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~. ~':~ u~ Mound, Minnesota AGENDA Moun~ City Council June 2&, 1979 City Hall 7:30 P.M. CM 79-222 CM 79-223 CM 79-218 CM 79-210 CM 79-213 CM 79-209 CM 79-221 CM 79-216 CM 79-219 CM 79-225 CM 79-226 CM 79-212 CM 79-217 CM 79-211 CM 79-220 CM 79-224 CM 79-214 CM 79-215 ~l. Minutes Pg. 1797-1805 2. Public Hearings (Continued) i Subdivision of Land - Pelican Point A1 & Alma's Special Use Permit Pg. 1796 Commercial Dock Permit Pg 1793-1795 Inverness Lane Sewer Extension & Street Improvement. L~. Vacation of Shorewood Lane 3. Street Construction . . Request for Street Improvement - Cumberland 1790-1792 Bid Opening-- Sewer Line Repair ~ Other ' ' /"~- ~%'..~ ,,/~. Carnival . J /--.~~ .B. Bingo and Beer Licens~ Pg. 1783-1785 City Insurance Progra~Pg. 1779-1782 6. Variances and Permits ~. Front Yard Variance - Lot 4, Block 2, The Bluffs Pg. 1777-1778 . Appeal - House Moving Permit Pg. 1772-1776 Variance Reconsideration - Lot 7, Blk. 7, Shadywood Point 7. Licenses and Permits A. Surfside 1. Liquor License Renewal Pg. 1766 2. Dinner Dance Permit Pg. 1765 B. Briarwood Liquor License 8. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 9. Liquor Store A. Lease Pg. 1760-1764 ~ B. Checks I 10. Salary Plan Pg. 1759 11. Tax Forfeit Land A. Easements Pg. 1758 B. Undersized Lots Pg. 1757 C. Lots 16, 17, 18 and 1/2 of 19, Block 8, Wychwood Pg. 1756 12. Rustic Place Division Pg. 1750-1755 13. Delinquent Utility Bills Pg. 1748-1749 14. Payment of Bills 15. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 1679-1747 16. Committee Reports Pg. 1806 Pg. 1767-1771 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-232 SUBJECT: Pelican Point Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer and his recommendation is for approval of the latest plan. Also attached is a copy of a letter from the owner of the property with regard to the neighbor's driveway. ' '- L!onard L. Kop~' ~/ / RESOLUTION 7~S/ RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF PELICAN POINT WHEREAS, the final plat of Pelican Point has been submitted in the manner required for platting of land under the Mound ordin- ance Code, and under Chapter 462 of the Minnesota Statutes and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and B~{EREAS, said plat is in a'll respects consistent with the City plan and the regulations and requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and ordinances of the City of Mound, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOUND: Plat approval request for Pelican Point is approved upon compliance with the following requirements: Per final plat "Exhibit D". Per requirements set out in Resolhtion #1978-162, or as subsequently amended, approving the preliminary plat of Pelican Point and establishing utility, street, grading, erosion and site plans and also requiring park dedication, escrow deposits, surety bond or letter of credit. 3. The Mayor and City Manager shall obtain from. the City Attorney a title opinion regarding these lands and approval of the Homeowners Association Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and all covenants and declara- tions to be filed, regarding this plat. 4. The City Manager shall ascertain that all approvals of other governmental agencies have been received and filed with the City Engineer before he signs the final plat. Bo That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the County Recorder and/or Registrar of Titles for their use as required by M.S.A. 462. 358, Subd. 3. Ce That the City Clerk is hereby directed to supply a certi- fied copy of this Resolution to the owners and subdividers of this land. Do That the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute the certificate of approval on behalf of the City RESOLUTION 7Q- ~,~ ~-'-~ A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 78-162 AND INCORPORATING NEW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, this Council did on April 18, 1978 adopt Reso- lution 78-162 approving a Planned Development Area for Pelican Point, and WHEREAS, Resolution 78-162 incorporated Exhibits A, B and C and said exhibits were identified and marked and are on file with the City, and WHEREAS, Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. of 1421 East Wayzata Boulevard, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 has now become associ- ated with the project and has indicated some minor changes in the plans and specifications for this project and said revised plans have been presented to and reviewed, by Lyle Swanson of McCombs- Knutson Associates, Inc., the City Engineer, and WHEREAS, by letter dated June 22, 1979 to Leonard Kopp, Lyle Swanson has approved the revised plans with ~n additional recom~endation for erosion control; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mound City Council: 1. Resolution 78-162 is amended to replace Exhibits A, B and C with the following exhibits: A-1. Utilities Plan prepared by Westwood Planning and Engineering Company, two sheets, dated ~arch 8, 1979. A-2. Street Plan prepared by Westwood Plannina and Engineering Company, 3 sheets, dated May 10, 1979. B-1. Site Plan. is it dated. No markings as to who prepared, nor C-1. Grading Plan prepared by Westwood Planning and Encineering Company, 1 sheet, dated February 20, 1979. 2. Exhibits A-l, A-2, B-1 and C-1 are incorporated in and made a part of this PDA approval with the additional condition that all construction areas which could erode into Lake Minnetonka be restored with black dirt and sod or seeded within 45 days of construc- tion. 3. Ail other provisions of Resolution 78-162 are to be complied with in all respects and are incorporated in this approved amendment. Attest: Mayor City Clerk Approved by the City Council McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, {~-~ /~ [ / 12805 O,;on Memorial Highway ~ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 June 22, 1979 Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: City of Mound Pelican Point Plans Dear Mr. Kopp: We have reviewed the plans for the Pelican Point project prepared by Westwood Planning and Engineering Company with the last revision date of 5/9/79 and have the following comments, recommendations, and comparisons with the plan of Houston E.ngineeri.ng which was approved last Fall. .D.ra i nag. e Both plans provide for a ponding area in the northeast corner of the site with a skimmer box to prevent floating debris from getting to the lake. The latest plan has one additional storm sewer outlet to the lake which was not on the Houston Engineering Plan. We believe this is an improvement on the former plan and will reduce the surface drainage over the steep bank adjacent to the lake with its potential for erosion. Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer plan has been revised somewhat from the plan approved last Fall. The sewer line along the lake has been eliminated and replaced with a line that follows the street alignment. This sewer is deeper than the one formerly proposed, however, it is much more accessible for maintenance. Water The watermain is looped between Tuxedo Boulevard and Dorchester. The watermain layout is almost identical with the layout of the first plan. Minneapolis -- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls l)rir~b;d on recycled p~per June 22, 1979 Page Two Streets The street pattern is the same on both plans. General LaypLut The old plan had 14 townhouse's and 13 patio (detached) homes. The latest plan shows 13 townhouse's and 13 patio homes. Lot 1, Block ll does not have a home shown, but, apparently is designed as a possible 14th patio home. The latest plan has the homes and related structures fronting on the lake a minimum distance of 75 feet from the lakeshore whereas the old plan showed some of the buildings at less than 75 feet from the lake. Erosion Plan The erosion plan provides for placement of a straw bale dam completely around the construction area. We would recommend that construction areas which could erode into the lake be restored with black dirt and sod or seed within 45 days of construction. We would recommend approval of the latest plan with the addition of the recommendations listed above under erosion plan. No street or utility construction can take place until the appropriate permits for the construction have been obtained. If you have any questions on this or need further information, please advise. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Ly'le Swanson, P.E. LS:j1 cc: Curt Pearson, Attorney 3une 15, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 53~1 Maywood Road Mound~Minnesota Dear Mr. Kopp At Roger Conhaims request this letter is in response to the subject brought up at the Council meeting 3une 12, 1979 regarding the question whether the adjoining property owner to Pelican Point, Duane Gilbertson, 2888 Tuxedo Blvd~ held an easement for a driveway on Pelican Point property. Prior to April 18, 1978 this subject was investigated. The property we acquired from Mr. F. G. Gunlaugson is Torrens Land for which we hold a Certificate of Title. We could find no easement memorialized on the Certificate of Title nor did it appear on the survey made by Egan, Field, and Novak. Our attorney, Stephan 3. Poindexter, has advised us that there can be no unrecorded easements on Torrens Land. Therefore, unless an easement is recorded on the Certificate of Title, there can be no easement. This information was discussed with Mr. ~-i]bertson at that time. He has not communicated Lo us further. The plat for Pelican Point shows the access road to the area located at onother point. There is no intent to use the present roadway to gain access to the former Ounlaugson property. Therefore it will be closed. ]n as much as Mr. Qilbertson's property has over 200' adjoining Tuxedo B]vd there appears to be adequate access to his property in another location on his property. It is suggested that, if you deem it necessary, you verify our conclusions with the Mound City Attorney, Curt Pearson, prior to the Council meeting 3une 26, 1979. Sincerely yours, Ralph C. Turnquist(¢) IRCT/ks Attachments 2820 TUXEDO BOULEVARDo MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364® TELEPHONE 473-9693 / ~/3 ~/ Enclosed is a reduced copy of Survey of the Qunlaugson property showing the 20' access road from Tuxedo B]vd.~ and also a plat of the entire area including Pelican Point outlined in red. cc Stephan J.Poindexter Belzer & Brenner Ltd. 7200 France Ave, So. Suite 337 Minneapolis, MN 55435 cc Roger E. Conhaim c/o Lundgren Brothers Construction Co. 935 E, Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391 SiI~,'VEY IH PHELP~$ 15LAND PA'~K Jot ~F~ ~_ ~II~;L~!~G~C N 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-230 SUBJECT: Inverness Lane - Street and Sewer The public hearing on Inverness Lane was continued until June 26th. The Engineers and Owners are meeting on the street alignment and it appears that they are close to agreement. It is requested that the hearing be continued until July 10th unless the Council has a meeting on July 3. ~--'Le~nard L. Kopp / ! 6--26-79 cITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-229 SUBJECT: Shorewood Lane Vacation The Council had continued the hearing to vacate 5 feet on each side of Shorewood Lane between Lakeside Lane and Resthaven Lane requesting that the Engineer show where the existing roadway is in relation to property lines (see map attached). The vacation is recommended with the City keeping an easement in the vacate~l 5 feet for storm drainage and water shutoffs as recommended by the Engineer. 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-231 SUBJECT: Bids - Sanitary Sewer Line Repair 1979 The following bids were received for Sanitary Sewer Repair: Frank Jedlicki $23,110. Widmer Bros., Inc. 18,210. The Engineer will have a report on the bids at Tuesday's meeting. /Leonard L. Kopp ~' I CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~' LANO SURVEYORS" SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 June 26, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: City of Mound 1979 Street Improvements Sewer Repairs Dear Mr. Kopp: Bids were opened on the sewer repair beneath the 1979 streets at lO:00 A.M., Monday, June 25. A tabulation of the bids is attached to this letter. The low bidder was Widmer Brothers, Inc. at $18,210. One other bid of $23,110 was received, and one other Contractor took out plans and specifications on----t~ project but,~dJ_d--no-t~_ub-m-~ ' . -~ We had previously estimated the cost of this work at $17,500. We recommend that'the Contract for the work be awarded to Widmer Bros. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Swanson, P.E. LS:jl Enclosure Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls 0 ~ 0-~ I ~ U~ H Oo rd O -H ", r--- · ,4 I O~ 'O H U) ~H .© H H e~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ¢'4 ¢'4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 ~ kD 0 Lf~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 rd O rdo4 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL ~'~MORA,~YDUM NO. 79-228 SUBJECT: Street Constz~uction - 1979 The Engineer ~has bad difficulty getting easements at Cumberland and Devon and is requesting Devon be narroWed between Donald and C~umberland - see letter and map attached. The Engineer is also recommending that some paving be deleted on Ric?~mond. The questions on the deletion are: 1) Who owns the ].ots where the paving is being deleted, and 2) Are the lots buildable? If the persons asking the deletion owns them - they must not plan on building on them. Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plyrnouth, Minnesota 55441 (6t2) 559-3700 June 22, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: 1979 Mound Streets Easements Dear Mr. Kopp: We are unable to obtain the necessary easements from the property owner of Lots 1, 2, 21, and 22, Block 11, Pembroke. Without this easement we would be unable to construct Devon Lane and Drury Lane in accordance with the approved plans. We are asking for two perpetual easements, one for the curb radius at the intersection of Cumberland Road and Devon Lane, and one for the shift of Drury Lane in the right-of-way. These two perpetual easements are not the main concern of the property owner. The temporary easement required across the front of the property along Devon is the problem. .Numerous trees would have to be removed to construct the full width street and this is why she will not sign any easement. We recommend that Devon Lane be narrowed by two feet on the east side from Cumberland Road to Donald Road. This would give us enough room to save the trees in question. The existing driven road is set approximately five feet to ten feet away from the property lines in the entire block. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls Mr. Leonard Kopp Page Two June 22, 1979 We also have a request by %he two property owners at the end of Richmond Road to shorten the street construction. This is the section of Richmond which goes east from Devon Lane. The approved plans show the curb and gutter ending approximately 95 feet past the~las% driveway. We would recommend this be cut back to 25 feet past the last driveway. If you have any questions on either of these problems, please con%act me. Very truly yours, McCO~4BS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ohn Cameron JC: sj #4536 \ \ / I1'::::: :: 4 -D .!:: May 21, 1979 To: ~rom- Re: Planning Commission, Mound, [.In. Marjorie Peterson and Henri G.P. tteystek 6501 Bayridge Rd. [Lot 5, Blk. 2, The Bluffs] Proposed house by Dale Sherburne Lot 4, Block 2, The Bluffs We are conditionally providing no objection to Mr. Sherburne's request for a variance to the front yard setback requirement wherein he would be able to build ten feet from the present front boundrX. We are however, concerned about the elevations'of his lot and proposed houge relative to our property since there is an intricate drainage system and steep slopes with close proximity of the houses. ~e are requesting that a survey with elevations be developed and approved by both parties, the building inspector, the planning commission: if appropriate and the Halstead-Crest Committee (as per covenants) ~hich includes: 2. 3. 4. Lot lines Finished grade elevations at the lot corners and building corners. Showing drainage swails ~ith elevations indicated there on for both lots. Showing existing grade at corners of the residence at 6501 Bayridge Rd. 5341 MAYW(:)',)f) ROAD MOUND, MILINESOTA 55364 (E 1 ',-') 472-1155 June 25, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Charles Johnso~ mgm. William Huds~ ~z/ Liquor Backgroung-~!~nve s t igati on On the morning of 6-20-79 at 0800 hrs. Sgt. Hudson met with Tauber L. Hoffman and Donald W. Shipman at the Mound Police Department. The meeting was pre- arranged through the two applicants' attorney, Phil Cole, for the purpose of coming in and picking up the liquor application forms to expedite the investigation. After receiving the forms both applicants briefly went thru them, stated there would be no problem, and would go back to their office, fill them out, and get them back to Sgt. Hudson. With the limited information Sgt. Hudson had the following information was determined. Tauber L. Hoffman: DOB: 10-7-41 NCIC & NCIC Summary Record Check - clear Henn. Cty. Records - clear Henn. Cty. Warrants - clear Pending and past concilliation court - ctear Pending and past municipal civil - clear (records only available from 4-1-79) Pending and past district civil - clear (records only available for 1977, 1978, and 1979 at this time) Drivers License - valid - one violation on 2-28-76 - speed No pending criminal actions, civil or district Donald William Shipman: DOB: 9-5-40 NCIC & NCIC Summary Record Check - clear Henri. Cty. Records - clear Henn. Cty. Warrants - clear Pending and past concilliation court - clear Pending and past municipal civil - clear (records only available from 4-1-79) Pending and past district civil - clear (records only available for 1977, 1978, and 1979 at this time) Drivers License - valid - one violation on 9-28-74 - speed No pending criminal actions, civil or district Chief Johnson Page 2 6-25-7'9 As of this time Sgt. Hudson has been unable tO make any inquiries in reference to the corporation which is evidently owned by the two applicants. Sgt. Hudson has been unable to check outside of Hennepin Coungy due to lack of information on the two applicants. Attached to this memo is information from the city of Mound on special assess- ments due against the Briarwood. Applicants did inform Sgt. Hudson that they have forwarded some monies to the present o~er on delinquent taxes. In checking with the water department for the city of Mound, account #43439445101, there is an outstanding bill for $809.68 as of 6-1-79. This is the Briarwood's account. Due to lack of information this is all that can be determined in reference to the two applicants. As of 6-25-79 Sgt. Hudson has not received the requested information back from the applicants. C~ 0 06-19-79 1500 hrs. LIQUOR BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION Property' being sold is formerly being called the Briarwood and the new establishment will be called Donnie's, 4451Wilshire Blvd., Mound, MN. The two applicants for the liquor license and also new owners/management will be Tauber L. Hoffman, 5325 Elmridge Circle, dob: 10-07-41, and Donald W. Shipman, 6947 E. Fish Lake Rd., Osseo, MN, dob: 05-09-40. Sgt. Hudson contacted Curt Pearson, the City attorney for Mound at 333-0543. Sgt. Hudson informed Curt Pearson that he would be mailing out the applications to the two applicants for them to fill out so that the necessary investigation can be started. Curt Pearson was also made aware of the time involved in an investigation which he stated he fully understood. Curt Pearson asked Sgt. Hudson if he would contact the applicant's attorney to see if arrangements could be made to expedite the matter. Sgt. Hudson contact Phil Cole at 854-0399. Sgt. Hudson informed Phil Cole that the applications were ready and if the two applicants could come in and fill them in at the office it would expedite the matter somewhat. He was also informed of the time involved in reference to the investigation. He stated that he fully understood. Phil Cole stated that his two applicants would be in on the morning of 06-20-79, at 0800 hrs. to fill out the applications to initiate the investigation. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 25, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-233 SUBJECT: Checks Attached is a copy of a memorandum from the Liquor Store Manager requesting permission to add a charge on all "NSF" checks. Does the Council wish to add a charge for these returned checks? C TY OUND ,June 20, 1979 534~ MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 553*34 (612) 472-1155 TO: FROM: Mr. Kopp, City Manager Liquor Store Manager Please submit a request to the Council for permission to add a charge of $5.00 for all check that are returned to the Liquor Store. This is common practice for the store in our area. A fund would be able to accumulate to cover any check that may be uncollectable. Nel Schernau CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-227 SUBJECT: Car Allowance The City is paying 15¢ per mile for the use of private cars on City business. Most Governmental Agencies have increased to 17¢ per mile some- time ago; while others are now moving to 20¢ per mile. An increase effective July 1 is recommended. ~";~'~ ~' ~" U NG EE SI~ IANDSURVEYORS ~ISITEPLANNER$ June 22, 1979 Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Subject: City of Mound A1 & Almas Parking Dear Mr. Kopp: We have reviewed the revised parking plan for A1 & Almas dated June 18, 1979 and have the following comments. Bob Shanley, Hank Truelson and I have met with Bud Nolan at the site. The plan generally meets the guidelines proposed at the meeting which were to provide a means to prevent cars parking adjacent to the building from backing out into the street and to restrict entrance to all parking areas to limited and defined areas. Thc area between the large parking lot and Tuxedo Road will be dressed up with rock beds, retaining walls and separated from the street by posts. A french drain will be provided on the last end of the parking area to control runoff. We recommend approval of the plan and further recommend that when the project is constructed that the Contractor work with Bob Shanley on the construction of the items on Tuxedo Road so as not to build anything that will conflict with street maintenance or snow plowing. If you have any questions or need additional information on this, please advise. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Ly'Te Swanson, P.E. LS:jl Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls l FI7 AGENDA Regular Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 27, 1979 Gray Freshwater Biological Institute Navarre, Minnesota 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Minutes: May 23, 1979 4. Treasurer's Report A. Monthly Financial Report B. Bills C. 1980 Budget Committee Reports A. Water Structures & Environment Committee (1) Public Hearing Report: Schulz Variance (2) 1979 New Dock License Status (3) Variance Order: Libbs Bay Boat Club (4) Code Amendment: Fee Requirements (5) Other B. Code Amendment: Fee Requirements - first reading C. Lake Use Committee (l) Highway 101-Causeway Access Development (2) Special Event Permit: Ahlgren Mooring (3) ': ,7 " U.L.M.Y.C. Regatta Moorings (4) " " " W.Y.C. Night Races (5) Other Other Business: Request to Appear - re Lake Place Adjournment 6-22-79 The regular meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District was called to order by Chairman Paurus at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, 1979 at the Gray Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre. Members present: Thomas Maple (Deephaven), Jerry Johnson (Excelsior), Robert Brown (Greenwood), David Boles (Minnetonka Beach), Norman Paurus (Orono), Robert Naegele* (Shorewood), Frank Hunt (Spring Park), Ed Bauman (Tonka Bay), Richard Soderberg** (Victoria), and Robert Slocum (Woodland). Communities represented: Ten (10). * **Arrived late. Slocum Moved, Maple Seconded, that the minutes of the April 25, 1979 regular meeting, be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Maple Moved, Paurus Seconded, that the minutes of the May 5, 1979 special meeting, be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Hunt Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the Treasurer's report be approved and the bills paid. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Hunt Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the 1978 Financial Statement be accepted, distributed, and audit ordered. Motion, AYes (8), Nays (0). The Board accepted the 1967-1978 Save the Lake Fund report. Maple Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the Board commend Bob Pillsbury for his personal efforts in the Save the Lake Fund drives. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Brown reported that the com- mittee reviewed dock license public hearing reports for Eagle Bluff, Mai Tai (amendment), and Foxhill Association, and made recommendations. Paurus Moved, Hunt Seconded,'that the new dock license application for the Pemtom development at Eagle Bluff, be approved with the following stipulations: (1) that the frontage be based on the total frontages of Outlots A, B and C, and Lot 1, Block 1 (1,640'); (2) that the 929.4 (N.G.V.D.) shoreline apply to the lagoon (Outlot B); and (3) that the City of Minnetrista caveat relative to boat storage be a part of this license. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0). Paurus Move~ Johnson Seconded, that the Mai Tai Restaurant dock license amendment application to provide storage for the "Tiki," be approved with the following stipulations: (1) that the dock be ~ temporary (seasonal) dock; (2) that the permit be issued on a trial basis for one season only; and (3) that no transient boat parking be allowed at that dock. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (1), Brown voting Nay. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded, that 'the new dock license application for the Foxhill Association, subject to the variance Order of 9-28-78, be approved. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL MINUTES TREASURER'S REPORT FINANCIAL STATEb~NT EAGLE BLUF} DOCK LICENSE MAI TAI AMENDMENT FOXHILL DOCK LICENSE LMCD Board Minutes May 23, 1979 Page 2 The committee reviewed the public hearing report of the Norris variance application concerning the placement of residential docks on the west side of Priests Bay, in the area north of the channel, and recommended that the Board approve a variance order which provides that all residen- tial docks in the area, starting from the Luger residence southward to the channel, be constructed at approximately 90 to the shoreline. . Brown Moved, Maple Seconded, to approve as recommended. Discussion en- sued after counsel raised the Points of possible inappropriate variance, and possible insufficient notice of hearing, based upon the committee recommendation which affects more property owners than was anticipated at the beginning of the applicaLion. Brown withdrew his Motion, Maple his Second. Brown Moved, Naegele Seconded, that the variance application by Norris concerning the placement of residential docks, be tabled, pending a variance application by Schulz. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (1), Hunt voting Nay. The committee reviewed the court order upholding Spring Park's zoning regulations permitting 5 boats at the West Beach Apartments, and recom- mended approval of the 1979 dock license renewal application in agreement with that order. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded, that the 1979 dock license renewal applica- tion for West Beach Apartments for 5 boats, be approved. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). ~ST BEACH DOCK LICENSE Brown reported that there will be public hearings for new dock license application for a residential dock (Roger Wikner) on Wayzata Bay, and for an amendment application for the Lafayette Club to move its dock to a more suitable location. The committee reviewed the method of charging license fees for amendments and requested that a Code amendment be drafted to provide: A. that new dock license applications involving amendments for improve- ments or minor changes in structure layout, be not charged an application fee; but B. that new license applications involving amendments to provide for completely new or rebuilt installations, be charged a new fee. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT: FEES The committee reviewed the District Mooring Area Permit application for the City of Deephaven and recommended approval with stipulations. W.L. Perkins indicated that he has a property line dispute with the City at Carsons Bay. Naegele Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the District Mooring Area Permit application for the City of Deephaven be approved with the following stipulations: (1) that Buoy No. 1 be relocated to the east side of the field, and (2) that the City consider using smaller swing areas, and reduce Lake encroachment. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). DEEPHAVEN MOORING PERMIT /fl'-/ LMCD Board Minutes May 23, 1979 Page 3 The committee reviewed a letter of concern about the recent construction of a gazebo and opaque screening fence at the Lafayette Ridge development outlot on Lafayette Bay. LMCD representative, Dave Boles, reviewed the matter, indicating that the development had applied for a variance to fence height limitations from 5' to 6~', but that the City is requiring them to remove 6". A landscape plan is included in the project. LAFAYETTE RIDGE SCREEN The committee reviewed the site plans for Paul's Landing and for Windward Marine, both recently worked out with the City of Orono, and recommended that the applications be forwarded to the Board upon completion (in- cluding certified drawings), without further recommendations from the committee. PAUL'S LANDING & WINDWARD hot dog stand, on Seton Channel be recommended for disapproval because of the extreme hazard to navigation in this area of the channel, and (2) it be recommended that this, or any similar operation on any part of the Lake, be not allowed. Naegele abstaining. The committee reviewed a request for a recommendation from the City of Mound to the operation of a hot dog stand on Seton Channel south of the bridge on the west side, recommending that because of the hazard to navigation, this or other operations be prohibited, h.[~.~_~..~ Paurus Moved, Johnson Seconded, that (1) the proposed operation of a ~'F00D -~ "~ / DIsPENsING~ Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0), Abstains (1), ! ,/ Brown Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the committee report, be approved. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). LAKE USE COMMITTEE: Bauman reported that the committee reviewed requests for Quiet Water area considerations, and made recommendations as follows: North Seton Channel Grays Bay Bridge, east channel Excelsior Bay North Big Island Buoys to be placed in accordance with Resolution No. 34. One additional buoy placed in the east channel should be effective. Further consideration was continued until after the June 23rd boat ride. Further consideration was held to determine the effectiveness of increased Water Patrol Request was combined with the north S~to~-~h~h~--~i~ ~' matter for review at a later date. It was felt that the last available Slow Buoy would be most effective if placed in the Grays Bay Channel east of the bridge. Brown Moved, Paurus Seconded, that (1) the county be requested to provide ten additional Slow Buoys, and (2) for 1979 the remaining Slow Buoy be placed in the Grays Bay channel east of the bridge. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). SLOW BUOYS IflJ LMCD Board Minutes May 23, 1979 Page 4 The committee reported that the District has received several phone calls and letters of complaint about the buoying of a large sailboat northeast of the Narrows, and the matter was referred to the Water Patrol. The committee reviewed the special event permit application for Lord Fletchers of the Lake for three sky diving events, each at 7:30 on the weeknight evenings of June 5th, August 22nd, and August 27th, and noting that weeknight traffic in the channel area should be less a problem than during the weekend as last year. The committee recommended approval with stipulations. Hunt Moved, Paurus Seconded, that the special event permit application for Lord Fletchers be approved as above, with the stipulations that the second and/or third event(s) may be cancelled if the earlier one(s) are not successful, and that the events be coordinated with the Sheriff's Water Patrol. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (1), Abstains (1), Johnson voting Nay, and Naegele abstaining. The committee reviewed a request by the Upper Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club in connection with its summer regatta for temporary buoy placements (1) for overnight storage of 25 boats off the southeast of Wawatosa Island during two regattas, one on July 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the other on July 21-22; and (2) for 25 boats in front of the Yacht Club grounds during the lunch periods on July 5, 6, 7 and 8. The committee recom- mended approval with previous stipulations. Hunt Moved, Boies Seconded, that the special event permit applications by Upper Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club be approved with the folldwing stipu- lations: (a) that buoys be removed immediately after each event; (b) that state regulation blue and white mooring buoys be used; (c) that the buoys be kept inside the point line at Wawatosa Island; and (d) that the lagoon channel traffic northeast of the Yacht Club grounds will not be blocked. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). The committee accepted for further study and review the shoreland preservation background material which was also distributed to Board members. The committee reviewed a boating-use survey which is expected to be adapted and distributed with the Save the Lake Fund drive this year; advance copies will be circulated when ready, to the Board. The Water Patrol reported that fire fighting equipment is in working con- dition. Boy Scout Troops have not reported participation in the on-Lake cleanup this year. Since 1974, we have had an extensive training program in the use of radar equipment in Minnesota, and shouldn't run into the same legal problem that the State of Florida has had with radar being not admissible evidence. Bauman reported that the next Lake Use Committee meeting scheduled for June 18th, will be held at the Grays Bay Resort with other agencies involved in the Highway 101-Causeway Development Project. LORD FLETCHER SPECIAL EVENT U.L.M.Y.C. SPECIAL EVENT SHORELAND BOAT USE SURVEY WoP. REPORT LMCD Board Minutes May 23, 1979 Page 5 Maple Moved, Hunt Seconded, that the committee report, be accepted. Motion, Aye~s_l!0)~_ Nays (0). ~.OTH~[~ BUSINESS: Del Pfeifer reported that one of the buoys placed by ~~Black Lake, is missing; in agreement with the Sheriff's \recommendations, buoys will be placed as in Resolution N°. 30 - point uoys in normal locations. __------ Hu~t Mov~~~~~ .tha-----~ Res----~lution No. 34 regarding the estab- lishment of Quiet Waters in the North Seton Channel area, be adopted. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). Woodend Shores Beach Association presented conforming dock Plan R (a modification of Plan P) for approval, because of lOw water conditions in shore. Bauman Moved, Johnson Seconded, that Woodend Shores Beach Association dock Plan R, be approved. Motion, Ayes (9), Nays (0), Abstains (1), Brown abstaining. ADJOURNMENT: Bauman Moved, Johnson Seconded, at 10:10 p.m., that the meeting, be adjourned. Motion, Ayes (10), Nays (0). CHANNEL / WOODEND SHOP, ES PI~ R ADJOURNED Submitted by: Jerry Johnson, Secretary Approved by: Norman W. Paurus, Chairman 300 1M[etro Square ]Building, ?th Street and I~obert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 MEMORANDUM: June 7, 1979 TO: Metro HRA Participating C6mmunities FROM: Phil Katzung, Metro HRA Program Manager SUBJECT: Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program The Metropolitan Council Housing and Redevelopment Authority has been invited to submit an application to administer a Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program in the Metro area. Final regulations for this program have recently been issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The regulations establish policies, procedures and operating guide- lines for this new program which allows for upgrading of rental housing to comply with Housing Quality Standards. The Moderate Rehabilitation Program combines features of both the Section 8 substantial rehabilitation and existing programs. Owners of rental property must agree to make a minimum invest- ment of $1000 per unit (not all units in a structure need to be included'in %he project) for upgrading structures. After completion of the rehabilitation work a housing assis- tance payments contract between the owner and Metro HRA will be executed for a term of 15 years. Other terms of this HAP are the same as in the existing program; an eligible family or individual pays 25 percent of their income toward the rent and the Metro HRA pays the balance to the owner of the unit. The owner must agree that the rehabilitated units will be available to persons of low and moderate income for a period of 15 years. Rents may be approved for 120 percent of the An Agency Created to Coordinato the Planning and Developznent of thc Twin Cities Anoka County,)Carver County r) Dakota County 0 I{ennepin County<~ t{~.[xnsey County fair market rents for the Section 8 exis%inq program. The increased rent is expected to support the debt service on the property improvements. Rent will be adjusted annually, which should help landlords to absorb rising operating costs. As with Other Section 8 programs, the moderate rehabilitation program provides no financing for the rehabilitation to be accomplished by the owners. Any type of public or private financing may be utilized under this program, with the ex- ception of the Section 312 rehabilitation loan program. An owner may pledge the Housing Assistance Payments Contract as security for financing. However, the Metro HRA would be re- sponsible for assistin~ owners in securing financing. Thus, the HRA would be required to market the program to prospec- tive lenders and owners. As with any program undertaken by the Metro HRA, local commun- ity participation is vOluntary and must be secured before de-. velopment may proceed. 'Among several benefits to local commun- ities is the fact that the program is directed toward the im- provement of existing, privately owned housing. Program costs are borne by the federal government, and administration pro- vided by the Metro HRA and/or community staff as in the Section 8 existing Program. The Moderate Rehabilitation program offers incentives to land- lords by reducing turnovers, guaranteeing prompt payment of the greater portion of the rent, and covering vacancy and dam- age losses in many circumstances. The owner, as noted above, will continue to solicit and select eligible tenants using his or her normal approach. Metro HRA staff is considering the submission of an applica- tion to HUD to administer this program for communities wishing to participate. If you feel that your community might benefit from this new program or would like further information or have questions, please call Mary Grace Flannery at 291-6379. CITY of MOUND ,June 22 ~ 19.79 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 5536¢ (612) 472-1155 Mr. Thomas Prokasky 1102 Wesley Temple Building Minneapolis, b~. 55403 Dear Tom: Thanks for your letter of June 20th. I wOuld guess after inflation, costs of the lifts will be less than the elevators now, so it is my guess that we should wait. I will run your letter by the Council for their comment. Sincerely, City 'Manager ~LK/ms cc: City Council THOMAS WILLIAM PROKASKY & ASSOCIATES INC. o ARCHITECTS June 20, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: HANDICAP ACCESS TO MOUND CITY OFFICES Dear Leonard: I checked back with the state building code people and they have drafted standards for wheel chair lifts in public buildings. However, the review and adoption pro- cess will run until late in this year or, more realistically, into next year. The new standards and inflation will add considerable cost to our estimate. Should we wait this out or reconsider the other alternatives? Sincerely yours, Thomas W. Proka~ TWP/pss ? REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL June 5, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City £ouncil of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on June 5, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swenson, Donald Ulrick and Benjamin Withhart. Councilmember Robert Polston was absent and excused. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Engineer William McCombs and City Clerk Mary H. Marske~ MINUTES The minutes of the Board of Revi~-were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the mintues of the Board of Review as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the meeting of May 22, 1979 were presented for consideration. Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 22, 1979 with a correction on page 71; Tract A, R.L.S. 1150 the vote to read "The vote was four in favor with Swenson voting nay". The vote was unanimously in favor. PUBLIC HEARINGS Rezoning Lots !9 & 20, A.S. 170 and Lots 28-32 The Bartlett Place Upper Lake Mtka The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of the notice of public hearing on said rezoning. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the public hearing for input on said rezoning and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. The following persons Offered comments or questions: John & Ellen Wagman, 5469 Barlett Boulevard Rock Lindlan, 2561 Lakewood Lane LeRoy Holden, 5459 Bartlett Boulevard Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion requesting the City Attorney to draft an ordinance rezoning Lots 19 & 20, A.S. 170 and Lots 28-32 The Bartlett Place Upper Lake Mtka. Roll call vote was three in favor with Withhart voting nay. Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to continue this item until June 12, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. A1 & Alma's Special Use Permit - Commercial Dock License Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion to continue this item until June 26, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. Inverness Lane - Sewer Extension and Street Improvement The Mayor reopened the public hearing for input on said public improvements and person present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. No persons presented objections and the t~ayor then closed the public hearing. Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion to continue this item unttl June 26, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. The Mayor requested a statement be submitted to the Council from the City Attorney regarding the impact on the plat on the low lands. June 5, 1979 CEMETERY - LOT 1, DI.VISION A, GRAVES 1-4 Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion directing the staff to uncover the grave located at Lot 1, Di.vision A. If burial was made in error the City will suffer the expenses incurred. If burial was made correctly Mr. Simon Wirtz will suffer the cost. The vote was unanimously in favor. CONSTRUCTION - STREETS, SEWER AND WATER Montclair Lane Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-216 RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOL. UTION 79-148 AND CONSTRUCT MONTCLAIR LANE AT A 28 FOOT WIDTH. The.vote was unanimously in favor. Plans & Specifications - Sanitary Sewer Line TeJevising ~ithhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-217 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER LINE TELEVISING AND ORDER ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TO BE OPENED JUNE 26, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. Water Connection - Spring Park Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-218 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE STAFF TO DRAW A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SPRING PARK FOR INSTALL- ATION OF A WATER CONNECTION BETWEEN SPRING PARK AND MOUND The vote was unanimously in favor. County Road 15 Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-219 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE STAFF PREPARE A RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED ~A~H~i~gUNTY BOARD REGARDIN~ COUNTY The vote was unanimously in favor. LICENSES AND PERMITS Wine License Renewal Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-220 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI~IG THE 'ISSUANCE OF A WINE LICENSE TO AL & ALMA'S. The vote was unanimously in favor. Restaurant License Application - The Health House Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-221 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A RESTAURANT LICENSE TO THE HEALTH HOUSE. The vote was unanimously in favor. June 5, 1979 LICENSES'AND PERMITS (CONTINUED) Non-Intoxicating Beer License - Mound Fire Department Withhart moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-222 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A NON-INTOX- ICATING BEER LICENSE TO THE MOUND FIRE DEPARTMENT. The vote was unanimously in favor. Club License Renewal Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-223 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CLUB LICENSE FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 398. The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT David Babler, 1785 Wildhurst asked about construction of streets in the area of Sunset Road. TAX FORFEIT LAND withhart moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-224 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CO~ISERVATION LIST AND REQUEST- ING DELETIONS AND ADDING ITEMS The vote was unanimously in favor. INFORMATIONAL J~EMORANDUMS The Council briefly discussed the following matters: Proposed development of property in the Lost Lake area. Spring clean up costs. West Hennepin Human Services Council Withhart moved and Ulrick seconded a motion requesting the Mayor to send a letter of appreciation to the County Board regarding the action taken relating to the human services available to West Hennepin residents. Th~ vote was unanimously in favor. It was determined by the Council that the Mayor direct a letter to the communities served by Continenal Telephone regarding the proposed increase in charges. ADJOURNMENT Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on June 12, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager Mary H. Marske, City Clerk/Treasurer REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL .June 12, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesdta was held at 5341Maywood Road.. in said City on June 12, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Robert Polston, Gordon Swenson and Donald Ulrick. Councilmember Benjamin Withhart was absent and ex- cused. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, Assistant City Engineer John Cameron and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. PUBLIC HEARINGS Pelican Point - Final Plat The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of the notice of public hearing on said final plat. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the public'hearing for input on said final plat and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. No persons presented objections and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to continue this matter until June 26, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. Chestnut Road The Mayor reopened the public hearing for input on public improvements on Chestnut Road and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Robert Lindahl, attorney representing Dennis Danger' Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-225 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND REQUESTING THE ENGINEFER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INCORPORATING ALTERNATE #3 The vote was unanimously in favor. Rezoning Lots 19 & 20, A.S. 170 and Lots 28-32 The Bartlett Place Upper Lake Mtka The Mayor reopened the public hearing for input on the rezoning.and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to expresss their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Jim Scruton,'5267 Bartlett Boulevard Robert Hanson, 5425 Bartlett Boulevard Jim Whitesel. 1, 2300 Commerce Boulevard Ellen Wagman, 5469 Bartlett Boulevard Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion to adopt the ordinance herein quoted by title: ORDINANCE 400 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 23.06, 23.Oll AND 23.05 BY REZONING CERTAIN LANDS FROM MULTIPLE DWELLINGS TO RESIDEN- TIAL A-1 AND RESIDENTIAL B The vote was unanimously in favor, so ordained. See Ordinance Book page June 12, 1979 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Subdivision of Land - Lots 4, 5, 6 and 15, Block 15, Set0n Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-226 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVIS- ION OF LAND The vote was unanimously in favor. Side Yard Variance - Non-Conforming Use Lot 14, Block 3, Shirley Hills B Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a. motion RESOLUTION 79-227 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SIDE YARD VARIANCE AND NON-CONFORMING USE AS REQUESTED The vote was unanimously in favor. Front Yard Variance - Lot 4, Block 2, The Bluffs Lovaasen moved and Polston seconded a motion to continue this item. The vote was unanimously in favor. Street Vacation - Devon Lane from Carrick to Longford Uirick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-228 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE FRONT LOT LINE FOR LOTS 10, 11, 12 AND 13, BLOCK 9, SETON The vote was unanimously in favor. House Size Variance - House Moving to Lots 1 and 15, Block 3, Dream~ood Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to deny the request. Roll call vote was Ulrick and Polston in favor and Lovaasen and Swenson voting nay. No action. Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion to' concur with the'recommendation of the Planning Commission. Roll call vote was Swenson and Lovaesen in favor and Ulrick and Polston voting nay. No action. House Moving Permit - Lot 6 & 7, Block 2, Shirley Hills A Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-229 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE HOUSE MOVING PERMIT. The vote was unanimously in favor. INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS - JUDE CANDY COMPANY Lovaasen moved and Swenson seconded a motion to indicate the Council's support of this proposal. The vote was three in favor with Ulrick voting nay. 1979 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-230 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $3,1OO,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1979 AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The vote was unanimously in favor. June 12, 1979 SALARY PLAN The Counc.i! determined to continue this item until June 26, 1979. SWIMMING BEACHES Polston moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-231 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AND COORDINATION OF SWIMMING LESSONS AT MOUND BEACHES. The vote was three in favor with Swenson voting nay. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion to continue the meeting to complete the agenda. The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Ruth Wyman inquired about the cost of swimming lessons. 1979 STREETS Swenson and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-232 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY OF THE CITY MAINTAINING RETAINING WALLS ON CITY RIGHT OF WAY CONSTRUCTED BY THE CITY OR A CONTRACTOR HIRED BY THE CITY. T.he vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND - LOTS 11 & 12, BLOCK 9, WOODLAND POINT The Council requested the Assistant City Engineer to respond to the attorney representing the owner of Lots 13 & 14, Block 9, Woodland Point regarding the Counci:l's findings in relation to the property and the street improvement project. TAX FORFEIT LAND - LOT 5, BLOCK 28, WYCHWOOD Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-233 RESOLUTION REQUESTING TEMPORARY EASEMENTS ON STATE OWNED LAND FOR STREET IMPROVEMEtlT PURPOSES. The vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND Lots 2, 18 and 19, Block 8, Pembroke Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-234 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF LOTS 2, 18 AND 19, BLOCK 7, PEMBROKE FOR PUBLIC SALE The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion requesting the engineer obtain a temp- orary easement .on Lot 2, 18 and 19, Block 7, Pembroke for street improvements. The vote was unanimously in favor. Lots 41 & 42, Block 10, Pembroke and Lot 45 and Part of 44, Block 10, Pembroke Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-235 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF LOTS 41 AND 42 AND LOT 45 AND PART OF LOT 44, BLOCK 10, PEMBROKE FOR PUBLIC SALE. The vote was unanimously in favor. June 12, 1979 .Lots 30, 31 and 32, Block 9, Wychwood Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-236 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF 'LOTS 30, 31 AND 32, BLOCK 9, WYCHWOOD FOR PUBLIC SALE. The vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND - EASEMENTS Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-237 RESOLUTION REQUESTING TEMPORARY EASEMENTS ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN PEMBROKE FROM THE STATE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79~238 RESOLUTION REQUESTING VARIOUS EASEMENTS ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN WYCH~OOD FROM THE STATE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. ~he vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT-LAND - C.M. 79-208 Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-239 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOTS 14, 15, 16 AND 17, BLOCK 12, AVALON FOR WETLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-240 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOT 19, BLOCK 24, SETON FOR WETLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion ~ RESOLUTION 79-241 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOT 22, BLOCK 11, WHIPPLE FOR WETLANDS. The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION .79-242 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR COHVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOTS 23 & 24, BLOCK 4, WYCHWOOD FOR WETLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-243 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOT 3, BLOCK 14, MOUND TERRACE FOR WETLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION.79-244 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI~IG AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 34, $1YCHWOOD FOR STREET PURPOSES The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-245 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING APPLICATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE OF LOTS 19, 20 & 1/2 OF 18, BLOCK 18, WYCHWOOD FOR STREET PURPOSES The vote was unanimously in favor. LICENSES AND PERMITS Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-246 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A CLUB LICENSE FOR THE CHAMBERLAIN-GOUDY VFW POST #5113. The vote was unanimously in favor. DOCK PERMITS Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-247 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF DOCK PERMITS AS LISTED ON DOCK LIST #2, ADDENDUM #1 The vote was unanimously in favor. COUNTY ROAD #15 Polston moved and S. wenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-248 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE HENNEPIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO RECONSIDER CSAN 15 ROAD I~IPROVEMENTS The vote was unanimously in favor. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-249 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN CITY FUNDS The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion approving payment of the claims as listed on the prelist in the amount of $211,198.44 where funds are available. Rol~ call vote was unanimously in favor. ~ INFORMATION MEMORANDUMS t. Councilmember Swenson asked for a future report on the status of the street lights, the Perron case, the Udell litigation, Martin's Resort and the Harry Lund property. June 12, 1979 ADJOURNMENT Swens~n moved and Polston seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on June 26,.1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske, City Clerk/TreaSurer Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-222 SUBJECT: A1 & Alma's Special Use Permit The Council continued the hearing on a special use permit until June 26th. As of Thursday~ no new information has been received. The Council's attention is directed to previous Council Memorandum 79-151 (May 8th meeting) Page 1287, 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-223 SUBJECT: Commercial Dock Permit - A1 & Alma's The issuance of a dock permit was continued from the May meeting - see Council Memorandum No. 79-181 (Copy attached). CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota May 24, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-181 SUBJECT: Commercial Dock License - A1 & Alma's The Council asked that the subject Dock License be considered on June 5th. The Dock Inspector has recommended the issuance of 15 dock sliFsfor A1 and Alma's. The Park Commission recommended the following; Considerable discussion on A1 & Alma's Commercial Dock Permit. This is a recognized City Swimming Beach and as such has a 50 foot 'setback, jeopardizing swimmers with the many large cruisers that dock there, encroaching onto beach area after beach hours expire. Motion to recommend to Council, "Approve A1 and Alma's Commercial Dock Permit with stipulations: No parking of boats on beachside at any time; Four foot minimum height for chain link fence installed the entire length of dock on beachside." Unanimously approved. The reason for stipulations would help resolve the conflict of a recog- nized City Swimming Beach and the minimum setback normally required for a swi~ach and help insure greater safety for those using the b~~owing, commercial docks in residential areas can be con- ~/ ~ Any special use permit granted by the council shall be conditioned as foilows: _~// A. The res'_ldential property on which dockage is to be located and the / commercial property served shall be in common ownership and shall be located within 300 feet of the property line of the commercial property, B. The mooring of boats at such dock shall be limited to a maximum of four hours. C. No gas, oil or other product may be sold from the dock and no servicing of boats will be permitted, D. One sign for identification will be allowed but it shall not exceed a total of six (6) square feet in size, CQUNCIL MEMORANDUM 9-181 Page 2 SUBJECT: Commercial Dock License - A1 & Alma's Eo Fe Go Ingress and egress from the residential lot shall be restricted to the property held under common ownership and adequate safeguards shall be provided so that persons docking will not trespass on private property or on any public property except for properly designated streets or sidewalks. The Council shall specify any special conditions that they may require, such as fencing, lighting or landscaping, and shall require a site plan showing the location of any such fencing, lighting or landscaping. Any lighting installed along the dock or the pathway from the residential to the commercial property shall be in such a manner as to have no direct source of light visible from a public right of way or adjacent land in the residential use district. The Council may require a per- formance bond to assure construction of the site improvements required by the Special Use Permit. The owner shall be required to maintain the premises in a neat and clean manner and in accordance with the terms established by the special use permit. The Council shall determine in allowing such a special use permit that this use will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the neighborhood. The owner shall be required to meet and comply with all the standards and requirements of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. cC: A1 & Alma's Dock InSpector 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-218 SUBJECT: Request for Street Improvement Attached is a request for the improvement for Cumberland Road from where this year's construction ends east to Stratford or further depending on the Council's decision on Inverness Lane. The next step is to order a preliminary report. cc: M. L. Sycks MOUND, MN 55364 612/'472-4833 3'une 17., 1979 Mound City Council Mound, MN' 55364 As ~'ee Owner of Lots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 1, Z, 3'Block 10 Pembroke I am hereby requesting that the Council consider and approve a plan to extend your present plans for upgrading Cumberland Lane to include this area. This will include sewer, water, curb & gutter and street; your present plans are to curb & gutter Cumberland up to approximately Lot 43, Block 10, Pembroke. Our present plans are to erect single family' residences in this area which will have a market value of '$60 - 100, 000. It should be noted that this area has a Lake Minnetonka beach area on the newly acquired(by Mound) Island View and Manchester public beach; also the second largest Mound park is only blocks away. I have employed the Egan, Field & Nowak Co. to complete a topographic study of the area and expect to have this ready for presentation shortly. This will benefit the City of Mound by about 10 additional new taxable houses. Normal neighbor objections are, of course, expected as they are in any area to be improved because'it means the loss to them of a place to let their animals relieve themselves instead of their own yard and on property which I have been paying taxes for some years now. Since the area is heavily wooded we will make every effort to save as many trees as possible so that we can preserve the natural beauty of this site. Your early action on this request'will be appreciated. M. L. Sycks OFORD - ./ RICHMONO .~ 3HESTER ..... ~' ............ FlOAt)-- '1 ..~ $ 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-210 SUBJECT: Carnival Permit Request The Jaycees wish to have a carnival for the week of July 9th through the 15th, and have presented a request. (See copy attached) The carnival will be part of a week long celebration in which the Jaycees, the Chamber of Commerce and the Lion's Club will be parti- cipating. Mr. Hanson will be at the June 26th meeting to present this request. ~-Le6nard L. Kopp- cc: G. Hanson C~E }L~,o0~ C.qAL~IN 02 THE M0&~ JAYC~.%~,S CELEBRATION THAT WILL B~LD JULY 12th, 13th, 14th, AND l~3'th. THIs LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE MAYOR TD[ LOV_~SSF~N, CITY MANAG~ LEONARD L. KOPP, CHIEF OF POLICE CHUCK JOt~,~SON, AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND. THE MONAW~ JAYCEE$ WILL NEED THESE PE.~'~ITS TO PUT ON THIS CELEB?~TION. 1. THREE TWO BE~q PERMIT, ( JAYCEES HAS DPt/,1 SHOP INSURANCE TO COVER THIS EA~ Ai~ HAS ALREADY BEF/I PRESENTED TO THE CITY O~IFICE.) 2. LIONS BIhGO, THE LIONS WILL NEED A BINGO PER2,~IT FOR THESE FOUR DAYS. 3- THE MOHA~,~5~ JAYCEES WILL NEED A PFc%MIT TO HOLD THIS F0b~ DAY CE .~:uP~TiON .~J..0NG ~TH T~.~.---~E GROL~PS ~Y~0LED. THE C3~/B'~ OF CO~,~,~u,,., LIONS, RETAIL I,~_~CP.A/~S ASSOC, MOHA~,fE JAYC~ES, JAYCEE FIRE WORKS DISPLAY ~LD IN THE SCHOOL PARK PUT ON BY PROFESSIONALS, AND THE MOL~D FIRE DEPT STANDING BY.- ~ ,~ ~_,,~~ PROTECTION FOR T}~SE EVENTS WILL BE C0% ,~ERED BY THESE GROUPS. ]~. MOUND POLICE RESERVE 2. MOHA~,~K JAYC~;S $. JAYCEE W0~,~,{ 4. MOUND FICHE DEPT. IF NEEDED. PA~od&ING FOR THIS 1. EVE~ OUR LADY 6F THE k~2~ PA_RIzJ3;G LOT SIGNS WILL BE POSTED TO LEAD PEOPLE TO PAPyri NEON. 2. PARKid,~G IDT BEHIND S~D~ DRUG. 3-.PARKING LOT N~T TO THE MOUND !,~D!CAL BUILDING 4. PARKING LOT N~T TO TES,', M0~D SCHOOL ;2~D THE SIDE STREET. 5. PkRKING BET%~_/I POST O~ICE AND THE MTC BUILD]2{G 6. PARKING LOT THAT IS OWNED BY TONF-& TOYS 'WigaN THE PLA}iT IS CIDSSED DOW~I FOR SAT. A/;D S~L 7. SUPER VALUE PAi~{ING LOT %fILL BE USED DUR]2,IG CLOSING HOUP~S. THERE ~3~E OTHER PAP~[INS LOTS THAT CAN BE USED D',~I~G THIS ~EET TO COV~ THE TRAFFIC 0VEER P~LOW. WE THE MOHA'~,Sf JAYCEES WILL BE ALL OUT IN FORCE DURING THESE FOUR DAYS TO INSUliN PROTECT_ION, TRAFFIC CONTROL, SA~TY, AND CLE;21 UP. MOHAWK JAYCEES WESTONKA CELEBRATION JULY 2th, 8B/.i]2,~G EVENTS DURING TB~SE FOUR DAYS. 13th, 14th, 15th. T~-URSD~'~Y FRIDAY SATURDAY .... S~DAY 12th JULY JACK TH0~PSON SHOWS A MID WAY T~T SPARKLES, JAYCEE BEER GARDEN, LIONS B/MGO. 13th JULY JACK TH0~SON SHOWS, JAYCEE BEER GARDEN, LIONS BINC0 WESTON~% S02T BALL 14th JULY JACK THOMPSON SHOWS, JAYCEE BEEH GARDEN, LIONS BINGO WESTONKAS0~T BALL TOUP~NT, FIREWORKS DISPLAY, JAYCee. WOi~5]N KIDDIE PARADE. 15th JULY JACK THOMPSON SHOWS, JAYCEE BEER GARDEN, LIONS B~CO, WESTONKACH~4BEROF C0~.~RCE PANCAF~BREAKF~T.' THESE EVEh~S WILL BE PLACED AT THESE LOCATIONS. JACK THOF~SON SHOWS -- Th~ PAF~K~'G LOT ACROSS FROM TME. POST OFFICE. JAYCEE BEER GARDV~ .... THIS PROJECT WILL BE P~ ~ WITH THE C~IV~ L~, ~D WILL R~ T~E TILL THE CE~BRATION IS OVeR WITH. LIONS BLNCO THIS PRO,CT WILL BE P~ ~ T~ S.~.~ ~T WITH T~ C~,~IV~. %~STON~ S0~B~L T0bT~IEi~ .... THIS PRO~ WILL BE ~ AT THE MO~D W~TONKA ~0R HiGH SCHOOL ACROSS FROM THE MO~D ~DIC~ BUILDING. FIRE WORKS DISP~Y .... THIS PRO,CT WILL BE ~LD IN THE SCHOOL P~ ACROSS ~OM T~ MOL~D ~,~DIC~ BUILD~iC. JAYCEE WO~,~N ~DDIE P~E THIS PRO.CT WILL R~ FROM O~ ~DY OF THE ~ P~;G LOT ~D WI~ F~ISH AT T~ MO~D ~IOR HIGH P~ING ~T. HE7. CHM,LBER OF COI~E.~ERCE PANCAK~ BREAKFAST .... THIS PROJECT WILL BE LD AT THE ~RICAN LEGION HALL M0~D. /7?7 THE MOHA~K JAYCE~ HAS ORDERED ~ROM THE JACK THOMP~ COVERAGE TO PROTECT THES~UR DAYS THAT Ttt~ C.~RNIVAL WIIJ.~ THE INS~L~2.1CE COTrRq~GE WILL BE COYERING 1. CITY OF MOUND MOUND N. lff~I. 2. N.0ttAWX JAYCEES ~0F MOUND MI21N. 3. NOUND P~ETAIL ~CH~TS. SHOWS Ii'~SUFJ~;CE IN OPERATION. A COPY OF THIS INSURanCE 'JILL BE TURNED OVF~q TO TL~2 CITY COUNCIL, THE ~.MYOR, THE MOHA;'~K JAYCEES, AND T}~ MOUND RETAIL ~ERCHAETS ASSOC. T~_~~ MOHAWK JAYCEES ~LIS LNSURANC~-INSURANCE TO COVER A~ EVEI~ THAT THE JAYCEES HOLD. THIS IS THE ONLY ~.LAJOR PROJECT THAT THE MOHA:~.5~ JAYCEES HOLD TO GET FUNDS TO HOLD C0)Efu-NITY PROJE5~fS T~W_~J 0b~ TP~ YEi~R. WE FE~ THAT THIS PROJECT IS %~LL PL.~h/tED, AND HOP~ T~iT :rE CAN CA~hRY THIS CELERRATION ON YEAR APTF~ YE.LR. P.S. TO ESURE MORE PROTECTION TEE MOHAWK JAYCEES WILL PUT UP SNOW' F~CE FROM POLE TO POLE ALONG Ti~E ROAD WHF~RE THE CAP~NIVAL WILL BE SO KIDS WILL NOT DASH OUT INT0 THE TRAFFIC. . YCEES WILL POLICS SER' TO SURE POLIC I:rEOTECTION FOR PEOPLE CROSSI3~G ]~ROM ONE SIDE TO THE 0TKER. AT DESIGNATED /b~AS TtL~T WIL~ BE POSTED DURING T~L~SE FOUR DAYS. PH0}FE NOS TO P~F, ACH lie AT 1~ CASE OF /~NY PROBL~'~S A. 471_8656 WORK B. 474-6315 H0~'~ 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 19, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-213 SUBJECT: Carnival Permit Requests - Beer and Bingo The Mohawk Jaycee's have made application for a 3.2 Beer Permit for the dates July 12 through July 14 to sell beer during the Carnival on the Parking Lot across from the Post Office. (Copy of application is attached). It is requested Attorney check the copy of insurance attached. The Northwest Tonka Lions have made application for a Bingo Permit for July 12, 13, 14 and 15th. They have requested that the fee and bond be waived. L~onard L. Kopp ---- APPLICATION FOR CHARITABLE- ORGANIZATION 3.2 BEER PERHIT 2. Address of Organization/'/fFX ~-~~ ~6,"/ , 3. Name of Person Applying for Permit ., 4. Organization Title of Person Applying for Permiy 0 ~ Dates Permit Will Be Used: FromT- /~ ~'~fTo '~- /~ 19~ 6. Address at which Permit w~ll be used~~~cF~~ ffOS~//._~c ' 8. If r to No 7 i's YES, please list: answe - (a) Name of Insurance Cgmpany ~ ~M~ . 9. If this application to sell 3.2 Beer is on propert~ owned by a public agency other than the City of Mound, written notice from the public agency giving permission for such sales must accompany thisapplication? (a) Is such written permlssslon attached ? 10. If this appllcation ~s a request to sell ~.2 ~eer on Clt~ property, the Cit~ requires k~quor kiabll~t~ lnsurance wlth limlts o~ CITY OF MOUND_. NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY ,? J. A. Price. Agency, Inc. i~, 100 West Franklin Avenue ~. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED ~fft~t~O~k Jk¥Cg~§, INC. AND MOHAI~F~/MOUND JAYCEES COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES COMPANYLEi~ER A AETNA CASUALTY & SURETY CO}fPANY COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY ~r~, · -. LETTER V COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. POLICY TYPEOF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE GENERAL LIABILITY [] COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES--OPERATIONS EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE H. AZARO UNDERGROUND HAZARD []PRODUCTS/COMPL ETED OPERATIONS HAZARD CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS r-"J PERSONAL INJURY AUTOi~tOBILE LIABILITY O COMPREtiENSIVE FORM -"]OWNED J~J HIRED J-~J NON-OWNED EXCESS LIABILITY [~ UMBRELLA FORM OTHERTHAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS' CO,~IPENSATION and E~,IPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER LIQUOR LIABILITY Limits of Liabiiil BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE · BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED PERSONAL INJURY 8ODILY INJURY (EACH PERSON) $ BODILY INJURY $ (EACH ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ COMBINI[D BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED STATUTORY 37 GS 35658 CCA 3-1-80 ~ in Thousands (000) EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ $500,000 EACH COMMON CAUSE 500,000 AGGREGATE DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- 'pany will endeavor to mail _10--- days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: ,CORD 25 tFd !'1-77) DATE ,SSUE~. .....6-15.79,, AUTHORIZED I~L f'RESENTATIVE / CITY OF MOUND Mound~ Minnesota June 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-209 SUBJECT: City Insurance Program The Insurance Committee will be at the June 26th meeting to discuss the 1979 Insurance Program. CITY OF MOUND PREMIUM COMPARISON UmBrella: 78/79 $6,300]00 Decreased $500.00 Contractors Equ±pment Floater: mo 79/80 $5,800.00 -' ..... $1,703.00 $1,956.00 Increased $253.00 Rate increased 2¢ per $100 Amount of insurance increased $22,425.00 3. Radio Equipment Floater: $1,012.00 $1,133.00 Increased $121100 a. Rate decreased from 2.10 to 1.78 b. Amount of insurance increased $12,066.00 Business Interruption: $ 297.00 $ 250.00 Decreased $47.00 a. Amount of insurance decreased $5,000.00 5. Stock Reporter - Liquor Store $ 943.00 $ 935.00 Decreased $8.00 Amount of insurance remained the same. 6. Blanket Building and Contents $5,310.00 $6,072.00 Increased $762.00 a. Amount of insurance increased $159,495.00 b. Tentative Rate Endorsement attached 7. Fidelity Bond: (Loss of Money & DepOsitors Forgery) $ 684.00 537.00 Decreased $147.00 me Coverage remained the same. Endorsement forthcoming increased the Loss Inside an $16,000 because of the food stamps. additional 172/ Premium Comparison e (Public EmPloyees Blanket Bond) $ 60.00 $143.00 b. Panount of insurance increased $10,000.00. $ 21,599.00' $22,666. O0 Increased $1,067.00 a. Most general liability rates decreased, however, remunerations increased quite a bit Biggest raee ~ncreasowas ~n the OL&T ~or the parkSng. Aut omob ~1 e -~: $12,958.00 ~18,57~. 00 Incr~sed ~5,616.00 a. Auto rates increased 7/78 and 12/78. b. More cars this year - premium shown for t~s year includes the three new 79's added 2-23-79~ but does not 5nclude the end. dele~ng the ~ovas - that w~ll be forthcoming along w~th a credit. 35 cars this year compared to 27 last year. Also, the 78/79 premium includes endorsements for cars added after the effective date - premium comparison would not have been as much if cars were added at the beginning of the period. Also, dueing last year they made changes in cars we were not notified about - new tankers, trucks (1% Ton) that were all 70's - the majority of them 1978's. Had they been changed at the time premium would have been much higher for 78/79. 10. Worker's Compensation $36,708.00 $33,904.00 Decreased $2,804.00 a. 78/79 figure was for 10-1~78 to 1-1-79, and that is why the audit was so large, along with the fact the payrolls sub- stantially increased. Also, this year's policy should be revised to include the higher payrolls now as there will undoubtedly be a large additional next year just by looking at this year's audit. b. about a $4,000 credit should be coming - premium discount was not applied. 11. Liquor $ 6,810.00 $5,929.63 Decreased $880.37 Premium comparison C~nued . . Liquor. Liability. continued: :'": Rate decreased this year and premium basis (sales) increased. /77 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-221 SUBJECT: Front Yard VAriance - Lot 4, Block 2, The Bluffs The City Council continued the request for a front yard set back until the June 26th meeting~ From scalinq the drawing off, it appears about 20 feet of the "bubble" could be vacated. /.- .< reline'o/ the 5~inn~t°nk LOge 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-216 SUBJECT: Appeal - House Moving Permit At the June 12th Council meeting on a 2 to 2 vote, the Council did not allow an undersized house to be moved onto Lots 1 and 15, Block 13, Dreamwood. See survey attached. The applicant, Eric Bodine, has asked to appeal the Council decision at the June 26th meeting. /77g 177~' APPLICATION FOR MOVING BUILDING Fee Property Owner: ~1~ ~ Name of Mover ~/~ ;' ~ ~~ ~1.~ ~ I~ . Date Present Location of .ouse (Garage) Dimensions: Length~7 Plat Parcel Block To Be Moved To: Block l? Plat Parcel Approved by Bldg. Insp.__ Name of Owner Address of Owner Phone To Be Moved (out of ~ within ) The City of Mound Proposed Route ! Approved by Police Chief How Long to be on Street Approved by Dir. of Public Works Utilities Notified INSURANCE: q Personal Injury (Not less than $100,000.00 for each individual CASH Name of Company. Je/x// Liability (Not less than $300,000.00) Name of Company. Property Damage Name of Company BOND:'T-e ~ ~ Deposit o~' ~' (to be returned if no damage ldone) ~.00 for hour.3. or $50.00 garage) house..~- for to insure against damage to stree~ $5.00 fo~ garage) FEE: Fee of $,~_, ~/1~) , 48 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR TO MOVING STRUCTURE TO BE GIVEN: City Inspector -1 Chief of Police Director of Public Works Make out in triplicate: Original - Bldq. · L2 OU D_ Inspector; CoPies to Police Debt'. APP LI CA TION FOrA RIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF~ > '(- &A FEES. ~_Z_~'''' ''-~ ...... PROPER TY ~- ~P, ADDRESS INTEREST IN PROPERTY Telephone Number ¢~']~ ~ADDITION PLAT PARCEL LOT 'Y / ~/y BLOCK / FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: SIDE YARD I FT'I LOT SIZE [ FTJ REAR[ [ LOTSQ. YARD FT. FOOTAGE 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2--. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward N. C. U.* or 57/ / OTHER (describe) - Z.t'~-~' MrS' REASON FOR REQUEST: ! UI ~_'?[ Council "r~{ ition or variance granted b~ecom., es null and void, UJ ~7,~,PPLiC~ , ~ ~ /~-~: DATE Ci~ OF MOUND PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE ;'.