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1990-08-14 CC Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL PACKET - 8 -14 -90 #1 CITY OF KOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA • AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL REAULhR MEETING 7:30 P.M. TUESDAY, AUOUBT 14, 1990 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. PLECsE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 24, 1990 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Pg. 2337 -2346 3. REQUEST TO EXTEND RESOLUTION #87 -282, PAULINE AND ROLAND MC ALLISTER FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1649 BLUEBIRD LANE. Pg. 2347 -2353 4. CASE 190 -923: BILL SCHUMER, 2885 CAMBRIDGE LANE, LOT 10, BLACK 36, WYCHWOOD, PID #24- 117 -24 42 0017. REOUEST: FRONT & SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCES Pg. 2354 -2365 5. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) PARKING AS IT RELATES TO TATS UNDER LEASE WITH DAKOTA RAIL. Pg. 2366 -2370 6. BID AWARD: ROOF IMPROVMENT AT ISLAND )ARK GARAGE. (MATERIALS TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING.) 7. APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO REPAIR DECK AT THE MOUND DEPOT. (MATERIALS TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING.) S. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT. 9. COMMENTS ON MULTIPLE DOCK & MOORING AREA LICENSE, L.M.C.D. - HARRISON HARBOR TWIN HINES ASSOC. Pg. 2371 -2376 10. COMMENTS ON DNR APPLICATION #91 -6003, 2130 NOBLE LANE - REPAIR TO SHORELINE. Pg. 2377 -2383 11. RESOLUTION RELATING TO CITY PARTICIPATION IN NARCOTICS CONTROL PROGRAM. Pg. 2384 12. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE SOUTHWEST METRO TASK FORCE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. Pg. 2385 13. RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES AS RECOMMENDED FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS - SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 & NOVEMBER 6, 1990. Pg. 2386 14. APPROVAL OF GARDEN LEASE FOR LEO & BEVERY WALLIS, LOTS 1,2,3 & 22, BLOCK 5, DREAMWOOD. Pg. 2387 Page 2335 15. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST - 1990 SEAL COAT PROJECT. (TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING.) 16. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST #4 - CITY HALL ADDITION AND REMODELING. (TO BE HANDED OUT TUESDAY EVENING.) 17. SET PUBLIC HEAING DATES FOR ASSESSMENT HEARINGS - CBD; DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS; DENBIGH ROAD IMP.; SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION; WATER CONNECTION; WEEDS; CLEAN -UP; HAZARDOUS BUILDING; TREE REMOVAL. SUGGESTED DATE: 8EPT MSER 25 1990 18. PAYMENT OF BILLS. Pg. 2388 -2405 19. INFORMATION/MISCELLAMUs A. Department Head Monthly Reports for July 1990. Pg. 2406 -2442 B. Planning Commission Minutes of July 23, 1990. Pg. 2443 -2450 C. L.M.C.D. Mailings. Pg. 2451 -2453 D. 1989 Annual Report of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Pg. 2454 -2462 E. Commercial and Multiple Dock Inspection Report - 1990 from Dell Rudolph, Dock Inspector. Pg. 2463 F. i^t,Ler from Senator Rudy Boschvitz's Office re: invitation t•� City of Mound officials, service organization leaders, festival royalty, etc. to make an appearance at the State Fair with Senator Boschvitz. The day selected would be billed as "Mound Day ". Are you interested? Pg. 2464 G. Attached is a letter I sent to Dr. Jim Smith re: Meeting dates for the end of August, all of September and all of Oc- tober. PLEASE REMEMBER TEAT CITY EAU WILL NOT HE 08ED FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS BEGINNING AUGUBT 27 THRU TEE END OF OCTOBER. ALL MEETINGS WILL BE GELD IN TEE SCEOOL B0ARD ROOM OR CON- FERENCE R00M AT 5600 LYNWOOD BLVD Articles will appear in the newspaper notifying the public of the location change. Pg. 2465 H. Letter dated August 3, 1990 and previous correspondence re: Complaint by Mary Pacholke, 2624 Westedge Blvd. on mosquito spraying in the Lake Langdon area. Pg. 2466 -2477 I. Minutes from the Joint Meeting of the Economic Development Commission, City Council and Planning Commission held August 7, 1990. Pg. 2478 -2479 J. LMCD Representative Monthly Report for July 1990. (To be handed out Tuesday evening.) Pg. • K. REMINDER C.O.W. meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, 1990. Meet at Anthony's Floral at 6:00 P.M. Page 2336 110 0 July 24, 1990 MXMOTa9 - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JULY 24,1990 The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, not in regular session on Tuesday, July 24, 1990, in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Cour.cilmembers Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, City Engineer John Cameron, Park Director Jim Fackler, Dock Inspector Dell Rudolph, Street Superintendent Geno Hoff, Prosecuting Attorney Jim Larson, Building Official Jon Sutherland, and the following interested citizens: Steve Coddon, Ned Dow, Dixie Dow, Jim Luger, Shirley Luger, Al wigand, Brad Sohns, Tom Casey and Nick Scheuer. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. • NOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the July 10, 1990, Regular Meeting as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Notion carried. City Manager Ed Shukle explained that the revised amount was $3,514.68. Mayor Smith opened the Public Hearing regarding delinquent utility bills. There was no one present in the audience who wished to speak on this issue. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing and turned the item back to the Council. Johnson moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION 90 -78 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,514.68 AND AUTHORISING THE STAFF TO SHUT -OFF HATER SERVICE TO THOSE ACCOUNTS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. lJ A U73 � 111 July 24, 1990 1.2 CURB i OOrnR I68Oa - MR. JILL LOOFA. 6195 SINCLAIR ROAD This item was carried over from the previous meeting to allow the Prosecuting Attorney, Street Superintendent and the City Engineer to advise the Council. Prosecuting Attorney, Jim Larson, stated that the Staff's position is that this curb and gutter issue needs to be rectified. There are three problems: 1. Flowage - the way the cirb and gutter is put in, it blocks the flow of water. 2. Snow Plowing - the blade of a plow will catch on the edges of the curb and gutter. 3. Uneven joint between the concrete and the blacktop - this will cause the blacktop to deteriorate. He further explained that the court found Mr. Luger not guilty but advised that the City and Luger should work out fixing the problem. The City Engineer agreed with the above problems and added that if this curb and gutter is left the way it is it sets a precedent so that others could go out and tear up right -of -way without a permit and install whatever they wish for curb and gutter. He estimated that to remove the section of surmountable curb and remove part (2 to 3 feet) of the driveway and replace with the N proper curb and gutter it would cost $3300. Mr. Luger was present and disagreed with the criminal complaint that he was charged with. He also stated that there is no flowage problem, the snow plow should not have any problems, and there is not override or underride at the spot where the blacktop and the cement meet. He asked that the Council remove this burden of redoing his curb and gutter and leave things alone. Geno Hoff, Street Superintendent, stated that the curb and gutter is supposed to carry the water and as it sits now the water moves along the blacktop. This will cause the blacktop to develop pot holes if left this way. The City Attorney stated if there is not agreement by both the City and Mr. Luger to resolve this problem, the City could go in and redo the curb and gutter and assess the cost against the Luger property. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Jensen to proceed with a public improvement to correct the problem and assess the costs back to the property owner. • 141,319 112 0 July 24, 1990 There was discussion on trying to resolve this problem without a major legal battle or having the City do the work and assess the project. The maker of the motion withdrew her motion and the seconded withdrew her second. NOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Jensen to refer this matter to Staff and Mr. Luger to find an equitable solution to the curb and gutter problem, at 6195 Binclair Court. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.3 The City Engineer explained that a survey has been done of the area in question on Waterside Commons. The survey shows the property line, the storm sewer and its flared end, the 929.4 contour line and the four docks in the area. The Engineer explained that the docks are not exactly to scale. The Park Director explained the background and the 30 foot spacing. The Dock Inspector stated that he does not have a problem with the angle that Johnson's and Sohns' dock was constructed at or the fact that Mr. Sohns dock is not centered on his space if he does not want to park a boat on both sides of his dock. Another alternative is for Mr. Sohns to take another dock site down the line from where his present dock is located or he could move his dock to the northwest. Brad Sohns was present and reviewed points he had gone over with the Park & Open Space Commission on June 14, 1990. He stated he wants to be able to use both sides of his dock and does not want to move it toward the storm sewer outlet. The Council discussed the survey and where the 30 foot spacing places the centers of the docks. They also discussed the fact that the docks at sites 20700 and 20670 are at different angles that the ones on either side of the two and that the dock at site #20700 appears to be too far to the west. MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Johnson to accept the survey of the Waterside Commons area and direct the Staff to put in a survey marker at the property line (929.4 elevation) and to most with dock holders of sites 20700 and 20670 to sake those two sites conform to the same angles as is sites 20640 and 20730; and correct the spacing and Aa31 113 July 24, 1990 centering of sites 20700 and 20670. the vote vas unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.4 CASE #87 -653: JOHN NED i DIXIE DOW, 4994 MANCHESTER ROAD, LOT 12, BLOCK 33, WYCHWOOD, PID #24- 117 -24 42 0005, VARIANCE - LOT SIZE The proposed resolution was presented for Council approval. Jensen moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -79 RESOLUTION TO COMCUR WITH T'BE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE A LOT SIZE VARIANCE FOR LOT 12, BLOCK 33, WYCHWOOD, PID #24- 117 -24 42 OOOS (4994 MANCHESTER ROAD), P i Z CASE #87 -653 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The City Manager explained that there is a hazardous building that needs to be demolished at 4748 Hampton Road. He further explained that there is a building at 2142 Belmont that has hazardous conditions that need to either be corrected or the building also needs to be removed. The City Attorney has prepared the necessary papers to deal with these properties. Jessen moved and Ahrens seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -80 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN ORDER FOR THE REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY, 4748 HAMPTON ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Al Wigand, 4754 Hampton Road, asked that the City move this removal along as fast as possible and in the meantime, the garage that is on this property is leaning and should be secured so Wiildren do not get hurt if it should fall dcwn. 1.6 Johnson moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -81 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN ORDER FOR THE REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY, 2142 BELMONT LANE is $%Wto • • • 114 July 24, 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. There were none. 1.7 The City Manager reported that another quotation has been received for the telephone sets for use with Contel's Centrex System. The following is a recap of the hardware sets purchase prices: Contel Proposal $11,983.00 Mankato Proposal $12,406.40 The recommendation is to go with the Contel Proposal. Ahrens moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -82 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSAL FROM COHTEL FOR THE CENTREZ TELEPHONE SYSTEU FOR THE CITY OF UOOND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. t� c The City Manager reviewed the City Planner's report in the packet. The Council agreed that they did not want to enter into an agreement based on the draft copy of the Lake Minnetonka Comprehensive Lake Management Plan. They also discussed asking that Mound be included with the Cities that are receiving a $5,000 grant versus the $2,500 grant. The Council asked that Gene Strommen, L.M.C.D. Director, and Tom Reese, Mound's Representative to the L.M.C.D. be invited to a future meeting to discuss the Council's concerns and answer questions. No action was taken. • � • • • 1 • Y Y • • � • l I. , 1 Z The City Manager reported that he feels the AMM is doing a good job for the metropolitan cities and recommended that the Council 43V 115 July 24, 1990 • indicate to the ANN that they would be willing to pay the increase in dues. He reported that the figure would be $2,592 for 1991 for dues. NOTION made by Johnson, seconded bT Jansen to budgot $2,592 for dues in 2991 for the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (am) The vote was unanimously in favor. - Notion carried. The City Manager explained that this agreement needs to be approved so the City can receive CDBG funds for Year VI. Jensen moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution. RESOLUTION #90 -83 RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBRECIPIENT AGREZMEMTS /1990 CDBG PROGRAM (YEAR Zvi) The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. if / * 4 i:• :r ! The City Clerk explained that 4 of the parcels do have enough square footage and meet zoning criteria to be buildable lots so they are being recommended to be released for public auction. The four are: PID #'s 13- 117 -24 12 0176; 23- 117 -24 34 0087; 30 -117- 23 22 0026; and 30- 117 -23 22 0027. Councilmember Jensen stated that the Planning Commission at it July 23rd meeting recommended that the Council have all tax forfeit lots that come from Hennepin County be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Park i Open Space Commission for their recommendations. The Council agreed but chose to release PID #13- 117 -24 12 0176 for public auction because it appears in this case it would be a good building site. Ahrens moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -84 RESOLUTION RELEASING CERTAIN TAX FORFEIT LhNDS TO ZZNNZPIN COUNTY FOR PUBLIC AUCTION AND CERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - PID #13- 117 -24 12 0176 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. C7 2142 116 July 24, 1990 1.12 NOTI0N made by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to refer all future tax forfeit parcels that come from Hennepin County to the Planning Commission and Park i Open space Commission for their review and recommendations. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1.13 The following wetlands: PID #19- 117 -23 #25- 11: -24 #25- 117 -24 #25- 117 -24 #25- 117 -24 #25- 117 -24 #25- 117 -24 #25- 117 -24 pa 22 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 recommended to be retained as ,rcels are 0053 0012 0013 0014 0016 0017 0018 0019 Jensen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -85 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR CONTRIANCE FROM THE STATE OF CERTAIN TAX FORFEIT LANDS • The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Three bids were received for the 1990 Lift Station Improvement Project. They were: Northwest Mechanical, Inc. Gridor Construction, Inc. Widmer, Inc. $ 90,000 $ 90,400 $122,730 The recommendation is to award the bid to Northwest Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $90,000. Ahrens moved and Johnson seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -86 RESOLUTION TO AWARD THE BID FOR THE 1990 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO NORTHWEST MECHANICAL, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF =90,000 • The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ewu 117 July 24, 1990 1.15 APPROVAL OP LICENSES: OUR LADY OF TEE LA=! CATEOLIC CEMM • NOTION made by Ahrens, 9e00mded by Johnson to approve a PubliO Danoe Permit and a Temporary On -Sale Nonintozicating Nast Liquor Permit to Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church for the Incredible Festival July 24 i 29, 1990. The vote was unanimously in favor. Notion carried. 1.16 PAYMENT OF BILLS NOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Johnson to authorise the payment of bills as presented on the pre -list in the amount of $136,61S.35, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Notion carried. NOTION made by Ahrens, seconded by Jensen to set August 28, 1990, at 7:30 P.N. in the School Board Room at 5600 Lynwood Blvd., for a public hearing on the updated Comprehensive Plan. The vote was unanimously in favor. Notion carried. 1.18 AMMUNW, TO SECTION 365 :0S. BODD, is - RELATING TO CAMPAIGN SIGNS 0 The City Clerk explained that the 1990 Legislature passed legislation whereby cities are not permitted to enact ordinances regulating the size of campaign lawn signs (noncommercial signs) from August 1 in a State general election (even - numbered) year until ten days after the general election. The proposed amendment to Mound's Code would bring our campaign sign ordinance into compliance with the state regulations. Ahrens moved and Johnson seconded the following: ORDINANCE #43 -1990 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 365:OS, BDDD. 1. OF TEE CITY CODE RELATING TO CAMPAIGN SIGNS The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. The City Manager presented the following Change Orders: • AS" Change Order 4A The only addition will be to build out the overhang in the southwest corner. ADD Change Order #4A Charge Order #9 Additional exhaust in Room 105 ADD lid July 24, 1990 $ 6,350.00 $ 517.20 Change Order #10 Paint metal cap flashing a non - standard stock color. ADD $ 1,130.50 Change Order #11 Change in lock system for addition and renovation. ADD $ 1,102.00 These Change Orders will bring the total project costs to $77b,772.70. • Jessen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #90 -87 RZsOLOTION APPROVING 0871 B ORDRU 4A, !, 10, i 11 - CITT HLLL ADDITION AND RMOVATIJD PROJECT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. NOTION made by Johnson, seconded by Ahrens to approve the final payment request of $5,865.97, for the Denbigh Road Project to Widmer, Inc. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. ' A. Financial Report for June 1990, as prepared by John Norman, Finance Director. B. L.M.C.D. Mailings. (NOTE: Public Officials Lake Tour i Luncheon - August 4, 1990.) C. Planning Commission Minutes of July 9, 1990. lays 119 July 24, 1990 D. Park i Open Space Commission Meeting Minutes of July 12, 1990. E. Brochure on the 1990 Congress of Cities and Exposition (National League of Cities). If you are interested in attending, please contact Fran soon so hotel reservations can be arranged. F. RSUINDEA C.O.W. meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, 1990. G. AEYI1DZR Joint meeting of the City Council, Economic Development Commission and Planning Commission, Tuesday, August 7, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. H. RENINDZ $: The first meeting of the Smoking Policy Committee will be held on Tuesday, July 24, 1990, at 6:30 P.M., preceding the City Council Meeting. NOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Ahrens to adjourn at 12:16 A.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. lotion carried. • Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk 2341 Howd RECEIVED AUG 1 1n A6ku A4QAJ6- Too A#J GS A) of- Uwy- t4-0�) vAfzi� RIUL"Oo I go. 81 - I 8 1 ) S c�v�o w°- man o NbD m4 .anti IWO WW � �.c, T! �'' Th - tft F �,c,u Nr {�t:� � `� h AW6 W 1.koiT s . ). f�Md V Loae b E ll '�*W — Fo KO V C. 41M WCCA) tic, N -Dt'b t) r TbOgk, . kH Sob TI'As f e g- AftwAt � - • ILkV �s A l ��PpTEJ� . SOUCL -{- CA M�1nJrA� A- - ��-, its 'ter' - r'4* - K y 41�OA. Y �uS� ups � u or A fir�'� 'A L>) `tom woa'% S al�tS lltlESS �,rti z fs mok. UWC�'AfN 4� 6th � -t�X�- wel -t�o� "P oil -Pr C.ep i N 'fib JA) -144 E T-(,t"T1AXL 6�iC C.o W LX WEXZ -W sap- r# -,A�JD Sul l-� f�R. 1�4�► A"' - {�n�.�� �`'r' M�uu� WOUL.) N� s k ta 'f S. t �' L4* Know - 7 �� WT, - 1 1, coA w rfHv o�c of 60 1 k7tXIZT AO • c..u.� - tom 'DkAc tJt D 441P4 flu) Q L AW EOM£ "Wb P-lu L1cp�,s i u� b h 1; A3y7 s r- IOU Woa a C-CAvb A+E- ?6t^0,Q 6LL L, 0-10 IV 337 6012.) Fq q- a3os n • A3V # 154 May 24, 198$ j RESOLUTION NO. 88 -83 L RESOLUTION To APPROVE THE EXTENSION OF RESOLUTION #E7 -182 POR ONE YEAR WHEREAS, on September 22, 1987, the City Council ap- proved Resolution #87 -182 entitled, "Resolution Granting Front Yard and Lakeshore Setback Variances for the Purpose of Con- structing a Single Family Detached Home on Lots 1 -4, Block 6, Dreamwood, PID #13- 117 -2421 0004/0005; and WHEREAS, due to the loss of the Abstract of Title and the lengthy process to obtain another, building plans were not finalized and the owner of the property is requesting an exten- sion of Resolution #87 -182 for one year, until September 22, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby grant a one year ex- tension of Resolution #87 -182, until September 22, 1989. The foregoing resolution was moved by Mayor Smith and seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The followin5 '�ouncilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jansen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none. A M yor �a= ,.,, Z_t'on Ck -A! AC Attest: City Clerk 1 2341 J W f M4j. l'o% r ldlm Wvr- aSca7rA iujw.� v,c L M A. , S�S S 30 Y ( ),Tl eOuA!. „ a /`7du,uJ l7' O u w,i / i ,v 4; � RECEIVED OCT 1 IN C't COunct 1 10 -24 • oc- wcg-E G—xxN7C 6 Y¢N E r - r E441C ) OF v ine. elw f -1 L ce alt E d 47 �� Y f� .�L � E B /red t F4 T#44'. F ,4 i A" Ale-.4 c ;r,4/ is / l iNe> S �q-Iv T /m r F c' t , � Of 70 1A,tC 1A,' 7WC f G Z d�� �iMC vas �•f! /� ���� � xf 7'0 %,''' ` &WCC A'A,o�i klC AJ r� — / K �Ou r4 J.r /J T 4(-( y u �4 ti C X T� � c�C� E�7£ti� ' F. .1 A e, TX L � c •�3 so 261 September 22, 1987 RB90LITriON NO. 87 -182 RESOLUTION G1RANrING FRONT YARD AND LAKESHORE SETBACK VARIANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONS'!RUMN3 A SINGLE FAMILY LETACSiED HOME ON WM 1-4, BLACK S. MEAMkWIDi PID NO. 13- 117 -24 21 0004/0005. SAS, the applicant has applied for a 20 foot front yard setback variance and a 13 foot lakeshore setback variance for the purpose of , constructing a single family detached residential structure at 1649 Bluebird Lanst PID No. 13- 117 -24 21 0004/0005= and WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the R -3 TWO Family Residential zoning district which, according to the City Code, requires a 30 foot front yard setback and a 50 foot lakeshore setbacks and WRERFAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the requests and WHEREAS, the proposed variances are consistent with the criteria for granting variances found in Section 23.506.1 of the City Code. NOW, 7HE1W1ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Maud, Minnesota, that the 20 foot front yard setback variance and the 13 foot lakeshore setback variance are hereby granted subject to the review and approval of the applicant's grading plan by the watershed district. The foregoing resolution was moved by Mayor Smith and seconded by Councilmember Abel. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: none, Ri� or l z--nj�l M a G Attest: City Clerk A3s1 O Certificate of Survey for Roland D. McAllister of Lots 1 -4, Block 6, Dreamwoo Hennepin County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that this is a 4^1., o,". a �.i q —7 ay true and correct representation ( . y t �� a survey of the boundaries of Lots 1, /N r" 2, 3, 4, Block 6, Dreamwood, and the r location of all existing buildings, i' 3p dny, thereon, and the proposed iocati n of of a proposed building. It does not purport to show other improvements or encrc;.jchments. Coffin Gronberg, Inc. Mark S. Gronbery Lrc. Nrj. 12155 Engineers, Land Sur ve }ors & Planners Long Lake, Minnesota .. y 7 - G e- 1 F�opos�� boo o• Fo.„��.� 93�.c P boscm� } 1mr , =)34•c Pi.iii..l 9 °''!• floor \0 <I X35;.. I " = 30' 8-2) Ircn marker 1e.2 r, z6 L Sp - ' elevation . I C i'.y Sewer Certificate of Survey for Roland D. McAllister of Lots 1 -4, Block 6, Dreamwoo Hennepin County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that this is a 4^1., o,". a �.i q —7 ay true and correct representation ( . y t �� a survey of the boundaries of Lots 1, /N r" 2, 3, 4, Block 6, Dreamwood, and the r location of all existing buildings, i' 3p dny, thereon, and the proposed iocati n of of a proposed building. It does not purport to show other improvements or encrc;.jchments. Coffin Gronberg, Inc. Mark S. Gronbery Lrc. Nrj. 12155 Engineers, Land Sur ve }ors & Planners Long Lake, Minnesota .. y 7 - G e- 1 F�opos�� boo o• Fo.„��.� 93�.c P boscm� } 1mr , =)34•c Pi.iii..l 9 °''!• floor \0 <I X35;.. . ... - - 2 � y . L _ 3 p � s t ' t"!` Q 17 � � ` !t C„�.e..r � 7 - � 6 3 �� ilk ! ' � ` ' tl � 4 1 ! _, s rte• � r., >' . t� L SrV r . p ',�� �r w �^I yZ � I• -. �, .� n � } . -- ____ - -_ __ _._. " � a � �_ I I• ,I \ ri / • , 3 1 Ml �/pt� of �23 � (k1 l� � �e � 9 t 7 S, q � _ 1:: Is 1 � (44)� � a 2 ' � , 3 s � � � v 11 . 17. S � .. 1 . i' 's i ,: t�'� v • li „t • lad E+� ,' _'s • 6 b ' � ” • 3 . ' a � tt s�,�lfLl_,,,,,.�� :�:! w r�i ..4 .12; It 9 � � � n � N �� t ��f � . - =1� s 2 � � Q� � S � ,� M ?' • � 1 I 9 1 ' •2 1 l ; s •t S • . � � , � A = •.tom � n ;,s � i IS, �, a �•� ' � 22 3 �°. 64 all IS �, .. Mac Gar �. , 1 ' �. :.(11� �.(,�,, ti . qtr `� I I I e 'J \\ f� 6 � S f � ' ' � �• ` � L COMMON � � i � W�Ot A >• . .11 . 4ti .,� �\ • �HARR /SONS AY1 �3s3 � w tic- � • �... • .- ,�........ . PROPOSED RESOLUTION Case No. 90 -923 RESOLUTION 90- RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW FRONT AND SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCES FOR LOT 10, BLOCK 36, WYCHW000; PID # 24- 117 -24 -42 0017 (2885 CAMBRIDGE LANE); P&Z CASE #90 -923 WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for a variance to construct a detached garage building within 3 feet of the side lot line and within 7 feet of the front lot line, and to add a vestibule on the principal structure within 4.5 feet of the side lot line for Lot 10, Block 36, Wychwood; PID #24- 117 -24 42 0017; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in the R -2, Single - Family zoning district which according to the city code requires a four foot side yard setback and an 8 foot front yard setback for the garage and a six foot side yard setback for the vestibule; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does recommend approval of the requested variances to allow the owner reasonable use of the property and that the variances are justified due to the size of the parcel and the existing topography which precludes alternative garage locations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City does hereby authorize a 1 foot side yard setback variance on the north tide, a 1 foot front yard setback variance on the east side for construction of a detached garage and a 1.5 foot side yard setback variance on the south side for construction of a vestibule on the principal structure for Lot 10, Block. 36, Wychwood, PID #24- 117 -24 42 0017. 2. The City Council authorizes the setback violations and authorizes the improvements described herein, pursuant to Section 23.404, Subdivision (8) with the clear and express understanding that the use remains as a lawful, nonconforming use, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions of Section 23.404. 3. This variance is granted for the following legally described property: Lot 10, Block 36, Wychwood, PID# 24- 117-24 42 0017. 0 *%3sy PROPOSED RESOLUTION CASE NO. 90 -923 Page Two This variance shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes, Section 462.36, Subdivision (1). This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. 4. The property owner shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying all costs for such recording. The building permit shall not be issued until proof of recording has been filed with the City Clerk. • 0 SCHUMER.R51 J3ss DATE: July 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Variance Request APPLICANT: Bill Schumer CASE NUMBER: 90 -923 VHS F'LE NUMBER: 90- 310- A21 -ZO Location,: 2885 Cambridge Lane W MVED JUL 1 31990 qvv 1.5ed ReTA05+ • XISTiNU ZONING: Single- Family REsidential (R -2) Proposed Garage: Revised to 22' X 22' - City ordinance; vorth wall to property line: 4 - Request to build at 3 to property line: Requires a variance of " 0" - City ordinance; East to street: 8 - Request to builc at 7 to street: F oires a variance of l'0" Proposed_Vestabule: Unchanged -City- ordinance; Louth to property pine: r;'0" - Request to build at 4.5' to property line: Requires a variance of 1.5' • 13 S L • 0 • 0 fif ? p � u o � ak ✓o�,; N �T��/ c vsv '� • 9 rir3 � ' alp/ c o y x: ,`� •,� �i� /' � 260 �t •o. • r,3 ° N 1. C� \y r • R o 43 57 MINIMS OF A MEETING OF THE MOIMO ADVISOM PAINING C011M1SS1ON July 9 1990 a. case no 9U-7c .3i a] I I acl r. a, Block 36. livchwood, PID A24- 117 - -42 0017, VAR1ANCfi Front i Side Yard Setback - to allow construction of a Qe tached 9araoe, The City Manager reviewed the City Planner's recommendation. The applicant is proposing a new entry vestibule on the south side of the structure requiring a I.S foot variance from the required 6 foot setback. and a detached garage measuring 23' x 27'. The proposed garage Is located 2 feet from Cambridge Lane requiring a 6 foot variance. and approximately 1 foot from the north property line requiring a S foot variance. The Planner's report revealed that the garage is an oversized structure resulting in substantial intrusion into the required open space areas of the north and east sides of the lot. Staff recommended approval of the vestibule as proposed including the 1.5 foot setback variance along the southern side of the property. Denial of the variances for the proposed garage was recoimwnded since It does not represent a "minimum' situation. As an alternative. staff did recommend approval of variances for a 22' x 22' garage which would result in a north side setback variance of 4 feet and an east side variance of 1 foot if the southwest corner of the garage was held to Its present location. 