2017-01-19 DCC Agenda PacketMISSION STATEMENT: "The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides, at a
reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and
flourishing community." "The Dock and Commons Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. One
of the Commission's functions is to hold public hearings and make recommendations to the City Council. The
City Council makes all final decisions on these matters. Mound Ordinances require that certain documents
and information be included in applications.The Docks and Commons Commission may postpone
consideration of an application that is incomplete and may for other reasons postpone final action on an
application. For each agenda item, the Commission will receive reports prepared by the City Staff, open the
hearing to the public, and discuss and act on the application."
DUE TO LACK OF A QUORUM. RSVP: Mary Mackres @ 952-472-0603 or admin@cityofmound.com
7:00 P.M. Meeting at Mound City Hall
Thursday, January19, 2017
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Oath of Office by City Manager Eric Hoversten
A. Commissioner Susan Gardner - Abutter
B. Commissioner Derek Hentz - Non-Abutter/Multiple Slip Holder
3. Election of Officers - Chair and Vice Chair
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes September 15, 2016 Regular Meeting 1-5
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present
(no more than 3 minutes allowed per speaker)
6. 2016 Annual Dock Report 6
7. 2017 Dock Map Amendment 7
8. 2017 Final Budget 8
9. Discuss: education/program on beaver damage mitigation, 9-14
improvement of dock materials, weed removal
10. Discuss: Potential new multiple slip sights - pros and cons 15-16
11. Discuss: Lost Lake Villas Home Owners Agreement 17-24
and Escrow Funds
12. Discuss: Request for Quotes/Proposals 25-32
A. 2017 Rip Rap Project
B. Stair improvements/clearing at public right of ways - additional assessments for
benefiting dock/slip holders - need to suggest approach, including
13. Discuss: Possible amendment(s) to the City Code Chapter 78 / ongoing analysis
A. Lifts at slips - #1 slips that don't come out, #2 slips with room for winter storage
#3 dictate the kind of lift and where it will be stored for the winter if no storage
B. Non -abutting dock rights (require a boat moored, whether to allow canopies)
C. Dock use area requirements
14. Review: 2017 Calendar 33
15. Reports:
- City Council Representative
- Staff
- Commissioners
City Council Meeting Minutes are on line at www.cityofinound.com. If you would like a paper
copy, please let us know and we will provide one to you.
4411 tWrlel'•'
September1' DRAFT
The Mound Docks and Commons Commission met on Thursday, September 19, 2016, at 7:00
p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building.
Present: Chair Jim Funk, Vice Chair Derrick Hentz, Commissioners Rodney
Beystrom, and Heidi Peterson.
Excused: Commissioners Susan Gardner and Council Representative Kelli Gillispie
Others Present: Director of Finance and Administration, Catherine Pausche, and
Administrative Services Coordinator, Kevin Kelly
Public Present: Don Bachmeier
Chair Jim Funk called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
1. Approval of Agenda.
MOTION by Beystrom, seconded by Hentz, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
2. Approval of Minutes from March 17, 2016 meeting.
MOTION by Hentz, seconded by Beystrom, to approve the minutes from the March 17,
2016 meeting. Hentz, Beystrom and Peterson voted in favor. Funk abstained. Motion
3. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present:
4. Preliminary Proposed Budget
Pausche included budget materials in the packet. Pausche stated she did not offer fee
changes and added there will not be future increases in dock fees unless there is a
compelling reason to do so. The City hired David Rahn to be the new Dock Inspector in
2016 which is reflected in the budget. Pausche said there is a new item added to the
budget which includes $10,000 for stairway improvements and is a discussion item on
this agenda.
Pausche stated Lost Lake revenue is being used to pay down the debt incurred by the
improvements to the harbor district including the dredge of the channel. Funk asked if
there were more requests for slips this year and if the all the slips were rented. Pausche
explained that the developer of the new townhomes and Villa residents held more slips
this season. She stated that the Villa residents and the developer pay less for the slips
than Mound and non -Mound residents which has reduced Lost Lake revenue this year.
Funk asked if future dock budgeting reflects the on-going reduced revenue and Pausche
stated yes this is reflected. She added the dock fund will not be affected, though the
debt service funding will be reduced.
Pausche stated the escrows for channel maintenance and slip maintenance may need to
be increased though the debt service would be a priority item to be paid down.
Hentz asked if the Villas residents would take all of the slips. Pausche said they could
take all the slips though it is unlikely.
S. Discussion: Request for Quotes/Proposals
A. 2017 Rip Rap Proiect
Pausche stated that the 2016 Rip Rap project has begun and would like to continue
the ongoing Rip Rap project. After completion of the project staff will assess the
completed job and will determine the need for the few remaining areas which aren't
included on the 2017 project. Peterson asked about the rating system used to
determine Rip Rap need. Pausche stated that the rating is subjective though it is
based on the 2013 rating made by staff and the DCC. Pausche added that these Rip
Rap projects have been along Island View Drive as this area is exposed to quite a lot
of wave action.
There was a discussion regarding Beaver activity on the commons as there was quite
a lot of damage earlier in the year though they appear to not be present in the Black
Lake area any longer.
Hentz asked about the next stage of projects after the 2017 Rip Rap project was
completed. Pausche stated staff will need to take a look at the 2013 ratings of other
areas of commons shoreline and bring this information forward to the DCC.
MOTION by Hentz to approve the 2017 Rip Rap project, seconded by Funk, who offered
a friendly amendment to include approval of the areas along Island View Drive which
will be assessed this fall on their need for Rip Rap. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
B. Stair improvements/clearing at public right of ways
Kelly stated that some areas of the commons and of public right of ways needed to
be cleared as they looked to not have been maintained for quite some time. The
City Parks Department has contracted with Hennepin County to have Sentence to
Serve crews assist City crews in clearing brush and debris throughout the City. Kelly
added the work has been done in a few areas on the commons particularly the areas
at the end of Three Points Blvd. and the right of way at the end of Villa Lane which
have been greatly improved. Kelly said this is an on-going project. He added there
will be other areas of the commons which will be improved either in 2016 or 2017.
