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1979-03-27 CC Agenda Packet
CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota CM 79-99 CM 79-95 CM 79-97 CM 79-103 CM 79-107 CM 79-104 CM 79-105 CM 79-106 CM'79-108 CM 79-94 CM 79-98 CM 79-100 CM 79-101 CM 79-96 CM 79-102 AGENDA Mound City Council March 27, 1979 City Hall 7:30 P.M. 1. Minutes Pg. 790-799 2. public Hearing - Delinquent Utility Bills Pg. 788-789 3. Commercial Dock Permits A. Dock Permit - Lots 1, 2 & 3, Halstead Heights Pg. 784-787 4. Fortune Teller's License Pg. 779-783 5. Preliminary Report - Sewer & Street - Inverness Road 778+ 6. Tax Forfeit Land A. .Lots 17 and 18, Block 14, Seton pg. 775-777 B.. Lot 3, Block 2, Wychwood pg. 774 C. Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point Pg. 773 D. Lots 12 + 13 and 23, Block 26, Wychwood pg. 772 E. Lot 17, Block 2, Shad~ood Point Pg. 767-771 7. Fire Truck Specifications Pg. 745-766 8. Sewer & Water Rate Study Pg, 744 9. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present 10. Delinquent Utili~~ Bills Pg, 742-743 11. Garbage & Refuse Collection Licenses pg. 741 122 Front End Loader Tires Pg, 740 13. Cooperative Agreement Pg. 734-739 14. Payment of Bills 15. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 729-733 16. Committee Reports Pg. 800 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL March 20, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennep~n County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on March 20, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swenson, Benjamin Withhart and Robert Polston. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp and Acting City Clerk Marjorie Stutsman. Councilmembe[ Ulrick was excused. WATER AND SEWER RATE STUDY INTERVIEWS Interviews were held with the following: 7 p.m. William Crabb of Black & Veatch, Kansas Cit~, Missouri 8 p.m. Kent Lande and Dale Swanson of Kirkham, Michael and Associates of the their Minneapolis Office 9 p.m. George Boyer of Eugene Hickok Associates, Wayzata, Minnesota (Also to be working with him would be Stan Hofstad of Pfeifer and Schultz, HDR, Inc.) After the representatives had made their'presentations, the City Council asked various questions regarding the company, studies they had done for similar sized cities, what would be covered in their study, time table, compiling of data, etc. Put on March 27th agenda. Items discussed after the interviews: Information Memorandums 79-24 - Tonka Discharge'Permit 79-25 - Tax Forfeit Land (No objections from Council) Council Memorandum 79-96 - Front End Loader' Tires - Will approve March 27. Also d.iscussed: Bus Garage Site CBD Development along Shoreline Beachside Land Sewerage from Minnetrista The Mayor directed the City Manager to send ~ letter to the County to hold up action on tax forfeit land - Lot 20 and Part of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision i70 and also Lots 28 to 31, incl., The Bartlett Place Upper Lake Minnetonka. The Mayor also directed the City Manager to go forward on appraisal on garage site and split cost of appraisal i.f possible. The Mayor directed the City Manager to write another letter to Dougherty and the Sewer Board of Metropolitan Councll regarding line from Minnetrista. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion to adjourn to the next re§ular meeting on March 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Marjorie Stutsman, Acting City Clerk CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 26, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-109 SUBJECT: Addendum to Council Memorandum 79-94 Fire Truck Specifications Attached are missing and corrected pages of the Fire Truck Specifications sent out on Friday. These should replace the same numbered pages. 'SPECIFICATIONS ~:~.~J~. ~AL CONDITIONS: The.se. spe~lflcaulons contemplate the,..fui-nishing the delivery of one (1) 100 foot aerial to~.,ler %,;itt a' 15D0 ~P~4 pump '~,,~ith hose bed and a 300 gallon stainless steel 'tank, with a hose bed on each side to provide for 150 feet of 1% inch hose with a five men cab forwarcl canopy cab design. The tower shall be of a suitable construction allowing u~ao3_!ity as an aerial ladder. :his apparatus shall be equipped with all the attachments and auxiliary equipment necessary to place it in operating.c°nditi°n ready for ser~ vice. Ail items not specifically mentioned but wn_ch .are necessary in order to furnish a complete apparatus, shall conform to the best practices known in up-to-date automotive fire apparatus design. The ~ unit shall be supplied with all items required by law governing such' equlpm~nu. It shall also comply with the regulations specified by the National Board of Fire Underwriters for equipment of this size and type. .. _GN: - . The apparatus shall be constructed ~_~h due consideration to the nature and distribution of the load -to be sustained and to the general char- acter of the service to which the apparatus is to be subjected when placed in service. All parts of the apparatus, shall be strong enough' -to withstand tn~ general service under full load. The aooaratus shall · be so designed that the various parts are readily accessible for lub- rication, inspection, adjus~..ent and repair. The apparatus shall' com- ' ply with all applicable state motor vehicle laws.. ~here special tools, which are not normally used or available, are re- quired to service any components of the apparatus built or supplie~ by the manufacturer, such tools shall be provided %vith the apparatus. ~ARRYING CAPACITY: The apparatus shall be so designed and the equipment so mounted with 'due consideration to distribution of load between front and rear axles~. that a full complement of hose, equipment, and equivalent personnel will be carried without injury to the apparatus. The fully laden weigh-t of the completed vehicle with full complement of hose equip- ment and equivalent personnel loading shall not exceed the manufacturers 'g.v.w. rating for the model, nor shall the total load on each axle e×- ceed the rating of' the axle manufacturer. D~uro~t Diesel or approved equal rate~ at The engine shall be a 8V-71 ~'~ ' 350 horse power at 2300 R.P.f4. The engine shall be capable of perform- lng all te~us herein specified without exceeding the certified governhd s,?_~d.o.~ the engine, The engine shall demonstrate its ability to de- l~ver 10% more power than require~ to pump rated capacity at rated pres- sure. This shall be done without exceeding the ¢ertified governed spued of the engine. An e:~.-~3mne governor shall be install, cd which will limit uh,-: ~ ...... d of the · ?/3 x,~8 engine shall be _ ~c~sn~ element meavy duty oil - ~ ..... s..,al! be comprisee . O D~Ox._O ~.~ The 'coo!iD~ shall "09 adoquat~ to maintain a +~,~m,.~r~u,e--~ A~ ,~ of th-~ cooling ths~osta2 shall b.~ installed. The ra~ato~ shall be so mount-sd as . not 2o d~v~lop any leaks d_ue to omdina~y ~unni~ and operating. Auto- ers seat. Adequate drain cocks shn!l, ba ~n~]~,~ ' · signed as not to open ' ~ ' D~no 'do~s no~ come in contact '=' ~-~ wu_'u~ one coolan'h in ~ and doss not discharge on 'the g~o~nd. This auxi!ary cooler shall bs eguiPpsd it shall be possible to ad~ water to the i,a'diato~~ fz'o~ th~ fire pumps ~hil~pu...p_n~ ~ .- %~m%hout' ~un~-e~" ~-~_ assure building mn' the radiator and cO. withou~ pump.. . The lubricati~g, syste~ Sha!l ba of force zee~ ~yo:s with positive pres- sure !ub=__cau_~n to a!l vital journals and baarlngs. 'shall 'o~ mo:an%~ om the dash amd p~p panel. The oil fill ~ipe shall bo convonim~b!y.located and !~g~ enough, to ~=~~a~ a easy fiiliag of oil r~servoi2~ ~h~n truck is ag a sta~.dsti!l ,~ith ongin~ runnip~ ab full pmovid~d'. Lubr~ca%~on of chassis shall be a]em~te system and any f~tt~ng that accessible shall have the f[tt~n~ extended .to some accessible piece and D}ate w;th labels - for each fitting. ' · - Th~ fu~l sy's~em shall 'oe of 'bh~ cc~msrcia!iy acceptsd in.jector t,/pa c6ra- pl~s ~ith neco~a~y zz~5~s ....... ~=~ ~= · - shall D~ provzd~a. Tho CuD! ~s shall be so !oce_t~d as not to bs sub- shall be pro~sgted fro~ ra~.char~ca! xnju~s Suitable valv~s~ f~s~ and drain~ '~h:~l] bo !msia!lsd on tbs fuel iin.3 inclu~ling a ~oammenm ~rao -~zith -,memorable (7) · Al! join'hs shall be seamed and soldered or or welded or rlv.~ued and soldered One or more swash Partitions shall .be installed A suitable ven't opening and means, for draining directly from %he tank shall be provided. The tank fill opening shall be not less than 1~ inches in diameter. Tank and fill piping shall be so placed as to be protected from mechan- ical injury, and not be exposed to heat from exhaust or other source of ignition, and so located that appartus can be filled with0ut having to raise ]adder to add or re[ue] apparatus. ~.ECTRICAL: The electrical .system and devices associated.therewith shall be install- ed in accordance with the best modern practices for the type of service 'required. Alternator, starting device, ignition destribut0rs and ignition coils shall be of waterproof type, accessibly moun~ed and protected against excessive heat. All electrical wiring shall be installed in suitable conduits or race- ways.., t';iring shall be color coded in raceways or conduits to facili- tate the .tracing of circuits. Ail electrical circuit wiring shall be made with standard conductors - of a carrying capacity commensurate with the anticipated maximum cir- cuit loading with insulation in accordance with the recommended stan- dards of the Society of Automohive Engineers for such loading at the potential employed. Overall covering Of conductors shall be of weath-- er proof 'hype. Ail connecting shall be made with lugs or terminals mechanically secured to the conductors. Wiring shall be thoroughly secured.in place and suitable protected against heat, oil and physical injury where required. All wir|ug shall be copper conductors to feathers asd copper w[re. Circuits shall be provided with suitable overload protective devices. such devices shall be readily accessible and protected against ex- [cessive heat, physical injury and water spray. An alternator, Leece-Neville, or egual, 1~0.. ampere rating, 12 volt shall be supplied and installed. It shall be equipped.with a tran- sistorised regulator of a size comparable to the alternator supplied. Batteries' shall be ~o 12 volt 220 ampere batteries to form two sep- ~arahe 12 volt systems, located in an enclosed compartment on sliding trays 'ho provide for each checking 'or replacement. Batteries shall be securely mounted and adequately protected against physical injury, water spray, and engine and exhaust heat.' The battery compartment sh~ll be adequately ventilated; it shall be acid proof with an epoxy or equivalent coating on the interior.' Suitable switching arrange- ments will be furnished by which: 1. Either battery may be used: A. For starting and lights alone, or B. For starting alone or; 2. Doth bather]es may be used simultaneously in s'harhing; Neither the ng wiring nor the starting t shall be connected tO bo~h batteries except when both starter swi'tches are'operated. 4. The alternator shall be connected to supply the batteries. .which are being used for lights and/or starting. 5. There shall be a master switch to disconnect all electrical connections when truck is not in use. 6. There shall be ~6"('1) battery condition gauge mounted on dash. An electrical starter shall be provided. It~ characteristics shall be such that when operating under maximum load, the current draw will not introduce a voltage drop sufficient to adversely affect function of.the electrical equip- ment. The starter shall be operated'through solenoid switches. Lights as follow are to be installed: Two underhood engine lights with'automatic switches. Six red flashing', two each side, cab front mounted and one each si'de, side mounted. Two floodlights, cab roof mounted, facing rear of.apparatus, chrome. ~wo lights to illuminate pressure gauges and pump operators' panel. Two, 360 degree rotating red lights, side rear mounted, chrome. Two high powered swivel spotlights, clear lens, substantially mounted on wind- shield corners with inside cpntrol cables... Two beacon ray light, Federal Beacon Ray Model 175, two'red and two clear, with clear cover, mounted as high as possible so as to be seen from all sides. One, Mars #888, front center cab recessed mounted, chrome, Minnesota ~lass A turn si'gnals. Light in shape of arrow amber on front, to be recessed if possible in front and shall be recessed in the back. A separate flasher switch shall flash turn lights simultaneously. 'Two large sealed beam h~adlights, ~djustable. High and low beam foot switch tO be mounted on floor on left side. Two tail l~ghts, two 6 inch stop lights, and.running lights to conform to Minne- sota State Highway regulations shall be provided. Switches for all lights shall be mounted on one panel on dash and individually labeled. lwo back-up l~ghts, 6'inch automatic,'white, Shall'be. installed in the rear,'pan~ls to adequa, tely illuminate the area to the rear of the truck. All compartments shall have aut'omatic lights including the cab glove comparti~ent. A light, together with an audible warning device shall be installed in the drivers compartment with two switches moun'ted on the rear of the truck so'that the driver may be signalled when backing the vehicle; or to warn him of any danger when re- 'versing direction. All garages and other' standard equlpmen in the cab shall be adequately lighted. Audible warning equipmentl 1 consist of one Q2B model zra] siren with two (2) switches to operate siren, one foot switch, floor mounted by right passanger door and the other to be a horn switch on steering post with brake switch, mounted on the dash. Twin air horns shall be mounted on top of cab. No locks with removable keys will be allowed. VEHICLE COMPONENTS: Servics and parking br=..as shall b~ ~ ~ -~--~ ~ _n~e~_.~,on~ and ssparat~ ~.~ b~a~.~ shall b~'~ ~ '~ ~'~-' ~'~~~ ~ iOW air ._ a~ ,~a~_ have back seat oraxe' ' itivo~ 'mae~za!!y actua¢~ ti, ps ;;i%h provision for ~o~u~.~ly holing z'oq~__.~.~:~ sar~x~a brakaa shall bo capabls of. ~.~ .......... noa~ in a ......... o ...... ~ ' .- msasu~,~ou~; on a subs'bantial~,r' loose material> oq~ or ~saso. Thc 'initial ~' ' ' naa of rna spsed~eter on ~as ,"=' ~ "~ in ~=~{'=-~ ' - -~' ' and parkir~ b~ake ~-o.~' ~ ~-. 'h:~- ~.a .... ---a~.~"~v shall tbs .vehicle .is perfo~ing any ~' ' ' ' ' o~ its 6.eszgq~d s'bationm~y func'cions intended .... ~ o~d. Rear tlr.aa a;?o to be of ~ud~ a~d.. anew :~-~,,p~, The front ~(aeels shall ~a.'s-l~ ~e ' t;,o rea~ shall 'be dual ~-~ ~ ' ~_~ appa~a~an shall not empty a ...~, .~cm load bearing tire. of ~ ' ¢..~6m~ graat- o~ than !0~ in excss~ of fha rs~c~snasd.., ldad ~'~_~ t~'u~''_ -= tiros in,nzgm-' ' ' ~,~p ....... ~ .... ~ ax!-3.~ all move- ~?~out ~xl~ sh~.!l b~) of o~tra h~a~;;/ on{ b~am t3rpa-- 'bo ,-~{.._~',,ao~'-~a.~..,~ road ..... a.t~ have a ~.,an,~ .,,,_,~_~ ~a~,:.v, capaclgy 0.[' ,;~ ~o,~ ......... O~,O ................... o.~ -- ~ ............ ~ ....... ~~2. '"-~'~ ~!0~ at t~ n ~4 -o77 '>~'-= ~:~,:w~-- '" ~'.~ .... -,--'~' i~ '~i'~ i;:'ilo!c.'~z' "~--~'~*,-~' .n ..... -, ~ ~0~ ~0 O~i~?~r ~-z-.~ U O~ "~ O't '' ' ,._o.,:.~o~ on _.~--~ ..... Or ...~--- C~u;=~,.~ ~3omlor :~n~TM ~h~ Bidders please note above mentioned hose. specifications do not for the supplying of Step'plates shall be provided on top and front side of rear fenders and on body where needed. Also provide step plates on tip of rear bumper on each side. All steps shall be suitably braked and be of heavy gauge metal with non-skid safety surface. Minimum width of' rear steps shall be not less than 18 inches measured from back 6-f body. Running boards shall be non-skid steel, 20 .gauge metal or heavier, as wide as space will permit amd to extend in length as close to fEont and rear as practical. Apparatus body, all compartments and doors, to be m~de of 12 gauge steel. Tubular reail' is to be used on the top of the body sides, and extended full length of the body. The compartment doors is to be of the double panel type with recessed handles. Compartments are to have not less than 150 cubic feet of storage area. The auto- matic lights in all compartments shall be connected with a tattle tale light on the dash board.' The wide type cab is to be 20 inch minimum jump seats, to provide seating for five men, three in front and two in the rear. The drivers seat is to be separate and ad- justable. All seats shall be upholstered in black, best grade naugahyde, with foam cushions. The cab floor is to be finished diamond tread plate flooring. Cab doors of ample size for easy access to the driving compartments shall have adjustable wind vents and roll down windows each side. Full width kick plates, 3 inches in height, shall be install:ed below the doors to prevent damage to the finish on the side panels. 'There shall"be a'sliding glass partition b~tween the front and rear sections of the cab. Chrome plated hand rails shall be installed:at the entrance to the cab and'to the rear seats.on each side. The two rear 'facing seats will not have a back rest and will be so placed as to allow a hanging air pac behind occupant. Space for a 2-way radio installation shall be available under or behind the front seat. A radio is not a part'o'f this bid and shall be supplied by others. The cab shall be equipped with the following: 1.' Dual'sun visors. .. 2. Two speed positive action electric windshield wipers. . 3-' Dome lights over front and rear seats. Dome light~ over rear seats to be shaded to prevent light reflections on the windshi~l'd. 4. T~o rear view west coast mirrors approximately 6" x 15" size, chrome plated, shall be mounted on the outside of the cab.. 5. A minimum of 30,000 B.T.U. fresh air intake type heater*with windshield defrosters ..... -.. .'.-- .. 6. A hinged instrument panel so that it can be raised at least 8 inches on cab .dash, ahead of. the driver, raised for good visibility, shall be installed ' ' with the oil pressure gauge, the water tem~eratore gaoge, foel gaoges, am- mete'r, speedometer and tachometerr The tacometer shall show R.P.M. as well as total engine miles and engine hours. The speedometer shall have an odo- meter as part of the unit. 7. The inside of the' cab shall be insulated and lined with metal or o~her durable n~aterial. The cab shall be soundproofed at least to the extend of keeping out engine and traveling noises that interfere with radio trans- mission and reception. 8. Engine hood shall be made with aluminum treadplate, with top and sides individually removable. All bright metal and fittings shall be heavily plated with chromium. which are to be chrom plated shall first be copper plated. Iron fittings All exposed metal s, inside and out, not ilated or polished, shall be thoroughly ¢l~aned and prepared and shall be painted in fire coach color. Base co,,ts shall be thoroughly brushed in or sprayed on. All icregularities i.n painted surfaces shall be rubbed down before the application of the finishing ·coats. The color of the truck shall be Hack Red, #34G9-1973 Hack Fire Truck Red. Bidder to specify brand and supply color samptes. Decorative work and lettering t6 be hand l~ttered in gold leaf, artistic in design and execution. Lettering is to be not. less than five (5) inch gold leal'shaded letters, placed as directed by the Mound Fire Department. ROAD TESTS: ; : Acceptance tests on behalf of the purchaser sba1'1 be as prescribed an~ conducted prior to delivery or within 10 days after'delivery, by. the manufacturer's repre- · sentative in the presence of such person or persons as the·purchaser may designate. The apparatus, loaded with a full complement of hose and men, shall meet the tests on paved roads, dry and in good condition. The tests shall be on the basis of two runs, in opposi, te directions over the same route, the engine not operating in excess of the manufacturer's full':load maximum'rpm. From a standing start through, the gears the v~hicle shall attain a true speed of 35 mph within 30 seconds. From a steady speed of 15 mph in direct drive, the v'ehicle shall accelerate to a speed of 35 mph within 30 seconds. The vehicle shall attain a true speed of not less than 60 mph. it shall be able to b~ck up a 20% grade. -' The vehicle shall d'emonstrate ability of the Parking brake to hold the vehicle in position on a 20 percent grade, while performing any designated stationary function. 