CD 1010 134.49 30144 S:LL -_LARK OIL CONPANY 4vw TOTAL 1 ?4.49 :0886 PREPAID 3,176.00 CR UNION 1/6 PR 01- 2040 -0000 11181 1!181 3,176.00 ik-CD 1010 3116.00 301" llll CITY COUNTY CREDIT UNION VENDOR TOTAL 3176.00 :0 PRE -?AID 11.57 DEC WATER BILL 71- 1040 -0000 1 /18/ 1/18/90 :1.57 .ROIL -CO 1010 11.51 30134 PREPAID 2x.07 REPLEN PIC 01-4140 -2200 1/13/90 :;13/90 2 AL-0 1010 29.01 30:18 ;:T• :� N'CL71I 6SNj'!!F TOTAL 40.64 :;t>r3t 0 1'1 = -FA:I :,1 3I' :!:. PR 01- 2040-0000 2,' :VQ Y%L -CG 1; 27.0.09 ;0152 FRE -FAIL 76.86 OE: SALES TAX 7 3. 2040 -0003 DEC SALES 'AX 71-2060 -0CV :; iS/o ^.• ,.:a :',.76.� ,3t"1-CC 1010 8176.80 3):7 : 2 RE -PAIL :,7 ,.3C- RFNi 3VWYKT 34 -0000 _R .F+Tf - -CD 101^ 1792.30 3015( :. ORIN BOSiI r) INC 'v 'EW TOTAL :'Q`.:0 .:0 PPG 4`, .00 9 . 0,P74C iiM :1 -4 `1 -3100 ;1:3/* :'! ?`or 4 ,,Y~'4.-.- !010 45.60 30146 ,, OD // 301 �4� 1/18/90 1/18/90 7 :006 COOPER 6 COMPANY VECT 'O'AL �Ct':5 PRE• 1/18/90 :'12/?0 " C YIN VEN:OR TO'k ::4` PRE -FAIL SLFtOPT 1 SECT# VENIMP TOTAL a::aNCi { Kf:s•sLOP'N' AUT 'JEN"OR 'O'AL PRE-PA!' JAN DENTAL- Fe. . ..'s ir Y.yr •w'a. J 51.65 " ` ' •:�: �l V4. *c 1/18/90 :;18/90 CITY OF !lD11ND d� 4n PREPAID 4.90 I /t8/" 1118/ ., NC. :V4 :2 VP WE DATE 3 ATJS AM NT :E3C1;9' :011 xV. 44L'4 ;AN MIE" MN VEM, % 4'.. +,0 t-m 1 :::3'. PQE•sArr 1, :61.:`• .;* i>E"1TAl. ,fl -CD 21.80 :4.40 .IAN DENTAL-RET 1/18/90 1/18/90 7 :006 COOPER 6 COMPANY VECT 'O'AL �Ct':5 PRE• 1/18/90 :'12/?0 " C YIN VEN:OR TO'k ::4` PRE -FAIL SLFtOPT 1 SECT# VENIMP TOTAL a::aNCi { Kf:s•sLOP'N' AUT 'JEN"OR 'O'AL PRE-PA!' JAN DENTAL- Fe. . ..'s ir Y.yr •w'a. J 51.65 ME -PAID V4. *c 1/18/90 :;18/90 °;::LIPS t WIS VENDOR TOTAL 4n PREPAID 4.90 I /t8/" 1118/ -E4' ZEST U. ASSURANCE VENDOR TCTX 3: PRE -PAIN JP.�I. -Cr 1/18/90 :/18/90 xV. 44L'4 ;AN VEVOR TOTAL OF caw 1/6 PP 'NE4 1/18/90 1/18/90 7 :006 COOPER 6 COMPANY VECT 'O'AL �Ct':5 PRE• 1/18/90 :'12/?0 " C YIN VEN:OR TO'k ::4` PRE -FAIL SLFtOPT 1 SECT# VENIMP TOTAL a::aNCi { Kf:s•sLOP'N' AUT 'JEN"OR 'O'AL PRE-PA!' x fi AC�11* N1� N831� 01 :''010-0060 �� ol- �t9o•lsla �r 0!- 4140 -1510 71- 7100 -t`f0 !304.70 3cI'E Ti- 7100.9510 71.1100 -1520 71-)100 - 956{' :')10 099.:6 30l�1 01- 2040 -0000 1010 1328.00 Nqr- 01- 2410 -OP40 1010 :1.80 30lE2 71- 7100 -9510 71- 710C•9W. 71 7100 -9560 71- 7100 -9600 71- 2010-0000 !OX 1043.79 3010 0140:0 -2,200 :010 60.70 30168 : x:1-:04.- Jv�ii, J6.GU74 -4100 :11C 1000).00 30146 01- .14f -0004 101 5:x.90 A43 JAN DENTAL- Fe. ?7.v JAN :'EyW- RETIFSE 51.65 JAN DENTAL-RET:�E V4. *c JAl1L•CD :30 %9.75 LIC 4.90 MINE 19.39- DISC 9''4.26 JP.�I. -Cr 999.26 1,3:8.00 OF caw 1/6 PP I, rn. oc t-m 1 21.80 HCSN DED 1/6 PR :1.80 ,fl -CD 21.80 1,059.26 LID 3I.n pill 21.88• DISC 7.3S FRT X3.50- A/P IbINE CREDIT 1,04?.79 im -CD I04?.79 50.70 C.".W. MTG REFRESH 50.70 JPI* - -r: 5,^,.70 k BUFF DED I i 6 N 10,0x0,0^ OCT TAXES -HFF : ) .1 „'P4L-C. .CIA 451 116 PR x fi AC�11* N1� N831� 01 :''010-0060 �� ol- �t9o•lsla �r 0!- 4140 -1510 71- 7100 -t`f0 !304.70 3cI'E Ti- 7100.9510 71.1100 -1520 71-)100 - 956{' :')10 099.:6 30l�1 01- 2040 -0000 1010 1328.00 Nqr- 01- 2410 -OP40 1010 :1.80 30lE2 71- 7100 -9510 71- 710C•9W. 71 7100 -9560 71- 7100 -9600 71- 2010-0000 !OX 1043.79 3010 0140:0 -2,200 :010 60.70 30168 : x:1-:04.- Jv�ii, J6.GU74 -4100 :11C 1000).00 30146 01- .14f -0004 101 5:x.90 A43 A 4y f rr �IiOP NICE DLE HW t ,if #�' VV DA DATE SIAM MW DMIP'ION 4G'�/if M1lE�1 ° :CW'W;. OMFE!EN' TRUST•4 VENDOR TOTAL !12.90 ':.o? , ek -:D :CIO 91A k. 'I ?Rl1S' -401 Ww 1 0' AL o,.x �`3: ORE -PAID S.f,M . Y Fr.AILERS LUNCH QE "a:.S ::lrC►+ 01 -404C -4120 01-4140.4127' ;.. :0!0 ::.00 3-134 '.71 ?RE 130.00 20 CONTRACT ►4JM 01-4310.9100 1/18/00 1/18. 130.0c AL-M 1010 130.00 301 :0►+r . AFFE VEIL TOTAL 130.00 .- ">+�+9 P1E -PAID 1,:13.30 LIO 71.7100 -'1510 1,189.'1 WINE 71- 7100.1020 36.13- 03: 71-7100.4560 1/18190 1/18/90 2,36E.83 .JAIL -CD 1010 23K.1.1 30157 PRE -PAID 156.75 LIO 714110.4b10 407.35 NNE 71- 7100 -1520 ?.23- DISC 71- 7100.4560 1119/00 '1$,90 557.07 AL-0 1010 ',1!7.07 30170 1:,s FM WHOLESALE VENDOR .CHNKy LI+ TOTAL 2°:3. .`817 PRE -PAID 44,70 UNION 1/3 PR 01- 2040.0000 1/18/90 1/18! 44.x0 JK -CD 1010 44000 30173 1. - _AW E4 7.c'ET1T LAO SER# VENDOR TOTAL 44.30 j 111 PRE -PAID 04?. 3E FED TAX !/6 OR Ot- 2040 -M 1/18/90 1 /18 / 12,040.38 ;cr4_ - :; 1010 12049.38 30151 "APtYr BANK MQt: VENDOR ' D TA. :204 '1:1090 PRE -PAID 1 - . ?4 ;409 :EP t /F, PR 01-:040-0000 :118/90 1/18! .. •tD 1014 97.81 3C : "V CENTEF WEALTH PIAN VEND1,'R TOTAL 97.84 KE- =AID ;' AN SEAV SERVICE 7 5 476.51- .^ SENS SERVICE 78-11 -0000 A SEWED :.ERVICE 78 -381: -0090 vFNL -CD :0:0 21 30:40 ME'K dAFE CCti'KJL "DIRT!• VEICOR i07 M 1 401 PRE -PAID 2 DEF :,w 1/6 PR oi- :'040 -0000 11: /o4 :r? "Jo w. ,F.� -.1 1010 288.00 301U ll 7E'inEME%" S`'S'EM VENDCP . I "C A 4y A t .'01 -: OF ViC' , IC. :*4:,'f 40 DA .1 :ATE 6TArjS ArCU+' 7E5CRIP' :OI► ACCMl r MNI[!1 �34s$ PRE-PA!" $95.63 UNION 1/6 PR 01 -2"0 -,000 10:0 1"..6! w TEASE% LDCAL 320 VD1W TOTAL PPE P: 5,3`9.Ot AN FIRE °EN6;0N n-"M -1400 1/1S/90 : 1 5 ,ft -r,D 1010 'x51.00 3013: 190.00 1990 ANUAL FM- 087 78- 7800.3210 1/18/% 1/18/90 380.00 AL-CD 101' 380.00 304'0 ' PRE -PAID PMTQ qR V. &FTER 01- 4020.3210 1/18/90 1/:8/90 486.62 AL-CD :010 456.62 3007 : ►' "101.N► POITltr,STER V£ TOTAL 866.62 n P3'oS0 PRE -PAID 6,637.30 PERA 1/6 PR 01-2040.0000 1/18/90 1%191" 6,637.50 JOL-CD 1010 bb:.7.s0 90153' 10 P E R A VE1m TOTAL 6637.50 °4030 PRE -PAID $16.36 HOW DED 1!6 PR 01- 2040-0000 1/18/90 1/18/90 516.38 JOL-0 1010 516.98 "b wrSlCiaNS 3F tii Yom TOTAL $16.4 0171 PRE -PAID 1,636.30 LIP 71-7100-9510 242.41 MINE 71-7100.920 35.17- DISC 71-7100 -9560' 1/18190 V18/90 1 ,843. 5 4 AL-CD 1010 1842.$4 3011: I LALITr W. L SPIRITS VErfDOR TOTAL 1943.$4 F4 ?70 PRE -PAID 0 9-85 2 - HN- KRAUSE 01- 4280.1510 236.$0 :-3.4 PV--J KFAME 01-4. 355.3` JR1 _cv 1 .010 l E 'vTW TOTAL X3.33 .� FGC -DqI 2,300.6E JAN VEEV 71 - -39:0 1!18! V IPM 2, 300.66 jK - CD 1010 23'10.'6 30130 uCP''' ItE CLAiA VEMIXT TOTAL :s PRE -PA:D n 498.3; ^_A IbV:ON .'c P= -• 01-204 -' 1'i1� 4".tl STATE CWT.l Cqf:I' UN:ON VEKW 'J'AL 40.3: :s5!u PRE -oAIO `:0.:: 4 O'P SlnC- S. 01- :'i4; , :icy( :0:0 30 . A AC1�Af' IU�lER A 10 :J 27.00 3t: ;: 01- 401'4120 0'. -tits -1120 26- 2040-0000 .010 23331. 30119 ; 01- 1110-3100 1010 1350.00 30133 00 // 3, 40 /-7 y • A •',._ y tT r ICU!' n w `''`•;- � tMUc;;tE z1E gal: !0. II MM NMI DA 041E VAT M1 XR;Pi1(A rh YEW M74L W..i ' AIPF4K -M- ,. 1 /tE /V 1,'ISM .'4.00 ft -CC O•ERS TRAVEL MY OF YAVO YEW '0'41. -n.00 1 20 PRE -aA li ''.M? • i.50 WOO Hm L11!CH DWKD r 1 - 'XW +E ^ ,SAPW OF A 'vt-ATr 74L 'S.F 4o PRE -PAID 23,53!.78 CENIIOH F IM"R- ASSESS 1118190 1, 23,33!.78 At -CO iIDIE1t lw *W MTAL 2353!.78 6m PRE -PAID :,550.00 �m RETAINJt 11 !,':8/90 1,'3C. J:Q L-CD MM-PEAl"M-LAMM VE W TUAL :NSi,.30 'Vk 4LL YN AC1�Af' IU�lER A 10 :J 27.00 3t: ;: 01- 401'4120 0'. -tits -1120 26- 2040-0000 .010 23331. 30119 ; 01- 1110-3100 1010 1350.00 30133 00 // 3, 40 /-7 y • A A47 ... AFC. '.S• � • .. _ •1; _ _` .' 7 CV _: I. otF{: _. ::IV �F M cam• :NG __ _r'• •�r - - CSC - C • C�� - ___ •c -- ,e X: awiw -E -- - A47 St yd : :',` ....' F • "` :•► T 'VJh:S :'.:.1 EYE -DE __ - . .. _ �'�F' _ice_ w _• :Q .Cv . _•. _ . r'j' -• r W 7J... A :LL JS4no -= �. :. :` is •Q::�•. . 7.... _ �.:,. .�., St yd #%yl _.•. K u7. ... _ —_ �— 7 -- RJog X P • .`. — . -: - ,'L :•err' lyx #%yl As0 M -�� •r .Lr� F 'Sy'T' ^.~ / =• \V' - Y - � = l. Ga Y k .. AA r :rr y „ "t.k YSL -CT 3010 tea. "4E.awFE' 'VEti..7 7-k '16AD WMX Pal -= 1020 - -� -�' :OC.X LAVE XIC 5ES5:^.k 0:'A:�C•�:3A .'. /�f .�' : . r. fV_ •.: 39 � •��.r •: ,.• - . - • 3x10 .... MM S'.*yl. S% 02.0: %, qw, 4 :A.4 : . S As0 CITY COUNCIL PACKET = 1/23/90 #2 S W ^i "v4r�i000 0i-2040-clor4l; t: -43:S0 -`3 ^0 - "L')04c.-w ; 3 - 22640 -0000 ' 2 X "I8-204C-c.ocic so-:0l0 -tM 64-2W.-000 :CIO 72-7`50-3 7 Y " 0 • 4251 TIU: S C E VSN:7 A L No 00 DE: PC; :-tE Yj N7- '?--,* 7-E::E KEA DE: M; N 47%, DE. - tNGP !48.0t; 3E.r' EWFF Mr 41% "n-C Fl;l riK ^i "v4r�i000 0i-2040-clor4l; t: -43:S0 -`3 ^0 - "L')04c.-w ; 3 - 22640 -0000 ' 2 X "I8-204C-c.ocic so-:0l0 -tM 64-2W.-000 :CIO 72-7`50-3 7 Y " 0 • 4251 0 A SM As-.3 - 4. : "'• - -- ti - - -" - - -: ='°: "c "� . "._. �::��' �'FEF. � iri . i • ' V ' 'SC4r. _=. ''AF - r ^IC.f. •C' �C n . TE OF MN -iro ?cB CCF TOTAL s5�.35 j - �L Oi0 C EiCHE= VENI)a TOTAL !7.00 +S4i _14.30 SERV WE ' 73 :040 -►000 1 /!o /9G 111 2 :4.K JRNL -C: IO1J PSTEMS SERVICE CNAN! VETGR TOTAL :!4.30 '4 - -'.94 HAND CLEA EL, 01 -4,Q0- e( 1 :, TEAM .J4 JRNL- 1010 LAWRATORT CHEMICALS VDNR TOTAL '7.94 T47 `;.30 CLEANEP.,OVS! l ' E 34PE:3 SHE V-Y.UR TO TAL .0 4730 '!,t Q4 FILM - _ -_p4° - e0rs :':�f9p :Ilol9C '4 JRNL -C° :01 - .: SNT:F PiG NC4 V "OTk �c every As-.3 z. �1 CITY ot N K A 'NI PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA CASE NO. 90 -903 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MODIFICATION OF THE MOUND ZONING CODE TO ALLOW ACCESSORY SEASONAL OUT- DOOR RETAIL SALES AS A CONDITIONAL USE SUBJECT TO ESTAB- LISHED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS (B- 1) ZONE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, 1990 to consider adding "Accessory Seasonal Outdoor Retail Sales" as a conditional use in the Central Business (8-1) zone. The proposed modifica- tion establishes a definition. allows the use by conditional use Pco and establishes performance standard criteria. The Proposed change is not site specific. It represents a change fcr the entire B -1 zone. All persons appearing at .raid hearing will be given the oppor- tunity to be heard. F ancene C. Clark, City lerk Published in "The Laker" 2 -26 -90 and 3 -5 -90. p p / 2 - • 6�Sy MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION • January 8. 1990 Those present were: Chair Bill Mever. Commissioners Geoff Michael. Ken Smith. Frank Weiland. Bill Thal. Jerry Clapsaddle. Michael Mueller. and Bill Voss. Council Representative Liz Jen- sen, City Planner Mark Koeqler, Building Official Jan Bertrand, City Manager Ed Shukle. and Secretary Peaay James. The following citizens were also present: Dale Pixler. and Scott Olson. MINUTES: MOTION made by Weiland. seconded by Smith to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of December 11. 1989 as written. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS: a. Case No. 90 -901: Scott A. Olson, 2168 Birch Lane, Lots I b 2, Block 8, Mound Terrace, PID #14-117-24-32 0041 b 0042. MINOR SUBDIVISION. Building Official. Jan Bertrand, reviewed the applicants request for a minor subdivision. The applicant is requesting to move the lot line between Lots I and 2 by adding 14 feet to Lot 1 from Lot 2. Both lots, as proposed, will exceed the 10.000 square foot minimum lot size regUirement. Staff recommenced approval of the m;;ior subdivision. upon the condition that the applicant install water service from the street into the vacant lot, or provide a cash deposit or bond to assure that water service is : :3ilable to the new land owner. Weiland raised a question regarding the nonconforming shed which is 3.2' from the north property line, and the nonconforming garage which is 17.A' from the west property line. it was noted that both the shed h)d garage should be setback 30' from both the north and west property lines as they abut platted streets. The Commission discussed a possible vacation of the portion of the unimproved Birch Lane which runs east and west at the north of the subiect property. Weiland commented that he never sees any traffic on that portion of the street, nor does anyone ever park vehicles there. Smith commented that the street dead ends to lots on Forest Lane, therefore has no reason to be improved. Smith also expressed that it would be unreasonable to make the owner of Lot I relocate his accessory ruildings since the lot is so bia. L r , 92J S— Planning Commission Minutes January E. 1990 0 Page Two Dale Pixler, the realtor who is representing the potential pur- chaser of Lot 2. spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Pixler stated that the reason for moving the lot line is only due to the present landscaping of Lot 1, and that it would be better for the houses to have the property line where it appears to be. He added that if it was required to relocate the accessory build- ings. they would withdraw the subdivision request. Mr. Pixler also requested that the requirement to install, or provide for, water service be eliminated. He stated that when the lot is sold. then the new owner should pay for the water. The commission determined that since this subdivision involves only the moving of a lot line. the owner should not be required to provide water service. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Smith to approve the minor subdivision as per the survey submitted. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on January 23. 1990. • DISCUSSION /INFORMATIONAL: Publicly Owned Outdoor Storage in the B -1 Zoning District City Planner, Mark Koealer, reviewed his recommendation for the proposed zoning amendment which he submitted per the City Council's request. Koealer reviewed the definition which he crested. as follows: PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE: Storage of any goods, equipment, fuel, materials, merchandise. supplies or motor vehicles not fully enclosed in a building for more than a twenty -four hour period. Such facilities must be located on land owned by a local, county or state public agency. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by said agency. Koealer also informed the commission that they need to determine if this use should be classified as a Conditional Use or a Per- mitted Use within the B -I Zonina District. Koealer reviewed the performance standards which he suggested to be added to Section 23.702. as follows: 1. Front, side and rear setbacks shall he thirty (30) feet. In areal, wt.ere storage abuts a r e s i d e n t i a l use or zone, side ano rear seth,3cks shatI h fifty (50) feet.. as4 Planning Commission Minutes January 8. 1990 Page Three 2. Open storage areas shall be properly graded for dra;nage Purposes and shall maintain a dust free environment. 3. Incineration or reduction of waste material other than government sponsored recycling activities shall be prohibited. 4. Storage of impounded vehicles and equipment is prohibited. 5. Publicly owned outdoor storage shall comply wits: all other performance standards identified in Section 7 of the Mound Zonina Code. Meyer questioned the meaning of "reduction of waste material" as listed in performance standards ##3. It was determined that this statement included compaction of cans. cars. etc. and composting. Thal questioned performance standard ##2 which states ". . . main- tain a dust free environment." Meyer Suggested using the words "Just control" instead of "dust free which may be easier to comply with. The definition of publicly owned outdoor storage was reviewed. is The commission questioned the need for "fuel." Will the City be needing their own fuel tanks in the future? City Manager, Ed Shukle commented that they recently studied the feasitility of having their own fuel tanks versus buying fuel from SuperAmerica and it was determined that it would be more cost effective to buy from SuperAmerica. considering the liability involved with owning a fuel storage tank. It was determined the word "fuel" would be deleted from the definition. The commission questioned if outdoor storage use should be avail- able to 311 "local, county or state public agencies." It was determined that Mound cannot even handle their own needs as it relates to outdoor storage, therefore it was determined that the definition should be changed as follows: Such f a c i l i t i e s must be located on land owned by a -+e- ce� ; - i r + t 1 * -eP- sttat� - fjvt�F iC - agency the C i t y of Mound. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by 9Htg- egPAer the City of Mound. The commission unanimously decided that the use should not be a permitted use. that shoulh be a conditional use under Section 23.625.3. is 1.5 Planning Commission Minutes January 8, 1990 Page Four The commission discussed the setback requirements. it was agreed that the 50' setback requirement to residential property should be enforced. however the 30' setback requirement from abutting commercial property was discussed. It was determined that these setback requirements are essentially the same for any industrial use, therefore it was the feeling of the commission that the City should abide by the same requirements. MOTION made by Mueller. seconded by Jensen to approve the pro -osed zoning ordinance amended with the noted changes as a draft document for public hearing purposes. Motion carried unanimously. This draft document will be eviewed by the City Council at their meeting on January 23, 199u. It was determined that a notice for a public hearing will be published, and the public hearing date at the planning commission level will be February 13, 1990. LMCO Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Licenses The City Manager explained to the commission that they are reviewing the commercial dock applications to determine if any zoning violations exist. Bertrand informed the commission that she did receive a complaint regarding the glare of the light at the Driftwood Shores docks. Weiland commented that he would like to see some comparative in- formation on the applications stating how many dock slips they had in previous years and how many they are currently applying for. It was determined the City Manager would bring this to the LMCD's attention. The transient dockage shown on Lakewinds application was dis- cussed. The commission determined that since the last variance request to allow this dock was denied due to the distance from the now vacant restaurant of approximately 350', that it does not comply with the zoning ordinance. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Mueller to notify the City Council that the transient dockage as requested on Lakewind's Multiple Dock License does not comply with the Mound Zoning Code as the distance from dock to the restaurant is approximately 300 feet more than what is allowed. Motion carried unanimously. That questioned William Niccum's dock aDo lication for the six slips on Seton Lake. Was there a restriction in the final plat or wetlands permit Iimitinq the nsimher ( boat sIi�„ ,�S.S Planning Commission Minutes January 8. 1990 Page Five MOTION made by Thal, seconded by Meyer to request that the City Council review William Niccum's dock applica- tion for six slips on Seton Lake. and confirm that they are in compliance with any restrictions that may have been created with final plat approval. Motion carried unanimously. The City Co :jncil will be reviewing the LMCD Dock Applications at their meeting on January 23. 1990. R eview of the last Public Facilities Task Force Meeting Thal informed the Commission that the final plan for the City Nall addition will be presented to the City Council at the Com- mittee of the Whcle Meeting on January 16, 1990. The City Coun- cil will officially make their decision on the addition at their meeting on February 13, 1990. Openinq for Bids will be the first or second week in March. Thal then briefly reviewed s of the plans for the expansion. • City Council Representative Report. 0 Jensen reviewed the City Council meeting of December 12. 1989 and the agenda of the January 9. 1990 meeting. MOTION made by Smith seconded by Weiland to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair. Bill Meyer Attest: • *�s9 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION JANUARY 11. 1990 Present were: Cho ;r Marilyn Byrnes, Commissioners Neil Weber. Tom Casey, Steve Burke. Shirley Andersen. Cathy Bailey, Brian As- Iesonr and Carolyn Schmidt; Council Representative Phyllis Jessen; Park Director Jim Fackler; City Manager Ed Shukle, and Secretary Peoqy James. There were no citizens present. Minut The minutes of the Park Commission meeting of December 14. 1989 were presented for changes and /or additions. MOTION made by Casey, seconded by Asleson to approve the Park Commission Minutes of December 14. 1989 as sub- mitted. Motion carried unanimously. New Member Caroiyn Schmidt was welcomed as a new commissioner. Discussion: Name- change '`or the Park Commission At the December 14th Park Commission meeting a motion was ap- proved to recommend to the City Council that the advisory capacity of the park commission not include just parks, but other open space, and that the Park Commission be called a "Park and Open Space Commission." It was also recommended that the per- tinent ordinances be amended by changing the name where needed. Casey drafter~ a memorandum to be submitted to the City Council at their meeting on January 23rd relating to this recommendation. The commissioners reviewed the memo and the ordinance with proposed changes. It was noted that the official proposed name of the commission should be "City Park and Open Space Advisory Commission." It was also noted that Section 255:15 should be amended as follows: " . . . and the Park Director to consider matters per - taininq to docks, recreational programs, parks and open spaces in the City as shall be referred ." • 4240 Park Commission Minutes January 11, 1990 Page Two MOTION made by Bailey. seconded by Weber to recommend to the City Council that they approve the name- change of the Park Commission to be a "City Park and Open Space Advisory Commission" along with the recommended changes within City Code Section 255. Motion carried unanim- ously. Approval of the LMCD Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Licenses MOTION made by Weber, seconded by Jessen to recommend approval of the LMCD Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Licenses as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion: Dis of Park Improvement Funds Park Director, Jim Fackler, informed the commission that $23.000 has been allocated for 1990 park improvements. He reviewed with the commission suggestions of improvements which have been dis- cussed throughout the past year, such as: - replace depot deck $12,- 15,000 - install timber stairways on commons - install small play structures at Avalon and Chester Parks - add a walkway at Mound Bay Park - add a fishing pier at Mound Bay Park - install parking posts at some parks - more benches The commission discussed improving the depot and Mound Bay Park. Should they use half of the money allocated to improve the deck when the rest of the building is in such disrepair also? It was determined that since the depot needs to be fixed -up, the park and depot could be improved as a package deal. Getting community involvement and maybe some financial assistance from some com- munity organizations was discussed. It was suggested that these local organizations could help be a part of preserving the depot and improving the park. Jim Fackler commented that the playground structure is also in bad shape that the wood is Pos- sibly starting to rot. Making a presentation to the Lions Club was discussed. and how to approach them. This will be discussed at the next Park Commis- sion meeting on February 8, 1990. The City Manager suggested • 42-fo► Park Commission Minutes January 11. 