1976-11-09C ITYi OF MOUDD
sbun, Minnesota
FSrrs'Wer 5E ITS
TO The Womable tau yr aK City Council
3 HOW The City Hanagsr
SUBJE,°im'w Street Sign Pxogra'a..iSp_
At the of Council Riating9 the Council appy aved tie purchase and
inUallation of the Kreet signs needed.
A lizat of the stop sign locations was prevented the Council. Most
of the locations have aaready been approved by lu order
to have stop saga? placements W ed in were t000lutiono it Q reocim«
mended that the locations listed in the Public VMS Director's
letter sax" November I be adopted by resolution.
x ord F;®pia � �
Mound, Minnesota
Nov. 1, 1976
T0: City Manager, Leonard Kopp
FROM: Public Works Office
SUBJECT: Street Sign Progress
The City of Mound is participating in the State program for bringing all
City signs up-to-date with State standards at a 90w reimbursement from
the State.
The following are requested Stop sign locations as suggested by our City
engineers and the Public Works Department. To simplify the locations we
have broken them down into three area locations, Mound, Island Park and
Three Points.
Mound locations:
Montclair at Shoreline & Bartlett
Driftwood at Bartlett
Channel Road at Emerald
Fernside Lane at Shoreline, Woodridge & Bartlett
Avon Drive at Bartlett (east & west)
WoodridgeRoad at Chateau Lane
Bayport Road at Woodridge
Ruby Lane at Channel (east & west), Glendale
Eden Road at Wilshire Blvd. and HiddenVale Lane
Hidden Vale at Shoreline & Maywood
Cypress Lane at Shoreline
Maywood Road at Fairview Lane, Wilshire (east & west)
Chateau at Shoreline (east & west), Fairview & Edgewater
Apple Larp. at Lynwood Blvd.
Balsam Road at Commerce Blvd. & Spruce Road
Cranary Lane at Woodland Road
Tonkawood Road at Commerce
Wilshire Blvd. at Shoreline, Bartlett (east & west) &. Tuxedo
Bartlett at Shoreline, Wilshire (east & west) & Commerce
Alder Road at .Commerce Blvd.
Elm Road at Bellaire Lane
Ironwood Lane at Sunset Road
Grandview Blvd. at Commerce, Lynwood
Bellaire at Grandview
Sunset at Bellaire, Grandview (east &. west)
Sycamore Lane at Hillcrest Road
Langdon Lane at Lynwood (north & south)
Diamond Lane at Hillcrest
Hillcrest at Grandview
Mound Locations continued: page two
Clover Circle at Hillcrest, Southview
Aspen at Clover Circle
Willow Lane at Clover Circle.
Red Oak Road at Clover Circle, Dutch Lane
Forest Lane at Clover Circle
Southview at Lynwood (north & south)
Northern Road at Edgewater Drive (east & west)
Robin Lane at'Lynwood
Noble Lane at Lynwood & Tonkawood
Ashland Lane at Lynwood
Centerview at Lynwood
Overland Lane at Noble
Cedar Lane at Church Road, Noble
Lynwood at Commerce (east & west), Fairview
Basswood Lane at Church, Tonkawood
Church at Belmont (east & west)
Fern Lane at Tonkawood, Church
Belmont at Shoreline, Lynwood (north & south), Tonkawood
Spruce at Waterside Lane, Tonkawood
Harrison Lane at Spruce
Sherwood Drive at Commerce
Lakewood Lane at Wilshire, Bartlett (north & south)
Cardinal Lane at Lynwood
Villa Lane at Noble
Pecan Lane at Edgewater
Fairview at Shoreline (north & south), Bartlett
Sandy Lane at Edgewater, Northern
Arbor Lane at Edgewater
Emerald Drive at Wilshire (north & south), & Wilshire & Bartlett
Glendale Road at Bartlett, Avon
Cottonwood Lane at Lynwood
Westwood Circle at Westedge Blvd.