'The ability of'the braking system shall be demonstrated by bringing the vehicle to a complete stop from an initial speed of 20 miles per hour in a distance not ex- ceeding 30 feet by actual measurement on a hard surfaced road that is substantlally free from loose material, oil or grease. The initial speed may be approximated by " use of the speedometer on the vehicle. The vehicle shall be i~spected for compliance with an applicable state motor vehicle laws. FIRE PUMP: 'The fire pump 'shall be a 1500 gal'Ion's per,minute, single stage double suction voldme pump and shall deliver the percentage of rated discharge as follows: 100% of rated capacity at 150 P.S.I. net pump pressurei . 70% of rated capacity at 200 P.S.I. net pump pressure; 50% of rated capacity at 250 P.S.I. net pump pressure. When dry, pumps shal! be capable of taking suction and discharging with a lift of 10 feet .in not more than 30 seconds through 20 feet of suction hose of appropriate size. The engine shall demonstrate its ability to deliver 10% more power than re- quired to pump rated capacity at the rated pressures. Thi'_. test shall bc~, (tone without exceeding the maximum no load governed speed o'f the engine. ... , 7. The pump shall be y designed in'acCordance good modern practice. It shall have bronze impellors on stainless steel shafts, mounted on bali bear- ings. It shall have a minimum number of packings; packings will be the ad~ust- able type and Feadily accessible. Pump ·shall be self lubricating ¢'rom oil re- -.servoirs, Qr such other methods that will insure proper lubrication':]nder severe · fire service. -The pump will be heated, with pan and cover, to avoid freezing in cold weather. The primeE must be an integral part of the pump and shall be used for priming the fire pump ably. It shall be capable of developing a vacuum of 22 inchas and hold vact]um with a drop not in excess of one inch in 10 minutes. The primer shall be of such type tO func'tio~ effeciently at all times at engine speeds not exceeding the certified governed speed. The primer shall be capable of performing tests herein described. The fire pump. and all:compartments holding water shall have suitab'le valves or cocks, operated by lever or valve extension handles on the outside of the frame or body for handy operation, to permit drain- age in cold weather. The pump shift lever shall be so designed as to quickl'y and easily place the pump in operation. The lever or other device Shall be marked to indicate when in pump- ing position. All levers us~cl in connection with pumping operations shall be pro- vided withpositive catches or other devices ~hich will prevent them from being jarred or knocked out of position. ~ Means shall be provided for controlling pressures at the pump either through an automatic relief valve or a pressure regulator controlling the Speed'of the pump. These shall be of such size and design that when not more than 10 psi high than pump working pressure, there will not be an increase in pump pressure greater than 30 psi when discharge lines are shut slowly; the device shall perform satisfactorily when pumping rated capacjty at any pump working pressure over 75 psi. The means provided shall be controllable by one man in the pump operator's position. All pump connections, outlets and inlets, sh~ll'have American National Standard fire hose coupling threads. -. Suction inlets shall have ·centers not more than four feet above the ground with a removable or accessible strainer provided inside each inlet. Pu~p.shall have ~wo six inch suction inlets, one on each:~ side of the appartus. Four (4) discharge 'outlets of 2-1/2 inch size shall be bail valves inst~lled, each wit.h a drain cock or valve of.3/4 inch diameter for draining hose lines. Two of these outlets shall be on-ei.ther side ofthe apparatus. All these outlets shall'have ball type valves 'and locking handles. All valves are to be operated from pump operators panel a-nd .shall be readily opened ~gainst full pump pressure~ Caps shall be supplied on all Openings. C6nnections's-hall be installed to tHeelevbted platform as specified. 'Fhe pump operators position shall be located on the left side approximately fifty four (54)~inches from the ground leve~. All controls and devices shall, insofar as possible, be visible and readily accessible'to one man at the pump operator's posit~on.' Adequate illumin.ation shall be provided for night o.pe~ation. A plate shall be provided which gives the rated discharges and pressures together with the rpm of the engine as determined by the manufacturer's performance test for each unit and the governed speed of the engine as stated by the engine manu- facturer on a certified brake horsepower curve. 'The plate shall be completely stamped with all information at the factory·and attached to tt~e vehicle prior to shipping. A hand throttle, controlling the fuel supply to the engine and of a type that will positively hold its set position, shall be so located that it ca~ be manip~lated from the operating position with' all gauges in full view. All gauges and inst ~nts sh~ll be so located as readily visible from the pump operator's position, They shall be so mounted that they are not sub- ject to excessive vibration and shall not be connected to the pump by rigid piping. They shall he fully enclosed and protected from freezing by hot air type heater. The pumper shall be equipped with one suction gauge, not .less than 3-1/2 inches'· in diameter, reading from 30 inches of vacuum to at least 300 psi pressure, but not more than 600 psi pressure; and one discharge gauge 'not less tha~ 3-1/2 inches in diameter,'of a type not subject to damage by vacuum and [6adln9 from O to at 'least 300 psi pressure, but not more than 600 psi pressure. Gauges to be pro- vided with 1/2 inch standard pipe thread connections. Two plugged 1/4 inch stand- ard pipe thread connections for test gauges, one on the pressure side and oqe on the suction side of the pump, shall be readily available at the pumper operator's position. Pump gauge connections shall be so located as not to indicate false pressure readings. One.A-W pressure-compufer to be mounted on pump panel. Th~ discharge outlet, pressure gauges, one fOr each 2-1/2 inch di'scharge, and one for the elevated platform, reading t~ approximately 600 .psi shall be provided. Discharge gauges are to be of.a type not subject to damage, by'vacuum. A suitable needle shut-off-valve.shall be installed in each connection tube and a drain cock provided for each gauge. This arrdngement is-to permit obtaining a discharge pressure reading at each hose line with throttled or wide open gate valves. All gauges are to be labelled and be of uniform size. A readily accessible permanently attached tachometer at the'pump operator's pos- ition shall indicate the speed at which the engine is operating when driving the pump. Provisions shall also be made by ~eans of which, readings of the permanently attached tachometer may be checked with hand revolution counter; these provisions shall' be readily and conveniently accessible and shall not involve disconnecting the above permanent tachometer. The speedometer shall register miles per hour. ~he equivalent of total engine mileage shall be indicated by either the speedometer or tachometer, engine hours also. An oil pressure gauge shall be located a't the pump operator's panel in addition to the'gauge on the instrument panel. Other gauges to be mounted at the operator's panel shall be a fuel gauge showing' relative level of fuel in tank, and an engine temperature gauge. Lights shall be provided so as to properly read gauges. ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENT: The compl.eted vehicle shall be thoroughly run in by ~he manufacturer before being f' · delivered. A responsible representative of the manufacturer shall certify on a test date sheet.provided at the time of delivery that the vehicle has been oper- ated for a minimum of four (4}' hours of pumping at draft'and that the unit has pUmped rated capacity at 150 psi net pump pressure for at least one hour, 70'per cent or ra'ted capacity at 200 psi net pump pressure for at least'l/2 hour and 50 per cent of rated capacity at 250 psi net pum? pressure for at least 1 hour and has complied'with the provisions that the engine has demonstrated its ability to deliver 10% more power than reqtl~red to pump. rated capacity at rated pressure; this being done without exceeding the maxim~m no load governed speed of the eng. ine. L~GHTS AND DEVICES There shall be all standard vehicle lights, headlights, taillights, running lights, etc., to conform with the State of Minnesota and DOT regulations. There' shall be a master cut-off switch for platform operation at base control, turntable c0ntroi and in platform control. 'Two 110 voit outlets in platform (20 amp. hospital ~ype) One 12 volt spotlight mounted on platform. Lights at up,er and 'lower control stations. One 360° flasher mounted on bottom of platform. Two red revo1vin9 1. ights at rear of ladder arches (Federal Model 14). Two/four sequential lights in chrome h~usings front of cab. Two sealed beam spotlights in cab or truck, inner controlled. Three'red marker lights on rear of platform,'below door. Two sealed beam loadin9 li9hts. Two 8" combination tail/stop li9hts at rear. Two lights mounted on.base of main boom, 900. Two. red blinker lights, at rear, 8" above taillights. Marker li9hts on c~6 and body sides as per Federal ~egulations. Two 7" back-up li9hts, clear, controlled.by the transmission reverse 9ear position. Compartments have automatic li9hts with dash mounted d~or-ajar lights. Two underhood lights. Master cut-off, switches on both batteries. Red blinkin9 li9hts on jack extensions. One Federal Q2B siren mounted left front-.bumper apron, one Federal PA20 with dual chrome speakers mounted on roof. One floodlight mounted on platform (Muscatine Model ML-500) with associated 110 Volt wirin9 to 9enerator compartment. Four 110 volt outlets 60 amP':hospi'ta] .type)located near each corner of the ladder bed and wired to the 9enerator compartment. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT The followin9 optional equipment shall be separately priced in the vendor's bid. Breathing air sy~ tower. 5000 watt generator (Onan) with Flo Pack mountedand wired in c0mpartm~nt. 800 ft. of 4" Storz supply line with one set of hydrant and truck adapters. 600 ft. of 2-1/2" double jacketed, cotton fire hose, stamped an~ dated, NST, pyrolite couplings. '350 ft. of 1-1/2" double jacketed, cotton fire hose, stamped and dated, NST, pyrolite couplings. Three 1-1/2" NST adjustable nozzles (Akron Turbojet). One Stokes stretcher. One 2-1/2" NST adjustable nozzle (Akron Turbojet). Two explosion-proof exhaust fans (Supervac 16"). Two pump inlet to 4" snaptlte adapters. Two 2-1/2"x 2-1/2"x 2-1/2" NST clappered siamese (Akron Style 262). :Two complete sets - spanner wrenches, hydrant wrench and mounting plate - Akron. Four.MSA 30 minutes air pack pressure demand type with air tanks. Four liSA 30 minute air tanks. Set of 2 hose bridges, model RttB-4D Ziamatic, for 4" hose, rbbber type. FINISH: All exposed metal surfaces not chrome plated or'polished shall be thoroughly cleaned-and prepared. To prevent eorrosion and to insure bonding of primer, body shall be washed under pressure by a phosphatizin9 system. All irregul- arities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed down b~fore the application of the finishing coats. Finish coat'shall be Dupont #3469-1973 Mack Fire Truck Red 'to match existing Fire Department apparatus. Both cab and body shall be painted and all removable items, i.e., Wheels, brackets, compartment doors, etc., shall be removed and painted separately to insure finish paint behind mounted items.. Body assemblies that cannot be finish painted upon assembly'are to be finish painted before assembly. All'seams.are to be caulked. Gold l~af striping per Fire Department specifications as follow, s: One (1) gold leaf stripe each Side. MOUND FIRE DEPT. #17 'Any deviations from these specifications either over or under specifications must be li~ted and explained on a separate sheet and included with proposal. Brackets and mountings for miscellaneous equ. ipmen[ that require permanent'fasten~ lng to apparatus must be provided, However, the individual items i.e., axes, lanterns, extinguishers etc. must be individually priced or deleted and so noted on bid. (19) - LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2. 3. 4. Regular Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 1979 Gray Freshwater Biological Institute Navarre, Minnesota Call to Order Roll Call AG E N DA (~" Minutes: February 28, 1979 Treasurer's Report A. Monthly Financial Report B. Bills Committee Reports A. Water Structures & Environment Committee '(1) Public Hearing Reports (a) Woodend Shores Beach Assn. Variance & New Dock License (b) Baycliffe Homeowners Assn. New Dock License (c) Herzog Acres Assn. New Dock License (d) Lake Minnetonka Marina New Dock License (2) 1979 District Moo.ring Area Permits (3) 1979 Dock Licenses (Renewals) (4) Variance Orders (a) ShOrewood Yacht Club (b) Minnetonka Boat Works (c) Cochrane's Boatyard (5) Site Line Extension Review (6) Policy Review' Launching Ramps (7) Policy Review: 100'-200' DUA Zone (8) Other Lake Use Committee (1) Quiet Waters Request (2) Water Patrol Reports (3) 1979 Fish House Cleanu~ (4) Lake Access Review (5) Other C. Code Amendment- Variance Fees (first reading) Other Business Adjournment 3-23-79 CFFY O'f MOUND March 26:1979 5341 MAYW'OOD F{OAD MOU*";D, .MIN,".~ESO FA 5,5364 (612) 472-1155 Mr. Moe Dorton Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN, 55101 Dear Moe: Thank you for your call regarding the sewer problem we are experiencing with your interceptor in our neighboring community. As I explained on the phone, the interceptor enters Mound's line un- metered. Last year, the manholes were under water and the pipes were running full. We understand that recently there was a break or a separation in the line and again the pipe has been running full of water. I am enclosing copies of recent correspondence to and from Mr. Dougherty which will point up our concern. Our Engineer, McCombs and Knutson, have been discussing this with the Wastewater people for sometime, but as yet there is no meter at the border. Because of the tremendous infiltration due to breaks and the Lake cover- ing the sewer manholes, we would greatly appreciate someone looking into this quickly. Sincerely, City Manager LLK/ms Encl. : cc: Ms. tIustad, Sewer Board Richard J. Dougherty City Council CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 19, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-24 SUBJECT: Tonka Discharge Permit Attached is a copy of a letter received from the Metro Council regarding Tonka's Water Discharge Permit. Unless the Council directs otherwise, no reply will be made. The water has been discharged into Morton Channel and Lost Lake Channel for several years with nothing detrimental happening. A copy of the map showing the location of the discharge and a copy of the limitations are attached. cc: Building Inspector 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 March 12, 1979 Leonard L. Kopp, Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: Tonka Corporation Reissuance of an NPDES Permit to continue to discharge cooling water into Lake Minnetonka Mound, Minnesota Received 03/07/79 Metropolitan Council Referral File No. 6780-1 Dear Mr. Kopp: The Metropolitan Council has received the above Permit Application from the. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The Council will be reviewing this in the next few weeks and would welcome any comments you may wish to make. Any comments should be sent within one week. Thank you. Sincerely, t~.JKgTROPOLITAN cOuN'~IL /? ] / / ·~/""'John Rutford ' /i Referral Coord±nat~r/ 4R/ch cc: James Daly, Metropolitan Council District 16 72 7' A~ Age~(vy Cr(~at(.~cl to Coordi~ate th~ l'lanni:~:j :tncl Develop~nent of the Twir~ Cit'.i,~$ M(~.trot)olit,::~ Area Conxprisiixg: Ano~:~ ($ounty,z Carver Co~tty()I)~kot:~ Co~r~ty :: f[ennepin Couxxty O t~.~msey County (', Scott (L')unty ', W;~hington County -Ipn- Permit IN O001651 PUBLIC NOTICE for the NATIONAL POLLOTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) AND STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PROGRAM (Section 402, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, AS AMENDED, Minnesota Statutes Chapters ll5 and ll6 as amended and Agency Regulation WPC 36) Proposed'NPDES and State Disposal System Permit to Construct Wastewater Treatment.. Facilities and/or to Discharge into Waters of the State Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1§35 West County Road B2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Attn: Permits Section Public Notice No: Public Notice Issued On: 94~-077 Name and Address of Applicant: Tonka Corporation Tonka Toys Divisfon 5300 Shoreline Blvd. Mound, M?nnesota 55364 MAR 07 1979 Name and Location of Facility: Tonka Corporation Tonka Toys Division 5300 Shoreline Blvd. Mound, Minnesota 55364 Receiving Water: Lake Minnetonka NOTICE: The above named applicant has applied for reissuance of an existing Permit to construct wastewater treatment facilities and/or to continue to discharge into the designated receiving water. The permit will be reissued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a term of approximately 5 years. Upon issuance, this reissued permit will supersede the existing permit that shall expire on March 15, 1979. The principal activity at this facility is the manufacture of metal and plastic toys at an average rate of 220,000 units per shift. The discharge consists of an average of 500,000 gallons per day of once through non-contact compressor and mold cooling water. This water is obtained from the city and used without further chemical treatment. Thermal effluent limitations fo.r the discharge were developed in accordance with Minnesota Regulations WPC 14 and 24. The plant location is shown on the.attached map. Date: 197,9 551 (Dc- ATTACHMENT I U × E 0 E -5- Permit No: O001651 ATTACHMENT II rote: NAR 07 1979 EFFLUENT CHARACTERSTICS The effluent discharged from outfall 20100 consists of once through non- contact cooling water. The following is a summary of effluent monitoring data submitted by the Permittee for the past two years. Parameter Flow - M3/Day (MGD) Temperature - C(F) Average Maximum 1922(.507) 3251 (,858 13.2C56) 16(61') ATTACHMENT IIIa PROPOSED EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until its expiration on January 31, 1984, the maximum temperature of the discharge is limited to 17°C(63°F). The thermal mixing zone shall extend no more than lO0 feet (30.5 meters) beyond the point of discharge. The heated discharge shall not raise the temperature of the Lake at the edge of this zone by more than 1.3°C(3°F) above natural. ATTACHMENT IIIb SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE No compliance schedule is necessary, CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 19, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-25 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land The City has had requests for some undersized Parcels of tax forfeit land to be released for sale. The City has received appraisals on the property. The suggested prices that these lots would be sold at retail is: Lot 3, Block 2, Wychwood Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point Lot 23, Block 26, Wychwood Lot 12 + 13, Block 26, Wychwood $1,554.00 3,340.00 1,264.00 1,517.00 Does the Council wish to have'us negotiate at the above prices? 