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1991-05-28 CC Agenda Packet
5 -28 -91 #1 '' -'"�7F �' °,'`" CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL RECONVENE THE LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW . . t1 P.Vii., Tt1ESI AY H 128"_9.I. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW Hennepin County Assessor Keith Rennerfeldt will be prese The Assessor will deliver the county's decisions as to value of the. properties questioned at the May 14, 1 991 Bc of Preview. The Council ;will take action on the to assessment; at this meeting. L- G B MOUND CI TY CO UNCIL REGULAR MEETING 2 1I,0 NL�NG THFE _S?� BEYIF�Iat CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS' 1 . PLEDGE 'OF ALLEGIANCE, 2. APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 14, 1991 REGULAR MEETING AND MAY 21, 1991 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING PG. 1 213» -122 3. PUBLIC HEARING: DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS PG. 1223 -122 4. , CAS Fes_. 41 -QD8 REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR A SIDEYARD SETBACK AT 4446 DENBIGH ROAD, LOT 1 BLOCK 1, AVALON., PID #19- 117 -23 24,001 PG. 122' -125 5. $ t 0. 91 -t} REQUEST FOR MINOR SUBJ IVISION FOR FRANK DREY, WESTEDGE BLVD. PG. 1256 -126 6 • CASE bQs_21= ..SL'1.!j.:.. MINOR SUBDIVISION REQUEST FOR THOMAS NICHOLS 4967 WILSHIRE BLVD.,` LOTS 12`, 13, 14, 20 21, 22, & 1l2 OF 11, IN BLOCK 8, IN SETON AND BLOCK 26 IN WYCHWOOD, PID #IS 24 117 - 24 ; 14' 0015, 0046. 0057,0052 & 41 -0163, 0164 PG. 1266 - 127 7. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT 8.. APPROVAL OF 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS PROGRAM AND LIF SERV AGREEMENT PG. 1 278 - 129 9. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION CAN PUBLIC LAND PERMIT FOR JOHN GONZALES TO 'CONSTRUCT A STAIRWAY ON WAURZKA COMMONS, DOCK SITE #02180 PG. 1296 --13C 10. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PURi..1C LAND PERMIT, R014 MO1'YKA TO IN�TALL A L1 (3HT ON WAURIKA COMMON: AT DOCK TE 11 1530 ABUTTING 1540 BLUEBIRD LANE PG. 1 ,, G - 1 .3 1 Pa €xe 1211 will be present. visions as to the ; lay 14, 1 991 Beard Dn on the total 1p OF RF.� T EW PG. 1213 -1222 PG. 1223 -1224 PG. 1225.1255 PG. 1256-1265 IN ISLAND VIEW DRIVE PG. 1266 -1277 �M APPROVAL OF REVISED SECTION, 450, RE: DANCE PG. 1' 27 8 -1 295 , ,ANA HALLS, AND L ICENSING OF LIVE MUSIC 'DUE TO PG. 1 296 -1301 PG . 1 � C4," - 131 , 2 Page 1211 11 , RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT FOR STEVE SWENSON TO REPLACE 'A STAIRWAY AND INSTALL TWO RETAINING MALLS ON DEVON COMMONS ABUTTING HIS PROPERTY AT 4865 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE PG. 1313-1319 ; 12= APPROVAL OF REVISED SECTION, 450, RE: DANCE HALLS, AND L ICENSING OF LIVE MUSIC 'DUE TO REPEAL OF MINNESOTA STATUTES 624.42 TO 624.52, PG. 1320 --1323 13• APPROVAL OF POLICY REGARDING SMOKING; IN r CERTAIN CITY OWNED, LEASED OR OTHERWISE CONTROLLED FACILITIES AND A VE HICLES. PG, 1324 -1325 14. PAYMENT OF BILLS PG. 1326 - 1339 15. , FO NAT101VM! CELLANE,OUZ A. Monthly Financial Report for April 1991 as prepared by John Norman, Finance: Director PG. 1340 -1341 B. L.M.C.D Mailings PG. 1342 -1 367 C. Complimentary letter written to city staff from Mike Looby, Community Education & Services Director PG. 1368 D. Minutes of the May 9, 1991 Parks and Open Space Commission PG. 1369 -1374' E. Minutes of the May 13, 1991 Planning Commission PG. 1375 -1382 F. Letter dated May 23, 1991 from Representative Steve Smith on "Way I Voted No on New Takes" PG. 1383 -1386 Page 1212 78 May 14, 1991 131 -1319 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 14, 1991 1320 - -1323' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Board of Review convened in the Council. Chambers of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City on May 14, 1991, at 7:30` PM 1324.1325 Those present were: Mayor Skip Johnson, Councilmembers Andrea 1326 -1339 Ahrens, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Ken Smith. Also present were: City Manager Edward' J. Shukl.e, Jr., Deputy City Clerk` Linda Strong, Hennepin County Assessor Kei`h Rennerfeldt and Hennepin County Appraiser Bill Davy. Mayor Johnson opened the Board of Review and explained that this 1340 -1341 meeting is to give property owners a chance to question the value` placed on their property by the County Assessor as of January 2, 1342 -1367 1991. He explained that each person would be heard and the Board of Review will reconvene Tuesday, May 28, 1991, at 7 :30 PM and bring back their final decision on each property. 1368 The following persons responded to the call to be heard either in person, by calling and asking to have their name submitted, or by' submitting their concerns in writing. They all asked to have the value of their property rechecked because they felt it was too 1369 -1374 high. 1. PID #13- 117 -24 31 0031 - C.D. KOPPLIN, 2132 OVERLAND LANE 1375 -1382, 2. PID #13- 117 -23 23 0145 - HAROLD KUTZNER 4653 CARLOW` ROAD' 3$3 -1386 3. PID #13- 117 -24 14 0002 - J & P COMPANY, HUBER FUNERAL HOME JOHN HUBER, 1801 COMMERCE BLVD. 4. PID #23- 117 -24 14` 0130 - CHAPMAN PLACE ASSOCIATION, 2670 COMMERCE BLVD, G. ALLAN WEST, VICE PRESIDENT 5. PID #13- 117 -24 44 0076 - PHILLIP & EVA HASCH, 4800 NORTHERN ROAD 6. PID #12- 117 -24 43 0069 - GENE BRISTOL, 5140 WOODLAND ROAD (LOT ON CANARY) 7. PID #13- 117 -24 21 0013 - WILLARD NORTON, 13140 CHOWEN AVENUE SOUTH, #212W, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55416 (1660 AVOCET LANE) 1212 I 8 79 1 May 14, 1991 8. PID #12- 117 -24 43 - RONALD'MOTYKA, 1545 BLUEBIRD LANE 9. PID #23- 117 -24 13 0064 - JIM ZUCCARO 4190 HIGHWOOD ROAD n (2625 GROVE LANE) 10. PID #19- 117 -23 31 0119 - BRUCE RENO, 2851 TUXEDO BLVD. 11. PID #30- 117'... -23 22 0008 - FRANK ,& ANDREA AHRENS, t 4673 I LANDV19W DRIVE 12. PID #13 -117 24 32 0097 - LAVON & ALYCE COOPER, 2241 SOUTHVIEW VANE (2122 BELMONT LANE) s 13. PID #13- 117 -24 32 0093 - SUTAS WANWATANAKGOL r 5365 CULVER ROAD, GOLDEN VALLEY 3 (2152 BELMONT LANE) i 14. PID #13- 117 -24 32 0096 - THOMAS RICHES, 5365 CULVER ROAD GOLDEN VALLEY (2128 BELMONT LANE) t 15. PID #23- 117 -24 23 0034 -- JAMES LONG, 2654 HALSTEAD LANE 3 16. PID #24- 117 -24 24 0002 - AL SCHWINGLER, 5301 BARTLETT BLVD 17. PID #13- 117 -24 44 0077 - RICHARD MALONEY, 1315 BLUFF CREEK CHASKA, MN 55318 (4045 EDGEWATER DRIVE) 18. PID #18- 117 -23 32 0025 - TOM & JUDY ESS, 2043 LAKESIDE LANE 19. PID #25- 117 -24 11 0128 - BRIGID KEIEER, 4849 HANOVER ROAD 1.0 NOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Smith, to reconvene the L ©cal. Board of Review on Tuesday, May 28, 1991, at _7 :30 PM, in the City Council chambers at 5341 Maywood Road. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 2 lal PON TNf VESTONKA AREA CRA,MHER �F COMMERCE the Vote ryas unoni&ously, in _favor. Motion carried. `he f'ollow'ing are temporary license applications: SOD VODUNTEfi FIRE DEPARTMENT - FOR JUKE ' 15, 1 991 PIS" FAY � 1 orory 4n -Sale lion - Intoxicating Malt Liquor Permit PUb Donee Permit - ; please waive fee $ek -Up Permit 4 please waive fee iu UAb CITY DAIS - JUNE 21 j 22, 23 1991 - PLEASE WAIVE FEE Carnival, Concessioi s, Craft Shows' Enter teitwent, Fire +arks' and MerchAnt Sales j", LjGrj3K AtPLICA'IONA! License period 5 - 1 - to '2 - 2&92 Cigar Mound Municipal Liquor Store - Previously Joe's Vending arbo 0 D13PO301 - itti Disposal, 3291 Terminal Dr., Eagan, -MN 55121 NOTION by Smith, seconded by J*nsea and car ried unanirt��.y to approve the license oppllcations as proposed. 1.10 PAINK12 DE B NOTION by Jens**, seconded by Smith to author the payment Of bill as p resente d on the pyre -list in the amount of $274,245.07, when funds are available. A roll call rote was unanimously i favor. Motion ca rr ied. 6 Aq C+6.uhoil discussed this as a `once' a year fund raiser. r Sweetpstakes' promotion. bESf ai7ltiM #91 111SOLOTIQM APPRit1VI*G AN APPLCATION RE lPTION FIR N LAUFUL WOWING LIIf:US. r ' May 14, 1 991 0,p .M � Wag -4 Monag { i Th ank yore letter ti 0 9�� to rpara►tion. � G ` .J�l iatiort of Metropolitan Municipalities thllM }+� Ml06 ' o rioi any u v+e�r. ! L notice ot` MWCC an nual budget meetings.: Plea s+ 1! Linda know ASAP if wi §h to attend. ' Letter from Gerry Sikorski responding Rio the Ci Couna l etter ,°on the regulation of Ce i+e-' ,�. Notice Of' Association o f Metropolitan No 16 i,parlitiet , '- AMA), Annual Meeting to be h eld Thursday, May 30 � 1X91 at Carl grown `Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park' ,at „ P M. Please let Linda know by May 23 r4 it you plan attend. i4. Notice from Triax CableviaiOh regarding *aver the Air*". ' reception Of local tilevieiob stations. L. Smoking Committee meets Monday, Kay 19}1, at 6: 00 P. M. in Confe Room 301. M. C.0 *W, Tuesday, May 21 1"1 7 :0a P 11., ' Conference Room 301. No UIUIjVXL- LMCD Meeting on Long -Term Management Plaq, Wednesday, May 29, 1991, 7 :00 P.M., Wayzata City Hall Council Chambers. _ 0. UJUARM Southwest Metro Drug Task Force meeting with Ci ty Of ficials is sc heduled for Wednesday, May ' 22, 19910 7:00 P.M, Chaska City Hall. Please lot Linda know by Wednesday, May 15, 1991 if you plan to attend. 7 }4S U1 ;S theiinciuen Water and Seer 512291 1':1 0010 151 Rodney Pitsch $225603 1768 Lafayette Ln. it l 242 Melvin BosrA 342. 1689 Avocet Ln.' ;`11 t11 631 Michael Gardner 136.05 1599" 3iuebrd Ln. 01 816 Willard Marton 194.04 1665 Bluebird Ln. 1;1 0190. Charles Carlson 134.75 1700 Canary Ln. s � ° 121 4e aogl 1135.30 7571 Dove l.n. 11 .151 Craig J ckS 4 123.70 1*75 Eagle Ln. 11 215 Rick . Stre f Jr. 140.5$ 1590 Eagle Ln 1`1 ; 242 Michael MOO 139.71 1591 Eagle Ln. Cherles Corelious 116.07 1653 Eagle Ln. ..r 11 453 David 2f 213.113 2643 f i nch Ln. 11 54 1 o l d pltson 302.07 1656 Finch Ln. 152 Judy I ziraerman 275.53 1742 Heron Ln. 1 0 'Rai ph suer 244.44 1774 Heron Ln. 11 121 Marsha Nerke 142.38 1737 Sumach Ln. 1 124 0ougias Neither .!15.32 5031 Jennings Rol. 115 ' j011 Marie No tadter 209.44 5139 Woodland Rd. 211 Wer tiarn,a�an 88.2 5043 'EnChartted Rd. 1 Vii! 243 Bruit Johnson 217:88 4945 Glen El yn R , 1'QC70 062 Lori Kinsey 174.61 1701 Shorewood Ln. 11` 0 332 Sruct< Oustdfsorr 16. 1743 Shorewood Ln: 11 0673 211 W Borkhaiter 345.89 1904 5 re coO Lin. 11 06,72 11 Jack Br�eazi 313.45 1920 ShorLiwoOd tn. 11 Ota72 641 S.Mi rxe ewski 193#84 1942 Shored Ln. 11 0700 241 Jay Larson 99.44 1950 Lakeside Ln. it x0760 033 ion 5ubtrartt 135.45 1712 Besthaven Ln. 1 0760 1 Toe Forstek 193l2S 1720 Resthaven in. 1I 0850 421 Terrance Hawley` 145.23 4948 Three -Pts. Blvd." 11 0860 601 Mary Allen 2$8.79 4970 three Pits. Blvd. 11 0852 062 terry Maiers 134.36 5084 Three Pts. Blvd. 11 0852 Paul Silcher 154.83 5525 Three Pits. Blvd. 11 0$80 482 Rodney Wilkens 99.48 2137 Grandview Blvd. 11 0880 571 Dave Heinsch 230.45 5824 Grandview Blvd. 11 0882 182 Joe Boyland 134.34 5824 Grandview Blvd. s .f DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER 5 -22 -91 li 1930 51,2 utter Sutterte $170.70 2187 Cedar Vane k 0.273 Craig Johnson $.94.17 5849 Grandview Blvd "; 11 111 1 891 Gerald Baker 164.82 2085,1ronwood a; 10# 332 Roxanne Condon 243.37 5777 Sunset Road } X1.1030 422 Tip Herzog 178.17 5804 Sunset Road , # 181 Qole Bo► X228.10 5984' Sunset Road 11 1O 661 Lai *fto 13eer 251.44 6030 (till' ^est ,96ad 1 1 11.2 :° 061 1`14fts JErdes 171.69 59171 mod Reed a a u 1. 11 , 031 Eugene W tbeck , 129.94 5947 Gumwo kdaci 11.11,21# 572 Steve Schmidt 234.66 5,972 fs Read !'I," ,1240 .391 Douglas Rodewald 373.70 0090 Aspen Road 11 1 ..1}32 .§ Carol Reckenger 113.43 '200 Birch Lane Il 1650 124 J. Eccles 267.34 2214 Mill Pond 11;1 51+5 Mi chael Fox 100.85 5700 LunwOW Bl vd 11 14590''571 John Larson 198.59 5713 Lynwood Blvd 11 1690 751 Frances Eagle 80.76 PO Box 116 11 1692 571 R. Beake 101.14 5932 Lynwood Blvd 11 1692 755 David Needham 142.26 5954 Lynwood Blvd 11 16 $71 Kent Lilligren 219.16 S972 Lynam# Blvd u 11 1750181 Barbara Byington 152.12 5504 Spruce Road 11 1810 191 Marc Jassky 301.74 5448 Breezy Road 111900 067 Lisa Martin 184.62 2101 Noble Lana ;. 11 1000;601 Lauren Hofteig 106.81 2216 Noble Lane 4 ,> 11 1930 181 Joanne Eve'nsen 197.18 2146 Cedar Lane 11 1990 241 M. Mittelstead 159.72 2149 Belmont 11 2020 213 Harry Nasset 111.55 2212 Fern Lane 11 2050 121 Raul Larsen 114.40 c/o Burnet Realty, Wayzata 55391 11 2050 151 Larry Platt 85.22 5517 Church 11 2140 487 Lisa Stallman 107.56 2201 Centerview Lane 11 2200 091 Trent Frazer 161.50 2155 Cardinal Lane' 11 2200 242 Anthony'Cpall 115.30 2180 Cardinal Lane 11 2290 212 Eric Lindberg 89.56 5561 Sherwood Drive $11,519.39 ZC26C tali Delinquent Water and Sewer 5/22/91 11 0010 151 Rodney Pitsch $225.03 1758 Lafayette Ln. 11 0130 242 Melvin Bosma 342.40 1689 Avocet Ln. Pd.$100.00 11 0160 631 Michael 0 -finer 136.05 1599 Bluebird Ln. Pd. 11 17160 816 Willard Morton 194.04'` 1665 Bluebird Ln., Pd. 11.0190 511 Charles Carlson 134.75 1700 Canary Ln. Pd. 11 0220 121 Geo, Haugh 185,30 1571 Dove Ln. Pd. 11 0250 251 Craig Jacks 123.70 1575 Eagle Ln. Pd. 11 0250 215 Rick Streif Jr. 140.58 1$90 Eagle Ln, 119260 242 Michael Freeman 139.7? 1591 Eagle Ln. Pd. 11 0250 63.3 Charles Cornelious 1161.07 1653 Eagle Ln. 11 Q280 453 David Zilka 213.83 1;643 Finch Ln. Pd. 11 02W641 Ronald Nelson 302.07 I656 Finch Ln, 11 0340 152 Judy Zimmerman 275.53 I742 Heron Ln. Pd. 11 0340 273 Ralph Bauer 144.44 1 °774 Heron Ln. Pd. 11 0460 121 Marsha djerke 142:38 1737 Sumach Ln. 12 0490 124 Douglas Neither 115.32 5431 Jennings Rcl:' 11 0 1 650 301 Marie Hofstadter 209.44 5139 Woodland Rd. 11 0580 211 Weer Harnaran 88.62 5043 Enchanted Rd. 11 0640 243 Brian Johnson 217.88 4945 Glen Elyn Rd. 11 062 Lori Kinsey , 174.64; 1701 Shorewood Ln, 11,0670 332 Bruce Gustofson 176.57 1743 Shorewood Ln 11 211 Wayne Burkhalter 345.89 1904 Shorewood Ln.' Pd.$100.00 11 11672 361 Jack Breazlle 313.45 1920 Shorewood Ln: 11 067t541 5,Mierzejewski 123.84 1942 Shorewood Ln. Pd. 11 07,00 241 Jay Larson 99.44 1950 Lakeside Ln. 11 0760 033 Jon Subrant 135.45 1712 Resthaven Lrr« 11 0760 123 Tom Forstek 193.25 1720 Resthaven Ln. 11 0850 421 Terrance Hawley 145.23 4948 Three Pts. Bl'vdPd. 11 0850 501 Mary Allen 258.79 4970 Three Pts, Blvd. 31 0852 062 Jerry Maiers 134.35 5084 Three Pts. BlvdPd. 11 0852 542 Paul Silcher 154.83 5525 Three Pts. Blvd. 11 0880 482 Rodney Wilkens 99.48 2137 Grandview Blvd. Pd. 11 0880 571 Dave Heinsch 230.45 5824 Grandview B1vdPd. 11 0882 182 Joe Boyland 134.34 5824 Grandview Blvd. rq�c F�Es rage 171 (2); DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER 5 -22 - 91 11 1930 512 Walter Gutherie $170.70 2187 Cedar Lane Pd. 11 0882 273 Craig Johnson $94.17 5849 Grandview Blvd 111000 091 Gerald Baker 164.82 2085 Ironwood 11 1030 332 Roxanne Condon 243.37 5777 Sunset Road 11 1030 422 Tim Herzog, 178.17 5804 Sunset Road 11 1032 181 Dale Sosma 228.10 5984 Sunset Road 11'1090 661 Laurence Beer 251.44 5034 Hillcrest Road 11,1.120 061 Thomas JErde 171,69 5917 Gumwdod`Road 111120 031 Eugene Whitbeck 129.94 $947 Gum odd Road Pd. 11 1120';572 Steve Schmidt 234.66 5972 Gumwood Road 11 1240 391 Douglas Rodewvald 373.70 6090 Aspen koad 11 1390 032 Carol Reckenger 113.43 6200 Birch Lane 11 1550 124 J. Eccles 267.34 2214 Mill Pond 11 1690 515 Michael Fox 100.85, 5700 Lynwood Blvd. 11 1690 571 John Larson 198.59 .5713 Lynwood Blvd Pd. 11 1690 '751 Frances Engle 80.76 PO Box 116 Pd 11 1692 571 R. Beake 101.14 5932 Lynwood Blvd Pd, 11 1692 755 David Needham 142.26 5954 Lynwood Blvd Pd. 11 1692 871 Kent Lilligren 219.16 5972 Lynwood Blvd 11 1750 181 Barbara Byington 152.12 5504, Spruce Road 11`1810 191 Marc Jassky 301.74 5448 Breezy Road Pd. 11 1900 067 Lisa Martin 184.62 2101 Noble Lane Pd. 11 1900 601 Lauren Hofteig 106.81 2216 Noble Lane Pd. 11 1930 181 Joanne Evensen 197.18 2146 Cedar Lane 71,Y990 241 M. Mittelstead 159.72 2149 Belmont 2020 213 marry Nasset 111.56 2212 Fern Lane : Pd. �. 2050 121 Paul Larsen 114.90 c/o Burnet Realty, Wayzata 55391 11 2050 151 Larry Platt 85.22 5517 Church 11 2140 487 Lisa Starllman 107.56 2201 Centerview Lane Pd. 11`2200 091 Trent Frazer 161.50 .2155 Cardinal Lane Pd. 11 2200 242 Anthony Cpall 115.30 2180 Cardinal Lane Pd. 11 2290 212 Eri Lindberg ------- 89 56 5561 Sherwood DrivcPd $11,519.39 $ 7,338.39 T IML (2) II Proposed Resolution Case No. 9 -008 RESOLUTION #91 , RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WI THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RECOGNIZING EXISTING NONCONFORMING SETBACKS Lot It Block 1, Avalon, Pia 019 - 117 -23 24 0001 (4446 Denbigh ROW) P4Z CASE NO 91 -001 WHEREAS, the app i i ca>rrt has applied for a variance to t"!lGog. n ize an ex isting noouonformin9 setback from the principal butld- i ng to the east s property, ;l i nit of ' 4.21 fe�;t anti s ncancoiti f+arrn- tog' detached garage setback to 51 'feet frog the front property. tine for Lot 1, Block 1, Aval Pia #'19- 1 17.23 24 0001 anEi WHEREAS. the apps i caret i s proposing construct of a, con- foam i ng 29 x 17' two story add i t`i on, and a, 20' x _26 ` sec+wel story addition onto the existing structure, and; WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R -2 Sing Fam�iy, Zoning , District which according to the C Cbae r+edu I res to lot area of 6,000 square feet, 'a 15 foot rear - Yard setback, a 50 font setback from the Ordinary High" Water of 929.4, 6 foot s ide yard setbacks for "l of record", and a 20 fceot front yard setback, and; WHEREAS, there is a, nonconforming; workshop below grade at the lakesi of the dwetl,ing setback approximate 39.6 feet from the Ordinary High Water elevation which the owner proposes to remove, and; WHEREAS, Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) provides that al-- terati may be made to a buildi containing a lawful, hohcon"# farming` residential property when the alterations will improve the livability thereof, but the alteration may not increase the number of units,.and4 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval due to practical difficulty. s $5391 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Ci Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: )d, 1.° The City does hereby recognize the existing nonconforming setbacks for the property located at 4446 Denbigh Road, Lot 1, Black 1, Avalon, P1D #19 -- 117-73 24 0001, 'contingent upon the following conditi f i i 008 P Proposed Resolution, Case No. 91 -i3�p3 Page , ,2 a� The 'P lann ing Commi finds that a' condition of prac tical di fficul ty exists in the strict interpretation tf the Zoning Code relative to this property. b sido yard setback variance of- 1,19 feet is .hereby granted for the addition of second ; story and an , er�-lsi i -- t Ian' to the south side of the exi st ing home, w i th 4the it!- a c lear and express understanding that the use rema as a 1 ewfu 1,, nonconform I ng 4te r . sub3ect to l l , of. the; 1 i ik provt i s ions of the Zan i ng Code rty +4wf v�sasr waa►a. i7i� vommIssioner`s Ag ed to 41IOW X"lllr, ? , 3 dixig Official'' r ' ion :utherlaxd, revieved the reeieions ' . v ri ce pp request with the 'planning C4�ission. The alic�r�t �► 0 a girded to re�eove the rk6hop/ o "cr 6 at the . lakosf , 4t . t principal structure resulting in a conforming lakeahare sets= . .of 51.20 °feet. Tho only, nonconformity tc �zt�tre Y y the, pa�i�ipa� . a is an existing aide yaid etbackc of 4 . 21 feet resultia in a request for a 179 foot variance. The detached `'garage is also nonco rig as it is only ltd.f►2 f+aet frc the Denbigh Road right -ofw -way. The required setbocc is ;q feet. Staff reeoas nded that the side yard setback variance fob the principal structure and the existing accessory building {garag ;' be approved subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The Planning Commission finds that a,con3ition of practical difficulty exists in the strict interpretation of the toning Code relative to this property. f k ►ning coaaission minutes 1, 1991 sided yard wetback, variance of 1.79 feet is hereby gran €end for the addition of a second story and an addition to the Mouth side of the existing hose with the clean and uridersctanding that the use resiainss as a lawful;, : conforainq use, subject to all of then provisions 6 the Zoning Coder 'A front yard tetbaok variance of S. gi `'eet is hetrehy gran for then esistinq accessory building ' garage with the, abd es re andiaistabding that the upe r .re i n© ►nfarainq use, subject to all of the prov. ssions o , etg' Cdd** F ft 40 Vk y `^Ik,yy. It F'z` #,'yyiMSr� jyay,j, 4 lR� . " v1111F r+ rlrt wi tUft � years tI'+� i y � ,. �. �'� planaia� ce�s��.said� r+r+�,a�ni�,�s. � pot�►s�ti��, z Situation rllatag Is city 0+r , aaf� Qt whi tb! A" Ip 1.+ "t ! 4 It t 11 d as 3s "tv propar�l►. L! �►��a�s►i �� #'. �tefeto thin imittat to # ." #» ►i11�E1 '0 the ,apprQprist! as ioo �LOt:�db iC�t'ttl unraia�wrTr•' 'his case will be heard by the City Council on May ,'dg , 1991. k 1 � Ar to 4 C7 anDoren Haza d . Stallings, Inc. ��Are�fi;i fnCii4n RS►*w ! l�+iannr►r!a PLANNING REPORT, Mound Planning Commission and Staff Mark Koegler, City Planner 2 May �, 14391 01W t: Variance Request ANT - .: Ma rk N a n u s + ii FILE.. UNS 9. 9I- 310�V O ii"CATlON: 4446 Denbigh Road , fi$ TNG ZONING: Single Family Residential (R -2) : IPfWHENSIVE PLAN: Residential NAOGROUND This report is an addendum to the report prepared by Jdn' Sutherl for the Planning Commissi agenda of April. 22,' g 199I The background information that was 'presented in the ' previous report will not be repeated herein. After the initial planning report was assembled for this item, survey information" that was submitted to the City of Mound indicated that the existing structure had a non•conformfng lekeshore setback in addition to a non - conforming side yard setback on the east side of the structure. Due to the submittal of new information after preparation of the original report, staff support for the variance re quest was wit hdrawn and the Planning Commission` elected to table the item to allow for a more thorough review of, the i That review is now complete and the case is ready for f inal` review and action by the Planning Commission. Surveys of the subject property indicate that the lower level, concrete block portion of the existing structure has a Lakeshore' setback of 39,5 feet which is 10.5 feet short of the required 50 foot setback. The actual corner of thw habitable living space of the structure is 51.2 feet from the 929.4 contour which is in compliance with minimum setback requirements. Therefore, if the block portion of the structure is removed, the existing home will comply with the required Lakeshore setback. The northeast corner of the habitable living space portion of the home is located 4,21 feet from the property line. This situation results in the need for a 1.79 foot variance from the required 6 IQ - 3 1 3030 Harbor Lane North, Bl 11, Suite 104, ^ Minns)apolie Minnesota 55447.2176 ( 653.1950 St, 6f fs or I O f M.i recut endllt 100 for ,apprOvA I was *#r I tten pr for ° "tw n roc* t vl ng a revi survey. After reviewing the rav t sed s�rr` '0Y with the Clty Planner, Mark Koegler, tt wars =staeffs position t go that .propose© add i t l on I s not I n harrmony',` w t th the' zoh" t rte` ` Coditt f t0' the Increased nonconformity of the tetceshore setback. `< Co m 1 ss l oner we t l a n d quest I on why the . noncon0orm I no ga►r a t twit tiering I no i tided i n th request . K tg 1 ear con' I rood ncinc onfdrMing setbacks to the detached garo4e can al be rec ce nited when, and 1f, this variance Is approved. v Meyer questioned Mueller Involvement In the property si he I' the real 1 for for this property and has the property 1 i step! f^ 3 sa le. It was the C i ty Manager's opini that Mue should step down due to pub t i c percept I on. The Cormr i ss i on agreed, therefore Muell removed himself from the Comm,lsslon for this 'case. that clari the Lakeshore setback. Manus exp that - the nei ghbor to the east mod l f i ad the shore 1 I no by ,; dreag t ng and ad- ding a retaining wall which altered the shoreline. To the feast Of his know l edges , this shore l t ne alteration was done without any permits from the City or ONR and there is no record of these pi- terat ions, rm REte ' ARCHISTRUCTURES s l arb /workshop, i P.E. if this portion )ort ion of the 7xtE�stseshs'tratsrx h i gh water to RNra+.port, sit 1338 3216 was discussed. by Jerry Palms F. Suthorl Apri 16, 1931 ?en reviewed by ooceed with the Mr . Mark lianas: aspects of th e 44 46 Denbigh, Road Mound.. HN 55364 D deny the RE: STRUCTUjtAL INSPECTION is hot beefs Dea Mr. Manus. �r to tabl the 11t your request` I V ,S 'tad the its at the 4010ve. i fare teed :he request bb address f or t ad at 12, a sie inspectionon ircla►lr, Your pr imary cor'cern Vas then �FtnCtgtF .ifctad "':,of "rata` existing wall footings to ,t rte gropcsed second sit, lend fishing the addition, as well as the sizing of at wood 'besis,` already put too reel. it would OBSERVATIONS. You have excavated -about aig the existi 'valS and start from ` footings at two locations. at one 1oGatio n. hoar exit .the door, an so masonry wall bears on an ON deep by 1 '" vide concrete footing, The wall is not catnto�red on tl�-t a' t ng, but shoreline rather the outside face of the Walt e lt' roughly alin the outsider, face of the foetin `. lller >PerCy. There or, fie construction $ -, �.11a fflDti b t'160 elevation is Only about 16 -24 below l grave (rite normal 'coda requirement for footing bearing is 42 below grade for 'E tot t cover), but this condit probably exists for only about A , n 6 foot length of 'footing betveen that does plan on a hill that ris :,to the rear of the ;tesidence and a substantial stair structure tb a to the a co py the front. The footing bears on what appears to bo good' quality clayey sand. at the other location,. alonq the Vail between the residence proper and a storage area beneath the withdraw their poach, observations were similar except that the wall is centered adequately on the footing. table the CONCLUSIONS.. At the first loeation,:where the footing is off center, the total code required load review the on the footing (including tributary dead and live loads , from ' the new roof.. new and`existinq floo and wall) is still less that 50% of awed. the pos- the capacity of a 16" rids footing, even assuming a very conservative soil strength of 2000 PSF.'Thus actions by the Water strictly from the standpoint of engineering principles, the wall onl leas the ifneer's' recoitr needs to bear on the 8" portion of .footing directly beneath at their meet- � Oc t ARCHI RUCTURG ��Lrei,Engin�r a� tdtl► srre«a �t W1t ooft. MN SU04 fit I nit Page 2: Hanus "April 16, 2992 it. Also while it is true that the footing bearfnq 'frost elevation is far from adequate for cover, At is. ay opinion as an engineer that the 6 foot portion, of footing is adequately locked .in place at both ends to . resist the forces of frost heaving. At the second footing location, between the house prroperr and, the storage area beneath the porch, my o concern is that the footing bearing to also quite shAilow. It is laporta fit , therefore, that the storage area 'always remain 'open to the ter basement, properr during , veather~, so that the amblant :or,y temperature on both sides of the 'wall ' remains generally above freerinq. BNAM DESIGN. The new second story addition will be framed over the entire existing house proper* measuring about 25 d 2" by 19' -4" inside dimensions. The floor 'framing vill be wood joists beaming on an intermediate beam spanning in the ;i with 19' -4" direction. By my calculations, this beau may be either 2- 1 3/4 x 16 micrrolams or 2- 2 21/16 x 14 c e parallans (grade: 2.1E) frost out a if you have any additional concerns or questions, please the feel free to call. > - e to d " Sincerely, val2 h the . is rry Structural Engineer is o ff Minnesota Reg. 00190334 oaf, 50% of . fr om r reach Staff Recommendat Case No. X11 - 008. Page 2 GQMNTS The year thi house was bui was app rox i mate l y 1920. The exi r i ng dwe lling i undersized at 520 square feet. The proposed ads dition would bring this dwell into coMpli with current con ing code requirements of a minimum of 840 square feet (So' et 23.410). Staff has reviewed, with the app li cant, .some corrections nec @� sa t Y , to the ex i.st Jng structure to a l low for the second story , ad-, i t iUn and has required a structura engi.neer to rev f ow the *Kt {' l st i ng foundati ! for At edequaoy In supporting :the add loading Imposed by the proposed second story addition. ` ' At l other as,pect's of the b u i l d i n g that are modi fied would be brought into compliance with the current code, �C0 " ENoAT t UN Staff recommendat is for approval of the variance request of 2.1.1 to the east s ide pro line to allow for an a d d i t ion and a second story onto the existing dwelling. The 'addition w i l l bring this d w e l l i n g into conformance with the current Zoning code, as far as minimum size of dwellings. and of- ford the applicant reasonable use of his property. This case will be heard by the City Council on April 23, 1 991 as approved by the City Manager. The abutting neighbors have been notified. 59 Iolgq � Mae*' tmu p, t7e1 (j t e r s Name .- Day Phon ► t �1 4 i I FO R AP - 9 1991 App I i ant Name ( if other than owner) Address ° Day Phone C I TY Ems. BOUND 81ock Add it1on VA /04 PI4 No. 0 4 1 , Me, 00d Road Fee Ex st ing Used of Property $ Res i to It case Nc> Has an : appli ever been made for zoning, variance, t XAR (Please type or, t AN1 APPL tCJlT t iii information:) yes t ). no (A), If pritit the following AeSClress of Subject Property � �i� Pellkt�l ' � tl. VARIANCE REQUESTED FORs 00 Principal Building t I ? '1500' Mae*' tmu " 7' •TES t e r s Name .- Day Phon ► " h*r`" 4, Add �l s T G i✓/. i 14! O A r " App I i ant Name ( if other than owner) Address ° Day Phone Lot 81ock Add it1on VA /04 PI4 No. Ex st ing Used of Property $ Res i to Zen i no D istri ct Has an : appli ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit. or other zoning procedure for th property? yes t ). no (A), If yes, l date( of appli ac tion taken, and provi resoluti number(s) (copies of previous reso lutions must accompany this appiic6tl VARIANCE REQUESTED FORs 00 Principal Building t ) Accessory Building direction requested required REQlE5 ED Front Yards ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. Rear Yar ( N S E w ) ft. ft. ft. Lake Front: ( N S E W ) _.r......._..»._..._ ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: ( N Sow ) � •� �„.� ft. � ft. 1. 79 ft. Side Yards ( N S E W ) ft. ft. ft. Lot S i z e : sq ft sq ft sQ ft I ? '1500' 1.4 (o R b sd R yy AY Ck NOW X i ' •� F MSg Nv SOW • AT: N � } • � � v _* A li t k K�Mti3t of" Ow AIC A�LVYGI � + t AmYAM �. W r 0 us mAr 'Y �� lV�r" ►/f • f►iGH,,;,, ft � AYµ On RECEIVED APR 1 5 1991 c �f 8 Nor; 'Seale NO 960 9 9 59 4 r�ec 41i W ii v a 66ARIN6S SH OWN CA W r -• 14 1 Ul 4 n 12 S pY ` 88429 19/117/23 HANDS ONE INCH EQUALS 20 S ET 4" �8 M x.01 July 21, 1988 y 9 ✓ N "� DRAFTED. August 1 1, 1988 yet. "sr Leon DESCRIPTION• . Lot 2, Block 1, AVAL4N, He nnepi:. .:- kAnty, Minnesota, tc qe�h +wf th p that part of adjacent, vaOra Stratford Cane, between the northerly extentions of the past and west spy Id Lest 2. 