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2016-03-22 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community. MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 - 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Auenda *A. Approve payment of claims 627-651 *B. Approve minutes: March 8, 2016 Council Meeting 652-656 *C. Approve a resolution to authorize City Manager to enter into a contract with Simplex 657-670 Grinnell for fire and safety systems monitoring services at Well House #3 and Well 657 House #8 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Eric Hoversten, City Manager, requesting action on a resolution authorizing City Manager 671-672 conferences, training, dues and subscriptions for 2016 671 7. Fire Chief, Greg Peterson requesting discussion and direction to staff regarding Mound 673-678 Fire Department participation in a Grant -funded study of potential shared services among multiple local departments 8. Planning and Development Director, Sarah Smith, providing a presentation on League of 679-682 Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) Land Use Incentive Program and Land Use Training by PC, Staff and CC 9. Planning and Development Director, Sarah Smith, requesting discussion and action on An 683-691 Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code as it Relates to Administration 687-691 and provisions for Administrative Fines 10. Discussion and action to approve Resolution Authorizing Publication of An Ordinance by 692 Title and Summary, as it Relates to Administration 11. Resolution Amending 2016 City of Mound Fee Schedule 693 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 12. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Mound Fire Department Activity Report - Feb 2016 YTD 694-696 C. Minutes: Planning Commission - Feb 8, 2016 697-700 Planning Commission - Feb 16, 2016 701-703 D. Correspondence: Sr. Perspective Magazine Article on Westonka Historical Society (Mar 2016) 704-705 13. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: wa vs v, ciwof hound coin. Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Mar 22 -- 6:55 -- HRA Regular meeting Mar 22 -- 7:00 -- CC Regular meeting Mar 28 — 5:00 — Human Rights Commis'r Bias/Sensitivity Presentation, various OPD updates Mar 28 — Apr 3 — Westonka Schools Spring Break Apr 12 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting Apr 12 — 7:00 — CC Regular Meeting (Council Photo) Apr 19 -- 6:30 -- Department Heads Annual Reports to the City Council Apr 26 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting Apr 26 — 7:00 — CC Regular Meeting May 1 — Enter summer hours (7:30 — 5:00 M -T, 7:30 —1130 F) through 30 Oct May 10 — 6:55 — HRA Regular Meeting May 10 — 7:00 — CC Regular Meeting City Offices Closed 30 May — Memorial Day City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Some votes require more than a simple majority and Staff needs to plan accordingly. Inquire in advance, please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision- making. City Mound Claims 03-22-11. YEAR BATCH NAME 2015 2015CITYAP20 i ► AL CLA _627- w i ■ t ! ria A r ® � • • . .- TOTAL- $ 5,953.88 $ 2,437.40 $ 2,896.81 $ 30.75 $ 335.26 $ 146,524.28 $ 50,346.58 $ 4,568.00 $ 521.53 $ 213,614.49 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 10:40 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2015 Batch Name 2015CITYAP20 User Dollar Amt $5,953.88 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $5,953.88 $0.00 In Balance Refer 13 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AP Payment E 350-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees TRANSIT CENTER CONTINUING $500.00 DISCLOSURE REPORTING 2015 Invoice 70131REP67834 6/30/2015 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Due 12/31/2015 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $500.00 Refer 14 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AP Payment _ E 310-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 311-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 361-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 362-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 363-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 364-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 365-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 368-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 369-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 355-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 370-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $310.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 371-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $330.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 AP Payment E 375-47200-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 2015 ANNUAL CONTINUING DISCLOSURE $335.00 REPORTING SVCS Invoice 68889 10/21/2015 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Due 12/31/2015 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $4,075.00 Refer � � � 12�SCHlNDLER ELEVATOR CORPOR Current Period: Closing 2015 03/17/16 10:40 AM Page 2 AP Payment E 285-46388-440 Other Contractual Servic OVERTIME SERVICE CALL FROM $2,757.75 PASSENGER - ELEVATOR #1- PARKING DECK 11-15-15 Invoice 7152255282 11/30/2015 AP Payment E 285-46388-440 Other Contractual Servic CREDIT- NEGOTIATED HALF PRICE- OT SVC -$1,378.87 CALL PARKING DECK ELEVATOR 11-15-15 Invoice 7152255282 11/30/2015 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Due 12/31/2015 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,378.88 Fund Summary Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $5,953.88 Tota 1 $5,953.88 -629- 20200 Accounts Payable 285 MOUND HRA $1,378.88 310 GO IMPROVEMENT -2013A $310.00 311 GO BONDS -2014A $310.00 350 MOUND TRANSIT CTR SERIES 2006 $500.00 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 $310.00 361 G.O. 2007 - A Improvements $310.00 362 G.O. 2008 - B Improvements $310.00 363 G.O. 2009 - A Improvements $310.00 364 2011 B GO IMPROVEMENT BONDS $310.00 365 GO IMPROVEMENT, 2012A $310.00 368 G.O. 2014 - B REFUNDING BONDS $310.00 369 G.O. 2006 - A Improvements $310.00 370 2011A REFUNDING BONDS $310.00 371 GO REFUNDING, 20128 $330.00 375 TIF 1-3 Debt Service $335.00 $5,953.88 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $5,953.88 Tota 1 $5,953.88 -629- CITY OF MOUND 03/16/16 11:33 AM Page 1 Current Period: March 2016 $2,437.40 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,437.40 Total $2,437.40 "WoZ Batch Name FEB16HOISING User Dollar Amt $2,437.40 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $2,437.40 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, / _ Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS FEB 2016 $1,601.61 Invoice 007-001-93 3/5/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS- GALWAY RD $292.43 APPEAL FEB 2016 Invoice 015-015-11 3/5/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23344 PC15-23 1732 CANARY KO 1732 CANARY LN VARIANCE MISC $83.00 PLANNING SVCS FEB 2016 Invoice 015-015-11 3/5/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23348 PC16-01 4948 EDGEWATE 4948 EDGEWATER DR- PC 16-01 MISC $124.50 PLANNING SVCS FEB 2016 Invoice 015-015-11 3/5/2016 Cash Payment G 101-23349 1861 COMMERCE -TRIDENT 1861 COMMERCE- REZONING PC 16-02 $335.86 PLANNING SVCS FEB 2016 Invoice 015-015-11 3/5/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,437.40 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,437.40 $2,437.40 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,437.40 Total $2,437.40 "WoZ CITY OF MOUND 03/11/16 9:37 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: March 2016 Batch Name 031116CTYMAN User Dollar Amt $2,896.81 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $2,896.81 Refer 7 COLLINSON ENTERPRISES Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies $0.00 In Balance MOUND FIRE DEPT INCENTIVE CHALLENGE $935.00 COINS -100 QTY Invoice 121115-5 12/11/2015 PO 24466 Transaction Date 3/11/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $935.00 Refer _ 4 MINNESOTA DEPT NATURAL RES _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes 2015 ANNUAL WATER REPORT OF WATER $1,477.37 USE/SOLD-PERMIT Invoice 1973-1021-2 3/7/2016 _ Transaction Date 3/11/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,477.37 Refer _6 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF Cash Payment E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training TREE INSPECTOR TRAINING & $85.00 CERTIFICATION MARCH 23- D. GRADY Invoice 031116 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training TREE INSPECTOR TRAINING & $85.00 CERTIFICATION MARCH 23- G. BALL Invoice 031116 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training TREE INSPECTOR TRAINING & $85.00 CERTIFICATION MARCH 23- D. ERVIN Invoice 031116 3/10/2016 Transaction Date 3/11/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $255.00 Refer 5 MYERS, TONY _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MILEAGE- SLICERS TRAINING- $127.44 T. MYERS-AUSTIN MN FEB 19-212016 Invoice 031116 3/7/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training REIMBURSE MEALS- SLICERS TRAINING- T. $102.00 MYERS-AUSTIN MN FEB 19-21 2016 Invoice 031116 3/7/2016 Transaction Date 3/11/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $229.44 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $255.00 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,164.44 601 WATER FUND $1,477.37 $2,896.81 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $2,896.81 Total $2,896.81 -631- 1C Current Period: March 2016 u Batch Name 031516DVS User Dollar Amt $30.75 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $30.75 Refer 1 DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES Cash Payment E 222-42260-438 Licenses and Taxes $0.00 In Balance 03/15/16 10:31 AM Page 1 2016 CHEV SUBURBAN SUV- FIRE DEPT $30.75 VEHICLE- TITLE & REGISTRATION FEES Invoice 031516 3/15/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.75 Fund Summary 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 10100 Wells Fargo $30.75 $30.75 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $30.75 Total $30.75 V�1zn50�2Nm CITY ��F MOUND Page Payments Current Period: March 2016 Batch Name 0316UgREFUND ' User Dollar Amt *355.26 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $335.26 $0.00 In Balance 3BODANIEL_ � Cash Payment R6O1-494VO-3O2O0 Miscellaneous Revenu 4O2VLANARK RD- UTILITY REFUND- BOT, $57.38 DANIEL Invoice 032216 3M6/2010 Transaction Date 3/17/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $57�38 Refer 30 MALLORY, TH _ Cash Payment R6014S4O0-3V2OVMiscellaneous Revenu 4M45SUFFOLK RD- UTILITY REFUND- $277.80 MALLORY, KEITH Invoice 032210 3/102016 Transaction Date 3/13g016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $277.88 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo OO1WATER FUND $33526 $355.26 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks toheGenerated bythe Computer $335.26 Total $335.26 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: March 2016 Batch Name 032216CITY User Dollar Amt $146,524.28 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $146,524.28 $0.00 In Balance Refer 42 ALLDATA_, INCORPORATED $627.85 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-205 Computer Hardware/Soft DATA SUBSCRIPTION TO AUTO INFORM $1,500.00 GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $627.85 SYSTEM 3-26-16 THRU 3-25-17 Invoice 032216 3/22/2016 Project 16-5 $787.35 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,500.00 2 ASSURED SECURITY, INC. $864.41 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 _Refer_ Cash Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maintenance RE -KEY 17 CYLINDERS TO EXISTING KEYS- $341.00 $951.24 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 CENTENNIAL BLDG Invoice 73855 2/26/2016 $352.24 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $341.00 Referr 1 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANYa . Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic PROGRAMMING SVCS WATER WELL $825.00 BOOSTER STATION 2-16-16 Invoice 29943 2/29/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $825.00 38 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY _Refer Cash Payment E 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous RENTAL & MTCE- COFFEE MACHINE FIRE $72.00 DEPT Invoice RENT31589 3/1/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $72.00 44 CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC, _ _Refer _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies 3- AAED G3 BATTERIES- & DEFIBRILLATION $844.62 ELECTRODES Invoice 1671862 1/14/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $844.62 Refer 3 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG�� Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 1758 SUMACH LANE LS GENERATOR NATL $38.81 GAS SVC 12-07-15 THRU 2-18-16 Invoice 032216 3/4/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $38.81 Refer 39 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG Cash Payment E 101-41930-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $627.85 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $627.85 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $787.35 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $864.41 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $951.24 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $352.24 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 1-21-16 TO 2-19-16 $222.20 Invoice 032216-2 3/9/2016 -634- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: March 2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,433.14 Refer .4 CENTRAL MCGOWVAN, INCORPOR Cash Payment E602-49450-210 Operating Supplies HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER RENTAL 2016 $16.24 Invoice 00061425 2/29/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $16.24 Refer 40 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOL UTI Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies J. GRADY FACEPIECE MSA MASK $436.26 Invoice 5886 2/24/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $436.26 Refer 5 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENTAN Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply STREET SWEEPER REPAIR PARTS- PUH $414.91 CURTAIN SET- BAH Invoice 12545 2/29/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $414.91 Refer 41 FIRE SAFETY USA, INCORPORAT Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 2003 SAULSBURY ENGINE #29 INSTALL $83.47 NEW SWITCH & CAP Invoice 86970 2/25/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair ENGINE #24 1995- REPAIR OF PRESSURE $1,838.75 GOVERNOR Invoice 86971 2/25/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair UNIT #35 GRASS RIG- REBUILD PRIMER ON $192.65 WATEROUS PUMP Invoice 86973 2/25/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,114.87 Refer 45 FIRE SERVICE CERT OF MINNESO Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training FIREFIGHTER 11 CERTIFICATION EXAM- D. $80.00 BROWN Invoice 3941 3/8/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training FIREFIGHTER 11 CERTIFICATION EXAM- M. $80.00 CATTON Invoice 3941 3/8/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training FIREFIGHTER 11 CERTIFICATION EXAM- C. $80.00 PALM Invoice 3941 3/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $240.00 Refer 6 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $12299 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $77.78 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $605.33 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $423.39 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3 -1 -16 -,TO 3-29-16 $410.94 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $410.94 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 -635- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 3 Current Period: March 2016 ;ras, �. Cash Payment E 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $903.27 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $301 A 0 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $150.55 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC 3-1-16- TO 3-29-16 $150.55 Invoice 032216 2/29/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,556.84 Refer 7 FULLERTON BUILDING CENTER Cash Payment E 281-45210-220 Repair/Maint Supply 10 PREMIUM RED CEDAR BOARDS- DOCKS $129.90 Invoice 2205032 3/1/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply CEDAR BOARDS- PARKS- 2 X 10, 1 X 10, 4 X $312.44 4,2X6 Invoice 2205148 3/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $442.34 Refer 8 GRAINGERS, INCORPORATED _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply COPPER ADAPTERS, ELBOWS, BRASS $347.01 BALL VALVES, PUB WKS Invoice 9032035249 2/22/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 � Wells Fargo 10100 Total $347.01 Refer 9 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply WATER METER PARTS-MXUS- QTY 13 $1,378.65 Invoice F200387 3/3/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply WATER METERS- 8 CITY & TERMINAL $998.63 CONNECTION SCREWS Invoice F183844 3/1/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply WATER METER PARTS- CONNECTIONS- $148.51 COUPLING- 16 CITY Invoice F183860 3/1/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,525.79 Refer 10 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO Cash Payment E602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE - $148.64 FEB 2016 Invoice 1000074024 3/4/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & $868.37 ADMINISTRATION FEE - FEB 2016 Invoice 1000073958 3/4/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,017.01 Refer 46 HOWLING WOLF EMBROIDERY Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies EMBROIDER 2 LADDER #44 BAGS -1 $22.50 UTILITY ROPE, 1 RESCUE ROPE Invoice 3953 3/11/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 � Wells Fargo 10100 Total $22.50 Refer � 47 JOHN JN MORGAN COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-401 Building Repairs 2 REPLACEMENT HEATERS - $3,924.49 MAINTENANCE BAY- FIRE DEPT Invoice 27692 2/25/2016 -636- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 4 Payments Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous DECORATIONS & CAKE - VOLUNTEER $59.24 APPRECIATION DINNER 2-25-16- REIMB M. MACKRES Invoice 032216 3/14/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59.24 Refer 16 MEDIACOM _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi ORONO PD INTERNET SVC 3-16-16 THRU 4- $85.90 15-16 Invoice 032216 3/6/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.90 Refer 17 MIDWEST SERVICES -637- Current Period: March 2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,924.49 Refer 11 JUBILEE FOODS _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies GARBAGE BAGS- LAWN & LEAF HWS $9.39 Invoice 032216 2/3/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies TALL KITCHEN GARBAGE BAGS- HWS $11.47 Invoice 032216 2/13/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies ENERGIZER 9V 2 PACK BATTERIES- HWS $7.63 Invoice 032216 3/13/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies RENUZIT ODOR KILLER- HWS $2.13 Invoice 032216 3/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $30.62 �- -12 KIVISTO, SCOTT��- -Refer---- Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training PARKING ST. CLOUD PUB WRKS $5.00 CONFERENCE- REIMS S. KIVISTO Invoice 032216 3/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.00 Refer m+Y*ry1 mnp Oµ'13 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply DOUBLE ENDED STUDS- PUB WRKS DEPT $116.56 Invoice 9303873453 2/8/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply NYLON CABLE TIES, STEEL BLADES, $292.51 JOBBER DRILL BITS, SOCKET EXTENSION, EXRACTOR SCREWS- PUB WRKS Invoice 9303876555 2/9/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply MISC PARTS- PUB WRKS DEPT- WASHERS, $416.28 ELECTRICAL & DUCT TAPE, HEX CAP SCREWS, ADD -A CIRCUITS, HEX NUTS, MOTOR BRUSH, LOCK NUTS Invoice 9303872066 2/6/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 4/9/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $825.35 Refer 14 LOFFLER COMPANIESINCORPO Cash Payment E602-49450-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA B200 PW COPIER $4.51 OVERAGE CHG 2-10-16 TO 3-9-16 Invoice 2190792 3/8/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Yfr* Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4.51 Refero- V 15 MACKRES, MARY Cash Payment E 101-41110-430 Miscellaneous DECORATIONS & CAKE - VOLUNTEER $59.24 APPRECIATION DINNER 2-25-16- REIMB M. MACKRES Invoice 032216 3/14/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $59.24 Refer 16 MEDIACOM _ Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi ORONO PD INTERNET SVC 3-16-16 THRU 4- $85.90 15-16 Invoice 032216 3/6/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $85.90 Refer 17 MIDWEST SERVICES -637- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/168:58 AM Page 5 Current Period: March 2016 a' �= s Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCES- TRUCK #314 FIX ABS $680.00 LIGHT, STIGA #206 REPLACE ALTERNATOR, INSTALL BROOM ON SWEEPER Invoice 1089 3/712016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCES- TRUCK #512 CHECK $640.00 TURBO SPOOLING CODE, INSTALL BROOM- STIGA, CHECK DEVON LIFT STATION & SCHERVEN GENERATOR FOR COOLANT LEAKS Invoice 1089 3/7/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCES- REPAIR CHIPPER $640.00 ROLLER FEEDER, CLEAN ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS, REPLACE 3 TRANSMISSION COOLER LINES ON TRUCK #202,TOP OFF FLUID, TEST FOR LEAKS Invoice 1089 3/7/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCES- TRAIN STAFF TO $640.00 CHANGE OIL IN TRUCK #315, REPLACE SPARK PLUGS IN FIRE EXPEDITION, CHECK FOR OIL LEAK @ WELL #8 GENERATOR, CLEANED HOUSING Invoice 1089 3/7/2016 Project 16-5 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,600.00 Refer - 19 MINNESOTA