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1991-04-23 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 4 --- _ # 1 DAL& ANDS 00",., 2321' COMMERCE'. -, LbT I,; AtiDLTGKiS � SUBDIVI821ON X167, ' PID # I4 -11 f �-24 4+ +t►, CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR . LTGCIT ASSEMBLY, AND SLICE or ELECTRONIC _ z 'co IN THE 13-1 960ING DISTRICT. Pa 935 -94" S4N;' 884 -5545 SHORELINE . DRIVE, LOT 4 AND PART OF 3, AUDITOR'S 6 SUBDIVISION •170, `PID #13- 1 -17-24 33 0006, WORBBT'I VARIANCE FOR A FREE STANDING SIGN SETBACK. PG. 9513 — 9AIN4$1 -00 21 CAN Y. ANDERSON, 4969 THREE POINTS BLVD., THAT PART OF LOTS 3 b, BLOCK 14 SHADYWOOD POINT, PI D # 13- 117 -24 11 0118. MRSBTI FRONT YARD SETBACI VARIANCE. PG. 9155»974 , 91 -0081 MARK HANDS, 4446 DENBIGH ROAD, LOT I BLOCK 1, AVALON, PID X19- 117-23 24 0001. R3003621 SIDEYARD SETBACK VARIANCE. PG. 975 -991 8. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 9, PRESENTATION OF 1990 FINANCIAL AUDIT - GARY GROEN ABDO, ABDO & SICK. 10. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOUND CITY CODE, SECTION 455:50, GRANTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE AND HIS DESIGNEES THE AUTHORITY TO GIRDER ry: THE QUARANTINE OF ANIMALS, DEALING WITH THE DESIGNATION OF HEALTH OFFICER. (Material to be distributed Tuesday evening). Page 920 H gES I NDBRs Recycling Luncheon, Northland Inn, Wednesday, May 1, 1991, 11:30 A.M. Page 921 11: RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING MUNICIPAL CLERKS' MEEK MAY 5 -11, 1991« PG. 992 12. RESOLUTION PRa+wLAIMIND THE ANNUAL SALE OF BUDDY POPPIES BY THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN 'WARS (VFW).; PG. 99 13. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MOUND TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH NORTHERN STATES POWER, MINNEGASCO AND DESIGNATED COMMUNITY BASED —ORGANIZATIONS TO PROVIDE COMMUN ENERGY SERVICE$ TO THE RESIDENTS OF MOUND. PG. ' 994 , +( 14. APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AGREEMENT, CITY OF , MOUND VS BRICKLEY'S MARKET. �i s , 15. ' � RESOLUT,RWAU HORIZI`NG MAYOR AND CITY WAV TO ' SIGN AN OPTION `AGRE EpT 'WITH ANT'HONY'iS FLORAL :. RE AUISITI+k?N OF LAND FOR PUBLIC worm tUT DOOR STORAGE. (Materials to distributed Tuesday evening). 1 . B10 Aft 1991 SEALCOAT PROTECT. (Materials to be distributed Tuesday evening),. 17'. LICENSE, RENEWALS 6 NEW. PiO 1005 18 . SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER A VACATION OF , A UTILITY EASE NT! - 5227 BART TT BLVD. (Bluac STND PAM X&Y 14, 1991) PG. 1006 ' 19. PAYMENT OF BILLS. PG. 1007 -1022 2 0. INF'ORXAT1O"18Q2LLNgM2g8 A. March 1991 Financial Report as prepared by John 'Norman, Finance Director. Pg 1023 -1424 B. L.M.CD. mailings. Pg. 1025 -1027 C. Planning Commission Minutes of April 8, 1991. Pg 1028 -1031 D. Park Commission Minutes of April 11, 1991, Pg. 1032 -1036 E. Letter with enclosures from Tad Jude, ,Hennepin county Commissioner sent to Representative Steve Smith who asked that this material be included in this packet. Pg. 1037 -1055 F. Economic Development Commission Minutes of March 21, 1991. Pg. 1056 G REMIND City Hall Open House, Sunday, April 21, 1991, 1:00 - 4: P.M. H gES I NDBRs Recycling Luncheon, Northland Inn, Wednesday, May 1, 1991, 11:30 A.M. Page 921 { �, {.,� --- N ---.. ,.'W . submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. !lotion: *arr ed. 1.1 Q9011NAN G aNCT The City Attorney stated he would like to have this item put on' the next agenda because he would like time to check the model ordinance on this subject. The Council agreed. No action was taken. 1.2 PUBLIC RIARIMa t COMMUMITY DSVELOPMBNT $LOCK GR ►1�IT (_ D� 81 1 YEAR XVI1 PROGRAM The City Managar explained that the following are the proposed use; for the CDSG funds for Year XVII s Westonka Senior Center /Operation $16,056.00 senior Citizen Counseling 4,680.00 Westonka Intervention 5,700.04 WECAN 9,000.00 Rehabilitation of Private Property 13,988.00 Downtown Economic Development 20,000. TOTAL $$69,424.00 92y 9�5 April. 9, 1991 required by Hennepin Count to be submitted p Y u ltted with out 1991 !red yoling grant application. The Council agreed with the Plan' and made several suggestions: Al a. using on white paper for all Council and Commission: packets; b. leave all unwanted portions. of Council and omission packets at City Hall for recycling. `+ Council asked staff to °find out what is being done witk tho tree branches and weeds at parks. ;revs moved and Smith seconded the following resolution; RlBOLMt IT # 1x AXOGLOTION TO APPROpE e0MM "1 etiolt PLAN POR TU CITY of SOUND The vote Was unanimously in 'favor. Motion carried. ". 1 D y1 RQt loll � +�►� a ` a r The City Engineer explained that 5 bids were received for the 1911 Lift Station Improvement Project., The Bad Bids were as fol lows L& Yi Construction, Inc. $213,40040,0 Gilbert Mechanical, Contractors Inc.' Contractors, $216, 53'7. W Pen C ontract ing, Inc. $219.,288.0o Gridor Construction, Inc. $225,810.00 N orthwest Mechanical, Inc. $234, 500.00 He recommended awarding the bid to LaTour Construction, Inc. in the amount of $213,400.00. Smith moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution; RNSOLQTION #91 -51 RNSOLUTION AWARDING TUB BID FOR'TRB 1991 LIFT STATION INPROVRMRNT PROJNCT 'TO .. LATOUR CONSTRUCTION IN Tilt AMOUNT OT' $213 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.10 SID AWARDt 1991 BSIILC0AT PRA The City Engineer asked that this .item be postponed 'until the April 23rd Meeting. The Council agreed. No action was taken. 1 ,:. �; , aaae +"aa7ZI.IL LCjaVL f.CU LjjOL fnere W11 LMCD Lake Management Plan held Wednesday, April 17, 1991, at 7.00 attend. ;t I 1 qe a mayors meeting on the in the Mound City Hall on P.M. The public is invited to 'k 6 April 9 1991 The Mound City Council will discuss Mound's areas of concern with the Plan at the C O.w. Meeting, Tuesday, . April 16 1991, at J -.00 P.M. Please bring the plan dated October 1990. WTION wade by A rana, seconded by JOUSen to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. The Grote was unani*ously I f avor. Moti carried. �i E ward 7. Shukle; Jr., C ty Manager H Fran i rr�,.rYrrrrrrr�.�rrrirrrr Clark, E, _ City Clerk NINUTES - C©NMITTEE OF THE H .. M 0►f..E APRIL 16 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7 PM. Members presentt Johnson, °Jensen, 4mith and Ahrens. Absent and excused: Jessen Also present: Broem Chamberlain and Mark Koegler of VanDoren Haxard A Stallings, get Shukle City Manager and Parker Hodges of the Sailor Newspaper. The first item of business was the review of the March 19, 1991 Committee of the Whole Minutes. A discussion was held on the Public Works Materials Storage issue. City Manager Ed Shukle said that the meeting should tie an 'executive session since the topic dealt with negotiations with a local property owner. He asked that Parker Hodges Bruce Chamberlain and Mark Koegler excuse themselves from the meeting for this item. They left and the Council discussed the matter. The next issue Was the Downtown Mound Economic Development project. Parker, Bruce and Mark returned to the room. Chamberlain and Koegler updated the Council on the Downtown Project. They discussed the Business Development, Design and Promotions committees and their work The LMCD Shoreland Management /Long Term Management Flan was discussed. Council discussed the agenda for the meeting to be held on April 17th at Mound City Hall, led by Mayor Skip Johnson.: City Manager Ed Shukle updated the Council on the City Hall project and the open house scheduled for April 21st., A brief discussion was held on the City of St. Paul petition regarding Local Government Aid cuts. The Council consensus was not to pursue the petition. Truth in Housing was briefly discussed. Ken Smith presented a form used by the Remar. Company dealing with truth in housing as part of their purchase agreement. The Council consensus was to pass this item on to the Planning Commission for discussion at their April 22, 1991 meeting. The Council consensus was also to run the truth in housing issue concurrently with the rental housing issue. City Manager Ed Shukle reported on Toro. He indicated that they have exercised the termination option of their lease with Welsh Companies effective 12- 31 -91. However, he said they did that in relation to continuing negotiations and obtaining better leverage with Welsh in negotiating a lease. He emphasized that it does not necessarily mean that they will be moving, but rather, they had to do this to pursue negotiations. The Parks and Open Space Commission resignation of Neil Weber was 1 • diacussed. The Council agreed that they wanted to continue with the same size of the commission and asked the City Manager to have the position advertised. 'The Southwest Metro Drug Task Force meeting was briefly Oisaussed. Ed Shukle City Manager said that the date is being changed and he will advise the Council when the new date is set' for the meeting. The next meeting of the Committee of the Whale will be held can Taesday, May 2 : 1991, 7 PM, fn the conference room. Upon motion by Jensen, seconded by Smith and carried unanimousi,y, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 FM. ll s mi tted, Ed Yuk City Manager ES:1s 2 Delinquent Water and Sewer 4/17191 3 22 2320 242 $125.03 22 2320 302 257.51 22 2320 362 107.36 22 2320 753 132.07 22 2350 212 148.413 s 22,2350 333: 380.90 22 2350 694 115.73 22 2384 481 210.34 22 2380 963 71.96 . 22 2382 543 163.71 22 2382 602 158.20, 22 2382 662 137.02 22 2560 153' 72.93 22 2592 151 118.91 22 /592 693 121.55 22 2596 243, 209.22 22 2590 424 551.04 22 2598 571 191.26 22 2620 751 257.34 R 22 2680 064 109.96 22 2740 032 285.23 22 2740 125 134.34 22 28M 122 173.67 22 2800 301' 190,93 22 2800 511 103.35 22 2860 152 135.05 22 2860 212 152.90 22 2860 571 92.86 22 2860 601 197.11 22 2860 661 178.34 22 3010 034 251.64 22 3070 153 270.38 22 3080 031 207.71 22 3100 754 351.27 s y a t 3102 545 8119.28 22 3130 092 149.12 22 3130 365 157.38 22 3160 091 155.44 22 3170 213 317.09 E 22 ROO 123 259.15 AM 72 3220 122 129.58 22 3240 241 164:$1. _$ 22 3250 242 242.79 +. 22 3370 332 214.49 , �t � 22;, 3370 751 170.80 22 3430 242 271.89 ti 22 34311 362 285.95 22 3430 692 132,88 y k 22 3430 995 235.38 22 ;730 331 180.71 22 3820 18 164.57 22 3850 063 179.51 2? 4040 244 176.56 t Yi 22 4040 483 194.18 33 4060 122 335.48 31 4190 154 173.61 33 4270 032 74.19 33 4390 091 139.86 33 4390 241 215.34 33 4390 931 123.34 33 4390 991 205.96 33 4392 093 183.19 33 4392 181 95.06 33 4392 241 108.66 33 4392 273 139.26 33 4392 572 157.95 33 4394 244 149.44 33 4394 281 90.13 33 4394 362 160.04 U LeY�} gy b i f A rR SS 4a: 'l 420 333 $121.46 fi t t „ , 4420 752 100.86 33 4600,091 154,43 ; a , 31' 4600 152 96.30 33..#600, 212 192-46 h R n � M 33 `46.30.061 135.46 �{ T � 3.463Q 842 133..99 . . 33:4632,036 117.63 g 4650'303 x " 77.46 33:4660 361 127.74 k 33.`0 421 180.97 . 33 472q 392 23 4.70 µ 50 241 27.99 : 33 , : 4750 513 87.36 33 475 15z 100:22 33' 4840 1$1 89.56 33 40 691 268.29 .. 33 4840 901 189.42 3 48 42 783 168:33 3 4870 541 157.11 33,5000 183 161.87 33 5060 032 197.49 33`5150 211 105.70 33 5180;242 178.04 °33 5180 392 223.21 33 5210 122 216.94 33 5 482 92.14 33 5270 031 237.14 33 5300 151 124.44 33 5300 245 86.23 33 5300 361 174.04 33''5300 423 210.82 33 5450 051 124.78 33' 5480 156 80.49 33 5540 091 179.51 33 5600.062 467.95 $23391.14 MVPIT,77 t InWRTMPM r <{ S .. .� R7 zz A J ? 33 5,630 422 $144153 IP 33 5630 662, 98.38 r r # 33 5690 421a 88.73 33 5720 396 ""gg 136.92 33 5750 212 105.35 33 $750 272 137.55 33 5810 213 108.28 33 5870 390 237.18 33 , 5870 721< 84.06 33 5870 931 184.62 33 5900 091 236.75 p { 33 5900 181 125 33 5900 243 197.78 33 5930 081 120.78 33 5930 123 138.74 a 33 5930 245 107.55 33 6930 451 245.93 ,. 33 5930 602 110.12 33 5990 512 202.33 33 5990 721 156.02 33 6020 094 131.13 33 6050 031 87.26 33 6050 068 246. 33 6080 061 110.86 33 6200 273 145.73 33 6200 631 136.54 33 6202 062 172.16 33 6202 273 140.09 33 6204 5 1 1 1 107.55 33 6204 932 150.94 33 6202 121 88. 33 6230 397 206.18 33 6410 182 142.27 33 6470 091 129.92 33 6470 183 130.01 $23391.14 22 2860 571 Delinquent water and Sewer 601 4/17/91 2 242 Ken Meyer Jo Etta Roehl $125.03 2196 Fairview Lane 22,2320 22 302 Dave Klimek John BAchman 257.51 2208 Fairview Lane 22 2320 362 Mark Roufs paid 107.36 2216 Fairview Lane 22`' 2320 753 Bob Longnecker 132.07 2361 Fairview Lane 22 2350 212 John Phillipi 148.40 2221 Chateau Lane 22 2350;333 Pat Walker 380.90 2314 Chateau Lane 22` 2350 694 Blair Erickson 116.73 2401 Chateau Lane 22 2380 481 Dan Solberg 210.34 4882 Edgewater U 2380 963 Wm. Nunsinger paid 71.96 4924 Edgewater 2� 2382,543 Joe Kopstein 168.71 5025 Edgewater 22 2382 602 John Dvorak 158.20 5028 Edgewater 2382 662 John Lentz 137.02 5035 Edgewater 22; 2560 153 James Stannoway .93 4798 Northern Rd 22` 2592 151 Robert Crawford paid 118.91 5093 Bartlett Blvd 22 2592 693 Kevin Greves 121.55 5310 Bartlett Blvd 22' 2596 243 Resident $ paid 55 paid 209.22 5862 Bartlett Blvd 2 2598 424 Kent Fordyce 551.04 6371 Bartlett Blvd 22 2598 671 Richard Almquist paid 191.26 6553 Bartlett Blvd 22 2620 751 John Richards paid $150. 257.34 3037 Highland Blvd 22 2680 064 Sandy Weldon 109-96 5872 Glenwood Rd 22 2740 032 Alan Burkness 285.23 2901 Meadow Lane 22 2740 125 Sharon Sorenson 134.34 2920 Meadow Lane 22 2800 122 Real Estate Management paid 173.67 5860 Idlewood Rd 22 2800 301 Mike Simar 190.93 5910 Idlewood 22 2800 511 Scott Bryce 103.35 5955 Idlewood 22 2860 152 Tim Bell 135.05 6915 Hawthorne Rd 22 2860 212 Richard Maas 152.90 5926 Hawthorne Rd 22 2860 571 Maynard Maltz 22 2860 601 Peter Solstad 22 2860 661 Jo Etta Roehl 22 3010 034 Al Strand 22 3070 1'3 John BAchman 22 3080 021 Steve Karvold 22 3100 754 Dan Wolmsley 92.86 6037 Hawthorne Rd paid 197.11 6046 Hawthorne Rd pd. $60. 178.34 6056 Hawthorne Rd t na i d 251-64 2901 Hazelwood Ln 270.38 6199 Sinclair Rd paid 207.71 paid 351.27 6104 Sinclair Rd 2839 Westedge Blvd F 22 3102 545 Greg Oaklund $119.28 3148 Westedge Blvd 22 3130 092` Norma McNeles pd'. $70. 149.72 6126 Bayridge 22 3130 365 Craig Haggerty paid 157.38 6323 Bayridge 22 3160 091 Russ Witham 155.44 2620 Halstead Ln 22 3170 213 Mark Bussy 317:94- 3015 Nighview Ln 22 3200 123 Ron Emmons 159.15 3019 Bluffs Lane 22 3220 122 Charlene Witham- 129.58 6080 Rusticwood Rd 22 3240 241 Richard Hawks paid 164.81 2640 Setter Circle 22 3250 242 Tom Gray paid 142.79 2770 Grove Lane 22 3370 332` Scott Gisborne 214.49 5975 Beachwood Rd 22 3370 751 Carol Alvarez' paid 170.80 6137 Beachwood Rd 22 3430' 242 David Morse paid 277.89 1838 Commerce Blvd 22 3430 362 Robert Cargell paid 285.95 2033 Commerce Blvd 22` 3430 692 Mike Barlow 132.88 2072 Commerce Blvd 22 3430:995 Vernon Gould 235.38 2400 Commerce Blvd 22 3730 331 C. Kelly 180.71 5063 Woodridge Rd 22 3820 183 Daryl Johnson 164,57 2352 Driftwood Ln 22 3850 063 Doug Frost 179.51 5022 Bayport Road 2? 4040 244 Greg Smith •176.56 5025 Shoreline Drive 22 4040 483 Eric Orman 194.18 5068 Shoreline 33 4060 122 Don- Pallies 335.48 2605 Tyrone Lane 33 4190 154 Andre Duke 173.61 4824 Longford Rd 33 4270 032 David Filkens 74.19 2640 Shannon Ln 33 4390 091 Gerald Borseth paid 139.86 2537 Wilshire Blvd 33 4390 241 Rev. Paul Olson paid 215.34 2636 Wilshire 33 4390 931 Morgan /Ward paid 123.34 4400 Wilshire 33 4390 991 V. Brandenburg 205.96 4446 Wilshire 33 4392 093 Ryan Luschinger 183.19 4500 Wilshire 33 4392 181 Carol Sttdola paid 95.06 4510 Wilshire 33 4392 241 Dan Brunette' 108.66 4519 Wilshire 33 4392 273 Richard Hendrick 139.26 4527 Wilshire 33 4392 572 Stefanic /Wolf paid 157.95 4800 Wilshire 33 4394 244 John Zambori 149.44 4681 Wilshire 33 4394 281 Sid Sidwell 90.13 4842 Wilshire 33 4394 362 Clif Schmidt 160.04 4855 Wilshire E � ; 33 4420 333 Marshall /McNamee $121.4+6 4470 Denbigh Rd 33 4420 752 Dennis Fulrath paid 100.86 4580 Denbigh Rd 33 4600 091 James Brouckson paid 154.43 4657 Suffolk 'Rd 33 4600 152 Melvin Bosma ' 96.30 4663 Suffolk Rd 33 4600 212 David Shenbyr 192.46 4669 Suffolk Rd 33 4630 061 Gary Krenik paid 135.46 4615 Bedford Rd 33 4630 842 Gary Wyman 133.99 4855 Bedford Rd 33 4632 035 Greg Smith 117.63 4949 Bedford Rd 33 4660 303 Chas Jensen 77.46 4925 Brunswick Rd 33 . 4660 361 James Grady 127.74 4937 Brunswick Rd 33 4660 421 Scott Bischke 180.97 4957 Brunswick Rd 33 4720 392 Robert Ankney, , 234.70 4555 Dorchester Rd 33 4750 241 Bonnie Engle pd. $100 277.99 4531 Manchester Rd `. 33 4750 513 J. Brunette paid 87.36 4630 Manchester Rd 33 4752 152 Bart Skeie paid 100.22 4844 Manchester Rd 33 4840 181 R. Smallwood 89.56 2875 Tuxedo Blvd 33 4840 £91 Robert Wagstrom 268.29 3113 Tuxedo Blvd 33 4840 901 Richard Gelhaye 189.42 3201 Tuxedo Blvd 33 4842 783 Robert Farrest 168.33 4821 Tuxedo Blvd 33 4870 541 Jerry Ol sen 157.11 4873 Cumberland Rd'' 33 5000 183 Cindy Si.,ith 161.87 4440 Radnor Rd 33 5060 032 T.j. Williams 197.49 3135 Ayre Lane 33 5150 211 Vince Forystek paid 105.70 3131 Inverness Rd 33 5180 242 Tyrone Levesque paid 178.04 4684 Hampton Rd 33 5180 392 Charles Ham 223.27 4717 Hampton Rd 33 5210 122 Gerald Garvais 216.94 4691 Paisley Rd 33 5240 482 Duane Hentz 92.14 3163 Drury Lane 33 5270 031 Duane VanPoll 237.14 4704 Gordon Rd 33 5300 151 Steve Kokales 124.44 3121 Donald Drive 33 5300 245 James McCrehin 86.23 3137 Donald Drive 33 5300 361 Deaun fowler 174.04 4810 Donand Drive 33 5300 423 Mark Orvik 210.82 4823 Donald Drive 33 5450 051 Dennis Desmond 124.78 4812 Lanark Rd 33 5480 156 David Nelsen 80.49 3137 Argyle Ln 33 5540 091 Steven Sundquist 179.51 3033 Dundee Lane 3.s 5600 062 Kenneth Linquist 467.95 4831 Dale Rd 33 $630 422 Norman Domholt $144.63 3021 Devon Ln 33 5630 662 Steven Camp paid 98.38 3207 Devon Ln 33 5690 421 R. Lindstrom 88.73 4982 Leslie Rd 33 5720 396 Steve Schmidt 136.92 4930 Monmouth 33 5750 212 Steve Horan paid 105.35 4879 Plymouth Rd 33 5750 272 Occupant 137.55 4901 Plymouth Rd 33 5810 213 Jean Seth 108.28 2873 Cambridge Ln 33 WO 390 Valerie LaBeau 237.18 3041 Brighton Blvd 33 5870 721 Dean Larson paid 54.06 3062 Brighton Blvd 33 5870 931 Gary Schleif paid 184.62 4971 Brighton Blvd 33 5900 091 Jean Robinson pd $100. 236.75 5110 Windsor Rd 33 5900 181 Judy Kvalsten 125.40 5125 Windsor Rd 33 5900 243 Glen Melena 197.78 5129 Windsor Rd 33 5930 081 Mike Schlangen 120.78 4902 Drummond Rd 33 5930 123 Greg Smith 138.74 4925 Drummond Rd 33 5930 Laurence Morrison 107.55 4933 DRummond Rd 33 5930 451 Doug Heinsch 245.93 5125 Drummond Rd 33 5930 602 C.;Nordmeier'- 110.12 5214 Drummond Rd 33 5990 512 Terry Murphy 202.33 4729 Aberdeen 33 5990 721 Joe Schepers 156.02 4767 Aberdeen 33 6020 094 Rachelle Reese 131.13 3215 Roxbury 33 6050 031 Jeff Thorsen paid 8x,26 3200 Dexter Lane 33 6050 068 David Harrison 246.46 3235 Dexter Lane 33 6080 063 Keith Johnson paid 110.86 3207 Amhurst Lane 33 6240 273 James Kearns paid 145.73 3030 Islandview 33 6200 631 Thomas Maxwell paid 136.54 3114 Islandview 33 6202 062 Scott Berglund 172.16 4556 Islandview 33 6202 273 Ron Iverson 140.09 4640 Islandview 33 6204 511 Doug Nelson 107.55 4828 Islandview 33 6204 932 Greg Smith 150.94 4880 Islandview 33 6202 121 Holmes Empson paid 88.46 4890 Islandview 33 6230 397 Robert CArlin 206.18 5317 Piper Rd 33 6410 182 James Harrell paid 142.27 6251 Sulgrove 33 6470 091 James Wertish 129.92 5222 Phelps 33 6470 183 Sue Westmark 130.01 5239 Phelps $16,999.26 PROPOSED RESOLUTION RESOLUTION #91- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONDITIONAL U'SE PERMIT FOR PXC 'CORPORATION TO OPERATE A BUSINESS INVOLVING LIGHT ASSEMBLY AND SERVICE OF ELECTRONIC CONTROLS IN THE 8 -1 ZONING DISTRICT AT 2321 COMMERCE BLVD., LOT 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #167* Plo #14- 117 -24 44 0001. P 4 Z CASE #91 -006 WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on April 234 1991 pursuant to the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the is- suance of a Conditional Use Permit for light assembly and sery ice cif electronic controls at 2321 Commerce Blvd., Lot 1 • Aud l t:or' s Subdivision #167, PID #14- 117 -24 44 0001; and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to he heard were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed use :will a l s o include offices and a repair area which are permitted uses in the 8 -1 District: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound. Minnesota, that a Conditional Use Permit for light assembly and service of electronic controls is hereby granted - subject to the following conditions: 1. All signage shall comply with the provisions of the Mound Sign Code. 2. Overnight Parking shall he 'limited to no more than two serv- ice vans. 3. The City of Mound will continually monitor semi truck deliveries and their impact on pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the Central Business D i s t r i c t 'area. If the frequency of such deliveries has a negative impact in the future, modification of the conditionai use permit may be neces3arv. 4 . This Conci i t i ona l Use Permit is carant ed for the f o l l o w i n g l era, -e 1 l v riescr i bed property: Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision Number 167, Hennepin County. Minnesota. P.I.D. #14- 117 -24 44 0001. PROPOSED RESOLUTION CASE N4. 91-006 PAGE 2 S. This Conditional Use Permit 'sha l t be recorded with the County Recorded or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County Pursuant to Minnesota Statues section 462.3595. Subd 4.' 6. This snail be considered as a restriction on how this property may be used: 7. The property owner shalt have the responsibility of filing ttils resolution with Hennepin 'County and Paying aii costs for such recording. Proof of recording shall be filed with the City Clerk. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND CASE NO. 91-006 MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LIGHT ASSEMBLY AND SERVICE OF ELECTRONIC CONTROLS IN THE B -I ZONING DISTRICT AT 2321 COMMERCE BLVD., LOT 1, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION #167, PID #!~14- 117 -24 44 0001 NOTICE I5 HEREBY 'GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota. will meet in the Council Chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7 :30 p.m. on Tuesday April 23 1991 to consider the is- nuance of a conditional use permit to allow a business conducting light assembly and service of electronic controls in the 8 -1 Central Business District located at 2321 Commerce Blvd., legally described as Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivislor. Number 167. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. Francene C. Clark, City Clerk Pub) i shed i n " The Laker" 4 -• 9-91 (pre-pub) i shed) . Mai 1 ed to property owners w i t`;h i n 350' 4-12-91. full Weiland suggested that condition #2 1n the staff recommendatIon Specify the Size of vehicle allowed to be parked overnight The applicant, 0ale Anderson, further explained the business u'01' and commented that the operation is very quiet. Jensen confirmed that deliveries will only be made to the rear of the building. Chair Meyer opened the public hearing. Jon Holcombe, owner of the subject building, commented that he is In favor of granting the conditiondi use permit. He explained that when Thrifty White Drug was in that building they had semi trucks delivering to the building more frequently that what is proposed and they had no problems with traffic or maneuvering then. Chair Meyer closed the public hearing. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Mueller to approve the conditional use permit as recommended by staff Including the conditions noted. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on April 23, 1991, 131 PXC Planning Report April 3, 1991 Page Two The City Manager and I met with Dale Anderson, PXC Corporation President, to discuss the nature of his business and other possible locations within the City of Mound. We were particularly interested in making sure that Mr. Anderson was aware of the space available in the Balboa tuilding. He indicated that he was awake of the building but was not interested in the site as a potential location. He further added that the building at 2321 Commerce will be a 1 - 3 year temporary location for PXC with eventual plans to construct a new building to house the facility at a location outside of Mound. We responded that the Balboa building has ample future expansion space and again, Mr. Anderson reiterated `that ' the Balboa building did not meet his long term facility requirement PXC complies with the zoning requirements of the B -1 zone. Parking behind the building is adequate. for all of PXC's`emplayee an customer needs. Since this location is in the heart of Mound's CBD, the only concerns that exist involve semi truck deliveries and long term parking of service vans. -Semi deliveries occur on an infrequent basis and will cause very little disruption.; At the present time, PXC service technicians use private vehicles for service calls. Mr. Anderson indicated that they may acquire one service van in the future. One or two vans will not have a negative impact on the CBD. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the issuance of a conditional use permit for PXC Corporation to establish a business at 2321 Commerce Boulevard subject to the following cond,itionst 1. All signage shall comply with the provisions of the Mound Sign Code. r 2. Overnight parking shall be limited to no more than two service vans. 3. The City of Mound will continually monitor semi truck deliveries and their impact on pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the CBD area. If the frequency of such deliveries has a negative impact in the future, modification of the conditional use permit may be necessary. FOOTNOTE: Mound is in the process of initiating a variety of improvements in the CBD. Correspondingly, the establishment of PXC' in Mound creates an opportun ty for Thrifty White Stores as the owner of the building to implement some exterior building improvements to improve the appearance of the structure. Mound's Economic Development Commission is available for consultation on such a project. MNDP'XCCU.L51 Mailed to property owners within 350' on 3- 25 -91, 4*sk PXC CORPORATION qi ~� 1 Z 4 3 n, oWi West Branch Aoad a - VOI d ' S ,y March 21, 1991 t City of Mound Planning Commission/City Council 2200 Commerce Blvd. d Mound MN 66364 ° Dear Sir or Madam. �A PXC Corporation is a developer o f proprietary electronic control systems for factory automation. We offer consulting services and complete turnkey product development including light assembly and complete system testing. PXC Corporation has one service division named "Profix." Profix services the systems and products developed by PXC Corporation. Additionally, Profix is a factory authorized warranty service and repair facility for electronic control companies such as Toshiba International, Asea Brown- Boveri, Warier Control "techniques, etc. We are eagerly anticipating moving our facilities to the City of Mound. Thank you for your consideration of our application for a special use permit, Sincerely, XA Dale L. Anderson President, PXC Corporation ale 44 *�' Vr► �"QUEST TO BE HEARD BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON AP11I,14 23, 1991 ,Po 'le!