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1977 June CC Agenda Packet Items
c rid' DIUM bund, mnuotgota June 79 1977 COUNCIL IMBARNM HOo 77-165 `Me Tha Ronamblo MY= and City Council PROM$ MW 01-4y Manapr SU7 J=t Rceque!%t for 3,2 B r 'moo+ uss The Momd Volunteer Five Daparivent hao raquov"d a 3>2 b -se 11cen for therm dayffie June 2¢, 25 and 260 \`y in, TO ('iOIIPTCiI1J FROM O Tmv OF MOUND SUBJECT: BRRr Ti.Fense DATE MESSAGE CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 (612) 4721155 Th Mord Voii?nteer dire Department reouesta a beer license for three days, REPLY m FORM 1100, REGENT FORMS. PENNSAUKEN, N.J. 08109 LETTER - L I M I 1 V A T O R RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY Kno £, 1977 US TV ECEOX8ble WSYM SMA Sty COMMI'll FROMV The City fhaapr In Angaast 1916, the: ocunaAY wao sent a proposed Mage to the Zoming Cadimanuo KIM muYd regulato looatiora of utility storaga buildings as vall as vaquirr 'ghee to be put on a oonamete arms, Kam our noteop It appears, that the Wmasl. put off action an this Sea un'vei'l Abu new zouing ardi'ranoo would he mon idered> Dom tha Feumnfall wish to oonoldev theme ruggened Wagat at this QW01 If sot sa public haarlug It reqas;Kad to Q anga Us Ming Vdin ance.. cut Fax;9 i ding Dass atmcl ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 23.33 ADDING REGULATIONS FOR AUXILIARY UTILITY STORAGE BUILDINGS The City of Mound does ordain: Section 23.33 is amended to read as follows: Section 23.33. Accessory Buildings - Rear Yard and Side Yard Requirements. a) Accessory buildings shall not be required to provide a side or rear yard in excess of a width of four feet except where any such accessory building adjoins the side line of the required side yard of an adjoining dwelling and lies within the extensions of the front building line and rear building line of the adjoining dwelling if such building lines were extended in which case said accessory building shall conform to the side yard setback required of a dwelling. b) Auxiliary Utility Storage Buildings. Auxiliary utility storage buildings are considered accessory buildings under the provisions of subdivision a as set ort above ana shall a so be subject to the additional provisions and regulations as o ows: 1) The utility storage building shall be located at least 10 feet away trom trie main structure. 2) The utility storage building shall be located in the rear or side yard of single rontage ots. n double frontage lots the building shall be located between the garage and the main structure if a garage exists. If - a garage does not exist on the property, the uti it_v storag building shall meet all front and side yard setbacks as contained in Section 23.31 and 43M -of this code. Attest: 3) All utility s and attached to a con City Clerk Adopted by the City Council Published in Official Newspaper s shall be constructed Mayor Name of Complainant Address Offense POLICE DLi=A: i ME;NT Mound, Minnesota Barbara Dill Date Case No. FOLLOW-UP REPORT Time 9110 a.m, I arrived on the scene at the Briarcrood Restaurant at approximately 3slO a.m. Officer Swanson at.this point informed me that they had removed David Swed Lund from the pick up camper and that in the process of doing so, it nec- essitated that they use chemical mace to remove the party. He stated that the party had threatened them with a rifle which was seen in his hands by Reserve Officer Gazelka. At this point they requested that I make an attempt to check the inside of the camper which was at this point still very dense with the fumes from the mace. I entered the rear of the camper and observed a drawer in the cabinet (would be the upper left hand drawer as you were facing it) that the drawer was standing partly open and saw a cartridge which upon examination proved to be a 308 caliber cartridge. In further checking inside the camper I ob- served bserved a box of 25 caliber automatic ammo in the overhead cupboards above the cabinet. The lower portion of the cabinet had in it a box of 308 Norma brand ammunition. Later I found another loose 308 cartridge lying on the floor. The two cartridges were examined by the Henn. Cty. Crime Lab. There was evidence of a mark on the cartridges from a bolt extractor. One of the cartridges from the box which had no markings on it was placed into the 308 and extracted and at this point the exact same markings were found on the third cartridge. Officer Hartigan inventoried the vehicle and Officer Roth and Officer Swanson contacted Officer Johnson regarding the matter. Bostrom #2 Signed on the loud speaker of the squad car and announced to Mr. Lund that there was a warrant for his arrest and that he should come out at this time. Mr. Lund refused and in the beginning would not even answer the requests. The deputy sheriff on the scene at this time was talking to Mr. Lund to the