72 3 Lot 3, Block 2, WyChwood State to sell for Tax Legal Fees Administrative Fees Special Assessments: Total Unpaid To be received from sale Balance Total $1,073.45 800.00 Sell for Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point State Sales Price Tax Legal Fees Administrative Fees Special ASsessments Unpaid: Total To be collected from sale $2,375.20 2,400.00 None Suggested Sales Price Lot 23, Block 26, Wychwood State Price Tax Legal & Adm. Fees Special Assessments Unpaid: TO be collected from sale Balance $829.64 640.00 Suggested Sales Price Part of Lots 12 + 13, Block 26, Wychwood State Price Tax Legal & Adm. Fees Special Assessments: Unpaid To be received from sale Balance $1,036.60 800.00 Suggested Sales Price $1,000.00 30.00 200.00 50.00 $1,280.00 273.45 $1,553.45 $1,554.00 $3,000.00 90.00 200.00 50.00 $3,340.00 $3,340.00 $800.00 24.00 250~00 $1,074.00 189.64 $1,263.64 $1,264.00 $1,000.00 30.00 250.00 ~1,280.00 236.60 $1~516.60 $1,517.00 ?2..Z CITY MOUND March 19, 1979 534~ MAYWOOD ROAD MOUNO. M1.NNESOTA 55384 (612) 47'2-1155 TO: SUBJECT: Building Inspector Possible Zoning Violation Attached is an unsigned letter from someone in the vicinity of 2122 Noble Lane. Please investigate and take appropriate action. · Leo~..ard L. Kopp City Manager cc: W. Eisler City Council WE WHO LIVE IN ABRAHAM LINCOLN ADDITION FEEL WE DO NOT WANT BUSINESS IN OUR RESIDENTIAL AREA', WHEN IT HAS DA~AGI~G RESULTS TO OUR STREETS. THEY ARE NEW, EXP~SIVEAND NOT SURFACED FOR THE CONSTANT USE OF" SEMI TRUCK TRAILERS". THE EISELRESIDENT AT 2122 NOBLE LANE, HAS BEEN ABUSING OUR STREETS TO LONG. CITY of MOUND March 19, 1979 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Police Chief Public Works Director Removal of Parking Ordinance Dear Chuck: At 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 18, 1979, I informed Officer Kraft to notify all officers not to tag cars parked on the City streets between 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. The Public Works Department is lifting the ordinance as of the above time due to the weather and road conditions. I hope that this construction season proceeds better than the last so we don't cause you as many problems next November in the enforcement of this ordinance. Respectfully Robert Shanley RS/ms 7/5' CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota The Mound City Council will meet on Tuesday, March 20, 1979 beginning at 7 P.M. in the Council Chambers for Rate Study Interviews with the following Companies: 1) 7 P.M. 2) 8 P.M. 3) 9 P.M. 4) Black & Veatch Kirkham, Michael and Associates Hickok and Associates Other items that might come before the Council. 3-20-79 CITY OF ~4OUND Mound~ Minnesota March 15~ 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-93 SUBJECT: Rate Study The Council has established 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 20th, as the time to interview three firms interested in conducting a Water and Sewer Rate Study. These firms are: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. - Black & Veatch Kirkham, Michael and Associates Hickok and Associates Attached are copies of the proposals previously sent the City. ~--~Legnard L. Kopp ;' 7/7,./- CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 15, 1979 INFORMATION'MEMORANDUM NO. 79-22 SUBJECT: Beachside Land There have been three developments: I. A Councilman asked if a determination could be made if a Federal and State grant could be obtained to purchase the subject land as a park site. Mr. D. Palm, Park Director for Brooklyn Park, has been very successful at getting grants for parks and I talked to him. It was his opinion that he could put a grant application together for us for $200 to $300. If the City could get a grant for 75%, the City would have to come up with 25% of the cost. Cost would probably be determined by appraisal. The City is short on money and the 25% might be hard to come by. If the Council Wants to-go this direction, authorization should be given to develop an agreement with Mr. Palm. Iii On March 15th, Earl Nelson came in and said that he would like to keep from suing and he wondered about putting in single family housing. He indicated that since the proposed street would abut undeveloped property that the neighbors should somehow pay part of the cost of the street--- in other words, would the City put it in and access it? It was pointed out that, in single family development, he would have more square footage and possibly the road could be placed more centrally to the property, so lots could be platted on both sides of the street. The Building Inspec- tor also discussed this with him. He was told about the 10% park dedication and we showed him plats of re- cent subdivisions and we also took him through the Bluffs and Westwood developments. I also told him he would probably need an EIS. The Plan- ner is checking this. III. Sometime ago, we received a copy of a notice that the land was going tax forfeit; so when Mr. Nelson was in, I asked if he had paid up the taxes. He said no, but that he talked to someone at the Courthouse and that he thought he had until May 31st to pay. I had heard from a Mound citizen earlier in the week that the land would be tax forfeit this week. After Mr. Nelson left, I called the Courthouse and was informed that the land went tax forfeit on Monday, March 13, 1979. I also found out that we could apply for the land immediately if we wanted. Normally we have waited for the Conservation List to come out before requesting property that is 'tax forfeit. I have talked to Curt Pearson and asked if we would have legal problems if we took the land at this point in view of the past history. He had no ready answer. N~rch 14, ].979 5341 MAYWOOD. ROAD MOUND, MINNE3OTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 Mr. Curtis A. Pearson 1100 FirSt National Bank Building Minneapolis, MN. 55402 Dear Curt: Regarding the Thompson's Dock Permit on whic~ you are writing a resolution of denial, the Dock' Inspector found new information today. It appears that, through a goof up, no commercial dock licenses were issued in 1978, although we received applications including one from Wally Russell for 22 slips. Attached are copies of two letters from the Dock Inspector to me, on~ on May 25th saying that none of the commercial docks met the ordinance and another on July 31st recommending issuance of the permits. Evidently there was no list or copies of the applications; therefore, for some reason, the permits were never sent to the Council for approval. Russell did pay a permit fee for 22 docks (see copy of the application attached). This is an embarrassing "goof" and I hope in some way, it can be remedied. Sincerely, ~d L. K~~opp City Manager LLK/ms Encl. cc: City Council 5341 I~IAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, IV~INNESOTA 5536~, May 25, 1978 TO: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp Dock Inspscbor Commerical Dock Inspechion Ken Rarick of %he LNCD and I made an inspection of:the comaerical docks to ha licensed by the City of Mound today. }Ions of them mesh all %he Ordinances of %he City of ll'ound, L}~CD, or D~3R. We discussed %he necessary improvemenhs that ~,~ould have to bs completed'before a license could be issued~ with every applicanL. I'm also sending the proper notices via mail to each applicant. Respectfully~ Don Rother Dock Ins p~ctor DR/ich ?/Y July 31, 1978 TO: 1~. Kopp ~ROM: Dock Inspector gUBJECT: Con~ercial Docks Kan Rarich ~nd I ch,~cked th~ comr~ercial docks on Friday July 28th. Ail conform to our ordinance mhd I recom'aend they be ~rsnted a license for 1978. Rzspe¢5fully, Don Rother Dock Inspector 713 oo'o~ NOIaVOI~JJV 3IO0(I ?I¥IOE~,II'(O9 ~%o s ~u~a ~.}i '. ~punoBI Qi'LqOH ZO ,%J, IO "EXPECT THE BEST_ GOD SAID IT lJ~ I BELIEVE IT THAT SETTLES IT" HOMPSON REAL ESTATE CURTIS HOTEL--DOWNTOWN MINNEAPOLIS 338-3641 NareA 1~, 1979 ~ally & Helen l~u~sell .~t. 3 - Sox l?? Carthage, Moo 6~36 re: Lske Minneton~__ Dear ~'fally & Helen: I have some ba~ news for you. The city council at Mou~d, yesterday, March 13th, by a vote of 3-2 voted against letting us have the marina. ~e were represented by the Mel- chert firm of Uaconia. Paul himself had been to several meetings and an asst. a Mr. Mac ~'/illem~sen was also there. The one person I feel is responsible (notwithstandin~ several of your neighbors), was the Mound city attorney, Mr. Curtis Pearson of Mpls. I believe because of his "expertise" an~ "rhetoric,~ etc. - - and his remarks such as - "the purpose of a non-conforming use permit is to get the person out of there" - - and I believe honestly that that statement help sway some councilmen. ~ut not o.~ly that, the woman to the Uest - Vivian Massuch, spoke about the trash being thrown all over there, and about the messiness of the boats & docks and a _ma__A going to the bathroom in front of her, an~ I~m sure that influenced some, and Mrs. Hasse & Clarence to the East spoke against it, as well as a neighbor about 6 houses to the ~est of you on the Lake. He has hat the property up for sale for a long, long time, but to no avail. And with- out an~ioubt, by not having a marina there, - it certainly will make his property now mere saleable. So what it amounted to .~as - - "I ':OVED IN H~'~E NEXT TO YOUR PROPERTY JUST OVER A YR. AGO Ah~D NC~¢ I ~YANT YOU OUT OF ~", - - & Vivian convinced them of such....but the council did~t take into consideration letters (~ of them), of people in the area that did~t care if the marina was there. Only the 2 neighbors (which is only plain goo~ o!e common sense they'd want a marina out of there)....but the council- men, save 2, bought the story. The two being the mayor, Mr. Tim Lovaasen, and Mr. Donald Ulrick. ~he ethers d&&u~t seem to care whether the marina had been there for msz~v, marav, man~ years - - Just listen to the complainers and forget the people who were planing on doing nothing but goo~ to the land. 2ut your enem~ Wally, I believe, was the Mound attorney (a Mpls. la~fer), -who didn't even have the facts - - - who said that the Russells never ~en applied for a dock permit in 197~. And that was found to be completely false, as you did apply and you paid $33. OO for 2E slips and Moun~ accep- ted same. And in fact Wally & Helen, - there were no commercial dock permits .given out in_ 1~_7~. It did~t even appear before the council. So Atty. Pearson gave false infor- mation to the city council. 2ut I feel ! was ROBBED. And even though the council ms~ reconsiAer this dock permit because of the false information given, I have no hope as l feel honestly that the "noe voters have simply macle up their minds, REaAi~$ ........ . I feel your ~1 enemy to be Pearson, the Mpls. attorney...the eexpertise" in such matters. ~¢ell he ma~ convince the city council,l.e. - some members, but we'll see how Moun~ an~ Pearson do before a Judge. Tim obviously ~ally & l~elen, very upset by this docission, & after talki~n~ with Paul Melchert, ! have 2 alternatives. Sue you or sue Mound. After talking with the law firm of Ron Meshbesser, I feel the wa~t is to sue you, as we entere~ into a contract between two parties, and then you in turn (& I~11 also be there), will sue the city of Mound....and we'll Just find out whether or not they win in a court of law, - where you applied for a permit from Mound in 197~ (22 slips), - July 1st, and Moun~L took your money, and on the recommendation of the dock inspector, Don Rather, - - your docks, plus the other ~ Mound marinas were all recommended for approval, an~ not one of the Mound Marinas received a permit to operate in 197~ and in fact..didn~ t even go before the city council. Now we'll see if a Judge goes along with'Mound. So Wally. 7//, -2- I have nothing against you or Heleu, but I have to do what m~ attorney s~ys. I sue you, and you have too much to loose, so you sue Mound (with a lot of help from my attorney). And I will 'be serving you papers - for MI$~RES~]NTATION. That you sold us this m~rima, as thou~$h it were licensed for 22 slips, - that it could be used for 22 slips, - - when in fact Wally, - since 1975, all you could legally have in Mound, was 15 (same with 1976, 77 & 7~---all you could have had Ually was 15, via P~SOLUTION 77-70 (which is detailed more on Page 3). In other words ~ally, even tho~gh LMOD gave you a permit for 22, Mound, since 1975 said you could have only 15, and this then is MISREPRESENTATION, and this is what we must take you into court for. ]{ut ! be- lieve that Just the fact that in 197g you applied to the city of Mound for 22, ami they took your money, & it was recommended that all 5 of the Mound marinas be given permission, that you truly DID GET PEI~ISSION (but, ~nd even tho~gh you did not get a permit, nor did any of the other mar~)- had you received a permit, RESOLUTION 77-70 would have limited your permit to 15 slips. So regardless Yfally of how you do in court, and I think you will' win it, - I have to sue you. But you sold me something Wally you really never had to sell. I purchased this property Wally - - primarially for the Marina...and I will not now real- ize a retumux on m~ investment. I guess that the sad part of all this is simply that the people who hollored the most - I mean your neighbors, will suffer the most....because now, no improvements will be made. And that land will not be used for park!M, as Vivian and her friends had it last year, when some of the friends parked over there and also used your doc~k (which you told me). Az~ cars on that property will be towed away. Also Wally, - I applied for a Sign-Variance permit for the Mobile Park. But as usual, the group denied same (same people I believe). Unbelievable. I got a Mound sign painter to do it - a Ted Ganzel, who felt it would be ok to put a sign up where one had already been....and in f~ct, - it w~s Shriller than the other one, but it was denied. So Mound can now keep their chicken fence sign - ~RTI~?S RESORT. If they think that is an asset to them - fine, they can have it. Oh yes, and I will be suing Ted GanMel, as Ted said it would be ok. In Mpls. when you hire a sign pain~ er, they~re suppose to know what they are doing, get the necessary permits, etc. - -- but evidently this isn't true in Mound, Personally Yfally, I will not appear before the council people again. They can do what they want. I feel they were very unreasonable .... minds made up .... no thinking...listen to the "expertise" man..he ~mows what he~s talking about. He~s had about ~-6 yrs. of training. Listen to the nextdoor neighbors (one who just brought there), plus another owner who wants to sell and is having a to ~u~h? time.... - forget the GRAI~DFATHERED deal, Just take it all away. I will now m~ke no improvements on this property, no landscaping, no new docks, -zip--- & no cooperation with sl~v roa~ coming through my property to an~ land-locked property. I was ROBBED. & I have no love - no compassion who steal from me..and the council stole from me. These people are not my friends. That especially includes the Hasses and Vivian, and the "expertise". So in closing ~'[ally & Helen, you c~u thank your Mound attorney, Pearson, and again, I mean no harm to you by' taking you into court - - - I~m doing so on the advice of my law- yer (The Meshbesher firm). You will be served papers - - contact whatever lawyer you so desire, and then sue Mound. (& I~ll be with you). Good luck to both of you. Your very gosd friend, Dick Thompson P.S. ~$ understanding is that you cannot get Paul Melchert, in that he has represented both of us 11 A.M. - Wednesda~ - March 1~, 1979 I Just spoke to Don Rather, Dock Inspector - Mound and her, ts what he said: Don .. "disappointed i~ what happened last night. Didst t think they did the right thing last night. me .. I spoke to atty. Pearson last night after the meeting and he told me that according to your records that Wally, even though he had a permit from the LMOD for 22 slips, he knew that he could only have 15. Don .. "right" me . . & that he applied for this in 75 - 76 - & ??. Don .. "wetve always required that they have a license from us..at least back since 71" me .. according to the lire. (forms) I saw from Pearson, Wally did apply for & receive permissio for 15 slips only & the reason ia that he only put im 2 docks instead of 3, although~ the I~.~CD gave him a permit for 22 slips (Mou~d didst t) - - In other words he did conform to what the city allowed him - 15. According to Mr. Pearson, he did not apply for a permit in Mound in 7g. Don .. "no, thatts wrong,- he did apply for a permit after I had sent him in ltr. in M~v (25th), & he applied for 22 x $1.~O -$33.00 which we received. June let, he paid the bill." On June 1st, he came in and made the application - but no, it wasn't accepted. On the 31st of July I sent altr. to Leonard Eopp, recommending these docks be approved by the council & somewhere along the line, that ltr. never got to the council, - and so none of the commercial docks last year were licensed by the city. It had~tt gone thru the city council. Technically, none of the co~mmercial docks (permits) got to the city council. They all made their application, paid their fee, & I went out twice and inspected them with the LMCD - once in Ma~, telling the owners what they had to do to pass the cities or the LMODts or the I~R~s r~quirements and then I went out on Frids~ the 2gth of July (an I~CD man & myself), & on Monday I sent this ltr. to Leonard stating that ! recommen- ded that all the commercial dock licenses be accepted for 197~. But they never acted on it. me .. did the city council know this last night? Don .. "well I mentioned it to ~hem, but they had so mar~y papers before them, - they might not h~ve even heard me" "But. ~ally certainly did apply in 197~ and we accepted his money", for 15 slips. He applied for 22 and paid for 22 & when we went out and inspected, he only had 15 in, which is what he was legally allowed." But you see Don - last night atty. Pearson said absolutely - "Wally did not apply for a ps=mit in 197~. Don . . "that's wrong. He did apply and his money was accepted" me .. How many marinas are there out there in Mound? Don .. "Let's see. There's 5 - 5 that the city licenses. And they all applied for 75 licenses, but they never got to the council, for their resolution number. And every year it has go thru the council, but it didn't in 1975. But nevertheless, everyone had their docks in, even though somehow this letter never got through to the city council. But I men- tioned this to them last night, but it's possible they werntt even listening- as I don~t think they were even aware of it. There were too much papers in front of them, - & Just concentrating on different things on the paper. The 5 people who have commercial licenses are A1 & Almas, Tippi ~aukin Apts., ~rtins & Son, Surf side & you (Russells)., & none of these went through the council. Now Wally was restricted to 15 slips to be with. Remember that resolution 77 to 70 that I read last night? I wasn't even aware that that was in the ~esolution books. But they found it yesterda~ at the office. I~ll readl it to you: I can give you a copy of all this - it's all public record; ~OLUTION 77 to 70 .....,Ma~in~s resort was issued a permit f'o-~ 15 docks...... Now therefore be iS re- solv.ed bythe c.it~ council.of M.o.u~..~ that commerc.ia.1, dock.licenses for. the 77 seaso' are nero_my gran~e~.-& tha~ samm -~censes are no~ ~o excee~ those numoere Allowed .issueS for the 1976. season, as listed above, that said commercial, licenses are re. ss_uss p_rovide.d .