#tl° °'REAStNN OF = SET LTN17 1 'TERMS OP OUR LEASE AGREEMENT. C t Ty ' OF MOUND PAR 111 00 No . � MAR'S - D t MARCH , 1991 F CITY COND USE PERMI APPL iQN PLA NN I NG!©td 1 NG (©MM t 55 i Ot±1� (P lease type or print the following information.) Address Of Subject Property 2321 COMMERCE BOULEV Lot 1 Bl ock Addition AUDITORS SUBD IVISION._I PtD N 14-117-24 44 0001 .. _ Owner's Name THRIFTY WHITE STORES Day Phone 612- -545 -2234 Owner's Address 84 WA BIND, SUITE 300 MPLS MN 55426 App 1 !cant ` s Name t i f other than owner) _ PXC CO (�inf Address 65 WEST BRAN ROA MI- NNETRISTA Day Phone 6 - 472 - 55 80 -- ....._. Existing Use of Property:_ EMP oni Di B - _ 1 Has an appil; cat Ion ever been made for zoning, variance,' canditions i use Permit, or other zonlnq procedure for this property? _...YPS_J no . if yes, list date(s) of apPllca'tion. action taken, and provi .reseolu can number( tCop I es of preev I ous reso 1 ut 1 ons must - accompany th s aisP 1 i trat i on . )�� t certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any requ ired Par)ers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac-- curate. I consent# to the entry in or upon the premises described In this anpilcatIon by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the nurposem of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Applicant's Sfgnature 3 - ;k Date FOR O F F I C E USE ONLY Planning Commission Recommendation Ccatjnc11 Action: csolution No. Date C. i I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Case No. Page Two A. All information requested below, a site plan as described in Part It, and a development schedule providing reasonable guarantees for the co+ripletion of the construction must be provided before a hearing Ml;11 he schedu I ed. B: Type of development for which a Conditional Use Permit is requested: i . Conditional Use (specify): OFF ICE, 'LIGHT ASSEMBLY'. SERVICE AND -R- lPA.IR OF FIyECTRONIC CONT . 2. Current Zoning and Designation In the futureand Use Plan,for w ' Mound: _ 8 -1 CENTRAL BU5TNESS DISTRICT- THE CITY O MOUND D09S NOT FORESEE ANY CHANGES IN THE FUTURE FOR THE LAND USE OF THE SAID PROP C. Development Schedule: IvtT` I. A development schedule shall be attached to this applleat!oh providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the pro' posed development. INTERIOR REMODELING COMPLETION BY MAY '15 2. Estimated cost of the projects $ 5000.00 1. Number of structures:_ 2. Dwelling units per structure: a. number per unit type: efficiency I bedroom 2 bedroom_, 3 bedroom 3. Lot area per dwelling unit: d. Total lot area: E. Effects ofy_ the Proposed Uses List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, Including, but not Iimited to traffic, noise, iight, smoke /odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the Impacts. TR AF TC S EV1 12&L ENTRANCES 2. ADDED JOBS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS. M ACTIVITY FOR THE CENTER OF MOUND. 9yl a 1 F q 1 .7 `4 3 M M M 4Y7 v nyrs SIVA got v or- Y Mwa..v 'AAK. -.. CD 41.0' -j i r Q m 2.4 s a 1 F q 1 .7 `4 3 M M M 4Y7 LJ III T ��*.kiNGJ t ZONING REQUIREMENTS „ . ' : :A` Y ";1?P€tlgriG. . ° w ,�' 16 *► � - i� t �° ADDRESS 12�.. i _E.� VC.� + '1 k . ► s1 7� l f , 4 . 29 2T 26 2'$ 24 23 ;2 21 20 t9 VS CI 16 13 APPL I CANT -}- x 0- 0—o � Q f � - Q LOT: BLK z ADDN : � 1� 1 t f K j t2 ! 11 6 k 1 441 ( ZONE: REQU I RED LOT AREA: _ ^( � LYWWOOD BLVD ++tsars EXISTING LOT AREA: REQt)t RE SETBACKS 01 i2 11 4 43 �16 7 30� dl ��� I 1 ,�6 , 3�$ � FRONT: pi 493 s a ass 1 0; _ a SIDE: K tnr r , w. SIDE: I c 12 l REAR: i feet � 18 - t�1✓ t t3�� - � �► 2 LAKESHORE: S fee E X I S T I N G E PROPOSED SETBACKS i /^ s � FRONT +"T l N SIDE .,. �.���.�-�"� �� �-� � l a �7 !' ° SIDE: n c) C'4 n REAR. LAKESMOREz I R.N. ,. 37�f DATE : L B7 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND AIIV i SORY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1991 i Ca se 1190- 939. C .L. Johnson. -5541 - 5545 Shoreline Drive. i.ot 4 and Part of 3 , Auditor's Subdivision No. -lip, Pltl #13 - 117 -24'33 0006. VAR"IANCFs FREE STANDING `SIC SETBACK. Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed Mr. Johnson's revised request for a'free standing sign. The original request was 'heard by the Planning Commission on November 26, 1990. a 'motion was made to table the request to allow the applicant time to recon- sider his proposal. The applicant is seeking a variance of 6.5 feet to the required. 10 foot front yard setback to the street right -of -way. The set- back Is measured to the outer -most projection of the sign. The Proposed sign is 14' high with a 6' x 8' sign mounted on a 6' Post with a 42" frost footing. The Commission discussed the size of the sign and the placement of it. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Mueller to deny the variance for the reason that the sign is too large for the proposes! location. The applicant commented that due to the tree and Poor visibility of the building, this Is the only Place for the sign. Meyer agreed that the building is not noticed. or easily visible when driving by. Mueller was concerned about the impact of the sign and its illumination, he felt the sign would deter peoples atten- tion from their driving and that the sign would change the atmos- phere of that stretch of town. Vic Cossette, who is owner of the adjacent business, commented that the sign would infringe on his business, it wound hide the cars which he has for sale on his property. He added that his business is for sale and if this sign is allowed, the new owner may request a similar sign. Weiland commented that even though he is in favor of keeping trees, he would be in favor of having the tree removed so the sign could be placed where it belongs. A nice sign could be in- stalled with some smaller trees and landscaping which would be much more appealing. C1apsadd1e commented on the size of the sign being requested and stated he feels it is too big for the Proposed location and that a better solution exists., MOTION for denial carried 7 to 1. Those in favor were! Clapsaddle, Mueller, Welland, Thal, .Jensen, Voss, and Hanus. Meyer cw)f used. This case wi1I be heard by t`ie City CouncII on Apr11 23, 1991. ( 1Y NI of N 1(A IND �JAFF RECOMMENDATION DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of April 8, 1991 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: Jon Sutherlat�d, Building Official A( APPLICANT: C. L. Johnson LOCATION: 5541 5545 Shoreline Drive LEGAL Lot 4 & East 5' of Lot 3, Auditor's Subd. No. 170, DESCRIPTION: PID #13-117-24 33 0006 SUBJECT: Sign Variance: Setback to Street Right of Way ZONING: B-1 Central Business BACKGROUND The applicant has revised the original request and is now seeking a variance of 6.5 feet to the required 10 foot front yard setback to the street right-of-way. The setback is measured to the outer-most projection of the sign. The proposed sign, as noted by the applicant, will be a total of 14' high with the 6' x 8' sign mounted on a 6' post with a 42" frost footing. ` The Planning Commission may wish to consider the impact of ' restricted view of traffic From the adjacent property. ' ' _ NOTE ` This case will be heard by the City Council on April 23 1991. The abutting neighbors have been notified, 0 Its/ RECEIVED MAR 2 1 1991 C. L. Johnson 5545 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 (612) 472 -5353 March 19, 1991 i City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 f Attention: Mr. John Sutherland, Building Official Re: Sign Variance Request 5545 Shoreline Drive, Mound Gentlemen; Attached are two copies of a new survey and site plan prepared` by Schobo'rg Land Surveying, Inc., December 20, 1990. I called you December 21, 1990, right after the stakes at the front corners were set so you could check them. The plan has the sign set right against and a Tittle into the pine tree. Placed there a 6 1/2 foot variance is required and this is our request. Consideration has been given to placing the sign parallel to the front wall of the building to reduce the amount of the variance; however., then the sign cannot be read until one is almost in front of the building and considering the investment, this is not an effective or practical. alternative. If there is any more information you need, let me know. Sincere yours, 4 e� O'ohns CI,J: ch Enclosure ;a fist 0 RECEIVED MAR 2 1 1991 I r (r Pal tN's p lan s�,rvey or report .vas JOB a S prepared by mew ,, Jermyd ,le,lsup,.,rouor, andlrAllam 3 7SP N[) S * du ly a" 9 , slered lard 5u rvtlyor ,rWor lr,e la«suf (Me late G ul M Boots • Pape INC. / ! ,> s 19 wr , aa, rug- r_._.....- _.._._._...._ `Scale O.uov w+ ssan fJ.le �'.. ,. �`� D S �.sualron No 14700 _ I"= 10' PO ND NO 1 5 Ma,. CO ► j N. C f I o o uoa Morv. srrf MPOM0 S1614 WWO, 8`; w �' 4I1pE SI[aAl 7'D AE 11 46TALLED 4' ASOVE 44MV0 LEVEL LEGAL LOT -� A�vD ryE �.rrr s D ' fFET fir' - -r oor oaolr ..S4AD /V /I %O.V mo: m4dU1V0 . miw dxrnr.9. 0 RECEIVED MAR 2 1 1991 I r (r Pal tN's p lan s�,rvey or report .vas JOB a S prepared by mew ,, Jermyd ,le,lsup,.,rouor, andlrAllam 3 7SP N[) S * du ly a" 9 , slered lard 5u rvtlyor ,rWor lr,e la«suf (Me late G ul M Boots • Pape INC. / ! ,> s 19 wr , aa, rug- r_._.....- _.._._._...._ `Scale O.uov w+ ssan fJ.le �'.. ,. �`� D S �.sualron No 14700 _ I"= 10' PO ND NO 1 5 A C. SMITH Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor us NO 6t "t way"14. mism RECEIVED SEP 2 7 LMLAT Or s ummv — w � or Plollalm GF ._ �.�1 c .try Q�' MQ� N1inrvESOr.! drsrxibe� � »IIo�� �` f�L.*,1' • .s.o • .�' Ler .�' �., Acsoi ro•e.s f I�i J %,t/!a: 4 oe 11, V0,e soak. I inc -�� /M p 0.z t S4( ??O11'T C04idyl✓ Brick d /d9• I ROVJ V; Aff 5u, ;; Z k p jcAv 1 CL'tTjrIC)671 OF LOCATION OF BUILDING �lrereby certify that o 19____ I made i surrey o: the )ocation of the building on the above &!csibed property and that the loaatioo of said building is i`•-rcctir shor. n on the above plat. CEnnrICATE OF Stm VLY I hereby certify that I tumeyed the property desC abed above and that the plat i a correct reprcl `,tation of s- r . . i f r • • �� *W I ���1f�iM1� y ic �p `Rj E4 • t • OF V'C ' i1 (I d 1ss 9st • low MOTION made by Thal, seconded by Weiland, to table the request until the December 10, 1990 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant time to reconsider his request. The case will then be heard by the Council on December 11, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. • 1 n MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION November 26, 1990 Cas N 90 -939: C. L. Johnson, 5 541 - 5545 Shore D rive, tot part. of 3, Auditor's Subd ivisio n No. 170. P_lp #i13- 117 -24 33 9 `a 0006. VARIANC . FREE STANDING SI SETBACK. -- Building OffIciai, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicant's request for a 10 foot sign setback variance, Mr. Johnson is proposing erect 6' wide by 8' high free standing sign up to his front la pr property le ine. Staff recommended denial of the variance as it does not represent a` minimum variance situation. Curt Johnson spoke on his behalf and handed out copies of photographs of the front of the subject building, and a sketch of a site plan showing his interpretation of where the property line Is located. The site plan also indicated an alternative location for the sign In front of the picture window. The applicant did not want to pursue this alternative as it will block the view from the window, and visibility of the sign is reduced by a tree. There was some confusion as to how far the proposed sign would acttially be from the property line. Weiland suggested that the sign be erected parallel with the front wall of the building in front of the tree, this would provide more visibility, and be less of a variance. The Commission suggested that Mr. Johnson obtain an accurate survey /site plan and then review his options again. MOTION made by Thal, seconded by Weiland, to table the request until the December 10, 1990 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant time to reconsider his request. The case will then be heard by the Council on December 11, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. • 1 n ('11 , F) , ot' 'NRA',\I) DATE TO: FROM: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUBJECT: ZONING: BACKGROOND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Cc.-,mission Agenda of Septe 0 1990 QQ Planning Commission. Applicant and Staff Jon Sutherland, Builaing Official 90-939 C. L. Johnson 5541 - 5545 Shoreline Drive Lot 4 & East 5' of Lot 3. Auditor's Subd. No. 170, PID #13-117-24 33 0006 Sign Variance: Setback to Street Right of Way B-I Central Business The applicant is seeking a 10 foot variance to construct a free standing sign 6' wide by 8' high, totaling 48 square feet. City Code Section 365:20 Subd. 4(C) requires signs to be setback 10 feet from the street right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation is to deny the variance request as this request does not represent a minimum variance situation and the app] icant may wish to consider an alternate location with less of a v43ri.3nce, or pos5ibly no variance. NOTE I i j i s c e w i I I he t)eard by the C i ty Counc f I on December I 1. 1990. If ibuttir-9 neighbors have been notified. • ,J , , : F) j I'm" 1� -TW e C I TY OF PART 1 I se o. "►U �" q f M ,W 6xtJ 4c Vicecllel I t- Iii -W NOV i M OR P e V P Fee _J 50.00 DANCE APPLICATIQN PLANN ZQNING COMM t. .ease type or print the following information.) Address of Subject Property 5541 - 5545 Shoreline Drive, Mou nd, MN Lot � 4 an Ea st 5' of Lot 3 Block Addition Auditors Subdivision No. 170 PID No. 13- 117 -2 33 0 006 Owner's Name C. L. Johnson Day Phone 472 -3353 Owner's Address 5545 Shoreline Drive, Mound, MN 55364 Applicant's Name (if other than owner) - Address - Day Phone - Existing Use of Property: Office build Zoning District C Business (B -1) q Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? 1L(!t9 L no . If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (Copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application.) 1 certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of Inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Applicant's Signature 4 Date �� 6 Zp V FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: P l a n n i n g Commission Recommendati Date Council Action:_ Resolution No.- Date_ qW * VARIANCE APPLICATION Case No. -- _qQ• B — I. does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (X), No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use:--r___- 2. 2. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which It is located? Yes (X), No ( ). If no. specify each non - conforming use: 3. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil 0 ( ) too small ( ) drainage ( ) sub- surface ( ) too shallow C ) shape ( ) other: specify Pin tree d not allow room for 10 foot setback from street right-of-way. 4. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ) , No ( X) . If yes, explain Was the hardship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (X). if yes, explain_ C7 10 VARIANCE APPLICATION Case No. C IO' 1 12� 6. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (X), No ( ) . if no. how many other prope_rtIes are similarly affected? 7. What is the "minimum" modification (variance) from the area, bulk, and setback regulations that will permit you to make reasonable use of your land? (Specify. rising maps. site plans with dimensions and writ - ten explanation. Ten fe et 8. Will granting of the variance be materially detrimental to property in the same zone, or to the enforcement of this ordinance? No PART IIi J. SITE PLAN INFORMATION: Ali supporting documents such as sketch mans. attachments, etc., must be submitted In 8- 112 "xll" size. If larger drawings are submitted, one must be 8- 112 "xll and 15 larder size n te.q .� ±s *. hs or c vtde For each requested zoning variance procedure. a site plan must be attached at a scale large enough for clarity show- ing the following information: 1. Location, area, and dimensions of existing and proposed: (Lot(s), building(s) drIveway(s) /street access, off - street parking, and utilities. 2. Existing and proposed elevations. 3. Distance between: building and front, side and rear lot lines; principal building and accessory buildings; principal building and principal buildings on adjacent lots. 4. Location of: signs, easements, underground utilities. etc. 5. indicate "north" compass direction. 6 . Any a d d i t i o n a l i n f orrrvit i on as m y reasonably be required by the city staff and asapli h le secti of the toning Ordinance. is U0 C I TY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD 472 -1155 MOUND, MN 55364 APPLICATION FOR SIGN KRI j ADDRESS F 0 SIGN LOCATION 5541 -5545 S horeli ne Drive, Mound, MN BUILDING OWNER C. L. J _ PHONE 472 -5353 NAME OF APPLICANT PANE (if other than owner - - -- --- _ APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 55 Shoreline Drive, Mound, MN 55364 SIGN CONTRACTOR — Quality Fabricators Inc. ENE 483 --5473 LL BO'A 4E:55 A06, M:N. PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FOR: (if more than one wall sign is being requested, see back): _____permanent signs) _ seasonal /temporary sign(s) banners) TYPE OF SIGN: wail mount 1 free standing teble DESCRIBE TYPE OF SIGN (materials, is It illuminated, etc.): oubib :' 7 5id6ed:ln:ternally, F _d ` illuminated, painted, 6 tenant faces an one rea der face., A o rhl on attached draw!fi Sl1E OF SIGN REQUESTED: 8 high x 6 wide _ 48 } IF 5 SIGN, LENGTH Of TIME TO RE ERECTED: IF FREE STAND I NG HOW HIGH WILL SIGN BE FROM GROUND LEVEL To ' If WL SIGN, INDICATE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF WALL AREA WHERE SIGN 1 " 7' BE ERECTED 1iALL` -AREA: high x NUMBER OF EXISTING WALL SIGNS: TOTAL SQ. FT. OF EXISTING SIGNS:; ; DESCRIBE REASON FOR REQUEST: Building Direc App is is i ture Date RecorcmendatIons: �e `� 9 ! � t1 t2 IS S 16 � t7 ZONING REQUIR 111 u M4 7 (( ` r l h AD D RESS= C 1 l P Drive_ 1. td if "tVAA ©O BLVD � � O APPLICANT: t�[ r-�- D �'"1C15C)1r1 4 3 a 2 a !- ao e' 37;, `^ -) a 3 �} LOT t G. p 4 ` - '71) Iy�� - -- -a 2 3t 3Q 2a 2i�I'� AA– BLK: ADDN: ALiz] �Lh- (`�(` 6 • �I _, 2% ZONE: 1 REQU I RED LOT AREA: _-7 3E,20 EXISTING LOT AREA: Ln REQUIRED SETBACKS 3.z FRONT: ►QY1 I - �,:. ��, SIDE: f► t V SIDE: t C !37 REAR: 15 feet t LAKESHORE: 50 feet E X I S T I N G a PROPOSED SETBACKS CfEt FRONT: r io v SIDE: , SIDEI � REAR: r ~• n O h• r LAKESHOREt , �- 14 � 19 rb Two „� /u See County Surveyor'$ fits for oddifgnol into on Lot Zs i DATE t ....// BY t r' 4 Proposed Resolution RESOLUTION RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE FOR THAT PART OF LOTS 3 & 4, BLOCK 14, SHADYWOOD POINT, PIO 13- 117 -24 11 0118 (4969 THREE POINTS BLVD.) P&Z CASE NO. 91 -007 WHEREAS, the apl, l i cant has applied for a 7 foot front yard setback variance towards Wildhurst Lane to allow construction of a one story addition for That Part of Lots 3 & 4, block 14, Shadywood Point, PID ##13-- 117 -24 Ii 0118, and; WHEREAS, the existing dwelling encroaches into the required 30 foot front yard setback towards W i i dhurst Lane by 5.6 feet, and; WHEREAS, the existing dwelling is undersized as it is only 698 square feet, the minimum size for a single family dwelling is 840 square feet, and; WHEREAS, the subject property is a corner lot located within the R -1 Single Family Zoning District which accrrding to the City Code requires a lot area of 10,000 square feet, a 15 Foot rear yard setback, a 10 foot side yard Setback and a 30 foot setback from both front property lines, and; WHEREAS, Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) provides that al- terations may be made to a building containing a lawful, noncon- forming residential property when the alterations will improve the livability thereof, but the alteration may not increase the number of units, and; WHEREAS, the PlKjnning Commission has reviewed the request and noes recommend , due to the odd shape of the parcel to afford the owner reo5onjhle use of his land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Ci of Mound, M i nne,,orej , as fo 1 lows: 1. The City door, hereby authorize a 7 foot front v<ard setback var i tjnce tow..jrc f, W i i dhurs t Lune tr7 a llow construr,t i on of a cent, �,tory �jocj i t i cin for the �)rnperty located ;it Three Poir�t`r Hivd.. ih,iC Part of Lr>t:5 & 4. HIoc:k 14, ` vwrac,( PO i fit . h l l' t3 1- i 1 I- 4 1 1 0 1 1 H, c to t he to I l ow i no: lar j) it) t? ri,Itj r,' °' lob anr.i br irK! re iiriir,I w 1 , wt ,t i r7,'jr- t i;31 I � F• ,.<_ r r, <trh i nrj OW n tt , r emovnci. .,rr i; ?t';:; _, rfN jC,l_11 :;r,� r.11".? 1'<'�( <;U! 1 rJF% �r'S: t'yr r,r (jr ±y t r'e -, lar Proposed Roso|utior) Page 2 _,vt�e No. lil007 0 �. T|`e [/tv (,ounci> authorize� the violations ano a)terations sec fort|) below, pursuant fo 'Sect ion 23,404, Subdivision (M) w( t|` the c|ear and express understanding that the use rem.iino as a }awfv|, noncnnforming use, subject to a|| of the provisions and res(rictions of 5ection ?3.404' 3, It is determined that the )ivabi||ty of the residential property will t)e improved by the authorization of the fol- lowing alteration-3 to a nonconforming use of the property to afford the owrer reasonaU|e use of his land. a. To construct a 17.6~ x 32.3' one story addition 23 feet from the front property line. 4. This variance is granted for the following legally described property: That part of Lots 3 and 4° Block 14^ Shacywnod Point which lies Northwesterly of the Southeasterly 30 feet of said Lots 3 and 4. This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or i s the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Min- nesota State Statute, Section 462.36. Subdivision (1), This s|`a}I be considered � restriction on how this property may tit used. 5. The property owner shai| have the resmonsIbi\itv of fi|img this resolution with Hennepin Lounty and paying all costs for such recording. |,.e bui |dinq permit shall not be issued until ormzf of recur(Jinq has heen filed with the City Clerk. 0 � ���to MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 6, 1991 Case_# - 007 s Muliding Off lcial, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the appiicant's request for a 7 foot front yard setback variance towards Wildhurst Lane to allow construction of a 17.6' x 32.3' one story addition. Staff recommended approval of the variance which will create a conforming dwelling size upon the condition that the old garage slab and I' high brick retaining wall be removed, the land graded smooth and seeded or sodded. Weiland commented that the surveyor did not include the small lean -to shed in the rear yard on the survey and the fence is shown on the survey incorrectly. He also questioned the stability of the porch. The owner commented that both the lean- to shed and the porch will be removed. Mueller questioned why the addition could not be placed towards the garage. The owner stated that he would IIke to maintain a square house. The applicant's contractor, Randy Weestrand, ex- plained that the only flat spot, on the lot is between the house and garage, and therefore they would like to maintain this area as open space. MOTION made by Weiland- seconded by Hanus to approve staff recommendation including the condition for removal of the garage slab and brick retaining wall. Motion carried unanimously. This gasp will be heard by the City Council on Apr 11 23, 1991. 1] 147 DATE TO: FROM: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUBJECT: ZONING: BACKGROUND STAFF RECOMMENDATION PlanninQ t-ommissior) Aaenda or • Planninq UOMMission, Applicant and Staff Jon Suther I and, bu i I (I j nq ()f -f i c i a I 91 0 Dan Young Anderson 4969 Three Points Blvd. That Part of Lots 3 & 4, Block 14, Shadywood Point PID #13--117-24 11 0118 Front Y;jr cl Setb -- I Var i once R-I Single Family Residential The applicant is reguestinq a 7 toot front yard variance towards Wildhurst Lane for construction of r3 I].()' x 32.3' one story ad- dition. The required front Yard 5ettwjcks to Goth Wildhurst and Three Points is 30 feet per City Code Section 23.408 (5). The Principal structure is currently rv. orminq as it is only 24.6 feet from the front proner-try line fac;riq Wildhur —,t. All other setbacks to the principal ',t'rLJC1:Ljrf? Arld hoth buildings are conforming. In addition, the ii under sized as it is only 698 scuare feet. the minimum Size rear a single fermi ly dwel I- ina is 840 scitiare fecq. cp-MME-0115 the Cjppl ic,int s t r u c u r e Wi j r t' r e I r i ( I ri w i r j i t i r There i5 an (:)I rj i it �if it ? -, jr , j tlr'�* ril(Ar- j I I i t t f i e ri t i t),j f-5 t f r f i o t c. n t r-) t t 0 US' Staff Heronxne°gatioo [a5e No. 91-087 Page Z RECOMMENDATION To afford the owner reasonable use of his property~ staff recom- mends approval of the 7 foot front yard setback variance to allow construction of a 17.6' x 32.3' addition which will create a con- Forming dwelling size of 1,234 square Feet, upon the condition that the old garage stab and }~ high brick retaining wall be removed, the )and graded smooth and seeded or sodded. NOTE This case will be heard by the City Council on April 23, 1991. The abutting neighbors have been notified. 0 I * - CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 472-}i55 Fee_____ ---�--- Case No. � --_-_--____-,-____- VARIANCE WPLICATION PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION (Please type or print the following information.) Address of Subject Propert 6\e-,� 0 0 A C� Owner's Name C)zx VJ Day Phone - S P Owner's Address_ �kk 0 0 o 0� Applicant's Name (if other than owner) Addres Day Phone ^ Block Add I t f PID No. Existing Use of Property: Zoning District Has an app if cat |cm ever been made For zon|ng, "ar[ance, oond|tfonel use Permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes ( ) , no (�<). If yes. liyt date (s) Of appl/ cat |on, act |on tawen and prov/de re number(s) (copies of previous resolutions muat accompany this application). VARIANCE REQUESTED FOR, ` Principal Building ( ) Accessory Building direction Front Yard: ( N 5 �� E �wJ) �� *ear Yard: < N 6 E W ) Lake Front: ( M S E A } Side Yard: ( N S E w > Side Yard; ( N S E W ) Lot Size: setback requested Ft. ft. Ft. ft. sq f setback required .� . ft. ft. ft, ft. ft VARIANCE REQUESTED ft. __________ ft, _ ---- _- _____ ft. ft. ft. ft���� I *I,& AW VARIANCE APPLICATION Case No. Page 2 _ 1. Reason for request F- Y. 2. Does the present use of the property conform to I1 regulations for the zoning distric 't`In which it is located? Yes ( No ( ), I f no, specify each non - conforming use: 3. Do the existing structures com 1 with all area, setback regu) Lions for the zoning district in which rg It , is located Yes ( ), No (W If no, specify each non- onforming use: 4. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that Zoning district? ( } too narrow ( ) topography soil t S ) j too small ( drainage sub- surface too shallow ( shop+' other: specify 5. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having property interests In the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ) . No ().0. If yes, exp 1 a i n- b. Was the h�3rdship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes t�U, No ( ). If yes, explain 7. Are the conditions of hardship for which ycu request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (f;), No ( ). If no, Iist some other properties which are similarly affected ' I certify th,:jt �3O I of the above statements and the statements contained in any required p , r t e r Or p i , 3 n s to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I cunSkmt tc> the entry in or upon the premises described in t h i s app 1 i cat i on by an aut t)or i Zed Of f f c 1 a I of the C 1 ty of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of po <A ing, maintaining and removing such notices as may * be required by low. App 5 i gruiture_1, - c>,.,�._ _ _ ._...._�_._.�. Date in fi. r� -4Rl" WOU Oi l- 30' li l t ♦ I L t.. S-UmIst-11 w fit 1f 54 1 a tN,I, thl, of t lb f 1.41ior . o:l bwildt %I. It -y, a v!stb'* If .-, f— us] I.-- ate thli 2"t a., 0• -W ch. t I CAM WA 4 CAM Wft. JOK N ' 1110 $111" loss I — ilc 1ARISON , - tY !ii �� �js New 7 bid BEDROOM Me ;4 MASTMOMIOM is 31. 3 L,q 6q 0% Vwb I 40- PA 770 1)ooc k_'"•.,- . , 'k I k %_M06) WALK-IN CLOSET \7\c) 4A 41INNE r ONKA 21 %4 4C,, A kY r A '2 5- 4 i•. _ tr , F Yry RD 20 !A 4A 4 17 18 19 16 4 7 19 )4 I �tl 23 2 `� 18 21 / 4 ly 25 6 30 ri 7 14 lz - 0 NTS - 5 , 47 "lv 21 -5 24- 2 -2 6 18 ZONING RQUIREMENTS ADDRESS: APPLICANT: LOT :� A - J - _BLK: jj_ADDN ZONE: 1 Z REQUIRED LOT AREA: 5 0 � f�- EXISTING LOT AREA: -N REQUIRED SETBACKS FRONT: — SIDE: SIDE -- RE 15 feet LAKESHORE: 50 feet EXISTING & PROPOSED SETBACKS FRONT: SIDE: SIDE: REAR: LAKESHORE: DATE 7 47 BY: • CITY (fl °k %� �� '~�,� � �� .� � � � ��� ^� �� �� ^ `�� � STAFF RECOMMENDATION 0 DATE: TO: FROM: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUBJECT: ZONING: BACKGROUND p|annirig Comm ission Agenda of Apr i| P|ann(ng Comm ission. App \icant anj ��tarf Jon Sutherland, 8ui|dina Official 9l-OU8 Mark Manus 4446 Denbigh Road Lot l, Block l. Avalon PlU #19-117-23 24 0001 Variance: Side Yard Setback R-2 Single Family Residential The applicant is seeking a variance to add a Second story 7.ino an addition to the existing nonconforming structure. lhe propertv is nonconforming due to inadequate side yard sethack. Anv in- crease in use requires a variance per Zoning Code Section ?_�.40*- A revised survey will be proviocd showing the setback to the or- dinary high water level of 929.4. Setback requiremenfs .are listed below: 0 Existing Hequire.1 v;jrian(,c YP r1d Setback 6e t b;--i r Front 100.00' + 20 ' East Side 3,69' t)' West Side 7.110' 6' (proposed) Lake snore w t, f (vrirno r i! j, i t i ` -w) 1';3i )E' " COM N T `-, t' e IV 1 1) to e xist. " r) (i i uncier i ze it- r (.1 f (' C i: t r-) t o r e (j 1 j cj - ( I r ; r - I nq t t i i c j wc � 1 1 i j - j ( j I n t o (7 nmp I i ance wits) C LJ r r en t zc)n i n c.)i le r e(jL I i r f, r I t c) t a m I n i m, im Of H 4 (1 s i t i .) r t? f E , f , t '")ec. t I on Z 11 . 4 1 0 ) . `)tjjf r hc35 rev i ewe(I , Wi th t I n I- ', e r (D r r e nS r i e c: es - s a r y Cc) t h e e x I s t I n q s t r , t u r t c) ow r ( - ) r t- tj f.- ? 1,('( " " " t" y " 3 1 - I t i on tend ho i r (N-JU I r ed a 7, t rucl url. I e n i i r ie,, r I r) r v i ta w tt ex - i 5 t i n (I f C.) u n da t I c) n f or I I n s i i r 1 or) r t, i n t t - i e 3 (A (i i t i o r i a I o; j (i i n (I i rTipoTecj t)y the proposed Sec :nd ',t ( y I( J( I it i on Al I other aspects of tt b u i 1 (I i Fl th,4 A r e? mod I f i ed wn ki I d be brOU(jht i nt o comp) I i , inc. e w i h t t i(r cii rr en t' C . RECOMMENDATION 10 '7t,jff il� t r 'jrj'T(";V'j! , r the v<�riance request of ?.Il' tr) the e ti r 1 inf-I t-0 < 1 low for an addition ancl O �.�j Second st r)r orit ) t t o t I nrl clwe I I I ncl Ihe will t)r I F) I f t i i 7, d we I I i n q into conformance with the CUT T ;*('JFjj(jcj ,'-> t J minimum size of dwellings, and of -- t " 1 tti (Df llis property. NOTE (.,)e will bf- hoilrd by th_ t-ity Counci I on APr7ii 11__23 1991 a5 .)y V,)e (.itv M,inj(1(_m?r'. T h(I cat uutt t I no ne i ( ., r been not i i ed. • 174 CITY ��� �K `~�`U � �� '8 8 B ^,� ^��� �K ."�8� Apr | \ | h=J: 47]-2,45 Mr. Mark K-inus 4*46 Denbigh Ro�,ju Mound, MN 364 RE, Var!ance Henuest, 4446 Denbi'vn Roau 0e,jr Mr' Hoinus, Please review the fu||owinq uno get back to me at your con- venience. Zon - ing� R-2 Sing|e [am| /v Hes��cntiai, reqo{red lot area is 6,0V0 square Feet, existing |oj wea is square feet Lot is nonconformino oue to side yard setback. Any chamge or |n- rrease in use requii a variance per Zoning Code Sect Iun 23,4U4. *5urvry a measured |akeshore setback of 51 feet from "928.8 nu,nuJ| shore|in^�." This setback must be verified to the 0rdir^ary Miyh Water of 929,4. Exis,t ing Co»uitior Year bui)t is approxi mate |y 1920. Dwc}|ing is undersi� as it is only 520 square feet, the minimum required Uwe||inq size nc, Zoning Code Section 23'410 (|) is 840 square fert. Bu||�ini P'^,rni./ *j stuT_y One fencc permi t issurd, #8378 dated 3- prrmit was voided since fence was not instal led. mo oA of any permits iS-sued are on fi|e at the City, a|t /./i'.0 hcen remode}eri and updated over the years, ��^� � ���� °~� ` VARIANCE bEl8A[KS: PEVo|*LD EX|�T/wG HE[N{H[D front 2O' + |OO' none sides �' 8 6' 7,9' & 3'89' 2.1 1^ (east) rear )5' !6' none |ekeshore �U' ?p Lot is nonconformino oue to side yard setback. Any chamge or |n- rrease in use requii a variance per Zoning Code Sect Iun 23,4U4. *5urvry a measured |akeshore setback of 51 feet from "928.8 nu,nuJ| shore|in^�." This setback must be verified to the 0rdir^ary Miyh Water of 929,4. Exis,t ing Co»uitior Year bui)t is approxi mate |y 1920. Dwc}|ing is undersi� as it is only 520 square feet, the minimum required Uwe||inq size nc, Zoning Code Section 23'410 (|) is 840 square fert. Bu||�ini P'^,rni./ *j stuT_y One fencc permi t issurd, #8378 dated 3- prrmit was voided since fence was not instal led. mo oA of any permits iS-sued are on fi|e at the City, a|t /./i'.0 hcen remode}eri and updated over the years, ��^� � ���� °~� ` Mr :�r� M�nus ' page 2 0 Apr i 1 12, 1991 te \Lisit: Reviewed existing conditions with applicant and pr0000eU second story addition. Existing || courses of 8" biook. Fu| | t)eiq ht bacxf i | | on ono w | i and portion of 2 sidm wa)|y. 6ome cr,icks noted in existing block work. 5/cling in- sta) )ed on inside of basement walls and storage against walls limited |ns/'ection. portions appear sound and portions show signs of cracking and stress. Requested applicant to excavate dnwn to footings in two locations For viewing of footing oond|- tions Noted revaluation would be made based on conditions houn(J. Poor or suspect conditions would require more investiga- tion. A)oo Uiscussad with app }icant that he cou|d retain a structura) engineer to evaluate situation and in some cases a structural en- gineer is required by the Building Official. 4- '/ - 9| �iteL1nsp!j�;t Applicant exposed one side of footings in two locations as requested. Footing at middle of north wa!\ exPmyed on one side' Appears sound, good projections this side. 5o|| is stiff, sl ightly moist, clay-sandy clay. Appears okay. Only one side exposed' Fonti"ri at middle of west wm|i exposed just south of door on ex- terior side' Noted footing was flush with existing 8" block wall and not centered under foundation wall. Need to e xcavate other side to ve[�f��'s'L��_ an Placement. Noted severe c racks in floor inside of door and concrete stairway along this wall to the north is nu|)in away and appears to be causing some damage to Lne ex- i�,ting block vi||, 4- Site [��pect i!![:' Applicant exposed other side of footing on in�|de of existing 8" block wall. Projection is on this side, but footing is not concentric ,inder block and footing depth Vpes not extend down below the frost line. inn,�|osion; It was determined at this time after s^me review ,*it a engineer would be required to rcv|mw t^e exi5t- ing +./unu,jt'on for its adequacy in supporting the ac1'`itiona) by the proposed second story addition. UM Mr' Mark Manus Page 3 April 12, 1991 The One and Two Dwe||ing Code, Tab Ies A-304.4 anU P-.104.5 are included as a guide to *hat is acceptable for nmsunry ho|}- - unit wa|Is. 5oi) cond(tions are poor witt) heavy moist c|av soi`. If you have any questions, please contact me' A Respec Ily, on erland Building Official JS:pj Enclosures CC: Ed Shukle, City Manager 0 Wi � � | !o , -9 |9Qi — -' �|} OF M0uND �J4| �oy�ouu Aoao Moorn^ Mw 364 47�-| 1 *1 F ee_ "t, -� O.,0O--____--__ [ase No �1\ - | NC ' PLANN|N[����0�l COMMISSION <Piea�e tvp+ sr wrint the fo|`owinq in � /7^ � A�ure� ^ s o� Su�jec� �rou/tv/ /-' �` xcn4'/nn /c ( Owner 'y wamek-�` _'''-`'n' � -__ Day Pt�lone Owner's Address Applicant's Name (if other than owner) ____________ A�dresy -_ ........ Day Phone � Lot �- �] / Addition r/kn/n/) Existing Use of Property;__� Zoning District Block / I May an app|(--otion ever been macle for zon'-g, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning pruuuoure for this property? yes ( ), no <N>. if yes, list date(s) of 30m}ic,zjt(on. action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (copies of ureviou� must accomp�jny this app||cat{on). ------------------'------------'--- VARIANCE REQUESTED FOR' <Xj Pr Building direction Front ,arU: Rear Yard: Lake Front: Side Yard: 5!Ue Yard: Lot Size: (MSEw (NSEw (N6E� (w5/�lw (N5E4 f:t. ( ) Acccysury Building setback reauired VAA[AmCE R[QUESTEC Ft. ft, Ft. Ft. ft. q F0 job VARIANCE APPLICATION N Case O. 1- [� Page 2 _ - I Q _ 1. Reason for request T V T JJL� ,Jr e)( 5,S4-10 an�l _ Ckn a ci �. trC•!1 n +4 SC;c, Cit� cln L - 41 ot [S,zc h cv e (S o 0. 3 Ccec rc'nA'1 �c NJ 2. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning d i str i ct i n which It is located? Yes (�.) . No ( ) . 1 f no. specify each non - conforming use: 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) , No 00. If no, specify each non- conforming use: , Eu s Cr~� X11 less EL.,n +4e G - 4eRoa c k t illvicl Ile t4. C�anq�L nen •c� fM �n___�__5 20 S� 3 h �u,sc +a ecnCn,n,,( U00 4. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use For any of the uses permitted In that zoning district? ( too narrow (). topography ( ) soil (( ) too ( ) too small sha l i ow drainage ; shape ( ) sub- surface ( ) other: specify --��--�� Txe- �� tknj'lrpe- A � fke /OT 1 1A11< der.14�h / cDJlonS ( le Lan L Y (O&e k ver (cl-P rn i~o + lk, ( - n Oc�rr ~to Aim S.N1" L IP I,AC 5. Was the hardship described above created having property interests in the land after by the action of anyone the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ), No W . If yes, explain 6. Was the hardship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ) , No (x,,j, If yes, explain 7. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ). No ( ) . If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? .T Cll►' V1\ LL U.'4� � __ C'� - OT�c°f" L a,n� , 1 certify that 311 of the .above statements and the statements Contained in any required papers or clans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this appIi cat �on by any autthorized offic!aI of the City of Mound For the purpose of inspecting, or or posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law App 1 11 cant's S I gnature - -� Date ( 4 is/ u C'i t r of hk)urxi Ci t'' "'ktllz rear / rlr taint IiiSlx.c_�tc�r 5341 Pkrvvxxxi Ri M MOLUli, 'obi. 5;5364 Ih•sir 5 i r', Please corks thc.• e>nc:;loscad var iawe Map1icat.ion. I herebN' request that this cast tk- heard b the Plarrntrrk Coo niss.ion as as can Fie. schcY1111yd. In ad;_lition, I requt•st_ taint the llty Count. ~iI ht this case the nieht following the• Plaru,lru* f:eariruw. The re•asorI I'or° this I —e(Its t- i4 t,c--c sustl my wif'C is dur, tO have a baby in mid Juries and we have hopes to have this pr oyr ct we I on i t 's way by then. My horn- is. to have the- new st-rux t.ure "(,-Iosu�i in" by that tines sr) it. would create= as .tittle disrupticr, arx: nmwirw as lx)ssible. This buildime schedule would be• quite irrnx)ssihlc:• r.uilctss; this; rsrsc is heard at the next n -eti nA. I c ° rt aroswer any (lut•5tinris you may havt.- sit the phone nimix -rs fisted tx�loc.;. Thank you for vour lor,. SirK�r�r��l�•, h,trk A. lttrnl, 444f; 161. li-1"r 1k( • 9f41 �J C i t r of Mound City '*Uinao t Building Inspector 5341 !Maywood 1" ad W)uzxl , 4%. 55:364 tk:!�tr Sir, Please consider the enclosed variance application. I hereby request that this case be heard by the PlarudrW Commission as soon as can be scheduled. In addition, I request that the City Council hear this case the night following the Planning Coamission hearing. The reason for this request is because my wife is due to have a baby in mid June and we have hopes to have this project well on it's way by then. My hope is to have the new structure "closed in" by that time so it would create as little disruption and moving as possible. This building schedule would be quite impossible unless this case is heard at 0 the next meeting. I can answer any questions you may have at the phone numbers listed below. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, '11JO A--- Mark A. Manus 4446 Denbigh Rd. Mound, Mn. 55364 D-476 -7552 H -472 -5480 0 '$3 4 ( SLW-MANA Bona" SnwYrlok T40 Si/ 11 lnr !!2 U • . • .. 1�.�M� ,fir f � �. v.r SCAN/AOS SMOROV AA'[ 4554W69 RECEIVED APR 1 5 1991 Note: NO Scal Joe No • <, ^Jrne vn o � v C��IC BIOCk N A 5f F;pof n YV yN •iia111�;` 11�utv�� f 1 i - 1 tiZS. �1it••�;tt�t;x ►il .n 't I J • %I%%IV 1 ✓W x .0.. v' 1 - . 10► 4— �'ROVIDC7, 9CnvCiIVARx , gdnifdry Se &tierManho/e Top 34l 33 !nv 932 23 1 i BEARINGS SHOWN ns � .,f C, r , ? -J 34 0 N d f _ n o m L a z Z „ r1 v °.' 4J �• 3 ,� C) o �z 4, a , n j j •',•.t .a •.t.• G1 x, �l ,.J s � R3� f "� ^7 14 I l.�i.l- 1).x111.1 IA j � • ?off 4 359 1 i BEARINGS SHOWN ns ., 84 2') 1 ') / 1 1 1,/t' I HANU,,; ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. u SURVEY FOR: MARK HANDS SCALE: ONE INCH EQUALS 20 FEET SUR VE yjj): bi 21, D A I !, j u r, t 1 1 1 1, �� - � LFGAL DESCRIP [,( 2, 1110Ck 1, with th'it. p't r t of wt 4 n t t i , , 11<)I t 11 � t r I y cl f t nt lot 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION er i ^; t it le F A EM YNT S .4 STANDARD SYMBOLS AND CONVENT 'ONS, CERTIFICATION: James H. Parker R. L.S. No. 9235 "t M (/%Kf �11 VE PIMP 5/PE rn CL- -a Cl W W �3 W 1Y 0 0 0 r }. I I I El � 1 I 1 t r � Fri �-� < k 7 1 'LC I'J .0 APR 1 a 1931 "` 0 1* 0 rl-:- i ,- F Lo 'I L 1 1\r E,.- -- -- ----* P-M K oE t 7 fN - G E Q b E T B A C IN IDE: LAKESHORE: BY: If 0 31 E . jgl 90 gy Fj t DI v c 95 X94 Ilk Bo 4 0- . ::PIMENTS — A ONE REQUIRED LOT AREA: EXISTING LOT AREA: K oE t 7 fN - G E Q b E T B A C IN IDE: LAKESHORE: BY: If 0 31 E . jgl 90 gy Fj t DI v c 95 X94 Ilk Bo 4 0- . RESOLUTION NO. 91- April 23, 1991 RE OLUTICN PROCLAIMING MUNICIPAL CLERKS' WEEK MAY 5 THROUGH MAY 11, 1991 WHEREAS, it is imperative to the democratic ? `• _' r w 1 - inforrncyd citizenry participate in the operatic.,: o!' 1; A l k4oVernntetit; and WHEREAS, the office o,. Municipal Clerk provides th-- r; it ion link between the citizens, the local govern., -,Ic �t- 1 ; a ; ve ho ly and adm in istrative departments, and agenc i c :_; cai +,*,,t. n,- ,(>r,t at. other levels; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerks serve as the information c)rr the function of their local government by making , iv i i l,thl e the records of local government, distribution of I : ,. ' ;t: materials and reports, presentations before community ,ar,d utlier c�lrcups, and answering questions on the government - t and programs; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerks and their staff have upon their ,wn initiative participated in education programs, workshops and the annual meetings of their state, 1.r-uvinc-e, and international professional organizations which not Only irnprov(. the operation of their office but through their �<hrF�wcmcrnts and awards have brought favorable publicity to the Cuf—�lln i t i es that. they serve. NOW, THEREFORE, I Skip Johnson, Mayor of the City of Mounr.i, do recognize the week of May 5 through May 11., 1991, as Murnicip�il Clerks' Week, and further extend appreciation to our Municiptl Clerk, Franc one Clark/ Leis inger, and to all Municipal Cle0', for the vital services they perform and their exemplary to the cornmun.i.ties they represent. • Apr i I I RESOLUTION NO. 91 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THE ANNUAL SALE OF BUDDY POPPIES BY THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS WHEREAS, the annual sale of Buddy 1 It!!; 1�v I V(?tC r* ins of Foreign Wars of the United States hi, -- beer) of i recognized and endorsed by governmental leaders since WHEREAS, V F W Buddy Poppies are assembled 1)%! veterans, and the proceeds of this worthy fund-r(Ali-SiTICI are used exclusively for the benefit of disl in,j veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased veteran-, ,jjl(f WHEREAS, the basic purpose of the anni;,il slAlo of pij,j,i Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars is eloquontly rt'! I 0'ct I in the desire to "honor the Dead by Helping the lAvinq NOW, THEREFORE, I, Skip Johnson, Mayat- ()i im(Allid, Minnesota, do hereby urge the of this to recognize the merits of this cause by cot)T.ributin�; to its support through the purchase of Buddy floppie-, 0ii set aside for the distribution of these symbols of for the sacrifices of our honored dead. I urge all patriotic citizens to wear a fiuilciy mute evidence of our gratitude to the men and wom,.-n county who have risked their lives in difense of tli- r r I r� which we conti, to enjoy as American citizens. • RESOLUTION NO. 91- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MOUND TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS wi:rH NORTHERN STATES POWER, MINNEGASCO, AND DESIGNATED COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS TO PROVIDE COMMUNITY ENERGY SERVICES TO THE RESIDENTS OF MOUND WHEREAS, rising energy costs are a major experj!;e for low and madvrntp incomes f -: mil who either own or rent their homes: ami WHEREAS, ial. r-norgy conservat i r)n helps, preserve the eny i unment And the qum I ity of I i fe in our ty; and WHEREAS, the City Council wants to help its residents contain or redwi the =ir - enerqy costs throu;h energy conservation impruvemr to their knv"; awl WHEREAS, Minnegasco, a JiViSion of Arkla, Inc. and Northern State;; lo,or C .mjyirq have locen d i rected by Minnesota law to implement residavit ial ontorgy pro je� and WHEREAS, both Minneq Lave u And Northern States Power Company are interested in working with the city in promoting residential energy (;Dnsvivition; anti WHEREAS, West Hennepin Human Services Planning Board, 401 the Self Reliance Center and Natural Resources Center have over 25 years of experience in providing residential conservation energy services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Mirinf,�f as follows: 1 The mayor And City MAn,VJr Marc,, .authorized to execute the Connunity Energy Services Agreement with Minnegasco to jointly suplawt the CAmmunity Energy Service program for the City of Mound. 2. Tho Mayor and City manw1pr ary authorized to execute tLe Community 1-Terqy Crainad lTnqram Agreement with Northern .3tatels Power and llire v%zyuniry t)fised groups (West Hennepin Hurvin Korvi(nii Plannirp; imlIA, the Self Reliance Center, and N:) 1 �' Fal P �, t, , ., Ci, , � t ., r ) to jointly support those C"Mpynent 0 r t In, t one: ;of i`;n EnE�rgy Service Program bb :� i 1 5 -1 'n' 11ri ."' !-Im funW by Nart;hnni !Tatw; K W: orri ir; 5 .. 1P 1 i in- qr(,ups. • 114 West hennepin human services planning board 4100 vernon annue south, st. louts park, minnesota 55416 wait henn pin 990-5533 hu ma n 141victif A r i I 1 1, ; 9`:a 1 r I'll 4 r I r i7 r i r ic w M i ime r, lh r ri w r r e c'] u r 1 f: o r t-, Ih e 1 rl P I I i r -i Pr ok y ( Mc)�.�., A I the Comrnlzm i t y Fritrriy Service- P ; r i m ri i nc I udol C r Li t i 7: wh Ij y I s e it yo u (I i r e As per H on T' p i :': H i mar i e r v a rtn i nq P, ,i rd !i 1.: 11x3 t r1t. pr f ('. C" rr t r -1 *-:5 ti>r t h i � 1) r o'� T a M i�ie i3`.iE . ' �i v h -tj)pr'q'r i'At f-w t'hf- 'ntri8ct."3 for drlv 1 r•' I I y P r Q Ij f M L; . We w i I I p r i tf:. N P c o v, t ra c t w ll , ;7 ., t ' f u r w r t' S r- t In A S 5 0 a I I a f" pwl W w . 1)�:i r y i,e IC S s I ;r, o on the r r a r dtL.,3 f w r y r M i t -I ' I ,I t " hf t wof e "; t he i t' y i M: j w i 1 i qrj' t ii'it T.ht-y will rif—I the t i E r w - j r .Ii r M i f i IT, .i , W W , i v e r r A ' k, r a c t w i ;,j r wt: � ' j, 've o r j r; r i i r. Iff ginnegasco April 17, 1991 0 Fran Clark City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 5E364 Dear Fran: Enclosed are four copies of the Community Energy Sr,rvit'���> between Minnegasco and the City of Mound. Onc: tho l�,e � nt ,,: �_.; ;, • , please return them tome and I will have our 1 . c ,. When the Agreements are fully signed, I will rettOtl two I files. I appreciate the speed and enthusid,,cr with which your C0 v h <, r� to this project. I know that this project will he very Mound and I'm very happy that we are entering into this; Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Susan K. Nathan Administrator Energy Programs Enclosures • • COMMUNITY ENERGY SERVICES DRAFT AGREEMENT This Community Energy Services ( "CES ") Agreement ( "Agreement ") is between the City of Mound, Minnesota, ( "City "), 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 and Minnegasco, ( "Minnegasco "), a division of Arkla, Inc., 201 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. RECITALS • • Minnegasco is a natural gas distribution company which is directed by Minnesota law to implement residential energy conservation projects which serve Minnegasco residential heating customers. Minnegasco has designed a Conservation Improvement Program ( "CIP ") which has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Service ( "OPSv ") with rate recovery approval from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ( "MPUC "). CES is a comprehensive array of residential and multifamily energy conservation projects, designed to be delivered in conjunction with a city. Minnegasco desires to implement CES in conjunction with the City as an approved CIP. The City desires to enter into this Agreement to insure that effective energy conservation projects are offered to qualified Minnegasco heating customers in the City of Mound. Therefore, the parties intending to be legally bound, agree for themselves, their successors and assigns as follows: SECTION 1. DUTIES OF THE CITY 1.1 Marketing: The City will assist in promoting CES through advertising, mailings or other direct communications as deemed appropriate by the City and as City resources and budget allow. In any advertising, mailing or other direct communications about CFS, the City will disclose that the project is sponsored by Minnegasco and that Minnegasco ratepayers are funding the project. 1.2 Referral and Assistancg If the City receives inquiries concerning CES, the City will refer the caller to the Center for Energy and the Urban Environment as specified in the marketing materials. If the City receives feedback on CES or verification on service providers, the City will refer the caller to Minnegasco's Administrator of Energy Programs. SE CTION 2. DUTIES OF MINNEGASCO 2.1 Project Implementation Minnegasco will subcontract with qualified service providers to implement the various services that constitute CES. The three service providers are the Center for Energy and the Urban Environment (CEDE), Self- Reliance Center (SRC), and Natural Resources Corporation (NRC). r7 2.2 Project Services: Services will be provided as follows: Marketing and General Administration - CEUE Low Income Services: Tree Energy Workshops - CEUE Horne Energy CheckUp (non -NSP customers only) - NRC /SRC Project Air Infiltration Reduction - CEUE and its subcontractors Major Weatherization - NRC Non-Low Income Services: Home Energy CheckUp (non -NSP customers only) - NRC /SRC Home Energy Fix Up - CEUE and its subcontractors Multifamily Building Audits - CEUE /SRC 2.3 Significant Changes: Minnegasco will confer with the City's designated representative prior to making any substantive changes to CIS as described above in Section 2.2. 2.4 Progre.ss_Reports: Minnegasco will require the CEUE to forward monthly progress reports to the City, if desired by the City. SECT'ON 3. COSTS 3.1 C.gs.ts_,of the_,C_i The City is responsible for all costs incurred in performing its duties. 3.2 Cos-- ___ o Minnegasco: Minnegasco is responsible for all costs incurred in performing its duties. SECTI0N_ __G40DNILl The City agrees that any of its employees, independent contractors, or other persons performing any duties required of the City under this Agreement shall be instructed to avoid words or actions that would convey a negative image for Minnegasco. SECTION 5._. _DP5v and MPUC_ APPROVAL The terms of this Agreement are dependent upon DPSv's approval of the request by Minnegasco to operate this project in Mound and of the MPUC's approval for recovery of Minnegasco's costs associated with this project. Unle>s this Agreement is prohibited by thr DPSv, or recovery of project costs through natural gas rates is disallo�ned by the MPUC, this Agreement shall be in force through September 30, 1992. If approval is withdrawn, Minnegasco shall notify the City and thereafter performance by the parties will not be required. SECTION 6. LIABILITY INDEMNIFICATION 6.1. C,ity'_s.0b1igations: The City shall indemnify and hold harmless Minnegasco against any claim, loss, judgment, liability, or expense for damage to any property, or for death or injury to any person c.du ed by or arising from the negligent acts or omissions or ►;i)lful I • • misconduct of the City's officers, employees, and representatives during its performance of its duties under this Agreement. 6.2 Minnegac Obligations: Minnegasco shall indemnify and hold harmless the City against any claim, loss, judgment, liability, or expense for damage to any property, or for death or injury to any person caused by or arising from the negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of the City's officers, employees, and representatives during its performance of its duties under this Agreement. S_ECTION 7_. INSURANCE The City will have the following insurance: (1) General Public Liability Insurance policy (including owned 4nd hired vehicles) with a $600,OOtl combined single limit policy which includes protection agains personal injury and property damage; (2) Automobile Public Liability Insurance policy (including owned and hired vehicles) with a `$600.0001 combined single limit policy which includes protection against personal injury and property damage; and (3) Workers' Compensation insurance according to applicable statutory requirements. The City will provide certificates of insurance upon request. Minnegasco has General Public Liability Insurance and Automobile Public Liability Insurance in excess of $25 million. Minnegasco has Workers' Compensation Insurance according to applicable statutory requirements. Minnegasco will provide certi�icates of insurance or other evidence of the above insurance upon reques— SECTION_8.