DEPT PUBLIC SAFET Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes HAZADOUS MATERIALS & CHEMICAL $100.00 STORAGE FEES- TIER REPORT WELL #8 Invoice 032216 3/11/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes HAZADOUS MATERIALS & CHEMICAL $100.00 STORAGE FEES- TIER REPORT WELL #3 Invoice 032216 3/11/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer_ 18 MINUTEMAN_ PRESS _ Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies BUSINESS CARDS- C. PAUSCHE $20.00 Invoice 18002 2/27/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total � $20.00 Refar� � 20 MNSPECT Cash Payment Invoice 6750 Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 3/7/2016 G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments FEB 2016 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES FEB 2016 - ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT $24,397.95 -$15.00 Invoice 6750 3/7/2016 Cash Payment R 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee FEB 2016 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PERMIT -$285.00 FEE CREDITS Invoice 6750 3/7/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $24,097.95 Refer 21 MULCH STORE, THE Cash Payment E 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous 2016 CITY WIDE RESIDENT YARD WASTE $12,812.50 DISPOSAL Invoice 19133 3/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12,812.50 Refer � 22 NEOPOST�� CITY O8�7no8�8mw Page 6 ��� MOUND Current Period: March 2016 CaohPeymmnt E1O1-4193O-21OOperating Supplies INK CARTRIDGE- POSTAGE MACHINE $252.00 |nvnicoGPAR481O4 3/10/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Tota/ $252.00 Refer 33 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN _ Cash Payment E U1-4e2VO'21OOperating Supplies WALL HOSE REEL- 8TRONGVVAY-R4RKS $119.99 Invoice 4062027798 1/19/2016 Cash Payment E1O1452O0-22VRopoir/WuintSupply BREAK AWAY SWITCH, 25'EXTENSION $119.95 CORDS, MOWER SUPPLIES- PARKS DEPT Invoice 29010 2/12/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total *239.34 Refer 24NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other ctuo|Gomio CHECK CLA-VALG|NBOOSTER STATION $186.04 Invoice 160078DM 817/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $196.04 Refer_ 26 OFFICE DEPOT (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222-42260-200 Office Supplies LAMINATION MACHINE- BINDER CLIPS, $175.02 PHONE STAND- FIRE DEPT Invoice 826965001001 3/1/2016 PO 24486 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $175.02 Refer 2SOFFICE DEPOT _ --� Cash Payment BO1-4183V-2OOOffice COLORED COPY PAPER -CITY HALL- PHONE $59.51 MESSAGE BOOKS, RUBBER BANDS Invoice 827240427001 3/2/2016 PO 24699 Cash Payment E 1O1-*52OO-21OOperating Supplies NAMEPLATE - S, SBLER.NEW PARKS $10.99 COMMISSIONER Invoice 825332577001 2/203016 PO 24698 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $70.50 Rofer 48O-RfILLYAUTOPARTS _ Cash Repair FUSE HOLDERS, RING TERMINAL, BUTT $32.34' SPLICE, PRIMARY WIRE- FIRE DEPT Invoice 2462-265 31 2/12/2010 Cash Payment E22242250-21OOperating Supplies AUTOMOTIVE WAX- FIRE DEPT $8.98 Invoice 2462-266879 2/25/2015 Transaction Date 3/16/2018 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $42.32 Refer 49PERFORMANCE PLUS LLC _ -- Payment E222 PR�P�ACE�ENT�ED|CALEXA�& $JV8��0 SCREENING- NEW FIREFIGHTER- J.GRADY Invoice 4256 2/19/2016 --- Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $309.00 Refer 27R.C.ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED Cash Payment � � ua|�ewin CHECK AIR COMPRESSOR, CHECK $001.50 FIXTURES |NWASH STALL @ PUBVVRKG SHOP, REPLACE BALLASTS &LAMPS Invoice 5073 2/3/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total s601.50 Refer 5URANGER AUTOMOTIVE _ ���� �sxrnOo�8As Page 7 �������������� Current Period: March 2016 Cash Payment E222422VV5OVCapital Outlay FA 2018CHEVROLET SUBURBAN SUV 4X4 $42,451.39 VllLITYTRUCK-F|REDEPT (nvoimaGF1Ow4O7 3/9/2016 P024468 Transaction Date 5/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $42.451.38 Refer 2VREPUBLIC SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbageniapon MARCH 2O1bGARBAGE SVC $18624 Invoice 0894-004028095 2/25/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Diapou MARCH 2016 GARBAGESVC-C(TYHALL $18623 Invoice 0894-004028095 2/25/2016 Cash Payment E6O2-w8450-084Refuse/Garbage Diopoa MARCH 201OGARBAGE SVC- PUB VVRKS $284.02 Invoice 0894-004028097 2125/2016 Project 16-3 CaohPaymont E1O141910-384Rofvne»GorbageD|opou MARCH 2U1VGARBAGE SVC CENTENNIAL $193.45 BLDG Invoice 0894-004025880 2/25/2015 CoshPoymom E1014520-384Rofuso/GarbogoDispoa MARCH 2O18GARBAGE SVC- PARKS D467.50 Invoice 0894-004025104 2/25/2010 Cash Payment E0r0'4g5O&44VOther Contractual Somic FEB 2U1OCITY WIDE RECYCLING SERVICE %12.99177 Invoice 0894'004025827 2/25/2010 Transaction Date 3/14/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14.309.80 Refer 433fNSUSMETERING SYSTEMS _ naox Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractua|Semio A00READSOFTWARE SUPPORT UTILITY $819,00 BILLINGS u'17-16THRU4'1V'17 |nvokmZA16O188O2 2Y18/2010 Cash Payment EO024S45O-44OOther Contractual Somic AUTOREADSOFTWARE SUPPORT UTILITY *918.00 BILLINGS 4'17-1OTHRU4-1O-17 (mmiooZA1OU130O2 2/18/2010 Transaction Date 3/10/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1.838.00 Raher 29SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WINE SALE AD- $45828 HWS 2-23-16 Invoice 1856343 2/23/2018 Cash Payment EOO9'4875O-3^OAdvertising CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WINE SALE AD- $10D0 HWS 2-25-16 Invoice 1857097 2/23/2010 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 WellsFargo 10100 Total o� $40928 Refer 51 STANG INDUSTRIES, INC --� Coo/`rayme n� =222-42260-210 0peraUng Supplies MONITOR MOUNT FOR FIRE BOAT #28 *620.50 Invoice 27838 2116/2016 PO 24473 TmosamiunDa/e 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $620.50 Refer 5VSUN NEN�R4PB9�HWSACCTCash _ Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WINE SALE /\D $846.64 2-27'16 Invoice 314557 2/28/2016Caoh Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising CUSTOMER APPRECIATION VV/NE SALE- $350.00 FINAL WEEK 8D 3-05'16 Invoice 318009 3/6/2016 Transaction 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total *1.195.64 Refer 31SUN PATRKJTNEmSPAPfR-CXTY _ -640- 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 8 Current Period: March 2016 Cash Payment G 101-23349 1861 COMMERCE -TRIDENT LEGAL NTCE- ORDINANCE REVISION 02- $107.94 2016 -RE -ZONE 1861 COMMERCE BLVD -3-05- 16 Invoice 317330 3/5/2016 Cash Payment E 401-43116-351 Legal Notices Publishing ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LEGAL NTCE 3- $53.12 5-16- 2016 IMPROV PROD- PW 16-01 Invoice 320759 3/12/2016 Cash Payment E 401-43136-351 Legal Notices Publishing ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LEGAL NTCE 3- $53.12 5-16- 2016 IMPROV PROJ- PW 16-02 Invoice 320759 3/12/2016 Cash Payment E 401-43146-351 Legal Notices Publishing ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LEGAL NTCE 3- $53.12 5-16- 2016 IMPROV PROJ- PW 16-03 Invoice 320759 3/12/2016 _ Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $267.30 Refer 32 SWEEPER SERVICES _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR ELGIN STREET SWEEPER 2-25-16- $5,155.28 REPLACE CONVEYOR BEARINGS, REPLACE BROOM CHAINS, REPLACE SCRAPER BAR & REAR STEERING JOINT, AUTO LUBE FITTINGS, CHANGE OIL, CLEAN SOLENOID VALVES Invoice 16025 3/7/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total k $5,155.28 33 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER_ _Refer _ Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply FULL BODY HARNESS- PUB WRKS- $177.56 UTILITIES DEPT Invoice 3072339 2/22/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177.56 Refer 34 WESTONKA COMMUNITY -COMMS _ Cash Payment E 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2016 MEMBERSHIP DUES- CITY OF MOUND $125.00 Invoice 032216 3/14/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2016 MEMBERSHIP DUES- HARBOR WINE & $125.00 SPIRITS Invoice 032216 3/14/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer 35 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR WATERMAIN @ 1703 JONES LANE 1- $2,775.50 15-16 Invoice 4072 1/26/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR WATERMAIN @ 2032 BELLAIRE $4,345.00 LANE 1-26-16 Invoice 4069 1/26/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR STORM CATCH BASIN @ 5190 $2,086.00 LYNWOOD BLVD 1-25-16 Invoice 4090 2/10/2016 Transaction Date 3/14/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,206.50 Refer 37 XCEL ENERGY _ Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 2-03-16 THRU 3-02-16 CITY $4,797.45 OWNED STREET LIGHTS Invoice 492273001 3/3/2016 Transaction Date a 3/15/2016 Wells Fa10100.45 47 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 8:58 AM Page 9 Payments Current Period: March 2016 Refer 36 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS 1- $0.00 26-16 THRU 2-25-16 Invoice 491675973 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 1-27-16 THRU 2-27-16 $44.86 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION Invoice 491675973 2/29/2016 — Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $44.86 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $41,166.93 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $53,236.53 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $129.90 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $159.36 601 WATER FUND $13,458.27 602 SEWER FUND $9,789.91 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $2,779.11 670 RECYCLING FUND $25,804.27 $146,524.28 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $146,524.28 Total $146,524.28 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 10:41 AM Page 1 Current Period: March 2016 Batch Name 032216HWS User Dollar Amt $50,346.58 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $50,346.58 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 1993607102 3/11/2016 $74.70 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Due 12/31/2014 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $74.70 Refer �-�2 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $168.45 Invoice 3086234 3/3/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $168.45 Refer �3 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $68.67 Invoice 93608100 3/11/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $89.85 Invoice 52679600 3/11/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $720.40 Invoice 52679600 3/11/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $13.95 Invoice 52679600 3/11/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $87.00 Invoice 93576800 3/7/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $979.87 Refer ~4 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$157.00 Invoice 52525400 3/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT CREDIT -$1.55 Invoice 52525400 3/1/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,464.33 Invoice 52593200 3/7/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT OVERPYMT INVOICE -$28.70 #52380800 Invoice 52380800CX 3/1/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,277.08 Refer5 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $133.55 Invoice 284222 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $840.35 Invoice 284222 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $200.00 Invoice 285601 3/16/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,173.90 Rafar w 6 RRFAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WIN Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 1080444966 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 1080444965 3/10/2016 WINE $148.00 LIQUOR $1,416.97 -643- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 10:41 AM Page 2 Current Period: March 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT -$26.38 Invoice 2080122185 1/15/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $200.00 1 46 3/3/2016 Invoice 0804424 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,738.59 Refer 7 COCA COLA BOTTLING -MIDWEST Invoice 2489655 _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $227.72 Invoice 0168084019 3/8/2015 E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA- MIX- RETURN CREDIT -$28.44 Invoice 0168084018 3/8/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $164.32 Invoice 0168084509 3/15/2016 Invoice 2489654 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $363.60 Cash Payment HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED BEER -Refer_8 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $918.25 Invoice 813593 3/3/2016 Cash Payment Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -� $918.25 Refer 10JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN_ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 2489616 3/2/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 2489617 3/2/2016 $7,258.67 $15.49 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,274.16 Refer 9 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $80.35 Invoice 2489655 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $38.80 Invoice 2489655 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,336.30 Invoice 2489654 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $58.30 Invoice 2489696 3116/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,977.35 Invoice 2489695 3/16/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 r Total $9,491.10 P, -fpr 1N2./OHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale Invoice 559483 1/8/2016 WINE CREDIT -$34.00 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total -$34.00 Refer 11 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $22.25 Invoice 5389625 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $392.60 Invoice 5389623 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,108.30 Invoice 5389624 3/9/2016 E CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 10:41 AM Page 3 Current Period: March 2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $0.00 Invoice 5389626 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,154.55 Invoice 5389627 3/9/2016 — Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,677.70 Refer 13 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 2-08-16 $65.19 Invoice 928051303 2/28/2015 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer 14 MOUND MARKETPLACE ASSOC Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals APRIL 2016 COMMON AREA MTCE & $679.23 INSURANCE HWS Invoice 032216 4/1/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $679.23 Refer 15 MOUND, CITY OFV Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities WATER SERVICE 1-4-16 THRU 2-1-16 HWS $56.84 Invoice 032216 2/20/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 �� Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.84 Refer��16PARLEY LAKE WINERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $162.00 Invoice 16051 3/10/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $162.00 Refer 18 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $494.00 Invoice 8539590 3/14/2016 Cash Payment E 60949750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.75 Invoice 8539590 3/14/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $502.75 Refer <,. w 17 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $739.00 Invoice 8538705 3/7/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $13.75 Invoice 8538705 3/7/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $752.75 Referk 19 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $455.95 Invoice 2941059 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,170.00 Invoice 2941060 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$2.95 Invoice 229550 1/8/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,623.00 Refer 20 SMALL LOT MN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.12 Invoice 6032 3/8/2016 -645- Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Invoice 32 3/8/2016 U5�7MO1�41mN Page 4 �������������� Current Period: March 2016 FREIGHT $6,15 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $246.27 Refer 22SOCIABLE C0ERNERKS Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER WIN *150D0 Invoice 3322 3/11/2010 3/4/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 1000 Tota $150.00 Refer 21SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS 0=/NCash _ _ Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE LIQUOR $2.746.00 Invoice 1385410 3/102016 8M0/2016 Cash Payment EO03'487oO-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR FREIGHT *670.45 Invoice 1805411 3/10/2018 :/10/2016 Cash Payment E8U84S750-254Soft Drinks/Mix For Rouo KxiX EGO949750-253Wine For Resale $67.00 Invoice 1885412 3/102016 Transaction Date 3n0/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3.48345 Refer 2*T9ORPEDISTRIBUTING C0MPwN _ Cash Payment E8V9-497SO'252Beer For Resale BEER $874.00 Invoice 1047774 3/8/2010 Cash Payment EhO8'u975V'254Soft Drinks/Mix FurR000 MN *50.00 Invoice 1047775 3/8/2010 Cash Payment EOU94975V'252Beer For Resale BEER $2625 Invoice 1037810-2 2/10/2018 Cash Payment E0O94g75O'2o2Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT '$12.00 Invoice 1030838CR 2/2/2010 Transaction Date 3/102018 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $818,85 Refer23THDFPEDISTRIBUTING COMPwN _ --------- Cash Payment E0O8-4975O`252Beer For Resale BEER $7.596.70 Invoice 1051165 3/15/2016 Cash Payment EGV84875O'252Beer For Resale BEER $258.00 Invoice 1051104 3/15/2016 Cash Payment EVO94S750-252Beer For Resale BEER $872.00 Invoice 1048470 3/4/2016 Cash Payment E8U8-4975O'2e2Beer For Resale BEER $220,40 Invoice 1052937 3/11/2010 Transaction Date 3/102016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,747,10 Refer 25 TKO WINES, INC. Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WIN $370.00 Invoice 3163 3/4/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2010 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $370.00 26 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ -Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale|mmioe LIQUOR $405.00 0140279 8M0/2016 Cash Payment EOng4975V2O5Freight FREIGHT $7.50 Invoice 0146279 :/10/2016 Cash Payment EGO949750-253Wine For Resale WINE $066,00 Invoice 0146812 3/10/20 16 -646- CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 10:41 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: March 2016 $50,346.58 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $50,346.58 Total $50,346.58 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale BEER $144.00 Invoice 0146813 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $21.00 Invoice 0146813 3/10/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,243.50 Referm 27 WINE COMPANY _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $376.00 Invoice 418967 3/3/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 418967 3/3/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $864.00 Invoice 419568 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $14.85 Invoice 419568 3/10/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $240.00 Invoice 419150 3/3/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,503.25 Refer „u,w.28 WINE MERCHANTS��� _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $716.00 Invoice 7072007 3/9/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $23.00 Invoice 7072008 3/9/2016 Transaction Date 3/16/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $739.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $50,346.58 $50,346.58 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $50,346.58 Total $50,346.58 • F 0,9011f Payments Current Period: February 2016 03/17/16 10:31 AM Page 1 Invoice 022316 1/14/2016 Batch Name FEB16ELANCC User Dollar Amt $4,568.00 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $4,568.00 $0.00 In Balance 2 ELAN CREDIT CARD Ck# 054098E 3/17/2016 _-Refer-_ Cash Payment E 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 2016 MN CLERKS CONF REG- K. KELLY -ST. $220.00 CLOUD MARCH 15 - 18 Invoice 022316 1/25/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training MN NURSERY & LANDSCAPE- TREE EXPO $160.00 COURSE JAN 10-12 - D. GRADY Invoice 022316 1/5/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-434 Conference & Training MN NURSERY & LANDSCAPE- TREE EXPO $160.00 COURSE JAN 10-12 - G. BALL Invoice 022316 1/5/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs BROWNS PROPERTIES LLC- CHANHASSEN- $9.00 CAR WASH - R. HANSON PUB WRKS TRUCK 1-26-16 Invoice 022316 1/26/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials SIGN CAD/SIGN CAM MTCE- SUBSCRIPTION- $902.50 SOFTWARE UPGRADE- STREETS DEPT Invoice 022316 1/28/2016 PO 24615 Cash Payment E 602-49450-205 Computer Hardware/Soft MALWARE BYTES- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $24.95 VIRUS PROTECTION & REMOVAL- PUB WRKS-PARKS Invoice 022316 1/30/2016 Project 16-5 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials 25 QTY T SPINNER FLAG POLES- $349.75 STREETSCAPE Invoice 022316 2/2/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials 50 QTY VX V AMERICAN FLAGS- $447.50 STREETSCAPE Invoice 022316 2/2/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training CITY ENGINEERS ANNUAL CONF REG FEE- $305.00 JAN 27-29 BROOKLYN CTR- E. HOVERSTEN Invoice 022316 1/25/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-433 Dues and Subscriptions CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MN $60.