Kelly said a dock holder on Pebble Beach commons approached the City regarding
the poor condition of the stairs which are needed to access his dock. Kelly said he
was informed by the dock holder that the City installed this stairway. He also stated
there are other locations on the commons which are in need of stairs such as on
Idlewood. Pausche added that the City has not provided funds to abutting property
owners when they replaced stairways. She mentioned a quote for the stairway at
Idlewood which was $10,000.00. Pausche mentioned that staff will conduct an
inventory of the commons to determine the number and condition of stairs.
Peterson stated the City assessed the costs of the stairway at Bluebird Lane which
had been completed in 2003 or 2004. She added that the people using the dock
were assessed something in the neighborhood of $50 or $75 a year.
Beystrom mentioned another group who paid for the installation and repair of
6. Discussion: Possible amendments(s) to the City Code Chapter 78/ongoing analysis
A. Lifts at Slips
Pausche mentioned Villa Owners at Lost Lake and other multiple slips have inquired
about putting in lifts. Pausche stated that storage and In and Out will be a problem
which will need to be addressed. She added there are slips which do not get
removed from the Lake during the winter. Pausche also noted if a license holder
was adamant about having a lift they can switch to a dock.
Funk mentioned that with zebra mussels and other AIS that you can store your
materials on the direct shoreline but if the material is transported from the shore
much greater regulation is required.
B. Non -Abutting dock rights (require a boat moored, whether to allow canopies}
Kelly discussed the issues of non -abutting dock license holders not using their dock
which has led to unauthorized dock use on commons docks. Pausche added that
staff have had difficulty trying to remove illegally moored boats due to a variety of
reasons including impound lots not being interested in storing low value boats. She
said Impound businesses also charge back costs for the tow and storage to the City.
If the illegal boat owner is not a resident, the City may not be able to recoup those
charges. Pausche relayed City research which found 17 non -abutting docks which
did not have a boat moored during any of the seven inspections throughout the
year. Pausche added that the issue is most problematic with non -abutting dock
holders as abutting dock holders are able to regularly monitor the dock which is at
their property.
Beystrom agrees with making people use their dock as the whole purpose of the
dock program is to make space available to people to want to get a boat on the
Lake. Beystrom added that I think you should have to moor a boat if a person holds
a license.
Pausche noted that last year there was a unanimous vote to not enforce dock use
for dock holders and she was interested in whether the Commission would
reconsider the requirement for only non -abutting dock holders to moor a boat.
Funk agreed with Beystrom and asked if it would be an enforcement issue if the City
started to implement a dock use requirement. Pausche responded that there would
most likely be less of an enforcement problem if docks were being used.
Funk asked if someone renews their license next year would there be a one year
hiatus if there was no boat on the dock. Pausche explained dock usage requirement
language is in the City Code regarding multiple slip use and this code language could
be added to non -abutting dock holders. Pausche added that the City can notify dock
license holders that dock utilization is required in the first three inspections of the
year that this is your idle year.
Peterson stated she agreed as long as license holders wouldn't lose their dock if
there were mechanical problems with their boat. Funk stated dock holders can put
their dock license being
Beystrom noted, why can't the City administer fines to people who are illegally using
a commons dock? Pausche responded that the administrative fine issue is being
discussed by the Council, staff and the City Attorney. She added that Orono Police
doesn't want to take an active role in enforcing the dock ordinance.
Pausche discussed canopy use by non -abutting dock holders. She stated the
Waterbank commons had an unwritten rule about no canopies on the commons
which was brought to Dock Administration. Funk didn't recall specifically that non -
abutters didn't get a canopy but did need to get abutting neighbor approval if there
are obstructed views. Pausche stated staff will start the process to take an inventory
of structures and canopies on the commons. She added that non -abutting dock
structures have also gotten more sophisticated.
Beystrom asked about using technology to do the inventory which Pausche said the
City Mobile 311 software could be implemented going forward as a tool to track
dock locations and type of docks
7. Renewal of terms expiring 12/3112016
Pausche mentioned Derrick Hentz and Susan Garner's terms are up at the end of the
year. Hentz stated he would be interested in serving another term and Pausche stated
Gardner also expressed interest in serving again.
8. Review: 2017 Calendar
Pausche discussed the Lost Lake home owners' agreement which will be brought
forward in November and the Channel and Maintenance escrows. Lost Lake Slip holders
have asked for City participation with weed removal. Pausche stated there is nothing to
stop dock holders from treating weeds in their dock area and the City should come up
with the process to allow all dock holders to address weed removal.
Funk asked about maintenance of Lost Lake Channel. Pausche mentioned that the
water level is high this year and the channel was re -dredged not too many years ago.
Funk asked if there is a cycle or dredging schedule for Lost Lake. Pausche responded
that the Escrow for Channel maintenance will be discussed with more depth at the
November meeting.
9. Reports:
Pausche stated that the General Election is being held on November 8t" and the Indian
Knoll Manor closing will beat the end of November. She added the street projects are
expected to be completed in 2017.
MOTION by Funk, seconded by Hentz, to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Submitted by: Kevin Kelly
,n ow
24155 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 - PH: 952-472-0600 - FAX: 952-472-0620 - WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM
Date: January 19, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
Subject: 2016 Annual Report
Dock Inspection Summary
The Dock Inspector for the City in 2015, Fritz Hartman, was not able to return in 2016.
David Rahn took over Dock Inspector duties in 2016. David did an excellent job and was
able to work weekends which gave dock inspection a higher profile than in past years.
David has spent most of his life on the lake and was a great addition who hopefully will
return in 2017.
There were a small number of violations of City Code uncovered. Two unauthorized
users of commons docks were notified that they were not allowed to participate in the
dock program in 2016. The two were repeat violators of City Code.
Potential violations were more efficiently responded to in 2016 due to the use of the DNR
Electronic License Systems Data Base which provided owner information generally the
day the Dock Program requested the information. This allowed Dock Administration to
quickly contact dock license holders regarding the watercraft moored at their dock sites.
® All 37 slips at Lost Lake Villas were rented: 10 to Villa owners, 13 to Non-
residents, S to Mound residents and 6 to Lost Lake Homes & Marina.
® 51 of 53 BSU's allotted to Dreamwood were utilized by dock license holders
® 13 Wait list participants were able to get into the dock program
o Including 1 in Dreamwood and 1 in Woodland Point
® 502 Watercraft were licensed out of a LMCD allowed 590 watercraft
Non -Abutter under utilization
® There were 17 docks which had no reports of usage through seven inspections
during 2016. There were also a number of non -abutter, primary dock holders,
who didn't put in a boat in 2016. Those license holders did have shares on their
dock who moored a watercraft.
2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • MOUND, MN 55364-1668 . PH: 952-472-0600 a FAX: 952-472-0620 e WWW,CITYOFMOUND.COM
Date: January 19, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
Subject: 2017 Dock Map Changes
Dock Map Amendments
These following changes are mainly housekeeping in nature.
Centerview 02372 — The Dock Map Addendum has the Centerview dock listed as
02372. Centerview 02372 is just 12' off of the private property line and is a one-
sided dock. The linear measurement of 02372 is not an accessible location to put
in a dock. The current location of the Centerview dock is actually 02402 which is
an accessible location and puts the dock 42' away from the private property line.
This change was not noted on the Dock Map. The new location would allow
enough space to include a second watercraft which should also be reflected in the
Dock Map.
2. Waterside 04201 — This is the dock location of the abutting dock assigned to 5240
Pike Road on Waterside Commons. This location is the dock site immediately on
the west side of the Morton Channel and is not properly represented on the Dock
Map. Waterside 04201 is 30 feet from the center of the nearest dock to the west,
Waterside 04171, which is a non -abutting dock location.
3. Waterside 03811 should be amended to Waterside 03821 to represent the actual
dock location.
Requests for additional sites to be added to the program
Staff is seeing an uptick in requests to add additional dock sites to the program. Often
this is to put a dock over wetlands owned by the City of Mound or to dredge channels.
The license with the LMCD incorporates all of the City's shoreline in the calculation for
granting the license for 590 boat storage units (13SU's). Therefore, when the City adds a
new site, it is cutting in to our existing capacity. Staff will be recommending a
moratorium on adding new sites until more research can be done on the precedent that
may be created and/or the possible unintended consequences that may follow.
Revenues and Expenditures
2012 Rates
2013 Rates
2014 Rates
2015 Rates 2016 Rates
2017 Rates
Regular Dock Fee (w! 1 bsu)
Slip Fee
pwc slip fee
Each Add'I BSU Fee
Share Fee
Lost Lake Fee
# of LL Slips Rented 37 27 37 37 37 37
OFFICIAL Dock Budget Summary; Dock Bud Summary Page 1 of 2 1/9/2017
Fund balance -Jan. 1
274 024
Fees - Regular Docks Sites;(approx 307) + Commercials
Fees - Slips; (Approx 100)
Fees - Lost Lake Slips (37)
Fees - Wait List ($20)
LMCD fees - Sites and Slips
Other Revenues
Total Revenues
Ex endltures
!**Program Administration:
1 Personnel
Supplies: Office, Operating, Maint/Repair
City Finance/Admin Overhead Alloc, Audit, Legal
Utilities, Insurance and Meeting/Training Exp
Equipment Repair
LMCD fees - Sites and Slips/Villas
Dock installation & removal
Tree Removal
Total Program Administration Expenses
Capital Outlay:
A Multiple docks -New Complexes
B Multiple docks -Deck Replacement/Stain
C Subsidy to Parks General Fund Budget
Total Capital Outlay
;Other Improvements:
Location of Rip Rap
Devon Commons / Island View Drive
E Rip Rap Projects
j F Dredging
G Stairs
H Transfers to Debt Svc
Total Other Improvements
Total All Expenditures
Revenues over (under) Exp.
31 251
21 853
38 24017
8f ,6371
Fund balance - Dec. 31
OFFICIAL Dock Budget Summary; Dock Bud Summary Page 1 of 2 1/9/2017
-Y -
2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 . PH: 952-472-0600 . FAX: 952-472-0620 ® WWW,CITYOFMOUND.COM
Date: January 19, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
Subject: Education/programs related to Docks and Commons Areas
Dock Administration will be conducting a survey of the condition of docks in 2017. As
part of this survey dock inspection will be assessing the condition of commons docks and
noting those which are structurally unsound or in need of repair. The survey will also
include an inventory of non -abutting docks which have a structure more complex than a
straight dock.
As was noted in 2016, City Parks Department crews contracted with the Hennepin
County Sentence to Serve crews to assist in cleaning up different areas of the City which
included commons and City Right -of Ways. Hopefully this activity will continue into
2017 as there are areas of Commons which are in need of a cleanup of brush and
discarded material. The aim of Dock Administration is to reinforce with dock holders
their responsibility in taking part in keeping the Commons in good condition. One area
which was improved in 2016 was the Three Points Commons. Dock Administration sent
a letter to the Three Points dock license holders reminding them of those responsibilities.
I have attached to this memo the letter sent to non -abutter dock holders along the Three
Points Commons and the Commons Maintenance Handout.
In addition, Dock Administration will continue to work with dock holders on issues that
impact their dock usage area and will try to create additional reference materials to
educate them on their options and obligations. One looming threat is the reemergence of
beavers in recent years. Beavers can be a nuisance depending on where they build their
dams and the Dock Administration will need to devise a policy on the rights and
responsibilities of both the City and the dock holder as mitigation can be costly.
Staff welcomes any insights the Docks and Commons Commissioners would like to
contribute as we continue to evaluate policy alternatives.
2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 - PH: 952-472-0600 - FAX: 952-472-0620 - WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM
December 15, 2016
Dear Three Points Dock License Holder,
Soon you will be receiving your dock license application for the 2017 season - we expect
another great year on the Lake! You are receiving this letter because you are the primary
dock holder or you shared a dock along the commons on Three Points Blvd.
As you know, the Three Points Commons was cleaned up this summer and the weeds and
discarded material were removed to make your experience at the Lake more enjoyable.
The cleanup of the Three Points Commons was a priority of the dock program due to the
amount of noxious weeds and other nuisances which made the area less than desirable.
This cleanup was possible due to the Public Works/Parks Departments contracting with
the Hennepin County Sentence to Serve program. These crews did a great job and only
cleaned up three other dock program areas in the City in 2016. The cleanup of the Three
Points Commons will not be a regular occurrence as the City has other cleanup priorities
which need to be addressed.
The City Dock Program is serious about the Three Points Commons remaining a City
asset and is expecting you, as the dock license holder, to take an active role in
maintaining the commons. Not only are you responsible for a well maintained dock
structure but you are also responsible for keeping the commons in your dock area well
maintained. Below is the section of the City Code which addresses this responsibility.
78-103 (d) Dock Use Area Maintenance. The licensee is responsible for the maintenance of
their shoreline dock use area. Maintenance shall include, but not limited to, grass cutting and
weed removal. If aquatic vegetation is removed from the shoreline and placed in an upland area
the site holder is required to dispose of it in a timely manner. Failure to adhere to this could cause
for revocation of the license or recommendation for non -renewal of their application.
The City does not want the commons at Three Points to revert to the neglected condition
it was in at the beginning of the year. I have included the Commons Maintenance
handout which addresses a number of questions regarding dock holder responsibilities.
The dock program will continue with inspections in 2017 and these inspections will
emphasize not only dock related use but also commons maintenance regulations. Thank
you for your cooperation and understanding in these matters.
Kevin Kelly
Administrative Service Coordinator
asc ,cityofmound.com
Shoreline and Commons Maintenance
1T 1 ^C hAnt I113M
Q. Who is responsible for maintaining the commons area at my dock site?
A. The City has 17 miles of shoreline and has attempted to keep the dock program affordable so the City
requires dock holders to maintain the commons and abutting property owners the right -of way areas.
This includes but it is not limited to mowing the grass and removing weeds, both on land and in the
water. City funds are mainly used on larger projects such as rip rap and tree care.
Q. Who does repairs and up keep of docks?
A. Docks maintenance is the responsibility of the dock holder and docks must be kept in good working
condition. City Code states "all docks should be built of sound, aesthetically pleasing materials and be
constructed of a standard" which promotes "the public's health, safety and welfare as determined by
the City. Docks and other appurtenances shall not be unsightly or create a public nuisance."
Q. Can I leave my dock in the water all year?
A. Dock holders are responsible for putting in and taking out docks each year. Generally you will need to
take in your dock at the end of the season except for certain areas of the lake with limited wave action
and ice heaving.
Q. Where can I store my dock during the winter?
A. City Code states that you are able to store your dock on the Commons as long as the dock materials
are stored in an orderly manner and don't impact access to the Commons. Dock materials must be
removed by lune 1st if not reinstalled.
Q. How much space am I responsible for around my dock space?
A. Docks are generally spaced 30 feet apart and the dock complex should be centered on the dock use
area. Commons are generally considered to be the first 10 feet of shoreline.
Q. What dimensions can my dock be?
A. A dock width cannot be less than 24" and not wider than 48". The length depends on the particular
situation in which the dock is located. Typically a dock cannot have a length greater than 24 feet except
where necessary to reach a water depth of 48", in which case the maximum length is 100 feet (using
Lake Minnetonka elevation levels of 929.40 feet above sea level). The layout of the dock must be
approved by the City and changes requested in writing.
Q. How often do the dock sites get inspected?
A. Each site is inspected up to 8 times a boating season. These inspections are completed to ensure that
the docks and commons area are kept in good condition and to ensure that dock holders are following
dock procedures and that only registered watercraft are at the dock sites.
Shoreline and Commons Maintenance
ITV ni: k11rlt Wn ..
Q. How long can I keep my boat in the water?
A. Boats must be in the water by June 1. If you are unable to put a boat in the water by June 1 please
notify Dock Administration at 952-472-0613. Watercraft at multiple slip sites must be removed by
October 15th of each year. Watercraft at regular dock sites may remain as long as weather permits.
Q. Are there limits on what I can do at my dock or how long I can be there?
A. The City would like all non -abutting dock holders to recognize and respect other dock users and
abutting property owners. Dock holders are encouraged to minimize the time spent at the dock and
keep noise to a minimum. In addition, it should be noted the following activities are not permitted on
the commons or city owned docks'per Sec 78-10 of the City Code:
1. No fishing .The term fishing shall include fishing with aline, taking fish by means of
snagging, spearing, harpooning, archery or by dip net.
2. No Swimming, diving, possession of open alcohol, or glass containers.
Q. Can a friend who is not in the dock program tie up a boat to my dock?
A. A non -declared watercraft can moor at a dock for up to 48 hours twice in a boating season. The City
can issue up to one temporary visiting dockage permit to be used for up to 21 days in a boating season
for a fee of $50.
Q. Who is responsible for dredging low water areas?
A. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is the permitting authority for dredges on Lake
Minnetonka. The city will have to sign off on the MCWD dredging application. The city would most
likely support any privately funded dredge especially if the MCWD has permitted a dredge in the area in
the past.
Q. Can I make any changes to the Commons area?
A. If you are contemplating making any improvements on the commons or right -of way a Public Lands
Permit is required. Storage of dock materials is permitted on the commons during winter months as
long as the storage in done in a manner which is orderly and doesn't damage the Commons in any way.
Storage is not allowed in a public right-of-way.
Q. Who do I contact if I have any questions or concerns?
A. Please contact the Dock Administrator at 952-472-0613. In addition, further Dock related information
is available on the City of Mound website at www.cityofmound.com and click on the Dock Program tab
on the left hand menu and/or the City Code tab. Chapter 78 of the Mound City Code pertains to
Waterways and the Dock Program.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Lake Minnetonka shoreline in Mound beautiful and
I , 1 0 11 . 0 1 0 1 . . I a M
• •. ,• R.
Is a DNR permit required to remove aquatic vegetation?
Any control of emergent vegetation, such as cattails, and the use of pesticides in
public waters does require a DNR aquatic plant management permit. Aquatic
plants such as cattail, bulrush, water lilies, and other aquatic vegetation are
important because they reduce wave action (thereby reducing the threat of
shoreline erosion), provide fish and wildlife habitat, buffer shorelines from
pollutants, and provide other environmental benefits. DNR aquatic plant
management permits are issued through the DNR Regional Fisheries Offices.
The rules governing the destruction of aquatic vegetation are found in Minnesota
Rules - Chapter 6280.
For further information:
o See the DNR Waters information sheet titled Shoreline Alterations:
Lakescaping Mb).
o Contact your DNR Regional or Area Fisheries Office.
o Explore A guide to aquatic plants: identification and management to learn
the importance of aquatic vegetation to Minnesota lakes, get an easy-to-
use picture key to some of the common aquatic plants, and find out about
regulations and methods of control.
o Get the DNR publication Lakescaping For Wildlife and Water Quality c� .
This is an excellent source of information on the environmental benefits of
aquatic vegetation. It is available at Minnesota's Bookstore.
Note: If a resident contracts for Lakeshore treatment, the vendor will typically
apply for the DNR permits on their behalf.
Is a DNR public waters work permit required to remove the beaver dam from my
Beavers are protected animals under the game and fish laws, and their dams have
protection under those laws. Landowners have the right to remove beaver dams from
their property but DNR permits may be required:
A DNR public waters work permit (on-line application here) may be required to
remove a beaver dam if the bed of the lake or stream is excavated (i.e., by dragline,
backhoe) in conjunction with the dam's removal. If a beaver dam has been in place for
many years and affects other properties than your own, the other property owners
should be contacted. In some cases, lakeshore has been developed in conformance
with water levels resulting from a beaver dam controlling the outlet for many years.
Before removing a beaver dam in that situation, it is recommended you contact the DNR
area hydrologist.
In addition to a public waters work permit:
Removing a beaver dam or lodge generally requires a special use permit from
the local DNR Wildlife Manager.
Trapping or killing beaver may require a special beaver permit from a
Conservation Officer. Questions regarding trapping or killing beaver. should be
directed to the local DNR conservation officer.
Please see " ' Livinq with Wildlife — Beavers" for additional information regarding
removal of beaver or beaver dams under game and fish law provisions.
The DNR does not participate in the control of beaver populations or problem beavers.
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The use of explosives in public waters or public waters wetlands is restricted under
Minnesota Statutes 97 C. 325, Subd. A(l). Before any blasting is done in public waters
or public waters wetlands, the local DNR conservation officer must be contacted. In
general, no DNR public waters work permit will be required to remove beaver dams, log
jams, or other debris by the use of explosives. If use of explosives would result in
substantial modification in the bed or banks of public waters or public waters wetlands,
however, a DNR public waters work permit would be required.
To remove a dam by explosives, contact the local Sherriff s office for the names of
licensed explosives experts.
Conservation Officer Leah Weyandt, Mound Station
MN DNR Enforcement
email: leah.weyandt@state.mn.us
DNR Permitted Trappers:
Scott Conley
Wildlife Control (952) 212-0843
Dan Rademacher
Carver County
Suburban Wildlife Control -Shakopee
Jeff Bjorklund
612-747-2258 or 952-403-9223
Wildlife Removal Services -Bloomington
Mike Tucker
n "W1
2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - MOUND, MN 55364-1668 . PH: 952-472-0600 . FAX: 952-472-0620 • WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM
Date: January 19, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
Subject: Proposed Additional Multiple Slips
Dock Administration is looking at areas which are underutilized which could add access
to the lake and could improve City owned shoreline. Those multiple slip locations:
® Idlewood — This area of the commons hasn't been used for the past three seasons.
There were two non -abutting docks formerly at this location. This is City owned
property fronting Priests Bay with 105 feet of linear shoreline. The adjacent
property address is 3070 Highland Blvd. In order for this site to be useable a
stairway would need to be constructed due to the steep slope to the Lake. This
site is similar in linear footage to Twin Park which has a four boat multiple slip.
® .Ridgewood — Currently there are six non -abutter docks at this site. There is 160
linear feet of shoreline and the docks are spaced 25 feet apart which limits these
docks to single boats and one sided docks. This location is also on Priests Bay
with 3106 Priest Lane as the adjacent address. Many of the docks in Ridgewood
are underutilized and not in great condition. Dock Number 05088 wasn't used at
all in 2016. Dock Inspections during 2016 noted the following usage:
® June 15th -
3 of 6 docks with a moored boat.
a June 25' -
1 of 6 docks with a moored boat
® June 29' -
3 of 6 docks with a moored boat
• July l la' -
3 of 6 docks with a moored boat
® August 8f -
3 of 6 docks with a moored boat
® August 22"d -
2 of 6 docks with a moored boat
• September 6a'
- 2 of 6 docks with a moored boat
I researched the 2015 Inspection Reports at Ridgewood and found a similar pattern of
usage. Ridgewood is similar to Highland which has a linear shoreline of 186 feet and
houses two abutting docks and the six boat multiple slip.
Positives to adding multiple slips:
® Greater City control of usage.
Reduce the wait list
• Cleanup of both areas which would be an improvement
• Ridgewood is in a protected cove and would not need to be taken out in winter.
• Both areas have parking access
• Idlewood — offers more opportunities to get on the lake in the highlands area.
Negatives to adding multiple slips —
• Expense of purchase of one or more multiple slips
• Idlewood will need cleanup of brush and debris
• Idlewood would need a new stairway to shoreline
• Added expense of In & Out at Idlewood
• Resistance of Ridgewood dock holders to the change
• Increase expense to dock holders if moved to a multiple slip - $50.00/yr.
• Idlewood storage of slip materials may be a little difficult
Date: January 12, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance & Admin Services
Subject: Escrow Agreement with Villa of Lost Lake Homeowners Assoc.
The TIF 1-3 Redevelopment District was created in 2005 and will decertify in 2031. The City
made the following investments in the district from 2005 to 2010: dump remediation and
channel dredge $3.82M and property acquisition/options $1.82M. In addition, addition funds
were invested to build the parking deck, create the Andrew Sisters Trail, create way finding
signage, etc.
The recession that began in 2008 resulted in a halt in development and the land that had been
deeded to the developer was turned back to the bank. When that occurred, Mound Harbor
Renaissance Development, LLC went out of business and all contractual obligations between the
City and the developer ceased in 2015. Per the development agreement, ownership of the 37
multiple slips had been given to the City prior to 2008.
A builder purchased the remaining lots in 2013 and changed the configuration from 37
townhomes to a total of 26 townhomes that are expected to be completed in 2017. The tax
increment created from these remaining homes will help to fund the debt service on the bonds
used to create this district through 2031. Therefore, the City has decided that the value created
by giving these townhomes first preference for the assignment of the Lost Lake slips should be
continued into perpetuity and that continuance of the Escrow and Disbursing Agreement with the
Villas on Lost Lake Homeowners Association is in the public interest.
I have attached a draft of an Escrow and Disbursing Agreement to replace the prior agreement as
well as other relevant information related to the assignment of Lost Lake slips and the associated
Staff will be working with the City Attorney prior to finalizing this agreement to allow for us to
both meet our obligation to the Villas on Lost Lake townhomes and also consider prioritizing
slips for possible future development in TIF District 1-3, prior to offering them to Mound
residents and non-residents.
Staff welcomes any insight the Docks and Commons Commission may have in anticipation of
future steps/agreements.
Except from Mound City Code Chapter 78 Waterways, Sec. 78-122. Licenses.
(e) License Priorities for Lost Lake Slips ("Lost Lake Slips'). The Dock Administration
shall assign all locations to the applicants upon compliance with this ordinance and subject to
reasonable conditions. The number of slip licenses available in each of these categories will be
determined by the Dock Administration on an annual basis. Every Lost Lake townhome located
on Lost Lake Lane or Lost Lake Court in Mound, Minnesota ("Lost Lake Resident"), will be
offered one Lost Lake Slip to be charged on an annual basis at the Lost Lake Resident Rate for
Primary Slip Holders as established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule. If any Lost Lake
Resident declines a Lost Lake Slip, it will be included in the pool of slips rented at the higher
rates as established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule.
The following priorities govern the issuance of Lost Lake Slip licenses available in the pool to be
issued on an annual basis through the enrollment period ending the last day in February of each
year. Beginning March I st of each year, the Lost Lake Slips will be assigned on a first come -first
serve basis until all Lost Lake Slips are rented. The Lost Lake slips in the pool will be rented at
the rates established in the City of Mound Fee Schedule for Lost lake Slips at the Non -Lost Lake
Resident and Lost Lake Resident Second Slip Rates:
(1) First Priority: Mound residents on the current City of Mound Dock Program
Wait List who rented a Lost Lake slip in the prior season, based on seniority on the City of
Mound Dock Program Wait List.
(2) Second Priority: Lost Lake Residents wanting a second slip who rented a
second Lost Lake Slip in the prior season.
(3) Third Priority: Mound residents on current City of Mound Dock Program
Wait List who did not rent a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season, based on seniority on the City of
Mound Dock Program Wait List.
(4) Fourth Priority: Lost Lake Residents wanting a second slip who did not rent
a second Lost Lake Slip in the prior season.
(5) Fifth Priority: Mound residents not on the City of Mound Dock Program
Wait List, with priority given to those who held a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season.
(6) Sixth Priority: The general public, including non -Mound residents, with
priority given to those who held a Lost Lake Slip in the prior season.
(Ord. No. 09-2012, 11-25-12; Ord. No. 02-2013, 3-31-13; Ord. No. 05-2013, 5-19-13; Ord. No. 03-2014, 3-
23-14; Ord. No. 08-2014, 10-26-2014)
78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (Villa of Lost Lake Residents) $1,148.00/yr
78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Mound residents who are not
Lost Lake residents) $1,950.00/yr.
78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Non -Mound residents or Lost
Lake Residents for second slip) $2,050.00/yr
78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (After August 1St of the year) $1,000/yr
78-121 Lost Lake Slips LMCD $18.75
78-121 Multiple Slip Refundable Key Deposit $50.00
THIS ESCROW AND DISBURSING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") repeals and
replaces the original ESCROW AND DISPURSING AGREEMENT made and entered into as of
the day of September, 2007, by and among Mound Harbor Renaissance Development,
LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("MHR"), The Villas on Lost Lake, Common
Interest Community No. 1633, acting by and through its association board ("Villas") and the City
of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City").
THIS ESCROW AND DISBURSING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and
entered into as of the day of March, 2017, by and among The Villas on Lost Lake,
Common Interest Community No. 1633, acting by and through its association board ("Villas")
and the City of Mound, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City").
A. The City owns the 37 slip multiple slip complex in Lost Lake adjacent of the
Villas on Lost Lake townhomes. Per Chapter 78 Waterways Section 78-122 (d) of the Mound
City Code, first priority for assignment of these slips will be given to the owners or renters of the
Villas on Lost Lake townhomes. An portion of the fees collected will be held in reserve funds
("escrows") to cover certain of the future expenditures relating to the maintainence of the Lost
Lake channel, the area serving the 37 slips, and repair and replacement of the slips. In addition,
a certain portion of the fees collected will be used for debt service on the 2009D bond issue that
was used to finance the original dredge with no promise of repayment.
B. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the escrow of the reserves,
the process for reevaluating the amounts of such escrow and the disbursements thereof from
time to time, and acknowledges the City's willingness to maintain, administer and disburse the
escrow on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
agree as follows:
1. Definitions; Recitals. Unless the context otherwise clearly requires, all
capitalized terms used in this Agreement herein shall have the meaning given to them. The
recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into this Agreement by
2. Deposit . Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, (i) the parties designate the
Mound City Manager, or that person's designee as the Escrow Agent (ii) the parties will, from
time to time deposit the reserves with Escrow Agent, Escrow Agent shall deposit the Deposit (
the "Deposit") shall refer to the "Initial Deposit", "2008 Deposits", "2009 and Future Years
Deposits", both collectively and individually) in an interest-bearing account subject to the
restrictions imposed by the City's Investment Policy (FTN -001). Such interest shall be deemed
part of the Deposit.
(a). Initial Deposit: The initial deposit was made in 2007 by the original developer in
the amount of $ 3,132.00. The Initial Deposit was allocated as follows: (i) $756 for
maintenance of the slips, (ii) $1,188 for channel maintenance, and (iii) $1,188 for maintenance of
the bottom and shoreline area where the docks are located.
(b). Annual Deposits. In addition to the requirement that the parties periodically
review and, as necessary adjust the amount of the deposit based on information as it becomes
available, the parties further agree that annual deposits to the Escrows beginning in 2008,
relating to items 2(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) above will be as follows: as to (i) the amount of $84
multiplied by the number of slips rented; as to (ii) the amount of $132 multiplied by the number
of slips rented; and as to (iii) the amount of $132 multiplied by the number of slips rented. The
deposits will be segregated into such categories.
The City agrees that it will make the payments into escrow in categories 2(a)(i) and (iii)
for any license year as to any slip that it actually licenses during such license year to a licensee
other than a resident of the Villas.
3. Purpose of Disbursements. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Escrow Agent
is authorized and directed to disburse the Deposits to be used to pay for costs incurred in the
general maintenance of the docks, the dock area and the channel, or for fees incurred to assess
the conditions and/or need for repairs or maintenance or to pay deductibles on any insurance
claims related to the docks, the dock area or channel. It is understood that this Agreement places
no obligation on the City to undertake any maintenance, repair or replacement of the docks, the
dock area or the channel if such costs exceed the amount of the escrowed funds available for that
4. Conditions of Each Disbursement. Prior to any disbursement of funds hereunder,
the parties shall furnish to Escrow Agent a certificate requesting a disbursement from the
Deposit for payment of costs (a 'Disbursement Request"). The Disbursement Request shall
include copies of any applicable contractor estimates, bids, invoices, change orders, and other
documentation that will reasonably explain the purpose and the amount of the requested draw.
The request will also indicate that the Board of the Villas on Lost Lake Homeowners
Association has been provided a copy of the Disbursement Request.
5. Disbursements by Escrow Agent. Not later than seven (7) business days following
receipt of the Disbursement Request, Escrow Agent shall submit a copy the applicable
Disbursement Request to The Villas on Lost Lake Association. Fourteen (14) business
days after receiving the Disbursement Request from the City, Escrow Agent shall pay to the
City from the Deposit the amount requested in the applicable Disbursement Request; provided,
however, Escrow Agent shall not make such disbursement (except as hereinafter provided) if
Escrow Agent has received within said 14 -day period written notice from the Villas disputing
that amounts requested in the applicable Disbursement Request are for bona fide expenditures
for which the funds were escrowed (a 'Dispute Notice"). If Escrow Agent receives a Dispute
Notice, Escrow Agent shall (i) immediately deliver such notice to the City, (ii) not
make the portion of the applicable disbursement that is the subject of the Dispute Notice
until such notice is waived in writing by the Villas, and (iii) make the portion of the applicable
disbursement that is not subject to the Dispute Notice. In disputing any amount requested in a
Disbursement Request, the Villas shall act reasonably and in good faith. The City shall have no
obligation to undertake any repair, maintenance or replacement work with respect to the items
under dispute.
6. Books and Records. Escrow Agent will keep and maintain, at all times, full, true
and accurate books and records, in sufficient detail to reflect the disbursements made by it
hereunder. The Villas may, during normal business hours, examine all books and records of
Escrow Agent pertaining to the disbursements made by it hereunder and make extracts therefrom
and copies thereof.
7. Disbursements to Subcontractors and Suppliers. All disbursements for
construction items may be made directly to subcontractors or suppliers at the request ofthe Villas
and the City and in the discretion of Escrow Agent.
8. [Blank]
9. Liability of Escrow Agent. The functions and duties assumed by Escrow Agent
include only those described in this Agreement, and Escrow Agent is not obligated to act except
in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Escrow Agent does not
insure that the Development Property will be developed or that the Improvements will be
completed, nor does it assume any liability for the same. Escrow Agent has no liability for loss
caused by an error in the certification furnished it hereunder as to work in place. Escrow Agent
shall not be responsible for any loss of documents or funds while such documents or funds
are not in its custody. Documents or funds which are deposited in the United States mail shall
not be construed as being in the custody of Escrow Agent.
10. Escrow Agent and Escrow Charges. The Villas on Lost Lake Association shall
pay the Escrow Agent's escrow charges as they are determined.
11. Notices. Any notice required hereunder shall be given in writing, signed by
the party giving notice, personally delivered or mailed by certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested, to the parties' respective addresses as set forth below:
To Escrow Agent: Eric Hoversten, City Manager
Mound City Hall
2415 Wilshire Blvd
Mound, MN 55364
To Villas: The Villas on Lost Lake Homeowners Association
Minnetonka, MN 55345
To the CITY: Eric Hoversten, City Manager
Mound City Hall
2415 Wilshire Blvd
Mound, MN 55364.
With copy to: Mr. Troy Gilchrist
City Attorney
Kennedy & Graven
200 South Sixth Street
Suite 470
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Notice shall be deemed delivered (a) in the case of personal delivery, on the date when
personally delivered; or (b) in the case of certified or registered mail, on the date which is one
day after deposited in the United States mail with sufficient postage to effect such delivery.
Each party may change recepient and the address to which notice must be given by delivery of
written notice to the other parties in accordance with this Paragraph 11.
12. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and
their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that Escrow Agent may not
assign its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of the parties. This Agreement
can be amended or modified only by a writing signed by the parties hereto. This Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and
year first above written.
City of Mound Villas on Lost Lake Homeowners Assoc.
By: By:
Its: Its:
By: By:
Its: Its:
Lost Lake Slia Escrow Balances
Note: the 2009 Dump Bonds are paid off in 2031
Estimated Useful Life of Docks:
Estimated year of redredge:
U:\Dockprogram\My Documents\Lost Lake Slips\ESCROWS\Lost Lake Docks Escrow; Balance 9/1/2016
Dock Area/
Slip Maint
Total per year
$ 348
$ 3,177
$ 2,032
$ 14,808
$ 12,889
$ 12,901
$ 13,572
$ 12,876
$ 12,876
$ 12,876
$ 12,876
$ 110,883
Balance Per G/L as of 9-1-16:
Note: the 2009 Dump Bonds are paid off in 2031
Estimated Useful Life of Docks:
Estimated year of redredge:
U:\Dockprogram\My Documents\Lost Lake Slips\ESCROWS\Lost Lake Docks Escrow; Balance 9/1/2016
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c�rY of Mouwu
2415 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD ® MOUND, MN 55364-1668, PH: 952-472-0600 . FAX: 952-472.0620 . WWW.CITYOFMOUND.COM
Date: January 19, 2017
To: Docks and Commons Commissioners
From: Kevin Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
Subject: RFP's/Proposals for Commons and Infrastructure Improvement
A. 2017 Rip Rap Project Bids
The City is making good progress on the rip rap replacement along Devon Commons. If
the projects go as scheduled, the last of the areas needing replacement along Island View
Drive will be completed in 2018.
The City contracted with Dock and Lift to complete the 2016 Rip Rap project on Island
View Drive. Dock Administration was able to inspect the completed work. Dock and
Lift did terrific work and worked well with both the City and the residents along Island
View Drive.
The 2017 project for 649 linear feet of shoreline along Island View Drive was approved
by the DCC in September and was put out to bid in early December with deadline of bids
to be received by January 10, 2017.
Dock Administration has received bids from two vendors:
Vendor $ per linear foot Total
Concept Landscaping $88.00 57,112.00
Dock and Lift $89.00 57,761.00
The Dock Fund budget for Rip Rap is $60,000.00 in 2017.
B. Stair Inventory and Replacement
Attached to this memo is the stair inventory which was conducted this fall. It is not
comprehensive but a place to start a discussion. The general condition of the stairs used
generally used by non -abutters is good. These City installed stairways are along Devon
Commons, Dreamwood and Woodland Point. There are three exceptions.
Two stairways leading to two docks on the Pebble Beach commons are safety hazards
and need to be replaced. These two docks are adjacent, though one set of stairs could not
serve the two docks due to topography, distance between the docks and the existence of
mature trees along the bank and shoreline of the commons.
The other set of stairs which needs to be replaced is on the City owned property at
Idlewood. There is currently no dock usage at Idlewood due to the inability of former
license holders to access the shoreline.
One of the two dock holders on Pebble Beach has approached the City about the City
paying for the re -construction of the set of stairs leading to his dock. I have included
photos of the two docks to provide the condition of these docks.
The City does have a history of paying for the construction of docks used exclusively by
non -abutting dock license holders. Those non -abutting license holders did pay for a
portion of those expenses and due to the exclusive use of the two Pebble Beach docks by
the license holders there should be some sharing of the cost borne by these license
The Woodland Point Settlement Agreement from 2001 spelled out that non -abutters
using City installed multiple slips would be charged $250.00 (which could be paid over
five years) as their share of the construction costs of the stairs. The dock program has
allocated $10,000 for capital improvement in 2017. The City could implement a similar
cost -share with the non -abutting dock holders who directly benefit from a new stairway.
Upon approval of the Docks Commission the City can seek out bids for the construction
of the two set of stairs on Pebble Beach and one at Idlewood
Concept Landscaping
3153 Priest Lane,
Mound, MN 55364
City of Mound
2415 Wilshire Blvd.,
Mound, MN 55364
Att. Kevin Kelly 472-0613
Licensed Nursery
Licensed Contractor
Bonded Shoreline Contractor
Install 6" — 24" Fieldstone Boulder Rip -Rap, includes DNR filter fabric, filter rock, a 24" to 30"
buried boulder toe and rip -rap rock along 6491n ft of shoreline. (per December 6, 2016 request)
Area A 4763-4823 Islandview Drive $88.00 per foot ( approximately 599')
Area B 4747 Islandview Drive $88.00 per foot ( approximately 50')
Winter pricing; however we will complete as necessary by barge same price.
Terms of payment:
30% down, 70% each week of completed items, Balance day of completion.
We propose hereby to furnish all material and labor—
complete in accordance to the above specifications, for the sum of:649' = $57,112.00
and or deviations from the above specifications shall become an extra cost over and above the original estimate. All agreements contingent upon
strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, and other necessary insurance. Owner responsible for storm damage
to installed items. Our workers are covered by workers compensation insurance. Pre lien notice; as required by law, Any person or company
supplying labor and materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien if they are not paid for the contributions. If our suppliers
provided you with a pre -lien notice you have the right to pay them directly and deduct said payment from our contract price for up to 120 days
after completion of the improvement unless we give you with a lien waiver from the person or company that supplied the improvement.
note: This nror
be withdrawn within 10
Acceptance of Proposal—The above prices, specifications and conditions are
specified. Payment will be made as outlined above:
accepted. You are
to do the work as
1 • Mike Latterner
4550 Shoreline Drive
Spring Park, MN 55384
Phone: 952/471-8343 or 952/474-7934
e-mail: info@dockandlift.com
Fax: 952/471-2608
Description Quantity Price Extension
We will furnish all equipment, labor and materials to place
approximately 649 feet of Rip -Rap, to be measured upon 649 89.00 57,761.00
We will provide any necessary permits.
Thank you for the opportunity to give you a bid on this
project. If you have any questions or concerns, please
give us a call.
Grand TOtal $57,761.00
***This estimate will be honored for 6 months***
Revised 1/9/17
Elect Officers
Review: 2016 Dock Final Report, 2017 Budget
Schedule meeting as needed
Discuss: Lost Lake Villa Homeowner Agreement
Review: Dock Map Addendum - potential new
multiple slip sights
Discuss: Proposed 2017 Improvement Projects
Schedule meeting as needed
Schedule meeting as needed.
Discuss: Dock/Slip Wait List Lottery
Discuss: 2018 Budget/Expenditures/Capital Outlay
Review: Possible Amendments to City Code
Discuss: Discuss: Dock Program Fees for 2018
Discuss: Variance Requests
Discuss: Possible Amendments to City Code
Schedule meeting as needed
Schedule meeting as needed
Y 18
Schedule meeting as needed
Review: 2017 Dock Location Map Changes for
2018 Dock Map
Schedule meeting as needed
Schedule Meeting if needed
* Public Lands Permits and Tax Forfeited Property Release Requests will be added as requested.
If the meeting is cancelled for any reason, it will be forwarded to the City Council for
approval/denial based on staff's recommendation