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CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota. AGENDA CM 79-250 CM 79-246 CM 79-256 CM 79-252 CM 79-253 CM 79-255 CM 79-247 CM 79-254 CM 79-248 CM 79-249 Mound City Council July 17, 1979 City Hall 7:30 P.M. 1. Public Hegring Continued - Inverness Lane Pg. 2001 2. Planning Commission Minutes Pg. 1963-2000 3. A1 & Alma's Parking Lot Pg. 1961-1962 4. Street Construction A. Cambridge Lane Pg. 1959-1960 B. Other 5. Assessment Policies ~ ~ ~ A. Council Memorandum 79-255 Pg. 1952-1958 B. Watermain on Dorchester Pg. 1948-1951 / 6. Lot 20 & Part of Lot 19, Aud. Subd. 170 (Beachside Dev.) Pg. 1947 7. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 8. Counseling A. Westonka Counseling for Older Adults Pg. 1942-1956 B. Metropolitan Clinic of Counseling Pg. 1941 9. Reforestation Advisory Committee Pg. 1940 10. Tax Forfeit Land-Lots 16,17,18 & ½ 19, Block 8, Wychwood Pg. 1939 11. Payment of Bills 12. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 1907-1938 13. Committee Reports CM 79-257 SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, July 18th City Hall 7:00 P.M. Bond Bids - 1979 G. O. Improvement Bonds Pg. 2002-2011 page 2012 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 16, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-258 SUBJECT: Preliminary Report - Cumberland Road The preliminary report on the improvement of Cumberland Road is attached. CITY O~~ NOUND Nound, Einnesota July 16, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUMNO. 79-259 SUBJECT: Street Construction Attached are two letters from the Engineer regarding street construction. 1. Retaining %~lls - 1978 Project 2. Bedford Lane These items will be on the July l?th agenda. - LeOnard L. Kopp McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ LAND SURVEYORS [] SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Mi~esota 55441 (612i Mr, Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1978 Streets Retaining Walls Dear Mr. Kopp: The City Council has asked for a cost on retaining walls which have been requested on the 1978 Street Project. The costs are as follows: 4775 Kildare 4701 Wilshire ob~2601 Wilshire 710 & 2740 Grove 225 S.F. 550 S.F. 4,0~5.00 9_,920.00~ · Very truly~,~' McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. G. Swanson, P.E. LGS:sj #3880 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls McCOMBS,KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~1 LAND SURVEYORS ~1 SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 July 13, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1979 Street Construction Roberta Flatten Easement Dear Mr. Kopp: I have talked with Tom Casey, the attorney for Roberta Flatten regarding her easement on Bedford Road. Mr. Casey says she will sign the easement giving us the temporary easement and the permanent easement for the radius on Bedford and Cambridge, if the street is narrowed to 24 feet back to back of curb (22 feet. driving surface). The curb line would be five feet from the property line on her side of the street. Mrs. Flatten feels a large Maple tree can be saved if this is done. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sj #4536 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls CITY OF WATERTOWN' ANGEL AND WHITE WATERTOWN MINNESOTA 55388 TELEPHONE: (612) 955-2681 July 13, 1979 Mayor Tim Lovaasen City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor Lovaasen: Our City Council of the City of Watertown discussed your letter of June 12, 1979 regarding fighting Continental TelephonEs proposed rate increase. They are in sympathy withyour idea and would meet and discuss the problems and costs of such action. We will await your call or letter setting forth a possible meeting. Thank you for taking the initiative in this matter. Sincerely, Marilyn Paschka Clerk-Treasurer MItP: las CURTIS A. PEARSON J DENNIS O'BRtEN DAVID ,J. KENNEDY GLENN E. PURDUE CHARLES L. LEFEVEI~E HERBERT P, LEFLER JAMES P. O'MEARA LAW OFFICES LEFEVERE, LEFLER, I~EARSON, O'BRIEN & DRAWZ I100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINIqEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 July 13, 1979 Mr. Len Kopp, City Manager City of ~ound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Len: I am enclosing copy of materials received, from the Special Assistant Attorney General on behalf of the participating department staff of the Department of Public Service. They are intervening, have assigned case personnel, etc. Please note the dead line for intervention is August 24. Per your instructions, I am holding Wednesday, July 18, open regard, ing the pre-hearing conference in St. Paul. I hope you can ad. vise me as to what you want me to do prior to that date. Very truly yo~(~, / (b~rtis A. Pearson CAP: ih Enclosure WARREN SPANNAUS ATTORNEY GENERAL ~TATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAb ST. PAUL 55155 July 10, 1979 TELEPHONE (612) 296 -4196 George Deretich Office of Hearing Examiners 1745 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: In the Matter of the Petition by Con~tai Tet~e ComF~ny of ~/~,~uesota, 15~., St. Paul, Minnesota, for Authority to Change its Schedule of Telephone Rates for Customers Within the State of Minnesota. MPSC Docket No. P-407/GR-79-500 Dear Mr. Deretich: Enclc~ed please find Notice of Appearance, Petition for Leave to Intervene and Prehearing Statement of the Participating Department Staff of the Minnesota Department of Public Service. Respe ct f ul~fs~F~{t t ed, Special Assistant Attorney General 720 Am-erican Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-~030 LS/sw Enclosures Counsel for the Participating Department Staff of the Department o.f Public Service cc: Interested Parties AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER o :>. o J o~£1 BEFORE ~ MINNESOTA OFFICE OF HEARING EXAMINERS 1745 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 FOR TIIE r~NMESOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Seventh Floor, American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard . St. Paul, ,Minnesota 55101 In the Matter of the Petition by Coa~e~tal Tel~ Comp,ay of r.~n~esotm, lr~., St. Pa~, Minn~ota, for Autho~ty to Ch~ge its Sched~e of T~ephone Rates for Customers Wit~n the State of Minnesota. MPSC Docket No. P-407/GR-79-500 H.E. Docket No. NOTICE O1~ APPEARANCE Date of Hearing: ~ July 18, 1979 (Prehearing Conference) Name and Telephone Number of Hearing Examiner: George Deretich (612) 296-8116 TO THE HEARING EXAMINER: You are advised that the party named below will appear at the above hearing. NAME OF PARTY: Participating Department Staff of the Department of Public Service ADDRESS: 7th Floor, American Center Bldg., 160_ E. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (612) 296-7606 (Rolland Eck) PARTY'S ATTORNEY OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE: . Larry Salustro OFFICE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (612) 296-6030 SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY: DATE: ...JULY 10, 1979 720 American Center Bldg., 150 East Kellogg Blvd., S.t. Paul, MN 55101 BEFORE THE MINNE~K)TA-OFFICE OF HEARING EXAMINEI~ 1745 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISP. ION Seventh Floor, American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 In the Matter of the Petition by C.e~tinental Tel~ Coml~ny of r~trm~ ~ St. Paul, Minnesota, for Authority to Change its Schedule of Telephone Rates for Custom ers Within the State of Minnesota. MPSC DOCKET NO. P 407/GR-79-500 H.E. DOCKET NO. PET1T~ON FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE The Staff of the Minnesota Department of Public Service hereby petitions for leave to intervene in the above-captioned matter pursuant to 9 M.C.A.R. $ 2.210 of the Office of Hearing F~xa miners. 9 M.C.A.R. § 2.210D (1978) provides as follows: D. _Agency ~n a Neutral Capacity. Where the agency participates in the hearing in a neutral or quasi-judicial capacity, the agency staff, or a portion of the agency staff, may petition to intervene t~nder the rule. The Minnesota Department of Public Service is one of the departments of State government. Minn. Stat. § 15.01 (1976). One of the two branches of the Department is the Public Service Commission. Minn. Stat. ~ 216A. 01 (1976). The Public Service Commission has jurisdiction in the above-entitled matter to conduct a contested case hearing for the purpose of determining whether the rates filed by Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. are just and reasonable and should be approved by the Commission. Minn. Stat. § 237.075 (1978). The Staff of the Department of Public Service requests leave to intervene for the purpose of investigating and presenting testimony concerning whether the rates filed by the Company are just and reasonable and on any other matter relevant thereto. Since the Commission is functioning in a neutral capacity, the Staff is entitled to intervene under the above quoted rule as a party with all rights of a party. The Director of the Department has desigmated those persons who will participate as the Department Staff in this matter. See attached memorandum from Eugene Avery. WHEREFORE, the Staff of the Minnesota Department of Public Service by its undersigmed counsel respectfully requests that an order be entered granting it leave to intervene in Dated:this proceeding as a party with all rights of a party.july 10, 1979 I, ARi~Y SA~USTRO Special AsSistant Attorney General 720 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St; Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-6030 Counsel for the Staff of the Department of Public Service · .~,DMIN 1000 (Rev. 1/78) DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF plll~!.lrf'1. ~ERVICE STATE OF MINNESOTA O[fice Memorandum TO : ROBERT W. CARLSON DATE: July 10, 1979 Director, Utilities Division FROM : SUBJECT: EUGENE AVERY Director, Minnesota Department of Public Service PHONE: 296-6025 CONTINENTAl, TELEPHONE COMPANY OF }~IINNESOTA, INC. MPSC Docket No. P-407/GR-79-500 As Director of the Department of Public Service and its Administrative Division, I am designating the following persons as the Department Staff for the purpose of intervening as a party in the above-entitled proceeding: Case Manager Rolland Eck Financial Analyst Jam es Orput Rate Analysts Ronald Simmons Mark Oberlander Please advise me if additional persons including consultants are needed to assist in this case and I will designate them at a later date. I direct these staff persons not to discuss any disputed issues in this case with the Commissioners or with any persons advising the Commission during the entire pendency of this rate filing, except upon notice to the Company and to any intervenors. EA/sw BEFORE Tt~ MINNESOTA-OFFICE OF HEARING EXAMINERS 1745 University Avenue st. Paul, Minnesota 55104 FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Seventh Floor, American Center Building 160 East KelLogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 In the Matter. of the Petition by. of r~m~m, ~ St. Pa~, Minnesota,' for Authority to Change its Sched~e of Telephone Rates for Custom ers Wit~n the 'State of Mi~esota. MPSC Docket No. P-407/GR-79-500 H.E. Docket- No. PRF. HI{/k~G STA~NT For the purpose of promoting an e.xpeditious and useful prehearing conference on July 18, 1979, in the above-entitled matter and pursuant to 9 M.C.A.R. ~ 2.213, the Administrative Division of the Department of Public Service ("Staff") hereby makes the following Prehearing Statement. L PETITIONS TO INTERVENE The Administrative Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Service has petitioned to intervene as a party pursuant to 9 M.C.A.R. /~ 2.210. The Staff will be represented in this ease by Larry Salustro, Special Assistant Attorney General. For the purpose of t,his proceeding, the Administrative Division has authorized the following employees to submit information requests and examine the books and records of the Company: Rolland Eck, James Orput, Ronald Simmons and Mark Oberlande~. If further persons are authorized at a later date by the Administrative Division, the Company will be notified. II_ HEARING SCH~DULF. The following schedule for prefiling testimony and conducting hearings is suggested:. 1. Case filed May 11, 1979 2. Prehearing Conference July 18, 1979 3. Deadline for Intervention st 24, 1979 _ 4. Cross Examination of Company September 17-21, 1979 5. Filing of Intervenor Testimony October 12, 1979 6. Cross Examination of Intervenors November 5-9, 1979 7. Company Rebuttal Testimony November 14, 1979 8. Cross of Rebuttal Testimony December 3-7, 1979 *9. Initial Brief January Il, 1980 *10. Reply Brief January 22, 1980 *1l. Hearing Examiners Report February 22, 1980 '12. Exceptions end Reply to Report March 21, 1980 13. Final Commission Order May 10, 1980 * 'Ihese dates are shown to put the hearing schedule into perspective. Staff recommends that the briefing schedule not be established until the final day of hearing. Additional dates should be scheduled for receiving the testimony Of public witnesses. Staff recommends the public hearings be after intervenor testimony is filed. 1. F. iling of Documents. All documents including pre-filed testimony but excluding information requests and responses must be fil,ed as follows: (a). 16 copies of each document must be filed with the Commission 'Secretary for distribution among Commissioners and Commission Support Staff. The copies may be delivered or mailed to: STEPHEN A. FINN Acting Secretary Minnesota Public Service Commission Seventh Floor, American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (b). Prior to the issuance of the Report of the Hearing Examiner, the original document must be filed with .the Office of Hearing Kxaminers. The document may be delivered or mailed to: GEORGE DERETICH Hearing Examiner Office of Hearing Examiners 1745 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 (c). One copy must be served personally or by mail on the attorney for each party of record, or if there is no attorney, upon the party. (d). Prior to the issuance of the Report of the Hearing Examiner, the effective date of each filing is the date the document is received by the Office of Hearing Examiners. Following the Report of the Hearing Examiner, no filing with the Office of Hearing Examiners is required, and the effective date of filing is the date the document is mailed to the Acting Secretary of the Minnesota Public Service Commission. (e). Proof of service must accompany each filed document. 