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7;30 P,.~ ?~ BILLS - AUGUST 23~ 1977 GENEraL FUND Earl F. Andersen & Assoc. American Institute of Architects Baldwin Supply Company Ben Franklin Badger Meter, Inc. Buettner Welding Supply Burlington Northern Inc. Bury & Carlson Inc. Christiansen Bus Co. Continental Sign Co. Continental Telephone Computer Election Systems~ Inc. Continuing Legal Education Diversified Engraving Co. Flexible Pipe Tool Government Training Service Harris Office Equipment Hillcrest Safety Equipment Int'l Assoc. of Chiefs of Police Johnson Paper & Supply Co. K & W Tree Service John Krost LaBelle's The Laker McCombs-Knutson Midwest Fire & Safety Miller/Davis City of Minneapolis Minnegasco Mound Locksmith Northern States Power Pitney Bowes Progress Woodworking Don Streicher Guns~ Inc. T & T Maintenance Title Insurance Co. J. Harley Thompson 3 M Mfgs. Thurk Bros. Chevrolet Viking Industrial Center City of Wayzata Widmer Brothers Xerox 21.55 33.41 296.82 85.12 12.00 275.00 41.16 108.00 399.50 408.09 1~302.23 5.00 6.05 86.70 15.00 246.90 29.00 35.00 43.74 165.00 135.60 190.94 23.98 6~659,15 8.00 17.60 168.00 31,81 75.10 4~731.11 37.50 194.48 53.00 18.50 30.00 25.00 194.10 43.89 12.77 50.00 7~104.45 341.46 TOTAL $ 23 ~917.35 TRANSFERS From General Police Street Cemetery Park Water S~er Water Liquor To Improvement & Equipment Outlay Water Revenue General Amount $ 2OO.OO 1~435.00 1~850.00 70.00 110.00' 300.00 350.00 1~500.00 1,500.00 west hennepin human services planning board 41st and Vernon South / St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 920-5633 AUGUST 18, 1977 To~ FROM'. WEST HENNEPIN PUBLIC OFFICIALS MARCY SHAPIRO, WHHS DIRECTOR As YOU MAY ALREADY BE AWARE, THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC MEETING FOR ALL WEST HENNEPIN RESIDENTS ABOUT THE PRELIMINARY 1978 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES PLAN, THIS MEETING, SPONSORED BY WEST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES, WILL BE: ~',,EDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 MINNETONKA CITY HALL 14600 MINNETONKA BOULEVARD 7:30 P,M, THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING IS TO COMMENT ON THE PRELIMINARY 1978 COUNTY-WIDE PLAN. THE PRELIMINARY PLAN, WHICH WILL BE SUMMARIZED AT THE MEETING BY HENNEPIN COUNTY STAFF, INCLUDES FUNDING IN THE FOLLWING AREAS: DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL, FAMILY. PLANNING, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERV ICES, HEALTH EDUCATION, AND HOME AND COMMUNITY NURSING. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EACH COMMUNITY HAVE A VOICE IN COMMENTING ON THIS PLAN AND HOW IT MEETS EACH COMMUNITY'S NEEDS, I WOULD URGE YOU AND OTHER OFFICIALS IN YOUR MUNICIPALITY TO ATTEND TO EXPRESS YQUR COMMUNITY'S NEEDS, C'OMMENTS AND QUESTIONS. To OBTAIN A SUMMARY OF THE PRELIMINARY 1978 HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES PLAN, CONTACT MARK LEE, HENNEP[N COUNTY OFFICE OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 348-4466. IF 'YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD. LIKE FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE PUBLIC MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 920-5533. LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT AGENDA Regula~ Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 24, 1977 Freshwater. Biological Institute Navarre, Minnesota 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 5- M~utes_, July 27, 1977 T~e~surer' s Repot% A. Monthly Financial Statement B. Bills C. 1978 ~get Comm~ tree Repo~.t..s. A. Boat Storage, Mooring & Launching Comm~t%ee (1) 1977 Dock License: Boulde= Bridge (2) 1977 Dock Licenses 5) Deicing Permit Fees 4) Other Agency Permits (5) B. Lake Use Committee (1) Boat Storage Moratorium (2) Boulder Bridge Boat Storage (5) -Special District. Mooring. Area Permit: Wayzata Yacht Club Time Extension (4) Special Event Permit: - Wayzata 'Yacht Club 5) 1978 Water Patrol 6) C. Environmental Committee 6. Other Business A. Corps of Engineers -. B. Other 7. Adjournment LAKE I~H~T0~_ CONS~VATiON DISTRICT RE G hU~ t~TING ~S~A~ BIOLOGIC~ _~STIT~E, NAV~, ~SOTA ~Y ST, ~977 The regu~a~ meeting of the Lake Minne~onka Conservation District was called to order by Acting Chairman Robert Brown at 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 27, 1977 a~ the Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre. Members present: Rober~ Brown (Greenwood), David Nixon (Lake%own Town- ship), Robert Pillsbury (Minnetonka), Alan Cla~k (Minnetonka Beach), Walton Clevenger for Jon E_hrman (Minne$rista), Norman Pa~us (Orono), William Keeler (Sho~ewood), Ed Bauman (Tonka Bay), and ~mgus Mo_~rison (Woodland). Commmities represented: ~ine (9); official voting me~bers: Eight (S). Pillsbury Moved, Paurus Seconded, that the minutes of the J~_ne 22, 1977 meeting, be ap oved. Motion, (9), Nays (0). Clark Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the minutes of the June 18, 1977 special meeting, be apwoved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). Clark Moved, Paurus Seconded, that the minutes of the June 28, 1977 special meeting, be approved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). Bauman Moved, Clark Seconded, that the Treasurer's report be approved and the bills paid. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). BOAT STORAGE, MOORING & LAUNCHING C0Y~IT_~EE: A review of the Boulder Bridge dock license application matter was p_~esented to the Board. Nixon Moved, Clark Seconded, that the consideration of the 1977 dock license application for Boulder B~_idge, be tabled until the August meeting to allow time to revaluate and clarify such auxiliary issues as DNR regulations, de- termination of the usable lagoon area, evaluation of usable frontage and channel area, etc. Roll Call, Ayes (7), Nays (2), Xeeter and Pillsbury voting Nay. Brown reported that the committee reviewed the public hearing report on Maplecrest Estates, Jennings Bay, M~innetrista. The representative of the owners has applied for a multiple dock license for five boats, which is an increase from four to five boats to be stored in a boat storage outlot lagoon serving this development. The increase from four to five boats places it under the LMCD multiple dock license Code. The committee _~ecom- mends that the application be denied. Morrison Moved, Bauma~ Seconded,. that the 1977 ~ock license app].icatio~ for Maplecrest Estates be tabled until the August meeting for clarification of related issues. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (O). The committee reviewed the public hearing report on the Greenwood Marina. CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE MINUTES TREASURER'S REPORT BOULDER BRIDGE //I ~2.[CD Board Meeting July 27, 1977 Pa~e 2 0~.