1990 Page Three that the City Planner do some drawings so we have visuals for a presentation. The commission agreed that visuals were important, therefore the City Manager will request the drawings. It was determined that staff should contact the historical society to see if they can submit historical information on the depot to us by the next meeting. Earth Day Resolution Casey handed out a sample resolution declaring Earth Day 1990 as a special event. He noted that he changed a portion of the recommended sample to include the preceding or following week of Earth Day (April 22, 1990) be set aside for public activities promotion the preservation of the global environment and launch- ing the "Decade of the Environment." He also suggested that a coordinator be appointed to facilitate the implementation of Earth Week events. Casey gave some suggestion for events, and noted that he has some literature that would help a coordinator. Casey denied to be coordinator due to time constraints. The commission discussed how the schools and community could get involved. Bailey and Jessen suggested Chuck Peterson of Shirley Hills, who is in charge of the Science Department, to be a coor- dinator. Fackler suggested Jim Glasoe of Community Services, and he also stated that the Boy Scouts have inquired about events such as this. It was determined that the City Manager would con- tact a coordinator. MOTION made by Weber, seconded by Jessen, to recommend to the City Council to approve the resolution acknow- ledging 'earth Day 1990 as submitted. Motion carried un- animously. This resolution will be submitted to the City Council on January 23. 1990 for consideration. City Council Representative's Re port Jessen reported that the Council accented the bids for the Park Department's new onto -ton dump truck, and for the maintenance dredging project. • a6�L Park Commission Minutes January 11. 1990 Page Four Park Director's R esort Fackler commented that the weather has riot cooperated for the ice rinks. He stated that they are still waiting for approval of the permits needed to do the proposed dredges in 1990. Election of Park Commission Chair for 1990 Bailey nominated Marilyn Byrnes for Chair for 1990. There tieing no further nominations. Byrnes was unanimously elected as chair for 1990. Election of Park Commission Vice -Chair for 1990 Jessen nom:nated Tom Casey for Vice -Chair for 1990. There being no further nominations. Casey was unanimously elected as Vice - Chair for 1990. MOTION made by Weber, seconded by Andersen to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. is X63 MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JANUARY 18, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7 AM. Members present: Mark Brewer, Tim Kenealy, Ben Marks. Absent: Chic Remien, Fred Guttormson and Mayor Steve Smith. Also present: City Manager Ed Shukle, Finance Director John Norman, City Planner Mark Koegler, Rebecca Yanisch and Rusty Fifield from Public Financial Systems. Upon motion by Kenealy, seconded by Marks, and carried unanimously, the minutes of the December 21, 1989 meeting were approved. Rebecca Yanisch, Rusty Fifield and Mark Koegler were the: introduced to review the proposed economic development study for downtown Mound. They presented a proposed work program for the three basic areas that will be analyzed: 1). Market Studies 2). Financial Analysis 3). Land Use Analysis. They presented a time frame in which to complete the work program. Other items were discussed with regard to the study. A progress report will be discussed at the next meeting. Election of the chairperson was tabled to the next meeting. There being no other bubiness, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:40 AM. The next meeting of the Commission will be Thursday, February 15, 1990 at 7 AM, in the City Council Chambers. Re s ec / tfully submitted, r/�`` L� Ed Shukle City Manager ES:ls • 424y LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT LAKE USE COMMITTEE A G E N D A NOTE CHANGE REC JAN 1 8 iJy OF TIME, PLEASE: 4:00 p.m., Monday, January 22, 1990 LMCD Office, Wayzata 1. Hennepin County Lake Improvement Division presentation: Denis Bailey A. Buoy placement review for 1990 Slow zones, low water hazard buoys B. Projected channel dredging and status of channels during the current 925.5' low water period 2. Code amendment to correspond with Resolution 59 Relating to Late Application Charges for Open Water Fishing Contests, changing renewal date i!tte deadline from December 1 to 90 days prior to start of the event 3. Charter Boat Subcommittee report recommending: A. Fee increase from $50 to $100 per charter boat, amending Resolution 62 B. Require city approval for passenger pick -up at municipal docks C. Require letter of permission from other ports of call other than a municipal dock authorized by the city D. Require Type I Personal Flotation Device (PFD) E. Require Type T toilet, indicating capacity in gallons F. Require posting location of PFD's on outside of area where PFD's are stored C. Call for operator cooperation in proper use of public address systems for announcements, playing music H. Call for operator cooperation in watching wakes while traveling empty to port of call 4. Personal Watercraft (PWC) follow - up to public hearing report, and additional is response f -om the PCA regarding decibel report of 9/29/89 PWC test 5. Charter boat applications for (information only, investigation; underway): A. New charter boat certificate with wine and beer: David J. Lawrance B. Renewal charter boat certificate, with liquor, wine and beer: John Lambin, and new partner Franco Loris 6. New Special Event application, Scott Dvorak, private fishing contest and chili lunch, Saturdav, 1/27/90, Big Island /Veterans Bay; recommending approval 7. Policy consideration for rranting of Special Event Licenses for events scheduled prior to installation of buoys during low water level with hazardous conditions for watercraft /operators 8. Spacial Event applications; for water skim,, slalom courses requesting buoys to be left in the water, submerf,ed, for the entire season; recommending this not be permitted with increased weed harvesting, now taking place by LMCD and /or private operators, and to further rotation of slalom ski areas 9. Hennepin (:��unty Sheri[f's W,II<r f'.3'r�. r - t A. Slate of which the h��n:�rea will ue selected for February li Reco)�,niti��n (rinnr�r B. I!pdate on ITIt 11y�, with i � n i,� s�,.. it watercraft laltisIation C. W4nt(' r bake 11 "r tat i iiid other paraphernalia I). New deputy r1l'poi lit rient horse (to avoid E a n n . Add � n t�, %l�i�:i „. - ... conf with I,!lt'i) L.�l�• t�•�ii 10. Add i t inna 1 h"',i t1�� LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT January 4, 1990 RECD JAN 1 g 1? -:3 T0: LMCD Board of Directors FROM: Gene Strommen D�� SUBJECT: Cable Cast of Management F:3n Presentation December 2 to City and Agency Officials The Excelsior Cable Commission, which video taped the December 2 Management Plan meeting at the LaFayette Club, has completed editing of the all day presentation. Chair Cochran and the executive director edited the video tape and arrived at a conclusion to divide the program into five presenta- tions. Each will be approximately 20 minutes long. Cochran introduces each piece so the viewing audience knows what is coming. Rascop gives an overview of the Management Plan as h- presented December 2• The balance of each segment fe _ures the F ,entor and some questions/answers. Many of the Q & A's were difficult to include due to their length and in some cases poor audio. The schedule which is now in place starting January and running through March is as follows on Excelsior Cable Channel 20. 10 AM M 7 PM T uesdays : 4 0 Jan 2 Shoreland Management Feb 5/ 6 Mar 12113 8/ 9 On Shore Facilities /Lake Use " 12113 " 19/20 " 15/16 Lake Access " 19/20 " 26/27 " 22123 Public Safety " 26/27 " 29/30 Wetlands /Fisheries /Water Quality Mar 5/ 6 W'e encourage your viewing of the --e cable casts as you are able to do so- This might even encourage your subscribing if you are in t'ie area! LMCD w:11 be receiving a duplicate of the program on 112 VHS video tape which we will make available when we receive it. Call our office if you wish to reserve a time to review it. Thanks again for your continued attention to this study- INFO COPY T0: Jenr; i f er Watt s EXCELSIOR CABLE COMfII IG'� 443 Oak St Excelsior MN SS.li1 A6 L Lake Minnetonka Cable Communications Commission 443 0AK STREE f • EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 • 16121 4745539 • DATE: JANUARY 9, 1990 MEDIA CONTACT: JENNIFER WATTS FOR IMMEDIATE RELE The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) is featuring a series of video programs on the local public access cable channel dealing with the Comprehensive Management Plan. The series features various points of the plan as they were pre- sented and addressed at the seminar held December 2 at the Lafayette Club in Minnetonka Beach with LMCD board members and local government representatives present. The programs consist of five separate shows dealing with one or more of the issues of the plan addressed at the seminar. Each . show begins with a brief introduction by LMCD Board Chair Dave Cochran and an overview of the plan by Bob Rascop, followed by the feature issue presentation. The series began its cablecast schedule January 2 and will continue through March 26 with each show receiving a minimum of four cable showings. The shows cablecast Mondays at 10 AM and Tuesdays at 7 PM. The LMCD program, a regular feature on Triax Channel 20, was developed to help keel, the lake area communities informed of LMCD activities and programs. For more information on this program or to find out how to become involved in the production of the progam, call the Excelsior Community TV Studio at 474 -5539 or the LMCD at 473 -7033. -30- • ou 7 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERV,LTION DISTRICT �, ct w e e'- e s 5 7 ay Passage Nor--.') Arm 2/98 C2, 1 ORDINANCE NO. RECD JAN 1 8 1990 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LNWD CODE. SECTION 3.09, SUM). 5 RELATING TO LATE APPLICATION CIIARGES FOR OPEN IVATF.R FISIUNG ('ON'CESTS The Board of Directors of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District ordains that LMCD Code Section 3.09, Subdivision 5 is amended to read as follows: Subd. 5. Special Requirements for Open Water Fishing Contests. The following special requirements shall apply to open water fishing contests. (a) A Special Event Permit for open water fishing contests is required only for contests in which (1) there are 19 or more participating boats; or (2) there is an entry fee of more than $10; or (3) there is more than $2,000 in prizes. (b) Renewal applications submitted [after December 1 of the preceding year] later than 90 days before the scheduled event shall be accompanied by a late fee as prescribed by Resolution of the Board. (c) The District may require additional information or stipulate further conditions in accordance with the Fishing Contest Policy Guidelines adopted by Resolution of the Board. This enactment is in effect from and after its passage an(_ uhliention in accordance with the enabling net of t1)e '.)i;; °ict. :t is enacted by a maj(,'. ^itv vote is of all the members of the Board and has the effect of an ordinance. Adopted by the LMM) Board of Directors this _ _ day of , 1990. Devi? Fl. Cochran, Chairman ATTF;ST: F.i !ene R. 