2. Discovery Activities. Ail requests for information must be made in writing to the party from whom the information is sought, and copies of each request must be sent to all parties. The party responding to the information request must provide the information requested to the requesting party within ten (10) days. The information need not be supplied to other parties except upon their specific request. If the information cannot be supplied within ten (~0) days, the responding party will notify the requesting party as soon as possible and within five (5) days of the date of the request. The parties will then attempt to agTee upon a schedule for the supplying of the information. All disputes concerning the reasonableness of discovery requests and the timing and sufficiency of responses will be resolved by the Hearing Examiner upon the motion of any of the parties involved. ~], Ort]g/r of '~4{~I~T~O~, Cross-examination of the Company will be conducted first by Staff, followed by other intervenors. Testimony by intervenors will be offered first by Staff, and then by other intervenors. Cross-examination of Staff and other intervenors wil! be conducted first by the Company, second by Staff, if applicable, and then by other intervenors. .×em nat on W tne se . Parties will examine and cross-examine witnesses through their attorneys, if they are represented by counsel. Any party not represented by counsel may examine and cross-examine each witness through any one representative chosen by that party. 5. Public Hearings. At the public (i.e. "non-evidentiary") hearing, s, the public will be permitted to ask questions of the Company as well as to make Sworn statements, and the Company wil! be expected to respond to the questions asked. Because the responses are not subject to cross- examination and will be aimed at assisling the public rather than technical exactness, the Company responses will not be used by the parties as substantive evidence. Sworn statements made by tnembers of the public will be considered substantive evidence where appropriate. 6. Questions of Commission. The Commission support staff and counsel, and the Commissioners themselves, may question any witness concerning matters which are relevant to the Company's petition to change its rate schedules. However, if the Commissioners, their support staff or counsel- intend to inquire into matters which have not been raised as issues by any of the parties, they must give advance Written notice prior to the inquiry to all parties and the Examiner. The notice shall state the areas of inquiry and shall be made a reasonable time prior to the inquiry. Dated: July 10, 1979 L~RRY S ..... Special A sAsi/ssUagnTtRO Attorney General 720 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 296-603(! Counsel for the Participating Department Staff of the Department of Publci Service -3- 2. 3. 4. 5. AGENDA Minnehaha'Creek Watershed District July 19, 1979 Wayzata City Hall 7:30 p.m. Call to order; present, absent, staff. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting, 6/28/79. Approval or amendment of July 19, 1979 agenda. Election of officer. Hearing of permit applications: ae 77-94. James Refrigeration - After-the-Fact consideration of a fill area located at County Rd. 110 and Three Points Road- Mound. Be 79-76. P. Vogt - Riprap placement at 719 Minnetonka Highland Lane - Orono. Ce 79-77. J. Krominga - Lake setback variance, Zumbra Ridge - Victoria. De 79-78. S. Wasie - Riprap placement at .498 S. Ferndale Road - Wayzata. Ee 79-79. J. Hagen - Riprap placement at 684 Tonkawa Road- Orono. 79-80. R. Smith - Riprap placement at 3555 Co. Rd. 44 - Minnetrista. Fe 79-81. A. Zucco - Lake setback variance at 4485 Enchanted Point - Shorewood. Ge 79-82. D. Dunlop - Dredging at 1595 Bohn's Point Road - Orono. 79-83. Northgate Partnership - Grading/drainage plan for a 7-lot subdivision located west of Ferndale Road and north of the Luce Line Trail - Orono. 79-84. A. Holzer - Alteration of existing drainage - 2677 Casco Point- Orono. 10. 11. Correspondence. Hearing of requests for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. Reports of Treasurer, Engineer and Attorney. A. Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell. B. Engineer's Report - Mr. Holmquist. (1) Private vehicular bridge at 11907 Cedar Lake Road. (2) Waterways Maintenance and Repair Fund/1979. (3) A request by the Village of Tonka Bay for financial aid from the Waterways Maintenance and Repair Fund to riprap Manitou Channel. (4) The EPA's decision to defer consideration of the petition to designate the Twin Cities metropolitan area as having an "aquifer system which is a sole or principal source of drinking Water." (5) Cooperative Agreement Projects. C. Attorney's Report - Mr. Macomber. (1) Receipt of executed county agreement and easement/Dam and Control Structure. Old Business. A. Upper Watershed Storage and Retention Project. B. District regulation revision. New Business. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT June 28, 1979 The regular meeting was called to order on June 28, 1979 by Chairman Cochran at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Thomas. Managers present: Cochran, Lehman, Russell and Manager absent: Gudmundson. Also present were board advisors Holmquist, Fretheim and Macomber. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 31, 1979 were reviewed. Following discussion it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the minutes be approved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. The minutes of the special meeting of June 14, 1979 were reviewed. Following discussion it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the minutes be approved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. Approval of Permit Applications. A written memorandum from the engineer dated June 21, 1979 and supplemented June 28, 1979 summarizing the nature of the following applications indicating that the applications comply with the applicable standards of the district and recommending approval on the terms and conditions as set forth in his written memorandum: McNulty Construction Company - permit extension for ~esbury llth Addition, residential development - Deephaven; J. Hunder - pe~it extension for' '~ dredging, Harrison Bay, Lake .... ~ Minnetonka - Mound; ApPlication No. Page Two June 28, 1979 City of Minnetonka - Underground utilities for Copperfield 2nd/Hidden Creek Hills/ Copper Ridge - Minnetonka; Application No. 79-64. M. Pluhm - Riprap placement, near Walter's Port Lagoon, Carmen Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Crone; Application No. 79-65. R. Kokesh - Riprap placement, Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetonka Beach; Application No. 79-68. T. Wartman - Riprap placement, retaining wall construction, 2933 Cambridge Lane - Mound; Application No. 79-73. Roberts Architects - Grading/drainage plan for the renovation of the parking area for an existing 3200 sq. ft. building, Lots t and 2, Minnewashta Park - Chanhassen; Application No. 79-75. Following discussion it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the above permits be approved and issued subject to all terms and conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. S. Rockler - Filling for tennis court near Minnehaha Creek, 24 Circle West - Edina; Application No. 79-66. The engineer reviewed the application for filling and excavation within the 100 year floodplain of Minnehaha Creek and advised the managers that the net result of the filling with proposed excavation will add approximately .40 acre feet of storage capacity to the 100 year floodplain and recommended approval. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved subject to final ~ppro?y~~i~t~f-~-~r~~vote the m~c. .~ ./~. __ ~_. _ ~ La~s-o~ Contracting- Replace ret~~ w. allf Channeltown ~wnhouses, Barrier Blvd. - Moun~ ~ The engineer reviewed ~cation for a permit itate an existing retaining wall and reco~ Page Three June 28, 1979 approval contingent upon approval from the City of Mound, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Lehman, that the application be approved subject to the conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. M- Gronberg - Grading/drainage plan for a proposed car lot near State Highway 7 and Six Mile Creek - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-69. The engineer reviewed the application for filling and grading and drainage plan approval for a proposed parking lot near Highway 7 and Six Mile Creek in Minnetrista. The engineer advised the managers that the applicant proposed to place approximately 11,000 cubic yards of fill on approximately two acres of wetlands adjacent to Six Mile Creek. The engineer also reviewed the proposed drainage plan to the adjacent wetlands. The managers noted that portions of the property proposed to be filled were below elevation 931.5 NGVD, the regional flood level of Lake Minnetonka, and that the managers have historically denied permits for filling below that 'elevation as unduly limiting the flood storage capacity adjacent to the lake. The managers also noted that the wetlands had not been appropriately delineated in the plans submitted to the managers for approval. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application for filling and the grading and drainage plan be approved subject to the following conditions: (1) that no filling be authorized or occur below elevation 931.5 NGVD and (2) that the applicant submit to the engineer for approval a proper delineation of the existing wetlands. Upon vote the mDtion carried. -~ Halley Land Corporation - Grading/drainage plan for 14 lots, Woodhaven 2nd Addition - Shorewood; Application No. 79-70. The engineer reviewed the grading and drainage plan for Woodhaven 2nd Addition in Shorewood. The engineer advised the managers that the existing drainage ravine across the property drains approximately 55 acres lying southerly of the subject property. The engineer further advised the managers that ponding proposed was adequate under the applicable district standards and recommended approval subject to- additional erosion control at the outfall of the culvert. Page Four June 28, 1979 Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer and subject to the condition that the applicant lower the bottom elevation of the pond by one foot and add an erosion-proof overflow at the outfall of the culvert. Upon vote the motion carried. Design Two Inc. - Grading/drainage plan for a commercial site near the intersection of Excelsior Boulevard and Minnetonka Boulevard - Excelsior; Application No. 79-71. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval and indicated that proposed pending was adequate under existing district regulations and recommended approval. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved as recommended b / ~ U on ~ e ~mo~'~n~~ /J~~0n, Inc. - Grading~ainage plan for~ uxedo Boulevard for g~ading pment in proposed by_ ltering runoff recommended/ y Lehman,/ mmended by the engineer. Upon vo~carried. Treasu ' Re ort The treasurer distributed, a letter dated June 26, 1979, from the accountant indicating billing rates for accounting services during 1979. Treasurer Russell requested that the letter from the accountant be made a part of the minutes of the meeting. The treasurer then distributed a revised monthly administrative fund report dated May 31, 1979, incorporating the corrections and amendments directed by the managers at the last regular meeting. The managers directed that the amended report dated May 31, 1979,.be substituted' for the previously issued report of the sa~e date. The treasurer then distributed the monthly administrative fund report dated June 28, 1979, a copy of which is attached. Treasurer Russell recommended temporary Page Five June 28, 1979 borrowing from the district's Water Maintenance and Repair Fund to its Administrative Fund in the amount of $7,000.00 to enable the district to pay current obligations pending receipt of the tax settlement from Hennepin County. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the temporary borrowing in the amount of $7,000.00 be authorized, said amount to be repaid promptly from the ~dministrative Fund to the Water Maintenance and Repair Fund upon receipt of the tax settlement from Hennepin County and further, that the treasurer's Administrative Fund report dated June 28, 1979 be approved and the bills paid as set forth in that report. Upon vote the motion carried. Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project. The engineer distributed his estimate of final project costs, amended technical specifications and final plans for each of the individual projects comprising the Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project. The documents were .reviewed by the engineer and reviewed in detail by the managers. The managers noted additional items requiring attention prior to approval by the managers of the final plans and specifications for the project. Submerged Vegetation Removal. The engineer reported on the status of discussions with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regarding vegetation removal along the reach of Minnehaha Creek between Grays Bay Dam and 1-494. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Chairman Cochran declared the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Albert L. Lehman Acting Secretary CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-257 SUBJECT: Bond Bids - 7 P.M., Wednesday, July 18th Bids for the $3,100,000 in G.O. Improvement Bonds of 1979 will be opened at 2:00 o'clock P.M. and presented to the Council at 7 P.M. Wednesday. Attached is a copy of proposed minutes and a proposed resolution that the Council may adopt. LeOnard L. Kopp / / EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND HENNEPIN COUNTY~ MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, was duly held in the City Hall in the City of Mound, on Wednesday~ July 18, 1979, commencing at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The following members were present: and the following were absent' The Mayor announce~l that the meeting was convened for the consideration of the bids which had been received for the purchase of $3,100,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979, as advertised for sale. The City Clerk presented affidavits showing publication of notice of sale in the official newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial paper published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. The City Clerk and City Manager presented"the bids which had been received by the City prior to the time specified in the notice of sale, and which had been opened and tabulated at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on this date. Such bids were as follows: After due consideration of said bids, Councilman introduced the following ~esolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $3,100,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1979, FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS, DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT. BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The bid of to purchase $3,100,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979, of the City described in the notice of sale thereof is hereby found and determined to be the highest and best bid received pursuant to duly advertised notice of sale and shall be and is hereby accepted, such bid being to purchase such bonds at a price of $ plus accrued interest to date of delive.ry~ such bonds to bear interest as fol lows: The City Clerk-Treasurer is directed to retain the good faith check of the successful bidder pending completion of the sale and delivery of the bonds and is directed to return the checks of the unsuccessful bidders forthwith. 2. The City of Mound shall forthwith issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds of 1979, in the principal amount of $3,100,000 dated duly 1, 1979, said bonds being 620 in number and numbered I to 620, both inclusive, in the denomination of $5,000 each, bearing interest as above set forth, all interest payable April 1, 1980, and semiannually thereafter on October I and April I in each year, and which bonds mature serially on April 1 in the years and amounts as follows: $200,000 in each of the years 1982 to 1995, both inclusive, and $300,000 in the year 1996. All bonds maturing after April 1, 1992 being subject to redemption i~'~ inverse order of serial numbers on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at a price of par and accrued interest. 3. Both principal and interest shall be payable at Bank of and the City of Mound shall pay the reasonable charges of said bank for its services as paying agent. 4. The 'bonds and the interest coupons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form' No. $5,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF MOUND GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BOND OF 1979 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Mound~ Hennepin County, Minnesota acknowledges itself to be indebted and, for 'value. received, hereby promises to pay to bearer, out of its General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979 Fund, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of April, 19__, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until the principal amount is paid at the rate of percent ( %) per annum, interest to maturity payable April 1~ 1980, and semiannually thereafter on the 1st day of October and the 1st day of April in each year in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable at the in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. All bonds of this issue maturing after April 1, 1992, are subject to redemption at the option of the City in inverse order of serial numbers on said date and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest. This bond is one of an issue of bonds in the total principal amount of $3,100,000, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, interest rate, redemption privilege and serial number, all issued by the City for the purpose of providing money to defray the expenses incurred and to be incurred in making local improvements, pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, in- cluding Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and is payable primarily from special assessments against property specially benefited thereby, but constitutes a general obligation of the City and, to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of said principal and interest as the same become due, the full faith and credit of the City is hereby irrevocably pledged, and the City Council will levy ad valorem taxes, if required for such purpose, which taxes may be levied on all of the taxable property in the City without limitation as to rate or amount. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and-due form, time and fnanner as required by law; and that this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City outstanding on the date hereof and on the date of its actual issuance and delivery does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by its City Council~ has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Manager and sealed with a facsimile of the corporate seal of the City, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by 'the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of July 1, 1979. (Facsimile) Mayor City Manager (SEAL) (facsimile seal) NO. (Form of Coupon) $ On the 1st day of April (October), 19__, the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, out of its General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979 Fund at the the amount shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979, dated July 1, 1979, No. (facsimile- signature) Mayor (facsimile signature) City Manager 5. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall obtain a copy of the proposed approving legal opinion of Messrs. LeFevere, Lefler, Pearson, O'Brien and Drawz of Minneapolis, Minnesota~ which shall be complete except as to dating thereof and shall cause said opinion to be printed on each bond, together with a certificate to be signed by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk-Treasurer in substantially the following form: I hereby Certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the legal opinion executed by the above named attorneys, except as to the dating thereof, which opinion has been handed to me for filing in my office prior to the time of bOnd delivery. (facsimile ..signature) City Clerk-Treasurer City of Mound, Minnesota The City Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute such certificate in the name of the City~ upon receipt of such opinion and 'to file the opinion in his office. 6. The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Manager~ and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Manager~ and the facsimile of the corporate seal of the City, printed thereon. The bonds when fully executed, shall be delivered by the City 'Clerk-Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price, and the said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the proper application thereof. 7. The bonds issued hereunder shall be payable from the General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979 Fund hereby created, and the proceeds of general taxes hereinafter levied and special assessments to be levied for the improvements financed by these bonds are hereby pledged to said fund. If any payment of principal or interest on said bonds shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said fund to pay the same, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall pay such principal or interest from the general fund of the City and such fund may be reimbursed for such advances out of proceeds of assessments for said improvements when collected. 8. It is hereby determined that the City will levy special assessments for the said improvements in the principal amount of at least 20% of the cost of said improvement. To pay the City's share of the cost of such improvement, there is hereby levied a direct annual irrepealable ad valorem tax levy against all taxable properties in said City, which tax levied shall be in the years and amounts as follows: (year stated being year of levy for collection the following year.) YEAR LEVY YEAR LEVY It' is hereby determined that the estimated collection of special assessments for the payment of said bonds and the foregoing ad valorem tax levies, will produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet, when due the principal and interest payments on the bonds. The Clerk-Treasurer is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Finance Department of Hennepin County and obtain their certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 46S.63. 9. It is hereby determined that the improvements to be financed by the issuance of bonds hereunder will directly and indirectly benefit the abutting property, and the City hereby covenants with the holders from time to time of said bonds as follows: (a) The City will cause the assessments for said improvement to be promptly levied so that the first installment will be collectible not later than 1981 and will take all steps necessary to assure prompt collection. The City Council shall cause all further actions and proceedings relative to the making and financing of the improvements financed hereby to be taken with due diligence that are required for the construction of each improvement financed wholly or partly from the proceeds of obligations issued hereunder~ and for the final and valid levy of special assessments and the appropriation of any other funds needed to pay the obligations and interest thereon when due. (b) In the event of any current or anticipated deficiency in said special assessments, the City Council will levy ad valorem taxes in the amount of said current or anticipated deficiency. (c) The City will keep complete and accurate books and records showing all receipts and disbursements in connection with the improvement, the taxes levied and the assessments levied therefor and other funds appropriated for their payment~ and all collections thereof and disbursements therefrom, moneys on hand and balance of unpaid assessments. (d) The City will cause its said books and records to be audited at least annually by qualified public accountants and will furnish copies of such audit reports to any interested person upon request. 10. The tax levy herein provided shall be irrepealable until all of said bonds are paid, provided that the City Council may annually, prior to October 10th, certify to the County Finance Department the amount available in the sinking fund to pay principal and interest due during the ensuing year~ and the County shall thereupon reduce the levy collectible during such year by the amount so certified. 11. The officers of the City are h.ereby authorized and directed to prepare an~! furnish to the purchaser of the bonds and to the attorneys approving the same~ certified copies of proceedings and records of the City relating to said bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City~ and such other certificates, affidavits and transcripts as may be required to show the facts within their knowledge or as shown by the books and records in their custody and under their control, relating to the validity and marketability of said bonds and such instruments, including any heretofore furnished~ shall be deemed representations of the City as to the facts stated therein. 12. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to certify that they have examined the official statement or prospectus prepared and circulated in connection with the issuance and sale of $3~100f000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979 and that to the best of their knowledge and belief said statement is a complete and accurate representation of the facts and representations made therein as of the date of said official statement or prospectus as it relates to the City of Mound. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 7 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS. ) CITY OF MOUND ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk,Treasurer of the City of Mound, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a · special meeting of the City Council held on July 18, 1979, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to the issuance and sale of $3,100,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1979, of the City.. WITNESS My hand as City Clerk-Treasurer and the corporate seal of the City this day of July, 1979. (SEAL) City Clerk-T~easurer City of Mound, Minnesota 8 ..... STATE'OF MIR~JESOTA C0[~';T_v OF HENNEPIN COUNTY AUDITOR'S CER. TiF!CATE AS TO TAX LEVY. I, the undersigned County Auditor of Henn?pin County, ~innesot~, hereby certify that a certified copy of a r~solution adop~e~ by the governin~ boSy 6f the City of Mound' , Minnesota, on July 18 , 19 79, levying taxes for th~ pa~uuent of 3,].00,000 General Obligation Improvem.ent Bonds-of 1979 of said municipality dated July 1 19 79, has been in my office and said ~onds have been entered on the registe~ of obligations in my offfice and tha~ such tax has beet levied as required by WIT:~ESS My hand and official seal this day of , 19 79. County. Ad~Ti~or Hennepin County, ~.