Marion Lane at Shoreline
Auditors Road at Commerce
Island Park Locations
Clare Lane at Wilshire. Galway Road, Kildare Road
Galway at Tyrone Lane
Carlow Road at Clare Lane
Tyrone at Wilshire
Carrick Road at Tyrone
Essex Lane at TiTilshire & Bedford (south & north)
Suffolk Road at Essex
Bedford Road at Wilshire
Strafford Lane at Manchester Road
Dorchester Road at Tuxedo Blvd. (east & west)
Manchester at Brighton Blvd., Devon Lane (east & west), TuRedo (east & west)
Hanover Road at Dexter Lane (east & west), Amhurst Lane (east & west), and
Island View Drive, Roanoke Lane (east & west)
Aberdeen Road at 'ruxedo, Devon, Island View Drive
Lanark Road at Argyle Lane
Bradford Lane at Wilshire
Marlboro Lane at Wilshire, Monpouth Road
Drury Lane at Tuxedo
Richmond -Road at Bradford
Island Park Locations cont:_nued:
Amhurst at Tuxedo, Island View Drive
Priest Lane at Ridgewood Road
Sinclair Road at Westedge
Longfellow Lane at Hawthorne Road
Bryant Lane at Tdlewood Road
Highland Blvd. at Commerce
Fairfield Road at Highland
Holt Lane at Glenwood, Fairfield
Glenwood at Highland
Cumberland Road at Devon.(east & west), Drury
Dexter Lane at Island View, Tuxedo
Drummond Road at Dexter
Dutch Lane at Birch Lane
Langdon Lane at L mTood (north & south)
Garden Lane at Bartlett, Beachwood Road
Rustiowood Road at Garden
evergreen Road at Garden. Westedge
Grove Lane at Bartlett, Beachwood
Rosewood Lane at Beachwood, Evergreen
Granger Lane at Beachwood
Beachwood at Westedge
Westedbe at Bartlett, Lynwood
Halstead Lane at Bartlett, Bayridge Road
Bayridge at Westedge
Dickens at Bartlett, Ridgewood
Hazelwood Lane at Bartlett, Hawthorne Road
Oakl.awn Lane at Bartlett, Hawthorne
Idlewood at Highland, Oaklawn
Hawthorne at Idlewood, Dickens
Ridgewood at Idlewood, Westedge
Cherrywood Road at Ridgewood, Hawthorne
Drummond Road at Tuxedo (east & west)
Windsor Road at Tuxedo (east), Warner Lane
Waterbury Road at Tuxedo (east & west), Warner
Phelps Road at Tuxedo (east), Warner (east)
Sulgrove Road at Tuxedo (west), Warner (east)
Seabury Road at Warmer
Gladstone Lane at Franklin Road
Franklin at Warner
Piper. Road at Warner, Tuxedo
BriF�hton at Tuxedo, Wilshire
(east & west)
Page three
Bedford at Cambridge, Brighton (east & west), Marlboro (east & west) and
Brad -ford, Essex (east & west), Wilshire
Brunswick Road at Cambridge, Brighton (east & west), Marlboro (east & west)
and Bradford
Monmouth at Cambridge, Brighton (east & west), Bradford
Afton Road at Cambridge, Brighton
Bradford at Leslie Road, Wilshire
Cambridge at Brighton
Leslie at Brighton (east & west)
Plymouth Road at Brighton, Marlboro (east &
Devon Lane at Tuxedo (north & south), Islan(
Argyle at Tuxedo, Alexander Lane
Glasgow Road at Argyle, Devon
Dale Road at Donald Drive, Glasgow
west), Bradford
View Drive (north & south)
Island Park Locations continued:
Alexander at Tuxedo, Donald
Dundee Lane at Tuxedo, Donald
Brighton Commons at Tuxedo
Clyde Road at Island View, Tuxedo
Lamberton Road at Tuxedo, Island View
Radnor Road at Tuxedo, Island View
Stirling Road at Tuxedo
Inverness Lane at Tuxedo
Gordon Road at .Drury, Donald
Burns Road at Donald, Drury
Hampton Road at Drury
Paisley Road at Drury
Donald at Brighton, Devon (east & west) Tuxedo
Manchester at Devon (east & west), Tuxedo (east & west)
Marlboro at Monmouth
Cardiff Lane at Wilshire
Cardigan Lane at Wilshire
Cavan Road at Clare Lane
Three Points Locations
Shorewood Lane at Three Points Blvd.
