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1977-05-10 CC Agenda Packetcity Ow no" aaUMAD Minnesota RK 5a X977 CON011 ORCHANDUR Q. 77-133 TO: The mcnarysta Niqvw and 007 Council FBI& The city Hinagolar The residents aleng the eastavly 2374 Yet of EQY am lane have h 2 qmeatul that all parking be removed from this 20 feet (They home made Owwangema,ate to park an ruilivad t-cf way) preoewbxy thave 10 no parking allowed on the north aid* of Northern law It is recommended that no parking be allawed an either side of HoIr-thVerva lane Nam Edgeumtov Drive to Satan Cb annaX. This would HaNdea the arra t has 40 foot r ht -of -way as walo Attached 4s a on, of the as an Haat reporto Ova the Paliesa Chief end Publio While Director. �,, � •,��-,*,ori. �"a� 1, Rapp ON LAKE MINNETONKA I INDIAN BURIAL MOUNDS 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 May 4, 1977 TELEPHONE (612) 472-1155 TO: LeonoAd Kopp - City Manager FROM: Chuck Johnson - Chie6 o4 Police SUBJECT: Non-resident panting on Notthenn Road between Edgewater, and Seton Chanes 1. Problem: The )taident6 .in tomes on Northe&n Road are making eomplaint6 o6 pa&ii;ng probleras generated by 4izhermen using Seton Channel and pw&c thein cars on the roadway. 2. Assumptions: Thete is adequate parking 6or res.i-dent6 and thein gue6ts on thein pni-vate property and the privately owned raixoad right -o4 -way to the south o4 Northern Road. 3. Paste bearing on the problem: Con#nol o6 panlzi,ng .in this area is e6sent at 4or the sa4ety and wel6are o4 residents in the nine homes adjacent to this roaduucy. A. Mound ordinance 46.29 (b) 37 provide.6 Jot "no paxking" on the north aide o4 the xoadway, however aee o6 the city .instaeeed signs with one exception have been removed. B. Residents have made a4nangement6 with the tai tAoad to paAk on rait&oad right -o4 -way property o44 the roadway to the south. This area has been .improved by the residents and provides them with adequate packing. C. The roadway right -o4 -way in this area .is only 201 wide, while the traveled portion .is much nwvowen. 4. Discussion: A. With the .indiseni.mate parking o6 both residents and non-residents, roadway travel .is aeveneey .impaired or impoz.6ible. B. It .is neeezzaty that the roadway remain open at alt times to insure access bon res.ident6, and o4 equae .importance, access 4or the police and 4 -ire departments 6or emeagenci.e6. C. The re6.ident6 along the roadway have complained o6 the problem and a solution allowing them ingress and egress and provi6i.on6 6or emergency vehieees must be bound. 5. Conc usionb: Noxthexn. Road 4rom Edgewater east to Seton Channel shoutd be posted box no paxking on both north and south aides. 6. Action recommended: A. Change city ordinance 46.29 (b) 31 to read both north and south side o4 Northern Road. E. The pubti.e work6 department ehoutd post as soon as poea.ibte the north aide o4 the road. C. Residents zhould be advised to post no packing signs on .theix pxivate2y owned or maintained areas. Reapeat4u2ey, Chuck Johnson Chie4 o4 Potice CJ:W 1 May 5, 1977 Mr. Thomas S. Maple Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, 402 East Lake Street Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Re: Lake Minnetonka Water Patrol Dear Tom: Attached to this letter are two resolutions wood City Council at their meeting of May 3, resolutions are responding to the actions of Board of Commissioners' decision to withdraw services on Lake Minnetonka. adopted by the Green - 1977. These the Hennepin County its Water Patrol The Greenwood City Council, in reviewing the legal opinion by the County Attorney, has determined that an emergency exists on Lake Minnetonka at the present time that is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of all citizens that use Lake Minnetonka and that strong, definitive action by the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District is required immediately. The ultimate decision for solving this emergency situation affect- ing public safety on Lake Minnetonka must be made by the State of Minnesota by correcting the statutory discrepancies as they relate to responsibility and funding for the management of Lake