~.innesot a' By Deputy 7-17-79 C.I. TY OF MOUND Mound ~ Minnesota July 12~ 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO, 79.250 SUBJECT: Inverness L~ne - Continued Hearing The continued hearing fop Inverness Lane Sewer and Street Improvement was continued until the 17th: 7-17-79 CITY'OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 10, 1979 COUNCIL .MEMORANDUM. NO. 79-246 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Minutes Attached is a copy of the Planning Commission minutes. require Council action: Item 1. Held over until July. The following o Street Front Variance Lot 7, Block 10, 'Fhe Highlands Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning CommLssion recommended a 10 foot street front variance as requested. Th. Administration concurs. Street Front-Lake Front & Side Yard Variance Lot 21, Whipple Si]ores Zoning A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning CommLssion recommended as follows: To recognize the non-conforming us~ of existing garage being on property line, inade- quate street fron' setback and existing house set ahead of properties in block and allo~ the retaining wall and portion of deck in proposed plans that meets 'he setbacks, but not allow portion of deck needing a variance; prcvi: .... ~ ...... ~ighb6rs ~va~no ob~cct~o,~= u~-propo~g~d e~-aTr~n. The ~dministration concurs. Parking Variance Alley Vacation Lots 3-10, Incl., Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit C Zoned Commercial 4A. Parking Vari~mce using Plan C - recommend on a contractual basis similar to Pi~lug's. The Administration concurs. 4B. Alley Vacatic)n recommended by Planning Commission. A Public Hearing is r,~quired which can be held on August 14th. Lake Front Varian~:e - Non-conforming Use Lot 9, Whipple Shores Zoned A-l, 10,000 Square Feet (Lot appears to be undersized - 8,782 sq.ft.) Planning Commission recommended an 11 foot front yard variance for a deck. 6. Withdrawn. COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-246 Planning Commission Minutes - Page 2 Item 7. 8o Non-conforming Use Lots 6, 7 & 16, Block 11, Pembroke Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended a non-conforming 5 foot side yard variance be granted in order to expand the house. The Administration concurs. /~_~_~u~.~,:~_~0 ~~ ~ lJ~_. ;. .._~ _-?j~. Non-conforming Use ~ va ~ - Lots 1 & 2, Block 22, Shadywood'Point Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended to recognize the existing non- conforming setbacks and recommended approval of the proposed addition. The Administration concurs. 9. Withdrawn. 10. Street Front Variance Part of Lot 4, Block 6, The Highlands Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended a 20 foot street front variance for the construction of a garage. The Administration concurs. I1. Street Front Variance Lot 3, Block 8, The Highlands Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended a 10 foot street front variance for the construction of a garage. The Administration concurs. 12. Withdrawn. 13. Street Front Variance Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit A Zoned Residential B The Planning Commission recommended a 5 foot street front variance (on an unopened street) for garage construction. The Administration concurs. MINUTES OF THE MOUND ;%DVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 25, 1979 ~resen~ were: Q~alrman ~u~ell ~e%er~on, Oomml~zoner~ Margare% ~an~on, ~arrie%% Dewey, Lorraine Jackson, Gary Paulsen; Council Representative Gordon Swenson; City Manager Leonard L. Kopp; City Inspector Henry Truelsen and Secretary Marge Stutsman. MINUTES The minutes of the June 11, 1979 Planning Commission meeting were presented for consideration. Jackson moved and Hanson seconded a motion to approve the minutes as'presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Special Use Permit for Water Care, Inc. Lot 30, Auditor's Subd. 167 Hanson moved and Dewey seconded a motion to move this item to bottom.of agenda as applicant Robert Flemal not present at this time. All in favor, so moved. 2o Street Front Variance Lot 7, Block 10, The Highlands Vance Heideman was present~ Jackson moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend to Council request for 10 foot variance be granted, as neighbors on either side do not have objections, with the stipulation that deck at no time be enclosed. The vote was Dewey - Nay (Reason - not consistent with plans). All others voted - Aye~ so carried. Street, Lake Front & Side Yard Variances Lot 21, Whipple Shores George Smykalski present. Hanson moved and Dewey seconded a motion to recognize the non-conforming use of existing garage being on property line, inadequate street front setback and existing house set ahead of properties in block and allow the retaining wall and portion of deck in proposed plans that meets the setbacks, but not allow portion of deck needing a variance; providing the neighbors have no objections to proposed expansion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Parking Variance Lots 3-10, incl., B1, k 2, Shirley Hills Unit F (This is corrected legal). Orville Huseby and RL~hard McCarthy, Architect, were present. Hanson moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to recommend taking no action, but recommend a street vacation. Hanson-Aye; Dewey abstained; all others voted nay---motion failed. Planning Commission Minutes June 25, 1979 - Page 2 Item 4. Parking Variance (Continued) Swenson moved and Jackson seconded a motion to recommend handling parking same as Pflug's, on a contract basis, Using Plan C. Vote was unanimously in favor. Jackson moved and Swenson seconded a motion to recommend street vacation subject to easements needed for utilities. The vote was unanimously in favor. 5o Lake Front Variance Lot 9, Whipple Shores William Pfleiderer was present. Jackson moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend that 11 foot lake front variance be granted with stipulation that no enclosure of deck be allowed. The vote was unanimously in favor. 6. Request withdrawn. 7o Non-conforming Use Lots 6, 7 and 16, Block 11, Pembroke J. Michael Blassey was present. Jackson moved and Dewey seconded a motion to recommend variance be granted to expand non-conforming use. The vote was unanimously in favor. 8o Non-conforming Use Lots 1 and 2, Block 22, Shadywood Point Bonny, Joel and George Seltz were present. HaDson moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to recognize the existing non-conformancies of premises ~Chimney and garage in side yard setback and deck in rear yard setback), but recommend allowing addition as re- quested as it meets setbacks. The vote was unanimously in favor. 9. Request withdrawn. 10. Street Front Variance Part of Lot 4 -(Parcel C), Block 6, The Highlands Gene Goedes was present for owner, Joann S. Overson Jackson moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend that variance for garage be granted. The vote was unanimously in favor. 11. Street Front Variance Lot 3, Block 8, The Highlands Robert Engelke was present. Hanson moved and Jackson seconded a motion to recommend the approval of a 10 foot street front variance. The vote was unanimously in favor. Planning Commission Minutes June 25, 1979 - Page 3 Item 12. Street Vacation No action taken - item being withdrawn. 13. Street Front Variance Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit A Wayne Ehlebracht was present. Paulsen moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend 5 foot street front variance of unopened right-of-way as requested be granted. The vote was unanimously in favor. Discussed briefly Section 23.31 Subsection bo; also discussed Item 1 - Special Use Permit request. Paulsen moved and Hanson seconded a motion to table Item 1 until applicant is present. The vote was unanimously in favor. Jackson moved and Peterson seconded a motion to adjourn. .The vote was all'in favor; so adjourned. Attest: ~MOUND ADVISORY PL%NNING CO~k~ISS!0N MEETING Jun~ 25~ 1979 7:30 p,m. Minutes of the J~ne !1, 1979 meeting~ BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Robert B. Flemal - ~ter Care~ ~nc: Lot 30, Auditor's Subd. 167 - 2558 Commerce Blvd. - Special Use Permit Map 9 Vance & Gloria...H~ideman, 5963 Idlewqod Road Lot 7, Block lOw The Highlands ~ Map 11 Street Front Variance 3.' George Smyk~lski'~..5180 Tuxedo Boulevard Lot 21, Whipple Shoves -. Map 12 Street & Lake Front &.S~de.'Yard Variances .4. Ms. Dee, Inc., 2361 Wilshire Blvd. Lot 29-36, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit F Parking Variance - Map 5 William D. Pfleiderer, 5066 Tuxedo Blvd. Lot 9, Whipple Shores - Map 12 Non-conforming Use McCarty Construction, Inc. (4721 Cavan & 4724 Wilshire) Lots 6, 7, 12 & 13, Block 31, Seton - Map 7 Subdivision of Land J. Michael Blassey~ 3021 Drury Lane Lots .6,-7 & 16, Block 11~ Pembroke ~ Map 13 Non-conforming Use George G. Seltz, 1601 Paradise Lane Lots 1 and 2~ Block 22, Shadywood Point - Map 2 Side Yard Variance/NonMconformingUse Robert & Cynthia Shidla, 5928 Bartlett Boulevard Part of Lot 46, Auditor's Subd. 168 - Map 11 Street Front Variance 10. Joann S. Overson, 5943 Ridgewood. Road Part of Lot 4 (Parcel C), Block 6, The Highlands - Map il Stree. tFront Variance 11. Robert Engelke, 3017 Longfellow Lane Lot 3, Block 8, The Highlands - Map 11 Street Front Variance 12. A. L. Wick Street Vacation - Grove Lane between cul-de-sac and Bartlett Blvd. - Map 10 13. Wayne E. Ehlebracht, 4873 Shoreline Part of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit A - Map 5 Street Front Variance CITY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota June 20, 1979 BOARD OF APPEALS: Planning Commission Meeting of June 25, 1979 Mang~dor Company -.Fiemal's Water Care Inc. - 2558 Commerce Blvd. Auditor's Subd. 167 Lot 30 Zoned Commercial - Special Use Permit Information to follow. Application for a Special Use Permit will probably req6ire parking variance for this proposed size structure (40' x 80') on the pro- perty. At this time, the City has not received any site plan information, re- garding structure location, parking, green area, setbacks etc.(see encl:) Vance ~ Gloria Heideman - 5963 Idlewood Road The Highlands Blk 10, Lot.7 Zoned A-2 - St'reet Front Variance I believe this request to.be of hardship due to the way the living space is located within the structure itself. George Smykalski - 5180 Tuxedo Blvd. Whipple Shores LOt 21 Zoned A-2 - Street & Lake Front & Side Yard Variance' Non-Conforming Use, intent is to expand and retain a serious washing condition of his property into the lake. Ms Dee, Inc. - 2361Wilshlre Blvd. Lot 29 thru 36, Blk 3, Shirley Hills Unit F Zoned Commercial - Parking Variance Proposals per enclosures, all except encl; A would require a parking variance. Encl. A also shows limited size structure with compliance to. City parking require- . ment. Applicant feels it is inadequate. Other enclosures relate to a variance of parking to allow for a larger size parking area on the property and probably con- tract for a parking agreement. William D. Pfei'derer - 5066 Tuxedo Blvd. - Non-Conforming Use Lot 9, Whipple Shores Zoned A-1 - Lake Front variance Lake front setback variance for the purpose of remodeling the home and install- ing a deck. (see enclosure of City resolution) Mc Carry Construction, Inc. - 4721Cavan & 4724 Wi'lshi're Blvd? Lots 6-7-12-13, Blk 31~ Seton Zoned B - Duplex Subdivision of property withdrawn as wi'll be within compliance of City Ordinance, Refund $25.00 Hearing Fee. Michael Blassey - 3021Drury Lane - Non-Conformi'ng Use Lots 6-7-16, Blk 11, Pembroke Zoned A-2 - Side Yard Vari'ance Non-conforming use as per survey, requests permission to expand livable space. Board of Appeals -.P~ning ~om~ission Meeting of page two Bonny, Joel & George G. Seltz - 1601 Paradise Lane Lots 1 & 2 , Blk 22, Sh~dywood Point - Zoned A-2 Non-conForming Use Non-conforming use on both the dwelling unit and the accessory structure. Proposes to add on to and expand a non-conforming use of existing dwelling. There is an existing deck on the structure abutting the Commons, which is not shown on the survey. Robert Shdla - 5928 Bartlett Blvd. Part of Lot 46, Auditor's Subd 168 - Zoned A-1 Street Front Variance Street front variance as the existing lot is over 200 feet in length, which by ordinance would require 50 feet setback. The intent is'to adjust the building location setback'from property right-of-way and to establish structure at 35 feet. Lot square footage is unknown at this time, no survey with application, but will be available at meeting. 10. Joann S. 0verson - 5943 Ridgewood Road Part of Lot 4, Blk 6, The Highlands (parcel C) Zoned A-2 Street Front Variance Request is to locate an accessory structure in the street front setback, reason being there is inadequate sideyard area to add an accessory structure to existing dwelling. Also, existing dwelling barely meets minimum sideyard setback of 15 feet on the existing lot. The abutting property structures, dwelling units, are also setback in excess of 50 feet from the right-of-way. 11. Robert Engelke - 3017 Longfellow Lane Lot 3, Blk 8, The Highlands - Zoned A-2 Street front variance Street front variance for an accessory structure of 10 feet. Due to unique topography of the lot and to save existing mature trees and because of right-of-way improvements at the proposed structural location, will be in the proximity of 11 feet from property line'to back curb, which would give us a similiarity of compliance to City Ordinance. 12. Anthony R. Wick'- ~ 1125 Washburn North, Mpls. Mn. 55411 Auditor's Subd 168, Lot 54 and t~est 25 ft of 46 - Zoned A-1 Street Vacation Mr. W ~k's proposed vacation of the Southerly end of Grove Lane'from the new right-of-way dui-de-sac, southerly to the boundary of County Road 110 (Bartlett Blvd.) Inasmuch as the City has developed the cul-de-sac by easement to eliminate the haz- ardous intersection, we can see no problem in vacating that Southerly portion. How- ever, it may be necessary at some later date in time, for the City to become engaged with the County for drainage involvement. ! would therefore, suggest the City retain a 15 foot wide perhanent drainage easement to be centered on the center line of Grove Lane, not platted. 13. Wayne E Ehlebracht - 4873 Shoreline Blvd. ' Part of Lots 1 & 2 (metes & bounds) Blk 2, Shirley Hills Unit A Str. Frt. Variance Can see no problem in allowing a street front setback as this right-of-way is only 12 feet wide and not an improved street. HT/dd Henry Truelsen City Inspector App LICA TION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF MCI~D INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address . FEE $ .. J~..,7 NING ~ -~ LOT ? BLOCK Telephone .~ Nurnbe r~j '~2 '3ZP ~' 'A m OI TI ON o ~t/~.~c,~ Telephone Number .~ARIA .NCE PdE QUES TED: FRONT [ ! ACCESSORY YARD /D FT. BUILDING SIDE YARD · N. C. U. ::" or NO TE: LoT .TJ FOOTAGE 5 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensi'ons of adjoining propertY. Show approximate locations of ali buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. OTHER (describe) .___. . .... - ...... ~ .. ~ ......~., .,. , ~Z /~ AF~u,~g] permit must be applied fo~ within one year from the date of t~e ~.. ',, ..... ~n~G t · ~' - 'W';;;~':~' ..... l~e~olu lon or vamance granted becomes.,n 11 a~ vmd. ~ ~~ ~ l ~ ~Z ~'! Variancds[~re ~ot transferable. ~ ~ ~ Signature FLANNItN~ ~O~~ SION RECOMMENDATION Request for 10 foot variance be 9ranted, as neighbors on either side do not have objections, with the stipulation that deck at no time be enclosed. June 25 1979 DATE ' COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use .... / -- ?? O?..~.z?" -'a ' 2c.d w.~jSoO 'j uopxo9 APP I_,~ CA TION FO~ CITY OF MC 9q -/17 . '3 q o o NAME OF APPLICANT ARZANCE 'D Te le phone. PROPERTY ADDRESS PLAT ~ ~~ PARCEL BLOCK INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Te le phone Numb e r REAR[ [ LOTSQ. YARD ET'FoOTAGE N. C.U.* or NOTE: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets.. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show apDroximate locations of ail buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent' to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward re que s ~. ~'~ ~ g[']b~i~,~'permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the ,[1 U[ 1 f~--~ '"'~"' ~':"~-c¢'/rrre[l! r~ °luti°n..~l~H! ? , VarianCes] are'] ~ not tra. ns ferabl~°r 'variance' granted/becomes~ ff null and void. ~ · - ~ Sign~tfire PLANNING COI(/IMISSION RECONI~ENDATION moved to recognize the non-conforming use of existing garage bein9 on property line, inadequate street front setback & existing house set ahead of properties in block and allow the retaining wall & portion of deck in proposed plans that meets the setback, but not allow portion needing a DATE June 25, 1979 va~i-aqace; providin9 ne~gnoors-qSave no ob3ections to proposed expansion. COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non- conforn'ting use 'z 't,'! o'Lt ApPLICAT] FO~RIANCE CITY OF MO'o"i~D · APPLICANT ,, ~,, , - ~. PROPERTY ADD.RESS ~0o° - 9/oo PLAT ~' D O (~o_ PARCEL cf;~oc - Telephone Numb e r __ NTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONTyARD -[ FT..i ACCESSORY B III LDING SIDE YARD FT'I LOT SIZE REAR YARD J LO T SQ. FT FOOTAGE Nj C. U. * o.r OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: "- CIIY OF MOUND A'"' bufi~ing NOTE: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement Emj in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimens{ons of FT. adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. /,.f/ (PdP~) - 3. A~tach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward requesL permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance grante~d becomes null and void. Mariances are n~r~[nsfe~a~le~'! //// APPLICANT ~~~~ PLANING COM~ssio-~coM~'NDATION-- ~/Ha:diing Parking'~ame as P'flU'g's ''ona contract basis, using Plan C. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use / ~ f7 APPLICt%TION. FOR STREET VACATION CITY OF MOUND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Pt(OPERTY OWNED BY APPLICANT: PLA5' PARCEL STREET TO BE VACATED PJZASON FOR REQUEST Te 1. No.C&'~) x/',x/~ ~:~.>.~ ,4 Applicant's Interest ~n Property. Residents and owners of property abutting the street to be vacated: 'Recommended by Utilities: NSP Recommended by City: Public Works Police Chief X Planning Co~muission Reco~mendation: needed for utilities. ; Minnegasco X ; Continental Tel. X Fire Chief ; Engineer ; Street vacation subject to easements Council Ac tior~ Date June 25, 1979 Resol. Da te o~- o .o "',--. CYPRESS LANE ~":' ~ WILSHIRE · -,*,~:CEDAR CA-(-, NOBLE j ~ APPL / I I I I I l APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ' CITY OF M~D NAME OF . '- APPLICANT · PROPERTY ADDRESS ' Address ~.~- ~-_-~o~_~ ~.~ ..LOT q , , BLOCK Telephone ~'-Z~'~7/;~',~Z~ 0. '~ Number ..... ADDITION .... ~] ~ INTEREST IN PROPERTY ~~---'~ FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Te le phone Numb e r yA PJ~NCE REQUESTED: /' ~RONT FT.'][ ACCESSORY YA RD // B UI LDING NOTE: SIDE FTJ YARD I FT:[ LOT SIZE YARD , FT. FOOTAGE 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets, 2, Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward N. C. U. * or request. OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the . · ' · B~=--i~~tI~rQmolutlon or variance granted becomes null and vmd. ~3~..~a~an~are not transferable~ - SignatUre ~C!TV__ _OF IV' ,~0U,~ ~ ---IWL~N~NG' '~%'~SION RECO~ND^TIO~ ,~a~ 11 ~oo~ la~e ~ron, var~anoe be granted with stipulation that no enclosure of deck be allowed. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use o~xn.z :::::: ~+o~u=a.vX ~ A~uno3 uId~uuolt s'~o,'~tS jo %Uid Certificat~" of Suzwey for '~d£iJa::~ t. P~leiderer of Lot 9, Whipple Shores Hcnneuin Count2, ~-~,innesota ! her%by cert~£'y th~tt thi:: ~s z true -...nd co;-r~ct re~resentation of a survey, of the h~daries of Shore~:~ and existdng buibJin~[s thereon, it does ~ot Eur~xD~'t to ments or encro~,chments. Scale: 1:' = 40' P' te : 6-21-79 o : Ir'or, marker . ~90 ':-9~:6 :qd · ~,7..3'Scj; NW 's, .de~uu~.w RESOLUTION NO. 74-3o3 RESOLUTION CRA~ING L~ SIZE VARIANCE ON TWO LOTS '(Lots 9 and 10, Whipple Shores) the owner of Lots 9 and 10, Whipple Shores has appeared before the Planning Commission requesting lot' size variances in order to build two houses on these lots, and WHEREAS, each lot has been assessed a sewer unit, and WHEREAS, the planning Commission has recommended to approve the'lot size variances provided all other requirements are maintained, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MOUND, M~NESOTA: That a variance of l~97-square feet t6 8,983 Square feet for Lot 9 be granted; That a variance of 150 square feet to 9,850 square feet for Lot 10 be granted. Provided 20 feet of water lateral @ $4.87/ft be picked up for each lot'and 40 feet of sewer lateral @ $9.04/ft be picked np for each lot as follows: , Lot ~ Lot 10 Water $ 97.40 $ 97. 0 Sewer 361.60 561.60 And provided all other requirements are met. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of October, 1974. 74-303 lO-8-74 CITY OF MOU APPLICANT Address ~02_i FEE $ ZONING PLAT, ~ Telephone _ ~ Number _~5i7Z-[%20 ADDITION PARCEL '7 // INTEREST IN PROPERTY O~J~ FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: 1. TelePhone Number Attach a survey AND scale drawing YARD FT. ACCESSORY BUILDING SIDE LOT SIZE REAR LOT SQ. FOOTAGE showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting street~.. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward N. C. U. * or 'OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REC!UEST: n_5- A building permi council resolutio] Variances are not APPLICANT~ request. PLANNING COMMISSION RE COMM ENDA TION must be applied for within one year from the date of the o~ariance,, g~gr~d becomes null and void. ; t~, ' sf :/41. , - / \ gign~ture ~ / / Variance be granted to expand non- conforming use. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use / f 7 Y CARDARELLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6440 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE cIRTIFiCATI OF SURVtT LAND SURVEYORS EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 55344. APPLICATION FOP~A RIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Address FEE $ ZONING .. PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ INTEREST IN PROPERTY. , Telephone Numb e r . FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address '~,,\ X A ".~' /3- VARIANCE NOTE: FRONT YARD SIDE YARD REQUESTED: ~ [ ACCESSORY FT.} BUILDING FTJ LOT SI ZE FT.,[ REAR I /~ FT.I YARD N.C.U."' or-,- OTHER (describe) LOT SQ. FOOTAGE//'~/,~-"/"~' [ ~ REASON FOR REQUEST: . ¢6fl~cil -re ~ olutiok~ ...... %~.~~ e s ~ are ~t PLAT ~ I ~ ~'/) PARCEL , ,LOT I ¢~ ~ BLOCK Telephone gg '/'~ ~ Number ~ ~?,~ //7--~Y' II 0073 · oo~ 1. Attach a survey A~ scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relaCfon to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting s~reets. Z. Give owners~p and dimension~ of adjoining property. Show appro~mate locations of all bufldings, and streets pertinent ~o the applica~io~ by extending survey or ~. A~tach let~e~s from adjoining affected property owners showing at~i~de toward request. ;ust be app%d f~r~with~n on~3rear from the date of the , varian e % ,eWbeco¥ 'null and void. PLANNING COMMiSSION RECOMMENDATION Moved to recognize the existing non- conformancies of premises (Chimney and garage in side yard setback and deck in rear yard setback), but recommend allowing addition as requested as it meets setbacks. DATE June 25. 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO., DATE *non-conforming use t ~ y~ I reside at I~.~ ,~-~k~>(5~ ~' , Mound, Minnesota. I am an adjoining property owner to the Seltz property known by · street address as 4964 Paradise Lane, Mound, Minnesota, and knowh by legal description as Lots 1 and 2, Block 22, Shadywood Point. I have been advised by Joel and George Seltz that it is their desire to construct a permanent 12 by 12 three season porch to'the existing dwelling and that all code requirements in the construction of the addition will be met. It is further our understanding that it will be necessary for the Seltzes to obtain a variance from the Planning Commission and City Council before the construction of said addition. Please be advised.that we have no objection whatsoever to the granting of said variance. Dated: APP LI CA TION FOI~A RIANCE CITY OF MOIYND ' -N~ N FEE PROPERTY NAME OF ~--~'-O0~ ~' Ot/e~-_-~ ~ PLAT(~/~/0 PARCEL P-- -'~-~" APPLICANT ~ . o , Te le phone ,.:i~ 0~'~ ~ Numbe~~/y~y ADDITION ~-~ ~ly ~ /~d~ . INTEREST IN PROPERTY ]FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Addre s s TelephOne Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: ~-t--~a~ - ,, FRONT [ ' ACCESSORY YARD I~0 FT'I BUILDING NOTE: YARD FT. LOT SIZE FTJ YARD mOT so., . ._. FOOTAOEF,~/~, & 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. · 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. , ~' ]CITY,OF MOUNp N. C. U. * or OTHER (describe) RE.~/QN FOR REQUEST; A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. r~t transferable. / . -- Variances are ~~, /~. ~/c~~/_~~ DATE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMlViENDATION That variance for garage be granted. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL AC TION: RESOLUTION NO DATE ;',:non- conforming use .~e~.x-em uo.rf. : o ,0~ = .~. :oI~o~ CITY OF MOUND APPLICANT FEE $ ZONING PROPERTY ADDRESS PLAT ~l~,l© LOT ~ PARCEL BLOCK Te le phone Number /--/7~ -/~/'~ADDITION INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Addre s s REQUESTED: "[ ACCESSORY SIDE YARDI FT'] LOT SIZE I LOT SQ. ~/ FT. FOOTAGE ?'/Z REAR YARD N. C. U. * or OTHER (describe) REASON FoR REQUEST:.'~C-.C~.6~m,~ o~C "T/i,.. .-,, o,,,or /,'/A NOTE: FT.[ Telephone Number 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward re que s t. buildi,ng permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the eonmc¢t~resolut~on or variance g~ted becomes null and void. ~;¥~i~C'e's are not~~ble.[~ ~ APPLICANT, ~% ~' ~~- DATE ~-- /~- 7? Signa~re PLANNING COMM/SSIONRECOMMENDATION The approval of a 10 foot street front variance. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use / ~ ~ ~ APPLICATION FOjARIANCE CITY OF INTEREST IN PROPERTY PRO'PERTY/~/ ADDRESS FEE $,, fi3' ,, '~. PLAT ~ / ??~) PARCEL _LoT Telephone Number/-/'~2 - ~ ~$/~ADDITION~! FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Number ._.VARIANCE REQUESTED: YARD , ~ ,, BUILDING NOTE: YARD _ LOT SIZE YARD LOT SQ. N. C.U.* or OTHER (describe) 1_, Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. "" must be applied for within one year from the date of the or ~ariance g~ran)~d/b~om~n~and void. Granting a 5 ~foot street front variance A P P LI c A N T ~ ~--:, ~"(~"~~~': /_ Signature PLANNING COMMissION R~COMM~NDATION of unopened right-of-way as requested. DATE June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE ;:-'non-conforming use / ~ ~ ~ 0 -,u~, 0 0 0 q-.-' -..~ ~J 0 ~'~ 4J ._C .I-J--- C -0 0 0 0 C2.0 0 >- .-- r- 0 ~ 0 0 L. -~ O ---'~ ~ t.. 4.J 0 0 ~ xU r ~ 0 ~- r~ I I I CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 13, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-256 SUBJECT: A1 & Alma's Parking Lot Attached is a copy of the parking lot plan approved by the Council. After finding the boundary stakes, Mr. Nolan asked if he could change the plan. Lyle Swanson is preparing a plan showing the changes desired. If the Council approves the changes, it will be necessary to amend the resolution approving his variance. 7-17-79 C~TY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-252 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Cambridge Lane Attached is a copy of a l~tter received about storm drainage on Cam- bridge Lane. Inasmuch as we are working on this street, I have asked the Engineer to investigate this problem and recommend changes he feels should be made in the construction plans so they can be presented to the Council for consideration. cc: Lyle Swanson J. L. Breitner 900~ Northview Road ~innetonka Beach, ~inn. ~536! July lO, 1979 r~r. Leonard Kopp, 5,~anager City of ~]'oun5 ~ounS, ~innesota ~ar M~. Kopp: 2911 Cambric~ge Lane ~,~ound, ~innesota Far!ier this evening ~. Lyle S~-anson, ~'~cComb,=-Knutson '~ngin~ring firm, ~uu~ I met at ,.-hich time I signe~ a temporary cons~truction easement for the City of ~]ound so that they might have acce?~ to my property at 2911 C~mbridge L8%ae, for their paving project in that area. I ha~ spoken by telephone with Ly!e ~an~?on earlier, at %?hich time ha indicate? they were planning to put in a new storm drain on the north ~ide of my property running to the Lake. ?.'