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1991-06-25 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 6 =25 -91 #2 Y CI OF CI T QF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 243A P.N. TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CSAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. RECYCLOTTO - PRESENTATION OF $150 WESTONKA DOLLARS TO ROSENCRANTZ, 2672 WILSHIRE BLVD. 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 1991, REGULAR MEETING JUNE 18, 1991, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. PG. 1547 -1556 4. PUBLIC nARINGt DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS. PG. 1557 5. LETTER FROM TOM CASEY, RE: CITY'S SALE OF PROPERTY AT 1721 DOVE LANE. PG. 1558 -1560 6. CASE #91-0121 LEMUEL & EDITH SPROW, 5525 EARTLETT BLVD., PART OF TATS 12 & 13, BARTLETT PLACE, PID #24- 117 -24 23 0017. MUST; VARIANCE - EXISTING NONCONFORMING DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING. PG. 1561 -1570 7. CASE #91 -014: PHIL & CINDY SHEPHERD, 5162 TUXEDO BLVD., LOT 18, WHIPPLE SHORES, PID #24- 117 -24 43 0070. RBOUESTt VARIANCE - LAKESHORE SETBACK & EXISTING NONCONFORMING SIDE YARD SETBACK PG. 1571 -1592 8. CABS #91 -017t DOUGLAS JOHNSON, 1760 SUMACH LANE, TATS 17 & 20, BLACK 1:, SHADYWOOD POINT, PID #13- 117 -24 14 0027. REOUEBT: VARIANCE - STREET FRONTAGE & ACCESS WIDTH. PG. 1593 -1605 9. CASE #91 -019: STEVE KIRSHBAUM, 4590 DENBIGH ROAD, LOT 6, BLOCK 3, AVALON, PID #19- 117 -23 31 0006. REOUEBT: VARIANCE - LAKESIDE °ETBACK & EXISTING NONCONFORMING ACCESSORY BUILDING. PG. 1606 -1619 10. Cb #91 -0203 FRED & NORMA ASHER, 2007 LAKESIDE LANE, TATS 11 & 12, BLOCK 10, SHADYWOOD POINT PID #18- 117 -23 32 0021. Page 1545 A m`,' REQUEST: VARIANCE- FRONT YARD SETBACK. PG. 1620 -1632 11. RESOLUTION TO ADD "NO TRAILER PARKING" SIGNS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BARTLETT BLVD., EAST OF COUNTY RD. 110. PG. 1633 -1635 12. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 13. RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF PARK & OPEN SPACE COMMISSION TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM OF NEIL WEBER. PG. 1636 14. APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 491 TO THE CITY CODE RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. PG. 1637 -1640 15. APPROVAL FOR THE REPEAL OF SECTION 800:10, SURD. 6, OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO SURETY BOND FOR LIQUOR LICENSES. PG. 1641 -1642 16. APPROVAL ON THE PAINTING OF ISLAND PARK GARAGE. PG. 1643 -1647 17 APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF OPTION CONTRACT WITH ANTHONY'S FLORAL. (TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY). 18. DISCUSSION: SOIL SAMPLES /ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - ANTHONY'S FLORAL PROPERTY. (NOTE: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WILL BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING.) 19. LICENSE APPROVAL. PG. 1648 20. PAYMENT OF BILLS. PG. 1649-1661 21. IQRMAT IOMI SCELLANEOUS A. Financial report for May 1991, as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. Pg. 1662 -1663 B. Planning Commission Minutes of June 10, 1991. Pg. 1664 -1670 C. Park & Open Space Commission Minutes of June 13, 1991. Pa. 1671 -1677 D. LMCD response dated June 18, 1991, to the City of Tonka Bay questions on Proposed 1991 Budget. Pg. 1678 -1684 E. REMINDER: July 16, 1991, C.O.W. meeting will be devoted to discussing the EDC's recommendation on a theme for downtown Mound. F. Highway 12 forecasts from the City of Long Lake which may be of interest to you. Pg. 1685 -1700 • Page 1546 101 June 11, 1991 MINUTES - CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JUNE il, 1991 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 11, 1991, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Skip Johnson, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jerssen and Ken Smith. Phyllis Jessen was absent and excused. Also present: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., Building Official Jon Sutherland, City Attorney Curt Pearson, Deputy Clerk Linda Strong and the following interested citizens: Judy Marshik, Paul Meisel, Ray E. Jones, Rick Nagamitso, Lorrie Ham, Mary Harrell, Lin Terwilliger, Barb Berres, Tom Reese, Mark Breuer, Bruce Chamberlain, Julie Kluver, Karen King, Fred Guttormson, Bob Morgan, Thomas Hart, Hennepin County Park Commissioner Jim White, Supervisor of the Parks District Doug Bryant and Tom McDowell of the Suburban Hennepin Parks District. The Mayor opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance. MINt 1 TES Council discussed the Board of Review minutes regarding Willard Morton. The Assessor did suggest to reduce the value by $5000, and the Council voted accordingly. Also, a previous mayor's name was used incorrectly. 1.1 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Smith and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 28, 1991 Reconvened Local Board of Review and the regular meeting as amended. 1.2 PUB HEARING! -CASE #91 -013: Request for a conditional use permit for move'a building (garage) to 5724 Lynwood Blvd. Ken A Barb Berres, Part of Lots 21 A 22 Lynwold Park, PID #14- 117 -24 44 0010. Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing asking if there was anyone present who wished to speak on this item. There was no one. The mayor closed the public hearing. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION # 9 1 -U RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW THE MOVING OF A DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING (GARAGE) FROM OUTSIDE THE CITY OF MOUND TO 5724 LYNWOOD BLVD., PART OF LOTS 21 & 22, LYNWOLD PARK, LAKE MINNETONKA. PID #14- 117 -24 44 0010. (P & Z CASE 91 -013) The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. I S 0 102 June 11, 1991 1.3 DISCUSSION: EURASIAN WATER MILFOIL PROGRAM ON LAKE MINNETONKA, PRESENTED BY HENNEPIN PARKS AND LMCD. City Manager Ed Shukle stated that the LMCD had made a request to Hennepin County Parks to utilize an area within Carver Park to dispose of Eurasian Milfoil. A site at the south end of Lake Minnetonka was needed for composting milfoil as trucking it out Of the area is costly. Hennepin Parks denied the requests. Council is asking why this cannot be arranged. He introduced Doug Bryant, Supervisor of the Parks District; Jim White, 4th District Commissioner; Tom McDowell, Suburban Hennepin County Parks District and Tom Reese, Mound's LMCD representative. Tom McDowell explained that Carver Park Reserve is managed on an 80/20 plan. Eighty percent of the 3700 acres are to remain totally natural and milfoil deposits would not be consistent with the surroundings. In the future, a portion of the 205 usable area may be available for milfoil composting. Mr. Bryant stated that the Parks Board would have to evaluate and research this possibility in 1992. Mr. Reese stated that the LMCD needs only 3 -5 acres of the 3700 acres at Carver Park. The land purchased by Hennepin Parks for the new park on Lake Minnetonka was discussed by Council as a possible composting site as this land is sitting empty until the park is developed. Mayor Johnson stated that this should be a cooperative effort between Hennepin Parks and the lake communities. The county has several parks on the lake, plans to have more and the lake is in Hennepin County. The LMCD is asking for a small space, not money or time. Mr. Reese stated that harvesting begins June 17th. Funds are very low so the closest compost site would save dollars. Councilmember Jensen asked to be informed as Hennepin Parks discusses and evaluates this issue. 1.14 HECYCLOTTO WINNER Mayor Johnson announced there was a recyclotto winner. Mr. Ray Jones was present arid received $200 in Westonka Dollars for his recycling effort. 1.5 CASE 091 -011: WALTER NESKE, 6225 RED OAK ROAD, PARTS OF LOTS 3 4 A 5 BLOCK 7 MOUND TERRACE, PID 014- 117 -24 32 0036. REQUEST: SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE. Building Official Jon Sutherland explained this case to Council. The applicant is requesting a 25 foot variance to the required 30 foot front yard setback requirement from an unimproved 8' wide alley. The applicant is proposing to construct a 26' by 32' detached garage. Staff recommended granting the variance with the condition the applicant be required to complete the street vacation process. City Attorney Curt Pearson stated that the City could start the street vacation process and then the variance would not be required. Council agreed to the variance deleting the statement that the applicant must file for street 161g9 103 June 11, 1991 vacation. Smith moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTIO 1 -78 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO GRANT A SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE FOR PART OF LOTS 3, 4, d 5, BLOCK 7, MOUND TERRACE, PID R14 -117- 24 32 0036. 6225 RED OAK ROAD, PZ 091 - 911, ELIMINATING "CONTINGENT UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ...ALL OF ITEM A)•. The vote carried with three in favor, Johnson voting no and Jessen absent and excused. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Smith and carried unani®ously to direct staff restudying the vacation of the alley between Red Oak and Birch Lane. 1.6 EASE 91 -016: TOM REESE, 5641 BARTLETT BLVD., PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 23, PID 123- 117 -24 14 0003. REQUEST: SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE Building Official Jon Sutherland stated that this item was before the Planning Commission on June 10, 1991 (last night) and that it passed unanimously with the Commission. N Jensen moved and Andrea seconded the following resolution: U-SOLUTION 141 -79 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE AND APPROVE A VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ACCESSORY BUILDING AT PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 23, PID #23- 117-24 14 0003, 5641 BARTLETT BLVD., PZ 191 -016 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1 •7 U31L -0..-91_Q1$ WAYNE 1 LIN TERWILLIGER, LOTS 9 A 10, BLOCK 34, WYCHWOOD, PID 124 - 117 -24 42 008. REQUEST: 2 FOOT FENCE VARIANCE. Building Official Jon Sutherland stated the applicant is requesting a 2' fence variance, making their fence 61. Their property abuts a 15' wide public right -of -way on the south side of the lot, making this a corner lot with the abutting right -of- way a front yard. Code allows a maximum fence height of 48 inches in the front yard. Staff recommended approval to allow the applicants reasonable use and allow greater privacy of the tsJq 104 June 11, 1991 property. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RMLl 1Q1L.l4.L -$4 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW A 2 FOOT VARIANCE TO A FENCE AT LOTS 9 d 10, BLOCK 34 WYCHWOOD PID 024 -117 -24 42 0008 PZ 091 - 018 The vote carried with Johnson, Jensen and Ahrens voting yes. Smith abstained. 1.8 DOWNTOWN MOUND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM City Manager Ed Shukle stated the City has contracted Bruce Chamberlain, an economic development consultant to coordinate the activities of the commission. The Economic Development Commission has expanded into several subcommittees utilizing about 40 concerned volunteer residents. Bruce came before Council and updated the Council as to the progress of the Downtown Mound Project. Adopt a Green Space, Planter boxes downtown, Lost Lake plantings. Funds have become available for dressing up downtown. Several positive ideas have cove from these committee meetings. He introduced Paul Meisel, Chair of the EDC who introduced Judy Marshik, team leader of the Business Development Committee. Judy shared several ideas and options the City could pursue as a direction to choose for development. A logo and a title for the Project was presented. The title is "Mound Visions ". MOTION by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens and carried unanioously to accept the logo and name "Mound Visions* to represent the Downtown Mound Project. Being that several directions were given by the Commission, the Council chose to call a joint meeting with the Planning Commission, Parks and Open Space Commission and as many representatives of the EDC and subcom: ittees as possible to meet July 15th, at the Committee of the Whole meeting to decide on the main direction. Council would then have a decision the August 12th meeting. 1.9 IXC0)TY _1Q- AP.0PLA- LOCdi DMA SALE TAX City Manager Ed Shukle summed u the documents in the packet stating this sales tax will automatically be effective through December 31, 1991, but needs to be reinstated for 1992 by the County. If this local option sales tax is not reinstated, the City of Mound will lose more than $700,000 in local government aid and the property taxes of Mound residents would need to be �J 19 5-C) 105 J Urie 11 , 1991 is increased 17% to maintain current services. The Other option is for the City to cut services. These sales tax anoniEs would go into a trust fund and be filtered to the cities by the formula used for LGA currently for 1992. Mound's response is needed immediately. • • Smith moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: MQl.!lMN- 111 -41 RESOLUTION URGING HENNEPIN COUNTY TO ADOPT LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There were none. 1.10 APPROVAL OF A POLICY PROMOTING THE USE OF MATERIALS WITH RECYCLED CONTENT IN PUBLICLY FUNDED CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING PROJECTS City Manager Ed Shukle encouraged the Council to adopt a policy to promote the purchase and :»se of materials with recycled content in construction projects. If Mound did adopt this policy by July 1, 1991, we would be eligible to receive an additional 101 reimbursement for its recycling program expenses. The County provided a model policy for adoption. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -82 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE MODEL POLICY PROVIDED BY HENNEPIN COUNTY TO PROMOTE THE USE OF MATERIALS WITH RECYCLED CONTENT IN PUBLICLY FUNDED CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING PROJECTS. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.11 LICENUL_BU1ENAL5 The city manager stated the following businesses were requesting license renewals upon approval of current paperwork, and police approval: Al & Alma's Supper Club Brickley's Market PDQ Store $0292 Super Am erica 04194 Al & Alma's Supper Ciub House of Moy Mound Lanes .Cl.ub_,.L.iu s-e - Amer Legion #398 v c` of # 51 13 1651 106 June 11, 1991 VFW #5113 Al & Alma's Supper Club l�n -31� din - Al A Alma's Supper Club House of Moy MOTION by Smith, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to approve the license renewals as requested, contingent upon all required forms, etc. be submitted. 1 .12 E11��►� p�ybE�iL�EQ�tESL- _]�9Q_LIETT�IIQ�IHPBQYEIiEIIL- MORT HWEST MECHAH L - 32 099. 0 City Manager Ed Shukle stated that the work is completed, and the final payment is $2.099.30 which included the deduction of $1000 for not completing the project on time. MOTION by Ahrens seconded by Smith and carried unanimously to authorize payment of $2,099.30 for the 1990 Lift Station improvements, which included the deduction for late completion. 1.13 PAYMENT REQUEST - 1991 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT - A TOUR CONSTRUCTION - $20,+408.20 City Manager Ed Shukle explained that along with this payment request of $20,408.20 was Change Order #1 in the amount of $2,660.32 for the additional work required at Station B -3 because of a defective gate valve and the deeper forcemain. Jensen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RE,S.OL!lT ON- 131-$3 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PAYMENT REQUEST OF ;20,408.20 FOR THE 1991 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO LA TOUR CONSTRUCTION AND APPROVING CHANGE ORDER 01 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,660.32 FOR ADDITIONAL, WORK AT STATION B -3 DEFECTIVE GATE VALVE AND DEEPER FORCEMAIN The vote was unanimous, motiot, carried. 1.14 PM) ERT_BF_QItJ.�I - TUXEDO BLVD. RECONSTRUCTION - GMH ASPHALT - $11,739.57 City Manager Ed Shukle stated this was for the storm sewer portion of Lhe Tuxedo Blvd reconstruction from Wilshire to Clyde. Smith u.eved and Jensen seconded the following resolution; • 16S) 107 June 11, 1991 is MOTION by Smith, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to approve the payment request by GMH ASPHALT in the amount of $11,739.57 for the Tuxedo Blvd. reconstruction project, storm sewer portion. 1 - MxM-10E -DILLS MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously through roll call vote, to authorize payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount of $202, when funds become available. ADD --US City Manager Ed Shukle reminded Council of the LMCD's proposed budget. Council would like to invite Senator Gen Glsn to an upcoming council meeting. Parks and Open Space Commission will be interviewing candidates on June 13, 1991 for the vacancy on the Park Commission. The June 24th Planning Commission meeting will be on the rental housing maintenance code. Z I�StBliATISTl�L A. Department Head Monthly Reports for May, 1991. B. LMCD Representative's Monthly Report for May 1991. C. LMCD's 1991 Proposed Budget. D. LMCD Mailings. E. Letters from Ridgedale v!"CA announcing that Chief of Police Len Harrell and Officer Steve Grand have received the Red Triargle Award for YMCA Community Service to Youth and the Scott Howell Plummer Award respectively. F. Letter dated May 28, 1991, from Westonka Schools announcing the Annual Community Services meeting regarding their buget and programs. It is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 1991, 7:30 PM, District Lecture Hall of the Westonka Community Center. G. Memo from Len Harrell, Police Chief, Re: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on 48 hour Judicial Review for incarceration. H. Population growth of Hennepir. County cities between 1930 and 1 IS-5-3 108 June 11, 1991 1. Planning Commission minutes of June 4, 1991. J. Meeting summary of May 29, 1991, Meeting of LMCD member cities. NOTION by Smith, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to adjourn. C;ty Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr. Attest: City Clerk • • � �s�l • MINUTES - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - JUNE 13, 1991 Members present: Mayor Johnson:, Liz Jevsern, Pbvllis Jew, er, and lndrea Ahrens. Absent and excusad: Ken Smith. also :;re:; e r.t: City Manager Ed Shukle, Senator Gen Olson, representative Steve Smith, Building Official Jon -"utherland, Finance Director John Norman. Senator Gen Olson and Representative Steve Smith were present to address the City Council on the results of the 1991 session of the Minnesota Legislature Following their presentation, they were thanked by the Council for attending. A discussion was then held on staffing requirements and other issues with regard to the rental housing ordinance that is currently being proposed by the Planning Commission, as well as a truth in housing ordinance which is also being proposed and being reviewed by the Planning Commission. Direction was to have staff prepare a plan on what is really going to be needed in terms of staffing to handle both of these ordinances should they be adopted. John Norman, Finance Director, presented some information with regard to the status of Fund #30, which is the Capital Improvement Debt Service fund. Also discussed were projecticns for other bond fund- which will be available to the City in the next 5-7 years . The 1992 L)4CD budget was discussed. City Manager -Ed Shukle indicated that he had some questions with regard to the budget that. he had gotten answered ty Gent Strommer,, the executive director of '..MCD. After discussion, the Council indicated tr:atc.e��"`.�i,l. k t atL._ra_. the prcposed budget and asked the city ma=nager to contact the LMCD and notify them of their position. Artwork for the north wall of the City council chambers was briefly discussed. Mayor Skip Jc•hnscn is following up cn this. It was noted that the next, of the Whcle meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, 1091, at 7 PM, at city hall. :h�i- agenda will be devcted strictiy discussing dowrtcwn t"ound's theme with the Eccncrmic Deve-ormerjt Commission, F'lann Co:rTm._,sian and Pnrk:. and 0 It w ;s rsott2d by CC - inc i r _r t:er :r rta. Ahrer.„ to _ter. dt t rk';t. *. irk :cck hr" aer. ve...ti -n d. *,F ordirar;c:e tlr,� ;'. .rl w_th f r,d r_ t;.E . _.r' tjr;d Oper d . tihr; Z t-. ur.�.:r-::`c�r�, :,_F w�t}: '..._„ .,.: wan`,F•C tt: ... ar,�:_. �o rF ,:c�r'I. Committee of the Whole Minutes June 18, 1991 week of June 10, 1991. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ed Shukle City Manager • • 6/17/91 1* 11 0 250 633 135.81 $4899.04 1557 22 2800 423 117.43 22 Delinquent Sewer and Water 11 0550 301 :)39.44 is 11 22 0280 541 302.07 2920 151 2320 602 134.75 22 2350 392 94.70 22 2350 694 135.14 22 2380 664 200.43 22 2382 632 126.00 22 2440 151 127.8 22 2560 452 82.68 2Z 2592 693 124.28 22 2594 062 133.98 22 2596 421 120.04 22 2596 991 103.51 22 2598 453 110.13 22 2620 511 129.51 22 2620 751 181.09 22 2650 062 135.82 22 ?680 151 119.03 22 2800 423 117.43 22 2 482 146.66 22 2860 212 100.98 22 2860 331 164.46 22 2920 151 127.00 22 3100 513 111.36 22 3100 902 124.44 22 3102 333 103.86 22 3102 961 102.93 22 3150 092 179.88 22 3160 211 150.50 22 2800 034 143.60 22 3430 903 108.59 22 3430 995 197.09 22 3432 217 117.55 22 3640 121 144.62 22 3760 061 121.79 6/17/91 Delinquent Sewer and Water 11 0550 301 Marie Hofstadter $139.44 5139 Woodland Rd. 11 0280 541 Ronald Nelson 302.07 1656 Finch Ln. 22 ?:20 602 Thowas Couk 134.75 2343 Fairview Ln. 22 2350 392 Debra Hunter 94.70 2331 Chateau Ln. Pd. 22 2350 694 Blair /Erickson 135.14 2401 Chateau Ln. Pd. 22 2380 664 Jim Hultgren 200.43 4891 Edgewater Dr. 22 2382 632 Patrick Cary 126.00 5031 Edgewater Dr. 222440 151 Ronald Hayes 127.89 5019 Rosedale Rd. Pd. 22 2560 452 Geo Papadakas 82.;8 4980 Northern Rd. Pd. , 22 2592 693 Kevin Greves 124.28 5310 Bartlett Blvd. Pd. 22 2594 062 R. F. Martin 133.98 5452 Bartlett B1vd.Pd. 22 2596 421 Duane Raze 120.04 5892 Bartlett Blvd. Pd. 22 2596 991 Richard Zink 103.51 6112 Bartlett Blvd. 22 2598 453 Tim Wheeler 110.13 6545 Bartlett Blvd. Contract 22 2620 511 Reno Dahl 129.51 3012 Highland Blvd. Pd. 22 2620 751 John Richards 181.09 3037 Highland Blvd. Pd. $100.00 22 2650 062 Sharon Alberg 135.82 3053 Bryant Ln. Pd. 22 2680 151 Joe Maas 119.03 5901 Glenwood Rd. 22 2800 42: Tony Rasmussen 117.43 5924 Idlewood Rd. Pd 22 2830 482 May /Burman 146.66 5967 Ridgewood Rd. 22 2860 212 Richard Haas 100.98 5926 Hawthorne Rd. 22 2860 331 John Armstrong 164.46 5942 Hawthorne Rd. 22 2920 151 Todd Warner 127.00 6033 Cherrywood Rd. 22 3100 513 Paula Gronland 111.36 2668 Westedge B1vd.Pd. 22 3100 902 R.S.Johnson 124.44 2928 Westedge B1vd.Pd. 22 3102 333 Sonja Schmidt 103.86 3108 Westedge Blvd. 22 3102 961 John Erickson 102.93 6221 Westedge Blvd.Pd. 22 3150 092 Gerald Stahlke 179.88 6391 Otter Rd. 22 3160 211 Dave Randall 150.50 2640 Halstead Ln. Pd. 22 2800 034 Dennis Wolf 143.60 2710 Garden Ln. Pd. 22 3430 903 Daryl Samis 108.59 2380 Commerce Blvd. 22 3430 995 Vernon Gould 197.09 2400 Commerce Blvd. 22 3432 217 Holly Neunsinger 117.55 2509 Commerce Blvd. 22 3640 121 Jaynes Ahlstrorm 144.62 2518 Lakewood Ln. Pd. 22 3760 061 Hobert Wroda 121.79 2316 Fernside Ln. Pd. 11 0 250 633 Mickelson /Mugalla 135.81 1653 Eagle Ln. 5499.04 $2698.33 June 20, 1991 Ed Shukle, City Manager and Mound City Council 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Sale of City Property at 1721 Dove Lane (Lot 6, Block 11 Dreamwood) Dear Mr. Shukle and Mound City Council, On May 14, 1991, the City Council passed Resolution # 91 -65, which directs the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement to sell the above - described city property to the adjoining property owner for $8,000. I find it difficult to understand this decision in light of the following: 1. On August 28, 1990, the City Council passed a resolution asking the Park and Open Space Commission to develop a plan for Nature Conservation Areas. 2. Since that time the Park and Open Space Commission has spent a considerable amount of time and energy developing such a plan, without the necessary assistance of a City Planner or other professional. A list of "City Owned Property" was compiled containing over 220 parcels. The list was divided between the ni-.e Commissioners, who are to individually visit and complete a written inventory of approximately 25 parcels for possible designation as a Nature Conservation Area. 3. The above - described parcel at Dove Lane, number 71 on the "City Owned Property" list, was one of the parcels to be inventoried by the Park and Open Space Commission. 4. Commission members have not yeZ completed their inventory of the parcels assigned to them. After the inventory is completed, the Commission as a whole will review the parcels inventoried by each Commissioner and recommend which parcels should be designated as a Nature Conservation Area. The Commission will also promulgate a definition of a Nature Conservation Area. Until our tasks are completed, there is no formal basis for the Park and Open Space Commission to recommend that a particular parcel be included or excluded as a Nature Conservation Area. 1 �'7 f • • • 5. Yet, at the same time as the Park and Open Space Commission is undertaking these tasks, the City Council decided to exclude the property on Dove Lane from consideration as a Nature Conservation Area, without adopting any formal criteria as to what a Nature Conservation Area is and is not In other words, the City Council has ignored the very same process it has previously asked the Park and Open Space Commission to undertake. 6. Moreover, the Park and Open Space Commission and the Planning Commission did not have a chance to review the proposed sale and submit their recommendations. Consequently, several issues arise from the sale of this property: 1. What is a Nature Conservation Area? The City Council has apparently defined what it is not; it would save the Park and Open Space Commission a lot of precious time if we knew in advance what other parcels on the "City Owned Property" list should be omitted from review as a Nature Conservation Area. 2. Why should the Park and Open Space Commission study any parcels if the City Council is ignoring the very process it helped to set up? 3. What essential characteristics distina_uish the sale of this property from the sale of tax forfeit parcels, which require review by the Planning Commission and Park and Open Space Commission before the property is sold? In other words, shouldn't the proposed sale of al l city owned parcels be submitted to the Planning Commission and the Park and open Space Commission for their recommendations? 4. If the sale must occur, where will the proceeds be applied? If the property has not yet been formally excluded from consideration as a Nature Conservation Area, shouldn't the proceeds from the sale of the property be dedicated towards: (a) financing the restoration of other Green Space; and (b) hiring a professional planner to assist the Park and Open Space Commission in formulating a Nature Conservation ArEa plan? The City of Mound could demonstrate its dedication to establishing Nature Conservation Areas by earmarkina the proceeds from the sale of this property as "seed money" towards the program. 5. If the prepF�rty has not yet been formally excluded from consideration as a Nature Conservation Area but the City still insists on selling the property, shouldn't the City require, as a condition of sale, that conservation easements - �r conservation • restrictions be executet9 to preserve the property as 2 165 ;' Green Space? Again, the City of Mound could demonstrate its dedication to preserving our precious Green Space by placing these conditions on the sale of the property. I would also like to emphasize that this letter is not intended in any Way to disparage the proposed purchaser. The questions pertain only to the process or lack of process by which the sale of city owned property takes place. Please place this item on the next available City Council' agenda for discussion. I believe that the Park and Open Space Commission would like to hear an answer to these questions from the City Council before it's next meeting on IChursdayr July, 11th. In the mean timer it would be prudent that ;a purchase agreement not be signed until the questions $; in this l etter can be adequately answ Please call me anytime if you have any questions or comments in this regard. Thank you for your considerati:>n. Respectfully yours, Tom Casey 2854 Cambridge Lane Mound, MN 553164 472 - 1099 3 � S� r �;:,�« � ,s fir, rare: r �. �, by ►�, th + » oat a� �vl�! .' 4 k b l s 7� 777 i. s ` l 7'h a sr tvr� 1 �' n.y n i+ a rrrn 7 � � �, c�,� * k � 4- #� �.:�. i.,...� ., ' ..:..� .� .. w ...: '.�..� 1 a .. y. ,.,., t� W 1 ; be drawn up. - 7 .... bet1nMtrii #t Erie �loot thokSt cd rner of eitQ Wt :19r r�+ee+tR �pukhs ly �►ttrn; the woxt,, tIni , ,sf, tot 1! e',tllrrtrnte of 75 #fit? (##t ttwtn�t err#rtet�lr lit a tl "�tE trn t+� 5tt +i+�Cf+btty thrice rrorrherl,�r f�� ere•l�rt rlth the Muse of t 49 • dtrEenct 119.50 tree .Itrf of to t o nt. ++nthvreEtr1 li of ♦sod Lot 1s; thrr„tt •ottthwsocrely Miof'tht, , ndtthototecI -I 100 of •std G4t1 11 *4 t9 to the 1anP11E of ; btg,ti,nin *r 'RY�p - i RN lN! N�4fR I�Aii F'f il,► hv11Pr! !{�Itf + !0'l11� {HM ♦f / IY,Yeh f �b'�^" "utl + l 1 •' t fY f 11Gl afbY�Me/ii'+Y1 i'M li 1}�R �Ptltd ^db lei Ar'11 "�1 MNtl i{tl . vi•'i�M' LAND OVIVIT0111, INC ff �Q I!MlriM fYR.tlfYtl #xf•e.n! p.,�oY :+ w . }r "11t1J .. .. •.., c � �� I thS . R C. C.I�� < is .Y. tl•f IYl /. F 01A, ��., . VAt',�t RQlS.Ct f;�. "' pri�►t °1 ; cery W r i con setback rd4u e�ted sett�ck v Ltk' t vrtt N 5 eE, W ? ✓.,. $ ,ft. `) ft'. ._ #e Yt3rx N'S E).A_ _ w^ ft .. , t ft 'Sent 5e C #strlc�in' �t�- �t�nfcar the property conform to X411 .- rA,,,l I -�A+- a aruv v use ra�r any, �or to l t� ', a l l ow' t 5h age ii g. space. The indef inite state of our pl ans results from our intention s tdrrti142e tie services of " licensed architect to`develop master plan for k t operty, we chose to defer that substantial cost until we had a Ivey; as req+)ested from the building inspection department and some iti tion as to the status of 'our plans in general from the Planning 1Ssion, T e! arCtt test we've selected to warm with is particularly sensitive to the aesthetics and location of this property and we believe would create a structure that enhanced 'end contributed to the long term value of our tlwr and adjo prope rtie s. "�,' IkIsting Structure The existing structure of our home is non conforming with respect to present Set back requirements. This circumstance is, 1 under not unusual to this localit as many h omes, including our own were p ositioned on constructed long before the present codes existed, gUMents for_Hardsh n Our primaryr argument for meeting the requirements of the criteria for "hardship" as defined by information from the inspection department has operty, using the tern "'reasonable use is I. Cur property is some 30 to 5 Feet. a�cve — 7 — - —, ..,• , �. M w.••r ,•r vrvw jrv.} •v w +ry v. `.r y,yrarv,W ye YM local weather conditions, For this reason, our deck and at times our tront rooM is unusable, by construcC a porch in the area in question, tour home will be sheltered from both the heat the wind, and thereby enhancing .he reasonable _use of the property, eve are not responsib for and had no control over the present positi of our home on its lot and we have made no modifications Co Che property that would affect its need for a variance from code. We have the financial wherewithal, the inclination, and the energy to improve this pr op e rty i n a way that enhances a nd co n tributes to both our own and surrounding properties, if we are not permitted to make these Improvements, subsequent owners will eventually dome to the same conclusion that we have and it will become an increasingly diminished property as it changes hands, is rented, or sits on the market for sale. When we bought this property, it had been on the market for two years.' it had, been rented during that time and w cleaned up do excrement, beer cans and garbage for a month after we moved In, 3. .s .� l Proposed Resolution Case No. 91 -017 'age 2 2. The City Council authorizes the violations and authorizes the alterations set forth below, Pursuant to Section 23.4014, Subdivision (8') with the clear and express tinder stand ing that t'he use remains as a, lawful, nonconforming usp, subJerWt to all of the prdvi Ions and restrictions of Section Z3, 404. 3, Lt Is determined that the livability of the residential property w11i be Improved by the author1tation of the+ foI low1ng alteratlons to a Oonconf6rrning; use: of the property to afford the owner reasonable use of his'iand. a. To construct a one story 11' x 14' screened porch. 4 This variance i „s granted for'the fo1lowing';Iega1 iy.descr# bed prrop+erty i That part .of, Lot 19, Block 13, "5hadywood Pont, Men - n;ep in County, M I nnesota” lying easterly of a l l rte described as follows Beginning at a point on the southerly I ine of Lot 20, Block 13, said Addition, which point'is 91 feet easterly of the southwest corner of saki Lot 20, as measured along ttie southerly line of 'lot 20; thence northerly parallel with the west lute of said Lots 19 and 20, to the" northerly line of said Lot 19, , and there terminating. 'Also that part" of Lot 12, Block 13, "Shadywood Point, Hennepin County, Minnesota" lying` southerly of the easterly extension of the northerly' I ine of Lot 19, 81ock 13, said Addition, accord inc3 to the recorded plat thereof. Together with an easement for driveway and utility pur- poses'over under and across than part of Lot 19, Block 13. said Addition lying westerly of the above described property and northerly of a tine drawn parallel to the northerly line of Lot 19 and tying 10 feet southerly of said 'northerly line of Lot 19, and lying 10 feet southerly of said norther!y line, said 10 .feet measured at right angles to said northerly line, as shown on deed Document No. 949976, Fries of Registrar of Titles. Th is variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or. the Registrar of hies i n Hennepin County pursuant to Min - nesota State Statute-, Section 462.36, S u b d i v i s i o n ( 1 ) . T h i s shall be `coos i tiered a restriction on how this property may be used. Proposed Resolution Cate No. 9I -017 Page 3 S. The property owner sna I I have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying ail casts for such recording. The building permit shati not be issued until ' proof of recording has been filed w i th t he City C I etk . i MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISMY PLANN COMMISSION .JUNE 10, 1991 S"-,e , No. 9 t-21 7t , Doug l as gohn son : 17 ,¢0 Sumach i,m�ng �. , pti 17 j 2Q . 81CCk 13.. ��c�di eginty 112 t 4 1 0027 V A . x st f r Bc's tt i h ' Bul l W I I ng Off Ile 1 Jon 'gather t and reviewed the ep#a i i cant' s r equest to add a comply porch to the exIst structure. A variance I S required because the property does not abut , a dedl- cateci public street. Access i provi through a deeded ease - Ment, however, th easement 1 s on I y t i feet i n w I clth. 1 he. Zon fing Code requires a m i n lmum excess width of 12 feet. t S taff recommended approver of the street frontage and access width vari to allow the applicants r °easonable use of the° rand. Fire Marshal, Jerry Babb, emphasi the neeJ `or a 12'fvot wide access. The Planning Comm issI on discussed the access and the ex- f st i'ng garage on the adjoining property whi 1 4 m i is the width of the access. They determined that they'do` not have the author Ity to requi that thi easem,, be 12 feet wide. MOTION made by Voss, seconded try Manus to recommend ap- prova1 of staff recommendati for approval of the street frontage and access width var iances to allow the applicants reasonable use of the lend. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on June 25, 199i.; _„ ���. .. ,� �s-�.• �1r.. x+*r �arr Z.,a r.r +r^rv� ,,r y toner Name A/ Day Phone 3` �� �?�`�' "M "s Address � .x'71..0 si. �+74e )+ c. '14"�j c APp i i t~al1 .7 Name O f o t han owne Day Ph .dt -- .. 8l ock l� Add i on �t iftt� ,� a,�,n ri F�cy f ,� + - P Y d No 4-- t �7 Existi of Propertya zoo no Of st rict Has an` application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use perm t,. other zoning Procedure f thi property?*yes ( }. no yes.` z list dates) of. appticati action taken, and provide resoluti numbers) (copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application }. VARIANCE; REQUESTED FOR: 60 Principal Building ( ) Accessory Buildi direction setback setback VARIANCE requested required REQUESTED Front Yard: ( 5 E W ) ft. ft. ft. Reds Yard ( N S E W ) ft. _ ft _ ft Lake Front: ( N E W ) ft. ft. _ _ ft. Side Yards ( N SGE' W ) _ ft. _ ft. _ ft. Side Yards N S` EC?) ft. ft. ft. __. Lot 'Sizes _sq ft _ sq ft -- - ft J , ,- j C+ CJer.btA. a C 1 i rr ('C1 vC" j � � � I c� ( C1 ih-t _ of "�-�., 4 �WI�. /'�P'll �,...., ,�. . I(K Z Aee2 3 '�' it � f ° �" ...� LJ T�'"�.t� ! �»... � —� r`� x'61. y+ v �.".1. J • l � i..y ' `J W. i ty E Aee2 3 JEFFREY C MENTH ELIZABETH M. O'BERRY 1748 SUMACH LANE MOUND, MN 55364 lwok1 • �_� �UtV_ I►t�f2cGUIREM " "t+1T� �^�, A 40 40 r'� • t p E R i �S PARS __s 9 5 feet �Attif S!1tJF:E: 5r ff = _. ' 2 yY ,btu • __, N._ - . .� a E x ?T I N S F f2+�t'C75E0 SETBA FRONT: t 1 1760 Sumach Lane Shadywood Point t. -4 - S!OE: F Duu9les Johnson (3-30-84) Block 13 -- . -._.._ SIDE: 4 13-1111 0021 k (61980) REAR ! T"At PAat Of IotS. 1, A14. H trillF fly Of a t tMY 11tPMif6 /er PAP M nY LAKE L K r tI►ES 111Qf f1N7l1 ♦ Pf 4YY ttr t1W of is zs *IS 11 FT 1ty Of sm C4R 1poF +43 lE AS .at4w Ul•- :.t r k 11 At -%(, 1 Wy. PART Cw ! I t sty Of W, tx4pr14N 1!f say tlYi - tot I2 tT1w DATE N By x -' L M � � 7 t If APPL I C-ANT 1 7C�h if 3 ► �• • `c T I� DBLK: ADON S [�LLT u 7ti s ZONE x � A REQUIRED LOT AREAS C EXISTING LOT AREA: > EZ R tr - fi'£Qi! I RED SIaT E3ACKS w' ` f RON u ! H i DE: 40 r'� • t p E R i �S PARS __s 9 5 feet �Attif S!1tJF:E: 5r ff = _. ' 2 yY ,btu • __, N._ - . .