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1991-04-09 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 4 - -91 ��l h i A- 9 D -1 CITY OF MOUND ,ar MOUND, MINNESOTA ,. MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TE$DAY APRI CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, 2. APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 26 1991, #, REGULAR MEETING,. Pg. 831 -842 3. 'AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING HEALTH OFFICER IN RELATION TO SECTION 4 56: 5 0, MOUND CITY CODE - QUARANTINE u. OF ANIMALS. Pg.; 843 a k $ , 4. PUBLIC HEARING: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XVII PROGRAM. Pg. 844 -857 5. APPROVAL OF GARDEN LEASE FOR HERMAN SCHRUPP. Pg. 858 6. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT 7• GET DATE FOR BOARD OF REVIEW (SUGGESTED DATE: MAY 14 1991) Pg. 859' 8. SET BID OPENING FOR TUXEDO BLVD. STREET IMPROVEMENT. (MSA PROJECT). (SUGGESTED DATE: MAY 3, 1991) 9. REQUESTS FROM EARTH DAY COMMITTEE: RE: TREE PLANTING CEREMONY MOSQUITO PETITION Pg. 860 -867 10.`` RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SOLID WASTE SOURCE REDUCTION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF MOUND. Pg. 868 - .871 11. BID AWARD: 1991 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MATERIAL TO BE HANDED OUT) 12. BID AWARD: 1991 SEALCOAT PROJECT (MATERIAL TO BE HANDED OUT) 13. PAYMENT OF BILLS Pg. 872 -885 14. 3NFORMAT1 MI3 CELLANEt1 J1,$ A. Department Head Monthly Reports for March 1991. Pg. 886 - 902 B. Planning Commission Minutes of March 25, 1991 Pg. 903 - 905 Page 829 Page 830 C. LMCD Representative - Monthly Report for i March 1991. Pg. 906 -910 D. LMCD Mailings. Pg. 911 -912' E. Petition to Preserve Local Property Tax Relief Program for Cities, Counties ,& Townships and their Taxpayers as submitted by the City of St. Paul. Pg. 913 -916 F. Invitation from Commissioner Tad Jude - Re: Annual Recycling Luncheon, Wednesday, May 1, 1991. Please let Fran know ASAP if you wish to attend. Pg. 917 G. JENIfi2E.1i.: GOAL SETTING /TEAM BUILDING` SESSION SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1991 , 8 AM TO 4 PM, CITY HALL K. RFC yin. = CITY HALL OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1991, 1 PM. to 4 PM. Pg. 918- 919° L. Letter from Eric Iverson, 1612 Eagle Lane, Re: property taxes and spending. Page 830 March 26, 19 -1 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL W MARCH 26, 1991 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, meet in regular session on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Skip Johnson,.Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen' and Ken Smith. Also preen:: were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clary., Attorney Curt Pearson, Building official Jon Sutherland, Police Chief Len Harrell, Finance Director John Norman, Liquor Store Manager Joel Krumm,'and the following interested citizens: Tom 5 Sandi Effertz, Mark Hanus, Brent Thomton, Sharon Ressler, Ruxanne .." Ritenour, Jeffrey Ritenour, Dwight Ritenour, Dennis L. Palm, Greg Anderson, Mark Pacholke and Tom Casey. The Mayor opened the meeting anO welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 1.0 ' MINUTES MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Smith to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1991, Regular Meeting, as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. MOTION made by Smith, seconded by Jensen to approve the ainutes of the March 19, 1991, Committee of the Whole Meeting, as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.1 CASE X91 -002: TOM EFF 4757 I VIEW DRIVE LOT _ 11_ FLOCK 7 DEVON. PID X30- 1 -23 22 CONDITIONAL USE P ERMIT (CUP) FOR OVERSIZED A BUILDING. The Building Official reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval with the suggestion that the garage be a maximum of 1000 square feet instead of the 1260 square feet as requested. The Planning Commission approved because: a. no variances were required; b. other garages in the area are equal to or greater in size than the request; C. met the criteria for a CUP. The Planning Commission has not taken any action on this section of the Code to allow this without a CUP. 831 ---- ---- -------- J with a maximum of all structures to be no more than 30% of lot area Mayor Johnson referred to the LMCD Lake Minnetonka Management Plan - C. Lake Minnetonka Shoreland Standards and Criteria - U.2) "Impervious surface coverage of lots should not exceed 25 percent of the lot area without an approved stormwater management plan." The lot is 7,479 square feet and if the Commons is added (1600 square feet) 9,079 square feet. The Council questioned requiring conditional Use Permits in residential areas because most of the criteria relates to business or commercial areas. The Planning Commission decided on the CUP not a variance at this time because according to the ordinance it is a CUP. The City Attorney pointed out that only items #6 & 7 of the criteria rally ally relate to this case. After considerable discussion the Council decided that the garage should be a maximum of 840 square feet. The Commons would not be considered part of the lot area. The applicant was present and agreed to the conditions. Jessen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91-41 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OVERSIZE ACCESSORY BUILDING AT 4757 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE, LOT 11, BLOCK 7, DEVON, PID #30-117-23 22 0059, P & Z CASE #91-002 The vote was unanimourly in favor. Motion carried. The council then directed the Planning Commission to take out the Conditional Use verbiage in the accessory building section of the ordinance for residential districts. This should be done in conjunction with the Planning Commission's review of the per,-cntage of lot area discussions and the increase in maximum size of accessory buildings. 1.2 CASE #91-004: BR4�NT-6 GAYLE THOMTON, 6343 BAX,RTDGE ROAD, W. _j= B L QC_ THAT PART OF LOTS 1 2 �QC_& 2,VAYRIDGE, 117-24 33 VARIANCE: INADEQUATE STREET FRONTAGE March 26, 193 it The Building official explained that this property does not abut on a public right-of-way but has a shared drivewa.l. The Planning Commission recommended approval with the follo-'.inq conditions: 1. The proposed garage addition be shown on the survey. 2. The applicant supply the City with a copy of the easement to Bayridge Road and this easement be reviewed by the City Engineer and City Attorney with the applicant responsible for any additional fees in excess of the variance review fee. The Building Official stated that the Easement was just received from the applicant and will need to be reviewed per the second condition. The applicant was present and agreed with the conditions. Jensen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91-42 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A LOT FRONTAGE AND OIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ADDITION FOR THE WEST 45 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 2, DAY RIDGE, PID #23 -117- 24 33 0009 (6343 BAYRIDGE ROAD) P & 2 CASE #91-004 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.3 CAS�P.A9�1-00S .- -qEtt & k 6 QXANNE RITENOUR BLOCK 9. LOT 11 TO 16. MOUND 14 V ARIA NCE: To A NON CONFORMING PROPERTY, AND A VARIANCE OF 18.5 TO THE__OU 6 REIRED 30 FRONT YARD SE -— - THE ADDITION OF F-AN ATTACHE „ GA R AGE The Building Official explained that the Planning Commission voted 5-2 to deny the request. The Staff position is that the property is nonconforming by reason of inadequate front yar! setback, and in addition the lowest floor (basement) is 1.95 below the minimum lowest floor elevation allowed by City Code Section 300:15, Subd. 9a., which requires a minimum building elevation of not less that 933.5 on any lets riparian to Lake Minnetonka. Zoning Code Section 23.404, Subd. 7, states norr.al maintenance non structural repairs and incidental alterations are permitted that do not extend the nonconforming use. 8 3 52 March 26, 1991 He further stated that construction and interior demolition was started prior to obtaining the required permits. Mr.`Dennis palm, attorney representing the Ritenour`s, stated the following; - Ritenour's rent in St. Louis Park. - The house was advertised as a handyman's special. A bank had foreclosed on the rouse. Ritenour's got financing and closed. - The day after closing Mr. Ritenour took down some interior walls. Mr. Ritenour came to get permit and was told of the variance. The Building Official asked that elevation be noted on the survey to determine the elevation of the basement floor and the proposed addition. Mr. Palm questioned the use of Section 300 :15, Subd. 9a.si.� relates to lots riparian to Lake Minnetonka. The Council' discussed the elevation of the basement floor anJ using a hold harmless if the City grants the variance. The C t-y Attorney stated a hold harmless would have to be agreed to by th"C, Ritenour's and their mortgage company. The Building Official stated that the Sewer & water Superintendent has asked that the applicant locate and pump the septic tank and then have it filled with sand to the existir, ground level. He also pointed out that if the basement floor is raised the sewer and water connections would also have to be rectified. The City Attorney suggested that if the Council was consid granting this variance, he would like to have time to prepare resolution with all the conditions and go over then with the Ritenour's and their attorney. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to table this item until later in the meeting. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 1990 D READ AN REPORTS The following Department Heads presented their annual reports to the City Council; Police Chief Lrn Harrell; Liquor Store Manager Joel Krumm; and Finance Director .john '+orman. The City Council thanked the Department Heads for their reports indicating their appreciation for the reporting process. ttarch 26, 1991 1.3 CASE #91 --A-kM--k RQX4ME -RITEN4TJR,__-5 --BAATLETT AL60C1C 9. LOT 11 TO 16 -24 14 0027. VARIANCE: C A. - _AND ' A VAR-14NC-2--QVE-1-4.t5' ► -,TQ--Z!!P-PLEQ—U19ELD,-301 , FRONT --- Y , AR , D SETBACK FOR The Council brought this it-m back from the ttvle. The City Attorney pre -,ented tie proposed resolution which i-e, in part: WHEREAS, Jeffrey I Poxanne Ritenour �ty have, 'Purchased pro"C r rated at 5656 Bartlett Blvd. and property nioe substantial renovation and irproVement"'' WHERFAS, the structure is I 0 51-1 t at its Q A 4 Point to Bartlett Blvd. and ttl' �L r as a foot setl:ack in the f rant yard, s yard meet code; and WHERE 'AS, Section 3 the Citv Code �its construction lower tfian 93 M. 1,, 1929 datum, an this $*-want was constructed in approxizatejy l 1, 41 r,i is f tint at 9'J1. a below the requ ev.; - ition; and FREA EPEA the request,:d variances have Leen reviewed by the P in Commission who have recommended by a 5-2 vote that the V not be granted because the basement t- F - X, elevation is too low to M44* - 'ection 300:15, Subd. 9 a. of the Code; and W1 the applicants have advised the City Councill that they are I willing to raise tfe basement floor to meet the minimti- elevation if the variances are granted. NOW, THERE - ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of this City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The existing location of the house requires an !B.F, foot variance to the front yard setback from the street. Said variance is granted so the ho.-e can remain 11.5 feet from the street. The applicant is authorized to construct an attached garage as set forth on the survey marked "Revised 3/5/91 2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary building permits and mat proceed based on their representation It and conditioned upon their raising the finished !' of the basement to an elevation a minimum of not than 933.5 MSL, 1929 datum. 1 .3S 3. The applicant shall be subject to the Af0l1Cwi11g 7 conditions as set forth in the Building Offici.ills report to the Planning Commission which are listed follows: 1-7 items. 4. The applicant shall also redo the sewer and wiit r connections to the new basement floor at his expense. 5. The applicant shall meet all requirements of the Sewer and Water Dept as set forth in a mera from �reL3 Skinner to Jon Sutherland, dated 3/12/91. 6. The applicant is authorized to raise the structure elevation to make the baserent useable. ............. The applicant agreed to the above. Jensen moved and Smith seconded the followi; resolution: RESOLUTION 491-43 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCES TO PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5656 BARTLETT BLVD., LOTS 11 TO it, BLOCK 9, MOUND BAY PARK, PID #23-117-24 14 0027, P & Z CASE #91- 005 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 COMMENTS AN,D, SUGGESTIONS _Y_koM CIT;qg?LS PR !gNT k _ Tom Casey, representative from the Earth Day Committee w present and informed the council that another tree will be planted and dedicated this year on April 20, 1991, at Mound Bay Park. fie then asked the Council what their plans were for the expansion of parking at Mound Bay Park. The City Manager stated that parking expansion was put on hold along with upgrading the Depot. The Council suggested that Mr. Casey talk to the Park Commission because any recommendation would come from then. Mr. Casey then stated that Mary Pacholke, who had been present earlier for Item 16 E. under Information/Miscellaneous, asked him to present a "Petition to Discontinue Mosquito Control Program on The Lake Langdon Area", signed by 27 persons. She asked that the City present this petition to the MMCD to permanently discontinue the mosquito control program for the Lake Langdon area. The Council discussed the request and directed the City Manager to Ise write a letter to Robert D. 5jogren, Director MMCD and state that the Council has received the Petition and is forwarding it to them. Further that the City Council is not taking a positi (-f, cry the petition. The Council has not surveyed the people on the petition- or around Lake Langdon and does not claim to havo everyone's opinion around Lake Langdon. 1.5 PR OPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDIN ANCE 546. .,50 _-"._ QUARANTI,NING,__ of AN IMALS The police Chief explained he has prepared an ordinance arendment and a change in the policy on handling bite situations because he has had several cases where a dog bites a family member and the dog has to be re.,toved and quarantined according to Section 5 -,6:50 of the City Code. The owners of the dogs have not been very happy and would like to home luarant.ine their animals. sc.e municipalities do allow this. The council discussed the liability this puts the City in if the dog was to get loose and bite again or be lost and the additional responsibility it puts on the Police Department to decide who should or should not be allowed to home quarantine their dog. No action was taken on this item. 1.6 RECCi` BUDGE _CUTS TO M JUL LOCA GOVERNMENT , r AID (LGA CUT 'rhe City Manager reviewed the memo recommending 1991 Budget cuts to meet the July LGA cut ($39,705). He advised the Council that if there is an additional cut in the December 1991 LCA pay;*, c nt,, we will again need analyze the budget and look at cutting service levels which translates into reduced staffing. ,lessen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -44 RESOLUTION APPROVING 1991 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO LGA CUTS IN THE JULY 1991 LGA PAYMENT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.7 APPROVAL OF LABOR _CONTRACT B THE CIT OF MQ9ND__AND TE}IM LOCAL #32 PUBLIC WORKS The City Manager reported that the 1989 -90 Labor Contract between the City of Mound and Teamsters Local #320 (Public Works) has been resolved by mediation. The Union has ratified the Contract. There was, however, an error in the Wages for the Unit , 56 March 26, 1991 Supervisors. The 1990 wages were $16.66 and should have been $16.8-5. 11 will have to be resolved in negotiations but the Council C,,, approve the Contract with the Unit Supervisors rate at $16.66 per hour. Ahrens moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91-45 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LABOR CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOUND AND TEAMSTER'S LOCAL #320 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE UNIT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1989 - DECEMBER 31, 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.8 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR SUBURBAN HENNEPIN PARKS LEGISLATION The City Manager explained that he has received a letter fro, Senator Gen Olson asking for the City's support for the House.. and Senate to establish the Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District (Hennepin Parks) Board of Commissioners as an all-elected seven member board with full autonomy to formulate and implement annual budgets for the park district. Jessen moved and.Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91-46 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SUBURBAN HENNEPIN PARKS LEGISLATION The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.9 APPOINTMENT TO THE MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IHRAj_-TO P.I-L-L-AN UNEXPIRED TERM The City Manager explained that when Don Ulrick retired and hi!, term expired, Bob Polston was appointed to the term from 8/2r,,,/(P� to 8/29/95. Mr. Polston is no longer interested in serving. Former Councilmember Gary Paulsen has expressed interest in serving out the unexpired term. Mayor Johnson recommended that Mr. Paulsen be appointed. .lessen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: :1 r._1C Ukafm March 26, 1c,91 RESOLUTION #91-47 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT GARY PAULSEN TO THE MOUND HRA FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM VACATED BY BOB POLSTON - TERMS EXPI. 8/29/95 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.10 LICENSE RENEWALS The following licenses expire on April 1 and are tip for renowal. Trees _Removal Aaspen Tree Service Robert F. Dah1ke Eklunds Tree Service Emery's Tree Service Lutz Tree Service, Inc. Shorewood Tree Service Sutherland's Nursery & Tree 1Jawker_ZEqq4_ Vendor Blue Bell Ice Cream 9_o_Tp7_.grcial Dock Al & Alma's Supper Club Chapman Place Association Minnetonka Boat Rental MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens to authorize issuance of the above licenses as listed contingent upon all required forms, insurance, etc. being turned in. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.11 PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jessen to authorize the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount Of $160,694.12, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ADD-ON ITEMS 1.12 ECONOMIC _ VEL ENT --HM CO ISSION DE _--m- --- The City Manager explained that the EDC has asked for the background history of the Bickman site as a place for material storage so they have something to compare to when they look at the Anthony's site. O P 0 -nd 58 March 26, 1991 MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Smith to have the Staff provide the background and information on the Bickman site when it Was being considered for material storage. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 3.13 SET DATE FOR PU HEARING - CUB MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Smith the set April 23, 1991, to consider a conditional Use hermit for light assembly and service of electronic controls in the B -1 Zoning District at 2321 Commerce Blvd., Lot 1, Auditorls Subdivision #167, PID #14- 11 7-24 44 0001, P & Z Case #91- 006. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. NFfJR MATI{)NrMISCE LLANE A. LMCD mailings. B. February 1991 financial report as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. C. Planning Commission Minutes of March 11, 1991, D. Parks and Open Space Commission Minutes of March 14, 1991. E. Information submitted by Mary Pacholke, 2624 Westedge Blvd., RE: Discontinuing mosquito spraying by MMCD in Lake Langdon Area of Mound. F. Letter dated March 15, 1991, from Janet Swanson, 15 * 7 Bluebird Lane, RE: Article in T'he_.Saj,Uor on housing improvements. G. Information from NSF on recent rate increase application. If. Further background materials for Goal Setting /Team Building Session omitted when I distributed material at the COW 3 -1r>- 91. 1 . REMINDER: League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) Legislat i*ve= Conference, 4- 10-91, St. Paul. ,J. RE.MINbER_ Goal Setting /Team Building Session Saturday, April 6, 1991, 8 A.M. to 4 P.M., City Nall. K. REMINDER:_ City full Open House, Sunday, April 21, 1991, 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. 59 March 26, 1991 EXECUTIVE SESSIO The Council moved into Executive Session at 11:15 P.M. to discus pending litigation. The Council returned at 12;15 A.M. 1.14 DIS STATUS O F DA KOTA RA IL NEGOTIATIONS ' The City Attorney explained that last Fall the City negotiates ,' with Dakota Rail to purchase 4 parcels of property in downtown Mound for parking lots. He further stated that Mr. Mills, owner of Dakota Rail, is having trouble getting a release from the McLeod County Regional Rail Authority, MnDot, and the Trustee. The State holds a mortgage on the rail line because of a loan to the McLeod County Regional Rail Authority. Thus, Mr. Mills is giving the City 3 option 1. He will sell the two large parking lots which are not under the State mortgage for $217,000. (That is the original $235,000 price less $18,000 for the two alleys.) or 2. He will pay the City $15,000 for a complete release. or 3. He will sell the South parking lot, the one the City has leased in the past, for $100,000. This is the area where the MWCC has agreed to pay the City $45,000 for rights to have their equipment there, leaving the City with a net $55,000 cost in that parking lot. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens rejecting the 3 proposals of Dakota Rail to resolve the land acquisition dispute in downtown Mound because the proposals do not take into consideration the substantial expenditures of public funds and do not respond to th€, rights of the City. We have a contract with Dakota Rail and it is Dakota Rail's responsibility to resolve their dispute with the McLeod County Regional Rail Authority and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Further, the City Attorney is authorized and directed to commence litigation against Dakota Rail and is directed to protect the City's contractual interest in the 4 downtown parcels which we have purchased and for which we have assessed our business community. 0 641 s kk p Y ORDINANCE 1990 t' I ORDINA ICE AMENDING MOUND CITY CODE: SE:CICION ., 56: ',0 BY NE CHIEF OF POLICE AND HIS L`ESIGITF.ES T}lE At "1'FiiJRIi "� it Ji.I,r;r; isi ''QUARANTINE OF ANIMALS. THE CITY OF MOUND does ordain: � Section 456:50 of the Mound City Code is amended by adding the underl language thereto. f: Section 456:50. Via. .ntine. Any animal which bites person shall be quarantined for such time as r;ay be directed by the City Health tJfficer. Dtt`rir14 quarantine, the animal shall be securely confined ai cl }:ept from contact with any other animal. T'ie ov.nct' shall surrender the animal for the quarantine period to an officers or shall, Lit his or her expense, place it .in a veterinary hospital. th�'__.purl�e� of this sc ricn lir :l th Offic rz >.i] l Lnc,ltid� the, C , rf, P �1 Ic e and any f ; Wi th _ i nclu d e _.e � ._. �. , d_ 1 �.� �t.�'.�?f c3 esign.3t_ d.�bY_ h Chief of_:..,_Police to :.::direct ....�. q�iarant i,ne under this sec tion. Mayor Nl - te.. t City Clork Published in official newr;paper on 943 Attached you will see requests from the Weztonka Cc unity Action Network (WECAN), Westonka Senior Citizens and Intervention, Prcject. The request from the Westonko w r,i(.,r Citizens represent_ a 51 increase in wheat was giver, to ther, in year XVI. WECAN also has requested a substantial ir) cre i n their allocation. A good share of the request (75) to cover the cost of a comprehensive survey of the City of 1'cund� hrt� °;ir,g stock as part of a project to develop a Hous7 r,g Af'fordat;ia ity Strategies Plan. 844 APRIL 4, 1990 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XVII S is dgain time to consider programs for the Community Development Block Crant Program administered by Coi.:r,ty. This is the seventeenth year of the program, hence year XV:i. CDBG funds may b used to support and implement a wide range of housing and community development activities. ,r,EG fund, are federal monies distributed from the Department of Housing and Urban Developrr;_: ,t to urban Hennepin County. We worm: with county staff on deter;r.iring eligibility of programs, teChnical assistance, etc. For the past 6 - years, the City of Mound has been irvcived with the continuing prcEram which involves the Westonka �enior Center rind 41 t operation. This center is also funded by t1 (-- c tit.. of Orono, Spring Park and Minnetrista. In addition to the C�..r,tEr, we have been i, ;vclved with the Senior Citizen Cour �(-l�f; progr.:n, and We�stonka Pides, which is primarily senior utilized bled; program,. In addition to the Senior Center and C, ur e1i'r1E program we have also spent money on economic cevelo ;.er:t a ctivit.ies, rehabilitation of private property and n tar;c -e to a local dcn•:estic abuse program. Neighborhood :ark improv,�m ont.s have also been performed with CDBG monies. Attached you will see requests from the Weztonka Cc unity Action Network (WECAN), Westonka Senior Citizens and Intervention, Prcject. The request from the Westonko w r,i(.,r Citizens represent_ a 51 increase in wheat was giver, to ther, in year XVI. WECAN also has requested a substantial ir) cre i n their allocation. A good share of the request (75) to cover the cost of a comprehensive survey of the City of 1'cund� hrt� °;ir,g stock as part of a project to develop a Hous7 r,g Af'fordat;ia ity Strategies Plan. 844 Westonka Intervention has requested ,7001 wf:ich i_s ti:t. - I;! :c amount they were allocated in Year X.VI W h<ays: .1 ; • 1 :cc at i $20,000 to continue the Downtcwr; Ecc) ;:^:ic eves The remaining balance is for t:c •ir.g re..abilitaticr: f' ;;r. property. , Westonka Senior Center /Operation "ib Senior Citizen Counseling 4,680.00 C. Westonka Intervention, ,700.0Q WECAtd 9,000.00 Rehabilitation of private property 1 <,988.00 Downtown Economic Development 20,000.00 TOTAL CD�3G FUNDS YEAR XVI AVAILABLE Yf)9,424.00 It should be noted that the Year XVI- entitlement amount, i- $2,704,000. This is the total amclunt that goes to all of tt:e cities that participate in the titan ! ennepin County Program. This number represents a 4.9% increaLe from what was receivea in Y XVI. Also attached is a resolution ap- rcving the program 3 :, recommended above. I am sire that re,resentatives of the three agencies listed above will be pre_ent at the April 9th meeting; tc answer any questions that you may •nave. ES :ls • 8 qS RESOLUTION NO. 91 - RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR YEAR XVII, URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING 1 SUBMITTAL WHEREAS, the C of Xuund, through exec Ut cn of joint agreement with ilennepir, County is a coicperat-* unit in the Urban Deve.'. Licok Grant Prcgram; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has developed a prcpo;�al for the usr' of Urban "Henne-pir, County CF, Funds made available to it; and WHEREAS, Pursuant, tc notice teinE given, a public h earin g was h e I in a c c o r d a n c e w ith T i I L I C - ' I o th E I c u s i r, g a ,,. d cornnrn r, i t y D;�- v e I up— ont Act c)f 1 G74 ?a s a m ( (- ( , c n April Q , 1 Lit 7 :-�(j 1 in tr.e Xol.r;d City Cc�;ncil WHEREAS, t he o 1 1 1 (, w J n r C j: C G U.':' e 0 f 1 1 , C 7"71 - L" r I 1',' e v e I c, :,m (-. n t B 1 o c k G rant F u <7 W E: Id I opc and pre�ented at t"e- public hearing consistent with progrpm r,�Ier: Westcnka Center/0q.'eration Senior Citizen We t c r. k a In tl .-ry e tit i run W E(A N 1'ehaL 11 i tat (- n of private prc,-%er Ily C �, W r j ( , w n F C r C, li V C' TA L. C 1 L) 1-" UNI' 1) Y EAE XVI AVAlLAPLE $16,056.00 4 680.00 5,700-00 ' 000 cu G 0 0 . c 0 $69 • NT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Unt t City of Mou Minnesota, approves the aou ul Y e a r .Y+V _ _ Krmn Hennepin County Community Devcl&P'm:nt above, and authorizes submittal of the County for ccr ideration by Q; Citizen ic.4'.mr, U.,mit n for inclusion in the Year XVI Ma r :4 nn Co unty Block Grant statement of objectives and Imcje use of f The following CounC:.<.'tC`.,e!'`be , vo ir.. the The fol'iC'.Ving Counciiim ✓�.:ed in the nee,at.i;Ve: May c >r A ttest: City Clerk 847 SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 1600 South 2nd Street, Hopkins. Minnesota 55343 933.9311 BOARD of DIRECTORS , John Glaser A :son Fuhr .0 P : es Jer.r 5 .3 6 Lida Stokes ....1' .. _ „i :'i. ::3. .. �. G=ralyn.PeiteP .. t' . _ ....... t?... _ .. .E :'..i s .,. C j7 A after Levesque Connie McCullough T;,m Ticen B�b Miller of L c!ge _ X ` . 7 I ^ Toni Anderson KarlOansky Cauncilperson Robert DeGhettO � � t.; Marty Guritz ..... Commissioner Tad Jude Leonard Kopp ;an Nelson .. , Senator Gen Olson `. �': f Y Carla Pavone Steve Rood P,an Schroeder R..ssell Weinstein Benjamin F Withhart J ve vY i t. l } . _.. .. i A United Way Supported Agency 04 fi R No 0 n i community Febrvary 27, 1 ,991 a ny" "; . cor: rtitt�� t., 1.",:,r ..1._ and ext3a;?in, h n services i1' area to help .. „w 1 ..:'x {. r+:'sidents bec self- suffici�ent. In providinq cri tically needed' s•�_-Vic ws to the :t of tl:,un•l, we are rep- estinq $9,000.00 f. ' (_*C 1 ! - ;ity Die... _, .v..n; F{lCx Grant Year VvII f;n:3s from the v (of .`i"1i.:`2t' to Wt3, N c,tni7,istrati:ln and x °t lttif nlanni e_.. r i=t a<<- the Civ : t N um! o.;r organization by $4,8000”! f W C(x=runity 1)e elr. x^tint Block Grant f anlin. ivy? ap . _ " t-1 help, and we feel that we have pot it to r ";q.,! families and children in t o I.Syl. For exe vvle in 1990 we p r(wi I cA the following services to n sid ents of t he City c if WX , x rcf La...° i t.in(- � t 1 24 Mound hc.;sehold.% (included for 1 ',.:yln':, ' ti I ities, fog, an d other essentials totalin'i S17, 42., R) ° Our de =livered hot, n:_:tritious rmials w 12 Wan! t ,�: ..ti ,�:� _. ;deals are available S days a week;, Cla' ;v"L m �9u_ r ��r�:a meals t`.rnk.:,ho'wt the com. ' ;nity in 1ilV. ° 'Ito 4 0A Hetx,ndn F're ;y Assistance Office (a part of our riff i - 1) primary heat an.9 crisis a sistanca ty) i:% in Mound for a total amo.:nt of S43Q7()Xn. } i.-;'r.ty -fivo A these, hn6s,:holds were hog ;seholds with chilcln m a• ?�1 2 w .., , households; with seniors. ° le r o my l,e r;rz�.��ln L )�:nF.y F;�:�.�r, nh. Assistance (a part of due time- share office) vv k; apn 1 =;t hms for ;WO C, fcxxi stamps, anal critical services from many WA VC f.i',Lres on nLT4 } x�rs of households no rvo ' w i l l f)f, (Which WC co- sr,- 5n!�or) served a total r >f 411 O , ,;r !;,.... ', ,,,�- with er. r•'yeartcy fexxl. ° Th" l nrrF 4i ., L i 'i:f11r. j Q (which we cor-spon {; =-)r) also SOMA r ^are; `K z 1 with fr. --o or Clothes, sy New WOCM Servicel-s For 1991: As of January 1, 1991, Pyrami,! montA qealtij ('entor- .3!1,1 PC°Iatt= Co6nselin<) Center tk: pn offerinki i tividual and fam i ly in'; ��;_�rvic es OL;t of (:YL;r office in the ; Crrvi,,nity servic Center. This year we(I.V4 is a now an,i innovative crxx,�,�rdlky Nlient projoct. People annir and develo; - xiet , — ner (PA(. . PAcr is base c;li the principle that 1,ow-inurie i :ir the Ink ones to identify what their neod,� are, how tx?st to -n tw,ose needs, and how service can h-Lcrxne -,fore officienit, t and h,.:mano. The V. staff and t)(mrd wo! with the P-ACT !ett�mdne - .��h,at it _1 to help the ! ( assi-st3nce to ,i - �%terty and c risiG conditions and lh is that they ne(-- to (let out of , x i.r� the delivery of that assistance. This year WoCAN plans to a ccxrpr sur of the city's ho;sin(I stock is :If o6r project, to develop a tin - sing Afford'al Strategic Plan. 0 This year plans t imple financial co�;rsolirvj and nutrition rro("r for 10 residents. We bel eve that WeCkN nrovides iq services to the city of Mound an(I the wider ccirt of Westonka. We have accorolished a (Ireat deal in the past year thank:- in part to the support of c- cities like Mound . 11t:t th-2-re is m6ch more to accroplish. Althouqh we remain a volunteer organizati-m, we now have a p3i proft'ssional director who provides the Is direct on and leadership reqlired to incr 3se o (,;rqanizations's efficiency ami of lfecti We appr your consideration of oL:r rF,T,;est and thank you for your contin,.: d s,;pport. We ,)Ian to attend yo,_;r hearing on CD,3G Year VVII f',;nd a1locations in order to provide v( with additional info.rTnation on (,),.r o I . Please notify us of ya- he.:irin�j date. if you have any (Tu.-'-sti( ns or con M the meimtire please 0011"Act. ()11 director, Kiki Sonnen at 472-0742. Sincer eir f Hodste, President WoG%N B, of Dir M1 I ) "cc: City Manager • C co Westonka Communit Action Network Ma rch 3 , 1�yl Mr Lam,• Blaj.�t;ad sE IcEAQEA Hennepin bounty Planning 6 Development Department 822 5 3rd 5t Skitte 310 Minneapolis, N 55415 y Dear Mr Black.;t;id We are enclosing copies of our letters to local cities requesting CDBG funds To summarize our enclosure, we are requesting the u` following amounts City Amount of our Re fkeenfield : $1,1 w %0 1rKkDen#krK;e $1,40001) Loretto $50000 .0, Maple Plain ;2.00 5 0 00 Minnetonka Beacn ,00000 MinnetrlsU ��.Q 0 or-On o l $9.000 00 01 On Rock ford $1,600.00 ' ; ' St 8onitacivs $ 3.100 00 $1.:00.00 tix�ng Park ronka B $1.20-00o ay rorA : 8 $500.00 $24.475.00 We believe we have done an excellent ,fob of providing IMproled ° ? human services to low - income residebts in 1Q and have dotie so in a cast - effectiv and efficlent mariner Fi' ✓e cities helped enable Me •Y these WeCAN accomplishments, by their allocation of $8,800 to WeCAN last year. In calendar year 1990, WeCAN and agencies operating in our time -share service center provided the following services to a total of 1,157 households: City' E A M-0-W Energy A•_st Public Asst Food Shelf TorA! HH: Greenneid 1 0 7 figures 2 10 ► , -.s Independence 2 0 L (We tt) 4 not yet ! 7 " 7 0 0 0<8113ble 4 � �, :. �r•, Maple Plain 3 12 ;0 Mlrmetonkd Bekl) 0 0 1 6 0 1 Ptinnetrists S 8 14 0 27 Mound 124 32 125 473 724 Orono 6 10 NA 27 43 r M !rye• Rockford 3 0 q St 8onifaCiui 7 28 44 spring Pare lti 1 `? 