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1990-02-20 CC Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL PACKET - 2/20/90 ��1 • • CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA A O 3 N D 11 MOUND CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1990 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 13, 1990, 8. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 9. REQUEST TO USE MOUND BAY PARK ,'OR BASS FISHING TOURNAMENT (WEIGH -IN ONLY, AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION - JUNE 10, 1990. 10. PAYMENT REQUEST - 1990 MAINTENANCE DREDGE - $27,225.00. 11. LICENSE RENEWALS. 12. PAYMENT OF BILLS. 13. INFORMATION /MISCELLANEOUS A. January Financial Report as prepared by John Norman, Financ3 Director. Pg. 591-592 Pg. 593 -594 Pg. 595 Pg. 595a -606 Pg. 607 -608 Page 491 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Pg. 493 -497 3. PUBLIC HEARING: DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS. Pg. 498 -499 4. 1989 DEPARTMENT HEAD ANNUAL REPORTS: - JAN BERTRAND, BUILDING OFFICIAL Pg. 500 -516 - DON BRYCE, FIRE CHIEF Pg. 517 -529 - FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK Pg. 530 -552 5. CABE #90 -904: GENE & BRENDA PETERSON, 6017 RIDGEWOOD ROAD, LOT 18, BLOCK 6, THE HIGHLANDS, FID #23- 117 -24 43 0031. REQUEST: FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE. Pg. 553 -566 6. COMMENTS ON DNR APPLICATION #90 -6173 TO DREDGE AT SETON LAKE, ROGER BECKEL, 4961 BARTLETT BLVD. Pg. 567 -581 7. COMMENTS ON DNR APPLICATION #90 -6192 TO INSTALL A SAND BLANKET AT PHELPS BAY, MARK GOLDBERG, 4853 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE. Pg. 582 -590 8. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 9. REQUEST TO USE MOUND BAY PARK ,'OR BASS FISHING TOURNAMENT (WEIGH -IN ONLY, AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION - JUNE 10, 1990. 10. PAYMENT REQUEST - 1990 MAINTENANCE DREDGE - $27,225.00. 11. LICENSE RENEWALS. 12. PAYMENT OF BILLS. 13. INFORMATION /MISCELLANEOUS A. January Financial Report as prepared by John Norman, Financ3 Director. Pg. 591-592 Pg. 593 -594 Pg. 595 Pg. 595a -606 Pg. 607 -608 Page 491 B. Letter dated 2 -9 -90 from NSP on upcoming scheduled public and evidentiary hearings regarding NSPIs latest rate increase proposal. Pg. 609 -610 C. Information memo on Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood.Pg. 611 -620 D. Planning Commission Minutes - February 12, 1990. Pg. 621 -626 E. REMINDER: No City Council meeting, Tuesday, February 27, 1990, due to precinct caucuses. Next regular meeting will be March 13, 1990. F. League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) 1990 Legislative Conference will be held Wednesday, March 14, 1990, at the Radisson Hotel, St. Paul. Please let Fran know by March 2, 1990, if you want to attend. G. Notice from Metro Council regarding the annual State of the Region Meeting. It will be held Wednesday, March 7, 1990, at the Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis. Please let Fran know by February 26, 1990, if you wish to attend. Pg. 627 .7 • Page 492 18 February 13, 1990 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 13, 1990 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, February 13, 1990, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engin: John Cameron, City Architect Steve Jantzen, Park Director Jim Fackler, Street Superintendent Geno Hoff, Water & Sewer Superintendent Greg Skinner, City Insurance Agent Earl Bailey and the following interested citizens: Curt & Marge Olson, Tom Casey, Robert Tomalka, and Pat Meisel. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.0 MINUTES MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to approve the minutes of the January 23, 1990, Regular Meeting as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.1 MOTION made by Johnson seconded by Smith to approve the minutes of the February 10, 1990, Special Meeting as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1989 DEPARTMENT HEAD ANNUAL REPORTS The following Department Heads presented their 1989 annual reports to the City Council: Jim Fackler, Park Director; Geno Hoff, Street Superintendent; and Greg Skinner, water & Sewer Superintendent. 1.2 CITY HALL ADDITION AND RENOVATION The City Manager explained that the plans and specifications for the City Hall addition and renovation have now been completed and are ready for the Council to approve and set a bid opening date. The Council thanked the Task Force for their two years of time spent on this project. • 413 ilpt February 13, 1990 9 Jensen moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -24 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE ADDITION TO AND RENOVATION OF CITY HALL - BID OPENING MARCH 21, 1990, AT 2:00 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.3 SET PUBLIC HEARING MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to set March 13, 1990, at 7:30 P.M. for a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of an addition to Mound City Hall lccated at 5341 Maywood Road, Lots 9 -13, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit D, in the R -1 Single Family Zoning District, PID #24- 117 -24 21 0034. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMME & STI GGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There were no comments or suggestions from citizens present. 1.4 R ENEWAL OF MUNICIPAL INSURANCE PROGRAM i Mr. Earl Bailey, R. L. Youngdahl & Associates, presented the ne ' insurance premiums which are as follows: 1990 1990 1989 PROJECTED AC TUAL Property 8,642 14,000 8,859 (1) Crime 293 INCL. INCL. (1) Equipment 4,401 INCL. 3,296 (1) General Liability 42,847 45,000 46,740 (1) Auto 23,278 24,500 23,038 (1) Liquor Liability 4,622 4,900 4,504 (2) Emer. Med. Techs. INCL. INCL. INCL. (1) Public Officials E & 0 5,464 5,700 5,556 (1) Police Professional INCL. INCL. INCL. (1) Worker's Compensation 48 55,000 59,924 (3) Bonds 1,236 1,236 1,238 (4) Fireman's A & H 250 250 250 (5) TOTAL 139,420 150,586 153,405 • 414 20 February 13, 1990 Specialty Lines: (1) League of MN. Cities Insurance Trust thru N.S.R.S. (2) Transcontinental Insurance Co. (CNA) thru John Crowther (3) League of MN. Cities Insurance Trust thru E.B.A. (4) Capitol Indemnity (5) Health Special Risk Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -25 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE POLICIES, PREMIUMS AND COMPANIES AS SUBMITTED BY MR. EARL BAILEY, R. L. YOUNGDAHL i ASSOCIATES FOR THE 1990 INSURANCE PROGRAM The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.5 APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR Johnson moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -26 RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE ASSISTANT WEED 0 INSPECTOR, JIM FACKLER The vote was unanimously in favor. Moticn carried. 1.6 PROCLAMATION - VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -27 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING MARCH 4-11, 1990, AS VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WEEK IN THE CITY OF MOUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.7 CLARIFICATION OF DEFINITION OF RESIDE - SALE OF CEMETERY -- — ------- - - - - -- - ------- - - - - -- LOTS The City Clerk explained that there is confusion over the current definition of a "resident" for the purpose of purchasing a grave site at the Mound Union Cemetery. The Park Commission has recommended changing the definition as follows: FROM: Individual is a current resident of Mound at the ti:-0 of purchasing the cemetery lot(s). U 41s, 21 February 13, 1990 • TO: Individual to be interred is a current resident of the City of Mound at the time of his /her death, or at the time of purchasing his /her grave site. Smith moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -28 RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FROM PARR AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION CLARIFYING DEFINITION OF 1 FRESIDENT 1 ' FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING CEMETERY LOTS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.8 PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount Of $231,984.62 when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ADD -ON ITEM Councilmember Johnson stated he would like to discuss the City's position on opening County wells to raise the lake level of Lake 49 Minnetonka. Councilmember Jessen stated the Park Commission discussed this issue and recommended that the City oppose the opening of these wells if it comes before the County Board. The Council stated they would wait to see if the issue comes before the County Board for approval. INF /MISCELLANEOUS A. January 1990, Department Head Monthly Reports. B. L.M.C.D. Representative's Monthly Report for January 1990. C. Preliminary Budget Report for 1989 as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. D. LMCD mailings. E. Notice from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) regz.rding their search for applicants to serve on the General Adviscry Committee to the MWCC. F. Economic Development Commission Minutes cf January ?, i s m 22 • February 13, 1990 G. REMINDER: Special City Council Meeting on the Comprehensive Plan Update, Saturday, February 10, 1990, beginning at 8:00 A.M. at City Hall. H. REMINDER: February 27, 1990, regular Council meeting has been rescheduled to February 20, 1990 and therefore, no Committee of the Whole meeting in February. Next C.O.W. meeting is March 20, 1990. I. League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) 1990 Legislative Conference will be held Wednesday, March 14, 1990, at the Radisson Hotel, St. Paul. Please let FLan know by March 2, 1990, if you want to attend. J. Bulletin from the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (A-MM) regarding the Legislature and Tax Increment Financing. K. LMC 1990 City Policies and Priorities. L. Information. submitted by Councilmember Jessen on "Toxic Air Pollution ". M. Letter from Mir Damon Hardina, "SB" Wastewater MOTION made by 9:15 M. carried. mesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) that Sewer Department employee, has passed his Treatment License. Jensen, seconded Jessen by to adjourn at The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk `I17 Delinquent Water and Sewer 11 010 151 $172.17 11 0130 241 159.52 11 0190 421 132.71 11 0190 511 100.00 11 0190 664 94.52 11 0280 332 88.47 11 0280 453 114.54 11 0280 541 175.01 11 0310 661 125.73 11 0340 092 183.18 11 0640 243 117.50 11 0670 062 139.69 11 0672 262 100.37 11 0672 361 175.20 11 0672 541 127.72 11 0730 061 163.34 11 0850 421 242.37 11 0850 601 117.91 11 0852 542 93.97 11 1030 422 190.27 11 1030 752 108.23 11 1090 661 126.28 ?1 1120 035 127.01 11 1150 062 102.47 11 1550 124 209.95 :1 1570 151 15IJ.14 2/14/90 • • `Iq 1 1690 515 $105.35 1690 544 131.60 11 1690 571 157.08 11 1690 751 100.56 11 1692 061 160.40 11 1694 631 128.29 11 1750 062 131.03 11 1900 601 109.78 11 1900 662 ;45.70 11 1930 034 154.84 11 1930 181 122.48 11 1990 302 90.66 11 2110 091 118.18 0 2260 033 90.66 $5385.18 • III 2/14/90 Delinquent Water and Sewer 11 010 151 Rodney Pitsch Pd. $172.17 1768 Lafayette Ln. 11 0130 241 Steve Hinchclif County 159.52 1689 Avocet Ln. 11 0190 421 Robert Shanlev Pd. 132.71 1676 Canary Ln. 11 0190 511 Charles Carlson Pd. 100.00 1700 Canary Ln. 11 0190 664 James Brand Pd. 94.52 1724 Canary Ln. 11 0280 332 Wm. Bull 88.47 1616 Finch Ln. 11 0280 453 Dave Zilka "., 44 1643 Finch Ln. 11 0280 541 Ron Nelson 175.01 1656 Finch Ln. 11 0310 661 Craig Hillerns Pd. 125.73 1721 Gull Ln. 11 0340 092 Darryl Dillion 183.18 1643 Heron Ln. 11 0640 243 Brian Johnson 117.50 4945 Glen Elyn Rd. 11 0670 062 Lori Kinsey County 139.69 1701 Shorewood Ln. 11 0672 262 James Kurilia 100.37 1901 Shorewood Ln. 11 0672 361 Jack Breazile 175.20 1:20 Shorewood Ln. 11 061? 541 S.Mierzejewski 127.72 1.942 Shorewood Ln. 11 0730 061 Norman Hemerick 163.34 4716 Beachside Rd. 11 0850 421 Terrance Hawley Pd. 242.37 4948 Three Pts. Blvd. 11 0850601 Mark Allen 117.91 4970 Three Pts. Blvd. 11 0852 542 Bob Lund 93.97 5525 Three Pts. Blvd. 11 1030 422 Tim Herzog Contract Pd.$60.00 190.27 5804 Sunset Rd. 11 1030 752 T.01son Pd. 108.23 5921 Sunset Rd. 11 1090 661 Lawrence Beer Pd. $70.00 126.28 6030 Hillcrest Rd. 11 1120 035 James Lassek Pd. 127.01 5912 Gumwood Rd. 11 1150 062 Greg Ward Pd, 102.47 2143 Diorond Ln. 11 1550 124 J. Eccl 209.95 2214 ' l lord Ln. 11 1570 151 Steve Sobieniak 15;.44 6.21 ';he taut Pd. 11 1690 515 11 i590 544 11 169U 571 11 1690 751 11 1692 061. 11 1694 631. 1.1 1750 062 11 1900 601. 11 1900 662 11 1930 034• 11 1930 181 11 1990 302 .l. 2110 091 11 2260 03:3 MiJiael Fox Lynn Dustin John Larson Francis Enc,le Bruce Jones Sha ^ry Johnson >ohns & Sabin Lauren Hofteig Scott Lasterday Gary Patos Joa ina Lvenson Lance Gyllenblad Glenn Reger Richard Peterson Pd. $135.35 5700 Lynwood Blvd. Pd. $50.00 131.60 5909 Lynwood Blvd. Pd. 157.08 5713 Lynwood Blvd. Pd.$50.00 100.56 5745 Lynwood Blvd. Pd. $80.00 160.40 582C Lynwood Blvd. 128.29 6256 Lynwood Blvd. 131.03 5444 Spruce Rd. Pd. 109.78 : -216 Noble Ln. 145.70 ?_22:3 Noble Ln. 154.84 2123 Cedar Ln. Pd. 122.43 , 146 Cedar Ln. 93.66 2212 Belmont Ln. 118.18 2135 Overland Ln. 90.66 2151 Apple Ln. $5385.18 $3375.28 January. 1990 Honoraole Mayor, City Council Members, and City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor, Council Members, and City Manager: The Inspection /Planning Department once again is concluding the fiscal year, and enclosed is our Annual Report to you. We nave made some major strides pertaining to the future development and redevelopment in the city this year. This report will give the citizens of Mound an ovarview of the ongoing operations of the Inspection 6 Planning Oepartm._ The Mound Planning Commission advisory board submitted a report to the City Council on the topic of Housing Maintenance. They nave also completed a Comprehensive Plan draft which will be forwarded to the City Council for review in January. The City • Council adopted a new policy for the reappointments and new appointments to the city advisory boards. Two new Planning Commissioners were placed on the Board in Decem- ber to complete tte terms of Brad Sohns and Vern Andersen. The commission is also attempting to help the City Council address the issue of public materials storage locations and improvements. Construction in 1989 continued to emphasize residential projects with over 200 per- mits issued to remodel residential properties and 31 new residential housing unitz. Five of the 31 homes constructed were rebuilt after demolition of old structures; two demolitions were prompted from fire damage. The Masonic lodge was destroyed by a fire and is now in the process of being rebuilt. In addition, the Indian Knoll Manor seniors building is being extensively remodeled with 19 units expanded In size. New opportunities will be presented in 1990 with the addition and remodeling of City Hall being designed, the review of, and /or the future needs of the Mound Bay Depot and Island Park hall /garage facilities, zoning approval cf a Conditional Use Permit for a wood working shop on Shoreline Drive, the purchase of Rite -Away Oil by Rapid Oil Change, and discussions to convert an existing home on Ccvnerce Blvd. to a com- mercial use. All of these may result in project construction in 1990. The Inspection /Planning staff will continue a cooperative atmosphere for citizens, developers, and government agencies to keep Mound progressive in their development and redevelopment of their existing and new structures. Yours truly, )Jan Bertrand So. Building Official 1989 ANNUAL REPO 0 Personnel Figure 1., sho - :4s the organization of the Inspection/ Planning Depart- ment personnel. In the 1989 fiscal year, we saw no changes in the staffing nor the personnel for the department. Jan Bertrand completed eight years of service on December 1, Peggy James completed her first year of service August 8, and John Breitner completed his first year with Mound on July 1. AI ToIIakson, State Electrical Inspector also completed his first year in Mound in September. The other support staff for the department including the City Planner, Mark Koegler, from VanDoren, Hazard 8 Stallings, City Engineer, John Cameron, from McCombs Frank Roos, and state and county agencies such as the Hennepin County Health Inspector and Housing & Urban Development grant and loan inspectors also remained the same in 1989. The duties of our personnel have been the same as previous years with a few exceptions. Peggy James and mysel were the c i t y coordinator for the United Way campaign fund drive. Letters were sent to all employeeG, a presentation was made available to all employees and pledge cards and monies were co!lected, recorded and sent to the United Way offices. I attended six meetings of the Task Force to study the poss expansion of City Hall. Contracted services from our City Engineer, Joh;i Cameron, nave in- volved grading permits, at Anthony's Floral and varie >us construction sites such as: residential development_, city facilities, some zoning requests for a street vacation, sjhdivisions, conditional use permit, and for the Alexander Park plat to construct a thre- unit condominium 40 as w e l l as other rp'.jljp� s a5 ass i gned. So 1 Annual Report Inspection /Planning Dept. Page Two The contracted services from our City Planner, Mark Koegler, have in- volved several zoning amendments to the sign, zoning and fence or- dinances, revisions to our comprehensive plan, and meetings with the LMCD area -wide committee to develop a Shoreland Management Plan. Mr. Koegler has also reviewed various zoning requests during the year. As Building Official for the City of Mound, I am responsible to com- plete 1989 construction projects, do plan reviews for new construc- tion, additions and remodeling, approve the issuance of permits for building, signs, fences and demolition, and keep records of all in- spections made during construction including code gompliance for 510 permits in 1989. 1 also report to the Planning Commission on various requests, respond to complaints ranging from soil erosion to sanita- tion, to multiple dwelling complaints. 0 1 was appointed 10th District Legislative Chairman for the American Legion Auxiliary in July. I was elected 11th Regional Director for Allied Charities of Minnesota on December 2, 1989. Depar tment Inter faces The interfacing with other state and county agencies is an important aspect of an effective Inspection /Planning Department including the various City of Mound departments. Figures 2., 2.a., 2.b., and 2.c. show to what extent we draw on the expertise of these other depart- ments and agencies of government. Ir i n i nq__and 1 m2l ementat i ons Zoning regulations, fire codes, and building standards are established by ordinance as a consumer protection to assure property owners of the maintenance of property value, safety, health and general welfare for building occupants. So 1989 Annual Report Pace Three Inspection /Planning Dept. Minnesota has adopted national code standards from the International Conference of Building Officials (I.C.B.O.), American National Stand- ards Institute, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Fire Protection Association and others to regulate the building industry. I attended two seminars in November, one conducted by the Minnesota Building Codes and Standards Division and one conducted by I.C.B.O. sponsored by local chapters o^ I.C.B.O. Training is provided and time allotted for studying technical research reports on methods and materials which are supplied from I.C.B.O., State Building Codes and Standards G: vision, Energy Division of Minnesota, etc. during the year. Continuing education is required to maintain the Building Offi- cial certification from the State of Minnesota. A building p ?rmit surcharge is collected and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Administration to be allocated for Building Inspection Department training. In 1989, Peggy James implemented two new programs on her computer, they are Rapidfile and Clerks Index System. She uses Rapidfile for documenting the plumbing and mechanical registrations, it will also print labels for mailings to designated groups. The Clerks Index Sys- tem will be used to document all planning and zoning cases. pertinent discussion items, and pertinent park commission items. This program will prove to be an asset when searching for specific related informa- tion, especially in years to come. She has also developed a working knowledge of the city ordinances to help with many inquiries made to our department. Ord inance Enforcement During 1989, the Inspection /Planning Department issued approximately 200 compliance and correspondence letters, plus warning tags, and Inspection notices to correct and /or complete items listed. These 503 1989 Annual Report Inspection /Planning Dept. Page Four 0 notices, tags and correspondence involved zoning, sign, fence, soil erosion, expired building permits which require renewal. final Inspec- tions or compliance reinspection, and other items. Of the notices sent to property owners and contractors, 58 resulted in either formal complaints, issuance of a citation, or a warning letter from the city prosecutor's office. One of the cases was initiated by City Council action to remove a structure which was under construction with no building permit. There were 48 citations issued for exterior storage and improper waste containment on public and private property. Dtpartmen Activ The construction activities are summarized on Figure 3.a. and 3.b. The comparison shown gives the number of new dwelling units and valua- tion of new construction from 1973 through 1989. 0 The valuation of construction saw a decline from the 1988 value of $6,567,110 to $4,514,593 in 1989. The number of permits issued were 636 in 1989, a decline of 42 from 1988. The number of single dwelling units were 32 in 1989 and 38 units in 1988. The 1989 construction year revolved around the residential segment of Mound. Commi ss_i on_Act i v_i ty_ The Planning Commission a -its as an advisory board to the city council as a Board of Appeals for zoning requests ranging from interpretation of the ordinance to Subdivision of lands. They have been assigned the task to review the Comprehensive Plan update for the next decade, review of the Shoreland Management Plan; they have given the city council a summary of the housing maintenance issues they feel should be implemented into an ordinance torm, and given their input into the public works material storlirle issue. Bill Thal was the planninf& commission's representative t(_) the city hall facilities improvemen Task Force during 1989. goy 1989 Annual Report Page Five Inspection /Planning Dept. The nur)ber of Board of Appeals cases increased f rom 40 in 1988 to 49 in 1989. A summary of their activity is shown in Fiaure 4.a. and 4.b. The fourth annual Recognition Dinner was held at the Lafayette Club on October 21, 1989 for the Planning Commission. The city had the oppor- tunity to show their appreciation to the members for the many volun- teer hours of service to the community. The city council findings were in agreement with the commission in 92 percent of the requests with some amendments at the council level. Opera ting _Rev and Expend i tu The budget appropriation for the Inspection /Planning Department in 1989 was $128,400. At year -end, the unaudited expenses for the department was $117,160. The Inspection /Planning Department estab- lishes zoning, escrow and permit fees with the expectation the ex- penses will be matched by the services to the users. In absences during training conferences, illness, or vacation days. Metro West Inspection :services have filled in for us. (hose expenses as well as contracted services for the city planner, city engineer, and plumbing inspector are expended from the professional services ac- count. This year the expenses for professional services is ap- proximately 80 percent of the budgeted $39,000. We had establi escrow accounts to defray city costs on several developments during the year, such as the utility improvements for Minnetrista residents, Alexander Park P l a t , an.1 Lann( V i e w P l a t . We ri�ive zoning enforcement for I i ght i nq g 1 are , exterior storage, ero- sion problems. fencing, etc. and firE. maintenance cone enforcement on multiple dwellings, as well as similar activities which do not have revenues to h(-' def rav the enfc,r cemewnt co ,t s . SOS 1989 Annual Report Inspections /Planning Page Six QD A comparison of the revenues generated by the Inspection Department activities during 1988 and 1989 is as follows: Account Codes 1988 1989 3251 Building Permits $ 72,885 $ 55,553 3252 Fire Permits -0- 138 3254 Plumbing Permits 9,665 8,973 3256 Excavation /Grading Permits 6,870 4.803 3257 Heating Permits 2.390 2,100 3258/59 Plumbing 8 Mech. Registration n/a 1,620 3262 Moving Permits -0- _ 1 00 TOTAL $ 91.810 $ 73,287 The revenues collected for the Planning Commission Board of Ap peals were: m 3510 $ 3.100 1989 $ 4.950 Total revenues generated uy the Inspection /Planning Department were: 1988 1989 $ 91,810 $ 73,287 The revenue generated amount to 627. of the 1989 Denartment ex- penses. 