� a E x ?T I N S F f2+�t'C75E0 SETBA FRONT: t 1 1760 Sumach Lane Shadywood Point t. -4 - S!OE: F Duu9les Johnson (3-30-84) Block 13 -- . -._.._ SIDE: 4 13-1111 0021 k (61980) REAR ! T"At PAat Of IotS. 1, A14. H trillF fly Of a t tMY 11tPMif6 /er PAP M nY LAKE L K r tI►ES 111Qf f1N7l1 ♦ Pf 4YY ttr t1W of is zs *IS 11 FT 1ty Of sm C4R 1poF +43 lE AS .at4w Ul•- :.t r k 11 At -%(, 1 Wy. PART Cw ! I t sty Of W, tx4pr14N 1!f say tlYi - tot I2 tT1w DATE N By x -' L M � � 7 t If �aC)t 'T PROP()':-&0 KE: t.1 ION = CASE N O. 91-019 RESOLUTION #91- RE5 1LUT I ON 10 CONCUR W I T H THE PLANNING COMMI TO APPROVE A L. AKE S 1 0 E . SE TBACK VARIANCE, A LOT S I Z E - VARIAN AND RECOGNIZE AN E X I S T I N G NONCONFORMING ACCESSORY BUILDING TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A "DECK FOR LOT:' 6, BLOCK 3, AVALON, PID ;#19- 117 -23 31 0006 ( 4590 DENBIGH ROAD) , p8Z CASE, NO, WHEREAS, the app l i cant has appl for a lakeside setback variance of 14 feet and to recognize an existing nonconforming accessory bu "iIdIng and an under parcel to aIIow constr of a deck for Lot 6, Block 3. Avalon, PID #19-117 -23 31' 0006, arid; WHEREAS, the exis't ; nonconforming accessory building requires a variance of 9.4 feet to th required 20 foot front yard setback and a i root variance to the required '4 foot side yard setback, and; WHEREAS, the subject parcel requires a lot s ize variance of 4.5 square feet. The actual square footage of this lot Is 5,995,4 per surveyor Jim Reaume. The R -2 zoning district requires a m,i n i murn lot area of 6,000 square feet. and; WHEREAS, a 1 ake hore setback of 50 feet is required from the r.,rinc °ipal structure to the Ordinary High Water elevation of 929. 5, anti; WHEREAS, the previous deck extended only 12.5 feet from t' a hoi,vse wall, t propnsed deck was to extend 14 feet, and; WFiERE:AS, the or000sed si yard setbacks for the deck are conforming and t #»a e x i s t i n g p r i n c i p a l bu i I d i ng meets al I the set - har,k r equ i reme•nT; 5 , arid; WHEREAS, Se ct icon 23.404. Subdivision (8) provides that eel- - r r =r,jt i (,)ns be mado to a building cc)nra i n i ng a lawful, noncom- f nrrr! i n<I r P!, i rJ� ant:: i a l pr ()pert. y when thf, -? a I terat i r7n�, w i I I improve t_rw I i v"Jt! i i i t ✓ ther r ,.,f , but rr!e a I t 'r.jr. i (,:)ri rrk.)y not i ncrease the r1!_3rrit. r cf r:3rcd; WHE kE AS, t° ! Srm i n q re,. i oweri t„f`,r: rep; +.rer:t: dingy t r r rn t tie t�+ +�. >r' the pr r;; v i cjij5 r :Je ;k w:y to of the rarGtr,rt, r. c Proposed Rerolution CoSe No. 91-U19 Page 2 NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the C i ty COUnc i I of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as Follows: 1. The City does hereby recognize trie existing nonconforming setbacks of the detached accessory structure resulting in a 9.4 foot front yard setback variance and a I foot side yard setback variance, and a lot size variance of 4.5 square feet, and authorizes a lakestde setback variance to the deck of 12.5 feet to at low construction of a deck not to extend further than 12.5 feet from the house for the property lo- cated at Lot 6, Block 3, Avalon, PID #19-117-23 31 0006, 4590 Denbigh Road. 2 . The C i t y Counc authorizes the v i o l a t i o n s and author the alterations set forth below, pursuant to Section 23.404. Subdivision (8) with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.404. 3* 11 Is determined that the livability of the residential property will be improved by the authorization of the fol- lowing alterations to a nonconforming use o the property to afford the owner reasr,nabie use of his land. a. A (leek extending the wi of the house with conforming side yard setb.B(:ks not to extend more than 12.5 feet from the house towards the l ekes icle with landings and stairways as propose-d. 4. This varkince is granted for the following 1er,_4al1y described property: Lot 6, Block 3, Avalon, PID #19-117-23 31 0006. This variance shall be recordeld with the County Pecor r der or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County c)ursuant. to Min- nesota State Statute, Section 4r >2.36, Sr. hdivi5ic n (1). Th i s shal be considered a re�,.triction on ha4 thi pro )(. mily tie used. 5. The pr(. y ownt'r shij] I h „ ,,ve th(� I ity elf f i I inn t t 1 i 5 r e I (I t i' r) 'i i t, h h A e r r t-, i rr, C �,_) 1 _; r) t y j r-1 ri r y i r e <S � t c o t fc,lr so("'n recc,., rii,-4. T , r) :j i r i i sFued ; r l” r c c, t: ot (J i n - h , � h Js fi le(l wit t, i y C_ I war" k 40 /007 5 - - MINUTES OF A MEETING OF T"E MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 10, 1991 Case_Ng. 9]_70!9: SteyV_ Xfrst1 jr, tt?9 ___A5_�_0_Qen0 f Road. Lot 6, -qh,- 010 3 A_A_va_ 1 _17-21_ 31 OC l akeside j- exis r"cqf1formijig Building Official, Jon Sutherland. reviewed the applicant's request to replace a deck with a proposed lakeshore setback of 36 feet, resulting In a variance of 14 feet. Sutherland stated that considering the orientation of the exist- ing house. Its prior decl, location, and the existing patio doors on the second level, it appears reasonable to allow an encroach- ment into this area, Staf recommended approva I of the var i ance to a I ; ow the apo I I cant reasonab I e use of the property w i th recogn i t I on of the f o I I ow I ng existing nonconformities: 1) The existing nonconforming acces building with a variance oF 9.4 feet to the required 20 foot front yard set- back and a I foot variance to the required 4 foot side yard setback. 2) A lot size variance of 4.5 fe#!'t. Per the surveyor, Mr. Jim A. Reaume; the actual square footage of this lot is 5,995.4 square feet as the lot measures 6 Inches less than plat in width. Contractor for this project, Ken Sloe, was present to represent the owner. Mr. S i oe c I ar I f i ed that the Proposed deck I s to be 14 feet long, extending towards the lake. The original deck was 12.5 f�?et long. The width of the deck was not a concern, as long as it met the side yard setbacks. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle, to reco(rimeod approval of the variance request to construct a deck extending not nx,)re than 12.5 feet frcim the house, sa a% the Previous deck. Motion carried unanimously. This cise wl I I be heard by the City Cn I on June 25, 1991 /f,* 10� (ITY(ANI(WNI) SLpf —FRE q9"iE—NM-T- Q" DATE Planning Comissfon Agenda of June 10, 1991 TO: Planninrj Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: Jon Sutherland, Building Official CASE NO.: 91-019 APPLICANT: Steve Kirshbaum LOCATION, 4590 Oeribigh Road LEGAL Lot 6, Block 3, Avalon DESCRIPTION: PID #19-117-23 31 0006 SUBJECT; 'Lake Setback Variance ZONING: R-I Single Family Residential BAO<GRWNO The applicant seeks a permit to replace the deck as shown on the survey and attached photo. The deck has been removed due to deterioration prior to ap- plication for this variance. The required setback is 50 feet to the lake. A setback of 36 feet Is proposed, resulting in a variance request of 14 feet. E- �MENT�S Typically, staff's recommendation would be to deny a variance request that did not closely approach the required 50 foot lake setback. However, considering the orientation of the existing house, its prior deck location, and the exist - I nq patio doors on the second I eve I , it appear s reasonab to a an encroachment into this area. The app has reduced h 1 s ori oroposa I of a thr ee season porch over this area to just replac of the pre-exist deck. RECOMMENDATION .)taff recoorriends approval of the variance request tc a! low the applicant re use of the property with recr�gnition of the Following existing Flonconforrilities: i) The exi•ting noncor)Forrflr-�,j Accessnr btjilding with a variance of 9.4 feet to the required 20 fy front yard setb--.)r7k and I foot variance to the required 4 foot sir e yjrd setba A lot size variance of 4, Feet. Per the surveyor, Mr. Jim A. Reaume; the actual soNare footaie of this '1c-,t is 5,99').4 r fe( as the lot 6 inches le.�is tr,:in F) 13t in ii(ith. W) I F r be heir t'aY t h- C i t y Co jr i i o r) ..J v ? 1 99 1. The abut t I rig I a ✓e i l MY 3 1991 C O t► , CI T OF MOUNt) 5341 Maywo()d Road F e ....., ,..` O,. OCI Mound. MN S5364 472 -1155 1 9 case N(�.... -i VAR 1 AN AF?PL r,ChT I j P1,4NNING B�ZONINq (C0M1 1S_SJON (Please type or print the following .information.) Address of Subject Property_��C Owner s Name_ ? ' «`� ; A 1 ne (.:' ; � - ., , � r r� , A I Day Pho .�...� Own er's Address_ Applicant's 'Name (If other than owner) .� �...� Address Day Phone - w Lot', �L? B l ock Add It ion :.r' �. PID No.. Exi Use of Property: .� Zoning District Has an application ever been made for zoning. variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes ( ).'no ( ). if yes, l ist date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (copies of pr evious rF-.o1utions must accompany this appl icati on). VARIANCE: RFQOESTE FOR: ( ) Princi Building C Accessory Bui lding direction setback setback VARIANCE requested required REQUESTED Front Yard: ( N S E W ) _ _..___. ft. __.W.__.....___. ft. _._. _......: ft. Rear Yard: ( N S E W ) ft . _..__.....,. ....._ ft. ft. Lahr Front. �'S E� W,' )......,..... _. t _. _. �....._ ft. _.� ..._._ Side Yard: ( N S E W ) _._..._ ft. _ .........,_, ft. _.. _. _...__..M...._ ft. Side Yarrl: ( N S E W ) ft _.... _ ft. ft. Lot S ize: spa ft (4 ft _ _ . _. scy ft /W 10 VARIANCE A1 I CA T I ON Case No. _�� Page ? 19 I, Reason for request ,r . Does tree present use of the pr erty conform to �i t reQUISt Ions for the zoning di i which It is l ocated? Yes (T`) No t If no. specify each non-conforming 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, butte and setback ` regulations fear . the zoning district' in which it Is located? Yes i ) , No ( , l f ,6a, specify each non - conforming uses YO r 4. Which unique' physi characteristics of the subject props p�eVfnt Its reasonable use for any of the uses permi ted in t $t ion r► district? 3 too narrow l,L) topography sGi! ( } too small } dra i n age sub surface ( ) too shallow ) shape .� t t Others specify 5. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having p roperty intereqt in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes { ). No QQ. If yes, explain i 6. Was the hardship created' b any other m;,�n - mjde c ha ng e, such as the relocation of a road? Yes t ), No t*,/) If yeas. explain 7 . Are the c o n d i t i o n s of hardshi for which you request a oar lance peculiar only to the property descri In this petition? yes ( ) . No (,-.(). � If , PQ, 11 5 t some o;the properties whIct't c a re sImIIarIy I c et r i fy th'if. all of the at)ove :statements and the statements contafned in a; r .n(Ju 1 r e { :i � : , r,, or plans to rye submitted herewith are true and ac- : ,r�atf ! r c;r - rat to tt)e entry in or upon th premises described In thi fr1ryt 1 r , t 1 on 1, any ,�,�rr��,r 1 z +, off i c i a I of the C i ty of Mound for the purpose it r.ect �r,r';. r of por,t.:ing, maintai and removing such noti as may I 04)pli( ant's Sfgnature_ CERTIFICATE OF SURV FOR STE K l RS C H BAUM $ 'tGEIVED MAY LAKA JNJ ul At AT rtO 44 4" C� �,Ai.. :......, --- 4t00P4AT4.01Ay _ I W 'v «{ afs h r , Y iYYrr. " h N SCALE .z o DENOTES IRON roUNO' • DENOTES I ROM XT —DENOTES OIRECTiON OF sv" �, as DENOTES EXIST114G ELEVATIMe• r„ :� rr 1.v>.it e Mtel♦ J a pFHBEtiGN iAMc AVALON .., , . T w;�a�u1 r ■ KOAV KIM A REAWE: a.�QK PAGE D �t : s �t. pow- `,:� -.� r k PR OJECT MU '.iEE i y 91025 C. Y Lam[ A., Q �` H �+s r, ♦ My,KY. h5 'Or_yr�W ". t,' , ■ KOAV -t' no rn or v Av e 6 g i {{ a`�' �M Of / � o :Car 7y -• ', ---- (V p -- ''"'`, C • r r } t-'s, _ CAM v Q 9 �, 4 �* -,- �� 0 I r' �J N L-34 } t I t { • 1 I r x k . * f.. , R I �4 � • t a: i . * f.. nwj Ilk 1w 0 REQUI REMENTS LOT j7 d� 4 ZON : iZ `�� REQUIRED LOT AREA: EXISTING LOT AREA: F1FQ' I SETB rf F RUNT : / lid S I CIE . _ #? ��.1� • �� _ # 9R.S1 DE // do 40 REAR. _ - - - -- 5 f eet J+ LAKE SHORE : 5u feet RIG E X I S T I N G s PROPOSE SETBA 5 3 t� N ri ! `t► is 1! "' n is M LIT FRONT: r hnfifli' � F FO t 1 t y SIDE: 3 4590 Dit n i qh Road Ava Ion } 7�`,o Steven Kirshbaum r S I DI:: r Ali Lot 6 um 4 f REAR: Block 3 I . AK f SNORE : , a 1 I 1 � 3 3 1 0. r Z3. N Surve, yes DATE : BY _ ti *I 0 r �-_-1 i F .. C NO. - 91-020 hti �c�)Lt.l i 1..AN RESOLUTION #91 RE`IOL UTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLA NNiNG CCMMISS1ON TO APPROVE A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE 'TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION FOR LOTS 11 & 12, BLOCK 10, SHADYWOOD POINT, 'PID #18-117--23 3 0021 (2007 LAKESIDE LANE), P&Z CASE ''0. 91-020 WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a front yard setback variance of 9.5 feet to al low construction of an attached garage and bedroom addition f Lots '11 a 12, Bl 10. Shadywood Po int, PID #18 - 11 - 23 32 0021, and; WHEREAS, the existing nonconforming detached garage which is setback 12,1 feet to the front property line will be removed, and; WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R -1 Zoning District which according to City Code requires a 30 foot front yard _setback to the principal structure, and; WHEREAS, ail other setbacks to the principal structure are conforming, and; WHEREAS, Section 23.404. S u b d i v i s i o n (8) provides that a l - t.erations may be made to a building containing a i awfu l, noncon forming residential property when the alterations will improve the livability thereof, but the alteration may not inrrea4se the number of units, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commi has reviewed the request and does recommend approval due to pr ac ti ca l difficulty in a l l o w - i n g the applicant r easonable use of the land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound. Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby authorize a 9 . ) fort front yard setback variance to a i tow construe7t i on of an �3cj<j i t ion for the property located . -J'° Lots It S 12, Bl 10, r,hili,dywoc >d Point, plD ##18.117 -23 32 00111. • 100 P roposed d Resolution Page 2 2. Ttle City Counc authorizes t tfe v i o I <at i ons, if "icl the a l t e r a t i o n s set. forth be-l ow, pur : , Jant to Subdivision (8) with the clear and express uncler-standing that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforrrring uses, subject to all of the Provisions and restri of Section 23.404, 3 . It Is determined that the l i v a b i l i t y of the r e s i d e n t i a l Property will be improved by the authori of the fo l- lowing alterati to a nonconforming use of the property to afford the owner reasonable use of his land. a. A garage addition approximately 24' x 32' setback 20.5 feet from the front property l ine. b. A bedroom addition 10' x 12.5' at the front of the house approximately 25' from the front property l i n e . C . A conforming 12 x 26. foot addition to the northwest side of the Principal building. 4. This vari Is gr '3nted for the followi legally described property: Lots 11 & 12, Block 10, 5hadywood Point, PIO ##18- 117-23 32 0021. This variance shall be rt4 >c:ord+�c7 with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepi Cour,t:y pursuant to M i n°- ner -:rata State Statute, Secti 462 .3E , ` ir,(l i v i s i on ( 1 ) . T h i s sha I 1 be cons i dered a re: t r i c t i on on tl %:: ^ w th i s prol.)er• t:y may be users. S. The property owner sha I i have the I i ty of f i I i ng th i s reso l tit ion w i th Henn -F.) i n County <ind pay i nq a I 1 ci i s for such record i nc�. The t;..r i i ci i rlri ra:.>rrn i t tu31 1 r,ot be i .;rvi +,tri unti I proof of record I>~`g ti is het 'rl f Ied with tlic.' C:it,y CIf>rk. • IW 1 K I NUTE S Of A ME E-1 I NG ()f I'fif W)UNO ADVISORY PLANNING COMM IS51ON JUNE 10. 1991 0 Case No. 91-020: Fred & Norma Asher l 20QI__ Lakes ide L. 2, Q 1 goad Point _1ock_ta0 � 117-23-32 0021. y P Lp #I VARIANCE - front Yard setback. The Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicant's request to replace the existing detached garage with an attached garage. The new garage would reduce the existing nonconforming setback to the front yard from 12.1 feet to a 20.5 foot proposed setback. The variance requested Is 9.5 feet to the required 30 foot front yard setback. Staff recommended approval of the front yard variance request for the attached garage subject to the following conditions: 1. The Planning Cc4Tmlssfon finds that a condition of practical difficulty exists In the reasonable Interpretation of the zoning code relative to this property. 2. A front yard setback variance of 9.5 feet Is granted for the addition of an attached accessory building with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use subject to all of the provisions of the City Code. MOTION made by Clapsaddle, seconded by Voss to recommend approval of staffs recommendation as stated. Mot carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on June 25, 1991. /VA� _ DATE: Planning Conwission Agenda of R}, Planning Ccnnfssion, Appifcoot and Staff . ' FROM. Jon Sutherland, 8ui)d|ng Of!ic\a} CASE NO.: 91-020 ' APPLICANT: Fred * Norma Asher LOCATION: 2007 Lakeside Lane LEGAL Lots 11 & 12^ Bkack lq. ywood Point -' OE6�R�PT[DN� P0 #18-117-23 �� 0U21 ' SUBJECT: Variance Request ZONING: R'1 Single Family Residential � The applicants seek building permit to replace the existing garage with an ' attached garage more suitable to their needs. The new garage would reduce the ex!yt ing nonconForming setback to the front yard from |Z.l^ to a 20,5° proposed setback. This requires a variance of 9.5 Feet to the required 30 . � foot front yard setback' ^ COMME Due to the layout of the existing house on the lot, the need for additional accessory storage area and the convenience of attaching the garage and further reducing the variance request, along with the applicants architectural Perspective, it appears there is a practical difficulty in allowing the ap- ^ Pficaots reasonable use of the land. REODMMENDAT ION Is Staff reco(fvnenUs approval of the front yard variance request for the attached garage subject to the following conditions: |) The Planning Com|ssion finds that a condition of practical difficulty exists in the reasonable interpretation of the zoning code relative to toiy pr(iperty. Z) A front yard setlnack variance of 9.5 feet is granted for the addition of an attached accessory building witri the clear and express understanding tnat tt)e use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use subject to all of tt)e provi5|on of tne City Code. NOTE Toiu co--,e will be heard by tt City Council on June 25, 1991, The abutting � ~ MAY 2 C'I TY OV MOUND 5.341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 472-IISS MAY 2 IN 1,-:;b I Li CITY OF MO F ee 1- 11 V)0. CaSt? No 64.-Ozo VAR IA CE _ I CATION - 7' (Please type or print the following inforrrv)t�on. Address of Subject Property 2007 Lakeside Lane Owner's Name Fred . 1-- & - Norma rma 1.1-1 J. A I s h e . r Day Phone 472-6208 Owner's Address 2007 Lakeside Lane Appll (cant's Name (If other than owner) Same Address Same Same Day Phone-, Lot 11 R 12 10 Block__ Addition Shadywood Point PID No. 18-117-23 32 0021 Existing Use of Property:, Residence Zon D I s t r I ct_, Has an a p p l i c a t i o n ever been made f or zon variance, c o n d i t i o n a l use Permlit or other zoning procedure for this property? yes ( ) , no ( X ) . If Y(!%' 0 list clate(s) of aPP)lcation, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (Copies of Previous resolutions must accompany this application). VARIANCE REQUESTEC FOR: Principal Building ( ) Accessory Building setback direction setback ft. ft. ft. requested Front Yard: ( N S E W ) ft. Rear Yard: ( N 5 E w ) ft. Lake Front: N 5 E W ft. Side Yard: N 5 E W ft. Side Yard: N 5 E W f t . Lot Size: - sq f ( ) Accessory Building setback required ft. ft. ft. f ft, ft VARIANCE REQUESTED f t f t . f t , f ft. s ft lwq Pag IA ►vt;E;: At-4' i l;:A 1 i t >h( ___ �- (02 P�.i���+ 2 L " ase No. I. Rel -l >r3 for reque <;t repl existing garage that has d flo b fotmdation with a npw dtt:a( hed that will increase the current setback from l?al to 20.5 ft, an im rove view from the street ( See Att ached) €)ceS the Pre;e_�( use of the or operty conform to all regulations for tt,e zon ing d i st r i r t `rI In wh i cf7 it is located? Yes (X 1. No (). i f no, specify each non - , conforming user 3. Do the existing structures comply with al area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (X), No { ) If no, speci each non - co nforming uses 4. which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent i reasonable use for ar,y of the uses permitted i that zon ing district? C ) too narrow i ) topography ( sot1 surface (( )) too small drainage { sub- too shallow shape (X others specif Existing h is too close to street propert,y� line to add atta garage. 5. Was the hardship described above µ created 'by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adapted? Yes ( 1, No (X) If yes, explain 6. Was the hardship creatoad a any other man -made changer such as the relocation of a road? Yes ), No (X) if yes, explain 7. Are the conditions of hardsh for which y ou request a variance peculiar only to the pr(,)�, srty described in this petition? Yes ( ) , No ( X) i f no, 1 i st surlae other propert i es which are s lmi lar I affected? - - attached phn!.Ograp„hs with address that indicate other r4 @rtie5. I cert i fy th�jt a I I of the ah()v0 statements and the statements conta i ned + i n any requ i re(i papers or p E an to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. i consent to tt,e? enr_ry in or upon the premises described in this 1 OP i ration by any author i zOd C, r f i c l a I of the City of Mound for the purpose of i n , ;pt?ct itl {i, or of pc>;t; r r7t r ing and removing such notices as may be requ i re,(;f E)y law. - 9 OPPI fCaot' . ; 51gmiturA�,, .. .'r4R -c - ";t L/ �2ricd� S� sate a 9 /&JL6 L.1 KL 34 0 24 ti ri of I 242 f 4 e ll LfT(r-) L 1 4v- 0 ti fs LO 04 t D /Vic# 4AVL E Y 2 • • i J • t ; "J ..L.1 ��.,� � Vi � ({ � I 7t� j f' J its.: r ����` �. �r t�' 11 N � i 1 � Aill i + °a � a x �w k {`♦ l �- r s V I 7 I ^+ r 6 P a t P { • y A . s � ai N 6 i t CI 1I r gr �d t„ w s • Z i t CI 1I r gr �d t„ w s 0 LIM Ell 1 -W GOVT 0 T 2 & 8 Az !Q b I Aq . t �td d i t i Htq.Permit 143 "6 4n ONING REQUIREMENTS ADDRESS: 4;wocl'? Lane APPLICANT: --FreA LOT: I 12- ADON: ZONE: 9-1 A- REQUIRED LOT AREA: EXISTING LOT AREA._ 11 4 to cc REQUIRED SETBACKS FRONT--- '50.0 11 SIDE: 110 SIDE: REAR: LAKESHORE 5 o,--,f eet SHADYWOC .. I fl-� I � - I SIDE: SIDE: LAKESHORE: DATE: By EX I —ST I `2t 1_0ACK!-, FRONT T E j tA P, U OOLIC MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road To: 4 0621 Mound, MN tk)364 52 '. (� 2 1 F .;,i x 412-0656 EMERGENCY 911 .June 20, 1991 TO: Ed Shukle, City Manager FROM: Len Harrell, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Adding "No Trailer Parking" signs on the south side of Bartlett Blvd., east of County Rd. 110 Attached are some pictures provided by Mr. Bill Clark of a parking problem he perceives on Bartlett Blvd. There is a short .rea from the driveway at 5573 Bartlett Blvd. to the driveway at 5661 Bartlett Blvd. where there is a black top curb. If an individual were to park a vehicle with a wide trailer on the back, the trailer often times is out onto the roadway. Because of the wording of the parking prohibition law they cannot be ta(jqed as long as they are up onto the curb. I would like the Council to short area of Bartlett Blvd., LH/sh Enc. • pass a resolution to assign this "tio Trailer Park7in. 11 103 9 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PARK A OPEN S ?ACE COMMISSION JUNE: 13, 1991 a) Joy Eischeid, 1749 Avocet Lane: Joy and her family moved to Mound in July of 1990 and she loves the area. She has been involved in lots of volunteer work and enjoys working with children. She is deeply concerned about the Eurasion 'Hater Milfoil. She and her family currently own a house on Avocet Lane, on the commons on Harrisons Bay and they do have a commons dock. She feels some people in the area are taking advantage of the dock program and people need to be made aware of the benefit they have. She will have no problems attending the regular scheduled meetings. b) Frank Matachek, 2530 Ruby Lane: Mr. Matachek withdrew his application prior to the meeting. c) bell Rudolph, 1766 Commerce Blvd.: Dell, being the"dock in spector for seven years is very knowledgeable about the parks and dock program. He has lived in Mound for 25 years and has lived in the lake area for 50 years. He feels the use of herbicides needs to be controlled, he is concerned about run -off into the lake. He does not feel Mound has too many parks. He would not be able to attend the Parks Co Mission Meetings of January, February and March du.. to travel. The Commission determined they will vote later in the meeting. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:44 p.m. ,�5:.1.e.cSiQ of ��adidat Parks C Q��g�,_Q� The Commission discussed the two candidates and each of their as- sets. It was noted that Dell Rudolph had experience but would miss three meetings per year due to travel, and Joy Eischeid was very enthusiastic about volunteering and becoming involved. Two of the absent Commissioners submitted their ballots and asked that their votes be included, however, after discussion by the present Commissioners it was determined that it would not be fair to count their votes since they were unable to personally hear the int- rviews. + MOTION made by Skoglund, seconded by Casey to recommend to the City Council that they appoint Joy Eischeid to the Parks and Open Space Commission to fill the remainder of Neil Weber's term due to expire 12/90. No- tion carried 4 to I. Those in favor were: Ahrens, Skoglund, Asleson and Casey. Bailey was opposed. Bailey commented that it would be a great shame to lose the ex- pertise and experience which Dell Rudolph could offer the Commis- sion. • ORDINANCE NO. 49 -1991 AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 491 TO THE CITY CODS RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIAL The City of Mound Does Ordain: Section 491 is hereby added to the City Code and shall read as follows: Section 491:00. Definitions. Subd. 1. "Aluminum Recyclables" means disposable containers fabricated primarily of aluminum commonly used for soda, beer and other beverages. Subd. 2. "Can Rec- clables" means all disposable containers fabricated primarily of metal or tin. Subd. 3. "Collection" means the aggregation of recyclable materials from the place at which it is generated and includes all activities up to the time when the waste is delivered to a designated facility. Subd. 4. "Corrugated Cardboard" means heavy paper with alternating ridges and grooves for use in packing or boxing materials. Subd. 5. "Glass Recyclables" means jars, bottles and containers which are primarily used for packaging and bottling of various materials. Subd. 6. "Multiple - Family Dwelling" means a building or a portion thereof containing nine or more dwelling units including detached, semi- detached and attached dwellings. Subd. 7. "Paper Recyclables" means newsprint and office paper but does not include magazines or similar periodicals. Subd. 8. "Plastic Recyclables" means any plastic bottle with a neck. Subd. 9. "Recyclable Materials" means materials that are separated from refuse for the purpose of recycling and 7 Recyclable Materials (e) And as defined in Section 490:00, Subdivision 14 of the City Code. Section 491. :05. SoRar a�tion and Collection of Recyclabl Materials, Subd. 1. Every owner of a multiple- family dwelling unit and each owner and occupant of commercial, industrial and institutional property having recyclable materials which accumulate on the premises shall separate recyclable materials from refuse, and shall provide space for recyclable materials so that residents or tenants may place the recyclable material in a city approved container and set the recyclable material out for collection in a manner that is designated by the City. Subd. 2. The City shall insure that a service is available for the collection of recyclable materials from all multiple - family dwelling units. The City shall provide owners and occupants of multiple - family dwelling units with IOM include aluminum recyclables, can recyclables g lass recyclables, paper recyclables, corrugated cardboard and plastic recyclables. Subd. 10. "Recycling" means the process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials and reusing the materials in their original form or using thco in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use. Subd. 11. "Refuse" means waste material, garbage, rubbish and yard waste as defined below: (a) Waste material includes natural soil, earth, sand, clay, gravel, loam, brick, plaster, concrete and ashes. (b) Garbage includes animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food. (c) Rubbish, consisting of wood, dead trees or branches, chips, shavings, rags, and nonrecyclable materials. (d) Yard waste includes compost materials such as grass clippings, le ves, weeds, straw and other forms of organic material, but does not include trees, brush or similar materials. (e) And as defined in Section 490:00, Subdivision 14 of the City Code. Section 491. :05. SoRar a�tion and Collection of Recyclabl Materials, Subd. 1. Every owner of a multiple- family dwelling unit and each owner and occupant of commercial, industrial and institutional property having recyclable materials which accumulate on the premises shall separate recyclable materials from refuse, and shall provide space for recyclable materials so that residents or tenants may place the recyclable material in a city approved container and set the recyclable material out for collection in a manner that is designated by the City. Subd. 2. The City shall insure that a service is available for the collection of recyclable materials from all multiple - family dwelling units. The City shall provide owners and occupants of multiple - family dwelling units with IOM n • r1 information regarding authorized recycling procedures. Section 491:10. C"ol w lnction. Subd. 1. Collection, removal and disposal of recyclables shall be supervised by the City, which shall have the power to establish a time, method and routes of service. The owners of multiple- family dwelling units shall make information regarding dates and time of collection of recyclables available to all tenants. Subd. 2. Collection of recyclables from multiple- family dwellings shall be by a hauler selected and paid by the owner or manager of such premises or by an association governing such premises, but which hauler is then duly licensed by the city of Mound under Section 490 :25 of the City Code and other applicable ordinances of the City or County. Also such collection shall be done in compliance with all other applicable ordinances of,.the City now or hereafter in effect. Section 491:15. yrohi bitina unauthorised coijeetion or $g Aa 1 erim19._ It shall be unlawful for any person who is not authorized by the city to remove, take for salvage or destroy any recyclable materials including, but not limited to, aluminum recyclables, can recyclables, corrugated cardboard, glass recyclables, paper recyclables that have been set out for collection. Any person violating any provision of this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor and any such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every removal, taking or destruction of recyclable materials. Section 491:20. stainer Reauir Containers shall be provided by the owners or multiple - family dwelling units and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by owners. owners shall be responsible for replacing and purchasing extra containers as needed. The containers shall be located in a manner so as to prevent them from bring overturned or obstructing pedestrian or motor vehicle traffic. The containers shall be located in such a manner as to allow for collection by the City approved recycling hauler. Section 491:25. Repor to Cit y. As and when requested by the City from time to time, the City requires the haulers of recyclables, to keep complete and accurate records of the total tons of recyclables collected each month from their respective multiple- family dwellings, together :with the actual weight or percentage of the total that each recyclable material represents, A*3 g 1 and the markets used for the sale of, and priiiiat y piji ci I such recyclables. Such records sha be Sent t o t ht requested by the City. The City also requires the prepare and submit to the City, at the request of tllf- ily, other reports, data and information relat'lve to tho collection and disposal of recyclables as may be statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation now c4r applicable, or which may now or hereafter be City by the County. Al I such records, report, information, once received by the City shall becoine ttii- I ' Y -po-r ty of the City to be used as it shall determine wittiout ol ".;0 li-� to any person. 800tiOn 491130. P*nAjtjL A violation of any prov,iL;J; ,-,n of this Ordinance shall result in a $100.00 penalty for the cwncr ,),, the multiple-family dwelling or owner/occupant of', co,T o,, ' :i;il industrial and institutional property. Penalties thXit, unpaid for more than thirty (30) days shall be to utility account of the violator. Any penalty that is plac# ,)n a utility account shall be an assessment against the violatorl, property. Such amount shall be certified with the County AuJito• and collected in the same manner as taxes against the The fourth (4th) and each succeeding violation of this; 491 shall be a misdemeanor. 100 lJ 11 11 • • Jf I Ames 1: 1.991 Y TO: MAYOR CI-V COITNC11, �} CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: SECTION 80 0:10, ")t,,BD. 6 OF THE CITY CODE Section 1300.10, Subd. 6 �: f the City Co ded requires a Surety Hand for the followi.r;�; intoxicating liquor licenses: (a) Class A - Or, -Sale Liquor, Hotel and Restaurant (b) Class H - On- Sale t.iquc:r, Sunday Sale (c) On -Sale Wine (d) Club License This particular section of the City Cade was plat in place because that was the requirement of Minnesota Statutes 340A.412, Subd. 1. This sectior, has been repealed. I would therefore request that t1he City Council amens ou iiidLnance ov repeaiar,v Section 800':10, Saba, 6. Icvgl tjN.CIL PACKET - 6 =25 -91 #3 a �� � 1 Parks Commission Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 2 a) Virginia A Rodrigo Plaza, 4539 Island View Drive, Dock Site #40945 Dock Inspector, Tom McCaffrey, reviewed the required fees, including a proposed late fee of $50.00. For the applicant's benefit, the Commission reviewed the provisions in the City Code which would allow the City to offer this site to another Mound resident as of May 1. MOTION made by Casey, seconded by Bailey, to approve the late application for dock site 040945 for Virginia & Rodrigo Plaza, 4539 Island View Drive, upon the Bondi- - ` tioa that a late fee of $50.00 be paid. Motion carried unanimously. b) Ken Smith, 2927 Cambridge Lane, Dock Site #51105 Dock Inspector, Tom McCaffrey, again reviewed the required fees and a proposed late fee of $50.00 which the applicant has already submitted. Mr. Smith was unable to attend the meeting. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Skoglund to approve the late application for dock site #51105 for ten Smith, 2927 Cambridge Lane, upon the condition that a late fee - of $50.00 be paid. Motion carried unanimously. Ahrens questioned staff the reason to require that these late ap- plications for abutting dock site holders be reviewed by the Parks Commission. Both the Parks Director and Dock Inspector ex- plained that this is required for the dock holder to re- establish their site since it is no longer "theirs" after May 1. Ahrens asked, "Why make them appear at the meeting ?" Fackler and other Commissioner's confirmed that this is to inconvenience the ap- plicant to deter them from paying late again the next year. They are asking for the privilege of their dock back. It is an incen- tive to pay on time. �Ql�FIBllsI14�L QF_TEiEE�_ LOCATION S ITES FOR ABUTTIHC PROPERTY OWNERS ON DENBIGI! l=. - Parks Director, Jim Fackler, reviewed the history of this issue. Through some current surveys received by the Building Department, it has come to our attention that the City owns property between three parcels on Denbigh Road and the shoreline. The City's par- cel, PID 019- 117 -23 24 0047, was noted on the Mound Dock Location Map at its origination in 1974. Why the three abutting proper- • • I L72.. slipped through the cracks for so many years. Casey commented that if the City is positive they have clear title to this property then there should be no argument that these dock sites should be designated as City docks on the Dock Location Map. 4 ..r+�r *T.++�.i..+ �r���r ��►��{� a X91 T!�i :1� \IA�#R,iF �IPri1s� �4i�`�►in.i�� a • t� .� er reseaa eb.. ti 604*0061 . 01 90 ► Pflug requested that be be notified of the July meatier d + S aa�afirued they � would notify 14r# P lug and the eM rf� � Yts i '� 6o, p %. t ` DA Z htrks Director $ Jim, Fackler, reviewed a recommendation from trio r 001eins Offici>itl: The owner of , Lot* 1 i 2, Block 17 M Hlghlitdoo 6145 S Road, Nod and Karen Podany, have ir►staT2ed an Ax* phalt driveway which encroaches 'onto City of Mound parkin larr#d, L*toon Park. This encroachment has been confirmed by a surirey drafted by McComb.: Frank Roos, dated 6 -S -91 Thia encroachmeint' I& in violation of City Code Section 320 Subd,* 1 which requires a Const on Public Landa Permit an d approval by the City' Council. Staff recommended one of the two following options: 1) Remove the violation and restore the area as approved by the City Parks Director. 