4a LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOURCE: +fie have surveyed the above described Y property which t!e cPient CI&I S to own or appws to Prin �'tiwA irSt "MW Zo.!• records the make no representation that the client does in fact own the of'"ertr' th.it search of the records has '.:Geri ramie to 4otermine the extent and,'ndtire Of his •tor,bt concerning tee accuracy of the 'egal description. cce potent leji Co4nAl Shou1j 66, 1 ta'400 t'- :erforrn s title search and is,.e a :title opinion for Cur 'va in .^, 'r�„I•Irrr the ,,,r n/ EALEMCNTS : re show Jnly those easct^cnts whf:h the client informs 1.5 'of 6r »filch .+e hap,en to tecort•e dwAre 6f thfilNi�f{ ather ;o,rcet lhp ,Jr.ey does r,t purport to &wcw dl " :e3ierent5 and '{ c STANDARD SYMBOLS AND CO NVENTIONS: "o" Cenotes 112'• 10'Prpe with Plastic Pluq be.sring'Stitt L+cenae Y, teas sit; rf denotes found iron ronuM*gt CERTIFICATION: TY 1 hercbr certify that this s:irve w as prepares! by me or :ender i direct ;.tcr.rsion .yny that 1` 4t": a Ae1 lep stered Land Surve un,ier tw {aws of I N St. +te Of y;ynr;o «b X H. Parker � R. L.S � . 140. 9235 l 7t✓ Rnnp SIDE' v rn cn Q 0 w w v w ir ®I QM rn rn ct T)P F"L M R. w w U W Lr • 19N I NG REQU I R£M,LhITS - 12 s fr 1 APPL I CANT: -- -_Lill t Q" LOT: I t [ � V AC . Sf BLK: ZONE: REQU I RED LOT AREA s G> ODD E Moto X I ST I N'{ LOT ARE '►:_�i ( Z ftE 1 REtl SET e t _ as [ "'t (�✓ FRONT -- t r , 32 SIDE: _ —5. ) Q SIDE: Q l REAR: 15 feet LAKESMORE: 50 feet SY s E X I ST I KG S PROPOSED SETFiACKS I 30 3 2 9 g2 1 FRONT: / t - ! � � • � � N ; r 0 9T r ,r 2 SIDE: V ! a - r SIDE REAR: ` _ � r �I ;4 1 .- LAKE SMOKE : 2'1 i s DATE: / BY: 24 RESOLUTION #91- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR LOT 3, BLOCK 2, WESTWOOD, PIO #23-117-24 23 0014 (P&Z CASE #91-010) WHEREAS, the minor subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood# PID #23-117-24 23 0014 has been submitted In the manner required for platting of land under City of Mound Ordinance Code, Section 330 and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota State Statute and all proceedings have been duly conducted thereunderl and WHEREAS, an application to waive the subdivision require- ments contained Iry Section 330 c' the City Code has been filed with the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, said request for waiver has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council; and WHEREAS, It has been determined that there are special cir- cumstances affecting said property such that the strict applica- tion of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; and that the waiver Is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right; and that granting the waiver would not be detrimental to the public welfare or Injurious to the other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. The request of the applicant for a wpi'ver prom the provisions of Section 330 of the City Cove and the request to subdivide property of less than five acres, described as follows: Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 2 Westwood, PID #23--117-24 23 0013, 0014, & 0015. 2. It is hereby granted to vermit - the subdivision as per the following descriptions (see the attached Exhibit PAP ) : Pacel A: Lot 4 and the Southerly 50.00 feet of Lot 3, pa-ce, P:, That Pa"t Of Lot 3 which I ies Nortr,erly of 5 feet ther and Lot 2, 81 2, W e'. tw 0 c". ". 0 t'A 15 �) Proposed Resolution Case No. 91 -010 Paged 2 3. It is determined that the foregoing subdivision will constitute a desirable and stable community development and it is in harmony with adjacent properties. 4. The City Clerk is authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the applicant. The ap- plicant shall have the responsibility for 'filing this resolution in the office of the Register of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County to show com- pliance with the subdivision regulations of the City. The aprilcant shall also have the responsibility of paying all costs for such recording. S. This lot subdivision is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date of this resolution. 1X5`7 PROPOSED LOT DIVISION SKETCH UNISIT 'A FOR FRANK W. DREY IN LOTS 2 -1, Block 2, Westwood Hennepin County, Minnesota r ! A [.trrt or s./7 /A ,t4 9 tJ1, q L.+ Y i J..A A,..i i/urJ !).N tlF, a•r WEJ7�✓Dap f.� {ig o' B:Ock 2, We4twCOd. Lo- 4, B:c�:n �. res *wood. Pct PARi7Ei. A: :,c,t w r .: .r ,c t': F. t` OW sec' ,. 3 PAX'F.t 6 _ oC �cc l .e., e,.,.., and ,. B 7`K ;�,•n•t._wCect. , ».i0 ►.airs . .Y� ,. ���._,.. ti�F, � � .33. F MINOTEB 07 R MEETING OP TEE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 13, 1991 L taroo PIR #23- 11 ? -34 A914 MINOR SUBDIVINION, building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request to subdivide a vacant parcel and combine it with bath a&- Joining conforming properties. Staff recommended approval of the subdivision regaest with the condition that an updated survey be required for each lot to include all on situ. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Thai to approve staff recommendation for approval with the condition that an updated survey be submitted for each lot inolud inq all structures on site. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be reviewed by the City Council on May 28, 1991. J I S1 F" STAFF REPORT Y N DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of May 13, 1991 TOt Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: Jon Sutherland, Building Official CASE NO.: 91-010 APoLIC T Frank W. Drey L3CATION: Westedge Blvd. LEGAL Lot 3, Block 2, Westwood DESCRIPTION: PID "##23- 117 -24 23 0014 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision ZONING: R - Single Family Residential Thy anp l l caret rea • -! s tc subdivide Lot 3, Block 2. Westwood and comb l ne t h i s 10L with bo . h ad jo i n l ng propert i } -2s as s hown or, t att6ched survey. Br exf•- v'nq Lor< A : :nd 2 exck rd the 10. square foot lot ar 3a requ l rc,rr-:1-rc for t, R-1 zone. P:C ,• ,, l ,� st aFY r' ✓, °i i ` ; F+ 5=J.iF': 1 V { S r '1'. Pr?r "J' t W t trt the f" C:• ! 1 Y ° r `r a r' C ` P' f; `! I . � C ] r or t.. , .j C h ) ,:; r to fry— CITY OF MpUNp Case N.7. Ap 19199 -- Bate Fl A- tq-q L 10 AMICAT -OF m FEES t no m %d Yaa.I Q,ii Major Subd i v i s ± cn s Application G Prellminary Plat f150 Park Ded. Final Plat =10 Other Escrow Deposit _ 1 1,00Q Delinquent Taxes? yes /, nod Park Dedication Other 'Please type or print the following information.) Applicant's Name AA ), - , +� N (5` Day Phone l App l i cant's Address 2 r (1 '" Lcr - '- ff �. t Fee Owner(s) Mj print name' print name mai ling address mai ling address r� Signature of Fee O"r Signature of Fee Owner J This appiicatIon must be s igned by all the OWNERS of the property, or an exp l a nation g iven why this i not the case. Property tc 12e divided: Address /Location ( J e5+z- -c(n i s Addition Lot ---- ._.____ 81GCk P #..:.Z.� =� ��= xLiL�'� Plat To be divided „as fo 1 t ow e of proposed subdivision: i st i ng Use of Property: Zoning District: A- Ia+L4�1 Application for Page Two Subdivision Case No. !''o_ o,..., Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, condjtIonal usi permit, or other zoning orocedure for this property? If yes, list date($) of appiicatic.n, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) t (Copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application.)' I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ec- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described In this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and remov►ng such notices as may be required by law. r ? Applicant's Signature f Date, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Planning Comm i ss t e t Recoavmendat 1 on Date Council Actions Resolution 4o. Date • 4111 (` LN A z Q rt i v • CERTIP%T � OF SURVEY � U YE Y for Frank W. Dreg of tot 4, Block 2, WE Henneoin.County, Minnesota t39� a Paz .; AecA - PN A s. Ip9._ iw iZi/ G %7G �tOi15�t; J add If - v Q nor . %zz1 Zo _.... _ D '' Egg °! W -CS I✓OAd Circle Jar V I NG MW I REMENTS i 3� } �� • 4a 56i a S 1 r � ADDRESS: APPL ICANT s R 4m K, DR ey .5v ray LOT: _,BLKs— ADON : TI�}C i s ZONE: - — L_ REQU I RED LOT AREA s / (6) EXISTING LOT AREA s REQU I REO SETBA KS Z FRONT: • SIDE: SIDE: S ' REAR: _ 15 eet , LAKESHORE: SO feet EXISTIn1G a PROPOSED SETBACKS FRONT: c SIDE: • i I SIDE: • 1 REAR: LAKESHOREt A' 6 DATE: -s ""• By Proposed Resolution RESOLUTION #91 Case No. 91 14W RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A MINOR SUBDIVISION for Lots 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, a 1/2 of 22, Block 8 In Seton and Block 26 In Wychwood, PID #24-117-24 14 0015, 0046, 0057, 0052, A 41 0163 & 0164, 4967 Wilshire Blvd. (P&Z Case No. 91-015) WHEREAS, the minor subdivision of Lots 12, 13, 14, 20, - 21, 22, 23 & 1/2 of 22, Block 8 In Seton and Blo-k 26 In Wychwood, PID #24-117-24 14 0015, 0046, 0057, 0052 6 41 0163 6 0164, has been submitted In the manner required for platting of land under City of Mound Ordinance Code, Section 330 and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota State Statute and all proceedings have been duty conducted thereunder, and; WHEREAS, an application to waive the subdivision require- ments contained In Sect fcon 330 of the City Code has been filed with the City of Mound, and; WHEREAS, said request for waiver has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council, and; WHEREAS, it has been determined that there are special cIr- cumstances affecting said property such that the strict applica- tion of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; and that the waiver Is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right; and that granting the waiver would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 11 The request of the applicant for a waiver from the provi- sions of Section 330 of the City Code and the request to subdivide property of less than five acres, legally descrl5ed as follows: That par of Lots ? : - 13 lying Westerly 7,f a line r Z rom 3 Po t in the Ji line of s. Lot 12 i-tant 12 f east fi%,;i the Soutnwes corner th... eof to a point In t north l ine of said Lot 13, distant 12 feet West from the N t corner thereof; that p3rt of Lot 23 lying North- er iy of the Southerly 30 feet. thert-of; Block 26, Wychwood. 0 1 1 � I f ; 0 " f Proposed Resolution Po u ion Case No. 91 -015 Page 2 That part of Lo s 20, 21 and 22 lying Northerly r` the Southerly 30 feet except that part of said Lot 20 described as follows: Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 20; thence North along the Westerly line of said Lot 20 a distance of 45.1 feet; thence East along a line parallel to the South line of Lot 20, a distance of 14 feet; thence South along a line parallel to the West line of said Lot 20, a distance of 45.1 feet; thence West along the South line of s a i d Lot 20, a distance of 14 feet to the point of begin- ning, Block 26, Wychwood. The West 112 of Lot 1 1 , that part of Lot 12 lying Easterly of the following described line; Beginning at a point in the South ine of said Lot 12, distant 12 feet from the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence Northerly to a point in the North i Ine of Lot 13, and distant 12 feet Westerly from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 12; all that part of Lot 13 lying Easterly of the following described line, Beginning at a point in the North line of said Lot 13 distant 12 feet Westerly from the No. theast cor- ner thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point in the Southerly line of said Lot 12 and distant 12 feet Easterly from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 12, all in Block 26, Wychwood. Ali that part of Lot 8, 81ock 18, Seton, according to the p l at thereof on f 1 l e or of record i n the off i ce of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County, which lies West of a line described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the most Westerly point of Block 39, Wychwood; thence North- easterly along the Northwesterly line of said Block 39, a distance of 26.5 feet; thence North along a line drawn at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot 8, to its in- tersection with said Northerly line of said Lot 8. to its intersection with said Northerly line of said Lot 8, thence West along the Northerly line of said Lot 8 a distance of 72 feet ::o a point which is the actual point of beginning of said line; thence south and at right angles to the Northeriy line of said Lot 8, to the intersection of said line with the Souther I- line of said Lot 8, Lot 14, Block 26, "Wychwood." • I Gkol Proposed Resolution Case No. 91 -015 Page 3 2 . It is hereby granted to permit the subs' i v i s i on as per the following descriptions (see atxachPd Exhibit 'A'): PARCELS A 8 Q (t o h combing That part of Lots 20 and 21 lying Northerly of the Southerly 30 feet thereof except that part of said Lot 20 described as follows: Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of ,aid Lot 20; thence North along the Westerly line of said %ot 20, a distance of 45.1 feet; thence East along a line parallel to the South line of Lot 20, a distance of 14 feet; thence South a'.ong a line paral- lel to the West line of said Lot 20, a distance of 45.1 feet; thence West along the South tine of said Lot 20, a distance of 14 feet, to the point of beginning, Block 2C, Wychwood, according to the map or plat thereof in fizz or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County Minnesota. LOt 13, Block 26, Wychwood. Lot 149 Block 26, Wychwood. All that part of Lot 8, Block 18, Seton, according to the Plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County, which lies West of a line described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the most Westerly point of Block 39, Wychwood thence North - easterly along the Northwesterly line of sa.d Block 39, a distance of 26.5 feet; thence North along a line drawn at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot 8, to its In- tersection with said Northerly line of said Lot 8; thence West Tong the Northerly line of said Lot 8 a distance of 72 feet to a point which Is the actual point of beginning of said line; thence South and at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot 8, to the intersection of said line with the Southerly line of said Lot 8. PARCELS B & C (to be combined): The West 112 of Lot 11, all Of Lot 12, and that part of Lots 22 and 23 lying Norther i y of ` he ` auth y 30 fee tt - eot=. Thf >t 50 r �t of the fc ?w ire . "bed prod rty. . A l l than c of L, <i, Block 1� Setion. a riling t the plat thereof on file or of record ir, ci�e orfic:; of the R cr Tit' -, in and for said County, which lies West of a l ine 07 fo' log,;, to • Proposed Resolution Case No. 91 -015 Page 4 wits Beginning a the most Westerly point of Block 39, Wych- wood, thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Block 39, a distance of 26.5 feet; thence North along a line drawn at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot 8, to its intersection with said Northerly line of said Lot 8; thence West along the Northerly line of said Lot 8 a dis- tance of 72 feet to a point which is the actual point of beginning of said line; thence South and at right angles to the Northerly line of said Lot 8, to the intersection of said line with the Southerly line of said Lot S. Upon the following conditions: a) The applicant shall combine Parcels A and D and shall also combine Parcels B and C. b) The applicant shall either remove a portion of the deck on the west s i d e of the existing home or relocate the lot line separating parcels A and B in order to create a two foot distance between the property line and the edge of the deck., if the applicant elects to relocate the lot line, a new survey and corresponding legal descriptions will need to be submitted to the City of Mound prior to the filing of the subdivision with Hen- nepin County: c) A 5.5 foot variance is hereby issued for the existing front y=ard setback for the existing structure on Parcel B with, the clear and express understanding that the use remr,ins as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of the Mound Zoning Code. 3. It is determined that the foregoing subdivision will con- stitute a desirable and stable community development and it is in harmony with adjacent properties. 4. The City Clerk is authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the applicant. The applicant shall have the responsibility for filing this resolution in the office of the Register of Deeds or the Registrar of Titles of Hen- nepin County to show compliance with the subdivision regula- tions of the City. The applicant shall also have the responsibility of paying all costs for such recording, 5. This lot subdivision is to be filed and recorded within 180 days of the adoption date of this resolution. /4� (0 q p CEIITWICATE Or E1MYEV f 011 EXHIBIT �aE THOMAS M. NICHOLS 01 TOTE 11 - 14 E 20 EIOCX !l WVCNw000 AND LOT L SLOCI( A SETON NENNEVIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA k F 0 EMERALD LAKE �1Y1 �NRI! d . 1M M tYa i 1•':M r l'N OYp! lYN ' r tl W fIt !i tlatrt Nit ra f<s tlr aYSI.t tlnY'rlf r . fa.t r �fpY lY. tl W Y Il,'i'Jrtt Il er/R�iv W Idt1�R v� tl1aVt: fY[ tra d to n >l�ri �d w awry.N t.Ia thrtll EIS E!, gr.rd. "L-LIII II n11 r — r.l.lit A �Y. t d J.e.1* r rJl. dllar d Ih r.rl d 741r_�. r r r trrt.^ I m.a rrra K fr a. t! iri a 1rlry E.rtbrlr .f W E..0 -tr '>♦ E.Ia 4—*1 Wat IIIn.1 rt* Ira i0 !rW iwWrlr W YIIra- �'V rf alr c"lj us 4—lb" it- 4rWly aL. tl.rt l41 .t ..J* Z. m al."m 0.1 t..a Era" trrr w a.tlu.." r+rrlr tinrrp Guar W +L r.Y.l t.3 wY aM WY.rYI 1!r tlMno( ' tEf.a..b H Uwt. 0..� Enri r.r.l1.1 rlY W WK ltr ft w. y VYdr Ef.O ll,r K.I/f W p a** I*M 14. alrw 4rY*.v W. bra EE. ItMlp1*rf. � 4 W .Iil w tW tAnrf rhM - r� i y Y! Eftl,. W Ey/.Nrr M E.rf. 4 W fr .*♦. VIII M tl id. 11. r.. rn d i,l N Irly Wi d s w— rrs.rr Wr t.r+Y a .fritlt rlfr Erb W / W rt It. Ww i 11 f..t flal ur. t*.hwalrl� iYIi1IIY ul.tl1 �. r.Yrlf r . Pla r 1r — '1r d 14 11.. Al.tnt ! pllt —it s uI raV.ruY if — d rM w 11 .IJ V.a wilt fat n 1 Iw.r r tl th Id WIN *lour tlrt rau.N r . Ir4.+ r tiI ■IY Wr d IW Idl Il a— It I— f1In,t1t f— w Irtlrl.t a.R �dl U.rw il.Ir.rrll u. /rl.r 4th �1t 1_4 Yd M �1 Ild Llunt �i N.t EIIIrir IM Ih iolll�Yi d lr o.I[ d YY tat It .0 4 I II* A. YJ .IYIIrIq II r. Md .Y� d tIr r d I.ur* r Na riffs fJ. tyar./.Y d balms r .d 4 _w 4rryL •Ml IJIIa t� d IJ_d an ftia a d r.N.y r uI df+o tl W rrJWU d KtJ.Y 4 rd tQ rW pal* T,. M.J lu d . Ilw a�Yl411 M Whir. >a rt. fYNLIWr d Ur rrt Y.f�IY WtrR d ipl; N. Igavdi N.ta It.rI.alYrrtt a4rp W rlfV,rpRll lu+ d .Id 4cu IY. • IJIra1u tl >•.f lart tlrwtl rrtu alrq I lua •M N Ylda YII:r to r11 lYr N rL IM r. !! IY I�.r.talWt NY rr wur lY Iw tl rd >k r� r .Y Mrrv. <a� M4 r1d raVr.lY tlwa d r14 Inl r� Nnr t►1 .:oy r)r tranr':I tar d Yr ax 1 . 4ttr!`r d ti fra u • p.tw1 a. . r.ulu.� d rJ lurl woSra rtgnt rr.:r u Vr r .e Ja r. r rAr riwrrtr+w d rJ t•n. •tU to ir..YIW IY Its y r.J ..a t ' ,�.�a3tll r} �S14 lu 4 r /r:Irt rtu Mrrr u11�'. ,a }Il,t ,Iri !f Ga, 10 W :1 Irn rtMrir vl t Mrle + Iaat ..raM a a Mrt of r a Wt 70 Irma Srrtn.rlY IM +I �f tM fu;:.s t M.:'r IBM Ilnn M,Irvnln, On tM w t Iln. e( pa,J .ti at, u�t t! 1 (,at rrtp fr.r IM 'i.VlM.I u•rra J :Y Mr11 la{ •1M tM Lwt Mr1Y UM t of J �tanr t 4w1. r • °awe► Nral ial rteM tM WI/ 11n. tMravl 1 1wtB n ,. f�,I t, Lnt !0 b.0 a, 1, IIM lMra to r.l nat tn, t: u.I I.. .prr rV:ey w W .ap pr pi.t t aB/ on t•11 e nrrert t.a %t1t:a of aM 4plat.r pt Rlaa. In IrN fer w.v r.Jr.d .s M Irk :Y •.» !a:i •M hrcr'.'+r! R•PraY JY.T Ilw +I( �Y <H Ir+. 1C (ar J j, 1, '1 .Ynrtivq u tJr pi<� r aI.1 r a d u. arc:1+ u of tttiw in rr to r J txu+rr � r P....a rpanurq d 4.a a:n+1 t.'r ra•1•+•r tY '' .r i�r 4u, r A , A Jrr . i:n by n w ' tl r �.• •f rl :u I I it • J � .. r ,a ... t ..r r. Ird •. r 2 d :.. ♦ 1. .. . S n.f a T1r Y. ' I " i r C I D r.IwrrwraM �. rr.�.�wea rf •. . ..r (COUNTY ROAD NO. 125) et I� YI a r J.li 1 �...r pain .11 . l� / .� IFF I i N • �,• r t s MINUTES OP A MEETING Of T82 MOUND A')VydORY PLUNING COMMI88ION MAT 13, 1911 CA tt No _11-else Tg mas Nichols, 4 Wilabire The Building Official reviewed the City Planner's report. The applicant is seeking approval of a minor subdivision to create two lots, both of which will have detached lakeshore separated by Wilshire Blvd. Both parcels will meet the minimum lot area requirement of 6,000 square feet, Parcel A will be 15,326 square feet, and Parcel B will be 14,821 square feet. Parcel A contains an existing structure and Parcel B is a vacant lot. In addition to Parcels A and B, the parcel on the north side of Wilshire Blvd. will be divided into two parcels as follows: Par- cel C will be 2,280 square feet, and Parcel D will be 6,860 square feet. The applicant plans to have Parcels A and D combined and Parcels B and C combined resulting in two building sites with detached, deeded lakeshore. Parcel B presently has a driveway access off of Brighton Blvd. It is assumed that Parcel A will have a similar driveway con- figuration since the front of the property on Wilshire contains a steep slope. Wilshire is also a county road necessitating the issuance of a driveway permit from Hennepin County. Staff recommended approval of the minor subdivision contingent upon the following conditions: I. The applicant shall combine parcels A and D and shall also combine parcels B and C. 2. The applicant shall either remove a portion of the deck on the west side of the existing home or relocate the lot line separating Parcels A and B in order to create a two foot distance between the property line and the edge of the deck. If the applicant elects to relocate the lot line, a new Sur- vey and corresponding legal descriptions will neRd to be submitted to the City of Mound prior to the fili.,y of the subdivision with Hennepin County. 3. A 5.5 foot variance is hereby issued for the existing front yard setback for the existing structure on Parcel B with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of the Mound Zoning Code. The applicant informed the Commission that he will be cutting the deck back to meet the required 2 foot setback. The Commission expressed that they do not wish to see this property subdivided again in the future. The applicant explained that due to an access problem, it would be difficult to create another parcel from thin subdivision. Thal confirmed that proposed Parcels C i D cannot have buildings constructed on them. MOTION made by Michael, seconded by Rams to approve staff's recommendation for approval, contingent upon the conditions listed. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on May 28, 1991. 1 e)--7/ r Van Dar` n Hazard Stallings, inc. Architects • Enoineers • Planners PI ANNING REPORT 91 -015 TO: Mound Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner 00'' DATE: May 6, 1991 SUBJECT: Minor Subdivision APPLICANT: Thomas Nichols CASE NUMBER: 91 -015 VHS FILE NUMBER: 91- 310 -A9 -ZO LOCATION: 4967 Wilshire Boulevard EXISTING ZONING: Single Family Residential (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND: The appli_ant is seeking approval of a minor subdivision to create two lots, both of which will have detached lakeshore separated by Wilshire Boulevard. At the present-time, the property consists of five parcels, four south of Wilshire and one abutting Emerald Lake on the north side of Wilshire. Under the current proposal, the diagonal lot line that bisects Lots 12 and 13 will be reoriented to establish two parcels with the following characteristics: Parcel A: 15,326 square feet (Formerly Lots 13, 14, 20 & 21) Parcel B: 14,82 . square feet (Formerly Lots 12, llpt, 22 & 23) Parcel A contains an existing structure and Parcel B represents a vd cant lot. In addition to the two home sites, the parcel on the north side of Wilsnire Boulevard will be divided into two parcels with the following characteristics: Parcel C: 2,280 square feet - .3 rt,e1 J: 160 squ.. . F L)c.) r° . i 0` trt :.Yis S c 1 d ce f . r� 1 f or far ply -� 0 tq C r rd i 1 15 V ri f? C o i 1 n? t; _ s i n g i rl idKnC n • q1_015 Nichols Planning Report May 6, 1991 Page Two Section 330:20 of the Mound Code of Ordinances defines minor subdivisions as those creating not more than three lots. Technically, this request creates four lots, however, since it is the applicant's intent to combine the four lots to create two home sites, this application is being reviewed as a minor subdivision request. COMMENT: The Fubject property is located in the R -2 zone which requires 6,000 square feet of total lot area. Both of the proposed parcels surpass the required minimum lot area and also exceed the lot width requirements. The existing residence that is located on proposed Parcel B has a 14.5 foot front yard setback. The Mound Zoning Code requires a 20 foot front yard setback necessitating the recognition of an existing 5.5 foot front yard variance. Additionally, the current house has an on -grade deck located on the west side of the structure that appears to be less than the required two foot side yard setback for such decks. The deck variance could be omitted by either modifying the existing structure or moving the common lot line between Parcels A and B to accommodate the required setback. Parcel B presently has a driveway access off of Brighton Boulevard. It is assumed that Parcel A will hove a similar driveway configuration since the front of the property on Wilshire contains a steep slope. Wilshire is also a county road necessitating the issuance of a driveway permit from Hennepin County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision contingent upon the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall combine parcels A and D and shall also combine parcels B and C. 2. The applicant shall either remove a portion of the deck on the west side of the existing home or relocate the lot line separating Parcels A and B in order to create a two foot distance between the property line and the edge of the deck. If the applicant elects to relocate the lot line, a new survey and corresponding legal descriptions will need to be submitted to the City of Mound prior to the filing of the subdivision with Hennepin County. 3. A 5.5 foot variance is hereby issued for the existing front yard setback for the existing structure on Parcel B with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of the Mound Zoning Code. NICHSUB.P51 1J,-7b CITY OF MO!!NO 2 (�) �) Case NO. U Date Filed_ APPLI F M Of LAND FEESs Minor Subdivision e-dor Subdivision: Application $50 Preliminary Plat U S0 Park Ded. Final Plat $100 Other Escrow Deposit 61,000 Delinquent Taxes? yes / no Park Dedication Other + (Please type or print the following information.) Applicant's Name 7 M I LH016 Day Phone y 11 • mod Applicant's Address WI VA+t 'i MWO M6yW M 1„t Fee Owner s) - n4 M • -4 14 L-6 11 • 141 G��a print name print name 441e1 wiL-AMaO t ea Agto i OW" Po t40 mailing address mailing address !teab M64• S WW44p MN r , y Signature of Fee Owner Signature of Fee /Owner This application must be signed by ail the OWNERS of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. Property to be divided: Address /Location Add 1 t i on 1tV� Lot Block PiD # To b e divided as follows: r 1 1 - 1 • 7� 14 001 i dtb '— - s0 S Z Name of proposed subdivision: Existing Use of Property: Zoning District:' �... Application for Subdivision Pale Two Case No.q s an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conaLLtional use rmlt, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes n If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resol n number(s) (Copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application.)' I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of Inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. • Applicant's SIgnaturo_n4eftm2 • pate, = FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: T anning Commission Recommendation Date Council Actions Resolution No. Date n 1;V7.5 91-015 • Se-e enGlOSed SUrwtt" E4�1,bi+ % A 0 • (lease re+v( -�o Pelqq oWkr rri2¢J -inc� - - �arlks • l o• . I 15 ZZ Jl Lv HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. (NIIAERIC AL ZP ) 051.-8176 445. 2,4 MINUTES OF A MEETINC& O THE MOUND ADVISORY PARR a OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9, 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS PROGRAM - KATE FROM SUBCOMMiTTEI Jim Glasoe, Recreation Director. for Westonka Community Services was present to discuss the parks and lifeguard programs for 1991. He explained that the program for 1991 Is already In place and would be difficult to change at this time since summer bulletins are already being printed. The 1990 attendance records for p rk program particfpatf and special events descriptions were reviewed. Bailey commented on the subcommittee's discussions that, In the future, they hope the Community Services youth group /center can be incorporated with the parks program. It was determined that this is the wrong time of year to re- evaluate the programs and this should be done when the budget Is reviewed in August. 