1988-01-12[, __ 1 January 12, 1988 MINUTES - MOUND CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 12, 1988 The City Council of Mound,_Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, January 12, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Steve Smith, Councilmembers Don Abel, Liz Jensen, Phyllis Jess en. Councilmember Skip Johnson was absent and excused. Also present were: City Manager Edward J, Shukle, Jr., City Clerk Fran Clark, City Attorney Curt Pearson, and the following interested citizens: Tom Reese. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MINUTES MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to approve the minutes of the, January 12, 1988, Regular Meeting, as presented. The vote was unanim- ously in favor. Motion carried. . L.M.C.D. REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Mound's L.M.C.D. Representative, Tom Reese, stated that there is a back licensing issue that has been brought to his attention by the Water Structures Committee which dates back to 1977. He would like to see this issue resolved as quickly as possible. The Council discussed the issue and asked that the City Attorney and City Manager check into this problem and see what can be done to resolve it. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Jessen moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTIONp#88-1 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LAKER THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MAYOR FOR 1988 Smith moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-2 RESOLUTION APPOINTING SKIP JOHNSON ACTING MAYOR FOR 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 2 .. January 12, 1988 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER Jessen moved and Smith seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-3 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY CLERK FRAM CLARK ACTING CITY MANAGER FOR 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS Smith moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-4 RESOLUTION APPOINTINfi PHYLLIS JESSEN TO THE PARK COMMISSION; LIZ JENSEN TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION; AND SKIP JONNSON TO THE.-CABLE T.Y. COMMISSION AS COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. [1 DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES Jessen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-5 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR 1988 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPROVAL -0F OFFICIAL BONDS Abel moved and Jensen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-6 RESOLUTION APPROY.INfi THE PURCHASE OF A ~2fl,000 BOND „ FOR THE CITY CLERK The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Jessen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-7 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A X20,000 BOND FOR THE CITY TREASURER/FINANCE DIRECTOR The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. 1 3 January 12, 1988 TRANSFERS OF FUNDS _ Smith moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-8 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Abel moved and Jensen seconded the following. resolution: RESOLUTION #88-9 RESOLUTION.TO TRANSFER #23,947 FROM THE_LIQUOR FUND AND $23,947 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE 1987 SEALCOAT PROJECT The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO CABLE T.V. COMMISSION Jensen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-10 REAPPOINTMENT OF CHUCK CHAMPINE_.TO CABLE T.V. C0M- MISSION - TERM EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1990 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS-FROM CITIZENS PRESENT There was no response. BID AWARD: SHORELINE PROTECTION AND RIP-RAPPING PROJECT The City Manager reported that the following bids were received: 1. Barber Construction $ 30.,80.0.00 2. D. H Blattner & Sons $ 71.,715..00 3. Contracting Services $ 21,741.00 4. Dock & Lift Service $ 29,995.00 5. Larson Excavating, Inc. $ 68,399.00 6. Minnetonka Portable Dredging $ 29,785.00 7. Northern N $ 23,499.00 8. Sevcon $ 65,920.00 9. Sunram Landscape $ 2.4.,775.00 10. Widmer Brothers $ 21,693.50 The Staff recommendation is to award to bid to Widmer Bros. 4 January 12, 1988 Abel moved and Jessen seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-11 RESOLUTION TO AWARD THE BID FOR THE SHORELINE PROTECTION ~ RIP-RAPPING PROJECT TO-.THE lOW BIDDER, WIDMER BROTHERS, IN THE AMOUNT OF X21,693.50 The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING--THE-CITY CLERK-TO EXECUTE AN ORDER FOR REMOVAL OF A HAZ RDOU U LDIN 5444 K 0 D Jensen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-12 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN ORDER FOR REMOVAL OF A HAZARDOUS BUILDING AT 5444 TONKAWOOD ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. CASES #87-679 AND #87-680 A & B - REVISED RESOLUTIONS#87-217 b 87-218 The City Clerk- explained that the City .Planner wanted the waiver of subdivi- sion requirements more expressly stated in the above two cases. Thus, the new resolutions. The City Attorney stated that the property descriptions for Case #87-680 A & B need to be inserted in the new resolution. Jessen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-13 RESOLUTION SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION N0. 