2) Complete the required permit a pplic ati on process and abide by the outcome of the decision of the City Council. Staff also referred to Resolution 086 -110 which was issued for Podany's property to approve a variance. One of the conditions of this variance is as follows: "1. The driveway area be con- fined to Mr. Podany's property and he not use the park property as part of his driveway and the gravel on the park property be removed." j �� 1677 ¢ +' 'I'eielkaM bay prey #e�eted der t" pcelirnary; bud #et d`iscussioti elrrsft. Ma wish to akti+ew'lieclge chair coaarents acs *I lows ART. FIBS --' The 'fluctuations is prosecutiof ravtn" wh• htle< �. and desbu:rse�sents .are► being xnflue+eced by boating , , tsftox icated (owl) cItatlons. The low water years 4f '86 through '86 resulted in fewer than 40 each y+e *r,. In ' $0 81tI'a jumped to SS, and, in 90 to 93. This a gros'sive enforceeeent inc re ases the caseload and accompanying prosecution costs. Fines proportionately increase, as was noted by the '90 results. Implied consent hearings Add further to prosecution cos The revenue and disbursement of this item is a measure of an active Unnepin !county Sheriff 'a Mater Patrol backed by an effective prosecution service. l') TELEPHONE While two telephone lines can suffice, two professional staff members rely substantially on phone communication. Often these calls are extended. The added public expectation for prompt communications in hard copy make a FAX service a needed tool. This proposed increase, we believe, still speaks for itself. 3) POSTAGE _- The recommendation to screen lists to remove unnecessary mailings is appropriate. That will be done. LMCD's lists, except for fund raising purposes, are .modest in size at a few hundred at the most. Two-sided copying is also employed wherever possible. No unusual mass mailings are contemplated. Condensed copy is also stressed. (the end) ( over ) 1992 Budget Distribution of Expense, Tonka day Reply, 6/18/91 • 4) PRINTING -- Communications are often unpredictable. Our Tonka Bay colleagues are admired for their containment. LMCD most likely could save on the budget in this area. S) .-EGAL NOTICES -- The variable nature of this item causes us to bs realistic. Only required costs are committed. 6) OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE -- The increased obligations evidenced with the management plan study, low water issues, equipment updating from manual to computer systems, and addition of one professional staff position to adequately address the code enforcement requirements did involve an interim "spike" in administrative costs. The 62 increase for 1992 address a return to normalcy. 7) PUBLIC ACCESS USE STUDIES -- this minimal study is considered the foundation to monitoring the lake's use pattern. - Q`) ; CONTINGEN"CY'FUND -- The suggestion to carry -over the unused portion of the previous year is a valid suggestion and will be proposed to the board. 9) MILFOIL PROGRAM -- The difference in revenue over disbursements is held in reserve. Private funding is intended to be continued, but directed toward research rather than the annual control program. It is also now apparent that fund raising in excess of $100,000 annually .is not realistic within the personnel resources of LMCD. -SALARIES SoIairy review a'w"--recognized so- thw responribility'of the LMCD officers and Board.- It views compensation adjustments keeping in mind its neighboring public agencies as well as general industry standards. 11) ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS -- The Board trusts that the cities recognize the notable change in funding investment for your Lake Minnetonka services was influenced by the environmental needs brought on by the Eurasian water milfoil infestation and subsequent control program. The balance of changes we believe have been addressed in the foregoing comments. We thank the City of Tonka Bay council and administration for inviting responses to these areas of concern and clarification. • U ,;V. H HR June 12, 1991 l� 4901 Manitou Road. Tonka Bay. Minnesota 55331 Tel. 474 -7994 OUNCIL aiph Bendjebar *even Johnson auglas Keller Mr. Gene Strommen, Executive Director jhn Senptall Lake Minnetonka Conservation District DMINISTRATOR 900 East Wayzata Boulevard, avidCalhoer Suite 160 Wayzata, MN 55391 Dear Mr. Strommen: The Tonka Bay City Council has recently had the - opportunity to review the 1992 LMCD Budget. As a result of this review, we would like to make the following comments, questions and concerns: 1) Court Fines - Revenues are up $3,000, however prosecution costs have increased $5,000 resulting in a net deficit of $2,000. Apparently the cost of prosecution was under - budgeted in previous years. Fact - The cost of prosecution has nearly doubled in the last two years while the amount of court fines has decreased by $2,000 since 1990. 2) Telephon - Increase of 59% from 1991 budget. Most of the increase is for an additional phone line. Are three phone lines for a staff of 3 1/2 really necessary? 3) P ostage - This item is proposed to increase 75% for 1992. We feel this is excessive due to the fact that only $3,100 was spent for postage in 1990. Granted there was a 16% increase in postal rates, but if we take the $3,100 spent in 1990 and add 16% we come up with a more reasonable figure of $3,596. Given the current fiscal crisis, all government agencies are being encouraged to reduce the amount of unnecessary n-iilings by eliminating people from mailing lists, consolidating mailings, etc... The LMCD should also be expected to reduce, not increase, the number of mailings and thus the overall cost of postage. A 75% increase in postage costs is unacceptable. Fact; - The LMCD's cost of postage has more than doubled since 1990. 4 ) Printincl - Here acla i n We }l._lve a m l jc,: ( 3 1'.) in • • all th,lt- wo ;Imu'ld Le to A'in'• for :rays to redii(_., the a1T10luit Of priIIt i t }1 lllf 1;1t1 1;1 r',' 111 C r - U,a1 ;(? W0U 1�to aE ?po.)r more 1hl", c;2. 331 IS not:. 5) Legal Notices - The LMCD may have under - budgeted for this item ` . in the past but they only spent $2,270 in 1990. Why then do they need $3,000 in 1992? Fact - The cost of legal notices has tripled since 1990. 6) Total amount of Office i Administrative has increased 22% over the previous years budget. This type of overall increase is unacceptable given the present economic conditions. 7) Are Public Access Use studies mandated? Can they be done with existing staff? 8) Coatinaency Fund - It the total budget increase was 5 %, why is the budget contingency set to increase 32 %? Only $1,077 was used from last years contingency fund. Where did the remaining $8,000 go? Shouldn't last year's contingency be carried over to the present year and the budget reduced accordingly? There should be a cap placed on the amount that can be accumulated as a contingency. 9) gilfo: IV"jr Total disbursements i 1990 were - $190, The amount budgeted in 1990 was $205,000. Where is the $15,000 difference? Also, why is the LMCD giving up on private funding thereby increasing taxes for each of the 14 cities? 10) salaries - We are concerned about the way the salary reviews were handled with no input from any of the 14 cities. The LMCD needs to keep in mind that any salary increases effect salary negotiations with our own employees, including the police department. , Annual Contributions - The City of Tonka Bay is very concerned ovet the rapid escalation of odr annual contributions to the LMCD Budget (see attached chart). As you can see there has been substantial growth in the amount needed each year from 1986 to present.- As you know we are very concerned about the loss of revenue that all local governments are experiencing and because of this and a growing discontent with the escalation of property taxes, we must do everything we can to hold our expenditures down as much as possible. Please forward our comments and concerns to the LMCD Board. We would appreciate a response as soon as possible. We would also hope that the LMCD Board will keep our concerns in mind when considering a final budget for 1992 Sincerely, • CITY OF TONKA BAY - -r--- y am RECEIVEU Dave Callister Ol City Administrator `���� �� {�� 1481 �., «; A4 i i uN KA OIN E R'* A I' 1 0 N i) I SIR I ICT :M 7 A4 i i uN KA OIN E R'* A I' 1 0 N i) I SIR I ICT 1, 5 71 4 „318 7 7 �J 3 32 2 9 2 2 879 7, 83 4 7,32 1 i 8 513 11 3',148 i 2 732 6,668 2 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District • 9 w 8 79 7 88 x,732 .3 ,;, 1 32 2,448 a 2 .r3. ,,.�19 Dee ph aven Exrelsi;,r Greenwood Minnetonka Minnetonka Beach Minnetrista Mound Orono Shorewood Springy; Park Tonka B y Wtiyzcit:� Wow 1a.id 1991 BUDGET DISTRIBUTIt „' OF EXPENSE Net Tax _CaL3bi 1 i ty_ $ 5,558,790 2,526,823 1,116,512 67,212,191 1,593,049 4,767,438 6,941,044 12,892,214 7,197,406 1,922,112 2,694,546 2,094,664 8,003,606 1,670,620 of Total Net Tax Vi ability 4.41 2.00 .88 53.26 1.26 3.79 5.50 10.22 5.70 1.52 2.13 1.67 6.34 1.32 % of Budget Share of Resulting from $166,825 $33,365 Maximum 1991 to Minnetonka Budget 7.55 $ 12,585 3 43 5,718 1.49 2,526 *20.00 _.33,365 2.16 3,605 6.47 10,784 9.41 15,70 17.49 29,173 9.76 16,287 2.61 4,349 3.66 6,09;' 2.84 4,740 10.86 18,110 2.27 3,780 $1:'6,191,015 ]00.00% 100.00% $166,825 • e Sy r b�f 1 J Y�rcYy� p,� /40*03 460 WHERE THE WEST BEGINS 17, June 1991 CL JUN 2 0 1991 Sam Rettinger Box 336 Long Lake, MN 55356 473 -5204 Edward Shukle Jr. 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Shukle: Please find enclosed the information that we discussed on the telephone. I think the traffic forecasts hould be of great interest to you. Please cali me if I c..n answer any questions for you. Sincerely, Sam Rettinger CIiY FiAI_l: 1964 YAF:K AVL"vUE • LO%G LAKE, S'.. E5C)1A 55 f �b �'f +.O`�; U, 2 - =' 1 g on TAZ FORECAST COMPARISONS The highlighted numbers represent the lowest traffic counts for the routes listed within each municipality. The estimated traffic counts reflect the average count within the city limits for any route which has more than, one count listed on the TAZ maps. • MD 8jV il"I i, -- 18 1988 No -guild T.H. 12 SOUTH C.R. 6 DELANO Downtown 11,000 15,700 20,300 450 430 MAPLE PLAIN Downtown 12,000 17,000 24,900 3,850 8,590 C.R. 83 1,200 5,240 4,570 7,980 3,120 _ ORQNO C.R. 6 (est) 5,636 8,634 6,741 4,913 32,617 C.R-15 (est) 14,900 12,550 12,050 5,190 10,400 New 12 (est) 0 0 0 37,250 0 LONG LAKE Downtown 18,900 23,900 36,600 8,100 7,930 C.R. 146 1,760 2,960 2,890 7,850 2,470 WAYZATA C.R.15 17,900 17,800 15,900 5,450 13,000 Old Hwy 12 3,300 6,360 7,820 7,700 3,150 Downtown 8,000 17,500 13,000 10 11,800 The highlighted numbers represent the lowest traffic counts for the routes listed within each municipality. The estimated traffic counts reflect the average count within the city limits for any route which has more than, one count listed on the TAZ maps. • MD 8jV il"I i, -- 18 • r • POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT BY CITY City Population Employment 1988' 1990 2010' 2010' 1988' 2010 2010' Greenfield 1,545 1,450 :,750 2,050• 60 100 N.A. Corcoran 4,953 5,199 6,500 N.A. 470 500 N.A. Independence 2,771 2,822 2,900 3,808 100 100 N.A. Maple Plain 1,803 2,005 2,200 N.A. 1,500 2,100 N.A. Loretto 345 404 400 32W 300 300 N.A. Medina 3,035 3,096 4,000 5,894 1,500 1,300 2,660 Orono 7 84 7,285 8,200 8,950 610 700 N.A. Long Lake 2,770 1,984 2,900 2,000 1,600 2,000 1,500' Wayzata_ _, - j 4 711 3,806 4,100 5,83Y 5,100 5,500 5,000' Minnehista 3,663 3,439 4,200 N.A. 70 200 N.A. Delano N/A 2,703 N/A 4,99 NIA N/A N.A. Franklin Twsp 3,165' 2,742 N/A N.A. N/A N/A N.A. Metro Area I I 2,200,980 I 2,288,721 --- - - I 2,583,453 N.A. I 1,188,570 I 1,602,248 -]= N.A. j N.A. Not Available N /;', Not Applicable 1 Metropolitan Council Estimate 2 U.S. Census (Preliminary) City Comprehensive Plan Forecast Year 2000 Forecast in 1980 -82 Comprehensiv; Plan 1 Wright County 1990 Estimate • 137SMPEW.TAa 1487 POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT BY TAZ (For TH12 Traffic Forecasts) n4 City TAZ 1988 Estimate 2010 Forecast Pop. Emp. Pop. Emp. Greenfield 657 1,545 60 1,750 100 Corcoran 660 958 116 829 70 Corcoran 661 1,401 123 2,075 160 Independence 691 168 21 176 21 Independence 692 1,247 20 1,305 20 Independence 693 533 25 558 -._. =25 Independence 694 823 34 861 34 Maple Plain 695 1,803 1,500 2 2,100 Loretto 696 345 300 400 300 Medina 696 1;515 365 1,585 316 Medina 697 1,520 1,135 2 984 Orono 751 1,016 32 1,144 37 Long Lake 752 2,770 1,600 2,900 2,000 Orono 752 1,802 46 2,029 53 Orono 753 1,828 83 2,057 95 Orono 754 763 52 859 60 Wayzata 762 608 209 995 559 Minnetrista 740 345 4 289 19 Minnetrista 742 1,240 24 1,227 33 Source: Metropolitan Council u �.tir�rfxr.rna • I� 1688 w TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS ZONES T.H. t '`.� 2 CORRIDOR STUDY A I t i 1988 DAILY TRAFFIC 1000 PREDICTED (1000) MEASURED T.H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY T O MY 7 • 0 �A A. 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST T.H. 12 ALTERNATIVE TH. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY L Y 0 A 0 L KE: —111,2-4UO -4(La - � � 1 " ;, y n "� 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST T.H. 55 ALTERNATIVE T H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY t4 � F-CYMO t r ��� 01 . _r hi n S!/O ...f1 tD a it� -... `D ... � 4, ". L KE: —111,2-4UO -4(La - � � 1 " ;, y n "� 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST T.H. 55 ALTERNATIVE T H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY ; V I . ., , - z n-, r . , r, >. 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST C.R. 11 ALTERNATIVE _LT .H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY 0 1111 1 • • • A 0 .......... ... . ....... .... 0 PI RF6= N A R Y 0 t%! 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST SOUTH BYPASS ALTERNATIVE T.H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY __Z i . OL ARY B NL I 2010 DAILY TRAFFIC FORECAST C.R.6 ALTERNATIVE T.H. 12 CORRIDOR STUDY Maki i • • e R 1 � �ka•A t i i .Y G t f „ �r " � i S r k ! d r e �, a £er . r ...,. _:�. (: -.. r ��. ;. T' �� � � �•`` :, �' -�a, � .;' i'" # r yY � dk 3 +3 �+� Y 'k r: c�� �� �� . r #�.,.;� x; � r .` . .+.. 5 f ��, r R VNDOT COUNTY ROAD 6 CORRI MARKET VALUE IN MILLIONS (000,000 OMITTED) ti "AR +<ET VALUE $19,288,400 COMMERCIAL 19.6% Sup {OOL TAX REVENUE $500,000 / 3.787 (NUMBER = 3) IMF PACTED 25 OPEN LAr:D 2.1% 0.41 ;NUMBER = 12) FARM 1.3 / 0.257 (NUtrIBE = 4) NON — PROFIT 0.0r� C) (NUMBER = 0) i i #' INDUSTRIAL 0.0% 0 (NUMBER = 0" c { RrSIDENTIAL 76.9/0 ^� 14.835 E , " ^E3L1 = 59) x� -C" `Al I N = ^,� �_ ,rWETL ^ ` �, ?(;,T( �. fix - -Q MARKET VALUE !N r ,/!ILLIONS (000,000) vA LUE S()-,860,000 'i" HEVENUE $250.000 O.615 (NUMBER = 4) T <10 OPEN LAND 0.4° 0.041 (NUMBER = 1 12) ............ NO N- PROFIT 0.0% 0 (NUMBER = 0) INDUSTRIAL 0.0% .................... o (NUMBER = 0) ........... .......... ...... COMMERCIAL 0.0% 93.7% 0 (NUMBER = 0) 9.751 1,'NU,YBER = 49) ........ PARKS/RECREATION = 3, LAKES/WETLANDS = 3, HISTORIC SITE. = I SOUTH 0 0 1 0 • t L 1 i. JUN 2 19 i e c t i on Vic r .L2 i o r e 'm on 0 L i r property. Y our L) L (t n ci 1 n e, p e -3 CD r- �j ma ny cites st r i v c- for I t r eno 1 s&nce yOLlr p7l t NLund V I -_ I C)r n d < :,rcjs- of t t 1 ty F pr jbl er a n d 1, 0 l In; L; r 1 1 o .,i r - . L L, : r, r . _;I i - J o"; - , - Cin E t\ M) ON : 4--Nr v .-tLm LAKE? MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DIS1'R1CT .REVD JUN 241991 is Board of Director's AGENDA Regular Meeting, 7 :3U pm, Wednesday, .June 26, 1991 f(�nka Bav ,,I t y Na l l 4`)01 X`.enitc.0 Read (County Rd l9) Call to Order Rolf Call Reading of Minutes --- 3,221 Board fleeting public Comment, r: -- From persons in attendance not on agenda Chair Announcements, Cochran 1. Proposed candidates to serve on Conflict of Interest sub- committee, subject to Board approval: 2. Public Officials Lake Inspection Tour. Sat.., 8/3/91 3. Additional announcements: Commi t.tev Reports 1. WATER STRUCTURES, Chair Grathwol A. Lakeside Marina, status on compifiance with Board conditions of license renewal granted 5/22/91 B. Gavle h.arina, staff report on providing certified multiple dock survey, and report. on Minnehaha Creek Watershed District public hearing on dredging violation. C. License renewals pending: (informat.ion only) Gavles Xarina Harborage Homeowners Assn RDP Partners /Upper M1:innetonka Yarht Club 1). Addit it,nal business recommc�ndvd by the committee: 2. ADVISORY Chair Rarscop A. P. ,r1, 1P,1c on dIAft r0Visi011 s of t hr' cornbi F 1 v i r' l Pt•ot e, t i n and Shc,r l:IIld Nan,ag(? III ent. (•1 1,1 er', . B, For draft r, i n f ih„ 1)g1 a11 ce of the Lunt I - •r�. :rn cy > ,I rr. "nt I'lati a', ICI ', I:I '' be �' , •t r�,��"irt �r, ,rn, I f:lr rt,,r lire f t I, f r n r l .'r �i „ r , t f „, ti,�t Colin( i t t t t ll A if ,i r ,.�� . ,, .J, ! t. 1, It t "' ' A Statement of Cash Transact ions , mo"! B Audit of Vouchers for Payment C. 1 annual budget revipa: City responses to prel iminary,�, Pnblir agency rpsponno to F: 1Z Motion to adopt as propnb"i V, subsequent presentation to milli D . Additional business recommended UNFINISHED BUSINFSS 0 NEW BUSINESS V ADJOURNMENF BOARD OF DIRECIORS AGENDA. 6/26/91, Page" '2' 3. ENVIRONMFNU, F. W. Milt oil Task lkwQ, A. Operations progress, since WvPA B Funding update from private c"Ar 4. LAKE USE, Chair Pillsbury Channel recommending moveme p 0 Freshwater Fon"dation's D. Hennepin County Sheriff'q Watpr"INQ A |} »\ ~ ^ '»' 6/l7� \991 . control on ENM; Mon.. mictce: f C,con a\ for� 1 1ovh. 6/8� O/l & 2, o. 6/8� ort; M L t,p' ' 0 ^g 5/3\/92 ^ u draft: budget; for S, rd� 0 ' ~ REC'U JUN 24 1991 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION ll1S'I'R1CT is Board of Director:, 1:el ular Moel,ing, 7:30 p.m. , Wednesday, May 22, 1091 l'onka Day City flail Call to Order: '1 h, meeting wa:; a l lead to ord by Chair C,'o at, 8 : 00 1). rn . Membcrs 1'r(::_ic;nt= b, rt I`u5t�v.r, Vice (;f1,'ilr, Deephaven; J.�,m.-s Gr.athwul , EK,;eIsivi , David 1' Chai r, GreeIIw,-o 16.)1)cr•t. Pillsbury, Minnet<)rika; Jan P-swinkel, 'Treasurer, tUrm"Lunk;_1 Beac h: nv Car Isk,N, 11 i r I n u t r i s t a ; Thomas Reese, Mound (c-as noted); JoEllen 11urr, Orono; Robert Rascop, Shorewood; Dot- 1r,Ias Babcock,Srr--retary, Spring Park; Marvin bjorlin, Tonka Bay; David Barton, Victoria; Thomas Martin:,( Wayzata. Also present: :' Wm. Chandler, Sheriff' Water Patrol; Ch--trles LeF'evere, Counsel; Rach(�.1 ThibauIt, Administrative TecIinician; Eugene Strominen, Executive Dir «actor. Absent.: Robert , lucum, Wc : >dl,uld Reading of Minutes: R.ascup movod, Carlson sr.conded, to approve the minutes of the 4/24/51 meeting as nubmittecl. Motion carried unanimous Public Comment:;: There wens r comments from p -i r:iOri - i in 40 a t tend.an<;e,- not on the ,igce r a . Chair Announcements, Chair Cochran 1. `I'll Lake Inspection 'four will occur Juno:: 8, 1991- I''_ in«-I III bcrs are asked t,o arrive at the Minnetonka Boat Wc: (Wayzata) gas dock at 7:1.5 a.m.. The boat will leave promptly at 7:30 a. m. R. .V.1 are needed. The itinerary was distributed to the Board. 2. Reese, Cocl Rascop, Thibault and Strommen attended the Lake Minnetonka Lakeshore. Owners Association picnic on May 19. made a plea for funding of the milfoil prorram. S enator hen Olson, Pepresentati.ve:; Ron Abrams and Steve SmiLll and County Commissioner Tad jade all made presentations. About 120 perr.,orls attended. LMCD received consi.d,:.rable interest arnd atL(,ntAon. Committee Reports T h,- Tit . -1 li '.1 1 d WATER ;'TI {(HNIH T, Chair Grtathwol ,. ;, � 1��.. . � i , i��, t ... t �,I, ., ❑li nut«.::. l y I-MCD BOARD Olt' DIRVCTORS May 22, 1991 B. The 1991 license renewal and tC�M1)k- 1r,ary low water variance applications from Lakc aide Marina, with C�"Mittee row " mm -nding denial h.asnd upon four violations Awd An past year. Grathwol moved, Rascop seconded, to approve the committee recommendation to deny license renewal and VATIpOrary low water variance _ ppl.icati.ons from Lakeside Marina, becausr_ of 1 ) Non- -, compli with the original configuration; 2) Dry storage of boats on trailers; 3) No signs on the western edge of tw dock to prohibit parking of boats; and 4) Fencing missing to control transient boat docking on the west side. The executive director reported that I e and Thibault inspected the premises just prior to this meeting. 11 y found the no parking signs in place, but the fencin was not in place. The fencing has been purchased and is on site. Then, continues to be a difference in configuration from the last approved 1989 license. Strommen and Thibault observed about 100 boats on land, Of which some are on trailers, others on blocks and still others awaiting customer pick up. Some of the trai lered boats are put in and out by the owners, or by the marina. Lakeside Marina had been advertising dry storage space for movement in and out of the water without a license for such dry storage. The executive director noted that other marinas have boat:, in Iarid storage. LeFevc;re said land storage would qualify as dry storage if the marina's lake access ramp is being used to place boats in and out of the water. Thibault added that some boat owners 14ork on their boats at the marina. Hurr said the City of Orono would object to that activi Reese-, arrived at this time. Cochran noted the testimony given at the comriLtee meeting from Orono Counci lmember Jabbour and residential riei rl about encroachment and the length of the temporary dock, as well as written comments from the City cf Orono. Jabbour has also raised the question of lake pollution from fragmenting styrofoam. Cochran noted the committee chair has added that problem to the study agenda. Babcock and Hurr called for enforcement action. Grathwol agreed that denial of the license and temporary low water variance is not sufficient. Enforcement, of the Code should be t- , ide- rtak,-ra. The executive director noted that a complicated sett of floating docks were built under the 1990 temporary low water variance, and that the applicant has brought the do�•ks back to 47 , 1 '' t rC)lTl 600 , Many of the 51ii�s - so i lst<`al le rirr ocr :iipled. T it m )t.lorl to d "ny a 1. , , -nse . -.1 tt mpurnr'y Aw water v._triancr to hakoslde Marina was wi thdreawn by and Grathwol. �irCatliwpl mc-vnd, Ro ncop nC.;rindod: to dbrly tht' 1ow it�1r ,.:ari�i17 "'t" iapp1ja tion far the rea "ann statol l;y the luffl l t 1 '.; CoN May 11 , a td by thn Bai rd at this rw r t i ng N amel y L tl,_. 1 kn ib up to - 2H, 1 1 viti�on, an ,� .'17,0, I nv1 pahlF 0 nr: l ili"A LMG'D HOAM) OF DIRECTOR' May 22, 1991 level t I i, r - - ) l a ve t , - i i n o m r r u u s n u m p I a i n t s f r o m ,) t 1 1 e r m a r i n a s , laku! Uwnrs aid rusidential neighbors, there were Dwykvwaty "r no I i oh t E - _ the temporary dock extension, and to grant wi nUnl comm r i I multiple dock licuns" for a dock which is M w n a me c, .:) n f i r I I I t, i,-, And in th n ion yin the dc,:1 whi�h w, is lic it, bA thn last temporary low water waqNnt' ; a!i conditi"ov to the applicati-n, the opplicant must: I� 12 .TIIVW int cc i I i �t n - i- with the j)ravizions of the LMCD ;�'o. (A,.-, incll. Ii.r1r, cea5inr thn off lake storava of waLercrift in vi.ol..0-i''n t, (" ,, I ,- :-,!) fenc_-.in� and ri,-) parking signs to bu MAA :, d i compliance with the 1989 multiple dock license stiFWations; 3) t 13- - 1 rd w i l l (continue to review environmental joub 1 nm:3 associALA with the the chipping off of the s ty ru t It lic"n5w subject to additional conditions being imposed - ;it a Ltt,--i- d a t if that is found to be a problem; 4) the applicant. will SUbi!ii t t the executive director a plan for omri rat i n to complianny with these _undi Li-ons no later than one vond; a f t notice is served on him by the executive director of t h e 13"ard4 action; that plan will include commencing the physical opt, to bring the dock structure back into the 200' limitWon in the 1989 cumif iguration no later than two weeks after ncdicQ is received from the executive director. and the dock will I),- f u I I Y within 200', with the exception of the 25' gas dock extension no later than 30 days after notice is received from tljf- e- x,-! c I-A L i v (o director. Motion carried unanimously. i,'a r L _i� (-, i i m Hurr seconded, tu direct Mai azecu L i vto dirctor to aggresively pursue enforcment of Board' e s e s nwMion ju. M t i o i i c a r r i e (I . C . Jearinie Bower.-; Variance Order. (; r a i, I i w o I moved, Pillsbury ( ) to approvt,. th U r (It -,. r variaw;n d the 113wer's prul-Kty as pcep,tred by th-� �fttC�1I1 V. In to a questiun from Tim McCarthy, F i i r v i ew .Avenu rega A i ng how the change in I a ke leve a f fe t ,, the variance, Cochran explained the Order i s to remain in to f f uc t, during those years in which the Board has declared Wv; ex i a Lnnc�.. of low The Bowers variance is to define a dock Me area in low w -i t-t- r years. Susan Wrrls, 21580 Fairview Avenue:, w a .1D advin-d LQ 3' doRh for novivable water in a imidoline f or abnolut" nqmbt_-r )r (_)rdAnnwq. D. MUM* of 1nK!ronL MAY I,MCD BOARD OF D11?F( ;"TO1Z.; May 22, 1991 E. Multipl Dock License Renewals 0 Rl -cup t' ) zlpp -!Ve th'.: following UtttitlE d)i:E; lli: -tr5t: I , ILwltl] conditi_vn:3 ;is noted: 1) 1% WITH(.)UT (:iiANIJE- B, -,th _suh jt��:t t,-) ri l lsr'_ ct: -rti f icate 4 (3rzay_: boy h1..lrina, �;r:�y� Day + P._,rk iIillil' irk 1 ir,d AID ts. BI ac, k Lake: I%E'NEWAL W I'i ! 1 `I'FINFCiitAJiY 1,UW WATER VARIANCE!';: 13•:ans Gr ,•nw. i Marina, St. Albans Pay, subject to village certlf icatt- Forest Arms In +�mer,t Assn- , Forest Lake, No inert- a��e, in slip .,.ues * 1~oxhill Home - owners Assn. , Smith Day, No increase in slip siz - - - s I.10tiOn , parried unanim(Dusly. F. Dei( Appl icat i.on Deposit. Refund:: GratIiwoI moved, Rascop seConded, approval of the following* committee: rek n n ItCgarding deicing application deposit r :funds: 1 ) Forfei turn -- of rt -•fl nd to North Shore Drive Marina as a rase It of multiplt: for non compliance. 2 ) $51) late fe'Je bu dt;ciuctud from Lakeside Marina deposit, leaving; a deposit: refund balance of $50 3) Approval of full refund to 20 as identified in tluti Water :structure Ccemmittf_e- minutes of 5/11/91. Debbie Bra- neman, North Shore Drive Marina objected to forfeiture of tht $100 deposit. breneman detailed meetings with Thihault in which it was her understanding that, in view of changing ice circumstances and problems with snowmobiles knocking (b,wn the fencN, the else or ref lec.torized p oles would suffice in:st,:a.d of the fe- nce�. Grcithwol commented that the deicing extended beyond the fence and doc.:k use area. Thibault reported thert; were at least four i r— ])ect.lons and the full dock use area w.as not fenced ao rtJquired. Hurr questioned the refund to Lal:esi.de Marina w) they began de, ,-- ing without a permit. LeFevere noted that withholding of deposits is not a punitive m,,,Jsilre, but a means to recovt: -r abc,ve normal expenses. t1c,t.i <.n c:,lrrit:d, Hurr voting nay. G. Multiple Dock .,ieenne Renewal - Mai Tai (Excelsior Day) c : 1 1_, ,ury _ � _ ,rl 1 i, tr) ;E,prr,ve rine item of l� ri -xi I,�li�:1T1 £,, th, �� `stl� >rl ��t ti,? NLii Tai for renewal t �Gr'ianr'F wi ti, it pr Viou i Ll a LMCD BOARD OF DIRECTOR.; May 22, 1991 I'l e x t u t i v a dirawtor expLained that the intent of the rk„n<.w.al is L, n ,,k,, LI, h a v a il a ble to the Excelsir)r Park Tavarn for Lranni"rih d-pkave to thei -r licensed opuration. I snap a"kwd f n r information on insuran and parking. That in mou b the Mai Tai and Excelsior Park T t7f r I I I r, ' F_ Tid•- wit discussion that, the use iLi for a I ill rant' •_-ven rI t H,ti Tai, which is n(t operating. ,I' p_- transient d,_,cks available w - 1:, n I iiiirr, nwacqoicd by Rascop, to refer the Opp liCAL iwil ho tim Wit !r S 0 ruct ur Commi for a lo Motion failed, six aYe seven nay. Vot,I:, on mf: to grant a mriitipl,� dock. license renewal to the M _I.i T a i TI, Wurw eight ayes and r ive nays. Motion and expri�ssed opinions that items such as the 1 d nk)t, in without a 30 day .- tdvanco no t i C e and i t t rt t o 1 1%_1 I . 3. LAKE USE, Cha i r Pi 1 Inibury A. P i I I shu ry m=od, F ter suconded, to approve the minutes o the Lake th-ie- Committee mectintr of !)12'0191 as submitted . •cAA"11 ("arrif--d D. Special Events 1) New Applications: Pillsbury moved, Rascop seconded, to appr,,va the following now appl ications with stipulations: 4 Foundation, J 8c 13 With a Splash, 6/8/91 f Mc,lanal (_"iLy Day. B, Eagle Water Sk i Show, 6/23/91, adding t,, Vir,_!wvrk:7 permits. + Minnesoti OWLe Sheriff 'F Assn. Fishing Tournament, 6/18/91 Motion aarried. Hurr abstaining henause- of her Board st with Depo.-;it. Refund.s at $100 each: Pillsbury inovoed, Bartos sC,1I"or1d, to apprwo_- the $100 refunds for the following evt;nts: 4 11 >1 i (Jay - Jo I i t i s o r , (, r a pp i I TO I A rn,,Iinori t, 1 4/20/91 + MIA Comn (,rappie Tournarw nt, 5/18/91 Mot i-ri Cat i ) Con no I i d Led Ra(,( I e 11 1 ., t I ir" 1 j Gro!Lw -1 Eonand to wpprnvH LIP: request F IFNI Hi 'r! FI y i rii! ", (i: t, t, L ri LMC;D HOARD Ole DIREC'TOI:S May 22, 1991 C. Water Patrol Report 0 CIiandIer re {ported the Water Patrol has issued 5 BWI citations to date. Tl«re have been two property damage boating accidents, no injuries. 'I'll erc are ongoing, buoy inspections and inspections of temporary structures.. Charter boat and rental boat inspections are almost finished, reinspections now being conducted. A. ADVISORY, Chair Rascop A. Resolution Specifying Procedure for Amending the Long Term Management Program. Rascop moved, Grathwol seconded, to approve the Resolution Specifying Procedures for Amending the Long Term Management Program as recommended by the Water Structure Committee as presented. James Uttley, Metropolitan Council, facilitator for the Management Plan, presented draft plan amendment procedures for discussion by the Board. His draft adds steps to show how the Metropolitan Council review would be handled. Discussion followed as to whether the plan for amendments should be adopted before or after the final approval of the Management Plan. Rascop commented that something should be said to clarify that this has nothing to do with the land planning act. 'There was discussion of the type of meetings to be held, i. e., public Bearings vs. public meetings and the type of notice to be given to all concerned municipalities and agencies. How these procedures work during the interim time between now and the final adoption of the revised plan was also raised. Grathwol moved, Pillsbury seconded, to refer the draft plan for amendment procedures for the Management Plan to the Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously. U. Rascop reported on the Advisory Committee meeting 5/20/91 involving Board and agencies (Hennepin County, Hennepin Parks, Metropolitan Council, DNR). The opinions of Board members present were that it was a positive experience with LMCD receiving reinforcement for much of the Plan from the Metropolitan Council and DNI�. C. Uttley reported on a meeting he and Grathwol held with thf Fxcelsior City Cou:,cil. Excelsior has indicated they will Lh-, recently revise - Shoreland Grant Agreement. Uttley said five cities have Gigned the revised Agreement, five said they will probably sign, three cities are unsigned and one city irndi,� ited it will sign when the others sign. D. R_, reported a meeting; with the cities will be held cn `/:'9/91 , 7 p.m., at the Wayzata City Hall, the purpose to be c i t, i -:3' « vi« of changes pr _ posed by the group of dissenting s. I LMCD BOARD Ole DI RECIY)IZS May 22, 1991 6. EXE•:COTI VE DIRE'CTOR, Si.rommen A. Wayzat.:a Yacht Club Ti i xe cutivn director presented a draft statement rw I nt i nq to the Waya ,ta Yacht Club dock and district mooring area 1 i r:sc r:�riGrwal wiLh temporary low watts variance for docks only, r.:, nrn•.ndint?, the statement be directed to the Wayzata Y,+cht Club and City of Wayzata delineating LMCD's position in granting this linunse renewal subject to a valid conditional use permit for the (arathwol said the statement results from a question by way. nva Mayor Gisvold as to the procedures the LMCD will follow wlit;n it issues a dock and district mooring area license renewal .ind t porary low water variance for docks only subject to a i.d _rditional use permit for the Wayzata Yacht Club. GratIiwol moved, Babcock seconded, to approve the statement e.iS pre p., red by the attorney and to forward it to the City of W:,y..:+La :arid Way:::ata Ya;:lrt Club. Motion carried, Martinson a ,t-airrint;. II. Preliminary Draft 1992 Budget The executive director presented a draft of a 1992 budget. He recommended completing the budget so it can be in t .hK c hands the first week in June to accommodate June city n meeting Mates. The cities have asked to see the budget b "forty its adoption at the June 26 Board meeting. LaFevere reviewed the law covering financing of the LMCD. Chi �r hefor,� July 1 the LMCD is to send a proposed budget and c( t, allocation of the District's needs to each city. The cities h �v� the right to present notice of objections, which LMCD would th,!n hear. City objr_ctinNs are not binding on LMCD. The cities do not have the right to veto the budget. Marti.nsun suggested including the total EWM budget in the I092 budget and show no income from private sources. Carlson suggested sending copies of the budget to the County Board and DNIL R<ascop ar;reed on budgeting for EWM even if it shows a deficit. Foster asked that the budget be prepared with line item ";xfil tions. Carlson recommended including detail for the EWM hug rnK tlttley suggested a public meeting with the cities prior t_�� the-, ,11111r; R ird m"'eti.ng to discuss the budget rather than t.ry i ni, t,) hared le tlie discussion at a regular meeting, Th +. ex-- utAvc! director, with the officers, will finalize the bud let innIndinr al l costs and explEanatiUrl�3 ctlOng with t "n l , n , n•_ 'd•,d t , '.gym t.h - c and DNR. , 1 May 2,!, 1991 E 7 zli, VX iq REV JUN 2 4 1991 LAKE' M I NNETONKA C()N:;11.'RVAT 1 N Action Report= 1,ake Use t' t t• , Meeting: 1L �n�da> �Jur,� 1 d ��'+ 1 , 4 ' :tU Nvrwy,st 11:tIIk Way: tt. -t �Mfllul, M Members Present li Vin- III A r, K •1NI gin, 1 "•h� •t'i Pil lsh"ry, Ch:1ir, Minn-GAM; `I'11 m v, O , 1`1 iri i Al pv'�b rit.: ISud Mi ller, Fishing C"nsultant; h:, -K-1 Thikvll t , r hni�nird r:,', i—_- `I'e: A111iciarl; Eue"t - n-, ;. "t m-ti l:Y• ; i t.iv• Pi r— t , The mveting waq called to ordnr at PY ) tr 1'h-Iir d'i 1 l::t ury. A. Hennepin County Lakes Improvement Report 1. Responne to buoy marking of submerged island in Carmens Bay. D Bailey, Engin(,erin T �i, lrl, H I; ,� nt ;• Luke Ir1Iprov(,.•mr.IIt., has nut been able to nVak thy nub, , t. aion z and 1v_- will report at they next Lak" Use 1:;cAm A teen mcet.inr 2. Addition of slow buoy at Skot;berg Point, West Arm. Valle, supports, putting in a slow buc'y at end h)E t.'4 r the Chrinne1. 1)ur,)y - s and changing to unn slaw Lup y Taf t —r it y tr 5 expo. - ri en Vo5ter asked if `i l"w lv"ys awi Id to, L1.opi i n pl . li •, if the chanrlsl markers, Ballay responl' inn it lab tw d""l l •0; f. *ske.d for other t1an saNty and C'v9sion for tivi ).1 , l 'Df tow 1) 1_11 He dr,- not believe the l._ kn ub nh" "l d t". (Atanved unlevin there is ,a c-ninpyl linrr Tile C ,mmltton tcahled tilt, di`' us ;ion until the next n"n ` hiba!]l t is t(. , hC'Ck to s - if t.h—le f of tIIe U °iF' , if slow buoys and Me is al.n" tC1 , 1)1,aiII lnput, f -)III the Sheriff s Water Patrol . 3. Slow buoy placement at North Arm. Pa 1 y submi tt a drawing .showing a proponed ral:, gat Wi , ,f Up. hu'vv At North Arm. lif° 1n7 1 d t. 11 t' +'3i1 t] C)I1 hCi t�E'C'n ra 1 5 „� "af” tr, 4l11t2t• t hy' ,` =, l'iW ,`1C l) wk i Il: ind Th" tjonunittno tabl"d thy disr:t.I35Ki!i t tdi- to..xI, rnc tir:r; and w i l l vi th sit 4 . Slow Huoy placf!ment. at. north end of Sf!Llln Channel . Hai My W)mitt•:d a cdrawintr Siominn it tn� p�ll !_„ Wid 'AM r1_w d.Il.l „ y', n�tJnEt hyr i);1� • IT) )VI? d tII - 11ann.'I I'll = , <IIt f - Irt.tt r l'' r :i�AfrF','::Jtx'd I!7!'v'I nrf t,II - ' ,-IT "int 1 - *l':. f I1't 1 1 F +1'? f• .,tcrr n�• d, l��r _�_� ..�• •n,i-d, ? r' ..r•. �u1 n, in;r !h ';xlllt. .;1�'w 1�11�.YV t. d,' �.4li , .•ri tlnt' .- .:•.'w 1 ? 1 _ J _inC1 t. ril- %,' thy_' C`tl'?rlt,” l '1 } �1 h• , "t r f� `, 1 ;I1 911 "7 x'd '. iI. I, ± t�• ,�,..i ', . dx.f }F`i't (,I 1u t`.h)'r I •1dCr' 1 f'Vtr ] r t,uy 1 1 r 11i�Eht�r w;tt r lnktt inf l ii rn( t:., 1 -. w r � ..,�x'kaY�"kk ydt• �, '`t a'It rr� d 1 ' ) ;?rte t tH(g�,.� !• P1'1 vL.;:1. V% "� it i w. x .J iw y A ' .,," �t+t� �, e e s kt '�� - } ,' • M +•Yr,.�,� �.',*�kxti �� t : s,�3� . f3L r' ."'fi+r ai `»y a."J.i F. �' f'.. f �. S'`3 •. O "i'�t'i no ..W aefi..w sir' Laken One- COnlillitte() June 17, 1991 F ";tcrr lil+'nt tht.' buoys 11'ar J''Wr;tt in UEt�E�h,aVrfl, which w pt It, iri b ise? Ot li_)W Wat('r. Bai 1F-y raid hr, d "i rlvt plan t() 1111 ally ('hant;F.';i duri rit_r the year but there will pr y bc! "i next, yr.'�Ar Ut t ,' riSF,- in the; water 1 -1 . 6. Lakci Maps. Iii 1•'y re p,: rl,,w mails will he prirltc - d this fill )r , "V 1, thr- wi11te>r. He will appre_"ciate hearing about ally c:ll.lut;,!r ur sutlt;e'stiurls, 13 _ Spet; i a 1 Eve =n is 1. Th MN State Sheriff's Ass,�ci.ation Bass Fishing ti /18 /:al - Ease off and weight in changed to Miriii,- t,,rlk.a Boat Works. Wayzata fr,.•m Mound Bay Park. For C f, infurmation only - no action required. Y.. 1)epo °;i t 12e: funds. Foste<•r moved, Reese seconded, to recommend approval of the following $100 deposit refunds: J &. B with a Splash, 6/8, no problems Minnetonka P.oat Works - Wayzata- Ski Show, 6/1 and 6/2, c.aIIce I ed . Minnetonka Bass Classic, 6/8, no problems Mc,tion carried unanimously. C. Critique of Lake: Inspection Tour. It was agreed the Lake Inspection Tour was a success. It is rl() t,r•(I there are many private docks with multiple boats, 3 to 4 per r< s i deric,e . It is difficult to determine how many are at any t?iVfJl prc,t)f--rty. It is also hard to identify the boats because m,-lrry art, under canopies or boat cover:. Thibault will take pi-;tur ,_irlc' try to id «.ratify them from the Lake. Dock inspection w;_; understood to constitute a trespass. Reese suggested `I'hibault, be furnished with a picture I.U. to support ` , .er i- n�pF' cr,�dentials. HiIIer rn inlets and small bays which have been t '` -it "Fr1v.It.e Property" even though they are part of the t., ,b l i ( ' W,I t". ? . Miller also commented on the lack of signage of a l ight e)rl the side: of Cook's Bay on a - ti)t ter )t�" H�� wOuld liN. the Water Patrol to check it for irlt as it is very brittht.. 