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE- E. HOVERSTEN Invoice 022316 1/25/2016 Project 16-3 Cash Payment E 222-42260-325 Pagers -Fire Dept. ACTIVE 911- ANNUAL RENEWAL 911 $596.25 NOTIFICATION SVC -FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/5/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS- $509.25 LAERDAL COMPACT SUCTION UNIT 4, 300ML-FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/6/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair BIG KAHUNY ENTERPRISES- GENERAC $26.79 GENERATOR NEEDLE- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/12/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-434 Conference & Training MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC FIRE $210.00 OFFICER SCHOOL- A. DRILLING Invoice 022316 1/14/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair PIRTEK PLYMOUTH- FIRE ENGINE #24 HOSE $87.94 Invoice 022316 1/14/2016 CITY OF i Payments Current Period: February 2016 03/17/16 10.31 AM Page 2 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies AMAZON.COM -2-PROTECTION CHEMICAL $61.34 SPLASH GOGGLES, 4 -SAFETY GLASSES, 20 PK ANTI -FOG SAFETY GLASSES Invoice 022316 1/19/2016 Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS- 12 V $45.43 CHARGER -POWER CORD FOR LAERDAL SUCTION UNIT -FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/22/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM BOLTLESS STORAGE RACK $74.46 W/5 SHELVES- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/28/2016 Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM RUBBERMAID COMMERCIAL $164.38 UTILITY CART -LIPPED SHELVES W/SWIVEL CASTERS- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM INDUSTRIAL GRADE STAND $85.81 FAN- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies AMAZON.COM PICTURE LEDGE FOR PHOTO $30.11 FRAMES, FLOATING WALL SHELF, SPICE RACK- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies AMAZON.COM 20PACK ANTI -FOG SAFETY $37.54 GLASSES- FIRE DEPT Invoice 022316 1/31/2016 Transaction Date 3/15/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,568.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $2,239.75 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,929.30 602 SEWER FUND $398.95 $4,568.00 Pre -Written Check $4,568.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $4,568.00 CITY OF MOUND 03/17/16 11:25 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: March 2016 RETURN CREDIT TANK HEATER- WATER -$71.39 DEPT Batch Name 032216CITY2 User Dollar Amt $521.53 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $521.53 ALTERNATOR NIPPOND PARKS TRUCK #106 $158.23 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 CA_RQUEST_AUTO PARTS (FIRE) Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply ENGINE DEGREASER- PARKS SHOP Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair GREASE MARINE HYPOID, SPARK PLUGS, $76.33 SPARK PLUG LASER PLTNM- FIRE BOATS TRANSMISSION OIL COOL HOSE INLET & $193.31 #11  OUTLET & AUX- SEWER TRUCK #202 Invoice 6974-265358 2/10/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair ROUND HOURMETER- FIRE RESCUE #34 $67.75 Invoice 6974-266283 2/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair RING TERMINAL FIRE ENGINE #24 $3.35 Invoice 6974-266303 2/10/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair HEADLIGHT HALOGEN FIRE RESCUE #11 $6.43 Invoice 6974-263658 1/9/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies USE VAL, CONTINUITY TEST- FIRE DEPT $18.13 Invoice 6974-263516 1/7/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair RETURN CREDIT -OIL & OIL FILTERS- FOR -$24.99 GENERATORS Invoice 6974-261661 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 3/17/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $147.00 Refer 3 CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/I40 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies RETURN CREDIT TANK HEATER- WATER -$71.39 DEPT Invoice 6974-264203 1/19/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply ALTERNATOR NIPPOND PARKS TRUCK #106 $158.23 Invoice 6974-265139 2/5/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply ENGINE DEGREASER- PARKS SHOP $11.01 Invoice 6974-265437 2/11/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply TRANSMISSION OIL COOL HOSE INLET & $193.31 OUTLET & AUX- SEWER TRUCK #202 Invoice 6974-265829 2/19/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-265860 2/19/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-266175 2/26/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42115-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-266195 2/26/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42400-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 6974-266195 2/26/2016 TRANSMISSION FILTER- SEWER TRUCK $9.79 #202 OIL FILTER WATER TRUCK #315 $3.30 SPARK PLUGS -PLATINUM- 2004 $12.64 EXPEDITION EMERGENCY SVCS VEHICLE SPARK PLUGS -PLATINUM- 2004 $12.64 EXPEDITION EMERGENCY SVCS VEHICLE Transaction Date 3/17/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $329.53 Refer �2 FIVE TECHNOLOGY�uµ a Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic ANNUAL DOMAIN RENEWAL - $45.00 WWW.HARBORWINEANDSPIRITS.COM Invoice P237-33 3/16/2016 — Transaction Date 3/17/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $45.00 • • r Current Period: March 2016 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $194.52 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $147.00 601 WATER FUND ($68.09) 602 SEWER FUND $203.10 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $45.00 $521.53 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $521.53 Total $521.53 -651- 03/17/16 11:25 AM Page 2 • r • March 8, 2016 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch, Ray Salazar, Kelli Gillispie, and Jennifer Peterson Members absent: None Others present: City Manager and Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, City Engineer Dan Faulkner and Katie Morford. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda Wegscheid requested the removal of items 4B and 41 MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Gesch, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $396,417.94 B. REMOVED C. Approve a 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School's April 23, 2016, Starlight Bash Dinner and Auction Fundraiser, with fee paid D. RESOLUTION O. 16-30: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISCONTINUING PARTICIPATION IN THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION'S CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING PROGRAM E. RESOLUTION NO. 16-31: RESOLUTION REQUESTING MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT APPROVAL OF COST SHARE GRANT PROGRAM REQUEST FOR STORM WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDED IN THE CITY OFMOUND'S 2016 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - SARTLETT BOULEVARD AND CYPRESS LN/MAYWOOD RD -652- Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2016 F. RESOLUTION NO. 16-32: RESOLUTION APPROVINGORDER NO. IMPROVEMENTS2015 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL D•' BOULEVARFD, CITY PROJECT•' ORDINANCEG. • 03-2016: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 74, ARTICLE V,OF ELIMINATIONTHE MOUND CITY CODE ADDING ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND •,' • 1. REMOVED 4B. Approve minutes: 1. Feb 16, 2016 Special Meeting MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the minutes from the Feb 16, 2016 Special Meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 2. Feb 23, 2016 Regular Meeting Salazar requested the item be pulled because he would like page 573 amended to read as follows: Council Member Salazar left the meeting at 7:48 pm due to a family emergency. MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Gesch, to approve the minutes from the Feb 23, 2016 regular scheduled meeting, as amended. Wegscheid, Gillispie, and Gesch voted in favor. Salazar and Peterson abstained. Motion carried. 41. Approve Resolution Authorizing Multi -Year Membership in Metro Watershed Partners, Clean Water MN Wegscheid requested the removal of this item for further discussion. Wegscheid stated the City has criteria which it needs to meet for the MS4 permit to be approved and questioned if the City does pay membership funds to the Metro Watershed can the City ensure that those watershed requirements are met. Wegscheid questioned staff on what the City is doing now and whether or not the City is already meeting MS4 requirements? Hoversten stated that the City is at the minimum compliance level by distributing and communicating watershed materials and information out to community. MS4 permitting is done through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and not the Minnehaha Creek Watershed, which is a part of a metro -wide consortium of watershed districts. Wegscheid expressed concern that if the City becomes a member of the consortium the City then gives up its ability to manage the content of the message. If the City is taking the consortium's information and putting it out there then this means the City is condoning the content of those materials. Hoversten stated the City would have access to a variety of print materials if the City is a member. With these print materials, the City would have the complete ability to select or not -653- Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2016 select what the City puts in our newsletter or other material such as links on the City website, etc. The City could suppress or not use items or information that the City felt countered what would be beneficial to the Mound area. The partnership would provide the City with a link that the City could put on the Mound website which would take you to the watershed partnership website. Promotional items for activities going on with watershed cleanup would also be available on this website. The City could control specific and direct message that Mound puts out. The City could craft anything unique or specific that the City would like to put out to Mound residents. Wegscheid understands the request for membership and proposed to not agree to a three-year membership. The Mayor suggested contracting for one year at first and see if it works for us. Peterson asked if the price would be different if the City only committed to one year. Hoversten stated that price is based on a municipality's population. The cost is $500 per year, regardless if the City signs up for one year or three. Gesch inquired about the cost range as it sounded like it was a suggestion of what the City should pay. Hoversten stated that based on the City population that $500 per year is the correct amount. Gesch also wondered if the watershed partnership applied for money from the Legacy Act which she stated is used to cover anything pertaining to the clean water act. Gesch mentioned that there seemed to be different topics addressed each year. Hoversten said the plan is to build media and public engagement pieces in year one; year two would take on some event coordination on behalf of watersheds. What is started one year will continue through the life of the program. Gillispie asked if the partnership is offering cost effective ways for the watersheds to manage some of these areas and will the watershed districts budgets decrease due to this? Gillespie stated she is fine with the one-year membership. Hoversten stated watersheds also have membership rates in order to participate and benefit from the consortium's activities as well. If the watersheds feel that this is the most cost effective way to meet their public participation and public engagement and pollution prevention requirements, then it would be reflected in their annual budgets. Wegscheid offered to amend the resolution to reflect a one-year as opposed to a multi-year membership and change all references in the resolution from multi-year to single year. Wegscheid stated the Council and staff will look each year to see if this relationship is beneficial to the City. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to approve resolution as amended, reflecting single year membership. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 16-34: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP IN METRO WATERSHED PARTNERS, CLEAN WATER MN 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. None offered. 6. ®an Faulkner, City Engineer of Bolton & Menk. reguesting discuss jonlactjon on Resolution Receiving Report and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for the 2016 Loft Station Improvement Project, City Project No. PW -16-05 Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2016 Faulkner summarized the report in the packet which the Council received. Faulkner stated this is the 10'h year of the lift station reconstruction program and that 17 lift stations have been replaced out of a total of 30. Faulkner said replacing lift stations with concrete structures will lessen the amount of inflow and infiltration into the city's system and that this project was included in city's five year capital improvement program. Faulkner said the plan was for the Lynwood lift station for 2016 but that he feels that with the variance to budget on last year's project, the City can upgrade the Windsor Road lift station as well. Faulkner said Lynwood is an old station which was built in the 1960's and that the pumps are old and need to be replaced. A standard upgrade would be done which includes a new precast concrete wet well containing two submersible pumps and a new control panel which includes SCADA equipment which will allow for remote monitoring. The proposed station will be shifted to move it closer to the road allowing staff to have easier access to the site. Faulkner stated the Windsor lift station was built in the mid 1990's and that this station needs to be upgraded to meet current operational standards. The station is already a precast structure, so this does not need to be replaced. Faulkner added that the pumps at the station are rather old but noted the pumps use is not excessive as they are only run a few times per day. These pumps could possibly be rehabilitated instead of a full replacement. Faulkner added that a new control panel with SCADA, an on-site emergency backup generator with emergency warning systems, and extension of the concrete pad to allow for the backup generator will be added. Faulkner stated the City saved funds by purchasing equipment such as the pumps and control panels directly from vendors. The total construction cost estimate is $514,396 for both projects. This is amount is shown in the CIP. Faulkner stated he hopes the project could come in at lower than budgeted costs due to the current competitive bid environment. Faulkner added that if the project receives Council approval, bids would be opened and awarded in April, also noting that some of the city -purchased equipment requires up to three months for delivery. Faulkner stated construction would start late July or early August, with completion of the project anticipated in October. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. •i • ` W a • •!�� •` 7. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council Members B. Reports: Finance Dept - Jan 2016 YTD C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: -655- Mound City Council Minutes — March 8, 2016 Hoversten reminded all of the following upcoming meetings: April 19 — A Special Meeting at 6:30 pm for department head annual reports March 28 —An invitation from the Orono Police Department to attend the Bias and Sensitivity training and to hear PD updates at 5:00 pm in Orono March 15 — A Metropolitan Council Open House regarding the Island Park lift station and interceptor being held at the Gillispie Center from 4:30 - 6:30 March 10 — An opportunity to join the Mound Fire Department in conjunction with other local fire departments for the Heart Safe event at the Mound Westonka High School from 9:30- 11:00 am. The event will train all 950 staff & students in compression only CPR, on the use of AEDs, and to hear from heart attack survivors. All are welcome to join. 8. Agic�urn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to adjourn at 7:29 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -656- Mayor Mark Wegscheid • lie I [-N *11*1 It NJ 1 [0) 0 0 01M I. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SIMPLEX GRINNELL FOR FIRE AND SAFETY SYSTEMS MONITORING SERVICES AT WELL HOUSE #3 AND WELL HOUSE #8 WHEREAS, the City of Mound approved multiple fire and safety systems monitoring service contracts with Simplex Grinnell on May 26, 2015 for the City's primary locations; and WHEREAS, Simplex Grinnell has provided fire and safety systems monitoring services to the City since 2010; and WHEREAS, Simplex Grinnell is one of the vendors on the Admin Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture Contract for Fire Alarm, Fire Suppression and Special Systems Contractors; and WHEREAS, the proposed fees are consistent with the fees for the City's primary locations which represented 13% savings from the prior contract and additional savings on any repairs; and WHEREAS, contracting with Simplex Grinnell has other advantages including the ability to provide all services in-house and familiarity with City facilities; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the City Manager to enter into contracts with Simplex Grinnell for the period February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2021 for Well House #3 and Well House #8 at a cost as contained in the attached Exhibit A and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2016. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Service Location: Qty of Mound - Well House #3 2335Chateau Ln MOUND, MN 55364-1668 Billing Customer: Qty of Mound 2415Wilshire Blvd MOUND, K4N553S44888 S/rnplexGHnneN Sales Representative: GregHo}mkan 540ONathan LnNSte 100 PLYMOUTH, MN 55442-1953 GHe|mhen@yimp|exgrinna|/.00m INVESTMENT SUMMARY ~� (Excludes a/qoh�ab/eSales Tax . Smn/�n�Sn/udmnWa8dfor 45���—s) SERVICE/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FREQUENCY INVESTMENT Recurring Annual Investment Sprinkler Test &Inopeo WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM Wet System Test &|napeo (Includes 1 Annual Tamper, Flow, Gate Valve, Fire Dept Connection Plastic Caps, Valve Trim & Main Drain Valve) Sprinkler Test & Inspect Total: Extinguisher Test &|napoct EXTINGUISHERS/PORTABLES SYSTEM Dry chem - cartridge ' refillable (A8C) 2 Annual Extinguisher Test & Inspect Total: Total Recurring Annual Investment: $225.00 SG001US£NG(Rev.12/20/0) -658-of8 @ 201nSimplex8,mnel|LIP. All rights reserved EXHIBITA PAGE -4- OF 13 SUMMARY OF SERVICES TEST AND INSPECTION: Our trained technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for the accessible fire sprinkler devices listed and currently connected to fire sprinkler system. Tests will be scheduled in advance. (See "List of Equipment' page for equipment to be tested.) DOCUMENTATION: Accessible components and devices logged for: - Test results - Any discrepancies found noted (individually and on a separate summary page) Inspection documentation provided to Customer. NOTE: Certain additional services may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). AHJ or internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state/provincial requirements. Building owners and managers should make themselves aware of applicable codes and references in order to ensure that contracted Services fulfill requirements. Annual Wet pipe sprinkler test & inspect includes inspecting gauges, systems valves, components and signs; operating control valves; testing tamper and flow switches, and local alarms and signals; opening main drain to record static and residual pressures; inspecting the fire department connection; and doing a building walkthrough to visually inspect sprinklers, piping, fittings and hangers from the floor level. TEST AND INSPECTION OVERVIEW: Our trained technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for the accessible portable fire extinguishers listed. (See "List of Equipment' page for equipment to be tested). Any recharges, hydrostatic testing, service parts and labor will be performed at the time of inspection and billed in addition to this agreement. DOCUMENTATION: - Any discrepancies found will be noted. Inspection documentation shall be provided to Customer. NOTE: Certain additional services may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). AHJ or internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state/provincial requirements. Building owners and managers should make themselves aware of applicable codes and references in order to ensure that contracted Services fulfill requirements. SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -659-of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBIT A PAGE D OF 13 SPECIAL PROVISIONS Agreement has a Special Action that a new agreement is required at the end of the term period and must be accepted and approved by customer. Without a new agreement and acceptance the contract does not renew. S00001 US.ENG (Rev. 1212010) -660- of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBITA PAGE -t OF 13 services to be provided by SimplexGrinnell LP ("Company") to City of Mound and is effective 01 -FEB -16 to 31 -JAN -21 (the "Initial Term"). PAYMENT TERM: Annual In Advance CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: In accepting this Agreement, Customer agrees to the Terms and Conditions on the following pages and any attachments or riders attached hereto that contain additional terms and conditions. It is understood that these terms and conditions shall prevail over any variation in terms and conditions on any purchase order or other document that the Customer may issue. Any changes in the system requested by the Customer after the execution of Agreement shall be paid for by the Customer and such changes shall be authorized in writing. ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, WARRANTY, INDEMNITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. City of Mound Signature: _ Print Name: Title: Phone#: Fax M _ Email: PO#: Date: SimplexGrinnell Greg Helmken Phone #: 763-367-5042 Fax #: 763-367-5002 License #: (If Applicable) Authorized Signature: Print Name: Title: Date: SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -661-1 of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBITA PAGE 5 OF 13 Service Location: City of Mound Well House #8 6139 Evergreen Rd Well House #8 MOUND, MN 55364-1668 Billing Customer: City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Blvd MOUND, MN 55364-1668 SimplexGrinnell Sales Representative: Greg Helmken 5400 Nathan Ln N Ste 100 PLYMOUTH, MN 55442-1953 GHelmken@simplexgrinnell.com (Excludes applicable Sales Tax . Service Solution Valid for 45 Days) SERVICE/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FREQUENCY INVESTMENT Recurring Annual Investment Sprinkler Test & Inspect WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM Wet System Test & Inspect (Includes Tamper, Flow, Gate Valve, Fire Dept Connection Plastic Caps, Valve Trim & Main Drain Valve) Sprinkler Test & Inspect BACKFLOW SYSTEM Backflow Preventer-Domestic Extinguisher Test & Inspect EXTINGUISHERS/PORTABLES SYSTEM Dry chem - cartridge - refillable (ABC) Annual Sprinkler Test & Inspect Total: $225.00 Annual Sprinkler Test & Inspect Total: $70.00 2 Annual Extinguisher Test & Inspect Total: $72.00 Total Recurring Annual Investment: SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 1212010) -602-of 9 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBIT A PAGE 10 OF 13 SUMMARY OF SERVICES TEST AND INSPECTION OVERVIEW: Our trained technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for the accessible portable fire extinguishers listed. (See "List of Equipment" page for equipment to be tested). Any recharges, hydrostatic testing, service parts and labor will be performed at the time of inspection and billed in addition to this agreement. DOCUMENTATION: - Any discrepancies found will be noted. Inspection documentation shall be provided to Customer. NOTE: Certain additional services may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). AHJ or internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state/provincial requirements. Building owners and managers should make themselves aware of applicable codes and references in order to ensure that contracted Services fulfill requirements. • • ;. • TEST AND INSPECTION: Our trained technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for the accessible fire sprinkler devices listed and currently connected to fire sprinkler system. Tests will be scheduled in advance. (See "List of Equipment" page for equipment to be tested.) DOCUMENTATION: Accessible components and devices logged for: - Test results - Any discrepancies found noted (individually and on a separate summary page) Inspection documentation provided to Customer. NOTE: Certain additional services may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). AHJ or internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state/provincial requirements. Building owners and managers should make themselves aware of applicable codes and references in order to ensure that contracted Services fulfill requirements. In addition to the forward flow test required, For employees that are certified in backflow preventers, a back flow test meeting the requirements of the local water purveyor is to be performed annually Sprinkler 'lest & Inspect _ WET SPRINKLER SYSTEM TEST AND INSPECTION: Our trained technicians will perform inspections and diagnostic tests for the accessible fire sprinkler devices listed and currently connected to fire sprinkler system. Tests will be scheduled in advance. (See "List of Equipment" page for equipment to be tested.) DOCUMENTATION: Accessible components and devices logged for: - Test results - Any discrepancies found noted (individually and on a separate summary page) Inspection documentation provided to Customer. NOTE: Certain additional services may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). AHJ or internal organizational requirements may be more restrictive than state/provincial requirements. Building owners and managers should make themselves aware of applicable codes and references in order to ensure that contracted Services fulfill requirements. SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -G_63-of 9 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBIT A PAGE �L OF 13 Annual Wet pipe sprinkler test & inspect includes inspecting gauges, systems valves, components and signs; operating control valves; testing tamper and flow switches, and local alarms and signals; opening main drain to record static and residual pressures; inspecting the fire department connection; and doing a building walkthrough to visually inspect sprinklers, piping, fittings and hangers from the floor level. SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -66.4-of 9 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBITA PAGE 0 OF 13 Agreement has a Special Action that a new agreement is required at the end of the term period and must be accepted and approved by customer. Without a new agreement and acceptance the contract does not renew. SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -665-of 9 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved EXHIBITA PAGE 9 OF13 services to be provided by SimplexGrinnell LP ("Company") to City of Mound and is effective 01 -FEB -16 to 31 -JAN -21 (the "Initial Term"). PAYMENT TERM: Annual In Advance u .AMOUNT:i ' • 879.1 CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: In accepting this Agreement, Customer agrees to the Terms and Conditions on the following pages and any attachments or riders attached hereto that contain additional terms and conditions. It is understood that these terms and conditions shall prevail over any variation in terms and conditions on any purchase order or other document that the Customer may issue. Any changes in the system requested by the Customer after the execution of Agreement shall be paid for by the Customer and such changes shall be authorized in writing. CONDITIONSATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, WARRANTY, INDEMNITY AND OTHER • • IN THIS AGREEMENT. City of Mound SimplexGrinnell Signature: Print Name: Title: Greg Helmken Phone #: 763-367-5042 Fax #: 763-367-5002 Phone#: License #: (If Applicable) Authorized Fax #: Signature: Email: Print Name: PO#: Title: Date: Date: SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -6_Q6-of 9 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Term. The Initial Term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of this Agreement and continue for the period indicated in this Agreement. At the conclusion of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically extend for successive terms equal to the Initial Term, each and together a "Term" of this Agreement, unless either party gives written notice to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then -current term. 2. Payment. Payments shall be invoiced and due in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Work performed on a time and material basis shall be at the then -prevailing Company rate for material, labor, and related items, in effect at the time supplied under this Agreement. 3. Pricing. The pricing set forth in this Agreement is based on the number of devices and services to be performed as set forth in this Agreement. If the actual number of devices installed or services to be performed is greater than that set forth in this Agreement, the price will be increased accordingly. Company may increase prices upon notice to the Customer or annually to reflect increases in material and labor costs. Customer agrees to pay all taxes, permits, and other charges, including but not limited to state and local sales and excise taxes, installation or alarm permits, false alarm assessments, or any charges imposed by any government body, however designated, levied or based on the service charges pursuant to this Agreement. The Customer's failure to make payment when due is a material breach of this Agreement. 4. Code Compliance. Company does not undertake an obligation to inspect for compliance with laws or regulations unless specifically stated in this Agreement. Customer acknowledges that the Authority Having Jurisdiction (e.g. Fire Marshal) may establish additional requirements for compliance with local codes. Any additional services or equipment required will be provided at an additional cost to Customer. 5. Limitation of Liability; Limitations of Remedy. Customer understands that Company offers several levels of protection services and that the level described has been chosen by Customer after considering and balancing various levels of protection afforded and their related costs. It is understood and agreed by the Customer that Company is not an insurer and that insurance coverage, if any, shall be obtained by the Customer and that amounts payable to Company hereunder are based upon the value of the services and the scope of liability set forth in this Agreement and are unrelated to the value of the Customer's property and the property of others located on the premises. Customer agrees to look exclusively to the Customer's insurer to recover for injuries or damage in the event of any loss or injury and that Customer releases and waives all right of recovery against Company arising by way of subrogation. Company makes no guaranty or Warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose that equipment or services supplied by Company will detect or avert occurrences or the consequences therefrom that the equipment or service was designed to detect or avert. It is impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages, if any, which may proximately result from failure on the part of Company to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement. Accordingly, Customer agrees that, Company shall be exempt from liability for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from occurrences, or the consequences therefrom, which the equipment or service was designed to detect or avert. Should Company be found liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from a failure of the equipment or service in any respect, Company's liability for Services performed on site at Customer's premises shall be limited to an amount equal to the Agreement price (as increased by the price for any additional work) or, where the time and material payment term is selected, Customer's time and material payments to Company. Where this Agreement covers multiple sites, liability shall be limited to the amount of the payments allocable to the site where the incident occurred. Company's liability with respect to Monitoring Services is set forth in Section 17 of this Agreement. Such sum shall be complete and exclusive. If Customer desires Company to assume greater liability, the parties shall amend this Agreement by attaching a rider setting forth the amount of additional liability and the additional amount payable by the Customer for the assumption by Company of such greater liability, provided however that such rider shall in no way be interpreted to hold Company as an insurer. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR ANY OTHER CLAIM ARISING FROM ANY SERVICING, ALTERATIONS, MODIFICATIONS, CHANGES, OR MOVEMENTS OF THE COVERED SYSTEM(S), AS HEREINAFTER DEFINED, OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENT PARTS BY THE CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE, LOSS OF THE USE, PERFORMANCE, OR FAILURE OF THE COVERED SYSTEM(S) TO PERFORM. The limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of all parents, subsidiaries and affiliates of Company, whether direct or indirect, Company's employees, agents, officers and directors. 6. Reciprocal Waiver of Claims (SAFETY Act). Certain of Company's systems and services have received Certification and/or Designation as Qualified Anti -Terrorism Technologies ("QATT") under the Support Anti -terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. §§ EXHIBITA PAGE 10 OF13 441-444 (the "SAFETY Act"). As required under 6 C.F.R. 25.5 (e), to the maximum extent permitted by law, Company and Customer hereby agree to waive their right to make any claims against the other for any losses, including business interruption losses, sustained by either party or their respective employees, resulting from an activity resulting from an "Act of Terrorism" as defined in 6 C.F.R. 25.2, when QATT have been deployed in defense against, response to, or recovery from such Act of Terrorism. 7. Indemnity. Customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Company against any and all losses, damages, costs, including expert fees and costs, and expenses including reasonable defense costs, arising from any and all third party claims for personal injury, death, property damage or economic loss, arising in any way from any act or omission of Customer or Company relating in any way to this Agreement, including but not limited to the Services under this Agreement, whether such claims are based upon contract, warranty, tort (including but not limited to active or passive negligence), strict liability or otherwise. Company reserves the right to select counsel to represent it in any such action. Customer's responsibility with respect to indemnification and defense of Company with respect to Monitoring Services is set forth in Section 17 of this Agreement. 8. General Provisions. Customer has selected the service level desired after considering and balancing various levels of protection afforded, and their related costs. Customer acknowledges and agrees that by this Agreement, Company, unless specifically stated, does not undertake any obligation to maintain or render Customer's system or equipment as Year 2000 compliant, which shall mean, capable of correctly handling the processing of calendar dates before or after December 31, 1999. All work to be performed by Company will be performed during normal working hours of normal working days (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, excluding Company holidays), as defined by Company, unless additional times are specifically described in this Agreement. All work performed unscheduled unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. Appointments scheduled for four-hour window. Additional charges may apply for special scheduling requests, e.g. working around equipment shutdowns, after hours work. Company will perform the services described in the Service Solution ("Services ") for one or more system(s) or equipment as described in the Service Solution or the listed attachments ("Covered System(s)"). UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ANY INSPECTION (AND, IF SPECIFIED, TESTING) PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS, REPLACEMENT OF PARTS, OR ANY FIELD ADJUSTMENTS WHATSOEVER, NOR DOES IT INCLUDE THE CORRECTION OF ANY DEFICIENCIES IDENTIFIED BY COMPANY TO CUSTOMER. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EQUIPMENT FAILURE OCCURRING WHILE COMPANY IS IN THE PROCESS OF FOLLOWING ITS INSPECTION TECHNIQUES, WHERE THE FAILURE ALSO RESULTS FROM THE AGE OR OBSOLESCENCE OF THE ITEM OR DUE TO NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT COVER SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, COMPONENTS OR PARTS THAT ARE BELOW GRADE, BEHIND WALLS OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS OR EXTERIOR TO THE BUILDING, ELECTRICAL WIRING, AND PIPING. 9. Customer Responsibilities. Customer shall regularly test the System(s) in accordance with applicable law and manufacturers' and Company's recommendations. Customer shall promptly notify Company of any malfunction in the Covered System(s) which comes to Customer's attention. This Agreement assumes any existing system(s) are in operational and maintainable condition as of the Agreement date. if, upon inspection, Company determines that repairs are recommended, repair charges will be submitted for approval by Customer's on-site representative prior to work. Should such repair work be declined, Company shall be relieved from any and all liability arising therefrom. Customer further agrees to: • Provide Company clear access to Covered System(s) to be serviced including, if applicable, lift trucks or other equipment needed to reach inaccessible equipment; • Supply suitable electrical service, heat, heat tracing adequate water supply, and required system schematics and/or drawings; • Notify all required persons, including but not limited to authorities having jurisdiction, employees, and monitoring services, of scheduled testing and/or repair of systems; • Provide a safe work environment; • In the event of an emergency or Covered System(s) failure, take reasonable precautions to protect against personal injury, death, and/or property damage and continue such measures until the Covered System(s) are operational; and • Comply with all laws, codes, and regulations pertaining to the equipment and/or services provided under this agreement. Customer represents and warrants that it has the right to authorize the Services to be performed as set forth in this Agreement. 10. Repair Services. Where Customer expressly includes repair, replacement, and emergency response services in the Service Solution section of this Agreement, such services apply only to the components or equipment of the SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -6Q7-of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved Covered System(s). Customer agrees to promptly request repair services in the event the System becomes inoperable or otherwise requires repair. The Agreement price does not include repairs to the Covered System(s) recommended by Company as a result of an inspection, for which Company will submit independent pricing to customer and as to which Company will not proceed until Customer authorizes such work and approves the pricing. Repair or replacement of non -maintainable parts of the Covered System(s) including, but not limited to, unit cabinets, insulating material, electrical wiring, structural supports, and all other non-moving parts, is not included under this Agreement. 11. System Equipment. The purchase of equipment or peripheral devices, (including but not limited to smoke detectors, passive infrared detectors, card readers, sprinkler system components, extinguishers and hoses) from Company shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If, in Company's sole judgment, any peripheral device or other system equipment, which is attached to the Covered System(s), whether provided by Company, Customer or a third party, interferes with the proper operation of the Covered System(s), Customer shall remove or replace such device or equipment promptly upon notice from Company. Failure of Customer to remove or replace the device shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. If Customer adds any third party device or equipment to the Covered System(s), Company shall not be responsible for any damage to or failure of the Covered System(s) caused in whole or in part by such device or equipment. 12. Reports. Where inspection and/or test services are selected, such inspection and/or test shall be completed on Company's then current Report form, which shall be given to Customer, and, where applicable, Company may submit a copy thereof to the local authority having jurisdiction. The Report and recommendations by Company are only advisory in nature and are intended to assist Customer in reducing the risk of loss to property by indicating obvious defects or impairments noted to the system and equipment inspected and/or tested. They are not intended to imply that no other defects or hazards exist or that all aspects of the Covered System(s), equipment, and components are under control at the time of inspection. Final responsibility for the condition and operation of the Covered System(s) and equipment and components lies with Customer. 13. Availability and Cost of Steel, Plastics & Other Commodities. Company shall not be responsible for failure to provide services, deliver products, or otherwise perform work required by this Agreement due to lack of available steel products or products made from plastics or other commodities. (i) In the event Company is unable, after reasonable commercial efforts, to acquire and provide steel products, or products made from plastics or other commodities, if required to perform work required by this Agreement, Customer hereby agrees that Company may terminate the Agreement, or the relevant portion of the Agreement, at no additional cost and without penalty. Customer agrees to pay Company in full for all work performed up to the time of any such termination. (ii) If Company is able to obtain the steel products or products made from plastics or other commodities, but the price of any of the products has risen by more than 10% from the date of the bid, proposal or date Company executed this Agreement, whichever occurred first, then Company may pass through that increase through a reasonable price increase to reflect increased cost of materials. 