__ COMPLETE AGREEMENT This is the parties` complete Agreement and cannot be modified except by a written amendment signed by both parties, except as specified in Section 5. SECTION_9 .TERMINATI This Agreement may be terminated by any party to the Agreement with ten (10) days written notice to the other party, except as provided in Section 5. SECTION 11. NOTICES All notices under this Agreement will be deemed delivered when mailed, postage paid, to the other party at the following address: If to Min leyia,co: Su<a K. t, d tf,a A:fms;}istr`ato M i 201 S h 7th St ri"()t (61 ?) 3 4`a If to the City: Fran Clark Progra,s City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 (612) 412 -1155 3 if? a SCCTION 12. TERMS This Agreement shall be in eff; -rt from March 1, 1991 through September 30, 1992. MINN(AASCO, INC. CITY OF MOUND By P ;fillip R. Harrviond Vice President Gas Supply b Regulatory Administration Division Dated: By ,M.,yor ,Av 1 ,,City Martager _ Crated: e • M 0,00 4 0 h �! Z a,, C ommunity Energy Council Program Agreement This AGKI:FMF effective as of the 1st day on January, 1991 is bt-tv,-v* Northern Stat Power Company (NSP), a Minnesota Corporation, the City . - (the "City") a Municipal Corporation, and non-profit N -stita Corjx)rat.0rI Ord party) Ord party) Ord party) VV WI IFRFAS, the A in.ri(;()ta Public tTti Commission ("MPUC") ordered NSP to I . 111pic'ment a improvement program which included providing t') � uk:t the I forne Energy Check-Up (HEC) for NSP residential WI 11 thy} City e,t.iblished a Con Energy Council (CEQ whose r(•Sponsibilitles Included condnicting the Home Energy Check-up OJEC) for NSP residential cuAomvr NOW THE'RYFORf', in, ci)i i�, id eration of the terms and conditions stated herein, the Parties a1 rk3k. a� fAlows 1. .1'_p_bhTitv_ The Ord PirtO shall develop a program to stimulate interest and IMMICIZe the avaiiabil i ty of the HYC in order to sign up households for the service. Pr(,inotions will be LIOTIO .vitlh advertising, mailings and other direct cmilmulli I ue . I"y the City or the Ord Party), NSP will assist with publicity by providing rn,ti!iT;g labels and offering advertising assistance at the option of NSP 2. Selcctiono._ Any NSP residential customer qualifies for the HEC. D11'.. (3rd Party) for encouraging senior citizens, handicapped persons, 1()v. incoi-,w irtili%i c-ld rt, to receive a HEC. The Ord Party) will obtain signed authorization from allowing NS? to release consumption data to the d 5r f(-I",!, .1 SX11ple of which is attached hereto and incorporated :11 t .v rt":, . ; Att,l� A", shall be signed by each such participant prior t ! data. the (3rd ?arty) S87 for each approved HEC iu in 1991. Alternatively, NSP shall reimburse the 1 H-C approved participants identified by the Ord Party) as N , P ,h311 have the option to verify income and rental t a r, te for each I 'EC completed in 1992 will increase by the p"'ce index i.,crea-,e for 1991. /100/ 5. t udjtor `tra ninl;, %', P ',.ill I'a`n' the tuition for the local training for up to two auditors, not to exceed a t(s',.d of $ -'00, �% perfo audits for a City sponsored CFV� ti. As part of the $87 reimbursement for each is r I IEC , NSP shall require th,' 11, Lf I '.irty) t:) provi be $24 -$25 worth of energy conservation materials for e,i,,h h( urnv rcweriving the IIIC, with $5 of energy conservation materials sip :fi; :i' , dirt -, tcti t 7 electric conservation. .Jternatively, as part of t "w 5': '7 r+ for each low income and rental I IEC, NSP shall require th, Ord 1'a. tr) to provide between $45 -$50 worth of energy conservation raterials for c,r, h h, �:;:e rt-t :riving the IIE:C, with $2.5 -$30 of energy conservation materiAs sh._ :.lily dirc >,_tc�d t(? electric conservation. A Ord Party) AUDIT( WILL 111AN 111:Y AND DEMONSTRATE THE INSTALLATION 01: Till: '`IA 11:IAI S O, THE PARTICIPANTS, ANSWER QUESTIONS AND IAJ e' `� I'ITANCE TO SENIOR CITIZENS, IIANDICAPI ED w, )MI: INDIVIDUALS AND RENTERS. 7. I �ter Ire' NSI' will ;, %i.fc info ��r; itii >n publications for the Ord Party) to offer to program p art , c) -, a; 8. Re>ftrral_43nti r',ti r, 1 , 1'.'irt'v') auditors will inform participants of applicable energy assi . i!<<:t t'r '; ;,< , ' , rt ,i by the Energy Division of the � M . innesota Departine:It t' ��� �.�i;�t >, ',iinn(�� Department of Economic rt'curity, the City and otl7e.'r io. :ii 9. E uilarttc rlt:, N'-_ 1' wi'l a��s,ist tl e f rcf Party) in obtaining the necessary equipment required to perforin the I111( -s. 10. Report pg, Re(luir,,•ni� rots: I:.i:.h trrnntil, the Ord Party) shall submit an invoice to the NSP Ke�,ionai ()ffi, �;k'i�rc'4 +�rttative�, in accordance with Section 15 of this Agrelrrr(.-nt, along with a list t)f p art „cip names, addresses, account numbers and the number of renter and ]Mv participants (hereafter called the Audit Sumi,,ary) and a copy of the Audit siFr,�. d by 'he customer. The NSP Regional Offico will enter the data and fore. and tl ,, invoice to the NSP General Office for reimbursement to the Ord Party). 11it, audits, °. nvoice and Audit Summary should be numbered consecutively f,Ixn pro rain start to finish for each calendar year. The Ord Party) i5 for rtt, -r 4;; the nY -Avr of renters and low income individuals, a sarnplc of at; u, �i. -d Hereto and incorporated herein by reference as "Attachrr-,:Ant I; °, ,�7n �3;1. i In addition, the (-1 P,irt ) <,':,:.: , :' «'`+ t:; ;l`F'se and other NSP recordkeeping procedures as The Ord Party) y) srh �f ll to any books and records concernin�; the (l C.` a f tr : ;; arrtiv es specified herein. The i oo�. Ord Party) shall cooperate with NSP to respond to any requebts for lyd R ;nation or other relevant orders of the MPUC. 11. Reimbursement ^rocedure: LF audit expenses satisfy the criteria st,�t <1 NSP shall send a check to the (3rd Party) within 30 days after receipt of the itE n d statement. 12 Goodwill: The City agrees that each e .Zployee, independent contractor, or other person performing any duties required of the City under this agreement shall be instructed to refrain from taking any action that will damage or injure the reputation or goodwill of NSP. Should an event occur that violates this prevision, the City and NSP will mutually agree as to the appropriate measures to be taken. 13. Idemni : The City skLall defend and hold NSP harmless against any claim, loss, judgment or liability, whO! based on contract or tort liability, arising out of the City's performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, or any claimed defect in supplies or materials provided. NSP shall defend and hold the City harmless against any claim, loss, judgement or liability, whether based on contract or tort liability, arising out of NSP performance or failure to perform under this Agreement. This section shall survive the completion of, or termination of, this Agreement or any breach thereof. 13a The (3rd Party) shall defend and hold (NSP and the City) harmless against any claim, loss, judgement or liability, whether based on contract or tort liability, arising out of the performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, or any claimed :iefect in supplies or materials provided. This Section shall survive the completion of, or termination of this Agreement or any breach thereof. (3rd Party) shall gave the following insurance: (1) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance policy (including owned and hired vehicles) with a $600,000.00 cumbined single limit policy which includes protection against personal injury and property damage; (2) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy (including owned and hired vehicles) with a $600,000.00 combined single limit policy which includes protection against personal injury and property damage; (3) Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with Minnesota laws; and (4) In such insurance policy shall name NSP as an additional insured. A certificate of insurance shall be forwarded to NSP. ibis section shall survive the completion of, or termination of this Agreement or any breach thereof. I4. Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence January 1, 1991 an( ,hall continue through December 31, 1992 and then shall continue for successive periods of one year, provided, however, that either party may, for its sole convenience, terminate this Agreement upon thirty days written notice to :he other party. In the event that NSP terminates this contract, the City and the (3rd Party) shall be entitled to recover for all services performed prior to receipt of a notice for termination, but no amount shall be allowed on unperformed services. 15. All information should be sent b United States mail, =tae thereon Y l� g prepaid 3 . 160 The Ord Party) shall direct information to the appropriate NSI' reprt-sentatIV(I as discussed in the Reporting Requirements st. 'llie cor-roct Requirements , ,els and telephone numbers are as follows: General Qffi(v Ccxirdin. or A Kt 1}rt tit ritati�. Dale Sullivan (612) 330-63-61 Northern States Power ('0111pany 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MIN 55401 All notices f- -)m NSP to th City s , , kj jj t- wnt to: INook-es fr)m to to to City Ord Party) ,Fran Clark, CMC !�ity Cler-F F5341 Maywood Road 'Mound, MN. 55364 All parties shall be entitled to rely and act upon notices sent pursuant to this section IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers, as of the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF By: By 3RD PARTY: By: - By: Title: IiTitle; City ManaLer By: NORTHEFIN STATES POWER COMPANY By: Organization: Organization: Organization. Title: • 1004 . 4 - S T T P U T, A T 1 0 N P! I I o I d F� a I i C o n. r, 0 t 0 0 p 0 V A t F1 V d r, n I I r ) f t -, 11o, Malt 3 i qli� I r t ; i tho C i t y of Mound, And WHFIKLA� >, on 30 1990, at about. 6:52 p.m. , police for tho City of Mou!'A and dCjQNtS Of the S011t,hWC!F MC.tl Drug T<1!-;K Fot,.-o C) I ve(l thf- stale of nun-in to x i c-it, i ng ma It I iquor by Ja(A Gi t, Pcari;on, an of Brickloys Market, to an urid,.�r a(jod minor, and WHFIkFAS Mr. Pe ir:3on wo!; cliargod with a violation of Minnonota Statut.r. s Chrtpt.er 340A zind a VLi(Aittion of Mound City Code Section 410 SubdivlF;ion 2, and wa3 scheduled to appear in the Hennepin County DistrLet Court on February 25, 1991, and WHFRFAC, Jack Gilbert Pearson made no appearance and a bench warrant. has been ksued for his arrest WHERLAS, on December 4, 1990, at A:21 p.m., police officers for the City of Mound hasod upon complaints of the Southwest Metro I)ru(j id Force observed James Michael Simon, the clerk at BiicYloy's Market, selling non-intoxicating malt liquor to a minor irl violation, of' Minnesota Statutos Chapter 340A and Mound City Code S(,'C,"IACMI Subdivision 2, and a formal complaint was lodged a q,i i r ; �> t M r. . s i m,7) n , te W 14 i 1 "0 1 , 1 - 1Jttr°y 25, 1991, T,tmf-s Michap.l Simon appoarod in Lri!;t t i ct COW t wr;�1 1)101 cn; i I t s` to so 1 11 nq hoer to a minor in vi (- :tt i,: of th'I ro,lo ;ir A r'- ( to 10 dilys In the Workhouse (,} ly —l) on -1 $12- ,,t f i r an d will ki A`, it C "t <;,w d! ?i)t,,1L °ti tllit tllt� two violations have been t), o k' :tits, O: l 1. >y the 17)i str i tit, Court and a finding has been made that s_ I es rIt non - into.x - icat i ny c- +1 t. 1 1(111or h,ive been made by employees of Bri, klcy'!-; Markt,t t.o r.innrs can two oc.:caslons within a short Poriod of tir,�t�, and Wli)rf,L "'A:�, thc± licont;c�r> 1;as wa her nights to a hearing under thcr Add i n i st: rot i vt- 1'c t.�t�'t.��.iut " <� , Act and thn City Attorney and the City Man,i,jer have m +'t wi t.h tho l i( , onsee pursuant to direction of the Council, and WliLRLA:i, t -1,t: and the City Attorney have agreed that in lieu of a trial arid to avoid expenses to both parties title City Attorney will rci(,'otnmc: to the City Council that the license to sell non - intoxicating malt liquor will be suspended for a period of two WoOk::; (14 days cummenc i ng on April 24, 1991 to and through May 6, 1991, and W11F REAS, during the poriod of time of the suspension there will be no display of non - intoxicating malt liquor in the sales area of the store and the clerks will be advised that if there: is any request for the pur(Aiann of non -- intoxicating malt liquor, they will advise the cu�;t.omori:, that the store's license is under suspc,n :lion and tli it- no sale can take place, and W1il-*FAS, t.hc- ",,i t.y 1 of the City of Mound is extremely concerned at the ah l ity of mirrors within the Community to obtain III! i, I,. .%t iloj I i'l,"'L j jo'n I fit 4;X ; i, -0 ' 1-i,j I t, 1i,1 ( 'J ;vj t ) tho t A III I I to I I. t: y i t !.1:11 i I t ry t. h City Y" t I a I r jo n1,1 e t C) r I no I F� a ro 0011)tl',WnAl',,j -,, - t I i I 1 k , t : i t f , x i it i r',(j ra I t, t and a re V i0l,i t I TI(I ci ty 0 1 t), i ,1, �. M I �,, (i ga t I t f. Statute ,, D - i r I n 9 the negc t i at i on-; on t he I, t 1 t. 1)� t .. t C I t y fi nd th,p I i co the ci I y of t I cers h�ivi,- at tell,pt� a to ut ( t tho I I t I I(: nnnd to eciuci t e a c 1 4, ork%; in t! w. �-, t,() rc: drat t t he y are re -:�po ns i b I e for dispfn).;Inq thf' or which can h.*ivo a great efA'o( on the pulli and welfare of the residents of this COMMUnity and that the City Council will not stance for violations by any liconr.oe within this community, and further, that the City Cc)un wif;h( to F;tross to the liccn3ee in thin Caere and to all other dispor< of intoxicating and non - intoxicating liquor within the City, that the police dt.!paitnient of the city will continue to aggrossAvely scQk out parsons violating the liquor laws of this community aril w! I I punish anyone violating said laws to the maximum extent of thp, law, NOW THERLYORE, it is hereby stipulatod and agreed by and between tile City of Mound and Brickley's Market as follows: 1. 11( waives its right to a hearing under the Admini!;tL Procedurc Act, 2. it is agreed that und( the provisions of Minn(,-;otd i p t, P r 340A dnd Mound City Code Section 81() 5 2, that violation- halve occurred al"Id that the clerks Wll(.) sr)Id licj�►or gave: pvo� thr tho (%riminal jkjsti(:e Fir'd I, Y I f3 Kir k(j. hm aqt (!4!(1 with thy: �i malt. I i q u()v I icc-nt;e irt;i iecl to b I i k:*, t rl'-il f i t)ln 1 0 '1 a. m. on ApT 1 1 2 4 h. May 6, 11391 and thdt. during I,< I I C;d t C 0 [-,!:; c e stare w i l l rei ve al I non- nt f ;I)! ety and wi 11 not sol, I or di spense -Iny non llij. r'i j iqiik, f ron tho liconsco's establishment, ty wit sho: to warn the I iceni;oe And all of the in l r.h'k" C it y 0 f W)und th,it future sales of non- intr)xi,:,i' try j f or iii-liv)i to minors will be dr.alt with 1-';y city BRICKL MARYFT Da t d 1991 By; Its CiTY OF MOUND Da t od 1991 13y: Its Mayor By: Its City Manager App,rovo. by City Council: April 23, 1991 MINNESOTA ('01%1PRLIII:NSIVI 1NNUAI, FINANCIAL REPORT 1.0R THE YEAR ENDED DEC AI BFIR 31, 1990 CITY OF MOUND Members of the city Council City of Mound Mound, Minnesota In planning and performing our audit of the general purpose financial statemorits, of the (:it.y of Mound for the year ended December 31 , 1990, we considered its internal control structure in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of' expre!;sinq our opinion an thf- f inancial statements, and not to provide assurance on the internal control structure. We noted no ri, involving the i; t ( I c(,introl structure and its operation that we consider to be :_portable= conditions under standard: estabI ished by the American Institute of Certified Public Ac-- nta tits. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or (..)peration of the internal control structure that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the City's ability to record, process, -ummarize and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control structure elements does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that errors or irregularities in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period h.11 employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. our consideration of the internal contro' structure would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control -structure that might be reportable conditions and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all reportable conditions that are also considered to be material weaknesses as defined above. We noted no reportable condition!; that we to be material weakn(--;,.;es. Page Two Other- AN!tters ARX7 "TICK Oruro Rmx hxi% ;!k— wt (;►:N1iAv1- The following are areas that came to our attention during the audit that we feel should be reviewed: Financial.Positjon Results of Operations Gen eral Fund All general governmental functions of the City which are not accounted fcr in separate funds are included in the General Fund. Revenue and transfers for the General Fund for 1990 totaled $2,301,505, an increase of $124,469 or 5.7% over 1989. Percent Increase of (Decrease) ____Revenue__ Sou _ _ 19 90 Tota _ _ 198 From 19 General Property Taxes Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Licenses and Permits Fines Interest Other Revenue Transfers from Other Funds Total Revenue and Transfers $1 224 100 53.2$ $ 948 410 $275 690 867 657 37.7 979 357 (111 700) 8 453 .4 12 929 (4 476) 72 190 3.1 85 591 (13 401) 73 957 3.2 86 623 (12 666) 14 760 .6 28 490 (13 730) 40 388 1.8 33 236 7 152 2 400 2 3 505 100.0% �,2 177_ 5124 469 The shift in General Fund revenue between general property taxes and intergovernmental revenue is a result of the significant reduction in the local government aid received from the 5tatc!. The reduction was $222,349 from 1989 and was replaced by local property taxes. Expenditures and Transfers for the General Fund for 1990 totij1(-d $2,287,446. This is a decrease of .5% from the 1989 Genera furl Expenditures and Transfers of $2,298,765. I ti t jc Thr ee AFUO i� K E ,, ., pax I� Yip +.r.�r• Percent Increase of (Decrease) 1 : r j 1r ter 1_S"-�Q.__.._. Tota_�__. _ 1989 -- From..._1989 o •iI t:aover rent $ 604 376 26.4% S 573 534 $ 30 842 `ut Sjife>ty Vol .c Cl h1s�rin i rig a rl�� ion CiviI defen!:,e F'irt,l ic• works r!r0 sl C.rthc:ar t'tlr }, r ejr�fl in;f: rk "c'�t. ion M i s;i :e l 1,ineous '1 r;+ri f'4�r:> to Other 1 "rncls (T-)I r,3ri I Ar er1 F ir ( , r (, r',E'r v 1 C'e i tind) '4:�t F;xp €nt.9itr.rrc�::; 740 208 31.3 691 638 48 570 129 652 5.7 121 449 8 203 2 105 .1 1 111 994 384 277 16.8 467 919 (83 642) 139 107 6.1 134 605 4 502 148 083 6.5 1.57 740 (9 657) 19 062 .8 26 412 (7 350) 120 5"76 5.3 __- 124 _357 ( 781) Y: ;'1 4 ^,6 100.0 52 298 00 0?29$ 765 S j11 319) try ti�;, t tw !A rf. dF•partment capital outlay expenditures were ,;;gip,ired with ;x,368 in 1990. Likewise, in the parks and it i dejl�irtinic it, the capital outlay expenditures were with $1,396 in 1990. 3 hc; u, ; i ved and under ignited fund balance the past four year,; ,o lr f:nded 1) 0cem1. 31 , Amount 1 $542 766 1 Iji') 538 186 1 ±s;8 671 022 1',1 740 854 tiTlt i A i vf tut__ bal <3r',ce at end is approximately twent.y t .. w� 1�Ct �'�:.•r,t. ��. t. }1 C• 1 expenditure Nlnty percent of they 1 is f ram property taxes and inter governmenta l rt 'i'ic� , •�� r c F not fiva i l abl e f or f i ve months into the new `I hE. City rust have a fund balance at yoar er.A " � rlt t.t; Iir,.ir'ce t " - ,C, f011a',ing year I s expenditures unt!.I t.hE. 1 4 Ei avid table. Page Foul A X) ��drk The Cock Fund i ; ir' ,! ,s, , =.: t. t, s group of funds. The Dock Fund has a funs: t:,al 3r;�.fr ?� ,:;± " ., ;af�, at year end. It is intended that this deficit Ml #=,i with future year revenues. During 1990, the C'af.it::4 351 $33�_ i ; 'P,At Serv Fund was closed, after the f +,iy r,t: of a s t ;,�t £ (3 k, nd ;:;;ues to a Municipal Building 71,0 t : jeY�: t Fun(1. A portion of the assets in this r;+_w 'I Were to f inance the renovat. i on a ,a £- xj - i It is anticipated that ad,iit i i fable in other debt service fund as t?,£ k , r, i i 1 These assets wi 11 be available: f or u*_"�;• i, %, tl,c c f my publ is purpose aft i shou be inci'_ p,.)i Fo t'a r an ge planning. Capital Projects funds The Municipal Bui Id.irng C0n:,truc t i on } L rI f $991 at year end with the City ha I r£.,,(s'J�9t ir, , in,i +� },'fh3n;Sion nearly complete. Enterprise F unds .Sewer _ and ' Water__Uti 1_ity t'un,34 A comparison of the past foar yetars of on?i wr,,t £ ! (it i 1 i t y operations is as follows: - ,1 990 _ 19 ?i 9 1 Water Fund Charges for services $330 351 $33�_ 120 $3', s 1, , , ;:r °()(; 1 , Operating income 93 30 024 122 71,0 Net income 11 E,3(; 37 97 12 1 / Sewer Fund Ch3rge��� f f� r .�c� r ,r)c� cs `.r;E,7� 570 9 , e,i., j -1 ,. Operat frig in('U!"e � .. � o., ,a N f' t I C't C . ; T, c °� ��. f, :)' 9 '" e' CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 4116-23 -91 #2 „ . - C.ER79tit1 R.M4JC: M.Y°M :Tvm jUOr A comparison of the past two hears of liquor fund operations is as, follows: 190 198 Percent Amount Sales P ercent of Amount of S Gross profit $218 017 23 .21$ $zaa 475 z 3.37 C�pera►ting expenses 162 868 17.34 13 749749 17 C?perating income 55 R 1 4 43 5. R7 48 726, Transfer for seailcoating J4 3 16 1 4.6t 49 749 5 This rerort is intended solely for thi use of management and Council. rThe comments and recommenda in the report are purely, constructive in nature, and should b read in this co Our audit would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system because it was basec' on selected tests of the accounting records and related data. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any of the items contained in this letter nloatz fool froo to tit I4 .rr,,,r �.z.- 6arv�1 Groen. CPA OP" ION CONTRACT P';U •..i :7t --,l" ,t;z�Yl "f eGe r.:"n Of .,.. .Qt.e l ilo 4and and tM10 /l0U ($i,UU017ivEtn 4 t4 7.t'oi iri Jrut1;4 ere n�i lr,J�; J ,tie city of kour,tl, a Mx:anesota n,unieipal tcrlrvratxon, I 60 f +tar�r the 24th d,ry of April gl u.,vet,ty one Tho sand t,ttd no /100 - - ---- -- - -_ I�trths,i the fO,t..rrt+re je 'e' ttd h.m'11 sih,�,l,o-�` is the t ryregtrf pf Henrrs pin on<t Sts f, of Minnesota 9'irc exact legal will gov�,n, Tile property is described generally as "The North 435` of GuVrxnteent Lot 1, Scution 14, lrownut,ip 117 North, Ron,,le 24, except thvic parts used by the Huber funeral Hume and Antl�uny`s Floral and Grtenhoa,u ", Also generally described as two tax parcels with P1US 14- I11 -24 id -OE101 and 14- 117 -24 -14 -4003. It is het intottt of thu City to exal'ine t itle-records to resolve how to' bring .s road,in�u tho property by swinging ground the North side of Anthuny'g grf =enhvuoe Structure by using do easer,arct on the Huber propeity, 1 . C ; s 1tf+un the run'iiHms, to -Sri(. Ik(iOtXX � 1. Purchaser shall pay 1991 taxes and outstanding spucial'asse5smentzd, Seller shall make the May 15, 1991,'payrnent prior to due day and Buyer will reimburse if it exercises its option. 2. Purcl-f, er shell be allowed to enter on thu prupurty and take soil samples. (Purchase.: Sole Cost) 3. P urchOSOC ir,tendh to conduct an environnuntal study to determine if there are hazdrduus rndtexrials on the property (Purchaser Sole Cost) 4.. Purchaser $611 exnsciso its option in writing. if the Purcltrxser exo:-ciscs its option thtr $1,000 payment made as aforestated in this uE,tion C011tract shall apply towards tho purchase price. I€ Purclsaser does nut exercise :ts option, seller shall retain the $1,000. 5' Upon extsrcising the uptivn, the Purchasor and Seller 51 execute a st:dndard furor Purchds'e Ag,�evment Including [ 1 ma relating to closing, { 9, requirer,ier tl,t,t Seller provide marketable title, and other standard pruvisivtt.i. (coriLinued ( ,.back) taJ a ow rrjc: t list &„per b d „v' sblice is rerri'tiq with in the t(a,e n4 a tjref f! „l, asrsd a fn(lrrrt ter �tt,t 10 nadirs „vt1rL, t)w ji» ie sjwl i jed shall Ernairratt tJ,ir Q)plinx tatli jtt:thrr etelivn, tls „K,tj i„ ttlr- e „ ner of this n jeeen,snl In en m,'41 not ee shutf be tr: ro (n d+et lin:r, thes, days shad! ht Oil ss in rrit th to er ar�slwrrt, make tlte' Ie anal elrnas sa!r. Anthony VanDersteeg /St�ft/ : 4 . Ai ,)r -i. P L,3. 1991. j Honorable~~ Mayor and 1Membcrs or the City Council Ci ty of Mound 53, %laywood Road Mound. Minnesota 5 5364 S TT: City of btoarnd, ±1 nn4ast >t.ca 1991 Seal Coat Program i lMETA #6173 Dear- Mayor and Council Membeyrs E�iclosed is a tabulation of the hills roc dived on Friday, April 5th, for they 1991 Sea I Coat 'Program. Tire* bills r•rrngot.1 from a low of $37,187.65, submitted by Bituminous Roadways, Inc., to s high apt' S,i�4,4r0.00. The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $ 150,00. We had cio ayed our recommendation on the contract award to give us' more time to investigates the problems associated with least ' ar's project, which was completed by Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Wo have discussed, with the City MranFagor• and Cite Attorney, all the options available to the City regarding award of this contract. Bituminous Roadways has olsc assured us that, with the addition cif" a new distributor and better trained personnel, they will do ea better job this year. Bituminous Roadways is a reputable contractor and has per-formcd satisfactorily for other cities. There we are recommending that Bituminous }icatadways, Inc., be awarded a contract ,in the amount of $ 37.187.fi6). 17' you have any questions or ne('-d raddit:,,ioratai information, please contact Us Very truly yours, Mr.C4 MBS F -TANK HOGS ASSOCIATES,' INC. J rin Cameron J(" j m j E l crsur(,s L WOUND, MIN SGTA : -AL CCAr t, r; -�o MPRA #6173 c'x 5.? tiv.��i.4 { „• c .,,.t,1 � t � F :aw #`•� i. coat �,C,ti,'.... ) FA-2 e A pp 1 wW ; 1 5m) _`ON S V MS= S 7.290,0P 5. k.' tt S Y •),t;' f"'sa •'.t�k`�♦ {'!is v32 __r3'1@, d and Applied 25 S y t TOTAL 11 f f, ............ ...... ) / . 18 7 . t75 ALLIED BLACKTCP CO.” 1 T FEM Qti.'NT''_`F'z UNIT ISICE TUTAL �., f'si�urntrtcua�.; StT.tt{'C'3:t1 for Sent Coat (C 02) {y 2. FA -2 `33c_rt1 Coat A� c E �'� �iCr •C ,3 • Vt9" Trap Rock Seat. Coat Af;t`ognt" E•'vni shed 5,0 4. i.+8 Tr "f3t7 i;k >(; 4r Soal co and App s .: ! 2 5 UN J 7 "TOTAL 1'iltj ..................... . t r 3.00 WD TAB B'i'z' tE ?1;1;ND, Mll I ii'I'r1 MP HA SIT PAGE TW0 QUANTITY LAIT PRICE TOTAL Furnished ini 4 '`l.i-I Y .f, .o f.` A I L 6 t it and Applied AM TON S 19.00,TON S 3,800:00 and tppli ! 25 im S It 00Ai}iY s 725-00 TOTAL t;;t) .......................... r t Fit ski l l Ex-cl lilt ernat io'nat, - I;Ivhine ;1t the VI /"tr PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE VACATION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT AT 5227 BARTLETT BLVD. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN, that the Planning Commission and City Council of the Ci *.y of ?found, Minnesota, will hold public hearings on the subject easement vacation. Both meetings will be held in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood lload, at 7:30 p.m. The Planning Commission will meet on Monday. May 13, 1991. The City Council will meet on Tuesday, May 14, 1991. The utility easements proposed to be vacated are legally described as follows: Certain easements as described in Hennepin county Documents /814580, #829230 and 1829228 on the following legally described property Lots 13 and 14, Block 1 Lot 5, Block 2, and that part of Lot 4, in said Block 2 lying Westerly of the extension Northerly of the tine between Lots 12 and 13, Block 1 and that part of Edgewater Drive vacated lying Southerly of the South line of County Road No. 7 and Westerly of said Northerly extension of the line between Lots 12 and 13, Block 1 all in Shirley Hills Unit C. P.I.D. 124 - 117 -24 24 0013. All persons appearing at said hearings with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. ram . Francene C. Clark, City Cleric Published in "The Fakir" April 29, 1991 and May b, 1991. Mailed to property owners with 350' radius by May 1, 1991 fAA t PURC JOUR DAIS 4lt0/4t AP-0O2 Ctir OF 1bI1ND TIME 15-U-09 VEIDDR [MICE 111E HOLD 10. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AM4I1liT DESCRIPTION ACCxBlIT PRE 'Ai8 C4�tX NU(gER mAfT CFECtc t DATE 90649 PREPAID 830.50 LIU 71- 7100.9510 4110/91 4/10/91 830.50 'Jlft - 1010 830.50 31565 4/09/91 OtElloy LINMTION ANDW TOTAL 830.50 C0838 PIE-PAID 15.78 CELL" TELL 22-4170-3M e4t,25 CELL" TELE 01- 4140 -3220 28.72 CELLULAR TELE 73_n -3220 4/10/91 4/10/91 72.75 J#t-CD' 1010 72.75 31524 4102/91 CELLULAR ONE VENDOR TOTAL 72.75 C0808 PRE- PAID 3,637.00 CR UNION 3/:30 PR 01 -<043 900E 4/10/91 4/1 3,637.00 JRNL -CD 1010 3637.00 31551 4,'04/91 CITY CO(WY CREDIT ANION VEMXF TOTAL 3G37.00 cool PIE -PAIII 250.00 TI 431 TEAMIINAL -USED 01-4085 -5000 4/10/91 4/10/91 250.00 JNL -CD 1010 250.00 31590 4/03191 CITY OF M PRAIRIE VOW TOTAL 2`.00.00 t1D923 PRE -KID 20.50 PLATES -WN in TW 73- 7300.4140 433.12 SALES T41 -*V IM Mb 73-7300-5004 4/10/91 4/10/91 953.62 JRNL -CD 1010 953.62 31539 4/03/91 PRE -PAID 0.50 LIC REPIACPW TABS 01- 4190-4140 4/10/91 4/10/9t 8.50 ,Iw -CD 1010 8.50 31559 4/05/91 PRE -PAID 704.82 SALES TAX - LUMINA 01- 4140 -5000 20.50 LICENSE - LUIINA O1- 1 :40-4140 4/10/91 4/14141 725.32 .1K -CD 1010 725.32 31562 4/09/91 CITY OF VAYZATA VENOM TOTAL 1687. G1001 FW -PAID 968.44 SII -RETRO PATRIILLS 01- 2040-..0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 968.44 JUIL -00 1010 %0.44 31528 4/02/91 PRE- PAID 2,697.93 SIT 3/30 PR 01- 2040.0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 2,697.97 JW-CD 1010 2697.97 31544 4/04/91 COIMIISSIDNTIt IF REVINIF VENOM TOTAL 3666.41 Dim PRE -PAID 1,493,10 APR DENTAL 01 -2040 -0000 19.00 APR DENTAL - RETIREE 01- 4190 -15I0 45.90 APR DENTAL-RETIREE 01- 4280-1510 45.90 APR DENTAL - RETIREE 01-4140 -1510 63.90 APR OENTAL- RETIREE 4/10/91 4/10/91 1.666:80 JRNL-CO CCL TA DEN TAL ANIXR TOTAL 1666.80 E1429 PRE -PAID 1,281.00 L1G :319.35 MINE 25.64- DISC 4/10/91 4/10/91 1,625.71 At loop 1t- 7100.15 +0 1010 1666:80 3128 4/04/91 71- 7100.9510 71.7100 -9520 3' a 71-7100.9560 1010 1625.71 31536 4/02/91 • PURCHASE J OU R MAL DATE 410191 Ct12 Qi CITY OF m m TIME .34 w .. VEM11pt [MICE Of HXD NO. IWAICE WOR DATE DATE ST ATUS AMT _ DESCRIPTI ACCOUNT MM PRE - PAID 41401.1" OtCK 1 C BATE PRE -PAID 1,990.00 LIB 71.7100 -9510 824.80 MINE 71- 7100 -9520 39.811- DISC 71- 7100-9560 i 4/10/91 4/10/41 2,775.00 54t-CD 1010 2775.00 31568 1/09/91 ED PHILLTPS'6 SM V!EW TOTAL 4400.71 11730 PRE-PAID 1.404.85 BARGAINING 01- 4399 -4100 s 4/10/91 4/tO/91 1,404.85 JRNL-CD 1010 1404.85 31564 4/09/91 MW MADDEN 4 ASSOC WAOR TOTAL 1404.85 G19� PRE -PAID 4,000.00 DEF COMP -1990 REM PR 01 2040-0000 4/10/41 4J10/41 4,000,00 JTtt CD 1010 4000.40 31532 4/03C1I_ PRE - PAID 1,025.00 DEx COW 3/30 PR 01. 2040 4/10141 4/14191 1,025.00 i CD 1010 1025.00 31549 1104/S►1 � MAI NEST LIFE AMRM VENDOR TOTAL 5025.04 Ti3911 PTE-PAID 24.11 OW HEALTH 3/30 PR 01-2040-0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 24.11 At-CD 1010 24.11 31554 1/04/'91 Lei r lEALT H PLAN VEPw TOTAL 24.11 61972 PRE - PAID 226.87 LID 71 1100 649,45 'MITE 71- 7100 -9330' 11.50- 9.80 DISC FRT 71.7100 -9560 71- 7100 -9600 225.57 Hill 71- 7100-95+10 4/10191 4/10/91 666.45 JNL -CB 1010 666.45 31534 4 2191 PRE -PAID 2,124.26 LID 71- 7100-9510 99.81 MINE 71-7100-9520 43.60- DISC 71-7100- 4'560 14.21 FRT 71- 7100.9600 4/10191 4/10/91 2,194.68 Jiti-t'D 1010 2194.68 31566 4/09/91 GRIGGS CODER 1i COMPANY VET TOTAL 2861.13 G1973 PRE -PAID 11,747.00 DEV LUMINA Oi 4140 5004 4/10/91 4/10/91 11,747.00 JRNI -CO 1010 11747.00 31522 4102/91 GIRSSI AN CtMET 00 VENWR TOTAL 11747.04 142145 PK-PAID 288.4c 3/30 PR OED 01- 2040-0000 4110191 1110191 288.46 J K. -CD 1010 288.46 31546 4/04/9l HENN CO 91lPPORT G COLLECT: %kW TOTAL 288.46 12301 PRE -PAID 540.44 ICMA 457 3/30 PR 01-2w -0000 4/10/91 4110/91 540.44 JR*- 1010 540.44 31547 4/04191 1Cl44 AETIFMNT TRUs"T -457 VE 87pR TOTAL. 540.44 of P U R C H A S E J O U R N A L DATE ° 471091 AP=CO2.01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 15:36.49 Italcl ME 1w, lR1 INVOICE W DATE DATE STATIJIS AV,W DESCRIPTION AMW Nl1n AUQB1T CRUX i DATE I2304 PREPAID 103.67 IDIA 431 3430 PR O -2010 -0000 4/10/91 4/10/1 103.87 JFM CJ 1010 143.87 315413 4104/91 ICUIt IVIKI'ETi) TRUST -401 VEUIDIIR TOTAL 103.81 ,13571 PRE -PAID 362.50 50' CONTRACT HM 01-4340-3100 4/10/91 4/10/91 362.50 JtNL -00 1010 362.50 31533 4/02191 `JfiE44'TAFFE VENDOR TOTAL 362.50 'J25/9 PTA -PAID .' 1,261.66 LI 71-7100-9510 934.22 TINE 71-7100-9520 4 34.65- DISC 11'1100 -9561? 4110/91 4110/91 2,151.23 JOL -CD 1010 2161.23 31535 4/02/91 PRE FAIR 446.05 LIG 71-7100 -9510 1,194.06 MINE 71- 7100 -9520 k 20.86- D19C 71- 7100 -9S60 a'1 4/10191 4/10/91 1,619.29 ,much 1010 1619.29 31567 4/04/91 t WA LIM C0 VETW TOTAL 3780.52 1,2817 PRE' -PAID 44.00 UNION 3/30 PR 01. 2040 -0000 4/10/41 4/10/91 44.00 ,FK-CD 1010 44.04 31557 4/04191 'WIENFORWIENT LABOR SER+ VENDOR TOTAL 44.00 0,78 PRE -PAID 257.45 REPAINT SQUAD 6401 01 - 1 -:40 -3810 4110/41 4/10/41 ' 257.45 JO -0 1010 257.45 31560 4/x5/91 VOW TOTAL 257.45 1{3061 PRE -PAID 6,165.84 FIT- RETR11 PAYROLLS 01 -2040 -0000 4110/91 4/10/91 6,163.84 AL-CD 1010 6165.84 31527 4/02/9I PREPAID 12,297.20 FIT 3/30 PR 01 -2040 -0200 4/10/91 4/10/91 12,297.20 JK-CD 1014 12247.20 31543 4104/41 t 13UETTE BANK - MJND VENDOR TOTAL' 18463.04 1t3D90' PRE -PAID 107.16 NEC CNTR 3/30 PR 01-2046 -0000 4/10191 4/10191 107.16 ft-00 1010 107.16 31555 4/04/91 lE3! CENTER HEALTH PLAN VDL10R TOTAL 107.16 M3i15 PRE -PAID 10.00 NOTARY APPL-ElLfM 01-4090 -2100 4/10/41 4/10/41 10.00 ,RUL-CD 1010 10,00 31541 4/03/94 WDEPT OF C "ja ` - VENDOR TOTAL. 10.04 Iml PRE -PAID 654.0(: DEF COW 3/30 PR 01- 20+T)•0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 654.00 JOt.-0 1010 654.00 31550 4/04/91 AN RETIREJEXT SYSTEM VFVOR TOTAL 654.00 K1455 PREPAID 6;4.65 UNION 3/30 PR 01-2040 -0000 F;€ 4: PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/10191 AP CO2 °01 CITY IF FMITIIIEi TIME 15.3609 VE]4DOR IMti+1TICE DUE NOUN PILE -VID 4?Et3; NO. IMICE M - DATE ' HATE STATUS AMMOIIfT DESCRIPTION ACC(m NIjw AM10o I]ft ! MATE , 4/10/91 4/10/91 619.65 jV& -CD 1010 619.65 31556 4/04/91 W TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 VENIM TOTAL 619.65 !13520 PREPAID 505.35 POSTG- NEWSLETTER 01-=020 -3210 4/10/91 4/10 545.99 At 1010 505.89 31523 '4/02/91 PRE -PAID 9.67 f0LEJMI5H POSTG METER 01- 4070-3210 67.84 REPLENISH POSTG METER 01- 4020-3210 19,11 REPLI)1IS1 POSTG METER 01- 1 441.3210 .87 TfEPLIXISH POSTE METER 01-4060 -3210 60.42 REPLENISH POSTE METER 01 -W'-0 -3210 4.:59 REPLENISH POSTG METER 22 6.93' REPLENI POSTE PETER 71.7100.3:10 46.00 REPLENISH POSTG DETER 01- 4340 -3710 7.26' REPLENISH POSTG METER 81-= 3ri�-3210 55.37 REPLENISH POSTG METER 01-4190 -3210 62.54 1+fPLENISH POSTG METER 73- 7300-3210 62.54 REPL ISH POSTG PETER 78 -7800 -3 40.01 REPLENISH POSTG METER 01 4140-3210 9.55 REPLENISH POSTG METER 41-4280 -3210 . 2.03 - REPLENISH PGSTG METER - RECYCLE 70-42 12.40 FVkfXISH POSTE METER -SECT 8 01- 4090-3210 49.25 'REPLENISH POSTG I MM -ECIP1 OEV ol-LO20 -3210 30.50' REPLENI POSTG METER-MARY 01- 11WO000 4.45 F" 194 POSTG METER-M 01-1190-0000 572.18 OLENI94 POSTG METER 01.4320-3210 4/10191 4/10191 1,117.50 , K-CD :010 1117.50 31561 4109191 Mn POSTMIASTER VENDOR TOTAL 1623.39 P3450 PRE-PAID 378.68 PERA -1 -7/89 RETRO PR 01- 2040-0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 378.68 JK-CD 1010 378.68 31529' 4/02/91; PCME-PAID 373.15 KRA-7 -12/89 RETRO PR 01- 204:1 -0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 373.15 AL -CD - 1010 373.15 31530- 4/02191 PREPAID 1,800.85 PERA -1990 R£TRO PAYROLL 01- 2040-0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 1,800.85 ,1Ar1--CD 1010 1800.85 31531 .4/03/91 PRE -PAID 7,081.75 PERA 8/'30 PR 01 -2040 -0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 7,081.75 JR% -CD 1010 7081.75 31545 4/04/91 P R A VOW TOTAL 9634.43 P403D PREPAID 637.50 PHP 3/30 PR 01- 2040 -0000 4/10/91 4/10/91 637.50 J4X. -CD 1010 637.50 31553' 4/04/91 PHYSICIANS OF NN VENDOR TOTAL 637.50 Q4t71 PRE-PAID 1,315.91 LI9 71-7100-9510 330.51 Witt 71- 7100 -9520 29.63- DISC 71 -7100 -9560 4/10/91 4/10191 1,616.79 JK -CD 1010 1616.79 31537 4/02191 PREPAID 1,363.98 LI9 71-7100 -9510 5 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4110/91 AP=002 -01 CITY OF MOON TIME 15.36.09 VET INVOICE ME twAD PRE -PAID om MCI. INVOICE W DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTIUNU ACICO NT KM MW CIM # ` DATE 682.05 MINE 71 -7100 -9520 34.11- DISC 11-1100-9'560 4110/91 4/10M 2,011.92 ift -CD 1010 2011.92 31569; 4/09 71 QUALITY NINE 1. SPIRITS VENDOR TOTAL 3628.11 84300 PRE -PAID 100.00 ROTARY DINER -MAX 01- 4140 -4120 4/10/91 4110/91 100.00 JOL -CD 1010 100.00 31542 4/04/91' ROTARY CLUB OF MUM VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 Sall PRE -PAID 508.92 CR UNION 3/30 PR 01 -2040 -0000 4/!0/91 4/10/91 508.92 Jilt. -CD 1010 5M.92 31552 4/04/91 STATE CAPITOL CREDIT 'UNION VENDOR TOTAL 508.92' TWO PRE -PAID 16,791.20 MR WR 71-7100-920 4/10/91 4/10/91 16,791.20 JRNL -CD 1010 16191.20 31570 4/10/91 TNDRPE DISTITIBUTING CO YEW TOTAL 16791.20 U'S100 PRE -PAID 54.77 MAR TOWELS 01- =290 -2250 11 .80 MAR NO 78- 7800-2200 118.62 MAR UNIFORMS 01- 4280 -2240 23.72 MAR UNIFORMS 01-4290-2240 60.63 MAR UNIFORMS 73- 7300 -2240 60.63 MAR UNIFORMS 78 -7800 -2240 7.15 MAR RAGS 22- 2461.10 MAR C HALL tM 01 -4320 -4210 4/10/91 4/10/91 699.42 JaL -CD 1010 699.42 31571 4/10/91 VNI 0G RENTAL SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL 699.42 189502 PRE-PAM 11,520.50 REPAIR NTR TANG 73 -7300 -3800 3/10191 4/10/91 11,520.50 JAN- -0 1010 11520.50 31563 4/09/91 NESTERM TAW 1r TONER, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 11520.50 TOTAL ALL VENDORS 107,648,36 1 1 1 C0859 99.99 PAGE 1 PURCHASE JOURNAL 39.97 DATE 4123191 0I-4I4)-;SU0 AP- 02-01 JRfL -CD CITY If M011HD CHAMPION AUTO VENDOR TOTAL 139.96 TIME 14.17.21 VENDOR INVOICE DIIE HOLD 810 AD- SEALCOAT 27- `$00.3510 `,S.00 PRE-PAID ofu 78 - ?f*(3510 NO. INVOICE *0 DATE DATE STATUS AMOT DESO&TION ACM MI LAMER AMW 0W# DATE + 59.11 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4040-2100 3?. 41 OFFICE SUFfL1ES 01-409'+ -2100 70.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4140-' - b 77.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4196-11100 44.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01.4340.2100 18.70 OFFICE SUPPPLIES 01-4280.2100 18.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES 71-7100 -2106 23.46 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73- 7306-2100 18.70 OFFICE S1FPL.IES'' 78-7860 -2100 31.01" OFFICE SF1 01- 4020 -2100 24.22 OFFICE SUIPPLI €S 01-4320-2100 4/2 4123191 419.58 JF?4 -CD 1010 ACRD- MNIMIDWST BM INESS t VENDOR TOTAL 419.5$ AOi45 558.00 TEMP H- LP 01 -414) -1300 412301 4/23/91 558.00 Jot _CD 1010 ALTERNATIVE STAFFING, INC VENDOR TOTAL 58.00 00342 650.00 SPRING NEIGITTER 01-4020 -3100 4/23/91 4123191 650.00 JRNL-CO 1010 ANN N HEM VENDOR TOTAL' 650.00 80521 30.00 MAY PARKING LEASE 01- 4280- =200 30.00 MAY PARKING LEASE 73-7300 -4206 30.00 MAY PARKING LEASE 78- 7800-4200 4/23191 4/23191 90.00 JRtL_CD 1010 BAL9QA MN COMPANY- 1125 -04 VENOM TOTAL 90.00 Do" 506. ^S MARCH RECYCLE SERV- CORSCL 70.4270-4200 4/23/91 4/23191 506.95 Jft -CO 1010 8FI' RECYCLING 'SYSTEMS OF M VOW TOTAL 536.95 80707 159.60 APR GA5OL.INE 22-4170-:210 4/23191 4123/91 159.60 JM-CD 1010 BROWS' FOIE, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 159160 C0859 99.99 RIFNING BOARDS 7- 7300 -2300 39.97 COIL ,SPACER 0I-4I4)-;SU0 4/23/91 4123141 139.96 JRfL -CD 1010 CHAMPION AUTO VENDOR TOTAL 139.96 00870 311.00 810 AD- SEALCOAT 27- `$00.3510 `,S.00 BID AD-LIFT STA IMFRD MT 78 - ?f*(3510 4/23!91 4/2S/51 376.00 JOt -CD 1010 CHAP1N PtR ISHING CO 00923 0 VENOM TOTAL 376.)0 59.09 M"I'S W6L-PRINTING 70-4',170-21',10 4/23/41 4/73/91 59.09 Jm.-CD 1010 I ' ` 2 c . 7yia PALE. 2 PURCHASE .10URNAt DATE 4/23191 W - 002 -01 CITY Of WIND ; TIM[ 14.17,21 VENOM INVOICE WE H01D PRE -'AID CHECK NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMOt1rtT DESCRIPTION AGCUr)RW AW.N" C1EC1( 1 DATE CITY Of NATZATA VENDOR TOTAL 5 9109 00 30 lt?.0t7 3 MINDGW Ci.fANING 31 t1i 0 2<rl'i 4173 1 41.2 x, 18.00 J41-CD 1410 CITYWIDE WINN SERVICES VENOM TOTAL 18.011 Cmo 41.16 MAR RUG RENT 71-7100 1220 4/73/91 4/23,91 41.16 JRA. -EO 1010 CLEAN STEP RENTAL 1ENDOR TOTAL 41.16 - 00460 i 94. A9 STAPLES,HANGER5,1.0005 01 -'�'00 44.04 CONTACT 01-4040-:2W 4.19 BATTEPIES 01 -42 :200 15.16 CONDUIT _ 01 4280-2310 56.19 MAR HOW SUPPLIES 01- 4, - j 14.88 MAR HOME SLIPPL IES 01-4290- 1 25.57 MAR SUPPLIES 01-429;-:'300 37.20 MAR ►Ol11E SUPPLIES 01.4290 -2310 6.38 MAR HONE SUPPLIES 73.7300 -t 00 26.14 'MAR NONE SUPPLIES 13-7300 -2300 /23/91 4/23/91 329..74 JtH -CD 1010 COAST TID COAST VE)•tD(M2 TOTAL. 371.74 00940 907.00 'COlEUTER LEASE 01 -4045- ',1000 483.00 COMPUTER MAINT 01 4/23/9T 4/23191 1,390.00 JN1:. -CD 1010 CDIPUTOSERVICE INC VENDOR TOTAL 1390.00 170997 180.63 2.41 T PATCA NIX 73-7300 -::1t0 157.40 2.10 T PATCH MIX 01-4280- 2340 4/23/91 4/23/91 338.03 JRNL-00 101.3 COMMERCIAL: ASPHALT CO. VENDOR TOTAL 338.0:3 01175 231.00 VIOfO TAPE COUNCIL 01-4031 -; 010 4/203/91 4/23191 231.0') JtNL_CD 1010 w 11AM1E VENOM TOTAL :31.00 01209 775.00 INSTALL A /C-87 C1EV 01 4140 -3810 4/23/91 4/23/91 775.00 J W -CD 1010 DEALER AlTWTIVE SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 775.01) DL331 ZI6,W 1AIN"AIN SIREN 4.5 -6 01-414x,.;;00 4/23/91 4123/91 216.00 Jnt.-CD IOlO OMADUS Ci1RPMtATION VENDOR TOTAL 216.01} 013r, 1;3.35 Fl, UOF.Ii.f 73• 0 -"I cr 12. N0 1ES NCtt 73- 70-2100 Ioly WE 3 PURCHA5E JOURNAL DATE 4/23NI �-0O2 01 CITI OF M1)1.)il TIME 14.17.21 " VENTt1R IMICE xE HLD PRE >AIO Oft NO. INVOICE NMER DATE DATE STATUS AMtlWT DESCRIPTION ACtOUNT muMSER AM X 0ECK 1 DATE 4Mill 4123141 145.:65 JRNL -CD 1010 DPG' INIM TRIES, 101C. *NO TOTAL 145.35 D1342 385.91 WASH 6 MAY 22 4170 x.00 4/23191 4M/91 385.91 JFeNL-ED 1010 DAlINMO AME RICAN CORD VENWR TOT 385.`71 FIS80 30..'!0 EXTRICATION MtNDNENTS 4 /23/ 4 1 4/23/91 30.W JRN. -CD 1010 FINE INSTRUCTORS, ASSN YOM TOTAL X. 0v F1660 1615.00 9TRLT ALARIM -CITY WitL 01.4320-3100 411.00 SEMI At1 a ALARM-L19 ' 71 4/23/41 4/:3/91 516.00 JRENY -CD 1010 FLOrD SECURITY �ENT10R TOTAL 516.00 F1710 8.14 MILEAGE-CLAW 01 -4040 -3340 4/23/91 4/23/91 8.14 JRNL -CD 1010 FRANCENE CLARK VE1M TOTAL 8.14 F1711 196.95 MAR AXING 71- 7100 -9600 4/23/91 4/2301 196.95 JK -CD 1010 F14'X� S IMOING VENDER 'TOTAL 196.95 61747 100.00 PRINT 30- 6000 -4100 4/23/91 4/23/ 100.00 JRN - {'D 1010 6 i D PROMOTIONS VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 61749 455.10 IN9 AlCE CLAIM -01PAT 78- 7800 -;:610 4/23191 4/23/91 455.10 "L-CD 1010 CAB BUSINESS SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL 455.10 GI$29 402.50 GE MOBILE RADIO 73-7300-5000 4/23191 4/23/91 402.50 JRN. -CD 1010 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 402.50 G1570 150.00 ADV411E 5TA7 FIRE SDM :24 4/23/91 4/23/41 150.00 M& -CD 1010 GERALD BABB VEMW TOTAL 150.00 Gl'?05 40.00 !WR ONE CALL SERY 73.7::(X.;_ ,I(K) 4/Z3i91 4/23/41 40.00 M -CD 1010 *'.R STATE ONE-CALL, INC VFNO(JF TOTAL 401 00 130.00 TU 11,11f14 w;ri;7:A1 9 VEH G 40 3✓ia 1 4> PAGE 4 PURCHASE i0URNAL DATE '4 /23/91 AP- 007.01 CITY OF full) Tilt 14.17.21 VEJm 1MR'OICE DUf WO PRE -PAID C HECK N0. INVOICE No DATE DATE STATUS AWKI %S(XRIPT10N ACI:'XINT N1OW NUN C4FCK t DATE 41. 4/23/91 180.00 ,iAL -CD 10117 M.R.C. MARKETING COW VENDOR -TOTAL 180.0 )2140 1 FEB M ING FEE 01-4110-42% SJt ,'17,` 4.' 4tf S 31 2044 °10001 :.`j0 5 SKI ER M ikES FALAKF 01 _2300.022 4/23/91 4/23/91 362160 1010 FENN CO SHERIFFS [CPT VENDCIFi TOTAL 362.60 `N22 QV. 75 FIRE NEF' TRAf'K1 1 4 `kM 22- 70 - 4210 4 /" ';l 4 /21 /91 �.t5 JRNI _C D 1410 tEllai TEC W CAL C OL f VE3400R TOTAL 99175 40247 136.50 MAR TFn2Cx I NG 1/23191 4/233/91 1 ^x,.50 J4t 1010 HOOPS TRUCKING VENDW TOTAL 136.50 12312 535.00 SER1':C£ CONTRACT- rkC Q% 01- 434 4/23/91 4/23191 535.00 JX -CD 1010 116/m VENDOR TOTAL :535.00 3421.86 FILTER CONES 78 -7800- 2 4/23/91 4/23/91 3421.86 JRNL-CD 1010 JON, HENRY FOSTER VENIM TOTAL 321.96 owl 26.21 CABLE TIES 0t -42S:a :�50 180.96 BPPDITS 01- 4280 -2300 4/23/91 4/23/91 207.17 JRNL -CD 1010 KAR PRCN111CTS VENDOR TOTAL 207.17 L2811 26.95 Ml S CARDS W 01- 4144 -35"42 4/23/91 4123/91 26.95 M -CD 1010 LARWh WING i MAPHiCS VENDOR TOTAL 26.95 L2851 117.39 2ND QTR-W;$,'FRS :TW 01-40:0- ?600 56.44 2ND QTR-WM,i;S CO OI 4040 ?!0t� 56.44 2ND QTR•iME;S -'W, 01 40 ? ;tdXt 4,537.1$ 2110 QTR -MOF*EF. .P 02 -414 , C.(�'* 225.75 21411 QTP- UORICEPS :W 0 1 4''e.- w j 2,738.213 AND QTR- MTPKERS CW li 4 '' 257.35 2ND QTR-WOWFRS :OMI 01 4''K) ; 1,403.45 2ND 9TR- WOPgP?5 LMW 01 - 434: fr�n ,64h.04 2ND QTR- MWf.RS Cr7E i" 42' 4'35.0 2ND QTR- MORKi?5 ate' 71 7 10-1 841.71 2ND QTR- MOF)4;� CW 73 A;• a"10 1,144.53 2ND QTR-MIMEPS 4/23/91 40,'91 14,41.0.;5 JR?t'-CD 1010 1 oll MARCH uKa 73- ,300 -372(- 163.52 MATCH GAS 78-7800 -3720 966.09 MWCH GA .S 01- 4320 -, :7)0 4/23191 4123/91 2,187.27 JRN -iD 1010 MIN EGASCO VENDOR TOTAL ?187.27 M3279 20.00 WA '9I DUES 01 4140 -4130 4/2`3/91 4/23PI 20.00 J?N -co 1010 MN ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN VEMt1P TOTAL 20.00 rt j 58.3:3 VOL Lf' i AL i of T 01-4340•:'310 4,r23/91 4!23(+1 %.33 JPIW °Cl 1010 MN PLATGafo INC kA N 0 ',TAI. 'SS.:T? M3414 38.00 ;"1 B #IOUE" ACTT 01.4140 -4;10 4123/91 403191 38.00 IFNI -(1' 1017 loll PAGE 5 PURC JOURNAL DATE 4/23/91 4P °CO2 01 CITY OF M W Tiff 14.1 7.21 VD90 IkWICE DuE ►[1L0 PRE- VIO CHECK NO. IM4)ICE N"W OATC DALE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCUINT VIBER AMOUNT aCX l DATE LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 116 fit VENDOR TOTAL 14460.75 L20V 54.9 MAR AUTO PAPTS 22 4170 I,1-�,3, MAP AUT3 Pi:TTS 01- 47.5`; -.113 4/23191 4/23191 1, 2A . r, im -CD 1010 LO1ElL'S AUTUWTIVE /IITCD; VENDOR TOTAL 12",6.3: K304tt 1 ").00 MAY E.NF'ORS RAIN? 01-4M-3M 4173/91 4(23/91 170.00 J NL -CD 1010 MASTS CORFWTION VEK;OR TOTAL 170.00 1 1'y .,)O MID., PLAN -11 4AF ENGR SE.Bw 01- 419:)-;: , 21,60 WA1ER -MAR ENGR SERV 73-7300.3100 21.60 WATER -Ik10 -MAA ENTa'6t SfRv 78 - 71300 -::.00 352.00 TUXEDO -CLIDE -MAR ENGR SER`V 26 5700 -3100 1,199.80 1991 4A1€V*AT -MAR ENGR SERV ".7-`.4100-3'.00 270.00 UrPGR; E LIFTSTA -MAR ENGR SERV 78- 7900 -5000 4,952.00 91 1P3R L:FTSTA -MAR ENCft SEW 78- 78(!0-500(1 64.00 CAS TAW CONTMN -MAR 00 SERV X-WW -3140 92.00 CSO L'2TS -MAR ENGR SERV 30- 14W-3I00 661.00 STORAik SITES -MAR EHGR'SERV 30 - 3100 1,851.00 CITY HALL A;CHT -WR ENGR SEW 30-1000-51-00 4123191 4123191 9,678.00 JRNL-CD 1010 KC M FRANK ROOS AS50C1* VDM TOTAL 9678.00 M3116 0.00 BUTTON BADS 01 - 4340 -2200 4x23/91 4123191 13.00 J W-(G 1010 ME1SE1- HARt1MAfYE VENDOR TOTAL 13.00 K#25o 288.75 M*CH CAS 22 4170.3710 3:1.83 ?W0 GAS 01-4340 -3720 83.11 MARCH GAS 71-7100 332.10 MARCH GAS 01- 4280 -3720 131 8' MARCH uKa 73- ,300 -372(- 163.52 MATCH GAS 78-7800 -3720 966.09 MWCH GA .S 01- 4320 -, :7)0 4/23191 4123/91 2,187.27 JRN -iD 1010 MIN EGASCO VENDOR TOTAL ?187.27 M3279 20.00 WA '9I DUES 01 4140 -4130 4/2`3/91 4/23PI 20.00 J?N -co 1010 MN ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN VEMt1P TOTAL 20.00 rt j 58.3:3 VOL Lf' i AL i of T 01-4340•:'310 4,r23/91 4!23(+1 %.33 JPIW °Cl 1010 MN PLATGafo INC kA N 0 ',TAI. 'SS.:T? M3414 38.00 ;"1 B #IOUE" ACTT 01.4140 -4;10 4123/91 403191 38.00 IFNI -(1' 1017 loll loll PAU 6 PURCHASE J0URNAL Ai' CL }7 01' CIT OF MT311 vETlDtla IMrOICE Dllf HOLD NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS NONT DESCRIPTION IN SAFETY COWII VENDOR TOTAL.. 39.00 M3610 1`_ ,8.30 ROOt 'OP AIR 4/23,91 4M191 158.80 'JRW - CD KU REFRIGERATION VENI1p? TOTAL 151,'.80 1M3k33 ISO. !0 M INT-CLE43 INDEX 150.00 NAINT- CLERKS INDEX 41.3/41 4/73191 300.00 J -CD MUNIMETRII, INC. MW TOTAL 300.00 N3710 13.52 GLOVES - 21.54 CONDUIT 13.82 MAR HDME 18.55 HAP HDWE 15.25 MAR Nli 101.44 MAR HDW -FAN MOTOR 4/23/91 4/2:1/91 184.12 JRN CD NAVAK WK WARE VENDOR TOTAL 184.12 Nm 35.50 MAR ELECTRICITY 23.43 MAR ELECTRICITY 63.31 TZAR ELECTRICITY 24.55 MAR ELEC TR ICITY 210.96 MAR ELECTRICITY 165.47 MAR ELECTRICITY 4/23/91 4/23/91 523.`22 J OUCD WORT" STATES POWER CO VENDOR TOTAL 523.22 P3959 155.70 LAtfSAEANER 4/23/91 4/23/91 155.70 JRNI -CD PAM OIL, INC VENDOR TOTAL 155.70 P3942 1`0.0!3 ADU C= -STATE FIRE SCHOOL 4/73/91 4/2301 1`0.00 J;Tt--CD PAI1L HENRY VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 P4031 221.75 MAY HOSP -M THARALSON 4/73/41 4/73/91 x1.75 JRTI-CD PHTSICIAN,S OF MN VENT% TOTk 121.75 P4035, 1,133,`.�t APRIL. BLC(i 1AINT -C KALI. Q . ?4 APRIL BLIP MAIN;' - Pw ?8.33 APRIL BLDG MAIN. -Pig 9 8 .33 AF91 L E4116 MA, N7 -F'N 311. ?6 STRIP,wAX FL',OQS -Fm 30.96, S`RIP,wAX FLO(K -X11 30, 4F, STRIr wAX FLECKS -Pw DATE 4 /23/91 Ill* 14.17.21 PRf -PAID CHECK ACLIXNT' Nl18ER AI OLK' CHECK ; DATE 1i - 7100-;Ul 210 1010 Ol °414G• `00 1010 01.42W-140" 01- 428a - ,n0 01 4290 -7250 01 4290 -,9011 73- 7300-:300 78- 7300 -` 1010 01-4280 -3710 01- 434:1 -.% ?10 01-4320 -3710 72 730 -710 73 7300 -33710 78- 790:1 -3710 1010 01-4790 -7.`0 1010 71 - 70-4110 1010 01- 4140-1510 1019 01 4?"Ill-'I0 U1 4.rs6 -4 z% 1'a 7390 -- % 13 - 781:I,k- 4;30 O 1- : 8iJ 4.a; r 7?- 731x: -4Lr•i 78-7811 r *.j0 0 110/t Pa 7 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4/23/91 4P C0 ? -Q CITY OF MCLIV TILE 14.1.21 VE4110 IN «DICE 01£ HOLD PREPAID DECK NO. IMMICE MW DATE DATE STATUS AIt1lRIT DC5Ci1IP?ION AGT OUNt MlIBFR AMOI.N CHECK f DATE 4/,3/91 4/23/91 1,77.44 JO& - CD 1010 PINE S BU10ING MAINTINANC 4E:N OR TOTAL 1577.44 P4v i i±4.00 PMC $EFb'fiES 01-4 9 + 4' PRACTICAL "T CXIPT5 VENI)DP !DIAL 60 (10 R42`00 37311 ). " kf lff ASSN INS x.2-411; 1,238.00 INS RE] WAL-L411 O1-414t1 3e10 4.x`23141 4(2'_.t >1 1,611.047 CD 1010 R L TOMIML L AS5TY'IAIE'S VENDOP TOTAL 16! 1.06 84230 233.00 fi ID [*,rS 01 '•_40-410 :1 4/23M 4/23/91 MOO il*�L -CD 1010 R£IDEN VENDOR TOTAL MOO 84245 35.00 GLASSES REIHB - Ja N 01 4/23/91 4/23/91 35.00 M. -f 1010 RIMARD L AtRS[1i VEM TOTAL 35.00 54390 2,300.66 MA T RENT 71- 7100-3920 4123/91 4/23/91 2,300.66 JRNL-CD 1010 SHORELINE PLA VENDOR TOTAL 7300.66 S4430 851.87 PRINT NEWSLETTERS 01-4020-3500 4/23191 4/23/91 851.3 ,RPM -CD 1010 _SOS PRINTING VENDOR TOTAL 851.87 W31 44.20 VA(7)" REPAIR 71 -7100 -3821 4/23191 4/23/91 44.20 At -CD 1010 SOS VACLM CLEWR SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 44, 54433 150.N SPIAA COW RfGiSTR4 , 'W. 01-4140,.4!10 4'2,3/91 4/23/4! 150. "J0 JFM -CO 1010 Seim 1 91 CONFERENCE VENDOR TOTAL 156.00 54440 14.00 MAP CAR "S 10 3.50 MAP CAR okay 13-1300.3810 112,00 M4; CAR w� 0: -414's : 4/23/91 4/23/�l 12y.`k jli,* -CD 1"1 SPRING PARY CAR MA94 VEN1TUP TOTAL 54480 0,7 o rM TAGS 4 /,`'`+Ia1 4/73 "�i ST PALI STOF WLOI VE:NICJR ;GTAi. ?ti?7.81 laid► PAGE 8 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4.'23191 AP CO2, -0 CITY OF MOUND TIME 14.17.11 WNDOR INVUIJ. Etf ►fltD PRE- kID O7fCK NO. MOICE NNA DATE DATE J •1 U!S AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMKR AMOUNT DIECK 4 DATE `46.0 ? 1,005.70 CEWEFI S(hYV."S 60-600a-V10 4 rYt;91 4!^ t l I , 0(6' 7 .mil -C Ei 1010 i RE I ()t R 5 IOCV5.70 54610 1,6 ;'5:71 TIRES,T;.tE3ES 01.42W-.?"I 1) 14` >, TIRES 73 7300 - 2,01 4;2 4/2?l91 i,Q'S.'8 JRNt - CD 1010 SIJEWBAN TIME CO ',>ENDOR TOTAL T4716 57,?8 TE11P ffLP 73 57." Rtl. C.f HJiO' T MPMf ICS TO 00 4EN1OR TOTAL 57. T4735 9,6M.50 STAGY GIA.M: -41•_T 30- 6000 -`kx)O 4 '1;,X 4 1 e7 <3r`91 9,644.50 ;riti-ED 101(1 Tit PINK MWANIES VEKCR TOTAL 9644.50 T4866 65.06 COTE 01-4290-e'310 4/73191 4 /23/91 65.06 JFH -CD 1010 TOWA AUTO BOOT MIPLT 'ff?M TOTAL 65.06 4890 69.94 AIR CONT UNIT 4.90 TAPE 01.4240-I'50 243.61 TOOLS 01- 429; -W 4/23/91 4(23/91 318.50 JOE _CD 1010 MOL5 UNLIMITED VENDOR TOTAL 318.50 L15040 x5.91 CilIVER STATION FIN 30 °6000 -5000 4/23/91 4/73/91 355.9: " -CD solo LIAM INC VENDOR TOTAL 355.97 V5181 96.00 LICW+ 01-42 4/23191 4/23/41 96.00 JRTt-CD 1010 VAN 0 LITE, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 96.00 V5190 5,AP'.01 CDWj 1 , 1M;i "ii AN 16 x7 Ri` {i i .5th MAR PLAN DIGJLT Ol{419: IliXa 4/13141 4/23191 6,3r, 04 CD 1010 VANDOKWHAZARD 5TAH INGS 'v'ONTOR T;TAI. 6,M. ,.Fj (J 1010 MATER rt4) I:15 "lo 4N 1kM;(F 7'4 w43<) 10 140 22- 4170-4110 1010 22 -4170 -4110 1010 22- 4170 -4110 1010 < 4 1 7r 411 C: 1G1G 2:1 101E Ioz/ PA(k 9 PURCHASE .JOURNAL AP -00 - ACUUT NUMBER AMDLN' DECK t (LATE CITY a M(Itiv VEND W' INVOICE QUE Ha D 73 -7300 3$00 01-42a qp No. INVOI(I NMIW DATE DATE STATUS NONT DE5I;RIPTiON 1010 268.00 PLOWING 1010 01-4320 -3800 fi20.00 BELAIR 1010 840.`4 BARTLETT 1010 22-4170 - =.10 198.00 TT<'UD IvG -SALT 4; 3f91 4/73J9i 73o.50 .IFX -CD WIDMER INC VENDUR TOTAL 2730.50 7.50 TRAINING ExP'FEtIRI.a+9i 4;'<'3;91 4/23/91 7.50 ;RN.-(D Will IAM iENDRICI(S% VENDOR TOTAL 7.50 W'S740. 3,564.69 FEB,%�R PR()SECuTION 4/, 4/23/91 3,5fi4.0 JM -CD WWST-?EARIa' - CARSON VENDOR TOTAL 35564.5; X 244.25 MAR COPIER MAINT - Ik, , 2 409.8£ LEASE-5r52 4/23/91 4%23/91 654.16 JRN. -CD XEROX CORPORATION VENOM TOTAL 654.Ie 16047 150.00 ADVANCE -STATE FIRE SDrM 4/2;')(91 4/23/91 150.00 JRNL -CD KEVIN SIPPRELL VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 Z6049 150.00 ADQJCE -STATE FIRE SDM 4/23/91 4/23/91 150.00 01. -CD TIM PALM VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 1605I 150.00 ADVWT_-5TATE FIRE SCT♦[+OL 4/23/91 4/23/91 150.00 JRM - -CD DAVID BOTD VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 Z6053 150.00 ADV4CE -STATE FIRE S[;WJL 4/23/91 4/23/91 150.00 JRNL-CD STEVE BICYSON VENDOR TOTAL 150.;q 260`5 150.00 ADV410E -STATE FIRE 5(X10, 4!1`301 4/, 15!1.00 "--(o BET N1CC(1M VENDOR TOTAJ,, i`_+0.)o� xM70 150.20 At 'f CE - 5 1 4 1 E F: ;f 30t" 41!2 4123/91 150.' "C14 - *;D MICNAEI. PALM VENtxfl T(JTAL IS >.J? Ih071 ISr,rN P :i (F c'� E Fief :(,"rCq 4/3i'�1 4/i "3;91 15Ti. 0 F"9I D 22- 4170-4110 1010 22 -4170 -4110 1010 22- 4170 -4110 1010 < 4 1 7r 411 C: 1G1G 2:1 101E Ioz/ GATE 4/23/91 TIlE 14.17.11 PRE -PAID NECK ACUUT NUMBER AMDLN' DECK t (LATE 01- 4280 -4200 73-7300-3$0; 73 -7300 3$00 01-42a qp 1010 01- 02 1010 01.413: :.20 1010 01-4320 -3800 01-4320-`004 1010 22-4170 -4110 1010 22-4170 - =.10 1020 22- 4170-4110 1010 22 -4170 -4110 1010 22- 4170 -4110 1010 < 4 1 7r 411 C: 1G1G 2:1 101E Ioz/ P" 10 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 4123101 W-0O2 °01 CITY OF HOU411 TIT[ 14.19.21 VEN w INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE- 'AID C11fD( 40. IN4YI( N!f i DATE DATE STATUS AtCM DESCRIPT10N AC[`JXT OME.R AMQ.N DECK F DATE DANIEL Ctt y % NDOR TOTAL 150.h,+ 160 - 5 1tAD.:) AN44CE .;TATS F:Ff SCHOOL 22-41'4 -411;) 4!23/91 4/2 3192 150.01 Mt.