1t_ Ch:Art,!r 13,),it, H(q!i- stration Update. I :f; , ,��;t.r.. ,, . r..�•;�� �, rsst,ir t.w f LIr c harter 1', i Tic 1 t.y, 1)—if it owr]er -i s l ddre s arld 4P 1- I f. �.` r t. , I , 1 C I I raI 1 ,. II I. r n`i t!f1 c't o rl !t,h Ann f, +r, r1 , t l i +!,i : oIr i 1 i,,,, ,! Y 1 � t! � � }'n M r ,� r d .+ j �, . J� t. y 7f f a,�1s�h, ��"a►�#' � p�y�'4ht d�, �. aty�2.S- L,ik(t Unf,- Ctanuni t.tt:e: J 1 'l , 1991 E. DNR Summary of MN 1'(-,r!i0nal Lett; inlat.ion 0 t,,.,, t, I I, - I)Nlt ., I 111,11i -I I y 1 t I I, - r - � !,! rl I, I y 1, 1 MN t wat WaKlnti it d not APALIKI• th" thirty ni i i P i I Y , n t i r P i, o i n O - rat n n I n u s " I hat is in t&- INT Ordinance. memL—r!, a; I -rdinv inn in IN. Imtt"r of the o:, t , I u' 't-W tip- "'m I-Pislot'i-1 I mo k rt - I #, rf- n c u. t t h - ! 1 r i y, i I , I t, �v -rW i 11- 11 rl i u,wh n I il,lvt- I -.All i !'F!I-rlt F. WILCr P,,10 R( ort, Th- OTmit t"- mwo!�& a writ &•n r"j—P f r m 141 (A"nd I "r do h"! Q 1 Y0 I TIPAr,i him 1—cn1 .:I PWI itri-W5 A A kmly onti t -an an attyrnny'n adybin. 11 w re has Wwn nn Wom tq- in thefts, particularly in th upp.-!r lake area. A + t I, i ve i I as 9 i rned to C ,:, rd i na te i I I v e s t i � a t, i (-) r I s TlP- 1*11 i i av l- t,w- personil injury acnid"nLs. one Q w3y; P a y :-ind the other in Sprim Park My. Whackmim Lave been i ss I f (-) r f-i i I i ig i 1- 1 t ,,- :, t, 1 ri i� . tempor st ucture inspections ar c-'11 hold du'- to hi gh pull :;a f"! ty d "Arlds TI 1,-, (.!,�111111 i I, t -e d i, skA the $ P2 f i ne f (-),c f a i I i tig the Lim i h- I tes K ag rue i ng it wuu I d I i ke to a h i Oier f ine . F s t t r movoE!d, R--f sr-conded, to direct staff U) work with t, I ie Watt-, Patr to ill fines for boats exineudirip W, I b". I -1 i "I i t �iu 1) j r"! L ry pe a t offenders t increasijiV f iries all(] to requ i re r - pair a n d inspection as i done with ;W tomQb i 1 e equl i pm-n t vi ) I a t i on s . flo t i an c a r r i F"i unan i nvou n I Y - G_ Add i L i on Bun, i rt 1. Freeman Appea Corrc. 5/28/9 TIT C"ornmittee ii rl f'-) I, i , 11 tJ t t, I I )pit:t I . ,f t, I 1" 1 r - ri C3:; I I Z -S f lal - t i < - I F nud it K u -i lid I , :j t I , s 1) o :A t i I i P, t) r' i f(-Jr Y 2 � ,, r , , I, I : " I, r I I I I I t q I r o r t P ri � i i r i f ` p--- r i ri t., - r D (,, u t! Pry l"L , Honflupi 11 KHOO a L a j 1 tit Mind IvAlry/Washalki c i f ( b my - r m r; i?. The suj"rint undenk said UPA" two six t [, Pli , whiph a", wX r n IT r - 4 t r i - t i n n 1-Allur l b : rm i d t Q- F , I I I p 'i I I i fil i t s and H. Adjournment. Pillbbury d, —,rftd the rilt.- 5: 30 p. f or lack of a CILIOrLIM. ad i (jurnod at • FOR IIIE COMMITT�.,:E ELlgf.,'tlC- Strummer, Executive Directur • N O Wasr A VVI If f '0 L'O' �� 6 abd: - 6= -- Bend =_- 8aeh- ttpp }featien- for- a- Iieense -shall - be -,ae- eempanied by- - a- -swrett- bend -e -or-, -- ceslr-&r-United St ate -Se verrmettt- AxwKI9 --o+• equ -fps - market -in Minnesota - statutes; - 6eet3on 43*eAm - - Ouch - Suret - - bOtl& - .er - other security- sham- be -in- the- suM-of - $S 888.68- for- an- epplieant- far -erg men- Bade• -i3 *_ -- .+}mob - 3e ae e - an a'Onr- 6a"ie�'- -stile- iieense: All- such- to"da- -sho+1- - no- cance33et3 on-- tyor-- a�- eear�e ear-- be-- M&de» e 1 the r -*T- •fiche -ot - -the -eg }cant; Without - eaid --pe 43om- fi-r-it-- giving -34 d&ys r- written - •i —tv -the eity - addressed -te the - eity- Manager; -ef- intention- to- eaneei -bond. I U `Q /tr13 eerrh - -or -United as- preswic}ed -in • b©ndl or -ether Ppileant- fer -an QUOTATION • w4ite-- *3eenee: -- f0T* --aft r- e&tk9e DATE: 6 -9 -1991 .he_et, rtotiee --tcr -the TO: CITY OF MOUND e- canoe} -bend: 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 FROM:PAINTERS PLUS 3046 BBrighton Common Mound, MN 55364 472 -6740 Thank you for the opportunity to percent to you this quotation for the water blasting, crae.k filling, and the painting of the exterior for the PARKS MAINTENANCE GARAGE located at 4845 Manchester Road Mound, MN 55364. I have three options that you. -may chose from: OPTION 1 This option will water blast the areas on the building that are flacking or stained and need to be removed. The paint that is on the building that is in good shape is not blasted off. I welcome the inspection from City the of Mound before painting, c-r crack filling begins. I have chosen a silicon based fill rather than the mortar fill because of the better adhesion qualities of the product (mortar will with cold and hot seizure of the building eventually crack out). Faint used it the painting of this building is MAUTZ 97 Commercial flat latex paint. This paint has qualities to adhere to i,.etal or brick surfaces. All unpainted surfaces will be primed. TOTAL. PRICE ............ ..............................5 1,745.00 OPTION 2 In this option they water blasting is again in only the areas that are flaking or stained. The cracks are filled with silicon b;3scd fiIIer for ton,-, =r Life, and durabili•uv. We welcome Bins1) e cti1)n c the building prior to pa T.,ting. All areas that are t)ot Pa i n ed w. l l he -)r imed . The,• pc: , n use i MAI'TZ 2100 cc >F }trC 1 i. +t ex pair: t. (rolr,r ch::rrts w be :applied . . . . . .... . .. .. ... . . ..... .. .. ...... . ..... ..� 1,980.01 /tr13 AGE 2 TION 3 The third option is that of water blasting the entire 11ding. Cracks are filled with a silicon based filler. rr.spection is welcomed prior to painting the building. Paint ed is the M.AOTZ 2100 comercial semi -gloss latex paint ( color "harts will be supplied upon acceptance of the bid). All unpainted surfaces will be primed. AL PRICE ............ ..............................S 2,750.00 r All painting and labor carries a 1 year warranty from any efect which may occur. I might add that the MAUTZ 97 and 2100 11 out last the 5 -10 year warranty Glidden paints. If there are any questions that might occur please let us a of service by calling 472 -6740. Terms are net 30. Thank you. m acere,li, Leonard Wogsla • � i y ( h J U PROPOSAL Tlkll t'oatings, Inc. WS tWd Road (4941W 1.490 Saint Paul. %t 5. t6t21452.4100 fax 1611145245" CONTRACTORS of Protectivt CoatMgs and Linings for Industry ►rOTE City of Mound Tres progo" may bo wwb*awn M us R no Attn: Jim Fackler 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55634 cam June 19, 1991 Re9wchni Painting of Parks L (612) 471 -1155 or 472 -0611 (direct) Maintenance Garage Dear Sir: 4845 Manchester Road, Mound, MN We propose to turnish all labor, supervision, material, tools, equipment, transportation, insurance and tax as necessary, sublect to terms and conditions ou " +ned on the back of this form, to perform work as specified below TMI Coatings, Inc. has visited and inspected your Parks Maintenance Garage on Manchester Road and proposes to clean and paint the exterior of building with the following scope of work: 1. High pressure wash to r {:move loose and peeling paint, efflorescence and chalking. 2. °.,wer tool clean rusted steel surfaces as necessary. 3. Spot apply one coat of exterior grade block filler and spot prime steel surfaces where needed. 4. Apply one coat of exterior grade masonry paint, color to match existing. 5. Apply one full coat of industrial enamel to exterior surfaces of hollow metal doors and frames, color to match existing. YOUR COST INCLUDING LABOR AND MATERIALS INSTALLED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900.00. NOTE: Owner to trim and remove brush against and near building prior to work. TMI Coatings, Inc. has extensive experience with BUILDING PAINTING, including past work for the City of Savage, MN; City of Eagan, MN; City of Burnsville, MN; Building Painting has also been completed for Safety Kleen, Inc., Eagan, MN; Schwing America, Forest Lake, MN; Progress Building, St. Paul, MN; and many others. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please don't hesitate to contact us at (612) 452 -6100. • ka cltyolbs(hvs) ACCEPTANCE The yrwr p And authoriz -, you to lwe A!I m_oenals and 'Ahor required to complete the work se! orth n the prigs v pur,' want to tt e proposai hoar„ arn(j cent} r,r7n5 Set tprtn on the revpr5e Side nereol, for which we agree 10 ;ay ynk� Ihn Arrh,i,nt vr! hint+ �n the pre, ?5al r A i1 Oai9 fa ecifuily , TMI Coatings, Inc l Fy Br,.�cu Y. S��rtn:.on T. "rf,�r ��l��s S Lstuaat;n� -7� pl u ' - ip rr fir B f l x Pi V41j I I I al x1fill0q, 1,11, 111glitill;g I ti, X141 ut 'Al Vis r. sl I L- A v- 4" i 1 Is 1 4 Magri mj K Oi ?14 l =fix 44 t 4 1 4 I t -.P t t �k . g E �4A PROPOSAL SUBM TO: City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 5.5534 ATTN.- Jim Fackler Proposal POP 11110, Pe mercial and Industrial Painting Contractors 12955 46th Avenue North • Pynouth, MN 55441.612 - 557 - OW FAX (612) 557-001' June 5, 1991 xa Parks Maintenance Garage sT "$T 4845 Manchester Road Cnv SUTE Mound I Minnesota SUNRISE PAINTING 6 WALLCOVERING, INC. is pleased to quote $5,400.00 for painting at the above referenced project. Bid Includest 1. Sandblast or waterblast concrete block. 2. Fill cracks and holes. 3. Paint concrete block, man doors, overhead doors, bollards. 4. Work on building next door (church like structure) is not included. 0 AN matenai is guaranteed to be as specified All work t^ be completed it a Aorwnantike manner according to standard practices Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs w:tt t9 exec , .'ea e-ly upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate All agreements contingent upon stakes acooe ^is Y ce ays beyond our coniroi Owners to carry fire. tornado and other necessary insurance Our workers are tufty covered by Wcrkr 5 CCrr F- sa•ion insurance NOTE Tnis proposal may be withdrawn oy us it not accepted within _ _ __ day t. Author;zad Sigaatu Kelli Peifer, Estimator SERVING THE M IDWEST coil *iNG d '4'4 LCOVERING INDUSTRY SINCE 1974 Acceptance of Proposal The above prices Speclkafi01 and co a'e sa s'a ' .r, 3' C w`e acce;.teC You a aathc zed to do the work as saec�':ed Payment wr l be made as ab%ve Acce ^'sd Date 1(4 V5 June 3. 1991 INVITATION TO QUOTE ON PAINTING OF PARKS MAINTENANCE GARAGE LOCATED AT 4845 MANCHESTER ROAD, MOUND. MN 55364. AS FOLLOWS: I. Sandblast or water blast all exterior concrete surface. 2. Fill all cracks and holes with mortar. 3. Paint Exterior of Building. MAIL QUOTcS TO: JIM FACKLER. CITY OF MOUND. 5341 MAY'd00D ROAD. MOUND. MN 55634. 0 1�1 1 (.;yo s Mailed paint specifications to the following contractors for bids on May 3. 1991. Painter Plus 3046 3righton Coasons Mound M11 55364 Pries Comercial S Industrial Painting Inc. 7523 Comerce Street W. Corcoran, MN 55340 Minnetonka Painting 5016 Woodridge Road Mound MN 55364 a Sunrise Painting 12955 16th Avenue North Plymouth. MN 55.41 Sandblasting Services 4970 Leslie Road Mound, MN 55364 T1�lI 2805 Dodd Road St. Paul, MN 55121 MAILED PAIN SPECS DATED JUKE 3, 1991 TO THESE CONTRACTORS ON JUNE 3, 1991. P" A -4- For June 25, 1991 Council Meeting June 19, 1991 Our I ady of the L ake Church requests the following Licenses for the Incredible festival July 27 & 28, 1991. Approval contingent upon all required forms, insurance, approval of Police Chief Harrell and where necessary the appropiate department. Public Dance Per Te m$orary On -sa ^ ton - Intoxicating Malt Liquor Pe rmit • • • Pq CITY OF MOUND 472-1155 (XJASI PUBLIC FUNCTION P ORTABLE SIGN APPLICATION Portable signs used for the purpose of directing the Public used in conjunction with a governmental unit or quasi-public function. The period of use shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive days and requires approval of the City Council. Signs shall be placed on the premises of the advertised event. A permit is required, however is exempt from all fees. ADDRESS OF SIGN LOCATION - ATTAe4fi& BUILDING OWNER 7 1.,4 e Pw)t4E NAME OF APPLICANT (if other than owner)' -- PHONE APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 2'F s C' e. Zee, e- PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FOR: DESCRIBE TYPE OF SIGN (materials, Is it Illuminated, S Td k 61 AJ (9L1FZS7PFf- 13A1JK)TPZ- ' SIZE OF SIGN REQUESTED: high x — w I de - sq. f t. LENGT►- OF TIME TO BE ERECTED: __A PPk 0- DESCRIBE REASON FOR REQUEST: 76 A 6 0 FP-Ttz E lif)yk 's )Cr ST/ 0A - -Fme Leclt% t- AA 2-1 App)i cant "s Si lure , Recommendation: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON: 0 I-IX cf /, of2 i l � r .3 t t: k Si OA I - S 16 A) 4 vi- 1 le AJA 10 J (t e : J tcf y 3 04 A) Cis# S 7 T, e -- ► 1 A �Nr 2= tt0 r3 • v GEOTBCRXICAL l PROPOSED MUNICIPAL OTC MOUND, Tail GNE PROJECT Copyright, 1992 - GME Consultants, Inc. GIVIE CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS i?C 21 t A;» No %A, ,r;eaGH,3 s. NINI 55447 June 29, 1991 , Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager City of Mound Street 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 GME Project No. 3020 RE: Geotechnical exploration and water sample analysis for proposed municipal stockpile storage site in Mound, Minnesota Dear Mr. Shukle: In accordance with your acceptance of our proposal dated May 24, 1991, we have conducted a geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project. We are submitting three copies of our report to you. Submittal of this report concludes the scope of services detailed in our proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you for this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, GME CONSUI,TANTS, INC. Joel G. Ulring, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer JDU:kdc TABLE OF CONTEXTS Geotechnical Uploration Proposed Municipal Storage Site Mound, Minnesota MM Project No. 3020 sect i gage ASFE Notes Regarding Geotechnical Engineering Reports 1 Introduction 1 Exploration Program Results 2 Scope of Exploration 2 Topography /Surface Features 3 Subsurface Conditions 3 Groundwater Conditions 4 Engineering Review and Recommendations 5 Project Data 5 Discussion 6 Access Roadway Recommendations 7 Stockpile Storage Area Preparation 8 Construction Considerations 9 Geofabric Placement 9 Winter Construction 9 Differential Settlement 9 General Qualifications 10 Field Exploration Procedures 11 Soil Sampling 11 Soil Classification 11 Standard of Care 12 Appendix N(' RIAN'T INFORMAVION GECITECHANK:-AL ENGINI RFI�)Rl' REPORT V, BMW (ON A !0fil SET OF fWAVCV-44 VHIC INCYORS 1'. FINDING'S" M Gf AiNICAL " PROFFSKIONAL FumporEss SH fil- U R f A Ci C 1 0 N DI I 10 NS CAN CHANGE A[- "FINDINGS," ARE IMAMS �I TIONS CAN RVAD RL,Sflk:)N`. CLOS111-Y INTRODUCTION on th:r have completed the geotechnical exploration for the proposed nicipal stockpile and storage site in Mound, Minnesota. The project TI, [1. is located west of Commerce Boulevard on the east shore of Dutch ork was completed in accordance with your acceptance of our osal dated May 24, 1991. As described in the proposal, cur work O .for this project is limited to the following elements. 1. Explore the subsurface conditions by means of nine Standard Penetrati(.,n borings and one hand auger boring to depths of 6 and 15 feet. Obtain soil samples in accordance with appropriate ASTM designations. 2. Visually /manually classify the soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D 2488 and prepare the being logs. 3. Prepare a report presenting our engineering review and recommendations regarding site preparation for use as a stockpile storage area. We will discuss construction considerations which could be influenced by the subsurface conditions. 4. Provide laboratory test results of a groundwater sample taken from the location of boring 9 and a lake water sample. rposes of this report are to present the results of our field program, water camp analyses, and to provide you with our e.rinq review and recommendations. i City of Mound i GME Project No. 3020 2 June 19, 1991 1 EXPLORATION PROGRAM RESULTS ad =t Scope of Exploration ,h The field exploration consisted of drilling nine Standard Penetration borings with a CME 750 rig, and one hand auger boring, between the it dates of May 27 and 28, 1391. We selected the number, locations, and =k depths of the borings. Borings 4, 6, and 9 were drilled to depths of 20 and 22 feet to extend them through the fill and organic soils to the a underlying non - organic naturally- occurring soils. Boring 10 was terminated at a depth of 8 feet, because water bearing sand was i i encountered and the boring could not be advanced further using hand augering methods. i The boring locations were staked in the field by the Project Engineer. i A drawing showing the approximate locations of the borings is included in the Appendix. Surface elevations at the boxing locations were shot by the drill crew, referencing the top nut on the hydrant located northeast of boring 1 on the east side of Commerce Boulevard. For the purposes of our work, this benchtiark was assigned an elevation of 100.0 feet. d �,r City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 3 June 19, 1991 Topography/Surface Features The eastern portion of the project site is relatively level and has been filled with various soils and materials. The western portion of tht site is a low land with standing water. The vegetative cover on the site is predominantly weeds with mature trees located to the east, north, and west. A grass covered field about 20 feet higher in elevation is located to the south of the site. The property adjoins Dutch Lake which is located to the west. Subsurface Condition:. The subsurface conditions encountered at each test boring location are illustrated on logs included in the Appendix. We wish to point out that the subsurface conditions at other times and locations on this site may differ from those found at our test locations. If different conditions are encountered during construction, it is necessary that you contact us, so that our recommendations can be reviewed. Borings 1, 2, and 3 were drilled for the proposed access road. The borings show 4 to more than 6 feet of organic and non - organic silt and _lay fill overlying natura l.y- occt:rring peat, organic silt, and clay. Biased on the Standard Penetration Resistance (N) values, the soils are very loose to loose in density and firm to stiff in consistency. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 4 June 19, 1991 The balance of the borings are in the proposed stockpile storage area. Except at boring locations 7 and 10, the borings encountered 13 to 20 feet of fill consisting of organic and non - organic sand, silt, and clay soils, wood, and peat. Underlying the fill are naturally- occurring loose silt and firm clay. In boring 7, non - organic naturally- occurring i firm to very stiff clay and medium dense silt was encountered. In boring 10, about 6 feet of stiff to very stiff clay fill was overlying naturally- occurring medium dense sand. Groundwater Conditions The drill crew observed the boreholes for groundwater levels during and after completion of the drilling. Groundwater was observed between depths of 4 and 12 feet. Based on the groundwater observations, it is our opinion that, the groundwater table is between elevation 96 and 98. The elevation of the water in the low area and Dutch Lake were at about elevation 96 on the date of our exploration. Seasonal and annual fluctuations should be anticipated in the groundwater levels, and the water levels may also be influenced by site drainage, variations in local precipitation patterns, and the water level in Dutch Lake. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 5 June 19, 1991 ENGINEERING REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS � Project Data The engineering recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding of the project as described in the following paragraphs. The recommendations are valid for a specific set of project conditions. It the characteristics of the project change from those indicated in this section, it is necessary that we be notified so that we can determine whether the new conditions affect our recommendations. The project site is located behind Anthony's Flora: which is at 1861 s Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) in Mound. It is the location of two former sewage lagoons which were constructed for the existing Grandview Middle School, located southeast of the property. The area way pparently low and was reshaped, with dikes constructed to form the lagoons. We understand the lagoons were used only for a few years prior to a sanitary sewer system being extended to the school. Since this time, the site has been partly filled. i According to Mr. John Cameron of McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc., and Mr. Geno Huff of ti.e City of Mound, materials known to be deposited on the site include miscellaneous soils and construction debris, including asphalt, concrete, and a demolished wood building. More recl,intly, dredging spo from the surrounding lakes has been deposited. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 6 June 19, 1991 Located, on the west side of the lagoons between the lagoon and Dutch Lake, is a concrete out flow structure and buried pipe line extending between the outflow structure and Dutch Lake. We understand that the proposed site usage will include stockpiling of various materials, consisting of gravel, street sweepings, sand containing salt for spreading on icy winter streets, and excess soil from excavations and backfill. We also understand that a new access road will be built between Commerce Boulevard and the site, to the north of Anthony's Floral. Planned construction on the site will include regrading and initially placing a gravel surface. Future plans are to place a bituminous surface. Discussion Based on our review of the project information and subsurface conditions, it is our opinion that the ite can be developed for use as a stockpile and storage area, with some limitations. These limitations are that continued differential sr`tlement of the area should be expected for several years, and the height of the various stockpiles should be restricted. This is because the soils on the site have low shear strengths and are compressible. We estimate expected settlements could be on the order of 2 to 3 feet or more under large loadings. Because of the poor soil conditions and potential for excessive differenti.al settlements, we recommend that geofabric he placed between city of Mound GME Project No. 3020 7 June 19, 1991 the subgrade and new gravel surface. The need to place additional gravel and regrade the site would likely be required annually. coess Roadwa Recommendations No traffic loading infiltration was provided to us; however, we anticipate several passes per day of loaded dump trucks (H -20 loadings). To prepare the access road into the site, we recommend subcutting the roadway at least 2 feet below final elevation. Because the soils are easily disturbed by construction equipment and traffic, we recommend a backhoe having a bucket with a straight cutting edge be used to complete the subcut. We recommend that a non -woven geofabric such as a Supac 8 NP or Trevira ' i 1135 be placed over the subgrade soils prior to placing aggregate base. The joints should be sewn in accordance with the manufacturer's F � i recommendations. We recommend at least 24 inches of 100% crushed rock or crushed recycled concrete meeting Mn /DOT Class 5 gradation i requirements be placed over the fabric. The aggregate base should be placed in two lifts with the initial lift being about 16 inches thick. We suggest the initial lift be placed by bask dumping on previously placed materiel and spreading it with a small truck tape dozer. The aggregate base material should be 6 f City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 8 June 19, 1991 i compacted with heavy vibratory compaction equipment to at least 100% of the maximum Standard Proctor density (ASTM: D 698). Stockpile Storage Area Preparation To prepare the stockpile storage area, we recommend clean sand soils be used to raise the western portion of the site which is currently below water to an elevation of 1 to 2 feet above the present water surface (about elevation 98). This material should be placed by back dumping and spreading it with a track type dozer. Upon placing this fill, it should be surface densified to at least 95% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. The site grading could be completed by using on- } site soils free of debris from the eastern portion of the site. The f final subgrade elevation should be graded to 24 inches below final grade with the site being sloped 1/2% to 1% toward a drainage basin which we anticipate would be in the western portion of the site. Above elevation 98, fill should be placed in about 8 inch thick lifts and compacted to about 95% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density (ASTM: D 698). Upon achieving final subgrade elevation, a non -woven geofabric such as a Supac 8 NP, Trevira 1135, or equivalent should be placed. We recommend the final 24 inches of fill consist of an initial 12 inch layer of aggregate backfill as defined in the Mn /DOT Standard Specifications for Roadway and Bridge Construction, Section 3149.2 -E, "Aggregate Backfill" and 12 .inches of 100° crushed rock meeting Mn /DOT City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 9 June 19, 1991 Class 5 gradation requirements. The initial aggregate backfill should be placed as previously defined by back dumping on previously placed material and spreading it with a small track type dozer. This material should be compacted to at least 98% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. The final 12 inches of aggregate base could then be placed and should be compacted to at least 100% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Geofabric Placement The geofabric should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This would include sewing of the joints. Winter Construction We do not recommend that this project be completed in freezing weather or if the ground is frozen. With the presence of open water and the soil types on this site, additional significant post - construction settlement could result. Diffe.r settl Because of the poor soils and miscellaneous fill materials, significant d,fferential settlement should be expected on this site with time. We City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 10 June 19, 1991 recommend that the site be regraded on an annual basis. When regrading, we recommend that additional gravel be hauled in, rather than regrading the on -site gravel. This is because the regrading of the on -site gravel from the high points to the low points would likely cause thin areas to develop which would reduce the performance of the gravel surface. GENERAL VALIFICATION8 This report has been prepared based on the soil and groundwater conditions found in our borings, and on the assumptions regarding building location and design. This report is intended solely for this project at the specific location discussed. Variable subsurface conditions were found in our borings, and it is likely that additional variations exist that could not be determined from our borings or our site reconnaissance. Therefore, we strongly recommend the Owner retain the services of the Geotechnical Engineer- at the time of construction to provide observation and testing services. We welcome the opportunity to provide these services for this project. Contractors preparing estimates and bids for this project should not rely sclel.y on the information in this report. Variations in the soil conditions were encountered and additional variations may exist that cannot be determined until. construction starts. 'Therefore, they should conduct tlieir own subsurface exploration as they deE_�m necessary. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 11 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDUR Soil Sampling June 19, 1991 Soil sampling was performed in a- cordance with ASTM: D 1586. Using this procedure, a 2 inch O.D., split - barrel sampler is driven into the soil by a 140 pound weight falling 30 inches. After an initial set of 6 inches, the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12 inches is known as the penetration resistance or N- value. The N -value is an index of the relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. soil classification As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually i classified by the driller, in accordance with ASTM: D 2488 -84. Representative p portions of all samples were then sealed in moisture- tight jars and returned to the laboratory for further examination and verification of the field classification by an Engineer in accordance with ASTM: D 2487 -83. Logs of the borings indicate the depth and identification of varicus strata, the N- value, water level information, and pertinent information regarding the method of maintaining and advancing the drill holes are included in the Appendix. Charts illustrating the soil classification procedure and the descriptive terminology and symbols used on the boring logs are also included. _. --- - - - - -- City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 12 June 19, 1991 STANDARD OF CARE The recommendations contained in this report are based on our interpretation of the subsurface conditions and represent our professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location. other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. i _r Prepared by: Joel D. Ulring, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer r Reviewed by: Thomas G. Krzewinski, P.E. Principal Engineer JDU:TGK:kdc I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. v,r Date `� �� Rog. No. 2 1 l 7 1 A PPEND I X ' GENERAL NOTES LOGOFBORING I r "llm ic ji'l 1 .tocl 11i' 'Ird 1k M1 Fr,illk, A�-:S( Inc. ' � �� I �. ,.r� Vdl � L'I;{ 0 V, AI I H Oo 101 H 1 41 At; hl ovl� Ol,k;ANIC CiAY, t y I. C 1 01 lfloi:)t i':RAY L, 6 F!ld of Ixq it, W �};�IL1 1ir,I f;at�l:t ";I (AII w':(-d !1111 di-ptAl i 11ol wit il ` ( A Of I J A f I T'i, IN - ------------- LOG OFRoH|NG 2 Pilo of Molind Fr,iflk Roos Inc. CON I I N I !Ar�, f-W)� ft�l (III (,Wl� M011 A(A 1 1 VA I 108 . 0 lCol L OG OF BORING City M(,Iirld Fr,mk Poo�,' u. 0 4 C, r) T I N f ill 0 l',% f i I rif TPA II(JI /1)i 1 i VOUT1 JiO Ai i 1 11 S11,TY SM j 155 wilvil cum" t 1-10 "Alovel, - loo o ?SS 60 Cray 'And SMJIDY CTAY WITH SfUl' t, r i ce %.:( I( )d - f iris - (CI:) ( F i I I ) End of IX)T at, h feet, III)] low sLem allcy-'r lv-,e d fill I d( '1 10 1 BOr( 110 1 C - I ), V '1', F i I I Od w i t h CU t I, Ji 11CIS LOG OF BORING Ajt( 111 T 1 1 f rji t jrjj f [j "ll 10W, t I' 0 LL L,; i!i :A C 1 t N I al t Ll I At,'[ ;A I I I Pf rif I I I I i I I t i VA I it ) 100.0 -1() )0 Brown 'ANMY ("I AY, tf,WU (11"IVY1 �lt Wl) F 1e,13 10 ]kirk 1,)rc)lqrl and cr,ty SMDY (",AY WPI'll SI [ "I" (M) 12 "c Brown I 00SC-1 C1,1111P 4SS Dark brown SANDY SILT WITH 01\'GANTCS, 7 1"I'lue wood, plastic -- loose (11 (II!,ol') F P. I 101 Gr,jy SANDY 1 311:1', Lr wc , organics , 2 )SS W()ocl, f flrs -)o - Very loose damp 131 (1-T1 I 15, (Iss WOOD (constriction debris) 7 7s's l3rown SANDY C. Al Y WITH firm 201 End of b oring af, 20 feet HIAlow stern anclor u.sod full dol-,Lh Borehole htckfillud with cilUings A ljMl CON51111ANIS, INC. ,_ 1. .� 1, :mil LOGOFBORING ') City of M(Itill(I 08 2 / t_OG OF BORING 0 c,It(i PI(q )( ;tic! Mull icil I :;ttxtj It 'Ind U( 13mlcw,(rd ilC r�ic!t' :Milt' rknuld, Minll( . ;ot'i t It N I Ali, 101 I I I t r1(;INf f H City (it Mt)tmd �� 131 <,wn f i r e to med i iim S t l Y SAND, t,rd .0 c1r,Ivol, <I ;t;1t,11_t Iot -- �'•r" r �1SS 9 Mach PEAT wi to i � -, ;and - (1 u SSS O F-1 , w I l `,t'IIll IIC t of r.tAIfV?IAI iii WA i f H r 70M1Jl F -MI i ' � 1 � lA{?O i f rl[ 11in 1111N CHI `�\N ^ - ,. tl 15111 lI1 ' t i tr `�Uftl A(�t EI E_'ti'r..l Iti�! ,� �1 �,� ; 101.7 io an n � 6S.`i 20 ' 7SS , , F5 y (r 22' 1.'.nd of lx)rincl gat. 'Z feet. Ho] low t ;Leta 01](1tr1' u�cd 11111 (4,1,t11 J3wi'holcc 1_,itc•kI iI I(�d . 111 cllt•t.)t 'LiNC) E: >.unl li.r lair tu'; <,t rt,tl and fi,Inuii -r n S� 0 W a G �C �6.A r> 1S5 ' 1 Brown UkvAMIC ;,ANDY Ct,AY, t roc e rt)ots, t:cuxi very ';oft, - W rk 1,tron111 rind brows) SANDY Cl AY, t- ner•c' (travel, wood - f.i �n (1'i7'1� 2SS 3SS �� 131 <,wn f i r e to med i iim S t l Y SAND, t,rd .0 c1r,Ivol, <I ;t;1t,11_t Iot -- �'•r" r �1SS 9 Mach PEAT wi to i � -, ;and - (1 10 SSS WOOD (colt >;Lruf.A.ioil dcrl,ria) F-1 � 6S.`i 20 ' 7SS , , F5 y (r 22' 1.'.nd of lx)rincl gat. 'Z feet. Ho] low t ;Leta 01](1tr1' u�cd 11111 (4,1,t11 J3wi'holcc 1_,itc•kI iI I(�d . 111 cllt•t.)t 'LiNC) E: >.unl li.r lair tu'; <,t rt,tl and fi,Inuii -r n S� 0 W a G �C �6.A r> LOG OF BORING V I I X L 'k I i I I I i )n It I it I ( - k ,l I I v I I St I I i I I t ( I I t N I A H I i t ! I f , I I N(XV f I i City of Mound Jj� ld'rjl'. 0 I i I i 1A U N !I N I 9H, zl Iss Brown SANDY ClAY, ti cjr,ivel f i rin -- (Ci,) 9 H Li(l lt . or and I i(;ht. brown S T JAI 1 3 11.1111i liADID, t'rlwo "JIZIvel -- medillill don�'-;(? - damp -- (Hl,) `Iss 1 f3 10, 5ss Brown SANDY CJAY, 17 ve '3 i I I - (Cl;) ( brown SANf)Y CLAY, 151 6SS (11 - :Miff - (cl') Elid of lx)r,hq itt. 15 feat Hollm shi'm all(lor ws(!d fill] dopt]l Borehole haclJlll(,-d vrit,h unt,tJjiq s t P - W � V LOG OF BORING I , A Ck it I. to It NJ City' I It I I I l" o 1 '.1 T 1 t IF VA l 1i Lr()ml Sl LTY o" -,Tl) I I Ifto "d i I all I 1) 11' hrOVAl raid brt)c.'ri SAI'H)Y C1,AY WITH w()()(1, .1-1 to "vy" 3!,N (cf,) I -'Iss 101 U'()od chi (1 wk f i brow PFAT (H,) m (Ft 11 ) in 20' cl w, ?I f End of lut ill(; G11, 21 f('(A. ;hqn 11111 (1('pth kl(l 1 171i1i 0 ,1U1 20' cl w, ?I f End of lut ill(; G11, 21 f('(A. ;hqn 11111 (1('pth kl(l 1 171i1i LOG OF BORING 10 (•H: ICI Prolm";t'd Mmlicij;.11 Stoclq '111d i1t nmuwrce 13)ulovar(l Stma�jt Site M(mlld, I k N I A MM I I (, It NClNi H Citv of Himild M('ComUi Frank Poo �i ;sociat,ps, Inc. 0 :1 4 M 'HIP H )N ()f 11A I f MAt C(;11 f N1 N[ AW 11 N1 I rL� T ON P! 0%%', 1 '(IT L , ' A( ELI I VA 11 +.1N v 99 "1 Brown r ind c1crk brovai SANDY CIM, Iss 14 tr,i(v cgiivol. stiff to very stiff 2SS t',JVC�l ra'd i IMI (ILMSO 1,10t, 8r3ss t 1 (j D,trk brow) fine to fined ium S11TY SM\ E7id of boring at, 8 [eM lhdlow -,h in amclor w;iA full dopti, I;Wtlholo klckfi I]( llit,h cuLlinqi; CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES (ASTM: D 2487 and 2488) gi divislon, Laboralm y cli sifit.Mion critefia than 4 C t-tween 1 and 3 XV, N, m,vlmg ah gradation rer,t.nrements for GW u , 0 Z Allarb,;q hm,ls beloN A hn,- at Pt less than 4 Above A line with P.I. between 4 and 7 are border- C Z hne cases r,.-quirtng use 11-'j 11'31� And %1, lkn b of dual symbols eihe,q Imids below A P.I qje,j'(q th;jjj ' -d' d ,wl� C -r than 4, C. between I and 3 greater C, C ht1k, Z 1) , D J,.j(j"d (IrdvOly o Not meetinq All gradation requirements tot SW h1th d Allort,-(j Innit% below A ,0, 'm d, -1-: wt 5 1 irn.� or PI. than 4 Limits plotting In hatched E zone with fol. between 4 E Z C, and 7 are borderline cases I Q C) requiring use of dual sym- "),X Atterber(l limits below A hot$ line or N greater than 7 k f i I ny candy. I d .... . ... ta a1mr of lim grain i m;�, And hn, Iractmi, of coarse t i "V sil , I Li mits p1r,ttmg n T hAtchod area are borderline class t tic at-r,, 1eqW-r1Wj Us'. 011 dual o'd .;'M-� 00� F qija?, .... ..I A 1, m fV T. PI 0 7's �j I 7O1 Xl�"/ Idyl Oil And Mil qU 100 ''. `.,. 7 rkr?: : "^' t ' „ t*` nt` , ri+� .,::` -���3 �, ; p�fc r � "ti`'='3r:'_ •. �' c� >. �� x ,�. , >-�'� „ gy m' xC, fax. t '• y :.: am, L. f A'. k NW4'a�f 4 q t y ' y fw,x Rv' V }c�Y x �i @ lS yt �h i" k `¢FR" y ,• " E.aY '} 4 2:n" 9r YES_. k "dp N e� }TjR b�' §8 k ?4t`:,..mt' i Qf"y t r �i kf •,if1 V. fi n` ,?,i v •'+Ph'c �x ^ a `I. _ e'. ik SFr:. �r r r'x GME CONSULTANTS, INC. J u n r Mr. J. i 1 Jr. City Man,.tqer -1 City o Mound , 1"d "3411 Maywood Roa(j Mound, Minnesota ti 364 GME Project No. 1 1020 RE: Ad to the Geotechnical Exploration and Water Sample Analysis Report for the proposed municipal. stockpile storage site in Mound, Minnesota Dear. Mr. Shukle: The purpose of this report is to provide laboratory test results of a groundwater sample collected from the location of toring 9 and of a lake water sample taken from Dutch Lake. The groundwater sample was collected by an Environmental Biologist with a dedicated teflon ba through a temporary PVC well screen installed in soil boring 9. The PVC well screen and riser were steam cleaned prior to installation. The temporary well was partially developed by bailing prior to the collection of the groundwater sample. The groundwater sample was turbid, not clear. The groundwater sa,i was submitted to Interpol) LaLoratories for polit't,' lntc7 as by the Envirrinmental 11ratoctir)T. V 01'1'/v tht" i limit for d r "J." i ' 0J I f i y t 1 1, 1 1 nc-i fir. EdWZArd J. Shukle. 