50� 1989 Annual Report Page Seven Inspection/Planning dept. Sumrr.:jry The 1989 construction and development year saw a decline in ac- tivity from the three previous years. Hopefully, the economic climate effecting a nation -wide decline will improve approaching the new decade of the 90's. our staff will continue to service and cooperate with the citizens, contractors, architects and developers in a courteous and efficient manner. We welcome the challenges of the future and new innovations which will affect how we live and work in the 90's. We want to thank the elected officials and the city staff for their continued support and interest in our endeavors. • 0 Sod INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION Mou City Counci Mayor: Steve Smith Council Members: Elizabeth Jensen Skip Johnson Phyllis Jensen I Andrea Ahrens j City Manager Ed Shukle Buildinq Official Jan Bertrand City__Planner State - and County_Agencies Mark Koegler State Electrical Inspector VanDoren, Hazard, County Health Inspector 6 Stalling5, Inc. County Planninq S Development F i oure I . Support Staff Peggy James John Breitner City_En_qineer John Cameron McCombs frank Roos Associates, Inc. • C] • 08 0 Interface with other Agencies and Departments INSPECTION DEPARTMENT City - of Mound Inspection Department • State 1--ounty Agencies Agencies 0 F iaUrP i'. City of Mound i ( Other Departments So 1 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Interface with State Agencies I City of Mound Inspection i L Oeoartment MN State Buildinq Code Division o Uniform Building Code o National Electric Code o ANSI Elevator Code o MN Plumbing Code o MN Heating, Ventilation, Air Condi- tioning & Refrigeration Code o MN Manufacturer3 Home Rules o Model Energy Code o Solar Energy Sys *.ems Standards Figure ?.a. MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) o Environmental Quality in Structures o Air Quality Regs. o Water Quality Regs o Soil Quality Regs State Fire Marshal • Uniform Fire Cooe • Child Day Car? Centers o Underground Tank Installa- tion Environmental Quality Protection Board o Land Development • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) • Environmental Assess- ment worksheet (EAW) -- Dept. of Natural Resources o Shoreline Manaqement o flood Plain Regs. is • • Slo 0 L 0 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Interface with County Agencies -- city of mound inspection Department Dept. of Dent. of Transportation Human Se rvic es n Utility Permits o Family Day o Driveway Access care o Parking u Group mnmes o Foster Parents Fiqore Z.b. | Ervironmental Health Environment & Eneray n License & Inspection of nuo|s, ire arenas. restaurants o Hazardous waste recy- cling Lake Minnetonka Conservation Dist. Minnehaha Creek Watershed Dist. o ecv- o On-Lake Activities • Land Filling • Soil Excavation • Erosion Control o Storm Water Mgmt. ���� INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Interface with other Citv Departments Fiqure 7.c. 5 2. - -- - r Finance Parks I • Escrow o Project Accounts Review • Billing o Tree • BuOaet Inspection Charges o Dock 6 o SunpIIes Commons o Frrms Use/Con- struction o City Mall Improvements • City of Mound Inspection Department City Police Public Fire Manager Works - - -_ - -- — - -- i - - J • Budgets o Enforcement o Abandoned o Underground • Policies o Vandalism Wells/ Tanks • Organization of Bldgs. Septic o Fire • Training 6 Construe- Tanks Suppression • Staff tion o Driveway Systems o Citation Access o Access to Due Process o Street Bldgs. A Excavation Equipment o water/ o Building Sewer Mein Maintenance beat icn & Connection o 0ty Easement Locations o Hydrant Tests o Street Ba - r ica� l es Fiqure 7.c. 5 2. - -- - r Finance Parks I • Escrow o Project Accounts Review • Billing o Tree • BuOaet Inspection Charges o Dock 6 o SunpIIes Commons o Frrms Use/Con- struction o City Mall Improvements • 0 Total Yearly Values of New Construction 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Year and Yearly Value in Thousands ($) e 513 New Housing Units (1978 - 1989) 120 100 c 80 CD C 0 = 60 3 m Z 40 20 Figure i.h. ,e • U 514 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Year • 1989 SUMMARY REPORT PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BOARD Of APPEALS A total of 49 cases were heard in 1989 0 1] PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Conditional Use Permit Subdivision: Plat Minor Vacation Variance* Wetland Zoning Amendment House Moving TOTAL CITY COUNCIL ACTION Conditional Use Permit Subdivision: Plat Minor Vacation Variance' Wetland Zoning Amendment House Moving TOTAL *One variance was split into two motions: I approved, and one fence height denied. Figure 4.1. AEpr Denied W drawn Tabled No Ac tion Total 6 1 2 7 3 3 3 6 I I 3 1 8 1 19 6 1 1 16 I 26 1 2 1 1 26 u 1 I 1 2 2 1 2 38 7 1 3 0 49 Approved Denied W drawn Tabled No Action Total 4 2 1 7 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 8 1 16 6 1 2 1 1 26 1 1 2 1 1 2 29 8 3 5 4 49 S).50 1988 SUMMARY REPORT PLANNING a ZONING COMMISSION BOARD OF APPEALS A total of 40 cases were heard In 1968 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Conditional Use Permit Sign Subdivision: Plat Minor Vacation Variance* Wetland Zoning Amendment" Gradina TOTAL CITY COUNCIL ACTION Conditional Use Permit Sign Subdivision: Plat Minor Vacation Variance* Wetland Zoning Amendment'" Grading TOTAL Approved Denied W drawn T abled No Action Total 5 1 5 2 I 3 0 _ 7 1 7 5 1 5 12 2 1 1 1 1 -5 3 1 1 1 3 1 35 4 0 1 0 40 Approved Denied W drawn Ta bled No Acti Tota 4 1 5 3 3 0 6 1 7 4 1 5 12 1 1 1 15 1 1 3 3 1 1 33 2 1 2 2 40 : One variance was converted to a subdivision, and one variance was converted to a vacation. **Two zoning amendments were initiated by the staff: clarification of sign and fence provisions. • Figure 4.b SI4 /`loved ?/ol�� 01 $ , IN& Box 37, Mound, Minnesota 55364 • February 12, 1990 TO: Mayor Steve Smith Mound City Council City Manager, Ed Shukle FROM: Don Bryce, Fire Chief HM FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT Fire and rescues calls were down 8% from last year. And last year was down 7% from the previous year. We had 185 fire calls and 195 rescues calls, total of 380 calls. Over all down 36% for fires and up 21% on rescues. I would say our fire prevention must be working. In Pound we were down 33% on fire calls and up 31% on rescues. Mound had a total of 225 calls, 3% less than last year. Thats 66% of our calls. The breakdown for the contract cities is: Minnetonka Beach, down 28% on fire and down 50% on rescues, (14 fires and 1 rescue). Minnetrista, down 27% on fires and down 5% on rescues, (18 fires and 18 rescues). Orono up 13% on fires and down 22% on rescues, (14 fires and 9 rescues). Shorewood, up 50% on rescues, same on fires, (1 fire and 2 rescues). Spring Park down 41% on fires and up 14% on rescues, (27 fires and 21 rescues). The total for the contract cities ,is 101 fires and 51 rescues, down 15% from 1988. Mutual Aid we were down 2 calls that we went on. We gave to St. Boni and Maple Plain. We received from St. Boni, Long Lake each 1 time and 4 times from Maple Plain. On one house fire in Minnetrista we had Long Lake and Maple Plain at the fire, and St. Boni stood by at our station. That "one" lonely Friday in March and our only snow storm!!! I can't stress enough on how important it is to have Mutual Aid, for tankers to supply water, to the cities that don't have hydrants, plus man power, especially during the day time calls. Training for the year consist of our drills, twice a month, WAFTA - through their smoke house, gas evolutions and burning of houses, for excellent training. We had 5 go to State Fire School, 2 to Fire Instructors School in Cincinnati, Fire Training School in Mankato, Fire Fighter I, 7 to State Fire Conference in Alexandria, 2 to State Fire Chiefs Conference in Rochester, and I went to International Fire Chiefs Confe - ence at Indianapolis. Went through 2 cars for extrication, MCI - had smke machine and liquid smoke; fantastic drill, we had with police and Waconia Paramedics; fire code class and American Heat Videos. Maintenance to our equipment is done by our own men, at the fire station, except for a few major repairs. lie have three men that we call heavy maintenance and we have four groups of 7 -8 men in a group, that clean the station and do minor repairs and check everything on the trucks, like tires, pimps, oil, gas /diesel, check hoses etc. 512 P ige 2 cont. Half of the department has flashers, that they put on their dash board, when we have calls. They seem to help, especially at night. These were bought by our V.F.W. from `found. We still stress they have to obey the laws when answering a call, on given circumstances we do exceed the speed limit, :,­pending on the call. We don't just go on calls and (-ills. We do have other meetings we have to attend - WAFTA, Lake Mtitual Aiti, United Fire Fighters, Relief, 1989 I was President of Hennepin County Fire Chiefs Asso. We do have additional training on house burnings too. I am also on the Hennepin County Advisory Board, I also attend other contract cities Cotuicil. `k plus I'Ne attended neighborhood meetings in Fnchanted Island, for dry hydrants information. We have monthly reports to the City and State. The city report consist of the total number of calls, the breakdown for each city, fire & rescues, the total hours for each man, plus total charges that the department receives monthly for each man, plus total charges that the department receives monthly for the payroll. The State report gees to the Fire Marshal office, r-'IRS to keep a record on all calls that occur in the State of Minnesota. Our computer is really getting a work our!! From 1 ly reports on the men, maintenance records, hose records haz mats, hydrant markers, street etc. Slowly but surely individuals are learning it. The Relief Association is an organization mandated by State Law to manage the receipts from the 2% State Aid and City Contribution and administer the Fire Department disability and retirement benefits. To retire a fire fighter has to have 20 years of service to collect the pension, they have to be 50 years of age. The future of the Department - we are waiting on bids for our new heavy rescue truck, addition on the fire station. We must maintain a high level protection for our fire fighters regarding gear, jackets, pants, gloves etc. Communications is an essential link to a well command department. Hennepin County is putting into use the CAD (Computer Aid Dispatch) and MDT (Mobil Digital Terminals) systems. Both systems aid to dispatching and responding to all types of calls. The commitment for being a fire fighter is a demanding commitment now a days. We have more fire & rescue calls aver, )iir training has to be (and IS) the best, alot more meetings and PR work!! To work a regular 40 hour job plus another 20 -40 hours for the fire department, there really isn't much left for fanilies. And your family has to he behind a fire fighter 100% or it just won't work. r� �J S18 j;j N0,44d V014� & 7i" . I I Box 37, Mound, Minnesota 55364 • FIREFIGHTER A D D R E S S CITY PHONE DOB ENTP.Y ANDERSEN JEFF 2221 SOUTHVIEW LN MOUND 55364 47 2 -7 56 4 07/10/57 09 22 8' ANDERSON GREG 4924 PLYMOUTH RD MOUND 55364 472 -7225 1118/60 12 03.7 BABB GERALD 2169 BIRCH LN MOUND 55364 472 -2858 08!27.'40 09 09;7 - BEAUCHAMP JOHN 6029 ASPEN RD MOUND 55364 472 - 3070 08 29.36 04 06 7 BOYD DAVID 5936 GUMWOOD RD MOUND 55364 472 -4515 0130'52 02 03'7 BRYCE DON 4820 CANTEBURY RD MOUND 55364 472 -4085 12 04-42 05 03 6 BRYCE SCOTT 5955 IDLFWOOD RD MOUND 55364 472 -3622 01'09 57 01 09 7 CARLSON DAVID 5485 ACORN RD MOUND 55364 472 - 5485 10 17 51 04 05 7 CASEY JTM 4968 AFTON RD MOUND 55364 472 -1750 09,25 -55 09 12.8 COLLINS STEVE 2121 GRANDVIE BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -5267 09 08 50 02 06 7 DAVID MIKE 2163 DIAMOND LN MOUND 55364 472 - 4320 02 04'41 08 02 6 ERICKSON BRIAN 6013 HAWTHORNE RD MOUND 55364 472 -8069 06 10`60 06 C2 8 ERICKSON STEVE 4367 SHORELINE DR SP.PF 55384 471 - 7129 1 '28'49 11 03 7 FISK PHILIP 4790 CAPRICE RD Mo�I'ND 55364 472 -5173 03 09 67 05 01 8 GARVAIS GERALD 2180 CARDINAL LN MOUND 55364 472 - 2374 11.27x51 07 02 7 GRADY KEVIN 760 APPLEGARDEN FD MOUND 55364 472 -4058 07 30'61 06 06 8 ENDERS)N CRAIG 4435 DORCHESTER RD MOUND 55364 472 -3361 09 18 11 01 7 NRY PAUL 5056 SULGROVE RD MOUND 55364 472 -5306 11'24 53 05 01 8 HNSON GREG 6056 CHERRYWOOD RD MOUND 55364 472 -1852 11'26 47 12 06 7 LANDSMAN BRAD 2212 FAIRVIFW LN MOUND 55364 472- 1817 02 15'52 03 04 7 MARSCHKE RON 2207 NOBLE LN MOUND 5c.364 4'2 - 3815 07 18'41 03 04 7 NAFUS JOHN 2580 DUNWOODY LN WAY 55391 471 - 7432 05%10 54 06 02 P NELSON MARV 2025 SHOREWOOD LN MOUND 55364 472 -3500 08'19 50 11 03 7 NICCUM BRET 2449 OAKLAWN RD MOUND 55364 472 - 1983 12 09 65 07 10 F OPITZ BUD 2041 BELAIRE LN MOUND 55364 472 - 2736 0702 42 06 01 - PALM GREG 2153 LANGDON LN MOUND 55364 472 -1236 04'17 61 02 06 PALM MIKE 2695 WESTEDGE BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -1972 07 %14 59 06 04 PALM TIM 4879 WILSHIRE PLVD MOUND 55364 472 - 2398 07'16 65 05 01 F PEDERSON GREG 5087 ASPEN RD MOUND 55364 472 -5785 02.22' 02 03 R.ASMUSSEN TONY 5951 LYNWOOD BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -2912 05 02 59 03 04 f SAVAGE MIKE 3125 HIGHLAND BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -3591 03 %08-50 09 15 f STALLMAN RON 2201. CENTERVIE;s LN MOUND 55364 472 -7904 03,'18;64 01 05 SWENSON BILL 4387 WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -7061 06,'26!49 07 02 SWENSON TOM 4387 WILSHIRE BLVD MOUND 55364 472 -7061 06'26 49 09 08 WILLIAMS RICK 5940 HILLCREST LN MOUND 55364 472 -7170 07 08 60 11 07 WILLIAMS TIM 3135 AYR LN MOl'ND 553F 472 -6716 02 03 62 11 j7 ' / J 41 %4� 4iu I "4~4df .11%& Box 37, Mound, Minnesota 55364 11 a I , T 1 , V I S I ", I' P I T S p () C, T F p E IR[ IJ P F) N\ p p 0 HN P F H V P q n J 0! 0 G F P G 7 Q 7 n 2 04 R OB, %I � P 4 'H r) 04 F p � I F) 1 p n iI 5 AV I P 02 1 2 p F C, F F [) F P 1 4 S T E % F F P T t l c, V lh 1 .1 A p V F i's 0 1) AVI a p I H F S C)TT F{ P'l F 0 n9 I r C I T c, 4 J( �fil %I T c) I 24 7 ) - 7 %I P F 04 J I % 1A (J" DAT F 6 4 70 7n 71 7 71, 4 0� 74 74 7 7 7 : 7 7 7T 7(, 78 7q 7 () ��� 80 7 • 5 91.0 0 1989 REPORT MOUND DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 11 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES INSPECTIONS AND UNSAFE BUILDINGS: Section 2.201(a) Inspection. The Fire Prevention Bureau shall inspect, as often as may be necessary. all buildings and premises, including such other hazards or appliances as the chief may designate for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions which would reasonably tend to cause fire or contribute to its spread. or any violation of the purpose or provisions of this code and any other law or standard affect- ing fire safety. Section 2.201(b) Unsafe Buildings. All buildings or struc- tures which are structurally unsafe or not provided with adequate egress, or which constitutes a f i r e hazard or are otherwise dan- gerous to human 1 i fe, or which in r e l a t i o n to existing use con- stitutes a fire hazard or health or public welfare, by reasr of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster damage or abandonment as specified in this code or any other effective ordinance, are, for the purpose of this section. unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilita- tion, demolition, or removal in accordance with this procedure specified in Chapters 4 through 9 o6= the Uniform Fire Code for the abatement of dangerous buildings or by any other procedures provided by law. INVESTIGATIONS Sett i on 2. 202. Tt fire d(q)ar tment Iha l I i nvest i gate Orompt 1 v the C,jU °.e, Or i'� i n of e:9r ) and ev('r'v f i r e occurr i nq in the j_jr i , ,rj i r ? i can i nvc) l v i ny i of l i f e or in- j .j r y t_o 9Orr or do ­ ,t - r. t ic Or ( j,jrr,.j 1r� t, - > F)r- ;F)r•r t y ,3nrj, i f i t saI appears to the bureau of investigation that such fire is of suspicious origin, they shall then take imrT,ediate charge of all physical evidence relating to the cause of the fire and shall pursue the investigation to its conclusion. The poiice department shall assist the fire department in its investigations whenever requested to do so, unless otherwise directed by the chief of police. REC AND REPORTS Section 2.203(a) Fire Occurrences. The fire department shall keep a record of all fires occurring within its jurisdic- tion and of all facts concerning the same, including statistics as to the extent of such fires and the damage caused thereby, together with such other information as ray be required by the chief. Section 2.203(b) Record Retention. The fire prevention bureau shall retain for not less than three years a record of each inspection and investigatior. made showing the cause, the findings, and disposition of each such inspection or investiga- tion. ORDERS NOTICES A T AGS Section 2.204(a) General. Whenever the chief or his duly authorized representative shall find in any building or on any premises combustible. hazardous, or explosive materials or dan- ge+ous accumulations of rubbish; or unnecessary accumulationE of waste paper, boxes, shavings or any highly flammable materials which are so situated as to endanger life or property; or shall find obstructions to which are so situation as to endanger life or property; or snall find obstructions to or on fire escape=, stairs, passage'ways, doors or windows that reasonably tend to in- terfere witty the operations of the fire department or t1ie egress of the occupants of such building or premises; or shall find that the cf'factivene55 of any exit door, attic set,aration, or any fire jr,jt i or, w,j 1 I i s reduced; or sha t I f i nd t hat th i s code i s be i ng V i (: I at#,d, f_)t. sha I 1 i s - .ie ordf as m. j y t) (7 necessary for the en- 0 forcement of the fire prevention laws and ordinances governing the same and for the safeguarding of life and property from fire. Section 2.204(b) Unsafe Heating or Electrical Equipment and Structure Hazards. Whenever the chief or his duly authorizer! representative deems any chimney, smokestack, stove, oven, in- cinerator, furnace or other heating device, electrical fixture or any appurtenance thereto, or any thing regulated under a na- tionally approved standard in or uoon any building, structure o: premises not specifically mentioneb in this code, to be defective or unsafe so as tc create an immediate hazard, he shall serve upon the owner or the person having control of the property a written notice to repair or alter as necessary and shall notify any other authority Enforcing rode regulating such equipment he may affix a condemnation tag prohib'ting the use thereof until such repairs or alterations are rude. When affixed, such tag may be removed only by the order of the chief or his duly authorized representative and may be removed only when the hazard to which the order pertains has been eliminated in an approved manner, un- til removed, that item or device which has caused the hazard shall not be used or be permitted to be used. When an apparent structural hazard is caused by the faulty installation, operation or malfunction of any of the herein above mentioned items or devices, the chief shall immediately notify the building official who shall investigate such hazard and shall cause such hazard to he abated as required under the Uniform building Code. Section 2.204(c) Stopping Uses, Evacuation. The chief may order the operation or use stopped, or the evacuation, of any premises, building or vehicle or portion thereof which has or is a fire hazard. Section 2.204(d) Every o. der or notice shall set forth a time Iimit for compl ianLe dependent upon the hazard and danger c ed by tree vioI 'on . • S S-423 S ERVICE OF ORDERS AND NOTICES Section 2.205. Any order or notices authorized or required by this code shall be given or service upon the owner, operator, occupant or other person responsible fo- the condition or viola- tion either by verbal notification, personal service, or by delivering the same to, and leaving it with some person of suitable age and discretion upon the premises; or, 1f no such person is found on the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the door to the entrance of said premises and my mailing a copy thereof to such r-erson by registered or certified mail to his last known address. Orders or notices which are given verbally shall be confirmed by service in writing as herein provided. • • Sty _, MOUND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU Jerry Babb Fire Marshall FIRE P:�E,'; EVT1 )N' 1-' +39 F. Prevention Inspe.cti Inspections wr- arm come :ctej as part of code enforcement help provi3e an: satisfactory life safety conditions within a Tney incl inspection of the condition of exits and interior finish, the coeration of exit doors, emergency exit lights and signs, and all fire doors. Inspection of exiting `3ciIi.ties should incl>>de the inspectior. of exit ri char _e Inspections are intender tc from occurring beca'ise the _nspector i.jentitie.i f ?r? hazarrS which Could Ca'.Se a fire, 3113W a fire t 3 or aIlow a fire to soce3d on_= _�i In 3 ?.i[ :D to locating and correcting Possible firs :3ise3, the Shoul: check the acclmulat :cn c:sti :ale --r33 -, 3n.7 rebris, storage praCticeo r 73inten3n °_, 3n the :3? f? 'operation of bu:ldin - I^.S';?' _ _ -: ' _:-:° _ r .3'_11.3 or7, operation, and 77 7 __ ? :C -'? _:re s, s "stems, and 3: .:3 _._. ^e inspection process '3 '3ch. fire protection system 7 ynnunci3t1on, notification, i..;')ry switches, and fire -. 3 as part of the :ec tion fea t,jres, , 1es sh )ulr receive testing :n,i1functions due to r._:. ...j_ x_1n .ishers should be - zn3n e '- stingy, and j1 in' ,r-na.ti•�n on th s F� _ )11-c _ - ghen I ;'__ r h 311-1 3 i ?. i -I - r. r.:ni Public fire education affects a fundamental change in the way the general public viewq fire. It encourages people to act in firesafe ways. The public needs to be motivated and instructed in how to take actions tnat minimize the chances of fire and that minimize the dangerous effects of , fire, should one occur. Fire investigation is a major objective of the fire prevention program. Discovering the causes of firas within our community is the basis for estaolishing fire prevention program priorities and providing public fire education information. The thorough investi;,a�i�n of fires is the resoonsioilities of the fire depart.-lent to find the cause and determination and to bring criminal action t the person or persons who have contributa,? to 3 fire. 524 0 Inspections 1989 Mound 1. Ganzel Suns - 4309 Bartlett Boulevard 2. Perfect Ten Nails - 4844 Bartlett Boulevard 3. Pam's Props - 4505 Bartlett Boulevard 4. Hennepin Cc my Library - 2079 Commerce Boulevard S. Two Plus Two Jewelry - 2240 Commerce Boulevard 6. Coast to Coact - 2250 Commerce Boulevard 7. Tom's Minnetonka Flooring - 2321 Commerce Boulevard 8. Mound Collision Center. - 2334 Commerce Boulevard 9. Pittsburg Paint - 2365 Commerce Boulevard 10. Masonic Lodge - 2372 Commerce Boulevard 11. Contel Telephone - 2365 Commerce Boulevard 12. VF:J - 2544 Commerce Boulevard 13. Mayer's Service - 2612 Commerce Bouleva 1.3. Bob's Bait - 2530 Commer -e Boulevard 15. Celt :red Mar')le - 2642 ^ommerce Boui 16. House of Moy - 5555 Shoreline Boulevar! 17. Curt Johnson - 5545 S�or ?line Soul ? ✓ar7 13. ;sland Music - 23 - 0 Boulevar: 19. Century Auto od-✓ - ;533 Shor ?line Boulevard 20. Reed .agency - 5424 S-',or ?line Boulevari 21. Toro - 5300 z �lin 1. ?var3 22. CR Manufacturl l7 23. Channel 534 Error - ?.iii o'.1 ?'✓3. - 24. 2 Adn _ -'ri i`i - S 3 .. Jnor2 i :1d _. 25. Ed-:e•.rater 'Iar 3 - 4;3, : ?.3 ~ >r 7�riv� 2^. Union 76 - 4___ -- __✓yr. 27. SCS Printin - ._3 1 1 _ .__ - ,. 3. . 28. Rite Away -i'- - - i _.', rein var.' 29. Jock Club - _ .. _.! Irj 30. Westonka A-__ - ; _:.:r_ -. - �- - ;3 Spring Park S2 1. Westonka Mi ._ 2. Minnetonka 3. Lehman' s '1' ._ .. , _ - _ r .. _ . 4. Meisel Prop- i r 6. 9l ue La ; - r Sa le, in 1 ..e C J ' s 5o 1 : 1 S2 OronosNa va L re 1. Sullivan's 2420 Shadywood Road 2. Lowell's - 3542 2542 Shoreline Boulevard 3. Navarre Hardware - 3400 Shoreline Boulevard 4. Mount Calvary School - Shoreline Boulevard Miscellaneous Inspections Westonka Public Schools 1 . Mound •ryes tor.ka - 5905 Sunnyf ie ld Road 2. Grandview Middle School - 1881 Commerce Boulevard 3. Shirley Hills Elementary - 2450 Wilshire Boulevard 4. Hilltop Elementary - 5700 Game Farm Road .apartments 1. Chapman's Place - 2650 Commerce Boulevard 2. Elmhurst Apartments - 2139 Basswood Lane 3. Indian :moll - 2020 Commerce Boulevard 4. Tonka Apartments - 2009 Commerce - oulevard 5. 