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2016-07-12 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY,REGULAR MEETING 1. Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 12,20 16 7:00 MOUND CITY COUNCILCHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further su ort from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. Page 4. *Consent A eg nda *A. Approve payment of claims 1601-1627 *B. Approve minutes: June 28, 2016 Regular Meeting 1628-1635 *C. Approve Special Meeting Workshop on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 6:00 pm 1636 Topics: Nuisance Code, Offenses and Misc. Provisions Code, Zoning Code, and Administrative Citations *D. Approve Resolution to approve Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat for 1637-1648 Indian Knoll Manor 1639 *E. Approve Resolution granting approval of Conditional Use Permits, 1642 Expansion Permits and Variances for Indian Knoll Manor *F. Approve Resolution appointing election judges as recommended for the 1649 primary and general election August 9, 2016 and November 8, 2016 *G. Approve Resolution approving Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert 1650-1656 Permit for River Valley Church Picnic to be held on August 21, 2016 at 1653 Surfside Park and Beach *H. Approve Resolution approving Variance for 1633 Finch Lane 1657-1675 (PC Case No. 16-21) 1658 �1 7. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *I. Approve Resolution approving Expansion Permit and Variance for 1676-1704 1952 Shorewood Lane (PC Case No. 16-22 and No. 16-23) 1678 *J. Approve Resolution approving sign variation/modification for Grace Family 1705-1717 Center at 2443 Commerce Boulevard 1707 *K. Approve Pay Request No. 6 from Midwest Asphalt Corporation in the 1718-1719 amount of $66,842.38 for work completed on the 2014 Street and Utility Improvement Project — West Three Points Blvd. (Street) - City Project No. PW -14-01 *L. Approve Pay Request No. 10 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. in the amount 1720-1728 of $217,084.54 for work completed on the 2015 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Tuxedo Boulevard & Grandview Boulevard — City Project No. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 *M. Approve Pay Request No. 1 and Final from Precision Seal Coating Inc. 1729-1730 in the amount of $8,604.25 for work completed on the 2016 Crack Seal Project — City Project No. PW -16-07 Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) Visit and presentation by Tim Litfin regarding 2016 Tour de Tonka annual special event Planning Commission Recommendations Dutch Lake Preserve 1731-1806 1861 Commerce Boulevard Applicant: Trident Development LLC Public Hearing(s) for review of Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat (PC Case No. 16-11) and Conditional Use Permit (PC Case No. 16-12) Applications Consideration of Variance (PC Case No. 16-13) Applications Requested Actions i. Approve Resolution to approve Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat of 17633-1735 Dutch Lake Preserve ii. Approve Resolution to approve Conditional Use Permits and Variances for 1736-1740 Dutch Lake Preserve Public Hearing to consider revocation of Amended and Restated Conditional 1807-1825 Use Permit No. 02-68 for the Property Located at 4831 Shoreline Drive Approve Resolution approving Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit 1826-1837 for Running of the Bays half marathon and 5K run to be held on Saturday, September 1828 10, 2016 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 10. Information/Mi scellaneous A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Finance Department - May 2016 YTD 1838-1840 Liquor Store - June 2016 1841 C. Minutes: Planning Comm — June 7, 2016 1842-1851 D. Correspondence: 11. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: 1i.)iiw.citvofinoundcom. City of Mound Claims 07-12-16 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2016 0616UBREFUND $ 314.97 2016 0616ELANCC $ 21216.41 2016 BONDFEES2016 $ 21250.00 2016 071216CITY $ 1981433.19 2016 071216HWS $ 118,136.46 2016 070716CTYMAN $ 31,648.47 2016 0516KENGRAV 3,560.20 iTOTAL CLAIMS 356 559.70 K:1i1a Current Period: June 2016 Batch Name 0616UBREFUND User Dollar Amt $314.97 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $314.97 $0.00 In Balance 06/27/16 2:49 PM Page 1 Refer _ 3 BERGH, HANS & SHARON _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 2855 CAMBRIDGE LN - E. MOSS - UTILITY $165.78 REFUND- BERGH, HANS & SHARON Invoice 062716 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 6/27/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $165.78 Refer 1 BURNET TITLE- EDINA Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 2055 GRANDVIEW BLVD- D. OSBORNI- $142.53 UTILITY REFUND- BURNET TITLE Invoice 062716 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 6/27/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $142.53 Refer 2 HOME TITLE INC ESCROW CHECK _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu 6024 CHERRYWOOD RD- J. CARLSON - $6.66 UTILITY REFUND- HOME TITLE EDINA Invoice 062716 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 6/27/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6.66 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 601 WATER FUND $314.97 $314.97 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $314.97 Total $314.97 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 9:54 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: June 2016 Batch Name 0616ELANCC User Dollar Amt $2,216.41 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $2,216.41 $0.00 In Balance Refer 6 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 054172E 7/7/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41410-431 Meeting Expense SUPER AMERICA MOUND- GAS TAURUS- $15.00 ELECTION TRAINING- K. KELLY Invoice 062316 5/4/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41410-431 Meeting Expense Invoice 062316 5/4/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training Invoice 062316 5/13/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training Invoice 062316 5/16/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies CLADDAGH- MAPLE GROVE- LUNCH ELECTION TRAINING- K. KELLY & C. PAUSCHE HOLIDAY NISSWA- GAS R. HANSON- AMERICAN PUB WRKS ASSOC MN SPRING CONFERENCE Project 16-3 AMERICAN PUB WRKS ASSOC MN SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION- R. HANSON MAY 11 & MAY 12- NISSWA Project 16-3 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS- MOUND, VACUUM CLEANER BAGS- HWS Invoice 062316 5/13/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WEBLEASE- MONTHLY WEBSITE SVC -HWS FINAL PYMTCONTRACT BUYOUT 2 MONTHS Invoice 062316 5/20/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 062316 5/8/2016 Cash Payment G 222-22801 Deposits/Escrow Invoice 062316 5/10/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 062316 5/16/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 062316 5/19/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 062316 6/1/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM- USB POWERED COMPUTER SPEAKERS, ALUMINUM FOIL TAPE CASE, SILHOUETTES PAPER TARGET 10 PK- FIRE DEPT TIMBERWOLF PRODUCTS- GRANITE STEIN MUGS- FISH FRY- RELIEF ASSOC REIMBURSED 6-16-16 CK #5463 AMAZON.COM- HEAVY DUTY RETRACTABLE CORD REEL- FIRE DEPT OUR DESIGNS.COM- 9 FIRE DEPT 3 X 5 FLAGS GALLS INC. UNIFORMS - 4 LEATHER BELTS - FIRE DEPT GALLS INC. UNIFORMS - 11 PANTS W/ HEMMING, 4 BELTS, 6 LOW OXFORDS - FIRE DEPT $29.22 $43.44 $235.00 $17.11 $198.00 $30.47 $680.00 $210.52 $107.55 $43.84 $606.26 Invoice 062316 6/3/2016 Transaction Date 6/29/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,216.41 Pre -Written Checks $2,216.41 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $2,216.41 0:1112 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 9:54 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: June 2016 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $44.22 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,678.64 602 SEWER FUND $278.44 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $215.11 $2,216.41 Pre -Written Checks $2,216.41 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $2,216.41 0:1112 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/169:36 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: July 2016 iMk.+txINul�«R'";'.�`1m'i«� Batch Name BONDFEES2016 User Dollar Amt $2,250.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $2,250.00 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds, 2007B - Fiscal $158.00 Agent Fee Invoice 31322 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds, 2007B - Fiscal $216.00 Agent Fee Invoice 31322 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Utility Revenue Bonds, 2007B - Fiscal $76.00 Agent Fee Invoice 31322 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer. 2 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR Cash Payment E 375-47200-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O.Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, 2009D - $450.00 Fiscal Agent Fee Invoice 31323 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 3 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR `' Cash Payment E 370-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement/Refunding Bonds, 2011A - $330.00 Fiscal Agent Fee Invoice 31324 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement/Refunding Bonds, 2011A - $78.00 Fiscal Agent Fee Invoice 31324 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement/Refunding Bonds, 2011A - $42.00 Fiscal Agent Fee Invoice 31324 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 4 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees Taxable G.O. Bonds, 20138 - Fiscal Agent Fee $270.00 Invoice 31325 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 355-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees Taxable G.O. Bonds, 20138 - Fiscal Agent Fee $180.00 Invoice 31325 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Refer 5 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPOR _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement Bonds, 2014A - Fiscal Agent $234.00 Fee Invoice 31326 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O.'Improvement Bonds, 2014A - Fiscal Agent $81.00 Fee Invoice 31326 6/16/2016 Cash Payment E 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement Bonds, 2014A - Fiscal Agent $39.00 Fee ,Invoice 31326 6/16/2016 'rCash Payment E 602-49450-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement Bonds, 2014A - Fiscal Agent $31.00 Fee- Equipment Portion Invoice 31326 6/16/2016 -1605- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 9:36 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 311-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees G.O. Improvement Bonds, 2014A - Fiscal Agent $65.00 Fee Invoice 31326 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $450.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 311 GO BONDS -2014A .146500 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 $180.00 370 2011A REFUNDING BONDS $330.00 375 TIF 1-3 Debt Service $450.00 601 WATER FUND $740.00 602 SEWER FUND $328.00 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $157.00 $2,250.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,250.00 Total $2,250.00 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Batch Name 071216CITY User Dollar Amt $198,433.19 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $198,433.19 $0.00 In Balance Refer 32 AMERICAN MESSAGING Cash Payment E601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi REPLACEMENT PAGERS SHIPPING $35.95 InvoD2062026QG 7/1!2016 ice 6/23/2016 Cash Payment Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $35.95 Refer 34 BEN/EK PROPERTY SVCS INC. 6 BLUE LAGOON MARINE 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 101-49999-430 Miscellaneous FORCED MOWING & TRIMMING 15 $1,485.00 Invoice 223597 6/24/2016 PROPERTIES- JUNE 2ND THRU JUNE 23RD $20.95 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 2016 $217.01 Invoice 146880 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 8/6/2014 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,485.00 Refer 1 BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROO . Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) CENTERVIEW BEACH BIFFS RENTAL & SVC $379.00 5-25-16 thru 6- 21-16 Invoice W601238 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) Invoice W601239 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) MOUND BAY PARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 5- $533.00 25.16 thru 6- 21-16 SKATEPARK BIFFS RENTAL & SVC 5- 25-16 $379.00 thru 6- 21-16 Invoice W601240 6/22/2016 6/23/2016 Cash Payment Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,291.00 Refer 6 BLUE LAGOON MARINE 6/23/2016 Cash Payment Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR PARKS BOAT- OVERHEATING $217.01 Invoice 223597 6/24/2016 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $20.95 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $217.01 Refer 2 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MWNEG Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1758 SUMACH LANE LS GENERATOR NATL $25.95 GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities ,'Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2649 EMERALD DR. LS E3 GENERATOR $22.36 NATL GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 4791 NORTHERN RD LS D1 GENERATOR $22.06 NATL GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 3303 WATERBURY RD LS GAS SVC 4-20-16 $20.48 THRU 5-20-16 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS B1 GENERATOR $20.96 NATL GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $20.95 GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 4728 CARLOW RD LS GENERATOR NATL $20.48 GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 -1607- 07/07116 11:22 AM Page 2 Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 5808 GRANDVIEW BLVD LS GENERATOR $21.42 NATL GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4922 THREE PTS BLVD LS GENERATOR $20.95 NATL GAS SVC 4-20-16 THRU 5-20-16 Invoice 071416 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $195.61 Refer 52 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INCORPOR _ TOTAL CLEANING & REPAIR FOR COAT & Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL 2016 $16.80 Invoice 00068536 6/30/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16.80 Refer 7 DOCKMASTERS OF LAKE MINNET Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,290.00 Cash Payment E 10145200-400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR SURFSIDE DOCK- MAIN BOAT $652.00 ACCESS Wells Fargo 10100 Total Invoice 202919 6/22/2016 _ Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $652.00 Refer 8 EGAN COMPANIES Invoice 77933663 6/17/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maintenance STREET LIGHTING MTCE- FURNISH & $11,871.89 Refer 9 36 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INSTALL DAMAGED POLE @ SHORELINE DR Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Call JUNE 2016 LOCATES $192.37 & AUDITORS WAY Invoice JC10138762 6/17/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maintenance Invoice JC10138762 6/17/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maintenance STREET LIGHTING MTCE- REPLACE $11,871.89 DAMAGED POLE & FIXTURES @ SHORELINE DR & CARIBOU STREET LIGHTING MTCE- FURNISH & $10,683.99 INSTALL SINGLE HEAD POLE @ SHORELINE DR & PARKING RAMP ENTRANCE Invoice JC10138762 6/17/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $34,427.77 Refer 35 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES,/ Cash Payment E 222-42260-440 Other Contractual Servic TOTAL CLEANING & REPAIR FOR COAT & $278.95 PANTS -FIRE UNIFORM Invoice 9322 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $278.95 Refer 3 FIVE TECHNOLOGY Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,290.00 MTCE- JULY 2016 Invoice 10716-27 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 5/3/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,290.00 Refer 4 FLEETPRIDE TRUCK & TRAILER P _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID 2.5 GALLON- PUB $44.40 WRKS Invoice 77933663 6/17/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.40 Refer 9 36 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Call JUNE 2016 LOCATES $192.37 Invoice 6060581 6/30/2016 .1: CITY MOUND 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Invoice 071216 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto REIMB MILEAGE- PUBLIC WORKS MEETINGS- BOLTON & MENK- CHASKA, MCWD- MTKA - E. HOVERSTEN JUNE 2016 $27.00 Invoice 071216 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One -Call JUNE 2016 LOCATES $192.38 Invoice 6060581 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $384.75 Refer 49 GOVDELIVERY SEWER DEPT Cash Payment E 101-42115-440 Other Contractual Servic COMMUNICATIONS CLOUD- COVERAGE 6- $2,530.00 13-16 THRU 6-12-17 E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 7750 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 ; Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,530.00 Refer 9 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies WATER METERS & SUPPLIES- LID COVERS, $2,496.24 Cash Payment VALVE BOX RISERS, METER COUPLING, $42.50 HYDRANT MARKERS, REMOTE WIRE Invoice F692418 6/20/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,496.24 KREMER SERVICES, LLC 37 HOVERSTEN, ERIC _ Cash Payment _Refer Cash Payment E 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto REIMB MILEAGE- CITY MEETINGS- LEAGUE $113.40 DAMAGE- LMCIT CLAIM- FORD F550 PICKUP OF MN CITIES CONFERENCE & CITY MGRS Transaction Date MTG- E.. HOVERSTEN JUNE 2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Invoice 071216 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto REIMB MILEAGE- PUBLIC WORKS MEETINGS- BOLTON & MENK- CHASKA, MCWD- MTKA - E. HOVERSTEN JUNE 2016 $27.00 Invoice 071216 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 4/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $140.40 Refer 10 HYDRO KLEAN Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR CUES COMPACT PIPE RANGER- $440.10 SEWER DEPT Invoice 55264 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies CASES OF WHITE, GREEN & BLUE $432.00 MARKING PAINT Invoice 55313 6/29/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $872.10 Refer 12 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN Cash Payment G 101-23349 1861 COMMERCE -TRIDENT TRIDENT HOUSING DEVELOPMENT LEGAL $42.50 SVCS THRU MAY 31 2016 Invoice 132084 6/24/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $42.50 Refer X51 KREMER SERVICES, LLC v w Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs PARKS TRUCK REPAIR -ACCIDENT $11,787.06 DAMAGE- LMCIT CLAIM- FORD F550 PICKUP Invoice 0000044645 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11,787.06 Refer 38 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATI Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 3RD QTR 2016 LMCD LEVY PAYMENT $4,890.00 Invoice 071216 7/5/2016 :'Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,890.00 Refer 39 LAKE RESTORATION, INC. CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: July 2016 E Cash Payment E 67549425-440 Other Contractual Servic SHORELINE DR POND TREATMENT #2- $222.00 DUCKWEED, SUBMERGED WEEDS & ALGAE Invoice 146933 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $222.00 Refer .� 13 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE T _ �a Cash Payment E 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins DEDUCTIBLE CLAIM #C0025822- CLAIMANT $1,000.00 ALLEGES LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL UNLAWFULLY ACCESSED HER PRIVATE DATA Invoice C0025822 6/21/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42110-361 General Liability Ins DEDUCTIBLE CLAIM #C0021987- CLAIMANT $1,000.00 ALLEGES LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL UNLAWFULLY ACCESSED HER PRIVATE DATA Invoice C0021987 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,000.00 Refer 40 LUBE -TECH & PARTNERS, LLC Gash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies USED BULK OIL PICK UP- PUB WKS SHOP 6- $75.00 29-16 Invoice 795890 6/30/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.00 Refer 41 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL SAC CH Cash Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits SAC CHARGES 2ND QTR 2016 $4,920.30 Invoice 041216 4/5/2016 Transaction Date 4/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,920.30 Refer 50 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE _ Cash Payment E 60249450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS WASTEWATER SVCS AUGUST 2016 $55,735.75 Invoice 0001057547 7/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $55,735.75 Refer 54 MIDWEST SERVICES Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic CHANGE OIL & FILTER TRUCK #415 PARKS, $640.00 CLEAN PARKS WEED WACKER, REPLACE BATTERY $ SINCLAIR GENERATOR, REPLACE FUEL VAPOR HOSE ON FUEL TANK, CLEAN BATTERY ENDS, CHECK FOR COLLANT LEAKS @ LAKEWOOD GENERATOR, ORDER FITTINGS FOR VAC CON Invoice 1205 7/4/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic INSTALL FUELS ON HIMOINSA GENERATOR, START & RUN DURAPATCHER, SERVICE GENERATOR @ LAKEWOOD LIFT STATION - FILTERS & HOSES, DRIVE TO BOYER- PICK UP ALTERNATOR- TRUCK #1604- DRIVE TO CARVER INSTALL ROADSIDE Invoice 1205 7/4/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic CHECK PARKS GATOR FOR DAMAGE - REPAIR CV AXLE & FRONT DIFFERENTIAL - ORDER PARTS Invoice 1205 7/4/2016 -1610- Project 16-5 $740.00 $160.00 Current Period: July 2016 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 5 Invoice 214082CR 6/13/2016 -1611- Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic ORDER BRAKE CALIPERS FOR TRUCK #113, $640.00 REPLACE RACK & PINION, LOWER BALL JOINTS, FRONT BRAKE PADS, INSTALL NEW TUBE IN FRONT TIRE- STARTED ON EMERGENCY MGMT VEHICLE Invoice 1205 7/4/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic REPLACE HOOD CABLE W. NEW MOUNT $600.00 BOLT- VACCON TRUCK #214, CHANGED OIL & FILTERS @'SINCLAIR GENERTOR, ADDED FUEL TREATMENT, RE -INSTALLED PUMP DRIVE BELT ON TORO MOWER Invoice 1205 7/4/2016 Project 16-5 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,780.00 Refer 14 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples MONTHLY COLIFORM WATER TEST- WELL $25.00 #3 TEST JUNE 22ND Invoice 815439 6/28/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples MONTHLYCOLIFORM WATER TEST- WELL $25.00 #3 TEST JUNE 23RD Invoice 815618 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $50.00 Refer 15 MN CLEAN SERVICES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- JUNE 2016- CITY HALL $474.80 Invoice 0716M01 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- JUNE 2016- FIRE DEPT $245.20 Invoice 0716M01 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- JUNE 2016- CENTENNIAL $426.93 BLDG Invoice 0716M01 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- JUNE 2016- PUBLIC $163.47 WORKS BLDG Invoice 0716M01 7/1/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,310.40 Refer 16 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIAT/O _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib JJULY 2016 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $10,416.67 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 071416 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,416.67 Refer 11 MT/ DISTRIBUTING, INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply PARKS IRRIGATION PARTS $639.94 Invoice 1073106 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply PARKS IRRIGATION PARTS $54.45 Invoice 1072354 6/17/2016 - Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $694.39 Refer v 17 MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material CONCRETE SAND -PARKS LANDSCAPE $882.45 MATERIAL 72.63 TON `Invoice 214082 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material CREDIT- CONCRETE SAND -PARKS -$226.26 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL Invoice 214082CR 6/13/2016 -1611- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 6 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Transaction Date 6/8/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $656.19 Refer 18 NEWMAN SIGNS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials Invoice TI -0296034 3/24/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials Invoice TI -0299480 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials Invoice TI -0299550 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Refer 19 NORTHLAND MECHANICAL CONT Cash Payment E 222-42260-401 Building Repairs SIGN MATERIALS $636.95 SIGN MATERIALS- SPEED LIMIT 30 $1,107.30 SIGN MATERIALS- 74 QTY GALV PIPE 12' $1,644.55 ROUND POSTS Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,388.80 INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED REZNOR $1,999.99 GAS UNIT HEATERS- FIRE DEPT- REMOVE EXISTING UNITS Invoice 65563 6/22/2016 PO 24497 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,999.99 Refer 20 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 101-41930-200 Office Supplies GREEN & PINK COPY PAPER, 6 X 9 $41.78 ENVELOPES, COUNTER PENS, SHARPIE FINE PT, CITY HALL Invoice 846100618001 6/20/2016 PO 24679 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies NAME PLATE -WALL SIGN- GAVIN BALL. $10.99 Invoice 846100675001 6/23/2016 PO 24679 Cash Payment E 101-45200-200 Office Supplies 3- RING BINDER- PARKS- DEPOT $8.99 Invoice 846100618001 6/20/2016 PO 24679 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $61.76 Refer � 42 ORONO, CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $1,117.62 FEES JUNE 2016 Invoice 20140686 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,117.62 Refer 43 POMPS TIRE SERVICE, INC. _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair ROAD SERVICE- DISMOUNT & MOUNT 4 $2,513.96 MICHELIN TIRES- FIRE VEHICLE Invoice 210234646 6/13/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,513.96 Refer 44 POTTS, KENNETH N. P.A. Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees 2ND QTR 2016 PROSECUTION SVCS $12,500.00 Invoice 071216 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,500.00 Refer 45 -KAHN, DAVID W. Cash Payment E 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto REIMB MILEAGE- DOCK INSPECTIONS- D. $17.82 RAHN JUNE 20-29 2016 Invoice 071216 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $17.82 Refer �� 21 RAYS SERVICES Current Period: July 2016 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 7 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVAL OF 3 TREES- TRIMMING- $1,835.00 ISLANDVIEW DRIVE Invoice 071416 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal TREE WORK- BASSWOOD & NOBLE -TRIM $8,995.00 BOXELDER, ELM, 5 MAPLE, COTTENWOOD, 2 ASH- REMOVAL OF 10 SMALL TREES & 2 MAPLES IN SWAMP Invoice 071416 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,830.00 Refer 22 REPUBLIC SERVICES Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispose JULY 2016 GARBAGE SVC $186.86 Invoice 0894-004123196 6/25/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa JULY 2016 GARBAGE SVC $186.85 Invoice 0894-004123196 6/25/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa JULY 2016 GARBAGE SVC $285.41 Invoice 0894-004123198 6/25/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa JULY 2016 GARBAGE SVC $195.57 Invoice 0894-004120987 6/25/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa JULY 2016 GARBAGE SVC $469.14 Invoice 0894-004121205 6/25/2016 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic JUNE 2016 CITY WIDE RECYCLING SVC $121991.77 S Invoice 0894-004120936 6/25/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,315.60 Refer 46 RICOH USA, INC. Cash Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT COPIER ADDTL IMAGES- $38.70 OVERAGES 3/9/16 THRU 6/9/16 Invoice 97076635 7/13/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.70 Refer 23 SCHARBER AND SONS OF LONG L Cash Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs PARKS- PARTS FOR GATOR- PAD KIT, $633.15 RACK, TUBE, Invoice P45107 6/16/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $633.15 Referm 24 SIMPLEX GRINNELL Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 5 -YR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT/INSPECTION $850.00 WELL HOUSE #3 WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM - ADDED SPRINKLER HEAD CABINET, 3 HEADS AND HEAD WRENCH Invoice 82607022 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic 5 -YR OBSTRUCT INSPECTION & REPAIRS $2,993.00 WELL HOUSE #8 WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM - ADDED GATE VALVE & NEW CRACKFLOW INSTALLATION Invoice 82648575 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 WellsFargo10100 Total $3,843.00 Refer � 53 SPORTACULAR, INC. Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms MAKE PATCH TO COVER OLD NAME & $15.00 EMBROIDER "MATT"- 3 QTY Invoice 7275 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Farnn 10100 Total $15.00 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/1611:22 AM Page 8 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Refer 25 SUN NEWSPAPERS -NWS ACCT. _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 4TH OF JULY SALE- HWS- AD 6-25-16 $56.00 Invoice 372372 6/25/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.00 Refer,n 26 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY Cash Payment E 101-41500-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE-2015 YE FINANCIAL $720.89 STATEMENTS PUBLISHED 6-25-16 Invoice 369999 6/25/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41500-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- 2015 YE FINANCIAL $397.07 STATEMENTS PUBLISHED 6 -25 -16 --PART 2 Invoice 370000 6/25/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23349 1861 COMMERCE -TRIDENT LEGAL NTCE- TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT PUB $57.83 HEARING- PRELIM PLAT & CUP APPS 7-2-16 Invoice 372781 7/2/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23356 4831 SHORELINE DR CUP LEGAL NTCE- MAINSTREET AUTO 4831 $34.70 SHORELINE DR- PUB HEARING- CUP APP 7- 2-16 Invoice 372782 7/2/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,210.49 Refer 27 SUPERIOR OUTDOOR EXPRESS/O�R y Cash Payment G 101-22808 Adopt A Green Space ASSORTED FLATS- ANNUALS- MOUND $400.00 SURFSIDE PARK PLANATING- ADOPT A GREEN SPACE- BY WESTONKA JAYCEES Invoice 1717 6/11/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 28 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR COMP _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-402 Building Maintenance GARAGE DOOR #1 REPAIR- POLICE DEPT $362.00 GARAGE- MOUND PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG - REPLACE BOTH CABLES & PARTS, ADJUST DOOR OPENER 5-31-16 Invoice 461491 5/31/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR 1ST PARKS SHOP GARAGE DOOR- $699.80 REPLACE SPRINGS, SHAFT & CABLES 6-28- 16 Invoice 463121 6/28/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,061.80 Refer 47 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED, INC. _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies SILVER CLUTCH NAME BAR- FIRE DEPT $81.60 Invoice 22455-2 6/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $81.60 Refer 29 UNITED FARMERS COOPERATIVE _ Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies KILLZALL CONCENTRATE 2.5 GAL- PARKS $59.99 Invoice 811581 6/14/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies SPEED FEED HEAD 400- PARKS DEPT $110.25 Invoice 808253 _ 5/18/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $170.24 Refer 30 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR CURBSTOP @ 5921 FAIRFIELD RD 6- $1,520.00 13-16 Invoice 4138 6/25/2016 -1614- C` -Y OF MOUND 07/07/16 11:22 AM Page 9 Payments Current Period: July 2016. y Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.72 Fund Summary Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic TAP 3/4" WATER CORP AT WELL HOUSE $505.00 101 GENERAL FUND #3-- 5-25-16 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES Invoice 4139 6/25/2016 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $17.82 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,025.00 Refer 31 XCEL ENERGY 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $56.00 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS 5- $39.86 $222.00 24-16 THRU 6-23-16 $198,433.19 Invoice 506523896 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 5-25-16 THRU 6-25-16 $78.84 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION Invoice 506579055 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $118.70 Refer 48 ZACKS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies WAXED CAR TRUCK WASH SOAP, BROOM $95.72 METAL TIP HANDLES, VEHICLE WASH BRUSH- FIRE DEPT Invoice 31257 6/14/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $95.72 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $95,270.33 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $15,857.65 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $17.82 601 WATER FUND $8,642.56 602 SEWER FUND $65,375.06 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $56.00 670 RECYCLING FUND $12,991.77 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $222.00 $198,433.19 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $198,433.19 Total $198,433.19 NI ARI A ITI OIGIN 07/07/16 8:15 AM Page 1 Current Period: July 2016 Batch Name 071216HWS User Dollar Amt $118,136.46 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $118,136.46 $0.00 In Balance 1 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE _ _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $472.60 Invoice 1919618005 6/28/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $167.68 Invoice 1988618200 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $360.94 Invoice 1969618604 7/4/2016 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Due 12/31/2014 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,001.22 2 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $291.65 Invoice 3108636 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $368.75 Invoice 3108636 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $660.40 Refer - 4 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $20.27 Invoice 54207000 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,919.50 Invoice 54207000 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $3.10 Invoice 54197400 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $252.00 Invoice 54197400 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,161.25 Invoice 54317900 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $18.60 Invoice 54317900 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $2.55 Invoice 54108800 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,377.27 Refer 38 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $6,112.30 Invoice 54355700 7/6/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $58.90 Invoice 54355700 7/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,171.20 Refer 37 BELLBOY CORPORATION p _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $201.60 Invoice 94212300 7/6/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $98.40 Invoice 94212300 7/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $300.00 Refer � 5 BELLBOY CORPORATION -1616- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 8:15 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $5,827.32 Invoice 54219900 6/27/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $288.00 Invoice 54219600 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,115.32 Refer . 3 BELLBOY CORPORATION _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $77.25 Invoice 94162000 6/27/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $52.00 Invoice 94162000 6/27/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CORKSCREW, WINE STOPPERS, $153.90 COOLER 28 QT Invoice 94162000 6/27/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CORKSCREWS, CHAMPAGNE $72.60 STOPPERS, 2 PACK CARDED SPEED POUR Invoice 94199700 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $355.75 Refer 6 BENT BREWSTILLERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $168.85 Invoice 001531 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $168.85 Refer 39 BERN/CKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $42.35 Invoice 306923 7/6/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,158.50 Invoice 306924 7/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,200.85 Refer w 7 BERN/CKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $112.40 Invoice 304449 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $668.00 Invoice 304450 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $42.35 Invoice 305765 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $619.35 Invoice 305766 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10160 ' Total $1,442.10 Refer - 8 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,798.91 Invoice 1080489379 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,569.05 Invoice 1080489378 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $210.00 Invoice 1080489380 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT $142.50 Invoice 2080138908 6/14/2016 - Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,435.46 Refer 9 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE -1617- 07/07/16 8:15 AN ������������� Page Payments Cash Payment E609-49750-253 Wine For Resale ' WINE $2.902.72 Invoice 1080492605 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E60R497au-2a1 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2.844.94 Invoice 1080492593 e50/2016 Cash Payment EOVg4g75&254Soft Drinks/Mix For Reoa K8[X $275.04 Invoice 1080492604 6/30/2010 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Tota{ $6,022J0 Refer 1OCLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO. _ Cash Payment EOVS4nrso-onzBeer For Resale BEER *150.00 Invoice 285230 7/1/2016 Cash Payment EOUS497eo-2s2Beer For Resale BEER . *63.40 Invoice 67-194 5M9/2018 Cash Payment EOV94S7s0-2s2Beer For Resale BEER $618D0 Invoice 67-283 08/2016 Cash Payment EOV9497s0-2aoBeer For Resale BEER *249.34 Invoice 67'334 023/2010 Transaction Date 7/5/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Tota/ $1.000.74 Refer 1'1 COCA COuxoO77IVv8'xwomuEST _ Cash Payment EsO9-uV7oo'oy4Soft Drinks/Mix Fn,Reoo COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX ' $167.48 Invoice 0178082210 6/28/2016 � Transaction Date 7/1/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $167.48 - --~. Refer 12D4oLHsIMERBEVERAGE LLC _ Cash Payment sV0V-*SrmV-25cBeer For Resale DEER *472.60 Invoice 1207030 6/22/2018 Cash Payment EO094S7s0-252Beer For Resale BEER *1.953.50 Invoice 128577 029/2018 Transaction Date 7U/2018 Wells Fargo 10100 Total *2,420.10 Refer 40 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA Cash Payment EOO9-*Srs0-25uWine For Resale WINE *36000 |nvniueMNOOOO*744 7/6/2016 ' Cash Payment EGVg-*S75o'2GsFreight FREIGHT $9.00 |nvoiceMNV0nO674u 7/6/2016 Cash Payment EVO9-*9750-251Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $189.00 |nvuiceK4NDVOO8744 7/6/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 VV*|ls Fargo 10100 Total *558.00 Refer 13 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA _ Cash Payment E609-49750-2s3Wine For Resale WINE $270.00 Invoice MN00006428 02912016 Cash Payment s8O9-4V7s0-o8o Freight FREIGHT $4.50 |nvoioeMNOUOOO428 6/29/2010 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $274.50 Refer 4 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment EGV9-*9750-2s2Beer For Resale BEER $466.00 Invoice 834052 023/2010 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $466.00 Refer1 O DISTRIBUTING _ -i618- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 8:15 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,657.66 Invoice 2541624 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $12,262.94 Invoice 2541697 7/6/2016 $38.80 Invoice 2541625 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $71.90 Invoice 2541698 7/6/2016 Refer 17 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX CREDIT -$6.46 Invoice 2541698 7/6/2016 Invoice 2541685 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,328.38 Refer 15 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Invoice 2541686 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,519.95 Invoice 2541655 6/29/2016 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,609.20 Invoice 2541659 6/29/2016 19 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $248.85 Invoice 2541669 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$32.80 Invoice 2541656 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,345.20 Rafor IS J1 TAY! 17R 1)1STRIR11T1A1r, MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,657.66 Invoice 2541624 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $111.50 Invoice 2541625 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $38.80 Invoice 2541625 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,807.96 Refer 17 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,886.15 Invoice 2541685 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $85.95 Invoice 2541686 7/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $77.60 Invoice 2541686 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,049.70 Refer 19 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $161.25 Invoice 5477611 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,715.40 Invoice 5477612 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $5,906.15 Invoice 5477610 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,351.00 Invoice 5477609 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13,133.80 Refer 18 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $76.25 Invoice 5471624 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,240.98 Invoice 5471625 6/22/2016 -1619- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 8:15 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,408.00 Invoice 5471622 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $24.00 Invoice 5471623 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $918.25 Invoice 5471621 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX. $367.50 Invoice 5479145 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,034.98 Refer 42 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$16.67 Invoice 578643 6/17/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$10.00 Invoice 578644 6/17/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$12.00 Invoice 578645 6/17/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -$38.67 Refer - 20 M/NNEHAHA BUILDING MA/NTENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 5-30-16 $65.19 HWS Invoice 928056305 6/19/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 � y� Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer 21 MOUND, CITY OF Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities WATER SERVICE 5-2-16 THRU 6-1-16 HWS $56.84 Invoice 071216 6/20/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 a Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.84 Refer 22 MUZAK- MINNEAPOLIS Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic 3RD QTR 2016- JULY 1 ST THRU SEPT 30TH $382.31 MUSIC SERVICE- HWS Invoice 52535348 7/1/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $382.31 Refer 23 PAUST/S AND SONS WINE COMPA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $947.00 Invoice 8553044 6/27/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $10.00 Invoice 8553044 6/27/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $957.00 Refer 25 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $876.25 Invoice 2996779 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $235.00 Invoice 2996778 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,111.25 Refer 24 PHILLIPS WINEAND SPIRITS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,148.45 Invoice 2000740 6/29/2016 Payments Current Period: July 2016 07/07/16 8:15 AM Page 6 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $528.25 Invoice 2000741 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,676.70 Refer 26 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION CO. INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $108.00 Invoice K-17452407 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $108.00 Refer 27 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 6-15-16 $15.00 EDITION Invoice S0519796 5/17/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 6-30-16 $15.00 EDITION Invoice S0522295 5/31/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.00 Refer 28 SMALL LOT MN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $336.12 Invoice 7992 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY $8.20 } Invoice 7992 6/24/2016 ,. Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $344.32 Refer 29 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $4,168.62 Invoice 1422540 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,290.46 Invoice 1422541 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $73.76 Invoice 1422542 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $376.00 Invoice 1422543 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $5,710.66 Invoice 1425392 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,978.74 Invoice 1425391 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,598.24 ReferM� 31 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,695.00 Invoice 1106758 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,639.00 Invoice 1108092 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,334.00 Refer 30 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,156.15 Invoice 1103131 6/28/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $40.90 Invoice 1103132 6/28/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER (:RFnlT -$45.13 Invoice 00110254CX 6/21/2016 -1621- 07/07/16 8:59 AM Page 7 Current Period: July 2016 i"'iL+:''. °r1N, u.ii.S 6'3• w. 'l.,'Sd#'.5� .* ...- ♦ n .. ..:: ''+i:d1E1:Y".'+°t..:'.#xFb JCt 3. ,. N: Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,151.92 Refer 33 VINOCOP/A, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $175.75 Invoice 0155376 6/3012016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $20.00 Invoice 0155376 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $224.00 Invoice 0155376 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $120.00 Invoice 0155377 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $2.50 Invoice 0155377 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $40.00 Invoice 0154902 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $4.00 Invoice 0154902 6/23/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $586.25 Refer 32 VINOCOP/A, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $288.00 Invoice 0154901 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $16.00 Invoice 0154901 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $120.00 Invoice 0154901 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $88.00 Invoice 0155093 6/24/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $2.50 Invoice 0155093 6/24/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $514.50 Refer 43 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $360.00 Invoice 0152400 5/20/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $7.50 Invoice 0152400 5/20/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $367.50 Refer 34 WINE COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $800.00 Invoice 429196 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $9.90 Invoice 429196 6/23/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $488.00 Invoice 429780 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.25 Invoice 429780 6/30/2016 _1 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,306.15 Refer 35 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $39.50 Invoice 7087970 6/29/2016 -1622- Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $118,503.96 Total $118,503.96 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 8:59 AM Page 8 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $515.00 Invoice 7087969 6/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $994.00 Invoice 7086909 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,548.50 Refer 36 WRS IMPORTS, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $480.00 Invoice 1174 6/28/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $480.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $118,503.96 $118,503.96 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $118,503.96 Total $118,503.96 07/07/161��PM ������������ Page Payments Current Period: July 2016 Batch Name 070716CTYw$AN User Dollar Amt *31.648.47 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $31.64847 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2BATTERIES PLUS CaohPayment E222-422OO-21OOperating Supplies 2QTY 72L|KJNBATTERIES- THERMAL $104A0 IMAGING CAMERAS -FIRE DEPT Invoice 021-102753-01 5U0/2016 Transaction Date 7/6/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $104.40 Refer 6 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA_ Cash Payment G1D1'25327MCEGL3gBR*DFORD/N8L MCEG LIFT STATION 39 INTERCEPTOR $684.00 SEWER- ENG SVC APR|LoT*nVMAY 2V 2016 Invoice 0190657-2 5/31/2016 Cash Payment EO01-*g400-5oU Capital Outlay FA 2015 WILSHIRE BLVD TRUNK VVATERKAJN -$205.00 IMPROV PROJPIN vs'11'ENG SVC APRIL 9 TMnUMAY 202V16CORRECTION Invoice 0190657-2 5/31/2016 Pu4ectPVV1511 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $479.00 Refer 1 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE Cash Payment E 60e -*8750'252 Beer For Resale BEER $409.00 ' Invoice 1090577424 022/2010 Cash Payment sGo9-497oV'25uBeer For Resale BEER $4.539.98 Invoice 1080577424 6/22/2016 Cash Payment E6V9-4g7ao2acBeer For Resale BEER $11.352.50 Invoice 1090566225 5m5/2016 Cash Payment EVO8-^9rs0-25oBeer For Resale BEER $178.90 Invoice 1090566227 5125/2016 Cash Payment EV0g'4S750-2S2 Beer For Resale BEER . $162.00 |nvn{ma 1090566226 5/25/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Tota' *16.522.38 Refer 7CUBE INC. _ Cash Payment G 1o1-o31eoNew Construction Escrow NEW CONSTRUCTION ESCROW REFUND- *5.000.00 BP2V15-O09g540O4CUMBERLAND -CUBE INC. Invoice 070716 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.000-00 Refer 8 FLECK, NOVAK CamhPoym°nt G1D1'2315VNew Construction Escrow NEW CONSTRUCTION ESCROW REFUND- $5.000�00 Bpuo15-OVVO7'5g15BAnTLETTBLVD -N. FLECK Invoice 070710 6/29/2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.000.00 Cash Payment E2zv-400no-3%1Telephone, Cells, &Rodi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC O-2V-16THRV7' *185'07 20-1O Invoice 4645177 6/202016 Cash Payment E1O14182O'321Telephone, Cells, &Rodi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC O'20'10THRU7' $555.21 2D4O Invoice 4645177 8/20/2016 -1624- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 12:51 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $740.28 Refer 3 FRONT/ER/CITIZENS COMMON/CA Cash Payment G 101-13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $122.95 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $77.72 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $604.99 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $399.89 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $388.12 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $388.12 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $905.27 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $301.76 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $150.88 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 6-30-16- TO 7-29-16 $150.88 Invoice 070716 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,490.58 Refer 5 VER/ZON WIRELESS Cash Payment G 101-13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $31.41 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $4.23 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $51.18 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $40.04 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $23.30 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $33.48 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $38.92 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $83.69 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 5-14-16 THRU 6-13- $5.58 2016 Invoice 9767040949 6/13/2016 -1625- CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 12:51 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: July 2016 Transaction Date 7/1/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $311,83 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $13,094.23 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $674.92 601 WATER FUND $234.30 602 SEWER FUND $517.65 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $17,127.37 $31,648.47 CITY OF MOUND 07/07/16 12:41 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: July 2016 $3,560.20 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $3,560.20 Total $3,560.20 -1627- Batch Name 0516KENGRAV User Dollar Amt $3,560.20 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $3,560.20 $0.00 In Balance Refer 5 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN _ Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees AMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SVCS MAY 2016 $582.20 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I PLANNING LEGAL SVCS MAY 2016- SEARCH $122.50 WARRANT APP Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23356 4831 SHORELINE DR CUP 4831 SHORELINE DR CUP PC 16-03 LEGAL $268.25 SVCS MAY 2016 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23352 PC16-06 1555 DOVE LANE 1555 DOVE LN PC 16-06 LEGAL SVCS MAY $29.00 2016 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I PLANNING LEGAL SVCS MAY 2016 $978.75 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23327 MCESL39 BRADFORD/WIL MCES L39 & INTERCEPT LIFT STATION $1,391.00 IMPROV PROJ LEGAL SVCS MAY 2016 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41600-304 Legal Fees CITY AMINISTRATIVE LEGAL SVCS MAY $174.00 2016 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & 1 CITY DATA PRACTICE REQUESTS LEGAL $14.50 SVCS MAY 2016 Invoice 132247 6/30/2016 Transaction Date 7/7/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3560.20 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $3,560.20 $3,560.20 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $3,560.20 Total $3,560.20 -1627- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 28, 2016 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch, Kelli Gillispie, Ray Salazar, and Jennifer Peterson Members absent: None Others present: City Manager and Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Catherine Pausche, City Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, Nicole Brodzik, Pat Gorman, Ellen Gomoll, Aubrie Gould, Tina Gubrud, Chris Carlson, Pat Brickley, Phil Velsor, Blake Hopkins, Larry Prinz, and Sam Hirsch Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance '3. Approve agenda Wegscheid addressed a text change on item #6 from $15,000.00 to $18,000.00. Hoversten added there are additional pages for agenda item #7 that were missing from the original packet, which will be referred to as pages 1466A, 1468A, 1591A and 1597. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Motion carried. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $1,195,821.39 B. Approve minutes: June 14, 2016 regular meeting C. Approve Policy ADMIN -004 Tax Increment Financing Mound City Council Minutes —June 28, 2016 D. RESOLUTION NO. 16-73: RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT AND MUSICAL CONCERT PERMIT FOR 2016 DOG DAYS EVENT WITH REDUCED FEES DUE TO PUBLIC PURPOSE OF GATHERING E. RESOLUTION NO. 16-74: RESOLUTION APPROVING SIGN VARIATION/MODIFICATION FOR 5218 BARTLETT BOULEVARD F. RESOLUTION NO. 16-75: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PUBLIC LANDS PERMIT FOR PROPERTY AT 51XX DRUMOND ROAD, PID NO. 25-117-24-12-0109 G. RESOLUTION NO. 16-76: RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCES FOR 51XX DRUMMOND ROAD PLANNING CASE NO. 16-05, PID NO. 25.117-24-12-0109 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None offered. 6. Pat Gorman, President of the Westonka Jaycees, requesting action on a resolution accepting Westonka Jaycees donation to parks for 2016 Gorman, President of the Westonka Jaycees, stated the Jaycees are donating $18k to the City for parks improvements. Gorman stated the donation came from the Jaycees charitable gambling operations at Carbone's and Al & Alma's. Mayor Wegscheid thanked Gorman for the work of the Jaycees in benefiting the community. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve resolution with amendment changing amount of donation from $15,000 to $18,000. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION N• RESOLUTION • „ JAYCEES DONATIO1% TO PARKS FOR 1 7. Planning Commission Recommendations Indian Knoll Manor Renovation and New Construction Project 2020 Commerce Boulevard and 5524 Spruce Road Applicant: Aeon Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, addressed the Council regarding the Indian Knoll Manor (IKM) property which is owned by the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority with funding from HUD. Smith stated IKM currently is a 50 unit affordable housing complex and the HRA is in process to sell the property to Aeon, a non-profit organization who develops and maintains affordable housing. Smith said Aeon will remodel the existing building and add six (6) more units basically within the same foot -print, and add ten (10) 3 -bedroom townhomes on the abutting 5524 Spruce Street property. Smith discussed the public hearing process for the IKM project approval Smith stated there will need to be three concurrent public hearings and other requested actions for the Council. Smith listed the items which require a public hearing in the City Code, including a major subdivision, the preliminary plat and a request to rezone the parcel at 5524 Spruce. Smith added the parcel is currently zoned R-2 and will need to be rezoned to R-3 or multi -family to Mound City Council Minutes — June 28, 2016 correspond to the existing IKM parcel. Smith is also requesting a public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the site which will allow a Planned Unit Development (PUD) area to add six (6) units to the existing building and ten (10) new townhomes. Smith added that there are also a series of variances for the project which are outlined in the Planning Report for the site. Smith noted variances are common when existing buildings and sites are being redeveloped versus the previous downtown projects that leveled the properties, replatted and started from scratch. Smith listed other required actions which include: An Expansion Permit dealing with the existing conditions of 1KM structure. The expansion is related to building on the existing footprint and will not result in moving further into setbacks. ® Another action is the Planning Commission determined that the Aeon acquisition of the property is not inconsistent with City Comprehensive Plan. Smith noted the public hearing notifications were published and were sent by mail to property owners within 350 feet of the project property. Wegscheid suggested one public hearing be opened to encompass all the areas for review. Smith listed the items for public hearing review: Public Hearings Review of Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat (PC Case No. 16-15), Rezoning (PC Case No. 16-20) and Conditional Use Permit (PC Case No. 16-16) Applications Consideration of Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide property at 5524 Spruce Road (PC Case No. 16-14) Consideration of Variance (PC Case No. 16-17) Application Consideration of Expansion Permit (PC Case No. 16-18) Application Consideration of Proposed Conveyance of HRA Property for Consistency with Comprehensive Plan Mayor Wegscheid opened the public hearing at 7:26 pm. Rita Trapp, City Planning Consultant, addressed the Council. Trapp stated the first action by the Council is the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Trapp stated the 2020 Commerce parcel is already high density residential and the 5524 Spruce will need to be reguided from (R-2) to high density residential (R-3) as the two parcels are contiguous. The Council can approve the Comprehensive Plan amendment,conditionally which then will be sent on to Metropolitan Council for final approval. Trapp added that the Preliminary Plat allows a Planned Unit Development (PUD) area for this unique site; which is an infill site with an existing building and includes overhead utility O:KII Mound City Council Minutes — June 28, 2016 easements. The townhomes will not be platted as individual parcels due to Aeon owning and operating the entire site and the townhomes being rental units and not privately owned. Trapp stated the Conditional Use Permits are site design related. The new site plan includes a variance to allow a setback of 14.5 feet rather than 15 feet. Trapp added a hardcover variance is being requested as the townhomes and parking lots will exceed hardcover lot coverage requirements due to the need for the new parking and structures. She added another variance is requested for the number of parkingspaces as the proposed plan will add parking but the plan won't meet minimum parking requirements. Trapp said a study was completed which found the parking at the property in the plan is sufficient. Variances are requested for drive aisles to be decreased, a proposed fence height variance on the rear of the property and parking lot setbacks to be reduced to 5 feet. Trapp said there are 11 variances in total being requested for this project. Trapp added the Expansion Permit includes a 38 feet height for the new units, which is the same as the existing non -conforming height requirement that is currently in place. Trapp stated the Planning Commission reviewed the Proposed Plan on June 7th and that neighbors in attendance expressed concerns regarding the removal of trees, the proximity of the townhomes to the rear of the property, and also the proximity of the townhomes' garbage dumpster location to the property line. Trapp stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the IKM project plans but did not recommend approval of all of the variances requested for the project. Trapp stated variances not recommended for approval include the rear yard setback for the townhomes, the five foot parking lot variance and the drive aisle width variance. Trapp added the Planning Commission was also interested in the attendees concerns with number of proposed parking spaces not being adequate and the placement of the dumpster. Trapp stated that Aeon responded to the concerns in writing, including an option to remove the concrete stoops in the back of the townhomes and possibly putting parking restrictions in place if there are future problems. Trapp also stated that the setbacks to the townhomes could be changed if the Council does not approve variances for drive aisles. Blake Hopkins, Project Manager from Aeon addressed the Council. Hopkins stated Aeon is a non-profit affordable housing developer which owns and operates 2500 affordable apartments in Minnesota. Hopkins discussed the proposed plan and ideas for changes to the plans in order to respond to neighbors concerns about the project and variances. Hopkins added that they could install a parking restriction of one car per unit if needed. Larry Prinz, Architect for the project addressed the Council Prinz stated the redevelopment of IKM presented design challenges due to the overhead utility easement and soil conditions. He also stated the plans will eliminate two current units and add eight units to the existing building. Prinz said the design was at the mercy of the utility easement and the overhead lines. -1631- Mound City Council Minutes — June 28, 2016 Prinz added that the IKM plans will include new landscaping and other site improvements. The plan incorporates a playground in the front of the townhouses, noting there is ample green space around the property and that the plans are to keep many of the existing trees. Prinz presented a series of diagrams which stated how the redevelopment will occur, stating that due to soil conditions, the plans could only accommodate a one floor addition to the current building. Prinz also said that due to the load bearing concrete walls which can't be altered, the size of the units cannot be changed even though the units don't meet the building code for size. Prinz said the new units will be as big as existing units for this reason with the exception of the stack of new two bedrooms which will meet code. Mayor Wegscheid invited the community to address the Council on the IKM project. Pat Brickley, 5514 Spruce Road, said he is concerned about the townhome setbacks of the project and the parking situation. He is concerned about traffic being increased and possible problems being caused by future residents parking on the street. Chris Carlson, 5950 West Branch, Minnetrista, said he owns property on Spruce and in the area. He stated that he understands that Aeon wants to make a profit but questioned the need for so many units. He is also concerned about the number of parking spaces and too much hardcover. Carlson said he lived across the street from IKM for many years and he is concerned about people that are economically challenged and is worried about the tension from residents wrestling for parking spots. Carlson also is worried about the sea of concrete presented in the plans. Carlson asked the Council if they would want to live next to the development. Ellen Gomoll, 5508 Breezy Road, stated she lives behind the parking area of IKM. She knows that staff have put in many hours on this project and it has been going on for awhile. She stated she has lived in the neighborhood for 13 years. Gomoll felt a previous remodel of IKM parking has shrunk the green space on the site and everything has gotten closer and louder and she doesn't feel very safe now. She stated that sometimes there is fighting and drinking. She wants the Council to know she agrees with the height of the fence. Gomoll is also concerned about keeping the green space and trees in place and to maintain the integrity of the root system of the young trees and that the current trees are not damaged. She is also concerned about parking currently and believes there will be more traffic and will make it harder for snow removal. Tina Gubrud, 5517 Spruce, stated she has lived therefor 30 years. She is concerned about parking and traffic and she wouldn't feel safe if the enlargement is done. She would hate to see the older trees cut down and the buffer removed as she currently cannot see IKM and now will. Chris Carlson returned and said he understands something needs to happen here but he doesn't like the density of the development nor the impact on parking. He wants green space and said once the development is done it can't go away. He believes there is not enough parking now and he wants to see more green space and less hardcover. He wants to reduce density. Ellen Gomoll returned and stated she finds it difficult to visualize the town home units. She believes the townhomes will be packed in there. She also has concerns about property values and added a lot of people are thinking about selling. -1632- Mound City Council Minutes — June 28, 2016 Mayor Wegscheid thanked the residents for coming to the meeting and giving their input. He then addressed the Council for discussion about the variances which were not approved by the Planning Commission. Peterson said the reason for not recommending the parking lot aisle variance was to allow pick- up trucks more room to maneuver. She stated there was talk at the Planning Commission meeting about putting in no parking signs on Spruce if needed. Peterson also expressed concerns about the patios being removed at the sliding doors, which are required per code. Wegscheid responded that if the patios aren't there, the grass will have quite a lot of wear and any lawn furniture won't be contained. Peterson stated the number of variances was a topic, but felt the variances weren't large changes when looked at individually. Hopkins from Aeon stated if the townhomes have to have rear doors, the patios/pads would make sense. He stated Aeon did a parking study in which they found the current parking spots were underutilized at IKM and currently does not meet the one to one ratio. Gesch asked if the parking studies take into account the demographics of the proposed development. Hopkins stated they did look to those changes as part of the study based on similar properties in their portfolio. Hopkins stated they will have to take out some trees but they will replant trees to replace those which are lost due to the location of the units and parking. Hopkins added that the concrete pads are proposed to be 8'x12'. Gesch asked what the setback is for the six -unit townhomes to the edge of sidewalk. Hopkins said 25 feet which allows as much space as possible and is required in order to have a playground space in the plan. Gesch would like to make sure as much green space and trees are included in the design. Mayor closes the public hearing at 8:48 pm Salazar stated he attended the initial meetings about the IKM project with Aeon as well as neighborhood meetings regarding the project. Salazar added that IKM was built in 1968/70 and the building has not been substantially updated. Salazar said the City needs the expertise of Aeon to improve the quality of housing for IKM residents and the City. Salazar believes the project is a win-win for everyone because the residents can live there during construction, it doesn't cost the City more money and improves the neighborhood. Salazar added there will be full-time management on site who will be careful about who they rent to and enforce the rules. He added that he thinks the plan is a good deal Wegscheid discussed the specificvariances which the Planning Commission didn't approve. Items 3 A, I and J were not approved. 3A was in regards to patios and stated that, in his opinion, there needs to be a surface. Salazar agreed with the need for a patio pad. Wegscheid stated item 31 is a five foot variance on the north and east side set -backs to create a better parking situation. Hopkins and Trapp noted the revised plan requested a 10' variance with a zero lot line setback at the north of the lot with no variance needed on the east of the property. -1633- Mound City Council Minutes —June 28, 2016 Trapp stated item 3J can be amended to a 1.0 foot variance for the drive aisle width. Salazar expressed concern about moving the dumpster in the drawings from the eastside of the property to the IKM building. Hopkins stated there are revised plans to move the dumpster which would be a longer walk for some residents, but neighbors had concerns about the original location of the dumpster. Wegscheid asked about any final discussion before the Council acts on the three items which were not approved by the Planning Commission. Gesch asked about item 31), the hardcover being made of pervious material. Hopkins responded this was reflected in the hardcover calculation. The Council and Manderschied discussed ensuring accurate variance and setback information and bringing those numbers back to the Council for approval at the next meeting. Trapp noted some of the resolutions can be acted on by the Council tonight while other areas will need to be reviewed prior to the next meeting and at Manderschied's counsel should be tabled. Requested Actions. i.i. Approve Resolution adopting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 5524 Spruce Road MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 16-76: RESOLUTION ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR 5524 SPRUCE ROAD, PLANNING CASE NO. 16-14, PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0040 ii,ii. Adopt Ordinance approving rezoning of 5524 Spruce Road from R-2 Two Family Residential to R-3 Multiple Family Residential iii.. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 16-79: ORDINANCE APPROVING REZONING OF 5524 SPRUCE ROAD FROM R-2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, PLANNING CASE NO. 16-20, PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0040 iv,.iii. Approve Resolution determining conformity with Comprehensive Flan regarding conveyance of HRA property at 2020 Commerce Boulevard MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve Resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 16-60: RESOLUTION DETERMINING CONFORMITY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING CONVEYANCE OF HRA PROPERTY. V, -1634- Mound City Council Minutes — June 28, 2016 vi. iv. Approve Resolution to approve Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat for Indian Knoll Manor Motion by Wegscheid, seconded by Salazar to table agenda item 7 iv to be reconsidered as amended on the Consent Agenda at the July 12 meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. vii,v. Approve Resolution granting approval of Conditional Use Permits, Expansion Permits and Variances for Indian Knoll Manor Motion by Wegscheid, seconded by Salazar to table agenda item 7 v to be reconsidered as amended on the Consent Agenda at the July 12 meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council Members Hoversten announced a ribbon cutting, tasting and tapping of the 2016 Surfside Ale on June 30th. He added that Music in the Park will be held in the Harbor District on the 30th as well. Hoversten also stated that August 6 is the date for the Dog Days and Tour de Tonka events with Night to Unite scheduled for August 2nd. Hoversten added the Council will have a workshop on July 26 at 6pm followed by the regular HRA and Council meetings. C. Minutes: Parks and Open Spaces Commission - May 12, 2016 D. Correspondence: Mediacom - June 17, 2016 9. Adiourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to adjourn at 9:41 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk it � � � • � • PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mound city Council will hold a special meeting workshop on Tuesday, July• •; 6:00pm. The special meeting workshop will be held in the Council Chambers, Building, Maywood Road, Mound, 64 Topics to be discussed include: Nuisance Code, Offenses and Misc. Provisions Code, Zoning Code, and Administrative Citations Catherine Pausche City Clerk Posted -1636- MIN nALgin Executive Summary -Addendum No. 1 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner DATE: July 6, 2015 SUBJECT: Indian Knoll Manor Renovation and New Construction Project 2020 Commerce Boulevard and 5524 Spruce Road Applicant: Aeon Summary At its June 23, 2016 meeting, the City Council held public hearings and considered applications submitted by Blake Hopkins, on behalf of Aeon, who requested multiple land use approvals and subdivision approval for the redevelopment of the existing 50 -unit Indian Knoll Manor affordable housing community located at 2020 Commerce Boulevard. The proposed project also includes the adjacent property located at 5524 Spruce Road. The City Council approved several applications and actions but tabled action on the resolutions for the Conditional Use Permits/Variances/Expansion Permit and Major Subdivision - Preliminary Plat and directed Staff to make several modifications, based on the Council's discussion, and to include the revised resolutions on the consent agenda for consideration at the City Council meeting scheduled for July 12th. Recommendation Revised resolutions have been prepared for Council consideration with revisions being shown in strike -out /underlined format. Members are advised that the final, resolutions to be recorded will not show the revisions. Additional Information ® The City of Mound, on June 30, 2016, executed a 60 -day extension for action on the submitted land use applications, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 15.99. With the extensions, the City of Mound has until on or before August 31, 2015 to act on the conditional use permit, rezoning, variance and expansion permit applications. With the 60 -day extension, the City of Mound has until September 1, 2016 to act on the Comprehensive Plan amendment request. ® The applicant has provided updated hardcover calculations to the City. These calculations include the buildings, parking lot portion that is impervious, parking lot portion that uses pervious pavers, sidewalks, and the townhouse patios. The calculations indicate that the hardcover for the site will encompass 41,345 square feet of the 81,470 square foot lot. Given that the pervious pavers have not yet been designed and there may be slight adjustments to the site plan, Staff recommends that the resolution include a percentage hardcover maximum rather than an specific square footage maximum. -1638- • 11 • 1' • Rill 14110• RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MAJOR SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF INDIAN KNOLL MANOR PLANNING CASE NO. 16-15 PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0030 PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0040 WHEREAS, the applicant, Aeon, has submitted a major -subdivision preliminary plat application to plat the proposed Indian Knoll Manor as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the subject properties are located on Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) and Spruce Road at 2020 Commerce Boulevard (PID No. 13-117-24-32-0030) and 5524 Spruce Road (PID No, 13-117-24-32-0040); and WHEREAS, consent for the application was given by the current property owners, the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Dan Iversen; and WHEREAS, the properties were originally platted as multiple lots within the Lakeside Park A. L. Crocker's 1 st Division; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to combine the parcels into one 1.87 acre platted parcel; and WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide a portion of the site from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and authorized the submittal of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council for its review and action; and WHEREAS, such review and action is still pending; and WHEREAS, a portion of the site is proposed to be rezoned from R-2 Two Family Residential to R-3 Multiple Family Residential; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at its June 7,2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed Indian Knoll Manor major subdivision - preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, after its review, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve the preliminary plat request subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its June 28, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed Indian Knoll Manor major subdivision - preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the City has considered how the proposed project might affect public health, safety, or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the major subdivision - preliminary plat, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the major subdivision -preliminary plat based on the following findings of fact: a The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the type of development and use being proposed. c. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The major subdivision -preliminary plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, conditional use permit, variance, and expansion permit applications. b. Approval of the Amended Mound Comprehensive Plan by the Metropolitan Council. c. The preliminary plat drawing labeled as Exhibit A is hereby incorporated into this Resolution and all improvements shall be as shown on the plans or as modified under the approval of the City. d. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the preliminary plat application. e. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolutions(s) with Hennepin County. Applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. f. All city approvals should be contingent on receipt of applicable federal approvals in the RAD conversion process as well as other applicable local/state/federal approvals. g. All requirements of City Code Sec. 121-87(b) regarding title shall be met. X3112 h. The building materials and color scheme shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City. i. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. j. The MCES SAC charge for the project shall be determined as part of final plat which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. A MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing house and greenhouse structures/uses. k. Sewer and watermain area trunk charges for the project shall be determined as part of the final plat. The current trunk charge for sewer and water, per unit, are $2000.00 each. 1. The park dedication fee amount shall be determined as part of the final plat as provided by City Code Sec. 121.121. m. Sewer connection and water connection fees shall be determined as part of the final plat. The 2016 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. n. The need for a development agreement, or similar agreement, shall be determined as part of the City's consideration of the final plat. 3. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby grant a waiver to allow more than one (1) principal structure on the site. IN a' _ - r - r - - MIA - MM.. - - Adopted by the City Council this 1228th day of July fie, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor NMI CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 16-- RESOLUTION 6—RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, EXPANSION PERMITS AND VARIANCES FOR INDIAN KNOLL MANOR PLANNING CASE NO. 16-16 PLANNING CASE NO. 16-18 PLANNING CASE NO. 16-17 PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0030 PID NO. 13-117-24-32-0040 WHEREAS, the applicant, Aeon, has submitted conditional use permit, expansion permit and variance applications for the redevelopment of the proposed Indian Knoll Manor project, as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, consent for the application was given by the current property owners, the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Dan Iversen; and WHEREAS, the subject site is generally located on Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) and Spruce Road at 2020 Commerce Boulevard and 5524 Spruce Road; and WHEREAS, the applicant has proposed a planned development area for the purposes of adding units to the existing Indian Knoll Manor and adding townhomes to the property; and WHEREAS, planned development areas are processed using a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, multiple family residential uses with more than six units and townhouses are conditionally permitted in the R-3 Multiple Family Residential District; and WHEREAS, the proposed redevelopment project will enable the renovation of the existing Indian Knoll Manor apartment complex and 16 additional affordable units to the City; and WHEREAS, the existing Indian Knoll Manor building on 2020 Commerce Boulevard is nonconforming due to a building height of 38 feet; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking an expansion permit to add units within the existing footprint of the structure to the same 38 foot height as other portions of the building; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-40 (a) outlines the criteria for granting an expansion permit which is provided below: (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion. -1642- b. absence of adverse off-site impacts such as from traffic, noise, odors and dust. c. adequacy of off-street parking. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion are unique to the property and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. and WHEREAS, the application has requested multiple variances for the planned development area (PDA); and WHEREAS, the purpose of a PDA is to provide a method for variances and variations to zoning and subdivision regulations due to unusual building, site, and development characteristics; and WHEREAS, the 1.87 acre redevelopment project's unique characteristics include the redevelopment of an existing apartment building, the addition of two townhome buildings on the same lot, the presence of an overhead utility easement bisecting the property; and soil conditions that limit the ability for increased height in the existing building; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) identifies the following criteria to be used when evaluating requests for variances: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance. are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and WHEREAS, "practical difficulties" is defined in City Code Section 129-2 as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. M WHEREAS, details regarding the requested conditional use permit, expansion permit and variances for the proposed project are contained in Planning Report dated June 2, 2016 and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permits, expansion permits, and variances subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the requested applications at its June 7, 2016 meeting and recommended Council approval of the conditional use permit and expansion permit, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended Council approval of the following variances as requested by the applicant, subject to conditions: 1. A 14.5 foot variance for the townhouses' south yard along Balsam Road from the minimum townhouse street side yard setback of 30 feet, allowing a setback of 15.5 feet; 2. A 15.0 foot variance for the townhouses' south yard along Spruce Road from the minimum townhouse street side yard setback of 30 feet, allowing a setback of 15 feet. 3. A 16,878 square foot variance from the maximum hardcover of 24,441 square feet (30% x 81,470), allowing 41,319 square feet of hardcover on the property. 4. A 105,730 square foot variance from the minimum lot coverage by unit type of 187,200 square feet, allowing 66 units to be built on a 81,470 square foot lot; similarly, a 116,530 square foot variance from the minimum lot coverage for average units of 198,000 square feet (3,000 sq. ft./unit x 66 units), allowing 66 units to be built on a 81,470 a -square foot lot. 5. A 147 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 640 square feet floor area for one -bedroom dwelling units, allowing 493 square feet for 1 one -bedroom dwelling unit; similarly, a 160 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 640 square feet floor area one -bedroom dwelling units, allowing 480 square feet -1644- for 3 one -bedroom dwelling units. 6. An 8 space variance from the minimum number of new parking spaces of 35 spaces (2.5 spaces per unit MF x 6 MF units + 2.0 spaces per unit for TH x 10 - TH units), allowing for 27 new parking spaces; furthermore, a 16 indoor space variance from the minimum number of indoor parking spaces of 16 (1.0 indoor spaces per unit x 16 units), allowing for 0 indoor parking spaces. 7. A variance from parking area materials, allowing a portion of the parking area to be made out of pervious pavers. 8. A 5.0 foot variance for the north yard and the east yard from the minimum parking areas setback of 10 feet, allowing a setback of 5.0 feet. 9. A one foot variance to allow the construction of a six foot fence along the eastern property line. and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its June 28, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the conditional use permit as required by the City Code at which time concurrent review of the related applications for the Indian Knoll Manor project also took place; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety, or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED y that -the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the conditional use permits based on the following findings of fact: a. The proposed use of the site is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for type of development and use being proposed. c. The proposed development is providing adequate utilities and drainage. d. The proposed development has sufficiently considered traffic impacts and access. e. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. -1645- f. The proposed project will provide 16 additional affordable units to Mound and will increase the mix of unit types with the addition of 10 three-bedroom units. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the expansion permits - based on the following findings of fact: a. The criteria of City Code Section 129-40 (a) are being met. b. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan. c. The construction of additional units within the existing footprint and up to the existing height of 38 feet is an efficient use of space on a limited site. 3. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the following variances as requested by the applicant: a. A 7.1 foot variance for the west rear yard setback of 20 feet for the townhomes, allowing a setback of 12.9 feet. b. A 14.5 foot variance for the townhouses' south yard along Balsam Road from the minimum townhouse street side yard setback of 30 feet, allowing a setback of 15.5 feet. c. A 15.0 foot variance for the townhouses' south yard along Spruce Road from the minimum townhouse street side yard setback of 30 feet, allowing a setback of 15 feet. d. A feet (39,04 x 941470)aI1GWiRg 41,319 GqUaFe feet of hardGOVeF OR the pFeperty. A variance to the maximum hardcover requirement of 30% for a new lot to allow no more than 50% of the site to be hardcover. e. A 105,730 square foot variance from the minimum lot coverage by unit type of 187,200 square feet, allowing 66 units to be built on a 81,470 square foot lot; similarly, a 116,530 square foot variance from the minimum lot coverage for average units of 198,000 square feet (3,000 sq. ft./unit x 66 units), allowing 66 units to be built on a 81,470 a square foot lot. f. A 147 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 640 square feet floor area for one -bedroom dwelling units, allowing 493 square feet for 1 one - bedroom dwelling unit; similarly, a 160 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 640 square feet floor area one -bedroom dwelling units, allowing 480 square feet for 3 one -bedroom dwelling units. g. An 8 space variance from the minimum number of new parking spaces "of 35 spaces (2.5 spaces per unit MF x 6 MF units + 2.0 spaces per unit for TH x 10 TH units), allowing for 27 new parking spaces; furthermore, a 16 indoor space variance from the minimum number of indoor parking spaces of 16 (1.0 indoor spaces per unit x 16 units), allowing for 0 indoor parking spaces. .y h. A variance from parking area materials, allowing a portion of the parking area to be made out of pervious pavers. i. A 10.0 5 -4 -foot variance for the north yard and the east yard from the minimum parking areas setback of 10 feet, allowing a setback of 0.05.9 -feet. j. A 1_0 279 -foot variance from the 25 -foot minimum drive aisle size, allowing drive aisles of only 243 feet. k. A 1.0 foot variance from the 5 foot maximum fence height, allowing a fence 6.0 - feet in height along the eastern property boundary. 4. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the variances based on the following findings of fact: a. It is reasonable that the applicant seeks to continue to use the site for an affordable multi -family apartment and townhomes. b. The use of the site for multi -family residential is in keeping with the land use designation identified in the Comprehensive Plan. c. As a Planned Development Area, flexibility through variances is intended to achieve community goals and policies. d. The variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. e. The applicant is limited in the layout of the site due to an existing easement for overhead electric transmission lines. f. The applicant needs additional units in order to finance the proposed capital improvements to the existing Indian Knoll Manor and ongoing maintenance of the facility. g. Soil conditions prevented the additional units from being constructed within the existing footprint of the building. h. Site layout and design is influenced by a number of factors, including the site size, the existing location of Indian Knoll Manor, two roads and the need for three separate principal structures. 5. The conditional use permits, expansion permits, and variances are hereby approved 4- ----- Formatted: Left J subject to the following conditions: Ia. Concurrent approval of the comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, preliminary plat, variance, and expansion permit applications. b. Approval of the Amended Mound Comprehensive Plan by the Metropolitan Council. c. The approvals are for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System:: (�TF)SF� and described in Exhibit A. d Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the applications. Ie. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution(s) with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. Adopted by the City Council this 12 2e of July .fie, 2016. Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk N. M, • lie :&*01 gol I Lei• d RESOLUTION APPOINTING•N JUDGES ; RECOMMENDEJ FOR THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBERAUGUST 9, 2016 AND BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve the following list of election judges for the August 9, 2016 Primary Election and the November 8, 2016 General Election: Douglas Anderson Bobbie Batinich Rebecca Campbell Janet Christophersen_ Sharon Dascher Ginny Erickson Jen Garrison Ron Hendley Hank Heystek Kevin Johanson Donald Ketcher Patricia Kohls Robert Libke Mary McKenzie Scott McKenzie Larry Melsness Peter Meyer Stephen Militich Kathi Murphy Scott Murphy Marylaine Phillips David Rice Jacqueline Robbins Collette Roberts Doris Ann Rockwell Jim Rueper Vern Schwalbe Carol Shukle Liz Simmons Stewart Simon Patricia Skaret Jack Sobraske William Stone Stephen Swenson Anna Tillman Mary Todd Gretchen Weiss -Smith BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to allow the City Clerk to make additions and/or deletions to this list as need dictates, with required training given to any utilized judges. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-0604 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: July 9, 2015 Re: July 14, 2015 City Council Consent Agenda Item — River Valley Church Picnic / Special Event Summary. A Public Gathering Permit application was submitted by David Olson, on behalf of River Valley Church, requesting use of Surfside Park and Beach on Sunday, August 16, 2015 for a church picnic from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A preliminary site plan was submitted with the application. The applicant has also rented the Depot for the day of the event. Details. • Members may recall, River Valley Church held this event at Surfside Park and Beach last year. • Staff has informed Mound Staff and the Orono Police Department about the upcoming event and has also' contacted the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, the Hennepin County Transportation Department and the Hennepin County Sheriffs Water Patrol. • The park will remain open during the special event. • Applicant is advised that food trucks are not allowed as City ordinance prohibits commercial businesses from operating in Mound's parks. Staff was informed by the applicant that they have retained a catering service who will be bringing the food to the site by a catering truck and then will be served from on the food tables as shown on the preliminary site plan. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the requested permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required local and public agency permits that are needed to hold the event. Applicant shall provide copies of all said permits to the City prior to the issuance and release of the Public Gathering Permit. i 2. Applicant shall work with the Orono Police Department, the Fire Department, and and the Public Works Department regarding any and/or all logistics for the upcoming event including, but not limited to, equipment and personnel needs, site set-up and staging, traffic/pedestrian control and circulation, etc. Applicant is responsible for payment of fees for public safety or public services that may apply. 3. As applicable, amplified music, speakers and PA/sound systems are to be directed in the direction best suited to minimize impact upon neighbors. 4. Placement of any and/or all temporary signs shall be subject to regulations contained in City Code Chapter 119 and may include issuance of a permit and payment of the required fee. Applicant shall work with the Community Development Department to determine if a temporary sign permit is required. 5. No signage can be placed upon private property unless permission from the private property owner and/or other interested party has been provided to the applicant who shall be responsible for obtaining same. 6. Signage placement is subject to review and approval by the City of Mound. No signage shall be placed in a location so as to affect vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The City of Mound reserves the right to modify sign placement in the field. 7. Signage placed outside of the City's approval of the temporary permit shall be subject, to removal by the City. 8. The submittal of a Certificate of Insurance, naming the City of Mound as an additional insured, is required and shall be provided prior to the release and issuance of the Public Gathering Permit. Required insurance and coverage shall be in accordance with the City's established policies. Applicant to work with Finance Director Catherine Pausche regarding the form and required amounts for the Certificate of Insurance. 9. Applicant is advised that no special parking approvals in the parking lot(s) or on local streets are granted as part of the Council's approval of the Public Gathering Permit. 10. If different from the application, contact information, including name and cell phone number, for the person(s) who will be on site the day of the event shall be provided prior to the release of the Public Gathering Permit. 11. The applicant pay the required application fee of $300 and $500 damage deposit for the 1 -day event. 12. The use of the park for the church picnic shall be the same as the Public Gathering Permit approved in 2014, which was 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., so as to allow for full use and enjoyment of the park by the public. 13. So as to allow for public use and enjoyment of the park, park use is restricted to the area in and around the Depot building. Staff to work with the applicant to specifically Page 2 -1651- define the use area for the event and will be depicted on an approved final site plan, to be provided by the applicant. 14. Food for the event cannot be provided by a "food truck" as commercial businesses are prohibited from operating in City parks. Page 3 -1652- wela �MIUIZIUWM,11111111-M-11, l' .,I Lip ; WHEREAS, on December 8, 2015, the City Council of the City of Mound adopted Resolution No. 15-146 to establish its fee schedule for 2016 ("Fee Schedule"); and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the Public Gathering Permit fee range from $300-$600 per day and damage deposit range from $50041000, with the actual amounts determined by the City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of the permit application stating the specific use and requirements of the City for the proposed public gathering; and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the Musical Concert Permit fee of $100 per day; and WHEREAS, David Olson, on behalf of River Valley Church, submitted Gathering Permit and Musical Concert applications for the 2016 River Valley Church Picnic being held on Sunday, August 21 , 2016 at Surfside Park and Beach from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (excluding event set-up and tear -down); and WHEREAS, City Staff has reviewed said application and has recommended reasonable conditions to protect the public's investment in its public parks and common areas as set forth in a staff memo to the City Council dated July 5, 2016 ("Conditions") including, but not limited to, an alternate start time of 4:00 p.m. and end time of 9:00 p.m. for the event so as to allow for full use and enjoyment of the park by the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Resolution. 2. The Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit approved with Conditions. Passed by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk SC:�� Mayor Mark Wegscheid CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERA7IT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use of the park or commons ortobe beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO IJ QUOR OR BEER MAY 13E USED IN ANY OFTILE CITY PAR If 3 OR BIUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. PERMIT PEE: $300/DAY TO $600/DAY* _ DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500 TO $1000/DAY* *Permit fee and damage deposit amount to be determined by City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of application stating specific use and requirements. Date(s) of Use t !b Area to be Used 1 zi ��" 5U r�;�t�:. �, {• �t� Time Frame _- �^^ '"^ — Intended Use cu" .c --- Expected Attendancevt�l� --- — Organization ' -Ik Representative's Name�ti^ Address � Telephone No. Home: (o (7- � - I s"y Work: `� �Z' 9-1 2 , Drivers License Number -1654- $100/day Date of Musical Concert LICENSE CITY OF MOUND 2415 WILSHIRE BLVD. 1L *T4, MUSICICAL CONCERT PERMIT APPLICATION (Including, but not limited to, live music, music provided by a disc jockey, and/or any type of amplified music) C 14vqz-(- f7lc"� C EVENT:- 7= 1, Vl:--,YZ- JAl-1-Cl-f LOCATION OF MUSICAL CONCERT: TYPE OF MUSICICAL CONCERT: M�-ic- TIME PERIOD OF MUSICAL CONCERT 7 (HOURS PERMITTED: Mon -Sun: 7:00am- 10:00 pm) 1 REQUESTED EXTENSION OF HOURS: i\j /A - (Council approval must be received to conduct a musical concert after 10:00 pm) APPLICANT: '9 � o -CONTACT: "Ji 1 5�36-`' ADDRESS: ADDRESS: E -MAIL HOME PHONE #: at 5-- 1q 5`1 -WORK PHONE #: Date Applicafrf§ Signature -Department Review Approved Denied Police Dept._ Adm. Fire .De pt -1655- .y5k4) 11 �6 -9 0, ml R F� I N, 0 3 r4 11 �6 -9 0, ml R F� I N, r y - A n4i L MIN Eon Executive Summary TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: July 6, 2016 PLANNING CASE NO. 16-21 SUBJECT: Variance APPLICANT: David Mendelsohn and Carly Bell LOCATION: 1633 Finch Lane MEETING DATE: July 12, 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential ZONING: R -1A Single Family Residential BACKGROUND At its July 12, 2016 meeting, the City Council will consider a variance application submitted by David Mendelsohn and Carly Bell who are requesting approval to allow the construction of a 18'x 10' "deck > on the rear of the existing home at 1633 Finch Lane. Details regarding the request are contained in Planning Report dated June 30, 2016, which has been included as an attachment. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the request at its July 5th meeting. The applicants, who purchased the property earlier this year from Infinity Homes, are requesting variance approval to allow construction of a deck off of their main floor. As the subject'; property is a through lot, as defined by the code, a 20 -foot setback is required. They are requesting a variance to allow a 10 -foot setback. Staff explained that the house, which was constructed in 2015, was originally planned to be located further from Eagle Lane but the footprint needed to be adjusted to accommodate a 15 -foot setback for a portion of the house and, therefore, the footprint needed to be shifted towards Eagle Lane to meet the required setback. Discussion took place that the deck is "open" and that a'standard "rear" setback for a deck for a single-family home is 10 feet; also that the location where the deck is proposed to be located functions as their rear yard. Staff also commented that it is reasonable for a house to have an outside deck as it provides scenic and recreational opportunities. Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval, as recommended by Staff, subject to conditions. 1657 CITYOF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 16 - FOR PLANNING CASE • WHEREAS, a variance application was submitted by David Mendelsohn and Carly Bell, who are requesting approval to allow the construction of a 18' x 10' deck on the rear of the existing home at 1633 Finch Lane with a 10 foot front setback from Eagle Lane; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the R -1A single-family residential zoning district; and WHEREAS, the 8,000 square foot property is a "through lot", as defined by the City Code, and has improved road frontage on both Eagle Lane (west side) and on Finch Lane (east side). Therefore, a 20 -foot front setback is required for the proposed new deck along Eagle Lane; and WHEREAS, the existing single-family home was constructed in 2015 by Infinity Homes, which replaced a former structure that was demolished in 2010; and WHEREAS, the applicants purchased the home in early 2016; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) identifies the following criteria to be used when evaluating requests for variances: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and WHEREAS, "practical difficulties" is defined in City Code Section 129-2 as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested variance for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Report dated June 30, 2016, - and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, the variance request was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its July 5, 2016 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted to recommend City Council approval of the variance as recommended by Staff, subject to conditions; and FLEAS, the City Council's decision on the variance application was made within the timelines required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 15.99; and WHEREAS, in granting approval, the City Council makes the following findings of fact based on the record: 1. The subject lot is a through lot which is irregularly shaped. 2. The constructed location of the single-family house, which was not built by the applicants, limits where a deck can be constructed. 3. The standard rear setback for a non-lakeshore lot is 20 feet. 4. It is reasonable for a residential home to have an deck to enjoy scenic and recreational opportunities. 5. The proposed deck is "open" and does not extend along the entire length of the house. The 10 -foot width is minimal from a usability standpoint. -1659- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE® that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approve the variance for an open deck at 1633 Finch Lane, as legally described on Exhibit A, with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. 3. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance application is approved. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County or may request the City to record the resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the escrow. The resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. - 5. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 6. No building permits will be issued until any and/or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk MINUTE EXCERPTS MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 5, 2016 Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners Jason Baker, Jeffrey 6ergquist, David Goode, Doug Gawtry, Jennifer Peterson, Jameson Smieja and Bill Stone. Members absent: Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Dan Gallus, 1952 Shorewood La; Carly Bell & David Mendelsohn, 1633 Finch La; Shelly Sir, 2443 Commerce Blvd (Our Lady of the Lake Church) BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 16-21 - Variance 1633 Finch Lane Applicant: David Mendelsohn & Carly Bell Sarah introduced the request for a variance to allow the construction of a deck on the rear of the existing home. The property is a "through' lot" and has improved road frontage on both Eagle Lane (west side) and Finch Lane (east side). The existing home was constructed in 2015. Because the property has frontage on 2 roads it required to have a setback of 20 feet along each road. The area where the deck is proposed serves as the "rear" of the property and access to the deck will be from the main floor of the home. Discussion David Mendelsohn, 1633 Finch Lane, stated that they bought the house assuming that they would be able to add a deck since there was a patio door already in place. The deck extends no farther than the neighbor's homes. Carly Bell, 1633 Finch Lane, described the neighbor's trees across the street. Ms. Bell stated that there are lots of trees and that they can't see the neighbors. Smieja asked if it wasn't obvious during plan review that a deck had been planned for that location. Smith said the original planned footprint of the house was further away from Eagle Lane and needed to be adjusted to meet the required 15 -foot rear setback from Eagle Lane for a portion of the house. To meet this setback, the location adjustment was made by the builder; however, the house design which showed a sliding glass for a future deck was not accommodated and likely was an oversight. MOTION by Goode, second by Smieja, to recommend approval with staff recommendations 1-6 and findings 1-5. MOTION passed unanimously. -1661- PLANNING 'I Planning Commission Sarah Smith, Community Development Director June 30, 2016 16-21 Variance David Mendelsohn and Carly Bell 1633 Finch Lane July 5, 2016 Low Density Residential R -1A Single Family Residential BACKGROUND The applicants, David Mendelsohn and Carly Bell, have applied for a variance to allow the construction of a 18'x 10' deck on the rear of the existing home at 1633 Finch Lane. REVIEW PROCEDURE City Code Section 129-39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. In evaluating the variance the City Council must consider whether: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. 60 -DAY PROCESS The variance application was submitted on May 31, 2016. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 60 -day rule and was determined to be June 1, 2016. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION All property owners abutting the subject site, per Hennepin County tax records, were mailed a copy of the Planning Commission agenda on or around June 29, 2016 to inform them of the variance request. STAFF/CONSULTANT/AGENCYREVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. Melissa Manderschied, City Attorney Eric Hoversten, Public Works Director Ray Hanson, Public Works Supt. r Variance application needs to satisfy the requirements of Section 129-39. No issues with request. No issues with request. DISCUSSION ® The 8,000 square foot property is a "through lot", as defined by the City Code, and has improved road frontage on both Eagle Lane (west side) and on Finch Lane (east side). • The existing single-family home was constructed in 2015 by Infinity Home which replaced a former structure that was demolished in 2010. ® Hardcover is under the 40 percent allowance for a lot of record. A deck, with 1/4 inch openings that is uncovered and does not include concrete or landscaping with plastic underneath, does not count towards hardcover. ® The applicants submitted a proposed graphic to depict the intended design of the open deck and a site plan/survey showing its intended location. For a standard non -Lakeshore lot, the required minimum setback for a deck is 10 feet. Because the subject property has frontage on 2 roads it is required to have a setback of 20 feet along each road. ® The vicinity where the proposed deck is to be constructed serves as the "rear" of the property and will be accessed from the main floor of the existing home. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the variance request for the proposed open deck for the property with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. 3. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the variance application is approved. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County or may request the City to record the resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the escrow. The resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 5. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 6. No building permits will be issued until any and/or all fees associated with the land use application have been paid unless an escrow deposit of sufficient amount is on file with the City. Staff's recommendation for approval is based on the following findings of fact: - 1. The subject lot is a through lot which is irregularly shaped. 2. The constructed location of the single-family house, which was not built by the applicants, limits where a deck can be constructed. 3. The standard setback rear setback for a non -Lakeshore lot is 20 feet. 4. It is reasonable for a residential home to have an deck to enjoy scenic and recreational opportunities. 5. The proposed deck is "open" and does not extend along the entire length of the house. The 10 foot width is minimal from a usability standpoint. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, it will be forwarded to the City Council for action at an upcoming meeting. At this time, possible meeting dates are Tuesday, July 12, 2016 or July 26, 2016. -1665- I- o�L)y ' Nuc..._. 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MW 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date Case No. 162.x_ City Council Date Please t ype or print Iggibly SUBJECT Address l,? C.. L ( s IJ PROPERTY � LEGAL Lot -5 r,-1'nH� A L�'o a rvF L 0-1 l Q Block—Oil— Subdivision 0 Q, 4-j L h l'"_7 ED D27 FID # Zoning: Ri R1A R2 R3 Bi B2 B3 (Circle one) PROPERTY Name�r r,,\)Y t ? lsI-J b ,,L Sb e N Email OWNER t„,. !L4 �w. � 0 C' G L Address (. �� Z-, Phone Home(� �f'7 Mork b �Z-ZI " %��� —Fax APPLICANT Name (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) Phone Horne Work Fay,L 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No �)(), if yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): 's {r. j f. .}._� c,�ti i2.� 6,. .7 D i' t 10 Fool DeGv�. �' " { �``lf 1'_ _ ': t!�� iii !�I"'..i T" f" i ( f `-U� �r 6 �i i t1A r kk) (.- L4 . .F llE" L o Variance Information (1 /1 4120 1 6) Page 4 of 6 -1666- Case No. — 1�_21 1 Do the existing structures comply with aft area, height, bulk,* and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (NI No If no, specify each non -conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e, setback, lot area, etc.)-. �J SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) Front Yard: N S E W cl. 0 ft. 3 ft. Side Yard: N S E W ft. ft. ft. Side Yard: N S E W ft. ft. Rear Yard. (NSEW) Lakeside: (NSEW) ft. Street Frontage: ft. Lot Size: OQDsq ft sq ft sq ft Hardcover: or) s q ft sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes (�), No If no, specify each non -conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( )too narrow ( )topography ( )soil ( )too small ( )drainage ( )existing situation too shallow shape 64 other: specify Please describe: r- rz-, L io-r L P V r, P ff—'e u w FF P 6 Variance Information (1114/2016) page 5 of 6 -1667- PrGposa.l for a variance to build a geek at 1633 Finch Lame We are requesting a variance to the City Code as it relates to the setback of 20 feet. N�7e currently have 21.9 Feet from the house to the street. The original house plans called for 28 feet from the house to the street. However the irregular shape of the lot forced the house to be repositioned on the lot in order to comply with the side setbacks to the Northeast. The lot is long and narrow and runs from Eagle Lane to Finch Lane. The address was changed from 1628 Eagle Lane to 1633 Finch Lane in order to accommodate the orientation of the new home front yard from Eagle to Finch. The proposed deck off of the dining area of the house will be used in a reasonable manner consistent with the same setback, distance and area as its neighbor to the south at 1632 Eagle Lane. This insures that the deck will not interfere with any roadwork on Eagle Lane including but not limited to snow removal during the winter. The construction of the deck will not confer on to us any special privilege that is denied to owners, of other lands as evidenced by the patio of the neighbor• to the south at 1.632 Eagle Lane. In addition, the deck is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. In essence the deck is on. the rear of house and if the back border were a normal property line it would only need a 10 -foot setback, which would not be an issue. However, because of the irregular aspect of the property it has the unusual case where the rear property line is a road, and by code is subject to the 20 -foot setback. The variance being applied for is for a 10 X 18 deck, which reflects a practical yet minimal request for the enjoyment of the property Case No. /&-?-/ Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (), No if yes, explain: i. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( }, No V). if yes, explain: 8, Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes} No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments:; WC f_`-0 V,7T ' 1.�.. •t 1. �.. ." ter` �e•1 t '� °. 1'•',� Fy, ""• �t'1tr _ { C. S.. ¢", 1 ...t �i t,� �.. b�/ �" I "�r�"��'3� f.. t> C., its y ; �C' E::'�� '�- h � F� ti} 9.t U.'T`" i�7 }: � �''��'1►�, .� b C M � C�� t� �' i� i�4?�; i lo> U-,) t:-1' ".� � .�'' \ rS'� i . r.� �t. i `• { t n �i !_'r".. �`.— �"i.' �f+' 1 �...+ G.^� - t 4l �}'"� I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law, ell - and r towner°s Signature J--� .._ Applicants, Signat.ute QatG Variance Information (1/14/2016) Page 6 of 6 -1669- 130 A (- r), 1' f I Y -r ^ IN LOTS, 8,17 AND 18, BLOCK -1 "t HENNEP11",J COUNTY, / ,� Al ? o �C/S 6 o MpUs 1.-..�"-� SEWER WAKE SPR fol % 69) 5 (944 E A/c `t ol" "ZOOR` FLOOR LEVEL= (9,55.0) EXISTING HOUSE J1628 1632 �10�11 (956-0) EXISTING SPOT' ELEVATION -917-' — denotes eXisting contour line, mean sea level datum LOT AREA = 8,000 SQ.FT. GRONBERG & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LPJ\fD SURVEYORS, SITE PLA1414ERS 445 N IMLLOW ORIVE LONG LAKE, W4.55356 952-473-4141 J/ C" //GARAGE FLOOR- (95zs) I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mark S. Gronberg Minnesota Licenv6'Numbar 12755 MAPL ���[3��������[��� CALCULATIONS ��N ��K � 8������ 0a�����\����[�� ���������K 8�����(IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE) LOT AREA SQ. FT, X3DY6=(for all lots) ........................................ LOTAREA SQ. FT. }<40Y6=(for Lots ofRecord) ............................. F -�z r,, ' Existing Lots of Record may have 40 percent coverage provided that techniques are utilized, asoutlined mZoning Ordinance Section 129-385(sc:e back), A plan must be submitied and approved by the Building Official. LENGTH WIDTH SO FT HOUSE COtICIC-1) 1-7-0611'X X = TOTALHOUSE. ...................................... ............ DETACHED BUILDINGS _.