~locms meet all the requirements o~ ordinance 333 (city commercial cock ordinance) (& tha~ it gives the names of the 5 fins having commercial licens~ So Wally was restricted to 15 there, & that' s as man~ as he h~s ever been allowed. h'ow in 197g, he applied for 22, and chances are he woultu~t have received a permit for He never could have had more than 15 slips there (regardless of the number of decks, he still would have been limited to 1~. In 1977, he applied with the city for 15 & got those, but with the LMOD in 1977, he got 22. Same with 1975 - 15 in Mound, & 22 -LMOD. & I imagine the same in 1976. And even though LMOD licensed him for 22, we would not have given him over 15 in 197S. But tfally always knew (since this resolution was that he couldn't have over 15. But since Itve been on the Job (2 yrs), for 197? & 197g, he was limited to 15 slips. (in both yrs. he only had 2 docks out). me e. ]POLIC~/CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT Cities of.. IVIOUND, SI~tlING PARK, Month FEB. Year 1979 MINNETRISTA ~ ST. BONIFACIU$ I. ©E~ERAL ziCJTIVITY SUi~gMARY THIS YEA R LAST 'YEAR ACTIVITY MONTH TO DATE TO DATE ~Fraffic control (c~tatlons & warnings) 384 836 '783 DWI 6 14 8 Property damage accident 28 69 5O Personal injury accident 4 l(; 15 Fatal accident 0 0 0 .kdult felony & misdemeanor arrests 10 19 24 uvenile felony & misdemeanor arrests 23 12 .Vledicals 11 27 '34 a, nimal complaints 89 · 208 290 t°ar~ I ~-;: Part II' offenses 97 136 " 39 Other general investigations 733 1574 1229 'fOTA L 1,308 2,877 2,581 REGULAR MEETING OF THE I~ IT¥ COUNC I L February 27, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of biound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Haywood Road in said City on February 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim'Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swenson, Donald U1- rick, Robert Polston and Benjamin Withhart. Also present were City Manager.Leonard L. Kopp, City. Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, Assistant City Engineer Lyle Swanson and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1979 were presented for consideration. Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to approge the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1979 as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the meeting of February 13, 1979 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 13, 1979 as'corrected regarding roll call vote on consulting services to read "Roll call vote was Ulrick in favor, Lovaasen, Swenson and Withhart against and Polston abstain. Motion failed." PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED - REZONING COUNTY ROAD 4/t & 110 PROPERTIES The Mayor reopened the ppblic hearing and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. Persons pFesent~.ng comments or ~uestions included: Richard DeVinney, 2928 Westedge Boulevard Tom Shandley Bruce Pomeroy., representing K. Kammann The City'Attorney presented an alternative recommendation on rezoning to'R-B. Ulrick moved.and Swenson seconde~ a motion to adopt the ordinance here!n quoted by title: ORDINANCE NO. 395 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE (Rezoning County Road 44 & 11~ Properties) The vote was unanimously in favor, so ordained. See Ordinance Book page RESIDENTIAL MORTGAG~ REVENUE'B~NDS Mr. Ernie Clark of Miller and Schroeder appeared before the Council to explain the possibility of the City intering the Residential Morgage Revenue Bond field. Withhart moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-71 RESOLUTION REQUESTING MILLER AND SCHROEDER TO PROCEED WITH A SURVEY REGARDI~IG THE NEED FOR RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS AND SET APRIL 17, 1979 AS A COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING REGARDING THE MATTER. The vote was uhanimously in favor. PARK COMMISSION MINUTES Dock Variance Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion February 27, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-72 [ !ON AUTHOR!ZING A DOCK VARI ON CLASS A 'SHORELINE ON KENMARE COMMONS FOR THE DOCKING SEASON ONLY AND REQUEST THE PARK COMMISSION TO REVIEW THE SHORELINE CLASSIFICATION. The vote was unanimously in favor. Commercial Dock Permit ~ithhart move~ and Lovaasen seconded a motion to table this item. The vote was unanimously in favor. Chestnut Road Polston morea and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-73 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY REPORT OF WATER, SEWER AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION ON CHESTNUT ROAD The vote was unanimousl~ in favor. Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-74 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SOUTHERLY 25 FEET OF LOT 24, KOEHLERS SECOND ADDITION FOR RIGHT OF WAY AND DIRECTING THAT ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY BE ACQUIRED FROM LOTS 23, 25 AND 26, KOEHLERS SECOND ADDITION The vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND Lot 5, Block 28, Wychwood , Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-75 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE LOT 5, BLOCK 28~ WYCHWOOD FROM THE STATE BY PRIVATE SALE AND AUTHORIZE RESALE TO THE OWNER OF LOT 6 IN ORDER TO CREATE A BUILDABLE LOT. The vote was unanimously in favor. Part of Lot 12, Block 4, Pembroke ; Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-76 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING.THE CITY TO RETURN A PORTION-OF THE WESTERLY 36 FEET OF LOT 12, BLOCK 4, PEMBROKE TO THE STATE FOR SALE. ~ The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and'Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTiO~J 79-77 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE STATE TO SELL A PORTION OF THE WESTERLY 36 FEET OF LOT 12, BLOCK 4, PEMBROKE TO THE CITY BY PRIVATE SALE TO BE RESOLD TO THE OWNER QF THE REMAINDER OF LOT 12, BLOCK 4, PEMBROKE The vote was unanimously in favor. RESOLUTION 79-78 - See page 30. SANITARY SEWER TELEVISION BIDS Lot 11, Block 2, Pembroke Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-79 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR TELEVISING OF CERTAIN SANITARY SEWER LINES TO THE LOW BIDDER - CLEAR WATER RESEARCH IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,175.O0 The vote was unanimously in favor. 7?? February 27, 1979 WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT Polston moved and.Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-80 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING REPORT AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPEC- IFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE t¢ATERMAIN BET~qEEN LYNW00D BOULEVARD AND CHURCH WAY AND BELMONT LANE AND REPLACING THE GATE VALVE ON BELMONT AT LYNWOOD AND IN- STALLING A NE~,I GATE VALVE ON BELMO~,IT LAHE AT CHURCH ~IAY The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND. SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Ernest Kelly, 5042 Tuxedo Boulevard inquired about possible action that can be taken regardin9 abandoned vehicles. LICENSE RENEWALS Cigarette Licenses Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-81 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CIGARETTE LICENSES TO BUSINESSES LISTED ON COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 79-72 FOR 1979 The vote was unanimously in favor. Garbage.and Refuse Collection Licenses Polston moved and Withhart Seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-82 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GARBAGE AND REFUSE · .COLLECTION LICENSES LISTED ON cOuNcIL MEMORANDUM 79-73 FOR ~ 979 The vote was'unanimously in favor. ORDINANCE CHANGES _Taxicab Ordinance Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion to adopt the ordinance herein quoted by title: dRDINANCE NO. 396 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIO~I 38.41 OF THE CITY CODE INCREASING INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR TAXICABS. The vote was unanimously in favor, so ordained. See Ordinance Book page License and Permit Fees Polston moved and Withha~t seconded a motion to adopt, the ordinance herein quoted by title: ORDINANCE NO. 397 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 31.04, 32.04, 36.0'2, 36.11, 36.22, 37.10, 38.07 AND 38.29A OF THE CITY CODE, I~ICREASI~G FEES FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF LICENSES: SET-UPS, NON-INTOX- ICATING BEVERAGES, ON AND OFF SALE, GAMES OF SKILL, BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND PUBLIC EATING HOUSES, ENTERTAINMENT SHOWS AND PUBLIC DANCE PERMITS AND REPEALING SECTION 38.29 SUBDIV- ISION (C) AND (D) The'vote was unanimously in favor, so ordained. See Ordinance Book page February 27, 1979 SALE OF PROPERTY Po]ston moved and Swensonseconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-83 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A QUIT CLAIH DEED SELLING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO PAUL A. HENRY AItD CINDY A. HENRY FOR $1,285.OO The vole was unanimously in favor. CONSULTING SERVICE Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-84 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT TO CONDUCT A STUDY OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT NOT TO EXCEED $3,000. Roll call vote was U!rick, Swenson and Polston voting aye and Withhart and Lovaasen voting nay. Motion carried. H.U.D. FUNDS - .YEAR V Withhart moved and P~)lston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-85 RESOLUTION AUTHbRIZING SUBMISSION'OR THE CITY OF MOUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TO HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR CONSIDERATION AS PART OF THE URBAN.HENNEPIN COUNTY COMe, UNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION, IN ACCORD WITH THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS '' "· Poiston moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion'to approve payment of the bills as submitted on the prelist in the amount of $177,134.O8 where funds are available. Roll call vote was unanimously in favor. 'INFORMATION~MEMORANDUMS The Council briefly reviewed the' following items: street lights, telephone, rates, Spring Park water and Wychwood Bridge construction. ADJOURNMENT Polston moved and ~ithhart seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on March 6, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske, City Clerk/Treasurer f rom page 28 Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager Polston moved and Swanson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-78 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST THE STATE FOR 'THAT PART OF LOT Il, BLOCK 2, PEMBROKE LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE ROAD' FOR STREET PURPOSES The vote was unanimously in favor. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL March 6, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice'thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of th~ City of Hound, Hennepin County, biinnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on Harch 6, 1979 at. 7:30 p.m. . Those present were: Mayor.Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swe~son, Robert Polston and Donald Ulrick.. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. BIDS - ROAD MATERIALS Swenson moved, and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-86 RESOLUTION AWARDING TO WM. MUELLER & SONS, INC FOR THE · 1979 SUPPLY OF ROAD GRAVEL AS SECOND LOW BID DUE TO THE AVAILABILITY AND DELIVERY FACTORS INVOLVED AND ALSO · " AWARD SEALING ROCK TO THE SAME COMPANY AS' LOW BID. The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-87 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE 1½"-3/4" BINDER ROCK TO THE LOW · BIDDER -.BRY&N ROCK PRODUCTS AND THE 3/4" DOWN BINDER ROCK TO THE LOW BIDDER - RIVER ~VARREN COMPANY The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion' RESOLUTION 79-88 RESOLUTION AWARDING BITUMINOUS MC AND AC AND SAND AND C'OMPACTION SAND TO THE LOW BIDDER - WM. MUELLER & SONS The vote was unanimously in favor. Councilmember Withhart arrived a~ 7:40: p.m.. '. PASSENGER WAITING SHELTERS Swenson moved, and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-89 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO TWO AGREEHENTS WITH · METROPOLITAN TRANSIT' COMMISSION. ~ The Vote was unanimously.in favor. PERMITS AND.LICENSES Mound Fire Department Auxj..liary Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a mo'tion RESOLUTION 79-90 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A BINGO PERMIT TO THE MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT AUXILIARY'AND WAIVE THE REQUIRED BOND. The vote was unanimously in favor. V.F.W. Pbst and Auxiliary Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-91 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A BINGO PERMIT TO THE V.F.W. POST AND AUXILIARY AND WAIVE THE REQUIRED BOND. The vote was unanimously in favor. · 77,. March 6, 1979 Cigarette Licenses Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-92 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING.THE ISSUANCE OF CIGARETTE LICENSES TO THE BUSINESSES LISTED ON COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 79-82 The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIOI'iS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Donald Gehrke, 6112 Ridgewood Road appeared before the Council regarding an animal complaint. DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-93 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS TO BE HEARD ON MARCH 27, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL'JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL LAW ENFORCEMENT STUDY Polston moved and Withhart $6conded'a motion RESOLUTION 79-94 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL LAW ENFORCEMENT STUDY AND DIRECTING THE STAFF TO COOPERATE IN THE STUDY The vote was unanimously in favor.. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUT'ION 79-95 RESOLUT.ION AUTHORIZING THE'TRANSFER OF CERTAIN CITY FUNDS. The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve payment of bills as presented on the prelist in the amount of $19,246.95 where funds are available. Roll call vote was unan|mo'usly in favor. SWEEPER REPAIR Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-96 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REPAIR OF THE SWEEPER IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,633.18 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR The vote was unanimously in favor. DRAINAGE EASEMENT Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-97 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO' SIGN AN AGREEMENT REGARDING A DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9, 24, 25, 26 AND 27, BLOCK 9,WYCH~OOD The vote was unanimously in favor. March 6, 1979 ADJOURNMENT Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on March 13, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. M~ry B. l'larske, City Clerk/Treasurer Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager ~EGULA~ HEET~NG OF THE C~TY COUNGIL March 13, 1979 Pursuant to due calt'and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the C~ity Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywo~d Road in said City on'March 13, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Robert Polston, Gordon Swenson, Donald'Ulrick and Benjamin Withhart. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. COMMERCI'AL DOCK LICENSE - CONTINUED - HALSTED HEIGHTS The City Attorney bfiefly documented the criteria of "non:conforming use'l as affects, the dock license in question. The Mayor then re-opened'the public hearing. Persons Present to do so were afforded an opportuhity to express their views thereon. .Persons offering comments or questions included:'' A1 Fasching, 6750 Nalsted Avenue Dick Thompson, 432 S.E. 6th:Street, Minneapolis C. A. Hasse, 6627 Bartlett Boulevard Vivian Massick, 6701Halsted Avenue Max Williamson, 342 S. Orange, Waconia Mrs. C.A. Hasse, 6627 Bartlett Boulevard Pat Kelly, 6685 Halsted Avenue : The Mayor then clos6d the public hearing. · Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion requesting the staff to prepare a resolution of denial of a commercial dock license to the property on Halsted Bay. Roll call vote was three in favor with Lovaasen and Ulrick voting nay. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SubdivisiOn of Land - Lot 23 and Part of Lot 22~ ~he Bartlett Place Swenson moved and Withhart.seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-98 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COM~IISSION TO DENY THE REQUESTED SUBDIVISION The vote was unanimously in favor. Subdivision of Land - Part of Lot 28,.Auditor's Subdivision 170 Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-99 .RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND WITH CERTAIN STIPULATIONS The vote was unanimously in favor. Subdivision of Land - Lots 3, 4 & 5, Block 12, Dreamwood Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-100 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND The vote was unanimously in favor. March 13, 1979 Non~Conformin~ Use - Lot Size - Lot 5, Block 19, Shadywo0d Point Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-101 RESOLUTION TO £OHCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE SHED BE MOVED. The vote was unanimously in' favor. Front Yard Variance - Lot 1 and Part of Lot 2, The Bartlett Place Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-102 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE FRONT YARD VARIANCE The vote was unanimously in favor. Sign Variance - Lots 1, 2 and 3, Halsted Heights Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-103 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR ~41TH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO DENY THE SIGN VARIANCE The vote was three in favor with Pols.ton and Lovaasen votin'g nay. Side Yard Variance - Non-Conforming Use - Lot 16, Subd of Lots 1 & 32 Skarp and Lindqui.sts Ravenswood Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-104 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR ~,/ITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLA~NING QOMMISION TO APPROVE THE SIDE YARD VARIANCE The vote was unanimously in favor. Street Front Variance - Lot 1, Block 3, Driftwood ·Shores . Swenson moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION TO CONCUR ~VITH'THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE STREET FRONT VARIANCE The vote was two in favor with Polston, Withhart and Lovaasen voting nay. Motion failed, variance denied. Garage Site - Tax Forfeit Lot .. Withhart moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion R~SOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING'COMMISSION THAT LOT 17 NOT BE RELEASED FOR SALE Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion to table this item. The vote wa~ four in favor with Polston voting nay. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT No comments or suggestions were presented at this time. LICENSE RENEWALS Cigarette Licenses Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-105 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CIGARETTE LICENSES AS LISTED ON COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 79-89 The vote was unanimously in favor.