3avview Condominiums - 2400 Interlac:nen Road Summary of Hours In spections '!ounJ - 390 Ho .irs ?arx - 125 Hours 5.3 �tinnet�nka Beach - 20 Hours '•tinnetrista - 10 yours 52.e Mike Palm - Asst. Fire Marshal INSPECTIONS FOR 1989 DATE PLACE TIME SPENT Jan 10 Advance Machine 3 hours Feb 25 Advance Machine 4 hours Feb 27 Enter Inspection Report into Computer 3 hours March 7 Grandview Middle School 4 hours March 13 Henn. Co. Sheriff's Tower Tape on Fire call #56 1 hour March 10 Investigate fire 156 7 hours March 18 D'Vinci's Restaurant 2 hours March 20 Investigate fire #56 with Jeffrey Washinger,Sr. 2 hours March 21 Reinspect D'Vinci's 1 hour March 24 Enter Inspection Reports into Computer 3 hours March 27 Inspect old Contel Bldg 5 hours March 28 Go over Blue Prints on Three Points Project 1 hour May 2 Inspect City Loo,cs 3 hours May 9 Inspect Snyder's Drug 3 hours June 23 Inspect Lord Fletcher's Subway Sandwich and Westonka Sanitation 8 hours 9 -27 Toro Co. 1 1 hours 9 -28 Final at Adam S Salon 1 hour 9 -28 Go over Blue Prints of Indian Knoll Manor for Sprinkler System Design 2 hours 10 -4 Reir - Toro 2 hours 10 - 5 Manor 1 hour 10 -; Lr�r�k ever 6alboa Buildir;g for boat, storage - SFr:rg F'<,rk 4 hours (64) 1 S''� ('I "IY()f NIO1'N1) January 17, 1990 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK SUBJECT: 1989 ANNUAL REPORT Personnel Roster: Francene C. Clark /Leisinger, City Clerk - 8 -30 -81 Linda Strong, Secretary /Receptionist - 8 -5 -85 Linda and I report directly to the City Manager. The City Manager and I share Linda's time. She is the receptionist first. Ed has her doing secretarial duties and I have her helping me and training to be a Deputy Clerk. Linda finished her third year in the Minnesota Clerks' Institute program. This is a 100 hcur course put on by the University of Minnesota Continuing Education. She received her certificate in July. • 53 1 r� RECORDING OF COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS There were 23 regular City Council Meetings in 1989. In addition there were 2 Special Council Meetings including the following: the Local Board of Review and 1 Special Budget Hearing. That totals 25 meetings. From these meetings 200 pages of minute.3 were generated for Council review and approval. Agendas are prepared by the City Manager. I then input the Agenda into the computer. The Agenda material is then put in order, attached, and numbered. Linda then runs the packets on the Xerox and directs the packets to the proper people. We send agendas to all people who have items on the agenda, highlighting the item pertaining to them. After the Council Meetings there are items that need to be followed up, such as contracts signed and sent to the proper • people, directives from the Council that need to be attended to and routine items that need to be resolved. These it-ms many times are 4 to 6 hours of work after a meeting. That does not include preparation of the minutes and the resolutions. MAINTENANCE OF ORDINANCE BOOR An ordinance is a law of local application, enacted by the City Council, which prescribes a general and permanent rule for persons or things within the City. This is distinguished from other types of regulations or actions which are undertaken by resolution or motion. Resolutions or motions generally regulate administrative or temporary actions as opposed to a permanent law. • 2 S31 s An ordinance becomes effective upon its adoption by the City Council and publication in the official newspaper. Therefore, as soon after a Council meeting aL; possible, ordinances are published. After publishing, the new ordinance has to be integrated into the ordinance book in the correct area. There were 18 ordinances adopted in 1989. #21 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 255:05 of Lhe City Code Relating to the Composition of the Park Advisory Commission. #22 -1989 An Ordinance Adding Section 155:40 to the Cit} Code Providing Worker's Compensation for Elected Officials and Municipal Officers Appointed for a Regular Term of Office. #23 -1989 An Ordinance Adding Section 260 to the City Code Creating an Economic Development Commis. and Establishing Its Duties. #24 -1989 An Ordinance Adding Section 311 to the City Code Relating to Mechanical and Gas Piping Regulations and Adding Section 520:00, Subsection (i) Relating to Fees for said Permits and Registration. #25 -1989 An Ordinan,_,r Amending Sections 311:00 and 311:05 of the City Code Relating to Mechanical an,3 Gas Piping Permits and Registration of Contractors. :j�r -1989 An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Land_, f ro: ( fJ -3 ) to 53 2-- #27 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 170 of the City Code by Adding Sections 170:15, 170:20, 170:25 and 170:30 Relating to Unclaimed, Lost or Abandoned Property. #28 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 905:00 of the City Code, Adding Subdivision 5A Relating to the Possession of Knives on School Grounds. #29 -1989 An Ordinance Repealing Sections 1000:05, 1000:10 and 1000:15 Relating to Nuisances and Abatement in Their Entirety and Replacing Them with Revised Sections 1000:05A, 1000:10A and 1000:15A Relating to Nuisances and Abatement. #30 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 330:120, Subdivision 2, 3 and 5 Relating to Park Dedication Requirements for Subdivisions. #31 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 468:10 of the City Code Relating to Games of Skill Licenses. #32 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 800:C5, Subdivision 3, of the City Code Relating to On -Sale Wine Licenses. #33 -1989 An Ordinance Amending .Section 800:10, Subdivisions 7 and 8 of the Mound City Code Relating to Insurance for Liquor Establishments. #34 -1989 An Ordinance '.'rc:;f,,i ;eES; and Congregating on Esusiness /Municip,il and P r i v a t e Bu!, i noss 4 3,33 0 #35 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 810:10, Subdivision 2 (a) , of the Mound City Code Relating to Liability Insurance. #36 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Sections 255:05 and 2� ":10 Relating to Qualifications for Park Advisory ind Economic Development Commissions. #37 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 300:25, Subd. 3 cf the City Code Relating to Building Moving. #38 -1989 An Ordinance Amending Section 437 :15 of the City Code Relating to Dock Design Standards. As Chapters in the City Code are amended, I am putting these on the computer, a disk for each Chapter. This will make revisions much faster than typing whole pages. 0 MAINTENANCE OF RESOLUTION ROOK A resolution is somewhere between a motion and an ordinance. A resolution deals with matter of a special, administrative or temporary nature and is put in resolution form beca-�;e of its importance or length. In 1589, thc. City Council adopted 164 resolutions. These are all composed, typed, signed and kept in resolution books. Each resolution is then categorized and indexed by subject and number in order to make them easier to find at a later date. Copies of thy= resolutions are given to the various departments when they pertain to their area. I also certify resolutions to be recorded at fienncpin County if required. • 5 31 ELECTIONS 1989 was not an election year for Mound, but there are stil._ items that have to be done dealing with voter registration. There were 379 new voter registrations in 1989. These cards are sent to Hennepin County to be put on their computer, �iven a Voter Identification Number and a mailed notice is sent to each new registrant to verify their residence. When the cards are returned, Linda has to check each card against the computer list to be certain Hennepin County has inputted the proper information. She then numbers each card with the voter identification number, assigned by th-- County, and files them alphabetically. In 1989, there were 3,6"5 voter registration transactions processed by Hennepin County for the City of Mound. Some of these originate here, some in other municipalities and some at Hennepin County. The comparison between 1988, a presidential election year, and 1989, a year when only the school district held an election is as follows: 1988 198 Additions 1,273 379 Data Change 306 219 Name Change 294 156 out of County - Deletes 139 115 Transfers (people who moved within the County) 682 255 Deceased Persons 16 31 Moved Deletes 253 214 Complete Deletes 13 45 Date Last 'Doted updates 7 2,261 'FOTA1, 10,500 3,675 6 S.3S i I am one of 11 City Clerks chosen to serve on the Hennepin County Elections and Voter Registration Coordinating Committee. It is comprised of clerks giving good city representation of the county based on experience, the size of the municipalities and the types of election system used. This Committee deals with new legislation affecting elections and voter registration. The last two years I have been on the League of Minnesota Cities Elections and Ethics Committee. In 1989 there was proposed legislation to establish a Minnesota local government election day. Some of the major features of this legislation are as follows: Establishes the - Monday in November of odd - numbered years as Minnesota local government election day. Requires all county, city, township, schcol district and all political subdivision offices be filled in that election schedule. Requires all ballot questions to be voted on by the political jurisdictions listed above to be placed or, the ballot only on local government election day. Requires use of the same precincts and polling locations established under Minnesota election law and provides that voters must be able to vote at a single location. Supersedes all local laws and charter provisions related to elections. Sib If the Legislature enacts a statewide date for local government g g elections the following features must be included: 1. Statutory cities must retain the option of choosing the odd or even year for the elections. 2. All direct costs of state - mandated ch,�nges and additions to current city election duties must be paid by the sta':. 3. Decisions to combine school district elections and municipal elections must be made by city councils and school boards. PUBLIC NOTICES This office arranges for the publication of official and legal notices for such things as public hearings, changes in meeting dates for the City Council, ordinances, and any other items that are required by State Statutes or that the Council or City Manager feel should be in the official newspaper. Some public notices (vacating of streets, etc.) must also be posted in 3 public places. The Park Dept. handles the posting and fills out the posting affidavit. Some bids come through my office and are advertised according to State Statute. Some of the specifications for bids for equipment are laid out and prepared by me with inp,it from the specific department head requesting the item. • 8 S37 LICENSES 6 PERMITS The City of Mound issued 97 licenses or permits for 23 different purposes in 1989. This accounted for approximately $9,120.00 in revenues. Gayle Burns in the Finance Department spends a considerable amount of time in the administration of the licenses and permits, i.e. notices and renewal forms are sent before they expire; when the renewal application is received it and the insurance papers must be gone over to be sure they are correct; the payment receipt is made out; the names submitted to the Council for review and approval; the license issued and sent to the a?)plicant. Then there are always the applicants who wait until the last minute or have to be coaxed to get their applications and fees in before expiration. PUBLIC INFORMATI I have found being City Clerk that people expect me to be the local expert in everything from utility costs to the legality of the latest zoning fracas. In attending State and International conferences I find that most city clerks are used as an information source by local citizen3. I try to stay informed as to what is going on in all aspects and departments of the City so that if I cannot answer a question for a citizen at lea�;t I can direct them to the proper person for an answer. What comes along with public information is research into various items that people have concerns about. • • 0 5IS 9 �J REC MANAG Records Management is a function concerned with she creation, processing, maintenance, protection, retrieval, retention, preservation and disposition of records required in the operation and continuance of city operations. The objective is to save space, money and time. Storage space in City Hall is a very limited commodity. The City owns a microfiche recorder (samara), film processor and a dry ink reader /printer. We have been using this equipment for Police records that must be kept and require too much space; for all old permanent records of the City Council i.e., resolutions, minutes, etc. We will continue to work at this in 1990. TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY Iii 1989, I dealt with 10 tax forfeit parcels of land. 4 parcels were released to sale to adjoining property owners; 4 parcels were conveyed to the City for park /wetlands, drainage, or unbuil6 -ible; 2 parcels were released for public auction; Hennepin County notifies us of property within the City that has gone tax forfeit because of nonpayment of real estate taxes. They also periodically ask about property we have taken for a public purpose to insure that we are using it for tnat public purpose. The County a�.ks that we inform them of what we would like done with the property i . e. , allow the parcels to the sold at public auction; require that they be sold only to adjoining property owners if they are undersized or do not meet the zoning and building codes; or retain them for somc public purpose. 10 S31 0 There is a considerable amount of resea -ch that must be done to determine what should be done with the property. The first step is to go to the tax books and get a property description. Then 'he property jacket is pulled and its contents exImined to see if the property was taken for a public purpose or is a new tax forfeit parcel. The next step is to figure the square footage of the property and look at the current zoning district to determine if it is a buildable lot or not. After all this information is determined, it is all put on a sheet, a plat map showing the property is made and sent to the City Engineer, Park Director, Street Superintendent, Sewer & Water Superintendent, Building Inspection and Finance Director for their comme. and recommendations. Occasionally, an easement is needed for utility purposes; a survey may be needed to determine if part of the property is in the wetlands; or there may be reasons for the City to retain the property. The Special Assessment Clerk in the Finance Dept. determines if there are any assessments from before forfeiture or since forfeiture that •red to be put back on the property. The reason we need to know assessments before and since forfeiture is that the City gets 90% of the purchase price to apply to assessments from before forfeiture. The assessments since forfeiture are added in their entirety to the appraised value (determined by the Hennepin County Assessor.) of the property. In 19 -.4, !',c City Council adopted a resolution ( #84 -94, copy attached) s(�tting a policy on assessments placed on undersized tax forfeit property before forfeiture. This has helped to encoura(je ad Joining property owners to purchase undersized parcels - in i ri;ir:c tti� � with their property. 5 4o 1 • In 1987 I completed 3 card index by Property Identifi�.ation Number for the following: 1. City owned property; 2. Tax forfeit property that has been retained by the City for a public purpose; 3. Tax forfeit property that falls into the following categories: a. Property released for public sale; b. Property for sale only to and combined with adjoining property. Each card has a PID (property identifir_ation number) , plat and parcel, legal description, status (what it is, park, wetlands, tax forfeit, etc.), whose name it is in (State Land Dept. or City of Mound or both) , any resolutions dealing with the parcel (resolution number and disposition) . I have now completed coordinating the Certificates of Titles, State Deeds, easements, etc. and recorded that type of information on each card also. This card file, is now complete and is being kept up--to -date. It has already proved to be a very valuable tool when somecne calls in to check on a parcel of land. Since we started dealing with tax f property in 1982: 34 parcels have been put tip to public auction; 25 parcels were retained for a public purpo:�e; and 79 parcels have been authorized to he sold to .and combined with adjoining properties; 5 temporary con_-,truction easements were r c r;vrrrF 3. • 1 Sys • Of the above, 30 parcels of the 34 have been sold at public auction and 41 of the 79 parcels have been sold to adjoining property owners to be combine with their property. I think this shows how this process is working to the city's advantage to get parcels back on the tax rolls and increase conformance to the zoning ordinance. We now have a computer program called Rapid File and I am trying to get all this information on tax forfeit property into the computer. I will continue to work on this during 1990. OTHER DUTIES /RESPONSIBILITIES BUDGET: In 1989, the inputting of all budget pages was done for all departments. This included all figures for 1988, 1989 and S inserting all proposed 1990 figures. This year Linda inputted the proposed 1990 figures because I had a family emergency. There was also preparation of the Election Budget and joint work with the City Manager on the City Council Budget and the Manager /Clerk Budget. CEMETERY In 1988, I officially took over the Mound Union Cemetery records. There were 20 burials in 1989 and 5 graves were sold. All records for the cemetery were manual and took time to record in all places necessary. There was a file alphabetically listing each persons name; division, lot a:id grave location; date of burial; age; name of funeral home attending. There was another cross - reference numerical file for each division (A, B or C). Each card in this file has the division, lot number and grave numbers. Also on these cards was the name of the owner o: the S42.., 13 grave and the person buried. We also have a cemetery book listing the people buried alphabetically with a listing of the page number they are listed on which gives various information. In 19 -89, I used the Rapid File program in my computer and inputted all the information from each division of the cemetery. All the information came off the cemetery cards which were checked and cross - checked. I found 6 people who are buried in the cemetery but were not on the cemetery map. This now allows us to instantly locate people by name, owner of the grave, or lot and grave number. There are three divisions and each is separate on the computer. I have a book that I update every few months. It took a considerable amount of time to do this but I feel it has really cut down on the paper work. We had new cemetery maps made up at the end of 1989 to include all new information. FIRE CONTRACT Linda keeps track of all fire reports for each contracting city. The fire reports are all listed according to the City and the number of fire /rescue hours. In 1989, there were 160 mutual aid hours which are divided equally between the contracting cities. The fire Contract Material is figured on a combination percentage of assessed value and a 3 year average of fire /rescue hours for each contracting city. That percentage is then used on: A. Operating Costs B. Capital outlay C. Fireman's Relief Fund D. Fire Truck Payments • 14 543 In 1989, the fire hours breakdown is as follows: ACTUAL EQUAL CONTRACTING FIRE /RESCUE MUTUAL AID CITY HOURS + HOURS - TOTAL PERCENTAGE Minnetonka Beach 313 + 26.6; = 339.67 4.28% Minnetrista 931 + 26.67 957.67 12.08% Orono 1328 + 26.67 = 1,354.67 17.08% Shorewood 34 + 26.67 - 60.67 .77% Spring Park 751 + 26.67 = 777.67 9.81% Mound 4,412 + 26.67 = 4,438.67 55.98 TOTAL 7,769 + 160.02 = 7,929.02 100.00% • These hours will be integrated into the 3 year average when the 1991 contract material is figured. Part of the formula for figuring the fire contracts was to use the total assessed value of the fire area in a community. This changed this year from assessed value to market value, which did not change the percentages much but required some language change in the original fire contracts and at the same time this was done some other changes were made to update the contract for each fire contracting city. EMPLOYEE SUPERVISION The City Manager and I supervise the Secretary /Receptionist, Linda Strong. As I stated in the beginning of this report, Ed and I share Linda's time. Linda is first and foremost the receptionist who answers the phone anywhere from 60 to 80 times a day, fielding calls to the proper people, taking messages when • • Soy 15 • people are out of the office and directing people when they come into City Hall. She sometimes the only contact a citizen has with City Hall and shu is excellent in giving people a positive and helpful image of the City of Mound. She does a lot of typing for departments who do not have secretarial help, i.e. Finance, Liquor, Fire and the Dock Inspector. She is also in charge of handling all incoming and outgoing mail; copying for various departments; keeping the fire reports for all the cities and checking them against the non`h- end sheets from the Fire Department; office supply ordering; as well as the duties that were mentioned before. We are lucky to have someone who is versatile, talented and friendly. • MINNESOTA WVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES A CT I drafted a public document containing procedures for the City of Mound to follow in administering the Minnesota Government. Data Practices Act (Data Privacy). This was reviewed by the City Attorney and adopted by the City Council in November. COMPUTER INPUT AND TRANSCRIPTION The Police Policies & Procedures Manual was on the old computer system. Since nobody but Linda has the old computer system it was hard for the Police Dept. to update the manual. In 1989 1 started and completed putting the manual on the near system so that the Police Department can do their own updating. The manual is 309 pages. is 16 s 4s SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 0 In September assessment hearing notices were prepared, the tax books checked to verify names and addresses and notices were written, published and sent to all parties concerned regarding the following: CBD (Central Business District) Parking Maintenance Unpaid Tree Removal Charges Unpaid Mowing Charges Delinquent water & Sewez Charges Drummond Road Street Improvement Unpaid Removal of Deck on Commons Unpaid Clean -Up Charges Unpaid Removal of Hazardous Building Unpaid Consultant Services fcr Hazardous Building The CBD Assessmenc Roll is a very involved procedure. The expenses are figured from June 1 of a given year until May 31 of the year being assessed. This figure includes expenses for railroad lease, special assessments, maintenance materials, crosswalks striping, blacktopping of lots, Christmas decorations, lighting of lots, parking lot leases, salaries for maintenance. This figure is sent to each business in the CBD District. There is a very complicated formula for spreading these expenses between the businesses in the Central Business District. The formula is based on the following: 1. Customer parking spaces required (this is deterroined by the CBD Parking Committee based on the busines 2. Employee parking spaces required. 3. The number of spares provided by the busines!�. 4. The first 2 items are added together and thc+ '.gird is subtracted. 0 5 46 1 Resolutions were prepared for all the above assessments. Levy • sheets were prepared for Hennepin County, resolutions certified and all sent to the County tc appear on the 1989 tax statements. SPECIAL PROJECT The Park Commission wanted to look at all properties that had wetlands. I prepared half section maps showing all the wetlands in the City. A list was then prepared of the owners of this property (private of public) and any owners surrounding the wetlands. • 18 541 5. A ercenta e of the p g total is then figured c g n item #4. 6. The business front footage is then taken. 7. A percentage or the total is then figured on item #6. 8. The present market value is then taken. 9. A percentage of the total is then figured on item #P. 10. Next the total costs (expenses) are multiplied by the factor .7 and that result is multiplied by i,em #5. 11. Next the total costs (expenses) are multiplied by the factor .15 and that result is multiplied by item #7. 12. Next the total costs (expenses) are multiplied by factor .15 and that result is multiplied by item -9. 