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2015-12-08 CC Agenda Packet
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CITY OF MOUND MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Mound, through teamwork and cooperation, provides at a reasonable cost, quality services that respond to the needs of all citizens, fostering a safe, attractive and flourishing community, AGENDA MOUND CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DEC 8, 2015 — 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING MOUND CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS *Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and will be enacted by a single roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. Jn that event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. Page 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approve agenda, with any amendments 4. *Consent Agenda *A. Approve payment of claims 2991-3014 *B. Approve minutes: Oct 21, 2015 Special Meeting Workshop 3015-3017 *C. Approve a I Day to 4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for Our Lady of the 3018 Lake Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Friday Shrimp Fry Fundraisers on February 12, 2016, February 26, 2016, and March 18, 2016 with fees paid. *D. Approve a 1 Day to 4 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License for Northwest Tonka Lions Fundraisers with fees paid: 1. January 3, 2016 Chili Feed for Troops at the Gillespie Center 3019 2. February 20, 2016 Spaghetti Feed at the Gillespie Center 3020 *E. Approve Resolution of Sponsorship as Related to the Southwest Traits 3021 Snowmobile Association *F. Approve Resolution Approving Contributions for 2015 3022 *G. Adopt Resolution to Approve Amendments to the 3023-3025 Administrative Code *H. Adopt Resolution approving waiver of platting for 5040 Enchanted Lane 3026-3045 *1. Approve Pay Request No. 6 and Final from GMH Asphalt in the amount of 3046-3047 $35,307.39 for the 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvements — East Three Points Boulevard, City Project No. PW -14-01 *J. Approve Pay Request No, 6 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. in the amount of 3048-3050 $138,145.22 for the 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvements— Grandview Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard, City Project Nos. PW -15-01, PW -15-02 and PW -15-03 This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas maybe viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site clrr.�' PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. *K. Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Insituform Technologies USA, LLC in the 3051-3052 amount of $193,410.03 for the 2014/2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation project, City Project Nos. PW -14-05, PW -15-06 *L. Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement and Contract for Professional 3053-3065 City Engineering Services with Bolton & Menk, Inc. *M. Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for Legal Services with Kennedy 3066-3071 & Graven, Chartered *N. Approve Appointments to Commissions (note application info for new commissioners will be emailed to the Council and treated as private data): 1. Planning Commission Reappointments 3072 a. David Goode (Reappt) 3 -year term through 2018 b. Pete Wiechert (Reappt) 3 -year term through 2018 2. Parks & Open Space Commission 3073 a. Gina Nettle (Reappt) 3 -year term through 2018 b. Shawn Seiler (New) 3 -year term through 2018 Docks & Commons Commission 3074 a. Heidi Peterson (New) 3 -year term through 2018 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda. (Limit to 3 minutes per speaker.) 6. Action to approve minutes from November 24, 2015 regular meeting. 3075-3081 2016 Final Budget and Levy Discussion/Approval [vote: Public will be invited to comment before taking action on the budget resolutions. Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services, presenting an overview of the 2016 budget and levy and requesting discussion and/or action on the following (Also see separate budget packet for more content): A. Review and discussion on: 1. City of Mound vendor and contract listing 3082-3091 2. Accepting credit cards at City Hall 3092-3095 B. Action on Resolution Adopting Fee Schedule for 2016 3096-3103 C. Action on a Resolution Approving a Levy not to Exceed $197,008.00 for 3104 the Purpose of Defraying the Cost of Operation, Pursuant to the Provisions of MSA 469, of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of and for the City of Mound for the Year 2016 D. Action on Resolution Approving the 2016 Final General Fund Budget in the 3105-3106 amount of $5,348,219.00; Setting the Final Levy at $5,649,172.00; and Approving the Overall Final Budget for 2016 This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas maybe viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site: +vet o9ovwnu / C.cm. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES & PAGERS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Councilmembers/City Manager B. Minutes: Planning Commission - Nov 3, 2015 Parks and Open Spaces Commission - Nov 12, 2015 (DRAFT) Docks and Commons Commission - Nov 19, 2015 (DRAFT) C. Reports: Harbor Wine & Spirits - November 2015 Finance Department - October 2015 YTD D. Correspondence: 9. Adjourn 3107-3109 3110-3112 3113-3116 3117 3118-3120 This is a preliminary agenda and subject to change. The Council will set a final agenda at the meeting. More current meeting agendas may be viewed at City Hall or at the City of Mound web site.n� COUNCIL BRIEFING December 8, 2015 Upcoming Events Schedule: Don't Forget!! Dec 15 -- 6:30 -- Special Meeting -- Emergency Response Training and Sewer Update Dec 22 -- 6:55 -- HRA regular meeting (Cancelled) Dec 22 -- 7:00 -- CC regular meeting (Cancelled) Jan 12 -- 6:55 -- HRA regular meeting Jan 12 -- 7:00 -- CC regular meeting Jan 26 -- 6:55 -- HRA regular meeting Jan 26 -- 7:00 -- CC regular meeting Citv Offices Closed - Note: Closed all day on Christmas and New Year's Eve Dec 24-25 Christmas Eve / Christmas Day Dec 31 New Year's Eve Jan 1 New Year's Day Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day Citv Official's Absences Please notify the City Manager in advance of an absence. Some votes require more than a simple majority and Staff needs to plan accordingly. Inquire in advance, please...... Council members are asked to call or email their questions in advance of a public meeting so that more research may be done or additional information may be provided that will assist in your quality decision- making. CITY OF MOUND CLAIMS 1COUNCIL MEETING I -DOLLAR AMOUNT 2015 102015BLTMNK $ 148,536.35 2015 UNCLAIMEDCKS $ 3,308.16 2015 120415CTYMAN $ 39,719.63 2015 120815CITY $ 116,242.88 2015 120815HWS $ 96,881.68 2015 120415TRUVAL $ 472.88 TOTAL CLAIMS -2991- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 Batch Name 102015BLTMNK User Dollar Amt $148,536.35 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $148,536.35 Invoice 0184155 1 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA _Refer Cash Payment E 402-43120-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184156 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184157 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184151 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184152 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184155 10/31/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Refer 2 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184158 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 401-43114-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0184160 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0184161 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0184163 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184164 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 675-49425-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0184159 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment $0.00 In Balance 12/03/15 3:34 PM Page 1 MSA SYSTEM COORD UPDATE SVCS THRU $375.00 OCT 31 2015 SURFACE WATER MGMT SVCS THRU OCT $2,073.00 31 2015 GENERAL ENGINEERING SVCS THRU OCT $5,432.50 31 2015 WCA ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER $310.00 SVCS THRU OCT 312015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total STORMWATER UTILITY -SWPPP UPDATE $1,899.00 ENG SVCS THRU OCT 31 2015 2015 GRANDVIEW BLVD STREET IMPROV Wells Fargo 10100 Total $10,089.50 MCES FLOWS -PROJECTS, $4,529.00 REVIEW/COORDINATION THRU OCT 312015 2014 STREET, UTILITY IMPROV PROD. PW14- $36,741.95 01 ENG SVCS THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW1401 2014 BARTLETT BLVD WATERMAIN $150.00 REPLACE PROD PW 14.08 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW1408 2014 SANITARY SEWER REHAB -ENG SVC $647.00 THRU OCT 31 2015 PW 14-05 Project PW 1405 EMERGENCY SEWER DISCHARGE BACKUP $268.00 JUNE RAIN- ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 2014 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROV PROJ PW $325.00 14-04 ENG SVCS THRU OCT 31 2015 10/31/2015 Project PW1404 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 3 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA-msµ E 401-43115-303 Engineering Fees 2015 GRANDVIEW BLVD STREET IMPROV PROJ PW 15-01 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Invoice 0184166 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-300 Professional Srvs Invoice 0184153 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0184162 10/31/2015 Project PW1501 UPDATE STREET & UTILITY MAPS ENGINEERING SVCS THRU OCT 31 2015 Project 15-4 2015 LIFT STATION IMPROV PROJ PW15-04 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW 1504 -2992- $42,660.95 $30,161.95 $260.00 $10,933.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 12/03/15 3:34 PM Page 2 2015 BARTLETT BLVD WATERMAIN $62.50 REPLACE PROD PW 15-09 COMMERCE TO LOST LAKE BLVD ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Invoice 0184168 10/31/2015 Project PW1509 Cash Payment E 401-43135-303 Engineering Fees 2015 TUXEDO BLVD ST IMPROV PROD ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 PW 15-02 Invoice 0184165 10/31/2015 Project PW1502 Cash Payment G 101-23342 PC15-21 5040 ENCHANTED 5040 ENCHANTED RD DEVELOP REVIEW ENGINEER SVCS THRU OCT 31 2015 Invoice 0184154 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA Invoice 0184169 Transaction Date 10/31/2015 12/3/2015 Refer _4 BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORA Cash Payment E 401-43116-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0184170 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 401-43136-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0184171 