· March 13, 1979 garbage and Refuse go]]ection Licenses Ulr|ck moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-106 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION LICENSES AS LISTED ON COUNCIL NEHORANDUM 79~9o AHD 79-92 The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS Swenson moved and Po]ston seconded a motion to approve payment 'of the bills as presented on the pre]ist.in the amount of $73,579.52 where funds are availab]e. The vote was unanimously in favor. STREET LIGHTS Withhart moved and Po]ston seconded a motion to concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Director on repairing the light wires on Commerce Boulevard. The vote was unanimous]y in favor. ADJOURNMENT Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion to adjourn to the next meeting on March 20, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Nary H. Narske, City Clerk/Treasurer Leonard L. Kopp, gi'ty Manager 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-99 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Delinquen. t Utility Bills At the March 6th meeting, the Council set the date of March 27th for the public hearing on the attached list of delinquent utility bills. A revised list showing the unpaid accounts as of March 27th will be at the meeting. Kopp 7?? Accounts delinquent for over six months: Acct. No. 110 4617 52 51 110 52 5001 11 110 55 5037 81 110 58 5008 31 110 67 1801 61 110 67 191'6 21- 110 76 ]760 51 110 85 4960 91 110 85 5040 91 110 85 5098 111 66 2257 O1 ' Acct. Name Jon Wright J. Pehrsen Bob Matson Scott Mann E. Berglund Steve Allyn Stephen Johnson Tom Harry Tim Heyman Three Points Inn S. Loretson Amount $35.90 78.17 ~r.24 ,~ 20.00 39.66 Realtor requested turn- 34.08 off due to leak. 157.28 56.40 158.88 48.84 1~. 40 Pd. 56.97 Total .$686.18 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 19, 1979 COUNCIL ~MORANDUM NO. 79-95 SUBJECT: Dock Permit, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Halsted Heights Attached is a copy of a proposed resolution for the denial of the. commercial dock permit on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Halsted Heights. -- L~onard L. Kopp 72'7 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPLICATION OF RICHARD THO~{PSON FOR A COM~ERCIAL DOCK LICENSE AT 6639 BARTLETT BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the City of Mound is located on Lake Ninnetonka and its shoreline has been developed .for a long period of time, and WHEPEAS, the City of Mound has adopted a zoning ordinance and an ordinance requiring that commercial docks be licensed and meet certain standards as set forth in Chapter 41 of the City Code and said license application directs the Council to consider such items as: fire hazards, co.m~.ercial sales, manner of operaLion, parking, ' sanitary faciliLies, quality and ecology of the lake, and other items to protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and W}!EREAS, Dick and Marie Thompson have purchased what has been known as Martin's Resort and the land which they have purchased is zoned Residential A-1 which previously contained docks which have been used and considered as commercial docks, and WHEREAS, this Council determines that it has before it two questions: a) b) A zoning question since commercial docks are not a permitted, use 'ina Residential A-1 District and the only reason said dock has been allowed to exist in the past is because the use was considered a non-conforming use under'Section 23.20 of the City Code. A request for a Comm~ercial Dock license which is regulated under the police powers of this municipality and Chapter 41 of the City Code, and WHEREAS, neighbors of the property in question have testified before this Council that there is inadequate parking facilities, no sanitary facilities, and that the property in question was used in a limited manner for commercial docking in 1978 and further that the road leading into this property is not adequat~ to handle traffic, no facilities have been provided for litter and %rash, and that male adults have been constantly observed exposing themselves and urinating in public, and WHEREAS, this Council recognizes the rights of all property owners who are considered non-conformin~ uses uhder ~he Zoning Ordinance, but also the Council calls attention to Section 23.20(a) which states in part "if any non-conforming uses of land on which there are. no sub- stantial buildings is discontinued for any lenghh of time any future use of the land must be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance" and it now appears that as early as 1971 this was determined to be a non-conforming use and in 1976 and 1977, the permit was limited to 15 docking spaces and it now appears that in 1978 the owners made very limited use of the docking area, and WHEREAS, it does not appear that the public health, safety and general welfare ~can be protected in this area if the dock license is issued because it would require major revisions to land and structures to make the' use compatible with the neighborhood; if such an investment were .made, it would be in contrast and opposition to the non-conforming use 'seCtion of the ordinance because it would call for capital investm.ents which would perpetuate the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF lqOUND: 1. The application of Dick and Marie Thompson for a commercial dock license 'is denied.. 2. The Council makes the following findings: a) The premises on which the dock location is proposed has only one entrance unto the property which is not improved and cannot handle the traffic created by a commercial dock use consisting of 22 boat slips. b) One street entrance into the area does not provide for emergency equipment if for any reason the road is blocked and it increases the chance of a public emergency~ c) The application for 22 slips is in excess of the 15 allowed and used in 1976 and 1977 and would be an expansion of a non-conforming use. d) This application does not meet the standards set forth in Chapter 41 of the' City Code such as: 1) lack of sanitary facilities 2) a history of litter and trash and failure to keep up the property 3) lack of off-street parking 4) creation of a fire hazard 5) creation of a high volume of boat traffic on the lake in a residential use district 6) the use is not compatible with adjacent development 7) the use will have an adverse effect on the quality of water and the ecology of the lake 8) previous use of this property has resulted in noise, fumes and has been disruptive to the neighborhood. 3. The foregoing findings'and the facts set forth in the Whereas provisions of this ordinance result in this Council d. etermining that it is not in the public's interest~ to issue or approve the license application. ' 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-97 SUBJECT: Fortune Teller's License Attached is a copy of an apPlication for a fortune teller's license. The Police are making a background check and will have a report. Fortune Tellers licenses are covered in Chapter 38 of the City Code which reads as follows: Section 38.01 License Required That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice within the City the art or business of clairvoyant, palm reader, phrenologist, fortune tellers, mind readers, astrologers or any similar art or practice without having fire procured a license from the City Council to do so, as hereinafter provided. Section 38.02 Application for License That any person desiring to practice any of the arts or business hereinbefore setforth shall make a written ap- plication for a license to the City Clerk, which application shall set forth the length of time which such person shall desire to carry on such business and the place within such City where he or she proposes to con- duct such art or business, upon receipt of such application by the City Clerk, he shall present such application to the City Council at its next meeting. Upon receipt of such application, the City Council shall con- sider the same and, if satisfied that a license should be granted, the amount thereof shall be fixed by motion and the clerk shall thereafter issue such license upon payment of the amount fixed by the Council. If such application shall be considered improper, a license shall be denied by the Council. The license fee shall be commersurate with the nature of the art or business which is proposed to be carried on and the length of time such person intends to carry on such business. Action to be taken: 1. Affirm or deny the license. 2. if affirmed: / A. Set license fee ~ i~ B. Set time limit of license The above should be done by resolution. Note: In checking with other cities, Bloomington, Minneapolis and St. Louis Park do not require a license; Crystal does for an annual fee of $137.50-- however, they have not issued any licenses. ~' LeOnard L. Kopp ; CITY OF MOUND CITY OF MOUND 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINN. 55364 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE - SECTION 38.01 OF THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES 1. Name of Applicant LINOA ZEAr,,qYQK KII',"~ SAN0 2. Present Address .5[~0 Three Points Blvd. ,~122, i~ound, 3. How long at this address Approximately four years 4. Previous address 1021 Pleasant ¥iew Ave., Red Wing.., 5. Phone No. ~?~ ~.~ -q, ~ ~ (Home) None 6. Date of Birth !2-!]-5:1 7. Address of where art or business will be practiced Tb'-~ Gv~qy Plac~ - l,~OO Bartlett Ave.(& H¥of. ].~5), o 10. 11. (Business) Check or write specific areas covered by your business: A. Clairvoyant B. Palm Reader C. Phrenologist D. Fortune Teller - E. Mind Reader F. Astrologer G. Other Length of time for which license desired Five years Last location of business Hbw long (past history) in this business None 12. Have you ever been denied a license? t'[o 13. Have you ever been convicted of a crime as a result of practice of this business? I'~o Note: License is required for each person. If more space needed for answers, use other side of this form. S~gn~ttu~ App] :~cant ~/ O G 3 'o~cI"LoO ~%~$8 o~$GM pu'~ 'uL4 ~o 'uti oM) pepue~$~ I '696i u! ~mo'p~oV a,$o~M '%~ ~o~g p~%~np~ I 1~%un ~P~ q%~nog eM% mom~ '%8 ~oI'['~ ~O~1%~ s!IOd'~euu!M u! pe^'~'[ i u~q&' :puno~o'~E XM · eoeld eM% jo emeq% eM% s%es e!se%s~uv '(.,se!~ooo eun%aos,, o% a~i!mls) sgesu!$ ~eq uee~.%eq spgeo -puoo6s lios I -enb~%noq,~ Xi~~d s~ ~o~ld Xs~AO o~L · seou~u!p~o jo epoo punoM eM% jo iu'St uo!%oeS - esueol~ ~o~ uo!%~o!idd~ X~ sz M%!~,,~e~eq pesoiouz Og6'/ '6 qowe;,~ ~%o~ ~' ~uull,,~ ' ~uno},,,! ON ~KE MINN~ON~ INDIAN BURIA~ MOUND~ 5341 M~YWOOD RO~D TELEPHONE MOUND, MIN~SOT~ 55364 (612) 472-~155 March 23, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp - City Manager Sgt. ~.~illiam M. Hudson Background Investigation In checking the records with our department, the county, and the stal~e on LINDA ZEAMYQK KIM SANO who applied for a license application to open her shop at 4809 Bartlett Blvd., we find that she has no record. Resp c~fully, ' '" / Hudson ,.~ . ' ' 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Moundr Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-103 SUBJECT: Preliminary Report - Sewer & Street - Inverness Lane The City Council on January 23, 1979 ordered a preliminary report for construction of sewer and street on Inverness Lane and Cumberland Road. Attached is the complete report for the Council's consideration. The next step is to accept or reject the report by resolution. To accept: A resolution receiving the report and calling a public hearing on improvement. Suggested date for public hearing April 24th. "~ L~onard L. Kopp i , 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND ~Mound, Minnesota March 23, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-107 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - LQts 17 and 18, Block 14, Seton The subject lots are tax forfeit and have been held off sale for some reason. Attached is a copy of a letter from Mr. Bishop, who owns the lots next to them asking if the City would purchase them and resell them to him. These lots have in excess of 9,000 square feet. and are zoned A-2, 6,000 square feet. The lots are each 40 feet by 115 feet. It is recommended they be released for sale. Since it is a bUildable site, it does not fall within the City's purchase and resale policy. Action would be to authorize the lots be r~leased for sale (less any land taken for the improvement of Carlow Road). This will be listed on the March 27, ]979 agenda. ' 'Lepnard L. Kopp cc: B. Bishop L. Swanson ~arch 16, 1979 C'ity of MoUnd, Minn. Attn: Mr. Leonard Kopp Busdness Manager City of Mound Dear Sir: 5~y '= wl.~e and I ~m and live~ at ~730 Carlow Road and are interested in purchasing adjacent property which is tax delinquent since 1967. This property is described as plat 37950 parcel 2~75 or otherwise described as Seton Addition, lots 17 and 18, block 1~o ~ Our orimary interest is to acquire this property in order to prevent acquisition by anyone intez'ested in building thereon. Would you please see that 'this matter is placed on the agenda for the council/board ? meeting to be held on 27.March. 19?9. I am assuming that This notification provides ample time for the ~larch,-2~;: meeting and would aporeciate hearing from you if not. ~ I appreciate your attention to this request and also any c. onsideratiSn given by the City of ~ound. You~ respec~fully, ~ernarm ~lsnop.u..' ROAD 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 23, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-104 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 3, Block 2, Wychwood The County Land Department has furnished a price for the above lot which is undersized and the adjoining property owner wishes to purchase. Two resolutions are needed: Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to purchase Lot 3, Block 2, Wychwood from the County Land Department for $1,000. plus $30. tax. II. Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to resell Lot 3, Block 2, Wychwood to Ron Gehring, owner of adjoining lot for $1,554.00. 77q 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 23, 1979 COUNCIL ~MORANDUM NO. 79-105 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point The County Land Department has furnished a price for the above lot which is undersized and the adjoining property owner wishes to pur- Chase. Two resolutions are needed: Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to purchase Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point, from the County Land Department for $3,000. plus $90. tax. II Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to resell Lot 1, Block 24, Shadywood Point to Gerald Tasa, owner of adjoining lot for $3,340.00. 773 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 23, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-106 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Part of Plat 38010 Parcel 5230 Lots 12 and 13, Block 26, Wychwood Lot 23, Block 26, Wychwood The County Land Department has furnished a price for the above lots which are undersized and the adjoining property owner wishes to pur- chase. Two resolutions a~e needed: Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to purchase from the County Land Department the following parts of lots in Plat 38010 Barcel 5230: A. Part of Lots 12 + 13, Block 26, Wychwood for $1,000. plus $30. tax. Lot 23, Block 26, Wychwood for $800. plus $24. tax. I~e~ol~tion authorizing the Mayor and Manager to resell to Duane Schaller, owner of adjoining lot, the following: A. Part of Lots 12 + 13, Block 26, Wychwood for $1,517. B./~Lot 23, Block 26, Wychwood for $1,264.00. /, L ~ Kopp ~ 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 23, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO, 79-108 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 17, Block 2, Shadywood Point The Council considered the request to purchase and resell this property to the owner of Lot 13, Block 2, Shadywood Point, but tabled the matter for further information. Prior to the last meeting, we also received a request for this lot from the owner of Lot 14, Block 2, Shadywood Point (Copy attached). On March i6th, the Attorney wrote the Council concerning lots in this situation. From the tax records, we find: Lots 15 and 16, Block 7 owned by Lydia Neil. Lot 18, Block 7, owned by E. C. Wilson - deceased. Lot 19, Block 7, owned by Patricia-Winkleman (We have been told that Patricia Winkleman is the daughter of E. C. Wilson, but the lots are not combined.) Ths map attached shows the owners in various colors. Lots 15 and 16 are a little short of 10,000 square feet. Lot 18 has 6,250 square feet. Lot 19 has 6,250 square feet. ' I z) '-/,:_4 4o ~-I o,,-- 4.-'2 LAW OFFICES CURTIS A. PEAR,~ON JAN[S P. O'NEARA NARY J. BJORI<LUND L~-FEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN & DRAWZ IIOO FIR~.T NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 5S40~ March 16, 19 79 (612) 333-0 ~,4.3 Mayor and City Council City of _~ound Re': Garage Site - Lot 17, Block 7, Sha~.ywood Poin~ Gentlemen: On March 13, the Council laid. over item 11 from the Planning Commission minutes which relates to a request of a property owner to purchase a lot across the street from his home for the construction of a garage. The Mayor asked., that I write concerning combining two parcels which are intersected by a city street. If the City were to release this lot, and if the owner of Lot 13, Block 2, purchased Lot 17, Block 7, Shadywood Point, the parcels could be combined for real estate tax purposes. I know of no way that the City could make these two parcels separate from time immemorial since they were individually platted lots separated by a public street and. are not contiguous. I suspect that the owner could make a private covenant and restriction which could be placed of record indicating that the two parcels are to be considered as one, and further indicating that they would not be sold separately, and further indicating that the site would be us.ed strictly for a garage and. making whatever other covenants the City deemed necessary, but a private covenant such as this can be removed when all the owners affected by the covenant agree to the removal. Other questions which need to be asked are the status of Lots 18 and 16, which abut this property. Are they of sufficient size to meet the Mound zoning ordinance? If either of those two lots are not joined with other properties, ~hey are obviously under- sized, and the sale of this lot to a person across the road would jeopardize the city's insistence upon Lots 18 and 16 ever being brought into conformity. I emphasize I am not aware of the facts about those lots. They are points to be considered and if homes are constructed along Shorewoo¢! Road in Block 7, they are required to meet certain front yard set back requirements, and would the City require that any garage built on Lot 17 sit in the rear half of the lot so that it is not out of character and does not intrude into the front yard area of abutting properties? L£FEV~E, LAW OFFICES LEFLER, PEARSON. O'BRIER DRAWZ Page 2 Mayor and City Council City of Mound March 16, 19 79 If after all the facts ha.ye been assembled about this piece of property it is determined that the application is to be approved, then this is a case where the City should buy the property and resell it to the owner of Lot 13 and place certain restrictions in the conveyance to try to give the city as much leverage as possible on the future use of that piece of property. CAP: Ih Very truly you~ f/ // ~C~t~-r~t£s~ A: Pearson, City Attorney 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, r4innesota March 16, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-94 SUBJECT: Fire Truck Specifications Attached are copies of the proposed specifications for a new aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department. This will be listed on the March 27th agenda. Reco~nended action: Resolution approving the specifications and ordering bids for an Aerial Tower Fire Pumper Truck Leonard L. Kopp ~ /~ cc: Fire Chief City of Mound Mound, M~nnesota INVITATION TO BID, PROPOSAL AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE (1) AERIAL TOWER FIRE PUMPER Public Opening of this hid'will take place at City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road, · Mouncl, Minnesota, 55364 at NOTE: 23 pages to bid~ :? o (~:) . otc o -[;~ °6'[ o · ~......____ =~~"~ . ~ ...... :..~..-~= . · . .. B~dd~r proposes to furz~nk Fira'P,u~.per.iu fu!l.comoliamce witk '.