13. Items 10, 11 and 12 are then added together and that is what is proposed to be assessed to each business in the CBD. Resolutions were prepared for all the above assessments. Levy • sheets were prepared for Hennepin County, resolutions certified and all sent to the County tc appear on the 1989 tax statements. SPECIAL PROJECT The Park Commission wanted to look at all properties that had wetlands. I prepared half section maps showing all the wetlands in the City. A list was then prepared of the owners of this property (private of public) and any owners surrounding the wetlands. • 18 541 OTHER _MEETINGS ATTENDED MCF OA Minnesota clerks, 6Fi Of ficers_! A ssociation) Annual Mec�ti_nc1 I have been a member of this organization since 1982. I was Regional Vice President for Region IV in 1984; Treasurer in 1985; Secretary in 1986; Vice President in 1987; became the President in 1998; and a Director at Large (Immediate Past President) 1990. This state organization has one annual conference in March which is put on by the University of Minnesota Department of Professional Development and Conference Services. It is designed to meet the needs of Minnesota clerks from large, small and medium size cities, with different responsibilities, and with varying years of experience. The technical sessions provide practical information and an opportunity for discussion with other clerks. I received the title of MCMC (Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk) in March 1 .985 after completing the required courses and extra seminars offered by the University of Minnesota Continuing Education. Out of the 855 cities in Minnesota there are over 550 memb , 3rs in MCFOA. IIMC __SI Institute of Munic C lerks) Confere I have been a (CMC) Certified Municipal Clerk since November 1985. The State of Minnesota presently has over 345 member cities in the IIMC. We are 8th out of 75 (including the 50 states, 12 C provinces, and 13 other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Israel, United Kingdom, South Africa, Japan) in membership to IIMC. Total IIMC membership is over 5,42 19 • 9,619 up 515 over 1988. I attended the annual IIMC Conference from May 21 - May 27. The theme this year was "Challenges of the 1990's" and was reflected in the variety of topics covered in the educational sessions, presentations and the extensive exhibits. This was a very interesting and beneficial conference with over 40 different workshops in excellence in local government, records management, local government productivity, elections, professional development, personnel management, communications, supervising, to name a few. IIMC (INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS) REGION VI MEETINGB I attended 2 Region vI Meetings in 1987. Normally there would only be one and it is usually held in the Fall of the year but the 1986 meeting was not held until January of 1937. The meetings are held in LaCrosse, Wisconsin because it is central to the three states (Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota) in our region. As I am an Executive Board member of the MCFOA (Minnesota Clerks' & Finance Officers' Association) it is important for me to attend these meetings to be able to bring back current information on IIMC to the state level. The expenses for attendance at these meetings was paid for entirely by MCFOA because I am a board member. Some of the other meetings attended were: - League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Conference; - A number of Governmental Affairs Meetings put on by the Westonka Area Chamber of Commerce. - League of Minnesota Cities Elections & Ethics 1 0 Committee. 20 S-47 • 1990 Census meeting. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities legislative meeting. - Several meetings with BRC (Business Records Corporation) on the Optec IIIP ✓oting machine maintenance agreements. Several MCFOA Region IV meetings. I have tried to highlight some of the activities in 1989. In summation, the City Clerk's position encompasses many areas that require time, effort and knowledge beyond that of a clerk in a larger city with a full staff to do the elementary tasks. I find the work very challenging and personally rewarding and I am happy I can contribute to Mound and its citizer- I feel continuing education, working on various committees with affiliated organizations, receiving and sharing information with other cities makes me more effective in my position and I want to thank the Council for their support. fc • S.50 21 132 June 12, 1984 • RESOLUTION NO. 84-94 RESOLUTION SETTING A POLICY ON ASSESSMENTS PLACED ON TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY BEFORE FORFEITURE WHEREAS. Hennepin County has begun to notify adjacent property owners that they will be conducting "private sales" on undersized or unbuildable lots; and WHEREAS, some of these properties had assessments against them before forfeiture which were cancelled at the time of forefeiture; and WHEREAS, when the City releases these parcels for Private sale, it certifies these assessments from before forfeiture to Hennepin County because the City receives 80% of the value of the property (selling price) to apply to the '):d assessments; and WE=EREAS, the assessments since forfeiture are added to the appraised value so the City receives all the funds for those assessments; and WHEREAS, some of the assessments from before forfeiture are higher than the property is valued at and thus does not make the property very attractive to adjoining property owners unless we make a com mittment to them that we will not reassess the remaining balance of the assessments after they purchase the property; and WHEREAS, the goal is to get the property back on the tax role and help a number of people make their property conforming. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the fog lowing policy which will apply only to undersized tax forfeit lots which are sold thru Hennepin County and combined with adjoining property: 1. On undersized tax forfeit lots which had assessments before forfeiture, the City will certify these assessments to Hennepin County when the lots are released for private sale to adjoining property owners. This will be done only so that the City will receive 80% of the value of the lot to be applied against these before forfeiture assessments. 2. After certain undersized tax forfeit lots are sold and combined with adjoining property, the owner may petition the City Council to pass a resolution stating that the balance of the assessments from before forfeiture will not be recertified to S S/ June 12, 1984 Hennepin County for collection. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember Charon and seconded by Councilmember Paulsen. 0 The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Charon, Jessen, Paulsen and Polston. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Peterson was absent and excused. Mayor Attest: City Clerk • • SSA. • PROPOSED RESOLUTION Case No. 90 -904 RESOLUTION #90- RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD SETBACE VARIANCE FOR LOT 18, BLOCK 6, THE HIGHLANDS, BID #23- 117 -24 -43 0031, (6017 Ridgewood Road), PiZ CASE NO. 90 -904 WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a 29 foot front yard setback variance to allow construction of a one story garage ad- dition to an existing attached two stall, one story, garage, for Lot 18, Block 6, The Highlands, PID ##23- 117 -24 -43 0031, and WHEREAS, a variance was previously granted for this property in 1974, Resolution ##74 -261, allowing a lot area of 8,027 square feet, a 5 foot front yard setback, a 6 foot and 10 foot side yard setback and a 50 foot (plus) lakeshore setback, and WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R -1 Single Family Zoning District which according to the City Code requires a lot area of 10,000 square feet, a 30 foot front yard setback, a 50 foot lakeshore setback, and a 10 and a 6 foot side yard setback for "lots of record ", and WHEREAS, Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) provides that al- terations may be made to a building containing a lawful, noncon- forming residential property when the alterations will improve the livability thereof, but the alteration may not increase the number of units, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval due to topography and shape of the lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby authorize a front yard setback of 1 foot for the property located at Lot 18, Block 6, The High- lands, PID ##23- 117 -24 -43 0031. 2. The City Council authorizes the existing nonconforming lot size and structural setback violations and authorizes the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) with the clear and express understanding • that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.404. 5753 40 PROPOSED RESOLUTION Page Two CASE NO. 90 -904 3. It is determined that the livability of the residential property will be improved by the authorization of the fol- lowing alterations to a nonconforming use of the property to afford the owner reasonable use of his land. a. To construct a one story pie shaped garage addition ap- proximately 840 square feet in size, setback 1 foot from the front property line (approximately 12 from the curb) per Exhibit A. Upon the condition that 70% of the garage will be below grade, with only 2 to 4 feet of the buildinq visible at street level. 4. This variance is granted for property legally described as: Lot 18, Block 6, The Highlands, PID #23- 117 -24 -43 0031 (6017 Ridgewood Road). This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or • the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Min- nesota State Statute, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. 5. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. • ssy r n r, s f� r rP 0 1 • � r r i Exh1 C ,r , P o Qjt 1N v P .\ r ° tit vt y c \ 0 �0 F r� l" MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION February 12, 1990 C . Case No. 90-904: Gene i Brenda Peterson, 6017 Ridgewood Road, Lot 19, Block 6, The H PID 123- 117 -24 -4 0031. VARIANCE: Front Yard Setback. Building Official, Jan Bertrand, reviewed the applicants request to construct a one story garage addition onto the existing two stall attached garage within one foot of the front property line. Bertrand explained that a variance was granted for this property in 1974 which allowed a lot area of 8,027 square feet, a 5 foot front yard setback, 6 foot and 10 foot side yard setbacks, and a 50 foot (plus) lakeshore setback. The property has approximately a 20 percent slope towards the lakeside and the shape of the front property is a triangle which makes it difficult to setback a structure to the 30 foot setback with a 20 percent grade. The concrete driveway is presently encroaching onto the neighbors property. If storage is the intended use of this addition, there is room for an accessory building to be constructed on the lakeside of the property. She also commented that there are electric power transmission lines along the str °yet front of the property. Staff recommended that the variance Le denied. Ow.ler and applicant, Gene Peterson, spoke on his behalf. Mr. Peterson reported to the commission that he is only attempting to mimic the layout of the garage next door which is setback closer to the curb than his proposed structure. He stated that 70% of the garage will be below grade, with only 2 to 4 feet of the building visible at street level. Mr. Peterson suggested that the fill which will be removed to construct the addition, (approximately 80 cubic yards) could be added to the berm at the street side to help hide the structure. His intended use for the garage addition is vehicle storage, therefore, the suggestion by th- Building Inspector to construct a storage shed at the lake is not feasible. The NSP wires which are erected at the 7)treet side are high enough that the garage should nct interfere. Mr. Peterson proceeded to distribute photographs of neighboring properties stating that he will be further away from the curb than any of the other homes, in addition, a variance was granted • 5 L for the structure three doors to the west of his home. Bertrand pointed out that ore of the garages was constructed without a variance as it complied with the setback requirements for deteched accessory buildings. She reminded the commission that a • de'. garage built on a lakeshore lot can be setback 8 feet from the front piiperty line if the doors face the side lot line. Mueller questioned the type of tree which stands where the proposed garage will be erected. Peterson stated that the tree is a maple, and it is in poor shape since NSP trims branches yearly to keep it away from the power lines. Mueller commented about the curve on Ridgewood Road at the sub- ject property, and questioned visibility; will adding to the berm hinder visibility? The applicant did not feel that a problem ex- isted. John Mayer, who is Mr. Peterson's neighbor to the west, stated that he supports the proposed addition and so do all the other neighbors. He is also in favor of any upgrading in the neighbor- hood. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Voss, to approve the setback variance to construct an attached garage addi- tion 1 foot from the front property line as shown on the plan. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on February 20, 1990. • • ss7 ................... 11 C' F FY () I N RA "N 1) CASE NO. 90 -904 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff iROM: Jan Bertrand, Building Official DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of Februa 12. 1990 CASE NO.: 90 -904 APPLICANT: Gene 9 Brenda Peterson LOCATION: 6017 Ridgewood Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 18, Block 6. The Highlands PID #23- 117 -24 -43 0031 SUBJECT: Front Yard Setback Variance EXISTING ZONING: R -I Single Family Residential PROPOSAL: The applicants are proposing to add a one story extension onto an existing 24' x 26' attached garage within I foot of the front property Iine. Photos were taken which will be distributed during the Planning Commission meeting. 0 COMMENTS: The R -I zoning district requires a 10,000 square foot lot area, a 30 foot front yard setback, 50 foot lakeshore setback, and 10 foot and 6 foot side yard setbacks for lots of record. A variance was granted for this property in 1974, resolution #74 -261, which allowed a lot area of 8,027 square feet ( + / -), a 5 foot front yard setback, 6 foot and 10 foot side yard set- backs, and a 50 foot plus lakeshore setback (line of site provision). The front_ yard and lot area are the only nonconforming aspects for the current zoning regulations. The property slopes from the Ridgewood right -of -way to lakeshore approximately 32 feet in 170 feet (20 percent slope approx.). The shape of the front property is a triangle which makes it difficult to access the lot and setback a structure to the 30 foot setback with a 20 percent grade. Due to the shape of the proposed addition to the structure, it would probably be used for storage of personal belongings. The concrete driveway is presently encroaching onto the neighbors property. There would be a pos- sibility of constructing an accessory building above the flood plain at the lakeshore side with a 4 foot side yard setback for storage of personal belong- ings except vehicles. There are electric power transmission lines along the street front of the property. RECOMMENDATION: Even though the neighbors have constructed an attached garage approximately at the property line with a berm concealing it from the street when the house was built in 1963, 1 would recommend that this variance be denied. The present berm to Ridgewood Road would basically be removed by the expansion of the existing attached garage and it is possible to ado an acces- sory building at the lakeshore side for storage of personal belongings. S S 8 The abutting neighbors have been notified. This case will be referred to the City Council on February 20. 1990. t JAN 3 0 32 0 3(c #RP F 1 ., t A ITY OF MOUND PART 11 Case No.A 904 Date F i 1 ed 1 "30 90 Fee_ �50�00__ _ V ARIANCE A PPLICATION PLANNING b ZONING COMMISSION (Please type or print the following Information.) Address of Subject Property , C>J? R X hG1r 1zop.6 Lot y Block Addition 10i a�� _ P10 No. 2 `;t HJ0 031 Owner's Name e + C P e: � CIL500 Day Phone 1 6 Owner's Address 5C me. G,S Applicant's Name (if other than owner) ­ :5t1 n7e- Rddress__ _ Day Phone_ �x I st i ng Use of Property: ti_ „ � Zoning District_ /J _ Has an application ever beer, made for zoning, var 35 conditlonal use permit, or other zoning procedure for this propert.! yes . If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (Copies of previous resolutions mtj;.. accompany thl; application.) 1 certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. 1 consent to the entry in or Upon the ,premises described in this application by any authorized officia' of the City of Mound for the purpose of Inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may De required by law. s Appl (cant's Signature '_� � � _ Date Ol - W- 0 t o FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Planning Commissicn Recommendation Date 0 ounc i I Act ion: ­­­---- Resolution No. Date S,S7 VARIANCE APPLICATION Case No. —� "qtL'J 0 I. Does the present use of the property conform to all requIatIons for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (>O , No ( ). If no, specify each non- conforming 2. 00 the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it Is located? Yes ( ) , No M. . I f no, specify each non-conforming � � j use ARo 4r)g C­ nr 5 ��c � wAS�4 � Q� C0 „2Sf(LAd d+"0 - ff i Cr AAL0k.S Q — — 3. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow (x ) topography ( ) soil ( ) too srraII ( ) Drainage ( ) sub - surface ( ) too shallow ( ) shape ( ) other: specify 40 &-2e P 9�� .ye &- CAL \.J 4. Was the hardship described above created by the action of an%one having property interests In the land after the zon'^1 ordinancz was adopted? Yes ( ), No (N . If yes, explain 5. Was the hardship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ) , No ( >0 . If yes, explain • SLo O ARiANCE APPLICATION Case No._ `10 -CI 6. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (K). No ( ). If no, how many other properties are similarly affected? 7. What is the "minimum" modification (variance) from the area. bulk, and setback regulations that will permit you to make reasonable use of your land? (Specify. using maps, site plans with dimensions and w�it ten exp lanation. See- r�RARA �,_- Q� on U1,11, ;�c,tt - �c),� o v 8. Will granting of the variance be materially detrimental to property in the same zone, or to the enforcement of this ordinance? 1 �j f}lc G '�Z7 ' - ♦;' ►'� � � r4' S � , � _ U C�'14'� t' S i 1.� E:1� �/ R�i O+J � K C PART [I[ J. SITE PLAN INFORMATION: All supporting documents such as sketch pl attachments, etc., must be submitted in 8 - 1/2 "x11" size. If larger drawings are submitted, one must be8 1 /2 "xll ", and 15 larger size copies must be provided. For each requested zoning variance procedure, a site plan must be attached at a scale large enough for clarity show- ing the following lnfcrmation: v1. Location, area, and dimensions of existing and proposed: (Lot(s), building(s). driveway(s) /street access, off - street parking, and utilities. L.-2. Existing and proposed elevations. .-3. Distance between: building and front, side and rear lot lines; principal building and a7- .essory buildings: principal builaing and principal buildings on adjacent lots. +-d. Location of: signs, easements, underground utilities. etc. .-5. Indicate "north" compass direction. ,,6. Any a d d i t i o n a l information as may reasonably be required by the city staff and applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance. S 4/ qo -tlo4 the pi oposed garage e;:pansioil will be vei y non - invasive and shoisld actually improve the aesthetics and curb appeal of the Highlands neighbovhood for the following reasons. the expans.o on will virtually match the existing neighbors' garage, at o033 Ridgewood, immediately adjacent to the West. The requested setback will be mote than currently exists on the adjacent proper - ty. Also the distance setback from the existing curb and gutter will be greater than on the adjacent property. the construction will not change a►iy of the existing home elevations. the expansion area will be excavated to the elevation of the existing garage. the expansion will be approximately '10% hidden by the topography of the lot. The lot rises from the road with an earth berm, concealing all but the upper poi tioii of the structure. I* the construction will eliminate the existinq parkirrq and storage apron on the north end of the property, making the area more aesthetically pleasing. Neighbors' letters of approval to be presented at planning meeting. thank you, A '-V� v 1 4� hene L. Peterson • 562 Pla t o f C,'u,-vey for John T. Appel of Lot 18, Block. 6, The Hennepin County, Minr D� Certificate of Survey: 1 hereby certify that thi a true and correct represeni of a survey of thn boundarie Lot 16, Bloch 6 The FI gh1Rr thm location of all exibtinj buildings, if any, thereun, the oropoeed locations of t% proposed buildings. It does purport to show other iaprrn or encroachmnnts. Gordon R. ".offin RPE;. o, Land Survoyor and i'lnnner Long bake, Minnesote Scale: 1" = 40' Date : P-12-74 e : Iron marker fount o . Iron marker set • i f Ti pM+^ L h-ru4� SO 74 -261 9 -10-74 • RESOLUTION N0. 74 -261 RF5 OLUTION GRANTING LOT SIZE, BIDE AND REAR YARD VARIANCES (Lot 18, Block 6, The Highlands) WHEREAS, the owner of Lot 18, Block 6, The Highlands ':ias requested lot size, side -yard and rear -yard variances in order to build a garage, and 1H EREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended a lot size variance of 1 sq. ft, a side yard variance of two feet, and a rear yard variance of three feet with the stipulation that the plans be followed as presented, and WHEREAS, it appears to be the beet use of the land, NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MOUND, b;IrTNESOTA: That the following variances be granted provided all other riquiremente are met: 1. A lot size variance of 1,500 square feet - 2. A side yard variance of two feet j. A rear yard variance of three feet. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of September, 1974. U CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota August 21 1974 TO i CHAIRMAN AND PLANNING COIMQ.-SION ?U Bt;.RS FROM: HENRY TRUELiEN BUBJECTs VARIANCE REQUEST - JOHN T. APPa2N Lot 16, Block 6, - he Highlands In reference to a variance for Mr. John T. Appelen for a proposed now dwelling construction# I would like all members to physically view this particular situation. The location of both the house and garage is very critical and unique due to the unusual topography to control drainage and for ingress and egress to and from a public roadway and also for conformity to the aesthetic beauty of the neighborhood. Also be aware that Mr. Appelen had a pre - existing non - conforming structure on this property which he removed at my request. My recommendation is to the effect that Mr. Appelen his builder and myself have spent, considerable time in the adjuatment of the proposed structures • and feel the variance is not an unusual request; , iowever s we are oper. to suggestions because of the unusual topography and today's building costa. I would like to suggest taking with you the information sent to you at the time of viewing Mr. Appelen's proposal. I also will be available for your convenience of an on -site inspection. Re ect 179 Henry K. Truelsen Inspector HKTtms • .T s Ax " fit 4616 CA fo a- or 10 46 dp 1p z �a e � •1 t ��` 66 f r, r � r , ti > > N L ON at • / oi► Ot E •M • ��E) �bg a CSI• ���.� �' �a �LQ•► �' o� s� cbi> 1 >N !' �t ct MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION FEBRUARY S. 1990 • ONR Application 890 -6173 for a d by Roger Beckel Park Director, Jim Fackler, reviewed the dredge application request and presented a copy of a plat map explaining the loca- tion and dimensions of the proposed dredge. Fackler added that the Street Superintendent has reviewed the application and added the following stipulation: The storm sewer outlet must have Class 3 riprap spill way, riprap must be cemented together, also must pass Watershed District specifications. Casey raised a concern pertaining to wetlands, he pointed out that the subject area Is designated as a Wetlands Area #1 on the City of Mound Wetlands Map. and the map does not indicate that our ordinance does not apply to Area #l. He questioned how to interpret the ordinance, does the City have Jurisdiction of this area? MOTION made by Casey that the Park Commission recommends approval of ONR Application #90 -6173 and request the City Attorney give an opinion as to the applicability of Wetlands Area #1 as it relates to the Wetlands Or- dinance. There being no second, motion failed. • Jessen commented that she has always understood that wetlands which abut the lake are treated as lake, therefore controlled by the ONR. Casey commented, that if that is the way the City in- terprets the ordinance, then it should be amended since he feels the wetlands ordinance applies to Area #1 as it is now written. MOTION made by Casey. seconded by Jessen, to approve ONR Application #90 -6173. Motion carried unanlmously. MOTION made by Casey. seconded by Bailey, that the Park Commission requests the City Attorney's opinion if Wet- land Area's I 2, and 3, fall within the City's Wetlands Ordinances and, how does the Mound Wetlands Ordinance and .,tate regulacions governing Wetlands inter - relate, if at all. Motion carried with 6 In favor (Asleson, An- dersen, Casey, Jessen, Bailey, and Schmidt), and I op- posed (Weber). Weber commented that the answer is in the LMCD study. s4 7 • MINUTEB OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION February 12, 1990 to dr odq_et Beton Lake. aodlied V &d Application 9 to install a sand blanket at Phelps aRRIied by = Goldberg, 4953 Island view Drive. Mueller commented on Application #90 -6173 stating that he preferred not to see the island diminished in size as shown on Exhibit C. The commission then discussed Application #90 -6192 and the status of Mr. Goldberg's boathouse which is to be moved off the commons by Spring 1990. The commission suggested that a bond be posted to ensure Mr. Goldberg moves his boat house. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Jensen to recommend both DNR Applications #90 -6173 and #90 -6192 be approved with comments acknovledged. Motion carried unanimously. These applications will be forwarded to the City Council for ap- proval at their meeting on February 20, 1990. • SGS I r STATE OF RECEIVED JA 2 6 1990 D EPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES METRO REGION WATERS -11.00 WARNER RD., ST. PAUL, M.N. 55106 PHONE NO. 296-7523 FILE NO, DNR PROTECTED WA PERMIT AP PLICATION NUMBER REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTS DATE: t/ ) TO: U S C.QE - CE c C<-) FROM: L STRAUSS, AREA HYDROLOGIST METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS WATERS AFFECTED: "1x- vvl , 4 ' ,, (�2� - 13 3) '�'- 4"'— L,%C- PROJECT SPONSOR: R 0, e✓ a eck Q( NATURE OF WORK: Q 1) G 1 o O C , L , 4 ���� L�.,, � � �� 4 � ��--0 � .t-�� L.ti.' • LY' . f' Cl ,i� 1� l JY S •`�'�� J COMMENTS DUE BY: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SL? "C• PERMIT APPLICATION cE PA R T M E N T 00 TO W 04K IN PROTECTED WATERS 011 WETLANDS NATUlAI RESOURCES ► `Please read instructions before attrmntlnn to rmmnlorn rh,c inns —ii. n o; v USE 'AL y OSWCD ❑Cr F1 W D M USCOE I Apogis Name Last Cl MI I Aulimage -(I Alen! t f,,cc ( Telephone Number a a•Fd L IL Address ISueet RFD Box Nu ber State Itp Cocel -- < < I L w S 3 I LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT (BE `�H ,uGE �n 5r,,_,V,;r�, , , vE' T, E ;: T E ) Governm nl Lottsl Duarte( Sectlorns) Section st No Town Iplsi No RangelslNo Lot BloCk Subdivision W / 4, �}� _ 1 -� `I Fire No Box No or Project Address C my c ., ., g..,. �* ' y Cv.a F• 5� ` �.s1 �nFr�. kgLvf, �•�>> ^a„e y x.:h�•� �7 1. TYPE OF WORK PROPOSED (C HECK ONE) IV TYPE OF PROJECT (-HECK O^ +E) excavate L r3 fpc, &r shoreline E shore protection ::1 obstruction oam J fill remove 5;- channel harbor bridge �. Other :1 dram ❑abandon sand blanket permanent dock �., .� culvert (specify) � construct � other (specify) 0 install - rlprap wharf ESTIMATED PRO.IECT COST S 2 111. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AFFECTED (IN FEET) 7 VOLUME OF MATERIAL FILLED OR EXCAVATED (IN CUBIC YARDS) BRIEF EXPLANATION OF PROJECT: (ExrLAIr4 WHAT PROUECT CONSISTS OF AND H OW WORK WILT. BE DONE d t• Q w , I FUQ— /0✓ r1 'If .,, CA no�s+t/ ` 'CC✓+tc� C e .a +�_� PURPOSE OF PROJECT: (E cplam thl this protect Is needed) T 4 c (i i l lic- LL 1 1 . ' 1 •.,, t. e. A�� ;� �cy:c e.... 5 1C 4 .,•.� v ENYIRON�IE AI IMPACT (Anticipated changes to the water and related land resources in ding unavoidable but detrimental ettects) e¢ • • -• l U ii, f ` i •, c e , A , c... I _k t 1, • ).c. L �.. Pt .l l , 1 11 1 6 L ALTER NATIYES (Other alternatives to 'he action proposed) r a, �(, !e 3 0 . 4 I rlereby mart apDl Dwsuant to Mir.nesois statutes Criam�. a. aM ,u ...,....,,...._ ..._ J I VI hh II I I1, IN. 1 - ..,r. - v a ., a ., , •.,. avvve narrin proleCled wi elsl in accordance wit" all supoW maps plans ar.d Dthe• , nlormal'u^ subminea *111' a�y�w,,� COnCernrrp this appl art hyt and CDr 10 the Des' or my knowledge / a 1, A l l I'M and slate *I is maot SATE Uf // [ / r rG�� 5 'D� l u • 0' Ow�t, Qr Au!MJ lea v � � J 01 C"TY or 5gnal,, D' .taste DC/�' SuMr,bed ane sworn Io De'yr mt Inn -- f EGIONON day Ot /17 rsiCt�cJ CiKrtSTINE j UEPIM Y t omm s slor e. p r as NOTARY PaX MINNf M KNWMI COUNTY fur or Notary " Im )0 )901 Sid Dale Da !e 3tlon White DNR Blue SWCD Green Watershed District Goldenrod City or County Pink Army Corps of Engineers Canary Applicant S ?/ JANI 0 i.1`2 0 REGION VI WATERS J t Z eu r n .J I � 1 L �. � 1 l � ♦ .. �l �. � :4 � � � , I' Y V � f L . n T � • I � ^ \.I .. AL ^'•••.� J�p..a �+ F ..1 it - � C L.•. -. 1 nCt.�_ J S ?/ �II �J JAhl p 'Pill vclwq� 41 wa s7:. t S LL j �II �J JAhl p 'Pill vclwq� 41 wa s7:. • S p t A 1 ,,, ( • y C J Y X Z x �> 1> > Xt190 y C • Z+ O t � � a � � '7 z t .c � r 4v) T� �-,, l 'l0 �f A ( a� . �,,� TO .V. �.►Y. +Y N1 ��fii \ KL �t4 �. b� Y... ``� i _ r— j. ��� �'�...re_ / I S73 I T c..,r...�_ via J l - t �a J • cl ♦ ~ l YC ti t.... C L..,..� 1 CL IL ,(t, ! REGION VI 57 V �; ..: w4TER5 r I �•� •� .lea _ ��'��� ./ -aJ� y• •• 0 6 J 4 19 u• 1 f s ~� 4 -J � ` ;� �r S im U • t 109e tis 4• 171 N. 19 • 2�, 21 ', 2 2 7 v W a t 10 k\ J - .: t s • Z ' -� 1 Y1y�, Q _ • �f' X11 lj i� co NOOORIOGE ROAD ,- ........ w cr 2 _ / ��• IA i Go ltl js��� i• • rl� �j 1 7� a .• :.• •• � a .' J` -� t j �7 l , I t . , C i 15 ' 14 P A blA G. \ 1 ���) �° 1� b j v 1 �' i• e A �g �� J�� �• // . �j �, OC J) g �•; '' p 2 � ` : .1Q 1 " -' s . OE .`' .� � I • • •. ----- -sue'`` ' , L r l �.. � :� � �' a te• � ,.• •.. �. _ �' A S 16 v 1 1 `� �,,� / 1 F�oct of Lo11: 81k o .l r �/ C p �i Re•occonQ f alts. A L 1 C R ap / •��' •.'� _ _mil. --�. l i B 2,5 A,tlrr,rlttll t _ � REGION 1!1 � � � _. .. . C7 • • k 7P 7 4� -- r. - a " J r 11� at 4o ^'• I FE O L Cy'• S • -4 ' ,% O .• LI .�ga f \ C/ ��l • r ab.% . O . • I t 572 0 • • e "OAIJA IA NOMI oca o tavr. T 7 "`lsx— J."to w _5r L h1 ,sl,b Ex 'Z.:S:�- C. • 7-3 C t ^ o S. Sr 1 cN•� C L, ,, I � ^ hao 1_ :0 .[.OUR VI v • 1 -0 . .. - M IA N019 o 0 0 1 (�zi- - ', cu s O Oo �.M ~ ► •= 11;'1 � 0 0 1 (�zi- - ', cu s O Oo Cx�:U4 f- �� r �E FEt' 'f � 4 V 1 ✓�.� ti hE t � t. �rav;p`L t ` L t [ C cc 1 A4 .., i : " [ E a • 1 �~ �� ~ ���N tr, • 1 �e r tt. LG •. O � U VI ,,.•;,, SS MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION FEBRUARY 8. 1990 r� ONR A pp licati on 11190 -6192 for a sand blanket by Mark Goldberg Park Director. Jim Fackler, reviewed the request and also reviewed the DNR guidelines for installing a sand blanket. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Salley, to approve ONR Application *90 -6192. hotlon carried unanimously. • • Sgt • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Feb.-J %ry 12, 1990 DNR Application 190 -6173 to dredge at 8eton Lake, applied by Roger Beckel, 4961 Bartlett Blvd. DNR Application 190 -6192 to install a sand blanket at Phelps Bay, applied by Mark Goldberg, 4853 Island View Drive, Mueller commented on Application i90 -6173 stating that he preferred not to see the island diminished in size as shown on Exhihit C. The commission then discussed Application 190 -6192 and the status of Mr. Goldberg's boathouse which is to be moved off the commons by Spring 1990. The commission suggested that a bond be posted to ensure Mr. Goldberg moves his boat house. • MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Jensen to recommend both DNR Applications 190 -6173 and 190 -6192 be `pproved with comments acknowledged. Motion carried unanimously. These applications will be forwarded to the City Council for ap- proval at their meeting on February 20, 1990. • S83 STATE OF GFPARTMFNT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PHONE NO METRO REGION WATERS - 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL. MN 55106FILENO 296 -752' 9 DNR PROTECTED WATERS PERMIT APPLICATION N1'h; ix 'gr - (11 i a REQUESI FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTS DATE: 1 /31 /90 TO: L MC.D- fLrfhE sTroo4nFN A h - .SoN PARrER nCu,'SC) Row ovl�NBf�K A F M - 80.VCE (; jL8E9TSON HENNE�:N SwCD- L'oN'[fUr., VSCC( CtTlf C'r MOV FROM: CE:; ;;TRAUSS, AREA HYDROLOGIST w1TERS AFFECTED: LAKE nS ( '2'2 -133 P) PHELPS BAY 00 1 PROJECT SPONSOR: n AR K K. G OL D S EQ G w - • NATURE OF WORK '�t ACE A SANG 9L ANKET' A L ON(r 4 0 FEET OF SHoienmc EXTEUNN(v. 4o r 4 •.r WATERwARD OF THE ORdINARy H rC&H WATER ELIYATlo11, ANC) S`Y r NCH FS DEEP* AND v31N4r 30 CUAZL YAROr OF S COMMENTS DUE BY: .5 O p A y S s'� y JOGO • < N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLO' /EP Rev I. t5 rcAmi1 ArrLWA11u11 z PA Ir. o f PA R T M t N T Of TO WOMAN PROTECTSO wATE14 OR M1ETIA110= 1�" E AF , — • IMQYMK s/A sAfETTI NATURAL RISOUR0S ❑"M ❑C:C so Do Please read Instructions before anemptfng to complete this application 0w 0 ❑1J9 m %Address ani s Name (Last. First M I I Author zed Agent (of applicable) Telephone Numblrta oe C2 I L IX 30 �eaco 1 trees. RFD B oy Number. City State Zip Code) 1 << Z6 'J ATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT (BE SuPE iNCLuDE '- ►t SHOwiN6 TOGET TO THE SITE) Government Lot(s) Quarter Sectiorw Secaonisi No Townst•,Ipisi No Range(s)No Lot. Block. Subdivision /N 26 1 //7 I LS T y Pc - c c l y 0 r Fire No Box No or Project Address County 9 use t' rreuanc Y Watt - game t •k,To•• F nNf �/V f .now I/4A III. TYPE OF WORK PROPOSED (CHECK ONE) TV. TYPE OF PROJECT (CHECK ONE) C excavate p repaor sh of el:ne C shore - protection ❑ obstruction 0 dam 31111 C remove C channel 3 harbor 3 bridge O other 0 drain C abandon JL sand blanket C permarent dock O culvert (swity) O Construct O other Ispeclty) 0 install Z r'prap C wharf V. Ef WTE9 PROJECT W $7 h. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AFFECTED (IN FEET) y0 V1. VOLUME OF MATERIAL FILLED OR EXCAVATED (IN CUBIC YARDS) -3 0 M. BRIEF EXPLANATION OF PROJECT: (EXPLAIN WHAT PROJECT CONSISTS OF AND HOW WORK WILL BE DONE AA- 9(.,NINK16 T piv c X `c:s Fy ncN. � y'2 r � 6 //y R y T,QucK 0L,FFA lCc . If. PURPOSE OF PROJECT: (Explain . !ty Clls project Is needed) Fob /:i���Airc�.ic►t. c rS�, SLl, rt �S Sciti�S�TA c 4- L_ /_4.. (At 0. � Il y 1 E)MMNNIENTAL IMPACT (Anticipated changes to the water and related land resources. Including unavoidable but detrimental effects) D. I ALTERNATKI (Other alternatives to the action proposed) in. I hreov make aptfiicat.on owsuant Io Men nesofa St atut es Ch apte , 105 a2 and all supprrtuq rules lee a 1114FmA to work M Or Matt flee above nalhad pr*WW wal rn accor(arlce wt? all s.,pWing maps Plans and otter niolmallon suDrmifed with this lWiCatgn The rrllortratrorl suAnu 6d and Mail 01ea Title concerning this applrcai-on are true and correct to the Hest of m knowle* S,gnjf of Ownr Or Au" sled ()ate /V� / 1 /N � 1 v 'a !,/ Statf OF COUNTY Or ,e/ j ,v . F P Signature of luS o SLAwsbed and sworn to Wort me fts _ — da or _ ' ' 'q Distribution White ONR '-'-'-�- - - Blw: SWCD w rdmmnssan exprlia 1 c G(Nn Watershed DISVICII Goidervod City Or County signat a ary Pick: Army Corps of Engineers Canary Applicant ,S cIr tIti X11$0 °A f& "INA& 0/1<oukc111{ LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT COMMENTS rM1 fro so camper" oy a ppricanr► we of +cant M A k r Gof.oarALG VIwa MAS PRUMUT LMATMN X S 1 /-17 Olen will affect: (Mme of lake, wedan , or watercourse) -. A t 1W v - 104 K A I hereby submit this application for permit to. Signalure1) Apps ant ,. Date (mark proper box) Ids/ ❑appropriate water ® work in prOtK*d waters I X ./2 i /fo i ) The following local unit of government comments and /or recommendations are submitted for consideraMoft by five Department of Natural Resourm In Me dlapoe Mort of the referenced permit applleaMOn. (%W- T of M&MITTED M THE DNA WITHIN 30 DAYS Wrier AWoprledon Permit Applk:OW4 an N W Pail I T AppMeadom are to be sent to to OW Rpsortal Office. SEE AEVEASE SIDE f M COMEDY MAIL ADOAESSE� • Was the proposed project field sispected by this local unit of government? ❑NO ❑YES (if Yes. give viewer's nam) I I I I Authoeized Signature Title Date Telephone No (Area Codtl Name of responding Sall and WSW Conservation District. Watershed District, City or County Address (of tit above named local unit of government) 519(a (DNA — Division of Water addressee on back) CITY COUNCIL PACKET 2/20/90 #2 (0% • 1! 0 0. • .r 1 .� ISLAND VIEW DR. r8 -- a000 - _oo ,,•IT 14 �� 70 •I �I 0 �I UN UE,2 DEMO L I s7c�r � - S7UCW HOU S! I I 1 a L EASEM i.N T Q •'� I 0 P_ .at D oc , 778237 - m M M AA ^^ M r '• r. I 0 H 1 0 I OEVOKJ_ _ ' COMmo RIP RAP I LAKE ,MINNETONKQ 40' x BE 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENTS I .•, .. -) • - - 'D We hereby certify that this Is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: Lot 4, Block 14, DEVON, Hennepin County. And of the location of all buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. As surveyed by me or under my direct supervision this 12th day of May 1 � MCCopibs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. ' By: �2� PAUL A. JO Land Surveyor, Minn. LIc. No. 10938 McCombs Frank FioceAsaocistee ,Inc. "I z-10' CERTIFICATE OF SURVE 7 • for ,S05022rdAve N Enpinsern 3> 79 5 Plymouth, 5544I DynnM MARK GOLDBERG e,ar47e•e o,o surv•yon 5315 • q SS.3 ISLnN vicw bK J, \JUND M SSJ&y WHEL 9A✓ Notch S lAoLE E Al S w r,.., r,, •.o..1f C. E T t - Aw/V C RAP 3 Fr I AVE FLAC t wAttQ LEvQL 1 L x Poti[ K F •�►� v F U O F 1 VJ aT E P, Cu RtiC��YI Y HENNEPIN CO. MINN., •' � cScd�C /� � /SO= r �• • r , � — 'mod —� / - - - - - - - � � ' • - �•_.,. � ° '..•.•.,.,...... , .r +.. Rood - : i ''�•— f - o Q. I � + + M ,• Nono✓er• n . - .: �.i- - � mac: r � - . - :s .= 1 r - r - « — '? - :: r - r« r. � ��j' « s ... .. •` .. « 7. 1 f , `� ;. � � p. r•, :• Iii l '•,. �.. , . •• • is � ;• 'r ` •' ifdJ Or u � f /IC Iw I ; ^j r s � i : �• ;• I � 4 pn _; �.:. �,x• :1 gar Dev _ L co Le Ire J • r � J 0 0 ✓. E Eyrsn, c'- r `�. . , r • ` RRR /// JJ // cO I 0/r x i n ne tonka. X « «.... • // ...... L rA-. ......c, rrr T . •y 1. (Il /�►a.r Lr .... /•/ �. i..w:•• M.r,•...I fj.f T.• �/ :.. ir.'a /s. /"d;f'^ psr/ .y�•�•i !•vf •:w Tr.•7�J +�Nf/ /i.A.rf li�Ir>A •�.. j.f J'r.�i // /A.w••.K►fJ y irL I• ✓/ /i. yw.Ia im. .rwr Y• !. rr..•• art r✓iffVi w 'Aare"* .. ...s rw.w.... w •w. t�ww•a �./ . /� • Howard R. Tripp Regional Director American Scholarship Foundation Box 1 -16 Hanover, MN S531 RFr` FEB 1 '�� February 9, 19911 11r. Edward Sheckel Cite of Mound 5311 Maywoo] Road `-found, MN 55364 Pear 'qtr. Sheckel , I respectfully request a renewal use permit to hold the weigh-in for our bass fishing tournament at Mound Bay Park on .Tune 10. 1990, beginning at approx. 3:00pm. We would like to begin setting up our weigh -in equipment at 12:00 noon and should he completed with the weigh -in and tear down by 6:00pm. We will make ever effort to make sure that the heath and park area are clean and litter -free when we leave the area. You can also he assured that we will do our hest to accommodate other users of the park and we will always keep safety as our number one consideration. I have :applied for the needed permits from the TAR, LMCI1, Sheriff's Water Patrol and Hennepin County Parl:s, and these should he forthcoming. Please find enclosed a copy of our tournament rules for your further information. Please feel free to contact me at .1'.aS -8(r9S or my wife .Julie at 420 -6100 if we can provide you with any additional inf- rmation concerning, this permit. Sincerely, IInwa rd R . Tripp Nc iornaI Itiirector �.ICrlC"III Follrl�ljt iron 1 ncl') -;>>re A', <t :it(d ,571/ RULES AND REGMTIONS: Rules and Regulations are included bmiN with 8l1Io Robtions. You will to expected to be familiar with all items BEFORE entering. NOTE: Rule additions and ndaials haw been made. 1. SAFETY: Safe but" conduct must be observed at ill limes by all luamamenl Wipe MXS. Each competitor is requited 10 wear a Coast Guard a,rproveo chest type We preserver The preserver must be silapped snapped of nppered se;mely UM MamtaNMd in that Condition unit trio Combustion engine Is shut off This ge3ervef must be wOm any time the Combustion engine is operating Violation of Ihfs rule shall be reason lot OhSqua nt"lion 2. SPORTSMANSW. Competitors in our tournaments are expected to follow n,yh standards of sWsminshmp courtesy Safety aid LUnstivahon Any inhactgn of these fundalMntal Sporting principles may be deemed Gus, lot disquall"hun Drunhlness by a competitot during the lournimenf or tournament functions wdi no! be WWated and shall Of Cause for JUfOmabc o15(tWidlCal.on lot this and at. future Idurnamenis Maximum Courtesy must be practiced at all times especially wllh regard to Dutalq and angling in the vilify of non competitors who may be on tournament waters Any act of a competitor which reflects unfavorably upon the Foundations toot to promote fisheries conse(valuan clean waters . and courtesy may also be reason lot discluahhGbun No alcoholic beverages or other 5hmuanls or depressants ploscrmplion or otherwise shall be allowed m the boats of at the weigh-in 7. TACKLE AND EOUNMAENT Only arld,c41 lures may be used No live bail or 'Plepaled bad will Of permitted with In# excephun Of pork strips ands etc Only ONE eaSlirtg Of $Pinning lud (8 loo! maximum length fi0m outt of handle t0 moo lip) And meet III be used at any One Line All other types prohibited Other rigs as specified above may be in brat ready for use nuwever only ONE is perrntted of use at any given firm All bass must be caught live and ,ri a conventional sporting manner A. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS Your boat and motor must conlonn to B 1 A Horsepower Ratings Simply your engines horsepower is not to ex teed the hOrsepOwor limitations iet by the U S Coast Guard horsepower fall to plate attached to the but by the manufacturer The horsepower of file outboard engine must NOT exceed the rating specified on this rating plate Any boil maoufacluned prior W November T 1912 must adhere to the ratings set by Ire U S Coast Guard lot similar boats. Each competitor agrees to submit . by h,5 signature on this dMU( Mnl, the 001 and outboard motor used in l: - ,e tournament loan inspection by fac" Ironed personnel of there is any reason to suspect the horsepower is in excess of the rating Normal maintenance to increase the performance of your engine is al'awed Changing of altering standard factory parts of your motor to InCr4sm do horsepower over Ine factory horsepower rating is forbidden and will nesuR N d'sgWlrlrcation from 'his tournament S COAT AND MOTOR: ALL BOATS FAUST BE EQUIPPED WITH EITHER A SEAT PRESSURED OR LANYARD TYPE IGNITION KILL SWITCH Fishing boats may be used that are 14 feet or more in length A small motor gas or electric . may be use] for slow naneavenng Lolling as a method of fishing is prohibited No 'barges or Similar CurnfMf$ a Craft will DC permitted It having been deletmrned that boats equipped with 'STICK STEERING' PRESENT GREATER THAN NORMAL SAFETY HAZARDS. NO BOAT SO EQUIPPED SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE USED DURING TOURNAMENT HOURS BY ANY COMPETITOR Tit! defmdhon of 'Stick steering' shaft be made by the Tournament Committee The competitor may use his own Dual MW motile of d is allowed under these rules or rent a boat and motor M the lour amen) Soft such possible renal being the sole respOnsibdmty of the compytdon a .&ASH: BOAT EGUIPMENT: Every boat must have all required Coast Guar) safety equipment In addition. it must have a functional bilge pump and LIVE-WELL SPACE. PROPERLY AERATED TO ADEOUATELY MAINTAIN ALIVE A LIMIT CATCH OF BASS BY BOTH FISHERMEN USING THE BOAT Tournament officals shill have the Will responsderly for determining whether aeration and capacity is "proper and ad""@' 7. PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS: Fishing on the tournament waters is pe frlkAled arlywnere excepl within 50 yards of any nanri gas pump Or within 50 yard$ Of 611011Mr COII PUIO('S boat which was first anchored A boil IS Considered alOWOd oNy A A le tied 10 an obsect of has an anchor line over IIS Sde with trolling MOIW Out Of water. NO 31rCIl enthoed boil Shat permit Selected competitors to fish wdhm art 50 yard circle Clalmod by him to the exclusion of any other Competitor. All ang" mutt to done Iron the Doll. Competitors wishing to fish habitat by pLic" any OWJ n the tournament waters may d0 so if such action does not AOW SUN or lederal regoleldns Contestants must not depart boil to land fish OW muff rerllen in tournament waters during tournament day Contestants must Nave art return W Official Checkpoint by but Both Competitors must remain in COMaCI with boat at all Mmes except in or ., 01 Core ethef2ency In Such in errlerOMY. A C'O WAW mays be removed .tom his boat to A Dot operated by other cumpeldors Ol a rescue Dual so d be tournament u:hL ,JIS II a competitor must v any of the above conOd,OaS due to an emergency on ally olhel reason his Catch Of that day shall not be counted u1 the IoulnifnMl unies5 Ihe Ioufamtm Official can clearly determine that Said competitors Opelaleo wdh n the staled tmengency guidelines LJdenng of boats oulwo tountaniarl huu•s Is prohibited except by tOUra(Tltnl OfilLIAIS /. OFFICIAL CHECK POINT: There shun be only one unival point lot cheicl our n, the morning and check in in the allemoctt and Ns V0u11 shall be designalet Al 1I+e tournament bntlnng At the lime ill check out all compefiti)ns and their boll, snail be ,n lull conformance with all rules set Loren by Iuurnamenl colrntttee at (t12ii ,n all boats shall identity themselves by contacting the LheCk In boil and proceed hmmedhalety Io the designated weigh in area 9 SCORING'. 'PSAKILAtm011 POifIIS' at a late Of 5 points per evert will be awl led lu each original team No points in any cafegdty may be shamed or split ender any circumVionceS Tournament standings auxiliary awards and foal winners seen be determined by the pound and POUlrJ "Actions Of each conmpelllor S Catch during file day 01 the tournament Only Largemouth Spelled ur Sn bass wIII fir weighed The limit shall be 10 per learn At no lime she: a cornpetdur have nedu, ed 1 0 possession In his of her live well mole that, file 1,110, described Abu. ' Tournament officials will conduct checks for vioal,un uI Ih,s pl9vlsitn end ,n the Weill a Competitor has more (hail the above 4escr hinds m pia Sse•ssl SliAll cull the largest bass first down to the held described 141 oil,! 4i length 4u Uav l snail lit 12 inches unless the state honor is over 17 Inches ill wh icl I - ase Inn slalr bind will Coeval Only BASS as desn ibu.e Mtchi it resuir 11 flLhifs of + •r ,n lenglh on the longest slrarght line *.Ill mouth Llosed silo be wr gned ,n HJ41 presented lot weigh in which fail In TIPJsu 1 2 itches shall a.cvue penan,es al t,I'e , rate of one pound lot each Such oa`,s Also any bus trial falls outside ill I i guidelines of J given body of water s slot hm,t *, l ie bete lure pound Ion eacfi bass JLl o:dmyty this penally snail be deduUed " u , !',e score of the Competitor Any bass trial appears W ha.e beer 'ae . mauled of otherwise altered will be weighed and Ifedne,l unit' it It des. , • 1 e _A !ournamntnt officials Bass thus? nol be sirnige,t0 At any l i e d " :'y I! r tournament II has been determined vial strnhge ilrcreasrs rile r bass survival and bass thus handled nay be msounbhrd Spe(,eu, des e'er I: Ali which itch ease the sWVwal male will be !urnlShed by Inn fuurr:amenl Co(lIFT", e' 7 these bags must !)e used tot weigh ni Place of I,o,sh ,,tI „w% ore ,, tell ! place 10. DON'T KILL YOUR CATCH fich I npeldor is e to keep nIn oar's a i e by use of a pfopto aerated live well the few bass wtl„h du :,ill s „r.�., w i r used for scientific study ono (dlanty 11. PENALTY POINTS. for each legal bass weighed i, dead Tie u r I el 1 .. !,a I , peahted three tenths of a pound on then total weigh) This w d : I apps ;o I , g Bass' weights and awards A l:dmpel 101 may also take a ! unker a t file .1 ',I le, , of the tournamenl olhcul tom a Inil•h; wdl be pr'Iarh;eJ The rJUr nJ n,r dmeclor and his designated appo Shan have sole aurr+u•g,, lw a;srss'�,y penalties 12 LATE PENALTY'. Compttltors who are not in tae unival check -pond area aS described previously at the appointed lane shall b ptal at the tale of 1 pound per mthule 10 be deducted front the total weight 01 his inch that day including J: weight 10 be Counted toward a 'lunker award ' . for each one I I t minute he IS 'a!e Any comptldnr more than 15 minutes late shall lose all credit 10r ITai day s UKh T here Shall be no excuse lot tardiness and in no case salt a (.collpehlor be allowed 10 make up lost lime After proper recognition at the check ;. ,,rd competo w 11 be allowed ample to proceed to the weigh to sole huv., .e all hst,I mull Cease upon Check-m After tournamment begins li0ing is pruh,bded except d„nng tournament tours Any tam not checked out p open/ by hie crieck cut hWt shall be d'SOuahtied from parllClpalkon 17. TIES: In case of a tie lot first pace . there will be a sudden death I,sli off between the tied Contestants, under the direction and special rue$ as may be t3a011Shed by the tournament officals Ties for tosser positions Shall be rts0lved by means selected by tournament officals fA. RULINGS: The tournament director and his designated appointees Stull reserve All rights for rule Interpretation and rulings thereof funhermo(e the louiamenl committee reserves the right t0 change the dale of Or file Sole 01 any glyen Scholarship tournament Protests must be Submitted on writing within 15 minutes of final WI to wilin 15 . PAIRINGS: This is a'fish with your buddy' tournament N. PARTICIPANTS: Participants must be a member of our Schuaghlp lounimr tit Program Women are welCO 12 pamKipansl Participants must be al least 16 years of age 17 ENTRY Please note u:rl , nvddllui , a s ,o re .+ r•n:. ;. .:Itabur's kSr » Unly honor those entire” trial air "s! Ir'r .eta ,I !r a - +d I,,,1 •,i 1 V f. .. rnusl be a member Ill gu0d star d l o g w t A t.e••ia [ a'.! e' r P(Ugram to (1441 All unto , ;j e' 1 ., A l i , A, a:y nmrn belship al one same Ln,e rkw I11alr r. u !ea u'' inr• C "' t .. I and lu musv be rear�,ed L e ,:JirC �ea' SpeGHC tou . o I to , :IC i ude!1 1 tr 'e�:1,. pre •Pia sl'a'. •, r , ew lake u!I pc;'bur, Ili 't Ar,e:. r... I •, a'. e . apistrahcri into earn g,.r i:aa:•. slJird per -hey r.tra:,ur� d «ad ,• ',te dradime f nines Irl t - re^ a. :• +r Ar.r ., a' .. - ... ., , - Ieylsl'enon dPJ dhnC »i! '.E a el'IC! e: ,e. r IAIr mCg sli Ai , , , I , S w f r dS• .rr . ieg stqut:)re e w.,. . , I r n .e • :axe Vote registered conlrfa ",I: 'r.rlr ». •e a 52000 ` !ICUSes to leyrslel lair' nay be refunded an.!nrrr I,rt.:.rP • , , . ^d "'e J'. :air r.(• n ,. wJl !tarsler our ere:. 1, e• - r notice rs gl.e: , r'e w , S5 00 .. - .. n surcta'It 'a' d yet,. • it, .•r A' , e &,;tied 01 bolh cl it'll 18 RfGISTRA110N tort I . .. l,resef� to hey,• -I" se- �' r•, is , pus ,:e t e .11 fev "IPred b, a rme rl Vi 31 1" .. _ a! the I,me J1.0 ;,,a, a I "" ,. r.r::.. ,r s.',.. EXCEPTIONS I 1 sc„SSfd owhr '�d Ul ;i, p CrIn1S .• _ .. 19 PRE TOURNAMENI PRACT1Cf .I•euai tr t _ eS _ ... da, Wn,le VI I:,P :nxr J ... - ayency employee v ter , ;a 1rr . 