2015-12-15 CC Meeting Minutesswe� ad
lunwwoo iay;p slaijeg idea sweJoad aoueansulsol of uolssnosi(] uo n-mopo3 g
•pam se pa;unoo aq ueo awl; gels ao;;lpajo %9Z a;eq; pa;ou pus ;o;slsuoo ueo
s;uawanoidwi Aliedoid a;enlad;eym s;sii;ey;;a�oed aq; ;o L 6 abed ;no pa;ulod suowwlS
;ua;slsuoo pus;ue;suoo ajow sl goigm sedid 6ui6e Aq pasneo sl goigm 'uogej;lgul snsjan
`mogul se o; pajja;ai aje;sn6ny pus �(lnp 'aun(';o sq;uow;am ay; o; paaedwoo goaelN
pus ' Genaga3 'Aienuep mill sq;uow tip uaam;aq smog ui eouaja;}lp eq; ;eq; pa;ou suowwlS
•sNeed eonpaa o; stasn aoi;ua o; 6ulti; sl S30lN
OS apinad o; anisuadxa Asan sl ;eq; Apoedeo sseoxe sa.nnbai s;ueid;uaw;eaj; ja;em ay; ;s
uol;en;onl; apron pies ua;sJanoH •paimbai seen ueld Niom 09L`££6$ a uagm KOZ ul uag; pus
ueld Niom ebaegoans 000`95$ a 6uulnbai LOOZ ui sem aouepaaoxa;sal; s,punow pus 9002 ui
polie;s we]6oid ay; ;eq; pa;ou suowwlS goedwl;ueoi;lu6is a seg puna6 ay; ;o uoi;ein;es
;o lana! 0141 •aouepaaoxa us;dwoid pinom s;uana idea;o puiNje14m Alloexa a;e;s o;;lnoi};Ip
SI J! os sianai a�{ei pus uol;e;ldloaad q;oq Aq pa;oedwl aae saouepaaoxa pa;e;s suowwlS
•sesodind 6umueld jo;;snbny punoie '„96jegoans„ jo ';oedwi leloueug
ay; sa;einoleo uay; pus saouepaaoxa;o seol;ou oipouad spuas S30W1e4; pa;ou suowwlS
-a6ueg0;ueogi0ls a si siy;;eq; pies pus ;sed ay; ui pesn s;uaweinseaw Ailep snSJeA
saouepaaoxa ApnoLl ay; 6uuo;luow aq UP 630W 6ulmogs wea6elp a pamoys suowwlS
;ow 6ulaq eua;uo pus splogsaag; leloueug ogloads uo poseq �pom Bull;sges affie14oins
S30W se pa;unoo aq ueo sieaa;el aamOs a;enud uo Niom'gI,OZ ui mou;ey; pa;e;s suowwlS
ogsNaoM wea oad leas;el J9MGS a;enud punon .t7
-6ululea; asuodsaa Aoua6aawa
us pa;onpuoo;uawuedap aallod ouoap aq; wa; jaiwno3 J90190 pus �oag;ueabjes
ululeal asuo s0a AOuObJ8w3 .£
-pauaeo uol;oyY -gone;
UI pa;on py •epua6e paslnaa aq; anadde o; aidsllilJ (q papuooas'jezeleS (q NOIlOW
s;uawpuawe AUe q;lm epua a pasiAaJ anoa y •Z
•wdo£:g;s japio o; 6ui;aaw ay; palleo pi9gos69M jo (elN
ugaa� W uad0 ' 6
-Aoeal }gag ';;assoa (puiS 'uosa0pad 68ao 'g;lwS geJeS 'pao}Joy4
aged{ 'jaiwno3 aMlW aaol};p 'Moag tuua>{;uee6jeS aallod ouoap 'agosned auuaq;eo saolnaaS
and;ea;siuiwpy pus aoueuld;o ao;oaalp 'uosueH Aea ;uapua;uuadnS s�joM oilgnd 'ua;sJanoH
oua ao;oaald s�aoM o!Ignd 'suowwlS ueuEj pus aauNine3 ueO sa89ul6u3 (;lp :;uasaad sway;p
•OuoN :;uesgy sjagweV4
pue 'yosao 'aldslpiJ 'jezeleS sjegwalN llounoo 'p!egosBeM jo (eVq :;uOsaad saagwaW
•we.i6oid lea;el lamas a;enud a ssnosip o; 6uipiing
leluua;uao ay; ;o sjagwego ilounoo ay; ui •w•d O£:g;e 'q l oZ 'gl. Jagwaoap ' (epsanl uo
uoissas Imeds a ui low 'e;osauuiW 'A;unoo uldauuaH 'punolN;o (;lo aq; ;o llounop Allo aql
9 LOZ 19 6-iagwaoaa
sainNIW lloNnoo Allo aNnoW
uajsaanoH •9u!} aql 6u! (ed lsnf snsaan lnlg6$ Ie palew!Isa punoN io}a!edaa an!suageidwoo
ao} lsoo pejewgse 941 Inoqe pay se p!agosbaM -siellop peipunq Ma} a Isnf aie sjaylo
1nq '000'OZ$ }o jsoo a Is luawooeldej papaau Gull 9n11-19 841 pus pea 041 wa} 10al OOZ