10/31/2015 Cash Payment E 401-43146-303 Engineering Fees Invoice 0184172 10/31/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 402 MUNICIPAL STAID ST CONSTUCT 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 2015 WILSHIRE BLVD TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROV PROD PW 15-11 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW1511 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 2016 BARTLETT BLVD STREET IMPROV PROD PW 16-01 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW 1601 2016 TUXEDO BLVD EAST STREET IMPROV PROJ PW 16-02 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Project PW1602 2016 CYPRESS-MAYWOOD STREET IMPROV PROJ PW 16-03 ENG SVC THRU OCT 31 2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Wells Fargo $5,507.50 $112,987.35 $375.00 $8,422.50 $16,637.00 $4,607.00 $148,536.35 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $148,536.35 Total $148,536.35 -2993- Project PW1603 10100 Total $25,376.45 $75.00 $8,210.00 $75,078.90 $9,124.50 $8,485.50 $3,097.00 $20,707.00 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: November 2016 Batch Name UNCLAIMEDCKS Payment Computer Dollar Amt $3,308.16 Posted 12/03/15 4:23 PM Page 1 1 MINNESOTA DEPT OF COMMERC Ck# 049893 11/23/2015 _Refer Cash Payment G 101-22803 Police Reserves UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- J. LEE- POLICE $20.00 RESERVE EOC- UNCASHED CHECK#369151- 27-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- EROSION $500.00 CONTROL ESCROW 5205 SHORELINE DR. COMMERCIAL DESIGNS -UNCASHED CHECK#36882 1-21-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- EROSION $750.00 CONTROL ESCROW 5980 HAWTHORNE RD- H. FORD JR. -UNCASHED CHECK#36885 1- 21-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- EROSION $500.00 CONTROL ESCROW 2950 ISLAND VIEW DR- HOMEWORKS CONSTRUCTION -UNCASHED CHECK#36889 1-21-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- EROSION $750.00 CONTROL ESCROW 6045 CHESTNUT RD -A & K. JUST -UNCASHED CHECK#36891 1-21-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment G 101-23007 Erosion Control Escrow UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- EROSION $750.00 CONTROL ESCROW 5114 JENNINGS RD- KRISTALL HOMES -UNCASHED CHECK#36892 1-21-11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Cash Payment R 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenu UNCLAIMED PROPERTY- REFUND $38.16 OVERPYMT WATER UTILITIES- A. DUSSAUT -UNCASHED CHECK#376614-27- 11 Invoice 11172015 11/17/2015 Transaction Date 11/17/2015 Due 0 wmN Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,308.16 Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 601 WATER FUND $38.16 101 GENERAL FUND $3,270.00 $3,308.16 Pre -Written Check $3,308.16 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $0.00 Total $3,308.16 -2994- CITY OF MOUND 12/04/159:40 AM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Batch Name 120415CTYMAN User Dollar Amt $39,719.63 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $39,719.63 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 FRONTIER/CITIZENS COMMUNICA _ Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 11-20-15 THRU $184.40 12-20-15 Invoice 4529038 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41920-321 Telephone, Cells, & Rad! NETWORK ETHERNET SVC 11-20-15 THRU $553.18 12-20-15 Invoice 4529038 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $737.58 Refer 5 HONSA LIGHTING SALES AND SE�»�..µ,._ Cash Payment E 285-46388-220 Repair/Maint Supply LIGHT BULBS FOR PARKING DECK CLOCK $830.93 Invoice 71335 11119/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $830.93 Refer 9 JUBILEE FOODS Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies TALL KITCHEN GARBAGE BAGS- HWS $8.30 Invoice 120815 11/6/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MINI MULTI LIGHTS, MINI CANDY CANES- $3.63 HWS Invoice 120815 11/27/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies MORTON ACTION ICE MELT- HWS $14.73 Invoice 120815 11/30/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $26.66 Refer 6 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF --CC Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items MN SHADE TREE COURSE -MARCH 15-16 $195.00 2016 REGISTRATION - B. SWARTZER Invoice 120815 12/4/2015 Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items MN SHADE TREE COURSE -MARCH 15-16 $195.00 2016 REGISTRATION- G. BALL Invoice 120815 12/4/2015 Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items MN SHADE TREE COURSE -MARCH 15-16 $195.00 2016 REGISTRATION- D. GRADY Invoice 120815 12/4/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $585.00 Refer 2 PLUNKETT S, INCORPORATED�� Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic PEST CONTROL SVC- HWS 11-04-15 $52.02 Invoice 5202007 11/4/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $52.02 Refer ._.„_.«...,»« 10 R & S COLLISION SERVICES, INCO » Cash Payment E 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs REPAIR- 2013 FORD F150 PUB WKS TRUCK- $3,235.73 R. HANSON- LMCIT REIMS RECVD Invoice 2354 9/21/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,235.73 Refer 3RAYS SERVICES,..,..,,...»»W,....w,,......,..»»,,,»..�,,.».».,.w.,.»,�....w..,,....a.,,...»..,...,.»..�.,..:...,.»».m,,,,..... Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVAL OF 2 LG DEAD COTTONWOOD $4,275.00 TREES OVER POWER LINES ON CARLOW RD Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 -2995- CITY OF MOUND Payments 12/04/15 9:40 AM Page 2 Current Period: December 2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVAL OF DEAD COTTONWOOD TREES $1,850.00 END OF SUFFOLK RD Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVAL OF 5 COTTONWOODTREES- $6,760.00 OVER HANG BEACHWOOD RD Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal HAUL AWAY TWO LOADS BRUSH -GRASS- $770.00 WOOD Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal TRIM 3 COTTONWOODS, 1 WILLOW & 1 $1,305.00 BOXELDER TREE OVERHANG BEACHWOOD RD Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal REMOVAL OF 4 WILLOWS, TRIM 1 WILLOW, $3,593.00 STUMP GRINDING @ LOST LAKE PARK Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-533 Tree Removal. CLEAR ALL TREES & BRUSH @ END OF $500.00 VILLA LANE Invoice 120815 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19,053.00 Refer 4 REPUBLIC SERVICES Cash Payment E 22242260-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DEC 2015 GARBAGE SVC FIRE DEPT $156.88 Invoice 0894-003957336 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DEC 2015 GARBAGE SVC CITY HALL $156.88 Invoice 0894-003957336 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DEC 2015 GARBAGE SVC PUB WKS BLDG $239.37 Invoice 0894-003957338 11/25/2015 Project 15-3 Cash Payment E 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DEC 2015 GARBAGE SVC- CENT BLDG $163.42 Invoice 0894-003955122 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Dispos DEC 2015 GARBAGE SVC- PARKS BLDG $394.00 Invoice 0894-003955351 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Servic NOV 2015 CITY WIDE RECYCLING PICKUP $12,991.77 SVC Invoice 0894-003955066 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $14,102.32 Refer .w..,...,..._.�...,,P.i.,7 VERIZON WIRELESS Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi SEWER TRUCK #109 DATACARD SVC 10-11- $35.01 15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS SUPV VEHC #113 R. HANSON $35.01 DATACARD SVC 10-11-15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Project 15-3 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi PUB WKS JET PACK LAPTOP AIRCARD SVC $35.01 10-11-15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Project 15-3 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 10-11-15 $17.51 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi FIELD OFFICER DATACARD SVC 10-11-15 $17.50 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 -2996- CIN OF MOUND 12/04/159:40 AM Page 3 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE UNIT #42 DUTY $35.01 OFFICER 10-11-15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE UNIT #39 RESCUE $35.01 UTILITY 10-11-15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE ENGINE #40 10-11-15 $35.01 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi DATACARD SVC FIRE ENGINE #29 10-11-15 $35.01 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK #315 DATACARD SVC 10-11- $35.01 15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi WATER TRUCK #512 L. GIESE DATACARD $35.01 SVC 10-11-15 THRU 11-10-2015 Invoice 9755361615 11/10/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $350.10 Refer 8 VERIZON WIRELESS Cash Payment G 101-13100 Due From Other Funds CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $31.05 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $162.18 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $145.58 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $148.12 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $47.57 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU It- $95.30 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $0.00 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11113/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $100.96 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Cash Payment E 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radi CELL PHONE CHARGES 10-14-15 THRU 11- $15.53 13-2015 Invoice 9755567584 11/13/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $746.29 -2997- Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 285 MOUND HRA 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 670 RECYCLING FUND CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 10100 Wells Fargo $24,527.85 $582.28 $830.93 $215.60 $492.52 $78.68 $12,991.77 $39,719.63 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $39,719.63 Total $39,719.63 12/04/15 9:40 AM Page 4 CITY OF MOUND 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 1 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Batch Name 120815CITY User Dollar Amt $116,242.88 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $116,242.88 $0.00 In Balance Refer 29 BENIEK_PROPERTY SVCS INC. _ Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs FORCED MOWING TRIMMING @ 4660 $180.00 MANCHESTER RD 11-7-15 Invoice 145703 11/12/2015 Cash Payment E 101-49999-300 Professional Srvs FORCED MOWING TRIMMING @ 4670 $180.00 MANCHESTER RD 11-7-15 Invoice 145703 11/12/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $360.00 Refer 4 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies COFFEE, COCOA, CREAMER, FIREMEN $80.50 Invoice M34373 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-418 Other Rentals COFFEE MAKER -OASIS COUNTERTOP $72.00 MODEL COLDITEMPTED RENTAL -FIRE DEPT 4TH QTR 2015 Invoice RENT29543 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $152.50 Refer 5 BOYER TRUCKS Cash Payment E 601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply MULTI POINT INSPECTION -ENGINE $17.46 WARNING LIGHT ON- WTR TRUCK #512 FORD F350 Invoice 281495 11/6/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $17.46 Refer _ 6 BUSINESS FORMS & ACCOUNTIN rt.:...,.,.....,,.,,.,,,«x..w.w...w....,,„...,,..,w...