'Strr7mmeii, FXcoutive 1)irf�(�t��r 71.e9 P i EXCERPT: LMCD Resolution. No. 62 5. For special events licenses, the fee required pursuant to Code Section 3.09, Subd. 2, shall be $50 for each event or $100 for a single application for multiple events of the same type, and the deposit shall be $100. Applicatiops for open water fishing contests submitted after December 1 of the year preceding the event and other applications submitted less than 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the special event shall be ac- companied by a fee of $100 for each event or $200 in the case of a single application for multiple events of the same type plus a deposit of $100. 6. For registration of watercraft for hire, the fee re- quired pusuant to Code Section 3.07 Subd. 2 hall be $50. Renewal applications submitted after i ' of the license year must be accompanied by an additional late fee cf $50. Adopted by the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Board of Directors this 2 5th day of May , 1988 Amended 1 - 25 -89. r� Chairman Robert Rascop ATTEST: A—, Executive Directs Frank Mixa s 270 November 27, 1989 Sergeant Bill Chandler Hennepin County Water Patrol Post Office Box 187 Spring Park, Minnesota 55384 Dear Sergeant Chandler: REVD JAN 18 1 1 9 A I appreciate the opportunity to have participated in the personal watercraft noise testing on September 29, 1989, at Lake Mi:rnetorika. It's hard to believe that only 8 weeks ago I was tempted to roll my pants up and wade in the water Lo cool off! Attached is a copy of your test results to which I added my results. Since my mlcrophuue was -, e L up at the corner of the dock platform, the open- throtLie pass -bys may riot have been at exactly 50 feet. Also, I was not looking for a maximum level during the 50 foot idle pass -hy, but rather a minimum range. The following niimbers are the result of logarithmically averaging the data on both types of watercraft: (log) average maximums: @50', @100', ?300', 0400 @500' modified: 87 85 71 68 67 stock: fl') 7.' 64 61 f,2 Modified = vehicle 1,2, 3. Stock = vehicle 4,6,7,8,9,10. Vehicle 5 didn't fit iii either caLagory so I left it out. 'r'wo vehi( of each type wer moni*,ored at "play" for a few minutes. I was curious "o s tinw close to shore thfv could r,l „r.it� tr�a bra wI 'it't the `'C. - I,o ;,ri�!)! ni nnisr st. ;i,, (In rd; f( T !I S on S r?. "Iwo stock 11 1r10 a ;surr,i ri? th "v stavf it th�> sa;no ari—i for ;i:r hour, would a1) e;1r to ht wtthfir II ;nits at dIq ;1 rep b(,vond feet. T ri modified vehi( les, under the Same ronditi )!I would need to h1. he feet. 0 • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency i - `7": J Y 520 Lafayette Road, Saint Paul,-Minnesota 55155 Tele f>,o�e 612) 296 -6300 0 P J 1 Mi.�iuii�fwo I�ir� {ir .t :r,;�l (N:.i: r �, Ili,i'ril' • Etr,i�r1 r ,1 . f l tI i,A ; f1''. to r Sergeant Bill Chandler November 27, 1989 Page Two The data cnIlecLed and analyzed herein was for informational purposes only and not intended to replace or circumvent manufacturer's testing procedures. If you have any questions please mall me at (612) 296 -7898. Sincerely, Rebecca Niedzielski Program Development - Noise Specialist Division of Air Quality RAN /1mb2.45 Enclosure CnY�t J i £C fl S TG 5 F I' L M ��� 7z PERSONAL WATERCRAFT TESTING -- Listed Loudest to Quietest -- 1 P' �, FRST . ,Decibels b 50 50' 100' 300' 500' Modified 440 75.9 88.7 t Ski with 85.7 I 89.1 85.2 cing pipe and side � � �qD 0 0 haust _ S�p•n�,rn Modified Jet Ski 80.5 84.0 th after market 66.5 88. 85.0 iet pipe and side 4 ,7 0 $ {. haust b - � +� �0 _ Modified 650 SX 74.3 83.5 t Ski with side 81.3 86. $� 85.' haust Stock 650 Jet 72. J 83. 3 75.5 i with f side exhaust bear � 1 ,V 3 ���8 - - - Stock }RD Sport II 59.2 82.6 t Jet with Rear 60. 85.1,..•' 77.0 haus v It" P ki'V\b � X59 :8 ,► c : wore- s� Wf(, Stock Sport II 11 ` 70.4 81 2 t Jet with rear 70. 81. 78.9 haust Stock Kawasaki 59.3 78.7 ,0 TS with rear 61.5 61 79.4 $` 79.3 : haust - 59, I$ i) Stock Yamaha ) 77.1 78.1 ,ve Runner with rear 79.5/ 65.4 : haust - - / � l � - •- �) Stock Yamaha C 58.9 7[.6 eve Punner with rear 60. E 78.3 78.5 �h ust 5QP1�1ER �.rj 7 00 71.8 66.4 71.6 w 64 63.4 68.7 ,�70.1 67.0 65.4 67.6 63.5 58.0 h'� 57.6 59.7 56.3 62 . 2 /fkl 59. 1 44 mph 37 mph • 45 mph 37 mph 35 mph 34 mph 32 mph 30 mph 32 mph lo) Stoc }: Sea - Uoo 6C .1 -- - 77.9 -� 7 -- - x;3.3 63.4 33 Mph )mbardier 580 tta( Vjt j' 5 / to 11) Two Modified -- 78.3 75.5 - -' rsonal W/C 30(I 11 ors Ja� 1 2) 'rWo �;tc,c } _ -- 7 , . ( P 3 . - 1 -- 66.1 _.. lI W /C_' Oh�'i - �il ri0� ter nq t.o'lethe> to cF 41. ,.4 6 -7a j8�i ri f f 's 1'<it I U -- ')at With 2G0 1/0 - ���' -T. F7 "I E? 4b LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS • A G E N D A Regular Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 24, 1990 Tonka 5av Citv Hall 4901 Manitou Road (County Roac: 19) Rt` �A ,yin JA,N' Lo 2 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Reading of Minutes: 12 -6 -89 Regular Meeting 4. Public Comments - from persons in attendance not on agenda 5. Reports A. Chair Cochran 1) Personnel review and recommendations for compensation adjustments 2) Draft _..oreland Grant Contract and Management Plan partial fund re- imbursement from MN DNR, per advance review copy, engaging the 14 Lake communities with LMCD for Shoreland Rules adoption • 3) Save the Lake Recognition Dinner, Thursday, February 15, Lord Fletcher's 4) Executive Session to consider St. Alban's Bay Marina and Yacht Club, Inc. litigation, immediately following this meeting 5) Additional announcements B. Financial Reports: Treasurer Lewman 1) Statement of Cash Transactions, months ending 11 -30 -89 and 12 -31 -89 2) Audit of vouchers for payment C. Standing Committees 1) WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITPEE: Chair Grathwol a) approval of minutes, 1-13 -90 (enclosed) b) David Thomas residential development new dock license, South Upper Lake, Victoria, recommending approval for 5 slips o- 100' multiple dock, and 1 slip on each of 3 riparian lots c) Amendr3c111 t(' (_:nde X2.0), Sub , ]. 4(,0(16), recommending approval to inclu,ic ('X Ii ztinf' ar; well as pI )posed :amr.nities, :and reviewi11 amenit i(s fr(r ranking in value l ov 1,0 -90 dl cit '+(�w i)r�ck I.i(Fns,rs, r[cnmr�r•ndin�> :3i�i�r (•(t t r� rc• r(• -, ^i' f . +n I;nvi r�� *im�ntal ?1sr >c ; :mrnt W, k sh((t a of i), :31 U(r i t ),i: (•n =;r, N.c�w ?),,ck l.ic( nsP, and 'v ;l i - i:1n Ce' ,1I�1�17t t d(! 'r' ('X;i:; '!Is in (.art;O11 and 5t 1 „'iis B.: , ;, t 0,14"1 fOr further ;�l,�lici3Iic:n ad justmc'nts and hac ,.. of 1( c LAKE NIINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT LMCD Board Agenda 2 January 24, 1990 • 5. C. 1) f) Proposed Code amendment for an Interim Ordinance to Restrict Licensing, Construction and Maintenance of New Commercial and Multiple Docks, recommending approval for two years g) Recommendation to declare a negative response and determination that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required for Minnetonka Boat works (Orono), and recommending approval for the Special Density and New Dock License applications h) Recommendation for a Discretionary EAW for Wayzata Yacht Club's District Mooring Area, in response to its 1990 temporary low water variance request, extending the mooring area to 800' i) Review recommending multiple dock licensees requesting refund of dock fees be subject to a New Dock License and accompanying license restrictions, or responsible for full fees to preserve existing dock privileges j) Recommendation to renew Guidelines for Temporary Residential Dock Extensions without Formal Permit Application during years in which low water is declared k) Temporary Low Water Variance renewals for Multiple Dock Licenses renewed for 1990 to date, recommending approval 1) Recommendation to Declare Low Water for the 1990 Lake Minnetonka Boating Season • m) Recommendation to accept the application and to table Pelican point residential development pending complete development plans n) Recommendation to approve Rockvam Boat Yards temporary low water extension request, and to change the dock from permanent piling to floating dock in exact same dock configuration 5. C. 2) ENVIRONMENT, Chair Reese a) Re to reyucst LMCD cities to a.,sist in weed unloading and pr:)viding a disposal site for Eurasian Water Milfoil weeds cut in the 1990 season b) Progress on Eurasian Water Milfoil Midget and organization plans 5. C. 3) LAKE USE COMMI1 - FEE, Chair Pillshut a) Approval of minutes 1 -22 -90 (to be submitted 1 -24) b) Ilennepin County T Improvement Section 1990 Quiet Watet Areas and I.ow W;1rer Hazard Buov placement plan, pending committee outcome of 1 - ,_ - t";p� with Resolution 1 )9, open Water Fishing 1) Cli.ir t '� `• r r.�t il)n, I J (hrat)Res per committee out - oric fi"hinp, Conte <,t and chili 1 -lit (( ,lit inued) LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVAI ION DISTRICT LMCD Board Agenda 3 January 24, 1990 5. C. 3) f) Policy for Special Event Licenses prior to installation of buoys • on the Lake during low water 1,vel, per committee outcome of 1 -22 g) Policy for Special Event applications for water skiing slalom courses for submerged buoys between uses, per committee outcome of 1 -22 h) 6ennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol report, pending committee outcome of 1 -22 5. C. 4. ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Chair P.ascop, Consultant Arndorfer a) Recommendation for approval of December expenses of $5.512.39 b) Progress report on Introduction statement to Management Plan c) Progress report on Intergovernmental Relations and Funding Committee joint meeting of 1 -18 d) Report development to assist directors in reports to cities on Management Plan readiness, public hearing /comment period e) Meeting schedule f) Additional funding for Management Plan Reports 5. D. Executive Director's Report, Strommen a) Administrative priorities • b) Announcements 6. Unfinished Business A. As recommended by the Beard 7. New Business A. As recommended by the Board 8. Adjournment L 1 -19 -90 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROGRESS REPORT RECD JAN 2 2 1990 August - December, 1989 August Members of the Minnesota Future Resources Legislative Commission were hosted by Chair Hurr for a tour of Lake Minnetonka to observe weed harvesting operations and low water problems. This commission will provide grants for environmental programs having a stage benefit. Presentations made to the Lake Minnetonka Lakeshore Owners Assn. by Chair Hurr and the Executive Director, the Association now numb ng some 1,200 members. City of Greenwood memo suggesting a study of lake docks and use for possible implementation of more extensive city ordinances was reported by Greenwood representative Cochran. Project manager to assist in executing the Eurasian Water Milfoil weed harvesting program engaged on a consulting basis. Acreage harvested is 235 through 8/18. Personal watercraft study sub - committee appointed, met with dealer and manufacturer representatives to discuss operating concerns. Shoreline