camper and Mr. Lund would yell back that he was not coming out. Mr. Lund was told at this time that if he did not come out that we would have to come in and get him and he stated if they came in to get him that he would start shooting. The deputy sheriff at this time managed to break one of the side windows on the camper and also the front window on the overhang of the camper and by hiding behind the front of the pick up truck, was able to squirt some chemical mace into the truck to see if he could force Mr. Lund out of the camper. After warning Mr. Lund several times that if he did not come out on his own we would have to come in after him, we managed to pry the back door of the camper open and extract Mr. Lund from the inside. Mr. Lund at this time was still resisting arrest and had to be placed on the ground and handcuffed. After turning Mr. Lund over to Hennepin County Transport we were able to look inside the camper. FYrom the back door you could see in plain view a high powered rifle on the upper shelf in the front part of the camper. Upon further checking the camper we found rounds of ammunition for this rifle and also the case. Officer Hartigan also discovered a .25 automatic pistol with a fully loaded clip. Also while checking the vehicle underneath one of the boards below the bed I discovered a 23 channel CB radio. The wires leading from the radio appeared to be cut and this was also taken into custody: At this point Officer Swanson and myself cleared the Briarwood leaving Officer Hartigan and Officer Bostrom at the scene. We then proceeded back to the office where we were requested to call Det. Johnson. Roth #10 POLICE DEPARTMENT Mound, Minnesota Name of Complainant Barbara W I j Address 4608 Manchester Rd. Mound, Minn. Offense Case No. FOLLOW-UP REPORT Date 6-13-76 Time 1x48 a.m. On 6-13-76 at approximately 1x48 a.m. Officer Swanson and myself received a call to see a Barbara Dill at 4608 Manchester Rd. Upon arriving at the scene we met Barbara Dill in the front yard of her residence. She stated at this time there was a party by the name of David Lund who she had seen earlier at the Briarwood restaurant. She stated she has had trouble with this party in the past and that this David Lund might come over to her house tonight looking for her. She stated that this David Lund has been driving around and he does not have a drivers license. At approximately 2s00 a.m. on 6-13-76 Officer Swanson and myself arrived at the scene of the Briarc+ood and observed a white. Ford pick up truck with a camper on the back. This was what we believed Mr. Lund was driving and staying in. Officer Swanson and myself then ran a registration check on the vehicle and it did come back registered to a David Lund and at this time we also ran a warrant check on the owner of the vehicle and it came back that he was wanted on a nite capped bench warrant. Officer Swanson and myself then shined our flashlights in the back door of the camper and could see a party laying on a sleeping bag. We then pounded on the door of the camper and the party was very slow in waking up. When he finally woke up we had to yell through the door that we were the police and that we would like to talk to him. At this time he stated for us to go away and that he wasn't talking to anybody. We continued to pound on the door and informed him that we were the police again and that we had a warrant for his arrest. We had banged on the back of the camper door several times with our flashlights in the window shining on the face of Mr. Lund. Several times his eyes would open up and then he would pretend that he was sleeping again and would not answer us. At this point Officer Swanson and I left the rear area of the camper to go over and talk to Barbara Dill who at this time had walked up from her residence on Manchester.. Shortly thereafter I went, back over to the camper and when I shined my flashlight on the back door I could see that Mr. Lund was standing up but as soon as he saw my light he jumped back in the sleeping bag and pretended to be asleep. In talking to Barbara Dill she stated that she believed Mr. Lund did have a rifle in the truck at this time. Officer Swanson and myself then called for assistance from 6411 and the county squad. When the back up squads arrived we stationed the different officers around the truck with lights shining on all the sides. Again Officer Swanson got (cont) Signed �7:G✓E fj£g2D ,9S/C 7a2 ASS is; r4nJe£ /i CT-1 led / Z S A�� L-li IDLs ff /%�� C. t%Ao 14A �ew10.lJ / JAQTi (IRrJb # / / tcnl.6 /ylq-5 6L-7f:)1 / /,Wo 2 n'I j D d r S PArr-,4 �rw/4-T GJrc (.�bLt(] ►Q 6P°M D. Lc'N20ct7-r—' UIP 011 `7w&kItAclg LJ£ Pe� 14A11�`S�� i0 eom� r n) �2aM t H E [ J f_s j i f a �t ifs �2 It 2 L� o o oflf1 L7aTH CJAS f�1% W o Lt LD 5 µ o o-T 1 i-t - 0 e `T, i E-,D Tb %'W V L t4 i,,n a (<i lJ�'f ��C�✓C �cJvi•Jsa /'�r�� of 4i o T ►4T; 00 vsp ez A KJ}�h� V �a WAS e2trk2ct?opL�� arJ ArJb Vi-P, e3 I-jR. oLD -Z)oK) T' Wks I n1 sT2�u+ CT f D O 1- 4 C £ 2 5 W/ AA-S o Av / 7a fn OL) �,�jU/fJ7 ��/ /�i%LOL(alD 7b ?#L E-AZ, ��IellEltJ f rtJT£2� ,uc!(l1 TNf sp-I BIZ O O Z) 1 /i�J � -�PuT i h' f. s�PaT o N '7W6 ,eL42 [7 vola o7e %ffe A A s S o s i 1 Could SE, -"tf �-, S Q S p f c7r %h` e, )0,< ZF 2_ 61 the scene, 1220 and 1143. lie then moved our squad cars into position and shined the lights on the pick up camper and turned on the PA and asked Mr. Lund to come out because of the warrant we had on him. Mr. Lund would not respond as to coming out but heard him moving around in the camper. I then informed Mr. Lund if he did not come out that we would be coming in to get him out. Mr. Lund then stated that if we tried to get him out he would start shooting and he said he didn't know who would be the ones to get hurt. At this time we had the truck surrounded. Reserve Officer Gazelka was to the south and right in the rear of the pick up with a squad and saw Mr. Dill take a rifle out of a boot and he had the rifle in his hands. The deputy from Hennepin County squad 1220 with a crow bar and tried to pry open the back door. I informed Mr. Lund over the PA again that he should come out and give himself up. Mr. Lund yelled that we should get our asses out of there, or he'd start shooting at us. A Henn. Cty. Deputy then broke a window and started shooting mace inside the truck. Mr. Lund would still not. come out of the camper. Sze then called dispatch to find out if any squads in the area had tear gas or any- thing we. could use to get the party out.. 5600, Officer Webber, of South Lake Mtka. PD responded that he had a smoke bomb that could be used to get the party out. They informed Officer Webber to respond and he did. The Henn. Cty. Deputy from squad 1220 broke some more windows and sprayed some more mace in and we then went to the back of the pick up camper and started working on the door trying to get it .open. We also broke out the back window. Mr. Lund at this time then stated he gave up.and he would come out but he would not unlock the door. Henn. Cty. deputies then grabbed through the broken door glass and got ahold of him. Officer Roth and Hartigan then started to pry on the door some more and the Henn. Cty. deputy then grabbed ahold of the door and yanked and it came open. We then pulled Mr. Lund out . and Mr. Lund immediately started to fight. We then put him on the ground and cuffed. his hands behind him. This action. was initiated approximately 2:50 a.m. Henn. Cty. deputies in 1143 then proceeded to take Mr. Lund to Henn. Cty. Jail. I then called for the Crime Lab to come out, I looked into the rear of the camper and saw a rifle. It was out of the boot. I went in the camper and picked up the rifle and brought it out. It was a Mouser Modelo Argentin 1891 manufactured Loewe Berlin, 7.85 mil.. bolt action, serial number R0486. Also found in the camper were two loose cartridges for this rifle. one was lying on the floor and the other was in an open drawer. Also found was a box of Norma 7 by 57150 grain cartridges, 917 grams, 20 in a box. The cartridge in the box:was checked and the gun dejected and checked against the cartridge found on the floor. It was found that the cartridge found on the floor had been ejected out of the rifle. Also found was a loaded .25 caliber Remington auto- matic pistol. It is a Wiscoho KG Erlangen .25 caliber 5.35 mil. automatic pistol, serial number 22294. There were four cartridges in the clip and it was loaded. .The top cartridge was checked and found that it had been chambered at one time. In inventory of the truck we found a Coleman cooler, yellow, miscellaneous food inside of it; one white suitcase full of men's clothing; one green sleeping bag; men's clothing strewn all over inside the truck; one 23 channel. Johnson CB radio. The wires on this had been cut. This is now at our office. Also we found one orange tackle box with mise. tackle inside; one AM FM Windsor radio, grey plastic in color, also now at our office; one box of Remington 25 caliber 6.35 mil. automatic pistol cartridges (50).. Officer Roth andmyself, officer Swanson, cleared from the scene at 3:50 a.m. Swanson #6 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Commerce Boulevard Extension Cooks Bay Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the permit issued May 21, 1977 to J. Essig of Surfside, Inc. It involves removal of material which over a period of time has eroded from shoreland and formed a delta in the water of Cooks Bay at the Surfside Restaurant. Please note that the fifth condition of the permit is that Mr. Essig shall take measures to prevent further siltation into the lake from his property and shall seek cooperation of the City of Mound for extending these measures to the ad- jacent public roadway, Commerce Boulevard. The purpose of this letter is to request that the City of Mound endeavor to remove the siltation delta formed at the foot of Commerce Boulevard and investigate methods for pre- venting a recurrance of this siltation. It is likely that a coordinated effort in this regard could save time and money for all parties. If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance please call 473-4224. Sincerely, EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES Engineers for the District E. A. Hickok, P.E. EAH/cml Enclosure CC. D. Cochran R. Haik L. Kopp H. Truelson I W; -27-(oI 4, May 28, 1977 Mr. J. Essig Surfside, Inc. 2670 Commerce .Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 Rea Permit Application No. 77-61 Location: Cooks Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Mound Purpose: Maintenance Dredging of Sediment Delta, Deck Modification and Shoreline Rip -Rap Dear. Mr. Essig: At its meeting on May 19, 1977 the Board of Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District reviewed the subject permit application. It approved the permit as requested with the following conditions: 1. Dredging and backfill shall be subject to submit- tal of soil borings and subsequent appvoval by the District Engineer. 2. Dredge spoil unsuitable for backfill, as deter- mined by the District Engineer, shall be disposed of in a manner to prevent its eroding back into any public water. 3. Shoreline rip -rap shall be placed in conformance with the enclosed guidelines. 4. All work shall comply with the requirements of the City of Mound, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Mr. J. Essig May 23, 1977 Page Two 5. Measures shall be taken to prevent siltation into the lake from the property and the applicant shall seek the cooperation of the City for extending these mea- sures -to the adjacent public roadway. Permits are valid for one year. Please contact us at 473-4224 when the project is about to commence so an inspector may view the work in progress. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES Engineers for the District E. A. Hickok, P.E. EAH/cml Enclosure - Rip -Rap Guidelines cc: D. Cochran - MCWD R. Haik - MCWD L. Kopp - Mound H. Truelson - Mound F. Mixa - LMCD R. Harnack - DNR MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT May 19, 1977 The meeting was called to order on May 19, 1977, by Acting Chairman Palmatier at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers present: Lehman, Palmatier and Williams. Managers absent: Cochran and Russell. Also present were board advisors Holmquist, Haik and Macomber. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the regular meeting of April 21, 1977, were reviewed. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Williams, that the minutes be approved with the following cor- rections: that on page 3 in the 13th and 14th lines under Applica- tion No. 77-34, the firm name "Schelen-Mattson" be corrected to read "Schoell & Madson, Inc."; on page 6 in lines 2 and 6 in the continuation of the item "Minnehaha Creek Overall Plan Project", that the reference to "Manager Ringham" be corrected to read "for- mer Manager Ringham"; that on page 7 the heading "Adjournment" and the text thereunder be deleted and corrected to read as follows: "Recess. In view of the lateness of the hour and the un- resolved issues, it was agreed that the meeting recess until April 28, 1977, and reconvene on that date at 4:00 p.m. in the offices of Raymond Haik, the attorney for the District. Vice Chair- man Cochran thereupon declared the meeting re- cessed until 4:00 p.m., April 28, 1977, at 4344 IDS Center." Upon vote the minutes of April 21, 1977 were approved as corrected. The minutes of the reconvened regular meeting of April 28, 1977, were reviewed. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Williams, that the minutes be approved, with the following corrections: that the heading on page 1 reading "Minutes of Special Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District" be deleted and cor- rected to read as follows: "Minutes of Reconvened Regular Meeting 5-19-77 Page 3 J. Wagman, Lake Setback Variance, Cook's Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Mound; Application No. 77-54 The engineer reviewed the application of J. Wagman for a variance from the Watershed District's lakeshore setback require- ments which would allow the construction of a garage/workshop on Mr. Wagman's property between the present residence and the pre- sent garage. Mr. Wagman appeared in support of his application. The engineer noted that the proposal was to build the structure farther back from the channel than the present house and present garage. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Williams, that the variance be granted based upon existing building patterns on this property. Upon vote, the motion car- ried. J. B. Mulhouse, Pond Dredging - Minnetonka; Application No. 77-55 The engineer reviewed the application of J. B. Mulhouse to expand a pond previously constructed by the owner of the ad- joining property, Mr. Wexler, to a six-foot depth on the property owned by Mr. Mulhouse. The engineer noted that the managers had approved the pond construction on the Wexler property previously and recommended approval. Mr. Mulhouse appeared before the mana- gers in support of his application. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Williams, that the dredging applica- tion be approved, with the conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote, the motion carried. McNulty Construction Company, Grading and Land Alteration Permit, Amesbury 11th Addition -_Deephaven; Application No. 77-57 The engineer reviewed the request of McNulty Construction Company for approval of a grading and drainage plan for a resi- dential subdivision in the City of Deephaven. Mr. David Owen appeared on behalf of the applicant. The engineer described the application indicating that the proposed drainage pian conformed with the District's standards and recommended approval, subject to the engineer's review and approval of final grading and drain- age plans. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Williams, that the application be approved, with the final grading and drainage plan to be submitted by the applicant to the engineer for review and approval. Upon vote, the motion carried. Surf Side, Shoreline Riprap and Deck Repair, Cook's Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Mound; Application No. 77-61 The engineer reviewed the application of Surf Side for a variance from the Watershed District's lakeshore setback require- ments which would allow the reconstruction and expansion of a 5-19-77 Page 5 C` Renewal of Permits No. 76-30, 76-33 and 76-43, City of Minnetonka, Park Sites 77-2. Harold Peterson, Grading and Land Alteration Permit, Commercial Property, Chowen's Corners - Deephaven 77-47. C. Pihl, Shoreline Riprap, Lake Minnetonka - Orono 77-50. C. Morrison, Shoreline Riprap, Wayzata Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Woodland 77-51. Gary Moore, Shoreline Riprap, Wayzata Bay of Lake Minnetonka - Minnetonka 77-53. M. E. Mueller, Lake Setback Variance, Upper Lake Minnetonka - Minnetrista 77-56. City of Mound, Storm Sewer - Island Park Park 77-58. Olson Concrete Company, Grading and Land Alteration Plan, Commercial Property, Fairfield Avenue - Minnetonka 77-59. H. Petruska, Pond Dredging and Diking - St. Bonifacius 77-60. City of St. Louis Park, Replacement Bridge, Meadowbrook Road Over Minnehaha Creek 77-62. Metropolitan Airports Commission, Storm Runoff Retention Basin - Duck Lake City of Orono - Mayor Brad Van Nest Mayor Van Nest of the City of Orono addressed the managers with regard to problems experienced by the City of Orono with regard to dredging applications and reviewed resolutions adopted. by the Orono City Council establishing a moratorium on the grant- ing of variances for filling and excavating permits within the City of Orono. Mayor Van Nest distributed to the managers a series of resolutions and correspondence directed to the problems of regulating various activities on Lake Minnetonka arising from the action by the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department withdraw- ing police protection services on Lake Minnetonka. Mayor Van Nest also indicated his concern regarding differing policies adopted by the various municipal jurisdictions on the Lake regarding dredging operations and urged the managers to join the City of Orono and other municipalities in defining the nature of the rights of riparian owners and developing a long-range plan for regulation of Lake Minnetonka. Acting Chairman Palmatier stated C that the matter of regulation of use of and access to public waters is not within the jurisdiction of the Minnehaha Creek -. Watershed District, but rather within the jurisdiction of the 0 Ui 5-19-77 Page 7 that the County of Hennepin owned the island upon which the riprapping was to be installed. Following discussion, the managers agreed that ownership of the island by the County of Hennepin would not require reconsideration of the action pre- viously taken by the managers. Water Maintenance and Repair Fund Recommendations Consideration of the engineer's memorandum dated April 21, 1977, was deferred until the next regular meeting of the managers. 1976 Annual Report Consideration of the 1976 Annual Report was deferred until the next regular meeting of the managers. Treasurer's Report Acting Chairman Palmatier distributed the monthly admini- strative fund report and the monthly EPA grant fund report, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part of the minutes by reference. The managers noted the absence of Treasurer Russell and directed that further action with respect to the monthly administrative fund report and the monthly EPA grant fund report would be tabled until the next regular meeting of the managers. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, Acting Chairman Palmatier declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, H. Pale Palmatier, Secretary LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Saturday 6- 4-77 Saturday 6-11-77 L.M.C.D. MEETING SCHEDULE June, 1977 Environmental Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, Wayzata Boat Storage, Mooring & Launching Committee 7:30 a.m., Halts Cafe, Wayzata Wednesday 6-15-77 Public Hearing: Boulder Bridge Farm 7:30 p.m., Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre Public Hearing: Maplecrest Estates 8:00 p.m., Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre Saturday 6-18-77 Emecutive Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, Wayzata Monday 6-20-77 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m., LMCD Office Wednesday 6-22-77 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 8:00 p.m., Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre 5-31-77 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 AIRPORTS MEETING NOTICE On June 16, 1977 the Council's Physical Development Committee will consider issues to be examined in updating the Metropolitan Airports System. Plan and revising the Metropolitan Development Guide Chapter on Airports. The Council is interested in receiving your comments on issues you think should be addressed as part of the Airports System Plan Revision. Interested persons, groups, or communities are encouraged to call the Council at 291-6342 and let us know in advance if they wish to speak at the June 16th meeting. Written comments may also be submitted until June 23rd and should be addressed to the attention of Mr. C. Case. The Physical Development Committee meeting starts at 1:30 P.M. , and will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Metro Square Building, 7th and. Robert, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. CC:vv 6.3.77 An Agency Created to Coordinate the Planning and Development of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Comprising: Anoka County 0 Carver County 0 Dakota County 0 Hennepin County 0 Ramsey County 0 Scott County 0 Washington County LJ 1/ 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 AIRPORTS MEETING NOTICE On June 16, 1977 the Council's Physical Development Committee will consider issues to be examined in updating the Metropolitan Airports System. Plan and revising the Metropolitan Development Guide Chapter on Airports. The Council is interested in receiving your comments on issues you think should be addressed as part of the Airports System Plan Revision. Interested persons, groups, or communities are encouraged to call the Council at 291-6342 and let us know in advance if they wish to speak at the June 16th meeting. Written comments may also be submitted until June 23rd and should be addressed to the attention of Mr. C. Case. The Physical Development Committee meeting starts at 1:30 P.M. , and will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Metro Square Building, 7th and. Robert, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. CC:vv 6.3.77 An Agency Created to Coordinate the Planning and Development of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Comprising: Anoka County 0 Carver County 0 Dakota County 0 Hennepin County 0 Ramsey County 0 Scott County 0 Washington County Mk:TY OF HMO mov de WmMuota JakV9 NO. "17-7,08 TOO lUke Hauwmbssfa kayor and City Council FROM; The City kiragws SMU'I'r, Mz-kae7 Jaw FUTU n We have I'Fr d 83f-giwvts to ellmi3 ite parle.iRg on Hickory Inne. Ittauhed is a xvport fa=cam tha Public, Wor DLraotor, Undar the oirotaBstamee, does the Cotimoll Irish to discuss this raquAst? ,.�/t, 77•i0 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota May 25, 1977 TO: City Manager, Leonard L. Kopp, FROM: Public Works Office SUBJECT: No Parking - Hickory Lane As requested, we have looked at Hickory Lane for designation of "No Parking" both sides of the street. We observed there are two homes facing the street and each have off street parking facilities for at least two cars per residence. The criteria for designating "No Parking" is: Lawn encroachment on property Cars parking and playing radios loudly, disturbing the residents. Applying this criteria, Hickory Lane does not warrant "No Parking" signs. However, the Public Works Dept, favors "No Parking" on City streets, period. For this reason, it is recommended that the "No Parking" request be granted to the residents as petitioned. We have the signs to accommodate this request. Respectfully, Robert A. Miner Public Works