~r. ~,~an~on shoveled me the plsms thi~ evening an~ he had been mistaken proviou~!y, and they are not olanning to u~gra~e the storm ~rain from Cs~bric~ge to the L. ake at this point. I indicated to r~r. ?wanson that throughout the last ~everal years in th~ ~pring of the year whsn the ice start~~ to melt, the water backs un in the otorm sewer drain along the north sido of our house @~d seeps underground into the basem=nt. The City of ~ound ~treet Department hao been a~,~are of thi~ problem for soma- time. In order to alleviate this probllem I have had to pour two to three hundred pounds of salt into.the ~rain in the Spring ovsr the period of about a month (in April or so) in order to melt the ice so the r~n-off can flo~~ through the drain vine properly. Ly!e Sw~anson and I agree that this defect should be corrected at the same time a~' the other storm s~?ers are being correct~. He recommonded that I send you this letter advising you of the problem. I would be glad to meet the 5~cComb~-Knut~on engineer on the job site and ex~lain to him where and v~at the problems ar,. Thank you. Re garc]2~, ~ ~ ~~ J6hn .~. Breitner Mayor, Minnetonka B~ach (1977) 7-17-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-251 SUBJECT: Assessment Policies On Information Memorandum 79-77 (copy 'attached), some of the assess- ment problems the Engineer has been having are listed. Most of these problems are policy considerations. If the Council has time~ can these be considered at either the July 17th or July 18th meetings. cc: McCombs & Knutson U rMMcCOM'BS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS M LAND SURVEYORS El SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 June 20, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound Assessment Policies Dear Mr. Kopp: Enclosed is a list of some questions we have encountered while working with-:Pending assessments. Mosit of this will have to be answered before we can complete work on the assess- ment rolls for Tuxedo and the 1978 Street Improvements. If you need any further information, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. JC:sj Enclosures #3880 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls p~in~ect on f~cyc:i,2,! ;~er CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 26, 1979 INFORMATION MEM0~NDUM NO. 79-77 SUBJECT.: Special Assessment Problem Attached is a copy of a report from the Engineer on Special Assessment problems. A meeting with the Engineer should be held soon so the questions can be answered as the time is running out on making the assessment roll. ~.eonard L. Kopp / 1. Should area of commons be included in the assessment formula when it is included in the legal description of the property. In one case, it is listed~as a separate parcel (Plat 61730, Parcel 1960)~ 2. How do we assess property that is under one ownership, but split into separate parcels with one or more of these parcels not fronting on any street. The owner next to this may have all his lots combined into one parcel (Block 8, Seton). There are many such cases spread throughout the projects with large tracts combined into one parcel and others in separate parcels. 3. Four lots in a row, two separate parcels under one owner- ship and vacant, but large enough for two building sites. Do we assess this with 1 or 2 unit charges (Plat 62200, ParcEls 2715 and 2760). ~-~i F~ml'~ ~_~ 4~ ~ ~- 4. Do we ~ssess state owned lots if they are under 6,000 square feet~. (Plat 61730, Parcel 20Q); This lot has 5~25 squ~e feet~ 5. How do we assess lots on the narrow streets such as P~ke Road and Cambridge Lane that do not have concrete curb' and gutter.~c~, On Pike Road, some lots have very little frontage on another street. One lot has frontage on two other streets plus Pike Road. On Cambridge Lane there are many lots that only front on Cambridge. 6. There are three cases on Cambridge Lane where the house is on one side of the street and the garage is across the street. What policy do we use'for the unit charge. 7. Parcel was previously assessed on a street pro~ect and the property extends through to a new project with less than 40 feet frontage on the new project. Do we still use a 40 foot minimum charge (Plat 61610, Parcel 3060). .~. Lots that front on uounty ~oaas ~F±a~ 3/~bu, Farce± 5192 ,.l~nd 5332). These two parcels are under one ownership with one ~'~fronting on street improvement and one on County Road. How do we handle County Road credit. 9. Do we assess lots that have no frontage on street improvement but their driveway leads to the street. We have two such cases, one on the 1978 job and one o~ the 1979 job. In both thes~z?~_~ ....cases, the driveway is on City owned right of way_ (Plat 61730, . Parcel 4360 and Plat ~80~0, Parcel 1255).. ,~j~ ~ 10. Do we assess the two property owners that abut'the short section of Devon that runs from Island View Drive down to the lift station. This is only 12 feet wide and mainly access to the lift station. The section of Woodland from Bluebird west to the last manhole would be another one. 11. I haVe found through obtaining easements some properties that show up in the tax records are one owner, but one parcel has been sold to another party on contract and nothing recorded. There may be many of these that I don't know about. Do we assess just %he ones we find out about. 12. How do we handle the storm Sewer assessment on Tuxedo Boulevard. The drainage area for this project extended well into a portion.of the 1979 street project where these people will be paying for storm sewer again as a hidden cost. 13.- I need the definition of a trianglar lot' clarified.' We have triangular shaped lots that are not perfect shaped triangles. Some are rounded on the point. Others may have a small angle in the lot line running between the two streets (Plat~37730, Parcel 865.and Plat 61730, Parcel 885) 14. How do we handle the credit for parcels previously assessed on Tuxedo Boulevard. Only the lots on these parcels that touched Tuxedo were assessed. ASSESSmeNT POLICY Item 1 - Plat 61730 Parcel-1960 - Lots-3 and 4~ Block 5, Abraham Lincoln Addition to Lakeside Park The Common area (Waterbank).from Centerview Lane west to Tonkawood Road has been torrenced and taken as private property. The residen~ in each case are paying taxes on the property in front of their homes. Item 2 -. Large parcels - it is my understanding that ~uch lots are assessed as one unit and extra units are charged when they are divided. Possibly we should run some specific examples by the Council. In the case of Block 8, Seton, I think this fellow is trying to keep this all as one building site. Item 3 - Plat 62200 Parcels 2715 and 2760 - It appears that these are being held as two building Sites and should be so charged. It is my guess if they are being held as two parcels, they are going to try to build two houses. Item 4 - Plat 61730 Parcel 0200 - Roger Reed purchased this to put with an adjoining lot so he would have enough land to build a duplex. I have a call in to Roger to find which lot he plans to combine it with (To be combined with Lot ). Item 5 - I hesitate to answer since I am involved. The Council should make a'determination. .'- Item 6 - Cambridge Lane - Where house is on one side of street and garage on other, it is my guess they should be treated as if the lots were side by side. Item 7.- Plat 61610 Parcel 3060 - Lot 7, Block 8, The Highlands. They paid on Ridgewood and have l6 feet on Cherr~ood. The C~uncil should make a determination if less than 40 feet are charged. Item 8- County ~oad Credit - Lots 1, 2, 3, 16, 17 and 18, Block 31, Seton It appears they have two building sites similar to Question 2 (Block '8, Seton). It is my' guess the County Road credit would apply to Lots 16, 17 and 18 only; but the Council should rule on this. Item 9 - Abraham Lincoln's Addition to Lakeside Park Lots 3 and 4, Block 9' In this case, the owner blacktopped Pike Road (his entire frontage). It does seem he gets some use from the street. The Council should rule on this. Lots 1 through 30, Block 6, Wychwood - In this case I feel Stratford Lane should be constructed past his driveway. On June 26th, we will ask the Council to release the four lots across the street for sale. If they are put up' for sale, whoever buys them can use Stratfor for access. The Council should answer this one. Item 10 - Devon Lane and Bluebird - I sent you a letter on Devon today. The Council will have to make this determination. / ASSESSMENT POLICY (Continued) Ite~ 11 - We can only assess what appears on the tax records as I understand it. But we had better check this out with Curt'. Item 12 - Storm Sewer Assessment - Will have to be a policy determinatiOn of the Council. Item 13 - Triangle Lots Arden - Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2 Abraham Lincoln's Addition to Lakeside Pa~k - Lots 1 and Part of 2, Block 3 We should draw pictures of these and discuss them with the Council. Item 14 - Credit for Tuxedo Assessment will be the same as others, I imagine. If they paid a unit and front footage on Tuxedo or paid on the old Tuxedo assessment, then they would only pay front footage. This should be run by the Council for their concurrence or objections. 7-17-79 CYTY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 13, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-253 SUBJECT: Watermain on Dorchester The City is extending the watermain east on Dorchester off of Devon. Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer requesting information on how the main will be assessed. It appears that the lots on the south side of Dorchester were assessed previously. Most of the owners own lots from Manchester and it was evidently felt that the lots on Dorchester would be served off the Manchester line. Does the Council feel any of the lots on the south side of Dorchester should be assessed? McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Ii LAND SURVEYORS la SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 July 12, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of MOund 5341 Maywood Rd. Mound, MN 55364 Subject: 19'79 Street Improvements Watermain Extension Dorchester Road Dear Mr. Kopp: Mr. Harvey Reder has requested that it be determined how the watermain eXtension will be assessed before he will sign the easement we require on his property in Block 11 of Wychwood. Attached is a drawing of Block 10 of Wychwood showing the parcels and how they were assessed for the original watermain in Manchester and Devon. You will note that some lots were assessed a lateral and unit charge, but not a service charge. If you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ~meron JC:sj Enclosure #4213 Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls O June 28, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mo6nd 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: 1979 Mound Street Improvement Dear Mr. Kopp: As requested by the'City Council, I have field checked the conditions at the end of Richmond Road east of Devon Lane'. It does not appear that there would be any additional building sites beyond the two existing homes because of the low, marshy area. I would recommend the street construction end 25 feet past the last driveway. If you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LS:sj #4213 Lyle Swanson, P.E. 7-17-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 13, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-255 SUBJECT: Lot 20 and Part of Lot 19, Auditor's Subd. 170, etc. Beachside Development The County has been urging the City to make a decision on the Beachside property. In telephone conversations, I have indicated that the Council should act about July 17th. It is believed that Earl Nelson plans to attend the July 17th meeting. 7-17-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota . July 2, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-247 SUBJECT: Westonka Counseling for Older Adults At Budget time, the Council decided to participate financially in the Counseling Service for Older Adults which has their office at the Community Center. In order to participate we should enter into an agreement. A copy of the proposed agreement is attached. It is recommended the Mayor and Manager be authorized to enter into the agreement. This will be on the July 17th agenda. cc: Marlin Wollwage SUE JRE AN COMMUNITY SERVICES 6800 Cedar Lake Rd., MinneapOlis, Minnesota 55426, 545-6767 June 11, 1979 Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp: As. per our conversation, I am writing this letter regarding the City Council of Mound's approval of $1,224 in the 1979 city budget for the provision of counseling services to Mound older adult resi- dents through the Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program. This allocation for funds is for the last half of the calendar year 1979, July 1 - December 31, 1979. The City of Mound's allocation is utilized in the transition from federal grant based funding to local participa- tion in funding this service. Ail seven of the municipalities (Orono, Mound, Spring Park, Minnetrista, Maple Plain, Independence and St. Bonifacius) included in the service area of Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program are participating in funding this service. En- closed is a request for payment of $612 for the period July 1 - Sept. 30, 1979, and receipt of payment is requested during this third quarter. As I indicated on the telephone, Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program is effectively serving Mound older adult residents. Since the start of the counseling program, 23 older adults from Mound have received individual counseling, which assists an older adult in coping with problems and issues such as depression, coping with a physical disability and feelings of grief. Besides individual counseling, additional ser- vices have been provided to Mound older adults such as providing infor- mation and making referrals on other community resources such as senior citizen clubs and congregate dining programs. Enclosed is a copy of a letter I received from an older adult who re- ceived services from Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program. The clients name has been deleted for confidentiality reasons. Thank you for your help in providing counseling services for older adults If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Marlin Wollwage