~er Jim Bean has requested 100 slips as in the past, plus storage for %eh additional boats which have been stored in the water at non slip lo- cations for at least seven years (prior to his acquiring the business). The zecogoition of the storage of these ten boa-ts at non slip locations (the situation having been in existence for a number of years), would not constitute an increase in boat storage at the marina. The committee recom- mends that Greenwood Marina's 1977 dock license for a maximum of 110 boats stored (100 slips), be approved. Bauma~ Moved, Pillsbury Seconded, %hat the 1977 dock license application from Greenwood Marina for a maximum of 110 boats stored (100 slips), be approved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). - The committee reviewed DR/{ permanen% dock maintenance permit applications from John J. Dill, Jr., West Arm, Spring Park, and from Adolph M. Enge, Ha~risons Bay, Mound, and recommends the~_~ approval. Brown Moved, Pillsbury Seconded, that the above DNR permit applications, be approved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). The following 1977 dock license applications have been approved by the co~ittee, village certificates have been received, and the com~ttee recommends their approval by the Board: Clay Cliffe Kehoe's Resort Dennis Boats Martin's Resort Greenwood Marina Minnetonka Boat Works (Wayzata) Park Hill Apartments Rauenhor st Corporation Wayzata, City of Bauman Moved, Pillsbury Seconded, that the above 1977 dock license applica- tions be approved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (O). The committee met with MCWD representatives, and maintenance dredging policy was reviewed· The following areas of concern are to receive further study and determination: Maximum deoth. Should a maximum depth standard, such as 6', be set, or should applicant be required to remove all organic material on the Lake bed to reduce pollution? Is silt removal beneficial? 2. Soil borings. Should soil borings be requ/red of all applicants? Insoections. All agreed that inspections during project operations to insure performance are necessary, and may be handled by penalties, performance bonds, inspection fees,~or-certification by authorized personnel. 4. Commercial storage. Should commercial marina dredging be permitted solely to increase or improve storage? 5- Density. Should there be limits on dredging which will increase access or intensity of Lake use? GRRw~W~ 00D MARINA DOCK L I ~SE DNR DOCK PkV~ITS 1977 DOCK LIC~ES /! o ~{® ~oard Meeting 3-~y 27, 1977 Page 3 6. Deco draft vessels. Should d~edging policy encourage the accommoda- %ion of deep d~a~ft boats on the Lake? 7. Adjoining nroper~f., effects. Should the affect amd use of adjoining p~oper%ies be considered in reviewing applications? 8. Distance lakeward. Should a maximum distance lakeward be set for com- mercial marina dredging dv~ing low wa%er periods? 9- Main Lake. Should dredging in the main Lake be allowed only for maintaining navigabili~-y of major ohamneis? Suction 5~edging should be required only where it is feasible amd meets other regulations. Bauman Moved, Pillsbury Seconded, that the committee report, be accepted. otion, yes (9), (0). LkKE USE COF~TTEE: Pillsbury reported that the co~ttee reviewed mora~ torium issues and a proposal by Brown concerning boat storage density regulations and recommends the following: That the following moratorium issues be identified, assigned to com- mittees, and scheduled for consideration: (a) conflicting use of the water; (b) outlots; (c) the geometry of docks and boat storage density; and (d) access suitability. 2. File of village land use maps be completed. Draft a Code amendment to provide boat storage maximum of one boat per 50' of shoreline with allowance for one boat per existing sites of less than 50', and one boat per existing site or fraction over 50'; and de- fine countable boats for storage purposes. Pillsbury also repo~ted that Sgt. Peterson has been assigned on a full-time basis at the Water Patrol Headquarters in Spring Park. Twenty volunteers are manning two boats on weekends, and five additional volunteers are in tr_ aining. The cow~.~ttee reviewed an application by John Dennis, Jr. for windsurfing races in Spring Park Bay. The application was tabled in order to help the applicant find a safer and more apDropriate.location, and to develop more information. Boat use co~unts have been completed by area Boy Scouts in the 1977 Lake Use Study, and the reports are coming in satisfactorily. The Shoreline boat storage count is ~nder way. The District has received an offer for a volunteer aerial survey of the Lake this summer; sample photos should be available soon. DREi~ING POLICY MORATORIUM ISSUES WATER PATROL W]/tDSURFIN( SPECIAL UBE PERMIT 1977 LAKE~E STUDY /ol ~CD Board Meeting July 27, 1977 Page 4 ?he ~ovalder Bridge boat storage situation was reviewed with the applicants. Pillsbury Moved, ~av~us Seconded, tha~ the committee reporq, be accepted. . otion, Ayes (o). ~YfLR0~4ENTAL COMMITTEE: ~rown reported %ha% the committee reviewed moratorium studies which now include ~he development of legal background, policy statement drafting regulations smd a possible ~_metab!e for con- sider~%io~ by the ~istTict. The co~ttee reviewed the riprap permit applications for L. Me!by, Crystal ~ey; %he riDrap, maintenance dredging application for J. Van ~ockel, La- fayette ~ay; and the maimtenam6e dredging application of Walter's Port Homeowners Association, Carmsms ~ay. ~ro-~n Moved, Clark Seconded, that: I. The Melby and Van Bockel riprap permits be approved. Those involved in the replacing of the Van ~ockel boat house with a boat cover be complimented for their efforts in improvimg %he Lake front. 3. Dredging permits for Van Bockel and Walter's Port be denied unless: Onshore erosion control facilities will be provided to prevent ongoing siltation from surface runoff in accordance with existing MCWD regulations. b. Suction dredging will be used in lieu of clam dredging wherever possible. c. No cutting into beds o~ banks of the Lake is included. Inspection will be provided by qualified MCW~), D~R or CoE personnel during dredging operations to insure permit compliance, including but not necessarily l~m~ted to protection of bottom seal, pre- clusion of cutting into banks and environmentally satisfactory disposal of dredged material. A certified copy of the fica! inspection report showing that all provisions of the permit have been sat£sfactorily accomplished be p~ovided to the LMCD by the permit-g~anting agency. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). The co~ttee reviewed the NPDES disch~ge permit reissuance application DNR RIPRAP, DREDGING PERMITS I~(~ Board Meeting July 27, 1977 ?a~ge 5 by the Meyer Brothers DaN_fy, Wayzata, from the Minnesota Pollution Con- fro! Agency and the Metro Council. The application provides for an increase in temperata~re of well water, cooling water from 75° to 86° to be dis- charged in%o Wayzata Bay via the double m~nicipa! lmgoon. Brown Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the permi% be recommended for approval subject to the following: that the storm drain outfa!l at the lagoon be monitored to determine any environmental impact; and . 2. that, should the lagoon remain open during the winter,' a deicing permit will be required by the LMCD. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). OTHER BUSINESS: A follow-up report of discharging brine into the Lake by Waoe_ Care, Seton, will be made shortly, to determine compliance with LMCD recommendations of June 25, 1976. Paurus Moved, Brown Seconded, that co~m~ttee chairmen make recommendations as to standards and guides in relation to the moratorium and the Boulder Bridge matter. Motion, (9), ays (0). Board members were reminded toplace their reservations for the Annual Conference for Public Officials to be held on Sunday, leaving Excelsior docks at 1:30 p.m. aboard the Lady of the Lake. Mary Watson appeared on behalf of the Hennepin Soil and Water Conservation District concerning studies to be made by this agency to attract attention to erosion and pollution problems. Any one knowing of sites needing inspection, should contact Mary Watson promptly. ADJ0~: Brown Moved, Paurus Seconded, at 10:50 p.m., that the meeting, be adjourned. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). ~DES PERMIT ~fER mOTHERS EROSION, PODLUTION STUDiES ADJ0~ Submitted by: Alan W. Clark, Secretary Approved by: Thomas S. Maple, Jr., Chairman ON LAKE MINNETONKA INDIAN BURIAl,., MOUNDS 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD TELEPHONE MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 August 19, 1977 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Commission Hank Truelsen, City Inspector August 25, 1977, Board of Appeals 1. In accordance with the City of Mound Fence Ordinance, this fence does not comply to the requirements of a corner lot. Would recommend, at this time, against granting the variance at that height in this narticular location until which time adequate studies are made in relationship to amending the existing Fence Ordinance in relating to privacy fences and their location on our unique shaped lots so as to provide the people within the city of Mound the extensive use of their property. 2. All of the Peterson owned lots, which are 1,2,3,6,7 of Block 3, Crockers 1st Division, are listed on the city's tax books in individual parcels. There has been a provision, in my understanding, to combine Lots 6 & 7 as one building site. The remaining lots are desirous to be left in seperate parcels as it is the intention of the owner in time to come, to give ownership to seperate members of the family. The area, Block 3, is zoned A-1 residential, lO,POP sq. ft., and Lots 6 & 7 are undersized lots~ the square footage there being by plot slightly under 8,000 sq. ft. I was led to believe that Mr. Peterson had a survey of the property, but I have not seen it. On the proposed plot plan there appears to be adequate side yard setback for the proposed addition to the existing garage, however, if Lots 1,2,~t~y ½ of 3, were in- corporated as one total parcel, as I had assumed it to be when Mr. Peterson's contractor and I inspected the site, the required side yard would have been 17 ft. I don't really feel that a variance of undersized lot should be granted for personal gain when there is adequate square footage in ownership. 3. I have no objection to signs to be located on the structure. I feel that the pylon sign be locate~ no less than lO ft. off the county right-of-way and no less than 5 ft. off the city right-of-way of Hidden Vale Road and only to be nlaced in this location if aporoved bythe Chief of Police and Public Works Dir. 4. Would approve the subdivision with a suggested street front setback from both streets of not less than 30 ft. from the property line at the right-of-way and the side yard as required by city ordinance as not less than 6 ft. for either the dwelling unit and/or attached or detached garage, and also that the existing utility shed on Parcel B be located within the requirements of the city zoning for accessory structures, and it be nlaced on the approved proper concrete footings or slab. Truelsen 8/19/77 5. Would advise against a variance of fence height on this lot until which time an adequate study is made in relation to privacy fencing in a residential use district, however, this is a rather unique corner lot with a lakefront and a very hard lot in which to allow the property owner privacy in the use of his property. 6. No comment. 7. No plot plan or survey. Would table until adequate information is received. 8. I understand that the intent is to bring in a trailor-type fabrication for office space. Until which time I had adequate information as to the fabrica- tion of this structure, I could not tell whether or not this would meet the requirements of our Fire Zone 2 for that particular commercial use district. 9. I would like to see this lot be used rather than to have it as it is existing with weeds and debris. However, I would recommend that the street front setback of 30 ft. from the property line at the right-of-way be required, and that a 6 ft. side yard b9 maintained on both sides, and that the structure be limited to no more than 1,OO0 sq. ft. in size, as presently required by Minn. State Building Code, and also that the structure on the interior be fabricsted with no less than a one-hour fire code rated interior finish. 10. I would approve this subdivision nrovided that the survey shows proper and adequate side yard from the existing structure and that, if possible, an easement for ingress and egress to private easement could be given over that part of the existing vacated right-of-way. The reason being that I don't feel it would be advantageous in that particular location to have the drive off of Commerce Blvd., which is a county right-of-way, as it could possibly infer a probable traffic hazard. 11. This is an existing non-conforming structure on an undersized lot for the zoned area and the request is to expand this existing non-conforming use to provide an updating for code compliance and more needed living space. 12. The proposed structure on this particular parcel of property should be adequately designed so as not to require more than one variance, which probably could be a variance of right-of-way setback not to be less than 25 ft. and require no rear yard variance at all. APP LI CA TION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND FEE $ /'~'?-'~P ZOmNG /fi-/.- /z,,, NAME OF )?) '"~'/f PLAT //~'~; PARCEL ~..,~/~ . APPLICANT - INTEREST rN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT ] ACCESSORY YARD FT. BUILDING NO T E: FToI SIDE ~ ,, YARD{~[ FT.] REAR [ FT.[ YARD LOT SIZE FTJ LOT SQ. ~//r~ ~ o o T ^ o ~ ~'~~ ~ N. C.U.* or OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. ~. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. A building permit must be ~pplied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance ~ranted becomes null and void. Variances are not~ransferableJ~ f~-~~ / . ....... ~ , a~re ON DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. DATE *non-conforming use t t Plat of Survey for Roger G. Shay Lots F, 9, ~nd ].0, ~lock 3, ' ~I'OC Kel~ s Par>, ~. L. ~ ' ' !~t Division .o~/ ~:... / . : ' ] ~.~,-~--- ~ ~''~" ~.u*, and corral.ch representation . e,~l:, l,;-..:~t this is a ~'~ a su,~ey nf r.~.~ boundaries of Lots 8, 9, ~nd 1% Block tion o~ all .::xistin+' i,:ildin_'s thereon. It does not war~rt to sho:~ other ~n~o';~n~ or ,.~.r .............. .. ~nnd Surveyor and Planner .ha 'co, !,'innesota /ol ,17 X 21 :~ 6 CHURCH 29 i. 6 i: 7 '8 i: 32 · I0 ~ 2~ II ~ 25 12 i- 24 · 20 i, Ii ~ ~4 3 .2 ,~ 23 14 22 ~ 6 Ilo ,i II /0 ~L'YN July 26, 1977 Honorable Mayor Tim Lovaasen Mound City Council Members Mound Planning Commission 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Sirs: We are writing this letter to state that we have no objections to the Richard D. Petersons building a g~r~ge at 5429 Spruce Rd, on the side of their property which is adjacent to our property, 5445 Spruce Rd, Mound. We are aware of the proposed site of this garage, and find no fault either in the site, the design of the garage, or its aesthetic effect, and are in favor of the Petersons being allowed to proceed with their building plans. Respectfully, ~ :- Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Shay ~+45 Spruce Rd. Mound, Minnesota 553~ APP LICA TION FOI~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND NA1V[E OF INTEREST IN PROPERTY PROPERTY Number ~.2ff,~37~ ADDITION FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) uts FRONT [ ! ACCESSORY[ I YARD FT. BUILDING FT. YARD , LOT SIZE .... REAR TJl .LOT SQ. YARD F FOOTAGE N.C.U."' or-,' OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: Telephone Number 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. ~. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing at.rude toward re que s t. / A - ....