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1991-07-09 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 7 -9 -91 ��1 AGE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING T:30 P.M. TUESDAY t1 Y 4,_ 1441 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION - MOUND WESTONKA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM. Pg. 1703 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 25, 1991, REGULAR MEETING.Pg. 1704 -1711 4 • SASE #9 1-024: MATTHEW & TAMARA RUPPERT, 4448 MANCHESTER ROAD, LOTS 11 & 12, BLOCK 17, AVALON, PID 019- 117 -23 31 0076. RFS2U 3_T: VARIANCE — EXISTING NONCONFORMING SIDE YARD SETBACK Pg. 1712 -1718 (THIS ITEM WILL HEARD AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION 7/8/91.) 5. CAS ,1 1-030: GREG KNUTSON, 4701 ISLAND VIEW DR., LOT 1, BLOCK 5, DEVON, PID 030-117 - 23 22 0049. REQUEST: VARIANCE — EXISTING NONCONFORMING'FRONT YARD SETBACK Pg. 1719 -1724 (THIS ITEM WILL HEARD AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION 7/8/91.) 6. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE CERTAIN LANDS FROM CENTRAL BUSINESS (B -1. TO ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R - 3)• Pg. 1725 7• COMMENTS A SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 8. DISCUSSION: ANTHONY'S FLORAL PROPERTY /PUBLIC WORKS OUTDOOR STORAGE. Pg. 1726 -1728 9. PAYMENT OF BILLS. Pg. 1729 -1740 10. INFO $IIATjS�l1Mj,S� ELLANEOUS A. Department Heads Monthly Reports for June 1991. Pg. 1741 -1773 B. L.M.C.D. Representative's Monthly Report for June 1991 (To be handed out) Page 1701 C. LMCD mailings. Pg. 1774 -1776 D. Notice from LMCD to a*',end Public Officials Lake Tour and Luncheon on Lake Minnetonka - 11 :30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M., Lafayette Club Dock, Saturday, August 3, 1991. Please let Fran know by July 25, 1991, if you wish to attend. P 1777 E. 1992 approved LMCD Budget. Pg. 1778-1784 F. Planning Commission Minutes of June 24, 1991.Pg. 1785 -1789 G. The Planning Commission will be conducting interviews of candidates who have applied for Bill Thal's unexpired term on the Commission. Interviews begin at 7:00 P.M., Monday, July 8, 1991. Resumes /applications are enclosed for your review. Please attend if you can. Pg. 1790 -1797 H. REMINDER: C.O.W. Meeting, Tuesday, July 16, 1991, 7 :00 P.M., Downtown Theme. See attached for details. Pg. 1798 -1803 I. Video tape of Planning Commission public hearing on the Proposed Rental Housing Ordinance will be aired on Channel 20 at 7:00 F.M., Monday, July 8, 1991. J. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) breakfast meeting to receive comments, suggestions, etc. on AMM's direction for 1992 is scheduled for T. Wrights, Minnetonka, on Thursday, July 18, 1991, 7 :30 A.M. Please let Fran know by July 11th if you wish to attend. Pg. 1804 -1805 K. First Annual City of Mound Softball Game/ Party will be held Saturday, July 20, 1991, at Philbrook Park (Clover Circle) at 1:30 P.M. Please let Fran know if you plan on playing or attending the party afterwards at Frans. Pg. 1806 • Page 1702 It gives the City Council a great deal of pleasure to express to all the members of the Mound Westonka High School Girls Softball Team our sincere congratulations on your second place finish in the Minnesota State Girls Softball Tournament, a feat which has never before been accomplished. This has been an exciting, hard - fought, and successful 1990 -91 season, and we are proud of the recc +rd you have earned and the fine publicity you have brought to our community by your inspired team play. We are pleased to publicly commend the Mound Westonka High School Girls Softball Team for your fine efforts, and to ex- tend this token of the affection and admiration with which you are regarded in the City of Mound. SIGNED AND SEALED this 9th day of July, 1991. Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember I] /`ADS 111 June 25, 1991 MINUT88 - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 25, 1991 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 25, 1991, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Skip Johnson, Councilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen. Councilmembers Phyllis Jessen and Ken Smith were absent and excused. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, Building Official Jon Sutherland and the following interested citizens: Fred & Norma Asher, Lemuel & Edith Sprow, Marilyn Byrnes, Douglas Johnson, Phil Shepherd, Jennie Prust, Steven Kirshbaum, Diane Rosencrantz, Eleanor Nelson, Duane Leisinger, and Stan Drahos. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The Mayor presented $150.00 Westonka Dollars to Diane Rosencrantz, 2672 Wilshire Blvd., the latest winner in the Recyclotto drawing. Duane Leisinger, Mound City Days Co- Chair, was present and thanked the City Council, the City Staff (especially the Park and Street Departments), the Police Dept., the Police Reserves and the Fire Department for their help and cooperation during the Mound City Days Celebration. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens to approve the minutes of the June li, 1991, Regular Meeting and the Committee of the Whole Meeting of June 18, 3991, with the following corrections: June 11, 1991 - page 103, motion read: 11 .... to direct staff to consider studying the vacation of the alley between Red Oak and Birch Lane. 8hoild read: 00 .... to direct staff to study the vacation of the alley between Red Oak and Birch Lane. $# 1-70q • • 112 June 25, 1991 June 18, 1991 - correct last names of Li= Jensen and Phyllis Jessen. June 18, 1991 - addition after first sentence in 4th paragraph to read as follows: "The Council suggested only spending the interest of future bond funds." The vote was unanimously in favor. motion carried. City Manager Ed Shukle explained that the revised amount was $2,698.33. Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing regarding delinquent utility bills. There was no one present in the audience who wished to speak on this issue. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing and turned the item back to the Council. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 91 -SS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS IN THE ANOUNT OF $2,698.33 AND AUTHORISING THE STAFF TO SHUT -OFF WATER SERVICE TO THOSE ACCOUNTS 0 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Casey was present and asked if there were other properties on the Park 6 Open Space Commission's inventory list that would be sold. He also asked what would happen to the money that will be received from the sale of the above property. The Council explained the history of the parcel that was sold: 1. The parcel was an undersized lot which had a substandard house. The City took the owner to court and the court gave the City three options: a. Allow the owner to rehab the substandard house; or b. Allow the owner to build a new home on the undersized lot; or C. Purchase the lot from the owner and have the house torn down. The City chose option c. and decided to sell the parcel to an adjoining property owner to be combined with their property. It took from 1985 to 1991 to sell the parcel and recover part of the cost of the purchase price ($9,000). The parcel sold for $8,000 and that money will be returned to the General Fund Balance. 1--los 113 June 25, 1991 _� � .�.�1M - - e � � ' mss! � ,.; _ ..•YY' = 't► � e t 1 The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -86 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ADDITION FOR FART OF LOTS 12 6 13, BARTLETT PLACE, PID #24- 117 -28 23 0017 ($52S BARTLETT BLVD.) P & 2 CASE #91 -012 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.3 _CASE #91 -016: The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -87 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO GRANT A VARIANCE FOR AN EXISTING SIDE YARD SETBACK AND TO FURTHER GRANT A LAKESHORE SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW RECONSTRUCTION OF AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING DECD AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW CONFORMING ADDITION ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE EXISTING RESIDENCE FOR LOT 16, BLOCK 9, WHIPPLE, PID #24- 117 -24 43 0070, 5162 BARTLETT BLVD., P i Z CASE #91 -016 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 CASE #91 -01 DOUGLAS JOHNSON, 1760 SUMACH LANE, LOTS 17 & 20, BLOCK 13. SHADYWOOD POINT, PID #13- 117 -24 14 0027, VARIANCE - STREET FRONTAGE i ACCESS WIDTH. • • is I 0(p 114 June 25, 1991 The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -88 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A STREET FR0NTAGE AND ACCESS WIDTH VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A CONFORMING ADDITION FOR LOTS 17 i 20, BLOCK 13, BRADYW00D POINT, PID #13- 117 -28 18 0027, 1760 SUMACH LANE, P i f CASE #91 -017 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.5 CASs--#91-011: The Building Official explained the request. The Planning _Commission recommended approval. Jensen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -89 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A LAKESIDE SETBACK VARIANCE, A LOT 812E VARIANCE, AND RECOGNISE AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING ACCESSORY BUILDING TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK FOR LOT 6, BLOCK 3, AVALON, PID #19- 117 -23 31 0006, 4590 DENBIGH ROAD, P i 2 CASE #91 -019 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. A:: 11A 12A JUMA 10, ARADYWOOD PDX 00 The Building Official explained the request. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following: RESOLUTION 091 -90 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION FOR LOTS 11 i 12, BLOCK 10, SHADYWOOD POINT, PID #18- 117 -23 32 1-1,97 115 June 25, 1991 0021 2007 LAKESIDE LANE, P i 3 CASE #91 -020 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.7 RESOLUTION To ADD e TRAILER PA K�INOes SIGNS ON THS SOUTH BIDE OF SARTLETT BLVD EAST OF COUNT'S RD. 110 The City Manager explained that there is a parking problem between the driveway at 5573 Bartlett Blvd. and the driveway at 5661 Bartlett Blvd. where there is blacktop curb. Cars with wide boat trailers are parking in this area and the trailers often times are out onto the roadway. This is creating a hazard and needs to be addressed. The Police Chief has recommended that the Council adopt a resolution that would state the following: "No Trailer Parking" on the south side of Bartlett Blvd., east of County Road 110, from the driveway at 5573 Bartlett Blvd. to the driveway at 5661 Bartlett Blvd. where there is a blacktop curb. Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -91 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING 3 'JO TRAILER PARKING" ON PART OF BARTLETT BLVD. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS i SUGGESTIONS 10 FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. There were none. ism If The City Manager explained that 2 people were interviewed to fill the unexpired term of Neil Weber that runs to 12/31/91. They were Joy Eischeid and Del Rudolph. The Park Commission recommended that the Council appoint Joy Eischeid because Del Rudolph would be absent from at least three meetings during the winter when he goes south. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 -92 RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOY EISCHEID TO THE PARK AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF NEIL WEBER (TERM EXPIRES 12/31/91) The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 0 1 109 116 June 25, 1991 The City Clerk expl.aiaed that this ordinance was prepared because Hennepin County is requiring it to continue to fund recycling in the City of Mound. It requires owners of multiple - family dwelling units and owners and occupants of commercial, industrial and institutional property within the City of Mound to provide separations and collection of recyclable materials. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following: ORDINANCE #48 -1991 AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 491 TO THE CITY CODE RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIAL The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CODE MATING TO SURETY BOND FOR LIQUOR LICENSES. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. 1.10 APPROVAL ON THE PAINTING OF ISLAND PARK GARAGE. The Council discussed the three quotes that were received. NOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens to have the staff contact Painters plus and make sure that Option 3 of that quotation includes the doors and trim with proper surface preparation, a primer coat and a coat that is sprayed and back rolled. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.11 APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF OPTION CONTRACT WITH ANTRONY O RAL. DISCUSBIONI SOIL SAMPLESLENDIRONMENT ASSESSMENT ANTHONYIS FLORAL PROPERTY, The City Manager stated that a 60 Day Option had been agreed to for Anthony's Floral property. That option needed to be exercised by June 24th. The City was having soil borings done, water sampling and an environmental assessment and those reports were not available until late last week before this Council meeting. The City Manager went to Mr. VanDerSteeg on Thursday, June 20th and asked for an 30 day extension of the Option Agreement. Mr. VanDerSteeg agreed verbally. An extension was taken to the VanDerSteegs on Monday, June 24th and they were to deliver it to the City on Tuesday, June 25th. At a meeting earlier this evening, Mrs. VanDerSteeg did not want to sign the 117 June 24, 1991 extension. They wanted to get another appraisal to make sure they are getting a fair price. The City and the VanDerSteegs agreed on the original appraiser and each paid half for that appraisal which came in at $70,000 less soil corrections. The City offered the VanDerSteegs $71,000, plus paying the 2nd half taxes for 1991 and special assessment. The City Attorney reminded the VanDerSteegs that when the City Council allowed them to fill the area there was a deed restriction put on the property that it is not a buildable site and no one can apply for a building permit. The Engineer stated that the cost of improvements to develop the site would be substantial. The City Engineer reviewed the soil report, water sampling report and the Phase 1 environmental assessment all of which indicate that the site is alright to use for the stockpile of materials. He revised his original estimate to prepare the site for the use based on the soil report from $142,000 to $160,500. The City Attorney also pointed out that the City needs to work with Huber regarding the easement to go around Tony's building. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to authorise the Mayor and city Manager to exercise the option based on the original terms and based upon the oral agreement of Mr. VanDerSteeg. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The City Attorney stated a letter will be sent to the VanDerSteegs asking that they respond on or before July 9th. 1.12 LICENSE APPROVAL. MOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to issue a public dance permit and a temporary on -sale nonintoxicating malt liquor permit to Our Lady of the Lake for the Incredible Festival July 27 and 28 contingent upon all required forms, insurance, and approvals being obtained. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.13 APPLICATION FOR PORTABLE SIGN Our Lady of the Lake has applied for a permit for 6 portable signs and 1 banner advertising the Incredible Festival. They El 118 June 25, 1991 would he up from June 26 thru July 30, 1931 and would be placed at the following locations: 1. Depot. 2. Railroad tracks across from Ben Franklin. 3. 3 Points (Old Gas Station). 4. Our Lady of the Lake Convent 5. North wall of Our Lady of the Lake church. 6. Super America station. 7. Banner over County Road 110 in The Highlands. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to approve the portable sign application of Our Lady of the Lake as requested. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.14 PAYMBMT Oy SILLS MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens to authorise the payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount of $196,779.01, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. INIa'ORMATIONIMISCELLANEO S A. Financial report for May 1991, as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. B. Planning Commission Minutes of June 10, 1991. C. Park & Open Space Commission Minutes of June 13, 1991. D. LMCD response dated June 18, 1991, to the City of Tonka Bay questions on Proposed 1991 Budget. E. AK8LN9ER: July 16, 1991, C.O.W. meeting will be devoted to discussing the EDC's recommendation on a theme for downtown Mound. F. Highway 12 forecasts from the City of Long Lake which may be of interest to you. G. Planning Commission video of Proposed Rental Housing Ordinance Public Hearing on June 24, 1991, which will be aired on Monday, July 8, 1991, at 7 P.M. MOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager 11 (:IT)" ( )f NK)l 7NI) STAFF RECOMMENDATION DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of July B. 1991 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and Staff FROM: Jon Sutherland, Building Official )6P CASE NO.: 91 -024 APPLICANT: Matthew 8 Tamara Ruppert LOCATION: 4448 Manchester Road LEGAL Lots 11 8 12, Block 17, Avalon DESCRIPTION: PID #19- 117 -23 31 0076 SUBJECT: Variance Request ZONING: R -1 Single Family Residential BACKGROUND The applicant seeks a building permit for a fully complying addi- tion on the rear of the existing home. Extensive remodeling and new siding is planned to complete the exterior of the home and tie the old house in with the prior addition. COMMENTS The proposed addition and remodeling would enhance the use of the Property, improve the layout and floor plan of the house, and eliminate a hazardous winding stair in the entry. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the variance request recognizing the existing nonconforming setback to the west side of 3.8 feet to the required 8 foot setback resulting in a variance of 4.2'. NOTE Y This case will be heard by the City Council on July 9, 1991. The abutting neighbors have been notified. Is -11-_� CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 432 -1155 1 31 991 Fee E50 00 Case No. q 1 -- 02 VARIANCE APPLICATION P1.ANNtNG 8 ZONING COMMISSION_ (Please type or print the following information.) Address of Subject Property = _ l�' r 1 - r ' 1`01' -T Owner Name �, t r� Y •� , ^ r r day Phone - - Owner' Address ' ' ' ?r l� �`� C: F'� '''r, {� �' ' E- ; �� •, t tr ` Appl Name (if other than owner) P %� Address--- , PI Day Phone ! LotS 1 E ! Z B l oc 1 �! Addition "; ^,Y P1D No. �"��7"� l ax i st i ng Use of Property: r' J f Zoning District_ - I Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes ( ), no ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application). VARIANCE REQUESTED FOR: C6 Principal Building ( ) Accessory Building direction setback setback VARIANCE requested required REQUESTED Front Yard: ( N S E W ) Rear Yard: ( N S E W ) Lake Front: ( N S E W ) Side Yard: ( N S E, W ) Side Yard: ( N S E W ) D ot Size: ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft ft. - - - - - -- - ft. ft. f t. ft. ft ft. f t . ft. ft . ft. f 1`113 VARIANCE APPLICATION Page 2 Case No. y 2! 1. Reason for request _ 7< J ;'y i r , `... ` 2. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning d i str i c n which it is located? Yes (�.`) . No ( ) , If ho, specify each non - conforming use: 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which It is located? Yes ( ), No If no, specify each non conforming use: 4. Whi unique ablle Physica l for ch a racteristics the uses t d zonin district? 9 ( ) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil (( 3 too small ( ( )) drainage ( )) sub- surface too shallow shape ( other: specify S. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having propert y interests in the land after the zoning adopted? Yes ( ) , No N). If yes, explai ordinance was 6. Was the hardship created by any oth r man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (j, If yes, explain 7. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance pecpl)ar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ) affected? no, list some other properties which are similarly I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpo_e of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Applicant's Signature V ��_�� Date �, OERTIF1CATE OF SURVEY PWMPA 0 fty• SCHCELL & MADSOf% aftcowsapke & •0w0j"yofte 50 N"T" AWFPA.*� SLXJT*d O INIL i� A6 1 4 4 OF 0 RIN I y ti `V ! t !A I.OtS 1 t Bod F lu• k 17, "Avalon" C' E 1 ER A L. C) I [S: - monumcvit set. IrN.", "W dt: --rt--zkn c Svrfa,_ draij-Wej,. 4) .947, : ,, t-, ( - ;tImQ C14-. 1-36 S) A, ca I ot - 1 1.271 SQva-•e feet or 0.25417 &Cr•ut, 0 rL avvc.d stake. 71 1 1 or tatflity torolection tme -; K Av-r 00 1 -An9cs af MeCessar%i for pro„ CCr4CH cj1. r r i rmani -dL I f, at ntr i m t 0 : I tear Elcv - 95i.66 (P-IoLsid L;atL#m I hervby :ortify #%&t this wa • - d r My Wo� ^Afttoes and that I a,-, L" 5-Nwycw --der the I& or b mpJ.- IN e eoo 11.3c .e j. -Y r4 Pf�f 1 -NN\ I r / - 71 (e I;_ " -- E o e /l/ I, T T.11V rJ - • / - / 4448 Manchester Road Avalon 37850 + ! ZONING REQUIREMENTS Mathew Ruppert 00 8 -24 -79 ADDRESS: Lots If and 12 - * Block 17 APPLICANT: 19- 117 -23 3 0076 LOT: BLK: ADDN: S R -1 urvey yes ZONE: REQUIRED LOT AREAa j6 . DOO EXISTING LOT AREA: - - REQU IRED SETBACKS 1 FRONT: Q ; _ n, H i i •• r n g w tsI K y � n p SIDE : � 49 40 49 ii SIDE: C ti i a r• s s r 73i� t►: REAR: _ 15 feet I I K !� i 2f r ]i A � A p)� � • '-� L AKE -&i 0RE 1 w t 2• E XISTING a PROPOSED SETBACKS FRONT: 1 • i• ri i!� ri (3) ' .r • -� >s is SIDE. _� 8 �. W . • • !� _. r N. SIDE: Vi I s s REAR: � : % LAKESNOFiE : • • �• a • • 1 t • ili7 .� 1111 DATE t 8Y i T , N ti 1 Ak STAFF RECOMMENDATION DATE: Planning Commission Agenda of July 8, 1991 TO: Planning Commission, Applicant and St`a-ff`,� ' FROM: Jon Sutherland, Building Official1 CASE NO.: 91 -030- v` APPLICANT: Greg Knutson LOCATION: 4701 Island View Drive LEGAL Lot It Block 7, Devon DESCRIPTION: PID #30- 117 -23 22 0049 SUBJECT: Variance Request ZONING: R -2 Single Family Residential BACKGROUND The app i i cant seeks a bu i I d i ng perm i t to and a wa 1 kway to a new 12' x 28' deck that will replace the existing deck. The applicant's parcel abuts a 15 foot wide right -of -way on the east side of the lot, therefore, making this a corner lot with the east being a front yard. The existing dwelling is nonconforming as the setback to the front yard to the east is 5 feet, 10 feet is required, resulting in a variance request of 4 feet to the existing dwelling and proposed reconstruction of the deck. COMMEN The proposed deck would enhance the use and would not further encroach into the existing setback. The proposed walkway would improve the existing access to and from the dwelling. REC OMMENDATION Sl, reconmends recognition of the existing nonconforming dwell - lnq and deck and approval of the proposed work as stated. N OTE: : T h i s case w i l l he heard by the C i t y Cc;(.jrjc• i t on )LJ I y 9, 1 y5 1. The abut t i ng neighbors have been not i f i e(i, l �' D 344 3 CITY OF MOUND 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 472 -1155 Fee I<50 00 Case - No. CM -0 - 30 VARIANCE APPLICATION PLANNING b ZONING COMMISSION (Please type or print the following information.) Address of Subject Property Owner's Name 6 d .ja Day Phone ^G�� Owner's Address V7n JA 11.4C A.41 Ao a .�. App 1 i cant's Name (If other than owner Address Addition b 1;- %./ 6 /1,/ Existing Use of Property: �j derrha Zoning District _K Day Phone _ Block / P I I J No. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use Permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes ( ), no ( ). If :yes, list dates) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application). VARIANCE REQUESTED FOR: ( ) Principal Building ( ) Accessory Building setback requested ft. ft. f t . - -- - — _ ft. _ _.. ft. f t setback direction ft. — ft. f t. Front Yard: ( N S ®W ) Rear Yard: ( N S E W ) Lake Front: ( N 5 E W ) Side Yard: ( N S E w ) Side Yard: ( N S E W ) Lot Size: ( ) Principal Building ( ) Accessory Building setback requested ft. ft. f t . - -- - — _ ft. _ _.. ft. f t setback required ft. — ft. f t. ft. f t . __sq ft. ft REQUESTED ft. f t . ft. f t . ft. __sq f4 11*�o VARIANCE APPLICATION Page 2 1. Reason for request Case No._ _q1_0 L- I ( 1) Gt/if e X 61, It 2. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning distric� which it is located? Yes (�[), No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use: / 3. Do the exlstln structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regu ions for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ). No If no specify each non - conforming use: 4. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent Its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted In that zoning district? ! ) too narrow ( ) topography ( soil ( ) too small ( drainage ( sub- surface ! )too shallow � ; shape ( ) other: specify S ?