boat count conducted, showing total of 6,811 watercraft at docks on the lake in 1989 vs. 7,519 in 1988. • Advisory Committee on the Management Plan continues its sub - committee studies, with Use, Institutional Arrangements and Intergovernmental Relations studies the current focus. Boat densities are the concern of the Use Study. Agency representation on the Board and director appointment terms highlighted the other two committee priorities. Adopted Ordinance 103 relating to introduction or removal of weeds to control spread of Eurasian water milfoil. Bowers residence, Greenwood, inspected for overlaping dock use area, determined through inspection to require a variance for 1990 season. Inaugural issue of WAVE LENGTHS newsletter published, distributed. Presentations made to member cities regarding 1990 LMCD budget. Request for proposals initiated for LMCD's legal service, 14 applicants under rnnsideration, six finalists interviewed with top two candidate firms recommended for Board consideration. September Follow -up meetings held with MN Dt4R to secure funding for Management Pl,in. `IN 1)NR invited LM(A) to serve as agency to facilitate adoption of the is n(-w tih((r(�lan�l Rcgulatio ir; anion( the 14 lake area cities. Poi kvriiTi Neat rece i vt approval through a temporary low water vari.uict to iil,.)ve six photo on ,lips from site O1 to site #2, pontoons to h(. , f fr•r( to puhl is on a r('ntal basis, deemed a valuable lake ; I'll ' I I i f ', . LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Progress Report, Aug - Dec, 1989 September Minnetonka Boat Works Wayzata order for 12 new permanent docks • approved on a special density permit. Minnetonka Boat Works Orono order for 6 new permanent docks on Brown's Bay and 42 new permanent docks on Tanager Lake was approved contingent upon resolution of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Minnetonka Yacht Club /Lake Minnetonka Sailing School order for 22 new permanent docks in St. Louis Bay approved on a special density permit. Deicing ordinance reviewed to adopt minor changes to fencing requirements during deicing season. Bean's Greenwood Marina application for changes to dock configura- tion under consideration pending City of Greenwood and LMCD Water Structures Committee review, recommendations. Minor discrepancy in Smith's Bay Marina as -built survey resolved as inconsequential to the total dock installation, approved as built. Installation of docks on residential property in Greenwood at Manor Drive reviewed for conformance to LMCD Code, found in compliance with present provisions. Greenwood moratorium on outlot and other dock installations brought to LMCD Board attention. Eurasian water milfoil weed harvesting report shows over 600 acres presently harvested, program to end Septembe 29, for this season. Consultant to weed harvesting program Merila and Chair Hurr visited Lake Chataqua in Lakewood, NY, observing their operation for possible application of LMCD doing its own "in house" operation in 1990. Matching fund request for Corps of Engineers support of 1990 Eurasian water milfoil weed harvesting effort submitted to Wash. DC headquarters. Chair Hurr and executive director met with Hennepin County Public Works director to secure additional equipment support for 1990 weed harvesting program. Eurasian water milfoil weed harvesting program, chaired by Tom Reese, Mound, recognized by the Board for being positively carried out. Personal water - raft study involved testing of decibel ratings and noise output of factory produced and modified personal watercraft. Results showed factory noise ievels are within allowances, modified eduipment is significantly above it in many instances. Charter boat code amended to advance application due date from May 1 to March 1, and making application approval subject to operating inspections conducted by MN DNR and Sheriff's Water Patrol. A char boat study committee was formt- to review other operating conditions. Water Patrol reported 51 L'o V in), While Intoxicated citations, highest number for any county in st e, a recognition of tough enforcement. • LAKE h1INNET01'JKA (10rJSLHVAI ION UISIHICT Progress Report, Aug - Dec, 1989 September Consultant Arndorfer revict:t -d boat density study segment of the Management Plan study, rt cc mnu ndin`; the need for a means to activate lake use controls as twat density increases. Agency and r °uhl is of f ici:el� informational meeting on the Managetrent Plan Study set for Doctr.tbtr ?. Milfoil Fask Force Chair "fom Reese and the executive director made presentations at ti,_ State Lal:(, 'tanagoment Conference on weed control and shorelar.d r,,;ula: i.tn -: for lake Colm➢UnitieS Election of officors supported Dave Cochran, Greenwood for chair; Bert Foster, Decphaven, for vice chair; Jan B Minnetonka Beach, for secretary, and John Lowman, Minnetrista, for treasurer. Charlie LeFevere, F1oLnos & (;raven, was appointed to continue service as LMCD counsel. October Prosecuting Atterliev Stcvo 1allt,:, Holmes & Graven, appointed to continue service as L "icD prosecuting attorney. Resolution approved supporting LMCD's re- commitment to the 1990 Eurasian 'water Milfoil W;ucd Har-: ing Program, Board assistance to it. 40 LMCD service as lead agent%: to facilitate adoption of the MN DNR Shoreland Regulations approved, to include engagement of an indepen- dent contractor to assist cities in preparations. Funds to support removal r hazar rocks from certain lake areas was approved in the amount of $1,'i10O from Save the Lake in coopera- tion with program underway through Hennepin County Lake Improvement. David "Thomas resident iril pi „pt•rt v development in Smithtown Bay, Victoria, roferitcd to a I-H it h( upon receiving initial data. November- MN DNR Hvt'.r0 1ovJ!;t l St ino reviewed agreement out line to engage December LMCD i n a spec if i e 1 in t , 7 f ac i 1 i t at e adapt it: of Shoreland Regu7_a- (combined) tions. Plan furtht_ -r int d fundine of Managt Plan Study funds rcimburst ment for 5httre innd rs(,yrr:x,nt of the plan. Board approved p, - tparat ion of a cant r:et t .,, p,3r. +t ini; Shoreland Rules from the htanaf;omtn[ Plan rt'i; :.ihur;, -ra !i t , , It ;�ie(l,Q')tl and $40,000 respectively. Prop•o”( d cod(, r , , ..: nd i nl; an i nt ( ordinance to restrict 1 it rn t i 'It ,ci r i:tint tn, o : now commercial and multiple dockr, w:;s r - - vi, �, .nv! 1 -t 1 },:irk rot committee for further study end c l r t r i f i c . + t i + , n it i u t e i ; t : f ! , , i t .t i i i i d e n t i f i e d by the Board. tit' ,'( lad - ;p,iial density permit t„ t [it. U„ek comni t tee for addit ional . i 1 ;ts t„ s;pi I f is support of I lit ��p +�� i „ n. : i t r i i;it „ n, e rn i n t he app icatIon. i. +Ili it i �I { I Tit ils, ono new for W:t:;,tt.t Y,1 lit J, LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Progress Report, Aug - Dec, 1989 November- proposed contract for service to barge weeds to shore from December weed harvesters to improve weed transport efficience was (combine. approved to include advertising for bids. Weed harvester e(luipment in final weeks of being fully main- tained following the 1989 operating season. Project manager to undertake the 1990 weed harvesting operation was approved for purposes of seeking candidates to serve on a part time basis, undertaking the major responsibilities carried out by the executive director during 1989. Resolution to a silt build -up concern expressed by a Minnetonka Beach resident near the Arcola Bridge channel was approved by a letter explaining the boat traffic changes to assist the situation. Charter boat study sub - committee meeting to prepare recommendations to the Board in January. Management Plan ;presentation to public officials /agencies was well received 1-cembet c, setting stage for some plan segment reviews and completion of Intergovernmental Relations and Funding. Comment period for Pinnetonka Boat Works Orono Environmental Assessment Worksheet ended 12/13, report to Jan. 24 Board meeting will show no objections 1•aving been registered to the expansion. Designated THE SAILOR newspaper as the 1990 L "iCD official news- paper for legal notices, using WEEKLY NEWS and THE LAKER for additional communication as apprr)priate to the notice. 11 • 1AKE' MINNETONKA COW',VINATMN D1'.;TR1GT HOARD OF DIRE C Regu Meet, i ng,'t : 30 p. m. ,Dec ember 6, 1989 Tolika Hay City Hall 1 . C a l l :,(j Order I'll,- )rd"r by Chair Co(-hrarl at 8: !() p.m. Roll Call Member. present: P-ivid Ha ry i ri lij ( ) r I i r i , k , - - A 13, -Ay; :t r i 8 w i r i ke I r - t, a ry , M i i i i i (I t ( - , rl k. Beach purt. Fost Vi, - t- i i r . I , _ , p I i a v e ri ; ..Jame ( ; ra t hw (D I , E x c e l s i o r ; J c) E I I, n I b i r r U'r -, r l. 1 uk,Ias Habcc" .' Park; Jc)hn Lewmar. • Trez- , M i rint- t 1 i ta T11('111as M. rt i W' , , '- . t at, -- ; Pi I Ishury, Th�mr_ls, M1.)ljlj(j; W �od a Elwerie Stn- , Execut'lve 1) i I t,i) r i,'ha r 1-s Le�F r-, Courise, I C, I i f f S(-hmidt, Hennepin (-,(-)Urlty :; r i f F, W' t e r 1 - 1 t I c-) 1 Livid Arridc)rf er, I L t . Member ab.sent.: J tl, I i tik , V i� , r i a 3. Reading of Minutes: (I r - 1 t 11w I of t n) i n i it e - s of thf. submitted M,Ainn -arried urt:mirn 4. Pub I is Comments: at,t,end ant� not on the - approval 1989 re u I a r n i f _- e t i I a f 5. Reports A. Gha i r ((-• ;hran 1 ) Eurasian Water M i I f o i I Ta s k Force h r- - , u r - p, , r t , , - ( I !-., - , : - , , - , _ 1 : ' I ' !'ha w i l l il a i7rr I (' y w ith t l i - - 1 - k f f 1 3 . i , - , r I i ri w i l l ; , : rvP a so thr V'A , , Irl< v an IMCD DNR and ComprOww;ive Manair,em(!nt, Pkin Funding Propwial I ' I, ; ." , , i If - , I t I j ' i , . , . . i f , Ir - t , I t !, ' Al '— I t' h . 1" -1 1- With - I : i ri t h'. H'fti I I 111d i llt! - i, , id LM(,'P t j t t fl a LMI 1) P. , i I d f Pi p an w I I o f f- t' t he b I j d t ' ' ! II w i _ - , funk ire bt� i i t f , , .I s , d Hu r r t -e , I I i t, s t i I the $4U NUO groU for Mmar-mant Plan funding. bt_- id n( "w i ri a d va ri c e� of t1w K i t y W r- h eld Ru les PrwnQ . Stine S ilp. ;it I i IPA t i• pr yI 01 a' wn 111''Ved, K V , r 1 i n I '-) it u t - i J" I- i F'w by I I and d h- - n u ry A ment ink!. Mart i nqwi and y- i t a 1 1 1 1 1 , ITT I n i ft I l l i l l i l - r w h i p 11 I lit r:_i'"t T-rll i t 2 a m it I I f ill trl"te wi tf, It I- r- '�fi i !,Ili i f i , it f r, t �i T I I'a t r vi, " wi 1 1 F t—F-0, t Im pr-p" j 01-0 llm"" t, 1 t' i t i n s and a 5 s i l t h n i r s p o c 1 i r i m a k i n v r " v i s h o n 5 W t h e i r T i le [11(':1) E'?" I I t. i w i I I fl'ari�J I I I admi t r "t t. iun f Print funds 1- - A gov"lum-nts um a 50 Kj 111 with eligit)lf� Stinn noted t I I I r I t i I t i w i i I i f a f t- ri L M I'D ii ; t ri 1 1 r I i ty Ili i r v A 1 1 i ti t i d,_,pt th ri F * w r 1 1 1 - I I (j 1 - _Atf'r 1'hill I , I ` +`a I . The I'? tY I a:. u ;' Id f, wi 11 he i t -i h 1 e t M T in Knui 1`+—Y A t ra i n i no rknimp i IN a h , n p 7 k as ked I v . v, t I i i s i , A 5 y , t I , ) L ire t h - a n t i , � i i a te d OF 10 U , (j t ) 1 grant t 1'c_)[Ii th 1e btlh f p an w I I o f f- t' t he b I j d t ' ' ! II w i _ - , funk ire bt� i i t f , , .I s , d Hu r r t -e , I I i t, s t i I the $4U NUO groU for Mmar-mant Plan funding. bt_- id n( "w i ri a d va ri c e� of t1w K i t y W r- h eld Ru les PrwnQ . Stine rpsp-nd"I the MIJ LINE prefyr3 A SA 10 cyntract, sit he w w i d 410 11 v es a t �t pr) F_-) s i I ) i I i t 5' 111''Ved, K V , r 1 i n I '-) it u tlif? ;nt r-'irA wi !,It t h" HN 1 NP, , .!I! J" I- i F'w by I I and d h- - n u ry A ment ink!. Mart i nqwi and y- i t a 1 1 1 1 1 , ITT I n i ft I l l i l l i l - r w h i p 11 a .13 r I f? r t lit r:_i'"t T-rll i t 2 fi i rid i it r the FlArl lr: n Mfi rr in! pri r 1 A tW fulld: - , It I- r- '�fi 1111 - in III u: V H F iHernei 16 po I t': i r, f 11 1 r 1 1! WATER ;TRIVAURAT Me FH V I IO)NtIKN'r (.