-~ ~nc~ra-~olut~on or variance granted becomes null and void. ~.n 13 ~-~'~rce shi:~,e not ,t,e-~ns~ferable. . ............ Sight.re building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the .I~ L~NNING~. COMMISSION RE COMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO, DATE ;',-'non- conforming use APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND LAND ~t/I P FE. S I '- O O FEE OWNER [X'oG~-~T /'1 "f- C-AF~oL PLAT 5 1'710 PA.CE, LI'o 1 0 Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: ZONING To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: "(~-'~'atur e) Applicant's interest in the property: This application must be signed by all the OWNERS of the property, or an explan- ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No. DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENT OF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION ORITBECOMES NULL AND VOID. A list of residents and owners of property within_ feet must be attached. Ld LOT DIVi$ N .......... 120.00 ......... TONKAWOOD DRIVE W 0 Denotes Iron Monument iherebyce~i~ thatthisisatrueand correctrepresentation ofa su~ey ofthe boundariesof: Lots, 17,18,& 19, Block 4, LAKESIDE PARK A.L. CROCKER~S 1ST DIVISION, HOUND, HINNETONKA, Together w~th vacated street accrueing to said lots. And of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from cron said land. As surveyed by me this 12th day of August~_~ 1~ . ?? ?;'/;,-;..~. .,' , . Thomas S. Bergquist Land Surveyor, Minn. Reg. No. 7725 [~, ,~m,,~~' ' CERTI FICA'rE OF :SURVEY for, II~ "" '. lJ~ ~ MINNEAPOLIS. HUTCHINSON and MARSHALL. MINNESOTA m , ~~e ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ SCALE /"=30 BOOK 114 FILE NO. 3707 PARCEL A Lot 17, and the north 16.34 feet of Lot 18, Block 4, Lakeside Park, A.L. Crocker's 1st Division, · Mound, Minnetonka, together'with vacated street accrueing to said lots. PARCEL B Lot 19 and Lot 18 except'the north 16.34 feet thereof, Block 4, Lakeside-Park, A.L. Crocker's 1st Division, ~ound, Minnetonka, together with vacated street accrueing to said lots. APPLICATION .RIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Address INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other/~han applicant) VARIANCE ~QUESTED: ~ONT I* . _~ ] ACCESSORYI YArD [ FT OT SIZE ~A~ ~ I/ LOZ SQ. ES ZONING PROPERTY ADDRESS 3 / PLAT ~' / ~[~) PARCEL ,LOT Telephone Number ~],7a - &(~[-~4kDDITION LOCK / /~d) an/~i L~/W Telephone Number ¢/~:~ -~ ,~ ,. NOTE: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other bUildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward N.C.U.* or ~_~ ~ request. OTHER (describe) . ., . . ~ _ .t~, ~/¥_ - _ /y s~i~ai~ ~mit ~t S~ ~i~a r~ ~it~i~ one oia. ~ ._._~ariances are not tr~n~f~.~le. / /~ /~ / _/ [ p~AN~NING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE .~ouusTd puc ,zo,io,~r~ pu~r'I ~7909/~R ';3ell u~jjoD '}1 uop.m9 Xe~-~rkq jo %uicI August 17, 1977 TO: The Mound Planning Commission FROM: The neighbors of Warren and Alvina Shaffer ABOUT: A proposed fence We understand that the Shaffer's are seeking a variance to erect a six-foot fence on the Ridgewood Road side and the back of their property at 3106 Priest Lane. For some of us the fence will offer no obstruction of our lake view because of the elevation of our houses on the hill back of the Shaffer's property. For others of us the fence offers increased privacy for our own property. We underStand the Shaffer's desire to fence off their property so that the property will not be used as a short-cut and their need to obscure the cars parked on Ridgewood Road. We have no objections to the proposed fenc~m~.~ © APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT VILLAGE OF MOUND FEE $ :7//0 FEE OWNER ADDRESS ~'/,z~,.'? 0 ' · , LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT [({Oo,")., ;.,, PARCEL TELEPHONE ZONING. SPECIAL USE PERMIT (use) Address Zz~/z!z,'),. ,.. y)~,.~2/~. '~"o;~ '! , el. Applicant's Interest in Property State why this use, if granted, would not be contrary to the general purpose and intent of the ordinance to secure public health, safety, general welfare, and sub- stantial justice. Residents and owners of property within feet: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: COUNCIL ACTION DATE Resolution no. DATE APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sec 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND N AC - I/ FEE $ ~d 7--- FEE OWNER PLAT P~,' ~,J~- ¢:/~//o PARCEL ¢ozo /¢ ?oP'o Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: /o-rs -/,,~, ?., /o,//, ~z >/5, Fjz. o~ lf.,,,T/~ Nl~/tz,¢4/,¢.~'~, r~?z7 o~' hlou~'o.. Iqcnn ep/~ ~%o/u,'-/DTtn.,,/e.so rm ~ To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) From Square fee~ TO .... .L:'.~e ¢eet~ New Lot No. Reason: APPLICA 3 ,/~/( TEL. NO. j4-~j~. Applicant's interest in the property: This application must be signed by all the OWNER~ of the property, or an explan:. ation given why this is not the case.~l~,,0O/~A) tgWfl/~Z/L//j ~?¢,c,l~ ,~/,C. ~-~' 0~. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No. DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN I YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION. OR IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID. A list of residents and owners of property within feet must be attached. APPLICATION FOB~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND ~ ,_~/~'i~//k/ ~' ~>;'W'f~/'i"~'~ ~Z'~"~"~ PROPERTY ADDRESS NAME OF ~.~ ,g ~ ~~ ~, /~y/~/PLA~/~ APPLICANT .. Address ~YS ~ ~ l~~ ~A'~t .LOT Tele phon~ ~. ~. Numbe ~ZZ~~AD DI TI ON, ?~~ INTEREST IN PROPERTY ~g~ ~Af FEE $ PARCEL BLOCK FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: FRONT YARD ACCESSORY [ FT. BUILDING FT.. SIDE FT.[ YARD [ FT.[ LOT SIZE ,, REAR[ I LOTSQ. FT. FOOTAGE OTHER (des cribe~ . ~ ~', ,/. REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. t ~'~ (,7;3 ~A builh[~} permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the -AU6184 ' cii ~'~'solution or variance granted becomes null and void. PLANNING COMI~SSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL AC TION: RESOLUTION NO._. DATE *non- conforming use f f Ad' ~%o~euull4 ~¢-~ ;Juoq ,l~utmT~I pu~ .to£~r~. pu~ i / ~2 August 17, 1977 We the adjoining land owners have no negative attitude towards WaterCare installing an office near the corner of their building. We feel ii will add to the beauty of the corner. OF MINNESOTA, lNG. 4800 BARTLETT BLVD. MOUND, MINN. APPLICATION FOOARIANCE CITY OF MOUND INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant). Address ~ V 9 0 ~6) ~~ C FEE $ ZONING PROPERTY ADDRESS Number ,Z/2~l q~( ADDITION ' - ~ T~ le phone ~.~ Numb e ~ PARC , QUESTED: NOTE: FT.] SIDE YARD , FTJ LOT SIZE [ FT.] REAR FT[.