� /S�r� —_� • L ^�-L�' 1.L� op r M �t.[/ / tt-- �1L1�1 _i/ a ��✓ i �- 5. Was the hardship des ri ed above created by the action of anyone ` property inter s in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ), No If yes, explain 6. Was the hardship created by any othe man -made change, relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No If yes, explain_ Are tr;;.r conditions of hardship for which you request a variance ppec 1 ar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ), No ! If no, list some other properties which are similarly a f f c e ? I certify that ail of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or Wpost Maint ainin and removing such notices as may be required by law. i Appl icant's SignatuC� -� Date such as the *_U1 ^A q 7.2 PE c K Fk P.9 �T k" rC ti Aft 16 TP • • N r • s- �h v s ° i �r r as s Scale: 1" = 30' Date 6-16-71 o Iron marker Plat of Survey for Ray L. Salden of Lot 1, Block 7, Devon Hennepin County, Minnesota h / Certificate of Survey: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct represen- tation of a survey of the boundaries' of Lot 1, Block 7, Devon. It does' not purport to show improvements or encroachments. Cordon R. Coffin fAg. No. W4 land Surveyor and Planner Long Lake, Kinnesota 1 `7-.3 1 J V -:, �~ 2 �9 [' GOVT LOT 1605 80 RES TU Q01 6 7i.s!_'— '•r}..r ?_tNtr+'r�rT !� i ZONING REQUIREMENTS ADDRESS: APPLICANTt LOT: BLK: ADDN: ZONE '- REQUIRED LOT AREAL EXISTING LOT AREA : SM 4 RED SETBA 4701 Island View Drive Gregory Knutsc 4-23-88 Lot I Block 7 30- 117 -23 22 0049 Survey yes R -2 • • i FRONT: r r + Iv SIDE: 9 r r r + r S SIDEt r REAR: is feet r E XISTING a Meg SETBACKS FRONT : © , �• �VAA. SIDE t h d 1 ' SIDEt REAR: — to o LAKESHORE t DATE t 7"� _i. _ By : 0 zxx,,� Im A -" PUBT,TC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE CERTAIN LANDS FROM CENTRAL BUSINESS (B -1) TO ONE b TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R -3) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the council chambers, 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 1991 to consider an amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone certain lands from "Central Business (B -1)" to "One b Two Family Residential (R -3)," at 5233 Eden Road, legally described as follows: Lot 20, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit F, PID 813- 117 -24 43 0117 All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be heard at this meeting. Francene C. Clark, City Clerk 0 (Published in "The Laker" July 29, 1991 and mailed to property owners within 350' of subject property by August 1, 1991.) /7 .15 k ,k' ♦ � 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD 1 i H � ) 1 � f OU 1 \ D MOUNR. MINNESOTA $5364 1612! 472.1155 June 26, 1991 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony VanDerSteeg Anthony's Floral 1861 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN. 55364 RE: April 24, 1991, Option Agreement Dear Mr. and Mrs. VanDerSteeg: On April 24, 1991, you and the City entered into an Option Agreement for certain lands in Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 117 North, Range 24. As a part of the Option Agreement, the City as the purchaser was authorized to enter the property to take soil samples and to determine if there were hazardous materials on the property. Those reports were presented to City officials late during the week of June 17. As the City Manager, I was fully aware that the 60 day period was drawing to a close and called you and asked about a thirty day extension so that we could receive and analyze all the reports. I was told by Mr. VanDerSteeg that you would grant a 30 day extension. The paper work for such an extension was prepared and delivered to you on June 24, 1991. The City has not received that executed extension as of this date. A meeting was held with you on June 25, 1991, and the Mayor, City Attorney, City Engineer, and I indicated that we would recommend to the City Council that the City exercise the option. I understand that Mrs. VanDerSteeg has some reservations - as of this time, but this was all explained to the City Council at its meeting on June 25, 1991. Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, City Engineer, and me, the City Council has authorized the Mayor and Manager to take all action necessary to exercise our rights under the option contract. You are hereby notified that the City exercises its right to purchase the property and hereby requests your cooperation in completing this transaction. • / ?Z (a Page 2 Mr. and Mrs. VanDerSteeg June 26, 1991 There is still substantial work to be done to consummate your sale to the City. The City needs to ascertain how to construct a roadway around the north side of your greenhouse structure by using an easement on the Huber property. We need a final legal description for the sale, and this would result in a survey by the City's consulting engineer and a lay - out for any property divisions which must be approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council pursuant to City Code. The City Council has authorized me to indicate to you that we would like your response on or before July 9, 1991. We cannot in good conscience go ahead and spend additional City funds if there is going to be a dispute between you and the City on our rights under the option contract. I know that Mr. VanDerSteeg told me he had signed it and I saw the signed extension and relied upon our oral conversation. The City has spent many thousands of dollars in engineering and testing fees so that we know how to proceed with our project. If this sale were for some reason not to be consummated, those public dollars would be wasted. In assisting you-to evaluate the current situation, we are asking for your full cooperation and are pledging to you our full cooperation. We need to know if we are going forward together or if this is going to result in a dispute. I would again point out to you that you have paid the first half taxes for 1991, and if the sale is consummated, we have agreed to reimburse you fo: those taxes and to pay the second half which are die in October. We also call to your attention that there are restrictions against the property that we are purchasing which would prohibit most of the land from holding a building. The City Engineer has estimated City improvement cost for the site, which includes a road from Commerce Blvd. back to the area, as in excess of $160,000, and if there is to be any type of private development there on your part, you would have to bring in City sewer and City water which would run into thousands and thousands of dollars. The City has much work that needs to be done if we are going forward with a sale of your property to the City. The City hereby exercises its option and believes it has rights under the contract of April 24, 1991. We sincerely hope that those differences of opinion do not result in a legal dispute between you and the City. We would request an immediate return of the formal extension form so that we can work out a closing date between the parties which will coincide with the ability to make /W7 I` i Page 3 Mr. & Mrs. VanDerSteeg June 26, 1991 the property division, work out any differences with the Huber property, and resolve any unanswered items which need to be resolved in a platting and subdivision of the property. The Ci has in the option agreed to ty cooperation we do not want to pac those costs, but without your additional expenses. Therefore the atimin g me become s very incur important to both parties, and the City Council and I hereb request that you give this your most t back to us so that a formal purchase agreement attention re get pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Option. p Pared the closing date and the variance details then edlto be cover resolved. I sincerely hope that we can the very near future because an g° forward together in y dispute over this matter will merely add expenses and costs for each party. Sincerely, Edward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager EJS:fc CC: Curt Pearson, City Attorney Skip Johnson, Mayor /7Z.F • 17dq BILLS -- - - - - -- - JULY 9, 1991 BATCH 1063 43,521.15 BATCH 1064 116,556.08 Joel Krumm June Mileage 6.78 Joe's Vending June cigarettes 1,124.16 TOTAL BILLS 161,208.17 • 17dq PAGE 1 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MOUND VE►4nOR' INVICE DUE HOLD ND- IWVOICE N BR G.TE DATE STATUS AUNT DESCRIPTION W549 PRE -PAID 2,369.63 LIQ 6/27/91 6/27,91 2,369.63 J X -CD IELLEOT CORPO9.ATION VEND TOTAL 2169.63 [1001 PRE-PAID 2,702.54 SIT 6122 PR 6/27/91 6/27/91 1,702.54 JFA -CD COMISSIONER OF RSVEN1E VENDOR TOTAL 2702.54 E1429 PRE -PAID 1,769.71 LIQ 23.60 WINE 35.39- DISC 6/27/91 6i27/91 1,757.93 JK -CD ED PHILLIPS 6 SONS VENDOR TOTAL. 1717.93 GI'930 PRE-PA!D '90.00 GTS-91IKLE -•1191 6/27/Vi 6/27/91 190.00 JM4 -CD GOVT TRAINING SF..PVICES VENDOR TOTAL 190.00 01955 PRE -PAID 1,620.00 DEF COMP 6121 PR 6/27/91 6/27/91 1,620.00 JtN- -CD GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE VENDOR TOTAL 1620.00 G1972 PREPAID 1,061.85 LIQ 224.65 MINE 23.49- DISC 8.33 FRT 6!27/91 6/27/91 1,271.34 JNL -CD GPM COOPER & COMPANT VENDOR TOTAL 1271.34 K145 PREPAID 668.77 6/22 PR DED 6/27/91 6/27/91 668.77 JK -CD HEM CO SNORT & COLLECT# VENDOR TOTAL 668.77 :. 01 PRE -PAID 540.44 ICMA 457 6/22 FR 61.7/91 6/17 540.44 JtN- -CD IiN. RET!RENEENT TMT -457 VENDOR TOTAL 540.44 12304 PREPAID 103.81 ICMA 401 6/22 PR F17/' 6/2 103.87 JJRNL - CD i^"A RET: "n'EME1tT TRUST -411 VENDOR TOTAL 103.E7 FFE FAIO 4;0.00 iICMA CONF BOSTON 9191 42.A7 1CMA 0,W- S0'LE-PD 4 FN -CD ;;1'4L 47 BATE 6/27/91 TIME 9.18.04 PRE -PAID DICK ACCOUNT *JMR AMK1UtT CIfCK i DATE 71- 7100 -9510 1010 2369.63 31181 6/25/91 01 -:'040 -0000 1010 2701.54 31792 6/27/91 71-7100 -9510 71- 7100 -9520 71- 7100-9W 1010 1157.93 31784 6/25/91 01- 1010 190.00 31801 6/27/91 01-2040-0000 1010 1620.00 31797 6/27/91 71- 7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 71- 7100 -9600 1010 1271.34 31782 6/25/91 01- 2040 -0000 1010 668.77 31794 6/27/91 01- 2040-0000 1010 540.44 31795 6/27/91 01-2040 -0000 1010 103.87 31796 6/27/91 01-4040-4110 01- I190-0000 1010 472.00 31799 (/27/91 1963 31790 - 31Po 2- • 1730 731 PAGE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE y/27/91 AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 9.18.04 Yom INVOICE DIE HOLD PRE -)AID DECK NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNIT CHECK t DATE 12360 PRE -PAID 295.00 ICOO COIF -MANE 9/91 01 -4190 -4110 6/27/91 6/21191 M-00 JRNL_CD 1010 295.00 31802 6/27/91 INTERNATL CONFRNC BLDG OF# VENDOR TOTAL 00 J2535 PRE-PAII 1,052.30 PLMB INSPECTIONS 01 6127/91 6/27/91 1,052.30 JRNL -CD 1010 1052.30 31788 6/25/91 JOHN BREITNER VENDOR TOTAL 1052.30 J2560 PRE-PAID 465JS GFOA COHF- DENVER 01-4090-4110 47.10 MTOS-JN 01-4090 -4120 68.54 CSI USER GROUP 01 -4095 -4110 6/27/91 6/27/91 581.52 JRlL -CD 1010 581.`2 31786 6/25/91 J" L NORMAN VENDOR TOTAL 581.51 J2571 PRE -PAID 522.00 72 CONTRACT HOURS 01-4340 -3100 6/27/91 6/27/91 522.00 JRNL -CD 1010 522.00 3,790 6/25/91 JOHN TAFFE VENDOR TOTAL 522.00 M79 PREPAID 904.47 LID 71- 7100-9510 798.45 MINE 7;-7100 -9520 26.19- DISC 71-7100-9560 6/21/91 6/27/ 1,676.73 JRNL -CD 1010 1676.73 31783 6/15/91 JOHNSON BRAS LIRS CO VENDOR TOTAL 1676.73 J2630 PRE -PAID 23.79 M/C PRESCR1PTN-HYLAND 01-4140-3140 6/27/91 6/2 23.75 JRNL -CD 1010 23.79 31779 6/19/91 JUNE HYLAND VENDOR TOTAL 23.79 M3051 PRE-PAID 11,948.64 FIT 6/22 PR 01-20.10-0000 6/27/Ql 6/ 2 7 7/91 11,848.64 JRNL -CD 1010 11848.64 31791 6127/91 MARQUETTE BAN( - MOUND VENDOR TOTAL IISCS.64 "3188 PRE -PAID 300,00 LBR- PLANTER BOX -EDC 01- 2300-0400 6/27/ 6/. 3m 60 JRPL -CD 1010 300.06 31780 6/:'5/91 MID AMERICAN CEDAR VENDOR TOTAL 300,00 M3401 PRE -PAID 328.00 OFF COMP 6/22 PR 01 -2040 -0000 6/27/91 6/21'41 328.00 JRNL -CD 1010 328.00 31798 6/27/91 NN PfTIREMENT SYSTEM VEN'U TOTAL. ;2'.00 M?52n ME-PAID 36.70 P %T, FOR Y'c BILLS 7;-73(.,0 -3:10 36.70 POST, FOF r ?R BILLS 73-7800 -3.10 173.40 Y$ , L -CD 1010 173.40 31773 6/19/91 FFE ca1D 31.50 RIPLEN Ft TG METER 01.4s7 ' 10 01 ,1.404 .:10 731 POSE 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 6/27/91 AP-COZ-01 CITY OF MMDUND TIME 9.18.04 VENOM INVOICE 01 HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMMBER NOW CHECK 1 DATE 1.97 REPLEN POSTS METER 01.4060-3210 131.31 REPLEN POSTS METER 01-4090-3:10 19. , REPLEN POSTS METER 22 1170 3:'16 .6.59 REPLEN POSTS METER 71 7100.3210 87.27 REPLEN POSTS METER 01. 4340 -'.21(1 159.23 RE" POSTS METER 81-4,1`,0 - 10 197.13 REPLEN POSTS METER 01-41 73.80 REPLEN POSTS METER 73 -3:10 73.$1 REPLEN POSTS METER 78- 7800-:x10 96.25 REPLEN POSTS METER 01-4140-3210 16.52 RE" POSTS METER 01-4280.rm 5.39 REPLEN POSTS METER- RECYCL 70 -4270 -3210 15.28 REPLEN POSTS METER-SECT 8 01-4090 -3210 :2.93 REPLEN POSTS METER -EDC 01 -3210 5.96 REPLEN P0516 METER-SFOA 01-1190 -0000 13.93 REPI.EN POSTS METER-ROYARY 01- 1190.0000 55.09 REPLEN POSTS METER 01-4320 -3210 6/27/91 6/27/91 1,200,00 JRM4- -CD 1010 1200.00 31777 6/19/91 ROUND POSTMASTER VENDOR TOTAL 1373.40 P3950 PkE-PAID 6,874,25 PERA 6122 PR 01 -2040 -0000 6/27/91 6/27/91 6,874.25 JRM4. -CD 1010 6874.25 31793 6/27/91 P E R A VENDOR TOTAL 6874.25 P3952 PRE- PAID ?2.52 REPLEN P /C--POLICE 01-4140 -2:00 6/27/91 6/27/91 4k.5j JR L -CD 1010 42.52 31787 6/25/91 PETTY CASH VENDOR TOTAL 42.52 P4103 PRE -PAID 1,102.10 T-SHIRTS --- EDC 01-2300-0400 6/'7/91 6/27/91 1,102.10 JRNL -CD 1010 1102.10 31800 6127/91 PRIMARY PROMOTION VENDOR TOTAL 1102.10 94171 PREPAID 1,482.36 LIB 71 -7100 -9510 527.63 MINE 71- 7100-9520 35.2° DISC 71-1100-9`,14 35.90 MIX 71- 7100-9540 6/27/ 6427/91 2,010.61 JRM4- -CD 1410 2010.6: 317 6/251'1 GIYiLITY NINE 6 SPIRITS VENOM TOTAL 2010.61 R4259 PRE -PAID 716.16 64 CONTRACT HOURS 01-4340 -3100 6/27/91 6/27/91 716.16 JRNL-CD 1010 716.16 31739 6/25/91 ROKRT E JOHNSON VENN, TOTAL 716.16 26041 PREPAID 3,0'7.61 REFND OF DFPOSIT- GARAGE REMDVL 0 6/:71 +1 6/27/+: 3,077.61 JO L-CD ;n;�, ;r,17,�.1 31776 NESLE1 p.SEN ','ENDDR TDTk 3017.61 • I732- • /-233 PAGE I P U R C H A S E J O U R N A L DATE 7/03/91 AP- CO2.01 CITY OF NO ND TIME 12.04.18 YEW INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NOR DATE DATE STATUS Al"T DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NMR MOUNT CHECK t DATE A0190 459.90 8LACKTOP OIL 01 -4:80 -2340 7/03/91 7/03191 459.90 JRN. -CD 1010 ALLIED BLACKTOP CO VENDOR TOTAL 459.90 A0275 150.00 AMA PM-HARRELL 01-4140-4110 7/03191 7/03/91 150.00 JRN. -CD 1010 AMERICAN MCMT ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 150.00 A0421 200.00 REPLACE WINDSHIELD 01-4340-2310 101.87 REPLACE WINDSHIELD 01.4290 -2310 7/03/91 7103/91 301.87 JRN- -CD 1010 ASSURANCE CLASS CO VENDOR TOTAL 301.87 80550 111.70 BEN FRANKLIN SUPPL -1990 A/P 01 -2040 -0000 2.43 BEN FRANKLIN IM-1990 A/P 73-2040.0000 86.02 BEN PRWIIN SUPPL -1990 A/P 22-2040 -0000 7/03/91 7/03/91 200.15 JRNL-CD 1010 BEN FRANKLIN STORE VENDOR TOTAL 200.15 X48 25.00 BOAT RENTAL 01- 4340-3900 7/03/91 7/03/91 25.00 Jet -CD ;010 BOAT RENTALS OF =A, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 25.00 7/03/91 7/03/91 322.85 322.85 ROCK-C HALL LOT JRNL -CD 30-6000 -5304 1010 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS VENDOR fOTAL 312.85 COO19 128.00 RAISE DOCK 01 -43:0 -3800 7103/91 7/03/91 128.00 JRN- -CD 1010 CARL .IARMIIG VENDOR TOTAL 128.00 C0920 15.24 WATER BILL-Ll9 71-710: -3740 7/03/91 7/03/91 15.24 JRN. -CD 1010 CITT OF MM VENDOR TOTAL 15.24 COM 860.00 SURVIVAL COURSE -4 EMFL 01-4140-4110 7/03/91 7/03/91 860.00 JRML -CO 1010 CITY OF ST PAUL VENDOR TOTAL 860.00 C0930 18.00 6.7 -8 WUN[OW CLEAN 71-7100-:200 7/03/91 7/03/91 15.00 ,R1L -CD 1010 CITTWIDE WINTOU SERVICES VEN[0F TOTAL 18.!0 Cnc70 643.?4 JUNE 11:1 71.7!OXr;`4.: 7103191 710:1 6A' - - ,4 JFVL -a ' `;q • /-233 PAGE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 7/03/91 W-0O2-01 CITY OF on TIME 12.04.18 VETIOR INVOICE DUE !LLD PRE -PAID CHECK N0. INVOICE NMBR D(TE DATE STATUS AIMOIB(T DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT Nl1ffR AMM CHECK 1 DATE COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST VENDOR TOTAL 648.34 C1080 54.89 'IFETY GLASSES 01-4340-2300 34.82 SAFETY GLASSES 01-4280-M 34.8: SAFETY Gt,ASSES 73-1300-1300 87.00 SAFETY GLASSES 78-7800 -2300 7/03/91 7/03/91 211.`3 JRHL -CD 1010 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EXIPME VENDOR TOTAL 211.53 C1100 17.89 JUNE COPIER MMAINT 13- 7300 -3950 7/03/91 7/03/91 17.89 ,RIL-CD 1+10 COPY DUPLICATING MDUCTS VENDOR TOM 17.89 C1120 68.87 LETTERHEAD 01-4040 -2100 68.87 LETTERHEAD 01- 4090 -2100 68.87 LETTERHEAD 01-4020 -2100 68.86 LETTERHEAD 01-4190-2100 68.86 LETTERHEAD 01-4340-1100 34.43 LETTERHEAD 01-4:.'80 -1100 34.43 LETTERHEAD 81-4350 -2100 34.43 LETTERHEAD 73- 7300 -2100 34.43 LETTERHEAD 78-7800 -2100 7/03/91 7/03/91 482.05 J K -CD 1010 CIRTIS 1000 VENDOR TOTAL 481.05 01200 4,336.40 WE BEER 71- 7100 -9530 7/03191 7/03/01 4,336.40 JOL-CD 1010 DAY DISTRIBUTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 4336.40 DIM 55.43 BATTERY #842 01-4140 -3800 7/03/91 7/03191 55.43 ,RHL -CD 1010 DISCOM OF MINHESC -4, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 55.43 D1310 417.00 JUNE CHIEF SALARY 22-4170-1370 703/91 7/03!91 417.00 ,RNL -CD 1010 DONALD BRYCE VENDOR TOTAL 417.(* E1420 9,167.40 JUNE BEER 71 -7100 -9530 7/03/91 7 ,13/91 9,167.40 ,RPL -CD 10!0 EAST SIDE BEVEFAGE VENDOR TOTAL 9167.40 E1430 25.31 JUNE MTGS-ES 01-404) -4120 7 /0 ?i��l 1 /CTS 25.31 Jk?IL-CD 1010 ETWAF' SHq,$LE VENDOF T0Tk 15,;;+ E14 408,W ARJ RINGS 7M8ri0 -ice '! "'.''1 'rG� ^;t 40�.0r! �RNI.•GU 1010 • v /73V /7?3S PAGE 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 7/03/91 AP- CO2-01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 12.04.16 VENDOR INVOICE DU: HOLD PRE -PAID DECK NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS MINT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUI ER AMOUNT CHECK # DATE ESS BROS AND SONS INC VENDOR TOTAL 408.00 F1530 1_5.80 FLUORIDE 73- 7300 -�_60 7/03/91 7/03/91 125.30 JJK_CD 1010 FEED RITE CONTROLS VENDOR TOTAL 125.W F1660 29.50 QTRLY SECURITY -PW 01- 4280 -3100 29.50 QTRLY SECURITY -PW 01- 4290-3100 29.50 MTRLY SECURITY-PM 73-7300 -3100 29.50 QTRLY SECURITY -PW 78- 7900-3100 77.00 REFGIL NEW WINDOWS 71. 7100 -3820 7/03/91 7/03/91 195.00 JRIL -CD 1010 FLOYD SECURITY VENDOR TOTAL 195.00 F1690 113.34 JUNE MIX 11-7100-9540 42.49 JUNE M1SC 71- 7100-9550 177.00 BEER TAPS 71-7100 - 7/03/91 7/03/91 332.83 JRfL -CD 1010 FOUR STAR BAR SUPPLY VENDOR TOTAL 332.83 61829 402.50 GE MOBILE RADIO 78-7800 -5000 7/03/91 1/03/91 402.50 JARNL-CD 1010 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 402.50 G1870 7/03/91 7/03/91 258.33 2`'-,3.33 JUNE MARSAALL SALARY JAX-CD 22410-1370 1010 GERALD BABB VENDOR T01 AL M-33 61890 27.45 JUE WATER COOLER 01-4140-4100 =7.80 .1111E WATER COOLER 01-4090-:100 23.01 JUE WATER COOLER 01-4280-2200 9.41 JUNE WATER COOLER 73-7300-2200 9.47 JUNE WATER COOLER 78-7800-2200 7/03/91 7/03/91 117.10 ,ARIL -CD 1010 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD VENDOR TOTAL 117.10 61903 129.71 JULY LEASE MAIL MACH 06 01- 4320 -5000 7103/91 7/03/91 129.71 JJRNL-CD 1010 GOODMk COUNTY NAIL RAW, VENDOR TOTAL 129.71 GIa12 843.00 TIRES 5 TUBES 22- 417n -2,% 7 7/03/91 843.00 F4- -CO 1010 GOt1nE4 I 'G ?mil %43.00 2, 7°, F`;S'AL VEFIF 01 -41M -3:10 1..7° ja{�-rTi 1010 /7?3S PAGE 4 P U R C H A S E J 0 U R N A L DATE 7/03/91 AP-0O2-01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 12.04.16 VE)QOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE WN DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT NT CHECK 1 DATE H2140 7/03/91 7/03/91 n5•98 MAT BOOKING FEE 01-4110-4150 r5.98 JRNL-CD 1010 HE'NN CO SHERIFFS DEPT VENDOR TOTAL 225.98 12387 29.58 JANE COPIER PAINT 01-4140-1140 7/03/91 7/03/91 29.5E J1N._CD 1010 IDS VENDOR TOTAL 29.58 12404 97.42 REPAIR 117 22-4170-2200 80.00 REPAIR 112 22-4170-2200 1,453.79 REPAIR 115 22-4170-NM 28.00 TON DUMP TRt 01 -4340 -3810 198.75 LOCK,SCOPE 1841 01-4:40-3810 39.95 ALIGN 111 73-7300 -3810 7/03/91 7/03/91 1,897.91 JtfL-CD 1010 ISLAND PAR( %ILLY VENDOR TOTAL 1897.91 M22 576.00 CURB -3042 ISL VIEW 01-4399 -4140 7 /03/91 7/03/91 576.00 JtIL - 00 1010 JIM UTTO CONSTRUCTION, INC VENDOR TOTAL 576.00 L2770 3,926.50 AD QTR LMCD 01-4020-41:A 7/03/91 7/03/91 3,926.50 J1tL -CD 1010 LAKE MTKA CONSERVATION DI# VENDOR TOTAL 39:6.50 L2880 39.92 GAS -CITY DAYS-WMELL 01-4:40 -3340 7/03/91 7/03/91 39.92 J K -CD 1010 LEG;M HARRELL VENDOR TOTAL 39.92 M30 7,930.45 JUNE BEER 71- 1100-9530 7/03/91 7/03/91 7,430.45 JRNL -CD 1010 MARK V11 DISTRIBUTOR VENDOR TOTAL 7930.45 M'.A81 122.97 'UBING-DEPOT RAILINGS ;U 600 4100 7/03/91 7/03/91 122.97 JRNL -CD 1010 KNEILUS STEEL, INC VENDOR TOTAL 122.97 P0170 32, 27.84 ,l1LT SEWER SERVICES 72 7800 4: 7,734.61 - JULT SEWER SERVICES 78- 1:90-0000 338.11- JAAT SEWER SERVICES 78- 3812 -004X1 7/03/9 7/03/91 14,2 .00 JP'L-CD 010 tF.'C M:a'L Cati''JL CW't VMTa TOTAL :4:;5.00 R;:Qa IP.1.9 OFICE SFI"-_::3 01 4;46 OF; f tFG;c' 414 17 3 b 1737 PAGE 5 P U R C H A S E J 0 U R N A L DATE 7/03/91 AP-0O2 -01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 12.04,18 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK tq. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NU%R AMOUNT CHECK 1 DATE 47.91 OFICE SUPPLIES 01-4190-1100 12.74 OFICE SUPPLIES 01-4340 -2100 16.11 OFICE SUPPLIES 01-4180 -2100 9.09 OFICE SUPPLIES 71-7100-2100 16.22 OFICE SUPPLIES 73-7?00 -2100 16.22 OFICE SUPPLIES 78- 7800 -21M 101.90 BINDERS,LABELS 01-4020 -2100 7/03/91 7/03/91 343.82 JK-CD 1010 MIDWEST BUSINESS PROOMTS VENDOR TOTAL 343.81 113289 855.00 MEUVS,GLOVES 22- 4170 -2200 7/03/91 7/03/91 855.00 JRML -CD 1010 MN CONWAY FIRE L SAFETY VENDOR TOTAL 835.x0 K33r'zfl 140.00 MOFOA ANNUAL COW-9 /91 01- 4090 -4110 7/03/91 7/03/91 140.00 JRNL-CD 1010 MN OFOA VENDOR TOTAL 140.00 A3490 4,073.75 J X SALARIES 22- 4170 -1390 1,167.00 JU E MINT 22. 4170-3190 627.00 JU NE DRILLS 22 -4.70 -1380 7/03/91 7/03/91 5,867.75 JK -CD 1010 ROUND FIRE DEPARTMENT VENDOR TOTAL 5867.75 11m 5,573.33 ALLY FIRE RELIEF PENSION 95- 9500 -1400 0 7/03191 7/03/91 5,573.33 JRN.-CD 1010 M011ID FIRE RELIEF ASSN VENDOR TOTAL 5573.33 MM3510 40.50 M/C HYLAND 01-4140 -3140 7/03/91 7/03191 40.50 JRtI -CD 1010 ROUND MEDICAL CLINIC VENDOR TOTAL 40.50 M13610 110.00 CONIC FAN MOTOR 71-7100.38:0 60.00 NINE COOLER CLEAN 71-7100-3`':0 7/x'/91 7103/91 270.00 JRNL -CD 1010 MTKA REFRIGERATION VENDOR TOTAL 270.00 N3740 97.00 b1GNS 80- 8000 -22�t 7/03/91 7/03/91 97.00 JRNL -CD 1010 NEWMAN SIGNS VENDOR TOTAL 97.00 M2 4,968.37 IM ELEC-STREET LIGHTS 01- 0 -3710 7/03/ 7103/91 4,9~,8.37 JRNL -CD 1010 NORTHEFN STATES PNER VENDOR TOTAL 4'65.37 FPEDN,CIEAP"PS 1737 PAGE 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 7/03/91 AP- CO2-01 CIT1 OF MOUND TIME 12.04.18 VENOM INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID DECK NO. INVOICE NMFR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOINT NUMBER AMOl1T4T CHECK Il DATE PAM OIL, INC VENDOR TOTAL 162.97 P40M 217.68 JUNE MIX 71-7100.9540 7/03/91 7/03/91 217.68 JRNL-CD 1010 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 211,58 P40:9 26.96 COW MEALS-JESSEN 01.4020-4110 7/03/91 7/03/91 26.9e JRNL-CD 1010 PHYLLIS JESSEN VDW TOTAL 26.96 P4049 30.00 PEST CONTROL 5-6-7 71-7100 -4200 7/03191 1103/91 30.00 JRN. -CD 1010 PLLWE"'S, INC VENDOR TOTAL 30.00 P4060 3,240.55 JUNE PEER 71-7100 -9530 7/03/91 7103/91 3,140.55 JRNL-CD 1010 P'OGREBA DISTRIWTING CO VENDOR TOTAL 3240.55 P41:0 280.00 PHOGRAMNING 78 -7800 -4200 7/03/91 7/03/91 280.00 JRN. -CD 1010 PTACEK CONSULTING VENDOR TOTAL 280.30 R4198 425.00 RAINTITE PANEL 22- 4170-3820 65.00 PLUG CONVERTER 22- 4170 -2200 345.00 MIRE MATER HEATER 22- 4170-3830 7/03/91 7/03/91 835.00 JRNL-CD 1010 R.E. ELECTRIC VENDOR TOTAL 835,00 Ri V 104.67 JUNE GW-C HALL 01 4 320 -3750 7/03/91 7/03/91 104.67 JRNL -CD 1010 RANDY'S SANITATION VEND()(t TOTAL 104.67 R4.'30 100.00 JUNE ASST CHIEF SALARY 22- 4170 -1370 7/03/ 7/03/91 200.00 JRNL -CD 1010 RONAlLD MARSCWE VENDOR TOTAL ?00,00 R4290 825.94 JUNE ICE 71- 7100-9540 7/02" 7/03/91 8:5.94 JRNL-CD 1010 RONS ICE COMFAKT VEND TOTAI, 8_5.94 7.01 6k DUE HO P -Y.OFP 01.4040-1510 119.8`. 3 -9.10 HOSP--T KKfiALSE 01 4 30 1 87 P 4C7F'--J KFAUSE 0: 4:`-;-35;0 11 ,OOi.16 JPrI -C; 10,q • is 117 3Y t aut i �L;,_rASE ,i3 u A N A L DA 7 lei CITY OF 1�[. TIME lz,t*A.12 VENDN :v. _E 'Itt HOL PRE - FA! 0 C I: NO. INVOICE wpf" r►" rjAT;7 ST 4MOLN T U IYE SCF I P T 1 N ; ACCOUNT NUMIRR AMWJ, CHED� I LWE i 544.' .. K�S;� F -EATER ':-4' :. 51V E -EATES Eti. TC? S4 4 kJs: 51 SOS PRINTING ;_ N'9 , T OTAL S4 'A',,: 146. All: 0 1 - 4140 - P90)F:O'l, FILM 7/03,"41 411.'5 JX -Cl STREIDER'S VENIU� TOTAL 411.77 T4711, I PI. O 'Err HL' 7EMPORA';IFS TO 00 l o l k 11 9, 5.' T4 7 310 "O.7 F:lQClAL REPOPT FUL 4 LAO ER LEGAL APS THE LAiER VEICOR TOTAL . X T4771) 1 7 ,1;=.?` Ilk BEER I'l 1. 3 , , 5 tWPFj DIGNIPUTING CC TOTAL M 1 11 .4 =' T: " jP 70,4w 7 TOLL COM:-:'.y 7 4 " J') ; A:: 4 rCjTf PAA 8 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 7/03/91 AP- CO41-01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 12.04.18 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID ClfCK NO. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT WPM AMOUNT CHECK A DATE 62.95 ,!LANE RUGS 78-7800-2200 97.92 JUYNE UNIFORMS 01-L280-220 19.58 JUNE UNIFORMS 01-4290 -,240 `0.05 JIVE UNIFORMS 73- =40 50.05 JUNE UNIFORMS 78-7800-Z243 11.72 JUNE RAGS 24 -4 70 -220v, . 131.00 JUNE RUGS-CITY HALL 01- 43:0-41M 7/03/91 7/03/91 463.15 JK-CD 1010 UNITOG RENTAL SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL 463.15 V=1 3,339.42 DT PLAN STUDY -CDBG 16-5887 -3100 1,500.00 MAY PLAN CONSUIIT 01-4190 -3100 7/03/91 7/03/91 4,839.42 JRN -CD 1010 '94NDOREN- HAZARD- STALLINGS VENDOR TOTAL 4839.42 W5430 240.78 HYDRANT EXT 73-1300 -2300 7/03/91 7/03/91 240.78 JRNL -CD 1010 WATER PRODUCTS COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 240.78 15560 174.90 JUNE GARB-PARKS 01-4340 -3750 7/03/91 7/03/91 174.7() Jlt -CD 1010 WEST, WA SANITATION VEND TOTAL 174.90 643.50 RIDGEWOOD 78-7800 -3800 7/03191 7/03/91 643.50 JRNL-CD 1010 WIDMER INC VENDOR TOTAL 643.50 Ww.o 18.08 EMT EIP-HUDSON 01-4140 -4110 7/03/91 7/03/91 18.08 JRNL-CD 10i0 WILLIAM M HUDSON VENDOR TOTAL 18.08 W 1,550.00 JULY RETAINER 01-4110 -3100 3,5887.69 APR -MAY PROSECUTION 01-4110 -3120 7/03/91 7/03/ ;1 5,137.69 JRNL -CD 1010 :T-PE4FS0N- ',A;EON VENICR TOTE 51:7.69 Z6470 100.00 JUNE ASST MARSHALL SALAPY 22- 4;10 -1310 7/0:191 7/03/91 100.;10 JOL_CD 1010 hf �H, EL FAIM VENDOR TOTAL I1 TOTAL ALL VE!JlfP5 116,5`,1.08 /0 1: v • • 1 -7 (4p • DO -0k) TtEM RESOLUTION NO. 91- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR & CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR THE URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Mound has executed a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County for the purpose of participating in the 1991 (Year XVII) Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, Hennepin County is the recipient of an annual grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for purposes of the program and the City is a subrecipient under the program and receives a share of the grant; and WHEREAS, program regulations require that the City and County execute a Subrecipient Agreement which sets forth the specific implementation processes for activities to be undertaken with program funds. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mound City Council hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Manager to execute Subrecipient Agreement, County Contract Number A07681 on behalf of the City. Adopted this 9th day of July , 1991. ATTEST: Mayor City Manager • Contract No. A07681 SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "RECIPIENT," and the City of Mound , hereinafter referred to as "SUBRECIPIENT," said parties to this Agreement each being governmental units of the State of Minnesota, and is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59: WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Recipient has received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement allocation under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, to carry out various community develop- ment activities in cooperation with Subrecipient; and WHEREAS, $ 69,424 from Federal Fiscal Year 1991 CDBG funds has been approved by Recipient for use by Subrecipient for the implementation of eligible and fundable community development activity /ies as included in and a part of the 1991 Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds, Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and as set forth in the Statement of Work described in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Subrecipient agrees to assume certain responsibilities for the implementation of the approved activities described in Exhibit 1, said responsibilities being specified in part in the Joint Cooperation Agreement executed between Recipient and Subrecipient and in the 1991 Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds, Urban Hennepin County CDBG program and the Certifications contained therein. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto do hereby agree as follows: 1. The Subrecipient shall expend all or any part of its CDBG allocation only on those activities identified in Exhibit 1. 2. The Uniform Administrative Requirements, as promulgated in 24 CFR 570.502, shall apply to all activities undertaken by the Sub- recipient provided for in this Agreement or by any program income generated therefrom. 3. The Subrecipient shall be responsible for procurement of all supplies, equipment, services, and construction necessary for implementation of its activity /ies. Procurement shall be carried out in accordance with the "Common Rule" provisions (24 CFR 85) (which replace OMB Circular A -102 for the purposes of this Agree - merit), the procurement requirements of the Subrecipient, and all provisions of the CDBG Regulations, 24 CF'R 570 (the most restrictive of which will take precedence). The Subrecipient shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, all advertisements, negotiations, notices, and documents; enter into all contracts; and conduct all meetings, conferences, and interviews as necessary to insure compliance with the above described procurement requirements. The Recipient shall provide advice and staff assistance to the Subrecipient to carry out its CDBG- funded activity /ies. 4. The Subrecipient shall be responsible for carrying out all acquisi- tions of real property necessary for implementation of the activity/ ies. The Subrecipient shall conduct all such acquisitions in its name and shall hold title to all properties purchased. The Subre- cipient shall be responsible for preparation of all notices, appraisals, and documentation required in conducting acquisition under the latest applicable regulations of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 and of the CDBG Program. The Subrecipient shall also be responsible for providing all relocation notices, counseling, and services required by said regulations. The Recipient shall provide advice and staff assis- tance to the Subrecipient to carry out its CDBG- funded activity 5. The Subrecipient shall comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 as required under 24 CFR 570.606(x) and HUD implementing regulations at 24 CFR 42; the requirements in 24 CFR 570.606(b) governing the residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan under section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (the Act); the relocation require - ments of 24 CFR 570.606(c) governing displacement subject to section 104(k) of the Act; and the requirements of 24 CFR 570.606(d) governing optional relocation assistance under section 105(x)(11) of the Act. 6. The Subrecipient shall maintain records of the expenditure of all CDBG funds it receives, such records to be maintained in accordance with OMB Circulars A -87 and the "Common Rule" provisions (24 CFR 85) and in accordance with OMB Circular A -110 and A -122, as applicable. All records shall be made available, upon request of the Recipient, for inspection /s and audit /s by the Recipient or its representa- tives. If a financial audit /s determines that the Subrecipient has improperly expended CDBG funds, resulting in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) disallowing such expenditures, the Recipient reserves the right to recover from the Subrecipient such disallowed expenditures from non -CDBG sources. Audit pro- cedures are specified below in Section 22 of this Agreement. 7. The Subrecipient shall take all necessary actions, not only to comply with the stipulations as set out in Exhibit 1, but to comply with any requests by the Recipient in that connection; it being understood that the Recipient has responsibility to HUD for instirirg compliance with such requirements. The Subrecipient also will promptly notify the Recipient of any char117es in tht, scope or character of the activity ies which it is imp leemwnt: ink _ • 8. a. The Subrecipient does hereby agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Recipient from and against all costs, expenses, claims, suits or judgments arising from or growing out of any injuries, loss or damage sustained by any person or corporation, including employees of Subrecipient and property of Subrecipient, which are caused by or sustained in connection with the tasks carried out by the Subrecipient under this Agreement. b. The Subrecipient does further agree that in order to protect itself as well as the Recipient under the indemnity agreement provisions hereinabove set forth it will at all times during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof, have and keep in force: a single limit or combined limit or excess umbrella commercial and general liability insurance policy of an amount of not less than $600,000 for property damage arising from one occurrence, $600,000 for dama;es arising from death and /or total bodily injuries arising from one occurrence, and $600,000 for total personal injuries arising from one occur- rence. Such policy shall also include contractual liability coverage protecting the Recipient, its officers, agents and employees by a certificate acknowledging th_s Agreement between the Subrecipient and the Recipient. 9. The Recipient agrees to provide the Subrecipient with CDBG funds in such amounts as agreed upon in this Agreement to enable the Sub- recipient to carry out its CDBG- eligible activity /ies as described in Exhibit 1. It is understood that the Recipient shall be held accountable to HUD for the lawful expenditure of CDBG funds under this Agreement. The Recipient shall therefore make no payment of CDBG funds to the Subrecipient and draw no funds from HUD/U.S. Treasury on behalf cf a Subrecipient activity /ies, prior to having received a proper Hennepin County Warrant Request form from the Subrecipient for the expenses incurred, as well as copies of all documents and records needed to insure that the Subrecipient has complied with the appropriate regulations and requirements. 10. The Recipient shall maintain the environmental review record on all activities. The Subrecipient shall be responsible for providing necessary information to the Recipient to accomplish this task. 11. The Recipient shall be responsible for the preparation of all requests for HUD for wage rate determinations on CDBG activities undertaken by the Subrecipient. The Subrecipient shall notify the Recipient prior to initiating any activity, including advertising for contractual services which will include costs likely to be subject to the provisions on Federal Labor Standards and Equal Employment Opportunity and related implen.-nting regulations. The Recipient will provida technical assistance to the Subrecipient to insure , ^pliance with these requirements. The Recipient agrees to provide technical assistance to the Subre- cipierit iri the form of oral and /or written guidance and on -site s S +sr.�r:ce re CDBG procedures and project managt.-.ment: This assistance will be provided as requested by the Subrecipient, and at other times, at the initiative of the Recipient, when new or updated information concerning the CDBG Program is received by the Recipient and deemed necessary to be provided to the Subrecipient. 13. The Recipient shall have authority to review any and all procedures and all materials, notices, documents, etc., prepared by the Subrecipient in implementation of this Agreement, and the Subrecip- ient agrees to provide all information required by any person authorized by Recipient to request such information from the Subrecipient for the purpose of reviewing the same. 14. In accordance with the provisions of 24 CFR 85.43, suspension or termination of this Agreement may occur if the Subrecipient materi- ally fails to comply with any term of this Agreement. This Agree- ment may be terminated for convenience in accordance with 24 CFR 85.44. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party hereto by giving thirty (30) days written notice of such termination. CDBG funds allocated to the Subrecipient under this Agreement may not be obligated or expended by the Subrecipient following such date of termination. Any funds allocated to the Subrecipient under this Agreement which remain unobligated or unspent following such date of termination shall automatically revert to the Recipient. 15. Any material alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an Amendment to this Agreement signed and approved by the respective parties, governing bodies and properly executed by the authorized representatives of the parties. All Amendments to this Agreement shall be made a part of this Agreement by inclusion in Exhibit 2 which shall be attached at the time of any Amendment. 16. All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated for any purposes by the activities of the Subrecipient in the performance of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Go� ment Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, and all other statutory provisions governing data privacy, the Minnesota Rules implementing such act now in force or hereafter adopted, as well as Federal regulations on data privacy. 17. During the performance of this Agreement, the Subrecipient agrees to the following: In accordance with the Hennepin County Affirmative action Policy and the County Commissioners Policies Against Discrimination, no person shall be excluded from full employment rights or participation in, or the benefits of, any program, service. or activity on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, agk-, sex, disability, marital status, affection..) /sexual preferenck public assistance status, ex- offender status, or national origin; and no person who is protected by applicable federal or stare la «; against discrimination shall be otherwise subjected to di5cri:rir�a- M Lion. MOUND POLICE 18. The effective date of this Agreement is July 1, 1991. The termina- tion date of this Agreement is December 31, 1992, or at such time as the activity /ie- constituting Fart of this Agreement are satisfac- torily completed prior thereto. Upan expiration, the Subrecipient shall relinquish to the Recipient all program funds unexpended or uncommitted for the activities described in Exhibit 1. 19. If the Subrecipient generated any program income as a rr.sult of the expenditure of CDBG funds, the provisions of 24 CFR 570.504 shall apply, as well as the following specific stipulations: a. The Subrecipient recognizes that it must notify the Recipient of any program income within ten (10) days of the date that such program income is generated. When program income is generated by an activity that is only partially assisted with CDBG funds, the income shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDBG funds used. b. That any such program income must be paid to the Recipient by the Subrecipient as soon as practicable after such program income is generated or may be retained by the Subrecipient, as specifically identified in Exhibit 1. C. The Subrecipient further recognizes that the Recipient has the responsibility for monitoring and reporting to HUD on the use of any such program income. The responsibility for appropriate recordkeeping by the Subrecipient ar.d reporting to the Recip- ient by the Subrecipient on the use of such program income is hereby recognized by the Subrecipient. The Recipient agrees to provide technical assistance to the Subrecipient in estab- lishing an appropriate and proper recordkeeping and reporting system, as required by HUD. d. That in the event of close -out or change in status of the Subrecipient, any program income that is on hand or received subsequent to the close -out or change in status shall be paid to Recipient as soon as practicable after the income is received. The Recipient agrees to notify the Subrecipient, should close -out or change in status of the Subrecipient occur. 20. Any real property under the control of the Subrecipient that was acquired or improved, in whole or in part, using CDBG funds in excess of $25,000 shall either be: a. Used to meet one of tie national objectives in 24 CFR 570.208 until five years after expiration of this Agreement; or b. Disposed of in a im nner that results in the Recipient's being reiinbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non -CDBG furids for acquisition of, or irnprove- merit to, the property. • 21. The following standards shall apply to real property under the • control of the Subrecipient that was acquired or itr.proved, in whole or in part, using CDBG funds: a. The Subrecipient shall inform the Recipient at least thirty (30) days prior to any modification or change in the use of the real property from that planned at the time of acquisition or improvements including disposition. b. The Subrecipient shall reimburse the Recipient in an amount equal to the current fair market value (less any portion thereof attributable to expenditures of non -CDBG funds) of property acquired or improved with CDBG funds that is sold or transferred for a use which does not qualify under the CDBG regulations. Said reimbursement shall be provided to the Recipient at the time of sale or transfer of the property referenced herein. C. Any program income generated from the disposition or transfer of property prior to or subsequent to the close -out, change of status or termination of the Joint Cooperation Agreement between Lhe Recipient and the Subrecipient shall be repaid to the Recipient at the time of disposition or transfer of the property, 22, The Subrecipient agrees to provide Recipient with an annual audit consistent with the Single Audit Act of 1984, (U.S. Public Law 98 -502) and the implementing requirements of OMB Circular A -128, Audits of State and Local Governments, and, as applicable, OMB Circular A -110, Uniform Requirements for Grants to Universities, Hospitals and Non - Profit Organizations. a. The audit is to be provided to Recipient on .July 1 of each year this Agreement is in effect and any findings of noncompliance affecting the use of CDBG funds shall be satisfied by Subrecip- ient within six (6) months of the provision date. b. The audit is not required, however, in those instances where less L`;an $25,000 in assistance is received from all Federal sourcw�i in any one fiscal year. C. The audit may not be paid from CDBG funds. d. The Recipient reserves the right to recover, from non -CDBG sources, any CDBG expenses which are disallowed by the audit, 23. The Subrecipient shall comply with the applicable section of 24 CFR 510.200, particularly sections (b) (Special Policies Governing Facilities); (c) (!ipeciai Assessments); (f) (Means of CarrYinr; Out Eligible Activities); and (j) (Constitutional prohibitions �oucerii- ing Church /State Activities), • 24. The Subrecipient shall comply with the Lead -Based Paint notifica- tion, inspection, testing and abatement procedures established in 24 CFR 570.608. 25. The Subrecipient shall be prohibited from receiving CDBG funds for activity /ies subject to this Agreement should it not affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction or impedes action taken by Recipient to comply with the fair housing certification. 26. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the Subrecipient, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal Grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 27. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influ- ence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this r'ederal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement Subrecipient will complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, 'Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 28. Subrecipient has adopted and is enforcing a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its Jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non - violent civil rights demonstrations; and a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non - violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. • I] SUBRECIPIENT, having signed this Agreement, and the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners having duly approved this Agreement on _ 19 , and pursuant to such approval and the proper County officials having signed this Agreement, the parties hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. Upon proper execution, this COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, Agreement will be legally STATE OF MINNESOTA valid and binding. a B rman of its County Board -- Assistant County Attorney And: Date: Deputy /Associate County Administrator (�' Attest: Deputy /Clerk of the County Board APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: SUBRECIPIENT: _ City of Mound Assistant County Attorney Date: 1] By: Its And: Its Attest: Title The City is organized pursuant to: _ Plan A Plan B Charter 46 Contract. No. 607&81 SUBRECIPIENT AGRIE.MPM URBAN HE:NNEPIN COUNTY 0 COMMUNin DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROCRAM EXHIBIT 1. STATEMENT OF WORK The following activity /Les shall be carried out by the City of Mound under the terms of this Agreement and the details and processes set forth below. Up to $69,424 are to be provided in Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds to the City of Mound to assist in the funding of the following activities in the amount and under the stipulations individually specified: Attachment A. #086 Downtown Economic Development. $20,000 Attachment B. #087 Rehab of Private Propert; 13,988 Attachment C. #088 Senior Counseling /Case Mgmt 4,680 Attachment D. #089 WeCr:n /Eiousing Plan 6.750 Attachment E. #090 WeCan /Operations 2_50 Attachment F. #091 Westonka Intervention 5,700 Attachment C. #092 Westonka Senior Center -Oper 16.0 $69,424 11 July 3, 1991 TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; Joyce Nelson Recycling Cootdinatar SUBJECT; June's Recycling Nora that we have adopted the Muli -FamiIy Dwelling Ordinance I can get that sent out to the property owners along with an application for purchasing the bins. I will also be sending them a list of licensed haulers. At the end of July we'll tell BFI to bill the apartments and businesses directly. In 1990 front January thru June we collected 284.06 tons. of recycables, this year from January thru June we have collected 339.54 tons, this is an inc-rease of 55.40 tons. Junes tonnage was 55.97 tons. July 3, 1991 TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; Greg Skinner Water b Sewer Supt. SUBJECT; June's Activity Report In June we pumped 24,201,000 gallons of water, Well #6 is ready for the final stage. We are getting quotes for a new pump, column pipe, shafts and howls. I estimate this to he from $10,000 to $12,000. We completed raising manholes on County Road 110 for the overlay project. Overlaying will begin on July 8, 1991. Met with the City Manager and City Engineer at the Water Tower on Evergreen regatdiny :Ppairs an painting for 1992. We dug up and had Minnegasco remove their gas line from our sewermain. It seems that their Oophf -t found it's way right. thru the middle of an 8" sewer line on Ridgewood Rd. The bill of $940.00 has been sprit to Minnegasco. --, ( /� • • t rt • • E. 4 :.: 2. y T X M11'til� Y' i t I I I i Ai i ,,i ',I FUR MONI}i OF FIRE FIGHIF,Rs URII,Lti 6 MAINT FIRE: L RE J'UE 1tHAJ, 11IN1Y WNTs J K: F ANl SLR: EN X X GRF); 1 C t I_'!�,!. r JFFRY BABB X X U,. r; „ _.DAVID BOYU WN BRYCE: x X I a. i { S(X)1 "I BRYCE F X l DAVID CAP ISON X X 6 (X; 4 CMl JAxl`iF:S CA. X X 2 ST'E'VE COL LIN.S X X 2 1�.(Xr :- 14 6.00 1 ",4.00 �7d mQwI xxxXXxxX'XxXXXXX \ .:XNXl ". {fit \ \. \ \�k \. h \�K \ \\ �U� \\ \\X \l »k XXXXXXXXX X\ 'Xx \!(X?i. \'1 \' RANDY FN(F3.11ART X X.__. = 1` " 41 x_._. 1� ..___ 6.0 72.0X? STFVE FItI(K )N \ K 2 1 u.rK7 2 20 6.Q0 120,(x1 _ PHIL F I57( - - -_ _ . _... _x 2 _ .._ _. 1 (Xi ` _ - -'_4_ _ 6.00 132.90 T JERRY GARVAIS x___._.. X 2 1' ).ilt) 0 12 6.00 72 DAN I FL ( W)Y - _ _ __.. x _. _ . x _ ` 19. (X) _ . _(? _. _ 1.3 6.00 KEVIN GRAPY X X 2 10.(10 0 21 6.00 12 Ofd_ - CRAIG }IFNI DF.RSONI x- _. -- -_ _ x__ _ 21 _ -_ _19.(X) 0 18 -- - 6.00 108. PAU HPtNY __. - - -- _ _ . r X _ _. 1c.(K) 3 16 6.0x y6.00 BRAD IANDSTIAN _ - -.__.. -x___ 1 _._. 9.5o -0 __ _ -- - _ 18 ^, _ 6.00 108.00 RON MAR:SCIIKE X X 2 19.(X! 0 21 6.25 131.25 Ja i r�tl�5 ._. _ _ -_ ._. _ _.. � L.._J h _ -- 1 -- - -..._ 4 . _ '' j 17 6.00 �..._._ -_._ 102 . (X) JAMES) NEI SON X X 2 I).(X 2' '3 6.(X) 138.00 MARVIN NF1:5()N K < 2 1� +.iK+ o 19 6.00 11 4.00 BRF.I NIO.11M k X 2 1 14 6.00 84.00 BUD 0111 -1, X x 6.(X) 72.00 GREG PALM X (F % 1 9.50 26 6.00 156. MIKE PAIN X X l4.(M; 2 3'2 6.(X) 192.(X1 TIM PALM _ 6.00 I56.00 (;REX; F'EUf •R:;(x: k 4 1 `' ' ?'; 6.0X) 'IY NY 72.(X) MIKE SAt1,F X X ! 1 ''•' ►; 4 1H 6.(K KEVIN SILTf.F.'..1. x )4 F.tX} 144.(X) Rl� 141 � ,. �' 6 ,(? 1. (X) 1" _ _. ._1 - 2 114 IX 14 1 1 I; ;T ,. _. 4 :.: 2. y T X `t i;I UE l ,; 71i W. of CALIS 31 31 ttf VOUND FIR E _....__._.___ �______.._ ' � 38 15 1 ' 76 �t MINNETONKA BEACH FIRE 7 4 1 M I NNETR I STA FIRE _ .