--- * zol!ows- Tit!o NOT~CE TO BIDDERS EACH BID MUST BE ACC ~IED BY': Detailed specifications, blue prints, descriptions and all necessary data on equipment bidder proposes to Furnish and which are called for in the attachea specifications, A certified cqpy of a standard performance curve for the motor bidder proposes. to furnish. A cash dep'osit, Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Standard Bidder's Bond written by a corporate surety, certified by a Hound Insurance Agency, payable to the City of Mound equal to. ten percent (10%) of the total high bid inclusive of options. Satisfactory proof that repair parts'and repair service will .be quickly avail- able to the City for a reasonable time after delivery. .. ... GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BID: ' " Delivery shall be a consideration in the award of contract. The successful bidder will be required to post a satisfactory performance bond in the full amount of the bid. The Contractor shall ~efend any and all suits and assume all 1.lability'for any of. its officials or agents for the use of any patented process, device or article.. forming a part of the apparatus or any apparatus br any applianc6 furnished under ' the contract. The.City provides pr.oposal forms which are to be used. Each proposal must be en- closed in a sealed envelope,'plainly marked, and addressed to the City of Mound. All bids must be submitted prior to the time fixed in the invitation for bids. The City reserves the ~ight to accept or reject any or all bids, or to mccept the bid deemed most advantageous to the City of Hour, d. GUARANTEE: ' · To protect the interest of the City, the bidder guarantees that the equipment offered is standard ~ew equipment, latest-modeloflregular stock product, with parts regularly used for the type of equipment offered; a]so that no attachment or parts has been substituted or applied contrary to manufacturers recommendations and standard practice, The contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ability to construct the apparatus as specified and shall state the location of the factory where the apparatus is to be built. The bidder shall guarantee this equipment as to ~e specified capacity,.Idegign quality and satisfactory performance, and to be free of defects in design, material and workmanship, All defective equipment will be replaced, labor included, free of all costs to the City of H°~nd,'for a'Peri-0-d ~f ~n~'"(l') year from the date of final acceptance. In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements on first trials, second trials may be made at the option of the contractor within thirty (30) days of the date of the first trials. Such trials shall be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements shall be cause for rejection. Failure to make such changes as the Chief of the Fire Department and or the purchaser may consider necessary to conform to any clause of the specifications within thirty (30) days after notice is given to the contractor to make such changes shall also be cause for'rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the purchaser or its'use by the fire depart- ment during the above specified period with the permission of the contractor shall not constitute acceptance of the same. DELIVERY: The manufacturer must supply at time of delivery at least two copies of a complete operation and maintenance manual covering the completed apparatus as delivered, including the truck, pump, aerial tower, and fire fighting equipment. Also two (2) index and numbered parts manuals, a schematic diagram oF complete electrical system are also to be provided. This equipment shall be bid F.O.B, Mound and delivered to the Mound Fire Station in Mound, Minnesota. A qualified and responsible repre- sentative of the manufacturer sh~ll deliver the appartus and remain in th~ comm~n~ity purchasing t~ equipmen~ for a sufficient ~ime, minimu~ of five (5) days, or as tha Fire Chief may designate, to instruct fire department personnel in the operation~ Care and maintenance of the equipm6nt delivered. All expense Of operating prior to acceptance or placing n service shall be borne by the supplier. 3- Neither lng wiring nor the startin rcuit shall be connected to both batteries except when .both starter switches are operated. 4. The alternator shall be connected to supply the batteries. which are being used for lights and/or starting. 5- There shall be a master switch to disconnect all electrical connecti, ons when truck is not in use. An electrical starter shall be provided, lt~ characteristics shall be such that when operating under maximum load, the current draw will not introduce a voltage drop sufficient to adversely affect function of the electrical equip- ment. The starter shall be operated through solenoid switches. Lights as follow are to be installed: Two underhood engine lights with automatic switches. Six red flashing, two each side, cab front mounted and one each side, side mounted. Two flo°dlights, cab roof mounted, facing rear of apparatus, chrome. Two lights to illuminate pressure gauges and pump operatorst panel. Two, 360 degree rotating red l~ghts, side ~ear mounted, chrome. Two high powered swivel:spotlights, clear lens, substantially mounted on wind- shield corners with inside control handles. Two beacon ray light, Federal Beacon Ray t~odel 175, two red and two clear, with' clear cover, mounted as high as possible so as to be seen from all sides. One, Mars #888, 'front center cab recessed mounted, chrome. Minnesota.Class A turn signals. Light in shape.of arrow amber on front, to be' recessed i'f possible in front and shall be recessed in the back. A separate flasher switch shall flash turn lights simultaneously. 'Two large sea'l~d beam headlights, adjustable. .High and low beam.foot switch to be mounted on floor.on left side. ~o tall lights, two 6 inch stop lights, and r~nning lights to conform to Minne- sota State Highway regulations shall be provided. ~ Switches for all lights shall be mounted on one panel on dash and individually labeled. Two back-up lights, 6 inch automatic, white, shall be installed in the rear, panels to adequately illuminate the area to the rear of the truck. All compartments shall have automatic lights including the cab glove compartment. A light, together with an audible warning device shall be. installed in the drivers compartment with two switches moun'ted on the rear of the truck so.that the driver may be signalled when backing the vehicle, or to warn him of any danger when re- versing direction. All gauges and other standard equipment in the cab shall be adequately lighted. Audible warning equipment l! consist of one Q2B model air horns shall be mounted on top of cab. No lo:ks with removable keys will be allowed. sirens: -.~ ...... ~ sasy adj,-~ ~.~ Servics' .. ' brak,ss shall b~' ~r opoz-ated B~4~< Wes. tin~ouse~ or squ~! ~-~ith a 12 --' ,-_ ~a_bo ea~,~. I~ shall hav~ a .-.. in Pozition -~n. app~ad,. ' . %-."., :::.".:- ..~[ j.....__:: ,: --... - ... ,... . . . · -. . . ... -. (':, .....;......' ' .2-~- ' · - Brako paz, fo~anco shall como!y ~xu~ apo!icab.l~ ara'ho highw~y'~e~,,~+~& '- briugir~ th~ _¢,,~"~ la_l~n~ aopn~abhs ~oc a com~!~ta_ stop fram an 'i'nitik! ' .... j !ORu'~ ~u~o_O OR ~ ~0 p~ Cf~~ ~, 'r'~. - ' ~F~ =3 ~ to be of a' c~g~ sook~ ~,-~ign. ~th s'b~3~! rims 2 ~n-h '-~ ' ~ts~. Tiz'.~s ar~ to b~ o~' ~d~uat~ ~s~gn· and s~n¢-~ to ~+~ *~ ."" - intended lead. Rear ' ~-~ are ' "' .... ~.-~ po, Tha f~oat - Each load bearing ti~e of the a)para~o_ shall not~_.._~n~w=~ - a ~.~r~a~'~' ~ gr~at-' '" su=~_~ l~asg (8) inch~sf The f2Ong ~!o s~,=~ ........... bo of o~:tra' h~a?y on~ bea~ typ. a to ,-~ ~:~.-~-~-~o~.,.., road "- 'ing'-'" FTaF ~'-'] ,-' ...... S~ia!]. %'~,, a .~ n.t~. a',._~'~'--.: '-~'~---o'~'r f3::O~,. - =~{J~"- -- mi~Do~-o. ~'~5 ~,_~"~ ~+~-" ' -~- )-.> OS !~ :" 91, "" 7£? Springs, front and ,. shall be alloy steel, semi lptical type, of adequate strength to carry gross weight expected, without evidence of overload or permanent set. Springs shall have a capacity equal, to t~eir c0rres~0ndin§ az~.es. Front and rear axles shaI! both have helper springs and rear axle shall have radius support. Adequate heavy duty shock absorbers shall be supplied on the front spring~. Fenders and guards shall bs oF not lYgh.ter than t4 gauge metal., wsll braced and firmly secured. Ample clearance shall be allowed at wheels with skid chains in place. The steering mechanism shall be capable of turning the front wheels to an angle of at-least thirty degrees to either right or left.· Power steering to easily and properly steer this truck shall be installed.. Steering knuckles and other parts and connections shall be of extra heavy design. .:. .. " The transmission' shall be automatic Alliason HT740g. The transmission together'with a gearing in the rear axle shall be of such combination as to allow a maximum speed. of not less than 60 mph with full 10ad at governed motor speed. .. The drive shaft shall be of the Self-aligning type, heavily constructed ~ith needle bearing universal joints, spicer 1~00 series, Blood Bros '72N,'or equal. · The chassis is to be of a cab ahead of engine type;'designed and manufactured for .emergency service, with adequate strength·and capacity of all components for the .. intended load to be sustained and the type of serviced required. Manufacturers! " . gross weight ra'tin§ ·shall be not less than 56,000 pounds. The frame shall be steel channel of not less than'lO inches high, 5 inch flange, and 3/8" thickness with adequate full length frame inner liner to provide a sec- tion modulus of not less than 63. Two towing .~ooks or eyes.,, attached, directl~ to the frame, shall be provided at front and one at the rear. Frame shall have a minimum resisting binding moment of 8,000,000 inch pounds underneath turntablef The front b~mper is to be chrome plated, and 10 inches deep, wrap around type, and is to be attached to the front frame rails. The space between the bumper and the cab is to be fully skirted and enclosed with steel or aluminum diamond.tread plate. The body shall be constructed of not-less than '12 gauge metal, well reinforced and shall have a capacity for not less· than 600.£eet of 2-1/2" and 800 feet of 4 in'ch diamater hose. This compartment shall be divided into two sections. Two 1-1/2 inch hose compartments, mid-ship mounted, with 150 foot capacity in each compartment, shall be'provided with swivel connections. A canvas cover for hose compartments with necessary fasteners shall be furnished. .. The inside of the body Shall have a-flat surface of hard wood Slats in. removable sections, properly finished to prevent absorbion of moisture. The forward end of the body shall have a drop moulding of sufficient size to keep water from running off into the hose body. All parts of the body, compartments, skirting, etc- shall be free of pockets where water may collec~ and shall be thoroughly protected against corrosion. (~) Bidders please note: hese Specifications do not c for the supplying of above mentioned hose. Step plates shall'be provided on top and front.side of rear fenders aad on body where needed. Also provide step plates on tip of rear bumper on each side. All steps shall be suitably braced and be of heavy gauge metal with non-skid safety surface. Minimum width of rear steps shall be not less than 18 inches measured from back 6f body. Running boards shall be non-skid steel, 20 gauge metal or heavier, as wide'as space will permit and to extend in length as close to front and rear as practical. Apparatus body, all compartments and doors, to be made of 12 gauge steel. Tubular reail' is to be used on the top of the body sides, and extendbd full length of the body. The compartment doors is to be of the double panel type with recessed handles. Compartments are to have not less than 150 cubic feet of storage area. The auto- matic lights in all compartments shall be connected with a tattle tale light on the dash board. · :The wide type-cab is to be 20 inch minimum to provide seating for five men, three in front and two in the rear. 'The drivers seat is to be separate and 'adjustable. All seats shall be upholstered in black, best grade naugahyde, with loam'cushions'~ The'cab floor is to be finished diamond tread plate flooring. Cab doors of ample size for easy access to the 'driving compartments shall have adjustable wind vents' -. and roll down windows each side. Full width kick plates, 3 inches in height,-shall be installed below the doors to prevent damage to the finish on the side panels. There shall be a Sliding glass partition between the front and 'rear'sections of the cab. Chrome plated hand rails shall be installed:at the entrance to the cab and to the rear seats on each side. The two rear facing seats will not have a back rest and will be so placed as to allow a hanging air pac beh}nd occupant. Space for a 2-way-radio installation shall be available under or behind the front gear. A radio is'~ot a .part'o'f this bid a~d shall be supplied by others. The cab shall be equipped with the following: 1. Dual sun visors. . 2. Two speed positive action electric windshield wipers. 3-' Dome lights over front and rear seats. Dome lights over rear seats to be shaded to prevent light reflections on the windshield. 4.. Two rear view west coast mirrors approximately 6" x 15" size, chrome '- plated, shall be mounted on the outside of the cab. 5..A minimum of 30,000 B.T.U. fresh air intake type heater with windshield defrosters. 6. A removable instrument panel on cab dash, ahead of the driver, raised for good visibility, shall be installed with the oil pressure gauge, the ~ater temperbture gauge, fuel gauges, ammeter, spoodemeter, and tachometer. The tachometer shall show R.P.M. as well as total engine miles. The '' speedometer shall have an odometer as part of the unit. 7. The inside of the cab shall be insulated and lined with metal or-other durable material. The cab sha'll be soundproofed at least to the extend of ~keeping out engine and traveling noises that interfere with radio trans-. mission and reception. 8. Engine hood shall be made with aluminum treadplate, with top and sides individually removable. All bright metal and fittings shall be b~avily plated with chromium. which are to be chrom plated shall first be copper plated. Iron fittings (12)' All exposed metal su~l~l~aces, inside and out~ not )lated or polished, shall be thoroughly clbaned and prepared and shall be painted in fire coach color. Base coats shall be thoroughly brushed in or sprayed on.' All irregularities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed down before the application of the finishing coats. The color of the truck shall be Mack Red. Decorative $,~ork and let~ening tO be hand l~t~ered in gold leaf, arLis'[ic in design and e~ecution. Lettering is to be not less than five (5).inch gold leaf shaded . letters, placed as directed by the Mound Fire Department. ROAD TESTS: Accept.ante tests on behalf of the purchaser shal'l be as prescribed an~I conducted -prior to delivery or within 10 days after delivery, by the manufacturer.'s repre- 'sentative in the presence of such person or persons as the purchaser may.designate.· The-apparatus, loaded with a full complement' of hose and men, shall meet the tests on paved roads, dry and in good condition. The tests shall be on the basis of two runs, in opposite directions over t.he same route, the engine not operating in excess of the manufacturer's full"load maximum rpm. ... · From a standi, ng start through, the gears the v~hicle shall attain a true speed of 35 mph within 30 seconds. From a steady speed of i5 mph in' direct drive, the v'ehicle shall accelerate to a speed of 35 mph within 30 seconds. The 'vehicle shall attain a true speed of not less than 60 mph. back up a 20% grade _. it shall be able to The vehicle sha~l demons[rate ability of the parking brake to hold the.vehicle in position on a 20 percent grade, while performing any designated stationary function. The ability of.the braking system shall be demonstrated by bringing ~he vehicle to a complete stop from an initial speed of 20 miles per hour in a distance not ex- ceeding 30 feet by actual measurement on a hard surfaced road that is substantially free from loose material, all or grease. The initial speed may be approximated by use of the speedometer on the vehicle. . , · . The vehicle shall be inspected for compliance wi~h an applicable.state motor vehicle laws. FIRE..PUMP:' The fire pump shall be a 1500 per m~nut~,slngle stage double suction volume pump and shall deliver the percentage of rated discharge as follows: 100% of ra'ted capacity'at 150 P.S.I. net pump pressure; 70% of rated, capacity at 200 P.S.I. net pump pressure; 50% of rated capacity at 250 P.S.i. net pump pressure. $1hen dry, pun~ps shall be capable of taking sbction and discharging' with a'lift of 10 feet .in not more than 30 seconds throu~: 20 feet of suction hose of appropriate size. The engine sh~ll demonstrate its ability to deliver 107~ more power than re- qulred to pu~:p rate~'! capacity at the rated pressures. This tes~ shall be done without exceedin~ the maximum no load governed speed of the engine. (13) The pump shall be ly designed in accordance good modern practice. It shall have bronze ~mpellors on stainless steel shafts, mounted on ball bear- ings. It shall have a m~nimum number of packings; packings will be the adjust- able type and deadily accessible. Pump .shall be self lubricating from oil re- servoirs, or such other methods that will insure proper lubrication under severe fire service. .The pump will be heated, with pan and cover, to avoid freezing in cold weather. The primer must be an integrpl part of the pump and shall be used. for'priming the fire pump ably. it shall be capable of developing a vacuum of 22 inches and hold vacuum w~tt~ a drop not in excess of 10 inc~s in 10 minu~es. The prinle'r shall'be o~ such type to function ef~eciently at all tim~s at engine speeds not exceeding the certified governed speed. The primer shall be capable of performing tests herein described. The fire pump and all;compartments holding water shall have suitable valves or cocks, operated by lever or valve extension handles on the outsi~e of the frame or body for handy operation, to permit drain-. age in cold weather. The pump shift lever shall be so designed as to quickly and easily place the pump in operation. The lever or other device shall be marked to indicate when in pump- ing position. All levers us6d in connection.with pumping operations shall be pro-' vided with positive catches or other devices ~hich will prevent them from being jarred or knocked out of position.. .. Means shall be provided for controlling pressures at the pump either throbgh an automatic relief valve or a pressure regulator.controlling the speed of the pump. These shall be of such size ancl design that when not more than 10 psi high than pump worl~ing pressure, there will not be an increase in pump pressure greater than 30'psi when discharge lines ar~ shut slowly; the device shall perform satisfactorily when pumping rated capacity at any pump working pressure over 75 psi. The means provided shall be controllable by one man in the pump operator's pos.ition. All pump connections, outlets and inlets, shall.have American National Standard fire hose coupling threads. Suction inlets shall have centers not more than four feet above the ground with a removable or accessible strainer provided inside e~:h inlet. Pump..shall have six (6) inch suction inlets, one tO ~ither side of the appartus. Four'(4) discharge " outlets of 2-1/2 inch size shall be ball valves installed, each with a drain cock or valve of 3/4 inch diameter for draining hose lines. Two of these outlets shall be on ei.ther side ofthe apparatus. A11 these outlets shall have ball type valves and locking handles. All valves are to be operated from pump operators panel and shall be readily opened against full pump pressure; Caps shall be supplied On all openings. Connections shall be installed to tHe-elevated platform as specified. The