[ LOT SQ, YARD . FOOTAGE ~ O-;i'l-I~k ~describe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. REASON FOR REQUEST: ,- ... o ,- A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null void. ~-~ /~~n~. ,are n~ans fe rable//~ / j/and / ~ AUGi81977 ~ , P ~M, .MiSSION gZF ................................................. RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. DATE *non- conforming use ~/~ To the: City of Mound August 17, 1977 The undersigned Robert McGlinsky, 1951 Lakeside Lan~ Mound. has no objections to a garage being built at Residential District 587, Parcel 61980 Lot 8 Block 7, Shadywood, by Barney Duhachek, 1957 Lakeside Lane, Mound. Robert McGlinsky L/ The undersigned, Herbert Etter, 1968 Lakeside Lane, Mound has no objections to a garage being built at Residential District 587, Parcel 61980 Lot 8 Block 7, Shadywood, by Barney Duhachek, 1957 Lakeside Lane, Mound. Herbert Etter 1968 Lakeside Lane The undersigned Norton Hatlie, 1963 Lakeside Lane, Mound has no objections to a garage being built at Residential District 587, Parcel 61980 Lot 8 Block 7, Shadywood, by Barney Duhachek~ 1957 Lakeside Lane, Mound. ~' . .,__y,, / ,' I ... ~'x"" /. Norton Hatlie, 1963 Lakeside Lane APPLICATION FOR SUBD OF LAND Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND <Sd FEE OWNER PLAT (o / 7/o PARCEL Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: ZONING To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: ADDRESS Applicant's interest in the property: _ (_signat~e) lhis application must be signed by all the OWNERS of the property, or an explan- ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AND THE NECESSARY PAYMENTOF TAXESBY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION OR IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID. A list of residents and owners of property within~ feet must be attached. APPLICATION FO~ CITY OF MOUND lANCE ~ FEE $ ZONING NAME OF APPLICANT PROPERTY ADDRESS / -/~/,; EX %7~///f Uf-',/~,,'l ~/(~ PARCEL ~ .5"(~0 Address Telephone 7X' 55 9 OO ION . INTERESTIN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) NOTE: 1. VAPJ3kNCER~QUESTED: Telephone Numb e r Attach a survey AND scale drawing FRONT YARD I FT.] YAR'~D ~o.,~ FT. REAR YARD I FT.[ N.C.U.~- or O TH ER (de scribe) REASON FOR REQUEST: ACCESSORY [ B UI LDING showing location of proposed improvement FT.[1 in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of ail buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. LOT SIZE LOT SQ. FOOTAGE ~G~ OF M~TND A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance~granted becomes null and void. PLANNING COMMISSION RE COMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. DATE *non-conforming use 7 ~ Ii APPLICATION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND APPLICANT / -' ZONING_ PROPER TY ADDRESS PLAT PARCEL Telephone . ~ b~ ~-S ~/~ ~)~ ~)~/o ~ Number~/~'///~ ADDITION ~/~y INTEREST IN PROPERTY ~A ~ FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address / ~Z/~/o~ /~/-~/,~ '~/-~ 'c)/¢--~r RIAN~E REQUESTED: , ^oo sso BLOCK. SIDE YARD [ FT.[ LOT SIZE FT'I LOT SQ. FOOTAGE-~., ~$~ N. C. U.* or OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST:/9,X~_ ~elephone NOTE: i, Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement FT.[ in relation tolot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2, Give owners~p and dimensions of adjoining property, Show appro~mate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3, Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. ~_u~d~n~.l~rmit must be applied for within one year from the date of the ~ ~'~C~o,~q6i4~e~]~tion or variance granted becomes .ull and void. ] ~]~ Variances?~. no/ transferable -/ / , _ ~ ~,~!~ Signature / XD. iLAC~ U.' m~,a:=' .... " ' ~ ~A~~- -G~IVHVII S srO'N RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use ~ p 0 0 .9 \ APPLICATION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Address INTEREST IN PROPERTY Te le phone~ __ · PROPERTY ADDRESS PLAT.., O ~ } 70 PARCEL ,LOT BLOCK ADDITION. FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Nurmber VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT YARD NOTE: FT.[ ACCESSORY IBUILDING FT.[ YARD LOT SIZE , , . REAR I LOT SQ. YARD F T.[ FOOTAGE N. C. U. * or OTHER (describe)~ REASON FOR t~I~q, ST; /~.~,ff, 2~//-~- J ~"]~"7~7'~ .~-/ 1_. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. council resolution or v/a~riance/g.~.anted becomes null Variances are not tr~fezm%~e~'~ ~L~~$M~SSION RE COMMENDATION .~~ OF MOUND D~..~ ' ...... · ......................... , A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the and void. DATE DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO., DATE '-::non- conforming use ~ ~ Auf~:-;t lg, 1977 ............ ~o ~ -. '~ ~ ...... ~ ~ regular meeting of the City ~'ouncil ~ . ..... ~ . ~omqt,/-, ,~nn~.sot,~, was held at 5341 ~,~y,~ood Road in aa;i.i City on ).u~st 1~, 1~7~ at 7:00 P.M. _.:.~e ....... o~ .... =at were: i,~yor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Orval Fenstad, Gordon S'~'en~.~on, L~njami~ ~.fitl~art and Robert Polston. Also present were City ~,~nager ~ ~r~, L. Kopa, City Engineer William McCombs and ~outy Ci'ty Clerk i.~rjorie i:~0Pf~'&L i~RING - ISM. ND PARK STP_E~ I~'~ROVE~.,~.NTS AND STOPj~ DP&ii'iAGE City Engineer William McCombs made slide presentation on proposed improvements which include concrete curb and gutter, blacktopped streets and storm drainage of the following areas: Essex lane, Bedford, Suffolk and Montgomery Roads and Island Park streets North of County Road 125 including Denbigh Road. Persons present offering questions and comments included: Ron Gehring, 5212 Charles Tom Barrett, 2628 Tyrone Mike Grande, 4759 Galway Road M~s. Reistad, 4819 Carlow Road James Bennett, 4512 Montgomery Road Lou 0berdeck, 2717 Clare Lane Yms. Hamann, 4701 Essex Lane John Compton, 4408 Denbigh Road Tom Geffre, 2712 Tyrone Lane Bill Thorson, 2654 Shamnon Lane Don Lobdell, 5567 Warner Lane E. W. Eklof, 2040 Arbor lane Freda Olson, 4414 Wilshire Blvd. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion -~$ OL~0>~ 77-3,16 ~oOLU~_0~ ORD~RING PREPARATION OF ~, PRELE{I~,!'%RY P~PORT ON D~ROVE~.'~NT OF ESSEX-BEDFORD AP~., GO~,~,RY AND STREE, TS NORTH OF CO0~WTY R~.D 125 IN IS k& NDD PARK. The vote was unanimously in favor. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion to close the informal hearing. The vote was tmanimously in favor. The minutes of the reticular meetings of August 2~, 1977 and August 9, 1977 were presented £or consideration. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the ;.ua~ast 2, 1977 meeting as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried and accepted. Fen3ta~ moved and Polston seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the August 9, 1977 meeting with the following corrections: On Page 13~, Resolu- tion 77-348 should include; "the granting of licenses for Restaurant, 8 Bowling Lanes, 3 Games of Skill and Cigarette for 1977" and on Page 134, Sign Variance motion was made by Fenstad. The vote was unanimously in favor of approving the minutes as co~re,~t~d.~ ~ ,~ Si':?:~ the .~'esijrm~ti,m of 3er Anderson, Hound has bee~. ahort one representative; the name of 5L~s, Pat >~ltz ',.;as submitted. LDvsasen moved and ~wen$on seconded a motion iESOLb~ION 77-367 RE3OLUTION iA'PiING PAT ,,,_~.-,,~, AS ~PRE~N~;~.TFfE I'~GM i{OU'ND TO Ti'~ ~.'FEST }~WEPIN HN%~N SERVICES BOARD TO FILL O%~X-P~D T~'[ ENDING JA!'YJARY 31, 1~79. The vote was u~mnimously in favor. PROPOSED AVALON PARK Witi~art moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-568 RESOLb~ION TO CONCUR WITH PARK CO}5MISSION A~[D ACCEPT POLICY OF L/2iITLYG AVALON PARK USE TO ~,;~LI~G AND PICNICING; NO BOAT DOCKS OR LAUNCHL~G A~DD ~STRICTLNG VEHICULAR TRAFFIC TPLROUGH PARK AND ONLY S~&~LL PAPJf~G The vote was unanimously in favor. HOUSIT3G AO~HORITY APPOIWT~i'YP Fenstad moved and Wit~hart seconded a motion RESOLUTIO!; 77-369 RESOLUTION R~IPPO!NT!NG I~LEN 14. EUGSTm~R TO A FiVE ~-R TEP~4 0.~ TKE MOUND HOUS~'~G AFD REDEVELOPP~i~T AUTHORITY The vote was unanimously in favor. HCUSING APPLICATIONS Letter t~s been received from Minnetrista asking Mound to handle their housing applications. Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion to table this request. The vote was foyer in favor and Fenstad voted Nay. Motion carried - to table request. YOVTH C OPI~ISSION Debbie Mclntyre, Chairperson for the Youth Commission, presented a memo with two requests: l) Asking for the appointment of four members to the Commission and 2) that the Council have a letter sent to Telephone Comoany requesting an outdoor public phone be installed at one of two downtown locations to serve the needs of the Youth and Co~unity. The Youth Com~mission also challenged the City Council to a Volley Ball Game to be played Su~uday, Augx~st 28, 1977 at 5 P.M. in Mound Bay Park with the loser to sponsor a Community activity in the near future. Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLb~ ION 77-570 RESOLUTION APPOINTING T~ FOLLOWII[G P~v.{BF=RS TO T~ YO~H CO[~ISSION: YOUTH ~,~,~S - A~ C~SE, ~'~ POLSTON AND ~TIE PII~CER; ADULT ~,~ER - RON The vote was unanimously in favor. Wit}daart ~aoved and Polston ~econded a notion RESOLUTiO:i CONCU::Rt:'i~: ',';ITH T:~ YOUTH C AND AUT::-0RiZI::[C :': IST'f~ BE SENT T0 CO:~Tii~'~TkL TE~:U:O:~ CO:"~A:~'Y 2EQUEST~G A~ OUTD00~ PUBLIC TE~PHOR~ ~E i?~5TALLED 0N CORN2hR ADJACENT T0 The vote was unanimously in favor. ,qitbd:ar% moved aud Polston seconded a motion RE$OLUTiOU 77-572 RESOL:uTION ACCEPTING T:[E YOUTH CO[~R4ISSION C~LkLLENGE FOR A VOLL~f :k~LL GAI'E ON SUNDAY, August 28, 1977 AT 5 P.M. IN MOB~,~ ~Y PARK The vote was unanimously in favor. SCHOOL PROPERTY PURCHASE ~wenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion F~SOLUTION 77-~7~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR ~nND MANAG~ TO L"ITER INTO A P:3~. CHASE AGRR~,~,NT FOR THE PROP~RTY AT THE COP~rER OF WILSHIRE AND ~t~OOD ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. CO:,E4ENTS A.~VD SUGGESTIONS BY CITIZ~NS P~S~ I~s. Ron gehring asked if the Agendas could be published; would like to have them posted at various locations. Ed Hasek presented a petition for street improvement - Island Park area from Bradford West inWychwood. STREET I/~5~ROV~NT REQUEST Witkb~rt moved and Swenson seconded a motion P~SOLUTION 77-574 RESOL:~ION ACCEPTING PETITION REQUEST~{G I~.~ROVE- P~I'~S OF ISLanD VIE~; DR~ FROM CLUE T0 ~'L~NC~STER A~ INCL:~G ~DNOR A~ L~,~RTON L~I'~S ~%~ ISk%!,~ V~ DR~ Ai,~ TU~DO BOU~VARD AND P~CE ON A F~ ST~ AGENDA The vote was unanimously in favor. ASo~oS~i.,T ROLLS Withhart moved and ~,~enson seconded a motion RESOLUTI~ 77-575 RESOLUTION DECI~R/i,~G COST TO BE ASSESSED FOR CBD PAR~C :,:&~ENANCE TO BE $13,7~3.92 AND OP~ER~C PREPAP~Ti0N OF PROPOSED ASSESSP~i'Yf Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOL:Ji3 IO:.~ 77-376 RESOLUTi0]: DECI~R~G COST TO BE ASSESSED FOR COU~'~Y ROAD 44 ','lATER TO BE .$21,788.00 AND 0RDERR;C PR.EPARA-- TION OF PROPOSED ASSESS~.~?3T The vote was unanimously :.n favor. }.~E3 3L':STill 77-377 R'.i$OLFTiOi{ DECL'-i{ilfS C,33T TO iRE AS:31i33ED FOR T3~E T0 2313oo~'r ',z~!~ :...'~:,-~x_,,, P~IEPAilTI02[ OF PROPOSED The ,,:otc '~-;~.n umanimo~sly in £avor. Fenstad moved and 3wenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-37S RESOLUTION DECk'.RiNG COST TO BE ASSESSE~ FOR SHIRLEY HILLS IE'~!T B TO BE $96,-tl}.00 AND OPuDERI}[G PRMPARA- TIOi[ OF PROPOSED ASSES$i,F~NT The vote was unanimously in favor. P£.TIFICATION OF HO!L~ICK JAYC~S BE~ LIC~[SE Lovaasen moved and With~rt seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-379 RESOLUTION RATIFYING TEE ISSU~fG OF A B.~,~E.R LICENSE TO T .~rM_, MOHAWK JAYCE~,S FOR SUN~&Y, AUGUST 14, 1977 FOR SOFT~LL GANg. AT WOI~',~ER "LITTLE ~LEAGUE" FIELD ~ne vote was unanimously in favor. Note: Four of the five Councilmembers were polled on this action on August 12, 1977 prior to issuing permit. The fifth member could not be reached. F~tAL PA~.EI~ - COU!~Y ROA~, ,44 WATER Enffineer has recommended final payment be made for County Road 44 Water Project. Lovaasen moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-380 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZTD~G F~AL PAY~P~ TO A & K CONSTRUCTION CO~,PAWf FOR TEE COUNTY ROAD 44 WATER PROJECT - AMOUNT $10,195.55. Roll Call vote was unanimously in favor. Discussed: Dolg~ Property Black Lake Brid~ Plans SPHiiS The Council requested the City ~,hnager to set up a Joint Meeting between Spring Park, the County and Hmlnd to discuss Black Lake Brid~ proposed plans. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting, August 23, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. The vote was mnanimously in favor, so adjourned. l~rjorie StutsL~n, Deputy City Clerk Leonard L. Xopp, City 1,hnager Augus~ la, 1977 Ohle~£ x~pox-te~ on visibilily obs~uo~i~s ih~t might b~ oreate~ by ~he S!g~ Variano~ W~sionka Villa Apax-ta~ni.s ~e Pia~ntr~g Cca~lsaio~ ~cosm~nd~ aplx~oval of the eigno A~ta~bea is a oopy of a l~t,i.~ i~-om the Police Ohief a~visi~g ~.ba% ,~b~ sign o~ea~es no ON [J~KE: MINN~'TONKA INDIAN BURIA~ MOUND~ 5~4~ M~YWOOD ROlO TELEPHONE August 16, 1977 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp - City Manager Chuck Johnson - Chief of Police Sign placement at Tonka Villa Apartment, 5000 block Shoreline Blvd. Per your request I checked the sign placement at the above mentioned apartment to check the possibility that it may create a traffic hazard by obstructing the vision of a driver leaving the parking lot out of the apartment. The sign placement creates no hazard and is no obstruction to drivers' visibility to the roadway. Sincerely, /o / Chuc~Johnson Chief of Police CJ:lao To~l )5Oo o,~ R~ Kl~mde~d i~TY OF 8/2 August 18, 1977 TO The ,~{ono~bi~ ~yor and City ~OM: ~e City ~g~r ~jECT: Lic~nses ~,. Ci~'ette and Off App.~.:~.,~a~ons h_av.~; ben _~,~v~d Petez, Bo Ward DBA Tom Th'~b, 2222 Pz,.z,~, Pan%~yo ~o Wa~d ~n.~ ~to:~ and h~'~d th~ 't, icen~es from i~O~,o ~ :l, 975 wb~,~n stor~? was M~o Ward ia new %'ho owner again° The City August 16, 1977 TO: CITY bi~NAGER FROM: CITY CLEt~ RE: DELORI$ SCHWALBE - JOB DESCRIPTION AND Sf~LAP~ REVIEW After much consideration of the job description and duties of Deloris Schwalbe~ it is my recommendation that her salary be increased to $750. per month and her job description changed to Assessing Clerk. Deloris is a capable and willing worker and has recently taken on the added responsibility of processing the forms and other necessary documents for the Housing Assistance Program administered by the Metropolitan Council. Her present classification as Clerk Typist is far too general and does not reflect the detail and accuracy required of her. )9 BAEY I... PHLE~EI~ ROBERT W. REUTIMANo dR. PHLEBER AND ~EUTIMAN ATTBRNEY-~ AT LAW WAYZATA MINNES0~A 5539} August 10, 1977 City Council of Mound Attention Leonard Kopp, City Mgr. City Offices Mound, PM 55364 Gentlemen: The 1977 Legislature by Chapter 355 passed the following amendment to Minnesota Statutes 412.231: "The Council shall have the power to declare that the violation of any ordinance shall be a penal offense and to prescribe penalties therefor. No such penalty shall exceed a fine of $500.00 or imprisop~ent in a city or county jail for a period of 90 days, or both, but in either case the costs of prosecution may be added." In the event it is the desire of the council to increase the fine from the current $300.00 limitations to the new $500.00 limitations, I would suggest that an appropriate resolution be passed. The resolution shou~ adopt a new ordinance to replace the existing city ordinance which limits fines to $300.00. Please advise me of the council's decision in this matter. Yours truly, Gary' L. ~ziSleger ~ Prosecut~ing attorney GLP: lj CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota August 8, 1977 TO: FROM: SUB JEC T: City Manager, Leonard Kopp Don Levens, Planner Community Development IV Funding Based on the HUD letter dated July 28, 1977 and a subsequent meeting with the Hennepin County CDBG representative, the City of Mound and other local communities are requested to address the needs of low