-CO 1616 PHILIP F1SF; VENDOR TOTAL 15011% 16114 154;.60 ANNMU-STATE Flnf SCr1C101. 2: 4/23191 4123191 150.00 lcw -CD 1010 TARVIN NELSON VENDOR TOTAL 150.06 16110 150.06 APMr1C -STATE FIRE COOL 22-'..70-4110 4/23191 4123191 150.00 JRl1_CD 1010 1XVIN GRADT MOOR TOTAL 150.90 16112 150.00 ADVAIU -STATE FIRE SC400L 22 -4170 -4110 4/23191 41'3191 150.00 fix. -CD 1010 RANDY EENOEI.HART VERN TOTAL 150.00 TOTAL AU VENDORS 79.008.33 • 1022 MISSION STATEMENT t KE:SOLUT) ON 91- ` RESOLUTION ''ACCEPTING AND APPROVING A MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE CITY OF MOUND WHEREAS, they Ci_.y CvInall aria ._' aft feet April 15, 1991 "'"Ar a Goal Setting/Team hu:ldin6 Session ni Vand City Hall; and Wt #I RE:AS, a � mission statuKent was dr and i s a t . ,knk hereto; ar d WHERE this f .... cr ntntemvNt , represent the City 5. lUr') i 1 � ,x n U 1. 1 ., f t ;.�;�. t _ 4 : c. �s r? �, �,:�' ,:F - c "�,ct �_ „ e, , .. Y r y t'kY �'a ty' s 'purpose or ex : t enc:. e r.d WHEREAS, the City t: 't)un0 i directed tkat Lhis minzion f0temcnt to reviuwed by the full Council ar a meet with fail temt f.r pr F nent THEREFORE, HE IT HESOLVED, that tr.e City Council cif ", UPS X tyre pity of f0und, t irirtco tUa hereby accepts the 0 , ,i Sara statement tfat.ed Apri i, 1991 as drafted by t Ci Cuun( ii .nd staff and .� is attwa�:f;e�f t.e:�•r te�. `'he fol Kwing Craunvilmezaters v(;tea in the affirntr.r.dve: rr.e following, Cuuncilct vut�('i in t he negative: i;clward J. `'r;r:kl�il, Ci Manager Attest: -City Clerk /Al CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT MARCH 1991 25.0% MARCH YTD ' PER CENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND -------- -- - - - - -- -------- Taxes 1298890 0 908 1297982 0.071 Intergovernmental 713280 40 16540 696740 2.32% Business Licenses 5100 135 899 4201 17.63 Non - Business Licenses and Permits 67700 2838 7524 60176 11.11% Charges for Services 36200 584 1440 34760 3.98$ Court Fines 95000 4716 10408 84592 10.96% Charges to Other Departments 28950 2133 4366 - 241 4 15.08% Other Revenue 28400 101 151 28249 0.53% TOTAL REVENUE 2273520 10547 42236 2231284 1.86% LIQUOR FUND 970000 91927 221301 748699 22.81% WATER FUND 360000' 23596 70347 289653 19.54 SEWER FUND 600000 51705 145785 454215 24.30% DOCKS FUND 71000 13216 55497 15503 78.16% CEMETFRY FUND 3000 0 0 3000 0.00% /Al /ox y CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES MARCH 1991 25.0 MARCH YTD PER CENT BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND - - - - - -- ------ - - - - - -- ------ Council 613001 6225 21418 39882 34.94% Cable TV 1380 9480 9505 -8125 688.77% City Manager /Clerk 161530 13136 36082 125448 22.34% Elections 590 2 110 480 18.64% Assessing 44600 253 293 44307 0.66% Finance 171040 13633 37218 133822 21.76% Computer 30250. 1844 8620 21630 28.50% Legal 76950 2333 14028 62922 18.23% Police 745910 59145 170257 575653 22.83% Civil Defense 2700 0 1904 796 70.52% Planning /Inspections 123230 8614 22317 100913 18.11% Streets 392670 31189 92519 300151 23.56% Shop ;& Stores 59840 4888 14080 45760 23.53% City Property 89200 4125 13562 75638 15.20% Parks 152690 6134 21593 131097 14.14$ Summer Recreation 11760 0 0 11760 0.00% Contingencies 40000 0 457 39543 1..14% Transfers 107560 10638 31914 75646 29.67% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2273200 171639 495877 1777323 21.81% Area Fire Service Fund 215500 13308 53309 162191 24.74% Liquor Fund 169760 14200 46099 123661 27.16% Water Fund 364450 52567 110561 253889 30.34% Sewer Fund 913540 106963 238718 674822 26.13`k Recycling Fund 84150 11595 21072 63078 25.04% Cemetar.y Fund 4180 0 839 3341 20.07% /ox y LAKE MINNETONKACONSERVAT'ION DISTRICT NEWS RELEASE APRIL 8, 1991 APR 1 01991 CONTACT: GENE STRO`?MI N 473 -7033 SUBJECT: Guidelines fir Rosidential Temporary Dock Extensions During Low Water on Lake Minnetonka The water level on Lake Minnetonka is currently at 927.08' elevation as of April 5, 1991, compared to the Ordinary High Water level of 929.4' a difference of 2.32' feet. The good 'news is that it is up from 925.73' as of April 4, 1990, an increase of 1.35' During this low water period, residents on Lake Minnetonl.a experiencing the need to extend their docks, may do so for the 1991 season without a permit by following gui.. :elines established by the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. The guidelines according to LMCD Chair, Dave Cochran, include: a. The dock is extended only to the extent necessary to reach normal navigable depth of approximately three feet. b. No additional watercraft may be docked than permitted prior to the extensions by LMCD Code. C. The extension shall be a temporary, seasonal type dock. d. The adjacent dock use area shall riot be encroached. Dock placement must comply with required setbacks from the extended property lines to the dock or watercraft as follows: 10 foot setbacks for the first 50 feet, 15 foot setbacks for the next 50 feet, and 20 foot setbacks over Aar t Ah1_ NW4N1._'1C)NKA CONSE RVA i WJ C) STHM 100 ft2vt With writtt'll permission from the neighbor, shorter "etbarck clistaticrs may be allowed. '111e° 1,.MCD lit c ur rt,a':> rtes i(Jent.s of two or more ad joining sites to Colli b i nc. docks. They are a llowed up to four w'lt.e,r-craf t. (over .1.6' lent, arid/or with motors over 10 HSP) stored at the dock, provided the watercraft are owned by the' rk':ildelits of the Combined sites. The side setback re #quireinents must be maintained at the outer site lines of the combined sites. f. Extent'lons in restricted areas such as channels or areas of active boat. traffic are subject. to inspection by the Hennepin county Sheriff's Water pat -ol to assure no hazard to navigation exists. g. Red r•eflec.tivc: material must be applied to the end and beyond 100 feet in open all sides of a clock when extended water. • " /Oxi LAKE- MIN NE fONKAGON;S)LHVAI ION Dis - rRIC T 5. Additional business recommended by committee 0 4 °9 -91 /40417 LAKE USE COMMITTEE A^r, RLL i " 1 1-; j; A G E N D A Monday, April 15, 1991, 4:30 p .m. Conuminity loom, Norwest Bank Building, Wayzata 900 Fast Wayzata. Blvd., Suite 135 (Elevator access for handicapped: use west entrance on Wayzata Blvd.) 1. City of Wayzata public dock status for charter boat use (per memo) 2. Public officiai's i.ake outing of August 3: A. Establish start time B. Verify charter boat selection C. Review roster of invitations D. Additional recommendations 3. Status on legislative bills affecting Lake use A. Personal watercraft bill 4. Water Patrol report A. Charter boat inspection orientation meeting, 7 p.m., Thursday, 4/18/91 B. Spring activity report C. BWC education program report D. Additional business 5. Additional business recommended by committee 0 4 °9 -91 /40417 I AXF, MINNh;` ONKA t' ()N:Yt41tVA'1'1ON OISIRIC tt o ,l P t? o f D 1 11, 1 1 01 a '' 16•gu1 .t cr i, it1 { b,in"Adav°, put i .1 19 91 Ca l l t o O rder Roll Call Reading of P" nut ers: 1: 2 7 , 9 ; Public Commu from pp sons in at tendance e mA can agenda Chair Report, Chair Cochran 1 Announcement Committee Reports A. WATER STRUCTURES, Chair Gr;at.hwol 1. ?e':inut.ps for appr v<al tr"n ing of 4r 1:3Iy1 2. Chapman Place license ense rpnewaal , including temporary low water variance, and license managemeant, agreement and amenities s re•viejw with concluding rec— ommendatioil by 1/93 as recommvnderd for approval by the Commit-Lee 3. Bowers variance to establislt a dock use area during low wate5r, first recommending that Bowers is entitled to a dock to navipraLle water , and second that the proposed Dock Use Area flan be adopted for low water years with stipulations per 4/10%91 detail 4. Wayzata Yacht Club multiple dock and dist mooring area renewal applications rec.ommpnding approval for Sites 1 and 2 and the temp orary low water variiaancvs per We plan de:Laai1. `r. Hpanrs tirp pnwood Marina, 0 . rllban'5 flay, rprnmmpnding no at t ion crn r €quest for time extension t.cI 1' <�ay ann11' 1ie'oe:!, tpI ", b. b t ndw,ard Mari ne , 1 n , rpcommt nd i ng approval of a tornp orary I"w water variance to tnaxinmm of 260 to arrotezit"daetp 4' k. 5 uat , , I n:, oxtonnion if possible, sub )put ,,, 'XKy inup-, tion during instal !at ion to 4h')w just ca3use for low water oxt.e ov« -r 4 ti'. LUD a P p r 0 v a I f N 1 l'iarina c-,111)jort, to 1 a to t e,. "intl �, 10 P"�! la c• 1900 1 i ( c �; f kw"kyn i lnv Appo"'Ai t I P I P t sland VVIS CAMP, d i In o r q ionvA 1 i Ali n it :1s Lin i I I- I l ;1 V A r ot, Wihnvr, I r w i -1 w i t h m i n t i )I inro to 6 BSU' It i i , In - I i i i 1 1 ' , r B�d I Ro n I a I Ki unto innka 11 WA 1 ,Ill; j4= t ne !it it 1i ,I i 111, nc I od I I ;'ii - n n 4 n A 1 H a Bay U I i 11 nut) v V I t r, 2 4 (,.,, a 1) VA I t. I p I & V I i . n n 0 r t • "A 1 S W 1 t h I limpo I a 1 0 w i. i I e r % I a ; ;, i t )i> ..t ( 11,; ;'. l" t' , I- i • k o IV, 111 11 d i 1) )` :1 1 l l r () v a fil H-i y 1 K t v s I I ns . X I nnt onlv:i Boa Wo rks 0 r u n o h a '- d k; owa I, c - r A p,a r t me n t s , and Short ' i a ht. c I uh with 5 i pu I ations per minuLps. Mu I t i p 1 o d— P 1 i o "i s o r v P w as I s In i t tvmporary I ow vAt i anine WITH uhangvs rocommend i ng a[,pruva I f or Havview conUminiums, Clay Cliffp HOA, Crane Island A i , n , D o !,, ii i . 11, iA t s . (7 1, y of F x c (-. I n i o r , La f a y io t t k C lab, vari"neo change, as sLipulated in minutes. M u I t i p I e d tj r k I I c P n in e r f o r E x c c I sior Park Tavern rvicommendinm a Public Hpari tip to consider tAte licf'!Inv llac,f-i upon allic-nity chaliges res I t i ng f rom the city's lejectIon of rharter boat sLarage and operation amenity. 12 M"I t ipl e do I i conse rpni-wa I s with minor change re commending approval for FxcPlsiqr Park Tavern for 20 storage, 12 transient slips, North Shore Drive Marina nubic,t I o n t o rai , . s• r i c(- s I i 1, adjus tment Fore Arir!, Improvomotit A (no challre), foxhili Homeowner Assn (it(-) change), anti David Thomas DvvplopmenL with minor aarendmvnt to site plan. 1 3 DO i n i ti on of Commerc=ia Marina and Out. I oL Annn Facilities recommending Code amp"dmpnt, Sect. 2.11, 1) d . 2 , 1 1 d ; i d d i n I; now S It 1) d i to `;era 2 . I I per IwFpvvre 1 " "" c f 3/2/91:. 14. M"luiplo Dock for Excelsior Bay Ansociatps. rot (umnena i ng renpwa I wi change 1 5 . Ynit iplo P ri: Li nqY I oncval ; , ]at o appl i vat ion! I I I I I I , 1 1 11 1 a P p r 0 v a I f N 1 l'iarina c-,111)jort, to 1 a to t e,. "intl �, 10 P"�! la c• 1900 1 i ( c �; f f (.41 , - 1 an I hm I i n d i In o r q ionvA and q I I p ilcumbprod :1s Lin i I I- burvoy; P"Per Wihnvr, rodu nlipn from q to 6 BSU' ia I i I, I, 11 1 n - r f- 11 WA 1 ,Ill; j4= t t f-) a „1i.Fss ;'ii - f f :11 r I j , I 1 1) t (,.,, a 1) Y ;i �•c..i? _ „•a i 1,� ,: r - •ti =i in ^i ! t II or tn 2.Ctuirii ,. ?�� �rif i..t� f {;t r�t•et rl,:i', a;liii i� r 1. t i L r i , -t .. Y ;4 i. - j' j " t v i f f x.11 : A J ba n I- f i ru 7, ti 1; t' + I3. A 1) V 1 0RY, £',•,1r 1 1; 1 Wig 'j', u w if;+^r Pt vr.t ti� oXi }tan,;,. wit 11 cit io Prop n ,, f ,, � "� {�. S:t t.G+ �, {1.?: ,•lss tl.l IOF tlt2n "t nt', tr .•'t?,�r +'l,iw1 tow nt. AgrIllt. Draf f_ . , i ,di Pt i gr� im Co inj, it it'" "til!` I' < iew prt?eodi 1 2 i .Ah.i X i n itet n a 1,'ar.- i'S}1 Owno r, ;"G; :n. Y7naf'.<'me nt. f'ru) "r—Allt pw ' a r Sf1 '1 l:iI o C. ENVIRONMENT, Fm iAn 6 11 . . 'i .. •7i 1 1 ask £` =Lri". kr'pnv I i't,I 1 I g 111w a ;w of .';I,I.m t,,in rr•nrkr, , recommending approval :l. pr1•par by qWf 2 f un d ing prr n ro p"ri. - l 1 l i e to t' i o n `; i. ' fi t' • n i m A 1. l o n a l as "" f I III f' n d 4% d � A) l !'ttn r'I iIt 1' ;l r • N.`, p art 1 i - ]t.riJ .S t;i t.1)s b) 1.r s 1 , V 1, ,, r .,S n rrr,Pnt'r ts / con t ro t A . 13;1 H.e . wwP coil - prrigr3m nt_attrs: 4 U Ai l ; rpn ( 1 nj;ln,.01 I? r , r:rl1111 s a11C `. > D LAKE, USE CKAr i 1 v 1 ` "inlet, f I or f W .ae7.;al:1 1 it ,se =I'r)t 1'ir,�k r �'t '• "nondi1 w Vasa , rnon t A r rm�ri A r' L.1 1-irtCed tl'1t 1 1 t 11`,i' ? '- W. ri '.+t' ars ,.1 i S i j ar{^" I S)4?' I' r.0 fit}rS tat 4'!i . ? " Vi rI r r�r �lrs i,l•1 it:1 i ,1 i�'i t t o n it i'.f Vi ni- p irk; wp , 11 ! Cl Ii lI \1 1 rh` `Y I j ifi 'i Y � j , • Y � }' C It . ti r + + • t t i I t ,� i l,. ., f �. t 1 l l i 1 t? , 4+ 71 0r I X, X 1 Ii •, #. L'... ri '. 1 nv in t ,. , y; . I fi f . I`B .. i`1'11}� �•[; . :1 I,•.•... .. I I +lout" .4I - iTid If tl it k 1 111 IhS?! I un .a 1 t..,ent.igAI ion al ... x 1 t I }s„ 1 i o I'r�rlrtwty l h'1 t.1a G. W'atoI 1'.a; l � ��� ,,�,r? ;;p >t : +i i 1 t "}I.�n:llPr At!d i t. 3 4711 %a 1 ,[, , I Ito T f't, UG.,ti e'Iy'�l C'•:1 E. 1 {;1 -{}, R1f1'ORIK -a. =t pi 1?5 I :a i i t , iR r , + 1 i 1 ' . { • , ! i _ - : s Il ` , t.i C. 1. 1 4 1 1 IA r � to I It a n d 1 11 !'. 1! 1 1; I) 1 .,. illidit I'. F I. C 11 I V F. 1) 1111:. 1 it , �I. U NFIN.I`yIIV,D 11II;;I.. ^ r I'`�;, 1(. NF,W If US I N1" �> I. A1)A0URNMI?N I' N X IM I& MINNPJ')N'tSA CON",1a1t"VATI(IN DI .AR IC ,it' Dirt!(_:Lorn Ii, nil ir 7 AN Kir(Al "l, 1991 Kill K, Hnhw V1 (!i i 1TWw"l, Fx 01 hP I 1h jvw: i&i, Tworm Minnehmoca How A t; KOVt 11, flink•w 1- ; .K 1kis hj":5 Mind; Mwrt Ila so, q) , " "I i PrielAs ink K 1V n '", it y , V Pr i lig & rot ; D;1V i d Ila 1 V 1 r i Th •5 Sir, K5,o. Wiy"vi ton rod"d 1VTo r L Alocum, A 1 1, 1 D,av ii Arndurl'o�`r J OnH 1 tant J MIN Put NY �Qnlj -5 can c(An" 7 i I ; pro , phi. S!wi iff's ",t-r Pit 1 ; 1: y.1 Tli i bVIL11 L, Admi n istraLive "I: Klylp- cnr�Tww�, &--c w"I 11ruator. mo^mbcr,o Ab. L: L i r i t i , C)h _i i il, (3r I I ,� kj e r P i 1 1 n h u r y i r r Q n a r v i n o r n 0 n V.-i Ny low"i i nit ()f Minutes: I. .. knvad, Untliwol swcanded, approval 1 1w m I "wen of 2, P NO 1 1 r a g I I i a. s o u i, m i t tt d cl!l , :1 1 Y' I r-d I III--at i 17 o);,j., I y . Pub! i s Wma" to : V: no r , n 7 1 -1 f n r s f rk,in peorsoris n nUmohinn" rwL oN Ow tgwvVi D,•, E` W-10 InAle, Chair ReporQ Vice f0tir fnq- Mair Cothran 1% Im OuL. K Wr Wd yo-I Apri I Q. WHI an a Imsiection i ml 1.10. Flirmw q;k 1 im wan rm,mlod. mr I y a.m , April 0 C(,mft1i Ctot! V WATFR Irri Qw. K! "O 1m 1 :w� n K 1 0 n nommlod, U) approve 1 in m i w; V -f 1 oil , - it F!" !-i lawing 010111re K ge 4 , w! 1;V �: I - 101 V�f -r m K 10-q� n—mvirsi. tin awrid tim CIO Q 1 droll i c', Ift1Wt1 r V;jrimgo", ue Ar ,l Hur i yllf L("w if"! f irrilriv 10 n I:Mil) P(IAI�D k1V M-11 27, 1991 k A i ba- P WO: r:, 1 in- r r.nq& Modu5i'll Wny that 1 t r 1 vo r_ ! i i i -,, , ± r - i : � I , 1 ) t t " I t i h . �`, , .. ,1 1 f t he K A , 9 1 rio- i tip, all o; x K W A:L F rw,. "I t which w, f o 1 i 4. 1h nud-A ! E. -n5 iwq,q the neirlibivy tt t i K ,k 1 I T 1, f v 1 .�' k w_rn' pr-y—W y rills wolld viva it worn 1, 'i la,. P Lot I r. - 5, i . "wv A tip p I all TW f , 1 1VIC !m pr, ;"rKy I',,- F I" FA j ry 1 mw Avnnu" ; A 1 y F, i i j,'vi w Av °ioi in th A- r :! 1 1; W RA i m i ; Avzoz, T i ir, C1 I - t, I I y I : " I ` 6 (-) K t 1 ry i w Av iv L n :? P A , "A j- inn i - Kwors 2 16 0 U A i rvitow Avuuuv. A, rr i a , 11; inn, M-nor And It TA ttlo ubinct"d to t ilt plan. N'(•W i I I lis_i t i •_t I l i 1 l N I e I I ` c T i d u�l d L 1 L,i L 11.) c I i t- o �, k q. e t"t y i utl i t r , -, , i I . i , n r i i, - i - I i 1� y r, t 9 ,, i ' (I d , r: k It y ":*'' I I I , r,' k . ,it I i It 'lw{`., 1 ., 1. - i it 1., i It'. I n t i l) , China ami bKonor oil inn t , -i 1 i rik i1 Qww has IPA 1 11 1"Onjunw! IW 51�<qulni f r,mi tho MT cc Pr"vi-no mpl Anto ah"ut vinlat icjrlii., at, the BoW4.-I-s' I. It I;l , , ! n , � i ""m i , t" r A- vid-d, tdi •rn"Opt tho m ta f f i+m f"r Plan H fur alivilimnt Of MY Waks 1 1 vilm Me k i n Q n o i r 1 An , r i lx> , d a f V 16 0 0 F a i ry i w Av (-_1 ri u I C "' I IWO(r'd t, cit- I � 1 I - k t. I la t & t �I N r I j I BOW w r s is " " t i t I e d t (-t a d (_tc k i n I co w w a t, e. r '""I i t 11 `i; tha thi S plan i M,pnd foz• ,)nf iguinitim of dmob; i it ill Y; hot MT I v, r is hrim kwk W tilt- Plard f"r f inn! am-ovA auy d K AnVA 1-d n"t n ") N f 0 rm lilt's:` w i i h 1 K ! 1; r n h, d u u n wmi I (I b i it vi i at 1 �n , Mlb -Ai in"1113 y t 11t,1"I 11" j utendn vow niam i tint, LIA s mot, i on. He . i mi i ri Quit v is fai i L I enj to {.j! k w i t n r . fie Atntnd T hat, i t., 3 t t,W1 � rkbirrl 1 -0, PA Allyf0f, i hi h t Am wi I j t"? bi 1 1-1 0, 11 V! I t. WnAn ChA r Grat hwol d I arval t1w in t i wi ? d vJ -1 111r •vil n. ;P& I P h"n r mt, [,MCI) bOARD OF March 2'1, 194)l 3 Chapman Plac(t of Use) Gr lOw''! up'Ved, On 'n" to a-wopt the' r�pipW, of it A, Aswi 11 , (Vi1miN ind rQr ban-k v th" mnitt — t hQ r thAt Uq"'� 1411191' lwnv "!off i ,1t.'? I -n vim-Ali• . er vivo, to n tain 1 : 10 4. Multiple Do(,;k Eicen. 1991 reitewals. A ra Own 1 upaved I if A � >q K"U"nd-d. Ip jiA 1 of th- 1991 1 1 " 1-2 1 i a o n L v renewal applications W i t 11 orders, nLipulations, oroi Mh"r kninsiderations as follows: A l'.1 ' . t I EW A I 'WITH0 Minnetonka PortobLe? Lire drinn Gid-ons Bay U. hENEWALS 911111 MINOR WHAVE Qrd Fletch,_-rf� We Arm NQw U'viner - Frr_-d 14. Ma-k's on Minn"Maka (Kninerly Flzzelli's), Seton LaK N"w name, New UMV07 - Dill McNamee U, RENEWALS W 1 THOUT CHANGE, WITH TF M PO I �,A PY FXT•Nt " RENEWED WITIV-)UT CHANGE Al & Alma's ,'Iub, Transient dockb 16' nyin?nsion, 116' QA al Charter boat docks - 24' extension, '14' total 13c)rIty'ards 111(_ Excelsior Bay -- '20' ext(-'115ion Albans, (no i ty of Bay ':4' -.xt ori!; i on I f , total. St. Louis Bay "to extension) ('ity of Grof rlwood St. Albans Day Site 1 60' extensicn" 147' total St. Albans Bay Site 2 (No extension) Lower Lake South -Site 3 (No extensi"n) kako!winds Asso Spring Park Bay - 98' 198' total City of M - Pricsts,Cooks, West Upper. Laky, Phelps, 1) 1 ank Like, Env-raid Lake, lie ton Lake, Q rrj sons, dennings & West Arm Bay ( Letter f Yom i m Fackler, 1 n d Fla rk D i r" a to r, do Led 2 /19/ ' 3 1 on f i I ) h -am Va ty a rd n , G i to 1 ( Tv; Ow rwaY � u hm i h Led Wnst Arm JJAK Kok BY extension, 2J& t"tal wroicht do '76' 1', (Now 011rwq- n'01HPA'A", Ay;ii - 76' �7 MT JUARD ()v PHIMPTS March 27, 199.1 1 1 t i t t h 1 c I 1K In 1 wa" Id I" M, wed t"' 1 -,1 i t h 0 t 1 K; a tA 11�; 1'"'w•:"d ' tfh'_. i r 8 #_-xtefls ion j r t ii In :,'6 wit arcraf t stored at s I i p I i oll, 0 t'jt I 1:J0 J t o j i K 0 i 1, A;_, mh I Y, Wayzata Bay iii-i—c 11 to AV W< iter beq)tlls vu'rified) iAY11N*'A AMINISTRATIVE FEE M WHO 110ENSE %r Kik- KiNnok,ka Y;v'ht Club, Gout1i L4nwr Lake 7 . Mct,hod i nL Mori i do District Mooring; Area and Temporary LOW Wat.cr Variance; App] icat.i.on 1, f Ie M C t I I r) d i " t t KQ r i nH A i2 i acid Tempr) ra ry I r,w vla t e r jCaf 1- f, r t h" eXt to 300' Mot i , m carried P. 1,AKV MIMITIAM, V, I.Ar F-s!"w for Chair I'Mutrury I Il i flu Kai Y , , r n 'vt,'d, i. OndA, aFj)"7vq1 A thke !, '. '' nn4: I I — V A/ 16/91 as SlAmnitted. Motion C, ni''V'Q. Knujinkyl riamuded, approval of a double viri t1te-- side of The Harborage dock AQ a min-r (Y "A Dwivacation Niane" due to wind fetch hardship; 0. UYU at I nrwy 1 1 pr par" th" Order. Motion carried lin IN 'un 1 Y . 110 i t! i nly 101y I M i on %for n qvn i t K m- d i r � t i on On Um 5 La f f Q) w i t h the understand i mr that - Ir , ft ho- lak- and the icf? is no lr,nr safe 1"! 1 i L" d" -x" rc i qvd in requiremen that f rmc i m; be 7 . Mct,hod i nL Mori i do District Mooring; Area and Temporary LOW Wat.cr Variance; App] icat.i.on 1, f Ie M C t I I r) d i " t t KQ r i nH A i2 i acid Tempr) ra ry I r,w vla t e r jCaf 1- f, r t h" eXt to 300' Mot i , m carried P. 1,AKV MIMITIAM, V, I.Ar F-s!"w for Chair I'Mutrury I Il i flu Kai Y , , r n 'vt,'d, i. OndA, aFj)"7vq1 A thke !, '. '' nn4: I I — V A/ 16/91 as SlAmnitted. Motion C, s tn z E LMCD BOARD OF 1 >l Rl+;C"1OR1 March 17, 1991 f l 2. llail: Led /Pri'r"A li=ly (: nuutol Buoy h t, , ,.� .rrt.r " t; ? , �I1 1 y �, is 3 Don ht,lby tf _S. lnvltw Lional Ba Tournament, 4. MN f3:A.:;.. >: Stmt. Ft '-do ratio n lt'i.shinf, Tournamt -lit, yt tu .i,ot old, Mart. i n V un . "f. fi a;t':l, appro t) f t lies ne "I all Special Event, ,appl yt i van . .' c _ Una to trite'. conditions ..pct fartla t'y t!le (a>lllm i t t,t, e Mlot, i t; u ; k .r. 1",u imo Rule:,; l.lroc hare; t : �° 'x��e o of two bids f � rl'l°i Execu tive I rr� _t �. i" i � �1-t.c °41 r x c rte tot, t� printing the Summer RUNS ' „t'.r�_�., Vc_', t'h ,::w bid was �ut�nritt.�d b ,, Quality Quick =Printing, h inn t �. nk a, In the' amount of $5,256. �F approxim,=at «sly, :l;fUO le ss t.v'in t;i'le nyx,t;, bidder. Two additional ,'`, firms i 'cl i ne?d to Lid due t o , p"c i a t wate rproof paper and five colon p rinting, Reese clue ,- d th, need fur five color printing and considers the StRmner Miles as presented art unwa= ranted expenditure. The Executive Director ; x n&r .d that the multi- color printing is necessary to illustrate the buoy markings. Camera tyke £rf.'�In t;lse_� 1: 21.:,t. print.in� is being 'ufie!d to save costs. fie stated that 1Ci,C3U0 brochures are to be printed, A self-mailer fund raising insert for - l::nM has also been added. Rules will be m =.ai to l, >liore owners, and broader distribution is planned tlirY3llnh coup-ration from the cities thr6ugh their municipal dock jairmi t h �idt rs, marinas and bait shops. Fuster moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the low bid of Quality Quick Printing' in the amount of sb,256 for printing the Summer Rules brochure and fund rai. in t;:rivE lope c nclvstire. Mat.i 7n carried, Ret : >r• . nd ltr ;.e- -) vr)t i ris' i ay. 6, Water Patrol Report Sgt. (2llcandler rr pp ort a1 i Sf'F Ltar3:4: 1nspectionr of public rental 1)!'.7:atts will be ht "ld on 4/15/91. Ch arter briaL inspection is scheduled for 4/29/91. An informational rteet,inr i s Ul:'ariund for 7:00 p.m., 4 /18/91, Water Patro llnitijquartnr5, "?$girl! Park, wilt. Ut rt"r heat. operators. Board F.3oar,d nit.Woi Ci are lrl':1 Lml 0) att.e.}f.1. tatE? P)« p?%Yt' '.nt, ,,P }.Mr: r and 1[TF.hist.ry, Boiler Insp ectors, are trylnH ten 0 -1 .:p- qi , .r ".`;MP of lr:;i7,i i. ;it 1 JIi fi(n tiff ".y do root have tea k , liie Water !'it,rol 1S n a 'fal tNfi fe'IMn, KA SIting a marking i.11agal or #li"ind '•n'"d w r ).)ll'_ `:>o they can be rF mov e'd from I,M(N) IWAND ()V ? t, #,- r 1 , " i, (; I % I t f I W',) f !;, ' " � -, r" 1 ed I Lei applw)ve the StaWmad. f Ca.-ih TraioiacLionn, ni'Wh onriing d i h i i 04 j, t he i%'; A e;1� I it- l"I +n i t 'n; Its V- 1 Audit, of for laymolot. V o!�; t e, r �j, i ", i a in onnwkd. how .0 MMV M m K On in; f "re t hoy vnjor' i t 1 1 i Q Noy-r!! to an Apri 1 17 mt-mL i ug in 123. 1 HA CY, for ,-k 0 Ohm, Ut I I WIPIQ "S 1 Arift W WWwrlyiyqj Prin-;W3 o f p lay Q NQ the Hoard Ulre"Wh a line I i ne rcv i -vj f4 tJh draft. io ;it iwmr in vr"Winp nujwj-•Awl t I I e, A m wr,at-d X , i 11 W pruvi ded al 1 nit i an , di rectors and "f f"-w-A w-qa it". thO Fo k t , r m , R A p oj I, t vulapt th" 10krLyina P r L n - i P 1, 0 of Live Mon wnny. 1 P 1 In as VS -1 i f NO tro i carried unan ino "in 1 Y. nd unow irm n;n % VIA I f Gf Lho l> ;:a7 balw"wk uAii-sned appnotiatioil f or the cQ�Tw rat ion Q ' In Q- I i al- A i tan QK= i i I f kor Ut t ley' s 5ury i ce, Littley Wen p :ion 7 l f o -,ii a i �,i on u f t he MN INT Shoreland Grani AP' L. 15, pointed wit, scmv, chang-d wording and added .act ion han"d uvon Lion principlab lie will X it with the MN INR for their final nancurranne, having W fair discussed t lit-, draft. with kh"ir repromantattive. Ed Fiel. 5MCD staff has also reviewed the draft. Grathwul moved, Foster seconded, t."-j al�)Provf: the rovised M N DHR Slioroland Grant Agrf.TIlwlit. to rat_�fA a l l 1 4 i t i ess arcepLance, Flition carried, PalmnyS abntaining, hasic+ Utley to give thwurht to preparing,, a stat on how the Plan uan be amanded. Uttoorney LeFevere has proposed an outline :q,4;r;g Q, thiri ) FWvr muvnd, Ha: anp nn•or"hod, t rrant a 90 c-lay exterll_zi ion to tivi Me t row I i tau Wunp i I review p ri ( d I dtio� to c May (3 upon fixpirntlon of Hi" firnt Hij tiny --a"wPm. Mut i on tvarrie(i unanimouhly. F FINANCIAL RYPORTS, , _ w i Ilk '...I 1. ? t, #,- r 1 , " i, (; I % I t f I W',) f !;, ' " � -, r" 1 ed I Lei applw)ve the StaWmad. f Ca.-ih TraioiacLionn, ni'Wh onriing carried i"cindm-u"Iy, Audit, of for laymolot. V o!�; t e, r !11,., v d Pa h k ld ''d, 1 0 -lit. A' hi , 1 10 a o I I t o f 123. 1 HA CY, for ,-k 0 Ohm, (A r 1 : qi ArRn-i i 1AW toga! in-l-vin" dlarg" in a normal -i111011111, lie W,"; i &W UP I Q At, ;W00 •It i On lStn Far' ' UP (• 00 thO nd unow irm n;n LMCD Annual Audit, Froiren; Th•. Fxcilt,i%zf-, Dir". !kor th," tUdit rf'.port will be avallabho ;0. tim April RiNni in jni� IT- L•O Hi')ANA) Kir(Al 27, 1991 kI.I. I CEO! HE 1 A Cr i $1 C 4 v N K 1, 1 i"' V 1 'W T.Iill J 1'C. I ho Ex,nl !% 1A rm"Wr' a is, r Avinance t t -1 nv� -r .,'t Y Cowhran'v Nignature, C<)m pt "i x L A n i A d j u h L no , n o 111 111 (., "t I �s S. T" appruva the C =jWIMAP11 Wai bonefits adjustmenk; f e par(. and full time ntoff for fim:& ymn r 1991 11 C LNj 1A i i I W! u f f i a - r ' n � u m x a r Y r " w t a w a n d a t i a n o f March 21 t providtA tho 1n,ani, Wju -Pit,. W 1", effective 1/1/91 thtion carri Pd wa"Annwr ! y . Unfinished Business. Awre wo- nu Wiulshud business, New Bu!; i riens � '�" t" rk.2f�iion .;lib mitt"d W, updated roster of city C'Mauth arvi mayors alung with Fante un do cities. 10djouriuncIaL. Vice Wivir Notar d-Wir-d rim nmotiur adjuurned at 11:00 1).m. Dav i (I C()chrarl I Cha i r Doug lan I 1 - � WS Ap�� LAKIV MINNIMAKIT MWERVATION DISMI&F AW 1 i it i iw '3 kit 1 i r, r :x- :IV Qr, i Nr Park; 1"W! 1 1 r 1 t I A 1 ent: a, III, Ch,ip,m In II Icn L'i App I i,i t, i k),n I . . , 1_., t , �'!_ j —, " , "'i-I n t I,1, 1,4s r,4 t, I a Q q. i 1 it bil K Pn N tr l : 1503 We 'f ing t I I e i"'oIIIIII i t twt 1"10! SHO-TOP-! l, Vit, Rh , ."%it K -,,, :z pov or; uwnor uperatka- for t0i r dock wit hN two y. irs v 1-su Q-1 v pran4fathered status. At On 1 n f th- pp 1 i n ant i is Marv! i abled i L back to the . �Mm i t inn n- 1 ito a;T! 1�1& nwid to this recommendation 1 n t 1 n , w4n r i n" f i r . OAK 1 1 , 'Anpratti fciJ s I; Ln i t t e d a !0ananlry of t,d. j - , I I , t n i"vnn w i 1 1 mn v 1 sf y Un wxndi tinns o f I IM 11 Wr It [O;F`_vrQ, 1110 , }lam r tit vi (! W #:', d t, h e nUOUTICY WK! ii'l f. n .. a o A i 1 1 =AN. Wprad quost ions beyond the ! • q. - �A '1� revl-w 01 W11 inAn—r- suggentmi tAnt the nu_d 0 Or".1ph Hn K -of ti", 19 9 I (a til- -1-:1 it i'll of 0"� applicant and their Wvr Thn Ex - ij L i vn pir"'"n"r prns"nt"d a i, t. f f rvco r f i ne Q, nan VI "n- IF �r ")nsiUrat inn the Committee. Q ;!j OPIQ acar 14. tin staf i it r"f_rrinr On 'Aniqnar, 1 i a, " 11 w 22se r"vi"W LO n t a ff t Lrk with lh- i i--Nne" �ovl intor"nLnd wommItMe nPaIlows thrmigh tjvt Mn with piort"rly ji+";rnss roip-orhn tip the WMn j 4 t,, I ) , - l , " i1n. 10" hvE no problem in complying wi th th"i r 1 d- r � 1 t 1 -.1i,i n q I" pirticuivir to the owne r 01"IF 0 , W 1 . , , , ir., 11,1"i.