1. Icul•1Am(nl . 20 SUBSTITUTION ; a'r • . � •,r I, , ' I•e eiq'v l '. ; an 'r a : cr: ' ;Ine rnPnl prUgm cal ^ Su L air '. dwe��: - SuOsidule *oil 'H.e'vP 5111ule is nul , doer.!,! as a new aria Separate !ee'+I a - " s. to e. e LilultWACll:7x YL'am!iL. 21 POSUSEASON COMPFTITION SEASON events a:e rwr,i. • , m Iuurnamenl (on r n: e•i, tram A V.r ... . post season event n'us! d': ' a.P same respective Division ,n "'.1" !c d''to :,. al,! •, r, I.r• At will not be invited to past season a;,c .I '. ., ,, ._ 'heel '• .. roqunemnenl 22 REGIONAL AND CLASSIC RULES u H� «. a•,d i:r. admmhSltred_at the - Ameruan 1,-a.• key , ass r. !tie • A " :r » 'rr r Championship Fisn Ca5Si1 Al; rules n III EACH COMPETITOR AGREES TO u:illl Or HIS OR HER SIGNATURE ON THIS DOCUMENT FO A TRUTH VERIFICATION TEST SHOULD HE OR SHE BE ACCUSED OF ANY RULE VIOLATION THE FIRST PLACE TEAM BIG BASS, ANO A TEAM WHICH WrLL BE RANOOMLT DRAWN FROM THE TOP TEM FINISHERS, WILL BE AUTOMATICAII r GIVEN rrr/S TEST FOLLOWING THE WEIGH IN �I ti • McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. Twin Cities St Cc C 15050 23rc Ave N Telephone Plymouth MN 612 476 -6010 55447 Facs"nde 612 476 -8532 February 15, 1990 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager City of Mound 7341 Maywood Road !round, Minnesota 5536 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota 1990 Maintenance Dredging City Property MFRA #7090 Dear Ed: Eng nee Planners Surveyors Enclosed is Minnetonka P ortable Dredging, inc. 's Payment Request No. 1, for- work completed through Februa: 17, V'OF', for the subject project. The amount of this payment request is S 2 7 . -' •00. We have reviewed this request, find that it is in crder, and recommend payment to the Con: tractor in the 3 oust of 52;,225.00. Us. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Very truly yu".: s. Fi.. ' *K RUUS ASSOCIATFS, ItiC. J(;hn Cameron • JC: jmj En s_• , 0.s;"; 5 SQ3 "1 PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 1 CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA 1990 Maintenace Dredging City Property MFRA #7090 rn�jTRarrm ENGINEER Minnetonka Portahle Dredging McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. `)00 west Lake Street 15050 23rd Avenue North excelsior, Minnesota 55331 Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 CONTRACT UNIT QUANTITY ITEM QUANTITY PRICE USED TOTAL 1 . Area A L.S. L.S. 100% $ 23,100.00 2. Area B L.S. L.S. 100% 7,150.00 3. Area C L.S. L.S. 0% 0.00 Original Contract $ 34 Work Completed Through 2 -IS 30,250.00 Less Retainage (10%) 3,025.00 Amount of Payment Request $ '27,725.uu I hereby certify that this estimate is true and correct. Approved and recommended for payment in the amount of $ 27 MINNETONKA PORTAALE DREDGING CO. By: Date: McCOMBS FRANK ASSOCIATES, INC. By: � �— �I -007 .tL-- J' Date: CITY MOUND, MI SOTA Date / • For February 20, 1990 February 15, 1990 LICENSE RENEWAL -- Expire 2- 28 -90. New License Per * 3 -1 -90 to 2- 28 -91. Approval contingent upon all required forms, insurance etc. being turned in. Garbage Disposal Blackowiak b Son Randy's Sanitation Westonka Sanitation Woodlake Sanitary C igarette Al b Alma's Supper Club Ben Franklin Bob's Bait Shop Brickley's Market Mack's Jock Club Meyer's Peoples Plus Service Station Mound Municipal Liquor (Joe's Vending) PDQ Food Store 110292 SuperAmerica 14194 Thrifty Snyder Drug 11704 VFW 115113 (Joe's Vending) Westonka Foods GAMBLING 1_ICENSF -- Resubmitting; - New License Peri()d: 4 -01 -90 to 3 -31 -91 Clasti A M' Raffles, Pad(Ilewheels, Tipboards, Pull -Tabs) American Legion Post x 2133 Wilshire Blvd. ?hound, "iinn. 5516'# • Sir / } �J � ,. ' y � �\ <' � ,1 ' BILLS - - - - - -- FEBRUARY 20, 1990 • BATCH 0021 BATCH 0022 47,490.30 133,596.36 TOTAL BILLS 181,086.66 • PAGE I PURCHASE JOURNAL MT! 1114/98 AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MM TIME 0.0.15 VENIXR INVOICE OtE HOLD PRE -PAID OEM NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT WW WINIT OEM 0 DATE 80571 PRE -PAID 249.99 TV i VCR 73- 7300-5000 0 249.99 TV i VCR 78- 7800 -y090 59.99 CALCULATOR 73- 7300 -2100 2/14/90 2/14/90 559.97 JK -CD 1010 559.97 30220 2/02/90 BEST BUT COMPANY YETOI]Ft TOTAL 559.97 80577 PREPAID 4,577.65 JUN RECYCLE SERV 01 -4270 -4200 2/14190 2/14/90 4,577.65 JMNL -CD 1010 4577.65 30252 2/13/90 WI RECYCLING SYSTEMS OF A YOM TOTAL 4577.65 00888 PRE -PAID 3,454.00 CR UNION 2/3 PR 01-2040 -0000 2/14/90 2/14, 3,454.00 J81-0 1010 3454.00 30230 2/00/90 CITY COUNTY CREDIT UNION YEW TOTAL 3454.00 00910 PREPAID 62.% REPLEN P/C-- RESERVES 01-2300 -0220 2/14/90 2/14/90 62.96 ,AIL-CD 1010 62.% 30720 2/09/90 PREPAID 25.77 REPLEN P/C--POLICE 01- 4140-2200 2114/90 2114/90 25.77 JML-CD 1010 25.77 30229 2/09/90 CITY CF MONK) VENDOR TOTAL 88.73 CI001 PRE -PAID 2,376.49 SIT 1/3 PR 01- 2040-0000 2/14M 2/14/90 2,376.49 J NL-CD 1010 2376.49 30231 2/08/90 COMMISSIONER OF W43 ME VENDOR TOTAL 2376.49 01235 PRE -PAID 1,301.40 FEB DENTAL 01-2040 -0000 16.20 FEB DENTAL- RETIREES 01-4190-1510 41.60 FEB DWAL- RETIREES 01-42OD-1510 41.60 FEB DENTAL- RETIREES 01- 4140 -1510 57.80 FEB DENTAL-RETIREES 71- 7170 -1510 2/14/90 2/14/90 1,458.60 J ML-CD 1010 1458.60 30M 2/06/90 DELTA DENTAL VIM TOTAL 1458.60 E1429 PRE -PAID 1,584.54 L!Q 71-7100-9510 121.00 NINE 71-7100-9520 33.17- DISC 71-710D-9560 2/14/90 2/14/90 1,672.37 JNMI -CD 1010 1672.37 30224 2/07/90 PREPAID 751.63 LTG 71-7100 -9510 15.03- DISC 71 7100- 2/14'90 2/14/90 736.60 JO L -Cxl 1010 736.60 302% 2/14/90 ED PHILLIPS 6 SONS VENDOR TOTAL 2408.97 G1955 PRE -PAID 1,328.00 DEF COP 2/3 PR 01- 2040-OOM 2/14/90 2!14/90 1,328.00 Jill -CD 1010 1328.00 30235 2/08190 GREAT WEST LIPS ASSlF*G VENDOR TOTAL 1328.00 GIQ'1 PRE -PAID 21.80 GRP HLTH 2/3 PR O1- 2040 -0000 i 2 0 - 3 a 7 5U S17 PAGE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/14/90 AP- CO2 -01 CI IT OF NUM TIME 8.46.15 YE?OIYt . INVOICE DUE W PREPAID CIM NO. INVOICE Me DATE DATE STATUS MM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT MW AMM CHECK 4 DATE 2/14/90 2/14190 21.80 JtK -CD 1010 21.80 30241 2/08/90 OROUP HEALTH PLAN VENDIDR TOTAL 21.80 G1972 PREPAID 119.64 MINE 71- 7100 -9520 4.64- D19C 71 -7100 -9560 4.41 FRT 71- 7100-9600 2/14/90 .2/14/90 219.41 JRK -CD 1010 219.41 30222 2/07190 PRE-PATD 584.48 LIQ 71-7100 -9510 143.52 MINE 11-7100-9520 14.56- DISC 71- 7100-9560 4.73 FRT 71-7100-9600 2/14/90 2/14/90 718.17 JK-M 1010 718.17 30247 2/13/90 GRIOGS COOPER i COMPANY VO4D011 TOTAL 937.58 H2145 PREPAID 288.46 OED 2/3 PR 0:- 2040-0000 1/14190 2/14190 188.46 5NL -CD 1010 288.46 30237 2/06/90 FEIN CO STPPOFIT i M.LECT+ VFI4DOR TOTAL 288.46 I23DI PRE -PAID 512.90 ICMA 457 - -2/3 PR 01-2040 -0000 2/14/90 2/14/90 512.90 J K-CD 1010 512.90 30234 2/08/90 ICMA RETIREFET4T TRUST -457 VE1M TOTAL 512.90 12304 PRE -PAID 2/14/90 2/14/90 91.98 91.98 ICMA 401 - -2/3 PR JNL-CD 01- 2040-0000 1010 91.96 30233 2/08/90 ICMA RETIRE M TRUST -401 YOM TOTAL 91.98 12390 PRE -PAID 170.00 FDIC CONF-PEDERSON 22- 4170 -4110 2/14/90 2/14,190 170.00 J NL-CD 1010 170.00 30250 2/13/90 ISFSI -FDIC REGISTRAR VENDOR TOTAL 170.00 J25M PREPAID 691.90 DEC PIA 1NSP 01- 2040 -0000 2/14/90 2114/90 691.90 JiK -CD 1010 691.90 30246 2/13/90 JOHN BE I TNB VENDOR TOTAL 691.90 J2571 PRE -PAID 266.50 41 CONTRACT MOMS 01 -4340 -3100 2/14/90 2/14/90 166.50 JiK-CD 1010 266.50 30226 2/07/90 JOHN TAFFE VENM TOTAL 266.50 JM79 PRE -PAID 1,446.58 LIQ 71- 7100 -9510 356.95 MINE 71 -7100 -9520 32.51- DISC 71-7100-9560 2/14/90 2/14/90 1,771.02 At -CD 1010 1171.02 30223 2/07/90 PRE -PAID 1,397.74 LIQ 71- 7100-9510 1,096.06 MINE 71-7100 -9520 39.08- DISC 71-7100-9560 2/14 r40 ;/ 2,454.72 JRNL - CD 1010 1454.72 30248 2/13/90 S17 PAC 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP-0O2 -01 1.48.15 CITY OF ROUND VENDOR INVOICE OLE HMO ACCOUNT NUMBER NQXT CHECK 0 DATE NO. INVOICE NIMIRi DATE DA*E STATUS NOW DESCRIPTION PRE -PAID 44.25 WINE .44- DISC 2/14/90 2/14/90 43.81 J K-CD JOINOH BROS WHOL LI• VENDOR TOTAL 4269.55 J2600 PREPAID 14.83 REIMB NELSON -MINI BLIND 2/14/90 2/14/90 14.83 JRNL-CD JOYCE NELSON VENDOR TOTAL 14.83 L2770 PRE -PAID 20.00 SY THE LAKE BANRIIET- .ENSD1 20.00 SV THE LAME WaU -.EN N 2/14/90 2/14/90 40.00 JRNL-CD LAME CONSERVATION 010 YEI�R TOTAL 40.00 1281 PREPAID 44.00 UNION 2/3 PR 2/14/90 2114/90 44.00 AL-0 LAIN E FORLE ENT LABOR SER; YOM TOTAL 44.00 N3051 PRE -PAID 10,584.26 FIT 2/3 PR 2/14190 2/14/90 10,584.26 AL-CD N1fN ETTE 1ANC - ROUND YOM TOTAL 10584.26 N3090 PRE -PAID 97.84 RED C 2/3 PR 2/14/90 2/14/90 97.84 aL-CD MED MM HEALTH PLAN YOM TOTAL 97.84 NMI PREPAID 286.00 Off COIF 2/3 PR 2/14/90 2/14, 288.00 AL-CD MN RETIREMENT SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL 286.00 N3435 PREPAID 621.65 UNION 1/3 PR 2/14/90 2114/90 621.65 JRNL-CD MN TEANSTERS LOCAL 320 VENDOR TOTAL 621.65 P3950 PREPAID 6,422.26 PERA 213 PR 2/14/90 2/14/90 6,422.28 JRNL-CD P E R A VENDOR TOTAL 6422.28 P4030 PRE -PAID 516.58 PHP 21 PR 2/14/90 2/14/90 516.58 JRRL-CD PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 516.58 04171 PREPAID 1,756.84 LID 168.35 WINE 37.05- 019C sit DATE 2/14/90 TIME 1.48.15 PRE -PAID ow ACCOUNT NUMBER NQXT CHECK 0 DATE 71- 7100-9560 71- 7100-9520 71-7100-9560 1010 43.81 30295 2/14/90 73- 7300 -2100 1010 14.83 3D251 2/13/90 01-1190-0000 01-4020 -4120 1010 40.,E 30221 2/02/90 01-2040-0000 1010 44.00 30244 2/08/90 01- 2040-0000 1010 10584.26 30230 2/01/90 ° 01-2040-0000 1010 97.84 30242 2 v 01- 2040-M 1010 288.00 30236 2/000 01- 2040-0000 1010 621.65 30243 2/06/90 It 01-2040-0000 1010 6422.28 30232 2/08/90 01- 2040-0000 1010 516.56 30240 2/06/90 71- 7100 -9510 71-7100-9520 71- 7100-9560 r C)bl / • sil PAGE 4 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/14/90 W -01 CITY OF ROUND ME 8.48.15 VENDOR INVOICE ME HOLD PRE -PAID DECK NO. INVOICE NRBR DATE DATE STATUS MW DESCRIPTI0N ACCOUNT MUM AIQ/Q OW 0 DATE 16.95 NIX 71-1100-9540 2/14/90 2/14/90 1,907.09 JRII-CD 1010 1907.09 30225 2/07/90 PRE -PAID 2,467.38 LID 71-7100-9510 334.10 MINE 71- 7100-9520 52.71- DISC 71- 7100-9560 2/14/90 2/14/90 2,748.77 AL-CO 1010 2748.77 30249 2/13/90 DUALITY MINE i SPIRITS VENDOR TOTAL 4695.86 54511 PRE -PAID 508.92 CR UNION 2/3 PR 01- 2040-0000 2/14/90 2/14/90 508.92 ,All -ID 1010 508.92 30239 2/08190 STATE CAPITOL CREDIT UNION YOM TOTAL 508.92 115110 PRE -PAID 100.00 REGISTR -WMA CONE -CLAW( 01-4040-4110 2/14/90 2/14/90 100.00 JR1L-CD 1010 100.00 30233 2/13/90 UNIVERSITY OF MM VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 115520 PRE -PAID 50.00 TAX DEBATE RTG 01- 4040-4120 25.00 TAX DEBATE 96 O1- 4140-4120 2/14/90 2/14/90 75.00 J K-CD 1010 75.00 30227 2/07/90 PRE -PAID 12.00 CH MMER RiG 01-4040 -4120 6.00 CHARGER KM 01-4140-4120 2/14/90 2/14/90 18.00 JA1l-0 1010 18.00 30254 2/13/90 MESTONM CHARGER OF COMER VENDOR TOTAL 93.00 TOTAL ALL YOM 47,490.30 C)bl / • sil PAGE l PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/16/90 AP-0O2-01 CITY OF FM TIME 10.25.00 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAf0 DW NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS ARM. OESCRIPTION ACCWTT "BER AMOIRNT DEMO DATE AM 15.89 JAN OFFICE SPPLIES 01- 4040 -2100 5.97 JAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4090 -2100 49.69 JAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4140 -2100 89.47 JAN OFFICE MPPLIES 01-4190 -2100 5.97 JAN OFFICE SPPLIES 01- 4340-2100 7.76 JAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4280 -2100 2.98 JAN OFFICE SPPLIES 71-7100 -2100 2.98 JAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 73-7300-2100 2.98 JAN OFFICE SPPLIEs 78- 7800-2100 7.02 JAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4020 -2100 2/16/90 2/16/90 190.71 JRII-CD 1010 ACRO-NI VENDOR TOTAL 190.71 A0411 20.00 NO MEMB-WilRELL 01-4150 -2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 20.00 JRNL-CD 1010 ASSN OF MN 1)UMEY MGRS VENDOR TOTAL 20.00 80600 28.00 MUFFLER 22-4170 -3820 2/16/90 2/16/90 28.00 JPri-M 1010 IAMB AG,YWIVE VENDOR 'MAL 28.00 80621 30.00 MAP PARKING LEASE 01-4280-4200 30.00 MAR PARKING LEASE 73- 7300-4200 30.00 MAR PARKING LEASE 78-7800-4200 2/16/90 2/16/90 90.00 JRNL-a 1010 BALBOA MINNESOTA COMPANY VOW TOTAL 90.00 80530 66.99 89 PUR(34 -B FRANKLIN 01- 2040-0000 705.30 89 PARCH -8 FRANKLIN 40- 2040 -0000 201.02 89 PURM -B FRANKLIN 22- 2040-0000 2/16/90 2/16/90 973.31 JRNL-M 1010 BEN MANKLIN STORE VENDOR TOTAL 973.31 80580 59.36 OIL 01-4290 -2250 2/16/90 2/16/90 59.36 JRNL-CD 1010 BILL CLAW( OIL CURRANT VENDOR TOTAL 59.36 80600 65.72 JAN GARBAGE -FIRE 22- 4170-3750 103.88 JAN GMBAGE-PM 01 4290-3750 44.52 JAN GARBAGE- STREET 01-4280 -3750 2/16/90 211600 214.12 JRNL -CO 1010 BLACKOMIAK AND SON VENDOR TOTAL 214.12 B(hW 13.80 SCHOOL EcP -ROT 01-4140 -4110 2/16/90 2/16/90 13.80 JRNL -CD 1010 O O 2 BRADFORD ROT VENOM TOTAL 13.80 C0960 31. -* H!W 01- 4:80 - 2 W 600 PAGE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/16/90 AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 10.25.00 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CIRECK NO. INVOICE NW DATE DATE STATUS ANOINT DE'.,CRIPTION ACC0UN* NUMBER AMOUNT CHECK t DATE 45.61 CBD GARBAGE CANS 01-4280-3750 20.93 JAN ME 01- 4290-2200 6.20 JAN NOME 01- 4290-2250 2.i9 JAN HOLE 01-4090 -2200 32.45 VCR FILM 01-4140-2200 27.74 LUMIERR 01- 4340-2300 23.39 JAN NOME 73- 7300-2200 9.15 JAN NDME 78- 7800-2200 185.06 JAN HOME 22- 4170-2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 385.24 JRK-0 1010 COAST TO COAST VENDOR TOTAL 385.24 C1079 320.67 Td ?..BE 01-4320 -3220 6.70 TELEPHONE 01-4040 -3220 .24 TELEPHONE 01- 4090 -3220 2.11 TELEPHONE 01- 4190 -3220 .63 TELEPHONE 01- 4095 -3220 64.31 TELEPHONE 01 -4280 -3220 119.41 TELP OE 73- 7300 -3220 32.16 TEIEII OE 78-7800-3220 149.26 TELEPHONE 71- 7100 -3220 63.36 TELEPHONE 01- 4340 -3220 65.13 TELEPHONE 22-4170 -3220 67.70 TEIEADE-COMPUTER 22- 4170-3220 432.25 TELEPHONE 01-4140-3220 2/16/90 2/16/90 1,373.95 JfiK-CD 1010 CONTINENTAL TELEmw VENDOR TOTAL 1323.95 C1108 42.00 CRIME FUND KTG -3 01-4140-4110 2/16/90 2/16/90 42.00 J K-0 1010 CRIME PREVENTION ADVISORY+ VENDOR TOTAL 42.00 01341 18.45 90 ID GUIDE 01-4140-4170 2/16/90 2/16/90 18.45 JRK-CD 1010 DRIVES LICENSE GUIDE CO10 VENDOR TOTAL 18.45 G1905 225.00 JAN ONE -CALL SERV 73- 7300 -4200 2/16/90 2116/90 225.00 JRK -CD 1010 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC VENDOR TOTAL 225.00 01930 420.00 CRIME INTEIRROG-LIIQD 01-4140-4110 173.00 CHIEF INSTITUTE-HARRELL 01- 4140-4110 2/16/90 2/16/90 593.00 JRK-CD 1010 GOVT TRAINING SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 593.00 H2ODO 45.54 SAMPLE CELL BOTTLES 73.7300-2260 2/16/90 2/16/90 45.54 JRNL -CD 1010 4AL1N COPANT VE?M TOTAL 45.54 • 60l PACE 3 P U R C k A S E J O U R N A L DATE 2/16190 AP- CO2-01 C I T I OF M101l1D1 TIME 10.25.00 VE]WOR INVOICE DIE HOLD PREPAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NER DATE DATE STATUS MW DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N11W AMO NT CHECK t DATE H209D 39.27 STEEL FOR UNIT 12 01-4340 -3810 39.28 STEEL FOR UNIT 12 01-4290 -2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 78.55 JRNL -CD 1010 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP VENDOR TOTAL 78.55 M2120 7.35 JAN POSTAL VERIF 01- 4060 -3210 2/16/90 2/16/90 7.35 JRNL-CD 1010 RM CO DEPT OF PROPERTY T VDW TOTAL 7.33 12299 375.00 IACP- BOSTROM REGISTR 01-4!40 -4110 2/16/90 2/16/90 375.00 JRNL-CD 1010 IACP VENDOR TOTAL 375.00 !2400 65.00 REPLACE BLOWER COVER, TIRES 22- 4170 -2200 2/16/90 2/16/ 65.00 JRNL -CD 1010 ISLAND PARK SKELLY VENDOR TOTAL 65.00 J2421 590.00 FEB JANITOR SERV 01- 4320-4210 50.66 FEB .iANITTOR SERV -PY 01-4280 -4200 50.67 FEB JANITOR SERV -PN 73- 7300-4200 50.67 FEB JANITOR SERV -PM 78- 7800 -4200 2/16/90 2/16/90 742.00 JRNL- 1010 J * S CLEANING CO. VENDOR TOTAL 742.00 J2533 7.15 JAN MILEAGE 71- 7100-2200 2/16190 2/16/90 7.15 JRNL -CD 1010 JOEL KRI M VENDOR TOTAL 7.15 J2534 451.70 REPAIR 89 PJ 73- 7300 -3810 2/16/90 2/16/90 451.70 JRNL -CD 1010 JOE'S AUTO 'BODY VENDOR TOTAL 451.70 L29N 175.95 CHAIN SAN 01- 4280 -2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 175.95 JRNL-CD 1010 LONG LAKE FORD TRACTOR VENDOR TOTAL In .Y5 L2930 986.20 JAN AUTO PARTS 01-4290-2310 42.57 JAN AUTO PARTS 22-4170 -2200 2/16/90 2/6/90 1,02P.77 JRNL -CD 1010 LULL'S AUTOMMOTIVE /11TC04 VENDOR TOTAL 1028.77 L2940 450.00 TREE REMOVAL 01-4340-5110 150.00 FVUVE BRLSH F!LE-LONG LAVE 01- 42Z1i -42(Y' I,25t'�.00 TREE REMOVAL 81-43 2/16/9(1 .'1t I,w J!MG-CD 1010 LUTZ TREE SRV1-CE VENCJ TOTAL 11�y 40.2-, • 643 PAGE 4 P U R C H A S E J 0 U A N A L DATE 2/16/90 AP- CO2 -01 CITY of nM Tilt 10.25.00 VETGOI INVOICE Dllf HOLD P<i -PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE MW DATE DATE STATUS AI401NT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT CHECK 1 DATE . M3040 135.00 MARCH ENFORS MINT 01-4095 -3800 2/16100 2/16/90 135.00 JRNL -CD 1010 MASTS CORPORATION VEND OF TOTAL 135.00 M3079 310.22 IACP- BOSTROI -HDTE1 01 4140 -4110 2'!a 310.22 JRN1-CD 1010 O CCilidl l Cl( 'MNT; ;. 310.22 M3080 270.00 JAN ENGR- TUXEDO 26 -5700 -3100 376.00 JAN E]NGR -"SA 26-5700 -3100 150.00 .IAN ENGR-STREETS 01-4280 -3100 136.00 JAN E1GR- W 4 MAPS 01- 4190 -3100 90.00 JAN E?GR ANT1OlYS 01 -2300 -0000 166.00 JAN EMM DEIMBIGH -- ASSESS 26-1190-0000 473.00 JAN ETNGR -'90 DREDGE 81-4350 -31U0 30.00 JAIL ENGR -LOST LAID: 60- 6000-3100 90.00 JAN EIGR -TAJ FORFEIT 01-4320 -310C 63, 144.00 EINGR SERV-CITY HAIL AOOT'N 30 -6000 -5000 2/16/90 2/16/90 64,925.00 JRNL-a 1010 MCCOW FRAM( RODS ASSOCI• VE14DOt TOTAL 64925.00 M3190 12.00 SHARFEN SAN CHAINS 01-4280 -2300 2/16/90 2/16/90 12.00 JRNL-CD 1010 MEYER'S MOUND SERVICE VrvrlOt TOTAL 12.00 M3250 872.18 JAN SAS 01-4340-3720 422.29 JAN GAS 01- 4320 -3720 201.77 JAN GAS 71- 7100-3720 711.97 JAN GAS 22-4170 -3720 331.12 JAN GAS 01 -4280 -3720 389.56 JAN GAS 73 -7300 -3720 253.21 JAN GAS 78 -7800 -3720 2/161% 2/16/90 3,182.10 JRNL-0 1010 MINNEGASCO VENDCIR TOTAL 3182.10 PMOO 27,215.00 1990 DI jU 81 -4350 -53% 3,480.00 1990 RIP RAP "-1-4350-5300 2/16/90 2/16/90 30,705.00 Mt -CD 1010 MTVA PORTABLE DREDGE VEWM TOTAL 30705.00 N?710 17.49 K11L DROP 22-4170 -2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 17.49 ,R+t-CD 1010 NAVARRE WINARE VENDOR TOTAL 17.49 N3740 7 `?. 96 5T CBD 40 -fW 2200 33.00 3 T 1C RCCTCIE 01 -4270 -',' 0 786.96 ,V+-CD 1010 • 643 PAGE 5 PURCHASE J0UFNAL DATE 2/16/90 AP-00 CITY OF MOLID TIME 10.25.00 VE?At1Et INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHEM NO. INVOICE NM BR DATE DATE STATUS AMQI(T OESCRIPT ION ACCOl1NT NIJW ANOINT CHEU I DATE NEIMAN SIGNS VE103OR TOTAL 786.96 N3770 1,110.04 METERS 73-7300 -4300 2/16/90 2/16! 1,110.04 JK-CD 1010 NORTH STAR WAT04MS PRO# VENDOR TOT 1110.04 M3779 36.86 REPAIR KIT-LINIT 19 01 -4290 -2310 2/16190 2/16/90 36.86 JDL -CD 1010 NORTHERN AUTOMOTIVE VENOM TOTAL 36.86 N3900 353.79 ,IAN ELECTRICITY 01 -4280 -3710 130.18 JAN ELECTRICITY 01-4340 -3710 452.79 JAN ELECTRICITY 01- 4320-3710 291.99 JAN ELECTRICITY 71-7100-3710 259.69 JAN ELECTRICITY 22- 4170-3710 2,426.59 JAN ELECTRICITY 73- 7300-3710 1, 626.77 JAN ELECTRICITY 78- 7800 -3 ;10 76.50 '89 ELECTRICITY 78- 2040 -0000 2/16/90 2/16/90 5,618.30 JMNL -CD 1010 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO VENDOR TOTAL 5618.30 P4031 184.00 3 -4 -5 HOSP-IERTS 71- 7100-1510 184.00 3 -4 -5 MOSP-R THARALSON 01 -4140 -1510 205.45 MARCH HOSP-N THARALSON 01-4140 -1510 2/16/90 2/16/90 573.45 Ji1L -CD 1010 PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 573.45 P4119 3,150.00 ECON DEVEL PLAN -CDBG 16-5887 -3100 2/16/90 2/16/90 3,150.00 JRfL -CD 1010 PUBLIC FINANCIAL SYSTEMS VENOM TOTAL 3150.00 54349 816.00 SPRAYER -PARKS 60-6000-5000 2/16/90 2/16/90 816.00 JK -CD 1010 SCHARBER L SONS VENDOR TOTAL 816.00 54356 395.38 TOOLS 01- 4290-5000 2/16/90 2/16/90 395.38 J;W -CP 1010 SEARS VOW TOTAL 395.38 S43o0 2,3[4.42 MARCH RENT 71 -7100 -3920 9.52 DAL OF JAN,FEB RENT 71 -7100 -3920 2/16; 2/16'90 314.44 ,)fit -CD 1010 SH3RE_tINE PLAZA VENDOP TOTAL 2314. S4402 141.13 JAD i T 5 01- 4140:40 '12.37 CAP DECALS 01 4:4 :'DO .116ix 2 15' 15�.`� ,RNL -CD • goy 40.5 PACE 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/16/90 AP-0O2 -Ol CITY OF MOM TIME 10.25.00 VENOIIt INVOICE QE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. IM*nICE NPW DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUPWR AMO NT CHECK 0 DATE SILK SUZEEN PRODIETS VENDOR TOTAL 45 S4430 15.50 FAX TO LARSON 01-4140 -2200 2/16, 2/16/90 15.50 JRNL -0 1010 SOS PRINTING YEW TOTAL 15.50 S4437 93.00 I R DEPT ETSIEIS 73 7300 - 22M 2/16/90 2/16/90 93.00 ,i01-CD 1010 SPECIALTY SCREENING VENDOR TOTAL 93.00 S4499 218.41 REPAIR UNIT 3 73 -7300 -3810 1/16/90 2/16/90 2i8.41 ,IRNL-CD 1010 STAR — WEST CHEV/OLDS VENDOR TOTAL 218.41 $4580 416.67 WINE GARAGE DOOR 73-7300-4200 416.67 WIRE GARAGE DOOR 78-7800-4200 416.66 WIRE GARAGE DOOR 01- 4280-4200 2/16/90 2/16/90 1,250.00 JRNL—CD 1010 STEIK ELECTRIC CO VE1I)O1 TOTAL 1250.00 54610 316.96 TIRES 78 -7800 -3810 1,150.32 TIRES 01-4140-3610 2/16/90 2/161% 1,467.28 J K 1010 SI BMAN TIRE CO VE11DQt TOTAL 1467.28 S4M2 142.00 REPAIR CONTROLS 73- 7300-4200 2/16190 2/16/90 142.00 A& 1010 SYSTEMS SERVICE COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 142.00 T4716 29.75 TEMP HELP 01- 4270-1300 2/161% 2/16/90 29.75 ,AIL -CD 1010 TEMPORARIES M 00 VENDOR TOTAL 29.75 T4790 101.25 SENSOP-843 01.4290-2310 153.00 REPAIR 88 CELEB 01-4140-3810 2/16/90 2/16/90 254.25 JRIL-CD 1010 THIIRK 905 CHEVROIFT VENDOR TOTAL 2,4.25 74970 1,120.00 GARAGE OOOR-PW 01-4280-5000 1.120.00 GARAIE DOOR -Pw 01- 4190 -5rx'C 1,120.00 GARAGE W-PW 73 130(r VYx 1,120.00 GARAGE W -PW 1A -7800 -5000 2 [ /1E;9t 4,480.00 JRNL -CD 10;: TWIN CITY 5WALf OOOP Q1 WWCP TOTAL 4480.00 J5(`-) C)5.00 BA r' 41 -4100 �'16/9C 2!l6jx; 4 <!'�.(X ,P11 -CO 10i9 40.5 PAGE 7 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 2/16/90 AP- CO2 -01 CITY OF MQNII TIME 10.25.00 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PREPAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STA7 AM W DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMIDINT CHECK I DATE UNIFORMS UNLIMITED VENDOR TOTAL 405.00 k5425 111.65 TIRE DROPOFFS 01-4270 -4200 2/16/90 2/16/90 111.65 JR►L-a 1010 HASTE Off OF MN, INC - -TIR VENDOR TOTAL 111.65 M29 243.73 NCAN EXPENSES 16 -5886 -4100 2/16/90 2/16/90 243.73 JRNL-a) 1010 IESTONKA aMMITT ACTH Nt VENDOR TOTAL 243.73 W5670 35.00 PANTS-EWALD Oi-4140 -2240 229.96 UNIFORM - RESERVE- LAIRSON O1- 4150-2200 2/16/90 2/16/90 264.% JML-CD 1010 WILLIAMS STORE INC VENDOR TOTAL 264.96 15750 332.86 DEC LEASE-1 ERO1 5052 01- 2040 -0000 332.88 JAN LEASE-XEROX 5052 01-4320-5000 402.86 FEB LEASE -XEROX 5052 01-4320-5000 2/16/90 2/16/90 1,068.64 JRML -CP 1010 XEROX CORPORATION VENDOR TOTAL 1068.64 TOTAL_ ALL VE)WRS 133,596.36 is • G0 L APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT _ CITY OF MOUND J PHONE NO NAME OF APPLICANT c ADDRESS treet Number City Zip BUILDING OWNER (If other than applicant ) Name Address CONTRACTOR Name / Address �; / SIGN LOCATION [� �� �it re ��G'I LOT BLOCK ADDITION ALLOWABLE SIG NAGE @ = Square Footage WALL AREA ey Ft. = TOTAL ZONING DISTRICT EXISTING SIGNAGE NUMBER OF SIGNS SQ. FOOTAGE OF SIGNS DESCRIBE SIGN (Materials, etc.) HEIGHT OF SIGN ILLUMINATED: YES NO SIGN SIZE BEING REQUESTED BY TYPE OF SIGN: = SQ. FT. WALL MOUNT LENGTH OF TIME SEASONAL SIGN TO BE ERECTED: FREE STANDING PORTABLE OTHEP PLEASE DESCRIBE REQUEST AND REASON FOR REQUEST: If additional informat:on is attached, please submit 8P X I1" maximum sized drawings. C, Applican s Signature T Recommendation: °tom Date submitted APPROVED: Building Official 168 R 9/85 Is sign for a community organization and does it meet all the standards of Section 55.38? SPAGHETTI DINNER SUNDAY, 1 FEBRUARY 25 i AMERICAN LEGION HALL 25 WILSHIRE BLVD. MOUND, MINNESOTA nCKETS** $4. ALL YOU CAN EAT � STUDENTS § SENIORS FREE ,~6yEAR5 5 UNDER WINE AND DESSERT EXTRA ZAKE SALE The City of Mound hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Minnetonka Sportsman Club, Inc., its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, damages, losses or expenses out of, due to, or in connection with the City of Mound employees conducting firearms training exercises at the range owned by the Minnetonka Sportsman Club, Inc. The City of Mound agrees to have a certified firearms instructor on site conducting all training involving city per- sonnel. LAKE MINN ETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT arb FEB 2 0 X590 LAKE USE CO L'Ii FTE'E A C 1: N D A 4:30 p.m., Mondav, February 26, 1990 1. Follow up to Hennepin County Lake Improvement report of 1 -22 -90 to (A) Review and prioritize the 1990 Hennepin County Lake improvement projects. (B) Resolve appropriate buoy markings for channels experiencing low navigational water. 2. Personal Watercraft draft ordinance, preparation on process, anticipated distribution by 2.23.90 3. Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol Report: 1. Report on mecting of 2 -19 -90 with charter boat operators. 2. Fish house clean up progress. 3. Incident reports. 