__X (GARAGE/SHED) � X = TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS ............................... DRIVEWAY, PARKING X AREAS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. X 'f/C X ` = � TOTAL DRIVEWAY, ETC ... ..................................... DECKS Open decks (1w^min. X Opening between boards) with o pewmuvsurface under are not X counted anhardcover. � X = TOTALDECK ...... ............................................... X X 0 TOTALOTHER .................................................... TOTAL HARDCOVER /80PERVI OUSSURFACE—......... ...................................... /OVER (indicate difference) ...... .................... ...... ..................... ....... ~ Revised 1/10 0 -1672 RAID. BALUSTER -1673- t F Minimum. " �P fi than A" Flash any cuts to ` °� � ° � eztetfar flrush a SEN.1 rx : th atf IJE6i1�ING MEW) � �€�{t1�r����R�C� SesJaisl i6'orlassSpan:I"and 54" See Beam andSpan EI�PR Table Over 16" Span: 2" Footing Table NOTES:$ ' Any splirees `k in beam must be over a support + All beams o12 or more Ys members shall be < Tie" ° �� p tom• (..(ER nailed together wits x a "° Same size as joists. 2 rows of i6d Nails � � ` :a' '� a ¢ �,� ALT ERNAT .� h��� install Lag Screws �,.„ Two that penetrate at 16'O.C. , , . BEAIA t' Fti EF7j r 1/2 Carriage 1 Ile minimum Into Bolts with } -€, rim joist or wall POST" POST � u�:x• Washers studs. (Minimum two ale Lag Screws 31/20 Minimum 6112' Minimum a� '; ' every iB°) rg (4X6 or 6)Cej NOTE Joist hangers must ' be correct size for l joist she used uM i1 s:4 s BUILDING ( B�aT -^s ` ` ,F" One ;/z" Carriage w : 4 (G(�gt7) 4Weeher BoltIf 2 3Y Y larger beam. PO`'T "� Two 5/e" Boit& with Washers Pin or other 3+7x° bflinimum through Manufactured GRADE approved i ` Beam Support fastener ; ..N t :,1 ^:.»!:'..'.^, d'-'a'u:',^..5:'�; •.,�i,. C-.".. ,., ,-�r'.:®v:. '.S�: w.: `S..bass �' .uk'2.Tilt a;'.f.:iCY.isS+�d.'.rS'rb:!iF�i�k.^.`!.,-t.s......i.'+��.^w�':!:. 4 r, ALTERNATE FOOTING CONCRETE $rQ ^� q 7 % PIER °u BACKFILL MATERIAL FOOTING tl r{:. IJlr1117+ll IT7 100nimuln WOOD POST POURED CC?t CFt TE FOOTING SFe 7 ?1c See Table for F-"oolkur Size for Foaling Size -1673- t DECK SETBACKS (Note: Some deck designs may not be appropriate for future screen porch or 3 -season porches. Setbacks for porches may not be the same as setbacks for decks.) Detached Decks (no higher than 30" above surrounding grade) Side, rear and front 2 feet Lake side 50 feet from Ordinary High Water Attached Decks -- Standard Lot Side yard next to the house 6 feet Side yard behind the house 4 feet Side yard in front of the house 6 feet Rear property line 10 feet Front setback (all street sides) 20 feet (zone R1A/R2) 30 feet (zone R1) (corner lot - principal structure setback applies to side street) Attached Decks - Lakeshore and Through Lots Side lot line behind house (lakeside) 4 feet Side lot line next to house 6 feet Side lot line in front (street side) 4 feet Lake side 50 feet from OHW Front lot line (all street sides) 20 feet (zone R1A/R2) 30 feet (zone R1) rear side front 4'_ _ 4' 6' 6' 20' (RIA/R2) 30' (Rt) STREET Typical Lot -1674- Lake or Street 60' for lakeshore 20' (R1AtR2) rear 30' (R1) 4' side 6 4' front 20' (R1tR2) 30' (R1) STREET Lakeshore or Through Lot U Im AS -BUILT V Y FOR INFINITY CUSTOM BUILDERS IN LOTS , 17 AND 1, BLOCK 11, WOODLAND POINT HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 30 S R / At 7.2- # 1 �0 ll o s� i e AKE h I SP15 ! ®r (944!,,yl \ I S / 9 9 (9 `yk gq $ - • '••' OVER LINE O ryER /94 s `s0 9k66/9/� --0_ O EjrlsT `` •,' ``� I t f \ - [o O , z o BOOR CIV�kiSr; l 7 �� '� (944'' (sss �' HODS �G EXISTING ' 800. ,.• E 162�F I sE R (9s�o �., HOUSE S ooA�Pct`o 6DQ �.: �2°S$3®h 6 76 - f""'E tJ �1/ 80 ! i ! ' —9� (aso4) (ss .g (5528 DERx ®® G. U os 80�(ssz> OP GARAr Q® A 1 3>00 (952.8 DRIVCK EWAY ' (952.8) S / (952.5) .. 2 sF � o.o ao I MAPI (956.0) EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION — -917- — denotes existing contour line, mean sea level datum GqG G LOT AREA = 8,000 SQ.FT. D. GRONBERG & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, ® SITE PLANNERS 445 N. WLLOW DRIVE LONG LAKE, MN. 55356 952.473.4141 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. .+' "'+=•ems �, .'e�°.•+�liF`°'�^^'i...•.E' Mark S. Gronberg Minnesota License Numb 12755 s'r MAPLE ®'? 30 % r J QUQ' 1O of LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES: ` Lots 8, 17, and the south half of Lot 18, Block 11, WOODLAND POINT 1" = 20' : denotes iron marker found o : denotes iron marker set DATE Bearings shown are based on assumed datum. 5-1-15 This survey shows the boundaries of the above described property, and 9-14-15:A5-BOLTSURVEY the location of an existing house, spot elevations, topography and all JOB NO. visible "hardcover" thereon. It does not purport to show any other 15-046B improvements or encroachments. -1675- Executive Summary DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: MEETING DATE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ZONING: Honorable Mayor and City Council Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director July 6, 2016 Expansion Permit (PC Case No. 16-22) and Variance (PC Case No. 23) Michael Gallus Construction Inc. on behalf of Joe Grunnet 1952 Shorewood Lane, PID No. 18-117-23-23-0014 July 12, 2016 Low Density Residential R-1 Single Family Residential BACKGROUND At its July 12, 2016 meeting, the City Council will consider expansion permit and variance applications submitted by Michael Gallus Construction, Inc. for construction of a replacement home with a new entryway and deck on the existing, non -conforming foundation. The existing lot of record, totaling 8,704 square feet, is a lakeshore lot located on the northeast side of Shorewood Lane. According to Hennepin County data, the current home was built in 1940. Details regarding the requests are contained in the Planning Report dated June 30, 2016 for the proposed project. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OVERVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the requests at its July 5th meeting. Dan Gallus from Michael Gallus Construction Inc. (applicant) was present at the meeting. No other persons attended the meeting for this application. However, Staff was contacted by the abutting property owner of 1956 Shorewood Lane who had concerns about the proximity of the house to their shared lot line, preservation of the hedge and fence. The property owner also requested notification prior to the start of demolition activities so they would have time to make arrangements for care of their family pets. The abutting owner also indicated that the applicant had reached out to them about the project and provided plans, which they appreciated. Staff explained that the replacement structure will not be any closer to their shared lot line than the existing house as they are reusing the foundation. Staff suggested the Planning Commission consider inclusion of an additional condition as follows: I Applicant shall cooperate with the abutting property owner regarding preservation of the existing hedge and fence and notify the abutting property owner prior to start of demolition activities. The applicant was agreeable to the proposed new condition. Based on its review, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended Council approval of the variance and expansion permit applications, as recommended by Staff, including the additional condition as discussed at the meeting. -1677- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 16 - RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPANSION PERMIT AND VARIANCE FOR 1952 SHOREWOOD LANE PLANNING CASE NO. 16-22 AND 16-23 WHEREAS, the applicant, Michael Gallus Construction, has submitted an application for an expansion permit and variance for the construction of a replacement home with a new entryway and deck on the existing, non -conforming foundation, which is to be reused for the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the existing lot of record, totaling 8,704 square feet, is a Lakeshore lot located on the northeast side of Shorewood Lane. According to Hennepin County data, the current home was built in 1940. WHEREAS, the applicant seeks the following setbacks for this project Required Proposed Front Yard (abutting 30.0 feet 32.7 Shorewood Lane) Side Yard Lakeshore 6 /10 feet 50 feet from 929.4 OHWM 6.6 feet (existing) 5.6 feet (existing) 47.1 feet (new deck requiring variance approval) ; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-40 (a) outlines the criteria for granting expansion permits which are provided below: (a) Criteria. An expansion permit for a nonconforming structure may be issued, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the reasonable use of the land. In determining whether practical difficulties exist, the applicant must satisfy the City Council that the following criteria exist: (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion. b. absence of adverse off-site impacts such as from traffic, noise, odors and dust. c. adequacy of off-street parking. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion are unique to the property and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. and; WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) outlines the criteria for granting variances which is provided below: (a) Criteria. A variance to the provisions of this chapter may be granted, but is not mandated, to provide relief to the landowner in those zones where this chapter imposes practical difficulties to the property owner in the use of the owner's land. No use variances may be granted. A variance may be granted only in the event that the following circumstances exist: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. ; and WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the. landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. 59:1015 Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested expansion permit and variance for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Commission report dated June 30, 2016 and the submitted applications and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the expansion permit and variance, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the variance and expansion permit were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its July 5, 2016 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend Council approval of the variance and expansion permit, as recommended by Staff; along with an additional condition as follows: Applicant shall cooperate with the abutting property owner regarding preservation of the existing hedge and fence and notify the abutting property owner prior to start of demolition activities. and WHEREAS, the City Council's decision on the expansion permit and variance applications were made within the timelines required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 15.99; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the expansion permit and variance requests at its July 12, 2016 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, in granting approval of the variance, the City Council makes the following findings of fact, based on the record: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-39 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. The existing lot of record is an undersized lot for the R-1 zoning district. The applicant is proposing to reuse the existing foundation so there is insufficient room to have a lakeside deck that does not encroach into the lakeshore setback area. The location of the home is a pre-existing condition that was not created by the actions of the applicant. 4. It is reasonable to have a deck on the rear/lakeside of a home to enjoy the scenic and recreational opportunities that are afforded by Lake Minnetonka. 0.1.11111 WHEREAS, in granting approval of the expansion permit, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-40 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. The existing lot of record is an undersized lot. The nonconforming side yard setbacks of the home are pre-existing conditions not created by the actions of the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approve an expansion permit and variance for 1952 Shorewood Lane, as legally described on Exhibit A, with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 3. Applicant shall provide all req.uired information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Impervious surface coverage shall be less than 40% of the site. Hardcover calculations will be verified as part of building permit process. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public' agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 7. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless, an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. 8. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control and others are in effect. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to the new regulations and applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Evidence from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. 9. Applicant shall cooperate with the abutting property owner regarding preservation of the existing hedge and fence and notify the abutting property owner prior to start of demolition activities. The expansion permit and variance are hereby approved for the property described on the attached Exhibit A. (to be inserted) Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk MINUTE EXCERPTS • �, JULY S, 2016 Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners Jason Baker, Jeffrey Bergquist, David Goode, Doug Gawtry, Jennifer Peterson, Jameson Smieja and Bill Stone. Members absent: Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Dan Gallus; 1952 Shorewood La; Carly Bell & David Mendelsohn, 1633 Finch La; Shelly Sir, 2443 Commerce Blvd (Our Lady of the Lake Church) BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 16-22 & 16-23 Expansion Permit and Variance 1952 Shorewood Lane Applicant: Michael Gallus Construction, Inc. Smith introduced the requests, which include an expansion permit and variance for the construction of a replacement home with a new entryway and deck on the existing, non- conforming foundation. The existing lot of record is a Lakeshore lot located on the northeast side of Shorewood Lane. The existing foundation is non -conforming with only a 5.6 foot side yard setback on the south and a 6.6 side yard setback on the north." The new home is being proposed to use the existing foundation except where a new entryway is proposed on the north side of the house. The new entryway will not encroach further into the side setback. The applicant is proposing a cantilever over the 1St and basement floors on the Lakeshore side of the house in addition to a deck that extends into the 50 -foot lakeside setback. Staff believes that a previous deck in the same location was removed. The applicant is proposing to reuse the foundation and the house has a flat roof and low profile. Smith related that she spoke with the neighbor to the south and she is requesting protection of the existing hedge and fence that borders their properties and to be notified of demolition activities prior to start. The proximity of the house to the proposed new house was also discussed and Staff informed the property owner that the existing shared setback is not changing. Staff suggested that the Planning Commission consider inclusion of an additional condition in its recommendation to the Council for the applicant to cooperate with the property owner regarding the preservation of the hedge and fence; also for the applicant to provide advance notice to the neighbor prior to the commencement of demolition activities. IM -010 Discussion Dan Gallus, Michael Gallus Construction, stated that they were willing to work with neighbor. Discussion took place about the setback for the deck following an inquiry from Commissioner Baker as information on the applications say the proposed deck variance is for 4 feet and the setback is 46 feet. Smith indicated that new information from the surveyor confirmed that the proposed setback for the deck will be 47.1 feet. MOTION by Stone, second by Goode, to recommend approval of the expansion permit and variance based on staff recommendations and findings of fact, as stated in the Planning Report, along with an additional condition as follows: Applicant shall cooperate with the abutting property owner regarding preservation of the existing hedge and fence and notify the abutting property owner prior to start of demolition activities. MOTION passed unanimously. r MIN PLgin ANNING EP T TO: Planning Commission FROM: Rita Trapp, Planning Consultant Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: June 29,.2016 SUBJECT: Expansion Permit (PC Case No. 16-22) and Variance (PC Case No. 23) APPLICANT: Michael Gallus Construction Inc. on behalf of Joe Grunnet LOCATION: 1952 Shorewood Lane, PID No. 18-117-23-23-0014 MEETING DATE: July 5, 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Low Density Residential ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential BACKGROUND The applicant, Michael Gallus Construction, has submitted an application for an expansion permit and variance for the construction of a replacement home with a new entryway and deck on the existing, non -conforming foundation. The existing lot of record, totaling 8,704 square feet, is a lakeshore lot located on the northeast side of Shorewood Lane. According to Hennepin County data, the current home was built in 1940. REVIEW PROCEDURE Expansion Permit City Code Section 129-40 (a) states that an expansion permit for a nonconforming structure may be granted to provide relief to the landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulties. In determining whether practical difficulties exist, the City Council shall evaluate the following criteria: (1) the proposed expansion is a reasonable use of the property considering: a. function and aesthetics of the expansion. b. absence of adverse off-site impacts such as from traffic, noise, odors and dust. c, adequacy of off-street parking. (2) exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion are unique to the property and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have had no control. (3) the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. (4) the expansion would not adversely affect or alter the essential character of the neighborhood. (5) the expansion requested is the minimum needed. Variance City Code Section 129-39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. In evaluating the variance the City Council must consider whether: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. * 60 -DAY PROCESS Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, the City of Mound has sixty (60) days to approve or deny the land use request unless an extension is executed by the City in accordance with state rules. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 60 -day rule. The "Day 1" was determined to be June 14, 2016 for the expansion permit and June 28, 2016 for the variance. SITE INFORMATION The shoreland property has an existing home that is proposed to be replaced. At 8,707 square feet the lot is undersized for the R-1 zoning district. The new 2 -story home is proposed to use the existing foundation, which is non -conforming to side yard setbacks. According to the applicants the existing foundation is structurally -sound. A new 12' by 20' foot deck with steps is proposed on the rear of the home. STAFF/CONSULTANT/AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to all City departments for review and comment. Members are advised that some comments received during review have been addressed and are therefore not included in this report. See additional comments which are summarized below: Scott Qualle, . A foundation plan, signed by a professional engineer, will be Building Official required for reuse of the foundation for the project. A demolition permit, including all required information, will need to be issued for house removal activities. Note: The applicant has indicated that Paumen Engineering in Glencoe has been retained to do the engineering report/plan for the project. . Dan Faulkner, The applicant should meet the hardcover requirement. City Engineer As for the new house, drainage must be controlled onsite and not directed onto adjacent properties. Ray Hanson, No issues. Applicant will be responsible for submitting all required Public Works Supt. permit applications and supporting information. LMCD LMCD has reviewed the application(s) and will not be providing any comments. DISCUSSION The existing foundation is non -conforming with only a 5.6 foot side yard setback on the south and a 6.6 side yard setback on the north. The R-1 Zoning District requires side - yard setbacks to be 6 feet on one side and 10 feet based upon the lot width as defined by the City Code. The new home is being proposed to use the existing foundation except where a new entryway is proposed on the north side of the house. The new entryway will not encroach further into the side setback. -1687- • The applicant is proposing a 24" cantilever a portion of the 2nd story of the house over the 1St and basement floors on the lakeshore side of the house. Given that the existing foundation is 57.6 feet from the lakeshore, this improvement is conforming for setbacks. • The applicant is also proposing to construct a 12 'by 20' foot deck on the rear of the home. The deck requires a variance as it is located less than 50 feet from the OHWL. Given the home's existing location and configuration, the proposed location appears to be the most appropriate. At 12 feet, the depth of the deck, is not particularly large. The Planning Commission will need to determine whether the variance has been minimized sufficiently. • The proposed hardcover on the site per information from the applicant, will be within the 40% allowance for a lot of record. Staff notes that clarification will be needed regarding the inclusion of the deck in the calculations as typically those can be designed so as to not be counted as hardcover. Final verification of hardcover will occur and will be verified as part of building permit process. • The 100 -year floodplain elevation for Lake Minnetonka in the City of Mound is 931.0 feet. The lowest floor of any new structure, including basement or crawl spaces must be at or above the designated Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation, (RFPE), which is 933.0 feet for Lake Minnetonka, or three (3) feet above a wetland. The lowest floor elevation proposed is 938.6 feet which meets requirements. • The 100 -year floodplain elevation for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, (MCWD) is 931.5 feet. No filling and/or grading activities may take place in a 100 -year floodplain unless a floodplain alteration permit is approved and authorized by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Additional rules related to wetlands, shoreline alterations, storm water, and erosion control are also in effect. Pleasecontact the MCWD for information on the required permitting for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the expansion permit and variance for this site subject to the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 2. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action. 3. Applicant shall provide all required information upon submittal of the building permit application. 4. Impervious surface coverage shall be less than 40% of the site. Hardcover calculations will be verified as part of building permit process. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 7. No building permit will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided unless an escrow of sufficient amount is on file with the City. The applicant may also direct the City to record the resolution with the fees to be taken out of the escrow. 8. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) rules related to wetlands, floodplain, erosion control and others are in effect. These rules are now under the jurisdiction of the MCWD as regulatory authority and permitting was officially turned back to the District by the Mound City Council on August 23, 2011. Applicant is directed to contact the MCWD related to the new regulations and, applicable permits that may be needed to undertake the proposed project. Evidence from the MCWD in the form of a permit or waiver must be provided before release of any future building permit. In recommending Staff approval of the expansion permit, the following findings of facture offered: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-40 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. The existing lot of record is an undersized lot. The nonconforming side yard setbacks of the home are pre-existing conditions not created by the actions of the applicant. In recommending Staff approval of the variance, the following findings of fact are offered: 1. The criteria of City Code Section 129-39 (a) are being met. 2. Improvements to the residential use of this property are in keeping with how it is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan and will not change the existing neighborhood character. 3. The existing lot of record is an undersized lot for the R-1 zoning district. The applicant is proposing to reuse the existing foundation so there is insufficient` room to have a lakeside deck that does not encroach into the lakeshore setback area. The location of the home is a pre-existing condition that was not created by the actions of the applicant. 4. It is reasonable to have a deck on the rear/lakeside of a home to enjoy the scenic and recreational opportunities that are afforded by Lake Minnetonka. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, it will be forwarded to the City Council for action at an upcoming meeting. At this time, the anticipated meeting date is July 26tH -1690- To: Sarah Smith and the city of Mound Letter regarding 1952 Shorewood Lane expansion and variance 6/26/2016 (Michael Gallus Construction along with Feequus LLC are planning on bringing 1952 Shorewood Lane up to it's full potential. The current structure is unsafe and does not allow a feasible remodel. Our goal is to remove the stick framed structure down to the foundation and start new. The current foundation does meet the required setbacks on the front and back but does not meet setback requirements on the sides. With a lot of this size the requirements are Von one side and 10' on the other side. The existing foundation is 5.6 on one side and 6.6 on the other side. After consulting with a structural engineering firm we have found out that the existing foundation is structurally sound and adequate for the home we are proposing to build. By saving the existing foundation and designing a home around it we will have less impact on erosion and less costs. We are also proposing to add and entryway and straighten out a foundation line behind the garage. Both of the proposed additions do not extend past the existing setbacks. The new home will then be constructed as per plans in a size we feel does not overbuild the lot. We have elected in our design to go without roof overhangs to not encroach on the setbacks of the foundation. Our application for a variance is based on the lakeside deck we are proposing to build. The proposed deck will be 47' to the lakeside setback, the current code for this size lot Is 50'. The proposed deck will be 9' off of the ground and open underneath with a cable railing system to not block any of the neighbors viewing of the lake. Based on Rays suggestions we have decided to install new sewer and water lines from the foundation to the connections on the street. Our current updated survey has the proposed hardcover at 44.1%, we are working with our survey company, Shoberg Land Survey, to get the hardcover down to the 40% max. This property has been neglected for many years and we would like to start construction as soon as city approval allows. Thank You [Michael Gallus Construction Inc 6306 Ehler Ave Delano MINI, 55328 MN Lic #20061956 Dan Gallus IN b Y 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 553 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 N A • - SUN 3 201E CITY OF MOUND Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Case No. 3% _ Please tvoe or print leaihiv 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): Expansion Permit Information (1/14/2016) Page 4 of 6 / 9 s cL �%oyv— SUBJECT Address et4a,4— ,4._...PROPERTY PROPERTY Lot � i � Block 0 � LEGAL DESC..t�,� C do Subdivision ��- �-� is `7 —� ^9 PID # Zoning: R1 RIA R2 R3 61 62 B3 (circle one) PROPERTY Name Joe _ f."Kre Email GGL _P -6L cc, OWNER 'L, /o � r C-" I Address Phone Ho 6 0)"' Work Pone m Fax APPLICANT Name Email (IF OTHER THAN Address OWNER) Phone Home Work Fax. 1. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes ( ) No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): Expansion Permit Information (1/14/2016) Page 4 of 6 Case No. 3. Please complete the following information related to the property and building's conformity with the zoning regulations for the district in which it is located including the expansion permit request. SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED EXPANSION (or existing) Front Yard: ( N S U) ,, -- ft. t i� ft. 91 ft. Side Yard: ( N(y9 E W ) �' ft. Side Yard: (PS EW) ft. ft. ft. Rear Yard: (N S& W) ft. � ft. ft. Lakeside: (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. Street Frontage: Dr v % ft. ft. ft. Lot Size: a sq ft sq ft sq ft Hardcover: 3,, [3 L sq ft sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes { }, No If no, specify each non -conformity: � "4-- : a va t �j e a v a C v v® -r s✓L r-, c fr - + '% s �: ti � � E � .�-� L �'S L� li � �. � Gi •'� �e:.c_ V' f -� -'. i �' C' � i,= o s..4.� 5. Are there exceptional or extraordinary circumstances justifying the expansion unique to the property such as lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the owners of the property since enactment of this chapter have no control? Please check all that apply: ('r) too narrow ( ) topography ( ) soil ( ) too small ( ) drainage ( ) existing situation ( )tooshallow(J ) shape ( ) other: specify Please describe: H c Cy L1 S 4.b i- `� 2 S rotce-�. ire $ -o` k -L S' 10 �-o Sa., neo, '- 4 Expansion Permit Information (1/14/2016) Page 5 of 6 Case No. �- 8. Were the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (j-), No ( ). If yes, explain: Gce Ycl ;�Y 5 ir. /y°XZ_ 4�-e— cz,llcic, C/ 7. Were the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances created by any other person -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (.�). If yes, explain: 8. Are the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances for which you request an expansion permit peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (�J, No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? g. Comments: I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. 1 consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Found for thep ose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. / n Expansion Permit Infonmation (111412016) Page 6 of 6 -1694- Date " 3 J 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound. MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 PlanningApplication Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Commission Date Case No City Council Date Please tyRe or print Ie lbl SUBJECT Address PROPERTY LEGAL Lot Block DESC. Subdivision RID # Zoning: R1 RIA R2 R3 Bt B2 B3 (Circle one) PROPERTY Name !''fie u- �- Email OWNERZJA Address �� 1�r I�► ?l ��_____i—__—� t ` tia S Rhone Home a �- '*'&tlork i)4 jFax APPLICANT Name A Ewel C�I&S Email da (IF OTHER THAN Address 3bG' ss32-8, OWNER) phone Home 015;L -L{ a-("75 3 Work 6- 0 2-- 702 -2-7U, Fax hlas an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes (. No ( ). If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. 5;,,,�•�~-tet— [3;� 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): iCaT itC ca.t .sNw� w- -1, --,f 4-C.7 L 'e '4'e A a, 5`1 ex fi, � '�.da`' � S � i v�� .'�iy�.,� a.� Z: F'i c15r'i„ � ✓c. i"✓ ...,� e.c� tF-,-yf tt `Q4 ex L 1'4 �'-- oC ' d.J � 'f'�, e � Q� .,t v' .�' t a �'�" � �..F � �`i L !� � - ('�v^� YSC.� 5 £' cJ ��. c_. ' i" ice' F� •'�? e`'z �--C�"+" Variance Informationi' 7/14/2016 Page 4 of 6 "�"`ff p Q -1-01a 23, Case No. !tib' 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No (K. If no, specify each non -conforming use (describe reason for variance ggrequest, i.e. setback, lot area, etc.): 5ecl a SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) Front Yard: &S E W) `� ft. S7, ft. 1+7 ft. Side Yard: (N Sow) (� ft.ff ft. ft. Side Yard: (N S E) ft. ft. Rear Yard: (NOE W) _lo ft. _ 31? ft. ft. Lakeside: (N S E W) ft. ft. ft. (N S E W) ft. ft. Street Frontage: ft. ft. ft. Lot Size: sq ft sq ft sq ft Hardcover: sq ft �q ft sq ft 4, Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ), No (k'). If no, specify each non -conforming use: .5; c) .,� 4 .0 .�- � � c% -S, � cam° � e �-' Yi✓t �� - 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? ( ) too narrow ( ) topography { ) soil ( ) too small ( ) drainage { ) existing situation (uj too shallow ( ) shape )other: specify Please describe: z K% 5 {l .c i s w. ca Le r .( r be le. 575 Tfn�T✓i lo�?c�rtt.a`le Variance Information (111412018) Page 5 of 6 -1696- ',�53 LL AGri�. r'er.- sr S'" Case No. J am°' 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1962)? Yes (;), No If yes, explain: 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes( ),No( . If yes, explain: 8. Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes (0, No { ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: !'J" k-4- i)'a_iv: c; I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. i acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of hound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. .,, Signature hate 0-.T=. re Signature � Date Variance information (1/1412016) Page 6 of 6 . . :. . ._ I IIIIIIIIIIII Illillllllil Ili �'� �I�I �I �',lli !�I���IIII�� t 11 • ' illll• _ � � • y����s�����,rl: IIIlilllllli IIIIIIIJIII IIIII�IIIIIIi11111111111111118 �����ilN��l'�li,;l!illl���lll��l�ll f � III�I��I�I�I,I!!��I�I � . . r � _ = � ' ' 1111111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Ii�lillll IIIIIIIIII — nllmul ammo nnnml — , nnllun IIIA (llllllllillr nllil IIIIIIIIII �ii>7�i' i�ui�►��iuiiniil�iw�_� ..............:. imep�ii °I�IIIIIIIIIIC011 � ��„�! 75 EAST ELEVATION 2 o 5 1 vi1699-,l "', y -1700- MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 3 of 5 UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN -1701- 4of 5 -1702- P BERM ] BATH n,.c a LOFT ISLW .,,�". t OFr Mm t ..S~,m S NSTR BTA2M BATH - $ SAT P FOYER DKK >v MBATH mer Baer+ 4 ns. .... 4 1BM mw+nex m m 3 0 SECTION xi SECTION a; O g i w.0 o WIG BATH nH` aDwrl 9 ` V LOFT r.ua + 'c DINING 2 KITCHEN FOYER n oc P 11 11 11 IFT-T-F usr. ns ca.c..m bMCH. HALL LAM raaeuxn ^"^s § 9TOR SECTION #3 �..�.� SECTION #4 �..,� Sof 5 -1702- Variance/Expansion code question answers Property address 1952 Shorewood Lane Variance (a) Criteria 1. (i) If the owners are granted this variance they will be using the property in a reasonable matter. (ii) The circumstances of past lesser setbacks and lot sizes have resulted in this variance request. (iii) This variance will not alter but increase essential character of the locality. With the updating of this property after many years of neglect will be very, positive to the area. 2. The granting of this variance would not award special privileges to the owner. Many homes in the area are much closer to Lake Minnetonka. 3. Our request to have a deck that is open underneath extend 12' from the existing footprint is felt to be the minimum for overall function. 4. This variance request is in harmony and exceeds that of the area. Expansion (a) Criteria (1) (a) The function and aesthetics of this expansion request are to save the existing foundation at its current location and add an entryway and straighten a wall (non of which extents closet to the setbacks) to construct a new home with current design features. (b) The granting of this expansion permit would result in positive offsite impacts. The current structure is unsafe. (c) The amount of off street parking will not change with this expansion permit 2. We have no control of the prior placement of the existing structure 3. The current owners have done nothing that has resulted to the need of this expansion permit. 4. An expansion awarded to this property would greatly increase the character of the neighborhood. S. The expansion requested is the minimum needed. No part of any proposed addition would go closer to the setbacks that are currently present. -1703- 9� S Legen Found Iron Monument x 000.0 Existing Elevation -- Drainage ® Water Service Manhole Bearings based on assumed datum. Building Permit Prepared for: la Dan Gallus .o �Lp O�� \` ' Op .� �L ck f'� Site Address: 1952 Shorewood Ln Mound, MN 55364 Boundary Description (supplied by client) Lot 14, Block 2, SHADYWOOD POINT, according to the recordedplat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Subject to any and a/1 easements of record. Existing Hardcover (sq. ft.) House & Conts. 1,723 Landscape Rock 325 Riprop 262 Concrete Walk 157 Retaining Walls 118 Steps 65 Steps 2,650 Total Hardcover 8,704 30.42 Proposed Hardcover Proposed House 1,873 Proposed Driveway 727 Proposed Deck & Steps 257 Proposed Concrete Walk 126 Proposed Stoop 50 Riprop 262 Retaining Walls 118, Steps 65 3,478 Lot Area 8,704 Total Hordcover 40.09' Landscape Rock 325 sq. ft. (to be fobric underlain) o e: Lot area calculation above shown includes only that part having elevation of 929.4 or higher, d p O � $ ra ami 42 j a. VbCd vJ �J y y Lq-) t3 0 S EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST • SUBJECT: Planning Commission Sarah Smith, Community Development Director July 5, 2016 Sign variance/modification for 2443 Commerce Boulevard B-1 Commercial Linear District Review of sign permit application and request for sign variation / modification Summary. The City Council will consider a request from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, submitted on June 29th, for a sign variation/modification as provided by City Code 119. 2 (e) to install a 29.99 square foot, double -sided, freestanding sign on the property located at 2443 Commerce Boulevard which is the location of the new Grace Family Center building and includes the Westonka Food Shelf and PennyWise Thrift Store. Review Procedure. City Code Sec. 119-2 (2) allows a variation/modification to the City's sign regulations where it can be shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, that strict compliance of the regulations would cause a hardship. A variation/modification may be granted only if the variation/modification does not adversely affect the spirit or intent of Chapter 119 (Signs). Requests for a sign variation/modification requires review by the Planning Commission prior to consideration by the City Council. • • S 11 1 , I • I , • The Planning Commission reviewed this case at their July 5th meeting. A representative from the Westonka Food Shelf was present at the meeting to discuss the proposed new sign for the Grace Family Center. No other persons attended the meeting about the sign request. Staff informed the Planning Commission that the sign will not be illuminated; however, external lighting is planned. Based on its review, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the sign variation / modification for option "B" as shown on the submitted site plan, subject to conditions, as recommended by Staff. A draft of the meeting minutes is included for your reference. As both the Planning Commission and Staff recommended approval of the request, Staff prepared the attached resolution for City Council consideration. -1705- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Council members are advised that Condition No. 3 in Planning Report dated June 2016 has been removed from the draft resolution as the proposed new sign is not internally -lit. -1706- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 16 - RESOLUTION APPROVING SIGN VARIATION/MODIFICATION FOR 2443 COMMERCE BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the applicant, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, submitted a sign permit application and sign variation/modification request to allow installation of a freestanding sign for the Grace Family Center located at 2443 Commerce Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned B-1. Churches and non-profit organizations are permitted uses in the B-1 District; and WHEREAS, City Code Sec. 119-2 (2) allows a variation/modification to the City's sign regulations where it can be shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, that strict compliance of the regulations would cause a hardship. A variation/modification may be granted only if the variation/modification does not adversely affects the spirit or intent of Chapter 119 (Signs). A request for a sign variation/modification requires review by the Planning Commission prior to consideration by the City Council; and WHEREAS, according to City Code Sec. 119-5 (5) (b), one freestanding sign, not to exceed square 48 feet, is allowed per street frontage in the B-1 District. A 10 -foot setback is required. The maximum height allowed is 25 feet; and WHEREAS, the proposed sign size and height are consistent with the applicable code regulations contained in City Code Sec. 119-5 (5) (b). A sign variation/modification is requested to allow placement of the proposed new sign with a zero (0) foot property line setback; and WHEREAS, details regarding the requested sign variation/modification for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Report dated June 30, 2016 and the submitted application and supporting materials; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the sign variation/modification for option "B", as shown on the submitted site plan, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the sign modification/variation was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its July 5, 2016 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend Council approval of the sign variation/modification; and IM110 WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the sign variation/modification request at its July 12, 2016 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, the City Council's action on the sign variation/modification meets the City's decision requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes 15.99; and WHEREAS, in granting approval, the City Council makes the following findings of fact, based on the record: 1. The proposed size and height of the proposed sign is consistent with the applicable requirements in the sign regulations. 2. Due to the location of the new Grace Family Center building and parking lot on the property, there is limited space available for placement of a freestanding sign along Commerce Boulevard. 3. It is a reasonable for a quasi -public use to have an identification sign on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above and approve the sign variation/modification for the property at 2443' Commerce Boulevard with the following conditions: 1. As provided by City Code Sec. 119-4 (d); the City reserves the right to specify' the hours during which the sign may be lit to prevent the creation of a nuisance. 2. Lighting/glare shall meet the provisions included in the City Code. 3. Permits for installation of the freestanding sign and any required lighting shall be obtained. Applicant shall be required to contact MnSpect, the City's building official, to determine what permits are required to undertake the proposed sign installation, including any lighting that may be involved. 4. No signage shall be installed until all permits have been issued. The sign variation/modification is hereby approved for the following legally described property on the attached Exhibit A (-to be inserted-) Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk UTE EXCERPTS MOUNDIS Y PLANNING COMMISSION J U L , 2016 Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROIL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners Jason Baker, Jeffrey Bergquist, David Goode, Doug Gawtry, Jennifer Peterson, Jameson Smieja and Bill Stone. Members absent: Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Dan Gallus, 1952 Shorewood La; Carly Bell & David Mendelsohn, 1633 Finch La; Shelly Sir, 2443 Commerce Blvd (Our Lady of the Lake Church) BOARD OF APPEALS Sign Variation/Modification 2443 Commerce Boulevard Applicant: Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Smith introduced the request for a sign variation/modification to install a 29.99 square foot, double -sided, freestanding sign on the property for the new Grace Family Center currently under construction. According to City Code, one freestanding sign, not to exceed 48 square feet is allowed per street frontage in the B4 District. A 10 -foot setback is required. Maximum height allowed is 25 feet. The proposed sign and height are consistent with the regulations: The request is to allow placement of the sign with a zero foot property line setback. The applicant proposed 3 locations for the sign. Based on review and discussion with the City Manager -Public Works Director and field evaluation by the Public Works Superintendent, the location shown as option "B" on the submitted site plan is the preferred and recommended location. Staff also spoke with Steve Groen from the Hennepin County Transportation Department. Mr. Groen has no concerns as long as the sign is outside of the County Road right of way and does not affect sight distances. Discussion Stone asked if any of the illumination devices would be outside their property. Smith indicated that it would be all on their property. Shelly Sir, Volunteer Director of the Westonka Food Shelf, met with the contractor (Yanik Construction) on site. Ms. Sir stated that she is concerned that option "B" doesn't offer full visibility from the south. Ms. Sir asked if additional signage would be possible on the building itself. Smith said there were other options that could be evaluated. t Baker inquired about a I location" that was depicted on the site plan. Smith said that, according to Staff review and evaluation, option "B" is the only option that is recommended. Smith indicated the sign indicated on the plan could have been the previous sign and/or was shown on the submitted plans for the building permit for the new building. The City's approval did not include approval for a future sign. Baker asked if the sign would be perpendicular or parallel to the street. Ms. Sir stated that it would be perpendicular. Ms. Sir stated that there was a sight issue for "A" and asked if they could look at it again. Penner said that the recommended option is "B" and Smith said further evaluation would' require moving the item to a following meeting as Staffs recommendation is for option "B" based on review and discussion in cooperation with Public Works and a field evaluation. Gawtry stated that there are sight distance issues with option "A". MOTION by Gawtry, second by Stone, to recommend approval with option "B" as recommended by Staff. MOTION passed unanimously. -1710 PLANNING REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: June 30, 2016 REQUEST Sign variance/modification for 2443 Commerce Boulevard ZONING: B-1 Commercial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Linear District SUBJECT: Review of sign permit application and request for sign variation j modification Summary. The Planning Commission will review a request from Our Lady of the lake Catholic Church, submitted on June 29th, for a sign variation/modification as provided by City Code 119. 2 (e) to install a 29.99 square foot, double -sided, freestanding sign on the property locate at 2443 Commerce Boulevard which is the location of the new Grace Family Center building and includes the Westonka Food Shelf and PennyWise Thrift Store. Review Procedure. City Code Sec. 119-2 (2) allows a variation/modification to the City's sign regulations where it can be shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, that strict compliance of the regulations would cause a hardship. A variation/modification may be granted only if the variation/modification does not adversely affects the spirit or intent of Chapter 119 (Signs). Requests for a sign variation/modification requires review by the Planning Commission prior to consideration by the City Council Discussion. • The subject property includes frontage on the west side of Commerce Boulevard. • Churches and institutional/non-profit uses are permitted uses in the B-1 District • According to City Code Sec.119-5 (5) (b), one freestanding sign, not to exceed square 48 feet is allowed per street frontage in B-1 District. A 10 -foot setback is required. The maximum height allowed is 25 feet. • The proposed sign size and height are consistent with the applicable code regulations for size and height. The sign variation/modification is requested to allow placement of the proposed new sign with a zero (0) foot property line setback. -1711- ® Adjacent Uses. The abutting property to the south/west is a multiple family residential apartment complex The properties on the east side of Commerce Boulevard are commercial uses. The property on the north side includes the OLL church/school. ® A preliminary site plan was submitted and proposed three possible locations. Based on field evaluation by the Public Works Department, the location shown as "B" is the preferred and recommended site. The applicant will need to work with City and County Staff related to the road ROW to ensure that the sign is outside of the ROW. Staff spoke with Steve Groen from Hennepin County Transportation about the proposed sign. He does not have any concerns as long as the sign is outside of the County Road ROW and the proposed location does not affect sight distances. ® The City's regulations to allow for a variation/modification approval were incorporated into the City Code in October 2010. Previously, the code required variance approval. Neighboring property owners of the subject site in the vicinity of the proposed sign, per Hennepin County tax records, were notified by letter on June 30, 2016 to inform them of the sign permit request and the Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the sign permit application and request for sign variation/modification for the property at 2443 Commerce Boulevard to allow a zero (0) foot setback for a proposed new freestanding sign, subject to the following conditions: 1. As provided by City Code Sec. 119-4 (d), the City reserves the right to specify the hours during which the sign may be lit to prevent the creation of a nuisance. 2. The illuminated sign shall have a shielded light source and concealed wiring. 3. Lighting/glare shall meet the provisions included in the City Code. 4. Permits for installation of the freestanding sign and any required lighting shall be obtained. Applicant shall be required to contact MnSpect, the City's building official, to determine what permits are required to undertake the proposed sign installation, including any lighting that may be involved. 5. No signage shall be installed until all permits have been issued. In recommending approval, Staff offers the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed size and height of the proposed sign is consistent with the applicable requirements in the sign regulations. -1712- 2. Due to the location of the new Grace Family Center building and parking lot on the property, there is limited space available for placement of a freestanding sign along Commerce Boulevard. 3. It is a reasonable for a quasi -public use to have an identifications ign on the property. City Council Review. Required. At this time, possible dates for City Council consideration of the sign variation/modification request are Tuesday, July 12, 2016 or Tuesday, July 26, 2016. -1713- Westonka Food Shelf 2443 Commerce Blvd Mound, MN 55364 City of Mound Sarah J. Smith, Community Development Director 2415 Wilshire Blvd Mound, MN 55364 Dear Ms. Smith, Pursuant to your department's conversation with Shelly Sir, Director of Westonka Food Shelf, we formally request a variation for placement of Grace Family Center's new freestanding building sign. In consideration of the layout of the property and the new building location, the sign must be placed within the 13110 foot property setback requirement. Sign plans have been submitted to your office with the details of the design, square footage and placement. Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to a favorable reply. If you require additional information, please let.us know. It is our hope to have this approval obtained as soon as;possible as the building is expected to be complete in July 2016. Best Regards, Michelle L. Repp Westonka Food Shelf, Volunteer -1714- 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952-472-0600 Fax 952-472-0620 4' PERMANENT SIGN PERMIT Note: Any information supplied on this form will be considered public according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. NOTE: This is a zoning permit only. Contact MNSPECT (952-442-7520) for bldg/elect requirements. SITE Property Address / o ml7 I V G+ Zone COPIED APPROVED Business Name i t p C t rC'lk'�' Phone APPLICANT Name Q L i Email CP torr , f Phone 9J -2 i �'`t Fax /7a— I a l tr, Other OWNER Name kbav�-- Phone Fax Other SIGN Company Name sig ki CONTRACTOR Address t CL Contact Person t'I G r h C' r —Email 1A) it n G %I �'eYI C� Phone )NUMBER OF SIGNS APPLYING FR: (if more than one wall sign is being requested, see Side 2) `;chit ;Let, SIZE OF SIG RE UESTE feet high x Meet wide ® square feet FREE STANDING SIGN height from ground level to top of sign /, V fel WALL SIGN: Wall area = feet •x feet wide Number of existing wall signs: Total square feet of all existing wall signs: square fe Percentage of wall area covered by signs: square fel DESCRIBE SIGN (message, materials, illumination, etc.) : (OFFICE USE ONLY) SPECIAL CONDITIONS & COMMENTS: i � r RECEIVED BY & DATE PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED BY & DATE agar_ COPIED APPROVED ZONING -1110- square 1!10- Revised 2013 60" x 72 double sided metal sign I T MW�e tonka f f food shelf i I i PennYWise thrilt store i q,fi � .y o j fia i I i i RIBBON CURB 4. S' CURB GUT O 5&12 CURB EXISTING PLAYGROUND 1 a ARE TO REMAIN ° s ; • >ON 4' HEIGHT GI-I'AIN f UJA{v LJNK FENCE, TIE �� a INTO EXISTINCs. k / a, / �'- T h�4 EXISTING; LIGHT POLE TO ° REMAIN. / / HAc 0 IGN a / EXISTING Q� GURBy/ - UP Jim` PED. . d RAMPS a a G� ° d / MATCH EXISTING//\ 4" GONgETE ALK IbIDT� / / .033IR0 N /` ,n -1717- , /� Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 - Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952) 448-8838 - Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com July 5, 2016 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2014 Street and Utility Improvement Project — West Three Points Blvd. Street City Project No. PW -14-01 Pay Request No. 6 Dear Mr. Hoversten: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 6 from Midwest Asphalt Corporation for work completed on the 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project - West Three Points Boulevard Street, from January '7, 2016 through June 30, 2016. The amount in the Approved Change Orders and Extra Work row has been increased by $1,083.00 for extra work that was necessary but had no bid items; the work included saw cutting curbing and bituminous pavement at the gas station site. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $66,842.38 to Midwest Asphalt Corporation. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer -1718- DATE: 7/1/2016 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 6 CONTRACTOR Midwest Asphalt Corp 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENTS • WEST THREE POINTS BLVD STREET OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NOS. PW -14-01 ENGINEER Bolton& Menk BMI PROJECT NO. C12.107130 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 1/7/2016 THROUGH 6/30/2016 TOTALAMOUNT BID .. ........... ........... ....... ................................. ............................. ............... .................................. ...................................... ... $ 590.231.35 APPROVEDCHANGE ORDERS ♦ EXTRA WORK._..................................................,._...............,........................,..,........I........................ $ 13,083.00 CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT .......... ................................................_.................... ....... ..........„..,..................................... 5 603,314.35 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE............................................_..................................................................................._.. 5 569,924.35 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE .......................... ..... ..... ............. ................................_.................. ....... I-................... $ ' DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED............................................................. $ TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS........ ............ .......................... ........ .................. .........................._........... .: $ 569.924.35 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE ( 5% )-........... ..... ............... ..... ...... ._............ ....................... ........ ............. ......................... ... $ 28,496.22 TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS.... ................ ............ - ............ $ NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE................................................................................................... ............... - $ 541,428.13 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES . ............. ......................... ..........................................,......, ...........,...... $ 474,585.75 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 6 ..................... ............ ................_................................................... ...:.........,................ ....... 5 66,842.38 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the crest of my knowledge and belief, all items quantilies and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contrattor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Mdwest Asphalt Corporation 6340 Inclustriai ive, Suite #20D Eden P/jiri 55 i By 1 a� Na Date I (I CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., EN6INEE j5, 2638 SHADOW LLN, SUITE DD, CH�A.WMNSS318 >P/L.Lsc--� -7 e. Li/�. PROJECT ENGINEER By , Daniel L. Faulkner� Date 7 % i `F'j APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND l BY Name Title Date -1719- r - Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952) 448-8838 • Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com July 7, 2016 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2015 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall improvements — Grandview Blvd. & Tuxedo Blvd. City Project Nos. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 Pay Request No. 10 Dear Mr. Hoversten: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 10 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. for work completed on the 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Grandview Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard from June 3, 2016 through June 30, 2016. The amount shown as "MCES THIS ESTIMATE" will need to be invoiced to the Metropolitan Council in accordance with the Construction Cooperative Agreement number 15I032, and processed as a re -imbursement to the City. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $217,084.54 to Geislinger & Sons, Inc. Sincerely, BOL'T'ON & MENK, INC. Brian D Simmons, P.E. Assistant City Engineer DATE: 7/1/2016 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 10 CONTRACTOR Geislinger & Sons, Inc 2015 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NO. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 ENGINEER Soflon & Menk BMI PROJECT NO. C12.108886, C12.108887 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 6/3/2016 THROUGH 6/30/2016 TOTALAMOUNT BID .......................... ......... ......... ......... ................: .................. ...... .......... $ 3,682,938.25 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS a EXTRA WORK........................................................................................ $ 163,170.42 CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT............................................................I.......................... ......... $ 3,846,108.67 TOTAL, CITY COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 2,370,400.22 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 957,258.61 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE........................................................................................................................ $ 3,327,658.83 TOTAL, MOUND STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ TOTAL, MCES STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ ' TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE .................................................... ............................... ......... $ MOUND DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ ' MCES DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ ' DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED................................................................... $ - TOTAL, MOUND COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 2.370,400.22 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 957,258.61 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS................................................................................................ $ 3,327,658.83 MOUND RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) $ 118,520.01 MCES RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) $ $ 47,862.93 166,382.94 RETAINEDPERCENTAGE 5.0% )............................................................................................... MOUND AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ . MCES AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ ' TOTALAMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS...................................................... ............................. I....... I................ $ MOUND AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 2,251,880.21 MCES AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 909,395.68 NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE......................................................................................................... $ 3,161,275.89 TOTAL, MOUND AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 2,064,287.27 TOTAL, MCES AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 879,904.07 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES.................................................................................................... $ 2,944,191.35 CITY OF MOUND THIS ESTIMATE $ 187,592.94 MCES THIS ESTIMATE $ 29,491.60 PAYCONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 10................................................................................................................. $ 217,084.54 -1721- Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Geisiinger & Sons, Inc, 511 Central Ave. S. P.O. Bax 437 Watkins, MN 55389 BY Name Title Date CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 BY, -!2f—::'! ��-' = CITY ENGINEER Date 7/5/2016 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND r By Name Title Date -1722- Partial Pay Estimate No.: 10 2014 STREET, UTILITY 6 RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT N0. PW.16.0i, PW -14-02, PW -14-03 CITY OF MOUND, MN- ww oonJGrr un. C42.4o8HB8. 012105857 WORK COMPLETED THROUGH June 34 2016 r i r r'L # j, 4 �.r ':,f;6p `a• via _. ttl ��.. a". ..Y" *x ;";, ;;.I .„M _ - - PARTA: SECTION 1: WD -RATA 5100000. 7 LUMP 100000.00 0.06 LLM4P 6LRA $6000.00 1LUMPSUM 100000.00 1 2 MOBILIZATION FIELD OFFICE TYPE D 320.000.001 1 LUMP SUM : 520 000.00 LLZNP SUM >.. 1 LUMP SLIM i LUMP SUM " 520 000. 00 116.000.00 3 TRAFFlCCONTROL SB 000.00 _.1 LUMP SUM 000.00 0.03 LUMP SUM! 400.00 SECTION 2: GRANDVIEW 4 REMOVALS: REMOVE SEWER PIPE TORM 10.00 100 LIN FT 5t 000.00 LW FT 684 9133 UN FT LW FT 36640.00 6 5 REMOV WATERMAIN $2.00 3234 LIN FT .468.00 LIN FT EACH EACH •66.00 6 DISPOSE LEAD WATER SERVICE 5200.00 2 EACH 00.00 LB LB 7 DISPOSE LE WATERMAIN FITTING $10.00 100 =: LB 31000.00 UN FT 10 LIN FT $50.00 8 REMOVc FORCE MAIN S5.0D 5.00 20 5830 LIN FT LIN FT 100.00 8150.00 UN FT 6868 LIN FT - $28.280.00 B ::. REMOVE CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTER REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT ANDSIDEWALK - 1.00 6420 SOFT SS.020.0D SOFT 4865 :. SO FT.- 4655.00 10 11 REMOVE BRUMINOU5 DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT - SB.OD 776 8 YD : 2325.00 80 YD - 925 8 SO YO EACH $2,775.00 51,20D.130 _ 12 .:.REMOVE HYDRANT 150.00 8 EACH ITI,200.00 EACH EACH 13 EACH:, 52800-00 13 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE $200.00 9 EACH SILOW.00 EACH 10 EACH : 5650.00 14 REMOVE CASTING ANITAR 50.00 350.00 10 1 EACH EACH 3600.00 $350.00 EACH '-1 .:EACH 60.00 15 RE MOVESANRARYMANHOLE 510.00 20 UN FT - 5200.00 UN FT 18 SALVAGE MODULAR BLOCK WALL 575.00 15 EACH 1125.00 12 EACH 5800.00 12 H EACH 900.00 17 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C aOD 120 SO FT : 720.00 SOFT 32 -80 FT $192.00 98 19 SALVAGE PAVERS SALVAGE 8 INSTALL FLAOFOLE 51,M0.00 1 EACH $1000.00 EACH 6 �`� EACH $800• 00 20 SALVAGE CASTING SANITARY 100.00 8 FACH $800.00 EACH EACH 5 EACH 21 BALVAOE CASTING STOR 8100.00 3 EACH UN 1260.00 LM FT 175 LIN FT Si.l 00 22 ABANDON SANITARY SEWER 10.00 tt.OD 128 1070 EE LIN FT : 511110.00 LIN FT 885 FT S981500 - 23 24 ABANDON F0 MAIN REMOVE MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES .$75.00 20 CU YD 1600.00 CU YD 3 CULIN CU TREE Si 350.00 25 - .CLEARING 6 GRUBBING 460.00 32 TREE 514 400.00 TREE ..ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION! 51200 3732 CU YD 784.00 CU YD 3732 CU YD 544 784.00 26 COMMON EXCAVATION P 611.00 635 CU Yo 5885,00 CU YD $85 Cu YO 8215.00 27 28 SUBGRADEEXCAVATION E SUBGRADEEX.REPLACEMENT RANULARBORRO C 518.00 535 CUYD 8830.00 °CUYD 17 OND 308.07 29 - STABILDHNGAGGREGATEII/2'MINUS '. b23.90 180: TON 4140.00 TON 768 TON 19200.40 30 :.STABILIZINGAGGREGATE3'CLEAR 6.00 180. TON $4, 2.0D TON SO YD 107 0 SO YO S 300.00 31 SUBGRA E PREPARAMON P 59.00 5200 14710. 10710 SO YD 80 YD .390.00 521420.00 SO YD -10710 BOYO -_`.521420.00 32 33 GEOTEXTILEFABRICTYPEV P AGGREGATE BABE C CLA68 5 1 DOYi CRUSHED . 30.00 3090 CU YD 582700.00 CU YD -- '. : 9400 CU YD TON 102 000.00 588 44.00 34 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIX (3 10) .00 1146 TON 575 570.00 TON 90841 SD YD - 572 72.00 1034 9084 - SO YD : 2 872 35 TYPE SP 8.6 WEARING COURSE MIX 4 8 1.6- THICK 8.00 8980 SO YD 1 ON 00 WATERMAIN: 500.00 2 EACH 51000.00 EACH 1 EACH 5500.00 38 E%PLORATORY E%CAVATION 52.00 10710 SO YO 521420.00 SO YD 9500 SO YD : Sio 000.00 37 ....TEMPORARY TRENCH RESTORATION TON 026.00 TON TON AGGREGATE BEDDING .00 5?50A0 .175 53 EACH 13 .DO EACH 53 EACH 19260. TEMPO 500.DD 2 EAC00 H 7000.00 EACH 2 EACH 7000.0000 U4(j TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE- PECIAL 500.00 6 EACH 8000.00 EACH 7 EACH .. 0.00 63 EACH 19 260.00 00 600.40 :8 EACH 536000.00 EACH 5 EACH DOO.OD HYDRANT -1723- -1724- -1725- .91 M, 98 LANDSCAPE ALLOWANCE "IM-19;LLOWANCI MEWS 99 I TURF RESTORATION, EROSION CONTROL: TOPSOIL BORROW 125.001 070 Cu YD 324,375.0C CUYD 859 1" CU YD - 147500 loo &T FE TYPE MACHINE SLICED 1110.001 90 LIN FT 59DD.00 LIN 20 LIN FT 120000 101 SILT CURTAIN TYPE STILL WATER FLOTA7=, SZO.DDI 50 LIN FT 81000.00 IN FT LIN FT 102 FILTER LOG imoROLL IZ' BTE!6W-ODI $5.501 125 LIN FT LIN FT - LIN FT 103 SANDBAG BARRIER -RM SIOD. 17 EACH EACH 10 EACH EACH 1800.00 104 90 DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SISM801 9 EACH 1390.00 EACH 4177 SD YD 5999815 105 HYDROMULCHW/25.151 SEEOMIX SZ251 4275 SQ YD $9,018.75 80 YD 105 SODDING TYPE LAWN $11.O0I 200 80 YD 82,21ID.01) UQ YD so YD SECTION 3: TUXEDO 107 PRORATA; CONSTRUCTION SIGN -SPECIAL $2500.00 2 EACH $5000.00 EACH EACH 108 PORTABLE CONCRETE RIER 00 Goo LIN FT 17600.00 LM FT 600 540 LIN FT HOUR $13 00,00 535,100.00l IDD 110 FLAG PERS67N TEMPORARYTRENCH RE6TORATfON $3.00 720 11571 HOUR BOYD 4134,713 SO YD .00 IOM 60 YD $31308.00 III REMOVALS: REMOVE SEWER 11P 1 $10.00 128 LIN FT *1,29D.OD LIN Fr 115 I ".2 REMOVE SEWER PIPE SANITARY zoo 70 LN FT 140.00 _LIN Fr eo IMF LNl FT LN FT 120. S3136.00 Ia REMOVE WATER MAIN zool 1730 LIN FT 400.00 LIN rr FACH 114 DISPOSE LEAD WATER SERVICE $100.001 2EACH 1200.00 EACH UO LIN FT $700. 00 115 116 REMOVE WOOD FENCE _ REMOVE CONCRETE CURB , GUTTER $5.001 $5.001 j 0 149 4700 UN FT LIN FT 9700-00 $23 800.00 FT LIN FT 4832 UN FT $24,160.00 117 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVE] $1.00 lZ5N 860 00.00, $0 FT 78044 60 FT $16.044.00 116 REMOVE SITU $3.00 YD %025 co 643 80 YD $1.929.00. 119 REMOVE HYDRANT 5200.00 2 EACH 400.00 EACH -H 2 11 EACH EACH $4D0.0D J S2.2DO,001 120 REMOVE 4=D. 10 EACH 42 000 ou EACH I C S3DO.001 121 REMOVE SANITARY MANHOLE $300.00 I EACH EACH 1 EACH SCASTING (SANITARY) W100 35.00 14 65D EACH LIN FT $700 w $ 3,250.00 EACH LIN FT 878 LIN FT 'RouXul $3.390.OD I 124 REMOVE LOCK WA a LL F_ REMOVE WOOD RETAINING WALL $&DI) 215 LIN FT $1,075.DD -1 UN FT 166 LIN FT 1221 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C $75.00 3 EACH 225.00 3 EACH 5225 26.00 128 ALVA.1$5.001 450 80 FT $2,250.00 76 SQ FT 125 eQ FT 127 SALVAGE MOU R BLOCK WALL $8100i 60 LIN FT 5400.00 LIN Fr LIN FT EACH I Z8 AGE BOLLARDPOST EACH 2 EACH 00,00 ,., 'AGE CASTING ISANITARY ) W -(8TM-ML- $100.001 2 EACH mp S20D.00 EACH 7 EACH 700,00 130 SALVAGE UAWNG $IDO.O 7- $700.00 FACH 6 CUYD 545400 131 REMOVE MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES 75 25 CUYD $I.mm CU YD TREE $16,200,00 132 CLEARING & GRUBBING 345040 45 TREE $20,2W00 TREE 36 33 ROADWAY 00013TRUCTION: COMMON EXCAVATION(P) (EV) sum 4100 CUYD 549.200,00 CUYD MOD.CUYD $0200,001 - 121 §UfflRADE $11.00 580 CUYD $e 380.00 CUYD ffs Cu YO $8,019,00 138 E OEM (GRANULAR BORROW) rGV) ISGRAF S18.00 580 CUYD $10,440.00 CUYD 35 CUYD TON $628.00 136 STABILIZING AGGREGATE I la"FANUS $23.00 200 TON $4.6=00 TON 945 TON M 0501.. - 137 STABILIZING AGGREGATE 3'CLEARDo %.DU TON 155.0011DO TON -- So YD $ - 138 SLISGRADE PREPARATION IPI 42 11571 BOYD $92968.00 ra.142. I BO YD 'BO 11611 11571 SO YD .0 14zc 139 GE91MLE FA 100% FRUSHED $3M 33115 3237 CUYD: 97110 141 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIX 13-5) $67.00 1340 TON 38 1 1251 . TON SQ 583817.00 142 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING CUUR5E MIA (1,B) 1.5' (HICK $8.00 10540 SQYU 384320.00 SO YD 65 is YD $3240.0 143 HAUL ROUTE PATCHING $180.00 20 TON 9800.00 TON �T SO YD 144 MILL SITLIMINOUS PAVEMENT 1.5" DEPTH 316.00 340 BO YD 45,440. 80 YD 145 WATER MAIN.' AGGREGATE BEDDING 6.00 IW TON $Z500.00 TON 1 32 TON $0600. W TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE sm.w 30 - EACH sli C 7 66DI EACH H .EACH 00 147 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAN T EACH $2.21 sa -25D. -DO in CONNECT To ExisTe WATER SERVICE m 39 EACH 49,750.Wi EACH -1725- .w 4 EKE ... ,, .. ON . 149 HYDRANT:- 500.00 3 EACH -$13600.00 EACH 9 EACH. 5/8600.00 160 HYDRANT EXTENSION 600.00 1 LIN FT s6moo LIN FI 2.6 LIN FT 1 500.00 $1,500. - 151 r CORPORATION STOP 5160.00 39 EACH 860.00 EACH 38 EACH 670.. 162 6' GATE VALVE AND BOX 51 700.0. 4 EACH 58 8OQ00 ON EACH - 4 EACH 8DOA0 153 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX 200.0. 1 EACH F - EACH 1 EACH 54 200.00 164 iD'OATE VALVE ANDBOX 43000... 4 EACH Y200D.00 EACH 5 -.BEACH 16000. 166 CUT IN B" QATE VALVE AND BOX 34, 0.001 1 EACH $4 wo 001 EACH 2 EACH 59.0w.00 156 V CURB STOP AND BOX .5280.00 3B EACH 40.75..00 EACH 37 EACH E9�60A0 -1726- MW49 ga Ism jgml��N... US COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY 9.5' THICK / S' AGG S4.W 600 90 FT 400.00 SOFT FT CURB&G ERDESK3N8618 512.00 d700 -'UNFi 56.400.00 LIN 4832 UN FT $57904. E CURB DE6tGN V 18.011 50 LIN FT 8110.00 - LIN FT UN FT DRIVEWAYIPED, RAMP PAVEMENT /4' AGG. BASE $6.00 60 FT 3900000 110 SO Fi 0.00 6289 FT 734.00 ED ANDIOR COLORED CONCRETE !d' ACG. BAS $33.00 160 SO FT $4 950.00 SO FT : - :80 FT208. 4CONCRETE WALK 14" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 4.00 10000 : 80 FT 0 000.00 7365.. 60 FT $29,40D.00 8835: SO FT 6340.00 208 STEP 427.00 50 .SO FT "bacal DO SOFT 430.00 90 80 FT $2430,00 210 .CONCRETE TRUNCAT ED OOMEB $34.00 80 -SO FT S2.99zool 16 SO FT $544.OD 80 SO FT 720.00 211 INSTALL PAVERS (S"GeDI 38.001450 60 FT $3,600,001 76 SOFT $808.00 05 80 FT $880.00 212 IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND DOG FENCE ALLOWANCE MOW= 1iLLOWANCt 5000.00 1LLOWANCI mlOWANC[ 213 WOOD RAIL FENCE 14.00 : 140 LIN FT 1980.00 LM FT 130 IN.FT St 820.00 214 :-: INSTALL BOLLARD POST 200.00 3 EACH $=.00 EACH EACH 215.:INSTALL MODULAR BLOCKRETAINING WALL SALVAGED $10.00 50 LIN FT $600.00 UN FT LAI FT 210 MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL . $20.00 4400 60 FT 00000 1338 60 FT 26,720.00 3495 80 FT.: 19,11 217 LANDSCAPE ALLOWANCE - 20O00.0D 1kLLOWANCI000.00 1LLOWANcl %LLOWANCI 218 TURF RESTORATION, IOROWON CONTRO TOPSOIL BORROW L 25.00 SW CU YD $23 780.00 - CU YD 19D CU YD $4 75u.00 219 ' SILT FEM $7.00 $5.00 300 BW UN FT LIN FT <52 100.00 i3 259.00 LIN FT 280 LKFT S1400A0 1124 UN FT UNFT WNW.00 270 ! SILT FEN ) EACH EACH 221 SANDBAG BARRIER 4150.00 11 EACH 31.8m.00 18 EACH $2,70000 222 223 STORM DRAIN IN T PROTECTION EROSION CONTROL 8 KET CAT. 3 W133.261 SEED MIX 150.00 34.00 i6 460 EACH 8Q YD 700.00 1040.00 EACH 80 YD 220 BQ YD 3880.00 224 HVDROMULCH W125.151 SEED MIX 2.50 3850 SO VD 9125.00 SO YO SO YD 225 SODDING TYPE LAWN 11.00 200 SO YO $2 00.00 SO YD 60 YD SECTION 4: STREET PATCH MN BREAKS 4 CU YD 228 COMMON EXCAVATION E MN BREAKS $13:00 200 CUYO 2600.00 CU YD 425 SQ YD --$52.00 5100.00 227 BUBGRADE PREPARATION WMN BREAKS 512.00 600 80 VD L7.200 00 SQ YD C CLASS$ 100% CRUSHED MNBREA $30.00 140 CU YO :. $4 00 CU YD CU YD .228AGGREGATEBASE 229 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MD( 9 S WMN OR $116.00 80 - TON 9,2 00.00 TON - T� 23D TYPE SP 9.5 WEARMG COURSE MIX (4,01 1.5' THICK WWN UR 13,00 SW SO YD 7 800.00 - SQ YO -SO YD 231 TYPE LV4 WEAR COURSE MIX B 2.0" DRIVEWAY fWl W AGG. 53.00 SIX 80 FT R40D.001- - 784 SOFT S 362.00 784 60 FT: 352. oo 232 W CONCRETE. DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 14' AGGREGATE SASE 00 350 SO FT 100.00 FT 284 SQ FT 1,704. .233 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER DESIGN ANY 0.00 50 UN FT TOTAL PART A: 1000.00 $2,571, LIN FT TOTALPARTA: $224910,00 286 LW FT ...TOTALPARTAI $5360.00 533574,46 PART S: MCES INTERCEPTOR CONSTRUCTION: 1 SANITARY FORCE MAIN TRENCHED IO' PVC 6" DIA. $00.00 95D UN FT 35T,01)(1.00 LIN F7 982.6 LIN FT 750.00 2 SANITARY EWER. TRENCHED 10.16' PVC 12" GIA. 130.00 1675 UN FT 5243750.00 LIN FT 1ffi5 ON FT 24 450.00 3 ROCK STABILIZATION 522.00 1600 TON 9800.00 TON 449.99 TON $9899,T8 4 6' SERVICE PIPE $70.00 200 UN FT 14 ODD.00 LIN FT LIN FT 5 ALLOWANCE FOR UTILITY RELOCATIONS $/o0000.00 '"' "' 10000000 1 EACH $15000.00 8 MAINTENANCE ACCES6 ST RUCTURE 80'DIA. 0.10' $15000.00 1 EACH $15 DW.00 EACH 7 MAINTENANCE ACCESS STRUCTURE BG" DA. 1G-15 1B 000.00 7 EACH 12.000.00 EACH 7 EACH 112000.00 B FM DISCHARGE MAtNTFNANCEACCESS 5TRUCTURE 7Y DIA. $28000.00 t EACH 520000.00 EACH 1 EACH 5000. 00 9 VFI MAINTENANCE ACCESS STRUCTIRRE 72' VA.10.15' 000.00 3 EACH 484000.00 EACH 9 EACH $84000. 00 10 VORTEX FLOW INSERT S7 5DD.00 3 EACH $22.5W.00 EACH 2 EACH EACH $6 11 6' VALVE AND VALVE SOX . .000.00 1 EACH3 OW.00 EACH 1 EACH ,000.00 44000.00 12 12' VALVE AND VALVF BOX 000.00 $6.00 1 1000 EACH LS 4 OW.00 SB 000.00 EACH LB 338 LB $2,704.00 13 14 FORCE MAIN FITTINGS LIFT STATION METERING MODIFICATIONS 11120.OW,00 1 LUMP SUM 520000,00 LUMP 6UM 1 LUMP SUM $20000. 15 TEMPOkARYCONVEYANCE 000.00 1 LUMPSiIM S400W.W LUMP BUM t LtRdPSUM 000.00 16 CASTING ADJUSTMENT 5000.0012 EACH 3800.00 12 EACH 3800,00 12 EACH $3600.00 17 LIFT STATION ACCESS MODIFICATIONS 515 DW.00 1 LUMP SUM 515 000.00 LUMP SUM 1 LUMP SUM.115. TOTAL TB: 5608,460,00 TOTAL PART 6: 3,$00.00 TOTALPARTB: 637.403.78 1 PART C: ALTERNATE: GRANDVIEW SIDEWALK REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT AND BIDEW.ALK $3.00 194 SOFT 562.00 SOFT 240 60FT $720,00 2 CROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY 116.00 00 SQ FT $54D.00 6Q FT 85 FT - SQ F7 6510.00 3 G" CONIC, ORIVEWAYtPED. RAMP PAVEMENT f 4' AGG. BASE $&OD 115 SOFT 969D.00 8Q FT MW49 -1728- o Consulting Engineers & Surveyors " 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 t Phone (952) 448-8838 - Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com July 5, 2016 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2016 Crack Seal Project City Project No. PW -16-07 Pay Request No. 1 and Final Dear Mr. Hoversten: Please find enclosed the Invoice from Precision Seal Coating for crack seal work recently completed on the North Island area streets (2012 Street Reconstruction area) along with some minor additions. The quantity of material used to complete the designated streets exceeded the estimated quantity by 1,850 pounds of material which resulted in an additional amount of $2,506.75. The process of estimating the quantity of crack fill material needed is rather inexact, so the quantity used is considered reasonable. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $8,604.25 to Precision Sealcoating Inc. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENIK, INC. Brian D. Simmons, P.E. Assistant City Engineer -1729- PhRECISION Sealcoating Inc. Date: 6/27/2016 This Is A Invoice To: City Of Mound (MN) FOR: 2016 Crack Repair Project 5341 Maywood Road Contact: Dan Faulkner Mound., MN 55364 Phone: 1-952-448-8838 1-612-756-3382 Fax: 1-952-448-8805 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Invoicing For The Work Performed Attention: Dan Faulkner (1-612-756-3382) All Work Completed On Schedule Per Contract C/P #P.W.-16-07 Contract For The 2016 Crack Filling Bid That Was Complete As Per Cities Budget 6,350 Pounds Applied 0 $1.355 $8,604.25 Start Date & Completed : 6-22-2016 Invoice Number: #1091 See Attached Street Maps/Sheets Thanks Again Precision's Authorized Signature <5�,&-),me Date: 6/27/2016 FEDERAL ID# 39-18-14017 STATE ID# 514407 TOTAL $8,604.25 Make all checks payable to: Precision Sealcoating Inc. Payment is due within 30 days of Invoice upon completion. Payments not received when due will incur a late payment charge that will be computed at the rate of 18% APR. if you have any questions concerning this please contact Bob Wedde Owner (920) 229-3306 N6450 River Road PHONE (920) 229-3306 Princeton, Wl FAX (920) 295-6709 54968 -1730- Executive Summary TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Rita Trapp, Consulting City Planner DATE: July 6, 2016 SUBJECT: 1861 Commerce Boulevard Applicant: Trident Development, LLC Public Hearings 1) Review of Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat (PC Case No. 16-11) 2) Conditional Use Permit (PC Case No. 16-12) Additional Review Variance (PC Case No. 16-17) REQUEST SUMMARY At its July 12th meeting, the City Council will hold public hearings and consider applications submitted by Roger Fink, on behalf of Trident Development, LLC, for multiple land use approvals and subdivision approval for the redevelopment of 1861 Commerce Boulevard for a 72 -unit senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing project. The site of the former Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses, the project will combine three existing lots on Dutch Lake to create one lot for development and one undevelopable outlot. The property owner, Great Southern Bank, has signed the applications. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat and a conditional use permit for a Shoreland Planned Development Area (PDA) and to build a multi -family rental housing project with more than six units. As part of the PDA, the following 6 variances are requested: building height, side yard setbacks, number of efficiency units, minimum floor area for efficiency and one bedroom units, required parking, and shoreland tiering. The proposed project will include 52 assisted living apartment units and 20 memory support studio units. CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING REQUIREMENTS The City Code requires that a City Council public hearing Js required for review of preliminary plat, rezoning and conditional use permit applications. The public hearing notice was published in the Laker on July 2, 2016 and posted on the City Hall bulletin board on June 28, 2016. The public hearing notice was mailed to all affected property owners located within 350 feet of the subject properties on June 30 2016. NVkJ PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this case at their June 7, 2016. A public hearing was held for the Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat. Neighborhood residents attended and expressed concerns about the project, particularly as it related to stormwater, tree removal, and view impacts to Dutch Lake. Minutes have been prepared for your review. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit, and Variance applications. RECOMMENDATION Given Staff and the Planning Commission recommendations for approval, resolutions have been prepared for your consideration. Please note that the conditional use permit and variances have been combined into one resolution. -1732- RESOLUTION NO. 16-_ "'ESOLUTION TO APPROVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PRESERVE PLANNING CASE ,, PID •14-117-24-14-0001 PID No. r00 PID No. 14-117-24-14-0004 WHEREAS, the applicant, Trident Development, LLC, has submitted a preliminary plat application to plat the proposed Dutch Lake Preserve as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the subject site is generally located between Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) and Dutch Lake in the City of Mound at the address of 1861 Commerce Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the property has not previously been platted; and WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to subdivide the site into one platted parcel, 7.12 acres in size, and one outlot; and WHEREAS, the site has been guided by the Comprehensive Plan for medium density residential and is zoned R-3 Multiple Family Residential; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at its June 7, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed Dutch Lake Preserve major subdivision -preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, after its review, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve the preliminary plat request subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its July 12, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed major subdivision -preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety, or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls. -1733- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the major subdivision -preliminary plat based on the following findings of fact: a. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the type of development and use being proposed. c. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The major subdivision -preliminary plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit and variance applications. b. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the preliminary plat application. c. Wetland buffers shall be placed around all wetlands in accordance with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District requirements. d. The wetlands and wetland buffers shall be placed within a drainage and utility easement. e. Conditions set forth by the City Engineer in his April 29, 2016 letter shall be addressed. f. Sewer calculations shall be provided to determine if the C-5 lift station has the capacity to handle the extra sewage flow related to the proposed 72 -unit project. g. Applicant shall upsize the loop service connection from a single -pipe to a 10 -inch dual pipe for improved water quality. h. -Applicant shall add walkways from all parking areas to the building. i. A sign permit is required for all future signage that is installed or erected on the site as required by City Code Chapter 119. -1734- j. Final design of any ADA parking spaces shall be approved by the Building Official. k. Applicant shall submit a lighting photometric plan that meets the requirements of the code. 1. The building materials and color scheme shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City. m. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. n. The MCES SAC charge for the project shall be determined as part of final plat which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. A MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing house and greenhouse structures/uses. o. Sewer and watermain area trunk charges for the project shall be determined as part of the final plat. The current trunk charge for sewer and water, per unit, is $2000.00 each. p. The park dedication fee amount shall be determined as part of the final plat as provided by City Code Seca 121.121. q. Sewer connection and water connection fees shall be determined as part of the final plat. The 2016 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. r. The need for a development agreement, or similar agreement, shall be determined as part of the City's consideration of the final plat. Adopted by the City Council this 12th of July, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor -1735- APPROVE CONDITIONAL UPERMITS AND VARIANCES FOR DUTCH LAKE PRESERVE PLANNING CASE • AND 16-17 PID 000 PID No. 00i DNo.000 WHEREAS, the applicant, Trident Development, LLC, has submitted conditional use permit and variance applications for the development of Dutch Lake Preserve as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the subject site generally located between Commerce Boulevard (County Road 110) and Dutch Lake in the City of Mound at the address of 1861 Commerce Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the applicant has proposed a planned development area (PDA) for the purposes of developing a 72 -unit senior, assisted living/memory-care rental housing facility on the site; and WHEREAS, multiple family residential uses with more than six units are conditionally permitted in the R-3 Multiple Family Residential district; and FiERAS, planned development areas (PDAs) are processed using a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested multiple variances for the planned development area (PDA); and WHEREAS, City Code Section 129-39 (a) identifies the following criteria to be used when evaluating requests for variances: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the -1736- terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. and WHEREAS, "practical difficulties" is defined in City Code Section 129-2 as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. WHEREAS, details regarding the requested conditional use permit and variances for the proposed project are contained in the Planning Commission report for the June 7, 2016 meeting and the submitted application and supporting materials from the applicant; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit and variances subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the conditional use permit and variance applications at its June 7, 2016 meeting and recommended Council approval, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its July 12, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the proposed conditional use permit application; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety, or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the approval addressing these considerations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the practicality of the request, taking into consideration the present and future development of the property and the requirements of the Zoning, Subdivision Ordinances, and other official controls; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: -1737- 1. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the conditional use permit based on the following findings of fact: a. The proposed use of the site is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. b. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for type of development and use being proposed. c. Outlot A, which cannot be developed, will serve as a buffer between the development and Dutch Lake. d. The proposed development is providing adequate utilities and drainage. e. The proposed development has sufficiently considered traffic impacts and access. f. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the variances as requested by the applicant based on the following findings of fact: a. It is reasonable that the applicant seeks to use the site for a senior assisted living and memory care facility. b. The use of the site for an assisted living and memory care facility is in keeping with the land use designation identified in the Comprehensive Plan. c. The variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. d. The applicant has sought to protect the wetlands on the site and create a buffer for Dutch Lake through the establishment of Outlot A. These protections have reduced the development area on the site which results in the need for a slightly higher building and reduced side yard setbacks. The surrounding commercial, institutional, and multi -family uses will not be significantly impacted by these variances. e. The building has been set back over 200 feet from Commerce, reducing the view of the building from the road and lowering the impact the additional 4.5 feet of building height may have. f. The reduction in the size of the units is reasonable given that assisted living and memory care facilities seek to have larger common areas and smaller units to encourage socialization among residents. g. Allowing more than 20% efficiency units is reasonable given that the entire memory care unit is comprised of efficiencies and the assisted living unit has no efficiencies. h. The reduction in the amount of parking required is reasonable given that the facility is a memory care and assisted living facility and will have significantly fewer residents who drive and the facility will have a bus that helps to transport residents in the community. The waiver of a fence for the south parking area is reasonable given that the adjacent property is a school rather than residential homes and there is a grade difference between the properties such that the lights from cars will not be directed onto the school parking area. 3. The conditional use permit and variances are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a. Concurrent approval of the major subdivision -preliminary plat application. b. Applicant shall comply with any applicable state licensing requirements for the facility. c. Payment of all fees associated with review of City's review of the conditional use permit and variance applications. d. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System and included as Exhibit A. e. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow. The applicant is advised that the resolution(s) will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. f. This conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. g. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow. -1739- Adopted by the City Council this 12th of July, 2016. Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -1740- NOTICE OF MOUND CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER MAJOR SUBDIVISION -PRELIMINARY PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR "DUTCH LAKE PRESERVE" SUBMITTED BY TRIDENT DEVELOMENT, LLC FOR THE PROPERTY AT 1861 COMMERCE BOULEVARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building (former City Hall), 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, to hold a public hearing for review of a Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat and related site plans for Dutch Lake Preserve. A public hearing will also be held to review a Conditional Use Permit application (Shoreland Planned Development Area and Multiple Dwelling Structure Over 6 Units). The applications and plans were submitted by Trident Development, LLC for the property located at 1861 Commerce Boulevard which consists of PID No. 14-117-24-14-0001, PID No. 14-117-24-14-0003 and PID No. 14-117-24-14-0004 ("Subject Property.") The Subject Property, is commonly known as the former Anthony's Floral property, and is proposed to be redeveloped as a 72 -unit, senior assisted -living / memory care rental housing facility. As part of the public hearings for the Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit, variances for the proposed project will also be considered. The submitted applications and supporting information about the proposed project are available for viewing at City Hall during regular office hours or by appointment. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting. By: Jill Norlander Planning and Building Inspections Published in the Laker on July 2, 2016 -1741- MINUTE EXCERPTS • r ADVISORY COMMISSION Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners David Goode, Bill Stone, Pete Wiechert, Jameson Smieja, and Jennifer Peterson. Members absent: Jason Baker, Doug Gawtry, and Jeffrey Bergquist. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Gerald Vandam, 5816 Grandview Blvd; Blake Hopkins, Aeon; Kathy Bergquist, 2645 Halstead La; Chris Rydrych, 5510 Spruce Rd; Chris Carlson, 5547 Spruce Rd; Wayde Fleener, 6020 Aspen Rd; Aubrie Gould, Aeon; Ellen Gomoll, 5508 Breezy Rd; Terry Starkey, 5508 Breezy Rd; Jim Turner; Cheri Erickson; Sherrie Pugh, 5567 Spruce Rd; Pat & Dianne Brickley, 5514 Spruce Rd; Millie & Gene Snyder, 4749 S Lake Sarah Dr, Independence; Roger Fink, Trident Development. BOARD OF APPEALS 1861 Commerce Boulevard (Dutch Lake Preserve) Applicant:Trident Development" PC Case No. 16-11 Preliminary Plat -Major Subdivision (Public Hearing) PC Case No. 16-12 Conditional Use Permit PC Case No. 16-13 Variances Sarah Smith explained the process for the meeting/public hearing. Smith continued to describe the project and zoning issues to be discussed. The applicant, Roger Fink of Trident Development LLC, has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of a 72 -unit senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing facility. The development will combine 3 existing lots on Dutch Lake to create one lot for development and one undevelopable outlot. To be considered is a preliminary plat, conditional use permit, and variances (building height, side yard setbacks, number of efficiency units, minimum floor area for efficiency and one bedroom units, parking and shoreland tiering). Rita Trapp explained the site plan and its various features impacting the design of the project. Trapp reviewed the Comprehensive Plan designation of Medium Density Residential and how the proposal meets that designation. The Conditional Use Permit establishes the dimension and design standards of a Planned Development Area. A CUP is required for this type of multi -family use. There are multiple variances required due to the extensive use of this property. Trapp continued to detail the variances, their impact on the project and reasoning behind the variance requests. The DNR has a shoreland tiering system. Those regulations don't exactly fit this type of development. There is more density in tier 3 than is recommended. Staff feels that the applicant has done what they can with the site, especially considering that 3 -level construction is not taken into consideration by the DNR model, which is generally single family,in nature. Other City Code regulations have been met by the applicant. Staff feels that the variances requested have met the criteria for variance approval. This site is somewhat difficult to development with both Dutch Lake and the wetlands. There are 2 filtration basins to aid in stormwater management on site. MAN This is a good addition to the area in terms of type of product needed in the city. The setback from Commerce helps to screen the project from public view. Smieja asked where the required minimum unit sizes came from, Smith thought that they originated from HUD numbers. Smieja referred to the discussion in the report regarding parking size and the market studies. He wanted to know what the general feeling of staff was regarding the need for more specific site studies. Trapp replied that, because of the specific nature of the project, staff relied more on the applicant to help with those numbers. Smieja noticed that consideration was requested from Hennepin County Public Works regarding a paved walk to the current north/south sidewalk on the east side of the property. He did not see any reference to that in the conditions requiring follow through. Trapp said it may have been an oversight. Smieja asked if it should be added to the conditions. Trapp thought it should be added. Smith thought a condition should be added that any recommendation by Hennepin County Transportation shall be satisfactorily addressed by the applicant. Stone asked if employee parking has been taken into consideration. Trapp suggested that the applicant address that question, then, the commission can give feedback as to what information should be provided the council to be more helpful in their decision. Penner mentioned the 8 foot vs. 9 foot ceilings and roof pitch. Trapp responded that with such a large site and the building set back far from the lake and the road, 9 foot ceilings and the pitch were acceptable. Roger Fink (Trident Development LLC) detailed their 10 -year experience with senior housing. The minimum square footage of housing units came from HUD or FHA standard requirements. Those requirements are mainly designed to control market rate for general family housing. That is different than fully -staffed senior care housing. Memory care efficiencies are designed to get the resident out of their studio room to socialize and participate in activities. The employee parking requirement is based on the largest shift, which they are anticipating to involve 25 employees. Mr. Fink continued to cite statistics on the different client types and car use. In Mound, the plan is for (25) units for largest shift, 10 units for guests and visitors, and 43 spaces for residents. Mr. Fink stated that building height could be met with 8 -foot ceilings and 4/12 pitch; however, market expectations are 9 -foot ceilings and 6/12 pitch. He also demonstrated and described the building materials being planned for use in the project. Smieja restated his concern about the Hennepin County Transportation walkway request. Mr. Fink stated that plans have been revised since the memo was received. If the revision doesn't meet that requirement it will be revisited. The plans for a walkway along the lake have been dropped due to ADA and liability issues. Stone asked, given the type of facility, are there special security/lighting plans. Mr. Fink related that LED light use has increased significantly in the past years and quality, natural light is a design priority. More window space is planned than is required. Parking lots will be lit at night with timers and/or solar switches. Building is pet friendly. Security systems in the memory care area have personal and doorway monitoring as well as help buttons. Other areas have help buttons as well as security cameras. -1743- Smieja referenced the previous commercial zoning of the property and wanted to know what the previous setbacks would have been. Smith/Trapp replied that they would have been 50 feet on the lake (west), 50 feet on the south, 30 feet on the east and 30 feet on the north. Public Hearing was opened at 8:05 pm. Wayde Fleener, 6020 Aspen Rd, (Dutch Lake Homeowners Assoc.) observed that they seemed to be building on the highest peak of the property. Rainwater will be diverted to the holding ponds. He asked how that changes how the water is flowing, especially toward the lake. Smith responded that the east side of the project drains to street and the lakeside to filtration ponds. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) requires that both the quality and quantity of runoff be addressed. The plan has to meet the thresholds. The amount can increase but it has to be addressed. MCWD has the application and is evaluating the storm water features, the erosion features, wetland delineation has been done, no -net -loss review, and the required buffers. Smieja asked for a definition of "no net loss". Smith indicated that it was not filling or losing wetlands. Buffers will be added based on type and location of wetland; the filtration system on west side of building will address stormwater. Mr. Fleener asked if there was a dock planned. Smith said that isn't part of the current program. Mr. Fleener stated that Zone 1 appeared untouched from the tree perspective and wanted to know how Zone 2 would be affected. Zone 2 will have filtration ponds (per Smith) upland from the flood plain; also vegetation and grade changes. Peterson asked about tree removal and plantings. Trapp reviewed the plans on pages 40 and 46. Mr. Fleener asked where the park dedication would be located. Smith said that staff was recommending a park dedication fee based on 10% of the land value. Chris Carlson, 5951 West Branch Minnetrista, noted that mold resistive paint kills mold but leaves other elements of concern untouched. He also observed that, should the building change us in the future the limited parking could be a problem. Holiday parking is also a concern. Future societal demographics indicate that this kind of care will decrease. Thirty years from now we may not need this. Jerry Vandam, 5816 Grandview Blvd, asked if the pond by lake will be fenced. Mr. Vandam also asked how the parking lot would be lit. Fink responded that, when residents are outside they will usually be accompanied. The facility will also have a large van that would take pressure of parking. The memory care residents will be escorted or be in the outdoor patio space off the 1St floor memory care area that is securely fenced. The parking lot lighting will be in compliance with city code; height, foot candles, heads (most likely low profile LED), etc. Stone asked again about accommodating visitors on holidays. Fink said that a lot of the residents will be picked up and go to family homes. Also, there might be some cooperative agreement with Huber and the school. Carlson asked if the outdoor lighting was down lighting or some up lighting. Fink stated it was all down lighting -1744- Close Public Hearing 8:24 p.m. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat/Major Subdivision with staff recommendations #1-18 and findings of fact #1-3. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with staff recommendations #1-7 and findings of fact #1-6. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Variances with staff recommendations #1-11 and findings of fact #1-5, changing findings of fact #5 to 4.5' instead of 8'. MOTION passed unanimously. -1745- ' UFTITNT�. #,• MEETING D. COMPREHENSIVE F-TTITI_• HK Planning Commission Rita Trapp, and Laura Chamberlain, Consultant Planners Sarah Smith, Community Development Director June 2, 2016 Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat -Major Subdivision (PC Case No. 16-11) Conditional Use Permit (PC Case No. 16-12) Variances (PC Case No. 16-13) Roger Fink, Trident Development, LLC Great Southern Bank 1861 Commerce Boulevard PID No. 14-117-24-14-0001 PID No. 14-117-24-14-0003 PID No. 14-117-24-14-0004 June 7, 2016 Medium Density Residential R-3 Multiple Family Residential The applicant, Roger Fink, of Trident Development LLC, has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of a 72 -unit senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing facility at 1861 Commerce Boulevard, the site of the former Anthony's Floral and Greenhouses. The development will combine three existing lots on Dutch Lake to create one lot for development and one undevelopable outlot. The property owner, Great Southern Bank, has signed the applications. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat and a conditional use permit for a Shoreland Planned Development Area (PDA) and to build a multi -family rental housing project with more than six units. As part of the PDA, the following 6 variances are requested: building height, side yard setbacks, number of efficiency units, minimum floor area for efficiency and one bedroom units, required parking, and shoreland tiering. The proposed project will include 52 assisted living apartment units and 20 memory support studio units. Further descriptions of the units and types of services proposed may be found in the attached project narrative. SWC Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 PREVIOUS APPROVALS in January, 2016, the applicant applied for a rezoning of the site from B-2 General Business District to R-3 Multiple Family Residential. The City Council passed Ordinance. No. 02-2016, approving the requested rezoning on February 23, 2016. The applications under review include the following land use and subdivision requests: • Preliminary Plat • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Shoreland PDA and multi -family use with over 6 units • Variances (multiple) 60 -Dory Land Use Application Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 15.99, local government agencies are required to approve or deny land use requests within 60 days. Within the 60 -day period, an automatic extension of no more than 60 days can be obtained by providing the applicant written notice containing the reason for the extension and specifying how much additional time is needed. Because the applications were submitted in conjunction with a preliminary plat additional time may be taken if determined necessary. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 15.99, Day 1 is determined to be May 18, 2016, as provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 645.15. The 60 -day deadline for action on the land use applications is on or around July 15, 2016, unless an extension is executed as provided by MS 15.99. 120 -day Subdivision Review Process Pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes Section 462.358, local government agencies are required to approve or deny subdivision requests within 120 days. The 120 -day timeline expires on or around August 7, 2016. For the purpose of Minnesota Statutes Section 462,358, "Day 1" is determined to be April 9, 2016 in accordance with MS. 645.15. An extension of the review period can occur if agreed to by the applicant. City Code Section 121-61 requires that a public hearing for review of the preliminary plat be held by the Planning Commission. The preliminary plat application is the only one of the applicant's requests that requires a public hearing at the Planning Commission. The public hearing notice was published in the Laker on May 28, 2016 and posted on the City Hall bulletin board on May 24, 2016. The public hearing notice was mailed to all affected property owners located within 350 feet of the subject properties on May 26, 2016. -1747- June 7, 2016 Page 2 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 STAFF / CONSULTANT / AGENCY/ UTILITY REVIEW Copies of the request and supporting materials were forwarded to involved departments and consultant agencies for review and comment; also to private utility companies. Members are advised that some comments received as part of the routing and review process have been addressed and are therefore not included in this report. See comments provided below: City Attorney Melissa Manderschied 1. CUP resolution findings should include/incorporate those listed in 129-38. In addition to the land use conditions, a condition regarding compliance with state licensing requirement should be required, as applicable. 2. Variance resolution findings should include/incorporate those listed in 129-39. City Manager -Public Works Director Eric Hoversten Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson City Engineer Dan Faulkner The City Manager -Public Works Director and City Engineer previously provided comments related to design and construction of the project. These items do not require resolution as part of the current requests under consideration. The issues that were identified need to be considered and addressed prior to construction documents. Mark Perry, Natural Resource Specialist from Bolton & Menk A wetland delineation application was submitted and previously approved. A "No Loss" application was submitted on May 26, 2016 and is currently under review. Applicant is advised that a Landowner Statement and Contractor Responsibility for Work in Wetlands or Public Waters should be submitted. Jason Gottfried, Hennepin County Applicant has addressed requested sidewalk connection and standard driveway apron. Heidi Quinn, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Preliminary review indicates that the development will trigger MCWD erosion control, stormwater management, and wetland protection rules. Wetland buffers will be needed depending on the management class of the seven wetlands found on the site. -1748- June 7, 2016 Page 3 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL REVIEW Comprehensive Plan The proposed site is designated as Medium Density Residential in the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. This designation is described as "density range from 7 to 12 units per acre. Typical housing stock includes multi -unit townhomes, four-plexes, and smaller scale apartment and assisted living facilities. To minimize the potential impacts of these medium density uses to single family neighborhoods, these uses are generally located along arterials and collector streets." The proposed 72 -unit residential facility will be on lot 1, Block 1 of the development, which is 7.12 acres in size, resulting in a density of 10.11 units per acre for the site. The use and the density are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Preliminary Plat (Sec. 121-61 through Sec. 121-63) The Dutch Lake Preserve preliminary plat encompasses the total 9.33 acre site. The site is split into Block 1, approximately 310,036 sq. ft. (7.12 acres) on the eastern portion of the property and Outlot A, approximately 85,447 sq. ft. (1.96 acres) adjacent to Dutch Lake. The remainder of the site (0.25 acres) is within the right-of-way of Commerce Boulevard (CR 110). The proposed development will sit on Lot 1, Block 1. The development will preserve the wetlands close to Commerce Boulevard and add two filtration ponds to the eastern and western sides of Block 1. Outlot A will serve as a natural buffer between Dutch Lake and the proposed development, as well as continue the preservation of the existing wetlands on Outlot A. Conditional Use Permit (PDA) - The City of Mound uses the Conditional Use Permit as the regulatory tool for establishing the dimension and design standards for a Planned Development Area (PDA). A CUP is also required for multi -family uses in the R-3 district that have more than 6 units. The applicant has applied for a number of variances to the underlying zoning standards of the R-3 Multi Family District as part of the PDA. The following review will assess all aspects of a site plan review and highlight any areas where the proposed PDA varies from the underlying zoning. Additional information concerning the requested variances can be found in the variance section. June 7, 2016 Page 4 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Lot Size and Layout Requirements - t nt rlimensinns (Sec. 129-103(e)(1)) Requirements Required Proposed Variance Lot Size 22,000 sq. ft. 310,036 sq. ft. - Lot Width 120 ft. 269.9 ft. - Front Yard (East) 1.5 x building height 1.5x39.5=59.3 ft. 241.2 ft. - Side Yard (North) 1.0 x building height = 39.5 ft. 36.4 ft. 3.1 ft. Side Yard (South) 1.0 x building height = 39.5 ft. 31.3 ft. 8.2 ft. Lakeside (West) 50 ft. 331 ft. - Hardcover Maximum 30% (30% x 310,036) = 93,011 sq. ft. 89,823 sq. Building Height 35 ft. T 39.5 ft. 4.5 ft. - Lot area per dwelling (Sec. 129-103(e)(2)) The proposed development lot is 310,036 square feet. This exceeds the required minimum lot by unit type (198,720 square feet) and for required minimum lot by averaee number of units (216,000 square feet), as seen in the table below: Unit Type Number Lot Coverage per Minimum Lot Area of Units Unit Efficiency 20 2,400 sq. ft./unit 48,000 sq. ft. _ 1 Bedroom 40 2,400 sq. ft./unit 96,000 sq. ft. 2 Bedroom 12 4,560 sq. ft./unit 54,720 sq. ft. Total 72 198,720 sq. ft. Average 72 3,000 sq. ft./unit 216,000 sq. ft. - Lot usage (Sec. 129-103(e)(3)) The principal structure uses 32,068/32,073 square feet of lot area (10.3%), which is less than the maximum of 30%; the open space is 217,957 square feet (70.3%), which is more than the minimum of 30%; parking, drives, refuse, and pavement surfaces use 60,010 square feet (19.4%). The amount of open space increases to 53%, if Outlot A is considered. -1750- June 7, 2016 Page 5 Trident Development - PC Report - June 7, 2016 Efficiency units (Sec. 129-103(e)(5)k) City code limits the percentage of efficiency units to no more than 20%. The applicant is proposed that 20 of the units will be efficiency units, all of which will be used for memory care facilities. This is 28% of the unit total, exceeding the maximum percentage of efficiency units of 20% (14 units). A variance is being requested as part of the Planned Development Area to exceed the maximum number of efficiency units by 6 units. Unit size [Sec. 129-199] The proposed development has a number of different unit types to address the needs of future occupants. These units come in a variety of sizes, some of which do not meet the minimum size requirements for units, as seen below: Unit Type Required Minimum Size Unit Size Number of Units Memory Care (Efficiency) 1 480 sq. ft. 389 sq. ft. 18 Memory Care (Efficiency) 2 '480 sq. ft. 397 sq. ft. 1 Memory Care (Efficiency) 3 480 sq. ft. 399 sq. ft. 1 1 Bedroom Al 640 sq. ft. 602 sq. ft. 28 1 Bedroom A2 640 sq. ft. 679 sq. ft. 4 1 Bedroom A3 640 sq. ft. 756 sq. ft. 4 1 Bedroom A4 640 sq. ft. 730 sq. ft. 2 1 Bedroom A5 640 sq. ft. 802 sq. ft. 2 2 Bedroom B1 760 sq. ft. 919 sq. ft. 6 2 Bedroom B2 760 sq. ft. 997 sq. ft. 4 2 Bedroom B3 760 sq. ft. 974 sq. ft. 2 The applicant is requesting a variance of the l' sq. ft. minimum unit area efficiencyrequirement for the 20 memory care units and a variance of the 640 minimum unit area requirement for 28 one -bedroom units. -1751- June 7, 2016 Page 6 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Parking and Sidewalk Requirements (Sec 129-103(e)(4) and Sec. 129-323) City regulations require 2.5 parking stalls per unit with one of the stalls being indoors. The applicant is proposing 78 parking stalls on the site, 4 of which will be indoors. This is significantly less than the required 180 parking stalls, of which 72 would need to be indoors. A variance of 102 total stalls, including 68 indoor stalls, is being requested. The proposed parking space sizes and drive aisles meet code requirements. The parking area will be screened on the south side by the retaining wall and trees proposed in the landscaping plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-323(c)(4), a parking lot for more than 6 cars is required to have a fence to screen it from adjacent residential property. Staff recommends that a variance be granted for this provision as the property to the south is currently a school rather than residential homes and the grade difference between the two properties means that headlights will not be directed onto the school parking area. City Code Sec. 129-103(e)(4)i states that concrete walkways shall be provided from parking areas to the entrances of principal structures. Currently only one of the parking lots has a sidewalk available. Staff recommends that walkways be added for the other two parking areas to provide safe movement to the buildings. Access to the site is from Commerce Boulevard. The parking area near the main entrance of the building provides a drop-off area/overhang for residents and guests to easily access the building. Building Materials (Sec. 129-328) The exterior of the building will have a combination of pre -finished woods and metals, pre -cast stone, vinyl windows, and architectural fiberglass asphalt shingles. These finished materials will be on all sides of the building. Staff has requested the applicant bring samples to the Planning Commission meeting. Landscaping (Sec. 129-103(e) (5) f and Sec. 129-317) The applicant submitted a landscaping plan as part of their application. A number of the existing trees on the site will be removed in order to accommodate the building and the retention ponds needed for the development. it should be noted that the existing trees around the wetlands on Outlot A will remain and act as a buffer to Dutch Lake. Eighty-five trees of varying types and sizes will be planted around the building and parking areas; this meets the landscaping requirement for multi -family residential of a minimum one tree per dwelling unit (72). Thirty-four trees will be coniferous, which is 40% of the mix, meeting minimum landscaping requirements. Sod will be used to cover the ground directly adjacent to the building, while seeding mix will be used in the buffers around the filtration basins and wetlands. -1752- June 7, 2016 Page 7 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 The trees along the south side yard will provide screening to the adjacent property, as will the retaining wall which runs the length of the building and the parking lot on the south side. Refuse (Sec. 129-315) Trash and other refuse will be collected and stored inside the facility on the southern side of the ground floor. No outdoor refuse storage areas are proposed. Applicant to confirm recycling activities will also be located inside. Wetlands, Floodplain, Grading and Stormwater Management (Sec. 129-351; Sec. 129-385) None of the project will occur within the 100 -year floodplain of Dutch Lake (Elevation: 940.0 ft.). There are seven existing wetlands on the site, two onthe proposed Lot 1, Block 1 and five on Outlot A. These wetlands will be preserved and maintained as a part of this project Buffers around the wetlands are being proposed. As appropriate, these will need to be included in the drainage and utility easement and will have to be maintained throughout construction and beyond and will be determined in cooperation with the MCWD and the City -Manager -Public Works Director. Issues of grading and stormwater management have been reviewed by the City Engineer. His comments, which may be found in the attached memo, must be addressed before submission of the final plat is accepted. Applicant has been meeting with MCWD regarding wetland, grading, and stormwater management requirements.. The required minimum construction elevation for new structures, including basement or crawl space, is the Regulatory Floodplain Protection Elevation (RFPE), which is 942.0 for Dutch Lake, or three feet of above a the OHWM of a wetland, whichever is higher, unless an alternate minimum construction elevation is established. There is a 100 -year (HWL) elevation of 950.8 shown for the proposed filtration pond. Staffs evaluation is that minimum elevation required for the new structure is 953.8 which would be three feet above the 100 -year (HWL) elevation for the pond. The finished floor elevation (FFE) for the building is shown on the submitted plans at 960.0. Utilities 1. Public water and sanitary sewer utilities are available to the site. 2. The MCES SAC charge for the project shall be determined as part of final plat which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. An MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing house and greenhouse structures/uses. 3. Sewer and watermain area trunk charges for the project shall be determined as part of the final plat. The current trunk charge for sewer and water, per unit, is $2000.00 each. 4. Sewer connection and water connection fees shall be determined as part of the final plat. The 2015 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. -1753- June 7, 2016 Page 8 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Park Dedication 1. As provided by City Code Sec. 121-121, a park dedication fee, in lieu of land dedication is recommended by Staff. The required park dedication amount shall be determined as part of the final plat. Shoreland PDA Requirements (Sec. 129-387) Site Suitability City Code requires the project area to be divided into tiers for the purposes of evaluating density. The first tier is to have a depth of 200 feet from the ordinary high water line (OHWL) and the second and additional tiers are to have a depth of 267 feet. The Shoreiand Density . Exhibit illustrates how the tiers apply to this project. If the allowed number of 'units in one tier are not met, they may be transferred to the next tier further away from the lake. The allowed increases are applied if the setback from the OHWL is more than 1.5 times the lake setback (50 ft. * 1.5 = 75 ft.); since the proposed building is approximately 331 feet from the OWHM, the allowed increases apply: As seen in the above table, the total number of units does not exceed the total maximum units; however, a majority of the project's units are within Tier 3. The number of units proposed in Tier 3 is 63, which exceeds the cumulative amount of 56 units by 7 units. A variance for allowed maximum number of units within Tier 3 of the shoreland is requested. -1754- June 7, 2016 Page 9 Divide Suitable Maximum Total Suitable Area by Allowed Units Proposed Cumulative Tier Area Area Base Increases with Units Units (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Density of allowed Available 10,000 sq. increase ft/u n it Tier 1 116,961 77,496 7.75 50.00% 11 0 11 Tier 2 116,704 113,302 11.33 100.00% 22 12 21 Tier 3 77,772 77,772 7.78 200.00% 23 51 -7 Tier 4 72,100 62,076 6.21 200.00% 18 9 2 Tier 5 22,740 20,128 2.01 200.00% 6 0 8 Total 80 1 72 8 As seen in the above table, the total number of units does not exceed the total maximum units; however, a majority of the project's units are within Tier 3. The number of units proposed in Tier 3 is 63, which exceeds the cumulative amount of 56 units by 7 units. A variance for allowed maximum number of units within Tier 3 of the shoreland is requested. -1754- June 7, 2016 Page 9 Trident Development — PC Report —June 7, 2016 Shoreland PDA Design Criteria - Impervious Surface The maximum impervious surface coverage in a residential district in the Shoreland is 30%. The proposed development will have 89,823 square feet, or 29% of impervious surface on Lot 1, Block 1. No impervious surfaces are proposed for Outlot A. - Open Space The City Code requires that PDA developments in the Shoreland have at least 50% of the total site dedicated to open space. The total developed area (building, road surfaces, parking, etc.) is 89,823 square feet. This is approximately 22.1% of the entire 406,403 -square foot site, leaving 77.9% of the site as open space. Furthermore, 100% of the Shore Impact Zone will be open space, complying with code. Erosion Control and Stormwater Management The proposed development will have to meet all shoreland erosion control and stormwater management standards. These plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer and his comments are attached the memorandum dated April 29, 2016. Centralization and Design of Facilities The proposed residential development will have all units centralized within the building, which is significantly set back from the lake. No recreation facilities are being proposed in relation to the lake. As seen in the CUP review above, the applicant requests the following variances from the provisions of the City Code: 1. A 4.5 foot variance from the maximum building height of 35 feet, allowing a building height of 39.5 feet. 2. A 3.1 foot variance for the north yard from the minimum side yard setback of 39.5 feet (equal to the building height), allowing a setback of 36.4 feet. 3. An 8.0 foot variance for the south yard from the minimum side yard setback of 39.5 feet (equal to the building height), allowing a setback of 31.5 feet. 4. A 6 unit variance from the maximum number of efficiency units of 14 units (20% of 72 units), allowing for 20 efficiency units. 