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1987-06-15June 15, 1987
June 15, 1987
The meeting was called to .order at 7:50 P.M. by Mayor Smith. Members
present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Don Abel, Liz Jensen,
Phyllis Jessen and Skip Johnson. Also present: City Manager Ed Shukle.
Mayor Smith asked the Council, prior to discussion of the budget resolution,
what their thoughts were on the City hiring a private assessor. He wanted
to know which way the Council was leaning on this issue. Councilmembers
Jensen, Johnson and Jessen indicated that they were against hiring a
private assessor. Councilmember Abel indicated that he thinks it is worth
further study.
Discussion was then held on setting some guidelines for the City Manager in
his development of the 1.988 Budget. Consensus was to .have the Mayor draft
a resolution indicating the Council's intent on what those guidelines
should be for the General Fund. The scenarios are: 1) a low budget
-. figure of $1,980,000; 2) a medium budget figure of $2,129,000; 3) the
City Manager's recommended Budget. The Council will review this resolution
at the June 23rd meeting. Consensus was that these figures were not
"etched in stone".
The Mayor indicated that the Drug Task Force he appointed earlier this year
will be coming forth in the next couple of weeks to make a presentation
at a City Council Meeting, verbally as well as providing a written report
on recommendations. These recommendations may require additional expen-
ditures by the City.
It was then moved by Abel, seconded by Jensen and carried unanimously to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
R tfully ubm'tted,
Ed Shukle
City Manager
ES: fc