Project Director A tlnitcd AGREEMENT ON WESTONKA COUNSELING FOR OLDER DJ)ULTS PROGRAM Suburban Community Services enters an agreement with the City of Mound to provide~counseling serVices through its Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program for the period July 1, 1979 - December 31, 1979 for Mound residents. An older adult is generally defined as a person 60 years and older. The Westonka Counseling for Older Adult program provides assistance 'to oler adults in coping with problems and issues such as depression, anxiety, coping with a physical disability, feelings of grief, loss and anger. Outreach services will be 'utiliZed to'reach older adults who have unmet .social service needs and toward assisting these individuals through assesment, information, and referral and follow-up to secure needed services. The counseling service will be provided in both our central office site currently located at Mound as weI1 as the client's home and other community locations sUch as churches. ~The service will be delivered by a counseling staff which 'is both qualified and experienced in counseling older adults. The cost to the City of Mound is $1,224 for .the time dura- tion of July 1, 1979 - December 31, 1979. This cost participa- tion figure is based on a total of $4,000 requeSted frOm local municipalities for July 1 -~DeCember 31, 1979 and the percentage of senior citizens reSiding in Mound from the Westonka .Counseling for Older Adult program service area. Payments are to be re- quested and received on a quar.terly basis. A revision or change in this agreement during its .duration will be based on the mutual written consent .of the parties involved. Name and Title of Authorizing Person :ure Date Suburban Community Services Name and Title of ~uthorizing Person Signature City of Mound Date A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PROVISION OF COUNSELING SERVICES FOR SENIOR CITIZEN PESIDENTS moved its adoption. introduced ~he following resolution and WHEREAS, the edlderly as a group experience a larger amount of emotional trauma due to losses such as death of spouse, reduction of income, social isolation, failing health, etc. WHEREAS, Mound has elderly citizens that are vulnerable to difficulty in coping with problems such as depression, anxiety, coping with a physical disability, feeling of grief, loss and anger. ~EREAS, Suburban Community Services is organized under the Laws of Minne- sota as. a Nonprofit Organization to insure the continuity of such services and ~EP~AS, it is deemed necessary to prOvide Suburban Co~unity Services with adequate supplemental funds for its proper operation of its Westonka Coun- seling for Older Adults program. WHEP~AS, the City Council of Mound has approved the inclusion of the Westonka Counseling for Older Adults program in its 1979 budget, %~EREAS, the city of Mound shall provide for the health, safety and welfare of its older citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to enter an agreement whereby, that Mound, as a political subdivision be included in the provision of Coun- seling Services for Senior Citizens provided by Suburban Community Services, that it participate in the benefits thereof, that it agrees to support a share of the cost of the provision of such counseling services, and that this sharing of cost in 1979 be for the period July 1, 1979 through December 31, 1979 and be for a total amount of $1,224. The motion for adoption of the above resolution was seconded by Upon roll call",' there were yeas and'' nays. I, Clerk of the City of Mound hereby certify that th~ above 'is a true copy °fa resolution adopted by the governing body of ' in an official meeting on (Signed) City Clerk or City Administrator 7-17-79 'CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 17, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-254 SUBJECT: Metropolitan Clinic of Counseling For the past two years, the City has participated in the Metropolitan · Clinic of Counseling for the employees. The cost for the past two years has been shared by the County and the State. In 1980, there will no longer be a subsidy so the City will have to carry 100% of the cost. The new fee arrangement is $5.50 per employee plus a use fee based on the percentage used. The past year our usage was 5%, which would bring o~r cost to $9.00 per employee. If we go 6% or beyond, the City would be charged the maximum or $10.00 per employee -- the same as paid in 1979 with the subsidy. In the past, we have included the Fire Department. In the past year, not one fireman has used the service. The questions to be decided are: 1. Do we wish to continue the service? 2. If so, should we continue to include the Fire Department? If we are to continue, a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to enter into an agreement is required. cc: Fire Chief 7-17-79 CIT~ OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 10~ 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO, 79-248 SUBJECT: Reforestation Advisory Com~.ittee The State has requested a Reforestation Advisory Committee be established. It would seem this could be a natural addition to the Park Commission unless the Council wishes to establish a separate committee. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota · July 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-249 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lots 16, 17, 18 & 1/2 of 19, Block 8, Wychwood council Memorandum 79-224 dealt with the consideration of the subject lots or releasing them for sale since they are tax forfeit. The problem: The area is zoned Residential B (duplex) requiring 12,000 square feet for a duplex or in some circumstances, 9,600 square feet. Single family homes can be built on 6,000 square feet. The 3% lots have 11,200 square feet. The suggestion was made that we consider vacating Essex Lane adjoining Lot 16. , .: ~.. ,-,.,.~,.:..,. ,. ~ .... ,.,.,..'-,- , ..~, · . ':' -;.~.:~ ',,ICRESTER:',."..' ,'..'.:"*~.' ": - ;-, -~:."FT-"q . , , ' ..:'. '.' CUMBERLAND .... .'-:: ':,: ..... . ' , "~ '.~1'".. ; .: .......' "; .: ' "..:.. .... :, .. '. ' .. · .~. ...~' : . . ~'56/¢ , ,.,,',,~, Isal l-".:'l'..4 :;..:'t:::t'l:' '1 ':'d.'.',?t...l".:'l;. :'1, :.t. '=]=LY,- ' l:,"'. : ,4 ,. .~ :.,~ . :" ,.:... : ,~i ,. ~.:' ~-'-7' ~ · .... , ',!,,..I ;.,. ...'1'. .." t .- :.. - Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer explaining why the platted Essex street will not be needed. If Essex were vacated, then the parcel could be divided into two building sites: Parcel A - ½ of vacated street, Lot 16 & ~ Lot 17 = 6,000 Sq. Ft. Parcel B - Lot 19, Lot 18 and East % of Lot 17 = 6,400 Sq. Ft. If the Council wishes to do that, the first step is to hold a hearing on the vacatioh of Essex Lane. It is suggested Essex be vacated from Cumberland to Manchester. v L/e~n.ard L, Kopp / ! CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 12, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-82 SUBJECT: LMCD Budget Attached is a copy of the proposed LMCD Budget. If the Council has comments, they should be made soon. The proposed budget is $4,000 over last year. Mound's cost would increase by $521. d L. Kopp BOAROMEMBER$ Norman W, Raurus. Cl3ab-man Orono Edward G. Bauman, Vice C~air~an Tonka Bay J~ Johnson, Exc~o~ Frank R. Hunt, Jr., Trea~r~ Spring Park David Boles Minnetonka Beach. Robe~ T. Brown Greenwood Walton E. Clevenger Minnetrista Robe~ S, MacNamara Way~ta Thomas S. Maple, Deephaven R~e~ O. Naegele, Jr. Sh~ewood David F. Nixon Laketown Township Robe~ K. Pillsbu~ Minnetonka Robert O. M~nd Robert E. Sl~um Woodland Richard J. Soderberg Victoria LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT 402 EAST LAKE STREET WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 TELEPHONE 612/473.7033 FRANK MIX&, EXECUTIVE OIRECTO~' June 28, 1979 TO: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Municipalities Attached is the 2980 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District budget which is generally categorized as to purpoae. 'Minnesota Statute Chapter 907 Section 4 provides: "...expense of the district shall be borne by the municipalities. The portion of-the expenses borne by each municipality shall be in proportion to its assessed valuation." Section 5 provides: "The board of directors of the district Shall on or before July 1 of each year, prepare a detailed budget of its need for the next calendar year and certify the budget on that date to the governing body of each municipality in the district together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to be provided by each municipality. The governing body of each municipality in the district shall review the budget, and the directors, upon notice from any municipality, shall hear objections to the budget and may, after the hearing, modify or amend the budget, and then give notice to the munici- palities of modifications or amendments. It shal~ be the duty of the governing body or board of supervisors~it-y-- iL~ L~e district to provide the funds necessary to meet its pro- portion _of--the--t~a-~i--~-0-~-~ be-borne by the municipalities as finally certified by the directors, the funds to be raised by any means within the authority of the municipalities and to pay the funds into the treasury of the district in amounts and at times the treasurer of the district may require. The municipalities may each levy a tax not to exceed one mill on the taxable property located therein, to provide such funds. Said lev~ shall be within all other limitations provided by law." If you have any questions regarding this budget or any particular information as it relates to the activities of the district, please contact me. Respectfully submitted, · FM:jm Enc. Minneionka Conservation Di: 1980 PROPOSED BUDGET REVENUE LMCD Communities Other Income TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE DISBURSEMENTS General Fund - Administration Personal Services Salaries 'Auditing Services Total Personal Services Contractual Services Telephone Postage Prtg., Pub., & Adv. Utilities Janitorial Services Other Contractual Services Total Contractual Services Commodities & Supplies Office Supplies Books & Periodicals General Supplies Total Commodities & Supplies Other Charges Office Rent Office Equipment Rent Insurance & Bonds Memberships Employer Contributions Mileage & Expenses Total Other Charges 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 Actual Actual Jan-Apr Estimate Proposed $51,869 $60,172 $35,705 $56,205 $59,575 3,664 17,513 3,487 9,500 10,200 $55~533 ~77,685 ,$39,192 $65~705 $69,775 $31,320 $32,866 $11,441 $35,266 $37,380 315 325 -- 350 350 $31,635 $33,191 $11,441 $35,616 $37,730 $ 394 $ 457 823 970 506 732 317 204 374 456 1,543 1,621 $ 109 306 730 89 114 236 $ 445 1,O00 1,350 375 510 1,800 $ 490 1,000 1,950 390 54O 1,800 $ 3,957 $ 4,440 $ 1,584 $ 5,480 $ 6,170 $ 1,631 $ 1,728 $ 188 $ 1,400 50 78 21 105 91 93 31 95 $ 1,772 $ 1,899 $ 240 $ 1,600 $ 1,980 1,375 660 135 5,100 1,000 $1o,25o $ 1,980 $ 1,980 $ 660 2,504 2,776 702 572 617 50 135 135 -- 4,267 4,705 1,788 556 432 189 $10,014 $]0,645 $ 3,389 $ 1,600 105 95 $ 1,800 $ 1,980 900 660 135 5,450 1,000 $10,125 1980 LMCD Budget Page 2 1977 Actual DISBURSEbfENTS (Cont.) General Fund - Administration (Cont.) ~apital Outlay Office Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment $ -- Total Capital Outlay $ -- Total General Fund - Administration $47,378 General Fund- Legal Legal Services Total General Fund - Legal $ 8,045 $ 8,045 General Fund - Committees & Contingency Committees & Contingency Total General Fund - Committees & Contingency 1978 Actual $ 458 $ 458 $50,633 $11,897 $11,897 $ 787 $ 783 $ 787 $ 783 $56,210 $63,313 1979 Jan-Apr $ 5,902 $ 5,902 $22,556 $ 4,360 $ 4,360 $ 486 $ 486 $27,402 1979 Estimate 1980 Proposed $ 6,100 $ 950 $ 6,100 $ 950 $59,046 $12,000 $12,000 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 $72,346 $56,775 $ 9,000 9,000 $ 4,OO0 $ 4,ooo $69,??5 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - DISBURSEMENTS 1980 LMCD Budget Page 3 Lake Minnetonka Conservation District 1980 PROPOSED BUDGET DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Deephaven Excelsior Greenwood Laketown Township Minnetonka Minnetonka Beach Minnetrista Mound Orono Shorewood Spring Park Tonka Bay Victoria Wayzata Woodland % of % of Budget Share of Assessed' Total Resulting from $59,575 Value Assessed 1/3 Mil $11,915 Maximum 1980 (1,000's) Valuation Taxable to Minnetonka Budget $ 23,918 5.3% $ 7,973 8,0% $ 4,766 12,325 2.7 4,108 4.1 2,442 4,242 0.9 1,414 1.4 834 8,548 1.9 2,849 2.9 1,728 216,861 47.6 19,875' 20.0 11,915' 5,176 1.1 1,725 1.7 1,013 17,642 3.9 5,881 5.9 3,515 36,089 7.9 12,030 12.1 7,209 47,589 10.5 15,863 16.0 9,532 25,196 5.5 8,399 8.5 5,064 7,519 1.7 2,506 2.5 1,489 8,382 1.8 2,794 2.8 1,668 4~890 1.1 1,630 1.7 1,013 31,569 6.9 10,523 10.6 6,315 5,416 1.2 1,805 1.8 1,072 Total $455,362 100.0% $99,375 100.0% $59,575 *Maximum of $11,915 by law. 1 3¢ 1980 LMCD Budget Page 4 Lak~ Minnetonka ConserVation District 1980 PROPOSED BUDGET COMPARISON 1979 - 1980 TAX LEVIES Share of 456,205 Share of $59,575 1979 Budget 1980 Budget Deephaven $ 4,609 $ 4,766 Excelsior 2,361 2,442 Greenwood 787 834 Laketown Township 1,574 1,728 Minnetonka 11,241' 11,915' Minnetonka Beach 1,012 1,013 Minnetrista 3,260 3,515 Mound 6,688 7,209 Orono 9,049 9,532 Shorewood 4,721 5,064 Spring Park 1,405 1,489 Tonka Bay 1,517 1,668 Victoria 899 1,013 Wayzata 6,070 6,315 Woodland 1,012 1,072 Change 1980 +157 + 81 + 47 +154 +674 + 1 +255 +521 +483 +343 + 84 +151 +114 +245 + 6O Total $56,205 $59,575 +3,370 *Maximum by law. I CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota' July 12, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-83 SUBJECT: Telephone Case On July 12th and 13th, resolutions were received from the following Cities to investigate the possibility of opposing the telephone rate increase: Chisago City Minnetrista Wanamingo Maple Plain CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota July 13, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-84 SUBJECT: Traffic Study - County Roads 15 & 110 .The County has made a traffic stUdy at the intersection of 110 & 15. The entire study is printed on 10 pages and we are copying herewith only the first four pages and the summary which covers: 16 hour study - 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. a.m. peak hour study - 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. p.m. peak hour study - 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. off peak hour study - 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.. The total volumes as shown on the summary are: 16 hour volume 12,632 North 8,206 South 12,608 East 24 hour volume 13,895 North 9,627 South 13,869 East 1- "l. · "T' L.I..! .