5. A 91 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 480 square feet floor area for efficiency units, allowing 389 square feet for 20 efficiency dwelling units; similarly, a 38 square foot variance from the minimum floor area of 640 square feet floor area one - bedroom dwelling units, allowing 602 square feet for 28 one -bedroom dwelling units. -1755- lune 7, 2016 Page 10 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 6. A 102 space variance from the minimum number of parking spaces of 180 spaces (2.5 spaces per unit for a multi -family building), allowing for 78 parking spaces; furthermore, a 68 indoor space variance from the minimum number of indoor parking spaces of 72 (1.0 indoor spaces per unit for a multi -family building), allowing for 4 indoor parking spaces. 7. A variance from the requirement of City Code Sec. 129-323(c)(4) to have a fence screen the south parking lot because it is adjacent to a residentially zoned property. 8. A 7 unit variance from the maximum number of units within Tier 3 of the shoreland of 44 units, allowing 51 units to be built in Tier 3 of the shoreland. City Code Section 129-39 (a) states that a variance may be granted to provide relief to a landowner where the application of the City Code imposes practical difficulty for the property owner. In evaluating the variance the City Council must consider whether: (1) The variance proposed meets the criteria for Practical Difficulties as defined in City Code Sub. 129-2. (2) Granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district nor be materially detrimental to property within the same zone. (3) The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the practical difficulty. (4) A variance shall only be permitted when it is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to City Code Sec. 129-2, "Practical Difficulties" is defined as follows: Practical Difficulties, as used in conjunction with a variance, means that: (i) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (ii) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstance unique to the property including unusual lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances not created by the landowner; and (iii) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. -1756- lune 7, 2016 Page 11 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Variance Considerations The purpose of a Planned Development Area (PDA) is to allow variability for sites that may be difficult to develop due to physical constraints of the site or the desire to preserve open space or other natural resources. The subject property has such conditions that make a PDA appropriate for its development and require variances from the standards of the underlying zoning in order to develop effectively. The applicant has listed such reasons in their variance application, attached. A summary of these factors and other items to consider is below: The existing wetlands on the site will be preserved and maintained, as such, the project was limited to possible locations of the building. The location of the eastern wetlands restrict that the building be further from the street, on a narrow portion of the lot. This results in the need for smaller side yard setbacks and the need for so many units within Tier 3 of the shoreland. - An assisted living community with memory care services does not have the same parking demands as a standard/average multi -family use. A parking ratio of 1.08 spaces/unit is comparable to similar senior living uses in other communities. Similarly, the need for minimum unit size for an assisted living community is decreased because many everyday activities take place in the building's common areas and community spaces, especially for memory care units which make up all of the efficiency units in the development. For this development, all of the efficiency units are used for memory care. Because these units provide a different use than standard multi -family apartments, it's appropriate to allow the ratio of efficiency units to total number of units to exceed 20%. The large setbacks of the building from Commerce Boulevard as well as Dutch Lake mean that the increased building size will not be a visual impairment to the area. - The site configuration and wetlands make it challenging to meet the Shoreland PDA tiering requirements. In addition, it is also important to remember that this is a 3 floor structure so while there are 7 additional units in Tier 2, the footprint of those structures is only a third of what it would be for a single level structure. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff's recommendation for each application of The Dutch Lake Preserve submittal package is provided below. Please note that the conditions proposed are preliminary and subject to change as review and discussion of the development project continues. -1757- June 7, 2016 Page 12 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the plat, as submitted, with the following conditions: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit and variance applications. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the preliminary plat application. 3. Wetland buffers shall be placed around all wetlands in accordance with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District requirements. 4. The wetlands and wetland buffers shall be placed within a drainage and utility easement. 5. Conditions set forth by the City Engineer in his April 29, 2016 letter shall be addressed. 6. Sewer calculations shall be provided to determine if the C-5 lift station has the capacity Ito handle the extra sewage flow related to the proposed 72 -unit project. 7. Applicant shall upsize the loop service connection from a single -pipe to a 10 -inch dual pipe for improved water quality. 8. Applicant shall add walkways from all parking areas to the building. 9. A sign permit is required for all future signage that is installed or erected on the site as required by City Code Chapter 119. 10. Final design of any ADA parking spaces shall be approved by the Building Official. 11. Applicant shall submit a lighting photometric plan that meets the requirements of the code. 12. The building materials and color scheme shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City. 13. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all local or public agency permits including, but not limited to, the submittal of all required information for building permit issuance. 14. The MCES SAC charge for the project shall be determined as part of final plat which shall be the responsibility of the applicant. A MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing house and greenhouse structures/uses. 15. Sewer and watermain area trunk charges for the project shall be determined as part of the final plat. The current trunk charge for sewer and water, per unit, is $2000.00 each. 16. The park dedication fee amount shall be determined as part of the final plat as provided by City Code Sec. 121.121. 17. Sewer connection and water connection fees shall be determined as part of the final plat. The 2016 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. 18. The need for a development agreement, or similar agreement, shall be determined as part of the City's consideration of the final plat. -1758- lune 7, 2016 Page 13 Trident Development - PC Report — June 7, 2016 This recommendation is based on the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. 2. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for the type of development and use being proposed. 3. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. Conditional Use Permit Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a Shoreland PDA and multi -use rental housing project with more than 6 units as submitted with conditions outlined below: 1. Concurrent approval of the preliminary plat and variance applications. 2. Applicant shall comply with any applicable state licensing requirements for the facility. 3. Payment of all fees associated with review of City's review of the conditional use permit application. 4. This conditional use permit is approved for the following legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System: (to be inserted).. 5. The resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met. 6. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow. 7. Additional conditions from Staff, the Planning Commission and City Council. This recommendation is based on the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed use of the site is consistent with applicable development plans and policies of the City of Mound. 2. The physical characteristics of the site are suitable for type of development and use being proposed. 3. Outlot A, which cannot be developed, will serve as a buffer between the development and Dutch lake. 4. The proposed development is providing adequate utilities and drainage. 5. The proposed development has sufficiently considered traffic impacts and access. 6. The proposed development will not negatively impact the public health, safety or welfare of the community. -1759- June 7, 2016 Page 14 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 Variances Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the requested eight variances with the conditions outlined below: 1. Concurrent approval of the conditional use permit and preliminary plat applications. This recommendation is based on the following findings of fact: 1. It is reasonable that the applicant seeks to use the site for a senior assisted living and memory care facility. 2. The use of the site for an assisted living and memory care facility is in keeping with the land use designation identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. 4. The applicant has sought to protect the wetlands on the site and create a buffer of Dutch Lake through the establishment of Outlot A. These protections have reduced the development area on the site which results in the need for a slightly higher building and reduced side yard setbacks. The surrounding commercial, institutional, and multi -family uses will not be significantly impacted by these variances. S. The building has been set back over 200 feet from Commerce, reducing the view of the building from the road and lowering the impact the additional 8 feet of building height may have. 6. The reduction in the size of the units is reasonable given that assisted living and memory care facilities seek to have larger common areas and smaller units to encourage socialization among residents. 7. Allowing more than 20% efficiency units is reasonable given that the entire memory care unit is comprised of efficiencies and the assisted living unit has no efficiencies. 8. The reduction in the amount of parking required is reasonable given that the facility is a memory care and assisted living facility and will have significantly fewer residents who drive and the facility will have a bus that helps to transport residents in the community. 9. The waiver of a fence for the south parking area is reasonable given that the adjacent property is a school rather than residential homes and there is a grade difference between the properties such that the lights from cars will not be directed onto the school parking area. 10. Additional density in Shoreland Tier 3 is reasonable given that the applicant has limited the amount of density in Tiers 1 and 2 and has a reduced ability to develop in Tier 4 due to the presence of two wetlands. In addition, the overall number of units in the development remains under the total allowed on the site by 8 units. -1760- June 7, 2016 Page 15 Trident Development — PC Report — June 7, 2016 11.Outlot A, which includes the entire lot width along Dutch Lake, cannot be developed and will be encumbered by a drainage and utility easement. This will serve as a buffer between the development and Dutch Lake and will serve to protect the wetlands in that area of the site. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW In the event a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, it is anticipated that the requests will be considered by the City Council at its June 28, 2016 meeting and will include public hearings as required for the preliminary plat and the conditional use permit. -1761- June 7, 2016 Page 16 r r'd L) MAJOR SUBDIVISION �._..APPLICATION 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 952.472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 Planning Commission pate Case No. City Council Date FEES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION, CHECK TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE BOX SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 5200' y PRELIMINARY PLAT 5350+$15 per lot' NKESCROWDEPOSIT L PLAT 5350+595 per lot' DITIONAL USE PERMIT/PDA $350' $5,000' ANCE .r $200' TOTAL $ C7 d 0 ' CALL THE MOUND PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO CONFIRM CURRENT FEES. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE. "ROPERTY Subject Address 1Cr 6 fir n.i f,tt � # it t 1GFYA i NFO Name of Proposed Plat ;-2u rr t xg PIZgEagye, J .xisrlNG Lot__ Block Subdivision sac /�yTAetff� 4,-,1Ft EGAL 141 •117-a41 -14- doc/ IESCRIPrrON PID# t� /i_" IZ. 2q -L"do o Zoning: R1 RIA 1126 B1 B2 83 (Circle one! ,PPLIC�INT The applicant is: owner_,,,, other Email riTior-PO LA— Name l krOPYdJT t�4✓vwtdf'yI4�zAlf/Liz& Address Phone Home ;/2,. „24.) • &211 ,Work SZe+- m?S`{t• 'i/�{�� ' Fax �Zf1 ^ �t 6".t - �i(P13� Name Csrz .4.t,�{rU7f�EQuifNY ,_EmeU ( h A:tai 6? Gfrart'fSl?t�f�iPPHL3-lta�� 1��.c OWNER Address sc-aEfl '�4-"Z,— `2d &I if other thanAdd r p r� 3�k r applicant) Phone Home Workl6- Fax Name,T -, 7f4,u-ew i2 F-. Emall r1n d ,1" ctrl %S[ta ('a; t4 >URVEYORI Addres S ' r P�y�t£A N— sr Jt7r9,; v� t�tly s5"�F�{y ENGINEER Phone Homer A2 `��l • %i Work. �=c?�( Major Subdivision Information (1/14/2016) Page 5 of 6 -1762- Description of Proposed Use: "Ta R 79— t/avr 1+C� rt~rriyT `r c 1 r c rJ _.✓ A EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE; List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, Including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the Impacts. 1 N .r wr dvi49.r "T T00 tis V. E -7910 If applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ /:iZ2- dde) RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS' Number of Structures:, _ Number of Dwelling Units/Structure; A— Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit;, sq: ft. Total Lot Area: f 92-X'sq. ft. Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? (X) yes, { ) no. If yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. r Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or explanation given why this is not the case. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. t acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided (including Section 121 of the Mound City Ordinance) and that i am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. t consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by IW. /6 Print Applicant's Name Ppl a 's Signature pate Great Southern Bank, Kevin J. Chavanu, A.VP ,-�.. 4/14/2016 Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature [date Print Owner's Name Major Subdivision Information (1/14/2016) Page 6 of 6 Owner's Signature Date Cl Development, I.I.C. 3601 'is ri, Street South • Suite #103 • St. Cloud, NIN 56301 Phone; 320 258.4438 - Fn: 320-252,3603 April 8, 2016 Ms. Sarah J. Smith, Community Development Director City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55362 VIA E-MAIL and Hand -delivered . .. Re: APPLICATIONFOR CONDITIONAL USEtSHORELAND PDA MOUND ASSISTED LIMINGIMEMORY CARE HOUSING DEMELOPMENT Dear Ms. Smith: Trident Development, LLC is please to submit this application for Conditional Use Permit and Shoreland Planned Development Area (PDA). This narrative is intended to generally describe the proposed project and address specific development topics. LOCATION — The proposed development site is located at 1861 Commerce Boulevard, currently zoned R-3 High Density Residential. The subject property is currently an abandoned greenhouse and nursery and consists of approximately 9.33 +/- gross acres. PRELEVHNAR17 PLAT / E Pi—AT/REGISTERED TITLE — With this application we are seeking approval of a preliminary plat. At a future date, a final plat application will be brought forward. Due to some defects in the current title documents, a title registration procedure has been commenced in Hennepin County to correct the title defects. The proposed site plan, boundary lines and lot configuration are based off a legal description approved by the Hennepin County Surveyor's Office. Once the title registration process is complete, the underlying title documents/abstract will conform with the property boundaries being used in this application. The City will not be asked to approve a final plat until it is comfortable with the condition of the title. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE — The proposed use is a senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing facility. The current proposal contemplates a mix of assisted living apartment units (52) and memory support studio units (20) for a total of 72 dwelling units. The apartment units offer a variety of i and 2 bedroom floor plans that also include a complete kitchen with appliances, washers/dryers, nine foot ceilings, ampler storage and cabinetry. Standard apartment units range in size from 607+/- square feet to 923+/- square feet. The memory support studio units are approximately 398+/- square feet. The facility will be staffed 24 hours a day. DESCRIPTION OF EVIPROVEMIENTS — The current concept is designed as a 3 -story apartment structure with pitched roof. The building is wood -frame construction, on a slab -on - grade foundation, nine (9) foot ceilings, 6:12 roof pitch and hydraulic elevator service. An automatic fire suppression system is provided throughout the building, which is monitored 24 hours a day. Traffic circulation is designed to provide convenient pick-up and drop-off at the front entry. Other site improvements include an outdoor fenced garden path for memory support residents, outdoor dining patio, sidewalk connections and generous landscaping. FEATURES AND AMENITIES — The assisted living facility will include the following features and amenities: ® Meal plan and scheduled activities. • Nursing aid and assistance with daily activities. • Transport van for schedules trips and transportation needs. ® Lounge and high-speed internet access. • Beauty Salon ® Spa with pedicure, massage and hydrotherapy tub. • Community room for resident parties and family gatherings. • Private dining room for special occasions. ® Patient monitoring system • Controlled access entry system • Wellness center with specialized fitness equipment • Security surveillance system AVAILABILTY OF UTILITIES/ACCESS/DRAINAGE -Based on our discussions with City Staff and the existing conditions survey by our surveyor, it appears all public and private utilities are available and can easily serve the proposed development. Vehicular traffic will access the site utilizing the existing driveway approach at Commerce Boulevard (County 110). We understand the design of Commerce Blvd. is sized to easily accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. Site drainage is addressed in the enclosed drainage and storm water management plan and has been preliminarily reviewed by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Generally, the east half of the improved lot drains east to existing storm water structures and eventually to Lake Minnetonka. The west half of the improved lot will drain west to a large infiltration basin. OFF-STREET PARKING — The site plan provides for a total of 70 off-street parking spaces. Of these spaces, 4 are covered/garage stalls. The total of 70 parking spaces is a deviation from minimum required parking spaces of 2 %i spaces per unit (180) as stated in Code Section 129-103. Due to the advanced age of the resident population (in fact, 20 residents are Alzheimer's patients) fewer than normal residents will own or operate cars. Only 52 units will have residents eligible to operate a vehicle, making the parking ratio 1.3 per unit, based on 53 units with cars. Typically, less than 50% of assisted living residents own/operate a car. The 70 spaces proposed provides 36 spaces for residents (70% of the 52 AL units) plus 34 additional spaces for employees, guests and visitors. The greatest number of employees on any shift is 32. This equates to a parking ratio of .97 per unit. This parking ratio has been used successfully in previous assisted living developments. NUISANCES — The proposed development will not emit or generate any unpleasant odors, unusual noise, fumes or vibrations. Cooking odors from the commercial kitchen may be detected; however, the food preparation uses no deep fat fryers. The project proposes one monument sign and one directional sign. These are intended to be less than 8 feet in height without the use of neon or flashing LED light elements. All signage will conform to the City's sign ordinance. PROJECT TIMING — We are eager to complete the municipal approval process by the end of July, 2016 and proceed with construction commencement before August of this year. This will allow the facility to open in the summer of 2017. -1765- SITE SUITABLE EVALUATION - The proposed development plan complies with the density provisions of Section 129-387, related to Site Suitable Area and Residential PDA Density. The shoreland tier intervals have been evaluated and the base density was calculated to be 35 units. Due to the extra building setback dimension from the lake OHW mark (500 feet +/-) this development qualifies for the allowed density multipliers for all three tiers. After applying the density multipliers, the total allowable dwelling units comes to 94 units. The proposed development contains a total of 72 dwelling units, thereby complying with.the provisions of this Section. A density evaluation spread sheet is included as an exhibit to this application. Further, the total lot area, when combined with the road right-of-way area of 10,796 S.F., contains a total of 261,728 S.F., or approximately 6.00 acres. This results in a project density of 12 units per acre in keeping with the medium density comprehensive guide plan for this property. OPEN SPACE CALCULATION / PRESERVATION The proposed development complies with the Open Space Requirements of Section 129-387 (2) The total lot area is approximately 250,932 square feet and the developed area (i.e dwelling units, road rights-of-way, road surfaces, parking, etc.) totals 89,823 square feet. After subtracting the developed area from the total lot area (250,932 — 89,823 = 161,109 square feet) the space to be preserved as open space is 65% of the total project area. The minimum open space requirement is 50%. In addition to the open space provided within the building lot discussed above, the development plan also provides for an Outlot which is approximately 144,550 S.F. or approximately 3.32 acres. This Outlot is intended to remain in its natural state and be encumbered with a deed restriction preventing the issuance of a building permit. The Outlot also does not have access to a public roadway. As such, the Outlot serves to meet the development's open space preservation requirement. IMPERVIOUS SLTRFACE COVERAGE - Per City ordinance, the maximum impervious (hard cover) surface for lots of record is 40% of the total lot area. According to the civil engineering site plan, the proposed development has 89,823 S.F. of impervious (hard cover) surface area. When compared to the total lot area of 250,932 S.F., this equates to 36% impervious area, therefore less than the maximum requirement. A hardcover calculation worksheet is included in the application materials. CGDE ANALYSIS — SECTION 129-103 Multiple Family Residential (R-3) 1. Height, Lot Size, Lot Area, Parking, Open Space a. Height: the proposed building is a 3 -story structure of 39.5'feet 'in height (measured from lowest finish grade to the mid -point of the pitched roof). This exceeds the building height maximum of 35 feet by 4.5 feet. b. Lot width: the lot width is 269.8 feet and contains 250,932 square feet, exceeding the minimum requirement of the code of 120 feet wide and 22,000 S.F. c. Front yard: The building is set back 241 feet from Commerce Boulevard thereby creating a front yard in excess of the minimum requirement of 1-1 /2 times the building height, which would be 52.5 feet. d. Side yard: the side yard setback is 35 feet or greater, which meets the minimum side yard setback of 25 feet or equal to the height of the building. 2. Lot Area per dwelling unit a. The building plan contains 20 Studios units and 40, 1 -BR units, thereby requiring 144,000 SF of lot area (2,400 SF per unit) b. The building plan contains 12, 2 -BR units, there by requiring an additional 54,720 SF of lot area (4,560 SF per unit) c. There are no 3 -BR units proposed. d. The minimum lot area required for the proposed unit mix above is 198,720 S.F. (144,000 + 54,720 =198,720). The actual lot area is 250,932 S.F., therefore the plan exceeds the minimum required lot area. e. Total lot area per unit equates to an average of 3,485 S.F. per unit (250,932 / 72 = 3,485), which also exceeds the minimum average requirement of 3,000 S.F. per dwelling unit. 3. Lot Usage a. The principal structure uses 32,068 S.F., or 13% of lot area, which is less than the maximum allowed of 30%. b. The open space is calculated at 161,109 S.F. or 64% of lot area, which is greater than the minimum open space required of 30%. c. The parking, drives, refuse, pavement surfaces use 57,755 S.F. or 23% of lot area which is less than the maximum allowed of 40%. 4. Parking a. The R-3 zoning code requires a minimum of 2.5 stalls per dwelling unit of which 1 covered space per unit is provided. The proposed plan is designed for a total of 70 parking spaces of which 4 are covered. Because of the unique use of the property and the advanced age of residents, the required parking can reasonably be reduced. See Off -Street Parking paragraph above. Other than the quantity of parking stalls provided, the plan meets or exceeds all other requirements of the Parking and Sidewalk Requirements. Due to the unique use of the proposed property, a deviation from the minimum parking requirement is requested. 5. Building design and construction a. The proposed building provides for 20 memory care/enhanced service dwelling units. Each of these memory care dwelling units are designed as efficiency (studio) style floor plans. When compared to the total number of dwelling units (72) the memory care studios comprise 28% of the total units. The Code allows a maximum of only 20% of all units to be efficiency floor plans. Due to the unique use of the proposed property, a deviation from the maximum 20% efficiency dwelling unit requirement is requested. 6. Landscape and Screening Plan a. The proposed landscape and screening planmeets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the Code. A landscaping and screening plan is included in the application materials. RESIDENTIAL MINIMUM FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS — Section 129-199 of the Code requires certain minimum floor areas be provided for each type of dwelling unit. For efficiency (studio) units the minimum is 480 S.F., for one -bedroom units the minimum is 640 S.F. and for two-bedroom units the minimum is 760 S. F. The current architectural plan provides efficiency unit plans of 398 S.F.; one -bedroom unit plans ranging from 607 S. F. to 849 S. F. and two-bedroom unit plans ranging from 890 S. F. to 923 S. F. It is important to note that all efficiency (studio) units are contained in the memory support/enhanced services section of the building. This section of the building offers enhances care services for residents with dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other health conditions. For improved level of care and supervision of these residents, the dwelling unit sizes are kept at a minimum while emphasizing larger areas of common/public space for activities and socialization. Therefore, much of the common/public space substitutes for a portion of the dwelling unit space. Due to the unique use of the proposed property, a deviation from the minimum unit floor area is requested. SHM The applicant has read the entire Article VI "Performance Standards" of the City code and believes the proposed plan meets or exceeds the intent of the applicable Performance Standards. VARIANCES - The proposed development plan requests approval of the following deviations (variances) from the provisions of the Code: 1. Lower the minimum parking stall requirement from 2.5 / unit to 0.97 per unit. 2. Allow less than 480 S.F. floor area unit plans for efficiency dwelling units, but not less than 390 S. F. AND allow less than 640 S.F. floor area unit plans for 1 -BR dwelling units, but not less than 603 S.F. 3. Allow greater than 20% of the total dwelling units to be efficiency floor plans, but not greater than 28%. 4. Allow for a higher than 35 feet maximum building height, but not greater than 40 feet, provided the front yard building setback is greater than 50 feet. Enclosures: Completed Conditional Use Application Form and application fee of $350.00. Completed Major Subdivision Application Form and applicable application fee of $380.00 and escrow deposit of $5,000. Completed Variance Application and application fee of $200.00. Twenty (20) full-size plan sheets of civil, site and architectural drawings One (1) reduced 81/2 x 11 copy of the drawings Certificate of Survey Proof of ownership We thank you in advance for considering our re -zoning application and look forward to your comments and recommendations as we finalize our plans. Please feel free to contact me at (320) 258-4438 or (612) 242-6097 if there are any questions. Regards, t Development, LL Roger D. ink Sr. Vice President Enclosures C: Scott O'Brien, Trident Development, LLC MOP - 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Phone 052.472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 C0NDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Case No. 16-1A Description of Proposed Use: _ 77, ' '7 f? Milt Conditional Use Permit Info (1/14/2016) Page 4 of 5 /1 Planning Commission Case No. -12 . ... ... _ EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED USE: List impacts the proposed use will have on property in the vicinity, including, but not limited to traffic, noise, light, smoke/odor, parking, and describe the steps taken to mitigate or eliminate the impacts. AA FAi ri-Yrj C t -2?L. V 0 e M'1!2 v i t i 8' !Z r<% if applicable, a development schedule shall be attached to this application providing reasonable guarantees for the completion of the proposed development. Estimated Development Cost of the Project: $ 11, "-.,10im Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Kyes, () no. If yes, list dates) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or explantation given why this is not the case. Print Applicant's Name Appiican )s ignature Date Great Southern Bank, Kevin J. C:havanu, ,AWP 4/14/2016 Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name Owner's Signature Date City Code Section 129-38 relating to Conditional Use Permits must be reviewed by the applicant. If applying for a two family dwelling, City Code Section 129-102 must be reviewed by the applicant. Conditional Use Permit Info (1/14/2096) Page 5 of 5 -1770- a EXHIBIT A LEGAL, D1 SC'RIMION 14-117-24-14.0001 t.lNl'I,,A't 1'1�1J !�1 1 ! 7 2i1 "191A'J' PAIt'I' U) N ! 0 JtOt)S tJl t:iUVT J.O'1` i I .Y ING W O1: '1'1-11: 13 606 02/100 FT TI101' 140152114400:3 -- LINITATTJ I) 14 117 24 COM A'1' A MAN P, UNE OF GOV7' 1101' 1 INS 10 RODS R OP NJ3 {_'OR Y"11E.RI OP TJI S AWING SAID 13 LINE 50.05 FT TI1 W PAR WITH N LJNI.r 'l7I{J1' IJJS'.f' 4:3t ,0Z 1:'1' 7'H N PAR IVITI-I H UNH THOF DIST 1 Sall IT l"1V W PAI: NV N 1,IINIi "1'l1 L7,1( Oi,' 178 FTTH 5 '1't) 7'f11 S UNE Ol''I1JI3 N 435 1770V SAID LO`1` 1 IV IV TO SWORF (W DUTCH LAI{1? TII NLY ALONG SMD SHORl:i TO 5 I,IN!? OF N 10 RODS OF SAIF) LOT I TH I.". TO BEG EX RD 1*417-24.144004 UNPLA111317, 14 117 24 COM AT A PT IN E LINE CJ1" GOV'I'LOT 1 AT .215.0.`t P7' s MAI NE COR 7'HI:-RIMP III W PAR W TH N WE 7'131 MOF43SA2 i T ,►'i.! N 1101 PT TI1 W 178 F 7' 7'11 7`{ 1 'I'11E :t l 11�11s C)I' 1111: 1�i 4 35 1='L' OF' 'SAID LOT 1 TH E IV'1'FI1 1 1..1tNli't'Ii1sItl C)1' III N'1'O BEG EX ROAD -1771® v , I3 Development, LLC. 3601 1 Srh Sneer South - Suite # 103 - St. Cloud, MN 56,101 Phone: 320,258.44.33 - Fax: 320.252.3603 April 8, 2016 Ms. Sarah J. Smith, Community Development Director APR City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55362 VIA E-MAIL and Hand -delivered Re. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE MOUND ASSISTED LIVINGIMEMORYCAREHOUSINGDEVELOPMENT Dear Ms. Smith: Trident Development, LLC is please to submit this application for variance. This narrative is intended to describe the requested variances and provide rationale for approval. LOCATION — The proposed development site is located at 1861 Commerce Boulevard, currently zoned R-3 High Density Residential. The subject property is currently an abandoned greenhouse and nursery and consists of approximately 9.33 +/- gross acres. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE — The proposed use is senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing facility. The current proposal contemplates a mix of assisted living apartment units (52) and memory support studio units (20) for a total of 72 dwelling units. The apartment units offer a variety of 1 and 2 bedroom floor plans that also include a complete kitchen with appliances and cabinetry. Standard apartment units range in size from 599+/- square feet to 880+/- square feet. The memory support studio units are approximately 380+/- square feet. The facility will be staffed 24 hours a day. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS — The current concept is designed as a 3 -story apartment structure with pitched roof. The building is wood -frame construction, on a slab -on - grade foundation, with hydraulic elevator service. An automatic fire suppression system is provided throughout the building, which is monitored 24 hours a day. Traffic circulation is designed to provide convenient pick-up and drop-off at the front entry. Other site improvements include an outdoor fenced garden path for memory support residents, outdoor dining balcony, sidewalk connections and generous landscaping. REQUESTED VARIANCES - The proposed development plan requests approval of the following deviations (variances) from the provisions of the Code: I . Lower the minimum parking stall requirement from 2.5 / unit to 0.97 per unit — or a requirement of 180 spaces to 70 spaces. 2. Allow less than 480 S.F. floor area unit plans for efficiency dwelling units, but not less than 390 S. F. AND allow less than 640 S.F. floor area unit plans for 1 -BR dwelling units, but not less than 603 S.F. 5VJJQ 3. Allow greater than 20% of the total dwelling units to be efficiency floor plans, but not greater than 28%. 4. Allow for a higher than 35 feet maximum building height, but not greater than 40 feet, provided the front yard building setback is greater than 50 feet. ELANJA.TIONS - 1. The lesser off-street parking quantity is substantiated by the advanced age and health conditions of the assisted living/memory care residents. Indeed at least 20 of the 72 units will have residents who will not be driving. Of the remaining 52 units, it is anticipated that less than 50% (26) will awn and operate cars, based on past experience. The proposed 70 parking spaces provides 36 spaces for residents plus an additional 34 spaces for employees, guests and visitors. The resulting parking ratio is 0.97 per unit which is consistent with parking ratios used successfully at other assisted living communities. 2. In assisted living communities, activities and socialization are an important part of resident care and wellbeing. The proposed building emphasizes generous public/common spaces for resident activities, social programming and wellness. As a result, residents utilize the public areas of the community to a greater extent than a typical apartment dweller. This justifies the ability to slightly reduce the dwelling unit floor areas, especially in memory care studios because residents actually use the common areas instead of their dwelling units for many activities. 3. The City Code contemplates efficiency dwelling units in the context of a general occupancy apartment building. For an assisted living/memory care facility the memory support residents generally utilize single -occupancy (studio/efficiency) apartments. This enables the staff to improve the supervision and level of care. Based on market research, if is believed that 20 to 21 memory care units are needed in the Mound market area. Further, due to required staffing levels in memory care facilities, 20 units makes staffing more efficient as opposed to 15 units. 4. The current building design utilizes 9 foot ceiling heights throughout the building and a 6:12 roof pitch. This design makes for a more attractive, more marketable and more expensive building. However, the higher ceilings and steeper roof pitch results in a slightly taller building. The distance to the roof peak is 46 feet. When measured to the mid -point of the pitched roof, the height is 39 feet 7 inches. The building could be redesigned to use 8 foot ceilings and a 4:12 roof pitch and thereby meeting the 35 foot maximum height, but the overall appearance of the building would be less appealing. Further, the building is set back from the public street a distance of 241 feet, far in excess of the minimum front yard setback of 50 feet. This larger setback would serve to minimize the visual impact of a 39.5 foot building height versus a 35 foot building height. FURTHER R CONSI1DE TIONS — The proposed development plan exceeds the design and performance standards in the following area: • Suitable Site Area — 72 units vs. 94 units allowed ® Open Space Preservation —161,109 SF open space vs. 125,466 required • Hard Cover / impervious Surface area — 89,823 SF vs. 100,373 SF allowed • Lot area per dwelling unit — 3,485 SF per unit vs. 3,000 per unit minimum ® Lot usage — exceeds the requirements on all 3 site uses. We thank you in advance for considering our re -zoning application and look forward to your comments and recommendations as we finalize our plans. Please feel free to contact me at (320) 258-4438 or (612) 242-6097 if there are any questions. -1773- Regards, n e velopment, LL t � ' Roger D. ink Sr. Vice President Enclosures C: Scott O'Brien, Trident Development, LLC -1774- r VARIANCE APPLICATION 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 56364 Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 Application Fee and Escrow Deposit required at time of application. Planning Commission Date Case No, I/P-1 City Council Date SUBJECT Address u4 P) V ck PROPERTY Block LEGAL Lot DESC, Subdivision rq 1'7- 04- 1 q - twz PIDy 24- Zoning: R1 RIA R2 131 82 63 (Circle one) ka-VI F -x -t Nk Email PROPERTY Name L I V 1wr ' OWNER OWNER L Address Phone Home Work Fax APPLICANT Nami ''V 11 1, Mau:-"el(AMIUI 111"mall r, G, V V ( A- e.W MAIM lo'cvh (IF OTHER C t";1v Address, :"7 THAN 0� 'k 0-01 OWA NER)ire Work OA 9, 5.) 3�-' 0 3 - 1 Has an application ever been made for zoning, variance, conditional use permit, or other zoning procedure for this property? Yes �c) No if yes, list date(s) of application, action taken, resolution number(s) and provide copies of rbsolutions. ajy - 7, .2oLt,,- r -da. Pis 70 .fie ZApticnei-a ,4M&vw,1) 41,1 Fe'Z A7 AIR, PM 2. Detailed description of proposed construction or alteration (size, number of stories, type of use, etc.): A f Variance Information (1114/2016) Page 4 of 6 -1775- Case No. 16-0 3. Do the existing structures comply with all area, height, bulk, and setback regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ) No ( ). If no, specify each non -conforming use (describe reason for variance request, i.e. setback, tot area, etc.): r 1 SETBACKS: REQUIRED REQUESTED VARIANCE (or existing) Front Yard; (N S E W) '>t i — ft. ft. _____._... ft• Side Yard: (N S E W) ft. ft. ft, Side Yard; (N S E W)I;) ft ft. ft, Rear Yard: (N S E W) ft, ft• ft' Lakeside: (N S E W) ft, ft _.._ ft. (NSEW) ft. ft. ft, Street Frontage: ft. Lot Size: ___sq ft _sq ft sq ft Hardcover. sq ft sq ft sq ft 4. Does the present use of the property conform to all regulations for the zoning district in which it is located? Yes ( ), No ( ), if no, specify each non -conforming use: 5. Which unique physical characteristics of the subject property prevent its reasonable use for any of the uses permitted in that zoning district? { ) too narrow ( ) topography { ) soil { ) too small ( ) drainage () existing situation ( ) too shallow ( ) shape ,(j other: specify Pfease describe: .. ' a�u i.. c Qjr4 a n - 1tV n1 _A6LO c Variance Information (1 /14120 1 6) Page 5 of 6 -1776- i Case No.__ t� t 6. Was the practical difficulty described above created by the action of anyone having property interests in the land after the zoning ordinance was adopted (1982)? Yes (), NoK If yes, explain: 7. Was the practical difficulty created by any other human -made change, such as the relocation of a road? Yes ( ), No (k): if yes, explain: 8, Are the conditions of practical difficulty for which you request a variance peculiar only to the property described in this petition? Yes ylC), No ( ). If no, list some other properties which are similarly affected? 9. Comments: I certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the variance information provided. I consent to the entry in or upon the premises described in this application by any authorized official of the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, or of posting, maintaining and removing such notices as may be required by law. Guest Southern Bank, Kevin J. Chavanu, AVP Owner's Signature k==::= Date 4114/2016 Applicant's Variance Information (111 412 4 1 6) Page 6 of 6 -1777- j Hennepin County Public Works Transportation Department James N. Grube P.E., County Highway Engineer 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, Minnesota 55340 April 20, 2016 Ms. Sarah Smith Community Development Director City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 612-596-0300, Phone 612-321-3410, Fax www.hennepin.us/transportation Re: Preliminary Plat Review - Dutch Lake Preserve Senior Living/Memory Care 1861 Commerce Boulevard Hennepin County Plat Review #3478A Dear Ms. Smith: Minnesota Statutes 505.02, 505.03, and 462.358, PIats and Surveys, allow up to 30 days for county review of preliminary plats abutting county roads. The preliminary plat for Dutch Lake Preserve was received by Hennepin County on April 18, 2016. The plat proposes to develop a 72 -unit Senior Living & Memory Care facility on a vacated 9.33 acre lot. The Hennepin County Plat Review Committee discussed this preliminary plat on April 19, 2016. Based on our review, the following comments are provided: Access - This plat proposes utilizing the 1 existing access to CSAH 110 (Commerce Boulevard) for their development The county is seeking to ensure the 2 following accommodations will be met by the developer: ® Construction of a complete concrete driveway apron at the proposed access location ® Construction of an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalk or trail connecting the development with the north -south sidewalk (future trail) along CSAR 110. Right -of Hlgy - County staff believe that the combination of both existing right-of-way along with highway and drainage easements will adequately provide for the long-term roadway needs as well as a future 10 foot off-road trail to replace the existing westerly sidewalk along CSAH 110. No additional right-of-way is being requested. Permits - Please inform the developer that all proposed construction within county right-of-way requires an approved Hennepin County permit prior to beginning construction. This includes, but is not limited to driveway and street access, drainage and utility construction, trail development, and landscaping. Permit questions can be directed to Steve Groen at (612) 596-0337 or &teven.ar=@hennepfn,us. -1778- Please contact Bob Byers at (612) 596-0354 or rnhert versehenne xp in.usc or Jason Gottfried at (612) 596-0394 or ia=.ffQ fi:& h nn s for any further discussion of these items. Sincerely, James N. Grube, P.E. County Highway Engineer JNG/jdg cc: Plat Review Committee; Mark Larsen, Hennepin County Survey Office -1779- I SITE CONSTRUCTION PLANS MOUNDMINNESOTA J . rMINNIME TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT. LLC. ROGER FlNK 3601 187H STREET S #103 ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 320-258-4438 CARLSON MCCAIN, INC. I JOSEPH RADACH i 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DRIVE NE X100 BLAINE, MINNESOTA 55449 763-489-7900 --- - - ----- - .�Rcx1�ECT i ( i WAI CONTINUUM, INC. JAMES HORWATH 1 381 EAST KELLOGG BOULEVARD ST. PAUL, MN 55101 I ' I 651-366-6323 E%. BLDG I____________--------------___-_ i GGLG; L L -- J '! , CARLSON MCCAIN, INC. WETLAND �, �'--------------------h; .� ' SCOTT BILBEN I , N #100 r------------------- ------- ------ --- ----- ��° A 55449 if L.. i WETLAND - .. 1 r (` � 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE BLAINE, MINNESOTA 763-489-7900 C1. TITLE SHEET C2. REMOVALS PLAN C3. SITE & PLAN GN 1? "' \ ` _ _ ( C4. G AD NG,i WETLAN DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1 .. .; C5. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN � f ` � , ;.�--•-�,\ , .. ,'� a ' C6. UTILITY PLAN 1 ` CD C7. DETAILS N PROPOSED SENIOR BUILDING j `� r= i r. Li. LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 / ♦ (72 UNITS)' ( �--\ i' L2. LANDSCAPE PLAN y Uj 1 ♦ „ I .+ WETLAND i 1 �/ " '�\ i �♦ (iii ' 0 20 40 80 WETLAND - \ IN FEET ) �kr I B N H R ,` -_�_,: QLD /'---------------------- --------,- , ' CITY C U55 FROM Slop HAST CORN t I i N TOP NUiHYDRANR °^ ,-'e-s•! / �., l i I OF SURVEYED PROPERTY.. ELEVATION 945.65 (NGVD 29) 1 . , pri-rrrnnrir� I ' G EX. BLDG ° , - s p777 77p� +l ,l CALL rouo� T/T T???J7J777T/TIT/ r EX. BLDG Know whars below. C811 before you dig. z 2 Ln Z �m 'w .6 _.' m,. ®O ID Z # n W X y1j z UL 2 O W O) DO J � � _N W Um c � m A Cto t, Zd C W O O OODD a M r M z f Ile- U W z py c U)M d °j v c m ® 0 z W W z n O x M O L z .� Woo ww2tLn 4� y ® Ln L W J✓ 25 W -0 ®LU 0 N W -+ O m REVISIONS I. 05/1]/36 Per GtY Cpmmenlz. 2. 6. DRAWN BY: JTR DESIGNED BY: JTR ISSUE. DATE: 04/08/]6 I hereby..(, Met this plan, sp.cjaW1.n r report was prepared by me or under my dire supervs'on and Nat 1 am a duly' Licensed Protesslonal Engmeer under Me laws of the State cf M nnesata Name: Joseph T. R.addtch P.E. Signature:�� f"�^ Date: 04/08116 License 4: 45889 o xis Building __� -- - Existing ting B 7d"ng /I ------------------------------------------- Lw / - ------------------------ _=- - �1_1111�/_LLa�\ _ -__-- — _ --_= nLm _ — -•�' / / / / /``\ \ �.._ •�'� C ANY FOR — — \ / / f .--.. -•`MOVAL/RELOCATION .c OF I 1 \\ \\�` \� / -� � �-"/ \ 7 � \ U'I�ENDERGROUND GAS k METER h OVERHEAD � \ E ^ \=` 1--.-"-__`.--- ._--.--.•" .�„`/ ----� E�.� o}�----------)-- '_______ ��j---1 IF `�—�-- _ V•"'-�,� r��i''-"" Jest- _ / I - - / I c•/' \ + \ /,_, _ \ WETLAND— :Ah -55: S.WCUT CONCRETE k s REMOVE CURB x PAVEMENT AS REO'D 7CNP RSEE SM A UL FOR NEW CONST. (TYP VERTLACE -i - -- _ �- '(yEE�15 CLEAR TREES AS IVL a REMOVE &DISPOSE SHEE O6. LOTION (TVP) 4 RED .D FOR NEW / ° / / �\ OF 81TUMINDUS F CONSTRUCTION / 1 / '� F \ PAVEMENT AS \ n REMOVE CONCRETE 11 REWIRED FOR NEW i SIDEWALK AS REO'D CONSTR\ - FOR NEW CONST (TVP) CLEAR REOD FORK A S CONSTRUCTION \ \ REMOVE k DISPOSE Y� '� t• 1 ��� 7"� mss � � '.«*�.,Ic T F'S"�'r'�Rt ��'�` lq,�a� T I OF flETAINING WALL '_c w : eep,a. �- l / / / /7%T,e%!�% , ._ w. A ' �'oYE'TSEJ°'`\ •°.4. 'tea yk^h''"'s.'�r;., �` C: ' "is. \RcCgLEaRiTREES AS1B2 sq. ft. ds x OR0�D FUDCRTINEW ONFxisting Greenhouse ; REMOVE BUILDING LL �/L ..: R �,A''¢.� �'� / h O7/�.y. /s //` /Y / /{ / � i h•y� \ _ Exist'n Hous f // 77 7;:: e # g _ 11 8 ' /7'//)11 - - 7,✓/(��C4 i 1 x+65 sq, f / CLEAR TR ES AS r- •'. CLEAR TREES AS I Existing Greenhouse $ \ Y'7`f / / / REO'D fOtt REMOVE LIGHT I REO'0 FOR NEW/ t •-•^\ .�, / / / CONS7R CTION / �� 75' CMP POLE ( } • I I I CONSTRUCTION i,s, 687 SG. /t. P7 I1`.� -'" / /� (//// a 7` i LQ � / / REMOVE. IC / RE I NV=.,46.9( \ \ / � — — \ \ t t I ' / ! / )-y�•Y.vvy,� /�/1/J/1/(/LC .L/LLL ( /' O�K / B LDING \ t f 1111 (\ REMOVE BUILDING-� / — — �{` / ._ / R1 / / / •i/ / ` \ \ I CLEAR TREES AS ' , EXISTING \ •�� \ \ /" — — \ \ \ REO'D FOR NEW YtE7LAND •~ \ \ .\. /�_\ � � / / /` // \\ \`�.. ,,` .. \�-•. \\. \ \\ \ � i CONSTRUCTION 1�24<' RCP r`� \ � l l / / / / /, �. _ \ \ � `� \ � \ \ \\ �� �- --� `�" �-•�. _ 'L- ' \} `' � � \� /�//�/��//�/��/i'`^ ---.. \ \_ "�- _ _ — —� —�. �.. -y_'� —tea _� '•�._�-=''\.._._,�`„—�-..�_-�._-`----. ._,�_�— ` a. _--- -------------------------- ---- ----- _ — -- --- -- -- ----�`- - - — _ _ ' .-�� ./-___---------- _ M=9 0 - /. - �_______ _ ...,1 , -• - s,. RIM= 56 \ �_/ // / //// // j� •'.l \ `i--'=- ` ___ ---- - -- 618 IPA'=94Y.a ` _ _ �. _ RIM�N _ }- �-_>i---»--»---»�'-R!M IMV -�q7 -- ------r I- RIM=1976.7 \ ------- --��-----%'- ----�i= /'T �•!. I ----------/ i Lw2m RMYAL P ew NOTES EXISTING REMOVAL 1. ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. PROPERTY LINE — — — IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION, DEPTH AND TYPES OF EXISTING EASEMENT UNE - - - - - - UTILITIES AND TO NOTIFY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER CURB UNE "_________ ®®®®' IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT n--------�� k`N'- THE PLANS. ' 2 IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY. OF THE CONTRACTOR TO - CONCRETE WALK-___,_ _ PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, APPURTENANCES AND - - SANITARY SEWER --->--->- STRUCTURES NOT INDICATED FOR REMOVAL DAMAGE -AT CAUSED BY DEMOLITION OPERATIONS $HALL BE REPAIRED SANITARY FORCEMAIN -n•—;-- NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. - STORM SEWER ---> -m 4fi+ o MAIN -----�- h+ 3. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE/RELOCA7E EXISTING PRIVATE .'WATER UNDERGROUND GAS AS NOTED UTILITIES AS NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CDOMINATE THESE ACTIVITIES N17H THE UTIUTY COMPANIES. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — �� — ! 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE REMOVALS DVERHEAD ELECTRIC —_ SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SHALL CONFORM/ADHERE TO ALL UNDERGROUND FIBEROPTICS •rO GOVERNING STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS ALL PERMITS, APPLICATIONS AND FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MANHOLE CONTRACTOR. HYDRANT iY 5. ALL SAWCUTS SHALL BE FULL -DEPTH CUTS. GATE VALVE Da - U7IUTY POLE `a 6. REMOVAL LIMITS FOR CONNECTION TO COMMERCE BOULEVARD O SHALL BE COORDINATED IN THE FIELD V47H THE CITY PRIOR TELEPHONE BOX TO ANY DEMOLITION WORK WINN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. ' NANO HOLE LIGHT POLE 7. EXISTING TREES NOT SHOWN. CONTRACTOR TO VISIT SITE TO SIGNDETERMINE T CLEARING REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. GUARD POST C GAS METER O n, _ ELECTRIC METER O CURBSTOP o GUY WIRE - WETLAND FENCE UNE - — - F I ' f i I TN'; -1 ail '>i I I,,ftI lig I shi n I a 2 � V ins I I) /ee I / � I L mi v t vi II I 71 -1if l ( I ti ? ^ v't fila �---« -j <-I- IIrn i Ipr T ', �i t I I `gyp m 1 ;�41 �Zi t i CDLAJ t I 6 It I I I U I W „/I I AT 5. u a l I I I a� I F I II I D BENCHMARKS 1. CITY OF MOUND TOP NUT HYDRANT ACROSS FROM SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SURVEYED PROPERTY. ELEVATION a 945.68 (NGVD 29) W � ZIn to g v^ s• Z G C W CAO r- M U � M O zy w U) O in ®� z T; U 0 ® U) U F 00 " LU -+ 0 M REVISIONS 1.17/16 Peri Comments, 6. DRAWN BY: 7TR DESIGNED BY: lTR ISSUE DATE: D4/OBn6 1 hereby cedity that this plan, spe�calldn r report was prepared 1, me or antler my direct supervision and Nat i am a duh• Dceheed Professional Engineer under the I— of he state of Hhnnesota Name: Joseph T. RadeCh, P.E Date: 04/00/16 license Y: 45BB9 C2 -_ i I I •I I� I ;; I i i EXISTING BUILDING i i I�1-111��/—L I §I ---------------------------------------- - I I I _ r , ---' I `� d I II g Iy i I �r I ,I S – —______________ –__ _________ t FIRE LANE 44, SNOW - WETLAND ^• S. TO A E« <c'Y�--�• 11__ .. �•' p��y t.e _I.. cam' - �'\ _ � `\-�`'�-.�.._�._._---.r•�^'�/w I L��I� v Y �'c.� ( �� ...� .. / 71IL'-1RA.1. ATION BASIN ,/ 98.1 2 ® JO mom 'pis n CANOPY (SEE „n .e • _ •,^ a �.-s`3 �w.. ,.xT'^ia`:�Aw ARCH. PLANS) 1 " ' 1 I --- a i . I << � i� i I ... .. ..:__�.._.,___....—_ � —. s —_—. • , n . • ' _ I I ale I I $" I I If \\ 357.7 "14 ^ I i ( FlLTRATIONBENCH\ .. �••. SNOW .,�- \\ 5 STtRRAGE \\ \� PROPOSED SENIOR BUILDING .vApoAREA f� r `� \\ 1... (72 UNITS)nO . #P MONUMENT � SIGM1L `V INTERIOR TRASH ROOM (SEE FENCE (SEE ARCH. PLANS) .ARCH. PLANS) " I illi \ 241.2 I co T 1 . 7 a..,n t "Tz h r Tn $. 5 ..x `� ♦ .,5 i' I I I i. ��w>, w ":�" 2 h.;�F^:S'''wT,'�"P�a�.�w�.' .�A *�, �3Y �`,�i'"'�:"�„»s" � �i�'� W I t S I .-' . ''2`s s':.:y`.. ' tx)w-r »" `*�i ''4'�„ i°v�' �..:a .n".'X ; ±"'' "S,.k wte d ✓~ �, -k.+,r ,\t , .4L "H •' -'aa r L) .+ s } I L •� � T & : r– 3.FEW"' "Y'S ,Lt..a. , -e eh 5 �R " .,�' ";,.. zra.^�%5� .:,= WETLAND •• `I 1 I I L 59.3 T,4`• W I IIS I a I ' ' . , n 3f �J�TI ` ,� � ; "Rn ;;� a � 3 Via.* ^i?' - I"�r �`'.:r.'- ��+,° AY"a ,.. zr• r. +"`s. �� T � , , � �£ ;xis;+• , Te�'t% ,�". ri \♦ t f i 3� y ^ - .. ^ 14 I I ., WETLAND a .— m — °' — ..q^�•ar-sv `w w< wn f^� ir-I -- -- -.- , < i I 1 1 `e -------------------- --------- -------------------------------- R)TF PI.aN NOTES =9 ALNd STRIPING NOTES zoN� DAT. @_ R-3 1. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 18' MINIMUM BEHIND CURB 406.278 SF i. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE N07ED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TOTAL AREA: 2, ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE BUILDING 2 SIGNAGE SHALL INCLUDE SIGN. POST, HARDWARE. CONCRETE OUTLOT A AREA: 85.447 SF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FOOTING AND STEEL CASING (IF REQUIRED).- RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: 10.796 SF 3. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE 6612 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3 PARKING LOT STRIPING SMALL BE 4- SOLID WHITE PAINT. LOT 1 AREA: 310,035 5F 4. TYPICAL PARKING STALLS ARE 9' X 18', 4, ALL HANDICAP STRIPING, MARKINGS AND CROSS -HATCH HARD SURFACE AREA: - 5. ALL PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND BE SHALL BE 4' SOLID BLUE PAINT. BUILDING: 32.058 SF 105 INSTALLED WITH CAST IRON TRUNCATED DOMES & ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM PAVEMENT: 60 DIO SF 2Dl. TOTAL, 92'°'6 5` 305 BENCHMARKS 6, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 7D FIELD VERIFY THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) FOR RE7R0 LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF REFLECTIVITY AND INSTALLATION. PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 217,957 SF 70l. DSITE ISCREPANCIES ORK. TH CONTAND/OR ACTOR SMALL NOTIFY PELAENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF 1. CITY OF MOUND TOP NUT HYDRANT AARKINYL .