1u�,r, made by Byrnes, seconded by Schmidt to drove Cthe 91 Parks Program a nd Lifeguard Program Agreements ommunity Services as submitted. Motion cerrfed ously. The Community Services Agreements will be submitted to a City Council for their approval at the May 28, 1991 meeting. p.i Park Commission Minutes .prl! 11, 1991 Page 2 Ct?11l1UN I TY SERVICES 1991 PARKS PROGRAM AND LIFEGUARD SERVICES AM M NTS. Recreation Coordinator for Community Services, Jim Glasoe. was unable to be present. The Park Director explained that the budget portion and agreements are complete and have been sub- mitted for their approval, however, no information has been sub- mitted on the specifics of the park program activities. Galley Informed the Commission about a new program being imple- ment through community services called Youth Services. She asked if somehow this could be tied into the park program. The parks program attendance through the year was discussed. it was noted that the attendance drops off significantly after July 4th. It was suggested that the Grogram start earlier in the year and possibly have night time activities when it is too hot during the day. It was suggested that the orogram be updated, Maybe an emphasis should be made to one park for activities. if older kids are going to get involved in the program. sufficient instructors will be requ!red. Skogiand Questioned the salaries for -h, l=arks Program Supervisor and the Lifeguard Supervisor, she c anted that it appears each year they have less hours and more pay. It was determined that a subcommittee be formed, Including: Mike Lubey, Jim Glasoe, Jim Fackler. Catny Bailey, and Marilyn Byrnes. This subcommittee will meet to discuss updating the program. City Manager, Ed Shukle, informed the Commission that their is no discretionary money in the budget to expand the parks program. I.1'7 qt AGREEKENT BETWEEN: City of Mound Westonka Community Services EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1991 or when officially accepted by each party of this agreement. An agreement to provide Parks Program services from the Community Services Department No. 277, to the City of Mound. The intent of this is to clarify, in writing, all activities involved in the cost of services for which the city is billed and the Community Services Department is responsible to provide. The attached information is categorized as: I. PARKS PROGRAM SERVICES; A. Parks Programs by Park Locations B. Scheduled Hours and Dates of Services C. Training Program Description D. Supervision Scheme E. Salary Schedule, Philosophy F. Summary G. Cost of Service for 1991, estimated A. PARK PROGRAMS By LOCATION The following parks are provided services as described: 1. Community Center (Day Camp Program) 2. Swenson (Island) Park 3. Three Points Park 4. Highlands Park 5. Belmont Park 6. Clover Circle Park 7. Rover To Be Determined B. Scheduled Hours and Dates of Services: These parks are served June 15 and will run for six (6) weeks i 4th of each Jim G! . ` 9:00 a.. ..1.. t. _, r. .iv or the first with no prog �e monitory %ing /cic non monday following rams the week of the usage due to dates. :ou's :i�rcu: ��iday. at • • C. Training Program Description: It is common knowledge that the quality of a program depends greatly on the people who are running it. It is with this in mind that and inservice and training concept has been developed to insure that our parks program staff will be well prepared and able to deliver a high quality program. Preseason Training: As a condition of employment, all Playground Leaders, Day Camp Leaders and as many program aides will take part in an annual inservice and training program that will be developed by the coordinator. Additionally, all staff will be required to attend weekly inservices on specific topics related to the program. The 1991 Training Concept will emphasize: 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 1994 Program Review, "Its successes and failures" First Aid Review "Policies and Procedures" Participation Improvement Innovative Program Ideas "Brainstorming" Program Planning (weekly) D. PARK SUPERVISION SCHEM The people listed below compromise the active supervision of the parks program. While primary duties are in the hands of the Parks Supervisor, it is important that others involved in park activities also be recognized as having supervisory authority. Mike Looby Director Occasional park monitoring, especially at Mound Bay Park. Response to citizens concerns. Jim Glasoe Recreation Coor. Assists with the day to day coordination from the Community Services office. Occasional park monitoring. © ��8r Is employed to hire personnel, develop training programs, schedule staff, handle payroll, coordinate efforts with other city staff and direct the day to day program. He/ She hasthe primary responsibility to supervise the parks staff. Jim Fackler, Parks Dir. When working at the listed parks, observes the actions of the staff and becomes involved if the activities do not meet acceptable standards. Wne citi zens Perform a volunteer duty by reporting undesirable actions they observe in the parks. We may recruit citizens to observe and report actions. SALARY SCHEDULE AND PHILOSO Some years ago surfaced the concern of the number of 9mployee's we were training and then subsequently hired at a higher rate by other area agencies and businesses. It became clear that the more training and experience the individual had, the more valuable they became. From that evolved a salary schedule that reflected this concept. Each year during which an employee works 100 hours, they are raised one salary step. Additionally, our base salary schedule was raised to a level that was on nar with our competing agencies. We pay them well and they are worth it. We expect them to perform accordingly or we replace them. Below is the salary schedule: issued in the Administrative Regulation #4231, dated 6/1/90 for July 1 - June 30, 1991 fiscal year. DAY C�"" ASST. PLAYGr. ,J Lr.AD R $4.00 4. 2 , 4.50 4 . 50 4.75 DAY CA.%P LEADER $5.00 5.5' 6.00 6.50 7.00 OUT roe r,J:car �t C.JCIRO. $ S. E) 9.00 9. 50 :').OJ 1 C ' - ' ) � _ EXPERIENCB FOR INCREMENT 11CREASE To qualify for an increment increase, an employee must be able to document at least 100 hours of employment in one or more of the above categories during the past twelve month period, from July 1st of each year. TS AND EVALUATION 7 C All employees must be at least 15 years of age and have completed all of the employment steps of the Community Services Department. Additionally, All Playground Leaders, Day Camp Leaders will take part in the annual inservice held in early June. Sys As our Park Program continues to grow, we must make every effort to assure that our residents are receiving a quality program which is both innovative and educational and above all, FUN for the youth of our community. It is with this concept in mind that this agreement was written. All of the above material is intended to show that we are attempting to achieve these goals,and will continue to do so for many years to come. G. COST ESTIMATE: FOR 1991 LABOR: PARKS PROGRAM SUPERVISOR 30HRS /WK X 8 WKS X $8.50 /HR INCLUDING BENEFITS = $2,346.00 PARK COORDINATORS 18 HRS /WK X 6 WKS X $4.50 /HR X 5 PARKS + ROVER INCLUDING BENEFITS = $3,355.00 PARK ASSISTANTS 18 HRS /WK X 6 WKS X $4.25/HR X 5 PARKS + ROVER INCLUDING BENEFITS = $3,167.0 DAY CAMP COORDINATOR 30 HRS /WK X 7 WKS X $5.50 /HR INCLUDING BENEFITS = $1,330.00 DAY CAMP ASSISTANTS 30 HRS /WK X 6 WKS X 4.25/HR X 2 ASSTS. INCLUDING BENEFITS = $1,760.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICE STAFF = $1,500.00 (Jim Glasoe as well as Secretaraial time) EQUIPMENT ( Softball, Parachutes, Games, Coolers etc) $ 500.00 /1 Y3 SUPPLIES (Paints,Paper,Craft Supplies,Snacks) = $ 500.00 TRANSPORTATION (50 Hrs. @10.00 + 250.00 milage = $ 800.00 MISCELLANEOUS = $ 100.00 TOTAL = $15,354.00 REVENUES: DAY CAMP 22 KIDS X $25.00EA X 6 WKS = $3,300.00 SPECIAL EVENT DAYS 100 KIDS X .50EA X 6 DAYS = $ 300.00 TOTAL REVENUE = $3,600.00 CITY OF MOUND SUBSIDY NEEDED = $11,758.00 NET INCREASE OVER 1990 FIGURES = 4% • COST F,STIMATE MOUND PARKS PROGRAM 1989 LABOR PARKS FRn:3RAM,'LIFEGUARD SUPERVISOR 35I {R i WK X 12 WKS, X $7.75/14R (3515.40) COST TO PARKS PROGRAM = $2,000.00 PARK COORDINATORS 18 HRC/WX X r_, WKS X $4.25/HR X 5 PARKS INCLUDING BENEFITS = $2,640.00 • PARK ASSISTANTS 18 HRS: WK. X 6 WKS X $4.00 X 5 PARKS INCLUDING BENEFITS = $2,295.00 D AY CAMP COORDII:ATOR 30 HRS,'WK X G WKS X $5. L51 IIR INCLUDING RFNEFITS = $1,087.00 DAY CAMP ASS ISTIt NTS 30 HRS;WK. X 6 WKS X 4.28 /HR X 2 ASSTS. I ?�C L;1DINl P?Pt. FIT` = $1,760.00 ^^MMiINTTY SERVICE. ^, OFFICE STAFF = $1,500.00 (.Tim G2a:;o 7z ::�7: �,; S cr r�r-.: 1 time) F"'13TF'MEN: (. nf;l,,,: F' <:,ra-h ,,e ^:,me. ,Coolers ettc) $ 400.0? ;IIE'E':.IP.^ (P;iint ,P,-, r r, ^raft S .I ;Lr] . a,Snack = $ 500.00 ^1RA;;;:I " R TAT ION ( =.n l rs. aln.nr) + 250.00 milage = $ 750.00 ""I`;r r,rANrOUS = 100.00 a rL'FTOTAL = $13,032.00 TEr Yr, mr•m .n. .; i 4 , 987 . 00 X _ (® '7 • COST FSTIMATE MOUND PARKS PROGRAM 1090 LABOR: PARKS PROGR. --.M, LIFEGUARD SUPERVISOR 30HRS /WK X W1, X $8.00,IHit COST TO PARKS PROGRAM = $1,920.00 PARK COORDINATORS 13 HR X f_, WKS X $4.25; HR X 5 PARKS + ROVER INCLUDTNG BENEFITS = $3,084.48 PARK ASSISTANTS 18 HRS,'WK X E WKS X $4.00,'HR X 5 PARKS + ROVER INCLUDING BENEFITS = $2,003.04 DAY CAMP COORGTt:AT ^R 30 HR.' X G WItS X $5. 25: Hr, INCLUDING BENEFITS DAY CAMP ASSISTA ".TS 30 HRS /WK X r. WKS X 4.251HR X 2 ASSTS. INCLUDING BENEFITS = COtd!dUNITY SERVICES OFFICE STAFF = ^,.; 5 ^0.00 as w 1 a; ^�cretar:..ial t :me 1 _, I,P.,r ,-ht,t s,G�re Coolers cam`.:) • o0itLl.ria _ ^. :. ^.0 on n r rr1.I'-.r Tnr+ ;1 ":71.ri 'r :, le ^, S�ii13�I ♦ :i,Sn l�`i:._7� •.I / tr t _.a j no n0 ^ ^A ":`:P ^RTATIC`t7 (FO IIr = s10. CO 2 "-00 mi 1 lr— tT �.. E,:r„AP7L�)t1S — n niv n11 ,. 0 R V i r a � Y "• 0.i �, • 4 � r Y r r�._ •,:- tkr 'n.r e. rrl, ' - �r• r' 'Tr +z r� n • A G R E E M E N T BETWL .,r: City of Mound Westonka Community Education & Services EFFECTIVE, DATE: January 1, 1991 or when formally accepted by each party of the agreement An agreement to provide lifeguard services from the Community Education and Services Department, District No. 277 for the City of Mound. The intent of this agreement is to clarify, in writing, all activities comprising the cost of services for which the City is billed and the Community Education & Services Department is responsible to provide. The attached information is categorized as follows; A. Lifeguard Service Scheduled by Beach Location B. Scheduled Hours and Dates of Lifeguard Services C. Training Program Descriptions D. Supervision Scheme E. Salary Schedule and Philosophy F. Summary G. Cost of Services Estimate for 1991 A/ B. LIFEGUARD BEACH SCHEDULE, CITY OF MOUND The following beaches are provided lifeguard services as described: 1. MOUND BAY PARK Memorial Day to Labor Day and all non -rain days, between those dates. The guards are on duty 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. • • 0 Neighborhood Beaches 2. WYTCHWOOD BEACH 3. PEMBROOK BEACH 4. CHESTER PARK BEACH 5. CENTERVIEW BEACH 6. BLUEBIRD LANE BEACH These five beaches are served June 15 to August 15 (or to the nearest weekend day). Jim Facklar monitors the usage due to weather and establishes exact - opening /closing dates. Hours on these be,iches are 1 -4 p.m., seven (7) days per week. Additionally, there is some additional guard time (in 30- minute increments) for Parks Program usage at neighborhood beaches. This usually happens only three (3) days per week for six (6) weeks. C. LIFEGUARD TRAINING CONCEPT - The hiring of a person that has acquired a lifeguard certificate through Red Cross programs can be dangerous without ongoing training. What happens is that they do not train in the winter, and therefore, are not conditioned to perforn in an emergency. Further, the test for a lifesaving certificate is knowledge and skill attainment. In the water, under emergency conditions, can be critical if water training does not occur each summer. Lifeguards will complete testing in the water and written testing, to qualify for employment. This testing is to determine areas of needed improvement and serve as an evaluation of the staff for purposes of designing training sessions. Training has been at the pool and early mornings at the beach. The guards must have the courage to enter the water under all climatic conditions including cold temperatures. The corps of guards all participate in an annual review of first aid, and are recertified in C.P.R. In addition to the summer inservice that is part of this agreement, there is ongoing training for high school -age guards during the winter months. By re- hiring college -age guards during summer, we retain experienced people and provide employment for the families of our community sending children to college. This arrang=ement serves the families and the city. • ow The 1991 Training Concept will emphasize: I. "Take Charge" at the beaches, responsible attitude and actions 2. First Aid Review - Policies /Procedures 9. Lifeguarding skills review, update on newest techniques 4. Use of emergency two -way radios at selected beaches D. LIFEGUARD SUPERVISION SCHEME The people listed below comprise the active supervision of lifeguards on the beaches. While primary supervision duties are in the hands of Tami Stahlke, Lifeguard Supervisor, it is important that city department heads involved in park activities also be recognized as having supervisory authority. Mike Looby, Director -- Occasional beach monitoring, especially at Mound Bay Park. Participation in inservice. Response to citizen concerns. Jim Glasoe, Recreation Coordinator -- Assists with the day to day coordination from the Commuoity Services office. Occasional beach monitoring. Tami Stahlke Lifeguard Supervisor - -Is employed to hire personnel, develop training programs, lifeguard testing, shift scheduling, payroll, coordination with city staff, equipment maintenance, and supervision. She has as the primary responsibility to supervise the beach staff. Jim Fackler, Parks Director - -When working at the listed beaches observes the actions of the guards and admonishes, directs, or otherwise becomes involved if the activities do not meet acceptable standards. The Citizens -- Perfo a volunteer duty by reporting undesirable actions th• otserve on the beaches. Their input is invaluable to beach upervis )ns. We may recruit neighborhood citizens to o' ;r° -in l r eno in:; rot: iate actions. They would remair, would be a expan:yion of th c nt- as phone loca is is in the ev n* thx name F ti !.ouse the - C_ t, C� 1 e..:er- jency. N0— ;ahbor loaa cc E. SALARY SCHEDULE PHILOSOPHY- -Some years ago surfaced the concern of the number of guards we were training and then subsequently hired at a higher rate by other area agencies, i.e. Hennepin County, Lafayette Club, etc. It became clear that the more training and experience the individual had the more valuable they became. From that evolved a salary schedule that reflected this concept. Each year during which a guard works 100 hours, they raise a salary step. we pay them well. We expect them to perform accordingly or we replace them. Below is the salary schedule issued in Administration Regulation h4231, dated 6/1/90 for July -June 30, 1991 fiscal year. Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 CERTIFIED LIFEGUARD 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 EXPERIENCE FOR INCREMENT INCREASE - -To qualify for an increment, an employee must be able to document at least 100 hours of employment in one or more of the water activity classifications during the past 12 month period from Tune 1 of each year. New employees may be awarded experience credit by the Community Education i Services Supervisor for similar documented employment in other credible organizations. EXPL0YNENT REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION Lifeguard 1. Must hold a current Certified Lifeguard Training Certificate. 2. A 16 year old must have or obtain a C.P.R. yard within 90 days after hiring. 3. A performance review will be mad 30 days after hiring. 4. In and out of water screening will be made at supervisor's discretion. • F. SUMMARY - -As our community has grown in numbers of residents using the beaches, and the number of non - residents frequenting our public parks during the summer months, the attitude of accident prevention (responsibility) has grown in the minds of city staff, citizens, parents, and city council members. In essence, we are providing for the welfare of our citizens by providing safe beaches. Any death by drowning casts a pall over the lake felt by swimmers and boaters alike. We have not had to report a drowning. Death or serious injury has been prevented from marring the lives of our citizens by vigorously supplying preventive measures through the employment, training and supervision of a lifeguard staff. V G. COST ESTIMATE FOR 1991 LABOR: COMMUNITY EDUCATION STAFF TIME _ $1,000.10 LIFEGUARD SUPERVISOR 7 WKS X 5 DAYS X 5 HRS @ 9.50 = $1,912.00 SURFSIDE BEACH 1280 HRS.@ $6.50 /HR = $9,568.00 (30 days x 8 hrs x 2 guards) FIVE SMALL BEACHES 825 HRS. @ $5.00 /HR = $4,600.00 (7 w4i_eks x 5 beaches x 3.25 hrs /day) IlSERVICE: 150 HRS. @ $5.50 /HR = $ 950.00 - een`fits included in the above figures calculated at 15% MILAGE (ROVING GUARD AND SUPERVISION) 850 MILES @ .21 /MI = $ 180.00 EQUIPMENT: _ $ 440.00 TOTAL = $18,650.00 NET INCREASE OVER 1990 FIGURES = 4% 0 1146%.1. 0 1 P Cl'=4 FSTTMATE'. r SFA:'1 1 r,AP.r)r, HFADG(JARw15- 773 SURr BFACTI 90" IMC. r T.VF 7 I NO R E V T "'. E - 725 HRS. $ MULAGE f.UARn Ar.ri STIPI iico m , = $ 2 3 1 4 , ril SUPCr,VT n i nr. - 2 0 0 11 R'� . c� $ 1 CUP A n T *I F I J - = $ ' y - (I T w NE T TtMRCAr., - 0 V 7, 1 1 ' i -,: '! r -- c 11 3 ,j4" I Iraq Tt 1 ' , q, A T 1 1 - r A - H ES 111)0 :IP A C, 2 5 IIRS ^4 C,5,11R= $1 R3r. 25 i I r $4 rin/fir, $ I , 01 2 50 °d^ n ' A % Jr, f7TJPrRVTf T' 'MT = $ 231 .00 f p P P, V I r I n N 110. lTr $1,500.00 r , $ 100.00 f UP, T Oln A r $ 15 A r: M ' N' P E E 7 ! n r- 11 1 ) F T 1- 1 p a • • Of • 7 A T r T ( a N *7 ' 1 N , I R r A 1 '(' ( V :� I I 1 � I .. 7 , " " * I I , lov JA416 r, T , P r. A Pr) nj 3 0 nn 7 wank. ;.c fir's . f in .7 ri M I Y, A F R n'v' T j IN r, A - I,' A N'7 r ;T M I T, r S 0 r Q! r N T ( a N *7 ' 1 N , I R r A 1 '(' ( V :� I I 1 � I .. 7 , " " * I I , lov JA416 Proposed Resolition RESOLUTION #91- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT FOR JOHN GONZALES TO CONSTRUCT A STAIRWAY ON WAURIKA COMMONS, AT DOCK SITE #02180 WHEREAS, John Gonzales has requested permission to construct a stairway at Dock Site #02180 and a walkway at the shoreline consisting of a dock section between his dock Dock Site #02200, and; WHEREAS, City Code Sectiun 320, requires City Council ap- proval by a four- fifths vote, for construction of any kind on any Public way, park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, and; • WHEREAS, Dock Site #02200 would not have access without con- structing an additional stairway or allowing the proposed walkway, and; 0 WHEREAS, both of these dock sites were newly created two years ago When the water eIevatiors was low enough to allow access at the shoreline, and; WHEREAS, the Parks and Open Space Commission has reviewed this request and recommends approval of the Maintenance Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: A Construction of Public Land Permit is hereby granted to allow construction of a stairway on Waurika Commons at Dock Site #02180 and to allow a walkway consisting of one dock section to be installed at the shoreline up to the riprap between Dock Sites #02180 and #02200 to allow access to Dock Site #02200. The stairway and walkway is to be c under the direction of the Parks Director. This construction shall meet all Uniform Building Code requirements. • ( 000 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK & OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9, 1991 MAINTENANCE PERM;T APPLICATI J ohn G onzal ez, 1673 Gull Lane, request for a stairway on W'auri Comm Qp ck Sito 1102180 Parks Director, Jim Fackler, explained the applicants request to construct a stairway leading to his dock. Fackler confirmed that the stairway is needed to allow access to the dock. Applicant, John Gonzalez, explained that last year the water level was down and therefore they could access their dock by walking on the shoreline, however, this year the water has risen up to the rlprap which makes it difficuit, if not impossible, to access their dock. Mr. Gonzalez also requested that a dock section be allowed to be placed at the shoreline, up to the rlprap, between his dock and the dock to the east of his to allow access for that persons dock. If this Is allowed, it would eliminate the need for addi- tional steps leading to his -jock. I t was noted that both these docks sites were new two years ago, when the water level was lower. MOTION made by Byrn ?s, seconded by Andersen, to approve the construction of a Stairway on Naurika Commons as proposed, including tt dock exte.-sion to the neighbor - Ing dock, under t direction of the Parks Director. Motion carried ui► -.A rimously. Bailey suggested that the Park Corrmission use the "flow chart" when considering these requests. This request will be heard by the City Council on May 28, 1991. E 10 I - CEIVED MAY 1 1991 CITY OF MOUND (7/89) 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 472 -1155 M AINTENANCE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS OR USE OF A STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC LANDS NA M:: .T6 4f� a(_ -Z' DATE • ADDRESS: u !� Lo fj DAY PH ONE •G a 7zy- NAME OF COMMONS: LCJ.41/,Q /,C'�! CQ/IIr pOCK5ITE #s /J=0 AD IT ION: LOT BLOCK DESCRIBE REQUEST: (CHECK ONE) REPAIR EXISTING STRUCTURE /IMPROVEMENT REQUEST NEW CONSTRUCTION /IMPROVMENT TREE TRIMMING UNDER -BRUSH TRIMMING CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF VEGETATION HOC Opt t ([dST /aM Irk(T d.4e �f7� /�L/PCe�/LCf�c " S 7 A W ,& aIfAct.1T P iAG A § r -.e2 b r? G, i/°i2AP 77 fT�DUv sue c o Ca,7 APPLICANT MUST F THE FOLLOWING: 1. One plot plan drawn to scale showing dimensions and location of the existing or or structure /improvement. 2. Type of chemical and method to be used. 3. Name, address, and phone number of contractor performing services. 4. One `set of plans and specifications of sufficient clarity and detail to indicate the nature and extent of the struc- ture or improvement. 5. Photographs of the existing structure in need of repair, or of the affected area. f O_7) 617 A Cd rt,' ,2c &'sG'xS 7%-77 £ ?a �1'� ✓� L�t� G c.0 Clli.+•t -t; s �.- �.A>tiGrc.a -n a,J �' �iz1� �vs�D 5711�1`�v �U t,��aJ . . 6 :Vnatur is t Dated 1 ✓ I • T A D4*- AL • • t22 A,, - 12 fx� L rJ Q 4 ool c &t- . Aea rL CXp V I C-W pF Jrc-o cbric-mvcz "r, 1.3 A,, - 12 fx� L rJ Q 4 ool c &t- . Aea rL CXp V I C-W pF Jrc-o cbric-mvcz "r, SC A bE ', I " = ,5' STEPS = 3 t " w I D c L_ t� tic 2X /2 �' on s - ►tc n o� Lot,.A Z` I 7-EEAD C ,nry —L "4A 2 X q" Pos 6 ons7uAA -C 4 vl% ( X y" 14r� Q a 1- C V n Sr9 u CM4et --- NariE — * 19rV--- p I- oc -n •AJ— A -ppp 8 FR or►r< Ede 4 04 Ro Aoiw Ary Ln 9 Lz LA-n t (MvA L M I u I M A &. P." S N bk- A c.c ov , ^ o t.. I * +Zo I7 +L 74D fJKI-' I'69T'TU Q3I DOLIL A9#14X _ ST I AA- 7 4 �. d�k'to �El+trw► R f P 1ZAp v I JµSTrittMr TLS t.c Ndsiti bt�t�r.1N `TC GOµPll3tl�f! CblL Q+�'SrR AtrTtllt :?I0 W I* Z - C- , cnzac.C - = - Z- /G 614z-f- *C- 0 i i I I I � MOODLAMD 4. p r v f,1 _ cstl b4 all t1r�b `. � s • .r In p r to s C 01 j •rti ,tt���� n a n1� seb I � '+� 41 r ' J ' v p . -• ° � - _ � � L c�cci� � p i V w..�L4 .� .n Z3 b ♦ tY sTW t� � � fl1 fit. t m , �. I. 1 (qtr uc Q M e Ira r Tf �l f1f 'bf Ap .� ' S9 �' �• p �, t , • � 'f p �D' • �' � �� 4p � o t '° � a � t t1 t s 1 3 n t � ��� t •ej tb . f u • ��� �FNCN �, ' �.C, GOVT LOT 8 ,:, �- ' -s" 95 REs GOVT L( ' a 4 T i �, nTT n � ' � — — _ ., — fit^ 1 T r' Proposed Resolution RESOLUTION #91- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT RON MOTYKA TO INSTALL A LIGHT ON WAURIKA COMMONS AT DOCK SITE #01530 ABUTTING 1545 BLUEBIRD LANE WHEREAS, Ron Motyka has requested permission to install a 1 i ght at the bottom of the sta i rway 1 ead i ng to h i s dock on Waurika Commons, Dock Site ##01530 for safety reasons, and; WHEREAS, City Code Section 320, requires City Council ap- proval by a four- fift-s vote, for construction of any kind on any Public way. park or commons, or the alteration of the natural contour of any public way, park, or commons, and; WHEREAS, the slope of this portion of commons is extremely steep, and; WHEREAS, this portion of Waurika Commons is traversible only on top, and; 0 WHEREAS, the Parks and Open Space Commission has reviewed this request and recommends approval of the Maintenance Permit, however, expressed a concern about glare onto the lake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota as follows: A Construction on Public Lands Permit is hereby granted to allow the installation of a light at 1545 Bluebird Lane, Dock Site ##01530. The light is to be constructed at the base of the stairway under the direction of the Parks Direc- tor to ensure proper glare and installation. This construction shall meet the State Electrical Code requirements, a licensed electrician must perform installa- tion and a permit must be obtained. is I ICA MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK t OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9 1991 LIGHTS ON COMMONS - SETTING A POLICY Jim Fackler explained that they have not yet gathered an accurate count of the number of lights on commons property as the Dock In- spector has not finished his rounds of Inspections to - date. Creating criteria for granting or denying requests for lights on the commons was discussed. The prose and cons of having a light were discussed, some pros were: safety, deter juvenlie theft (professionals would not be deterred by a light). and the water Patrol is in favor of lighting: some cons were: aesthetics. Potential liability to the city (check with attorney), and they may make public property appear to be private property. There was a question as to what the proposed shoreland management ordinance says about lights; staff should check this out. Salley refered to the flow chart again. which she feels could be advantageous If used In reviewing requests for lights. Skoglund commented on Mr. Motyka's request for a iight and stated that since the last meet g she has visited the site. .and In her opinion. this location is a good example where a light should be allowed due to the topography. She added that with this request it Is a safety Issue. and that all his neighbors have lights on their docks. She talked to Mr. Motyka who stated he is willing to put a timer on the Ilght If the Commission would prefer. The Commission questioned what neighbors have maintenance per- mits. Salley commented that she recalls only one permit issued for that area. Mr. Motyka's plan was reviewed again by the Commission. It was determined that a policy wilt possibly not be developed until the June meeting which would delay the installation of Mr. Motyka's light until July. MOTION node by Skoglund, seconded by Andersen to approve the Maintenance Permit for 1545 Bluebird Lane to allow a light on hls dock for safety reasons upon the condition that the Ilght Is Installed under the r of the Parks Director to ensure proper glare a.d Installation. Motion carried 6 - 1. Those In favor were: Skoglund, Ahrens, Andersen. Byrnes. Batley a Schmidt. Asteson was opposed. This request wlII be heard by the City CounclI on May 28, 1991. Setting criteria for a policy on lights was further discussed. It was suggested that staff gather Information from NSP and the Water Patrol on what typ of 1 19�.t ing they would reccmrrend, The Dock Inspector Is to invirntory the existing lights on the com- mons. It was also suggested that when a request for a Ilght Is submitted. the abutting neighbors be notified of the request. MOTION made by Skogiund. seconded t/y Schmidt to have staff draft guidelines for a policy on allowing lights on the commons and discuss them at the June Park Co.nis- slon Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. t3o5 Park Commission Minutes April i1, 1991 Page 2 MAINTENANCE PERMIT AF%ICAT Ro Motvka, 1545 Bluebird Lane. request for light .0n Wdurike Commons. The Park Director reviewed the applicants request for a light at the base of the stairway on commons. Fackler commented that he suggested railing lights of low wattage. Casey did not like this suggestion, he explained that the appearance from the lakeside would be a long string of lights, like Christmas lights. Casey suggested the applicant carry a fiashiight. Fackler added that any electrical work done on the commons would require a licensed electrical contractor to do the work. Fackler suggested that a policy be set pertaining to lights on the commons It is Important to be consistent. Ahrens questioned whet the specific safety reasons would be that the applicant was requesting a ;fight. Would the City be liable in any way if we did not ail -ow a lignt for safety reasons? Casey questioned the Shoreland Management Plan light impact con- cerns. Soler lighting was suggested as an alternative. MOTION made by Casey, seconded by Ahrens to deny the present request pending the development of a policy for placing lights on the commons. Motion carried 5 to 3. Those in favor were: Asieson. Casey. Schmidt, Bailey, and Ahrens. those Opposed were: Skoglund, Andersen and Byrnes. The Commission suggested staff sutmft =in Inv = of all the lights on commons property. Setting a policy will be discussed at the May Park Commission Meeting. 0 1304 CITY of N ic)l'N! MEMORANDUM DATE: For Park Commission Meeting Apri it. 1�., TO: Park Commission. Applicant & Staff FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Director SUBJECTS Maintenance Permit Application Request for Light on Commons 1545 Bluebird Lane Ron Motyka The applicant, Ron Motyka, is requesting permission to irti r.�ij 1 light at th bottom of the stairway 1 ead i nq to his cioc k (-)rt c , tm mons property. He In proposing to attach the li ght po i e to.) t t)#- handrail as Indicated on the attached plan. Mr. Motyka feel. ttir light is needed for safety reasons. Unfortunate 1 y, Mr. Motyka i s unab l e to attend t h i s me(.-t i rin . however, he hoped the light could be approved so he cou 5t. construction and have it ready for the beginning of the b season. This portion of Waur i ka Commons is "Class A: shoreline that i traversibie only on top, need stairway to shoreline, acce iW e by public right -of- way." I f the Parks & Open Space Commi sj i on feels that this r >,our!st;_ should be approved, 1 wou ld recommend that the fo 1 1 ow i nei cor)(J i tions be included: 1) A survey be provided indicating the exact location c:t ttt(_> underground electrical cable. 2) The Iight be hooded or controlled in some w. -inner so ;, not to light adjacent properties or project <j g lare t tt Properties across the lake. p j� 11,0.5 ( J, RECEIVED MAR 2 g ON CITY OF MOUND 17/89) S341 MAYMOOD ROAD MOLIND. MN 55364 472 -11S5 MAINTENANCE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS OR USE OF A STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC LANDS NAME* s DATE s Iq ADDRESS: L:> L4 ? I ON I7Z- - 79 t OAY PHONE s r ti q NAME OF COMMONS: "' NO DOCKS TE N: A D D I T I O N I LOT S, ; L BLOCK s (,. ESCR I B REQUEST: ( CHECK ONE) ~� REPAIR EXISTING STRUCTURE /IMPROVEMENT REQUEST NEW 'Q4N &TRVeff1DN/ 1 MPROVMENT TREE TRIMMING • UNDER -BRUSH TRIMMING CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF VEGETATION «. �1 + Cs FC *= n j ._ 1 APPLICANT MUST FURN THE F 1. One plot plan drawn to scale showing dimensions and location of the existing or proposed structure /improvement. 2. Type of chemical and method to oe useo. 3. Nameq a ddress, and phone nurn--er- of contractor performing 4. One `set of plans and Spec ifi cat Icrns of sufficient clarity and deta to indicate the nature and extent of the struc- ture or improvement. 