14. Confined Space. If access to confined space by Company is required for the performance of Services, Services shall be scheduled and performed in accordance with Company's then -current hourly rate. 15. Hazardous Materials. Customer represents that, except to the extent that Company has been given written notice of the following hazards prior to the execution of this Agreement, to the best of Customer's knowledge there is no: • "Permit confined space," as defined by OSHA, • Risk of infectious disease, • Need for air monitoring, respiratory protection, or other medical risk, • Asbestos, asbestos -containing material, formaldehyde or other potentially toxic or otherwise hazardous material contained in or on the surface of the floors, walls, ceilings, insulation or other structural components of the area of any building where work is required to be performed under this Agreement. All of the above are hereinafter referred to as "Hazardous Conditions". Company shall have the right to rely on the representations listed above. if hazardous conditions are encountered by Company during the course of Company's work, the discovery of such materials shall constitute an event beyond Company's control and Company shall have no obligation to further perform in the area where the hazardous conditions exist until the area has been made safe by Customer as certified in writing by an independent testing agency, and Customer shall pay disruption expenses and re -mobilization expenses as determined by Company.This Agreement does not provide for the cost of capture, containment or disposal of any hazardous waste materials, or hazardous materials, encountered in any of the Covered System(s) and/or during performance of the Services. Said materials shall at all times remain the responsibility and property of Customer. Company shall not be responsible for the testing, removal or disposal of such hazardous materials 16. Remote Service. if Customer selects Remote Service, Customer understands and agrees that, while Remote Service provides for communication regarding Customer's fire alarm system to Company via the Internet, Remote Service does not constitute monitoring of the system and Customer understands that Remote Service does not provide for Company to EXHIBIT A PAGE I I OF 13 contact the fire department or other authorities in the event of a fire alarm. The Customer understands that if it wishes to receive monitoring of its fire alarm system and notification of the fire department or other authorities in the event of a fire alarm, it must select monitoring services as a separate service under this Agreement. CUSTOMER FURTHER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT THE TERMS OF SECTION 17.F OF THIS AGREEMENT APPLY TO REMOTE SERVICE. 17. Monitoring Services. If Customer has selected Monitoring services, the following shall apply to such services: A. Alarm Monitoring Service. Customer agrees and acknowledges that Company's sole and only obligation under this Agreement shall be to provide alarm monitoring, notification, and/or Runner services as set forth in this Agreement and to endeavor to notify the party(ies) identified by Customer on the Contact/Call List ("Contacts') and/or Local Emergency Dispatch Numbers for responding authorities. Upon receipt of an alarm signal, Company may, at our sole discretion, attempt to notify the Contacts to verify the signal is not false. If we fail to notify the Contacts or question the response we receive, we will attempt to notify the responding authority. In the event Company receives a supervisory signal or trouble signal, Company shall endeavor to promptly notify one of the Contacts. Company shall not be responsible for a Contact's or responding authority's refusal to acknowledge/respond to Company's notifications of receipt of an alarm signal, nor shall Company be required to make additional notifications because of such refusal. The Contacts are authorized to act on Customer's behalf and, if so designated on the Contact/Call List, are authorized to cancel an alarm prior to the notification of authorities. Customer understands that local laws, ordinances or policies may restrict Company's ability to provide the alarm monitoring and notification services described in this Agreement and/or necessitate modified or additional services and related charges to Customer. Customer understands that Company may employ a number of industry -recognized measures to help reduce occurrences of false alarm signal activations. These measures may include, but are not limited to, implementation of industry -recognized default settings; implementation of "partial clear time bypass" procedures at our alarm monitoring center and other similar measures at our sole discretion from time to time. THESE MEASURES CAN RESULT IN NO ALARM SIGNAL BEING SENT FROM AN ALARM ZONE IN CUSTOMER'S PREMISES AFTER THE INITIAL ALARM ACTIVATION UNTIL THE ALARM SYSTEM IS MANUALLY RESET. Upon receiving notification from Company that a fire or gas detection (e.g. carbon monoxide) signal has been received, the responding authority may forcibly enter the premises. Cellular radio unit test supervision, if provided under this Agreement, provides only the status of the cellular radio unit's current signaling ability at the time of the test communication based on certain programmed intervals and does not serve to detect the potential loss of radio service at the time of an actual emergency event. Company shall not be responsible to provide monitoring services under this Agreement unless and until the communication link between Customer's premises and Company's Monitoring Center 'has been tested. SUCH SERVICES ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. B Limitation of Liability; Limitations of Remedy. Customer understands that Company offers several levels of Monitoring Services and that the level described has been chosen by Customer after considering and balancing various levels of protection afforded and their related costs. It is understood and agreed by the Customer that Company is not an insurer and that insurance coverage, if any, shall be obtained by the Customer and that amounts payable to Company hereunder are based upon the value of the Monitoring Services and the scope of liability set forth in this Agreement and are unrelated to the value of the Customer's property and the property of others located on the premises. Customer agrees to look exclusively to the Customer's insurer to recover for injuries or damage in the event of any loss or injury and that Customer releases and waives all right of recovery against Company arising by way of subrogation. Company makes no guaranty or Warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose that equipment or services supplied by Company will detect or avert occurrences or the consequences there from that the equipment or service was designed to detect or avert. it is impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages, if any, which may proximately result from failure on the part of Company to perform any of its monitoring obligations under this Agreement. Accordingly, Customer agrees that, Company shall be exempt from liability for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from occurrences, or the consequences there from, which the equipment or service was designed to detect or avert. Should Company be found liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from a failure of the equipment or service in any respect, Company's liability with respect to Monitoring Services shall be the lesser of the annual fee for Monitoring Services allocable to the site where the incident occurred or two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars. Such sum shall be complete and exclusive. if Customer desires Company to assume greater liability, the parties shall amend this Agreement by attaching a rider setting forth the amount of additional liability and the additional amount payable by the Customer for the assumption by Company of such greater liability, provided however that such rider shall in no way be interpreted to hold Company as an insurer. SG0001 UIS.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -668-of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, INJURY, OR ANY OTHER CLAIM ARISING FROM ANY SERVICING, ALTERATIONS, MODIFICATIONS, CHANGES, OR MOVEMENTS OF THE COVERED SYSTEM(S), AS HEREINAFTER DEFINED, OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENT PARTS BY THE CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE, LOSS OF THE USE, PERFORMANCE, OR FAILURE OF THE COVERED SYSTEM(S) TO PERFORM. The limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of all parents, subsidiaries and affiliates of Company, whether direct or indirect, Company's employees, agents, officers and directors. C. Indemnity, Insurance. Customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Company against any and all losses, damages, costs, including expert fees and costs, and expenses including reasonable defense costs, arising from any and all third party claims for personal injury, death, property damage or economic loss, arising in any way from any act or omission of Customer or Company relating in any way to the Monitoring Services provided under this Agreement, whether such claims are based upon contract, warranty, tort (including but not limited to active or passive negligence), strict liability or otherwise. Company reserves the right to select counsel to represent it in any such action. Customer shall name Company, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, suppliers, and representatives as additional insureds on Customer's general liability and auto liability policies. D. No modification. Modification to Sections 17 B or C may only be made by a written amendment to this Agreement signed by both parities specifically referencing Section 17 B and/or C, and no such amendment shall be effective unless approved by the manager of Company's Central Monitoring Center. E. Customer's Duties. In addition to Customer's duty to indemnify, defend, and hold Company harmless pursuant to this Section 17: i. Customer agrees to fumish the names and telephone numbers of all persons authorized to enter or remain on Customer's premises and/or that should be notified in the event of an alarm (the Contact/Call List) and Local Emergency Dispatch Numbers and provide all changes, revision and modifications to the above to Company in writing in a timely manner. Customer must ensure that all such persons are authorized and able to respond to such notification. ii. Customer shall carefully and properly test and set the system immediately prior to the securing of the premises and carefully test the system in a manner prescribed by Company during the term of this Agreement. Customer agrees that it is responsible for any losses or damages due to malfunction, miscommunication or failure of Customer's system to accurately handle, process or communicate date data. If any defect in operation of the System develops, or in the event of a power failure, interruption of telephone service, or other interruption at Customer's premises of signal or data transmission through any media, Customer shall notify Company immediately. If space/interior protection (i.e. ultrasonic, microwave, infrared, etc.) is part of the System, Customer shall walk test the system in the manner recommended by Company. iii. When any device or protection is used, including, but not limited to, space protection, which may be affected by turbulence of air, occupied airspace change or other disturbance, forced air heaters, air conditioners, horns, bells, animals and any other sources of air turbulence or movement which may interfere with the effectiveness of the System during closed periods while the alarm system is on, Customer shall notify Company iv. Customer shall promptly reset the System after any activation. v. Customer shall notify Company regarding any remodeling or other changes to the protected premises that may affect operation of the system. vi. Customer shall cooperate with Company in the installation, operation and/or maintenance of the system and agrees to follow all instructions and procedures which may be prescribed for the operation of the system, the rendering of services and the provision of security for the premises. vii. Customer shall pay all charges made by any telephone or communications provider company or other utility for installation, leasing, and service charges of telephone lines connecting Customer's premises to Company. Customer acknowledges that alarm signals from Customer's premises to Company are transmitted over Customer's telephone or other transmission service and that in the event the telephone or other transmission service is out of order, disconnected, placed on "vacation", or otherwise interrupted, signals from Customer's alarm system will not be received by Company, during any such interruption in telephone or other transmission service and the interruption will not be known to Company. Customer agrees that in the event the equipment or system continuously transmits signals reasonably determined by Company to be false and/or excessive in number, Customer shall be subject to the additional costs and fees incurred by Company in the receiving and/or responding to the excessive signals and/or Company may at its sole discretion terminate this Agreement with respect to Monitoring services upon notice to Customer. F. Communication Facilities. I. Authorization. Customer authorizes Company, on Customer's behalf, to request services, orders or equipment from a telephone company, wireless carrier or other company providing communication facilities, signal transmission services or facilities under this Agreement (referred to as " Communication Company"). Should any third party service, equipment or facility be required to perform the Monitoring services set forth in this EXHIBIT A PAGE 11 OF 13 Agreement, and should the same be terminated or become otherwise unavailable or impracticable to provide, Company may terminate Monitoring services upon notice to Customer. ii. Digital Communicator. Customer understands that a digital communicator (DACT), if installed under this Agreement, uses traditional telephone lines for sending signals which eliminate the need for a dedicated telephone line and the costs associated with such dedicated lines. iii. Derived Local Channel. The Communication Company's services provided to Customer in connection with the Services may include Derived Local Channel service. Such service may be provided under the Communication Company's service marks or service names. These services include providing lines, signal paths, scanning and transmission. Customer agrees that the Communication Company's liability is limited to the same extent Company's liability is limited pursuant to this Section 17. iv. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT COMPANY WILL NOT RECEIVE ALARM SIGNALS WHEN THE TELEPHONE LINE OR OTHER TRANSMISSION MODE IS NOT OPERATING OR HAS BEEN CUT, INTERFERED WITH OR IS OTHERWISE DAMAGED OR IF THE ALARM SYSTEM IS UNABLE TO ACQUIRE, TRANSMIT OR MAINTAIN AN ALARM SIGNAL OVER CUSTOMER'S TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING NETWORK OUTAGE OR OTHER NETWORK PROBLEMS SUCH AS CONGESTION OR DOWNTIME, ROUTING PROBLEMS, OR INSTABILITY OF SIGNAL QUALITY. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT OTHER POTENTIAL CAUSES OF SUCH A FAILURE OVER CERTAIN TELEPHONE SERVICES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SOME TYPES OF DSL, ADSL, VOIP, DIGITAL PHONE, INTERNET PROTOCOL BASED PHONE OR OTHER INTERNET INTERFACE -TYPE SERVICE OR RADIO SERVICE, INCLUDING CELLULAR OR PRIVATE RADIO, ETC. (" NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE")) INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: (1) LOSS OF NORMAL ELECTRIC POWER TO CUSTOMER'S PREMISES (THE BATTERY BACK-UP FOR THE ALARM PANEL DOES NOT POWER TELEPHONE SERVICE); AND (2) ELECTRONICS FAILURES SUCH AS A MODEM MALFUNCTION. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT COMPANY WILL ONLY REVIEW THE INITIAL COMPATIBILITY OF CUSTOMER'S ALARM SYSTEM WITH NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE AT THE TIME OF INITIAL CONNECTION TO COMPANY'S MONITORING CENTER AND THAT CHANGES IN CUSTOMER'S TELEPHONE SERVICE'S DATA FORMAT AFTER THE INITIAL REVIEW OF COMPATIBILITY COULD MAKE CUSTOMER'S TELEPHONE SERVICE UNABLE TO TRANSMIT ALARM SIGNALS TO COMPANY'S MONITORING CENTERS. IF COMPANY DETERMINES IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION THAT IT IS COMPATIBLE, COMPANY WILL PERMIT CUSTOMER TO USE NOW TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE AS THE SOLE METHOD OF TRANSMITTING ALARM SIGNALS, ALTHOUGH CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT COMPANY RECOMMENDS THE USE OF AN ADDITIONAL BACK-UP METHOD OF COMMUNICATION TO CONNECT CUSTOMER'S ALARM SYSTEM TO THE MONITORING CENTER REGARDLESS OF THE TYPE OF TELEPHONE SERVICE USED. CUSTOMER ALSO UNDERSTANDS THAT IF COMPANY DETERMINES IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION THAT CUSTOMER'S NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE IS OR LATER BECOMES NON -COMPATIBLE, OR IF CUSTOMER CHANGES TO ANOTHER NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE THAT IS NOT COMPATIBLE, THEN COMPANY REQUIRES THAT CUSTOMER USE AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF COMMUNICATION ACCEPTABLE TO COMPANY AS THE PRIMARY METHOD TO CONNECT CUSTOMER'S ALARM SYSTEM TO THE MONITORING CENTER. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT TRANSMISSION OF FIRE ALARM SIGNALS BY MEANS OTHER THAN A TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE LINE MAY NOT BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH FIRE ALARM STANDARDS OR SOME LOCAL FIRE CODES AND THAT IT IS CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATION TO COMPLY WITH SUCH STANDARDS AND CODES. CUSTOMER ALSO UNDERSTANDS THAT IF THE ALARM SYSTEM HAS A LINE CUT FEATURE, IT MAY NOT BE ABLE TO DETECT IF A NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE LINE IS CUT OR INTERRUPTED, AND THAT COMPANY MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE CERTAIN AUXILIARY MONITORING SERVICES THROUGH A NON-TRADITIONAL TELEPHONE LINE OR SERVICE. CUSTOMER FURTHER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE ALARM PANEL MAY BE UNABLE TO SEIZE THE PHONE LINE TO TRANSMIT AN ALARM SIGNAL IF ANOTHER CONNECTION IS OFF THE HOOK DUE TO IMPROPER CONNECTION OR OTHERWISE. G. Verification; Runner Service. Some jurisdictions may require alarm verification by telephone or on-site verification (Runner Service) before dispatching emergency services. In the event that a requirement of alarm verification becomes effective after the date of this Agreement, such services may be available at an additional charge. Company shall not be held liable for any delay or failure of dispatch of emergency services arising from such verification. Where Runner Service is indicated, such services may be provided by a third party. COMPANY WILL NOT ARREST OR DETAIN ANY PERSON. H. Personal Emergency Response Service. If Customer has selected Personal Emergency Response Services, Customer agrees that the very nature of Personal Emergency Response Services, irrespective of any delays, involves uncertainty, risk and possible serious injury, disability or death, for SG0001 USING (Rev. 12/2010) -6C9-)f 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinnell LP. All rights reserved which Company should not under any circumstances be held responsible or liable; that the equipment furnished for Personal Emergency Response Services is not foolproof and may experience signal transmission failures or delays for any number of reasons, whether or not our fault or under Company's control; that the actual time required for medical emergency providers to arrive at the premises and/or to transport any person requiring medical attention is unpredictable and that many contributing factors, including but not limited to such things as telephone network operation, distance, weather, road and traffic conditions, alarm equipment function and human factors, both with responding authorities and with Company, may affect response 18. Limited Warranty. COMPANY WARRANTS THAT ITS WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL, EXCLUDING MONITORING SERVICES, FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE FREE FROM DEFECTS FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FURNISHING. Where Company provides product or equipment of others, Company will warrant the product or equipment only to the extent warranted by such third party. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES PERFORMED OR THE PRODUCTS, SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT, IF ANY, SUPPORTED HEREUNDER. COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, AND UNDERTAKES NO OBLIGATION TO ENSURE BY THE SERVICES PERFORMED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, THAT COMPANY'S PRODUCTS OR THE SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT OF THE CUSTOMER WILL CORRECTLY HANDLE THE PROCESSING OF CALENDAR DATES BEFORE OR AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1999. 19. Taxes, Fees, Fines, Licenses, and Permits. Customer agrees to pay all sales tax, use tax, property tax, utility tax and other taxes required in connection with the equipment and services listed, including telephone company line charges, if any. Customer shall comply with all laws and regulations relating to the equipment and its use and shall promptly pay when due all sales, use, property, excise and other taxes and all permit, license and registration fees now or hereafter imposed by any government body or agency upon the equipment or its use. Company may, without notice, obtain any required permit, license or registration for Customer at Customer's expense and charge a fee for this service. If Customer fails to maintain any required licenses or permits, Company shall not be responsible for performing the services and may terminate the services without notice to Customer. 20. Outside Charges. Customer understands and accepts that Company specifically denies any responsibility for charges associated with the notification or dispatching of anyone, including but not limited to fire department, police department, paramedics, doctors, or any other emergency personnel, and if there are any charges incurred as a result of said notification or dispatch, said charges shall be the responsibility of Customer. 21. Insurance. Customer shall name Company, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, suppliers, and representatives as additional insureds on Customer's general liability and auto liability policies. 22. Waiver of Subrogation. Customer does hereby for itself and all other parties claiming under it release and discharge Company from and against all hazards covered by Customer's insurance, it being expressly agreed and understood that no insurance company or insurer will have any right of subrogation against Company. 