2015-01-27 CC Meeting MinutesMound City Council Minutes —January 27, 2015
11. Adiourn
MOTION by Gillisipie, seconded by Gesch, to adjourn at 08:07 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Mark Wegscheid
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk
Mound City Council Minutes —January 27, 2015
Wegscheid stated the City is already working on a CIP that could be considered behind
schedule due to financial pressures and that we do have to weigh wants and needs. Gillispie
stated that she appreciated the information being shared with the entire council which will make
it helpful for them to defend the City's stance when questioned. Salazar and Gesch agreed.
Peter Meyer, 5748 Sunset, stated that when he served on the Council in the early 2000's, water
treatment was discussed and options were considered, but that the Council at the time decided
it was more economical to let the homeowner decide if and how to treat their water using a
home water softener.
Wegscheid said the point of the discussion was to decide if Mound wanted to have a concurrent
meeting with Minnetrista to discuss joint water treatment and everyone agreed that is not
necessary at the time as this is not a viable option for Mound.
Hanson explained the mission of the SRA, which is to serve as a watchdog for area electric and
gas utilities and that it is the Council's option to appoint a representative to the SRA. Salazar
nominated Mayor Wegscheid. Hanson said former Mayor Hanus was president of the SRA a
few times. Faulkner said he used to attend as an alternate as the Public Works Director of
Plymouth, but that the alternate did not have to be a staff member.
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to nominate Mayor Wegscheid as the Mound
representative to the SRA. Wegscheid proposed Salazar as alternate, and Salazar accepted
the suggestion as a friendly amendment. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Wegscheid introduced the concept and everyone agreed it would be productive to meet
in a workshop setting to share thoughts and ideas. Hanson proposed February 11, 12" or 1 g1
at 7:OOpm. Hanson recommended it occur in the first couple of months and people were
encouraged to send agenda items to Kandis in advance. Discussion ensued.
MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to schedule a special meeting on February 1gth at
7:OOpm in the Council Chambers with the agenda to be set. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
10. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council Members/City Manager
Hanson mentioned the Harbor Wine and Spirits Customer Appreciation Sale will take
place Feb 26th through Mar 14th.
B. Minutes:
C. Reports: Finance Department: Dec 31, 2014 YTD
Fire Commission Meeting: Jan 21, 2015
D. Correspondence:
Mound City Council Minutes —January 27, 2015
responsibility of the City to initiate. Manderschied said she thought a variance would be the
quickest and least expensive.
Courneya asked if a final plat was ever recorded according to code. Smith said a minor
subdivision just requires a legal description and that it was not a replat. Wegscheid asked if
Courneya has a proposed solution and Courneya said that he had not thought one in advance.
Peterson asked Smith confirm the requested variance and Smith said as the subdivision was
approved, the set -backs would be 10 and 10 and 30% hardcover. If it had remained lots of
record, it would have been automatically 6 feet and 10 feet and 40% hardcover. Smith noted
the standard for a variance is practical difficulty and not hardship and noted that the timing on
the 60 day rule deadline requires action by March 28, 2015.
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the following resolution. The following
voted in favor: Salazar, Gillispie, Wegscheid, Peterson. The following voted against: Gesch.
The following abstained: none. Motion carried.
LANE, PLANNING CASE NO. 14-21, PID NO. 18-117-23-23-0078
7. Karl Hanson City Manager, requesting discussion/action on a request bV the
City of Minnetrista for a meeting of the two cities for the purpose of discussing joint
water treatment
Hanson introduced the topic and gave background. Wegscheid said the object of the
discussion is to ensure everyone on the Council is aware of the various issues and is given the
chance to weigh in on whether or not to move forward with a concurrent meeting with
Faulkner gave background on the City's water current system, including well number 3 and 8
which are the two active wells and well number 7 which is considered an emergency/back-up
well if needed. Mound's current wells do not treat for iron and manganese, which are
considered nuisance elements and which are most commonly treated with in-home water
softeners. Faulkner stated many cities do have water treatment plants as well and that
Mound's pump houses were designed to allow for a stand-alone treatment option at each
facility. Faulkner talked about how Mound would have to install piping to transport the water to
and from the treatment plant proposed by Minnetrista at significant cost.