2 June 21, 1,991 parameters were detected above the laboratory target detection limits: 20 parts per billion (ppb) dissolved nicr�ol (RAL is 70 ppb) , 40 ppb dissolved lead (RAL is 210 ppb) , 80 ppb dissolved zinc (RAL is 700 ppb) , 0.8 ppb dissolved mercury (RAL is 1.0 ppb), 5.7 ppb phenanthrene (no RAI., is established) , 5.2 ppb fluoranthene (RAL is 300 ppb) , 14 ppb pyr.ene (RAL is 200 ppb) , and 1.3 ppb chrysene (no RAL is established). Phenanthene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene are noncarcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and are possible contaminants from asphalt material which reportedly has been disposed of on -site. The PAH laboratory analysis is on the tot al sample, including the fine solids. Based on the limitations of the sampling procedure and the f analysis method, it is our opinion that PAHs reported are likely f attached to the solids in the sample. It is further our opinion that these PAHs do not appear to present a problem in the groundwater on j this site at this lame. i t The concentration of dissolved lead in the collected groundwater sample exceeds the RAL, but is below the maximum contaminant levels for drinking water of 50 p ^r as set by the EPA Office of Drinking Water, Drinking ater Regulations. In addition the near. surface g g groundwater is not used as a potable water supply. As requested, a water sample was collected from Dutch Lake at a point closest to the site for chloride analysis. The lakewater sample was b y an Errlironmental Biologist with sampling jars supplied by Mr. Edward J. Shukle 3 June 21, 1991 Tnterpoll Laboratories. The laboratory results indicate that 18 parts s per million (ppm) chloride was detected in the lakewater sample. { i We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you for this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, GM$ CONSULTANTS, INC. Timothy F. McGlennen Environmental Biologist Project Manager Sandra J. Forrest Senior Hydrogeologist Enclosure: Laboratory Results TFM:dws �'t1V11'O�1111!'t���ll �'►1LE� ��;s[��;�:n�r� C� inter p otf INI ERPOI 1 l ABORAI ORIF S. INC W -1 450019ALL ROAD N E CIRCLE PINES. MINNE SOIA 55014- 1618 1EL 612 Laboratory FAX 6 June 18, 1991 GME Consultants, Inc. 14000 - 21st Avenue N Plymouth. MN 55447 Attentions Tim McGlennen LABORATORY REPORT: 03116 GME PROJECT: 03020 SAMPLES COLLECTED: May 28, 1991 SAMPLES RECEIVED: May 28, 1991 Sample identifications W -1 Sample Types Water Laboratory Log Numbers 3116 -01 Target Detection Eara Uaw Limit EPA Method SW -846, 60101 Dissolved Arsenic ug /L 50 < 50 Dissolved Beryllium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Cadmium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Chromium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Copper ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Nickel ug /L 10 20 Dissolved Lead ug /L 25 40 Dissolved Selenium ug /L 50 < 50 Dissolved Antimony ug /L 25 25 Dissolved Thallium ug /L 100 < 100 Dissolved Zinc ug /L 10 80 Dissolved Silver ug /L 10 < 10 EPA Method SW -846, 74701 Dissolved Mercury ug /L 0.2 0.8 EPA Method .)is.?! Cyanide mg /L 0.02 < 0.02 EPA Method Too, o: Chloride mg /L 0.010 18 a /j! 110"j �,;)'; I I j'N, 1 ;Alt Interpol] Laboratories, Inc. June 19. 1991 Laboratory Report 03116 Page 2 of 4 QME Consultants. Inc. Sample Identifications W Sample Type: Water Laboratory Log Numbers 3116 -01 Target Parameter- Units Detection r ,Limi_t_,_ EPA Method 625: Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether ug /L 0.40 < 1.6 Phenol ug /L 4.2 < 17 2- Chlorophenol ug /L 1.2 < 4.8 1.3- Dichlorobenzene ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 1.4- Dichlorobenzene ug /L 2.5 < 10 1.2- Dichlorobenzene ug /L 2.1 < 8.4 Bis (2- rhloroisopropyl)ehter ug /L 1.4 < 5.6 n- Nitroso- di- n- propylamine ug /L 2.9 < 12 Hexachloroethane ug /L 1.2 < 4.8 n-Nitroso- dimethylemine ug /L 14 < 56 Nitrobenzene ug /L 1.4 < 5.6 Isophorone ug /L 1.1 < 4.4 2- Nitrophenol ug /L 1.1 < 4.4 2.4- Dimethyiphenol ug /L 3.5 < 14 Bis(2-- chloroethoxy)methane ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 2.4-- Oictslorophenol ug /L 2.6 < 10 1.2.4- Trichlorobenzene ug /L 2.4 < 9.6 Naphthalene ug /L 1.5 < 6.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ug /L 2.9 < 12 4- Chloro- 3- methylphenol ug /L 2.4 < 9.6 Hexachlorocyclapentediene ug /L 2.8 < It 2.4.6- Trichlorophenol Ug /L 1.9 < 7.6 2- Chloronaphthalene ug /L 0.51 < 2.0 Acenaphthylene ug /L 0.87 < 35 Acenaphthene Ug /L 1.0 < 4.0 Dimethyl phthalate ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 2.4- Dinitrotoluene ug /L 2.6 c 10 2.4- Dinitrophenoi ug /L 2.3 < 9.2 4- N1trophenol ug /L 2.1 < 8.4 2.6--Dinitrotoluene ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 Fluorene ug /L 1.0 < 4.0 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug /L 0.40 < 1.6 Diethyl phthalate ug /L 0.57 < 2.3 1.2- Dipheny1hydraz+ ug /L 2.4 < 9.6 4.6- Dinitr•o 2 methyl phenol ug /L 2.8 < 11 n- Nitrusu diphenylamine ug /1 0.7n < 3.1 4- Bromouhenyl phenyl ether ug /1. 2.6 < 10 HaxachIornhNnzene ug /L 1.9 < 7.6 PentachiorophenoI ug /L 2.8 < 11 Phenanthrene ug /L 0.40 5.1 Anthracene ug /L C.20 < Oleo 01--n -butyl ohtha1ate uq /L 1.4 4 5.6 InterpolI Laboratories. Inc. Laboratory Report »3116 GME consultants. Inc. Sample Identification, Sample Type: taboratory Log Number: Parameter EPA Method 625(contlnued): Fluoranthene Benzidine Pyrene Butylbenzyl phthalate 3.3'- Dlchlorobenzidine Benzo(a)arithracene Chrysene His(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate Di- n -octyl phthalate Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1.2.3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene Senzo(q.hJ )perylene Dilution factor EPA Method 624: Chl orome. thane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane Methylene chloride Trichlorofluoromethane 1.1 1, 1 trans 1.2- Uichloroethene Chloroform 1,2- Dichloropropone cis-) .3- Oichloropropene Trirhloroethene Benzene Dibromorhlnromethane June 19. 1991 Page 3 ) f 4 M -1 Water 3116 -01 Target Detection units Limit ug /L 1.2 < 5.2 ug /L 14 < 56 ug /L 1.5 < 14 ug /L 0.98 < 3.9 ug /L 6.2 < 25 ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 ug /L 0.33 < 1.3 ug /L 2.5 c 10 ug /L 2.8 < 11 ug /L 0.99 < 4.0 ug /L 1.7 < 6.8 ug /L 0.39 < 1.6 ug /L 0.90 < 3.6 ug /L 0.68 < 3.5 uq /L 1.2 c 4.8 4 & ug /L 3.2 < 3.2 ug /L 2.1 < 2.1 ug /L 1.8 < 1.6 ug /L 1.5 < 1.5 ug /L 4.8 < 4.8 ug /L 1.2 < 1.2 ug /L 1.6 < 1.6 ug /L 1 7 < 1.7 ug /L 1.3 < 1.3 ug /L 1.0 1.0 ug /L 1.3 < 1.3 up/L, 4.0 < 4.0 ug /L 2.1 < 2.1 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 7.5 < 7.5 Interpoll Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory ileport 03116 GME Consultants, Inc. Sample Identifications Sample Type: Laboratory Log Numbers PLUmete: EPA Method 624 (continued)s 1.1.2- Trichloroethane trans 1.3 01chI oropropene 2 Chloroethylviqyl ether Broeoform 1 . 1 .2.2 - Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 1.3 Dichlorobenzene 1.2 Dichlorobenzene 1.4 Dichlorobenzene GWN /WAG /sk Invoice Enclosed < - less than June 19. 1991 Page 4 :•f 4 W -1 Water 3116- Respectfully submitted. /w4 -- Gregg Wv Holman. Senior Scientist Inorganic Chemistry Department Wayne A:J Olson. Senior Scientist Organic Chemistry Departm nt Sample extract was diluted as indicated due to matrix interferon, o,. Reporteri values represent the concentration in the original undil-,tea sample, .r instrumental results were multiplied by the di ;.,turn fa, tor prior !o rrrir rrt.ing. Target detection limits are given. The detection 11m;t eC�!'i at�ir to the sample be obtained by mUltiplyiny the +_ietec rrn limit try the dilution factor. A11 drtc�'ytik'+ wrrC c-*e r "rormed using rPA 0r r>tiGrr r < - Cayni1p- gwthr7ttr,i.)•r , E, Al i �,tir1 . i� r, �J, nrt r'f. vrrl• bA i r• +� � r,�. Target Detection Units Limit ug /L 6.0 < 6.0 ug /L 1.2 < 1.2 ug /L 2.3 < 2.3 ug /L 2.4 < 2.4 ug /L_ 1.5 < 1.5 ug /L 8.0 < 8.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 Respectfully submitted. /w4 -- Gregg Wv Holman. Senior Scientist Inorganic Chemistry Department Wayne A:J Olson. Senior Scientist Organic Chemistry Departm nt Sample extract was diluted as indicated due to matrix interferon, o,. Reporteri values represent the concentration in the original undil-,tea sample, .r instrumental results were multiplied by the di ;.,turn fa, tor prior !o rrrir rrt.ing. Target detection limits are given. The detection 11m;t eC�!'i at�ir to the sample be obtained by mUltiplyiny the +_ietec rrn limit try the dilution factor. A11 drtc�'ytik'+ wrrC c-*e r "rormed using rPA 0r r>tiGrr r < - Cayni1p- gwthr7ttr,i.)•r , E, Al i �,tir1 . i� r, �J, nrt r'f. vrrl• bA i r• +� � r,�. a inter p oll ' cna' Cam Laboratory Comments Only: W "de - Cinginaur:te Copy YetfoM - Report Copy Pink - Client Copy t eJ CHAIN -OF- CUSTODY RECORD Analytical Request Route Report To: Bill To: P.O. Project Name /No. INTERPOLL LABORATORIES. INC 4500 BALL ROAD N.E CIRCLE PINES. MIINNES01A 55014.1819 TEL 612 766 -5020 FAX 612 786 -7854 SPECIA' HANDLING REQUEST RUSH OTHER = es 3 • 7' r- —" -- _ Number of Containers of Each v o ` PIDrFID An l A spial Re quest COMMENTS E < `" -- --- - - - - -- Dare _ - Preservatives z = = z � m Sample Cescr;p8on Date/ Time Matrix Interpol) Log Na. I Item No. Relinquished by /Affiliation Accepted by /Affiliation Date Time I See Rdrt; Side For Instructions LCI -117 Phase I Environmental Assessment fur Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses Mound, Minnesota I'rePared . for The City of Mound, Minnesota June, 1997 Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses Mound. Mioueuoca Prepared for: City of Mound. Minnesota June. lqql PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMFINT Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses No Mound, Miiinesot.a TABLE OF CONTLNTS , Page No i licport Sumul"iry 1 I lilt roductloll y A) Purpose of Study B) Scope of Work I1 HYstorical Background 3 A) Chain of Ownership B) Aerial Photography Review C) Minnesota Geological Records D) Minnesota Department of Health Records III Currant Use of Site 4 A) Description of Site B) Visual Inspection of Site C) Visual Inspection Check List. IV File Investigati-n Results 8 A) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) B) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) C) Hennepin County D) City of Mound Fire Marshall arld Building Inspection Department E) Minnesota Department of Public Safety F) U.S. Corps of Engineers V Conclusions and Recommendations 15 VI Standard of Care In Appendix A. Aerial Phot( -graph Copifs B. Map N.. 2 U of M G� Survey W,--]l Logs (.. F�I77fF'�i >tEitc's F'•I'1'virol)Cier" tal Protectl(ul 11.iT, iC)n Cont rol 4-n( -y t cif' Mound Fire Marshall and building Inspection Department C3. Mi nner ;ot a Department of Public Safety if. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers MAY INDEX Description Environmental Site Assessment Lou. ition Map Map No, Approximate Location of U of M Geological Survey Listed Wells M1lp Na. Approximate Location of USEPA Minnescta RCRA Listings and CERCLIS Listings Mal. No. 1 4 Approximate Location of MPCA Reported Spills Map No. ~; Approximate Location of MPCA Reported Leak Sites Map No. t: Approximate Location of Hennepin County Listed Hazardous Waste Gener9tors Mal, No. 7 Approximate Location of City Listed Underground Storage Tanks M'q" N;). F ", Approximate Location of MPCA Listed Dump Sites "gap No. 9 Approximate Location of Sewers ih' .�.. . ',1 Y r �+. F �, a ;fig, u F '� '� ` �*�1.1� �; >'ky f ��'L �+ * �j ���' zk�i� ������ y. y� wt ey .,. Pwt of the North 435 Feet of Government Lot 1, "t - ( on -(-tion 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West I lennepin County Mound, Minnesota Map No. 1 553&1 A, Fian� P(,,os Ass(xist*s, Inc "A 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT ONE MILE R NUS AI J. J , LOCAMN f % 777, — - A C5 -a r # 7 A NI (I ton I take J Ip 7 F5 bay k 'a'- '. 24 o ks Pa J�. ANTI IONYS FLORAL AND GREENHOUSES 1861 Commerce Boulevard Pwt of the North 435 Feet of Government Lot 1, "t - ( on -(-tion 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West I lennepin County Mound, Minnesota Map No. 1 553&1 A, Fian� P(,,os Ass(xist*s, Inc "A 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT ; +t. ( )wri,-I i f Nz nt;• -, t r:a t e;I t i t I r ti,r'nri f: I i F� t i nt, ri r rt, t 7� - , t,It w%&, riVit: 11tt.;l(• wht-h lhi -. a ,. : �, e's, 4, uia.�I; t. wa,", tt. ewe', rl•, tt:t Cl t Att- : f Mi n l;t•s",tra 'lit It C(,II;T >rir. �, fire f i l it t r:I t s,e and t II t r ^t the tI, '' ",` II:('Jit wIIt'II fI% - 'I i I The aerin! photograph from t(. A• r 1 n t t'ht r;r;I'nt .I, ke" i ew : At - i• i a l phi , t t egrta Iiy r, p w I.,, i, ke ed lit the 111vt1sity of` M Hi IsI,rt Map Lit.,rar, . Aerital l'r. f the yenrV 1440 . lei` 1t�`it;, 1fjf,O, lt404, 1971, PP' and 1'I;5. I i'W aq'I'i ftl ph�.rLl.�i.',I'71I'tr i the' site was a cni hi nation of f FirlL t i111�1 , t'. 1 th f ar(,t?15 , new t:"reips and woods. 'I pr;_. +eTty te t IIe ni h c < i stud cif w'i nre ns rind f at'm1 Arid . 1�o tin 5C SULh , tht? bind use vitas farmland. 'To the west of the sit.(::' is Dutch Lake. IN s 1 t e° he;rdered oI. t t.e e;ia ,t by Colixierce Boulevard. 1 !t' ii fr{ 1e)"�' 1ndl:,f`es ttlaI the site was still tieing llSf.'d a`. I to tt< �I th of the site, the area was more woude'ad than tht 1�6(' ncrial J. ;e)grapn. To tt,e south of tt,E' site, land was tie il:c, used fc,r fnCruing *. `Fu the west of the site is Dutch Lake. They site is Wrdvinni Q Mow-pre. Wailevrird to the east. l Ow r;t�•rl pheitc from 1996 In131( °rites the> SamE' ar,r use- as ;1 lIct( "d 111 tht 19 �_;� ae - rival . Ire the 1%) aerial, the site tires changed. 'There were 4-5 Kildinps tci pad the east of the site and there was a wastewater treatment paid toil t on a port No of the site. This wastewater pond was to tioat the wanewater for the school (presently Grandview Middle School) located south of the site. To the north of the site, the area is still wooded. To the west of the wastewater pond site is Dutch Lakes and to th(r ea ;t. of the site is bordered by Commerce Boulevard. The aerial plmtograph from 140 idynt ified the same land use on a% adjacent to the site similar to 1960. The w'astew'ater pond appeared to tiler out of Service. 'fhe ac vial Platagr from 197 1 indicated the same land use as lot_ti with thy' wra"tew%iter p fin the site flaying less defined dike areas, The aerin! photograph from NO identified similar land use at 11171 11, n(viral phnUgrm;T frrs:r 101 id''nt- ifi(d sh"lar l " A use ic 1 it tlp Uf iron! NO nri as tu: a M1r111 ,ntm Gealogiral Records: The well log files were researchcu at tiff University of Mianesot.a Geological Survey. I were nc, we•lls 1 Fit the UMGS office oil the Anthony's Floral and Gree raioiirse , �zite•. 'there are approximately 26 private and municipal wells within n o n o -m r le radius or t he s i t e , There are ,pi, of• the, U`;U.; maps with the well log numhers located oil the maps contained ill Appendix H from the U of M Geological Survey. Also contained in Apptqidix li niv vnivs of the individual well logs that were on file at tt1c� w ver•sity of Minnesota Geological Survey and Map No. 2, which locate -s the wells that were on file with the Minnesota Geological sur"vej . 1). Minnesota Deportment of Health: The well management section of the '.len ith Department indicates that no well advisories have been issued within the Mound corporate limits. USE OF SITE A. Doscription of Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses :'he site is presently bordered on the east by Commerce Boulevard and they west, by Dutch Lake. To the north of the site is undeveloped land and a ;uneral home north of the site. To the south of the site ib the Grandview Middle School. The description of the site is as follows: Part of the North 435 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The site is approximately 6 a --res. Thy FIU number s are 14- 117 -24 -�4 -0001 and 14- 117 -24 -14 -0003. The site has been used as a wastewater pond and a construction debris fill site. 'Here are four (4) buildings to the east of the site. The building consist of a floral shop and greenhouses. The wastewater pond has been abandoned for approximately 15 years. The pond site has been used as a fill site for construction debris and other unidenti.fible materials. Soil samples and water samples have been taken and the results of those tests are contained in Appendix F. E. Visual Inspection of Site Visual inspection of the site was made on June 18, 1C4C41. The visual inspection was conducted by MFRh to answer cluesti is containc -d r!' they attached check list. The entire perimeter of" the, site inspected and the visual inspection checklist cm, lete:l. ta,& Anse observations. Ito city of Mound Public Works StIve_-t. to cr,r ple•t.e> the Einir•onmental Site Asm ° nqA hai i :, : 2 1 , :njni re', f trill in Appendix 1. f"+1 r4.']ew of thI� inr ormnt ion, tli - n M1e .. t; M jul t h:IWI to tht' ANthr,Il'.'s 1.1"rsal w . k }C�� ,}�)a ,yip AY JA t� A L/ (tnvironnIeritaI Site Assessment Phase l - Visual Inspection Check List Developed Propert Sltt': Anthonw v',. } lat.ii File No: Ht ' Kick l,�,i D ate: Yes No Item 1 I E-%!.ir:1mv of tigi. pavvllwnt or floor discstlorotion or chcnural sL dett -rnmc• c.atisr and whether srif�ia in.ideut err 01TUI,r; praetuJe i I I F%iden.v of strtaued vegetation, stunted grr>wih or oifw, distre•sr,, al•vrncc of gr)wth Or gr - owtlti t,nc, to the artier - _ - 3 I �idenev of over appltcuuu+ of herbicides -- — i Evidernx of abandoned ;,ads and vehicle mutes with no dpp nr 1! t�LIIIet or purr"nse ct'mind rnr:tsxvs Tres, ListJ om am dirt or Frave! road x_ FvLiCT)1V of tilled area j ...- _ d when and hov, tilled Past 1 5 vears b mat(nals ukId Construction I)ebris c �:rmits obtained First Fill ing, Dane - No Permit IIIing since: about 1985 under permit F'. 1jt2!wu of storAg piles on site or rv�idue of some r,iaturiai storalre �� C?bscn•E and inquire about stora�e. dturna a determine whether contents elassitied as "N_Uard, _)us" i note evidence of leakaf;r k c it empt%, detennine p.3.st u ..akTM• and cortents I 8 Obwr and inq;ur`V aix,ut all above and Ltl;xs f;rade tanks. pits and piprnh _ --_ -- -- -- a in use i b leak. tested c abandoned to place Adjacent Floral Shop d. removed and Greenhouse Deternune whether dislx, al ct vvistc•water and other hqu;ds is br. a on -site septic systcrn — b. pnvate on -site sewer c. off -site public sewer i Ick�arc any sanilary seKur r,afnl!s ?__. leaks or odurs i i.k•;, r *;,ink- .k of drinking water, i wurrn:m wfwt i c- s •t rew �'.�;;!r.: d ..ir_�r ,�.c,a c,. e �rrtil ,. tht� u r�ntu.ue ,n uki�;t err have ix,-en _..�`.. a cc,ntaminated � I i Site Asscs I Vis"(11 Inspection (I'lieck List )cd Property P'll" Two No l� I wwd III b"'t, 1,1:1k iro, k w 1,1:", I,Wf ,,IJ "ll Lj:ll , �,Idlllv 11�', rTl OIC lt I !I L 1nt I:.. t r ol! I; Fn% i -onni cntal Clicck Notc�, t A!i � :(., 1 !4%t I it r()n of the site of Anthony's Floral and (;rer�nhc,u!;p!; Knowk Yilmne.`.:qa, has bek:'n complet Ibi investlgnticm ccao,iwwl or Y,;ithrrinq and iiwivwing the fol lowing agr�ncy f�i14's anal F:n\ ir;.nrnnentnl Protection Agency Pol lut ion Control Agency �'. fit 1� topiti .�t:nty t; or M;,und Fire Marshal 1 and Hui'Iding Inspection Deportment M:11nt4ata to, art mm of Pub is Safety F'. U.S. cows of Engineers A U.S. Livir nmentni Protection Agency: (U.S. EPA) we rt ;1 :estE.�:1, from the U.S. EPA. information contained in their file =s, Thcr U.S. EPA furnished a printout of the CERCLIS list for Ow :,•:>>&4 zip code. The Request Identification Number (RIN) is 1 925 - 91 (QU39). CERCLIS is an automated inventory of all potential tnc.at••:_ileJ hazardous was' sines, based upon state investigation effur Ls and uFan notifications received as provided by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compercatim" and Liability Au t or 100 (C EHCLA or "superfund ") . These sites are in various stages of investigations. There were two (2) CERCLIS sites listed by the U.S. RYA within a one mile radius of the site as follows: MFRA Zip Ma 3 1 Number Nam- .,i to Location City ST Code ID MNO R0609164 Kivu Service Station 5377 Shoreline Blvd Mound MN 55364 A M001241159 Kama Toys Main Plt 5300 Shoreline Blvd mound MN 55364 B Also furnished was a printout of all permitted generators of hazardous waste and all treatment, storage, or disposal facilities for the information listed above. These are regulated by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). The following list cant r: i ns tine RCRA si i:es that appear to be within a one mile radius of the e site for Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses: MrF A Si t.e Map 3 Lr_rat1( City ST Z.i}) Ccr;, 11; N.. 3 -,j_ . l.nrel ine Dr. MAW to t n Y �+ ; r, ,4f) Sharp ino Dr•. M'ltsnd M', ;'. � 0 1 1 A& . k� , �(' (.w ot thi Informal: i oil , thel•(: c bf- 11 V,h to the Anthony's Flora" alvi i' 11;t ion Control Agency (MI'C'A) re'A�I( ''. rind received, From the Mi1CA. infc rc>r:tFiincl ,. Lht Ci The MICA staff conducted a 1 invite file evi l"I; thf Sl ttI. Tht , file evaluation included review of th(r fui lo !np � I Nat ional Priorities List. (NPL) ; 2 Li A CI)rilj Environmental Response, w;J I `abiiity Information System (CERCLIS); MICA - Permanent List or Priorities (PLF1 (4) MI'C'A - hegi.ilatory Compliance, Hazardous Wast(,� F_! Y - List of Permitted Solid Waste Facil"ties; MilkCA - Hazardous Waste Permit unit. Project Iden t I f cati e!l L i s t ; (7) MICA - 1980 Metropolitan Area Waste Disposal .iite (8) MICA - 1980 Statewide Open Dump Inventory. No listings under the exact address given for th(• propt' found. ff(,.�ever, the MPCA file evaluation has revealed 1-hat, t,ht: following sit,:�s Pre within a one mile radius of the referorw(•cJ P-opert � , M" t, ro i (-e Station (City of Mound) , 5'3 Shot 1 i i) I ( 2 1 ; I ',';K;1 Nl ;n I'l ani. . =,'300 Shoreline Houlevard, M0 ') ; t 11, 11 (& (lotil;tY Eoad w, ;t I ItTA elist (A M : t .s 94 NXN'. I (q; Ck Mf'g "horel lilt Dr. mf)iII)fj Mt: mllli( • I I ,, d . M( d M 483 A horf lino ji I % j M d M!, 1 , li, w, I ruindry I lic M, )i it Id M N J (w ; A i t r I iod I YK) CY). Rd 110 N M(,tlllcj MN M,)'wld . o I I I " I (III & Pa i ne x 10 Cf mlilw roe 111 M� q1tid MN C7 C7, .if Nm I ol!r! I Power Chn I r 264 ' O)Iliwrce b lvd. MI M, 5 9 Stables; 1 1) Co. lit,l. 1 1() N MoUl Id MN r 60t Cwi I A; it , M ;i r i i it 16 < Commerce 13 lvd, W)ujld M., 5 X 20 Shoreline Blvd. Mot,jri,j MN d 00t S o i , " i r i w l i I n t l . 53I4() Shoreline Blvd. Mound M' Tolika Ck�rpul 300 Shorel Blvd. Mound MN Tor" Co. H 1 1) 300 Shoreline Blvd. Mound M �I Classic Coach 483(4 Shori-'l illi Hlvd. M(„IiA Y , f , 1 (.w ot thi Informal: i oil , thel•(: c bf- 11 V,h to the Anthony's Flora" alvi i' 11;t ion Control Agency (MI'C'A) re'A�I( ''. rind received, From the Mi1CA. infc rc>r:tFiincl ,. Lht Ci The MICA staff conducted a 1 invite file evi l"I; thf Sl ttI. Tht , file evaluation included review of th(r fui lo !np � I Nat ional Priorities List. (NPL) ; 2 Li A CI)rilj Environmental Response, w;J I `abiiity Information System (CERCLIS); MICA - Permanent List or Priorities (PLF1 (4) MI'C'A - hegi.ilatory Compliance, Hazardous Wast(,� F_! Y - List of Permitted Solid Waste Facil"ties; MilkCA - Hazardous Waste Permit unit. Project Iden t I f cati e!l L i s t ; (7) MICA - 1980 Metropolitan Area Waste Disposal .iite (8) MICA - 1980 Statewide Open Dump Inventory. No listings under the exact address given for th(• propt' found. ff(,.�ever, the MPCA file evaluation has revealed 1-hat, t,ht: following sit,:�s Pre within a one mile radius of the referorw(•cJ P-opert � , M" t, ro i (-e Station (City of Mound) , 5'3 Shot 1 i i) I ( 2 1 ; I ',';K;1 Nl ;n I'l ani. . =,'300 Shoreline Houlevard, M0 ') ; t 11, 11 (& (lotil;tY Eoad w, ;t I ItTA elist (A M : t .s 94 NXN'. f%KIC: MIL (A RADIUS--- -� L1 Ll S IT E ITE to C) Nil THIS �y -5 - - - NO ........... I Fr- CAI. o wl W(, jrik NtajS A tj!t ;Lmo MAP RCS. i Ns x , it , E zo. J, I A lVest 1 I( Mi'CA I'I it o%itl tit it 1(t11 tttLrt rut tu(it�tf it It-ti 1 tht� 1 rrJ4.1 1 t'' 'I`;iIII, Ilit',o lwittnn f;; }' nf ttrrtr1 ttII f wi:i<it Ct,ht III It', IItfII 'II fitr!)rt tIII, Ut tul,it•I s.t (II 'It f,I•. It rtk:;, III d s:;pt I It> tI t'.•t rt�It uirr prt,tiu t, and, ol hol.:itrtft)us• Sul o,Iltllc o,. 1 0111,ilt� f t»ttI ftt,ittIt r,,f,I irint,ti�:ls hy- MPCA stitf't'. No � +III! ()t' hit /rtrdttu !,uto,tt,n(t• rsrttl'01 1Wtr( If , IIII: I?rk ch it ts I ft % ht't'n repkirIt'd t() I Antlit)IIv r FIttrttI 7tflti tart °r•llh(tll.`SI'h The MPCA jov% idt I is[irlf;s, that wcrtr rept,rt -4 -d r3 hr(: }u�4 01� , �uht�trtru�t.< find "car p('t r•oh'ilm pr(Iditrt s1)i I I Tht. rt (-d 1 i s,t i i f (,r Mt)(,nd fire tlic foIIL' ,: �� � r *, � �' t r n i ., rs Yp�� •L �' a � * " •�' n�4 k "YAK T Y MFi;A Sl,i I 1 Map Addve,,; ProduC'.. �A 11 f NU. ('t r Unknown Unknown t1tiE: 92Z, NA Mt. t1 ") Service St tit ion Mound Pf=_= trlsc,lir,tr C't .y '�i4 lrii'C) k't �;twv,, 1)r t rrkr;nw�i UI.K !wison Earl Gardc Mound (T( - -I' E; 1;' mound 'r': G:i NA Kim Stel I mound I u(•1 011 p`" y(i 8 => Mound i Q . C1(.1 GA KHP 1120 NA ka,-onia Transport- Mound =Gt��:;t�Ii 06 1 j ;'8 , Mound 1 .O i GA PM 120 NA Ul M: d - =1tra l: Coil GA KI'P 13C; NA „ C). . (jti ('1; �,; Mr „ln;i ('�;k:;:�w;� ha?4 2 ~E.sl NA Lnkri(>wtt M(ntr,d - - J 1 l 37( A DWK 12422 NA `:a;urr�an Trart� port "I9?P'] M �'t.O” Gii I't'nr'. t,t,�' Nr`, .�i hUr rFirl 1 r'iir:�+1 %ir'L � , N rr"f, �� � r *, � �' t r n i ., rs Yp�� •L �' a � * " •�' n�4 k "YAK T Y ONE MILE� RADIUS S SIT ITE LO A A D 1� T R IS A I IN TA NJ 15 ve West V• ai � .ag --. 7!C. �7 l WD t 14 NIAPNO. 4 I A 11 It )A 1 1� 11', A A 4 �. f; � . 11 4 1 ?4; 1 rj , A � , 7 4k 'A" 35 Add Pn duc I W,l 11 id Uiiknown Mot 11 Id I Fue I 0I I W)uIld Unknown JMiI moliriti = Fuel Oi I Mound hiknowii j *ii Mound = 1 fuel t i Co Ed F Unknown IVI Mound I Fue 2t� Commorce Blvd Unknom, K1Q., 14 t 11 —Gilsol irw 1 0 Coll rcc Blvd Unknown K 1 mound t•ti sp i I I s and I eflk" wh ich are rer"I I tit ed by m"L ,; riti and Greenhouses S i t e Was not l isted C)n Olo s p i t 1 B up )1' F V I t vs Of till -, i 11format 1 ()it t h( - rt e 1 1 f.,1?. pc) I en t Lfir(-ti *1 t o t he Ant.ho. ' s Fi orz, 1 14; IA - J from, MICA tj I ist, or l eak s i tes ire p I i�S II.StOd for tho- A-,thonv's Fioral arid W i thin the 55364 zij) cod( area, then< arq,e"trs tc, LF within F1 one ml le radius; of 1.11t site. ? !> +, riff PE-rson Ili # MFIiA Mtij, M N— hichard C l o ( "I 4k 'A" 35 MIKA 41 MfF vt"o n Jnt I k I i i , Htjj it Ml'l',A Miti ", 11) Nrs, er-1 ucker )rent t; 1 4 tr U 1 med Knr"�r, Linda 5 i C I osed •nner, Linda to ) i �j Closed Tne alTrox imatp locat of these listings may be fr"md c Map No. HiAsed UP- review of this information, there appo�.ar:-, tc, be it slig, potential threat to the Anthony's Floral. and Greerihc,iises A copy of the MITA iwnponse let tear is c ni in Api4nidix D. C. HomHTS Umnly 14pnirtment of i4blic Wools InninqmNo and Uprg:, Division We requested and ror"ived from the- CVunty, a list of Hazardous Wastc Generators Transporters Fuvi Di spusers, oo, fi l(—in �j in ) in c There were MeNty (20) SiLen identified th;It n1j to bn wit!"N a "r, mile radius of the Anthony's Floral and GrePQvjnsuFi Site. lla Sitt are shown on Map 6 and listed Its f Zip Company Code S i t e 1P NIN 05302687 Put", 05320651 5536 05315607 55364 05302255 `Ti Pic, Hi I In Fl,= Sch Wi ishl rc Pltid M, MN -, - !; W&SUmku Comm Unir Lynwooi Plv' , NIOUnd , MN V ;t :f MIKA 41 MfF vt"o n Jnt I k I i i , Htjj it Ml'l',A Miti ", 11) Nrs, er-1 ucker )rent t; 1 4 tr U 1 med Knr"�r, Linda 5 i C I osed •nner, Linda to ) i �j Closed Tne alTrox imatp locat of these listings may be fr"md c Map No. HiAsed UP- review of this information, there appo�.ar:-, tc, be it slig, potential threat to the Anthony's Floral. and Greerihc,iises A copy of the MITA iwnponse let tear is c ni in Api4nidix D. C. HomHTS Umnly 14pnirtment of i4blic Wools InninqmNo and Uprg:, Division We requested and ror"ived from the- CVunty, a list of Hazardous Wastc Generators Transporters Fuvi Di spusers, oo, fi l(—in �j in ) in c There were MeNty (20) SiLen identified th;It n1j to bn wit!"N a "r, mile radius of the Anthony's Floral and GrePQvjnsuFi Site. lla Sitt are shown on Map 6 and listed Its f Zip Company Code S i t e 1P 55364 05302687 55364 05320651 5536 05315607 55364 05302255 55364 05301551 55364 05302447 5536 053018 5536 05303720 55344 05325956 550 053o66io 7*4 0531203C company Namr Century Auto Body & Mariw. NuKurgring Indeprndw Pursc Tonka Toys - Moved to Axnb A H C 0 Antury Balboa Minnesota Comp C R Mfg. Co. (Shoreline Plvd; Clark (Hill) Oil Contel 1-x. Gmtral TFU Pyin Duaiw 66 Arvim HnrrisoN Ky !!!no 7f 1140' IAVwA:V M A (V "A r C XF4.1^1, nNAVOWN 00 1 A aSe ''rel I ne P "''i, A V- f-mum— V1% 1 "A r C nNAVOWN 00 1 A aSe A 41 N: 4. ONE MILE� RADIUS ----- \ z E S IT E ITE 0 is Al I H TR IS NO iS 2 1 NIAP NO. 5 ) ?x T4 ? I I CATI 0 N 1 j I I': I 1�I I I-' Y, Sl'l*l' NY r im, 1 1 1 As Pohl West two (' , i: i I ! i V N ; I M f I Nortbiv Stnitf-s Auto k M:irink• Yt•p Q�;:Ivt lldus t r i ("', -"ervict Aiiit #ID4 (Moun=.j, MI, Colq)%Ily blvj) `;t rees AdEh i- , I I t? I , 0)un I v ho-Id 1 1 IVJ2 (hMal" Anthony's �)t lo vf I I i;o Greenhouses site was permitted Fu: BA I I or spoi j mytorial XXX ( r £., iA %! also hPiNg dumped TnUaT in (A=t Y d I d 'Hit providp a I ist of un s t ar%v I hj V iit�c%r the Anthony's Flora! and Gr( end hy thc- MFCA a;id art Subject to compi i time' i. 1 11, FeApial , swtv and local regulations. The MFCA pv()vid(>d a l ist. o t, st tanks as shown M Map 7, and indicated that a lonakinv uvOrgr(mnd stornp tank had bet-ri rept)rtod within Ow Si te. No tanks wo-n- reported to as located (n, It site, lop C; Fire Mornhvill also indicnted he had h" no knowledgt- of t"IlIks oil the site. 11p. :. �) n - ,' I ew of the ii nflwmal 1 = , t here Elf , ear t; to b( 11 V� PptphtiNi thinat to the Anthony's F!"ral mid Onqndwaseq Site. o' MoKnvo Fran' 19minvOn CourAy is K: Iwhnl in Appe"dix F. City OF M.)jnj ini'ding Inspect1wi •ownwait and Fin Marshall We relunb5d Form th" C'it'y' of Mound it n zj; linpectior; Dn the F, . -t_ inform"'Ilion coritnine(, ' L I i ,,- b i j , I d i r i g , I T I S fj U (-' t i C, I , F - l and t!x Fliv c1p:irwrit rays reen-ding the Forntion or undfy storact- thnky and pipol4ps, unccmirviWd leaks and spills of an"I No respovib- Una the Fire Maryliall was rinci(•10. 11w City P010rig Inspection Doparimpnt respondad b; s ;Ng tlat t.o, Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses site was permitted Fu: the- plate mvn! or spoi j mytorial from Ovidging pr C o n s t r u c t i o n ( r £., iA %! also hPiNg dumped W the Site. The City has no rer(irds of type or fill hpjpg placed on the site. The nearest undprgrojAA storagy tnLk, according to City i rnrdq, are lonatr"! Fa, 11ai" fuivi. Kyi MaMIZCP QVI&VU0. The res�;] s r f' t t4 I a;. o'. M I , 1911 dptw !03 .0 1 1 M10 n 1 1 J no :van )Q -4 Nr 46 't " e 14' A A t ONE MILE, r RADIUS-- c OV E A. S IT E ITE V wcs rw A LO "TION '17 �L7) TR IS 0wj TT Jt in7% �Bay \i k Harris III *-S � LA tN j 2' 7T Bali 03 MCI ,W)WIPM Lok O (�c u 2 tl' Cooks Bay _j to MAP NO. 61 %1TROXIMATE LOCATION OF A 'IN ('0UNTY LIST1 WASTE: A %.*.; a.�VW 1200 Stl West Y IYC j'� � y' on Stl Y. ONE MILE, � �`` `�'� � 2 `KALJlUb - L"J" f A Jowirl Bay Zi I I t: h. s, b- f hodr-mod AAP NO. 6 )CATION OF Vl'y LISITI I ANI I jq1t Du ,C Ofd 2 I AR:11 Dr I 0 A T 1 0 N TRIS A Bal is ;2 Co PC f s fe to 7:_ 120; , V, D MCC(,rnt) Frank Root, , 11 Wes m -04 Wes m I Nil r:rit` licl"tirtmt,'rtt of Public Saf'et.y F'.Wergency • C( �rn•r,�",1 6t rep uet:ted. from tII e Mi till esotit Department. of Public :.)'iifr-t v. inforwation contained in their files. Their response was it lip !' fari 1 i t ies that report under SARA Title III regWation > wr•r i ,, ix (0 sites wit.hiti a one -mile radius of Anthony's Flora! tu;!a t:rr- c�nh()use.s . The six (0) sites, listed by Minnesota Department of Public :afc:ty, are n", follows: Facil itY N urnr Facility Address ERCID No. ll: C.lt. Mzin;;factirring 5338 Shoreline Boulevard 27- 160 -0002 1 Box 498 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Bill Clark 011 Compan% 5501 Lynwood Boulevard 21- 160 -0003 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Fina Mart 1 .730 Commerce Boulevard 27 -160 -0004 3 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Superamer_ica 5337 Shoreline Boulevard 27- 160 -0005 4 Mound, Minnesota 55364 PDQ #29' 5550 3 Points Boulevard 27- 160 -0006 5 Mound, Minnesota 55364 I1%: Hatt Union 76 4831 Shoreline Boulevard 27 160 - 0007 6 Mound, Minnesota 55364 . .tri E { ? M a 3` Based upon a review of the information, there appears :o be a slight potential threat. to the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses site. The response from the Minnesota Department o" Public Safety is included in Append i x G, F. We requested, from thy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, any file information of envir•onmrntal hazards at or in the area of Anthony's Flcral and Greenhouses. The Corps of Engineer's response was that no infc motion was available for Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses in the Corj�s of Engineer's files. The Corps' response can be found in ONE MILEi RADIUS--� Ll S IT E ITE tNl I iq, IR r i- I V'c s t wI t co-v 2-- ' Q MAP NO. 8 McCornb F rank Roo5 As%ociatc- Inc APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MN. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY LISTINGS w cl, QI L"T J Nx;%, A I % . I : " 'A": tai , ;Alkl! .�. ! k ,, It to Ai I ik )I )y (� , . M 1 1 j py 1 o cA im Ku"! H11 m v n t w 1 z t b K t , v I mi.nl r11 I c e ()!I t hi . da f1 I s i I p rpamam; nQrmst ion to thp mewint my n Qj ( .j �4.j ( , �, Ij t tj � , t f �,j lkt :mq! Wa vn; 1 and wNtpr malysis m; wo ci(, nc,* j.j ai, X. 4 cvv 0 y A . ` bey t I If f f T; it •t fin'! R d1!' . y fif'O F" ored Prof es'; io""Al i Al. � 04A, � I I . V V k1i , ""M itit. IM% r(ditnified m thil, I t'{ , ! I VIIAA�4 11"A (qum"MIS, llm,r;v uIth curt m ly accepted I hm It W n , mi wm is I t p I I ej j I ' I I it t III] ( Il I lic'se It I vhe I 1 hrr-Al certify that this mssessmont wj d I "u I — rvj Si or I and that. I am a du I y F, Endneer u.Jer the law" of the Statf,> of ML14MIN RANK ROOS ASSOICIATLS, N!"1 Lic, Beg. N(,. 7Ck NY - 1.1 4 1 0116 VS11242M Jo Bit 5— '--JUN[ 25. |`''+| ------ - 0 BAT[* lO6| BATCH }o62 John Nnr:an [o"fc/c,c, r^'.r"`r. � '' ,'' TOTAL F|LLS 9 0 .. 1,. 4 ' ' " 9El:E1Cr v�',c� 1f:Ari'JN )F U , fIlLLLAR ONE VIKCO TO!' 7 CORNS PPE -PAT, ... . . �6 ., CITY MIT CREDIT A 1 9N TNDOR TOTAL C0999 PRE -PAID 5:.'0 ,:lE IN',' 6i8 FR 6/18191 6/1301 :5 :.'0 d+'"4 :�:o i.7. ^, 31't9 bli3 /al COIPIERCIAL LIFE IFE CO VENDOfi TOTAL :.'0 C16A1 PRE PAID °,1 6/18/91 6!I8;�1 � F?d PRE -PAID 51. ?4 %�' 6/18/ 6/1'i91 v `. .:�7 JP*4 -iD >`�!�.e' '31'� 16 6/17/91 PRE PAID 5.4.JC JUNE ESTIMATE -SA ES Tat 3 rig _'nYfj 5.4(TU.00 M* ESTIh4Ti -Sk-FS TAX 7f r9i' -WJO 6/18,91 6/f3 �i 5,4 YlU -CD 1010 54`d.f)O 31767 6/11/91 COMMiSSIONEk OF RFV9(f tiENOUP TOTAL `:1.11 E14:w PRE -PAID `A0. U6 1• :''r,- ,.. F1, ?3 6M/9f Pq - Pw r«r• .. � w � yr� '�Jp , *� 'p'rti fit! w , ,,� + } y. a YJ � i i IV` . ?7 ' b w •.. A'M .l rtart � �'Sx�S(♦ kk 'M! 5 1 45 1 A ` +����.'•� �'"- ;`''`� + ��,. .�..�..�,..'" 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I�5�11, • e , f :f2.hT�r iris � "". ! •... • VENDOR NVDICF illE Ali D �i;t H; NO. 1NV^ICE NME"R DATE DAIL A.,- 4n 1�• ; PRE PA`p 3 + ri r•1 MN BE NEF 1' ASSN rM RETIRT!ENT S AN- M '?; 'VE CA:ll v'. c MUTUAL 89UIT LIFE VENOM Ti'4. NX4 PRE-PAID 6/18/91 6/18/91Y�i!;. :�T•, a NORTHWEST NEC.OICAL, INC. VEW TCTAL N;°C5 PQE•PAID y ;rr{ i+:N:;G' -��^ , 'tr a';s 6/18/91 6/18/91 :. yNL Nl1lT KSTERN COLLEGE_ YEW TOTAL. 3:.Cr P395O PRE -PAID b, 'GI .Si "PRA WN 6/18/91 6/18/91 6,19 .,` FN P E R A VEFIDOF TOTAL 67 +I.`.:5 P3452 PRF -PAID 5Q... ;f P, EN ;'tX:_, 6118/91 PETTY CASH VENOM TOIAL 5a..: P403O PRE -PAID 9,038. ° PHP 6/8 PR 0i :Cu -- 6401 6/18(91 9,038.50 i -CD I7Ia 90 N.`rt� 3t 1`�� 6113r�i PHYSICIANS OF MN VEW TOTAL 9O3E.`l 94171 PREPAID 1,04.37 :.IY , 216.E W: WE 1 =i'r '• .. 3 36.:5 17. M.1 ;Ip, 6/18/91 6 /l81�3 1,?a?:.;' F' a ., PRE - PAID y , • • • • i ts� 1i1'.. :'v,'!.I - t 'd'iH' 'r'•'F [r:'i ,:��,!- :J^''ih� :! 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MIME WEP DATE DATE STATUS AKM X FRPIUNE Cl AFI' V!K% TOTAL F17 I-h' -'r. - T) 1, 6 , 2( 9 F;A* rVlvLlkN 4 Ass;k JEvojf TOTAL 31 N 6, 6-'201 aJ VIC afHEP STWE X - 4. X ',14 - -TAL 0140 4 41 ' CM CO SHERIFFS OUT VENDOR TOTAL 3 C. 6/20p1 6/"0/91 Fl% HOOPS TRLCK,WG VENDOR TOTAL 4-�^ .� � I- -V. lAFC CONF-`3FT ?_ -t170 4110 6/20191 6/20/91 - K. rA jx -rD INTERNATL ASSN F14 CHIEFS VENDOR TOTAL 230.00 J2450 1,479.18 Caf 4170 "Xi 6/20/91 6/20/91 1 1,479.13 ,FN. -CO J H LARSON ELECTRICAL CC. VFW TOTAL 1479. J2520 1 N Ilk MmXll 5:5h 122- 1 " km ;isw_ 71 - 731X :fpO 122. 'PD MING' 5' :� 78 7800 :))0 6/20/91 6/20 / 366.85 J10t -CD 1010 JIM HATCH. SALES CO VENDOR TOTAL 366.85 J= 7.15 AMC MILEACE-J 6, 6/2001 7.15 Im-CD JOEL MO VENDOR TOTAL 7. 1! J7570 4. IV F W-!L:Ncl M C: - a 4 6/20/ 4.5., jit - U 1 : 0 J014! PC), NLE T VENT F TOTAL 4. 1 � 44'. 1�? 4.: " 414� 6r 3 • 0 • TIME 10.06.05 WNIM lw`Oi:T Ott HOL PRE -PAID DIE7, I w U WA L74 ' E DATE !3,ATUr QJRN' ltl:' IPTION ACC"' %rKR AMOUN' Dfr)" I DATE k. 4 l iA v VAL 56 " 6 LDWI-] S kTLW.`,f, VENDOR '2TAL ab .13 170.4: ji T EN F ORS r Nr 01 - 4 , M - yam 6 1.0/41 6120/91 171?. )o ,Fl* -r_z 1010 MAC, T S ')P;, T: 3N lEKlOP %Tk 70 . ,.)C :HANCE 0 h /." 6/20/91 2 JRNL-CE W'T!N'S NAvAi?,RE 66 VENDOR TOT AL n.w M2061 300. DPIL LAT I ON - Ll MM' 01 - 4140- 31 0Q 6/1 6f2019 :00.0 'PC 1010 MAFT IN STER VE.W TOTAL 300. r�o p3CA0 3` 1.`4 v f F.45p - p ARY 5 01 -4240 - 3100 ,4Q, MAY EMR-SEALCOAT 27 MAY ENGR-TAX FW-EITT I 01-4n, -3:00 9 9-00 MAT ENGP L STA IPM 78-7300-5000 1, MAY 00 LIFT STA IMP" 78 - 5000 149.00 MAY M [CPT 01-4190-300 192.0* PAY ou-STREET a T 01 - 4280-3100 43.25 MAY M-SWF/lWTR DEPT 73 43 .2` MAY E]\%-SWF1 DEPT 78-7800-3.'00 165.00 MAY E.Wri-LAN MW VIEW ESQCM 01-2300-097. ?9.00 POT Fh% -K I L 'ON ES" 01 - 2300 - 0975 66.00 MA ENGRAD PK EMW 01 2,361.50 MA DID - TUXEX BLVD 26 64. MA ENCiP. R-JfF 30 305. MAY ENGR - I P WAGE 30 1,710.00 MAY ENGF-C Il! A!L )0-};100-5000 &k. 3p MA -pry 3 11AGE 30 M 3100 • 0 • Ap_cv: - 01 L171 OF UN" VENDOR WICZ Ikk Q-0 NO. INVOICE WW DATE DATE STAIL5 AKIJNT '*S0 FTIUN • 4'� 4 r I0 I vi 4 - 42T 0) 4 -) T O 4 : CIA. K 71-7100-M 1010 ?1 7100- 101 ) 1< 14 ' v A , x L M371 0 SF_. 'q 3D 6/20i91 2 c,. 't JK - NAVARRE 4iF1*ARE ,ENLIT "I'AL NM 483. St SAL PAY ELEZ ` BAL "A Ed,' 9 87.78 01L - CD NORTNITM STATES F1010 CO VENDOR TOTAL 937.7p P4029 2,'! - .MC ;,W AID" 1 6/20/91 M. 45 y W - CD PHYLLIS JESSEN VENDOR TOTAL 2 21.45 ?4031 X1.'5 JULY 4C9 IWALSON 6/20191 6M/91 221.75 JX PKSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 221. 14035 1,189.56 J_JNE 906 MA:K Hk— 98.34 JL#f Ek3G MAIN " -PW '78.33 Im FUG FA i w - o i. 98. a3 XNE 11 Do MA i N7 - 6/2019 6[20/ 1, 484.56 Jlt -CL PIKE'S WILDING FAINTENAPIC VENDOR TOTAL 148,4. 54390 2,300.66 JlT PENT 6/70/ 6M/91 2,30r 0c - a SHORELINE PLAZA 1EMDUR TOT.' Jw .66 $4431 44.95 V". CLEANER 6/20/7 6/20/ 224.95 J?%t - SOS VACULP CLEANER SM*Cl 'JEW TOTAL 2 4. 