Woodland Road at Heron Lane, Gull Lane (east & west),
Eagle Lane (east & west), Dove Lane (east & *,crest)
Crestview Road at Three Points, Heron (east €< west),
Jennings Road at Heron, Gull, Eagle, Dove
Finch at Three Points (north & south)
Eagle at Three Points (north & south)
Dove at Three Points (north & south)
Sumach Lane at Three Points
Wildhurst Lane at Sumach, Resthaven Lane
Resthaven at Quail Road, Shorewood Lane
Lakeside Lane at Shorewood, both ends
Beachside Road at Lakeside, Shorewood
Three Points at Commerce
Heron at Three Points (north & south), Sparrow Road
Gull at Three Points (north & south)
Jones Lane at Three Points
Lafayette Lane at Three Points
Baywood Lane at Three Points, Baywood Shores Drive
Baywood Shores Drive at Three Points_
Avocet Lane at Three Points (north & south)
Bluebird at Three Points (north & south)
Canary Lane at Three Points (north & south)
Glen Elyn Road at Three Points
Robert Miner
Public Works Director
page four
Finch Lane (east & west),
TV The Movable Nayor and City COUP011
snag: The My Howagar
aha-- Einicipal Squon Storaaa Wesciaa yion of Baas ager r hexa? Wough`k toge hVIT
aaa advaTHOing namvaigu to 0M.A the Print 00spetivion cad" the valvata
liquow Mtcraz
A Lathe : Ira a copy of all he 3, a awmation Kira i ava, On she KNOW Oaam»
paig a. It is mat recommended that Nanzztsa ari'nter the campaign at the
psevent Meg banaugs the cask is apportioned arra the vama WAV to all
Culex, 1*=Id wi da I :More W $60Dv000 Balza could pay at Bruch a -s
Mira vi h 3 Worse area SSS, million dollars in vsl a*.
ct j--vac�
J�IPvl 17 L -/'1
November 4, 1976
(612) 472-1155
TO: The City Manager
FROM: The Liquor Store Manager
SUBJECT: Advertising
Enclosed is an appeal and proposal for an advertising campaign in which
all municipal liquor stores are being solicited.
The amount to be charged for this advertising is the same for each
Community regardless of size or the number of stores.
The fee, as proposed, is unfair and my recommendation is that this
program be shelved until an equitable agreement could be reached.
Nels Schermu
Advertising & Public Relations/1705 Soo Line Bldg./Minneapolis, Minn. 55402/(612) 339-8621
�i 44 Foss Lane/Moorhead, Minnesota 56560/(218) 233-1553
November 2, 1976
Mr. Nelson Scherneau
Liquor Store Manager
City of Mound
2324 Wilshire Blvd.
Mound, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Scherneau:
Enclosed is the material promised you relative to the advertising program
for Municipal Liquor Stores.
I would appreciate you and your City Manager discussing the program as soon
as possible, to determine your willingness to participate. I will call
you Friday, November 5th.
Meanwhile, if you have any questions,
Enc: jw
This is an advertising agreement between Kaufman, Spicer & Company and
MOUND authorizing Kaufman, Spicer to perform
name of municipality
advertising and public relations services for the community's municipal
liquor stores in the amount of $1,599.00 for the fiscal year beginning
November 1, 1976, and ending October 31, 1977. Funding is to be part of
the municipalities calendar 1977 budget. The proceeds are to be used for the
purchase of outdoor boards, newspaper space, or other media advertising,
production expenses, publicity, and expenses related to the combined advertising
program in behalf of Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores. The specific purchases
for the municipality of MOUND
Newspaper: $486.50
Television: $780.50
Production: $330.00
's portion are to be as follows:
Billings will be monthly for all authorized media and production expenses,
up to the limit authorized. Rate changes or modifications in the program
can occur, but in no case will the total amount of the budget be altered or
increased. Payment will be made by the municipality within 30 days of date
of invoice.
Authorized Municipal Official
Kaufman, Spicer Representative
page two
Therefore, it only makes sense that if municipals are to effectively
compete, the solutions to their problems should be joint... unified...
common. This approach will result in a greater impact for one and all --
as compared to a shot gun approach --because all stores are doing the
same thing at the same time, and can effect a substantial savings
of monies.
Our association has authorized Ed Kaspszak of the Kaufman, Spicer
Advertsing/Public Relations Agency to formulate a joint community
program for your consideration. We think it is a good one and important
to the future strength of your stores... we hope you do, too!
Thanking you in advance for your help and cooperation, I am
Sincerely yours-,
Alec Parkin
Moved, minvamfela
wwleabw 5, 1976
Tor its hoz arable Ryon,: ,;sae;$ City Gcounwil
FROM a�.r The city xana gQx.' _
MBSNOW Foli s OKOR 1977
Attached in a uepy of L letter Srom he Ibline Chief welatirD to Us
squad tax VNIMAK. fur 1977•
If Own la no Obje* an Mau ?aha aocs. UT19 was will EOIXOW the Chief's
:tsW°°sat:aaKs� cz��sa.
