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CITY OF MOUND ~ound,'Minn~sota AGEt[DA .~M 79-343 .~M 79-340 79-346 .~M 79-341 .~M 79-344 .~M 79-347 .~M 79-345 ;M 79-342 ~M 79-348 Mound City Council' September 18, 1979 City Hall 7:30 P.M. 1. Minutes P~. 2711-2719 2. Public Hearings 5o 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A. Sidewalk Assessment. (Continued) Pg. 2707-2710 B. Assessment Hearings - 1978 Streets 2704-2706 Planning Commission Minutes Pg. 2697-2703 Street Construction, etc. A. 1980 Streets Pg. 2695-2696 B. Bike Hike Paths Pg. 2694 C. Other Sinclair Court Subdivision Pg. 2681-2693 Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 1, Block 26, Wychwood Pg. 2680 LMCD Representative Pg. 2679 Purchase of Sewer Equipment Payment of Bills Information Memorandums/Misc. Committee Reports Pg. 2677-2678 Pg. 2645-2676 Page 2720 CITY O~' ~4OUND Hound, ~ii. nnesoha 17, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-350 SUBJECT: Special Assessment Hearing Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer reco~ending changes in the assessment roll. Area & P,g. PID # From To Tonkawood) 13-117-24 32 0068 $3311.70 $2516.70 Page 23 13-117-24 32 0068 4179.10 3384.10 Island Park Page 7 19-117-23 23 0011 3762.45 3682.95 Page 15 19-117-23 23 0130 2340.23 2324.33 19-117-23 23 0089 3868.05 3836.25 Page 27 19-117-23 24 0018 4449.13 4054.13 ~-~ L&onard L. Kopp~ ! McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. P,~pl y To: 72800 Industrial Park [Joutevard Plymouth. Minnesota 55441 (512) 559-3700 September 14, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1978 Street Improvements Preliminary Assessment Road Dear Mr. Kopp: The following is a liSt of properties that had the incorrect assessment shown on the Preliminary Roll. The amount shown below are the corrected ones. Tonkawood - Page 23 I.D, NO. Frontage Total Assessment 13-117-24 32 0068 80.0 $ 2,516.70 636.00 13-117-24 32 0069 120.0 $ 3,384.10 954.00 Island Park - Page 7 19-117-23 23 0011 205.0 $ 3,682.95 1629.75 Island Park - Page 15 19-117-23 23 0130 73.0 $ 2,324.33 580.35 19-117-23 23 0089 111.0 $ 3,836.25 882.45 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls Mr. Leonard Kopp September 14, 1979 Page ~o Island Park - Pag? 27 I.D NO. Area Total Assessment 19-117-23 24 0018 870.48 $ 4,054.13 Note: removed water and sewer services from this parcel. JRC:sc #3880 If you have any questions on these, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. R. Cameron 9- 79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 17, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-349 SUBJECT: Assessment on State Owned Land The State Owned Land assessed in the 1979 hearings are listed below: Project PiD # Lot Block Tuxedo Road 19-117-23 33 0053 18 7 " " 19-117-23 33 0054 19 7 Subdivision Amount Pembroke $878.01 Pembroke 754.64 1978 Streets 19-117-23 23 0013 '° " 19-117-23 23 0096 12-117-24 43 0049 13-117-24 12 0050 13-117-24 12 0055 23-117-24 13 0037 13-117-24 31 0038 " 13-117-24 31 0039 " 13-117-24 31 0042 " 13-117-24 34 0009 Belmont Park 13-117-24 32 0099 13-117-24 32 0100 17 & 18 14 5 & P/4 & 22 28 25 6 3 5 11 5 7-12 P/12 6 P/13 6 P/22 6 17-21, 7 Incl. P/32 6 3 6 Seton 2548.42 Seton 784.38 Woodland Point 575.92 Dreamwood 575.92 Dreamwood 575.92 Aud. Subd. 168 15384.74 A.Lincoln Addn. Lakeside Park 592.04 A.Lincoln Addn. Lakeside Park 740.05 A.Lincoln Addn. Lakeside Park 592.04 A.Lincoln Addn. Lakeside Park 4701.46 Lakeside Park,A.L. Crockers 1st Div. 579.58 " 993.23 k-~wL~onard L. Kopp 9-18-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 17, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-351 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land Easement - Lots 19 & 44, Block 3, Lakeside Park, A. L. Crocker's 1st Division The easement described below is needed from tax forfeit, land: A perpetual easement for storm sewer purposes over, under and across the following described property: Lots 19 and 44, Block 3, Lakeside Park A. L. Crocker's 1st Division Said perpetual easement being the northeasterly 10.00 feet of the above described property. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and Manager to request the land is recommended. - L~onard L. Kopp ' / / PUB G HEET IN G N O T i ' ~ The Metropolitan [~aste Control CommSssi0n (MI.BC) under its state and federa~y funded 201 Planning Pro~m, ~Lrstu~nt to the F~deral ~..later Pollution Control Act, as amended, is presently engaged Lu studies for the development of a comprehensive "Facilities Plan" for waste- ~ter ~,~uagement in ~CC Sewer Service ~lreas % and 5 encompassing 27 co ~m~uities in the Southwest 7-C~dnty ~rea. An interim report on "Analysis of Commnnity FloMs" and a tec~uica! memorandum on "~.~stewater Projeotions" have been submitted hy the project consultants for Com~ssion review. Open meetings for the purpose of receiving public c.~,:.;_,ent relative to the study and the interim report and memorandum w~! be held as follows: (1) C~SKA, ~ Tuesday, September 25, 7 P.M. F~rst Nation~. Bank- Conmm~ty Room 301 Chestnut St. (H,~. 41) (2) Weduesday, September 26, 7 P.M. City N~I --Commmuity Room 14~00 ~,~nnetonka Blvd., (3) B~OO~.~d~GTON, ~,E,~--- Tuesday, October 2, 7 P.M. City H~11 - Council Chambers 2215 W. Old Sb~opee Road The public is invited to attend any of these meet~uEs and to participate in the discussions. The interim report and technical memorandum of t~is phase o£ the st'miy are currently~ aw~_l-~ble for public inspection at Room 24D, Metro Square · Building, St. Paul, ~ 55101, or for ~her information co~tact I,M. Paul Dietz, at 222-8423, e~tension 196. RICHARD J. Chief Administrator REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL August 14, 1979 Pursdant to due call and notice ~hepeof, a regular rneetir~g of the City £ouncll of the City of Hound, Hennepir, Coun~y~ Minnescota was held at ~341 Maywood Road in said City on August 1~[, 1979 a~ 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Hayer Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Benjamin Withhart, Robert Polstop, Donald Ulrick ai}d Gordon S,.-;enson. Also presen~ were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, City Engineer Wm. McCombs and City Clerk Hary H. Harske. PUBLIC HEARINGS Cumberland Road The Mayor reopened the public hearing for input on said public improvement a'nd persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their view~ thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Ernest Johnson, 4651 Manchester Tim Shea, 4633 Manchester Buzz Sykes, developer Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion to continue this item to August 28, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor. Vacation of Alley - Block 2, Shirley Hills Unit F The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of the notice of public hearing on said alley vacation. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the pJblic hearing for input on said alley vacation and persons present to do so were afforded an opportuntity to express their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Charles Orn, 5284 Maywood Road The Mayor then closed the public hearing. Swenson moved and Polston seconded'a motion RESOLUTION 79-325 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY ON BLOCK 2, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT F. The vote was unanimously in favor. Vacation of Drainage Easement - Lots 7,8,9 & 10, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit C Th~ Citv Cl.:r~: preser~ted an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of the notice of public hearing on said easement vacation. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Hayer then opened the public hearing forinput on said easement vacation and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views ~hereon. No persons presented objections and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-326 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIHG THE VACATION OF A DRAIN.-~GE EASEHENT - LOTS 7, 8, 9 & ~0, BLOCK 1, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT C The vot;z was unanimously in favor. August 14, 1979 Poi~:on moved and t,lithhart seconded a motion J, ION 79-327 RESOLUTION fiRAHi-l,iu A PAPK NG VARIAN£E FOR A COtiMERCIAL USE IN BLOCK 2 Sill~" . , ~E~ ftlLLS UNIT F The ,/o~e was unanimously in favor. Thc, applicant stated that he understo~d the s,~ipulations of the w~Fia~'~ce. ND~ I!iDUSTRIAL REYENUE BO '~ Polston ~aoved and Withhart seconded a motio~ RESOLUTIOH 79-328 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STAFITt~ SECTION fl7~.O1 SUBD 76 ON SEPTEMBER 1t, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was four in favor with Ulrick voting nay. PLANNING COMMISSION MINYTES Special Use Permit - Lot ~O, A.S. 167 Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-32~ RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT OF LOT 30, A.S. 167 ON SEPTEMBER 2~, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Subdivision of Land - Lot A, Shirley Hills Unit D Nithhart moved and.Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-3~0 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING £OMMISSlON TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND - LOT A, SHIRLEY HILLS UNIT D. The vote was unanimously in favor. Lot Size Variance - S. 6~' of Lots ~,5 & 6, Block 11, The Highlands Swenson moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RES'0LUTION 79-$~1 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING'COMMISSION TO APPROVE A LOT SIZE YARIANCE ON S. 65' OFLOTS 4, 5 & 6, BLOCK 11, THE HIGHLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Sign Variance - Lots 7-20 & 26-27, Block 1, Shirley Hills Unit F Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-332 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOHMENDAT1OH OF THE PLANNIHG COMMISSION TO APPROVE A SIGft VARIANCE WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE SIGN BE CENTERED ON THE BUILDING. The vote was four in favor with Withhart voting nay. Councilmember Withhart objects to the sign size and the visual pollution. Subdivision of Land-Lots 25, 26 & 27, Block 4, L.P. Crevlers Subd. to Lot '36, Lafayette Park Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-333 RESOLUTIOH TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOHMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COH?~ISSION APPROVING TIlE SUBDIVISION OF LAND LOTS 25, 26 $ 27, BLOCK 4, L. P. CREVIERS SUBDIVISIOH OF LOT 36, LAFAYETTE PARK. The vote was unanimously in favor. August lb, 1~79 Appaal Subdivision of Land Lot 7, 8 g 9, Block 8, Pembroke ~wenson moved and ?olston seconded a motion RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ADMINIST~-~ATIOtI'TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND - LOT 7, 8 & 9,'BLOCK 8, PEH~ROKE UlFiCk moved and Swanson seconded a motion to' table this item. The vote. was un~tnirqously in favor. Varlancc - Nonconforming Use & Waiver of Survey Lot A, 1st Rearranqe'ment of Phelps Island Park 1st Division Polston moved and Swanson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-334 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNIHG COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE - NON- CONFORMING USE AND GRANT tlAIVER OF SURVEY FOR LOT A 1st REARRANGEMENT OF PHELPS ISLAND PARK Ist DIVISION The vote was unanmously in favor. Possible Appeal - Street Front Variance - Lot 7 & 8, Block 27, Wychwood ~ithhart moved and Swanson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-335 RESOLUTION TO DENY THE STREET FRONT VARIANCE ON LOT 7 & 8, BLOCK 27, WYCHWOOD The vote was four in favor with Polston voting nay. Special Use Permit - Part of Lot 26, Lafayette Park Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-336 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO BE HEARD ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. [- Reconsideration - Variance - Non-Conforming Use - Lot 7, Block 7, Shadywood Point Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-337 RESOLUTION TO GRANT A VARIANCE ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE ONLY AND NOT EXPANSION UPWARD OF DWELLING UNIT. The vote was four in favor with Withhart voting nay. Vacation - Essex Lane - Cumberland to Manchester Swanson moved and Polston seconded a motion ~ESOLUTIOH 79-33~ RESOI. UTtOH PROVIDIHG FOR A PUBLIC HEARING OH THE VACAT1OH OF ESSEX LANE FROM CUMBERLAND TO HAHCHESTER TO BE HEARD ON OCTOBER 9, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. CO!q;qENTS AND SUGGESTIOHS FROM CITIZENS PRESEt~T Comncilmember Polston offered congratulations to the City Clerk upon becoming a ';INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK". C.H. 79-296 - INVESTIGATIVE OFFICER AND JUVEHILE OFFICER POSITION Poiston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-339 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE POSITION OF JUVENILE OFFICER AND INVESTIGATION OFFICER AND PROVIDING FOR A TESTING PROCEDURE Roll call vote was four in favor with Swanson voting nay. Councilmember Swanson objected to the timing of resolution passage and qualifications adoption, Augus~ 14, 1979 St'~FJET COI'ISTP, IIF, T101t Special Assessments - 1978 Projects tJlr'ick movecl ancJ !,/ithhart s,~conded a motion RES(]LUTION 79-340 RESOI ]TION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ASSESSMENTS OH TUXEDO ~OULEVARD, SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTIO~.I, BARTLETT BOULEVARD'STORH SEVER AND C.B.D. PARKING HAI,,IT~.NANCcTO BE HEARD OH SEPTEMBER 11, 1~79 AT 7:30 P The vote was unanimously in favor. · Lovaasen moved and Withhar~ seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-3~1 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ASSESSMENTS ON THE 1970 STREET CONSTRUCTION TO BE HEARD ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor, Other Lovaasen moved and Polston seconded a motion instructing the engineer to advise Thomas & Sons that the Council has designated August 24, 1979 to be the last day they shall work in the City of Hound. . The vote was unanimously in favor. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - 1979 STREET PROJECT Wi'thhart moved and Polston seconded ~ motion RESOLUTION 79-342 RESOLUTION MODIFYING AN EXISTING CONTRACT AND ADDING THERETO ON A UNIT PRICE BASIS The vote was unanimously in favor. 3042 Island View Road Easement Ulrick moved and ~lithhart seconded a mOtion RESOLUTION 79-343 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN EASEMENT AT 3042 ISLAND VIEW DRIVE WITH CERTAIN STIPULATIONS The vote was unanimously in favor. 3118 Drury Lane Storm Drainage Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-344 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MODIFICATION OF THE DESIGN OF THF_ STORM Sc~=,..~,, TO REROUTE ALONG DRURY LANE TO IHTERSECTIOH ~,IITH HAHPTON ROAD THEN ALONG tlA~'~PTO:i TO CONNECTION WITH STORM SEWER AS SttOWN ON APPROVED PLANDS LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 21 & 22, BLOCK 9, PEMBROKE The vote was unanimously in favor. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - APPOINTMENT Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-345 RESOLUTION .REAPPOIHTIHG ELDO L. SCHHIDT TO A FIVE YEAR TERM ON THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTttORITY TO EXPIRE AUGUST 29, 1984 The vote was unanimously in favor. August 14, 1979' POLICE PATROLMAN'S .R.A. Lovaasen moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTIOM 79-346 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE Et~!PL~Yf'IEI'IT OF PICHARD A. JOHNSON AS A PART TIHE POLICE PATROLHAN FROM DECEMBER 11, 1971 TO MARCH 15, 1973. ]'h~ vot~ was una~i~nously in favor. ' LABOR AGREEHEHT - SERGEANTS ¥/ithhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-347 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE HAYOR AND MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LABOR AGREEMENT FOR SERGEANTS Roll call vote was four in favor with Councilmember Swenson voting nay. Concilmember Swenson felt comparative information should have been made available. .ACTING CITY MANAGER Polston moved and Nithhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-348 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARY H. M&RSKE, CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK AS AC~ING CITY MANAGER AUGUST 22 & 23, 1979. The vote was unanimously in favor. DISEASED TREE REMOVAL PROGRAM Withhart moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-349 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROCEDURAL GUIDES FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF H.U.D. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR DISEASED TREE REMOVAL. The vote was unanimously in favor. Ulrick moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion to request the City Manager to direct the Police Chief and the d~partment to provide the Council with a series of short and long range goals on or before October 2, 1979. The request is for no less than six months and no more than twenty goals total. The goal setting process shall be a combined effort of supervisory staff and patrol staff and that they speak to the short range future 6-9 months and 3-5 years down the road. After Council reviewal a later request for policies to implement those goals accepted by the Council. The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMEHT OF BILLS Polston moved and Nithhart seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as presented on the prelist in the amount of $501,701.07 where funds are available. Roll call vote was unanimously in favor. Councilmember Polston requested a breakdown of the N.S.P. bills with suggestions for conserving energy. ADJOURHMEHT Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion'to adjourn to the next meeting on August 28, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. City M~nager Hary H. Marske, Certified Municipal Clerk ot 7 / .C' REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL August 28, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice t~ereof a regular meeting of the City Council Of the City of t~0und, tter~nepin County, Hinnesota was held at 5341 Maywood Road in said City on August 28, 1979 at 7:30 p.n~. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swenson, Benja- min \,lithhart, Robert Polston and Donald Ulrick. Also present were City Man- ager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, City Engineer William McCombs and City Clerk t,~ary H. Harske. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of August 7, 1979 were presented for consideration. Polston moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meet- ing of August 7, i979 as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUED Cumberland Road The Mayor reopened the public hearing on said public improvements and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Mike Johnson, 4627 Manchester Road Ernest'- Johnson, 4657 Manchester Road Dale Reimer, 4639 Manchester Road The Mayor then closed the public heaking Swenson moved adn Ulrick seconded a motio6 RESOLUTION 79-350 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING CONSTRUCTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 1979 STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The vote was unanimously in favor. MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS Mr. Rob Hansen of Miller & Schroeder appeared before the Council to provide an update to the Council regarding Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion to proceed to pursue possible avenues in institute local use of mortgage revenue bonds and request the bond counsel to review the status. The vote was unanimously in favor. \,lithl~arE moved and Swenson seconded a motion to direct the Hayor to send a letter to the Minnesota Congressional delegate expressing concern regarding Federal bond regulations.and laws as they 'apply to mortgage revenue bonds. The vote was unanimously in favor. COUNTY ROAD #110 The Council requested the staff to obtain County road plans and invite the County Highway representatives to a meeting to discuss future plans with property owners and the City Engineer. ~ARKING Mound Bay Par~ Parking The Council too~ no official action on this item at this time. Construction on Commons Mr. Phil Prouty appeared before the Council requesting clarification of regulations regardFng construction on common~; August 28, 1979 STREET CONSTRUCTION Driv~ - 2160 Ashland Wi thhart moved and S~venson seconded a motion RESOLUTIOfl 79-351 RESOLUTIOH'AUTHORtZIHG REPLACE~.!EHT OF A DRIVEWAY UITH BLACKTOP AND THE CITY PAY ~ THE TOTAL COST The vote was Fo~ir .in favor ~[~h Ulrick voEing ~ay. Retaining ~,/al 1 Withhart moved and Poiston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-352 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE cONSTRUCTION OF A RETAININg WALL AT The vote was unanimously in favor. 1978 Street Project Swenson moved adn Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-35~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THOMAS & SONS,TO CONTINUE CONSTRUCTION ON THE 1978 STREET PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 The vote was unanimously in favor. Dove Lane Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded emotion RESOLUTION 79-354 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DELETION OF DOVE LANE FROM THE 1978 PROJECT AND INCLUDE IN THE 1979 PROJECT BY AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 The vote was unanimously in favor. I.P. Easement 718 Swenson moved and Ulrick seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-355 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION ON I.P. EASEMENT 718 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. The vote was unanimously in favor. SUBDIVISION'OF LAND APPEAL - LOTS 7, 8 & 9, BLOCK 8, PEMBROKE Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion to place this item back on the table. The vote was unanimously in favor. Sv~enson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-356 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBDIVISION BY ALLOWING A LOT size VARIANCE WITH THE STIPULATION THAT ALL SETBACKS MUST BE MET The vote is unanimously in favor. COMMONS NORTH PARK The Cou[~cil requested the Han~ger to advise the Park Commission of the City Attorney's opinion on this matter. REQUEST FOR REFUND OF HOUSE MOVING PERMIT FEE Polston and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-357 RESOLUTION DENYING THE REQUEST FOR A REFUND OH A HOUSE MOVIIIG PERMIT FEE The vote was unanimously in favor. August 28, 197~ t. ICENSES Ganibiing License - V.F.W. ~Vithhart moved and Pols~on seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-358 RESOLUTION PROVIDIHG FOR A PUBLIC FIEARI~G REGARDIHG THE ISSUANCE OF A GAHBLING LICEHSE TO Tile V.F.W, TO BE HEARD ON SEPTEH~ER 25, 1979 AT 7:30 P.H. The vote was unanimously in favor. ' Restaurant & Cigarette License - Hope's BaF-B-Q Wi~hhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-359 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A RESTAURANT AND CIGARETTE LICENSE FOR HOPE'S BAR-B-Q The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Withhart moved and Polston seconded a.m~tion RESOLUTION 79-360 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A C.A.A. FOR SUBURBAN AND RURAL HENNEPIN COUNTY The vote was unanimously in favor. H.U.D. GRANTS Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-361 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF $7,500 AS THE MAXIMUM INCOME FOR THOSE RECEIVING DISEASED TREE AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT GRANTS The vote was unanimously in favor' Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-362 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE H.U.D. COMMITTEE TO ALSO ACT AS THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGARDING THE DISBURSEMENT OF DISEASED TREE REMOVAL GRANTS -. The vote was unanimously in favor. The Council requested this committee to establish criteria for the disbursement of funds for special asse~me~t~,g~ants. RED CROSS AGREEMENT Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-363 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE FACILITIES OF THE CITY HALL AS MASS SHELTER BY THE MllINEAPOLIS AREA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS The vote was unanimously in favor. DOCK PERMITS Polston moved and ~Vithhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-364 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF DOCK PERMITS AS LISTED ON LIST #3 ADDENDUM ~ ~,-2 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE DOCK INSPECTOR. The vote was unanimously in favor. 'August 28, 19J9 EQUIPMENT REPAIR BID Withhart moved andPotston seconded a motion RESOLUTIOFI 79-365 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REPAIR OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT TRUCK BY THE LOb/ BIDDER - GUSTAFSOf~ - IN THE AHOUNT OF $'t,7h3.00 · The vote vzas unanimousJy in favor. ' PLANNIHG COHHISSION MEMBER VlithhaFt n}oved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTIO~ 79-366 RESOLUTION ACCEPTIHG THE RESIGNATION OF'WILLIAM A. RENNER FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION. The vote was unanimously in favoP. INFORMATION MEMORANDUM.7~-9] -.OPEN BURNING .The Council determined to take no action on this matter. PAYMENT OF BILLS Ulrick moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as submitted on the prelist in the amount of $]39,737.59 where funds are available. Roll call vote was foufl:'in favor with SWenson voting nay. .~ LOT 17 & 18, BLOCK 9, WHIPPLE Ulrick moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION 79-367 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RETURN OF LOTS 17 & 18~ BLOCK 9, WHIPPLE TO THE STATE TO ENABLE THE ~ITY TO PURCHASE THESE LOTS. The vote ~as unanimously in favor. ADJOURNMENT Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion'to adjourn to the next regular meeting on September 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske CMC, City Clerk/Tre~s'u~er Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager ,2, ,?' / / CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 13, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-343 SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Sidewalk Assessment The City Council continued the hearing on Sidewalk Assessments for at least two items. The two items discussed were: Lot 57, Mound Addition - 2067 Commerce Boulevard, who claimed they did not get a notice of the original hearing. Attached are copies of the Affidavit of Mailing dated February 23, 1978 for the March 7, 1978 hearing and page 2 of the mailing list showing R. F. Andersen, 2067 Commerce Boulevard as being mailed notice. Lots 38 and 39, Auditor's Subdivision 167 will be reported on by the Engineer. Also attached is a copy of a letter received from the owners of P.I.D. # 14-117-24 41 0004 regarding the assessment. L. Kopp cc: Engineer _.