September 10, 1986
SEPTEMBER 10, 1986
The City Council of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in
special session on Wednesday, September 10, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. in
the Council Chambers at 53'+1 Maywood Road, in said City, to
discuss the Continental Telephone issue.
Those present w ere: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Phyllis
Jensen, Gary Paulsen, Russ Peterson and Steve Smith. Also
present were: City Manager, Edward J. Shukle, Jr., City Clerk
Fran Clark, City Attorneys Curt Pearson and Jim Larson, City Rate
Analyst Deriek Dahlen and the following interested citizens:
John Wilsey, Skip Johnson, Dick Schwert, Jerry Longpre, John
Thorsen, Fred Wolf, Lee Greenslit, Liz Jensen, Jerry Smith, Bob
Bittle, Aaron Applequist, Contel Representatives: Gary Haugen,
Milt Seaman, Harlan Brue, Marty Weinstein, Cheryl Grand.
The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in
attendance. ._.
The City Attorney reported that since the Council's last meeting,
Mr. Dahlen met with Contel and received the answers to his
questions. Mr. Dahlen~s findings and projections were then
passed out to the Council and the public.
The Mayor stated that the scope of Mr. Dahlen~s study was
basically to find out if it would be financially feasible for the
City to operate a telephone company.
Mr. Dahlen then reported that his projections for the reduction
in debt service would be either close or a loss. There would be
a minimal reduction in current rates, up to $3.43 per month.
The Mayor opened the. public hearing.
The following people had statements or questions for the Council:
John Wilsey, Skip Johnson, Dick Schwert, John Thorsen, Fred Wolf,
Lee Greenslit, Jerry Longpre, Liz Jensen, Jerry Smith, Bob
Bittle, Aaron Applequist.
The Mayor closed the public hearing.
MOTION made by Polston, seconded by Jensen that the City not
proceed with an election regarding a condemnation of the
Continental Telephone System at the General Election in
November. Further moving that this Council recommends to
future Councils of this City that they review with great
dilegence any further increase in telephone rates in the
City.. This Council stongly believes that the telephone rates
in Mound are extremely high in relation to rates charged by
September 10, 1986
Northwestern Bell in adjoining communities. The vote was
unanimously in Favor. Motion carried.
MOTION made by Paulsen, seconded by Jessen to adjourn at 9:20
P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried.
"l Annti ~Q ~~
Fran Clark, CMC, City Clerk