�.�,�,.,�.�.,„�...,.w.,._. Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies W2S, ENVELOPES, W3 & 1096 $120.55 TRANSMITTALS Invoice 050634 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41500-200 Office Supplies 1099 FORMS & ENVELOPES $80.00 Invoice 050633 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $200.55 Refer �. 7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY (MINNEG�_ Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2649 EMERALD DR. LS E3 GENERATOR $21.29 NATL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4791 NORTHERN RD LS DI GENERATOR $19.14 NATL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 3303 WATERBURY RD LS GAS SVC 10-20-15 $21.29 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 2990 HIGHLAND BLVD LS Bt GENERATOR $18.60 NATL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4948 BARTLETT LS E2 GENERATOR NATL $18.60 GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 CITY OF MOUND 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 2 Payments Invoice 120815 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment Invoice 120815 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment 11/19/2015 Current Period: December 2015 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 39 DERUS GOVERNMENTAL CONSUL_-� 12/2/2015 E 101-41310-300 Professional Srvs Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4728 CARLOW RD LS GENERATOR NATL $19.14 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 10 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 DEPT Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 5808 GRANDVIEW BLVD LS GENERATOR $18.60 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 NATL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 $41.88 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 4922 THREE PTS BLVD LS GENERATOR $18.60 NATL GAS SVC 10-20-15 THRU 11-19-15 Invoice 120815 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $155.26 Refer 40 CHIDESTER, JAMES Cash Payment E 601-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms UFC FARM SUPPLY -REIMBURSE ZIP TO $99.99 WAIST BIB OVERALLS- J.CHIDESTER WATER DEPT Invoice 120815 12/1/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.99 Refer ................8 CONLEYS WILDLIFE CONTROL, LL-�� Cash Payment E 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Servic BEAVER REMOVAL (5) FROM LOST LAKE $1,500.00 PARK POND AREA 11-21-15 Invoice 450 11/21/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,500.00 Refer �. ..,.�, 9 COOPER, KEVIN Cash Payment G 281-22000 Deposits REFUND LOST LAKE SLIP #16 KEY $100.00 DEPOSITS -QTY 2 - K. COOPER Invoice 120815 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment Invoice 120815 Transaction Date Refer Cash Payment 11/19/2015 11/25/2015 PO24461 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 39 DERUS GOVERNMENTAL CONSUL_-� 12/2/2015 E 101-41310-300 Professional Srvs NOVEMBER 2015 INTERIM CITY MGR SVCS 12/2/2015 2DYNAMEX INC 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total 10 DIVE RESCUE INTERNATIONAL G 101-23336 PC 15-16 5901 Bartlett BLVD ONE HOUR RUSH DELIVERY- TO RECORD E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies FIRST WATCH ICE RESCUE SUITS- 2- FIRE DEPT $100.00 $3,918.75 $3,918.75 $1,234.83 Invoice 170710 11/25/2015 PO24461 _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,234.83 2DYNAMEX INC _Refer..:,,:-_M...�,.a„. Cash Payment G 101-23336 PC 15-16 5901 Bartlett BLVD ONE HOUR RUSH DELIVERY- TO RECORD $41.88 MINOR SUBDV 5901 BARTLETT BLVD - Invoice 1886210 11/21/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total .em ��„,.„.„„..............-,,..,..,.......m...-....,.�..,,,,.-...�....,. $41.88 Refer 30 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTI Cash Payment E 222-42260-219 Safety supplies HARNESS STRAPS FOR FIRE MASKS- QTY $546.10 Z Invoice 5169 11/16/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $546.10 Refer 11 GEAR WASH, LLCtl���-�,n���������������� Cash Payment E 22242260-440 Other Contractual Servic NAME PATCHES & SEWN LETTERS- NEW $139.96 FIREMEN -D. BERENT, J. BROWN Invoice 11337 11/23/2015 -3000- CITY OF MOUND 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 3 Payments Current Period: December 2015 fi!•r1S�L4��31�Mi�A n �� � 11/24/2015 � Cash Payment E 222-42260-440 Other Contractual Servic ANNUAL CLEAN & REPAIR FIREFIGHTER $2,711.22 $740.00 Refer JACKETS & TURNOUT GEAR Invoice 11313 11/13/2015 E 675-49425-440 Other Contractual Servic DRIVEWAY REPAIR- ASPHALT- SAW, CUT Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,851.18 Refer 31 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 6012 EVERGREEN RD Cash Payment E 601-49400-395 Gopher One -Cali NOV 2015 LOCATES $46.40 Invoice 150186 11/30/2015 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Cash Payment E 602-49450-395 Gopher One -Call NOV 2015 LOCATES $46.40 Invoice 150186 11/30/2015 E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA 2016 BOBCAT SNOWBLOWER W/ 4 HIGH Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $92.80 Refer 12 HEITZ, PRANK Cash Payment E 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2015 BOOT ALLOWANCE REIMB- F. HEITZ $149.99 Invoice 120815 11/30/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total „,_,,.......»