95 54440 9 8.00 IVY ";i NA3tf • 4'� 4 r I0 I vi 4 - 42T 0) 4 -) T O 4 : CIA. K 71-7100-M 1010 ?1 7100- 101 ) 1< 14 ' v A , x L • • Ll + w ' „t+`'�,� �,'* 3 `�1��° ' � ; € ✓ "` 'A,,�r }♦u,,, {{ � , ii'� o ;wk 11. •.. , IN 4 t 4r r 4+YM.11' ':'$'.a / [ T1 fi r^ .N1 .l�,x... VENL>OF' 'J'k 4. 541A2 , w:til_J>? :41U SYSTE'S 5 F'r1tE L1J*ANT 4 NDOF 'C' { 4• ^ .. -. T4M 127.49 LA?!R LHAIS 01- 41'x0 -r10 6!20/91 6/20/ 1 ?7.49 p% T4 LAYER VIN ()R ' "u'AL 127, V4 14730 „ p , .Eh:ES 4i X-; 1 -4 6/?tl/91 6 IN' ' 146. 1,4 ,k -1 I' 1010 THRIFTY WMF [F+1X; 5Tf)FzS Vk:S;IOF 'Tat :4e.r4 i4i,?8 AA',r - r v:C�C'ai.'b:_� S', - •� 3C! �d.w "+' `,0!x: 'Pt, -rL TODU CDYMNICATIX, INC. VEMKXi TOTAL 2842,, T4'4'?0 2`.I'+: OLr.i rCFCp �I :- x04+:-41: 6/'0/91 6/20 191 25. "t -CD 10 :0 TW,ASIFIR Mg OA W)Ck + TOTAL .'5.;10 T4940 96. ,54 FE*iNC,S X.AL,SI -FVF 79-7W,! f,-10 6/10/91 6/20/9: &•b.`A F`I --Cu 1G1�1 'Ri S'ATE 'r +Jf b G'N'Wi1l I tisNDC�F Tr'ai ott.`d +f 4 • • Ll + w ' „t+`'�,� �,'* 3 `�1��° ' � ; € ✓ "` 'A,,�r }♦u,,, {{ � , ii'� o d G� S ;h AIN E � ;:,:;: CAkp. �'SE^at.M • l hf '1rn '' € 4'1 i� � 5 ! r x1 f r tv. \, s r+ y�,., ✓, � r $ °e'{ ! �,, ! rs yIl1F _ -w! ,Eli ... r _. . .,� ANIIOR TOTAL TOTAL. All 4f!i IY S l hf '1rn '' € 4'1 i� � 5 ! r x1 f r tv. \, s r+ y�,., ✓, � r $ °e'{ ! �,, ! • �0. r , r� r M+. l ., S. � � ` {.. Aill{. ,5 � CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT MAY 1991 41.7$ MAY YTD PER CENT BUDGET -- - - - - -- REVENUE -- - - - - -- REVENUE -- - - VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- Taxes 1298890 0 908 1297982 0.07% Intergovernmental 713280 1627 18167 695113 2,.55% Business Licenses 5100 45 1254 3846 24.59% Non - Business Licenses and Permits 67700 8636 22460 45240 33.18$ Charges for Services 36200 1224 3980 32220 10.99% Court Fines 95000 6135 23295 71705 24.52% Cha - ges to Other Dopartments 289,50 1647 7693 21257 26.57% Other Revenue 28400 6798 7841 20559 27.61% TOTAL REVENUE 2273520 26112 85598 218 3.76% LIQUOR FUND 970000 - 112217 • 428200 541800 44.14% WATER FUND 360000 24547 119168 240832 33.10% SEWER FUND 600000 46178 239000 361000 39.83% DOCKS FUND 71000 3301 62810 8190 88.46% CEMETERY FUND 3000 400 1600 1400 53.33$ • �0. r , r� r M+. l ., S. � � ` {.. Aill{. ,5 � • CITY OF MOL"ND 1 EXPF:N1)I`1'GkES MAY 1991 41.7% GENERAL FUND TOTAL, Area Fire Service Fund Liquor Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Recycling Fund Cemetar; Fund 2273200 204928 MAY YTD 40.76% PER CENT 20213 BUCx: =i T EXPENSE EXPENSE VARIANCE: EXPENDED GENERAL GENERAL FUND 92107 45.74% - -- - - - - -- ------ Council 61300 3027 28815 32485 47.01% Cable TV 1380 0 9736 -8356 705.51% City Manaqer /Clerk 161530 19227 67679 93851 41.90% Elections 590 ' 173 417 29.32% Assessing 44600 9 316 44284 0.71% Finance 171040 21610 71544 99496 41.83% Computer 30250 177 12688 17562 41.94% Legal 76950 4064 24294 52656 31.57% Police 745910 71966 312072 433838 41.84% Civil Defense 2700 659 3270 -5 "0 121.11% Planning /Inspections 123230 11324 43417 79811 35.23% Streets 392670 38364 174060 21861() 44.33% Shop & Stores 59840 5177 28065 31775 46.90% City Property 892')0 3833 43801 45399 49.10% Parks 152690 13834 48171 104519 31.55% Summer Recreation 11760 0 0 11760 0.00; Contingencies 40000 1018 5228 34772 13.07% Transfers 10'1560 10638 53190 54370 49.45% GENERAL FUND TOTAL, Area Fire Service Fund Liquor Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Recycling Fund Cemetar; Fund 2273200 204928 926519 1346681 40.76% 215500 20213 90591 124909 42.04% 169760 19240 77653 92107 45.74% 364450 32992 181955 182495 49.93% 913540 65981 363485 550055 39.79% 84150 391 28177 5�Ij73 33.48% 4180 0 945 3235 22.61% P L SQL ,a ♦ a�, r . `p r � c c . �,���� �e-�"f MINUTES OF A MEETING Of THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION . JUNE 10, 1991 T1`105r? present were: Chair, Bill Meyer; Vice Chair, Geoff M i c t , s e 1 ; Jerry C I of )s i.7d i e ; Michael M u e l l e r ; Bill Voss; and Mark Hanus: City C:ouncii Representative, Liz Jensen; City Manager, Ed 5huk Ie; Bu Iclir OF* ic;;jl , Jon Sutherland; City Pl.;nner, Mark Koegler; and Secretary. Peggy James. Absent and excised w,-is Coalriissioner Fr ink Wei land. The following citizens were also in attendance: Lemuel and Edith Sprow, Fred and Norma Asher, Larry and Kathy Meyer, Lin Terwll- liger, Gary Danielson, Ken Sipe, Steven Kirshbaum, and Phil and Cynthia Shepherd. MI The June 3, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes were presented for changes and /or additions. Jensen confirmed that the intent of "buyer beware" as written on page 2, 4th paragraph, 4th bullet, was intended to mean "buyer be aware." An error was rioted on page 4. 2nd paragraph, the date of "July . 8th" should be "June 10th." MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle, to ap- prove the June 3, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 91 - Lemu b Edith S 5 525 Bartlett Blvd. Part of Lo ts 12 and 1 3, Bartlett Place, P X24 117 - 24 23 0017. VA existi p%_nonc on forming . Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request to recognize an existing nonconforming accessory building setback to a!low ccnstructlon of a conforming three season porch. Variances of 2.8 feet to the required 20 foot front yard setback and 1.33 feet to the required 4 foot side yard setback are requested. recofrrner re(:ogn i t i on of the norir:onfr .)rmi nq structure and :jf?Of f)Vr3) Clf thE' J -3r i in�F' rH'..)i_ , MOT I )N nrfrle by Muei I er , secora(ied by ft< .inus to reccornenr rjf1fJrr;v, l of st, fF rF;c,<XS`crif r��' �t icon for .: vjf )roval of the vr�ri,�in��r� ,�, rf�<�faf»,t•��1. Mcyt. iri c�rrrir�Ti urkrnimr��usiy. I J�..I, `, L Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 2 Case No. 91 Phi i & Ci nder Shep herd,_ 5 Tu Blv Lot 18, Whipple Shores, P I 0 - 24- _ 1 1 7 -24 43 0070. VARIANCE - 1 akeshore setback and exfsting non conforming si de yard setback. City Planner, Mark KoegIer, reviewed the applicant's revised request for a variance. The Planning Commission previously dis- cussed this case at their meeting on May 13, 1991 where the ap- plicant agreed to investigate other alternatives to the original plan. The revised plan consists of a 10' x 16' conforming addition to the west side of the existing home and reconstruction of the ex- isting nonconforming deck. Recognition of the existing noncon- forming setbacks is required, they are as follows: a side yard setback variance of 2.9 feet to the principal building, a 1.5 foot side yard setback t� the existing deck and a 21 foot lakeside setback variance to the deck. Staff recommenced that the Planning Commission recommend approval of recognition of the existing side yard setback variance to the is principal building and the lakeside setback variance to the deck for the purpose of constructing a conforming 10 x 16 foot addi- tion and reconstructing the existing nonconforming deck. Applicant, Phil Shepherd confirmed that they will reconstruct the deck with a conforming side yard setback of 4 feet, however, prefer to keep the deck 12.5 feet wide resulting in a variance to the lakeside of 21 feet. Mueller commented that he likes the revised location for the ad- dition, which is conforming, but Is not 'n favor of the deck being 12.5 feet wide a5 he does not feel this is a minimum. Mr. Shepherd Informed the Commission that 'ue to the existing landscaping under the deck, the length of 12.5 feet is needed in order to reduce the amount of run -off into this area. He added that the neighbors desk is about the same distance from the lake as theirs is. MOTION made by Hanus, seconded by Michael, to recommend approval of the 2.9 foot side yard setback variance to the principal building and a 21 foot lake side seUtack variance to the dock to allow construction of a conform- ing 10 x 16 foot c3 < ae-d rec.•on•itruction of they ex- I st ing dock, u{x,r) trv� con(j i t ion ; h,3t the deck retain a • conforming side y�3r <.i sett). -jck of 4 fef-t. Motion carried 6 to I . Those Ili favor were: C I )ws ;add I e, Jen ,can , Meyer, Kinus, Vo5 , ,; H i ct{<jf I . Mu • I I c r was Tt1 r , j ', w I 1 1 t- t t r�,. i t (. r,. 1 , )i,r� r" 1 +: . 1 L 65" Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 3 Case No. 91 -01 6: Tom Reese. 5641 Bart Iett._ B1vd. Part of Government L , - Section 23, PI__ _#23_- -117 -24 1 0003. VARIANCE - existing nonco -- Bu i 1 d i ng Off i c i a I , Jon Suther l and , rev i e;,,,: t r,- 3r r> I i c.,nt , t; request for a variance to recognize an ex i st. i n n, orrn i ng detached garage to aiiow construction of a cant;Drminc7 detached garage. It appears a practical difficulty exists in that the gad- - ditlon of a new fully complying detached building does not war- rant the relocation of and removal of the nonconforming struc- ture. Staff recommended recognition of the existing nonconforming structure and approval of the variance request. The Building Official also questioned the Planning Commission it' the site plan submitted was sufficient since the applicant had a copy of the neighbors survey which shows the nonconforming set- back In question. The Commission added this issue to the end of the agenda for further discussion. Mueller questioned the need for an additional garage and was con- cerned about the use of the storage spaf.e. He comrnented that this area Is not a warehouse d i st,' I ct and the q artages appear to be dominating the principal structure in both size and number. Hanus was also concerned about the number of accessory stri.rr_tures on the parcel, however, at this time, the Zoning Code does not limit the number of accessory structures on a parcel. Voss stated that the var i ar.ce request is for approval of the ex- isting nonconformity, not weather another garage should be al- lowed on the parcel. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by C1apsaddle to recommeixi approval of staff's recoavm► ndation for approval of the existing nonconforming structure and approval of the variance. Motion carried unanlmousiy. This case w i 1 I be heard by the C i t y (.r ur,r i I or, ,, jnF, I 1 , )> )I . 0 is Case No. _91__0 (3o tlql.is 17CO Stsriych L<ans�, lots 17 & 20, 81ock 13, 5hv3dywcxx1 Point, Pl0_ #! "3 Iil-24 14 00?1. VARIANCE - street frontage & ;3c'c c:N ;5 wilt - h. F;, .,i ' .-. J ! ( i n9 � r i r^ i .9 „ i - .f r.t s A r ,r Tt,F A * m4l ms Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 4 Staff recommended approval of the street 1 width variance: to allow the applicants t the land. Fire Marshal, Jerry Babb, emphasized the reed fc r , i. *:o, w i tle access. The Planning Commission discussed the cic,:es jrr.j tr,e r•;- isting garage on the adjoining property whicr, I imit.s tnt, w;t,i�_h at the access. They determined that they do not nave ti)e 3ut, itv to require that this easement be 12 feet wide. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Manus to recommend ap- proval of staff recommendation for approval of the street frontage and access width variances to allow the applicants reasonable use of the land. Motion carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on June 25, 1991. Ca se No. 91-018: Mayne 3 Lin TerwIIIIger. 2 945 Cambridge Lane Lots 9 3 10 - k -- Block 34. Mychwood. _ PIL_ 24 - i I7 -24 42 0008. VARIANCE - fence hellaht. Building Official. Jon Sutherland, reviewed the <jpplicant's request for a 2 foot variance I n fence height. The app I i cant: ' s property abuts a 15 foot wide public right -of -way on the south side of the lot. therefore, making this a corner lot with t,h- abutting right -of -way a front yard. City Code allows a maximum fence height of 48 Inches in the front yard. The City right - -way is used mainly for pedestrian access to t►,e commons area, it is wooded and resembles a nature trail. Staff recommended approva! of the fence height variance to afford tr,e applicants reasonable use and allow greater privacy of the property. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Muell to recommend approval of the 2' fence height variance as requested. Motlon carried unanimously. This case will be heard by the City Council on June 11, 19fj1 Case No. _ 91_ -019- Steve Kirshbaum, 4590__ Oer� i , gh Pc sal Lot 6, H_i ock 3� Avalon, P i 31 0006. VAR I AN':i I Ejki- setback b existing nonc9n for rning. Bu i l d i ny Of f i c !a l, Jon SUther I anc , -a v i r� - It t, t(,-) repi�ict° a De k r4 rl c 3 F irt_.( >•'I� )dkcr,rlf�f _ K .!' .� 1` f � t t rK' kj I t i nth in a v,jr 1 :.,ince of 1 4 t 1 407 4F �a�'� •� � k �a a � Plon;i I ng Cc)rTvni ss Ion M i nut 105 June 10 P,jge ") 'tither 1,,jnd st.,jtf?fj that considering the orientation of the exist- ino hout,e its prior (,I(?( location, and the existing Patio doors (- )n t tic' ()( 1 evf' I, i t aC)gears r easonat), I e to a I I ow an encroach- mont into tni5 Art :-cj. t r ac:�orova I c; f the variance to allow the applicant r -J S( n, it) i e U Se OF t h.2 Or r t y w i t h r e cogn i t Ion of the f 0 1 1 ow I ng ('x i ' �t i 0(j n0rlConformi t i es I The existing nonconforming accessory building with a v,jrl,)nce of 9.4 feet to the required 20 foot front yard set- bact and ij I foot variance to the required 4 foot side yard e t h.ic k . 2) A lot SiZe varkAnce of 4.5 feet. Per the surveyor, Mr. Jim A. Reaume; trie actual Square footage of this lot is 5,995.4 square feet as the lot measures 6 inches less than plat In width. • Contractor for this Project, Ken Sipe, was Present to represent the owner. Mr. Sipe clarified thoZ the proposea deck Is to be 14 feet long, extending towards the lake. The original deck was i s 12.5 feet long. The width of the deck �,is not a concern, as long as it met the side yard setbacks. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle, to recommend approval of the variance request to construct a deck exterAJIng not more than 12.5 feet from the house, same as the previous deck. Motion carried unanimously. This ( will be hear(i by the City Council on June 25, 1991. Case No. 91-020: Fred & Ncir,Nj Asher 2007 Lakpsfde L�r►e Lots 11 S 12,,BIOCk 10 5hadywo o(j 'Poll nt P! D -117-23-32 0021. VAkIANCE front , .,rd settle jck. the Bkjf ici; _p-)r) the � icant's r equo--7.t t r witti in attoched f C) r ed 30 t it t r P o a. km Ktr 11, CITY COUNCIL PACKFFftw- 6 -25 -91 #1 8 abd; - 6 r -- Bend - Each appiicatien- for -s- license- st.aii- be -ae- ee�upan #ed- *-- e-- 9ttreetyY- bond -ar;- -thereof ; - c- rhr -crr -tinted State- va - as -prey ided -tn Minnesota- stntates;- - hoftc� - er - other s ecarity- sha } } - be - gin - the snm - ef - $5 ;986:88 - for- an- appiieent- for -sn u en - SQe - i - ieense- ;-- eitrb- �3eenae� --or -en- Orr -�e� Sri- 3eenee. Rif - sb#r+} - -no -cs 33etiorr - far - any- e&tise enft - aredt --e-i -then -b�►- c- be�d-irx3- -eznps �r --Or`- the- ejgA_i_f.*rrt rritheat -serid- personr -frr9t - giving- 3E}- -cay� written - See --tt> _the eit addre ssed - te - the - eity - Manager; - ef - intention- te- eaneel -bend I"] • I (J LU I 0 QUOTATION DATE: 6 -9 -1991 TC: CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 FROM :PAINTERS PLUS 3046 BBrighton Common Mound, MN 55364 472 -6740 Thank you for the opportunity to persent to you this quotation for the water blasting, crack filling, and the painting of the exterior for the PARKS MAINTENANCE GARAGE located at 4845 Manchester Road Mound, MN 55364. I have three options that you may chose from:' OPTION 1 This option will water blast the areas on the building that are flacking or stained and need to be removed. The paint that is on the building that is in good shape is not blasted off. I welcome the inspection from t'e City of Mound before painting, or crack filling begins. I have chosen a silicon based fill rather than the mortar fill because of the better adhesion qualities of the product (mortar will with cold and hot seizure of the building eventually crack out). Paint used in the painting of this building is MAUTZ 97 Commercial flat latex paint. This paint has qualities to adhere to metal or brick surfaces. All unpainted surfaces will be primed. TOTAL PRICE ............ ..............................$ 1,745.00 OPTION 2 In this option the water blasting is again in only the areas that are flaking or stained. The cracks are filled with silicon based fil If r for longer life, and durability. We welcome Binspection of the building pric,r to pa nting. All areas that are not painted will be primed. The paint used is MAUTZ 2100 comercial semi -gloss latex paint (color charts will be supplied Upon acceptance of the bid). TOTA1, FRlC; F ............. ..............................$ 1,980.00 • 10J3 PAGE. 2 9 OPTION 3 1'he third option building. Cracks are Inspection is welcomed used is the MAUT7. 2100 charts will be suppl unpainted surfaces will is that of water blasting the entire filled with a silicon based filler. prior to painting the building. Paint comercial semi -gloss latex paint ( color ied upon acceptance of the bid). All he primed. TOTAL. PRICE ............ ..............................$ 2,750.00 All painting and labor carries a 1 year warrant from any defect which may occur. I might add that the MAUTZ 97 and 2100 will out last the 5 -10 year warranty Glidden paints. If there are any questions that might occur please let us be of service by calling 472 -6740. Terms are net 30. Thank vou. Si ncerel -y � Leonard Wogsi --� • 1ULN PROPOSAL '1'S1I Coating +, Inc. t DmId Road 1494 35F 1491 Naiut Vein, At\ 55121 iht21 4 fa" it-12, 45..i)59M CONTRACTORS of Protective Coatings and Linings for Industry C01fI0 02 , INC. NC I t FN �S�' big'nay De w:L'u7r3W� !,y US City of Mound 34 aa Attn: Jim Fackler `' y5 341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55634 ae June 19, 1991 nom;. +•: Painting of Parks (612) 472 -1155 or 472 -0611 (direct) Maintenance Garage Dear $ r 4845 Manchester Road, Mound, MN We pfup, ze to'urnish all labor_ supervision, material, tools, equipment. r, insurance and ,_u a necessary subleet to terms and con6tlons outlined on the back of this form, to perform work as spec;hed below TMI Coatings, Inc. has visited and inspected your Parks Maintenance Garage on Manchester Road and proposes to clean and paint the exterior of building with the following scope of work: 1. High pressure wash to remove loose and peeling paint, efflorescence and chalking. 2. Power tool clean rusted steel surfaces as necessary. 3. Spot apply one roat of exterior grade block filler and spot prime steel surfaces where needed. 4. Apply one coat of exterior grade masonry paint, color to match existing. 5. Apply one full coat of industrial enamel to exterior surfaces of hollow metal doors and frames, color to match existing. YOUp COST INCLUDING LABOR AND MATERIALS INSTALLED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900.00. NOTE: Owner to trim and remove brush against and near building prior to work. TMI Coatings, Inc. has extensive experience with BUILDING PAINTING, including past work for the City of Savage, MN; City of Eagan, MN; City of Burnsville, MN; Building Painting has also been completed for Safety Kleen, Inc., Eagan, MN; Schwing America, Forest Lake, MN; Progress Building, St. Paul, MN; and many others. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please don't hesitate to contact us at (612) 452 -6100, ka c i tyOl bs (bvs) ACCEPTANCE The dirr, grind nt r r y I r 1, y ,�,r pr(I;YWAi 1 11 d i� Ihrrr rr . y;,U h h W n ,h 0 r id!r_ rtl' ; Wirt 1,1501 rf1(41jlred V) t:ornplete thrl work "f 'l f _ +h :n !h c ,uulr rl p., , urt Ilia r , pax >,a' Fns, ,lnr' r� Ir r1 rr)vr <,,e Slde hr•re0t, for which we agree to pay r ,.i !lie i � ou'�t �,I ' Kurth TI the p ,p, ,n+ A�cx'l;r D rif! / FBI �iPnr,tflilly. TMI Co lrnqr, Inc Fi 1,!,F• ,� F•r tt � 5orhn;bn !.Stir ".atlnfj TNII COA] INNS, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROPC:IAL Of ACgfkmfNl f r,' " 1",t", , " • Xd L IT C Law Ccild-Ort, A j J _A I'd "I :V V I Won :, con !!tnIt wl 1 ,4 1 4 .1 It- j "we it a III zpoow All" tan And Specified milefiall J M V, 11 4. It' Il 1. A "J" IT ISO 'V is 'Ail "'r it lietil i 'i: It v C ' All ef' r t isll Au jOt, , c It 'It ]' a 0, X M y— T, "t ' w A "N .1 0 4:, 2 1 Ilt "'. , , JOJ 1 T 7!, Site U11411" ' Tir rr �,jst Jld, Jul, .,)It A o 'U V 't, ail 1 nry 6 mean I A •I! 3f A' :V! S rie ` "cl it co"ll'Innil P -, "I Act Pleoiamo. IF I an 7V , Del roe FAA i "I A, Is 1" ,tar 'k r", l, j t it it s tnd- r LJ't" r j Ws ss I'Ll It A I " • T A N, c P I, I work Alto co.11-14nz lr I.-" 1, 3;1 11 ury 10 , '" I-— "OF 1,, 1 thia Avtl ga, TXt I "I polecion of !0(1 A, _ X 1"i! A'!' To Secorear, D get 7' C ' !NOTlhCAIlGN MOBILIZATION $OR COMMf4C(AUNT Of '*')He V S TANDARDS A is nw gint 1, '0 let Vi"i" 1 r. Q III I i n.u, 'K "I A lt, , 11 A 1. IT: —C "A, I "It A.- I' Alto! I*— lul 1, • a:t % "I" �,". "till 1;1, "1 to jl' re I j,t a A, it I� ' 'yn gI 4, ' ' "., !",, , assu-1f, 4: IT _I't ". _ 'T 1 1 , V p ICIvIvId 3 Ix , 1 o� I C t,-e T Ai A it 't, !lt I A 141 4 -c ;CA A- , -ar III nre A, 4mjL' I w honiy ralt a ;ilrof 1 et 11 J. a J' I it . . 51 � "N " A" , o4i , ;t 1I']. i'b" A V.-19 a ,:,* III " —1 utlei t W ' b AY jj W ; It( U, ' It, 4, 1' ..I o l l a:I ij a t in t is an ".I" Jc IT, 1) PRIC1 S 'Ise ",4if and sire r ' I ' Ant be N ML, to Co AS IC !Ir are Icii Irli," AS A u, or *ftT Li Try, '0 a A , u, in t int Ar g, ar"', "if W. "I'll I is 0, Addlln,iil ", I , U r I u, 11 v" c by IT Lni,,e- F ee Dice 4%,wirell $ mpudt lip el ! len,'it I LAD0 Aid Itloill, S 01 V "Hell WSZI DIV5 A A:p Ul* I &I'm 'n"'Inict and jItief bi^rf is I Mal" 4 F 'At fis A ! I gal S <e MSI to' C 'Ft p,S 15% Y ,j it .u%•s "y Uf damaged nuli,fj' z, c fIllahl chaliA. 'ex All ear neC I eV TV "'410Kfulf" 4,,A Or aq,, it.1r, r. I i , seed to fil r ot by TM w, &I BI H , R," rnHi , e , bar i &lfi 4 f,c Travel "PtIsts ow I" i'ler " TMI I rKw* 0"'ct aw'; tir "raw, intraud"i; holms J neirat mats :.UIivzoryuscto cests ple•gli and (1411IT0,11.27,0I c-arget. let tau anent 7 Ficirrie all Ov"Nsad VIA geto as a patitentl or Jim Im, in awfoil -1l `MI '10! 14 0140 MA t.0 of '0% I Ali X 51 1!lt 4 be i e CUnAN 311C an 011in -,,IS =nCVrltd b TM 'vu_l 07w, I;. -H;ii, as 'Mt 14V ecul IF ESCALATION �'ej Fliers Are ltairC An tabor :aces and ir,iI p,crsi ineffiftlas *q III, c file Prup.)Tm vj pi'(f or baw rate 'rvaeasei win Or" oryed at I"v mcu, On the low. rg OTI I Vo, cary, Iii. %,taip , jvttjge tabor late in the .3b u , na(i ywelif an adc I- v tar 0 7% o colifav, or" war Or Nil 2 1 1C=S III "WIII'lill PrIiits wr, by hVo'Ctd AT KIIJA UPi PWS A 15• elgf%uV OVOTI 'MU"I Ijbit"'ate and "411,141 011cels iiii, a basis to, F LIM ITED .11D WARRANTY M .Al aftit fruit m Icrqls ilive been applied as requ tee b !i t 1, Ira e, S spel:.Nuloiis TMI wt ot rew, Ifewt * or% of w A Pelted of One veal After apphCAW Provided I-it ",% has not been damaged or �14td I. A NIPOI tot h,O 0 was not lifen(JeC TMI SPI Cif ICALLILY DISCLAIM 1,4!,Y OR FITNESS FOR A PAT,' *AHRANTIES INC�001lit I MPLIED WARRANT [S OH WARRANTIES 0, M 8 1 THAT OL .i AA PURPOSE AND OWNER AGREES THA If WrI Ot FOR DIEff"Nil WORK VH ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH JWCT WHUTil (IR NOT CAUSED BY THE WriLIGfNC[ Of III SHAH BE AFFAIR BY TMi UPON THE NOTICE PH,' /100; HEREIN 'rWNf ; FURTHER At THAT IN NO EVENT WILL TMI Of LIABLI FOA (,(A FQu[STIAL [AAAArfS Of ANY NATOA[ INCLUDING DAMAGES fOH LOSS Of OlSi C-AMAGf TO THE 3TQ';(!IJPE IIAMA,'[ TO OK JOSS Of CONTENTS GROUND OF GROUNIUVIA QR G CATAWNAI OR DAMAGE RESULTINI, $HOM SPILLAGE OR LJEAKAGf LINIP,� 0 H YIN i' j PROVIDf 1 04 THE CONTRACT THE FORVAING WARRANTY IS THE ONLY 60 HAN! I MADE BY IM: AN Ii; f Xprif sSLY MAIAIN L 'HOF ANIVANDAILL OTMERhARRAl uA,ANTHS OR 9fPP[:ANTAtIGNS WiTIFTH C P EIPi4iViltO OR IMPLIED G PAYM( N) TERMS tm, slat, The Ovin't' ftrilhly 10 ADO And mate aIe lull - sera C " 1414 "It )C � 3A li Snal b Dar a -V 19# :i il N dais j tit, i subm ts N, me nage " III, .,!h,Tt,C i"Air Frawmeas u n»is P'"—stit joire -' ! Ig is IT,$ PIOTI Pa ..tnn b ni O. S li j il D Ti A ? In flate j I 18% of , , % , i , f rui t s d d 0 , 1 rest Iry IW tnuill lilt Pt, ,qN by J- TMI SrTil! be ent'lleg 10 recover &V Cush TymI ITT "5 fees lk� , tw ca,nq O.Ild q In eiflT,cN th s Agntylient H AF161YRATION A c!j, I jnC Older bel,ter, TMI and 14 1— At "`� :)L " I. "s I ill'❑. ,d. ..)c I tPorev, lqosc III—c", Y Ple IfIrr t I Ji N I'l,tJI"t, n i,rjj" a try 'uts A A. v n uC'a o-: AV Fl V SnJ jij .,a I bit 71 r111,11 Albt'At k 11, Alt I Sh,, a r; r, A IDZ ... kk—,, I, ',.I JI I . . }'d ". , D, :: . j , -ft'! I CONAKETEA&PUEMENT ANO MODIFICATIONS I,,-e ila ijr! I'ic,",,!- I tgl" "lic. IrIf PA*l >. elifir 17f 11 014' rat' J• I%1 1 ,,1, b Tl e ^ i —I n e I ir by t D And may .0 1� Int ylt IIAgt ;trl 'A r Ill I it"'! "'I SI-C! Cinrl 'I" file "I Tv t -1 J TERMINATION t. a y1 11 t 1l 'll, I I4`iUqAIIC( ANO TAIIS V _t -3 '1 ' r , !' ;" , I I: , , r A " r T, A . Np q It i, k It 0 IM , I "I III* ' Jr.'r , "A. 1" 'y' T is it, I ', kf u ". ol dO i d" J M m .a irlf 1 it U, lj hJ R = E5 F= Proposal P „ Of __.__.__—..____ P" .xmarly Guillaume & Assoc. Cc, - O>m ercial and Industrial Painting Contractors 1 295516th Avenue North • Plymouth, MN 55441 •612 -557 -0100 FAX ( 6 1 2 )557-001 - ..._ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO. oHOtiE WE June 5, 1991 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55634 ATTN: Jim Fackler • Parks Maint3nance Garage S'REET 4845 Manches Road c' TV STATE Mound Minnesota ARCntTECT GATE Of PLANS, SUNRISE PAINTING, & WALLCOVERING, INC. is pleased to quote $5,400,00 for painting at the above referenced project. Bid Includest 1. Sandblast or waterblast concrete block. 2. Fill cracks and holes. 3. Paint concrete block, man doors, overhead doors, bollards. 4. Work on building next door (church like structure) is not included. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be rompleted in a workmanlike manner according to .standard practices Any alteration or deviation from above Specificatons involving extre costs w ! ce AxecuteC i ^Vy upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate All agreements contingent upon stakes acc.oe ^ts ,cr ca ays beyond our control Owners to carry fire. tornado and other necessary insurance Our workers are fully covered by Wcr�r tr s Ccmpensa' Insurance NOTE This proposal may be withdrawn by us it not accepted within days AUtnonnled S Kelli Peifer, Estimator SF_RVING THE MIDWEST PAINTING 6 WALL OVEAING INDUSTRY SINCE 1,974 Acceptance of Proposal The atove paces Specifications and Cord +Dons are Sa'!s'ac'Jry _�^,, a•e hereny accepted You are authorized to do the work as Spec` `ed Pa ,nent wiil be made as o�!':ned abo ACce;;'nd S'ynat, ire Date r� ors w _ _....r..�,_.._..._..�._... _ ._......^_ June 3, 1991 &I • INVITATION TO QUOTE ON PAINTING OF PARKS MAJNTENANCE GARAGE LOCATED AT 4845 MANCHESTER ROAD, MOUND, MN 55364, AS FOLLOWS: I. Sandblast or water blast all exterior concrete surface. 2. Fill all cracks and holes with mortar. 3. Paint Exterior of Building. MAIL QUOTES TO: JIM FACKLER, CITY OF MOUND, 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD, MOUND, MN 55634. 0 • ho o Mailed paint specifications to the following contractors for bids on May 3, 1991. • C Painter Plus !IA ILF1) "AI I -zl ` . ! " ATEI) 3046 Brighton Commons JUNE i , I U I TO T'HE,SE Mound, MN 55364 C0NTRAi 'TO RS oN, JUNP 3 1991. Prism Commercial 6 Industrial Painting Inc. 7523 Commerce Street W. Corcoran, MN 55340 Minnetonka Painting 5016 Woodridge Road Mound, MN 55364 Sunrise Painting 12955 16th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441 Sandblasting Services 4970 Leslie Road Mound, MN 55364 TMI 2805 Dodd Road St. Paul, MN 55121 /4i V7 For June 25, 1991 Council Meeting 0 June 19, 1991 Our j.2a . of - the Lake Church requests the following Licenses for the Incredible Festival July 27 & 28, 1991. Approval contingent upon all required forms, insurance, approval of Police Chief Harrell and where necessary the appropiate department. Public Dance Permit :Ije,TpP (jEa On-Sale lion -Tntoxicating Malt Liquor Permit • 0 L|lY OF MOUND 4//-| OUASI PUBLIC FUNCTION PORTABLE SIGN APPLICATION Portable signs used for the purpose of directing the Public used in conjunction with a governmental unit or quasi-public Function The period of use shall not exceed ten (\O) consecutive days and requires approval of the City Council. Signs shall be placed on the premises , however i of the advertised event. A permit is required howev s exempt from a]} fees, - ADDRESS OF SIGN LOCATION A T7 04i 8UlLD|mG OWNER C i ��_ L4_/\�/_ 6/C T/�F pH0N[_ 4/ 72 _�/��_/�' ' NAME OF' APPLICANT' _ PHONE (i� other than own��)--^ °�----- --� - -- ----- '--�---�-�---- J7 APp1lCANT'S AODkESS ��"�/ \~' = / ___ 's,°!�. PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FOR: t T DESCRIBE TYPE OF SIGN (materia|s, is it i}|uminated, etc,); l _--- '- �X �, [d�r& _� _x;^J_ -= 0vE Z 5Tp evi '���/���_ � ` SIZE OF SIGN REQUESTED: high x _w(de = _��.l _sq. ft, LENGTH OF TIME TO BE ERECTED:_ �4� � � J c^u� rl�vU ^ ���o~�� _''---- DESCRIBE REASON FOR REQUEST- 2-/ App icant's sign ture Aecc^mnendatinn: --' - -- - - -- -' — - - - APPROVED BY C ITY COUNCIL ON: (1 14 J 3 Eli) / I t 4 .3 3 �c�,N s �d� � ��_s Si,e ����� � �..). Gl/'�3 -// c^- f C �u � ('fit w rk OA 10 11 • GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED Mi , AICIPAL STOCKPILE STORAGE SITE MOUND, MINNESOTA GME PROJECT NO. 3020 Copyright, 1991 - GME Consultants, Inc, G1VIE CONSULTANTS, June 19, 1991 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager City of Mound Street 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 GME Project No. 3020 RE: Geotechnical exploration and water sample analysis for proposed municipal stockpile storage site in Mound, Minnesota Dear Mr. Shukle: In accordance with your acceptance of our proposal dated May 24, 1991, we have conducted a geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project. We are subm'cting three copies of our report to you. Submittal of this report concludes the scope of services detailed in our proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you for this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, GME CONSULTANTS, INC. Joel D. Ulring, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer JDU:kdc i TABLE OF CONTENTS i Geotechnical Exploration Proposed Municipal storage site ` Mound, Minnesota GME Project No. 3020 Section Page ASFE Notes Regarding Geotechnical Engineering Reports f Introduction 1 Exploration Program Results 2 Scope of Exploration 2 { Topography /Surface Features 3 { Subsurface Conditions 3 Groundwater Conditions 4 Engineering Review and Recommendations 5 Project Data 5 Discussion 6 Access Roadway Recommendations 7 Stockpile Storage Area Preparation g Construction Considerations 9 Geofabric Placement 9 Winter Construction 9 Differential Settlement 9 General Qualifications 10 Field Exploration Procedures 11 Soil Sampling 11 Soil Classification 11 Standard of Care 'i 12 Appendix i a 1NIPOUANT INFORMA110N ABOUI YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT i A GEOT•CHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET OF PROJECT'— SPECIFIC FACTORS o f MOST GEOI FCHNICAL. "FINDINGS ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES t 'cT, 'JO 'j, v. Pty SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE v I r "t 4 S!' 1 "Idli kW V1' i! lilt t r l A C41-0111CHNIC LNGAIN[J"RING RF'IVRT'IS 10 MI SIGN I 1� RPRI'TAf*I(--)N READ RESPONSIBlu'ry CLAUSES CI,C)sFlY tit I!'' I; i T t 1 i t t-, f t :!f t 1 i i I t i I OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO REDUCE RISK !!w! tt, :!i tie tc moi i j t ulii l(� sj _ INTRODUCTION We have completed the geotechnical exploration for the proposed municipal stockpile and storage site in Mound, Minnesota. The project ( site is located west of Commerce Boulevard on the east shore of Dutch Lake. i i Our work was completed in accordance with your acceptance of our proposal dated May 24, 1991. As described in the proposal, our work i scope for this project is limited to the following elements. I 1. Explor,. the subsurface conditions by means of { nine Standard Penetration borings and one hand auger boring to depths of 6 and 15 feet. Obtain soil samples in accordance with appropriate ASTM I designations. 2. Visually /manually classify the soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D 2488 and prepare the i boring logs. 3. Prepare a report presenting our engineering review and recommendations regarding site preparation for use as a stockpile storage area. We will discuss construction considerations which could be influenced by the subsurface conditions. 4. Provide 1 test results of a groundwater I sample taken from the location of boring 9 and a lake water sample. r The purposes of this report are to present the results of our field i testing program, water sample analyses, and to provide you with cur engineering review and recommendations. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 2 June 1), 1091 Scop o f Ext)l oration EXPLORATIO P ROGRAM_RES ULT ,S The field exploration consisted of drilling nine Standard Penetration borings with a CME 750 rig, and one hand auger boring, between the dates of May 27 and 28, 1991. We selected the number, locations, and depths of the borings. Borings 4, 6, and 9 were drilled to depths of 20 and 22 feet to extend them throucjh the fill and organic soils to the underlying non - organic naturally- occurring soils. Boring 10 was terminated at a depth of 8 feet, because water bearing sand was encountered and the boring could not be advanced further using hand augering methods. The boring locations were staked in the field by the Project Engineer. A drawing showing the approximate locations of the borings is included in the Appendix. Surface elevations at the boring locations were shot by the drill crew, referencing the top nut on the hydrant located northeast of boring 1 on the east side of Commerce Boulevard. For the purposes of our work, this benchmark was assigned an elevation of 100.0 feet. r a i � City of Mound GME P'rojec't No. 3020 3 June 1.9, 1991 Topo.graphyZsurface The eastern portion of the project site is relatively level and has been filled with various soils and materials. The western portion of �e site is a low land with standing water. The vegetative cover on the site is predominantly weeds with mature trees located to the east, north, and west. A grass covered field about 20 feet higher in elevation is located to the south of the site. The property adjoins Dutch Lake which is located to the west. Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions encountered at each test boring location are illustrated on logs included in the Appendix. we wish to point out that the subsurface conditions at other times and locations on this site may differ from those found at our test locations. If different conditions are encountered during construction, it is necessary that you contact us, so that our recommendations can be reviewed. Borings 1, 2, and 3 were drilled for the proposed access road. The borings show 4 to more than 6 feet cf organic and non- organic silt and clay fill overlying naturally - occurring peat, organic silt, and clay. Based on the Standard Penetration Resistance (N) values, the soils are very loose to loose in density and firm to stiff in consistency. •YV: City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 4 June 19, 1991 The balance of the borings are in the proposed stockpile storage area. Except at boring locations 7 and 10, the borings encountered 23 to 20 feet of fill consisting of organic and non - organic sand, silt, and clay soils, wood, and peat. Underlying the fill are naturally - occurring loose silt and firm clay. In boring 7, non- organic naturally - occurring firm to very stiff clay and medium dense silt was encountered. In boring 10, about 6 feet of stiff to very stiff clay fill was overlying naturally- occurring medium dense sand. Groundwater Con The drill crew observed the boreholes for groundwater levels during and after completion of the drilling. Groundwater was observed between depths of 4 and 12 feet. Based on the groundwater observations, it is our opinion that, the groundwater table is between elevation 96 and 98. The elevation of the water in the low area and Dutch Lake were at about elevation 96 on 'he date of our exploration. Seasonal and annual fluctuations should be anticipated in the groundwater levels, and the water levels miy also be influenced b site drainage, variations in local precipitation patterns, and the water level in Dutch Lake. 7`q City of Mound G'N"= r. No. 3020 5 EN __REVIEW AND._RECOMMENDAT_IONS Pro___1ect_ Data J"Ine 7.9' 1991 The engineering recommendations provided in this report are based on our understanding o: the project as described in the following paragraphs. The recommendations are valid for a specific set of project conditions. If the characteristics of the project change from those indicated in this section, it is necessary that we be notified so that we can det:ririne whether the new conditions affect our recommendations. The project site is located behind Anthony's Floral which is at 1861 Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) in Mound. It is the location of two former sewage lagoons which were constructed for the existing Grandview Middle School, located southeast of the property. The area was apparently low and was reshaped, with dikes constructed to form the lagoons. We understand the lagoons were used only for a few years prior to a sanitary sewer system being extznded to the school. Since this time, the site has been partly filled. According to Mr. John C<:rr-eron of McCom. s F:± koos Associates, Inc., and Mr. Geno fluff of the City r.�f Mound, .,� „t£�c�i,�1: rrn.�wn to be deposited c,n the site inc.audr 1ni c_c i.l<�r,�,r.