~, t~ing dt~_y :~wo.~.~n, ¢~-cposas and employee · o'f tha City of l'iound. ~he attached notic~ of a hs~ring .on propossd ~rovsm~n~ ~nclo~sd ~n "' .' See ~tt~ched liat., ADDRESS' 23rd day Of Fc:b ru ai-y Parcel 2'625 2725 2825 2850 2900 1100 Block 61830 NOUNf) ADDITi[0N Lo t .52 & P/53 54 & P/53 ~vner /C.'H. Kickhafer, 2037 Commerce Blvd. ~/Craig T. & Patricia Kullberg, 2045 Com:nerce Blvd. 55 & P/60 ~/%;m. J. Kalal, 2055 Commerce Blvd. 56 ~. J. Erickson ~Elvera Erickson, 2063 Commerce Blvd. 57 PLA'£ 61230 ~/R. F. ~ndersen, 2067 Commerce Blvd. LEASEHOLD Lease 211229 ~'G. N. Ry. ~nco, Inc., Rt. 5, Box 849J, Nomnd, ~,KN. 55364 0200 0500 0900 7600 7800 8010 8020 8030 8610 0425 0822 0850 1215 7810, 8250 8620 8810 900O 9200 PLAT 61750 ~/~8 19 & 20 P/21 & 22. P/52 P/52 P/52 P/52 2 & 3 5 & P/4 M &B PLAT 6].250 7,8,9,10 & P/6 40 & 41 42 & P/43 44 & P/43 & 45 P/45 46 47 LYNWOLD PAP~K LAKE MTKA /Uames & Susan Keogel, 5700 Lynwood Blvd. /Benjamin C. Dalchow, 5716 Lynwood Blvd. ~Custer Federal Say. & Loan v~lan P. Olson, 5724 Lynwood Blvd. ~'~hn Earl Larson, 5713 LynwoOd Blvd. '- ~s. Agnes M. Magney, 5709 Lynwood Blvd. ielyn C. Olson ' ifford H. Anderson, Box 37, Excelsior, 55331 ~'lifford H. Anderson, 117 Loring Drive, Mound ~'ifford H. Anderson, P.O. Box 37, Excelsior 553 w~v~3~~, 20~5 Commerce Blvd. AUDITOR'S SUBD. 167 ~ate Bank of Mound, 2339 Commerce Blvd. ~arles V. Carlson, 2208 Commerce Blvd. w~ichard C. Finley ~Wm. R. Koenig, 2252 Commerce Blvd. ~O~r Lady of the Lake Church, 2385 Commerce w: ate Land Dept. · st Suburban Builders, 5000 Glenwood Ave., Mpt. 55422 w~oyal J. Dossett /Gerald C. Laube, 3207 Devon Lane, Mound ~van'Jones, P.O. Box 3, Mound, ~. 55364 ~'Mary N. Hillenbrand w~. Smith & M. Hillenbrand, 2601 Commerce Blvd. /J. B. Connors, Box 66, St. Bonifacius 55375 u/Valek Corp., 2613 Commerce Blvd., Mound ~T..' "-~L- ) .... "~ ...... ~'" .... ~ ~ ...... ' ? ,'-- / 'Z ~ ' 7oY CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-340 SUBJECT: Assessment Hearings - 1978 Streets Attached is the proposed assessment rolls for the 1978 Streets and includes water services, sewer services and some watermains and sewer mains. Also attached is a letter from the Engineer relative to P.I.D. 19-117-23 23 0050 which is in the Seton Subdivision. COMBS-KNUTSON ASS IAT E _ ._ I,NC. CONSULTNG ENGINEERS ~ LAND SURVEYORS ~ SITE PLANNERS August 31, 1979 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minne~,ota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: Preliminary Assessment Roll - 1978 Street Project Dear Mr. Kopp: I received a call from Mr. Gary Connell, 2645 Shannon Lane. He has six lots which are divided into two seperate parcels. He says his house is on one parcel and the garage is on the other parcel. When we did the preliminary roll we didn't realize this. When we went over the new policies the questions come up about garages across the street from the house. It was decided not to assess a unit charge to the parcel with the garage. In Mr. Connells situation the two parcels are located next to each other. He says he is in the process of combining these lots into one parcel. If this is the case we recommend tha~ we eliminate the unit charge against the parcel with the garage, the I.D. number of which is 19-117-23 23 0050. If you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ~o~n R. Cameron JRC:sc ~3880 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria ~ Granite Falls 9-18-7[ CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 13, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-346 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Minutes At the September llth meeting, the Council tabled two items: 1. Side Yard Setbacks - Garage Lots 19 and 20, Block 17, Avalon Zoned A-1 10,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission re~~d a 5 foot setback. The Council voted twice on the issue prior to tabling the matter. This will be listed on the September 18th agenda. 2. Side Yard Variance Part of Lot 1, Phelp's Island Park 1st Division The Council tabled this item to the end of the meeting; it did not come back up and it is wondered if the Council wishes to consider this again? '-- Leonard L. Kopp APPLICATION FOiAIL!ANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Address FEE $ ~/O___~ ZONING, {'~,2-1 -- /~/,~, ~') , o/ INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OV/NER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone --------_ Number , VARLANCE REQUESTED: NO TE: FRONT YARD [ FT,J ACCESSORY lB UI LDI NG FT.] YARD ~-~ FT.. LOT SIZE REAR I ILOT SQ. YARD FT. FOOTAGE 1, Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending.survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. N.C.U."' or OTHER (describe) -- REASON FOR REQUEST: '~d~OL-~)C~¢2~'tz~'~_, ~.~4 .~ / ~~r~ C./~ .... A building permit m~t be applied fo~ithin one year from the date of~e council resolution o~riance graded becomes null and void. Variances are not fr~ferable. / i LANNI~N~OlVI~MISS1Oi~t~,I~, COMM ENDA TION . ~ Stannard moved and Smith secondedt ~ ~ [?c~Te:~h;:'d: [:~ variance be denied. The vote was uau~unn t a o daye. Reason for nay vote was that in view of fact existing structure to West was higher and said they did not object, could see no problem. DATE *non- conforming use / APP LICATIOI~ FO~ARIANCE · CITY OF MO~OND NAME OF APPLICANT , ~ r~ ' .__ . .. Te 1~ phone Numb e r FEE $ :,:', o o PROPERTY ' } I ' ADDRESS Gl%RI S iLOT _P//I~ '~r / B LOCK INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONTI [ ACCESSORYI YARD FT., BUILDING NOTE: 'FT.] SIDE YARD I ~ FT..] LOT SIZE FTJ REAR FTJ LOT SQ. FOOTAGEO/ d~)"/7/~) N. C.U.':: or OTHER (describe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property ar~l abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted bec,~rnes null and void, Variances are not/f~'~sferable~/ APPLICANT ,~~ - P LA NNrING COMM_[SSION RE COMM ENDA TION COUNCI Hanson moved and Jackson seconded a motion to approve request to expand structure upward provided 2 feet of garage be removed from West side to bring building within limits of lot. The vote was Stannard nay, all other voted aye. Reason for nay vote was that 2 feet was too tight for expansion. ~700 :::non- conforming use ..% I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: That part of Lot 1 and the.private road adjoining said Lot 1, the First re-arrangement of PHELPS' ISLAND PARK 1ST DIVISION, described as fo11~-;s: Commencing at a point in the southeasterly line of County Road No. 125 distant 60 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly corner'of Lot "a" in said addition; thence South 38 degrees 40 rtinutes ~lest along the southeasterly line of said County Road No. 125 a distance of 53.4 feet; thence South 57 degrees 20 minutes West along the southeasterly line of said County Road a distance of 41.6 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described, thence continuing South 57 degrees 20 minutes West along the Southeasterly line of said County Road a distance of 55 feet; thence South 21 degrees 15 minutes East a distance of 123.6 feet, more or less, to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; thence northeasterly along the shore of Lake Minnetonka to its intersection with a line ~hich bears South ~6 degrees 38 minutes East from the point of beginning; thence northwesterly along said last named line to the point of beginning. The four corners of above land having been marked by judicial landmarks, and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota. And of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. As surveyed by me this 15th day of Augus), Thomas S. Bergquist Land Surveyor, Minn. Reg. [~. 7725 )MBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. September 5, 1979 4332 ¥[ilshire Blvd. ~ound, ~inn. 55366 ~yor of ~ound and City Council t'~embers 5341 ~iJaywood Road Mound, Minne s ot~ Gentlemen: On your agenda at your next Council. meeting is a matter of utmost importance to me, and since I cannot be present at t~t meeting, please review this matter carefully in the best interests of all concerned. I refer to the petition of Jean. van Grasstek, 4327 ¥~ilshire Blvd. for a sideyard variance on her property at that address, and for a permit to add a room over her garage, which presently is situated approximately 10 feet away from our dwelling, and at the rear is actually less than 8 feet away. This is because one corner of said garage is actually built over the property line and en- croaches onto our lot. This situation has existed for many years, and while an unsightly arrangement, has not been a problem until last fall, when a fire started at the rear of the garage while the former owner was away. Fortunately, my wife was at home and called the fire department before serious damage was done to both dwellings. I wish to formally register m~ objection, first to any addition to that property closer than ten feet from the existing property line. 'And secondly, to that garage being allowed to remain there at all. It is an unsightly detriment to our resale value, as well as a real threat to our safety. We understand and sympathize with the new resident's need for more space, but we must try to protect our interests and our inv~s brae nt. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, l~rlin X. B~e 9-18 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-341 SUBJECT: 1980 Streets Attached is a letter and map suggesting the 1980 Street Program which amounts to 11.6 miles compared to 8 miles in 1979. If the Council wishes to go ahead with the streets, a preliminary report should be ordered. The Council's attention is directed toward the suggestions on M.S.A. streets' If Three Points Boulevard is done next year, the attached plan shows the bal- ance of Tuxedo not finished. Tuxedo could be schedules following Three Points Boulevard. It takes 3 to 5 years to accumulate enough funds for a street. If the Council wishes, they might be able to do Three Points and Tuxedo at the same time by selling MSA bonds. With regard to funds, presently available, some of the money will be needed for Black Lake Bridge, County Road 110 North and South and the realignment of County Road # 15, if it ever happens. McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS· LAND SURVEYORSIm SITE PLANNERS September 6, 1979 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Construction Dear Mr. Kopp: Enclosed are maps showing possible street construction for 1980. We have divided these into four catagories: 1) MSA Construction with MSA funds. We have placed Three Points Boulevard from County Road 110 to Resthaven Lane in this catagory. We believe we have sufficient MSA funds for this~construction in 1980. This street will be a minimum of 32 feet wide and built to a 9 ton standard. 2) Proposed 1980 Street Improvement. These are the remaining gravel or badly broken up blacktop streets in the City. 3) Existing bituminous streets with no curb or gutter which need improvements. These streets are blacktopped, but have drainage or other problems., They probably have the lowest priority of the streets shown on the map. 4) MSA Streets - 5 Ton. These streets are MSA streets, however the City will not have MSA money to build all of them to MSA standards for a number of years. The Council may want to consider building the streets to 5 tons now and assessing the cost. At some future date if they were rebuilt to MSA standards the property owners would of course not be assessed again. The streets in this catagory are Grandview, Bradford, Leslie, Brighton Boulevard and Lynwood Boulevard. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls Mr. Leonard Kopp September 6, 1979 Page Two The miles of street in each catagory are listed below: 1) 0.9 miles 2) 6.4 miles 3) 2.1 miles 4) 2.2 miles For comparison purposes the 1979 project consisted of approximately 8 miles of street construction. If you have any questions or need additional information on this, please advise. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sc Enclosure #5248 Cl_'[",' OP S .... l- .... :~-'~ 13 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-344 SUBJECT: Bike Hike Paths The Council tabled consideration of Council Memorandum 79-322 relative to Bike Hike Paths. This will be listed for consideration on the September 18th.Agenda. cc: Lyle Swanson ~:~ eply To: 12800 Indtistrial Park Plym, outh, Minnesota (612) 559-3700 August 29, 1979 Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341Haywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: Mound, Minnesota Private Boulevard. County Road 125 - Bike Hike Path Dear Leonard: In furtherence of our letter of August 24, 1979 we have subsequently received the attached letter from Hennepin County Department of Transporta- tion. I think it agrees with essentially everything I said in our letter dated August 24th. However, it does indicate that the County is getting ready to begin negotiations to transfer County Road 125 to you and that they do have some overlay proposed. It seems appropriate that maybe this overlay of these shoulders could be added in as part of that negotiation. They also point out that the six foot wide (shoulders) that we proposed are should be 8 foot as a recommended minimum. I'm sure that we would be able to get their approval though of either a 6 or 8. We will wait your's and Councils further instrucLions on whether to proceed with the award of the contract or how to handle this from here. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-K~,IUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC.. William H. HcCombs, P.E. WHM:j 1 Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria- Granite Falls August 24, ].979 IATES, INC. tTE PLANNERS Reply' To: 700 Cedar Street Alexandria, l',']innesota 56308 (612) 762-2157 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 ' Subject: Bartlett Boulevard County Road 125 Bike-Hike Path Dear Mr. Kopp; As your aware we previousily have opene~ bids on construction on the subject bike-hike path. After the bid opening the Council asked us to see if the County would not agree to constr~ction of the bike- hike path or would permit construction of barriers between the paved shoulder and the traffic lane. We have talked to several people in the County up to and including Herb Clausner regarding the possiblity of the County blacktopping these shoulders. They have all emphasized that the County does not have this in their budget, there is no traffic need for paved shoulders on this street, and the County will not pave the shoulders for the bike-hike path. To explain a little bit futher, the County feels that designating bike-hike paths on shoulders is not a safe mixing of bike traffic with County Highways which carry higher volumes of traffic. When they need paved shoulders on a county road, they will pave the shoulders ~nd permit its use as a bike path figuring having bikes on the shoulder is safer then having them on the main travel lane. Consistently with this opinion, they will therefore no~ label the shoulders for bike paths as many municipalities do. Herb~la~er~lom assures me that there is no need for paved shoulders as far as the County is concered on this stretch highway. He also'assures me that there is ho.money :[.n the i~n~ediate future for paving these shoulders even if it was necessary. I asked him "if paved shoulders were a requirement for the City to accept ow~ership of the street could tie find the money to do it?" He merely smiled. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Gr'ani~e Falls priqt :,.! o~ recycled paper z'age Two There is a definate opinion that the County ~,-~itl, under no circumstances, permit any type of barrier along the edge of the travel lane and the bike lane. I ~ave to agre~~. ~.~ith that opinion. i think that to put any type of barrier as x~'as di,~cussed such as. curb blocks or reflecter stakes would interfer ~.~ith the use of the road and present more of an overall traffic hazard then ~'ou].d exist ·with just bikers using the shoulders. Hope this information will be helpful to you to determine whether to awards the bid on the bike- hike paths. It does not look good that the County would consider paving these shoulders. There does not seem to be money in the budget for it and we have experienced this with several other projects that the County has eliminated. As a final of all this, we have asked several times for the County to confirm their position in writing and they have not done so. I have the feeling that they many never do so. We realize this is not a very definitive answer, but I think that it can be assumed that the County is not going to provide paved shoulders unless they receive substantial pressure to do so and probably the City taking over the County road is tied in with the pressure. If you have any further questions or if we could be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIAES, INC. William H. McCombs, P.E. 9-18-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 14, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-347 SUBJECT: Sinclair Court Subdivision In July 1978, the Council approved the Sinclair Court Subdivision. The Developers wish to start work and their Attorney has asked the City for a Development Contract. A copy of the proposed contract is attached. Also attached are copies of the resolutions passed by the Council. Authorization for the Mayor and Manager to enter into the contract is requested. September 13, 10]'9 .,04:MAYW,DO0 (012) 4F2-~155 Mr. Curtis A. Pearson. 1100 First National Bank Building Minneapolis, MN. 55402 'Subject: Sinclair Court Subdivision Dear Curt: Attached is a copy of a letter 'and proposed final contract on the subject subdivision. ~_~_~/~~ ~~ I would like the Council to approve this Tuesday, September 18th. Also attached are copies of Council Resolutions 77-444 and 78-340. The $500 escrow is in the 1978 resolution. The cost of utilities, streets, etc. has climbed to $62,000. for the letter of credit or Bond. Please call after receiving this to advise. Sincerely, Leonard L. Kopp City Manager LLK/ms Encl. 5 · ; July 11 1978 .~:ncl 1, r:',ember moved the followTnfl resol RESOLUTION 78-3/~0 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF SIH£LAIR COURT WITH Tile STIPULATION TftAT TIlE PLAT CANNOT BE FILED UHTIL THE BOND AND ESCROW4 FEE IS PROVIDE'O TO THE CITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE EITY OF I.~OUHD, i',IOUND, MINNESOTA: That Council approves the final plat of Sinclair Court with the stipulation that the plat cannot be filed until the Bond and Escro~ Fee is provided to the City. Said bond fo be $50,000.00 and Escrow Fee of $500.00. 'The motioni'for the ad~ption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ~lember;Polston, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Lovaasen, Swenson, Fenstad Polston and ~4ithhart; the following voted against the same; none, whereupon said.resolution was de- clared passed and adopted, signed By the Mayor and his.signature atteste~ by the City Clerk. .. -. Mayor Attest: City Clerk RESOLUTION 77-444 RESOLUTION APPROVING TIlE PRELIMIItARY PLAT OF "SINCLAIR COURT:' ¥11TH STIPULATIONS WHEREAS, by Resolution 77-42~, adopted September 20, 1977, a hearing for the addition known as "Sinclair Court" subdivision (replatting Lots 7 through 13, Block 16, The Highlands) was set for October 4, 1977, and WHEREAS, such hearings were held on October 4, 1977 and all persons were heard, and the Mayor declared the hearing closed, ILO\.!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOUND, MINNESOTA: That the plat be approved for the "Sinclair Court" subdivision upon the compliance with the following requirements: 1. The proposed drainage plans, street right-of-way to be relocated to the north and parcel improvements such as any land filling are to meet with the approval of the Minnehaha Watershed District, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District and the Department of Natural Resou roes. 2. The storm sewer service availability, street right-of-way and street lighting plans shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to construction. 3- The Outlot A (11,670 sq. ft.) and the street right-of-way of Sinclair Court will be dedicated to the City of Mound. ~4. A Title Opinion be furnished the City by a Title Insurance Company. 5. An Escrow Fund in the amount of $500.00 be established to cover engineering, legal and administrative expense, 6. A Corporate Surety Bond, Certified Check or Letter of Credit of $50,000.00 be provided to cover cost of construction, of utilities, and the construction of bituminous streets with concrete curbs and gutter and storm sewer. 7. A preliminary plan be placed with this resolution showing the above. $. No filling below the elevation of 931 feet above sea level shall be permitted on proposed lots. 9. Filling in the elevation of 931 feet above sea level shall be kept to a minimum for street purposes. Adopted by Council this 4th day of October, 1977. JAI~ES D. ~'UROVITSCH ATTORNEY AT LAW 410 BF~OOKDALE TOWERS 2810 COUNTY ROAD 10 MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 554:30 TELEPHONE (6 ~2) File No. 9242-0~ September 11, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, ~ 55364 RE: Sinclair Court Dear Mr. Kopp: Enclosed for your review please find a draft of a proposed deVelopment Contract in regard to the above matter. The Contract makes reference to the city's minimum subdivision requirements and indicates that the same are to be attached to the Contract. I would therefore appreciate it if you would furnish me With a copy of these. I did not know the City Plat No., so I left that blank. On page 2', the first full paragraph, the last sentence, there is a reference to speCial conditions which are to be attached to the Contract. If there are any such special conditions, I would appreciate it if you would furnish me with a copy. In the second to the last paragraph on page 2, I left the amount of the letter of credit blank as I understand that this has not as yet been finally determined. I altered the last paragraph of the Contract in regard to the cash deposit in view of the fact that Mr. Derner has already paid this to the City. I am also enclosing a conformed copy of a Memorandum of Joint Venture of Sinclair Associates, which authorizes Mr. Derner and FE. Murray to execute the development Contract. ~. Leonard Kopp Page 2 September 11, 1979 I would appreciate it if you would get back to me at your earliest convenience with any changes, additions or corrections after you have reviewed the enclosed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, es D. Gurovitsch /dl ' Enclosures cc- Mr. Louis M. Derner Mr. Avron L. Gordon P.S. I am also returning herewith the specification for Sinclair Court da~ed May, 1978, a~s<l~p_ared MCCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. ~/~/~ by CITY OF MOUND HENNEPIN COUNTy, MINNESOTA CONTRACT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SUBDIVISIONS City Plat No. Contract No. Date THIS AGREEMENT made this __day of , 1979, between the CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA, acting by and through its Mayor and City Manager, herein called the "CITY" and SINCLAIR ASSOCIATES, a Joint Venture consisting of Murco Builders, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation and Derner Industries, Inc~, a Minne- sota Corporation, herein called the "DEVELOPER". Witness that the Developer, in consideration of the City accepting the plat of Sinclair Court Subdivision, .agrees to furnish all labor, material and equipment to: construct the streets, including site grading, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, dated May, 1978, as prepared by McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. and to perform street and utility repair and adjustment; conform with the approved drainage/development plan; and provide the City with a minimum one (1) year 100% Warranty Maintenance Bond. Said bond shall run from date of acceptance by the City of all construction items. At the time of final acceptance of the' construction items, if it is determined by the City that the approved plans and specifications were not strictly adhered to, or that the work was done without City inspections, the developer agrees to increase the length of the 100% Warranty Maintenance Bond up to a maxim~nn of five (5) years as determined by the City Engineer. The developer also .agrees to comply with the minimum subdivision requirements attached hereto and made a part of this agreement. It is agreed that all work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, City of Mound, titled City Plat No. '' and hereby made a part of this agreement. The Developer agrees that the work shall be done and performed in the best and most workmanlike manner; and all materials and labor shall be in strict conformity with respect to the approved plans and specifications and ordinances .for the improvements of Sinclair Court Subdivision and shall be subject to the inspection and the approval of the City or a duly'authorized engineer of the City; and in case any material or labor supplied shall be rejected by the City, or engineer, as defective or unsuitable, then such rejected material shall be removed and replaced with approved material to the'satisfaction and approval of the City or engineer and at the cost and expense of the Developer. The Developer further agrees that barring unforeseen circumstances, he will commence work hereunder on or before October 1, 1979, and will have all work done and the improvements fully completed to the satisfaction and approval of the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, on or before September 30, 1981. It is agreed, however, that the Developer shall submit a written schedule indicating the progress schedule and order of completion of work covered by this contract. It is further .agreed that Upon receipt of written notice from the Developer of the existence of causes over which the Developer has ~o control which will delay the completion of the work, the City