..,.......,....M......,..�a...a..�,,...�..,,..m,....,„ $149.99 Refer 32HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER- Cash Payment E 101-41550-350 Printing 2016 TRUTH IN TAXATION NOTICE $957.64 ,._�.�, �,.�� �_..���-�,� �,..�.,�a..,.�.0„��.� CALCULATION, PRINT, PREP & MAILING Invoice 120815 11/30/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Refer w, V� _ 13 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I Invoice 128323 10/23/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P& I Invoice 128323 10/23/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I Invoice 128978 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41600-316 Legal P & I Wells Fargo 10100 Total $957.64 MOUND HARBOR CONTRACT TIF DISTRICT- $255.00 LEGAL SVCS SEPT 2015 AUDITORS ROAD LAND PURCHASE- $281.00 DONATION-BECKEL LEGAL SVCS SEPT 2015 MOUND HARBOR CONTRACT TIF DISTRICT- $68.00 LEGAL SVCS OCT 2015 AUDITORS ROAD LAND PURCHASE- $136.00 DONATION-BECKEL LEGAL SVCS OCT 2015 Invoice 128978 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $740.00 Refer 14 KLEIN UNDERGROUND, LLC Cash Payment E 675-49425-440 Other Contractual Servic DRIVEWAY REPAIR- ASPHALT- SAW, CUT $2,345.70 AND REMOVE EXISTING THIN ASPHALT 6012 EVERGREEN RD Invoice 72014 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,345.70 Refer 15 LANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORAT_ Cash Payment E 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA 2016 BOBCAT SNOWBLOWER W/ 4 HIGH $5,830.00 PROFILE TIRES & RIMS Invoice 03-340603 11/20/2015 P024605 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,830.00 Refer a 33 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTE_ Cash Payment G 602-15500 Prepaid Items WASTEWATER SVCS JAN 2016 $55,735.75 Invoice 0001050173 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $55,735.75 ,._�.�, �,.�� �_..���-�,� �,..�.,�a..,.�.0„��.� ��.��-3001 •_.��...�..�.�.�._ w.ro.,.�.....�,.�_�...,�...�., CITY OF MOUND 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 4 Payments Invoice 785374 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Refer 18 MN CLEAN SERVICES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- CITY HALL Total $77.50 $245.20 JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- FIRE DEPT JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- CENTENNIAL BLDG $245.20 $326.93 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- PUBLIC $163.47 WORKS BLDG Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Project 15-3 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $980.80 Refer....,_.,.�..�„.�.� .38 MNSPECT Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2015 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES Invoice 6680 12/2/2015 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments NOV 2015 - ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT Invoice 6680 12/2/2015 $10,225.80 -$19.00 Cash Payment Current Period: December 2015 NOV 2015 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION -$234.00 PERMIT FEE CREDITS Refer 16 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH - _ Cash Payment R 601-49400-37170 State fee -Water 4TH QTR 2015 COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY $5,793.00 $9,972.80 Refer SVC CONNECTION FEE Invoice 12082015 11/17/215 Cash Payment _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,793.00 Refer �UW 17 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA Cash Payment E 601-49400-470 Water Samples MONTHLY CHLORINE REPORT & COLIFORM $77.50 WATER TESTS -10 Invoice 785374 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Refer 18 MN CLEAN SERVICES, INC. Cash Payment E 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- CITY HALL Total $77.50 $245.20 JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- FIRE DEPT JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- CENTENNIAL BLDG $245.20 $326.93 Cash Payment E 602-49450-460 Janitorial Services JANITORIAL SVC- NOV 2015- PUBLIC $163.47 WORKS BLDG Invoice 1215M01 12/1/2015 Project 15-3 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $980.80 Refer....,_.,.�..�„.�.� .38 MNSPECT Cash Payment E 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees NOV 2015 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES Invoice 6680 12/2/2015 Cash Payment G 101-20800 Due to Other Governments NOV 2015 - ELECTRICAL STATE SURCHARGE FEE CREDIT Invoice 6680 12/2/2015 $10,225.80 -$19.00 Cash Payment R 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee NOV 2015 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION -$234.00 PERMIT FEE CREDITS Invoice 6680 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,972.80 Refer 19 MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATIO Cash Payment E 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib DEC 2015 - FIRE RELIEF PENSION $10,416.67 CONTRIBUTION Invoice 120815 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 2/16/2015 Refer 25 MOUND POST OFFICE Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items Wells Fargo 10100 Total FIRST -CLASS PRESORT ANNUAL MAILING PERMIT- QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Invoice 