-'non- conforming use / O Denotes Iron Monument I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: Lots I & 15, Block 13, DREAMWOOD, Hennet~in County, Minnesota And of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any. from oron said land. As surveyed by me this ]st day of June 1gl0 . /' ! .//' ,.' /' · · ~ .. .'.'. ,., ! ;. ~'.. '* Z. /:. ~ ,. ~/~ Land Surve' OM,B,,S-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 'or. Minn. Reg. No. 3. S3.'.. .CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY for ERIC C 80DINE 177,Z, ~ 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-219 SUBJECT: Variance Reconsideration - Lot 7, Block 7, Shadywood Point Steven Allen Miller, owner of the subject lot, applied for a variance to build a garage, but would require two sideyard variances and since his house is on an undersized lot, a lot size variance. Side Yard Variances - The lot is zoned A-1 Residential which requires'10 foot side yards. The present house has only 6.8 feet on one side and hR wishes to build within 4 feet of the other side. Sideyard variances needed are 3.2 feet and 6 feet. Lot size is 4,750 square feet. 10,000 square feet is required. A 5,250 square foot lot size variance is needed. The Council denied this request previously and asked that the Manager write the neighbor to see if the neighbor would sell Mr. Miller some land from Lot 7. Attached is a copy of the letter written to Mr. Duhachek. Mr. Miller has obtained written permission from both neighbors to ap- prove his building. Copies of their approval ~re attached. The Planning Commission at the April 30th meeting recommended "Approval of the 14 foot garage and granting variances applied for. Reasons: Hardship and because the adjoining lot is unbuildable." Motion carried with a vote of 4 to 3. This will be on the June 26th Agenda. / '7'71 APPLICATION FO~ARI~NCE CITY OF MOUND tFEE $ ZONING NAME OF i t ni LOT Te le phone ~~d, ~ I~J NumberL_~._~[-~]3 ADDITION INTEREST IN PROPERTY PROPERTY PLAT ~19~0 PARCEL ,'~ ~0 BLOCK ~ 7 FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT I YARD SIDE YARD i ACCESSORY FT. BUILDING REAR [ FT.[ YARD N. C. U.* or OTHER (describe) /_ REASON FOR REQUEST: NOTE: FT.] LOT SQ. FOOTAGE 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected ~roperty owners showing attitude toward request. ' I-~--~ ~ .A~,permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the []~[---/~X, cduhcit ~e~d°lution or variance granted becomes null and void, "'Vi}~ /~4 ~rari~n~Us{~are n.otlt,ransferable. , _ · . ~ Signature -p~~N~.,CO~SSION RECOmmeNDATION Approval ~ the 14 froot garage and granting variances applied for. DAT~ April 30, 1979 / COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO.~ DATE *non-conforming use / 7 70 .~,RTIFICATE OF SURVI~jI '-t.:. AL DESCRIPTION: o Den~es [r~ ~n~ment ~ . Pro~d lowest floor e~ev. O Dencl~ o~t ~ake . ~ ~ro~ top of foundation elev. = x ooo.o. Denotes existing elev. BENCH MARK: (ooo.o ) 'Denotes Proposed e~ev. , Denotes surface drainage Proposed garage floor elev. = I hereby cerdfy that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of File No. the boundaries of the above descried land and of the location of all buildings, DE~IARS - GABRIEL if any, thereon, and all visible encr~chments, if any, from o[ on said land. LAND SURVEYORS, INC. As surveyed by m~this _ day of 3030 Harbor Lane No. . . // ,/x ....;",: k Phone: (612) 559-09~ '.-'--- ~ ~~ ~ ScaPe May 9~ 19'/9 5341 MAYWOOO ROAD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 Mr. Bernard A. Duhachek 1957 Lakeside Lane Mound, MN, 55364 Dear Mr, Duhachek: Last night, the Council denied a request for a variance to con- struct an addition to a homeon Lot 7, Block 7, Shadywood.pOint. DUring the discussion, 'it was stated that you owned a vacant under~ sized lot next to Lot 7. The Council asked me to write you to see if some way you and your neighbor could get together and satisfy the needs both of you have for the empty lot you own and at the same time, straighten out problems the City faces with the non-conformance of this area. The City would appreciate anything you can do and suggests that you might want to discuSs possibilities with the Building Inspector. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, nard L. Kopp City Manager~ LLK/a~3 cc: Building Inspector ~ity Council Attorney /7~7 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-225 SUBJECT: Liquor License Renewal - Surfside Liquor licenses are due July 1st. We have received the application for Surfside's renewal of Class A and Class B Liquor License. d L. Kopp f I ./7cL CITY OF MOUND Moundt Minnesota June 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMOP~NDUM NO. 79-226 SUBJECT: Renewal - Dinner Dance Permit - Surfside Application for renewal of Surfside's Dinner Dance Permit for the period June 1 through June 30th has been received. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 19, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-212 SUBJECT: Liquor Store Lease 1979-1984 Attached is a copy of the proposed lease for the liquor store for 5 years. The figures in the lease are the same as reported in Information Memoran- dum 79-59. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to enter into the lease is requested. Leonard L. Kopp cc: H. Wolner Liquor Store Manager No. 15;0. MtLLza. DAvzS Co., Minneapolis, Min~. Pa~ek Descorltptlon Premises. 3ni mture, 'made in duplicate this ................................... day of ........... J~m~....: ............................ , 19..7.9... by and between M.S.C. PROPERTIES, LTD. s a Limited Minnesota Partnors~ip, Box, 125, Mound, Iii~uesota, 55564 hereinafter designated and referred to as lessor, and CITY OF MOUND, A liunicipal Corporation, hereinafter designated and referred to as tenant,' WrrNESSETH: THAT said lessor in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned, to be paid and performed by said tenant, does hereby demise, lease and let unto the said tenant, and the said tenant does hereby hire and take from the said lessor, the following desc~:ibed premises situate in the City of ............ .~.0..qB..d..: ................................................ County of ...................... ~a.nnapit~ ................................................. State o£ ............ ~ilan~st~ta ............................................................. to-wit: That portion of th~ building of Less~r in Block One (1) Shirley Hills, Unit F, presently ~ccuptsd by Lesse~, including th~ ., ,Liquor Store aras and the back storage area, t~g~ther with the us~ of the hall for access purposes. l~stUre of Occupancy. Rent. Tenant to Maintain and Surrender Premises in Good Order. Utilities. To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above premises just as they are, without any liability or obligation on the part of said lessor of making any alterations, improvements or repairs of any kind on or about said premises or the building or buil~l- ings of which they are a part, or the equipment, fixtures, plumbing, appliances, or machinery in, upon or serving same, or the streets, alleys, areas, area-ways or passages adjoining or appurtenant thereto, for the term of Five years, with right ~f renewal as provided herein ...... from and after the ........ ; ....... .ls.t .......... day of.....Sap.temb~r .................. ,197.9 ..... , to the .......... ~lat .............. day of .......... ~gus.t ............................. 19..8.&., both dates inclusive, for the following purposes and for no other purposes, to-wit: Operation of a Liquor Store And the said tenant agrees to and with said lessor to pay the lessor as rent for the above mentioned premises the sum of ....... $£x..Hu~a~ad...~,ava~ty,,Riva ............................................... Dollars ($....67.5~.00 ............. ):d~ monthly ~ . for th~ .years 1979-1980, 1980-1981 and 1981-1982~ plus v,~ 1~ of t~tal taxes a~d assassraents and parki~ lot maintenance, and for the y~ars 1982-1985 the monthly shall bs increased in an amount equal to 50% of the increas~ in the cost ~f livino~ b~tween June 1981 and 1982, with a lika increase for ................................. ; .......................... I~t~-]i:x~xr~,~,.x ............... ), P y ' y c d every month for and during the full term of this lease, at the office of......1.9..a...s. 9...r. ...................................................................................................... The said tenant also covenants and agrees with the lessor as follows: That the tenant will keep at his own expense said demised premises and the equipment, plumbing, drains, fixtures, appliances and machinery in, upon, serving or appurtenant to said demised premises, in good repair and in good sanitary condition during said term, and that he will replace at his own expense promptly any and all glass broken in or about said premises with glass of the same quality; Condition that he will make no alterations in or additions to said premises, without first obtaining the Iessor's written con- Premises. sent, and that he will not use or permit anything upon said premises that will increase the rate of insurance thereon, or anything that may be dangerous to life or limb, and that he will not in any manner deface or injure said demised prem- ises, or any part thereof, or overload the floors, or do or Release permit anything to be done upon said premises or in the of passageways, alleys, areas, area-ways, sidewalks or streets Lessor. adjacent thereto, that will amount to or create a nuisance; and that he will not use said premises or permit the same or any part thereof to be used for lodging or sleeping pur- poses, or for any purpose contrary to the laws, ordinandes or regulations of the United States of America or the State of ............... }.~,:[.B.~.~..12.~..¢1 ........ or the City of ............................. ~LOU.~d. ..................................... or of any rules or regulations of the City of .......... ~.,~D~.lrtd ............................................ or of any boards or officers of said city; and the tenant agrees Sub- leasing. to return said premises peaceably and promptly to the lessor at the end of the term of this lease, or at any previous termi- nation thereof, in as good condition as the same are now in or may hereafter be put in, loss by fire and ordinary wear ex- cepted. And the tenant further covenants and agrees to keep the sidewalks bordering on said demised premises (where the leased space borders upon a sidewalk or passageway) and the roof of said demised premises at all times free from ice and snow and other obstructions, and to neither waste nor misuse water, electricity, gas, steam, or any other utilities or agencies which are or may be furnished by the lessor, and to promptly pay all rates, costs and charges for the same, except as to such of the same, if any, as the lessor has specifically agreed herein to furnish free 'of charge. Bankruptcy. Lessee shall not erect or permit to be erected on said premises, any signs on the exterior of the premises or build- ings without the written consent of lessor endorsed hereon nor place or permit to be placed in any portion of any of the demised premises any weight or weights in excess of the reasonable or safe carrying capacity of the structure. The tenant acknowledges the receipt of the demised prem- ises and the same to be in good and sanitary condition, and in good repair, and the taking possession of the demised premises by the tenant shall be conclusive evidence that the demised premises, and the equipment, plumbing, drains, fix- tures, appliances and machinery therein, were at the time of so taking possession thereof in good, clean, sanitary and tenantable condition, and in all respects satisfactory and · acceptable to the tenant, and in the condition in which they were represented to the tenant to be and agreed to be put in by the lessor; and the tenant hereby releases the lessor from any and all claims arising from any defect in the condi- tion of said demised premises, or the equipment, fixtures or appliances in or serving said premises, and the building or buildings of which they are a part, and the streets, alleys, areas, area-ways, passages or sidewalks adjoining or appurtenant thereto. The tenant agrees that he will not sublet the demised premises, or any part thereof, and will not assign this lease or any interest therein, nor permit such lease to become transferred by operation of law or otherwise, and that no act or acts will be done or suffered whereby the same may be or become sublet or assigned in whole or in part, unless the written consent of the lessor endorsed thereon shall be first obtained in each and every case of underletting or assign- ment, as they shall from time to time occur or be desired, and that nothing whatever shall be held to be a waiver of or supersede the necessity of such endorsement. Any assignment, sale in bankruptcy or insolvency of the lessee may, at the option of the lessor, be considered an assignment within the meaning of this lease and as is breach of the covenants hereof. Lhbilit~ and Tenant. ~otice to *en~nt to Comply with City Public U~e, by }'ire. After Fir~ The tenant further agrees that ~ll lessor shall not be The lessor~ll~es that if the premises hereby leased shall liable for any damage, either to pew or persons or prop- at the time .~[nbelore stipulated for the beginning of the arty or the loss of property sustaine~ by the tenant, or by term of this lease, be in the possession and occupancy of any any other person or perso.ns due to the demised premises or person not lawfully entitled to said possession and occupancy, the buildings of which the demised premises are a part, :or the lessor shall use due diligence to obtain p0ssessi0a there- the equipment, fixtures, appliances or.machinery in or upon of for the lessee, but it is expressly understood and agreed the same, or the halls, passages, areas, area-ways and. side- that the lessor, using due diligence as aforesaid shall not in walks or streets a~joini-ng Or,appurtenant to'the same being ~ . any way be liable for any lfailure to obtain the possession of or oecoming out ot repair or defective, or due to the happen-f. ,, '- the ~p~-emises -for the lessee and that this lease shall not be · lng of any accident, or due to any act or neglect df the ...... 'affected in' any way by any such failure to obtain, poss.ession tenant, or any tenant or occupant of said building, or of any except that the rentals hereunder shall be abate4 until pos- other p~rson, persons or corporations, or. by the bursting of session shall be secured by the lessor for the lessee and writ- pipes, r by the use or misuse of an instrumentalit or 0. y . . , y . . ten notice to that effect given by the lessor to the lessee. agency ira oi' connected with the demised Premises or'the ":. ~'(<~'_ . ~_ . . building of which it" is a part, or occasioned by any nuisance ,s,i~fn¢~ anldt ;at~rdse,rs made oF suffered thereon or therein. ~e [m°~droavnedmeangtrseeodrWa~Ithe:a~oPneCst ~o° Il~i~It~amt~°sen~ premises, or any part thereof, which shall only be with the The enant assumes all liability and obligation on account written consent of the lessor, that tenant shall and will in of all amages on account of the matters and things above each instance save said lessor and said premises forever referre~ to, and agrees to save the lessor harmless thereon harmless and free from all costs, damages, loss and liability and th, re/rom, and to indemnify the lessor on account there- of every kind and character which may be claimed, asserted of. This provislon shall ~/pply especially, but not exclusively, or charged, including liability to adjacent owners based upon to danage caused by water, snow, rd!n, hail, backing up of the acts of negligence of said tenants or their agents, con- water mains or sewers, frost, i steam;.sewage, illuminating tractors or employe~s, or upon the negligence of any other gas, se~er gas, or. odors, electricity and electric current, and '- person or persons in or about said premises or upon the fail- by the bursting,~ Stoppagi ~or :l~'akingqof plpe~s; or i'adiators, Ure' of'anY or either.of them to observe and comply with the plumbing, sinks and fixtures'-in~,or-3aOout the demised: prem- ~ ~,~ , i rsquirement o£ the~law or With the regulations of the authori- ises ot the buildin~ Of which the dem(s~d iPremises, are a : . . _, .: -~.~, part. Ia case of such~ d:irn'~ge the lessor may at' his option ~ ' ties in the Said cify of .......... ~ ............ ..g..~.d.. ....................................... repair such damage, and if such damage has occurred~~in ~ ~"' and will preserVe:and:hold the les~sor and said premises for- the demised premises or on account of the defects in the ever free and clear from liens for labor and material fur- demised premises against which the tenant has agreed to nished. And the tenant agrees that it will from time to time make repairs, the tenant shall thereupon reimburse the lessor before making any such repairs, improvements or alterations for the costs of repairing such damage, and if the tenant fails furnish the lessor with a bond in an amount and with sureties to perform any of the covenants or agreements herein pro- satisfactory to the lessor conditioned for the performance vided to be kept or performed by the tenant, the lessor may by the tenant of the matters and things in this paragraph perform the same and charge the tenant with the expense of required to be done by the tenant. such performance, and the tenant agrees promptly on demand to repay to the lessor the cost of such performance by the It is further agreed between the lessor and tenant this lessor, lease is made upon the condition that if the tenant shall neglect or fail to keep, observe and peHorm any of the cove- The tenant further covenants and agrees that the service nants and agreements contained in this lease, which are to of notice by afiy o,qicer of the City of ................... M. Ozllae~ .............. be kept, observed or performed by the tenant, or if the lease- ....................,..... ..~...::.....7¨..up~n either party try this teiise to Clea~':; a 0~her'h°Id' interestpr6cess ofdf law,~e tenantor if the-'Shalltenant~be" tal~enshall: petition°n executiOnto be or°r said premises, Or to do any other act in connection therewith, shall be conclusive evidence as between:the parties hereto of ' 7 be declared bankrupt'or insolvent according to law, or if the tenant shall vacate said premises or abandon the same during the breach by the tenant of the covenant with respect to the non-performance of which by the tenant such notice has been Right the term of this lease, then and in any of.' said cases the of lessor may immediately or at any time thereafter, and with- served. Re-entry. out further notice or demand, enter into and upon said Any notice from the lessor to the tenant, relating to the -fi' premises,~ or any part 'thereof; in the name of the whole, and demised premises or the occupancy thereof, shall be deemed take absolute possession of the same fully and absolutely, duly served if left at the demised premises addressed to the without such re-entry working a forfeiture of the rents to tenant, be paid and the covenants to be performed by the lessee for the full term of this lease, and may.at the lessor's election ~The tenant further-covenants and agrees a! its own_exp~nse_ lease·of' sublet said. premises, or any part thereof, on such to observe and l~eep all regulatLons ~nd reqmrements of the terms and conditions and for such rents and for such time as city of ............ l~la~llCl .................................... , i~. ' ' "-'., .................. 'or other pu'b~ , the-tes~6r may5'elect,~and aft'er crediting the rent actually , ;collected by the Jet,or" from such reletting on the rentals lie authorSties in force' ~t the fim~ of the taking possessi~n by: Subleasing. 3tipulated to be. paid. under this lease by the tenant from the tenant of the demised~premises or which may-'thereafter --time to time, collec't fr6m the tenant any balance remaining be made regardifig the conditi6rl and .conduct o][ said de-' due from, time lo,time on the rent reserved under this lease, mised premises, any-partlth~t'eof, and the ~ideWalk~S adja~cent : ' ' charging to the tenant such reasonable expenses as the lessor thereto, including all .b..uild. ing,, ,fi_re,. s~nitary, p01ke of other may-expend in putting the premises in tenantable condition. regulat~igns' :_?,;_~ ' .'j :1 :9 ' ., '~ , -~ t _~ ~ ? .... Or tbie :lessor may-at his electi°n and upon written notice to " Termination the tenant declare this lease forfeited and void, and may Tl~e ien~nt further agrees that if the demised premises, or of thereupon ~-e-enter and take full and absolute possession of any part thereof, or any part of the improvements of which Lea~ they form a part, shall be taken for any street or other pub-' Under said premises as the owner thereof, and free from any right lie use, or shall during the continuance of this lease be de- Bankrtq~ey. or clalm of the tenant, or any person or persons claiming stroyed by the action of the public authorities, then this through or under the tenant; and such election and re-entry lease and the term demised shall thereupon terminate, last mentioned shall be and constitute an absolute bar to any right to enter by the tenant upon the payment of all arrest- It is further agreed between the lessor and the tenant that ages of rent and costs after a dispossession under any suit if during the term of this lease the demised premises or the or process for breach of any of the covenants of this lease, improvements thereon shall be injured or destroyed by fire and the commencement by the lessor of any action to recover or the elements, or through any other cause, so as to render possession of said premises aforesaid shall be deemed a suffi- the demised premises unfit for occupancy, or makes it impos- cient notice of election of said lessor to treat this lease as sible to conduct the business of the tenant thereon, or to such void and terminated, without the written notice above speci- an extent that they cannot be repaired with reasonable dili- fled, unless the lessor shall in writing, before beginning such gence within thirty (30) days from the happening of such proceeding, notify the tenant that after obtaining such pos- injury, then the lessor may terminate this lease and the term session the lessor will continue to look to the tenant for the herein demised from the date of such damage or destruction, performance of this lease and will submit the premises on and the tenant shall immediately surrender the demised the tenant's account, in the manner as above provided. premises and all interest therein to the lessor, and the ten- ant shall pay rent only to the time of such surrender; and in Fixeares The tenant further agrees that all goods, chattels, fixtures a~d and personal property belonging to said tenant, which are' case of any such destruction or i.njury the lessor may re-enter Personal and repossess the demised premases discharged of this lease, l':o~e~.y, or may be put into said demised premises, shall at alt times be and may dispossess all parties then in pos'session thereof. But bound with a lien in favor of said lessor, to be chargeable for if the demised premises can be restored within sixty days (60) all rents hereunder and the fulfillment of the other covenants days from the happening of the injury thereto, and the lessor and agreements herein contained, and that in case of default within fifteen (15) days from the occurrence of such injury by the tenant the lessor may without notice remove the same elects in writing to so repair or restore said premises within or any part of the same, in such manner as the lessor may sixty (60) days from the happening of the injury thereto, choose, and the lessor shall have the right to sell all or any then this lease shall not end or terminate on account of such injury by fire or otherwise, but the rent shall not run or part of the same at public or private sale, xvithout giving accrue after the injury and during the process of repairs, and any notice to the tenant of 'such sale; and to apply the pro- up to the time when the repairs shall be completed, except ceeds of such sale first to the payment of the costs and ex- only that the tenant shall during such time pay a pro rata penses of conducting said sale and caring for and storing portion of such rent apportioned to the portion of the de- such property, and to apply the balance, if any, to the amount raised premises which are in condition for occupancy or then due from the tenant to the lessor.- which may be actually occupied during such repairing period. If, however, the demised premises shall be so slightly in- ASr&ncc L[ is-.a,l!o_.agLe~e_d, between~_~lessor--and-tenant-that--in-case jured by any cause aforesaid, as not to be rendered unfit for tnTaxe$, the t"a~s paid ~y ~-e'"l~[o'~ upon the property of which~the occupancy, then the lessor shall repair the same with reason- within le'~ed premises are a part, shall in any year-Oi~ years able promptness, and in that case the rent shall not cease during theNte~m of this lease be increased .Ov~ and above or be abated during such repairing period. All improvements ~~''N~j~ii or betterments placed by the tenant on the demised premises the sum of. ............ ....... ~ ................................ / Dollars shall, however, in any event, be repaired and replaced by the tenant at his own expense and not at the expense of the lessor. The lessor agrees and covenants that the tenant, on paying the rent and performing the covenants aforesaid, shall and ($ ....................... then the tenant shall pay may peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the said de- as part of the/amfual rental orx~id premises, for such year or raised premises for the term aforesaid, except as in this lease years, .im~ddition to the amo~l hereinbefore named, an otherwise provided, amount equal to such increase. 17/.-2 The amount to be added to the provided on ac- count of increase of taxes in any year or years shall be added at the time of rent payment on or next after the date xvhen penalty or loss of the customary discount begins to accrue for non-payment of such taxes. If the year's taxes are payable in two or more installments, then the amounts to be so added shall be apportioned and paid in the same way. It is further agreed between the parties to this lease: (1) If the City i>f Mound by law ia unabla to eontinu~ to operate a munieipal'liquar store, the lessor will consent to a sublease or a new lease to a rosponsi'Dl~ tenant. (2) Thc proportionate share vf parking lot maintenance shall include cleaning, snow removal, litm painting, lighting, landscape and grass areas, roplacemont of paving and seal eoa~ing. (5) The proportionate share of taxes an~ assessments covers Parcel ld50 In Plat 62060, Block 1, Shiriay Hills, Unit F,llound, !4inn. (4) At the time of the l~aso t~rmination~ the l~ssee shall not be required to restore any portion of the pr~mises altered or changed pursuant to th~ consent of tho parties. . (5) Any renewal of thi~ lease shall reflect 50% Of all increases in tko eensuner price index from tho date her,~of. of Yaeanc?. RiRht~ of to Termln~e. Lessee, upon leaving the premises hereby leased, shall at Right of his own expense remove all ashes, dirt, rubbish and refuse, Emro. and upon lessee's failure so to do, lessor may immediately without further notice to lessee do the same at lessee's ex- pense, which the lessee shall immediately pay upon receipt of a bill for same from lessor. The tenant further agrees to give the lessor written notice thirty (30) days before the expiration of this lease of his intention to vacate at the end of this lease otherwise the lessor will have the option of continuing this lease for one year from and after the expiration of this lease without notice to the tenant. If, however, the lessor does not elect to so continue this lease and the tenant remains in said prem- ises after the expiration of the term of this lease, such re- maining in possession shall not, except at the option of the t'Ieir~and lessor, extend the term of this lease, and the tenant shall Othcr~. promptly vacate said premises; and if for any reason the ten- ant does not promptly vacate the premises at the end of the term, the tenant agrees to pay the lessor, for such time as elapses between the end of the term of this lease and the time when the tenant actually vacates the premises, a pro rata rental equal to one and one-half (1¼) times the rent provided to be paid during the term o[ the lease. The tenant agrees that no assent, express or implied, by the lessor to any breach of any of tbe tenant's covenants or agreemenls shall be deemed or taken to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such covenant. The lessor shall at all times have the right to enter upon said premises to inspect their condition, and at his election to make reasonable and necessary repairs thereon for the protection and preservation thereof, but nothing herein shall be construed to require the lessor to make such repairs, and the lessor shall not be liable to the tenant, or any other per- son or persons, for failure or delay in making said repairs, or for damage or injury to person or property caused in or by the making of sach repairs, or the doing of such work. The lessor shall have the right during the last 30 days of the term of this lease to place and maintain on the demised premises and in the windows thereof the usual notice of "To Let" or "To Rent," and to show said premises to pro- spective tenants. Each of the covenants, provisions, terms and agreements of this lease shall inure to the benefit of and shall be obliga- tory upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns of the lessor and tenant respectively. acting as agent only, assumes no obligation whatsoever in respect to any representation, warranty or covenant herein contained, and shall not in any event be held liable to lessor or to lessee for the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of any of the terms or conditions of this lease or for any action or proceed- ings that may be taken by either against the other. There are no understandings or agreements outside of this lease. IN TtSZL~ION¥ WHEREOF the lessor and tenant have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first written. We, the tenant, hereby acknowledge that at the time of making and delivery of this lease and mortgage lien, the Lessor delivered to us a full, true and complete copy o£ same. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence o[: ......... if,.S..C....~OPERTIE$,...LTD ................................. As to Lessor. By ...................... tt.,.E-..W~ ln,,lv ~...Ge r~,. a~.art n.~ r ................... ........................................................................................ [sz,q ........................................................................................ As to Tenant. ........................................................................................ ......................................... , ............................................... ........................................................................................ [S AL] STATE OF .................................................................. COUNTY OF ........................................................ On this .................... day o] ............................................... ~9 .......... , before me, a Notary Public within a,d Ior said County, personally appeared .......................................................................................................... to ~e personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the Vice-President and Secretary of the Corporation named in the ]oregoing instrument, and that the seal a~xed to said instrument is the corporate seal oI said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behal[ o] said corporation by authority o] its Board of ..................................... and said ................................................................. acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpo- ration. COUNTY OF ............................................................ STATE OF .......................................... On this ....................... day of ............................................ before ,,,e, a ...................................................................................................... vxqthln and for said County, personally appeared ...................................... ]oregolng instrument, and acknoa,ledged that ,ame a~ .................................. ]ree a~t ~nd d~d. F~-value received, the undersigned -' ~ ~ ~ ~ :1' ~; , Tenant, hereby sells,~as~ign'~, trah'sf~rs, 'an[lsetsZover all his right, title and interest::m~g6 within"leas~e ~nd ~'~ q' :" -,:i" :,.i v::~,~ "..:~ . :~ ~. ' ~ · premises ~erem acscnbed: It being understoofl, however, that this transfer~ rental under saidtl~se.: . : 7, .~: i L ' ; ~D~'~' *': ~'~ : ID f~ ,.~ r, .,. , : -r~ ~: .,~ . 2 For value received,. .......................................................................................................... hereby assumes all the obligations under the terms of the within lease and agrees to perform all of the terms, covenants and conditions and pay the rent as therein stipulated, pursuant to the above agreement. The within landlord hereby consents to the above assignment. Dated this .................................... day of ............................................................... , A. D. 19 ........ 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-217 SUBJECT: Salary Plan - Office Employees The Council discussed the proposal by Stanton Associates and layed the item over until the June 26 meeting. 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 19, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-211 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land The Engineer advises some easements are needed from tax forfeit land. They are listed by subdivision (a resolution is needed for each subdivi- sion). Devon Lot 1, Block 3 ~ A temporary construction easement for street purposes over and across the north 10.00 feet of said Lot 1. Said temporary construction easement expires December 31, 1982. Lot 17, Block 4 - A temporary construction easement for street purposes over and across the south 10.00 feet of said Lot 17. Said temporary construction easement expires December 31, 1982. Whipple Lot 22, Block 11 - A temporary construction easement for street purposes over and across the south 10.00 feet of said Lot 22. Said temporary con- struction easement expires December 31, 1982. Lots 10 and 11, Block 20 - A temporary construction easement for street purposes over and across the north 10.00 feet of said Lots 10 and 11. Said temporary construction easement expires December 31, 1982. 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-220 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land Individuals have requested that two undersized lots be acquired at private sale and resold to them. The lots and costs are: Lot 8, Block 2, Dreamwood - requested by Roger Drews Cost of Lot $2,500. Tax 75. City Cost ' 250. Sale Price $2,875. Lot 5, Block 28, Wychwood - requested by Ronald Gehring (Note: We have requested a temporary easement on this lot.) Cost of Lot $2,500. Tax 75. City Cost 250. Sale Price $2,875. A resOlution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to purchase and resell the lots is requested. This will be on the June 26th agenda. cc: R. Drews R. Gehring 7 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 22, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-224 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lots 16, 17, 18 & 1/2 of 19, Block 8, Wychwood The subject lots are tax forfeit and have been held off sale for some reason. The area is zoned Residential B for duplexes. In the 3% lots, there is 11,200 square feet; 800 square feet short of a double site. These lots were discussed at the time the tax forfeit list was considered. Inasmuch as this is 800 square feet short of being two building sites, a duplex could be built on 11,200 square feet. Due to the contour of the land, ~t might be better that a duplex be built on this land, ~ However, with the sale of land, it cannot be determined'that a buyer would build a duplex. The Council may want to release the lots as one piece or release Lots 16 and 17 and hold 18 and 1/2 of 19 off sale until possibly the ~.owner of the other half of 19, asks for a private sale. Does the Council wish to act on these? cc: Ronald Goodman 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 20, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-214 SUBJECT: Rustic Place Subdivision Rustic Place is ready to be sold (Ail is done except the storm sewer has not been constructed). Attached are: 1. A suggested "Notice of Sale". 2. A sheet listing "Terms and Conditions for all bidders". 3. A proposed Purchase Agreement A resolution by the Council authorizing the sale and directing that sealed bids be received under the terms and conditions listed in the attached. Also the Council should establish a minimum bid price for the lots. j CITY OF MOUND 5341 Mavwood Road Mound~ Minnesota 55364 BID FORM FOR SALE OF RUSTIC PLACE Pursuant to the term~s and conditions on %he sale of Rustic Place lots, · the followinq is bid: Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Total Bid Total Bid 10% Down I hereby acknowledge that I have read the terms and conditions of sale. Date Signature Title Name of Corporation or Company (If applicable) INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR SALE OF LOTS BY THE CITY OF MOUND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City of Mound will accept sealed bids to be delivered to the office of the City Manager of the City of Mound, City Hall, 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, Minnesota, no later than p.m. on the day of , 19 79, for the purchase of the following described lots located~ in Rustic Place Subdivision, City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Block 1, Rustic Place Subdivision. The above described lots are deemed to be surplus property not needed by the City for public purposes. Complete information relating to the sale of these lots is available to all persons .at the City Offices of the City of Mound. to include, but not limited to, a map which more fully describes said lots. Each lot being sold has water and sewer available in the street and has bituminous surfacing on the abutting street. All lots are to be used for the purpose of constructing thereon a single family residential house, and the purpose of this offering is to make such lots available to prospective buyers to encourage the construction of residential dwellings in the City of Mound. Ail individual lots will be sold to the highest bidder for each lot, but the City of Mound reserves the right to reject any and all bids. No bid of less than $8,000 per lot will be considered. Ail bids must be submitted in writing upon bid forms provided by the City of Mound and upon the terms and conditions which will be provided to each bidder by the City. All interested parties are re- quested to contact the City Manager for further information. Dated this day of , 1979. Attest: Mayor City Clerk J TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHEET FOR ALL BIDDERS The following constitutes the terms and conditions for offers to purchase lots in Rustic Place Addition to the City of Mound: A m~nimum price of $8,000 has been set by the City Council for each individual lot as it is offered for sale. The City reserves the right to sell any lot to the highest bidder in the event more than one individual expresses a desire to purchase the same lot. 3. Ail offers shall be submitted in writing to the City of Mound. A cash deposit or a certified check made payable to the City of Mound in an amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total amount of each. offer shall accompany each offer. This amount shall be forfeited to the City in the event a successful bidder fails to enter into an Agreement with the City for the purchase of said property within thirty (30) days after notice to the bidder of acceptance of his offer to purchase. The balance shall~be in cash or at the option of the buyer, 75% of the purchase price may be by a Contract for Deed (Standard Minnesota Form) payable over not to exceed three (3) years with equal monthly or quarterly payments and. interest of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance. Successful bidders shall be notified thereof .in writing by the City who shall forthwith enter into a purchase agreement with the City of Mound for the purchase of said property upon the terms and conditions set forth in such purchase agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Eack bidder submits his offer upon the condition that if he is a successful bidder such offer is made pursuant to the terms of said proposed purchase agreement. Closing shall take place~ within 90 days of Council acceptance of the bid.. The cash deposit shall be applied as the earnest money payment on the purchase agreement. No further bidding, either written or oral, shall be permitted after a bid has been submitted.. However, any bidder will have the right to change his bid or withdraw the same at any time prior to the bid opening. Ail bids received on any lot may be held for a m/nimum of fifteen (15) days after it has been received before acceptance or rejection by the City Council. 9. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 10. Bidders may bid on one or all lots being offered and the City will award and sell on the basis of the highest return for each lot individually. 11. The purchaser taus% pay all %axes and assessmen%s due in the calendar year after sale. ~HI~I,EI~.-I)AX,'IS Co. ~linneapolis ] .3RcHASE AGREEMEN WHITF~Offie~ Copy YELLO~/'--I3uy,r'$ CoDy GI{EEN--S.Iier'a Colby PiN K--Buyer's Receipt RECEIVED OF ............................................................................................................................................................... the sum of ......................... !..a...~.....1...e...a..s...~.....1...0.}....o....f...b...i...c3.,! ........................................ ($ ............... ......... ) DOLl-ARS ............................................................................... as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property at (Check. C.'~h. to be deposited upon acceptance, or Note -- State Which} ................................................................................................................................................................... situated in the Hennepin · Connty of .......................................................................... , State of Mtnnesota, and ]egallydescribed as follows, to-wit: Lot 1 - Rustic Place 'Subd~'visiOn - City oY .Mound. Lot 2 - Rustic Place Subdivision - City of Mound Lot 43 - ~Rus.t$c Place Subdivision - C~$.ty of Mound . Lot ~ustlc Place Subdivision - ~lty of Mound including all garden bulbs, plants, shrubs and treesiKaJ. L.~mr. ra. sazl~ozm~r.%.~l~ ge.~tilmle~.r, ca:ee.n~,.o~,o.i~g%.wi~lo.w · ~th-)-; ma-rer-sof-term--~d'-l-iq~id- ga~ "rank 'aml-'c~rm'uE- 0iff rh~ t~ml=er t7 mf" ~t~er y,-~twr~ Drm~, fete vi~iorr-anranm7 ?ndXer- a-rw~,, -b i k-~r'&i sh wa~er ,-ga rbx ge-di~'p os,'rl ;-ov~rrs y'coole' mU 'xm v~r a'r~l'rmrc r-a l-ah-cm rmSrim~ ing ~ quSTrrrre rrrTi'f-amI7 lJ md- aird ~:ared'-on -said- prern~es -a rrd- inrl rcdivrg"~u 'th-e -frrll~wi'ng -pm%'tmal-propmt7: all of which property the undersigned has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of: ........................................................................................................................................ ($ ........................ ) DOLLARS; which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid $..( .aL....1..e.as..t and $ ( .a.n.....a...m..O...u~....~cash, on(..n...O....!...a.~..e.r.....t..h., .a-q.......9..0, the date of closing. 10%) to equal in days after City Council total with E.M. acceptance) at least 25%) If the purchaser desires, the balance or up to 75% of the total price may be financed by Contract for Deed, said Contract shall not exceed 3 years, shall have equal monthly or quarterly payments and. shall bear interest at 8% per annum on the unpaid balance. All conditions of the Notice of Invitation for Bids and the terms and conditions sheet as distributed are binding on the purchaser. Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a ..................................................................... Warranty Deed (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises without effective forfeiture provision. (c) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. (d) Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. (e) Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tKq,ancies) The buyer shall pay the real estate taxes due in the year 19 .EiU.. and any unpaid installments of special assessments payable therewith and thereafter. Seller warrants that real estate taxes due in the year 1980... will be .................................... rlo~ homestead classitication ( full, partial or non-homestead -- state which ) Neither the seller nor the seller's agent make any representation or ~varranty whatsoever concerning the amount of real estate taxes which shall be assessed against the property subsequent to the date of purchase. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than . 9 0....days _. a.fte r..,.acc$~,~ an conditions of this agreement have been complied with. Unless otherwise specified this sale shall be closed on or before 60 days from the date hereof. In the event this property is destroyed or substantially damaged by fire or any other cause before the closing date, this agreement shall become null and void, at the purchaser's option, and all monies paid hereunder shall be refunded to him. The selier shal~within a reasonable time after approval o~ this aercement&furnish an abstract of title, or a Rg~ist~t~tv ~ffmaf ~U~7,Ft5 ~a~g ~ ~ i~7o~7 ........................... ~ ...... scarves covenng~an~ruptclcs, an~rate andq'e,~ral ludgments ah~ hens. The buyer shall be t~rminate t~is contract an~ on su~mm~m~m~&~~,~,~:~l~m~i~t~~~ th'i~-cr~rrrrm~. The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: Curtis A. Pearson, City Attorney i'd .'n'9 M'n ea oli Mi . 55 0 ~l, t~e .n~signea? &vnet oPt~e above lant, ~2o hereby approve the above agreement and the sale thereby made. CTTY OF MOUND By ........ · 'e'~""Fl'ayo~ .......... xanzx ............................... (S~AL) By ......... t't's-'-'ei't'y--'Man'a~.~err ...... : .......................... (SEAL) I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all conditions herein expressed. .............................................................................................. Buyer · ..~ ......................................................................................... (SEAL) Bu.,er /7 o 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-215 SUBJECT: Delinquent Utility Bills Attached is a list of past due water and sewer accounts. These accounts are over six months past due and should be turned off for non-pay~nt. In order to turn off the water, the Council should hold a public hearing. A suggested date for the public hearing would be July 24, 1979. Kopp Account No. 11013173761 11016154311 11016155221 11028160121 11031161721 11099596531 111o3576451 111o9591191 1111260O121 11175544421 11175544831 11196214881 11211213601 22310169521 ~2316288231 DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS (Over Name L. Stillwell David Stuth G. Gerberding Orva Byers Darryl West Wm Michel Wm G Smith Duane Brady Sharon Walton. E.C. 'Holmgren Ron Rheinhart R. Sackresin Glenn Reger · S. Fox E. Rawley six months old) Amount $34.08 78.8O 32.10 4O.8O 34.O8 57.06. 31.24 34.08 59.45 101.98 68.11 35.68 65.90 58.32 85.14 6-5-79 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-70 SUBJECT: Continental Telephone Attached is a copy of a letter the Mayor sent all towns in the Continen- tal System in Minnesota. Replies have been received from the following Cities: City of Babbitt - Resolution 79-22 expressing an interest in dis- cussing the matter and appointing Mayor Kapsch and Councilman Murphy, Representatives. City of Belgrade - "Minnesota Central is presently rebuilding our entire telephone system under ground both in our town and also rural line. Therefore, it would be difficult for us to argue against the proposed rate increase at this time." City of Milan.- "We are no longer affiliated with the Continental Telephone Company. Federated TelephOne Cooperative has bought the Milan-Big Bend Exchanges. Good Luck with Continental. You will need it." /7 7 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 19, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-71 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land When the Council went over the tax forfeit list, it was said that Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 12, Avalon were low and should be kept for Wet- lands. The Building Inspector and I walked this property and found it to be build- able. The area is zoned 10,000 square feet; the four lots equal 12,800 square feet. Attached is a copy of a letter sent the County. If the Council still wants the lots withheld from sale, we can do so. / 7"/L-, CITY of MOUND June 19, 1979 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 Mr. William Anderson Tax Forfeit Land Department A-6Q3 Government Center Minneapolis, MN. 55487 Dear MrJ Anderson: With regard, to the 1979 ConserVation List, we neglected to mention Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 12, Avalon. Please combine the lots so they can be sold as one parcel to meet our building code. The lots are: Plat Parcel Lot Block Subdivision PID 37850 3500 37850 3525 37850 3560 14 12 15 12 · 16 12 & 17 Avalon Avalon Avalon 19-117-23 31 0040 19-117-23-31 0041 19-117-23 31 0094 Sincerely, City Manager LLK/ms cc: City Council 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 19, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-72 SUBJECT: Northwestern Military Academy Northwestern Military Academy wishes to add dormitory rooms to its establishment. In discussing this with the Attorney, he advises, since schools are allowable in A-1 Zoning, Northwestern can add dormitories without a special use permit or other permits so long as they meet all the setback require- ments. cc: J. Hoiby Building Inspector /7 'Y CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-73 SUBJECT: Island Park Siren It was reported that the Island Park siren did not operate during the tornado warnings. We have checked on it and found the following: TO Leonard I c~ntacted Mr. Lehn from Lehn Electric in reference to our warning sirens. I informed Mr. Lehn that the warning system on Island Park did not operate on the evening of 06-19-79, when the metro area warning went out. Mr. Lehn stated that it was suppose to have gone off and that he would be out either today or tomorrow to repair it. Respectfully, 1 7x/.3 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-74 SUBJECT: Beachside Developers Both the County and Mr. Nelson are calling about a decision on this property. The County feels they must have an answer next week. Can this be resolved by the June 26th meeting? CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 21, 1979 INFOrmATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-75 SUBJECT: Cemetery At a Council meeting, the Council authorized digging up a grave to see if our records from 1938 were right or wrong. The records were wrong; Mr. Simon Wirtz was correct. Mr. Wirtz deposited $75.00 to assure payment to the City in case he was wrong. We are refunding the deposit and it will appear on the list of bills. cc: Mr. Wirtz Public Works 6-26-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota June 22, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-76 SUBJECT: July 3rd Meeting Inasmuch as the 1st Tuesday in JUly is on July 3rd, does the Council wish to have a meeting that night? Leonard L. Kopp Page SA--Wed:, June 20,1979 .. ' , ' . . . .