- ;t fj!" I. " -) t, t i a 1, a ffl e r I i t i e s via! 1 5-r115-- Whi v inn, 'My OAA over t1w U) C". 4wnsaty for it :, .. +•I : i f t. M o I ti i I I � - x �, t 1,� �, �.j I : bu ; f I I r t I I , " r F " MAY 1 1W ! I ' qnr� Onps�!! 11vi �VAI f Cho: 1991 Artason a5 jv,�_"t w 1 1 I , 1 wool r Y,Wilna" W TO I , ( i �i qw! I r',i Yy r I" - rj lbwqrn Vari"r" - I" Krahl ikh a W-k One Arita during Lover %Wr I 11") , i z , t' 1kJt.I , , l ,, k P, .it . is. "11 lip 1V 1V tj 3,7 r a alt ='kr tt TO i 1 4n .: }1• Oln tlo- - tk t k 1 t'o' f-1 i, 1 , r .:. ., S'. t 0 ., ,. W 1 1,h 3 ml ( ho wk for • c i0p; f . ,., 9 .1 :5. jiff r.` r t 11 im 4i. tv L, t 1 t 1k3 , t'' '! ., "il t,,` ,it, i'a , i Nu 7`i,. •: r :, 1'k: t. Mon A Cf ^'i [+ 5*r !.y ! 11 AI b 1 1 "'W wa 1tor ,•r,"ry t:oH ,^ A l S ir„ P M. , } ' : i . . . or,{L it In i. f.l F_'i t.IiF k:. Motor ::k. { -'• it a,,, k +,'C . . {1' 1tk_ YltiE_!1 IiJ.l j � i. � : t�t� .,:3;i i ,.', :rt ::� flra� +�'Y[7i nation r UPI, t f"! 1 .'t vi 1 t to a t ,. f r , . v ° pp t . _k; _ .� '.. {, _ ! "iflli; ;i1 (m t 't: t (, kk: ,_ii F;1• t:.t i. tl .�til lu t.`.� "i'.l:. e it i c&t,in .. a pt� .r• vJ -nr that my rip arian `kn ;" *:€ _ pu ty in entitled t o at , i I, ito it M I - . Wad 1 Mmm 1 , 1 1k.'c'tTTtt sIUij'Fy} iii. >_ r1 Pori,An 1'i-il — . tt <_,t 1k i vo - in _Ir,.i t- . ,, dock a iv-1 to wit,.. ) In k f' ;t? F1:, . t . t ,i1a' .•? . .'ti t i w; H it r, ,. .vLnr stated t.hrl TnwLiwi s,ppl inn my t.` t.li) kwnrW , t':;':riY k' .lirau view UK mcrt.ion as nay j rip kit. in t1:;1 !' Iri ..a It m Sr"r.atit.5n t. wru 1 s ml f)t l `7t: 1 j K" huh 1'. ±, ,,. —r 1':.W W.t ^''t n iat' t o) -k wi..t, llri 1 y n, norm i m _ tii <... -r jn i' : "i t 3 - _ T here ;tiou I d be a .:t tAllt, i k i! wq rr. t. kjiL ;; WC a L'. t,'t ;. i E In Q this c a ii P t Iier Fe t!': .k f"r r,:nN y ,n in". VI>t; <; n ay _ k,;• k -'t&� -,i, tin the: cortl:nit:Q rF,''.. =n,ulE:rld t,ii:.it, t.l'i . [72 " " +j (.,.iF.'t: 1'. :✓ 1 - , : Arta a - ,,1 n, a 0 prnn a C]Ynd tan adop Rr I `_w w '1.{,r Y- f r_ ad t h tho ,°. hi it -1•' iv I ftin" st.ip!i- Iat,i s .`et, f t: } , 'r „( k.TF Ii W . •, 1 t _:1` x!i`, ..'1 1'..m 't _, r `.:r'i an 5t,1t >)7ldtions .1!/:'41 Nnd M. k n m i f lip : . 1 ' 11i :.rf„i,l.i 4tion: PA iM10' r- I{,. i,f-, t •.,. i- i,. 11t,' 1)k t,O..,t_jlr., in t.11f a,ik,l ],r rP 1 tint wait in i PI q1 n i 1 .!jo ( W.t ri')t r!F••, ., vri j , rof 1 . - what , ,. 3 _ ., t- 1 t FI k k��r.�tlrnn 00 WS W - IT; 'W N - .1 ,t 1, -r ...,5 k ,. 1 ._h tl..l. L" f! !o'!i't. b y t„Iif r i- -.l ` . . _ti «t:., •, �.i dk� � �� )i;n r,'J ='t "y 1n i k 11.0 f:i wiir' tin. LAW a ., {, ,;aid t,) 3r'. Jr 1 •.'' !f '. t , .�.,'t i !, •.: + S .'' .. tr� "it. > , ! '1 k,: i. t i tti 1 i' I }: 5i''I: r +..w; .. }: r .. r , v i . ' '1 tIii 3; ri5 a k as i't r, — M ", 's r; .: }: .. ! il�. ii "I: ' '._ ! ii n ticSrt,I i Wi 11 W '&W Aw 5 1w in 'l 11d in" , rti, it •,t. 1 ')k:t p,” C)ii (•.i r:r.r h,, h ., i in h- r TVA" A" i.. t, I r, �q,' "A V t !. April 1 3, 1A91 .. iPi , ... . a , a;. j{ •• ,.,1 1 i , t .. , i'!1 .. 41 1 P.,l ..1 -, '.1`. 1. . 't .,. :1 i _"1 , 1 _. in t:r par t,. 1e Y.IS!!:Tf1 1 . t Sp . tin— a - t I ., r,iI p] 111 ;n r'r ". t .. ,.. . -. ,�':'. '.F �! <. 1. :xi ^ .?L!. iI)1 1 fY` i �,1• . i ,. .... i ' ,. !;. >. ' �� �', 'a i i.11r1' I :`4j' •S. _�� ;.( i 11 ..�`. i,t ii.,i A' v 1 ;:: °_ j ,. p : ,y, . _ 11:1'1, AnplY ii.�j fully' tr1 t ... .WK 1 s'` o "I k:`lif i. 9. . Y }} , ti it lat'1`-D wr. 1 t i`Z'r: i ,4: , Av1 k'ndnicnt. t,sa t_ , no t ups t,hi - 7 t;: p..,T?._t�! n . t i A, . 4 31,,i9u 9� 1 -on i' i n a that no real ll.'7F_' s t. , 1 1 ' k ! .'1 - ` .. w r' y . a r t r "' r' LY 1 i W0 5 a 1: ready , j t i Nolly drawl WvT dt.l•. , , 7„ at t �tlim 1i.'i , wtv 1 ur mo Ain! ,y., :00 Mot Pi fai "d .. ,...I W- AKY t-: Jll in ;i .:tl3 ininv U PI flot.Ci,d 6 r t14� 7.L i v.. q.1 a (: � 111 ' j y 4.2:� , tt yy y -1 1 + V �.:7 r .1. *.,1 i1*7c)l. o x�� ,�1 .J., t:"5.1.� iii ° .i - i bJ I r ;i i n ,A 010_1 4 t" ,,,.A 1 Knit v'at,C1 (.11 t, }w t..ir'it; "f =i,t. t'i A..3 41 : T W ' . -zu CAI led, lt` y . , �.'t7a'.Ifilii� I Dr" i ve t,ir't'Clir i lit! Api, i Y,^ li. i_lrn 1 li - i ' .. -- -1� , , i i,._F, 'i , - k' /'': r. ` i&i i . ,.1 t l 111r ,.; r'.'iti +j r, k'Y {� ,.. y { j> - '1 I r. . nn , ,r . • "u'{ f ;.: he i�•lai?Coo 1. 1. ri w,. .. ii':m- .ati "r:, r:' ,`.t Ii, r 'i>! ,< } 'i b 1/,'ttt r ! in, lli :111tl '. ., F:t i iir .: = m { tl -:� ; Y m ,. i i)H t,i ` fro l, rilY ,iith c:t ih, i, it,tw; gi n ,. r.i ,:� .. 1 _iAt . 1't. r ",0 pin.' r) 1z 'tin trot" r t , life. �i ..1 rm, _ �l; . , i�.,'!r ... Vrr .IC.', 1 W p.' 1% ..., 1 _ii, ' la, lo_ .. Qas � , lr�rii . , A I 1. :. +: r :.. r' I 1r { !' i t tiff: trtri t ,� +r itr 1 ., - t , .. , 1 l� ? ... i .. w t, ,. 3 r 1 3 C'' f 1 W in ;i r ..al iu_mit. ` f ty �' „ e p t f to C i E ` } .}{ the { r.1d�tC7r F , t '� y W 1 fr WayzaLa W-10, Chih Mu l t iple U(wk ami Di: trict, Moorirtg Area I App I i (i, I t, i,)1l!i April 13, MY r •y. w! a K wwary Ww Water v r i Ji i ', 'AV- 1 wh to •rnh: W i t hi rl ., klaw d 1 An— f r i :h ."t in, nron. W akn4upli oil Lh ;''i Holy roo rj ill 10 V!�n",qlf CH "I O's h-Y ? aw r r 40-A It I W-uttly- *1v c r la, 3 1 y r 0"1 MY poll ti PlNl i ' tAlit t 1, i dru",& i 0; 0:1 at i lot t- a win 1 t r I vnj 'Nd 1 K. & Mind swu A '! ly K'n 1 1q i t h t bw pnrml t t ") T K a Qpv 'On"&Y in, the Watershod r ot, nd Wi tit to- ir 1 . ""', i4l W",i;ukqv1j ♦u purmik 1 i Ly that J W i YIP a TO a,v , I i f the 1 t is 1 KAI • P14 . - •rtt, 1 r Arm ymi cqqwsnd trf aud 'N i r r 1 t hw- 1 n: k -i h row Lb Uv! M Mars t ea 11 a, k „ t iv, f ,tli i ir-nsi-n t j M 0.1 f P't 1 5 Air Uvf Kni rd ' s 11 r I q�v t "v I nw WayzaLa W-10, Chih Mu l t iple U(wk ami Di: trict, Moorirtg Area I App I i (i, I t, i,)1l!i Wn r •y. w! a K wwary Ww Water v r i Ji i ', 'AV- 1 wh to •rnh: W i t hi rl ., klaw d 1 An— f r i :h ."t in, nron. W akn4upli oil Lh ;''i Holy roo rj ill ,J, Mr, i r r 40-A It I W-uttly- *1v 0"1 MY poll ti PlNl i I. "• - m. ly4atn fW1 !-j', r ot, nd Wi tit to- ir I )', I W W l v V Il` y Ht M 1r,sesa, t,!:: A111's�,�, Noll r I ' . ; ..: ..� ',; .. ,,_ x r r � l M ^" 1&: YTi 1 1 Vi iC,e _. ., r - . .. . an his a. ! in Ln 9Oil a 1 ' !, W . ..:., 1-A r] 1 ., � hO i lyap1W, r ,r ... N _ . .. 1 r" _ tAy i•e t a hi; 'xt'.1.Ua 11 K .1,ni win t n y n t. ,:fi 110 il;.. S' i:; 1 , t • }r 0 �—., i r,_kv no act i on (sYI t}ir',' Ja1t1'..'s zjr.' tk s rt "1t r(':,1 Wr a 1 Any " Ay the 1 W4.t1se f Or dw >^ t , , ' x . d f � �r 6 � r,`, y' I7,� Y'•' +.11..A 1 /'? II(.� l.f t�'` �:, }'... 1 I. i+ , ... t. j I ^• r', .I:3` `ll�i`11 ,._. j : a Iite tU'.ti ,.!!.. !1, wd :. av } ..'E ", . 't1 r w15,11 Ktai 1no i F... ... , Ii= _ . ,: � i rfi" ;', f;?) 'At ;tot, z Wi s ..*,+ {�'i r w , ni, , A,;lnv" ilt nrn iijir'.:jk.ioxA An n 1 n X , "i,: *1 -nl .. ! I f 1rt _k i d V IA'Ad 1 uv its Lip t. r''j! n� Yif *d:J, %9C ? ➢b:r via i.+4t' t +a L' r i f YY)%$F.,lyra I.v Miri itt', ;I! _ vi"T1 on L—Nr 1 o r•t O I � t i� �; � �. '. i. .. . ".i ?Y. T ., V . 1 Q U, ". M un !I,r n S Il` y f f si ry i' .Y. a.s t'a" r t.i, I'It k .1 �.� t lij,r r � � ", r ' ;�i "� 1. j 1. .��a:C t;t�r 1t1aa �;G1111i 141 01 PENDINt, last; :>r" Park Ta vvrrr, W01r.Wr Ibly bleat blan '. COr"Yrrx:O re,r Itay Y,a(..lrt Club) A Ann 11 .. L V i . t -'�P tty i �. `.�t: `. �Sn �.aL iL.��` �i `...11 L..Ilt� .:�1, ��.J �. ��L :�.�i ti�vC c 1 :�z'` for a Mul tiple � �1.7a.'011 i o "nse L They h. viA "d'o" 6d ;• : , , or 1 c1; W Over" a Q wdit::1+ +nni Use t'or'mi 4 f . ; r 1 " Otis, tiff i ail P 20 for , tie r 1 7 w gl to V o 1. -.t x e . AmOrak other ,. ; G a`.r l i =rr. A u t by `At y <ti :ii.t� ut is l 116 91- 1l, i t states t'hart.or Nat. Cril N i r fast ! not. :� „ i gr;�'.ale X63 w � yj from the r� i h F tr�'e� }iiL ll�� Jfi �. 4a or Y. i ; �4 ��.. Le l� marina Y rl T hal! k w ` wr a .'i 'Core 'r.:y rd rived Ord further her £ n L"or1It1ontal, a st ,.j. loot s a: u i tit6 E rA.Gtt t10 1; A.W. atapljycl yu the vypandeK 40 Jip j, s lli,. ,per if,�4�i��1 {, i ¢.ir> Park '1'a�. er rr j s t>r:epared tk � i�,P � It e t.il . 1z” li h �i' 1 , I" 1 991 tlklt A pay 1:l for the 40 Slips approved in I:',90 :m AM 1, ri g On! Liles + °rl.;,,& iS keepi ng the hew 1y expand a d1 -1, i Pa eb o€,,ed, to recommend hold 1Q c :i l "tal:.lrt' ,1S +i ° with t }io :,IItent to ",ur`,s1Llo I& I.i.s:C'r.,`.3Vb;:Amd k..t'on i the zimon i t;l e $ resu f I qm the _£' i ty x ='r rew,jt *c t; .1 �yrl Ca# f he chart b oat r`it.,b2'age and Operat amenity, �t4�{; c:s�r' 1,rr! %a rlLrrktierual y . agreed the l i r:;ennee c,:ou I c c7ri i nice-,; qpptath Qrldle r the exi permit laendirid; the outcome of the 11eyKarirg Foxhi 11 11omeow6ers Anhn. ,; Smi ths B a y 60' extension, 224' total `I'h c . was informed Foxhi l l is ' licensed fo 1 a yJ ips , are i nsta lling 8 h lip5 , one of wh ich i,5 a 40' t 11:`t.,E:liye;. is for a rr{r'.li{imum of 32' The Association is asking permission to ir1c1k,kdo one 40' sl ip . )1 n review the site pilau, it was nr t e d tint license nse i s' grandfat'hured for density greater than 1:00', ttherofor when all 13 slips are Installed, the license could not be a m"nde-cl to ino l'ude a 40 slip. The 40' slip req uo =t. was wi thdrawn ict. dawn ley st Fore-it Arms Improvement. Association, Forest Lake 32' extension, 1.32'` total The w z informed Fores Arms is :licen:'.i +ifl Gwr ',,,far N' slips, but are using them as 24' slips. While the I 1 'r".'fi. "o-, may have made s lips nar'rcwewr to maintain the ,sa`r'3me W OO' s , it it; not a I low t+, m ke slips larger, from 16' to 24 without a now i r ;,- it n which is not Y ltr>usi under the pres rnrYratur r.am, North Shore Drive Marina, Maxwell Bay +�r.t,°i of Orono qLlemtiC}r °,`t= - "a r1LlrFlber of b(..rr,.`i in try htarag e , n:rv, aiid regular storage. TIje exf.- ,cutive dirF.'.r; "(.."r expl,'a irt"d the n umber mber• changed wirers the Marina went to dry stac soar ip" Om they FVa more in stornge i~t the l inwim:. ' a l l_ft "w , - continued a,t Q 0 ' A tit K,y N. i 1 d Cr r Lr: r t.P2s' t; t ' 9 O r�i,l {1r't ta l� it Wn # ifs N �E• tae . a3.Y ` • i . � i ��6 � wad t " i , 2 Mc* t,iCON 3'atr » n is 1, k i r" P q A it e w: 3 l K N s gr": rho wi 1 is a" un 1 ot yTM 1 - Wdy e 1 r 1 ;y %ho h i Ry w t k ie .t: a Ir "I'l� 41 1901 , to, lt.iple f' ,e.'k Lharnna fie' o w,aki, f,:tht AppUr•Ai"nn NO AvO i c,'ia t ion.' 4 Gayl.a�'n Mnr"inin .lh t .r` rt.z,Yt� + it I I in a for s jmpropf, .'i t�ra s "€r tr +,> 'S.) �; t Yi,', +' 14 1.' tJf • •:tt e, t.2 le'if Liie .ye �ij;`al�r'"d to put the th lar'ges into three 1lp5 in 1 W Ill. orina a uri,ng tfie, SG1mme r. 1F3- tile Krit o f th s n a r' t.li bar' wil 1. Lai ntrare.d i ile s e' yy ry ern - barges -� t� El <'; a::+ J�flr', t1'l t ° E "�'s We;' CA` 3 ' *.`St +.`11:,1. "� � 'i' z �.' y y "• a r}�� F ostewr .(i)ov€d, lhirr .f'e'`.1rA.e,;f [A # r ": r,.!'i +.`rlt} g at Yyr a,. .!� et 1.i x�a 1 Marina' a 1991 hkil t.:i plea LWk LiK1111. e , t°.e.te `t to pa.'mplit of # hfM $100 1 ette fee, $I0 t?a.st, due No f WAU and :.;',F11S11U of a diflle"iW'one d and s 1 1.t.� r'it.lrtlbei e_ d k -y =t t ivo v�'r°+tp—rty . tht lon c��rrr,i.e��rf urr�rtrnf�,u:;ly. 1 Gray 'sb Bay liar r,na At'R��;l astt 1-n w i t ii Q t:I f0 Lon, r""t br'"n received. Not eligible to operate iii:f,L 1 111 ioa i t !" s atr o completed, elf o:,;eltft` Marina, MaxwfN l 1 flay it' nj & w ,g i,r inn r o . , ".` d , ' ioi temporar ar e-xt,e n!r ior) i., ,.;t i 11 in t.11e:? w Aor at ti s.fU , , t l'rery is fat. +t'R' foam fragment litter r "e.purt,"d W t1w Th— 1, r eyrlt'rf e12"; #t_;'s , r5 also doe?: 11th: f() I Iow t,lie ` ite' T`l n. i t ra rl'et, "I ig ft,i operate Until a coftplato l. I n"noe.. :1ppli is r "d ,ai'd't.ing temporary lr,w wat.e r i,n:';, Roger W krae'sr, Wayzata flay ;' : ''i :d1 1 1 ._e t' f - e,m !1 t.�., � reriewod late, 4112 �r Mai Tai, Excelsior Bay - '1 }t" 1'<• 7.`:S. rant; istsr�r ef'faear e i s a n# d t c) p e t, t lie, t'trl i j 0 . iH:, rrf t h , to K&K n t 4f f P i 1 I sbury m"w I1°.ir'r qvi, -j , 0 r f e 1 M533 Tai to L 7 "ryt� �'.1f '.la "' =AI(,. at t,11' if -' i I a ? , di.d t,rl inst. r'r2r;, " "t;• t.iF: 5taf'l to pr . " fo L tip! r n t e ' ��� rr� ;la:, r;<;i� WOW, , have not inade .` l `f e ri 1 1 aE' , ni 1 --;t5n. f`l'.'t. . rr. fr uitcarr i 111011:3 1 y . April 13, 1991 1..1t :P we 1 A ;pI91''3t.Ftin. holding for City'ck:rtificate.n k i to r o me.'nd approval of the ?; i vwal fur T H a rbor ane, Smithtown t. Alh uia� P, =sy, urrt n of the nnw V d im-..-rin i oneid survey for The :. Y „ to r .cornme nd approval of a ' i s, yr' 'lwin h't:me As.iociatem Harrisons . e r ',r i1r " ".,s5 nQw be en re,'ceavmL Motion ENV I RONMEN 1 �te d ..rppirating th(- Environment Committee , r n Qt t1r.'s Committee thee 50 it could have more t' rq, , t the lengthy and demanding Water t h"r• a t.1u"s I'rtrg . Au ad is running in the newspapers for ! �a,.ttr artc:r for i.,rkF :;Frurr Weed Pickup Pr optram. Th i nsurance . z,I.l'i-AnQ i t will riot, insure LMCD engaging in the weeds to the MPD barge. Minnetonka ,, ' K. 0, no! :MIT) is preparing to engage a business for 3 i''Op. ',t , ill envi<il.tY'ciged MPL), b ut advi sed them they l•rsi.vk, cr_.,ntractor for such a LMCLk supported loyinl at.ion. Th" Kinkel till Nis bt' ien am(�nded to include $' t .'t a;.t #;. hi I I, invo1virig intr.t agency ccmnit tees, , AV r . r=y wQnaittees, tai;. > ,avy, on research of all exotic 0115 i r Piri for c ontrol programs in this revised' K K " l ter, and -it: discretion. was taken, except to continue working; with the A i"!irig Progr Board members were as ked to re- v the x . ; , -•t ivy, l< and add riorn frorTi their . ,-ommunity. t 'vrin a n `n will be approached again for funding. iv ;. r r� t „r , stir i, =�;� ted <.- onsidering hiring a temporary' ,, r n _,E ._ i i'in in'tarim goal to boost present growing {.err v to that Approach, Reese said LMCD w i t t ho! ri t„t,hod they have been using and try the f(,)r n a jor { $500 and fiig tic- r) 1 d i 070.`11rl�Ng IN(I of Suburban truck and EWM Equipment tr.,, x -e .�w)mmend adoption of the �x „t Qv! . uh oracan truck as prepared by the executive .{ i-:4 Er "i "1 +'' un tnirriOlaS .) 1 i �� � �I' � w. t Is W . rc P fit', * � �'rlr�•,d AtIj�x41t : iAt',i'; f111t'!4k 1(1, A r,(, ;N A :kVft i l r.'r N D 11"' TR I CT M ks .r,� x t r " ", u y t `i " , lilia:r ! ��•: =r' 1 i i�. W l+i�' r 1 11er + "ta�S �, 1) , : i =d 12; t. . A .i.' � �' 2. ,tY. #`, "a rl ,•'t 1 � l:a+1+''rr � l✓�.ce +�.`i t, i E U i l� =.. : t) ? z:' - The lw t•t r:nix Wty,, W:t i l a'd �At 4 City of W ayx.ata 1'u1r1 i.c. 1 ok:k .zt.litua -. f't Ch, -irtor Boat, U e� In i t, a; =d t.1v y wi..1l nt':1 t.r? +1', t �i�:3 ( f:7 1 , docks eta ,'1 t.)ort +.' t'rd 1„ 'F1 e ,L r'" +f 3 , DI it, „ $ per. visit, Wit t�ii-`: t.'., t;; >f if'a,`, ., tt •=1 1 i ii #f Al - iSii,t Grit Tom Young, it was dear- r -1 ti, ity W i i 14 i +."tii. bit arx" c:1f the repot docks for charter lx,zit.s} b w;i It rt , i r,.,I.Ar' -' n a memo t(;) tII e Co min i tt,r•; tiiil Ex c 1 , 11 i u.' if? i'� ".t ": r' 1 "a•r °G,airitilencled +coinrnunic;ratirit; Ways at•` -A' si t 7 t he charter boat During t he discus ton the f {x.111 F I rit' t, t, tfi" rt +:-f1 t:.`i Gt "'I,'c' ITtiide: The LMCD` application for a_i t,h<:art� boat l inting all ports-of-call. Pi 11!A)ury ri ";Ate d t:Ii,it: t tit:;: �' i t.y f F.xce> l:� o ir charges a fee fo r th use of their tic.)t^k- t' ) y ti "t, %tr b oc lt!i. Foster note the LM +1:U d _ , i re to Pr c sr- rvf iia rt.F - r boat d€ stinations. He also pointed out thr.at the ti ncF of the c o( s by charter boats is an amenity required a s p ir-t i5i. t.it W.-iyE rata MultiP1.e D Liceristi Grat al:`,!+ (7rlillf'rit,:;ti , n t hi Woyrata M u ltiple lock License, stating if chart. 1. iEi rttopped the City would riot be living up to tfv, tf�rrns ) elf Reese moved, Grathwol seconded tr) rC>corr m tnfl 1 "' i t: 1 no!, the following guidelines ines to all charter boat 1. Advise advance_bo(,)ked patrons to park in t.I t.:y' s public parking ramp, c l�ifiriitel.y riot using the dc f rrkinv ? +)t,. Most city streets have time limits or l imitt;d parking ng in thAt a rea. 2. Advise catering services to -avoid tyirio-,-up limit - while unloading, using the space only for the ti.mr! durir,f *, which supplies are bei mov -d to or from the c;hartr r h -O. . 3. (.heck with tht:: Wayzata ("harsik.er of (*( :,)mmercoa, 4`l3 regarding dock-use dat -r to avoid c o n f l i c t s with chimh-r lo i t y special. events. Motion carried unanimc)ij : - ,ly. Public: Officials' Labe Outing of August 3 Starting Time: A departure time of 11:30 a. m, w on. continued 1 °ai � ti� y t n 1 J U 1 fulk"r Ski kn wily'--d ;1, (3/1/91 to f in V Vq1 4 p. m. The W Mim"04M Wat Q r- k s I iot! h %wrRIOW 1i I J 1V Q A lim '.41fil tflt" wilF!r ski show re rI -lil'WLe t 0 I ni" 'w -V. Wh i t I.ske r vx p I st i ned it i cn -v. 1 w" u r r,,t i 4,in, It m i d t., advised A I t i "'" ' '-lil t .'I;t dev i ce is not pi !—'� 01,1W Wy Phl"I t`j Cif Knin 11 V Ell P'l i 1 ror 3 . .!, 1 ry 'Vitim I W w i-a mwwal of the kit :;ki ;jum in wayawl., Kly 311no 1 1991 1- tip, ;OYCKA Pnmt K"-nn" niqAtcatUn K IiUnnetonka Not POW wrokiin furth"r mf"rmifi"w -n j a r k i n iind Course Kh'tult. 1 4'. K I 1 °i; , lurl —i n"OnIzom t A, In Lim hViLow A"i Imum Mm, Hinn"t(inka 46 1 ing. 0'/28/91, t :t A'i 1 im Win YCOW "PI-1 lnori-r' f'"'r a t I h '4r 1,1 1, jr -ri 2'f3 , ' and & A' i K'Y NO TAVIM, M 4V TI i i, app I i cant ont A'A t 1 W :1 1 vr vidn V110" PArki"'! AM. type A tswwf. liar, t , r CIA— r—nW,10 1 all mr, Va 1 (Of a w f r ti i i, a n w n Vi 1 1 nti i n i F; 1 d :in in t h tA 'I "i cv--' I se App) y Aj i Q QlAr F-C 1001 1 tiw— 0 w" Iw "i a nr w IT" mday A A Ona H I wAd Sel 0 art. '�l SIN) 1 -- c when h- Spr i "g Aqu 1`v i 10por'n 0 1 P 1 -1 KY rol i FW1 Fdiv%if'icjll Py '' W 1�nw�cvat inn n— r �w f -r nod Km 1 wd han Ad M I N'xl I I at Of A MI f' I I NG) (if DO MO(IND A()V I 'A)RY f)l ANN I N6 (aOMH I S`) I ON APP11 11, 19 bill 11)'j1; M! lf''I m ljf,�! i4=y i i vos , Fjrid j ,f , 47 , t ) IJK M ii r) a 7k _ r n Q 4 V 1 1t v A c' r C)eof f r" if I ! "-n Cut 1)"" in , 0- 1 1 Pj At if If rr •r) , ! , 'inet A ri c Il r r A it" A r f'rr, 1. (,)r I ei On I V i "A ir'Wi int ly t M I N U I U S 19 Pli:jr,''ninq for MOT ION ffu-ide by Wk i I and, secowled by W�jnus, to approve the March 25. 1991 Planning CCOmissican Minutes as writ- ten. Motion carried urvinirrx)usl #90-19?9: C.L. Johnson, 5545 Shore I I ne e or ive, and Part of 3,.A,LX9 itqr's Sut'xiivision No. _ .3 V �k R 1 F RF E S TAN , 0 _ I . N I G .1 3 SIGN su T klACK Bu i I d i nq o f f i i a j , , e -) c; r . ki t her I anci , rev iewed Mr. jorfnson ' s revf s _d rf�iiucfst for i1 free ;toi id i r)( 3 1 qn . T t C or i (,; ' r) ti 1 r eqkie by t ti P I jjrjrj i r )( OfTIT) i Qr) or) N ov rt 1 4 t r ° • 'h t v,-s heard .1 - ?_ , 1 90 a mot ion was I P t C) t "it) I f:' t' k e t t I j ow r ti(? , 1 1 f, J It t i rn,."? to r econ -- i d c r' t i j ^ e k a V i ' f r i e r equ i r ed 1 1) f oci t 0 cirl! Y"Jr (1, k t of Y The set boc k i rrie c j j i t,, r (- F ir_�n of th iqn. The 1 4 t ari n on i.i 6' pot 't' Witt) or i (I C k J'-, C1 I I t I of I t . M() I I ON rwide t)y Wei I i)i V Muc I t f r t o (It fr)y t tie var I ance for the it, i t t tip i i elf ,, i s t` e ) farge for the proposed locat ion. Cjj)[) I i C, t_ corrwrif t t r t t I f' b u i I c i n q M e I tio (3u i I (I n W i cs n r:j i v i r) q by. M I i e r j a n CJ its f I I urn i ria t i c)tj , tie fF It t ion frotn the r Or i v i nq it ph e r e o f t `jat r (_ t. t () f r his • OrlincIril ed le • f4t w (, 1rJ f "sf >r' t j keCti 1 rs1: r, , ,�� i,F.� 4vt��EIs! tre r r ri, , ,1• t Lrt:r I t r'x >ve(J so tIi C7 tat: if1 t be C�I,t6a, t'_dipt;atf =Iirf� -V •_ft' ',tali s .l » "FP f.�k Y:;!!' `.i'fcii'1 �lt�1f1C� T "E't14Jt'S�'diBi1Lj f y i..5f do t+r Ct(.ra fat_ „ r _ 3 I �s3= i , err cir7cl tt7r,i t t w t; t i'r syo 1 6,11, i ':w' f NOTION for den i r.►I Car I ed 1 tcy I . tfwK ,.e in favor were. C:IaP ddIe, NueI I or a Wei 1,4nrl� Thai . JfsrtSesfj , Voss, and tieinu s. Meyer- T °f'ii C:•) W I I rW he?,7t trf ti't+ I �.V L`•)s rat` oin Apr 1 1 199 t_(i 1. or at ion, Ctn le Antler` scan, 2321 . _Commerce Blvd., I r) t 1 . Auri I for s 5utxj I v t s I N 167. CONK I _ I OVAL USE PF. kM I T f k7Fll., IC HEAR C ' I t y P Ii4nrl.er y Mark 1ir)1..r €?r , r'r�' i E:xWE?C "`] r I)+? f "t ° �ir14 � ` i f l7fTY P+XC Cor - POr r ,3t. i far) for a C r , nd i t i ori.3 I w,e i ' ' rr, i t t;°) i i i Crw I i ght in t'.tlk? H - 1 t. 5 +. I I LL` 1; t °3 ` o I ncludes c it e rio a r`f`i<')ir '3 j w II =,3t +' €!e rat i Ykf',j ll I h ( y w - ov ide e)'"St3t1"it) I yr ser V i Ce af'id r ( 'O, : ) i r` of Fs l et I_ I ( v,')r I t,3bi e Sr)( fed cont roI u w hIOwt, r „)tivt. f` ..ii 1 ieiil ar')OI Ic,i IorS`,':. `Jt 3t f” r f I('(.1 Ii)pr < �'�r3 i <,if" t t'? I �y i) fr1C: C) t' ) c )nd i t i oml I use , l F r'r /"� fl t:. or - Fr C,f) r iJC'• t'e.)1 1 � n t e',i f r:,`t: it "r I 1 ° ah i) hi3` i ri C'Q., r cat Gt32 i CC)(Tt l7tr?r s ~ €t <)u l f�v,3rii ,slt! ji!r-t,: t`f , t flf 1 -, , ; 1 < war "�� f: t;) r, I i t r f,r1'7; I . A I I i 1 aciii4�If° it:�) I i �'t_ �Ifa i� w i ", "t� I i}f* C, }f the II ()Url(J �f�rfx � a, C +.ark Ira - ,r i I_�f' 9 +;• `1 + i t I', p t" j ,.wi rV _ r " i _ i l t r k t t)r . t ', f'� r � f • , ! r` Y tit.1I I (I i f ()ff 3a'i, F ttn;1 a1 i'" t 4rt',)[Y} i ri If1'31it•t i si' 's view t h e t)r f�v i oi!'s t'- , A Mt ttl n• (�! )Ie�i r'iti ff-0 �( „ 17 .+' � �I)�� �..; +•� ! 1 k Y 1 ,) 4 tf � t �1k,JY.$t 1 Cplr - 1 4 t' 1 t i 9 f I r 'zv(' fr'z t-ta r -'pit k -f?0 over (2itp`it. A 1 y y f';;Y•.j t nr {.I f A'rl e 3r} 'r ti i.Ih Y E't ,!f?[ t;en vor)t i r r r - tti t)I1i It�r iG' ir,t t" I`4r,Jy «�r �Ft far'Fe ^„ C,tt,. f�t;tlt d ,: l` 1 r) Q :, ,I1; I a « =rx;t}e� =;'>rd)t {rr' 1 ftrt� {i)It °'t -�; tt,s i te7 i tV C "ECj tP }of tie 1`3 o f it aittt 7rtkt ZYtfy r °rf t t)°S rtatmi*c He 6.xpIw'3Ined i t °F��t wt)rn )t.r =;ftv Wf9 rf i.)r �yr� w1 {r> i t tt. taetttdi y l) ,IrY 5 emi , 's de Iv t Ir° 7 t`t;, rt�f ". -' ttrjI IF1tfto / i t fy fi;'f?Cat:eot I t'r)ot wtIat ir-, �'z 1�'rt)`dr *c1 r'itt lip4e loci: ni L.r (` , t) �- �f'flc t=?r' rn,inoijver iriq t t i er t v. It i r . mf,. -y r c. lt.r <aeo t:tit pt..tit! i W) Y I ON r ie b Voss tar °rc:ifgrj by Mk.re 1 l er tO xirVr th , cofidit use Pft Alit as r ec (xt'ne by staff i ncludi ng the t-on jitlo ri<)tE'lj. Motion carried tiflan1ffK >uS I F "1 1 , S,`ar px w i l l tits t Ff?t) r C} tpy t "C ( i t y E, r ii jrtr i t of Apr i) t r 1�J)1 . c ; T 1. 007: 001 Y Anderso 4969 Three_ Points Blvd.� Part of 1. () i s 3 !4 d, E3 i C?fa k 14 s Shat #yr�cro P© i_r � P 1 D #!.3-1 1 7--24 1 1 0 18. VARJANCE : FRONT" YAf7R SETBACK. Hr�i I(11'ri{ Oft i I , Jo i) u t)(I rev i(�wed the aPPI i cant 's` r eque,r t f or e d f0cjt. f rc: rtt Y ri 1� to 1 t', c: k var i a ar c� towards W i I cil t L.anv nrtr:. story ry r 'idt 1 i t; i ctri , it:f�ff� r��r'crttrrtt3rt)'7r'rt �t>r)r`<�v� r, l,r1 v {r ir�r,t: wfit <<lr wi l I C'r�'��t,�? rf arty <3rnt i nt:� rtWF` I ! i rt <� i i E? ttr r: r1 t t tts r )�ras7 1 t` i CJr) that the o ga-age % l irt'S iand I' h i (lh t')r i r k ret s.r i rl i r11.; rertirivwrl, the 1 j1r}d cpr2jderf I ;MO yth t3r{r;i st tes.i or ;f "rt3r2 +.r1 We 1 I K;3f )d ! C -( 11 #t ij t. t;( , vE11 9 ,r _ ;:II r;�.,t i rtc= t_;ryt� I f =tart -t o s t)e 0 1 rt t rit' r(".9r v"c3r fl n t ti +, , {ti "Vi ?Y B ritt 't t1P f f *rtr i S " itlo w ri o r) r) t h t °t ti r' fi I ci o q t � t: d t h t,t1t{ i I i t V f-) f, t ttt° G) �r t. i) . I r 4 r . t: )e I can - t:c,> ►)t �irsCJ t tvt`- I"!F.;it� i I rrr r�;acsr�f j ;.. >. t. y,•r ri1' � v �i� 3 J t t ,; 9 F r, r� r r�Y E ";F�. � i r "r °!" r'':+ ra' °� t .aF fY� r ' ' r )Y �i �:�r,,� rtt <airt 1)114r f> to }, ,J t i f e• �i, c. i ; c.,ar t.' ex- . r t: =1 rF)r;3 i h T.li v Wiwi kind, I I)y H. 0 a$)pt ovo c I t f r t '41 ll'If - I l l 1 , f I I 1 1 ) ( i t I t f li c4 or Ir (-Ito t h#' v It it :1 t5r i c k r i i i f k tt.3i 1. mot ion M 'k , 41 I f Apr t I Kopf o"wt.ot' , tt, i vf' P('t")j t I ;'s{ M. 1 1914 1 i n I v i r I e pw r Jf i i"Cl f r I fee j wot; V rl e wr t 4 w ,, t w'. A Iq tl.)l t i owl G )e r A I tj 5 1 t.>rl Piail ;ww A t t Aj '2 f r I I j r I olf'( 111. T f-d I t tie P I ivin i o,t; k t j ➢cl 3 )f I ics It v I f: 11, f t t () rte i4 r I if i i 4i, s 6t,rr t(q, ION rm It I(. by V< o I I j o "i I r7 I Inet't, irio at 8. °'•0 p fm I c 3r o d I y A t , f , , , . 11 H',Nk111 ()1 A Mf I 11NG Of' IHf t`* )klNli AI) V t is 11 ?Y I'AIT X (Wl N `>f'At I COMM ISSION t �rr�rt�i .�. Ir Ta�tn t. d}5 >�y, r sir ie�' i :k.i:- „Ilu�nil, M.',jr i I yri Byrnes ;vet Andr Atirens, City ir: k: I e: Dock I nspector Torn a 1 c � 3ii1k .. N , t Weber wfi t:> i;f t')sf' . MINIJIt , rn i mitt - ,c� ; (if Marc[1 l A 19 1 1 ) ,,w; At it en w,.iF, pr esent and 2} s ite .',} 1'1 r`5�;,.yr'�i•.+ '. +•r +.:nt..rr #; <i���i '�)uhrxtidt; were transposed. Mt311( -* r1kide> by S(''hrllidt, second b Byrnes, to approve K (); c-n �Ip�j cea UxTn1 i ss i on Minutes of March 14, 1 . Mc rt i cmI e:i.ir rie d una ni rrM:) usI y, t tey App I e°rit iof Abo ttircI Dock ..Site_ Mr K M It il x'. ; t r oin, 441,6 Dent( i gh R o ad, moc S i to #j3351 d, f ri;i t: t',e':' i r dock app l i cat i on for 1991. The <:i e 1je t >y March I of each year. teF Iir ,• M t(' IrrsIcl to a notice he received with his dock ap i li t it -ri wr,Ic.t; st.ited "All abutting dock site holders are reilti s t <} ra :1v rr� it rse�k. fees by May i. or their site will be now dock apo l i cants per C ity Code? Sect ion i , i . o i mi t: o p r i o r i t i e s . " Therefore, Mr. Heystrom tri t his fee was not due until May 1. that th is wi3"”, a t ypo and the i ntent t t h ri,.t r i e, rtra�; f r mfr�r aL.)ut:t i r'rt.) dock, site holders that if -d l ate, March 1 or later, and not yet j t,v M,i� 1, thv.ir dock site would he made avaf ladle 'to a ' n'jt; o rtiat 41 abut iric; (.lock s 1 t holders have ;> ; r,i•ir f l i t,, {t,_i +< it, (,ommi siren (.°fire (ted staff to re I i nstejrj of i1,=jy 1 . The_ t.,•, r e;v i w « .ri t: tt,« drar.k permit fc)rm=i ne~ ye';ir. Kit i (J i rllride t)v K i i I ey, , se d by Byrnes to a I I ow Mr. Hey',t r {xrr t.e1 r ergs i n h i s (Wk s i t:e subject to the payment r;f r $it) IGite fee. Motir.) c.irried unanlmo a iowed to c"ut Purp is Oul r;i coat y 1 around hi s property, rte-ar)nor3in County is they responsib t)e to i k to the DrIP, raid a I so t t� ')r 3 r•4irI t'r %'� t. r" rut. c)f)/ •_Vivatis c in t i�`V I 1 ') 1 PAkKS FaWGRAM AND t, I I: EGOAR0 'A kv I t I , O(44 t Mf N I --ir f cminunitv service.,, Director e I n( i nFor - mit is =n t (.