33 63 0 a 11 13 r 74 �7 ,,.,1 116 New WeCAN services for 1991 include a comprehensive survey of the cities' 1101ISing stock as part of Our prOjeCt to develop a Afford %blK Housing Strategic flan This community planning initiative will be coordinated with WCCAN's People Advocating Change Together (PACT) Comt PACT is based on the principle that low - income people are the best ones to identify their nerds, how those needs can best be met, and how to improve service delivery, In order to continue providing our traditional services, and to help us accomplish success in our new 1991 endeavors, WeCAN is requesting $24,475 from 12 cities in our service area for CDBG Year XN.r11 Our financing plan proposes the following CDBG budget for We(AN for (DBG Year XVII: expenses: Income: salaries $20.00600 WeCAN operating funds $11,42500 benefits $5,002.00 Block Grant funds $24,475.00 office rent $5,742.00 office Phone $3,15000 printing $750,00 mailing $ 750.00 w Iles $500,00 total: $35,900.00 total: $35,900.00 Of t'ie total of $24,475 of block grant funds requested, 759 (or $18,356) would be spent on activities related to COMMunity planning In conjunction with the WeCAN Affordable Housing Study. It is our understanding this activity would not be charged to HUD's 15% cap on human service block grant allocations We look forward to meeting with you Tuesday, March 12 at 3 p m at our WeCAN offices to discuss our budget plans, and our commurilty planning Initiative in greater detall Thank you for your continued support of WeCAN's efforts to Improve our commutilty and to enable low and moderate- ineorne residents of the western suburbs to achieve greater self- sufficiency. incerely, KIM Sonnen S15;z WeCAN Executive Director '911(c (L. "P,(()�Ico YEAR, END RFPoR' FOR 1�_ESI'ONKA F ;!h PERIOD MARCH 19gO - F Rt'AR: 1u� S.I,ATit i 1 (i: N A ?'RIE1) 'i CL ".IiRF 1i+ uaRRI Hr l) T::C C'T OH: LDRE t PAIi� nll T?'v i AID 7 To FA 1. 3 l.i.,t _ i tiG Fvvhi ti ..:AT C.._...5 1 i Al, .�t StC?Ii t;a I er:e n r v t h , , E o Xot ' d, M ,., .. 1 ..ifacid2.t5, .`.'.::I;', 1. ....:'..E, and wpr « 'at:" A:) ex..a...._ .:G•c ekisten"e Since 1t ,.. :7i?::ii1",. .. t071 I.rl ?1' seventuell I' l ti....... .. 1 ll .. .. it Cse .�� bCilt... c Sc In aIi Jf Henlle,):.. CC_ y ,'le itic S Seel',IS tO bQ , Nr;O tI O M', .<t ;e e d - v as Oar as _.e, vii _., 0r k�e. the in the county a5 fnr c., thle qua tits ('.c't r)t'r l ipit<?) a c t s l Mf.'::- iSfl(3 Cilll({I(`l. tC?11.. =C, ?' t :, nisi 1 4 ...e .. .;� "';... With repc,it Cfliiti to 7,:sidet`ces - a t.....:.tiC Jictl il( t: }taw r:'' 1. : to the dum.) �a )it.rs c . . ~he area, iCl':eSSl.`.;iC liilti ai:v iC w.i iC,ilC Ii r i;ou:it itlnSlod prtl tc.! rWil'4 the area. Child rt7t:.:ion w'rr.Cic+, ,. ;i tI19 n CICIt;C15t ti1iC'1 ti'l'e:? :i'+t 'Idequately servicing t.:e .are ,a .:f tha d i.` t> . .Ilcc to ..... :i' 1 1.... i3 t, the ) C wC lie .,.leV lium,i CI It ic.a Pll,Ilning f ound t:. the .irf! :i ill dir" n('Cd 0. 5(C _i 1 ScrC.Ci. I1C.lt.d,llr t art of d:)Mi ,..._. L.t11t'ii( 't'. mu s, a tist cont:rl.ltt' t ,) t °11:. r:n(Iin:y The area h,-is :i r�r -.,! 1 >ovcT - t' !.t'vuA' considered q't itC iFh pez- cap it:i. Single parent hou�,vh rids with children under tl:e of (:l r. c, ise (l j of gall "he hou tcholdL'. Tho tirea is one of the (10 ~:ighest in Chi' County as recll)it_ t;: ul AFJC;, Puhi.i( Assistance, a food ...,,A r ?!i. I t_ . ilCt 'r; Cre;ltt tc C.`'; l ...along the t)c- i'l.Irri iiCe domestic alhus'c ...!d v10ie ?lCe quite Th'0 o1)JtC.iivt. 4 7f tRL ;Fyr,.,., art° t n c r..lyE'. the ct,.':U,it�_,. <1wAri "t;S of the prob ` 1 sic vllen ce':?t o P ri...i tdL , I c t1n s wit hlt.a l iO d ... � - Ci access to 7uppurt, and dec.t.'i'nC'. .1'.t'r� ! c SS ,. People are 4 +t ten :"� �t -. w_. re that .0 . ._ .... � C'V that will keep rc ctl _..4 llI?derst' ?.n l `. ' -Ir thitr <' they . . ask t'or 'help c t,,2 . ; ' , O Batt rS n si et'1I treat...' "it I r t; ?eir a _. .bc Jti' :..i. " A')US ivt? n rl )7§'}13Sr ii3T 15 .3riC .ilCOC: �. .. ..� � �r. ? ., CO t'.....ti _ _.; c'. t,?�,.a "' �'!.iCterc whir's w Le :. L ss is tns , y.0 r Ca 1 1 0_1 t t .i c I T gets 11Ti� Te 1.'Jt l w(7T :F C t? t ..1 ti t� r: :.. e 3::i t i� V i }CCtilr :ere. often. Victi1r..5 ctt e:.. :e d,voIto;? :i t't ioLC :,2 1 1 e:n .'ind begin to think ther is n o way out of the siti.,. i.' :n. '.p Ll =gi p. r .:in e TIC t,7 itr l c,C:ment s they are an 1C 'o t?e4;in butter ,lt "e .'r themsel The most d'Ingerou's caIl5 .o jC' 4 ce art. k -11 10S' C: i;i'd est1c C3R Icad to murder nd suicides. " ii an . :ti)u.tz+ i ul;t sr, ' t t - ,e C,i t. "ent, Sl?i?:ltr C?r Ic ?CeZ h4 5Iif E? n (f5 ltp per man ci7C - nam I', ?g 3 T)Lr r.`:1, 4:_a; M' S ITI0ne, 0r kill ing hi^,`ilerse?c," S<i' �. :.. : r: i� r. e ce R._..d �,sll., r c to di residence lessen.. fife d ?t'r tF or s .._. tu4 c a t es aie „'ttr ii ":.Ee h'. C.'i{iln ?t'ET where the police a re 1 1: di.tr>clllt ' :�r icer t drive a victim to a she Itcr, ,.. :_pith, i)r t I t e .itC.::.S Of his /her legal Ont i,'. ' -;, when the :ire , call ind are t ,. ^.ic . When the. polic:c dep,irL.,,t , ..�..; ,. -e eia "arrt'.f:+t i.i 7. C; -' .SC' "' ?Slit Lii1I, the police di c,'. If; tai pri ory vi>luntecr cr,._s .advocate on a beeper. 1 t?2li .ir', .d.1. :lttt c- 11t :Icts 'his c)T 'ur 4 .i't : ^ez iIlnd they then '(1 to t':t2 110 t : � .,;e {:� tide ._i�.... .e'. z?I.Qr SL :j ...e , 1:a1 lt's;tal C)pt7Clgq.. ' d. dv .'C: ;ItC `? "' s: > V 's Th tr 1 t c r....:; .i :,t the ictiin, through tilE* pri?ct. . � ol c «t.t inued supp,)r.t it an order -,f protet?tla':1 1 �i :ii: t' t..'. !" t:. .. >lble, the _ sall:int is i.ilso c: the. C I t'efiEC Ci.S it r ._ tt n(?'w" faces and the treatS]cnt prtc�;t i... t.!. l_ to ht 1p Chi: . tC C :`e' their beh..Mor. InstrilCCions TJ1TeIi re 4'.t a CLii1. frt!i'.1 the pollice C:i.r);t.t. :'.r ".itS are .'.pccJfic: tilt.' .. �. 4 :r,i of 5:00 p.m. ind c1 �1 _% ii m. on week- . crib`' from 1'rid:iy .et 5: p...., throu .''' .,a :F; , SL 8:00 3.m. ) 1 . Of f ices :..,. t: irre.s.t b;iyec.: t)r t .:7ic. cause. r. Off ice- t.:i? t tept�r nt :t ber. 3. Advcc :i tc c d h of ter �vepvr gc c`, c, 4. i)1.;;p,itch p :F. idvOClite. in CUi1Ca:t with pC)1.iCe. 7. Pot is e i' 7C is brief lv and tc :I.e ^s7e OI the vict :.... gsy cont. (METHODS) If no arrest has be'f c• advocates W' 11 arr : e pLact!. The cr15 , phone is ?...... "11, hours of 8 :00 a.,... tklro The poise ch iet5 ttl c.. c .. t process. The 'l ice res ?()I se _.. lud ") t � i L fear .e :3F r2. . c` on arre:stin }.:h, :i pro� .uh.. c' �.. .•�. �.,., ... r L. erV ,t i0ll t.. w hen an arre Y 4 ma .. �._e`•. ! t ?'.. 4. ±� t : ?l• :72 c .. .. has not been made. WeStL?nd.c1 I <tervefltli >rl ar *'ing�eS c,, 1 .. ,.... t. -.t necessary in or to victim;,. . i1,m pro l --,:t w i I c r. ArF,J:: ;:tS di;1d provid'r? . VOlun,teers .:cd.ti iin;.te ileir t_ tr . : r'. :?t , l L-F.1 s IS v,dtci.- dteS. t �?. Li.ti;: c'eF :"? „., u,t t:1C Cl i S 1 6)t 1 , '. it e daily it m i 110 to J:i�lt) I).!i ?. . Purpose of heepi . Cstonk'3 lntor.'e.rt ,G,. lr tc �. , t, iCrt+, and board -O :n e int rmed. 'Ir_liiicd :7! .r., e... t� rt?�sps ata° Or ,s1 :il Wat li?n Ei. A v lunteer co', rd l- .,.t0 4 tL, V s c }1 C I t I 1 iy sure the schedule tilaws Md Viet l °. record .;fleet., ,ire bc'l.il4 sent n trlil �fi. TThis bt�.11. Ck�i }.6.��5 U l.lc�.•t C'i: nta�:t A'1 t(1 �. ?C,�7 ,'lc��' �i`s; ei where needed. • ess- CITY OF MOUND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YEAR XVII (1991) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the City of Mound in cooperation with Hennepin County, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, is holding a public hearing on Tuesday, April 9, 1991, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road. The public hearing is on the housing and community development . needs of the City and Urban Hennepin County, the Urban Hennepin' County Community Development Block Grant Program Statement of Objectives, and the proposed use of the Year XVI Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program planning allocation of $69,424 by the City. In addition, during the July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991 program year it is estimated that $7,500 in program income from locally CDBG funded activities shall be available to the city for allocation to activities, consistent with community needs and the Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives. The Statement of Objectives consists of seven program areas, basically: (1) Administration, to maximize program benefit and effectively administer program funds; (2) Housing, to rehabilitate and assist in the development of housing which is affordable to low- and moderate- income households; (3) Neighborhood Revitalization, to maintain and preserve viable neighborhoods through concentrated community development activities; (4) Public Facilities, to improve existing and assist in development of new public facilities which benefit low- and moderate- income persons; (5) Economic Development, to provide financial assistance to businesses which will provide cr retain employment to the benefit of low- and moderate- income persons; (6) public Services, to expand and improve the quantity and quality of public services available to low- and moderate- income persons; and (7) Removal of Architectural Barriers, to remove material and architectural barriers which restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly or handicapped persons. The City of Mound is proposing to undertake the following activities with Year XVI Urban Hennepin County CDBG fund: starting about July 1, 1991. Activity F3ucgt Senior Citizen's Center /Operation 16,056 Senior Citizen Counseling (Suburban Community Services) 4,680 Rehabilitation of Private Property 13,988 Westonka Intervention 5,700 WECAN (Westonka Community Action Network:) 9,000 Downtown Economic Development 20,000 Q / 1 2 �� i f RE Vii April. 8, 1991 Dear Mayor and Council Members: The Westonka Senior Citizens, Inc. are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of our senior club and the tenth year in this center the week of May 6 through 10th. Would the City of Mound please proclaim this week as Westonka Senior Center Week? Sincerely, Dotty 0 Brien, President Westonka Senior Citizens, Inc. • eniar Center HOME Of THE WESTONKA SENIOR CITIZENS, INC.* 6600 LYNWOOD 6000 EVAHI) MOON I), ti iN% 5_JFA 1612)472.1600 Ext. 247 or 248 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING WESTONKA SENIOR CENTER WEEK MAY 6 - 1.0 WHEREAS, we need to realize now, more than ever, what ,a resource our older Americans are, and that the abilities of older Americans to invest our country with their knowledge, creativity and experience canno` be denied; and WHEREAS, senior centers offer valuable service to the community in providing our senior citizens the benefits of flood fe;llowshi.p, encouragement and support, the opportunity to help themselves and each other, and offering service of ar•cess to community services as needed; and WEIERE:AS, the month of May has been proclaimed Older Americans Month, and communities across the country are giving special recognition to the role of senior centers; THEREFORE, I hereby proclaim May 6th through May 10th as Westonka Senior Citizens Silver Anniversary Week in celebration of past accomplishments and encouragement for continuation of involvement and contribution to our Westonka Community. A Non- profit Organization Serving the Conwr7unities Of Mound 0 Orono • Spring Park; Vinnetrista - d4 Qf_ try and bstuwn party of tht lfrr FKtrt, LuWr..,, and ._ .. .kt : uui_ •� , , Party "f the rKOrnd port. Lelaee Wnnsetr, That the "party of the ftret part, to amp eraton cf the renu and oo,vnanu, hereinc,/ r tom.: �rtti 3r he -t.!r Demue, ctsea and Lot unto the rz d part}, O the ae nd ;*,o and the la:d P4 b c,/ .'r ri rr, z. o do herrbi h; , ar, tx::e f r w, tie 1 :,, e . part th a € %r ind des bei _ e .era, ate- in the Ctunty of "` a nd Sta to of ,ri S 13 - 117 -2, i2 .UA, lira of mound, {'! -� I 2 51991 F MOUND l , I, �Le lklabt ant ;a itte:b. The ab_tt anted p^nniaee •ante the ezid readu "' heirs and "nom n, Innic the f oil ter "I o . frC7n Grd after t}e iii t,J Of is dnd the ra:d Lr,uet a to and with the said Luser to ;y ae rent for tht abort mtr,t vntd prem- are the r.nr o± .,> .. 1 r 'D KS d i for and dur ;nj tht full term of this Lease. ;reed t�y ar1 !. etn the ; trtat re .Thzt sheu:d t}u #-A user,- fall .,..,ne' n:r ca o- t y:N tie rent „r .rd a; uhtr, due, ar Jail the rn.. ,.'e �:.t'. . r.rtm"d .'41 ,.. [r. .t.a ....e , d'. i>t 1- / /„ t � P ,r : n. r:e :..e ,K 10-med tj the a A Ito the I. I I j t nt, v3 + u a ::re I }, t er ;4 I!.a:r no to c4h; n thu _. r / ft i are o 4ny titer ttt- t u.,l a�ut f €t e?:.itninQ the rrtftn content ti✓ F.: Ito Aw ,.. SQ A on r.r::r F rn ;•f tle tome ca rt n y" Al q.act!y- y r 1i an' r en -.t t -r _.a a: tje t d '•ed ht: s and u � ;e, in re r ood c' n it.un and , " , A- 41 A On nk 1 W 1 KI M, re.. unaVe ue t' and .e.; .: y 't .y .Sf r:e cat ^te ace nt ldf.r t :j .� n AW and ! .e(:+ P "e n::del f. . o In Zee ...... E•,,,. � ,, .t , :rt.et We } ✓rr in Wo }"Mu „r :d toile the s, c" .t u-.Pen y am 1"r RreE OW :c e' _ : :reed in Prrrcnte rf (FP.lhJ (f.I Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish 11t' 116;i ASSESSMFJ NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Beard of Review of the_..__ ___C1_tv_.. ..in ___H u1z pitL �.:_ County, Minn., Will meet at the office of the __Y______._ ...__Clerk, in Said—, at_.:'___30.__o'clock __.'. ,tii., on _ _..av 14th a Ma �� . _ , t he -- .. c��� o —_ y 19 , for the purpose of reviewing and correcting Elie assessment of for the year '19 9,' All persons considering thenist lees at;grirvcd by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assesscd too lose, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low w ill be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notificd of such complaint. Dated this.-J- of_._ Apri 1__ Clerk of • .1. April 3, 1991 Ed Shukle, City Manager and Mound City Council 5341 Maywood Road Mound, M14 55364 Re: Earth Day Tree Planting Ceremony and Mosquito Petition Dear Mr. Shukle and Mound City Council, Thank you again for allowing Tom Casey the opport to speak at the Tuesday, March 26, 1991 Mount City Council meetina. Your courteous allowance of time or, a busy night, even though he was not on the agenda, is specially appreciated. We recognize that there was little time at the meeting for thorouah r-jview and deliberation of the matters discussed. Therefore, with your kind attention, we would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the two topics of our discussion. 1. Westonka Earth Day - 1991. On Monday, March 25. 1991 the Westonka Earth Day Committee, by consensus, asked Tom Casey to express our concern to the City Council. about the tree planting ceremony scheduled for Earth Day, April 20. 1991, at Mound Bay Park. (As you are aware, Summer Hill Tree Farm has agreed to donate and plant a large green ash tree this ye-ar.) City staff have said that the tree will be planted in thy park in a place away from where- the parking lot mnay be expanded. The Earth Day C, would like to see the tree planted as a symbo. of the City's commitment to preserve more Green "pace, rather than to be planted at a site to accommodate the loss of Green Space through parking lot expansion. T�-refore, the Earth Day Committee would like to have a resolution adopted by the City Council that "affirms the City':; commitment to protect Mound Bay Park from expansion of the parking lot." We request that this matter be placed on your April 9, 1991 agenda, for di ' scussion and action. (We understand your statement that future City Council members may reverse your resolution, but that should not undermine your dedication now to protect our Green Space. In other words, we'll cross that bridge if or when we ever get there. 1 • • ZAR Hopefully, with your encouragement. our citizens will find it. more healthy. economical, and environmentally responsibl(. to bicycle, walk, or carpool to the park, thereby alleviating any argument for parking lot expansion.) 2. Mosquito Control. The petition brought to you at the March 26, 1991 City Council meeting only asks the City to verify that Ms. Pacholke's regurst is representative; of other residents in the Lake Larjdc,n area." (see MMCD letter dated November 5. 1990. includ,11 in Your 3 -26 -91 agen -da packet.) The City of Mound d3es not have to take a position on the mosquito control issue; you are only asked to verify the petition. (The Metropoli't an Mosquito Control District rakes the decision.) We don't think that it is proper to assume that all of the signatures on the petition were :a.:ie by uninform -d or insincere people. If you disa4r_ae, then the City of Mound should, undertake its own s,lrve v to dt- te-rnine tht- wishes of the Like Langdon ,area resilt - nes. The cost of your own survey woulJ be insubstantial. Th refore, we also requ that t1�lis issue be placed on the April 9. 19 ,9 1 Mound City Council atrenda for discussion and a °tic::. Please advise us of your d cis; n. Thank you again for givina these envi.ronr1k::,,tal issues the attention and consideration they deserve. With your help, our corn unity can continue making "Earth Day Every Day ". Very truly yours, WESTONKA EARTHDAY COMMITTEE G T&) March 29, 1991 Dr. Robert D. Siogren, Director Metropolitan Mosquito Control District 2380 Wycliff Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Dear Dr. Siogren; You may recall that I contacted you in October of 1990 regarding a request from Ms. Mary Pacholke, 2624 Westedge Blvd., Mound, regarding the discontinuation of mosquito spraying in the Lake Langdon area. You responded ii. a letter dated November 5, 1990, asking that the City verify that Ms. Pacholke's request is representative of other residents in the Lake Langdon area. Ms. Pacholke submitted a petition, a copy of which is enclosed, from residents in that area and asked the City Council at it's meeting of March 26, 1991 that the City send this request to you so that spraying can be omitted from the Lake Langdon area this year. The City Council has no position on this matter. Further, they have not verified that all of these are for or against mosquito spraying in the Lake Langdon area. They have not directed staff to go out and verify the names and addresses or any other information. It is up to the Mosquito Control District as to how you want to deal with this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager enc. ES: 1 s 94X liar Pacholke 262 Westedge Blvd, Mound, Mn. 55364 2 1arch 19, 19 Dear Yr Shukle and Cos.�nc lme^bers; The enc osed petitions signed by residents of L� L r,,. on arE submitted as ver -- cation of our pr- l rious request to discontinue all activities of the b'etropolit n .osquito :antrcl istrict on or around Lake Langdon in :Y o ut nd, I nnesot:a; as requested by R. %. S oFren in a letter to H"dward Sh}..'w_ie of November K, 1990; to be forwarded to the "etrccol ttn t•'osqui'to Control t'istrict for their records. yhtnk you, ✓_.._ a ,� Vary Facholke • 8 43 154 October 9, 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.2 rASE 190- 438 ;�OL�►_ D R. ©7�►Yl 50 � A � LOT 1 BLOCK 21, SHADY!oo 113 - 117.2 • 0069. 4ARIANU MOHT i SI B YA K._ 88T8?1 The Building Official explained that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the variance request due to lack of hardship and the proposed garage would be too close to the garage behind it which creates an unsafe condition. The council discussed this item. They pointed out that the applicant could attached this garage to the dwelling. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jessen to refer this item to Staff to prepare a r esolution of denial. The vote was unanimously in favor, Motion carried. - 1.3 E4tJ 8T TO BE HEARD - IiARY P�1CHOLxrr 14- i vvSTE B wI,VD. Mary Pacholke asked that the City Council request that the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District not do any spraying for mosquitoes by helicopter in the Mound area. She related her reasons for not wanting any spraying, i.e. sickness of herself and her animals, other animals in the neighborhood dying. The Council discussed Ms. Pacholke's complaints, the letters from the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture, a letter from the University of Minnesota, and a letter from the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. The letters from the MN. Dept. of Agriculture and the MMCD stated that they have investigated Ms. Pacholke's complaint regarding improper pesticide applications to Lake Langdon and have determined that no pesticide misuse has been substantiated. The letters state that BTI and not methoprene was applied. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jessen to direct Staff to write a letter to the scientific Peer Roviev Panel asking them to research this problem and send a summary of their results to the City of Mound. Also asking the MMCD to have People on hand with Ms. Pacholke to monitor the spraying next year on Lake Langdon. The vote was unanimously in - favor. Motion carried. i COMMEN SUGGESTIONS F cinuN8 PR $ENT There were none. • • any ...4,...�.. METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO.CONTROL DISTRICT 2380 WYCLIFF STREET • ST. PAUL, N -. 612-645-9t49 BCO vC W.J. rA E W .E RfCO NOV 8 1 No 990. E4WWJ-;Shuk1*; Ir Zr 'ayt Martager t ry of k)dnd 5341 - Maywood Road Mound." MN' 5'5364' A se to caer of October 16, 1 we rtq est C �.: Scientific you ` W aware 6t ;ttk,si tuadoh* by T=Iving'copies 4n rtspd4 J990. '�iii orwa u Board. They alreadi are �.'of -th6 s. PaAolke 6r n yesjondencithat has taken place* -by'dir6d"co e f hirwDr "Keith Solombn),, and'from her prise tneeting on 'SPkP has directed laboratory research it acute The it andt circrni effects' of rt--thoprene on Cladocera, copepo&, amphipods, Leopard Frogs"ind of Bacillus thuringlensis Isroelensis (Bti) on mosquitoes, chironomids,',�rayrish.'Arnerican Toads, and Chorus Frogs. In addition, tht-re'are studies investigating e effects of control materials on chironortu'ds, invertebrate fauna, Redwing Blackbirds and songbirds. If you could ckrify the sp;xific scope of investigation desired, this would help direct the SPRY in' future .assignment of siudieii. An agreement was made with Ms. Pacholke in, early July of*IM.that we would not spray in the Lake Langdo , n area. This was honored for the remainder of the field season. For our records, please verify that Ms. Pacholke's request' is represcritadve of other residents in the Lake L-angdon area. If Oiat is the case, we will continue,to omit the Lake Langdon area from our, control, program. Subsequent meetings ivill'thin •neces5aq. "Thank you for your objective involvement in 'this - situ Sincerel q a Robert D. Sjogten, Ph.D. Director c c: Ri chird Andics6o, Ph.D. fS pi � F AW'� E A CM—N, PETITION TO DISCONTINUE MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAN ON THE LAKE LANGDON AREA WHEREAS, the means o f monitoring MMCD activities and their environmental impacts are inadequate; WHEREAS, Robert D. Siogren, Director of the 'MMCD, stated in a November 5, 1990 letter to the City of Mound that the MMCD will " omit the Lake Langdon area from our control program ..." if Lake Langdon area residents so request; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned residents of the Lake Langdon area request the MMCD to permanently discontinue the mosquito control prog for the Lake Langdon ar N MT ADDRESS TELEPHONE` t j t , -.L - AZ ,� ._(,,.c __ _ . _S4._t _'�= � �-, 7 � � �� � ' l �✓ `tit t £�r� _.- -_ �i . -_ �_ _ t. �.,._ _ _ ..._..._ ,_ r � (_ +, YYY t r i� // PETITION TGt'DISCONTINUB NOSQUITD CONTRoL PR0CRAN ON THE LACE LANCDON AREA WHEREAS. the means of monitoring MMCD activities and their environmental impacts are inadequate; WHEREAS, Robert D. Siogren, Director of the MMCD, stated in a November 5, 1990 letter to the City of Mound that the MMCD will ". omit the Lake Langdon area from our control program ..."cif Lake Langdon area residents so request; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned residents of the Lake Langdon area request the MHCD to permanently discontinue the mosquito control , program ' for the Lake Langdon area. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE 4©b�.� A ?a - - SOLID WASTE SOURCE REDUCTION PLAN CITY OF MOUND I. DEFINITION A. City of Mound's source reduction practices and procedures will be to recycle, reuse and reduce as much of the waste stream as possible. A source reduction plan requires reasonable effort to reduce,to the maximum extent possible, materials that are landfilled or burned without energy recovery. Emphasis will be on environmentally sound waste management for protecting the > -' environment. I I GOALS A. Objective will be to be in compliance with the goals and objectives of the Hennepin County solid waste master plan. B. That costs do not greatly exceed in resource reduction. C. Reduce the amount of waste being thrown away. D. Closely monitor the buying of products which produce toxic waste. E. Work with supplies to use less packing. III. EXISTING SOURCE REDUCTION ACTIVITIES A. Monthly staff meeting to reduce the paper flow. B. Purchase of reusable storage containers. C. Old equipment is sold. D. Staff uses reusable coffee mugs. E. Copying documents on both sides of paper. F. Upgrade equipment instead of buying new. IV. PLANNED SOURCE REDUCTION ACTIVITIES A. Council members and Commissioners to use reusable coffee mugs. B. Buying of well made products or products with long life to create less waste and to save money C. Check consumer publication for lists of long wearing items. D. Renting of equipment instead of buying. E. The purchasing of quantities that are likely to be used. F. Increasing the usefu'.lness of products. G. Buying of environmentally friendly products. H. Have our names removed from needless mailing lists. 841 V. EDUCATION AND PROMOTION PLAN A. Copy of this report will be made available to staff. B. Staff meeting discussion of waste reduction and resource recovery. VI IMPLEMENTATION DATE AND PLAN A. Purchasing agent and Re- yeling Coordinator to discuss purchasing of materials monthly. B. Implementation Will begin when approved by County and City. • r� n AE U1,W{}� RESOLUTION NO. 90 -9 -732 The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Andrew, seconded by Commissioner Johnson: WHEREAS, Reduction of the amount of solid waste generated is the highest priority in the hierarchy of waste management techniques; and WHEREAS, Source reduction of solid waste can be accomplished by governmenta' lgencies and institutions as well as by individuals and businesses, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Administrator be directed to prepare a Solid Waste Source Reduction Plan for Hennepin County Government to be presented to the Public Service committee at its last meeting in October 1990; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That each municipality be required to adopt a plan for.source reduction of solid waste to be submitted with its 1991 recycling grant application. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and there were ,,,_,_ _.__YEAS and no NAYS as follows: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Jeff Spartz X Randy Johnson X John Keefe X John E. Derus X Tad Jude X Mark Andrew x Sam S. Sivanich, Chairman X RESOLUTION ADOPTED. te ATTEST: Clerk f I Count Board • 8q/ SP 1 1 1,990 April 8, 1901 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 5536 StJBJECT: City of Mound, M.innosota 1991 lift Station Improvemcnnt Project Contract Award MFRA #96. Dear Mayer and Council Meml,egrs : On April 5, 199!, bids were opened and read for the subject. project. Five bibs were received and the bid tabulation for those e,ids is enclosed. Thc: low bidder is L.aTour Construction, Inc,, with a total base bid of $21 3, 1 {00.00. We have carefully checkc,d the proposal and find thrst, it is correct. The low bic1, as noted above, givers a total co�;t. for they proje ot, of $213, as compared to t.he Engineer's Estimate of $208,000.00, us stated in the Preliminary ) ngince:.•'s Report, dated December 12, 1988. The! $208,0'')0.00 includes 10x contingencie-s which were included in the preliminary report to cover unforeseen circumstances that might she >w up later in the final design rand construction. Since December, '1988, the construction cersts have increase�d approximately 4 . 4 %; therefore, our estimate ill March, 1991 was $217,000.00, including lox Coll tirrge Thorefore, we feel that LaTour Constrrar_tion's bid is acceptable. We have represented other municipalities where( LaTuur was the Cointrae,tcir and have betrn satisfied witlr their perf()rr.lance. Theref'ort -�, we recommend thrat, t,hf- contract be awarded to thom at the base bid pric,.e caf $213,4011.00. ME If you have any questions or notxi (0ditional infor:reat. ion, pleas(! Very truly yours, McCOMHS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATkS, INC. i l fr John Cameron JC: jrn j VA)c1 osur ,s BID TAB CITE' OF MOUND, MINNESOTA 1991 LIIT S'T'ATION 'MPR0VF.MF.NT PROJECT ME'T'A #9629 LaTOUR CONST INC. 1. Base Bid fur Lift Station B3 2. Base Bid for Lift Station C3 3. Base Bid for Lift Station E2 4. Base Bid for Lift Station F1 5. Base Bid for Lift Station J1 TOTAL. BASE BID 1. Alternate A - Lift Station B3 - Add 2. Alternate B - Lift Station C3 - Add 3. Alternate C - Llft Station E2 - Ad..' L4. Alternate D - Lift Station F1 - Add 5. Al termite E - Lift Station JI - Add 6. Alternate F - Lift Station B3 - Add j . Alternate - Lift Station C3 - Add f3. Alternate H - Lift Station E2 - Acid 9. Alternate I - Lift Station F1 - Acrd 10, Alternate J - L.i,ft Station J1 - Add G [ 11iEPT MECHANICAL CONTRAC'T'ORS, 1NC . I. Base Bid for Lift Station 133 2. Base Bid for Lift Station C3 3. Base Bid for lift Station E2 It. Base Bid for Lift Station FI. 5. Base Bid for Lift Station ,1.1 TOTAL PA` E' BIT) 1 . AI tern,ite A - Li ft Station 133 - Add 2. Alternate B - Lift S',.ition C3 - Ad,i 3. AItoun:rt - C - L.ift St,ition F2 - Add 4. AI tc�rnre' D - Li ft Station F; - Adl Alt,�rnat_c E - lift station f�. Alt e> F - L.ift. Station F - A,id 7. AIt G - [;if't station C3 - Adis 8. AItE,rn,iter if - Lift St ation T?1 - Add 9. AIt(.,,nattr l - Lift Station F1 - Arid 10 AIt ern a t,o ,l - Lift SLat on $ 1 13,< ,0.00 $ •' $ L4I.8w.( }) $ 5, E7 , " 1 7 0'. 00 $ (J.((} $ 0 r t) OV $ ().( )o $ X 44 !Y- )j $ I • ► • BID TAB CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA 1991 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MFRA #9629 PAGE TWO • PENN CONTRACTING, INC. 1. Ba. Bid for Lift Station B3 $ 144 , 88f, , 0c, 2. Base Bid for Lift Station C3 $ 4 7,270-00 3. Base Bid for Lift Station E2 $ 43, 60. oo 4. Base Bid for Lift Station Fl $ $ 4 1,4 25 .00 5. Base Bid for Lift Station i ll $ 42,038.00 TOTAI, HA�;E; TOTAL BASH' BID A ! t orn, i t o A L i f t fij - Adj $ 6, Alter rate A - L i f t S t C ts " on B3 - Add $ 5- 2. Al ternate B - Lift Station C3 - Add $ 8.237.00 3. Alternate C - 1, i ft Station E2 - Add $ 5,333.00 4 . A I t e ri i a t e D - L i f t Station F1 - Add $ 5,912.00 5. Al tevnate F - Lift Station JI - Add $ x, Al F - L i f t St, ion Fj d 8, nuo "jo 7. AI t e mat C; - Lift S tation Add $ pi, C;00,00 A I t ( - rr u a t e Ii - L S t, t i oil A d (I S 8,000.00 A I to vniate I - L i f t S tation F! Adel $ 8 , 1.'00. 00 10, Al J - L i ft j I on , I , t � , c I $ pl, (00. GRIDOR CON S'IRUCT10N, INC 1. !za;(t f'id for' Lift Station B3 Or 4:5, � 2. 13,1!;o Rid f';w lAft Station c3 47,42U.; '0 H%:w Did for Lift I;t, 'it ton 1`2 1} r- (M) Hid roll LiCt Stl"ttinti VI $ 4 u oo, (-7i) Rld for Lift, St*,ItJ(;11 J1 TOTAI, HA�;E; HID A ! t orn, i t o A L i f t fij - Adj $ 6, Ai R I, i !'t St,u t i w i i Ci - Ac!J Al t C 1, i f t, it at 1 E". - Add t, Add L ift ':tat i()n J1 Adl t it t, i ;3 A 1 t.: I t, i f It j Al t, Al t 1 1, i Ct. ')t• i i $ J A 1 J t St, j ()ji I j, A, A(ld • BID TAB CITY OF MOUND. mlNNF.SOTA 1991 LIFT STATION lMl'1ROVj' pR0j[- MFRA #9629 PAGE THREE NORTHWEST MECHANICAL, INC.. 1. Base Bid for Lift Stf E3 1 4 7, 300 - 00 2. Base Bid for 1, if't 5 Ul t ,) r 1 50, 900. 00 i. Base Bid for Lift Stit (7r j,: S 46, 600. 00 4. Base Bid for Lift S ta r- i ( F1 $ 45.. 00 5. Base Bid for Lift Station J1 no TOTAL BASE BID 234,5b0 .00 1. Alternate A - l..i ft A(ld 2. Alternate B - 1. i f' S t- ""I t i on C3 - Add $ 7, 7 1. . oo 3. Alternate C - 1.i f, St,!It i cm - Add '. C)31. 00 Al ternatc. D - L i f t 5 tfition F'1 - Add � .00 )77 5. Al ternate E - Lif St,- j1 - Ara $ 5.031.00 6. Alternate F - Lift Station B t 1,000.00 7 . Al ternate G - L i f t Station C' 8. Alternate If - L ift Station Fl- $ 1,000.00 9. Alternate 'I - (,i f t Station F1 L)edllct, 1,000.00 10. Al t e rnate J - 1, j f't j il 1)(1 d w-- t $ 1,000.00 Ll • • • BILLS------ APRIL 9, 1991 BATCH 1033 50,835.98 BATCH 1034 118,156.17 Thorpe Distributing Mar Beer 16,791.20 Frank Madden & Assoc Bargaining 1,404.85 Unitog Rental Sery Mar uniform rent 692.72 TOTAL BILLS 187,880.92 • ew4l DATE 4/05/91 TIME 10.37.31 PRE -PAID CHECK ACCOUNT NUMER AMOUNT CHECK 4 DATE 01- 4140 -2100 1010 01-4140 -4110 1010 73 -7300 -6120 1010 01.4280 -4200 73-7300-4200 78-7800 -4200 1010 73- 7300 -2200 78.7800 -2200 01-4290 -2200 1010 22-4170 -3750 01.4290 -3750 01- 4280 -3750 73 -7300 -4200 1010 22-4170 -2200 1010 22- 4170 -2210 1010 78 -1800 -2300 1010 71-7100 -3740 1010 PACE I PURCHASE JOURNAL W-02 -01 CITY OF MOUND YEM INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AUNT DESCRIPTION AOOb0 4/05/91 4/05/91 49.26 49.26 RIBBONS JK -CD AM BUSINESS f VENDOR TOTAL 49.26 40175 325.00 FATS REFRESHER 4/05/91 4/05/91 325.00 M& _CD ALEIANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLE VENDOR TOTAL 325.00 A0l 110.00 FEES-00'91 4/05/91 4/05/91 110.00 JRINL-CD AMERICAN NATIONAL BARK VENDOR TOTAL 110.00 40363 203.00 VEHICLE INSPECTION '58.00 VEHICLE INSPECTION 58.00 VEHICLE INSPECTION 4/115/91 4/05/91 319.00 JtN. -CD APF EMERGENCY REPAIR VENDOR TOTAL 319.00 80540 6.65 MAR OXYGEN 6.65 MAR OXYGEN 6.65 MAR OXYGEN 4/05191 4/05/91 19.95 JRNL -CD BATH¢ COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 19.95 BOF,DO 65.72 MAR GARBAGE -FIRE 103.88 MAR GARBAGE -PW 44.52 MAR GARBAGE- STREET 47.70 GARB PU-CHATEAII TOWER 4105191 4/05/91 26182 J14L -CD K"OMIAK AND SON VENDOR TOTAL 261.82 00605 30.95 FORM TOOL GOLD 4/05/91 4/05/91 30.95 J2NL. _CD BLOC FU 1 SHING VENDOR TOTAL 30.95 90'07 29.00 MAR GASa INE 4/05/91 41'05j91 29.00 J1Yl -CD BROOKS' FOODS, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 29.00 Cw^ 190.18 NAKP,CH1SEL 4/05/91 4/05/91 190.18 JtNL -CD CE YFKIGR TOTAL 190.18 00920 15.24 MATER BILL +05/91 4/05/91 15.24 Mt_cD CITY IE MW VENDOR TOTAL 15.24 DATE 4/05/91 TIME 10.37.31 PRE -PAID CHECK ACCOUNT NUMER AMOUNT CHECK 4 DATE 01- 4140 -2100 1010 01-4140 -4110 1010 73 -7300 -6120 1010 01.4280 -4200 73-7300-4200 78-7800 -4200 1010 73- 7300 -2200 78.7800 -2200 01-4290 -2200 1010 22-4170 -3750 01.4290 -3750 01- 4280 -3750 73 -7300 -4200 1010 22-4170 -2200 1010 22- 4170 -2210 1010 78 -1800 -2300 1010 71-7100 -3740 1010 PAGE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/05/91 AP- 001-01 CITY OF MOUNIT TINE 10.37.31 VETi0011 INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE - PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE WN DATE DATE STATUS MQ1NT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT CHECK I DATE C0970 348.03 MAR NIX 71- 1100 -9,AO 4/05/91 4/05/91 346.03 JRNL-CD 1010 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWST VEW TOTAL 348.03 C1078 2,634.00 WIRING-FOODELED AREA 30- 6000-3100 4/05/91 4/05/91 2,634.00 JRNL -CD 1010 CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE SER+ VENDOR TOTAL 2634.00 C1080 35.00 FR; ON WINC)fS 78- 7800-3800 4/05/91 4/05/91 35.00 JRNL -CD 1010 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIPfE %VW TOTAL 35.00 C1100 13.00 MAR COPIER MAINT 73- 7300 -39W 4/05/91 4/05/91 13.00 JRNL -CD 1010 COPY MICATING PRODUCTS YENITat TOTAL 13.00 C1104 40.13 LAND DW40M 01- 4320 -7100 4/05/91 4/05/91 40.13 JRNL -CD 1010 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY C VENDOR TOTAL 40.13 D1200 4,039.30 MAR BEER 71 -7104 -9530 4/05/91 4/05/91 4,039.30 JRNL -CD 1010 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO VEND TOTAL 4039.30 01288 116.58 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4280 -3'r50 56.28 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01- 4340-3950 12.06 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01- 4190-3950 12.06 APR RADIO SERRV CONTRACT 01 -4290 -3950 76.39 APR RADIO SERV MNTRACT 01-4140 -3950 12.06 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01. 4040 -3950 60.30 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 73- 7300-3950 28.14 APR RADIO SERV CONTRACT 78-7800.39°.A 28.14 APR RADIO SON CONTRACT 22- 4170 -'950 4/0`,,/91 4 /0 /'p. 402.00 ,RYt -CD 1010 Dilax, O MINNESOTA, INC. VENNr,% TOTAL 402.00 DI?20 417.00 MAR C71IEP SALARY 71-4170 -1370 4/05/91 4/05/91 417.00 JRW -CD 1010 DONALD BRYCE VENDOF TOTAL 417.00 D1332 287.20 CHLORINE 73- 7300 -2260 36.00 WTNDfS 73- 7300-2100 4/05191 4/0 323.20 M - CD 10.0 OPC INMTRIES, INC. VE!�oR TOTAL 323.20 01365 100.00 STUMP REMOVAL 81-4`"'A -5110 E • • k �cl PFICE 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/05/91 AP-W-M CITY OF ICAO TIME 10.37.31 Yom INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID DIEM NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NLOW MOUNT CHECK i DATE 4/05/91 4/05/91 100.00 JK-CD 1010 DWIGHT SQLLTI VENDOR TOTA1. 100.00 E1420 6, A6.05 MAR BEER 71 -7100 -9530 4/05/91 4/05/91 6,066.M JRK_CV 1010 EAST SIDE MUM VENDOR TOTAL 6086.05 E1430 26.91 MAR MTG E1P 01-4040 -4120 161.00 ICMA cow -CRAO NS 01.4040-4110 4/05/91 4/05/91 209.81 Jot-Cl) 1010 EDWARD SlUlE VENDOR TOTAL 209.81 E1444 250.00 GENERIC CAD !2-4170-2200 4/05/91 4/05/91 250.00 Jdl-CD 1010 EWAD SOFTWARE VENDOR TOTAL 250.00 E1485 686.00 FURWA /C MAINT PlAR-AM 01 -4320 -3840 4/05/91 4/05/91 666.00 JX -CD 1010 EgUIPMENT SUPPLY INC YEW TOTAL 686.00 F1570 35.95 FIRE. EWINEETRG -24 ISSUES 22 -4 7) -4130 4/05/91 4/05191 35.95 J4K -CD 1010 FIFE EMINEERING VENDOR TOTAL 35.95 F1580 5.00 FIM DR£S-PEDERSCIN 22-4170-413) 4/05/91 4/05191 5.00 JRNL -CD 1010 FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSN VE)W TOTAL 5.00 F1631 649.00 00 '84 -BOND FEES 73-7300 -6120 4/05191 4/05/91 649.00 JRK -C'D 1010 FIRST TRUST VENDOR TOTAL 649.00 F1690 42.95 MAF MISC 71-7140 -?550 4/05/"1 4/05/91 42.'95 J -CD 1010 FOLK STAR 8AR SUPPLY VENDOR TOTAL 42.1 F1710 219.46 WJDA COW -FC 01.4rj4{l -4110 4/05; 4/05/91 219.46 JX -CD 1010 FRANCENE Qf^ VE:Ntu]R TOTAL 219,46 G17% 95.00 CUES-GFOA 01-40Wj -4130 4/05,'91 4/05/91 95.00 0t -CD 1010 G F 0 A VENDOR TOTAL 95.00 G1761 660.00 INVESTIG CITY PROP 30-000.3100 PAW 4 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4 /05/91 AP-M -m CITY OF MOWN TIPS 10.37.31 VENDOR INVOICE ME IUD PRE -PAID DECK NO- INVOICE N11811 DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NINOTER NOW DECK i DATE 4/05/91 4/05/91 660.00 JRNL -CD 1010 ON COMLTANTS INC VENDOR TOTAL 660.00 61870 258.33 MAR MAR5HAU SALARY 22- 4170 -1370 4/05/91 4/05191 258.3- JRNL-CD 1010 GEf u BADE VENDOR TOTAL 258.33 G1890 27.00 MAR MATER COOLER 01- 4140 -4100 40.90 MAR MATER COOLER 01-4090 -2200 6.93 MAR MATER COOLER 01 -42.10 -2200 2.83 MAR MATER COOLER 73.7300 -?200 2.84 MAR MATER COOLER 78- 7800 -2200 4105/91 4/05/91 80.50 JR1L -CD 1010 a.EN OOD INOLEMOOD VENDOR TOTAL 80.50 G1903 129.71 MAIL. MACH LEASE 01-4320 -5000 4/05/91 4/05/91 129.71 J2NL -CD 1010 COOLFIE Ci>iMY NATL MW VENDOR TOTAL, 129.71 H2120 262.76 FEES -TIF 54-5x -6120 4/05/91 4/05/91 162.76 Jill -CD 1010 fEiN CO DEPT OF PROPERTY T VOW TOTAL 262.76 M2134 36.00 FORFEITURE- DONNAT 01-2300 -0223 4/05191 4/05191 36.00 JK -CD 1010 IENN CO - FORFEITURE PROGR VENDOR TOTAL 36.00 M2140 21.17 REPAIR SPKR MIC 01-4140 -M 4/05/91 4/05/91 21.17 Ji1L-CD 1010 00 CO SIERIFFS DEPT VENDOR TOTAL 21.17 H2160 783.00 FEB BOARD 01- 4110-4254 4/05/91 4/05/91 783.00 Jt►L -CD 1010 HENN CO TREASURER VENDOR TOTAL 783.00 M2244 13.74 MP MIT 71-7100-9540 4/05/91 4/05/91 13.74 J NL -CD 1010 HOE JUICE VENDOR TOTAL 13.74 IM 348.00 IINC COW MICN-MARK 01-4040-4110 4/05/91 4/05/91 348.01: ft -CD 1010 INTERNATL INNSTITLITE MMIC+ VENDOR TOTAL, 348.00 12400 219.61 CU J71NT,8004-1841 01- 4140 -3810 4/05/91 4/05/91 219.61 JFK-CD 1010 • DATE 4/05/91 TIME 10.37.31 PRE -aAID CHECK AMOUNT NLTW AMOUNT CHECK 1 DATE 01- 4190 -2250 1010 0 - 4280-2310 73- 7300-2300 78- 7800 -2300 1010 71-7100 -2200 1010 78- 7800 -2204 O1- 4020 -2200 01-407.0 -2200 1010 01-4280 -2310 01. 4290 -2310 73- 7300-2300 1010 70 -4270 -4200 1010 01-4340 -3820 1010 01-4020-4130 1010 22-4170-4130 1010 22 -4170 -2200 1010 P" 5 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MOUNT) INVOICE ME HID NO. INVOICE 40 DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION lam PARK 301T VENDOR TOTAL 219.61 J2440 97.36 CLEANERS 4/05/91 4/05/91 97.36 JK-CD J B DISTRIBUTING VENDOR TOTAL 97.36 J2520 420.84 BACKUP ALARMS 140.28 BACKUP ALARMS 210.42 BACKTIP ALARMS 4/05/91 4/05/91 771.54 JtDI -CD J,M HATCH SALES CO VEM .' TOTAL 771.54 7.15 MILEAGE 4/05/91 4105/91 7.15 JIK-CD JOEL KTi1JR11 VENDO2 TOTAL 7.15 J261O 19.44 COFFEE 71.18 COT[ FEE,COOCIES 94.16 EDC KICKOFF 4/05/91 4/05/91 184.88 JO L -CD JUBILEE FOODS VEMXR TOTAL 184.88 K2651 106.04 CDOFLERS,NIPPLES M.36 TERMINALS,CQRM 62.32 CONTROL CABLE 4/05/91 4/05191 396.72 JK -CD KAR PRODUCTS VENDOR TOTAL 396.72 K2713 5,477.40 MAR RECYCLE SERVICE 4/05/91 4/05/91 5,477.40 JR1t -CD KNLRSON SERVICES, INC. VENDOR TOTAL $477.40 K2720 10.49 FILTER 4/05/91 4/05/91 10.49 JRNL -CD KRONER CO. VENDOR TOTAL 10.49 L2770 3,926.50 LMCD-TNSTALLMT 2 4/05/91 4/05/91 3,926.50 JK-CD LAKE KTKA CONSERVATION D1+ VENDOR TOTAL 3926.50 L2790 10.00 '91 DUES -LAKE RED MUTL AID 4/05/91 4/05/91 10.00 JRNL -CD LAKE REGION MUTUAL AID ASS VENDOR TOTALL 10.00 -ml 35.00 LOTUS 1 -2 -3 4/05/91 4/05/91 35.00 JK-CD • DATE 4/05/91 TIME 10.37.31 PRE -aAID CHECK AMOUNT NLTW AMOUNT CHECK 1 DATE 01- 4190 -2250 1010 0 - 4280-2310 73- 7300-2300 78- 7800 -2300 1010 71-7100 -2200 1010 78- 7800 -2204 O1- 4020 -2200 01-407.0 -2200 1010 01-4280 -2310 01. 4290 -2310 73- 7300-2300 1010 70 -4270 -4200 1010 01-4340 -3820 1010 01-4020-4130 1010 22-4170-4130 1010 22 -4170 -2200 1010 PAGE 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/05/91 AP- CO2 CITY OF Male TIME 10.37.31 VDIDOt INVOIOL DUE HOLD PRE- VID CHECK ND. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMO DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT CHECK It DATE LO11S DEVEIOW'MENT CORP VENDOR TOTAL 35.00 "3030 6,981.15 MAR BEER 71- 7100-4530 4/05/9t 4/05191 6,981.15 J NL-CD 1010 MARX VII DISTRIBUTOR VMOR TOTAL 6981.15 *170 32,357.84 APR 00 SRV 78 7800-4'30 7,784.67- APR SEWER SERV 78-1190-0000 338.17- APR SEWER SERV 78 3812 4/05/91 4/05/91 24,235.00 JRNL - CD 1010 METRO WASTE CONTROL C"I+ VENDOR TOTAL 24235.00 MC3289 739.20 HOSE,PANTS,DISC 22- 4170-2200 4/05/91 4/05/91 739.20 ,JIRML-CD 1010 MN CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY VENDOR TOTAL 739.20 A3360 169.93 TENT S MET 01 7310 4/05/91 4/05/91 169.93 JR4L-CD 1010 MN PLAYGROUND INC VEWR TOTAL 169.93 M3430 80.00 DIES -91 MN CPA 01-4090-4130 4/05/91 4/05/91 80.00 JRN. -CD 1010 AN SOCIETY OF CPA'S VENDOR TOTAL 80.00 M3470 66.00 MATER ANALYSIS 73- 7300 -31TX 4/05/91 4/05/91 66.00 At-CO 1310 MN VALLEY TESTING, LABORATO VENDOR TOTAL 66.00 M3490 4,962.25 MAR SALARIES 22- 4170-1390 1,167.00 MAR MAINT 22- 4170-3190 589.00 MAR DRILLS 22 -4170 -1390 4/05191 4/05191 6,718.25 JUL-CU 1010 ►[l(M FIRE DEPARTMENT VENDOR TOTAL. 6718.25 MC..w 5,573.33 APR FIRE RELIEF PENSION 95-9500-1400 4/05/91 4105/91 5,573.33 Jk-CD 1010 FEW FIFE RELIEF ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 5x73,33 M3610 2,095.00 REPLACE HEAT EIDWa7RS 71- 7100 -5040 4/05/91 4/05/91 2,095,00 JRNL-CD 1010 MTKA REFRIGERATION VENDOR TOTAL 2095.00 �l ? 404.90 SAFETY BOGS 22-4.73.2280 4/05/91 4/05/`1 404.90 JRN.-CO 1010 NATL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 404.90 • PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/05/91 NW-Cd2-OE CITY CF IOLM TIME 10.37.31 Y JEDEtIt MICE DUE MM PRE- CHECK ND. INVOICE MM DATE DATE STATIS NOW DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N1A'W AUNT MY 4 DATE IM90 52.00 CCC COW MATERIAL 01- 4020-2200 4/05/91 4/05/91 51.00 JRNL -CD 1010 IEIETL LEM OF CITIES VENDOR TOTAL 5'.00 143750 ,•.00 RESPOtNfl SE11IW -GP;& 01- 4140-4110 4/05/91 4!05/91 69.00 JRNL -CO 1010 NORTH MMO R1AL MEDICAL CE* VEW 'OTAL. 69.00 N.39D2 4,643.28 MAP F1.EC-STFEET LIGHTS 41 -4;SC -3710 4/05/91 4 /05t9l 4,643.28 JX -CD 1010 MOlMfRN STATES POWER V010 TOTAL 4643.28 P3932 18.01 P/C-LI9 71 °700-2200 4/05/91 4!06/91 18.91 JOE-CD 10I0 KTTT CASH VENDOR TOTAL 18.91 P4000 249.66 MAP Mlz 71 ,00°9`AO 4/05/91 4/05/91 249.66 JRNL -CD 1010 PEPSI -COLA COI Y VENDOR TOTAL 249.66 P4060 3,180.20 MAR BEER 71-7100 -9SX 4/05/91 4105/91 3,180.20 -% -CD 1010 PO(REBA DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 3180.20 24200 621.00 '90 ,IQ LIAB ALIGIT 71-7100-3610 4/05/91 4/05/91 621.00 „HJt -CD 1010 R L TC4N,OAlt It ASSOCIATES VEtil)Qi TOTAL. 611.00 R4209 104.67 MAR GC#RNUCITT HALL 01°4320 -37 0 4/05/91 4/05/91 104.67 JRHL -CD 1010 RANDT'S SANITATION VENDOR TOTAL 104.67 R4290 200.00 MAF AScT CHIEF SALARY 22- 4170-1370 4/05/91 4/05/91 200.00 JRW -CD 1010 RONALD MA WAE VE LOP TOTAL 200.00 R4290 134.64 MAP ICE 71-7100-95W 4/05/51 4/05/91 134.64 JRNL-CD 1010 RON'S ICE COEANT VEMCP TOTAL 134.64 54370 119.85 5 -7 HOT-T KPALISE 01.4280 -1510 844.63 5 -7 HASP -J KRAIlSE 01-4280 -1510 4/05/91 4/05!91 964.48 ft. -CD 1010 SHARE VIM TOTAL 964.48 P A G E 8 P U R C H A S E JOU DATE 4/05/91 W-0O2-01 CITT OF ON TIME 10.31.31 VE)m IMIT DUE HOLD PRE -'PIP DECK NO. INVOICE WOR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT MM MOUNT CHECK I DATE Sw 752.44 NLC COW EV-JOHNSON 01-4020-4110 4/05/91 4!05191 752.44 JRNL -CD 1010 SKIP JOHNSON VOUR TOTAL 752.44 545 1 18.00 FORFEITURE-MWy 01-2300 -0223 4/1 4/05/91 18.00 JRNL-CD 1010 STATE TFIAS-DiPf VICTM/W# VENDOR TOTAL 19.00 ip WAX, 101.22 REPAIR CM-ER LIGHT 71-7100-3820 4/(5/91 4/05/91 101.22 JRNL-CD 1010 SIEW [LIEMC cc 'RXO: TOTAL 101.22 14712 374.57 RINGS 78-7900-2300 4/65/91 4/05/91 374.57 JRNL-CD 1010 TFDAMOW G"ATION WW TOTAL 374.57 14116 72.25 TEMP HELP 73-7300 -1300 10.65 TEMP HELP 70-4270-1300 4/95/91 4/05/9) 82.90 Jft -Co 1010 TMOOkAMS TO GO VENDOR TOTAL 82.90 14 1,311.00 COW TABLEJABLES 30-110(l7 -5000 4/015/91 4!05/91 1.311.00 JR -CB 1030 ff PINK Clif ANTES AW TOTAL 1311.00 14780 130.50 COLOR SLIDES 01-4340-2200 iN).86 PV.OT05 22-4170-2200 4/05/91 4/05/91 151.36 Jft -CD 1010 TWIFIT WHITE [01 STORES WM, T04t 151.36 14,% 15,552.00 '91 CHEV Pti 73-7300-50 4/05/91 4/05/91 15,552.00 JOC-CD 1010 I IM wif" I.HEbRTtFT %TVJR TOTAL 1 5552. 00 T4,q;I 9.11 C141SEL PICK 01-4290-22% 4405(91 4/05/91 9.11 JRW -CD 1010 VENDOR TOTAL 9.11 I4 n)0 178.00 TON ROPE,GRINDER 01-4340.2310 4!(6/9, 4/05/91 178.00 JRNL -C"j 1010 VENDOR TOTAL 178.00 1 4540 1,058.69 STA 2 REPAIR 78-I800 -30 4!(f�/Yl 4/09 1,058.69 JK-CD 1010 'Ri SlAlf fl)f & FUNTIR'l, I VERICR TOTAL 1058.69 • • • ��I PAGE 9 P U R C N A S E J O U R N A L DATE 4/05/91 W CITY OF HOUND TIME 10.37.31 VENDOR 1NVOII DUE HMO PRE- It ID Gf1X NO. INVOICE IM DATE DATE STATUS AUNT DESCRIPTION ADIM NIMR AMTXNT NU( 1 DATE T4958 15.19 NYLON u: 4:90 -7'50 4105/91 4/05191 15.19 itt -CO 1010 TWI CITY BOLT INC VENIXF: TOTAL 15.19 V5181 9.20 FU LITES 01- 4140 -3810 �::5 44 LITES 01- 4290.2310 4/05/91 4/05/91 94.64 JRNL-CD 1010 VAN 0 LITE, INC. VEK(R TOTAL 94.64 W5430 255.00 CLA" 73-1300-2300 4/05191 4/05191 255.00 JR -Cl) 1010 WATER P WILTS MANY VENDOR TOTAL 2`;,5,00 -'w 106.00 MAR GARBW-PARKS 01-4340 -3 4/05!91 4/05/91 106.00 JRNL -CD 1010 WEST(PU SANITATION VENDOR TOTAL 106.00 W5641 14.36 SWITCH ASST 73 -730 -2300 24,36 C,ENS(p 01-4140 -3110 4/05191 4/0;/91 38.72 JFRI-CD 1010 WILKINS PONTIAC VENDOR TOTA 38,72 W5610 4/05/91 4/05/91 40.00 40.00 PANTS- EMAI.D *L-CD 01-4140 -2240 1010 WILLIAMS SIX IK VENDOR TOTAL 40,00 2690 6,352.02 BLD SHOT 8`_ 27-5800 -2340 837.80 CENfPf.TE SAND 160.5T 0;-4280.1340 4/05/91 4/05/91 7,189.82 JPNL -[D 1010 WM MAILER 6 SM VENDOR TOTAL 7189,632 IfA95 109.00 WOP „;c34 1 2-4170-2100 4/05/91 4/05/91 109.0 .fit. Cr - 1010 NORDTECH SYSTEMS, INC. VENI4TR TCTGt. 109100 M5700 1,5`4.00 AfX ks TAI4.A 01-4110 -3100 4 /(r5Cat 4 /cf ?1 1,`,50.x JK' CCU 1010 WIEST-PEARSON•LAP” VENEW, TOTAL 15`4.(+0 X5750 55.94 PRINC 1012 01-4320 -5000 .83 INT -101' 01-4320 -6110 4/05/9! 4/05!91 5x..77 JP't -(0 1010 XFROI CU f9PATION VEM.W TOTAL `,6,77 16070 100.00 MV;P 45ST w4' 't S4*Y 22- 4170 -1370 ��I PAGE 10 PURCHASE J0URT4AL AP- C01-01 CITY Of KIM VEN101 INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. IMIDICE M DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOLNt 0060 4105/41 4/05/91 100 -V JRNL-CD 1010 MICHAE1, PALM VEX(F TOTAL 100.00 TOTAL ALL VEN))ORS 1i8,156.17 c� UAIE 4/05/9) TIME 10.37.31 PRE -PAID DIE (y AWN DECK 1 DATE • • 1 1 L ' , r P J0UHNAI 1 11:Tf 3;.'1! "1 VEWIR INVOICf M HOLD fM- PAID (,k4I)r IN). 1NVO11 NO DATA DATE STATIh AMUNT lk t'RIPTI Arrfo%T W11E4R AIlINT !.?4!: 1 bATE NT►51v PREPAID 31, 3i11J 1,114.43 1,114.43 119 .pa_f'D I! °11tY1'+51J l(Wi 1114,4. ''1 BEILbOY CWORATILN 'ENDUE? TOTAL It14.47 1:kWN PRE -PAID 7,47 .brE UA'hifiN 16 Prt 3/211 3,`21/ 3,4 .;M °CD �0) 4 ?t CITY 01NIT fXDIf UNION ANIUR TOTG Cfk9 "t I%-PAI11 4 :,(M BAN{A.4:T 4 :, AX) h.N!C!F,dS BAWFT 41411 - 4; r; 1,ik XNICiPG BAWIFT 1 -4' 41 �. 4Nh :IPAI_S BWFT '; '3 � ' 4i :r 7, o") KNI " 1 FAi5 Xf 4i 1 ' /tl " +l l;'!`,,f Ftd. �D 1i• f.,;Ml ;l , ".r, tt FITT OF BEC:14LIN (:EWER ',ENIICIR TOTAL Icrti.(k. (rv�v 44 _PA In :`a ?. =0 4"r LIFE INs --M i'f1M KIG I lhE IW , 'IT VENDOF TOTAL ,) C1001 Fitt -PAID 2, ° .~33.49 SOT 3'16 PR _• V I M 44 314a7 ([''BASS MR OF FfV[Rf ANLIOR TOTAL 253 "3.0 �14,r PRF-PAID u7.'10 !':J 7 1 - 71''>n 71 3121"Q1 1,641.26 JAk 1'11 ib4L:o +1515 :t /Ihf91 I'll PHIU 11�li U: 916 'ANTAV T0141 1641.2^ G1'n`1 PRE - PAID 1,4"`�.UY' i4F Cif' !IF K Q! 1r�4(i.;w'1gn Pf - rV M �,uri. �.l'y1 CklAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE VENNF; TCITAI 1T' .U3r Ffti-PAIA :'i ?. "" ux whP -1p c.. f - •. - rrr, 3/.'1/ i',JVIP HFN TH PI - AN VENC4}F: TWAL H214` PREPAID 24?.46 . cF Ti 3/211 ?/21! F1f `D HENS CO 5ij*'INT L COLLECT• VENDUOR TOTAL ?W. 46 H?!ED I% -PA10 1, ?13.2k FEB :4 ! Wic 3/21/91 3121'91 1,?17.26 JF t -CD 4M 03 fR1 ASIX2FR VENCIIR MIA( 1313.26 Pik* F' U N t H A S I J 0 (1 R N A t [iATt 3 /:'1i�1 AP -1 01 rIIl I'f !11MND TiIF tl.14,4? VfT tk tNV(li( (it Ht D W. INVIM1 ww (tAYIP!iON ACLTIIW Nlm#R Fu[ P 4MOJN' !�H.C) 4 04 Y {}trt lr3fil F14 PAID `.4 +).44 1(,V 4 7 ?�1,.• F1 ri1 KWtI �ra�U . /7! ?til `40,44 14A CD 1C74A RkTI4 IWO -4`' UENI(N TOTAL `.0i, - G4iu 1��'�.,! !� %r ?::1/91 'F!l C'D If?1A ti 1!4OtN1 'kti!'4,, ANAF TMN W A rv£ 71-? 1 t5. DIV. 71 9 i t ?1? .44 R4 r;D JOR GIN fCJt, ! - !41f- t;i AN'a TL"A 30.44 I?t24i' cx . 4.1. N) 1 ..x A . C1NF CM �, 1 - 44is- 4119 fR, 1010 tEAP41E It MN CI'UF .4N[CF' TUTAi :W.V >K`gi.�1 •4.4 c�;P 1', "'te.'v4 �Il !� FR r s� t� "1 31.11` 11,216.94 ,FM .('D t4I�� ,"4 !4 klif t+ANY 'II N,' N[rf+ T1!A! 1I:!t.A P; [ 1,441,64 44- Eq ct 1 4 .. 441. h4 t N It LINTER 4 4(TN Fw 161 VEN!(F. TO ? k 1441.b4 tt" of r:il 1:'.? Mfw INS ,:;: ci fji <L' -,fgx1 YR r 1 1 •! 10 ! `.r ' MN 8µMIIT W 1 M;4f +1 FX� 4. ) lTikf'IktPlik? !(114[ KI: K4 i M •'r, a t F�; ; ,r,1, F4 -kip , . P4r ,•� a •��,x,; ri • s f . `" 7 PALl 3 PURCHASE J U 11 NAL MIF 3 /:1/91 AP -01 r, ITT a MDIND IIMF 13.74.01 VENT[4t IN` UI(l O E HOLD F4tE PAID ( "ll' NL IN131r' NMW I)cATE DATE STATUS AMNT IE WWI ION AC111NT NUME0 AN)lNT 044), 1 DATE P E R A VENI()R TOTAL. 7099,68 P4030 P 8,091.