~'. ,...'., ..,. . . ,,--"~":. ~.." ':'~ '-'"' ch o .... · ers , · ., , .. ~ike [o see better access to the busifiess district of besinnin~ at ~hree Points, deliver~ag Passengers: Mound, a co~ered'pedest~ian walk. betwben downtown for a dime. Snyder's Dru~ a~Q Netka's, drive-up downtown "Cbildre~ could 8o to doctors o~ telephones, mi~i buses with prescribed ~outes to the ments lot a dime. ~he buses worm run everz hour three businessdistricts, better directional si[~s to and'eliminate much of the eon~ested drivi~ area restaurants, churches, landmarks and schools peak periods by bri~sin8 shoppers i~to the area or an omnibudsman for the elderly, Young or hel- the school owned mini-buses." plesst ' ' ~be ~hree ~oints run would i~ctU~e the Sea Borse These and'oZo[~er conveniences to area residents are being discussed by the Planning and Develop- ment Co~nmittee of the Westonka Chamber of Com- merce, now being chaired by Rock Lindlan. In an interview la§t' week [,indian outlined these and apartment .complex in the first 15 minute run. It would then cover the Mound Highlands, cross over Oak Park Lane and into.the business district on it's gecond run and [inlally Wilshire Boulevard to Island Park, where residents of-Tipi Wakon and Lord other plans now in the hopper for Westonkans. Fletcher's could take advantage of the "Downtown Five standing committees make up the Planmno for,,a Dime package.-: ' · ' - - -,'. .,.'.' ~ ...... ~ ~nd Development Committee. The legislative group ~ This program would elimina, te the need for is being headed by Don. Chemberl;n, the Merchants''second car and the greatest energy Association, which, will be ti,~ sounding board for thing we could provide. They have it now in Vail business, district changes led by Joe Ne. lson, the Colo., and got it [ederally funded; ~vhy' couldn.'tf -" central business district by Lindlan; highwa, ys and 'we?" - ..... - -. :. - '. _ ..... traffic by Jim. Scruton,'.with the selection of the Lindlam~ note'd that in this Way,: committee members. for 'the CommunitY~ Con: aiways have a method of gettin~ to their destinati.o,n 'venience committee yet 'to be named. :./':/ ;with less money...and fuel. He estimated a driver S" ACCORDING' T'O "Lih~lan, 'the. 'Centr,~i" ~u~in?sl-salary a't some $600 per-month and the bus re.ntal.at4i committee Will be concernbd primarily with traffic '$400, a $1,000 tab for the month." ':'~.: ..... ~-w flow through, the business area and creating mini- ANOTHER PHASE of the Community parks and -.malls,- as. well .as .'Landscaping _and. venience agenda is a local omnibudsman who could general face lifting of.front and rear entrances to be hired by the three Cities.t° take care the Stores.~This will create an aesthetic face for business prbblems of the old, young and hel shoppers and ~'is~t[~;~, including t~he area. around the Mt und Pos 0 f'c ..:: ' ' . -.:" · ' .: ...... 'The a~thetic i~ also a ~)rime conCern of the traf- fic ankt' highway committee, Lindlan said, in nmnito,:ing the flow of highway traffic going thro, gh tile Tri~Cities (Navarre, Spring' Park and Mound). "~" : "This is one of the most critical parts of our plan for Westonk'a and we must have a four lane As an example, Lindlan cited 'the need for an ad:~-~ rotate to help those who are unable tO help selves in running interference with insurance panics and government agencies in filling out and,, theh e. , . - . . ' - , · ~.~. So many are frightened of doing it themselv~si~- for fear of saying the wrong thing and getting ir trouble," Lindlan said. He added, "it would best used city employee any city could ever have5 highway going through. Rock said there were three or four "hard girting" members to tackle the tasks of the above committees. Community conveniences may-well provide the -best opportunity for imaginative efforts on t'he part be-th~-a · and not expensive if his' salary were divided ween the three cities." ."~ - .~- :. . '- '..." ,~,~,~, He also would like to see a citY . delivery servlem for mail,, groeerie~ and books to',shut-ins and th ..........'ymaw:~'~g~' ' elderly. '-' -.. :.' of that committee. Lindlan named the above ideas · ':When the groceries arrive the deii'ver o[ his own ;,vith substantive ideas on 7how to could bring in the mail as some can't make it Out facilitate them ' · -. .. doors. . , - .. , . .. . ..~: :'z..:.::,.- lie decried the alleyway between Netka's and UPGRADING CITY signs Is a~other maJor, eom~ Snvder'~ saving "it should have a cover over it in sideration for the Community Convenience eom-~:~ . ..... . . · ....... order that shoppers may use it year around with no ~tttee. ,~e ~ust decide what our. majo~ tnstituT::~ chance of beinq hit bv a ear or inclement weather." uons ana nusinesses are and prowde unique ana~ "EVHRY PARKING lot should have a drtve up '. .. ...-. )h me 'md benches and shrubs should be provide~ colorful signs directing the way Each one would 1 - · . · ' ' . ' .' ' ' to m[~ke the business district a prettier and more complete. X~lth shrubbery from Navarre to Mound.45 conv~,nient shopping area." .: - - . : , We could use neighborhood support ~n keepmg~i~'~[~ i~. ,~,,<,,,-ih,,d hi~ .t-,. r.r tho mini h,,~ s:li-ino them up. The uhiform signs would be a bOnus ,h:.:; ,~[~;[~'~[,~..'[;'~ $;~,',~:~;'~ -"X~[,l,",'~i'~'o~'~';~';~ visitors to our area and give a mOre cohesive . '.: -- -- · . . :: .:. . . . ;. . ., ;. ,.~::: B} DIANE ARNESON ~ ~ m Init3 ;the surroundm~ eommumties prooramoffermgsofeom The Westonka ~chool board and that scheduling and lengthof services. '. .-.: met txVice on the evening o~ June · · ' ' plawng season would really be .About 8 p.m. the board adjour- 11. The first was a7 p.m. annual enhanced if at least a couple of ned to ~onvene its regular - . . Community services Con- .fields could be lighted at night business meeting. Phyll~-.~? ference, when board members and maintained.in top playing O'Malley acted as talked overjoint program efforts . form with chalking and perma- in Gary Mayer's absence. with municfpalities 'in the - · ' .... , ...... nentbases.. ' ........ Cbelbcrg was acting clerk..-,~.~/ ' ' ~, ....... , ~':: ....... '~- · ......... :.:L .:C r~;,~ ~"~:..t* -,~ ...... ,:~' ....' ._~ ' :: . , · .: .; : , _ · .,,-' :;'i' in within ~i~e ~i~n4uni'~y '; ::;:":":)':'. '":"?"~'. -";;:~;'::'; Rome and London, ~nd met hi~ ic mcr A e~- "": ' Admittedly thls would prove a costly venture and man s~sters father m Rome. Gen ral HeinfiVon one~'-probably" to be picked Up by the Chamber it- Zur Gothen, a military attache the German self, Lindlan said .... ' ~ ' : .... ' government had called 'the )rners f~om But strangers and travelers driving through the Minnetonka area would have easy access to the in- formation on where the local shopping centers were located. Example, "Marina Shopping Center ahead," with arrows pointing either left or right to other points of interest· -, - - ' "We would limit them but use those we have ef- fectively,'' Rock said. ' At this juncture in the program Lindlan is seeking imaginative and progressive people to work with him. And he has some time on his side. Washington and made arrang{ s to spedd'a Weekend at the Worner home afe , weeks ~go. Since Mark had not met Angle's he made' the trip from Concordia to enjoy a hom~ cooked meal with him. - : While discussing his plans ,to at end the art seminar in Europe, the Generl ~ted-Mark's calendar and itinerary and invited him to dinner when he reached Rome, he did three weeks later. Mark received extr credits for his participation in the sdminar, .- . .: x "The beautiful part of this is that we have two years-to get the job done. We want to see that the new members of the Community Convenience com- mittee viSit outstanding Communities to bring fresh ideas to our own community development project." .Highway 15, and its course'through town, will also come up for re-evaluation, Lindlan said. In an area often called a bedroom community, the above ideas might well be the vehicle in becom- ing a more integrated community where its resi- dents take part in civic and community endeavors. Diane took advantage of the :o go with h · friend "as Vagabonds'" traveling on ti chartered · plane sponsored by Concordia. Accor, lng to her father, Bert, this program is a non-crc( : phase of the trip, leaving the students five weeks ( sightsee-. ing on their own. -,~ DIANE AND her friend traveled 'through France, England, Belgium, Holh mark, Austria and Sweden. In Sweden Di five days with Bert's aunts, tincles and Afterwards the girls decided they want~ Nice and Monte Carlo for some fun. nd, Den- '-. ne spent to Se'e And most of all, it should protnote pride in our tri- city areas: . -: ' According to Bert, one of the most amu ng ~is- It would be a boon to the merchants and'the resi- sertations on his daughter's adventure wa in Nice' dents themselves. At any rate the die is being cast when the girls decked themselves in ultra- and some people of the community will be working conservative one piece American swim suit to lay towards making some or all of the above proposals on the white Mediterranean sands. To their ,orror real in the next two years. They certainly deserve they were met with other women wearin .what not only out' vote of confidence but our support as "Bert described as "G-strings or the s~<i~nt ~st of well bikini's...and high heels·" Moundites Visit Europe Through Concordla Everywher,~e they looked women wer~ dre yd in . ·,Program . . similar attire so the two young Americans ~kto ~rn r took advanta,e the fmthest cornet of the beach so TH ~Y wouldn t Diane Larson and Mark W( e ' · g ' ' . . l? ' · ' of a,super program sponsored by their alma mater' be too conspicuous. - recently, taking in the sights and sounds of Europe. Mark and Diane returned home a Week ago {vith Mark par. ticipated in an a,.rt.seminar,.traveling to many tales to tell.. ..... . . CITY of MOUND June 13, 1979 5341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND. MINNESOTA 55364 (612) 472-1155 Mr. William Anderson Tax Forfeit Land Department A-603 Government Center Minneapolis, MN. 55487 Dear Mr. Anderson: From the 1979 Conservation List, please combine the following lots when they are sold so they make building sites: Block 7, Pembroke Lot 2, 18 and 19 PID # 19-117-23 33 0040/0053 and 0054 except "a temporary construction easement for street purposes over and across the following described property: Lot 2, Block 7, Pembroke, according to the'recorded plat thereof. Said temporary construction easement being the northeasterly 5~00 feet of said Lot 2. Said temporary construction easement expires August 3]., 1980." Block 9, wychwood Lots 30, 31 and 32 PID # 19-117-23 32 0096 and 0097 Block 20, Shadywood Point Combine the portion (which should be the east part) of Lot 13 which appears on this year's list with Lot 14 that is being held. The City has a deed to part of Lot 13 for drainage purposes. Please withhold from sale' Lot 43, Vacated Street and Part of Lot 44, Block 10, Pembroke; thi~ should be PID # 19-117-23 33 192. After deducting the undersized lots, taking out what the City needs, it appears to us all that is left for sale is: Plat Parcel Lot Block 37910 4760 27 & % 26' 37910 -- 41 & 42 37910 -- Pt. 44 & 45 37950 2475 17 & 18 37970 6410 10 & 11 61980 8160. Pt. 13 & 14 8180) 37910 3500. 2, 18 & 19 3900! 3925) 38010 5230 Pt. of 20,Pt. 26 of 21,Pt. of 22 Subdivision PID 8 Pembroke 19-117-23 33 0070 10 Pembroke 19-117-23 33 0191 10 Pembroke 19-117-23 33 0193 14 Seton 19-117-23 33 0013 20 Whipple 25-117-24 21 0134 20 Shadywood Pt 13-117-24 11 0067. 0068) 7 Pembroke 19-117-23 33 0040. 0053! 0054) Wychwood 24-117-24 41 0076 /737 Letter - Mr.'.william Anderson Tax Forfeit Land Department - Pg. 2 Thanks much for your cooperation. Sincerely, city Manager LLK/ms Encl. cc: City Council P.S. We are attaching a list of special assessments whic~ according to our file, were levied on these properties. 300 Metro Square Building, 7th Street and Robert Street, Area 612, 291-6359 TO: tV~TROPOLITAN AREA CITIZENS AND GOVEtLNNENTAL OFFICIALS Enclosed is a copy of the Council's newly published Regional Fiscal Profile report. The first of its kind in the Region, the report brings together detailed data about revenues, expenditures and debt of governmental units in the Twin Cities Area. The profile examines the fiscal activity of metropolitan- level agencies, counties, cities and townships, school districts, · and special districts, focusing on the 1960-1975 period. It is the first in a series of such reports the Council will publish every two years. The Council monitors fiscal activity because government spending and borrowing can affect~how development takes place in the · '.,:'.:Region. 'Such fiscal data is also important in managing, public.. deilars effectively. The Council will use the data to help identify future fiscai trends and to help local governmental units evaluate their fiscal needs. The Council is interested in your suggestions about what issues the next Regional Fiscal Profile should examine.' On the back of this letter are listed several possibiiinies. Please indicate your preference or your own suggestions for topics and mail the sheet to: Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Planning Program 300 Metro Square B!dg. 7th and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 We hope you find this report useful. feel free to contact us. If you have any questions, Sincerely, CharIes R. Weaver Chairman 7755' A~ Ag(~,cy (3ro,~ted t.o Coordinate the Pl~n~ing a~(t I)evolop~nent of th(~ Twin Cities ~{ctropolit;~ Are:~ Coxxxprisi~g: Al~oka County O C~rver County O I)akota County o }Ie~lnepin Co,xr~ty ~') Yt~,ey Co~ty O Scott Co~ty , ~ W;~hi~igtoll Co~allty WH~T TOPICS SHOULD THE NEXT REGIONAL FISCAL PROFILE COVER? Please indicate your suggestions for the next Council Regional Fiscal Profile report, and send them to the Council at your earliest convenience. Following are some of the subjects that may be examined in the next report. 1. Update the 1979 report by including revenue, expenditure and debt data of government units for 1976, 1977 and, if possible, 1978, 2. Include a capinai outlay study that more precisely analyzes development trends by examining expenditures for sewer, water, street and park systems. Extend the analysis of the Council's Development Framework policy areas (Chapter 4 of' Regional Fiscal Profile) to include such data as revenues, assesS'ed valuations and mill rates. Examine local government debt more closely, especially how local governments have used proceeds from bond sales. Except for single-purpose districts, there is not a clear picture at present of expenditures made from borrowings by local units. Include fiscal data for years preceding 1960. Development trends from the 19505 may provide some useful background for the 1960s and !970s.. Include fiscal comparisons of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area with other regions in the state, or with the state itself. "I would like the following questions investigated as part of the next Region Fiscal Profile:" MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT June 14, 1979 The special meeting was called to order on June 14, 1979 by Chairman Cochran at 5:15 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers present: Cochran, Lehman, Russell, and Thomas. Manager absent: Gudmundson. Aslo present were board advisors Hickok, Boyer, Holmquist and Macomber. Chairman Cochran explained that the purpose of the special meeting was to review proposed final plans and specifications prepared by the District's engineer for the Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project. Chairman Cochran then called upon the engineer to summarize the four projects. Following the engineer's presentation, Chairman Cochran called on members of the public in attendance. Chet Harrison, City Engineer, City of St. Louis Park, made a presentation to the managers regarding the position of the City of St. Louis Park regarding requested modifications in certain of the details of the Meadowbrook Lake Project (Project 5). Mr. Harrison stated that the City was requesting some modification of the proposed trail location, movement of the canoe landing easterly to the Meadowbrook golf course property, movement of the sanitary facility to the canoe landing area and replacement by an enlarged cul-de-sac at the end of Brunswick Avenue. Mr. Harrison also requested on behalf of the City of St. Louis Park that the managers consider whether the facilities presently scheduled for the Oxbow Pond area (Project 4b) could be moved closer to County Road 18. The managers directed the engineer to investigate this request. Don Asmus, City Engineer, City of Minnetonka, stated that the City Council continued to support the Grays Bay Dam site recreational improvements (Project 2) and that the City Council would review the final plans and specifications during the following week. / 733 Page Two Jun~ 14, 1979 The managers then discussed the request of the City of St. Louis Park for modifications in Project 5. Following discussion, it was moved by Cochran, seconded by Lehman, that the project concept be modified to move the canoe landing and sanitary facility to the Meadowbrook golf course area subject to approval of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, that the requested modification of the trail be implemented by the engineer, that the City be encouraged to construct an 80-foot cul-de-sac to provide for additional on-street parking and that the District contribute $1,500.00 towards the cost of the 80-foot cul-de-sac in lieu of the parking lot facility contained in the preliminary engineering proposal for the project. Upon vote the motion carried. The managers then reviewed the remainder of the proposed final engineering and directed the engineer to ~present final engineering specifications for the project and final estimated costs for review by the managers at the regular meeting on June 28, 1979. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Chairman Cochran declared the special meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Albert L. Lehman Acting Secretary /'73 AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District June 28, 1979 1. Call to order; present, absent, staff.. 2. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting, 5/31/79. 3. Reading and approval of minutes of special meeting, 6/14/79. 4. Approval or amendment of June 28, 1979 agenda. Hearing of permit applications: A. 77-57. McNulty Construction Company - permit extension for Amesbury llth Addition, residential development - Deephaven. 77-107. J. Hunder - permit extension for~ ~__~ Harrison Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Mound.~ 79-64. City of Minnetonka - Underground utilities for Copperfield 2nd/Hidden Creek Hills/Copper Ridge - Minnetonka. De 79-65. M. Pluhm - Riprap placement, near Walter's Port Lagoon, Carmen Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Orono. E. 79-66. S. Rockler - Filling for tennis court near Minnehaha Creek, 24 Circle West - Edina. /~7. ~on~racting - ReplaCe ~ ~,~ C~3~l~town Townhouses, Bartlet Blvd. ~Mound. 79-68. R. Kokesh - Riprap placement, Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetonka Beach. 79-69. M. Gronberg - Grading/drainage plan for a proposed car lot near State Highway 7 and Six Mile Creek - Minnetrista. 79-70. Valley Land Corporation - Grading/drainage plan for 14 lots, Woodhaven 2nd Addition - Shorewood. Je 79-71. Design Two Inc. - Grading/drainage plan for a commercial site near the intersection of Excelsior Boulevard and Minnetonka Boulevard - Excelsior. Ke 79-72. Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. - Grading/ drainage plan for a 13 townhouse and 13 patio home development, Tuxedo Boulevard a E~point ~ ~~ Mound. /731 e e 10. 11. Me of a site plan for a medical office building, State Highway 7 and Linden Drive - Shorewood. Ne 79-75. Roberts Architects - Grading/drainage plan for the renovation of the parking area for an existing 3200 sq. ft. building, Lots 1 and 2, Minnewashta Park - Chanhassen. Correspondence. Hearing of requests for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. Reports of Treasurer, Engineer and Attorney. A. Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell. B. Engineer's Report - Mr. Holmquist. (1) Cooperative Agreement Projects. (2) Private vehicular bridge at 11907 Cedar Lake Road. (3) Channel maintenance Minnehaha Creek Headwaters Reach. (4) Waterways Maintenance and Repair Fund/1979. C. Attorney's Report - Mr. Macomber. (1) Receipt of executed county agreement and easement/ Dam and Control Structure. Old Business. A. Upper Watershed Storage and Retention Project. B. District regulation revision. New Business. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS 'OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT May 31, 1979 The regular meeting was called to order on May 31, 1979 by Chairman Cochran at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers present: Russell and Thomas. Cochran, Gudmundson, Lehman, Also present were board advisors Holmquist, Jandro · and Macomber. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 19, 1979 were reviewed. Following discussion it was moved by Russell, seconded by Lehman, that the minutes be approved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. Oath of Office to Managers Barbara Gudmundson and John Thomas. The Chairman called on the attorney to issue the Oath of Office to new Managers Barbara Gudmundson and John E. Thomas. A copy of said Oaths are attached and made a part of these minutes by reference. President Cochran welcomed Managers Thomas and Gudmundson to the Board of Managers. Approval of Permit Applications. The Managers reviewed a written memorandum from the engineer dated May 24, 1979, and supplemented May 31, 1979, summarizing the nature of the following applications indicating that the applications comply with the applicable standards of the District and recommending approval on the terms and conditions as set forth in his written memorandum: Pag.e Two May 31, 1979 Walters Port Homeowners - Permit extension for retaining wall repair,· Walters Port Lagoon, Carmen Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Orono; Application No. 77-69. J. Thomas - Permit extension for lake setback variance and driveway construction, West Point Road - Tonka Bay; Application No. 77-106. Boys' Club of Minneapolis - Dredging and resanding of beach area, Lake Flanagan - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-39. City of Mound - Storm sewer, street improvements, boat ramp construction - Mound; Application No. 79-40. City of Long Lake - Street and Utility improvements - Long Lake; Application No. 79-41. City of Minnetonka - Road and Utilities construction, Plymouth Road and North Highway 12 Service Road - Minnetonka; Application No. 79-42. P. Haglund - Lake Setback Variance, Fairchild Avenue, Libbs Lake, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetonka; Application No. 79-43. McMaster Enterprises - Parking lot expansion for Wayzata Medical Clinic, Highway 101 and U.S. 12 - Wayzata; Application No. 79-44. G. Rappaport - Riprap placement, 3940 Waldon Shores Road, St. Louis Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Deephaven; Application No. 79-45. R. Tomalka - Riprap placement, 3165 Priest Lane, Priest Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Mound; Application No. 79-46. T. Boer - Riprap placement, 1392 Baldur Park Road, North Arm, Lake Minnetonka - Orono; Application No. 79-47. P~ge Thr~e May 31, 1979 R. Meyers - Riprap placement, 740 Tonkawa Road, Stubbs Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Orono; Application No. 79-53. G. Neddermeyer - Riprap placement, 709 Minnetonka Highland, North Arm, Lake Minnetonka - Orono; Application No. 79-54. R. Ramburg - Riprap placement at 3460 Kings Point Road, Halsteads BaY,~ Lake Minnetonka - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-56. J. Boswinkel - Riprap placement at 2922 Northview Road, Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetonka Beach; Application No. 79-57. City of Deephaven - Grading/drainage plan for platform tennis court; Application No. 79-58. University of Minnesota - Sanitary sewer line to service Research building at Landscape Arboretum - Chanhassen; Application No. 79-59. J. Batzli - Riprap placement, Kings Point Road Halsteads Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-60. Following discussion it'was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the above permits be approved and issued subject to all terms and conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. i ?