8111 Schumer. applicanto commented that they did not proposed an attached garage due to the windows at the east side of the house which they need for light and ventilation. and to allow theca to use of both entrances to the house. Thal added that a slab Is also less expensive than footings which are required for an at- tached garage. The applicant also compared is request to neigh- boring garages which appear to be too close to the street. 40 The consensus of the Commission was that there would be too much building on the iot. that the proposed garage Is too big. wetland commented on the fact that if the vestibule Is added on, there would only be 7 feet between the two houses which is a fire hazard. Schumer Informed the Commission that he could live with a 22' x 22' garage as suggested by the City Planner. The Commission reviewed possible alternatives for posltio, ng the garage. Some commissioners felt that a single - car , garage would be the best solution. Clapsaddle would like to see an attached garage. MOTION made by Voss, seconded by Clapsaddle to deny the applicants request to construct a vestibule and a detached garage as proposed, and to deny the City Planner's recommendation. And, If the applicant wishes to return with an optional plan, the application fee Is to be waived. After further discussion, It was determined that the applicant should have the opportunity to submit a new proposal prior to being denied. Clapsaddle w+ thdrew his second, and Voss withdrew his motion. MOTION made by Voss. seconded by Clapsaddle to table the variance request to give the applicant the opportunity submit a revised plan. Motion carried 7 to 1. (Those In favor wares Clapsaddle. Mueller, Weiland, Thal. Jen- sen. Voss. and Michael$ those opposed wares Meyer.) �3 S Meyer ,A mented that he feels a recommendation could have been made. PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler, City Planner 1� DATE: July 2, 1990 SUBJECT: Variance Request APPLICANT: Bill Schumer CASE NUMBER: 90 -923 VHS FILE NUMBER: 90- 310- A21 -ZO LOCATION: 2885 Cambridge Lane EXISTING ZONING: Single - Family Residential (R -2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Residential BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeking variance approval for two improvements on the property. The first is a new entry vestibule on the south side of the structure. The vestibule will be located approximately 4.5 feet from the south property line necessitating a 1.5 foot variance from the required 6 foot setback. The second proposed improvement is a detached garage measuring 23' by 21'. The garage, as proposed, will be located 2 feet from the right -of -way of Cambridge Lane and approximately 1 foot from the north property line. In this location, it will require a 5 foot variance on the north and a 6 foot variance on the east side. COMMENT: All variances must represent the minimum deviation from code requirements necessary to alleviate the hardship. In this case, the vestibule seems to represent the minimum intrusion into the side yard while providing a reasonabie entrance to the home. The garage, however, is an oversized structure resulting in substantial intru�.ion into the required open space areas on the north and east :ides of the lot. Since it is an oversized structure, it does not represent the "minimum" situation addressed in the Mound Zoning Code. X354 3030 Harbor Lana North Bldg 11, S 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447 -2175 612/559 -1950 Schumer Planning Report July 2. 1990 Page two RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed including the 1.5 foot setback variance along side of the property. Denial of the variances for garage is recommended since it does not represent situation. As an alternative, staff would recommend variances for a 22'X22' garage which woula result in setback variance of 4 feet and an east side variance the southwest corner of the garage was held to location. vestibule as the southern the proposed a "minimum" approval of a north side of 1 foot if its present is • SCHUMER.P51 • 2340 1 21 MO O cITY OF HOUND PART I I Case No. 46 J 59: Date Filed 40- Fee 250.00 VARIANCE APPLICATION PLANNING i ZONING COMMISSION (Please type or print the following information.) Address of Subject Property Lot 149 Block 346 Add i t i on lA/I1 P 1 D No . Z4 1 4 47e 00 Owner's Name R') SC,4kM42 f - Day Phone 3-3 Owner's Address 13 Applicant's Name (if other than owner) Address -- Day Phone • Ex i st i ng Use of Property: Q0 Zoning District - oC Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? yes no . If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, and provide resolution number(s) (Copies of previous resolutions must accompany this application.) 1 certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and ac- curate. 1 consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. G Applicant's Signature ' Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Planning Commission Recorm:endation___. _-- _- - - -__- - - - -- - — -- Date- — • Council Action: - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- Resolution No . _- ___ _ - ___ - -- _ Date - -------- _ 02 3E 1 VARIANCE APPLICATION Case No. MO 1. Does the present use of the property conform to all Mgulatlbn* : the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (�[). NO ( ). specify each non- conforming use: 2. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which It is located? Yes Cf), No ( ). If no, specify each non - conforming use: *% 3. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) too small () too shallow ( ) topography ( > drainage ( ) shape . 645 ' x 100 ' ( ) soil ( ) sub - surface ( ) other: specify 1S CIS ' x 4. Was the hardship described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted? Yes ( ), No ()(). If yes, explain S. Was the hardship created by any other man -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ). No ()(). if yes, explain • "`2. O ARIANCE APPLICATION Case Nv. ( 1 0 . 9 Z 6. Are the conditions of hardship for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ( ). No (X). If no. how many other properties are similarly affected ?_ 1e., 7. /r 5t�t°} s►de 1 8. _ /.. r +t w ., C. - V will granting of the variance be materially detrimental to property in the same z ,)ne, or to the enforcement of this ordinance? 1 41 0 ,_ A-,' // i n Gewc yp '4 -� -i!�W Lif _ PART III J. SITE PLAN INFORMATION: All supporting documents such as sketch plans, attachments, etc., must be submitted in 8 -1/2 "x11" size. If larger drawings are submitted, one must be 8- 1 /2 "xll ". and 15 larger size c pies must be Provided. For each requested zoning variance procedure, a site clan must be attached at a scale large enough for clarity show- ing the following information: 1. Location, area, and dimensions of existing and prc sed: Mot(s), building(s), driveway(s) /street access, off - street parking, and utilities. 2. Existing and proposed elevations. 3. Distance between: building and front, side and rear lot lines; principal building and accessory buildings; principal building and principal buildings on adjacent lots. 4. Location of: signs, easements, underground utilities, etc. 5. Indicate "north" compass direction. 6. Any additional information as may reasonably be required by the • city staff and applicable sections of the Zon!ng Ordinance. M3 What is the "minimum" modification (variance) from the area, bulk, and setback regulations that will permit you to make reasonable use of your land? (Specify, using maps, site plans with dimensions and writ- ten explanation. C /P✓,7 -1 TA N vh 9z a th �o 0 � ti J � � '' pis ` • \ N to �• i� X 2 6 0 _ 0 O 'q 9 i C 0 � b � � �r ;L iiilE � 4.2 12 -1i (111 ^ TON aO J �• Y n tlo ,,\0 r w i BLV D it 39 - it I i t 40i 10 f 19 GIs 19 Z�;. 3'2 - Q l3 26 7 a r I W 2:' jr gh «s V 8 11 { s ♦ - si .; r i - �.•- � � • si 11. M � - ND • 125 r • sit Cm )♦1� 2 � 1 M . N )' •• 40 1 1 2 . 41-11 3s I l 1 ) a• f f _ Lg �• 4 ,� J an • W— -7, N W. -M T �6 ' •A � „ �• ill ao w rrf 10 17 10 4;.7 ♦7 ♦ o ��� 1 �07� ' soil ao - 0 — 40 �{ +_ 9 • 1 l2 M. 14 1 1116 17 I • N to ~ i 1 31 S 7. 10� 6 { +/ 3�.t� is� �e 1w block 's all 111orsA 1Hk 13 11 ls' i j17 A ac m. sa 97P /o M N HES R R .1 �{ 7 '•0 S + I.07S �„ - In F e o 3! T MiJN� MINNES07ti 5536s 612! 4 72 -115� August 10, 1990 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ED SHUKLE, CITY MANAGER RE: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING — DAKOTA RAIL As directed by the City Council, at its July 10, 1990 meeting, I was instructed to make direct personal contact with the property owners in the Central Business District to discuss with them the Possible acquisition of railroad property parking lots in downtown Mound. I was instructed to discuss with them the petition that was mailed out in late May 1990 regarding a Possible public improvement project to acquire the parking lots through eminent domain. Initially, I had sent 25 memorandums and petitions out to the property owners. Of those 25, I received 5 positive responses to a special assessment project, and 2 negative responses. (NOTE: One of the persons responding negatively later changed his mind due to not understanding the assessment methodology). Thus, there were 6 in favor and one against. I then contacted the remaining property owners, by telephone, to arrange meetings with them. Of the 18, I met in person with 10 property owners. Councilmember F'l:yllis Jessen assisted me in these meetings. I also made contact by telephone with 7 of these persons who were not able to schedule meetings with me. The eighth property owner did not return my calls. Attached, are 11 "Petitions for Parking Facilities" . These represent the positi - responses that I have received in writing from 11 of the 25 property owners in the Central Business District. There were other owners who indicated that they would return the petition, but as of this date, I have not received those. Thus, there could be some stragglers within the next week or so. Typically, under a public improvement project, petitions are submitted with at least 35% of the benefiting property owners petitioning for the public improvements. In this case, there are 25 property owners, 35% would be at least 8, we now have 11. So it would appear that this project could go forward through the public improvement process. • 1] 013 1. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING /DAKOTA RAIL MEMO AUGUST 10, 1990 I met with Eli Mills, owner of Dakota Rail, on August 2, 1990. We discussed the square footages of the properties involved. I indicated to him that on the south side of the railroad tracks there were approximately 34,410 square feet under current City lease with Dakota Rail. In addition, in earlier talks, Mr. Mills had indicated that he could sell up to 15 feet from the center line on either side of the tracks. In reviewing this, this totaled approximately 6,250 square feet on the south side of the railroad tracks. On the north side of the railroad tracks, the area parallel with Commerce Boulevard, there is approximately 7,900 square feet. There is approximately 13,000 square feet of land adjacent to that area that is used for parking, but is not leased. I also stated to Mr. Mills that the City would be interested in purchasing a 39' x 218' area parallel to the railroad tracks on the north side, which totaled 8,500 square feet. Putting all of these square footages together, the total becomes 70,060 square feet. We also talked about the piece of property that is under City lease next to the Johnson and Wood Law Office. This is approximately 6,240 square feet. The total square footage for acquisition purposes becomes 76,300 square feet. I explained to Mr. Mills what the City Council had directed me to do. I indicated to him that I had meetings with the property owners within the Central Business District and that I was getting a generally favorable response with regard to going forward on an assessment procedure in relationship to a condemnation proceeding. I a--ked him about whether or not he was going to place fencing around the lots. He was uncommitted. He indicated to me that he assured Mrs. Moy that she would have parking. He alsu assured First Minnesota that they would have parking. This was unclear to me last week. I called one of the persons that met with Phyllis and I and Mrs. Moy and asked him what he knew about this. He was not clear either. I also called First Minnesota and found that they had just concluded a new lease arrangement with Mills on the land where the building is located. According to the First Minnesota representative, Mills assured them that they would have parking either under the City's program or that he would designate parking for them in the lot on the south side of the tracks. Mills told me he would not challenge the City's action to condemn the land. He believes that the City will spend too much m.:ney on the legal fees on this process and ought to agree to his price of $250,000. He will, however, challenge us on our land values in the condemnation proceeding. Before leaving, we talked about possibly meeting again and he said he would be willing to meet. We talked about his dropping 2 6% 0 3 L7 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING /DAKOTA RAIL MEMO AUGUST 10, 1990 the price and on August 2nd he was not willing to do that. I don't know if he is still willing to meet or if he is vacillating on price. He said he would go back and recalculate his numbers based on the square f ootages that we discussed and he would probably get back to me. In order to get this issue off the table, Curt Pearson, City Attorney, and I have discussed the matter over the past several months and in further detail in the past few weeks. He has told me that there is no commitment in this petition as to the amount of money which would be expended or the cost of the improvements. The petition is therefore not location specific, but relates to the Central Runiness District. Curt has further indicated that if I have determined from the petition that there is sufficient interest in these facilities by the owners of the property and if they understand that the project will be done under a special assessment formula, then I must follow Minnesota Statutes Section 459.14, Subd. 3, which reads in part as follows: "If special assessments have been or will be levied in an amount of not less than 50% of the amount of such bonds..." Curt has indicated to me that if the owners petition, the next step would be to follow the normal procedures set out in Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes, which would be to order a feasibility report. At that point, the engineer would put together a report and do a cost evaluation for acquisition and construction and other expenses. Then a public hearing would be held and estimates would be given to each property owner as to how many spaces they would be expected to pay for and how much their properties would be asses, Therefore, it is my recommendation that you adopt the resolution attached, which is to accept the petitions that have been submitted by the property owners and to order a feasibility report for municipal parking improvements in the Central Business District area. The Council in the resolution would be appointing the City Engineer to prepare the feasibility report. The resolution also indicates that the City appoint a qualified appraiser for the purposes of appraising the lands for purposes of establishing values of the properties. ES :ls • 3 a3 44 RESOLUTION 90. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PETITIONS ON 40 PARKING FACILITIES IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AND ORDERING A FEASIBILITY REPORT WHEREAS, the City of Mound has been involved in the Central Business District Parking Program since 1970; and WHEREAS, the City through its parking program with the Central Business District has been leasing areas within the Central Business District for parking purposes from Burlington Northern Railway and subsequently Dakota Rail; and WHEREAS, Dakota Rail has been taken over by a new owner, Mr. Eli Mills, of Largo, Florida; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mills has indicated that he wishes to sell the parking lots that the City and CBD property owners currently lease; and and WHEREAS, the current lease expires September 15, 1990; WHEREAS, the City and Central Business District have been working together over the last few months to negotiate the acquisition of those lands; and WHEREAS, Mr. Mills has asked for $250,000, or roughly $4 per square foot for the lands, and WHEREAS, the City of Mound has consulted with its assessor who has indicated that the market value is somewhere between $2 and $2.25 per square foot; and WHEREAS, the City has rejected the proposal from Mr. Mills and has gone to the property owners in the Central Business District to discuss with them whether or not they would be interested in acquiring the properties through a special assessment program as outlined in Minnesota Statutes Section 459.14, Subd. 3; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound would consider eminent domain proceedings should there be sufficient interest and support from the property owners in the Central Business District area; and WHEREAS, the City Manager was directed to make personal contact with the Central Business District property owners; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has received petitions that are more than the 35% typically required in a public improvement project under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. Aa4? THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby accepts the petitions as submitted for parking facilities from Central Business District property owners and orders a feasibility report to be prepared by the City Engineer and/or City Planner including a cost evaluation for acquisition and construction and other expenses. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor Attest: City Clerk 24370 CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY BUSINESS PHONE HOME _PHON dL JKDI Ijt1 ► � ��� �9E =��� Q_el 2.3V- eY472 — /v400 (/72 — 3' 0 L PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Iq- it7- )- y L/ _� C "�y e PRINT OWNER NAME OUR V� J W OWNER MAILING ADDRESS JO IN n 5 c►% - 7',a E mt Lak4 S+. t�a�►�sa ;o. h.,.. 55391 l.Jmo oL CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REr pus 1 Aso ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 23cs' C.am"Ln Blv d. BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE 4 ?s - I sis 1 4 72- -4 sL4. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ` LEGAL DESCRIPTION rn Afo. O�nSoN t LAmcsd J N N PRI 7 3i o 0 0 CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 5 �e PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION 65s- A W Q) - 7 6 • IT'D JUL 31 = BUSINESS PHONE HOME E� E A17Z -i z-" 3 PT I ON 30 9v 13 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ro.6r *wu 5s36 CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT JUL ? 2 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE �7,P - Y a Y 6 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION • i' 7 1 J,- 0 eK CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE srPgon 2 1p 19,,��vv �n -5,21 14�dI.tow -s fed. 47 ;- 7330 q7a' Wady JPAw CIAY IM 1, PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PR NAME oryi,,w CW✓ �bc+�C Z- a S 90 DATE ./ w �1 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ' -vEt_� N MAk_ca+ UL E.-I% �►�NK c r L ( J C t_ l u-' 7 A t �� 6 ,-,j .--, 1, *A-1 Z V r'' CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY RECD JUL 1 9 I BUSINESS PHONE 4A - I t- - - A�4% L HOME PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER i LEGAL DESCRIPTION !VCC �i •�Z hflNr 11 A ►JC�.u� —`ai U�►it� �'r`�li\ih+'��L "H - WNN€R SIGNATURE Imp - 1- ,y, -qu DATE • CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 1irARRE a17I�Gs �,��,n5ecn �oN 5cta�ev� -� 30� ia:� Nov M JUN 22 1990 • BUSINESS PHONE PROPE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER & LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1'j -117 - a,� y'� D n 3 `j NE IGNATURE 4 - 0 Q V` N 6 cmrjeYE'N PRINT OWNER NAME HOME PHONE y71 - oe. -. 2- - 90 DATE ' I- /f A /yam c Y. ,t/ AWR f S S OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 13 x 1 e CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 13-117-;`v 5-3 BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE 7/ 5 - 5 - 3G -s 2 y3 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER & LEGAL DES WNE SIGNATURE PRINT OWNER NAME I am not enterested in the parking land as the It own parking lot. Please change my mail to the Win. address instead of Florida. Thank y a. s p' ��• I d &OF DATE CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Er JUN 81990 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY BUSINESS PHONE 6 rkt .r Y4 tvy L U MA PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER & LEGAL DESCRIPTION OW NER SIGNATURE A,1, t- L.4orr, PRINT HOME PHONE G 2 7' sYS DATE J 9U w r� I V J CITY OF MOUND / PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT RECD JUN 5 1990 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY BUSINESS PHONE 2 2 C Co e-� "c V9 PROPERTY IDE NTIFICATION NUMBER & LEGAL DESCRIPTION I'f - ► ► = � �-�f y �! X03 7 - ME I GNATURE P RINT OWNER HOME PH ONE y7/ ?/S D ATE 0 0 0 CITY OF MOUND PETITION FOR PARKING FACILITIES CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY CoouC,b;T►Nr. sT. "IM14tri ' $Ljlm ( dl? Sb Coon macc• Koas ,, M,. V0W OWN R NATURE $--f w 0 BUSINESS PHONE 41W - -1 r 9(v PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER & LEGAL DESCRIPTION 13 - 117 - Z>' %3 ao77 co VCS i —7N` . , XiL,L1,S . J a * , A"0 011116. ..,\aNAIMA) TRINT OWNER NAME HOME PHONE sw., • � McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North. Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 Telephone Engineers 612 476 -6010 Planners 612 476 -8532 FAX Surveyors August 1 3, 1990 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota Island Park Garage Re- Roofing MFRA #8145 Dear Ed: We received only one (1) bid for the subject project, in the amount of $16,800.00. The bid was submitted by B&B Sheetmetal and Roofing, Inc., of Buffalo, Minnesota. Our estimate of May 16, 1990, is $22,000.00. We have checked the references of the Contractor, see no reason to reject his bid, and recommend approval. e If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. Sincerely, McCOMBS FRANK ] RO , OS ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven W. Jantzen,;P.E. A.I.A. SJ:jmj • An Equal OUporkunly Fmployer • McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. August 13, 1990 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road sound, Minnesota 55364 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager 15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth. Minnesota 55447 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota Bay Park Depot Deck Reconstruction MMA #9195 Dear Ed: Telephone Engineers 612 476 -6010 Planners 612 476 -8532 FAX Surveyors Three (3) bids were received for the above referenced project and are listed below: 1. Shingobee Builders $ 13,518.00 2. Great Scapes, Inc. $ 13,962.00 3. Palm Construction $ 17,958.35 . The low bid of $13,518.00 is above our March 1, 1990 estimate of $10,000.00 for the deck reconstruction. The reason for this is because the final design is more extensive than the design upon which the cost estimate was based. A more pleasing and safer stairway with landing was developed on the lake side of the deck. On the opposite side, the handicap ramp necessitated removal and replacement of part of the sidewalk. It was also found that the existing footings are not below frost depth; therefore, these will be removed and new footings constructed. Our revised estimate, which includes these factors, is approximately $14,000.00. Shingobee's bid is less than our revised estimate and, because we have had good experience in working with them on the Mound City Hall project, we recommend approval of their bid. Related to the depot deck reconstruction is the reinforcing of the existing walls and floor of the depot building. Our March 1, 1990 cost estimate for this work was $6,000.00. Because Shingobee will be completing the work on the deck, we will request a proposal from them for this additional work. US. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact ." ncerely, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. 41 4. v 1-- -1/ Steven W. Jantzen,� E.y A.I.A. SJ:jmj An Fflu ;il ( )ppurtimily Frnplrr /r,r v ♦ � MINNE *' � M � LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT +Y,TIOM� 40 : EAST LAhF STRE VAi_-.'a hE EUGENE R STROMMEN i /ltvt 'ln t' OWD MEMSEAS July 23, 1990 Greenwuoo Albsrt Foster Vice Cn,nr 2 Deeohaven a v RD JUL 41990 Jan B04winkel. Secretary "in neton ko Beach John Lawman Treasurer Minnetnsta Douglas E Babcock Spring Park City of Mound Marvin Blo: nn Tonka Ba c/o Edward Shukle, Mgr. James N Gralhwol Excelsior 5341 Maywood Road JoEllen L Hurt Mound MN 55364 Orono John G M abnka Victori Thomas Martinson' Dear Ed, Wayzata Robert K Pdlsbury Minnetonka The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District has received Robes Rascop sh /ewOi an application for a Multiple Dock and Mooring Area Thomas W Reese• Mount, License as described on the attached certificate. Robert E Sloc Um Wood l anct LMCD ordinances require that before a license can be issued, the affected property meet municipal zoning requirements. Therefore, it is the policy of the LMCD that all dock license applications be referred to the village for review, and that a zoning certificate be required from the village before final action of the District on the application. If a zoning certificate or a request for delay for reason is not received from the village within 45 days of the above date, tine District will continue its consideration for approval of the application. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to this office so that prompt action can be taken on the application. Thank you! Sincerely, LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT A ugenetrommen Executive Director is Enc. Harrison Harbor Twinhome Association 4 3 71 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATION FOR DOCK I& LICENSE ZONING APPROVAL FOR 1990 (year) Under the terms of Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD)Code: Section 1.06,Sub Compliance With Other Laws. The issuance of a license or permit by the district does not relieve any person from the responsibility of obtaining required licenses, permits, or other permission from any federal, state, municipal, county or other governmental agency having ,jurisdiction over the Lake. LMCD hereby advises its member municipality that the following person/ firm /organization has applied for a new /renewal license for multiple dockage: Harrison Harbor Twin Home Association c/o David Morse, 1822 Commerce Blvd, Mound, KN ,5364 (Name and address of dock applicant) Harbors Harrison H ors Twin Home Association, 1838 Commerce Blvd. Mound (Title, description and location of docks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I certify that the above dock license applicant has met tie zoning ordinance requirements of Mound for the (Municipality) property described for 1990 and is entitled to a Lake Minnetonka (Year) Conservation District dock and /or mooring area license thereunder for slips and /or moorings. (Authorized Signature) (Date) • &37 2 f � , n JUL l O 1967 w Val: Ll l °55 E., ,_,.aa - - -- -- OPPOSITE % �. 34 ' SHOREL i DOCK LAYOUT PLAN �- JUDICIAL LANDMARK es' ! c a+ r PROPg4TV LItIF , t... m T 34. �9 2D' SETBACK % DQiFTwWD St+0aE5 r► O 80_'ASSN ISLAMD r+ 7 \ O S lb • �� ® /% f O• 20' S7' e ` � A O 120 ai • n O 2a\ � ?6,�3 6 ,r L °, Ij ,- 6 2 ~ m • ( Z ` HARRrONS ELY v c cr as 100' 1 . ° t- 76 LENGTH $SETBACK LMCD ' 15 F, l ` wrQZ:) -46 �� M Z 9 DOCK LAYOUT PLAN MOR. c iNlORTH n jt AVGITILi J ire It ? y 2t2rts SHEET 1 t ' Lam, e _ �� NOTE • OfNH of w Sao s• . C C -4 . . Mti f M NARMSON SHORES T* aN rsfs/d rNof. �,` •'�(J��_o j O Y, .o, ` - �+ 4 'r \ >110f � s 15 .,45) 4• r \ E Gfv't NO Nnas en enM ,'Jj "J- distanlL between the East ead p ,.. �,• ,0 1 .• wfaf sactbn linos Those lines a• :•.r - . A •/ off th*rOf1K01 and are swoon for R 5 E i (s y a df :no purpose only ti 1. ° ♦�• •� ^• ' ����0 f I � a . ,- � � - •rte ti -:�,,+; � ; � � •„ T l ,�)� uo ta'10 Cam �a.MSj441� �,t };.- :5• - O A 71 e R =f0 mlSl c M \ R. L. S. 1 222 1.,, =JO• „' „• I $ E r n” = R�2S �wtfi - • �� , 21)89 I o r I o o so , f. I •r '4 41) r_ _ ID � +JAS yl+ , *i� l \�� e 1 • (` sL ' ; 9�A 4 �N l. ,e 2 - 1 ,1 ) v 9 to Q4y� +til r .M 1b . 37 M f 4 _ 2 20 ' 13 , 2 •,�' \� I M e \4s S i� : ' M Kls e e a 23 March 24, 1 RESOLUTION NO. 87- 55 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA (PDA), APPROVAL OF '0 VARIANCES AMID APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FCR THE MORSE ADDITION, PID NO. 13 117 24 23 0006. WHERFAS, the City Council held a public hearing on March 10 1987, pursuant to the Mound Code of Ordinances to consider the issuance of a conditional use permit to establish a Planned Development Area to allow development of two new single family homes, two twin homes (4 units) and create a new lot area for an existing residential structure. The hearing also considered variances allowing two lots to obtain access from a private easement and the preliminary plats and WM!PM, the subject property meets the criteria for the establishment of a. Planned Development Area as stated in Section 23.411 of the Mound Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the proposed uses are allowable under the Planned Developant Areas and WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for variances bo permit Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, to obtain access from a private easement rather than from a public street= and WHEREAS, The proposed variances satisfy the criteria for granting variances as stated in Section 23.506.1 of the Oode of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat is generally consistent with the Mound Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances of the City and the Subdivision Codes and WHEREAS, all persons wishing to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and does reoomnend approval. NOW, THEREF011E, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the conditional Use Permit, variances and preliminary plat for the Morse Addition are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Per plat on file at Mc.LM City Hall dated January 14 1987 revised January 21, 1987. 