5. Photographs of the existing structure in need of repair, or of the affec•_ed area. Sig nature of Applicant � r �a` sd ct 1: i00 CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 5 -28 -91 #2 FA PXvT (aw-L) Nr• GM (' to CC: $oatd file C. Strauss, DNR • 11120 A Construction on Public lands Permit is hereby granted to allow construction of a stairway and two retaining ways, according to the plans submitted, on Devon Commons abutting the property at 4865 island View Drive. This construction shall meet Uniform Building Code require- ments w W3 Proposed Resolution RESOLUTION #91- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION ON PUBLIC LAND PERMIT FOR STEVE SWENSON TO REPLACE A STAIRWAY AND INSTALL TWO NEW RETAINING WALLS ON DEVON COMMONS ABUTTING HIS PROPERTY AT 486' IMAM VIEW DRIVE i WHEREAS, Steve Swenson has requested permission to rep ► ace a stairway and ` - nsta 1 1 two reta i n ing wel on Devon Commons abet ttho his property at 4665 Island View Drive, and; WHEREAS, City Coda Section 320, requires C � y Council ap- proval by a four - fifths vote, for construction of any kind on any public way, park or commons, or the alteration of th natural contour of any public way, park, or commons. and; WHEREAS, the existing stairway is in an unsafe condition, and; WHEREAS, the proposed retain I ng weIIs_wili help prevent ero- slon which has exposed the roots of two large trees, and; WHEREAS, there are no other trees on the site that would need to be removed to allow these improvements, and; WHEREAS, this are of Devon Commons is not accessible to the public other than by water, and= WHEREAS. the Parks and Open Space Commiss has reviewed this request and recommends approval of the Maintenance Permit, NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED. by the City Council of the City of Hound, Minnesota as follows: A Construction on Public lands Permit is hereby granted to allow construction of a stairway and two retaining ways, according to the plans submitted, on Devon Commons abutting the property at 4865 island View Drive. This construction shall meet Uniform Building Code require- ments w W3 I 3W MINUTES OF A METING OF THE HOUND ADVISORY PARK i OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9, 1991 lll11NTENA .RM1T M t Stem AMS ISland,VIgN ROM ."t 'Parks Director. Jim Fackler reviewed the applicants request to replace a stairway on the Commons and to install two retaining Malls. Fackler explained that the existing stairway is unsafe# Ond the retaining wails wl I I help eliminate erosion which has ex posed the roots of two trees. There are no other trees an the *it* that would be removed to allow these Improvements. The Commission conf f reeed that due to topography this area of commons is not accessible to the public, other than by boat. MOTION made by Ahrens, sect by Byrnes to recommend apr-` provel of the Ma i ntenance 'Permit ' for 4WS Island View Drive to allow the rep l a cemernt of a stairway and the construct lone of two retaining wells per plans. Nation carried amentwAxnly. The parks director confirmed that the stairway must meet Building Code requirements This request w11I be heard by the City Council on May 28, 1991. I 3W . , . 'CITY aF flotm crag Wit, IN Ss3 472- I I 5 --.- WI mE Ift I T APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS OR USE OF A STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC LANDS NA" N A " t : 5tiephen R. Swenson A _ 4J30/91 * = 4865 Island View Drive AY P . f N NAME. P QomCM : Devon I N/A nn t Ts 8LOQ< _ 14 . 29501 BE REQUEST:_ (CHECK ONE) XX REPAIR EXISTING STRUCTURE /IMPROVEMENT µ.... REQUEST NEW CONSTRUCTION /I MPROVMENT TREE TRIMMING," UNDER -SRUSH TRIMMING CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF VEGETATION Nt and c trol erosion on bank, see plan for schedule. APPLICANT MUST FURNISH'THE FOLLOWINGa I. One plot plan drawn to scale showing dimensions and location Of the existing or proposed struct r i u e/ mproverr:ent. 2.' Type of chemical and method to be used. 3. Name, address, and phone number of contractor performing services. 4. One `set of plans and specifications of sufficient clarity and detail to indicate the nature and extent of the struc- ture or improvement. S. Photographs of the existing structure in need of repair, or of the affected area. jtzl' W Kol Slgna re of Applicant RECEIVED MAY 2 1991 Oates 141 5 Certificate of Survey for Bruce W. Johnson Of Lots 7 ani g. Block 14. Devon Hennepin Covnty, Minnesota T.. Vt •� ' 'io- iaatYr. �'f 1ii1I! C�w �evst � 't 13.2 ' BO.LKJ • • • •' • Vevon Common •- -~ 4w WCMP sMr .ws 9sc. zt„ Lake Minnet017ka I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of Lots 7 and B, Block 14, Devon, and the location of all buildings, if any, thereon• ft does not purport to shoe, any other inp ments or encroachments. Scale: 1 inrli _ 30 feet Date April 21, 1986 d Iron marker , .ij Spot elevation COFFIN & GRONSERG, INC. Grt)n1)orc 'I. . ". t:;y. 12755 Go_ rG:x , R. Coffin 1-:% L i r . too. 6064 En -,;veers, Land Sur.��r,r,, Planners Lorc, Lake, I•I; nnesota • • A, > �# z;. T p 9 ) y w i i A AA- t US-40 ERNl&tl 4Nf ►tIO ORR $1>49CV OtiAS ,g of wk?v, - �s "� '� k y �. ."` f ���",r�� •.� � �'ttMTtO . ��+� ��.►Rr M i{fhtl# ANi �SA�! tRrt ABM► a d Ake F, �rMaiNN r, �� 'ti.".., 4_ wD�V. �R#r►#1 ♦t'NNO • A:+, NjAtR QaR wU , . Wt at A 4'tain t 2 { � a � J�+ R 7RR110i R#�aAWwli X1.0 ?A! *! Z A��Rt 1 x 9 •M►M+ ��c + W. us "to"* P 1 ' r �3x k �`� ,� ° s' rj'�+cz'a .a, iM..aM..r._ �......�lr'AW11Mi.�.r1Rt ►_w _ _..�'!eA rr� r vM�',.. 1' �111�1 DR .s�1+ +I�W.Or+s_t4.4__�.. _ 7 0, _,. ok � % �u; ��� � w�, ' rp;',���.�.. ..�1�M�......�t • •�', _R��t!L CtN►Rtr. AAwni+il rt N ` � 4 e f ';. +•y -+fir +' _ °. _ _ - .._ .._..�_ .� .- �. . Ise.e .; .� - ....�.*"� ..'�'"`."-•'""'"" _ _ — _ ��H:�..R. ►.Ark SM I TN__CQN.ST_RuCT_i4N._ t 9 A1�Y INC 1 .V1P0__ENtNRNILO • RE: SECTION 450 OF THE CITY CODE The Legislature repealed MN. Statute 624.42 to 624.52. We refer to these sections in our ordinance. Attached is a revised Section 450 deleting the Section relating to those sections of the Statute. I have spoken to the Police Chief and he has no problem with deleting the section requiring a police officer to be in attendance. Therefore, I have deleted this section also. I would recommend approval. I �Ao Seetian 4SO - Dance 8allsr Licensing gf LiV NUSLO a Section 450 :00. DAROO Rall Donned A public dance hall as the term is used in this Section 4 80 shall be taken to mean any room, place, or space open to public patronage in which dancing, ;! wherein the public may participate, is carried on and to which admission may be had by the public by payment either directly or indirectly of an admission fee or price for dancing. section 480:OS. P21 icy. It is the intent and purpose of this Section 450 to establish regulatory procedures to prevent the use of trickery, artifice, , device, subtortuge, ' or _ evasion to circumvent the declared policy of the State of Minnesota and this section for the preservation of health,'safety, and repose of the public during the conduct of public dances and dancing. section 450114 Definition !he- regb #etery-prew #s #ors- of- NrStA: Seat# ens-- G�4,+8-- -fir�4, 34-- ere- keteb��ede�p l�e�r- bg-- e�x3e - -artd 9haii- be--ee- = = = ;ti -� -esr -i - rea #ted -# - •L z - -- -defi feierr -e►E tee -4-n -- said --ate -- are • - hereby- adepted - except - he The term "public dancing place shall mean any place in which dancing may be or is carried on, other than a private residences or a bona fide private club. The term "public dance" shall mean every dance held in a public dancing place wherein the public may participate by payment of an admission fee or price, either directly or indirectly, for dancing. Section 450:15. Dice Permi R* irad No public dance shall be held or conducted without first having obtained a dance license approved by the City Council. Section 450 :10. Clubs. Lodges, Soci eties . The City council may in its discretion permit any lodge, society, or club, not organized and maintained for profit, to conduct public dances without being licensed as herein provided, if said dances are given only where the lodge members or members of the society or club are the only patrons, or where such members may have personally ii.Ated guests to attend. 8esrt�O!!•�30!$3rr -- ±!4 0e- f rf fA , 0 } --- *4 &- faeumbent npem- -lice: racer -te- - far -- the - a -Of- po-kiee off #eers� -daiY- approved- bY- tl�e- sh #e! - Felice = - end - fry- snff3:e4er�t numbers - to- - m&i- tt&i- w- peeee- end- •aver- during- al:I. - 41r- witielr -a dance -or- live - matsie- eencert - #s- being -heidr Section 450:30. Obscenity and Profanity Prohibited No person shall speak in an obscene, profane, or indecent manner, nor shall any person or persons to whom a dance license or live music license is issued allow or suffer any person or persons to act or speak in an obscene, profane, or indecent manner as established 1k�t Section 450 :60. Permits. Subd. 1. Fees Any person desiring a permit under this Section 450 shall make application on a monthly basis on official forms provided by the City Clerk and filed no later W1616 by law, or inconsistent with contemporary society's mores. 810G ion 450 :35. Cla grgus Moises g2stKicted Subd. 1. No person shall ct f blatantly, by shouting, yelling, hooting, whistling, or singing, nor shall any licensee allow the protracted playing of clamorous music, either unamplified or amplified, either live or by mechanical means, which will disturb the peace, comfort, and repose of persons beyond the immediate environs of the place in which the dance or live music concert is being conducted. Subd. 2. Musical noise shall be muffled or inhibited by proper acoustical barriers or devices, o- controlled so as not to become objectionable beyond the it,mediate environs of the area ` in which the dance or live music concert is being conducted. 1114itian 450:40., Polio Health and Safety The Building or place n which a'public dance or live music concert is to be held must conform to all State statues and City ordinances relating to public health, safety, and zoning. B otion 450t45. Lighting Lighting of sufficient intensity shell be provided to permit unimpaired vision to and in all sections of the building or place in which any public dance or live music concert is conducted. Beation 450:50. Off Street Parting In the case of any license issued pursuant to this Section 450, off street parking shall be provided in the ratio of one parking space for each three seats available in the licensed establishment. Each parking space shall be a minimum of 9 x 20'0" (180 square feet). section 450 :55. Musical Concerts - Permit Required Music played other than mechanical or electronic means, commonly referred to as live music, except piano bars, and not accompanied by dancing is prohibited in any place of business in the City unless a License shall have been obtained therefor. The license fee shall be the same as that set for public dancing. The playing of music beyond the hours established for dancing is prohibited. Any license required by this Section 450:55 shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any license which may be required under Section 482. Section 450 :60. Permits. Subd. 1. Fees Any person desiring a permit under this Section 450 shall make application on a monthly basis on official forms provided by the City Clerk and filed no later W1616 L 14^ mow, than five days prior to the first scheduled Council meeting of each month. Each application for a public dance or the Playing of live music shall be accompanied by a per diem fee as set by the Council in Section 510:35. The Council may issue an annual license= the fee shall be as set by the Council in Section 510 :35. Subd. 2. jglinguent Taxes No license shall be granted for any public dance or live musical concert to be conducted in any building within the City for which taxes, special assessments, or other financial claims of the City are delinquent and unpaid. L 14^ CITY or Nov= POLICY REGARDING SMOKING IN CERTAIN CITY OWNED, LEASED OR OTHERWISE CONTROLLED FACILITIES AND ALL VEHICLES The City recognizes the need to provide a healthful working environment For all its employees. The purpose of this poll it to establish rules and regulations regarding smoking in policy owned, leased or otherwise controlled facilities and city owned vehicles /equipment as they relate to working environments. "Smoking" is defined as carrying or possessing any "lighted" tobacco product including cigars, cigarettes, and pipes. The City Council wishes to designate the city owned, leased or otherwise controlled facilities and vehicles /equipment as "smoke free" working environments. The City Council orders that effective at 12 :01 A.M., December 1, 1992, smoking is prohibited in all City - owned, leased or otherwise controlled facilities and vehicles /equipment as they relate to working environments. Until the December 1, 1992, date, smoking is allowed in city buildings only in those areas so designated and in city owned vehicles providing there is no objection from any of the occupants. Any person who wishes to use tobacco may do so outdoors on the grounds of city facilities. Employees are allowed to smoke outdoors during regularly scheduled break times. If the police department is interviewing or interrogating a person(s) and the person(s) must smoke during the interview, that (those) person(s) may do so within the secure interview room only. .'mployees who are found in non - compliance with this policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the City's Collective Bargaining Agreements and Administrative Code. • 133J All visitors will be instructed to smoke only in areas so designated in all facilities. The responsibility of reminding visitors of the smoking prohibition will fall upon city employees who are conducting visits with the persons) Visitors who violate this policy will be asked to extinguish they smoking material; if the visitor continues to smoke he /shoe will be asked to leave the city facility. Services will not be provided to visitors who violate this policy. Minnesota statutes 609.605 and 609.681 state that persons who smoke in a "ne smoking" area are guilty of a misdemeanor. The City of Mound will provide the opportunity for employees to quit smoking. The city will send employees who smoke to a cessation program. Employees will pay the enrollment fee, but will be eligible for reimbursement based upon the following: NO SMOKING REIMBURSEMENT after six months 5o% of cost after one year remaining SO of cost The City of Mound will post "NO SMOKING" signs in appropriate locations at all facilities. Outdoor ash receptacles will be placed in appropriate locations on the grounds of all facilities. • 13X-r M LIS---- - - --MY 28. 1991 BATCH 1051 BATCH 1052 Streicher's Squad Conversions • 1361(p 124,874.98 74,813.00 988.10 200,676.08 • 1361(p 01-4090 -3130 71-7100 -3130 73- 7300-3130 78-7800 -3130 1010 01-4040 -2100 01-4090 -2100 01- 4140 -2100 01- 4190 -2100 01- 4340 -2100 01-4290 -2100 71- 7100-2100 73 -7300 -2100 78- 7800.2100 01. 4020 -2100 1010 01-4340 -2300 1010 01 - LI40 -4120 1010 22- 4170 -LIIO 1010 73 -7300 -4100 1010 01-4280-2'00 1010 30. 6000 -SA00 3D- 6000 -5000 1010 7SSt- 74 1 34 '1 PAGE 1 PURCHASE JOURNAL - CO2-01 CITY of ROUND vow INVOICE DIE HOLD IUD. I1AI010E MOR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION A0009 57.33 EXTERIOR SIN 5,x/91 5122/91 57.33 A&-0 A Z C SICIDIRAVINb YEN OR TOTAL $7.33 A0050 1,671.26 '90 AUDIT 1.100.00 '90 AUDIT 1,010.00 '90 AUDIT 1,010.00 '90 AUDIT 5/72/91 5/22M 5,791.26 JRNL -CD A1DO 4011r EICK VENDOR TOTAL 5791.76 Am 19.55 TIDY OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.03 MAT OFFICE S•PPLIES 59.03 NAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 24.33 MY OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.36 MAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.68 MAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.68 MAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.54 NAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.68 MAY OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.58 EASEL 5112/91 5122191 252.46 A&-CO ACRID- MMIINEST PAIMES5 0 VENDOR TOTAL 252.46 A037I 246.20 CONCRETE 5121/91 5122/91 246.20 AX-CD APPLE VgLO READY MIX VENDOR TOTAL 246.20 80680 25.60 NTGS -ROT 5/22/91 5122/91 25.60 JK -CD BRADFORD SOY VOW TOTAL 25.60 80707 172.83 GMINE 5MI91 5122MU 172.83 JRML -C D BR aS' FOODS, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 172.83 00628 570.00 ANNUAL CATHODIC PROTECTION 5/22/91 5122/91 570.00 AL-CD CATHODIC PROTECTION SERVIC VENDOR TOTAL 570.00 C0645 79.23 RANGER 5/22/91 5/22MI 79.23 JRNL -CD CENTRA SDTA CO -OP VERN TOTAL 79.23 C1078 722.00 UEATIfRPR00F P►10NE 10,256.00 CENTRIX PHONE SYSTEM 5/:2/91 5/2:/91 10,978.00 JOL -CD 01-4090 -3130 71-7100 -3130 73- 7300-3130 78-7800 -3130 1010 01-4040 -2100 01-4090 -2100 01- 4140 -2100 01- 4190 -2100 01- 4340 -2100 01-4290 -2100 71- 7100-2100 73 -7300 -2100 78- 7800.2100 01. 4020 -2100 1010 01-4340 -2300 1010 01 - LI40 -4120 1010 22- 4170 -LIIO 1010 73 -7300 -4100 1010 01-4280-2'00 1010 30. 6000 -SA00 3D- 6000 -5000 1010 7SSt- 74 1 34 '1 PAM 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE VzOol AP -02 -01 CITY OF HOUND TIRE 11.38.22 VEIEQIt I"ICE ME HOLD PARR: -PAID E Ni. INWICE WMWDi DATE DATE STATUS NOW DE5 IPTIO4 ACCOUNT no mw C1RE1LTC 0 DATE CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE SERI VEi[43it TOTAL 10978.00 C1079 236.73 TELEPHOE 01 -4140 -3220 110.41 TELEPHONE 01 -4,% -3220 55.23 TELEPHONE 73- 7300 -370 55.24 TELEPHONE 78- 7800 -3220 160.65 TELEPHONE 71.1100 -3220 16.82 TELEPHONE 01- 4340-3220 68.26 TELEPW 22- 1 -3220 63.65 TELEPHONE COMPUTER 22- 4170 -= 260.93 TELENK OI-00 -3720 30.32 TELEPHONE 01. 4040 -3220 2.05 TELEPHONE 01 -4090 -3220 1.58 TEL PHO E 01- 4190.3220 7.07 TELEPHONE E 01- 4095 -3220 5/2219I 5/2`/91 1,069.00 ,1 L-CD 1010 CINTIH 94L TELEPHONE VE)KR TOTAL 1069.00 111320 350.00 FIRE COW- BRAINERD -D BRTCE 22- 4170 -4110 5122/91 5/22/91 350.00 AL-0 1010 DDNALD BRYCE YOM TOTAL 350.00 F1530 62.77 RIBBER NOSE 73 -7300 -2300 27.30 VALVE SEAT ASST 73- 1300-2304 5/22/91 5122/91 90.07 JK -CD 1010 FEED RITE CQNiTROLS VENDOR TOTAL 90.07 01761 650.00 CONSULT ON C HALL 30-6000-3100 5/22/91 5122/91 650.00 AL-CD 1010 ONE CONLTANTS INC VENDOR TOTAL 650.00 G1930 204.00 CHIEF INST -31'•5 01- 4140.4110 5/22/91 5/22/91 204,00 AL-CD 1010 DOVT TRAINING SERVICES VEIOOR TOTAL 204.00 HH2160 1,392.00 MARCH WARD 01- 110 -4650 5122/91 5112/41 1,392.00 ,lK-CD 1010 HE?N CO TREASURER VENDOR TOTAL 1342.00 H2219 532.00 HAI MATL-4 STUDENTS 22- 4170 -4110 5/22/91 5/22/91 531.00 m -m 1010 NEW TECHNICAL COLLEGE VMDOR TOTAL 532.00 12339 500.00 ARTWORK CDNCEPTS FEE 30- 6000 -3100 5/22/91 5122 /91 500.00 ift-CD 1010 INTERIOR REMLRCES VENDOR TOTAL 500.00 J2533 319,08 NLSA CONY 71-7100 -4110 39 01- 4280 -3810 1010 01-4095 -3890 1010 01-4140-3810 :010 01- 4140 -3100 1010 26- 5700 -3100 27-5600-3100 13a., PANS 3 PURCHASE JQURNAL AP-W"l ACC0181T N1RIBER AMOUN'C DWI DATE CITY OF HIM we= INNOICE RE HOLD 1010 71- 7100 - 00 NO. MICE VIER DATE DATE STATUS NUM DESCRIPTION 01- 4020-3610 5/22/91 SM191 319.08 J4K-CD 01-4090-3610 JOE1 am YOM TOTAL 319.08 01 -4130 -3610 owl 295.85 NUTS,SCREN5,IEATHER STRIP 01- 4280.3610 5/22191 5/22/91 295.35 JRNL-0 KAR PRODUCTS VENDOR TOTAL 295.85 71- 7100-3610 L261t 73- 7300 -3610 28.95 BUSINESS CARDS -la" 1010 26.00 NAME MAGNETS S/22/91 5/22191 54.95 ,1181 -CD LA%w PRINTHS Mi WJFHICS Yom TOTAL 54.95 L2050 _ 1,430.89 30 QTR INSURANCE 596.21 210 QTR INSIMAN CE 596.21 2ND QTR INROW E 107.32 20 QTR INS1l Wa 3,756.08 2ND QTR INSURANCE 47.70 2Nd QTR INSURANCE 596.21 21D QTR INSURANCE 3,882.44 20 QTR INSIAANCE 350.57 2ND QTR IN5W*Q 238.48 2ND QTR INSIVANCE 953.92 2ND QTR IWANCE 3,505.67 2ND QTR INSMANCE 1,311.64 2ND QTR INSURQQ 2,694,83 W QTR INNWICE 2,694,83 X QTR INSURANCE 5127/91 5/22/91 22,763.00 JK-CD LEADA OF MN CITIES INS To VENDOR TOTAL 22763,00 M2980 1, 446.44 REPLACE BELT,ROLLER,BEARINtS 5/22/91 5122/91 1,446.44 JK -CD MACOL@! EQUIPMENT INC VENDOR TOTAL 1446.44 M 304 • 170.00 im ENFJRS MAINT 5!22191 5/22/91 170.00 JK -CP MASTS CORPORATION VENDOR TOTAL 170.00 M3060 106.00 SERVICE CALLS,HOOC UPS S/22/91 5/22/91 106.00 AL-CD MARTIN'S NAVARRE 66 VENDOR TOTAL 106.00 M3061 150.00 PSYCH EVAL- LINRISTEMSON 5/22191 5/22/91 150.00 JK-CD PART IN- KALLI$TER VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 M3080 1,601.40 APR ENOR- TUXEDO MSA 953.00 APR EGR -'91 SEALCDAT 01- 4280 -3810 1010 01-4095 -3890 1010 01-4140-3810 :010 01- 4140 -3100 1010 26- 5700 -3100 27-5600-3100 13a., DATE 5/22/91 TIME 13.31.22 PIE -PAID CNE"LYI; ACC0181T N1RIBER AMOUN'C DWI DATE 1010 QI.4290 -2310 1010 71- 7100 - 00 22- 4170 -3500 1010 01- 4020-3610 01- 4040 -3610 01-4090-3610 01- 4110 -3610 01 -4130 -3610 01- 4150-3610 01.4190 -3610 01- 4280.3610 01 -4290 -3610 01 -4320 -3610 01- 4340 -3610 22 -4173 -3610 71- 7100-3610 73- 7300 -3610 78 -7800 -3610 1010 01- 4280 -3810 1010 01-4095 -3890 1010 01-4140-3810 :010 01- 4140 -3100 1010 26- 5700 -3100 27-5600-3100 13a., PAGE 4 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 3122/91 AP -02-01 CITY OF MpU4D TIME 13.38.22 vm INVOICE ME HOLD PRE -PAID am NN. INVOICE WOR DATE DATE STATUS AIMT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT CH0 4k SATE :b.00 APR ENCR- STREETS 01 -L310 -3100 66.00 APR ENGR -LIFT STA UPGRADE 78-7800 -5000 2,905.90 APR ENOR -LIFT STA UKRADE-91 78 -7303 -5000 64.00 APR EWOR -IP GARAGE REPAIR 30- 6000 -WO 1, 134.20 APR ENOR -C HALL ARCHIT 30 -6000 -`000 32.00 APR ENGR -DEPOT REHAB 30- 6000 -5400 128.00 APR ENOR -CBD LOTS 30- 6000 -3100 33.00 APR ENGR- STORAGE SITE 30- 6000 -3100 198.00 APR DO-GAS CONTAM 30 -000 -3100 165.00 APR ENBR- KILLION ESCROW 01 -2300 -0975 20.00 112 SECT MAPS 22- 4170 -22Q0 350.50 AN DO -BLDG DEPT 01- 4190 -3100 5/22/91 5/2201 7,717.00 JRNL•CD 1010 MOCp S FPANK ADDS ASSOC1f VEIIDOR TOTAL 7717.00 83171 100.00 JAN INSPECTIONS 01 -4190 -3100 5122191 5/72/91 100.T JRNL -CD 1010 METRO KSrT INSPECTION SERI VEINDOR TOTAL 100.00 mm 50.00 OIES-10A 01- 4040 -4130 5/22/91 5122/91 50.00 JRML_CD 1010 M CITY Off AM VEIM TOTAL 50.00 !43289 88.00 SUCTION HOSE 22 -4170 -2200 16.00 RECHG CHER 22- 4170-22270 71.50 PANTS LINER 22- 4170 -2:00 5/22/91 5122/91 175.50 JRNL -CD 1010 181 CONWAY FIRE i SAFETY VENDOR TOTAL 175.50 M3470 66.00 MATER TESTS 73- 7300 -3100 5/71/91 5122/91 66.00 JRNL -CD 1010 I 84 VALLEY TESTING LABORATO YOM TOTAL 66.00 imlo .103.46 FURN REPAIR 71-7100 -3820 5122191 5/22/91 103.46- JRN -CD 1010 MA REFRIGERATION VDMR TOTAL 103.46 N36S0 151.97 BATTERIES 22- 4170.2200 5/21/91 5!22/91 151.97 JK -CD 1010 M C E VENDOR TOTAL 151.97 P4031 153.00 6 -8 HOSP R THARALSON 01-4140 -1510 177.00 6 -8 HOSP MERTS 71- 7100-1510 221.75 JUNE HASP M THARALSON 01.4140.15I0 5122/91 5/22/91 551.75 JK-CD 1010 PHYSICIANS OF H94 VENDOR TOTAL P4035 1,189.56 MAY BLDG MAINT C HALM. 01-4320-4210 13 3o FYI S PURCHASE JOURNAL W - M -01 CITY OF ROUND mill VEI400t INVOICE DUE HOLD pgE.ry�jp NO. INVOICE NCR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOIBIT NUMBER ARpO1f fi 98.34 MAT BLDG RAINY PN 98.33 01 -4280 -4200 MAY BLDG RAINY PM 73- 7300-4:00 98.33 MAY BLDG RAI PY 7$•7804 -4204 2 ky 5 5/V/91 5/22/41 1,484.56 .ltilt-CD 1410 PIKE'S BUILDING RAINTENANC VENOM TOTAL 1484.56 R4230 5.00 ID CARD -AC 01- 4140 - 12410 r 5/22/92 5/22/91 5.00 JRNL - 1410 RCIDENTIFICATIDNB YEW TOTAL 5.00 R42eD 350.00 FIRE CW -BRAIN RD- MARSf31tE 22 -4170 -4110 5/22/91 5/m /91 x0.00 im-CD 1010 RIM ILD "mom VENOM TOTAL 350.00 Amr 7a S4390 2,300.66 JUNE RENT 71- 7100.3420 5/22/91 5/22/91 2,300.66 ,JRNL -CD 101ty SHORELINE PLAZA VENDOR TOTAL 2300.66 54480 42.95 NOTARt STAMPS-DS,1B 01- 4090 -2200 s y 5/22/91 5/22191 42.95 JRNL-CO 1010 ST PAUL STAW Km VENDOR TOTAL 42.95 4� �f5 h S4600 337.70 195.00 UNIFORM -AC SUB MACHINE 11111 01. 4140 -2240 d. 4' 5/22/91 5/22/91 1,432.74 JR►L•CD 1810 STREICIER'S VENOM TOTAL 103:.70 S4630 25.02 APR GASOLINE 01-4040-2210 .11.93 APR GASOLINE 01. 4190.2214€. 820.20 APR GASOLINE 01- 4280-2214 32.01 APR GASOLINE 014290 -2214 173.80 APR GASOLINE 01. 4340-2210 226.07 APR GASOLINE 73. 7300.2214 140.72 APR GASOLINE 78- 7800 =2210 872.90 APR GASOLINE 01 - =40 -2210 �+ 5/22191 5/22/91 2,312.71 JRNI-CD 1010 f n � s M SUPERAIERICA VENDOR TOTAL 2312.,'1 54642 231.80 REPAIR KTR TRTMT PLANT 73. 7300-4200 ' 5/22191 5/22/91 231.80 JRN. -CD 1010 SYSTEMS SERVICE CONPANY VENDOR TOTAL 231.80 T4716 46.75 TEMP HELP 70-4270-1300 5/22/91 5/22/91 46.75 ft -CD 1010 TDVORARIES TO GO VENOCR TOTAL 96,75 T4810 841.05 PLANU - -,C 01 -2300 -0000 Pa1E 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 3!7!/91 Apt" CITY OF wo TIME 13.38.23 ►'' IMIOItE DUE NLL9 PILE -PAID Lim 140. INVOICE NMNt GATE DATE STATUS AM X DESCRIPTION ACCMKr MMER AMUM CHECK 1 OATE 3/22/41 S/22191 841.0` JIM. -CD 1010 µ Tommft LAiBSEAPIIM VEMMIR TOTAL 841.05 T490 58.75 NUTS,80LTS,SCRENS 01 -4:40 -:310 5122141 5/22191 58.75 J K-CD 1010 %in CITY IAG T INC Vow TOTAL 38.75 115140 `' 5,193.38 APR DT PLAN-ESIBCi 16- 5857 -3200 1.125.00 APR PLAN 13NSLLT 01- 4190- 3100 w 5/22/91 5/22/91 6,418.38 JML -t:D 1420 VAD-MINDS VEMOR TOTAL 6418.38 J r 23121 CITY FLAGS 0I -2010 -2100 5/22141 5// M 233.17 JAN.-CD 1010 VAIBBI' )MISPLAY VEMMDR TOTAL ?33.27 45465 30.00 JUNE PWING LEASE 01-EZ30-4200 30.00 AM PARKING LEASE 73- 7300 -4200 30.00 JADE PA NKING LEASE 73- 79004200 5/22/41 5/11'/91 90.00 JM.-CO 1010 am CommES, INC. VENDOR TOTAL. 90.00 15754 193.44 APR COPIER MINT -5052 01- 4320.3800 140.00 DRY INK FOR 5052 01- 4320 -2100 5/22/91 SM/91 433.4 JRNL -CD 1010 IX CORPOMTION VEIN TOTAL 433.44 ?8451 350.00 FIRE COIF- VAINUM- 00-cEN 22. 4170 -4110 S/22/41 SM/91 350.00 JAN--CO 1010 DAVID CAMA" YDW TOTAL 350.00 Yb!wi 350.00 FIRE C]IF- BRAINERD -O PALM 22. 4:70 -41I0 5/73/41 5/22/91 330.00 J1NL-CD 1010 OREO PAUL MM TOTAL 350.00 16070 350.00 FIRE CONE- BRAINERD -M PALM 22- 4170-4110 5/22/91 5/21/91 350.00 J $ L-o 1010 MICHAEL. PALM MM TOTAL 350.00 16115 350.00 FIRE CM- IAtAItERD- LANDSMAN 22. 4170 -4110 5/22/91 5/22/91 350.00 JO -CD 1010 BRAD LANDSMAN VENDOR TOTAL 350.00 16117 350.00 FIRE COW- BRAINERD-MILLIAMS 22-4170 -4110 5/22/91 5/71/91 350.00 JK -CD 1010 PAM 7 PURCHASE JOURNAL GATE S/22101 AP-02-01 CITY OF HOUMI tilt 13.30.22 YEMOR INVOICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE MNMt DATE DATE STATUS AM011Ni DESCRIPTION TIMTMY, MILLIAMS Yom TOTAL 350.00 TOTAL ALL PENDOiS 74.813.00 4 PRE-PAtO C+EGC ACCDUINT M MER ANNm CHECI(i DAN ry a s 1333 13lq PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 5/16/91 CITY OF MX TIME 15.43.29 vow INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID oft 000 INVOICE IM DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOINT N MIER NOW CHECK i DATE . ml PRE -PAID 745.17 LID 71 -7100 -9510 5116/91 3/16/91 745.17 JIN- -CD 1010 745.17 31647 5/07/91 PRE -PAID 931.00 LID 71-7100 -9510 5/16/91 5/16/91 931.00 Jill -CD IOtO 931.00 3Wl 5/14/91 6E11. r, CORPORATION Von TOTAL 1676.17 00838 PRE -PAID 10.40 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 22- 4170 -M 15.31 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 73 -7300 -3220 33.24 CELLULAR TELEP1IOE 01- 4140 -3220 5(16(91 5/16/91 58.95 JUL-CD 1014 58.95 31640 5/02/91 Cvj tllAR ONE VENDOR TOTAL 58.9 cm PRE -PAID 3,592.00 CR UNION 4/27 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 3,592.00 JK-CD 1010 3592.00 31632 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 3,592.00 CR UNION 5/11 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 3/16/91 3,592.00 JiDL-CD 1010 3592.00 31682 5/16/91 CllrV COUNir CREDIT UNION VOW TOTAL 7184.00 C097o PREPAID 78.64 POP- RESERVE DANCE 01- 2300-0221 5/16/91 5/16/91 78.64 AL -CD 1010 78.64 31 5/0891 COCA COLA lOt LIN6-MIDNEST VENDOR TOTAL 78.64 CO"9 PRE -PAID 252.70 LIFE INS 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5!491 252.71 JtIL -CD 1010 252.70 31688 5 /16/91 CMI;RCIAL LIFE INS CO VENDOR TOTAL 252.70 01001 PREPAID 2,425.36 SIT 4/27 PR 01-2040 -0000 5/101 5/ 2,425.38 J NL -CD 1010 2425.38 31625 5/02/91 PRE -?AID 2,525.97 SIT 5/11 PR 01-2040-0000 3/16191 5 /16191 2,525.97 JNL -CD 1010 2525.97 31675 5/16/91 COMISSI EER OF WAKE VENDOR TOTAL 4951.35 01219 PRE -PAID 71.10 7.5 CONTRACT HOW. 81- 4350 -3100 5/16/91 5/16/91 71.10 JiIL -CD 1010 71.10 31671 5/14/91 DELDERT RUDQLPH VENDOR TOTAL 71.10 D1235 PPI-PAID 1,493.10 MAY DENTAL 01 -2040 -0000 18.00 MAT DENTAL- RETIREE 01-4190-1510 45.90 MAY DENfTAL-RETIREE 01- 4280 -1510 45.90 MAY DEWAL-RETIREE 01-4140-1510 63.90 MAY DENTAL- RETIREE 71.7100 -1510 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,666.80 Jill. -CD 1 ^'.0 1666.80 316.V 5/02/91 DET.TA DENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 1666.80 E1429 PREPAID 284.00 LID 71-7100 -9510 3 Z Y- 3 / c 13lq lamas PA 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 5 /16Mi AP -0O2 -01 CITY DF IgtBiD Tile 1'S.OLN VEN11011 INVOICE 21 HOLD PRE -PAID CNEi3I NO. INVOICE W DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMDtw am NOW 1>m i 1ATE 705.75 MINE 71- 7100 -9524 5.68- DISC 71- 7100-9560 5/16/91 5116/91 984.07 J1K -CD 1010 984.07 31630 5/07/91 PRE -PAID 949.03 LID 71- 7100 -9510 337.40 MINE 71.7100.9520 18.98- DISC 71- 7140.9560 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,267.45 JK-CD 1010 1267.45 31664 5/14/91 ED PHILLIPS >E SONS VENDOR TOTAL 2251.52 E1430 PRE -PAID 240.50 AIRFARE -SEPT CONF ES 01.40*4110 44.12 APR MTO EXP ES 01- 4040.4120 7.00 MILEAGE ES 01- 4040-3340 47.61 MYO EV 01- 4020 -4120 5/16/91 5/16/91 339.23 JRK-CO 1010 339.25 31644 5/03/91 EDWARD guu VM TOTAL 339.23 F1710 PRE -PAID 1,000.00 ADVANCE -IIMC CONF-FC 01.4040-4110 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,000.00 JiK -CD 1010 1000.00 3160 5/14/91 FRNW E CLARK VENDOR TOTAL 1000.00 61750 PRE -PAID 190.00 OFOA SEMINAR 01 -4090 -4110 5/16/91 5/16191 190.00 JRK-CD 1010 190.00 310 5/07/91 PRE -PAID 100.00 1990 AUDIT 01. 4090 -3130 75.00 1990 AUDIT 71. 