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1989-05-1675 May 16, 1989 KINUTES COMKITTEE OF THE T~THOLE HEFTING HgY 16, 1989 The meeting was called to order at the Public Works facility at 6:30 PM. Members present: Smith Ahrens, Jensen Jensen and Johnson. Absent: none. Also present: City Manager. Ed Shukle; City Engineer. John Cameron; .Street Superintendent Geno Hoff; Water and Sewer Superintendents Greg Skinner. Lori Hamm of the Laker and Parker Hodges of the Sailor were also present. The Public Works outdoor storage issue was discussed. City Manager Ed Shukle reviewed a report dated May 16, 1989 w hich covered alternative sites to the present Lost Lake Storage area and the present method by which we handle materials. The Council suggested that other alternatives be looked at: 1) Contact private contractors in the area with regard to using their facilities on a lease basis or having them provide equipment and/or materials at their site. 2) Contact various cities to see what types of arrangements might be available: 3) Investigate the MWCC property on the west side of the existing pump station on Westedge Blvd. for snow storage only. ~) Investigate use of the Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery for the .storage of snow only. 5) Investigate the property on County Road 110 West across from the new Lion's Park area in Minnetrista. 6) Investigate the Bickman site directly across from the Public Works building on Lynwood Blvd. and Belmont Lane. The Public Works outdoor storage issue will be discussed at the next Committee of the Whole Meeting. . A discussion was then held on the Central Business District parking lots. City Manager. Ed Shukle reviewed the history of the CBD assessment program and the immediate problems of property owned by Dakota Rail that the City leases from Dakota Rail and an additional parcel. Dakota Rail has approached the City regarding this possible purchase and/or lease of railroad property for parking purposes. Following the discussion, it was moved by Johnson, seconded by Jensen to offer #1.50 per square foot for the area on the north side of the tracks that is currently leased and an adjacent 13,000 square foot area to the east. The motion was. them amended by Johnson, seconded by Jensen, to add the lot across from the House of Moy and the driveway adjacent to the law firm on the west side of County Road 110 to the offer for purchase. The Council voted unanimously to make this offer. ~~ acv 76 May 16, 1989 City Manager. Ed Shukle~ then reviewed a memo dated May 16-. 1989 from John Norman Finance Director. with regard to Capital Improvement Debt Service Fund. Committee of the Whole meeting dates were discussed with regard to June. July and August. The next meeting will be held on June 20~ 1989. 6:30 PM, in the City Council Chambers with the following meetings to be held July 18. 1989 and August 15. 1989. Upon motion by Jensen. seconded by Johnson. and carried unanimously. the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 PM. Res ctfully sub fitted. i Ed Sh kl e City Manager ES:ls 1 l~ ~7