Director RAM/dd C'M or, MOD xMalmd, yAlme Bo$a Juno I7n 1377 COUNCLL MMMYDIM NQo 77-180 TO The Honorable ;Lycra and City 0oumil FRM,* City marago SM1=8 Wh= ",ng HBO mav,°Mg DIA21 \ PTIng Park has 91w,'n tho My Ito wa=ing hauae O*d hockey rink boavds 31de huvo been :vovelved on wv3ag the war ng housvf They amt Morris= Track seryl $1,800„ Rog -or K* Stubbs Company 2,150. It le recconstd6d that -thee low bid be aocep edo Leonard Xaa Kopp CITY OP HOUND J=8 15, 1977 Midis Tha 3caomblo Dbyor and City Counail PROMS t The City* Yhn.gax 3nY3 IMTS x.976 Audit Atrm,ahed lo a copy of the 1976 Audit. kb ill Hawn, the Auditor, haw been invited to the ,Yuv2 251fat meeting Sao the C©mwiA can diejouse oa ack queesiosna oencaaxning th*a Audit. acs 14� runsen C ty of Mound Fauns 159 1977 ` K—',Mg'XQ7 1t'6`$£O1i@.iSIPwM WO. 77-116 TD- Tha liaooraable khyor and City Council 37R.,17AM Claim Agaimt Polive sFI�AL%.y, the Coanavai received a "Py of a claim agalno"4 the Pbllcs� h3WOtc is a ejoPy ofl'Ya Poll of ropoeTto oow,:iing that ILcident , �t to zuevetad that thia xwe be NO public disousalcm of the facts. oza/ 190 XPi? v Complaint i Complaint Repprt Nature of Complaint harrassment LDcation Mound Reported by Barbara Dill -.Addre-& hasY_rr Rd. *found Phone No. 472-4267 Complainant Acrd: e s s .xport.Re�d by Swanson/Roth Phone No. How Received late %epo*i _ 6-13-76 Time Reported DETAILS OF COMPLAINT radio & IP 1:48 a.m. Barbara Dill stated that a David E. Lund has been harrassing her and tresspassing on her property. She was very upset at this time and started to cry. She was afraid that he was going to come over to her house and beat her up. She stated that she had seen him earlier when he was over at the Briarwood Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge at 4451 Wilshire Blvd. She stated that there is a warrant against him, for tresspassing.on her property and she wanted us to go and get him and take him in so he couldn't come over and harrass her. She stated he had a white camper type pick up and she figured he might be in it yet and over at the Briarwood at this time. Officer Roth and myself then left and proceeded to the Briarwood. tie got there at approximately 2:00 a.m. and saw a white pick up camper truck parked on the south side of the Briarwood. lie looked in and shined the light in and noticed a man sleeping in it. This party looked familiar to me. It was David E. Lund. I had had previous contacts with him. I then ran a registration on the license plate YC14-848. It came back to David E. Lund, 3933 37th Ave. So., Mpls. It was a 1965 Ford pick up. Officer Roth and I then pounded on the rear door of the camper and Mr. Lund answered us. We identified ourselves as police officers and told him we had a warrant for his arrest which was nite-capped and that he - should open up the door and come out. He had himself locked in the camper. He then told us to go away and leave him alone. A short while later while we were trying to get him to come out of the camper Barbara Dill came down and told us that she thought that he had a rifle with him in the camper. Also, David Lund, Jr., age 13, was out running around the area. We tried to get him out of the way and to go home with his mother. In finding out that Mr. Lund possibly had a rifle with him in the camper we then backed off and called for help and another car came with officer Hartigan and Reserve Officer Gazelka. Also 2 Henn. Cty, squads came on ?a:icers Assigned: 4(:Lion Completed: :a=c ;V.ade Casc No Signed (cont) Name of Comp3.a'in`nt Address Offense POLICE DEPARTMENT Mound, Minnesota Case No. FOLLOW-UP REPORT Date 6-13-76 Time At 2:05 a.m. we heard 6410 ask for assistance at Cty. Rd. 125 and Wilshire Blvd. We (Officer Hartigan and myself) informed dispatch that we would respond. In route upon talking with 6410 we were advised to come in from the west side of the Briarwood since the suspect vehicle with the suspect was on the east side of the Briarwood and said he would shoot if we tried to take him out. Upon arriving at the scene we met with Officers Swanson and Roth to be briefed on the situation. At this time Barbara Dill was at sthe on wasHorth at large f the Briarwood in an intoxicated condition and her 13 year After approximately 15 minutes on the scene I was instructed by Officer Swanson to move squad 841 around to the east driveway entering the Briarwood and put the spot light on the rear door of the camper. As I was in my assigned position I could see the suspect in the rear of the camper with a beer in one hand and a rifle in the other. As the deputy started to shoot mace into the camper the suspect covered his head with a rag and occasionaly would shift the beer from one hand to another and alternating the rifle at the same time. At one point during the stand off I heard the suspect shout "I am going to blow you ass holes away:" About 2:45 a.m. one of the deputies got on the rear of the camper and grabbed ahold of the suspect. The rest of the officers and deputies then rushed the camper and the suspect was subdued. He was then handcuffed and placed in the sheriff's transport. Cazelka (reserve officer) Signed 14voD a 2--P)L '-) -1-44. oT14LleG. Ab�Qu , �r�2 -b -t-o 5t4 a T' sctS./0 ©eG/4SIO YJ �� LJoQL1�T/7� /�E�h'a �t v YJ c tf�,�� iz� 1�n1 oT�� 2 f�n/D SGT£ 2Nf1Tr°e1� i `•r) �? o.J f� �oi J e— Due7r`nJ�, 7///E _ �7 E�2� �/f� SCIS��cT sifop7' //-� i GDW �ou ,955 />"dGFS If"7 /166 c.