()mtii ri+:i,:, �l ,rr i us; n i �,t i' r� i ! .'1 i r,r; ?. }�• i'i - * r i f - '1 tw -, year , u1d �Ilw..lys b�f 1 i t_!, 1 ,; wii t.i .n m' h!v thin; Ordinance I n- t, t }v•r i., nNy lrrxen"y as t1wre is rM a t 1 IT: ;it. 1' f'r"w Ei 1 ri E' tt. tll'i w1 t eY,- -e tlr) ri5 }I�; I '; I,tfi - wl i ii „ t �, 1 ,ii'. 'lf't' _ � , 1 i ., r” '.[ t 1 i 1 r. F� :1 i t. h�' pi 1 rl 1 f i t i t',,;1IV -n l'l,arl i3 being new .. t thf_ r.) f i,., r ! ,,:1 .. , - i. i } •, t.}", L :,t 11.` f r the 1. ., +I' , ! t.. '� t _,' �I" W••ti'a1;'j; %tlld I!'�i]d rltl I . ,- Itlt) , 1 ,;�,J F��,rt,i �: 1 �� ;1tt ,i,•t. Il �i is I i ..u: �,� {�l i ,' i�I1 14n t. 1 „�1± r.�,.� i _1 f. t,�lt �,lli.,. lit 1ti 11 r � r• .- { t, { �� , i, , l�l�rlt f t };�� ii 1 , t1n , 1t 1'r0F,0sed code `lmc..ndmcnt i ecommendinr an interim ordinance Lo restrict, liceriiing, const,rucLion and mairrt,enanr. <, of rI(, C0DIniC1'( l %11 and niu l t, l p l e !;r_lthw�-)l nI_1v F tar, f thy: t,[ in t) qpj r�ve the r” draf tod m_r�Wrlum �r �� In makirl,Y t,11- rn -ti 11 he w -!iid i. - ter r�1„ �• i.r> t.- ttt1�_ Hp- An !.1. -,i, -11 t•.., t. t_ "_ '1 t.hF' it f the ��I_,��_f .> 1i , I'!'i t I ' i_n the wr•tl "lilt (Vflllit.i m the f t hu iG:4ion i.`- t- Puli t il'r]� i r _ {E.'I, -11 I1�•.1 tii,. �.I-i �, 1i 7 vr—_" ._ d 'Inn iriiwn was ad Wt.•d t,v ra.;n��v�_, r <: -t i� i -n r� s: �ntt -al mu1.t,iF;le dr, t 1nS . `tt ii i t I , :w -',i I' i t "Z' On V IT) F'Clt, ri17 f ; +nli 1 v r�_ i1i� nt i:� i rn t i th 1 m etiri the 1 5U r�_1_��•, ar1 +. cornmf•r d s. 1 i El�lrr ._t 1 r _d t 1, f a... t r, i" ... , i' Ilt i_a I ip -3 land and uht�t h� °r this woo Id - , , t, wl ,l that lr; C' (, � L'v1:1 1L if Y t . lt, which 11ave different ink',:� in diff -r'•nt "Ilwinitl :' ' }l the, term I' "Eldentla1 i r1 d i. `f "r r,"n i ntz "rd i Il� ln'.•- tn.-a t, i f s i ri t'. i *� family I m. - IIt i r n- 11 1 on-1 t i i h- b 11 Q f Kreing �_i•,��1�q'nlf•I1t of a: n.,rly ` � ' 1- " t.i will allc)w. �l ,rr i us; n i �,t i' r� i ! .'1 i r,r; ?. }�• i'i - * r i f - '1 tw -, year , u1d �Ilw..lys b�f 1 i t_!, 1 ,; wii t.i .n m' h!v thin; Ordinance I n- t, t }v•r i., nNy lrrxen"y as t1wre is rM a t 1 IT: ;it. 1' f'r"w Ei 1 ri E' tt. tll'i w1 t eY,- -e tlr) ri5 }I�; I '; I,tfi - wl i ii „ t �, 1 ,ii'. 'lf't' _ � , 1 i ., r” '.[ t 1 i 1 r. F� :1 i t. h�' pi 1 rl 1 f i t i t',,;1IV -n l'l,arl i3 being new .. t thf_ r.) f i,., r ! ,,:1 .. , - i. i } •, t.}", L :,t 11.` f r the 1. ., +I' , ! t.. '� t _,' �I" W••ti'a1;'j; %tlld I!'�i]d rltl I o I ild I 1!i1o. t .1 I nil , t;, 1 9W) C of WiY:-At,a Nim Mtj!Lil)l(! Dock Li(:(.-illse and 1; 1) (! (- I 'i'll D#!11.,iLY PermiL (;r-it i Io, I 111�_ " I' I :I 1— 't I I W. "I I A I r-vised In (I W i in-i it -vi Hvi I t i ; 1 L ck I W a I it y Permit 1 It i : I t I i r I:-, i nt- 1`. -1, 1, 1 it i �_ I l'o 1 sl its Upper Wrina in descri I - in the I W-4 publ hn" arinrJ 1 , 1 1 - ! i ' n ,n,1 " - I , i ," I' w l:A r _lwil f o , l'-w i nK i 'I " s _- 11 i on f i t . j - s cirld t i Io p- r n i b i 1 i ty f A-, tins an - A i n on 7n which wau canbi dar q I I Fp- A A 1 densit ; orm i ts as r I � app I i ions for the p"rpuse of dofinina amoniti-s, W- upp-r and lower marina pon rin i t. was kYranted before tin n rd i n a n m requiring OM i t >5 Tim most rec YAdi t i --n to t hwi r fd I i tj es was the transient docks at Proadway Avenua. This application di no t. invnive a spacial density permit since it was pr"dicat"d on on () , of ;hor ina fr-m tip davit t Av Comp h t in: L: f (I I I .-- Grathwol moved. VoKter s"coltded. a motion d i r e c t i n g tie staff to prepare the Public Marina findings and order to approve the application of the city ' i f Wayzata for a new M u l t i p l e Dock Licen5e and Special Dennity Permit allowing 15 additional slips in its Upper Marina. • B a b cock said the :�prink 1' ( ,'uncil would like to See the amenities as a part of the application. Rascop would like to f (:)I I (-,w th procedure o r the appl ication t the C i t tee following the Public Hearing. He also would l i k e an _a a.`" t o whe t , ie r a ri F nv i r,)tim- it t 1I a 5 5 n s sm(-n t worksheet i needed. Hurr suggested an amendment to the ordinance covering amenities as they relate t- bpocial density permits should b- connsidered before d"Torminina thy' o I i t of the wayLlata applicati-11. Tin- Illut'i")TI - Art ( ] [ill rr in v"-d , B 2 l i it , to d i the staff to draf t an Ur dwa n • am,ndm"nt 1 - rnf Nct t h" A sc"ssiun of oAWAnino al exist inK and n aUVSUW applyinp to special density permit app I jnAti- Wtiun warrind, 1pononn v nay. HJ w Martins-n muvnd, GrAhwA aPPr(iVal of the t of Wayzata appi i cat i "n f "r I n �k 1 rind pe - i - 11 d e, 11 - 5 i t Y p"rmi t F ri : , t" r ill , , v , ,- I , l {,-1:, , , , r �, r to 1, ! � I , i, ta ble_ d i a - i , r a i (a A the City o f Wnynat3 Yppl i - it i-n and r-turn it to tjvt Water Nji i c t u, re 0 and Envi r ilm t. Wmili U A j :Irried, h"swinkO , 10. 3e and Korf in:,''n noy 0 i , t ! , , 1 ; i , , , , , I d , f I! I I , , •' . .. a summary of a prunampi f 1� - , ! - - III i , . - I , , I J Ij `J j V ' I r i ance df ! pt i i t. r(: f I I r I d to 5 r". i it _ w ha r s t, i r [, 1 - j. !1: % , - i. ;! i I 11�; I :id 'i 't 1 f, i �,f� f -) 1 a I" :q i ti t I I I.. I!PW -IA 1 11 a V IN IIPA- o-rA plari in this with I ri -i I anI i Slaw i 'N it r" i I Ind :, rd i n. I ;' I I A - i t i it i :C! 'W: ; ; i , i . I t, ill t f JAIANA C "I" 'h A: i N in hirvnUed ilfld ill t 111'ri zod 1,at.(! dock I icerisf! renewal rli .." I , G -,I T hw -. I I (i, ' d , t t he (' I Y S t A 1 D S-rvian 1YKA lato dock I i annse- ren I Moti carried Lunnim"usly. f ) Df: i ( - - i lip a 1 , J ) I i ca L i oll 1; a s !"l- r -I t- I "; (-, I s (:) I I , i e d , ., t r , I I' � , , , -,1 c, 11 t' w '1 ]Il'' cil 1w t I I I it, A 1 f �, r 1." - id H - t T na I d , 1 1 i I t, , n k - 1 A s r 0110ws Curly i , I T I' trrl k Marina, Gayle's M3•ini Corp., GrAy I s Bay Resort 8r Marina, lKward's Kirit Marina, Maxwell Pay Marina. Minnetonka Po Works, I na. ( Wayzata ) , Minnetuni i Boa L Works , I nc . ( Urono ) , Minnetonka, Yac Club, North L;hfire brie- Marina. Paul Resbe_rg, R(_ Beat Yards, In Smith's Bay Marina, Rodney Wall Wayzata, City of W - I y 7 . - , , t. - , , t o h t I-lb lSi 1 ) , James W y e r . M (D t i c) ri cam; �d U t I,_Jl n i ITI 1111 r3 i y K ) New Deicing Appl ication f- A," r III V- Ili I I : . 100d , appr"vA 1 -4 - 1 W i - i ntj p( relit. f it Wyzat-a Y 4 :h t WON. = ite L . �ri a r r ied In:i it i III, i.IS1 EURASIAN WATER MI.1,14'011, TASK FORGF - (Aia - ir a ) Proposed Cont•act for Marne Service ke"se s"Um i i t nd a summary of a prunampi barginr .•t. f-r transport ina we-dn 1_) hlrv_5t,�, (I from the I e wr 711 , . it, VF_ster to 5 r". i it _ w ha r s t, i r -art. r p(- r t c' y A 't 1 f, i �,f� f -) 1 a I" :q ot� f E, was Wnw,] n-t o-rA plari in this with .xpl leaf i <n whi-h rit i i de s - 1. P 1, YPVYU'nQ Pl'&Arnt hJI Q a hirvnUed ilfld ill t 111'ri zod , 1 1 ] ri 11 i I V . [AC L P , , : I I , , I , 1) i I� , , , , ! � , I , 1) ( - - "!! I l.;' - I - �� , 1 ' d J Prof'reIls on E'quipiii(;rkt Maintenance I I t 11.• 1 a ril a I I I t11-11 ih-5; "A i III Pal:, - it! -I i fi !I i 4 i 11 1 wi 11 Project May)' L AKE I J S E COMM ITTE E. , (,'I F 1 153 Ij u r -1 ) Mi rju tcs approval 4 the f t it , ' 1 1 '4 fill f fi," 1, a ke U C )11lm i t tee [-t 't'i� T1 1 ri ' d 11:1 ill) '1:s 1y . 1) ) Chart(!r Boat, Code- Amendment d ra f t :an t.? tj Pyat P Awm- i 1 riv S—t ln� ""'d I i I I y , to '-i1T1'(-) , , , f-- the R# i rij7 t Lim Revi strati on of Charter V . U7 Subdivision 3 and 4. with an I'd 3 to 01 ", t, i t, � (,f Mi rine ,ota i r �d U, y law fr(- tim<, t') timF Motion n ) Wa f f i rm R No. 59, Itega rd i jig fishing cont.t!:A. rent!wtj I atl) t i(';) 11 dead I i ne. F')5= t'.. r Ill -� '✓" - 1, R- s— , r-af f irniatir-ni ref r i t , Y, � r ie, w a i application i1i i i fill Sr d: L a late is p, I I- ]In in 2 -'illt'llii t T n d � r i pt U n Pa- a 1-art t I m p 1'a I I ' k w '' I ri fl-p-lldc-llt t''arit, t.o t n t reypunsWilities now :c 1pm t hir, iti.- Affects w t a " L Rot n (Wios Th" -x—if iv- , 1. r --t r • #'d fill o f ' , 1: " i -s w i L 1 1 01 1 q 0 - i nc Ovy- ri r a V'X 1* f- r t nla , r „ t t Il i. - , Ilk" inc"ry"rated into the 1990 weed inintrol ti) , 'v -'hr an -d :( ride J nrumer n)n3ul t I'd f or t lie w " y j , n n t r 1 pr-v r nal, c and i - ales t o b- c s j +e -, -d al, t.hfi- January 1 - 1ot.i'-)1I V')t'jng flay. L AKE I J S E COMM ITTE E. , (,'I F 1 153 Ij u r -1 ) Mi rju tcs approval 4 the f t it , ' 1 1 '4 fill f fi," 1, a ke U C )11lm i t tee [-t 't'i� T1 1 ri ' d 11:1 ill) '1:s 1y . 1) ) Chart(!r Boat, Code- Amendment d ra f t :an t.? tj Pyat P Awm- i 1 riv S—t ln� ""'d I i I I y , to '-i1T1'(-) , , , f-- the R# i rij7 t Lim Revi strati on of Charter V . U7 Subdivision 3 and 4. with an I'd 3 to 01 ", t, i t, � (,f Mi rine ,ota i r �d U, y law fr(- tim<, t') timF Motion n ) Wa f f i rm R No. 59, Itega rd i jig fishing cont.t!:A. rent!wtj I atl) t i(';) 11 dead I i ne. F')5= t'.. r Ill -� '✓" - 1, R- s— , r-af f irniatir-ni ref r i t , Y, � r ie, w a i application i1i i i fill Sr d: L a late is p, I I- ]In in 2 11.1 it P. 11-1 of ill P' f; , I :1 d ") ,I ! Code Anwridniorit to Agree with Reno lutioiIi No. b9 - -tild f ) Correspondence ' I I I , P c and - i , _ t . v t � ( I t , I I F - ( 1 , - Ill I n t d t t t' A i f I I f v I low I - 1 _ , V 1 c' ; , II I I , ' ' - : PI-dio" tu 1'__P rpt t.- Ili- ' r I 1 1. 3 '� i f b - I r I t I nFrar t h I P i , I r t r) t I I t I I 1 :3 L _' . that Ai traf - L,,- i ke Code Revision - Speed Limit i s s t - I - -) p mc)ved , F s t - - - r r- r I i j, t o i 11 E3 t r u ' th'. . _ t, a f f t '_; i ri ve S t i V, a t. thr! rie-ed f c) r s L , r i t' - ; 1 , I v t 5 v 6 mu d i f f e i ri c e t w r i D t I R and I,M r - F' i I a t i c , I , -s f 1; , t i r I ca u na n i m ous ly. h ? De pu ty (.,'I i f t' lim 1 d : s h e r i f f ' s W t - r Pa t I— I yv-'t' I Ill) ne i ri f rina t, j ,, t t ie Oiverl at OW 1 - A I Cc'mvi i t t men t i 11 v . i) - i i-, , i i 'I a I -i (,'h;li r to? r P. a t t I'l d.v u C, )Ili m i t t- t i I rl (-) t i t J* I : .3 m . , W" d i sd: -A y f )-, in b r i -A t - i t ed the L M (" f f f i s,jt i)p+ ha il - ter ref )_#�_lctinE co min e ri t s at t h- (, 1 ni--.e t i rii The stud ill toild 5 tc F)rej)are havirW in--tArW With t} - charter boat operators Thfs e'X('-Cutiv"- direct re-p he has a (-hartr bo� , 3t p (-' r a r w 11 c.. r" r I I d I t b o ! r t , h i rw 35 ma I I I- ;i e - id y ni'l k f T I I Id i d 9fly ';11 I I e ffec t 0 b o l ti n g 1) d I a y I fro i II into 41 A DV I ( SORY C OMM ITTEF (I i, i p (,r.) ri. i i I t, -j ri t A i I, r fF,- r -3 ) Report on 12/2/89 rn(!(!1,irw fj fh'� ilitir- r y plan w11 t ivj with fAir. '' thF' by tilf'. th'. Puhli': :>,If pj-u1. Arrid()rf' slibilli 'n` l, . , t I, I M , , f I ( I i " f h i I r 1 - A [ l 1 1 . 