Council, in its discretiom, may extend the date hereinbefore specified for completion and that any bond required shall be continued to cover the work during this extension of time. It is distinctly understood and agreed that all work covered by contract shall be done at no expense to the City of Mound except as provided in the special conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Developer shall not do any work or furnish any materials not covered by the plans and .specifications and special conditions of this contract, for which reimbursement is expected from the City, unless such work is first ordered in writing by the City as provided in the specifications. Any such work or materials whichmay be done or furnished by the contractor without such written order first being given shall be at his own risk, cost and expense, and he hereby agrees that without such written order he will make no claims for compensation for work or materials so done or furnished. It is further ~agreed, anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the City of Mound, City Council and its .agents or employees shall not be personally liable or responsible in any manner to the Developer, the Developer's contractor or subcontractors, material men, laborers or to any other person or persons whomsoever, for any claim, demand, damages, actions or causes of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of this .agreement or the performance and completion of the work and the improvements provided herein, and that the Developer will save the City harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of action or the costs, disbursements and expenses of defending the same. It is further .agreed that the Developer will furnish the City of Mound, upon execution of thiS contract, a corporate surety bond or in lieu thereof, a letter .of credit in the amount of the estimated cost of the proposed improvement covered by this contract ~nd also shall furnish Proof of insurance in the amount as required by the approved specifications covering any public liability or property damage by reason of the operation of the Developer's equipment, laborers, and hazard caused by said improvement. It is further agreed that the Developer has furnished the City of Mound a cash deposit in the amount of $500.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. This deposit shall be placed in a special subdividers' escrow account .against which'~ . will be charged administrative and legal expenses incurred by the City in examining the title to the property being developed and complete inspection of the construction of the improvements covered by this contract, said inspection being mandatory. This inspection shall include office and field checking, complete field inspection during construction, compliance testing, general supervision and drafting of as-builts. CONTRACT - FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SUBDIVISIONS - PAGE 3 SIGNATURES FOR DEVELOPER SINCLAIR ASSOCIATES, a Joint Venture By. LOUIS M. DERNER, President Derner Industries, Inc. and By ROBERT MURRAY,.President Murco Builders, Inc. SIGNATURES FOR TME CITY OF MOUND Mayor City Manager ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AUTHORIZED CITY OFFICIALS' SIGNATURES STATE OF MINNESOTA ). ) SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) and Leonard Kopp, being first duly sworn, depose and say that they are the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the City of Mound, in the County of Hennepin, and the State of Minnesota; they have read the foregoing contract and know the contents thereof and that the same is true of their own knowledge; and that this contract is made by the authority of the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota. Signature of Mayor Signature of City Manager Subscribed and sworn to before ma this__day of , 1979. Notary Public CONTRACT - FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SUBDIVISIONS - PAGE 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this__day of , 1979, by Louis M. Derner, President of Derner Industries, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation and on behalf of Sinclair Associates, a Joint Venture consisting of Murco Builders, Inc., a Minnesota corporation and Derner Industries, Inc., as aforesaid. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this__ day of , 1979, by Robert Murray, President of Murco Builders, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation and on behalf of Sinclair Associates, a Joint Venture consisting of Derner Industries, Inc., a Minnesota corporation and Murco Builders, Inc., as aforesaid. Notary Public MEMORANDUM OF JOINT VENTURE Sinclair Associates Memorandum of Joint Venture, made effechive May 15, 1979, by and between Murco Builders, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Golden Valley, Minnesota ("Murco") and Derner Industries, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, New Hope, Minnesota, ("Derner"); WI TNE S S E TH: WHEREAS, Murco and Derner have entered into a Joint Venture Agreement dated May 15, 1979, for the purpose of jointly develop- ing the property in Hennepin County, Minnesota, described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to reflect by this Memorandum a summary of the substance of their Joint Venture Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared as follows: 1. The parties hereto have entered into a joint uenture effective May 15, 1979, for the development of the Project legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto, the Project to be known as SINCLAIR COURT. 2. The names and post office addresses of the parties to the Joint Venture are as follows: Murco Builders, Inc. 6480 Wayzata Boulevard Golden Valley, Minnesota 55426 Derner Industries, Inc. 7625 Angeline Drive New Hope, Minnesota 55428 3. The name of the Joint VenLure is SINCLAIR ASSOCIATES. The post office address of the joint venture is 6480 Wayzata Boulevard, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55426. 4. Any and all documents, deeds, mortgages, or other instruments may be executed,~on behalf of the Joint Venture the presidents of Derner ~%Murco, or by such other person they may designate in writing. 5. The Joint Venture is governed in accordance with the laws of the State.of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here!o have exected this '~ t' J~ Memorandum of Joint Venture this -~/' day of July, 1979. DERNER INDUSTRIES, INC. ~Louis M. Derner, President Mu~LDERS, INC. Robert~UrraY, P~'~ident STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) /~The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of July, 1979, by Louis M. Derner, Preside~ of Dernar ~ndustries, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. ~;, /.~:~'~.., V~ q~'~lF JO MURRAY ~' .~, .!.)1~%. NOTARY ~ 'J~LIC MINNESOTA [ ~--~ ~'! HENN~PIN COUN~ Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~/'~day of July, 1979, by Robert Murray, President of Murco Builders, Inc., a Minnesota corporakion, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Publ~c~' EXHIBIT A TO ~E~MORANDUM OF JOINT VENTURE OP SINCLAIR ASSOCIATES DATED JULY ~ / , 1979 The legal description of the property known as Sinclair Court is as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and outlot A, Block 1, Sinclair Court, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the offices of the County Recorder and Registrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. This Instrument Was Drafted By: James D. Gurovitsch 410 Brookdale Towers 2810 County Road 10 ~nneapolis, MN 55430 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 13~ 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-345 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - LOt 1, Block 26, Wychwood The owner, of Lots 33 and 34, Block 26, Wychwood, wish to repurchase Lot !, Block 26, which they let go tax forfeit after not paying the tax (see letter attached). Authorization is required to request the County to sell this undersized lot to the City at a private sale so it can be resold. ET. ON BLVD. This block CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-342 SUBJECT: ~4CD Representative The term of the L.M.C.D. Representative, Robert Polston, expires in September 1979. It is necessary to reappoint or appoint a new representative. The appointment is a three year appointment. rd L. Kopp v- 1-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 14, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 79-348 SUBJECT: Purchase of Sewer Equipment Attached is a copy of.a letter from the Public Works Director requesting approval of the purchase of sewer hose at this time because the price is going up on November 1st. Approval is also requested withOut going to bids as this is the only supplier of this equipment. 5341 MA?,VO,:)O ~]OAD MOLJrlD, Mi;q~'i':-SOTA 55364 (412) 4/%1155 September 13, 1979 TO: FRO$I: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp Public Works Director Purchase of Sewer Equipment On September h, 1979 I spoke with Mr. Bud Winters the salesman from Flexible Pipe Tool Co. He stated to me that the price of sewer cleaning hose for our .jet machine is going up 50¢ a foot on November'!,1979. It cttrrently costs $2.2~ per foot and comes in ~00' sections. Our jet machine is four years old and will need a new hose next year. I do have sttfficient monies in the sewer budget at this time. The purchase amount is $1~12~.00 and would require Council approval. I would recommend this purchase at this time so as to make the $2~0 savings. Res pectfully, Robert Shanley Public Works Director 8-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-99 SUBJECT: Planning Commission The Council asked for copies of applications on hand for Planning Commission Representative. Copies of the applications are attached. d L. Kopp ! ! September 12, 1979 Mayor Tim Lovassen and City Council Members 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 It is my understanding there is currently an opening on the Planning Commission for which the Council will be required to appoint a new member in the near future. I desire to submit myself as a Mound resi- dent interested in being considered for this position. I have lived in Mound for three years and have taken an active interest in its past, current and potential growth and development. I desire to have our city continue its improvements, both commercCal and private. It is a pleasant place to reside and raise my family and I intend to remain here for many years. Therefore, I want to begin taking a more ~ctive part in its future and believe I would have good ideas and valuable input into matters as considered by the Planning Commission. A bit of personal information about myself. I am currently employed in the tax accounting field and have been for seven years. I was appointed for two terms as a member of the St. Louis Park Charter Commission while a resident of that city. I also have volunteered my time for numerous civic and political activities over the past ten years. I enjoy being a part of what is happening in my city, county and state and feel it is important that local citizens do take an active interest and participate in the matters directly affecting their city. If you should desire to reach me for any further information, my work telephone number is 853,3255 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. My home telephone number is 472-6916. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Ve~ruly yours, /! . Donna Harrington 2132 Grandview Cour~/ Mound, Minnesota 55364 The Honorable Tim Lovaason Mayor of Mound City Hall Mound, Minnesota 55364 September 20, 1978 Dear Mayor Lovaason: It is my understanding that there will be a vacancy on the Planning Commission for the City of Mound. I would like to be considered as a candidate for this position. I chose Mound as a city in which to locate for several reasons. The location provided an opportunity to be part of the beauty, pleasure and serenity of lake country living. Mound is an established self contained community with citizens from a broad spectrum of social and economic backgrounds. This provided an opportunity to establish a wide variety of interesting relation- ships within the community. Many of these same factors can present problems maintaining those thingsin the commUnity which are good, and changing those things which give us concern~ I would like to be part of the process devoted to the resolution of these issues. My credentials are, first and foremost, a genuine interest in the growth and development of the community to enhance the quality of life. I have been active in the business, civic and educational communities of Mound for the past two years. I have been active in these areas in other communities in Minnesota and New York for the past fifteen years. Please consider this letter my application for consideration to the vacancy on the planning commission. i~ledge 5300 Bartlett Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 8 May 1979 City of Mound Planning Commission 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Planning Commission: I have completed the questionnaire you recently distributed. I am writing this letter to suggest that i am prepared to serve as a member of the Planning Commission at some time in the future, should an opening develop. I am a property owner at 4763 Island View Drive, and I have now lived there for over two years. When I lived in Canada, I was a member for over two years of the Planning Commission in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, a city of about 35,000 people. I am a registered architect in several states, and a vice president and partner of a large architectural/engineering firm in the Twin Cities. Not only am I an experienced member of a Planning Commission, but I also deal on a day-to-day basis with various issues related to construction, zoning and planning. I am not sure as to the methodology for appointment to the Commission, and therefore I am writing this letter. I would be pleased to pursue this matter further at an appropriate time. 4763 Island View Drive Mound, Minnesota 55364 Business Telephone: 646~7500 Home Telephone: 472-6906 PLAN~ COMMISSION QUESTIONNAIRE 1. How long have you lived in Mound? [jla. less than 1.year ~q-~b. 1-3 years 2. What type of housing do you occupy? .