-z7 Pag~ Four May 31, 1979 S. Valek - Grading/drainage plan for 8-lot subdivision at 4750 Tonkaview Lane - Orono;' Application No.~ 79-32. The engineer reviewed the application for grading/drainage plan approval for an 8-lot subdivision within the City of Orono. Following discussion it was moved by Russell, seconded by Lehman that the application be approved subject to the following conditions: (1) final plat approval from the City of Orono; (2) installation of riprap at the culvert' outlet and installation of an oil- skimming device; (3) that the engineer establish a minimum building elevation-based upon proposed ponding at the 'site; (4) that the applicant redefine the proposed easement to coincide with the east-west lines at the north and south ends of the pond; and (5) that the permit allow filling to 'the elevation of the easement lines as so redefined. Upon vote the motion carried. Pflaumwell Development Partnership - Grading/drainage plan, 3.4 acre townhouse development, south shore Long Lake - ~ng Lake; Application No. 79-34. Sherman Goldberg appeared for the applicant and reviewed the proposed grading and drainage plan for the managers. The engineer advised the managers that the City of Long Lake has approved the proposed development. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer subject to the additional requirements that the applicant maintain adequate holding capacity in the proposed percolation and retention beds. Upon vote the motion carried. Schellar and Kamman - Grading/drainage plan for seventeen home subdivision, Fairfield Road - Minnetoka; Application No. 79-49. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval and advised the managers that, at the recommendation of the Minnetonka City Engineer, the marsh east of Fairfield Road would be used as the run-off storage area for this development because it was a part of the Minnetonka wetlands system. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer subject to the dedication of the wetlands in question for permanent storage. Page Five May 31, 1979 K. Hoppe- Grading/drainage plan for four lot subdivision, north of County Road 6, west of Willowbrook Drive - Orono; A_p_plication No. 79-50. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval within the City of Orono. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the application be approved as r%commended by the engineer subject to the following requirements: (1) permanent dedication of existing wetlands for storage purposeS; (2) that the applicant submit a !~gal description of the drainage easement area for approval by the District's engineer except that portion of the easement proposed to be -used for road construction purposes; and (3) that any filling will require separate permits from the Board of Managers. Upon vote the motion carried. George Jackson Construction - Grading/drainage plan for eleven lot subdivision, south of Watertown Road, west of Orono Orchard Road - Long Lake; Application No. 79-51. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval and recommended approval contingent on dedication of the ponding area proposed and final approval from the City of Long Lake. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Gudmundson, that the application be approved subject to the conditions as recommended by the engineer including the requirement that the applicant dedicate indicated ponding areas on the plat of the property. Upon vote the motion carried. T. Muehlberg - Grading/drainage plan for six lot subdivision north of Smithtown Road,. east of Grant Lorenz Road - Shorewood; ~pplication No. 79-52. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval within the City of Shorewood. The engineer recommended approval contingent upon (1) receipt of final approval from the City of Shorewood, (2) dedication of the ponding area to elevation 956 NGVD; and (3) issuance of a sewer extension permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved subject to the foregoing conditions. Upon vote the motion carried. Page Six May 31, 1979 Mutual Development Corporation - Grading/drainage plan for forty-five lot residential development, south of Trunk Highway 5, west of Sunflower Street - Victoria; Application No. 79-55. The engineer reviewed the proposed grading and drainage plan approval and indicated that the applicant sought concept approval at this time. The engineer recommended concept approval based on the existing standards of the District. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that concept approval be granted to the proposed grading and drainage plan as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. 'Dr. R. Webber - Shoreline riprap at Lot 4, Block 3 of "Clay Cliffe", Carmens Bay, Lake Minnetonka, Tonka Bay; Application No. 79-61. The engineer reviewed the application of R. Webber for shoreline riprap and recommended approval based on applicable standards of the watershed District. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Gudmundson, that the application be. approved as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. G. Pagel - Culvert extension and fill placement at "Chimo West" - Deephaven; Application No. 79-62. The engineer reviewed the application for culvert extension and fill placement. The engineer indicated that the managers had granted preliminary plat approval on this property in 1973. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer subject to the condition that_,~~cant install riprap at the mouth of the culv~c~rdanc~ with the applicable standards of ~W~//~hed ~trict./Upon vote the motion carried. /D./~herburne - Lake s~back variance to 60 feet at the < /~!uffs',..-Mound~lication..N0. 7~.-63... ~ The~~neer reviewed the application for a variance ~~rh~D~trict's setback requirement for Lot 4, Block 2, the "Bluffs" in the City of Mound. The engineer indicated that the application was consistent with prior action taken Page Seven May 31, 1979 by the Board of Managers regarding s'etbacks from the District's lake setback requirements on these properties. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the variance be granted subject to approval by the City of Mound, recognizing the prior action taken by the Board of Managers and existing city standards. Upon vote the motion carried. Treasurer's Report. The treasurer distributed his monthly administrative fund report dated May 31, 1979, a copy of which is attached. The treasurer recommended temporary borrowing from the District's Water Maintenance and Repair Fund to its -Administrative Fund in the amount of $4,000.00 to enable the District to pay current obligations pending receipt of the tax settlement from Hennepin County anticipated in June, 1979. It was moved by Lehman, seconded by Thomas, that the temporary borrowing in the amount of $4,000.00 be authorized, said amount to be repaid promptly from the Administrative Fund to the Water Maintenance and Repair Fund Upon receipt of the tax settlement from Hennepin County. Upon vote the motion carried. The treasurer reviewed the Administrative Fund report dated May 31, 1979, and recommended approval and payment of the.bills as set forth in the report. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the Administrative Fund report be approved and the bills paid as set forth in that report. Upon vote the motion carried. Submerged Vegetation Removal. The engineer recommended that the managers authorize cutting of submerged vegetation in the reach of the creek between Grays Bay Dam and 1-494 during the summer of 1979. The engineer recommended that the managers authorize up to two cuttings during the summer of 1979 and indicated that the estimated cost to be $10,000.00. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that the engineer be authorized and directed to perform up to two cuttings of submerged vegetation during the 1979 summer season and that $10,000.00 from the District's Water Maintenance and Repair Fund be allocated and encumbered for this purpose. Upon vote the motion carried. Page Eight May 31, 1979 Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project.' The engineer reported on a meeting with the St. Louis Park City Engineer regarding Project. #5 in the creek improvement series of projects. The engineer reported that expressions of local concern had been communicated to the City of St. Louis Park regarding the possible effects of this project upon the local neighborhood and that the city had agreed to investigate those concerns. President Cochran stated that he would work with the City of St. Louis Park to respond to the inquiries of local residents regarding Project ~5. The managers noted receipt of a final draft of · the final engineering on the Grays Bay Dam control structure from the engineer's office. Noting the length of the report and the complexity of the matter, the managers indicated that a special meeting should be scheduled at which the managers could review the final design and estimated final costs for the control structure and the downstream projects. The mangers directed the staff to send notice of a special meeting to be held by the managers to consider this subject. The attorney reported that the final agreements and easement documents have been executed and forwarded to the Hennepin County Attorney for execution by the Hennepin County Board. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Chairman Cochran declared the meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Albert L. Lehman Acting Secretary TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: City of Mound, c/.o Leonard L. Kopp, Manager F. Mixa June 19, 1979 Hot Dog Stand on Seton Channel The I~ICD Board of Directors at its last regular meeting, reviewed the request by the City of Mound for a recommendation regarding the placement of a hot dog stand on the southeast Seton Channel. The LMCD Board approved the committee's recommendation that: 1. the proposal be disapproved because of the extreme hazard to navigation in this area of the channel, and 2. this, or any similar operation on any part of the Lake (in- cluding channels), be not allowed. Thank you for your cooperation in our "Save the Lake" program. cc: Robert D. Polston Capt. A1 Moran D.N.R. Robert K. Pillsbury CLAYTON L. L~:FEVERE HERBERT P. LEFLER CURTIS A. PEARSON J. DENNIS O'BRIEN JOHN E- DRAWZ DAVID J. KENNEDY JOHN B. DEAN ~-LENN E. PURDUE JAMES D. LARSON CHARLES L. L£FEVERE HERBERT P. LEFLER JEFFREY J. STRAND JAMES P. O'MEARA MARY J. BJORKLUND THOMAS D. CREIGHTON LAW OFFICES L£FEVERE, LEF'LER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN & DRAWZ IIOO FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA S540::~ i June 19, 19 79 TELEPHONE (61 ~,) 333-054-3 .Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Re: Continental Telephone Dear Len: I am enclosing herewith copy of a letter addressed to me and a Notice of Revision in Prospective Tariff and Petition by Continental Telephone. Attached to this is another set of books containing the testimony of the Continental representa- ti ves. I am writing to inform you that since I have not heard anything from Mound, I am of course not proceeding or doing anything on the Continental matter. You did indicate to me that you and the Mayor were sending out a letter and I presume that if any work is to be done by this office you will so advise. very truly yours~ ~/'~~' 'c~f~tis A.~P~ CAP:ms Enclosure /'73 , Continental Telephone of Minnesota, Inc. Suite 300-- Hudson Rood Office Pork 6053 Hudson Road St. PauI, M;nneso~a 55119 (612J 739-1530 Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney City of Mound 1100 First National Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 June 15, 1979 Dear Mr. Pearson: On Friday, June 15, 1979, Con-tinental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. filed with the Minnesota Public Service Commission its Supplemental Direct Testimony, Petition, Exhibits and Prospective Tariffs pursuant to its May 11, 1979 rate filing, Docket No. P407/GR-79-500. A copy of this supplemental filing is enclosed for your information. ~erely, ' ~ ~ua~i lYcnA~a~sg~dm~t rati ve Manager MBV: s kb enclosure BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Katherine E. Sasseville Roger L. Hanson Richard J. Parish Juanita R. Satterlee Lillian Warren-Lazenberry Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner In the Matter of the Petition of Continental Telephone Company of. Minnesota, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota for Authority to Change its Schedule of Telephone Rates for Customers Within the State of Minnesota Docket No. P407/GR-79-500 H.E. PSC NOTICE OF REVISION IN PROSPECTIVE TARIFF AND PETITION I. Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. hereby gives notice, pursuant to M.S.A. § 237.075, 6f a revision.in the prospective tariff filed with this Commission on May 11, 1979. The revised schedule is attached hereto as Attachment B and is filed with this Notice of Revision in Prospective Tariff and Petition. The purpose of the revision is to eliminate the differential between urban and rural one-party service rates. II. Assuming the Commission suspends the revised rate schedule referred to in Paragraph I herein pursuant to M.S.A. ~ 237.075, · Subd. 2, that suspension will not affect the Company's right to place into effect on August 9, 1979', the amount of $2,521,023 per year under the "bonded tariff," subject to refund if the Commission determines that these amounts are in excess of rates which should be charged, pursuant to the Company's Notice of Change in 'Rates and Petition, dated May 11, 1979. III. In support of this Notice of Revision in Prospective Tariff and Petition, there are filed herewith, and by reference made a part hereof, statements of fact, substantiating'documents and exhibits supporting the revised tariff. Said substantiating -documents show that the Company has been advised by the Rural Electrification Administration ("REA") that in order to obtain further REA financing, it must eliminate the differential between urban and rural one-party service rates for exchanges providing all one-party service. The revisions in the prospective tariff eliminate this rate differential. It is in the interests of the Company and all its customers that REA financing be made available. ', WHEREFORE, Continental Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc. prays that the Commission grant the relief petitioned ~or herein, approve the revised prospective tariff contained in Attachment B, specify the Notice to be given each municipality and county in the State affected hereby and grant such other relief as may be just. /7/7 Respectfully submitted, CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, INC. 7' - Charles M.~exroat .MAYER, BROWN & PLATT ~n~u~hWhL~l~lle Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 MASLON, KAPLAN, EDELMAN, BORMAN, BRAND & McNULTY ~o~ 0. ~c~u~ ~-t ~ /'1800 Midwest Plaza Minneapolis, Minnesota 5'5402 Attorneys for Petitioner Dated: June 15, 1979 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) SS Charles M. Rexroat, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the President of the Petitioner, Continental' Telephone Company of Minnesota, Inc.; that he has read the foregoing Notice of Revision in Prospective Tariff and Petition, knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true. ' Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 15th day of June, 1979. Notary My Commission Expires ) ~. MARLE~IE bi: LENZ / CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Marilyn B. Vogel, certify that on June 15, 1979, I caused the foregoing Notice of Revision in Prospective Tariff and' Petition and the documents in support thereof to be served on the following attorneys by either causing same to be physically delivered to their offices or depositing same., postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota: Jerome L. Getz Assistant Attorney General Seventh Floor - American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 ~Rod Wilson, Esq. Seventh Floor - American Center Building 160 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Richard J. Schieffer Schieffer & Carson Attorneys for Maple Plain 610 Brookdale Towers Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430 Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney City of Mound 1100 First National Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota' 55402 ~a~n B. Vog~ ~'/£ / IIZI 'TOM HAGEDORN ~D DISTRICT, MINNESOTA AGRICULTURE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION 440 CANNON Hous~ OFFICZ BUlt.mNe W^$H~TO~, D.C. ~0~15 (~o~) ~7z o! epre entatiloe //I~Silintltotm, D.C. 20515 June 19, 1979 Mr. Leonard Koop City Administrator 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 2040 M~NKk~0 MALl. MANKATO, (507) 387-8z2e 211 S~N N£WT~ (507) 377-1676 Dear Mr. Koop: Thank you for the use of your facility during the recent listening hours session held in Mound. It was a pleasure to meet and visit with you and the members of the Mound City Council. I have been in contact with our Washington office re- garding your inquiry on the status of Federal revenue sharing funds for cities. According to the information I have received, funding for this program will continue as it has in the past through September 30, 1980. At that point in time, new legislation will need to be in place to provide future funding. Apparently the Government Operations Committee will be holding hearings on this matter in the near future, however, legislation is not expected to be passed until the next session of Congress. The Congressman has and continues to be a supporter of the revenue sharing concept. We appreciate your concern over the future of this program, and welcome future correspondence on this matter. Sincerely, /, _.'~i '/.. ~.. Jqn Carlson S~aff Member Congressman Tom Hagedorn mah /7fo supplement #2 to newsletter ICMA executive summary · ) This year's revenue sharin9 fight was....just a warm-up. Although a House- Senate compromise restored most of the 6RS funds for fiscal year 1980, next year is when the real battle begins. That's when Congress will debate reauthorization leg- islation. The clear message from this year's discussion: revenue sharing is vulner- able. The state share is particularly shaky because so many states have called for a balanced federal budget. Here's further evidence that nondiscrimination requirements in GRS are being taken seriously by the feds. Following the preliminary finding of an administra- tive law judge, Jacksonville, Florida's revenue sharing funds have been suspended. The ruling came about after a woman questioned the city's policy of requiring all Emergency Medical Technicians to first serve as fire fighters. She failed the physical agility test. It gets even more complicated. Because Jacksonville is required under a federal district court order to hire at least 50 percent blacks for available positions, her name would not have been reached as she is white. Also, since the complaint was first filed, a state validation team declared the physical agility test to be invalid. The city has requested a full hearing on the matter. Look for restrictions of the Davis-Bacon Act. Criticism of the 48-year old Davis-Bacon Act is mounting. A General Accounting Office report asserts that it is no longer needed and that it is inflationary as well. A Senate subcommittee is examining the actual costs of the program. President Carter has pledged to veto any bill which attempts to repeal the Act. It is possible, however, that it could be repealed from some specific federal assistance programs. The Act requires all federal construction contracts to pay the "prevailing wages" of the area. There's a bigger push for stricter state and local accounting standards. New Jersey Senator Harrison Williams has introduced a bill (Sl236) calling for an Il-member institute to set standards. It would be financed by the federal government with members from federal, state, and local governments, the public accounting and financial analyst professions, and the public. There's another proposal for the Municipal Finance Officers' Association, Financial Accounting Foundation, and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to fund jointly a study to determine the most appropriate organization to set accounting principles for state and local governments. Read more about this issue in the June 1979 Publlc ~anagemen~ magazine. You can expect restrictions soon on mortgage revenue bonds. A bill now in the House Ways and Means Committee (HR 3712) would limit mortgage revenue bonds' to homes that do not exceed 80 percent of the average purchase price in a community. An exception would be made for targeted, distressed areas where a ll0 percent limit International City Management Association more) would be imposed. It would also restrict the bonds to 5 percent of the total mortgages issued in a state and to families with incomes of 115 percent or lower of the local median family income. This week the Committee will look at the bill again along with a substitute~ ~.measure offered by Representative Andrew Jacobs. That proposal would prohibit revenue bond financing entirely and allow instead a mortgage tax credit for individuals. A National League of Cities Committee has adopted a resolution supporting some reStrictions on the use of the bonds while reaffirming the need for them. The committee points out that the bonds are an important tool in local revitalizati.on programs, so income limits could cause problems. You aren't going to like this one. That's what Treasury officials told ICMA and other public interest groups just before they issued final regulations on arbitrage. Treasury was clearly uncomfortable with the complexity of the final regs, but felt pressured to go ahead because of pending court cases. They advise anyone with a long standing "sinking fund" to check with them to see if it qualifies as an exception. They don't expect many exceptions, by the way, but point out that the Birmingham, Alabama case qualifies. There the state constitution established a sinking fund many years ago, requiring the city to pay a percentage of taxes into it each year. The fund can only be used to pay debt service. Questions on exceptions should be directed to John Samuels, tax legislative counsel, Department of the Treasury. Consultation may improve yet. Like every other federal agency, Treasury is under the gun to improve the regulatory process. Officials say they've been too involved with bond lawyers in the past. They now want to have more informal discussions with practitioners early in the process. Carter's health plan affects local governments, too. Since everyone would ' ~ be insured under President Carter's proposed national health insurance program, local governments, like all other employers, would be required to pay all health and medical costs above $2500 a year. Some localities would get fiscal relief, however, as all patients in city and county hospitals would be covered. Localities currently pick up the tab for such patients as illegal aliens. White House officials told ICMA and other public interest groups that their plan has a good chance to pass this year. "It's more realistic than the Kennedy- Waxman plan," they say. "And it costs considerably less." They emphasize that their plan is just the first phase of a more comprehensive plan, and could be compatible with the Kennedy plan. There's money available for a targeted, interagency jobs program. Local governments with significant federally assisted development work under way may apply for individual grants of up to $100,000 a year for two years. Communities interested in the Targeted Jobs Demonstration Program should submit letters of intent to the. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the lead agency, by June 25. Some 50 places will then be invited to submit full applications. Contact Bobble H. Denson, HUD, Room 7158, Washington, D.C. 20410. Inflation fighters want more information from large employers. ICMA says "no.'l The Council on Wage and Price Stability plans to ask cities and counties with 5,000 or more employees for additional information related to compliance with the President's wage and price guidelines. ICMA and the National League of Cities have both told the Council that its proposal is unnecessary and burdensome, will do nothing to fight inflation, but could increase cost of services. International City Management Association, 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.. Washington. D.C. 20036 a ociation of metropolitan municipalities June 19, 1979 TO: FROM: RE: Chief Administrative Official Vern Peterson, AMM Executive Director Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council There are two vacancies on the above referenced Council, and in accordance with the revised Council By-Laws, such vacancies are to be selected by Hennepin County cities who are members of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) o The two positions which are vacant are reserved for suburban elected officials (Mayors or Councilmembers) ~ Further, these officials must be from a municipality which is an official member of the Coordinating Council¢ (see membership list enclosed) In summary, the purpose of this memo is to solicit nominations/ volunteers to fill the before mentioned vacancies° Your suggestions should be into the AMM office by no later than Thursday, July 5, 1979. Should you have questions relative to the duties, meeting times, etcc , I suggest you contact John O'Sullivan, Execuitve Director of the Council (348-6497)° NOTE: It would be appreciated if you would bring this memo to the attention of your Mayor and Council- members. Thank youf 1 HENNEPIN COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COU~ICIL MENBERSHIP /,~) P, EPRESEi~ATiO;I MEMBE RSH I P Bloomington Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Park Champl i n Crystal Eden Prairie Edina Excelsior Golden Valley Greenfield Greenwood Hennepin County Hopkins Long Lake Maple Grove Medina Minneapolis Minnetonka Mound New Hope Orono Plymouth Richfield Robbinsdale St. Anthony St. Louis Park Shorewood Spring Park Tonka Bay REPRESENTATION Hennepi n County_~: Minneapolis: Suburban Units of Government: Private Sector: *Thomas Johnson, Hennepin County Attorney Philip C. Eckhert, Hennepin County Administration Rita Stellick, Hennepin County Municipal Court Scott Holdahl, Hennepin County Public Defender's Office Thomas Lavelle, Hennepin County Court Services Randy Johnson, Hennepin County Co~fissioner' Don Omodt, Hennepin CoUnty Sheriff Frank Dosal, Hennepin County District Court **Judy Corrao, Minneapolis City Council Patrick Farrell, Ninneapolis Police Department Harvey Havir, Minneapolis Coordinator's Office A1 bert Hofstede, Minneapolis ~.layor Emanuel Serstock, Minneapolis City Attorney's Office Leonard Weaver, City Council Con~unity Appointment Elected Officials: City Managers: Chief of Police: Frank Brixius, Nayor Of Greenwood *C. Wayne Courtney, Edina Councilman (Two Vacancies) Richard Henneberger, Brooklyn Park (One Vacancy) O'vide LaBerge, Hopkins James Mossey, Crystal J.oanna Buzek, Hennepin League of Women Voters Thomas Christian, Minnesota Conm~unity. Corrections Association Earl Craig, Urban Coalition of Hinneapolis l.tarj Maki, United Way of ~4inneapolis *Council Co-chairman **Council Vice-chai rman BOARD OF DIRECTORS /'resident June Demos Roseville association of metr. qpo[[tgn rnun cipalll' e 300 h;mover bkt,j 4dO ct.dar str~_.~t st paul. rnmr,:':;ota 55101 (612~ 222-2~51 ! l' ~!' ! June 15, 1979 Vice President David Hozza St. Paul Past President Lyall Schwarzkopf Minneapolis Richard Asleson Apple Va!by Wayne Courtney Edina Walter Dziedzi¢ Minneapolis Robert Hansen Whhe Bear Lake Jan Haugen Si~orewood Richard Hullander Shakopee Jack Irving Crystal J ames Krautkremer Brooklyn Park Richard Larsen Minnetonka Myra Lobeck Oakdale Bruce Nawrocki Columbia Heights Thomas Spies Bloomington Larry Thompson Wayzata Stephen Wellington St. Paul Duane Zaun Lakeville Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager City Hall 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Dear Mr. Kopp: As the new President, it is my privilege to enclose this brief note along with your Association Dues Statement for the 1979-1980 membership year which began June 1, 1979. It is also a privilege to in- form you that due to an expanding membership base and a careful watch over expenditures, the Association Dues Rate remains the same as for last year~ This past year has been a very exciting and productive year for the Association with regard to our lobbying efforts in the recently completed Legislative Session. The key to this success was the ability and willing- ness of member city officials to work together and work through the Association and the League as never before to present a united front before the Legislature~ I commend you for your support, cooperation, and hard work. However, the job is never done'~ The Association needs your continued input and financial support as we face new challenges, opportunities, and problems during the coming year° I look forward to working with you as President, and with your continued support, the Associ- ation will become even more of a viable force on behalf of city government in the Metropolitan area. resident and President of the St. Paul City Council Enclosure ~'ecuHveDirector Vern Pcterson Mound DUES STATEMEN]' Fiscal Year 1979 - 1980 City ASSQCIATION OF METRQPQLITA I MUNICIPALITIES 300 ttanover Building, 480 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 By action of the Board of Directors, the dues schedule for membership in the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities has been 'set at the same rate as for the past year. THE MEMBERSHIP DUES IN THE ASSOCIATION OF ~IETROPOLITAN ~IUNICiPALITIES FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JUNE 1, 1979 AND ERRING MAY 31, 1980 ARE $ 99?. FOR THE CITY OF Mound PAYMENT By PUBLIC FU~S AUTHORIZED BY MINN. STATS., SECS. 465.58 AND 471.96. I declare under the penalties of law that the foregoing amount is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES DATED' June 15, , 197 9 The records indicate that ~' Ben Withhart is the designated delegate and Leonard Kopp is the designated alternate to the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities from your city. Please inform us if our records are incorrect or if your city desires to make a change in your des- ignated delegate/alternate status. } L~'FEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON,O'BRIEN & DRAWZ MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5540;;:' ~ (61 ~') 333-0=;43 June 18, 19 79 Mr. Steven J. Thomas, President Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. 419 Third Street S. E. Osseo, Minnesota 55369 Re: ].978 Mound Street Improvements Dear Mr. Thomas: Last week a meeting was held with the Mound City Manager and representatives of McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc., the city engineer, to update me on problems regarding your 1978 street construction contract in the City of Mound. I have been pro- vided copies of all the correspondence which has taken place regarding this project since you started work in the spring of 1978. The completion date was originally December 1, 1978 but the Mound City Council reluctantly granted an extension to July 1, 1979 in an effort to be fair with you and your company. There are numerous letters in the file from the city engineer to you indicating a lack of diligence in pursuing this work and of course your responses are also included, but it appears to be practically unanimously agreed by the City Council, the City Manager, the residents of the City of Mound, and the City Engineer that notwithstanding the problems which you incurred in attempting to do this work, there is no reason why it could not have been completed by July 1. To the great distress of all concerned, the engineer has now stated, "It is our opinion that with the crews and equipment committed to this project that the contractor cannot meet this schedule." I believe that the time has come to involve the Bray Agency, who wrote your insurance and your bond, and the Universal Suret~ Company, the Inland Insurance Company, the iNA Reinsurance LAW OFFICES L~'FEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON, O'BRIEN & DRAWZ Mr. Steven J. Thomas Page 2 June 18, 1979 Company, and the North American Reinsurance Corporation. They have issued their bond 952759 in the sum of $1,366,582.35. I am by 'this certified letter to you and to the Bray Agency, making a demand that a meeting be immediately arranged with the bonding companies and their attorneys or other representatives present, and that you, the City Manager and the City Engineer meet with me to assess this disaster which is taking place in the City of Mound. We have no alternative at this time other than to make demand upon the surety company to either provide us with a con- tractor who has sufficient equipment and. crews to complete this work immediately, or to cooperate with them and the City in retaining a new contractor in an effort to get this work completed. -We, of course, expect full reimbursement from you and/or the surety companies for these expenses. I suggest that you immediately contact your insurance agent and your surety companies and that we try to meet .~o later than the week of June 25. I hope to hear from your attorney or the surety companies by the end of this week arranging the meeting. If you have any question about this, please do not hesitate to call. I am also by this letter invitinc the Bray Agency and the surety companies to con%act me if they have further questions concerning this project. Very truly yours, Curtis A. Pearson City Attorney .,,,~'~ City of Mound CAP Certified. Mail - Return Receipt Reouested CC: Mr. Leonard Kopp, City Manager Mr. Skip McCo~bs Mr. Lyle Swanson, McCombs-Knutson The Bray Agency, Inc. Universal Surety Company Inland Insurance Company INA Reinsurance Company North American Reinsurance Corporation 77o2 POLI~CRIME ACTIVITY REt°OR 'Cities NDt SPnlNG PARK, onth MINNETRISTA ~ ST. BONIFACIUS May Year 1979 - I. G~Nti~RAI_, ACTIVITY SUMlk4ARY THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY MONTH TO DATE' TO DATE I'raffic control (citations & ~'varnings) 397 1986 2590 D\VI . 6 ' -30 -- 53 Property damage accident .- 26 140 113 Personal injury acc[dent 7 21 49 . Fatal accident 1 2 kdult felony & misdemeanor arrests 22 76 105 Juvenile felony & naisde~neanor arrests I0 65 47 Vledicals 23 87 94 I~ ninnal 'complaints ~ 152 615 724 Part I & l~ar~ II offenses 93 317 436 Other ge ne ral inve s riga tion s 862 4129 3567 rOTAI, 1,599 7,468 7,779 II,~ PROI~ERT¥ LOSS/R~OVER¥ SUMMARY ALL CITIES COMBINED / Bikes Boats Clothing Currency, ITEM notes, otc STOLEN 250 150 488 [exvelry & precious metals Guns ~Iome Furnisl~ings 900 RECO~EREI> 825 --- Radio & Electronic equipnaent 503 --- Yehicles & yehicle equlpn-~ent 845 --- Mi s cellaneous 3,225 2 '~ 'r o TA L $ 7,186 $ 10 "ALL CIT. IES C. OHBINED. MI. OFFENSE ACTIVITY SUMMARY PART As sault Burglary 6 6 ~a rcen7 2~ 27 ...... 7 Yehicle Theft 2 TOTA~ ' . 35 · 1 34 0 0 7 :]PART II CRIMES · Jtrson ?'or. gery &.LGounterfeitlng 1 ,1 _-. Fraud Emb e z z.l e ment , , Stolen Property ........... Yandalisnx 28 ___ 28 ~ 6 Weapqns , , 1 ,, 1 .... ~ostitution & C'onamerclalized Mice ...... Sex Offenses 2 2 Narcotic drug laws __, 3 3 ., Oannbling . , . . .... 'Offenses again}st fami_l_y &.Children 2 , . Drivin~ under the influence Lio. uor Laws- , ,, [ .... Public Peace 7 ,, 7 All other offenses , 4 ~ . 2_ ..' 3. TOTAL '59 0 59 0 ] ] 1/4 0 Ii City of MOUND lvionth ]fear 1979 · I. GENERAl, ACTIVITY SUMMARY THIs YEAR LAST YEAR ~GTIVITY MO.~ TH TO Dfi TE TO DATE Traffic control {citations & Warnings} 219 1278 1527 : .. " 4 16 29' "-. Property danaage accident ' 1 ~., 75 ' 60 Personal injury accident .-. 4 9 29 ! ,Uatat accident · . .... 0 0 0 kdult felony & misdemeanor arrests 17 44 61 [uvenlle felony & misdemeanor arrests .8 4f 37 .Vledicals 16 ' ·58- 63 .tlnimal conlplaints " :' 10i 452 561. t>art I ~ t°art /'I offenses 53 192 278 Other general investigations 538 2565 2279 TOTAL 976 4730 4924 II. PROPERT~ LOSS ~OVERY SUMMARY MOUND ~ikes ITEM Boats Slothing Uurrency, notes, etc. Jewelry & precious metals Guns Home Furnishings Radio & Electronic equipment Vehicles & vehicle equlpment Miscellaneous TOTAl. {for individual city} GRAND TOTAL (ali cities combined} STOLEN 15o 488 900 250 570 i ;355 $ 3,713 7,186 RECOVERED .. $ 10 $10 * HOUND III. OFFENSE ACTIVIT UMMARY P.A. RTI CRIMES ,~'~ o ~ <~ O'~ o° O O~ Adul~ ~uv. Homicide .,. _ ,Rape Robbery , . Assault - Burglary . , 3 3 ~arceny Vehicle Theft ..... TOTA~ 18. 1 17 . 0 ' 0 7 :]PART II CRIMtES Arson _F?r_ger~r & Counterfeiting .... ] [_ ' ] , .." . .... 1~raud ., .1 , ,,1.... Er~b e zzlena ent S__.tole.n,Prope rty ............. Vandalism ......... }Veapons ....... Prostitution & Conar~erclali.zed Vice Se>: Offenses -- 2 2 . Narcotic dru_u_g laws .... 2 2 _ 1 . 1 .Gambling ..... Offenses. against'family. & children. ', _ 2 2 I ,.. - ' __ Driving under the_influence .... 3 3 3 ...... Lio. uor Laws .l~..ubl ic ?.eace ..... 3 3 2 ! All other o£fens~'s .... TOTAL ~6 0 36 0 8 10 TOTAL I~ART I & PART II CRIMES , . 54 1 53.l 0 8 17 -' Ci~ty of SPRIN~ PARI 1Vionth Yea r ! 979~ I. GENERAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY THIS YEA R LAS T .ACTIVITY MONTH TO DATE TO DAT~E . l~raff[C control {citations & ~Varn{ngs) .- 141 509 779 DYFI 0 8 7 Property damage accident " 5 -"' " 24. 20 Personal injury accident 0 ' 4 ' i'0 ' [Fatal accident 0 1 Adult £elony & misdemeanor arrests I 14 27 [uYenile felony & z~[sdemeanor arrests o- i7 7 .vledicals - ' .. 4 13 . 19 . ~... __ Animal complaints 2 33 .49- ' - iPart I & Part II offenst.-s 14 60 74 ' Other general investigations 159 822 720 TOTAL 326 1505 1713 City of MI Nfl' I STA l~onth .~ 'MAY ~fea r: 1 ~?~ I. GENERAL AGTI¥ITY SUlx4N4ARY. THIS ¥I~AR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY MON TH TO DA TE TO DATE Traffic control (citations & Warnings) -' 25 95 159 D%,~ .' ,Property damage accldeat 4 , 30 24 Personal injury accident ..~ . '. 2 5 7 Fatal accident hdult felony ~ misdemeanor' arrests 4 15 11 ~uvenile felony ~ misdemeanor arrests 2. ~ Medicals 1 14- 6 Animal conxplaints 46 ' 124. I0.1 "':~ ' ~art I & Part II offenses 23 54 64 '- Other general investigations 135 592 442 YOTA L 245 939 829 City o[ ST. BONI US Month .MAY ~zr~2a r GENERAL ACTI¥ITY SUMMARY THIS YEA R LA S T YEAB; ACTIVITY MONTH TO DATE TO DATE Traffic control (citations & warnings) 12 104 125 DIVI : " ' .. ' 0 2 ' 5 .... Property damage accident -. I :... .. 11 ~1 personal injury accident · · ' I 3 .3 Fatal accld'ent ' ' . o o b .tldult felony & misdemeanor arrests 0 3 6 luvenile felony & misdemeanor arrests 0 2" 0 Medicals 2 2 6 ~nirnal conaplaints ...: : ~ .. 6' _ - r3 .... . Part I & Part II offenses .. 3 11 20 Other general investigations 30 150 126 'FOTA i 52 294 313 LIFE & CASUALTY Casualty & Surety Division 110 South ?th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 340-5000 June 10, 1979 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, biN 55364 Attention: Mr. Leonard Kopp Dear Mr. Kopp: RE: OUR INSURED: RG, DATE OF LOSS: CITY OF MOUND, FILE NUbIBER: W 37 CGL, 262970 10/14/77, RE' JOHN AND bURY VALAK. This will acknowledge receipt of the summons and complaint in the above captioned matter. As you are aware we are defending the City of Mound, Mound Police Department and Officer Kraft. I would like to advise you that the prayer for relief is for a total of $10,000 special damages, general damages in a sum in excess of $50,000 and punitive or exemplary damag,z,s in excess of $50,000. I would like to advise you that defense of this matter has been referred to the firm of Faegre and Benson, 1300 Northwestern National Bank Bldg, Minneapolis, MN and is being handled by Mr. Steve Anderson. I should also like to advise you that your policy !imits are for $500,000 aggregate limit. The Aetna Life and Casualty would be unable to pay any portion of any judgment in excess of your policy limits. If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Claim Representative Claim Department - Minneapolis AN/m -488-A Life Insurance Company / The/Etna O,-qSU~iit/ and .~'¢ilrt t,,, Company / The &;k.mri ud Fire Insurauco Comp;.~ny Minutes of t'he MOUND ADVISORY PARK COMMISSION Jun~ 1.5, 1979 Present;. Larson, S'h~y, Case, Lynott, Peterson, Jackson, Hasek'WithAnderson, arriv- i'ng late, Chri's Bolli's, Chuck Riesenberg, City Planner and Marg Anderson of 1571 Finch Lane and Jackie Meyer, new recreational director. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson. Minutes of the May lOth meeting were presented'for approval, motion by Larson'seconded by Shay, "minutes of the ~eeting of May 10, 1979 be approved as submitted." unanimously approved. M~rg Anderson:requested approval of the Commission to fill in corner of Lot 1, Blk 2, Woodland Point, of Finch Lane and Waurika Commons, this would be approximately 2 ft i'n depth, 5 ft wide afld'between 25 to 30 feet in length. They are grading thei'r property to appx. 4 ft slope and this would fill in the area stated above. ~ " 1 of C m s ' by Lynotte seconded by Shay, Approva o mi sion to car~y uuL ~-,,~ . ~rojec.t as. requested with the stipul'ation that some type of fence~,c~c,-~consist- lng of shrubs, hedge etc. be planted, to establish property lines, under .~.the supervision of the Park D~rector." Unanimously~d.' Jackie Meyer, the new Recreational Director gave a brief resume of how the program was-bei'ng conducted. TheY are using the 1978 foremat as a guide.-.Have' supervised recreati'on at Highland Park, Tyrone Park and Three Points Park on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. with an average of from 12 to 20 childr ten participating...'Requested that beaches be cleaned up. Limited activity at Three Points Park due to construction' °f ·road and was informed that Mound· Bay Park would be logical beach for use of supervised evening swimming. Stated that several parents voiced c°mplaint that School program was expensive and they limit selection of activity of children to one activity. Larson explained that the City was coop- erati'ng with the School Board on this program hence the late hours of 6 to 9 so as not to conflict with their scheduled prog. rams and through experience; found that children would rather be swimming than in supervised activities. On the list of P~yg~o~n~Staff, there is a change on Three Points, delete Robin Bandel and add Teresa Kowalezyk ,. 3017 Longfellow Lane, Mound, Mn. 55364 Phone 472,1097. On letter from Chuck Peterson, Director of Community Services, there were several property identification errors that·should be corrected: ~ From: Whichwood To: Wychwood Penbrook Pembroke Three Points Canary Beach Chester Chester Park Surfsid~ Mound Bay Park Chuck Riesenberg, the City Planner, explained how he was working on anew and updated Park Plan. Explained about the various annual federal grants available to cities and that application would have to be in by 7-1-79 for Land and Water Conservation Act, commonly known as LAWCON. This program has a maximum grant of $200,000.00 for acquisition and development of parkland with 75% funding from grant and 25% from City. Lake Langdon was suggested as a possible site having a good chance of receiv- .lng grant funds. It was agreed that Riesenberg, Bollis and Park Commission Members would meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Langdon site on June 16th (Saturday) to look over ~rea and get opinion from Commission members. Minutes Of Mound Advisory Park Commission meeting of 6-14-79 page two Bollis informed Commission that all signs are completed, have installed same at Three Points Park and Island Park Playground. Swimming docks are insta.lled at Mound Bay Park, Chester Park and Wychwood Park. Dock at Three Points Will be lengthen to original size .if money for ma'terlals are available. They are short of summer manpower, for manual work and the CETA program will be running out in September. Thev had requested temporary help on a new program that would allow temporary help for 2 to 3. weeks. They had contacted appx. 20 applicants and only one was inter- ested enough to be hired. Time table fOr the parks was going along pretty much on schedule until a cat got stuck in the dirt at I§land Park and this will probably '~ delay progress until the end of June. Three Points Park has a problem with the con- tractor storing all his fill on the property, which leaves work halted until the fill is removed by the contractor. Parks are People Chairman Shay, reviewed 80 slides taken of all parks that will be used in the meetings of the "Parks are People" meetings. Comments by Commission members of areas and clari'fication by Bollis on possible solutions, work already done and explanations of conditions. ~at~hre.ns had missed the last three meet on. the' 'whiChcommidis-~'~-~ssion~ qualifies him as a Commission Member. There will be a vacancyings' and would like this filled as soon as possible. Motion made by dacksdn seconded by Shay to adjourn meeting. Unanimously approved. · ' Next meeting will be June 28th. djd SUPPORt' YOU ARE INVITED TO A FORUM SPONSORED BY ~,tEST HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES TO: *.'Discuss this hew inn6vative me'h~al health program and how you ' ~and your agency can fit into this program ~.: * Hear Mary 'Huggins, Coordinator of the Hennepin County Community Support Project, Jim Stoebner, Acting Director of West Hennepin Community Mental Health Center, and other people involved in this project in the West Hennepin area ~" * Air your questions and concerns regarding mental health issues in the West Hennepin Community and discuss how we can work together to act on them --' ~TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1979 . ";:':::.' 2:00 P ,M, .:-~'-HOPKINS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ..... 717 HIGHWAY 7 "" (W~ST oF COUNTY ROAD 18 NEXT . TO'~E~.ISENHOWER :H!!~ SCHOOL T ~ARE, WE NEED YOUR IDEAS _ M_ LEARN AND For More Information, contact West H~nepin Human Services, Avenue South, St. Louis Park 55416 ~..,~.?~e 920-5533. 41OO Vernon ./ F2 May 15, 1979 City of Mound Attn: Mound City Council 5341 Manhood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Sirs; I'm writing in regards to the upgrading and widening of Island View Drive, within the city limits of the city of Mound. The proposed plan is to widen the existing Island View Drive from 25' to 28' rightway. However, the extra footage needed for the improvement is planned to be taken from one side of Island View Drive, which happens to be the west side of the street, also our side of the street, opposite of the lakeshore side. The reasonin~ for this, as I understand it, is that there are less obstacles to contend with, and far less expensive to the project if the extra footage is taken from this side of the street. However, this is going to make my driveway so short that I will not be able to park my pickup in it without part of it protruding into the street. There ~s another house next to me that the proposed plan will bring the road within five feet of their house. I have confronted Gordon Swenson with the problem and showed him the circumstances involved. Due to the fact that the improved part of Island View Drive, other known as the Gold Coast, has an existing concrete road of 18' in width. I~m asking the council to reconsider the extra width and stay within the 25' roadway now existing, which would be very satisfactory in serving the residents who live in the area which the road is intended for. 3043 Isl.nd View Drive .: JL~:pk ._.- / .-' · ( . -- ~' Lake Mi nnetonka Conservation District FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1978 L~ Minnetonka Conservation FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1978 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, BALANCES Fund General Petty Cash Save the Lake Total Receivables Accrued Interest Total Balance Balance 1-1-78 Receipts Disbursements 12-31-78 $ 8,076.91 $78,026.25 $63,653.61 $22,449.55 50.00 50.00 3,943.96 17,054.00 14,358.58 6,639.38 $12,070.87 $95,080.25 $78,012.19 $29,!38.93 1,607.39 $30,746.32 Investments General Fund Save the Lake Fund Balance 1-1-78 $ 7,100.00 3,900.00 Balance Purchased Redeemed 12-31-78 $25,000.00 $10,100.00 $22,000.00 4,100.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 Frank R. Hunt, Jr. Treasurer Donations Other Income Total Save the Lake Fund LMCD Communities (dues) Other Income Total General Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS - 1978 CLASSIFICATION OF RECEIPTS - 1978 Save the Lake Fund General Fund $16,964.00 90.00 $60,172.25 17~854.00 CLASSIFICATION OF DISBURSEMENTS - 1978 Administration Projects Total Save the Lake Fund Save the Lake Fund $ 897.71 13,460.87 (Balance forwarded) $17,054.00 78,026.25 $14,358.58 $95,080.25 PageI~ICD 21978 Financial S~ment ~ CLASSIFICATION OF DISBURSEMENTS - 1978' (Continued) Brought forward: Save the Lake Fund General Fund Administration Personal Services Salaries Auditing Services Total Personal Services Contractual Services Telephone Postage Printing, Pub., Advertising Utilities Janitorial Services Other Contractual Services Total Contractual Services Commodities & Supplies Office Supplies Books & Periodicals General Supplies Total Commodities & Supplies Other Charges Office Rent Office Equipment Rent Insurance & Bonds Memberships Employer Contributions Mileage & Expenses Refunds Total Other Charges Capital Outlay Office Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Total Capital Outlay Legal Legal Services Total Legal COmmittees & Contingency Boat Storage, Mooring & Launching Lake Use Environmental Public Information & Program Total Committees & Contingency Total General Fund $32,865.64 325.00 $ 456.98 969.91 731.45 203.77 456.00 1,621.45 $ 1,728.02 78.35 92.93 $ 1,980.00 2,775.39 617.25 135.00 4,705.01 431.97 341.00 $ 458.20 $11,897.31 $ 51.53 718.95 12.50 $33,190.64 4,439.56 1,899.30 10,985.62 458.20 11,897.31 782.98 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - 1978 $14.358.58 63,653.61 $78,012.19