seen awog auo pies Aoejl 'aalenn ueolo 6u!leeil }o jsoo aqj }o asneoeq poldeooe aa6uol ou
sl ,uogni!p si uo!lnllod of uo!jnlos 841, }o eiluew s,0g eqj pus pa6uego ane4 saw!j p!es A3l?JJ
•Mann se poluasaid aq ll!M suo!ldo aayjo jegj Inq `ales }o Iu!od aqj gj!M
appop 1amaew eqj jai of aageq s! 1! (4M s! 1e14j P!es uGlsaanoH -elq!suodsai aq pinogs (aqj
(gM else pus apoo ul abuego eqj a6uai1ego ognn sluappej aannau Inoqe legM pa)ise aezele8
j! aaagM jsnf jou pus euil lejejel a ijua a41 a!edai of sluap!sai lueoui of (o!lod juawssesse
le!oads a pe}-lels (apes uaploE) •uo!loodsui dwnd dwns a euinbei Aluo sales luenbesgns
pus aj!dxa j,uop Ailua.uno salep!lpaao a41 p!es Aoejl •4ons se j! je>Ijew ueo jolleei
pus gallas aqj pus fosse us sawooeq j! 'pau!ejgo si ajeo!}!p90 aqj aouo ' lleg!u! 11 pajs!soi
sluep!saa pue s.iolleei 46noglle le41 p!es (oejl •jueiIdwoo 001, JOAO jsnf peq sa!}aadoad
000' 6 Jeno }o uogoadsui dwnd dwns a pies (oeii •ia}sue ij e41 do 6u!ploq Inogl!M ouop jab
Allenjuana smedaa agj einsua of pajeaao aq pinoo snnonse 1e41 pus s ( d ognn ajejo!p Plnogs
Ia�jew aq) jegj pajou suoww!8 • padad }o ja}sueil a of joud in000 Ism j! jegj jsnf 'a!edaa
9qj jo} s (ed o4M gallas io je (nq aqj s! I! aa410gM am jou scop AalleA uaploE pies (oeal
•juasaid si ja>iseg dwns a aaglea Inq 1! ojuj sa!ldwo alp ump ou ainsue of paloadsu! aq Isnw
su!eap cool} p!es Acleal •aoloodsul ow!1 lin} a s(oidwa Mou Inq 1-13S Wm PGIOealuoo AilelPI
(j!0 a41 •jalle pus aJo}aq 'suogoadsui posmalal oMj sapnlou! 14o!gnn le!a8wwoo ao} 09L$
pus leguep!sai jo} 09Z$ s! aa} I!wjad oqj pies (oejl •uMop 6u!woo aoi ld aqj qj!M aaow ao
01 seq Mou pue saopuan panoidde oMl ql!M Ino paVels (ellen uaPIOD pies Aoeal -nedaa eqj
aa1}e pajoadsui sau!1 aq1 ql!M Iuawpedap suo!loodsu! 6u!pl!nq (aper ueploEI (q p9nadde
aq 01 ane4 Jopuan pus Ionpoid a4j 6uilou 000`9$ 01009'C$10 Isoo 96e.19ne 041 gj!M
'6u!u!l eoeld u! aano 0N!l spoglaw angewajle bu!sn sa!edaa 6u!u!i aie siiedai Isow pies Acleal
-aouepdwob pus j!waad a jobBul li!M
je4j loafoid 96ael a ao} j!eM jo awoq a41 lies etij i!lun sl!edai Xelap sieunno awos pies (Deal
'suoiloodsui sou!i ajenud of pie6ei qj!M •s0u!i 9jenud pus o!ignd 'S30W 13106-1121 14014M
pabuoid oa g si goeoidde a!agj pus sago jag10 Isow 9N!I 'sedid opgnd uegj ad!d ajen!id
aaow gonw seq (ailen uaploE) P!es A081i POS •S30W (q pasodwi Alleued pus aouepoeoxe
us peq Aoqj uagm 90OZ aouis 1/1 6uile6ij!w ueaq seq (alien 1-1910100 pies AMI IJ98
sMJoM oilgnd AGlleA uaPloE)Deal peg qi!m V/C)
• (j!0 agj (q pal sloafoad uo!loodsu! p9ja6aej Nsu pus suo!joadsu! 6uiyodei
jlespGelunlon ep!M tl!o 'suo!loodsu! uo!1!ppe/pl!ngaa/uo!owep'suo!oadsu! ales }o ju!odl
g6nagj panaigoe aq P1noo sigj pies suoww!S •Moi}u! }o uo!Ieu!w!10 pus ti0noos!p uo IJo}}0
Iual do snoo} pus 'leMauai pus i!edai 'uo!Ie6!Isanu! paja6jej 46nagj !/! 9onpai 'sailleued
aouepaeox0 }o �su aqj aleu!w!la AlangoaMa pus 1p!dej of aie samloefgo aqj pies suoww!8
ou!ilnp wee ad Papuawwooa�I }}1318 Iuasaad •g
-suognlos elq!ssod