23. Force Majeure, Exclusions. Company shall not be responsible for delays, interruption or failure to render services due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to material shortages, work stoppages, fires, civil disobedience or unrest, severe weather, fire or any other cause beyond the control of Company. This Agreement expressly excludes, without limitation, provision of fire watches; reloading of, upgrading, and maintaining computer software; making repairs or replacements necessitated by reason of negligence or misuse of components or equipment or changes to Customer's premises; vandalism; power failure; current fluctuation; failure due to non -Company installation; lightning, electrical storm, or other severe weather; water; accident; fire; acts of God; testing inspection and repair of duct detectors, beam detectors, and UV/IR equipment; provision of fire watches; clearing of ice blockage; draining of improperly pitched piping; batteries; recharging of chemical suppression systems; reloading of, upgrading, and maintaining computer software; corrosion (including but not limited to micro -bacterially induced corrosion ("MIC")); cartridges greater that 16 grams; gas valve installation; or any other cause external to the Covered System(s) and Company shall not be required to provide Service while Interruption of service due to such causes shall continue. This Agreement does not cover and specifically excludes system upgrades and the replacement of obsolete systems, equipment, components or parts. All such services may be provided by Company at Company's sole discretion at an additional charge. If Emergency Services are expressly included in the Service Solution, the Agreement price does not include travel expenses. 24. Delays. Company shall have no responsibility or liability to Customer or any other person for delays in the installation or repair of the System or the performance of our Services regardless of the reason, or for any resulting consequences. 25. Termination. Company may terminate this Agreement immediately at its sole discretion upon the occurrence of any Event of Default as hereinafter defined. Company may also terminate this Agreement at its sole discretion EXHIBIT A PAGE 13 OF 13 upon notice to Customer if Company's performance of its obligations under this Agreement becomes impracticable due to obsolescence of equipment at Customer's premises or unavailability of parts. 26. No Option to Solicit. Customer shall not, directly or indirectly, on its own behalf or on behalf of any other person, business, corporation or entity, solicit or employ any Company employee, or induce any Company employee to leave his or her employment with Company, for a period of two years after the termination of this Agreement. 27. Default. An Event of Default shall include 1) any full or partial termination of this Agreement by Customer before the expiration of the then -current Term, 2) failure of the Customer to pay any amount within ten (10) days after the amount is due and payable, 3) abuse of the System or the Equipment, 4) failure by Customer to observe, keep or perform any term of this Agreement; 5) dissolution, termination, discontinuance, insolvency or business failure of Customer. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Company may pursue one or more of the following remedies, 1) discontinue furnishing Services, 2) by written notice to Customer declare the balance of unpaid amounts due and to become due under the this Agreement to be immediately due and payable, provided that all past due amounts shall bear interest at the rate of 1 %% per month (18% per year) or the highest amount permitted by law, 3) receive immediate possession of any equipment for which Customer has not paid. 4) proceed at law or equity to enforce performance by Customer or recover damages for breach of this Agreement, and 5) recover all costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, in connection with enforcing or attempting to enforce this Agreement. 28. One -Year Limitation on Actions; Choice of Law. It is agreed that no suit, or cause of action or other proceeding shall be brought against either party more than one (1) year after the accrual of the cause of action or one (1) year after the claim arises, whichever is shorter, whether known or unknown when the claim arises or whether based on tort, Agreement, or any other legal theory. The laws of Massachusetts shall govern the validity, enforceability, and interpretation of this Agreement. 29. Assignment. Customer may not assign this Agreement without Company's prior written consent. Company may assign this Agreement without obtaining Customer's consent. 30. Entire Agreement. The parties intend this Agreement, together with any attachments or Riders (collectively the "Agreement) to be the final, complete and exclusive expression of their Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior representations, understandings or agreements between the parties, written or oral, and shall constitute the sole terms and conditions relating to the Services. No waiver, change, or modification of any terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on Company unless made in writing and signed by an Authorized Representative of Company. 31. Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only. 32. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by any court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part, this Agreement will continue to be valid as to the other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision. 33. Electronic Media. Customer agrees that Company may scan, image or otherwise convert this Agreement into an electronic format of any nature. Customer agrees that a copy of this Agreement produced from such electronic format is legally equivalent to the original for any and all purposes, including litigation. Customer agrees that Company's receipt by fax of the Agreement signed by Customer legally binds Customer and such fax copy is legally equivalent to the original for any and all purposes, including litigation. 34. Legal Fees. Company shall be entitled to recover from the Customer all reasonable legal fees incurred in connection with Company enforcing the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 35. License Information (Security System Customers): AL Alabama Electronic Security Board of Licensure 7956 Vaughn Road, PMB 392, Montgomery, Alabama 36116 (334) 264-9388: AR Regulated by: Arkansas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, #1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock 72209 (501)618-8600: CA Alarm company operators are licensed and regulated by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, CA, 95814. Upon completion of the installation of the alarm system, the alarm company shall thoroughly instruct the purchaser in the proper use of the alarm system. Failure by the licensee, without legal excuse, to substantially commence work within 20 days from the approximate date specified in the agreement when the work will begin is a violation of the Alarm Company Act: NY Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of the State: TX Texas Commission on Private Security, 5805 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78752-4422, 512-424-7710. License numbers available at www.simplexgrinnell.com or contact your local SimplexGrinneli office. SG0001 US.ENG (Rev. 12/2010) -670-of 8 © 2010 SimplexGrinneli LP. All rights reserved CITY OF i RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING CONFERENCES, - TRAINING, SUBSCRIPTIONSi2016 WHEREAS, the City of Mound entered into an employment agreement with Eric Hoversten on December 17, 2015; and WHEREAS, Eric Hoversten assumed the duties of city manager effective January 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, sections 14, 15 and 16 of the employment agreement require the employee to submit an annual request to the City Council for dues, subscriptions, professional development and community participation expenditures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby approve the list of conferences, training, dues and subscriptions for 2016 for Eric Hoversten, City Manager, at the estimated expenditure amounts as listed in Attachment A and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2016. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk K Mayor Mark Wegscheid =V c City Manager Conferences, Training, Dues and Subscriptions - 2016 $355.00 DATE(S) CONFERENCE / TRAINING / ASSOC LOCATION FEE / DUES EST. TRANSPORT ATION EST. LODGING EST. PER DIEM EST. TOTAL $395.00 $95.00 ($0.54 per mile) MN City/Cnty Mgrs Assoc Annual Membership Dues $140.00 Annual Membership Dues $140.00 May 4 - 6 Annual Conference Nisswa, MN $225.00 $145.80 $500.00 $95.00 $870.80 Total Request - PublicWorksDirectoy $11815.00 ' $238.00 '',` $0:00 �':' $0.00, $2,113.00 Metropolitan Area Mgrs Assoc $4,308.70 Budget -101-41310 Annual Membership Dues $50.00 $50.00 Luncheon Membership Meetings $60.00 $97.20 $157.20 League of Minnesota Cities On -Line Webinars $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $300.00 Safety & Loss Control Workshops $20.00 $32.40 $0.00 $0.001 $52.40 June 14 -17th Annual Conference St. Paul River Center $400.00 $97.20 $0.00 $0.001 $497.20 Westonka Community & Commerce Annual Dues $60.00 $60.00 Luncheon Membership Meetings $60.00 $8.10 $68.10 Total Request - City Manager $1,315.00 $380.70 $500.00 $0.00 $2,145" Annual Membership Dues - Agency $355.00 $355.00 Aug 28 - 31 2016 National Conf (Minneapolis) $700.00 $108.00 $808.00 Nov 18 - 20 Annual Conference $395.00 $95.00 $490.00 City Engineers Assoc of MN Annual Membership Dues $60.00 $60.00 Jan 27-29 Annual Conference $305.00 $95.00 $400.00 Total Request - PublicWorksDirectoy $11815.00 ' $238.00 '',` $0:00 �':' $0.00, $2,113.00 Total - CM/PWD $4,308.70 Budget -101-41310 $5,400.00 Minnesota Department ,, o Public Safety 2 015 Shared 3' 'ervices Study uirant Progranj ,• Lake Fire Loretto C1, -673- Minnesota Shared Services Grant 2015 October 27, 2015 The fire departments of Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Plain and Mound are all in interested in participating in the Fiscal Year 2016 Minnesota Shared Services Grant Program. We are focusing on two areas for shared services, and would apply for a grant that includes both of the projects listed below which includes both the study and then implementation goals. 1). our first priority is studying the feasibility, administrative challenges, and anticipated benefits, of having a fire district or regional fire training/fire prevention/fire inspection coordinator. Firefighter training is very critical to safety and fire department operational success. This positon would work for and serve all four fire departments. Assuming the study results are positive; we would like to move directly into the implementation phase as early as possible in FY 2016. 2). our second priority is to study the feasibility of, and identify practical options for a "District Wide Regional Staffing Model" that would support all of the 13 west metro communities our fire departments currently serve. The staffing model study objectives would need to include how to better serve our communities based upon utilization of existing fire department resources, plus factor in the anticipated recruiting and retention trends of less volunteer firefighters. Again, assuming the study results are positive; we would like to move directly into the implementation phase as early as possible but more likely in FY 2017. The Minnesota Fire Service Advisory Committee has appropriated $200,000 to the State Fire Marshal Division to award Shared Services Grants to fire departments. The awards would be capped at $40,000 and there is a 10% match but this match can include in-kind service to facilitate and manage the grant. So the cost to each entity would be very minimal. The deadline to apply for this grant program is November 4, 2015. All shared services grant funds will have to be expended by June 30, 2016. In order to proceed with the grant application process we will need a letter of support (on city letter head) similar to the attached example. We will need the signed letter from each of the fire department cities November 2, 2015 to meet the application deadline. Obtaining the letters by November 2nd would allow us two days to compile the letters and grant documents together and submit them to Mr. Bruce Roed the Fire Service Specialist for the State Fire Marshal Division. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Fire Chief Greg Pederson Mound Fire Department 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 952-472-3533 Chiefl(cr�,moundf re. com ' of P� State Fire Marshal hared Fire and Rescue Services i'Narrative Sheet Rr MiNl 1. Project Description: Please describe, as clearly as possible, what you are trying to accomplish with these grant funds. The Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Plain and Mound Fire Departments would like to study two areas for shared services. Our first priority is studying the feasibility, administrative challenges and anticipated benefits of having a fire district or regional fire training/fire prevention/fire inspector coordinator. Our second priority is to study the feasibility of, and identify practical options for a "District Wide Regional Staffing Model" that would support all of the 13 western Hennepin County communities our fire departments currently serve. Along with these studies, we would like grant dollars to start the implementation phases that would be spelled out in the studies. We are looking at implementation as early as fiscal year 2016 for the coordinator position and fiscal year 2017 for the staffing model. 2. Cost Benefit: How will you and (potentially) other Minnesota fire Firefighter and officer training are critical to safety and fire department operational success. The potential for a "District Wide Regional Trainer' is exciting. The four fire departments would reap the benefits associated with the possibility of having a full-time trainer but at a fraction of the cost. We could have one full-time person who is responsible for the coordination of a comprehensive training program that could not only train firefighters in the skills and knowledge needed in today's fire service but also establish educational opportunities for more advanced procedures and new technical subjects. This could be a model used across the state to improve firefighter training and education. All four fire departments currently employee a paid -on-call firefighter as our trainer and with today's fire service consisting of creating, promoting and delivering training to members but all of this is offset by their time which is limited. A firefighter could attend any one of the four fire departments training and the chief would be assured that they are receiving the same training as if they attended their own department's training. A good training program has a positive influence on firefighter recruitment and retention. A firefighter sees we place their training and safety as a top priority and the training is based on established standards of good practice. All four fire departments are currently using the paid -on-call firefighter model and it has worked very well but in the near future we see problems with daytime and holiday response. We serve 13 communities in the western portion of Hennepin -675-y. The staffing model study objectives would include how to better serve our communities based upon utilization of existing fire department resources plus factor in the recruiting and retention trends of less volunteer firefighters. There are many different staffing models out there and which one is right for our area is one of the questions we would like to answer with this study. We are looking to put in place a plan for implementation of a "District Wide Regional Staffing Model", whatever this model is, as part of this grant program. The staffing model when implemented could be a model for other areas of the State. We may also, if successful, have other departments in our area jump onboard with us. 3. Statement of Effect: Hove will your accomplishments related to this grant be evaluated for effectiveness? Once we receive the grant and have the studies done, we will present them to the communities. If all is positive, we will start the implementation phase. We would establish a joint implementation committee, which would work through the details, overcome any of the challenges and start making the decisions on implementation. Once it is implemented we will do an analysis on both the District or Regional Training Coordinator and the "District Wide Regional Staffing Model". In this analysis, we would want to know if the firefighter training has improved and are the firefighters interchangeable between departments, are we serving our communities better and has our recruitment and retention improved. We would then take that analysis and roll it into a presentation that we could bring back to the Minnesota Fire Service Advisory Committee and/or the State Fire Marshal Division. 4. Additional Information you wish to provide on why your grant request should be funded: The Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Plain and Mound Fire Departments serve 13 communities and Three Rivers Park District in western Hennepin County. The communities we serve, in part or all, are Corcoran, Greenfield, Independence, Long Lake, Loretto, Maple Plain, Medina, Minnetonka Beach, Minnetrista, Mound, Orono, Shorewood and Spring Park. We have a unique blend of urban, suburban and rural areas, along with a large portion of Lake Minnetonka in our response area. We cover a population over 40,000 and over 150 square miles. We have about 40 miles of trails for 3 major regional trail systems that slice through our response area. We feel this makes us great candidates for this study. The other piece that you should know is that we are already working well together. Currently three of the four fire departments are working on a shared set of policies and this should be rolled out to the firefighters at the end of the year. Lake Minnetonka Fire District Concept: Form a fire district in the West Metro Area around Lake Minnetonka that would include 5-8 of the existing fire departments. Advantages: • Improved service through efficient resources utilization. • Financial consolidation and more consistency. • Standardization of documentation for all fire departments. • Much improved fire operations strategic planning. • Much improved fire apparatus financial planning. • Better, more consistent firefighter training. • Structuring administration effectively and efficiently. • Overall strategic planning for future. Disadvantages / Challenges: Allocation of financial resources appropriately. Current wage and pension inconsistencies. Proper allocation and placement of fire apparatus and equipment. Maintaining fire department identity. Establishment of appropriate / acceptable organizational structure. Other Issues: Future fire station study and placement. Recruitment and allocation of firefighter personnel for stations. Long term budget forecasting and cost control. gsp 5-17-02 Mr. Bruce Roed State Fire Marshal Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite #145 St Paul, MN 55101-5145 RE: Shared Fire and Rescue Services Study 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Main: 952.472.3555 Fax: 952.472.3775 www.moundfire.com March 23, 2016 Dear Mr. Roed, The City of Mound Fire Department is a provider of fire and rescue services to five communities including the cities of: Mound, Minnetrista, Spring Park, Minnetonka Beach, and Shorewood. Other than the City of Mound, the other four cities are provided fire and rescue services under a long-standing fire service contract agreement. The City of Mound, by means of this correspondence, wishes to express its serious intent to study the fire service areas served by the following four fire departments: Mound, Maple Plain, Long Lake, and Loretto. The results of this study and a successive timely implementation will potentially benefit all 13 communities that the four fire departments currently serve. The intention of the study would be to facilitate efficiency of staffing operations and improve firefighter training by means of sharing resources and services within the four fire departments and the 13 neighboring jurisdictions. The City Council of Mound is supportive in this pursuit. Please accept this letter of support on behalf of the Mound City Council for consideration of an award under the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Fire and Rescue Shared Service Grant Program. You may feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Eric Hoversten Gregory S. Pederson City Manager Fire Chief City of Mound City of Mound 952-472-0609 952-472-0633 Cc Catherine Pausche TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director DATE: March 17, 2016 SUBJECT: League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) Land Use Incentive Program Summary So as to reduce the City's insurance premiums, Staff is recommending that the City of Mound participate in the LMCIT Land Use Incentive Program which is available to communities that successfully complete online training about land use. The online training must be completed by a quorum of the City Council, the Planning Commission Chair, one additional Planning Commission member and the city planner. The incentive program is available on an ongoing basis to all member cities that certify at their renewal that the city participants have successfully completed the training. Each LMCIT training course is $30. 