JULY 11, 2006
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in
regular session on Tuesday, July 11, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers
of city hall.
Members Present: Mayor Pat Meisel; Councilmembers Bob Brown, Mike
Specht, and John Beise.
Members Absent: David Osmek
Others Present: City Manager Kandis Hanson, City Clerk Bonnie Ritter,
Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Cheryl Martin, Amanda
Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to
be routine in nature by the Council and will be enacted by a roll call vote. There
will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Councilmember or citizen
so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda
and considered in normal sequence.
1, Open Meeting
Mayor Meisel called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve Agenda
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to adjourn for 10 minutes to recognize
the Mayor's 25th Wedding Anniversary. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve the agenda. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
4. Consent Agenda
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Specht to approve the consent agenda. Upon
roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve minutes of June 27, 2006 regular meeting
B. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $612,272.35
C. Approve temporary sign permit for 2006 Our Lady of the Lake
Incredible Festival
D. Approve Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Permit for September
8, 9, & 10, 2006 for the Our Lady of the Lake Incredible Festival
E. Approve Payment Request #2 from Hardrives, Inc. in the amount
of $365,594.76 for the 2006 Street Project
Mound City Council Minutes-July 11, 2006
F. Set 2007 Budget Workshop: Aug 8, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on
the agenda.
Cheryl Martin gave arun-down of the Spirit of the Lakes Festival coming up on
July 13-16, 2006
6. Action on An Ordinance Amending Section 800 of the Mound City Code
as it Relates to Intoxicating Liquor Licenses
Direction was given to the Ritter to incorporate language referring to the fee
schedule for civil penalties, and place the ordinance and fee schedule on the
next meeting's consent agenda for action.
MOTION by Brown, seconded by Beise to table this item until July 25th. All voted
in favor. Motion carried.
7. Miscellaneous/Correspondence
A. Questions and comments from Councilmembers: Mayor Meisel brought
attention to the proposed LMCD budget and the increase proposed for
B. Reports: (none)
C. Correspondence: Resignation of PD Admin. Asst. Jeanne DeBord
Xcel Energy
8. Adjourn
MOTION by Specht, seconded by Brown to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
/~~ ~LL~~
Attest: Bonnie Ritter, City Clerk
Mayor Pat Meisel