�u�� : ;r_) 1 t:- arrl c.nn ;traction debris, i n• d 1 nq S f r z t i ] k i 1 q More I , , .sl.t t �ncrc l 3 �•t_hi•nt y, CI' £ °�arl'i_r�r� �pQl � : I".;P11 '. [�t' ;;i... ; 'i i i:::: I�'� l :nth �t't �1 ; �;F3E':'t dF ?pO.;lted. ' ai City of Mound GME Project No, 3C20 6 lilne 19, 1991 Located on the west side of the lagoons between the lagoon and Dutch Take, is a concrete out flow structure and buried pipe line extending between the outflow structure and Dutch Lake. We understand that the proposed site usage will include stockpiling of various materials, consisting of gravel, street sweepings, sand containing salt for spreading on icy winter streets, and excess soil from excavations and backfill. We also understand that a new access road will be built between Commerce Boulevard and the site, to the north of Anthony's Floral. Planned construction on the site will include regrading and initially placing a gravel surface. Future plans are to place a bituminous surface. Discus Based on our review of the project information and subsurface conditions, it is our opinion that the site can be developed for use as a stockpile and storage area, with some limitations. These limitations are that continued differential settlement of the area should be expected for several years, and the height of the various stockpiles should be restricted. This is because the soils cn the site have low shear strengths and are compressible. We estimate expected settlements could be on the order of 2 to 3 feet or more under large loadings. Because of the poor soil condition and potential f( excessive dil fercenti it se�ttlemients, we recommend that geofabric be placed between City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 7 June 1 1991 the subgrade and new gravel surface The need to place additikDrial gravel and regrade the site would likely be required annually. A cces s Roa dway Recommendations No traffic loading infiltration was provided to us; however, we anticipate several passes per day of loaded dump trucks (H-20 loadings) . To prepare the access road into the site, we recommend subcutting the roadway at least 2 feet below final elevation. Because the soils are easily disturbed by construction equipment and traffic, we recommend a backhoe having a bucket with a straight cutting edge be used to complete the subcut. We recommend that a non-woven geofabric such as a Supac 8 NP or Trevira 1135 be placed over the subgrado soils prior to placing aggregate base. The joints should be sewn in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. We recommend at least 24 inches of 100% crushed rock or crushed recycled concrete meeting Mn/DOT Class 5 gradation requirements be placed over the fabric. The aggregate base should be placed in two lifts with the initial lift being about 16 inches thick. We sur laost the initial lift be placed by back du or Pr'(�Viously placed material and spreaqing it with a s ma I I type dczer. T agc4reqat.e C;JJ(. be ""INN City Of Mound 'I'ME Project tic). Junt! P.P, 1139I compacted with heavy vibr,itory compict—on equipment, tc: at . t I the maximum Standard Proctor density (ASTM: D 698) . Stockpile _ Storage Area To prepare the stockpile storage area, we recommend clean sand soils be used to raise the western portion of the site which is currently below water to an elevation of I to 2 feet above the present water surface (about elevation 98). This material should be placed by back dumping and spreading it with a track type dozer. Upon placing this fill, it should be surfaci dens-ified to at least r6 of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. The site grading could be completed by using on- site soils free of debris from the eastern portion of the site. The final subgrade elevation should be graded to 24 inches below final grade with the site being sloped 1/2% to 1% toward a drainage basin which we anticipate would be in the western portion of the site. Above elevation 98, fill should be placed in about 8 inch 'thick lifts and compacted to about 95% of the maximum Standard Proc-tc dry density (ASTM: D 698) . Upon a�_hieving fin'll subgrado elevation, a non-woven geofabric such as a Slip3c. 8 NP, Trevira 11.3,), or equivalent should be pl,-Icn(-I. We tho fJnall 2.1. irlchcS Of fill consist of- � 2 h -in initial 1 layer of q g (j I t C I D 'I fell Zls d1c. lined it! th(' Mn/[' Standard Y I I - 4�j. 2-E, Lons Hr C0I' ir)n 31 I City of Mound CME Pr No. 3020 j 9 1 cldss 5 gradation requirements. The initial aggregate ba•kfill should PL as previously defined by back dumping on previously placed mar. i <il and spreading it with a small track type dozer. This material ShIC-Uld 1)(, C_-OMJ-,,J t a t least 98 of the maximum Standard Proctor dry ,I o. n s . lt . The tina! 12 inches of aggregate base could then be placed and should be compacted to at least 100% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 0.1pof.a The geotabric should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This would include sewing of the joints. Winter. Construction We do not recommend that this project be completed in freezing weather or if' the ground is frozen. With the presence of open water and the Soil types On this site, additional si-inificant post-construction s would result Differential Settlement c(� u r (i n t C'n Wr City of Mcand GME Project No. 3020 1G June 19, 1991 recommend that the site be regraded on an annual basis. When regrading, we recommend that additional gravel be hauled in, rather than regrading the on -site gravel. This is because the regrading of the on -site gravel from the high points to the low points would likely cause thin areas to develop which would reduce the performance of the gr,ivel surface. GENERAL _QU AT.,IFICATI dNS This rcrpert h,is been prepared based on the soil and groundwater condi.t;uns found in our borings, and on the assumptions regarding building location and design. This report is intended solely for this project at the specific location discussed. `J,ir :able subsurface. conditions were found in our borings, and it is likely that additional variations exist that could not be determined fruini our borings or our site reconnaissance. Therefore, we strongly ro(_'ommend the Owner retain the services of the Geotechnical Engineer at the time of construction to provide observation and testing services. �: wciccm} the opportunity to provide these services for this project. Conf ract.ors, preparing estimates and ;yids for this project should not rc =Iv c -;lk>l r on t, ".e infor in this report. Variations in the soil r r r.3 t t. c c wer�7 enc�Ou'ntered ar;d additional variations may exist that construction starts. Therefore, they should t W: exploration as they deem necessary. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 Soil samnlina 11 June 19, 1991 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Soil sampling was performed in accordance with ASTM: D 1586. Using this procedure, a 2 inch O.D., split - barrel sampler is driven into the soil by a 140 pound weight falling 30 inches. After an initial set of 6 inches, the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12 inches is known as the penetration resistance or N- value. The N -value is an index of the relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. S oil Classification As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually classified by the driller, in accordance with ASTM: D 2488 -84. Representative portions of all samples were then sealed in moisture - tight jars and returned to the laboratory for further examination and verification of the field classification by an Engineer in accordance with ASTM: D 2487 -83. Logs of the borings indicate the depth And identification of various strata, the N- value, water level information, and pertinent information regarding the method of maintaining and advancing the drill holes are included in the Appendix. Charts illustrating the soil classification procedure and the descriptive terminology and symbols used on the boring logs are also included. City of Mound GME Project No. 3020 12 June 19, 1991 STANDARD OF CARE They recc,mendaticns contained in this report are based on our interpretation of the subsurface conditions and represent our professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location. Other than this, no warzanty is implied or intended. Prepared by: Joei D. Ulring, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Reviewed by: Thomas G. Krzewinski, P.E. Principal Engineer JDU: TGK: kdc I hereby certify theft this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registared Proiessional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. / i,l,,� " Date ..:. t Reg No. 11 I f � r APPENDIX Soil Boring Location General Notes Soil Boring Logs Unified Soil Classification Chart Special Notes Regarding Placement of Compacted Fill So. :v Al AP i 'Ili! ( i 1"" 11 13 i I r -,- SCI f ?::,, IC GME CONSULTANTS, INC. 14000 21st Avenue Noith MIJ 55447 �i t X k ;�, 1 �� �� 7 � � ��,_ I r -,- SCI f ?::,, IC GME CONSULTANTS, INC. 14000 21st Avenue Noith MIJ 55447 �i t X k ;�, 1 GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: S` with Ltiler PA A, DB Diarlittflo Fitt %x AS Atig(tr JS 'lar S ' JrTi[dk- VS vano Shox Standard 'N f WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL Water WC, I Wet Cavf In DC1 Dry Cave In WS While WD While Driihnti BCR Before Gisirtq Hor,,., t i ACR After Ga AB After Bonny Water levels m(J on ii IndiCatod vlevationsare cofiAe "tl 1'�!f water elevations Isnot p Sought GRADATION DESCRIPTION & TERMINOLOGY Coarse Gramod or Grt IlSoll ' haw fn r(• I,( "'t "" r, 1 j )'"" •' 1 —t�—t dii-scilhed as cla of ('Ja it" it ttiviro I "�'4 I —o *hwyirJfJJ;Jf ;irc soil are defined on tht t)jjyi of thi", (Jo . ; t coosisteri(;y, and their plastwitv 'At(-nqtf) or Major Descriptive Term(s) Component (Of Components Also Percent of Of Sample Size Range Present in Sample) Dry Weight Rotiklois Over H in 700w—' Cobhlots 8 In tit 'i it t Gt;1V('l irl to :1• to : 1 Saw! $ to ;Q00 f2 tO SI!t ", "0! - Irilrn t( O(I"Inr Smalk'( ttlzlrl ( ) 01 t jl".' CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Unconfined Comp, Strength, Du. tsf Consistency RELATIVE DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS: N Blows ft Relative Density GlAt C(7NU)i 7/INT I Nc . 1 06 OF HOVIING 11 clit t in J,� 0 -4 film 11 clit t in J,� I'�,t,�i:ulE� l�:r�.,(i ! l�'tt t; i l li ��� ��. �•. y � M ,k, 4�.., I OG, OF BOHING t + � _ _ I �}, i .. i .. 1 � i � _.... "��'� I � � .. � '�� j � i � i � _ � t . ,f 'I � i I � i i 1 I � ', } I I � � , _ __�..,__ i I _._ .�. � ', _._. i i � f _ _ _..._.. � � I i ,..______. II i � � P i �� i �' � _ i _. ff } � � I � 1 I `' ,� f ' � f � � �' '� i I i i I 1 i .l ,' � � __ _� I _ _ ._ -- . �� i i i .1, 1f)[11 illo -ILI 1 11 ;;;l - 1 1 ' UNIHOGJO:)Ul „,, ” .,, � �, ,. 1r .._�....1 _._ ... i j i r � _ .._ ___ _ _ -f - - __.. i i1 t �t ��'� ;f� f ��` ' � l�. l i __ _____ _ � j'�,Ir� ,;.jr'I;I � ! tr�� !f I_ .'fir 1 i!. � j f i I ! i j � i i v N I M. a LOG OF BORING 10 I i c I "t I Stock I �'i Io sand Id, 0)II[fliorce NmI(:--vard Site M(mild, AHQU I LC T IF VNIF i H Cit,y MCCOMI Fr, P(ms Ass Jrw- 0 , A Ii CCIII I "JI H1 'I) J f I I VA 1`4 1 1 1 d dark CfAY, K I E if f U) very Miff J7 1 '2 m Qu"' 9rdV( - uu&bml Mao -- M HI I 1 1 X I H: I xf Aa I F i I u � to uld i I Iftl ( S ] LTY SAND Erld of borin(j at, 8 fcut 11(d1ow stern "11(jer w;od fill-I dept'll klclJil lud cuLt,ilvjs :'CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES (ASTM: D 2487 and 2488) r Labor, ai ity classification criteria vid C gf-it", tith I C, f U r between 1 and 3 Not o-,ung all yf,joalion reql,Jlferoeobi for GW V, Allerberg limits below A X., line of P I loss than 4 Abuve A line with PA. 0 between 4 and 7 are border line cases requiring use Altvibe,q himls below A of dual symbols hi, of PI owale, than 7 t D _ C, greater than 4: C, between 1 and 3 5• D. �XD, Not mpeling all gradation requirements for SW T, Atit,be,g lils below C 1. im A m - S hop or PI less than 4 m o+ Limits plotting in hatched zone with between 4 and 7 are borderline cases requiring use of dual sym- "m"! idy o), Atterberq lmubt below A bols line or Pt. greater than 7 ""d Y-Y 1,no 1 10 i,jf,T !v la" ''1 1"w k) oil, For classiticabon of fine grained soils and fine fraction of coarse 4 (jrf,n, Solis J, y. . cltvl, loan At,l• Limits ploffinq in batched area at( borderline classi f,H licalions requiring use of dual symbols r, Silly Equation of A )in(- I'll 0 7:3 fLL 201 1 if or OH and MH 20 C L Mt wd O� 80 90 100 Churl SPECIAL NOTES ON PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILL SOIL GENERAL I r,, ! , i , EXCAVATION BACK F I LL. BELOW THE WATER TABLE: I hI � , 1, " l!''! 1 if; , 1 , • :''N it ai I HWCHK ()NS I ION it t I ! ) f • :''N it ai I HWCHK ()NS I ION h101STURE CONTROL OF FILL . ' , � ' 'r s�ni try v.�iilrni a r�rarruw range near the optimum -'� �,11 ?,? ff��!i In :�i�ner�l, fill should be placed within about ,' �,�, �� ,, �f��,t,a�ac� r:,i fines increases. Naturally- occurring _ _ ±h,3n th�� r Flacmg and attempting to - � , �t, +,� f.�'r�n .t r ;on7pacted to the specified density, . � � � � �.� ��, ,,, - .:t�;l� ,�t� 7 ,i��E h� pumping undE9r applied load. This •. � .. ; , ; ��,, i,t��i , ,, ut;i�tti t- + °nr;lx�s under streets. Excessively �! h..y��,r;G! thzit estimated for fill placed at Or near . � � ,. , � ,. ,, , ,n��? c��r tau ,� dam ;such sa,l should usually be <t �u�ti<�r �rlsitu I�,armeahil,ty. Also, shrinking! �� �; � , , � r;� uhtrnum, mu,sturr� to reduce the passibility OC . � � � � , � -,_, t ?���. +:t��1 �xr�esswr�ly dry Such soils can undergo . ,. � � ,�, '!{If•� +.te "l�lty had heen ach,evc>d This i5caused by ��� :. � , 't 4�n���rit c?t hf nldn�gs ar 31ah5 constructed UVer ,.,f:,� Iru� a�xt�tvah:Jr shc�ul,i e�a�; =�atE� the need for f ; � � � � - ; � pus ,awn s�?,� +,nst�nd It thca excavator ,s bringing ,' � � � � .. - . ,r �,1 thr� woil and the +need for wetting or drying. .. � � � , , � � '._;its ��u, CONSTRUCT 7ION ON COMPACTED 501E '��`� � � � r . h� -. :r n ,,�,1 t�<� rru�,intau,r>r },9nd I,ri>t��cted m order t0 properly ;' � r" ,, i'�� t' �ii� � .�. hi� ,ri��itl�r [1�Rl�n!sht'd !f It IS AIfOWf_'d t0 }rC'eZe, (�BCOmB �' .I' i'�., '1 .. � .�, I„ i �; ��� , . tf.�.� {i�t�it f' Uf ?ililh p�aCPn'If''nt SUbC)rade.�, ordlsturbed ,�, i,: �.�t ; , ,. �!� �. � , ' r �� ;t� �. !�� 'j �' �. , '�n � iri fi�� r_fl i,f "Glf �(,f ` II�UUI( Iht'('; If ' ?i1fl�/dC;tlnF!dlntheSpBGtICa- i 'r =! ;�� �' � � .r � ., � , ,fl � � i� ;+�: U, �� � �,tnua -, � u��t nE�i- ;es:�anly reile(a �nac ;cUrale field density •� � i � '�. t ' !'. .f,,fi - �.� � ��! �r -,r'i ! .'�1'� ..x:711' .�Ih ;lati<,n When UnC(. ?nflf1ed ;;an SP.Verel)/ redUCe ,''�� 5hrrar SG�'n ,;h .:� s�� ti �� �lrn�, ' � �'� ;i �� - ;i�f,� ;�! -f'� t � n��1iN � r! ShE' ; SlE,'r'1(Ith CE1n C:aUSe foahn(�S, tlOOr SIabS, Or �. '�.rj�.r �w„ ,��r ins �� �r�r�•„ '�i,it - tai 11A'Je'rllf ?nt SUhC�fi3dP 17t? ?FSt rOIIQd (MN�QOT {, ��: �,G, n � Y, '�_ ,,ii � t�•�r� ,� .t'f�r �)ilt ;it) _ n�` �i!" ?t�E3n )rvlPGfed ;��OttSpOtS �, � ��, j FLOOia SLAB SUBGRADE AND UTILITY TRENCHES i:�, � t ,,, .,, f ,,, , r� t , 1.�. 1 , r -E: , ;, �{ + �r si�if� ;ufat�radc= i�, � ?IIr7wF:d to fraezE�. When the soil 'li,!�� ^: "� i' ui r���,t f f,r =r, ��1 „i !, r �I,r,r, {� I, �,,., �.i��r�,,� (rvn�l'1 f lu<ir Slab`i shr,)Uld nOt t)t: CaSt OVf;r SOII In Such a �. .lF,�•n���1 �. 1��:,'��,� 'i�.!i(irif i�� {i�r,� t� I,r�r'rtn �' I'C,(� :,f n`? A� ;I f >Ui1iI,,Ah6ns5! T(S d0 SO C'.an reSUlt In CfaCkP,d and .', r,t, i�il .- i{ r' i �! h� 'il ,j� ? !f�,lV ii 1i,'�, tt�,,y ( fhP CUntitRl( ;11C'it schedule BndiOr CQS15 In � 't,l., �,'. �! � �= - f'�.'f'�1 �'.tt lf ?r 'i ,i!'. t !' i� .. �! ii'. t� - l,i�.l flfld prf,'- CllriStrUCllgn rTleE?tInC�S. ! + - +,. � r I u;tf 1 ��,' , .� , fl, , ti, �„� ',rh �:!�� ;r ;,� ;i� � .in t;i � rfrffu ;ult II the° Sri,l ,s wet, r,GmpaGt,On t0 the specified 3��I � il� :, ( ;�• �1�11'��. _lit � f t�!?1 f i ;�I)h I tsr' r' �t� ih'lj (Ut 1ti�rr 17F�1 R1aV prG'CllldFt the USF' Of proper GompactlOn ��.�� (r '+ ,�ti�i!h I� � - f yi yJi , �.�fi] f n � �fir�r�7 �t��'�!`� it � Cr,lllraCL4r iTIUSt (�IH(:Q 1hB 9Q1) In thin IIttS (� 1-06 �-�,,i � � .�r ;fh tt,� �� rr ,�,� �t�� , rr � „� ;?.. � �:rrr „� lt,i w,nk , r carded out by contractors other than the ,,. .1 .14ii !a� �, !t 1 .. 'G '•.r; i f��l G�.' << � i[.f�. �t r, it ;�i tr P �fi1 F' p C O be �� �:�? _ t rt r,��:,1 isibility tO Carry out th •�om a ti n i, . �!,,f i .1 � �� ,I .:1 '.Y�� �, �.,`, � ,fr�ti tf�Vi(twr�d with thEr appropriates COntraCfOr and r! ,, . �►NL 11r� IL,E ; ,u �.,. � --. � -� � � � GME CONSULTANTS, INC. C_C)V1J[T1Nt, f N. %f I W June 21, 1991 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 GME Project No. 3020 RE: Addendum to the Geotechnical Exploration and Water Sample Analysis Report for the proposed municipal stockpile storage site in Mound, Minnesota Dear Mr. Shukle: The purpose of this report is to provide laboratory test results of a groundwater sample collected from the location of boring 9 and of a lake water sample taken from Dutch Lake. The groundwater sample was collected by an Environmental Biologist with a dedicated teflon bailer through a temporary PVC well screen installed in soil boring 9. The PVC well screen and riser were steam cleaned prior to installation. The temporary well was partially developed by bailing prior to the collection of the groundwater sample. The groundwater sample was turbid, not clear. The groundwater sample was submitted to Interpoll Laboratories for analysis of Priority Pollutants as defined by the Envircnmental Protection Agency (EPA). The RAL is the recommended alloriible limit for drinking water as determined by the Minnesota Department. c;f 11e,:11th, January, 1991. The laboratory results ind iw:At;e tt;,,t t.h " i t_:: v 'dr{.I 1A%1 f; K Wh ;N' L't MAPK i 'V i 11 • HISTOFQCAL BACKMOUNU Mr. Edward J. Shukle 2 June 21, 1991 parameters were detected above the laboratory target detection limits: 20 parts per billion (ppb) dissolved nickel (RAL is 70 ppb) , 40 ppb dissolved lead RAL is 20 b 80 b dissolved zinc RAL is 700 b ( pp PP ( pp 0.8 ppb dissolved mercury (RAL is 1.0 ppb), 5.7 ppb phenanthrene (no RAL is established) , 5.2 ppb fluoranthene (RAL is 300 ppb) , 14 ppb pyrene (RAL is 200 ppb), and 1.3 ppb chrysene (no RAL is established). Phenanthene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene are noncarcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and are possible contaminants from asphalt material which reportedly has been disposed of on -site. The PAH laboratory analysis is on the total sample, including the fine solids. Based on the limitations of the sampling procedure and the analysis method, it is our opinion that PAHs reported are likely attached to the solids in the sample. It is further our opinion that these PAHs do not appear to present a problem in the groundwater on this site at this time. The concentration of dissolved lead in the collected groundwater sample exceeds the RAL, but is below the maximum contaminant levels for drinking water of 50 ppb as set by the EPA Office of Drinking Water, Drinking Water Regulations. In addition, the near surface groundwater is not used as a potable water supply. As requested a water sample was collected from Dutch Lake at a point closest to the site for chloride analysis. The lakewater sample was collected by an Environmental Biologist with sampling jars supplied by � Fa . ( Minn - s( ) G er IowirHI fHF,ro Mr. Edward J. Shukle 3 June 21, 1991 j i i Interpoil Laboratories. The laboratory results indicate that 18 parts i per million (ppm) chloride was detected in the lakewater sample. i We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you for this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, GME CONSULTANTS, INC. Timothy F. McGlennen Environmental Biologist Project Manager Sandra J. Forrest Senior Hydrogeologist Enclosure: Laboratory Results TFM:dws O interpoll INIVIP011 IARORAfORIES, ING 4500 BAIL ROAD N e C PINE5, MINNESOTA 55014 1819 iEl 612 6020 FAX 612/786 7AS4 June 18, 19y1 GME Consultnnts, Inc. 14000 - 21st Avenue N Plymouth. MN 55447 Attentiunt Tim McGlennen LABORATORY REPORT: 113116 GME PROJECT: 113020 SAMPLES COLLECTED: May 28, 1991 SAMPLES RECEIVED: May 28, 1991 Sample Identification: W_1 Sample Type: Water Laboratory Log Number: 3 6- 1 Target Detection paramete DnUts Limit EPA Method SW - -846, 6010: Dissolved Arsenic ug /L -1 ) < 50 Dissolved Beryllium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Cadmium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Chromium ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Copper ug /L 10 < 10 Dissolved Nickel ug /L 10 20 Dissolved Lead ug /L 2.5 40 Dissolved Selenium ug /L 50 < 50 Dissolved Antimony ug /l 25 < 25 Dissolved Thallium ug /L 100 < 100 Dissolved Zinc ug /L 10 130 Dissolved Silver ug /L 10 < 10 EPA Method SW -846, 74701 Dissolved Mercury ug /L 0.2 0.8 EPA Method .1 f5,t,: Cyanide MU /L 0.02 < 0.02 EPA Method '300.0,: t;hlortde mg/1- 17,t)lU iH ' L` I'nv lli 1 rung rlt,ll . >lle Interpol► L.ahoratories. Inc. .tune 19. 1991 Laboratory Report 03116 Page 2 )f 4 GME Consultants, Inc. Sample Ideritificationc W-1 Sample Type: Water Laboratory Loy Number: 311 - -01 Target Detection Paramete Units Limit EPA Method 625: Bis(2 chloroethyl)ether ug /L 0.40 < 1.6 Phenol ug /L 4.2 < 17 2••Chlorophenol ug /L 1.2 < 4.8 1.3- Dichloroben7ene ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 1.4- Uichlorobenzene ug /L 2.5 < 10 1.2 0ichlorohenzene ug /L 2.1 < A.4 Bis (2- chloroisopropyl)ehter ug /L 1.4 < 5.6 n- Nitroso- di- n- propylamine ug /L 2.9 < 12 Heexachloroet.hane! ug /L 1.2 < 4.8 n- Nitroso- dimethylamine ug /L 14 < 56 Nltrohen7ene ug /L 1.4 < 5.6 Isophorone ug /L 1.1 < 4.4 2-Nltrophenol ug /L 1.1 < 4.4 2.4- Dimethylphenol ug /L 3.5 < 14 B1s(2-chlor•oethoxy)methane ug /t 1.8 < 7.Z 2.4•- Dirhloropherlol ug /L 2.6 < 10 1.2,4 frlchlorobenzene ug /L 2.4 < 9.6 Naphthalene ug /t. 1.5 < 6.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ug /L 7.9 < 12 4- Chloro- 3- me thy l phenol ug /L 2.4 < 9.6 Hexachlorocyclopentediene ug /l. 7..8 < it 2.4.6- Trichlorophenoi ug /L 119 < 7.6 2-- Chloronaphthalene ug /L O.S1 < 2.0 AcenbphthyIene ug /L U.81 < 35 Acenaphthene ug /L 1.0 < 4.0 Dimethyl phthalate ug /L 1.8 < 7.2 2.4- ninitrotoluene ug /L 2.6 < 10 2.4 -Di ni t ropheno 1 ug /L 2.3 < 9.2 4- Nitrophenol ug /L 2,1 < 8.4 2,6 Dinitrotoluene ug /1 1.8 < 7.2 Fluorene ug /L 1.0 < 4.0 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ug /t 0.40 < 1.6 Diethyl phthalate ug /L (3.x'+7 < 2.) 1,2- lliphenylhydrazine ug /L 2.4 *. 9.6 4,6 Dinitro 2 methyl phenol ug /L a.e < 11 n- Nitrow dipherrylamine uy /1 ()..701 1.1 4- Bromophernyl phenyl ether ug /I 2.6 < P) HexachlonobNnlene ug /l 1 () 7. Pent arh I ori,phip7riI i,ag /L 2,8 11 Phenanthrery a1 /1. "1.40 Anthrnrrrjr ga /1 >t7 U, 80 01- �n- h +:tyl OJhalate $Q- 4 + h; I Y M �'+�i`��, ��� •, �� �' z •,+° � � � � : c si y p � cr„��,�3�rk�� Interpol) laboratories. Inc. Laboratory Report 03118 GMF Consultants. Inc. Sample identification: Sample Type; Laboratory Loy Number: Parameter EPA Method 625(continued): Fluoranthene Benzidine Pyrene Butylberrzyl phthalate 3.3' Dichlorobenzidine Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene H1s(2- ethyl hexyl)phthalate Di- n- oc!cyl phthalate Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1.2.3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a.h) ant hracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Dilution factor EPA Method 624: Chloromethane Bromomethnne Vinyl chloride Chloroethane Methylene chloride Trichlorofluoromethane 1.1 Dichloroethene 1.1 Dichloroethane trans -1.2 Uichloroethene Chloroform 1.2 Dichloropropane Cis ). 3 - 0101loropropcne Trichloroethene Benzene D1 bromorh 1 l-romethane June 19, 1491 Paye 3 >f 4 W --1 Water 3116--g1 Target Detection Units ug /L 1.2 < 5.2 ug /L 14 < 56 uq /L 1.5 < 14 ug /(. 0.98 < 3.9 ug /L 6.2 < 25 ug /L 1,(1 < 7.2 ug /L 0.33 < 1.3 ug /L 2.5 < 10 ug /L 2.8 < 11 ug /L 0.99 < 4.0 ug /L 1.7 < 6.8 ug /L 0.39 < 1.6 ug /L 0.90 < 3.6 ug /L 0.88 < 3.5 ug /L 1.2 1E 4.6 4 ug /L 3.7 < 3.2 ug /L 2.1 < 2.1 ug /L 1.6 < 1.6 ug /L 1.5 < 1.5 ug /L 4.8 < 4.8 uq /L 1.2 < 1.2 ug /L 1.6 < 1.6 ug /L 1.7 < 1.1 ug /L 1.3 1.3 ug /L 1.0 1.0 ug /L 1.3 <. 1.) ug /l. 4.0 < 4.0 ug /L 1.1 < 2.1 ug /L 1,0 < 1A) ug /L 7.5 7, InterpolI Laboratories. Inc. Lahoratoryy Report 03116 GME Consultants, Inc. Sample N entiticationr Sample Type; Laboratory luW Number, !�3!C` mete r' FPA Method 624 (Qontinued)t 1 .1.2 - TrIchIoroethane trans -1,3 Dichloropropene 2- Chloroethylvinyl ether Rromororm 1 , 1 . 2 , ? - Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloruethene Toluene ChIorobenzene [thy Iben2ene 1.3 Dlchlurobentene 1 .2 - D1 chlurobentene 1 ,4 - Dlchlurobentene GWH /WAU /sk Invoice Enc,1 sed < - less Char, June 19, 1991 Page 4 -If 4 W -1 Water 31 16 D Respectfully submitted. 4 ,41,31 0 t ' r / / i . Gregg W.. Holman. Senior :scientist Inorganic rh ^mistry Uepartment Wayne A'.1 01 son. Senior Scientist Organic chemistry Department "Sample r-Ytr•„ct wr►, diluted as indicated dtie to matrix interfp er,, ReNorted valur,s relaresent thO Concentratlott in the original +rnciil rcr,i sample, i.r' . Ir""Jmental rasults were multiplied t)y the Ci1?uti(w fa t„r• prior- to �.,• ' t.i rig . TaryQt dertr.ctlon limits nre given. 1 Imit the hC�ttt' !r,n 2tii� '� atair tr the sample may be i;t�t.dinect r; nx�'tit�lyirry ti)p �',�t l n limit fay tfr un ffic:tnr AI z drt3lyti wr, -r �1r(�'iYYlSf*ti �aS1l1 a re Ai( :>r:r! « fPA n �r rr r'rCyrit7etl ;rK�Ft +r' r,� fi r +� 1 v�. ti" t�rt5 r Target Detection kai mrt u9 /L 6.0 < 6.0 u9 /L 1.2 < 1.2 ug /L 2.3 < 2.3 u9/ 2.4 < 2.4 ug /l. 1.5 C. 1.5 ug /L 8.0 < 8. ug /L 1.0 < 1. () u9 /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 ug /L 1.0 < 1.0 u9 /L 1.0 < 1.0 Respectfully submitted. 4 ,41,31 0 t ' r / / i . Gregg W.. Holman. Senior :scientist Inorganic rh ^mistry Uepartment Wayne A'.1 01 son. Senior Scientist Organic chemistry Department "Sample r-Ytr•„ct wr►, diluted as indicated dtie to matrix interfp er,, ReNorted valur,s relaresent thO Concentratlott in the original +rnciil rcr,i sample, i.r' . Ir""Jmental rasults were multiplied t)y the Ci1?uti(w fa t„r• prior- to �.,• ' t.i rig . TaryQt dertr.ctlon limits nre given. 1 Imit the hC�ttt' !r,n 2tii� '� atair tr the sample may be i;t�t.dinect r; nx�'tit�lyirry ti)p �',�t l n limit fay tfr un ffic:tnr AI z drt3lyti wr, -r �1r(�'iYYlSf*ti �aS1l1 a re Ai( :>r:r! « fPA n �r rr r'rCyrit7etl ;rK�Ft +r' r,� fi r +� 1 v�. ti" t�rt5 r C7 interpoll 0 D CHAIN -OF- CUSTODY RECORD Analytical Request 3 u'e Report T o: " dame No. A r. z Cc= m a n i Item Na Comments Only *% 'e —, ,e 4npy yo - Re;c• zz;v P! It - C�,*"( Copy SP� '_ AL R:— S rime I" l e fie. sG See Reverse Side For Instructions LCI-,!, C [ 1 Env ro11111(.'1 A ?�tiSjlt ' fo ,1 lit lit )II r1"s floral rrirrl (Y ret'llhoust l'rrt�ar���! I'hc city c� f Mvurtrl, Mlfruc'sotif rote, 1 9 i :!R.+1+'.:� ."'�'..,c<< � � -. "w ✓f '��� a� �#'"_����:+�'� s. Lit x���� +';, tr '-_ a .+ .' .}d, .. � ♦ a A Y a PHASE? 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses Mound, Minnesota TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. i E;�EoI•t ilmmary 1 I IntT'Oduction 2 A) Purpose of Study E3) ScUPe of Work II Hist.Ol - ica.l Hackground 3 A) Chair, of Ownership B) Aerial Photography Review C Minnn(!sota Geological Records E)) Milit,esota Department of Health Records III Currant Use of Site 4 A) Description of Site B) Visual Inspection of Site C) Visual Inspection Check List. IE' File .Investigation Results A) i'.5. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) B) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (M1 C) Hennepin Cnunty D) City of Mound Fire Marshall and Building IrrSI)ection Department E:) Min!1E'Sota Department of Public Safety F/ L.S. Col - Ps of Engineers V Conclusions and Recommendations lr VI Standa -d of Care lF, i A. Aerial Photo6rapf, Ccpies B. Map No. 2 L' of '1 Geological Survey Well Logs Uni t E Strrteri 1- .nvironmenta1 1 Aperncy Co shOi donc, :,. M,innf s;ta Pollut Io -� C�,: Lrcl Ag>ricv Cs.,rr�yE,�,n i r,t c i.. N +•r�r;_rl..in C:�unt, C;�;rr� �}:: a;iFrrrf. a .+ .' .}d, .. � ♦ a A Y a L7 firld Pudding Inspection Department MAI' INDEX !�".,; pt i or) !v! volimtilt a I Site Assessment Location Map location of U of M Geological Survey Listed Approximate J..c.,,_,,ti of USEPA Minnesota RCRA Listings and CFJAIUI,1S Listings Approximate Location of MPCA Reported Spills Approximate Location of MPCA Reported Leak Sites Approximate Location of Hennepin County Listed Hazardous Gonerators - i App r oxim Location of City Listed Underground Storage Al of MPCA Listed Dump Sites A [, , ,), ,, c) x rC, ()f, MU MMY M 1 h;ll {1' ANTHON')" ;.; I"T. hAl AND M��und, Minn + °sc,trl hisa}t',r SWAM A Pre l i m i ntrry F,a ". i t c�nm£�nt tl l Ft£ t�cu;na i ss,aW"' f(I" Prupert y Transfcr { I:It}''I' a t det.ermin" the potential for haxardou s material rcnnt"minntion thnt exists at th site for the Anthony's F'I(wul and GretiYousys in M,und, Minn.s.ta has be£-r; completed. The scope of services consisted of c)n-site obs£srvatic +ns, a re.ie -w Of Environmental Questionnaire and UisclusIlre tats m,,,,, comE >letFyd by tf,£ former ;I'pper't� manager, a retvie6 of CompI'oWisiva w1^ iI ",mantal lit'cp�)f1Jf , Compensation and Liability .Information (CEMMAS) list Or Mper I-Ind site,, which may br" near t1w property and a rev: iew c,f to part Iai title chair. The ERPT revealed no evidence indicative of hFr nrMus contamination to date based on a limited scope of work conducted on this prLyerty. Additional details of the scope of work and conclusions about environmental conditions on this site are contained in this report. �''�`H,��'�, .dL a�w,.. IF i i� '� `' Se w 5��r ,�t •. €± + <'� wa'' Q g oY ONE MILE RADIUS Z Woodland po'nt L0cA PON • 13 J % J- �"A " lound Seton e\ — 24 Cook. Bay ANTHONY'S FLORAL AND GREENHOUSES 1861 Commerce Boulevard Part of the North 435 Feet of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West Hennepin County Mound, Minnesota 55164 WCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc 9191, OAJ" t nQ-rKW* 4) Pe"'WS f W Map No. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT II. HISTORICAL. BACKGROUND A• Chain of Ownership: No abstract or title search listing. n chaill uf' ownership was available whEln this assessment was completed. However, the City Attorney and Minnesota Tithe Comprtny ai'(r t a tract search and those results should be made a part ref' this assessment when available. B. Aerial Photography Map Review: Aerial pLrotography maps werfa reviewed at the University of Minnesota Wilson Map Library. Aerial maps for the years 1940, 1953, 1956, 1960, 196 1971, 1980 and 198 were reviewed. The 1940 aerial photograph indicates the site was a combination of farmland, with pasture areas, new crops and woods. The property to the north conF;sted of wooded areas and farmland. To the south, tt,c. land use was farmland. To the west of the site is Dutch Lakt2. '17:e site is bordered on the east by Commerce Boulevard. The aerial from 1953 indicates that the site was still being used ti farmland. To the north of the site, the area was more wooded than the 1940 aerial photograph. To the south of the site, land was being used for farming. To the west of the site is Dutch Lah.e. Ti site is bordered by Commerce Boulevard to the east. The aerial photograph from 1956 indicates the same laird us( 11s depicted in the 1953 aerial. In the 1960 aerial, the site has changed. There were 4 -� buildincs. to pond the east of the site and there was a wastewater tre".tment, pond built on a portion of the site. Fhis wastewater pond was to treat the wastewater for the school (presently Grandview Middle- School) located south of the site. To the north of the site, the area is still wooded. To the west of the wastewater pond site is Dutch Lake and to the east of the site is bordered by Commerce Boulevard. The aerial photograph from 1964 identified the same land use or, a, adjacent to the site similar to 1960. The wastewater pond to be out of service. The aerial photograph i "rom 1971 indicated the same lard use i(,1'r with the wastewater pond on the site having less defined dikF The aerial photograph from 1980 identified similar land use The aerial photograph from 1989 identified similar• la":(, pus(- t; 1980. The wastewater pond has very little d(_ f "i r}e•,f (J � there is underbrush growth. N ' 1 C /'1�1= ■all r-1 \'�.. t, Minnesota Geological Records: The well log files were researched at the University of Minnesota Geological Survey. There were no oiells listed at the UMuS office on the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses site. 'There are approximately 26 private and municipal wells within, ni ones -mile radius of the situ. There are copies of the USG.,) maps with tiie well log numbers located on the maps contained in Appendix " from they 1J of M Geological Survey. Also contained in Appendix B lire copies of the individual well logs that were on file at the University of Minnesota Geological Survey and Map No. 2 which locates the wells that were on file with the Minnesota Geological survey. h. Minnesota Department of He The well management section of the Health Department cates that no well advisaries have been issued within the Mound corporate limits. IL ?. CURRENT USE OF SITE A. Description of Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses The site is presently bordered on the east by Commerce Boulevard and the west by Dutch Lake. To the north of the site is undevelored land and a funeral home north of the site. To the south of the site is the Grandview Middle School. The description of the site is as follows: Part of the North 435 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 117 North, Range 24 West in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The site is approximately 6 acres. The PID number s are 14 117 -24 -14 -0001 and 14 117 -24 -14 -0003. The site has been used as a wastewater pond and a construction debris fill site. There are four (4) buildings to the east of the site. The buildings consist of a floral shop and greenhouses. The wastewater pond has been abandoned for approximately 15 years. The pond site has been used as a fill site for construction debris and other unidentifible materials. Soil samples and water samples have been taken and the results of those tests are contained in Appendix F. B. Visual Inspection of Site Visual inspection of the site was made on June 18, 1991. The visual inspection was conducted by MFRA to answer questions contained on ti,e: attached check list. The entire perimeter of the site was iro ,pected and the visual inspection checklist completed, based on those observations. The- Ci of Mound Public Works Street Superintendent was interviewed to `p] t.e the Environmental Site Assessment Facility found in Appendix 1. Iar,S�rd tip��n reVieW Qf tIIIS information, there appcaI's to tit' if S11�i.t 1 -�;t� nt itel t,hrenrt to the Anthony's Floral and Grevnhousf�s M 1 "I'vil -011111 crital Site Assessn I'llase I - Visual 111spection Check List Developed Property Ite: w' Ant j File No: hf i BaCk Lot Date: (1-18-91 Yes No I tt"M S,;T 114 lit Or ollrfWl to art•,i ti -Irli'v f - with ric, apr,,i, r"t (q .1 t 1� Llrj t �Is t t'S btl I LkA r -, j X 'ITI'l t . t ruc t i x Y i I I j D On e - !vo P erm t Q 8 ti T1 ( r p ermit x O �,;r res!'ILIk (�)j 1�)M( t ern J 'itoul storqn-drurns d de I t . , ' , I %'ht on!cnts cla L t, , , "hazArjou," not' ev:jcr, 1, It, " ak'j, x C It dOL:MMU Pdsl jjs Inj contents x ISL'r and inqtmn I all aiwve w)d b-L) w Bradt tallks, Fit's and Piping d. in use b, leap, tcsIt C abanduilt'd In pIJL- Adjacent Floral Shop I d, rerncivvd an G r e e nh 0 LI S C — x X 9 D•lurTnInC Whetilto: dlspx)-] of 'N istewatf•r and other liquids is by, a, on-site sept system b pmate on•site sewe C. off -site Fjblic sewer d '(Vale any kanitary "CiNer OUtfalIN leaks or Odors iii Deten-mrie sou o f drinkmg water, d0crmint whetlwr wrlis or-,m an in the umi,v COnfiftue in y a m ri t.mi I I w t u b aba I, J o n ed C, c o n e m r i t t 1 r i )t� Or�V 'r 41.0 1; —;IS 414 �a oil 414 �r *r 1 Site A`�s ";snjcjlt I II&W 1 - VISLI('11 111SIVc��i()n Check l.,i�)t I)evE'lt)ped PI-o e t P a ge T wo No lt� n� j fluid, li.�td in 1 I ,�. Ott "- 1' . °:.'ufnlJ d': t ,s I p FI..t.c r );n��irc�nm�nt 1 Checklist Notes i I _ ..t "._sf +}�•� r " �,wx •..i�:.S ; ..,�'���iS'`w✓�'`"s:f.;. *t�11�e' "S.'�a..��'" Al iccit ion of the s tv (T Ant horr,- j j rjapleted, 'It" 111 f F. t.l } {Ht loo Conskt-ed W IAA it"11T Wo Following go ftf-,"nuy fi les am] ""M q" H "01 i wi Aqqwy ! P lUt ioll Cont Agency C OV Kwnd Fit, Marshall and Building 1 111Aq1but Delartment, pa r t ment of P k I b I i Safety I j's o F F� Ig i I loe vs A. Protw%ion Agency: (U.S. EPA) �N - Vo4i from the U.S. EPA, information contained in their F h-, 'Ih- t'.S. EPA furnished a printout, of th C!-:RCLIS list for the 7 KY 0 zip code. The Request Identification Number (RIN) is 025-1 (z019). CERCLIS is an automated irv, of all potential !Iod hazardous waste sites, based upon State jnveStigothh prforts and upon notifications received as provided by the CI WWWOkive Enviconmental Response, Compensation, and Liability An Or WK (CEHCIA or "superfund") . These sites are in various st-figes of investigations. There were two (2) CERCLIS sites listed by the U.S. ETA within a one mile radius or the site as foll MFRA Zip M Site Location City ST Code ID MNDAY0609168 metin Service Station 5377 Shoreline Blvd Wind MN 55364 A MNDUJC247159 Tottka Toys Main Plt 5300 Shoreline Blvd Mou MN 55364 B Also furnished was a printout of all permitted generators of hazardous waste and all treatment, storage, or disposal facilities for the information listed above. These are regulated by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). The following list, contains the RCRA sites that appear to be within a one mile radius of the site for Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses: f:- A"rco Auto k Marine a Cr Yjv— FTOZIA hidy Site I"cati on 55 0) Shmvljnp Dr. MFHA Map 3 ity ST Zip Code ID No. mmnA Kamd MN AW f(a!- r -P PIVI, M -a, I V% (3) MI'C`;A - Pi rmaner,t List of Pry or•ities (PLP) ; (4) MICA - Rl<gtilatory Compliance, Hazardous Waste Enforcement Lot; (") ) MI 'CA - List of Permitted Solid Waste Facilities; (6) MPCA - Hazardous Waste Permit Unit. Project Identification List; (7) MICA - 1980 Metropolitan Area Waste Disposal Site Inventory; and (8) MPCA - 1980 Statewide Open Dump Inventory. No listings under the exact address given for the property were found. However, the MPCA rile evaluation has revealed that the following sites are within a one -mile radius of the referenced propert� Metro Ser, ice Station (City of Mound) , 5377 Shore linc� E3oulevard, Mound (ter: 7c�r�ku h'�ir, I'1 an t., 53C)C1 `ihnrt� line Huu lt�vard, Mound (2, 3 M�, it I I c:rr•; ` � to ;�; • } 1 r r t l r .ttn of C.