Minnetonka. The Greenwood Council has set down, in the two attached resolutions, a recommended course of action to alleviate the short run emergency condition, as well as the long run management problems existing on Lake Minnetonka. The Greenwood City Council feels that the preparation of a written request for emergency funds required to operate the Water Patrol during the 1977 boating season be prepared and submitted to the State of Minnesota at the earliest possible time. We also feel that a comprehensive Lake Management Program must be developed, CITY OF GREENWOOD 20225 Cottagewood Road Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 (612) 474-4755 f Mr. Thomas S. Maple May 5, 1977 Page Two together with the various operating budgets required, and submitted to the State of Minnesota for funding. We further recommend that until the emergency situation has been rectified by the State of Minnesota, that all public launch ramps be closed. The City of Greenwood supports and is available to assist the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District in solving these management problems existing on Lake Minnetonka. We strongly urge that this matter receive your.prompt attention and action immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, Frank Js Brixius Mayor FJB:jb Enclosures cc: Governor Rudy Perpich Representative Robert L. Searles Representative Tad Jude Senator George Pillsbury Hennepin County Board of Commissioners: John E. Derus Thomas E. Ticen Jeff Spartz Richard E. Kremer E. F. Robb, Jr. Sam S. Sivanich Nancy Olkon City Mayors City Administrators Metro Council Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Director Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Board of Directors Hennepin County Sheriff . Department of Natural Resources Minnehaha Water Shed District RESOLUTION.# A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AFFECTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF CITIZENS INTENDING TO USE THE WATERS OF LAKE MINNETONKA WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Sheriff has its police protection services on Lake Minnetonka its budget for said service, and withdrawn as well as -- WHEREAS, the City of Greenwood, as well as other neigh- boring cities bordering on Lake Minnetonka are prevented from funding municipal police protection to the citizens using the Lake Minnetonka waters by State Statute, and WHEREAS, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has the statutory authority to provide police protection for Lake Minnetonka, but has no statutory means to pay for police service, and WHEREAS, a dangerous condition now exists on Lake Minnetonka affecting the health, safety and welfare of all citizens intending to use Lake Minnetonka for recreational and related purposes during the calendar year 1977. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Greenwood declares that an emergency exists affecting the health, safety and welfare of citizens intending to use the waters of Lake Minnetonka, and FURTHERMORE, that the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District be requested to make known to the State Government that an emergency does now exist for which there is no funding available unless emergency funds are obtained from.the State, and FURTHERMORE, that the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District and Hennepin County be requested to close all public access points on Lake Minnetonka until such time as the emergency has been corrected. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Greenwood, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held May 3, 1977. ank,4. Brixius, or Attest:�� Juli-enne Weidner, Clerk Resolution Page 2 cc: Governor Rudy Perpich Representative Robert L. Searles Representative Tad Jude Senator George Pillsbury Hennepin County Board of Commissioners: John E. Derus Thomas E. Ticen Jeff Spartz — Richard E. Kremer E. F. Robb, Jr. Sam S. Sivanich Nancy Olkon City Mayors City Administrators Metro Council Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Director Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Board of Directors Hennepin County Sheriff Department