__ 1 '__ 15 2 2u EPtFE3tGEVt.'Y 2 I7 ORONO FIRE: � 4 3 17 - -- 19 E MERGF Z _ 0 0 7 h SHOR E WOOD FIRE. 0 1 1 fmRGF 2J(Y 0 0 l 0 �0 SPRING PARK FIRE -- -- 15 2 ~ U 3 �14 4 ___ _ -_. - - - - -_ _ F aya 2x'Y 17 MUTUAL AID FIRE - -_ 1 �0 i . - - --- --- _1_�___._ -..._ 0 0 0 E t*'NGF -.NCY TOTAL FIR CALLS � 13 � TOTAL EMERGENCY CALLS 20 _ 17 117 137 COMMERCIAL 2 0 - -_ RESIDWrIAL _ 3 8 2 32 - 42 IN DUSTRIAL _ - — 0 __ 1 2 CRASS d HISCE 4 _ �- 6 26� 2 9 AUM _ r 0 1 6 9 `— FALSE ALARM 4 3 2 10 NO. OF HOURS FIRE _ 144 _ 328 962 10 41 298 190 « — 14 _ - MOUND EMER(,F2&y 442 518 244' _ MA1 286' 153 X45 - 49 Ifi _0 Fi3 - MTKA BEACHU+� - - -- 1 52 49 216 FIRE 2l 71 466 401 S4 - M' TR I STA E1tRC E:'J(.Y _ 40 417 373 TOTAL tit I05 883 77' FIRE 89 W - ORONO IlI RGUNCY U 0 146 Vil 7Yn'AI. 89 60 FIRE; - SH(1RF'WG�)D E`IERtd. "A Y .nfIAI _ _ r 8 23 EIRE 41 1 7_rn1._ t ; D 1 A! I t , P ,1 I rldP, ACA FI'+F H, r • • C D R I L L R E P O R T MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Da t e i cipline and Teamwork Pumpr,r Operation Critique of fires Eire Streams & Friction boss X Pre -plan and Inspections House Burnings h Tools and Apparatus Identify Natural /Propane Gas Hand Extinguisher Operation � Ladder Evolutions "earring Protective Clothing Salvage Operations Films Radio Operations First air! and Rescue Operation House Evolutions Use of Self Contained Masks Nozzles & Host, Appliance Hours Training Paid ® Excused X Unexecused O Present / Not Paid c- llaneous ----- �?f�55aRe- LicG 0pfR'97 -- _ d S e B A BoTTc C /= i P E R S 0 N N E I, /.2 .? J .( ; ar �•a I ® Pa In t,.And«,rso n O.C',r:arl M.P.,Ir� j D.Fir> . �� I P.,Im }' .Z ndor -o')ri ��l;.I'rrl t rirl e} C),I ? F'.nr�� S,B (.f ' U.C'.,r1s A.r�I,it; D R I L L, R E P O R T MOUND EIRE UH.I'AIt "I'htF:NT Date 'UA✓e /0 � /991 11?1 rnt. and Tt inw r Pumper Operation Crit 1clu0 c,f f r rF s Fire Streams & Friction Loss Pre -plan and Inspt>r,tinns House Burnings -- -- -- Tools and AL�h Idrnt;if Natural/Propane Gas demos. Hand EYt i nqul shF r C�E�F: t ion I Ladder Evolutions I Wear ing Proter•tivf Clot} rimy - -- Salvage Operations Films Radio O Pry _--- - - - - -_ ___ � p _ tun s First and and Operation House Evolutions Use of Self.- Corrtain-d Masks Nozzles & Hose Appliance Hours Training E ' r r rst'c� X Unexecused - O Present / Not Paid M I sce I I a neowi SA �s N N E I, • 1 � o ? T.�,.�r�,�i CP/ C.PaIm I T. Palm rr 0 C .Ei� G.I'ederson ? I ;2� f.Rasc;rrusen f � l • K Srpl�� I rF� 'f��` v � Ft.St,allman I .5t, L'nSUn ris L) A i F F IF 1) f' PA t o I i 10TAI, MA N l'FNnNCF FOR if ()c, To rl c. c i / M FN ON 1) 1 ! y J. ANDFR.SFN R. MARSCHKFI G. ANDEPSUN J N A FUS 0 J. HABB 4;2;� D. BOYI) . — m. N i D. BRYCE B, NI 'CUM CUM S. BRYCE A. OPIlZ .2 D. CARI-SON G. PA 1, M J. C AS F, Y M. PALY. S. C () 1, 1, 1 NS 7 T. PAI M M. DAV I D G. PE'DER-SON R . FN (" F 1, If ART O T. P. AS, 4 SS YN S. VP I CK <�()N M SAVAGE P. H SK K . SIPPRF;LL J. e, VA I S R Sl A I,!,MAN f). GRADY T S W F. ON O K w t; o t; C. If I i i" 1,. 11.1 1 Alki July 1, 1991 TO: MAYOR, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER�� RE: JUNE MONTHLY REPORT • Well, we did it again) Sales for June were an impressive $119 When you take into consideration that we had one less Saturday in June of 91 than we did in June of 90, I would say we did quite well. Last year in June, sales were $104,561. Two important items to pass along to you. We discontinued our cigarette vending machine. We were only slling an average of four to five cartons per week out of it and it was taking up valuable potential display space. Last year our commissions from the sales of cigarettes out of the machine was $552. A paltry SUM. By installing an overhead rack i was able to greatly expand the selection and double the profits on each carton we sell. I conservatively estimate that when our customers realize we now have their brands that profits on cigarettes will be at least $3000 a year. The other news is that I white and blue ad on t 4th of July sale. This in the Westonka area. successful ad campaign. ringing consLantly. JK.:ls hope you all saw the full page red, he back of the "Laker" newspaper for the ad will reach 8500 homes and businesses I am convinced it will be a very As I write this report the registers are • is RUN; 2•JU1 -91 INSTAL EAT1Gh NAME MOUND POE ICE DEPARTMENT wfol PACE 2 PRIMANY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N f 0 R S . DI L',CfS; All AtTIYIIY C1 CE AI {, r;F�kN'J ACTIVITY 8 DI'41051TION • PO I ICU. t � TO: Ed Shukle FROM: Len Harrell SUBJECT: Monthly Report I. STATISTICS • • 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 472 -0621 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 525 -6210 Fax 472.0656 EMERGENCY 911 for June, 1991 The police department responded to 1,006 calls for service during the month of June. There were 46 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 10 burglaries, 35 larcenies, and 1 vehicle theft. There were 69 Part II offenses includ, ' 2 chili narcotics violations, 24 law violations, 4 DUI's, assaults, 6 harassments, and 7 other offenses. offenses reported. Those 1 abuse /neglect, 3 forgery, 2 damage to property, 6 liquor 3 simple assaults, 4 domestic 8 juvenile status offenses, The patrol division issued 109 adult citations and 6 juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 29 tickets. Warnings were issued to 34 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 4 adults and felonies. There were 16 arrested for misdemeanors. warrant arrests. 4 juvenile arrested for adults and 14 juveniles There were an additional 9 The department assisted in 12 vehicular accidents; 5 with injuries. There were 39 medical emergencies and 130 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 12 occasions in June and requested assistance 4 times. Property valued at $26,699 was stolen and $1,174 was recovered in June. 1 / ( L J e l RUN: 2-JUL-91 OFFO1 ISA'S ONLY? NO ITION CODES: ALL ACTIVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME -- MOUND POLICE DEPARTME41 E N F 0 R S OFFFNSF ACTIVITY RY DISWISITIOW PAGE 3 • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - JUNE, 1991 II. INVESTIGATION The investigators worked cn 4 child protection cases and 1 criminal sexual conduct case accounting for over 31 hours of investigative time. Other cases included several thefts, possession of stolen property, harassing communications, runaway youth, burglary, narcotics, assault, forgery, criminal damage to property, domestic assault, and a search warrant was executed. Formal complaints were issued for theft over $500, shoplifting, fleeing a police officer, DUI, resisting arrest, and assault. III. Person /Staffing The department used approximately 95 hours of overtime during the month of June. Officers used 75.5 hours of comp -time, 14 days of vacation, 2 days of sick time, and 10 holidays. Officers earned 98 hours of comp - time. Mound City Days and the Around Mound Run accounted for a total of 114 overtime /comp -time hours. The separate weekends for each e.ent and the added Mound City Days events had a significant impact over the original estimate of 75 hours budgeted. IV. Training Officers received firearms training and an officer attended drug enforcement training. I attended courses on police discipline and domestic abuse. V. Police Rene rves Ropr >rt not available. P7 I • OFFENSES REPORTED CLEARED UNFOLMED JUNE, EXCEPT. CLEARED 1991 CLEARED BY ARREST ARRESTED ADULT JUVENILE PA RT I CRIMES —' Ho'nicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 Criminal Sexual Conduct 0 0 0 0 0 1 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 0 0 0 0 0 0 Burglary 10 0 1 0 0 1 Larceny 35 1 3 1 4 2 Vehicle Theft 1 0 0 0 0 0 Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 46 1 4 1 4 4 PART 11 CRIMES Child Abuse /Neglect 2 0 2 0 0 0 Forgery /NSF Checks 3 1 1 1 0 1 Criminal Damage to Property 24 0 1 1 Weapons 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Narcotics 2 0 0 2 2 0 Liquor laws 6 0 1 5 $ 3 DWI Side Assault 4 0 0 4 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 Domestic Assault 4 1 1 2 2 0 Domestic (No Assault) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harassment 6 0 1 0 0 0 Juvenile Status Offenses 8 0 1 7 0 10 Public Peace 1 0 0 0 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Offenses 6 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 69 2 10 22 16 14 PART Ili b PART IV Property Damage Accidents 7 Personal Injury Accidents 5 Fatal Accidents 0 Medicals 39 Animal Complaints 130 Mutual Aid 12 Other General Investigations 700 TOTAL 893 Hennepin County Child Protection 4 CHIPS 0 TOTAL 1,0(Sf, 3 14 S 18 r • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE, 1991 THIS YEAR TO LAST YEAR GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY MONTH DATE TO DATE Hazardous Citations 81 428 496 Non - Hazardous Citations 27 140 163 Hazardous Warnings 0 9 54 Non - Hazardous Warnings 25 136 201 Verbal Warnings 99 655 756 Parking Citations 29 280 185 DWI 4 47 51 Over .10 3 29 40 Property Damage Accidents 7 43 32 Personal Injury Accidents 5 18 12 Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 Adult Felony Arrests 6 23 32 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 14 144 225 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 8 40 59 Juvenile Felony Arrests 5 15 32 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 4 34 33 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 10 26 27 Part I Offenses 46 168 156 Part II Offenses 69 314 403 Medicals 3) 148 158 Animmal Complaints 130 497 441 Other Public Contacts 700 2,868 3,040 TOTAL 1,311 6,062 6,596 Assists 77 289 186 Follow -Ups 17 63 120 Henn. County Child Protection 4 25 22 Mutual Aid Given 12 65 72 Mutual Aid Requested 4 1 -,() 43 I a 1 IN g. f x M • • • MOUND POLIO' DEPARTMENT MONThLY REPORT JUNE, 1991 CITATIONS DWI More than .10% BAC Careless /Reckless Driving Driving After Susp. or Rev. Open Bottle Speeding No DL, or Expired DL Restriction on DL Improper, Expired, or No Plates Illegal Passing Stop Sign Violations Failure to Yield Equipment Violations H &R Leaving the Scene No Insurance Illegal or Unsafe Turn Over the Centerline Parking Violations Crosswalk Dog Ordinances Derelict Autos Seat Belt MV /ATV Mi...icel larls Tags:: TOTAI, ADULT JUV 4 0 3 0 0 0 5 0 3 0 46 4 1 1 2 0 20 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 c, 0 0 1 0 29 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ax E 9 0 1 0 0 1 ?t 6 7-5:3 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JUNE, 1991 WARNINGS ADULT JW No Insurance 1 2 Traffic 0 1 Equipment 9 0 Crosswalk 0 0 Animals 3 0 Trash /Derelict Autos 3 0 Seat Belt 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 TOTAL 31 3 WARRAN ARRESTS Felony Warrar l-- 2 1 Misdemeanor Warrants 6 0 • • "I 6" RIJN: 3,JUL °91 IN >TAL!.ATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PRO03 • • • • . • E N f O R S PROPERTY STOLEN,'RECOVERF:p 05/23/91 THRU 06/25/91 PRO K,)p INCIDENT SEO TYPL DATE STOLEN DATE RECOVERED TYPE DESC NUMBER NO NO STOLEN VALUE RECOVERED VALUE BIKE 91000776 1 1 06/01/91 S30 BIKE BICYCL 91000754 1 1 05/28/91 5100 05/29/91 $100 BIKE BICYCL 91000755 1 1 05/28/91 6600 BIKE BICYCL 91000776 1 2 06/01/91 530 BIKE BICYCL 91000790 1 1 06/03/91 3,100 06/12/91 5100 BIKE BICYCL 91000798 1 1 06/04/91 575 BIKE BICYCL 91000913 1 1 06/20/91 $50 BIKE BICYCL 91000917 1 1 06/21/91 $5 06 /21/91 55 CAMERA CAMERA 91000778 1 2 06/01/91 5800 CLOTH 91000746 1 2 05/26/91 530 CLOTH 91000821 1 1 06/08/91 S23 CON SUN 91000922 1 1 06/21/91 519 CON" 91000926 1 1 06/21/91 3,22 APPLNC 91000835 1 7 06/10/91 s10O JEWELRY 91000943 1 1 06/22/91 $10,000 Off EQP 91000802 1 2 06/05/91 5610 PER ACC 910007'7 1 1 06/01/91 $160 PER ACC 91000867 1 1 06/15/91 1131 06/15/91 6131 PER ACC 91000875 1 1 06/13/91 S30 RADIO 91000834 1 1 06109191 1250 91000835 1 1 06/10/91 3 #10 91000835 1 2 06/10/91 5200 91000835 1 5 06/10/91 5300 RADIO 91000886 1 1 06/16/91 5250 RAD10 X1000911 1 1 06/14/91 s100 RADIO SCANNE 91000778 1 3 06/01/91 $400 RADIO STERFO 91000741 1 1 05/26/91 $200 RADIO STEREO 91000835 1 10 06/10/91 $170 RADIO TELEVI 91000778 1 4 06701/91 5200 RADIO TELEVI 91000802 1 1 06/05/91 $425 RADIO TELEVI 91000961 1 1 06/18/91 $100 SPT EQP 91000806 1 1 06/02/91 $100 SPT FQP 91000835 1 3 06/10/91 $200 SPT EAP 91000835 1 4 06/10/91 6200 SFT EQP 91000835 1 6 06/10/91 $65 SPT Et7p 91000835 1 9 06/10/91 $100 91000835 1 11 06/10/91 $182 5•r E:P 91000860 1 1 06/13/91 $1,150 91000896 1 1 06;18/91 $1,000 91000902 1 1 06/18/91 $200 06/19/91 6200 91000925 1 1 06/21/91 5500 06 /21/91 5500 f -' 91000945 1 1 06/25/91 $110 06/25/91 s55 91000757 1 1 05/28/91 $2,973 91000867 1 2 06/15/91 $5 0"/15/91 s • PAGE i n; RIAI 3 JUL -91 INSIALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 PR003 . . . * . • t M f O R S PROPERTY STOLEN /RE COVERED 05/23/91 THRU 06/25/91 PkOP PROP INCIDENT SLO T';PE DATE STOLEN DATE RECOVERED TYPE DESC NUMBER NO NO SIOLEN VALUE RECOVERED VALUE CURNCY 91000875 1 2 06/13/9' $100 VIEWING 91000178 1 1 06/01/91 51,000 MY PR1S 91000821 1 3 06/08/91 $15 MV PRTS 91000835 1 8 06/10/91 $28 MV PRTS 91000929 1 1 06/24/91 $4 COP TLS 91000764 1 1 05/29/91 $1,305 COP TLS 91000769 1 1 05/30/91 $400 EOP TLS 91000778 1 5 06/01/91 5150 EOP TLS 91000789 1 1 06/03/91 $391 EOP TLS 91000189 1 2 06/03/91 5120 All OTR 90000952 1 1 06101/90 S78 06/05/91 $78 ALL OTR 91000746 1 1 05/26/91 S90 All OTR 91000821 1 2 06/08/91 $9 ALL OTR 91000868 1 1 06/15/91 S50 ALL OTR 91000884 1 1 06/16/91 540 All QTR 91000905 1 1 06/17/91 S26 TOTALS: $26.699 $1,174 I � yel RUN: 2- JUL -91 Cf'SO3 PALMRY I!N'S ONLY? NO O CTIVITY CODES' ALL ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 09000 SPEEDING 09001 J-SPEEDING 09002 NO D /L, EXPIRED D/L 09003 J-NO D /L, EXPIRED D/L 09004 RESTRICTED D/L 09010 SAC OVER .10 09012 OPEN BOTTLE 09014 STOP SIGN 09026 OVER THE CENTER LINE DRIVING ON PARK PROP, ALL OTHER TRAFFIC 09040 NO SEATBELT 09100 PARKING /ALL OTHER 09150 NO TRAILER PARKING 09200 OAS /DAR /DAC 09210 PLATES /NO 09211 J PLATES /NO•EXPIRED- IMPROPER 09220 NO INSURANCE /PROOF OF 09300 LOST ARTICLES /OTHER 09301 LOST PERSONS 09312 FOUND ANIMALS /IMF'c]UNDS 09313 FOUND PROPERTY 09430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDLNTS 0 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 E N 1 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 05/23/91 THk'U 06 /25/91 . - . . . . . • PATROL AREAS . • . . . . . . . . . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 15 16 5 8 3 2 2 N 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 10 4 2 8 1 1 2 1 2 8 2 5 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 5 N 47 4 1 1 2 3 3 5 1 1 1 9 28 2 5 20 1 3 2 1 9 T6 5 175 3 0 1 M T � �i �$f4� 1� y y + � � RUN: 2-JUL-91 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 CFS03 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S ACTIVITY CODES: ALL CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 05/23/91 THRU 06 /25/91 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION • - 10 - . - . . . 20 30 • • . 4 0 PATROL AREAS - - - - - . - - - - 50 60 70 80 90 - TOTAL 09450 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS 1 1 4 1 7 09451 N/R PROPERTY DAMAGE ACC. 1 1 09561 DOG BITE 1 1 1 3 09562 CAT BITES 1 1 09563 DOG AT LARGE 1 i 09566 ANIMAL ENFORCEMENT 11CrETS 2 2 4 09710 ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 1 1 2 09730 MEDICALS a 2 11 5 5 31 09731 OETOX- MEDICALS 3 3 09732 CRISIS INT.- MEDICALS 2 1 3 09750 FIRES i 1 09800 ALL OTHER /UNCLASSIFIED 1 3 1 1 6 09900 ALL MCCP CASES 1 1 2 4 09920 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 1 1 09930 HANDGUN APPLICATION 09950 INTELLIGENCE 1 1 09980 WARRANTS 2 1 3 1 9 09942 MUTUAL AID /8100 7 7 09',3 MUTUAL AID /6500 2 2 09`74 MUTUAL AID/ ALL OTHER 1 2 3 A 5i1 A;LT 5 INFLICTS ATIf- . HRM rA4:"S AJLT 1 1 1 3 AS357 A LT 5 "INFLICIS AT T HPM HANGS KA I - ACO 1 1 A', 5i— A LF 5 iNF,ICTS ATTIMVIS H;4 HAN ";', CHLC? FAM 1 1 l 7 ..) Q • • RUN: 2- JUL- CFS03 a Ry ISN "S ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 05/23/91 THRU 06 /25/91 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION A5355 ASLT 5-INFLICTS AT`EMPTS HRM- HANDS- CHLD-ACQ A5501 ASLT 5-TNkt BODILY i:ARM -UNK HEAP- ADLT -FAM A5503 ASLT 5-THRT BODILY HARM-UNr WEAP- ADLT -STR 61264 BURG 1 -OCC RES NO FRC -N -UN WEAP-COM THEFT 82364 BURG 2-UNOCC RES FRC-N-UNK WEAP -001 THEFT 83394 BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U -UNK WEAP -COM THEFT 83794 BURG 3 -UNOCC NRES FRC-U -UNK WEAP -COM THEFT 83894 BURG 3-UNOCC NRES NO FRC-U -UNK WEAP -COM THEFT B4430 BURG 4-JNOCC RES NO FRC -D-UNK WEAP -UNK ACT f l, BURG 4 -AT FRC RES-U -UNK WEAP -UNK ACT FORGERY-FE -MAKE ALTER DESTROY-CMECK-PERSON C3211 FORGERY- MS-UTT POSSESS PLACE- CHECK-PERSON 13060 CRIM AGNST FAN -NS- NEGLECT OF A CHILD J2500 TRAFFIC-GM -DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J3500 TRAF-ACCID -MS -DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR '13001 JUVENILE - ALCOHOL OFFENDER M4199 LIOUOR - OTHER M5313 JUVENILE-CURFEW M5350 RUNAWAY 146501 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA - POSSESSION M3190 DISTURB PEACE-MS-HARRASSING COMMUNICATIONS 03771 06SENITY -MS- OBSCENE LETTER ETC-ADULT P1114 PROP DAMAGE- FE-PRIVATE PEDUCE VALLI $30i) MORE u PAGE 3 - PATROL AREAS - - - - - - • - - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 3 1 i 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 3 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 ' 1 1 RUM: 2- JUL -91 CFS03 PRIK, ISN'S ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E N F 0 R S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYFiS BY PATROL AREA 05/23/91 THRU 06/25/91 ACT COU ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION P2110 PROP DAMAGE GM PRIVATE-JNK INTENT P2120 PRC4' DAMAGE GM INTENT P2130 PROP DAMAGf-GM BUSINESS-UNK INTENT P3110 PROF' DAMAGE MS- PRIVATE UNK INTENT P3120 PROP DAMAGE MS INTENT P3600 LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE-MS 1`0150 THEFT -UNK LVL VAL -FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-UNK PROP T1021 THEFT -MORE 12500- FE-FRM BUILDING -MONEY T1029 THEFT -MORE 52500- FE-FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T1169 THEFT -MORE $2500-FE-FPM WATERCRAFT -0TH PROP T2031 THEFT $2500- FE-FRM COIN MACHINE-MONEY T2169 THEFT •$251 WATfRCRAFT-OTH PROP T4059 THEFT -5250 LESS -MS -FRM YARDS -0TH PROP T40W THEFT -5250 LESS MS-FRM SELF SRV GAS OTH PROP T4159 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS•FRM MOTOR VEHICLE -0TH PROP T4169 THEFT-5250 LESS WATERCRAFT -0TH PROP U1507 THEFT FE BOAT-NO MOTOR - 5201 -5500 U3498 THEFT MS MOTOR 5200 OR LESS 0508 THEFT MS BOAT-NO MOTOR- 4200 nR LfSS Vil'I.'q VEH IHIFT -FE OVTR 2500 SWAT '.,l F Pwk; . L L MTRIZ F(. ...M... ':')I A... PAGE PATROL AREAS - - - - - - - - - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 1 2 1 � 4 5 9 18 1 T 1 T 1 � 1 � 1 T 1 � 1 T 1 3 4 3 1 4 1 T 3 1 1 5 3 1 3 7 1 i 3 1 2 1 2 1 i i 1 LP, P 4 59 90 4 2 7 2 372 0 • 11 I A K RUM: 2- JUL-91 INSTALLATION NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OFF01 , + * , + ISNNS ONLY: NO E N f O R S ITIOW CODES: All AL ACTIVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 05/23/91 THRU 06 /25/91 /-----•-••-••• --• OFFENSES CLEARED •----------- - - - - -/ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL .... BY ARREST - - -- BY TOTAL PERCENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED .. .......................... UNFOUNDED ...... OFFENSES ... .. ....... PENDING .... ... ...... ADULT ..-....--.-.-..-- JUVENILE EXCEPTION ...- ..- ............---- CLEARED CLEARED ....... A5351 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 100.6 ASLT $ ATTEMPTS HRM HANOS - FAM A5352 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100,0 ASLT S - INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM ADLT•ACO A5354 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 ASLT 5 INFLICTS ATTEMPTS HRM- HANDS•CHLD -FAM A5355 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 ASIT 5- INFLICTS ATTEMPTS NRN !:ANDS-CHLD-ACO A5501 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 ASLT S -THRT BODILY NARM -UNK WEAP- AOLT -FAM A5503 1 0 1 1 0 0 ASLT S -THRT BODILY NARM•UNK WEAP- ADLT-STR 1 WOCC 0 1 1 J 0 0 0 RES NO FRC-N -UN WEAP -COM THEFT .0 42364 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 BURG 2-UNOCC RES FRC -N -UNK WEAP -COM THEFT .0 63394 2 0 2 2 0 0 BURG 3-UNOCC RES FRC-U-U':K WEAP•COM THFFT 83794 3 0 3 7 0 0 1 1 33.3 BURG 3-UNOCC NRES fRC-U -UNK WEAP -COM THEFT 83894 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 BURG 3 -UNOCC WRES NO FRC -U-UNk WEAP -COM THEFT ,0 84430 1 0 1 1 0 BURG 4•UNOCC RES NO FRC -D-UNK WEAP-UNK AZT 84990 1 0 1 0 0 BURG 4 -AT FRC RE$ -U LINK WEAP-UNK ACT C1111 2 2 2 0 0 FORGERY -FE MAKE A.!ER DESTROY CHECK-PEPSON C3211 1 1 FUR�FRY�MS U:I PCSSESS PLACE ChFCK- Pf�`CIN 0 �r a'� *'�4�a�r a„ It 4 s�'j',1"'y. : LAKE MINNU UNKA CONURVA HON (W)' h {IC ( IN7iALLAI 1UN NAME - MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 OFF01 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S DISPOSITION CODES: AIL • ACTIVITY ClAl S: ALL OFFEN5E ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 05;23/91 THRU 06/25/91 ACTIVITY C'0fC OFfEN:FS ACTUAL / .............. .. OFFENSES CLEARED ................./ OfSIRIPIION REPGRIED L1NF�A;NDED OFFENSES PENDING - - - -BY ARREST - - -• BY ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED TOTAL PERCENT CLEARED 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 CkIM A fAM M'; NEGLECT OF A CHILD =`' 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 TRAFFIC GM DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J 3` T "IO 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 TkAF ACCID MS DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE Of LlOsx,* MSrJ�,Jt 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 3 100.0 JUVLNItE AT:_nl,oj Offf.kD(R 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 100.0 II�FxKt - OTNfR M5S13 7 0 7 D 0 7 0 7 100.0 JUVENIH Ct)RFfu M'': i llo 1 J i 0 0 RuNauar 0 1 1 100.0• MG'.O1 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 DRUG PARAPHEkNA:.IAPOSSLSS:C)N N3190 5 0 5 4 0 0 1 1 20.0 DISTU48 PEACE MS HARRASi1NG CCJMMUNICATI� P111" 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 9 PRuJP DAMAGE rE PRiVA1E RECtJCf VALU Li;G M .0 P;'110 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 J PROfl CAMAI,f GM PRIVATE INTENT .0 Z 2 0 0 0 O 1NTE.NT .D C D t 0 0 1 100.0 fi 1 1 5.5 v 0 0 .0 in,1^,t r. 1, Ijr4l. .rc,INKA CONt"l:13VA110NDISTRICT vr1 -- 7033 l k Julv 1991 . 1991 MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 3 OFFO1 ...... MY ISA'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S M ON CODES: All ACTIVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 05/23/91 THRU 06/25/91 ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL / - -- ------------ OFFENSES - - - -BY ARREST.... CLEAREU BY ......../ DESCRIPTION REPORTED ................ UNFOU )ED ............................. OFFENSES PENDING ............................... ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION TOTA1 CLFAkED .... PERCENT CLEARED MOO 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 O LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE -MS 10150 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 THEFT -UNK LVL VAL -FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-UNK PROP T1021 1 0 1 0 0 0 O 0 THEFT-MORF $2500- FE-FRM 13UILDING-MONEY T1029 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 THEFT-MORE 52500 -FE -FRM BUILDING-OTH PROP T1?69 1 1 0 0 0 0 TNLFT AORE %25C' FE WATERCRAFT -0TH PROP .0 T2031 1 1 0 0 THEFT- 1125142500-FE -FRM COIN MACHINE-MONEY 4 #Tm i 3 0 0 0 0 WATERCPAFT-OTM PROP .0 .4059 4 4 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT-S250 LESS MS-FRM YARDS•OTH PROP T4099 1 0 0 0 1 1 1DO.0 THEFT -4250 LESS -MS -FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTH PROP 14159 5 C 3 1 0 1 2 40.0 THEFT-S250 LESS-MS-FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-OTH PROP 14169 7 0 7 0 0 u o 0 THEFT - %250 LESS WATERCRAFT -0TH PRUP 01507 1 0 1 0 0 THEFT -FE -BOAT MOTOR4201-%500 U3498 7 0 6 0 0 1 1 14.2 THEFI -MS - BICYCLE °NU MOTOR -5200 OR LESS J3508 1 L' 1 0 0 'HEFT MS BOAT-NO M S:! Q Vu LFy, .0 11029 1 0 1 U i 0 ,EM THE : fT -FE-OVEN .0 • / ''(, , 23 N( /IN / J � . SOUP D HE ML. JM DrAd N LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 9tY, fA'SI WAr1A:AWA,4I YAM) SSA = :ro f gA.,•41A to � •.."voi iflfR000A P12l4rlr ] F -tK,f Nf R 61140LOW.N f rr CUT:A D,f4f.CT(X4 RUM: 2- .NJL -91 INSTALLATION! NAME MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 4 OFFOI .. . 1 / ! F! i ifAy Y PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S DISPOSITION CODES: AIL ACTIVITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 05/23/91 TNRU 06/25/91 /--..... ........ OFFENSES CLEARED - •--- -- -- --- - - -- -� ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL -- BY ARREST-- - BY TOTAL PERCENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES ... .... .. .......... .. .._... PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEARED --- -- -.- ...._ .............. REPORT TOTALS - 108 3 105 68 13 10 14 37 35.2 • i - Ap 4 �d 4�, �. p t Y" F' Yd 4 3 4�.✓! 1 / ! F! i ifAy Y K h tr ( h4� !FT'S S,f, �' 4 � " ' � � T� �. b _ "4r y ' �, e ` c,t. 'K•�' �� �, m �, J t.. ..