7100 -3130 70.00 1990 AUDIT 73- 7300-3130 70.00 1990 AUDIT 78- 70*3130 5/16/91 5/16/91 315.00 JRK-CD 1010 315.00 31656 5/07/91 O F 0 A Yom TOTAL 505.00 01955 PRE -PAID 1,270.00 DEF MNP 4/27 PR 01 -2040 -4000 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,270.00 JRK -CD 1010 1270.00 31630 51P02M1 PREPAID 1,540.00 DEF COMP 5/11 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,540.00 JtK-CD 1010 1540.00 31680 5/16/91 GREAT *9 LIFE ASSIRAICE VENDOR TOTAL 2810.00 01971 PRE -PAID 24.11 HOSP DED 4/27 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 24.11 uft-CD 1010 14.11 31635 5102M1 PREPAID 297.35 HOSP DED 5/11 PR 01-2040 -OOM 5/16/91 5/16/91 297.35 JRK-CD 1010 297.35 31685 5/16/91 GROUP HEALTH PLAN YE)VpOR TOTAL 321.41 01972 PRE -PAID 600.16 LID 71- 7100 -9510 278.50 MINE 71- 1100-9520 18.59- DISC 71 -7100 -9560 15.19 FRT 71-7100-9600 381.32 M11 71- 7100-9510 lamas 3 PURCNASE JOURNAL DATE, 5 /14191 t-4t CITY OF IMUND TIME 15.03.29 IMIOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK RO* IM IM Mm DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT KBDER AUNT DIM 1 DATE 5/16/91 S /16/91 1,256.58 JMK-0 1010 1256.58 31618 3/07/91 PIE -PAID 450.20 LIO 71- 7100-9510 467.69 NIKE 71 -7100 -9520 14.28- DISC 71- 7100 -9560 10.29 FIT 71 -7100 -9600 60.39 NIX 71 -7100 -9540 5/16/91 5/16/91 974.29 JRK-CD 1010 974.29 31662 5/14/91 ( MI001B COOPER i MANY VENDOR TOTAL 2230.87 PIE -PAID 657.23 4/27 PR 00 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 657.23 J1 K-CD 1010 657.73 31627 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 657.23 5/11 PR BED 01- 2040.0000 5/16/91 3/16/91 657.23 JK-CD 1010 657.23 31677 5116/91 we CD SUPP11RT i Ma=* VE>w TOTAL 1314.46 H2160 PRE -PAID 1,239.40 1991 TAXES -- DAKOTA RAIL 66- 3832-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 1,239.40 JRNL -0 1010 1239.40 31667 5/14/91 WN CO TRM VENDOR TOTAL 1239.40 M2247 PRE -PAID 404.30 APR TRUCKING 71- 7100 -9600 5/16/91 5/16/91 404.30 J1K-CD 1010 404.30 31666 5/14/91 HOOPS TWIN G YOM TOTAL 404.30 H2232 PRE -PAID 800.00 FRA REIMIB 96- 9600-4100 3/16/91 5/16/91 800.00 JRK-CD 1010 800.00 31673 5/15/91 HOUSING 4 REDEHELOPW AUT VENDOR TOTAL 800.00 H= PRE -PAID 312.00 48 FRS- COMPOST SITE 70-4270 -4200 5/16/91 5/16/91 312.00 J1-CD 1010 312.00 31660 5/13/91 H01m Sim YEW TOTAL 311. :N) 12301 PRE -PAID 540.44 1CPA 457 4/27 PR 01-2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 540.44 JtK-CD 1010 540.44 31628 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 540.44 ICPA 457 5/11 PR 01-2040 -0000 3/16/91 5/16/91 540.44 JRK-CD 1010 540.44 31678 5/16/91 IN RETIREMENT TRUST -457 VENDOR TOTAL 1080.88 12304 PRE -PAID 103.87 ICMA 401 4/27 PR 01-2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 103.87 JtK-CD 1010 103.87 31629 5/02/91 PREPAID 103.81 ICMA 401 5/11 PR 01 -2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 103.87 JiK -CD 1010 103.87 31;/9 5/16/91 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST -401 VENDOR TOTAL 207.74 12360 PRE -PAID 50.00 IC80 PEMB-NES 01-4190 -4130 R1,51V PAM 5 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 5 /16/91 AP-0O2.01 CITY OF ROUND TIME 15.03.29 VENDOR INVOICE DUE aD PRE -PAID Din NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE 57ATM MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACMUNT NUMER 4110IN4T CHECK 0 DATE N3401 PRE -PAID 328.00 DEF CORD 4/27 PR 01 -2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16191 328.00 JRNL-CD 1010 328.00 31631 5/02191 PRE -PAID 328.00 DEF COIF 5/11 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 328.00 .NOL-CD 1010 328.00 31681 5/16/91 NN RETIREMENT SYSTEM VENDCII TOTAL 656.00 10455 PRE -PAID 628.00 UNION 4/27 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 628.00 JiIL-CD 1010 628.00 31633 5/02/91 W TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 VEND1>si TOTAL 628.00 M3492 PRE -PAID 10,000.00 CITY DAYS DONATION -LIONS 01 -2300 -0000 5116/91 5/16/91 10,000.00 iw-CD 1010 10000.00 31642 5/01191 MOUND CITY DAYS VENDOR TOTAL 10000.00 wl PRE -PAID 568.61 LOT INS 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 568.61 JNNL-CD 1010 568.61 316" 5/16/91 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE VET".JOEt TOTAL 568.61 N3822 PRE -PAID 15,000.00 INVESTPW -NN 84 -1090 -0000 5/16/91 5/:6/91 15,000.00 AIL -CD 1010 15000.00 31672 5/15/91 MOM BANK I1PLS,N.A. VENDOR TOTAL 15000.00 P39W PRE -PAID 6,456.35 PERA 4/27 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 6,456.35 ,NINL-CD 1010 6456.35 31626 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 6,803.82 PERA 5/11 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 6,803.82 JK -CD 1010 6803.82 31676 5/16/91 P E R A VENDOR TOTAL 13260.17 P3994 PRE -PAID 309.60 NINE 71 -7100 -9520 5/16/91 5/16/91 309.60 J K -CD 1010 309.60 31652 5/07/91 PAUSTIS i SONS VENDOR TOTAL 309.60 P4030 PREPAID 637.50 HOSP BED 4/27 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/!6/91 637.50 JRNL -CD 1010 637.50 31634 5/02/91 PREPAID 9,038.50 HOSP DED 5/11 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 9,038.5C JK-CD 1010 9038.50 31684 5/16/91 PHYSICIANS OF IN VENDOR TOTAL 9676.00 P4060 PRE -PAID 83.85 BEER- RESERVE DANCE 01- 2300-0221 5/16191 5/16/91 83.85 AL-CD 1010 83.85 31654 5/07/91 P03UA DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 83.85 04171 PRE -PAID 2,480.53 LIG 71-7100 -9510 Is My PADS 5 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 5/16191 AP- 002-01 CITY OF M UND TIME 15,03,29 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. IMICE NBR DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT CHECK 1 DATE 13101 PRE -PAID 328.00 DEF COMP 4/27 PR 01- 2090-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 328.00 JK-CD 1010 328.00 31631 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 328.00 DEF COIF 5/11 PR 01 -2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 328.00 JK-CD 1010 329.00 31681 5/16/91 MN RETIRDW STSTEH VENDOR TOTAL 656.00 M3435 PRE -PAID 628.00 UNION 4/27 PR 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 628.00 Jilt. -CD 1010 628.00 31633 5/02/91 10 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 VENDOR TOTAL 628.00 M3492 PRE -PAID 10,000.00 MIT DAYS DONATION -LIONS 01- 2300 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 10,000.00 jK-CD 1010 10000.00 31642 5/01/91 IN CITT DAIS YOM TOTAL 10000.00 M3631 PRE -PAID 568.61 LOT INS 01. 2040-0004 5/16/91 5/16/91 568.61 JiK -M 1010 %8.61 31689 5/16/91 MTTUAt BENEFIT LIFE VEM.JOR TOTAL 568.61 N3822 PRE -PAID 15,000.00 IIKSTPW-NW 84- 1090 -0000 5/16/91 5/:6191 15,000.00 JK-CD 1010 15000.00 31672 5/15/91 NORNEST BAN( MPL.S,N.A. VENDOR TOTAL 15000.00 P3950 PRE -PAID 6,456,35 PERA 4/27 PR 01-2040-0000 5116/91 5/16/91 6,456.35 JK-CD 1010 6456.35 31626 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 6,803.82 PERA 5/11 PR 01- 2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 6,803.82 JK-CD 1010 6803.62 31676 5/16/91 P E R A VENDOR TOTAL 13260.17 P3994 PRE -PAID 309.60 MINE 71-7100 -9520 5116/91 5/16/91 309.60 JK -CD 1010 309.60 31652 5/07/91 PAUSTIS U SONS VENDOR TOTAL 309.60 P4030 PREPAID 637.50 NO DO 4/27 PR 01-2040-0000 5116/91 5/1619t 637.50 JK-CD 1010 637.50 31634 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 9,038.50 HDSP Do 5 /il PR 01-2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 9,038.5C JK-CD 1010 9038.50 31684 5/16/91 PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 9676.00 P4060 PRE -PAID 83.85 BEER-RESERVE DANCE 01-2300 -0221 5/16/91 5116/91 83.85 ix-CD 1010 83.85 31654 5/07/91 POOREBA DISTRIBUTING 00 VENDOR TOTAL 83.85 04171 PRE -PAID 2,480.53 LI6 71-7100-9510 My o s • /33f FACE 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 5/14/91 AP-003 -01 CITY OF M0UND TIME 15,03.29 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PFID CHM NO. INVOICE NM DATE DATE STATUS NOW DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT Nice ANOINT CHEM t DATE 233.25 MINE 71 -71OD -9520 52.33- DISC 71-7100-9560 35.90 NIX 71- 7100 -9540 5/16/91 5/16/91 2,697.35 JRN. -CD 1010 2697.35 31651 5/01/91 PRE-PAID 2,412.41 LID 71-7100-9510 664.15 MINE 71-7100 -9520 54.92- DISC 71- 7100 -9560 5/16/91 5/16/91 3,021.64 JRN.-CD 1010 3021.64 31665 5/14/91 WALITY MINE i SPIRITS VDM TOTAL 5718.99 R4200 PREPAID 100.00 LID LIAB-FISH FRY 22- 4170 -3610 5/16/91 5/16/91 100.00 JRN. -CD 1010 100.00 31643 5/02/91 A L TOUNGDAHL i ASSOCIATES VOW TOTAL 100.00 84259 PRE -PAID 716.16 64 CONTRACT HOURS 01 -4340 -3100 5/16/91 5/16/91 716.16 JRHL -CD 1010 716.16 31645 5103/91 PRE -PAID 716.16 64 CONTRACT HOURS 01-4340-3100 3/16/91 5/16/91 716.16 JRNL-CD 1010 716.16 31670 5/14/91 ROBERT E JONSOBi VENMR TOTAL 1432.32 54440 PRE -PAID 122.50 REPLACE LOST CK 6789 CAR -MASH 01- 2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 122.50 JRN. -CD 1010 122.50 31641 5/02/91 SPRING PARK CAR NASH1 VE7NMR TOTAL 122.50 54511 PRE -PAID 508.92 CR UNION 4/27 PR 01 -2040 -0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 508.92 JRN.-CD 1010 508.92 31633 5/02/91 PRE -PAID 508.9 CR UNION 5/11 PR 01-2040-0000 5/16/91 5/16/91 508.92 JRN. -CD 1010 508.92 31683 5/16/91 STATr CAPITOL CREDIT UNION VOW TOTAL 1017.84 Y5242 PRE -PAID 1,018.00 ARBITRATOR FEE 01 -4399 -4100 5116/91 5/16/91 1;018.00 JRN. -CD 1010 1018.00 31657 5108/91 VIOLA N. KANATZ VEW TOTAL 1018.00 TOTAL ALL VENMR5 1'1,874.98 o s • /33f ALL CITY of NIO1...'ND MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28, 1991 TO: Mayor Skip Johnson City Council Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Jim Fackler, Parks Director SUBJECT: Island Park Garage, 4845 Manchester Road Proposed Painting of Building 4 3s� MAY WOOD ROAD � ND MINNESOTA 55364 r t72 -1155 I have been asked to explain ti.e process that I used to determine how the Island Park Garage would be painted. This process began May 16, 1990 when McCombs Frank Roos As- sociates, Inc. provided a list of possible improvements for the building in questions (see attached). To -date, the City has com- pleted the following improvements: 1) installed a new roof at a cost of $18,050.50 (item #1), 2) replaced exterior receptacles (item #7), 3) replaced exterior lights (item #8) with a cost for all electrical at $3,950, and 4) replaced six garage doors for $11,186 (item #10). The projected cost of the painting was $5,000. The total es- timated cost was $47,500. if we were to include the Flood Coating System the total cost of the improvements to -date would be $38,186.50 that is a savings of $9,313.50 under the estimate by the City's engineering firm. To address the process that lead to myself picking the Flood Company's VIP Last -O -Coat System is as follows: Beginning in November of 1990, i called on a few painting contractors to give me their ideas of what the building should be painted with. Quickly I found that they varied widely in price and product. I decided that to be fair to the contractors, I must determine what type of work was to be done and the product that wound be used. Memorandum Page 2 May 28, 1991 0 All the contractors talked about preparing the building, sand blasting or water blasting pros and cons, and they all varied on paint. My feeling was if we are going to strip the building, then the paint /sealing products should be the best possible as long as it was within the budget. As you can see from the first quotes provided we had costs ranging from $2,875 to $5,450. F irst estimates with varied paint and preparation: 1) Prism Commercial $2,875 power wash and paint product: Tarmac Series 156 $4,825 sand blast S paint Enviro Crete 2) Minnetonka Painting $4,470 sand blast a paint product: Gliddens Life Mature Pro 3) Sandblasting Services $4,700 sand blast & paint Product: Latex Paint 4) Painter Plus $5,358 power wash & paint product: Flood VIP 5) Sunrise $5,415 sand blast 8 paint product: Flood VIP Second estimates using Flood VIP System. A copy of the attached paint specs were sent to six painting contractors, three responded wish quotes: 1) Painters Plus $5,450 2) Minnetonka Painting $5,847 3) Sunrise $6,980 I picked the Flood product for the following reasons: 1) The VIP 8100 System is an elastic material that moves with the building. 2) Had a dried thickness of 15 -18 mills vs. 2 - 5 mills of other process. 3) Carried a warranty of 10 years vs. an expected life schedule provided by other systems of up to 10 years. 4) Will be monitored by the manufacturer of the paint during application because of them providing the warranty. Memorandum May 28, 1991 • Page 3 5) The Flood System allowed for water blasting vs. sand blast- ing. Sand blasting is more expensive, due to clean 'up process, and general costs related to this process. Sand blasting could do damage to the building such as pitting the blocks. The FLood VIP system is fully guaranteed using the water blasting procedure according to their specifications. 6) The Flood VIP 8100 System is a water sealant procedure for buildings and requires very specific preparing process before application so that all joints and cracks will not be exposed with movement which could allow water to penetrate. 7) The final cost only exceeded the engineer's estimate by $450, and with the savings of $9,313.50 from the engineer's estimate I felt that this added cost for a system I feel is superior to the others is money well spent. As always, 1 have kept the quote process fair to all contractors by providing specific specs for the work to be performed and kept all quotes confidential. You should keep in mind that no matter the type of paint used, you still will have the man -hours cost of preparation and application. The difference in acceptable paint and a water sealant system is $980 (using Minnetonka Paint as a good contractor with an acceptable paint vs. Painter Plus with the Flood VIP System. • RECD MAY 2 81991 *__1.5050 cCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 Telephone Engineers 612,476 -6010 Planners 612 FAX Surveyors May 24, 1991 Mir. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound; Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota Island Park Garage Painting MFRA ,#8145 Dear Ed: We have been asked by the City for information concerning preparation and paint systems for possible use on the subject project. As we understand, it is under consideration to remove the existing paint by sand or water blasting and then leave it in this state for an indefinite period of time. We do not recommend this as the concrete block will absorb water and probably become damp or wet on the inside. When the weather turns cold, the freeze /thaw cycles will cause deterioration of the block. It is important to apply paint to prevent this. We understand there are two paint systems under consideration. One is Glidden's Lifemaster ProAcrylic Paint and the other is Flood Company's VIP Last -O -Coat Ter - Polymer Acrylic Paint. Glidden's paint is good quality and, according to the manufacturer, will last 8 - 10 years but has no warranty. The final applied dry film thickness is about 5 mils; therefore, it will not bridge small cracks. Sandblasting is recommended before applying this paint. The Flood Company product is an elastomeric high -build coating. The manufacturer gives a 7 -year warranty but the applicator in this case is giving a 10 -year warranty. The final applied dry film thickness is 15 -18 mils and, being very flexible, this product will bridge cracks up to 1/16" wide. Water blasting is recommended before applying this coating. In comparison, Flood Company's product is more expensive than Glidden's, but is also a completely different system, being flexible and at least 3 times as thick. We do not know whether the crack bridging characteristic is important on the Island Park Garage, but we are told that there are quite a few cracks in the block. If these cracks oper and close periodically, the Flood Company Product would be better. If the cracks are stable, then they could be filled and painted with the Glidden product. • R Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. May 24, 1991 Page Two We hope this information is of help to you. Please contact me if you have any further questions or need additional information. Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. 9 1 Steven W. Jantzenf / P.E ,--1 .A. SJ;jmj • C7 C �s M F ° mP mt 4 May 20, 1991 Painters Plussv 3046 Brighton Commons z' Mound, MN 55364 QUOTATION fN r TO: Jim Fackler / City of Mound X 3 4 Task: Painters Plus can meet the specifications as listed in , the request for quotation dated May 3, 1991 , with the ', exception of the items listed below: 1. In section (8.1,2) Leonard Wogsland (DBA) Painters Plus R,Q has been in business since 1988. We guarantee quality work per manufactures specifications, with customer satisfaction. 2. Terms for the project are 50% down, with 50% upon completion of project. 3. Date of June 14th 1991 may be extended to June 21, 1991 due to the weather conditions for completion of the project. Total cost included paint, labor, supply, tax ..... $5,450.0O quotation including painting of new garage doors and paint. Quotation addition request: 1. That the City of Mound will remove any obstruction surrounding the building before preparation will begino If there are any que ions please call me at 472- -6740. Thank Y u eonar o sl`and KI P ainting Serving the area `Professional Painting Pays- since 1979 Quo I ON 05117/ti SD Order ft: 83 Pate Not I 309 NO3 11111 hll Tat INM CITY SAUK DflivIr To: WIND CITY SARAH Account No: 100 4845 NANCHESTER RD. ISLA* PARK 0 55364 x$ a��asssassaas; snsssacsassssassassa�taaaaaasatssassassassss saz asssassssaasa�sassasaszraxssasaasssassssasxsszssaasassasaszasasaszx :s NE POOPME TO FLONISO LANs FIATERIAL, AND EINIPRENT 70 PREPARE AND PAINT THE FOLLOVIN6 AREAS: EXTERIOR* WATERLAST COMPLETE STRUCTURE, AND PAINT — — ------- — — ------- EFP4 r 0 TO (BET TEN YEAR WARRANTY THERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS YOU MUST DO. # I A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE FLOOD COMPANY MUST INSPECT EACH STEP OF THE PROCESS, IF 11 DOES NOT MEET STANDARDS, WE MUST CONTINUE UNTIL THE REP IS SATISFIED. WE MUST ALSO APPLY PRIME COAT AFTER WATERBLASTING AND REPAIR WORK. THIS STEP IS NOT INCLUDED IN YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. THEIR IS ALWAYS THE POSSIBILITY THAT WE CANNOT GET THE JOB DONE WELL ENOUGH TO GET THE TEN YEAR WARRANTY. OUR PRICE DOES INCLUDE PRIMING OF BLOCK. ---------------------- — ----------- — ----- — ----- — --------- PAINT SUM COMPLETE. • 15447.00 TOTAL $5, e47. oo Member Of Minnescrf,- Painting and Decorating Contractors 5016 Woodridge Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 • (612) 472.2092 Proposal Pap, ft of .,,.. . ftil.rty Cutaauma s Assoc. Commercial and Industrial Painting Contractors 1295516th Avenue North • Plymouth, MN 55441 •612- 557.0100 FAX (612) 557 -w* _ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: PNOvE DATE Ma ,JOB NAME Island Park Garage City of Mound STREET 5341 Maywood Road 4$45 Manchester Road Mound, MN 55 364 CITY STATE ATNT: Jim Fackler Mound Minnesota ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS: WNRISE PAINTING & WALLCOVERING, INC, is pleased to quote $6,980,00 for painting at the above referenced project. Bid is as per specifications. Labor, material and tax included. The bid is for the garage building located on the corner of Devon Lane and Manchester Road. The building next door (church like structure) is not included. All material Is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed to a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration cr deviation from above specifications involving extra costs. will be executed only upon written orders. and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owners to carry lire. tornado and other necessary insurance Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if riot accepted within _ days. Authorized Signature Kelli Peifer, Estimator SERVING THE MIDWEST PAINTING 6 WALLCOVERING INDUSTRY SINCE 1974 Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Accepted Signature Date _ ___ ._ _..__._ - -__ _ __ ____ _ Signature Mailed paint specifications to the fallowing contractors for bids on May 3, 1991. Painter Plus 3046 Brighton Commons Mound, MN 55364 Prism Commercial & Industrial Painting Inc. 7523 Commerce Street W. Corcoran, MN 55340 Minnetonka Painting 5016 Woodridge Road Mound, MN 55364 Sunrise Painting 12955 16th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441 Sandblasting Services 4970 Leslie Road Mound, MN 55364 AMI 2805 Dodd Road St, Paul, MN 55121 May 3, 1991 CITY OF MOUND Attn: Jim Fackler 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MN 55364 ( 612) 472-1155 SPECIFICATIONS PAiNTINg ISLAND PARK GAgME IMMEW-17 4-A ]RA59M "111707. 111111111717 A. DESCRIPTION 1. The work included In this section cansists of furnish- ing all paint, labor, equipment, appliances and material : to perform painting. Surfaces to be painted include exposed or exterior metal (except new down spout and flashing), wood and concrete block walls for existing building. 7 This section includes surface preparation, furnishinfj, and application of architectural paint and special protective coatings, complete. All work included in this section performed by the Contractor shall be con- ducted in a manner that provides a safe work area for workmen storing, handling, mixing and applying the ar- chitectural paint and special protective coatings specified herein. B. OUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Product Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufac- turing quality paint and finish products with three years experience. 2. Applicator: Company specializing in commercial paint- ing and finishing with 3 years documented experience and approved by product manufacturer. C. SUBMITTALS 1. The following specific information shall be provided: a) Data Sheets shall be submitted for each paint sys- tem used herein. The Contractor shall obtain from the paint manufacturer paint system data sheets, technical data sheets and paint colors available for each product used in the paint system. D. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1. Deliver products to site in sealed and labeled con- tainers, inspect to verify acceptance. 2. Container labeling to include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. 3. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees and a maximum of 90 degrees, In we11- ventilated area, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's Instruction. 4. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. E. ENVIRONMENTAL REOUIREM NTS (note manufacturer's require- ments) I. Do not apply exterior coatings during rain or snow, or when relative► humidity is at a percentage as required • by manufacturer's instructions. F. EXTRA STOCK 1. Provide a one gallon container of each color and sur- face texture to Owner. 2. Label each container with color, texture, and manufacturer's label. G. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS i This specification is based on products manufactured by the Flood Company, VIP Waterproofing System, VIP Last - 0 -Coat, 8100 Smooth. These products are given for the purpose of identifying a product grade of material that will produce the performance ; formulation required for each coating system. H. MATERIALS 1. Coatings Flood Company, VIP Last -O -Coat 8100 smooth for standard density concrete block. 2. Coatings: good flow and brushing properties; capable . of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. 2 • J. 3. Accessory Materials: turpentine, paint thinners and other materials not specifically indicated but required to achieve the finishes specified, of commercial quality. iNSPECTION 1. Verify that surfaces and substrate condition are ready to receive work as instructed by the product manufac- turer. 2. Examine surfaces schedule to be finished prior to com mencement of work. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. 3. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply finishes un- less moisture content of surfaces are below the manufacturer's recommendation. PREPARATION (note manufacturer's requ(rements) I. Current paint removed on exterior surfaces by water blasting to meet manufacturers specs for application of ViP 8100 Ter - polymer coating. 2. Remove electrical plates, hardware, light fixtures trim, and fittings prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. 3. Ail VIP Products require a clean, sound, dry surface - free of any grease, dirt, oils, mildew, excessive chalk, laitance, efforescence, and other foreign materials. 4. Alt voids, cracks cracked mortar Joints, and meetings of dissimilar materials wilt be patched with VIP 5000 Series Sealants: a) Voids, cracks and Joints up to 1/15" wide can be repaired using VIP 5100 Brushable Grade Sealant in a 2" wide (minimum) seam. The seam patch must be feathered to zero at the edges to conceal the repair from telegraphing through subsequent top cots of VIP 7000 Ser1Es. Please refer to Sealant Application Sheet attached for proper crowning diagram of VIP 5100. • 3 b) Voids, cracks and Joints which exceed 1/16" width will be patched or filled using VIP 5300 Knife Grade Sealant. Do not apply more than 1/4" in depth of VIP 5300 in one application. if depth of Joint or crack exceeds 112 ", the proper backing material must be incorporated to allow for designed Joint movement and to avoid three point adhesion. c) All exterior openings are to be caulked with VIP 5700 Gun Grade Caulking to prevent water migra- tion. These include: openings, such as: window and door surrounds, Joints of meeting between horizontal and vertical concrete, vents and mechanical openings. Sealant Application Guidelines are included in manufacturers specifications for use when treating different size cracks; please review. 4. Correct minor defects and clean surfaces which affect work of this Section. 5. Seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes. 6. Impervious Surfaces: Remove mildew by scrubbing with solution of tri- sodium phosphate and bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. 7. Concrete and Unit Masonry Surfaces Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dirt, loose mortar, scale, salt or alkali powder, and other foreign matter Remove oil and grease with a solution to tri- sodium phosphate; rinse well and allow to dry. Remove stains caused by weathering of corroding metals with a solution of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to dry. 8. Shop Primed Steel Surfaces: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make tough -up Patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. 9. Exterior Wood Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dust, grit, and foreign mutter. Seal knots, pitch streaks and sappy sections. Fill nail holes with tinted exterior caulking compound after prime coat has been applied. 10. Metal Doors Scheduled for Painting: Seal top and bot- tom edges with primer. 4 K. PROTECTION 1. Protect elements surrounding work of this Section from damage or disflguration. 2. Repair damage to other surfaces caused by work of this Section. 3. Furnish drop cloths, shields, and protective methods to prevbnt spry or droppings from disfiguring other sur- faces. 4. Remove empty paint containers from site. L. APPLICATION 1. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's in- structions for a two coat application. 2. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry or as approved by manufacturer. 3. Apply each coat to uniform finish. 4. Apply each coat of paint slightly darker than proceed- ing coat, unless otherwise approved. S. Sand lightly between coats to achieve required finish. 6. Allow applied coat to dry before next coat is applied, per manufacturers specifications. 8. Prime surfaces of woodwork with primer peint. M. CLEANING 1. As work proceeds, promptly remove paint where spilled, splashed or spattered. 2. During progress o.' work, maintain premises free of un- necessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials and debris. 3. Collect cotton waste, cloths, and material which may constitute a fire hazard, place in closed metal con- tainers and remove daily from site. • N. SCHEDULE --EXTERIOR SURFACES / PRODUCTS 1. Wood - Painted: (a) one coat Glidden alkyd 3651 primer sealer, and (b) one coat Glidden latex 6500. Color to be picked from sample chart supplied by con- tractor. 2. Concrete, Concrete Block: (a) two coats VIP Last-0- Coat, 8100 Smooth to a finished dry thickness of 15 - 18 mi Is. 3. Steel - Shop Primed: (a) one coat Glidden 5205, 5026 or 5207, and (b) one coat Glidden 4550 alkyd enamel gloss. Color to be picked from sample chart provided by contractor. 4. Site Color, Texture Test and Performance: (a) Contrac- tor shall, at the direction of the architect, prepare and coat sample test area on the building. Each sample area surface will be in accordance with the methods and materials specified in the manufacturers requirements. 5. Sealant for Cracks and Routed Cracks up to 112 VIP 5000 Series Sealants (see Sealant Application Guidelines in manufacturers requirements). 6. Sealant for Dynamic Cracks which Exceed 112 ": Two part urethane with appropriate bond break tape. O. INSURANCE/BOND-REQUIREMENTS/WARRANTY 1. Certificate of Insurance is required to be submitted to the City of Mound. 2. A performance bond in the amount of 10,000 dollars to ensure the total completion of work as the ,fob Is specified be submitted to the City of Mound. 3. Provide a 10 year written warranty to cover paint materials and a I year warranty on application and labor. P. DUE DATE FOR QUOTES 1. Quotes must be -eceived by May 17. 1991. Q. COMPLETION DATE 1. The work must be completed by June 14, 1991. 2 (15t Vii) PRISM COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL PAINTING, INC. 7523 Commerce Street West Corcoran, MN S5340 Phone: 4204080 Pape No... -.�._� of - • apes NAME, CATI, Jim Fackler Aril 10, 1991 STREEL /ORNAAIL 5341 Ma ood Road MOUND MAINTENANCE BUILDING CI STATE., STREET, Mound MN 55364 4845 MANCHESTER AVE. ATTENTION; C"Y =TAIL We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: We propose to furnish all labor, material b equipment to perform the following, at the above referenced project. Exterior work only. 1. Power -wash all exterior concrete block surfaces. 2. Apply 1 coat of Tnemec Series 151 primer. 3. Apply 1 coat of Tnemec Series 156 Enviro- Crete.(Ir a standard color) Base Bid $ 2,875.00 Alternate Price: If Prism, Inc. is to provide a Brush -Blast sand blast preparation in lieu of the power -wash preparation. Add $ 11950.00 NOTE: Neither Prism, Inc nor Tnemec Co. recommend sand blasting as an approved method of preparing this type of building to receive this coating system. All molenol -s g to be as sp All wort to be completed N o werkmanCke Manner aK erd'mg to panda p roclKel. Any elteretan or do•iolan from obova speclfhmlons iavel.ing ext•i cost,, will be executed Only upon written orders, end will become an 41. charge ever and above the 41fl - mo le. AN oll tonting"I Upon strike, actrdenh or de{eye beyond our cantrol. Owner td lorry firo. lemo and ether n "wry insuronce. Our workers me Idhy covered by Workmen's Compenwtion Insurance. / Authorised Signolur0 Le Ki e Mott, This prepow nay withdrawn by us if Oct cooed n deye. Acceptonce of Proposal The above prices, specifications and coed tiont ore satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You ore authorised to do the work at specified. Payment will be made as oul:ined above, 0 • Dote Signature i 5t Formerly Guillaume & Assoc. Commercial and Industrial Painting Contractors 12955 16th Avenue North - Plymouth, MN 55441 612 -557 -0100 • FAX 612.557 -0011 April 15, 1991 City of Mound (City Works inept . ) 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55 364 ATTN: ,.Tim Fackler RE: City Garage, Manchester SUBJ: Exterior Paieiting Dear Jim: SUNRISE PAINTING & WALLCOVERING, !NC. proposes to furnizn and instal:. a high build Elastomeric waterproof coating (VIP uc;lOf_ Series for the above: 0 referenced project for the sum of . S5,415.00 Our Bid Includes: * Sandblast existing Latex paint from 6.Locl: wails, one coat of Latex block filler and finish coat with one coat of VIP 8100 seri ?s Elastomeric waterproof coating. The wood trim. ai1c. steel lintels at overhead doors will be painted anei one service door and frame. * The existing re- finished c p roof r.a,.nincr is ;iaure�: t_o remain as ��•. The L'rusn , i r owina on the the builriincl LSE• cu: ;own prior to the start o: this worl.. It vc,u have any crue.