and moderate families. Therefore, it is advantageous to develop a housing strategy for C.D. 4th year. Re spec tfully, Don Levens Planner DL/dd ~Dfhce of the Administrator 2300 GovernmenO'~ter, Minneapolis. MN 55487 HE NNePIN COUNTY 11August1977 Mr. John Boland, Chairman Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area 300 Metro Square Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101. RE: Guidelines for Evaluating Performance in Achieving Three-Year Subsidized Housing Goals of Community Development Recipients Dear Mr. Boland: Urban Hennepin County has followed with interest and concern the development of the referenced guidelines by the Human Resources Committee of the Metro Council. Although tacit recognition has been afforded housing rehabilitation as a legitimate effort toward improving the housing stock available to low- and moderate-income families, little or no appreciation for other issues raised by the County before the Committee have been properly addressed. With the imminent adoption of the guidelines the only comforting assurance is' that Urban Hennepin County and the Council appear to share a mutual goal - the provision of assisted housing to the needy families in the area. Perhaps this is enough. The Urban County earnestly hopes so. Achieving such a goal through the planning and 'execution inherent in the Community Development process should satisfy both the particular needs of the Urban County and HUD and the requirements of the Council. As the Year IV Urban County CDBG program is developed and previous accomplishments measured this should become apparent to all participants. Year IV provides the opportunity to reexamine the Urban County Housing Assistance Plan in its entirety and evidently to structure a program which will guide the provision of assisted housing for a full three-year period. Urban Hennepin County will proceed into Year IV developing a CD program and HAP that will truly reflect its needs, goals and objectives. Dale A. Ackmann County Administrator CC' Metropolitan Council Urban County Sub-Grantees Thomas Feeney ~q% u2: %u~e~ ~Ms ~x~ u~ mos LL6I 'gZ mud b~z~ fi'~m,, ~3 ~mploy~es m~ ~aes~i~ ~ke ex~s, 5~ ~o eat,oh up wi*~h ~h~ ~e~ sub~ebSo haw b~.a ~'~,abli~h.d,o 7 ~ O ¥®m~m ~-, 12 ~ ? Yeax-s ~ 12 Days it ts b~i~g do~' even raid m% 1/2 h~r~ for each MIBNESOTh TEhMSTE S PIJDLIG & LhW ENFORGEMENT EMPLOYEES UNION COCCI. NO. 32.0 ~ffili~ed wi~h the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAIdSTERS, CHAUFfEUrS, WAREHOUSEMEN & HELPERS OF AIdERICA 3001 UniversHy Avenue $.E.- Minne~polls, Minnesoto $~1~ ~ Phone (6-12) 331-3873 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Mn. 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp, The following are the areas we wish to improve upon in the Public Works Contract for the year of 1978. 1. Wages: Metro Rates for all classifications. 2. Employer paid Dental Insurance for employees and dependents. 3. Hospitalization Insurance 100% Employer paid 4. Vacation schedule improvement. 5. Unlimited Sick Leave accrual. ~6. Working out of classification provision. 7. Ail other benefits to remain as now in effect. 8. Standby time to be paid at the rate of one-half(i/2) hour for each hour on standby. 9. Teamsters Local #320 reserves the right to alter and or modify ,.~.¢,_m. ands during negoations. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office at any time. Sincerely, .... ~ ~'~-~! /~_/~.,.~' ~ -----/---~C~ ("-" ...I:t~, :. ~',,' :-- ., ~ '--~Lawre~'ce M. B'~stian' Business Agent t LMB/ls O~EIU #12 United To Protect Box 37, Mound, Minnesota 55364 August 16, 1977 3~o~nd Council and ??aom it may concern; This letter is to notify you of a meeting to set up and adopt a uniform Fire code. We will also be covering a uniform Building code. The meeting will be held at the Nound Fire Station on August 1977, at There will be guest speakers at this meeting. Sincerely, Ted Stallman Secretary Mound Vol. Fire Dept. or Lane Mound, ~n..55364 August 16,1977 ~'~iound City Council Dear members: Plmnned to attend the meeting on the street improvements being discussed tonite at 7:00 p.m.; realize I cannot be present but would like to register my comments. We live north of 125, off Tyrone Lane. I can stand the dust on our own corner, Wexford and Carrick, but [yr.gn.e needs some kind of dust free surfaCe..please! We deliver meals to homebounds in the Mound area and one of the most central streets, heavy traffic, road equipment, hat needs surfacin~ is Bradford at the jct. v~th County 15(Wilshire) thers must have complained about this 2 block stretch of torture. Dust covers the car, fills your nose and eyes and mo~th and if you get behind a big road truck or a car traveling fast, even a little allergy starts sneezing and eyes swelling. I would be v,~lling to help pay to get that stretch of BRADFORD Lane surfaced--even with windows closed and air conditioning on,the dust penetrates. Before Essex, please consider BRADFORD. then TYRONE. For blacktop. I am sure there are considerations to be made of which I am not aware, but because I travel these 2 streets often I now ask that you consider them along with little Essex and Bedford. Thank you for reading this, and for the service our street dept. provides. We have only had to cancel Hot Meal deliveries once because of road conditions. Mrs. Theodore/Je26rski west hennepin human services planning board 41st and Vernon South / St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 920-5533 "NEWS RELEASE FOR' IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT PHILIP RICE, 920-5533 C0 IMUNITY HEALTH GETS A PHYSICAL WEST HENNEPIN RESI~.E,~TS ARE ENCOURAGED TO PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN SHAPING A.[Y/t; PLAN FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES, ~'/EST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES IS SPONSORING. A FORUM SO THAT RESIDENTS CAN EXPRESS NEEDS THAT THEY SEE, A PRELIMINARY PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR FUNDING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL, FAMILY PLANNING, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, HEALTH EDUCATION, AND HOME AND COMMUNITY NURSING, INDIVIDUALS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND A ~,UBLIC MEETING ON THE PRELIMINARY 1978 COUNTY-WIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES PLAN, TESTIMONY CONCERNING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN IS INVITED, THE FORUM spONsoRED BY THE WEST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES PLANNING BOARD IS' SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY,.,, AUGUST 24 AT 7:30 P,M, AT MINNETONKA CITY HALL, I/~60(] .'iINNFTONKA BOULEVARD, IHERE ARE ALSO MEETINGS ON AUGUST 23 IN ~]Ew }tOPE AND ['~INNEAPOLIS FOR THOSE WITH SCHEDULE CONFLICTS, INPUT FROM THESE MEETINGS WILL BE USED IN PREPARING THE FINAL PLAN WHICH IS SUBMITTED TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, FOR MORE INFORMATION,CALL WEST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES, 920-5533, OR MARK LEE, HENNEPIN COUNTY OFFICE OF. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 348-4466, , PRESEN_,. Chairman ~ou Oberdeck~ Go~n.zssioners Frank Weit ~' Helen Newel]., Bud Stannard~ G~r~ Smith, Lorrain~ Jac'kson~ bklaz..- Hasse, City !nsp. Hank Truslsen~ ~ity Planner Don Levens, Sec. Kare~e ?~, Ch~x~.~an Oberdeck called tbs m.eting to order at 7:30 at ~.,].r.., Hall. MINUTES from 7/28 *7/,28 Board of Appeals meeting - Neweil mad~ following corrections: 10~ stable an__d dssirab!e neighborhood development su~__~.,~ final approval .