pus sonssi aqj puelsiepun of u!6aq A9Llj os e!paw jOgjo pus jallalsMau 941 e!n oilgnd aqj
ojeonpa of po}}a us o>iew pino4s (j!0 agj pies p!agos6eM -i!edai io} uoseei a se 1/1 apnloxe
Alleoid j sapilod aoumnsui ouil leaajel polels suoww18 •sdlaq 1! 'uoijnlos ajeldwoo aqj jou
si j! g6nogjie pies uosialed -sa11!unwwoo aol bluoud a osle si uo!lenaasuoo aaleM Iegj Inq
Jo 'uogeajl!}u! pus Mol}ui uegj ajow asn aajeM joedwi slaajeq idea Ie14j pajejs suoww!8
STOZ'ST 3ao - salnutlN puno) N!7 punow
•alege of pasn aq Alalewilin pinoo legl p1q (lipin aqj uo Alleued a 6ul6jego
to oldwexe agJ 9ne6 pue aoueiidwoo-uou jol Alleued a aq of seg aaaq; palou suowwlS
• (em to lg6u ay} of pouil aq of awog mou puejq a sailnbaa A9118A u8pio0 palou toeai
•SZ abed uo pagposap seen golgnn to ssooad
ay} 'uogoodsul ue aol peau aql ja66ii1 pinom ss000id liwaad 6ulpinq ay; palou suowwlS
uoglppy Jo pimgaz1/owa(I • 61
-saledai leguelod
to lsoo ay} sawil Z le moaose legualod pue 'uoi;eoyijjao 'Gull l0 6uisinalal 6ulpnioul 'Jai oed
agl JO tiZ abed uo pallelop seen Jegl weiboid ales to lulod leoldAl a poullno suowwlS
ales to Julod '0 L
•scull l0 6wsinalal agl aoinoslno of ao Gal a 96jego pue
asnoq-ui op of luawdmbe agl inq ll!m A1i0 ay} li aploap of peau lion AJiO agl pies suowwlS
wea dad papuawwooaH agl w sluauo woo to uanop){MS -6
-pelap ui passnosip lou sem oidol sigi
uogeuipaoo0 S30W uo alep O •g
-lsanbai uodn elgelene apew sl oapin agl pue papaau
we saledaa legM aleoipul of laodaa uolloadsui aqj uo umop� eaaq a sl ejagl palou (oejl
e col 6ugiem uegl jaglea 11 xl pue welgojd a sl aaagJ li mouM of angueoui ue soleajo wei6oid
ales to lulod agl pe1OU ualsaanoH •tienjgad ui uolssnoslP dn-Moiloj posodad aq} jo}
elgelene aq pinogs 11 legl P91ou ualsaanoH •pawed uo13oW -aonel ui paJon py •uollewJolul
luaiano aaow Jab of jjels loanp of 'iezeleS Aq papuooas 'piagos6aM Aq NOliOW
•punoW of paiedwoo S30W o; suolloauuoo loGUlp nnal Aaan seg (apes uapio0 legl palou
suowwlS -Juawssesse aql op of anuguoo jjels loanp of spaau louno0 aql lnq 'suogels
1111 S30W awos pue suoilels 111 hli0 col olgelene si elep ay} pies suowwlS • (pnls 1/1 LOOZ
e pamogs suowwlS uagan uogewaolui luaiano aaow aol pamse iezeles •a�el aqj of Al!wixoad
pue Tools 6ulsnoq to o6e aqj gl!M anbiun s1 punolN se Joe of sailp jaglo col 6uil!em isule6e
suiem ags pies gosa0 •paimbai aq lllnn uo13oe JegM pue u013ewi0lul agl gl!M op of Jegnn gl1M
ueld a aneg of aq pion Aa>l agl pies ualsJanoH -ales to lulod Algissod pue builiodai tielunlon
gl!M bu1liels of uolllppe w leoguo aq lino uoileonpa olgnd palels pue paai6e piagosbaM
-wei6ad agl lno 6ulloa to Alisualui pue paads aqj Jnoge pouiaouoo s1 eqs pies uosielad
•passasse sena 96aegoans
900Z agl aouls jean( a uollw a of uolllw % palsanui seg fallen u9plo0 •(pelulea pue
elep jalem punoa6 algejedwoo uo poseq) weiboad agl of joud Juana g00Z aqj u1 E6 'SA 6.6
SEM 6 6OZ ul Juana aellwis a palou (oeal pue eouauadxa alagJ col (oeii poMse Plagos6eM
•elgelene sl elep