1 - -tild f ) Correspondence ' I I I , P c and - i , _ t . v t � ( I t , I I F - ( 1 , - Ill I n t d t t t' A i f I I f v I low I - 1 _ , V 1 c' ; , II I I , ' ' - : PI-dio" tu 1'__P rpt t.- Ili- ' r I 1 1. 3 '� i f b - I r I t I nFrar t h I P i , I r t r) t I I t I I 1 :3 L _' . that Ai traf - L,,- i ke Code Revision - Speed Limit i s s t - I - -) p mc)ved , F s t - - - r r- r I i j, t o i 11 E3 t r u ' th'. . _ t, a f f t '_; i ri ve S t i V, a t. thr! rie-ed f c) r s L , r i t' - ; 1 , I v t 5 v 6 mu d i f f e i ri c e t w r i D t I R and I,M r - F' i I a t i c , I , -s f 1; , t i r I ca u na n i m ous ly. h ? De pu ty (.,'I i f t' lim 1 d : s h e r i f f ' s W t - r Pa t I— I yv-'t' I Ill) ne i ri f rina t, j ,, t t ie Oiverl at OW 1 - A I Cc'mvi i t t men t i 11 v . i) - i i-, , i i 'I a I -i (,'h;li r to? r P. a t t I'l d.v u C, )Ili m i t t- t i I rl (-) t i t J* I : .3 m . , W" d i sd: -A y f )-, in b r i -A t - i t ed the L M (" f f f i s,jt i)p+ ha il - ter ref )_#�_lctinE co min e ri t s at t h- (, 1 ni--.e t i rii The stud ill toild 5 tc F)rej)are havirW in--tArW With t} - charter boat operators Thfs e'X('-Cutiv"- direct re-p he has a (-hartr bo� , 3t p (-' r a r w 11 c.. r" r I I d I t b o ! r t , h i rw 35 ma I I I- ;i e - id y ni'l k f T I I Id i d 9fly ';11 I I e ffec t 0 b o l ti n g 1) d I a y I fro i II into 41 A DV I ( SORY C OMM ITTEF (I i, i p (,r.) ri. i i I t, -j ri t A i I, r fF,- r -3 ) Report on 12/2/89 rn(!(!1,irw fj fh'� ilitir- r y plan w11 t ivj with fAir. '' thF' by tilf'. th'. Puhli': :>,If pj-u1. Arrid()rf' slibilli 'A Pt— ..')(,r t;, 1989 0 plan review calendar which proposes comp -tAym by mid 1 ` 1 , �4 u . I],- wclltlrT liky. n meet with f-rnnr Chairs of the Dist riot in January Air thni r -qmm s. 1mp1rwo3ntaLi,qi cannot Tint i I :lf't-1 J i tan C I re'vi-w. b ) Progress report.- p1 a r I t I I f i na 1 1 n t, e r v, rt rnme u ta I jt Poroiing sulv2ymmittye maetirw Thursday, Jarivar5' 18. (- ) 13i I ling F ( ' r , t e r m o ved, P i I I sbury secc' 11 d e d , a I t Ili r i Z a - " i C) n. to a p t Arndo rf e r s Nc services payment in the amount of $ 7, M. t i u r I c a r rie d u r I a n i m ( us i y . A r r I d, , r t e, r expressed his apprm ion to the presenters an Il r s for their ( - )n to the success of the Decemlner 2 meeting. L) FXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT, 6'--ne 1) Adminintrative Priorities The Executive Director expressed his appreciation 0) the it -a rd f,)r the s u j T i r t, r iv e n in (-)t)ta i n i nk� the parti'--ipat i �,f their citi,-�3 in the 1�/2 meetirw, rei)rese-ntatiori h'rirl� 1-rlt' Tile , ', nj ment )n the Wayzata Boat Works Orono EAW 1 3 VIe M-irnml itan Coln it has i ri d i 'a t e d they to th'_ eY.vArI5 i-rI. Ail nr- 1-Ar r" t1w pr- "--' - ): , I ,3 11 tIrlib", r '-! f d rf] p --I r1c, . f KAI viar' MY finin . r11--t i nr A n I , - j ) , , I- t , , ( " M''I r i I .�t -wart T r ' � , , , I ,, T r I JA i i. r y i 4.'-' 1) a r t :: ) Annual Review X . t w All LM11) P''ar,_l ( L) i ber 6, 1989 6. Uri fini_,hed 13usiness. A. '11 h� • C,mpr(di nsi II 1'l,an;':'h,,rc +land (;ontract was covered under t lie Iai r' 7. New Puniness A. Designation of official newspaper i illshury IT! IIV (i, 1�1s �c�p . _ ._ended, to re a ppoint the three newspapers New serviov the District as official newspaper in 199U. LeFevere suagested the Beard select one paper as the official newspaper so an official publication date can be ascertained, using the other nowspap "rs for publication as often as possible. Pillsbury and Rascop withdrew their motion. Reese moved, Cochran seconded, to designate THE SAILOR as the official newspaper and to encoura -e the staff to publish legal_ n"tices in the other newsy. . -rs wheriever possii)le. Motion carried unanimously. P. Committee Assignments Th P recc.ived t.i n R.,ster and assignments for 1990. C. 1990 Board Calendar. P i l l s b u r y z ,, Nded , approval of the 1990 calendar, ch-anging the Advisory !-'<munitt,_• meeting date to January 17. The annuil Row—vni? k n Pinn-r is schedulwi for its t,ra -li t,I mont of b- hruiry, the 15th. Motion carried unanim�u& y . 1 Oath Of Office L"F.,v -•re ndm i N h"r.. a t i 4 h cif of f ipe to Jan 1?, vwink- 1 H w t - !%- n - t II - V F. ,!, fj int r, d 1 i f t excIIv;ion of wt.1it.;1_. n , , �ir�! it;�� t};� 1 `�� �1��r�1 inF� dF:n�,ity rule for wAf •r,tt ludF�° bui lding a t'I r cy to d r 1} �I �fi;' t 'I �, 1 ttl'j - IIIil erlients to Motion :art i •'�� . {.�' .- � t 1 fir- f. ", ", LMCD Board of Directors December 6, 1989 F. Babcock asked ahout .:any ordinances regarding boats frozen in the ice. Deputy Schmidt responded that buoys are to be removed normally by November 15. or December 15 with Water Patrol written approval. However, atparently there is no ordinance requiring boats to be removed from the lake at any specific date. 8. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beard the meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m. David Cochran, (Aha i r Jan Boswlnkel, S • .7 RECD JAN 2 2 1990 • LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Action Report of: Water Structures and Environment Committee Meeting: '30 a.m., Saturday, January 13, 1990 LMC;D Office, Wayzata Members present: James Grathwol, Chair, Excelsior; Douglas Babcock, Spring' Park; Marvin B,iorlin, Tonka Bay; Jan Boswinkel, Minnetonka D.-a -it; P-iv id Cochran, Greenwood; Bert Foster, Deephaven; JoEllen Hurr, Urono; J<_ Lewman, Minnetrista; Thomas Martinson, Wayzata: Robert Pillsbury, Minnetonka; Thomas Reese, Mound; Robert Slocum, Woodland. Also present: Eugene Strommen, Executive Director. The meeting was called to order by Grathwol at 7:30 a.m. 1. David Thomas development. New Dock License proposal and review of public hearing report. The committee reviewed the minutes and findings of the Public Hearinj held on December 6, 1989 to consider the request of David Thomas for eight boat storage units (BSU) at a • residential development, 6415 Baycliffe Drive, Victoria, South Upper Lake, Lake Minnetonka. The Executive Director reported water depth readings have been taken. TI.ey show the existing depth of water at the furthest slip, 84' distant from shore, is 4' 10 ", not deep enough to allow dockage for a sailboat w�.th a typical draft of 5 feet to 6 feet according to the applicant's concern. Edw. Hayek, Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban, Inc. , representing the developer, showed photo graphs indicating the 100' dock would have Ie9F) impa -t on the shoreline than four individual docks. Fester respond with a suggestion that the remaining three individual docks could be incorporated with the multiple dock. Reese spoke against using tile. full 385' of shoreline to permit non - ri parian docks. t'ochran juestioned whether this was an accepted plat because the (;ity of Victoria has approved six of the lots, the two remaining lots to be developed at a later date. Hasek responded the developer d"es intend to build the multiple dock until there i_5 an or ow,ters for the non riparian lots. !m F W-1 Attc repl Richard Marks, 6425 I ?,ayr iii fe Uric' in ad -r,t prc owner, cited the LMCD Code FAt" Ct >R: N()T t'( tNS I UERED . The use of multiple 'ir),k or r, on the Lake for the i i tt6( TI ri r i pRrl .3ri prC >PF'rty values is not a valid In in 1 facilities. Kelly indicated Water structures and Environment Committee January 13, 1990 C there is not authority for this kind of easement arrangement. • Marks stated the additional .lockage will have a negative impact on his property value. Lewman noted that L11(,D'5 Code does not prohibit residential docks as suggested by Kelly. David Thomas, developer, pointed out that he has moved the multiple dock from its original location which was adjacent to the Marks property. Foster offered the concept of moving the individual dock on the east side closer to the multiple dock and the two docks on the west side to the common lot line. Hasek indicated this would be difficult to do. Slocum moved, Babcock seconded, a recommendation to the Board that a New Dock License be granted to David Thomas based on the findings of the UecF.mber. 6, 1989 public hearing, providing the individual docks :)n either end of the plat be brought toward the center with a minimum setback of twenty feet from the outside lots. Babcock, Bjorlin, Fester, Grathwoi, Lewman, Pillsbury and Slocum voted aye. Cochran, Hurr, Martinson an('. Reese voted nay. Motion carried. Boswinkel arrived. • 2. Review of Code 2.05, subd. 4(a)(16) relating to new vs. Existing amenities for Special Density License considerations. The committee received an amendment to LMCU lode Section 2.05, Subd.4. The amendment would allow the Board to take into consideration existing as well as proposed amenities in determining whether amenities for a spr:rial density license are sufficiF<nt, to offfiet th,: effect of tfv� increa:3ed density. Hurr would like a value placed oil the amenities in 2.05 Subd. 4 (b) . f ?eese moved, BOSwirlkel secondA, recommendation to the Board the approval of the amendment; tr, LM('I) Cnde Section 2.05, Subd. 4, as submitted, with an und that by October, 1990 the list of amenities w-lid be review,�d by the c(_ for rarrkirig in value. Motion carri nn inim��. sly. 3 . ( i ty of Way Spec i a 1 Den:, i ty inid New Dock License, rev iew of public hearirill report and pendinf! notification on mandatory CAW. Th D e, �•v :-111mi t t I. 1 - t11I• m - i rill , :s ;_)ud f n idinfJs of the D • e "r 6, 1 f1�1 ptlt)I i' )In 11 1, rl 1 i''r' t III' r�� ��t1 5t, , 1 01H Pi ty of Way;; -.a i n t11' ! P-11.>i ty and New Uock License 1' an in -, — l ` h at in t,h' 1 ) 'I- - rnarir Wayzata Water St,ru- tirr -,s aria FrIv r riiTi r ' - I' i 'Illflii t, - - January 13, 1990 Pay, Th -• M111 i t. t 1 1 1— i . I a 1-t t r f r the City of Wayzata A - itir,k the t�'itY (' i 1 1i, -; :iGI i — v the project. TIIe 11iruI'� ,, r i Ij1J1 !, - a.r • tri ••rl ,:r•i t t n ) t icy, 1- «2commending an Envir al A �- F-: ir .rIt w rk ,1i t F.AW) . 'The Environmental r�Ju it i ty ,r,I I F.r1Fr 1 1 i { ••rr nrr I " to this mr—tirig th(, F:..'13 th-,rn ,in F.AW i- miti l It. - P in ve -1 . R�_�sF; i I I k e 1 r,A r� ,�� r.;n�endati on to the Board t_ r_v t.h F i ,1 I r r '. 11..,, 11 -1: Li -rise for the City of W�,y::at..a, t. , .ir- approval of *�h - +rn��u�lmFent to "'IT :;ubd. 4. Motion carried unanimously. 4. City of Deephaverr, : pec i ,r I Den:i i t.y grid New Dock License application and Irrvirorrmental Asse!isme.rit Worksheet (EAW) Review The i fr a Special Density and I4ew Dock Lic, ns•-- for th - t - :ity of Ueephaven propo the following incre,is - •s: Carson's Hay B , _ , a t ! Uri i is from 102 to 14 Water Storage Units from 121 to 186 St. Louis Hay rac�e Units from 153 - o t72 0 W:rter Stcirage Units from 176.5 to 222.5 The F.r.e ;- .,t j v-- 1!i rr. :t hMi tted au evalur,tion of the application indicating i n on th•�- application along wi th a listing, , f v�irizAr, t •s 7iiid the need for an EAW. Gr- ,i.liw• t i tIli i- , , nip ive application and r,Per) - d t:l rC t 31 r q'1 ✓t:.t,l -Cl:� and comments to give dire t. i()n = h to work dv:t ,i 1s. ••f th,,- Po it (,', and ki - J Pr pr <•nt, t represent the City. Laughlin st.it tAlf i Y. �irr�rnt 1� 1�,:. facilities available to the r•=t< > -r11 r�:r,t�,1, ant ji`. rn:imes on their waiting I1St. 1'E' J „_,Il,ilnfr t tt 1 {�rrr. [, ",u -11in stated vel few riparian „wn• 11. r�. nt , i' ;. i Ir. , r m� ,ring Their ordinance pr � ;h i h i t �. ,r,�, i," -end dock al though a -, I i d�� , - <�ar, rack. The i `,y i.,., i• J rc,i t �. t },, J , } , .t, �r�ri�rr, :rh they are thr t �,�,i,1. • r,t, „ r,,t 1,,,, which wi 1 I open 1 i i t i I r r _t ) t L:,t_ tI, t r!rs did not wl 1 I be ive r -newa l fees ,. Water " rind Env i G � nim i t, t, J,_A 11 11, F y A "I U Foster s P''ke in 1"ivcr of t I l'-I I i a i'-) r I , 0 detai the many ani,-n i t i -5; th- City furnishes the I)Ubli Chris Li ri& t. i `d) •(jmm"rit.o•d on tht- Ilf-(-d for s'-Arii t as ii', r an portable r est r , o ni 5; ht i rik! t —j".1 i 1—d 'AS an amenity a t all facilitie_�, including the propst-d tishiriv, pj�-r. HcC:arthy, 19765 Lakeview Avt-riuf,-, (")mme11ted that th- increase in traffic w - A !z,_iI'tY Rnbert Loeffol, 196()!