! y✓ ".6t 1 S
r,^W 01
Vol Police chief
MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 4724155
November 3, 1976
TO: Leonard Kopp - City Manager
FROM: Patrick S. Wilson - Chief of Police
SUBJECT: New Police Cars - 1977
The low bid for 1977 police cars was by Suburban Chevrolet in Hopkins with
Chevy Novas special police vehicles being bid. The new vehicles will cost
approximately $4,890 each. This is considerably higher than our prediction.
If we bought four new police vehicles as we had proposed in the 1977 budget,
we would be approximately $1,9.60 over our projected budget.
We had planned on buying four new cars this year. With the unexpected cost
in new cars this year, we propose the following changes in our 1977 plans.
1. Buy only three new police vehicles for a total cost of approximately
2. Keep all three of the 1976 Chevy Novas, '.one for the city building inspector
and administration, one for the police detective and youth officer, and
one as a spare squad and Chief's vehicle.
3. Sell the three 1974 Plymouth Satellites at the auction this spring.
The police department would keep the same number of vehicles as we have at
present, we would just be having an older vehicle for a longer period of time.
TYd s may require a few more dollars in repairs as this older vehicle of course
would require additional maintenance. The money not spent in purchasing the
four new cars when we only purchase three vehicles would be a savings of app-
roximately $2,930. This amount of money not spent certainly would cover the
added expense in repairs that would be required when we keep an older vehicle.
This proposal would also give us more flexibility in keeping our budget in
balance in 1977 as we now have also discovered things such as insurance are
going up drastically.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick S. Wilson
Chief of Police
PSW :la s
AveArx 5, 1916
...>:A. E2iNa. jC3ksL3:, c$u.uc.' k:::,y ii=4 c..sai1. V7;hy
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MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155
November 4, 1976
TO. Leonard Kopp - City Manager
FROM: Patrick S. Wilson - Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Letter of Resignation - Effective January 15, 1977
After many weeks of family discussions, having planned for some time to go into
business, a business decision was made recently. I will be entering into a
partnership in the Harbor House in Two Harbors, Minnesota, about 22 miles north
of Duluth on Lake Superior. The Harbor House is a family restaurant. It also
rents space to a bakery with additional space upstairs for shops and offices.
This operation will, of course, require a great deal of work and family effort..
The family feels this is a step into the future. We have enjoyed our oppor-
tunities to serve in the Mound area and its surrounding communities of Spring
Park, Minnetrista, and St. Bonifacius. Our long time relationships to many in
this area will be difficult for our family to leave. It will be an adjustment,
I'm sure, that will be somewhat difficult for us to make. The friendship, comm-
unity spirit, and the many friends in this area all were considered when this
decision was made. It is still a very emotional decision to make when one has
to say goodbye to so many wonderful people. We have many memories with our
community to share as a family for the rest of our lives. I find new enthusiasm
and a new and challenging future for our family. We certainly invite all of
you in the future to stop by the Harbor House in Two Harbors for a warm welcome
from your Westonka Wilson friends.
I would also like to take this opportunity to personally thank Mr. Leonard Kopp
for his direction and guidance these past fourteen years that I have been
associated with the police department. I feel proud to have served under his
direction. I find it difficult in a few short words to express the changes
that have occured in the past fourteen years in the police department. Growth,
new police programs, the consolidation of the four Westonka communities into one
police department, the detective and juvenile division, two sergeant positions,
are just a few of the things that will enable the police department to continue
to serve the residents of Westonka in a professional manner. In the next few
months I will aid in transferring the duties and responsibilities of my office
to the capable staff that we now have.
In closing, a special thanks to all of my past bosses, the four city councils,
their mayors and administrators. Without the year after year cooperation
with these persons in guiding and directing the police department, we would not
have been able to serve our friends and citizens of the Westonka communities.
If just a few words could be relayed to all in the Westonka area, our sincere
thanks from our family goes out to each and every member of our community.
We will be able to officially express our thanks to many before we leave.
Some, I°m sure, we will not be able to personally get to, and for those of
you who we cannot personally express our thanks to, we hope that this letter
will give you some indication of our sincere appreciation for what the Westonka
communities have done for our family.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick S. Wilson
Chief of Police