�. July 3, 1991 TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER FROM: JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR`' RE: JUNE FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT INVESTMENTS The following is June investment activity: Balance June 1, 1991 $6.067,611 Bought: CP 6.10 Due 9 -13 -91 Marquette 224,582 Fed Home Loan t �����:i,. a,rt . . b j����•4 ... . .� 7.08 Due 6 -25 -93 Dain 300,000 CP 6.10 Due 9 -30 -91 Marquette 280,454 Farm Cr 6.90 Due 6 -28 -93 SheLrson 200,000 CD 7.00 Due 3 -1 -93 Mound 250 Matured: CD 7.40 4M Fund (100,000) CD 7.95 Mound (400,000) CP 6.13 Marquette 1327,924). Balance June 30, 1991 $6,494,723 1992 BUDGE Work began on the 1992 budget in June. After tt,e May Firian Reports were processed, budget workshec - -I.s we, e distribute,' to all departments. To comply with "truth - in- taxation' l�,w�, wc? ;r:u;;t certify our proposed levy by the end of Augu.-J i will then mail out taxation notices to all,ro�r.rty budget hearings will be held in late During 1991 our Local Government Aid (L,GV $72,000. This cut came after tt,e adopt The 1992 tax bill also include S aFE;roX, r �. cuts. However, the legislature diu 1 A ���� J.:'w�rh.i J t �����:i,. a,rt . . b j����•4 ... . .� Finance Department Monthly Report July 3, 1991 for the upcoming LGA cuts. Also, the 1992 tax bill did contain a more restrictive levy limit for cities. In previous years, a 3% increase or household growth increase was added to the previous year's levy :imit. For 1992, the grown, clause was deleted. Therefore, the total 1992 revenues from taxes and LGA will be equal to what we should have received in 1991 before the LGA cuts. JN:ls LI t July 2, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK Cam' RE: JUNE MONTHLY REPORT There were l regular Council Meetings in June. Packet preparation was done for each of these meetings. Minutes were prepared after each meeting. There were follow -up items from each meeting. Councilmember Jessen and I attended the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference in Rochester. The theme was "Coming Together - Building on Common Ground ". There were good sessions to attend, interesting speakers and good comradery. June was a very busy month for me. Mound City Days took up part of my time. I think it was a really excellent weekend and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Civic pride prevails again. The 1992 Budget process started and all the budget pages were updated and distributed to the Department Heads. I worked on updating the Mound Code of ordinances and that will be in your hands this week. I met with Ralph Turnquist regarding the well site property behind the old Donnie's Restaurant. He has expressed interest in purchasing this parcel. The parcel is in the middle of his parking lot and should go with that property. There were the usual calls from residents and questions from the general public on property, cemetery, research iterns, and other various issLres. f. c • �.. h 4f."��.9�,1 Sy r tsn, +�, ♦ 9 6" ^ 4 r '� �y� �`i�ie'n!���' ,�.►' d.� °ts� �a�t , .4��Y � P! .�7:�L arMa.'� ��, k A at.. s.��. � .. v -Yt'�' , _ �+'�d'Sa'� r�, July 2, 1991 c rn Or ,N is A INI � TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; Greg Bergquizt Mechanic SUBJECT; June's Activity Report POLICE DEPT. 840 - 90 Pontiac - brakes, battery and oil change 841 - 89 Pontiac - 2 batteries, alternator, ignition switch and oil ch;,nge 842 - 90 Pontiac - spot light repair, radar unit mount, battery and oil change 843 - 89 Pontiac - brakes (front & back), dash repair, service 846 - 91 Chev. - o change & luhe 60 - 89 S 10 - repair light bar STREET DEPT. #8 - 85 Ford L 8000 repair fuel linkage #10 - 920 Cat Loader - signal, stat flasher #31 - 84 Ford LTD - alternator SEWER & WATER #11 - 87 Chev. , PU - lower radiator #30 - 70 Ford Rodder - battery PARKS #12 - 78 Ch v. 1 tun - St at f � r ri t 727 Howard mower rFpai reel hydt a r 1 t 1 i r F., to i �" , take off shaft I 1,111 It water holdiny tank: r -i r l l nj , f Ot - 7(e5 > Y is • r� a 9�v'�. •f�M��'34 �r ��xY W ,.� ix • CITY (ANKA "NI) July .', 1991 TO; Ed Shukle City Manager FROM; Geno Hoff Street Supt. SUBJECT; June's Activity Report This has been a very busy month. We have alot of stir -of repairs that are underway and also some storm sewer work. The first faze of the Tuxedo project got underway the 'rd. Ryan Construction repaired 4 existing catch basins and • installed 3 new ones. They also layed about 300' of 12" storm sewer. The 7th the City crew repaired a storm sewer open ditch by the water tower on Evergreen Rd. The heavy rains that we received in the month of May caused the ditch to wash away the banks and erode some private property. To solve the problem we layed about 30' of petro -mat and lined the rlitrh with rip-rap, this should take care of the wash. The 17th G.M.H. Construction started to remove the blacktop curb & sidewalk for the Tuxedo project. According to the schedule we got from the contractor it would take them 2 day_: to do the work, wrong, it took them 2 weeks. We have received many complaints about the way things are being done on the job, everything from traffic control to not being ably- to use their driveways on weekends. The City has 11o1pee1 them out a couple of times because they didn't havo the eq uipment. or materiel available 'it_ the time. Hennepin County started to work on Bait.lFtt Bivd. t.hp 1701. Thoy plan to ro;-pair blacktop r hi n`1 and add f a 1 *111 1 ti'a who-if neoderl, th—Y als( plan I'll a 2' t1 err t t anc-o to Moitnd Bay Pater w -, t t (, Eta 1 t �'ad A'. 1 n minn"t i IFta. skrnnot an'1 my :�z«l f at SpF'ft''11i1'a rl'u t 0, ,il') t � t i rnI� w i t h t 1 c01111t y TI��, r'ity ("I - full` °•lt F-d t it i y 1990 1990 1991 19 "W"M • r.�3nst Lu<_•tion meeting wit Bituminous Roadway and at that t. im'. wo will ho able to final oIII wl►Pn they can start.. Wf� 11a11 0111 street swPepPLS out for a couple of days spLu ing r►p t 11P (i"1►t own at ea get t i"(4 t PadY for Mound City Days. SIGN WORK Pt►t up 3 Farmers Market. signs, 3 No Parking, 1 street sign complete and , traighten out Public Works sign. c'F.M! TEPY WORK 3 graves and 5 stones, a l s o p1;shPrl the cllrmp area. L r 1 -1-7C- j ; (TV) ( )l NV)[ "NI ) PARKS DEPARTMENT JUNE 1991 MONTHLY REPORT Parks With the summer parks program and the lifeguarns at t:he beaches beginning the first part of June, the amount of nvi i nt:enance In- creased to these areas. Each beach is cleaned d, i 1 y throughout the work week and mowing has to be done in the Pariy morning or afternoon to not interfere with the program. The planter at the depot building is complete, the city crew worked along with the Jaycees to put this improvement in. We have had some compliments on it. The Parks Department worked with the Around Mound Run to furnish the satellites and garbage removal. Everything went very well and the coordinators expressed their appreciation for the city's help. Mound City Days saw the Parks Department providing the satellites added to the Mound Bay Park and to the amusement ride area. The parks crew did all the garbage removal from these two areas throughout the weekend. Again, everything went well and the City has been thanked for its help. Dock The water level has greatly helped the dock program. A11 sites are usable again. With the water ievel going up so fast, it has created a lot of work for the dock inspe( There are many docks under water, docks damaged by wave non- registered boats being tied to docks and unpaid for sites being used. All of these things are requiring a lot of not..ices being sent and reinspections for compliance. Tree Renx)va 1 There were 27 trees schedu 1 e.d for r eir; � , ! i t r 1unf!. Thirteen of these were from one forced ! . er v i ce is a bit bchind i!7 5cfWd1jl(?d work due t tyr�,iF,rr, t r.•,k1,wrr. C F rnr t E Wt -j[f sti 11 Fernl3 �i prc>t,!Frr w t tir.irrrhr�r ar)(I (I c I i Tt�r�rt Eire �,i(, j r) . -j t t nt.r r r, i t f' t o i r;y �lk,�r = '�e�r1. 1r) F)rit i i F,d dum;, i n of f (he cemetery. to the fence /7 11 1) f C, K I N F o A 1 xM1 11 1) f C, K I N F o C J U) 14 N 10( 'NI) aim DATE: JULY 5, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER, CITY COUNCIL G? 1 FROM: JON SUTHERLAND, BUILDING OFFICIAL SUBJ: JUNE 1991 MONTHLY REPORT CONSTRU Ic UM I In June 37 building permits were issued for a total valuation of $627,716. This valuation is up approximately 21% from June of 1990 Total valuation for the year is down about 20% compared to last year. There were 23 plumbing, mechanical and miscellaneous permits issued for a total of 60 permits issued in the month of June. • This resulted in over 100 related inspections by this department. Not including inspections by our plumbing inspector or Metro West Inspection Service PLAN X r G-4-201M The Planning Commission was very busy with variance requests, a preliminary review of the proposed draft of a Truth in Sale of Housing ordinance. A public hearing was conducted on the proposed rental licensing and maintenance ordinance. In addition the Planning Commission is seeking a new member to replace Bill Thal who has retired, we thank Bill for his years of dedicated service to the Planning Commission and the City of Mound. IBAMAG-ARD- MEMEGS I attended the regular building officials one half day monthly meeting and the one half day meeting for the Brard of Directors of the Lake Country Chapter of Bui ldi rig Of f i c i al s. JS:ls [1 / - 7 � r ' 04 , !4f � "� � P A 1 J Iw°} y$J • E 11 CI TY OF MOUND 53 m1a f i Kem : MN BUILDIN3 ACTIVITY REPGRT 1991 L ......... 3 7 4� 4 6 44 ,4 ;6 J, TOW r6oft u"m 3 3 252,;11 �4 �Ia A .4.. L Npkft - ------ TOW Ne"•ffAv 7 198,5 T I I 1 000--- 28,180 -- 7 - 7 SU5 23 -- 3 1 2 , G1° 82 1 32 F!, 48 3 '31,3;5 " 4 a "I"" (DET, I P EC KS 5 0 0 108,900 346.630 _. . - ' __, 28, 3 5 f—MISC Remodel is Tow 11o0"'I.0 , &S o l ALTIMAT I mo~ pop 31 -.1 .7 . Tom No* ows4•m60 3 k IN AND 1 37 627, 716 74 CONVERSIONS 8 T t - t Ar Tow cofto,04AI 0940LfT1oms Tow 00-4•tw" FERMI?& Ihi _COLLECTIC%S Fences/walls TWA, J, �4 �Ia A .4.. I. AKF. N1 INNE IONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT ) J (rnr ;t inue(I) • 473 -7033 E:VE.N SC ItE1)ULE JUL 1 'July, 1991 Moi) 1 6:30 Pm MYC X -Boat race - Main Lake Tuf 2 6:00 pm MYC race - rdain Lake Wcd 3 5:00 pm Bags Tournement - Goose Island 6:00 pm MYC race - Main Lake Thu 4 10:00 am MYC race - Main lake 11;00 am U,"' race - East Bay 2:00 pm MYC race - Main Lake Fri 5 6:00 pm MYC race - Main Lake Sat 6 10:00 am MYC race - Main take 10:00 am WYC race - Big Island 2:00 pm MYC race - Main lake 2:00 pm UYC race - East Bay Sun 7 10:00 am MYC race - Main Lake 10:30 am UYC race - East Bay 1:30 pm WYC race - Main Lake Mon 8 6:30 pm MYC X -boat race - Main Lake iue 9 6:0'J pm MYC race - Main Lake Wed :,; 5:00 pm Brass Tournement - Goose Island 6:00 pm MYC race - Main lake 6:30 1) in LIYC, race East Bay 7 .) 11 All dray practice for Flying Scott District Regatta 12:30 pm MYC X -boat race - Big Island 6 :15 pin WYC race - Main Lake Fri 12 Al day Flying Scott District Regatta 6:00 pin MYC X -boat race - Big Island Sat. 1.3 A11 day Flying; t Dist rIct k.e�,atta I it to :00 I.., W 1 t ital :} 41 ) J (rnr ;t inue(I) • LAKE MINNEIONKA CONSLIIVATION 1)ISIHICT 473 - 71).33 E v E F T S Ju Tue 16 9:00 ;.am "fiC racy 1:00 pm if 3 :00 pn it 6:30 pm R`iC Laser S C H E D U I L F ly, 1991 cco fit inut..'.) - M 011 1:1kc (Mtalory Cup trial: of race. - Main Like Wed 17 5:00 .m Bass Tournoment - Coose Island 6:00 pm MYC race - M,tin I ake 6:30 pm UYC race West }' Thu 18 6:15 pm WY!' rrtce - !lain Lake Fri 19 10:00 am WYC Aquatc.'nial Cup Regatta - Matn i.akc 1: 00 pm it of 3:00 om " Sat 20 10:00 Zm WYC Acquateniai Cup Regatta Main Lake 10:00 am MYC X -Goa: T.R.A.S.11. Regatta - Big Island East Channel 1:00 pm 4YC Aquatenial Cup ,egatta - Main Locke 1.00 pm MYC X -boat T.R.A.S.H. Regatta - Big Island East CF.<innel 3:00 pm MYC A -boat T.R.A.S.H. R- ,gotta Big island East Channel 2:00 pm UYC race - Eas;t. B ;ty Sun 21 9:00 am MY( X- i,�� ;tt 'i.F;,A.S.Ii. Rc�1�,atta - Big Islsr)d East Channel 10:00 am WYC A.qurttcnl;tl Cup l.r,kc 10:30 am 11 YC' rage - F:a Bay 1:00 pm WYC Aquatc•nial Cup Main 1.a4 1:0i) 1,m NYt. X4,1 ;tt 'I.R.A.S.H. Regatta - lit g D,. lam,] East Channel 3 :00 pm ci'it_; X -beat 'T. R..A.S.H. Regatta - Big Island East Channel Mon 22 9:30 :Im MYC J -? , t•lallory G,_,p Se.-J's - Main Lake Tue 23 9:30 am 'TfC .) -1.4 MaIIf)ry `'i_m Semi's - Main Lakcz 6 :00 pm MYC 1,iI s; C : Mal Tory Cup S tni's - Main Lake. Wed 24 5:()(_) In Bass Tc m n•ut - Goose lsl;ind 6: 00 pm MYI, ra. c - Main Lako 6:30 1) 1IYC t_ Bay Thu 25 6: 1 `'; 1-i WYC Ma i n 1 ";i'r.� Fri 2 10 1._. Sat 27 W i!; t' Big 1 s 1 an Race 10; 01) acs Mfi M'; i I.;a!'.e S (1: W) ":it; r.i• M; tin l.;cke luc• 'j,i ��:'' }- Iii 1 �• . i . "...rt 1. ;11'c' F,_In `i1 % J � • r R•r� d iwE �¢ �, is M y ,ti c Rx 'ak et i i � s ' a V V 1 r •ty '.r Y' - Al h { *• �' .f4 y la A l ' 6 M iPIA"R'16�L9I":��i ' 'SJL4 ��' .� _ Y ^ V • .. I— M.C.D. 4FFTING SCUNDULK .July 1991 Monday 8 I.MCD Board of Directors' review of proposal to Long -Term 11, 7:09 p.m., #160 Norwest Bank Build Saturday 13 Water Structures 6 Environment Con 7:30 n.m., #135 Norwest Batik Builc Monday 15 Meeting o Interested Board membe litigation settlement vs. LMCD. Meeting wil 8:00 a.m., #160 Norwest Bank Bui; Monday 15 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m., #1 ?5 Norwest Bank Bui Wednesday 17 LMCD Response to Cities' Draft to Long, -Term Manage 7:30 p.m., Minnetonka City lia'. Tentative; notice c Friday 19 Eurasian Water Milfoil Ti.sk ho? 6:30 a.m., #135 Norwest Bank 11 Wednesday 24 LMCD Board of Directors' Rego 7:30 p.m., To,.ka Bay City Hal 6 -28 -91 � P I,J9 draft Program , ata 1'.`7at8 1 Cuss Of St. Albans Bay sed to the public. yzata yzata d Changes III 3yzata 'Y 1 WOO W0AbJW a w H. 'w n, ' , M, C.'SA. Allen p f OYr Y. � 6:t,A. a+t��AV•n DM" ROX OCA. SM 71A " PAM1 JAn fh>,%k"k Yr.y YwylcrA.a Eiw • 00,40 Ram* yooe4 Mrm 8/ar9n T0*4 PAT 3" CAW kiww w* Am* w 6rnr E.ar,w Xk +rn kkr ;;u e rr —ft YAni: c, w,y1A:A Rpt K PiAt..,, M _ v —, Rut." ii w x,, shu.~,X, rho," w ROB. Mann} Roan EI Sty - wa r« 9MfASIYVAYjATA"AfvA14) SIAM 160 *A.,'AtA fw041 Iflfnow filp /471mm E Mil N1 R. 61 ROMMEM f KT CUT IV[ MWCTOR RECT JUN" G tj SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, ;991 YOU AND YOUR GUEST ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC OFFICIALS LAKE TOUR AND LUNCHEON on MINN&'TONKA hostu.l by the LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT All Aboard at 11:30 AM Return to Port at 2:30 PM at the LAFAYETTE CLUB DOCK Counter Road 15, Minnetonka Beauil (please obsF:rve designate I d p,_Vrr - , J : <:rr "F : ;} Please RSVP by Friday, July 26, including guest's name, 41:3 - 7 1033, 7 r t f � lT r7'•'t�t't�''7M1+Tr•�11 y,si`d t �: .y ''* �" 4# �'trr + LAKE MI NNETONKA CONSERVA Y I ON U I': l P l t'1 June 28, 1991 R'D J 1 19 TO : MernbeI. Mull i c i pa I i t i es FR ON" : Treasurer Jan Boswinkel SUBJECT: 1992 i,MCD BUDGET Your UNCD Board of Directors is plQased t ellclosr its 1992 annual budget adopted at its regular meet June 26, 1991. Advance copier, of a prelirn�nary discussion budget draft were submitted =a month in advance to all municipalities May 31. As a result of this advance budget draft. distribution, municipal response has been received and given full consideration. Particular discussion centered over the future funding of the Eurasian water milfoil weed control program and its budget. The Board reconsidered its earlier position on private contributions. It recognizes that income source as a continuing_, potential. The reduction in city contributions is being made up by private contributions. The board further expects greater private contributions are available than budgeted, but will hold them as potential back-up to any other a #-envy budgeted shortfall. It intends to make every effort to secure the reclutLed aF >,vticy financial backing, particular)} from lfeiinepin county, "N 1)NR and possibly other new agenr:i -s. Again, city support in this regard will be key to its st►c'cess . Changes which have been incorporated are: Rf:t[tiU1 : I, I'll CD Communiti Admn Levy F.uras iatt Water Xi l foi l Program: (' � t'� ±n 1 r ion St�►te & Regional Ap Private SoI icIta1 ion 1t1 "R!'p:;[ �:{ N]1;: !;:t 1 .1 r i .; I m I r ii f i r �'�,t r i c►t ii >n f' r i n t i t i ►� 11II 1992 Proposed 1U1,422 AO,000 170.000 -0- 10 0 1 7 , 0!) ? . 000 r�tlr) 1992 Adj. Adopted % 107,230 3 63,000 -21 170,000 0 17,000 104,500 4 i •1 , 000 1 3 1 .(iu0 17 70t) l6 • • 0 / - 7 -/y LMCD Budget Transmittal, G /28/91, P. 2 Hennepin Parks, while not ruroe,,ni2ed in the aetl,31 d')1l »r portion of the budget, contributes ticaIII in - kind support by providing its new wired h -it :t err, oEar rat 1 f a• l and all operating maint enance and det fe. >r thr> 1'101 operation, comparable support provided in 1990. In the event publ is agency respon� ;e f Eel Is short (,)f t lire budgeted $ 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 , the weed h a r v e s t p r o t � r a m w i l l 1')" 1 ( evaluated. This wi I 1 be determined in advance of t 1„• program start in close coordination with member c It, it's The LMCD Board undt,rstands that several cities are willinf t <, step up to the need to fund the 1992 F,urasian water miIf)II weed control program over and abov(� t he same al 1 ciw, n( , , budgeted for 1991. It ren,,l)ectfuI Iv rncourar,vs t hs)5e it i ��. willing to make this additional volunteer cont r1t)ijti()n t advise LMCD of its intent at an early date. Distribution of expenses, provided in the preliminary draft. 6/18/91, were found to be distributed incorrectly due to :, misunderstanding by using Assessed Market Value. The correct distribution is based upon Net Tax Capacity, which is the percent of property market value. This value varies arnong properties Such as residential, commercial and industrial. It results in a revised amount for each city. We do point out. that Net Tax Capacity was the distribution used in the 1991 budget. The attached excerpt_ of the MN Laws governing LMCD's budget, funding and expense distribution is attached. LMCD Chair Dave Cochran ioi ns w t- i the eat i re Rr,. rd i to thanking each city council fur• its thouF,htful revi#�w of tht- District s funding regitiremonrs. xxx r1 U �.r.� A{ , , ;; ti r 409 LANNS of MINNESOTA fur 1990 Ch. 391, Art. 2 FNII'I.m EFAS. T he duties of the district mad he executed by empYCC lo of the m unici alities. MIN L 1967, c 907, sec 41 - — " Subd. 2. EXPENSES, The expenses of the distri:t shall be borne by the municipalities. The portion of the ex Krises of the district borne by each munic- ivall must be in proRnrtion to its net tax can7citY Lrt ovided that the onion of any 2r Le municipality may pot h r_nore than 20 �crcent of the Total ex rise or less than X100. (NIN L 1967, c 907, sec 4; NIN L 1969, c 272, sec i1 Sec. 54. 1103B.6351 FUNDING OF DISIkICr. Subdivision I. BUDGET. The board must. on or before July I each itar prep are and submit a detailed budget of the di strict's needs for the next calendar year to the governin bodY of each municipality in the district with a statement of the proportion of the bu_ d to be rovided by each municipality. the governing body of each municip in the district shall review the budget and the board, uoon notice from a mu must hear obiections to the badxet. After the hearin the tward max modify or amend the budget. Notice must be iven to the munic of modifications or amcndrnents. 11ti1N L lL 1967. c 907, sec 51 Subd. 2. MUNICIPAL FUNDING OF DISFRICf. W Li ove rning body or board of super __ o_f each municp in the district must provide the funds necessary to meet its prer irlrtion of the total cyst dct bj the board. t_bj ,it munrtipahtj may raise the funds by any means that the nwnicipality has to raise funds The rnunicrpaIitics matt cash levy a tax not to exceed .(X)242 percent of taxable niarket value on the Taxable propertylocated in the district for landing the dr_slrict Th __ - e Iced must be within all other limitations p by law Lcj The funds must be deposited in the treasury of the district in am ounts an at d times as the tic asurer of the distri ret uires. (:SIN L 1967, c 907, sec S; NIN L 1969, c 271, sec 4� Sec. 55. 110311.6411 REGULAIIONS OF DISIRICL Subdivision I. AU I IIORI I V AND EFFF('G La The district may admit rules and r to effectujte the purpose of its establi and the owers granted to the district. [b1 I he rules and rcy�ufarrons halve the effect of an ordinance if declared b the board of dnectors of the district and stated in the rule or !S&ratron_ tc1 - 1 tic rubs and regulations of Ihr d��,tr�ct nra� be enforcrd by the district b iujunui�,n ua ad�ftu�ul to p,naltics and r this u:Imn 1NIN 1, 1969, c 272, _. sec 61 _ - - _.. . -_. Su1 ! AU(,al'11Oti' Ill?()( F fit 'I(f I:al �a, n,!c nr r:gul.t ;non nwst hr - Ill rA lc!rd Pitt AKrdph n t s iit It r t ' I Ne» f�ngva, • is indi ; Alt d ha �� drlrlr�rns ha µ. I yV 1, AKF M INN };TuNKA CONS F.RVA "I'1ON DISIRICI 1992 AdminI s trati % Bildrret 1990 1990 1991 1992 REVENUE Bit df;et Actual Itudget. Proposed LMCD Communities Ad►nn Levy 89,490 89,490 103,8'2 107,'230 EW Mi1foi1 Program: City Contributions 60,000 60,000 63,000 63,000 Other Public Agencies 115,000 83,5) 0 10'',000 170,000 Private Solicitation 50,000 49,912 85,000 17,000 Court Fines 40,000 40,706 35,000 38,000 Licenses & Permits 80,OUO 76,338 65,000 85,000 Interest 10,000 13,257 8,000 8,000 Shoreland Rules, DNR Agreernont. -0- - 0 - 45,000 20,000 1 Shoreland Rules, DNR Admn /Cons. -0- - 0 - 15,000 10,000 1 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 444,490 413,253 521,825 518,230 1 (Carry -over from 1991 Shoreland Grant A)�reenu to h.. >1„ nt in 1992) DISBURSEMENTS Administration Personnel Services Salaries 84,060 84,965 100,500 104,500 Employer Benefit Contr. 13,810 13,934 14,8x)0 17,000 2 TOTA1, PERSONNEL SERVICES 97,870 98,f399 115,300 121,500 2 (Proport.ionate increase, plus orte expen�ro underr-stinrAt I 91) Cor►t race►►:► I Sery i cvn Office Lease {,140 4,130 9,600 10,130 3 Utilities, Janitorial 1,080 1,386 1,500 -0 4 Recorder, Temp Secy, Aectg 9,830 7,448 6,575 5,550 5 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES 15,050 12,964 17,675 15,680 3 (Lease subject to 4.5t annual increase) 4 (Items now included in new office lease) 5 (Eliminated temp lake inspector , outside accts for quarterly reports, now done in house; audit. done by outside contractor) Office & Admini .t.rative Office, General Supplies 2,900 4,668 3,07`i 3,500 Telephone 1,400 1,430 1,475 2,350 6 Post ago 1 ,900 3, ]0U 2,280 4,000 7 Printing 1,500 1,675 1,500 1,80() Lvga l Not i c es. 1 , 000 2 .2 70 500 2 , 700 8 Mainten:ence, Office F'1111p 1 ;tJt) 93; 3,400 1,700 9 Suhr:cript IOn':, Xf-1111'4-1 11 1 p; lt) _'5 210 200 Mile,rr�e, Fxl,eri•, lr. +ininr I tOU l 7W. 2. 16() MO '101AI C>f fc'F F. AIs,: 15,110 20,82.9 19,850 2 /-/ 6 (Add third line for FAX and increased phone service dpm'fnd'' 7 (Anticipate more mail communications with increased fees; underestimated 1991 budget) 8 (Anticipate more code amendrnent.s, public hear irig not ire; for variances, new duck licenses; underestimated 1991 hndj�4.t) • 9 (Over -est imated computer mair►tenr ►nce costs in 1991 br►dfYet ) 1990 1990 1991 199 Suds,et Actual fsud f,ed Capit.al Out lay Furniture, Equip. 2,500 2,914 3,000 1,000 10 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 2,914 3,000 2,000 10 (Provision for minor equipment upgrades) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 130,630 135,606 155,825 162,930 Legal Legal Services 18,000 15,493 20,000 18,000 Prosecution 13,500 25,443 20,000 25,000 11 Process Service 1,400 42 500 300 TOTAL LEGAL. 32,900 40,978 40,500 43,300 11 (Prosecution underestimated in 1991 budget, expense related to revenue) Consulting Services: Long Tarns Management. Plan 42 , 960 34 , 813 -0- -0- 12 Shoreland Rules Consultant -0- 270 12,500 10,000 1* TOTAL CONSULTING SVC 42,960 35,083 12,500 10,000 12 (Consulting service complete as Management Plan adol in 1991) 13 (Carry over from 1991 Shoreland Grant. Agreement eons;rrlting service to be spent in 1992) Lake Data Collection /Publication Aerial Survey Lake Use Study -0- -0- - 0 - 1:,000 14 Wet land Jnventory Mapping -0- -0- _1t_ Public Informat i 1 15,000 2,083 5,001) "i Public Access Use Studies 5,000 -0- 4,000 4,(100 TOTAL COMMITTEES 20,000 2,083 9,000 20,500 14 (Aerial survey to be re- instituted on every-other year basis witkt return of normal water levels, esti mat Ifig coe;t comp'lrat Contingency At approx. 5e of Admn Disb. 12,`t00 1,077 9,000 11.5�t0 TOTAL CONIINGENCY 12,900 1,077 9,tJU0 11,500 TOTAL ADMIN. DIS81)12SEMENT 239, 390 `114,877 226,875 2"'it :'3() 0 C7 0 o 11 51 � , ') ! i s / _./ Y c �$'a.�;� "'�.,,� . .ec� �. � h C : , .Y � . .r��. � ..' �...,.'N.•:k�`�a. ,.�,'a.i'�P ►4 �'��S »'`'nST + %�t�.