�i"n pieace -or:ta. -� 11Z. .1 -rely i'Nki E rAINT:IN .4 'v A T L "'�Ei{i;J Chris Swingiey Est imat (7 0 C r'/ man Proposal Proposal ° ' ® 1s � t' �-- 11 i!9-M- Shoot No. 4970 Lade Rold Date �" L Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Name � c Street � ,�_ � Street C�� . ,y,.( City State Cty Date of Plans — Architect Slot* Mti 6" Telephone Number_ S� • �Z We her ropose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the comp) Lion of MAW- r• All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum Dollars Is �t�(� � L'te} �• with payments to be made as follows:. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance upon above work. Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by c Respectfully submitted Per Y.• r i... -.. ` Note — This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within V days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Accepted —_ — — Signature_. Date_ b TOPS FLIRM 3450 LITHO IN U. S. A. u :a e: ) I" »S4` MANC�ESTEk F:, ttC1kD. MN `53. Mmms mIhm Paintin "Professional Painting Pays" Serving the area since 1979 :e::re- To: M LNI C: "v ;,. I I E WE "'JFNE TO UFNISh ;ASCR, .4"'IP:AL, =N" EXIF'iNT TG FAE ? AND FAINT T F0LL'.N:N5 ',SEA:: E X EF:IOR.. C- "W)Bi -A; TT CO'JIF'LFTF W T RL C:TLJF:' PauN; IGr !i7: Ii:i: ri.tccr.t Vt: :� ------------------•---------__---------------------------------------------- SANDPLAST ALL SLC —ZK ON E "XT4:RI3F GARAGE -, ANF� PF- .& 'ECT ,=.LL NEW c;'JF - ,F til. Z'l R `I Ahll) UACK P'01 - L ONE -Ci.7AT (IF PLOCJ F I LLEF: ro ALA. FAFE E: :LCV TH " FItitI'.3H..D F''=:ODUC t.lI: -L. FE GLIDGENS LIFEMASTER F'RC. TFl II:j)L TR:,,L COAT:113 IS A HICi-i GLO.,3a i 7�'A:NT OF GF.EF -T „L I! I r' WITH iViiI{ ?' 1.3r =E.. ALL HEW ALIL COLD t'IE'i,L AND il0C'G MOORS Ai %Ij F;'; ME;. WILL t � COP, T3 "'IS NUDE:u P-' 'r C',)'— OP SCHUIE %ONF'LETE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - AS DESCRIBED 14 CONM -rNTS 14,470.0r0 ------------------•--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Ti -! ,, Y. lec 1 l fprnh�. , Nfl, fie sot�l fj :rI: r, ;r d 74_11U McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymoutr %nresota 55447 May 16, 1990 -Phone Engineers 47e•601'j Planners 476-8532 FAX Surveyors RFC - 0 MAY 2 1 1990 Mr. Ed Shukle City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: Island Park Garage Improvements MFRA #8145 Dear Mr. Shukle: At your request, after looking at the existing facility with Jim Fackler and reviewing our report of March, 1987, we have compiled the attached list of possible improvements, which reflects the change in usage from a Public Works facility to a Parks Department facility. The list is arranged in approximate order of priority, with the most important items being listed first. In our opinion, Items 1 through 5 should definitely be completed this year. Item 1 is crucial to the integrity of the entire building and was strongly recommended 3 years ago. Items 2 through 5 are required by code. Item 6 can be completed by the City. We recommend that Items 7. 8 and 9 also be completed this year. as they are not performing as they should be or could be hazardous. Item 9 is the cost for high efficiency lighting. If flourescent lighting is used, $3,000. could be deducted from the initial cost, but this amount would then be spent in 8 years for extra electricity and maintenance. Item 10 is recommended because, although the existing doors work fairly well, they are badly deteriorated. If Item 10 is performed, Item 11 should also be completed so the exterior is upgraded as a whole. The remainder of the items would improve working conditions and the function of the facility. but are not requirements. The prioritization of these can be adjusted to meet the City's needs. We have listed approximate costs for each item, to assist in your review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven W. Jant en, i.E., X"I.A. 5J:aju Enclosure ISLAND PARK GARAGE LISTING OF POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS 1. New roof, insulation and roof edge 2. Exit signs over service doors to exterior 3• Remove dead bolts on service doors 4. Replace water heater and mount on wall 5. Replace light fixture at toilet 6. Regrade back of building and clean up area Total Items 1 through 6 7• Replace exterior receptacles 8. Replace exterior lights and put on timer 9• Upgrade lighting in entire building Total Items 7 through 9 10. New overhead doors 11. Sandblast and paint exterior Total Items 10 and 11 12. New toilet enclosure 13. New toilet and sink 14. Drinking fountain 15. Construct fenced area at end of building with barbed wire on top 16. Repair concrete under east service door and replace windo�j 17. Construct chain link panels over interior window openings 18. Paint interior walls 19. Replace concrete apron 20. Replace west service door Total Items 12 through 20 Total Items 1 through 20 S 22,000.00 S 50.00 S 50.00 $ 500.00 S 200.00 By City S 503.00 S' 1.500.00 $ 8.000.00 $ 10,000.00 S 10,500.00 S 5,000,00 S 15.500.00 S 1,000.00 S 500.00 S 300.00 S 4.00O.00 S 200.00 S 500.00 a 5,000.00 S 10.000.00 S 500.00 S 70,300.00 0 1] • t3to CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES APRIL 1991 33.3% APRIL YTD PER CENT BUDGET - - EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Council 61300 4370 25788 355'.2 42.07% Cable TV 1380 231 9736 -8356 705.51% City Manager /Clerk 161530 12370 48452 113078 30.00% Elections 590 62 172 418 29.15% Assessing 43600 14 307 44293 0.69% Finance 171040 12716 49934 121106 29.19% Computer 30250 3891 12511 17739 41.36% dal 76950 6202 20230 56720 26.29% Police 745910 69849 240106 505804 32.19% Civil Defense 2700 707 2611 S9 96.70% Planning/ Inspections 123230 9776 32093 91137 26.04% Streets 392670 43177 135696 256974 34.56% Shop i Stores 59840 8808 22888 36952 38.25% City Property 89200 26406 39968 49232 44.81% Parks 152690 12744 34337 118353 22.49% Summer Recreation 11760 0 0 11760 0.00% Contingencies 40000 3753 4210 35790 10.53% Transfers 107560 10638 42552 65008 39.56% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2273200 225714 721591 1551609 31.74% Area Fire Service Fund 215500 17069 70378 145122 32.66% Liquor Fund 169760 12314 58413 111347 34.41% Water Fund 364450 38402 148963 215487 40.87% Sewer Fund 913540 58786 297504 616036 32.57% Recycling Fund 84150 6714 27786 56364 33.02% Cemetary Fund 4180 106 945 3235 22.61% 0 1] • t3to • GENERAL FUND Taxes Intergovernmental Business Licenses Non - Business Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Court Fines Charges to other Departments Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUE CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT APRIL 1991 33.31 APRIL YTD PER CENT BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE VARIANCE RECEIVED 1298890 0 908 1297982 713280 16500 16540 696740 5100 518 1209 3891 67700 1939 13824 53876 36200 375 2756 33444 95000 5692 17160 77840 28950 1181 6046 22904 28400 50 1043 27357 2273520 26255 59486 2214034 LIQUOR FUND 970000 67025 315983 654017 WATER FUND 360000 25180 - 94621 265379 SEWER FUND 600000 46679 192822 407178 DOCKS FUND 71000 34390 59509 11491 CEMETERY FUND 3000 0 1280 1720 N • 0.07% 2.32% 23.71% 20.42% 7.61% 18.06% 20.88% 3.67% 2.62% 32.58% 26.28% 32.14% 83.82% 42.67% IY(I RECD MAY 2 01991 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Action Report: Water Structures and Environment Committee 0 Meeting: Saturday, May 11, 1991, 7:30 a.m. Norwest Bank Wayzata, Community Room Members Present: Jam Grathwol, Chair, Excelsior; `)avid Cochran, Greenwood; Robert Pillsbury, Minnetonka; Thomas Reese, Mound; Robert Rascop, Shorewood; Marvin Bjorlin, Tonka Bay; David Bartos, Victoria. Also present: Rachel Thibault, Administrative Technician; Eugene Strommen, Executive Director. The meeting was called to order by Grathwol at 7:30 a.m. ENVIRONMENT Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force Report, Chair Reese 1. Operations Progress a. Operations Supervisor. Reese reported on the qualifications of Shawn Reilly for the temporary full time position of Operations Supervisor for the Eurasian Water Milfoil weed control program. His recommendation, and that of the executive director, is that Reilly be employed. + Grathwol moved, Cochran seconded, to recommend the employment of Shawn Reilly as Operations Supervisor. Motion carried unanimously. 0 Funding Progress. Reese reported on his individual efforts to raise funds from a personally selected list. Following sixteen letters and follow -up telephone calls, he received four promises of contributions and received one so far. He also did some door -to -door contact. Reese, joined by Tom :yak, DtIR, and John Barten, Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District, discussed EWM on the WCCO radio talk show with Jim Rogers on May 9. Reese reported the DNR will send a letter endorsing the LMCD EWM weed harvesting program to encourage non- profit pull -tab fund contributions from sponsoring organizations for the EWM fund. The executive director reported the summer rules with EWM Save The Lake solicitation insert have been mailed. The first responses arrived this week ranging from $10 to $100 each. The executive director also reported on a meeting with restaurant operators to discuss sponsorship of a special event for EWM fund raising. 3. Legislative Progress. Reese has talked to Representative Smith. There are now three bills being c:(�r,sidered for raising funds from a watercraft surcharge to suF )pert exotics controls. There does not seem to be opposition. : 3mith c - .u1d not tell wha'': form the legislation will finally take. t34 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 4. harvesting Starting Date. The executive director said there is thought being given to delay the start of harvesting to June 17 because of the water depth and cool water temperatures. 5. Offer of Assistance. Jeannie Bowers, Greenwood, said the Lake Minnetonka Lakeshore Owners Association is providing a booth for the LMCD at their May 19 picnic. 'he further suggested a public forum to bring the EWM information to a large group gathering. WATER STRUCTURES 1. Channel Drive Dredging Application. The executive director distributed a packet of information to update the committee on the Channel Drive, St. Alban's Bay (Greenwood) dredging permit. Area surveys and delineation of the Greenwood wetlands, as taken from the city's map, were displayed. Pcrbona) observation of the proposed dredging site and accompanying docks by the executive director and Thibault on May 9 shows the channel to be close to navigable filled with water at 928' elevation. The water depth measurement at the docks range from 3' to 4'. This raises the question of how much dredging is now needed, indicating, at the most, minimal dredging it select channel areas. It was also noted that the 30' width of the channel will not support the 24' slip lengths of the docks which are in place. Cochran stated there arc no records at the DNR or Minnehaha Creek, Watershed District to indicate previous dredging permits, although it is obvious that the area has been dredged in the past. There is also indication of filling in the area. Responding to a question from Rascop about how much of the wetland area is being disturbed, the executive director pointed out the designated wetland area on the on the site plan which appears to be about 1/2 acre. All of the area in question surrounding the docks which are in place has from 3' to 4' of water, requiring minimal if any dredging. The City of Greenwood had a pre- hearing conference on 4/29/91 on its appeal to the DNR dredging permit renewal. The hearing is scheduled for 6/14 and the final hearing is to be held in August. The PCA has verbally indicated they do not believe an EAW is necessary. Charles Wendel, 20900 St. Alban's Green Road, Greenwood, noted there are also wetlands on the east side of Manor Road in Shorewood. The residents are concerned about pollut,nts leaching from the auto salvage operation under the road to the channel. He is also concerned about the developer's intention for the use of these small lots with such an investment in the dredging. The residents foresee the possibility of dredging out a significant area over and above the area around the proposed docks. Wendel said the residents will have a video presentation for the committee's next meeting. - continued 2 13 q3 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 Cochran listed the following as items he believes the committee must consider in reviewing this matter: 1) A formal survey of the property should be provided with 929.4' water elevation. 2) The Greenwood wetlands should be defined as designated by the City and DNR. 3) Water depths should be determined 4) There should be an official declaration of what a wetland is. 5) There should be a LMCD policy and ordinance regarding extending Lake Minnetonka by dredging 6) There should be an LMCD policy regarding docks built over wetlands. Biorlin moved, Rascop seconded, to continue the study of the Channel Drive dredging application, adding information to the file as it is received. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Multiple Dock License Renewal - Gayle's Marina, Maxwell Day The executive director reviewed the disposition of the criminal charge against Gayle's Marina. It was agreed the barges would be stored in designated slips during the summer and between the docks in the aisles during the winter. A dimensional site survey has been requested. LMCD was advised it has been delayed by the weather. LMCD has not been advised which slips will be used for the barge storage. Gayle's Marina has paid the past due charges and late fee. There is still pending the matter of Gayles's advertising for dry storage on trailers on shore for which they are not licensed. Gayle's has not responded to certified mail and telephone messages. Grathwol asked if the criminal complaint could be re filed. The executive director responded that the site plan was not a condition of the settlement nor was the dry storage addressed.. The Minnehaha Watershed District, via a letter from David A Jones, of Popham Haik, counsel for the Watershed District, has asked that their facts and comments be taken into consideration when determining whether to renew the license of Gayle's Marina. The letter contends that Gayle's Marina is in violation of the Watershed District rules regarding dredging. The alleged illegal dredging was to create a channel for watercraft access to their docks. A letter from Ceil Strauss, DNR area hydrologist, was distributed which states similar concerns regarding renewal of Gayle's Marina license in light of several violations to the DNR dredging permit in 1990. The committee also received a letter dated May 6 from Charles LeFevere covering the effect on LMCD licensing actions when licensees violate regulations of other jurisdictions. Woody Love, MCWD, said the Watershed District is contesting Gayle's Marina's dredging without the necessary MCWD permits. Ile asked that the various agencies get together to resolve this problem. Co ^_bran moved, Pillsbury seconded, to direct stmt to continue enforcement proceedings based on compliance with tho licensing reri- i remf.ntr and to hold any ai)proval of k.Iie Gayl Marina license in abeyarice. Motiurn carried unanim .)u:AY. 1240 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 3. Multiple Dock License Renewal With Temporary Low Water Variance: Lakeside Marina, Maxwell nay (400' extension to 600' total) Thibault reported that Lakeside Marina was given a temporary low water variance in 1590 to extend the dock to 600' with a new floating dock system. The docks were left in over the winter. There were complaints by the neighbors about interference with winter lake use, particularly as a hazard to snowmobilers. Thibault noted the docks do not conform to the original configuration. She said the docks have been brought in about 60'. It is staff recommendation that they be brought back to at least 400'. According to Thibault, James Dunn, owner of Lakeside Marina, says he needs five to six feet of water depth because of the underwater trusses used in constructing the outer sections of the floating docks. Thibault also noted unlicensed dry storage of boats on trailers. An inventory of the dry storage has been requested. She also noted the lack of signs and fencing on the wesLern edgfj of the dock to prevent transient docking. James Dunn stated his docks are out 525'. He cannot go back to 400' because of the underwater trusses. Dunn submitted pictures of the docks taken from various angles with notations as to the lengths, to illustrate their relationship to surrounding docks. He said he is not interfering with Boy Scout channel. Responding to the comment that there is a need for 5' to 6' of water, Reese told Dunn the District cannot give him a temporary low water permit in excess of 3'. Dunn responded that that there should be 2' of water below the draft of the boat to prevent turbidity. Grathwol commented that he interprets Dunn's comments to mean that Dunn is asking for permission to make a temporary low water variance a permanent extension. Marcia and Ron Schoeneman, 3331 North Shore Drive, adjacent residents, asked that Lakeside Marina be required to bring its dock back to 400'. They noted the No Parking signs to keep boats from interfering with their residential dock are missing. The fence which was required is also missing. The Schoenemans request enforcement of LMCD rules. In a May 6 letter from Michael Gaffron, Asst. Planning and Zoning Administrator, City of Orono, he states that at the dock sections located 500' to 600' from shore, the water depths ranged from 5.5 to 6.5 feet. The permanent slips approximately 50 to 100 feet from shoreline had water depths of 3 feet or more. Gabriel Jabbour, 985 Tonkawa Rd., Orono, was in attendance when the soundings were taken. He does not believe the underwater truss construction has anything to do with the dock license. He asked that the docks be brought back to 200'.He also asked for reconsideration of allowing floating docks using styrofoam. He distri.bul -��! pictL—eE of the pollution created by the breakup of the styrofoam. Dunn stated his docks use a more dense type of styrofoam than that which caused the fragmentation. - continued 13 q.5 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 Bjorlin noted the gas pump is shown in a new location on the site plan. Dunn responded that it would be more than 400' from shore. Grathwol advised Dunn that moving the gas pump would require an application for a new permanent dock which would not be considered during the moratorium on docks running through January, 1992. Rascop moved, Pillsbury seconded. to recommend denying the license renewal and temporary low water variance based upon four violations cited the past year : 1) Non - compliance with the original configuration; 2) Dry storage of boats on trailers; 3) No signs on the western edge of the dock to prohibit parking of boats; 4) Fencing missing to control transient boat docking on the west side. This request for a temporary low water variance is the first time the District has had to consider issuing a low water variance when the lake has risen following the annual declaration of low water. The consensus of the committee is that once low water is declared it will have to stand for the year. Motion carried. Debbie and Mark Brenneman, North Shore Drive Marina, objected to one marina being allowed to establish its own "market position" on the Lake. Brenneman also gave the chair newspaper advertisements for dock rentals on the Lake placed by private property owners. Woody Love said those ads and rentals are frustrating licensed marinas. Jabbour commented that he cannot understand why Lakeside Marina cannot be required to reduce the length of its docks when the water is up over 2' from last year. 4. Bowers Variance Order The committee received a draft Order from LeFevere for the Jeannie Bowers' variance. Reese moved, Pillsbury seconded, to recommend af-provnl c,f the Order for the Jeannie Bowers Variance as prepared by Charles LeFevere. Motion carried, Rascop voting nay. Jeannie Bowers thanked the committee for the effort and time it took in resolving her variance. 5. Multiple Dock License Renewals Rascop moved, Bartos seconded, to recommend the approval of the following multiple dock license renewals: a. Renewal without change: Gray's Bay Marina, Grays Bay (Subject to village certi- ficate). Park Hill /Park Island Apts.,Black Lake (Subject to village certificate). b. Renewal with temporary low crater variancf- s: Beans Greenwood Marina, St. Albans Bay (Subject to Village certificate). 124' extension, 160'total - continued 114 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 Forest Arms Improvement Association, Forest Lake 32' extension, 132' total (with no increase in slip sizes allowed) Foxhill Homeowners Assn., Smith's Bay 80' extension, 224' total (with no increase in slip sizes allowed) C. Referred to staff for further information: RDP Partners /Upper Minnetonka Yacht Club Motion carried unanimously. The committee continued discussion of the temporary low water variances. Bartos noted that some marinas will have to raise their docks because of the rise in the Lake level. Rascop said he would suggest not issuing temporary low water variances as low water is a natural occurrence. Bartos suggested a sub- committee or task force to discuss the high /low water matter. Rascop recalled Jabbour's suggestion that the District establish an "c;nvelop" for dock construction and allow construction in that area without the District "designing" the docks. Grathwol said he would develop a list of things to study in this regard before the moratorium expires. 6. Lake Inspection Tour Rascop moved, Bjorlin seconded, approval of the itinerary for the Saturday, June 8, 1991 lake inspection tour. The boat will arrive at 7:15 a.m. and leave the Minnetonka Boat Works (Wayzata) dock at 7:30 a.m. PROMPT! Motion carried unanimously. R.S.V.P.s are needed. 7. Wetland Survey and Dock Inspections Thibault offered aerial photos of the wetlands for the members' inspection. She has been working with the University of Minnesota and Hennepin County Soil Conservation District on development of computer maps of the wetlands. It will be possible to determine acreage and mileage through the computer use. Thibault will be doing an inventory of properties which have three and four restricted watercraft as part of the annual lake inventory. 7. Wayzata Yacht Club A letter from LeFevere, dated May 8, 1991, contains a proposed statement of the Board's position in issuing the multiple dock and mooring area license to the Wayzata Yacht Club, subject to a valid City of Wayzata conditional use permit for the Wayzata Yacht Club. The took no actLon on the letter. • 6 13417 Water Structures and Environment Committee May 11, 1991 8. Deicing Application Deposit Refunds Rascop moved, Pillsbury seconded, to recommend approval of the following deicing application deposit refunds of $100.00: Dennis Carlson Douglas Ramstad Clay Cliffe HOA Paul Resberg Crystal Bay Service Rockvam Boat Yards Curly's Minnetonka Marina Smiths Bay (Shoreline) Marina Frank Elshaug Tonka Bay Marina Gayle's Marina Corp. Rodney Wallace Gray's Bay Marina City of Wayzata Howards Point Marina Wayzata Yacht Club Site 1 & 2 Reid MacDonald James Wyer Minnetonka Boat Works (0 & W) Minnetonka Yacht Club Because of non-compliance requiring multiple inwpections, refund to worth Shore Drive Marina was not recommended. The late fee of $50.00 is to be deducted from the Lakeside Marina deposit, their refund to be $50.00. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Resolution Specifying Procedure for Amending the Long Term Management Plan. Rascop moved, Grathwol seconded, to recom;t:end approval of A Resolution Specifying the Procedure to be Followed in Amending the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Long Term Management Program. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Develop Policy on Directors' Conflict of Interest Grathwol moved, Bjorlin seconded, to recommend to the Board the appointment of a committee to study conflicts of interest. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m. FOR THE COMMITTEE: Eugene Strommen, Executive Director James Grathwol, Chair A • • • 130 RECD MAY 2 0 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Board of Directors Regular Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,Wednesday,April 24, 1991 Tonka Bay City Hall Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Cochran at 7:33 p.m. Members Present: Bert Foster, Vice Chair, Deephaven; James Grathwol, Excelsior; David Cochran, Chair, Greenwood; Robert Pillsbury, Minnetonka; Jan Boswinkel, Treasurer, Minnetonka Beach; Scott Carlson, Minnetrista; Thomas Reese, Mound; JoEllen Hurr, Orono; Robert Rascop, Shorewood; Douglas Babcock, Secretary, Spring Park; Marvin Bjorlin, Tonka Bay; David Bartos, Victoria; Thomas Martinson, Wayzata; Robert Slocum, Woodland. Also present: Sgt. Wm. Chandler, Sheriff's Water Patrol; Charles LeFevere, Counsel; Rachel Thibault, Administrative Technician; Eugene Strommen, Executive Director. Absent: None Reading of Minutes: Bjorlin moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the minutes of the 3/27/91 meeting as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Public Comment: There were no comments from persons in attendance not on the agenda. Chair Report, Chair Cochran There were no announcements from Chair Cochran Committee Reports A. WATER STRUCTURES, Chair Grathwol Grathwol proposed a change in the order of the agenda to consider Items 3, 4 and 13 in that order and he will ask for unanimous cansent on items 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14. One item was added to the agenda: 1.) deposit refund to Harrison Harbor Twin Home Associates. There were no objections. 1. Minutes of 4/13/91 meeting. Grathwol moved, Hurr seconded to approve the minutes of the 4/13/91 meeting with the following corrections: Page 2. Third paragraph from the bottom to read: Babcock moved, Foster seconded, that the committee recommend that the proposed Dock Use Area Site Plan I,...... Page 11, Second paragraph to read: Babcock moved, Grathwol seconded, to recommend approval of a $100 deposit refund ...... Motion carried unanimously. • 1 1.345 LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 2. Bowers Variance to Establish a Dock Use Area during Low Water. is The Board received a recommendation from the committee that Bowers is entitled to a dock to navigable water and that the proposed Dock Use Area Site Plan I be adopted for low water years with stipulations. Martinson moved, Foster seconded, to approve the recommendation that Jeanne Bowers, 21600 Fairview Street, Greenwood, is entitled to a dock to navigable water. Motion carried, Rascop voting nay. Grathwol moved, Pillsbury seconded, to approve the committee recommendation that the Bowers temporary low water variance be granted as shown on Site Plan 1, along with the stipulations set forth on the document entitled "Bowers Variance Stipulations" dated 4/10/91 and made a part of the file. LeFevere is to prepare the Order for Board action. DISCUSSION; Arlo Vande Vegte, Attorney, representing Bowers neighbors, submitted a letter dated 4/23/91 which sets forth four of the neighbors' positions. He noted the LMCD policy to encourage people to share docks during the low water period. He also mentioned the LMCD ordinance which prohibits dock encroachment on neighboring properties. In Vande Vegte's opinion the LMCD has the authority to order Bowers and Schrock to share dockage. VOTE: Motion carried, Rascop voting nay. Following the vote there was discussion with the neighbors regarding the implementation of the Order. They were advised to proceed with their do:k installation according to Site Plan I. C. G. Schrock, 21630 Fairview Street, re- stated his position that he is not desirous of sharing a dock. Stephen Chase, 21650 Fairview Street, stated he believes his dock has been installed to meet Site Plan 1 requirements. Tim McCarthy, 21560 Fairview Street, cited a recent news article published regarding temporary low water dock extension guide lines which encourage dock sharing. McCarthy concluded that LMCD could order two parties to so share a dock. Grathwol stated that, if necessary, there are mediation services available to work out any unforeseen problems. 3. Wayzata Yacht Club Multiple Dock and District Mooring Area Renewal Applications Grathwol moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the Wayzata Yacht Club multiple dock Site 1 and 2, and District Moor Area renewal applications and the temporary low water variance applications per the site plan detail received 12/3/90. DISCUSSION; In a letter dated 4/19/91 from Wayzata Mayor Gisvold, Gisvold indicated the City believes that thy: health, safety and welfare of the public is jeopardized by the issuance of the Wayzata Yacht Club dock license without a properly i350 2 LMCD Board of Directors April 24. 3881 executed Conditional Use Permit (CUP) between the two parties. The City objects to the issuance of the license. Martinson reported from contacts with city officials that there is some question as to whether or not a current CUP is in effect with regard to the property. There are two pre-existing CUP's, and a proposed CUP. The city is anxious to resolve the differences between the city and the Wayzata Yacht Club. Where is some question as to conditions of the "old" CUP which may create navigational problems with the channel at the public launch area, Martinson continued. The city believes there will be improvements for use of the public channel with the new CUP, and therefore Martinson recommended the action on the license at this time be tabled. !lotion: Martinson moved, Rascop seconded, to table the WYC applications to allow the city and WYC to work out the CUP differences. Motion carried. The Board subsequently agreed to allow discussion on the motion to table. Discussion: Hurr asked if the LMCD code requires proper zoning for a license of this kind. LeFevere replied that all the code requires is that the applicant submit as part of the application a demonstration as to compliance with other jurisdictions. Foster suggested LeFevere submit more detailed comments in writing. Cochran noted time constraints With the rapid approach of the boating season and the need to make decisions on licenses. Slocum mentioned people are in the audience who could speak on the subject of the CUP and WYC relations with the City of Wayzata. Philip Cole, WYC Counsel, stated the Club has the proper zoning and is in total compliance with their CUP. Such a delay poses a hardship on the 127 people who keep their boats at the WYC. Grathwol invited the Board to reconsider the tabling motion. Reese spoke in favor of re- opening the motion to table. Motion: Babcock moved, Bartos seconded, to' reconsider the motion to table the Wayzata Yacht Club license renewal application. Motion carried. Discussion: Hurr asked WYC attorney Cole to respond if they have the proper zoning, because it seems to be in conflict with the Way to mayor's letter. Cole responded that the Wayzata letter is incorrect, that both Club properties are in an R -2 zone. WYC was issued a CUP in 1974 to operate the Club at its "Shore,.ine Property" (Site 1). The property has never been altered, has never had another hearing on that conditional use permit. Another property at HWY 16 and 101 is the "Bell Property ", a supplemental parking lot. The 1976 CUP on that property as a parking lot carries a number of stipulations as to plantings, .