(T Z, �/ S A M � o e+J £� e� 7W 6, 5c7— OA) f}NA �2/fBQ�rJ ,4 W6L,Z) o Ti�� �Scrs��e T pew tJ -s sub CQu 4. D. 10Le(1,1, '^3 TrfC SFf4�YfS �,2,4n15P82%. POLICE DEPAA .VQENT Mound, Minnesota Case No. Name of Complainant Barbara Dill Address Offense FOLLOW-UP REPORT Date 6-13-76 Time 2:05 a.m. -At approximately 2105 a.m. on 6-13-76 I received a call from Officer Swanson who stated he was outside the Briarwood Bar in Island Park and he was requesting help at that location. He was involved in a warrant pick up and the party was giving them trouble. I arrived on the scene at approximately 2s15 a.m. I talked to Officer Swanson and Roth and they stated they had talked to a David Eugene Lund who was parked on the east side of the Briarwood in a Ford pick up truck with a camper on the back. Mr. Lund was in the back of the camper. There was an out- standing nite capped bench warrant for Mr. Lund. Officer Swanson and Officer Roth had both talked to Mr. Lund through the back door and informed him of this warrant. Mr. Lund refused to come out of the truck. Officer Swanson said he also had talked to a Barbara Dill, girlfriend of Mr. Lund, and she said there was a possibility Mr. Lund had a rifle in the camper with him. Shortly after I arrived on the scene, Hennepin County Sheriff's car also arrived on the scene. We stationed our men around the camper and shined spotlights and headlights on the camper to light up the vehicle. Officer Swanson again got on the PA system and announced to David Lund that we had a warrant for his arrest and that we requested he come out of the pick up truck. Mr. Lund was moving around inside the camper. Officer Roth from our location could see this. He reached up on the cab over part of the camper and was digging through a pile of clothing. We couldn't see what he was looking for. Mr. Lund then hollered out to us that he would not come out of the camper, that we had no right to take him out of the camper, that if we tried to take him out he would "blow us away". Officer Swanson continued to request Mr. Lund to step out of the camper andhe continued to refuse, making threats against all of the officers that were on the scene. At this time Henn. Cty, deputy had a crow bar and was able to knock the window out of the camper on the drivers side and also the front window in the cab over part of the camper. He then proceeded to empty two cans of chemical mace in through the window in order to drive David Lund out of the camper. Mr. Lund continued to threaten the officers on the scene, stating that if we touched his camper he would shoot us, that he did have a gun and he would blow us away. The Henn. Cty. officer was finally able to mace the inside of the vehicle enough and jump on the back tailgate and knock the back window out of the camper. At this point he grabbed a hold of David Lund through the back window and attempted to pull him out. He was not able to drag him out of the camper. I then pro- ceeded to pry the back door of the camper off with a crow bar and with the assistance of one of the Henn. Cty. officers we were able to pop the door open. The Henn. Cty. Officer then reached inside and dragged Mr. Lund outside where Officer Swanson and myself and the Henn. Cty. officer handcuffed the party. At this point the Crime Lab was called to the scene. Mr. Lund was transported by {cont Signed Hennepin County transport van to Jail. I proceeded to go through the camper and take inventory of all the items in the camper. On the passenger side of the truck in a cabinet near the back door I found a 25 automatic pistol. The pistol was loaded with four rounds in the clip and nothing in the chamber. This pistol was a Wiscoho KJ Erlangen, serial 22294. Also found in the camper was a Mouser rifle, 7.85 mil., bolt action, serial R0486. This was on the bed in the cab over part of the camper. It was unloaded. We found two cartridges for this rifle. One was lying on the floor of the camper and the other was in an open drawer on the passenger side in the same cabinet that this 25 automatic was found in. There were also other numerous items in the camper, a 23 channel Johnson CB radio, a Coleman cooler, miscellaneous clothing, and other items. These have all been inventoried and are on inventory impound slips. Hartigan #9