2. Posting of a subdividers escrow in the amount of $1 v 000.00. for engineering, administration and legal costs. 3. Grading, drainage and utility plans shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer. 4. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the watersher.. district. 0 5. The driveway location on Commerce Boulevard shall be reviewed and approved by Hennepin County. A37T narcn cv, iyuj %- I--- 6. All bye -laws, Hama Owner's Association Articles of Incorporation, and protective covenants shall be reviewed and approved by the city attorney and filed with the final plat. 7. Park dedication fees in the amount of $300.00 shall be paid for each new unit at the time of building permit issuance. 8. Landscaping plans for the twin home units shall be submitted for review by the city planner. 9. proposed docks shall be reviewed and approved by the LMCD. 10. Easement documents for Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, shall be rsviewed and approved by the city attorney. 11. Setbacks for Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, shall be as shown an Exhibit At dated March 18, 1987. The foregoing res"lution was moved by Councilmember Abel and• seconded by Councilmember Jessen. The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: Abel, Jensen, Jessen, Johnson and Smith. The following Councilmembers voted to the negative: none. / r Ma or Attest: City Clerk %1 L E 11 MEMORANDUM TO: Park Commission 8 -9 -90 Planning Commission 8 -13 -90 (City Council 8 -14 -90 FROM: Jim Fackler, Park Director RE: DNR Application i91 -6003 2130 Noble Lane The subject property, 2130 Noble Lane, is private property on private lakeshore. The Project Sponsor, Dan Burnes, is requesting to make repairs to his shoreline which was damaged in July 1987. Burnes is proposing to remove approximately 405 cubic yards of material from below 929.4, and remove upland weeds with a bucket /scraper. City of Mound property will not be affected by this work. however, if the contractor plans to use City property to gain access to the site, they should notify the City prior to crossing City property. Any damage to City property will be evaluated; the applicant will be required to restore any damage. pj • ;� •wCOD Fr _ IES DEPART VOT7 RESOURCES �'E�0uk CE = rNONENp. METW-11 LION WATERS =- -1280 VARNWROAD; ST%vPAUL, MI 55106 FaE me " 296 - 7523 D \'R PROTECTED WATERS PERMIT APPLICAT'ION`'NUMBER _` 9 i RE� QUES� R y -� TS: — , ,... .�:..,..,r..��......�..... -�� DATE: :r..+,..r.a..as...�an..io.�. ar..s a� .i- ..ca�..r.s�+►.•o.,.r►"s""'t TO: USCp(f - � cwt dw FROM: • CEIL STRAUSS, AREA HYDROLOGIST WATERS AFFECTED:( fv-i PROJECT SPONSOR: IJ 0. v� •� .�v�� NATURE OF WORK: `L a. w 1 �..� �+ S �sl COMMF -%`TS DUE BY: �S ,A 1P _ �{-- c- r+��►r t a c��o far�r' c.; ..l l.� � 3 0 f �►,. -� roc � � �� - JOOO . EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � NA- UY07: -W •- -1. 'w %V. 10189 ROW _ 89 - KW AKUUM �. _ �_ ►ta!��'` - f)EIARTAIENi Of DirmiTMtig VW a 980180Th NATYlAI lESOUR NATURAI !9 SOuet04 , wfA1E>� : w 7- TERS t p. b Please read fnSRuchm - 60104 atteiilptlrlg b DOIgOMIt'MIK Votlow : L^�:' a te;.'•'.: (Last. . M. a- a. - borued Agent if a ttlepfN Q 1 y a d. .k" o6✓e M OF PROPOSE6I _ M EGT•i TOINMA1DE SKE SHOWI MQ`il TOW W.D. Oil= T O THE.3t _ i It TYPE OF WORK PROPOSED{CHECK`ONE) W TYPE OF PROJECT (CHECK ONE excavate Wkwair 0sh0reline O IlWe'-Volectioa 0 obstruction 0 dam 0 fill 0 remove O da" O harbor 0 bridge 0 other O drain O Arbon 0 Will blanket 0 pernlaneM dock 0 culvert = (speCih) 0 construct O cater Ispecity) =.. . O install - _ O ripgp 0 tt. WWTH MW COST a =6 3 M. LENGTH OF HORELINE• A FFECTED (IN FEET) : -- - ' IIL VOLUME OF MATERIAL FILLED OR EXCAVATED (IN CUBIC 410S) O VOL BRI F EX T l�i NATION OF PROJECT: (EXPLAIN WHAT PR ISTS OF AND HOW WORK WILL BE DONE 1 y to n�cYn w�e Qc� t flr s S rcq"• 4b ir" � revc er>Ia e e►r) )nee' ��"! f ►►�� aS_� �) / �o� 40 1 IL PURPOSE OF PROJ�C^ (�cNain w�h ► ft project is needed) L EN 111111 (Anticipated to the water and related land resources. including unavoidable but detrimental effects) "m 'fe or�r Z S 6mc-' NTAL � y D. I ALTlriItlATrfn loth or alternatives to the action I Lea v c. tk,3i4 Av-s5 I -- - xL Anela ftmo Callow 106.42 OW >E NeOOnrq rwe a f1M111A b wank in a affaCl the aeae rwned erateraed welts) in wmdm we aN psw*q tow. 0". ad a!w , .I abit tuOnNw wo ft Tte Ydareprian jubwAm Will "$Waft epee cocaraq Va ems, mron trot end =rrea a Mp as of ng apw'Ids STATE OF COUNTY OF _ Sugsu�0t0 and sworn b before nit Ilat e of Owner AWwad Aetnt Ow Srenalve N leaeee Oats y► a —AAA ibution: day of 19 / LAW Su+ M IT'Z - White: DO MBAR/ NICK- MIR1111MA Mile: SM w ea [1. � �'' tr Green: watershed District '77 . wwrwwvw. Goldenrod: City or County srerplure Pink: Army Corps of Engineers Caner)►: Applicant e �s 71 • �T �1 t i. a to too C< Ytl�tl�l n, VI so4w NATIMAI fIfOY1CIf 1 (To be compNfa(F by applicent) IV 4 1I N 4 LF W _ R BI , "AeJ LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT COMMENTS 2 1 -30 4AAr M A" 'ART t Flow% vein anect: (name ow nurrloer or rare, wetrand, or watercourse) � � � A4 o� v� - 5 Gt I hereby submit this application for permit to S. a of Applicant Date (mark proper box) AL) , —I 2-QG E>pproprisfe water oZork in protected waters -------------------------------------------------------- on 11 (To be aompNbd by local unit of povernmony The foNo Ang local unit of government commenb and/or recommendations an submitted for consideration by the Department of Natural Resources in the disposition of the referenced permit appikation. (Y VA RESP NSE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DNR WITHIN 30 DAY S.) Water Aopropriation Permit Applications and Protected Waters Piarmit Applketkns are to be sent to the DNA Regional Office. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CORRECT MAILI140 JUL 1990 y RECEIVED r- REGION yl WATERS ' s Was the proposed project field inspected by this local unit of government? ❑NO OYES (if Yes, give viewer's name) (Authorized Signature I Title I Date (Telephone No.(Are# Code) of responding SON and Wafer Conservation District, Watershed District, City or County 7 7 ess (of IN awn named Wal unit of government) i (DNA — Dh+lsion Of Water addresses On beck) do.as1 20 1 to , �� 12M � � � \ 3t � C 37 34 E. 3 5 _• A 3s �'♦ 7 4 S '� e N ' s T 2130 Noble lane Arrahm Llnaaln T. so - s' . r Daniel Durnes oddn to Lakeside Fork n w ♦ 8-20 -6e �30 12 e . N a � w • wrr ..w •rat awe tau • w wt of tae SO w ► w w eat ua sr wa wa t ss as n an• awt tr asw tv y • N '; 4 S" e • d i s► a ��aw�w ua w sr rs t w ne tv va 13 117 31 0003 9a •i4 f r� s i 4 L� a s3 ey 1 � y • . � 39 12 1+ ss . ✓ 1t s ��. `�� q 1 ss � �' / � / \ 4x4 O �, y 2 �ti Ls X32 1 41 A � = 31 � r � / Z ia 4 3�tfV 4 27 , e ,4. . , r,., r, I f ,. :. 21 till J J 19 e — ' - J Q 1 yam_ ° . 21 1� • ' 1� 9 \ x2 13 • .. 17 l0 21 1 V 23v1 C , d 20 del 11 M\ 4`` 2F\ `% U , ,� j - t, 1s i � : 19 1 • ( _ y 2 ,%' %,- _ H RD Ir it � << 7 "Now'* - AL :Y Pint of Survor.1 for Edward J. 8ohmler x� in Mock 1 and Waterbwjk Oomon \\ \% "Abrah LinQOln LUition to Lakeside Parke Wind MinnetolwAl ec� . Hennepin County, Minn. ` Z X. i ac/ /he Il' D/Ich • ;v. � . f i 1ti ' '1 /1�01�er�r 2130 No6le \ . B /��k : —•• 4/ �o y `1 'e � Cejrtificatg of Z�jrvgy s tiF I hereby certify that _ r this is a trui ano corset rPrr000ntntion of a survey of ; the bounOnri -o of that Fortion of k� Mock 1 and of Watgrbonk Commons in 'tAbraham Lincoln Addition to iakyside `.�.• Park, Maijnd. Minnetonka ", lyijV, bntweAn the Southnastgrly line of said block and a ' Northiast�rly extension thgrnof, - and a line described as cojsmincing nt a point on thg SouthwestRrly lin^ of said block dletent 400 fgot Southonstnrly alone said line from the j most M'gstorly corner of said block; thence North- easterly parallel with the Northwesterly ling of said block and running to the shore of Iakg Minnetonka, EXC�,UT the Northwest -erly 100 feet of said above-described property. purport to show imprwmmnts or encroachm -into. V �V , It does not �Scf►le: 1" - 50s Gordon R. Coffin Reg. No. 6064 ;,at : "-66 Lind Surveyor and Planner 0 s Iron marker Lang lake, Minnesota August 14, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. to- RESOLUTION RELATING TO CITY PARTICIPATION IN NARCOTICS CONTROL PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has been designated to administer law enforcement funds available through the Federal Anti -Drug Abuse Act of 1986; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound is eligible to receive funds for services set forth in its grant application. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, will enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, to reimburse the City for money spent for approved activities in connection with its grant application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement and any amendment thereto. r� • easy a August 14, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TEE XRYOR AND CITY 1LUMGER TO ENTER INTO TEE SOUTHWEST METRO TASK FORCE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT EE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force Joint Powers Agreement and authorizes up to $10,000 in matching funds for the opration of the Task Force. The foregoing resolution was moved by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember The following Councilmembers voted in the affirmative: The following Councilmembers voted in the negative: Mayor • Attest: City Clerk • 1 X345 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES 718 RECOMMENDED FOR TEE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS SEPTEMBER Il 1990 i 110VEM2ER 6, 1990 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve tion judges for the Primary Election General Election November 6, 1990: Anderson, Gunhild Aspinwall McGill, Pam Barkley, Beverly Blood, Cheri Bostrom, Holly Brandenburg, Emma Brown, Lois Bush &, Regina Byrnes, Robert Carlson., Robert Champine, Joanne Cooper, Leatrice Dressel, Elsie DuPuis, Gail Eischeid, Joy Gearther, Valerie Gilbertson, Marian Gilmore, Arlene Hall, Marcy Jerdee, Virginia Johnson, Betty Johnson, Jeanette Koenig, Edythe Lansing, Betty Lister, Bernard Longpre, Jerry Maas, Delores Maxwell, Helen McNamee, Sue City Council of the City of the following list of elec- September 11, 1990, and the Meier, Sharon Meisel, Pat Messick, Tune Miller, Sara Mondloh, Lee Nelson, Joyce O'Brien, Dorothy Oman, Kathy Orn, Phyllis Ostlund, Adelma Phleger, Shirley Putt, Bernice Ricater, Ella Ringserud, Marge Robinson, Jean Rudolph, Phyllis Scholer, Ellen Schwingler, �. ".len Schwingler, Ann Sheridan, M. Kathleen Sidders, Barb Skoglund, Ardelle Skoglund, LynDelle Smith, Marsha Strong, Betty Strong, Linda Westerman, Bonnie Wilson, Clifford Woytcke, Sandra • • • 1 �t3�` W 3nbmtm, .Ydr tAta 4 Uft 7 s't` A b � the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation pa of 1111 *W Part. Lassa►._., .��... R��T � M ...a � &n W. I u , - ..._Pmt of As seesaw& past, Le"N.--, ■16utae14. !'has as sold party of tb Zw past, to eoneww "on of the mass and "*=or^ Ao•tnafb► me atoned, do __ hersby Denstas, Laau and Lot veto As said party of the noon& part, ant IOU std party of &U aoond part do— herby Atse and tats frog► the aid party of 04 ¢nt part, tha fella.- IV doosrtbsd pnnniaoa, & to LU county of henna i n _ � _ awd 8644 of Lots 1, 2, 3 6 22, Block 5 Oreameood P10 113 117 -24 12 0223 0 ' 71990 i nr of MOUN their _.bd>y and Ira 3yabt a aD a *e1Y. 2%s above rent.& praewiw Wnto W .std Lsass..� ��.-_._ asdgna, for and during the full tern of_ one 'Le _...__. .,_from awd after the Lnd As said Gans_ s afros- _ to and with the acid Lemor._ to pay as rent for the abow mantiewsd pron- taw the sun► of...... ...._._One....QoJ_lar....Uj,&Q) n�.d 4ShGt 94SL and Yil. to c n gi.de.GatiQnDOLL.[11S It is specifically understood and agreed by and between the parties that the lessees ,hall only have a right to use the aforedescribed lands and that the only use that they may put this property to is to plant a garden. The lessees further agrees that they will maintain the site, mowing the grass, cutting the weeds and keeping the site clear of litter during the term of this lease. The only purpose for which the lessees may use this ground is to plant a vegetable garden, which may not be used as a commercial garden plot, and there shall be no storage, parking or other use of this property by the lessees. Mayor, City of Moue i ty Ma nager, Erry o 1; jjJ (SEdL) A387 and diouf As fuA urn of "Loaaa /nd it to further a by and beftoeas the partiao as followe: That aboaid the said Lo -- fail to make the above metagoned payments as heroin spedjisd, or to pay the rant afo►waid when duo, or fail to ful)[Zl any of the oovenanra herein oontainsd, tAern and in that oaas it .hall be lazo;Ad for &U saki Gear_ b reinter and tales poaersion of the above ranted p w iaea, and hold and enjoy ww sans without such ro ad4rinf working a forfstture of the rants to be paid and the eownants to be porforn ed by 04 said Gus._._ for the full term of this Loma. .dnd the aid la aZa omwwnt.:_ and agree-E. to and with the said Leasor__ not to aadjw this Gana, or underld the above rented prrn%iw or any per: thereof, without )lrat obtainia/ Ow writbn aonsent of the said Guor.. :..., and that....theY....wilt, at the aspiration of the time as hnYix recited, quia4 yield and a wrender the aforesaid pnmi.au to the said Less►.._, .__ .... __. 11 sirs and auigna, to as g -d of -Aulwa and repair a Wheft.'A.hgy'r took them, reasonable wear and tear and damage by the sZements alone oxw$od. .dnd the said Lcuor ... doff s - oovanant that 0" said Leaua5...., on paying the rant and per formin f the oovenanta aforesaid, shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the said demtud promtaa for the term aforesaid. )a 7tss?imonp illbetrot. Both parties hags Amunto tat their hands and seale the day and year )tree above Written. Si(nad, Sealed and DeUvered In Presence of o Wa ve r I y Wa OF s r 040) McCombs Fra Roos Associates, Inc. 150517 23rd Avonur N -Srth Plymouth. Minnesota 55447 Telephoie Engineers 612 476 -6010 Planners 612 4768532 FAX Surveyors August 9, 1990 Mr. Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Manager REC'U AUG 10 1990 City of Mound 5;41 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 SUBJECT: City of Mound, Minnesota 1990 Seal Coat Program Final Payment Request mm #6173 Dear Ed: Enclosed is Bituminous Roadway's Final Payment Request in the amount of $29,934.74 for the 1990 Seal Coat Program. Because this work is fully completed, we do not recommend that any amount be retained. • We have reviewed the project with your Street Superintendent and find that the work was done in accordance with the plans and specifications. It is our recommendation that the Contractor be paid in full for this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact US. Very truly yours. MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. John Cameron JC:jmj Enclosures • AnF i, gi; ;" tTT,;;1,ip. 0 0 0 ~ PAYMENT R[niIFST Nn. l (FINAL) CITY OF mn|KJn, MINNESOTA l Sea] rnat Pr°nram MFRA *6l73 CnNTRACTnp FWGINEM Rltuninn!s Rnqdwayx, Inc. Mrrnrnhs F-nnk Ronq Assnc�nt*s, Tnc, 2825 [edar Avenue South 1 27 [vpnup tJo Ninnennnlis, mlnnpsntn 554n7 P'vnnu+�, Minn-snta 554»7 I hpre^v cprt ' thnt this estimate is trL/e ind correct. 9IT Rnun:AYS, INC. natp: An'rvpri and rpcnmmenrled for p in tl)e amnunt of $ ?9,934.74, MrCnwRS FRANK Rmll� AS5OrIATES, INr, "y:___-_____-___________ p ` rnNTRArT ||NTT nUAIJTTTY ITEM rV1AMTJTY PRICF U�[D TOTAi l. 235«.511�) Bituxninrva Mntpri�l fn- Cnat Fornishp4 and 4pplind 3l,nOO CAL n.7125/GAL - 3l,7«7 r�AL $ 22,334,74 2. 1 35(,. n7 Se Coat A?nre l,550 TrV/-c, 4.75/rAL l,e)0O TnUS $ 7,tfOr,.On I hpre^v cprt ' thnt this estimate is trL/e ind correct. 9IT Rnun:AYS, INC. natp: An'rvpri and rpcnmmenrled for p in tl)e amnunt of $ ?9,934.74, MrCnwRS FRANK Rmll� AS5OrIATES, INr, "y:___-_____-___________ p ` A l. ! t 1- IC APFLICATI01 AID CRIMIC01 101 PATNIIT PAGE l TO: CITY Of MOUND FRON: SIIIG0111 BOILDIP.S, INC. 5:41 NAYE 4 P.OAD FROJICT: NCDND CITY NALL APPLICATICN 10: 4 NCUID MI SS36! Shirgobee Builders Inc.. PERIOD 1P, ^N: W4190 90 279 N. Medina Street 10: 01/31!90 Loretto MN 55357 AICIITECT'S ATTIPTION: CONTRACT 101: ADDITION I RINODIL PIOJICT 10: 0 CONTRACT DATE: 44 W 9A •---------------------- --------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ._...--------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACfCR'S APPLICATION fop. PATIENT CHANGE ORDER: SUNNAP.T ----------------------------------------- ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS ----------------- - - - - -- TOTAL 1REVIOUS 5500.04 -1099.00 ---------- ------- ------------------ - - - - -- CURRENT STATUS ORIGINAL CONTRACT SON 161:87.00 ITT Of CIAIGI ORDERS 15475.70 CONTRACT SIN TO DATE 116151.10 TOTAL CONFLITID 110 STORED 391544.15 RITAINAGI: CONPLITID MORE STORED NAIIIIAL IRIS FEP.IOD CO 1 DATE ,ao 10.90 41131;90 E 471 W 9 V/31/94 10 01131190 l i 47, 31 90 - ittALS - III CHANGE - 1000.04 6150.40 1974.04 511.10 11. 1102.40 --------------------- 175I3.70 - 2093.40 15475.70 TOTAL 11TAIIAGI 39154.49 TOTAL IAIIND LESS RITAINAGI 351190.16 LISS PREVIOUS C1PTIIICATIS 216515.09 CURRENT PAYMENT DOE 135115.17 BALANCE + RITAIMAGI 425312.44 STAY! Of: /r1/v COUNTY 01: INS UNDEPSIGNED CCITRACTOF CEP.TIf11S IRA? TO THE EES1 Of HIS 1MOILEDGI SUBSCRIBED AID WON TO 1110P.E ME THIS INfORNATION AND BELIBf TNI NOPfi COVERED BY THIS APPLICATION fOR /o DAY Of 41/6 , 19 0 PAYMENT HAS [EEO CONFLETEC 11 ACCORDANCE (ITN TII CONTRACT DOCO- I NOTARY PUFLIC: 11116, THAT !LL AMOU11a WI 8111 PAID BY HIM POP. NOR[ IOR IIICR IT COMMISSION WIRE PRIVIOUS CIP.TI11CATIS 10P PATIENT NIPS ISSUED AID PAIN1115 RIC91VID 110M INS ONNER, AND ?BAT CURRENT PAYMENT SHOIN HIRIIN IS 101 DUE. ° (tv,: otE• -"c - ., , "mom pns�+w6 lae COITPACTOR: IT: / DATE: AP.CH!TECT 5 CEPTI11CATE VE FAiMENT AMOUNT CEPTIfIEO ...............i ' ' ;` . I� In a- cIrdao:a With th! C:atr m Oocur nts, based on on -site (Attach etplaoatica if w eat certifill litters obserr3ticas and the data :cipw ing the awe application, irol the ascunt applied for.l the Af :bitect :ertitics tc the Ova!r that to the b!st of the ARCBITICT: Ac meet's kn:vl!dg!, info natt:o and belief the lark has as!d Is aodi:at!d, tb! pilit7 of th! Virk is in _ By: -%G��_ '�;_ '? a.�'t, Oate, iG lPdloce With tb! C:ntrl:t V mots Ind the Ccotract :r Ibis certiiicat! Is cot OtT.tiable. ?b A is entttle9 t: pI•ywt if th! AMOUNT CEPTI1I1D. C1RTIIIBD is payable only t0 the Ccatract:r W-Ga:bs Frank Roos Assoc- Inc. owed bereie. Issaaoce, pa7wt and Inception! 15050 23rd Avenue North of pays!nt are vithcut prejudice to Icy rights Plyrnuth MN 55447 of tb! Oroer of Ccotractor under this Ccotract. CONTINUATICN SHEET APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PATIENT PACE 2 FRCH: SBING011E 111ILDIRS, INC. APPLICATION 111111E 4 TO i OF Nrl'ND FROdICT: NOUID CITY BALL APPLICATION DATE, 08?1P + ?4 5311 NAYW;;D PCAD PERIOD FRON: NCUND NO SS364 CONTRACT FOP.: ADDITION / RINODEL 10: 11.31 94 ANCNITECT'S PlOiICT 10: 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A B C D I F 1 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOR[ CONPLITID ------------------ - - - - -- TOTAL NATERIAL CONPLITID CAT SCHEDULED PREVIOUS THIS FRISINTLT AND STOP.ED 1 BALANCE S 10. DESCRIPTION OF NORM VALUE APPLICATIONS PERIOD STORID TO DATE CONP. ------- TO 1IN151 --- ----- ---------------- P.ETAIIAGI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM GEPERAL REIUIP.EMENTS 81139.4) 42219.51 8443.94 1.11 50663.41 60 3311531 S °66.31 2012 UEMITION 15359.04 1535.90 1535.96 1.14 3071.9 24 12281.21 W .li 1221 EICAVATING, BACIFILL i COMP 14920.00 9633.10 2223.40 1.11 11856.11 81 2964.11 1115.0 251 ASPHALTIC FAVING 234300.04 0.10 0.11 1.11 0.10 1 23111.11 0.)i) 2611 HATER, SERVICE 1 12910.11 1.11 4.11 12910.14 111 4.11 1291.04 2950 fiE HALLS 5116.01 0.00 1294.00 0.41 129411 /5 3882.1! 1: 3311 CAST -10-PLACE CONCRETE 11445.40 54433.15 10846.15 1.11 64841.51 91 111430 6481.05 3415 FRICASE CCNCP.ETE 10454.01 10450.11 6.10 1.11 11450.11 111 1.00 104S.A� 5124 STPUCIURAL h NISC. STEEL 15091.00 1952.04 0.11 0.11 15152.14 110 1.10 1515.24 MI ROUGH CARPENTP.'i X978.00 1031.70 1131.70 1.11 2163.11 31 4814.61 106.34 6 FINISH CiPFENP.i'i 20445.40 0.60 1.11 1.04 0.10 1 21115.41 0.04 ITUNINOUS DAMPPR(OFING 901.00 900.00 1.00 0.11 900.14 111 1.01 90.0') 1 COATED INSULATION SYSTEM 44740.00 011.04 15659.14 4.11 22311.00 S0 22310.11 223 12 FIP.ESTCFPING Q1.01 0.00 314.10 1.11 314.11 SI 314.41 31.44 15)2 ELASTONEPIC ROOF;NG 14369.40 11495.20 1436.94 1.11 12932.14 90 1436.94 1293.21 79;0 )CIWT SEALERS 1: "'.00 260.00 391.00 1. 10 651.00 51 651.el ►S.OQ 8110 STEEL COPS i FRANCS 14720.40 3113.00 3234.10 1.11 7107.1; 65 3113,01 1 0 ;).71 8110 W0 ?2 %(:RS 2652.00 0.00 1326.00 1.11 1326.11 SI 1326.01 131.60 8351 F10J'IRG SLAT 002k 1140.40 0.04 0.01 1.14 1.01 0 1140.41 1.01 8360 SICTIC'NAL CVERH M 26'1.40 2611.00 0.00 0.10 2571.04 101 1.19 261.10 971; FINISH HAROMS 5 ?:1.00 0.04 3972.15 4.10 3972. IS 4S 4854.85 391.22 6 °0{l GLASS S SLA.INS 5240.4/ 4.00 2340.00 0.10 2340.10 4S 2161.01 131.0? 9144 METAL :fUD SYSTEM .9517.00 2951.10 14258.50 1.10 17110.10 60 11416.84 1711.41 9311 CERAMIC TILE FL" FS 3920.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.11 1 3921.00 0.00 9514 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 310.00 0.11 0.00 4.10 4.10 1 3161.11 4.40 9654 RESILIFNT FLOOR 9 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.44 1 981.11 0.00 9e94 CARFITING 136 14214.00 0.01 1.41 10224.04 15 3418.11 1022.10 9940 FAINTING 18504.00 0.00 0.10 4.41 1.11 1 18510.01 0.00 11161 METAL TOILET C,NPA.P.THEIT 1142.00 0.04 4.10 4.11 4104 1 1142.40 4.9? 10210 METAL WALL LOUVERS 160.00 0.00 0.01 1.14 0.41 0 1661.14 O.PP 11131) SIGNS ?? ?.40 4.04 4.00 1.14 1.11 4 899.44 ;.)? 1064 F�ETITICN FENCE 11:;.00 4. 00 0.00 0.00 0." 4 1126.04 0.00 10612 STOPAGE PAC13 4.44 0.00 1.04 4.04 0 1069.00 4.)? 101)i TOILET y FM A':ESS. 153 @.O0 0.00 0.00 0.11 4.00 0 1S34.00 d.t'P I'M: H°PI:GNTAL LOUDER BLINDS 94.44 0.40 4.00 4.40 4.14 1 891.44 1 ). It 14: dy!)RAOLIC ELEVAT ES :121;.94 0.00 11106.50 0.00 17116.50 S0 11116.54 1110.65 0 COITINWICI S111T APFLICATI01 AID CIP.TIF!CA!I fOR PATNEI!T FAST 1FON: SBINGOPII FOILOIPS, INC. APPLICATION IOKEIR: T T of ROUND FPCJICT: MID CIT1 NALL APFLICATION CATI: 10 Sill NAT0000 ROAD F9P.IOD ?P,ON: ?6 14 ?? logic NI 55361 Q14ACT POP: ADDITION I RINODEL T0: 0' 1 1 °2 ........................ ARCIITICT'S PIOJICT 10: .........-• ........................... A N C 0 . . . . .. I .............................................. I P G ..........--------- • .............. I I •---- •...... ..................................•--------•-----.......--•-•--•-•----------....................... WORK CONFLITID ----------------- ------- TOTAL NATIPIAL CONFLITID CAT SCNIDULID P11P10U5 1115 FRISIITLT AID S1011D 1 PALAICI S 10. DISCRIFTIOI of WORK iALUI APPLICATIONS !IRIOO S?OR10 TP ^A11 CORP. TO FI11S8 P.ITkIMI ................ ................... ISM FiAC ........................................................ 1:3700.00 19555.00 21761.00 1.14 .............. 431...._1 35 ..................... 8144S.44 41:9.52 IS444 FLUNIINS 5175.81 3866.25 7732.52 1.11 11S98.75 4S 16176.:5 lIS9.C6 1SS44 PIPI PROTICIION 19501.11 1.11 9251.41 1.11 9250.44 5/ 9252.11 Moo ILICTRIC.IL 5169S.011 11539.11 16623.75 1.14 ISM 75 65 31737.25 17111 OVIRNIAD 1 110111 53400.40 21214.10 7951.111 4.10 29151.11 SS 23911.14 2915.3) ...........................•---•-----......--.....------•-•--•..:............................---.....-----•----------------•-•--- JOITOTAL - 011411AL COTIRACI 763nit.a8 264912. 169669.55 1.14 394190.55 51 372916.15 '9119. ...................................•---------------------•-------•-------......................------------------..........------ CIAIGC O1DIP.�: �-:04 l CP.OIP. It $544.44 82s.44 27i.04 4.04 1110.04 20 4114. ?a I p. !•! DELETI DIPICII(NRL 51GN 7 ?9.90 -79 ?.Oo 0.00 1.11 - 792.01 100 1.04 3 SUBSfITUTP CONTROL sis -1 M. 4.0i - 1404.06 4.0 - 1444.14 111 4.44 1'3.3? 4 Mi EUILN OUT 1 ^7EFNAIG e351.20 0.00 12 4.11 1210.04 )1 So81.0 1:'.d? DELL SIGN CO5MCIION PR •304.00 - '.80.94 4.10 $Al - 380.40 101 4.44 F ADO'N 01 S"OP11G ROOK 2974.00 Vol 892.28 1.00 892.10 l0 20 °l.e� 0 5.'2 9 AWL IIIAUST 10 !OEM 9145 S!7.14 4.44 4.10 4.44 4.19 1 51'.0 l.!) 18 FAI!!1 NET!L CAI ILASF.IIG !130.51 1. °? 1.04 oleo 3.00 1 113 ?.W !9. CCU1CIL CNAK°IP.S 111)2.0) 0.04 0109 0.04 0.14 1 •--------- 114'..44 ....•----- '. •...... V ...........-------• ..............................................................-----------•-------- - SUBTOTAL - CIANGI (�P.DPPS ................................... 1S47S.70 -.......... - :73.04 .................................................................................... 1437.20 0.41 1161.21 8 14311.54 11 ................................... . - ;PAID 10915 - - ........ ... •-•- ............... ...........--------••-----.....----.......--------.............------ -............... 7 21o639.01 150915.75 cii 3915(6.75 - S1 ......------------ ......................... 387217.9S •-- 10156 •••....... 49 • BILLS---- - - - - -- AUGUST 14 1990 r� J BATCH 0073 BATCH 0074 72,132.01 131,562.91 TOTAL BILLS 203,694.92 • It • rigs pa 1 PURCHASE 10URNA; DAW7/31/90 "2-01 CITT OF FlD U D TIME 9.24.25 WNDOR INVOICE ME HOLD PRE -PAID GfCY 40. INVOICE NMBR DATE DATE STATUS NUM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MOUNT DECK t DATE PRE -PAID 8,100.00 REPAIR WILLS 60- 6000 -5300 or 7131190 7/31/90 8,100.00 ik -CD 1010 8100.00 30764 7131/04 LMS COUNTRY STONE, INC. VENDOR TOTAL 8100.00 00888 PREPAID 3,708.00 CMU 7/21 PR 01- 2040 -0000 7/31190 7/31/90 3,708.00 Jk-CD 1010 3708.00 30751 7/26/90 CIil COUNTY CREDIT UNION VENDOR TOTAL 3708.00 00999 PRE -PAID 225.90 LIFE INS 7121 PR 01-2040-0000 7/31/90 7/31/90 225.90 JK-CD 1010 225.90 30756 726/90 OJIERCIAL LIFE INS CO YOM TOTAL 225,90 C10o1 PRE -PAID 2,546.20 SIT 721 PR 01 -2040 -0000 7/31/90 7/31/90 2,546.20 JK-CD 1010 2546.20 30744 7/26/ mmisSIOVEP. OF wau YOM TOTAL 2446.20 11219 PRE -PAID 265.44 28 CONTRACT HOURS 81 -4350 -3100 7/31190 7/31190 2k.".44 jx-CD 1010 265.44 30740 724190 N ERT RU04PH YOM TOTAL 165.44 11328 PRE -PAID 25.47 NEIL -SH NE E1AL PITS 30-6000-4100 7/31/90 7131/90 25.47 JK-CD 1010 25.47 30742 724190 O MNOIS PIZZA YONDOR TOTAL 25.47 E1429 PREPAID 249.31 LIQ 71-71!O -9510 619.05 NINE 71-7100-9520 4.97- DISC 71- 7100 -9560 7/31/90 7/31/90 863.39 JK-CD 1010 863.39 30735 724/90 PREPAID 124.70 LIQ 71- 7100-9510 2.49 - b.- 5r_ 71-7100-9560 7/31/90 7/31190 122.21 JIL -133 1010 122.21 30772 7/31/90 D PHILLIPS L an YOM TOTAL 985.60 61935 PRE -PAID 1,155.00 DFF COMP 721 PR 01-2040 -0000 7/31/90 7/31190 1,155.00 JK-CD 1010 1155.00 30748 726i9O KAT NEST LIFE ASSURANCE YOM TOTAL 1155.00 61971 PRE -PAID 166.87 4XP OED 7/21 PR 01- 2040-0000 7/31/90 7131/90 268.87 JK -CD 1010 268.87 30754 7/26/ 9 P HEALTH PLAN VENDOR TOTAL 268.87 co-73 6! PRE -PAID 279.60 LID 71- 7100 -0510 8 WINE 71 -7100 - 0 520 3o 72- 9 - 3 o 7 - 7 y 7.37- DISC 71- 7100-9560 3.43 FRT 71- 7100 -9600 7/311 7/31/90 364.75 JRNL-CD 1010 3AA.75 30733 7r,4/90 Asal PAGE 2 P U R C h A S E J O U R N A L DATE 7/31/90 4P- 002-01 CITY OF ROUND TIRE 9.24.25 VBup INVOICE OIE HOLD PRE -PAID DIEM ND. INVOICE MNBR DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AR(W DED(4 DATE PRE -PAID 570.43 LID 71-7100 -9510 103.23 MIKE 71-7100 -x520 13.47- DISC 71-7100 - 9 560 6.41 FRY 71- 7100 -9600 7/31190 1/31/90 666.60 JRNL -CD 1010 666.60 30770 7/31/90 x10305 coo % C1ww mm TOTAL 1031.35 Kn45 PREPAID 288.46 7/21 PR OED 01-2040-0000 7131190 7131190 288.46 JAK -CD 1010 288.46 30750 1/26/90 NE18N CO SUPPORT 6 COLLECT# VENDOR TOTAL 288.46 N3242 PRE-KID 10.00 LEGISL UPDATE-IMT 01- 4140 -4110 7/31/90 7/31/90 10.00 JANL-CD 1010 10.00 30761 7126/90 no 6 WAS Yom TOTAL 10.00 12301 PRE -PAID 512.90 ICMA 7/21 PR 01-2040-0000 7/31/90 7/31/90 512.90 JRIL -CD 1010 512.90 30747 7/26/90 ICRA RETIRE4ENT TIW -457 VENDOR TOTAL 511.90 12304 PRE -PAID 91.98 ICRRA 7/21 PR 01- 2040-0000 7/31/90 7/31/90 91.96 ,!tilt -CD 1010 91.98 30746 7/26/90 ICRN RETIRENENi olUST -401 VENDOR TOTAL 91.98 J20 PRE -PAID 377.40 PIA 1NSP 01-4190-3100 1/31/90 mil" 317.40 JRNL-CD 1010 377.40 V738 7/24/90 JU WITWR WD" TOTAL 377.40 !2536 PRE -PAID 38.57 RISC 71 -710k,-9550 7/31/90 7/31190 38.57 AL-0 1010 38.57 30763 7127/90 in DORM SALES VENDOR TOTAL 38.57 !2571 PRE -PAID 505.50 75 CONTRACT HM 01- 4340 -3100 7/31/90 7!31190 505.50 JNL-CD 1010 505.50 30741 7124/90 00 TWFE VENDOR TOTAL 505.50 J25N PRE -PAID 1,218.02 LIG 71- 7100-9510 731.65 MINE 71- 7lW9520 31.71- DISC 71-7100 -9560 7131/90 7/31/ 1,917.96 JRNL -CD 1010 1917.96 30734 7,/24/90 PRE -PAID 1,174.87 LIG 71-7100-9510 557.82 NINE 71-7100 -9520 49.31- DISC 71-7100 -9560 7/31. 7/31/90 2,683.38 At-CO 1010 2683.18 Y771 '/31190 JDN50N1 W WO ESALE LIk VENOM TOTAL 4601.34 010 PAM 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE"nl/90 AP -002 -01 CITY Or illB TIME 9.24.25 Yom IMMICE DIE HOLD PREPAID CHECK W. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AIQNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT DECK 4 DATE 1 PRE -PAID 11,045.80 FIT 1121 PR 01- 2040-0000 7/31/90 7/31/40 11,045.80 JRNL -CD 1010 11045.80 30743 7126/'x0 IQIRETTE BAN( - WJND YOM TOTAL 11045.80 83090 PRE -PAID 1,316.56 HDSP 00 7/21 �'l 01- 20411-0000 7/31/90 7/31190 1,316.56 JRN.-CD 1010 1316.56 30755 1/26/90 OED OENIER HEALTH PLAN VEND)ZI TOTAL 1316.56 FM PRE -PAID 173.50 IBA 7/21 PR 01-2040-0000 7/31/90 7/31/90 173.50 JRNL-CD 1010 173.50 30757 7/26/90 MP BENEFIT ASSN Yew TOTAL 173.50 N3211 FIE-KID 23.84 JLLY CELLWIR TE.E 73- 7300-3220 _ 5.70 JULY CHIIAJBt TFLE 22- 4170-3220 20.92 JULY CELLULAR TFLE 01-4140-3220 7131/90 1/31/90 50.46 J W-CD 1010 50.46 30766 7/31/90 MP CELLULAR TELEPHONE CO VENDOR TOTAL 50.46 8331 PRE-KID 165.00 CRIN JDSTIC W+IARRELL 01-4150-4110 7/31/90 7/31/90 165.00 J W-CD 1010 165.00 30759 7/26/90 NIN EDDTA CLE VENDOR TOTAL 165.00 M3401 PRE -PAID 288.00 DEF COMP 7/21 PR 0:-2040-0000 is 7131/90 7/31/90 288.00 JRN.