Gillispie asked that since Minnetrista surrounds Mound, wouldn't Minnetrista have to transport
water along County Road 110 anyway. Wegscheid asked what roads that have already been
redone would be impacted if Minnetrista wanted to route their piping through Mound. Faulkner
said mainly county roads but it is difficult to say without more specifics.
Pausche gave a summary of the City's debt profile and Capital Improvement Plan and stated
the ongoing philosophy has been to focus on improvements that are essential and what will
prompt redevelopment. Pausche said Mound is considered fully built and cannot project growth
and noted that the tax base is already paying for improvements that should have been funded
by tax increment. Hanson stated the City recognizes the water quality is similar to Minnetrista's
but that we try to educate on how to deal with until if and when it can be addressed at another
Mound City Council Minutes — January 27, 2015
4F. Approve special meeting workshops:
Salazar requested the April 22nd meeting be moved to a later time and 5:OOpm was decided
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the following special meeting workshops:
1. Emergency Management incident Training - Part 1 (classroom): Apr 15, 6:00
2. Supervisors' Annual Reports to the City Council: Apr 15, 7:00
3. Emergency Management Incident Training - Part 2 (practical): Apr 22, 5:00
All voted in favor. motion carried.
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
None were offered.
Applicant: Mark Lee
Smith provided background on prior discussions and stated that the Council directed Staff at the
last meeting to return with a resolution approving the variance as requested by the applicant
and approved by the Planning Commission. The variance is approving side set -backs of six (6)
feet and forty percent hardcover due to the practical difficult created by the recording error.
Smith recounted the recording error that occurred when the property was subdivided in 2003,
which left a sliver that was suppose to transfer to the new parcel with the original parcel. Smith
stated the neighbor, Todd Courneya is in the audience.
Todd Courneya, 1989 Lakeside Lane, said he wanted to offer comments in order to facilitate a
good decision. Courneya questioned the accuracy in some of the minutes and stated
Resolution No. 03-13 was requested by Brenshell Homes and Mark Lee. Courneya said he was
informed by Smith that teh lot in question would not qualify as a lot of record. Courneya stated
Lee was a realtor at the time of the recording and that Courneya first approached in 2012 by
Lee regarding the error. Courneya summarized communication weaknesses in conversations
with Staff and notifications of the meetings.
Courneya stated his concern is that the lots are fairly small and the sliver in discussion is 1,000
square feet. Courneya is concerned about allowing an increased amount of hardcover and he
does not feel the hardship exists or warrants a variance. Courneya does not understand how
the recording error occurred and who is responsible, but he said he was told by Smith that the
applicant did not file it correctly. Peterson asked Courneya to clarify his main concern.
Courneya says that in the spring the area is very saturated and more hardcover would only
make it worse. Courneya questioned why the Planning Commission is allowing 40% hardcover
than the typical 30%.
Manderschied indicated that the resolution stated the lines would be moving but the attached
legal description did not and no one caught it, including the attorney, staff, applicant or county.
Manderschied discussed the possible remedies but said that she did not feel it was the
January 27, 2015
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch, Ray Salazar, Kelli
Gillispie, and Jennifer Peterson
Members absent: None.
Others present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, Community Development Director Sarah Smith,
Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche, City Attorney Melissa Manderschied,
Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Peter Meyer, Katie
Morford, Todd Courneya, Mark Lee
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council
Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
Salazar requested item 4F be pulled for discussion.
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the consent agenda as amended.
Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $200,700.94
B. Approve minutes Nov 25, 2014 regular meeting
Dec 9, 2014 regular meeting
Dec 11, 2014 special meeting workshop
Jan 13, 2015 regular meeting
NO. PW -15-10