87-217 TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A WAIVER_OF SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 330:185 OF. THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES-FOR LOTS 5-& b, BLOCK 13, THE HIGHLANDS; PID #23-117-24 31 0053; (P 8 Z CASE #87-679j The vote was unar~imously in favor. Motion carried. Jensen moved and Abel seconded the following resolution: RESOLUTION #88-14 RESOLUTION SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION N0. 87-218 TO CONCUR WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A WAIVER OF S.UBDIYISION REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 330:185 OF THE MOUND CODE. OF .ORDINANCES AND A. VARIANCE OF LOT WIDTH FOR LOTS 40, 41, THE NORTH- 1l2. -FRONT- AND- REAR .OF 42, WHIPPLE SHORES; PID.#25-117-24 21 0011; (5346 PIPER ROADj; (P ~ Z CASE #87-680 A $ B ._ ._ 5 January 12, 1988 SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR :THE VACATION OF_A UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE BURTON P OPERTY - LOTS 4 & l0, BLOCK 12, SETON MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to set February 9, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. for a public hearing to consider the vacation of a utility easement on the Burton property - Lots 4 & 10, Biock 12, Seton. The vote was un- anioausly in favor. Motion carried. LICENSE APPROVAL A. Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church - Charitable Gambling - No Council action is necessary if you do not have a problem with the State issuing a License. No action was taken. B. Tree Removal. License - Eklunds Tree Service, 4229 Co. Rd. 10 N., Water- town, MN. 55388 MOTION made by Abel, seconded by Jensen to -authorize the_ issuance of Tree Removal-License to Eklunds Tree Service, 4229 Co. Rd. 10 N., Water-. town, NN. 55388. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION made by Jensen, seconded by Abel to~authorize__the payment of bills as presented on the pre-list in the amount of X141,691.11, when funds are available. A roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Abel asked that the discussion on the property which is for sale adjacent to the new public works facility site be delayed until there is a full Council at the February 9th Regular Meeting. The Council agreed. INFORMATIONlMISCELLANEOUS A. Department~Head Monthly Reports for December, 1987. B. Memo from the Police Chief dated December 30, 1987, regarding the squad car fire. C. Letter dated January 4, 1988, from the City Attorney regarding Doe v. City of Mound and former Police Chief Bruce Wold and Sgt. Bi11 Hudson. This case began a few years ago and has finally ended with our Police Department being cleared. D. Summary of Municipal Response to LMCD Legislative Program. J 6 January 12, 1988 E. Lake Level, Flow & Precipitation Summary for November, 1987, as pub- lished for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. F. School District #271 has formed a Committee to do some comprehensive planning for the short-term and long-term regarding school facilities. Representatives from Mound, Minnetrista, Orono and Spring Park met with this Committee last week to provide input regarding city-owned facilities and future uses. Focus was placed on facilities that are recreational) oriented. Discussion included Northwest Tonka Lions concep• o• u~ ing a softball and/or baseball complex in Minnetrista. The Committee will be meeting further and will be drafting a report for the Board of Education for their consideration this Spring. G. NLC Annual Congressional City Conference, Washington, D.C. - March 19- 22, 1988. IF YOU YANT TO ATTEND, CONTACT FRAN ASAP REGARDING ARRANGE- !¢NTS. The City of Mound is a direct member of NLC and has taken an ac- tive role in NLC matters over the past several years. N. REMINDER: TEAM BUILDINGJGOAL SETTING SESSIONS - January 22, 1988 - 5:30 P.M. - 1.0:OO~P.M..& January 23, 1988 - 7:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. - Lafayette Club I. Minutes of LMCD Mayor's Meeting of December 19, 1987. MOTION made by Jessen, seconded by Abel to adjourn at 8:20 P.M. The vote ryas unanimously in favor. Motion carried. .~ Edward J. S uk e, Jr., City Ma ager Francene C. Clark, CMC, City Clerk 1