~ lt~ t~at aa no variance is needed for work to be do~e, the variance ... '7/14 discUSsion meeting - Newell ~ov®d and Jackson seconded to approve as presented. Vote was u~animous~ !. B~CH~OODLOT DIVISION **Oberdeck moved to recommend to City Council to ~uspend all action on Beachwood development until there im an indication that it is economi~ cally feasible to develop it. Bmith ~econded ~d vote was unanimous. Reasons: 1~ Appears to be no market value for majority of ~he land~ 2~ Co~t of developing it would be excessive at p~esent time dne to terrain~ Aiso~ 5, Plannir~ Comm. does not a~ree with the rea~i~on for the culdesac bein~ that of the contour in projecting road furcher~ 2. CORNE~ LOT DISCUSSION- FRONT YARD VS. SIDE £ARD Legal interpretation is way lot is plotted~ each case needs individual attention as f~ as traffic visibility and development of rest of lot~ Truelsen will rewrite ordinance dealing ~ith corner lots for next dis- cu~ion meeting. LETTER~3M OL~D~R Smith suggested to invite Ms. Olander ~ad the land o~er of the swamp land ~he refers to to the next discussion me~ting in ,~eptember. Sec. will get pertinent information reg~,rding this la~ Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P,gESENT~ ELECTION OF O~?ICERS Off!c.~s to cer'~..~ until Angus: :i.97(~ were eiec'ffed. T~ N,~mi~ting Coma., nominated th~ follow..nE: Chr~:~uan - Sundberg, Aud~,rson.; Secretary - Foreman, Stut. h. Ne other no~..nations ~ere made, CHILD C&RE FOR CiT~' MTG$~ A sub.-com~itt~ m~.s fo~ed to fur~he.r study th.~.~ sro jerk; - ~yman~ t~ ~'~' .......... ~ a~d S'~ut'~, They t~'i. ll look into ~uch areas as ~l:~clng~ ].oc~tlo~, staffing t:~',~nI, nS~ laws. Spring Park City Cou:o. cil demand consld~ratioo this year b~cau:~e cf no budgeting for It - ~ossi'~ly 'par~ of the revenue sharing funds fo~, Hound be used for a ch~tr lift for Mound Bill Wilso~'~ 2'or availability ~ pr~sen~ an .tnfo~atiwe presentation on '~hat H~'aa~ Rights can do. This i~ tent~tlvely' ~chednl~d for the first , ;.:~, Comm. member~ are to bring ~a:~y mai.l:kng !i~t~ for invitation~ to ~ext meeting for reTiew~ 'caa'~, ~he central 'PTA office ,:~n~.~t~'~: this and can be contacted, after Aug, 1~ for information needed to 6~t p~,oJect '' MINi: H}ff~RiHG$ There will be ~. hearings in St. Paul by the Dept~ of Human Right~. Th~ first of these will b~ Sept~ 1 fro~ 7:~ ~ lO.nO0 p.m, .on t:,h.~ ~ubJect ~f housing.. T~e second will be Sepf 29 on Pu.o~c Servic~s~ lSd'oration. Several ?olun. teer~ from the Coma. ~ll attend.. (Sc.::'~,~dul~. o:f H~arings - attached) · -,..:~ It ~as ~uggegted and dlacum~ed to have a regular column ±,~ thc pa,per~' conce.rnir~' H~.~au Rights -. ~,~sib'l~f question a.n~ answer.. A..~E[[ING Co~,m. me.'bets '~sre u6ged to aStend ~ae next ~outh m~eting on 8/15 to offer sup~.rt and possible combination of theughts ::n certain .~.rea~ from the H~ :,.ghte Coma, k.so to, suggest ,.,hat a CETA str~t worker' for Mo~d' ,-' be "z. oo~e~' ' In,c, Minutes of MOUND YOUTN COMMISSION August 15, 3.977 PRESENT: Acting Chairperson Deb McIntyre, Mark Jessen, Joy Fleming, Merry Peterson, RonBo~trom, Council Rep. Bob Polston, Sec. Karene Uhe Guests: Katie Phleger, Ann Chase, Dawn Polston, Ron Uhe McIntyre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The Commission's past accomplishments and present problems were dis- cussed with guests present who were interested in becoming members. Each guest then stated they wanted, to become active member~ and felt they could contribute much toward the Youth Comm. The fou~' names will be taken to City Council at 8/16/77 meeting for appr¢.val. 'Discussion involving desired locations for public telephones. These locations are to be given to Continental for their further study and installation of an outdoor phone in one or more of these l~cations. The two areas decided on were: old city office area, corner of Minn. Federal building. These were felt to be im the areas of m~,st con- centration of youth and visible to general public. These %~o locations will be takem to City Council at 8/16/77 meeting for approval to be passed on to Continental Telephone. To make the Youth Comm. more known to the community, it was ~ecided to issue a challenge to the City ~ouncil, ~ity Mgr. and Cleric, to a Volleyball game on Sunday, Aug. 28th, at 3.00 p.m. at Mound Eay Park~ rain or shine. The loser of the game will sponsor a community activity in the near future. The Commission al~o stated they will acc~.pt any activity challenge from any othe~ o~anization. The challenge will be issued.to City Council at themr §/16/77 meeting. Mclntyre a~d Jessen will appear before City Council to present the above three items to them. The next Youth Comm. meeting will be Monday, Aug. 22, at 6:30 at City Nall. This will be an organizational meeting where sub-committees will be formed dealing with subjects as: rewriting by-laws, Volleyball game plans, drug awareness, teen center, etc. McIntyre and Fleming will be responsible for meeting agenda. A letter of resignation was accepted by the Commission from MarJorie Cooper. ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pres/den t Lyall Schxvarzkopf Minneapolis Vice President June Demos Roseville P~st Pres/den t Josephine Nunn Champlin Richard As!eson Apple Valley Wayne Courtney Edina Wal~er Dziedzic Minneapolis Maynard Eder Lake Elmo Robert Hansen White Bear Lake David Hozza St. Paul ] ack Irving Crystal ames Krautkremer Brookl,/n Park Myra Lobeck Oakd~le Duane Miedtke St. Anthony Bruce Na~vrocki Columbia Heights Irving Stern St. Louis Park association of metr. qpo[itgn mun ctpaJineo 300 hanover bldg. 480 cedar street st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612) 222-2861 gust 1~, 1977 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Len: I would like to acknowledge the receipt of Mound's dues to the Association of Metropolitan Municipali- ties for fiscal year 1977-78. The prompt receipt of your dues helps make it possible for the Board of Directors to establish a comprehensive work pro- gram for this year with the knowledge that suffi- cient resources will be available to assure that this program can be carried out for the benefit of all Association members. On behalf of the Board and Staff, I thank you for your continuing support of and participation in the Association. It would be appreciated if you would express our appreciation to your Mayor and Council members, and please do not hesitate to contact our office whenever we can be of assistance. Best regards, Vern Peterson Larry Thompson Wayzata VP:sb Mark Vaught St. Paul Duane Zaun L. akeville ~'x~cLiti';'e D/rector Vern Peterson 3036 .Highland Blvd. Mound, Mn. 55364 18 AugUst 1977 To~ Hal Larson, chair, Park Commission Leonard K°p~ Mound City Council From~ Diane Arneson Re: my resignation from Park Commission This is to inform you of my desire to resign from the Mound Advisory Park Commission. In accessing my commitments for the fall it has become clear that I cannot spend enough time with Park Commission matters to feel I am an effective member. I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet the people Who are working and plannillg for our city. I have learned alot about city government. I have a greater appreciation now for our local gover~zmental process. I will remain a follower of Mound park and other city business. I feel our neighborhood is well represented on the Park Commission by Sandy Smith. I hope my term will be filled by someone who will learn even more than I did. Thanks. · uo n.7. s$'~ u7 s~a~qo~d jo uor~uana~d pu~ 'uo7%us~7 LL6= ,7.S~%DLY' - ~',.~iA~ A'ZH~NOP[ ,,$%¥NOISS~JO~ ~O NO;JVZiN%~D~O cpu;:G a^a;S ~o~2o~!G uue~2;o~ 'uosua~ 'Quot ~Vl$ J~ AVA&