> N, v) r" oqr ivn I a,CT V i Ct 1 YO k+ " i C 1 f i 01 i r)t(,) f t)e F�)zjrk f ir C""Clf cirD 'J'( I, ic t t Viroucit t t he yciar wf (j i erc i Irl"O rlr'c)Ps Of F s i gn i f i c,i r) t v t t Jtj I 'y 1 ti;jt thc- (.)rciaram start P,,,jr i i f t Me '3c t i v 1 t i es when 1' t I t w Or be, updated M<ivbe on Mc) If? fC3 orie r,, i r k f r a Vi", v ed i r i t: h e G) r (') q r am . s (if f i c i ent i r) t r , j (, t r que t i t t w sa I ar j e fc)r the Parks Pro,)qvijai �)kjj ('r v i `.')utery i sc)r ,,he compented that, i t apr)e:ir c!"ich v h v f' I fir; ryu r e rjj v i cie(j t h, it ti "; )run i t7te(,? t f (,-�r j( j i r)(I . m i k J im F ' k I f,- C I iY Bi,i i I ey . and Mj i i I /f i f" w CI i s tiridat i rici t f to r)r ir l (n rif frlc'd tho�:? Comm i U t it i r i n t tw! r)tj(j(, jet t exp nd the ,MA N NANCf- PUIRMI T APPL ICAT 10N. Ron MqtyK�i,_ 15 - ine or k a ' Commo - ps - , I rJ t he I i ccjnt S r w f r, r f i Erit,t j i r r ;' wnt- r; r t �"f 1 ow W, i 1, r t f f r (), j c f,r. t . r jr f ) r /033 F',s! ti: C u ,;rll i Syr, i ter °� M I r7c.a F,t,t e f b; q(j( -J ioor id what the spec i f i c safety reasons w,Del l (1 ti t the . i i c, -,) It w:as rcquest. a 1 fight. Wti�uId ti,e Cit v t) e ata!t..- I r7 Ar,y w,'jy I f we (lid not ,.:i i low a 1 i ght for safety rea3 ,on s, x A--v 4iu(st ioned the Shore Land Mana(iempnt Plan Fight inip,ict Ot 41 >c� i .'ar i 1 cll;t i ng wa sugo est€ d as an a I ter nat I ve. W)TION mule by Casey, seconded by Ahrens to deny the present request pending the development of a policy for pl lights on the commons. Mot Tarried 5 to 34 Those I favor were As 1 eson, Casey, Schmidt, Bailey, and Ahrens, those opposed were: Skoglund, Andersen and Byrnes. The Commissi suggested staff submit an inventory of al the lights on commons property. Setting a policy w i l l he e' i >r- usa ,e at the May Park Commiss Meeting. DISCUSSION: Mound Bay P erk parkin p lan, t ree pl antin __ q P t g_arad Ear t► paY.. The C ity Manager expl the history of thi top) fir.. He referred to a letter submitted to the City C o unc i 1 dated Ap r i l 3, 1 991 from the Westonka Earth Day Committee and d i s p l a y e d the # IUlnceK-)tuca 1 " park p l a n by Van Doren, Hazard & Sta l I i ngs when pr - v i our> I v a potential parking l expansion was discussed by the Park Commission. The Earth Day Commi:,slon requested that the, Council pass a resolution not to expand the pear k i ng 1 rat: at Mr - )urtd Bay Park. The Counc i I 's resu 1 t of th i s request was to (A i rer° t: .staff to ask Hennepin County to al low parking on orie � i de c)f' Count, - road 110 (preferably the park side) on Saturday an(-1 Suriri.;iv and during off peak hours. The Manager recommended that the Park Director use his d i scFr et i on in d e t e r m i n i n g the location of the new tree. )'kocalund suggested that the tree be placed towards the b)eij h fc:;r' n>ot her s who are watch i ng the 1 r crt i 1 dren p I ay i ng on the beric;1• . NEIL __WEBER_',S NOTICE OF RESiGNAT FROM THE PA RKS AND OPEN SPACE COMM15S ION . Nei i Weber i nforme:>_ the CCor m i ss i on that he has C-j urch.ie f-d <a new I')c)u,.,e I n Howard Lake and therefore i5 s+abm i tt i nq his re i qr 3t i r)ri to the Parks and Open Space Commission. He stated. however. thaat he w i I I cont inue working with the downtown design r_oarn i t tee. /0 Y G'A M i NA l i ridl AR2LAS inventory PS t it)�r..Fr;t :�t2 t ! :c f. t,w: mwl of Apr i 1 is a good time to � ,i r +t." .)i'!t t ti t��3i �• I 1 •;c +- .' % ion Conf i rmed the Procedur Ir'at tlr;: +r z:rf ?r�r +'. inn the parce Al )01 1)1 A GRE U N rF"AC,i 11C'l)A l E v i deo tape to be viewed.^ video tape was vi ewed. Byrnes tTit'�t'_f t +p� ,,t ^)+TUT) i s s i o 'I' t "Y it t'tle tai' +e is ai r i ng on Channel 20. . t ri, 'i oki letter be sent to Kathy Pyatt MOTION made by Casey, 'seconded by Byrnes to direct staff' to write a thank yc,►.r letter to Kathy Pyatt a nd Jane Chisel for their contributions, effort and time for put- ting togethe the tape. Motion carried unanimously. M t nutes frorn the L ake M innetonka Conserwvat, on D i str i ct and LMCD RPPresPptgt -i ve's. Re X)ut . r A5 I t?ssUr°t referre °r.a to tats) Marcf7 Pepor and commented on iturn 2.1 intarms me that the navigation Imped- ing light referred t(,) i l „i >t months report., on the north shore of Priests Bay be'l[ar)gs to M01.1nd P, Department! Some modifica- t ion to ti7i ) i taht r)eras:t', to, tle drrte to prec it from shining O: Jt Or) ti)O h,Jy, bl it - if 3 i nrl t,:.rr�t,f�t s :inn snowmohi lers." r ar °k. 1 er confirmed th<at_- t. h -- i i +iht: is at Highland Park, and that a (ma i nton,jr)(l e permit w, 'J�4 d ,;a r e years ago to allow thi I i ghlt, . The C O O W T t i S5 i t)r') f',i 1 ' . r ' ; ; 1 " ", ?cl ttl!5 Cr)$f' • there was So co nfu- sion r F? l rat i f1C] to t; l'try t" y,.xt' °,f l i G;7h+t: the-)t wi-3s recommended, if it wt3_> E:t se'Cur i t: y i i ght or o t' t or.r: °i 1 i ghrt MOTION made by Casey, seconded by Bailey, to direct staff to research the minutes of the request for a light at Highland Park and talk to NSP arhout a remedy for the glare and the costs involved to alter the light. Motion cars i e d unan i moau5 i y. C:car. nc.- j 1 Represent at_1 ve' s Re por t. nt,r e *,)'- Ct.:•Vlt'v: + -, Ci C'i31} €,ri�sfe +r � _i1E"; ♦_?'�;�rT} t. h1 F' (.Ity C011rCil Minutes Mill i,tft, ti - -at they are to bring i)(Y * 1minatG WSJ ate. C: i ty Mgriau(!r rio R t tnUkl r e m i n (I ci t tir , (,c,r,mi i:_ the City Ha Open House hr °tltiied for ':tjr ! K).rn. to A p.m. He ;a1sCi �.)pclat e"t i t hr-� Ccvcri i '.;, i r )r; !:+'+ ;t t..t u of the LGA cuts. M I Y P ,,{. "k. Atrr � 1 9 t 1'r °��11 t i m )n err i. i t f-d t fit , °,frw'trt ^ , r; r ,il�k "., trq tr , t1c>t:k. i nsi>w�c t -ca; ' s i?eT�r,r Y Mtt�)t`t,'r? sfr,ar tPf1 ". rte', r —w , MCa.;ziIF f rd i o i r)t r aw-i t heir ( „(")rwl i s Miscellaneous An!wuncemer>t s Bai lntorme° .i the C: °>rTxr;r ,.,ir.:,rh tt)< t M,ty 10th i Tr,)YO Case's juott) b i ; - thday ani1 ` hat shr(� l 5 ,jr, t W y Park Comm i ..,r, 1 can Memt)er° T he Hennepi Count Dark Corrrnissiorie:� are procIairritr)c:; M,°ay 1Ettt; c-as Ante i net t e C:<�5e Clay . Ba 1 1 ey c ed thiit the fear k (,orrvr) 1 ss i on pass a resolution zit: tt,e next r C:r: >mrnis n Meeti r orIairni the `.:s;'jMe. MEAT R* mvie by Andersen, seconded ty Schmidt, to adjourn the Park & teen Sia:ace Commission Meeting at 10:40 p. Motion carried unanimtausiy. 0 f P'F 4 Steve Smith Minnesota #' House of Representatives A,0 ,4, sA �N r I' YS OONS SUSC:JMti! 7 '.j. .6 JUDi ;1ARY. FAMILY LAW SUBCOMMMEr —, a V, .ara ='� s .O A; C`iC)` ERN"v NT AND tALT iOO-FAIRS t t! °C .trr' lrwi�i yt' }�jr' Heurzci)in tCouuty Coma bsioner, val to 7 E- X �_S6 7664 (612) 296.9188 t y PHONE .148 5k)64 14A 7708 TDD NA N1 I SS I i") N I- R S Partially in re!;p tol rt.-Jtjctiun bill proposed by G,(,)vi Arrit. C,irl yin 1 1-- 1 ,: y t the ir we have takon a hard lint to � w prf,rJram, not already kilticitt.cd I h, i -,, (-, f r k + r i i , (, I r t ry i nq to reduce spending t I i t, every j) I o I I i ,�: i � - 1 - - : .1 , I ,_ I A I ' I i 0,, r t h i s Y fun.111-1 of County Foad 1 1t' IJ(AWOC-11 1 i c, i in eliminating udr t by • E 103o* Z or the 1991 LMCD M i I f n i I I : I T 1:n rn,it ion responding to A11 (Juo;t It if; true that W � the ;a01)k�y to fund the Milfoil program thi ; the door to many other funding roquoAss whl�Ai wo ; fund without I �;Uf) In V91, this program was funded from in a,ir A:1ri ro,ld Maintenance fund. We d idn't have + v i : i of snowfall. This YO,W'S 1')91 1)LId1j( pri'ViOusly Honnepin County funded .1! ,`cntor which served much of the Lake M,�Ilnelonlr.,I Col tho 10't lo I agree with your loaders at tho *h.it most of this is imposed by stat,e mandatc--� I";. n,t)or m:indate(l programs which contributod to Its It-ho many more criminals that the Court wl air mor kids the court need to be pl,i(—i -O.JAo z 'h-it The Fiscal pr taxpayers the ,rnv�.irj to r1ei't the w t t t,7, Partially in re!;p tol rt.-Jtjctiun bill proposed by G,(,)vi Arrit. C,irl yin 1 1-- 1 ,: y t the ir we have takon a hard lint to � w prf,rJram, not already kilticitt.cd I h, i -,, (-, f r k + r i i , (, I r t ry i nq to reduce spending t I i t, every j) I o I I i ,�: i � - 1 - - : .1 , I ,_ I A I ' I i 0,, r t h i s Y fun.111-1 of County Foad 1 1t' IJ(AWOC-11 1 i c, i in eliminating udr t by • E 103o* Page 2 State Rep. Steve Smith $2 million. We reduced the work readiness funding by $900,000, and the chemical dependency program by $700,000. In addition, we have liven notice that we will no longer pay for the Public Defenders office, and will no longer fund the Minnesota Extension Service in 1992. The county administrator is now implementing $d million in budget reductions including holding hiring vacancies, as well as cuts in furniture and equipment, travel and conference, road overlay and sealcoating, as well as many other areas. The Library Board is recommending that their homestead credit cut be distributed among 12 specific program reductions including the closing of two libraries. (see enclosed) is We are looking at innovative metht,Ls of service delivery and early retirement incentives as other ways to reduce our budget. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We have far more difficult funding decisions that need to be made. At the same time, I'm working to hold the county portion of the property taxes to no more than the cost of living increase. But we need your help at the legislature! You have difficult choices to make in St. Paul and we have difficult choices to make here. The interest of the property taxpayer has to take highest priority! Thank you for your interest in funding the UICD Milfoil Program. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you on this or other issues of concern. Sincerely, Enclosures • 163 All ol I IBRARY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES y YM , I ) I I � L P( )AD [ th, A 1: Njjt, i ( judw r tt) Adnw-wN!, J /V , " �C.l ( I ! ' Rv 91 -3 23 the d I I ii - l ri kc, I' Is 'sscn I I,i H v the It 'Ac 0111('d �k",ICTLI;1V A,' rljjr fs)l :ch. Iz M! t1t XC Alifhlt uh IM for budg dc, Imilm, I pledp. the I Ihrioy kil'ird". ,silw(.1cl) Yours, 16 r �� (i r J)a k Sfj IL-111)c-pin Collflly 1) AAmAnrl S llarlfcIdt U N T Y 0 E Bt)a11'd ki`�,I dolitin to Pt'(111cf ( ) JW I ;A I i ti g Budgt'l ;j; I ii - ' i I h( I I 'i il rlT% L"' )1 V tO )j I hi't Jw(" I)l it 'ouw" Llhra{ B(lonl rc,:ou'uncilds that the I Ir '!:i Ott Priw ,�d kf, ori Schedule a� B'j11Td dlil�:d Nlj\ -W, 19 llclw #1-51 A" rCk"A cd 1oT v,wxic f.wt()r In the amount of !!IC 1YO expend in q c I 1 ol i i" I lcd J, Cd hy to 'J ic %, E. 111"' 1 cqu v ,led rolm ti On of tt I (it th(�l fit it ri "okcd' the fio:od 1c, wi"T"Iendti that the {)f OtC ()�Y'(" X)d I "'Yq' La will be lhi -O� not h" L" ()f �1�tff and that the I ret'lln" the 1925 E /,01// The rt'alii:ti(>tl of $ 41 3 ,W0 w ill dtio t Ow f<ilti'w dt, }'''4 ;s� (` !!';t 1b >sd, y "tlllf,i't C`t�llt'c�tlllrt 4, i Thi" reduction ri'i�rc',c'1�t thc' ° >:..ar�t�,c <.c> ctf dl�j } �,t+ir(! <rdult t�Kx,}�y I.thrar� C`at.cll�;> ' I hiS T`L'tttIctwII eI!tIIiniit('y tV1'ii I i111 i °dition" of I,ibrarv's cataligv = c�rltitcI <... r� ► E;dcltj�rtWni t N7,1i.? rt� h��u1� nrc�T1, Thii~ rc d',lction afft -cts all Llhrar Scrvic°e prisgrrin��.. `+t11711 This reduction affects Central �c�1 =plia�s and Technical SwrVices. Thi,, redUCtiOn affects tMporary salaries for substitute staff in Technical Scrvicc's Miscellaneous This reduction affects both public ser, ice and support service areas of the Library including building rnaintc'ni:.ice projects, printing, mileage, programming, (. . Conference & Travel 10,1 -I!i This reduction cuts by more than onc- -third the library's Conference & Travel_ This reduction includes reassigning; sniff and freezing 1 4 vacant 171:. C'Ic >si' on I.a1 c I.ihrary � r. 'this rcdt ;, tion ins Jude, rca, , ,i g;ning st ,l ff and frt t 1 5—; vac unt l �li/icil�ti'a I /Ovi c". I riq r e I f f J (I S PC Of" led by A bu t r c; d U a 1 1 f y r c d u c v t i u f: � t t t) o a,ty A I WiO K f A` t h e County kdr i n i ,tralk c, - w ar3 d i r e c t e d ' t 0 r r j tiers t 1' 4 r 0 r�i f I y S 4 1 t t I a I Y rj f I s t u f t h (.j re sf,�fu t f 41 1 I I P, V t ha t t h. t• I t;, I t r 0n $4 rr 1 11 1 (i f' a S I f c j a f v 2 193 f A,' i n i s t i a v r on fil w Cle ca r e c r t Y a rA a . 1 tz Q t f cl n C OU NT `` 0 H E, NNE P BOt"ARD OF DUNTY COWIMIONI R, Peter McLaughlin Randy John , on John Keefe Tad Jtjdp Judy Kakowske Mark Andrew John E. Derus, Chairman RESOLUTION JOPTED ATTEST: e7 . er U Co6 k 'of h - e - Cou y Board A I i C , ik nrf Ways & M anS Co Ht NN[ HN A , P"k. krT.a ri n , C our, t y A d m i n i s t r a t o r t] � ( 1 fol J t, T CIO' 1991 Budget Reductions At t h e J d ri u a r - fee y 31 , 1991 Wa� andl Mvar; s Co---,!i t , mee ting, I was directed t c! prepare a I i t of rel reduc t 1 ons approximating $4 m. i I I ion for discuss ion at f � ,t, ruary ?e, 1991 Ways and Means Committee In response to that directive, I have prepared the attached list of potential 1991 budget. reductions for your consideration. These proposed reductions have been compiled with the assistance of the affected department heads and appropriate staff. Although they will be painful adjustments, it is my belief that critical human service programs will not be adversely affected to an extent unacceptable to the Board. However, I must tell you that it is try opinion that further reductions will result in the County reducing the level or number of critical public services. The attached listing itemizes, by department, three classifications of reductions, as follows: 1. Vacancy. All listed departments were reviewed for the potential of achieving additional savings through a process of vacancy management by utilizing personnel cost savings such as SLWOP, holding vacant positions open longer than normal, filling positions with lower-salaried employees, etc. As you know, the 1991 budget approved in Nove-rber, 1990, already recognizes that normal turnover and SLWOP achieves savings. It will, therefore, be imperative that departments take steps to achieve these savings over and above what is considered 'normal". 2. Furniture and i; ;uipment, This is an arbitrary acros!,-the board reduction in departmental budgeted furniture and eqiji, expenditures. Altho ,r I consider these expenditures imq I found it nt essary to utilize this me ans of reou(�irg (or deferring) costs rather than cutting into rf)re scr itive I must also point out that such red4jctions ar-(°, In rearly all cases, not permanent cost savin� 1 11 -;,, ti t rdlt�,er a deferral of costs to future years . Om E 3 0 h T (n a I o -, I t t 'ot cat eg ry on ( JiS-Jr'lon and ri J a Of t!'e current 1991 Status of a r €, ti o n the Fundtnq Rc t. s e as ubr d to you part of th 199 or on the listi Cif 2% P(�fl 0 i al W in Janua Although so y , o f t ,v C"Pea rel atively harmless the' qre?t majority w ill hiiv' an or) the County's ability to continue a current leitj of is discusspj on the ItIO iMPact of each item have not recommended any use o4 tr (� as Part of my $4 million reductions, recognizing that. the Cr. ' to utilize a portion Of it to reach the Sg.j rr 9�-, al hn view Of the likelihood of further revenue shortfall you rp a wj to kec�p the Contingency at its current level. As you know 1 2 r�. t di scuss I ?I W W SkUsS these recommendations with YOU at Your conionience. pr Attachment Memo\w&mcmte.itf / YI) .vrc yr eemkF. OAI I ' March 13, 1991 1 1 N Cour)ty Commissioners I ROM Cdlc A. Ackmann, County Administrator � 1931 Conference BudgEt Reductions i trrs- +W,ys and Means COmmittee dir cted that 1 submit a r,r6fc'r once b,1dget reductions identified by aepartment. of my rt r omr, ended reductions, This reduces S1O1.394 or about 1A please note that included in tf�f la:tzroti; a�, a, :���fp r'(`dfjct.ion of $300 in each of the 'Oi i f YOU [" av(` ar;'y quest ions: Jo y� Capital TOTAL _5,2g 0 *r, L2 t 7 j?_ 3 Note: Item Us refer to the exo1anation di c.ussed on Appendix 1. memo \budged. Jtf (See Note) Furn. Vacancy Equip. Qt her * S 8 S S Y t 4 V' f7,,'. � r, r °E e _ S 8 36 A if t ir '✓ 130 G1 12 18#3 2444 35 57 #4 I99 - - 35 } A ferso 6 30 1 7 bIic Aria1 ! 30 #5 60 12 Watt ?t Ci9n [)istr'ict 12 #6 12 Cues' and CPntr its =,J for a 7 #1 7 Historical soc i(jty 5 real Admini5trdti _ 5 community Heal,t, 35 6 #9 6 11 - - 46 Medical Examiner Pilot City Health Cnntev- 2 #10 3 0 HCMC 2 - - 25 Y 2'9 300 �' 11 329 . ..Public Works Property Tax & Publ Records 46 10 16 38Q #12 442 Environmental Manage ,ent. 25 66 #13 76 50 #14 75 Assessor Publi Service Support 9 10 9 Library 6 13 4QQ #15 413 Community Corrections 175 32 Attorney 100 12 400 #16 607 District Court 60 - - 112 18 40 #17 7.18 Examiner of Titles Law Library - - 5 #18 5 Sheriff 5 #19 5 100 46 50 #20 198 Community Services Economic Assi stance 2 , 2?5 #21 249 Veterans' Affairs - 89 5 - _ 5 Capital TOTAL _5,2g 0 *r, L2 t 7 j?_ 3 Note: Item Us refer to the exo1anation di c.ussed on Appendix 1. memo \budged. Jtf /ovs l All Vacancy Management: All County departments have been reviewed for the potential of savings from leaving unfilled positions vacant for a period of time, and other means whereby personnel costs can be reduced. As part of the original 1991 budget process, a "normal" vacancy factor was recognized and included in the 1991 budget approved by the Board. This additional amount will result in acroae the -board service reductions and will mean longer waiting times for the public and slow downs in the delivery of County services. However, it is believed that no services will be reduced to a level unacceptable to the Board given the circumstances. - _ ($970,000) _________ __ ___ 2 All " - - __._ __-- _ furniture and Equipment This is an across - the -board reduction. Each departmew which budgeted expenditures in this account will be directed to reduce their costs by approximately 10`:x. 3 Property Management .(5287,000) The County has a carpet + replacement� program, s In 1991, 6 floors were programmed to be recarpeted. This reduction will mean only 3 floors will be carpeted in _ --------------------- 1991 {5188,000} 4 Information Services _- Reduce . communications . (telephone) modernization. This will mean telephone service in some departments will _ - _ ------- ------ ------------ not bemodernized as quickly as planned. (S57,000). 5 Personnel Reduce consulting costs R.J. Huneke. - This Wi ll Y eliminate organizatioµ,al development services provided by him. ($8,000) Eliminate drug testing of new applicants other than safety sensitive positions. This will require a change to the Board approved drug testing policy, (S22,000). PERSONNEL TOTAL $30,000 b Extension Service -- - -- ' - Reduce costs bymailing fewer pamphlets - requested -by - .- ............. _ citizens; eliminate 4H Garden at Wirth Park. ($12,000 ) ..... 7 Soil b Water Cons, Dist. Print fewer copies ofGround water . Plan at other .x y ...� _........ > ......... .... _ reports 57 } ..._..___.____.___.._.. __...� /ovs Contribut Reduce appropriations level for NACO 1992 convention events. ($20,000) - AJm nistrat iolrs N t` a; !yi Reduce c onsulting Costs Associated with evaluating the #, (6 000) Program. � , Hennepin Assured Pr - - - - - -- - - - - - _ xj t ��cal Exam Eliminate tuitionNrepaymenty costs. (52,000) Reduce acquisition- and - replacement of equipment, This d _( `_ may adversely impact efficiency. --- �S300,000) _ _. i. Pud Works -------------------------- miles. Sealcoat program by 10 miles, from 80 to 70 miles. This will increase future maintenance costs due to longer sealcoat cycles.. ($40,000) Reduce Bituminous overlay Program by 5 miles, from 70 to 65 miles. This will result in increased future maintenance costs due to longer overlay cycles. Reduce road maintenance budget. ($105,000) Reduce concrete Joint repair contract. This will lead in the future. ($50,000Y, to higher maintenance costs Reduce CMED equipment rental This will reduce service levels if winter weather is severe. ($100,000) PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL $380,000 13 . Property Tax 5 Public w- Reduce -peak hours at the service centers. This ($66,000) Records will inconvenience some citizens. - _ _ a �_ 14 .. - ------------- ---- - -- -- V Env'ronmental Management Reduce funding for Lake Improvements /dredging. Impact level. ($50,000) will vary depending upon water �State �impased ----------- � -4. 15 Library Reduce expenditures by the amount of the It is recommended that the Library HACA reduction. Board be asked to recommend to the County Board a plan to reduce expenditures by that amount. ($400,UOO) Com.unity Corrections r ' the implementation of the Pre -trial release program unti 1211141. (S400,000) l7 District Court ' Reduce film costs and subscription and overtime. The to the and impact will be to delay in responding public slaw down the processing} of micro filming records. ($40,000) ................ Examiner of Titles ..___... R educ e out.ide cc- tracted services which will impede backlog. (55,000) ability to reduce 1a'� bvrirti �ZNkor.Vrc,l I Law Library Eliminate f anned reupholstoring of 50 chairs used by the public. This will result in inr.roased public . complai its. - ( S�, v00} keduce DP costs for CAD project. Could result in slow down of the project. (550,1;0 ?) ,�taff_n�v�_1�� n ,. --------------------------- -- The me +ve for offering stipends is to attract the best or better students and p them exposure to O e agency in the holies that trey will seek e mployment here. Without stipends we will still receive interns, but or�ly average students. ($40 «000) 11.Ci.a_y By imp! erraenting a pol icy requir ing e.rployees to use accruFd compensatory time and deferred hol'day time before u - ing vacation tirre, It is estimated that the end -of -year payoff to liquidate this u:lused time will be reduced by S50.000 It is estirra'.ee tKat $100,000 in staff mileage savings can be achieved by implernent'ing the fallowing two changes. a) Currently, parking reim-ursement for r.taff an car available status is allowed up to certain levels without actual rece'pts. It is proposed that i:his policy be amendz -d to require staff on car available status submit actual parking receipts and be paid for the ac!ual amount or the established County maximum which ever is less. b) By assigning all clients at one regional treatrrLnt center to a limited number of workers who would arranet to have staffings scheduled consecutively, there is the potential for savings in staff time and mileage. nr9,.Rjet r`i s_,C er Currently the Opartr•+ent operates two separate records rocr,,s i„ tl Health Services Building. These two records rooms could We combined with resulting efficiencies eliminating 1.0 tTE plus administrative costN. (535,000) COMMUtATr SERVICES TOTAL 5225,000 22 Capital Deferral or reduction of - the following projects -- -- (Mc,000) ; Hennepin Pvenue P,ridge painting (5150,000) Countywide roofing ;5105,400) Sheriffs Ad! modifications ($97,600) Downtown Proae."ty Utilizat in Study ($46,000) Transportat';an Susp .e a/ (5100,000) These reduc!icns will reduce or defer, but not AOSO seriously impair, the County's Capital Program. /set f; f ! 1 o 9 S' IN j E P77774 dfth� mom art A o0f) L t o0o S L I L o0o C L9 9 000 I GO I 000 L 000 q 000 o 000 T 00 000 0 IYI o 08 o 9 S' IN j E P77774 dfth� mom art budgets be reduced as hell-ole I, on file with the is authorized to transfer ion ar 1 there Wert Y R PE to K, i a Rand¥ J Jnlir, Kof i lei JU 11 , C' Judy Makow'Je Mark Arod", %w John E, Oi, AT I [ 1 , 1 1 : I" f t h ( fC m y¥ IJ «r 0 A / 0(#z --I-- RUSOtUTION NO.-91-3-238 — the follow-iog resolution was uffered by Co„vnssioner Jude, seconded by Convissione• Ar.drew: �H('RIAS. The State of Mintipsota has rprioved the MVLl portion of highway aids to counties, and this will reduce funding to Hennepin County by approxir,altly 5912,000; Etf 11 RES("tViO, That p 28/8733 in Bloomington be eliminated fror, tf 1991 Capital bjdget, and that the Capital Budget be reduced by $2,000,000. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and there were YEAS and as tollows- r oUt ,, I y OF WNYLPIN ()I' COUNTY COM"'ISSION.IkS UA ELY Peter K-Laughlin x Randy Johnson x John Keefe Tad Jude Judy Makowske Mark Andrew x John E. Derus, Chairman x RESOLUTION ADOPTED. ATTEST : Ue Co ttty 7� MAR 0 5 1991 N OT r, R A ATI C, v ro C r !17 t v - 't r 19 po sy I 4 o n b y L t it e T" n U; :i 7 r t r e a t tie n t c r v c e t� and N OT r, R A ATI C, v ro C r !17 t v - 't r 19 po sy OVZ77 9 1 ul I 10 N ND f f d by 0 1 C omr� 1, 1 , S ,one M,0,uv " ke seconded by a 1991, cha,-,ter 2, the Drinibus FY 1991 Appropriation 1;1)!,s of ovf�r S I .5 mi in the Work Rea a t i ( changes, and tO 1 pl aced on eligibility for services and thus for r e the anticipated income to He nnepin County by has not been adjusted, theret)y allowing P n i 'Training pecple to continue to receive WR grants j-tb starch an,' other requirem nts, 1 That Work R�?adiness staff are directed to reduce k S d f 0 1 - t 1 na "I e Y c rc9lees in the WP program; -hold open an,y lGris which bpco,-,s vacant; redu,ct thc I. ; kly Investml,nt 'rcgram contract with the Twin Cities Tree 'Tru"t b '1 r A.Ing fewer transitional work positions available to V%irk Rt,�ad!ne, „ . parllit,Jpants; and delay the :tart. of iJl, grants by sp�:ijfying that eligibility for WR does not begin UrAll the first day of the month following the date of appi It—i” )(+n, even thou" the applicant may also be eligible for Emergency Genera' A%s;star[Ce (FGA) in an amount that may exceed the $203 monthly WR 9 r a n t ; a rr BE IT f Uft�IIHFP PJSO11V[D, That the 1991 TEA Budget be reduced by $650,000. 1hV qLJ`,t 10rt Wa on the adoption of the resolution and there were YEAS and i S , a % f o l l o w s : O W T Y OF H f ` , N P I til r i Yf A N MAP o 5 1991 CNOMH 14.VH,(0'MENT UOH .'= WN H A H H 6'1 1 ')()1 ri the 1�,- rat caws d u n e s s t t�d t it a t i t, t e e s v t W i th M F i i i c i ted h was t I fr r v h c would be 1 n t f, r in r v i t r d i c a t e d that t, i W :4 r I w e e k i n A p r 1 1 t% IP i i T) T e m w q! C e .� m T *t� el a t 7 AM, C 11 a 1 1 1 T f I e b 11. f i r s t W e dl ri , i y , t 't A y T i m wt i 1 me an thy, f i t T t i t , r y a y Ke ri S rr, i t h U r) d 1,'i t, V d tt! m r; A m a e and t) Ow the City wa:; going, to w t, AI -,o d i u n w ay, teh( A,-tt p works storage I a t 5f 4 I)T: W-� j that if t he : . C i ty C 0 u ri c i W - ,I i i Art tho rty Is F I o ra I ,,) r i !, h, v MOTION by ?ha t) (I f-I by I'l C W t' M , = °r I u to recommend to tit C j t,. y (: t 1 1 r 1 , I t, i I direct staff to re- Inve3L igate the B) okm m t; j tv on th# -r)rn(., of Belmont Lane and Lynwood BI Yd, Tit, x ri x t rv• It i ng w n A i ty hal M t� b y M el r�Y, i .; E' ;�� .(,i r:j ii . : .. r 'fir: ?r~i o u -, 1. y , to r 1 .i , r w i a tou of f W P I s h F Er�,� f� t f t� i y � t r�: Y 1 4 A f , r ✓�. .. I �, �� ;��M a ��. '�. �.� i 'Ai - F; I Y i3l ' IN S day, M;, - iy 5 1 991 C0rf: ?rr)C)rly 'it ?:15 P rrI. x �� � f .j � � + t` t � � ° �� +� LV t �� � 4 , ,. �s ,�� a � °� �L k'.'Ld