120815 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer 20 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAI Cash Payment E 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Servic REPLACE #1 MOTOR STARTER @ SHOREWOOD LIFT STATION Invoice 7459 11/12/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Refer X21 NEW PIG CORPORATION���������� -3002- Total Total $10,416.67 $225.00 $225.00 $110.00 $110.00 CITY OF MOUND 12/03/152:58 PM Page 5 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Cash Payment E222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 5 QTY 3" X 20'& 5 CITY 5" X 20' ABSPRBEND $1,103.05 BROOMS FIRE DEPT Invoice 21811372 Transaction Date Refer 11/24/2015 P024460 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 22 NORTHERN TOOL AND EQUIPMEN Total $1,103.05 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies HANDTRUCK- FIRE DEPT Invoice 23182 11/19/2015 E 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Compute Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer 23 OFFICE DEPOT Cash Payment E 609-49750-200 Office Supplies HP PRINTER TONER CARTRIDGE- HWS Invoice 806653375001 11/18/2015 P023469 Cash Payment Transaction Date 12/2/2015 ..n.., Wells Fargo 10100 Total ...m.... .....» ,... ...a .d.,�...M., ,.,.�.. Refer .A.,.o-., 24 OPUS 21 MGMT SOLUTIONS .... _ Cash Payment E 601-49400-307 Admin/Finance/Compute OCT 2015 -CIS DATA HOSTING, OCT 2015- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $314.50 PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT $59.99 $59.99 $100.95 $100.95 $1,762.87 Invoice 151047 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Compute OCT 2015 -CIS DATA HOSTING, $1,762.87 PRODUCTION, BILLING, CALL CTR SUPPORT Invoice 151047 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Postage OCT 2015- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $314.49 Invoice 151047 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-322 Postage OCT 2015- UTILITY BILLING POSTAGE $314.50 Invoice 151047 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,154.73 Refer 340-REILLYAUTO PARTS Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies ADH CLEANER SUPPLIES- FIRE DEPT $19.84 Invoice 2462-260154 11/28/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $19.84 Refer 35 ORON0,-CITY OF Cash Payment E 101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners HENNEP CTY JAIL CHARGES- PER DIEM $653.78 FEES OCT 2015 Invoice 20140548 11/30/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $653.78 Refer 26 PRICH, RYAN N..�,�.,..,�..�..,..��...,.»„�,..,�,,....<..,.,.,„,..,,µ...�..«.,�,�.,.,�...,�,.n.,.�,..,�..,...,.,.„»„�,�.w.,.�....,.�. Cash Payment E 602-49450-218 Clothing and Uniforms BIB OVERALL REIMBURSEMENT- R. PRICH $99.99 Invoice 120815 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.99 Refer 27 RICOH USA, INC. Cash Payment E222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying FIRE DEPT COPIER RENTAL FEE 9-13-15 $147.96 THRU 12-12-15 Invoice 95864170 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $147.96 Refer 3 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER -CITY Cash Payment E401-43116-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL. NTCE- PUB HEARING 2016 ST $53.12 IMRPOV PROD. PW16-01- BARTLETT BLVD 11-21-15 Invoice 278610 11/21/2015 Project PW1601 -3003- CITY OF MOUND 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 6 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Invoice 278618 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 401-43136-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NICE- PUB HEARING 2016 ST $53.12 $26.99 IMRPOV PROJ. PW16-02- TUXEDO BLVD PUBLIC NUISANCE PROPERTIES - EAST PHASE ll- 11-21-15 UNIMPROVED LOTS -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278611 11/21/2015 Project PW1602 Cash Payment E 401-43146-351 Legal Notices Publishing LEGAL NTCE- PUB HEARING 2016 ST $59.76 $26.99 IMRPOV PROJ. PW16-03- PROHIBITING SURVEILLANCE -LEGAL NTCE CYPRESS/MAYWOOD 11-21-15 11-21-15 Invoice 278612 11/21/2015 Project PW1603 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $166.00 Refer 28 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER-CITY�� PUBLIC LANDS PERMITS -CITY COUNCIL Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 10-2015 AMENDS CHPT 14- CITY CODE- $23.13 Invoice 278619 ELIMINATE DOG & CAT LICENSING -LEGAL Cash Payment NTCE 11-21-15 ORD 08-2015 AMENDS CHPT 18- CITY CODE- Invoice 278618 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 03-2015 AMENDS CHPT 42- CITY CODE- $26.99 PUBLIC NUISANCE PROPERTIES - UNIMPROVED LOTS -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278615 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 05-2015 AMENDS CHPT 46- CITY CODE- $26.99 PROHIBITING SURVEILLANCE -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278616 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 04-2015 AMENDS CHPT 62- CITY CODE- $69.39 PUBLIC LANDS PERMITS -CITY COUNCIL EXCEPTIONS -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278619 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45250-430 Miscellaneous ORD 08-2015 AMENDS CHPT 18- CITY CODE- $23.13 CEMETERIES- LIVING HEIR, STANDARDS - BURIAL CONTAINERS & GRAVE MARKINGS - LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278617 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 07-2015 AMENDS CHPT 2- CITY CODE- $73.25 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS- RESIDENCY & COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278621 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing ORD 06-2015 AMENDS CHPT 70- CITY CODE- $38.55 UNAUTHORIZED MOTOR VEHICLES IN PUBLIC AREAS -LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278620 11/21/2015 Cash Payment E 101-42115-430 Miscellaneous ORD 09-2015 AMENDS CHPT 26- CITY CODE- $57.83 FALSE POLICE & FIRE ALARM POLICIES - LEGAL NTCE 11-21-15 Invoice 278622 11/21/2015 __ Transaction Date 2/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total .