~a. own your home l-lb. rent an apartment [lc. other [lc. 4-9 years ~d. 10 years or longer 3. Where did you live before occupying your present residence? Oa. within Mound outside Mound, where. 4. What is the age of the head of your household?' Ia. under 30 ~c. 40-59 []b. ~30-39 []a. 60 or over 5. What city precinct do you reside in? (You vote D'First - ¥ire station 'OSecond - I~aia~ ~oll Manor ~Third - Islana ~ark Wall []Fourth - Seahorse Recreation Building · ~Fifth - Westonka Community Center ~Sixt[1 - Hennepin County Library If you have children living at hom~, wha~ are their ages? ~lumbers a. Preschool b. grade k-6 ~ c. grade 7-12 d. post high school e. foster children Where would you expect ~o live in 5 years? ,~a. same house Flb. different house, in Mound [l-lc. outside of Mound, where -- 8. What do you feel makes Mound a good place to live? (please register your priorities 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in the boxes next to your preference). 2)~ L-la. good housing '~.-[]e. recreational opportunities ~ ,~b. close to lake ~ [If. natural environment setting ~ [lc. convenient shopping [_]g. other []d. good schools ~j~/~ 9. ~.lhat areas of community development need most attention in upcoming years? (please register your priorities 1,2,3,4,5,6 in the boxes next to your preference). Ilia. environmental protection []d. improve traffic patterns [lb. redevelop downtown Mound ~.Fle. improve parks .. [lc. provide better housing Ill. other opportunity and rehabili- tate existing homes. 10. Please feel free to make miscellaneous comments on back side: November 29, 1977 Mr. Tim Lovaasen Mayor City of Mound Mound City Hall 5341 Maywood, MN 55364 Dear Mayor Lovaasen, I noticed in the last city newsletter that there were vacancies on the ~ity Planning Commission. If any vacancies still exist I would like to submit my name as a potential member. We have lived in Mound for 1 1/2 years and have been particularly impressed with the responsiveness of the city to the needs and desires of its residents. This observa- tion has led me to the feeling that perhaps I should "do my part" and become more involved in community affairs. I an a Senior Principal Research Scientist at the Honeywell Corporate Material Sciences Center in Bloomington and have lived in the Minneapolis area since 1969. I moved to Minneapolis to start with Honeywell after receiving my Ph.D, in Metallurgy at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.' The rest' of my education includes a B.S, and M,S. in engineering from the University of Illinois. My wife, Janice, is a flight attendent~_ with North Central Airlines and we live on Cooks Bay at 2845 Cambridge ~-~ Lane. ~- I have no past experience with local government but 'I have been active throughout my professional career with a number of engineering societies on both the national and local level. I am also an Adjunct Professor of Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. Other relavent experience I might mention concerns my activities in gymnastics while at Iowa State. At that time I supplemented my graduate school income by judging local and national gymnastic meets and formed (and resided as chairman of) the Iowa Gymnastics Officials Association. If, from the above brief description of my career and experience you consider me qualified for the Planning Commission I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience. My home phone number is 472-1987 and I may be reached at my office at 887-4481. Best regards, ( Barry G. Koepke, Ph.D. Senior Principle Research Scientist j G 7 BGK: star COF',~O~ATE 1.2C:{t~OLOGY CENTER, HOMEYWELL IPSC., ~O/01 LYHDALE AVENUE SOUI~I, BLOOMINGTON. MINNESOTA 55~20, TELEPHONE ton will not be .able ho attend meetip, c.; tonight, 1-18-78, h '~se of another meeting previously :duled. October 31, 1977 2132 Grandview Court 1V~otmd, Minnesota 5536~ Mayor Tim Lovaasen City tlall 5341 Maywood Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mayor Lovaasen: I would appreciate being cOnsidered to fill a vacancy on the Planning[ Commission. I have lived in Mound for a little more than a year and am anxious to be of service to the community. Prior to my moving to Mound I lived with my three children in St. Louis Park for eight years. During those years, I was very involved in city. politics, as well as the state IR party, holding various offices at the city and senate district level, being alternate or delegate to all conven- tions, etc. I was settling my second term on the St. Louis Park ~harter Commission at the time of our move. I served on the Board of Directors as treasurer of the Gerard Schools Parents. Association, the school being a residential treatment center for children in Austin, Minnesota, for years 1974-76. I am very involved in various activities of my church and at present am attending the University of Minnesota extension classes program. I am employed full time by DATA 100 Corporation in Minnetonka as a corporate tax accountant being involved in international, federal and state tax. I have been in the tax field for six years. Thank you in'advance for your attention to my request. Ye~7-y truly yours, Donna Harringto{/ Home phone: 47Z-Z108 ' ~ork phone: 941-6500, ext. 603 9-18-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-100 SUBJECT: Sewer Rate Study Attached is a copy of the Sewer Rate Study. Sometime ago, the Council was sent the Water Rate Study. The Consultant has asked for a time to present the reports to the Council and to go over the reports with the Council. Can the the Council set a date? cc: Public Works SEWER DEPARTMENT OF MOUND, M1NN_koOIA SEWER DEPARTMENT EXISTING SEWER SERVICE RATES (EFFECTIVE JUNE 15, 1976) RESIDENTIAL* AND SMALL COMMERCIAL Quarterly Sewer Charge For 10,000 gallons or less A].[ over 10,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons ~inimun Monthly Bill Quarterly Charge $10.00 (minimum) .70 $10.00 December 1977, approximately 72 larger users were placed monthly billing basis, using the above schedule modified monthly billing as shown below: '~ULTIPLE DWELLINGS** AND LARGE COMMERCIAL vo~t~ly Sewer Charge ' 3,000 gallons or less over 3,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons -~mum Monthly Bill per Apartment Monthly Charge $3.33 .70 $3.33 Quarter sewer rate is based on first quarter (January ,<~b March) water usage. ~rge apartment complexes the sewer bill is manually ~ i~ated as shown in example below: 106 urit apartment using 418,000 gallons of water. per m<.,~, th .ep !.: 106 ~its × 3,000 gallons = 318,000 gallons '~'.~ 2: To~.? water usage 418,000 less 318,000 oub_¢ ~' 100,000 gallons x.70/per 1,000 $70.00 ..ep 3: ~].8~"~<~ callons x $1.11/1,000 = $352.98 -~, a ;;'~':' ' '~ ::~'7~.00 = $422 98 for sew~'?c service ~ SEWER DEPARTMENT OPERATING STATEMENTS: Table No. 16 presents the annual audited operating state- ments of the Sewer Operating Fund for the four year period 1974 through 1977 and unaudited 1978 estimates. Operating receipts have increased $131,957 over the period, an increase of 57.9 percent during the five year period. The largest year to year increase occurred in 1978 over 1977, reflecting in part the use of an accounting procedure whereby the combined water and sewer cash receipts are shared 60 percent to sewer and 40 percent to water. The increase in 1978 also reflects new procedures for securing meter readings in that year. The major expense item for the Sewer Department is the payment to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission which is based on the number of gallons of water treated - 431 million gallons in 1978. The City was charged approximately 40~ per 1,000 gallons of water treated by the Commission in that year. During the five year period, 1975 through 1977 were defi- cient in that receipts (income) were less than the expenses (or disbursements) required to operate the sewer department. This difference or net income (loss) is shown as earnings in the second column in Table No. 17. 51 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 k Uj O0 ~ ~.~ 0 O0 0 0 ~-~ 0 0000000 APPLICATION OF ANNUAL CASH FLOW - 1974 THROUGH 1978: 'fable No. 17 presents the sources of the Sewer Department's annual cash flow on the left side of the table and the manner in which these funds are used on the right side of the table. The excess or deficiency in annual cash flow after disbursement of required funds is shown in the far right column, the fund balance on December 31st of each year. In 1977, for example, there was a deficiency in the year-end fund balance of $12,140 in the Sewer Department. 53 o 0 o~ 0 o o %o o ~o ~ o o t~ 0o ,..., Ct_si OF SERVICE: Total cost of service of $371,000 represents a 22 percent increase in revenue requirements over unaudited pro forma 1978 sewer revenues of $303,000. Pro forma revenue adjustments in 1978 reflect sewer revenues based on estimated actual cash receipts rather than sharing combined sewer and water revenues on a set percentage share. The latter procedure was used by the Sewer Department in 1978, but was discontinued in mid-1979. Total operation and maintenance expenses shown are budgeted 1979 expenditures. These expenditures are projected to increase 5.9 percent over the unaudited 1978 expenditures. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission expenses reflects credit to the 1979 billing that have been carried over from previous years. SAC* charges are based on an estimated 75 homes hooked up to the sewer utility in that year. Return reflects the projected normal capital expenditures for the Sewer Department in 1978 and is less than one percent of net book value of the sewer utility. This cost of service analysis (Table No. 18) uses 1979 test year data as being representative of costs to be recovered. These 1979 costs were prepared in collaboration with City of Mound personnel using unaudited 1978 figures as a base year and in some expense categories, the preliminary figures of expen- ditures for the first six months of 1979 were available. *~ewer ~ccess ~harge 55 Table No. 18 City of Mound, Minnesota Sewer Department Cost of Service Statement Test Year 1979 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Personal Services* Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Lift Station Maintenance Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Other Expenses Subtotal: Operations and Maintenance City Contribution Re turn $ 80,000 30,000 15,000 5,000 210,000 1,000 $341,000 10,000 20,000 $371,000 *Includes retirement benefits 56 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Our review of the Cost of Service Statement for the Sewer Department results in a recommendation to propose an increase in the sewer rates of twenty-nine percent (29%) over the existing rates. The proposed rates are designed to provide the Sewer Department with additional revenues totaling $70,000 to defray lift station maintenance costs, increases in other operating expenses, and to accommodate the anticipated revenue impact as a result of an accounting change in the allocation of joint water and sewer customer receipts. 57 SEWER CttARGES: On June 15, 1976, the City Council approved sewer rate schedules based on the adopted water rate schedules at that time. This adopted sewer rate schedule was slightly modified in late 1977 to accommodate computerized customer billing requirements and to permit monthly billing (in contrast to quarterly billing) of selected commercial and large apartment complexes. We propose sewer rates which are designed to increase total revenues from customer sewer charges by approximately $70,000. This additional revenue requirement takes into account a shift of a portion of revenue previously credited to the Sewer Department out of that Department and since mid-1979 being cre- dited to the Water Department. As was the case of water charges, it is recommended that sewer revenues continue to be credited on the basis of actual sewer receipts, which is how it is currently credited. Although some large customers are presently billed manually due to cer- tain programming characteristics of the LOGIS computer service, efforts are currently underway to permit the system to compute all sewer bills, regardless of the class of customer. The effect of the proposed sewer rates on customer's bills at various levels of usage is presented in Tables No. 19 and No. 20. The average quarterly usage by residential customers is 25,000 gallons per quarter based on a sample of thirteen resi- dences during 1978 and the average quarterly bill will be increased by $6.00, or 29 percent. Table No. 20 presents the effect of the proposed rates on the monthly billings to commercial customers. 