`0 APR RC-p 3/16 PR nt °:040 Ofmd) 34).00 AFv HOSF RE1141 f +i 414 °151Q 'Cf� �� .f� :1 1 9 �t1.50 r IF'M f, D PHTSI( IANS IF IN VEN1kit TOTAL 14.'i I-?1Cie-a19 7�.7f rINE 71 i1CM? ;U 3i."IM 3!"'1/91 1 554,2, •JR4_-CD 111 0 15`�4..t, 31 J4 4Irr WINE t y) ti•Its +r n Tp, 15'A,26, R4,40 P1ff - PAIit 100.00 LID L IA6 INS -DW f 01 3121191 301 P al 11 0 0 JFti •CD 101 1 10':.00 31`�t 3?.'t • 1 R t TDLNGDAFi k ASSOCIATFS VENLI3R TOTAL 1(14.60 5t gl m •PA10 3,617.53 FIRE PROT PIPE TF1f:E E "r'• 4100 3/21191 3/21/91 3,077.`.3 im -CD 1010 P177.53 31`11' 191 3 1 /1 1 N/ 9 1 `J1 [ Nl4)NL:f: a 111 0 RS ', D Mt TO 3477.53 54511 PRE -PAID 508.92 CR UNION 3/16 PR 0! rNp.nnrX 3/21/91 '31 / 143.92 .krw -CD STATE CAPITA CREDIT UNION VENDOR TOTAL 568.92 film AI L VFNDgRS 50,835. • s f . `" 7 NOvC-.ihor 14, Jesmen moved, Jt n;pn se(-wed LE�e fal l owing reqwd uti on: RESOLUTION #89 -143 RESOLUTION DENYING TEE i1E;QUEST OF SCOT A. MC KENZIE FOR A FENCE HEIGHT VARIANCE AT 4861 HANOVE:R LANE: (CASE NO. 89-844) The vote was unanineur,iy in favor. M,)tion carried. i7I C!)SSI9N, BEM MENDATIDN__ EhQM ..PLANK i1IQ_.CQMMI. ls?x._ QN_ H ?1J INf MAIN.TENANCf. /IMT i_IN_ .HQ1l,5INQQ . Counr.ilmember Liz JE =n:aen explained that bared on a joint meeting of the Council and the Plor:ning Cummissien and a public hearing c. n how to determine a method to address problems with housing mair:tenance, the Ccmmission had come to the following conclusions: 1. We as a community need to do snomething regarding the external appeat maintenar. ;ce, and safety of some properties in the City of Mound. 2. Rental properties are a bigger problem than owner occupied properties. 3. In no ::.ase idiould a resident or property owner's rights be vioi,ited by such things as unjustified entry. 4. Those attending future perblic hearings on this issue would I i ke to have a document to r(v iew :)efore the meeting. 5. We need a way to advise potential purchasers about such things as zoning restrictions, zoning non- conformities, and water bill t lances. The Planning Commi. lion is requesting the Council to direct staff to work with the Pl- ,nning Commission along with the City Attorney to draft the official document. MOTION by Jennen, seconded by Jessen to direct staff and Planning Comm ,'.scion to work together with City Attorney to prepare a dOCLIMent to be implFmented in three phases: (1) Truth ir, Housing; (2) Inspection and Licensing of rental property; and (3) Housing Maintenance Ordinance. The vote was una.;im:_ in favor. Motion carried. City Manager Fa ,ukle rovie> wed the November 9, 1989 minutes of the Park C v: .Pr whern tLe CG fission voted to leave the 1990 Dock map a:. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Johnson to approve the 1990 Commons i)oG,k Map for 1990 as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 140 LICE' MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Tel( 472(]021 Mound, MN553O4 Dispatch 525V10 Fax 472-0056 EMERGENCY 911 %\): 2d Sbuk|e FROM: Lao Harrell SUBJECT: Monthly Report T. STATrSTICS for March, 1991 The police department respcnded to 526 calls for serv- ice during the month of March. There were lO Part I offenses reported. Those offenses inoludpd J criminal sexual conducts, 4 burglaries, 9 larcenies, and 3 vehicle thefts. There were 44 Part 11' offenses rmported. Those o1- fenses included 4 child abuse/neglect, I forgery, 3 narcotics, 6 damage to property, 2 liquor law viola- tionu, 6 DWI's, l simple assault, 6 domestics (2 with assaults), 7 harassments, 4 ' status o�fen�os and 5 other offenses. The patrol division issued 117 adult citations and 9 juvenile oitatiwns. Packing violations accounted for on additional 37 tickets. Warnings were issued to 24 individuals for a variety of violati000. There were l adults and 2 juveniles arrested for felouies. There were 19 adults and 6 ' ar- rested for misdemeanors. There re wore �o odditionul 9 warrant arrests, The department assisted in 10 vFd/icular auoidonts, 5 with injuries. There were 22 medical emergencies an(] 48 animal oumplointo. Mound assisted other agencies on 15 occasions in March and requested assistance 10 timos' 1 �roperty va]uo8 at $18,626 was stolen and $19,�37 was r0cnvered in march. 0 1 • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - March, 1991 11. INVESTIGAT. The investigators worked on 10 child protection cases, and 2 criminal sexual conduct cases that accounted for over 44.5 hours of investigative time. The department has investigated 17 child protection matters in the first quarter of 1991. Other cases investigated in- cluded possession of stolen property, several thefts, damage to property, fleeing a police officer, posses- sion of cocaine, assault, burglary, attempted suicide, harassing communications, truancy, NSY checks, and auto theft in March. Steve Grand continues to assist in the classroom approximately five hours per week at Grandview Middle School. A formal complaint was issued for possession of coca ine. e Prsonnel,/ . __ __ ___ -_ _ t 2 af f i ng is The department used approximately 132 flours, of overtime during the month of March. The bulk of that overtime will be reimbursed by the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Officers used 48 ho of comp-time and earned 68 hours of comp-time. There were 4* hours of sick time, and 11 days of vacation used. IV. T r,a, i nl, ng Officers attended 22 days of training in March. Each officer attended a one day "in- service" on building search and entry. Two officers attended classroom in- structors certification and one officer attended a writing course. V. Six reserves graduated from the Hennepin County Sheriff's reserve Course in March. Our. reserve, Jason Swenson, was first in the class. 2 0 • u • OffENCE4 CLEAR[0 RE.'ORTED LINFOUN,I PART I _CRIMES momi C 1 Cie __ Criminal SCxLkii Condtx1 Rohtx r Aggravated Assault Burglary larceny Vehicle Theft Arson 0 2 0 U 4 9 3 0 TOTAL 18 paRr II CRIMES Child Ai)u!.cyNegleet 4 forgery /NSF Chocks 1 Criminal Dwoje to Fropi rty 6 0 Naru,t ics 3 E!tjeir laws, 2 DWI 6 Siq,lo A,s,3u:t 1 Damr,t rc A'60LI11 2 i trC (No Assault) 4 ner,r,l,rN 7 JUVI la Statu" Of fcmir•> 4 F'ub! u- Vcaet• 1 trc ^,Twr,stng 0 iI)TA1 45 VW III S FAR' ;V FrtvK1- rty D,gioy AL I' t,rt Injury kcc 4 5 G.tt<<k A;, i��rtti Q 22 A!'. 48 wcts,rt AID, T5 ;rTAt 511 'A Sib 0 (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 MARCH, 1991 ExCE PIT _ CL ARE D I 0 3 0 0 3 C1 FARFC) b! Ak B� S ii 0 C 0 0 ARRE5ID A�� -J_T J'�Li;NILE 0 0 t 0 ;? 0 2 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 (} 0 3 0 2 1 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 , 4 i4 7 73 12 1 1 0 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT MARCH, 1991 THIS YEAR TO LAST YEAR GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY MONTH DATE TO DATE Hazardous Citations 97 198 233 Non - Hazardous Citations 20 60 63 Hazardous Warnings 1 6 39 Non - Hazardous Warnings 12 60 122 Verbal Warnings 147 369 375 Parking Citations 37 223 114 DWI 6 24 19 Over .10 2 15 14 Property Damage Accidents 5 20 11 Personal Injury Accidents 5 10 10 Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 Adult Felony Arrests 4 6 17 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 22 90 93 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 5 16 17 Juvenile Felony Arrests 2 6 7 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 5 27 11 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 1 3 4 Part I Offenses 18 64 70 Part Il Offenses 45 141 169 Medicals 22 67 64 Animmal Complaints 48 141 154 Other Public Contacts 422 1,225 1.233 TO'T'AL 926 2,772 2,839 Assists 44 123 79 Follow -Ups 11 25 47 Henn. County Child Protection 6 17 9 Mutual Aid Given 15 33 42 Mutual Aid Requested 10 12 20 1 0 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1991 CI:'ATIONS A DULT JUV DWI 6 0 More than .10% BAC 2 0 Careless /Reckless Driving 1 0 Driving After Susp. or Rev. 6 1 Open Bottle 0 0 Speeding 63 5 No b!, or Expired DL 2 3 Restriction un DL 0 0 Improper, Expired, or No Plates 3 0 Illegal Passing 0 Stop Sign Violations 11 0 Failure to Yield 0 0 Equipment Violations 0 0 N &R Leaving the Scene P 0 No Insurance 2 0 Illegal or Unsafe Turn 0 0 Over the Centerline 0 0 Parking Violations 37 0 Crosswalk 0 0 Dog Ordinances 0 0 Derelict Autos 0 0 Seat Belt 14 0 MV /ATV 1 0 Miscellaneous Tags 5 0 TOTAL 154 9 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1991 WARNING8 A DULT JUV No Insurance 14 0 Traffic 1 0 Equipment 3 1 Crosswalk 0 0 Animals 1 0 Trash /Derelict Autos 0 0 Seat Belt 0 0 Trespassing 0 4 Mi-reIIaneous 0 0 TOTAL ...,. 19 5 ARRESTS Felony Warrant 1 0 Misdemeanor Warrants g 0 • • • RUN: 3-APR-91 PRO03 INSTALLATION NAME •- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT * • • • # • +'ROP PROP INCIDENT SEO TYPE T•PE DESC NUMBER NO NO AUTO /TK 91000S40 1 1 AUTO /'K 91000377 1 1 CLOTN 91000368 1 2 CONSIM 91000383 1 1 APPLNC 91000418 1 3 SMO /ATV 91000378 1 1 S401ATV SNOWMO 91000310 1 1 JEWELRY 91000368 1 ', RADIO 91000413 1 1 RA DIO 91000418 1 2 SPY EOP 91000314 1 2 SPI EOP 91000371 1 1 LURNCY 91000319 1 1 CURNCY 91000358 1 1 CLRtNCY 91000368 1 1 MM PRTS 91000300 1 1 EOP TLS 91000313 2 1 EOP 1L5 91000314 1 1 E.P its 91000376 1 1 INSTALLATION NAME •- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PA E 1 • * • • • # • E N f O R S PROPERTY - STOLEN /RECOVERED, 02/26/91 TMRU 03/25/91 DATE STOLEN DATE RECOVERED STOLEN VALUE RECC" -'QED VALUE 0 $10,000 03/09/91 510,000 03/16191 03/16/91 $5,000 03/14/91 $310 03/16/91 $17 03/21/91 $17 03/25/91 $275 03/16/91 $4,500 03103/91 54,600 03/14/91 5250 D3/25/91 5640 03/25/91 $300 03/05/91 $16 03/14/91 $229 03/C6/91 S20 03/12/91 $20 03/10/91 s10 03/14/91 s30 03/01/91 $40 03/04/91 11,613 03/05/91 $6 03/15/91 4270 TOTALS: $18,626 119,537 PA E 1 • APR 1SN'S ON' NO r ;N FNINt Y.DiAfi�m N INIAaK i -141 Ili ;, TGAi f C INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE t' ♦ a a r ♦ • E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSTS BY PATROL AREA 02,26/91 THRU 03/25/91 • • . - . PATROL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 TOTAL 8 21 4 15 15 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 0 f 0 4 1 t 1 i 2 2 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 f 0 4 1 t 1 i 2 1 6 1 7 1 1 1 14 4 12 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 63 5 2 3 1 2 11 1 t 1 1 3 14 3 V, 6 1 3 2 3 3 5 5 C7 • • RUN: 3•APR•91 WS03 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLYI NO 0 ' :V;TY CODES: ALL cl"L ICE DEPARTMENT 0 p S ANC,'j:S 8 PATROL AREA ;! 'HkU 03/25/91 ACT PATROL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . CV,J ACTIVITY rJSCpIpyIjN 39 r 'Y I '. � 3 , 'X, A T L Oi710 A77EM✓JED SUICIDE 2 CEATHS/KCIFS FCvN, C" 1 CA , S INT.-M(DICALS 4 ALE. 01 mi R/UNCLA 1 F I f G'40SYK/40 ASSAULT At l HC(.P CASES 2 4 N DOOR/Al. ARMS 2 2 4 4 AWCl JN A; L, I CA T ION 2 6 1 �NWAN t I D GLIE S I *ARRANTS 2 WITUAL AID/8100 4 W,',jAL A!0/6500 m, 7 UA L AID/ AIL OTHER • 1 :tJAL A10/NARCOTICS 9 A T 5 - I N F L I C T S AT If Mi' T S H H0, 4, 7 T 5 INFLICI5 All[Mi•TS HRM HAN, t 7 V 3 'tl ;NFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM o A i -NfICC RE FVC 0 UNK Wi A v I ic " N R S h cl f 2 6, At FPC REG D UNK 6fAi N K A 0 2 PAGE 2 PATROL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . 39 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 2 4 3 1 2 5 2 2 4 4 2 6 1 1 2 4 6 1 9 6 1 7 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 RUN: 3- APR -91 CFS03 PRIMARY 1SM'S ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 02/26/91 THRU 03/25/91 rCT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION C1212 FORGERY- F£-UTT POSSESS PLACE- (HECK- BUSINESS D3450 DRUGS-SCH 2 NARCOTIC -POS SEL-COCAIN -UNK CHAR D8500 DRUGS-SMALL AMOUNT MARIJUANA-POSSESSION E4700 ESC-GM -FLEE AN OFFICER 13060 CRIM AGNST FAM -MS- NEGLECT OF A CHILD J2500 TRAFFIC-GM-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J2700 TRAF- ACCID- GM-AGGRAVATED VIOLATION J3500 TRAF ACCID-MS -DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR L4071 CSC 2 WEAP•UNK ACT - ACQUAINT -UNDER 13 -F M3001 JUVENILE-ALCOHOL OFFENDER M3003 JUVENILE-HABITUAL TRUANT M4199 LIQUOR - OTHER M5350 RUNAWAY N3Q30 DISTURB PEACE -MS- DISORDERLY CONDUCT h396G DISTURB PEACE-MS-CONCEALING IDENTITY N190 DISTURB PEACE - MS- HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS C3PW OBSENITY-MS - OBSCENE PHONE CALL -ADULT P3110 PROP DAMAGE-MS-PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3600 LITTER - UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-MS 61221 StLN PROP- FE-POSSESS- VEHICLE OVER 2500 0 StLN PROP T2029 THEFT•$251-S2500- FE-FRM BUILDING -0TH GRGP T4C21 THEFT -5250 LESS•MS-FRM BUILDING MONEY PAGE 3 - - - - - - - - - - • PATROL AREAS - - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 i 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 T , i 1 1 2 c 2 1 1 1 1 1 , i 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 i • • • 11 RUN: 3- APR -91 C(S03 PRIMARY ISNPS ONLY? NO 0 TIVITY CODES: All ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E N F O R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 02/26/91 THRU 03/25/91 T4029 THEFT -5250 LESS-MS-FRM BUILD;WG-OTH PROP T4049 THEFT -5250 LESS- MS•FRM SHIPMENT -OTH PROP T4099 THEFT -5250 LESS-MS -FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTH PROP T4159 THEFT -5250 LESS-MS -FRM MOTOR VEHICLE•OTH PROP U1520 FRAUD FE-DIVERT CORP PROP-UNK LOSS U3288 THEFT-MIS-SHOPLIFTING - $200 OR LESS V1021 VEH THEFT-FE-OVER 52500 -AUTO V1024 VEN THEFT-FE-OVER 2500- SN0114061LE REPORT TOTALS: 0 PAGE 4 PA'kC„ A A( . 10 20 30 40 5C n3 T31AL 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 51 63 1 t • 3 APR Q! INSTAtiATICIN NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMfN* PAGE :'- WAR.l ISN'S l_NLY? NO E N F 0 R S �"S I! ON C,DE S ALL A V! It t ES Al f Nl;i, A,' 1 ! V I T Y B D I S' PUS I T I L;N :n D: ALL 0 26 T kk.j C; 3 / ?') / 1 1 I - - - ---- -- OFfiNSES CLFAeE,) U, It IN ' Si AC T JA I BY ARREST -- BY TOTAL PF ti R 1 7 UN f )t �N,, E D 0F F f hs! s PE NC N ADULT JJVf. N i t I, E XUP T 1 (34' Ct E Ak L) C F A� 0 N S A I I E M P I S HRM HANDS A5 i F AM 0 0 . .J 4' TLM; T 7, H M HANC AUt I V 'Q 0 0 :. "T Mr TS H i A N', re, F A 0, U 0 D N X W E A 1 0 NP, NO FR(: j ! Nx w AP HI r I INk Wt C' JNK A T 0 Af-f St T,f 4 A MAI;j ANA N A C A A' T A • 3 APR -91 INSTALLATION N *'MOUND POLICE DEPARTMtNT s t r • r � ;MARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N 0 R S SIIION CODES: ALL IV T C,VE S: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY SY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 02/26/91 THRU 03/25/91 /..__ Jf PEN•,, _ OFFENSES ACTUAL 5r . . T10N REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT 1 0 1 0 0 Eat:€ ALCOH'n OFFENDER 2 0 2 0 !. $ , ABITUAL TRUANT :. 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ,i "'A(J - M, DISORDERLY CONDUCT 1 0 1 0 1 PEA(J CONCEALING IDENTITY 6 l�. 0 6 5 0 E Ar :F MS HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 0 1 1 Q U MS UB: CE:NE PHONE CALL-ADULT 6 0 6 6 0 n M1; i «'IVATE INTENT t rU 1 0 0 Of GARBAGE MS 1 0 1 0 1 "ESS-VEHICLE OVER 2500 0 1 0 1 ,IS$-VFHIClE-301 9V9 1 0 1 1 p 0 i f. FE "FRM BUILDING GTH GRO'r' 1 0 1 0 0 t MS FRM BUILDING Mi)N'ET 0 1 1 0 G �:> FRM BJILDiNG jTH ik'� RtN: 3 APR .91 1WS'ALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMLNT PAGE } 0Fr01 .... . . PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S - POSITION CODES: ALL ACTIVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 02/26/91 THRU 03/25/91 l--- - -- - ---•- OFFENSES CLEARED ................ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ---- BY ARREST - - -- BY TOTAL PERCENT CESCR'.PTION REPORTED 'INfCk;NCED 0fFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEARED 11049 1 :0 i 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT-S250 LESS- MS-FRM SHIPKENT-OTH PROP T4 ;99 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 Tr LESS MS-FRM SELF SRV GAS -0TH PROP T4159 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 YAEFT -5250 LESS MOTOR VEHICLE 0TH PROP 01520 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 FP. A JID FE DIVERT CORP PROP•UNK LOSS U3 ?88 1 0 1 D 0 0 1 1 100.0 THEfT - S200 OR LESS V1'121 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 YEH THEFT-FE-OVER $2500-AUTO .0 4 1 THEFT -FE OVER 2500-SNOWMOBILE 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 REPCRT TOTALS - 57 1 56 26 18 5 T 30 53 1 1 • DATE : A r , 1 A. 1 1 I I C) : I itY MAnH , Memr)(-'s of the City Counci I and t- )taff F Pt)M: J-r) `iuther kind, Bui Idino Off icial s MIrch 1991 Monthly Report 1+_ Ak, I I v I I In Kir ( it K NO loinq permits were issued for a total Va]Lljt ion Of $ 19, nH4 , lhiq valuation is down 56 Percent from the month of Mar c tj I .ilio. None ung '' v'" P I umbing. mech,.ini ca I and mi scel laneous permits for H t0VAl nt /6 fwrmitS i9sued in the month of March. App I ic.