�"LT1f�6_®Rjr ACROSS D SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PR SURVEYED PROPERTY, 7. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN TN THIS DRAWING, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE . ......70 ELEVATION - 945.68 (NGVD 29) CONTROL JOINTS. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND EXPANSION JOINTS IN SLAB ON STANDARD STALLS 4 GRADE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVES PER THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: Sen . Com- �,OLrrw fors? 1Lh yTrl)) HANDICAP STALLS ' LEG?"1`TD EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY UNE — 78 TOTAL STALLS - EASEMENT UNE - - - - - _ - - - - - - CURB UNE --__'-_`— PLEA► KEYA►OTES_ BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT jSITF CONCRETE WALK 1. 4' CONCRETE WALK- SANITARY SEWER 2. LANDSCAPE AREA. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN. SANITARY FORCEMAIN —^---^'— 3. MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER/PAVEMENT. 0 15 30 60 STORM SEWER ---»-� '—»—' " WATER MAIN ------ —I— UNDERGROUND GAS --�v— UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC —°°— UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEOVERHEAD ELECTRIC ELECTRIC --_^•— UNDERGROUND FIBEROPTICS —• °-- .O MANHOLE HYDRANT '>3' GATE VALVE UTILITY POLE `�- TELEPHONE BOX O HAND HOLE LIGHT POLE:? SIGN GUARD POST G GAS METER O ELECTRIC METER O - CURB STOP - - GUY WIRE -• WETLAND ---_�- FENCE UNE — • — • — PEDESTRIAN RAMP `e -------------------- --------- -------------------------------- R)TF PI.aN NOTES =9 ALNd STRIPING NOTES zoN� DAT. @_ R-3 1. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 18' MINIMUM BEHIND CURB 406.278 SF i. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE N07ED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TOTAL AREA: 2, ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE BUILDING 2 SIGNAGE SHALL INCLUDE SIGN. POST, HARDWARE. CONCRETE OUTLOT A AREA: 85.447 SF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FOOTING AND STEEL CASING (IF REQUIRED).- RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA: 10.796 SF 3. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE 6612 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3 PARKING LOT STRIPING SMALL BE 4- SOLID WHITE PAINT. LOT 1 AREA: 310,035 5F 4. TYPICAL PARKING STALLS ARE 9' X 18', 4, ALL HANDICAP STRIPING, MARKINGS AND CROSS -HATCH HARD SURFACE AREA: - 5. ALL PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND BE SHALL BE 4' SOLID BLUE PAINT. BUILDING: 32.058 SF 105 INSTALLED WITH CAST IRON TRUNCATED DOMES & ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM PAVEMENT: 60 DIO SF 2Dl. TOTAL, 92'°'6 5` 305 BENCHMARKS 6, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 7D FIELD VERIFY THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) FOR RE7R0 LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF REFLECTIVITY AND INSTALLATION. PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 217,957 SF 70l. DSITE ISCREPANCIES ORK. TH CONTAND/OR ACTOR SMALL NOTIFY PELAENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF 1. CITY OF MOUND TOP NUT HYDRANT AARKINYL .�"LT1f�6_®Rjr ACROSS D SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PR SURVEYED PROPERTY, 7. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN TN THIS DRAWING, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE . ......70 ELEVATION - 945.68 (NGVD 29) CONTROL JOINTS. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND EXPANSION JOINTS IN SLAB ON STANDARD STALLS 4 GRADE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVES PER THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: Sen . Com- �,OLrrw fors? 1Lh yTrl)) HANDICAP STALLS ' AMAN S GARAGE STALLS ... ....4 N CONTROL JOINT MAX. SPACING: WALKS -5' O.C. .ALL OTHERS -10' O.C. '' A STOP SIGN: RI -1 (24'x 24-) p -. 78 TOTAL STALLS - ®HANDICAP PARKING SIGN: R7 -ft W/R7-86 (12"x 18') SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS MINIMUM % CONCRETE THICKNESS. © EMERGENCY VEHICLES ONLY SIGN: (12•x le) PLEA► KEYA►OTES_ EXPANSION JOINTS MAX. SPACING: WALL jSITF OTHERS -40' O.C.– 1. 4' CONCRETE WALK- -AT ALL POINTS WHERE A CHANGE IN PAVEMENT THICKNESS OCCURS WHERE NEW PAVEMENT WILL MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT. AN 2. LANDSCAPE AREA. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN. AND/OR EXPANSION JOINT SHALL BE PROVIDED. 3. MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER/PAVEMENT. 0 15 30 60 DOWEL ALL EXPANSION JOINTS: 24' O.C. MAX. 4. RETAINING WALL. I 5. S' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PER ( IN FEET ) DETAIL B/C7. --WETLAND .� __.-- _______-.__ ------------------- / ._ .� •-'•'.. '' moi: ;''-.'.:. •i a--' --' / / / % / � ,-•' � WETLAND I i �. • . / / ,/ .�. "-" -- ..i• '' / / J \ ...-- -_--•/ / / ` \ \` .i �-"-' J p SI \\�_-x _--- _. - -. j - 936 •� sa :� w. _ a. _ w. 59.2 . - •. 4'. � a� ,-ti "•rs a '.�± 1 it{.'\'.'. I i /, B9 .0 5.6�\ �_0 .0 \ Zi^ 54 a `�`i• "..\hP.� \: �. . `\ \ 4.A \ �.. , 59.5 59.6 T ss�ae �%P� 57.1 �✓) 9� -55. �•. :�; �-`� �YY6 \\ b 950 /o : 6% I 1 5"A53.1^ • .� . �. :.b 59.5 i .wb m $' -+ � _..••_• ( / b \ I // �"i FlLTRAnoN�PONO 1120/ r t e .}.+_•e: - %•7.' . \ -' b / ° bUT�EL - 4BA s ss.o m SB. ssg 1;( \ ,vim `tea•/ i i. es• -WETLAND •• '• a - .1 - R%:.`-- �.•_r.�/ '•'-'---•�-:�( I/ / \ b I ��/� .`� R h�p'YR �t.T50.B � • r WETLAND SUF&g° / a 58.5 R __ • -I•' �'. 'b I / , _ ! 0'-6�PERF. _ _ __ __ _B.6 _y_�. �.• 5 .'.�.a P I �.:.'.'.'.-. , \ ) W. ��/ - p' E DRAINTILE ../TWOSTEPS. (INSTALL SILT FENCE 60.0 60.01 �FTER BASIN EXCAVATION TM. ao J , - - / � °�. �' :' : 1!.�� `'-':I\:.':. :,�, , \ •,,' \ °° ® °o'r�:' > NTEGR /PAf_DvROokDJBUILDING W / 96a0 .0, ;tn,DD RE7AIN GWALL r.3's56zF.F.E. 960.0 .73 / • ,1 I �\-'-\ \•� \\ \ •• \ °®°°° �\a,.,-3%1 %_ I� � , '� // 1 // 8W 959A '- �� / •��\, \�. . i' (/�\\.. `\ -.-`•. .-1ti: 7 =- ®°°e !ti .I'� \\ `,Q� r- T I I 1 I � f I I V I I I 5/� Q� �ili _/nl i as NJ / /STABILIZED EMEI'iGENCY - \/ OVERFLOW yy�94Z8' -✓ QSEE D�FTAAL) - / FITLN1jRATION BAjM }TOIS PERF. -T OU7 EL 947.3 ilI I I I I \ _ rDF RAINTRE 1 �,00 �'R NWL - f147.5 iiia I i �. 7<I94 2 -949.0 MIN. HWL - 843:9,¢g -q• Wes ``• •' \ENTRANCE 0 9 0 1----"• \ DOUBLE S I (,;)CENT TO WETLAN` 1 • V. ..%' 51.0 q, . •�.'. .- > •o .- -'. .59.5 -_____ ( 17 C h ! \ WETLAND 2P '( 1:' °°•'+° .•�\ i \ _ \, ! n I Wrwsen.o\ WTYR HNL4 BSD.7 \� \ \�B TIFtiOUT CURD \ 1 -� ,--- _ _a.` - :•\ i` �- St TW.-____')\ \ 56.2 56.5 :• ° ew eso.o 1 r/ l /' •. �-'� 9 771 ( \� l) I•.°- ! \ 7j ND BUFFER 11� TIP \ .L� / r -'�.\ ,�� r • \t�952.0-(7Yfi)'F)E-^- ..•, /.' //+�-/ "5/,.o-�59n¢'-3 ��: ::53. � - 5� WETLAND - l_-.' ..e•s-`•. / f59.1 59. RE`TAIRING-BLLL b _ STABIUZEDEkRGEf�CY ,y..+. -e tL.e.• --- �°"`� �'-�'°° ^��Ds��•,_-.1-,. �.e`-�..s,e 'ti`'�._.,.. I. - - EXISi1NG PROPOSED OVER // eo FF PROPERTY UNE (SEF/DETAIL) \ EASEMENT UNE - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ I \ ./ /////�/// //� / 1�' ` \� t \ - »=--»--EYd---»j---> CURB UNE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE WALK SANITARY SEWER ---.--->- SANITARY FORCEMAIN----"'- STORM SEWER --_->>-f9 WATER MAIN ---^--- UNDERGROUND GAS - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - •; - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -e^•-- UNDERGROUND FIBEROPTICS ^- ✓rO MANHOLE HYDRANT 4Y GATE VALVE p4 UTILITY POLE 'g TELEPHONE BOX ❑ HAND HOLE ID - LIGHT POLE SIGN 4 GUARD POST G GAS METER o ELECTRIC METER O CURB STOP GUY WIRE - WETLAND-"� FENCE LME - • - , - 10' CONTOUR 2' CONTOUR --to+6--. -1038- SPOT ELEVATION (CURB ELEVATIONS -o- �- ARE To CUTTER LINE) TOP OF CURB ELEV. 7 44.3 .GUTTER LME ELEV. G 43.8 E.O.F. EMERGENCY OVERFLOW X000. �' SILT FENCE + + . e e e . 1. THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION' AND THE CITY OF MOUND SPECIFICATIONS. 2, THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD). 3. THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. - 4. THIS SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE MMNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT. - PReDiNC- NO= 1. SILT FENCE AND EXISTING CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO GRADING CONSTRUCTION. AND -. ,SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF GRA°ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY THE MDISCREPANCIES O NOTIFY - VARIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP, STOCKPILE AND RESPREOF - N SUFFICIENT TOPSOIL TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 4' OF - TDPSOIL OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT WILL BE SODDED, -- SEEDED OR LANDSCAPED. 4, TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL BEGIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER GRADING COMPLETION. - S. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 3:1. 0 15 40 60 1111m wl� ( IN FEET ) BENCHMARKS i. CITY OF MO1NO TOP NUT HYDRANT ACROSS FROM SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SURVEYED PROPERTY. ELEVATION - 945.68 (NGVD. 29) z� �Lr) c � W Rl ¢ m G n O t0 0 n z � W ttI m W N pOi 4 n �aGO 0 mT, Z a � W O O 0) z M H z z c�c C6 4c G WIL U z0 ON 64 Q �•• a C 0 ~ U U C Vi V U rr- w z .4 w N M s N O W 2: 0.6i w - O ® U t 00 Ln H Lu ® t0 IM I - REVISIONS 1. Dsn�/16 ve, an cammepta. 3. 6. DRAWN BY: ITR DESIGNED BY: m ISSUE DATE: 04/08/16 7 hereby cert", Ihat 1116 Plan, speeir-tioe Erreport was prepared by me or uncle," reR supervis on and that I am a dory IJwsMm ¢si `east -dal Ne he State of Name: Joseph T. Raaddaec-h, P.E. S,gnature- / Date: 04/08/16 Uceese m: 45889 C4 Of, -1783= GENERAL INFORMATION CONCRETE YYASHOUT PROTECT FILTR 8 N IFR \ STOMATERIALSRAGE AREA l r/ SEDIMENUIiONOUGHPUT ° MINNESOTA'S CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT IS AN EXTENSION OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION _ I s o c_.n /� CONSTRUCTION Of SI i FENQE OR SYSTEM STORMWATER PROGRAM, WHICH IS PART OF THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT. REGULATED PARTIES MUST DEVELOP A \ ° - ` STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). THE SWPPP PROVIDES INFORMATION ON THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED - - i --------------- -- ---- - r Tet • D vE9cE SITE CONDITIONS, CONTROL MEASURES FOR STORMWA7ER POLLUTION PREVENTION BEFORE. DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION. = ` bV1DEIENERGY DISSIPATION I - - -- - - - -- - ,, \\\ b\' iR ot'CR oµ a9•>F INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYS PR _ -s' ` M El - ;' lL OTHER EFFEC1i E I I k II U 1 s __ i - _ _ _ _ _ _ iRAT10u 6n5': 6+0� I 1 ' 1 r i _ _____ 1� `ON OUTFALL IMMEDIA1fl.Y - v SHALL BE KEPT ON SITE AT DLL TIMES DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION. - '- - _ !7m( CONSTRUCTION (TYP,� ' '� PROJECT INFORMATION - ''r ��_ _i T CONTROQtT}>IROUGHOIT�` DPED6Afi1EC__ ouOMHN"D-=°<-7.61� _ \ _CONSTRUCTION (TYP) _ SEC ( PROJECT NAME: MOUND SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY In9T LLSki FENEC - FYI II NNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA --... _ - SILT )F[NCE ^" w, °„� '1 f _ - -- ___ _-___ ,CPT_ Til QI �'NI �__ A[TLF BASIN E%CA FT CN 1 1 PROJECT LOCATION: MOUND, H - t PROJECT OWNER: TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC. } , INSTALL INLET RESPONSIBLE PARTIES •.i•o e> THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY A PERSON KNOWLEDGEABLE AND E%PERIENCED IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND 61`aD, ';" 'pe ;°• Seo '` s% i.••�^air° _ STRVCTi SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S WHO WILL OVERSEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP, AND THE INSTALLATION, INSPEC710N AND ' ^A'• �f• _ _ _ ��, • _ I PROTECTION PRIOR 3P.;'. p I TO CON ON MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'. - sV - ••,� r , ,... Seg 5'..`-�. cx• � a S.I �- _ 55.5 _� � ` . ... a~f!°S • � � `kln slit ++r D4 �"r�: �-'®�C. 55a ._ ��e• .�_ � 't 6T / 53, \ � � e �.x{ j. j .�� � tIl' SITE MANAGER: ' - ➢.6 vP `'+ sa r' y ••II I .-.\ ♦ w ;39.5. „9' cseP 580 T-. -. 50cb• PkaF. €'_" h C �el���. I 1 F,I TRAINING DOCUMENTATION: u^ e °s vc nRAlx>16E INSPECTION REPRESENTATIVE: -+ \, ♦ T" ) $ /tea •� - • , - - _ / A. s D F. 06. " (.e s <- f� a e 1 `II AWD SEDIMENT / XA- .TRAINING DOCUMENTATION: + ,t; F >o Dyn i7D• ( p A �B.T ! S b. _ AS NEED ...I. / fOt w7 LL 9AP60.0 .. .t cfz 58. ➢36 ,` H 6 - 56 ..°� iC 556 $=`..V - b al ® . ','!i�••� X950.8 � •`, `�� 0 � EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ve ` ... j THE SITE IS LOCATED AT 1861 COMMERCE BOULEVARD, BETWEEN COMMERCE BOULEVARD AND DUTCH LAKE IN MOUND. xfnANo BwrE , ____ __5 5 3 3___ ` -- __ SB 5 HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA. TMESITE IS BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY AN EXISTING SCHOOL, ON THE EAST BY COMMERCE R+P / ,,= o ,1s�RD'-6' PERF. - - _ _ 80ULEVARD, ON THE NORTH BY EXISTING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, AND ON THE WEST BY DUTCH LAKE, THE SITE IS '.:. • ' ' = - ,.. . FS 5 A CURRENTLY USED AS A COMMERCIAL GREENHOUSE AND SINGLE FAM ILY RESIDENCE. THE TOTAL SITE AREA IS 9.08 ACRES, OF \ B _ TwD sTE s I �,��� -F' tl 'INSTALL 61LT FCNCE 60.0 561! ® `°'= 1` 0 AFTCR BASIN C%CAL'ATIDN 60.0 3`+• _ w WHICH 0.79 ACRES ARE IMPERVIOUS. - �" AiNTAIN ROCK GFROM E. IN THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE SITE. DOWN ° :.! a /. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION •y.. I 56.7 • '�9f-;•6-L4�t,',`' o �d d < �E °I�a. THE 517E HAS A ROLLING TOPOGRAPHY WITH ELEVATIONS RANGING d i _ <w "` PROPOSED'BUILDING AFTER CON$TRUOTiON T1--1>no/ 6oD rA I9�BE / tF- TO 942 IN THE EAST AND 940 IN THE WEST AT DUTCH .TAKE STORMWATER FROM THE EASTERN PORTION OF THE SITE V /I \ B ¢t :'y �• R[ulwxc.wnu DRAINS EAST TO TWO ONSITE WETLANDS ADJACENT TO COMMERCE BOULEVARD, BEFORE DISCHARGING EAST UNDER OF COMMERCE Fo'1: Vr•.'r I' F,F_E = 860.6' (TV) l `e ��'T 1�6�TI' I 1 s BOULEVARD VIA AN 18 INCH STORM SEWER TO LAKE MINNETONKA STORMWATER FROM THE WESTERN 0 \ tt +y ,c a ! meo ,� 3. -&•r+ \ \EN RANcc i ( 41 NKA. DRAINS WEST TO DUTCH LAKE. 5p-� v ®�� t� 5 ° , - _ 6 / 10 r.c p 7 1 0 \ ,. Q / 5T Oo 5T y o 00JBC(W I CCp 0` ° 36.5 '• FFN m PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS - . -� `'--' _ - _ -�+ LIVING FACILITY WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING AND DRIVE \ of o _ V 0 r _ _ __ - - _ TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT PLANS ON CONSTRUCTING A 7T UNIT SENIOR �I ta't .:s o oD•..: ED,p 56.5 _-- - -- _ s>o... DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPRO%IMATELY 4.5 ACRES WILL BE DISTURBED. AFTER CONSTRUCTION, THE SITE WILL ... �` ® ��� a _ - _ _ "a AREAS. IN A NET INCREASE IN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE OF 1:34 ACRES. _ " - - YR Hvr. 9507 + M1' t3>;I t a t la4 I I q II P.5 \ •e•- WEl.ANO iP CONTAIN 2.11 ACRES OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. THIS RESULTS _ ._ / \ .4" oJT EL - 9<69 • O TIP-oUT CURB j +90 '+y}� 1 A FILTRATION BASIN AND FILTRATION POND WILL BE USED. THESE BASINS WILL PROVIDE '�y''k•-°EFF\-:1�RP-' F ( )\ u ER f TO MANAGE STORMWATER ONSITE, "-.-•-=7. aE eRAIN1 to - 7 = _ ♦ ..•Ec9 - �� , WATER QUALITY TREATMENT. VOLUME ABSTRACTION, AND RATE CONTROL FOR THE SITE. -� J 59 s, E' 562 I �BEn tT /-•. , 0 v. c.6 \ �6 �(1, �.' c') �� I . 5�. STS NI I o TING SOIL INFORMATION - �': -: - •vk.o T7`7t - _ _ - - _ _ 5 BRAUN INTERTEC, INC. DRILLED 13 SOIL BORINGS 70 APPROXIMATE SOIL CONDITIONS ONSITE. THE BORINGS - KE AND - !'- `•- - ''� IN JULY OF 207. - _ .. - - , n / •e.t INDICATED THAT ONSITE SOILS CONSIST PRIMARILY OF LEAN CLAY. THESE SOILS FALL WITHIN THE SOIL GROUP - ---r �N.- B _ / / - _ - 'p`. SEE APPENDIX E FOR SOIL INFORMATION. - - --•- - - / -- - ° - - - - - � '_--tm5<6yE +' i b ,. ,.. - 'r-•- RLfAINiN6-N Ll PC DRA r 6 eSI e5s NIKC PCvCR NTI�i _ - MAIN AIN SlLi PRWETIMD W% SILT 41 WEI7AND CONSIDERATIONS wEr,AND - r x epn�� _ - -FENCE OR OTHER I WESTERN PORTION OF THE SITE 15 COMPRISED OF A WETLAND COMPLEX, IN ADDITION, THERE ARE TWO slAenrzcD aucRewcY r r ,PROTECT. Ti ATi "' q,S{N p71?�:-�-=' e., = �• - °_"• -- °"' "' °"''- �' -"'E-- ��� �- �4. - � THE MAJORITY OF HE -- ---- w ~ �,1� }- OTHER WETLAND AREAS TOWARDS THE NORTHEASTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN PORTIONS OF THE SITE. NO WETLAND IMPACTS - ovCREtow a 95c.8 / SEDIMENTA OilT;---------------- --"' 1 .. "'�1"7rF' �, P„•. 5 ' �� �I -'�[ EFFECTIVE MEANS (SEC DCiAIL) / n6�' -`J: �mmrn a==®s«'.. =. _-+_: 1R�V1N[Y•�, 9gT( �' ARE PROPOSED AS PART OF THIS PLAN. - CONSTRUCTION - MID) TH SILT FENCE OR R 7J., . _. _»-- »-L�--.. ��---• __ >. ., '-> rI i 11 0711ER EFF LIVE MEANS --»---» --»- a(�� ` STORMWATER RECEIVING WATERS - - ALL STIN2MWATER FROM THE SITE WILL ULTIMATELY DISCHARGE 70 LAKE MINNETONKA OR DUTCH LAKE. ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN WO INCHES IN QUANTITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION (CONTINUED). 24 HOURS. INSPECTIONS MAY BE CEASED DURING FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS. WHERE WORK HAS THE FOLLOWING TABLE PROVIDES ESTIMATED WANTITIES FOR STORMWA E5T1 ANON PREVENTION $PECIAL�IMPAIRED WATER CONSIDERATIONS 10. DUST BEEN SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS, THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT. UNIT THERE ARE FOUR IMPAIRED LAKES WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE SITE. DUTCH LAKE BORDERS THE SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY TO CONSTRUCTION DUST SHALL BE ES TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. IF THE SITE BECOMES MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RUNOFF OCCURS AT THE SITE OR PRIOR TO RESUMING ITEM EA.OUA,TITY THE WEST, FOUR ONKA-WEST ARM I APPROXIMATELY 1.000 FEET EAST OF THE SITE, MINNETONKA-JENNINGS IS EXCESSIVELY DUSTY, SHALL E MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO REDUCE DUST BEING CONSTRUCTION, ROCK ENTRANCE APPROXIMATELY TO 2,200 FEET NORTHEAST OF THE SITE. AND LANGDON LAKE IS APPROXIMATELY 3,100 FEET SOUTH OF THE 7RANSPORTEO FROM THE SITE. DUST CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED 70, SILT FENCE L.F. 2,70D SITE. NO STORMWATER FROM THE SITE WILL DISCHARGE TO FISH LAKE. WATERING AND CALCIUM CHLORIDE APPLICATION. WHICHEVER GOINGS FIRST. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. IT MAY BE OR CERTAIN MEASURES INLET PROTECTION EA 10 ADDITIONAL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES MAY BE NEEDED, NRF ESTABLISHMENT AC. 3 ADDITIONAL BMPS REQUIRED INCLUDE: SOIL STABILIZATION WTHIN 7 DAYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. : DRE NOT PRACTICAL TO INSTALL. IN THESE CASES. AN AMENDMENT TO THE SWPPP SHALL BE MAGE, TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN FOR COMMON DRAINAGE AREAS OF 5 ACRES OR MORE. AND A REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME 1t DEWATERING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED WITH AND APPROVED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT. ARE SUPPORTING REASONS SHALL BE DOCUMENTED IN THE SWPPP. 5`j'fZi' J,O�°ATION MAT' OF I. OF RUNOFF FROM NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACES. IF THERE WILL BE ANY DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING THAT MAY HAVE TL1R810 OR SEDIMENT LADEN DISCHARGE, THE WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT 1, RECORD NAME OF INSPECTOR AND DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTION. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. PLAN SEDIMENTATION BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. APPROPRIATE BMPS SHALL BE STORMWATER. FROM THE SITE WILL DE DIRECTED TO A FILTRATION BASIN AND FILTRATION POND; 70GETHER WILL PROVIDE USED FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND ENERGY DISSIPATION. 2. RECORD RAINFALL AMOUNT SINCE MOST RECENT INPSECTION. �.; WATER QUALITY TREATMENT, VOLUME ABSTRACTION, AND RATE CONTROL FOR THE SITE. THE T07AL PROPOSED NEW 72. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND DEBRIS 3. INSPECT ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES FOR SEDIMENTATION. INSPECT ADJACENT STREETS FOR c F IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA IS 2.11 ACRES. THE REQUIRED VOLUME ABSTRACTION IS EQUAL TO ONE INCH OF RUNOFF OVER CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SMALL BE STORED IN AN ORDERLY MANNER AND IN AN AREA THAT WILL SEDIMENT TRACKINGTHE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA, OR 0.176 ACRE FEET. THE PROPOSED BASINS WILL PROVIDED 0.371 ACE FEET MINIMIZE CONFLICTS WITH OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE OF VOLUME ABSTRACTION. RUNOFF RATES FROM THE SITE HAVE BEEN CONTROLLED TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL. CONTAINED IN DUMPSTERS AND REMOVEDFROMTHE SITE AS NECESSARY. - 4. INSPECT 517E FOR EXCESSIVE EROSION. AND SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION OR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO i3. CHEMICALS A. INSPECT SILT FENCE AND OTHER TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES FOR • �- A.. _ J -Q Waod(ond THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES SHALL BE. IMPLEMENTED CHEMICALS SHALL BE STORED IN A SAE AREA. IN SCALED CONTAINERS WITH THE ORIGINAL LABELING EROSION, SEDIMENTATION AND MALFUNCTIONING GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR LOCATIONS. AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AVAILABLE. B. INSPECT FLARED END SECTIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. C. INSPECT PONDS, INFILTRATION BASINS, TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS AND ALL OTHER BMP'S 1. SILT ENCS ON AND SEDIMENTATI SIL T FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LIMIT OF GRADING ANY FILL SLOPE. ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE MAY BE 14. SPILLS AOLL OR AA HIAZARDOUS CHEMICAL 15 SPILLED OR DETECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION D. INSPECT SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE DITCHES AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS FOR REQUIRED IN CUT SLOPE AREAS. SILT FENCE SHALL ALSO BE INSTALLED AROUND ANY IN LIRA PRACTICE. ACTIES, ALL APPROPRIATE AGENCIES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED, INCLUDING, BU7 NOT EVIDENCE OF SEDIMENT BEING DEPOSITED BY EROSION. 2. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LIMITED TO, THE MINNESOTA DUTY OFFICER AT B00-422-0798.SPILLSrtt 5. INSPECT. 517E AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES FOR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. TRASH AND . ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE FIELD ENTRANCES TO THE SITE. 15,CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA .. SF ti ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY CONCRETEWASHOUT OPERATIONS MUST BE 6. INSPECT STABILIZED AREAS FOR EROSION. 3.CATCH BASINS DEVICES APPROVED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT. CONTAINED IN A LEAK -PROOF CONTAINMENT FACILITY OR IMPERMEABLE LINER. AN IMPERMEABLE - BASINS SHALL BE PROTECTED W17H INLET PROTECTION {� ✓ ? / ALL CATCH- / 1 TO WIMCO PROTECTION DEVICES. INFRASAE PROTECTION DEVICES, flLTER COMPACTED CLAY LAYER IS SUFFIgENO AT EACH WASHOUT FACILITYINTHEE TO DIRECT EQOPMENT BASE IS 7. RECORD RECOMMENDED REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE ANO/OR REPLACEMENTS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THESE SHALL INCLUDE. BUT ARE NOT LIMITED ALLOWED. A SIGN MUST BE INSTALLSEROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ARE 1_, r FABRIC, 810 ROLLS AND STRAW BALES. OPERATORS TO THE APPROPRIATE LOCATION. LL tvxwvao uvD { : �;' I%6 °".✓r'i Se DURING CONSTRUCTION S. RECORD RECOMMENDED AMENDMENTS 10 THE SWPPP. : eax� .' ` '. L�.y',-` •q ;rte I erro r., 9"EUre:vo - THE FOLLOWING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO 16 CHEMICALS SHALL BE STORED IN A SAE AREA IN SEALED CONTAINERS WITH THE ORIGINAL LABELING 9 RECORD REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPLACEMENTS THAT WERE COMPLETED SINCE THE LAST GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR LOCATIONS. AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AVAILABLE. INSPECTION. 1. PHASED GRADING • �-'-v` MOUNDS 17. SPILLS AND CONTAMINATION N07E: FOR AREAS THAT HAVE UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION, INSPECTIONS CAN BE REDUCED TO TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, GRADING SHALL BE PHASED TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBED AREAS DURING SITE OIL OR A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL IS SPILLED OR DETECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION • ' ' IF FUEL, ONCE PER MONTH. INCLUDING, BUT NOT r t CONSTRUCTION. ACTIVITIES, ALL APPROPRIATE AGENgES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED, - LIMITED TO, THE MINNESOTA DUTY OFFICER AT 800-422-0798. MAINTENANCE 2. TRACKED SEDIMENT - +y,- T TRACKED FROM"THE SITE ONTO THE STREET SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY UPON DETECTION. THE ROCK IE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION. ION OF H AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL \ �j. -• � c1 �,r. E -.Id Lake IW%W, ANY SEDIMEN CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED IF INUNDATED WITH SEDIMENT. ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY CONCRETE WASHOUT OPERATIONS MUST 8E STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. THE FOLLOWING .. r �. CONTAINED IN A LEAK -PROOF CONTAINMENT FACILITY OR IMPERMEABLE LINER. AN IMPERMEABLE GUIDELINES SHALL BE USED TO DETERMINE NECESSARY REPAIRS. MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPLACEMENT J-i„jt `'.` - W. a 3. STOCKPILES A STOCKPILE WILL REMAIN COMPACTED CLAY LAYER IS SUFFICIENT. CONCRETE WASHOUT IN THE AGGREGATE ROAD BASE IS OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES.'` SHALL BE PLACED IN AN AREA THAT WILL MINIMIZE THE NEED FOR RELOCATION. IF ALLOWED. A SIGN MUST 8E INSTALLED AT EACH WASHOUT FACILITY TO DIRECT EQUIPMENT CES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IF THE ROCK BECOMES 1' "'� •}' I STOCKPILES ~ IN PLACE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED, INCLUDING BUT NOT OPERATORS TO THE APPROPRIATE LOCATION. 1. ROCK SEDIMENT AN o ,090 s9oc ,? / _.._j-.-•�--.---- -": - LIMITED T0, SEEDING AND SILT FENgNG. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT ENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT INUNDATED WITH SEDIMENT AND/OR EXCESSIVE SEDIMENT IS BEING TRACKED FROM THESITE. CONTROLS AND CANNOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING STORMWATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS LURE AND POST CONSTRUCTION :SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO ADJACENT STREETS SHALL BE REMOVED. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN - ' GUTTER SYSTEMS, CONDUITS OR DITCHES. WHEN THE SITE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY CONSTRUCTED, THE SITE MUST UNDERGO FINAL STABILIZATION. IMMEDIATELY UPON DISCOVERY. (w FEC1) 4. TOPSOIL FINAL STAB IUZATION OCCURS WHEN ALL OF THE GRADING, INFRASTRUCTURE AND BUILDING ACTIVITIES OR REPLACED I OF UPON GRADING COMPLETION, .A MINIMUM OF 4INCHES OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS, HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. TO ACHIEVE FlNAL STABILIZATION, THE FOLLOWING MEASURES SHALL BE 2• SILT FENCE, THE SILT FENCE LL BE SILLT FENCE RSD DAMAGED AND/OR ETHEDSILTEFENCEABECOMES NONFUNCTIONAL - BENCHMARKS EXCLUDING PROPOSED STREETS AND PARKING AREAS COMPLETED. - MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. 5. RESTORATION 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHOUT PERMANENT IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SHALL BE STABILIZED BY A t. CITY OF MOUND TDP NUT HYDRANT ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT ACTIVELY WORKED SHALL BE RESTORED WITH SEED AND MULCH, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER. AREAS NOT REQUIRING SOD OR EROSION CONTROL _3, CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION DEVICES SHALL BE CLEANED WHEN SEDIMENT REACHES 3 THE ACROSS FROM SOUTHEr.ST CORNER OF AND/OR 500 WITHIN 7 DAYS. BLANKET SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED• HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT TRAP ANO/OR REPAIRED IN REPLACED If THE DEVICE BECOMES - SURVEYED PROPERTY. NONFUNCTIONAL MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. ELEVATION - 945.60 (NGVO 29) 2. SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCES AND TEMPORARY SE BASINS THAT ARE TD BE USED �` 4. FLARED END SECTONSSHALL 8E CLEANED IF DEBRIS IS RESTRICTING FLOW OR IF SEDIMENT HAS 6 SLOPES N ROKEN SLOPE LENGTH PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASINS SHALL BE CLEANED OUT. SEDIMENTATION BASINS CN SEDIMENT D SECTION BECOMES NONFUNCTIONAL OR DAMAGED, IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SHEET FLOW AND MINIMIZE RILLS AND/OR GULLIES, THERE SHALL BE NO U 8 SHALL BE SUFFICIENTLY CLEANED OUT TO RETURN THE BASIN TO DESIGN CAPA I . ACCUMULATED AT THE OUTLET. IF A FLARED EN OF GREATER THAN 75 FEET FOR SLOPES WITH A GRADE OF 3:1 OR SLEEPER. MUST BE STABILIZED TO PREVENT IT FROM BSMG WASHED BACK INTO THE BASIN OR CONVEYANCES IT SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED. - MEASURES SHALL BE. TAKEN WITHIN 72 HOURS OF NN 7. DRAINAGE DITCHES DISCHARGING OE -SITE OR TO SURFACE WATERS. DISCOVERY. /, CALL BEPORE YOU OIG THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH THAT GRAINS WATER FROM THE SITE. CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE 5. IF SEDIMENT IS OBSERVED OE -SITE OR NEAR SURFACE WATERS , THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT SHALL 0.11 OR DIVERTS WATER AROUND THE SITE, MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET FROM P24 HOURSEOFE, OR FROM 3. SURFACEEN AA EAE AVEGETATION L SYNTHETIC TEMPORARYTEROSIONDAND SEDIMENT COT OF THE SURES S BE. DETECTED AND ADDITIONAL MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED. THE PERMITEE(S) SHALL THE POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATER, STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED T0, SILT FENCE, TREE FENCE p CONNECTING TOA SURFACE WATER, AND CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION DEVICES. COORDINATE SEDIMENT RETRIEVAL FROM SURFACE WATERS WITH ALL APPROPRIATE AGENCIES }MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCOVERY. ' B. PIPE OUTLETS NOTICE OF TERMINATION 6. PONDS, INFILTRATION BASINS, TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS AND ALL OTHER 8MP'S SHALL BE PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS DF THE PERMITEE(S) MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) TO THE MPGA WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER CLEANED IF DEBRIS IS PRESENT AND/OR EXCESSIVE SEDIMENTATION HAS OCCURRED. TEMPORARY CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER, FINAL STABIUZATON IS COMPLETE. OR ANOTiER DwNER/OPERATOR (PERMI7EE) HAS ASSUMED CONTROL AND PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASINS MUST BE DRAINED AND THE SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN ILO Know What's below. 9. CATCH BASINS OVER ALL AREAS OF THE SITE THAT HAVE NOT UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION. SEDIMENT HAS FILLED THE BASIN TO 1/2 THE STORAGE VOLUME. NO SEDIMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED 0 2A 50 { ALL CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH INLET PROTECTION DEVICES APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT. TO ACCUMULATE IN INFILTRATION BASINS, MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN WITHIN 72 HOURS OF I- I' Call before you dig. THESE .SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, WMCO PROTECTION DEVICES, INFRASAFE PROTECTION DEVICES, FILTER INSPECTIONS & RECORD KEEPING DISCOVERY. FABRIC, 1310 ROLLS AND STRAW BALES S7ORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION INSPECTIONS SHALL OCCUR ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS DURING ( IN FEET ) , y E%ISTING BUILDING % I ------------------------------------------------------------- L�1111 GLLa i I' it I ----------- ------------------------------------------- 11 - - ---------------- 61" �ggp [STMH 104 tt I +;v lam' " •1 RE 958.50 / w °n".^ ••, -,. ti .__-___--__ B" RCP 1 --.-_ ______ ____________________ J IE 949.41-24' SE.W ^^• .+r ro r i ______-_ ____-__ EL 941.'1 Yt. 1 ' IE 953.58-6' S 4,' + 78'-24' PE -'-"13 RCP FES . - e+. I" -• STMH 703 - -� T' ' RE 958.5 O 0.255 ' _� �• ""�� -- W/TINASH GUARD. . f y^ _ p `t 10 I II I _ 1 IE 949.21-24' E,SW : • . i RCP FES ]LAND PLAG P6 CY W L IE 845.21 -SUMP ' ' r HYDRANT W G.V. 15' RIPRAP CL -3 n D+ I I « « • . 8' X 6'. TEE . W/TRASH GUARD. ti FILTER FABRIC '+ISM I,..-! k p ' . - ' . • �_- PLACE 8 CY IE 844.00 •. 3 6, - 2 u� • . ' . 62"-6' DIP CL.52 .. ,.� - h %4• - GND. EL 957.6 50'-6'. PERF. CBMH 106 RIPRAP CL3 W/ �1 14'_6' PVC RE 954.03 FILLER FABRIC _�• �.•'CBMN 110 18 72' RCP m O 2.0X (TURN HYDRANT) PE DFAINTILE 6L5 O D.50R - II I '• I a IE 950.59-18' SW IE 945.20 -` RE 947.50 tt L R A M N ELD IE 950.75-15' SE 100'-6' PERF. IE 944.10-t2' N •"" 7 •• _ L4• 6' CLEANOUT ST RM 8E R T PR 170 - - - - - - - - MI . 2 SE AR 11DN PE DRAINTILE IE 91;4.10-6" DT / \! I �k 0: I 1 ii • I / 71'-24' RCP IE 953.86 IN ULA LOS NG. -�/ CONNECT TD EX. I I I / \ CL3 O 0.30X 'K tt 6' CLEANOUT �-� / + 10' CIP WM W/ n I u II / \ DOWNSPOUT 40'_6' PERF. - _ - FILTRATION BASIN 4 { 1 ii ;I CONNECTION 40--V NTILE - 128'-24' PE 117'-18' PEPE K „� / 10' % 8' WET TAP / \ (TYP) ,�,.,. 90.25% O 0.45X �«.�•�"-6T-15' PE «-„• HYDRANT W/G.V. CBMH 101 1 "-♦.-. 4 ! ( B' G.Y. IF) I i I { ! 24" RCP FES K tf 8` % 6' TEE RE 950.71-'-•_w/ I (FIELD .VERIFY) U^ W/1RASH GUARD. 35'-6' PVC -- -_ O 0.70X �.. p -. �I I . FILTRATION POND / O 2.Ox r ° 1 - - ^- - 17'-5' DIP CL S2 lE 947.56 W/ RCP FES ! { , y a PLACE 14 CY GND. EL 955.9 IE 943.56 -SUMP W/THASH GUARD. / F ! Tpr ' 6' ERF ,LYO \ PUCE 6 CY I / RIPRAP CL.3 W/ 6' CLEANOUT CBM 10 RAI TIL CB 1 32'-12' RCP / FILTER FABRIC : IE 954.56 RE. 57.1 RE 55.3 A 30'-12' RCP RIPRAPCLCIE 949.00 _° _i ° E 9 9.7 24 IE 9 1.22 A CLS O 0.505 FILTER FABRIC / -�, i{ ' 47'-6' PVC 8 -15 54'-8' PVC IE 950A6-78 NE. IE 947.50 I n IE 945.00 / j / O 2.0% BEND O 2.0X IE 951.14-8' S B' PVC Wm { / / + .• IE CLEANOUT, 100'-e' PVC 8' PVC WM 8' CLEANOU> T IE CLEANOUT 100•-8' PVC + ' 3{ �x /. { I ( { ) ( + I 15'-12' RCP • A. CL5 O 0.50X / / 8' CLEANOUT 100'-e' PVC IE 948.5 O LOR IE 948.5: IE 946.5 r� IE 850.5 O 1.0X CLEANOUT (i{.1 ♦ ' I. N �' I I 6' CLEANOUT . • 100•-8' PVC O SDx IE 941.5 955.50 .:. .. •:• O 'DX ^ 4tp I • .. • ' 100'-8' PVC I IA I rn m I I ! _ / • ( e PVC WATER SERVICE (FIRE 65'-6' PVC 7T-6•PYC A . .12 I i £ 129'-/5' RCP A O 1.5l. I <> I IN I h DOMESTIC} O 4.OR 8' CLEANOUT 6' PVC O 2.Ox i CL.5 O L325 -- - < <-I- I Ito • \ * 6' CLEANOUT :A CB 102 Ily 1 Im V +' FILTRATION BENCH" \ 100'-6 PERF. 5D•_g• pyp IE 852.22 O 2.0X V 4'-+d • \ PE DRAINTILE 6' CLEANOUT IE 955.40 • A _ RE 950.97 O 1.0% 6' CLEANOUT \\\ `+�♦�+ \' \ IE 951.0 IE 954.82 IE 953.86 IE 947.73 SAWCUT k REMOVE OCS 111 ♦ • n BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT \ \• \ PROPOSED BUILDING F `8' 3 AS REO'D FR UTILITY EE 94932 \� �+\+ I A / •` CONNECT W/BX X'VCP I y (SEE DETAIL) �` ` { F.f=.E - JBO.O A ' CONSTRUCTION. REPLACE V ♦ - / \ TEE @ 7' RISER. 1 IN KIND. 135'-6• PERF -6' CLEANOUT PE DRAINTILE \ I 15' PCP FES • EX. IE 933.0 q n \ �+ W/1RASH GUARD. PR IE 940 0 (RISER) I I " I I WETLAND ^ \\ I y 92'-15' RCP' V CL.5 O 0.35% \ I - 75' RCP PES - - - - - - H GUARD. 24' X 36" PLACE a CY PLACE RIPRAP CL.3 W/ FILTER FABRIC �5�� IE 945.00 - STORM SEWER ___>>_© »� WETLAND ^ 1E 946.90 \ (FIELD VERIFY) It 1 174'-15' PE I '1 II + I •. A O OSSx \` I (,Ili m CBMD: I I II I .. _ ' • H 108 ' RE 955.33 I r p 1 1 i•+ .' 1 IE 952.18-15 N 1 \ I V - lE 952.35-12' W ` n I. ' 10 12 PE 1 ,• .. 00.150% WETLAND L_ 1 • .. I f IISI~ I II .I • , e .. CS 10940'-6' PRF.- 24'• RCP ) 1 I I y 50'-6' PERF. RE 955.44 PE DRAINTILE '�-- -SEL=946.8 / 'i I PE DRAINTILE IE 952.40 b M a N W V) m: w-- - I s 3 --------- Rff.'=961.8 _ /NV=947.4 RIM=I `., RIM=970.1 »_>>--_»-__> c >VT$t�47 I I EI -c ->>---»- » .1 /, \ »--_»---»-_-->r »-8--->r---- >>>------> ---> -- RIz oD UI 6- 9 9PX - IN --- t-9 RIM=976.1 / ----------- - L I I RIM=976.5 ® to Itrtr.rry P .dN mm s FINAL F 1. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS: THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION'• THE CITY OF MOUND REVISIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEERING GUIDELINES AND THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE. i. OSltltl6 Pe. ary Comments. 2. 2. SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN AND STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST 3 EDITION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 4. (CEAM) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS & THE MINNESOTA 5• PLUMBING CODE. 6• -I A MINIMUM OF 7.5 FEET R COVER SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL WATER MAIN AND FORCE MAIN, 4. A MINIMUM OF 2.0 FEET VERTICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS. 5. ALL WATER MAIN WORK Q TESTING SHALL BE CDORDINAIED WITH CITY OF MOUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. S. CATCH BASINS IN THE GUTTER UNE SHALL BE SUMPED 0.17'. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 7. SEE SITE PLAN FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION INFRMATION. & ALL HYDROSTATIC TET AND 13ACTRIAMAIN MUST HAVE DTE T BEFOREUCTIVITY 7THE - PROJECT IS COMPLETE AND TURNED ON. zOl z a °n c > CO ® j m d O to z 4F n guJx W U_ W a In J r F � � I0 t0 � n t z d C w ro a m STORM SEWER SCHEDULE MEM EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE - - - EASEMENT UNE ------ - - - - - - .CURB UNE 24' X 36" BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE WALK SANITARY SEWER --->--->- �5�� SANITARY FRCEMAIN -�-^•- STMH-104 STORM SEWER ___>>_© »� .WATER MAIN -----I- -"I- 'UNDERGROUND GAS -es- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC -�.- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE - e - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -ene- UNDERGROUND FISRRTICS_- R -3067-V MANHOLE O HYDRANT GATE VALVE Dd UMUTY POLE •a TELEPHONE BOX O HAND HOLE SEE DETAIL LIGHT POLE fi SIGN 4 GUARD POST G GAS METER O ELECTRICMETER w O CURB STOP o GUY WIRE - WETLAND -__- FENCE LINE - ' - • - 1E 946.90 \ (FIELD VERIFY) It 1 174'-15' PE I '1 II + I •. A O OSSx \` I (,Ili m CBMD: I I II I .. _ ' • H 108 ' RE 955.33 I r p 1 1 i•+ .' 1 IE 952.18-15 N 1 \ I V - lE 952.35-12' W ` n I. ' 10 12 PE 1 ,• .. 00.150% WETLAND L_ 1 • .. I f IISI~ I II .I • , e .. CS 10940'-6' PRF.- 24'• RCP ) 1 I I y 50'-6' PERF. RE 955.44 PE DRAINTILE '�-- -SEL=946.8 / 'i I PE DRAINTILE IE 952.40 b M a N W V) m: w-- - I s 3 --------- Rff.'=961.8 _ /NV=947.4 RIM=I `., RIM=970.1 »_>>--_»-__> c >VT$t�47 I I EI -c ->>---»- » .1 /, \ »--_»---»-_-->r »-8--->r---- >>>------> ---> -- RIz oD UI 6- 9 9PX - IN --- t-9 RIM=976.1 / ----------- - L I I RIM=976.5 ® to Itrtr.rry P .dN mm s FINAL F 1. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS: THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION'• THE CITY OF MOUND REVISIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEERING GUIDELINES AND THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE. i. OSltltl6 Pe. ary Comments. 2. 2. SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN AND STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST 3 EDITION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 4. (CEAM) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS & THE MINNESOTA 5• PLUMBING CODE. 6• -I A MINIMUM OF 7.5 FEET R COVER SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL WATER MAIN AND FORCE MAIN, 4. A MINIMUM OF 2.0 FEET VERTICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS. 5. ALL WATER MAIN WORK Q TESTING SHALL BE CDORDINAIED WITH CITY OF MOUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. S. CATCH BASINS IN THE GUTTER UNE SHALL BE SUMPED 0.17'. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 7. SEE SITE PLAN FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION INFRMATION. & ALL HYDROSTATIC TET AND 13ACTRIAMAIN MUST HAVE DTE T BEFOREUCTIVITY 7THE - PROJECT IS COMPLETE AND TURNED ON. zOl z a °n c > CO ® j m d O to z 4F n guJx W U_ W a In J r F � � I0 t0 � n t z d C w ro a m STORM SEWER SCHEDULE STRUCTURE TYPE & Na .SIZE NEENAH cAsnnlG or EfK1At CBMH-1 Di. 48" DIA. R -3067-Y CB -102 24' X 36" R -3067-V STMH-103 48" DIA. R-1733 STMH-104 48" DIA. R-1733 CBMH-105: 48" DIA. R -3067 -VB CBMH-106 48" DIA. R -3067-V CBMH-107 48" DIA. R -3067-V CBMH-108. 48" DIA. : R -3067-V CB -109 24" X 36" R-3067-V- CBMH-110 48" DIA. R-4342 OCS-111 48" DIA. SEE DETAIL * TO BE VERIFIED WITH ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS. BENCHMARKS DRAWN BY: )TR BENCHMARKS DESIGNED BY: ]TR 1. CITY OF- MOUND TOP NUT HYDRANT ."EDATE: W/OB/16 ACROSS FROM SOUTHEAST CORNER R SURVEYED PROPERTY. - ELEVATION ^ 945.68 (NGVD 29) 1 hereby certify that cors plan, specl0rat on pr report was prepared by me ., under my Ole" supenmen and that I am a duly licensed professional Engineer under Ne N Nwa "r me scare of Hmnecpca D 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) Name: Tbseph T. Fwdd-hh, P.E. Date: 04/081]6 U-ta Y: 45889 C6 Of j / I r-1785= CGACA E SLAB SHALL BE r THEM 07CRETE APRON SHALL BE CONSMOCIED 15'- 314- PER FDOCOMPACT® CLASS ON 6' COMPACCLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (SEYSP®F[CAMONS) _ EL A �5' EL A FILTER FABRIC (36' MAX. HEIGHT) _ _ Es" VARIABLE ro ORBAOcpFs wertaEVER 15 GREATER ANCHOR W/ METAL OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 Pm _ - EL B T -POST OR WOOD 2'X2' STAKE 1,5 GEOTEX71LE TYPE III ' ° PLACE RIPRAP CL.Z TOP OF BERM: A rCON5M PAVEMENT FILTRATION OVERFLOW: B BASIN 6` CLASS 6 RISE 500%CRUSHED 6'X6' TRENCH BTM C =_ EXISTING INCEDWTALTD APRON DIRECTION OF FLOW (COMPACTED BACKFILL)-Ilrl �1 WETLAND SECRON A -A � I -I I � I I_I GE-TEX"LE TWE 111 �- -- ° PLACE RIPRAP CL2 =lIl SII IFII�IIHIII-� 8612 CONCRETE PAYMBNFARfA BY III -='11 I 111111 {SII A. e. c. cuke & GUTTER SQUARE FEET e - A CI II Ir BASIN 10 949.0 947.9 946.5 UNDISTURBED SOIL - ' BASIN.2. 952.0 950.8 .948.0 NOTES S STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW EVON1'0INT 1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE. C71 NO SCALE - 2, DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. ® CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. C7 NO SCALE 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE. OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6'X6' TRENCH. 5. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 6 6, SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 & 3886. j 43"R,./2R1 SILT FENCE 2��� 3/4" PER/ 7-2" CLEARC7 NO SCALE }.1 xROCK (MINDIr5/8" 12 8 6" MIN. •TIP -OUT CURB SHALL TIP OUT AT 3/4" PER FOOT. HDPE INSERT BASKETS N:H� 10 8612 CONCRETE CURB 1iA GUTTER SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS C7 NO SCALE I n 420 CRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 6 ROCK CON.r7TRUCTION ENTRANCE C7 NO SCALE n rl 2'.3' HOPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY' OVERFLOW PORTS MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.E 'STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT' DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS OR APPROVED EQUAL L F COLLECTION DEVICE PAVEMENT SECTION* 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (SPWE 9.5 (ZC)), MN/DOT SPEC. 2360 TACK COAT 2' BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (SPWE 12.5 (2,C)), MN/OOT SPEC. 2360 " B' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, MN/DOT SPEC. 2211 (1007. CRUSHED) APPROVED GRANULAR SUBGRADE -FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN TO BE CONFIRMED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD. --INCREASE TO 10" IN HEAVY DUTY AREAS. 14 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION C7 NO SCALE tPAVEMENTSECTION; 5' PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE, MN/DOT SPEC. 2301 6' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, MN/DOT SPEC. 2211 (100% CRUSHED) APPROVED SUBGRADE •FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN TO BE CONFIRMED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD. --INCREASE TO 6' IN HEAVY DUTY AREAS, 15 CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION C7 NO SCALE tPA'EMENTSECTION• 4' PORTlANO CEMENT CONCRETE, MN/DDT SPEC. 2301. a" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, MN/DOT SPEC. 2211 (100% CRUSHED) APPROVED GRANULAR SUBGRADE -FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN TO BE CONFIRMED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD. i6 CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION C7 NO SCALE A'- IGAP R ' PROPOSED \\\\\\ GRADE 6' PVC WYE RISER - GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS 2 2x5 DEBRIS NOTES ARIES B"-90 C7 NO SCALE o BENo vs.0 6` PVC LEAD 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING APPLICATION (LENciH.vARIES) PszO OF LIME, FERTILIZER AND/OR SEED.ELt 9509' 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE (OR CHANNEL) BY ANCHORING THE 48' DIA BLANKET IN A 6" DEEP X 6" WIDE TRENCH. 'BACKFILL : AND COMPACT 11 DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. _. 3. ROLL THE BLANKETS DOWN (STARTING DOWNSTREAM PROCEEDING C7 NO SCALE ' UPSTREAM) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. lR' OIiG10E i wan ' A400 4: THE EDGES OF PARALLEL: BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH ADPE INSERT BASKETS MINIMUM 4" OVERLAP. POND OU7LET_44 HOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS PLACE 4"x 4' - 4' ABOVE MICRON FILTER BAGS 5. WHEN BLANKETS MUST BE SPLICED DOWN THESLOPE, PLACE WATER ROUGH IN EQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS BLANKETS END OVER END(SHINGLE STYLE) WITH MINIMUM 6"7' MIN.OVERLAP. USE ADOUBLERDW OF STAGGERED STAPLES 4' APART TO wsa15" RCP FLOW SECURE BLANKETS.EXTEND 8- DIP WATER6. iN HIGH ROW CHANNEL APPLICAfiONS, A STAPLE CHECK SLOT IS SERVICE W/FLANGE 6" ABOVE 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT� RECOMMENDED AT 30 TO 40 FOOT INTERVALS. USE A ROW OF FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. F49.5 / EMERGENCY STAPLES 4" APART OVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL PLACE A "�- OVERFLOW PORTS WV. 945.0 6' NmE ALE SECOND ROW 4" BELOW THE FIRST ROW IN A STAGGERED PATTERN. FIRST FLOOR - MEETS MN/DDT SPECIFICATION. 3891.E - 17 OUTLET CONTROL CJTRUCTURE 111 POND 2O "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT' 7. THE TERMINAL ENDS OF THE BLANKETS MUST BE ANCHORED IN A 6" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) DEEP X 6" WIDE TRENCH.. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH C7 NO SCALE FRAME CASTING AFTER STAPLING. :8 - ' DIP CL 7.5' MIN - 7 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CAP §EWER SERVICES COVER 136" BELOW FIRST FLOOR. FOR WATER AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS C7 NO SCALE INSTALL 2' X 2' MARKING POST. °oMPAc1ED FO°11NC N- BACKFILL VARIES ----------- OR APPROVED EQUAL VARIES S PVC �.,,. MER F00nec (OUTLET) A. 3 2711 DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE 9E' BEND (NW'L)B. FILTRATION TREATMENT C7 NO SCALE 90' ELBOW VOLUME 857 SAND 157 MN/DOT 12 UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS a . GRADE 2 COMPOST C7NO SCALE D •:::::: •:::::.:::v :: 0.5 TOPSOIL GRADING GRADE - MINIMUM 3" OF 1/4 -INCH (TYP.) TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL APPLY TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND SHALL BE VARIES - -" "BUCKSHOT' WASHED ROCK ACCORDING TO THE LATEST EDITION OF MODOT STANDARD SPECIFICA71ONS FOR 3,p• PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE 1 E CONSTRUCIION EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW. EXISTING GRADE 3 VARIES _.. _ _ ...._ e� --�- NON -WOVEN GEOIEXTILE (MnDOT TYPE 1) TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OCCUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE_ i 1 1.5' WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS MORE THAN 7. DAYS AFTER GRADING COMPLETION. 'SPOL R1p1' ) fO:T N.W.L 10:1 SEED: MnDOT MIXTURE 25-141 AT 60 POUNDS PER ACRE. ' M/�� UMIT'OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION --.y _ _ �'- - 6" PERFORATED DRAIN7ILE SELECT BACKFILL r 6 tN, T -3 --- DORMANTSEED: SHALL BE APPLIED AT TWICE THE NORMAL RATE AFTER MATERIA����f \ U S�PeM�tEB\ A. 1 _ C. D. E. NOVEMBER 157. W B. QP LN NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL 10' > 1O' MULCH: TWE IAT 2 TONS PER ACRE (DISK ANCHORED). NON -SELECT M', 3 COMPACTED BACKFILL BOTTOM - BASIN 10 947.5. 946.5 945.5 945.25 944.25 FERTILIZER: TWE 10-10-10 AT 200 POUNDS PER ACRE BACKFILL MATERIAL 3, COMPACTED �.�� BASH 20 949.0 948.0 947.0 946.75 945.75 COMPACTED BACKFILL 10.0' I MIN..--VARIES--'^i [BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL CH SECTION SUBGRADE CORRECTION 15 STORMWATER POND 1@ FILTRAT%ON BASIN/BEN S 4 TURF ESTABLISHMENT C7 NO SCALE C7 NO SCALE C7 NO SCALE C7 NO SCALE R 0 0T 0 N o Z F` W .y Q Y Q1 Ln t Z M 0D C O WCL C o DO 4L i /I �d / I`C`I t i I I I ( f f/- ------------------------- �L1,1_�1��LL J t - ry iii j ally I ----__-------------- -� �.1 ... I --- - - --- I N,\ 1t � - \ "'!_ -!_ }-- -------------- � �vt A :� .yipINC OMITS --s4s- 1 SPD LIMITS -'1 I \�•,+ /�!i' s I V;�'$ ecp C"vim - J ° r � e%( ----------- v: --- c / / / / / 1 1 t� ( 4 / <I / Y o 39 2>6T ,c> I / a I 1X °E�1L�1 1 T 1c S I [i t � n I m F'1 ila�'.' .....,,�.. . , , .. •. .. .. �SF., `� . . � ,y, 1, � ,:. > °�`�`"�a`��a ".,„�.. �,v1��.�.`w 'rrs.•t.'��'>.."� >s'si,,:. „�ss�,(�aa.'a,x, �*^y}"r.`axz`sh'�;�dnM,,`y'� ""Al ti�1« 117 . II I r. y� •� �11 / ; � \ �I I I 14-1 ft • ��__ - 1j ----I-- I I -J ' I 7 I SEEP ING LIMITS I,,\ 5 \� `��`,\.� .1 ` \� 1 - -- � v.9�« � w u t i ,�• �r .ra. y��, �c�"�k +�fi>r � *^ � ;�3%�', �"+ 1^�� 1 ` � f ,II, i I II II I n I b r_ .... �,. \• > ,>A:v�tr f a"'A"'4�'' d^�' £ �i», m^",."• «..`a-r4.°g^ a'a `' (- ' I ; I ty 3� -rte � :. / •• A \ \ �'_-.\y ;: � / / I .• •,'. \ 1 N z k 4•�3'�� s g" dx µ n C4xu „ I } ,'mv v Xa 'n<b �5 sv'w'k.+ �t P \ \ i $,'t.ra �t f„s ,. sa 'sen, e :,, r 'a'`' V I v ' J �" •1 M PLANT SCHEDULE t �. � + .V1r.•urp� at f%. i4a e t4. \ �.. \._ ����.� �,-� _.�� I iI I � I � II -.� .�---,a -r .�. �_ - - w ..cg; an.��' �n`^ ..�` ,mow. \ *.•� \ "• -S �°�•._``'.-i - 4er=a4r"y-�wl -� �-�.. + i i I I rl ------------------ / , LANDSCAPE NOTES i I. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TYPICAL IN ALL SHRUB AND GROUND COVER AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE A LANDSCAPE FA5RIC IN ALL PLANTING BEDS. MULCH TO 15E MIN. 3' THICK WITH NO LANDSCAPE FABRIC VISIBLE. 2. POLY EDGER TYPICAL WHERE PLANTING BEDS INTERFACE WITH $00. 3. 4'> OF ORGANIC/BLACK SOIL 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. 4. SOD ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING AND WHERE NOTED ON THE PLAN. S. IRRIGATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL SOD AND LANDSCAPE AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. HEAVY COMMERCIAL GRADE POLY EDGER SHALL BE USED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF LANDSCAPE BEDS NOTED ON PLAN. T. REFER TO DETAIL SHEET L2 FOR GENERAL NOTES, PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, PLANTING NOTES, IRRIGATION NOTES, AND PLANTING DETAILS. S. _ REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR GRADES AND ER05ION CONTROL S. REMOVE ANY BURLAP, TWINE, ROPES AND/OR WIRING FROM THE TOP AND 51DES OF ROOT -BALL FOR ALL BALLED S BURLAP PLANTS. 10. REMOVE CONTAINERS AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS IF PLANTS ARE CONTAINER GROWN. IL ALL PLANTINGS SHALL RECEIVE FERTILIZER AS FOLLOWS: 0-20-20 GRANULAR FERTILIZER APPLIED AT THE TIME OF PLANTING AT A RATE OF 12 OZ PER 2.5" CALIPER INCHES OF TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB, SEE DMIX: MNDOT - 61 33.261 GORE �rr GOMM�1 PL4MEILATRd ®1Z� RO>sT �C9 q II NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE 2.5' 045 STRAIGHT LEADER 2A0 2.24 234 ACER RUBRUM WORTHWOOD' CAL hin AND FULL GROWN B 6 SWAMP WHITE OAK 7.5' B45 STRAIGHT LEADER Ni ___85.89_ 7.19 QUERCUS BICOLOR CAL lenaar leheawtnen AND FULL CROWN C le RENIASSANCE REFLECTION BIRCH 2.5' B48 STRAIGHT LEADER 0.39 0.38 GA3 0.43 BETULA PAPYRIFERA 'RENCI'. CAL hWnn rue AND FULL CROWN D 9 BOULEVARD AMERICAN LINDEN -- 7.5" B48 ISTRAIGHT LEADER CAG OA TNA AMERICANA BOULDEVARD' CAL JAND FULL CROWN E S PRAIRIEFIRE CRABAPPLE 1.5' 545 STRAIGHT LEADER 0.25 on MAWS X 'PRAIRIEFIRW CAL dark nubulruah wool nu JAND FULL CROWN F 15 IwARYMT GOLD CRABAPPLE 2.5' 510 15TRAIGHT LEADER 030 0.56 MAWS X 'HARVEST GOLD' CAL )sen humbn IAND FULL CROWN G 14 jWWrTE PINE b' 54B STRAIGHT LEADER 0.15 0.12 _ 0.36% 0.32% MINIM STROBL* HT ae PtwmaO> Sruec6antl0ae FULL FORM TO GRAPE H it BLACK HILL5 SPRUCE 6' BBB STRAIGHT LEADER 0.08 _.- O.OB DAN 031% F icEA GLAUCA 'DENSATA' HT. Rutlbeekn hamnn FULL FORM TO GRADE I s CONCOLOR FIR b' 1540 STRAIGHT LEADER 0A9 0.10% ARIES CONCOLOR WT DoellinyMeambellela .,. FULL FORM TO GRADE QUANTRIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENENCE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN 0.17% / , LANDSCAPE NOTES i I. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TYPICAL IN ALL SHRUB AND GROUND COVER AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE A LANDSCAPE FA5RIC IN ALL PLANTING BEDS. MULCH TO 15E MIN. 3' THICK WITH NO LANDSCAPE FABRIC VISIBLE. 2. POLY EDGER TYPICAL WHERE PLANTING BEDS INTERFACE WITH $00. 3. 4'> OF ORGANIC/BLACK SOIL 15 REQUIRED FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. 4. SOD ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING AND WHERE NOTED ON THE PLAN. S. IRRIGATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL SOD AND LANDSCAPE AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. HEAVY COMMERCIAL GRADE POLY EDGER SHALL BE USED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF LANDSCAPE BEDS NOTED ON PLAN. T. REFER TO DETAIL SHEET L2 FOR GENERAL NOTES, PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, PLANTING NOTES, IRRIGATION NOTES, AND PLANTING DETAILS. S. _ REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR GRADES AND ER05ION CONTROL S. REMOVE ANY BURLAP, TWINE, ROPES AND/OR WIRING FROM THE TOP AND 51DES OF ROOT -BALL FOR ALL BALLED S BURLAP PLANTS. 10. REMOVE CONTAINERS AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS IF PLANTS ARE CONTAINER GROWN. IL ALL PLANTINGS SHALL RECEIVE FERTILIZER AS FOLLOWS: 0-20-20 GRANULAR FERTILIZER APPLIED AT THE TIME OF PLANTING AT A RATE OF 12 OZ PER 2.5" CALIPER INCHES OF TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB, SEE DMIX: MNDOT - 61 33.261 Weet _ Cammen Name Schml6e Nemo. pnnllWaO) Netefk9ma)Y•or Mlv Seeda/tgft (byaet9M) b blusalem Z! l An rd9 2A0 2.24 234 5.72% 5.73% 7.35 9.10 hin Dnmua cl9alrac 3.00 128x Y_pirinlawlld res lwlbli rase -Ern, �u/cus .. _-...-.?AO Pva Ni ___85.89_ 7.19 -.. .._-2c3t 3A3% 50.70 lenaar leheawtnen an ' LA0 1.12 2.95% 2.53 OaM rYa fdeu netu Pukum M atom rtan 0.39 0.38 GA3 0.43 1.07% 1.07% 1A3 Ul hWnn rue S 7anDuaenWrm 0.12 0.13 036% 0.55 hitmejol.1 I canaderrera CAG OA 9.te% 6A0 Cnuu Subletoi 9.65 933 3039% 80.79 tm14n9ed . Cana 0.25 on 0.71% 3.10 dark nubulruah wool nu S auevkans - S us 0.19 0.06 031 0.07 0.54%. 0.19% 31.70 39.00 ietlgee i aahoa Sobtenl 030 0.56 tA9% - 7335 )sen humbn VJ k. ea - 030 632 0.56% 079 ✓tulUmn anse3•wau Nehnla. mf m7ure-- 013 6.11 0.15 0.12 _ 0.36% 0.32% 5.97 030 rrmreh m9kwecd W r11eAa ae PtwmaO> Sruec6antl0ae 0.11 0.12 0.31% 0.20 Cwtls anemone _ �0hadiem Anemone urndersia RPh kvr lana �_._ OA7 ..0.07 0.08 _.- O.OB DAN 031% 030 5,30 fam nll ceneflower Rutlbeekn hamnn 5.07 0.09 031% 0.37 NwE Maepr 9ymphyetrkhum neva+ Ya DA? 0A9 0.10% 1.56 MHopyed_apbr DoellinyMeambellela .,. _.0:06 _ ... 0_07..... 0.17% 1.90 _ _ ipm6ed.lw,pye wted .. EuOxhWm maculefam' 0.150.15% _. 2.19 eWewmm : Yev6ena Aasreb 0.06 1.05 Forbe fiablonl LA0 'A. 1.13 2A5% 15.13 pap IAwnc aafhv 25.00 29.02 71A3% 11.14 CowrCn Subnnl 2500 28.02 71.03% 11.85 Tonl 36.00 39.13 190.95 Purpees: Smrmennrpond atlpeg nmpend1Yf11otictl dry Ponds, and tl90htropome. pmpondlY Doodad e.p. PprNn9 Area: > Ta119nu A6pon Pemlenda, Pralde Parkland, And Esatem Brwdhat F -t Pnnnen. NnMOT Diel lets aul.3B.4 Ne" 5 799. PLANT LEGEND \ OVERSTORY CAL TREE (`,,// 2.5" GAL O N GAL TAL TREE I, SHR24-„U636 /,GROUNDCOVERNL N - � 9B iiSR 24� DIA MNDOT 33-262 SEED MIX -- SOD/SEED LIMITS D Is ao so i IN rEET > z 4J � 0 � �� B 04 u J ® � D z o� ui y® 6 0 x - J e� m 0 z�y�wy u r! W yjl o AD ar _ i ® n 2 W W' O ® L L) z�� W -� l m REVISIONS 1.05!17/16 Per pry C-- 2. 3. 4. s. 6. DRAWN BY: SDB DESIGNED BY: SDS ISSUE DATE: 04;08/16 I hereby certify that this 1111, apecit "N" rep d w,a prepared by me or en .- dul er my direct -it of 1d that I a y Licensed Landscape Architect under the I- of the State 0 M'-0. Date: 04/08/16 Um- Y: 40647 6 L1 1787 24" TREE Ib" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, L5' WIDE STRAP, TYP) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3 AT 120" INTERVALS TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH FLAGGING, ONE PER WIRE ROOTBALL TO SIT ON SUBGRADE MULCH, b" SHREDDED HARDWOOD PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC SUBGRADE 2" X ' X 24" WOOD ANCHOR STAKE, SET AT ANGLE 50D/SEED OR GROUNDCOVER TOPSOIL LEVEL SITE Ib" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, 1.5" WIDE STRAP, TYP) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE- S AT 120* INTERVALS FLAGGING, ONE PER WIRE ROOTBALL TO SIT ON SUBGRADE MULCH, b" SHREDDED HARDWOOD PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC SUBGRADE SOD(SEED OR GROUNDCOVER 2" X 2" X 24" WOOD ANCHOR STAKE, SET AT ANGLE TOPSOIL LCYLL. at NOTE; WAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUBS TO SR ON SUBGRADE MULCH 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD LANDSCAPE FABRIC, SEE SPEC, 4" fi EDGING PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC. REFER TO PLAN FOR GROUNDCOVER SUBGRADE SHRUBS TO SIT ON SUBGRADE 3 514RU5 LEVEL SITE L2 Z In v rn 2 C h m 00 ®� m h z k X x ¢ W w Z ti 2 i 2 O w rn� � rn w OD Z @ M > h Z = a v c 0 0 00 a m F z a 0 W ZIL c Q >w � V ® 00 az N 2: IBJ Z D J O z r W to 0 = In 0„ u ® f f w m ® o U LL r r JJ Z 'a Li � � M REVISIONS 1, 05/17/16 per Clty Comments B. c s. $ S. DRAWN BY: SDB DESIGNED By: SDB g ISSUE DATE: .04/OB/16 e I hereby certify that this plan, sD« d<rtmy m ar report was prepared by.. or un g ir<d sueervl:Ion ane th , I am a dui, S Limn d Und cape pua 11 under the 1i*MF-.1- N11 `a E SiDnat' Date: 697 l L2 nf' _ �'-1788- PLANTING NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS: I' INSTALLED UNTIL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE PROP WITH THE 1, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS ON THE P PLANT I, PLANTING BED PREPARATION ALL MASS PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE TILLED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 10". AMENDMENTS SHALL BE APPLIED AFTER CULTIVATION. IMMEDIATE AREAE AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO STAKING 2. ALL PLANT MATERIAL LOCATIONS MUST BE REVIEWED LOCATIONS. 2. $AGKFILL SOLI USE 50� EXGAVATEp FROM PLANTING HOLES f PROVIDE AMENDMENTS. ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL DIGGING. 2. COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AND ROCKS LARGER THAN 3' IN DIA. 3, IF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PERCEIVES AND DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, SOIL MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT MATERIAL CONTRACTORS WORKING ON THE SITE. 9. FERTILIZATION -'17 15 RECOMMENDED THAT NEWLY PLANTED TREES ANO SHRUBS SHOULD IF NECESSARY, BEGIN FERTILIZING TREES AND CONDITIONS, OR ANY OTHER SITE CONDITION WHICH SURVIVAL OR GUARANTEE, THEY SHALL BRING THESE DEFICIENCIES TO THE 3. WHERE EXISTING TREES AND/OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MA551NG5 ARE FOUND ON THE 517E NOT BE FERTILIZED THE FIRST YEAR. SHRUBS THE SECOND YEAR AFTER ESTABU5HMENT AT A RATIO AND RATE BASED ON A ESTABLI5HMENT, ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. WHETHER SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR NOT, THEY SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED TO BE REMOVED AND/OR ARE WITHIN THE GRADING LIMITS. ANY QUESTION SOIL TEST. IN THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL MAY BE NEEDED IN THE FIELD. UNLESS NOTED REGARDING WHETHER PLANT MATERIAL SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT REMAIN SHOULD BELANDSCAPE ERIAL." AS SPECIFIED 4. ADJUSTMENTS SHOULD AN ADJUSTMENT BE ADVISED, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED. BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL 16 BEDS TO 3MULCH ?' DEPTH OVER FIBER MA WEED BARRIER. ALL PERRENIAL PLANTING BEDS MULCH WITH NO FIBER WEED MAT BARRIE . BE INSTALLED PER PLANTING DETAILS. 4. ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND PRUNED TO REMOVE DEAD WOOD TO RECEIVE 3' DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD ALL DECIDUOUS AND EVERGREEN TREES TO RECEIVE b" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD TREE TRUNK. 5. ALL PLANTS t0 AND SIZE IN EACH PLANTING BED AND EVERT TREE SHOULD BE CLEARLY AND DAMAGED OR RUBBING BRANCHES. MULCH WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH b. ONE SHRUB PER TYPE WITH A PLASTIC TAG WHICH SHALL NOT BE S. BB TREES AND SHRUBS ARE BALLED AND BURLAPPED. TREE STAKING: IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO STAKE AND/OR GUY '5 IDENTIFIED (COMMON OR LATIN NOMENCLATURE) ED PRI OWNER ACCEPTANCE. REMOVED PRIOR TO b. NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL 15 REQUESTED It. RESPONSIBILITY TO THE TREES ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS. IT 15 THE CONTRACTOR THE TREES AND MAINTAITHE , WHERE ED ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SEED/SOD SHALL BE HELD 1 " OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO SUBMISSION GUARAN E PROD, AND PLUMB CONDITION AT ALL TIMES UNTIL END OF THE PLANTN GUARANTEE BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC. OF BID AND/OR QUOTATION. ESPECIALLY WHERE VANDALISM, SOIL OR WIND CONDITIONS ARE A PROBLEM, ON BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. 1 ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST ADDITION OF THE AMERICAN STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. iZ. TREE WRAPPING WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE QUALITY, HEAVY WATERPROOF CREPE WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES IN THE FALL a SOD SHALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3 I OR IN DRAINAGE SWALE5, THE 50D SHALL BE STAKED TO THE STANDARD FOR NURSERY PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE: 8. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR ON-GOING MAINTENANCE OF ALL NEWLY INSTALLED PRIOR ITO 12-1 AND REMOVE ALL WRAPPING BY 5-I. SEED ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING OTHER THAN THOSE TO RECEIVE SOD. MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE OCCUR PRIOR TO OWNER ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 13. RODENT PROTECTION: PROVIDE ON ALL TREES, EXCEPT SPRUCE UNLESS OTHERWISE 9, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATORS AT NO G05T TO THE OWNER, WHICH MAY NOTED. 10. REPAIR ALL CONTRACTOR. LOCATE N: ALL PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL E LT CRESPECT YSTATED AS NON 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE HE NOTES. 14. TPLANTING LNS. E PLAN TAKES, PREC PRECEDENCE OVER INSPECTION. DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. IRRIGATION NOTES: Commmmmumium 10. WARRANTY FOR THE LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE ARCHITECT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF PLANTING ALL LANDSCAPE OTD ON N THE PLAN' ALL METAL SHALL BE OTHERW SE EDGING 15.. EDGING: DNGHOR TSEGTIONM I. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING SHOP DRAWINGS ILLUSTRATING AS PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK WHEN BIDDING. THESE BY THE LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. STAKES ES PER FOO .LESS MASS PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE EDGING PLACED BETWEEN MULCH AND ANY IRRIGATION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER. It, CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR ACCEPTANCE WITH ALL REPLACEMENTS TO BE PROVIDED AT NO ADJACENT TURF AREAS... 2_ VERIFY EXISTING/PROPOSED SYSTEM LOCATION. - FROM THE DATE OF OWNER ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL AND PLANTING AREAS INDICATED ON THE PLAN SHALL BE THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BETWEEN THE NOTE TWO (2) ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATED. ION SHALL 100Y IRRIGATED. THE IRRIGATION SHALL INCLUDE PROPERTY LINE AND BACK OF CURB WHERE NEW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED. NOTE: TWO (2) ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATED. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES, HOWEVER THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB 4. IT SHALL BE THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE TWAT ALL SODDEDISEEDED IRRIGATED PROPERLY, INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND a POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. AND PLANTED AREAS ARE OUNDATION AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION- IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO -7 . STAKE TREES, HOWEVER THE 7 SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. _ CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A WATERINGATERI IRRIGATION 1.� CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR 5. THE LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT 517E CONDITIONS AND TO PLANT MATERIAL GROWTH Qa" MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION REQUIREMENTS a THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLET-1 PRIOR TO PLANTING. 24" TREE Ib" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, L5' WIDE STRAP, TYP) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3 AT 120" INTERVALS TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH FLAGGING, ONE PER WIRE ROOTBALL TO SIT ON SUBGRADE MULCH, b" SHREDDED HARDWOOD PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC SUBGRADE 2" X ' X 24" WOOD ANCHOR STAKE, SET AT ANGLE 50D/SEED OR GROUNDCOVER TOPSOIL LEVEL SITE Ib" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL, 1.5" WIDE STRAP, TYP) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE- S AT 120* INTERVALS FLAGGING, ONE PER WIRE ROOTBALL TO SIT ON SUBGRADE MULCH, b" SHREDDED HARDWOOD PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC SUBGRADE SOD(SEED OR GROUNDCOVER 2" X 2" X 24" WOOD ANCHOR STAKE, SET AT ANGLE TOPSOIL LCYLL. at NOTE; WAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUBS TO SR ON SUBGRADE MULCH 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD LANDSCAPE FABRIC, SEE SPEC, 4" fi EDGING PLANTING SOIL, SEE SPEC. REFER TO PLAN FOR GROUNDCOVER SUBGRADE SHRUBS TO SIT ON SUBGRADE 3 514RU5 LEVEL SITE L2 Z In v rn 2 C h m 00 ®� m h z k X x ¢ W w Z ti 2 i 2 O w rn� � rn w OD Z @ M > h Z = a v c 0 0 00 a m F z a 0 W ZIL c Q >w � V ® 00 az N 2: IBJ Z D J O z r W to 0 = In 0„ u ® f f w m ® o U LL r r JJ Z 'a Li � � M REVISIONS 1, 05/17/16 per Clty Comments B. c s. $ S. DRAWN BY: SDB DESIGNED By: SDB g ISSUE DATE: .04/OB/16 e I hereby certify that this plan, sD« d<rtmy m ar report was prepared by.. or un g ir<d sueervl:Ion ane th , I am a dui, S Limn d Und cape pua 11 under the 1i*MF-.1- N11 `a E SiDnat' Date: 697 l L2 nf' _ �'-1788- f �.. ! w ,C t 1 rn W + , p ui v -• WETLAND ..um Z-------------- � 1 C. r ; to r L 2 0. I M L - •I/Ex15nNc euLmNc 1 (I 1 to I --- iiuU1U1U ------------------------- r i � V:ElLAND _ c � LI ------ - _ .. ... - .•+•.. WETLAND — to 1 267 I i y' �R 5 ® O 267 267 i � TOTAL AREA 22,740 SF Q N H ami $ i SUITABLE AREA = 20,128 SF d Z_ p 267 - •r TIER 4 Ii ---7 I d TOTAL AREA = 72,100 SF I$ ,J {!J O : _ 71 SUITABLE AREA 62.076 SF _ 1 _ _ _ ` I' W X W W w .. :' [ L: � o WETLAND.— / TIER 2 , ., TOTAL AREA = 116,704 SF 1 TIER 3 SUITABLE AREA = 113.302 SF ( TOTAL AREA = 77,772 SF r 0 TIER 1 0 SUITABLE AREA = 77,772 SF y f iy I TOTAL AREA = 116,961 SF f Ep i� SUITABLE AREA �f),$ p/ l a Wjr G e ' �M WETLAND — I - C) l �� 1 WETLAND .. d iLu{n Q / I --------------------------------------- Ln i -f :...... r - ' i, - J' ®LQ z tll� UJ L \`�1 ®` �n i•' lit u ILI w O f' 17T, : T17//7777/7coEX15T1ING /% i i I W V) ✓ I'll I I .i 1j %TT/T/7T/to 77 7 7; 7T/7TiT Th i I ' I w M . r EXISTING BUILDING , n I I j ' REVISIONS I f I 2. ' - 3. 4. 6. DRAWN BY: ITR DESIGNED BY: JTA ISSUE DATE: 05/11/16 N - NOTES 0 25 5D 100 (IN FEET) l / -of l -1789_ DUTCH LAKE PRESERVE A t t 1 �.- ary Point (505.02 fe I West If the No 'the- st conar of Sec. 14, T,,p. I be, R 7' (Cost he, W_- -I) N.,thd h., of G-arnment as hhe the Owner: Minneholl Creek Watershed District ; L,1,1.lih. .,.no -Nc,fh of Coi,,act Lot I No. 14117241100002" North Thereof I N59 .49'54'W PID No. N/A I 506-12 --- ----- - _06.02 :r80,7 370.1 r N ND,JhO.st rha, of G-a—ent -f-l '---WETLAND p T 0 Lot 1, Sac, I -P. 117. Rge� 24, ,--WETLAND I IX Owner. Huber Real Est. Grp -Mound LLC I 1' PID go No. 1411724140002 No. B-2 Z --s-th lice of the North 755.00 6 feel of C.-c'ent Lot I 1 f N89*49'54'W o 606.02 40.03 p 566.o ..... ...... L 40 1 i8 WETLAND 1---=-------------------------� - WETLAND '-1 40 no D, N., 4547209 0 U7WT A a^ hA :kBS,447 Sq'.Ft. fn6 ED I -7.�d U t 11) 1 Ot�ytloc-Act LOT 1 3: ,I, of 3310,036 sq.rt.to p c'i I l' 1 Lu I -7 2 0 4 L A I OU 1 1 to LJ & I utillt, Cal, WETLAND LAND %\ v _T_ ' - Highway Ecalloh-f per Doc No. 4647209 WETLAND �.Q p ollal h the No,th I Let I of -WERAND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - ei 40 •wo 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _J�__ :tI56.5 ya 1096.02 N89'49'54*W 1 fon ISI Owner: School District No. 277 A P t So.th of the PID No. 1411724140005 Nn1Jhli4.No1.1'h"'.' 'o—nian, Zoning; R-1 Lot 1. di.1 red -ed o.hq the East line thereof '2•East O� t b.1h.1 of Sec arer 4 T--4 So , 14, Tp. 117, Rge. 24 PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: dy 7 7 J VICINITY MAP being 10 feet in width, and adjoining olds lot lines, and 10 feet in width and adjoining right way fishown unless Otherwise 5 Own an this plot. CALL BEFORE YOU DM Know what's below. Call before you dig. (NO SCALE) N L City of Mound, Hennepin County, MN S.Oth,o 14, Township 117, Range 24 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Fie, E-1,11 A or Schad,], R of 741, Co -1-1 No. 238177, with an effective data It Joh-, 22. 2016 at ?:DO A.M., p,d,,led by Chle.g. Till, meas cle C-Plaiji) T- co, of Go.xrnment tot 5ecf%on 14, Tsl,ip 11", R -1a 21, -1h of the hi".-' da -i- I.- 1., 1. 4540 "a, owa sod end ,lie. (hence res tory bb�. Rh the -il0, - .1 1.11 6—ic- Iii the a'si, lit D Acl, Los olid neve term noLng That all 16540 1- -1 - Mail, W 1, Section ta, T -W, "I. Range a�, llej,'tis, Will Is ..at .1 - If said I , 111 SITE DATA TOTAL SITE AREA 1:9.33 Ac. EXISTING ZONING B-2 TOTAL ROW AREA 10.25 AC. PROPOSED ZONING—R-3 (PD) L.� �� he- 0 of sold -a- .1 1., 11 fim o2 a, I a I, h- TOTAL OUTLOT AREA —±1.96 AC, I sii'ad .11 id1" TOTAL LOT AREA ±7.12 AC. UTILITIES AVAILABLE (Aest,act P,oaa,ty) GENERAL NOTES LEGEND The field -6 hi, this li-bl, wa¢ ce-,"I'd a, Jay 61h, 2015 SHEET INDEX 4 He i 2) .... arcloved on Salla, G-- j let 1, Ss,tiel, 14 TI -.11, 11 2 CO 25 50 100 is Denotes Hanhpin County M.numerlt. as noted is d , .8 " Denotes Found Iran Monument 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 3) svad vope,ty oea,esv 1s61 Commerce eama-le Maand, - is - 0 -Denotes Set Iron Pipe. Marked With RLS 40361 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS s.`-.' Inc ('11, FEET 1 n asNo' 1 P t 606. Leel ll'esl cl the Ne�iheo<t cvner os Se '4. Twp '17•-•'I � ) N iE t ser of 0>vernment R.e. 24 (Cost Iron Al rent) i v. -- - Owner: Minnehaho Creek Watershed District -Lot t .epsurea along the :-marts t,,e cf Goycmmeot Lot 1 I� _ ! i^ L - PID No. 1411724110002 i N to unE tnereci. 'n N89a49'54'W % i 1 1 I i Zoning: NSA ---- � 506.12 �- _T c c -�• 606.02 { � N�, I 1 ! -- - , �„'�' ... - -_ _ .. _. _ .. - /, / - I, ro a• �-r .-a i n orinensi c of 6ovcr..ment � V 1 1 _ "WEXAND - __ ._ - - _ .. 5.'fly^* •� Lot .sec. v n-, _ ! ^ ' � i' • I / L , 14 eT. Roe 24 S i T I f 1_ / P q5. It I laJ ue tEl ca a ' 1 a... i m i , - i Z � 6 to r i 1ha North 165 00 r. ieei or Gdvernmant Loi i eh c f rami_ - WETLAND WETLAND -TrE° 1_saz 3 2 I' �- eso\ Deady t o or Restrive Covenonie v n I '' ""-•2 Area per Doc No. 5622339 pe DO ki!1 ro \ er e y --7 ' r e - / w D nage and Utility £osement / /i ";"L m° 7 ] :k.'E \ywc-•---^^ 5 g v ower al m Daum A l t R 1 nmg wmre.� 1, U v I d7.,62 a9 vL �� O c M. I 1. / I ` ._ / - .M1:'..,�5^ N: 4L C } 1 l® fl �a'a !I i'465 oda je C - � r• xr. `" ���� W 1 E -sting Greenhouse Tr r 0 n X3667 :o r t i y J -v - WETLAND \. \ r� HgnwDoo mens LI !1 \ ! ` \8 ` ver c t. $24647209 •L1 d >w, I r I Ic Lme Po I An ine No �TLA P' �` WETLAND . I �rn me7), Lei , - d / f / f . .... - J"/1� j' � i�,�"9 t zi � i,� +1'` x"v� h a a „•,, o"� T .�::Rw osis a" vN�bE.i / / _ ,K „bey^'("'✓ .yM1?t " & uc d g,avjsly.� ,/e.,� ns• i}h.,x", y.IRE'. r;'4.#1f /.O er: School Dis Rw s6as i No. 141172414 00 vm1-4a�otr I. Ing: R -I -tai ,odTnea A L line 1%2.1.1f11_ exsrng Bwdin / � i 1 n ply r6ec'oa.i7.'Rge. 2�. r / G " / / --- -' - -- -- - -7,-17T/7T?77XhT7T/7T `lLf ', wm - G lxistrnor ep ✓ ,1 1 ) SMN I !) l VICINITY MAP (ND SCALE) N �plras ane T ►---------� City of Mound, flannel County, MN Seeflon 14. Township 117. Range 24 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG p Know whars below. Call before you dig. N 00 25 50 D0 ( M FEET ) BENCHMARK at, nu1 ydron o II.from the ortheost mdse 2of lawjye0 properly 11-a 845.66 feet IN. , 2B) - Per the City of Mountl LEGEND O - Denotes Hennepin County Monument, as noted .- 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole, by others t - Denotes Found Monument, as noted c - Denotes Service G - Denotes Set Iran Pipe, Marked with RLS 40361 - — m - - Denotes Underground Telephone J5s - Denotes Light Pole -' - - — °° - - Denotes Underground Electric O - Denotes Sanitary. Manhole - ea — .o - - Denotes Underground Gas -e- - Denotes Miscall aneous Sign — a. — - Denotes O"mead Utility Lines - Denotes Guy Ware -----I- - Denotes Wotermoin -Denotes Fire Hydrant --->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer pp`d - Denoies Gate Valve i •---»— - Denotes Storrs Sewer ®pr - Denotes Catch Basin - - - Denotes Forestal o - Denotes Electric Meter r-l.y.,��-y�•r.. - Denotes Treellne 8 - Denotes Telephone Box - Denotes Concrete Surface ion, - Denotes Utility Pole - Denotes Fiered End Section Denotes - Denotes Bituminous Surface - Denotes Hand Hole - - Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour O - Denoies Miscellaneous Manhole qb s0 -Denotes Storm Manhole \ / - Denotes Existing to Ft. Contour LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Per Erbibil A of Schedule A Ili rill. Commitment No. 738177, with on esleceve dote of Jbnuory 72. 2016 ct x'00 A.M., Preporad by Chico90 Till, osuronce Cumpony) Thal pmt of Government Lot 1, Section ,<, Township 117. Rouge 74, Mennepf^ County. Mimescto. l}ng norm of the tEoow%ng tleamib¢0 line. oto sob omenl Lot 1 435,00 Leet south o1 the norin,oct < e of Sole Go,ernmenl , os meosuretl e9lnn�n9 point on the east nn of , sore long od eo¢1 :b,e: pwhhib Inence weste•I�eo�oilel lb iha -11, Ilse osolo Government to i io Ino a of Dutcx Loee antl Inue terminating, Ee 1 ihol Dort of soil Government Lo, , d—lioeo as follows' Tsai poi! of the Morin 165.00 .at of Government Lot t, BecDont4, Township tt7. Rona 24, ne osl "o! o Mc ^wallet v l the Bort time tl1 loo Goernmem lot , - sld a ongne°id north iine^e north enc of said Government l 1, 606.02 feel xcxt o "'a remmnorineos. corner o sa, Gnen, til 1. oa mop¢ e (A6atmc1 Properly) GENERAL NOTES 1) Tn, field wort, for ibis su v,y was completetl on Jufy 16th. 2D15. 2) 13-i,",,- 2.c -d on Ina norm line of G -1 --Lot 1.S.,_ 7ownsnip '117, Rooge 24. He+neem Couni;, Wnnesatn, whist. is assumed to bear tW49'51`11. 3) S-- properly adores - iFb, Cpmmerce BoulerorC Mountl iN Above "r on.e ui •tier been oca fele ltesorn d antl d os bAqr d 11 f oe:oPRO%M-TE. Pror to -o r y --tions or dog ng.conioct G°Pber 51o1e One Coll for pr on -tie locpl,on (651-454-0002) 5T Y.etlp�d5 were be neolee by %Iolb-9 Enironmenlol $erv¢Ea, nc E) Benchmor4 'I'"" Hydro.. a a mme,[e Boulerortl from ibe nurtbeosl corner o1 su •eject p,a�erl) - E-e+otier 945.28 reel a,pa �p r CNC1D 29) - Per the Chr o1 M._d -- - ■l C V i r, > a j W O cc Aft Caw'. y Unr > tE Ur t` zo z �a,; a p. LL C IL ML=W c m Q � Ln c r 10 �� �cc (r 0 Z =1 s co v) n M W C G .G a z O U M () p Z c U J� M M O z X Uj z D U _j M O 1' Z UJ kD LM ®LAS > N 3 Wa-O inY z ui .a N fh .: REVISIONS 1.05117/16 Per City Comments 2. 6. DRAWN By: CNH/PJB ISSUE DATE: 04/08/16 FILE N0: 590 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my tlirea supervision and that I an a duly. Licensed Land Surveyor under In. laws th ll e Boat, 01 Minnesota. Name:_ Thomas R..�8alluR Date: 04/08/16 License 1:_40361 2 1791 CONTINUUM offl .d Floriin Minnesota da 387 East Kellogg Bbd Saint Paul, MN $5101 P: 651.1271* 640 F: 651.223.5032 CONSULTANTS NOT USED � , NOT USED a NOT USED , NOT USED NO SCALE A2.i AI.7 NOSCALE AZ., NO SCALE NO SCALE - 20'-0' 3fi'A' t t ® z �" 4 0 NOT USED �s NOT USED ,. A" NO SCALE z — — — NO SCALE Z ��� ® ::) - -- , 0 C� � I ------------------------ ------ — —01 °2076.07 �— -- —�— 3 -- -�-- --- -------'---------------- -., t >> _ _ I. —_ .v. v� _ o rc�� i -,JF7� 1 t � Z U O C? o C2 of 4 N ry I i � LLJ Lu Z � Z i' t I O t <.' t , .. �• � I �. iL CC r v 1. 2Ji — _-- —_—_-----_— _y----._�.____—_J___--_ 6 iii �� --_!--_—_—_—I_--._�_— --_—_---_—_—_—_—_ I t sq J to 7 1✓ _—�—_—____- t ___ __________—_—_—I--_—_--------------------________—_----__._______-- 1 _—.____—_----' Lu > *o� 6 05/10/2016 L b OVERALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1116' =1'-0" 6 u -1792- CONTINUUM Offues in 3rnnesom and Florida 361 Fast Kellogg Bhd " Saint Paul; MN55s"" P: 651.227.ODM F: 651-223.5092 ,. CONSULTANTS 3 NOT USED < NOT USED FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES NOT USED axs �� NOSCALE AR2 " NOSCALE z W A23 NO SCALE NOSCALE � z oL) � p u— WWO~ z.2 Zz t3a'a- 0 0 Iq-0' _ ONE BEDROOM UNITS TWO BEDROOM UNITS T - --�---- --'--------�----- TYPE Al 602 SF TYPE A2 679 SF TYPE A3 756 SF TYPE A4 730 SF TYPE A5 6028E 14 UNITS 2 UNITS 2 UNITS 1 UNIT tUNiT TYPE Bi 919 SF TYPE B2 977 SF TYPE 83 974 SF 3 UNITS 2 UNITS 1 UNITS . v I ry— o ( ( TOTAL ONE BEDROOM 29 UNITS TOTAL TWO BEDROOM 6 UNITS — -- — — — I ---------I------- 02 IN OVERALL SECOND FLOOR 1116-=1, NOT USED 6 NOT USED NOSCALE NOSCALE ►--_-- I ----------------------- I� ----------I------ O 4 i -------------- ------- ----_ I _-_---_--'"_i-_-_ -L--------�---- I G z J O W F) ® z z z O 92016.01 z Q J a Ix O O J LL cl Z O U W J J O 05/10/201 6 REVISIONS: b /L A' _... -1793- z W o � z oL) � p u— WWO~ z.2 Zz 0 0 z Q J a Ix O O J LL cl Z O U W J J O 05/10/201 6 REVISIONS: b /L A' _... -1793- ts-e 3/a• __ 4 NOT USED A6.1 NO SCALE )( � o o "'rl`•li�/` ENLARGED PLAN -MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 3 - 399 SF B NOT USED s ENLARGED PLAN -MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 1- 389 SF fi ENLARGED PLAN- MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 2-397 SF A01 NOSSALE Afi.t 1/4'=i'-0' WAI CONTINUUM o,8%rsinlltanuora m6d Florida 961 EaaPiilD➢gBNd SeMt Paul, MN 551 O1 P: 651321-06M F: 651.223.5092 V cr O z W ® z o ® O 92016.01 U Q J n: IIIL//mo-051— ENTRY a/ IL [..' _. . u LAUNDRY � 4/ �r� Q LAUNDRY SSTORAGE BRTHRODIA BEOAOOI.try J a�E O O , ' Z r W 4 05162016 E=1- REVISIONS: AG s ENtARGEDONEBEDR00M+DENUNITPLANTYPEA3-756 SF -1794- „ ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN TYPE Al - 602 SF ,4 ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM +DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE A2 - 679 SF A6+ v4•= r-0, Afi.i t/4._t,6. BREAKON DEN Er ® I I I ° .. UUNDRY 85� ! i I IIVINGR-00tH 61ECH CLOS - ENTRY WAI CONTINUUM o,8%rsinlltanuora m6d Florida 961 EaaPiilD➢gBNd SeMt Paul, MN 551 O1 P: 651321-06M F: 651.223.5092 V cr O z W ® z o ® O 92016.01 U Q J n: IIIL//mo-051— ENTRY a/ IL [..' _. . u LAUNDRY � 4/ �r� Q LAUNDRY SSTORAGE BRTHRODIA BEOAOOI.try J a�E O O , ' Z r W 4 05162016 E=1- REVISIONS: AG s ENtARGEDONEBEDR00M+DENUNITPLANTYPEA3-756 SF -1794- „ ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN TYPE Al - 602 SF ,4 ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM +DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE A2 - 679 SF A6+ v4•= r-0, Afi.i t/4._t,6. s ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM+ DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE A4- 730 SF B ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM+ DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE A5 - 802 SF a ENLARGED TWO BEDROOM UNIT PLAN TYPE BI - 919 SF 26'-1718` 26' -17/8 - DEN ' ViARiO OK (� O - vU KRCHEN - O LNMG^^ROW I ! MECH GIOS O ENTRY e -- \\J REDO q LAUNDRY STRAG ! dODAGE HAL. O n—r— WAI CONTINUUM e ora 961 Eat Yeikgg 6Nd Sallrt PsII, MN 55101 P. 651.227-0616 F.' 51-223.5091 i V `z J O Z W W ® zzc zG z O z O 92016.01 Z C~n Q ,z NOT USED A6.2 NOSCALE . . R BEDROOM f IAASTER BEO�1 ... � J BEOR�OOtA o - 11'-0314' - i a ::,t BATHROOM `-• 0 11.83/4^ i a aATHROOk z J a z 0 w a LLJ z 05,/1 6/2016 REVISIONS: PIN cl --- - A R ' i' „ ENLARGED 2 BEDROOM +DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE B2 - 977 SF „ ENLARGED 2 BEDROOM + DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE B3.974 SF s NOT USED _1795 A61 AA2 t!4'=i'-0" _ A6.2 NO SCALE J F z F— — of F- ca O m Z C~n Q ,z NOT USED A6.2 NOSCALE . . R BEDROOM f IAASTER BEO�1 ... � J BEOR�OOtA o - 11'-0314' - i a ::,t BATHROOM `-• 0 11.83/4^ i a aATHROOk z J a z 0 w a LLJ z 05,/1 6/2016 REVISIONS: PIN cl --- - A R ' i' „ ENLARGED 2 BEDROOM +DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE B2 - 977 SF „ ENLARGED 2 BEDROOM + DEN UNIT PLAN TYPE B3.974 SF s NOT USED _1795 A61 AA2 t!4'=i'-0" _ A6.2 NO SCALE OVERALL A1.3 NOT USED A2.3 NO SCALE ------ 6. II- I-------------- - ° NOT USED , FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES z NOT USED -- 3 NOT USED A2.3 NOSCALE A3.3 NO SCALE A7.3 NOSCALE A1.3 NO SCALE A za-o• 13f-6' ONE BEDROOM UNITS TWO BEDROOM UNITS '— sa•-0' 20'-0' 36a - C,, --- -- _ _—._—_ I ------- TYPE Al 602 SF TYPE A2 679 SF TYPE A3 756 SF TYPE A4 730 SF TYPE A5 8 SFSF 14. UNITS 2 UNITS 2 UNITS 1UNIT 1 UNIT TYPE B1 919 SF TYPE B2 977 SF TYPE B3 974 SF 3 UNITS 2 UNITS 1 UNITS .-.�.• -�� TOTAL ONE BEDROOM 2D UNITS TOTAL TWO BEDROOM 6 UNITS g ( W OVERALL A1.3 NOT USED A2.3 NO SCALE ------ 6. II- I-------------- - —r—-— -- ------------------------------- — -- ---�- -- — - — -- - — --I------------------------------------ PLAN 6. WAI CONTINUUM OQices in Miaaesom a.dF9 ld 361 Fast 144IM IW Saint IM. P: 651.227-0614 F: 651-223.5092 z J LL. O 77w U) ® z z z 0 z 6 m 92016.01 3: z W 0 U ofp O� ww Ocj z2 z 0 0 REVISIONS: b A -1796- PRE -FINISHED ENGINEERED WOOD FASCIA TRIM AND SOFFIT PANELS DECORATIVE BRACKETS --- - - - PRE -FINISHED ENGINEERED WOOD PANEL - PRE-FIWSHED ENGINEERED WOOD SHAKES PRE-FIMSHEDMETAL COPING Mi IMJMtU M1U...__._ tnPMC..I n - __ T NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION A6.7 ARCHITECTURAL FIBERGLASS ASPHALT SHINGLES MMIUFAGIUHGV Jrune venten ROOF PEAK i ii4 ROOF (A Y - --{-- MIDPOINT OF ROOF LEVEL 3 FIN FLOOR -- - 123-0 1 2 4 LEVEL 2 FIN FLOOR - - - T-12-7-17 LEVEL 1 _ 7 o SLA6 100 -0 ---\ T/0 FOOTINIG.,♦s_ SEE S RUCT i 7 0 FOOTING SEE STRUCT s SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION ASt 7/76'`t-0' - - i4BP217 PEAK.. ---------_-.- ----- ---------- --------_---.----------_-__------------------------------------------_.--_----- ---__--_---- _- ---- ----_ _MD POW OF ROOF F AU -------.---------- - ----------- -�---_�--------_--_-_----------------'-------_---------_------_--__---_. ---_---_.--- --. �.-_ --- --- ----- _ 3 Em 9BN EFLG KO s 1JI ®� r� © {� "+1 'INLEVEL 2R ' - - ,I tit -0 ryT LD 4 � � n -' S 8 r I r 0 FOOTING - SEE STRUCT B EAST ELEVATION AT MEMORY CARE PATIO EAST ELEVATION AT SERVICE DRIVE AND FRONT ENTRY AB.i 1176'. t'-0' AB.i i/i6'_q-0• ROOF PEAK �6. A ROOF PEAK- - - —,�Y �— -- t 146'-10 3/4 t 146'-10 3/4 ---------------------------------------------------- MID -POINT OF ROOF MIDPOINT OF ROOF_ - -- R -------- ------ ---_---------_----_- _- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -_ _---_-----_ r LEVEL 3 LEVEL D �I .�_ FI _ - _r 23'-OFt 2R 123-0 tR2 LEVEL 2 m ( i I EVEL 2 FIN FLOOR FIN FLOOR Emil jj+{j+� - ® ll-LLJiJ� r 112'-D n�.._ z -( s�fi• -_ j 7 rr I.. ILLS' li IWJ7 ILJJJI ;tJ1.l.' iE0 SLAB 5 8 ^r r T O 5(A9 _ _ s 'I.O, 101' 0-0 ,11010 WAI CONTINUUM @id inmesow FI.L 381 East KeIIM BML... Saint Paul, MN'' R 651-227-06 E 651-223•SM I CONSULTANTS V z J _0 Z //W/� AJ J ® Z Z 0 z Z> r 92016.01 Q Z �U 00 LL I -- to 0 Zcn o U t) (n Z Q F- LU W W T 0 FOOTING T 0 FOOTING — SEE STRUCT SEE STRUCTURAL A to NORTH ELEVATION AT PORTE COCHERE i6 WEST ELEVATION —1797- A6.1 Ile- -14L w CONTINUUM an JILT A company 381 Kellogg 51W Egg Saint Paul, MN 55101 1651)277-0663 N•Ww.Walcontinuum— A NOT USED s .NOT USED a NOT USED NOT USED -o AOEr xe s!'RLE NOT USED Ann X3 MD6CRlE xCSULE NCSCAlE NOSU!E TRI,asDEN�' I, P wo!. 11 [ Tealwood i SEI ICR LIVING ' P NOT USED A� NOT USED NOT USED T NOT USED a N07 USED Aosx uusca.E uosnLE n%A A'°" NJ SCALE Ua'0 NOSG[E _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � Rnflan U I I I hereby [erDly IMI W., pbn. sVe['I'[pibn, '— ^ I w reoon wos preOorlJ by me o Vnder my 016ea uesuptt✓-1 �nov antl IM1oI I oas o July smleoiome R al m! of jI I P'nW Dete R.nWnn Nat bli.n — — — — — — — — — — — —. — — — 0 5 i 16.' 20 f 6 CIN 5 u 21 d'rtA L wEtw+D — fIFEACCESSLANE SEi6A_ — � I 1 p Ar01AINEtR:JGII I -- —7 \ n - �—VORIi CC: HERE C FlRE OEPFP1uEM [ONNECII011 !� I FTVaf . - 3 WAIXINo TPA1t \ AA \ " PROPOSED SENIOR ASSISTED WING AND MEMORY CARE-32.073 gsi FOOTPRiM �' = �}� `— I MOUND E]ASSIs1EDLMxG01dfE RETaNINs /-� i ASSISTED LIVING Nl1E1dO4Y CARE ONR.c r'WRLL TAASHRO=dr )•, 1 ,S I 1861 sod�BVa(d \ ; • ; 4F � \ I Mound, MNN 55364 .-------------------- ----- ----------- -----_ _:::::i I ARCHITECTURAL = OL' PE SITE PLAN — — — — — — — — — — --_.--_-- � `'--_ ` NORTH —/ — ggnl Yi01E.0i Urate Nueaa Dae 05,'f0�7016 ' Ua.mny JPH *1798 rneheoq 1, ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN " - cwms�•. e:n'Y bYWa uwavwn, C\NOTND SCPEE USED �'� /;-NOT USED A` 2� NO SCAiE , " � � � � iEa�XFFS OFYFYUNJ1E5 ftt5PE..I tip �^NS`FUtt1:NC.CUVEm3PN^SHAtICi,':^cFN UN,F11 nVLED C•HEM,ISF 6, GSVEUt ,''-- .'`—� r : AJII'\AFCHIIECI PR04G+a+IFC.Tv;10.UCi1JN DJCJNE1f,3 ACE 1n,:Dk515TEK; ,tIiN1HECWREATIB:tI✓S,E DOC[SA4J FEGi%ASIDVS, J PFJMiECi PROiIPiLY IF ANr E>91LNiG WeGILIJn`S WNFIl N,iN THE C.^VStRJZII`N CGCUVFni$ i CaTFpRUTE NiPRCF: 1[HECU,.WGLVIin ONNEF:.Fn_<SCEgFIEDAND�JF SHJ1Vh C+itq DFAl14h'CS. FFJPNL ASAFE4EAHS Cf EGRfS5THF0`AHA'£iDFAFJUNCTHE 6'JI.OeIGNG SIiE PEFRPPt1:A5LE IDDESAT A:1 LIMES _ 1 I D:RIN:IHE CCI4'RU�IIDN PFU.455. NlNNAL'E CISFU>il:u'DADN:E\AFf;.1NlDDC5A1 Mu��AS PLiSIPIE C S I i VIM4QE H]ISE1D ME,ACCEPLPEIF 1.`inE DVVNE53LHEOAE IANSCFEAi1fA.FADE151:E k015E DR.hEAR SEN1111rE 1 aPnA1 nnH IHF OIrr+EF i. FF0010.. Si tCn'tpDI PEiWEENC'OM1STFUfii:YAREA<An'CO 111 AFEAS/.i Ail1111, 1 ALLi 1DOW0 MECH 0O SPFI-E6 fIFEf:AFV ANO:;.FDELIpCA: SYSiEV3 SYA:L 6E CD:KONisiFpVInHDANER _c1 e _ U.h;fNC LOCI.L fIF[AIrtN.N11E5 ' Ei3 NOlECCiHFRWISE OIUE161Y..L OFAIEFICF DEWSIN6 —S AND PAmIL10NS AF[iOfIMSIdOFACE OF GYRE _ �SD _ 1G. UISES—TECDIHEFWYSEI FIFFPAFTIIN—SACETIPE SEE SHEETA03JFJFINIEFIJRFARTITID1APES I OI C � , .C�1j1,� I� �'` I �I i It. iNSiA:t NON WNPUS1161£BLWNINGDR PlY1YJ.`DIN W4LS N'IffFE fUTURE3.AJ s33CpFS Dk CA6WELS{FC LO0E 4DMLED a I ( t> W1E53 N0TEOCi1f�FWISE.CgtiREIE NO'JSF NEEPItiGPAC: ARE e'HIG4 �, NOT USED �I ELOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES NO SLATE kCSLNE --o )Ll 'CY ig 1 i .e.. ,. E• E'er a a L� o � o � a o 1 I I I _ _ — _ _ — — _ - _ _ - _ — 1 _ I o L� I I. I - I - - - - - - - - - - - - �l WAI CONTINUUM an 11,L)A company 361 Kellogg 6hNEag Saint Paul, MN $5101 1Ed11227-06CII m w+ Jcontinuum.00m cen' �Rt; NI 1 , l : Tealwood SENIOR LMNG xrrrrte U NORTH xH� um' s'.e• I hereby c<rt'ty 1nPi INs plvn, spe�fcat'Rn rep'V •ps prtponee Ey meantler my C E - 'or Crtct P WdPn G that I a o tivly antler 0e Ie•s of ,he licees.1 iu1 NOTUSED �" ,y FIRST FLOOR PLAN WFF.FCI slap m umpeJme. Prin,atl - N—. - NO SLnLE tnt• 5ignpture: Me: _ CICO,.. 4. - No. Dale RevW.D Desmplion _ 05/16/2016 CITY SUfi1GRAL r,j \ NOT USEDf ,i� IJOT USED NOT USED !e NOT USED ,p NOT USED Nb SONE NCSCPLE NDSGIE PYt NJSGLE AiDi NC SONE MOUND ASSISTED LIVING 1861 CDmmanoe Bmimrd Mound, MN SM FIRST FLOOR PLAN TITLE3 TITLE4 F.vetl Mice? S,"— IN, 05/,0/2016 Ora-!•.mF; PH A2 - -1799- NOT USED NOT USED / a, l NOT USED _ � NOT USED NOT USED NJ SONE A;�t) HOSCALE ' I kO5LA1£ G IISCALE Lpnyk OiG'l [TN'N Crmmwwm _, /1 � (C, � L4) t�inESE EERR. SE/✓'P:Y'.�IL:O15iFJ:iI:Np:NUEIitSA\SN0.r G'.EF'.UtCSSNJiED.'TxfFXffiE 61 GE:dFAi Y ,1 Y YL HYESC EY iE NSPECIFI:OFAW 431 hOYi� PCW iECI P dAF'IYlF Nu1i[vCi1:NG^CUNEM1�S AREIUCCASIEiEht lfYiwilg DJA'CFh+APryECI,FIE:CCFIX. iab' y.'M1. :"•1' FEC .4tIdS I _I — i - '. xC'Ist HIFfc� RLL 1 A"P ANr FYJSi V.G[Cn RR C 1 VBrwtHE C.^\S,R.n':IZ [K" EM . I -- _ _ CC3F➢1 E E CYcDU.IM++\riIN WaIF0. EPECIflEO YCCF SN `WA fM1 NF DRA\I CONTINUUM FFCe1DE A5 E EAM1S GEESE AwgDLC.+NE`D R C Di fEU401auP.h:`SIiE PERAPP hABEE "ODESAI gttILFE _ 1— 1 1 [ CJRIGiHECWETR'4NCx FgDCf55.CNIpItCFCE'FI CAFUCEh^ASFASN:CORt1 ASP 351L1E. e MWI41Qi rvdEElOALEAEAC[EPiAEAE iC iHF CANE CxED.tE TP]AS CFEa-1WE%cESE £N0I ECCIEPfEEiL'nNC an jjLJA Company PAFl51Ai1N1NE n1xEF O i FFrnROE DxE1 CCYiF0AFEI�ENCDNSSFUCt CvAFEAS WC S0.PIFC RFEAS -L IINEE 381 Kellogg BIW Ean Saint Daul #4N SSioi 1 1 1 1 1 t AIi SNJiDONeIEOF NECwAWGt EPNw:LER FIRE AUCNANL.^F ELFCiRidlE+EfFN1 BiMI0E CCOFO s?iEDYniN%.ER 16 511 227-0644 1 ' ANDIDCAI FViE FUiH_'PiE'S AYWW.WBICOn11nuuMx 1 NCiFCC1NERWISF OMENS CIlS OF INiERIOF DEIAISIVGYIALIS ANC FAFtI110N>ARE ICFINt:xED FACE DFGI'F 6iACC JN.E55 AoiE0C1xEP1A'ISE II.iENI?F PAF11110N1A0.lS AFE irPE EEf S•ffc AOPo FOR IrLEFIC6 PAF!IBCA if PES m duM; 1 1 1 1 1 elS1ALI NO�COtRBVEii0lE BlirgY60C P.11—olt. WA LSWNEFE FMfUREsAC<E:SOFJES OP CA6PYIEARE•CBEUC.MED _1E1.TEDCiNEoME CONCREiExO:SF AEFPINGPADE ARE t'HI..I( O gib. s FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES NOT USED NOT USED - I 1 1 xD ECAlE Am .—E A3CC --E Ij ------4fe TR i TNT I � Tealwood SENIOR i.IVING ry Lb' 0 0 s us E NOT USED 1 _ — — _ — T — �E Xey flan - - � � E } (- I 1 - NORTH nfx E: ,%i1 1 M1e.... Oex�iy .... Ih's DIOn, sDeeflK01i0n. G Orecl sulCerah On06retl lbv motor antler my E nOl 0 tlahe C LeenseM AeFli lecl antler the Nat of 51a1e DI 40nesolb. Pr�leO Nome: - NOT USED ,F SECONDFLOOR PLAN - A'' NO SCALE NOi ,It6. Y-0• 90nalure: Dme. - umtF C No, We Revision Deslxipfi-n 05,116/2D16 Cm' SUBN k NOT USED s NOT USED ,E NOT USED Do NOT USED E-, n NOT USED NDsrrcE DC7 Ni•ELAIE A2.1 NC BU.LE AIOl ND ECHE �" NOBCA:E MOUND ASSISTED LIVING wi Commerce Bo*vard . Mood, MN 55364 SECOND FLOOR PLA Rprcl 0701fol Ppnq Nurteer DI, 05iio.<Oi0 parmeF DPN AL 1800 V O C Mt bly - NOT USED ?s NOTUSED NOT USED p NOT USED v�EeuF a•s Ir. Fu:E eeP..�sh�^x;lmnAl um meee* NOT USED r�:. ear. uiaE ND tcnE AY'? NZ FCALE ��UB C p E FLJ]FFW:C{M12PAt M10iE5 1 � �� ` M1�E50Rl+Ei11DiE�0NbeECrtA. DRAW10K5FUC`i":CJCUMEV'aAl•^SN0.L W:cRNUN ESe eYJeFDCixfRNl.E 6t Y.VFRL1 -IR PREI'PECl PROIM'1L11t CS.5iPJLTA<E—uEAiS AFE R:COM1SISTE+R LUN THE CURFExf AootAAS.f .'C)a MC 1 FEGWPTE., JTIgM —W- P—TO IF AAe E—PIG fC+C11A'WS CGNF TWITH THE C-7-1- ECCW n't5. WAI CONTIN RD IEAlIF--' -.IED.. T,—POIt. ECIFIEDa+ppRSXewFMnHECRAWUCS —I I 5. OF PFE uEP DF EGRESS iHRCJGHANCIOR--1.—E-ANC b,% FEF APPIICLELE CODES ATRL.IIVCS i _ —I — O.WPYiXE CONSTR.C`IW:FRO:ESS. MIttlW:E015R,F11C—ACIAY:Nt AREASrFl00RcgAMS —S -E, UUM O I I n FRNR@E NOISE70—VE:ACCEP7—TORE0 (F SCXEC.FE lA5x5CRFP11 E E SI':ENYSE ORKAR SEN51'NE E. cenNixE avXER an �iLjA company r. PRCNDE DUST CC.NTFY PfIYTcEN<ONEiFJRIGPAFEA AM1^. JCCU%fD RFEa<Li Ptt IES 381 Kellogg Blvd East 'I 5aitd Paul. MN 35101 1 I I I 1 —� e. ALL SxJ100WfRpF MEGttNI:AL SPfuYt.EF FIRE AIAFMFHDHF kLECiF1U.15Y51ExS SHUL BE COJfiYIUtED ININONIIEF t�11uA-064E yl J _ — _ PNLtOCAt FIRE AUiH.RR1E5 UNL — j� —�— — I '. WW W.WdICD1111DWIL1F0lil E55 ECCiXERWISE 0111F451'JIIb OF IN1ERIJR DEWSLNG WALLe FND PPFLIiIOxt APE tC tIN SHEOFAR Oc L.YFEJPFD -E$ Ell I+ERWISE IMRICFI-TIt10Nit U0E TYPE 5EE6XEETA%7a$C 111ERI0RFAFIRIO APES, CmPlMP1 I I I ft. P67A,INOnCO4PUa11ELE BLS✓JNGORPL%W DINW l&S EREFRIURESACCE550GE50RCA61M1'k AETCPE40 IED 13. UILESSNDTEOCif&RWISE CONCRETE HOUSE AEEWM1'D PADS AFE I'HIGrt b i (�1 1.22.1'1 OT USED _ NOT USED e FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES A1P3 NOSLPIE 1 I II NJ SCPIE fie' kDSCALE Lj I 1 — ---131 Rh NTih L RIDE � LA Tealwood SEN ICRLIVI.NG [� I 5 NOT USED 1 I o CI I I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1 I II t/^yN _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _'"(� o L7 rygln NORTH PD.L• V.-0. fA":v .fir I»r wsu. i Fere41 ttelilr IxPI IM1s Plan, ePecil cPlien, G Cr�ect su it' w,mol i amra day my - lxensee A.PFllect antler IAe o+s el IM1e Sou -PI MinnesPlP. „ NOT USED vTHIRD FLOOR PLAN P��lea wPme. - NDSCALE P]D3 1nE.fD ' 5ignaturr. DPW - Elcenie g: NP. Dete R.&EtD.Erolim C5i1E,:01E ct', SEIBNT'lk N0T USED - n NOT USED 1e NOT USED Ie NOT USED x NOT USED :.Hi Ib SCPLE AtC3 Np SCetE AAT NO SGLE AIDJ —E A]B! NOSGIF MOUND ASSISTED LIVING . 1861 commerce Bw6vatd MGLmd, MN MW THiRD FLOOR PLAN hgrn UNIX 1 Z,—t FA.raH Dem os. 10.':016 ..... pe,,ney JPH n QQ NOT USED _ NOT USED - _ Ft IJOT USED .+ NOT USED s NOT USED cn.aePn - A2-1"01 WD FCALE AiFc NJSCALE P" NDSWF -. ti'a MSCALE /ODS N05CJJE - CPFgFPNTiO [t(WMC-APwwn . 4 PRGNtEi 1L�Ft. Fl6EP[t{FS A:'PFtI S aLES C' fPEFIWcI{EC SPJ6FIPMEYIM:1\i W0 wrtHL:1tF 6UtIP✓r—, PFE11NfRED Eh.^.INEEREDRJ:DfASaA � _ _ FODr � iRi"AND SOFiN rA4Etc EFESW n+EC EN�4EFFECNY+D tM EPFDS - _ _ _ ,�- - - - DEcoRPmEeRAaEts______________ - an',nNoov CONTI PPESINPNFO EN,tIVEEPEC�__ _ _-_-_-___-_�- __-__._____-_-____ - -- ------------------------ \\�� ___ --- NUUM iP6FGa5HEDEnSWEEREP I j I I ©�; FIB1 FIIEFLCC° anjjL)Acompany Sal I Il W...y�, �µ.��Warv�. !feµa�. R, .` I.— r MI ;r v . v LL.L.l1 W_I_N ;WAD a 'L�11 LSi $J_t.l IWI IW . , �'u-,�+h+r „-'.'�" --- _ _ - T.. 0 5 6 wwxwakontlnuummm ILLll ;�' ' ' G 381 NellDgg Blvd Eaff (W) 227-0644 �17� a I rjC"c� nt Daul,MN55,01 P' . 6� FMI FM {) C�jT} A LCVLtt�l.� Cfn:YYnh -------------------- =Jz___FF _____ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _ ____________ SE[ SrRUEiF �PPEFINSHED ALUMIJUNFEN,Z PPEFWISNECTMOJwi-NALl NE14L laWER fPEJ.515Tdif Skl—' PPEFMSNEDAN-C-E-D ALUMNWM F—lE LOW{6igJlJG UANUFA UREDSTWWICER W,MRAC1URFp STONE VENEER - NOT USED NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION s ' MP1 NOSGPIE vs=rr' _ _ '001 ECAY A. ' ____ _ __-__-_ — _- -- _rNDF01M aF ROJr—�'ll�` ___ __________----- __ ________________ _ _ _______-___ __ - -- --------- ��----------- -- „Tealwood ,Ml3 SENIOR LWING •, :: : � . I1 W' • .�_ IWV=W :LJ.L.11 � LL.4.i.1r •W� LLiJI� ILLLY. `L.i.i.L' �� IliiL. Wia� Er: FLL4-F .+ .••• • ••• .,• . r e _ tTt.; -- - ---=L-=-- -----t---- - - - S >?_ ---_ --=cc------'_ ---- �___----'-- -`-- ----- -- ------__-- --=-ccc=cccc SEE srRun � r o NOT USED P SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION My x>sua Mei NO SCPLE F, FIE 7 - ;� ' Rn Nan I F O ruLIT, F z ,ti k. MI- f ! , f LCVEt th Tu 'j— _ r .. _____ _________ _� �__________ _____ ___________ _ 'ie -t o❑o ='_e_ ._i __i r o roonNe 1 ne.e6y cen'ly foot tes PIM sreeveRfMa m mprl .Ds PreFu�ea oy me o. upas my SE STFUCi a'eect surervis on, antl ,nI Pm o ably ,.. - ueM:M amnecl waer the a»s nl the ' state yr uwPesom. ` EAST ELEVATION AT MEMORY CARE PATIO „- EAST ELEVATION AT SERVICE DRIVE AND FRONT ENTRY ,s NOT USED R,mIeC NPma. - Mr^ "Ds:uE Syvv Wre: Dvle. - L�cMee E: - No. Dale Revision DesuiptiDn 05,16,M16 CM SUB07AL -- V ------------ - - --- ------------- ----- — fP!— ,7Y LEVEL 2' — ve 7114 SEE 5TFUCIURAL 1e - NOT USED Aeo NOT USED WEST ELEVATION Mm vmsuLE AJOt VIT=,L' ND STALE MOUND ASSISTED LIVING 1861 Commerce Badevard Roor PEAR Mound, MN 55364 --------------- ---------------- --- EVLL a EXTERIOR _ IL ELEVATIONS �µ�,W..y,� �jJ {µµ�µ•�I s 'Eva r_.- DR,� L,L00LVSL-LLP, d. 9i0f,p1 trNNror _ ___a'=__c- ccc_c _ ___Sc___ •, ne r• _.C,gTIN� ,, Dna C5.`1011D16 'P" A4a1802- SEE rPUCi daaneY ef• USED :e NOT USED N07 USED NORTH ELEVATION AT PORTE COCHEREA10t NoscaE uxeA�.E eHP Aaaf „H_=Tr. NOSfAIF -- Cwm9"4:;'I eYN'P1 CPrN'nu s1 NOT USED - Aspt N:scuE CONTINUUM an NLJA company 381 Kellogg Blvd East saint Paul, M1,155101 165))227-0644 www.vrof<onUnoumxom cm— <f TRiOENT Tealwood SE KIOR LIVING F1 ENLARGED PLAN -MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 1-389 SF [� ENLARGED PLAN- MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 1A-389 SF / �1 ENLARGED PLAN- MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 2- 397 SF y ENLARGED PLAN • MEMORY CARE UNIT TYPE 3- 399 SF nus ,D NOT USED - A �K i t.P I.L• F641 CONTINUUM an NLJA company 381 Kellogg Blvd East saint Paul, M1,155101 165))227-0644 www.vrof<onUnoumxom cm— <f TRiOENT Tealwood SE KIOR LIVING f I nerebY aeolly Invl Inas Plan, specilicvl:.n, - - seDDrt �tDoretl py m my Bea: D o o�y red soPerWsioe. opo onot learn e usmsea aamlecl w d me m+s vI Ine �1 NOT USED a NOT USED /, NOT USED �� NOT USED r NOT USED srDl< pr uePesom. A"yt ND::AtE F'al N[SCALE s NCSV:E ASCI NDYAlE -- - - A5p1 NC Sf/1E P.inletl s.lvme - Slgnnture: • Dole: - Lieense p: - No. Date Revislon Desoipfion 05i 16,'7D16 M SUBR7k NOT USED „ NOT USED 1 NOT USED LOT USED OTUSED AY1 NDSUIE A601 rypSAIE Ai')1 NDSGLE _ ASCI MOUND ASSISTED LIVING 1861 Commece Badevard - - Mound, MN 55364 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS and ELEVATIONS k9e:1 MILL, D—%NwA, pale 05: 1p�2D:5 a. K PN A6-1803— �� IJOTUSED 7- NOT USED �, �»� 7J0T USED / ;1 NOT USED 'NOT USED eAenmc; vDSC/wE N: SC4tE �� IVC SCaIF NDS -E _ _ NCSLc(E - Crymp+ O i:•L Kx1a G2wuwm WAI CONTINUUM an 11LJA company 381 Kellogg Blvd Fast Salm F]tll, MN 55101 16511327-0644 wN walmnl4nuum[om [DnnJua; I� / II II�ILL�I//// 0011- j LI/ 0 _ _ _ Q6f0 O eA, E�pv I ^E� t OI a5"/GE ( 1�1� uuwaY : E r ' - - - Tealwood . -- 7N!CP. L LING a ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN .'THE DUTCH', 602 SF } ENLARGED ACCESSIBLE ONE BEDROOM UIJITPLAN -'THE DUTCH', 602 SF @ ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM -DEN UNIT PLAN .'THE HARRISON', 679 SF F EODN `f enEur�0.5, NDD4 O IIIJJJ 1 1 0 I - -_ --� 0 IMN�.1 00 00 O YJfCN"N xn;HFn` �L 8<1WIfE : 1 O �- DDrI • DrepOreD by me DrevnOe, m/ U � � I ner<F/ [eenfy lNpi tlJs DIDn. p U6NDH, , 1 , Ns, , I I uvrvOUDDu 1 uYax l .� m Artnae[I u�aer Ine m», pl me W. 14nnesom 1 e Fr pled N s , n X4IL teiLf H LJ I � DoIE Li[Mse - EntaY E.My i, i O — ND. Ote Ransmn Nesvg6Dn - mcax 6 fWD6Y i � 0']6'1016 Ch' SUBW,iK. ,DUN:: I ❑0, eE] 00 0 = gi,IgpDAi I "F , - - Li, { „ ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM -DEN UNIT PLAN -'THE LANGDON', 756 SF z ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM -DEN UNIT PLAN -THE SAUNDERS', 730 SF „ ENLARGED ONE BEDROOM DEN UNIT PLAN -'THE JENNINGS% 802 6F ' MOUND ASSISTED LIVING 1861 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN MOM ENLARGED UNIT PLANS Pryttl 9-eOtE.01 Dmvng NumMr Ne 05; ,0.2016 JFN A6.1804- DX[x�g u IJOT USED ?. 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A6�f NC SLATE _ _ A''1 N: ECc1E S�gnolwe: OFN BNFA4AETNDpt Dole: - li<MSE p No. Date Fi Wsian Dtsoipuon 05, ifillwfi CIN Sumrx 0 — o , D�• u i _ I Els ,> NOT USED „ NOT USED O n NNGT-UL OT USED 1 A6Ei A4v HDELALE A6!t N^E E ., MOUND --------ASSISTED LIVING 1861 Commem BoLkvard E"O . Mo id, MN 55364 I O ENLARGED UNIT PLANS figrn ?1DfED, Gmry"N:n,GH D—, PH q r a, NOT USED v NOT USED ENLARGED TWO BEDROOM +DEN UNIT PLAN -'THE FOREST', 974 SF NOT USED a� " Af -1805- r-- �•� NC wt ,tett-0' N01:J,1E emr*aaer,'e t�awGMnwun North Elevation 11/1'OUND SENIOR LIVING Mound, MN 4/8/2016 _A Tealwood WA SENIOR LIVING LivingD E N CONTINUUMM Architecture APR 0 8 20 -1806- 2415 Wilshire Boulevard • • • Mound, MN 55364 • • • • : �' (952) 472-0604 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From; Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: July 6, 2016 Re: Public Hearing- Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit No. 02-68 for Property at 4831 Shoreline Drive (Mainstreet USA) Summary The City Council, at its June 14, 2016 meeting, directed Staff to schedule a public hearing to discuss revocation of the Amended and Restated Conditional Use No. 02-68 for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive which was approved by the City Council on May 24, 2016 (Resolution No.16-64). The current business operating on the property is MainStreet USA, which is owned and operated by Maxim and Alexander Teplitski. The grounds for the public hearing to consider possible revocation are the on-going number of vehicles located on the property exceeding (25), exterior storage of inoperative vehicles, vehicles parked on unimproved. areas, including grass, and automotive activities being done outside of the building. In addition, it appears the level automotive repair or service work taking place on the property exceeds what is normal and customary for getting a vehicle ready for sale. These activities are not authorized by the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit that was approved for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive. Notification The notice of public hearing was published in the Laker newspaper on July 2, 2016 and was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on June 28, 2016. Additionally, the notice of public hearing was also: mailed to all property owners per Hennepin County property tax records on June 30, 2016; also involved agencies. As of the date of this memorandum, no comments have been received. A letter dated June 29, 2016 was sent by Email and US Mail to notify Maxim Teplitski and Alexander Teplitski of Mainstreet USA of the July 12th City Council public hearing. 110 Site Conditions Provided below is a summary of site conditions observed by Staff following the May 24th and June 14th City Council meetings: Date Vehicle Count Time May 26 (28) vehicles 8:30 a.m. (28) vehicles 3:30 p.m. May 27 (29) vehicles 9:05 a.m. May 31 (27) vehicles 8:45 a.m June 1 (30) vehicles 4:00 p.m. including two (2) on trailers June 2 (26) vehicles 8:10 a.m. (28) vehicles 2:30 p.m. (30) vehicles 3:30 p.m. June 3 (27) vehicles 7:18 aim. June 5 (28) vehicles 7:15 a.m. June 6 (31) vehicles 8:45 a.m. June 7 (31) vehicles 10:30 a.m. (35) vehicles 11:00 a.m. June 8 (31) vehicles 8:05 a.m. (31) vehicles including one 2:30 p.m parked on street (36) vehicles 7:30 p.m. June 9 (29) vehicles, 6:30 a.m. " June 14 (27) vehicles 7:50 a.m. i Page 2 -1808- 7 June 15 (33) vehicles 1:30 p.m. including 1 on trailer June 17 (27) vehicles 8:00 a.m, - June 19 (Sun - closed) (23) vehicles June 21 (27) vehicles 9:00 a.m. June 22 (27) vehicles 7:20 a.m. including 1 on trailer June 23 (29) vehicles 9:10 a.m. including 1 on trailer June 24 (27) vehicles 9:00 a.m. June 26 (Sun -closed) (28) vehicles 7:00 p.m. June 28 (28) vehicles 8:00 a.m. (Note: Damaged Jeep not viewed) June 30 (26) vehicles 9:30 a.m. July 1 (24) vehicles 8:00 a.m. July 2 (26) vehicles 9:40 a.m. July 5 (25) vehicles 9:00 a.m. including 2 parked on grass; Damaged Jeep on premise July 6 (26) vehicles 8:45 a.m. Page 3 -1809- Other Observations ® A Jeep Grand Cherokee with front end damage was brought to the property on or around May 26th and has been observed on the property numerous times. On July 6th, the damaged vehicle was viewed on the subject property. The vehicle is in an inoperative condition according to City Code regulations. ® Vehicle repair related activities were observed taking place out in the open on June 6th. ® Vehicles have continually been parked on unimproved surface areas (grass) following the May 24th City Council and June 14th meetings. Additional Comment A resolution has not been prepared in advance of the July 12thCity Council public hearing to discuss revocation of the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive. Attachments • Copy of letter to Maxim and Alexander Teplitski from Mainstreet USA dated June 29, 2016 • Resolution No. 16-64 (copy) • Site Plan dated May 24, 2016 0 Page 4 -1810- i> ____ _CITY OF MOUND _ 2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 - PH: 952-472-0600 - FAX: 952-472.0620 - WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM June 29, 2016 Mr. Maxim Teplitski Mr, Alexander Teplitski MainStreet USA, Inc. 4831 Shoreline Drive Mound, MN 55364 By U5 Mail and Email (mteplitski@aol.com) (ateplitski@aol.com) Re: Notice of Mound City Council Public Hearing to Consider Revocation of the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit No. 02-68 for the Property Located at 4821 Shoreline Drive, Mound, MN At its June 14, 2016 meeting, the City Council directed Staff to schedule a public hearing to discuss revocation of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive. The current business operating on the property is MainStreet USA, which you own and operate. This letter will serve as formal notice that the Mound: City Council has scheduled a public hearing to be held at 7:00 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 to consider revocation of the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit No. 02-68 for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive, which was approved by the City Council on May 24, 2016 (Resolution No. 16-64.) The public hearing will be held as part of the Regular City Council meeting and will be located in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building (former City Hal!) at 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota. The grounds for the possible revocation is due to on-going number of vehicles located on the property exceeding (25), exterior storage of inoperative vehicles, vehicles parked on unimproved areas, including grass, and automotive activities being done outside of the building. In addition, it appears the level automotive repair or service work taking place on the property exceeds what is normal and customary for getting a vehicle ready for sale. These activities are not authorized by the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit that was approved for the property. You have the right to appear and participate in the public hearing, present evidence and make any comments you have regarding the proposed action. Very trul Sara . Smith Community Development Director Attachments: 1. Copy of May 24, 2016 Mound City Council meeting minutes 2. Copy of City Council Public Hearing Notice -1811- h w^ 1 �filiC 1f11P3 CfT' COUkCP! PM UTES dune 'f 4,,;1016 . The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, June 14, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch, Kell! Gillispie, Ray Salazar, and Jennifer Peterson Members absent: Mone Others present: City Manager and Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Community Development Director Sarah Smith, City Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Catherine Pausche, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Dede King, Max Teplitski, Nicole Brodzik'Paul Paine Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. ®pen meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. Pledge of AllggjP � ,3' --Ap f6veade da Hoversten asked to amend the agenda -with the addition of items 8.1, A &.:B:Tegarding Chapter 6 of the Mouri'd Clty.Gode and rioted additio0af'nformatian'has been provided for item 9 in the form of two ema�Is r..eeeived byCity stafff`ihat should be included as 7. pages1379.1°& 2 ant;1378.3t&4. MOTION by Salazarry,.seco Alt ,voted in, -fa.. Nlotion`i 4. Consent agenda The Mayor discussed changing the process to approve the Consent Agenda items that wiil include an invitation for any person present to request an item be removed in order to allow them to give input. Hoversten asked that Item 413 be removed as Council Member Salazar was not in attendance at the May 24, 2016 regular meeting. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A, Approve payment of claims in the amount of $866,182.10 S. REMOVED -1812- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2016 C, RESOLUTION NO. 16-67: RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER PIPE IN MOUND, MN 14 RESOLUTION NO. 16-68: RESOLUTION APPROVING LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS FOR 2016 - 2017 F. RESOLUTION NO.RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY TO PROVIDE PROPERTY ASSESSMENT SERVICES (A165634) , a. RESOLUTION NO. 16-70.* RESOLUTION APPOINTING ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD H. RESOLUTION NO. 16-71: RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 16-64 FOR THE 2016 SPIRIT OF THE LAKES FESTIVAL TO INCLUDE ALTERNATE RAIN DATE OF SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2.016 FOR THE MINNESOTA WAKE SURFING CHAMPIONSHIP AT SURFSIDE PARK AND BEACH 413, (Removed) Approve minutes: May 24, 2016 Regular Meeting MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the May 24, 2016 Regular Meeting minutes, The following voted in favor. Gesch, Gillispie, Wegscheid, Peterson. The following voted against: none. The following abstained: Salazar. Motion carried. 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens gresent on any Item not on the agenda. None offered. 6. Consideration ot a e-uptic L -an W I^^ Applicant: Paul Paine Requested Actions fo SfXX Drummond A, Approve Resofudon approving Public Lands Permit r Road B. Approve Resolution approving Variance for 50X Drummond Road (Planning Case Alo. f 6-05) Sarah Smith, Community Development Director, addressed the Council regarding a Public Lands Permit application and a variance regarding the construction of a driveway with frontage of no less than 40 feet with access to an undeveloped lot. Smith added the lot meets the standards of the applicable district. Smith said the City Public Works Department offerbd two options to accommodate for the construction of the driveway. One option was to extend Drummond Road about 20 feet to the -1813- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2016 east and the second was to modify the applicant's proposal so the driveway would be constructed in the southern half of the existing Drummond Road. } Smith added that a spillway is present where the proposed driveway would be located that will need to be relocated. She added that public works uses the area for snow storage and the costs for the relocation would be paid by the applicant. Smith stated that the Planning Commission was supportive of both the Public !_ands Permit and the variance and is supportive of the driveway in the southern half of Drummond as the preferred option. Smith added the end of 120 day variance is approaching and would need to be approved before June 23rd or there would need to be a discussion regarding an extension with the applicant. Mayor Wegscheid asked if the driveway is going to be built immediately or will the applicant wait for the house to be built on the lot? Smith responded that in the event the property is sold the driveway improvement should be in place before a sale. Gesch asked if it is true that staff doesn't see the need for any variances on the tot in the future. Smith responded said she didn't think a variance would be needed as the site is buildable and the slope on the lot does not meet the standards of a bluff, though the design of buildings and the site plan would need.to take the slope on the lot into consideration. Paul Paine, 6525 County Road 26, Minnetrista, and owner of the Drummond property addressed the Council. Paine said he is not sure if he will build a house on the lot but will have the utilities in place before a house is built on the lot. Denise King, a Minnetrists resident and owner of the property abutting 51XX Drummond, said she recently bought the property and would like the opportunity to walk the area and see where the driveway is being proposed. King stated -she didn't know of the variance until right before the meeting. King expressed concern about emergency vehicles using the road and is concerned about where parking will take place on Drummond. Paine agreed to a 30 -day extension to give King a little time to inspect the Drummond Road area. Motion by Wegscheid, seconded by Salazar to table Item 6 until the June 28, 2016 regular council meeting to allow King time to walk the property and review the proposed plans/application. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 61 reguir Dan Faulkner, City Engineer, presented an overview of City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), which is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) as part of City compliance with the federal Clean Water Act. Faulkner explained that the City must hold a public hearing to meet Federal requirements as well as meet six minimum control measures. Those measures include Public Education and Outreach, Public Participation and Involvement, illicit Discharge and Elimination, Construction Site Storm Sewer Runoff, Post Construction storm Mound City Council Minutes —June 14, 2016 water management in new development and redevelopment and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping. Faulkner stated the City is meeting requirements through inspection protocols, education and activities such as street sweeping. Faulkner suggested a separate web page to inform residents of further resources on the subject. M rooms Smith said the proposed amendments to Chapters 129 and 6 include language to allow brewpubs, taprooms, distilleries etc. in appropriate areas of the City. Smith explained that the proposed zoning would allow those activities in all districts except the 83 and linea ther districts. Smith stated these restrictions would help to minimize any negative imp is ommunity as those districts are in and around residential areas. She added that the proposed zoning amendment would require brewpubs, taprooms, and distillery businesses to go through the Conditional Use Permitting process to ensure performance standards are being met (such as parking) and to address zoning regulations which are consistent with the proposed Chapter 6. Smith said the proposed amendments are intended to be consistent with State statute. Smith explained that the new activities listed in Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages are manufacturing uses with brewpubs also being a restaurant use. She stated that distilleries can operate cocktail rooms and taprooms can serve their products which are either sampled or offered for sale. Smith added that State statute no longer requires seating requirements for most liquor licenses or food and alcohol percentage of sales requirements as it had in the past. Smith added that State regulation of the alcohol production and service industry has undergone significant change in recent years. She explained this is why the City has proposed removing Class IV restaurants from the Zoning regulations and the seating and sales requirements in Chapter 6. Smith added that the City used a model ordinance from the League of Minnesota Cities as the template to repeal and replace the old Chapter 6 and modified it to suit the City's needs. Smith noted a table summarizing the different license types and requirements has been included as additional information. Smith said the City Code doesn't require a Public Hearing for a stand Smith added that the Planning nance amendment but a Public Hearing is required for a Zoning Code amendment. S Commission has approved the proposed amended Zoning Ordinance. Wegscheld stated he would like to hold off on a decision on Chapter 6 as he would tike more time to read through the amended ordinance again. Gesch asked about seating and whether the requirements for seatii the avecStatuangedand# in statute recently. Pausche stated the only seating requirement remaining proposed ordinance is in regards to the wine on -sale license which requires a minimum of 25 seats and the Sunday on -sale intoxicatingliquor te clhansed reretch gardeigngtres a minimum the number of seats. Der of 30 seats. Pausche was unsure of w g Mayor Wegscheid requested staff revisit the proposed language in the amendments as they relate to existing Conditional Use Permits to see if any CUPs need to be amended. -1815- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2016 Peterson asked why there are stilt some areas in which there is a need for city approval such as Sunday safes for taprooms. Pausche responded that approval and hours of off -sale service are by Statute a City discretionary decision. The Council requested the Zoning and Chapter 6 amendments be brought to the Council in tandem for a decision after the procedures for the posting and publishing of the public hearing for the Zoning Ordinance has been followed. 8.1 (Added) Request for action on the following: a) An ordinance amending Chapter 6 of the Mound City Code as it relates to alcoholic beverages b) A resolution authorizing publication of Ordinance l�lo.,_,-2046 by Title and Summary Pausche addressed the Council to request to amend the Sunday on -sales intoxicating liquor license hours of service from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Pausche stated Statute now allows for intoxicating liquor sales to begin at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. She clarified this is a request to amend the current Chapter 6 to make the change to 8:00 a.m. Peterson asked how will all liquor establishments in the City be informed of the change. Pausche stated packet information was sent to all liquor license holders in the City showing what is being proposed. 8.18 MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the ordinance. All voted in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 06-2016: AN ORDINANC15 AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 8.1b MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carriers. 0 ORDINANCE N. . BY TITLE AND SUMMARY Gillispie recused herself due to a potential conflict of interest. Smith reported on the City observation of MainStreet USA's compliance with the agreement made with the business at the last Council Meeting and stated that the owners of Main Street USA were notified of this meeting and update. Smith stated the owners of the business requested that this agenda. item be tabled. Wegscheid said that the City has been trying to work with Main Street USA for many years and has tried to accommodate the needs of the business owners. Wegscheid said the owners are continually outside of the requirements listed in the Conditional Use Perrnit (CUP) for vehicles -1816- Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2018 4 on the lot and there has not been a day after issuance of the new CUP that the business was within the agreed upon number of cars on the lot. Wegscheid added that the owners of Main Street USA have been very involved in the discussion of the CUP. Wegscheid stated that the owners had questioned the reports of the number of cars on the lot. Wegscheid added that the car counting which the City did was outside of business hours. He added that he is frustrated because of the amount of time which was spent to develop the new CUP and the owners can't seem to comply with it. Gesch also expressed her frustration as the allowable number of cars was discussed with the owners and it was made clear at the last Council meeting that they were to have no more than 25 cars on the lot. Wegscheid further added that he hates to be in the situation where the Council is forced to pull the CUP for the site. Salazar concurred with the discussion and he noted the strides which were made to make sure the owners of Main Street USA knew they were to have a maximum of 25 vehicles on the lot. . MOTION by Wegscheid, seconded by Gesch, to direct staff to schedule a public hearing to discuss revocation of the CUP at Main Street Auto. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 90. information/[miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council Members Mayor Wegscheid noted there were items regarding Indian Knoll Manor coming up. Wegscheid said the Planning Commission minutes and packet will be available for the Council to review in advance of the next packet to allow for more time. Wegscheid relayed facts regarding the Mound Fire Department (MFD) Fish Fry held on June 6th: The MFD served 2,579 dinners and 3,723 advance tickets were sold by the firemen going door to door. He added that a total of 4,995 total ticket sales were made. The MFD raised $42,939 through ticket sales. Carbone's donated $6,000 and helped with the procurement of the fish. Total revenue was $79,307 with. expenses of $39,478 leaving a net profit of $39,829. The Mayor added that the Mound Fire Department Auxiliary also donated $1,695 to the MFD for the purchase of a specialized deck nozzle for the MFD fire boat. Hoversten added the Planning Commission packet for Indian Knoll (manor cannot be discussed amongst council members in order to comply with open meeting law and he informed council members to direct their questions about the project to staff. Hoversten said he will not schedule the Trident Assisted Living Project discussion on the same Council Meeting as the Indian Knoll Manor discussion due to the complexity of both projects. Hoversten added that staff requests a Council Workshop to discuss and further develop the administrative citation section of city ordinance and asked the Council to check their availability on July 26t" from 6-6:45 p.m, with the HRA and regular Council Meeting to follow, Hoversten stated that Harbor Wine and Spirits will be tapping the 2016 version of Surfside Pale Ale on June 30th with the Mayor officiating the event followed by continued festivities at Dakota Junction. Music in the Park will also be held on the 30th in the Harbor District. Mound City Council Minutes — June 14, 2016 Hoversten stated that the Orono Ponce Department announced the Night to Unite event will be held on August Hoversten will provide updates on current development proposals and the City,s current and future capital investment proposals at a Westonka Community and Commerce event at 6:00 p.m. on June 16th which is being held at Surfside Bar & Grill. Orono Police Chief Coney Farniok will also speak at the event. B. Reports: Fire Department - May 2016 Finances Department - April 2016 3, x016 C. Minutes: AdvisoryPlanningCommission: May D. Correspondence: II AdjccrM MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Giilispie, to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Ai! voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk a COPY NOTICE OF MOUND CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF THE AMENDED AND RESTATED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 02-68 FOR PROPERTY AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, will- meet ill-meet in the Council Chambers in the Centennial Building (former City Hall), 5341 Maywood Road, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, to hold a public hearing to consider revocation of the Amended and Restated Conditional Use Permit approved by Resolution No. 02-68 for the property at 4831 Shoreline Drive that was approved by the City Council on May 24, 2016 (Resolution No. 16-64). The business operating on the property is MainStreet USA, Inc. All persons appearing at said hearing with reference to the above will be given the opportunity to be heard at this meeting, By: Jill Norlander. Planning and Building Inspections Published in the Laker on July 2, 2016 51-0100 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDED AND RESTATED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 02-68 FOR PROPERTY AT 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE PID NO. 13-117-24-44-0014 WHEREAS, in April of 2002, Ken Custer and Matt Lajoy ("Original Applicants") submitted an application to the City for a_Conditional Use Permit ("the CUP") to allow open lot vehicle sales on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Drive, Mound, Minnesota, (" the Subject Property"), to be operated as "Lake Minnetonka Quality Motors"; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is zoned "B-2 - General Business" which allows local retail sales and services along with office space opportunities to serve local population demand and needs of non -highway orientation; and WHEREAS, the Original Applicants submitted a supplemental memorandum dated April 22, 2002 that stated that they had been conducting a very successful used car dealership on the Subject Property and the sales of vehicles consisted of Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, Acura, Toyota, Saturn and other high quality vehicles and ,1 WHEREAS, it was also stated in the supplemental memorandum that the Original Applicants were intending only to conduct vehicle sales on the Subject Property and no other activities would be conducted on the Subject Property, such as automotive repair; and WHEREAS, the Original Applicants stated that they fully understood that the Subject Property was located at one of the main entrances to the City and that their business was visually prominent; and WHEREAS, the Original Applicants included a proposed display plan which showed 20 display stalls for vehicles. The Planning Commission, upon review of the application, agreed with 20 display stalls for the CUP request but felt the Original Applicants could determine the exact locations of the stalls on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2002, the Mound City Council adopted Resolution No. 02-68 which approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow operation of open lot vehicle sales for no more than 20 vehicles on the Subject Property; and. WHEREAS, the Subject Property was subsequently sold to Maxim Teplitski and Alexander Teplitski who operate the automotive dealership MainStreet USA, Inc. on the Subject Property ("MainStreet USA"); and WHEREAS, Maxim Teplitski ("Applicant"), submitted an application requesting amendments to the CUP that allows open lot display/sales as a principal use on the property located at 4831 Shoreline Boulevard on the Subject Property; and ` t WHEREAS, the Applicant owns the subject property along with his father, Alexander Teplitski; and WHEREAS, the submitted CUP application, requests approval of an amendment to allow open lot sales/display for up to (32) vehicles. This includes (29) exterior parking spaces and (3) interior spaces in the service bays. City Code Sec. 129-2 defines "Open lot sales" as follows: Open sales lot (exterior storage) means any land used or occupied for the purpose of buying and selling goods, materials, or merchandise and for the storing of same under the open sky prior to sale. ; and WHEREAS, the submitted CUP application also requests an amendment to allow for minor automotive repair activities to be allowed on the subject property and also mentions service and maintenance. City Code Sec. 129-2 defines "Automotive repair, minor" as follows: Automobile repair, minor, means the replacement of any pprl or repair of any part which does not require the removal of the engine head or pan, engine, transmission or differential; incidental bodywork and fender work, minor painting and upholstering service when said service stated in this definition is applied to passenger automobiles and trucks not in excess of 7, 000 pounds gross vehicle weight. ; and WHEREAS, details regarding the request(s) are contained in the applicant's submitted CUP application and supporting materials, Planning Report No 16-03 dated April 26, 2016 and revised May 5, 2016, and Executive Summary Report dated May 5, 2016; and WHEREAS, City Code Sec. 129.38 requires that all requests for Conditional Use Permits are reviewed by the Planning Commission and also requires that a public hearing be held by the City Council. Procedurally, state statute requires that the planning agency and/or governing body must hold a public hearing on all requests for Conditional Use Permits; and WHEREAS, Sec. 129-38 requires amendments to the CUPs to be processed the same as a CUP application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the CUP application at its May 3, 2016 meeting and recommended Council approval, subject to conditions, as recommended by Staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing at its May 10, 2016 meeting to receive public testimony on the CUP application; and WHEREAS, the City has considered the proposed project as it might affect public health, safety or welfare and will be imposing conditions upon the project approval to address these considerations; and WHEREAS, the 'City Council's action on the Conditional Use Permit was made within the required timelines for decisions for land use applications contained in Minnesota Statutes Sec. 15.99; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby incorporate and restate the recitals set forth above for the Conditional Use Permit, as amended and restated, for the property at 4831 Shoreline as follows: A. The site plan dated May 24, 2016, which shows (25) exterior parking spaces on the site, is acceptable for the proposed uses and shall be incorporated into the CUP. B. All parking for the proposed requested uses shall take place in marked parking stalls on the Subject Property (i.e., vehicles offered for sale, vehicles being prepared for sale, customer vehicles, employee vehicles, company utility vehicles, etc.) C. The (25) exterior parking spaces, shown on the site plan dated May 24, 2016, shall not be designated for specific parking types (i e., vehicles for sale, employee vehicles, etc). The maximum number of all vehicles, at any given time of day visible on the subject premises, shall not exceed (25). D. No parking is allowed on any area not improved and vehicles parking, in all regards, shall be consistent with the site plan dated May 24, 2016. In particular, parking in the back area for vehicles in queue for service, which was mentioned in the applicant narrative, is not permitted. E. No inoperative vehicles, as defined by the City Code, automotive body parts, mechanical parts, engine parts, or tires shall be stored outside in the open. F. No vehicle service or repair work shall take place outside of the building. G. No parking or exterior storage of any kind shall take place on "Open Green Space" areas, as shown on the site plan dated May 24, 2016. H. No open sales, display, parking, or storage of boats, recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles, snowmobiles, limousines, etc. is allowed with the amended CUP for the property. The CUP only allows the open sale of personal motor vehicles and non-commercial vehicles. -1821- I. Minor automotive repair activities as defined by the City Code, along with detailing services, are only allowed on vehicles that are being prepared for sale. Automotive work / services on vehicles not related to the pre -owned motor vehicle sale business are not allowed. J. The final proposed parking lot improvement plan shall be subject to review and approval by the City Manager/Public Works Director and shall be similar to the site plan dated May 24, 2016 and shall be consistent with the City Code If the final plan is significantly different from the site plan dated May 24, 2016, an amendment to the CUP will be required. Applicant is required to obtain all local and agency permits (i.e., MCWD) and provide same to the City of Mound, prior to the commencement of any work on the site. K. Determination of the location of the accessible parking stall(s) shall be as determined by the Building Official and shall be the responsibility of the applicant to address in addition to the required number of parking spaces for the use.. L. Submittal of a landscaping plan which shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City Manager/Public Works Director or designee to include all applicable requirements of the City Code including but not limited to, the landscaping/tree planting requirements in the City Code. M. The City reserves the right to require future evaluation of the site related to the proposed vehicles sales and minor automotive vehicle repair use, if needed, in the event parking becomes a problem. This may include the review and processing of a CUP amendment, if deemed appropriate. N. A sign permit is required for all future signage that is installed, erected, relocated, modified, altered, or changed on the site. All signage shall conform to Sec. 119. 0. The applicant shall be required to submit all required information upon submittal of the building permit or related applications, when appropriate. P. Applicant will be will be required to schedule an inspection with the Building Official to determine if a change of occupancy certificate is needed, obtain all required permitting for the proposed additional "automotive repair, minor" use and complete any necessary modifications to obtain an occupancy certificate. 0. Applicant will be required to schedule an inspection with the Fire Chief to related to the "automotive repair, minor" use and fire code and obtain all required permitting. R. The parking lot improvements, as substantially shown on the site plan dated May 24, 2016, shall be constructed on or before November 30, 2017 and subsequently maintained, in accordance with all applicable code requirements. Until said lot improvements are completed by the applicant and approved by the City, the applicant's activities on the Subject Property are limited to automotive resale and detailing activities with not more than (25) vehicles total parked on site. S. Payment of all fees associated with review of the applicant's proposal. T. This conditional use permit is approved for the legally described property as stated in the Hennepin County Property Information System included on the attached Exhibit A. U. This conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in Hennepin County pursuant to M.S.S. 462.36, Subd. 1. This shall be considered a restriction on how this property may be used. V. The applicant shall have the responsibility of filing this resolution with Hennepin County and paying for all costs for such recording or may direct Staff to file such resolution with the involved fees to be taken out of the submitted escrow file. The business use may not commence until a recorded copy of the resolution has been provided to or received by the City. W. Condition No. 1(b) contained in Resolution No. 02-68 applies to the Conditional Use Permit, as amended and restated, and reads as follows: 1 (b). All signage, including banners, flags, shall meet the regulations of City Code Section 365 (now City Code Section 999). Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of May, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Wegscheid r -1823- Resolution No. 16-64 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Subject Property Lots 1 to 4 inclusive and Lots 20 and 21 and that part of the vacated alley lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the southwest corner of Lot 20, all in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A; ALSO the northeasterly 0.75 feet of Lot 5, and that part of the adjoining vacated alley lying northeasterly of the northwesterly extension of the Southwesterly line of said Northeasterly 0.75 feet, and Southwesterly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, all in said Block; EXCEPT the West 0.75 feet of Lot 20, and that part of the adjoining vacated Southwest corner of said Lot 20, and Southwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the East line of said West 0.75 feet with the southerly line of said Lot 20; thence South along the Southerly extension of said East line to its point of intersection with the Northwesterly extension of the Southwesterly line of the Northeasterly 0.75 feet of Lot Southeasterly the Northwest corner of sand Lot 4 to extension to its intersection with a line drawn from the Southwest corner of said Lot 20, and there ending. All in Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit A, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota. UN151XJ i �rs 1i rol 4e H , E- � H �4 Q' zd Z' i z i w ;Waz zQ c, oa U1 o z g Z z NN �zx UN151XJ i -1074= rol r N r Q nu rc n i i oa Jo �N NN z a; -1074= 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-0604 u • t To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith Date: 7/6/2016 Re: July 12, 2016 City Council Agenda Item — Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit for Running of the Bays Half Marathon and 5K Run ® The races will beheld on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (excluding set-up and tear down) and will start at Grandview Middle School and end at Bethel United Methodist Church. • Anticipated attendance is 200 people. 0 Estimated number of vehicles is 50 -100. Parking will generally take place in the school and church parking lots. • Restrooms will be available at Grandview Middle School at the race start and four (4) portable restrooms will be on site at the finish line at United Methodist Church including one (1) unit which will be ADA accessible. There will be one (1) portable restroom unit located along the race/run route. • The City has been notified that there will be insurance coverage for the event which will be submitted to the City in advance of the Sept.10th half marathon and 5K run. • There will be PA/sound system and amplified music used at the event at the start and end sites. • The applicant has received permission and/or approvals forthe event from the Three Rivers Park District, Hennepin County Transportation Department, Bethel United Methodist Church, the DNR and the Westonka School District. Comments. • Staff provided a summary of the upcoming event to the Mound Fire Department, the Orono Police Department and the Mound Public Works and Parks Departments; also to involved public agencies. As of this date, a temporary sign permit has not yet been submitted. Applicant and Council members are advised that banner placement requires issuance of a temporary sign permit that can be approved administratively, subject to the provisions of Sec. 119-(i) (3) including a 30 day allowance. It is possible that the organizers may use directional arrows the day of the event for road markers and may also have "special event signage." City Code Section 119-(i) (6) allows the placement of special event signs, subject to the provisions in the City Code which regulates garage sale signs, including a five (5) day allowance period. The City's approved fee schedule includes a daily fee range of $300 to $600 per day and damage deposit of $500 to $1000 per day for the Public Gathering Permit. An application fee of $300 and damage deposit of $500 are recommended by Staff. The approved fee schedule includes a Musical Concert Permit fee of $100 per day. The applicant provided an emergency weather plan which will be provided to involved personnel (i.e., Mound Staff/Departments, the Mound Fire Department, the Orono Police Department, etc.). Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the requested Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit for the 2016 Running of the Bays Half Marathon and 5K Run, subject to the following conditions: Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of all required public agency permits needed to hold the event (i.e., Hennepin County Transportation Department, - Hennepin County Sheriffs Department and Three Rivers Park District. Copies of all permits that are required, in addition to those received, shall be provided to the City prior to the event. 2. Payment of the $300 Public Gathering Permit application fee and $500 damage deposit. 3. Payment of the $100 Musical Concert Permit application fee. 4. Applicant shall work with Orono Police Department and City Manager - Public Works Director Eric Hoversten or Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson regarding logistics for the upcoming event including, but not limited to, equipment and personnel needs, parking, street crossing, traffic control, traffic circulation, road barricades, etc. Applicant is responsible for payment of fees for public safety and city services that may apply which will be determined by Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok, or designee, and Staff. 5. Amplified music, speakers and/or sound systems are not to be directed to adjacent properties and must be directed in the direction best suited to minimize impact upon neighbors. 6. Insurance for the event is required and shall be in the form and required amounts as required by the City of Mound and or its insurance carrier. Form and content is subject to review and acceptance by Staff and the LMCIT, the City's insurance carrier. Page 2 -1826-A 7. If tents are to be used at the event, applicant is responsible for contacting Mound Fire Chief Greg Pederson at least 30 days in advance of the event, if possible, to determine if a tent permit is needed and if so, what information needs to be submitted; also whether an inspection needs to scheduled and done by the Fire Department after the tent has been set up. 8. Applicant shall work with the school and church related to final arrangements for refuse/garbage collection and disposal. 9 Applicant shall be responsible for contacting Hennepin County Environmental Health for a determination whether a temporary food/beverage license is required for the event. 10. Applicant is directed to work with the Community Development Director related to proposed signage for the event. As applicable, applicant shall be responsible for obtaining a temporary sign permit including the payment of involved fee. Signage shall be in accordance with Mound City Code Chapter 119. 11. Additional conditions from Staff and the City Council. Page 3 -1827- WHEREAS, on December 8, 2015, the City Council of the City of Mound adopted Resolution No. 15-146 to establish its fee schedule for 2016 ("Fee Schedule"); and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the Public Gathering Permit fee range from $300-$600 per day and damage deposit range from $500-$1000, with the actual amounts determined by the City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of the permit application stating the specific use and requirements of the City for the proposed public gathering; and WHEREAS, the Fee Schedule set the Musical Concert Permit fee of $100 per day; and WHEREAS, Mark Wegscheid, on behalf of Running of the Bays (Invictis LLC), submitted Gathering Permit Permit and Musical Concert Permit applications for the 2016 Running of the Bays half marathon and 5K runs being held on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (excluding event set-up and tear -down); and WHEREAS, City Staff has reviewed said application and has recommended reasonable conditions to protect the public's investment in its public parks and common areas as set forth in a staff memo to the City Council dated July 5, 2016 ("Conditions"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Resolution. 2. The Public Gathering Permit and Musical Concert Permit are approved with Conditions. Passed by the City Council this 12th day of July, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk 6D:W:11 Mayor Mark Wegscheid CITY OF MOUND 5341 YWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PUBLIC GATHERING PERMIT Use of a public park or commons by any group consisting of 15 or more individuals. Use is not to interfere with traffic and general use ofthe park or commons or to be beyond the ability of the police in maintaining order. NO LIQUOR OR BEER MAY BE USED IN ANY OF THE CITY PARKS OR BUILDINGS. Group is to remove all litter and trash and provide a deposit to insure cleaning up of the park area. PERMIT FEE: $300/DAY TO $600/DAY* DAMAGE DEPOSIT: $500 TO $1000JDAY* *Permit fee and damage deposit amount to be determined by City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of application stating specific use and requirements. Date(s)ofUse Area to be UsedC-.-vr,A-,4--.elo. 0-v"tic N Time Frame U"SO '— 1 6\\rw� Intended Use �An,) (�-. SVI 1�1-11.- �uq"N Expected Attendance Organization 1?o .,% yn'; fi Representative's Name :p 1 C--,, LL C %J -� jm"k �- � Address Telephone No. Home: Work: -AV Drivers License Departmental Approval City Clerk Police Dept. Park Dept. Fire Dept. CITX OF MO 2415 WELSH= -BLVID- mouND, lumnsoTA 553614 SICICA L CONCERT 'E T AFi'LICATION of tified (inciuding, but not limited to, live music, music previded by a disc jockey, ona'ivr any typeam P music) EVENT: LOCATION OF MUSICAL CONCERT: G''rC3ne� q t e W cin OF mUSICICAL CONCERT: n'1 i; C: S + 4(c, rY-, T�tT'E � TIME PERIOD OF MUSICAL CONCERT -7 '�'0 (ffoURS PERMITTER: Mon - Sun: 7:00 am 10:00 pm) 1,EQUESTED EXTENSION OF HOURS: (Council approval must be received to conduct a musical cancerG alter 10:00 pm) APPLICANT: �'`► , J CONTACT": mtu- a °V ADDREss: 1L~ s'r l R� ADDRESS-2q!6� _t E - NMI A L u e Sc C 140ME PHONE #: iQt� lCU WORK PHONE #:'3t I- '� _ Applicant's Signature Date C C , jfy( E7 M jJ -' e CL CL 3. tD v ° Sao _ m n to I04 r- -1 u, waj.... m punogylnaS RM8 a�jawwo� a D -,• c •C o, « ^ a--�-w °' punogylaoN RnIB a3�awwo, ' n N c u' --- �� a c E v c JaPIM04S PAIR a»awwO� EL ----------- CL ti• �' KO LU 'n Q CL ^. 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ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners David Goode, Bill Stone, Pete Wiechert, Jameson Smieja, and Jennifer Peterson. Members absent: Jason Baker, Doug Gawtry, and Jeffrey Bergquist. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Gerald Vandam, 5816 Grandview Blvd; Blake Hopkins, Aeon; Kathy Bergquist,; 2645 Halstead La; Chris Rydrych, 5510 Spruce Rd; Chris Carlson, 5547 Spruce Rd; Wayde Fleener, 6020 Aspen Rd; Aubrie Gould, Aeon; Ellen Gomoll, 5508 Breezy Rd; Terry Starkey, 5508 Breezy Rd; Jim Turner; Cheri Erickson; Sherrie Pugh, 5567 Spruce Rd; Pat & Dianne Brickley, 5514 Spruce Rd; Millie & Gene Snyder, 4749 S Lake Sarah Dr, Independence; Roger Fink, Trident Development. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA MOTION by Goode, second by Stone, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION carried unanimously. REVIEW AND ACTION ON MAY 3 2016 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to approve the May 3, 2016 meeting minutes as written. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS 1861 Commerce Boulevard (Dutch Lake Preserve) Applicant: Trident Development PC Case No. 16-11 Preliminary Plat -Major Subdivision (Public Hearing) PC Case No. 16-12 Conditional Use Permit PC Case No. 16-13 Variances Sarah Smith explained the process for the meeting/public hearing. Smith continued to describe the project and zoning issues to be discussed. The applicant, Roger Fink of Trident Development LLC, has applied for multiple land use approvals for the development of a 72 -unit senior, assisted living/memory care rental housing facility. The development will combine 3 existing lots on Dutch Lake to create one lot for development and one undevelopable outlot. To be considered is a preliminary plat, conditional use permit, and variances (building height, side yard setbacks, number of efficiency units, minimum floor area for efficiency and one bedroom units, parking and shoreland tiering). Rita Trapp explained the site plan and its various features impacting the design of the project. Trapp reviewed the Comprehensive Plan designation of Medium Density Residential and how the proposal meets that designation. The Conditional Use Permit establishes the dimension and design standards of a Planned Development Area. A CUP is required for this type of multi -family use. There are multiple variances required due to the extensive use of this property. Trapp continued to detail the variances, their impact on the project and reasoning behind the variance requests. The DNR has a shoreland tiering system. Those regulations don't exactly fit this type of development. There is more density in tier 3 than is recommended. Staff feels that the applicant has done what they can with the site, especially considering that 3 -level construction is not taken into consideration by the DNR model, which is generally single family in nature. Other City Code regulations have been met by the applicant. Staff feels that the variances requested have met the criteria for variance approval. This site is somewhat difficult to development with both Dutch Lake and the wetlands. There are 2 filtration basins to aid in stormwater management on site. This is a good addition to the area in terms of type of product needed in the city. The setback from Commerce helps to screen the project from public view. Smieja asked where the required minimum unit sizes came from, Smith thought that they originated from HUD numbers. Smieja referred to the discussion in the report regarding parking size and the market studies. He wanted to know what the general feeling of staff was regarding the need for more specific site studies. Trapp replied that, because of the specific nature of the project, staff relied more on the applicant to help with those numbers. Smieja noticed that consideration was requested from Hennepin County Public Works regarding a paved walk to the current north/south sidewalk on the east side of the property. He did not see any reference to that in the conditions requiring follow through. Trapp said it may have been an oversight. Smieja asked if it should be added to the conditions. Trapp thought it should be added. Smith thought a condition should be added that any recommendation by Hennepin County Transportation shall be satisfactorily addressed by the applicant. Stone asked if employee parking has been taken into consideration. Trapp suggested that the applicant address that question, then, the commission can give feedback as to what information should be provided the council to be more helpful in their decision. Penner mentioned the 8 foot vs. 9 foot ceilings and roof pitch. Trapp responded that with such a large site and the building set back far from the lake and the road, 9 foot ceilings and the pitch were acceptable. Roger Fink (Trident Development LLC) detailed their 10 -year experience with senior housing. The minimum square footage of housing units came from HUD or FHA standard requirements. Those requirements are mainly designed to control market rate for general family housing. That is different than fully -staffed senior care housing. Memory care efficiencies are designed to get the resident out of their studio room to socialize and participate in activities. The employee parking requirement is based on the largest shift, which they are anticipating to involve 25 employees. Mr. Fink continued to cite statistics on the different client types and car use. In Mound, the plan is for (25) units for largest shift, 10 units for guests and visitors, and 43 spaces for residents. Mr. Fink stated that building height could be met with 8 -foot ceilings and 4/12 pitch; however, market expectations are 9 -foot ceilings and 6/12 pitch. He also demonstrated and described the building materials being planned for use in the project. -1843- Smieja restated his concern about the Hennepin County Transportation walkway request. Mr. Fink stated that plans have been revised since the memo was received. If the revision doesn't meet that requirement it will be revisited. The plans for a walkway along the lake have been dropped due to ADA and liability issues. Stone asked, given the type of facility, are there special security/lighting plans. Mr. Fink related that LED light use has increased significantly in the past years and quality, natural light is a design priority. More window space is planned than is required. Parking lots will be lit at night with timers and/or solar switches. Building is pet friendly. Security systems in the memory care area have personal and doorway monitoring as well as help buttons. Other areas have help buttons as well as security cameras. Smieja referenced the previous commercial zoning of the property and wanted to know what the previous setbacks would have been. Smith/Trapp replied that they would have been 50 feet on the lake (west), 50 feet on the south, 30 feet on the east and 30 feet on the north. Public Hearing was opened at 8:05 Pm. Wayde Fleener, 6020 Aspen Rd, (Dutch Lake Homeowners Assoc.) observed that they seemed to be building on the highest peak of the property. Rainwater will be diverted to the holding ponds. He asked how that changes how the water is flowing, especially toward the lake. Smith responded that the east side of the project drains to street and the lakeside to filtration ponds. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) requires that both the quality and quantity of runoff be addressed. The plan has to meet the thresholds. The amount can increase but it has to be addressed. MCWD has the application and is evaluating the storm water features, the erosion features, wetland delineation has been done, no -net -loss review, and the required buffers. Smieja asked for a definition of "no net loss". Smith indicated that it was not filling or losing wetlands._ Buffers will be added based on type and location of wetland; the filtration system on west side of building will address stormwater. Mr. Fleener asked if there was a dock planned. Smith said that isn't part of the current program. Mr. Fleener stated that Zone 1 appeared untouched from the tree perspective and wanted to know how Zone 2 would be affected. Zone 2 will have filtration ponds (per Smith) up land from the flood plain; also vegetation and grade changes. Peterson asked about tree removal and plantings. Trapp reviewed the plans on pages 40 and 46. Mr. Fleener asked -where the park dedication would be located. Smith said that staff was recommending a park dedication fee based on 10% of the land value. Chris Carlson, 5951 West Branch Minnetrista, noted that mold resistive paint kills mold but leaves other elements of concern untouched. He also observed that, should the building change us in the future the limited parking could be a problem. Holiday parking is also a concern. Future societal demographics indicate that this kind of care will decrease. Thirty years from now we may not need this. Jerry Vandam, 5816 Grandview Blvd, asked if the pond by lake will be fenced. Mr. Vandam also asked how the parking lot would be lit. Fink responded that, when residents are outside they will usually be accompanied. The facility will also have a large van that would take pressure of parki^^ T"- memory care residents will be escorted or be -1844- in the outdoor patio space off the 1" floor memory care area that is securely fenced. The parking lot lighting will be in compliance with city code; height, foot candles, heads (most likely low profile LED), etc. Stone asked again about accommodating visitors on holidays. Fink said that a lot of the residents will be picked up and go to family homes. Also, there might be some cooperative agreement with Huber and the school. Carlson asked if the outdoor lighting was down lighting or some up lighting. Fink stated it was all down lighting Close Public Hearing 8:24 p.m. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat/Major Subdivision with staff recommendations #1-18 and findings of fact #1-3. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with staff recommendations #1-7 and findings of fact #1-6. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Stone, second by Smieja, to recommend approval of the Variances with staff recommendations #1-11 and findings of fact #1-5, changing findings of fact #5 to 4.5' instead of 8'. MOTION passed unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS 2020 Commerce Boulevard (Indian Knoll Manor Renovation Applicant: Aeon Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Public Hearing) Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat (Public Hearing) Rezoning Conditional Use Permit Variances Expansion Permits Major Subdivision -Final Plat Sarah Smith introduced the project and the applications to be discussed. The applicant, Blake Hopkins, of Aeon, has applied for multiple land use approvals and subdivision approval for the redevelopment of the existing 50 -unit Indian Knoll Manor affordable housing community. The proposed project also incorporates the adjacent property located at 5524 Spruce Road. The applicant is proposing to rehab the existing Indian Knoll Manor structure, demolish two one -bedroom apartments, build eight new apartment units, and build 10 new three-bedroom townhomes. Approvals requested include a comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, major subdivision - preliminary plat, conditional use permit (CUP) for a planned development area (PDA) for a multiple -family project, variances, expansion permits and a major subdivision -final plat. A determination that the proposed HRA property conveyance is consistent with the Comprehensive Pian is also required. Rita Trapp explained existing site conditions, including the utility easement that runs diagonally through the site. The preliminary plat will combined the 2 properties into 1 lot. Ms. Trapp summarized each request and highlighted findings from the Planning Report. Comprehensive Plan Amendment — As noted in the Planning Report, 2020 Commerce Boulevard is designated high density residential and the Spruce Road property is designated low density residential. The applicant has requested an amendment to the rnmnrehensive Plan to change the low density to -1845- high density. The (2) Comprehensive Plan land use goals and (6) housing goals related to the proposed project are highlighted in the Planning Report. The City will be seeking a waiver of adjacent governmental review of the requested amendment to the comprehensive plan which will be determined by the Metropolitan jCouncil. Rezoning — It has been requested to rezone the Spruce Road lot to R-3, which is consistent to the high density residential designation that is being requested with the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat —The Indian Knoll Manor preliminary plat takes in the total 1.87 acre site. As the applicant will own and operate the entire site it is seen as appropriate to waive the "one townhouse on one lot" requirement as they will be rental only and managed collectively. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) — The city uses the CUP as the regulatory tool for standards for the Planned Development Area (PDA). A CUP is also required for multiple family uses over 6 units in the R-3 zoning district. In addition to lot size and layout requirements, the CUP for the Planned Development Area (PDA) can regulate parking and sidewalks, building materials, landscaping, glare, refuse, wetlands and stormwater, utilities and park dedication. There is an existing CUP for this property. Expansion Permits — The applicant requests expansion permit approval to allow for the construction of additional units to the existing IKM building to the same height as the existing structure. The applicant originally proposed making modifications and adding all the units to the original building. Soil conditions would not allow the addition of all the desired units so the proposed site plan with townhomes has been proposed. Variances - Requested variances include: rear yard townhouse setback, townhouse street setbacks along Balsam Road and Spruce Road, hardcover, unit lot coverage, minimum floor area, minimum number of parking spaces, parking materials, and parking area setbacks. In addition to those outlined in the Planning Report, additional variances are requested for a smaller drive aisle and fence height of 6 feet. PDA projects, due to their unique circumstances, often require flexibility from code regulations. The existing development has 40 parking spaces for 50 units and no indoor parking. This was approved in 2005 under the current CUP. A parking study was provided by the applicant. The study estimates that peak stalls needed on weekdays is 46-51 and on Saturdays, it is estimated at 56-61 stalls. Based on the peak analysis findings, the parking study recommended 64 stalls and the applicant proposes 66 stalls. A variance in 2005 permitted 24 ft drive aisles; requirement is 25 ft. Applicant is requesting a variance to allow 2 aisles to 23 ft and the 3`d aisle at 25 ft. Applicant is requesting the use of pervious pavers for on-site water filtration instead of concrete or bituminous which requires a variance. Street side setbacks require 10 ft. Applicant is requesting a variance to allow 5 ft on the north property line. Landscaping meets the required mix; however, the applicant is proposing a 6 ft fence instead of the required 4-5 ft, which was at the request of the neighbors. Fence is made of wood. Plantings would also be included. Major Subdivision -Final Plat — Review will take place after the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is approved by the Met Council and only at the Council level. Park dedication fee will be addressed as part of the final plat process. Evaluation of HRA Property Conveyance for Comp Plan Consistency - Determination that the proposed property conveyance is consistent with the Comp Plan is required from the Planning Commission per statute as the HRA parcel is a public property. -1846- MCWD and Hennepin County have also reviewed the project and provided comments as listed in the Planning Report. Smieja asked about the number of variances. Trapp indicated that there are 11 requested. Stone questioned whether the variances are minimized. Trapp understood that there were other proposals but, due to soil conditions and several other factors, this is where they landed. Smieja asked, in adding 16 units of affordable housing where that puts us related to our goal. Trapp thought that the goal was 60-70 units. She further explained the Met Council requirement and how it is distributed. Trapp explained that the variances were needed due to the realities of financing affordable housing projects and the site was severely impacted by the easement for the overhead electric utility lines. The applicant is balancing limitations of the parcel and making the numbers work. Smieja asked if there are any other rental townhomes in the area. Smith said there were not as a project but some of the homeowner associations may allow individual units to be rented out. This is a new product in the area. Smieja queried about the square footage requirements in the townhomes. Trapp stated that the applicant is meeting them. Smieja asked if there are requirements for distance from parking spaces to the townhomes. Staff did not believe so but would confirm. Goode queried about how the parking lot drives were measured. Trapp said it was from the end of one stall to the end of the other. Blake Hopkins introduced Aubrey Gould and Larry Prinz as members of the Aeon team. Aeon is a non- profit company based in Minneapolis. Aeon owns and manages 40 apartment communities. Mr. Hopkins explained the architectural standards that they desired to keep and reasons why the 23 ft drive width was required. The applicant is planning expanded sidewalks, plantings at the entrance and courtyard as well as perimeter landscaping. They showed the additional apartment units and described the exterior finishes on both housing styles. Stone asked why 6 townhomes were planned and if they had considered only 5 to get 25 ft in parking aisle width and additional green space. Mr. Hopkins stated that the 6 units were needed to make the numbers work. It was stated that the current occupancy is not 100% because of construction phasing. There is a waiting list. Smieja wanted to know if there is a current wait list and if there is a market for 3 bedroom townhomes. Gould indicated that there is a waiting list of 200+ for 3 bedrooms. Penner queried as to the maximum occupancy for 3 bedrooms. Ms. Gould stated that it's generally 1.5 persons per bedroom. There will be an estimated additional of 80-85 people at maximum mix of adults and children for the new units. Stone asked if parking will be assigned. Mr. Hopkins stated that the parking is open to all residents. There is no fee. -1847- Stone stated that there doesn't seem to be enough parking. Ms. Gould said that parking is underutilized. Typically there are not 2 cars per unit. Often there will be a shared car for family members working different shifts. There will be an on-site property manager40 hours per week and a site technician to provide maintenance. Penner observed that, on Friday nights, there are a lot of cars on the streets and asked about guest parking. Mr. Prinz said that they looked at weekday and weekend counts. Three issues, the site unit count, expanding out instead of up, and utility easement, confined the design to the proposed parking ratio. Penner asked for clarification that the soils issue wasn't dangerous. Prinz indicated that it was just cost prohibitive to correct. Chair Penner opened the public hearing at 9:49 p.m. Chris Carlson, 5950 West Branch Minnetrista, said that the development is surrounded by a neighborhood, space is a disaster, parking is a disaster, and cars are in the street year-round. A private company would never get this many variances. Mound has a traffic problem and commented that there is nowhere near enough parking. Chris Rydryck, 5510 Spruce Road, said that he has a construction background. The sale of the property is contingent on this project being approved; for a regular developer this would never happen. It is not helping or benefitting the neighborhood. Currently, he cannot see the building. They are removing a lot of trees and there will be no buffer. Trash dumpster along his property line will smell. Financial hardship is not an argument for approval. This is an over -build of what's currently there; too many variances, inadequate buffer, not justifiable. It would be different if there was a buffer. The neighborhood is losing its character. Terry Starkey, 5508 Breezy Rd, bought in 2004 and at that time there was lots of woods and not enough parking. The parking pro1ect (2005) took down trees and the drainage pond that was constructed too out another group of trees. Ms. Starkey also commented that the dumpster is right along the lot line and there are too many variances which doesn't make sense. Pat Brickley, 5514 Spruce Rd, because of elevations the fences will have no impact. Townhome parking will happen on street during the summer because it closest. The dumpster is in a terrible place. A private company would never get that many variances. This will impact the neighbor negatively. Chris Rydryck would like to see the applications. Staff requested he leave his email and it would be provided. Chris Carlson felt it was a quality of life issue. There's little usable space. A non-profit is a business. Why should that make a difference? It is overcrowded. The parking plan is hard to understand. Chair Penner closed public hearing at 10:10 p.m. Smieja thought that the starting point is to review the conveyance as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan. Trapp related that amendments to Comprehensive Plan are expected because of changes in communities that are not foreseen at the time of Comprehensive Plan implementation. The Spruce parcel was not anticipated to change. There are limited opportunities for high density in other areas of the city. Downtown is a possibility but nothing has ha^ ned as yet. The affordable housing goals are -1848- set by the Met Council and the City is required to ensure that there is enough land designated for medium and high density residential housing and that tools are in place that support the development of affordable housing. Stone asked what the impact would be if townhomes aren't built. Trapp said that whether or not a specific project is built doesn't impact our ability to meet our requirements for the Comprehensive Plan. Smieja stated that this proposal is what Aeon says it would take to take over this project. Finance Director Catherine Pausche gave the history of IKM. Originally there was a small management team running it. There was no physical staff on site to follow through or verify services to the building. The recession hit and funding from HUD was drying up. The City could barely keep operations going with a skeleton staff on-site. The property was deteriorating. Millions of dollars will be invested in the existing building to bring it up to par. Timing was perfect. Townhomes vs. another large building feels more residential with a less expansive footprint. Stone wanted to know what happens if the parking isnot adequate. Mr. Hopkins said there is the option of restricting the number of parking spaces per household. Parking studies indicate that the parking is adequate. The studies looked at current use as well as various affordable housing projects in the western Hennepin County for a comparison. Stone asked that, if the building is in such disrepair and infrastructure is past its lifetime, does rehab make sense. Mr. Hopkins said that new construction comparison was way more expensive. Stone asked how Aeon will respond to the fence and dumpster issues brought up by the residents. 'Ms. Gould stated that the fence height was revised as a result of the neighborhood meeting. The location of the dumpster will be revisited as well. Peterson asked about examples of where Aeon has come into a neighborhood like this and how it's worked or how it hasn't. Ms. Gould responded that they've been very lucky to have been invited into communities. This is a lot of their success. Trapp reminded the commission that the parking arrangements are tied to the CUP. If we don't do any car limitations and the parking isn't working we can impose some restrictions through the CUP review. Chris Carlson questions the affordable housing ratios between Mound and surrounding communities. There is another comp plan corning where this could really be looked at. Mr. Hopkins stated that Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) financing does have a time limit. Peterson acknowledged the funding that Aeon has sought for the project and asked if Aeon was surprised at how large the award was. Mr. Hopkins stated that this project was immediately funded, which is unusual as most projects take a few years of funding requests. Mr. Hopkins feels that a big reason for their ability to secure funding is the preservation and expansion of existing affordable housing. Smieja summarized that everyone needs housing; no one wants it close to them. This project impacts the abutting neighbors. Smieja supports the project but he doesn't support the variances that are impacting the neighbors. There's an opportunity for improvements with a reduced impact on the neighbors. Regarding the parking: if it's right that's great because we are optimizing land use, if it's wrong we have the CUP process to circle back. Trapp asked Smieja which variances he would like removed. Smieja indicated that #1 is his primary concern. Trapp reminded him that it will take the patios off the townhomes. Smieja would also remove #9 (north and east setback) and #10 (23 ft drive aisle). Mr. Hopkins was asked if the June 16th funding deadline could be extended. He replied that June 16th was the extension and that they will have to submit what they have. The City Council wouldn't have acted yet anyway. Smith stated that the Planning Commission Work Rules state that the Planning Commission meetings end at 11:00 pm unless waived. MOTION by Smieja, second by Peterson, to extend the meeting to 11:30. MOTION passed. Voting for: Penner, Stone, Wiechert, Smieja, and Peterson. Voting against: Goode MOTION by Goode, second by Smieja, to extend the meeting to 11:15. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the re -guiding of the Comprehensive Plan of the Spruce Road parcel to high density residential. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the conveyance of the HRA property as it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan based on findings 1 & 2 and since the property is abutting a current multi -unit property. MOTION passed. Voting for: Goode, Stone, Wiechert, Smieja, and Peterson. Voting against: Penner. MOTION by Peterson, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. MOTION passed. Voting for: Goode, Stone, Wiechert, Smieja, and Peterson. Voting against: Penner. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the rezoning of the Spruce Road property from R-2 to R-3. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat eliminating condition 5 as stated in the Planning Report. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Peterson, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit including a friendly amendment by Smieja to re-evaluate the location of the dumpster. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the Expansion Permit. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Goode, to recommend approval of the variances with the removal of #1 (west rear yard setback), #9 (parking lot setback from the north and east yards) and #10 (drive aisle width). MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Smieja, second by Stone, to recommend denial of variance #1, #9 and #10. MOTION passed unanimously. 1 Findings of Fact: Smieja stated that his primary concern was that it was a good project but the variances impacting the abutting neighbors needed to be minimized; also minimize compromises to the parking lot arrangement. Findings of Fact for Ms. Penner's negative votes: Ms. Penner felt rushed to support actions at this time. Sign Variation/Modification 5218 Bartlett Boulevard Applicant: Mount Olive Lutheran Church Smith introduced the request to install an electronic sign at the corner of Bartlett and Wilshire Boulevards. Residential R-1 district does not include language to allow electronic signage. Staff sees this as a reasonable request. The affect on neighboring property owners can be lessened by limiting hours of illumination. This is not a variance but a variation recognizing what the unique circumstances are on the site. Design is still a little in flux. It meets the requirements for size and changeable message board. It is a reasonable use for a neighborhood church to be able to utilize available technology. The applicant confirmed that it is a low 1profile reader board (red lettering on black background). Neighbors in the impact area were notified of the meeting. MOTION by Goode, second by Smieja, to recommend approval subject to conditions and findings of fact as established by staff. MOTION passed unanimously. MOTION by Penner, second by Goode, to adjourn at 11:15 p.m. MOTION passed unanimously. JULY 129 r Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! July 15/16 — Spirit of the Lakes July 26 — 6:00 — Council Workshop (Administrative Citations) July 26 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting July 26 — 7:00 — CC Regular meeting Aug 2 — Night 2U-Nite (National Night Out) Aug 6 — Tour De Tonka Aug 6 —Dog Days Aug 9 — Primary Elections Aug 10 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting (Rescheduled 8-9-16) Aug 10 — 7:00 — CC Regular Meeting (Rescheduled 8-9-16 Aug 23 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting Aug 23 — 7:00 — CC Regular meeting Sep 6 — Westonka Schools Resume Classes Sep 10 — Running of the Bays Sep 13 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting Sep 13 — 7:00 — CC Regular meeting City Offices Closed Sep 5 — Labor Day Holiday City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Some votes require more than a simple majority and Staff needs to plan accordingly. Inquire in advance, please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision- making. 0 k MOS" I MF> MOS" I a,- 4 y ra ; I r i e� fit• am„- i r N 1 Y r �I � ! `'I . �� � ��_ f.. �• � 1 �_ � , r. �� � � ti_- �.':.. • L �.� ` M � � S .�~! 1 u , ` � t'1• :..� r+ .,,� ;. 4. s; ' ±". �::� .•.rte'. or 4 a -----Original Message ----- From: Max [mailto:mteplitskipaol.com] Sent: Friday, July 08, 2016 11:15 AM To: Sarah Smith; ateplitski(@aol.com Cc: Mark Wegscheid; 'Vadim Trifel'; ateplitski@aol.com Subject: RE: Public Hearing - Amended and Restated CUP / July 12 City Council Meeting These reports are widely inaccurate, yet again! There are no disabled vehicles on the property, the Jeep is just fine. And even if they were disabled, you gave me the right to service the cars with things like dead battery, busted tire etc, so I can fix them and offer them for sale. How many times can I stress that all of your actions against me are based on these so called "OBESERVATIONS" are INNACURATE and WRONG. Not a single time, Alexander or myself had anyone sign off on these Inspections taking place. Number of vehicles on my lot is within the CUP parameters, the activities taking place on the property ARE ALL WITHIN my allowed CUP. Ask yourself this question: Why would we go through all the troubles of getting a New CUP just to violate it the next day? Max Cell# 612 - 978 - 0050 MAINSTREET USA, INC. - CAR DEALERSHIP 4831 SHORELINE DRIVE MOUND, MN 55364 PHONE# 952-472-0055 FAX# 952-472-0057 -----Original Message ----- From: Sarah Smith[mailto:sarahsmithocityofmound. com] Sent: Friday, July 08, 2016 9:20 AM To: ateplitskiPaol.com; Max <mteplits ki(@aol.com> Subject: Public Hearing - Amended and Restated CUP / July 12 City Council Meeting Good morning, FYI please see attached PDF which includes copy of 7/12 Council agenda and supporting materials for public hearing scheduled to discuss possible revocation of Amended and Restated CUP for 4831 Shoreline Drive. Please plan to attend. Best regards, Sarah Smith July 12, 2016 Mound City Council Meeting Agenda Item 8 Pages 1807-1825 Cullen Prouty 2143 Overland Ln • Mound, M • Phone: 952-297-5241 E -Mail: cprouLyI33@gmaii.coni Date: July 12`, 2016 Mound City Officials Mainstrcet USA Inc. 1,831 Shoreline Dr. Mound, MN 55364 Dear: Council Members and City Officials JUL 12 2016 -,Pt a I regret that I have a conflict and will not be able to attend tonight's meetings first hand as I would be honored to represent the upstanding business standards that I have personally witnessed on the part of the owners of Mainstreet USA Inc. I am writing to you today to share my support of a local business, Mainstreet USA Inc. I have worked with Max and Alexander for five years. I have purchased numerous vehicles from them for my wife, children and me. In all cases they have been good citizens and a great local business to work with. They have always gone above and beyond to support their customer base in this small community. I am also a business owner in Mound and realize the difficulty that the city has attracting and maintaining great businesses, which reflect our small town morals and attitude. As a citizen and small business owner in Mound we need to support the independent businesses. They are the driving forced behind supporting our small community. I'm confident that the city officials can find a fair and reasonable approach to support this local business versus driving another small businessperson out of our town. With the large number of vacant businesses already present in our community, I would challenge the City Officials to work with the reasonable owners of Maintstreet USA Inc. to come to an amiable solution allowing them to not only continue to sell autos from their site but to also allow them to service their customers vehicles. It is always a great honor to support local businesses that choose to support the community. Sinc c Cullen Prouty Owner Surfside Nutrition Inc. and Concerned Citizen July 12, 2016 Mound City Council Meeting Agenda Item 8 Pages 1807-1825