agl l! pouno0 levy agl else lliM AGgj ples suowwlS pue ualsaanoH •Goeld u1 sem aouepaeoxe
pnog agl l! poped lsel aqj col ueaq aneg pinom 96aegoans aqj legnn pai se aldsill!J
•196pnq S30W aqj to ajegs ja6ael a lab of anulluoo llp 1/1 ssaippe lou op legl
sailp Jegl palou pue 196pnq buileaado s,louno0 lata agl aleoole of elnwaol agl paquosap
STOZ'ST dap — sa;nuiA puno0 NI:) punoIN
Mound City Council Minutes — Dec 15, 2015
12. City-wide Voluntary/Self Reporting
Simmons referred to page 26 of the packet and Hoversten mentioned the $250K buy down
of MCES surcharges, subject to funds available in the budget, could be used to match funds
(also see page 8 of the packet).
Tracy said Metro Cities is setting up a committee on 1/1 which he and possibly Hoversten will
participate on. Tracy said Metro Cities lobbies very hard to get grant funds allocated to 1/1.
Hoversten said it is key to have language in the Code to support these initiatives to ensure
the City can compete in the competitive grant process. Tracy said most of the grant funds
were used in the point of sale program and some in the pavement management program.
Peterson said it may deter people from selling aging homes and delaying improvements.
Tracy said 50% of improvements up to a certain amount are eligible for grant funds and the
rest can be assessed.
Hoversten said the only funds available right now are the pay or play surcharges, which is
approximately $250K per year of City money. Hoversten recommended going after the
bigger problems, which is a combination of very specific property data and modeling data
that helps to target problem areas. Hoversten noted the state grant cycle is biennium and
that there was no private grant funding for the current biennium. Hoversten said it is
important to get the pieces in place during the interim. Hoversten said inflow happens near
the foundation and infiltration happens between the house and the sewer connect.
Hoversten said many lines go from the house to the sewer line near the lake, some of which
fall below the high water mark of 929, which will also need to be analyzed.
13. Risk Targeted Inspection Projects
Simmons noted potential sources (pages 20 — 21 of the packet) to create additional funds
available to address 1/I. Page 22 has a potential timeline and Wegscheid reiterated the
need to address the worst areas first. Simmons agreed that the model map will be updated
to prioritize the highest risk areas (pages 33-34 of the packet).
14. Next Steps
MOTION by Gillispie, seconded by Gesch to have staff to prepare proposed Code changes
for the Council to consider. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Wegscheid said he is in favor and knows other cities will need to incorporate similar
measures, but that he wants to ensure this is done methodically and is well thought out.
15. Adjourn
MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Gillispie, to adjourn at 8:40pm.
Mayor Mark Wegscheid
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk