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2017-01-24 CC Agenda Packet
CITY O cost, qua PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. R� MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2017 - 7:00 PM ANNUAL MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent A e� nda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page Opening meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature, have been evaluated by staff, recommended by staff for approval by the Council, and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. At this time, anyone present who wishes to offer dissenting comment to any items on the Consent Agenda is invited to identify themselves and the item of concern so that the it may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered after discussion in normal sequence. Separate introduction or further support from petitioners or requestors is not required at this time and removal of an item from the Consent Agenda for this purpose is not required or appropriate. 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims 307-345 *B. Confirm 2017 Hennepin County Assessor Open Book Meeting for Wednesday, 346 May 3, 2017 from 5 pm to 7 pm in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road *C. Approve a 1-4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for Our Lady of the Lake 347 Catholic School's Keg & Cork Fundraiser on Saturday, March 4, 2017 *D. Action resolution approving contract with HKGi for 2040 update to Mound 348-365 Comprehensive Plan 350 *E. Approve Pay Request No. 13 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. in the amount of 366-368 $33,423.91 for the 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wali Improvements — Grandview Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard, City Project Nos. PW -15-01, PW -15-02 and PW -15-03 *F. Approve Pay Request No. 7 and Final from Midwest Asphalt Corporation in the 369-370 amount of $32,332.22 for the 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvements West Three Points Boulevard Street, City Project No. PW -14-01 *G. Approve Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Cost Share 371-378 Funding and Maintenance Agreement with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed 373 District per the approved MCWD grant to the City of Mound under the Cost Share Funding — 2016 Fall Non -Homeowner Projects grant program for Carlson Park water quality improvement project *H. Approve Resolution Accepting Bid for the Island Park Watermain Loop project, 379-380 City Project No. PWA 5-10 380 PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Approve Minutes: January 10, 2017 Regular Meeting 381-389 7. Planning Commission Recommendations A Public Hearing for review of Ordinance amending Chapter 129 of the Mound City Code (Zoning) as it relates to definitions and exterior storage 390-394 B. Consideration of Ordinance amending Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code as it relates to nuisances Requested Actions i. Action on Ordinance amending City Code Chapter 129 (Zoning) as it 395-400 relates to definitions and exterior storage ii. Approve Resolution to allow for publication of Ordinance 401 by title and summary (requires 4/5's vote of City Council to approve) iii. Action on Ordinance amending Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code 402-411 as it relates to nuisances iv. Approve Resolution to allow for publication of Ordinance 412 by title and summary (requires 4/5's vote of City Council to approve) 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers B. Reports: Bolton & Menk - 12/31/16 YTD 413 C. Minutes: D. Correspondence: Xcel Energy - LED Street Lighting Conversion 414-416 9. Adjourn This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City ofMound web site. inviv.Citi �fracxaInd.�,om. January 24, 2017 Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! 14 Feb - 6:30 PM - Council and Individual Photos 14 Feb - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 14 Feb - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting 21 Feb - 7:00 PM - Joint Special Meeting of City Council and Planning Commission 27 Feb - 6:30 PM - Mound Volunteer Recognition Dinner, Gillespie Center 28 Feb - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 28 Feb - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting 14 Mar - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 14 Mar - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting 27 - 31 March - Westonka Schools Spring Break 28 Mar - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 28 Mar - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting 11 Apr - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 11 Apr - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting 25 Apr - 6:55 PM - HRA Regular Meeting 28 Apr - 7:00 PM - City Council Regular Meeting City Offices Closed 20 February: Presidents' Day City Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Some votes require more than a simple majority and Staff needs to plan accordingly. Inquire in advance, please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision- making. City of Mound Claims 1-24-17 YEAR BATCH NAME DOLLAR AMOUNT 2016 2016CITY-AP3 $ 99,530.71 1 • 1 • A'410,288.86 i • 1 • A' ••• 1. i •2016CITY-AP6 $ 016 • . .' 91.6' 2016 BOLT1116-AP8 $ 173,790.00 2016 2016HWS-AP9 $ 41 1,177.39 2016 BOLTMNKAPIO $ 104,938.09,, 2016 2016CTY-APII $ 25,613.91 Page 2 City of Mound Claims 1-24-17 BATCH NAMEDOLLAR AMOUNT 2017 012017CTYMAN • .53 2017 012417CITY $ 100,990.Y i106,502.39 TOTAL CLAIMS 667 1 006. xu�r1��8mw C�Y��F����UND u1 Page Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name 2010C[r/-AP9 User Dollar Amt $9953071 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $99.530.71 $0.00 In Balance Refer 12A -/ RENTAL OFLAKE MI80VE7O8K _ AP Payment E285-*O388-22ORop*ir/NointSupply FLOOR SCRUBBER RENTAL FOR PARKING $13,90 DECK Invoice 121875 12/1/2010 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Duo 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $15,90 , 1 ARROW � AP Payment E28145210-22ORnpaimNe|ntSupply PREMIUM CEDAR- DOCKS- 10QTY 2X4X *200.58 o'.5QTY 2X0XO' Invoice 4117449 13/29/2016 AP Payment E2V1-4521O'32VRepeir/Maint Supply CEDAR DECKING 1OQTY 14'.ROUGH SAWN $38123 CEDAR 2OQTY, BITS, 2^TORXSCREWS- DOCKS Invoice 4107044 12/8/2016 Transaction Date 1/102017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $581.73 Refer 4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SLPp_ Cash Payment E1V141n1O-21OOperating Supplies ECONOMYCFLL|GHTBVLBG-CENTENNK\L $222.11 BLDG Invoice 912289744 120/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $222.11 Refer 10CBVTERPO0VTENERGY _ AP Payment EOO24945V-3O3Gas Utilities 299OHIGHLAND BLVD LG 81 GENERATOR $14.86 NATLGAS SVC 11-2O'16TVRU12-2O4O Invoice 011117 12/22/2016 AP Payment EOO2-48450-303Gas Utilities 5DD8GRANDVEVVBLVD LGGENERATOR $21,65 w/n'LGAS SVC 11-2V-1OTHRV12-2O-18 Invoice 011117 12/22/2016 AP Payment EOD2-48450-3E3Gas Utilities b077WINDSOR RDLSGENERATOR NATL $21.98 GAS SVC 11'20'10TMRV 12'20'16 Invoice 011117 12/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/102017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total *58,50 �Refer 11D&4NE300SERVICE _ AP Payment E6024945O-21VOperating Supplies SCITY 2OLBLPTANKS- PUBLIC WORKS $102,00 Invoice 123110 12/20/2010 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total *102.00 Refer 1EGAN COMPANIES _ AP Payment E1O1'*31OV'4O0Repairs &MainUananno DECORATNEPOLE&F|XTURED-ORDERED $5.225,00 |N2o15-STREET LIGHT MTCE&REPAIR |nvoimeJC1O74n003 12/16/2010 Transaction Date 1/512017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $5.225.00 Refer 9ELECTRIC PUMP, - AP Payment EOO249450-22ORepoir/Ma|ntSupply MIX FLUSH VALVE REPAIR KITS *1.013.91 Invoice 0059349 12/148016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1.013.81 Refer 3EMERGENCY AUTOMO77VETECH _ -309- CITY V1nunr11wBAw OF Page Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Tota $250.20 /Refer17 FRONTIERICITIZENS COMMU80CA _ AP Payment E1O1-41S2V-5VVCapital Outlay FA MITELPHONE SYSTEM 1ST 1/2PAYMENT $8.933.24 Invoice 011117 12/25/2018 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2010 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $8.93124 _Refer 1BG&KSERVICES _ AP Payment E1V1-452OO-21OOperating Supplies PARKS -MAT SVC 8SUPPLIES 12-2O'10 $104.87 Invoice 1006257116 12/26/2016 AP Payment EOU9-*9r50'4oOJanitorial Services HWS-MATGvC& SUPPLIES 12-26'16 $108.15 Invoice 1006257111 12/28/2016 AP Payment EOO2'4S4o0'210Operating Supplies MAT SVC &GHOP SUPPL|EG12-2O-1O' $580.82 PUBLIC WKS Invoice 1006257115 12/26/2018 Project 16-3 AP Payment E1O1-452OO-21VOperating Supplies PARKS -MAT SVC & SUPPLIES 1O-1O'1O $124.28 Invoice 1000133988 10102015 Transaction Date 1/102017 Duo 13/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $91922 Refer2 ++uL/mESAVBI AGGREGATE CONS - AP Payment E1O1451On-2uURopair/NaintSupply 50X3PLOW BOLT VV/NUT $220.00 Invoice 87035 12/5/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2018 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $220.00 Refer ___8H� RPORATED _ ___' AP Payment E0O1484DO-227Chemicals 15UL8CHLORINE CYLINDERS &1 LB $1.717.90 BLOCK MUDROFLUOG|L/C|CACID Invoice 3995858 12/14/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1.717.90 Refer 7HDSUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD_ AP Payment E0V1'484O0-21OOperating Supplies WATER METERS 1OQTY &PARTS $2.305.90 Invoice G540497 12/9/2016 AP Payment EO02-49450-21UOperating Supplies L|TEDUTYBOX-SEVVER $80.17 Invoice G540497 12/9/2016 AP Payment EO01494OO-210Operating Supplies WATER METER PARTS $61.70 Invoice G540570 12/12/2016 AP Payment E6U1'4g40O'21OOperating Supplies WATER METER CUR BOXES- 8QTY $283.00 Invoice S540622 12/15/2010 Transaction Date 1/5/2817 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $2.73637 Refer 18JUBILEE FOODS _ AP Payment E0O9-4975Q255 MisoMerchandise For R ICT MTSPRING WATER FOR RESALE- HWS $9.98 Invoice 12312016 12/24/2010 AP Payment 6222-22801 Deposits/Escrow M|8C ITEMS- CIDER- BUTTER- HOLIDAY- $20.18 REIMBURSED BYFIRE RELIEF ASSOC O1-10- 17CK#5498 Invoice 12312016 12/17/20 16 -310- CITY OF MOUND 01/12/17 11:48 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 -311- AP Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies ICE MELT- HWS $7.90 Invoice 12312016 12/16/2016 AP Payment E 101-45200-232 Landscape Material JOHNNIES- OUTDOOR- PLANTS- $28.93 DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE- POTS Invoice 12312016 12/3/2016 AP Payment E 101-41910-220 Repair/Maint Supply JOHNNIES- OUTDOOR- PLANTS- $28.93 CENTENNIAL BLDG- POTS Invoice 12312016 12/3/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $95.93 Refer 6 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms PIGSKIN HI VIS LINED DRIVER GLOVES- $75.54 PUB WKS Invoice 9304582172 12/14/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $75.54 Refer 20 LOFFLER COMPANIES, INCORPOR AP Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT- CANON COPIER - COLOR $130.79 OVERAGE - 10-1-16 THRU 12-31-16- 4TH QTR Invoice 2412400 1/3/2017 AP Payment E 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT- CANON COPIER - B & W $57.42 OVERAGE - 10-1-16 THRU 12-31-16- 4TH QTR Invoice 2412400 1/3/2017 AP Payment E 602-49450-202 Duplicating and copying KONICA MINOLTA B200 PW COPIER $4.53 OVERAGE CHG 12-10-16 THRU 1-9-17 Invoice 2417753 1/6/2017 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $192.74 Refer 21 METROPOLITANCOUNCILSAC CHS AP Payment G 602-21825 SAC Deposits SAC CHARGES 4TH QTR 2016 $49,476.35 Invoice 011117 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $49,476.35 Refer _ 22 MIDWEST SERVICES AP Payment _ E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCS- DEC 2016- TYMCO #304, $640.00 TRUCK #412, PLUG TIRE #516, SHOP GENERATOR SVC Invoice 1364 1/6/2017 Project 16-5 AP Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCS- DEC 2016- TRUCK #209, $640.00 #309 PARKS, STIGA #206, TRUCK #214 Invoice 1364 1/6/2017 Project 16-5 AP Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCS- DEC 2016- TRUCK #209, $640.00 #1604,#309 Invoice 1364 1/6/2017 Project 16-5 AP Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCS- DEC 2016- TRUCK #312, $640.00 #314, WELL #8 GENERATOR SVC, Invoice 1364 1/6/2017 Project 16-5 AP Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic MECHANIC SVCS- DEC 2016- WELL #8 $640.00 GENERATOR, TRUCK #312, Invoice 1364 1/6/2017 Project 16-5 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,200.00 Refer 23 MT/ DISTRIBUTING, INC. -311- CITY OF MOUND 01/12/17 11:48 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 AP Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs SERVICE PARKS GROUND MASTER $1,279.90 MOWER- FILTERS, OIL, HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY, BLADES Invoice 1097385 12/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,279.90 Refer 24 OFFICE DEPOT AP Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies LAMINATING POUCHES- HWS $98.44 Invoice 890154777001 12/28/2016 PO 23476 AP Payment E 101-41930-200 Office Supplies COPY PAPER -CITY HALL $117.78 Invoice 890690610001 12/29/2016 PO 24667 AP Payment E 101-42400-200 Office Supplies PLASTIC DIVIDERS- PLAN COMMISSION $15.16 BINDERS Invoice 890690610001 12/29/2016 PO 24667 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $231.38 _Refer 25 REPUBLIC SERVICES AP Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic DECEMBER 2016 CITY WIDE RECYCLING $12,991.77 SERVICE Invoice 0894-004260558 12/25/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $12,991.77 Refer 26 ROBERTS, COLLETTE _ AP Payment E 101-41500-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2016 MOUNDWEAR ALLOWANCE- REIMS C. $68.00 ROBERTS Invoice 12312016 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $68.00 Refer 14 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORA Cash Payment E 285-46388-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC CALL ON ELEVATOR 1 -PARKING $947.59 DECK- LITTLE HEAT IN MACHINE ROOM CAUSED ERRORS Invoice 7152449116 12/19/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $947.59 Refer 13 STA -SAFE LOCKSMITHS COMPAN���� Cash Payment E 285-46388-210 Operating Supplies CABINET LOCK- PARKING DECK $56.40 Invoice 0020506 12/19/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 R� Wells Fargo 10100 Total $56.40 Refer 27 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY w AP Payment E 401-43135-351 Legal Notices Publishing 2015 STREET PROJ ASSESSMENT HEARING $107.94 PUBLIC NOTICE- 9-24-16- PW 15-02 Invoice 599837 9/30/2016 Project PW1502 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $107.94 Refer 5 TRUE VALUE, NAVARRE� Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply 3/4 x 4 HITCH PIN- PARKS $10.99 Invoice 299153 12/12/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies DAWN SOAP, MOUSE TRAPS, CORNER $21.35 PULL ELBOW- PARKS SHOP Invoice 299089 12/9/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $32.34 Refer 28 UUNE -312- CITY OF MOUND 01/12/17 11:48 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 -313- AP Payment E 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies ECONOMY TOILET TISSUE, MULTI -FOLD $393.35 TOWELS, BULK SOAP DISPENSER- CITY HALL & FIRE BLDG Invoice 82607393 12/8/2016 AP Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies ECONOMY TOILET TISSUE, MULTI -FOLD $393.35 TOWELS, BULK SOAP DISPENSER- CITY HALL & FIRE BLDG Invoice 82607393 12/8/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies 3 BULK SOAP DISPENSER- PUBLIC WORKS $69.00 BLDG Invoice 82607393 12/8/2016 Project 16-3 AP Payment E 285-46388-210 Operating Supplies ECONOMY TOILET TISSUE, MULTI -FOLD $122.00 TOWELS - PARKING DECK Invoice 82607393 12/8/2016 AP Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies ECONOMY TOILET TISSUE, MULTI -FOLD $672.36 TOWELS, BULK SOAP DISPENSER - CENTENNIAL BLDG Invoice 82607393 12/8/2016 AP Payment E 101-41110-210 Operating Supplies 8OZ DOUBLE WALL PAPER CUPS- COUNCIL $124.37 CHAMBERS SUPPLY Invoice 82951551 12/20/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,774.43 Refer 29 WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR CURBOX @ 5932 LYNWOOD BLVD $1,140.00 12-06-16 Invoice 4219 12/26/2016 _ Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,140.00 Refer 30 XCEL ENERGY AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS $87.48 11-21-16 THRU 12-26-16 Invoice 529052161 12/27/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 11-21-16 THRU 12-25-16 $88.61 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION Invoice 528967865 12/27/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $176.09 Refer32 XCEL ENERGY AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 12-03-16 THRU 1-02-17 CITY $4,886.40 OWNED STREET LIGHTS Invoice 529612107 1/3/2017 Transaction Date 1/11/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $4,886.40 Refer 31 ZIEGLER, INCORPORATED AP Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic EVERGREEN WELL STATION ENGINE $743.43 REPAIR- FAILURE TO START Invoice SW050268964 12/31/2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $743.43 -313- Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 285 MOUND HRA 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 285 MOUND HRA 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 10100 Wells Fargo $329.99 $1,003.99 $1,333.98 20200 Accounts Payable $22,560.35 $601.75 $581.73 $135.90 $107.94 $6,249.93 $54,741.89 $225.47 $12,991.77 $98,196.73 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $99,530.71 Total $99,530.71 -314- 01 /12/17 11:48 AM Page 6 CITY OF MOUND 01/09/17 9:20 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name 2016CITY-AP4 User Dollar Amt $10,288.86 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $10,288.86 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $10,971.96 Invoice 1090580915 6/29/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $476.00 Invoice 1090580916 6/29/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $143.80 Invoice 1090580917 6/29/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$253.29 Invoice 2090056333 2/12/2014 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$24.60 Invoice 2090100562 11/20/2014 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$14.95 Invoice 2090101166 11/21/2014 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$55.20 Invoice 2090101926 11/27/2014 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$213.10 Invoice 2090109632 1/22/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$60.00 Invoice 2090109661 1/22/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$108.00 Invoice 2090110312 1/24/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$60.00 Invoice 2090124239 4/16/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$33.50 Invoice 2090136201 6/24/1515 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$120.00 Invoice 2090136470 6/25/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$3.90 Invoice 2090137894 7/2/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$60.00 Invoice 2090140124 7/16/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$43.10 Invoice 2090140702 7/20/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$44.00 Invoice 2090141171 7/22/2015 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$13.20 Invoice 2090184680 4/5/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$49.80 Invoice 2090196045 6/6/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$69.54 Invoice 2090202689 7/12/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$12.72 Invoice 2090210266 8/18/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$64.00 Invoice 2090234483 12/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/9/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts 20200 Total $10288.86 CITY OF MOUND 01/09/179:20 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $10,288.86 $10,288.86 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $10,288.86 Total $10,288.86 -316- O��oM7s�u�m CITY ��F MOUND Page Payments Current Period: Closing 20ns Batch Name 2018HVVG-AP5 User Dollar Amt $99910 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $999.10 $0.00 In Balance Pre -Written Checks $IDO Checks mboGenerated by the Computer $999.10 Total $988.10 -317- 2DAHLH£J&ERBEVERAGE _ -Refer--- AP Payment EOVg49750-252Beer For Resale BEER *216.00 Invoice 137428 12/23/2016 Transaction Date 1/9/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $216.00 Fefer3 MARLIN STRUCKING DELIVERY _ AP Payment E0U9'4g7a0-zssFreight DELIVERY SVC 12'1V-15 $6525 Invoice 32708 12/19/2016 AP Payment EVO9-4grsU-2O5Freight DELIVERY SVC 12-221O $288.55 Invoice 32726 12/22/2018 AP Payment E0OS-4375O'2O5Freight DELIVERY SVC 12-2§-10 *30.45 Invoice 32734 12/202016 AP Payment EhO9'4S750'2O5Freight DELIVERY SVC 12'2g'1O $287.10 Invoice 32750 12/29/2015 Transaction Date 1/9/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total *671..35 pefer 1 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COVMPAN - AP Payment EOOS-487o0-252Beer For Resale BEER $11175 Invoice 1190580 12/15/2016 Transaction Date 1/9/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $111.75 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 009MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $989.10 Pre -Written Checks $IDO Checks mboGenerated by the Computer $999.10 Total $988.10 -317- CITY OF MOUND 01/18/17 10:15 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name 2016CITY-AP6 User Dollar Amt $22,812.15 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $22,812.15 Refer AP Payment Invoice 147724 AP Payment $0.00 In Balance 1 BENIEK PROPERTY SVCS INC. E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic AREA #1 CBD DEC 2016 PLOWING 12/30/2016 E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic AREA #2 TRUE VALUE -RAMP -SIDEWALKS DEC 2016 PLOWING& SHOVELING $887.00 $966.00 Invoice 147724 12/30/2016 AP Payment E 101-43100-440 Other Contractual Servic AREA #3 COMMERCE BLVD DEC 2016 $6,300.00 PLOWING Invoice 147724 12/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $8,153.00 Refer 2 CONCRETE CUTTING AND CORIN AP Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs DISPOSAL CHARGE FOR OLD TARGET SAW $50.00 Invoice 107621 12/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $50.00 Refer 3 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS AP Payment E 281-45210-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 802171792 12/9/2016 AP Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply Invoice 802171793 12/9/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 GRAIN STAIN SOLID LATEX - DOCKS GRAIN STAIN SOLID LATEX - BARN RED - PICNIC TABLES- PARKS $570.40 $285.20 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $855.60 Refer 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTI AP Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies Invoice 7687 12/14/2016 AP Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies BUTTON ASSEMBLYS, O -RINGS- FIRE DEPT $166.07 LENS KIT -ELITE FACEPIECE, NIGHTFINDER $818.21 TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY, NECK STRAP, HARNESS Invoice 7746 12/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2019 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $984.28 Refer 5 FIRE SAFETY USA, INCORPORATE AP Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair ENGINE #29- REBUILD INTAKE VALVE FOR $1,104.95 REARINTAKE Invoice 96226 AP Payment Invoice 95996 Transaction Date Refer AP Payment 12/7/2016 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 3" X 10' FIRE HOSE 12/21/2016 1/18/2019 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 6 HECKSEL MACHINE SHOP, INC. E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs MAKE 2 PIECES FOR STIGA SIDEWALK MACHINE $212.00 Total $1,316.95 $645.00 Invoice 101651 12/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $645.00 Refer 1-1-11-1- -11-1 # ��M1 1 7 HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATIO w�� � AP Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PW RADIO LEASE & ADMINISTRATION FEE - $148.64 DEC 2016 Invoice 1000086144 1/10/2017 -318- Project 16-3 CITY OF MOUND 01/18/17 10:15 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 AP Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIRE DEPT RADIO LEASE & $868.37 ADMINISTRATION FEE - DEC 2016 Invoice 1000086078 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2019 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,017.01 Refer 8 HENNEPIN COUNTY RECORDER AP Payment G 101-23363 PC16-36 1920 LAKESIDE B ABSTRACT & TORRENS RECORDING -HENN $46.00 CTY-PC 16-36 1920 LAKESIDE LN Invoice 123116 1/5/2017 AP Payment G 101-23364 PC16-37 4941 IVD Rox Good ABSTRACT & TORRENS RECORDING -HENN $46,00 CTY-PC 16-37 4941 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE Invoice 123116 1/5/2017 AP Payment G 101-23323 5079 BARTLETT VARIANCE ABSTRACT & TORRENS RECORDING -HENN $46.00 CTY-PC 15-01 5079 BARTLETT BLVD Invoice 123116 1/5/2017 AP Payment G 101-23327 MCESL39 BRADFORD/WIL ABSTRACT & TORRENS RECORDING -HENN $46.00 CTY-PC 15-08- MCES LIFT STATION Invoice 123116 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $184.00 Refer 9 HYDRO KLEAN AP Payment E 602-49450-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs CUES REAR VIEW CAMERA REPAIR- $807.10 SEWER DEPT Invoice 56820 12/29/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $807.10 Refer 12 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT-ISCHAR AP Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply NUT -PUSH PARTS- PUB WKS $8.28 Invoice P52493 12/20/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $8.28 Refer 10 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INS _ AP Payment E 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PAID 4TH QTR $263.13 2016 C. DUARTE Invoice 11099343 1/10/2017 Transaction Date 1/11/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $263.13 Refer 13 MINT ROOFING AP Payment E 101-45200-400 Repairs & Maintenance REPAIR ROOF LEAK PARK SHOP- $306.76 REINSULATE & CAP STACK Invoice 62727 12/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $306.76 Refer 11 MN DEPT TRANSPORTATION AP Payment E 401-43116-300 Professional Srvs BITUMINOUS PLANT INSPECTION 11-01-16 - $658.49 2016 STREET PROJ PW 16-01 & 16-02 Invoice P00007464 12/23/2016 Project PW1601 AP Payment E 401-43136-300 Professional Srvs BITUMINOUS PLANT INSPECTION 11-01-16 - $658.49 2016 STREET PROJ PW 16-01 & 16-02 Invoice P00007464 12/23/2016 Project PW1602 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,316.98 Refer 14 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVIC AP Payment E 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA REPAIR- FIRE $392.88 DEPT Invoice 1092080 12/28/2016 -319- �On71�1s�� C�Y��F��OUND o1 Page Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Transaction Date 1M8/2017 Due 12/31/2U 8 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $392.88 Refer 15NAPA AUTO PARTS - SPRING PAR _ AP Payment E1O1452OO-22ORopair/Maint Supply WELDING TOPS- PARKS SHOP $6.60 Invoice 471212 12/27/2016 Transaction Date 1/102017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $6.60 Refer 10NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR nBq4/ _ AP Payment E0O24S45044VOther Contractual Somio REPLACE RELAY TOFIX DIALER PROBLEM $220.00 @ ISLAND VIEW LIFT STATION 12-3040 Invoice 7938 12/80/2016 Transaction Date 1/102019 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $220.00 Fefe[17 NORTHLAND B<[AK4 TING, LLC_ AP Payment E285-4OJ8O-4OVRepairs & Maintenance REPLACE PILLARS- @ PARKING DECK $912.50 AREA DEC 18DUE TDRESIDENT VEHICLE ACCIDENT DAMAGE 7-2S'1O'PROGRESSIVE INS CLAIM Invoice 123118 12/31/2016 AP Payment E1014181V-400Repairs &Maintenance REPAIR EXTERIOR CEMENT STEPS @ $437.50 CENTENNIAL BLDG- ' DEC 2O1O Invoice 123110 12/31/2018 Transaction Date 1/11/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,350.00 Refer 18 SMITH, SARAH_ AP Payment E1V1-424O0-21OClothing and Uniforms 2O10MOUNDVVEARALLOWANCE- RE|MBEi $4850 SMITH Invoice 123116 1/17/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2018 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $48.50 Refer 188pE£DPROIMAGING _ AP Payment E222-42280-21VOperating Supplies REFLECTIVE HELMET NAME DECALS- 2V $7320 QTY Invoice 10'1870 10/7/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 1118/2017 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $7320 Refer 2O7DNKAPLUMBING HEATING &C1 _ AP Payment E1O1-^52U0-4OVRepairs &Maintenance REPAIR LEAK (NWATER LINE ABOVE SHOP $388,00 BATHROOM- DIAGNOSE UNIT HEATER PROBLEM, REPLACE FAN RELAY CONTROL 12'2O'1V Invoice 9012 1/9/2017 AP Payment E1O1452OO-44OOther Contractual 8onio REP|PEMAIN WATER LINE &INSTALLED $224.00 STREET SIDE WATER SHUT OFF @4876 8ARTLETTBLVD- C. MANN- 12-29-16 Invoice 9012 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/17/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $012,00 Refer 21 TRUE VALUE LVVD _ AP Payment E22242280-21OOperating Supplies FLUORESCENT RED PAINT, COMMON $9.88 NAILS- FOR HOUSE BURN Invoice 140272 12/9/2010 AP Payment E222-4220U'21VOperating Supplies PVEPIPE, SECURITY INSERT BIT- FIRE $10.97 STATION SUPPLIES Invoice 140377 12/15/7016 AP Payment E22242200-21UOperating Supplies 2UGB 1DOUTLET SURGE PROTECTOR $24.99 Invoice �4O� 22 12/1��O1� -320- CITY OF MOUND 01/18/1710:15 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $45.84 Refer 22 TWIN CITIES TRANSPORT, RECOV AP Payment E 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs TOW TYMCO SWEEPER TO BOYER TRUCKS $600.00 FOR FUEL LINE REPAIR Invoice 568363 12/19/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 1/18/2017 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $600.00 Refer _ 23 UHL COMPANY AP Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maintenance INSTALL ACCESS PANEL IN THE OA DUCT $905.25 WORK @ CENTENNIAL BLDG Invoice 47618 12/12/2016 AP Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC CALL- CENTENNIAL BLDG -ENTIRE $522.00 BLDG IS COLD- NO HEAT 12-12-16 Invoice 47619 12/12/2016 AP Payment E 101-41910-400 Repairs & Maintenance SVC CALL REPAIR HEATING SYSTEM- $1,794.10 CENTENNIAL BLDG 12-16-16 Invoice 47883 12/20/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,221.35 Refer 24 WACONIA FORD MERCURY _ AP Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply BOOSTER PART- PUBLIC WORKS VEHICLE $291.70 #209 Invoice 86204 12/16/2016 Project 16-3 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $291.70 11 -- -����— 1 25 WEBER, VICKI ro�1—,------- _Refer AP Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 2016 MOUNDWEAR ALLOWANCE- REIMB V. $41.99 WEBER Invoice 123116 1/18/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $41.99 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 101 GENERAL FUND $14,549.91 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $3,723.51 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND $570.40 285 MOUND HRA $912.50 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $1,316.98 602 SEWER FUND $1,475.72 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $263.13 $22,812.15 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $22,812.15 Total $22,812.15 -321- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 01/10/17 3:58 PM Page 1 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,906.61 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 101 GENERAL FUND $1,906.61 $1,906.61 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,906.61 Tota 1 $1,906.61 -322- Batch Name HOIS1216-AP7 User Dollar Amt $1,906.61 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,906.61 $0.00 In Balance Refer_ 16 HOISI_NG_TON KOEGLER GROUP, l _ _ AP Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS DEC 2016 $545.18 Invoice 007-001-102 1/8/2017 AP Payment E 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs MISC PLANNING SVCS- 16 -XX 2354 $213.75 WILSHIRE BOA- DEC 2016 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 AP Payment G 101-23360 SERENITY HILLS 6639 BARTLETT -SERENITY SPRINGS- $531.25 PLANNING SVCS DEC 2016 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 AP Payment G 101-23369 PC16-43-16-44 3185 PRIES 3185 PRIEST LN- - PLANNING SVCS DEC $71.25 2016 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 AP Payment G 101-23367 PC16-41 6385 BAY RIDGE 6385 BAY RIDGE RD - PLANNING SVCS DEC $47.50 2016 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 AP Payment G 101-23366 PC 16-40 5488 TON KAWOO 5488 TONKAWOOD RD- PLANNING SVCS $497.68 DEC 2016 Invoice 015-015-21 1/8/2017 Transaction Date 1/10/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,906.61 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 101 GENERAL FUND $1,906.61 $1,906.61 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,906.61 Tota 1 $1,906.61 -322- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 1:16 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name BOLT1116-AP8 Payment Computer Dollar Amt $173,790.00 Posted Refer 1 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA AP Payment E 402-43120-300 Professional Srvs MSA SYSTEM COORD UPDATE SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197275 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197277 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197271 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197271 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs SURFACE WATER MGMT SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Project 16-3 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 $693.00 $133.00 $3,495.00 $880.00 $239.50 Invoice 0197271 11/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/4/2017 Due 0 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $5,440.50 Refer 2 BOLTON AND MENK INCORPORA AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs WATER WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN $77.00 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197283 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 401-43114-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0197260 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197276 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197272 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197272 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197272 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 2014 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROD. PW14- $698.00 01 W. THREE PTS -ENG SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 - Project PW1401 SEWER DISCHARGE/ 1&1- ENG SVC THRU $310.00 NOV 18 2016 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC OCT 8 THRU NOV $652.50 182016 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC OCT 8 THRU NOV $652.50 182016 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC OCT 8 THRU NOV $652.50 182016 GIS UPDATES ENG SVC OCT 8 THRU NOV $652.50 182016 Invoice 0197272 11/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/4/2017 Due 0 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $3,695.00 Refer 3 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA AP Payment E 401-43115-303 Engineering Fees 2015 GRANDVIEW BLVD ST IMPROV PROD $2,602.00 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 PW 15-01 Invoice 0197273 11/30/2016 Project PW1501 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs UPDATE STREET & UTILITY MAPS $5,085.00 ENGINEERING SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197281 11/30/2016 Project 16-4 -323- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 1:16 PM Page 2 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 rel , AP Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2015 SANITARY SEWER REHAB IMPROV $2,674.00 PROJ PW15-06 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197261 11/30/2016 Project PW1506 AP Payment E 401-43135-303 Engineering Fees 2015 TUXEDO BLVD ST IMPROV PROJ ENG $3,499.80 SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 PW 15-02 Invoice 0197279 11/30/2016 Project PW1502 AP Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA WATERMAIN LOOP BARTLETT TO ISLAND $2,147.00 PARK PROD 15-10 ENG SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197282 11/30/2016 Project PW1510 AP Payment G 101-23363 PC16-36 1920 LAKESIDE B 1920 LAKESIDE LN -VAR PROD REVIEW $77.00 ENG SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197270 11/30/2016 AP Payment G 101-23360 SERENITY HILLS SERENITY HILLS SR LIVING PROJ DEVELOP $301.00 REVIEW ENG SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197270 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 2015 WILSHIRE BLVD TRUNK WATERMAIN $770.00 IMPROV PROJ PW 15-11 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197284 11/30/2016 Project PW1511 AP Payment G 101-23366 PC16-40 5488 TONKAWOO 5488 TONKAWOOD PROJ REVIEW ENG $77.00 SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197270 11/30/2016 AP Payment G 101-23367 PC16-41 6385 BAY RIDGE 6385 BAYRIDGE RD PROJ REVIEW ENG $77.00 SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197270 11/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/4/2017 Due 0 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $17,309.80 Refer 4 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA AP Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2016 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROD PW 16-05 $3,747.00 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197262 11/30/2016 Project PW1605 AP Payment E 401-43146-303 Engineering Fees 2016 CYPRESS-MAYWOOD ST IMPROV $37,425.60 PROD PW 16-03 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197266 11/30/2016 Project PW1603 AP Payment E 401-43116-303 Engineering Fees 2016 BARTLETT BLVD STREET IMPROV $55,010.10 PROJ PW 16-01 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197265 11/30/2016 Project PW1601 AP Payment E 401-43136-303 Engineering Fees 2016 TUXEDO BLVD EAST STREET IMPROV $16,938.50 PROJ PW 16-02 ENG SVC THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197280 11/30/2016 Project PW1602 AP Payment E 675-49425-500 Capital Outlay FA 2016 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROV PROJ- PW $714.00 16-09 ENG SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197264 11/30/2016 Project PW1609 AP Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 2016 SANITARY SEWER REHAB PROJ PW $1,057.00 16-06 ENG SVCS THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197263 11/30/2016 Project PW1606 Transaction Date 1/4/2017 Due 0 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $114,892.20 ReferM 5 BOL TON AND MENK, INCORPORA AP Payment E 401-43117-303 Engineering Fees 2017 LYNWOOD BLVD STREET IMPROV $7,320.00 PROJ PW 17-01 ENG SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197267 11/30/2016 Project PW1701 -324- Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 01/19/17 1:16 PM Page 3 AP Payment E 401-43137-303 Engineering Fees 2017 WILSHIRE/MAYWOOD STREET $20,563.50 IMPROV PROJ PW 17-02 ENG SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Invoice 0197269 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 401-43147-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0197268 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0197274 11/30/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Project PW1702 2017 TUXEDO BLVD PHASE III STREET $3,400.00 IMPROV PROD PW 17-03 ENG SVCS OCT 8 THRU NOV 18 2016 Project PW1703 L39 INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJ- ENG $584.50 SVCS- SEWER DEPT OCT 8 THRU NOV18 2016 L39 INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJ- ENG $584.50 SVCS- WATER DEPT OCT 8 THRU NOV18 2016 Invoice 0197274 11/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/4/2017 Due 0 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $32,452.50 Fund Summary 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 602 SEWER FUND 601 WATER FUND 402 MUNICIPAL ST AID ST CONSTUCT 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 101 GENERAL FUND 20200 Accounts Payable $1,499.50 $17,844.50 $5,111.00 $693.00 $147,457.50 $1,184.50 $173,790.00 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $173,790.00 Total $173,790.00 -325- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 1:03 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name 2016HWS-AP9 User Dollar Amt $1,177.39 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $1,177.39 $0.00 In Balance Refer 2 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE AP Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $123.70 Invoice 1913629203 10/18/2016 Transaction Date 1/12/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $123.70 Refer H 1 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INCORPORA AP Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $960.00 Invoice MN00006097 6/22/2016 AP Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $13.50 Invoice MN00006097 6/22/2016 Transaction Date 1/11/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $973.50 Refer 4 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MTCE. INC AP Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 12-12-16- $65.19 HWS Invoice 928065499 1/1/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $65.19 Refer 3 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC _ AP Payment E 609-49750-255 Mise Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 12-31-16 $15.00 EDITION Invoice S0555793 12/31/2016 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $15.00 Fund Summary 20200 Accounts Payable 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $1,177.39 $1,177.39 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $1,177.39 Total $1,177.39 -326- Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name BOLTMNKAP10 User Dollar Amt $104,938.08 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $104,938.08 $0.00 In Balance Refer _ 1 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA AP Payment E 402-43120-300 Professional Srvs MSA SYSTEM COORD UPDATE SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 Invoice 0198416 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198411 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198411 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198411 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198413 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198413 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 DAKOTA RAIL TRAIL INTERCEPTOR ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 DAKOTA RAIL TRAIL INTERCEPTOR ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 DAKOTA RAIL TRAIL INTERCEPTOR ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 01/19/17 12:54 PM Page 1 $154.00 $421.67 $421.66 $421.66 $114.66 Invoice 0198413 12/28/2016 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $1,762.98 Refer 2 SOL TON AND MENK, INCORPORA � AP Payment E 601-49400-300 Professional Srvs WATER WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN $616.00 ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 Invoice 0198425 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 401-43114-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0198401 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198417 Transaction Date Refer�pe�� W AP Payment^ 2014 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROJ. PW14- 01 ENG SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 Project PW1401 SEWER DISCHARGE/ 1&1- ENG SVC NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 12/28/2016 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total 3 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA� E 401-43115-303 Engineering Fees 2015 GRANDVIEW BLVD ST IMPROV PROJ ENG SVC NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 PW 15- 01 Invoice 0198412 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0198420 12/28/2016 AP Payment E 401-43135-303 Engineering Fees Project PW1501 UPDATE STREET & UTILITY MAPS ENGINEERING SVCS NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 Project 16-4 2015 TUXEDO BLVD ST IMPROV PROD ENG SVC NOV 19 THRU DEC 16 2016 PW 15-02 Invoice 0198418 12/28/2016 _327_ Project PW1502 $108.00 $124.00 $848.00 $580.00 $965.00 $1,629.00 CITY O1�B�71�s4PM OF Page Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 AP Payment EOO1-48408-5UOCapital Outlay F4 VVATERMANLOOP 8ARTLETTTOISLAND $23,59018 PARK PROJ154VENG SVC NOV 19TVRV DEC 162O1O Invoice 0198428 12/202010 Project pVV151V AP Payment EOO1-49uOV'5OVCapital Outlay FA 2O15WILSHIRE BLVD TRUNK VVATERNN|N $911.00 IMPROV PROJPVV15-11ENG SVC NOV 19 THRUDEC 182016 Invoice 0198427 12/28/2015 Pn4ectpVV1511 AP Payment G1O1'288u7MCE8L3gBRADFORDNN|L MCEGLG#99&INTERCEPT REPLACEMENT $860.00 PnOJ'ENG|NEER|NG SVCS NOV 18THRU DEC 162O1O Invoice 0198414 12/28/2016 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $28.541.10 Rofor8OLTON�ND _ AP Payment E5O2-4945V-5OVCapital Outlay FA 2O1OLIFT STATION IMPROV PR0JPVV1O-05 *2.087.00 ENG SVC NOV 19TVRUDEC 182O10 Invoice 0198402 12o02018 PnojectPVV1805 AP Payment E4014514O'3U3Engineering Fees 2V18CYPRESG-MAYVVOODSTREET $9.690.00 IMPROV PROJPVV1U'U3ENG SVCS NOV 1V THRUDEC 162O16 Invoice 0198405 12/28/2016 P,NactPVV1UV3 AP Payment E4O1'4811O-383Engineering Fees 2U1OBARTLETTBLVD STREET IMPROV $12.558.50 PROJPIN 1O'01ENG SVCS NOV 19THRU DEC 162O15 Invoice 0198404 12/28/2016 PuVootPVV1001 AP Payment E401-4313O'3O3Engineering Fees 2n18TUXEDO BLVD EAST STREET IMPROV $8.7%50 PR0JPVV1O'U2ENG SVCS NOV 1gTMRU DEC 1O201O Invoice 0198419 12/28/2010 Project PVV1802 AP Payment Eh754842S'5uUCapital Outlay FA 2016 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROV PROJ-PIN $511.00 1V-V9ENG SVCS NOV 1VTHRUDEC 102V16 Invoice 0198403 12/28/2010 PniedPYV1O08 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $34.406.00 Refer 5 BOLTON AND MENK, KvCORPO@4 _ AP Payment E6V2-4945O'5V0 Capital Outlay FA 2O17LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJPVV17-Q5 $1.232.00 ENG SVCS AUG 1JTHRUSEPT 9201U Invoice 0198409 12/28/2016 Pn4eotPVV17V5 AP Payment E4n1'43117-5O3Engineering Fees 2O17LYNVVOODBLVD STREET IMPROV $18.985.00 PROJPVV17'O1ENG SVCS AUG 13THRU SEPT S2O1O Invoice 0198406 12/28/2016 PnVectPYV17V1 AP Payment E4U1-*3157'3U3Engineering Fees 2V17VV!LSHiRE8NAYVVOODSTREET $12.233.00 IMPROV PROJPw17-02ENG SVCS AUG 13 TMRUSEPT 82U1O Invoice 0198408 12128/2016 PnVectPVV17O2 AP Payment E4O143147-0O3Engineering Fees 2V17TUXEDO BLVD PHASE III STREET $8.296.00 IMPROV PROJPVV17-U8ENG SVCS AUG 13 THRVSEPT S201O Invoice 0198407 12/28/2016 Pn4ectPVV17O8 AP Payment E0O24V45O-oOOCapital Outlay FA 2017SANITARY SEWER REHAB PROJPVV $634.00 17'OOENG SVCS NOV 1gTMRUDEC 162V1O Invoice 0188410 12/28/2016 Pn4nctPVV17O5 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Duo 12/31/2010 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $59.080.00 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 402 MUNICIPAL ST AID ST CONSTUCT 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND Current Period: Closing 2016 20200 Accounts Payable $1,402.33 $70,839.00 $154.00 $25,653.42 $6,378.33 $511.00 $104,938.08 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $104,938.08 Total $104,938.08 -329- 01/19/17 12:54 PM Page 3 CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 12:09 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 Batch Name 2016CTY-AP11 User Dollar Amt $25,613.98 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $25,613.98 -330- $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG AP Payment E 101-41930-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $778.05 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 AP Payment E 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $778.05 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 AP Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $634.14 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 AP Payment E 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $885.15 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 AP Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $1,185.90 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 Project 16-3 AP Payment E 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 $464.65 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 AP Payment E 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities GAS SVC 11-19-16 TO 12-19-16 DEPOT BLDG $278.21 Invoice 012417 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $5,004.15 Refer 2 XCEL ENERGY AP Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $337.88 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16- $72.84 DEPOT BLDG Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $4,258.60 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $2,970.76 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 601-49400-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $4,002.00 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $1,527.25 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 101-41930-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $1,931.58 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 222-42260-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $1,931.58 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $777.96 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 285-46388-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $2,749.71 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 AP Payment E 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC - 11-25-16 TO 12-25-16 $49.67 Invoice 531201908 1/13/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Accounts Payable 20200 Total $20,609.83 -330- Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 285 MOUND HRA 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND Payments Current Period: Closing 2016 20200 Accounts Payable $8,716.24 $2,709.63 $2,749.71 $4,002.00 $5,444.50 $1,991.90 $25,613.98 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $25,613.98 Total $25,613.98 -331- 01/19/17 12:09 PM Page 2 CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 12:03 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Batch Name 012017CTYMAN User Dollar Amt $18,456.53 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $18,456.53 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 A-1 RENTAL OF LAKE MINNETONK Cash Payment E 285-46388-220 Repair/Maint Supply FLOOR SCRUBBER RENTAL FOR PARKING $177.00 DECK 1-3-17 Invoice 122252 1/3/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $177.00 Refer 2 FIVE TECHNOLOGY�������� Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY MANAGED SVC & NETWORK $1,290.00 MTCE- JAN 2017 Invoice 10117-27 1/1/2017 Transaction Date .1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,290.00 Refer 3 FLEMING, DEAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies 5 PK VACUUM BAGS -HWS - TONKA VAC- $13.89 REIMB D. FLEMING Invoice 012017 1/18/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $13.89 Refer 5 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 12-20-16 THRU 1- $187.60 20-17 Invoice 4742137 12/20/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41920-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 12-20-16 THRU 1- $562.81 20-17 Invoice 4742137 12/20/2016 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $750.41 Refer 4 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $122.93 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $33.19 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $420.24 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $363.90 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $353.20 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $353.20 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $836.87 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $278.96 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $139.48 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42110-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PHONE SVC -12-30-16- TO 1-29-17 $139.48 Invoice 011819 12/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fames 10100 Total $3,041.45 a �.,. ,� —332— O1�V�71�omPw ����������� Page Payments Current Period: January 2017 Refer 8KA34<ROBERT Cash Payment G1n1-2515VNew Construction Escrow ' ESCROW REFUND- Bp#2016-0019V2867 �000.00 CAMBRIDGE LN- R. KASAI Invoice 012017 1/6/2017 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Forgo 10100 Total $5,000.00 Refer 7LEAGUE OFMINNESOTA CITIES _ Cash Payment E1U14111O404Conference &Training NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS LEADERSHIP $325.00 CONFERENCE J.8ERGOU|GTJAN 27-28 BLMGT Invoice 249193 1/12/2017 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $325.00 Refer 8MEIJIA COM _ _ Cash Payment E1O1'4211O'321Telephone, Cells, & Rodi OR0NOPDINTERNET SVC 41-1O'17THRU2- $92,68 $12228 Invoice 0894-004262919 15-17 Project 17-3 Invoice 012017 1/6/2017 1/15/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $92'66 Refer 8 PALM,_ Cash Payment E 1O141S30-44OOther Contractual Somic Cash Payment E1O1-431O0-218Clothing and Uniforms 2U17BOOT ALLOWANCE- T.PALM $175.00 Invoice 012017 10/2017 Invoice 8104439459 1/1/2017 Cash Payment E1O1431OO'2iOClothing and Uniforms INITIAL ISSUE BIB COVERALLS- FLEET $88.89 2O17FIRE DEPT/CITY HALL BLDG $577.44 FARM- RE|M8T.PALM Invoice 012017 10/2017 Invoice 8184439458 1/1/2017 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $264.99 Refer 10 PERMIT WORKS, LLC_ Refer -- 14SIMPLEX GRVVx8ELL _ CaohPaymont E1U1'424OV-44OOther Contractual Oemio 2O17ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT- 2O17 $1.495.00 PERMITS &INSPECTIONS Invoice 2017-0033 1/4/2017 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1.495.00 Refer 11POWER PLAN CORPORATION _ CoahPuymont E1O141V2U'44OOther Contractual 8emio POWER PLAN SOFTWARE ANNUAL MTCE $2.000.00 Invoice 3998 12M/2010 Transaction Date 1/6/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total s2�nV0� Refer 12REPUBLIC SERVICES _ Cash Payment E0O249450-384 Refuoa/GarbmgeDispooa JAN 2V17GARBAGE SVC $12228 Invoice 0894-004262919 12/25/2016 Project 17-3 Transaction Date 1/15/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $122.28 Refer 138CHINDLERELEVATOR CORPORA _ Cash Payment E 1O141S30-44OOther Contractual Somic 2O17FIRE DEPT/CITY HALL BLDG *577.44 ELEVATOR MTC CONTRACT Invoice 8104439459 1/1/2017 Cash Payment E2224226O44OOther Contractual Ganic 2O17FIRE DEPT/CITY HALL BLDG $577.44 ELEVATOR MTC CONTRACT Invoice 8184439458 1/1/2017 Transaction Date 1/9/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total *1.154.88 Refer -- 14SIMPLEX GRVVx8ELL _ -333- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 12:03 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: January 2017 $18,456.53 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $18,456.53 Total $18,456.53 -334- Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic ALARM & DETECTION MONITORING 1-01-17 $375.00 THRU 12-31-17 PUB WKS BLDG Invoice 79066066 12/6/2016 Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic ALARM & DETECTION MONITORING 1-01-17 $375.00 THRU 12-31-17 CENNTENNIAL BLDG Invoice 79066067 12/6/2016 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic ALARM & DETECTION MONITORING 1-01-17 $545.00 THRU 12-31-17 -HWS Invoice 79091846 12/6/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic ANNUAL WET SPRINKLER, BACKFLOW & $367.00 EXTINGUISHER TEST & INSPECT @ WELL HOUSE #8- EVERGREEN RD Invoice 79149537 1/3/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic ANNUAL WET SPRINKLER, BACKFLOW & $297.00 EXTINGUISHER TEST & INSPECT @ WELL HOUSE #3 CHATEAU LN Invoice 79149538 1/3/2017 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,959.00 ~ Refer 15 TOLL GAS AND WELDING SUPPLY �� Cash Payment E 602-49450-220 Repair/Maint Supply OXYGEN CYLINDER LEASE- 60 MONTHS- $310.00 PUB WKS Invoice 70003925 12/7/2016 Project 17-3 Transaction Date 1/5/2017 Due 12/31/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $310.00 Refer 16 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Cash Payment E 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE JAN 2017- CITY HALL & $72.26 FIRE DEPT Invoice 6986750-1593-8 12/29/2016 Cash Payment E 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE JAN 2017—CITY HALL & $72.26 FIRE DEPT Invoice 6986750-1593-8 12/29/2016 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE JAN 2017- PARKS $239.90 Invoice 6986751-1593-6 12/29/2016 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposa GARBAGE SERVICE JAN 2017- PUB WKS $75.55 BLDG Invoice 6986752-1593-4 12/29/2016 Project 17-3 Transaction Date 1/17/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $459.97 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $13,887.02 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $1,116.26 285 MOUND HRA $177.00 601 WATER FUND $1,017.20 602 SEWER FUND $1,279.92 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $979.13 $18,456.53 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $18,456.53 Total $18,456.53 -334- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 12:01 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Batch Name 012417CITY User Dollar Amt $100,990.34 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $100,990.34 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 BANYON DATA SYSTEMS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Servic 2017 COMPUTER SUPPORT -WIN FUND, $1,590.00 ACCT & PAYROLL Invoice 00155262 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training DUDE DEAL TRAINING- MOBILE 311- J. Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,590.00 Refer 2 BUSINESS IMAGES $1,815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1-17 THRU Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms SWEATSHIRTS- QTY 44 & TEE SHIRTS QTY $860.80 Invoice R-108476 12/31/2016 20- FOR 12 PUBLIC WORKS & PARKS STAFF Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi MOBILE 311- GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1,815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1-17 THRU 2017 2-28-18- 5 DIVISIONS- 12 MONTH Invoice 2737 1/6/2017 Project 17-5 Invoice R-108476 12/31/2016 Transaction Date �m 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $860.80 Refer 18 DAKOTA COUNTY TECH COLLEGE SUBSCRIPTION- WATER DEPT Cash Payment E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training DEFENSIVE DRIVING FOR SNOW PLOW $200.00 OPERATORS CLASS- JAN 4, 2017 M. TESSEN Invoice 00141405 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 101-43100-434 Conference & Training DEFENSIVE DRIVING FOR SNOW PLOW $200.00 OPERATORS CLASS- JAN 4, 2017 T. PALM Invoice 00141405 1/6/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $400.00 Refer 3 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, INC. Cash Payment E 101-42115-329 Sirens/Phone Linesl 6 MONTH SIREN MTCE SVCS JAN 1 2017 $790.74 THRU JUNE 30 2017 Invoice 34135 12/1/2016 Transaction Date 1/18/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $790.74 Refer 4 FACILITY DUDE. COM Cash Payment E 602-49450-434 Conference & Training DUDE DEAL TRAINING- MOBILE 311- R. $1,390.00 PRICH Invoice SDU-00001041 12/22/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-434 Conference & Training DUDE DEAL TRAINING- MOBILE 311- J. $1,390.00 CHIDESTER Invoice SDU-00001041 12/22/2016 Cash Payment E 101-43100-205 Computer Hardware/Soft MOBILE 311- GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1,815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1-17 THRU 2-28-18- 5 DIVISIONS- 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION- STREET DEPT Invoice R-108476 12/31/2016 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi MOBILE 311- GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1,815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1-17 THRU 2-28-18- 5 DIVISIONS- 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION- PLANNING DEPT Invoice R-108476 12/31/2016 Cash Payment E 601-49400-205 Computer Hardware/Soft MOBILE 311- GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1,815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1-17 THRU 2-28-18- 5 DIVISIONS- 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION- WATER DEPT Invoice R-108476 12/31/2016 -335- Payments Current Period: January 2017 01/19M712:01PN Page 2 Cash Payment E8O24945O-2O5Computer Hardware/Soft MOBILE 311'GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1.015.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3-1'17TMRU 2-2O18'5DIVISIONS- 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION- SEWER DEPT Invoice R-108476 12/31/2010 Cash Payment E101-452OV-2n2Duplicating and copying MOBILE 511 - GIS APPLICATION- WEB $1.815.00 BASED SOFTWARE SUPPORT 3'1'17TMRU 2'oO-10'5DIVISIONS- 12MONTH SUBSCRIPTION- PARKS DEPT Invoice R-108476 12B1/2018 Transaction Date 12/28/2018 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $11.855.00 Refer 5F9RS7IAB _ Cash Payment E 1U1'452O0'8V5Medical Services DOT RANDOM DRUG SCREENS $42.75 |nvoineFLVU1O3O80 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/17/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $42.75 Refer GGOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ Cash Payment E6V1484O0-885Gopher One -Call JAN 2O17LOCATES $50.00 Invoice 012417 101/2817 Cash Payment EOO2-484SV-3S5Gopher One -Call JAN 2V17LOCATES $50.00 Invoice 012417 1/31/2017 Transaction Date 10/2016 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $100.00 Refer 7 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD- Cash Payment E6V149uO0-21OOperating Supplies WATER METERS- 27DUAL PORT WIRED $2.143.75 UNITS Invoice 6813013 1/5/2017 CoshPaymont EOO1-*84nV-210Operating Supplies RETURN CREDIT WATER METERS- 27DUAL '$2.100.50 PORT WIRED UNITS Invoice G031412 1/8/2017 Cash Payment E8O1'4S*00-21OOperating Supplies WATER METERS- 12DUAL PORT WIRED o1.500.00 UNITS |nvv|o* 8531412 119/2017 Transaction Date 1/18/2817 Wells Fargo 10100 Total *1.513.15 Rofor 8HEN8EPIN COUNTY PROPERTY T _ Cash Payment E3S5-uO384-3O0Professional 8nm MENNCO. TIF ADMIN FEES INCURRED 201O $1.724.31 TIF 1-2 Invoice 85 -2017 -AC 1/2/2017 Cash Payment E375472U0'3OVProfessional Swo MENNCO. TIF ADMIN FEES INCURRED 2018 $725.00 TIF 1-3 Invoice 85-20174C 1/2/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,449.31 }Refer 17LAKE MKVNETO8KACOA0B9KAT7 _ Cash Payment E1U14111O433Dues and Subscriptions 1GTQTR 2U17LMCDLEVY PAYMENT *5.013.25 Invoice 012417 1/2/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5.01325 Refer 3 LOFFLER COMPANIES,OR_ Cash Payment E1n1'4193O-202Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KON|CAC652'COLOR $74.86 OVERAGE '12-14-16THRV1'13'17 CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 12:01 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Cash Payment E 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying COPY ROOM KONICA C652 - B & W $214.65 OVERAGE - 12-14-16 THRU 1-13-17 Invoice 2418746 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $289.61 Refer 10METROPOLITANCOUNCIL WASTE Cash Payment E 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCIS WASTEWATER SVCS FEBRUARY 2017 $60,651.73 Invoice 0001062806 1/512017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $60,651.73 Refer 11 MINNESOTA DEPT PUBLIC SAFET Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes EMERGENCY & HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL $100.00 INVENTORY REPORTING FOR 2016- WELL #8- EVERGREEN 2716000182016 M-83041 Invoice 2716000182016 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes Invoice 2716000182016 1/10/2017 EMERGENCY & HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL $100.00 INVENTORY REPORTING FOR 2016- WELL #3 CHATEAU LN- 2716000182016 M-83050 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.00 Refer A..,.k 12 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR, INCORP »u Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic JANUARY 2017- MONTHLY SERVICE- $110.00 CENTENNIAL BLDG ELEVATOR Invoice 689194 1/3/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $110.00 Refer 13 MN STREET SUPERINTENDENTS Cash Payment E 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscriptions 2017 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP- ST. $100.00 SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC- R. HANSON Invoice 012417 1/1/2017 Cash Payment E 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscriptions Invoice 012417 1/1/2017 2017 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP- ST. $50.00 SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC- B. KRESS- STREET LEAD- 2ND MEMBER Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $150.00 Refer 15 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib JAN 2017 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $10,750.00 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 012417 1/1/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,750.00 Refer 14 NORTON, PETER Cash Payment R 601-49400-37101 Water Sales - Comme REFUND VARIABLE USAGE FOR 5295 EDEN $942.00 RD- UTILITIES DOUBLE BILLED DUE TO SHARED WATER CONNECTION- P. NORTON Invoice 012417 1/18/2017 Cash Payment R 602-49450-37201 Sewer Sales - Comme REFUND VARIABLE USAGE FOR 5295 EDEN $151.80 RD- UTILITIES DOUBLE BILLED DUE TO SHARED WATER CONNECTION- P. NORTON Invoice 012417 1/18/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,093.80 Refer 19 VERIZON WIRELESS -337- Payments Current Period: January 2017 01/19/17 12:01 PM Page 4 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi SEWER TRUCK #109 DATACARD SVC 11-11- $35.01 16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS SUPV VEHC #113 R. HANSON $35.01 DATACARD SVC 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Project 17-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS JET PACK LAPTOP AIRCARD SVC $35.01 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Project 17-3 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 11-11-16 $17.51 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 11-11-16 $17.50 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE UNIT #42 DUTY $35.01 OFFICER 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE UNIT #39 RESCUE $35.01 UTILITY 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE ENGINE #40 11-11-16 $35.01 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE ENGINE #29 11-11-16 $35.01 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK #315 DATACARD SVC 11-11- $35.01 16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK #512 R. PRICH DATACARD $35.01 SVC 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.51 SVC 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $17.50 SVC 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT SPOT- $35.01 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $35.01 SPOT -11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi STREETS LEAD WORKER TABLET- $35.01 INTERNET SVC- 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPER- RAY HANSON - $35.02 TABLET- INTERNET SVC- 11-11-16 TO 12-10- 16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Project 17-5 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUBLIC WORKS SUPER- RAY HANSON - $35.02 TABLET- HOT GPOT- 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 -338- Project 17-5 Current Period: January 2017 01/19/1712:01 PM Page 5 $100,990.34 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $100,990.34 Total $100,990.34 -339- Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $17.50 SPOT- 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi UTILITY LEAD WORKER TABLET- HOT $17.51 SPOT- 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PARKS LEAD WORKER TABLET- INTERNET $35.01 SVC- 11-11-16 TO 12-10-16 Invoice 9778454271 1/10/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $630.20 Referu,,....b# 16 W_ESTONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Cash Payment E 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous CROSSING GUARD @ GRANDVIEW MIDDLE $2,500.00 SCHOOL- 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR 2ND HALF INSTALLMENT 2-1-17 Invoice 012417 8/26/2015 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,500.00 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 101 GENERAL FUND $16,506.40 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES $10,890.04 355 2003-C G.O. TIF 1-2 $1,724.31 375 TIF 1-3 Debt Service $725.00 601 WATER FUND $6,015.18 602 SEWER FUND $65,129.41 $100,990.34 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $100,990.34 Total $100,990.34 -339- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 11:13 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Batch Name 012417HWS User Dollar Amt $106,502.39 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $106,502.39 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $27.52 Invoice 1935700605 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE $100.56 Invoice 1928701706 1/17/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Due 12/31/2014 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $128.08 Refer � -�A 2 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $768.00 Invoice 3152025 1/12/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $768.00 Refer � 4 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES- C- FOLD TOWELS, TOILET $86.00 TISSUE Invoice 95179700 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $39.60 Invoice 95196700 1/9/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES- BAGS $201.60 Invoice 95208500 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $327.20 Refer 6 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $300.00 Invoice 57109300 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $2.55 Invoice 57109300 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,310.85 Invoice 57154900 1/13/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $32.55 Invoice 57154900 1/13/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,143.80 Invoice 57109300 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $51.15 Invoice 57016000 1/4/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,840.90 Refer�5 BELLBOY CORPORATION_ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,339.00 Invoice 57167100 1/16/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,175.00 Invoice 57074300 1/9/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$85.00 Invoice 56992700 12/30/2016 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,429.00 Refer3 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS $21.67 Invoice 95228300 1/16/2017 -340- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 11:13 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $125.00 Invoice 95228300 1/16/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R MDSE- CORKSCREWS, JIGGER SHOT $318.53 CUPS, STRAINERS, GIFT BAGS Invoice 95228300 1/16/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $465.20 Refer 7 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $20.00 Invoice 337176 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $489.00 Invoice 337177 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $956.20 Invoice 337178 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 60949750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $296.20 Invoice 338228 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,761.40 Refer 8 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN BEE Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $33.60 Invoice 1090657200 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,515.93 Invoice 1090657199 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,100.70 Invoice 1090659745 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,650.23 � Refer 10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,254.90 Invoice 1080578675 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,238.20 Invoice 1080578633 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $91.07 Invoice 1080578674 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,584.17 Refer 9 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $826.36 Invoice 1080581553 1/12/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,321.76 Invoice 1080581552 1/12/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $61.83 Invoice 1080581554 1/12/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,209.95 Refer . a 11 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO.MT Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $500.00 Invoice 67-1249 1/12/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $500.00 Refer 12 COCA COLA BOTTLING -MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $178.56 Invoice 3601202365 1/10/2017 -341- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/1711:13 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $178.56 13 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,434.50 Invoice 1232098 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,434.50 Refer HI 14 HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,198.00 Invoice 870095 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1119/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,198.00 Refer V15 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $67.29 Invoice 2616795 1/4/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER CREDIT -$229.40 Invoice 2604753 1/17/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,060.36 Invoice 2616794 1/4/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,898.25 Refer � �16 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $66.10 Invoice 2635228 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,796.75 Invoice 2635227 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,862.85 Refer n V 18 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $11,901.14 Invoice 5630994 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $5,642.85 Invoice 5630995 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $17,543.99 Refer �n 17 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $24.00 Invoice 5627475 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,352.29 Invoice 5627476 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,112.15 Invoice 5627477 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $774.50 Invoice 5627472 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $24.60 Invoice 5627474 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,023.60 Invoice 5627473 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,311.14 Refer 19 LAKES & LEGENDS BREWING CO. Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $145.00 Invoice 1390 1/13/2017 -342- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 11:13 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: January 2017 �rTw� ha� a, w Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $150.00 Invoice 1375 1/4/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $295.00 Refer 36 METROKANE DISTRIBUTION, LLC Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising PROMOTIONAL ITEM- LOGOED $290.50 CORKSCREWS- HWS GIVEAWAY WITH PURCHASE Invoice 31607 1/13/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $290.50 Refer 20 MOUND MARKETPLACE ASSOC Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals FEB 2017 COMMON AREA MTCE & $679.23 INSURANCE HWS Invoice 012417 2/1/2016 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $679.23 Refer 21 MUZAK - MINNEAPOLIS�.�� Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic JAN THRU MARCH 2017 MUSIC SERVICE- $382.32 HWS Invoice 52922506 1/1/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $382.32 Refer 23 OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH Cash Payment E 609-49750-340 Advertising 2017 HWS ADVERTISING OLL- WEEKLY $250.00 BULLETIN- 12 MONTHS Invoice 012417 1/3/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $250.00 Refer � 22 PARLEY LAKE WINERY Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $489.00 Invoice 17007 1/11/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $489.00 Refer 25 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $509.00 Invoice 8576706 1/16/2017 Cash Payment E 60949750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.75 Invoice 8576706 1/16/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $517.75 Refer u 24 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,795.68 Invoice 8575513 1/3/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $21.25 Invoice 8575513 1/3/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $924.00 Invoice 8576004 1/9/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $11.25 Invoice 8576004 1/9/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,752.18 Refer 26 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $577.80 Invoice 2101187 1/5/2017 -343- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/1711:13 AM Page 5 Payments Current Period: January 2017 Cash Payment Invoice 1497477 Cash Payment Invoice 1497475 Cash Payment Invoice 1497476 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 1/12/2017 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR 1112/2017 E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX 1/12/2017 $2,820.32 $793.78 $38.87 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,652.97 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,854.40 Invoice 2101186 1/5/2017 $76.25 Invoice 1202832 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $22.75 Invoice 2101188 1/5/2017 BEER $6,344.37 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,454.95 Refer 27 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,257.15 Invoice 2103645 1/11/2017 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,656.15 Invoice 2103645 1/11/2017 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,913.30 Refer �29 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $3,818.00 Invoice 1495822 1/6/2017 E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,493.92 Invoice 1495821 1/6/2017 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $624.00 Invoice 1495824 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $886.56 Invoice 1495823 1/6/2017 Transaction Date � � � 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $7,822.48 Refer 28 SOUTHERN WINE &SPIRITS OF M Cash Payment Invoice 1497477 Cash Payment Invoice 1497475 Cash Payment Invoice 1497476 E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE 1/12/2017 E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR 1112/2017 E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX 1/12/2017 $2,820.32 $793.78 $38.87 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,652.97 30 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN�u����p _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $76.25 Invoice 1202832 1/17/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $6,344.37 Invoice 1202832 1/17/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,616.92 Invoice 1199314 1/10/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $8,037.54 Refer 31 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,062.80 Invoice 1195761 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $76.25 Invoice 1195762 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $176.00 Invoice 1201107 1/5/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,315.05 Refer 32 TKO WINES, INC. -344- CITY OF MOUND 01/19/17 11:13 AM Page 6 Current Period: January 2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 7116616 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 7116021 1/5/2017 WINE $1,020.00 WINE $82.50 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,102.50 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $106,502.39 $106,502.39 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $106,502.39 Total $106,502.39 -345- Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $288.00 Invoice 5019 1/14/2017 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $288.00 Refer 33 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $441.75 Invoice 0170803 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $3.00 Invoice 0170803 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $344.00 Invoice 0170804 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $4.50 Invoice 0170804 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $197.75 Invoice 0170805 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $12.00 Invoice 0170805 1/6/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $32.00 Invoice 0171160 1/12/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $2.50 Invoice 0171160 1/12/2017 _ Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,037.50 Refer 34 WINE COMPANY - Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $600.00 Invoice 25126 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $6.30 Invoice 25126 1/5/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $516.00 Invoice 25680 1/12/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 25680 1/12/2017 — Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,130.70 RAfAr u, X35 WINE MERCHANTS Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 7116616 1/11/2017 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale Invoice 7116021 1/5/2017 WINE $1,020.00 WINE $82.50 Transaction Date 1/19/2017 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,102.50 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $106,502.39 $106,502.39 Pre -Written Checks $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $106,502.39 Total $106,502.39 -345- Hennepin County -Mem, To: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk From: Nancy Wojcik, Assistant County Assessor Kim Jensen, Administrative Senior Appraiser Date: Re: 2017 Open Book Meeting Dates Wednesday _ May 3 2017 Day of the Week Date Your city has opted for an Open Book meeting in place of a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting. After reviewing previous meeting dates, the date noted above has been selected for the 2017 appeal process. Please confirm the date as noted, or if you wish to change the date, call us with an alternative by January 25th. In addition to the date, please complete the form with the name of the Mayor and Council Members. This will allow for Notices of Valuation and Classification to be prepared timely. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Kim Jensen at (612) 348-6106. Please return the confirmation to Kim Jensen, A-2103 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN, 55487, or email to AO.Admin@hennepin.us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIRMATION City: Mayor Date: Council Time: Council Place: Council Council Council Clerk/Administrator Signature Date -346- Alcohol &'Gambling Enforcement I Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Our Lady of the Lake Church and School Date organized Tax exempt number Jan 1, 1909 1 18382779 new # in 2016 Address City State Zip Code 2385 Commerce Blvd. Mound Minnesota 55364_ Name of person making application Business phone 952-472-1284 ext.161� Home phone 612-269-4617 Rhonda M. Eurich, Administrator Date(s) of event Type of organization March ,2017 6 to 10pm ❑ Club ❑ Charitable g Religious F] Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Mound Minnesota Zip Code 55364 Fr. Tony O'Neill, Pastor Organization officer's name Organization officer's name Organization officer's name City State Zip Code �— Minnesota City State Zip Code �- �1 Minnesota City State Zip Code Minnesota Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Parish Activity Center on Our Lady of the Lake's campus. *Please note that the event is called "Keg and Cork" and is a fundraiser for our school. If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Self-insured through Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, with program administrated through Catholic Mutual. $500,000 GL and $500,000 XL APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Date Approved Fee Amount y Permit Date / . -(-7 Date Fee Paid City or Count E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY -347 -FY TO AGE TEMPORARYAPPLICATIONC@STATE.MN.US 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-0604 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: January 18, 2017 Re: HKGi Contract Proposal for 2040 Update to Mound Comprehensive Plan Update Summary. As the City Council is aware, the City is required to update its comprehensive plan by December 31, 2018 for consistency with Metropolitan Council requirements and state statute. A proposed contract and project scope from Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., (HKGi) is included for Council consideration for preparation of the plan update. The professional services budget for 2017 is $27,500.00 and includes the comprehensive plan project. During 2017 budget development, a 2018 "wedge" was also envisioned for completion of the plan update before the 2018 due date to Met Council. The proposed contract is for $45,000.00. In order to prepare a draft plan suitable for coordination through other governmental units, the majority of that required work and expense will occur in 2017 rather than extending into the 2018 budget as originally planned. The 2017 budget shortfall can be initially covered through budget reserves and restored either via any 2017 general obligation budget savings realized through the year, or in scoping and decisions supporting formulation of the 2018 budget. Staff and HKGi will be working together to reduce project costs and minimize expenses to the full extent possible. Discussion. In 2016, the Planning Commission, undertook a chapter by chapter review of the current comprehensive plan in anticipation of the required updated process. Some of the areas identified for specific study with the plan update include review and discussion of the Linear District, the Mound Visions Plan, parks and open space strategies and infill/redevelopment. • The plan update includes opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and participation. The project also includes establishment of a website to share information about the project. ® The Planning Commission will be the primary advisory board responsible for guiding the development of the plan update. The project will be an agenda topic at regular meetings and additional meetings will be scheduled to focus on the -348- plan update project. The schedule, as proposed, would have a draft of the plan completed at the end of the year so as to accommodate the required 6 -month review period by adjacent governmental units and public agencies with overlapping jurisdictions. • Roads/infrastructure systems, from a planning perspective, are included in the comprehensive plan update and will be coordinated with public works and engineering personnel. Specific engineering and infrastructure study needed for the plan update or other requirements (i.e., Water Plan, Surface Water Management Plan, etc.) are not included in the project budget as they will be paid out of other budget sources. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of a contract with HKGi in excess of the 2017 budget projection for preparation of the 2040 update to the Mound Comprehensive Plan. Page 2 -349- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVING CONTRACT WITH HKGI FOR 2040 UPDATE TO THE MOUND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, state statute and policies of the Metropolitan Council require cities in the Twin Cities metropolitan area to update their comprehensive plans every 10 years; and WHEREAS, the deadline for submittal of the next required update for comprehensive plans is December 31, 2018; and WHEREAS, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGi), the City's planning consulting firm, submitted a proposal to prepare the 2040 update to the Mound Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Staff recommends approval of the submitted proposal and contract with HKGi to prepare the 2040 update to the Mound Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mound that the contract with Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. for the 2040 update of the Mound Comprehensive Plan, as required by state statute, is hereby approved. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2017. Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -350- 1 Mayor Mark Wegscheid City e sive Plan Update Project Understanding and Approach The HKGi team has developed a work program for this project that builds on our years of experience working in Mound and the Hennepin County and Metropolitan area. The work program incorporates the following Key Assumptions: `I"leis is an UPDATE to the current plan The current comprehensive plan was adopted in 2010. This project will keep the format of the current comprehensive plan document intact and will include the redlining of desired edits, replacement of certain sections that have been updated or altered, and the addition of graphics to further communicate the community's intent for development and redevelopment. The plan update will meet the required elements and process of the Land Planning Act and the Metropolitan Council. More importantly, the plan will focus its efforts on topics and specific areas that are important to the City of Mound including, but not limited to, revisiting the original Mound Visions Plan now over 20 years old, redevelopment areas like the Linear and Destination Districts, infill development, and the park and recreation system. Staff, Planning Commission, Board/Commission, and Cite Council Involvement Involvement from the staff, appointed officials, and elected officials is imperative to a successful planning process. However, adding another meeting to an already full meeting schedule can be burdensome. Our approach will be to have continual and ongoing communications with City Staff. Some of these interactions have been called out as key tasks in the work program. Other interaction with staff will be informal phone and email communications between the Consultant Project Manager (Rita Trapp) and Staff Project Manager (Sarah Smith). The Planning Commission will be the primary advisory board responsible for guiding the development of the Comprehensive Plan. To the degree possible, the Comprehensive Plan will be an agenda topic at regular meetings. When planning case workloads consume agenda time, additional meetings may be required to focus on Comprehensive Plan topics. It is also expected that City Staff, with assistance from the consultant team, will periodically provide updates to other boards and commissions at their regular meetings to keep them apprised of the process and from time to time seek feedback on a particular topic or question. Roads and Infrastructure plans are current With few exceptions, the transportation, sanitary sewer, potable water, and surface water systems are largely set from a planning perspective. This project will include coordinating existing plans, ensuring any land use changes or redevelopment focus areas can be accommodated within existing systems and identifying areas where additional investment or engineering needs to be coordinated. HKGi will work with City Staff to identify and coordinate needed engineering or infrastructure planning services needed -351- 11 P a g e to satisfy technical requirements of the Land Planning Act and state/regional agencies. These services are not included in our scope and budget proposal. An emphasis on strategic actions and priorities (implementation) As the community continues to experience infill and redevelopment pressures, community planning needs to become more strategic in nature and focused on prioritizing limited financial resources to projects and improvements that provide the most value to the community. Value must be looked at both from a short term (capital investment) but also a long term (maintenance, operations, and replacement) perspective. A plan with supporting goals, policies, and strategies that takes the long view into consideration while making the short term investments will result in a 'Resilient' and 'Sustainable' community. The plan will have a special focus on the mechanisms (the who, the programs, and the tools) and the strategies (the how) to bolster the implementation of years of good planning in Mound. These strategies and actions will also focus on quality of life elements such as neighborhood stabilization, active/healthy living, parks and open space, trail connections, and a vibrant downtown. Mound Visions update and Linear District Focus Through this process, we will revisit and update the Mound Visions Plan. This focus will include a cataloguing of the projects and redevelopment that has occurred since the plan was adopted and an analysis of what has not occurred. Using our knowledge of recent and projected redevelopment trends, we will explore opportunities for future change and redevelopment within Downtown Mound. This exploration will provide fodder for discussions and consideration of changes to the original Mound Visions plan. In addition to downtown, we will evaluate alternatives for land use and redevelopment along the Commerce Blvd (CR 110) corridor (Linear District), exploring alternatives for creative approaches to and land use and development on narrow and odd shaped parcels. Community engagement This process will include stakeholder and community engagement in two phases over the course of the project. We will collaboratively work with staff to map stakeholders and strategize optimal ways to reach out and appropriately engage stakeholders over the course of the project. A stakeholder engagement plan will be drafted to identify the stakeholder groups and key method of contact. The plan should be reviewed by the Council as part of initial kick-off activities. Additionally, all levels of engagement will satisfy any statutory requirement for public engagement/process. Phase 1 - Inform and Listen The first engagement task will be a general information announcement that establishes and communicates the study purpose/goals, planning process/methodologies, and project schedule and provides an opening for interested parties to raise questions, express levels of interest, express issues or concerns and identify values and priorities. This Phase will provide the critical evaluation of the vision and goals (including Mound Visions) to determine if changes are warranted. The following components are associated with Phase 1. * Establishment of a web site to disseminate information and to maintain a database of interested stakeholders. -352- 2 P a g e • Use of online survey and/or website engagement tool to solicit feedback on desired areas of input (i.e. vision, park and recreation priorities, downtown Mound, etc.) Phase 2 Consult arid Collaborate Depending on what role(s) a stakeholder plays in the community (developers, investors, business owners, resident owners, special interest groups, etc.) they will have vastly different levels of interest in the comprehensive plan update. Phase 2 of the stakeholder engagement process will commence after we have completed a critical review of the vision and goals, prepared technical analysis, explored possible changes in land use, and established key action steps/strategies. The primary objective in this Phase of engagement is to reach general consensus on plan directions. Recognizing that not every stakeholder or stakeholder group will be 100% satisfied with 100% of the content of the plan, our goal is to get as close to that as possible. Topics might include park and recreation priority investments, where and how redevelopment might or should occur, , or character and form of redevelopment expected in downtown Mound or redevelopment areas. • Use the web site to disseminate information from Phase 1 and a survey mechanism that allows participants to weigh in on changes to the vision and guiding principles and consultant/staff team generated strategies, concepts, and ideas. • Coordination of a public event (workshop, open house, or pop/up meeting at existing event) to present concepts and ideas and to engage the community in an interactive way to consult and collaborate on strategies, concepts, and ideas. This public event would be designed to engage the community in conversations on how the vision and guiding principles can be put into action. • Conduct a presentation to a stakeholder groups at their regular meetings (i.e. boards, commissions, social/fraternal clubs and organizations, philanthropic or non-profit groups, business groups, others...). Presentation materials will be prepared to easily facilitate additional presentations by staff. A general comment card/form would be provided and people would be directed to the project web site. Depending on format and interest, one of the presentations could be recorded and posted online or on cable TV. -353- 3 1 P a g e Work Plan The following is a detailed list of tasks necessary to complete the project. The phases of stakeholder engagement are embedded within these tasks but more fully described under the project understanding and approach. This list of tasks is the basis for the budget estimate and schedule. Task 1 - Update ease line data A key to HKGi's planning process is creating a good baseline of data. Task one will focus on mapping, filling in gaps in data, and preparing edits to those portions of the Comprehensive Plan that address existing conditions. Information will be gathered in a format to provide the essential background data to best inform updates to the vision, goals, and key policy directions of the comprehensive plan and to satisfy statutory planning requirements. Key subtasks for Task 1 include the following: 1.1 Prepare community engagement plan. The consultant team will collaborate with staff to prepare a working document that will serve as a strategy for community engagement over the course of the project. The document will be maintained and updated over the course of the project and serve as technical documentation for the process. 1.2 Collect and update demographic and economic/employment data. This data will be assembled from available sources including US Census, school districts, state demographer, Hennepin County, DEED, ESRI, and Metropolitan Council. We will also incorporate historical data from building permit records maintained by the City of Mound to be provided by City Staff. Lastly we will incorporate recent market analysis completed by Maxfield Research as well as other anecdotal information made available through existing real estate and/or research entities. 1.3 Update project context mapping and analysis (existing conditions and planned improvements): Context mapping will include an update to existing mapping and will include existing infrastructure systems, land use, natural resource data, mobility systems (roads, trails, transit), zoning patterns, housing characteristics, school district boundaries, commercial/economic development centers, and redevelopment areas. This will also include identifying planned improvements (either approved or in concept) such as planned infrastructure improvements, planned re -development projects, planned park improvements and other programmed capital improvements. In consultation with Staff, a review of public land ownership and purpose will also be conducted. 1.4 Update community context chapter: Chapter 2, Community Context will be updated. Some data may be assembled in a technical appendices format with summary information in the body of the comprehensive plan. 1.5 Conduct Staff meetings to review report. Two meetings will be conducted with staff in this task. The first meeting will be a work session/charrette type meeting to review a working set of mapping and issues. The second meeting will be a review of draft update materials and may be conducted via phone orvideo conference. -354- 4 1 P a g e 1.6 Conduct Concurrent City Council and Planning Commission Meeting #1 to review initial findings of Task 1, provide a preview of Phase One Engagement approach and exercise, and initiate discussions about downtown and park and recreation system. 'Fask 1 Deliverables: ❑ Stakeholder engagement plan ❑ Updated community context report and base mapping ❑ Meeting materials and presentation materials ❑ Facilitation of Concurrent City Council and Planning Commission Meeting #1 'ask 2 - Conduct Phase One Engagement As noted previously, the first engagement task will be a general information announcement that establishes and communicates the study purpose/goals, planning process/methodologies, and project schedule and provides an opening for interested parties to raise questions, express levels of interest, express issues or concerns and identify values and priorities. Key tasks include: 2.1 Establishing a project web site presence including schedule, scope, communication, and survey data 2.2 Prepare project announcement materials in written form for inclusion in newsletters, email blasts or media releases. Collaborate with City Staff the inclusion of the comprehensive plan as part of the govdelivery system. 2.3 Prepare online community survey and/or web engagement tool 2.4 Summarize and distribute community engagement input 2.5 Coordination with City Staff on meeting facilities and announcements, invites, and schedule l'asl� "2. Deliverables: ❑ Web site design and set up ❑ Survey mechanism ❑ Survey summary `ask 3 - Land Use Chapter Using the information from tasks 1 and 2, we will identify potential land use changes and redevelopment opportunities. This task will include a re-evaluation of the Mound Visions Plan and an evaluation of the destination and linear districts through an iterative approach working collaboratively with City Staff, and through a concurrent meeting with the Planning Commission and City Council. We would envision two meetings with City staff and one concurrent meeting with the Planning Commission and City Council during this task. Ultimately, this task would result in a draft land use plan, development projections (housing and commercial sq. ft.), general urban design/character descriptions, and a phasing/sequencing plan. 3-1. Prepare re -development opportunities and land use changes map. 3-2. Apply current comprehensive plan guidance and recommend changes: we will identify areas for future growth by land use. Land uses change areas will be quantified and mapped. Development -355- 5 1 P a g e projections and associated land demand assumptions will be provided in tabular form (excel spreadsheet). Initial precedent imagery and recommendations will be offered regarding community character and urban design. 3-3. Evaluate infrastructure and transportation system impacts: With potential redevelopment and land use changes, infrastructure and transportation systems need to be considered relative to capacities and improvements. A high level analysis will be necessary to evaluate changes and recommend improvements (if any) based on preferred redevelopment and land use concepts. This information will be used to inform needed key infrastructure planning to be completed in subsequent initiatives. 3-4. Conduct Staff meeting: Two meetings are anticipated during this task. The first meeting will be an initial fact finding, process review, and constraint mapping rules. The second meeting will be to review key findings and redevelopment analysis and begin applying land uses. 3-5. Conduct Concurrent PC/CC Meeting: At this meeting we will present to the city council and planning commission a summary of what has been learned from prior tasks and how it informed the land use mapping task. We will then review the land use mapping and discuss implementation and zoning implications. Task 3 Deliverables: LJ Constraints Memo (rules for redevelopment or change areas) ❑ Map reflecting land use change and redevelopment area mapping ❑ Development character/urban design analysis memo ❑ Meeting materials Task 4- - Review and Update Man Chapters This task will include a complete audit and review of the plan chapters. The process will focus on updates based on regional policy directions, local policy desires (as learned from Phase One Engagement), and updates to Mound Visions. It also will include specific review and discussion about the Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Chapter In addition, considerable efforts will be put towards identifying strategic actions and approaches to implementation. Key tasks include: 4-1. Chapter redlines: We will work with the existing plan chapters and prepare redline text edits to update the plan. We will organize the edits based on regional policy/statute based edits vs. community process/vision or goal re -direction, based edits including changes that might be needed based on task 3 findings and directions. 4-2. Identification of new components: We will prepare new components focused on economic development and redevelopment or other priorities that emerge through the planning process. New components will be threaded throughout or integrated into existing chapters rather than forming new chapters. -356- 6 P a g e 4-3. Implementation Strategies: This task will include a redline update to the implementation chapter and focus on strategic actions and implementation strategies including specific action steps pertaining to downtown planning, economic development, and park and recreation planning. 4-4. Meetings with City Staff: We envision up to two meetings with City staff to review redline edits and work through implementation action strategies. 4-5. Conduct Planning Commission Meetings 3: This meeting will be to review recommended red line edits. 4-6. Conduct Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission Meetings 1 and 2: In addition to downtown, a focus of this update is anticipated to be related to parks. The first meeting with the Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission will be to review the findings of the community engagement and the results of the public lands analysis, and discuss potential goals, policies, and actions. The second meeting will be to review proposed chapter edits. "i,ask 4 Deliverables: ❑ Red Lined Chapter Edits ❑ Meeting materials and facilitation ' Isk S - Conduct Phase Two Stakeholder Engagement - Consult and Collaborate Once we have completed tasks 3 and 4, Phase 2 of the stakeholder engagement process will commence. At this point in the process, we will have completed a critical review of the vision and goals, explored changes in land use and parks, prepared technical analysis, identified recommended changes to the plan, and established key action steps/strategies. The objective of Phase 2 is to present potential changes to the comprehensive plan based on Phase 1 input and technical analysis conducted by the consulting team. Key tasks will include: 5-1. Update the project web site presence including schedule, communication, and survey data 5-2.Prepare project update summary materials in written form for inclusion in newsletters, email blasts or media releases 5-3.Design meeting/event processes and prepare meeting materials 5-4. Facilitate and coordinate public event 5-5.Summarize and distribute meeting results Task. 5 Deliverables: ❑ Web site updates ❑ Meeting facilitation and materials ❑ Meeting and survey summary -357- 7 I P a g e Task 6 - Prepare Plan Docnttient Following Phase 2 public engagement, a more formal check in with the City Council and Planning Commission in a concurrent session should be conducted. At this stage, we would present the recommendations, community responses, and seek confirmation on final plan edits. Following the joint meeting, the plan would be prepared for final review and ultimately consideration and approvals. Key subtasks include: 6-1. Conduct Concurrent CC/PC meeting: to review plan recommendations, community input, and next steps 6-2. Prepare final Adjacent Governmental Review draft of the Comprehensive Plan 6-3. Conduct staff meeting: to review final plan document and schedule the approval and adoption process. 6 Deliverables: ❑ Final DRAFT Plan Document in electronic PDF form ❑ Meeting materials and facilitation 'rask 7 - Conduct Approval and Adoption Process Task 7 will focus on the formal review, approval, and adoption process. This process will involve all of the steps needed for initial adoption of a plan to be sent to adjacent governmental units for review; revisions and then adoption of a plan to be submitted to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval; and final revisions and adoption of a plan that is approved by the Metropolitan Council. 7-1. Upload document to project web site: This task will include preparing a simple survey review mechanism to collect feedback on the draft plan. it will also include preparation of email blasts and media press releases to let people know of the draft plan availability. 7-2. Plan presentations: Conduct one presentation to various stakeholder groups at a joint meeting (i.e. boards, commissions, social/fraternal clubs and organizations, philanthropic or non-profit groups, business groups, others...). City staff may use the presentation materials to conduct additional presentations. 7-3. Initial adoption for distribution: Conduct public hearing at the Planning Commission and seek approval from the City Council to distribute Comprehensive Plan for review by adjacent governmental units. Distribute the document for review in accordance with Metropolitan Council guidelines. 7-4. Revise plan and prepare for Metropolitan Council review: Comments received from adjacent governmental review will be summarized and changes made to the Comprehensive Plan as needed. These changes will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and a request for approval for submission to the Metropolitan Council will be made to the City Council. Submission to the Metropolitan Council will be made. -358- 8 1 P a g e 7-5. Address outstanding issues: this task will include addressing any outstanding issues and comments from the Metropolitan Council. 7-6. Prepare final plan document: this task will include assembling the final plan document in PDF form. 7-7. Present final plan to CC for adoption. Task 7 Deliverables: ❑ Web site updates and survey mechanism ❑ Distribution of plan to adjacent governmental units for review ❑ Formal plan submission to Metropolitan Council ❑ PC public hearing ❑ Final Plan Document in electronic PDF form ❑ Meeting materials and facilitation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 -359- 9 1 P a g e 1— Update base line data $ 4,900 2 — Conduct Phase One Engagement $ 4,300 3 — Land Use Chapter $ 12,800 4 — Review and Update Plan Chapters $ 10,100 5 — Conduct Phase Two Stakeholder Engagement — Consult and Collaborate $ 3,700 6 —Prepare Plan Document $ 3,000 7 — Conduct Approval and Adoption Process $ 4,700 Expenses $ 1,500 Total $ 45,000 • Rita Trapp Project Manager s f 34% Laura Chamberlain Planner 38% Jess Vetrano Technical Support 16% Jeff McMenimen Urban Designer 6% Britt Palmberg Market Analysis 6% -360- 10 P a g e Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design MIN Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 10 ri January 19, 2017 Ms. Sarah Smith City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 subject. An Agreement between the City of Mound and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. for services pertaining to Mound 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update Dear CLIENT; This letter outlines a Scope of Services, Fee Schedule and other elements which together constitute an agreement between the City of Mound, Minnesota hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT, and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT for the Mound 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update, hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT. The CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree as set forth below: A. BASIC SERVICES The CONSULTANT'S basic services for the PROJECT are as provided in Attachment A Work Program. B. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The CONSULTANT and the CLIENT may agree in writing to amend this Contract for additional services related to the PROJECT and compensation for such services. The following services have not been requested by the CLIENT but are available upon written authorization. 1. Meetings in addition to those specified in Paragraph A above. 2. Services or Deliverables not specifically identified in Paragraph A above. C. FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The CONSULTANT agrees to complete the scope of work contained in Paragraph A in exchange for professional fee compensation as noted below. The CLIENT agrees to pay the CONSULTANT for PROJECT services rendered as follows: 1. For the CONSULTANT'S Basic Services described in Paragraph A above, a fee based on the CONSULTANT'S current hourly rate schedule (see Attachment B) not - to -exceed forty-five thousand dollars inclusive of expenses as noted in Paragraph A. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 -361- Ph(612)338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 MOUND 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE January 19, 2017 Page 2 2. For the CONSULTANT'S Additional Services described in Paragraph B, a fee based on the CONSULTANT'S current hourly rate schedule plus incidental expenses or a negotiated fee. 3. Invoices will be submitted electronically (PDF form) to the CLIENT via email on a monthly basis as work is completed and shall be payable within 30 days in accordance with this Agreement. 4. The CONSULTANT reserves the right to suspend services if the CLIENT is delinquent in making payments in accordance with this Agreement. D. CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITY The CLIENT shall be responsible for the following: I . Assembly of background information including, but not limited to digital copies of all files, pertinent plans, aerial photographs, base maps, inventory data, available GIS mapping, limited to those that are reasonably available. 2. Arrangements and notification for public meetings, stakeholder meetings, and commission meetings. 3. Reproduction and distribution of Project reports as deemed necessary and not otherwise specified in paragraph A. 4. Participation in team workshops as needed. 5. Presentation of draft materials to stakeholder groups as required. 6. Provide traffic and municipal engineering support to the project as needed. E. INSURANCE CONSULTANT shall maintain insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the contract. Certificates for General Liability Insurance should state that the CLIENT, its officials, employees, agents and representatives are Additional Insureds. The CLIENT reserves the right to review CONSULTANT's insurance policies at any time to verify that contractual requirements have been met. 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance $2,000,000 per occurrence $3,000,000 general aggregate $300,000 damage to rented premises $15,000 medical expenses 2. Umbrella Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 general aggregate $10,000 self-insured retention -362- MOUND 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE January 19, 2017 Page 3 3. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability a. Worker's Compensation per Minnesota Statutes b. Employer's Liability $500,000 per accident; $500,000 per employee; $500,000 per disease policy limit. 4. Professional Liability Insurance $2,000,000 per claim $4,000,000 annual aggregate F. COMPLETION SCHEDULE The services of the CONSULTANT will begin upon CLIENT approval and will, absent of causes beyond the control of the CONSULTANT, be completed within twenty months of the date that the CLIENT issues a notice to proceed. The notice to proceed shall come from an authorized representative of the City. G. NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT agrees not to discriminate by reason of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or handicap unrelated to the duties of a position, of applicants for employment or employees as to terms of employment, promotion, demotion or transfer, recruitment, layoff or termination, compensation, selection for training, or participation in recreational and educational activities. H. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Contract, the CONSULTANT, in compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375 and Department of Labor regulations 41 CFR Part 60, shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The CONSULTANT shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants for employment are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The CONSULTANT shall post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided by the Government setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The CONSULTANT shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The CONSULTANT shall incorporate the foregoing requirements of this paragraph in all of its subcontracts for program work, and will require all of its subcontractors for such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for program work. -363- MOUND 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE January 19, 2017 Page 4 I. INDEMNIFICATION CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree to indemnify and hold the other harmless, and their respective officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against liability for all claims, losses, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, to the extent such claims, losses, damages or expenses are caused by the indemnifying party's negligent acts, errors, or omissions. In the event claims, losses, damages or expenses are caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of the CLIENT and CONSULTANT, they shall be borne by each party in proportion to its negligence J. TERM, TERMINATION, SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 1. The Term of this Agreement shall be concurrent with the work authorized and shall be in accordance with the schedule to be established between the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT. 2. Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party at its address by certified mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of termination. 3. Neither the CLIENT nor the CONSULTANT shall assign, sublet or transfer its interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 4. The time schedule shall not apply and/or time extensions will be allowed for any circumstances beyond the control of the CONSULTANT. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by all applicable laws. 6. Upon termination, Consultant shall be entitled to fees earned through the effective date of termination. K. DISPUTES In the event the CLIENT and CONSULTANT are unable to reach agreement under the terms of this contract, disputes shall be resolved using alternative dispute resolution (ADR). If this agreement is not signed and accepted by both parties within 90 days of the contract date, it shall become null and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The CLIENT and the CONSULTANT have made and executed this Agreement for Professional Services, This day of , 2017 -364- CLIENT City of Mound Name Name CONSULTANT Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Name: Name: -365- MOUND 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE January 19, 2017 Page 5 Title Title Title Title Real People, Real Solutions. January 18, 2017 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (9521448-8838 Fax: (9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com RE: 2015 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall Improvements — Grandview Blvd. & Tuxedo Blvd. City Project Nos. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 Pay Request No. 13 Dear Mr. Hoversten: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 13 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. for work completed on the 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Grandview Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard from December 6, 2016 through January 17, 2017. The amount shown as "MCES THIS ESTIMATE" will need to be invoiced to the Metropolitan Council in accordance with the Construction Cooperative Agreement number 15I032, and processed as a re- imbursement to the City. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $33,423.91 to Geislinger & Sons, Inc. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. l Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer H:\MOUN\Cl2lO8886\1-Corres\E-Docs\2017-01-18 Ltr to Council Recdn Payment 13.docz t A N '_ t 1 1 'C tki tYn a:t Y�',�' �l a�`tt10.1'`41ti u1n r",ts • • i <e.1 ttvlb'yt 7ttt" „'k, t?'t 11 t int „.rt 4 t4 t t ,fit °� ,.;' t t t ttk�, tY�. �. P:. ���`� a... .�.� ., 1 G:�;n ��ii �t� ti�,w2'•il{ ,A1?tttlltt�i`"+.:x<efi�'u`;?���b��fi:Tt.u\k��tF�„t4'.A�.���ih��;�.?�Si\.l�tid xkVti'.tt;;.'<.?irnkuj lP ,Pk..,az"�lt'1ttR«i"�ti k�ie ��t rn.an<7 i$`tt � ,i.�mas vSr,i�.�k�+,*.�,ltn��3UJ tz�':.ai )lc t`. xa �4�s. ;i�.,.b x .it z�tY x�tt DATE: 1/17/2017 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO, 13 CONTRACTOR Geistinger & Sons, Inc 2015 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT N0, PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 ENGINEER Bolton & Menk BMI PROJECT NO, C1 2.108886, C12.108887 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 12/6/2016 THROUGH 1/1712017 TOTALAMOUNT BID................................................................................................................................................... $ 3,682,938.25 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS + EXTRA WORK., ...................................................................................... $ 165,833.20 CURRENT CONTRACTAMOUNT.............................................................................................................. $ 3,848,771.45 TOTAL, CITY COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 2,466,646.81 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 970,679.08 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE........................................................................................................................ $ 3,437,325.89 TOTAL, MOUND STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ TOTAL, MCES STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE................................................................................................................ $ - MOUND DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ - MCES DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED................................................................... $ TOTAL, MOUND COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 2,466,646.81 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 970,679,08 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS................................................................................................ $ 3,437,325.89 MOUND RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% } $ 123,332.34 MCES RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) $ 48,533.95 RETAINED PERCENTAGE 5.0% }.......... ....................................................................... I ......... ......... $ 171,866.29 MOUND AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ - MCES AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ - TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS ................. ................... ..................... ...................................... ............. $ MOUND AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 2,343,314,47 MCES AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 922,145.12 NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE....................................................................................................... $ 3,265,459.59 TOTAL, MOUND AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 2,316,108.61 TOTAL, MCES AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 915,927.07 TOTALAMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ........... ..................... ......,................ ...,................ ..,...................... $ 3,232,035.69 CITY OF MOUND THIS ESTIMATE $ 27,205.86 MCES THIS ESTIMATE $ 6,218.05 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 13................................................................................................................. $ 33,423.91 -367- Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed In full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been compiled with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Geislinger & Sons, Inc. 511 Central Ave. S. P.O. Box 437 Watkins, MN 55389 By �C Name Tltle Date CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, Imr. ENGINEERS, 2838 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 Bye- CITY ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner Data P Ll 5Lc2-0 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date .rr Real People. Real Solutions. January 18, 2017 Mr. Eric Hoversten, City Manager City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: [9521448-8838 Fax: (9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com RE: 2014 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall Improvement Project — W. Three Points Blvd. Street City Project No. PW -14-01 Pay Request No. 7 and Final Dear Mr. Hoversten: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 7 and Final from Midwest Asphalt Corporation for work completed on the 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — West Three Points Boulevard Street from July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016. It has taken some months, but the contractor has completed all contract items and recently submitted the last remaining required documentation items. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend final payment in the amount of $32,332.22 to Midwest Asphalt Corporation. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer t fi; tilt r t,...,,.:;"t''. •n i�t�` kttt ,l l.`` ``..e ti t tit „t }iit t t 1 tilt ti tit. u • 1\,;' 1t nc tit t i' t n t3 ie �s: l t�. n arcs t�xa���tttEa lti.,-1 t ft i a_�,.,�1..,t�t�S.x��i;ilt.�ls.a`t�il DATE: 1/18/2017 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO, 7 and Final CONTRACTOR Midwest Asphalt Corp 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - WEST THREE POINT "S BLVD STREET OWNER City of Mound CITY PROJECT NOS. PW-14.01 ENGINEER Bolton & Menk SMI PROJECT NO. 012.107130 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 7/1/2016 THROUGH 8/31/2016 TOTALAMOUNT BID........................................................................................................................................................................................ $ 520.231.35 APPROVEDCHANGE ORDERS t EXTRA WORK..._................................................................................................................................... $ 13,083.00 CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT........_.........„.......................................... ........................ ............. .... ....... ............................... 5 603,314.35 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE...................................................................................................................................... $ 573,760.35 TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE ........... ........................ _................_..........................,..............,................................. $ . DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED...._............._........,............................... 5 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK& STORED MATERIALS.. S 573,760.35 RETAINED PERCENTAGE i OoA )... .............---- .......... ",...................... ..................................... ........................... ......... $ TOTALAMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS........................................................................................................................... 5 ` NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE ...................... ...................................................._.......................................... $ 573,760.35 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES............................................. .................................... ..........................._. $ 541,428.13 PAYCONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE N0. 7 and Final.......................................................................................................................................... 5 32,332.22 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. 5.290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Midwest Asphalt Corporation 6340 industr Drive. Suite # 0 Ed rair' 6 By Na a Title Date Ibla CHECKED AND APPROVED ASTO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, yC, ENGINEER j§/2'636 Sf�N, S�U�ITfE}00��MNers PROJECT ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner ullkner ^�J c Date ! 8r / J APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND Bye_ Name -370- Title Date Real People, Real Solutions. January 19, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Carlson Park Water Quality Improvement Project City Project No. PW -16-09 Request to Proceed with MCWD Grant Project — Carlson Park Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (952) 448-8838 Fax: [9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com The City has submitted water quality grant requests to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016 for stormwater treatment devices included as part of these street and utility reconstruction projects. The MCWD approved these grant requests for each year except for the 2016 project. Due to the development of new MCWD criteria, the City's grant application submitted in March, 2016, for the treatment devices included in the 2016 Street and Utility Improvement project, was not approved. Staff subsequently developed a new concept plan which would more directly align with the MCWD's new criteria. This concept plan was submitted to the MCWD in September, prior to the fall deadline for the 2016 Fall Non -homeowner Projects grant program. This concept plan includes the utilization of available space in Carlson Park to re -direct storm sewer outflow into a series of bio -retention areas and an iron -enhanced sand filter before discharging the treated runoff to Lake Minnetonka. The concept plan also includes tree and shrub plantings with approximately 185 feet of shoreline restoration. A trail providing access in a high visibility area is also included in the concept plan. A copy of the September 15, 2016 grant request submittal, which includes the concept plan, is attached for your reference. Following MCWD staff review of the City of Mound's grant request, a recommendation of approval was prepared for the December 8, 2016 MCWD Board meeting. The Board approved the grant request at a funding level of 75 percent ($80,235) of the estimated project cost, without contingency ($106,980). A Cost -Share Funding and Maintenance Agreement will now be prepared by the MCWD staff, subsequent to the preparation of project design plans that will be mutually agreed upon between MCWD staff and City staff. In addition, there will be public informational signage requirements explaining the water quality improvements. Bc ton & Men'K is r. — _ _ ,ort Mayor and Members of the Council January 19, 2017 Page 2 A Resolution has been prepared for your consideration directing the preparation of project plans for water quality improvements in Carlson Park and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Cost -Share Funding and Maintenance Agreement with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. (i C.i �..� r' C GC tL b I.LL Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer H:\MOUN\CI2111465\1_Corres\E-Docs\2017-01-19 Gtr Council RE MCWD Grant Project.docx 6otton & Menk is _ _ _ >ortunity employer. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 17 -- RESOLUTION APPROVING COST SHARE FUNDING AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT FOR STORM WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS IN CARLSON PARK WHEREAS, Resolution No. 16-38 was approved by the Council on March 8, 2016 authorizing the submittal of a grant request to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) for water quality improvement devices included in the Bartlett Boulevard and Maywood Road portions of the 2016 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, a Green Infrastructure Program grant request was submitted to the MCWD in March, 2016 but was not approved due primarily to new evaluation criteria; and WHEREAS, a new water quality improvement grant request, more appropriately addressing MCWD's new evaluation criteria, was submitted to the MCWD in September, 2016, prior to the fall deadline, consisting of proposed water quality improvements in Carlson Park; and WHEREAS, the MCWD Board, at their December 8, 2016 meeting, approved the City of Mound's grant request under their 2016 Fall Non -Homeowner Projects program at a funding level of 75 percent ($80,235) of the estimated project cost without contingency; and WHEREAS, the approved grant is contingent on MCWD staff approval of a project design that is mutually agreed upon by the grant recipient; and WHEREAS, a Cost -Share Funding and Maintenance Agreement will be prepared by the MCWD following the approval of project design; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota that the City hereby directs Bolton and Menk, Inc. to prepare project design plans for water quality improvements in Carlson Park and further authorizes the City Manager to sign the Cost - Share Funding and Maintenance Agreement with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2017. ATTEST: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -373- Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Real People. Real Solutions. September 15, 2016 Brett Eidem Cost Share Grant Administrator Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 15320 Minnetonka Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55345 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (9521448-8838 Fax: (952) 448-8805 Bolton-Menk.com RE: Storm Water Quality and Shoreline Restoration Improvements - Grant Funding Request City of Mound — Carlson Park Bolton & Menk Project No. C12110649; Dear Mr. Eidem, Please consider this letter report as the City of Mound's application for a Green Infrastructure Grant from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) for a multi -faceted project to improve water quality, restore shoreline vegetation, and educate the public. These potential improvements include: Installation of a stormwater diversion structure, and a bioretention basin with iron -enhanced filter, to remove phosphorus and sediments from a city storm drain upstream of the outfall location in Seton Lake/Minnetonka Lake. Restoration of shoreline vegetation on Seton Lake/Minnetonka Lake at Carlson Park. Installation of a walking path through Carlson Park with views of the Lakeshore, vegetative restorations and water quality improvement features. Informational signs/kiosks will be installed to provide neighbors and park visitors with explanations of the storm water quality features, the shoreline vegetation restoration, and benefits to Seton Lake/Minnetonka Lake. Carlson Park is located at 4971 Bartlett Boulevard in Mound, MN. The park is owned and maintained by the City of Mound. Although Carlson Park is relatively small, the park provides an open field, picnic area, lakeshore access to Seton Lake, and boat docks for City residents. Exhibit 1 shows a view of the park from Bartlett Boulevard looking southeasterly toward Seton Lake. Bolton & Monk is an oquol opportunity employer. Name: Storm Water Quality and Shoreline Restoration Improvements - Grant Funding Request Date: 9/15/2016 Page: 2 Exhibit 1: Photo of Carlson Park looking southeasterly (photo courtesy of Google Earth). The proposed project includes installing a bioretention basin and iron enhanced sand filter within the park to treat runoff from the City storm drain before it reaches the outfall to Seton Lake. A shoreline vegetative restoration is planned along the 180 -foot length of Lakeshore. A walking path with informational signs/kiosks will be provided to improve public access and education about water quality improvements, native vegetation and shoreline restorations. Storm water runoff from the 12 acre drainage area, of the fully developed residential neighborhood, currently outlets to Seton Lake/Minnetonka Lake through the City's existing storm sewer system. In the existing conditions, stormwater runoff flows overland to catch basins located in Bartlett Boulevard and Woodbridge Road and is conveyed through sumped catch basin then directly into Seton Lake. STORM WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS The City of Mound has identified this project as an opportunity to improve water quality by installing a diversion structure, bioretention basin and iron enhanced sand filter to remove phosphorus and sediment from the storm drain outflow. Construction of the walking trail will create a small increase in impervious area, but the trail will be exempt from the MCWD Stormwater Management rules due to the less than 12 foot width and the adjoining pervious buffer area. Construction of the bioretention basin will not increase impervious surfaces, and the storm water quality improvements will not require a stormwater permit under MCWD rules. Bolton & Monk Is an equal 37 Name: Storm Water Quality and Shoreline Restoration Improvements - Grant Funding Request Date: 9/15/2016 Page: 3 Storm Water Quality Treatment Figure 1 is a preliminary layout of the bioretention basin. The multi -cell basin will typically be 1.5 feet deep during runoff events to ensure a 48-hour drawdown period. An iron -enhanced sand filter will be incorporated into the basin design for greater phosphorus removal. The design includes the construction of a diversion manhole within the existing storm drain downstream from catch basin manhole 114. The diversion structure will include a diversion weir and 12" reinforced concrete pipe to discharge the "first flush" rainfall event (or 1.1" of rainfall in 24 hours) into the bioretention basin. Rainfall events larger than 1.1" in 24 hours will overtop the weir and part of the runoff will flow direct to the lake as it does now. The bioretention basin will include a native planting design to provide water quality and volume control benefits while being aesthetically pleasing. Plantings will include trees, shrubs, grasses and flowering plants. The 4 -foot sump, velocity baffle and skimmer hood in structure 114 will provide pretreatment for the bioretention basin. Table 1 lists the drainage basin characteristics upstream from the storm drain outfall. Table 2 lists the modeled amounts of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Phosphorus (P) removal per year for the bioretention basin BMPs. The Minimal Impact Design Standard (MIDS) Calculator was used to estimate the pollutant loads within the storm drain system and to estimate the pollutant removal provided by the bioretention basin and the iron enhanced sand filter. Table 1: Drainage area characteristics. DRAINAGE TIME OF IMPERVIOUS YEARLY AREA CURVE % CONCENTRATION AREA LAWN AREA (ACRES) NO. (CN) IMPERVIOUS (MIN.) (ACRES) (ACRES) 11.61 71.35 28.02 30 3.25 8.36 Table 2: Expected annual pollutant removal. The City of Mound routinely inspects all of their existing storm water treatment units, maintains them as necessary, and will develop a schedule to include these new BMPs to keep them operating at optimum efficiency. Batton & Monk is an equaL opportunity orniptoyer. L 1 4 1t} t 1i ,k t t Fit ., t llx, L, t 1 t S 11 i • YEARLY YEARLY YEARLY TSS PHOSPHORUS YEARLY TSS REMOVAL YEARLY YEARLY P REMOVAL INFLUENT REMOVED EFFICIENCY INFLUENT P REMOVED EFFICIENCY TSS (LBS) (LBS) N (LBS) (LBS) N 1556 1326 85 8.56 6.1 71 The City of Mound routinely inspects all of their existing storm water treatment units, maintains them as necessary, and will develop a schedule to include these new BMPs to keep them operating at optimum efficiency. Batton & Monk is an equaL opportunity orniptoyer. L 1 4 1t} t 1i ,k t t Fit ., t llx, L, t 1 t S 11 i • Name: Storm Water Quality and Shoreline Restoration Improvements -Grant Funding Request Date: 9/15/2016 Page: 4 SHORELINE RESTORATION Shoreline restoration aims to balance people's needs for recreational use of our lakes, and our desire to live in close proximity to the Lakeshore, while protecting the lake and maintaining good habitat and water quality. Establishing shoreline restorations and native vegetation buffer zones serve to: • Stabilize the shore, reduce the impact of wave action, and control erosion; • Enhance infiltration, filter sediments, nutrients, and pollutants; • Improve fish and wildlife habitat; • Create a natural aesthetic; • Discourage nuisance geese. Restoring the shoreline will improve lake quality by reestablishing vegetation that holds the shoreline in place, provide a natural filter for overland runoff discharging from developed areas, and provides habitat for fish and wildlife. Work will include establishing a sustainable native plant community and maintenance plan that will ensure lasting plant growth. Exhibit 1 below shows that the current shoreline is maintained in turf grass and mowed to the water line. Turf grass offers little protection of the shoreline soils. Figure 1 shows the proposed shoreline restoration area. The re -vegetated buffer area will extend along the full width of the shoreline of Carlson Park. A walking path will maintain walking access to the shore, so visitors can enjoy the lake and so residents can reach their boat slips. The ordinary high water (OHW) elevation for Seton Lake is 929.4 feet (NGVD1929). The native vegetation buffer area will extend past the OHW to approximately elevation 932.0. This will provide a varying buffer width extending beyond the OHW from about 15 feet to 40 feet. The buffer will also extend above the FEMA I% chance annual flood water surface elevation is 930.9 feet (NGVD 1929). EDUCATION A walking path with informational signs / kiosks will be provided to improve public access and education about water quality improvements, native vegetation and shoreline restorations. Educational signs / kiosks will be developed and installed along the walking path to inform the public about the shoreline restoration, native vegetation, and the storm water treatment and water quality benefits provided. The signs will describe the purpose of the BMPs, include a diagram depicting how the BMPs remove pollutants from storm water runoff, and recognize the partnership between MCWD and the City of Mound in making these improvements. Also, brochures containing the same information will be developed and made available at City Hall, DESIGN MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS Table 3 is a tabulation of the design, materials, and construction costs for the installation of the bioretention basin, shoreline restoration, walking path and educational signs / kiosks. "'It, s Ctq l i �t*ti r t ti, it t�lntr��ti'4�1� Name: Storm Water Quality and Shoreline Restoration Improvements -Grant Funding Request Date: 9/15/2016 Page: 5 Table 3: Estimated project costs and grant request. Item No. Item Description Estimated Cost 1 MOBILIZATION $2,500.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL $1,000.00 3 WALKING PATH $6,000.00 4 BIORETENTION BASIN CONSTRUCTION $43,500.00 5 IRON ENHANCED SAND FILTER CONSTRUCTION $7,100.00 6 STORM DIVERSION STRUCTURE $5,500.00 7 EDUCATIONAL SIGNAGE $2,500.00 8 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING $2,300.00 9 SEEDING $9,200.00 10 EROSION CONTROL $6,000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $85,600.00 ANTICIPATED CONTINGENCIES $8,560.00 ENGINEERING, ADMINISTRATION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION $21,400.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $115,560.00 `j J,U ALS , N% v lxv"\W'-2 140',F , & 8900,0 , IN Tav"`$'l?. �g " ' TOTAL IV(J C� N UNRS Schedule It is the City's intent to complete this work during the 2017 construction season. Construction is anticipated to commence in May, and will be substantially completed by late October. It is our understating that the cost share will be based on actual project costs. We appreciate MCWD's consideration of this Green Infrastructure Grand request. If you have any questions, comments, or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 448-8838 to discuss. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. 471 Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City of Mound City Engineer Bolton & Monk is an equal opportunity employer. M Real People. Real Solutions. January 18, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Island Park Watermain Loop Improvement Project City Project No. PW -15-10 Award of Bid Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: 2638 Shadow Lane Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Ph: (9521448-8838 Fax: (9521448-8805 Bolton-Menk,com Bids were received on January 4, 2017 for the Island Park Watermain Loop Project with the following results: Contractor Bid Amount Widmer Construction $217,126.50 Minger Construction $231,094.00 Northdale Construction $283,889.10 Valley Paving $308,717.44 GM Contracting $345,720.17 EJM Pipe Services $436,173.00 The low bid was well below the engineer's estimate of $389,400. The low bidder, Widmer Companies, and their subcontractor, CI Utilities (Castrejon, Inc.) out of Blaine, MN have successfully completed several similar projects throughout the Metro area. They meet the requirements under Minnesota State statute 16C.285 as a responsible bidder at this time, and have submitted the necessary verification forms as a post -bid request. It is my recommendation that the Council approve the attached resolution awarding the Island Park Watermain Loop Project to Widmer Construction in the amount of $217,126.50. Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer H:\MOUN\C121O955O\1_Corres\Q_To Others\2017-01-18 Ltr to Council, Award of Bid.docx . 'M.,; °tt=; ktt kit a: e ti t,. 't22t 1% t e itt 't snth t,iV, Oillo- r 1., 1.: ttlt*a�n? tkt, t� ti1. �, at'�. CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 17 -- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR THE ISLAND PARK WATERMAIN LOO.1- PROJECT, PROJECT • WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the Island Park Watermain Loop Project, bids were received on January 4, 2017 opened and tabulated according to law, with the following bids received and complying with the advertisement: AND WHEREAS, it appears that Widmer Construction is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Widmer Construction out of Maple Plain, MN in the name of the City of Mound for the Island Park Watermain Loop Project according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2017. ATTEST: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor Bid Amount Widmer Construction $217,126.50 Minger Construction $231,094.00 Northdale Construction $283,889.10 Valley Paving $308,717.44 GM Contracting $345,720.17 EJM Pipe Services $436,173.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Widmer Construction is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Widmer Construction out of Maple Plain, MN in the name of the City of Mound for the Island Park Watermain Loop Project according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of January, 2017. ATTEST: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 10, 2017 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Ray Salazar, Jennifer Peterson, and Jeff Bergquist Members absent: Kelli Gillispie Others present: City Manager and Director of Public Works Eric Hoversten, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, Director of Community Development Sarah Smith, Consulting Planner Rita Trapp, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Lauren Miller, Tiffany Lynn Nguyen, Tommy Clobes, Alee Otteson, Lauryn Grinde, Riley Ingbretson, Hunter Baem, AJ Bomar, Ben Aolbus, Oben Howard, Addy Davis, Owen Doot, Cody Rolighed, Brian Burriss, Pamela Larsen, Quinn Tive, Erika Whaley, Pete Norton, Brendan Dreyer, Millie Snyder, and Charlie Bailey Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Oaths of Office by City Manager Eric Hoversten Hoversten thanked all for participating in the process of running the City and swore in Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Member Ray Salazar, and Council Member Jeff Bergquist. A. Mayor Mark Wegscheid B. Council Member Ray Salazar C. Council Member Jeff Bergquist 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Approve agenda Hoversten introduced a packet with emerging information on Item 8 on the agenda, the Serenity Hills project. These new pages will be numbered pages 278A - 278K. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the agenda with amendments. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 5. Gonsent agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $945,475.18 B. Approve minutes: Dec 13, 2016 Regular Meeting Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 C. RESOLUTION NO. 17-01: RESOLUTION APPOINTING KELLI GILLISPIE AS ACTING MAYOR FOR 2017 D. RESOLUTION NO. 17-02: RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES FOR 2017 E. RESOLUTION NO. 17-03: RESOLUTION APPOINTING FINANCE DIRECTOR/CLERK/TREASURER CATHERINE PAUSCHE AS ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 2017 F. RESOLUTION NO. 17-04: RESOLUTION APPOINTING FIELD OFFICER STEWART SIMON AS ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR 2017 G. RESOLUTION NO. 17-05: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF AT LEAST A $20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY FINANCE DIRECTOR/ CLERK/TREASURER H. RESOLUTION NO. 17-06: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 2017 I. RESOLUTION NO. 17-07: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2017 J. Approve request for commercial kennel license for Mound Emergency Management Division, waiving the fee K. RESOLUTION NO. 17-08: RESOLUTION MAKING A SELECTION NOT TO WAIVE THE STATUTORY TORT LIMITS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE PURPOSES L. Set Joint Special Meeting Workshop of the Mound Planning Commission and City Council, for the purpose of discussing Planning Commission 2017 Work Plan and Projects: Feb 21, 2017, 7:00 pm M. RESOLUTION NO. 17-09: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION PROGRAM N. RESOLUTION NO. 17-10: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF 2017 GRANT APPLICATION FOR RECYCLING AND EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT O. RESOLUTION NO. 17-11: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING ELECTRONIC ACCESS TO MINNESOTA COURT DATA ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MOUND P. RESOLUTION NO. 17-12: RESOLUTION RECOMMINDING CONTINUATION OF CDBG FUNDING OF WESTONKA COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK (WeCAN) -382- Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 Q. Approve First Amendment to Employment Agreement between City of Mound and Eric P. Hoversten R. RESOLUTION NO. 17-13: RESOLUTION APPROVING SIGN VARIATION/MODIFICATION FOR 5218 BARTLETT BOULEVARD, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 16-74 S. RESOLUTION NO. 17-14: RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS REQUEST FOR PROPERTY AT 2354 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD T. RESOLUTION NO. 17-15: RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PREVENTION GRANT FUNDING FOR CHANGEABLE MESSAGE BOARD SIGN AT SURFSIDE PARK 6. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. Mayor recognized students and asked for someone to represent the group and come to the podium. Tiffany Nguyen, 2365 Commerce, stepped up. She said Alan Hubert and Bob Keel are their teachers. Mayor Wegscheid inquired what the students have learned thus far in their government classes. Ms. Nguyen stated that they have learned about the three branches of government, including the job and responsibilities of the President. Mayor Wegscheid says that the Council is made up of people who stepped up, just like Ms. Nguyen tonight. He added the citizens of Mound voted them into office to represent citizens' interests. Mayor Wegscheid encouraged the students to get involved in their community. 7. Visit by Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson, Hennepin County Commissioner, said he represents half of Mound, with Commissioner Jan Callison representing the other half of Mound. Johnson said the County's budget was $1.8 billion last year and this year's budget increased to $1.9 billion which resulted in a property tax levy increase of just under 5%. Johnson stated that he did not support any of the recent budgets as Johnson doesn't believe in increasing property taxes. Johnson says this because he believes there are many areas in Hennepin County where spending is not necessary. Johnson doesn't think that there is a need to increase the property tax levy year after year and doesn't believe it is sustainable to increase it by 5% per year. Johnson has been pushing hard to change the way Hennepin County contracts for services. Johnson said the County has thousands of vendors providing human service programs and those vendors are paid according to how many people they serve instead of by the outcome of the program, i.e., how many people's lives were changed because of the program. Another change Johnson stated he would like to see is the way that the County pays their employees. Johnson would like to see the County pay according to performance instead of just "lock step". Mayor Wegscheid asked a question on behalf of Council Member Gillispie who wanted to know if Commissioner Johnson is aware of the efforts for the Met Council reform. -383- Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 Johnson says there are a lot of different ideas out there about the Met Council. Johnson is not a fan of the Met Council and feels that they have gotten completely out of control. Johnson feels there is a need and a purpose to have a regional body to help with sewers, buses, etc. and he feels the Met Council is no longer doing what they were intended to do; which is to work collaboratively with cities to help cities succeed. Instead, he said they are trying to decide how cities should grow. Johnson said the members of the Met Council are not elected and does not think that is appropriate. Johnson's ideal solution would be to eliminate the Met Council and start over with a body that has responsibilities and powers that are much more constrained than what they are now. Some say this is not realistic, but Johnson definitely thinks that the Met Council needs to change the way they work and Johnson will be at the Capitol this year helping to make that change happen. Mayor Wegscheid asked Johnson to explain how is it that the County property taxes were raised, but the budget was lowered. Johnson stated that the property taxes are 33-35% of the budget and when federal funding is dropped the County needs to increase the property taxes to keep those programs running. Mayor Wegscheid asked Johnson, for the benefit of the students in attendance, how many County commissioners there are. Johnson stated there are seven Hennepin County Commissioners, each representing a different part of the County. 8. Planning Commission Recommendations A. Serenity Hili on Halsted Bay Project 6639 Bartlett Boulevard Applicants: K.J. Anderson Design Group and Windsted Investment LLC Public Hearings for review of Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat (Case No. 16-27) and Conditional Use Permit (Case No. 16-25) Applications Consideration of Variance (Case No. 16-26) Applications Rita Trapp summarized the action requested by the applicant for the Serenity Hill on Halsted Bay Project. Trapp said the application is for a number of items, including approval of a preliminary plat, a conditional use permit (CUP) for a Shoreland Planned Development Area (PDA) to build multi -family housing with more than six units, and multiple variances. Mayor Wegscheid explained to the audience that after Ms. Trapp goes through the summary, there will be a public hearing where there will be an opportunity for the public to come forward and speak up, if they so choose. Trapp stated that the Council approved a Comprehensive Plan amendment and a rezoning for the site in September and this project was discussed at length at that time. She added that the project has finished going through agency approvals and she is working on submitting to the Met Council next which, if approved, would start the project. Trapp said the Resolutions before the Council tonight are predicated on the Met Council's approval of the project. Trapp said the project site was rezoned to R3 multi -family residential which means a density of 7-12 units per acre. She added that there will be three lots as part of the preliminary plat sm Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 with only one in Mound. Trapp said the plat will include the beach house which is larger than normally allowed but staff feels this is realistic as the beach house serves the entire complex. Trapp said the variances requested for the project are related to sides and shape of the parcel. She added there are also variances are for side yard setbacks of the condominium building which were deemed reasonable by Staff and the Planning Commission. The side setback variances would keep the building wholly on the Mound side, making it easier for address and tax purposes. Setback request is 9-10' though the requirement is 44 feet. Trapp said there is also a building height variance being requested and this is due to the architectural feature on top of structure (tower), which is 9' in height. Trapp said the bulk of the project is meeting the minimum requirement of 35'. Trapp stated that the beach house is 2400 square feet in area. This will be a gathering place for the community. There are two areas for community gathering on the site: the pool area and the beach house. The beach house will have a day -use dock, which will not allow overnight parking nor docks for residents. Trapp noted one change since the Planning Commission reviewed the plan which is that the trail from the Mound building to the beach house has been eliminated due to the topography making the trail unable to meet ADA accessibility requirements. Trapp stated that the lot area per dwelling is meeting City requirements and the Applicant has shown further refined building materials than previously shown to the Planning Commission. Trapp said the Planning Commission requested the developer work with the concerns from neighbors about the possible impact of the project. Owner has agreed to add additional screening or landscaping with additional trees on property to the north and a new proposed fence to the south of the property to replace the existing fence. Trapp said the proposed new fence will be 6' and 8'. Trapp read a letter, for the record, from Rita and Terry Hughes, neighbors to the property. The Hughes' would like an eight foot high fence rather than the planned 6 foot fence. Staff is in support of a 6' fence for the majority of property with a rise to 8' in the area of property next to the house and then back down to 6' to the Lakeshore. Trapp said the fence would need to be an additional variance as the City Code does not allow a 6' fence through much of the property nor does it allow an 8' fence at all. Trapp said the City of Minnetrista has finished their review and approvals and the comprehensive plan amendment from the Met Council. Trapp added the supplemental information included in the packet were for the upgraded building materials including the fence materials. Trapp noted that an email from Jason Gottfried was received on behalf of Hennepin County, with comments regarding the Minnetrista portion of the project. Trapp said the City received comments were also received from Xcel Energy but didn't pertain to the City portion of the project. Mayor Wegscheid asked if there still needs to be a variance granted for the fence. Trapp stated that the fence variance could be included in variances in front of the Council tonight, by adding additional findings and conditions to the resolution if the Council was comfortable with these changes. Trapp noted that the DNR is comfortable with what is being proposed regarding the fence. -385- Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 Salazar asked if the proposal by staff is 8' for the entire length of fence? Trapp says that staff is proposing 6' to the property line to the house, then three sections of 8', then back to 6' to the shore. Hoversten stated that the Hughes' house sits a little bit closer to water's edge than the beach house and an eight foot fence gives them privacy on their deck while the 6 foot fence preserves the Hughes' view of the lake. Smith says the family is looking for the most relief they can get and the Hughes' wants to preserve the single family nature of the house. Salazar asked if this proposal has been explained to the family. Smith said that, yes, the family felt the 6, 8, 6 was a reasonable option and accomplishes what they want to accomplish, whereas a wrought iron fence accomplishes nothing in regards to screening purposes. Salazar stated that he wants to keep the neighbors happy. Dan Anderson, Serenity Hills project developer, brought up two things about the fence. Anderson said the fence is going to cost $42k and he wants the fence to look good on both sides. Anderson also noted that the landscape plan has plenty of planting on the side of the development and those plants will be much taller in the future which will also aid in screening. Mayor Wegscheid opened the public hearing at 7:46pm. Brian Burris, 6675 South Saunders Lake Drive, asked if this whole plan has already been approved or if this meeting is to approve the idea of allowing the development. Trapp stated that the first approval done in September was to approve the idea of the project and the Council is now reviewing and approving the actual site plan and what the plan of the development will look like. Trapp said the decision tonight is how the development looks and how the site is developed and this is open for comments tonight. Burris stated that there are a number of snowmobilers who use that piece of land to get onto the lake. Mayor Wegscheid stated that there have been lots of opportunities previously to come forward and make comments regarding the project. Trapp stated that this was always private property and there was always the potential for the property to be developed into something else and that people really shouldn't have traversed it with snowmobiles. Lauryn Winegar (Grinde), 5865 Beachwood, asked who would be responsible for the upkeep of the fence. Mayor Wegscheid stated that the fence is the property of the development. Dan Anderson said that they are giving an easement to the neighbor and will give the neighbor ownership of the fence. Anderson said they gave the Hughes' 1.6' of land and put the fence on their property. He added, Serenity Hills will maintain their side of the fence with the neighbor who must maintain their side of the fence Mayor Wegscheid said he feels comfortable that there are two Council members who have seen this project through the whole process and another being on the Planning Mound City Council Minutes —January 10, 2017 Commission. Wegscheid wants to commend Dan Anderson for working with community and going above and beyond on the project plans. Requested Actions i. Approve Resolution to approve Major Subdivision -Preliminary Plat of Serenity Hill on Halstead Bay MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 17-16: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT - MAJOR SUBDIVISION OF SERENITY HILL ON HALSTEAD BAY ii. Approve Resolution to approve Conditional Use Permits and Variances for Serenity Hill on Halstead Bay Trapp introduced the following additions/changes to the Resolution on page 193 of the packet: #8. A variance to allow a fence between the home at 6641 Halsted Avenue and the project. Additions/changes to the Resolution on page 196, under findings of fact: #10. The proposed fence will provide additional screening to buffer the home at 6641 Halsted Avenue from the proposed intensified use of the adjacent property as a beach house and gathering area for the project. A fence is additionally needed due to the existing, sloping topography of the site. Additions/changes to the Resolution on page 197 under conditions: #6. The proposed fence between 6641 Halsted Avenue and the project site shall be limited to 6 feet in all areas with the exception of the portion of the fence between the middle/rear of the house to the south edge of the deck which is allowed up to 8 feet in height. The new fence cannot be constructed below the 931.5 elevation unless a permit is received from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The fence must be constructed at a 933.0 RFPE as required by City Code. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve resolution with amendments. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 17-17: RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES FOR SERENITY HILL ON HALSTEAD BAY 9. Dan Faulkner, City Engineer of Bolton & Menk. requesting discussion/action on Resolution Receiving Report and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for the 2017 Lift Station and Forcemain Improvement Project, City Project No. PW -17-05 Dan Faulkner addressed the Council with the 2017 Lift Station and Commerce Blvd. forcemain project. Faulkner stated these were originally two projects within the five year capital Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 improvement program which have now been combined to this one report. Faulkner said the project also includes a generator replacement. Faulkner said the Commerce Blvd. Lift Station C5 is one of the City's failing lift stations with steel structure that is corroding and pumps which are needing replacement. Faulkner added this will be the 20th of 30 lift stations being replaced and the City is moving ahead with this particular project in order to coordinate with the Trident Development Senior Living project. Faulkner said there is a need to move the Lift Station to the west side of Commerce and an easement will need to be granted from Trident which the City hopes to include as part of the development agreement with Trident. Faulkner said the other part of the project, the Commerce Blvd. forcemain replacement is being included in the project as this area was under future consideration for replacement and it is more efficient to do it now while the Lift Station work is being done in the same area. Faulkner said the actual improvements to the lift station would be to abandon the existing station and build new pre -cast concrete wet well structure containing two submersible pumps; a new control panel with SCADA remote monitoring equipment; an on-site emergency back-up generator; and a magnetic meter manhole to monitor flows in real-time. Faulkner stated the total estimated cost for the project would be $802k. He said the work schedule is dependent on how quickly Trident wants to move forward with their development. Faulkner added that Bolton & Menk typically likes to send the project out for bid in March or April as there is a long lead time on the equipment order and Faulkner said the project could most likely be completed by late September or early October. Salazar asked about the relocation of the lift station and if Trident is amenable to that change. Hoversten stated that Trident just closed on the property on Dec. 29, 2016 and Trident is just beginning with their plans and hasn't shared their timeline with the City yet. Hoversten added, once Trident has the sewer access connection (SAC) determination from the Met Council the City will then have a conversation with Trident in regards to the C-5 Lift Station and its capacity for handling flow. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, approving resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 17-18: RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2017 LIFT STATION AND FORCEAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. PW -17-05 10. Information/Miscellaneous Hoversten reported that the Council will resume the normal meeting schedule in 2017 which is the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month and noted the following other meetings: Feb 21, 7pm -joint special meeting/workshop with City Council and Planning Commission Feb 27, 6:30pm - volunteer recognition dinner Hoversten stated that the Orono Police Chief reminds residents and business owners of their crime prevention services to prepare and protect you from incidental crime. Contact Eric Em Mound City Council Minutes — January 10, 2017 Hoversten at City Hall or the City of Orono police department. The police dept. will then send a crime prevention specialist to work with the resident. A. Comments/reports from Council Members B. Reports: Finance: YTD Nov 2016 Mound Fire: Nov 2016 & Dec 2016 Harbor Wine & Spirits: Dec 2016 C. Minutes: Planning Commission - Dec 6, 2016 D. Correspondence: Met Council Environmental Services, Oct 27, 2016 LMCC Commission Meeting Dates 11. Adjourn MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Salazar, to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN. 55364 (952) 472-0605 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Field Officer Stewart B. Simon S4 Date: January 19, 2017 Re: Public Hearing: Proposed Amendments to Mound City Code Chapter 129, Related to Definitions and Exterior Storage Currently, Subsection 129-314 only covers exterior storage as it relates to "exterior storage units". Per the code, an "exterior storage unit" is defined as ....automobiles, boats, boat trailers, travel trailers, general purpose trailers, self-contained motor homes, truck toppers, fish houses, utility trailers, jet skis and snowmobiles. Exterior storage units are also referred to as "recreational vehicles", per the code. Presently, the zoning ordinance regulates the number of "exterior storage units". permissible on residential properties along with required setbacks; all other storage of materials is not included in the current code. The amended zoning regulations as proposed, would remove the term "exterior storage units", in favor of the use of common terms, to address the storage of items and materials and would align the code to reflect the proposed changes to the nuisance ordinance. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments to the zoning regulations, at its January 3`d meeting. Based on feedback from the Planning Commission, several minor changes, housekeeping in nature, were made to the draft exterior storage ordinance. There were no changes to the draft definitions ordinance. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend Council approval of the Ordinance amending the zoning regulations as it relates to definitions and exterior storage as recommended by Staff. Per Minn. Stat. §394.26, a public hearing is required prior to the Council adopting an ordinance amending the zoning regulations. A notice of this public hearing was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall on January 10, 2017, and published in the January 14, 2017, edition of the Laker. 1. Approval of the Ordinance amending Chapter 129 of the Mound City Code as it relates to Definitions and Exterior Storage. 2. Approval of a resolution, authorizing the publication of an Ordinance by title and summary, which requires a four-fifths vote by the Council. .m 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN. 55364 (952) 472-0605 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Field Officer Stewart B. Simon A } Date: January 19, 2017 Re: Proposed Amendments to Mound City Code Chapter 42 Related to Nuisances SUMMARY In the course of conducting code enforcement activities, Staff has found the current nuisance code confusing to citizens and portions outdated. Based on this, Staff has reviewed the nuisance codes in use by surrounding communities. In general, nuisance fall into one of two categories; public and private. A public nuisance is conduct or maintaining a condition, which is harmful or negatively affects the whole community or a large group of people; whereas a private nuisance is harmful, or negatively affects a small number of people. The current and amended code addresses conditions and conduct deemed public nuisances; the City does not regulate conduct or conditions deemed a private nuisance. At its November 1, 2016 Special Meeting Workshop, the Council reviewed a proposed draft ordinance, amending the nuisance regulations. The majority of amended language contained in the draft ordinance was housekeeping in nature; the one major change is specific to the abatement processes. Staff has proposed language allowing administrative and legal costs to be collected as part of an abatement action. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the draft ordinance, at its January 3`d meeting. Based on feedback from the Planning Commission, Staff revised Section 3, by removing subdivision 12, addressing fences and structures maliciously erected or maintained for annoying the owners or occupants of adjoining properties, in favor of inclusion with subdivision 21. The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend Council approval of the proposed amendments to Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code. A proposed final draft of the ordinance has been prepared and included with this memo for Council review and action. REQUESTED ACTIONS 1. Approve the Ordinance amending Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code as it relates to nuisances. 2. Approval of a resolution, authorizing the publication of an Ordinance by title and summary, which requires a four-fifths vote by the Council. S IR Chair Penner called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Chair Cindy Penner; Commissioners Jason Baker, Dean Bussey, David Goode, Philip Velsor, lake Saystrom, Jameson Smieja, and Jennifer Peterson. Members absent: David Pelka. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, City Manager Eric Hoversten, Field Officer Stewart Simon, and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Millie & Gene Snyder, 4749 S Lake Sarah Dr, Independence; Peter Norton, 2354 Wilshire Blvd; Suzanne Dolder for Ruth Peterson, 5429 Spruce Rd; Quinn Pausche, 2848 Highland Blvd. BOARD OF APPEALS REVIEW OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EXTERIOR STORAGE AND NUISANCE REGULATIONS, CITY CODE CHAPTERS 129 AND 42 Smith explained the reason for the proposed changes and introduced Field Officer Stewart Simon. Simon stated that the definitions in the exterior storage section are units (cars, trailers, boats, Jet skis, motor homes, truck toppers, etc.) and does not address wood piles or other materials. Staff is proposing to be more specific in the definitions not simply as a storage unit. Bussey asked about the definition specific to ice shelters. Simon indicated that the definition comes from the Minnesota DNR. Simon continued to explain the specific changes. The proposed changes clarify where they can be stored and specific types of things. The performance standards being addressed are for residential properties only. Commercial property storage is usually addressed by Conditional Use Permit. Saystrom asked about membrane structures. Simon responded that there is a permitting process and there are setbacks for those. Goode wanted to address watercraft and trailers and the term significant lake view. Does height of the boat trigger lake view obstruction? Simon said that they are evaluated based on topography, size and view. In his tenure as community service officer he viewed the property in total. Peterson confirmed that it is complaint based. -392- Planning Commission Minutes January 3, 2017 Smieja significant impact on lake view is based on the lakeside impact. Simon concurred. Smieja asked how side yard of lake properties affect view of those non -abutters across the street. Simon said there have been no complaints of that nature. Smieja suggested change adjacent to abutting on page 68. Bussey concurred. Smieja concerned about the definition of 10,000 GVW vehicles because restricts 1 ton pickups and Hummers. Simon said the intent was to restrict commercial vehicles. The current code addresses this as well. Firewood requirement in Section g 3. Should be 3 inches (not 8 inches) off the ground. Simon stated that this is a typo and will be changed in the final version. Penner asked why the 6 unit maximum wasn't reduced. Simon stated that this takes into account the normal vehicles that you park outside in addition to a boat, recreational vehicle, and other normal items. Goode wanted to know what the 3 key elements were for the changes in this section. Simon responded: 1) eliminate the confusing definition "exterior storage unit"; 2) address the storage of firewood as it is a common complaint; and 3) recognizing that we have unique lot sizes and shapes yet maintain a healthy storage environment with some limitations to not create a nuisance for the neighbors. Nuisance Code Simon indicated that the current code follows approximately the same flow as the proposed. Penner thought Section 1(a)(1) is too vague. Simon explained that there are private and public nuisances. If there's 1 call about a condition, it's a private nuisance. if there are 2 or more calls it becomes public. This verbiage is taken from State Statute. Simon explained that Section 3 is mostly the same as the existing code but gathered together some items from various place in the code into 1 section. Staff is recommending repeal and replace to group like items together. Bussey referred to Section 3 (12) and the intent of maliciously erecting. How is this determined? Simon said it is usually obvious. You know it when you see it. That is also true when you have a fence that isn't repaired. Penner asked if, in Section 3 (14), it means the whole tree is dead. Simon said that protocol is to tag the tree as a nuisance to be removed and the property owner needs to provide proof that it is healthy. Smieja asked if there is a timetable for stacking wood. Simon said that, most of the time, the tree company that takes the tree down also removes the wood. Sections 4 and 5 require abatement of unstacked wood in 10 days; he also indicated that the city will work with owners that have a plan or are actively making progress. -393- Planning Commission Minutes January 3, 2017 Bussey asked how the city determines who is notified about a violation for rental properties. Simon stated it is Hennepin County ownership records. Smieja asked about nuisance barking dogs. Simon stated it is a separate code under Chapter 14 and is enforced by the Police Department. Bussey asked about dock sections and boat lifts that come out in the fall and don't go back in the spring. Simon explained the difference between the Chapter 129 Section 1(f) and the commons regulations in the dock section of the code. The changes to be made are: Chapter 129 Section 1(d)2ii add the word "lakeshore" after "adjacent" and; (g)3 should be changed to three (3) inches off the ground. MOTION by Baker, second by Smieja, to recommend approval with changes. MOTION carried unanimously. Old/New Business A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2017 Penner nominated Goode for vice chair. MOTION by Smieja, second by Baker, to approve Goode for Vice Chair. MOTION carried unanimously. Smieja nominated Penner for Chair. MOTION by Smieja, second by Goode, to approve Penner for Chair. MOTION carried unanimously. B. Dates for new Planning Commission Member training —Staff will contact for final date. C. Planning Commission Work Rules for 2017 —Staff recommended tabling to March 7`h meeting (copy to go into the February packet). MOTION by Goode, second by Bussey, to table consideration of the Work Rules until the March 7, 2017 meeting. MOTION carried unanimously. D. Planning Commission/City Council concurrent special meeting workshop —February 21, 2017 at 7:00 pm ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Penner, second by Smieja, to adjourn at 8:45 pm. MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jill Norlander -394- CITY OF MOUND ORDINANCE -2017 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 129 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO DEFINITIONS AND EXTERIOR STORAGE The City Council of the City of Mound does ordain: Section 1. Subsection 129-2, definitions, of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: Blight means a deteriorated condition, something that impairs or destroys., Camping trailer means a folding structure, mounted on wheels and designed for travel, recreation, and vacation uses, also commonly called a pop-up camper. E-4e49F steFage unit (or- upiW means and shall iRGlude, but not limited to, autemobiles, beats, boat tFai1eF6, tFavel tFaiieFs, geneFal puFpc)se traiiem, self Gontained rnotoF homes, tFUGk toppeFs, fish houses, utility tFailers, jet skis and GROWFnebiles. FoF the pLlFpose of this and ot , subseGfiGRS, aR exteFier sterage unit stGFed on aRy type of tFaileF FeferenGed above (eF 6imila type nGR GOMmer-Gial tFai!eF) shall qualify as one (4) exteFieF sterage unit. F=GF the PUFp9se of this sub%GtieR and 9theF subseGfiens OF GhapteFS GOntained in the City Code, aR exteFiGF storage URit may alse be refeFFed tG as a 'reGFeational VehiGle". Exterior storage or outdoor storage means the keeping of materials or equipment on a parcel o land, outside of a principal dwelling or accessory structure, for the purpose of transporting, using, or employing such materials or equipment at a future date at another location, either on - or off-site. The keeping of motorized vehicles or watercraft for more than 24 hours, other equipment that is not capable of self -powered movement including, but not limited to recreational vehicles, watercraft trailers, ice shelters, or other similar items, or materials covered by a tarp or other similar screening devices, shall be included in this definition. Ice shelter means a fish house, ice house, dark house, or other similar portable structure, used on the ice of state waters, designed to provide shelter while taking fish by angling or spearing, constructed with any variety of materials, with or without framing or running gear. Junk or derelict means any cast-off, damaged, discarded, iunked, obsolete, salvage, scrapped, unusable, worn-out, or wrecked obiect, thing, or material composed in whole or in part of asphalt, brick, carbon, cement, plastic, or other synthetic substance, fiber, glass, metal, paper, plaster, plaster of Paris, rubber, terra cotta, wool, cotton, cloth, canvas, organic matter, or other substance, regardless of perceived market value requiring reconditioning in order to be used for its original purpose. Junk vehicles, iunk trailers, or junk watercraft, shall be included in this definition. Motor home means a portable temporary dwelling to be used for travel, recreation, and vacation, constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle. -395- Motorized vehicle means every vehicle which is self-propelled including, but not limited to automobiles, pick-up trucks, vans, all -terrain vehicles (ATV), utility terrain vehicles (UTV), motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, off-highway vehicles (OHV), snowmobiles, golf cart, neighborhood electric vehicle, or other similar equipment. Motorized vehicle does not include an electric personal assistive mobility device, motor home, or vehicle moved solelv by human power (such as a bicycle). Pick-up camper means a structure designed to be mounted on a truck chassis or bed, for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation, and vacation. May also be commonly be referred to as a camper shell truck cap, truck topper, or tonneau cover. Recreational vehicle means a: camping trailer, motor home, pick-up camper, or travel trailer. Special mobile equipment means every vehicle not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or property and only incidentally operated or moved over a highway, including but not limited to, ditch digging equipment, moving dollies, pump hoists, and other well -drilling equipment, street sweeping vehicles, and other machinery, such as asphalt spreaders, bituminous mixers, bucket loaders, tractors other than truck -tractors, ditchers, leveling graders, finishing machines, motor graders, road rollers, scarifiers, and earth -moving equipment. Travel trailer means a vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation, and vacation uses, permanently identified as a travel trailer by the manufacturer of the trailer. Utility trailer means any enclosed or unenclosed non -motorized vehicle other than a watercraft trailer, designed for carrying snowmobiles, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles, off-road vehicles, Property or materials on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle. The term does not include a trailer drawn by a truck -tractor semitrailer combination or an auxiliary axle on a motor vehicle, which carries a portion of the weight of the motor vehicle for which it is attached. Watercraft means and includes boats, canoes, paddleboards, personal watercraft (PWC), and other similar recreational equipment designed to be used in or on a body of water. Watercraft trailer means any non -motorized vehicle, designed for carrying watercraft on its own structure and for being drawn by a motorized vehicle. Section 2. Subsection 129-314, Exterior Storage, of the Mound City Code is hereby repealed in its entirely and replaced as follows: In all residential districts, it is the responsibility of the owner of any property, improved or unimproved, to maintain the outdoor areas; including courtyards and the like, of the property and adjacent rights-of-way in a manner that prevents blight and complies with the following requirements: -396- (a) Storage on private property. Exterior storage of ice shelters recreational vehicles, motorized vehicles, utility trailers, watercraft, or watercraft trailers is permitted on all residentially zoned properties and shall be regulated as follows: 1. Developed lots. Exterior storage on lots with principal dwellings shall be limited to no more than one (1) ice shelter, recreational vehicle, motorized vehicle, utility trailer, watercraft watercraft trailer, objects screened by a tarp or other screening device, or any combination thereof, for every 1,500 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum of six (6). 2. Undeveloped lots. Exterior storage on lots with no principal dwelling shall be limited to no more than one (1) ice shelter, recreational vehicle, motorized vehicle, utility trailer, watercraft, watercraft trailer, objects screened by a tarp or other screening device, or any combination thereof, for every 3,000 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum of six (6). 3. Storage for hire prohibited. All exterior storage items must be owned by, leased to, or rented to the owner or occupant of the property on which it is stored. The storage of un -owned items under storage for hire, trade or other in-kind consideration is prohibited on all residential properties. Storage of recreational vehicles and utility trailers. Storage of recreational vehicles and utility trailers shall be regulated as follows: 1. It is unlawful for any person to use for human habitation a recreational vehicle or utility trailer that is parked or stored upon public property. 2. It is unlawful for any person to park or store a recreational vehicle or utility trailer for human habitation upon any private property for more than 72 hours, without first obtaining a permit from the City, which may not exceed 14 days in aggregate. 3. All outdoor storage of recreational vehicles and utility trailers stored in whole on areas meeting the requirements of section 121-146 (13), are permitted to be stored no closer than one (1) foot to any side, front, or rear lot line, so long as the construction of the area meets the requirements of section 121-146 (13). 4. All exterior storage on an area which does not comply with subd. 3 shall be stored no less than five (5) feet from any lot line. (c) Storage of motorized vehicles. Storage and parking of all motorized vehicles other than recreational vehicles, shall be regulated as follows: 1. Operability and restorations. All outdoor storage of motorized vehicles on any residentially zoned property within the City shall be operable. The parking or exterior storage of iunk vehicles is prohibited. 2. Exterior storage of motorized vehicles other than recreational vehicles, with a maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,000 pounds or less is allowed in all residential districts. 3. Exterior storageof motorized vehicles in excess of 10,000 pounds GVW is prohibited in all residential districts. -397- 4. All exterior storage of motorized vehicles stored in whole on areas of impervious cover are permitted to be stored no closer than one (1) foot to any side, front, or rear lot line, so long as the construction of the area meets the requirements of section 121-146 (13). Storage on an area which does not meet the requirements of section 121-146 (13) shall be considered storage on non -impervious cover. 5. All exterior storage of motorized vehicles on areas of non -impervious cover shall be stored no less than five (5) feet from any lot line. Storage of watercraft and watercraft trailers. Watercraft, unoccupied watercraft trailers, and watercraft on watercraft trailers shall be subiect to the following storage requirements: 1. Operability and restorations. All watercraft stored in the open on any residentially zoned property within the City shall be in operable condition. The storage of iunk watercraft or iunk watercraft trailers is prohibited. 2. Allowed outdoor storage locations. The exterior storage of watercraft and unoccupied watercraft trailers on residential properties is permitted as follows: i. Lakeshore lots. Watercraft and unoccupied watercraft trailers may be stored in a side yard, rear yard, front yard, and Lakeshore vard, so long as the storage meets required setbacks and have no significant impact on lake views to adjacent lakeshore properties. ii. Non -Lakeshore lots. Watercraft and unoccupied watercraft trailers may be stored in front yard, side yard, or rear yard areas, so lona as the storage meets required setbacks. 3. Required setbacks. All exterior storage of watercraft and watercraft trailers shall be subiect to the following setbacks: i_ Storage on impervious cover. All exterior storage of watercraft and watercraft trailers stored in whole on areas of impervious cover are permitted to be stored no closer than one (1) foot to any side, front, or rear lot line, so long as the construction of the area meets the requirements of section 121-146 (13). Storage on an area which does not meet the requirements of section 121-146 (13) shall be considered storage on non -impervious cover. ii. Storage on non -impervious cover. All exterior storage of watercraft and watercraft trailers on areas of non -impervious cover shall be stored no less than five (5) feet from any lot line. Lel Storage of special mobile equipment. The exterior storage of special mobile equipment on any residentially zoned property shall be prohibited; exclusive of equipment stored on a property for use in coniunction with a valid building permit issued by the City. Prohibited exterior storage. The exterior storage of any of the following is prohibited: 1. Trash and debris. i. All garbage rubbish animal carcasses animal and human waste, and other waste materials stored outside of an approved rubbish pre - collection container; ii. Accumulations of litter, glass scrap materials (such as wood, cardboard, ^metal, paper, or plastics) iunk, combustible materials stagnant water, plastic bags trash or other debris outside of an approved rubbish pre - collection container: iii. Rubble trash debris spoil and other construction wastes generated during permitted construction not removed from the property within 217 days of being generated. iv. Accumulations of discarded disused or iunk clothinq, furniture, carpet, or any other items not designed for outdoor storage. 2. Non -trash items. i_ Accumulations of discarded disused or junk wood or plastic pallets; ii. Accumulations of automotive parts or tires; iii. All construction and building materials unless such materials are being used at the time in the construction of a building, in which case, such construction must be permitted an on a continuous uninterrupted basis; iv. All discarded disused or iunk appliances or appliance parts; v. All indoor or upholstered furniture of a type or materials which is deteriorated by exposure to outdoor elements; or vi. All recycling materials except for reasonable accumulations amounts consistent with a policy of regular removal which are stored in a well- maintained manner according to Chapter 54. 3. All other non -trash items. i. Storage of items which are a type or quantity inconsistent with normal and usual use; ii. Are of a type or quantity inconsistent with the intended use of the Property; or iii. Are likely to obstruct or impede the necessary passage of fire or other emergency personnel. Lc� Exterior storage of firewood Exterior storage of firewood may be stored upon all residential properties solely for use on the premises and not offered for resale. All firewood located upon residential properties shall be stored as follows: 1. All firewood shall be cut or split prepared for use and stored in a regular, orderly arrangement that is stable and reasonably resistant to collapse. -399- 2. The height of a woodpile over three (3) feet shall be no more than twice its width, with a maximum height of six (6) feet. 3. Firewood shall be stored not less than three and one-half (3.5) inches off the around and on a well supported, non -rotting base. 4. Storage of firewood shall be permitted in side and rear yard areas only and must maintain a minimum setback of four (4) feet from any side or rear lot line, unless separated by a fence, then no closer than one (1) foot. Violation subiect to abatement. A violation of this Code shall be deemed a public nuisance subject to the notification and abatement_ procedures contained within Chapter 42. Section 3. Effective date. This ordinance becomes effective on the first day following the date of its publication, or upon the publication of a summary of the ordinance as provided by Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time, which meets the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 331A.01, subd. 10, as it may be amended from time to time. Passed by the City Council this Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk day of 12017 Mayor, Mark Wegscheid Published in the Laker the of , 2017 Effective the day of 2017. (StFikeout indicates matter to be deleted, underline indicates new matter.) X11 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION 17 - AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF AN ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound has adopted Ordinance No. - 2017 amending Chapter 129 of the Mound City Code as it relates to definitions and exterior storage; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4, allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the following summary of Ordinance -2017 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound has reviewed the following summary of the ordinance and approved its publication in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4: ° Ordinance -2017 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound. The Ordinance amends Chapter 129 of the Mound City Code as it relates to definitions and exterior storage by repealing and replacing Subsection 129-314 defining, and clarifying permitted exterior storage in residentially zoned districts A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available at City Hall and at the Mound Public Library, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk keep a copy of the entire text of the ordinance in her office at city hall for public inspection and that she post of the entire text of the ordinance at Westonka Public Library in the City. Passed by the City Council this _ day of , 2017. [requires a four-fifths vote of the council members] Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -401- Mayor, Mark Wegscheid ORDINANCE -2017 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 42 OF THE MOUND CITY CODE AS IT RELATES TO NUISANCES The City Council of the City of Mound does ordain: Section 1. Subsection 42-1, Definitions, of the Mound City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with Public nuisance prohibition as follows: (a,) Public nuisance. A person or property owner that does any of the following isuilq lty of maintaining a public nuisance: M Maintaining or permitting a condition which unreasonably annoys, injures, or endangers the safety, health, comfort, or repose of any considerable number of persons; Unlawfully interfere with, obstruct, or tend to obstruct or render dangerous for use or passage, a body of water or a public park, public right-of-way, street, highway, or other public property within this city; Depreciate the value of the property of a considerable number of the inhabitants of this city or cause a blighted and undesirable neighborhood; or Any other act or omission declared by law, this chapter, or as determined by the City Council to be a public nuisance. Prohibited conduct. No person shall create, commit, or maintain a public nuisance, or let the property to another knowing it is to be used so. Section 2. Subsection 42-2, Public nuisance—Affecting health, of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: The following are hereby declared to be public nuisance affecting health: (1) Carcasses of animals, birds, or fish not buried or destroyed within 24 hours after death. (2) The keeping of any animal over six months of age which has not been vaccinated against rabies with an approved vaccine as determined by the official Comprehendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines published by the Conference of State Public Health Veterinarians and the Center for Disease Control of the Department of Health and Human Services; (3) All public exposure of persons having a communicable disease as defined in Minn. Stat. § 144.4172 and any building, conveyance, or place where contagion, infection, filth or other source or cause of communicable disease exists; (4) Accumulations of stagnant water not within natural or constructed watercourses or ways, storm water conveyances or water treatment facilities; manure, or rubbish which are likely to become breeding places for flies, mosquitoes or vermin; (5) Depositing manure, pet feces human feces leaves grass, clippings, solvents, antifreeze, oil garbage or refuse upon adjacent private property or onto any city street, city sidewalk, er public property, storm sewer system, or water resource such as a wetland, pond, or lake; or (6) All other acts, omissions of acts, and uses of property deemed by the state board of health, the Hennepin County Human Service and Public Health Department or the health inspector to be a menace to the health of the inhabitants of this city. Section 3. Subsection 42-4, Same—Affecting peace and safety, of the Mound City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows: The following are declared to be public nuisance affecting public peace and safety: All snow and ice not removed from public sidewalks 12 hours after the snow or other precipitation causing the condition has ceased to fall; All limbs or branches of trees not in the right-of-way which are less than 15 feet above the surface of any street and all limbs or branches of trees which are less than eight (8) feet above the surface of a sidewalk, bike path, or trail; All shrubs hedges bushes or trees of any height placed within the sight triangle which obstructs the vision of persons on any street or sidewalk; (4) Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary use by the public of streets, alleys sidewalks or public grounds except under such conditions as are Permitted by this chapter or other applicable law: All wires strung less than 15 feet above the surface of the ground, radio aerials, radio towers television antennas television towers, or satellite dishes erected, or maintained in an unsafe or dangerous manner; Any use of property abutting on a public street or sidewalk or any use of a public street or sidewalk which causes large crowds of people to gather, obstructing traffic and the free uses of the streets or sidewalks; All hanging signs awnings and other similar structures over streets and sidewalks so situated so as to endanger public safety or not constructed and maintained as provided by this code; -403- The allowing of rain water, ice, or snow to fall from any building or structure or wastewater cast upon or permitted to flow upon or across any street, sidewalk, or other public property, Piling, storing, or keeping of discarded or disused machinery, equipment, household furnishings, furniture, iunk, appliances, automobile bodies, or other similar materials, in a manner conducive to the harboring of rats, mice, snakes, or vermin, or to fire, health or safety hazards from such accumulations or from the rank growth of vegetation among the items so accumulated; 10 Noxious weeds, as that term is defined in Minn. Stat. q-1 8.77, any excessive or un -controlled growth of other weeds, and un -mowed turf -grass exceeding eight (8) inches in height. Establishment and minimal maintenance of native and naturally -occurring woodland, prairie, wetland, and riparian grasses, wildflowers, and pollinator attractant areas within lots is permissible on unimproved lots in whole or on portions of improved lots, subiect to control of noxious and invasive weeds 11 All abandoned, junked or unauthorized vehicles as those terms are defined in Minn. Stat. & 1686.011, which are stored in the open on any private property, street, alley, or other public property; 12 All dead or diseased standing trees on improved lots; or those on unimproved lands which present an immediate and direct hazard to life or property; all cut wood that is diseased or found harboring any invasive species. Live trees standing with storm or disease damage or otherwise structurally unsound may be identified as a nuisance requiring assessment and treatment by a certified arborist and/or removal; 13 All accumulated piles of wood, which are not neatly stacked or stacked and secured in a stable manner to avoid collapse; 14 All dangerous, unguarded machinery, including derelict autos, derelict boats, derelict appliances, or other similar equipment, in any public place, or so situated or operated on private property so as to attract the public; 15 Jumping diving, or fishing from a channel bridge, street bridge, or railroad bridge; 16 All discarded or unused refrigerators, freezers, or other similar obiect or container sufficiently large to retain any person, exposed in the open on private Property or in such condition as to be accessible to the public, without first removing the doors lids, hinges, or latches, or providing locks to prevent the opening of the object by the public; 17 Causing to be made any fire on any public beach area, park, or other public property, except in fireplaces designated for that purpose; m 18 Any well, hole, obstruction, or excavation which is left uncovered or in such other condition as to constitute a hazard to any child or other person being or coming on the premises where it is located, except under such conditions as are specifically provided by this code; 19 Obstruction to the free flow of water in a natural waterway or public street drain, putter, or ditch with trash, rubbish, vegetation, or other materials; 20 The placing or throwing on any street, sidewalk or other public propertyof any glass tacks nails, bottles, or other substance which may iniure any person or animal, or damage any tire when passing over such substance; 21 All buildings walls, fences and other structures which have been damaged by fire, decay, or otherwise, and which are so situated as to endanger the safety of the public; 22 All structures or portions of a structure, located in a residential zoning district, if the exterior is not completed in accordance with the city -approved construction plans within 180 days after the date that the city building permit was issued; 23 Property that has been disturbed by construction grading, or other activity and is not seeded sodded or otherwise planted with ground cover within 240 days after the date the city building permit was issued unless the 240 days expires between November 1 and May 15 in which case the ground cover must be established by the following July 15; Construction materials, including piles of dirt, sand, sod, and other debris that is not placed in an adequate waste container, permitted to blow around or off the premises or left in the open on property more than 21 -days after being generated unless such materials are being used at the time in the construction of a building, in which case, such materials must be removed within 60 days following the completion of construction or a certificate of occupancy has been issued whichever comes first: or 25 Private functions or special events that exceed normal levels of city public. services overwhelm city resources, are outside the realm of municipal permits, exceed the provisions set forth in issued or existing permits, or require special service from city departments and/or mutual -aid agreements. Section 4. Subsection 42-5, Duties of city officers, of the Mound City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows: (a) Enforcement authority. The Police and Community Development Departments shall enforce the provisions relating to nuisances. m Right of entry. If it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the code or if the Department staff has reasonable cause to believe that there exists upon a property a condition contrary to or in violation of the code, the Department staff may enter the property at reasonable times to inspect or to perform the duties imposed by the code, provided that if the property is occupied, credentials must be presented to the occupant and entry requested. If the property is unoccupied, the Department staff shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the property and request entry. If entry is refused or the nuisance condition creates an emergency situation of imminent danger to human life or safety, the Department staff shall have recourse to the remedies provided by law to secure entry. Lc) Order to cease. In the event that Department staff observes a person creating a nuisance, the staff may, after presenting proper identification, order that the person cease creating or maintaining a nuisance. Section 5. Subsection 42-6, Abatement, of the Mound City Code is hereby amended as follows: (a) Authority to abate. A person in violation of sections 42-2 and 42-4 shall be deemed to have created a public health hazard, or public nuisance affecting peace and safety in the city, which is subject to abatement by city staff members. All abatement costs incurred including administrative, legal, and engineering fees shall be charged against the property as a special assessment to be assessed and collected in the manner provided in .Minn. Stat. § 429.101 as may be amended from time to time or in any alternative manner provided elsewhere in Minnesota Statutes. 1. Abatement may include, but shall not be limited to removal, cleaning, extermination, cutting, mowing, grading, covering or filling dangerous unfinished or abandoned excavations, sewer repairs, draining, securing, boarding unoccupied structures, barricading or fencing, removing dangerous portions of structures and demolition of dangerous structures or abandoned buildings. 2. Abatement costs shall include but not limited to the cost of the abatement, the cost of investigation, such as title searches, inspection, and testing, the cost of notification, filing costs, and administrative costs. (b) �i• service of an order or notice is required, any one or more of the following methods of service shall be adequate: By mail to the property owner, property tenant, or responsible party as identified through property tax records, unless it is a written order which gives three (3) days or less for the completion of any act it requires; (22) By posting on the property, if the written order or notice gives three (3) days or less for the completion of any act it requires; or If the appropriate party or address cannot be determined after reasonable effort or it is a written order which gives three (3) days or less for the completion of any act it requires, by posting a copy of the order or notice in a conspicuous place on the property. If a mailed order or notice is returned by the United States Postal Service, a good faith effort shall be made to determine the correct address unless the order or notice orders abatement and that abatement has been completed. rrs , Section 6. Subsection 42-7, No election of remedies, of the Mound City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with Abatement procedures, as follows: 1. Standard abatement Except for the abatement of noxious weeds aoverned by section 42-4 subdivision 10 and except as otherwise provided under subdivisions 2 3 and 4 below, the following abatement procedures applies to all public nuisances. Whenever the officer who is charged with enforcement determines that a public nuisance is being maintained or exists on a property, the officer must give written notification to the Property owner, occupant, or other responsible party of that fact and order that the nuisance be terminated and abated. Notice must be served in the manner provided in section 42-6 (b) of this chapter. The written order or notice shall contain the following: La) The location or description of the real estate sufficient for identification of the location of the public nuisance; The nature of the public nuisance, with reference to the appropriate code provision; ,(c) The steps to be taken to abate the nuisance and an abatement deadline, of ten (10) calendar days within which the nuisance is to be corrected; (d) That if the owner, occupant, or other responsible party does not comply with the notice or order within the time specified, the City may provide for abating the nuisance; (e) That the owner, occupant, or other responsible party has the right to appeal the designation of a public nuisance before the City Council, by submitting a request in writing to the City Clerk, within seven (7) calendar days after service of the notice or order; and mi: That the City may assess its abatement costs against the property in accordance with this section. If no timely appeal is submitted and the nuisance is not corrected within the deadline given, the enforcement officer may proceed to abate the nuisance. If a timely appeal is submitted, the matter must be scheduled for a hearing before the City Council. A notice of the hearing must state the date, time, and location of the City Council hearing must be served in the same manner as the violation notice, and must be given at least ten (10) days before the hearing. After holding the hearing the City Council may issue an order requiring abatement of the nuisance. 2. Summary abatement. The enforcing officer may provide for abating a public nuisance regardless of cost, without following the standard abatement procedures required in paragraph 1 above when: (a) There is an immediate threat to the public health or safety; There is an immediate threat of serious property damage; or (c) A_public nuisance has been caused by private parties on public property. Following a summary abatement, as soon as the costs incurred are known, the enforcement officer shall serve written notice upon the property owner, occupant, or responsible party. The notice shall contain: (a) A description of the nuisance; The action taken by the City; (c) The reasons for summary abatement; The costs incurred in abating the nuisance; and (e) A statement that the property owner, occupant, or responsible party may request, by writing to the City Clerk within two (2) business days of the date of the notice, a hearing at which the City Council shall review the actions taken by the enforcement officer. 3. Ma ior abatement. When the enforcement officer determines that the cost of abating a nuisance will exceed $5,000 based on a reasonable, good faith estimate, the standard abatement procedure provided in paragraph 1 is altered in the following manner: a) The abatement notice or order must provide that if the party does not abate the nuisance within ten (10) calendar days, the matter will be referred to the City Council for review and possible action; The abatement notice or order must specify the date, time, and location of the City Council review; and m. Ic,) The abatement notice or order shall be sent by First Class U.S. Mail to the property owner, occupant, or responsible party, as identified through property tax records. 4. Noxious weeds abatement. For a noxious weed violation under section 42-4 (10) the standard abatement procedure provided in paragraph 1 is altered in the following manner: (aa,) The abatement notice or order shall remain in effect for the remainder of the calendar year; and ,(b) No further notice or order shall be required for abating a recurrence of the same condition. 5. Cost recovery. The owner of property on which a nuisance has been abated by the City or a person who has caused a public nuisance on property not owned by that person is personally liable to the City for the cost of the abatement including administrative costs. Unpaid charges constitute a special assessment against the property where the abatement occurred on and after the date they were incurred. As soon as the work has been completed and the cost determined, an appropriate official will prepare a bill for the cost and mail it by First Class U.S. Mail to the property owner or other responsible party. The amount shall be immediately due and payable to the City Clerk. 6. Assessment. If the cost, or any portion of it, has not been paid under subdivision 5 within 30 days after the date of the bill, the City Council may certify the unpaid cost against the property to which the cost is attributable as a special assessment, as provided in Minn. Stats. §429.101. Before certification against the property, reasonable notice of the impending certification and an opportunity to be heard by the City Council must be given to the taxpayer of record. Failure of the taxpayer to receive the notice shall not invalidate the certification. The City Council may certify unpaid costs to the county auditor for collection alonq with current taxes in the following year or in annual installments not exceeding five (5), with interest as determined by the City Council in each case. -410- Section 7. Effective date. This ordinance becomes effective on the first day following the date of its publication, or upon the publication of a summary of the ordinance as provided by Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time, which meets the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 331A.01, subd. 10, as it may be amended from time to time. Passed by the City Council this day of , 2017 Mayor Mark Wegscheid Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Published in the Laker the of 2017. Effective the day of , 2017. (Strikeou indicates matter to be deleted, underline indicates new matter.) -411- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION 17 - AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF AN ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound has adopted Ordinance No. 2017 amending Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code as it relates to nuisances; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4, allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the following summary of Ordinance -2017 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound has reviewed the following summary of the ordinance and approved its publication in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subdivision 4: Ordinance -2017 has been approved by the City Council of the City of Mound. The Ordinance amends Chapter 42 of the Mound City Code as it relates to nuisances by clarifying public nuisances affecting health, peace, and safety, and recovery of costs associated with abatement. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available at City Hall and at the Mound Public Library. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk keep a copy of the entire text of the ordinance in her office at city hall for public inspection and that she post of the entire text of the ordinance at Westonka Public Library in the City. Passed by the City Council this day of 2017. [requires a four-fifths vote of the council members] Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk -412- Mayor, Mark Wegscheid City of Mound BMI Engineering Hours YTD as of 12/31/16 Project I Hours $ Billed I Fund I Fund/Funding Source Mound/Wolner Field Parking Lot Analysis 10.00 1,435.50 Escrows Escrow Accounts- Billed to property owners Mound/MCES L39/Interceptor Sewer Project 160.50 21,964.50 Escrows Escrow Accounts - Billed to MCES Mound/Development Reviews 29.50 3,710.00 Escrows Escrow Accounts - Billed to property owners Mound/2014 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall 200.00 27,110.00 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/General Engineering (1/3) 94.17 7,234.33 101 General Fund/Taxes (1/3) Mound/Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 42.25 4,256.88 101 Streets/Taxes (1/4) Mound/GIS Updates (1/4) 59.75 4,921.88 101 Streets/Taxes (1/4) 196.17 16,413.08 Mound/2014 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall 263.50 28,800.00 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/Grandview Boulevard Street 543.50 57,879.50 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/2016 Street Project- Bartlett Blvd 2,808.00 286,984.45 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/2016 Street Project- 1,211.00 133,068.10 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/2017 Improvements 277.50 33,067.00 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/2017 Improvements 349.00 39,927.50 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/2017 Improvements Tuxedo Blvd III 154.00 18,402.00 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/Tuxedo Boulevard Street 2,274.00 242,347.55 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding Mound/Tuxedo Boulevard, Phase II 1,947.00 205,641.00 401 Capital Projects Fund/Bonding 9,827.50 1,046,117.10 Mound/MSA System Update 33.00 4,858.00 402 Municipal State Aid for Streets (MSA Funds) Mound/2016 Crack Seal Coat Project 67.00 9,291.50 427 MSA Funds/General Funds 100.00 14,149.50 Mound/General Engineering (1/3) 94.17 7,234.33 601 Water Fees (1/3) Mound/Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 42.25 4,256.88 601 Water Fees (1/4) ?Mound/Watermain Loop, Avon Pk -Tyrone 308.50 37,874.10 601 Water Fees Mound/Wellhead Protection Plan 12.50 1,925.00 601 Water Fees Mound/Water System Modeling 0.50 77.00 601 Water Fees Mound/2015 Bartlett Boulevard Watermain 7.50 1,110.50 601 Water Fees Mound/Bartlett Boulevard Watermain Repl. 15.00 1,613.00 601 Water Fees Mound/Wilshire Blvd Trunk Watermain 103.50 16,178.80 601 Water Fees Mound/GIS Updates (1/4) 59.75 4,921.88 601 Water Fees (1/4) 643.67 75,191.48 Mound/General Engineering (1/3) 94.17 7,234.33 602 Sewer Fees (1/3) Mound/2014/2015 Sanitary Sewer 129.50 14,498.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound/Sewer Discharge/I&I/Private Lat 63.00 7,617.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound/2015 Lift Station Improvements 60.00 6,584.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound/2016 Lift Station Improvements 412.00 55,337.25 602 Sewer Fees Mound/2017 Lift Station Improvements 76.50 8,936.50 602 Sewer Fees Mound/2016 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 16.50 1,848.50 602 Sewer Fees Mound/Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 42.25 4,256.88 602 Sewer Fees (1/4) Mound/2017 Manhole Rehabilitation 7.00 634.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound/MCES Dakota Rail Trail Interceptor 2.50 344.00 602 Sewer Fees Mound/GIS Updates (1/4) 59.75 4,921.88 602 Sewer Fees (1/4) 963.17 112,212.33 Mound/WCA Administration 11.50 1,193.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound/SWPPP Update 34.00 4,367.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound/Update Street & Utility Maps (1/4) 42.25 4,256.88 675 Storm Water Fees (1/4) Mound/GIS Updates (1/4) 59.75 4,921.88 675 Storm Water Fees (1/4) Mound/Surface Water Management 33.00 4,455.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound/2014 Storm Drainage Improvements 1.00 129.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound/2015 Storm Drainage Improvements 0.50 49.00 675 Storm Water Fees Mound/2016 Storm Drainage Improvements 60.50 242.50 7,074.^^ 575 26,445.;413 - Storm Water Fees YTD Total 12,173.00 1,317,639.25 Eric Hoversten From: Swanson, Michelle M[michelle.m.swanson@xcelenergy.com] Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:27 PM To: Eric Hoversten Subject: LED streetlighting conversion Attachments: MN LED SL IS Sept 2016 (2).pdf, Mound worksheet.xlsx Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Eric: Your city is expected to have the Xcel Energy owned cobra streetlights converted in March, 2017. As we get closer, I will be able to confirm the actual starting date. Please see the attached flyer on LED street lighting and a worksheet summarizing the savings associated with the conversion. Let me know if you have any questions. Michelle Swanson Xcel Energy ( Responsible By Nature Manager, Community Relations & Economic Development 5309 West 70th Street, Edina, MN 55439 P:952-380-2604* F:612-573-1724 E: michelle.m.swanson(o)_xcelenergy.com * Please note new phone number Please consider the environment before printing this email. -414- informations Sheet Minnesota LED streetlights are durable, long-lasting and cost effective and can lead to enhanced public safety while delivering environmental advantages because they use less energy while delivering enhanced visible light. After completing pilot programs and a technical analysis of current products that meet our engineering requirements, we found mainstream LED streetlights to be of utility -grade quality and on par with the reliability standards we must maintain. Q. Will residents notice a difference compared to the existing lights? A. Yes. 0►d residential streetlight technology such as high pressure sodium has less efficient light pattern that causes glare and light trespass. New residential LED street lighting technology has a more efficient lighting pattern that reduces glare and focuses the light directly on the area to be lit (typically corners and mid -block locations). LEDs have better, broad spectrum lighting than traditional high pressure sodium cobra head -style streetlights which spill excessive yellowish -orange light away from the street and into neighboring yards and windows. Because existing poles are not being moved, any unlit areas between poles (corners and mid -block locations) are unchanged. However, due to the uniformity of the light from LEDs, the difference between lit and unlit areas is accentuated. All of our LED lighting is also "Dark Sky" compliant for backlight, uplight and glare. Dark sky is a designation given to outdoor lighting fixtures that meet the International Dark Sky Association's requirements for reducing the waste of ambient light. XcelEnerg Before After Before After -415- tib Stre , ettig I hltj'n'g Information Sfieet `: Minnesota Q. What is the purpose of residential street lighting? A. Residential street lighting is different than downtown or highway street lighting in that it's meant to provide sufficient guidance for pedestrians and vehicle traffic along residential streets by illuminating corners and mid -block locations. In a downtown area, lighting uniformity plays an important role due to the high volume of pedestrian and vehicle traffic and to enhance the visibility of buildings and storefronts. In highway lighting, particularly near interchanges, exits or roundabouts, lighting uniformity is also important. Q. Are the new lights as bright as the old lights? A. Yes. The light output (lumens) of the new LEDs is equivalent to that of the old HIPS lights. Q. How will the program work? A. Our crews and contractors will install LED replacements for Xcel Energy -owned HIPS cobrahead lights on the existing streetlight rate at the 100W,150W, 25OW and 400W equivalent levels. Xcel Energy will pay all costs associated with the retrofits, including removal and salvage of old lights and installation of the new LED fixtures. There are no costs to communities for this replacement. We will also offer LEDs for new construction projects in the same sizes. Q. How will the new LED rate compare to current rates? A. Municipal customers could save four to seven percent on their average monthly streetlight bill. Q. What services does the LED Street Lighting rate include? A. Our LED Street Lighting rate is a simple modification of the current streetlight rate structure with which customers are familiar. Q. Will there be an up -front charge? A. No. We will be able to implement this program with no up -front charge to customers. Q. When will the work take place? A. The installation of LED streetlights began in Minnesota September 2016 and will continue for 2 1/2 years. For further information we also encourage you to visit xcelenergy,com/LEDStreetLighting. El�el`g'y® I -416- RESPONSIBLE U R O xcelenergy.com I © 2016 Xcel Energy Inc. I Xcel Energy is a registered trademark RESPONSIBLE B Y NATURE of Xcel Energy Inc. 116-09-501