-CD 1010 288.00 30749 7/26/90 MN RETIREPW SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL 288.00 N3 20 PRE -PAID 516.92 POSTO-NEWSLETTERS 01-4020-3210 7/31/90 7/31/90 516.92 JRNL-CD 1 ^10 516.71 30729 7/18/90 PREPAID 70.07 POSTG-INTER CARDS 73-7300-3210 70.07 P05TG -MAT9t CARDS 78- 7800-3210 7131/90 7/31/90 140.14 J K-CD 1010 14 30730 1118/90 PRE -PAID 66.30 POSTC BILLS 73-7300-3210 66.30 POSTO -WATER BILLS 78- 7800-3210 7/31/90 7/31/90 132.60 JRIRL-CD 1010 132.60 30732 7/23/90 PRE -PAID 100.00 REPLEN POSTG DYE ACCT 73- 7300-3210 100.00 REPLEN POSTG DIE ACCT 78- 7800-3210 7/31/90 7131/90 200.00 JRN.-CD 1010 200.00 30760 1126190 "A POSTMASTER VENDOR TOTAL 989.66 PM31 PRE -PAID 562.58 MBL 7/21 PR 01-20 -0000 7 /31/90 7/31/90 562.58 JR11L -CD 1010 562.58 30758 7126/90 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE VENDOR TOTAL 562.58 M3690 PREPAID 560.00 NLC CONE- JENSEN,JW45UN 01-4020-4110 le 7!31/90 7/31/90 560.00 JO L-CO 1010 560.00 30762 7126/90 asll PAGE 4 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP-002 -01 CITY OF ON VE3NTJQ1 INVOICE DIE HOLD NO. IMIOICE NMNt DATE DATE STATUS AMUNT DEVIPTION NAIL LEAGLE OF CITIES VENDOR TOTAL 10840 PRE -PAID WLITT NINE i SPIRITS 7/31/90 7/31/90 NOVA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE VEI W TOTAL P3950 PRE-14I1) 7/31/90 7131/90 7/31190 7131/90 P E R A VENDOR TOTAL P4030 PINE -PAID 7/31/90 7/31/90 7131/90 7/31/90 PHTSICING OF MI Yom TOTAL 94171 PRE -PAID 7/31/90 7/31/90 PRE -PAID 560.00 7/311% 7,11/90 WLITT NINE i SPIRITS VEWOR TOTAL R4259 PRE -PAID 4,471.98 7/31/90 7131/90 ROBERT E J0NN501 VENDOR TOTAL 54511 PRE -PAID 6,706.83 7/31/90 7/31/90 STATE CAPITOL CREDIT UNION YOM TOTAL. W= PRE -PAID PNP 7/21 PR 7131/90 7/31/90 NEST(N(A DOLLARS VENDOR TOTAL mm PREPAID 7!31/90 7/31/90 ONIDNER INC VENDOR TOTAL W56% PRE -PAID DISC 713100 ?/31/90 560.00 2,235. IBSifiF INVESTIG-TAW 2,235.99 SUBW INVESTIG-TANK 4,471.98 JRIL-CD 4411.98 6,706.83 PERA 7/21 PR 6,706.83 JNNL -CD 6)06.83 7,707.41 PNP 7/21 PR 299.50 PHP RETIREE 8,006.92 JRNL -CD 8006.92 2,107.29 L19 421.10 NINE 46.39- DISC 2,482.00 JRL-CD 1,371.66 LID 79.90 MINE 28.73- DISC 47.00 MIX 1,469.83 JK -CD 3951.83 688.64 64 CONTRACT HOURS 688.64 J0L -CD 688.64 308.92 a) 7121 PR 508.92 JiNL -CD 508.92 1,100.00 RECYCLE LOTTO DOLLARS 1,100.00 J11L -CD 1100.00 5,865.97 DEEBIGH STREET INPROV-FINAL 5,865.97 JRNL-CD 5865.97 7738 %:HOGL EXP- HLUSON 77.38 JRHL-CD DATE 7/31/90 TIME 9.24.25 PRE -PAID CHECK ACCOUNT NIJIW AMOUNT CFECY t DATE 73- 7300 -4200 78 -7800 -4100 1010 4471.98 30774 7/31190 01- 2040 -0000 1010 6706.83 30745 7/26/90 01-2040-0000 01- 4140-1510 1010 8006.92 30753 7/26/90 71- 7100-9510 71-7100-9520 71-7100 -9560 1010 2482.00 30736 7/24/90 71- 7100-9510 11-7100-9520 71-7100-9560 71-7100-9540 1010 1469.83 3077' 7/31/90 01- 4340-3100 1010 688.64 30739 7/24/90 01- 2040-0000 1010 508.92 30752 7/26190 01- 4270 -4200 1010 1100.00 30767 1131/90 26 -1190 -0000 1010 5865.97 30765 7/3;190 01-4140 -4110 1010 77.38 30737 7/-4/90 • • r� Ali OJM "a 5 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATA /31/90 W-M -01 CITY OF MOUND TIME 9.24.25 VBDOR INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK ND. INVOICE 90 DATE DATE STATUS 4VXT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT CHECK 1 DATE Up.LIATI N HUDSON VENDOR TOTAL 77.38 6042 PRE -PAID 10.00 JUDOE RECEPTION- MCKINLEY 01 40-4100 7/31190 7/31/90 10.00 J K-LD 1010 10.00 30731 7/20/90 MPTION COMMITTEE VENDOR TOTAL 10.00 16061 PRE-PAID 500.00 ACCIDENT DEDUCTIBLE -FALDE 01- 4340 -3620 219.00 ACCIDENT -INS REIM -FALDE 01-2300 -0000 7131/90 7/31/90 719.00 JRNL-0 1010 719.00 30758 7/31/90 OWN FALOE Yom TOTAL 719.00 /6095 PRE -PAID 135.00 DOCK RERBD-BIEUM 81 -3260 -0000 /131/90 7/31/90 135.00 JRNL-CD 1010 135.00 30769 7/31/90 SAitl BlElf" VENDOR TOTAL 135.00 TOTIE ALL YOM 72,132.01 0 • X313 PAGE 1 PURCHASE J0URNAL DATE 8/08190 AP-m-ol CITY OF WIND TIME 8.01.17 VENOI>I4 INVOICE DUE HOLD PRE -PAID DECK NO. INWICE NO DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUOER NOW CHECK 1 DATE A0030 I1." RENT SAM 78 -7800 -4100 8/08/90 8/08/90 11.90 JNI.-C D 1010 A-1 MINIETONKA RENTAL VOW TOTAL 11.90 A0060 13.91 OFFICE SUPLIES 01-4040-2100 13.90 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4090-2100 27.21 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4140 -2100 94.42 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4190-2100 13.90 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4340 -2100 6.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01- 4280-2100 6.95 OFFICE SPPLIES 71-7100 -2100 6.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73- 7300.2100 6.95 OFFICE &MIES 79 -7800 -2100 17.18 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4060 -2100 8/08/90 8/06/90 208.31 AL-0 1010 ACRO-!N HIDEST BUSINESS • VEIM TOTAL 208.32 A0110 22.12 AEOU ATOR 78 -7800 -2300 8/08/90 8/06/90 22.12 JK-CO 1010 AIR HYORIILIC SYSTEM YEW TDTAL 22.12 A0340 170.37 XEROX PAPER 01- 4320-2100 8108190 8/08/90 170.37 JNL-CD 1010 ANCHOR PAPER VENDOR TOTAL 170.37 A0342 650.00 MOO ETTER SERVICES 01- 4020-3100 8/06/90 8/06/90 650.00 J8L-CD 1010 ANN M HENSON YEH011R TOTAL 650.00 A0436 42.00 OESCRIBER KITS 01-4040 -2100 8/06/90 8/06/90 41.00 J8L-CD 1010 ATTITUE IE cL PIENT CON S# VEMO W TOTAL 42.00 80540 5.50 JULY OXYGEN 73 -7300 -2200 5.50 JULY OXYGEN 78- 7800 -2200 5.50 JULY OXYGEN 01- 4190-2200 8/06/90 8/08/90 16.50 JCNL -CD 1010 UATHRE COMPANY VENOOR TOTAL 16.50 80550 24.48 CONTACT PAPER 01-4190-2200 148.73 PUA04-JAN -JNE 22- 4170-2200 8/08/90 8/08/90 173.21 JOL-CO 1010 DEN FRAIIVN STOW VENOOt TOTAL 173.21 80577 6,560.00 JULY RECYCLE SERV 01-4270 -4200 8/08/90 8/08/90 6,560.00 JV& -0 1010 p p 7 Y BFI RECYCLING SYSTEMS OF M VEHOOR TOTAL 6560.00 S 9 - s y is z lla1y PARE 2 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 6/06/90 AP- 002-01 CITY OF ROUND TIME 8.07.17 VO OR INVOICE OLE HOLD PRE -PAID NIX NO, INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS NQNT DESCRIPTION ACCMW NUMBER KUNT DEM 1 DATE 80600 65.72 ,ALT GARBAM - FIRE 22 -4170 -3150 103.88 .ALT GARBAGE-PV 01- 4290-3750 44.52 ,ALT GARBAGE - STREET 01- 4280-3750 8/08/90 8/08/90 214.12 JK-CD 1010 RADCOMINK AND SON YOM TOTAL 214.12 80671 12.04 CANE 01- 4280-2310 8/08/90 8/06/90 12.04 JK-CD 1010 BDYER TRUCK PARTS YLVOR TOTAL 12.04 - 80730 71.75 ROX 01-4340 -2350 8/08190 8/08/90 71.75 JK-CD 1010 BRYAN WX PRMUCTS VENDOR TOTAL 71.75 00837 190.00 REW,REINSTALL NINE 73- 7300 -4200 8/08/90 8/08/90 190.00 JK-CD 1010 CELLULAR ONE aALES G SERYI YOM TOTAL 190.00 0870 125.40 BID AD -LIFT STA 78- 7800-3500 8/08190 8/06/90 125.40 JK-CD 1010 WIN PUBLISHING CO VENDOR TOTAL 125.40 R 00920 11.57 NATER-LIR STOW 71-7100 -3740 8/08/90 8/08/90 12.57 JK-CD 1010 CITY OF IQAO YEW TOTAL 12.57 00940 37.07 JULY RUG Off 01-4320 -4210 31.85 JULY RUG RENT 71- 7100-4210 8/08/90 8/09/90 68.92 JK-CD 1010 MAN STEP RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 68.92 00970 398.80 JULY Nil 71- 7100-9540 8/08/90 8/08/90 398.80 JK-CD 1010 COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIXST VENKIR TOTAL 398.80 C1010 77.11 PAGER REPAIR 22- 4170-3820 8/08/90 8/08/90 77.12 JK-CD 1010 0M11ICATION AUDITOR VEND TOTAL 77.12 C1080 149.18 CONVERT AIR MASK 22 -4170 -2270 8/08/90 8/08/90 149.28 JK-CD 1010 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EGUIPIE VEN1()R TOTAL 149.28 01100 13.00 JULY CTPIFY MAINT 78-7800 -3950 8/08/90 8/08/90 13.00 JRNI -CD 10'.0 Ais tor PAVE 3 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 8/08/90 AP- 002-01 CITY OF ROUND TINE 8.07.17 VENDOR INVOICE DUE HOD PREPAID CHECK NO. INVOICE 40 DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER MQItT CHECK 1 DATE COPY DUPLICATING PAWrS VENDOR TOTAL 13.00 01130 51.90 STRCBE Buss 22- 4170-2200 8i% ' 8/08/90 51.90 J K-CD 1010 MM FIRE APPARATUS VENDOR TOTAL 51.90 DIM 200.00 RACK DIRT 73- 7300 -2340 8/08/90 8/08/90 200.00 JK-CD 1010 0 J EXCAVATING VENDOR TOTAL 200.00 11200 5,852.55 JULY BEER 71- 7100-9530 8/08/90 8/08190 5,852.95 JRII-!31 1010 DAY Did TRIOITING CO VENDOR TOTAL 5852.35 01320 417.00 JULY CHIEF SALARY 22- 4170-1370 3,000.00 ADVANCE-IFC-FLA 22- 4170-4110 8/08/90 8/08/90 3,417.00 JlW-CO 1010 DOM 1RYCE VENDOR TOTAL 3417.00 D1350 34.25 LP GAS 01- 4280-2200 8/08/00 8/08/90 34.25 JBUL -CD 1010 WALE'S 66 SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 34.25 01360 2,870.00 SEAL COAT,AWHALT PARKS 60 -6000 -WM 871.00 WM,ASPHALT PIMP HOUSE 73 -7300 -4200 A/09/90 8/08/90 3,741.00 J NL-CD 1010 RISK K ASPHALT COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 3741.00 E1420 9,386.90 JULY BEER 71 -7100 -9530 8/08/90 8/08/90 9,386.90 JRNL -CD 1010 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE VENDOR TOTAL 9386.90 E1430 51.70 JULY NTOS -SHAD 01- 4040-4120 8/06/90 8/08/90 5!.70 J K-M 1010 EDWAM SHRNI,E VENDOR TOTAL 51.70 E1451 1,500.00 ROM TREES -IV 01-4340-5110 8/08/90 8/06/90 1,500.00 JRNL-M 1010 BUM TREE SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 1500.00 E1490 384.00 ADJ RINGS 78- 7800 -2300 8/08/90 8/08190 384.00 JW-CD 1010 ESS BROS AND SONS INC VENDOR TOTAL 384.00 F16W 79.64 FOOTAGE INDICATOR 78- 7800 -M 41 to PAGE 4 P 1' R C H A S E J O U R N A L DATE $ /08/90 AP- 002-01 CITY OF ROUND TIME 8.07.17 VENl= INVOICE RE HMD PREPAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NMMR DATE DATE STATUS WANT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMCBER AMDINT CIM t DATE 8/08/90 8/08/90 79.64 ,801 -CD 1010 C1JEx KE PIPE TOM. CO VENDOR TOTAL 79.64 F1690 121.01 JULY MIX 71-7106'-9M 60.30 JULY MISC 71-7100 -4530 8/06/90 8/06/90 18'.31 J X-CD Iv10 FUN STAN M SUPPLT VEND M TOTAL 181.31 F1710 13.80 ELECTION NTG -FC 01-4060-4120 8/08/90 8/08/90 13.80 JRNL-CD 1010 FRANC ENE MM VENDOR TOTAL 13.80 F1711 227.70 JULY FRT 71 -7100 -9600 8/08/90 8/08/90 227.70 JV L -CD 1010 FROM TRUMING VENDOR TOTAL 227.70 F1721 112.00 REPAIR WATER FWNTAINS 01-4340-2300 8/06/90 8/96/90 112.00 J K-O 1010 FRANK FMIMRATION YEW TOTAL 112.00 F1722 78.27 BINDER 01- 4090 -2100 8/08190 8/06/90 78.27 J K-CD 1010 FAANMLIN INTETBIAT'L [Ent YEND M TOTAL 78.27 61761 83.10 JUNE CONOR TE TEST CYL 30-6000-5000 8/08/90 8/08/90 85.10 JRMI -CD 1010 OE CON51lLTANTS INC VEMM M TOTAL 03.10 61820 116.58 AUG RADIO ON CONTP'CT 01- 4280 -3950 56.28 AUG RADIO WN CONTRACT 01-4340 -3950 12.06 ALE RADIO ON CONTRACT 01-4190-3950 12.06 AUG RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01- 4290 -3950 76.38 AUG RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4140-3950 12.06 AM RADIO SERV CONTRACT 01-4040-3950 60.30 AUG RADIO SERV CONTRACT 73- 7300-3950 28.14 AUG RADIO SERV CONTRACT 78- 7800 -3950 28.14 AUG RADIO SERV CONTRACT 22- 4170-3950 68.63 BATTERY 73- 7300-2300 440.53 RADIO W/ L1VVM 70 -7800 -WM 8/06/90 8 /(A/90 911.18 J K -CD 1010 QMW CO MNICATIM VEN M TOTAL 911.18 61840 10.43 HOSE END 78- 7800-2300 8/08/90 8/06/90 10.43 JRNL -COI 1010 GENUINE PMTS CO VENDOR TOTAL 10.43 61870 258.33 JULY MARSHALL SALARY 22 -4170 -1370 A397 PAGE S P U R C H A S E J O U R N A L DATE 8/08/90 AP-M-01 CITY OF 1010 TIME 8.07.17 YEW INVOICE DIE HOLD PRE -PAID CHECK NO. INVOICE NM DATE DATE STATUS NONT DESMIPTION Alm: "' 'EM NOW DEM t DATE 8/08/90 8/08/90 258.33 JIL-0 1010 GERALD BABE VENDOR TOTAL 239.33 61890 26.55 JULY NITER IDLER 01- 4140-4100 37.20 JULY NITER COOLER 01 -4090 -2200 32.95 JULY NITER CCO Elt 01. 4280-2200 13.47 JULY NITER CIQER 73 -7300 -2200 13.48 JULY NATO COOLER 78- 7800 -2200 8/08/90 8/08/90 123.63 J K-® 1010 ILENNOM INILENOOD VENDOR TOTAL 123.65 61906 275.00 JULY LINE CALL 73- 7300 -4200 8/08/90 8/08/90 715.00 JNL-CO 1010 GOPHER STATE OE -CAII, INC YOM TOTAL 275.00 61930 24.00 9146 TECNISSEN 01-4140-4110 8/08/90 8/08/90 24.00 � 1OiCM- J1k-CO 1010 DOVT TRAINING SERVICES YE1OlMt TOTAL 24.00 61976 338.38 MA SUN AD-I991 71-7100 -3500 8/06/90 8/08/90 338.56 J18L-CD 1010 GTE SUN CO8U LAITY DIRECTOR VENDOR TOTAL 336.58 N2080 8).00 STEFI 01- 4280-2300 90 8/08/90 8/08/.00 87 JI L-CD 1010 NEMSEL NAMINE SHOP VENDOR TOTAL 87.00 N2099 32.02 WE ASSESS PREPAY FGRR145 01- 4070 -3500 8/08/90 8/06/90 32.02 JK-CD 1010 NIIN Co maw SERVICES YOM TOTAL 32.02 N2120 46.00 PROP INNER LIST 01- 4190-3510 8/08/90 8/08190 46.00 Ji1L-CD 1010 HEM CO DEPT IF PROPERTY T YOM TOTAL 46.00 H2160 601.00 J1E BOARD 01-4110-4250 8/06/90 8/08/90 601.00 JOL-C D 1010 OEM CO TREASURER VENDOR TOTAL 601.00 12219 180.00 FIRE TRAINING 22- 4170 -4110 6/06/90 8/08/90 180.00 JOL-CD 1010 NENN TEGNICAL COLLEGE VENDOR TOTAL 180.00 12400 132.60 REPAIR MATER TM 73- 7300 -3810 44.00 163.30 REPAIR 112 REPAIR 00 01-4340-3810 01- 4140 -3810 01141 "71 PAGE 6 PURCHASE JOURNAL BATE 8/08/90 AP-CO2-01 CITY OF ROUND TIME 8.07.17 VENDOR IIMIICE DUE HOLD PRE -PA10 CHECK NO. INVOICE IM DATE DATE STATUS MOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMER KUNT Din 0 DATE 0 8/08/90 6/08/90 339.90 JNL-CD 1010 ism PAN( SMLY VENDOR TOTAL 339.90 J2533 6.87 MILEAGE 71- 7100-2200 8/08/90 8/08/90 6.87 JNL-CO 1010 JOEL MM VENDOR TOTAL 6.87' J2550 63.23 FILTER COMES 76- 7800-2300 8/08/90 8/08/90 63.23 JRIL -CD 1010 JOHN HENRY FOSTER VENDOR TOTAL 63.23 L2752 246.45 JULY GASOLINE 22 -4170 -2210 8/06/90 8/06/90 246.45 JRNL-CD 1010 LABATi'S SPRING PART( 9% VE1M TOTAL 246.45 L2769 1,480.50 MILFOIL TREATMENT 01- 4340 -3800 8/08/90 8108/90 1,480.50 JNL-CD 1010 LAKE RiraDw INC Yom TOTAL 1480.30 L2810 8.71 RM 01-4340-3820 8/08/90 8/06/90 8.71 JRNL-CD 1010 LAND EQUIPMENT INC Yom TOTAL 8.71 L2890 1'55.50 ROTAPY MES-FWREIL 01-4140-4120 8/08/90 8/08/90 IZ.50 JNL-CD 1010 LED AM HAIMELL VENDOR TOTAL 155.50 L2910 16.50 ELECTION "TM-LS 01- 4060-4120 8/06/90 8108/90 16.50 JRK-CD 1010 LINDA STRONG VENDOR TOTAL 16.50 12911 13.20 MILEAGE 01-4090-3340 8/08140 8108/90 13.20 JRIL-CD 1010 LOTS SNWUIST VENDOR TOTAL 13.20 M3015 960.00 AERIAL SURVEYS 01-4190 -2200 8/08/90 8108/90 960.00 JNL-CD 1910 MANOiIAD VENDOR TOTAL 960.00 "3030 7,763.55 JILT KER 71- 7100 -9530 8/08/90 8/06/90 7,763.55 JNL-CD 1010 KW VII DISTRIDUTOR VENDOR TOTAL 7763.55 "3050 628.00 '85 TIF BOND FEES 54-5600-6:20 8/08/90 8/06/90 628.00 JNL-CD 1010 "71 PhE 7 PURCHASE JOURNAL AP- CO2-01 CITY OF ROUND VEMOOR INVUICE DUE HOLD NO. INVOICE MOR DATE DATE STATUS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION MAROLETTE BAN( -MPLS VENDOR TOTAL 628.00 113170 31,856.39 AUG 908 SERVICE 9,476.51- AUG SOD SERVICE 477.48 - AUG SEWER SERVICE 8/08/90 8/08/90 21,902.40 J K-CD NETRO WASTE C ff& COMMI; YEW TOTAL 2902.40 M3107 7.50 I0 PICILM 11.25 IO PICTURES 3.75 10 PICTURES 8/06/90 8/08/90 22.50 J K-CD MICHELLE LOUISE PNRTOORNH VENDOR TOTAL 22.50 113207 89.26 RISC INSHERS,BOLTS 8/08/90 8/08/90 89.26 JBL-0 NIDLEST BOLT t SUPPLY VENDOR TOTAL. 89.26 M3240 29.98 AUG PALER RENT 8/08/90 8/08/90 29.96 JK-CD RINN CUM PAGING VENDOR TOTAL 29.98 RM 106.20 FACE PIECE,HARNESS 8/081'90 8/08/90 106.20 JANL -CD NM CONWAY FIRE t SF*D VENDOR TOTAL 106.20 RM 90.00 9 CERTIFICATIONS 8/08/90 8/06/90 90.00 J K-CD MN FIRE SERV CERTIFICATN + VENDOR TOTAL 90.00 113;330 140.00 MOFOA LDF 8/08/90 8/06/90 140.00 JRNL -CD MN GFOA YE DOR TOTAL 140.00 M3470 48.00 HATER ANALYSIS 8/08/90 8/08/90 48.00 JRNL -CD NN VALLEY TESTING LABOPATO VFIDOR TOTAL 48.00 N3477 35.00 INIDENR CORD 8/08/90 8/08/90 35.00 JUN. -CD RMILE CELLULAR UNLIMITED VENDOR TOTAL 35.00 A34 5,303.25 .ALT SALARIES 1,167.00 JILT MAINT 604.20 JLY DRILLS 8/08, 8/06/90 7,074.45 JK-0 MTE OJOIIl1 TIM 0.07.11 PIE -Mil an ACCOM NUM ER ANOm am 0 OAIE 0 78- 7000-4230 78.1190 -0000 78- 3012.0000 1010 01-4190-2200 01-4340-2200 01-4290.2200 1010 01- 4290 -2310 1010 01- 4140.3950 1010 22-4170 -2200 1010 22-4170-4130 1010 01-4090-4110 1010 73- 7300-3100 1010 22-4170-3950 1010 22- 4170-1390 22- 4170-3190 22- 4170-1380 1010 • L_J IUD PIK 8 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 6/08/90 OT-0O2-01 CITY OF WA TIME 6:07.17 IEfO01t IMY6ICE ME ML1 PIE -PAID Din 10. INNOICS MR DATE MNTE VAY1b AMONT DESCRIPTION ACCANT HOW NOW DWI DATE 0 FIRE MWMYMEIIT VENM TOTAL NOUIO 7074.45 Nm - 5,359.00 AM FIRE WLIEF PD6ION 95- 95WI400 0/00/90 e/08/90 5,359.00 ..NL -0 1010 1010 FIRE MB1EF AM VENM TOTAL 5399.00 N3510 53.00 N/C -TAW 22-4170.3600 9/78/90 8/00/90 53.OJ JI6l-CO 1010 WIND WICAL CLINIC Yew TOTAL 53.00 K180Q 5.013.3u JULY STREET LITE ELEC 01- 4280-3710 81118/90 8/08/90 5,013.30 J L-M 1010 NORTIEMM STATES POUQ1 Vow 1TTAL 5013.30 03`10 400.09 81>D 1 lIli 01- 4280-2310 9/'08/90 8188/90 400.00 JK-CD IQV vi MINION gm CO YOM TOTAL 400.00 POW 181.91 JOLT NIX 71- 7100 -9540 1/01/1•:, 8/01/90 181.91 Jat-CD 1010 FE MI-MA CONPAHY am TOTAL 181,91 POW 2,520.95 JLT KER 71- 7100.9530 1/01/90 0181/90 2,520.93 .FJI. -CD 1010 POG EM1 OISYRIV,116 CO VENM TC'x A20.S5 04209 104.67 JULY Ggi1AOE O1- 4320-31511 d/08/90 8/06/90 104.67 IVA-CO 1010 MMDY'S MTATION VENM TOTAL 104.67 M280 200.00 ,FLY ASST CHIEF SqM 22- 4170-370 8/00C 8/081r, 200.00 AL-1 1010 o'Om HARSm VD1Xlt Wit 200.0' P290 533.20 J11Y Il 71- 7100-9540 8/1',8/90 8/08 533.20 AL-CO 1010 WE ICE MWANY 'Am TOTAL 533.20 04300 172.`_:' ROTARY DUES -919 LE 01-4040 -4100 6/08/90 LAM 112.51) JK-CD 1910 DATART r 1!d OF MOM VENlXlR TOTAL 172.50 34349 269.76 REPAIR 00 '►1- 4340-3820 8/06/90 0/08/90 269. 'Pb .%L : 1010 A 10 _..i. PAGE 9 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE AP- 002-01 CITY OF NOUNS TIRE 0.07.17 YOOM TWICE DIE TOLD PM-PAID Din NO. IWICE PIER IIATE DATE VATU18 ANDUNT DESCRIPTION ACCRUAL NU MEN AMOUNT am 1 DATE SDWW 19016 VE9DOP TOTAL 269.76 S4357 215.3E SkT Ww SET 22 -4170 -2200 63.05 SMV rRDEN g? 01. 4290.2200 26.75 SEW W EO SET 78- 7800.2200 8108/90 8/08/90 306.18 AL-Cl 1010 STARS Yaw TOTAL 305. S4Jb2 910.00 9081M E61IP 01-4290-4200 250.00 SANDBLAST RW "m 73- 7300 -4200 8/08/90 8/08/90 1,160.00 AL-Cl 1010 SCALE CX.fWC iS VENDOR TOTAL 1160.00 54365 2,064.22 RECYCLE RAATADW6 ol- 4270-2200 8/08/90 0/06/90 2,064.22 ,AL-CO 1010 SRANRa INDUSTP1ES VBW TOTAL 2064.22 54370 98.85 9- 111R011P -W 01-4040-1510 98.85 9-11 HOW-STUTSYW 01- 4190 -1510 8/08190 8/08/50 197.70 JML ;2I 1010 SOME YE DOR TOTAL 197.70 54430 71.00 BUSINESS CARM-JRU S 01 -4190 -2120 62.35 IESYOrIA DOLLAIS 01- 4210`-2120 1.86 LAMINATE IO SAW 01- OW2100 3.10 LAMINATE ID MORES 01-4090-2100 1.86 LMIIATE ID K:'3FS 01 -4340 -2100 1.86 LAMINATE 10 MDTE* 01- 4190 -2100 4.34 LAMINATE 10 SAM 01.4280 -2100 1.24 LAMINATE 10 WAGES 78- 7800 -2140 1.86 LAMINATE IO WAGES 73- 7300 -2100 1.24 LAMINATE 10 MOLES 71 -7100 -2100 17.34 LAMINATE 10 MOINES 22-4170-2100 8/m/90 8/08/90 144.05 JK-CD 1010 SOB PRINTING VEMIDR TOTAL 144.05 544M 989.00 GINN EFRIMAATOR 60 -6000 -50M 6.00 RECYCLE IEFRIG 60-6000.2200 8/08/90 6/08/90 997.00 JK-CD 1010 ST EOi FAAM S1OIF VENDOR TOTAL 597.00 1 i 689.00 CHAIN LINK FENCE-J:'S,LIM 01- 2300-0000 8/06/90 8/06/90 689.00 JRIL -CD 1010 STERLING FVa- , INC. YEA* TOTAL 069.00 545M 46.50 REPAIR GARAGE DOOR -PN 01-4290 -2330 1, IV. 42 REPAIR LIFT STA 78- 7900.4200 . 8/08/90 8!08/90 1,24P,92 AL-CD 1010 • w 0 J* I ayo7. A Y03 PALE 10 PURCHASE JOURNAL OATS 8/06/90 Ap - w - - 0t CITY OF ION TIME 8.07.17 VENDOR INVOIC' DIE HOLD PRE -PAID CIEO( N1. INVOICE M DATE DATE MAIM ARM DESCRIPTION ACCOUg low ARM OE1x I DATE SMK ELECTRIC CO YENBOR TOTAL 1240.92 S4600 21.95 FLAKITE 73- 7300-2300 34.21 LIGHT XITCH 01- 4140.3810 15.75- NID- CREDIT 01- 4140-2270 8/08/90 8/08190 10.44 JILL 1010 STREIOER'S 1 98101 TOTAL 10.44 9618 110.76 REPAIR SENER -WVO1D 78- 71*3800 8/06/90 8/08/90 610.76 JIL-CO 1010 SLLLIWA SERVICES, IN: VOW TOTAL 610.76 T4716 90.31 73- 7300-1300 90.32 TEb a? O1- 4270 -1300 8/08/90 8/08/90 180.63 JK-CD 1010 TDPOIMIES TO OD YEN R TOTAL 180.63 (4730 33.10 DID AD-LIFT STA 78- 7800.3500 45.00 LARLS- KMETTER O1- 4000-2200 10.40 LEGAL-DNAOSN STUDY 01- 4020.3510 29.90 LEK -OMIBN MOMS 01- 4060 -3300 8/08/90 8/08/90 119.10 JILL -CD 1010 THE LN07R VOW TOTAL 119.10 T4170 11,989.32 JILT KER 11-7100-9530 8/01/90 8/O" 11,%9.32 JML-CO 1010 TRTCTiPE DISTRIIUTINS CO YM TOTAL 11989.32 T4790 7.04 CA81E O1- 4290.2310 8/08190 8/06/90 7.04 JNL-CD 1010 TRW MOS ?EWAET VENDOR TOTAL 7.04 T4810 1,628.85 TIMBERS 60-6000-5000 8/06/90 8/08/40 1,628.85 JK-0 1010 TIMBUNALL LNDSI WlkS VENM TOTAL 1626.85 115100 47.50 JLLT TOWELS 01- 4290-2250 94.75 AT as 01- 4260 -2200 46.53 JILT UlIFOMTS 01- 42801240 19.30 AT UNIFORMS 01-4290 -2240 19.33 JLLT UNIFORM 73 -7300 -2240 49.34 JILT UNIFOM6 78-1800.224n 6.80 JULY N 22- 4110.2200 8/06/90 8/08/90 363.35 JK-CO 1010 UNTTM OWAL SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL 363.55 V5190 812.50 JUNE PLAIT COIISLLT 01-4190 -3140 9/08/90 8/08/90 812.50 JML-C 1010 A Y03 PAGE 11 PURCHASE JOURNAL DATE 8/08/90 w 6 co.O1 CITY OF ITDU1O TIME 8.07.17 VENDOR INVOICE 91 HOLD PIE -PAID CHM ND. INVOICE NO DATE DATE STATUS ANOINT DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT KNER ANDUNT CHECK 1 DATE VA181O1 DHPIAWSTAl11N(Ai WXDOR TOTAL 812.50 mm 132.30 REPAIR COPIER 22- 4170-3820 8/08190 8/09/90 152.50 JRNL-CD 1010 Won, INC VETw TOTAL 132.50 m0 29.00 HALL STREET JOURNAL 01-4090-4170 100.00 NALL STREET JDFK% 01- 1283-0000 8/06/90 8/08/90 129.00 JK-CIl 1010 NAIL STREET JUNK MIDOR TOTAL 129.00 VM %.00 VALVE LIDS 73- 7300-2300 166.81 REPAIR LIDS 73- 7300 -2300 8/OB/90 8/08/90 262.81 JRNL -CD 1010 Imis PRODUCTS COMPANY VENDOR TOTAL 262.81 im 318.76 NCAN RELIT- JIBE,JULY 16 -5686 -4100 8/08/90 8/08/90 318.76 VAL-CO • 1010 IESMNIIA COMDNITY ACTH 0 VOW TOTAL 318.76 113330 4,511.17 NMY,JIlE PARKS PROG 01- 4360 -4100 3,924.18 NMV,JUNE LIFEOIWW 01-4360-4100 1/08/90 8/08190 8,435.35 JRNL -CD 1010 NESTOW CWWTY SERVICE VENDIIR TOTAL 6435.35 060 61.02 TOlELS,TIS61E 22 -4170 -2200 8/08/90 8/08/90 6102 JRNL -CD 1010 IESTOIW FOl>O6 VEIN TOTAL 61.02 um 170.66 JILT GARBAGE 01- 4340 -3750 8/08/90 8/08/90 170.66 Jt1L-CD 1010 NESTOW. SANITATIM VENDOR TOTAL 170.66 N6630 1,200.08 REPAIR BOAT LANDING 01- 4340-4200 8/08/90 8/08/90 1,200.06 JRNL -CD 1010 JIM INC VDlmt TOTAL 1200.06 M5569 569.50 JULY PORTOLETS 01-4340 -3900 8/08/90 8/06/90 5:9.50 JANL-LE 1010 NMI SERVICES OF M VENDOR TOTAL 569.50 V%90 513.81 BLACKTOP 01-4190-2340 8/06/90 6/08/90 513.81 JRNL -CD 1010 IN lIJBIO 1 SOD VENDOR TOTAL 513.81 • • 0. ol'toy MILE 12 PURCHASE J0UANAL W-0O2-01 CITT OF HM VBMOR IMIOIM DUE HOLD NO. DMIM Ntirt DATE DATE STATUS NMMDIBMT M=IPTION 16700 1,550.00 AUG RETAIMER 1,350.00 LEGAL ST31V-DONNM PARKING 296.00 LEGAL SEAV-NCW ESCROU 245.50 LEGAL Mw- 125.00 L EW SERMW IOH� 8/06/90 8/08/90 3,566.30 JRML-M M M-FEWl-LML901 Yom TOTAL 3566.50 zS75o 53.79 PRINC -1012 2.98 INT -1012 737.07 HAINT -5052 79.00 INK CARTRIDOES 8/08/90 8/06/90 372.84 JAM.-0 =1 CORPORATION VEIMOR TOTAL 372.81 26070 8/08/90 8/08190 MIDI PALM VBW TOTAL TOTAL ALL YBMeRs 100.00 JILT ASST RAASHAi SAIART 100.00 AL-0 100.00 131,562.91 • • DATE 8/08/90 TIME 8.07.17 PIE+AID OEM ACCOUNT 1118>ER KM OW 8 DATE 01-4110 -3100 60 -6000 -3100 01- 2300-0974 01-4110-3100 26-1190 -0000 lero 01- 4320-5000 01-4320 -6110 01-43?0 WO 01- 4320 -2200 1310 22- 4170-1370 1010 a Yo r McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. MEMO T0: Mound City Council FROM: John Cameron, City Engineer DATE: August 14, 1990 SUBJECT: James Luger Driveway MFRA #9361 (�n,,ne En(31fwers d,'U N•,.i1 eAX Surw-yors A meeting was held at Mr. Luger's home at 6195 Sinclair Road, on Monday, August 6 at 5:00 P.M. The following people were in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Luger Steve Nemec Concrete Contractor Curt Pearson City Attorney Geno Hoff Mound Public Works Department John Cameron City Engineer After discussing the different options available, it was agreed that only the curb portion of the driveway would be removed and replaced. This decision was made because there is an existing joint that lines up with the back edge of the adjacent curb, which would make the removal much easier. A surmountable curb would then be poured to match the existing concrete driveway and bituminous street. Geno and myself suggested to the Lugers that the City crews would patch the blacktop if their Contractor did all the ^ emoval and replaced the concrete. The Lugers said they would obtain a price from their Contractor and get back to Curt with their offer. An additional item surfaced during our discussions with Mr. Luger and Mr. Nemec, the Concrete Contractor, that the Council may be interested in. Mr. Nemec stated that his company stopped their work of pouring the driveway apron at the joint just behind the back of the curb. At this point, Mr. Luger stated that he finished the job, which we understood to mean that he poured the portion that was installed incorrectly. I spoke to Curt on Monday, August 13, and he had just received the information back from the Lugers. The Contractor's price to complete all the removal and pour the new concrete is $1,300.00, and Mr. Luger is suggesting that the City pay half or $650 .00. In addition to this $650.00, the City would be doing the bituminous patching. 0 Hllv c Luger Salc ,-) Company Park Square, Suite 218.2930 Blaisdell Ave. So.. Minneapolis, MN 55408 • (812) 824 -7720 • August 1C, 1990 Wuret, Pearson, Larson, UnAerwooA doNertt 1100 First Bank Place West Yannespolle, Minainrta AEC'0 AUG 14 MO Attention: Mr. `,urtis A. Pei rsar. He: Curb anA rjattcr Problem Gentlemen: After ccnslAerable negotiation with Hr. Steve 11enec we have settIeA on a total price of $1,300 for the Gutter Job. ict view of the lower coat to acoonplish chat all parties wish. It appears to we that it woulA not serve our mutual interests to consiAer further civil action in the cj-.j With thin in .uine' I woul i propose that tat cost be s hareA on a 0 50 basis, each pasty to pay j650. 1we - ir.AeratanA that a curb out periuit cost will be waiveA anA the ArSveway o ' Vdl:ing will stay as is. I will leek forwarA to an earl; reply on this mAtter. I luioa we are All interesteA in final resolution of any Arainage problem. Sincerely, J ins s K. Lug r • Id 4 Arrrp tanrr of f roposal _The above price apeufictim" a nd Signature aD"tions are satisfactory and re hereby accepted. You are aulhorhad to do The work as spoofed Payment will be made as outlined above. S ignature The undersigned represents that he or " (re) the ownags) of the g fee' property on which Quality Mason & Concrete Of Glencoe, Inc shall furnish molenals ands labor Date of Acceptance: - -- Quality Mason & Concrete Steve Nemec of Glencoe Inc. Rl.M M � Qlel'+COe, M lnneti0f a 55336 Phone (612) 327.2689 I PRJOpSAL SUa►t2EO TO P1f V4 //fh J4�r STREET r r� E CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE ,r. 3 40 Ali LOCATION — 1+1 �.0 ..e r— . We hereby 666" µ»drlulbne" MOWN la 1 ;� r• ,. -c C� 6 �id� w 4-y f -s� ► a- ,h 1 .� ,,. U a c h NOTICE OF LIEN: Persons or companies furnishing labor or materials for the Improvement of real property may enforce a Ilan upon the Improved land If they are not paid for their contributions, even If such parties have no contractual relationship with the owner. Iftwsota law permits the owner to withhold from his contractors so much of the coarect pdoe as may be neasoM to meat the demands of al other lien claimants, pay directly such Ilene and deduct the cost thereof and the contract price, or withhold amounts from his contractor until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the completion of such Improvements unless Me contractor furnishes to the owner waivers of claims for mechanics pen signed by persons who furtilahed any labor or material for the Improvement and who provided the owner with timely notice. The owner harebj waives all further requirements of notice under Minnesota Statute 514.011. O r f roprier hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specilic for the sum of: * /3ao '� dollars ($ ) Payment b be made il as foil s / / / r L 3 0 serf / /�� �l�..e /�b� — N rneenr li e w"" e b w seecwc0 M wY I, be ge III, d n c e.MWeec weer eweii"e Authorized e srrdenl feww" Are, sewssrr r M+eecn ►rn slow geakaru ewe rs be Signapfre wsaAOd hey ow wffw orers. W .e tecrno an well r-wV rev W sam h weroe At gewwo wra 40 ow wlw, waft* r "a" bwod — weed owner a w^r be. WP4* Note: This proposal ntay be W efer retsccc7 ruts+ ou +owes M VI' owM. , woArwee Geer +eMr Yr/!roe wfthdrown by w If hot aCaapMd wl0hfn days. Arrrp tanrr of f roposal _The above price apeufictim" a nd Signature aD"tions are satisfactory and re hereby accepted. You are aulhorhad to do The work as spoofed Payment will be made as outlined above. S ignature The undersigned represents that he or " (re) the ownags) of the g fee' property on which Quality Mason & Concrete Of Glencoe, Inc shall furnish molenals ands labor Date of Acceptance: - -- Ron , Ok) Contract No. A02640 • . r. ,. r� .a e- THIS AGREEMENT by and between the COUNTY OF HMVEPIN, STATE OF MINNESOTA, hereinafter called the "County ", through its Bureau of Public Works, A -2400 Government Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487, and the CITY OF MOUND hereinafter called the "City ", 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota 55361. WITNESSE'TH: WHEREAS, the County Board, by Resolution No. 90 -7 -591, on the 24th day of July, authorized funding for the City of Mound to use for its Recycling Program from January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990, and WHEREAS, said Recycling Program is consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Section 115A.02 and 115.03, as amended by the Laws of Minnesota 1988, Chapter 685, and Minnesota Statutes 473.801; the Metropolitan Council's Solid waste Management Development Guide/Policy Plan; Hennepin County's Solid waste Master Plan; and Hennepin County's source separation/recycling policies. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED: 1. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED a. The City will operate its (curbside, drop -off, composting) Recycling Program as more fully described in Attachment A incorporated and made part of this Agreement. b. In addition to the services as referred to above, the City agrees to: (1) The City will identify the County as a project rig-- sponsor in all publicity materials and presentations. This statement shall visually and /or verbally be as prominent as the City's name. Equal type size must be used when giving the County credit on promotional materials. All promotional materials printed for distribution shall include the statement, "... this program is 80% funded by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners." where feasible, all publicity materials should make use of the "Hennepin Recycles" logo. The City will provide the County with a minim= of ten copies of all printed promotional materials on a quarterly ,basis. (2) The City will furnish the County with the tonnage of materials recovered on a quarterly basis. The tonnage reports are due April 30, July 31, October 31 and January 31. The City is required to maintain weight tickets or other receipts to document that the materials were recycled. The City mast incorporate a clause in its contract with private recycling collection and processing companies that requires the collector and/or processor to report quarterly where the materials were recycled and provide the County and City with access to business records to verify the information. (3) The City will submit a complete mid -year report by August 1, 1990. The County will provide the City with the mid -year report fora. HCA Form No. 110 AOf, ? /Q Page 1 • The mid -year report will serve as the basis for reimbursement of municipal expenses for the period of January 1, 1990, through June 30, 1990. (4) The City must submit a completed final report for the calendar year 1990 by February 28, 1991. The County will provide the City with the final report form. The final report will serve as the basis for reimbursement of municipal expenses for the calendar year. (5) The City must submit one copy of each agreement the city has with any comr%any it contracts with for services to collect, process and/or market the recyclable materials. (6) The City must not charge its residents through property tax or utility fees or any other method for that portion of the costs of its recycling program reimbursed by the County. (7) The City must measure participation of its residents in the recycling program using the measurement methods and time periods specified by the County. The participation rates must be submitted with the mid -year and final reports. 2. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 1990, and terminate on June 1, 1491. 3. COMPENSATION a. in comideration of the services as described above and contained in Attachment A, the County agrees to pay the City a sum not to exceed $69,875.00 for collection services, equipment costs, labor, promotion, administration, and development and operating costs of drop -off recycling Penters. b. The City shall submit invoices semiannually to the Cvu qty for reimbursement for net costs incurred. c. The County will retain 20 percent of each payment. Funds retained wil'. be disbursed (1) upon receipt and approval of the final written report (2) in accordance with the table below and upon verification of te- overed tonnages; and (3) ter final termination of net program expenditures. L� vAnA 2. LJ Reimbursement Schedule Total Solid Waste Materials 4 Funding Assistance Year (Tons) Recovered (Of Net Program Costs) 1989 3,734 0 -261 Prorated 262 -299 50% 300 -336 60% 337 -373 70% 374+ 80% d. Payment to the City will be made as provided by law for payments of claims against the County. 4. LIABILITY, IN AND INSUPANCES a. The City agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the County, its officers, and employees harmless from any liability, claims, damages, costs, judgements, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting directly or indirectly from an act or omission including, without limitation, professional errors or • omissions of the City, its agents, officers, employees, or contractors in the performance of the services provided by this Agreement; and against all loss by reason of the failure of the parties to fully perform, in any respect, all obligations under this Agreement. b. The City shall by separate policy or under its self- insurance program maintain and keep in force at all times during the term of this Agreement or any renewal thereof the following insurance coverage: (1) Single limit or combined limit or excess umbrella commercial general liability insurance policy of an amount not less than $600,000 for property damage arising from one occurrence, $600,000 for damages arising from death and/or total bodily injuries arising from one c-..urrence, and $600,000 for total pc sonal injuries arising from one occurrence. (2) A single limit or combined limit or excess umbrella automobile liability policy, if applicable, covering owned, non- awned, and. hired vehicles used regularly in the provision of services under this Agreement in an amount not less than $600,000 per accident for property damage, $200,000 for death and 1>r3ily injuries and/or damages of any one person, and $600,000 for total bodily injuries and /or damages arising from 4ny one is occt rrence. C. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the City si11 tLrai�h uw county with c:ert.fi ^a*an of insurance evidencing the above - required coverage. Pace 3 0 5. NON — ASSIGNMENT OF SEWICFS The provisions of this Agreement shall not be assigned, sublet, or transferred without the prior written approval of the County. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended, or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto, or as constituting the City as the agent, representative, or employee of the County for any purpose in any manner whatsoever. The parties are to be and shall remain +.ndependent with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. The City represents that it has, or will secure at its own expenses, all personnel required in performing services under this Agreement. Any aad all personnel of the City or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the terms of this Agreement, shall have no contractual relationship with the County, anca shall not be considered employees of the County, and any and all cialms that may or might arise under the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said personnel or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims whatsoever on behalf of any such person or personnel arising out of employment or alleged employment including, without limitation, claims of discrimination agalinst the City, its officers, agents, contractors, or employees, shall in no way be the responsibility of the County; and the City shall defend, indemnify, and hold the County, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any anti all such claims regardless of any determination of any pertinent tribunal, agency, board, commi:,sion, or court. Such personnel or other persons shall not require, nor be entitled to, any compensation, rights, or benefits of any kind whatsoever from the County including, without limitation, tenure rights, medical and hospital care, sick and vacation leave, workers' Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, disability, severance pay, and PERA. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The City agrees to comply with all State statutes, regulations, and ordinances pertaining to solid waste management and recycling including, but not limited to, the applicable provision it Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 115A, and 473.01 now in force or hereafter enacted. 8. DATA PRIVACY All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated for any purposes by the activities of the City in the performance of the provisions of this contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, and all other sta.utory provisions governing data privacy, the Minnesota Rules implementing such Act now in force or hereafter adopted, as well as Federal regulations on data privacy. V;%np d 0 9. MERGER ALD MWIFICATICN It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreewents ana negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. Any material alteration or modification of this Agreement shall only be valid when reduced writing as an Amendment to this Agreement signed by both parties. 10. CANCELLATICN This Agreement may be cancelled by either party upon thirty (30) days' written notice. 11. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION in order to coordinate the services of the City with the activities of the Bureau of Public works so as to accomplish the purposes of this contract, Carl Michaud, Recycling Coordinator, shall menage this contract on behalf of the County and serve as li&l son between the County and the City. s Paae 5 • The City, having signed this Agreement, and the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners having duly approved this Agreement on , 1 and pursuant to such approval and the proper County officia s ving s gn is 9 Agreement, the parties hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. Approved as to legality, CouNPY OF HENNEPIN, form, and execution. STATE OF MINNESOTA msistant County Attorney Date: By: Chairman of Its County Board Date: And: Associate County Administrator Date: _ ATTEST: Cl erk of the County Boar Date: CITY OF By: Its Mayor Date: ATTEST: Title: J �1 ✓ • HCA Form No. 110 Rev. 2/90 Paoe 6 CITY COUNCIL PACKET - - 8 -14 -90 #2 sgt 1 NOC�ENt=;� Hu t LL�Et2E�l t NC. / RUM SIGN AND RM OM COPY Ct- tAt�tC11� URi�ECR P(IUJECTr Mamd City Hall CIIANI3E (.1nbER NU. #12___ f)ATF: August 10, 1990 TUr City of Mound rR0.1ECT NOe_SQQ$_ i oocordaeo eith the tor" of this csotrsot, the lot loving L - $I s ors owned, Additional drywall required in elevator and equipment room, and suspended gypsum ceiling in interrogation room awt +.ilef' TOTAL THIS CHANCE ORDEF $898.00 t PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENTS oregtnsl Praj'ct Costs 9_ 76 Previm ChoW Orders It thrs ELEVEN ADD This Chou Order I_ TWELVE ADD _ _ _ _ 898.00 be Project Coats a 779,670_70 tN WNW, ,HEREOF the nld Portion have ce "ed this ogreesent to be eoecoted me of the day and Tnr signed ►etov. SHINCOBEE BUILDERS INC. Contractor 279 N. Medina Street Address City of Mound Owner 5341 Maywood Road Address Mound MN 55364 Loretto MN 55157 BY: C /' DATE: Aug ust 10, 1990 BY: DATE: ARCHITECT APPROVAL: DATE: McCombs Frank Roos Assoc. Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth MN 55447 SF1 Y N ©Uumm HV 1 "Dwrim INC. CFIANGIW URDwn PLEASE SIG! AND REIIAN ONE ODPY PRII.IFrT r Mm%A City Hall (;IIANI ;E GIRDER NU. 13 f)ATF.: August 13, 1990 TO City of Mound 1`110JECT Ntl:_40Q�L_ I oeesrdosee with the torus of this Costroot. the following eke"" ore opprowedo These are budgetary numbers and cost will be billed on actual yardage. Site Work for the proposed parking lot. 1) Import bearing soil for fill at $10.00 /yard (Approx. 1,000 yds) $10,000.00 2) Export unuseable soil fill within 2 miles of jobsite at $3.00 /yard (Approx. 1,000 yds) $ 3,000.00 3) Export unuseable soil fill outside of 2 miles of jobsite at $5.00 /yard (Approx. 1,000 yds) $ 5,000.00 # 1) TOTAL #2) or #3) $15,000.00 PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENTS Original Project Costs * Preeloss Chang. Orden 11 thro _ TWELVE ADD _ _ 1 6, 373.70_ This ChvW Order 1 THIRTEEN ADD _15 New Project Coots a 794,670.70 11 VITKZ g1 Kff the aid portles here coaed this ogreesent to k executed as of the day end year signed below. SHINCOBEE BUILDERS INC. Contractor 279 N. Medina Street Address City of Mound Owner 5341 Maywood Road Address Mound MN 55364 Loretto MN 55357 BY- DATE: August 13, 1990 BY: DATE: ARCHITE2J APPROVAL: BY: DATE: McCombs Frank Roos Assoc. lnr. 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth MN 55447 �ti rte' I.tEt�1 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT • LAKE USE COMlITM A G E N D A 4:30 p.m., Monday, August 20, 1990 Shorewood City Hall 5755 Country Club Road RECD AUG 14 IM 1. Review water ski (towing persons) Ordinance amendment as tabled back to the committee (extra copies to be provided at the meeting). 2. Critique of Public Officials Boat liur of August 4. 3. Deposit refunds recommended for: a. Lake Masters Swim Club, Minnetonka Challenge 5 Mile Swim (7- 21 -90). b. Zuhrah Shrine Skippers Boat Parade (7- 15-90) 4. Water Patrol report. 5. Set meeting date for subcommittee to review Hennepin County Joint and Cooperative Agreement between Sheriff's Water Patrol and LMCD. 6. Additional business recommended by the committee. 0 8 -13 -90 k; t f { t M 0 ///"� AL A - %J August 3, 1990 TO: BRAD SOHNS/BOB JOHNSON b4g— FROM: DELL RUDOLPH, DOCK INSPECTOR RE: DOCKS 20670 A 20700 — VATERSIDE COMMONS REE". AUG 6 1990 Brad Sohns, Bob Johnson and myself met at 5 PM, Thursday, August 2, 1990, to make a final settlement on the position of the above two docks. After some measuring and discussion, an agreement was reached. The details are as follows: The Sohns' dock will be completely removed from the water and repositioned at approximately the same angle proposed by the City earlier, but approximately 6.5 feet to the east of their center position. This off center position allows them more space • on the right hand side of the dock to help avoid the storm sewer runoff. The outer end of the dock will swing approximately 3. feet (the width of the dock) to the right. The shore end will swing so that it is 10 feet from the Johnson canopy as it now stands. The Johnson dock will swing the outer end of the dock 6.5 feet to the left, the shore position stays the same. The 6.5 foot swing by Johnson and the 3.5 by the Sohns should put 10 feet between the Johnson canopy and the Sohns dock. This 10 foot spacing will allow for Sohns 7 foot wide boat and 3 feet to maneuver and tie up. It will also bring both docks close to the perpendicular line from shore as discussed at the July Council meeting. Both parties have tentatively agreed to this and the move will be made as soon as possible. Sohns and Johnson to work out a time schedule. If Johnson wishes to hold off on swinging the dock, he can do so, but he would have to remove the canopy and shift the boat to the other side of dock enabling Sohns to use the left side of his newly positioned dock. Johnson dock could be moved at a later date if desired. cc: Mayor Steve Smith LZity Manager Ed Shukle City Attorney Curt Pearson Councilmember Phyllis Jessen Parks Director Jim Fackler DR:ls At* 14 '90 14:34 GENFRr;L MILLS 612 540 4071 P.2i3 v� MINIIIt�' • --�; LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 402 EASE LAKE STREET WAYUM. MINNESOTA SM1 TELEPHONE 612147370x: aueam n. sTn0MMEN. EXECUTIVE DI tECrOA BOARD rtWf1K ' �`b' MUM c "'" TO: MOUND QTY CXMM DATE: AUGUST 14,1990 Thomas Reese. V MS Chas ,,^ a FRObt TOM REESE, LMCD REPRESENTATWE Mark %%%Wand. 70"Auror Mttt rte',,,, SUBJECT: JULY REPORT - LMCD Tar" ear Ow:d Ceehan Onsrwevd "ft"` a FO MI L GRNERAT.. 00"-n INTERF�">I' Java" N. C+nd►hw' 1.1 Eurasian Watermilfoil Task Fer ._ 8W."a rwh ,Ieh % I.~non I spent A half day this month riding the harvesters and jo hn a M; n talking with the crews. I was impressed with their skills and Rah `I ;fir � attitude. I was able to experience first hand the difficulties in Mw " Robe R& reed dealing with fields of mature milfoil. When properly harvested, the before and after condition of areas is astonishing. I am not quite As satisfied with the management of the operation. I observe that there are shortcomings in the planning, supervision and recording efforts. The Project Manager and the field Supervisor seem to be caught up in the maintenance task at the expense of the managerial function. My role in the operational aspect is only advisory. I have communicated my concerns to the Executive Director and the Board. We continue to operate the S harvesters. Our 4 operate 10 Lour* r day. We plan to do so until budget considerations cause a cut b^;:. There am plenty of weeds. Latest week for which there is data is W/E 8/3 when 122 acres were harvested. f We continue to cooperate fully with the long term solution research effort bf the U of M. sponsored by the Fresh Water Foundation. This was the topic of a newspaper article this week. A follow up letter was written to last year's fund contributors who have not contributed this year. The voluntary portion of the budget is still some $13,000 short of goal. 1.2. Comprehensive Take Manage Plan Several meetings dealing with the responses from the cities and other agencies have been completed. The written responses from LMCD will be going out this week. The final revised plan will be available for LMCD board review the meeting of 8/22. I was not able to ,rake any significant change in the proposed manner of comprising the board. I also feel that there are higher priorities for scarce funds than a large increase in the Sheriffs Water Patrol. The lake is not unsafe now. AL1G 14 '90 14 :_5 GENERAL MILLS 612 540 4071 P. 3/3 1.3 Water Ski OhAmers The relaxation of this very restrictive provision during periods of low lake usage is favored by at least 10 members of the board. but 8 votes are required for the code amendment. Getting g affirmatives there for a meeting has proven to be tough. and the negatives always show up. The negatives arc not skiers by the way. and do not appreciate the problem. Shorelinq Buildi Height,_ The new bank building in downtown Wayzua has called into question the building height restrictions in the new Shoreline ordinance. The proposed height in the ordinance is 33 feet. Wayma currently restricts to 30 feet. Looking At the new building. if that is 30 feet. then 35 is too high. The manner of calculating height is being examined. 2.0 CITY SPISCWC 111M. MOTINn Non Mound Representative Lake Minnetonka Conservation District TR:mae cc. Gene Strommen • • 2 JULY 1990 MONTHLY REPORT PARK DEPARTMENT Parks With the moisture -his summer and throughout July, we have been kept very busy with the mowing. The older Howard mower broke down and was waiting for part for about a week. We had to re- place all of the mower deck moving parts. This was caused by wear, the unit is seven years old and is up for replacement in two years. The playground equipment for Chester Park has been ordered and will be coming soon. The work is scheduled for September with the Minnesota Tree Trust to place the structure and to construct the timber wall. Avalon Park had minor repairs done, posts, sign, and repairs to storm drain. Three Points, Swenson and PhIIbrook Park had the basketball courts re- surfaced with a seal coat. Seton and Langdon Park had a new asphalt surface put on their basketball courts. The park signs that were to be completely installed this last spring, but were put off due to other projects, only have a few left. All of the planter ones are in, we hope to start a program with the summer parks to do the plantings. Commons As the lake level increases, we are seeing more boats being registered along with a few of the low water sites now being ac- cessible. The Dock inspector has been kept busy with inspections and has kept order to a system that has seen a lot of changes. The task of being a Dock Inspecto- is not an easy one, 1 think the matter of the Sohn' s dock Is an extreme example of a s i tua- tion that this position is involved with. Deli has handled many of these type of situations and thorough cooperation of the • parties has done an excellent job of being order to the City's dock system. 110L 0 Park Department Monthly Report July 1990 Page 2 Cemetery Again the rains in July and the good care that Phil Haugen is doing on the grounds has greatly improved the cemetery. A new flag pole was donated by the American Legion and a flower box put around it. The intent of this flower box is to allow the families to plant a flower for a loved one. for the C Division of the Cemetery, planters or plantings are not allowed at the grave site. Tree Removal /Weed Notices July had five C i ty trees rmwved and four fc - ced removals from private property. During a storm at the end c July, we had one large cotton tree blown over and four others a,rnaged to the ex- tent that they too will be removed. This carried over into August and is going to be quite costly. Weed notices have been going out quite regular and we have also sprayed the sidewalks for weeds. • 2407 "awe FIRE DEP ARTMENT MONTNL ACTIVITY REPORT NONTN OF 199D MOrT" "oKtll . wwom TO wTE w TO IlD. OF CALLS 304 1010 551 - ORONO FIRE sa 49 53 286 n: $WAS - FIRE 10 9 48 TOTAL EMERGENCY 11 13 107 - SHOREWO00 FIRE M'TOMRA REACH - FIRE 1 4 10 6 EMERGFACT 0 0 1 1 MINMETRISTA - FiRL A A 21 12 EMERGENCY a - 4 23 2 0 RONO - FIRE 3 3. 22 29 EME RGE N C Y 3 0 9 4 SNOK1100D - FIRE 0 C 0 0 Ellum NCY 1 0 1 0 SPRING PARK - FIRE 2 3 17 14 EIERGEw 6 5 23 13 MUTUAL AID - FIRE 0 1 1 0 EMERGENCY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL IRE 22 26 122 105 880 2 7 27 4519 1246 ►wTU,a A10 RECEIVED � cowa 0 1 MIAWL AID GltieN RESINW 2 2 8 9 8 9 50 43 0 0 2 4 s M t 9 10 38 28 2 2 it 12 F ALSE ALARM t --- 1 2 11 9 HOURS - NO. OF HO - mom FIRE .— - MT" KM - - TOTAL - ;1'TRISTA FIRE EMERGENCY TOTAL 9 135 101 v 116 136 166 lY 268 536 474 li 223 384 167 236 304 1010 551 - ORONO FIRE sa 51 652 875 EMERGENCY 51 0 182 69 TOTAL 109 51 834 944 - SHOREWO00 FIRE 0 0 0 EMERGENCY 12 0 12 0 TOTAL 12 0 12 0 -SP. PARK FIRE 45 72 463 273 EMERGENCY Be 102 454 200 TOTAL 133 174 917 473 -MUTUAL A10 FIRE 0 27 91 0 EMERGENCY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 27 91 0 TOTAL DRILL HOURS 1 459 1621y 1176 1ll2k TOTAL EMERGENC HOURS 444 490 3151 190D TOTAL FIRE HOURS 436 671 3226 2619 TOTAL FIRE & EMERGENCY MRS 880 1161 6377 4519 1246 ►wTU,a A10 RECEIVED � 0 0 1 MIAWL AID GltieN _ 0 1 2 0 ayo1 Ilou�. Mi. aeaota IR m Pin soALl"m .ium l ow DRILLS i KAINlIi "m Fus i lm� WIRE PICHiELS DAB Dm mum D� IsM i� m RI]IRALT J. AII SEM OFR 3 31 6.00 186.00 X X 2 MOD 2% 33 6.00 1919.00 1' X 2 MOD 44 264.00 p, I= X Z 2 19.00 2 2() 6.00 120.00 D. RCM Z Z 2 19.00 0 36 6.50 247.00 X X 2 19.00 2 13 6.00 78.00 D. CAMS= J. CAM x x 2 2 600 MOM S. COLLIM Z 19 1 9.50 2% 23 00 134.00 X I X� ? 1 19.OD 2 26 6.00 156.00 S. Mam 1 2 19.00 0 27 6.00 162.00 P. FM . X X 2 19.00 2% 31 6.00 186.00 Z X 2 19.00 25 6.00 150.00 K. QADt 2 6.00 C. � Z Z 2 19.00 2 30 180.00 Z Z 2 19.00 2 19 6.00 114.00 0 0 0 -0- 0 0 6.00 -0- a ' 2� 20 6.00 120.00 • Z X 2 .19.00 17 106.25 J. 2 16 6. Off 96.00 N. RB.9DX 1 2 19.00 2 22 6.00 132.00 X I 2 19.00 29 6,qO 174.00 A• 0 6.00 1 G. PALM X Z 2 19.00 6 25 6.07 150.00 X X 2 19.00 2� 34 6.00 204.00 M- PUM x X 2 19.00 2 28 6.00 168.00 T. PALM X X 2 19.00 3 18 6. ()0 106.00 G. PEDB.`2X'1 0 6.00 .00 X X 2 19.00 12 29 174.00 M. SAVAGE X X 2 19.00 1 37 6.0� 222.00 X. S E X 1 9:50 21 6.00 126.00 R. STAI1lRill T' Si�Bpi 25 6.00 150.00 X E 1 9.50 2 24 6.00 144.00 W. swaam x 1 2 1 13 28 6.00 168.00 R- WILLIAMS X X 2 19.00 2 19 nn 114.00 T. WILLIAMS 32 32 64 604.20 gp 880 5303.25 79 Il 80 HI 159 iRtS DRILLS -.2 604,20 ayo1 D R I L L R E P O R T p ROOM FIRE DEPTARTMENT Date 1 / O Dieciplire and Teamwork Pumper Operation Critique of fires _ Fire Streams i Friction Loss Pre -plan and Inspections House Burnings Tools and Apparatus Identify Natural /Propane Gas demos. Hand Extinguisher Operation Ladder Evolutions Wearing Protective Clothing Salvage Operations Films Radio Operations First aid and Rescue Operation House Evolutions Use of Self - Contained Masks Nozzles i Hose Alliance Hours Training Paid : ® Excused X Unexecused 0 Present / Not Paid i Miscellaneous , 0 bAr V AiS - )R,'MAr S 4/<� �A. 19eAZ - Re_ctiV• C(& '�1J .Andersen G. Anderson ' J.Babb �'1 D. Boyd _f, D. Bryce !AS . Bryce _dQ_ D.Carlson J. Caney _j!kS.Collins N M.David 1'1 R.Englehart aS .Erickson ?,%o P E R S O N N E L W(o. P.Fisk a� /�.T.Garvais ',7 1 K.Grady 1 '/ C.Henderson P . Henry G.Johnson Landsman ke 1' A J.N�us '1'1B .Niccuw ►i .Opitz _1l G. Pa lw ," M.Palw _a AT.Palm a� .Pederson % .T,Rassmusen Savage It K.Sipprell R.Stallwan • T.Swenson 3j M.Swenson "1 R.Nilliaws .Williams ' A 3 D R I L L R E P 0 R T FLFE 1*P w ipline and Teamwork Critiqu? of fires Pre -plan aill Inspections Toots and Apparatus identify !Ltn3 Extintjuisher Operat ion w.-arinq Protective Clothing F I I r— virst aid and Rescue operation i of S-t-If -Contained Masks Pumper Opera ion Fire Streama & Friction Loss House Burnings Natural/Propane Gas der, -.S. Ladder Evolutions Salvage Operations Radio Operations House Evolutions Nozzles & Hose Alliance Po.--:s Training Paid X Unexecused 0 Present Not Pa it! .0 c,�l 1C#rieC.1j:; P E R S 0 N N E L A rid e r s, P. P F is 1 C a-G. pa I n 4 a I r. 2 Vj..Y . F1 .-) b t, C; r . t ly Y P . I k n r y T. P _ = ri e7 G.John-i:Dn at ro� M, . S;4 va C i r I %-,,n r, ds m A n R . M rs, .- h!c R m.* n j 1 7a % si- S col I ins 1. Dam i d fir I ci T) Aj A..' it to �,�1 � qty 11 �� Date GATE If MOUND FIRE DEPARIM Ni 0 TOTAL WN ENANCE FOR MONm OF /9jf4 MEN ON IXTIY J. ALDER W _o G. ANDERSON O J. Biwa eZ D. BOYD O D. H= J. 3. awE A K. citADY D. CJIRLSON a J. CASEY a P. way S. OoILDG G. M. DAVID i B. D S. F]tTCKSON o? Y P. FISK 07 J. GARVAIS A K. citADY D C. ffim R9ON /Z P. way O G. MINSON o� 1 B. U1AIDSlUW O R. WSCFKE TOTAL, MONP my HOURS qo • SA, g J. NAM M. mum D B. N=UM O A. OPITZ 6 G. PPM o? M. PAIN a T. PALM 3 G. PEDER90N O T. RAWSSEN M 11. SAVAGE K. SIPPRELL R. STAUMAN T. SWE[LSON O� W. SW mm 13 .:. Wmums _, T. W=MIS TOTAL, MONP my HOURS qo • SA, g r� August 6, 1990 • m • CITY of MOU ND TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER FROM: JOHN NORMAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR RE: JULY FINANCIAL REPORT 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND MINNESOTA 55361 1612) 472 -1155 JULY INVESTMENTS Balance July 1, 1990 Bought: CP 8.33 CP 8.44 CP 8.07 Matured: CP 8.20 - CP 8.18 Balance 7 -31 -90 Shearson Due 10 -19 -90 Shearson Due 12 -21 -90 Shearson Due 1 -22 -91 Marquette Mound Dain $7, 262,030 319,233 216,621 249,8.1.3 (148,133) 5241 .8701 $8,057,694 1991 BUDGET, — LEVY LT MIT The 1991 levy limit for the City of Mound is $1,462,888, which is an increase of $58 ,700 (4.1$ over 1990). However, the LGA the City of Mound will receive in 1991 is $356,281, which is $30,000 less than the 1990 budget. These two items are the largest revenue sources for the General Fund. It is increasingly dif- ficult to balance the budget due to the changes the legislature has made during recent legislative sessions. JN:ls 1 ay 13 • CITY of MOU ND August 6, 1990 TO: MAYOR, CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOEL KRUMM, LIQUOR STORE MANAGER �< RE: JULY MONTHLY REPORT 53 r,1AYWOOD ROAD MOUND MINNESOTA 55364 i6!2; 472 -1155 As you probably have noticed, we had a major facelift done on the mall in July. I must say it badly needed it. The former woodgrain appearance was quite weather worn. In my opinion, the new cream beige look is a one hundred percent improvement. According to Silver Management, the cost for the entire project ran approximately $3,500. Since our square foot percentage of the mall is 10%, we will owe $350. This figure is in accordance with the Common Area Maintenance Agreement in our lease which will be payable the first part of 1991. Another improvement made in July, which will also come under the Common Area Maintenance Agreement, and to which I do not have the final cost, but which won't be considerable, was the re- striping of the parking lot for the whole mall. This is something that naturally, by necessity, is done approximately every two or three years. For the first time in three years, I actually took a whole week off for vacation. In my absence, my staff must be commended on the excellent job they did for me and for you. In seeing that the daily operations ran smoothly, Julie Clyne not only had to perform her duties, but also mine as well. She did so well that when I came back, I was tempted to take another week off. JK:ls U A1414 • C ITY � f MOUND MOUND MINNESOTA 55 b4 16'2 42-1155 August 9, 1990 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: JULY MONTHLY REPORT There were 2 regular Council Meetings in July. Packet preparation was done for each of these meetings. Minutes were prepared after each of these meetings. 12 resolutions and 1 ordinance axandment were prepared. There were clean -up items from the meetings and things that had to be sent to various persons. 0 I continued microfilming the City Council packets for 1990. I worked on a number of parcels from the tax forfe ;.t office, 8 of which were retained as wetlands; 1 is being put up for public auction; and 3 are to be reviewed by the Park and Open Space Commission and the Planning Commission. I attended the following: an educational planning meeting for the next MCFOA conference in March of 1991; the association of Metropolitan Municipalities legislative update; and a meeting with BRC (Business Records Corporation) on the Optec III -P voting machines. I delivered the memory packs for the Optec III -P to Hennepin County where a software update was put in and the programming for the Primary Election will be done. Preparati - ')ns for the upcoming elections have been started. Letters recruiting election judges were sent; Linda has gone through the supply boxes so that is done before we move to the new addition. Notice of Filing for affidavits of candidacy and the public accuracy test have been prepared for publication in August. I have been working with 2 moving firms to obtain quotes for the move to the new addition and the move back when the remodeling is completed. 1 A4 s All in all with the construction and elections and normal items, it vill be an interesting and very busy fall. fc • r� L • IQ 14 11 ci�rti o NIOUND DATE: August 9, 1990 VAIVvOC RC -A,_ TO: City Manager, Members of the City Council and Staff FROM: Jon Sutherland, Building Official J Mk 11 �- SUBJECTS July 1990 Monthly Report CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY . In July, 34 building permits were issued for a total valuation of $338,533. This valuation is down 44% from the Month of July 1989, however, valuation is only 5% down at this point compared to last year at this date. I have included an Illustration provided to us from the Dodge Housing Report that shows how hous- ing construction is related to the mortgage rate (our staff sends a construction report to F.W. Dodge on a monthly basis). There were 39 plumbing, mechanical and miscellaneous permits issued for a total of 73 permits issued for the month of July. A complete breakdown is attached. This resulted in approximately 72 related inspections by this department. This number does not reflect 27 inspections completed by Metro West Inspection Serv- Ices or inspections by our plumbing inspector, John Breitner. PLANNING /ZONING The Planning Commission and City Council reviewed and acted on several issues relating to planning and zoning, highlights are listed below: " Resolution #90 -80: Hazardous Building at 4748 Hampton Road " Review of DNR Shoreland Management Regulations " Resolution #90-84: Tax Forfeit Property " Hearings for Comprehensive Plan " Ordinance #43 -1990: Amendment Relating to Campaign Signs 1441 Planning & Inspections July 1990 Monthly Report Page 2 TRAINING /MEETINGS ' Medina area Building Officials: short meeting to review new code changes. ' Lake Country Chapter ICBO: met with executive board of ICBO and reviewed proposed code changes for 1991 Uniform Build- ing Code. Administrative Assistant, Peggy James, was chosen to attend classes in September to become the City's female Certified Fitness Instructor. The program is geared towards police departments, however, the new exercise room at City Mall will be open to all City employees. COMMENTS • My first month of employment with Mound was consumed with orien- • tation, meeting new people and learning the system. I am excited and very pleased to to a part of the City staff serving the people of Mound. JS /pj r� L mi4 • U DODGE Housing 9 ° Activity Irn r►«rl. a w enr„ Update July, 1990 FROM THE. DESK OF THE PERMIT PLACE EDITOR Dear Colleagues This month we have illustrated the historical patterns of residential building (including both one- family and multi - family housing) from the first quarter of 1979 through March 1990. The remainder of 1990 is forecast. Graphic data is annualized (except for mortgage rates) and is based on quarterly activity. ONE F AMILY HOUSING STARTS (Line) MORTGAGE COMMITMENT RATES (Dot) Y ��I�r i M: IYl l l lq l 1.6 1. 