% I~'! al J' ~ JPEDS :~J I ! '-/59 U) o I'll rq -il i-ri --I C ~o~ ITl CITY of MOUND July 13~ 1979 5341 ~','~.AYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364. (612) 4;/2-1155 Mr~ James E~ ~eg~n Chairm~n~ Schgol D~strict 277 Community Services Council 5334 piper Road · Mound~ MN. 55364 Dear Mr, Re~an; The C~ty council has directed me to write you concerning the salaries of the lifeguards formerly employed by the City. The Council feels that the hourlyrate paid the lifeguards who worked for the City last year should be equal to what the City paid them. The Council also suggested that the difference in what they are being pard and what w~s fQrmerly paid them could be paid from the 15% over- ride for administration charges which is paid as part of the swimming lesson fee. The City Council would appreciate your early consideration to this prob- lem and will.be Willing to meet with you to discuss it. Sincerely, LLK/ms cc: C~ Peterson City Council MccOMBs-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES IN, , ~ ~ 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55~1 . (612) 559-3700 July 11, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: 1979 Street Improvements Gilbert Grimm Property Dear Mr. Kopp: I talked with Miss Ann Grimm after I concluded my business with the ~Council on the evening of July 10, 1979. As you are aware, she was very upset about a. hedge that was removed in front of her parents property on Brunswick Road. The hedge in question was well out in the ~street right-of-way. Enclosed is a drawing with the hedge shaded in red. It also appears that most of this hedge was located in front of Lot 7, which is owned by someone else. If you need any further.information on this matter, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Jo~hn~me~~~~ JC:sj Enclosure ##4536 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls z f8 I ..g I 0 MINNEHAHA WATERSHED CREEK DISTRICT P.O. Box 387, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 ~OAHD o~ M I N NETON KA,,~/~ To: Phil Prouty 2933 Cambridge Lane Mound, Minnesota 55364 Permit Application No. 79-73 Location: 2933 Cambridge Lane Mound, Minnesota Purpose: Shoreline Stabilization 55364 Dear Mr. Prouty: At its meeting on June 28, 1979, the Board of Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District reviewed the subject permit application. It approved the permit as requested with the following conditions: Ail work shall be done in a manner to prevent erosion and siltation both during and after construction in accordance with the MCWD guidelines, a copy of whic~ is enclosed. All work shall conform to the Minnehaha Creek watershed District Guidelines for rip-rap plac~.m~nt, a copy of which is enclosed, and compliance with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regulations for rip-rap placement. Approval is recommended under Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Rule F, Other Work in Beds and Banks of Water Areas, and Rule K, Erosion and Sediment Control. Permits are valid for one year. Please contact us at 473-4224 when the project is about to commence so an inspector may view the work in progress. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, E.A. H ICKO¥ AN% ASSOCIATES E.A. Hickok, P.E. cc: D. Cochran, G. Macomber F. Mixa, LMCD K. Lokkesmoe L. Kopp/,/Ci tY Mound~/ C.IT¥ O? I:i~Ji',JD NAINTE[,!ANC£ PERNIT For Continuing the Present Usc: o£ a Sfiruc~.ure · ~ ~ or Improvement on Public Lands or Co~on~ Do you h~ve '~n improvement or structure on Pubi[c ~nas or Commons? l?as a parmi5 issued to authorize %h~ construction of this iraprov~enh or SSruc- thra? ~. If yes~ month and yea~:" ' -- AP~!C&.-'JT ],~UST I~ORNISH THE FOLLOSI.ING: Copy of permit issued to authorize construction. One plo% plan drm:~n to scale' shm, Hnc3 dimensions of [he structure/ itaprovemen5 .~nd location of same. Oas set o£ plans and soecific~tions of suf£ic~en5 clarity and d~bail ~o indicate the nature and e×hent of the sSruc~ure or improve~nh. Sh~ foundeSion'plan, floor ptan~ front and sid~ el~va5ion~ ~all and roof section de~eil. .. ' . Photographs of exis'ging structure/ improvement. P.':L'R':'L CO>~r~ISSIO3~ R,~CONt'~z:~O,L ! IO,~: DATE FC!.LOi':'--UP AC'[IO>!: , August 22, 137[; Councilmember Poslton moved the follo;vln9 resolution, RESOLUTION 78-399 RESOLUTION ~ANTING COMMONS MAINTENANCE PERMITS WITH THE STIPULATION THAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS BE · DRAWN BY A REGISTERED ENGINEERiAND CHECKED BY THE CITY ENGINEER WHEREAS, property abutting commons was badly eroded or washed out during the heavy rains, and WHEREAS, said property owners have applied for maintenance permits for the rebuild- ing of the damaged areas, and - · WHEREAS, property located at 2927 and'2933 Cambridge Lane and 4601 Island View Drive were damaged by the heavy rains and both residents on Cambridge Lane have applied for Maintenance Permits to repair retaining walls at these sites, and WHEREAS, City Engineer recommends that any plans for rebuilding o~ retaining~alls ~r approval before pe~m-m-r~'-s~'ssue . - ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That Council does hereby grant a Commons Maintenance Permit . to residents of 2927 and 2933 Cambridge Lane with the stip- ulation that construction plans be drawn by a'reoistered . ~.~,- -. - _- - _ ~ engineer, and then checked by the City Engineer. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by CouncilmembeP Fenstad, and upon vote bein~ taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Fenstad, Lovaasen, Polston, Swenson and Withhart, the follow- in9 voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Mayor AttestS/ £ity Clerk - METROPOLITA~ WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION FINAL COST ALLOCATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1978 MILLION GALLONS AMOUNT CURRENT USE CHARGES: TREATMENT WORKS COSTS SEWER SERVICE AREA NO. 04 431 431 $ 135,474.51 74,485.75 TOTAL CHARGES 209,960.26 OTHER CREDITS OR CHARGES: CURRENT VALUE CREDIT DEBT PAYMENT CREDIT 1976 FINAL COST ALLOCATION 10,345.00CR 50,566.00CR 29,669.90CR TOTAL CREDITS OR CHARGES 90,580.90CR TOTAL ANNUAL ACTUAL CHARGES 119,379.36 1978 CASH PAYMENTS NET SURPLUS OR (DEFICIT) 139,288.92 ~'ils CLAYTON L, L£'F'EV£RE CURTIS A. P~'ARSON DAVID J. KENNEDY JAMES D. LARSON LAW OFFICES LEFEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN & DRAWZ I100 FIRST NATIONAL SANK SUtLDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55,402 J~y 10, 1979 TELEPHONE (61Z) 333-0543 Mr. Steve'n J. Thomas, President Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc.. 419 Third Street S.E. Osseo, Minnesota 55 369 Re: 1978 Mound Street Improvements Dear Mr. Thomas: On June 29, 1979 a meeting was held between you and your attorney, Mr. Larry Neilson, and. city representatives, Leonard Kopp, City Manager, Skip McCombs, Lyle Swanson and Fred Malveg of the engineering firm, Bob Shanley, the Director of public"Works, and myself, the City Attorney. I think it is fair to say that we had an open discussion. We gave you a partial punch list of five pages and the engineers agreed to provide the additional problems in Island Park, Three Points and other areas. The meeting concluded with certain promises that you made concerning. work you were going to do during the week of July 2 and it was agreed that you and Lyle Swanson would meet on July 6 to discuss your progress. You did promise us that you would have someone working on the punch list all of last week. I have now conferred with Mr. Swanson and Mr. McCombs and they have reported to me on your progress and on your meeting of July 6. It is my understand.ing that you were doing better on the blacktopping and sodding and that you made some progress last week. We are appreciative of your efforts and hope that this progress can continue or be expedited,- looking toward having the project completed by August 1. The concern is that you did not provide people to work on the punch list and we were promised you would have someone there on the morning of July 9, but the city inspectors were unable to find any crew. I believe it was clear during the meeting that it is extremely important to Mound. residents, the city council, the engineers and to yourself, that you begin cleaning up these small problems which are major irritants to the people in the project area. LAW OFFIC ~-S j LEFEVE LEFLER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN RAWZ Mr. S~even J. Thomas, President Page 2 July 10, 19 79 I have today talked to your attorney, Mr. Larry Neilson, about our concern regarding the punch list items and we ask that you immedi- ately get someone 'working on that so that we can report progress to the city council. I am sure that everybody that is associated with this 'job is very frustrated, but it is imperative that we try to take care of the citizens' complaints and show them that you are making an honest effort to complete this long overdue project. I do wish 'to stress that we are appreciative of the improvement on the other aspects of the project, ask that you continue that, and really hit that punch list hard. I shall continue to follow this matter with the engineers and I hope you will assist in seeing that we get positive reports in the future. Very~truly yOurs, Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney CAP: ms cc: Universal Surety Company Inland Insurance 'Company INA Reinsurance Company North American Reinsurance Corporation The Bray Agency, Inc. Mr. Larry Neilson Mr. Leonard Kopp 011 COUNCIL " $ 10,450.'00 $ '971.26 $ 5,010.00 S 5,225.00 .~790 ! o12 HUMAN RIGHTS 360.OO 231.49 425.90 18~.OO 1.1830 013 MANAGER 85,1§0.00 20,862.94 63,809.56 42,590.00 .7490' 014 ELECTIONS 1,080.00 '- ....... 7.86 540.00 .0073 O15 ASSESSING 33,055.09 489.74 16,527.50 .O148 O1.6 FINANCE 98,640.00 '5,975.39 47,182.62 49,320.00 .4780 O18 LEGAL 12,8OO.OO !,O66.67 6,400.02 6,400.00 .5000 118 PROSECUTING 11',O55,OO 1,117 50 4,346.50 5,527.50 ,3930 O31 POLICE 457,211.00 65,564.99 247,718.20 '228,605.50 .5418 032 FIRE ... 94,375,00 17,584.08 45,385.46 47.187t50 .4810 033 INSPECTIONS 26,960,00 1,994.56 13.897.37 13,480.00 .5155 933 PLANNi~IG 20,550.00 1,709.59 15,492.67 10,275.00 .7539 034 CIVIL. DEFENSE. 15,140,OO 35.40 2,118.30 7,570.00 .1399 042 STREET 227,955.00 '3,303.04 153,485.35 113,977.50 6733 743 SHOP & STORE 35,485,00 2,643.57 15,156.43 17,742.50 .4270 847 DISEASED TREES 22,440,O0 1,376.00 "3,750.62 44,880.00 .1670 . 069 PARKS 63,936.00 12,279.26 37,260.27 31,968.00 ~8-~ O81C.E.T.A. 890.57 6,797.52 082 TEMPORARY LABOR 11,O50,O0 2,466.16 3,977.96 5,525.00 ~3--~00 O91 LIQUOR 165,905,00 12,121.46 70,633.43 82,952.50 ~4-~57---t 078 SEWER 379,676,00 37,280.02 154,388.86 189,838.00 ~0-~- 'J 173 WATER 226,191.00 35,847.84 114,2il.69 113,095.50 ~5-'0-~ -j----I REVENUE SHARI~IG 42,314.00 1,247.22 6,838.90 '21,157.00 IMP EQUIP OUTLAY 108,941.00 23,671.26 54,470.50 .2170____~ CEMETERY 5,335.00 209.05 499.05 2,667.50 __ .09~.35__~ ~ETI~EMENT 83~O16.OO 5,539.1935.978.35 41,508.00 ~__~ FIRE RELIEF 40,750,00 !,560.15 20,375.00 .0380_~. CO,iT i ~IGENCY 20 ,O00. OO ...... TOTALS ~,354,~62 OO 232,317.25 903,674.29 i 177,231.00 .' 3~ _---- -1 · ' ' - -1 oo'o~ oo'86 'oRe 00'00~ 00'00¥ oo'o~ sss~ XsugnoL II~qss~g d!Msg~Ioqos uou~IV :SlldO~d dO NOl~flGl~la oo'¢zo~ CO ,o_~mLi? : J.h:lOl:id :S~IZII:Id S¥ J..FIOAVd uu- o~6~ii oc~® zZz~ =I.LyQ O.L I:W3A H.LNO~ J.N~u~no o:oi ' ~ X;iilir'' ~.LVa 86S ~,S~d uo!6e-I ueo!JeuJV July 5, 1979 A'I"TORNEY AT LAW 1503 WASHINGTON AVENUE SOL~ITH MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA B54~& 612/333-5419 Mary Marske Mound Village Office 5341Ma~a~ood Road Mound, MN 55364 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PERFORMED BY TIMOTHY L. PIEPKORN FOR THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, ,1979: hours I. June 5th: Arraignments; 3 Pre-trial conferences; 2 Court Trials; Prepared one Formal Co~nplaint ........................................ .... 4.00 2. June 6th: Letters to Witnesses on Bedel Jury Trial ....................... 75 3. June 12: meeting with citizen at Mound Office ........................... 1.00 4. June 14: Prepared two complaints; Harry Lund Jury Trial (Mr. Lund · ~ did not appear and a Bench Warrant was issued for his arres~ ........... 3.50 5. June 15: Two calls from citizens; call to Court; letter to Court ......... 1.00 6. June 18: prepared 7 formal complaints .................................... 2.75 7. June 19: Prepared 1 complaints; three letters; 4 calls to citizens; review of files ..................................................... ..... 3.25 8. June 20: meeting with citizen at Mound office ............................ 1.25 9. June 21: Call from citizen; two letters to Court; three calls to witnesses ................................................................ !.00 lO. June 25:5 calls from citizens; rev~'ew of Jensen police reports; letter to Jensen .............................................................. 2.25 ll. June 15: prepared 4 subpoenas-- re: Bedel Jury. TYial ..................... 75 21.50 TOTAL OWING (15 hours at $300.00 and 6.50 hours at $30.00 an hours) .......... $495.00 Less Discount .................................................................. 95.00 oo.oo ATTORNEY AT LAW 11503 WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 5E~454 612/333-~4'1 ~ July 5, 1979 Dear Mary: Enclosed please find my bill for June, and four invoices billed to me. The invoices are for the cost of service on four witnesses need6d for a Mound Jury Trial. Do you pay this, or should I have added this to my · bill and paid same? Please advise. Thanks, Tim