%n :. 40"' perimeter on the buoy field and 127 boat limit on the moorings (total licensed watercraft storage). In the summer of '90 the city granted a temporary low water exception to the CUP to go out beyond 400' through November, 1 90. At that same time the city also modified 3 t35/ LHCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 the Bell Property CUP so that the mooring would not be placed to occupy or impede the public access ingress and egress. There has been complete compliance with ingress /egress for the launch ramp as demonstrated on the site plan. Cole continued that the disagreement the WYC is having with the city is that without holding a hearing, (in fact they do not have a right to hold hearing on it) they are asking the WYC to modify the Shoreline Property CUP. The WYC has said they are prepared tD do that, but they want a broader discussion with the city. The city said if 'the WYC does not sign the new CUP, they will object to and try to keep the WYC from getting its dock license. That is the basis of the disagreement between the WYC and the city. The city has other remedies, and in this case they are dead wrong. Cole stated that Mayor Gisvold has agreed that the city has no right to d emand that the WYC amend the Shoreline Pr operty CUP. Gisvold says tn-�y want to vet it done because the city manager thinks it should be done. Cole indicated they are willing to do it. There is a broad range of issues . . . Wayzata wants to move the launch ramp and they want part of the WYC property. The WYC is willing to make that part of the discussion. In response to a question from Hurr, Cole identified the property to the west of the launch ramp, Site 2, as an R -1 site with a prior non - conforming use. There is no CUP on this property. The property had been used before the city had zoning exactly as it is being used today, including numbers of boats. The land use questions raised are whether the property has always had parking on it and docks next to it. This property has never been raised as an issue. The WYC has proposed that this property be brought into a larger CUP. Carlson questioned whether complaints on use of a property might cause a city to review a CUP. Cole responded no, that a CUP 'is irrevocable. In the case of the Bell Property (parking lot) the city could invoke a court process to review the CUP, but it does not want to do that because they want the parking at that location (for club members). No violation of the CUP has been charged. The mayor wants the Shoreline Property CUP to be joined with the Bell Property CUP under a master agreement. The WYC has not agreed to do that. The city has never held a hearing on it, and they can't hold a hearing on it. Cole continued that there has been no charge that the WYC is in violation of any CUP, that he knows of. And the mayor has agreed that the WYC: is not in violation of the CUP. The city's demand that the WYC alter the other CUP is without legal rights. Martinson pointed out for the city that the district mooring field (DMA) on the WYC application would be different from the DMA which is drawn in the 1976 Pell Property CUP. Grathwol asked for a suggestion for a DMA which would be acceptable to the.city. Martinson responded that it w;)uid be as ir: the new application which is in the revised props ,:�d chanjf to th joint CUP over both properties. The WYC and city havf_ ...tj 1', not, afireed to the revised CUP. 13� LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 Robert Albright, WYC, noted that the WYC came into compliance with the CUP according to the city's direction in July, '90, and in Oct., the WYC advised the city in a letter that it had !tayed in exact compliance and had placed the buoys in proper Location. In March the Club sent a letter to the city with a site plan similar to the one in the LMCD renewal application meeting the ingress /egress conditions and the 400' permit. Grathwol asked if there is a mooring field acceptable to the city and the WYC. Albright responded very definitely there is. Martinson concurred this is true, but from the city's perspective it is subject to executing a new CUP on the properties. Grathwol noted that if an applicant complies with all of LMCD ordinances, LMCD would grant them a permit. He does not understand , position of the city, asking that their zoning problems b interjected into LMCD's lake regulation problems. Grathwol suggested LMCD should reach agreement on its lake matters and have the city resolve its zoning matters. Martinson said the city wants LMCD to be aware of the fact that it has a dispute, and it sees the LMCD as an administrative Extension of the councils around the lake. The question the city poses is, does LMCD want to approve a permit where the applicant is not in compliance with the zoning issues which surround that piece of property? Cole responded that what the city wants the WYC to do, the WYC thinks they are not entitled to do. The WYC wants a fair hearing before another body to resolve the issues. Motion: Martinson moved, Hurr seconded, to approve the multiple dock and District Mooring Area renewal applications of the Wayzata Yacht Club showing site plan detail received 12/3/90, subject to receipt of a CUP agreeable to the City of Wayzata and the Wayzata Yacht Club. _- Amendment: Cochran moved, Babcock seconded, to amend the motion by striking the part of the motion starting with the word "subject ". Vote on Amendment: The amendment to the motion failed. Amendment: Foster moved, Hurr seconded, to amend the motion by striking the part of the motion starting with the word "subject" and substituting " subject to a valid CUP for the WYC." Motion carried. Motion as Amended: That the Wayzata Yacht Club renewal applications for Site 1 and 2 multiple dock licenses, District Mooring Area license, and the temporary low water variance application per the site plan detail received 12/3/90, be approved, subject to a valid conditional use permit for the Wayzata Yacht Club. Motion carried, Martinson voting nay. Duane Markus, Wayzata, voiced his objections to the Board action, and also -r -.r r, ? b belief that some Board members have acted on this matter with a conflict of interest. 135 LMCD Board of Director, April 24, 1991 4. Definition of Commercial Marina and Outlot Association Facilities Recommending Code Amendment, Sec.2.11, Subd. 2 and Adding; New Subd. 5 to Sect. 2.11 per LeFevere Letter of 3/25/91. Grathwol explained that the proposed amendment arises out of a series of discussions about Chapman Place and Excelsior Ba.- Associates. The outcome of the discussions is the committee recommendation that the Excelsior Bay Associates becomes an outlot association as it has been from the beginning and continues to operate as it had been from the beginning. Chapman Place originally was a commercial marina. Hurr noted that under the Management Plan, outlot associations are not considered desirable. Foster responded that as the Management Plan objectives for higher densities develop on the Lake, the outllot option could be eliminated. kascop asked whether the exclusions in the de initions would open an opportunity for someone to buy a commercial marina and convert it to a condominium dock. LeFevere responded that the t;ffect of the ordinance is to make it more difficult. It closes loop -holes in the original ordinance, and he does riot believe it creates any new ones. Grathwol moved, Cochran seconded, to waive the readings and adopt and order published An Ordinance Relating to Conversion of Use of Non-Conforming Docks and StructureC in Lake Minnetonka; Amending LK"D Coda Section 2.11, Subd. 2 and Adding New Subdivision 5 to Section 2.11. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consent Agenda Grathwol moved, Foster secor ., approval of the following: Chapman Place license renewal, including temporary low water variance, and license management agreement and amenities review with concluding recimmendaticn by 1193 as recommended for approval by the Committ! -e Windward Marina, Inc., 1991 license renewal and temporary low water variance to maximum of 260' to accommodate 4' keel boats, less extension if possible, applicant to show just cause for low water extension over 40'. Multiple Dock License renewals without chan Big Island Vets Camp; Cedarhurst Assn.; '-:- nnings Cove Dock Owners Assn.; Lafayette Ridge 9om� wners Assn.; and Loring Acres. Multiple Dock License renewals with minor cigar, f : Boat Rental: of Minnetonka, Sh creline Driv• =, Marina & Yacht Club including $fib zee refund; and P'A Marina subject to $':40 paymF nt on 1990 license 136q 6 LMCD [Board of Directors April24, 1991 Multiple Dock License renewals with temporary low water variance without change: Hart' T. Kreslins; Minnetonka Boat Works, Orono and Wayzata; Minnetonka Edgewater Apartments; and Shorewood Yacht Club with stipulations for Minnetonka Boat Works per committee minutes of 4/13/91 Multiple Dock License renewals with temp.�rary low water variance with changes: Bayview Condominiums; Clay Cliffe HOA; Crane Island Assn.; Dennis Boats; City of Excelsior; Lafayette Club with variance changes as stated in committee minutes of 4/13/91 Multiple Dock License renewals with minor change for: Excelsior Park Tavern (name change from Excelsior Bay Yacht Club) for 20 storage, 12 transient slips; North Shore Drive Marina subject to storage /service slip designation adjustment; Fore3t Arms Improvement Assn. (no change) Foxhill Homeowners Assn. (no r-hang ) Multiple Dock License for Excelsior Bay Associates, renewal without change. Mai Tai Marina, non - renewal, inoperative, all slips to be roped off. Staff to enforce code for marinas which have not made application for a current license. Multiple Dock License Renewals holding for city certificates: St. Alban's Bay Marina; The Harbcrage to include a to-scale, dimensioned as -built survey; David Thomas with minor amendment to site plan; Roger Wikner, reducing slips from 9 to 6 BSU. Motion carried unanimously. Cochran questioned whether the Excelsior Park Tavern should have been renewed because its 1990 license allowing for 20 of the 32 as storage slips was based on availability of space for charter boats and whether the present amenities fit the above app,.oval. Grathwol moved, Babcock seconded to instruct the staff to art up a public hear for the Excelsior Park Tavern on their rjtlw dock and special density license because of the City of Exccelnior denial of charter boat dockage as a license amenity. Fred Brurttjen, Excelsior Park Tavern, responded to the Poord's inquiry that they plan permanent storage among their 20 slips so l:ic� -nse d similar to the renewal of the 1990 license. r ; slip: are going to be used in 1 !91 . Grat'.;q,:,1 responder that the purpose of the public hearing i::, t.(, opoarn up the questic.n of the Excelsior Park Ta -ern new mi_iltiple dock lire.nse for 40 slips. Vote: M =_,born carried, Martinson and 9urr voting nay. 130 LMCD hoard of Directors April 24, 1991. Rascop moved, B,iorlin seconded, to reconsider the approval of the 1991 multiple dock licenses and to remove the Excelsior f' : rk Tavern from the l i s t . Grathwol asked for defeat of the motion. The procedure proposed allows for an orderly handling of the license and allows room for negotiation with the Excelsior Park Tavern. The motion failed on a show of hands. Grathwol moved, Babcock seconded, to approve a $lOO deposit refund to Harrison Harbor Twin Homes Associates. Motion carried unanimously. i;rat.hwol was excused at the conclusion of the Water ;structures Committee report. ti. Advisory Committee, Chair Rascop Foster and Bjorlin were excused during the following discussions. 1. Long Term Management Program Exchanges with Cities a. Proposed amendments to Shoreland portion of Underlying Principles b. Proposed amendments to Shoreland'�Grant Agreement James Uttley, Metropolitan Council, facil'4tator for the Management Plan, reported on the modifications, made in the Shoreland portion of the Underlying Principles of he Management Plan following the 4/17/91 meeting at Mound. A copy showing the modifications was distributed along with a re -draft of the Shoreland Grant Agreement. Uttley reportdd' a% compromise was ruched at the meeting with six cities at Mound April 17 to remove Appendix "C" from the Plan and place it in the working papers, as a model ordinance, available for the cities to use. Babcock expressed his opinion that by removing Appendix "C" tle Roard is in disagreement with its approval of the Management IAlAn. His concern is that seven cities have signed the Shvrr :land Grant Agreement incInding Appendix "C ", and they should be included in the decision to remove it. LeFevere responded that removing "C" from the Management Plan does not change the Shoreland Grant contract with those cities which have approved it. It will be necessary to amend the Plan if this change in the underlying principles statement is made, along with other references to Appendix "C" in the text. Uttley went on to say this is a statement of LMCD Management P1a. - t philosophy. Another change is that the Technical. Committee will perform a technical review. Upon completion of the techni I review the city shoreland Ordinance drafts will go b<-ck , -,t.tt to all tiv� cities. It is then that the adjacent cities Can takt.: formal action. Evan if the cities do not have veto powt: r (7) ve r _in ad j; -,c n t c i t y ' s o r d i n a n c e , they can proceed to requ�,st furth-r bk :y(Dnd DNR to make their case r� *-!)S0 LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 Rascop asked whether the LMCD will have representation on • the Technical Committee and who will Chair the Committee. Uttley responded that LMCD representation is included in the Shoreland Urant Agreement and it will be up to the Committee to select the Chair. Uttley said the Metropolitan Council is prepared to give staff time to provide a draft of the Shoreland Agreement to bring it into conformance with the Principles. He has been given until August to complete his Management Plan work, August 2 being the end of the second 90 day extension given to the Metropolitan Council for its review. Uttley presented the Shoreland Agreement with changes to conform to the Principles along with other text changes. Rascop moved, Hurr seconded, to accept the Underlying Principles as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Cochran moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the Shoreland Grant Agreement subject to acceptance by the MN DNR, and the concerns expressed by Babcock with reference to the 7 cities which have already approved the Agreement to be taken into consideration. Motion carried unanimously. Uttley expressed optimism that there are five communities which will join with the other 7 in approving the Shoreland Grant Agreement. C. In response to a question on who is revising the management program, the executive director said draft revisions • to the Management Program are being prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants for the eight dissenting cities. Review of the drafts are being presently conducted at meetings called by the cities. Boswinkel was excused during the following discussion. 2. Lake Minnetonka Lakeshore Owners Assn ( LMLOA) Management Program position update. Don Germanson, President, LMLOA, distributed information on the organization's lobbying efforts at the legislature with reference to the property tax issue. He also distributed a sticker to be used to encourage keeping the lake clean. In a letter dated 4/19/91 the LMLOA addressed the issues they would like to have re-considered in the plan. 1. Density restrictions to include restriction on ramp access by: a. Car /trailer parking fees through a seasonal sticker program. b. Implement ramp fees. c. Implement ramp fees through automatic gate systems. 2. In defining usable water, consider low water levels, areas unusable due to milfoil, use of the DNR 60 meter shoreline buffer zone. Using these factors would achieve 485 car /trailer parking spots vs. the 700 required 3. Any public land acquisition be commenced only after a 90 -day notice to all city and lakeshore residents in the involved city. 4. Money generated under the ramp fee proposal would be used toward milfoil control and other needy programs. 9 1357 LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 5. Shoreland regulation. Tabled for further review. Rasc:op offered to meat with the LMLOA to discuss their proposals. C. ENVIRONMENT, Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force, Reese. 1. Policy Re Use of Suburban Truck. Reese moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the policy statement regarding use of the Suburban truck as recommended by the committee. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Funding Progress. Reese reported $34,000 from private sources. The milfoil control program is short $100,000 +. Reese implored the Board members to contact their local residents for contributions. Reese said there will be a presentation to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners to ask them for funding. A request has been made to County Board Member Tad Jude to place the milfoil program in the County's 1992 budget. 3. Operations Progress. Strommen, Maro and Reese met with the Hennepin Park Board. They will support the weed harvest program at the same level as 1990. A request was left with the Park Board for the use of 3 to 5 acres of Carver Park land for disposal of harvested milfoil. b. Legislative Progress. The current bill provides for an inter - agency committee and a citizens committee to deal with a long range program on exotic species management. Objections have been raised about dealing with all species and using funding from watercraft licenses. Reese feels a bill will probably be passed but fie is not sure of its value to the Lake due to the small amount of funding it will generate. Hurr recommended the 4/10/91 letter from Bob DeVries, Minnesota Sportsfishing Congress, regarding the surcharge on all watercraft be responded to as the executive director recommended. The Board concurred by consensus. Ire. Lake shore weed collection program status. Reese reported advice from counsel and insurance ca.'riers indicates the liability is too great for individuals delivering their weeds to the barge. Two commercial firms are planning to of,"r the s,:rvice. 4. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Reconnaissance Study Reese reported there is still a chance for funding of the draft reconnaissance report. The funds will be released to the 'Nk. Any such funds initially will apply to the reconnaissance report in 1992. Control program fund would follow completion of that report. 5. Resolution Re Early Detection of Milfoil Reese moved, Rasc -op seconded, to adopt a Resolution supporting a program of funding treatment for early detection of milfoil in lakes, the Resolution to be forwardf:id to the Mti DNR, copies to area legislators. Motion carried unanimously. • 1 , j e I n LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 D. LAKE USE COMMITTEE, Chair Pillsbury 1. Minutes. Pillsbury moved, Reese seconded, to approve the minutes of the 4/15/91 meeting with the following change: Page 3. BWI Education Program Report to read: Sheriff's Water Patrol Deputies and Conservation Officers attended a two day seminar on BWI law enforcement. The curriculum was developed by Sgt. Chandler and DNR Boat and Water Safety Specialist Tim Smalley. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Charter Boat Use of Wayzata Public Depot Dock. Committee recommendation of guidelines to accommodate balanced public use of the dock and area parking per minutes was presented. Rascop moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the guidelines recommended by the committee. Motion carried unanimously. Special Event Permits 3. Minnetonka Boat Works Water Ski Show The committee received staff stipulations to be -laced on the permit. Beth Whittaker, Minnetonka Boat Works, said the boats will be under allowed 82 DBA decibel ratings. The City of Wayzata has apnroved the ski show. It will take place 150' to 400' from shore and in front of the beach. The cour -a will be 500' long. Minnetonka Boat Works will have boat traffic control to the west at their establishment and at the lagoon. They will meet speed guidelines. Water Sailboat Show, Minnetonka Sailing The committee received staff stipulations for a June 28 -30, 1991 in- the -water sailboat show at Excelsior Park Tavern. There is to be no infringement with transient docks or watercraft stored outside slips licensed for storage. Rascop ed, Martinson seconded, approval of the Special Event Permi° or the Water Ski Show 6/1 -2/91, Minnetonka Boat Works and t._: In the Water Sailboat Show, Minnetonka Sailing, Excelsior Park Tavern, Excelsior with the stipulations prepared by LMCD staff. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Liquor License Renewals Pillsbury moved, Rascop seconded, approval of the following liquor license renewals: On -sale wine, with on -sale Sunday and on -sale non - intoxicating malt liquor with on -sale Sunday for Al & Alma's II, III, VI, X, XI and XII. On -sale wine, with on -sale Sunday and on -sale non - intoxicating malt liquor with on -sale Sunday for Paradise Princess, subject to lifili — 1' 0�l1its/ nF!i.-anc- rnrtifirate and Hennepin County Sheriff's favorable renewal investigation. On -sale intoxicating liquor license renewal with on- sale Sunday for Queen of Excelsior. Motion carried unanimously. 11 . css 9 LMCD Board of Directors April 24, 1991 6. Water Patrol Report, Sgt. Wm. Chandler * The Lake clean -up resulted in impoundin? 8 non - permitted buoys and bringing into compliance 83 other floating structures not previously permitted. * The meeting with charter boat operators was a success. Charter boat inspections are underway. * The diving team cleaned uF the Narrows channel of sunken debris, the first time in history. * A new program on theft prevention from boats and contents, similar to Crime Watch, is being initiated. * Chandler will speak to the State Conference on Alcohol and Traffic on 4/25/91. He will address the experience on Lake Minnetonka. 7. Other. 1. Guidelines for Use of Docks at Wayzata Depot Rascop recommended including requirement for providing parking when issuing charter boat licenses. LeFevere said the registration of ports -of -call applies only to liquor licenses. If it were to apply to all charter boats it would require a code amendment. 2. Special Event Permits There was a discussion of policy by the Board accepting applications for action without committee approval. Cochran acknowledged the two applications referred back to the committee were received after the deadline. He also noted one is milfoil fund related. The executive director pointed out the need for the applicants to begin their promotions. LMCD does not know what share of the fund it might receive from the Fresh Water Foundation. He said both applicants have paid their fee and a late fee was not charged, one being municipal, adding to an existing permit, the other being a mutual LMCD benefit. Carlson moved, Reese seconded, to approve the concept of the Special Events proposed by Freshwater Foundation for the J & B with a Splash milfoil fundraiser and the addition of the Bald Eagle Water Ski Show to the Mound City Days Special Event Permit, stipulations to be presented at the Lake Use Committee in May. Motion carried unanimously. E. FINANCIAL REPORTS, Treasurer Boswinkel (By Strommen) 1. Reese moved, Cochran seconded, approval of the Statement of Cash Transactions, month ending 3/31/91. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Audit of Vouchers for Payment Slocum moved, Carlson seconded, approval of the payment of bills in the amount of $21,087.97, Checks No. 6789 - 6835 Motion carried unanimously. ' -sw 12 LM(:D Board of Directors April 24, 1991 f. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Strommen 1. The audit report will be available at the May Board meeting. 2. The executive director is preparing a preliminary draft of the 1992 budget for initial review at the May Board meeting. This is in response to the cities wanting more time to comment on the proposed budget. This early review will prove helpful to all. 3. An in -house accounting program has been acquired for the computer. It will result in earlier in -house financial reports. 4. The executive director will be making a presentation to the Midwest Boating Association on 4/27 at the Thunderbird Motel. He will discuss LMCD's milfoil experience. The seminar also will address a new federal registration fee on all watercraft which would range from $25 to $200 per watercraft. G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None H. NEW BUSINESS Carlson invited the Board to attend the Minnetrista Open House on 5/5 from 2 - 4 p.m. to see their new City Hall. Chair Cochran uhanked the members of the press for their presence to the end of a .long meeting. 0 I. ADJOURNMENT The meetin& was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. David Cochran, Chair Douglas Babcock, Secretary • 13 1 3Co/ RECD MAY 2 01991 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA Regular Meeting, 7:30 PM, Wednesday, May 22, 1991 Tonka Bay City Nall 4901 Manitou Road (County Road 19) 7:00 PM PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Nagel Variance application for a set back variance on a permanent dock 2. Excelsior Park Tavern - reconsideration of dock and density licenses granted 3/28/90 in light of change in charter boat amenity 7:30 PM REGULAR MEETING: LMCD Board of Directors Call to Order Roll Call Reading of Minutes - 4/74/91 Board Meeting Public Comments - from persons in attendance not on agenda Chair Announcements, Cochran 1. Lake Inspection Tour 6/8/91 2. LMLOA Membership Picnic review Committee Reports 1. ENVIRONMENT, Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force, Chair Reese A. Personnel hiring in support of the EWM weed harvest operation. 1) Recommending Shawn Reilly for the temporary full time Operations Supervisor position 2) Authorizing Task Force Chair Reese, Executive Director Strommen and Project Manager Maro to select temporary positions of mechanic and four weed harvester equipment operators at salaries wit in allowances as provided in 1991 budget B. Fund raising status and forecast C. Additional business • 130- BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA, 5/22/91, PAGE 2 2. WATER STRUCTURES, Chair Grathwol A. Approval of minutes, meeting of 5/11/91 B. License renewal and temporary low water variance applications from Lakeside Marina, recommending denial based upon four violations cite' the past year. C. Jeannie Bowers Variance Order as prepared by the attorney, recommending approval D. Conflict of interest study, recommending that the Board appoint a subcommittee to prepare a report by (date) E. Multiple Dock License renewals, recommending approval with conditions as noted: 1) RENEWAL WITHOUT CHANGE: Both subject to village certificate: • Grays Bay Marina, Grays Bay • Park Hill /Park Island Apts, Smiths Bay 2) RENEWAL WITH TEMPORARY LOW WATER VARIANCES: • Beans Greenwood Marina, St. Albans Bay, subject to village certificate • Forest Arms Improvement Assn., Forest Lake, no increase in slip sizes + Poxhill Homeowners Assn., Smiths Bay, no increase in slip sizes P. Deicing Application Deposit Refunds: 1) Recommending forfeiture of refund to North Shore Drive Marina as a result of multiple inspections for non - compliance 2) Recommending $50 late fee be deducted from Lakeside Marina deposit, leaving a deposit refund balance of $50 3) Recommending approval of full refund to 20 licensees as identified in the minutes G. Additional business recommended by the committee 3. LAKE USE, Chair Pillsbury A. Approval of minutes, meeting of 5/20/91 • 00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA, 5/22/91, PAGE 3 B. Special Events 1) New applications with stipulations as recommended by committee *Freshwater Foundation, J & B With a Splash, 6/8/91 *Mound City Days, Bald Eagle Water Ski Show, 6/23/91, adding to Fireworks display permit *Minnesota State Sheriff's Assn., Pishing Tournament, 6/18/91 2) Deposit Refunds at $100 each, is recommended by committee *Holiday- Johnson Crappie Tournamc.:t, 4/20/91 *Westonka MDA Committee Crappie Tournament, 5/18/91 3) Consolidated Race Schedule, as recommended by committee, regarding request for temporary moorings for approx. 20 Plying Scott sailboats 7/12- 7/14/91 at Wayzata Yacht Club per site plan C. Water Patrol Report D. Additional business recommended by the committee 4. ADVISORY, Chair Rascop • A. Resolution specifying procedure for amending the Long Term Management Program, recommended by Water Structure Committee for approval as presented B. Additional business recommended by the committee 5. FINANCIAL REPORTS, Treasurer Boswinkel A. Statement of Cash Transactions, month ending 4/30/91 B. Audit of Vouchers for Payment C. 1990 Annual Audit Report and Management Letter 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Strommen A. Draft statement relating to Wayzata Yacht Club dock and district mooring area license renewal with temporary low water variance for docks only, recommending the statement be directed to the Wayzata Yacht Club and City of Wayzata delineating LMGD's position in granting this license renewal subject to a valid conditional use permit for the Wayzata Yacht Club • 05 (1 f BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA, 5/22/91, PAGE 4 I B. Administrative progress; preliminary draft of the 1992 LMCD Budget (to follow) C. Personnel progress UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT XXX • 5/17/91 /3&5 A LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRIC1 !iECO MAY 1519 91 LAKE USE COMMITTEE AGENDA Monday, May 20, 1991, 4:30 P1` Community Room, Norwest Bank Building 900 E. Wayzata Blvd., Suite 135 (Elevator access for handicapped: use west entrance on Wayzata Blvd.) A. Special Events 1. New Applications a) Freshwater Foundation, J & B with a Splash event Saturday, 6/8/91 with stipulations recommended per attached b) Mound City Days, amending Special Event permit for Fireworks display on Sunday, 6/23/91, adding Bald Eagle Water Ski Show with stipulations recommended per attached • c) Minnesota State Sheriff's Assn., Fishing Tournament, Tuesday, 6/18/91 with stipulations recommended per attached 2. Deposit Refunds at $100 each a) Holiday Johnson Crappie Tournarneril.. 