58 CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA PROPOSED SEWER RATES RESIDENTIAL Quarterly Sewer Charge For 10,000 gallons or less All over 10,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons Minimum Quarterly Bill Quarterly Charge $13.00 minimum .90 $13.00 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing Sewer Department policy. Under this policy, for example, a duplex would have a minimum monthly charge of $26.00 COMMERCIAL, INCLUDING LARGE APARTMENTS* Monthly Sewer Charges (Large Users) For 3,000 gallons or less Ail over 3,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons Monthl~ Cha~e $4.30 minimum .90 Note: Minimum Monthly Bill per Apartment $4.30 *More than four apartment units per dwelling. 59 Table No. 19 City o~ Mound, Minnesota Sewer Department Comparison of Quarterly Billings for Various Levels of Usage between Existing Residential Sewer Service Rates and Proposed Residential Sewer Service Rates Quarterly Consumption in Gallons Quarterly Existing Proposed Rates Rates Amount of Quarterly Increase 1,000 $10.00 (Min.) $13.00 (Min.) $ 3.00 5,000 10.00 13.00 3.00 10,000 10.00 13.00 3.00 12,000 11.40 14.80 3.40 15,000 13.50 17.50 4.00 20,000 17.00 22.00 5.00 25,000 20.50 26.50 6.00 30,000 24.00 31.00 7.00 40,000 31.00 40.00 9.00 50,000 38.00 49.00 11.00 75,000 55.50 71.50 16.00 100,000 73.00 94.00 21.00 60 City Table No. 20 of Mound, Minnesota Sewer Department Comparison of Monthly Billings for Various Levels of Usage between Existing Commercial Sewer Service Rates and Proposed Commercial Sewer Service Rates Amount Monthly Monthly of Consumption Existing Proposed Monthly in Gallons Rates Rates Increase 500,000 $ 351.23 $ 451.60 750,000 526.23 676.60 1,000,000 701.23 901.60 1,500,000 1,051.23 1,351.60 2,000,000 1,401.23 1,801.60 2,500,000 1,751.23 2,251.60 3,000,000 2,101.23 2,701.60 3,500,000 2,451.23 3,151.60 4,000,000 2,801.23 3,601.60 4,500,000 3,151.23 4,051.60 5,000,000 3,501.23 4,501.60 $ 100.37 150.37 200.37 300.37 400.37 500.37 600.37 700.37 800.37 900.37 1,000.37 61 9-18-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 12, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-101 SUBJECT: Sergeants' Labor Agreement The Council asked about this agreement'. Attached is a copy of the memorandum sent the Council and a copy of two pages of the agreement. The entire agreement was sent the Council with the original memorandum. The $250 on the memorandum was in error (typographical); it should have read $260.00. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota August 9, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-289 SUBJECT: Labor Agreement - Sergeants Attached is a proposed agreement with the Sergeants' Union. The fringe benefits are almost identical to fringe benefits in the other union agreements. Salary is retroactive to March 1st. Sergeant's salary is calculated at $250 per month over Patrolman, with the Investigation Sergeant getting $100 premium pay. Sergeants will get overtime pay under this agreement. The agreement is for two years with 1980 salaries figured on the same basis as other Union Agreements. This will be on the August 14th agenda. It is recommended that the Mayor and Manager be authorized to enter into the agreement. LeOnard L. Kopp ~? ~ cc: Police Chief Sergeant Roy sq%uou 9 - 0 sq%uou ¥1 'P@ttot'~$~ V x!.PusddV uz. o~ $oe.~qus sq ilf~~- '~ uo'~%oa~ uz..xo$ p~pi~o,zd ~uuo~ x~IIo~ 'o · eoXoIdu~ sE~ o~ ~soo ou $~ X~up °I XIn£ pu~ I Xx~,nu~£ uo jo eou~ao-[l-~ ~ojz. u-n i~nuu~ u-~ 0% poisTSuo sc[ l-[~q~ eeXoIch~o q.o~-~[ -q 9-18-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 13, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO~ 79-102 SUBJECT: Council~Minutes and September llth Meeting Due to ~he extraordinary press of work, minutes on Council meetings will be late for a short time. Due to the possible legal problems resulting from the action termina- ting the Thomas Contract, the Attorney has been requested to prepare the resolution of termination and the resolution authorizing Hardrives to do the work on a time and material basis. LeOnard L. Kopp MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF ~NAGER$ OF THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT August 16, 1979 The regular meeting was called to order on August 16, 1979 by Chairman Cochran at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayzata City Hall, Wayzata, Minnesota. Managers present: Cochran, Lehman, Russell and Thomas. Manager absent: Gudmundson. Also present were board advisors Hickok, Fretheim and Macomber. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 19, 1979 were reviewed. Following discussion it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Russell, that the minutes be approved as published. Upon vote the motion carried. Approval of Permit Applications. The managers reviewed a written memorandum from the engineer dated August 9, 1979, updated~ August 16, 1979, summarizing the nature of the following' applications and indicating that. the applications comply with the applicable standards of the district and recommending approval on the terms and conditions as set forth in his written memorandum: Lord Fletcher Apartments - Riprap placement at 4400 West Arm- Spring Park; Application No. 79-86. J. Borry - Riprap placement at 3409 Kings Point Road - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-87. J. Farnham - Riprap placement at 3225 Carman Road - Orono; Application No. 79-88. H. Petsch - Riprap placement at 3423 Kings Point Road - Minnetrista; Application No. 79-90. Page 55~o August 16, 1979 West Suburban Builders - Setback variance request for the construction of a duplex on Langdon Lake - Mound; Application No. 79-93. L. Berman - Riprap placement at 433 Bushaway Road - Wayzata; Application No. 79-94. ~er - Riprap placement at ~ Highland Blvd. - Mound; Application_~ 79-97. E. O'Neill - Riprap placement at 3185 Lakeshore Blvd. - Minnetonka; Application No. 79-100. Following discussion it was moved by Russell, seconded by Lehman, that the above permits be approved and issued subject to all terms and conditions recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. City of Minnetonka - Placement of utilities at Hazel Lane and Regal Oaks Lane, Grading/drainage, utilities at Ridgedale Ring Road - Minnetonka; Application No. 79-89. The engineer reviewed the application by the City of Minnetonka for utility placement and grading and drainage plan approval. The engineer recommended approval of the application. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. Alpha Enterprises - Grading/drainage plan for the construction of an office building located in the southeast quadrant of Vernon Avenue and Highway 100 - Edina; Application No. 79-91. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and d~-ainage plan approval for the construction of an office building located in the southeast quadrant of Vernon Avenue and Highway 100 in Edina. The engineer advised the managers that the application was in conformity with the applicable standards of the district and recommended approval. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. Page Three August 16, 1979 D Schultz- Grading/drainage plan for "Victoria Heights" · · 39 lot residential subdivision, located in the SW quadrant of Highway 5 and Kochia Street - Victoria; Application No. 79-92. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval of "Victoria Heights". The engineer recommended approval. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the application be approved subject to the approval by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Transportation of the proposed storm water storage on Highway Department right-of-way and the sedimentation control measures proposed by the applicant. Upon vote the motion carried. Mutual Development Corp. - Grading/drainage plan and utilities · for a 45 lot residential subdivision located northwest of Church Lake in Victoria; Application No. 79-95. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval for this property which had been granted concept approval by the managers at the May, 1979 meeting. Following review, the engineer recommended approval of the application subject to approval by the Department of Natural Resources and subject to determination by the City of Victoria that off-site storage capacity was adequate for the development. Resident Bud Larson appeared and addressed concerns regarding construction of a proposed roadway over and adjacent to an existing sanitary sewer line. Mr. Larson stated that there had been instances of overflow from the line into Church Lake and instances of infiltration into the line in prior years. Councilmember Strohm of the City of Victoria appeared and raised concerns regarding the adequacy of soil data provided to the city and the district. A10rson, appeared before the managers on behalf of the applicant and responded to questions regarding the extent of the soil work performed and the nature of the proposed development. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the application be approved subject to the conditions recommended by the engineer, except as to the. proposed storm water drainage and sanitary sewer installation on 81st Street; that the managers request the City of Victoria to investigate the condition of the sanitary sewer on 81st Street and to forward its report to the district engineer for review regarding the capacity of the se%~er to handle Page Four August 16, 1979 anticipated loads, overflow conditions, infiltration conditions and, in addition, that the city engineer certify to the soil stability in the area. Upon vote the motion carried. Hoben Properties - Grading/drainage plan for "Hollybrook", a 64 unit townhouse development located east of the intersection of State Highway No. 101 and Shadyway Road - Wayzata; Application No. 79-96. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval.· A1 Schendel of McCombs, Knutson & Associates appeared on behalf of the applicant. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. R. Fisher - Setback variance request for the construction of a single-family home, Zumbra Ridge, Lake Zumbra - Victoria; Application No.'79-99. ~ ~ The engineer reviewed the application for a variance from the district's lake setback requirement to 20 feet from the ordinary high water level of Lake Zumbra. The applicant, Robert Fisher, appeared in support of the application and explained the basis of his request. Mr. Fisher stated that he needed to maximize the distance between the rear of the residence and Zumbra Lane and stressed the unique configuration of his lot as justifying the variance request. Mr. Fisher also advised the managers that, in his opinion, granting the variance as requested would eliminate any adverse aesthetic impact of the proposed residence on the view of the lake from the road. The engineer recommended denial of the application. Discussion ensued with respect to the level proposed to be maintained for Lake Zumbra by the water management plan of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District and the managers concluded that additional facts were needed regarding this management plan before final action could be taken upon the application. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application for a variance be granted to authorize a minimum 30-foot setback from the ordinary high water level of Lake Zumbra (943.5 NGVD) and that the bottom elevation of the basement of the proposed residence be set by the engineer in accordance with the policies of the district to elevate basement elevations over the. natural Page Five August 16, 1979 ordinary high water level following investigation of the water levels proposed to be maintained by the Hennepin County Park Reserve District under its water management plan for Lake Zumbra. The managers also directed the engineer to report back to the managers regarding the action taken on this application at the next regular meeting. Upon vote the motion carried. J. Fox - Placement of fill, South of the intersection of County Road 11 and Highway 5 - Victoria; Application No. 79-101. The engineer reviewed the application for filling within the 100-year floodplain of Lake Auburn. The engineer advised the managers that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources would be investigating the application and determining whether DNR permits were required. Following discussion, it was moved by Cochran, seconded by Lehman, that the application be tabled pending receipt of the DNR review. Upon vote the motion carried. Craftmaster Homes - alteration of drainage; Boni View Addition, St. Bonifacius; Application No. 79-102. The engineer reviewed the application for modification to the proposed drainage plan to the above project. The engineer recommended approval of the proposed modification subject to the addition of a skimmer at the outlets of the ponds. Following discussion, it was moved by Lehman, seconded by Russell, that the application be approved as recommended by the engineer. Upon vote the motion carried. City of Wayzata - grading/drainage of Far Hill; North of Highway 12 and east of Ridgeview Drive; Application No. 79-103. The engineer reviewed the application for grading and drainage plan approval for Far Hill north of Highway 12 and east of Ridgeview Drive in Wayzata. The engineer advised the managers that this area was part of a larger 'drainage area as to which further information should be made available by the City of Wayzata prior to action by the managers on the pending application. Following discussion, it was moved by Russell, seconded by Thomas, that the application be tabled and the engineer directed to request a summary from the engineer for the City of Wayzata of the drainage plan for the relevant area at the next regular ~eeting of the managers. Upon vote the motion carried. Page Six August 16, 1979 Co rre spondence. · President Cochran noted receipt that a recent newsletter from the Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts containing a proposal for water resource manage- ment in Minnesota through a statewide system of watershed districts. President Cochran stated that he believed the recommendations contained in the newsletter should be carefully reviewed by the managers with a view toward possible action by the legislature in the next regular session. President Cochran particularly noted the presentation by Association Vice-President, James A. Jones with respect to the report of the Minnesota Water Planning Board to the 1 egi sl ature. President Cochran also noted the presence of and welcomed to the meeting of the Board of Managers Shirley Taylor of Edina, a member of the district's advisory committee. Treasurer's Report. The treasurer distributed the monthly administrative fund report dated August 16, 1979, a copy of which is attached. Treasurer Russell noted the adjustment of the previously- reflected deposit from Carver County to properly allocate that deposit between the administrative fund, the water maintenance and repair fund and the Minnehaha Creek improvement fund of the district. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Lehman, that the treasurer's administrative fund report dated August 16, 1979, be approved and the bills paid as-set forth in that report. Upon vote the motion carried. The treasurer then distributed the monthly Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project fund report dated August 16, 1979, a copy of which is attached. The treasurer explained additions made to the report since the first report made at the July meeting. Following discussion, it was moved by Thomas, seconded by Cochran, that the Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project fund report dated August 16, 1979 be approved as submitted by the treasurer. The board further directed the treasurer to make recommendations to the Board of Managers at the regular September meeting regarding payment of outstanding accounts payable on the Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project. Upon vote the motion carried. Page Seven August 16, 1979 EPA Grant Fund/Stormwater Research. The treasurer reported that EPA had completed its final accounting of the EPA grant fund project and had authorized closing of the project account. The treasurer reported that he had closed the EPA grant fund account. Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project. The engineer reported that plans and specifications were completed during the week of August 6, 1979, and all contract documents were available in his office commencing August 13, 1979, pursuant to the direction of the managers and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids. The engineer reported that the Advertisement for Bids had been published in the Construction Bulletin. The attorney reported that the Advertisement for Bids had been sent to a legal newspaper for publication as required by law. The managers reviewed the final plans and specifications and identified areas possibly requiring addenda to be distributed to contractors. The managers directed the engineer to review these comments and prepare addenda as required and submit the addenda to all bidders who had picked up copies of the proposal prior to the date of the addenda. Progress Report on 79-85 Plymouth Development Corporation. The engineer reported on the progress of work undertaken under Plymouth 79-85 as requested by the managers at the last regular meeting. DNR Permit For Control Structure. The attorney reported that the DNR has issued a permit for the headwaters control structure at Grays Bay Dam. The managers directed that the permit be filed with the permanent records of the project. Page Eight August 16, 1979 Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Chairman Cochran declared the meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John E. Thomas Secretary McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, :INC.,,.t-'' CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ LAND SURVEYORS ~ SITE PLANNERS ,,~,/ 'i,!.," R6ply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 September 13, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1979 Street Improvements Easement #IP-390 Dear Mr. Kopp: At the council meeting of August 14, 1979 we requested and the council approved rerouting the storm sewer around the property owned by Mr. Robert Cheney. Since that time,'thr0ugh numerous meetings with Mr. Cheney, we worked out an easement agreeable with him and he has signed it. The storm sewer will be installed through his property very close to the original design as shown on the approved plans. This was a much better arrangement for both him and the City. If you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, JRC:sc #4213 McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. hn R. Cameron Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls 2. 3. 4. AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District September 20, 1979 Wayzata City Hall 7:00 p.m. Call to order; present, absent, staff. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting, 8/16/79. Approval or amendm]ent of September 20, 1979 agenda. Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project consideration of bids. (7:00 p.m.) Hearing of permit applications (7:30 p.m.): A. 76-72. Mildred Thacker - (Permit extension) Wetlands fill near Lafayette Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Tonka Bay. B. 79-21. Centurion Co. - (Application to ~nend) Grading/ drainage plan for "Amhurst" Development - St. Louis Park, Hopkins. C. 79-103. City of Wayzata - Grading/Drainage Plan "Far Hill" Development- Wayzata. D. 79-104. J. McCleary - Grading/Drainage Plan for "Kellynne" Subdivision - Chanhassen. E. 79-106. C. Cochran- Shoreline stabilization, St. Albans Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Greenwood. F. 79-107. City of Spring Park - City well, groundwater withdrawal - Spring Park. G. 79-108. J. Dolejsi - Lake setback variance, Priest Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Minnetrista. H. 79-109. Wayzata Yacht Club - Shoreline stabilization, Wayzata Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Wayzata. I. 79-110. Ridgehaven Mall - Grading/Drainage Plan - Mi nme to nka. J. 79-111. G. Freund - Lake setback variance at 6705 Halsted Avenue, Halsted Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Mound. K. 79-112. Ridgadale Ford - Grading/Drainage Plan for //dded parking - Minnetonka. 9-113. L. A. Donnay - Shoreline retaining wall, !~~alsteds Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Mound. !0.. 79-114. Don Myron - 35-1ot subdivision, 20th Avenue, west of Dunkizk Lane - Plymouth. 79-115. L. W. Larsson- Grading/Drainage Plan, Housing Development, County Road 6, east of Highway 101 - Plymouth. 79-116. State Bank of Mound - Grading/Drainage Plan, CSAH 15 and Kings Road- Spring Park. 79-117. Trinity Assoc. - Grading/Drainage Plan, Housing development near Parkers Lake - Plymouth. 79-118. Warren Phillips, Jr. - Shoreline rip-rap, Lakeview Drive, Upper La]ce Minnetonka - Minnetrista. 79-119. George Ronald, Jr. - Shoreline rip-rap, 2480 Old Beach Road, Lafayette Bay, Lake Minnetonka - Orono. Co rte spondence. Hearing of requests .for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. Reports of Treasurer, Engineer and Attorney. A. Treasurer's Report- Mr. Russell. (1) Administrative Fund Report. (2) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project Fund Report. (3) Administrative Fund budget/1980. (4) Water Maintenance and Repair Fund budget/1980. (5) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project budget/1980. B. Engineer's Report- Mr. Holmquist. (1) City of Excelsior - Petition for Galpin Lake drainage improvement. C. Attorney's Report- Mr. Macomber. Old Business. A. Water Maintenance and Repair Fund/1979. B. Private vehicular bridge at 11907 Cedar Lake Road. C. Upper Watershed Storage and Retention Project. D. District regulation revision. Business· Adjournment. NANCY OLKON CHAIR 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER !' MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5~4&7 September 12, 1979 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp: Thank you for your letter of September 5, 1979, fom~arding the resolution from the City of Mound supporting the development of a suburban Community Action Agency (CAA) in Hennepin County. Your letter and resolution were officially communicated to the Board of Commissioners at its September 11, 1979 meeting, and a copy was provided each commissioner. The County Board will consider adoption of the model proposed by the Human Services Councils following the September 12 town meetings. Again, thank you for your interest in this matter. Sincerely, NKO:pl Seiote~l%ber ' MINNESOTA 55364/¢?2_4590 7, 1979 Dear ~riends, Carol an experie_- d ~ are - . ~_ ~s£erri~_ ..g our ~..~. ~$th, M~- ~w · '~OUndq~ ~ the ~- ~ntin~ ~, u~n a~d ~ ~mlth. ~ ~o anotheru We Just Years {_ ~ave ha~ . ~ You fo- ~.e to ~0 rem_i' ~e hope ~ adven~se Past Sma~- ~n o,,-~ - u~at ... ~u~e, lr~, "~ ~S Crew- ur the n~~ Cont/n6e ' ~" OWner, Gerry Gerry wi S_ervices ~1i be add-' We have a.~°u' the sa~] We are ~ays trie~'? quality Though We a le · ~[,Orget all ~ avzn~ .. ~ co give You. ..... =ay fri - we Will ends and Thank You many times, and God Bless. Sj. nCerely, Uack and Ca Vlllage pr.~_Andreasen we.st La~e ~l~etonba area September 12, 1979 Mr~ Don David David Insurance 148 Shelard Tower..' Hwy. 12 & Cry. Rd. 18 Minneapolis, MN. 55426 Dear Don: Attached is a copy of a letter we received regarding a damaged tire. Inasmuch as I do not know if our insurance covers such things, please process and advise the Salin's whether or not we can honor such a claim, Sincerely, City Manager LLK/ms cc: 'Mrs. Salin, 4856 Donald Drive City Council J (,"/7 HA,~;~y j. BJORKLUND TH©~IAS D. CI~EIGBTON LAW OFFICES LEFEVERE, LEFLER, PEAR,SON. O'BRIEN & DRAWZ I100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 September 7, !979 TELEPHONE (612) 333'O5~3 Mr. Len Kopp, City Manaoer City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Perron v. City of Mound Dear Len: I am enclosing copies of answers to interrogatories submitted, to the plaintiff by attorneys for the Home Insurance Company and. the City of Mound. The answers are not very revealing and seem to indicate that she is claiming damages for the investigation, arrest and prosecution of charges against her. I am basically letting the Home Insurance Company run with the ball in this case at the moment and hope that they will continue to interpose a defense for the City. I will keep you advised if I hear anything further regarding this case. Very truly yours, CAP:lh Enclosures Curtis A. Pearson, City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF tIENNEPIN DISTRICT COURT FOURTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT El!or~ A. Perron, Plaintiff, City of Mound, Minnesota, a municipal corporation; Gary L. Phleger, Attorney at Law; Officer Richard A. Johnson; Bradley J. rdason; and, John Doe and Richard Roe, Defendants, and City of Mound, Minnesota, a municipal corporation; Gary L. Phleger, Attorney at Law; and, Officer Richard A. Johnson, Third-Party Plaintiffs, VS. The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, a Connecticut corporation licensed to do business and doing business in the State of Minnesota, Third-Party Defendant. PLAINTIFF'S ANSWER TO. THE CITY OF MOUND'S SECOND SET OF INTERROGATORIES 1. Delineate each and every action by the City of Mound or any of its agents that caused any of the damages you have suffered, and specify the specific dates of such actions. If you do not know the specific dates, describe them as best you can. ANSWER:. The initial investigation; the subsequent arrest (issuance of the Complaint); the subsequent investigation and prosecution of the false charges. Subscribed;'and sworn to before me this day of .~/~ ','' :, 1979. /