00 per person and will be funded by the 2016 Planning Department training and conference budget. The LMCIT Land Use Incentive Program and training was reviewed and discussed at the March 15th special Planning Commission meeting. Several members of the Planning Commission are interested in taking the online training courses. Staff will provide further comment at the March 22nd City Council meeting. Land Use Members of the League of Minnesota Cities insurance Trust (LMCIT) spend about $2.5 million per year on land use claims, representing about 22 percent of all liability costs. The average cost of a land use claim is $35,000, more than 85 percent of which is spent to cover defense costs. In other words, these claims generally are not about paying damages to someone but rather about paying for legal defense of the city. Because land use costs to Minnesota cities are significant, and because the only way to avoid many land use claims is by making informed, thoughtful and appropriate land use decisions, LMCIT offers a unique loss control program to address these risks. Land Use incentive Program helps cities save The Land Use Incentive program rewards Property/Casualty program member cities that successfully complete online training about land -use. Qualifying member cities earn a savings of as much as $3,750 per land use claim. Cities that do not meet the training requirements will pay a greater rate for each land use claim. The website -based training is designed to make land use decisions less confusing, and will help cities avoid expensive land use claims and lawsuits. Cities can qualify for the incentive at any time by meeting the training requirement, at which point the city will receive an endorsement. Any land use claims made against the city after the city gets the endorsement will qualify for the savings. The incentive is available on ars ongoing basis to all member cities that certify at their renewal that all the following city officials successfully completed the training: * A quorum of the city council; The chair and another planning commission member; The city planner or another staff person with lead responsibility for planning activities. Land Use Litigation Coverage Litigation relating to a city's land use regulation decisions, development and redevelopment activities, franchising, or city enterprise operations can be very expensive. LMCIT has developed a specialized approach to cover this type of litigation. The LMCIT Liability Coverage Guide explains land use litigation coverage. Land Use Team Provides Consultation, Training, Information A team of LMCIT land use attorneys works with members to provide customized information and training, and acts as a resource to elected and appointed city officials and to city attorneys. Land use loss control staff addresses topics including the different roles elected officials must play in making land use decisions, and specific legal requirements related to things like planning, zoning, development, redevelopment, franchising, and more. This is a City Learning Point online training series People have strong feelings about their property rights and the character of their neighborhoods. When conflicts occur, cities often get caught in the middle. This first course in the Land Use Series will help you understand cities' roles and authority in land use regulation to more effectively navigate controversial situations. In our newest course, Creating the Ground Rules: Developing Land Use Plans and Laws, you will learn how proactive planning and regularly updating your city's land use regulations can help your city make legal land use decisions that advance your community's vision. All the laws, examples, and exercises in this training series will apply specifically to Minnesota cities. intended audience: Elected city officials and appointed planning commission members and city employees who have responsibilities in land use regulation. Each person will access and complete the course individually. Upon receiving log -in credentials, registrants may access the courses online at any time and go at their own pace. Fee: $30 for League members (paid by the City of Mound) per person for each course, with a discount available to cities that register several people for the courses in this series (see details at right). Incentive: An LMCIT Land Use incentive is available to cities that meet certain training participation requirements. Please contact the League for more information related to the incentive. This reduces the city's liability should there actually be a claim. Courses Course LUSOI—Land Use Basics: Grasping the Ground Rules Cities must consider many perspectives and priorities when making land use decisions, and costly conflicts can occur when cities don't follow the ground rules. In this course, you will reflect on land use challenges that your city has faced and the consequences that can result when a city oversteps its authority. You'll consider typical land use situations where you'll be asked to identify what role the city is playing and determine what information can be considered when making land use decisions. Recognizing your city's role and how much authority it has can help your city avoid expensive lawsuits, minimize controversy, and make land use decisions less confusing. Course objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Appreciate the tensions in land use regulation and the consequences of overstepping the city's authority. Identify what role the city is playing for each land use decision that it makes. Determine what authority the city has in land use situations and what information the city may consider when making a decision. -681- Course LUS02—Creating the Ground Rules: Developing Land Use Plans and Laws Cities have broad powers to set a community vision and create land use regulations to achieve it. However, cities have different needs and approach planning and land use regulation in different ways. The approach any city takes toward land use planning and regulation is ultimately a policy choice for each city to make. In this course, you will learn about a five-step model to guide your city's approach to land use planning and how to engage the public throughout the community planning process. You'll also complete activities that will help you develop goals, strategies, and regulations to effectively carry out your community's vision for the future. Proactive planning and regularly updating laws can minimize controversy and help cities make legally defensible land use decisions. Course objectives: After completing this course, participants will be familiar with how to: Use a five-step model to guide community planning efforts. Employ various methods to broadly involve the community in defining a vision and goals for the future. Develop effective strategies for meeting planning goals. Create land use regulations that effectively carry out the community's vision. •Ei 1 0 : • V 4 S'' To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Stewart Simon, Field Officer Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: March 17, 2016 Subject: Proposed Amendments to City Code Chapter 2 - Administrative Citations Overviews. At its October 21, 2015 special meeting workshop, the City Council discussed the use of administrative citations as an alternative method for code enforcement within the City. Although City Code Sec. 2-187 currently permits the use of administrative citations for the enforcement of certain offenses, the language is most applicable for use by the Police Department. Staff presented the City Council with a draft of a proposed ordinance amendment expanding the use of administrative citations as a method for code enforcement and creating an appeals process upon the issuance of an administrative citation. Based on feedback from the City Council, Staff has prepared an updated ordinance amending the administrative citation Code. Background. Currently, the City uses a complaint -based approach to code enforcement; an individual makes a report of a violation directly to Staff, who in turn investigates the complaint. When a violation is identified, Staff issues a written warning to the property owner of record, which provides the property owner seven (7) days to bring the property into compliance with the City Code (self -abatement). In most cases, the subject property is brought into compliance within the seven (7) day self -abatement period and the case file is subsequently closed. In cases where the property owner does not bring the property into compliance during the self -abatement period, a second warning is issued'; after another seven (7) day self -abatement period, the property is re -inspected. If the property is found to be non-compliant after the second warning, a third and final warning is issued and the property owner is notified that failure to self -abate after the issuance of a final warning may result in legal and/or City Council involvement or abatement. 2015 Code Enforcement Summary. Between January 2015 and October 2015, approximately 90% of the (15 1) code enforcement cases resulted in self -abatement, after the issuance of the first warning, and were subsequently closed. The remaining 10%, however, remain stalled or open, pending further action by Staff and 5% of the properties have been issued final 'In cases of noxious weeds, (long grass), only one warning is issued per growing season. if the property owner does not self -abate (i.e,, mow the lawn) the property is forwarded to our contractor for city -abatement. warnings with little to no action taken by the property owner to bring the property into compliance with the City Code. There are also several properties that have been deemed "repeat offenders" and bring their property into compliance after a notice of violation only to have a new complaint made to Staff a short time later. Use of Administrative Citation Regulations by Other Communities. Staff has compared current code enforcement processes to those in use by other communities, including, but not limited to, Cambridge, Eagan, Hopkins, Orono, Spring Park and Wayzata. These cities have implemented the use of administrative citations as an alternate method for resolving non- compliance with the applicable code regulations. An administrative citation is essentially a "city ticket" that is issued in lieu of a criminal complaint in cases of non-compliance or repeat violations and can be an effective tool to achieve compliance. The following is a breakdown of the benefits and risks associated with the implementation of administrative citations: Benefits Risks Quicker case resolution Additional record keeping and reporting requirements Offending party is not labeled as a criminal Additional resources required to ensure proper due process for the accused Lower burden of proof required Lower burden of proof required Penalty more in line with the offense Limited use by statutory cities Criminal process does not view city code violations as being important Attorney fees associated with appeals Additional source of revenue for the city Potential exists for non-payment of penalty Affords the city flexibility in case processing Consistency Overall reduced cost for the city Legality The amended language of the administrative citation ordinance addresses the following risks: Additional resources required to ensure proper due process for the accused: Per the amended ordinance, a new position, Hearing Officer, is created, for the purpose of conducting administrative hearings. The Hearing Officer, a neutral third party trained in law and appointed by the Council or City Manager (with City Council approval), is compensated at a nominal rate to be determined by the City Council. The Hearing Officer does not need to be currently licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota; however, an individual who has been disbarred or suspended from the practice of law in any jurisdiction is disqualified from the position. The use of a neutral third party will ensure due process for the accused; the Hearing Officer cannot be a current or former employee or contractor of the City of Mound. Attorney fees associated with appeals: By implementing a Hearing Officer, the administrative hearing can be conducted "in-house." Court and attorney fees can therefore be reduced; the only cost being the nominal fee paid to the Hearing Officer. Potential exists for non-payment of penalty: Per the proposed amended ordinance, the failure to pay an administrative penalty by the set due date, will result in a late payment fee of 10% of the penalty being assessed for each 30 -day period, that the penalty remains unpaid. In addition to collecting the late fee, the outstanding penalty will be assessed against real property and collected in the same manner as property taxes, in accordance with Minnesota Statute §429.101; consistent with the manner in which unpaid fees associated with nuisance abatement are collected. ® Consistency and legality: Implementation of the administrative citation program for code enforcement will not replace other enforcement actions available to the City; per the ordinance, the City reserves the right to use an administrative citation in lieu of, or in addition to, an abatement action or misdemeanor charge stemming from the violation. Penalty/Fees for Administration Citations. The use of administrative citations would require the City to assign an administrative penalty amount to its adopted fee schedule. The following is a breakdown of the administrative penalties currently in use by other communities: City Cambridge On average, $200.00 per day, after citation is issued for non-compliance Eagan Not provided Hopkins $50.00-$500.00 per offense Orono $60.00 Spring Park $100.00-$200.00 per offense Wayzata $51.00 -general nuisance, $102.00-$306.00 for zoning violations K � � Staff is recommending an administrative penalty of $200.00 per violation, per day, after the citation is issued for non-compliance. Per the amended ordinance, each day a violation continues after the issuance of an administrative citation, constitutes a new violation: ® For example, if a property owner who was issued a warning for an exterior storage violation did not comply with the required corrections, a citation would be issued. If the property was out of compliance with the City Code after four (4) days following issuance of the citation, the total administrative penalty due would be $800.00. The amended ordinance further states a penalty may be rescinded, if compliance with the Code is achieved within seven (7) calendar days after the issuance of an administrative citation: Using the same example as above, if the property was found to be non-compliant with the City Code on the fifth day following issuance of a citation, the administrative penalty due would be $1000.00. However, if the property had been cleaned up and found to be compliant with the City Code on the sixth day following the issuance of the citation, and because the violation was self -abated before the seventh calendar day following the date the citation was issued, the administrative citation would be rescinded in whole. Therefore, no administrative penalty would be collected by the City and the code enforcement case would be closed. It is important to note, per the amended ordinance, repeat violations would be subject to a "double penalty" and administrative penalties would increase from $200.00 per violation, per day, to $400.00 per violation, per day. Publication by Summary and Fee Schedule. In addition to requested action on the proposed ordinance amending City Code Chapter 2, two (2) related resolutions have been prepared for consideration by the City Council to authorize summary publication of the new ordinance and to amend the current fee schedule to include the administrative penalty and late fee. Members are advised that a 4/5's vote of the City Council is required to authorize summary publication of the proposed ordinance. Recommendations. Staff respectfully offers the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Adoption of Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code as it Relates to Administration 2. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Publication of an Ordinance by Title and Summary as it Relates to Administration 3. Approval of Resolution Amending 2016 City of Mound Fee Schedule DRAFT CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE -2016 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATEZ.1 TO ADMINISTRATION The City of Mound does ordain: Section 1. Subsection 2-187, Administrative offenses, of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: (a) oegain offenses enAgr-Ged as adm44&tFative. The Gity GOURGil has deteFmiRed to-eAfGFGe GeFtain off-epse withiR the Gity as adMiRis#ative offenses. Those violations shall Rot iRGlude vielatigns deSGFibed iR MiRReseta Statutes, GhapteF 169. The offenses to be enfeFc;ed as Admipistra-* shall be deteFFniRed by FeselutieR of th GGLIRGil as FeGOMmended by the FiFe Ghief and Gemmunity DevelgpMeRt DiFeGter. (a) Purpose. The City Council finds that there is a need for alternative methods of enforcing the City Code. While criminal fines and penalties have been the most frequent enforcement mechanism, there are certain negative consequences for both the City and the accused. The delay inherent in that system does not ensure prompt resolution. Citizens resent being labeled as criminals for violations of administrative regulations. The higher burden of proof and the potential of incarceration do not appear appropriate for most administrative violations. The criminal process does not always regard Cit Code violations as being important, due to caseloads and more serious cases in the system. Using a declaratory action or iniunction, often results in similar delays and can be financially burdensome for a city, Accordingly, the City Council finds the use of administrative citations and the imposition of administrative penalties is a legitimate and necessary alternative method of enforcement. (b) Weiatieslpene�* A glating eRe of the admiRiStRatiVe e#eRses withiR the Gity 6hall be sul�eGt to the sGheduled administFative penalty. Th deteFmiRe the administFative penalties and both the administ- -ffAnres and peRalty amount may be amended, fFGm time to time, by reselutien of the Gity GGURG4-.(b) Scope. The administrative procedures and penalties in this article may be used for any violation of City Code. The provisions of this article may be used concurrently with or in addition to any other procedure or remedy, criminal or civil, the City may pursue under City Code, state law, or federal law. V W -T I U 7-77? -7. WN - S! r- -1 W-7 a ifinfMrrurr.r.w Section 2. A new, Subsection 2-188, General provisions, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: Certain offenses enforced as administrative The City Council has determined to enforce certain offenses within the city as administrative offenses subiect to a citation and administrative penalties pursuant to this article Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate offense. Schedule of fines The City Council shall adopt by resolution as part of its fee schedule, a schedule of administrative penalties for offenses for which an administrative citation is issued. (c) Repeat violations Administrative penalties may be doubled for repeat violations that occur within a 12 -month time period. Section 3. A new, Subsection 2-189, Administrative Citation, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: (a) Authority to issue administrative citations. Any person employed by the City with authority to enforce City Code may issue an administrative citation upon belief that a code violation has occurred The citation must be issued in person or by U.S. first class mail to the person responsible for the violation or to the property owner identified by Hennepin County property records. -If the premises are not occupied and the address of the owner is unknown service on the owner may be made by posting a copy of the citation on said premises The citation must state the date time, and nature of the violation the name of the issuing officer, the amount of the scheduled administrative penalty and the manner for paving the administrative penalty or appealing the citation. The person responsible for the violation or property owner as identified by Hennepin County property records must either pay the scheduled administrative penalty and come into compliance or request a hearing within seven (7) calendar days after issuance Payment of the administrative penalty constitutes admission of the violation A late payment fee of 10 percent of the scheduled administrative penalty amount may be imposed for non-payment of an administrative penalty. 2, An administrative penalty may be rescinded if compliance with the Code is achieved within seven (7) calendar days after the issuance of an administrative citation. Requesting a hearing The request must be in writing and executed by the property owner or person with an ownership interest in the property. It must minimally state the name and mailing address of that person that person's relationship to the property involved a brief statement describing the basis for the appeal and a hearing request. Section 4. A new, Subsection 2-190, Administrative hearing, of the Mound City Code is hereby added as follows: (a) Hearing Officer position created The position of Hearing Officer is hereby created. The City Manager may, at his or her discretion and with the approval of the City Council, contract with third parties for the furnishing of all services of the Hearing Officer as contained in this article and set the rate of compensation thereof. The Hearing Officer is authorized to hear and determine any controversy relating to administrative offenses of the City Code provided in this article. (b) Qualifications The Hearing Officer shall be a neutral third party trained in law: however, it shall not be required the Hearing Officer be currently licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota. 1. An individual who has been disbarred or suspended from the practice of law in any jurisdiction shall be disqualified from serving as a Hearing Officer. (c) Duties. A Hearing Officer shall have the followingduties: uties: 1. Conduct an informal hearing to determine if a violation has occurred. 