pump operators position shall be located on the left side approximately fifty four (54)'inches from the ground level. All controls and devices shall, insofar as possible, be visible and readily accessible to one man at the pump operator's position. Adequate illumination shall be provided for night opera,ion. A plate shall be provided which gives the rated discharges and pressures together with the ~pm of the engine as determined by the manufacturer's performance test for each unit and the'governed speed of the engine as stated by the engine manu- facturer on a certified brake horsepower curve. The plate shall be completely stamped with all information at the factory and attached to the vehicle prior to shipping. A hand throttle, controlling the fuel supply to the engine and of a type that will positively hold its s~t position, shall be so located that it can be manipulated from the operating position with all gauges in full view. All gauges and instrOnts shalt be so lOcated as readily visible from the pump operator's p~6-sition, They shall be so mount that they are not sub- ject to excessive vibration and shall not be connected to the pump by rigid piping. They shall be fully enclosed and protected from freezing by hot air type heater. The pumper shatl be equipped with one suction gauge, not less than 3-1/2 inches . in diameter, reading from 30 inches of vacuum to at-least 300 p. si pressure,.but not f~ore th~n 609 psi pressure; and one discharge gauge not less than 3-1/2 inches in diam~er,'of a type not subject to damage by vacuum and [~ading from 0 to at least 300 psi pressure, but not more than 600 psi pressure.. Gauges to be. pro- " ¥ided with 1/2 inch standard pipe thread connection~. Two plugged 1/4 inch stand- ard pipe thread connections for test gauges,'one on the pressure side and one on the suction side of the pump, shall be readily available at the pumper operator's- position, Pump gauge connections shall be so located as not to indicate false pressure readings. ' The discharge outlet pressure gauges, one for each 2-1./2 inch di'scharge, and one. for the elevated platform, reading t~ approximately 600 psi shall be provided. Discharge gaugesare to be of a type not subject to damage by'vacuum. A suitable needle shut-offtvalv~ shall be installed in each connection tube and a drain cock provided for each gauge, This arrangement is to permit obtaining a discharge 'pressure reading at each hose line-wlth throttled or wide open gate valves. All gauges, are to be-labelled and be of uniform size. A readily accessible permanently attached tachometer at the pump operator's pos- .. ition shall indicate the speed at which the engine is operating when driving the pump. Provisions shall also be made by ~eans of which-readings of the permanently ~ttached tachometer may be checked with h~nd revolution counter; these provisions .shall be readily and conveniently accessible and shall not involve disconnecting the above permanent tachometer, The speedometer shall register, miles per hour. The equivalent of total engine mileage shall be indicated by either the speedometer or tachometer. An oil pressure gauge shall be located a't the pump operator's panel i~ addition' to the'gauge on the instrument panel. 0ther.gau~es 'to 'be mounted at'the operator's'.panel sh~ll be a fu~l gauge showing relative level of fuel in tank, and an engine temperature gauge. ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENT: The completed vehicl, e shall be thoroughly run in by the manufacturer before 'be'lng delivered. A re~ponslble representative of the manufacturer shall certify on a test date sheet provided at the time of delivery that the vehicle has been oper- ated for a minimum of four (4) hours of pumping at draft'and' that the unit has pumped rated capacity at 150 psi.ne~ pump pressure for at least one hour, 70 per ~ent or rated capacity at 200 psi net pump pressure for at least'l/2 hour and 50 per cent of rated capacity at 250 psi net pump pressure for at least 1 hour and has complied with the provisions that the engine has demonstrated its ability to deliver 10% more power than required'to pump rated capacity at rated pressure; this being done without exceeding the maximum no load governed speed of the engine. (15) Pump impeller chamb nd discharge, connections she tested by the pump nanufaQturer at 10 minutes at a pressure of 100 psi in excess of the minimum working pressure, and the suction chamber of the pump shall be tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 350 psi' A three hour certification test shall consist of drafting water and pumping rated capacity against a net pump pressure of 150 psi for. a continuous period of two hours, followed by two 1/2 hour periods of continuous pumping during one of which at least 70 per cent' of th~ rated capacity shall be delivered at n~ pu~:~p pressure of 200 psi and during the.~emaining 1/2 hour, 50 per cent of the rated capacity shal! be delivered at a net pump pressure of 250 psi. The apparatus shall also be given a 10 minute o'verload test to demonstrate its ability ~o develop 10 per cent excess power. The test shall consist of discharg~ lng rated capacity, at 165 psi net pump pressure. A test shail be conducted when'operating at draft'to determine the effici, ency of the m~ans provided for automatically controlling the pump pressure. With the pres- -sure. control set. at not more than 10 psi higher than any operating pressure over 90 psi the pump discharging through one or more hose lines, pump pressure shall not increase more'than 30 psi.'above the operating pressure when hose outlet valves are closed slowly. A vacuum test,'using the pump priming device, with a capped suction of at least 20 feet lo~g, shall develop 22 inches of ~acuum at an altitude of up to 1000 feet above sea level and.hold that vacuum wi'th a drop in excess of ~0 inches in 10 minutes. The primer shall not be used after the 10 minute test period has been Started. The test shall be made with the discharge outlets uncapped. Acceptance test shall be made with all accessories and power consuming appliances connected and fuel shall be furnished by the purchaser at the manufacturer's ex- pense. ~ The stops during tests shall ~e only such as are necessary for'changing hose and 'nozzles. During ahd after the tests, the'engine, pump, transmissions-and ~ll parts"of the machine shall.show ~o undue heating or excessive strain o'r vibration and the engine Shall show no loss of power, overspeed, or other defect.' ' ' Tests shall be made with 20 feet of 6 inch hard suction hose in a single line and with the external and internal strainers. Pumping tests shall be conducted with a vertical lift of'not more than 20 feet. The vertical lift being the ~ertical distance from the surface of the water to the center of the pump suction inletL The manufacturer must supply, at the time of delivery, at least one copy of: 1. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. "Certificate of Inspection for Fire Department Pumper"- Form 3000-375 2. Manufacturer's Record of Pumper Construction Detail'- Form 3000-375A 3- Manufacturer's.Four-Hour Run-In Test Results - Form 19-1 -ii. Engine n~anufacturer's certified bra~e'horsepower curve showing the maximum no-load governed speed. No test shall be re( ted of the manufacturer at theOme of delivery but manu- facturer shall demonstrate all of the capabilities of the appar~tus,p.ump, etc. go the purchaser. The following.qptional .equipment to be bid separate. LADDERS: Ladders furnished shall be of aluminum. Ladders shall b~ as light as consis-tenC with safety and shall be constructed of ~he bes~ a~]d most carefully selecCed materlal. Ladders shall be made as wide as possible consistent with their length.' Extension ladders shall have stops for fly ladders and automatic, locks. Ladder length shall be the measured length when extended an~ not the sum of the length of the sections. Ladders furnished shall be as follows: I. One, thirty foot aluminum ladder .. 2. Two~ eighteen foot roof ladders 3- One, ten foot collapsible ladder, mounted in fly section of boom. Note: Mound will furnish two, 45 foot 1. adders. - Ladders shall be so mounted so that they shall not extend beyond the bed of the truck. .OTHER EQUIPMENT: Two pick head axes ' 6 lbs. Two flat head axes - 6 lbs~ Two crowbars - 50 inches ..... Ohe ~law tool T~o approved Portable Fire £xtlnguishers, Fire Department type 20.lbs., of variety to'be suitable [or use on Class A, B and C fires. Four electric hand lights, Commando #12Z5GB, with mountings. Two air trumpets mounted on top of cab. Two 6 ft. pike poles. Two 8 ft. pike poles. Two 12 ft. pike poles. %~o scoop shovels. 125 ft. manila rope, 5/8" diameter. 125 ft. manila rope, 3/4" diameter. Four wheel chocks Four pompier be.l~s. (17) LIGHTS AND DEVICES There shall be all standard vehicle lights, headlights, taillig'hts, running lights, etc., to conform with the State of Minnesota and DOT regulations. There shall be a master cut-off switch for platform operation at base control, turntable cOntrol and in platform control. Two il0 volt o~.:tlets in platfo'rm (20 a~np. ~wistlock). One 12 volt spotlight mounted on platform. Lights at upper an~ ]'ower control stations. One 360° flasher mounted on bottom of platform. Two red revolving lights at rear of ladder arches (Federal Model 14). ~Two/four sequential lights in chrome housings front of cab. Two sealed beam spotlights in cab' or truck, inner controlled. Three'red marker l~ghts on rear of'platform,.below door. Two'sealed beam loading lights. Two 8" combination tail/stop lights at rear. Two lights mounted on base of main boom, 90°. Two red blinker..lights at rear, 8" above taillights. Marker lights on c~6 and body sides as per Federal regulations. Two 7" back-up lights, clear, controlled by the transmission reverse gear position. Compartme~ts have automatic lights'with dash mounted door-ajar lights. Two underhood lights, Master cut-off switches on both batteries. Red blinking lights on jack.extensions. One Federal Q2B siren ~ounted left front bumper apron, one Federal PA20 with dual chrome speakers mounted on roof. One floodlight mounted on platform (Muscatine Model ML-500) with associated 110 volt wiring to generator compartment- Four Il0 volt outlets (20 amp. twlstlock) located near each corner of the ladder bed and wired to the genehator compartment. OPT.IOHAL EQUIPMENT The following optional equipment shall be separately p.riced ~n the vendor's bid. Breathing air system~I~ tower. 5000 watt generator (Onan) with Flo Pack mounted and wired in compartment. 800 ft. of 4" Storz supply line with one set of hydrant and truck adapters. 600 ft. of 2-1/2" double jacketed, cotton fire hose, stamped and da~ed, NST, pyrolite, couplings. 350 ft. of 1-1/2" double jacketed, cotton fire hose, stamped and dated, NST, pyrolite couplings. ' Three 1-1/2" NST adjustable nozzles (Akron Turbojet). One Stokes stretcher. One 2-1/2" NST adjustable nozzl~ (Akron Turbojet). Two explosion-proof exhaust fans (Supervac 16"). Two pump inlet to 4" snaptite adapters. " Two 2-1/2"x 2-1/2"x 2-1/2" NST clappered siamese (Akron Style 262). Two complete sets --spanner wrenches, hydrant wrench and mounting plate - Akron. Four.MSA 30 minutes air pack pressure demand type with air tanks. Four MSA 30 minute air tanks. Set of 2 hose bridges, model RHB-40 Ziamatic, for 4" hose, rbbber type. FINISH: All exposed metal surfaces not chrome plated or polished shall be-thoroughly cleaned and prepared. To prevent corrosion and to insure bonding of primer, body shall be washed under pressure by a phosphatizi~ system. All irregul- arities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed'down b~fore the application of ' the finishing coats. Finish coat shall be Dupont to match existing Fire Department apparatus. Both cab and body shall be painted and all removable items, i.e., Wheels, brackets, compartment doors~ etc., shall be removed and painted separately to insure finish paint behind mounted items. Body assemblies that cannot be finish painted upon assembly are to be finish ' painted b~fore assembly. All seams are to be caulked. Gold leaf striping per Fire Dep~rtment specifications as follows: One (1) gold leaf stripe ea~ch s~de. MouND FIRE DEPT. #17 Any deviations from these specifications either over or under specifications must be li~ted and explained on a separate sheet and included with proposal. Brackets and mountings for miscellaneous equipment that require permanent fasten- ing to apparatus must be provided, however, the individual items i.e., azes, lanterns, extinguishers etc. must be individually priced or deleted and so noted on bid. (19) ELEVATING PLATFORB: A metal elevating platform device consisting of two or more booms or sections with a passanger carrying platform assembly shall be'provided, The minimum working vertical height of this platform shall be 100 feet, The nominal height of an elevating platform assembly shall be as measured by a line from the top surface of th~ platform to the ground, with the platform raTsed to its position of maximum elevation. The aerial tower shall be of a truss bridge or box beam design of adequate strength to perform the specified functions. The telescoping boom shall have a ladder as a built in feature. Telescoping hand rails shall be installed on the bobm to provide continuous hand rails from the platform to the turntable. These handrails shall be a:minimum of 14" above the corresponding ladder !:tread. ..Ac- cess to the ladder shall be provided as specified on the platform. A power operated raising and extending device shall be provided, so arranged that movement of the platform is rapid, smooth, and without undue sway or vib- 'ration. -It .shall be so designed, and provided with adequate power, to allow_mul-. tiple movements.of'the elevating booms or sections simultaneously. All cables, if and where used, shall'be securely attached and arranged with-sufficient com- pensation to avoid undue stress and strains. -~ · · The platform leveling system shall be provided and so designed that the platform, . together with its raised load, will be supported and maintained level in relation -to the turnt, abJe regardless of the position of the booms or sections. Where the raising device includes moving cylinders or o~her external moving parts, these shall be arranged to provide adequate hand clearance or guards so as to prevent injury to operators or occupants of the platform. : A power operated turntable sha'l'J be provided for revolving the platform and booms or sections, so arranged that it will rotate with little resistance. The mechan- ism of the'turntable shall be so constructed that the booms or sections and plat- form dan be'rotated dontinuous1~ clockwise and couht~r-clockwise to enable tile platform to be.faced in any direction through 360 degrees. The rotating mechanism .shall provide Sufficient power to r. otate the platform in eitt~er'direction while carrying the manufacturers' rated load and with the turret nozzle in operation at its rated capacity in any normal position of use. The platform shall have a minimum floor area of~14 square feet and shall be pro- vided with a quard railing between 42 and 45 inches high on all sides. The rail- ing shall be constructed' so that there i-s no opening below it greater-than 24' inches. There shall be two gates below'the top railing, each of which shall be provided' with guitable safety latches. A kick plate not Jess than 4 inches high shall be provided around the.~loor of the platform. Drain openings shall be proxided to prevent water accumulation on the platform. A heat protective shleld shall be provided on the platform for the protection of the operator. An assembly for the removal of stretcher cases shall ~e provided. Two permapently installed turret nozzles, Elkhart Select-0-Mati~ SIt '100 or equal, shall be.provided on the platform, supplied by a water system incorporated with the boom or sections. The nozzle shall be equipped so as to allow the platform operator to control their rotation and elevation. The nozzles shall provide for (20) 7v? rotation through at least 45 degrees either side of center, and fo~ elevation 'and depress~.on through at ]east 45 degrees above and be]ow horizontal. Stops shall be provided at limit movement to 45 degrees above horizontal. A holder for 50 feet of 1 1/2 inch hose shall be provided. A water system is to be provided'to the platform for supplying the two turret nozzles, two Elkhart Select-o-Matic SM 100 or equal nozzle for 750 gpm. Nozzles shall have shut offs and shall proVide, for Fog or 'straight steam o?~ration. A suitable pressure gauge shall be provided at this point. A 2-1/2 inch outlet and a water spray system shall be provided at the platform. The waterway system shall consist of a 4 inch or two 2-1/2 inch screw discharge valves, at platform operator's reach, one for each-turret nozzle, or larger telescopic water pipe capable of withstanding the pressures developed and delivering the amounts of water required. It shall be .capable of delivering ~,~ater codtinu~lly through any change of platform direction or elevation. A ball type valve capable of operat- ing against full pump pressure shall be installed with locking handles located at the pump operators position. A suitable drain with drain cock or valve shall be installed on this pipe. Suitable lighting shall be provided to illuminate the platform in any position of operation, affording visibility for the lower operator. A two-way voice communicafion system shall be provided between the platform and the lower control station. ._ BR'EA'THI NG Al R SYSTEM 'ON' TOWER A 110 volt and 12 volt outlets, one fire ace, two spanner wrenches, one six foot pike ~ole and one ten foot folding ladder shall be provided at or in the platform area. .There shall be two control stations, one to. be known as the platform control station, and the other as the lower, control station where the lower operator shall stand. All elevations, extension, and rotation operational controls shall be oper- able from both.of these positions. The control devices shall be grouped in a convenient manner on a pedestal or panel in both cases. The lower control station shall be such that the operator can easily observe the platform while operating the controls. Contr.ol devices shall be clea~ly marked, suitably lighted, and arranged' so that they cannot be moved accidentally. ~ A suitable device'shall be provided at the driver.'s position to lock a.l-lwheels of the chassis. Fouk wheel chocks shall be provided. A lock shall be provided whic~ will prevent action and movement of the retracted elevating platform booms or sections in their bed until the ground jacks are placed in position to stabilize the vehicle. The lock release or control shall be located at the driver's position or at the lower control station, or the release may be automatically performed when the controls required to transfer power from roa~ drive to boom or section operation are activated, or when the ground jacks are lowered. A spring-return override control for the lock release shall be provided at the lowei' control station. ?'F'2' Grou.nd jacks shall ded on each side of the tus with the widest practicable spread between their feet when in operating position. When extend- able ground jacks are provided, these shall be arranged so that they may be use~ simultaneously on both sides of the apparatus. Positive safety stops shall be provided to prevent overextension. The ground contact area.of each jack shall be not less than 140 square inches. Any I-beam or other structural member through which the jacks carry the weight of the booms or sections, portions of the truck and live loads incident to fire fight- ing operations., shall be of ample strength to carry these loads without evidence of bending, twisting, or'other failure. Controls for elevation of the platform booms or sections out of their bed, extend- ing ~hem to their maximum elevations, and returning them to their'bed, shall be provided at both the lower control station and the platform control station. These controls shall be a~ranged to permit the operat6r to regulate the speed of .these operations within safe limits as determined by the manufacturer. A manual or o[her positive locking device shall be provided so that the desired angle of elevation can be maintained indefinitely without dependence upon engine power..' Provisions shall be made to.prevent damage at full retraction or extensi, on. Controls for rotating the turn~able 360 degrees in either direction shall be pro- vided and arranged so as to permit either the platform control operator or the. lower control, operator to regulate the speed of rotation within safe limits as determined by the manufacturer. · The turntable shall be so designed that it may be re~ained in any position while the turret nozzle is in operation. Suitable indicators, clearly visible at all times, shall be provided to facilitate correct alignment of the turntable with the bed of'the booms or sections. Provisions shall be made so that in event of failure of normal, operating'power source, an auxiliary source of power-shall.be readily available. A cOntrol or device shall be provided at both the lower control station and the platform control station to allow either operator to comple(ely deactivate the platform controls. During deactivation of the platform controls, the lower con-' trols shall remain operable. A supplementary engine starting cOntrol shall be'provided at the lower control station. If the engine speed is not automatically regulated or predetermined, a suitable engine throttle shall be provided at the lower control station, but shall be limited so as to prevent operation of the platform at excessive speeds. A tachometer shall be provided on the instrument panel in the driving compartment- for setting engine speeds. Where hydraul, i.c power.is used, a pressure gauge shall be provided in the hydraulic system. The oil reservoir filler shall be so locate~ as to be readily accessible for checking, conspicuously marked "Hydraulic 0i1: and shall have a cap suitably secured. Either load indica, instruction plates located shall show the recommended safe load Of the platform~ both control stations The platfprm shall be'capable'of carryinO its rated load safely, in any position of operation. Positive stops shall, be provided to limit-platform travel to. those positioos of operation recommended by the manufacturer~. The minimum pay- load capacity of the platform shall be 1000 pounds, The w~ight of the turret nozzle and tips shall not be considered part of the rated payload. The apparatus shall b~ so designed that when using the turret n0zzleWith a 1-3/4 inch tip, regardless of the position of the platform and ~the direction of the stream, the equipment can be safely operated while discharging water at the ,.