�a 1990 1990 1991 1992 Budget. Actual Budget Proposed Eurasian Wal er Mi 1 Ioi 1 (EWM) Weed 11arver:t i n !'rogratit Barge So -0- -0- I it, ,000 114,000 © Tr 62,400 54,400 32,000 32,000 1 (r1'so11 no1 68,175 65,284 45,000 45,000 Admit , UC Ins, FICA 39,170 49,769 31,000 31,000 14 0[)erat ion Su1)1)1 ies 25, 355 21 ,260 16,000 16,000 Contingency 10,000 -0- 12,000 12,000 TOTAL EWM DISBURSEMENI'S 205,100 190,713 250,000 250,000 14 (Adjusted 1991 anti 1992 item to delete $13,000 in ad►nn salary chargeback to FWM budt,vt) Shoreland Rules Shoreland Rules City Grant Agreement Reimbursement -0- -0- 45,000 20,000 TOTAL SNORELAND REIMB -0 -0 45,000 20.000 15 15 (Carry over to 1992 budget) TOTAL COMBINED DISBURSEMENT 444,490 405,540 521,825 518,230 C7 0 o 11 51 � , ') ! i s / _./ Y c �$'a.�;� "'�.,,� . .ec� �. � h C : , .Y � . .r��. � ..' �...,.'N.•:k�`�a. ,.�,'a.i'�P ►4 �'��S »'`'nST + %�t�.�a r, ; ; • TOTAL SHARE OF $170,2.30 13,244 5,328 2.621 34,046 3,626 11,270 15,015 30,165 16,937 4,018 • 6,112 4,953 18,504 4,391 170,230 ��� s � t + y 'b' i tt � l�+t} dr +•f" y,�y/ �G"' i .� CAKE MINNEI'ONKA CONSERVA'T'ION DISTRICT 1992 Rudpet . l)1StrihttLiojk of Expense NET TAX . OF TOTAL A1)P,IN EWN CAPACITY NFf TAX SHARE: OF SNARE. Of CAPACITY $107.230 $63,000 Deeph.aven 6,303.113 7.78 8.343 4,901 Excelsior 2,538.336 3.13 3,356 1.972 Greenwood 1,247,268 1.54 1,651 970 Minnetonka 67,249,959 20.00 21,446 12.600 Mtka. Beach I,728.106 2.13 2,284 1,342 Minnetrista 5,367,462 6.62 7,099 4.171 Mound 7,148,129 8.82 9,458 5,557 Orono 14,378,759 17.72 19,001 11,164 Shorewood 8,070,339 9.95 10,669 6,268 Spring Park 1,913.039 2.36 2.531 1,487 Tonka Bay 2.909,857 3.59 3,850 2.262 Victoria 2,362.547 2.91 3.120 1,833 Wayzata 8.816.260 10.67 11.676 6.848 Woodland 2,097,909 2.58 2,7(..6 1,625 Totals 132,131.10.3 100.00 107.230 63.000 Less Mtk;i. ( 67,249,959 ) BaIan for 13 c ities 64.8P,I.14i r, ; ; • TOTAL SHARE OF $170,2.30 13,244 5,328 2.621 34,046 3,626 11,270 15,015 30,165 16,937 4,018 • 6,112 4,953 18,504 4,391 170,230 ��� s � t + y 'b' i tt � l�+t} dr +•f" y,�y/ �G"' i .� 1) 0 0 W - A) FQ LAKLh11NNF_10NKA(J)fa!,k ?1 0 WATER STRUCTU11ES & 1 N V I R 0 N M FN F C0MMIFFEE AGENDA Saturday, July 13, 1"91 (community Room 0135, horwc P ink ftui Iding 900 E Wayzata Hivri ( F.levator access for band h .,prod, use_ west entrance, 'A.i� rat a 10 - ,d ) ENVIRONMENT Eurasian W a t e r Mi 1 f of 1 Task force Rc,pw I f!" i r Reese 1. Operations Progress A. Weed growtIt rate and offr -ct ,u �i-1u1e 2. Funding Progress 3. Additional Business WATER STR UC - 1'U1t 1` ;; 1. Chairman Report A. Committee priorities and t i;oment of Subcommittees 1) Three /four watercraft r"l review Code Sect. 2.02 Shoreline Requirements 2) Wetland inventoriw 3) Review license fc fe,r ' "t'2 incre 4) Procedures 2. Pub i e Ficsar rt> Popc,r t . r -, i o -w report and recommend to the Board A. Nagel Setback 6arianrv. 21W Byron Circle, St. Albans Bay, GI0- c -nwc>od (11ovispd survey to be provided by Nagel at 7/13 mtg) 3. Mutt i pl e Dock f,i cen�:v(( s A. Lakeside Marina, Maxwell Bay, Orono 1) Compliance progress report on reconfiguration and repositioning 2) Request to make minor structural changes on dock B. Gayle's Marina multiple dock license renewal application, recommending approval subject to: 1) receipt of certified dock survey 2) removal of posts marking channel to gas dock (see Code Sect. 2.07 Temporary Structures attached) C. RDP Par1ners,'1'pper Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club multiple dock license renewal, application: recommending approval subject to prov of ameni per Order of 7/26/89 D. The ILI Vim r:af�e Hotio-owners Assn. multiple dock ricense renewal a1c1 1 ic stihiect. to approval of: I) V.ir l inc err Ao W i t h Cert i f i ed dock survey 2J i« ";Iry I )w V4it Varlarnre - 34 extens►on to 12 total ( ii<<ri , nnt all r.c1 hc care increase of water 1pvel above 928.0 ' ) 4 . Add i t -n i 1 Pli i 7 > 91 • • July 3, 1991 LAKE MINN FFONK A A I ION 1) IS I I? 1C1' TO: X I • Irl i, (. 1 `"11:1 1 c I pa i I I I ,, A ttic C t Y A (i lit I i I DR l,xel ur 1 1) i 1 C I '' T SUBJ F (I i tee C 1) t t J e t 1! v The minimurn t i ill v it I Ili. 111fl. ._I, I it ind 111116• 28 ma i I i fit of t lit 19 LXCI) PljAp(. I : ,, 1: 1 1 "d 11 11111" Irl: N(it i n f o r rita t i o i i i i ) r r ( - c t I c) i t - , ws� w I ; I I i , , I I ; t i m e 1) v I ) r o the budget all-f-.141N. pr')vid"d %(,11 1 ') % "lir .411if coutic i I member; 1t I ; 1) ( ; I b i I h i lit i % ha a I readv made dist.ri biit I won . i n w h ic h c :i p; 4 %,, !it i N ito- i 4� I Y k v p t h e a t t a c h e d f or % o u r ;id (I I I i tia I I v t i t, I .il If not 1) 1 ea s f destroy t he py - v i mi 1 1 , ' % I d .d '' Intl ;III t i , I t 4. t he copies bv I it g 1, r o v I (I f (I a t 11 1 s t III!, Th v r P i s no c I I :I t) p! (. i t 11 f, I i I f Wiit 1. Adopt ed" i o; i it s e r t v d I it i c I it it d 1 r t he 199 b u dg et co I unin . The a v c o fit p a it v i it P cour i . ... .. 1 11 c 1 lido. I lif- 1 991 Bit if g o' ruml I) t �l t h'. I I wh I li hildi'vi 4 were I licorlmr-It f.(] t ro I ll, 1 r " I f t I Ma v 28. 'III o ''A iirnn ll' I !r I it it "d dil t () pa c o i III i t a I I on �; . il !111, 1 t d v I'l I Ill-, t he b u 411" e t i t em I) v 1 11 J! )m I r i I I - ! f I r I I I v I n dr 4 r In I it 4 any pe r c ent 1j,i it j— ;i I f •11 1 Al f it I I' I You w i 1 1 a t! a I I I i t h t I t i t tits v i ! i i i i i i A w i i i I r;i t iv V o v v amount. was rt-duct1 I -, :i i it( hs I W) I I)lIds"ot compared to (l t r 7, i ll t lif t 1�.i I a r 1 % , a d j u s L ni e n t i; r 111 c 1 1 1 f) of 5 9. o v e r - a l l A I m i , I !I f n c r v a Shou 11 t 0 V I, W of t ho� a d t ' I It In i % "ll -1 " 1 1 lip N Nit' • • LAKE: M I NNETONKA t'1 Nf F..kVA 11 ON it I I P I CI June 28, 1991 1'0: Meiulwr `?un i c i pa l i t i f . FR ON : Treasurer Jan Boswinkel :.u,it jEC,T: 1992 ).YCD BUDCP.•1 Your 1, Cl) Board of Directors is pleas—i 1- , n• ,innual budget adopted at its regular meet into Advance cot) ies of a preliminary dirctlssi(in i „idr,•t submit1.ed a mont.lt in advance to all 11113 nic i As a resin t of t hi s advance budget draf t. Il i st r i 1 ti 1 ml.nicipal respon has been received and Fi v1-n i 1ii i consideration. Particular Aiscu -i(in cantered over the fut i und i I Eurasian water miIfoiI weed control progr.ln) - 1nd it•. 1 ,.i;•, Tito Board r e c , ill ; 1 d o r e d its earl f o r posit 1 +7 11 H ti pi i% i t r• contributions. It recognizes that income 1jrco 1'.. , continuing potential. Tlw rodUCilon 111 c dill!'! }"11 :r being made up by private contribut ions. - rill , bo:lvd f iir + !1 expects grvatcr private contributions are av:ii t:lhl,• l i budl,eted, but w 1 1 hold them as potent ial bac4 - 111' t„ _,n• othr.r :I1(1'ncv budget Pd short f a 1 1 . I t i 11 X11,1 , 1 o 1111(:+• ,• I , effort to secitre t he raquire agency f in•anc I a1 1-14 111 part ic111 from lir•nni - pin County, YN DNP and ibly „+h - i new ap_,eit ciC. Again, city support in this rPP,arct hill i, t U 1 t.r silcc Changes which have twell iucor•porated are: • i +ISI + P i'1';C” ir.C}�i : i'.�•t)�f it t "„nt rihu? i lit i �,r. i,,•1J �t i � . ii)0 ',rlri 17.!40 2 () ()0 rl.In ir,',,7 trl 7 7ri'1 1991 11192 1 r,, F2 F,�'EKUf'; Budevt Prot >ose(l Adfiptv(I 1,MCD CUmmltn i l i Pr, Admn l.ev%. 1 01.8- 109 . •+2'2 10 7 , 2 3t) Fit rasiait water NIIfoiI Program: C i t y Con t r i bu t i ons 60.000 190 . f)t)t) ;;t al f• f. Pf.P.lnn�II AP 102.000 170,000 170 .Uw Pr !;,,I icitat i0it 95.000 - 0 - 17,wit) • i +ISI + P i'1';C” ir.C}�i : i'.�•t)�f it t "„nt rihu? i lit i �,r. i,,•1J �t i � . ii)0 ',rlri 17.!40 2 () ()0 rl.In ir,',,7 trl 7 7ri'1 t Iit'I) fiu,igt't TtaIlhtrli t i a l , t,, . ' � 1 I' . 2 If 11I,v1)ill Patin ;. while I),) t re),Itnired in the actual dollar portion of the 1)t.r ) ontrioutes significant in - kind `. ;uppott by pt oviding 115 flow wood Ilarlte stet, operator, fuel and a I ()p,r. it_int� maiit t, itiIt, t and de1) tectat ion for the 1991 oper`aI ion. V It 1!11) '1 r J I o .,II1>port 1 in 1990. In tho event public at nt'v r. ;pc)nse falls short of the btldt;et ed $170.000. the w4,ed It arvast program will be re- evaluated. Chic will be doIor Ili ined in advance of tite 1992 progr:aIli start in close cooI dinratioit with member cities. The PN(D Roard un(ir tatt;ls that several cities are willing to stet) up to t he need to f and t he 1 9`t2 Curar; i an wat v "Ii l foi l weed control proVratit o%or and above the -;ante allowance budgeted far 1`191. 1t respectfully encourages those cities willintr to main tItI; add ItI )naI volunteer contribution to advise [.`]t;U of it s i tit + at an ) -arIy date. Distrtbl ;t 1))n ) f oxpertsns, provi(iod in the preliminary draft 6/18/91, wvro f,)un to be distributed incorrectly due to a mi t :und) ;t and i nr; hp us; i rte As so ; ,ed Markot Va Iue. The correct dint ribut ioit i '; l;,a :ed 1)pon Net Tax Capacity, which is the perca•rtt of pr))pertN Ina rknt value. This value varies among 1) ro1) ert i it, It a; resident I l. commercial :and industrial. ie It results in a nevis)d ainortnt for each city. We do point out that Net "fax capacity was the distribution lined in the 1991 1) 11 (1 v T1))- attacItf - d eererpt of ttae * haws gover►)ing LMIC1)'s budget fun(iintt :111)1 expense distri1) utioit is attached. 1, 10 C1) CIt,,iI I);+vtr Corhran j ()in; with t1)) entito Board in thar,kinp, each f- 1,'6 council fr)r its thoughtful review of the D]strict , fltnding r(t quirein ts XXX • �vj,t. CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 7-9 -91 #2 LAKE CONSERVATION DISTRIC'.+ 1992 Administrative Budget' 1990 1990 1991 1992 REVENUE Budget Actual Budget Adopted MC o L D Communities Admn Levy 89,490 89,490 103,825 107,230 EW Milfoil Program: City Contributions 60,000 60,000 63,000 63,000 Other Public Ageticies 115,000 83,550 102.000 170,000 Private Solicitation 50.000 49,912 85,000 17,000 Court Fines 40.000 40,706 35,000 38,000 Licenses & Permits 80.000 76,338 65,000 85,000' Interest 10,000 13,257 8,000 8,000 Shoreland Rules, DNR Agreement -0- -0- 45.000 20,000 1 Shoreland Rules. DNR Admn /Coils. -0- -0- 15,000 10,000 1 TOTA;, GENERAL FUND REVENUE 444,490 413,253 521,825 518,230 1 (Carry-over from 1991 Shoreland Grant Agreement to be spent in 1992) DISBURSEMENTS Administration Personnel Services Salaries 84,060 84,965 100.500 104,500 Employer Benefit Contr. 13,810 13.434 14,800 17,000 2 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 97,870 98,899 115,300 121,500 2 (Proportionate increase, plus one expense underestimated for X 91) Contractual Services Office Lease 4,140 4,130 9,600 10,130 3 Utilities, Janitorial 1,080 1.386 1.500' -0=- 4 Recorder, Temp Secy, Acctg 9,830 7,448 6.575 5,550 5 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES 15,050 12,964 17,675 15,680 3 (Lease subject to 4.5 annual increase) 4 (Items now included in new office lease) 5 (Eliminated temp lake inspector, outside acctg for quarterly reports, now done in-house: audit done by outside contractor)' Office & Administrative Office, General Supplies 2,900 4,668 3,075 3,500 Telephone 1,400 1,430 1,475 2,350 6 Postage 1,900 3,100 2,280 4,000 7 Printing 11500 1,675 1,500 1,800 Legal Notices 1,000 2,270 500 2,700 e Maintenance, Office Equip 1,500 933 3,400 1,700 9 Subscript.ionr, Memberships 210 25 210 200 Insuratice, Bonds 3,500 5,024 5,050 5,200 Mileage, 't.xpenses, Training 1,300 1,704 2,360 2,300 TOTAL OFFICE; 6 ADMN. 15,210 20,829 19,850 23,750 6 (Add third liup for FAX and increased phone service demands) 7 (Anticipate more mail communications with increased fees; underestimated 1991 budget) 8 (Anticipate more code amendments, public hearing notices for rarianees, new dock licenses; underestimated 1991 budget) 9 (Over-estimated computer maintenance costs in 1991 budget) 1990 I990 1991 1992 Budget Actual Budget Adopted Capital outlay ° Furniture, Equip. 2.500 2,9)4 3,000 2,000'10 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 2,914 3,000 2,000 10 (Provision for minor equipment upgrades) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 130,630 135,606 155,825 162,930 Legal Legal Services 18.000 15,493 20,000 18,000 Prosecution 13.500 25,443 20,000 25,000 11 Process Service 1,400 42 500 300 TOTAL LEGAL 32,900 40,978 40,500 43,300. 11 (Prosecution underestimated in 1991 budget, expense related to revenue) Consulting Services Lang Term Management Plan 42,960 34,813 -0- -0- 12 Shoreland Rules Consultant -0- 270 12,500 10,000 13 TOTAL CONSULTING SVC 42,960 35,083 12,500 10,000 12 (Consulting service complete as Mniiaeement Plan adopted in 1991) 13 (Carry over from 1991 Shoreland Grant Agreement consulting service to be spent in 1992) Lake Data Collection /Publication Aerial Survey Lake Use Study_ -0- -0- -0- 12,000 14 Wetland Inventory Mapping -0- -0- -0- 1 Public Information 15,000 2,083 5,000 3,000 Public Access Use Studies 5,000 -0- 4,000 4,000 TOTAL COMMITTEES 20,000 2,083 9,000 20 ,500' 14 (Aer.ial survey to be reinstituted on every - other year basis with return of normal water levels, estimating cost comparable to `86) Contingency At approx. 5% of Admn Disb. 12,900 1,077 9,000 11,500 TOTAL CONTINGENCY 12,900 1,077 9,000 11,500 TOTAL ADMIN. DISBURSEMENT 239,390 214,827 226,825 248,230 -2- 6/28/91 0 1990 1990 1991 1992 Budget Actual. Budget Adopted' Eurasian Water Miiiai't (EwM) Weer! harvesting Program Barge Service -0- ~0- 114,000 114,000 Trucking 62,400 54,400 32,000 32,000 Personnel 6€1,175 65,284 45,000 45,000 Admn, l;C Ins, FICA 39,170 49,769 31,000 31.000 14 Operation Supplies 25.355 21,260 16,000 15,000' Coll tifleenry 10,000 -0- 12,000 12,000 TOTAL EWM DISBURSEMENTS 205,100 190,713 250,000 250,000 14 (Adjusted 1991 and 1992 item to delete $13,000 in admn salary chargeback to'BWM budget) Shoreland Rules ShorelAnd Rules City Grant Agreement'Reimhursemont -0- -0- 115,000 20,000 TOTAL S.HORELAND REIMB -0- -0-- 45,000, 20 15 15 (Carry over to 1992 budget) TOTAL COMBINED DISDUASEM8NT 444,490 405,540 521,825 ;' 518,230' r 6/28/91 0 • 6/28/91 m LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1992 Budget Distribution of Expense NET TAX : OF TOTAL ADMIN EWY TOTAL CAPACITY NET TAX SHARE OF SHARE OF SNARL OF CAPACITY S107,230 $63.000 $170,230 Deephaven 6,303.113 7.78 8,343 4.901 13.244 Excelsior 2,538.336 3.13 3.356 1.972 5.328 Greenwood 1,247,268 1.54 1,651 970 2,621 Minnetonka 67,249.959 20.00 21,446 12.600 34,046 Mtka. Beach 1,728.106 2.13 2,284 1,342 3.626 Minnetrista 5,37,482 6.62 7.099 4.171 11.270 Mound 7. 148, 129 8.82 9.458 5.557 15,015 Orono 14,378,759 17,72 19,001 11,164 30,1.65 Shorewood 8,070.339 9.95 10.669 6.268 16,937 Spring Park 1.913,039 2.36 2.531 1,487 4.018 Tonka Bav 2.909.857 3.59 3,850 2.262 6.112 Victoria 2.362,547 2.91 3.120 1.833 4.953 Wayzata 8.816.260 10.87 11.656 6.848 18.504 Woodland 2.097.909 2.58 2.766 1.625 4.391 - Totals 132,131,103 100.00 107,230 63,000 170,230 Less Mtka. ( 67,249,959 ) Balance for 13 cities 64.881,144 • 6/28/91 m MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1991 Those present were: Chair, Bill Meyer; Vice Chair, Geoff Michael; Jerry Ciapsaddle; Frank Weiland; Michaei Mueller; Bill Voss; and Mark Hanus; City Council Representative, Liz Jensen; Clay Manager, Ed Shukle; Building Official, Jon Sutherland; and Secretary, Peggy James. The following citizens were also in attendance: Jim Bedell, Del Pfeifer, Biil Thai, Skip Johnson, Bill Netka, Dorothy Netka, Julie & Mark Lilledahi Lewis Anderson. and Dan Burns. MINUTES The June 10, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes were presented for changes and /or additions. MOTION made by Michael, seconded by Mueller, to approve the June t0, 1991 Planning COMMIss on Minutes as writ- ten. Motion carried unanimously. ML i C HE ARING ON PROPOSED ORD 1 NANO S: Hqvs hainteagoc . R-t90 l at ions for Rent i _ Proaer Reau 1 at tons , t i es and and Ponta i Hous i no Licenses and Biil Meyer explained the Planning Commission's position stating that the City Council directed them to investigate a potential ordinance for rental housing. Michael explained why the City should have rental licensing and maintenance regulations. This issue was first raised when staff received complaints regarding the housing stock and flack of main- tenance. Some of these complaints were regarding rodent and /or Insect infestation, flammabie materials being stored in hailways and stairwells of multiple family housing, general unsafe living conditions such as: rotting floors, Inadequate heating due to poor insuiation and door and window seals, and the sale of hous Ing that is superficially repaired but in -fact dilapidated. The City does not have ordinances that adequately address these problems. Michael summarized that he feels an ordinance of this type can be beneficial to both the current and future residents of Mound. BIII Voss explained the position of local government on this Issue. Mr. Voss stated that in his opinion the City is not over - stepping their bounds by proposing the subject ordinance, just the opposite is true, the City is fulfilling the responsibilities of local government. Government has the responsibllity to ensure that the citizens are protected and to ensure public health, safety and welfare is maximized. The proposed ordinance will maximize the City of Mound's ability to ensure our rental housing 15 up to code. When unsafe conditions do not exist, public safety is eni: inced. This proposed ordinance exemplifies good -79"r Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1991 Page 2 government as it will ensure the owner is fair to the tenant, and It does not place a hardship on the owner of rental property. In his opinion, It provides a vehicle for the landlord and tenant to resolve their disputes In a reasonable manner. Citizens have trust that government will maintain the health. safety and wel- fare of the Community. We must not let the cit;zens down by failing to enact this ordinance. Michael Mueller addressed the responsibilities of the owner of rental housing. An owner has responsibility for certain Items and the occupant has responsibility for certain items, but the Only way to ensure that adequate housing will be maintained is to license an owner of that property and ultimately hold the owner responsible. Even though a tenant may have a contractual relationship with an owner, the owner becomes ultimately respon- sible because they are the party that will be licensed. The licensing will be filed annually by an owner or agent of an owner. Mueller then continued to reviewed the process for In- spectlons and compliance. Building Official, Jon Sutherland, reviewed the outline of the proposed sections, as written. Chairman, Bill Meyer clarified that a decision is not proposed to occur at this time, the hearing is only to receive comments and concerns from the public. He then explained the procedures for the public hearing. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Dan Burns of 2130 Noble Lane, who does not own any rental property in Mound, referred to Section 319:60 relating to "Maximum Density, Minimum Space, for Rental Units." It Is his opinion that the requirement, as written, to a I I ow 150 square feet for the first occupant and at least 100 square feet for every additional occupant, Is too dense. Burns commented that some renters do not like to file a com- plaint, and therefore, suggested that an Inspection be conducted prior to the issuance of a license. He also suggested that an owner be required to spend only a certain amount of money on repairs, however, that repairs be required to be completed within a certain amount of time. Burns statea that the ordinance is long overdue. Jim Bedell of 2625 Wilshire B>vd' questioned the number of rental units in the City of Mound. Staff informed Mr. Bedell and the Commission that according to the Comprehensive Plan, as of 3/90, that 26.6 percent OF the housing in the City of Mound Is rental. 40 He also questioned the number Of romp|a|nts received and flow many of those complaints pertain to rent j| property. Staff did not have specif!r figures to answer this qoestion. 1-11 r0 Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1991 Page 3 Mr. Bedel I commented on the occupant density and questioned why this should be any different for a rental dwel I Ing versus a privately owned and occupied dwelling. Mr. Bedell believes this type of ordinances should be adopted for 100 percent of the housing In Mound, not just rental. He feels this is discrimination against rental housing. Mueller commented that the Proposed ordinances would increase rentability and the reputation of such In Mound. CiSpsaddle commented that there is a considerable difference in the problems and needs involved in rental property versus owner occupied housing. Bedell stated that the Proposed ordinance does not prohibit a deficient rental unit to be sold and occupied by an owner. Bill Thai who resides In Minnetonka and owns two rental units in Mound Informed the Commission that he believes there may be a problem In Section 319:15, subdivision 12 In that It should not be the owners responsibility to remove snow and Ice from parking lots and or steps and walkways. He asked If the City could some way be responsible if someone slipped and fell on ice because the "owner" did not comply. He feels this subdivision should be amended so the responsibility is shared with the occupant. He also feels there Is conflicting language between subdivisions 4 and 15 relating to the responsible party, as subdivision 15 In- sists the owner is responsible, regardless. Julie Lilledahl of 3233 Tuxedo Blvd. owns several rental properties in Mound. She stated that they keep their rental properties In very good condition and has no problem with her units being Inspected. She does however feel these regulations should also 8PPIY to owner occupied housing and there are owner occupied houses next to some of her rental units which deter from her rental properties. She is not In favor of the proposed or- dinance unless It would be enforced for all housing, including owner occupied. Del Pfeifer owns one rental property In Mound. He also has owner occupied houses next door to his rental property which are in very poor condition and deter his rental property from being rented or sold. He does not feel the owner should be held responsible for plowing snow. He Is in favor of regulating the exterior of all housing. Dorothy Netk, owner (,)F Netka Apartments in Mound agrees that these regulations should be required for the whole city. She agreee with Mr. R—Aell's c / - 7 ' Planning Commission Minutes June 24, 1991 Page 4 1 6 Julie lilledahl commented on the fees and believes that if you have more than one unit you should receive a break In license fees depending on the number of units owned by one person. Lewis Anderson of 5000 North Arm Drive owns rental properties In Mound and is also In favor of regulating all housing, not gust rental housing. Mr. Bedell commented on Section 319:15, 5ubd ". 14 "Maintenance of Driving and Parking Areas" which requires owners of multiple family dwellings to be responsible for providing and maintaining paved and delineated parking areas and driveways. Bedell does not feel this should be a requirement for pre -ex {sting multiple family dwellings as it does not relate to hea th and safety Issues. Siil Netka of 2360 Commerce Bivd. has had rental property In Mound for approximately the last 25 years. He does not believe there is a problem with rental housing in Mound and believes all housing should be regulated. Bill Thal, an owner of rental property in Mound, stated that ren- ters expect the right to have, for example, working faucets and he feels it is the owners responsibility to provide working faucets. Chair Meyer closed the public hearing. Jensen suggested that the City Attorney review the potential con - fltcting language relating to the owners responsibility as pointed out by 8111 Thal In Section 319:15, 5ubd. 4, 12 & 15. Mueller referred to Section 495 :80, 5ubd. 3. and questioned if the word "less" should not be replaced with the word "more," as follows: Said notice shall direct that compliance be made in not +ess more than 15 days, . . ." The City Manager informed the Commission that the video tape from this public hearing will be shown on cable, and suggested that the Commission delay further discussion on the topic until the meeting has been aired. He commented that people may call In with their ccwnents, which staff w i 1 1 record and relate back to the Planning Commission at their next meeting. This issue will be discussed at the next Planning Commission Workshop meeting on July 22, 1991. ( -7f F Planning Commission Minutes June, 24, 1991 Page 5 Cry Council Reureseatative Report .Jensen reviewed the council meeting of June 14th and the Com- mittee of the Whole meeting on .June 18th. She informed the Com- mission that the Economic Development Commission has again requested a ,point meeting with all commissions to dlgcuss downtown Mound's theme. This meeting is scheduled to be held on July 16, 1991 at 7 :00 p.m. City Manager, Ed Shukle, informed the Commission that at the next Planning Commission Meeting on July 8th, Interviews will begin at 7 :00 p.m. for the vacancy on the Commission. .. 110T I dii made by Voss, seconded by C i apsadd 1 e, to adjourn the meet i ng at 9:49 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, 8111 Meyer Attest: i `7 ?C1 BRIAN MARK JOHNSON 4"1 Mandwplar R"d kiound, MN 50" (412) 472.7226 RECD NOV 2 8 IM City of Mound 5341 Mayvood Road Mound, HN 55368 % Attn: Ed Shukle 11/27/90 Dear Mr. Shukls, .Thank you for the opportunity to offer my candidacy for the vacant Plau0ing comaission - Position. I believe that my present buein�ssa,' experience, prior li residential construction: and remodeng'axpertence . and <A simple desire to'live in a safe. clean and growing community :F will qualify me for the ►osition. Please find enclosed a'¢opy.of m7. resume. M7 family and I have enjoyed living in the city of Mound for over seven: years. Our children attend Shirley Hills and my„vife Janet bas r served as a volunteer at the school. `•` «.> We partiqularly enjoy the lake, the extensive park system and the diversity of people, buildings and terrain. It is my ho0i * 6ai - 'thi.s Position Will allow me an active role In shaping continuous. ImPt6vement In a wonderful area• " r . ' Please -.feel frig to call at 472 -7325 (b ar G26 9 1 z �" `` �' "�'''_ *4 a have' any question% r1 ' .,r i taT yY ! t �'+ � T c"�w '� •� �iSr ♦ ,� Zia Ulan Me f ir } t ♦ � ,; « tr h,R.�i ro !ti "� � n '�,�Kj r'�' •1'� -r�'� +,Fxa.�s �` � :,� w .(�•,,�,. ... r {..,�j� 1 r t.'• i • * i i� ���t k , 1.� , r w t�� �, )''� ♦'.' ,� r r jt t w: '. w y a: •r . `a ✓ , °+w r.. '. • T • r + ♦ , r j a :.' 4 j . t 4J f.{' t�+pl ♦ �' �, r i a w + H e r . tr•. � J t � ► '� ,t 7��4r,.It J`Y � � {. �* r F b 'i' i, t , + �~ a• � • � ti � j ��� re r� « •s .1 Y; ,, "L � ` 1 ' ��.'���, I• � .. r te l.r�r4 r .x7 �` J :1't i rks +• =erg f }_ C t '. r r � ,•d +� �tvi 1 �„ / t. f' s 4 ,'Y, ��' r• *,00 � f �.+, : .' F+ ►• �{�r! 7i��Y� :f. •..a ` �. ' d � �t � t �")iyv « ' ' S �. , :.r_ ��„r/"• _, a ,•r i _ i , � /:l +t,�+�". t ti � r.� t .� ,, �.�� r L+. - ' ( � - � j {�!" / J , . .., � =t • 4 � {/ r�1 (}t..t k i � � r ♦'/ ti r ' w :it '' mi �'s ..`. f 1 �• ti L r - 47 r �`r..j ,},! .. i rl rr � t t 1 �;� 7. •''r ," r r .� .ift r ! S�r�.rJ� r,+ � ,+�4. rt2Y� \t �,•`} L ;.•�JI'�', S ° ' ,�, BRIAN MARK JOHNSON 4445 Man0seter Road Mound, MN UM (w) 472-7326 PAWLE Sdes/MarketInp Manager with dhed OEM, disbWor, mat order, and tefem ks" sales epft Recogrtred for • researdit and dwWopment d new terrItodes • experience with alternative nwko and now prodUct f ocluctlpy success In inseft mud objectives • t ukft and mot m*q Was ps wnnet, ACCOMP'USHMENT Saies RecoWtW at 1999 *nn W Safes CoMermm w1 h ow Safes Vba ftaeftrs A 1986 Pmfdwts Shared Vatue Award; met or s weeded ades quotas three ysam oat d tour: Territory Development Owdoped safes in inuttlpte product fines wehh nsw muk dit W*ix a and ` mwirsU. ldentMled and dosed opportur>itles for custom and ftdwd pry « 04 users on a dked_be* and ftmo rands lurtrg rep Pmdud Dehrelopment Establfelied sbc amtom OEM pno0t4me and a p mft fade{ poprumm for AC & DC . • fhou►a' Pt+odudrl.. � '`: , + ' `- t �► � .: �, �. km;t retie [ ► d�VefQped d �•', Old d ndk*W cafes Otte for a nww Av%Wd DC power ' V �.� rw w OEM pmgnm with $1.0 now flat yiear, r �., ' � , •+ Y a[�� �i�•I [ �� 'fro; . EXP ERIENC E d rS r..i�.►� , r w �.: AT &T NETWORK S J �. ►r 'F ! to Pi18EN Mlrlrhre MN `• ` , � � ; .'e'' � X:�[• s ":` �r�a ��.ar ; , .. 4 `' copper CO outafde ( PreesnQ`�• Respoira* for end Ca plant produch and Centrd office dtetri�tforf' ,' fiber .,� revenue f� we , ew targets l P sc n" �n AT&T MICROELECTAON BbOnlingtonh MN'.' '�� �Y° " ' : s �w j .f� : • r .s,, ;l ♦ � ' . � ..Y,,;.�e�'�_ :7t �!'�•..�- J i�a.s'���•r'��'t� r'�ji'4' ,iti t3 Knee d AC d DC tfl9d� R e for OEM •- n>auic pier P efratepb aistomar So ? etrategiee required.to eOesst* d evefoQ new prgdud lfr '1`` , AuAu wed and �r*MIated development a9reemon4 srW prod u h + E \ ieC) fort Fully respdrrsibfe tor'ad*ving revenue far gets, torecaft rnt{ng • '�a�' targets, at aspects of order /eclWL4 management, and erg ` ` .. , t repreS@I'ltativee, s/ • .. -. [ � ( ..i � { k� x }� i � . r J � , .,, ,�,� r' r � y : ,�.sa' BRIAN MARK JdNR Pair , AccauM Executhn (1985.1987) - Responsible for dlred OEM sah wahtn several states for nwAIPie power product linen. Responsible for lead tkxw order and schedule management and ON aspects of progrc n management. Promote o Reglow Swes manager. !l fkSilililr!! (1985) - RBSPanslbla for mwsft OWN acaourft forecaOrg and schadds nWIagemerrt telemarkeft and follow on marks ft leech, Promotes! to Account emcuft MAGNETIC PERIPHERALS, INC. 111111 -1 bllm"Polte, UN Bids![ Purchased run- Productlon materiel and swvlc" and product Ion Coordinator for thrm rr drtadurkV Willes. R-----ales Included rr engtnaerkV oornponerft and t ORKI. capital SW Onerrt, padmgk , matntanance &W 4* and services. Negotiated a 26% decrease In annuli ercperdkures for Mart gases„ developed nsw padmOV and wrcus t m durea hx ferrite products and created Pus q Prooedureca ' to ensure compknce with OtHA dwrkd hsnriling and sterape requtrerrren , SUPERM PRODUM MANUFACTURINR COMPANY $l: Paul. MN 1975 -1101 . ' (1980 X981) - Responsible for Prat d reloping and stratepiee coat negohatlom new product k boduc*^ Old es people, with pubU"V natkxW nK*V* market CatWo $8lllttllitl! (1978 -1980) - ROSPoMbte for td marketkp end direct iaiee of re and bar OWPmw t end ofnce fumitur+r. . + r EDUCATION ` ^ Ai U � 01< Mt,,�,� .. {,,.��,,� }�t +' k � ,t. . � �y.y4+��T ��: : • �. r +• BachQ6 d Other Course " " ► ryD OW'* m mlt� h Ptahk�at Science (19841) : ' ^•�; 0 � o N�C ddm li , +� '«:.'t •. � � y r •. r r ? "t' 1 �: I �y 'k •,.'t J J ' r l rX-4.4 w w k• �� � StS ,y�,+.,r. j41 ; •..t , T , f .III y,r ' z'I }�'� • �Y 4 .,. 4 ,,J � 1 . _ L � ' S • �rt+ I ��j °99 '' 1 '�'' br��e�! t .. d`n� � •1.�, � 'Tin .'Z`` � rte �'��"G/1ca�vG� Profesak�r�a1 . - . atx>j persorW reterences avalaWe upsxi . � � �'• ' „'- ' t ' • L ' t e • :+ t i , t4 � / 1 + r �� y . v'a r -`. •. r 1•x.>< ' S } :r' r � S '}'F ""�' • . • •+'.r • � ► tv ._ 1 - ' �f S � j ! a .• • rar a r . �.„ ',� L v r. . f * t -,tor. rf� • � p , 41 r . ; t rr" •1 ". .r. �' ,, r ♦ y� t �� . � x , �y . rya � 1 • ,,, 1 .� ., r r '4i a � � ;"�t.�.�`j. s� • a 1 J t t � "s"` �r + t4` •j .• r •t t 1 JS'r" 1 'i Yt -i L w y �� p > ..,"fir ; 1 •� .:'{, a t + ' r 2 ? � " . r t• * .Y ' •►,u,�s` , t „1�., a � � LY;•� r .{ � '�,�- '� C t i• i . I; r hf S • RECD DEC December 5, 1990 Officer of the City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: Vacancy for the Planning Commission Dear City Manager: This letter is in response 4o an article printed in the Monday, November 12, 1990 edition of The Laker. The article stated that the city is looking to fill vacant positions as commissioner in several advisory committees including the Planning Commission. It is for this reason that 'I am writing to you today. I have recently purchased a house and moved to Mound from Spring Park. For a portion of my three years in Spring Park, I had the opportunity to sit as a Commissioner for the Planning and Parks Commission. The insight and experienced that I gained from that opportunity was invaluable. In addition as an individual new to the community with different business and personal experiences, I believe that there was value added to the commission. I would like to continue the opportunity to serve my local community in a similar fashion. I can offer the Planning Commission of Mound a commitment to the city, a good work ethic, and a willingness to learn. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with the members of the City Council and Planning Commission. Sincerely, � �A, Shale A. Nyb tlevard 2872 Highland Mound, Minnesota 55364 -8533 Phone: 472 -6484 Home 667 -9185 Office • SHALE A. NYBERG WORK EXPERIENCE Norwest bank Minn wa N A ,, Minneapolis, Minnesota Corporate Banking Officer, Consumer Products. Division, Jan. 1988- Present: Marketing of financial services to companie invohied in the manufacture, wholesale distribution, and retail distribution of alt consumer related products. Emphasis on relationship management, credit analysis and capital facilities. Coordinating of additional service areas such as International Trade Services, Corporate Furance, Cash Management and Trust. Total portfolio credit facilities in excess of 5105,000,000. Financial Analyst, Corporate Bank Training Program, Jan. 1987-Jac. 1988. Valmont industries, Inc Valley, Nebraska Regional Sales Manager, Communication & Transmission Structures, Oct. 1984-June 1986; Marketing of tubular and lattice structures for communication and electrical distribution through direct actqur* and manufacturer representatives. The position required developing product knowledge, advertising and trade show programs, and development of field Personnel. Annual regional sales budget of 53,000,000, Proiect Specialist, Valmont World Trade N.V., June 1984 -Oct. 1984, A research position for planning and developing products rmi%vd in international barter trades. This would include all facets of market research, internal and external testing, feasibility studies, business planning, patents and government approval. .Electronic Distributive M Sioux City, Iowa Manager, Dcc.1983 -June 1984: A start -up company involved with the wholesale distribution of Personal computers and related products. Development of the new company required sales planning, inventory management, shipping and technical assistance. Growth required the addition of two sakspersons Gco. A. Hormel and omnanv Austin, Minnesota Merchandising Representative, Meat Products Division, Richmond, Virginia Oct. 1981- Aug. 1982: Merchandising of meat products through advertising campaigns, product promotions and product demonstrations in central Virginia. Other areas of responsibility would include coordination of shipments and delivery, reconciliation of accounts receivable. Annual sales of (1 ,500000 Relief Sales Representative, Meat Products Division, Washington D.C. June 1981 -Oct, 1981 OTHER ACTIVITIES YMCA Camp lcai•howan Board of Manan mrnr Amery, Wisconsin May, 1990 - Present: The Board's goal is to develop and guide a camp that provides a sustained, creative, educational experience in outdoor living to a broad socio-economic group of youngsters. Vine Chairman, Sustaining Committee t1r of Spring Park PIanninY A Park mm'rt ion Spring Park, Minnesota Feb. 1989 -June, 1990, The commission's goal was to establish and monitor the regulations for the physical development of the community in the best interest of the public. Tasks included review of variances, sign permits, zoning and redrafts of ordinances. City representative for the LMCD lake Access Subcommittee. EDUCATION m rican r du School of Intc Glendale, Arizona Degree: Master of International Management: August 1982- August 1983 Major Course Work: International Finance and Trade, Workshop in international Financial Problems, U.S. Foreign Policv. language: Working Knowledge in Frcnch �4? U niv�ril}+, Amcs, Iowa Degree: Bachelor of Sciencc in Animal Science, August 1477-(Nay 1981 Major Course Work: Animal Nutrill0n, Mcat Processing, Accounting A P R U-55 21172 Ilighland boulevard Mound, MN 55YA ;1531 Phone: 472.04,;{t Rcg(1Cnce 60 <111 Ctis r7gq PE R M E, Birthdatc: Risy 20, 1959 Elcalth, Excellent Birthplace: Sioux City, Iowa hiariril Status: Single • RTC JUN 2 51991 office of the tatty Manama W41 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55384 To whom it may conown; 1 am writing to wpm my kborest In sensing on the Mound Planning Commission. I cannot say OW I know what a seat on the Planning Commission may entall but I want W beoome more Involved in the community. I am twenty -sight years oil, married and the mother of two young children. My daughter is now ftve and will start kindergarten in the tall and my son is just Odeon months oid.My husband and I ere the met"m for the apartment complex wheys we IN*. We have hoed In Mound since August of 1888 and we feel that this Is where we want to stay. We find Mound to be a wholew* and frlendly community and a healthy environment in which to rake a family. Thank you for your kind coneldomlon. I look fwward to hearing from you. si ey, Kathleen R. Okins 2478 Commerce 8lvd,*5 472.8870 • 1 ?cr June 21, 1991 City of Mound Office of City Manager 'D JUN 2 4 19i 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear City Manager: am writing in regards to your search for an individual to serve on the planning commission. I have enclosed a resume for your review. I currently work as a management consultant and use organization as my working format. Most projects begin with a detailed organization chart, performance - orientated job descriptions, effective !management training, pnd development of an employee incentive program. I then work in the other areas of need, including business plans,, profit and loss control, sales & marketing programs, production control, bank presentations, etc. In short, I use much common sense to provide the best possible solutions for daily problems. Prior to this, I worked as a marketing /management consultant for four years. Before that, a manager for a health maintenance organization for three years. Throughout college I was employed in medical research and clinical areas for five years. I purchased a small home in Mound five years ago as a low-cost alternative to apartment life. Since then I have become fond of the city and it's unique role to play on the lake. Si r ly, Wi 1 m R. Tosier (612)472 -2064 • (I�Ito WILLIAM R. TOSIER 1583 Gulf Lane Mound. Minnesota 55364 (619) 472 -2064 OUALIFICATIONS • Successful project director for large international consulting firm. • Thorough knowledge of manufacturing, distribution & service industry. • Strong management by objective (MBO) philosophy put to daily use. • High creativity and innovation used during project development. • Excellent people skills in listening, oral and written communication. • Problem - solving mentality result of a strong scientific background. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1996 - Management Consultant - MANAGEMi`NT AND MARKETING CONSULTING Prr:senl .,, r , Hold accountable for successful program completion and the fulfillment of financial savings from cost controls. Developed projects in management w9anixation, effective management training, budgeting, profit and loss control. Sales and marketing programs', business plans, bank presentations, and production controls. Relied on solid medical background during healthcare project management. Trained personnel in effective management skills. Trained sales personnel in marketing techniques Responsible for new client contact for sale of new projects. 1985 - marketing Consultant - INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CONSULTING low,Responsible for research and development of client marketing and sates projects. Invclved extensive marketplace assessment, growthlrevenue projections, trend, competition. and demographic analysis. Designed cost - effective ways to exploit territory. Development of advertising plans, telemarketing programs, pricing, and sales force management. Created strategies for market release, advertising, PR and general catalog. 1983. Division Manager - HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION 1985 Marketing management of testing service, including the development and implementation of new sales programs. Composition of operations manuals, personal medical evaluation letters, and advertising materials. Management of budget, accounts and field operations. Hiring, training, and supervision of all medical staff: Performed health evaluations, screening and processing of patient physical exam data. Research in computerized health evaluation systems. 1979 Research Technician • UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MEDICAL SCHOOL 1983 Technically responsible for a variety of laboratory procedures used in renal clearance hemodynamic studies. Perform complex surgical procedures. Clinically, a member or the cardiac arrest response team, the cardiac monitoring of critical patients, operation of computerized ekg management system. 1976- Emergency Medical Technician - PRIVATE AMBULANCE COMPANY 1979 Responsible for basic and advanced life support. Operation of the Neonatal Transport Unit for the University of California - Los Angeles, ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Demonstrated experience in program development and implementation. • Supervision of consulting staff during multiple project management. • Established intematk nal marketing service for sale of commodities. • Managed large medical testing division for environmental health firm. • Created a food protection business for the food distribution and restaurant industries. EDUCATION University of Minnesota - Minneapolis Post Graduate -1984 Major: Physiology Minor: English Composition University of Minnesota - Duluth Bachelor of Science Degree - 1982 Major: Biology Minor: English Composition ' • . N- supported throughout educational career 1-7q7 References Available Upon Request 4 D D -o j~ 'S_ t U M �' >, MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 8, 1991 INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY: Chair, Bill Meyer, reviewed the questions which would be asked of each applicant. Meyer also reviewed the Commissions meeting .gates and some of the work rules prior to asking questions of the applicant. a. Brian Johnson, 4445 Manchester Road: 1) Q: What do you feel are the first two critical issues facing Mound? A: First, the lack of businesses in Mound, there are too many commercial buildings I Mound that are for sale or for rent. And second, the deteriorating housing. He feels rental housing main- tenance is a step in the right direction. 2) Q; Name ways to improve the appearance of Mound. A: Make it easier for people to improve their houses, the variance process takes a long time and delays Improve- ments and /or deters improvements. Have a "paint -a-- thon" to 'clean the exterior of houses in Mound, and along with the painting fences and loose boards, etc. could be fixed. 3) Q: What is your opinion relating to a Housing Main - tenance Ordinance and a Rental Housing Maintenance Ordinance? A: He owns rental housing in Minneapolis and believes that Housing Maintenance is a good idea and that regulating rental Is a step In the right direction, however rental property does not address the entire issue, and without maintenance standard for owner occupied properties it is discriminatory to rental property. b. Shale Nyberg. 2872 Highland Blvd: 1) Q: What do you feel are the first two critical Issues facing Mound? A: A ('irection for Mound. He is on the subcommittee for developing Mound through the Economic Develof)ment Commission and they are looking into how Mound should be developed, what type of community f,hc,)u 1 d Mound be. 2) Q: Name ways to Improve the appearance of Mound. A: Mound needs standardf zat Ion, such as light fixtures in the downtown. Below ground utility wires would be helpful Storage of recreational vehicles needs to be addressed. or requirements Improved. Improve exterior appearances. 3) Q: What is your opinion relating to a Housing Main- tenance Ordinance and a Rental Housing Maintenance Ordinance? A: Everyone should be required to maintain their property to a minimum standard, and in the long run this would help save the City money. C. Kathleen Okins, 2479 Commerce Blvd., #5: 1) Q: What do you feel are the first two critical issues facing Mound? A: Lack of retail businesses in Mound. Too many vacant commercial buildings In the City. We need to draw people to the City of Mound. 2) Q: Name ways to improve the appearance of Mound. A: Get vacant commercial buildings occupied. The flowers In downtown are nice but It appears maybe a better plan Is needed. The City lacks cohesive aspect. 3) Q: What Is your opinion relating to a Housing Main- tenance Ordinance and a Rental Housing Maintenance Ordinance? A: As a caretaker for an apartment build- ing, she feels some type of regulations are needed to help the owner of these buildings regulate what the tenants can do. d. William Tosler, 1583 Gull Lane: Mr. Tosler did not appear for the Interview. Meyer reviewed the work rules relating to the voting procedure. Each Commissioner submitted their votes to the secretary which will be tallied later In the meeting. SELECTION OF CANDIDATE FOR VACANCY ON PLANNING COMMISSION The secretary totaled the choice points from the ballots. The Commissioner's first choice was given I point, their seconded f�joice was given 2 points, etc, therefore, the candidate with the lecist amount of points is their selected candidate, as follows: Brian Johnson 10 Shale Nyberg 15 Kath ski ns 23 C OI ION m by Meyer, seconded by Wei land, to recommend to the City Council that Brian Johnson be appointed to (I t Planning Cormisslon to replace BfII Thal's term which wijs due to expire 12/91. Motion carried unanim- ou! .)(js 1 Y. BALLOT NAME OF CANDIDATES CHOICE Bri .John 4 Manchester Road Shale N 28I2 Highland Blvd. Kathl Okins, 2479 Commerce Blvd. #5 William Tosier, 158 Gull La CHOICE #: 1 = first choice, 2 = second choice, etc. The secretary will collect the ballots and total the choice points. The candidate with the least amount of points is your choice. PLAN 90- RULES C. Guidelines for the Interviewing and 8e1ection of +Candidates f Planning Co (See Exhibit #Alt Res. #89 -139 Ap- proving a Policy on Appointments and Reappointments to Ad- visory commissions) 1. It is the intent of the Commission to interview all ap- plicants and vote at the same meeting. The Mayor and City Council are to be included in the interviewing and voting process. 2. The applicant is to be advised of the interview at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the interview. 3. If the applicant is unable to attend the scheduled in- terview, the Planning Commission may reschedule any inter- views at their discretion within 7 days of the original in- terview date. 4. One candidate will be recommended to the City Council for each vacancy. 5. A silent ballot method of voting will be used (see Ex- hibit 'B'). The secretary will have the candidates names typed on the form and the form will be sent to you in your packet. After the ballots have been counted, and the results .announced, a formal motion is required to recommend the candidate(s) to the City Council. ,, _ _ n ,� �: Mound Visions . cts t at ar t lea L9 e ou e e o w e 1) Develop an identity for the project by designing a name and logo. "Mound Visions: Building A Better Community" was the name chosen along with a sailboat and reflection on the water as the logo. City Council gave formal approval on June 11. 2) Downtown sidewalk planter boat program: includes the construction and placement of approximately 28 sm a11, ceda flower boxes along downtown sidewalks. Donations have been raised to accomplish 80% of this project so far. 10096 accomplishment is expected. 3) Downtown flower planting program:. Develop a comprehensive plan for the downtown area identifying passible flower planting areas. Local groups and individuals have adopted locations through the Mound Adopt A Green Space Program.'' 95% success. 4) Lost bake landscape planting: Design and construct a boulevard planting caonsistin Of trees, shrubs and flowers on the Lost Lake site along Shoreline Drive. 90% of funds have been raised with a hopeful construction completion date of July 1, 1991. 5) Landscaping plan for Mueller dt Lansing property at Commerce Blvd. and Lynwood Blvd.: Plan has been completed and given to the property owners, Construction is up to them. 6) Landscape and facade improvements for Johnson Bldg. at 5545 Shoreline Dr. Recommendations have been presented. Construction is up to the owner. T) Appearance standards: Three programs have been targeted, sign standards, awning standards and color standards. Information is being gathered on the standards themselves as well as ways of administering incentive r narrowed down by .August 1991 and adopted in September. � programs. Standards will hopefully lot hopefully be in place by January 1992, Program administration will 8) Business cluster plan: The plan will show businesses (new, existing and relocated in optimum locations for leveraging sales. Hopeful completion by October 1941, adoption by December 1991. 9) Business survey: To derive some basic information from Mound businesses a very Short survey will be distributed in early July. 10) Retailing seminar: A 3 - 5 hour seminar giving demographic information and market trends. The seminar would be organized through the Chamber of Commerce, entry fees charged and professionals brought in to organize the seminar. Target time is September 1991. I � 11) Weekly newspaper column: Promoting the efforts of the team and gaining confidence with the community. 12) Major planning projections: Includes the possibility of street realignment, building denrolition, redevelopment districts, etc.. Hope to start projections in August 1991. 13) Frequent buyer program: Tracking customer purchases and offering Mound buyer incentive programs through the issuance of a buyer card. Program does not look favorable for Mound at this time but a final decision has not been made. VISIONS I.T52 0 I0 r 11) Weekly newspaper column: Promoting the efforts of the team and gaining confidence with the community. 