1. 20 li 16 14 12 10 e 79 60 61 82 07 64 ES 66 e7 68 if 90 This graph shows that basically mortgage rates and single family housing starts are inversely related to each other on a national basis. X441 '� •,t • August 10, 1990 CITY of MOU ND TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Joyce Nelson Recycling Coordinator SUBJECT: July's Recycling • With all the publicity about the recyclotto our tonnage did increase for the month of July. A group of recycling coordinators formed a Participation Rate Sub Committee to measure participation rates. The formula used to figure the average participation rate is as follows: _actua = average participation rate possible stops average participation rate X 1.3 = est. total participation rate So using this formula we had 53% of �e people recycling for the month of July, with a 22'/ waste abatement rate. July's tonnage was 65.83 tons with a total of 6,426 households participating. n u An equal opportunity Empio.e• t ^at does not discriminate on the basis of race r at • a , 3 � "w'! -1 •� in the or access t0 o1 treatment w rmph)yment in i,. ;•r•,q ra m. a ^•: U ..' —. • CITY of NIOUND August 7, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Greg Bergquist Mechanic SUBJECT: July's Activity Report The main project this month was to rebuild the rear corners of one of our dump bodies. Unit #15 is a 1983 L8000, Ford and due to the use this truck gets the box needed extensive repair. This required cutting away of all rusted metal and replacing it with new sheets of steel, mounting new lights, sandblasting and painting. This should extend the life of the box another few years. We also sand blasted all five sanders, five wing plows and one one -way plow, then each piece was primed and painted. Other Street Dept. repairs were: A/C compressor for the 80 Elgin sweeper, battery for auxilary motor on the blue tanker. POLICE DEPT. Police Dept. repairs were 841, 89 Pontiac, an alternator, 842 - a battery and spotlight, 843 - brake light repair, 844 - battery, alternator and service, 846 - service, 847 - tune up and service. PARK DEPT. We installed a trailor hitch and a battery and started for Unit 12, 78 Chev. 1 ton. WATER 6 SEWER DEPT. ------------- - - - - -- SUt MAYWOOD PGA: VOU%C m7NNESCTA `_? 5'21 472 -1:55 MIX #11, 87 Chev. Pick -up, installed a nea "dTive shaft hanger bearing. The rodder needed a new fuel pump and the 70 Ford tanker needed a battery. • August 7, 1990 LL'' SNI MAYWOCID nOA_ CITY `A `K 11 UND u()UN miNNESOTA'_: 612,472-1155 TO: Ed Shukle City !tanager FROM: Geno Hoff Street Supt. SUBJECT: July's Activity Report is The first few days of the month we had our Vac -all out cleaning sump catch basins. We're finding slot of debris in the sumps because of the heavy rains we've been getting this summer. We got a call from the sealcoating contractor on the 5th, he informed us that they changed there plans on coming in the later part of the month and that they'd be here the 10th. We had the streets patched but they had to be swept and posted (No Parking). This is &lot to do in 2 days but we put in some extra time and was ready the 10th. As you know we had a different contractor do our sealcoating this year. Bituminous Roadways had low bid $29,450.00. The next low bid was $29,899.50 a difference of =449.50. First of all, it took twice as long to do the work and secondly we didn't get as good a job as we usually do. The contractor shot 31,747 gallons of oil and layed about 1800 tons of buckshot. We took some time off from street work to pull some maintenance on Street Dept. equipment. We sandblasted, primed and painted, 1 dump truck box, 5 wings, 5 sanders, 4 western plows, 2 front snowplows and 2 tail gates. SIGN WORK We changed the No Parking signs on Leslie Road, from the south is side to the north side (8 signs). Replaced 3 Stop, 3 No Parking Anytime, 1 Slow Children and put up 2 No Dumping. CEMETERY Staked out 2 graves and 7 stones, we also swept the cemetery 4240 driveway. • CITE of `i()l'�'U WCUND M�� SO g 9 August 8, 1990 TO: Ed Shukle City Manager FROM: Greg Skinner Hater 6 Sewer Supt. SUBJECT: July's Activity Report In July we pumped 24,129,000 gallons of water. There were 8 • T -off for non- paymnet. Pump house #7 and #3 received face lifts this month. We painted, landscaped and blacktopped each. This took about t week and a half to complete. The remainer of the month was spent on standpipe repair, locations and meter and outside reader repair. SEWER DEPT The Sewer Dept. had 1 backup in July. There was no damage to property. Work for the month consisted of sewer line cleaning. • Ay2y . MOUND POLICE 5341 Maywood Road Telephone 4723711 Mound, MN 55364 Dispatch 544 -9511 EMERGENCY 911 TO: Ed Shukle FROM: Len Harrell SUBJECT: Monthly Report I. STATISTICS for July, 1990 The police department responded to 738 calls for serv- ice during the month of July. There were 44 Part I offenses reported. Those offenses included 1 criminal sexual conduct, 6 burglaries, 34 larcenies, 2 vehicle thefts, and 1 aggravated assault. There were 69 Part II offenses reported. Those of- fenses included 2 child abuse /neglect, it criminal • damage to property, 1 narcotics violations, 13 liquor law violations, 6 DWI % 3 simple assaults, 6 domes- tics (3 with an assault), 2 harassment, 12 juvenile status offenses, and 13 other offenses. The patrol division issued 143 adult citations and it juvenile citations. Parking violations accounted for an additional 16 citations. warnings were issued to 51 individuals for a variety of violations. There were 8 adult and 6 juvenile felony arrests. Twenty -nine adults and 30 juveniles were arrested for misdemeanors. There were 21 warrant arrests. The department assisted in 5 vehicular accidents, two with injuries. There were 25 medical emergencies and 95 animal complaints. Mound assisted other agencies on 12 occasions in July and requested assistance 3 times. Property valued at $12,289 was stolen and $3,590 was recovered in July. 1 a4asm NOWAD POLICE DEPARTMENT NOMMULY REPORT - JULY, 1990 II. INVESTIGATION The investigators worked on 4 child protection cases and one criminal sexual conduct ease in July. These 5 cases accounted for just under 30 hours of investiga- tive time. In addition, cases involving burglary, 2nd degree assault, narcotics, theft, damage to property, trespassing, aggravated DWI, harassing communications, procuring alcohol for a minor and attempted abduction were investigated. Formal complaints were issued for 2nd degree assault, fleeing a police officer, theft, and gross misdemeanor DWI Is. III. Personnel /Staffing The department used approximately 95 hours of over -time during the month of July. Officers used 48 hours of i comp -time and earned 44 hours of comp -time. There were 204 hours of vacation used and 105 hours of sick time. Holidays accounted for 66 hours of time off in July. IV. Traini Cfficers received in- service training in the use of the side handle baton during the month. Officer Huggett continues in- service training with "Rambo" and will be competing in August at the regional trials. IV: police Reserves The police reserves donated 47.5 hours of time during the month of July. .7 A NO JULY, 1990 TOTAL K 0 3 7 8 6 PART 11 MINES Child Mx&WftSlsct OFFEMXES EIORTED CLEAFa iMFMMDB EXCEPT. CL&M CLEAN RT MEST ARRESTED MUT ANNILE PM l MITE! Mmileids 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oridlinel Seausl Conduct 1 0 0 0 0 0 peccary 0 0 0 0 0 0 AM vested Asssult 1 0, 0 0 0 0 ft"Iery 6 0 0 1 0 1 Larceny K 0 3 6 7 S Vehicle Theft 2 0 0 0 1 0 Aron 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL K 0 3 7 8 6 PART 11 MINES Child Mx&WftSlsct 2 1 0 0 0 0 Forgery~ Checks 0 0 0 0 0 0 Criainsl Dan" to Property 11 0 0 0 0 0 IP epans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mer cot ics 1 0 0 1 0 2 Liquor Law 13 0 0 13 14 2 OYI 6 0 0 6 6 0 • Sisple Assault 3 0 2 0 2 0 Domestic Assault 3 0 1 2 2 0 Domestic (No Assault) 3 0 0 0 0 0 Rarssssant 2 0 0 0 0 0 afmf le Status offamn 12 0 0 12 0 26 Public Pam 7 0 0 1 2 0 Trapsasine 1 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Offenses S 0 0 1 3 0 TOTAL 69 1 3 36 29 30 PMT III i PART Iy Property Womp Accidents 3 Personal Injury Accidents 2 Fate[ Accidents 0 "Cats 25 Animal CcW&ints 95 *Awl Aid 12 other General Imestiptions S97 TOTAL 734 Now In County Child Protection 3 CMI►S 1 TOTAL 73S 1 6 43 37 36 1 • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT JULY 1990 1 • • 2419 THIS YEAR TO LAST YEAR GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY MOUTH DATE TO DATE Hazardous Citations 98 59: 802 Non - Hazardous Citations 40 203 205 Hazardous Warnings 3 57 103 Non - Hazardous Warnings 35 236 192 Verbal Warnings 151 907 815 Parking Citations 16 201 399 DWI 6 57 35 Over .10 5 45 20 Property Damage Accidents 3 35 62 Personal Injury Accidents 2 14 18 Fatal Accidents 0 0 0 Adult Felony Arrests 12 44 25 Adult Misdemeanor Arrests 43 268 190 Adult Misdemeanor Citations 5 64 42 Juvenile Felony Arrests 7 39 16 Juvenile Misdemeanor Arrests 32 65 25 Juvenile Misdemeanor Citations 0 27 It Part I Offenses 44 200 1,7 Part II Offenses 69 472 364 Radicals 25 183 173 Animal Complaints 95 536 665 Other Pul-iic Contacts 597 3,637 3,926 TOTAL 1,288 7,884 8,265 Assists 78 264 370 Follow -Ups 14 134 189 Henn. County Child Protection 3 25 29 Mutual Aid Given 12 84 116 Mutual Aid Requested 3 46 62 1 • • 2419 • MONTSIT PROPERTY L088 /RECOVERY BQlOU1AY JULY, 1990 STOLEN RECOVERED Hikes $ 1,344 $ 154 Snowmobiles 0 0 Boats, Motors, Trailers 0 0 Clothing 0 0 Currency, Notes, Etc. 535 0 Jewelry i Precious Metals 10 10 • Guns 0 0 Home Furnishings 0 0 Radio is Electronic Equipment 2,818 221 Vehicles i Vehicle Equipment 3,170 3,000 Miscellaneous 4,412 205 TOTAL X12,289 $ 3,590 • 1 2421 OU MOOED POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JULY, 1990 CITATI ADULT DWI 6 0 More than .10% BAC 5 0 Careless /Reckless Driving 4 0 Driving After Susp. or Rev. 8 0 Open Bottle 1 0 Speeding 52 7 No DL or Expired DL 6 1 Restriction on DL 2 0 Improper, Expired, or No Plates 17 0 Illegal Passing 1 0 Stop Sign Violations 7 1 Failure to Yield 2 0 Equipment violations 2 0 HiR Leaving the Scene 0 0 No Insurance 1 0 Illegal or Unsafe Turn 1 0 Over the Centerline 0 1 Parking Violations 16 0 Crosswalk 2 0 Dog Ordinances 3 0 Derelict Autos 0 0 Seat Belt 20 0 MV /ATV 1 0 . Miscellaneous Tags 2, TOTAL IS9 11 OU • MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JULY, 1990 Wi!A- • • No Insurance 11 0 Traffic 2 0 Equipment 19 4 Crosswalk 0 0 Animals 0 0 Trash /Derelict Autos 10 0 Seat Belt 0 0 Trespassing 0 0 Miscellaneous 5 0 TOTAL 47 4 ARRZBT Felony Warrants 4 1 Misdemeanor Warrants 14 2 Ay31 RUN: 31- JUL -90 CFS03 PRIMARY 1211 ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CODES: ALL ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 09000 SPEEDING 09001 J- SPEEDING 09002 ND D /L, EXPIRED DA 09003 J-00 D /L, EXPIRED D/L 09001 RESTRICTED D/L 09006 TEST REFUSAL 09010 SAC OVER .10 09012 OPEN BOTTLE 09014 STOP SIGN 09015 J -STOP SIGN 09016 FAILURE TO YIELD 09018 ERIIIPMENT VIOLATION 09020 CARELESS /RECKLESS 09022 EXNIBITION DRIVING 09024 ILLEGAL/UNSAFE TURNS 09027 J -OVER THE CENTER LINE 09029 DRIVING ON PARK PROP - 09030 CROSSYALK VIOLATION 09032 RO PASSING 04039 J-ALL OTHER TRAFFIC 09040 ND SEATBELT 09100 PARKING/ALL OTHER 09150 NO TRAILER PARKING INSTALLATION NAME -- NOW POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 ENFORS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 06/26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 . . .. . . . . . . . PATROL AREAS . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LID 90 TOTAL 13 9 3 20 7 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 7 3 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d E 4 52 7 6 1 2 1 S 1 7 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 20 12 4 • A4$14 1 2 1 1 7 3 1 6 3 3 5 4 4 52 7 6 1 2 1 S 1 7 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 20 12 4 • A4$14 RIRIs 31- AIL INSTALLATION MAZE •- MOURN POLICE DEPARTMENT PACE 2 asd3 •••••• PR� !SN'R 0N1Y1 MD E M f O R 5 IvITT CODES: ALL CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 06/26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 ACT . . . . . . . . . . . PATROL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 90 TOTAL 09200 OAS/OAR/OAC 2 s 1 R 09210 PLATES/ND- INPROPER-EXPIRED s 1 2 4 s 17 09220 00 INSURANCE/PUN OF 1 I 09300 LOST ARTICLES /OTHER 1 1 04312 FOUR ANIMALS /INPOUNDS 2 2 1 2 1 8 09313 FOUND PROF ITT 1 1 2 s 9 04314 FOUND VENICLES/INPOURgEO 1 1 2 4 09430 PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 1 1 2 09460 PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENTS 1 1 1 3 OOG RITE 1 3 4 CAT RITES 1 1 09663 DOG AT LARGE 1 1 09565 0061 LICENSE 1 1 09566 ANIMAL ENFORCEMENT TICKETS 3 3 09720 SUDDEN DEATNS/RODIES FOUND 1 1 09730 PEDICALS 4 6 1 8 19 09731 DETOK- IEDICALS 2 1 1 4 09732 CRISIS INT.- MEOICALS 1 1 09760 FIRES 1 1 09x00 ALL OTNER/UNCLASSIFIED 2 1 3 09801 DOMESTIC/NO ASSAULT 2 1 3 MIS LOITERINGAURKING 1 1 09900 All MCIq CASES 1 1 1 3 r ARV33 RUN: 31 -AIL-90 CFS03 PRIMARY ISN'S ONLY? NO ACT17ITY CODES: ALL INSTALLATION NNE -- POUND POLICE DEPARTMENT E9F02S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 06/26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION OOM OPEN DOOR/ALARMS 09913 CHIPS 09930 NAIOGUN APPLICATION 09965 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 09950 INTELLIGENCE 09980 WWMANTS 09992 MUTUAL AID /8100 09993 MUTUAL AID /6500 A3252 ASLT 3- SUBSTANTIAL INJURY -MHOS ETC- AOLT -ACQ A5351 ASLT S- INFLICTS A; TS NRM- MANOS- ADLT -FAM A5352 ASLT S-INFLICTS ATTEMPTS NO- MAMDS-ADLT -ACO A5501 ASLT S -TMRT BODILY HARM -UNNK UEAP-ADLT -FAA 86090 MO 4 -AT FRC NRES-U-UN( YEAP-UNK ACT 14760 BURG 4 -UN000 NRES FTC- N'UNNC YEAP -LINK ACT 14790 900 4•UNOCC MMES FRC-U-UNK LEAP -UK ACT E4700 ESC-GN -FLEE AN OFFICER 13060 CRIM AGNST FAWNS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD X2500 TRAFFIC-GM-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR MOD TRAF- ACCID- MS•DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 1.7073 CSC 4 -UNK ACT - ACQUAINT- 13-15-F 0=1 JUVENILE-ALCONOI OFFENDER P4106 LIQUOR - POSSESSING MK106 LIQUOR PROCURING LIQUOR FOR A MINOR PAGE 3 - - - - - - . . . .. PATROL AREAS .. .. ... .. . fR 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 f 1 2 2 1 3 8 9 3 1 21 7 7 1 S 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1:1 c: • 24$4 RLM: 31- AIL-90 CFSG PRI lief: =I" 0 �SY CODES= All INSTALLATION NAIVE -- NMW POLICE DEPMTNENT E N F 0 N S CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY FATR% AREA 06/26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION N61" LINM - OTHER N5313 ,A MILE- CLIRFEW M5350 INRIAWAY N6501 W4 PARAPNERNALIA-POSSESSION M30S0 OISTIIRS PEACE- NS-INTERFERE WITN PRIVACY 43190 DISTURB PEACE-NS-NARRASSING CONINICATIONS 0381 OSSENITY- MS-OISCENE PNOIE CALL-NINOR 0382 OSENITY- NS- OBSCENE PNOME CALL-ADULT P1110 PROP DA14AGE-FE- PRIVATE -LINK INTENT P1 OA14AGE-FE- PUSIIC-lMK INTENT P31 PROP OHMAGE- MS-PRIVATE -LNNK INTENT P3120 PROP DAMAGE- NS-PURLIC-LINK INTENT P3130 PROP DAMAGE -MS- BUSINESS -LANK INTENT P3600 LITTER-UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GAISAGE-MS T0150 TNEFT -LINK LVL VAL -FRN MOTOR VENICLE -LINK PROP TIM THEFT -MORE SMO-FE-FRN MOTOR VENICLE -OTN PROP T2159 THEFT- 5251 - 52500 FE MOTOR VENICLE PROP T2160 THEFT - 5251. 52500 FE -FRM WATERCRAFT -OTN PROP T2991 THEFT - 5251- S2500-FE-FRM OTHER -MONEY T4021 THEFT -5250 LESS- NS-FRN SUILOING-NONEY T4029 TNEFT -5250 LESS- MS -FIM SUILDING-OTN PROP T4099 TIE FI -S250 LESS- NS -FRM SELF SRV GAS-OTN PROP T4159 THEFT -5250 LESS-MS -FIN MOTOR VENICLE-OTN PROP r PAGE 4 - - - - - - - - - - - PATROL AREAS .. . . . . .. .. . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 3 4 8 1 3 6 1 11 1 t 1 1 1 t 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 fP 1 1 2 t 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 Ryas ■R1: 31•x-90 CFSR3 PRIIMl1 Is'S ONLY? NO ACTIVITY CONES: ALL ACT CODE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION NAME •• IIaJIN1 POLICE DEPARTMENT E0FORS CALLS FOR SERVICE ACTIVITY ANALYSIS BY PATROL AREA 06/26/90 YOU 07/25/90 T41M TNEFT•SM LESS- NS-Fill MATEACRAFT -OTN PROP U1497 TKFT- FE-81CYCLE-NO MOTOR -5201 -5500 U32RR TNEFT•NIS•SNOPL MING - $200 OR LESS U3497 TIMFT•NS-NICYCLE-NO NOT - 52014500 U34911 THEFT- NS- NI CYCLE -NO NOTOR -5200 OR LESS V1011 UNAUTHORIZED USE-FE-OVER 2500-AUTO V2023 VEN THEFT- FE-251- 2500 - MOTORCYCLE Y2230 CAIN AGNST OOVN -GM- ESCAPE TAIL -NTR VEN REFORT TOTALS: PAGE S ----- -- ---- PATWOL AREAS .._ •....... 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 TOTAL 1 1 3 S 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1. S7 43 96 109 62 2 4 9 382 • 264 310 RUN: 31- AR. -90 INSTALLATION NAME •- NOIRD POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OFFOT •••••• PRI ISN'i ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S 0 ION CODES: ALL PITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION GRID: ALL 06 /26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 /------ ---- - - ---- OFFENSES CLEARED ----- ------- - - - --/ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL .... BY ARREST - -•- BY TOTAL PERCENT OESCRINION REPORTED UNFOUNDED ..................................................................................................... OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION ............................... CLEARED CLEARED A3252 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 ASLT 3.11RSTANTIAL INJURY -NAWS ETC-ADLT -ACQ A5351 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 ASLT S- INFLICTS ATTEMPTS NRN- MAIDS- ADLT-FAN A53S2 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 100.0 ASLT S- INFLICTS ATTEMPTS NM- HANDS- ADLT -ACQ A5501 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0 ASLT S -TART 00DILT NARN-UNK WEAP -ADLT -FAIT 04080 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 SUNG 4 -AT FRC NRES-U-UNK WEAP -UNK ACT 04760 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 50.0 RRG 4 -UlOCC MKS FRC-N -UNK WEAP -UK ACT "is 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 On 4-MCC VMS FRC -U -UNK WRAP -UlK ACT E4m 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 ESC -WFLEE AN OFFICER 13060 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 CRIN AGNST FAN-NS-NEGLECT OF A CHILD J2500 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 TRAFFIC- GN -OR1VE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR J3S00 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 100.0 TRAF- AMID- NS-DRIVE UNDER INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR 0073 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 CSC 4-M ACT- ACONIAINT- 13-15 -F NMI 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 100.0 JUVENILE-ALT 0- OFFENDER "4104 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 100.0 LIB - POSSESSING W06 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 LIQUOR - PROCURING LIQUOR FOR A NINOR u AY37 RIX: 31- JUL-90 INSTALLATION NAME -- MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 OFFD1 •••••• PRINART ISN'S ONLY? ND E N F 0 R 5 DISPOSITION COZHEY: ALL • ACTIVITY COZIES: All OFFENSE ACTIVITY IT DISPOSITION 0210: ALL 06 /26/90 TIMU 07/25/90 /------- --------- OFFENSES CLEARED ------ ----- ---- --/ ACTIVITT CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL - - --BY ARREST - - -- BY TOTAL PERCENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED ---------------------------------------.......------------......--------.....------------------....... UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EIICEPTION .....--------------- CLEARED -------.... CLEARED 1116194 a 0 a 0 8 0 0 a 100.0 LIQUOR - OTHER NS313 11 0 11 0 0 11 0 11 100.0 ANENILE-CURFEW N5350 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 RURAWY N65o1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA - POSSESSION N3080 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 50.0 DISTURB PEACE- NS-INTERFERE WITH PRIVACY N3190 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 .0 DiSTURR PEACE -NS-NARRASS ING COMMUNICATIONS 03aa1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .00 OBSENITT -MS- OBSCENE PHONE CALL-MINOR 032x2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 OMITT -NS- OBSCENE PHONE CALL -ADULT P1110 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 PROP OANAGE-FE- PRIVATE -UNK INTENT P1120 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 PROP DANAGE-FE-PUBLIC -UNK INTENT P3110 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 .0 PROP DAMAGE-MS- PRIVATE-UNK INTENT P3120 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 PUP DAMAGE- MS-PUBLIC-UNK INTENT P3130 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 PRO/ DAMAGE -MS- BUSINESS -UNK INTENT P3600 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 LITTER - UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE -MS TO1SO 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT-UNK LVL VAL -FRM MOTOR VEHICLE-UNK PROP f TM3 a MN: 31- JUL -90 INSTALLATION NAME •• MOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PACE 3 OFF01 ��•••• PRSN'S ONLYT NO E N F 0 R S DIW ION CODES: All ITY CODES: ALL OFFENSE ACTIVITY BY DISPOSITION 0110: ALL 06/26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 /-------- -- - - - - -- OFFENSES CLEARED ------- ------•••-/ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL .... NY ARRcST - - -- NY TOTAL PERCENT DESCRIPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED ........................................................•-•------------------...............------......................---.......-- OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEARED T1159 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT -MORE S25OO-FE-FM MOTOR VENICLE-OTN PROP T2159 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT- 5251- 11600-FE-FRN MOTOR VENICLE-OTN PROP T2169 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 .0 THEFT- S61- S2500-FE-FIN WATERCRAFT -OTH PROP T2991 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT-1161-S25OO- FE-FRN OTMER-MONLY T4021 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0 THEFT -5250 LESS-NS-FRN NUILDING-MONEY 74029 4 0 4 1 1 0 2 3 75.0 TNEFT -5250 LESS-NS-FRM SUILDING-OTH PROP T4 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 50.0 THE 0 LESS- NS -FRM SELF SRV GAS -OTN PROP 14159 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT -5250 LESS•NS-FRN MOTOR VEHICLE -OTN PROP T4169 5 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT-S250 LESS- NS -FRM WATERCRAFT -OTN PROP U1497 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT-FE-BICYCLE-00 MOTOR- S2014500 to.2tN 4 0 4 0 1 3 0 4 100.0 TNEFT-NIS- SNOPLIFTING - S200 OR LESS 03497 1 0 1 1 U 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT-NS-81 CYCLE -NO MOTOR - S201-S5OO UM96 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 .0 TNEFT•MS- SI CYCLE -00 MOTOR-S200 OR LESS V1011 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 UNAUTNDRIZED USE-FE-OVER 2500 -AUTO V2023 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 MEN THEFT-FE•251- 2500 - MOTORCYCLE u 1431 RIRIt 31 -SA-90 INSTALLATION MAZE -- NOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT PAGE i OFF01 •••••• PRlwm ISII'S ONLY? NO E N F 0 R S S DISPOSITIM OOZES: ALL ACTIVITY CODES: All OFFENSE ACTIVITY ST DISPOSITION MID: ALL 06 /26/90 TNRU 07/25/90 /------- --------- OFFENSES CLEARED ------------- - - --/ ACTIVITY CODE/ OFFENSES ACTUAL ----SV ARREST - - -- SY TOTAL PERCENT 0- IPTION REPORTED UNFOUNDED OFFENSES PENDING ADULT JUVENILE EXCEPTION CLEARED CLEARED ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------- -------- ------ Two 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .0 CRIN AMY OOVN-W-ESCAPE TAX -NTR VEN REPORT TOTALS - 103 1 102 53 24 19 d 49 48.0 X440 • POUND POLICE RESERVES NANTNLY 113URS JULY, 1990 In Training K. Larson • 1 2'!YI DETAILS ENER RES. CONN N/F TRAIN INSTR RIDE NEET C/0 SGUAD SERV BALI INS TION ALONG ADNIN ING TOTAL BADGE 1 - - - - - - 9.5 20.0 1.5 31.00 4 - - - - - 5.0 - 1.5 6.5 S - - - - - 5.0 - 1.0 6.0 10 0 11 - - - - - - - - - 0 12 - - - - - - - . - 0 13 - - - - - - - - - 0 14 - - - - - - - - 1.5 i.S 16 - - - - - - - - - 0 17 - - _ 0 23 - - - - - - - - 0 28 - - - - - 1.0 1.0 56 - - - - - .5 1.0 1.5 S9 - - - - - - - - - 0 57 58 59 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 20.5 7.5 47.5 NONTNLY ACTIVITIES IT Nelson R16 Hawks Meeting Ri Ftoming R17 Kohman Ride- Alongs 15 Fox R23 Vogel 110 Swanson R28 Geyen 112 Shell R56 Fox, K. R13 Larson 159 Jszowski 114 Zuccaro In Training K. Larson • 1 2'!YI • HOUND POLICE RESERVES SEVERENCE ACCOUNTS July, 1990 OFFICER DEPOSIT BALANCE Butch Nawks S 0 $440.50 Ruth Vogel 0 498.50 Steve Kohoan 0 104.00 Sherry iuecaro 0 169.00 Dave Nelson 0 317.00 John Romain 0 149.00 Jeff Flaming 0 227.50 Makiko Swanson 0 6.50 Tom Geven 0 91.00 Jim fox 0 143.00 Denion Shell 0 39.00 Katie Fox 0 175.50 Richard Jazowski 0 19.50 TOTALS Y 0 $2,380.50 KF /sh • • 24400 z MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION July 23, 1990 Those present were: Vice Chair Geoff Michael, Commissioners Ken Smith, Jerry Clapsaddie, Bill Thal, Bill Voss, Frank Weiland and Michael Mueller, Council Representative Liz Jensen, City Manager Ed Shukle, City Planner Mark Koegler, Building Official Jon Sutherland, and Secretary Peggy James. Absent and excused was: Chair Bill Meyer. The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. The following citizens were present: Brenda VanDyne, Tom Van - Dyne. Bill Schumer, Tom Casey, and Phyllis Jensen. MINUTES: There were four changes noted in the minutes of July 9, 1990, as follows: 1) the City Planner, Mark Koegler, was not present, 2) on the first page, last paragraph. 6th line, the word "is" should be "his ". 3) page three, third paragraph, within the first mo- tion, the vote should be "7 - 0" since one abstained, and 4) page thee, within the second motion on the page, "Smith" shoull be deleted since he was not present. • MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Smith to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of July 9, 1990 as amended. Motion carried unan 1 nrAus 1 y . a. Case No. 90-923: Bill Schumer, 2885 Cambrldae Lane, Lot 10, Block 36, WYChwood, PID #24- 117 - 24 -42 0017. VARIANCE: Front 3 Side Yard Setback - to allow constr of a detached aaraae. This variance request was tabled at the last Planning Commission meeting of July 9, 1990. Mr. Schumer has returned with a revised request for a 22' x 22' detached garage. The garage is proposed to be setback 3 feet from the side property 1 1 ne and 7 feet from the front property line resulting in a 1 foot variance to both the side and front lines. The request for a 1.5 foot setback variance to allow the addition of a 4.5' x 7' vestibule Is un- changed. The City Planner recommended approval of the revised proposal. Voss commented that he does not see a hardship, that a smaller garage would work. Clapsaddle commented that a 20' x 20' garage Is impract -a1, and a 22' x 22' garage is operative. Smith com- mented that the applicant's hardship is that he does not have any • other options for placement of the garage. A443 Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1990 Page 2 MOTION made by Smith, seconded by C1apsadd1e to recom- mend approval of the revised req•,jest. Motion carried 7 - 1 (those In favor wares Clapsaddle, Mueller, Weiland, Thal, Michael, Jensen, and Smith; Voss opposed). This case will t_ .ward by the City CouncII on August 14, 1990. Co rehensive Plan - PUBLIC HEARING City Planner, Mark Koegler, gave a brief overview of what a com- prehensive plan is, and reasons why Mound should maintain a plan. Koegler then briefly reviewed the eight major sections of the plan, those being: physical inventory, sotto - economic, goals and policies, land use, housing, transportation, recreation and im- plementation. • Koegler stated that this public hearing is for a major comprehen- sive plan amendment; the City has already adopted a plan, it is just being updated. Koegler added that after the joint meeting regarding the Downtown Study on August 7th, changes may yet be made to the land use section, however these changes will be covered at the public hearing held by the City Council. . Vice Chair Michael opened the public hearing. Tom Casey referred to a four -page letter he wrote to the Commis- sion which was handed out prior to the meeting. Casey emphasized the importance of environmental protection and natural and open space. Casey slso commented on Pelican Point being retained as an open park, the need to encourage bicycling, and the shortage of natural upland areas. Vice Chair Michael closed the public hearing. The Commission discussed the use of nature conservation areas being dumping grounds verses green space. The commission decided to review Casey's comments in the order presented: 1. The Commission determined that this suggestion to adopt lo- cal ordinances pertaining to the listed issues does not belong in the comprehensive plan. 2. The Commission agreed to have staff add phraseology to page 10, paragraph 9, implying that a formal policy needs to be adopted to require that all City land proposed to be sold is reviewed uy the Park and Open Space Commission and the Plan- ning Commission for feasibility as a park or nature conser- vation area. X 4 Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1990 Page 3 3. The Commission determined that the comprehensive plan, on page 9, item 2, already covers the encouragement of preser- vation of public parcels, and the zoning code already covers private parcels. 