of Natural Resources Minnehaha Water Shed District AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District May 19, 1977 7:30 p.m. Wayzata City Hall Wayzata, Minnesota 1. Call to Order. Present: Absent:. Staff: 2. Approval of Minutes: April 21, 1977 - April 28, 1977 - 3. Hearing of Permit Applications: A. Renewal of Permits No. 76-30, 76-33 and 76-43, City of Minnetonka, Park Sites Action taken: B. 77-2. Harold Peterson, Grading and Land Alteration Permit, Commercial Property, Chowen's Corners - Deephaven Action taken: C. 77-47. C. Pihl, Shoreline Riprap, Lake Minnetonka - Orono Action taken: D. 77-48. K. J. Wiley, Lake Setback Variance, St. Alban's Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Excelsior Action taken: E. 77-49. Aaron Robushin, Lake Setback Variance, West Arm of Lake Minnetonka - Mound Action taken: F. 77-50. C. Morrison, Shoreline Riprap, Wayzata Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Woodland Action taken: K. 77-55. J. B. Mulhouse, Pond Dredging - Minnetonka Action taken: L. 77-56. City of Mound, Storm Sewer - Island Park Park Action taken: M. 77-57. McNulty Construction Company, Grading and Land Alteration Permit, Amesbury 11th Addition - Deephaven Action taken: N. 77-58. Olson Concrete Company, Grading and Land Alteration Plan, Commercial Property, Fairfield Avenue — Minnetonka Action taken: 4 0. 77-59. H. Petruska, Pond Dredging and Diking - St. Bonifacius Action taken: P. 77-60. City of St. Louis Park, Replacement Bridge, Meadowbrook.woad. Over. ..Minnehaha:_Creek:�..:.. Action taken: Q. 77-61. Surf Side, Shoreline Riprap and Deck Repair, Cook's Bay of Lake. Minnetonka - Mound Action taken: R. 77-62. Metropolitan Airports Commission, Storm Runoff Retention Basin - Duck Lake...._... Action taken: 5 4. Hearing of requests or petitions by public for action by watershed district. 5. Hearing and discussion of matters of general public interest. 6. Reports of Treasurer, Engineer and Attorney. A. Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell: B. Engineer's Report - Mr. Hickok: 1. Water Maintenance and Repair Fund Appropriations 1977 2. Lake Minnetonka Water Quality Sampling 3. City of Orono - Mayor Brad Van Nest 4. Headwaters Control Structure 5. Upper Watershed Project E 6. Diamond Lake Preservation C. Attorney's Report - Mr. Haik: 1. Annual Report for 1976 7. Unfinished Business. A. Confirmation of Permit Applications Approved at Special Meeting of April 28, 1977 8. New Business: A. DNR Permit Application, Lord Pletcher's Restaurant, Maintenance Dredging - Spring Park B. DNR Permit Application, North Star Marina Incorporated, Dredging - Lake Minnetonka - Wayzata 9. Adjournment._ 7 {I RESOLUTION # A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE LAKE MINNETONKA DISTRICT TO PREPARE A FORMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN TO CONTRACT AND FUND A POLICE WATER PATROL SERVICE FOR LAKE MINNETONKA WHEREAS, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has -the statutory authority to exercise broad regulatory power over the use of Lake Minnetonka, and WHEREAS, Hennepin County has moved to withdraw substantial financial support of governmental services being applied to regu- lating uses on Lake Minnetonka, and WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon the Lake Minnetonka Conserva- tion District to develop a complete management plan stating objectives and means to achieve those objectives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District immediately and urgently prepare a formal management plan including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Provisions for contracting and funding Police Water Patrol services. 2. Acquisition of facilities and equipment required to execute above. 3. Acquisition and management of the Lake Navigational Aids. 4. Ownership and management of all County owned and operated accesses to Lake Minnetonka. 5. Management and execution of all channel dredgings and Lake maintenance projects. 6. Development of a comprehensive funding profile for each element of the Lake Minnetonka management program. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Greenwood, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held May 3, 1977. Attest: Julienne Weidner, Clerk %Frank J. Bri.xius, Mayor Resolution Page 2 cc: Governor Rudy Perpich Representative Robert L. Representative Tad Jude Senator George Pillsbury Hennepin County Board of John E. Derus Thomas E. Ticen Jeff Spartz Richard E. Kremer E. F. Robb, Jr. Sam S. Sivanich Searles Commissioners: Nancy Olkon City Mayors City Administrators Metro Council Lake Minnetonka Conservation Lake Minnetonka Conservation Hennepin County Sheriff District Director District Board of Directors Department of Natural Resources Minnehaha Water Shed District M V .... LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 9V'4TI0N�\ 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 - TELEPHONE 612/473-7033 FRANK MIXA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BOARD MEMBERS Thomas S. Maple, Jr., Chairman Deephaven Robert S. MacNamara, Vice Chairman Wayzata Alm W. Clark, Secretary Minnetonka Beach Robert T. Brown, Treasurer Greenwood - Edward G. Bauman, Tonka Bay R. Jon Ehrman Mamatrlsta Orval R. Fenstad Mound Frank R. Hurd, Jr. - Spring Park Myron (Jerry) Johnson Excelsior William C. Keeler Shorewood Angus T. Morrison Woodland Norman W. Paurus Orono Robert K. Pillsbury Minnetonka Richard J. Soderberg Victoria George M. Tallon Laketown Township MEMORANDUM TO: LMCD Ma= MAYORS AND COUNCIL M mR1.;Rs FROM: Tom Maple DATE: May 10, 1977 SDBJ: Lake Management Discussion The7'would ke to invite you to a rolls -and -c meetat is Cafe, Wayzata, at 8:00 a.m. on Sa mornJune 18, 1977• / This informal get-together should give us an opportunity to discuss our various approaches to Lake -related prob- lems' such as law enforcement, boating density, access, and boat storage, as well as other matters which may arise. We will look forward to seeing you June 18th. Sincerely, LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Tho` mas S. Maple, Jr. Chairman cc: LMCD Member Municipalities LMCD Board Members City of Mound c% Leonard Kopp, Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound MN 55364 The Honorable Tim Lovaasen Mayor, City of Mound 4657 Suffolk Road Mound MN 55364 Mr. Orval Fenstad 4366 Wilshire Blvd. Mound MN 55364 Mr. Gordon Swenson 4844 Manchester Road Mound MN 55364 Mr. Ben Withhart 4976 Monmouth Road Mound MN 55364 Mr. Robert Polston 5780 Lynwood Blvd. Mound MN 55364 pa esa um f � - y + `� II 1' 'n _ 151 { i•. 'v' 1J1a� ?,, N l., en.l -'., In Y �'� q �'°° '" /•. � N !n i_ N Vi/�u J 'a+t w fl�"mIMtr1' _ . }_^'llt—y-a yY % l m P y . U A: N 5. L • W • W Yitb last > � C �I�/^ '.: a D m r3 y it•ya FERNSIDE :PLACE" S w u yy-0. o-Y.=w:�•, m P J m' o'. ^_''N 2. � y m .�- • it A �ti Yf ' m � ,. 0 I6 11 � .. it • m C� a. _ l..' ', n s. s, n ae a '� ' a67 °' c Be J•s I-. -S ./� ^w u'A 'W.N a ai�s4 tx�'I �� �'.:WSw��� l�'� �F � 3 oFm �' i t'Sf ;. � N: w ♦ "', w. JT NG�� ?,fir \ min N` w aSe.u• AVE Y ...1{ ° AO X ^•ap .i!.s;r 1 ¢•s L � W S 'Y •m y� Y f AVE et C m >s {a r. s = 1 � � C rs . �w \s.i1 PLACES wY � m •Faw � m •, 4• � � w /C^ q "' C �� 5 `. � � g ���0 '' � ' \ vr. Sa•$ w .% Yti " /A � wyya'ry � I , `. V� L m . {if •,•, w a X755 � ' im - hbf .,> r a m® �Au O Oe ' O � a •. y M •• a ep r _ tr• r ar g^ ' N N 1 � �fy�.p+, f { ff S• f N j ' ill\ 1 M&54°T U I'm - VILLA!'.i Of ORONO Vu2t� � ww �• "o.Y ,• � ill rr F m \ s i 4q . _. ... . _. 0... _ $ m• / T =e JO I/ 6 4 A^ TO.HVM ': CIT:' OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 ` (612) 472-1155 SUBJECT: YZ-G If�-'��" MESSAGE %/%t�-.:,-Z;��•�-tom-,.' �_.��.t�e ..0 �c.-�c.�� z_�i.Z�c:�-� �x� :,�.J'xr.t-t-• <_.�.(l.i ..n_..-Gc� 0.�/��s�! �--c iii ✓i�6=✓2`/, 72/21/ � ✓'fi�e^ .