- questioned why they have to incrc-a.se what tAvi-y have, a (i d i rl V to an a congested bay. Colleen Ryan, 19785 Lakeview Avenue. Deeph.?ven, questioned the location of the additional thirty parking spa( Bi Frank. 19575 West, (7-mmorited on the i ncreased density in a small bay. be Howard Bennis , 1_ C (DI 1 4 . 1 ni nit-, e r the elimination of the buuys wi I L 11p ni''r.:! space in the b . Jennif Young, 2 ( U - J t) La k.—n)_re, r a i s e d q u -s t i rD n s about hardship and the impa'-t (_)I.' the- aril'�-Ilities. Foster moved, 13Jurlirj secoridf- tablinp of the application Motion carried unanimously. 5. Excelsior Bay Yacht Club The complete material for this a�erlda iten, has riot be en received. 6. Proposed Code amendment recommending an interim ordinance to restrict licensing, construction and maintenance of new commercial and multiple d tit Th e r) m I I I i r im t ion-_i wht it,. r i t' r from r d 1 1 ,- i ,, k' j :I i T, ;,ri w't i r it, t t" 1) i G i, t. j, - t, i it At i H" - I ,,, I!)•• , t i i 11-1 Id a ll o w i -f , t iro +'kF ' atAlvjl t 1; should riot be - illy f 1 1 1 it t t t w! V Tit' 1, it r w Irl He W(:,Ill,j ht 't- 0: ;�'Y 1,111 Wy t A- I . . r11 I t I I I - - • : , ind I - I 1 1 Y I I : I ! , . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t - - - , .I I r I t I i I , y i , , I 1 1 1 ,4 t I l'-will ill s t _i t " I H ! I � , t r I :-, t i in I i v ,r fllii 1 1, i p I '? ; I, k!, as b'I.11 ,, f i t i it p t I it I lk,,� Ili I t h ill A I i..., .'f i li i ,, i olla I d, ,+_,� 5s1 k t i1 f w r. t I '11 - 11 -A A 1 a i In t I)- i tw 1 r t I; IL T I I - - W t, 1 - - - t I I : I : i I .. 1 � �, A r I w I- , 1 . , , . 1 1 1 - - ' (.; I - , A t 1 1 1 v i A, - - d t tla t, t I I , - w - t I - I I I , I : � , i • - f i IA i t i -n : A: I t -- I -! A I v I , I ,, t.Il at I flo-- VIA A F A t - A I' i A I ITI , 1, 01 KI Q t i vt - I ih- ,. i I wn ! 1 Anon WA rip 'J'A i in d h ) r t h i v. jai r;- .— A11-:1!1 Til, I, ! i I i .- t- 1! . , - rd t, - i j A r c) th'. 1r: I in f't n t tr , ' tin 1,1k M i rl I a f ; t, y Constru•ti"n and maint-nin'"- L)( ), - k s , tc, h e affectivo a p " n yo f n r tw- yma rs . Mut i - 11 A, r r B-- i rike I v tirig nay. f t I I 1 Arill i lit P v �, 7i I I d t I I a I t h , And f•q t I i-t AV tiv. W -lisim, f W-W C fllm,- r" ia I and d Mal I t i P I - !W ql -And W ru"Intill ill ef f n%st ply I t i nn n ib•5m Harr and 7. EAW evalua of Minw-tonka float Works ( Orono ) T he "'MM i t t.! - Imil i t t 1, ! it —1 1 111,1 i , 11. Af i r1r, t , b.i ew t v t W,- 'ut,(: r Ill and it i I' y kAW 11 1 , ' Fx -I t, i v e T) i t o A, d t h EAW i i t A i ,!, - nA ri d pti h I i �- h-1 as I.—Ill i tty t ' ;11 th'. I I 1'r ,n, , , I. All t I iln, i !•!ii Arlo tI, Hi Hi •i-•+1 ,;c)(-io•!,y ,I[ T—It rlpa tt,iv '1 -1 - at- it i tl i - i A.-t-l-mirlAyt, i _.rl ',hat a ri E I I ,, i I' r I Ill r I t,;,i L I Ill i t (-A t, A t m. - n t t I I i -,-nd A i I I m r 11 n r laill! :Ild - it, i --ti t" B- - a v d t iri i n v i w i ll" n-': it i to t I I IA: AW f(,, r M i r i n � t,,, A l i k y I' - -i t W A r k ( ( ; ! r j , ) , i , IA I r I Ti ri 13 a : _', i s 11 t needed awl f i n a l AppmvA I W i% ' , t h,. ;"i - 'i al ty c,nd N 1 I , , A , - k [', . HA A t i , Ali , , I ! i i A. 1 1 r. i !it :I : ,, H . D i scrf!Li onary EAW for Kyzakni Yacht (A u b ' : i Dii : A . r i c t . Moor i n il Area 1 1 1 , - - Imil i t t A I , I I Y I I I ';;AIL f r '11, r I a' f l! 4 k t I i I kx11 y F AW i :". I i r an I . of �r lip vi; �4 it rC .'t I 1 — i[I 1•.rI..' 1 I III!••IIt I Iit11) l t } , '1:1II11a! y ,t ] �1 9 13ru: f wl I , , } If r Y IIt. has r��vi.•w,•�l t 11i• E,AW iri�l I -, it l It i: I - . 't i illlij rE,t�-,�_�d t.lIe W ly:it i �':, !�t lnl- t I• { i11•. t . .� itivc,ly� -c1 in t hF! pry pas if r f t 11 1 , t th•- 1.1 "y14 i • H' r 1 -I r,.,. ,mvi1 II,jati it t - , t11P. rd tll.`it the 1�:r1W b< �1 r •, i ,. 11mitt -A i!I �,IIti� i p�:it.ic , n c�f an EAW pe' iti n M a irri �i url irlim a °ly 9. 1 nqu i ry rE:f *,,I rd i nt, rig fund of dot+ l i cell:ie on f ees for s 1 i ps nut, un,c:d i n 19119 and /or 1990 - 1'.i iI i At F I t.11- City , - T Pay Id Like �or;siAr=- I f,r a do f"� fund m wl�d, ill II.•r _,T,Ag! y r �_ _ r,�3 ic to the Board to advi n m i Ia I•s t}1� ,' have the option of full number of slips for which t.h - Ire l i.� Ilt - privilege or to submit f ti,- TIIJTllber of s1 ips they anticipate will i.. usiblc�, with -i11 new dock license I'(95tI.. - i' =tl : - �I. P,)Or I i It v rlay. 10 . Gu i del. ines for temporary rt;s idential dock exterisions without a formal permit appl icat. ion. • ;u id" Ii n , •. f - , I• T ' (ti 1) - Ex t, ensiuIts (wit.h�clt, f rrr1,,) p - r i; .i I; [rt vides in 1 (c) that the I"'rm i t t. - d . 'rI 1 y du r Ilk t -11� 1989 season . . d " , il. irl , i--n - t„ t() th� 1t fl. 'i i A'• 1 i n : LF :im rider1 to rt °ad ''The extension ::hall he c,F r!ni t., 1 -n l y �Iurirw - °i y� -•-ir in which the Board - ,w w ,t - I i'. iI] .- t�I'_- •t Mc. *,i r. c,. un3nimousIy. 'hl in m -, 1, It i r - 1 1 1 1 � ;,: ,, t. I� 1, t r , rnm� nd approval of t h i n' t'' ,, .-PIT I - y ke z'identi al Lock Extension as ti. If i "'A y 1 1 . lbl: ;jf f i rmi njr, 1969 tttmporAry 1 ow water variances for multiple dock l i cen:;e renewal.'; for 1 990 l i cerise Pit •�. n! . 1. f . I I ,1• Ir•. „n -� rF - �mm��nlj:�t;vrl to the 1'•�� +r l t j. F,�, 11` inr 1989 ternpnrary low "4 r ,I i -II, f� r 1 �, w�it !,. �iF;t�r :.� 1 f��r rc�rIF�w.il in 1990 �.� i t.i: t i,• . i t. t 11 ! ,� wit r -, r i ;111 -v f o r (fill 1 t. i O e docks : • 3 Wit '-r !."t1 * "t !!vl llmitt JaItuar �j, 1990 Al & AI m:.t's :;ui E ±r ClLtb B�iyvi•w �'cn�lc>m_inil_un [,v 1- 1 ", rr: in H- _"_11dor Hridk' F_irnl Inc. r_'�•larhla_-st A�s.�.•iati <�n �'himc, As iation ("o'.hr,jrIF.s B- . Inc . L)e-phaven, City (. Fvr Arms ion. Inc. Uideons f'oi tit HorneowuF rs Association dart eriwo (,ity of The Harborage Lakewinds Association Libby Bay Boat club Loring Acres Beach Association, Inc. Methodist Lakeside Assembly Minnetonka Boat Works - Oruno Minn -tonka Edgewater Apartments Mound, City of Roger J. Wikner WindwarO Marine, Inc. Woo-tend Shores B Ai Assoc. • Chapman Place Homeowners Assoc. Wayzata Yacht Club Motion carried unanimously. Declaration of IoW Water Foster moved, B.iorlin seconded, to recommend to the Board that 1990 1..e declared a low water season for Lake Minnetonka to be effective for all types of licenses. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Pelican Point multiple dock license application. The committee received an application from Pelican i'oint, 2820 Tuxedo Read, City of Mound, for 28 boat storage units at a multiple dock and 10 moorings, (45 watercraft storage units). The application purpose is for the developer to preserve dock rights at this site in view of LMCD code changes restricting multiple do 'I'h- property has not yet been developer, although it was 1 ict_-rlsed in 197'9 for a development at that time. The r- ominittee . ?r,sensl_ts was that this application does preserve the developer's right to a hearink; when a plan is prepared but does not grandfather the number of slips for which he applied. 0 A question r.iised as to the inclusion of 500 feet of shoreline on an island c of, but not contiguous to the land. 7 Water :structures and Environment Committee January 13, 1990 Hurr moved, (7c)-hran seconded, to accept the application from • Pelican Point with the understanding there is no approval of the license and the applicant has the right to withdraw. Motion carries' unanimously. Babcock ni-ved, Pillsbury to table any further action on the Pelican Point apP1i(-ati Motion► carried unanimously. 13. Rockvam Boat Works temporary low water extension request. The committee received a temporary low water extension request from Rockvam Boat Yards, Inc., Spring Park, for their site 01 along with a request to change their 01 dock from a piling dock to a floating dock. The floating dock will be in the same location as the piling dock but will give better access to the boats. Foster moved, Martinson seconded, a recommendation to the Board that Rockvam Boat Yards, Inc. be permitted to change their 01 dock from a piling dock to a floating dock provided there is no change in the footprint. Motion carried unanimously. Hurr moved, Foster seconded, to recommend to the Board the approval of a temporary low water dock extension to allow Rockvam Boat Yards, Inc. to extend the present 211foot dock 85 feet to a • distance of 296 feet, subject to inspection by the Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol to assure no hazard to navigation exists and all other low water variance restrictions are met. Motion carried unanimously. The staff was asked to review the proposed moratorium to determine if the change of dock material would be allowed. ENVIRONMENT 1. Eurasian Water Milfoil 1990 planning progress Reese reported Hennepin County Public Works will not furnish equipment and personnel in 1990 but will recommend to the County Board that they handle the land side costs under LMCD supervision. Boswinkel suggested the cities assist in the hauling by removing the weeds from the land discharge point to either their own compost site or a County site. Foster moved, Reese seconded, to recommend to the Board that they request the cities to assist at unloading sites in their city by making a truck available and a disposal site when the District is cutting lake weeds in their area. Motion carried unanimously. 0 The, E utive Director was asked to prepare a letter for consideratiu►► by the Board. X Water Structures and Environment Committee January 13, 1990 • ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The Executive Director and Cochran met with the MN DNR regarding the shore-land Grant of $40,00 for the Management Plan and $60,000 for implemF-ntinp the shorelarnd rules. The DNR was responsive to advancirnc the $40,000 but, they want the grant to he handled under one contract. The committee expressed concern that some of the cities mig}it opt out of the program. In such an event those cities would be responsible to the DNR for the new rules without the flexibility being allowed through the LMCD plan. 'The Executive Director has set a meeting for 7.30 a.m. Tuesday, January 16th to consider David Arndorfer's reply to DNRs lake density questions in the Management Plan. The Executive Director has planned a meeting of the officers, Hurr and any other interested Directors a; 7.30 a.m. Wednesday, January 17th to discuss personnel matters, long range staffing and the Executive Director's job description.. Adjournment The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 11 a.m. • Fo- the committee: Eugene Strommen, Executive Director James N. Grathwol, Chair • 9