4. The Commission agreed that pages 11 -12 in the transportation section should specifically encourage bicycles as part of its transportation policy. S. The Commission agreed that page 12, item 6 in the goals and policies section should specifically include the adoption of nature conservation areas as a goal. 6. The majority of the Planning Commission did not agree that the comprehensive plan should include the option of Pelican Point being park or a nature conservation area. 7. Relating to Lost Lake development, Casey is "correct to as- sume that the language" on page 42, paragraph 3, Includes the option of preserving Lost Lake as a public park or Na- ture Conservation Area. The Commission confirmed that . "development" means any type of development, including parks, etc. 8. The Commission determined that the intent of the plan should remain "as is" relating to the Westedge tract. 9. This issue has already been well address in discussions relating to the proposed Housing Maintenance Code. 10. The Ccvwlssion agreed that the City should provide Incen- tives to encourage bicycling or walking as alternative means of transportation. 11. No discussion. 12. The Commission agreed that this Item should be reviewed by the Park Commission. Casey confirmed that the Park Commis- sion has already rejected this language. 13. Does "Nature Conservation Area" need to be legally defined? The Commission Agreed that the Park Commission may add a definition within the context of the plan. 14. No discussion. 15. No discussion. 16. This is already covered on page 77, paragraph 1. 17. No discussion. 41"S Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1990 Page 4 18. The Planning Commission agreed to leave page 86, paragraph 5 "as Is." 19. No discussion. 20. The Commission agreed to amend the plan as suggested: Page 128, paragraph 4 "All decisions pertaining to the develop- ment of parks and open space with the City of Mound are reviewed by the Parks and Open Space Commission." A copy of Mr. Casey's letter is attached as "Exhibit All to these minutes. MOTION made by Weiland, seconded by Thal to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan as amended. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Representative Report. Jensen reviewed the minutes of the July 10th City Council meet- ing, and the agenda for the July 24th meeting. General Discussion As a result of one of Mr. Casey's suggested changes in the Com- prehensive Plan regarding City land being sold and having the Planning Commission and the Park L-4=I ssion review prior to sale, the following motion was mLre. MOTION made by Mueller, seconded by Clapsaddle to recom- mend to the City Council that tax forfeited lands be referred to the Planning Commission and the Park and Open Space Commission for their review before the properties are released for sale /au :tion. "lotion carried unanimously. The Commission confirmed that Council Representative Jensen would relay this recommend. =tion to the City Council prior to their ac- tion on the properties proposed to be released for resale at the July 24, 1990 City Council meeting. MOTION made by Ciapsaddie, seconded by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. L` Chair, Bill Meyer Is N4 A ttest:_ RECEIVED J U 1 2 3 1990 * -Ruiz A 0 July 23, 1990 Planning Commission City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Mound Comprehensive Plan Update Dear Planning Commission, Thank you for this opportunity to comment on Mound's Comprehensive Plan Update. As a member of the City of Mound Park and Open Space Commission, I have reviewed the Park and Recreation Section of the plan, but this is my first opportunity to review the proposed plan in its entirety. The plan repeatedly states that Mound is "fully developed," that urban uses occupy 90% of the total land area. (see page 21.) Because of this, it is important from a Park and Open Space point of view that the � - .tire plan be reviewed to determine how the plan will affect our last remaining open space, or what I like to call " green space." • Briefly, green space is important for three reasons: 1. Economic - Most people like to live in areas which are close to green spaces. Property values generally reflect this idea, except near high -use parks where noise and trash may be a problem; 2. Aesthetic - People think green space is beautiful and desire to live close to forests and wetlands. They don't like to see green spaces lost to development; and 3. Environmental - Preservation of green space is important to minimize the "Green House Effect," provide habitat for diminishing numbers of plants and animals, provide healthy recreational opportunities, etc. Therefore, it is from this perspective that I will comment on the plan, with references to page and paragraph numbers. 1. page 9, R R IILc y No. 3, - The sentence states only that Mound should " ... support state and federal programs ... " for the pritection of the environment. The City of Mound should also be a leader and innovator by designing its own programs to protect the environment without waiting for cues from the state and federal government. Examples of this include adoption of the following local ordinances: 42 VV7 • PA 2448 a. Regulation of the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides; b. Protection of Trees - see the City of Eden Prairie ordinance for an example; c. Amend the Mound City Code to allow the propagation of native plants over 12" high. (The present ordinance prohibits this and classifies all plan*_- over 12" high as weeds.); d. Create a disposal mechanism for milfoil, yard wastes, and plants required to be cut by city dock permit holders; and e. Initiate a Private Registry Program for land owners who volunteer to preserve their land. (The Nature Conservancy is a good source for advice about how to set up this program.) 2. Page 10 C�T7 % S[K gyh 9 - A formal policy needs to be adopted to_aquire that all City land proposed to be sold is reviewed by the Park and Open Space Commission for feasibility as a park or Nature Conservation Area. 3. Page 10 - Another paragraph should be added in the Land Use policy section to state that the City of Mound should encourage preservation of public and private parcels as green space. 4. Pastes 11 -12 - The Transportation Section should • specifically encourage bicycles as part of its transportation policy. 5. Pages 12 -13 - The Recreation Section should specifically include the adoption of Nature Conservation Areas as a goal. 6. Pace 40 - Pelican Point is a beautiful 16 acre parcel with shoreland and old - growth white pine, a tree of rely: =:v� scarcity in the Lake Minnetonka area. The plan :..o uld include the option of this parcel being a park or Nature Conservation Area. (On August 9, 1990, the Park and Open Space Commission will be looking at this parcel for feasibility as a Nature Conservation Area.) 7. Pace 4, paragraph 3 - Am I correct to assume that the language, "It is in the best interest of the City to encourage expedient development of this parcel ..." ine!ludes the option of preserving Lost Lake as a public park or Nature Conservation Area? 8. Pace 42, last paragraph - The language, " ...the Nestedge tract will eventually be developed," should specifically include the option of development as a park or w4 ture Conservation Area. • PA 2448 • 3 AIt y1 9. Page 5� paragraph ? - The proposed Housing Maintenance Code should include a provision granting a tenant the right to repair the property and deduct the repair bill from the rent if the landlord fails to repair the property within a reasonable period of time. 10. Pace 7., Paragraph 3 - The City of Mound should provide incentives to encourage bicycling or walking as alternative means of transportation. Possibilities could include: marked bike routes on city streets, the installation of more bike racks on city property, a deliberate policy to discourage or reduce car parking spaces on city property, official recognition and nominal rewards for citizens who use alternative means of transportation, a City Bike -To- Work Week, and a policy discouraging citizens from driving cars to city meetings. 11. P ace 71 paragraph 3 - Increased attention should be directed to Pelican Point, Lost Lake, and the Westedge area for inclusion as a park or Nature Conservation Area. 12. Page 71 , paragraph 4 - Amend the first sentence to read, "The goal of this plan is to provide recreational opportunities to meet the needs of all • Mound residents and to preserve the 1 ant and animal life tX such means as will l eave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of P resent and future eg nerations." This language adds the goal of land stewardship to our Comprehensive Plan. 13. P ace 77.. paragraph 1 - Permanent Preserve lands are, indeed, mostly wetlands that are already protected by state law and city ordinance. Little upland property is designated as a permanent preserve. The City of Mound designated a small upland parcel on Drummond Road as Nature Conservation Area. This designation needs to be legally defined by city ordinance to assure permanent protection. Other natural areas need to be systematically reviewed to determine feasibility as a Nature Conservation Area. 14. P age 80, pa ragraph 2 - The plan identifies a shortage of community parks by approximately 30 acres. Pelican Point (16 acres), Lost Lake, and the Westedge parcels should be thoroughly examined as properties to alleviate this shortage. 15. P age 83 - Please note that natural park -like areas are the number one citizen priority for recreation facilities. These priorities should be reflected in the Comprehensive Plan. • 3 AIt y1 • 16. Pane 8 _ . paragraph 3 - Contrary to this paragraph, the City of Mound does have a deficiency in natural upland areas. These areas should be permanently preserved for low impact recreation such as hiking and nature study. 17. Pape 8 paragraph 8 - A formal mechanism should be in place to require the Parks and Open Space Commission to review tax forfeited land and other city land up for sale for feasibility as a park or Nature Conservation Area. 18. Page 86, . paragraph 5 - This paragraph implies that commercial development will occur on Lost Lake unless soil conditions preclude development. The establishment of a park on the entire parcel should not be conditioned upon soil conditions. There may be other reasons why a park should be established apart from the question of suitable soil for commercial development. 19. Page 21 - Additional parking is proposed for Mound Bay Park. This was never approved by the Park and Open Space Commission. In my opinion, preservation of park green space is more important than sacrificing this space for additional parking. :0. Page l28 paragraph 4 - This sentence should be amended to read, "All decisions pertaining to the development of parks and open space within the City of Mound are reviewed by the Parks and Open Space Commission." Thank you for kind attention to these remarks. If you have any further questions in this regard, please call me at your convenience. Very truly yours, Tom Casey 2854 Cambridge Lane Mound, MN 472 -1099 • 4 AT5 0 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT s Wednesday 1 Saturday 4 Saturday 11 RECD JUL 3 0 IN • • Friday 17 473 -7033 L.X.C.D. METING SCHEDULE August 1990 Advisory Committee, Management Plan 5 :30 p.m. Tonka Bay City Hall Public Officials Lake Tour 10:00 a.m. Lafayette Club docks Water Structures & Environment Committee 7:30 a.m. Shorewood City Hall 5755 Country Club Road Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force 8:30 a.m. Freshwater Foundation Navarre Monday 20 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m. Shorewood City Hall 5755 Country Club Road Wednesday 22 LMCD Board of Director's Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m. Tonka Bay City Hall 7 -27 -90 $I yS1 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 473 -7033 EVERTS SCHEDULE August 1990 RE T AUG 3 1 990 REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS FOR AUGUST: Upper Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club Saturday races Sunday races Consolidated Race Schedule - Lover Lake Saturday races Sunday races Tuesday races Wednesday races 8 -1, 8 -8, 8-15 only Thursday races 8 -2, 8 -9, 8 -16, 8 -23 only Friday races 8 -3, 8 -10, 8 -17 SYC August races: Saturday 8 -11 Sunday 8 -19 OTHER SCHEDULED EVENTS FOR AUGUST: Wednesday Bight Bass Tournaments Wednesdays 8 -1, 8-8, 8 -15, 9 -22 only MR /WI Pro -tan Bass Tournaments Saturday 8 -26 8 -2 -90 2:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m., Goose Island • • 6:30 a.m., Lakeside Marina .7 Mss. LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 7:30 a.m., Saturday, August 11, 1990 Shorewood City Hall 5755 Country Club Road RM AUG 6 MO 1. License renewals: A. Clay Cliffe Home Owners Association license renewal and temporary low water variance application to extend to 100 feet with a change in configuration to acommodate canopies. B. Eagle Bluff license renewal. 2. Letter from Minnesota Transportation Museum regarding plans to restore and float the 1906 streetcar steamboat Minnehaha for public passenger service on Lake Minnetonka, for committee discussion. 3. Staff recommendation for refund of 1990 license application fee to Lyle Berman. 4. Staff report on dock license and temporary low water variance inspections. 5. Deicing application progress status. 6. Additional items recommended by the committee. ENVIROWtENT 1. Weed harvest progress reports July 23 -27 and .July 30- August 3. 2. Equipment performance update. 3. Ovelvieu of the operations to date. 4. Additional items recommended by the committee. 0 8 -3 -90 A453 WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA 7:30 a.m., Saturday, August 11, 1990 Shorewood City Hall 5755 Country Club Road RM AUG 6 MO 1. License renewals: A. Clay Cliffe Home Owners Association license renewal and temporary low water variance application to extend to 100 feet with a change in configuration to acommodate canopies. B. Eagle Bluff license renewal. 2. Letter from Minnesota Transportation Museum regarding plans to restore and float the 1906 streetcar steamboat Minnehaha for public passenger service on Lake Minnetonka, for committee discussion. 3. Staff recommendation for refund of 1990 license application fee to Lyle Berman. 4. Staff report on dock license and temporary low water variance inspections. 5. Deicing application progress status. 6. Additional items recommended by the committee. ENVIROWtENT 1. Weed harvest progress reports July 23 -27 and .July 30- August 3. 2. Equipment performance update. 3. Ovelvieu of the operations to date. 4. Additional items recommended by the committee. 0 8 -3 -90 A453 N „•�ts�t� a.. +.�o• N 0 MINNEHAHA CREEK . LAU MINNETONKA WATERSHED DISTRICT P.O. Box 387, Wayzata. Minnesota 55391 1OARO OF MANAGERS: James R Spensley. Pres • John E Thomas • Richard R. Miller Robert D. Erickson • C. Woodrow Love • Clarkson Lindley • Thomas Maple, Jr q: AUG 11990 July 25, 1990 TO:: Interested Citizens RE: 1989 Annual Report Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed is a copy of the Annual Report of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for 1989. Should you have any questions regarding the District's activities, please feel free to contact any member of the Board of Managers. Very truly yours, : R. James Spens ey, President Board of Managers Minnehaha Creek Watershed District AI.PS105(8) • A4S4 U ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1989 July, 1990 %o INTRODUCTIO This Annual Report of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District provides a summary of the major activities of the Board of Managers during 1989. Any person wishing additional information is encouraged to contact any individual manager. THE MANAGERS AND MEETING NFORMATION As of December 1989, the Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District were as follows: Robert Erickson 2800 McKenzie Pt. Road Tern Expires Wayzata, MN 55391 March 8, 1990 Albert L. Lehman 3604 West Sunrise Drive Term Expires* Minnetonka, MN 55345 March 8, 1991 Clarkson W. Lindley 15500 Wayzata Blvd. Term Expire> Wayzata, MN 53391 March 8, 1992 C. Woodrow Love P. 0. Box 524 Term Expires Excelsior, MN 55331 March 8, 1992 Richard R. Miller 5340 Hollywood Road Term Expires Edina, MN 55436 March 8, 1991 James R. Spensley 5117 Chicago Avenue Term Expires Minneapolis, MN 55417 March 8, 1990 John E. Thomas 6326 Smithtown Road Term Expires Excelsior, MN 55331 March 8, 1992 The officers for 1989 were: James R. Spensley C. Woodrow Love John E. Thomas Albert L. Lehman President Vice President Secretary Treasurer )wring 1989, twelve regular meetings were held by the Managers on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. In order to make the meetings of the Managers more accessible to all residents of the District, the Managers meet in odd - numbered months at the St. Louis Park City Hall, and in even - numbered months at the Wayzata City Hall. Increased enforcement and regulatory activity in 1989 required four additional special meetings of the Managers. *Manager Lehman moved out of the District and resigned effective March 1990. He was replaced by Manager Thomas Maple. Managers Soens?ey and Erickson were reappointed to new three year terms in March 1990. C. M V (D The Managers exchanged information with other governmental units affected by the programs and policies of the District, and honored requests to attend meetings of municipal, county, and state officials as well as meetings of interested citizens. The Managers received support and assistance from the Hennepin and Carver County Boards of Commissioners through the year which greatly assisted the District in carrying out its programs during 1989. The Managers continued to work during 1989 with other organizations concerned with water resource issues. Manager Miller served on the Eurasian Water Milfoil Task Force and the Board of Managers heard reports from the executive director of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District concerning this problem weed, and other issues concerning Lake Minnetonka. Manager Lehman and the District Engineer served on the Technical Committee of the Hennepin Conservation District to develop_ uniform erosion control guidelines. The Board participated in the activities of the Metropolitan Area section of the Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts, and in the deliberations of the annual state -wide meeting of the Association. The Managers supplied copies of minutes of all meetings and reports to interested citizens and to public officials throughout the District. Copies of the 1988 report were filed with the Minnesota Water Resources Board, the Department of Natural Resources, the Boards of County Commissioners of Hennepin and Carver Counties, and with State Senators and Representatives from the area within the District. The District received 207 permit applications during 1989. Each application was reviewed in detail fo: compliance with the District's rules. Applications were received for projects such as dredging, shoreline erosion protection, stream and lake crossings, wetland and floodplain alteration, and stormwater management plans for site development. Prior to action on the applications, the District staff spent considerable effort with city staff and /or applicants to bring some of the proposed projects into compliance with District rules. A summary of the permits reviewed by the Board in 1989 is attached to this report as Appendix A, showing the project location and type of application received. As in previous years, a large majority of the applications received were from the Lake Minnetonka portion of the watershed district, reflecting the continuing urbanization of this area of the District, and an increase in the number of dredging applications. • - 2 - 2157 All permits issued by the District require compliance with applicable municipal ordinances and, if the permit involves docking on Lake Minnetonka, the applicable ordinances of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. In addition, permits issued by the watershed district require compliance with any applicable rules of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The Board of Managers also took action as necessary concerning complaints, permit violations, and activities which had been undertaken without a required permit from the District. The District continued its Hydrologic Data Collection Progran during 1989. The data for 1988 were published in the Annual Hydrologic Data Report in July 1989. This is a comprehensive program, which, along with data from other agencies, has formed a long -term data bank for use in managing the water resources of the District, particularly Lake Minnetonka and the Minneapolis city lakes. Copies of this report were submitted to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, the Metropolitan Council, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Department of Natural Resources, the Fresh Water Biological Institute, and local novernment officials, citizens' groups, and interested citizens. to major changes in water quality occurred during 1989 in Lake Minnetonka, and stream quality in the District also remained essentially unchanged from the prior year. HE pW ATERS Dom_ MMQI,,STW (GRAY 11%, BAY) AND L�►10E MTNNjiroNICA FL•EYATIONS /MINNEH CREEK FLOWS During 1989, the District operated the Headwaters Control Structure at Gray's Bay under the management policy and operational plan as reapproved by the Department of Natural Resources in March 1986. The District's application to renew the permit for the control structure remained pending before the DNR in 1989. Due to exceptionally low precipitation during 1989, and abnormally dry conditions throughout the - ummer, the level of Lake Minnetonka remained low and the cont-�.., structure remained closed throughout the year. Lake Minnetonk).:) reached a low elevation of 926.00 on November 3, and a high elevation of 928.20 on April 18. Due to the low lake level (below the established discharge elevation of 928.6), no discharge from the Headwaters Control Structure occurred. Tt .e Managers continued to rely heavily upon participation of each of the municipalities on Minne in recording creek elevations and flows and reportin that data to the District. The District prepare:] monthly summaries of this data during the open water season and made the summaries available to interested municipalities and citizens. The assistance of each of the municipalities is invaluable to the District in making the necessary operational adjustments to accomplish the management objectives of the Headwaters Control I-*'ucture. - 3 - X4SO During 1989, the District's proposed Chapter 509 Surface Water Management Plan was before Hennepin County for review, along with a proposed agreement concern g financing of the Capital Improvement Program. The Distrt -: forwarded the Chapter 509 Plan to the Metropolitan Council fo its review in March 1990. In April 1989, the District adopted revisions to Rule E concerning dredging, and adopted Rule K providing for licensing of dredging contractors. These revisions were adopted following extensive meetings by the Board's Rules Committee, input from District staff and members of the public, and a public hearing on April 20, 1989. The changes to Rule E arose from the District's experience with compliance problems and the nzaed for more specific criteria concerning hydraulic dredging. Specifically, the revisions address hydraulic dredging standards, requirements for submission of soil boring logs, protection against seepage and subsurface drainage, the steepness of slopes in dredging projects necessary to avoid frequent re- dredging, and the use of silt curtains. Rule K requires the licensing of dredging contractors who perform Projects in larger "priority" lakes within the District. The District had been concerned with unpermitted and unfeasible dredging projects performed in the past, and determined that the licensing of contractors is a reasonable and necessary means to ensure that projects are performed by qualified, dredging contractors in compliance with District rules. Rule K was also intended to protect consumers from engaging dredging contractors who do not have the necessary and proper equipment to perform the project. MFR DISTRIrT PROJECTS AND CONCE At the request of the City of Shorewood and the Village of Tonka Bay, the District studied the feasibility of various alternative remedies to a persistent drainage problem at the intersection of Glen Road and County Road 19. The District Engineer continued with additional hydrologic analysis in 1989, recommending a number of drainage improvements in this subwatershed area to be submitted for review by the City of Shorewood. Manager Spensley met extensively in 1989 with officials from the City of Minneapolis to review plans for storm sewer and paving projects near the intersection of 92nd Street and Bloomington Avenie, and Sibley Park. The District entered into a contract with the city in 1989 to perform a hydre'ogic analysis for this project, known as the HEC II study, which was completed in May 1990. - 4 - #%4j" The District began a monitoring program in 1989 as Phase I of a project to abate non -point source pollution of Long Lake. The District_ began this project in cooperation with the Cities of. is Orono and Long Lake, Hennepin County, and other interested parti3s pursuant to a Clean Weer Partnership Grant with the Minnesota Pollution Control Ag�_acy. Phase I of the project will be completed in 1990. As required by law, the Managers held a duly noticed public hearing on September 28, 1989 concerning the proposed budgets for the District's Administrative Fund, Management Planning Fund, Water Maintenance and Repair Fund, and Survey and Data Acquisition Fund. Following the public hearing, the Managers adopted budgets for 1990 for these funds and certified tax levies to Hennepin and Carver : . for collection. E *4Zi 4J ril nao 0 A� The financial records of the District are kept by a certified public accountant. All financial transactions are recorded in the minutes of the District's meetings. The Treasurer of the District maintained separate records for the following four funds in 1989: (1) The Administrative Fund; (2) The Management Planning Fund; (3) The Water Maintenance and Repair Fund; and '41 The Survey and Data Acquisition Fund. 40 Records for each of these funds include the dates and amounts of all expenditures, the names of individuals receiving payment, and the purposes for which payment is made. The official depository for the District is the Wayzata State Bank, in Wayzata, Minnesota. During 1989, the financial records of the District were audited for the year 1988 and a copy of the audit was filed with the State Auditor for the State of Minnesota in April, 1989. A copy of the combined statement of revenue and expenditures for the year 1989 is attached to this report as Appendix B, and a copy of the complete financial statement is available upon request. Respectfully submitted, James R. Spensley, President Board of Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District ALPS105 • 614 `n - 5 - 0 EXHIBIT A AV 1989 PERMIT APPLICATIONS iiiiiii-tii iii! // /f / /! /i / /!!!!/ ti. /.i..ii../...i......i- ! / /... /iii.. / MUNICIPALITY TYPE OF PERMIT B C D E F G TOTAL iiii ii.iiiiiiiii /�iiiiiii/i /i CHANHASSEN 4 2 2 8 DEEPHAVEN 1 3 4 EDINA 2 2 EXCELSIOR 1 2 1 4 GOLDEN VALLEY 0 GREENWOOD 2 10 12 HOPKINS 3 3 INDEPENDENCE 1 1 LAKETOWN TWP. 0 LONG LAKE 0 MAPLE PLAIN 1 1 2 MEDINA 1 1 MINNETONKA 14 1 4 3 22 MINNEAPOLIS 4 4 MINNETONKA BEACH 1 1 MINNETRISTA 1 1 8 10 MOUND 2 12 7 21 ORONO 10 13 13 1 37 PLYMOUTH 2 2 4 RICHFIELD 0 ST. BONIFACIUS 0 ST. LOUIS PARK 8 1 9 SHOREWOOD 4 7 3 1 15 SPRING PARK 1 2 3 TONKA BAY 1 8 4 2 15 VICTORIA 4 1 9 14 WAYZATA 7 3 3 13 WOODLAND 1 1 2 l iiii! /..!iiii ---- -- --iiii iii /! ill- :laii- i--- izi --M=7 lJ--- -ii.-------- / /i- -i-7, TOTAL PERMITS 68 1 3 61 69 S 7 207 - iiii -ii-i- /!.miss i..i. -.i- /iiii! iii - iii- i- ii --.-- iii------ .-- i- ii /.--- ii---- --- -i- PERMIT APPLICATION CATEGORIES B- STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS E- DREDGING C- FLOODPLAIN ALTERATION F- SHORELINE IMPROVEMENT Di WETLAND ALTERATION G- STREAM AND LAKE CEOSSING 0 EXHIBIT A AV • M F I ?. I u I" CitEEK WUM%M o7SIItE'i' x,605 25,f05 24,CO3 MME Smal SiP]i 6 ?Wairg 24,495 3,301 27,876 H11;EI AND ACRX 3,876 liag°t *=mt rg and Auditing 2,115 8,427 1,5M IM11E 19% 2,500 8,500 ( 385) 1,427 ftrmsm GQmma1 27,109 53,911 iaRQ sx%ey and 17,00 Acna1 54,899 14,467 !llt�t ftutsum Dion »Xal Over LqFl Savlm V"=8 Od PWmx ArA.atun All 1 . 9 . * 3 1 9 Rrd Rtti Rtd PU d s Pai h f ( . lk z kr) Rx*t Mau Ikr S=ll (Note 2) $ 125,338 $ 111,662 S 17,096 $ $ 254,056 $ 2S2,3CO S 1,956 7atetmt ad 0thw 8,123 3,295 2,568 3.647 17,733 17,733 133,461 114,977 19,704 3,647 271,789 252,503 19,289 N@0T717ES h)d WcOcal Dora G21wtim Data mtulacim A&dmxmat2m x,605 25,f05 24,CO3 1,605 Smal SiP]i 6 ?Wairg 24,495 3,301 27,876 24,0M 3,876 liag°t *=mt rg and Auditing 2,115 8,427 1,5M 2, 9,927 2,500 8,500 ( 385) 1,427 ftrmsm GQmma1 27,109 53,911 81,027 64,0m 17,00 HSrnairg, Rat %Mw B*wmmlm CraQlr m 6 Vint =cm 54,899 14,467 6,]B2 54,899 20,649 40,CiD 8.03) 14,899 12,649 LqFl Savlm 99,878 U l m 71,950 40 31,950 Dim & Dglsnes 10,242 W 712 12,500 ( 2,25d) pjaicr=w Othw 71 70 12,500 ( 12,430 SOacial Pmja= 1,5(0 ( 1,500) Do Ctntmi Sw=w Mnrtawm Gat IgLcmdm 1,143 1,143 1,143 Bacd Initiated Pm3ams 70,500 ( 27,5C0) 701,7C2 1(2,651 1,143 305,496 $ 258,CC0 $ 47,496 DOEM (Dd=uff .7) of kvffur_s Die< Bps tL&W $ ( 66,241) S 12,326 $ 19,704 S 2,:04 $( 33,717) ME NM Z FINICAL SDISIIIS 4 MM EXHIBIT B .7 COMMERCIAL AND MULTIPLE DOCK INSPECTION REPORT - 1990 AUGUST 1, 1990 • SEAHORSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 5440 Three Points Blvd - Ronald Gotter 67 slips including 10 transient There are some large knot holes in boards by slip #48 making them weak, could be replaced. One of the middle transient docks has settled uneven, should be OK. Many boards replaced on walkways, looks good. DRIFTWOOD SHORES HOME OWNERS 1756 Lafayette Lane - Sylvia Ogren 10 slips in excellent condition, no apparent needs. MINNETONKA BOAT MENTAL & EDGEWATER MARINA PO Box 461, Spring Park - Charles Jones 24 slip and 18 boats on land in excellent condition - No apparent needs. LAKEWINDS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 110, St. Paul, Mn 55114 - Barbara Penski 44 slips in good condition. There are some broken boards in dock by slips 10, 12, 18 & 24. Could be replaced. AL & ALMA'S SUPPER CLUB 5201 Piper Road - Merrit Geyen 26 slips on 4 main docks and 3 docks for 6 launches in good con- dition. Several :,oard3 in walkways to launches have large knot holes missing making them weak. Could be replaced. CHAPMAN PLACE MARINA 2670 Commerce Blvd - Robert r , ithill 27 slips in gocd condition. 