2. Take testimony from all interested parties. 3. Make a complete record of all proceedings including but not limited to findings of fact and conclusions of law. 4. Issue a written decision within five (5) business days of the hearing date. (d) Authority. The Hearing Officer shall have authority to affirm repeal, or modify the administrative penalty. If the violation is affirmed by the Hearing Officer, the violator shall Pay the penalty imposed within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the decision and come into compliance by the specified date given at the hearing. (e) Failure to appear. The failure to attend the hearing shall constitute a waiver of the appellant's right to a hearing and an admission of the violation. A Hearinq Officer may waive this result upon good cause shown. Examples of "good cause" are death or incapacitating illness of the accused; a court order requiring the accused to appear for another hearing at the same time; and lack of proper service of the citation or notice of the hearing "Good cause" does not include forgetfulness and intentional delay. Section S. A new, Subsection 2-191, Council review, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: (a) Request for City Council review. Anaggrieved party may obtain City Council review of the decision of the Hearing Officer by filing a written request for a hearing with the City Clerk within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the decision made by the Hearing Officer. (b) Notice The City Clerk shall mail a notice of the date time place and subiect_of the hearing to the aggrieved party, a minimum of ten (10) calendar dans in advance of the hearing The City Clerk shall also notify the issuing officer. (c) Hearing At the time of the hearing the City Council shall hear from the issuing officer, and any other parties who wish to be heard After the hearing the City Council may affirm repeal or modify the order made by the Hearing Officer: If the City Council's determination requires abatement the City Council shall by resolution fix a time within which the violation must be abated and shall provide if corrective action is not taken within the time specified the City may abate the violation The City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to the same parties required to be notified in the "Notice" section contained in City Code Sec. 2- 191 (b)o Section 6. A new, Subsection 2-192, Judicial review, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: An agqrieved party may obtain judicial review of the decision of the City Council by proceedin under a writ of certiorari in a court of appeals. Section 7. A new, Subsection, 2-193, Recovery of administrative penalties, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: 1. If an administrative penalty is not paid within the time specified it will constitute. 1. A lien on the real property upon which the violation occurred if the pronertv_or improvements on the property was the subject of the violation and the propel owner was found responsible for that violation: or 2. A personal obligation of the violator. 2. A lien may be assessed against the property and collected in the same manner as taxes as set forth in Minnesota Statute §429.101, as may be amended from time to time. 3. A personal obligation may be collected by appropriate legal means. .•i 4. A late payment fee of 10 percent of the administrative penalty may be assessed for each 30 day period or part thereof, that the administrative penalty remains unpaid after the due date. 5.During the time that an administrative penalty remains unpaid, no City approval will be T granted for a license permit or other City approval sought by the violator or for property under the violator's ownership or control. 6. If the citation is not paid and the violations are not corrected a criminal citation may be issued. 7. Failure to pay an administrative penalty and correct the violation is grounds for the suspension or revocation of a license related to the violation. 8. The City reserves the authority to use the abatement process as outlined in Chapter 42 a nuisances Section 42-6 in lieu of or in addition to the process outlined in this article. Section 8. A new, Subsection 2-194, Criminal penalties, of the Mound City Code is hereby added, as follows: 1. The following are misdemeanors punishable in accordance with _state law: (a) Failure without good cause to appear at a hearing that was scheduled under Section 2- 190; (b) Failure to pay a civil penalty imposed by a Hearing Officer within seven (7) calendar days after it was imposed or such other time as may be established by the Hearing Officer. 2. If the final adjudication in the administrative penalty appeal hearing is a finding of no violation then the City may not prosecute a criminal violation in district court based on the same set of facts This does not preclude the City from pursuing a criminal conviction for a violation of the same provision based on a different set of facts. A different date of violation will constitute a different set of facts. Passed by the City Council this day of 12016 Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Published in the Laker the of , 2016. Effective the day of 2016. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION 16 - AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF AN ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound has adopted Ordinance No. -2016 amending Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code as it relates to administrative citations; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4, allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the following summary of Ordinance -2016 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound has reviewed the following summary of the ordinance and approved its publication in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4: Ordinance -2016 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound. The Ordinance amends Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code as it relates to administrative citations. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available at City Hall and at the Mound Public Library. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk keep a copy of the entire text of the ordinance in her office at city hall for public inspection and that she post of the entire text of the ordinance at Westonka Public Library in the City. Passed by the City Council this — day of , 2016. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk R.F. • ,• WHEREAS, on December 8, 2015, the City Council approved Resolution 15-146 approving the Fee Schedule for 2016; and WHEREAS, on March 22, 2016, the City Council approved Ordinance No. _ 2016 amending Chapter 2 of the Mound City Code authorizing the use of administrative penalties for code enforcement; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. -2016 includes provisions for an administrative penalty per violation, per day after an administrative citation non-compliance is issued for non-compliance; and WHEREAS, Staff recommends the 2016 City of Mound Fee Schedule be amended to add an administrative penalty of $200.00 per violation, per day and late payment fee of 10 percent of the scheduled administrative penalty for an administrative citation. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby amends the 2016 City of Mound Fee Schedule, that was adopted by Resolution No. 15- 146, to add the following new fees: Administrative Penalties: 2-188 Administrative Citation $200.00 per violation, per day 2-188 Late Payment Fee 10 percent of scheduled administrative penalty Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2016. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Catherine Pausche, Clerk N O = 1t2IN r�O C7 d MCOOOroO(p gL Q r o z �O ON�v,�OE F- O U CL ` , m U ® UiLUQQU N N to �Mmmm ;W V Q3 N N 0 Ui !1 LL LL ll w co co 'o co co ca r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 O QO N N N N N N -) ® NMn Utoh-tom N N N N N �� C) q) L ua u� co uuomui 0 a)IX a) J.M (D JC(D � W coco'o000NO r r r r r r 0 0 O O N N N N N N c►' f` Q3 r M M to Q r N N N N N NNNNN OMt�NLO m �vl� I-LtnCD'n���' N U O 0�c� c Q o Hp . W 0 00 U Qa!i o UCai fBVUIOUO HmtQo HNCto1 FmiRN— U U C O U o z �O ON�v,�OE F- O U CL ` , m U ® UiLUQQU N N to �Mmmm ;W V Q3 N N 0 Ui !1 LL LL ll w co co 'o co co ca r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 O QO N N N N N N -) ® NMn Utoh-tom N N N N N �� C) q) L ua u� co uuomui 0 a)IX a) J.M (D JC(D � W coco'o000NO r r r r r r 0 0 O O N N N N N N c►' f` Q3 r M M to Q r N N N N N NNNNN OMt�NLO m �vl� I-LtnCD'n���' N Mound Fire t: •. City of • t January through February, 2016 Fire Alarm / False Alarm Report Fire No Date Address Alarm Type Fire Smoke CO Activity or Action Taken False Pre - Alarm veritable 4 1/3/2016 5 Ma wood Road x Nothin Found N Y N 5 1/4/2016 4 Wilshire Blvd x Fault Detector N Y 7 1/6/2016 23 Wilshire Blvd x Burnt Food N N 13 1/10/2016 214 Basswood Lane x Not in Found N Y Y 15 1/12/2016 4 Wilshire Blvd x Child ulled ull station Y 17 1/13/2016 24 Lost Lake Road x Bad Detector N Y 34 1/28/2016 21 Commerce Blvd x Waterflow N N Y 45 2/6/2106 24 Commerce Blvd x Reset Alarm Y Y 56 2/16/2016 30 Dickens Lane x Cancelled Enroute N 59 2/17/2016 26 Shannon Lane x Cancelled Enroute N -)n4a VTn Tr%T®i C hadmin\REPORTS - Fire Incident & Performance\2016 Performance Reports12016 Fire Alarm - False Alarm Reports by City MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 8, 2016 Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. OATH OF OFFICE - CITY MANAGER City Manager Eric Hoversten administered the oath to David Goode and thanked the commissioner for his service. Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners Jason Baker, David Goode, Doug Gawtry, Bill Stone, and Jennifer Peterson. Members absent: Jeffrey Bergquist, Jameson Smieja, and Pete Wiechert. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, City Manager Eric Hoversten, and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Kim Rawleigh (5000 Tuxedo Blvd), Tom Grazzini (Apple Valley), Roger Fink (St. Cloud), Kelly Josephson (4948 Edgewater Dr), Jason Parks (Big Lake), Paul Huber (1801 Commerce Blvd) APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Penner requested to table Items 7a and 7b to the next meeting when more Commissioners are in attendance. MOTION by Baker, second by Stone, to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Baker, to approve the January 5, 2016 meeting minutes as written. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 15-26 Expansion Permit 5000 Tuxedo Boulevard Applicant: Kim Rawleigh The owner has requested an expansion permit to allow a remodel/addition to her home. The project includes construction of an upper story on the attached -garage portion of the house and construction of a new entry feature. An expansion permit is required due to a non- conforming front setback on the garage portion of the house. Staff recommends approval of the expansion permit and offers findings of fact outlined in the planning report. Kimberly Rawleigh, 5000 Tuxedo Boulevard, stated that she is just asking for permission to build. Tom Grazzini, Apple Valley, MN, said that Ms. Rawleigh is building the addition herself and has the skills to do so. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Stone, to recommend approval with conditions 1-8 and findings of fact 1-5. MOTION passed unanimously. Planning No. 0 p. •: Permit 4948 EdgewaterApplicant: Jas•;, 'arks (for owner Kelly Josephso Trapp introduced the request. The applicant has applied for an expansion permit to allow multiple improvements to the property: a third level to the home, an addition to connect the house to the garage, a new entryway, and addition of a third stall to the garage. The expansion permit is needed because of the non -conforming garage setback, bluff conditions on the lake side, and the complexity of the project. Staff is recommending approval and offers findings of fact as outlined in the planning report. Kelly Josephson, 4948 Edgewater Drive, showed photographs to demonstrate what the project would look like and how difficult access is currently. A big part of the project is making visiting easier for his elderly parents. The plan is to install an elevator at a later date. All additions are within the setbacks. Jason Parks, Big Lake, MN, added that, to make it conform, the garage plan has been pushed back two feet to be sure it conforms to the 20 -foot street -side setback. There is a full set of engineering drawings and the building official has been consulted. MOTION by Stone, second by Goode, to recommend approval with conditions 1-8 and findings of fact 1-4. MOTION passed unanimously. Planning Case No. 16-02 Rezoning 1861 Commerce Boulevard Applicant: Trident Development Trapp introduced the request. Trident Development has requested a rezoning of the property commonly known as Anthony's Floral, in anticipation of construction of a senior housing development. Trapp reviewed details of rezoning requirements for the commission. She outlined the features of the land involved and how the request fits into the Comprehensive Plan guidelines. Staff is recommending approval and offered findings of fact outlined in the planning report. Roger Fink, Trident Development, St. Cloud, MN, thanked the commission and staff for being available and assisting in their efforts. He indicated that land use approvals are being sought before they close on the land. Mr. Fink gave a brief history of Trident and its business model. The proposal for Mound includes a multi -story structure with 44 units connected by a single - story structure with 20 memory care units. There is existing hazardous contamination on the site, which they are prepared to clean up with the assistance of the MPCA. The proposed design would preserve the existing wetlands. They have been in discussions with the MCWD about the preservation, restoration and use of the wetlands on the western portion of the property. Peterson asked about the closing date. Fink said that title defects are being corrected by Hennepin County courts. There has been progress, but there is no known schedule at this time. Peterson asked about the length of time to build. Fink said that, generally, building completion takes 10-12 months once the building begins. Stone asked how long 100% occupancy takes. Fink stated that each market is different. Some acquire stabilized occupancy in 18 months. Senior buildings tend to be slower (18-24 months). Others, especially in outstate areas, are more like 24-30 months. Stone wanted to know what is considered stabilized occupancy? Fink said that they usually considered that to be 93-95% occupancy. Penner asked how many employees would be involved. Fink indicated that, for a facility this size, it would employ about 20-25. Paul Huber, 1801 Commerce Blvd, asked that staff keep him abreast of the progress since they share property boundaries. Peterson asked if they moved forward with the R-3 rezoning, if it would be R-3 indefinitely. Smith confirmed that it would be R-3 indefinitely and restated that this property is not being rezoned just for this project. We are rezoning to agree with the Comprehensive Plan. Trapp added that, when we contemplate action on this property in the future, such a project will need to be consistent with both the zoning and the Comp Plan. The Camp Plan limits development to 7-12 units per acre, so whatever is planned for the future must stay within that limit. Fink added that the 2 wetlands on the westerly parcel are planned to undergo MCWD restoration. He also noted that the title issue restricts construction on a portion of that lot. Thus, even though the parcels are rezoned as R-3 it still comes with building restrictions on the westerly lot. MOTION by Goode, second by Peterson, to recommend approval of the rezoning with findings. MOTION passed unanimously. Election of Chair and Vice Chair - tabled Discussion/Action — Planning Commission Work Rules - tabled Discussion/Action — Changing March 1, 2026 regular monthly meeting Staff recommends cancellation of March 1st regular meeting due to the political caucuses and rescheduling to March 15th. MOTION by Gawtry, second by Goode, to cancel the March 1St meeting and reschedule for March 15th due to the political caucuses. MOTION passed unanimously. City Council Liaison/Staff Update a February 16th City Council / Planning Commission concurrent special meeting/workshop • February 25th appreciation dinner • Cambridge Lane applications were withdrawn • Variance for Canary goes to the City Council on February Stn MOTION by Penner, second by Goode, to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jill Norlander MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 16, 2016 A special meeting workshop of the Planning Commission of the City of Mound was held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 in the council chambers in the Mound Centennial Building (former City Hall). The purpose for the special meeting workshop was the Planning Commission annual concurrent meeting with the City Council to include review of 2015 projects and discussion about the task list for 2016. Planning Commissioners Present: Cynthia Penner, Jennifer Peterson (Council Liaison to Planning Commission) David Goode, Doug Gawtry, Jameson Smieja, Bill Stone, Jeff Bergquist and Pete Wiechert . City Council Members Present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Heidi Gesch, Ray Salazar, Jennifer Peterson and Kelli Gillispie. Staff present: City Manager/Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Community Development Director Sarah Smith and HKGI Consultant Planner Rita Trapp. • Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. •29'•T MOTION by Gawtry, seconded by Goode, to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor. MOTION carried. •, 0 / •. ., ..• c .•. Smith provided a brief development update for 2015 and stated that summaries of the Planning Commission cases and Building Permit activities for 2015 were provided. Smith also commented on the amendments to Chapter 70 related to use and activities in parks, commons, unopened streets and right-of-ways and the policy that was adopted in November by the Council related to the City's position on vacation applications and requests for release of tax forfeit parcels that abut or extend to public water. -701- Gesch inquired about the status of the administrative citation project that was discussed at the Council's budget workshop held in October. A revised draft is currently under review and Staff anticipates it will be brought forward to the City Council for consideration at upcoming meeting in March/April. Pawn shop regulations - Mound's code does not include regulations for pawn shops. Smith mentioned this could be cooperative project with the Orono Police Department. Home occupation signage - This item was evaluated a few years ago and the Council opted not to change the regulations which do not allow for signage. Discussion took place as to how many times this has come up, which is minimal. Consensus was that this is not a priority project. Review of hardcover regulations - Staff's review is that there is flexibility within the existing regulations to allow for alternative methods for hardcover review assuming that the appropriate engineering information/calculations are submitted for review by the City. Review of breweries, brew pubs, tap rooms, distilleries, cocktail rooms, etc. regulations - The Planning Commission completed a study on this topic in 2015 and a proposed ordinance amendment has been prepared. Several Staff are working on the proposed companion amendments to City Code Chapter 6 (Alcohol) along with other possible amendments. Planning Staff anticipates that proposed amendments to the City's liquor and zoning regulations will be forthcoming to the City Council/Planning Commission in the upcoming months. Expansion permits - Amendments to the City's expansion permit regulations, to include regulations for minor and major expansion permits, were adopted by the City Council on February 9, 2016. Minor expansion permit regulations allow for administrative approval. As discussed as part of the 2015 concurrent special meeting workshop of the City Council and Planning Commission, Mayor Wegscheid suggested the Planning Commission take the lead on the City's review of Comprehensive Plan as one of its projects. To date, the Planning Commission has completed informal review of Chapters 1 through 9. Some of the more significant topics that have come up during the chapter - by -chapter review include the Linear District and possible methods for public engagement to gather input for the 2040 Mound Comprehensive Plan update project. The deadline for submittal to the Metropolitan Council is December 31, 2018 and requires a minimum 6 -month review period for affected governmental units in advance of the submittal deadline. -702- Smith indicated that possible amendments the City Code to include regulations about massage centers has been suggested by the Police Department and mentioned that Staff has begun work a proposed ordinance. Discussion about the need for a study for Lakeshore lots at street ends took place. Consensus was that this is a priority project. DISCUSSION AND PRIORITIZATION OF 2016 PLANNING COMMISSION PROJECT UST Formal review/action of proposed amendments to City Code Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverage) and City Code 129 (Zoning Ordinance) related to breweries, brew pubs, distilleries, cocktail rooms, etc. Review/study of Lakeshore lots located at street ends\comprehensive plan update project ® Pawn shop study MOTION by Penner, seconded by Goode, to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. All in favor. MOTION carried. Submitted by Sarah Smith -703- -704- PAGE 12A e MARCH • Fluorescent tubes have been banned from municipal solid waste in Minnesota since 1993. 2016 -705-