(jlfrrty l'. %, w < >.rt. cif C: ,r•�,�:�: - ii r f' f l n ;c•r,'. I,F,r. MI kt,, 'flt lirlr CI ty t;i p {'vrlt• lip r+;. �, i'1; M f , co , j 3 I i Ic I12` . h e� � G t ht>r`i• Mound MN � r x,364 t{ h �''` t�•, trt �;ervit e� .'fi(!�S (� c,t��t.2•r• Cil vd. Mtillnd MN +t _ tlrctt r ;ant Ic:i } h �i8 � Blvd. Mound MN Inc. 2,'4+l H. C'ommt�r' <'e' Mound MN `�53(A 7 j'), �,'', Auto '+ody 1 )90 Hd. 11G N Mound MN 55364 8 I I isi )[I & Ptr,_nt 2 j3t} C'c,mu ;e rt e: Blvd. Mr,und MN 5536k+ 9 4" Niitl(.i(1;:1 .)wt' C "htl.rr [ %41 Commerce Blvd. Mound MN 55364 lC) �;`)I ; ck CO. fid. 110 N Mound MN 55364 it I'aul A;:t ct Marine 1632 Commerce Blvd. Mound MN 55364 11 '' ` '.)th;� CYL:: j, t Inc . 53 '0 Shorel i me Hlvd . Mound MN 55364 13 't `;,,1 , it.c; t•yste�m Intl. 5340 Shol•eIiTie Ii!vd. Mound MN 5536 I 1' 1 ioh kri (( >orat loll } 5300 Shoreline. Alvd. Mound MN 5536.} 1 t�13 ki.)rn Ctr, H I D 51300 Shoreline Blvd. Mound MN r 53 t4 + 1 C Hf >,.; r..t Clast;i.c Coach 4839 Shoreline Alvd. MOUIII MN -�E 5 6 1; this there appears to be a slight. t(; the Ar: thoriy' s Floral grid Green , iort . "ontrcil Agent} (MI'CA). rect=.ived, from th(� MPCA, inf'ormatiorc contained in tt: is file.,. 1 "tits MICA staff' condue:: a limited file evaluation of tIle site 'Ihf. file evaluatiort irwlujed rc •:iew of the following: (l) EPA - Nrit.ic:�nal Priorities List (NI "L.) ; (r) Ef - C' Environmental Rrslrcnse, Cc>mtensatic and I iat,.ility Information System (CE1CL.IS); (3) MI'C`;A - Pi rmaner,t List of Pry or•ities (PLP) ; (4) MICA - Rl<gtilatory Compliance, Hazardous Waste Enforcement Lot; (") ) MI 'CA - List of Permitted Solid Waste Facilities; (6) MPCA - Hazardous Waste Permit Unit. Project Identification List; (7) MICA - 1980 Metropolitan Area Waste Disposal Site Inventory; and (8) MPCA - 1980 Statewide Open Dump Inventory. No listings under the exact address given for the property were found. However, the MPCA rile evaluation has revealed that the following sites are within a one -mile radius of the referenced propert� Metro Ser, ice Station (City of Mound) , 5377 Shore linc� E3oulevard, Mound (ter: 7c�r�ku h'�ir, I'1 an t., 53C)C1 `ihnrt� line Huu lt�vard, Mound (2, 3 M�, it I I c:rr•; ` � to ;�; • } 1 r r t l r .ttn of C.(jlfrrty l'. %, w < >.rt. cif C: ,r•�,�:�: - ii r f' f l n ;c•r,'. I,F,r. ONE MILE s I \ N � RADIUS-- i I D ti Bay LO ATION T R I SYA TF- Iltt Lake A Bay - .A 15 16 elm C7�) 2)— to (U14 - Langdon Loki Self), of D f e,,. a . t �t L i _ �y 4 Cooks Bail NIAP NO. 3 APPROXIMATF, LOCATION OF U,� FPA IMINNESOTA 1,. 1 - 1 N C," ti'�d� 3J C lVest rfa I a1 i fir Iudvd a resvirw I" • ' &Yr•mrrt ion S ; s,ivm of the Underground d£rtn brine, r, t r;.,,lt r which contains information r h k�;; st leaks. and s >i l is or petroleum 1 t nt 1 `J ti11 %J r, <,r•,r,lus sul °s. It � is Man aged anal u(alatc�d continuously ously st£:ff`. Nt, npill�. of hr:z£:r(jc,us , ' f suhst£inc'es arid, /or petroleum � r � : : ' l S, } t t A ' , • bt'(rn tij t`d ft,r A n t h o n y ' s 1'l oI'al an d G reen h ouses. listingh that Were reported as hazardous substances Product spills. The reported listings ror Mound are MFHA Aci it ess Spill F rod, Start' No. Map ' ID N, ti,.�r•y,,i,.f, Unknown Unknown NK 2 : l,'vh yam. i NA .. <•.tF�. , , Mound PP= Gasoline A � c �' N :: i :t 1 ? 1520 Westwood Dr Unknown DLK 9 - 1 - 1 2 1 i- rrc Mound CPCB- = =Pcfi Fin Mound 2 GA MO � ��t. NA Mound = -= =Fuel Oil h' r ..: "1 - ra: ,i Mound Mound 10.00 GA KPP 1120) NA .;rt. - == Gasoline (' Mound 13.00 GA PM 120, NA ,�; Mound - ==Drain Oil ' `:' tiI ; Mound UP 20.00 GA F ,, �;p2 NA = == Diesel Mound 5.00 GA DWh: 25 , i NA Mound ===Mineral Oil M(Wnd Unknown !, K13F 1 jV� NA Mound = = =Oil S u han 'I'ranylvot 3701 Sunset Dr 25.00 GA DWK 1242 NA t -'r; Mound PP = == Unleaded O 11 0 r Mound 20.00 CA DWK 2664 NA Mound -- =Gasoline h Mound Unknown U 315 -, NA . _ .. ,. MOW& = =-1 Gasoline Mound Unknown, NA Mound == =I Gnsol i nc -4 ONE MILE ' l SUtiN�►�t� �, �, I I t I SITE ,� I LO Al ����' 4-, S • r R•06r OGI . �r o.i,. J11 r 4 ONE,. 00f1 •C H pi.t. h n.0 .o Cooks Bay Ar "` yTOh Y�hf �At f a McComt,: Fiank Runs ksociat(?s Inc MAC' NO. :a APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF hsI'C'A R1-TOR I LA) SI'ILI,S •t #��S �' �7'�+ _: �ii t"�� �.:�� X������f `G ��• rA1 'i` � } p "�t F+ 't,�? ° � r 1 ri�i:��"'W�`i7"s..w. 1y e,� >yr,,y N9T r � Y*�' $y�� � : -. � >.� izoo 0 W est r : SN(jgE 1 .i �4• y U•.w w0 T ^\ � W-Co.-ol CI OF MOL)ND M 4 M i 'R A Spi I I Map 4 Ad (I ves!, Product Staff No. 1D Nu. Mound Uriknown JMH '3 15 NA Mound -z=l Fuel Oil Mound Urikriown JMII Y . 17 NA w Mound ===I Fuel Oil Mound Unknown JMH 3522 NA Put MOL111d ===l Fuel Oil C'o hd I "Juniper Unknown DFF 4 238 2 Mound z==l Fuel Oil 2t,70 Commerce Blvd Unknown KBF 4883 3 pl—=Gasolille 2670 Commerce Blvd Unknown KCL 5318 Ij Mound PP= ==Gasol ine by MITA, '-,) spills and leaks which are regulated by MI)CA. Th A.:t , ' I i ral and Greenhouses Site was riot listed on the spill and list- Based upon review of this information, there a Slight Potential threat to the Anthony's Floral and '-(-ived from MPCA, a list of Iclik sites in the 5-)364 zip code l(- -,,k sites were listed for the Anthony's Floral and Within the :,,304 zip cc.dc- vrea, there appears to be i g ! ; t (f O I i s 1, 1 T:gs within a one mile radius of the site. MPUA Staff Person 11) # MFRA Map I - ) ID No. K'Ible. Richard 74 1 re I I I i(- F:v" ('Ios*-A d , N h1i I Bar'bar'a A(A M 4 F'aciIit�' Mound City Hall "341 Maywood Hd Mound, MN 5536 Mounds Public Works 5468 Lynwood Blvd MouriJ , NIN 55364 Shirley Hills Elem Sch 2450 Wilshire Blvd Mound. MN 55364 Westonka Comm Cntr 5600 Lynwood Blvd Mound, MN S5364 MPCA Staff Verson 11) N MFRA MHp c� lla No. Jablonski, Barbara 3'15(4 Fier - Tucker. Dorene 624 f Cl )sed Tanner. Linda 5110 Closed Tanner. Linda - ) 39 8 Closed The approximate location of these listings may be found on Nap No C", Based upon review of this information, there appears to be a slight potential threat to the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses Site. A copy of the MPCA -esponse letter is contained in Appendix D. C. Hennepin County Department of Public Works Environmerit and Enclrl;, 1vision We requested rand received from the County, a list of Hazardous Waste- Generators, Transporters said Disposers, on file in hennepin Cauntr Records. There were twenty (20) sites identified that appear to be within rr mile radius of the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses Site. Then >c: sitF.r <; are shown on Map 6 and listed as follows: Zip Company Code SiCe ID 55364 05302687 55364 05320651 55364 05315607 55364 05302255 55364 05301551 5 536 1 1 05302447 J J 11 05301844 5•:,364 05303720 c01!:Jif.1. C l'. 05325956 ; 0530661 o 0-;312038 .�` 1 t, rA7 Company Nam Century Auto Body & Marine Nurburgring Independent Porsc Tonka Toys - Moved to Texas A R C 0 Century Balboa Minnesota Company C R Mfg. Co. (Shoreline Blvd) Clark (Bill) Oil Conte.l Inc. CentralOff Equip Duane 66 Service Harrison Bay Unior'. 76 Homo! Laundry Inc. Mc,ulid ( .'ollisiorl rj:ld I',ir:t Nr,t.,Orril I'(),o Ch% Street. Addre�;s ! . 5533 Shares lrnc,' Drive. 5241 Shore .1 i ne F31 vd . 5300 Shoreline! 81% j 5533 Shorel i ra- Illy?. 4 5340 Shore. i T iii 5 338 Sh. ^rF: l i nc L 2 c01!:Jif.1. C l'. . ONE MILE RIMI 0 * RADIUS C v LL— ASI V E 4p, C'f - 6 N N Y F - 1 1) R L 1200 low • Je Win Bay cx Z) SITE GAM M RD. E 0 4 I ON A WA4% 6 Ivii ill TRIS f^ DID Wes % "a Du Lake 4 Harris 1 1" Bay uf.$Il at) - un it XMI*. rA 8 . b SA 15 001004 5 ED ON, WOODRIDGE to 01 go r•oarl •o LD 0 it 0 ( O Scion 1A • Lan gdon Lake /� 7 �a� *LAC. ED w"(" SC t" C►RMIC11 *0 00 3 &WAR ---I Ito C N D VLV lot ft cl DID royal AD CK lb. f Ja Cooks Bay Nat AND ft AO t4l MAP NO. 5 A PPROXIMATF LOCATION 01 1"CA K E N) RTED 1- F A K SI'IT- S lip Company t r ri'�.#'r�.e�x�t�,�. M ' 4 ( �4 3 �i ,.�!- s�...,a ,w +. t. '.:W • sy�"'� � *�F. P r z t. � ti Site I1? Company Name Strewt 5 ; 364 O5311 Northern States Power Co. 1 ,85 Cour :I y 05 30 05319970 NO'S Auto & Marine. Repair 1632 Como r HIV& l =: 5 530 0 5395002 Quartz Industries r3 t � j 101 rt Sh ona . I+ 1 vd . i F. 0364 05307687 H & S Collision Service 1590 Co. Rd. 1 10 N l .r 553A 05314401 Solarium Systems Int' 1 53 Shorn• l i r;fr L31 vti; . 1 5530 05315O61 Super America #1O4 (Mound, MN) XXX 5504 0531502 Toro Company (Shoreline Blvd) 5340 Shored inn• P l, i. Hennepin County did riot provide: a list of underground si orage t ar,kr (a pipelines near the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses. SitFN J%h- rg11 tanks are regulated by the MPCA and are subject to compl i an( -.e. w i t l: federal, state and local regulations. The YWCA provided a list of tw, underground storage tanks as shown on Map 7, and indicated that a leaking underground storage tank had been rGj:orted within onc> mil( n,f the site. No tanks were reported to as located on the site. 'It Cie:, Fire Marshall also indicated he had have no knowledge of undergr�;;I!A storage tanks on the site. Based upon a review of the inf. ,,ation, ther appears to be ri sli p.. Potential threat to the Anthony's Floral and Gre.nhouses Site. Thf response from Hennepin CoLnt.y is included in Appendix F. D. City of Mound Building Inspection iD partment and Fire Marsha 1 We requested form the City of Mound Building inspection De= partmt r11 a:cl the Fire Chief information contained in the build -!ng inspection fil<•!. and the fire departmen. files regarding the location c;f undergrutin.l storage tanks and pipelines, uncontrolled leaks and spills of haznrdnus mat ey i al s , hazardous material storage and di sp isal sites i.. the area. No response from the Fire Mnrsriall was rec.ieved. The City Building Inspection Department responded by stating that Lt. Anthony's ? loral and Greenhouses site was cr:�rmitted f',r the plate,.(. -r;� Of spoil material from dredging projects. t nstrp debris lours also being dumped at the site. The "i ty has no rer.ords of any ot.f —.- type of fill being placed on the site. The nearest under•fIr• + >und storage tank, according tc City records, are lorai -d at T` NN- I'c AN, Boulevard and Commerce Boulevard. The results of the soil ar'd wit ,,r. sampling performed on May 28, 1991, detec.ted some hyd ^%rarbons that resulted from nspfi,�it material whr t.h hti bee -'r I &;uqn ed on situ. There were c;('ta 1ected, t): ;t Mir;n( Dcjpartmer;t or H(olt.h r-- yaw ... nd ill lomwin limps. ow l( Hr)t%i, or, the lead level wtis below t - i)c , L'!ar•,...,.. sf�t t; t.ho F:I'A Office t_f f` . - :I a r"'_ if_w Of tf;l. 1l�t rt "�, pwn,•..t.wl Knot to thp Awly _ n Flo:& 5 ' . 0 -,t,' Fr. n i r. Ap ;, ,1. x r t r ri'�.#'r�.e�x�t�,�. M ' 4 ( �4 3 �i ,.�!- s�...,a ,w +. t. '.:W • sy�"'� � *�F. P r z t. � V r 0171 I - 4 :90 0i• :.<l - I :'k !'�Il) ' - 4 1 , '0 - L I M I o 71 - '1,)0 - 414^ VU 0 1 - 4 -w—1 01- Xotl YEW 1 Cl2' a "ff 4U NO. INVOICE V% :AE 1 Sl.' Am * FLORAL AENX)p 40311 AFOLE Vk-'l PFADT M;'X A0390 ARMM %CLIRI I t Nr %Jv; "� Bow BArwE aow kN[o R 1 2"k 3. BFI RECT111l S' Jf I Jllcm "C "k &MS curRl SN, INC. WCUIS' FUM, l►C. WX" TOTAL 47. 3, nk`. KKAU OF 90746 P ;'� LTIN C,*IIF I - 4 :90 0i• :.<l - I :'k !'�Il) ' - 4 1 , '0 - L I M I o 71 - '1,)0 - 414^ VU 0 1 - 4 -w—1 01- Xotl u TIME 10.06. 85 AY if tr4 �,.. Fc1 rAID DECK :k_J:IT`. ;fir 4pK M APM' DID' t DATE ° _ + f xra 'Ei T+k+a 4A-7 -? �.. .4 fk • E�E� "T✓�. v✓TL ... 4 : 7 41 1- . N 17.:`, W TO EPHNE Ol- 4040-3. G '6 ,AA 'Eiff$ ,F 01-Qi0 -3 C AN TEL EY4,pE 01-4190-? ?:'0 3.11 .M 'ELEPNO►f 01-4095-31 K FPS FAX 'S PD 01- 1 -G4:� 1 1, 17 4. 14 ,YA - - -D :U1V Clow 102.63 FQDr iiwss 78 7300 -1 6/0/91 61'_0191 102.63 J4, Z 10 0 WIWe TAL VENDOR 'OTAL 107.63 DI150 �3.X FLACK JIhT 01 -4?$O- A 6120191 6/20 91 `.3.W 196.4X) FLAP DIRT j L-CD 7 7•7300- -'W 1010 D J SAMD ! IRA'JEI, INC. VENIU( 'OTAL 106.00 DI`lR8 71.40 DE9 MiC 6/24!91 5/24),'91 71.40 Ot-CD 1010 OMM CC MINNESOTA, iW. VEM TOTAL 71.40 Di fN . . ) LP 3AS 01 6/:'0/91 6120/91 7.00 At •t6D 1010 "a ' S S6 'MICE VE11D(R 10 T AL 7.00 E1V 3,67 -.00 AM R, %S 78-79Tj -� 6120i °1 n /:r! °1 3,67 ^.00 IF -C"u iG1u ONE MILE' RADIUS 1 . N Y F t L, 1) P C) t L '4 S IT E ITE� _ I ANI I JIJ R I S -- - N , 6) - - , - 15 - 4 IN, , V �Yik ( West I k I to r-o t. MI. A BC MAW 11 K MAP NO. " j)ppl()NlM, L. CATION 0. ("Ot jNTY LISTED I" A] 4 rr I Atop ti'c's I= McCombs Frank ' o0s A,v;( lat(: ,N 1A P N 7 "/% , I , I , )N 01: "A i' k K * 4V W T I ME 1 0.!)6.0`. VENOM IWOfU DUE HOLD CHEDF NO. Ihr'JICE NMEP GATE DATE SiATtS AKIA! T 14.11 'E FRANCENE CLAW �I.K% TOTAL K Fl 720 X NF JX FRANC HAPPEN & ASSOC VE'Orlf TOTAL, 7- PC - 3YG S'A'E X%'4—, !W .4 v TCJAL I.lOR 0140 6/2 6/2 K JEW, - HIENN CO SHERIFFS XPT VENDOR TOTAL 1 1.30 H2247 4 1 :� .1. PAY T RUCYING 6/20/91 6/20/ 4 33.E -CD � TRt1C1ING VENOM TOTAL 12330 230. 00 IAFC CO NF-SEPT 22 6/20/91 6/20/91 230.0 J;!L - CD ICIO INTERWArl. ASSN FIRE CHIEFS VDGL iOTAL Z450 1,4 0BLE - 4110 0 6/20/91 6120M 1,479.:8 jok - CD J H LP#%S% ELEIVRICAL M. VEW TOTAL ;47 18 I : . N *MEN WOWNr Sl ulr; ?I 423E b0 12:. 'PEN WMv I No I S ISW, 7?- 7300.1 122.29 MEN WOWING SIGNS 78 ?300 �s00 6/20/91 6/20/91 366.85 JRNL-CD 1010 JIM HATCH SALES Co VENIM IOTAt 366.85 zin 7.15 MAY MILJEA(j--W 6/20/91 6/20/91 7.15 ^ !Olo JOEL KR" YEWM TOTAL 7.15 J1111170 4.5C FT SNULL I % pr I jjC C! - 4! 4 - 4 1 �0 6/2UNl 6/20/91 4.50 PIL -CD t 0: 0 L;. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Em ergen cy Respons Co We requested, from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. information contained in their files. Their response was a list of facilities that report under SARA Title III r,gulations. There were six (6) sites within a one -mile radius of Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses. The six (6) sites, listed b, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, are as follows: MFRA Map 8 Facility Name F acility Ad E RCID No. ID No. C.R. Manufacturing 5338 Shoreline Boulevard 27- 160 -0002 1 Box 498 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Bill Clark Oil Company 5501 Lynwood Boulevard 27- 160-0003 2 Mound, Minnesota 5536' Fina Mart 1730 Commerce Boulevard 27- 160 -0004 3 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Super.lmerica 5337 Shoreline Boulevard 27- 160 -0005 4 Mound, Minnesota 55364 PDQ #292 5550 3 Points Boulevard 27- 1.60 -0006 5 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Harrison Bay Union 76 4831 Shoreline Boulevard 27- 160 -0007 6 Mound, Minnesota 55364 Based upon a review of the information, there appears to be a slight potential threat to the Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses site. The response from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety is included in Appendix G. F. We requested, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, any file information of environmental hazards at or in the area of Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses. The Corps of Engineer's response was that no information was available for Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses in the Corps of Engineer's files. The Corps' response can be found in Appendix H. -13- AP- CO2-01 170.00 CITY OF 40UND VENDOR INVOICE DLE HOLD 170.00 MAY 00 -TAX FU;FEIT W. INVOICE NS DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 25.00 6/:0/91 6120191 5,6:5.00 At-CD KAMIDA VENDOR TOTAL 565.00 MAY ENGR -SW A R DEPT Q713 MAY ENOR-IANGDN VIEW ESrJOW 5,477.40 MAY RECYCLING 66.00 6/20/91 6/20/91 5,477.40 ,IRNL -CD ICIITSON SERVICES, INC. VEND43R TOTAL 5477.40 MAY M -IP GW.Pa Un30 MAY E" -CITY HALL 115.53 MAY AUTO/TW( %MIES 567.60 MAY AUTO/TRK SIFPLIES 600191 6/20/91 683.13 ix -CD LOWEU 'S AUTOMOTIVE P-1TC0+ VENDOR TOTAL M3040 6/20191 6/20/91 MASTS W* VENDOR TOTAL l��060 6/ 6/20/91 MARTIN'S NAFIARRE 66 VLNOM (OTAL M3061 6/20/91 6/20/91 MARTIN- KALLISTER VENOM TOTAL M3080 683.13 170.00 ,AiLY ENFORS PA - NT 170.00 At-CD 170.00 MAY 00 -TAX FU;FEIT 25.00 'IRE CNAN0E 25.00 Jilt -CD 25.00 MAY ENGR -BLDG DE °T 300.00 EVALUATION -LInN 300.00 JK -CD 300.00 :1.50 MAY ENGR -PARKS 149.00 MAY ENGR-SEKCOAT 66.00 MAY 00 -TAX FU;FEIT 99.00 MAY ENGR -'90 LIFT STA IMPROV 1,490.30 MAY E0-11 LIF; STA IMPIa 149,00 MAY ENGR -BLDG DE °T 192.00 XAY ENW-STRO DEPt 43.25 MAY ENGR-SWAn DEPT 43.25 MAY ENGR -SW A R DEPT 165.00 MAY ENOR-IANGDN VIEW ESrJOW ?9.00 MAY TIO- KILLION ESCROW 66.00 MAY ENGR -ALEX PK ESCROW 2 MAT E11GR- TUXEDO BLVD 61.00 MAY ENm.3EPOT RNB 305.00 MAY M -IP GW.Pa 1,710.00 MAY E" -CITY HALL k ') t 'Q W" - - '.CTIPA TIME 10.06.05 PRE -PA10 CHECK ACCQMT QBER AMOUNT CHECK f DATE 1010 70 :010 - /lIG- 1010 01-4095 -3800 1010 01- 4140-1:40 1010 01-4110 -3100 1010 01-4340 -3100 27 -5600 -3190 01- 4320 -3100 78-7800 -5000 78-7800-5000 01-4190 -3100 OI- '280-3100 73-7300 -3100 78-7800-3100 01- 2300 -0972 01-2300-0915 01-2300 -0905 26-5700 -3100 30-6000 -5000 30 -60(10 `.400 30- 6000 -`.400 • C]A W ONE MILE RADIUS- --\ x N ' SUNNVf II LL) f7 1 m I a SITE C,,_— r r •- SNUMt S a z rS T '' West , •e n i [ I 5 Jr' n.r. • c ��noN ro ^• F CAI.N Rr ran III • e ool McCombs Frank Roos Associates Inc APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MN. DEPT. OF W PUBLIC SAFETY LISTINGS 4 (.,;, A 11'y 4 11INr AF - Cu, -JI CITY OF '1aNl TIME 10.06.05 VENDOR :NVOItl DLE MOLD F'RE PAID CIE: NO. IMICE NMW- DATE DATE STATUS W-NT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMr,ER AMOUNT CHECT t DATE K3710 4' -LASTIC -JC PFAI O1 1 0 , - 40:10 +v TORCH 01- 4340 -231)0 7E SEED 01- 4340 -2'x5; 20.!0 3EED 80 8004 2t`� 3.18 f iTINGS 73-7300 -2 - fir: .?.32 BULBS,-GLOVES 78-79Ti1-2.04 6/:0/91 6/20/91 216.05 1 F .D 1010 NAVARRE r"[NARE vfhDR TOTAL :16.05 NM 483.56 E:1 MAY ELEC 73-7500-3710 `.04.4 SAL PAT ELEC 78- 7800 -3710 6/20/91 6/20/91 9 87.78 F( 1014 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO VENDOR TOTAL 987.78 P4029 221.45 LMC CONF -,ES:EN 01-4020-4110 6/20/91 221.45 ,FNL -CD 1010 PHYLLIS ,ESSEN VENDOR TOTAL 221.45 04031 ''11.75 JLT HOSP-M THARALSON 01-4140 -1510 6/20/91 6!20/^1 221.75 JRX - CD 1010 PHYSICIANS OF MN VENDOR TOTAL 221.75 P4035 1,189.56 98.;x4 JM BLDG MAINT -C MALL JL4NE BLDG MAW-PM 01-4320-4210 01-4280 -4200 98.33 JLW,, 8LD0 TWIN - -PN 73 -7300 -42°)0 98.33 JUNE BLDG MAINT -PM 78- 7800-4200 6/20191 6/70/91 1,484.56 JRNL -CD 11)10 PIKE'S BUILDING MAINTEIWIC VE71D(;Ft TOTAL 1484.56 54390 2,300.66 ,kLT RENT 71- 7100 -3920 - 6M/91 6/20/91 2,300.66 JX -Cb 1010 SKORELINE PLAZA VENDOR TOTAL 2300,66 S4431 224.95 VAQ" CLEANER 71-7100-4100 6/70!91 6/20/91 224.95 YX -CD 1010 SOS VAMr CLEANER SERVICE VEh'a TOTAL 2:4.95 4 CA-me 9P 10 May 10C,• (lt• ��� ;i' (t'!' t't t'] fli' (�21 };t r'�•('OI'tjS t hrtt wc'rf' aVril�tf�ilf' tC) OU[' <,tFi }'� h'f; ,,t',�z„� thc� t .rira; <�uuunents• and rc'crunuiF�n�3r�tir)hr; <•ri�,crrninf� Lhc> �,ite� { °r.�E���r,�'�f f,.,r r ,4nth«n }�'ti F•'l��rrxl rind Cr�•�•nhr>urs��s ,`',ite in Mound M; �tt�r�,t't rl. '.. `1'1��• rsrtt• d.it;E >ln��E�d no visor,! evi��iencc- that. ttr�:rrE� was surface c�?�itrta,�ntrt ._. 'l�h�r E��:�tc'nLial fcr• hf�zardons materiels contamination to exist on the .>: Lc' ctt`�E?f'at'S t0 hE' 511(�,Tflt , �. �I'hetr•C' aI'E' flaZar'doLlS geneT'atorS, Users, trarlSpC)rters Lind dispo5er5 �t ��in c >ne mile of the site. These gene >rators are lir.nnsed Lind cc�rrt ro; i Erd try governmental agencies . Eir,scd on thE. data reviewed, site reconnaisannce described herein, pending c:�ontrirt• inf'oreration b}• the red- ulatory officials contacted, and contrary in ?'or�r.rrtion from soil and water analysis reports, we do not consider• ad�3itional Environmental assessments necessary at this time. -lt_ > � . .� { ;� ,� ,, r �, r� `• `++, t d � '� `+�' a �+.! :.. a.� 1� �.t1=*N1Ly"h:f�� . "t �'�ti1!+�: v t� � � #. "�',i .. fit. AP CO2 -'1 CITY OF MOUND T IME 10.06.05 1ENDOR INVOKE DItE HOLD PREPAID DECK NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AM"T IESCRI =TIGN ACCOUNT NCrBER AMOUNT DEC, / 'DATE 54600 18.4 °. BAFR ER TAFE 01-4140 -2200 6/20/91 6/:('/91 1?.4 .Y%, -CD 1010 STREIDER'S VENDOR TOTAL 1 ^,4° S4630 7 6. -, 0 MAT rASOI I NE U 1404Q «: PIA Y GASOL I NE 611.78 MHY C4 I 01 4'%-.:10 3t .30 VY GASOLINE 01-4290-2::) :7.7: MAY GASOLINE 01-4340-22 :0 .44,+� Mar C.;50L:NE ,'3- 73A�i-2:1i.� i ?1.b4 �wr �SOIINE 79- 7840-2 :10 755.97 MAY GASOLINE 01-4140-Z210 6 /20/91 6/:0191 2,014.03 - M - CD 1010 SLPERA ER VENDOR TOTAL :074, -13 54642 640.0 PfPAIR TIER CONTROLS 73-7300-:'*00 6/20/91 6/20191 6x0.0[? .FNL -CD 1010 SYSTEMS SERVICE COMPANY AN" 'GTAL 640.CK1 T47X 127.49 LAKER LEGALS 01-4190 -3510 6/20/91 6/20/91 121.49 ,JR,J. -CD 1010 DE LAKE VENDGF :JTAL 127.44 T4780 7.35 BATTERIES 22-4170-"'00 139.26 FILM,TAPES 1190 2200 6/20/91 6/20/91 146.64 JNL-CD 1010 TWIFTY NHITE DRUG STORES VENDOR TOTAL :46.64 T4M 2,842.49 VIDEO /AUDIO SYSTEM 30 -6000 -,000 6/20191 6/20/91 2,842.99 JOL -CD 1010 TOAD COMKXICATIONS, IK. VDW TOTAL 2842.99 T4930 25.00 DLJE;-MCFOA 01-4x10 -4134 6/20/91 6/20 /91 25.00 J;►t. -CD 1010 TRL49J .R -MCFOA VENDOR TOTAL 25.00 T4940 866.54 BEAhlNGS,SFA[,SL -EVE 78- 7800 -s?Ck 6/20/91 6/20/91 866.54 �FNL-CD 1010 0 • CITY OF mi"D TIME 10.06.(-5 VENDOR iNvnicE Duf HuL D PPE- ?AID CHET) NO. 1 1 WIOICE WER DATE DATE STATUS AltDA7 'C-CCFIPTION ACE"" "SER KUN' Df-Cy I DATE WATER PROOL)CTS COPFANY -lENDOR TOTAL IF,4,.5 1 1 7 F4RW ING LEASE 11 1 - 4"'K - 4 :i: UP 'AF! i% LEASE i EMC r .4, XI WELSH COK'ANTES, INC, VENICP TOTAL Nlrt 30 36F WIDMER INC VEN[Cf T-A A X-.7-,O 01-4?.0-co)() XEROX CORPORATION VENDOR - CTk 25850 ;Ar E 3, SW,'El S '40 357.50 :N.rUS"RIAL CLEANER 01 4 :250 1UTE FARS 1 I.V RATCHET STRAPS 6/20/91 6/20!91 4 K , 5x--rD 1010 ZACY'S INC VENDOR TOTAL A." 16081 41^ 'M "r , - , F LRs'D ; HE,,3;,SCN 6/20/91 6/',Y)/Ql -F?AL -:D JON E HELGASON WNWR TOTAl 160K, 81 6/20191 6/20/91 6(. ftiAL CG Ir1D CAROL NUSF-4 Ow VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL ALL VFND(AS ANA )Ali! Ui 1 :11ki: The re omalendut isms c(nt Mined in this rep�)rt represent our prt>ilssional Opinions. 'llese opinions are arrived at in accordance with c_urrc,ntly accepted engineering practices and location. Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. 11nmas R. Barron Environmental Researcher I hereby certify that this assessment was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mc.COMRS FRANK BOOS ASSOCIATES, INC. P Y : William H. SAW Professional Engineer Minn. Lic. Reg. No. 7002 ..1r.. l 1. STANDARD OV CARE. The vecommendntions contained in this report rppivsent our professional opinions. 'These opinions are arrived nt in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices and location. Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. By: j _ R, -? k Thomas R. Barron Environmental Researcher I hereby certify that this assessment was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. McCOMBS FRANK BOOS ASSOCIATES, INC. William N. McCombs Professional Engineer Minn. Lic. Reg. No. 7002 - j i,.. CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REVENUE REPORT MAY 1991 41.71 MAY YTD PER CENT BUDGET -- - - - - -- REVENUE -- - - - - -- REVENUE -- - VARIANCE RECEIVED GENERAL FUND - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- Taxes 1298890 0 908 1297982 0.07% Intergovernmental 713280 1627 18167 695113 2.55% Business Licenses 5100 45 1254 3846 24.59% Non - Business Licenses and Permits 67700 8636 22460 45240 33.18% Charges for Services 36200 1224 3980 32220 10.99% Court Fines 950V 6135 23295 71705 24.52% Charges to Other Departments 28950 1647 7693 21257 26.57% Other Revenue 28400 6798 7841 20559 27.61% TOTAL. REVENUE 2273520 26112 85598 2187922 3.76% LIQUOR FUND 970000 112217 ` 428200 541800 44.14% WATER FUND 360000 24547 119168 240832 33.10% SEWER FUND 600000 46178 239000 361000 39.83% DOCKS FUND 71000 3301 02810 8190 88.46% CEMETERY FUND 3000 400 1600 1400 53.33% Ll • CITY OF MOUND 1991 BUDGET REPORT EXPENDITURES MAY 1991 41.7% Area Fire Service Fund 215500 20213 90591 124909 42.04% Liquor Fund 169760 19240 77653 92107 45.74% Water Fund 364450 32992 181955 182495 49.93% MAY YTD PER CENT BUDGET - EXPENSE ------ EXPENSE VARIANCE EXPENDED GENERAL FUND - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Council 61300 3027 28815 32485 47.011 Cable TV City Manager /Clerk 1380 161530 0 19227 9736 67679 -8356 93851 705.51% 41.90$ Elections 590 1 173 417 29.32% Assessing 44600 9 316 44284 0.71% Finance 1'i1040 21610 71544 99496 41.831 Computer 3025G 177 12688 17562 41.94% Legal Police 76950 4064 24294 52656 31.57% Civil Defense 745910 2700 71966 659 312072 433838 41.84% Planning /Inspections 123230 11324 3270 43417 -570 79813 121.11% 35.23% Streets 392670 38364 174060 218610 44.33* Shop & Stores 59840 5177 28065 31775 46.90% City Property 89200 3833 43801 45399 49.10% Parks 152690 13834 48171 104519 31.55% Summer Recreation 11760 0 11760 0.00% Contingencies 40000 1018 5228 34772 13.07% Transfers 107560 10638 53190 54370 49.45% GENERAL FUND TOTAL 2273200 204928 926519 1346681 40.76% Area Fire Service Fund 215500 20213 90591 124909 42.04% Liquor Fund 169760 19240 77653 92107 45.74% Water Fund 364450 32992 181955 182495 49.93% BILLS - - - - _ - - JUNE 25, 1491 • BATCH 10cl 117,704.73 BATCH 1062 78,299.28 John Norman Conference expenses - Denver 775.00 TOTAL BILLS 196,779.01 n 1 6`19 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING CCMM1S51ON is 10, 1991 Those present wore: Chair, Bill Meyer; Vice Chair, Geoff Michael; Jerry CIapsaddIe; Michael Mueller; Bill Voss; and Mark Hanus; City Council Representative, Liz Jensen; City Manager, Ed Shukle; Building Official, Jon Sutherland; City Planner, Mark Koegier; and Secretary, Peggy James. Absent and excused was Commissioner Frank Weiland. The following citizens were also in attendance: Lemuel and Edith 5prow. Frec and Norma Asher, Larry and Kathy Meyer, Lin Terwil- liger, Gary Danielson, Ken Sipe, 5+- even Kirshbaum, and Phil and Cynthia Shepherd, MINU TES The June 3, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes were presented for changes and /or additions. Jensen confirmed that the intent of "buyer beware" as written on page 2. 4th paragraph, 4th bullet, was Intended to mean "buyer be aware." An error was noted on page 4, 2nd paragraph, the date of "July 8th" should be "June 10th." 0 MOTION made by Mueller, sr , by Clapsaddle, to ap- prove the June 3, 1991 11& 'r)y Commission Minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 91 -0 12: Lemuel b Edith row 5525 Bartlett B Partt of Lots 1_2,_ and 13 , - -1 �� Be I ett P 1 acr .P 1 QA 24 -1 l 7 -2 23 0017. VA __exIs t.ing _n onconforming. Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the applicants request to recognize an existing ncnconforming accessory building setback to allow construction of a confo -ming three season porch. Variances of 2.8 feet to the required 20 fo -* front v=1r; se *bAck AP- CO2-['t CITY OF "D IiME . 13. ?4 . 37 VENDOR M MOLD ME =AID DECI; NO. IIW '0ICE V% [ATE DATE STATE'S Q NT [ESCRIP110N ACLiUN*'OYKR AM' DECK A DATE 80549 PRE -PAID 1, ":�... LIQ 71."lor.-. 6 18lQt 6l:g/41 1, 6.92 .,'RNL `.D 1010 1 9 6.. -. 31 °W °c 6/C3191 PREP -:D o.4. L:Q 71 :P; -�t :f? e /181s 611P'4l +4,42 '"k -CD 1010 '4.42 3:7V 6/11/41 PRE-PA:D 1 4 ".b8 L:Q 6!1 3' 1,455. h.? JF*L -CD ;010 14n.tw :1768 5118 0 1 8EILBOT CORC%AT10N JE'IDpt TOTAL 3`'46.9:' COM FIFE-PAID :0.56 CELLULAR TELE 4170 -3:20 6, CELLULAR TELE 73-7300 -3:20 33.07 CELLULAR TELE 01-4140-3'~''0 6/18/91 6/18/91 105.90 JlRNL -CD 1010 105. 31735 6/03191 CELLULAR ONE VENDOR TOTAL 105.40 C0888 PREPAID 3,587.00 CR UNION b/8 PR 01-2040-0000 6/18!91 6/18/91 3,587.00 J NL -CD 1010 3587.00 31755 6/13/91 CITY CT31(TY CREDIT UNION VENDOR TOTAL 35x7.00 C0999 PRE -PAID 252.70 LIFE INS 6/8 PR _ 01 -2040 -0000 6/18191 6/18191 252.70 J+7L -CD 1010 252.70 31710 6/13/91 C0110CIAL LIFE INS CO VENDOR TOTAL 252.70 C1001 PRE -PAID 2,567.30 SIT 6/8 PR 01-2040-0000 6/18/91 6/18/91 2,567.30 Ji1L -CD 1010 2567.30 31748 6/13/91 PRE -PAID 61.84 MAY SALES TAX 73 -3592 -0000 9,448.03 MAY SALES TAX 71 -359, -0000 6/18191 6/18/91 9,509.87 JJRpL -CD 1010 9509.87 31766 6/17/91 PRE -PAID 54.00 JM ESTIMATE-SALES TAI 73- 3592 -0000 5,400.00 JM ESTIMATE -SALES CAI - 71- 3592 -0000 - 6 /iSM 6/18/91 5,454.00 Jot-CD 1010 5454.00 31767 6/17/91 COM ISSIOWR OF REVENUE VENDOR TOTAL 17531.17 E1429 PRE -PAID 2,540.0; LIQ 71-7100 -9510 206.70 MINE 71-7100-9,20 50.80- DISC 71-7100-9564 6/18/91 6/19/91 2,695.93 Y,4 - -CD 1010 :695.93 31733 6/03/91 PRE-PA1D 494,00 LIQ 71-71111 -9510 140.10 M: NE 71-710r) -9`20 9.? - DISC: 71-710r -7`.fL 6113;9'1 0:.4.22 IF NIL -CL 1010 624.22 31741 6/11/91 p � 6118/91 7 1-7100 14 :rJ ..,. 1 3:171 6/IS/91 1 6 so • • Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 2 Lase No. 91 - 014: Phil a Cindy Shepherd 5162 Tuxedo Bivd . Lot 18, _ Mh l pc� 1 e Shores , P I D 27A-117 . VARIANCE - I akeshore setback end existing nonconforming side yard setback. City Planner, Mark Koegier, reviewed the applicant's revised request for a variance. The Planning Commission previously dis- cussed this case at their meeting on May 13, 1991 where the ap- plicant agreed to investigate other alternatives to the original plan. The revised plan consists of a 10' x 16' conforming addition to the west side of the existing home and reconstruction of the ex- isting nonconforming deck. Recognition of the existing noncon- forming setbacks is required, they are as follows: a side yard - setback variance of 2.9 feet to the principal building, a 1.5 foot side yard setback to the existing deck and a 21 foot lakeside setback variance to the deck. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of recognit!on of the existing side yard setback variance to the . principal building and the lakeside setback variance to the deck for the purpose of constructing a conforming 10 x 16 foot addi- tion and reconstructing the existing nonconforming deck. Applicant, Phil Shepherd confirmed that they will reconstruct the deck with a conforming side yard setback of 4 feet, however, prefer to keep the deck 12.5 feet wide resulting in a variance to the lakeside of 21 ftet. Mueller commented that he likes the revised location for the ad- dition, which is conforming, but is not in favor of the deck being 12.5 feet wide as he does not feel this is a minimum. Mr. Shepherd Informed the Commission that due to the existing landscaping unuer the deck, the length of 12 r feet is needed in U-51 AP CO' - 01 c IT T OF M"V ' " ;ME 3..4.37 YMOR VOICE ME HOLD PRE -P411 Of 3 NO. INVOICE WOR DATE DATE STATUS A"T DESM4PTION AMGL9+7 X I PHILLIPS 4 SONS VENDOR TOTAL 5`7`. 70 • 0 G17W PRE-PAID S:3R GANZEL SIGNS VENDOR TOTAL 2! �. ^A) GlQoAl PK-FAI: ll,",Q.!7 #'.-',U%E'C PECaE';'JCTl3N .6 `101 53GC 6/18/ JFW-C'i' : 010 317' GMH ASPHALT I , ON �tW, TOTAL I I I N. ° 7 G19W PRE-PAID 1,620.00 DEF COMP 61 PR 01.2w-0000 6/lb/91 6118/91 1,620.00 .1M.-CD 1010 16, 3170 6x NAT WEST LIFE ASRJWU VENDOR TOTAL 1620.00 G1971 PRE-PAID :91.35 GPF HLN 6/8 PR 01 2040 0000 6/18191 6/IZ/91 2* 7.35 JR,* -CD 1010 297.35 31N, 6/13M WMP HEALTH PLAN VENDOR TOTAL 297.35 elm PRE-PAID 91-35 LIQ ?1. 7100-9510 306.60 WK 71-7100-9520 4• Disc 71-7100-9560 9.31 FRT 71-7100-9600 6/18/91 6/18/91 402.36 JO1-CD 1010 402.36 317 6103/ PRE-PAID 476.30 LIQ 71-7100-9510 1,519.63 WINE 71-7100-9520 38.65- DISC 71-7100-9560 35.77 FRT 71-7100-9600 443.29 MIX 71-7100-9510 6/18M 6/18/91 2,436.36 JRNL-CD 1010 2436.36 31739 6/11/91 PRE -PAID 1,117.39 LIQ 71-7100-9510 73.65 WINE 71.7100-"20 29.53- DISC 71-7100-9560 9.80 FRT 71-7100-9600 309.03 MIX 71-7100-9540 6/1801 6/18/91 1,480.34 , M-CD 1010 1490.34 31769 6/18/91 GRIGUIS COOPER 6 COMPANY YE" TOTAL 431 9.06 G1981 PREPAID 388.15 EDC ESCROW-WOOn RMTM 01-2300 -0400 6/18M 6/18/91 388.15 ft-CD 1010 398.15 31736 6/05/91 MMIR IE WOODMS VENDOR TOTAL 388.15 H. 1 45 PRE-PAW 657.23 bib N DED 01-2rA1-M 6/18/91 6/18/91 657. ,, JRNL-CD 1010 657.,3 1175) 6ji3f91 CO SLIPPORT k COLLECT♦ VEW TOTAL 05 7. 23 iii Fn` C `x.43 ;'•'' 4'7 PR ^1 204J 00:rJ 6/1$` 6/18i91 540.44 � It 540.44 1 . r9 I 0 U-51 Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 3 Case No. 91-0_16_: Tom Reese 5,641 Bart let Blvd.. Part_ of Government Lot . _PI - 123-_1_11-24 R I ANCIE existing nonconforming. Bui O f f i c i a l , R)r) c�ut o� I drd, rFv i0wvd the applicant's request for a variance to recognize an existing nonconforming detached garage to allow construction of a conforming detached garage. , I t appears a pract i c I (j j ff i c:kj I ty exists in that the ad- dition of a new fully complying Cleti-iched building does not war- rant the relocation of and rr:movai of the nonconforming struc- ture. Staff recommended recognition of tt)e existing nonconforming structure and approval OF the variance request. The Building Official also questioned the Planning Commiss.on if the site plan submitted was Sufficient since the applicant had a copy of the neighbors survey which shows the nonconforming set- back in question. T'he Commis5ion j(jot the agenda for further disci,.�psion. 1 -1 tnis issue to the end of • Mue I I er quest I oned the 'need for <jrj j r.1(ji t ion,:: I garage a id was con- corned about the use of the Stovaqe SF, ice, He convnentkd that this area Is not a warehouse (11stri( and the garages appear to be dominating the principal structurc in botti size and number. Hanus was also concerned about the number of .accessory structures on the parcel, however, at this time, the Zoning Code does not limit the number of accessory structures on a parcel. Voss stated that the variance request Is for approval of the ex- isting nonconformity, not weather ancther garage should be al- lowed on the parcel. "OT ION made by Voss, seconded try Clapsad-die to recommend aPprov, Of staff's recceim?ndation for approval of the eyfstlotq -x)ncNiFormInq • * 4' ; , arv' A—r-vxal , - — u 9 • Tart A NDt1h 40. INtlO , E Yrb. QIX4tiT D{l} 1 UW ILIA F1TIPxhEn' r4 r 4 °' .tti:t► A .dc Ji5 �;E "PA![, ._. r =:;K• •.K�.'�?: .• . -4,4 .:ti^ X519 FRE•PAlD 1 "?'.0� L:1 71pC -a ;0 52.4 ?• D:> 6/18/91 6/18/ 3,:93.45 'M_cD 1010 3:' 31734' 61^3,'9I PRE - PAID �.., . '� i MK -9520 X3.6; DISC 1 7100 -r�-0 - 6/18/91 6/18/91 1,6w.57 .,1F7_ -C,) 1010 :e 31740 6/111`91 PREPAID 677.03 LIQ 71- 1100 -9`10 1,514.65 WINE 71 -7!00 -0520 :8.72 DISC 71- 7100-0`aM 6/18/91 6/18/91 :,!62.96 JRNL -CD 1010 .'162. 31770 6i13il! MNSON BROS LIQUOR CO YE>'mOR TOTAL 7155.°8 d2w PREPAID 141.21 LIQ BAGS 71 '100- 2.00 6/18/91 6/181 141.21 ,x_cD 1010 141.21 31746 6/12/91 JOHNSON PAPER CO PANY VENDOR TOTAL 141.21 L2815 PRE -PAID 20,408.20 11 -1991 LIFT STA IP RN 78-7900-5M 6/18/91 6/18191 20,4043.70 J K-CD 1010 10408.70 31773 6/18191 LATOUt CONSTRUCTION, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 20408.20 Uso PRE -PAID 25.00 LrC LEGISL W,AP',F 01 -u,4. ?.4:10 15.04 LK LEG L IFtAPJP 01-4090-4110 6/18/91 6/18/91 50.04 it _CD 1010 50.00 31765 6/14/9 LEPaf CT MN CITIES VENDOR TOTAL °a.X KV51 PRE -PAID l:,4`_ :. c !T 6/18/91 6/18/'l 1;, 3F!t _ MARWTTE BAN - VLK ANI(P 7 x: !40 pcc.pA:G ;,44;.,$ rt .;•c .. ►E'4' F {k'H F ri VfN 1F ,'� t4;,•4 ✓ ! � ,.. l r y q 144 t$� .f� 4#'x.1 � — iT � � '•e �� *S(t 6Ia � ..�. { 'tii t 4 TM "Y `� u 9 • • Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 4 Staff recommended approval of the 5trit=t r width variances to al low the app I i c ir, t. s r f- , land. Fire Marshal. Jerry Babb, emphas i zed the access. The Planning Commission discussed tt, ..,, i st i ng garage on the adjoining property wh i cr, 1 the access. They determined that they do not to require that this easement be 12 feet wide2. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Hanus to proval of staff recommendation for approv:j i ( s hi street frontage and access width variances t.(:) .j1 i ,w applicants reasonable use of the land. Mot icjrs unanimously. This case w i 1 l be heart, by the City Council on ,) r. c?+ Case No. 91 -018z Mad & Lin Te rwi . I Lots 9 s 1 0. Block 34 , E Nyc hwood t PiD 24 t l? a 42 VA ";A NCE - fence height. 0118191 6/18/ Mr 9VUIT LIFE VENOM TOTAL `.�??.6I N3824 PRE -PAID ',009.30 4? FiNAL-! - L ?;' FA 6/18/91 6/18/91 0' ?o 'F* -CD NORWST M:CHM,CAL, INC. VENDOF+ TOTAL ;qou ,C K4825 PRE - PAID K. X 4; 4.. eii8/91 6/18/91 32.3 jot-3 NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE VENDOR TOTAL 32.00 P34S0 PREPAID 6, 79 1. PERA 6/8 PP! 6/18/91 6/18191 6,791.55 ,JBt -CD P E R A VENDOR TOTAL P3952 6791.`,5 PREPAID 59.:2 REPLEN P,?' -POLICE 6/18/ 6/18x`91 59 -2 ,fdt-Cr a PETTY CASH VENDOR TOTAL 5 P4030 PREPAID 9,0:+8.54 PW 6/8 PR 01 : {�•. _ - 6A8/91 61109r 9 jot _Q PHYSICIANS OF MN VEM !Dfk 9038.50 04171 PRE -PAID 1,644.37 L 21 .20 WX 71- 7I "I 36.25- DISC 7 1.'IX: 17.95 M 'I 71 7: (k: `•; ' 6 /19,i1 6118!91 1,89.:.' JR"t PRE -PAID 1,;;63.72 LIG 6/18/ 6118/91 2,17 -FIC - ,.r , .. PREPAID _F`? �. • Planning Commission Minutes June 10, 1991 Page 4 Staff recommended approval of the 5trit=t r width variances to al low the app I i c ir, t. s r f- , land. Fire Marshal. Jerry Babb, emphas i zed the access. The Planning Commission discussed tt, ..,, i st i ng garage on the adjoining property wh i cr, 1 the access. They determined that they do not to require that this easement be 12 feet wide2. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Hanus to proval of staff recommendation for approv:j i ( s hi street frontage and access width variances t.(:) .j1 i ,w applicants reasonable use of the land. Mot icjrs unanimously. This case w i 1 l be heart, by the City Council on ,) r. c?+ Case No. 91 -018z Mad & Lin Te rwi . I Lots 9 s 1 0. Block 34 , E Nyc hwood t PiD 24 t l? a 42 VA ";A NCE - fence height. 1 7 11,4 • • I �54. P I a r r7 i () q ( ( )ff if rl i M i f ,, 1'i i 5 - t f? d r) c) r s 0' I '"�' A 11r) er W r 0�101- r i r U w i n g q rr,ro ri r f" r)': s s 0 r' w j t ti a V,jr kince of 9 4 f: t? t? Q r ed n t Y d r d .iet - ro c f: r equ i r c o r 15 i d e yard A 1 0 t i e i j'W e t 4 ij- r the surveyor- , M, r . Jim A. Re,jume *, j( t: ; I ',, r e f t , I fj C j f th i s I ct 1 5 5,995.4 i,ia r e f t'et t I r> t. rj)f,.j f! nc he!i d f I . p 3t I n 'If ', � ; j 4 f c) r f c) r- t h I s F ) r (' j i i ', t ) I (- s e r 1 t t co r e r t- s P- r. t: • okt owfle Mr S i f ) e I , j r (j (jt? c k + t)e 14 MO