4. Additional husiness by the committee. PLEASE. CONFIRM YOUR ATTF;NU,iNLF AT THE 2/28 BOARI) MEETING TO ASSURE A QUORUM / 2 -16 -9O LAKE MINNETONKA 1990 HENNEPIN COUNTY LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROJECT EST. COST Buoy and Sign Maintenance $41,000 Price Agreement Contract 54,500 Coffee Channel Dredging - High volume of traffic, large boats, sewer line in channel to be abandoned May to July 1990. Center of channel 3' deep with sides much less. Forest Lake Channel Dredging - 2.5' depth will prohibit safe passage by many boats. Problems include access until Coffee Channel is dredged (could be July) or long haul, if accessible via Cooks Bay (possible winter dredging). North Arm Channel Dredging - 2.5' depth, high volume of traffic, sewer line may prevent dredging until July. Noerenberg Channel Dredging - 3.0' depth, critical only under and very near C.R. 51 bridge. Small estimated cost and large ,oat use. Tanager Lake Channel Dredging - 3' depth is hazard for number of boats using this channel because of commercial docks. Maintenance of County public accesses, remove hazards such as logs, dock sections, fish houses, tree trimming in channel areas, etc. Special Fund Car removal from lake (winter months) 2,000 Buoys Replacement Buoys 15,000 TOTAL $112,500 Note - Depth of channels after dredging to be 3.8' below 925.4 - today's el. (DNR policy - No dredging from April 1 throuyh June 30 (UNR Fisheries policy) LKMTKA 1%22/90 p ' Jennings f `'\ Ba y Harrisons Bau Secon Lake £ncra Lek Cooks Da / 7 �3 7 Bau .7 1 _stcads Bay SOURCE :'U. S. G. S. GWELS AM ACCESSES MAINTAI E) BY HEM TUIN COUNTY (SHOWN EI CIRCI ) Stubbs .Bay Grays RobinsAs Libbs B3 y Lei►e St. Louis Bay ) CaZ ' SOns - i St..Rlbans Bay xxceAsior Bay APP., 2 L PAC.' rw Mr, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre. 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 222 -8423 February 16, 1990 To Municipal Users Commission's System: RECD FEB 2 01990 of the Metropolitan Waste Control The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) has scheduled pre- budget breakfast meetings for elected officials and staff of municipalities who are users of the MWCC system. This meeting is to seek input from you prior to establishing the MWCC's 1991 Draft Budget. Three March meetings have been scheduled in various locations around the metro area. We hope that you will be able to attend one of the scheduled meetings. Meeting dates and locations are: March 9 - 7 :30 -9:00 a.m. - March 12 - 7:30 -9:00 a.m. - Ramada Inn I -94 and White Bear Ave. St. Paul (reservations due by March 6) Sheraton Northwest I -94 and Co. Rd. 81 (exit #31) Brooklyn Park (reservations due by March 9) March 16 - 7:30 1:00 a.m. - Radisson South 7800 Normandale Blvd. Hwy 100 near Hwy 494 Bloomington (reservations due by March 13) In mid -to -late May the MWCC will schedule budget breakfast meetings to present the 1991 MWCC Draft Budget. Comments from both the March and May meetings will be taken into consideration in drafting the the 1991 MWCC Operating and Capital Bud This budget is presently scheduled for a public hearing at the MWCC Board Meeting on June 19, 1990. The operating and capital budgets for 1991 are scheduled to appear for approval on the July 7, 1990 meeting agenda of the MWCC Board of Commissioners. To place your reservation for a pre- budget breakfast meeting, call Larry Struck at 229 -2100. Fr; ,I r" , " Aff. ,•, i f. A;.ImiF­q, • CITY OF MOUND 1990 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES JANUARY 1990 8.3% /007 JANUARY YTD PER CENT BUDGET - EXPENSE EXPENSE - - - - -- VARIANCE - - - - -- EXPENDED - - - -- GENERAL FUND - - - -- - - - - -- - Council 63890 10607 10607 53283 16.60% Cable TV 10150 8666 8666 1484 85.38% City Manager /Clerk 166310 14428 14428 151882 8.68% Elections 11400 1367 1367 10033 11.990 Assessing 43320 24 24 43296 0.06% Finance 162030 12251 12251 149779 7.56% Computer 22150 1833 1833 20317 8.28% Legal 80900 3100 3100 77800 3.83% Police 717850 68942 68942 648908 9.60% Civil Defense 2750 30 30 2720 1.09% Plan..:ng /Inspections 145000 8321 8321 136679 5.74% Recycling 60670 118 118 60552 0.1S% Streets 382890 27561 27561 355329 7.20% Shop & Stores 61440 4216 4216 57224 6.86% City Property 84200 2678 2678 81522 3.18% Parks 148560 5461 5461 143099 3.68% Summer Recreation 11310 0 0 11310 0.00% Contingencies 30000 100 100 29900 0.33% Transfers 122270 10048 10048 112222 8.22% GENERAL FUND TOTA 2327090 - - - - - -- 179751 - - - - - -- 179751 - - - - - -- 2147339 -- - - - --- 7.72% - - - - - -- Area Fire Service Fund 214290 14800 14800 199490 6.91% Liquor Fund 163450 2 07 17 20717 142733 12.67% Water Fund 347930 27939 27939 319991 8.03% Sewer Fund 771560 51108 51108 720452 6.62% Cemetery Fund 3680 804 804 2876 21.850 Docks Fund 62950 10829 10829 52121 17.20% /007 • CITY OF MOUND 1990 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT JANUARY 1990 8.3% JANUARY YTD PER CENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- GENERAL FUND Taxes 1262190 2172 2172 1260018 0.17% Intergovernmental 780860 0 0 780860 0.00% Business Licenses 9950 12 12 9938 0.12% Non- Business Licenses and Permits 86700 2097 2097 84603 2.42% Charges for Services 34800 873 873 33927 2.51% Court Fines 95000 0 0 95000 0.00% Charges to Other Departments 20000 1835 1835 18165 9.18% Other Revenue 49300 15 15 49285 0.03% TOTAL REVENUE 2338800 7004 7004 2331796 0.30% LIQUOR FUND 900000 62138 62138 837862 6.90% WATER FUND 360000 23123 23123 336877 6.42% SEWER FUND 590000 47599 47599 542401 8.07% DOCKS FUND 62950 9018 9018 53932 14 33 °- CEMETERY FUND 2000 800 800 1200 40.00% • • dab TO MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES IN NSP'S ELECTRIC SERVICE .ERRITORY Re: Minnesota Purlic Utilities Commission Docket No. E- 002/GR -89 -865 On November 2, 1989, Northern States Power Company ( "NSP ") filed for an electric rate increase with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ( "PUC "). The Commission has referred this filing to the Office of Administrative Hearings for evidentiary and public hearings. In accordance wit!: Paragraph 4b of the Commission' Notice and Order for ?fearing dated November 29, 1989, attached is the r.etice cf sched-.:led Public and evidentiary hearings to be held i.n this Pr seeding. If there are quest'ons, fee- free to call the undersigned. DAVID ... i.AWPF.:C� D'rector - Law Attachment • 409 Northern States Power Company Law Department Gary 1 John 414 Nicollel Mall AH -na VCO w Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Gene R Sommen 08,041 A. Lawrence Jaca F. slwwwa Telephone (612)33&6600 Ramon s rower D .,saor - uw Drrecsor —Lai. Wnrers Dirwn ray Numo.r Fax No (612)331}7558 aa „ S � C Aa Harold J Bagley I Y g JoAnn M WGwre James L unman February 9, 1990 HoPosV W Donnelloa L R" Chen L Bn■ Michael J Hanson RE"' FEB '_ TO MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES IN NSP'S ELECTRIC SERVICE .ERRITORY Re: Minnesota Purlic Utilities Commission Docket No. E- 002/GR -89 -865 On November 2, 1989, Northern States Power Company ( "NSP ") filed for an electric rate increase with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ( "PUC "). The Commission has referred this filing to the Office of Administrative Hearings for evidentiary and public hearings. In accordance wit!: Paragraph 4b of the Commission' Notice and Order for ?fearing dated November 29, 1989, attached is the r.etice cf sched-.:led Public and evidentiary hearings to be held i.n this Pr seeding. If there are quest'ons, fee- free to call the undersigned. DAVID ... i.AWPF.:C� D'rector - Law Attachment • 409 RATE INCREASE NOTICE: HEARINGS SET ON NSP'S REQUEST FOR ELECTRIC FATE INCREASE Puhhr hem uws ;,,^ s.hedulcd on ,albc it "lalt'S Po"er t owl, ,n,'s W lurtl (;tic ITT ;Anv NY' e4•�I,:, ewtomcr n!av al) lu';ir 0r n!,tf.e a stalcnlnu a; Il ene I,cu.n�, 1 � muted h, n,Ll, t•is ") IT S ...:h .n the nJ ry u., s 'I"d yu.J„1 t,I ""I s elr, If,, scIS1._.. !Lc 1; �. „I macs or other re!a! m:utcn l -,u cat n,.( 10 be h, ;w antvucv 1 he hcm,lw% will hr 1'UCSa!:n' l)1:. VA,•,' u�•al:ry '.1, i,nt.11��. •!1. March 6, 1990 lvir I 1.111 MaItII I1, 19'X) I If 71X11 lit I lwy 10 & 41h Si _ N E. , 30 p m. Aud!Iwr .un , (At S. NIT �1 11'cdnculay St Cloud lln AA:nuna March', 19'X1 ( 0mtcil Chan!bcts Nf.uJl '_0, 19'X) ( mil" l Chamfers 7 it, . 4 'tX)1`u,. I'll Iloor 207 1 Monday Ccx >n Rapius \ \. I:ICStiay Meul.uo Match 12, 1990 Sr Center Room March 21, 1990 ( mined Ch:unhrrs 7: 1323 Coon Rapids 111,& 7 00 p m. 202 P. Jac! ;on T1r5d.ty' St Pcul March 13, 1990 Ad,minsttalion Budding, 1 00 p.m. SO shcrhurne A,e. Room 11611 F idemmi hrannGt for prcwf,1311011 01 1`01111.11 diltct Icslnnnnv, rchull.,l ,m.1 inncbullnl Ics(imony, and nuts- Qt:II1II TIM 1111 of I11a1 Irtlintouy arc scheduled lo, Momlav, •1p0i v, 19'X1, anti thelcaf(cr as needed, 41X1 a.nL, large Ilcaring 12o0u!, 7th f :uor, American ( -c ter 11uJdrug, wIt P Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, ,,MN 551(11. Inforutaliun ahrut the public and csidculi:uy l,carmgs Ilia% lie ohlained f nnn Mr Richard C Lens, Office of Adm1Ilh(ralrve Ilearirgs, 511, Moor, hour F +.change Pm;dmg, 310 f ouril, Vrnue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415. N.SP has asAcd , hc .%I;nnearta Put hi U1limcs 11,r a it i !,cril (11_ ntllh0nl rllon't: ut clecuh; Ic P:,rt of lh;!; tula!, a it 9! percenl (S( null,on) Ia!, maease is now rcllccicd : :I custornus' h,;IS subject In (cloud. the Public hr.u,ngS will pro,ulc an opptalunl,s 1 „r cuslntners:u,d othe Ilfc,!ed t.l the proposed inercasc to p,cscnl turir v,c +vs to the vimm;slr,live I-aw Judgc and Il,e I'U( . A,ert.l;e MonO,1) hill Rc,iduuiat 1'se Pre-m Inichill Prupn.ed 2s11 K \ \ H alh ! $17 I SI _ r, Xl K VA 11 14 69 37 fN )8 (): 'SO 6 , AA 11 49 'y s 1 - 54 7g I(r.X) ;:N I I 64 8� h9 16 71 `1 Small Grnrrd Senl(e I se I'restnl Inlcnm Pn,p—t(I 51X)K%4II S )I S J') S .11 I illy) K \\ I I i4 2(XX) K I I.% f IT, 4rI (:cwt- ,,l1 I' I)rm3nd Present Initrim Proposed Ih, 4u tiSI' Itl (Jl I X11 II I III It.41I ({11 \I,I Ills, 81111 1) 1111)\ 1 I Ill 4Lti ^,I tiOI I'I'lllll'lill11111�I11M11t ^ \ \I P; NI IIll ItlIII ItiIII) ( If. \Nt;l S, 1% 11IfOf I (;1t IN 1 \'.I) 4111,111 (,It \N I 1 I I „`I It (1It (,121 \ I I It Itil 81 AS1 111 )1 `•I It P I (,n'.,,� .•,1.n,. �a1 f L A, ,....u; r .r i4.; e, :r.,1 ! 1.� h �,. I, Il:......r:l ,. I� , '. 1 heI., 1 ,: r.1 • c Tll ()I N1( A x \i ) • • February 15, 1990 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER FROM: FRAN CLARK, CITY CLERK RE: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, WESTWOOD This memo is to give you background material on the above lo- in case you are asked NOT to recertify special assessments. In 1983, Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood, (PID #23- 11'/••24 23 0014), went tax forfeit. It was a drainage ravine before the storm sewer was installed and had become a collector of peDple's junk. At that time this property had $5,412.12 in special assessments against it from before original forfeiture and $4,973.47 in special assessments against it from after forfeiture. In May 1984, Resolution #84 -75 released this lot to Hennepin County for public auction and certified the special assessments Against the property. The property was released because it is over 10,000 square feet. No one purchased the property. 1n May of 1985, Mr. Frank Drey contacted the city by letter scatting he would be interested in purchasing this lot if the City would cancel. the $4,973.47 in special assessments because the lot "is a swamp and is unbuildable ". In May 1935, I wrote a memo to the City Council 'copy - Attz ch cxplaining the back. 1round and asking the Council to cancel x8297 in the amount of x4,973.47 because the lot is unbuildable. The Coui!cil parsed Resolution #85 -63 cancelling the levy an'_i iMP; , sing certain conditions, i.e. sell such lands only to o ncr 1 411 of lands adjoining at a non - public sales so that s ai d lands will be combi, for tax and land use purposes Mr. Drey purchased the lot from the County that year. When the County sells property to an adjoining property owner they inform the person of the conditions. (See attached sheet from Herr pin County that the purchaser must read and sign.) In January 1990, Mr. Drey called me and asked aaout the $4,973.47 levy that had been cancelled. He stated he has, over the past several years been having contractors fill the lot and now his neighbor would like to build a house on the lot. I informed Mr. Drey and ultimately Mr. McKinney that if this lot is built upon, the $4,973.47 would Le recertified and become due and payable upon building permit issue. They do not feel this should be done. Their contention is that there are costly soil corrections that need to be made before the lot could be built upon; the city has no records showing there is sewer or water stubbed to this lot (another expense to the owner) ; and adding all the costs together including the street assessment ($4,973.47) would make the lot too expensive. I tried to explain that we cannot treat this lot any different than we would any other lot in the city as far a special assessments are concerned. I also explained to Mr. Drey when he pays for this lot in full to the County, they will require that he combine it with is current tax parcel as that was ene of the conditions he was sold the lot. He would then have to come to the City for a subdivision and at that time the special assessment would be recertified to the parcel. This memo is for your informatio,i in case either Mr. Drey or Mr. McKinney appear at a Council Meeting. fc l • Gil. e I S ti ( 4 � h S V 'r vex• � �, 2'037 .588 59 W (60 ) OUTLOT A te r. v�l s" yl) ' g . r, Jp l - S ,y 23 0 r \GO Jog I 06 �Sd • (7) � y 14 w �= �/• 4,LL10 J� Y 4J \• '� L 3 17) kL— �' 0 d' 511 0ti �e 1.) (e9)3 F( 7), r � GIs, r.kd 1l0 iu 0. V Jy •,c l; t_�:: 43, RD s 3) 10 EVERGR j,D I 2 �� J c• a � 5 �+ l 1 � {u � 1[161 1? S x 1041 Doc H. >>o12 3 �, � 94�z RESOLUTION NO. 84 -75 RESOLUTION RELEASING CERTAIN TAX FORFEIT LANDS TC HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR PUBLIC AUCTION AND CERTIFYING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Mound has been informed by the Department of Property Taxation of Hennepin County that certain lands within the City have been forfeited for non - payment of real estate taxes; and WHEREAS, the parcels do comply with the City's zoning ordinance or building codes and are not adverse to the health, safety and general welfare of residents of this City; and WHEREAS, all special assessments were cancelled at the time of forfeiture and may be reassessed after the property is returned to private ownership pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.02 (also note: M.S. 429.07, Subd. 4; M.S. 435.23 and M.S. 444.076); and WHEREAS, all special assessment that have been levied sine forfeiture shall be included as a separate item and added to the appraised value of any such parcel of land at the time it is sold (M.S. 282.01, Subd. 3); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci�y Council of • the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. That the following parcels of tax forfeited land are released to the County of Hennepin for public auction and the C hereby certifies the following special assessment:,: AMOUNT BEFORE AMOUNT AFTER FORFEITURE FORFEITURE PAR CEL LEVY 0 _AMOUNT LEVY # AM OUR 23-117-24 23 001 2771 1,577.82 8297 4,973.47 3180 936.50 3388 2,897.30 24- 117 -24 41 0012 31c0 1,872.97 8297 4,309.94 3388 2,928.87 3397 1,732.91 25- 117 -2 11 0023 93.48 8297 4,325.90 i3 r�� 1 r 4 X9.35 2. The C, �_, , _,. F• �,,, _ty au`h and =,,, , _,. _ _ d iar..s for 61� 1 imposing the lien of special assessments on said lands. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember � Charon and seconded by Councilm- Jessen The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Charon, Jessen, Paulsen, Peterson and Polston. The following Councilmembers voted in the nlegative: none. i Mayor �il A /nVe/Nil r - nea2 Attest: City Clerk I * L /S' NORTHWESTERN NA'I'IUNA,, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0 FRANK W DHF �. i LVI SECCOND VICE PHE,1CF',7 s, ,rEMs May 6, 1985 Mr. John Elam City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear John: 5': 37; 1135 I am inte -ested in acquiring the tax forfeited lot next to m; property in Mound. The PID of this lot is 23- 117 -24 23 0014. I live at 6228 Westwood Circle. I am requesting ..hat the assessments on this property be dropped. The lot is a swamp and is unbuildable. I will buy the lot if the assessments are cropped, but it is not worth the price that includes the assessments. I appreciate your looking into this matter for me. Sincerely, Frank W. Drey 6228 Westwood Circle Mound, I•IN 55364 616 (TIN()I NVA'N1) May 13, 1985 T0: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITE CLERK Attached is a letter from Mr. Frank Drey who abuts a tax forfeit lot (Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood) on Westedge Blvd. Mr. Drey would like to purchase this lot. The lot, square footage wise, is buildable, but if you look at the lot it ;s a ravine that collects people's junk and thus is unbuildable as is. The City released this lot for public sale in Resolution X84 -75 (attached). It has $5,412.12 in assessments before forfeiture and $4,973.47 in asses_r.ents since forfeiture. This totals $10,385.59• The County has is appraised the lot at 52,000.00. To this $2,000.00 is added the assessments since forfeiture of 54,973.47, making the cost of the lot $6,973.47. Mr. Drey feels this is overpriced when the $4,973.47 is added. In 1984, Resolution 984 -94 was passed ( "Setting a Policy on Assessments Placed on Tax Forfeit Property Before Forfeiture "), enclosed. This dealt with undersized, unbuildable lots not correctly sized, unbuildable lots. As Resolution x84 -94 states, "Our goal is to get property back on the tax roles ''. If the Council wishes to cancel the $ 1 ,973.47 worth of assessments since forfeiture ow in one resolution, and c_. the remaining assessmen• ($5,412.12) from before forfeiture after the property is purchased by Mr. Drey, I am sure he will buy the lot for 52,000.00 and we will get 8oF (S1,600.00) toward the $5,412.12 (assessments from before forfeiture). f • enc. 417 y7 May 21, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -63 RESOLUTION CANCELLING LEVY 18297. IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,973.47 ON LOT 3. BLOCK 2. WESTWOOD (PID #23- 117 -24 23 0014) AND REQUESTING THE COUNTY BOARD TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS ON THE SALE OF SAID TAX FORFEIT LANDS AND TO RESTRICT THE SALE TO OWNERS OF ADJOINING LANDS WHEREAS. the City of Mound was informed- by the Department of Property Taxation of Hennepin County that certain lands within the City were forfeited for non - payment of real estate taxes; and WHEREAS. on May 8, 1984, in Resolution #84 -75, the City of Mound released the above described property for public sale and certified the special assessments; and WHEREAS. it has now been found that the lot is unbuildable because of a deep ravine which was at ong time used for drainage; and WHEREAS, the City was instrumental in obtaining lo-gislation which would allow said parcels to be withheld from n public sale and sold at a non - public sale to eliminate nuisances 1 and dangerous conditions and to increase compliane with land use J ordinances and Minnesota Laws of 1982 Chapter 523, Article 39, Section 6, was adopted to provide said authority to the City and the County; and WHEREAS, a property owner adjacent to this lot would like to purchase the lot in order to eliminate nuisances and dangerous conditions, but the cost of the assessments since forfeiture in the amount of $4,973.47 make the lot undesirable. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the City Council of the City of Mound hereby cancels Levy #8297 which is against Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood (PID 023- 117 -24 23 0014), in the amount of $4,973.47 because this is an unbuildable lot. 1. The County Board is hereby requested to impose conditions on the sale of the following described lands, and is further requested to sell such lands only to owners of lands adjoining at a non - public sale so that said lands will be combined for tax and land use purposes ana will comply witn City ordinances and regulations: PID 023- 117 -24 23 0014 - Lot 3, B1cck 2, Westwood. SPECIALS LEVIED BEFORE FORFEITURE: LEVY #3180 936.48 #3388 2,381.84 #3563 1,097.49 WL-� May 21, 1985 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized ana directed to release the aforementioned lands for sale, subject to . the County imposing the aforestated conaitions ana the lien of special assessments on said lands. The foregoing resolution was moved by Counciimember Paulsen and seconded by Counciimember Peterson. The following Councilmembers voted in the artirmative: Paul.:in, Peterson, Polston and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. Councilmember Jessen was absent ana excused. �� /• 0 C' C&ck— Attest: City Clerk z V? A w.IC ST'S - All tax forfeited land offered at a public auction is sold to the highest blW er. SALES OVER TIC CMWM - Parcels not sold at a public sale may be purchased after the sale by paying the appraised value of the parcel. Prices cannot be changed unless the parcel is reappraised, republished and again offered at a sabseq e-nt auction. TE M - Sale of $150.00 or less - Full payment at sale we of to $1,500.00 - 20% down or $150.00, whifiever is greater, balance in five ins is Sale of $1,501.00 or more - 20% down, except 10% an all parcels containing structures, balance UT-ten (10) annual installments The interest rate of the urVaid purdgase price is a variable rate per M.S. 549.09. Appraocimately 30 days before installments are due, a billing will be mailed to indicate the arrant of the installment and accrued interest which is due. Any or all installments may be paid in advance. FEES - At the time of the finLu payment the following fees will be added: Tvariable) Assurance fee (3% of the total sales price at the time of the sale) $20.00 State deed fee $18.00 Deed filing fee (variable) State deed tax ($1.65 per $500 of the purchase price or a fraction thereof) CC1WMCKS - Sales are subject to existing leases, to building restrictiau appearing of recococa at the time of forfeiture and to easements obtained by any governmental subdivisiai or agency thereof for any public purpose. The appraised value does not represent a basis for future taxes. Contact the city where the land is located for details of building codes or zoning laws. ALL PFCPEMY IS SOLD "AS IS" AND MAY NOT CII0Cfd'l TD LOCAL BUILDIND, AND CNIM CFtDMNM. TAE CCX,tM KUM NO WAFU N TW Tim LAND IS "BUIIllABI.E". ALL SALES ARE F'INkL, AND ND FU UM CR DUMMS ARE PERMITTED. If a parcel had cancelled special assessments, as indicated an the publication list, appra dmately 90% of the purchase price will be applied to the published amount of special assessments. Arry remai.-iing balance may be reassessed by the municipality. Local improvements not yet assessed, and special assessments levied after forfeiture, must be assumed by the purchaser. TITLE - The purchaser will *eccive a certificate of sale at the time of purchase. it* C m ssioner of Revenue will issue a deed from the State of Minnesota after full pant is made. Tax forfeiture may create a break in the chain of title, and services of an attorney may be necessary to make the title marketable. DEFAULT - Contracts may be cancelled by the County Board of Ccamissioners if the purchaser & aa - ts by failure to pay an installment and interest when due, or failing to pay current takes hpcm na due during the term of tine contract. CODE C31PLIANCE - If any tax forfeited parcel on which there is a substandard structure is offered at an auction, the purchaser, as a cordition of sale, shall present and file a certificate of code canpliance with the Director of Property Tax and Public Records of Hennepin County within one year after the date of purchase from the county. • The undersigned acknowledge(s) receipt-of a corrp ete copy of this statement on this day of 19 , prior to the purchase of tax forfeited land in He innep n County�iaudersi state that he or she has read and understands the statement. 