-rate of' 1500 gpm. . ~ test of the aparatus'shall be performed to demonstrate that the platform and booms br sections are so designed and powered that at maximum horizontal reach a-.- load representing 150 pJr cent of the manufacturer's rated payload capacity can. be placed 6n the platform and rotated a complete 300 degrees. 'This test shall be performed on firm level ground with the jacks firmly set. After starting the engine, setting the j'acks, and transmitting power to the plat- form booms or sections, a complete cycle of platform operation shall be carried out as follows: With one man oper'~ting the machine from the platform control station, raise the platform from the ground, rotate through a 90 degree turn, and extend to ft~ll'specified height. This shall be completed smoothly and without undue vibration in not over 150 seconds. The platform shall then be retracted and lowered to its.starting ~osition after which a thorough inspection shall be made of all moving parts, with special attention given to inspection of the plac- form leveling system. This test shall be repeated employing the contro)s at the lower control station.' The effectiveness of the )ower control override shall be demonstrated. (23) 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-98 SUBJECT: Sewer and Water Rate Study On March 20th, the Council met with three firms interested in doing a Water and Sewer Rate Study for Mound. They are: Black & Veatch Complete Water & Sewer Study _ Rates Only $15,000. $12,000. Kirkham, Michael & Associates 17,000. 10,000. Hickok and Associates 8,000. 5,850. The next step, if the Council wishes the rate study, is by Resolution to authorize the Mayor and Manager to enter into an agreement with the firm of the. Council's choice. Legnard L. Kopp 7q¢ 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-100 SUBJECT: Delinquent Utility Bills Attached is a list of past due water and sewer accounts. These.accounts are over six months past due and should be turned off for non-payment. In order to turn off the water, the Council should hold a public hearing. A suggested date for the public hearing would be April 10th. Accounts delinquent Account No. 22232-2180-11 22238-~891-81 22256-4988-41 222~6601-51 22268-590~-41 22280-5846-31 22280-5910-71 22283-5900-21 22286-5915-31 22292-6033-21 22298-29~6~61 22310-2695-21 22310-2881-81 22310-3198-61 22311-6395-41 22313-6439 22316-2882-11 22321-2997-91 22346-5667~21 2237..-5063-81 22376-2'340-61 22404-4839-51 42343-2650-41 41199-2152-81 42343-2631-41 for over six (6) months Account Name Kevin Williamson Brenda Babitz Irene Barr A1 Jeppesen Dick Janke S & M Properties M. Simor Donald Buchan S & M Properties F Todd Warner Tom Green Samuel Fox Steve Laterner June Mc Carethy Ronald Bastyn Wm. Krutzig Edward Rawley W. Olson Robert Brown C. Kelly Marlene Bailey Zebs Service Surfside Pal Fin Prop. Steve Hesse on utility billing Amount $33.62 54.57 81.42 112.41 34.08 63.08 41 30 37 76 27 24 51 92. 51 92 101 99 61 88 101 90 100.89 63.98 139.70 79.56 71.00 116.19 31.66 34.08 476.00./~ 8o.90 $2248.66 7q/ L 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-101 SUBJECT: Garbage and Refuse Collection License Renewals Garbage and Refuse Collection licenses expired February 28, 1979. The following licenses have been received: Dependable Services Westonka Sanitation 1 Truck 2 Trucks 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 20, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-96 SUBJECT: Front End Loader Tires The front end loader is in need of tires. The total cost of the tires is $1,223.80. These will be purchased under the County Bid, but Council authority is required since the purchase exceeds $1,000. 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-102 SUBJECT: Cooperative Agreement Attached is a copy of a cooperative agreement to cover the work we have done on the Rehabilitation Grant Program. It is recommended the Council authorize the Mayor and Manager to sign the agreement. ?3? ~IN CI© 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 March 20, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Blvd. Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp: Please find enclosed three copies of a contract between the Metropolitan Council and your city 'to provide staff services in connection with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Rehabilitation Grant Program. The contract covers the MHFA Year II. funding period which occurred from August 31, 1977 to December 31, 1978. Please sign and return all three copies of the contract. Do not date. We will sign and return a copy for your records~ This contract will enable us to provide reimbursement for staff services performed in administering the program up to the amount specified. If you have questions, please call me at 291-6306. Sincerely, HRA Program Manager PLK:ra E~CS. An ^??: ~lcy Croat. ecl to Coordin~xte the Pl}~nning and Developa'lent of the Twin Cities .Metropolitan Area Contpcisulg: CONTRACT NO. METROPOLI TAN COUNCIL Suite 300 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota COOPERATIVE REHABILITATION GRANT PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPALITY 55101 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 19 between the Metropolitan Council (hereinafter referrea to as'the Council), and the City of . _Mound , (hereinafter referred to as the City). .. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Council is engaged in a program for the disbursement of grants to improve residential property for eligible families and individuals in the Metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the CounCil has entered into an .agreemen5.~ith the Minne- sota Housing Finance Agency ("MHFA") to act as an administering · entity for the utilization and disbursement of such grant funds; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution indicated its desire to partici- pate in this program and to assist such individuals and families to improve their housing in the City; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to purchase certain necessary administra- tive services from the City in connection with carrying out the pro- gram; and WHEREAS, the Council is authorized to execute an agreement fo~ the purchase.of program services and to take all-action specified or contemplated herein pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.195, and has all.of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority pursuant to the above described st.atute under the pro- visions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 462.411 to 462.711 and acts amendatory thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. ALLOCATION OF REHABILITATION GRANT FUNDS The Council shall allocate grant?funds in the aggregate sum of Dollars ($ 17,424 for the'-utilization by the City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. To the extent it does not have funds available from other sources, the City may apply up to, but not in excess of 5% of the grant funds allocated to it (which amounts to $ 871.20 ) to defray the cost of administering the grant program and to provide technical assistance to grant 737 recipients. Thus, the amount of funds actually available for home improvements grants is $~16.2Q4..32 ~. PROGRAM OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY a. The City agrees that in all aspects of carrying out the rehabilitation grant program it will comply with the pro- visions of this Agreement and regulations set forth in the MHFA Home Improvement Grant Program Procedural Guides, Appendix A attached hereto and hereby incorporated as part of this Agreement. For.the purpose of this A~reement, requirements, duties, obligations and. warranties of an'"administrative'entity" · established by the MHFA Home Improvement Grant Program Procedural Guides'shall constitute requir'ements and duties of the City Obligations and warranties of an "~dministra- tire entity", to the MHFA created by-the MHFA Procedural Guides shall constitute obligations and warranties of the City to both the Council and the MHFA. c. The City shall commence to make grants complying with the terms hereof from and after the date on which the Agreement becomes effeCtiVe by providing publicity about the program and technical assistance to grant recipients in complying with the terms and'conditions of the MHFA Home Improvement Grant Procedural Guides. PROGRAM OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNCIL The Council shall use its best efforts promptly and with' due diligence to provide training to City staff'on procedures and techniques for administering and providing technical ~assistance to grant recipients; and shall disburse grant funds allocated to the City according to the terms and con- ditions · of the MHFA Home Improvement Grant Program Pro- cedural Guides. The Council shall reimburse the City for the costs of adminis- tering and providing'technical assistance to grant recipients up' to the maximum allowable pursuant to paragraph 1.bo ~of this agreement. Such reimbursement shall be made upon request of the City after all grant funds have.been committed and upon itemized documentation as to the nature, of the expendi- . tures. TERM OF AGREEMENT The services to be purchased and furnished and the allocation of rehabilitation grant funds under this Agreement shall commence on ~ August 31 , 19 37. ~nd shall continue'through December 31 19 -3- 10. 5. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party ,~on ten days prior written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the Council shall thereafter dis- burse grant funds with respect to all individual grant applica- tions which, prior to the effective date of said notice of termination, shall have received MHFA approval and authorization' to commence work and each party shall be required to carry out the terms of the agreement with respect to each of such grants. 6. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. The terms of this agreement may be amended, changed or modified only by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Such amendments, changes or modification shall be effective only upon the execution of written amendments signed by the Council and the City. 7. AUDiTS'AND'INSPECTION. The City.agrees (a) to keep and maintain during the'performance of this contract and for a period of three years following, records and files relating to (1) the financial aspects of the contract, including payrolls, times records, invoices, receipts, vouchers, grant payments, and (2) the services performed hereunder, and (b) to allow the Council and designated federal or state personnel to enter on the Consultant's premises and to (1) inspect, copy and audit the above records, files and premises, and (2) inspect and review the equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs of the Consultant. 8. LIABILITY. The City agrees to indemnify and save and hold the Council, its agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by the City or City's agents and employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies the City may have for Council's failure to perform its obligations pursuant to this agreement. 9. ASSIGNABILITY. The City shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obliga- tions under this contract without the prior written consent of' the Council. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY; AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. The City agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and to take affirmative action to assure that applicants and employees are treated equally with respect to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, -4- 11. recruftment, layoff, termination, rates of pay and other forms of compensation, and selection for training. The City further agrees to comply with any and all federal, state, and local laws regarding equal employment and affirmative action. SEVERABILITY. If any term or provision of the Agreement is finally judged by any court to be invalid, the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in.full force and effect, and they shall be interpreted, performed, and enforced as if said invalid provision did not appear herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written by their authorized representatives. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL By, charles Weaver, Chairman CITY OF Mound Approved as to le~gal form and 'adequacy: BY O--ffice of Staff coUnsel /cy 3.12.79 3-27-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 16, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-23 SUBJECT: Repurchase of Cemetery Lot Attached is a copy of a letter from Mrs. Berndetta A. Hardy requesting that we buy back a cemetery grave which she wishes to sell. Mrs. Hardy purchased 2 grave sites in September of 1962 for $40.00 each. Mrs. Hardy has signed a quit claim deed for the grave. If there is no objection, this will be listed on the bills. We will buy the grave site back for $40.00. ........ ~.~'~'~ rd L Ko eona . pp . cc: M. Marske 753 ./ CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 21, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-26 SUBJECT:. Jude Meets the Public Tad Jude will use the City Office Building on Saturday, March 31, 1979 from Noon to 1 P.M. to meet his constituents. City of Mound, Mmund, Minn. 55354 Att: City Manager M. S. C. PROPERTIES, LTD. BOX 125 I~OUND, MINNESOTA 55364 M~RL/{ 17, PARTNERS HERBERT E. WOLNER HELEN L. WOLNER HERBERT F. WOLNER I~ar Mr. K~pp, The lease on tbs Liquor Store runs out on tho 51st day of August, 1979. Should ~e gat together on this matter? .... .'~'j.~Th~'{~xes for th~ current year ara $17,752.6G, which makes t~ city share $2662.'90.' Remittance by }fay 15th will bo appr~eicted..,k... V~ry truly' y,urs, M. S. C~ap~tios, Ltd. 731 CITY of MOUND March 20:1979 534'! MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, 19,1NN2SOTA 553'34 (612) 472-1155 Larry Blackstad Hennepin County Planning & Development C-2353 Government Center Minneapolis, MN..55487 Dear Larry: Please accept this letter on behalf of the City of Mound responding to the Metropolitan Council/HUD Housing Performance Review for Year V CDBG applica- ation review. Our most recent and prOgrammed housing activities deal with a host of efforts · which the City is implementing.attempting to address Mound's housing:. 2o Mound participates in the. Metropolitan HRA, existing section eight rental program. Since Mound is.nearly fully developed, this program becomes important. Other housing development besides our elderly project are numerous section 235 homes? Mound"s housing ~ehabi.litation efforts .deal with applying CDBG funds in assisting qualifying households. Past program year allocations plus year V, VI and VII funds are allocated to rehabilitation grants. New section 8 construction is more difficult for Mound to achieve based on our fully developed status and lack Of vacant, developable property. Furthermore, where vacant property is available, land prices are expensive. To assist in the process of making housing sites available, the City through year V - VII CDBG funds, have earmarked funds for site acquisition and land write-down. Mound's efforts in providing modest cost new home construction is result.lng in nearly 40 qualifying homes a ~ear. Attributable to this figure is the cumulative development codes dealing with lot sizes, minimum floor area regulations, lack of garage regulations, etc., consistent with Mound's exceptionally high Metropolitan Council Housing Policy 31 ranking of 5th among a~l some odd 180 metropolitan area communities. In summary, Mound has and will continue to meet its housing responsibility in participating in state and federal programs as they become available and take local leadership at the City level with promulgating sensible development controls. Sincerely, C..-.--~:855a~:~'~L. tCOpp "f?'7~'- C'ity Nanager LLK/ms CITY of MOUND blarch 22, 1979 5341 MA't'V,/OOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55564 (612) 472-1155 Commissioner Nancy Olkon~ Chair Hennepin County Board Government Center A-2400 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487 Dear Ms. Olkon: A rather large piece of land in Audikor's Subdivision 170 went tax forfeit on March ~3, 19797 This land is Zoned multiple dwelling and has been the subject of much discussion'. We understand that the owners~ Beachside Developegs, Inc.,.will be asking to repurchase the land. The City Council has directed me to write the County Board to request they hold up consideration of the repurchase request until the Council has a chance to talk to Beachside De~elopers about the land. The Mound Council would be grateful if you could hold up the con- sideration until such discussions are held, Thanks for your co- operation. Copy of notice with legal description attached. Sincerely, ~'Leonard L? Kopp City Manager LLK/ms cc: E. F? Robb County Land Department City Council 727