-ants 401 f"e t f` -it4w0w Nat A y F inspections this month. not inc)Ljdir)q ri" t otir nhimning inspector or Metro West Hispection '-)et v I C. I-, . � ANN !Nip w, j , , , -v hir w i tn ;hon and var i ance reque s t h jt wen orq,l , work Prior tc) contact ing the NiJfTiF 1 Crtj= i to inspect ion5 were carKlucted for this is typical for the 6 complaint-s in fet,ruarv, C rant i nu I n q on - o r I I r I q c (! Housing Mainteri, inc e Code. to the Exterior 51 oraq(,? in the effectiveness of IWAINIwopff 1 0 -rmhf ! Pw LON e (_ aunt r v Chapter Board of Di r Aorn 112 day 1794A i F 1 0 t In r acpilar 1 /1 &W CharTer meet imo aqqv Tmies and it —#- the City of Hopkins in continuing our review of of t q- t i 1 4 'n porm 1 t gid 7on 1 na an onedures . Ami Ion 1 'fit e Kurpuninn in number, sr r In,, I ( 111plaint in -)3nucry, 1 i Iirats in marLh, WarK is I, f sit arld the Pental of t " i l r3e wrrikino nn revisions r"Wfl M f the inning Code 1:- assist f. It: I i ''r 1 6,1 r I t, ft I t �e of ',j i r Its. this is typical for the 6 complaint-s in fet,ruarv, C rant i nu I n q on - o r I I r I q c (! Housing Mainteri, inc e Code. to the Exterior 51 oraq(,? in the effectiveness of IWAINIwopff 1 0 -rmhf ! Pw LON e (_ aunt r v Chapter Board of Di r Aorn 112 day 1794A i F 1 0 t In r acpilar 1 /1 &W CharTer meet imo aqqv Tmies and it —#- the City of Hopkins in continuing our review of of t q- t i 1 4 'n porm 1 t gid 7on 1 na an onedures . Ami Ion .�. '^._'� BUILDING ^C,WrYmPOm rj � t Aprrl 4, 1 1 Ed 5hukI ('i t y Man =tr4et FR(_?M; C:rrq Sk innFt Wat�'r & S -Woo Supt, . SU,7BE( "T; Match' , Activity Report 1.1 Mat ch w. pumped " 1 , 51`) , Cioo ga 1 1 ons of wat et , we had 1 wat?rrnain break on Bartlett Bl vd, Al 1 the old and bad pat is for Wet 1 #(1 hav <7 heon remr)vecl and we wi 1 1 be c 1 eaning nu t hp well in Aptti. No start up date har teen set as of yet. Wo have h, -Iin I ook l i 4 into, t },e posF. ihl t t y of addinci some new C "f1Ni!`lc`alS tC> 011t tIPat7T1011t p,m"er's that Inight, help skispend t hP amount f i rr.,n arc 1 minaanere in the water . SE'WEP. DE:P`r. 'I'f1�. SNwF7r Ur•pt . It I.r� '.t a r t t.l wet w"1 1 alma f t l ter cl earl 1 . r: 4. TIiIS w 11 l,a t ttu,1 Apt i 1 • • � rS r) • Aptil 4, 1991 I', 1 1 1 0 ; Ed Shuk I e Ci ty Manager F'R'AM; (;reg F;ergquist Mechanic SIJBJ'Et:'T; Mat (�h's Activity Report AI'' 1 N 1 STRAT I.. ?N nn t t #' o 1 99f) Dodge of 1 change ifn i i 1 1'�4 19'4o DcAye - oi l change PARKS DEPT. Unit #14 1990 1 tan Chev. Dump - service hoist repair and wire if-pail . Esch t7at Trailer light repair M( Trai l( -- t - i ight repair WATER & SEWF;R U11 + # 1 5 , 191 i ( :11t . Dump - l ight repair and safety f l ares Untt #16, '74 Ford Dump -- light repair and safety flares Onit # 30, 70 Ford Roddet - light repair, brakelines Unit #18, 70 Ford Tanker: b het Machine - lights and we installed a personal safety winch to the jet. Back-up alarms ware also installed on all these vehicles. STREETS Due to the State of Minnesota passage of the Mandatory Truck Inspection, all vehicles with a GVW greater than 26,000 lbs have to comply with DOT Inspections, as per parts 390 -399 of US Department of Transportations Federal Motor Carriers `, � L, Safety Regulations. All of our trucks falling into this category were equipped with the necessary light, reflectors and safety equipment to pass the inspections. POLICE 0841 - service spot light, frost plug arA oil sensor. #846 - service #843 - See and battery. • 0 MARCH 1991 MONTHLY REPORT PARKS DEPARTMENT Parks The summer crew has been estab We will be having all of last Year's Park maintenance crew back. This will allow us to get right back into projects that we left off with last fall. Currently, John Taffe Is working. Kent Kirsh will be here on April 15th. Bob Johnson should be back around the end of April, and the two mowing crew members will come arc�und the end of May. There are a number of projects that we will be doing this summer, the Planters at the Parks, grounds improvemery at Mound Bay and finishing the Chester Park project are just a few. 0 M Dsting March we looked at the summer equipment Such as mowers and prepared them for use. We also repaired tt trailers for hauling the mowers and replaced the old push mower and w(!od whips. C March sa an I ncrease I n Phone ca I I s. Quest i r)oc, about dock rights. location. etc. alwav5 increase at thi tifrie. The renewa I of app I I Cit I Ons come I n a I i t t I e Vie., i i t i Jut` Vo t tie f I ne dat of the end of March f or a I I a p p l i c a t i o n r enev4 i I The issu- i r)( �; of s I tes, w I 11 beg i n the f i r-st part of Api i I 3r 1 t tio v i r=t on- te i nspc-.-ct i or w i I I beg i n r)y the end of Apr i I clemetery The cl(%,.1n(jp of the grounds has beciun an(j wi I I t (vine hef'(_)vp Memor i,j I D,:JY. F :1na L. i,feg� Program Aqj;n this summer th City of Mound Comi)nitv `)ervices in prow idina tr and times will be coming to yoti as for the We"It-ofika liuruner r)rc)( will be w wjtr, Wo7�tonka e5P twc) Ttie dates S(')(,)n a th/ irf �t,ibl'shed F 9,0207 INAO April 3, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: MARCH MONTHLY REPORT There were two City Council meetings in March. Agendas and cifilit resolutions f )r these meetingE, were prepared. There were minute:� and 10 resolutions from these meetings. The following items were som<: of th4 highlights of the month: - Microfilmed the Courcil pack- from january & February. - Worked on updating the Ordinance Book. - Attended the Minnesota Clerk's & 'inance Association Annual Conference in St. Cloud. - Attended a Special A -IMC ( I nternational Institute (,I Municipai Clerks) Board Meet ina In Pasadena, CAliforniii, tc) deal with situations in the main office in Pas (I IM! ' pays all expenses for Boar(' Meetir'.; except for the Board Meeting at the 1IMC Annual Conference). - Received new half section maps of Mound and updi:ted my zon.ng riap. I can now in the next month or so worY on t1i- tax forfeit property thcit the Cou.fty submitted some timf- ago. - Reviewed the tax books to see what parcels of tax farf( property had been sold over the year. T then ul.)(Jijt(.(J my card files on these properties. We again sold abotit 10 pari:cls that were either combined with other property or were of proper size to sell at a public auction. - Received the auction ..aterial from Hennepin County for the May 4t'i Vehicle Auvtion. I got those forms reiidy for that date. t C g o d , , 1 IP 'I, iy , F:cl 5huk 1 p , 't 1 y Manaq. :�r h1 . ;�►� Hof f `;t I Pet SlIpt . Mtich's A R?port t '-c,upl a of ;i:iys wpI e spent getting our :.,weepers ,•ty f . r th(- sprint, clean up. This is a job where the tkrintc and both operators go thru the machines from top to hi,ttom They make the necessary adjustments, replace worn - ;,l,t p- -1, t !; anri change al l of the f l uids and f i l ters . w. w out plowing and sanding 3 crifferent times this month. t he �)tt► we c,ot 7" of snow, we started at 4 A.M. and had r�votY thing cleaned up that day including the sidewalks. This tho- day Westonka Schools were staring 2 hours late. It rl't because of the Mound streets weren't plowed. The , ether two snowfalls were `aken care of by sanding. We also ilaii twn near misses where we had the snow plow crew on stan+iliy time. We've been out a half dozen times patching h,,tt, with winter mix and leveling out holes in the :?!teets cau,ed by watermain breaks. We also had two more hteaks this month. Wf- mixed another. 190 tons of salt sand this month, by the looks of it we'll have about loo t..ns to carry over the S t rtnitt0 t . We started to sweep sidewalks the 20th and the downtown area the 21st. We had some cold weather move in the 22nd so we didn start the residential area till the 26th. We started in the Highlands and we intend to stick with it now until we finIgh. �� 3 "Ht 5 TAF s Y}: ut t ai t trot !t r `'; }i .!F v •t.. rt i + . ; !i ✓;1}i ! )NMf M DATE M DATE; i '3 3 ___._...,___ 94 I 6 14 18 11 35 4 1 MEhhF.li 'k'� ar ` Mj5'�F ikt ��I', t F 6 k • rt iAL IH 1tifA Ik }Al. ri2A" A *4' .t••i.l�' v 11 _ FA �w r- I - - jF r r • I l..r 11 ', �r -f (,: I , I iA k 1 1 r,; : A n I "', ', 1 IR M IN 1 F I R E FIGIfiEks DRILLS & MAIN'IF..%A%'('F F I R E h RESCUE IAD Ijkly, Wills Ivill, ko"'N RIM WIS s Il � L WJ� }5 1{11; �_ 'tlI•;� RAIL JD ANDFI-Fli x x 150, (1) 114 - JERRY BABB N DAV ID ii()Y k x 7. S( S(X-M IiWl DAVID JMF�i (A) Pf x 38. Sll%'F. (:()I.! IV t x R ANT Y ,.`f FJAART t, 'w PHIL I 1 ('8. tX) ,IEYPY A 144. CX) 1 74. (x) I N' V Y 1 W- 156.4) CRA q;,N 4 0.41 PAI-1, I !�.,R Y� BkAI) IV,'j'XkN R ON ktV i A ?' JOHN h JAMEI� MARVIN Nil ' N h R X PI 1) 0 1 1 7 h.00 90. CC GRFI; FAIN I 3 (-I . W 78.00 MIFF I'A1 .4 1 x 2 186, X) TIM PAlM ("R F) il'!+'P: IN f) , 00 F ll)N'Y kA.M"' +N* h i X) t KMN :411 ill!l 1 84. (X W 11, 1. 1 AM i N TIM WIIJJAX; 4 • 4UNT I , 10, 7. Ir TTAL � IDATE'� %:`��' r MO!`NU FIRE I)EF'Akl'`,htii TOTAL MAIN FFNA ;,7F Fi1 `; I I{ MEN ON !W I'Y S. ERICKSON P. FISK J. GARVAIS D. G" "'', K. GRADY 7 C. HENDERSON S _ P. HENRY B. LANDSMAN J. ANDERSEN W. SWE:tiS S G. ANDERSON l J. B A B B D. FOYD C7 D. BRYCE S. BRYCE D. CARLSON -Z J. CASEY S. COLLINS vZ M. DAVID R. F.NGEI;HART S. ERICKSON P. FISK J. GARVAIS D. G" "'', K. GRADY 7 C. HENDERSON S _ P. HENRY B. LANDSMAN -�Z T . s, w F r;.�: ( W. SWE:tiS Q 1, N ti l A, UP1 1'Z 1'AI.M [ . PA1.41 G. P1 Ili R', R . S'1 A 1,1 ."!.A. `; -�Z T . s, w F r;.�: ( W. SWE:tiS Q R. WII.IIA"S 0 • TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS nklL[ RF1 MOUND FIRE VFyAKT1111,1' We'I pline and T,,n^.`rk CI* /L/guc o fir,x Pre-plan and Inspect. ions Tool and Ap[u'^tus lJeut/f� 8.And ExLingu/sh'r ny'^r�t/v: W^axIrig Protert :vr Cl',Lh/o,l F/ln* Firso aid arid Rrsn1" nper,icinu Us(' of Spl[-/.on|^/»~6 M^sks Hours ?raining P*id � fx"-uyrd X [n,xprus~6 0 Present / Not, P^IJ sreI}an,.`ux 2 otS A 2 VL NnuwS &AS^'e- Pump 0,P6e�fn S /1 c, � ^ - /�' Hnow� ����^ �� � ^ — - -''-----+F===�-�---- 6 6 Ur --��^�---_--__ -_- V�_ ' r �»u�� _ mF ��+*u4.s ^ ' - ------- -- PEBS00NfL J.Ande r:, r j .Garva Is G.PaIrTI .Andc�yon .Grady ,Palm .B�kb .Crady - .PaIm .Bv}6 lyi�C .H�n�erwnn ,flederson 2 Y P.Henry .Bayamueen S,Bryr.. I .Landsman OrL M. Sanage D.Carls',n .Marschke .Sippre}l J.C�xey .0a�uo .Stallman 3,rollins ,Nc1noo ,Swenoun ,Neluon .Swenson B,Eng},h.^rt .Niccom .Wil}iamm u� S,Ec1 ckaon ����A.Opxtz .�zlluama -' ���P.Fzyk --�^= oaLe ^9-91 i � F / r'' St cra r.s 'N [ r I ` ' t / . ` L,i EvoluL/^o* 5a\vag^ _ | Radio *cat,zons - _ House EvoluC/ons )� ^. Nozzles So Hose App} i,in,,. Hours ?raining P*id � fx"-uyrd X [n,xprus~6 0 Present / Not, P^IJ sreI}an,.`ux 2 otS A 2 VL NnuwS &AS^'e- Pump 0,P6e�fn S /1 c, � ^ - /�' Hnow� ����^ �� � ^ — - -''-----+F===�-�---- 6 6 Ur --��^�---_--__ -_- V�_ ' r �»u�� _ mF ��+*u4.s ^ ' - ------- -- PEBS00NfL J.Ande r:, r j .Garva Is G.PaIrTI .Andc�yon .Grady ,Palm .B�kb .Crady - .PaIm .Bv}6 lyi�C .H�n�erwnn ,flederson 2 Y P.Henry .Bayamueen S,Bryr.. I .Landsman OrL M. Sanage D.Carls',n .Marschke .Sippre}l J.C�xey .0a�uo .Stallman 3,rollins ,Nc1noo ,Swenoun ,Neluon .Swenson B,Eng},h.^rt .Niccom .Wil}iamm u� S,Ec1 ckaon ����A.Opxtz .�zlluama -' ���P.Fzyk --�^= D R I L L R E P O R T MO UNI) UA RF DH'AR ['MEN F 1), e A4AjWH /1 1991 it r Dl klmhc?r ()1 ;t Iari Cr ryu+ it f : r, 1 L . t . r,�_L, ,,n ,,r;a r �•t a H Oki L�r . r,,L;, •,,4 "Io, 1 s <tri,# :A1 r.,' u i I }' H., I tiff. Irl ,_ „ r �. I•r I` i 'I Ii ti,rr,l� .fi . - Q f .. � •1 � nr .r� ��1 �. 7 —re-. 1, rf 2 . i ELCfzR_,c C... , M Tpc2S r ., � k 2. IR- Rr. , rnuG f4c'o — ctp DATL 1 12 I IZ * U. 13 rREy-'E,'LAss CREQ r 1-oM 2/0 /90 !"Vase dwtt v d,c;cc > 2 W,LlIII S CE[fj�S LIC�Dif f'ltpnr 3<90 ,rb u1E Dv ?ti Aticc P E: R 5 () N N E I., i 2 Z•!.� >rsl 2� J.G vaI ,( �;..1nr�� rs��ri z /Z D.Grarj” M.L',,lr, f rI 2 �Z ,.F�r �3r•r�r,n 2'/ l', r � p.Hr r,rY � `t�.f�,55rru5r�rr F;.Sipl�rrrll 2YL ,?.C�, } I.`:,,f2)s � I?.St al Irrr,in S.l'�;1 1 qtr, r 2� J .N 1 Sian Z � M . t2�3 �- r �l ZjZ _"L' , S�+�rns��n "l .N 1Sort W. Swr.•nscrn 2� R.Fr�lr�har "t �yt B.Nxrrum 2 R.W] I I l.,ms* Z'l 1.Opit � � - � f Zf T.W) l l r;rms _ZfZ„I'.L•r5k _ "� 'mot /J r' a ('Ill () M( )l \I) • • APRIL 2, 1991 TO: MAYOR, CITY MANAGER AND COUNCIL FROM: JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER RE: MARCH 1991 REPORT The month of March l of me f l +;F ,s ted ! I felt as if I were living out a dream. Never in thk• t ;i. tory of this store has there been an increase in one month over the corresponding month of the previous year. Last year in March, gross sales were $78,435. Total customers for that month wire 7794. Now keep in mind that to keep up with ir:flationiry oft of goods (remember that naughty phrase E.E.T. ?) we needev a 131 increase in sales just to maintain. Are you read} for thy::: f',.�ld on to your seats. Gross sales for March 1991, (actually t!: *y were rather pleasant sales and far from gross) were $9', +,t �6! ! An Maxwell Smart used to say, "Would you believe a 271 in - We also had 8,601 customers go through the turnstiles. Fcr tr.e first quarter of the year, sales are $239,886. Last year at thi.5 time they were $206,538. On another, not so entYusiastic note, we had some major furnace troubles. It seems that sometime, approximately in the middle of the month, some of my employees noticed a gaseous odor in the store. Some customers were also cognizant of the smell. Lo and behold, our furnace (wh:.ch is OUR furnace and not the landlord's according to the leasE) which s:t.s atop the building developed some pretty hefty cracks in the two heat exchangers. This presented a problem oecause carbon monoxiae was now being detected. After gettink; a total cf four bids, the highest being $5900 and the lowest being $1650, I decided to go with the lowest. Another quirk in this problem was that the heat exchangers for this particular model were only available from Rochester, New York. I could have waited 10 days, the average time needed to truck them here, or I could have had them air freighted overnight at a cost of $300. Well, being the time of the season that it was, and figuring that it would be a good idea not to wait ten days without heat (we had to keep the furnace off) I decided to have them air freighted ASAP. I arr, pleased to report we now have heat again and the exchangers have a life expectancy of at least; 10 years. r�s. April 2, 1991 TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER FROM: JOHN L. NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR�'` RE: MARCH FINANCL DEPARTMENT REPORT 1l�.YE�TM.E!!l.T� The following is the March investment activity: Balance: March 1, 1991 $6,868,744 Bought: • CP CP 6.83 Shearson Due 5 -24 -91 6.13 Marquette Due 6 -14 -91 199,817 327,924 Matured: CP 7.60 Shearson CP 6.89 Marquette (249,265) CP 7.63 Marquette (200,371) CP 8.00 Dain Bosworth (221,297) 13-99 42 Balance March 31, 1991 86,325,768 AVDIT The auditor's have ccmpleted their examination of the City's records. I prepare the worksheets, statements and notes to the Financial Statements. This audit report will be submitted to GFOA for evaluation in the Certificate of Achievement program. The Previous two audit reports have received this award. The Audit report is scheduled to be presented to the City Council on April 23, 1991. JN :ls • (W ('ITY Nl( )l 'M 1 April 4, 1991 . TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator SUBJECT; March's Recycling Our second check from Knutson for the resale of recycling material was $629.37 (February's). Total amount made from February's material was $1,888.12. The resale value is as follows cardboard $10.00 /ton, glass $50.00 /ton, tin .01 /lbs., plastic .01 /lb., aluminum .30 /lb. office paper $50.00 /ton and there is no value for newsprint. Recyclotto winners to date have been 5 for 1991. When the amount gets to 150 we seem to have a winner. I do wish we could get more stores to participate in this program. It seems there is not a auto parts store that is in this program. I have talked with Mark Heieren about our tour. They wish to have all the landscaping and blacktopping done before they will tour any groups. So our tour is postponed for another month at least. March's tonnage was 53.70 tons. • rJOd, MINUTES OF A MEE (ING Of THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING CUMMISSION March 25, 1991 I o f ) r f f r I t 0 1 1 1 M , e ? r Ct7 e ," ) t- f M i ChAO I ; Hi I I T t ia I ; t r 'Ink Wfl I M `1 r k H, nuS L. J e n s (-? n , I_ i t V Counc i I pt�jr t'"ftrlt'jt I ve; Jon `"'jther 1,.in(l, Eiui lCIi Of t- I I k (A '.- I e, C.- I t y M'Jr1"j"1('r :jnd Pty ,- Iv ` _sec Absent jnd e wer ( (,c)(Ydi 1 1 s J ? r r V t. J 1 e, M i ch��ie I Mue I I or . and fj i I I , - VYl , , . n rir< jdes K 1 2 . i nc I ude cir jc1fs, 1 3, 1 4 and j t I y p C ' t , ( - , r enu ) r jr mc i no to order at 7 C) r. m. M1 N( S ifie Kircti I I , Pkvini—) C(DrTitnission Minutes were �)reSented for ch,intit.-, jkJ(Jitjr MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Hanus. to approve the March I I , 1991 Planning Coffinission Minutes as writ- ten. Motion carried unanimously. Zoning Code Modifications: .