12) Major planning projections: Includes the possibility of street realignment, building denrolition, redevelopment districts, etc.. Hope to start projections in August 1991. 13) Frequent buyer program: Tracking customer purchases and offering Mound buyer incentive programs through the issuance of a buyer card. Program does not look favorable for Mound at this time but a final decision has not been made. VISIONS I.T52 0 I0 tr+carchQuik Ntinnrapuli., \luuir"ot.► The City of Mound Business Development Team Meeting of the Economic Development Commission May 16, 1991 May 16, 1991 Report to the Economic Development Council of the City of Mound From: Business Development Team, Chair, Judy Marshik Activities: One- on-one meetings with each team member and some members of other teams and representatives from Chamber and Bus/Prof. Council Three team meetings Findings: 1) Mound, a city in transition a) Loss of industrial employer base (local convenience shoppers) b) Encroaching urbanization and development (markets in transitiontmix of blue and white collar) c) Lack of a retail or destination identity (confusion in the marketplace about reason to shop in or come to Mound) d) Competition from other developing cities (Wayzata, Long Lake, Waconia, Delano) e) Diversion of traffic from Mound (Highways to north and south) (Shopping centers west of Mound turnoffs) 2) Results in: a) Empty shops and buildings due to lack of customer base to support businesses, in general b) Reduced earnings of selected businesses which causes deterioration of commercial space and reluctance to reinvest in community C) Lack of civic pride and further erosion of appearance 3) Suggests that: a) Need to identify the Mound identity for the year 2004 Ide ntity Options: b) Need to bring the lake back into Mound 1. Industrial /employer community 3. Historic community • fill the Tonka building Preserve and upgrade Create tourist draw 2. Recreational community 4. Retail community (needs niche) • Country inn Discount (Walmart, CUB) • Theater on the lake Theme boutiques Cottage industry /go/ rr�cariiiQuik \tinnca��i,li�, \tinnru,ta The' City of Mound Business Development Team Meeting of the Economic Development Commission May 16, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: The Business Development Team recommends that the City of Mound position itself as a recreational /cultural/scenic destination. This would trade on: • trends which indicate a gradual urbanization of Mound, which will lead to a change in its demographics. • the absence of a strong cultural/recreational destination west of the Twin Cities • the rural beauty of Mound and its lakes. FURTHER ACTIONS: The Business Development Team is structuring itself into four work groups. When appropriate, other individuals from the community will be sought to participate in these groups. The groups are: • The Lost take Development Task Force - Chair, Shale Nyberg Objectives: 1) Create a target list of businesses for placement at the Lost Lake development. 2) Recruit and recommend developers to sponsor the various businesses. 3) Work with regulatory agencies to comply with lake usage requirements but advocate Mound's needs. 4) Work with the City and other state and local sources to suggest a funding initiative package to spark development in light of some of the site's problems. • The Business Cooperation Task Force • Chair, Scott Tinklenberg Objectives: 1) Build trust with the local businesses by working them to develop cross - business promotional ideas. 2) Explore the concept of an area -wide frequent buyer \ program, and recommend whether the concept would be appropriate for Mound and should be market tested. 3) Support the workshop being planned with Mainstreet, USA faculty, Encourage the involvement of the Westonka Chamber and the Business and Professional Council members. 4) Establish liaison reporting with the Chamber and the Council so that periodic reports of Team progress are made to their members. N warvhQuik NtImicapulk, ktinnruota The City of Mound Business Development Team Meeting of the Economic Development Commission May 16, 1991 • The Comprehensive Business Strategy Task Force - Chair, Michelle Edwards Objectives: 1) Develop a vision of downtown Mound including but not limited to: • A duster plan for preferred locations for business types. • Road layouts which return the lake drive and scenic lake roads to Mound. • interim and long term parking strategies which must accommodate changing and growing business usage. ` 2) Make recommendations for best use guidelines s of various parcels of land downtown. Review the recommendations for k redevelopment o key sites and suggest usage for these sites and a possible time- table for change in usage. 3) Suggest a way to identity local businesses which are interested in growing into Mound's market position and identify specific needs they have that are current barriers to growth and change. 4) Prioritize businesses which will need to be recruited to Mound to complement existing businesses. Create a recruitment strategy. The Inter - Community Development Cooperation Task Force, Chair, Glen Norton 1) Identify issues pertinent to business development which are long range and would benefit from collaboration with other communities. This includes but is not limited to: • New highways being built in the area • Current road and highway traffic patterns • Creation of a regional identity and business strategy to recruit businesses to the area. 2) Meet with representatives of area cities to determine their economic development goals, their structure and resources to meet their goals, their interest in our goals and assess the potential for collaboration. 3) Research local, county, state and federal road changes which are anticipated in the next 20 years and assess the impact on Mound's consumer base. 4) Recommend a plan for long term action. 1 ?03 T as acid i n of metro no crn July 1, 1991 muni ll a sties Mr." Edward Shukle, Jr. City Manager 5341 Maywood Road U0 JUL 3 1991 Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Ed; We want to know your views about what direction the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities should take during 1992. To provide you with a forum for your opinions and concerns, we are planning our sixth annual Outreach Breakfast for you and other city officials in your area. The breakfast is scheduled for 7 :30 a.m. Wed day, July 18, 1991, at T- Wrights, 3310 S. Hwy 101, Minnetonka. It s located on the NW corner of Hwy 101 and Minnetonka Blvd. (Hennepin Co. 5), about 2.5 miles west of Interstate -494. Please R.S.V.P. to Carol or Nicole b noon Frid Jul Y Y, Y 12 These next 12 months promise to be anything but tranquil for cities. The governor and Legislature already have put cities on notice that they better be able to prove that their finances are in order and are f,' lean. In addition, cities also face a number of high stakes issues, such as: • a constitutionally dedicated Local Government Trust Fund; • light rail transit; and metropolitan governance. This is not a formal gathering.. We hope for, and expect, lots of give and take from you, because your opinions, concerns and advice will help shape AMM's policies and priorities for the 1992 session. We were successful in advancing the metropolitan position on major bills this legislative session because we spoke from a strong, unified platform developed from committee meetings that encompassed all points of view to reach consensus. This breakfast also can be a forum for you to tell us what you'd like to see AMM do by way of member. services. We hope we are doing a good job representing you. If you have any suggestions for improving our services, we'd like to ',now. 0 1801-/ 1 -- -, �'- - , , '; 0 � T ` J r 55101 (612) 227 1008 We hope you plan to attend the July 18 breakfast at T- Wrights. We would ask that managers make this information available for and extend this invitation to city council members. As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call the AMM office. Sincerely, Bob Long, XMM President bon Ashworth, AMM Board Member St. Paul Council Chanhassen Manager Tom Spies, AMM Board Member Bloomington Council IYC / 16Y ®A Is[ ANNUAL .J EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MOUND CHALLENGES THE MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT AUXILIARY AT SOFTBALL LETS GET TOGETHER AND PLAY SOME BALL JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT SATURDAY, JULY 20TH, PHILBROOK PARK (CLOVER CIRCLE) GAME TIME 1 :30 PM COOK OUT AT FRAN'S FOLLOWING THE GAME (ADULTS ONLY PLEASE) BRING A DISH TO PASS AND YOUR OWN STEAKS OR BURGERS OR HOT DOGS B.Y.O.B. AND POP SPOUSES AND S.O.IS WELCOME TO SPECTATE AND CHEER TO PLAY, SIGN UP BELOW: A X25 o 3'v � N Z f L (There is a sign up sheet for Public' Works, Police Department, Fire Department and City Hall. Any questions, call Peggy.) THERE: ARE SOME TEAM RULES: 3 of the 10 team players on each team must be female. 3 balls, 2 strikes, 1 courtesy foul carpet ball for pitching zone YO Y1 1tCM TAD Jl?DF. f ,t PHONE 348 3084 BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A-240o GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487 -0240 July 3, 1991 The Honorable Skip Johnson Wn JUL _ 5 1991 Mayor, City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, m 55364 Dear y�r �_ sw!Q: . r on the weekends of September 6 -7 and 13 -14, 1991, the County would like to sponsor six household hazardous aste ""community" collection s events. The County would like to invite you to co- sponsor one of the events with the County. A "community" collection event is designed to handle a population area of 40,000 to 50,000 persons, or about 1,000 participants. Municipalities smaller than 40,000 persons would plan joint city events with the County. A group of cities, for example, that surround the county's public works site in Orono would be ideal for co- sponsoring an event that would have the County public works site as the collection point (i.e., Orono for the cities of Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood, Long Lake, Minnetrista Mound, Orono, St. Bonifacius, Shorewood, Spring Park, Tonka Bay, Wayzata, and Woodland). The county would pay for the disposal of the materials collected and provide technical assistance to the collection. The municipalities would need to supply enough volunteers to bulk the fiammables and latex paint during the collection. Local fire fighters with OSHA training could be used to bulk the flammables and citizen groups the latex. The County would bulk the oil -base paint during the week following the collection. If you are interested in co- sponsoring one of these events with the County, please let us know by Monday, July 15, 1991, by contacting Robert Thomas, Conservation Division Manager at 348 - 4046. Sincerely, lj Tad Jude Commissioner c: Joyce Nelson It 11P4 Ser%in4 the communities of: :' roran • Clayton • r ph en • h'xcelai,x • Greenfield • Gre +enwood I[anoccr • Cla4,an • Independence • Long Luke • Loretto Nlaple Grave • maoe Plain • Medicine Lake blc•dina • ,% innet.mka Beach • Nlinnetrista •Mound • New 114,1w • Orono • Plymouth • Rockford • Ror ers ct r • :q,_r,•ww.tf • � Park • T��nka F;;c�.� • Wavrnta • W .d1:cnd 183 University Me. East St. Paul, MN 55101.2526 League of Minnesota Cities (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221-0986► July 2, 1991 RIC'n JUL 5 1991 TO Mayors, Managers, and Clerks FROM: Donald A. Slater, Executive Direct RE: 1991 NLC Congress of Cities, December 12-16, Las Vegas, Nevada New Dates/Schedule for Conference Program The enclosed program brochure from the National League of Cities provides important information and registration for the upcoming NLC annual conference, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, beginning Thursday, December 12 - Monday, December 16. Please note that the date of the conference and the weekday schedule for the program are substantially different than those for previous conferences. The variety and quality of conference programs at previous NLC conferences in Las Vegas have been outstanding. The facilities are convenient to nearby large hotels, and the weather should be good. New Program Features This year's conference is a "first" for NLC; the first program to have been planned with the assistance of a conference program committee composed of officials from NLC member cities. Newcomers will also find welcome changes, particularly the sessions designed to introduce city officials to NLC (to be held on December 12). There is an attendee profile on the registration form that will help direct more information to you prior to the conference. Special pre-conference seminarF, will be held on Thursday, December 12 (for an extra charge) and provide skill training in a small-group setting. Registration is limited to 50 participants per session. Where the Action Is Also on Thursday, NLC policy committees will consider steering committee recommendations for policy changes. That is where the substantive positions to be adopted by NLC member cities are debated and made ready for a final membership vote on Monday, December 16. Don Fraser, Mayor of M : nnoapol i s, wi 11 be a candidate f or election to lent at the annual business the position of HT,C � meetin-1 on 1�,. Hr but ilJ move Lip without opposition. LMC Past President Millie MacLeod, Councilmember, Moorhead, will again seek election to the NLC Board of Directors. Millie will need the strong support of Minnesota city officials at the NLC conference and your votes at the NLC Annual Business Meeting. LMC Events Planned Minnesota city officials will have a special opportunity to take part in program activities and sessions designed specifically for LMC- member conference delegates. More information will be available later this summer. In previous years, we have planned special classes and receptions for members of the LMC delegation to the NLC conference. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the types of programs and topics you would like us to feature. LMC Travel Advisers As in previous years, the League will provide information on travel arrangements and airline discount fares available to help make your trip as convenient and economical as possible. The Uniglobe travel agency is already exploring a variety of bookings and arrangements that will provide important advantages to those who want reduced airfares and travel schedules that make it possible to attend important meetings while offering reduced airfares. More information will be available soon. Information on special fares and other travel arrangements will be sent to those registering for the conference. The Leaque will also send a mailing of travel information to all NLC direct member cities and will publish details in the Cities Bulletin and in the September issue of Minnesota Cities. Enclosure • f L) G a Al 0 July ? 1991 Mayor Skih Johnson 5311 Maywood Rd. Mound, NIN 55364 AD'Vo: kT1 ' iN� Dear Maym johnson: i :5 E_ ki vc r This July, over 6,t ) handicapped athletes from nearly 90 cOuntries and f?,3cnpc hA 5'8oi H10i i, all 50 states will travel to Minneapolis to participate in 1114 1991 t.,x � 31(1 i2e) *3393 International Special Olympic Games. These Games are the single largest 1991 sporting event in the world and the largest multi -sport event ever held in Minneapolis. tVouhl you donwe just an hour cry' our time to help support the Minnesota Spacial OlYmpics and generate . OIN, c.tcrtement f or the Intern(itiontil Grimes? Ilardee's Metro Restaurants will be hosting Law I nforcenlent Officers from around the world as they carry the Olympic "Porch through the metro area culminating with the lighting of the cauldron at the opening of the lnternatlonaI (.lames on Saturday, July 20. Several of the locatiorns will be holding special activities, and we need the help of the local media and community leaders like yourself to welcome these runners and build excitement for the Intemational Games. Please look ov�,r the attached list of scheduled pep rallies. We will be honorin- I or 4 runners at (_�ach location and auctioning off a hasehall autographed by Willie Mays to Help raise money for the Minnesota 40 Special Olympics. We would like to have two or three cornti7unity r � i W 1 IV 1 - p leaders at each I Iardec's locatiou to help ��lilt the auction and welco► ►lc the runners. We have lilghlightcd the date, tittle and address of the pep ra11v that %ke WOUld like you to attend. if this rally will not fit your ticl►edulc, perhaps there is another one that will. C.in we count on L=? In it few days we kill be calling to ask for your help and contii -m the timle anal ltxanim that works best I*or you. if yea Would like: to c011t11Ct us immediately or it you need more information about th' pep rallies, please call l -800 -397 -1 '24 and ask for Dee Oberle or `ferry Duvall. TO (ILIOtc Eunice Kennedy Shriver, "'Mrough Special Olympics we see more clearly what really matters in life." We look f >rward to seeing you a' (Ale of our pep rallies and thank you for helping make this a special event. Sincerely, Dee Obedc 0 0 Hardee's Locations For The Torch Rijn Pep Rallies 1. 7/17/91 2. 7/17/91 is 3. 7/18/91 4. 7/18/91 5. 7/18/91 ?:00 p.m. IIardee's 3691iamline Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 Country: Jamaica - Chinese /Taipai 4 :15 p. m. Hardee's 8431 Lyndale Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55420 Country: United Kingdom 8:45 a.m. I Iardee's 1601 f=reeway Blvd. Brooklyn (.'enter, MN 55430 Country: Grenada - Iceland 10:00 a.m. Ilardee's 4210 Winnetka Ave. N. New Ilope, MN 55428 Country: Thailand 11 :30 a.m. 11,unch is served here) Hardee's 703 1;, Main St. Anoka, MN 55103 Country: Gambia b. 7/18/91 3: 00 p.m. Nloundsview I I�:rdee's 2585 l hollway 10 Moundsview, MN 55112 Country: Suriname 7. 7/19/91 8:45 a.m. (Berea fast served here) I Iitrdee's L Canada #2 3354 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55126 Country: Denmark 8. 7/19/91 9:45 a.m. (Maplewood -St. Paul) I Iardee's 3100 White Bear Ave. St. Paul, MN 55109 Countries: Zambia, France, Kenya, Martinique, Sierra Leone 9. 7/19/90 11:45 a.m.( Lunch served here Ilardee's 695 E. 7th St. (7th & Maria) St. Paul, MN 55101 Country: Zambia, France, Kenya, Martinique, Sierra Leone 10. 7/19/91 2:00 p. in Ilardee's 1193 South Robert St. West St. Paul, MN Country: Turkey 11. 7/19/91 4:00 p.m. Hardee's 96 W. 66th St. Richfield, MN 55423 Country: Barbados 12. 7/20/91 8:45 a.m. ( Breakfast served hare Hardee's 5302 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 Country: Bermunda, St. Kitts, Nevis 13. 7/20/91 11:15 a.m. II",dee's 240 E. Frontage Rd. Waconla. MN. 55387 Country: India, Nepal Other events: 7/20/91 11:30 - Picnic lunch and softball /vollyball with I lardee's Personnel at Carver County Park in Waconia. 2:30 - Motorcade to Ramada I lotel 6:00 - Openim of International Special Olympic Games with Bill Cosby. 9:00 - Run Torch into stadium to light the cauldron. • July 3, 1991 1i1) C 0 u , ' INFO Skip Johnson, Mayor City of Mound REC'n, i U L 51991 3018 Island View Rd Mound, MN 553(A Re: July 17 Meeting to Review Draft Chapter of Lake Minnetonka Management Plan Dear Mayor Johnson: At the May 29 meeting of bike Minnetonka mayors and city officials held in Wavzata, it was decided to tentatively schedule follow -up meeting on June 19, The June 19 meeting was intended for joint city/I.MCD review of a revised draft chapter of the Lake Minnetonka Management Plan, if Council staff could complcte a drift by that date. The draft was not completed in time and the June 19 meeting was canceled. The joint meeting has been re- scheduled for July 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the Minnetonka City Hall. The meeting will beheld in the Minnetonka Mills Room, located to the right, after you enter the building. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. If you will be unable to attend, I would like to encourage you to have a representative of your city attend the meeting. A preliminary draft of the chapter has been prepared by Council staff and submitted to the I.MCD Board for its review and comment. A copy of the revised draft chapter will be mailed to you under separate cover early next week, following a working session with the LMCD Board. If you have any questions or comments on this matter, please contact me or call Jim Uttley at 291 - 6361. Best regards, r , Dirk deVries cc: City Administrators and Managcrs (it-tic Strommen. I AWD E:xecutNC E)irCctor Jim 1'ttley, Council `tiff TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND RECD JUL ^ Ig i RECD JUL I MY APOLOGIES TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR BEING AN UNCONCERNED HOMEOWNER AND LAND LORD, AND NOT ATTENDING YOUR OPEN MEETING ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE HELD ON MONDAY JULY 8, 1991. FROM VIEW POIN't A BOTH A HOXE OWNER LIVING O D D NEFAMILYDWELLINGINMOUND I ANSWER THEQUE�TI�ONH IS ANYTHING DIFFERENT RENT RENT INTHE ENTITIES? NO I) A H OWNER HAS THE DUTY AS WELL AS RESPONSIBILITY OF KEEPING THE EXTERIOR OF HIS RESIDENCE UP TO A CERTAIN STANDARD. I.e. NO JUNK STORAGE GRASS MOWED 2) A TENANT ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY WHICH BEMIES A ve PARKING FOR ALL THBI Cc DUTY BY ENTERING INTO A RENTAL CONTRACT. WHETHER WRITTEN OR VERBAL, hicle• LHE MILLER DAMS PREPRINTED LEASE HAS S^.0 OF THE STIPULATIONS SPELIED OUT THAT IF CONDITIONS DETERIORATE DUE TO THEIR "NEGLIGENCE, WILLFUL, MALICIOUS OR IRRESPONSIBLE CONTACT, OR THAT OF THEIR EMPLOYEE, FAMILY, AGENT OR VISITOR" THEY ARE R,ESTONSIBLE. THERE IS ALSO SPACE TO SPELL OUT FURTHER MAINTENANCE OR REPAIRS THE LAND LORD NAY WISH TO EMPHASIZE SUCH AS LAWN AND YARD UP KEEP. WHICH WE DO - -- IN FACT WE HAVE RETYPED THE PREPRINTED LEASE SO THAT IT IS MALL CAPS AND USED NON LEI;AL TERMS, FOR EASIER READING BY THE TENANT. WE HAVE GONE SO FAR AS TO READ THE LEASE AND HAD THE TENANT INITIAL A PARAGRAPH WE HAVE EXITRIENCED TROUBLE ENFORCING IN THE PAST. THE FACT THAT THE TENANT WILL NON PERFORM IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. AND IN THE CASE OF NO WRITTEN [BASE OR RENTAL CONTRACT DOES NOT ABSOLVE THE TENANT FROM THESE DUTIES. HOWEVER, AS WAS STATED IN YOUR OPEN HEARING - THE CITY COUNCIL CANNOT BECOME INVOLVED IN THE LEGAL INTERPRETATIONS OF ANY AND ALL (including verbal) TENANT/LANDLORD CONTRACTS, BUT I BELIEVE BOTH TYPES OF PROPERTY AS WELL AS BOTH TYPES OF OCCUPANTS HAVE THE SAID RESPONSIBILITY TO THE CITY IN WHICH THEY WISH TO LIVE. I ALSO RESPOND TO YOUR REQUEST FOR COK%MNTS ON THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE. I HAVE NOT READ IT OR SEEN IT, BUT FROM THE COMMENTS AND CONVERSATION TELEVISED THE LAST 20 / 30 MINUTES- WHICH WAS WHEN I TURNED MY T V ON - A FEE AND PROBABLY FINE IS SOMETIMES THE ONLY WAY TO GET EITHER OCCUPANT TO A C T - EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE THE MORAL RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO. IN MANY CASES FINANCES ARE PROBABLY THE REASON THE ACTION IS NOT BEING TAKEN - BUT THE LEVYING OF A FEE FOR INSPECTION BROUGHT ABOUT BY A COMPA INT, PLUS TBE POSSIBILITY OF A FINE IF APPROPRIATE ACTION IS NOT TAKEN WILL BRING ABOUT COMPLIANCE. IN FACT THE POTENTIAL PAYMENT OF A FEE MAY CAUSE SOME LANDLORDS TO KEEP THE INFRINGEMENT PRON DEVELOPING! THE REALLY TOUGH PART OF ALL THIS IS THE COLLECTION OF THE FEE FROM A TENANT - WHO CAN JUST PACK UP AND SIIBNTLY SLIP AWAY - EVEN OUT OF THE VICINITY - BECAUSE EVEN WITH ALL THE PRECAUTIONS WE TAKE - SOME OF OUR TENANTS STILL WILL NOT PERFORM AND WE CAN'T COLLECT EXCEPT AT THE END OF THEIR TENANCY BY WITHHOLDING FROM THEIR DAMAGE DEPOSIT - AND WITH THAT TYPE OF TENANT NORMALLY THE DAMAGE DEPOSIT DOESN'T COVER EVERYTHING LEFT UNDONE ANYWAY. SO IT SEEMS TO FALL BACK ON THE LAND OWNER. THE ONLY STABLE PARTY IN THE WHOLA SET UP. STABLE, ONLY BECAUSE THEY CAN'T UNLOAD THEIR PROPERTY WKEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH. I NEXT ADDRESS THE MATTER OF THE FEE - THE LAND OWNERS THAT ATTENDED THE MEETING WERE SPEAKING FROM THE VANTAGE POINT OF PAYING FEES AS A GENERAL ADDITIONAL CHARGE. I'A6E 2 CAN'T THE FEES 8E LEVIED ONLY AGAINST THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR IHE COMPLAINT AND THE iNSi'h:CTION REQUIRED AS A RESULT OF THE CONPLAINTT WHY SHOULD IT BE NECESSARY TO !NSPECT ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY WHEN YOU ALREADY SEEM TO FEEL IT IS ONLY A SMALL PERCEN ACE OF PROPERTY THAT NEED UPGRADING. OF COURSE THIS PUTS THE LAND LORD AT THE MERCY OF ANY PASSING VENDICTIVENESS - DE IT THE TENANT - NEIGHBOR EVEN A CO- WORKER WITH NO INTEREST IN THE CONDITION WHAT SO EVER. I UNDERSTAND THE CITY WANTING TO UPGRADE ITSELF- - AND IT IS A CONVOLUTED PROBLEM, BUT THERE ARE SO `ZANY COSTS BEING LEVIED AGAINST A PROPERTY OWNER AND PROBABLY A PERCENTAGE OF THE MONEY SIMPLY WASTED I MYSELF CANNOT SEE BEING ABLE TO CONTINUE OWRINC IN THE CITY WHEN EVERY YEAR MORE CH?IrES ARE MADE AGAINST US. PRO PERTY ONE OTHER THOUGHT - POSSIBLY HAVING THE PARTY MAKING THE COMPLAINt POST A DEPOSIT BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN IN AN EFFORT FO FORESTALL NUISANCE COMPLAINTS. MAYBE EVEN A FILING FEE SO TO SPEAK. RANDI SABA 2348 CftERCE BLVD MOUND 472 4932