--�� KKK -elk-z' �} SIGNED DATE REPLY FORM 11W. REGENT FORMS. PENNSAUKEN. N.I. 08109 LETTER-LIMINATOR �'B RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHITE COPY. RETURN PINK COPY RESOLUTION REDEFINING THE LEVEL OF FUNDING FOR THE SUBURBAN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE Mr. introduced the following resolution and moved it's adoption. WHEREAS, the City Council authorized, in the 1977 budget, an appropri- ation for Suburban Public Health Nursing Service (SPHNS) programs in an amount of 660 per capita; and WHEREAS, the Community Health Service Act, through Hennepin County, will provide subsidy resources to support the provision of public health nursing services to municipalities at a rate of 400 per capita; and WHEREAS, this subsidy will lower the contribution of the City of to SPHNS in a like amount; NO1,19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of To restate the City Council's acceptance of programs and services as comprehended during development -of the 1977 budget and to redefine the level of budget funding for those programs and services at a rate of 280 per capita, the 40¢ per capita balance of the costs to be financed by state subsidy. The motion for adoption of the above resolution was seconded by Upon roll call there were yeas and nays: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 19 -9 Clerk of the City of hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of _ in an official meeting on (Signed) ��(C1orkT RESOLUTION REDEFINING THE LEVEL OF FUNDING FOR THE SUBURBAN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE Mr. introduced the following resolution and moved it's adoption. WHEREAS, the City Council authorized, in the 1977 budget, an appropri- ation for Suburban Public Health Nursing Service (SPHNS) programs in an amount of 600 per capita; and WHEREAS, the Community Health Service Act, through Hennepin County, will provide subsidy resources to support the provision of public health nursing services to municipalities at a rate of 400 per capita; and WHEREAS, this subsidy will lower the contribution of the City of to SPH`!S in a like amount; NOWt THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of To restate the City Council's acceptance of programs and services as comprehended during development -of the 1977 budget and to redefine the level of budget funding for those programs and services at a rate of 200 per capita, the 400 per capita balance of the costs to be financed by state subsidy. The motion for adoption of the above resolution was seconded by Upon roll call there were _yeas and naysa whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. I, , Clerk of the City of hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of in an official meeting on (Signed) �iClork a] Is W _s -3- Commentary Mentor C. "Duke" Addicks, Jr. League Legislative Counsel LEGISLATIVE SESSION NEARING END .The 1977 session of the 1977-78 Legislature will close on May 23• If a bill (except those dealing with taxation or appropriations) has not been reported to the floor of either the House or Senate by this time (see progress chart at end of Bulle- tin), it is probably dead for this session. Except for bills relating to taxation and appropriations, all. bills must have passed at least one. legislative body and have been re- ported out of committee to the floor of the other body by the end of the. week (May 6), if they are to be con- sids_red/--£or•� ±,nPrt. th's year. ,-- -SUE TASK FORCES -TO BE FORMED rim between the close of th� 1977 legis start of the 1978 session. Two or three meetings of each task force are planned Any legislative policies developed will be submitted to the League's Board of Directors for its. approval Also, the task forces will report to the League's Community Conservation and Environmental Quality Legisla- tive: Study Committees which will be- gin -meeting late in 1977 to develop policy for the League's 1978 Annual Meeting. The proposed task forces are as follows: Annexation and Consolidation. The task force will review a proposed comprehensive revision of the laws relating to annexation and city con- solidation (S.F. 910), and will also review League Policies 3-A-1 and 3-B. Agricultural Land Preservation. Tax - at on, an 'Develo ant. his task force will review the current League Policy-3-A-2on this issue (as ex- pressed in S.F. 261, H.F. 943), as well as other pending legislation on this issue. It will be a joint task force of the League and the Associa- tion of Metropolitan_ Municipalities. Eminent DomainLaw Revision. This task force willdevelop proposals for implementation of League Policy 3-F, which calls for the critical review of the entire eminent domain process.