4/20 0 ] -- no problems per Water Patrol b) Westonka M.D.A. Crappit.t Tournamt�nt , 5/ l b, 91 - event cancelled 3. Other a) Pro Am Bass Tournament. - r-nt•wal ,ppl icat i for 6/2/91 and 8/24/91. Adding stil,ulati t.l;at deposit refund is subject to roctivI i :t) day advance notice of anti tournament dr,tes ad :o schedule (last year appiicailt dirt not permit to include '_ days that .add + -1 i!I October, and did not rvs , i-.nd to b) Consolidat Pa(i o for temporary mo r nv f' - ippi Scott sailboats 1/12 - ? Yacht Club docks F li>t t -t tt, t t :. f.! ::n k 'i Q (0 Lake Use Agenda May 20. 1991 Page 2 • B. Charter Boat Progress Report C. Status of legislation on Personal Watercraft Bill D. Water Patrol Report 1. Charter Boat Inspection progress report 2. Additional business E. Additional Business recommendr:d by committee • 5/ 13/91 n (3(07 IV��s WESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS I1%.V e4DVVT SCNOnL DISTRICT NO. 277 5600 LYNWOOD BOULEVARD • MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 Michael G. Looby, Director of Community Semites 472 too May 13, 199. Mr. Edward J. Shukle Jr., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 IM MAY 151991 Dear Ed: I as writing to let you know that I sincerely appreciate the friendly support and 2zGmpt attention that school district employees receive a►t city hall from members of the city staff. Linda Strong, ten Hrrrell, Peggy James, Steve Grand, and Jim Fackler have been especially helpful to my co- t.orkers in the Community Education and Services Department. Enclosed you will find a copy of our suma:er brochire and also a copy of the Farmers Market Permit. As you will notice, we are promoting the cooperative relationship between the city and the school district by using both logos whenever appropriate. I am also hoeing we can educate our public to recognize the effort_ to collaborate, avoid duplication, and maxitr.ize the use of pablic tax dollars. Shortly after eight o'clock this morning, I arrived at city ha'_l to bring copies of the summer publication. Much to my surprise, Ir was delighted to see copies of our summer orochure were already on your reception counte2. Now that's a conscientious city staff member who took the initiative to bring a few conies to city hall! Please pass on my thanks to members of the city staff. It is a pleasure to work with you: Sincerely, Michael G. Looby, Director Commun'ty Education and Services Westonka P +ibiic Schools • • • 1 (a ? MINUTES CW A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK b OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MAY 9, 1991 Present were: Chair Brian Asleson. Commissioners Carhy Salley, Sh irley Andersen, Lynriel1e Skog1und, M-;ri1yn Byrnes and Carolyn Schmidt, Counc;l Representative Andreo Ahrens, Parks Director Jim Fackler, and Secretary Peggy James. Commissioner Tom Casey was absent and excuses!. The folia.Ing persons were also present: Steve Swenson, Ralph Bauer, Jim Glasoe, Dena Fanelli, and John & Dana Gonzalez. Late A pplication: Abutting Dock Site Holder Jim Fackler explained to the Commission that Mr. David Ettinger, Dock Site ##23090, 2181 Fairview Lane, has not yet submitted his 1991 dock application fee. Mr. Ettinger was unable to be present at the meeting. Fackler suggested a late fee of $40.00. Motion made by Byrnes, seconded by Schmidts to allow Mr. Ettinger to retaining his dock site subject to the pay- ment of a $40.00 late fee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES NOTION made by Baf ley, seconded by Byrnes, to approve the Parks 8 Open Space Commission M mutes of , 1991. Mo- tfon carried ur:animously. MAI PERMiT APPLICATION: John Gonzalez. 1673 Gull Lane, request f a stai on Maurfka Commons, Dock Si #021 Parks Director, Jim Fackler, explained the applicants request to construct a stairway le�ding to his dock. Fackler confirmed that the stairway is needed to allow access to the dock. Applicant, John Gonzalez, explained that last year the water level was down and therefore they could access their dock by walking on the shoreline, however, thl!s year the water has risen up to the rtprap which makes it difficuit, if not impossible, to access their dock. Mr. Gonzalez also requested that a dock section be allowed to be placed at the shoreline, up to the rtprap, between his dock and the dock to the east of his to allow access for that persons dock. If this Is allowed, it would eliminate the need for addi- tional steps leading to his dock. It was noted that both these docks sites were new two years ago, when the water level was lower. �3�q Park Commission Minutes May 9, 1991 Page 2 MOTION made by Byrnes, seconded by Andersen, to approve the construction of a stairway on Waurika Commons as proposed, including ti;e dock extension to the neighbor - ing dock, under the direction of the Parks Director. Motion carried unanimously. Bailey suggested that the Perk Commission use the "flow chart" when considering these requests. This request u'll be heard by the City Counci: on May 28, 1991. MAINTENANCE ' ERMiT_APPLICA - "4 S teve Swenson, 4865 island View Drive, requ to rep I ' a? ;_r and add two retaining waI is on Devon Commons Parks Director, Jim Faci,Ier, reviewed the applicants request to replace a stairway on thN Commmons and to install two retaining walls. Fackler explained tnat the existing stairway is unsafe, and the retaining walls will help eliminate erosion which has ex- posed the roots of two trees. There are no other trees on the site that would be rern.ived to allow these Improvements. .7 The Commission confirmed that, due to topography, this area Of commons is not accessible to the public, other than by boat. 0 MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Byrnes to recommend ap- proval of the Maintenance Permit for 4865 Island View Drive to allow the replacement of a stairway and the const.-Jctlon of two retaining walls -aer plans. Motion carried unanimously.j The parks director confirmed that the stairway must meet Building Code requirements. This request will be heard by the City Counci, on May 28, 1991. REQUEST FOR LIGHT AT TYRONE P ARK: requested by Jennifer Wililams 2637 Clare L ane Parks Director, Jim 73ckler•, informed the Commission that there once was a light in this park which was installed for the skating rink. However, this light has not been operable for about six years and about two years ago the skating shelter was removed. Fackler �jdded that none of the parks have lights operatIng dur!ng the surr.° _-r . H i g h l a n d P jr - K. Ph i i brook Park and Three Points Park have lights, but they are used for the :skating rinks only and are turned off in the summer. 0 The Commission questioned who would pay for the electric bill. It was suggested that the nelght�orhood could submit a petition if they feel strongly about the need for a light in the park. ��0 Park Commission Minutes May 9, 1991 Rage 3 MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Skoglund to deny the request for a light in Tyrone Park since there are no other lights in any other parks during the summer. Mo- tion carried unanimously. The Commission also talked about curfew hours and if children should be at the park after dark. REQUEST FOR POSTS AT CRESCENT PARK TO PREVENT VEHICLES FROM DRIV- iNG ON THE PARKS Ralph Sauer This was an add -on item to the agenda. Mr. Bauer was present to request that posts be installed along the road where Sumach meets Sparrow to prevent cars from driving on the park. When it rains and the cars drive In the park it causes large ruts. There is parking available along side the road. Teen -Alters in the area are using the area for other uses that civic uses. Jim Fackler explained that this area is used by the Street Department for snow removal. He also added that the budget is tight and he does not hove the funds to pay for the posts. There was a question as to why there was a curb cut. at the park which no one knew the answer to. Mr. Bauer stated that there was a sign in the park stating rules (i.e. no motorized vehicles, no alcohol, etc. allowed in the park) which was vandalized and removed by the Parks Department. Byrnes suggested that Jim Fackler kee this request in mind and If funds become available the posts can then to installed. Balley also suggested that the sign listing the riles for the park be replaced. No action was taken. C OMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS P - UPDATE FROM SUBCOMMITTEE Jim Glasoe, Recreation Director for Westonka Community Services w?s present to discuss the parks and lifeguard programs for 1991. He e x p l a i n e d that the program for 1991 Is already i n place and would be difficult to charge at this time since summer bulletins are already being printed. The 1990 att ndance records for park program participation and special events descriptions were reviewed. Bailey commented on the subcommittee's discussions that, In the future, they hope the Community Services youth group /center can be incorporated with the parks program. 1371 Park Commission Minutes May 9, 1991 Page 4 It was determined that this is the wrong time of year to re- evaluate the programs and this should be done when the budget is reviewed In August. MOTION made by Byrnes, seconded by Schmidt to approve the 1991 Parks Program and Lifeguard Program Agreements with Community Services as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. The Community Services Agreements will be submitted to the City Council for their approval at the May 28, 1991 meeting. LIGHTS ON COMMONS - SETTING A POLICY Jim Fackler explained that they have not yet gathered an accurate count of the number of lights on commons property as the Dock In- spector has not finished his rounds of inspections to -date. Creating criteria for granting or denying requests for lights on the commons was discussed. The pros and cons of having a light were discussed, some pros were: safety, deter Juvenile theft (professionals would not be deterred by a light), and the water patrol is In favor of lighting; some cons were: aesthetics, potential liability to the city (check with attorney), and they may make public property appear to be . ivate property. There was a question as to what the proposed shoreland management ordinance says about lights; staff should check this out. Balley refered to the flow chart again, which she feels could be advantageous If used in reviewing requests for lights. Skoglund commented or . Motyka's request for a light and stated that since the last meeting she has visited the site, and in her opinion, this location Is a good example where a light should be allowed due to the topography. She added that with this request It Is a safety Issue, and that a] l his neighbors have i i ghts on their docks. She talked to Mr. Motyka who stated he Is willing to piit a timer on the light if the Commission would prefer. The Commission questioned what neighbors have maintenance per- mits. Baliey commented that she recalls only ;,ne permit Issued for that area. Mr. Motyka's plan was reviewed agal,+ by the Commission. It was determined that a policy will possibly not be developed ut'ti: the June meeting which would delay the installation of Mr. Motyka's light until July. • • C7 1372 Park Commission M nutes May 9, 1991 Page 5 MOTION made by Skogiund, seconded by Andersen to approve the Maintenance Permit for 1545 Bluebird Lane to allow a Iight on his dock for safety reasons upon the condition that the light is installed under the direction of the Parks Director to ensure proper glare and installation. Motion carried 6 - 1. Those in favor were: Skogiund, Ahrens, Andersen, Byrnes, Bailey E Schmidt. Asleson was opposed. This request will be heard by the City Council on May 28, 1991. Setting criteria for a policy on lights was further discussed. It was suggested that staff gather information from NSP and the Water Patrol on what type of lighting they would recommend. The Dock Inspector is to inventory the existing lights on the com- mons. It was also suggested that when a request for a light is submitted, the abutting neighbors be notified of the request. MOTION made by Skogiund, seconded by Schmidt to have staff draft guidelines for a policy on allowing lights on the commons and discuss them at the June Park Commis- sion Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. HIGHLAND PARK LI GHT_- UPDATE. The Parks Director reported that NSP will be readjusting the light at Highland Park or putting a shroud on it to help al- leviate the glare onto the lake. NATURE CONSERVATION AREAS INVENTORY - UPDATE The Commission determined that in July the Commissioner's should be prepared to recommend one or two potential nature areas / open spaces which should be visited on the Annual Park Tour. Asleson reviewed the time schedule and noted the next steps are to discuss "agency control" and "cost research." The Commission .determined that first they will finish their inventory. They still need to determine a definition for "nature conservation area." SET DATE FOR ANNUAL PARK TOUR The Commission determined to have the Annual Park Tour on August 8, 1991. • 13 73 Park Commission Minutes May 9, 1991 Page 6 Denbigh Road - New Dock Sites The Parks Director informed the Commission that it has been dis- covered that the City owns Lakeshore property abutting three lots on Denbigh Road. To -date these three residents have used the lakeshore as private lakeshore. This issue will be coming to the Park Commission at a future meeting. City Council Representative's Report Ahrens informed the Commission that the Council has suggested the Park Commission plant wild flowers in the nature area on the south side of City Hall. Fackler stated that they have received some seeds of wild flowers which have already been planted in the area. Parks Director's Report Mulch is going to be put In the planters I n downtown so flowers may be planted. Philbrook and Tyrone Parks are in the process of having bounce toys installed. The Jaycees are doing some im- provements at Mound Bay Park including laying plastic covered with rocks under the deck. Fackler reviewed the status of the water fountains, of which none are In working order at this time, and they are too costly to repair. The fountain at Three Points park is the only one that may be repairable at a low cost. Since the Dock Inspector was unable to be present, Fackler reviewed dock statistics, as follows: 444 Dock Sites in Mound 372 Applications Received To -Date 24 Sites Unusable 27 Abutting Dock Site Holders Not Paid 17 Sites are Available 4 Sites have been Eliminated ('er tifIcate of Recognition for Nell Weber MOTION made by Skoglund, seconded by Schmidt, to have staff prepare a Certificate of Award for Neil Weber's years of service on the Park Commission. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION MADE BY SKOGLUND, SECONDED BY BYRNES TO ADJOURN THE PARKS 3 OPEN SPACE COMMISSION MEETING AT 10:49 P.M. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 0 I 31 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 13, 1991 Those present were: Bill Meyer, Chair; Geoff Michael; Bill Thal; Frank Weiland; Michael Mueller; and Mark Hanus; Liz Jensen, C.ty Council Representative; Jon Sutherland, Building Official; and Peggy James, Secretary. Bill Voss was absent and excused. Jerry Clapsaddle was absent. The following citizens were also in attendance: Bill Killion, Frank Drey, Oswin Pflug, Sandy Demko, Walter Neske, Mark Shepherd, Thomas Hart, Phil Shepherd, Cindy Shepherd, Cindy Palm, Thomas Nichols, and Ken Berres. Chair Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Thal, to approve the April 22, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 91 -008: Hark Hanus, 4446 Denbigh Road, Lot 11 Block I. Avalon. RID #19- 117 -23 2"001. VARIANCE: SIDE YARD SETBACK, Michael Mueller, who removed himself from the board at the June 22nd Planning Commission meeting when this case was originally presented, informed the commission that he no longer has a con- tractual agreement with the applicant and therefore asked the Commission for their approval to allow him to remain on the board for this case. The Commissioner's agreed to allow Mueller to remain. Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the revisions of this variance request with the Planning Commission. The applicant has agreed to remove the workshop/ concrete slab at the lakeside of the principal structure resulting in a conforming lakeshore set- back of 51.20 feet. The only nonconformity to the principal structure is an existing side yard setback of 4.21 feet resulting in a request for a 1.79 foot variance. The detached garage is also nonconforming as it is only 10.51 feet from the Denbigh Road right -of -way. The required setback is 20 feet. Staff recommended that the side yard setback variance for the principal structure and the axistin3 acc`ssory building (garage) be approved subject to the following findings and conditions: . 1. The Planning Commission finds that a condition of practical difficulty exists in the strict interpretation of the Zoning Code relative to this property. Ial 5 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1991 Page 2 2. A side yard setback variance of 1.79 feet is hereby granted for the addition of a second story and an addition to the south side of the existing home with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, non- conforming use, subject to all of the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. A front yard setback variance of 9.51 feet is hereby granted for the existing accessory building garage with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions of the Zoning Code. 4. Prior to the filing of this variance with the County, the applicant shall apply for participation in the Mound commons dock program and will be afforded use of the lakeshore under the terms and conditions of that program. Weiland commented that he would like a guaranty that the noncon- forming detached garage be removed. Hanus commented ths,. he does plan to take it down, however, he does not have the funds to do so immediately. Hanus commented on condition number four relating to the commons dock program. He requested that the condition be removed. He did not agree with the wording of the condition which he inter- preted to mean that he must apply for participation. Mueller commented that by approving condition number four, they would be overstepping the bounds of the Park Commission since this area has not be designated for docks by them yet. Some Commissioner's were confused,about the difference between "commons" and City owned property. Jensen explained that be it commons or City owned property, there is no difference, dock sites may be designated on any city property. DiOferent suggestions were made to reword the condition. Mr. Oswin Pflug, neighbor to the applicant, spoke in opposition to the proposed variance due to the fact that the proposed second floor will block his lake view and sunlight. Hanus handed out drawings to the Commission which showed the amount o? lake view lost clue to the proposed addition, which is minimal. NOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Mayer to approve staff recommendation for approval with the amended con- ditions, as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds that a condition of practical difficulty exists in the strict inter- pretation of the Zoning Code relative to this property. • Planning Commission Minutes is May 13, 1991 Page 3 2. A side yard setback variance of 1.79 feet is hereby granted for the addition of a second story and an addition to the south side of the existing home with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, non - conforming use, sub- ject to all of the provisions of the Zoning code. 3. A front yard setback variance of 9.51 feet is hereby granted for the existing accessory building garage with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions of the Zoning Code. This detached garage be removed from the property -ithin two years from the date of approval of the variance. 4. The Planninq Commission recognizes a potential situation relating to the lakeshore property which is City owned, and of which the applicant has in- stalled a dock on this city property. The Planning Commission refers this matter to the City Council for the appropriate action. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on May 28, 1991. Case No. 91 -009: Bill i Betsy Killion, 5227 Bartlett Blvd., part Of-lots S. 12, 13, Block 1 S 2, Shirley Hills Unit c, PID #24 117 -24 24-0013. EASEMENT VACATION (PUBLIC HEARING), The Building Official reviewed the City Engineer's recommendation for approval of the Easement Vacation. The subject easement will be relocated on the same property to allow a conforming addition to the applicants principal structure. Recommendation for ap- proval is subject to the applicant submitting an escrow payment of $500 to cover the City's direct outside expenses. Chair Meyer opened the public hearing. There being no comments, Chair Meyer closed the public hearing. Motion made by Mueller, seconded by Thal to approve the City Engineer's recommendation for approval of the utility easement vacation. Potion carri un rir risly. This case will be heard by the City Council on May 14, 1991. 1377 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 1991 Page 4 Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request to subdivide a vacant parcel and combine it with both ad- joining conforming properties. Staff recommended approval of the subdivision request with the condition that an updated survey be required for each lot to include all structures on site. MOTION sad* by xueller, seconded by Thai to approve staff recommendation for approval with the condition that an updated survey be submitted for each lot includ- ing all structures on site. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be reviewed by the City Council on May 28, 1991. • Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request for a 25 foot variance to the required 30 foot front yard setback requirement from an unimproved 8 foot wide alley. The applicant is proposing to construct a 26' x 32' detached garage. Staff recommended granting the variance with the condition the applicant be required to complete the street vacation process. In the event the Planning Commission and City Council would not grant the vacation, the variance would still be in effect. A building permit for the garage would not be issued until the ap- plication for vacation has been received. The applicant, Walter Neske, explained to the Commission that he does not want the street, and neither does his neighbor. He stated it is used for dumping of refuse which he does not want to be responsible for. The Building official clarified staff's position from the City Planner's perspective, that this property ends up being a burden on the city, and it is recommended this alley be vacated and a variance not be granted unless the applicant would apply for a vacation. He also clarified that the portion of alley recom- mended to be vacated be that portion between Red Oak and Birch. Mueller commented that he does not agree with staff's recommenda- tion. He does not feel this s be treated as a corner lot since the alley is not improved or used, and maybe the ordinance should be revised to allow a closer setback to unimproved alleys. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Weiland, to approve the variance with no stipulations. Motion failad. Those in favor were: Mueller, Weiland and Sanus. Those 13'1 opposed were: Thal, Meyer, Jensen and Michael. Planning Commission Minutes may ii, 1991 Page 5 Thal questioned if the City can initiate a street vacation. The Building Official sugg.::ted that the question bs referred to the City Attorney. The applicant commented that there are three existing nonconform- ing properties due to the required 30 foot setback from this al- ley. Thal questioned if the City could absorb the vacation ap- plication fee. NOTION made by Thal, seconded by Hanus, that the plan - ninq Commission recommends granting the valiance with the condition that the alley be vacated. The planning Commission further recommends the City initiate the vacation action, and if not possible, the applicant will file, and the City will waive the fee. In the event the Planning Commission and city Council would not grant the vacation, the variance will still be in effect. Notion carried unanimous'.y. This case will be heard by tte City Council on June 11, 1991, at the applicants request. Case NO , - Ken & Barb Ber e . part of ;ca mas 21 & 22, T, ynwold Park_ 1__PID 114 - 117 -24 44 0010. MOVING $GILDING (garage CoNDITICNAL IISB PERMIT (PUBLIC IIL :titan)_ Building Official, ,Ion Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request for a permit to allow a 22' x 24' detached accessory building to be moved onto his property. The proposed garage location will meet all setback requirements, it will be 10 feet from the north front property line, 15 feet from the west side, and 36 feet to the east side. Staff has conducted the required inspection of the garage and has determined it is in substantial compliance with the Building and City Code, with the exception of some additional bracint; to the rafters is needed and a treated sill plate will be required to be installed. Staff recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow the applicant to move in the 22' x 24 detached accessory build- ing with the condition that all aspects of this structure must meet all applicable zoning, City and Building Code requirements. Chair Meyer opened public hearing. There being no comments, Chair Meyer closed the public hearing. There was some disc: -;lion by the Commission relating to the sur- vey, should a revised survey be required? The Building Official recommended that if the property markers at the north property line are located this would be sufficient considering the 137 9 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 199. Page 6 applicant does have an existing survey and th( -: e is a two fou ;_ lee -way from she rc quired setback to the north <.r:rl the othei. stnt- backs exceed the minimum setbacks required. MOTION made by Michael, seconded by Hrknus, to approvo staff recommendation for approval. Motion rirried 6 "1 1. Those in favor Were: Weiland, Thal, Meyer, 3en Manus, and Michael. Mueller vas opposed. Mueller commented on his reason for opposing. Ht, tits9 that the proposed location of the garage could have been L- lotti F ;:;ibly further from the north property line. This case will be heard by the City Council on June 11, C a s• No. 91 Phil--,I Cindy Shepherd, 5 162 Tuxedo_ 51v6_. ,.__ Lot 19 Whicple Shores, PID #24- 117 -24 43 0070. V ARIANCE : LARCSHORE BBTBACK, The Building Official reviewed the City Planner's report. The applicant is proposing to convert an existing 12.5' x 22' uleck into a 12.5' x 14' living room addition and a 12.5' x 8' screened deck. The existing homes is nonconforming due to an cox st ing side yard setback of 3.1 feet. In addition, the existing deck and proposed addition is 2.5 feet from the siee lot line and 39 feet from the ordinary high water of 929.4. Staff recommended approval of the lakeshore and side yard setback variances allowing reconstruction of the existing deck into living space and a screened porch subject to the following conditions: 1. The approval shall be specifically for a 10' x 22' expansion resulting in a lakeshore setback variance of 19 feet (31' compared to the required 50 and a side yard setback variance of 3.5 feet (2.5' compared to 6' required). 2. This variance is being granted on the basis that the topog- raphy and tree cover on the existing lot reasonably precludes expansion of the existing tome on another portion of the site. The Commission questioned the ccnformance of the deck at the lakeshore. It was determined that this is a detached p lfc)rr therefore it is not regulated. Mueller commented on the proposed addition and stated that he feels there are other options. if the addition was allow;�d in the proposed location and constructed with a 2' overhang, it would only be .5 feet from the property line.. Va Plaining Commission Minutes May 13, 1991 Pagc 7 The applicant explained that the hou-e was originally r cabin and has previously been added onto. It has an odd floor plan. Muel- ler suggested adding on to the southwest side of the structure. NOTION made by Weiland, secondee. by Thal to table the requc.3t to allow the applio.:t ti:ae to submit a revised plan. Motion carried unaLiZIUSly. C.ks. No. 41-015: Thom Vichols. 4� 7 W l shixe Hlyd., Lots 12, 1 3, 14, 20, 21, 22. 23 6 1/2 of /1 in B -Lt,y s i Oetc and Blo, 76 in W chy^od, PI f24- 117 - 24 14 O Q57, 0052 i 41- 0 163, 0164. MINOR S The Building Official r the City Planner's report. The applicant is see::ing approval of a 41.-or subdivision to create two .Lots, both of which will have detached lakeshore separated by Wilshire Blvd. Both parcels will meet the minimum lot area rern)irement of 6,000 square feet; Parcel A will be 15,326 square i and Parcel B will be 14,821 square feet. Parcel A contains an existing structure and Parcel B is a vacant lot. In addit: on to Parcels A and B, the parcel on the north side of Wilshire Blvd. will be divided into two parcels as follows: Par- cel C will be 2,280 square feet, and Parcel D will be 4,860 square feet. The applicant plans to have Parcels A and D combined and Parcels B and C combined resulting in two building sites with detached, deeded lakeshore. Parcel B presently has a driveway access off of Brighton Blvd. It is assumed that Parcel A will have a similar driveway con- figuration since the front of the property on Wilshire contains a steep slope. Wilshire is also a County road necessitating the issuance of a driveway permit from Hennepin County. Staff recommended approval of the minor subdivision contingent upon the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall combine parcels A and D and shall also combine parcels B and C. 2. The applicant shall either remove a portion of the deck on the west side of the existing home or relocate the lot line separating 'Parcels A and 2 in oruler tj create a two foot distance between the property line and the edge of the deck. If the applicant elects to relocate the lot line, a new sur- vey and corresponding legal descriptions will need to be submitted to the City of Mound prior to the filing of the subdivision with Hennepin County. 131? 1 CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 5- -28 -91 #3 Riafx' BiT Ott Og 1/Y lWMM■w. 3� � �w�r � *rr � Rx► I,3 ' N N'tILr 1 :. f ow i i