0 signacure(s) 620 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 1985 CANCEL ASSESSMENT ON TAX FORFEIT LAND - LOT 3, BLOCK 2, WESTWOOD The City Manager explained that this is a tax forfeit lot, that Mr. Drey wishes to purchase (it adjoins his property), but it has a large street assessment on it in the amount of $4,973.47 and since the lot is unbui'dable because of the deep ravine in it he would like the assessment cancelled. It is an eyesore and collects people's ,junk. By selling the lot to Mr. Drey it would be put back on the tax roles. Councilmember Paulsen :stated that he has checked into this lot and has found that to fill it in would be financially not feasible so he would agree with the recommendation to can the assessment Paulsen moved and Peterson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 185 -63 RESOLUTION CANCELLING LEVY :3297, IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,973.47 ON LOT 3, BLOCK 2, WESTWOOD (PID 123 - 117 -24 2- 0014) AND REQUESTING THE COUNTY BOARC TO IMPOSE CONDITIONS ON THE SALE OF SAIr TAX FORFEIT LANDS AND TO RESTRICT THE SeLE TO OWNERS OF ADJOINING LANDS The vote was 4 in favor with Councilmember Jessen absent ana excused. Motion carried. Mcund City Code Section 610 - Water Department Section 610:00 Section 610 :00. Establishment of Department and Office of Sup There is hereby established z City Water Department under the supervision of a Superintenden: thereof. Section 610 :05. Duties of Superint It shall be the duty of the Super- intendent of `he Water Department to: (a) Supervise the operations of the Department; (b) Receive applications for service; (c) Control all privately -owned water meters; (d) Receive notification of meter breakage, stoppage, or other irregularity; (e) Test operation of meters as provided herein; (f) Adjust water service charges in the evert of a defective meter as provided herein; (g) Permit temporary water use from hydrants as provided herein; (h) Regulate, limit, or prohibit lawn sprinkling as provided herein; (i) Under special circumstances and under such conditions as he or she may require: (1) permit or prohibit opening of streets and tapping of mains while the ground is frozen; (2) permit multiple service from one connection where the properties are a single ownership or where there is no water main on the streets on which the secondary properties abut; (j) Shall authorize or prohibit operation of connections from the mains to the curb box. Section 610:10. i�pplicatioa for Installation of Servi_e Connections Property ow ners desiring service connections made to their premises must file an application with th_ Superintendent on blanks provided for this purpose. Each application must be accowpanied by the payment of the charge specified in Section 610:45. Upon payment of sucn charge and allowance of the application, the Superintendent will allow the :onnection from main to curb b -x to be installed by a duly registered plumber. Section 610:15. Service Connection Certificates; Payment of Special Fe in Lieu of Assessments No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any water main of the City either directly or indirectly from any lot, tract, or parcel of land unless the City Clerk shall have certified: (a) c_ such lot or tract of land to be served by such connection or tap has, been assessed for the cost of construction of the water main with which the connecticn is made; or (b) If no assessment has been levied for such : onstruction costs, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (c) That the cost of construction for said water main has been paid by the developer, owner, or builder platting such lot or tract of land; this shall not include lots or tracts of bind served by the municipal water system and which were not a part of the plat or trait developed; or Mound City Code Section 610 :20 (d) If no assessment has been levied and no assessment proceedings will be commenced in due course, and the developer or builder of the lot, tract, or parcel has not paid the cost of improving said lot, tract, or parcel of land, that a sum equal to the portion of the cost of constructing said water main which would be assessable against . lot, parcel, or tract of land has been paid to the City of Mound. If no such certificate can be issued by the Clerk, no such permit t- tap or conne:t with any water main shall be issued unless the applicant shall pay a fee in addition to any fees charged under Section 610 :45, which additional fees shall be equal to the portion of the cost of construction rf said main which would be assessable against said lot, tract, or parcel to be served by such tapping or connection. Said assessable cost is to be determined by the City Manager, who may obtain the assistance of an Engineer, and said cost shall be upon tt,e same basis per front foot as any assessment previously levied against other property for the said main or, if no such assessment has been levied, jpon the basis of the unifo:i charge for front foot which may have been or which will be charged for similar tapping or connection with said main, determined on the basis of the total assessable cost of said main allocated on a frontage basis; where the assessable costs cannot be so determined, the charge shall be at a rate as set by the Council in Section 540:00 per front foot of the property to be served, with a ?er lot minimum to be determined by the Council. The resident is to take care of service connection. Any sum received by the City under this Section shall be paid into a special suspense account until it shall be determined by the City Council whether the property served by said connection under said permit will be assessable for any other water mains; if it shall be determined that no other main shall be so assessable, then said fee shall be credited to the funds for the water main to which the connection was made, but if the tract or lct served by the connection is subsequently assessed for another water main, such sum shall be transferred to the fund for said main, and credited against the amount assessable against said lot, tract, or parcel. The City Council may, by its resolution, and upon receipt of a "Consent to Assess- ment" form signed by all owners of the property, provide that any charge for water connection as provided in this Section may be transmitted to the County Auditor of Hennepin County, to be extended on the proper tax list of tie County, to be payable '.n no more than ter (10) annual installments as a special assessment against the property, and to provide further that all assessments and interest collected by the County Treasurer therefrom shall be pad over to the City Treasurer in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Section 610 :20. Conte of Appl Applications must state the purpose for which the water is to be used, together with a proper description and location of the property and must be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent. The application must :,:e distinctly the point on the property line .There the service is to enter the premises. Section 610 :25. Service Contract The Ctiy reserves the right to make any such further rules and regulations an necessary for the preservation system. The rules, regulations, d to change the rates from time to time as may be protection, and proper operation of the water and water rates hereinafter to be named shall be Mound City Code Section 600 :45 and identification, shall at reasonable ti-aes be pe : - mitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of Inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in connection with the operation of the municipal sanitary sewer system. Section 600:45. Rates and Charges. Subd. 1. Rates and Charges _ Counci fi ction . Rates and charges for the collection and tteatment of sewage shall be as set by the Council in Section 540:00. Subd. 2. Availability Char ge. Until such time as connection to the public sewer system has been made as requited by Section 600::0. Subd. 3. of this Code. all non - conforming premises abutting on streets or other places where municipal sewer mains are available shall pay a minimum charge per quarter for the availability of sanitary sewer services as set by the Council in Section 540:00. Subd. 3. Unusual Wastes - Special Fates As to ary sewage or industrial waste which is unusual in either character or amount, the City Council. reserves the r'ght to impose such supplemental sewage rate charge as said City Council shall determine is reasonable and warrarted on the basis of all relevant factors, in addition to all applicable charges hereunder. Section 600:50. Service Connection Certificate - Payment of Special Fee in Lieu of Assessment No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any municipal sewer system of the City wither directly or indirectly from any lot, tract, or parcel of land unless the City Clerk shall have certified: (a) That such lot or tract of land to be served by such connection or tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the sewer main with which the connection is to be made; or (b) If no assessment has been levied for such construction cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (c That the cost of construction for said sewer main has been paid by the developer, owner, or builder platting said lot or tract of land; this shall not include lots, parcels, or tracts served by the municipal sewer system and which were not a part of the plat or tract developed; or (d) If no assessment has been levied and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, and the developer, owner, or builder of the lot, tract, or parcel has not paid the cost of improving said lot, tract, or parcel of land, that a sum equal to the portion of the cost of constructing said sewer which would be assessable against said lot or tract has been paid to the City of 'found. I£ no such certificate can be issued by the Clerk, no such permit tc tap or connect to said sewer main shall be issued unless the applicant shall pay an additional connection fee which shall be equal to the portion of cost of construction of said main which would be assessable against said lot, tract, or parcel, to be served by such tapping or connection. Said assessable cost is to be determined by the City Mound City Code Section 600 :55 Manager and the City Assessor wtko may obtain the assistance of an Engineer, and said costs shall be on the same basis per front foot as any assessment previously levied against other property for the said main or, if no such assessment has been levied, upon the basis of the uniform charge per front foot which may have been or which shall be charged for similar capping or connection with said main, determined on the basis of the total assessable costs of said main allocated on a frontage basis; where the assessable cost cannot be so determined, the charge is as set by the Council in Section 540:00 per front foot of the property to be served, with a minimum of 80 foot frontage in Residential Use District A -1 and 60 foot frontage in Residential Use District A -2. Any sum received by the City under this ordinance shall be paid into a special suspense account until it shall be determined by the City Council whether the property served by said connection under said permit will be assessable for any cther sewer main; if it shall be determined that no other main shall be so assessable, then said fee shall be credited to the fund for the sewer main for which the connection was made, but if the lot, tract, or parcel served by the connection is subsequently assessed for another sewer main, such Gum shall bf transferred to the sum for said main, and credited against the account assessable against said tract or lot. The City Council may, by its Resolution and upon receipt of a "Consent to Assessment" form signed by all owners, provide that any charge for sewer connection, as provided by this Section, be transmitted to the County Auditor of Hennepin County to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County to be payable in not me than twenty (20) annual installments, and to provide further that all assessments and interest collected by the County Treasurer there- from shall be paid ever to the City Treasurer in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Section 600.55. Permits, Licenses, Fees, Bond and Insurance Subd. 1. Application Required - Permit Fees - Double Fee Pen ilty Any person desiring to make connection to the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System shall comply with the City Code. The application shall be submitted on blanks furnished by the City, and shall be accompanied by plans, specifications, and such other information as is eesired by the City Irspectcr, together with a permit and inspection fee as set by the Council in Section 540 :00. All costs and expenses incident to the installati_ ana connection shall be bo n.e by t`e owner and the owner shall indemnify the City for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasinned by the iustallation of the sewer connection including restoring streets and street surfaces. Any person, firm, or corproation who shall commence work of any kind for which a permit is required under this Section 600 or under Section 310 hereof, without first having received the necessary permit therefor, shall, when subsequently securing such permit, be required to pay double the fees provided by this Section 600 for such permit and shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this Section 600. Any application for connection permit shall state dhether the subject premises has paid an assessment and, if so, the amount so assessed, the legal description of the premises as originally assessed, the zoning use classification of the property at the time of the application, and the zoning use classification of the subject premises at the time when assessed. Subd. 2. Registered Pl umber Required - Du ties of City Inspector. Permits shall only be issued when the applications show that the work is to be done by persons who have been duly registered pursuant to Section MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION February 12, 1990 Those present were: Acting Chair Frank Weiland, Commissioners Geoff Michael, Jerry Clapsaddle, Michael Mueller, and Bill Voss, Council Representative Liz j ^nsen, City Planner Mark Koegler, Building Official Jan Bertrand, City Manager Ed Shukle, and Secretary Peggy James. Those absent and excused were: Bill Meyer, Bill Thal, and Ken Smith. The following citizens were also present: John Royer, Gerry Dodds, Gene Peterson, Brenda Peterson, and John Mayer. M INU14S: MOTION made by Mueller seconded by Clapsaddle to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of January 8, 1990 as written. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS: a. Case No. 90 -902: Applicant City of Mound. ZONING MODIFICATION: To allow 11 Dublicly owned outdoor storage" as a conditional use in t he B -1 zone. PUBLIC HEARING City Planner, Mark Koegler, reviewed his recommendation for the proposed zoning modification. Koegler noted the changes which were made as a result of the Planning Commission's previous review at their January 8, 1990 meeting. The suggested defini- tion is as follows: PUBLICLY OWNED OUTDOOR STORAGE: Storage of any goods equipment, materials, merchandise, supplies or motor vehicles not fully enclosed in a building for more than a twenty -four hour period. Such facilities :rust be lo- cated on land owned by the City of Mound. All materials stored on -site must be owned or used by the City of Mound. The performance standards which Koegler suggested to be added to Section 23.702, are as follows: 1. Front, side and rear setbacks shall be thirty (30) feet. In areas where storage abuts a residential use or zone, side and rear setbacks shall be fifty (50) feet. 2. Open storage areas shall be properly grades' f -r drainage purposes and shall maintain a dust controlled environ- ment. '. Incineration or reduction of waste material other than government sponsored recycling activities shall be prohibited. 6�1 Planning Commission Minutes February 12, 1990 Page Two 4. Storage of impounded vehicles and equipment is prohibited. 5. Publicly owned outdoor storage shall comply with all other performance standards identified in Section 7 of the Mound Zoning Code. The performance standards were reviewed and briefly discussed by the commission. Acting Chair Frank Weiland opened the public hearing. No citizens were present to speak on the issue, therefore the Acting Chair closed the public hearing. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle, to recommend to the City Council approval of the zoning modification to alloy Publicly Owned Outdoor storage as a conditional use in the B -1 zone as per the City Planner's Report. Motion carried unanitou3ly. The City Council will hold a public hearing for this case on April 10, 1990. b. Case No. 90 -903: Applicants: Bruce i Gerry Dodds of Coast - to -Coast and John Royer of Ben F ranklin. ZONI MODIFICATION: To allow "accessory seasonal outdoor retail sales" as a conditional use in the B -1 zone. PUBLIC HEARING City Planner, Mark Koegler, reviewed the background of the sub- ject request to allow "accessory seasonal outdoor retail sales" in the B -1 zone. He referred to the outdoor sales at the Ben Franklin store which has been in operarion for several summers, however the Building official notified Ben Franklin that the volume of their outdoor sales had grown to the point that a zoning ordinance amendment was required to allow such use. Coast to Coast also has an interest in opening outdoor sales for landscaping products. Koegler explained that allowing this type of sales will benefit both the customers and the business owners. Koegler suggested that in order to permi, an adequate review of such proposals, the use could be allowed under a conditional use permit rther than a permitted accessory use. In addition, by allowing such use under a conditional use permit, gives the City adequate control to ensure that the outdoor sales areas are aes- thetically pleasing and do not have a negative impact on sur- rounding properties. Staff recommended that the Manning Commission recommend that Section 23.625.3 of the Mound Zoning Code be modified to add "Accessory Outdoor Retail Sales" to the list of conditional uses, and to be defined as follows in Section 23.302 of the Mound r� • • 4 ;t :k Zoning Code: Planning Commission Meeting February 12, 1990 Page Three "Accessory Outdoor Retail Sales - Retail sales areas that are covered by a roof structure and are enclosed by walls, fencing or other suitable materials. Such uses shall be accessory to the principal retail structure and shall not exceed 20% of the floor area of the principal structure." Mueller questioned how extensive does the outdoor sales have to be before a permit is required? For example, what if, for in- stance, Meyer's station displayed lawn mowers outs =:ae for sale, would they be required to obtain a permit? It was determined that if a structure is constructed and attached to the principal building to enclose or cover the area to be used for sales, then a permit would be required. Mueller questioned if a roof should be required. Wnat about Christmas tree sales? or pumpkins? It was determined that the sales areas do not necessarily need to be covered, however, it is important to have the parameter defined by the area with a suitable material. Commissioner Michael was recognized as arriving at 8:34 p.m. Ac- t -ng Chair Frank 'eiland opened the public hearing. The allowable area of 30% as stated in the suggested definition was contemplated. The commission discussed the need for allowing such a great percentage of area. It was determined that both Ben Franklin and Coast to Coast plan on using much less than 20% of their floor area. Tt was also determined that it is better to be more restrictive now, than not to have that option in the future. The Acting Chair closed the public hearing. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Jensen to recommend to the City Council approval of the zoning modification to allow "Accessory Outdoor Retail Sales' as a condi- tional use in the B -1 zone, using the following definition: "Accessory Outdoor Retail Sales - Exterior retail sales areas that may be enclosed by u fills, fenc- ing or other suitable material. Such uses sha?1 be ac- cessory to the principal retail structure and shall not exceed 20% of the floor area of the principal struc- ture . $' Jensen questioned why Mueller changed the definition to say 11 . . * areas thcl: may be enclosed by walls, fencing, ." Mueller commented that he is concerned about the interpretation of "enclosed by," commenting that it sounds too restrictive. Koegler stated that it is necessary to define the parameters, and that this may be done with any suitable material, such as a small berm, stacked railroad ties, shrubs, etc. 4.23 Planning Commission Meeting e February 12, 1990 Page Four Jensen moved, Mueller seconded to amend the previous mo- tion, by changing the definition to read as follows: "Accessory Outdoor Retail Sales - Exterior retail sales areas *fat are enclosed by walls, fencing or other suitable material. Such uses shall be accessory to the principal retail structure and shall not exceed 20% of the floor area cf the principal. structure." Motion carried unanimously. b - A y The City Council will hole a public hearing for this case on March 13, 1990. c. Case No. 90 -904: Gene i Brenda Peterson, 6017 Ridgewood Road, Lot 18, Block 6, The Hig PID X23- _ 117 -24 -43 0031. VARIANCE F ront Yard Setback. Building Official, ,Ian Bertrand, reviewed the applicants request to construct a one story garage addition onto the existing two stall attached garage within one foot of the front property line. Bertrand explained that a variance was granted for this property in 1974 which allowed a lot area of 8,027 square feet, a 5 foot front yard setback, 6 `oot and 10 foot side yard setbacks, and a 50 foot (plus) lakeshore setback. The property has approximately a 20 percent slope towards the lakeside and the shape of the front property is a triangle which makes it difficult to setback a structure to the 30 foot setback with a 20 percent grade. The concrete driveway is presently encroaching onto the neighbors property. If storage is the intended use of this addition, there is room for an accessory building to be constructed on the lakeside of the property. She also commented that there are electric power transmission lines along the street front of the property. Staff recommended that the variance be denied. Owner and applicant, Gene Peterson, spoke on his behalf. Mr. Peterson reported to the commission that he is only attempting to mimic the layout of the garage next door which is setback closer to the curb than his proposed structure. He stated that 70% of the garage will be below grade, with only 2 tc 4 feet of the builcing visible at street level. Mr. Pete: - scn suggested that the fill which will be removed to construct the addition, (approximately 80 cubic yards) could be added to the berm at the street side to help hide the structure. His intended use for the garage addition is vehicle storage, therefore, the suggestion by the Building Inspector to construct a storage shed at the lake side is not feasible. The NSP wires which are erected at the street side are high enough that the garage should not interfere. Mr. Peterson proceeded to distribute phctr)graph�; of r,eijhboring properties stating that he will be further away from ttie curb than any of the other homes, in addition, a variance was (jr, -1ntc.­d Planning Commission Minutes February 12, 1990 Page Five for the structure three doors to the west of his home. Bertrand pointed out that one of the garages was constructed without a variance as it complied with the setback requirements for detachpi accessory buildings. She reminded the commission that a detached garage built on a lakeshore lot can be setback S feet from the front property line if the doors face the side lot line. Mueller questioned the type of tree which stands where the proposed garage will be erected. Peterson stated that the tree is a maple, and it is in poor shape since NSP trims branches yearly to ;seep it away from the power lines. Mueller commented about the curve on Ridgewood Road at the sub- ject property, and questioned visibility; will adding to the berm hinder visibility? The applicant did not feel that a problem ex- isted. John Mayer, who is Mr. Peterson's neighbor to the weft, stated that he supports the proposed addition and so do all the other neighbors. He is also in favor of any upgrading in the neighbor- hood. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Voss, to approve the setback variance to construct an attached garage addi- tion 1 foot from the front property line as shown on the plan. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on February 20, 1990. DISC USSI.ON I DNR App #90 - 6173 to dredge_a Seton La ke_, appl Roger Bec kel L 4961 Ba Blv DNR Ap plication 90 -6192 to insta a sand blan ket_ at_Phelps___Bay api5lied by Mark _Goldterg� X853 Lsland_View D rive . Mueller commented on Application #90 -6173 stating that he preferred not to see the island diminished in size as shown on Exhibit C. The commission then discussed Application #90 -6192 and the status of Mr. Goldberg's boathouse which is to be moved off the cor^ons by Sprinq 7990. The ccmmission suggested that a bond be pcsted to ensure Mr. Goldberg roves his boat house. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Jensen to recommend both DNR Applications #90 -6173 and 490 - 6192 he rnproved with comments acknowledged. Motion carried unrnir,. u�, 62s Planning Commission Minutes . February 12, 1990 Page Six These applications will be forwarded to the City Council for ap- proval at their meeting on February 20, 1990. City Council Representative Report. Jensen reviewed the City Council meeting of January 9, 1990 and January 23, 1990, and the agenda for the February 13, 1990 meet- ing. MOTION made by Clapsaddle, seconded by Jensen to adjourn the meeting at 10:04 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Bill Meyer Attest: is 426 0 • s THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL INVITES YOU TO ITS STATE OF THE REGION 1990 MM FEB 14 1W HOUSING... REBUILDING OUR VISION FOR THE '90s I' 7 100 , Hyatt Regency Minneapolis • 1300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis 08 r11 ^o T he I'Pg)% promise major .hinge fur the hou,me marko in the Tw to Cities :Area Slowed population gro th the agmg o1 the p and our housing saKA all signal the .omnrg , hinge \1 hat w Ill happen In a weakened mirAeI for rental units and starter home H,w. ,in we hest meet the uo lnc housing needs of hm- Ineome people' NtV we he ahle to pre,"r,c aging nt:ghN It s time I, ihillinge our a,Wmption, aN housing and desel„p a new sistun for the 1")1 R 4:"� ,1 natlehlr At ..n inE RAmp ientrame „n Ittn S, \,,al!rr k 1 . n Crmrr, Play ."'j, I,"­, I'.: kunip Icn,r„r e• , n L',h S, an.. 'n.1 i, Ile, "t .i Hull kemp ,con en.r nn lhh tit .¢r? 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