-District Provisions. Sect ion 23,604.4 Permitted Accesc,c)ry (15e, I I eflot h. I t was deterryi i n# to amend th i s sec f i on �j7, f "Within any R- I D i s t r i c t ttie f c) i i (D i n pe rm i teed acces sor y tj z, es Two detach accessory t)u i I d i ri _q o - A -*, gm rmqe- *irird- -one - ut t + i t y- _stf _ neiti'eP 4n 0_4riol not exceeding a total Of +266 �,_P_09 scivare feet cj gross floor are, Furthermore, the , ,k t ( ,t , ,, I f loor area of a l 1 accessory u i I d i nqs on i I r) t- shal l' not exceed I')% of tr total lot arej qjtt.r a conditional use Perm:t. The Commission determined that Section 23.604.4, (,. I i m i t i r�q t tie number of park i na spaces a I I Owed per res i dent i a I r1we I I j r)q be riPleted, and if the intent Of this section was tri I unit tric, . . n ber of vehicles parked on a property, this can be adrjressF?rj with the E xterior 5torage Sect (q03 (I i t Y P I arrner , M,jr k r c, I e r , p r cl e n t ecl t he propcj�;prj n i n (I (, ax:)d i t i C cj t i o r) s IF r " `,. - t-on 6 -3t.r i ct Pr ov i s i on -i i on f I la ed tri,it Fr non Z 3 4. wt, j ( na I U S o i n th R s t r i c t Cj f P ki r) I i C o r F-) r i V t n rir< jdes K 1 2 . i nc I ude cir jc1fs, 1 3, 1 4 and j t I y p C ' s C h (') (') I . i he i de a wJ S d i u 1 5 s e (I w e v e r , n r c t j r I (i o , wer t proposed . Sect ion 23,604.4 Permitted Accesc,c)ry (15e, I I eflot h. I t was deterryi i n# to amend th i s sec f i on �j7, f "Within any R- I D i s t r i c t ttie f c) i i (D i n pe rm i teed acces sor y tj z, es Two detach accessory t)u i I d i ri _q o - A -*, gm rmqe- *irird- -one - ut t + i t y- _stf _ neiti'eP 4n 0_4riol not exceeding a total Of +266 �,_P_09 scivare feet cj gross floor are, Furthermore, the , ,k t ( ,t , ,, I f loor area of a l 1 accessory u i I d i nqs on i I r) t- shal l' not exceed I')% of tr total lot arej qjtt.r a conditional use Perm:t. The Commission determined that Section 23.604.4, (,. I i m i t i r�q t tie number of park i na spaces a I I Owed per res i dent i a I r1we I I j r)q be riPleted, and if the intent Of this section was tri I unit tric, . . n ber of vehicles parked on a property, this can be adrjressF?rj with the E xterior 5torage Sect (q03 Pkinrlmt; C,clfltylission Mir)(ites M,Jrch 1 `,W irTlffli r l , ,et were reviewed, Section 23. 604 .4, 8.A. MOO 1 1( 'r hArl r —1 , -i OuC�5t ion to staf - egarding the requirement of .! I() "from any structure on same lot." Koea I or w.lc, added for safety reasons, to 11elp avoid ' 00 M itJ off the roof of a buildinq into the pool. Mueller was concerned about a storage shed f-Itiinment and a pump, Should this have to be 10 r-ilred the issue of a clear definition for an n1jill. Is a doq house an accessory building? Is a thlin IzO squ,3re feet considered an accessory building? Dili. Unif,srrii Hi,jil(jif q Code does not require permits for a utility ,- O—d wi not have a projected rooF area exceeding 120 11(ul'if Ca t f-fl . F'Jr wij directed to revise the clef Init ion of acces- irvi , ir�d del i neat e the minimum s ize. - j(3reer.1 that 23.604.4. S.D.. relating to hot tubs. re(iuired to Comply with the 10 foot setback "from (, same lot." f -ril if the ordinance was addressed and the Commission. and r I-od t h'j t. in every Place where a section number is t) to, it will be typed out (i.e. Section 23.605.2 to ')o(:tion 23.604.2, section 23.604.2 will be repeat,?d un- ,1(,r "f iorl 21.605.2). 1 w miteo that Section 23.605.5 will also include number 4 of A was noted in Section 23.60S.6. 1 . 9 the 5 i de yard -Ot- - Alould read 6 feet. Item 2 will be re- written to better I- jr ity the intention of requiring a 10 foot access for a qaracie Kclf•q I er, ref err i rig to Sect i on 23.610. 1 , I nf ormed the commi s ion th,it, twin homes. which are basically two - family dwell inqs, and t have been removed from the new R-2 zone. Koeg I er st,iti that he did not be !eve there to be any townhouses in the ctirr i-rit R-3 zone. Thai questioned the townhomes on Bartlett f3l vd. Staff is to research what townhouse developments exist in ttio q-3 zone. Section 23.610.13, 2. relatinq to setback requirements fo, family dwellings in the new R-2 were reviewed. Staff related concern vxc)ressed by Mueller on the "Minimum Lot Area of 12,0()() Sq. ft." This would allow new Parcels to be developed with 6,000 SC4, ft., even though the commission Is considering that newly created lots be a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. The Commission agreed that since the units are attached, 6.000 sq. ft. for each dwelling is sufficient lot area. Pl,infiiriq COMOSSion Minutes M,Jrcti IS, 1991 P, i 4l f - _3 • Th f i r at sentence in Sect ion 23.b20.2 Permitted Uses wzjs ow "Within any R3 District. no struct or- bang st),31 I bp rf-,t r i c t f � ( I to the f o I ow, I nq uses -one ever r"orpa r5r Ai -, I - ) in r c t ic)rl - 3. Townhouses was delttel. T he i. olivn ion tl)at the clef ini t Pon for Mul t iple (1w I I i nq t r a ric I tj,-jc.r - ,,I tcwnhou. R*-'v'cw Of City Attorney' t da ted 6 C-9t _qa d arc ___--h Ardl - ng Reno al Housing Ordinance asid Housinq __!Ii q I nua nce . ._!_ptgnqnc q I hO C i t y Attorney's l etter dated March 6. 1 991 which w_js in rop I v tc thf Pii-inning Commission Minutes of January 28, 1%491 wilS or #,,, F)u i I d i nq o f f i c i a l , Jon Suther 1;:3nd, informed the Ct, (11 j�;'IiOfl that he tlaS reviewed the City Attorney's Comrnent!; and rf2C',n*(TWricJ(. tnat the Commission accent the attorney's opinion. Af t , ( , r d i srU';S i nq Sect ions 495: Subd. I and 495: 70, the co(Tvil i r ;- '>iorl -Jqrr>f�rj to dcr.ept the attorney's Comment,-, and recommend,it ion <i wr it t en. Continued review f C „ity At torney's Letter dated No vember 12,, 1990 regarding Rental u . _Hosin __ - _q_giEp I nance and Hous I ng Ma I nterwince Ord i Hanc - P-q _itt_5e�t�Lqn 11_!? 15 D(W to the late hour. the Commission unanimously acIreeri to posit pone th i ; d i SCuss i on unt i I the next workshop meet i nq. v1Z Re z Jensen rev the C i t y Counci meet of March 12. 1991 MOTION miade by Weiland, seconded by Michael, to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Meyer Attest Q05 50AAO MEMBERS +,,;.,, peen .�i'E•Af +. Mrj•�ntr,•l., I r.. iMH 11 1(11A n *wr++Mr»A�v,r� �A.rrn+N rN,t n `.f +�ewr.cl LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT IW V': q.,' olAl, "'n i+ I,s „ . ^A-.'A'n M , ti .,,, . '.1 • „awl 1 11if"C N 61 2 10 1 1 01310 LU6FNER 5IROMMEN tX1CJIR} 01;46C:ICYi REE'C AP 4 1991 TO: MOUND CITY COUNCIL DATE: APRIL. 4, vm FROM: TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: MARCH REPORT - LMCD 1.0 i; , . IN TERLSI ITEM 1.1 Eurasion Watermilfoil Task Force_ No breakthroughs in fund sources have occurred since Iasi month. We are at the point where the shortfall in funding is so large that we can't get to where we need to be by «lying solely on the small contributions from random givers. We are planning a personal solicitation prograrn by the LMCD reps of 1101eutial large amount donors in each of their communities. The Task Force met with Reps Abrams and Srnith and reviewed the bills in process. The draft of the so called Kinkel bill has been modified and the less workable sections or removed, Our reps arc well aware of our needs and arc pushing to sec that we arc included in any bill that finally hits the floor, We (the LMCD) is still c:mccmed that the $2 fee adder, if it uses at that will not begin to address the scope of the needs. Lake Minnetonka as the flagship lake in the contrui program needs t() receive a guaranteed source of funding. I have stated that uc are willing to conic up with one on one matching funds, but µc arc not willing to go the 100% route any longer. 1.2. tf 'ttm re ensive Lake Alanaeement I ) I dl,► The number of cities remaining firm in their opIIIV,ition to the plan appears to be dropping. Mayor Johnson's efforts to bring the cities together behind a plan that all can sullpr.In arc welconted by file LMCD 3oard. The rnecting on the 17th could he key. Jim t ttley, the facilitator appointed by the Nictropoliian Council has drafted an Underlying Principles statement concerning the plan, which has been reviewed and apprc,vcd t?} the LMCD lij:,rd. Copy attached. • • q0 (0*, CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 4-9 -91 #2 Q q k i 4' ": t .,f � i,. �A jTRk bSf 11 k fl t v •. ' 'R i 0. � 4 i �7 . � �/�i � a r p1 one y yk Y b 2.0 VI( k z, p 2.1 The Water Pattoll Informs ,tie that =the navigation impeding light refixed 't#? in - mont , re ': the tlnsh ' shore of Priests Bay Wcurs to hlou d' Pik partmea atne modification to this light needs, to be "done P Jude it from shining out on the bay, blinding boaters and snowmobilers. 2.2 We continue to work with Chapman ,Place to resolve the details of tkir license agreement. The prpbietn deals with how we deal with the changes that have taken place in the usage , rr' while at the same time retaining the grandfathered slip rights. This must all be done ' while not setting precedent that could come ` back to haunt us, since there arc other marinas around the take that are candidates for purchase by actual or ,.potential homeowners' associations. *dR tive Lake Minnetonka Conservation District cc. Gene Strommen Tlt:mac 2 adopted. $401or rlanntt; its uttle y lieetre►pc+li±t. nei`1 " ' u for the Management Plan, developed the iutlioei �s a er�esult of ohere±��sa, ` with LKCD Berard rseeee5ara 464 pas i t ie s bttoeu tortie k# . C#ir;11; A r" . cities. ila sire confident Vh at :frame, Atha Guidtog �rri»cipis th g € Shor*land yroteectLori out III%*, you will. ftrw s thoughtful ersaeRase rrt of the matters upon which wa trust all cities cah �►olaheertadlp a�rde� . newly revised 9hor�rland errant Agreaenentt : heeer, been. rth concurrence of the MCI DRR by the M*tropolitan Co until tscilitotor. the agreement clarified teaponaibtl$ttes, amended sow languag eimpll" lied the terms wherever possible. The ravtsad Agreement is. botax presented to those cities which haves not list responded. on the oxpec- tatton that they all likely Mill partitipsts those cities alreadp signed will be ; asked to rata execute the ree+ised agreement. Nopefral ly this will all take place in the 0ext 30 dabs. 3. An additional 90 day extension has been grsntetd to th Metro Council review period, which wilt follow the eApierottoo of the fitst 90 day extension expiring Nay S. The board recognize* the timing of city counc meeting echedules that of its own monthly board meetIng and the Mttropolitan Council which reeets thet fourth thurraday of each month, in order to process the revisions under consideration. As you will see by Jim Uttley's pretparations in the Underlying Prin►ciplca, the service and results of his *valuation are 'bringing the Managem+cr,t Plan issues into place where hopefully we will achieve unsnimitY. r; LMCD Directors ! -' lwitiaruc LMCD recommeads it to member cities as a I biro leas beet[ expressed that Appendis C might be used s iitt Wdusl city Shoreurd Ordinances. t LMCi? does, Id (at their sboreland brdi Yattres« if a city's irrtelt and' bmit it to the DrOt Corr revieaw and approval without delay; ahitoujh it does suet [seed for do 46 *0 PWoubbor 10. 19ft If a wiry 4eiirbs to adopt a s ordsod ordinance: that is Sot In Strict + arbrntlt% it must siyliclt frola! lire W A" Other aimed �wesnute:sttal dies« in adetition, the alternative t<horelatsei contrvh sews[ be bo „` � 'ot` tiisapprovcd by Adjacent Mel cities. ."The VNR intetptettia" a fts rules " st the .the �appr+cwrel ce disapprcnral by, adjacent take cities" dots 401 obligate the DNR Comrabdoucr to approve o,r ttisttpf►rcMre the alternati ordinance language„ although the Commissioner will uitdewbmd t otuttside #` t C actioett of adjacent dtltst in snaking final drttermination on any a tcrsstive language proposals. I* LMCD has agreed to .env as it conduit for DNR grains funds to cities, which DUR so as a sneatas of loweting Us grant administration costs and reducing staff time devoted to grant administration. la return rrsenring !n this roil;, the LMCD will receive a grant from DNR for S15.00M The smut will be used to Offset tho I.NiCD administrative expenses (estimated to be at least S3,t)t)t? [tit) involved in serving as a twudult :sold Alt it toafts Soutoa for hiring a Consultant to cash member alias with technical uostions regarding their ordit►eam, pa rticularly any variations from Strict coarbimity to the DNR shcecla� ordinance s[sttdards. Tk L s CP'S agrecanent with DNR creates a Technical Committee to be made up of one city staff or comWiing Staff person from each c ity (or elected ofticlal) familiar with lead use and losing issues to review each city's shoreland management ordinance and proposals for alternative Aoreland management Suar4ards. It le Intended that the Tahnical Committee will perform the role; required by DNR rules of a public review Of irtolividual city alternatives to the strict DNR shoreland standa The Cbminlitec [night stake reacornmendstions to the sponsoring city for Activate language, or simply identify issues that It believes may result from the proposed language. In say event, the Committee will have no approval or disapproval aWhottly over the proposed ordissnees. Fong complet of the Committee's wo rk, each shoreland ordinance th contains Alternative standards will steed to be submitted to affected adjacent cities for their approval or disapproval as required under DNR rules. ' It is hoped that the Technical COmtttltace. will be able to resolve outstanding issues among adi sexnt cities, allowing the approval process by adjacent cities to occur without controversy. IU LMCD is reasse4sing the language In Its agreement with UNk to determine whether changes can be made that will enable ail 14 cities to enter Into a joint agreement with DNR, allowing the LMCD to continue to serve 0$ a conduit for the money as the DNR originally intended, whil assuring all of the cities that L.MCD *s Mle Is suppottive to and not controlling of the cities. AW*os b ue UAW VnW smart HECEIVIEt3 2 APR 2 1991 4?/0 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION ptSTRICT ;_: 473» 7x33 MAP Z ,r L.M. C. U. �B"tIi1G 5C1�i1gLlt .., ; April 1991; t Saturday 13 Mater Strueturea tovironm ant Committee 1: a.ar. Noitwest hank Building Wayzata 900 East Wayzata Bou Suite 135 Superior Street, east entrance Monday 15 Lake Use Cpittee , 4:30 p.m., Norwest Sank Building Wayzata 900 East Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 160 Superior Street, east entrance Friday 19 Eurasian Water Mlfoil 'Task Farce 8: a.m., Norwest, Bank 'Building Wayzat 900 East Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 160 Superior Street, east entrance Wednesday 24 LMCD Board of Directors' Regular Meeting 7 :30 p.m., 'Tonka Bay City Ha 3 -27 - w LAKC MINNETONKA CONSEAVATi ©N ©IStAICT • 4 -S•91 ENVIRONMENT 1. Eurasian watch Milfoil Task Force, Chair Reese A. Operation's progress B. Insurance agency response on lakeshort geed pickup' program C. Legislative status on Rep, ,Kinkel bill for funding of .; EWM and Zebra ii,ussel control D Project manager staff report y P S E. Funding progress and consideration of temporary direct service to irect balance of $75 -plutG funding needs F. Policy draft on use of Suburban truck, EWN equipment G. Additional old / new business ? Additional old / new Environment business 3. Adjournment • 4 -S•91 LAKE MINNE';TONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT HATER STRUCTURE'S ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE DA ' AGENDA 11C'r" APR 6 4'l ..} i Saturday. April 1,3. 1991 Community Roam 0135, Norwest Bank Building 904 E`Way -zata Blvd (E'le'vator access for handicapped, use west. entrance,. WayxaL °a Blvd fJ I, Chapman Place license application referr ?d back to Committee from march board meeting to secure an outer -'. oper.tor within two years or lose gr ndfather+ed status; 2. Staff ttiscsissi.un regardi.ne adding potent. al amenities ever time to retain 1:10 special density or Chapman Place. 3. Rowers variance referred back to committee from March board meeting to establish a,doc;k use area, with All affected property owners (notified through public ':hearing process) allowed to in docks in compliance with Dock u area ;end 'Temporary Low Water extension requirements« Nbultiple Dock License Renewals, and pending issues: A. Renewals without change 13. Renewals with minor change C. Renewals with temporary extensions, Without change D. Renewals without change, with temporary extensions with char es from 1990 E. Renewals with pending issues. F. No renewal application. received -- discuss :staff procedure for enforcemcnt of code, operating without current license G. Late renewal applications holding for village certificates H. ? s -bkii It survey receipt`, eligible for deposit refund 5. Definition of Commercial Marina and dutlot Association Facilities and proposed code amendment per LeFevere letter of 3/25/91 6. Staff report: A. Channel Drive dredging application, St. Albans gay, Greenwood, discussing exchanges with city, DNR, applicant and affected residents 7. Additional old f new business to-b**rihg fro* YOU *C*ft. � u' 1a page :0 'City Mayor Johns P1e,ase step putting my tax dollars to use in a manner such as s,.giveh in the prior, examples. Please d not plan any,new adyerntures that require borrowing money or raising taxes. I 3'tAppy with Mound and Hennepin County as they, are. z promise t I would still be happy i we have to cut some programs to within our means. It is the way T have had to operate my., entire life anyway. hre is one aspect ,of theovern+r's tax propsa'sal I do not approve of that would be co Ilecting taxes from those who do k to make payments, to those Who do `not work. It is 4N, `+�'eg dding to the people receiving' it. They do not need " :64taoiits, they need ; lobs. Would you bike to tell someone you $°e riot work and you are on welfare? i would note ;l wo,uId like to say one more thing about raising taxes. The federal taxes have increased 1,100% since 1948. As you are mare, our country is in serious debt. Tax increases have not X iedued the debt, reduced spending would,have. Si rely► uric Iver�� n so .