20 docks being used, 7 slips not in water. No apparent needs. • 1 AU3 ln PEOPLE FOR 130SCEMTZ 215S. 11th Street 40 Minneapolis, MN 55403 338 -7875 Tom Mason, Director IU AUG n N90 Dear Ed: With the Minnesota State Fair just three weeks away, we are again making plans for Rudy's Super Duper Milk House. While the Milk House's primary purpose is to promote unusual and innovative dairy products, it also allows Rudy to meet with constituents and discuss issues. Continuing a tradition of spotlighting communities throughout Minnesota at the frir, we would like to invite you and other representatives of your community to join Rudy at the Milk House for a brief appearance. We will then bill the day on which your appearance occurs as "Mound" Day. Community representatives whom we would like to attend may include local. elected officials, service organization leaders, festival royalty and others. We would like to schedule a time for your appearance as soon as possible. Rudy will be at the fair from I p.m. to 6 p.m. from August 23 to August 26 an3 from August 28 to September 2. Tenatively, we have scheduled you on the afternoon of Saturday, August 25 from 3 to 4, however, we can easily reschedule if another time slot is more convenient for you. We will provide admission tickets for all community representatives who can join Rudy that day. I will be calling you in the neat week to confirm this time and get a count of how many admission tickets you need. I hope you will be able to join us. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kate Flaherty tea► August 2, , X9 0 CITY o \1Ol NI) `� s. Dr. Jim Smith Superintendent School District 0277 5600 Lynwood Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Dear Jim: The following is a list of meetings and corresponding dates for the City of Mound during the construction period of the existing building: Planning Commission - August 27, September 10, September 24,E and October 22. All Planning Commission meetings are at 7:30 PM. City Council - August 28, September 12, September 25, October 9 and October 23. All regular metings begin at 7:30 PM. Committee of the Whole (Council work sessions) September 18 and October 16. All C.O.W. meetings begin at 6:30 PM. Parks A Open Space Comoission - September 13 and October 1'. All Park and Open Space Commission meetings begin at 7:30 PM. The Planning Commission meetings, if they conflict with your school board meetings, can be held in any room that you have available. Attendance at these meetings is minimal. The same is true with the Park Commission. We would prefer that the City Council could meet in the school board room. The Committee of the Whole or work session meetings could be held in a smaller roor; since there is minimal attendance at these. Please let me know the locations for these meetings so that I can have the city clerk post proper notices. Also, advise me as to the details of the keys, janitorial service, etc. Again, I want to thank you for your assistance for allowing us to use your facilities during our construction project. I look forward to hearing from you. Sin ely, ward J. Shukle, Jr. City Manager ES :ls AUS LAND Or QUALITY FOODS August 3, 1990 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Mary Pacholke W AUG 8 1990 2624 Westedge Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 SUBJECT: Pesticide Misuse Investigation FY90(R)150 Dear Ms. Pacholke: N 90 WEST PLATO BOULEVAR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55 (612) 297 -4872 The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (RDA) has completed its investigation of your complaints regarding improper pesticide applications to the Lake Langdon area, applications which you claim have resulted in physical harm to both your pets and yourself. After expending much time and reso the MDA has determined that no pesticide misuse has been substantiated in regard to these complaints. In fact, the MDA has found no evidence to document any pesticide misuse, or any use of the particular pesticide you continue to assert as the primary cause of your reported problems. In view of your having contacted numerous public officials and agencies in regard to your complaints and your expressed concern that your complaints have been inadequately addressed, I believe it is necessary and appropriate to offer a brief overview of the actual complaints, the facts discovered, and the conclusions drawn t the MDA. Your initial complaint alleged that you and your dogs became ill because of the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) operations in your area, specifically operations involving the application of the pesticide methoprene. You reported the illnesses to the MDA approximately two (2) weeks after the MMCD had performed the work near your home. Nonetheless, the MDA investigated your allegations and determined the following: 1) Methoprene had not been used on, near, or in Lake Langdon at the time of your complaint. This is important because you have continued to assert that ester fumes emanating from a methoprene application have been the cause of your human and animal health problems. Inspection of MMCD pesticide application records verified that the pesticide Bacillus th.- inr�,"..nsis (israelinensis) "BTI" was the product actually used by the MMCD. iir. Robert Sjegren, MMCD Director; Dr. Keith Solomon an expert in aquatic toxicology; Dr. Harrison Tordoff, a rezpected University of Minnesota ecologist, professional aquatic and wildlife biologists from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR); and MDA pesticide specialists - are unanimous in expressing their opinions to you that it is extremely unlikely that BTI would pose hazard to you or your dogs when used 11 ENJO THE HIG QU ALITY AND INFINITE VARI OF MINNESOTA FOODS 60y10 11111 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Ms. Mary Pacholke August 3, 1990 Page 2 in the manner that MMCD utilizes; that it would :: t: cause the symptoms or illnesses which you have reported; and, that it has such a low toxicity and a large margin of safety that even an intentional misuse would likely pose little or no hazard to man or animals. 2) You, for whatever reasons you may have had, did not seek medical attention for your claimed symptoms, and therefore have no physician's report, record, or diagnosis confirming or even suggesting illness due to pesticide poisoning. It has been MDA policy for many years that without medical verification of injury, disease, or causative agent, the department must challenge an allegation of harm due to pesticide exposure as evidence sufficient to substantiate a pesticide misuse. 3) You did not have your dogs physically examined, diagnosed or treated by a veterinarian. You stated to MDA that you successfully treated your dogs according to instructions given to you by a veterinarian; however, after taking the opportunity to speak 6irectly with t doctor, I fou•Id that he merely provided generic instructions to you for treating a dog possibly suffering from an ingestion of a toxic substance, and at no time did he have an opportunity to actually examine, diagnose or treat your animals. Y(,ur self- diagnosis and self- treatment, without veterinarian examination, fails to provide an adequate foundation for an assertion /diagnosis of canine illness due to pesticide exposure. 4) You have continued to persist in associating your dogs illnesses with ingestion or exposure to methoprene. Again, no methoprene has been documented as having been applied to Lake Langdon during the period of time involved in your recent complaints. The pesticide application records for the May 4, 1950, Lake Langdon application were obtained from MMCD by MDA. A review of those records verified that BTI had been applied, and not methoprene. 5) MMCD collected water samples from Lake Langdon which were submitted to two separate laboratories for analysis. The samples were analyzed for the presence of methoprene and blue -green algae, an organism known in certain rare instances to be toxic to dogs. All lab results were negative. Your second complaint was received by MDA on July 5, and alleged that a helicopter had been seen "dumping or spraying" something into Lake Langdon or July 2 or 3. You were adamant that the MMCD was again applying methoprene you - gain claimed to smell what you described as ia ester odor - despite the previous agreement by the MMCD with you to use no methoprene product near yot.7 residence, and to also notify you of any and all other MMCD operations ne4. your home. Again you reported personal and pet illnesses due to exposure to whatever had been applied or dumped into Lake Langdon. I asked you directly if you witnessed the helicopter activity you were now reporting to MDA. You responded that you had not personally observed this event, but that your neighbor Molly Beilharz, and Molly's mother, had seen it happen. You were vehement in your demands that the MDA immediately AW Ms. Mary Pacholke August 3, 1990 Page 3 investigate this complaint, and demanded that water samples be taken and analyzed to substantiate the complaint. In response to this second complaint the MDA did the following: 1) MDA contacted MMCD, and determined that MMCD had no operations whatsoever near Lake Langdon on the dates reported. It appears from MMCD record reviews that the MMCD had mosquito helicopter operations no closer than eleven (11) miles distance to Lake Langdon on the dates involved; 2) MDA obtained water samples from the shoal waters of Lake Langdon, in front of your !akeshore residence, and submitted the samples to the MDA Division of Laboratory Services for residue analysis. The lab was specifically asked to analyze for methoprene, and was also asked to perform a screen for organophosphate Ces*icides, a group of widely used insecticides. All lab results were negative - no residues of any of these materials were detected. Attached to this letter is a copy of the report of analysis; 9 3) MDA contacted the Beilharz' residence, indicated the substance of your complaint to MDA to Mrs. Beilharz, and was informed that neither Molly Beilharz or her mother saw any helicopter, saw any spraying or dumping from any airplane or helicopter, or knew of any such activity on the dates you reported. Molly Beilharz indicated that her mother thought she may have heard an aircraft noise in the distance, perhaps a helicopter, but in no manner did either of them witness what you described to MDA as having had occurred; 4) MDA followed -up by contacting a number of persons you indentified as haAng had told you that their dog's had been sick recently, sicknesses you stated to me were due to pesticide poisoning. The contacts I made responded that they had indeed signed your petition calling for a cessation of MMCD activities on or around Lake Langdon, but they also told me that their particular dog's illnesses had occurred a year or more ago, and they really had no reason to believe there was any association between mosquitio control operations in their neighborhood and their dog's illnesses, at least not until it was recently suggested to them by you; and 5) Once again, and for whatever reasons, you did not seek either medical or veterinary attention for the illnesses or symptoms you again reported to MDA. No records or other professional documentation has been provided to MDA to verify your reported harm. Numerous correspondence and telephone calls from several agencies -MDA, MMCD, MnDNR- have reiterated to you that the product applied by MMCD on May 4, 1990 was BTI and = methoprene. Despite this fact, you have drawn the conclusion that methoprene was applied and that all of your personal and pet health prcblems are due to exposures to that product. To date, the MDA has expended many, many hours and resources in response to your complaints. MDA water sampling and analysis costs alone were in excess A441 u • r1 Ms. Mary Pacholke August 3, 1990 Page 4 of $500.00; additional analyses, with similar costs, were performed by MMCD and Mn)NR in response to your complaints. Other state and metropolitan agencies have had staff spending much time in performing on -site inspections and other investigatory activities in response to your complaints, as well as providing to you pertinent technical information that substantiates the low relative toxicity and hazards of MMCD- utilized mosquito control products. Apparently, none of the inspections, investigations, sampling, analyses, or scientific information offered to you by these many persons has made any significant difference in your deciding to continue to hold on to the now by- and -large unsubstantiated claims. Your legislative and government representatives, which you have contacted and expressed your dissatisfaction to, have asked that a good and thorough investigation be performed. I believe the MDA and other agencies have done just that in response to your complaints. Unfortunately, you are likely to be unsatisfied with our negative findings. In view of all the matters described above, the MDA finds no compelling reason to continue to investigate your complaints, and therefore is closing this investigation. Unless you can offer additional factual, substantive, and verifiable information to MDA, information that by itself will require this investigation to be reopened, the closed file status of this case shall be maintained. Sincerely, MINN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Paul Liemandt, Chief Compliance and Enforcement Section Agronomy Services Division Enclosures cc: US Senator Rudy Boschwitz State Representative John Burger Henn. Co. Commissioner Tad Jude Dr. R.D. Sjogren, MMCD Dr. Winter, Uptown Vet Clinic Commissioner Jim Nichols, MDA Bill Bulger, MDA Howard Krosch, MNDNR Will Munson, MPCA Lavarre Uhlken, USEPA, RegV Wm., Molly Bellharz Parl.er Hodges, Sailer Newspapers A'IL1 LAND OF OUALITY FOODS 90 WEST PLATO BOULEVAO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55107 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REPORT OF j4NALYSIS Region 5 Laboratr/-Opy M ENJOY THE HIGH QUALITY AND INFINITE `!A91ETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 2624 WESTEDGE Sample Number AAW -2624 Laboratory Nu. R9007111 MOUND, MN 55364 Product Type Date Collected LAKE :+ANGDON Water 7/19/90 Description of Sample LXKE SURFACE WATER 2 x 1 LITER Results of Analysis The sample was analyzed and found to contain: Methoprene ND @EDL Neuti 's, O.P. ND @MDL s Method: Neutral Extr.; mod. GC, FII" Organophosphorus pest. GC/ 1_... Analyst: G. Horvath J. Eaton Confirmation; Laboratory Comments PRIORITY A; $; LJV; NONAG -F ND @EDL: Estimated Detection Limit was 0.1ppm. Sample screened by GC /MS Case Number: FY90R150 Signature of Lab Supervisor Date I William Krueger 7/20/90 Laboratr/-Opy M ENJOY THE HIGH QUALITY AND INFINITE `!A91ETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER R.D. SJOGREN. Ph.D. Director June 4 1990 Ms Mary Pacholke 2624 Westedge Blvd. Mound, MN 55346 Dear Ms Facholkes W.J. CAESAR Business Admin. I am in receipt of your letter to Ross Green dated May 25 1990. Let me say that I share the concern you have for the well being of your puppies. This past winter we nearly lost our family dog. I know how you must feel in trying to find an answer as to why. From the several phone conversations with Mr. Green involving follow up information sent to you on May 8, 1990, concerning the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) prggram and the use and safety of our control materials, let me assure you that both methoprene (Altosid) and BTI are not a factor in the health of your puppies. These materials are environmentally compatible and very specific in the control of mosquito larvae (water stage of the mosquito) from a natural or biological approach and will not harm wildlife, plants or people. In our phone conversation of May 11, 1990 you related your knowledge in chemistry. Your statements of the toxicity of Altosid do not agree with the technical literature or experts in toxicology I am familiar with. If you have evidence to the contrary, I would appreciate receiving it. Because of the vast amount of technical information on Altosid and BTI we have an extensive library of technical literature in our office which you are welcome to peruse. In that same conversation of May 11th I assured you that the MMCD would notify you and use BTI in the Langdon Lake breeding site north of your property anytime treatment is necessary. That directive to staff has been in place since that date and you have that in writing per your request. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLC 'EFL JUN 0 6 1990 METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL ISTRICT 2360WYCA.IFF STREET s fl PLII{ t "tIJ1:F5 ^�l� C`.�11 a (1 1 ^•(IAA - 14 r+ AY 7/ Ms Pacholke June 4, 1990 page 2 You have been concerned about the use of methoprene in that site, despite Mr. Green indicating to you on May 8th, 11th, and 25th that BTI was the control material used. I am sending you copies of the Section map and treatment record for May 4, 1990. Copies of the map and treatment record have also been sent to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) . To address the concerns of persons such as yourself, three years ago the Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission formed an independent Scientific Peer Review Panel whose purpose is to search for adverse environmental effects from the District's mosquito control program. This group is funded at $200,000 per year to independently assess the areas of greatest probable impact and to provide research grants to independent academic research workers. The research is conducted totally independent of the District to provide impartial judgement. Search for adverse environmental impact has been underway for the past three years. Drought conditions have limited the field studies up to this year. However, laboratory results are in from several studies. The laboratory results, which will be confirmed under field conditions, suggest that the dosage rates used are below that which will have a significant adverse impact on the most sensitive non - target aquatic invertebrate organisms found in the metropolitan region. Enclosed is a list of the members of the Scientif , eer Revi6,1� Panel (SPRP) which you may wish to call fo i independent evaluation of the research results tc - to on Altosid and BTI. In our phone conversation I suggested you contact Dr. Keith Solomon with the Canadian Centre for Toxicology. If you continue to believe Altosid is harmful to yourself or your dogs, the SPRP is the correct group to refer your concerns to for resolution. If you decide after talking to Dr. Solomon to pursue this matter further, please make a formal request in writing to Dr. Richard Anderson with the U.S. Environmental Research Laboratory and SPRP Chairperson to that effect. • Xy12 JUN 0 6 1990 Ms Pacholke June 4, 1990 page 3 If I can answer further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, R , \ g4 R. D. Sjogrcen, Ph.D. Director RDS/ rdg cc: John Burger, State Representative, Minnesota House Tad Jude, Hennepin County / MMCD Commissioner Alice Waller, Minnesota Department of Agriculture 40 Gary Montz, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Keith Solomon, Canadian Centre for Toxicology Richard Anderson, U.S. Environmental Research Laboratory Bob Berman, Twin City Helicopters Susan Palchick, MMCD Aedes Program Manager Ross Green, MMCD Public Information Wayne Johnson, MMCD Supervisor • 47773 Canadian r .antic for Toxicol,-)E 2"OTCenfre Canadian de "loxi I Frlday, June 6, 1990 o ti ° � FAX M = 31 637 -31161 Q Ms. Mary Pacholke r 26 Westrdee blvd. c Mound, Mn. 55364 ��, Dcat Ms. Pachulke: l � 1 1 G 0 L a c 'lharsk you for your letter received June 6 199U which 1 rrad %4 groat interest. was very surprised to read that you fear that your dogs have been puisunocl with metlsuprene or Raclllw' Muringlensis (israeliens•it). Methoprene is a chemical that was designed as a mimic: of a natural insect hormone called juvenile hurrnone. It is a synthetic chemical but its mecllun4m of action is similar w a rlaturat wmpjund. In insects, it inhibits the emergence of the adult by heing applied when the natural SUCfeLiUn of Ute hormone has eeasW. It Uius presents the adult or nuisance stage of the mosyuil.o from enicrging ftom die water. Only antltruputls gave it recxptor for juvenile hormone and Utis is best devclopewl in U►e inSeC Vertebrates, (including mammals) do not have a receptor system for this hormone or it- ,ics and i is of extremely low toxicity to mammals In laboratory studies un mice and rats it has not btscn possiblo to cause toxicity, oven at outrageously high dusea of 2 .5 ted per rnouae. Mcthupreno is wnsiderod ra act extremely low wxicity chemical and has even been added to animal GW- as a fecil- through chemical in cattle to prevent the development of horn -!1y and other pest insects in the cow pats MWitiptene is alto used in a household environment to control fleas and in dtis use both humans and domestic animal come into contact with it at rates of application that are mucl, higher Utrn those used in mosquito wntrul. Mothoprt ric has been used fur insect control since the early 70s turd it hoc never been reported to be toxic; to mammals before. Ptom Utis, It seems extremely unlikely flint die symptoms that you observed in your dogs (and yourself) were caused by mothoprrne. !Bacillus thuringletuis is it spore - forming bacteria that also ; roduces an endotoxin. This endutoxic is a high molecular weight protein that is non -toxic as it is produced by the bacterium Under d ie conditions found in the insect intestine, the toxin is split into smaller molecules, one ^r which is tc s. -u the instei. Bacillus thuringlensis 0sruelirasls) is a strain of the bacteria that is pntticularly toxic to mosquitos acid is used in mosquito control, 'ate toxin pruduceJ by Utis 'bacterium is not toxic to } n►anunals as they do not have the ability tit activate die toxin to i active form. In fact, the use of i insecticides based on Bacillus tb uringlensis on food crops is allowed up to tie day of harvest as it presents so little risk to humans. Once again, it appears highly unlikely that Bacillus thuringlensir could have caused dtc problem that you observed. nat you and your dogs became ill is a clear rand unconteatcd observation but btu eiU►er me- thoprene or Bacillus thuringleurls euused this problem 6 less cleat. Wid►out it thurough deuiled furt:rsic snalysis, it is impossible to be sure what caused the illn"s but it may have been �� 64 S Gordun SI., Guelph, 0111 NIG IY3 - Tel: (S P)) ul b3J10 • 1.a5 f,.c (loidupi, Guc' -ti, Gnt 141 G 1 Y3 • 7'tl: (S 19) k37.3 I letter of Friday. June 8, 1990, continuod...... infectious agent. This would account for the slow recovery you observed. The charcoal treatment would have no effect on A bacterW of protozoal infection. The observations on wild birds that you reported are inheresting but 1 doubt that these are related to t:to use of the pesticides on uid lakt. Birds will frequumly move from one pond w another in Search of a nwre plentiful food supply or Iris prWatur pressure. Tic movements of ducks that you observed MAY have Wen at result of dhese natural bahAvioral responses and are unlikely to be as it result of the pestieidt: treatments. WhVe It Is true that ducks and other waterl'uwl arc quite sensitive to pesticides such as urganophosphurus and carbahuate insacticidrs, they arc, like mammals, quite tcaistant to the juvenile hurhnone mimics and to the Bacillus rburinglensls toxins. While your description of dhc symptoms and the circumstances surrounding your dog's illness was Most lucid and dotailed, it is very difficult to accurately ittcntity the cause of the illness; however, front the extensive knowledge base that has been developed on those pesticides, I tun sure that neither was the cause of the problem. An intensive invh:stlgation by a forensic pathologist may point to a possible cause such as an infection but 1 fear that samples that you took may nut be suitable fur such investigation. 1 trust that 1 have helped you but would be happy to supply you with further information of w answer your specific questions. Yours sincerely, Keith R. Solomon. Ph.D. Assuciate Director Education • US /= cc: Dr. H. D. Sjogren MM CD A47-17 LM 1 UNIVERSITY Oi KI NNESQTA TWIN CITIES June 20, 1990 Mary Pacholke 2624 Westedge Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 Dear Ms. Pacholke: James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church Street S.E MinneWIls, Minnesota 55455 �: OF „ •: � �_st ti LC- I do not know how to respond to your detailed account of the treatment for mosquitoes of the marsh near your house and the subsequent events. I am an ornitholo not a toxicologist. However, I serve on the scientific committee which is sup - rvising research on possible non - target effects of the Metropolit�an Mosquito CcArol District mosquito program, and Y represent the interests of several groups concerned about possible non - target effects of the program. From all of the evidence to come to the committee thus far, the sort of acute toxicity of methoprene reported by you is simply not supposed to happen. I do not know what the possibilities are if normal application procedures are not followed. we have on our committee a group of highly qualified scienLists, including toxioologists, entomologiS'ts, and various other kinds of biologists. I have full confidence in the integrity of the committee. No one on the committee is interested in whitewashing any undesirable environmental effects of the mosquito control program. The beat I ran think of to do for you is to circulate your report to each member, hoping that anyone with something enlightening to say about the incidents will write directly to you and will send me a copy. Then, at our next meeting (not scheduled until next fall), we can talk about it. Meanwhile, I apologize for not being able to say anything more helpful and I thank you for taking the time to report all this to me. Sincerely yours, ate• � arriso n B. T Professor Ecology, Evnlution, and Behavior 0 X41. Ms. Mary Pachalke August 3, 1990 Page 5 bcc: Kathy Hahne Creg Buzicky 0 Zy7 ? • MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 7, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7 PM. Present: Council - Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Ahrens, Jensen, Jessen and Johnson; EDC - Brewer, Marks and Remien; Planning Commission - Meyer, Weiland, Michael, Thal, Mueller and Clapsaddle; Staff - City Manager Ed Shukle, Finance Director John Norman, Mark Koegler from VanDoren, Hazard & Stallings, Inc. and Becky Yanisch and Rusty Fifield from Springsted, Inc. (formally Public Financial Systems) consultants. Audience present: Parker Hodges, Sailor News; Lori Hamm, Laker Newspaper; Bob Morgan, interested citizen; Jerry Longpre, interested citizen and local business owner. Ed Shukle. City Manager, introduced the agenda for the evening. He indicated that the consultants would be presenting each of their sections that they were responsible for in the Downtown Study. Comments and questions would then be taken following those presentations. He explained how the study came about, that it was initiated by the Planning Commission who felt that the City's Comprehensive Plan update lacked information regarding the downtown area and economic development activity. Therefore, the Planning Commission requested the City Council to consider a downtown study to be undertaken. The City Council agreed and directed the staff to go out for Request for Proposals. Those RFD's were mailed to several consultants. Based upon the proposals made, the city manager selected VanDoren, Hazard & Stallings, Inc. and Public Financial Systems to undertake the study in a joint effort. The consultants then worked with the Economic Development Commission to develop a study using surveys that had been conducted by the Commission and the City through its quarterly newsletter. Those results were tabulated and incorporated into the report along with recommendations with regard to market analysis, land use and financing mechanisms. He then introduced Becky Yanisch who reviewed the market analysis section,. Becky then introduced Mark Koegler who reviewed the land use section and Mark then introduced Rusty Fifield who presented the financing mechanism section. Rusty also reviewed an implemen'.ation plan which had been developed jointly with the EDC to prioritize activities within the downtown area. The question and answer period was then held. Some of the comments made were: i. Heading in the right direction. Each of the participants or groups has different directio•., we now need to go in one direction. 2. The downtown area must be neat and clean. 3. We need to stop talking about our problems and get to work and solve them. M 9 • MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF CC, EDC AND PC AUGUST 7, 1990 4. We need to retain a small town image. 5. We need to look at expanding the Central Business District in the Commerce Boulevard and Shoreline Drive areas. 6. We don't want to have just another set of plans again. 7. Timing is critical. 8. We have clean up or"�inances, let's enforce them. 9. By doing some of the enforcement on the clean up issues, we are removing the small town flavor. We need to consider that as it may disrupt peoples lives. 10. Business persons have too much to worry about and don't have the time to deal with all the rules and regulations of the City. 11. The City doesn't need to "coddle" marginal businesses. Mayor Smith then suggested that the Planning Commission, Economic Development Commission, Parks and Open Space Commission and City Council take the report under advisement and come up with suggestions on how to proceed and to give those suggestions to the City Council so that it can discuss them at it Committee of the Whole meeting in September. The meeting was then adjourned at 9:30 PM. Re ctfully submitted, Ed S ukle City Manager ES:ls z`I't