�..........��,..._,,.., ��� $339.26 Refer 1 THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR COR Cash Payment E 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Servic ELEVATOR MTCE 12-1-15 THRU 12-31-15 $284.66 CENT BLDG Invoice 3002244558 12/1/2015 Cash Payment G 101-15500 Prepaid Items ELEVATOR MTCE 1-1-16 THRU 2-29-16 CENT $569.31 BLDG Invoice 3002244558 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $853.97 Refer 36 WIOMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC -3004- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 12/03/15 2:58 PM Page 7 Cash Payment E 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Servic REPAIR C -M -P CULVERT @ 4865-4857 $3,798.00 ISLAND VIEW DR 10-27-15 Invoice 4031 11/18/2015 Transaction Date 8/6/2014 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,798.00 Refer 37 XCEL ENERGY Cash Payment E 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities ELECTRIC SVC 10-24-15 THRU 11-23-15 $73.84 CARLOW RD LIFT STATION Invoice 480695495 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities SHORELINE -COMMERCE STREET LIGHTS $65.37 10-22-15 THRU 11-22-15 Invoice 480448021 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 3/17/2015 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 281 COMMONS DOCKS FUND 401 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 675 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND Wells Fargo 10100 10100 Wells Fargo $26,381.12 $16,777.32 $100.00 $166.00 $11,909.71 $58,462.08 $100.95 $2,345.70 $116,242.88 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $116,242.88 Total $116,242.88 -3005- Total $139.21 CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 12/04/15 8:08 AM Page 1 01a�;v u\Vn!"t,^•iSCia„�?..S.wsum. wi.�3.aia'R v,.?...u1t1X'N`.d1C�&AY#H49, �:.'F'u"k4.P.'I Batch Name 120815HWS User Dollar Amt $96,881.66 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $96,881.68 $0.00 In Balance Refer 1 ARCTIC GLACIERPREMIUM ICE _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R ICE Invoice 438533508 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 438533508 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Due 12/31/2014 Wells Fargo Refer _ BELLBOY CORPORATION _______3 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 51137900 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 51137900 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rasa MIX Invoice 93059500 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 51137900 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer 4 BELLBOY CORPORATION Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 51096300 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 51096300 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 51096300 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer 5 BELLBOY CORPORATION_��� Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR Invoice 51198900 11/30/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX Invoice 93079000 11/30/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT Invoice 51042500 11/17/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer � ro 2 BELLBOY CORPORATION_ CashPayment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies SUPPLIES, BAGS Invoice 93046300 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rasa MIX Invoice 93046300 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer w 6 BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VEN�� Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rosa MIX Invoice 263697 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER Invoice 263698 12/2/2015 -3006- $202.66 $1.00 10100 Total $203.66 $6,532.95 $35.00 $132.00 $79.05 10100 Total $6,779.00 10100 $31.00 $2,422.50 $89.85 Total $2,543.35 $3,906.14 $109.00 -$170.25 10100 Total $3,844.89 $189.97 $45.50 10100 Total $235.47 $20.00 $662.23 CITY OF MOUND 12/04/158:08 AM Page 2 Payments Current Period: December 2015 �aUw�u�aa�il�Ukau�,10�`�`,kkTM��4"3ni�CxWu^i�`�4xi,�ii�u,e4ai\v"§i�s�, Uis#�s Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $682.23 Refer 7 COCA COLA BOTTLING -MIDWEST Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $127.56 Invoice 0108053810 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa COCA COLA PRODUCTS- MIX $37.92 Invoice 0108053810 12/3/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $165.48 Refer .� 8 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC_ ...xw�u�N ..,,.,.x.�x.�.x.,.......x„.x.x...wax.m Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $1,075.10 Invoice 119256 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,075.10 Refer m 9 FLAHERTY S HA_PPYTYME COMP Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Rosa MIX $208.20 Invoice 31413 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $208.20 Refer_ �x 10 HOHENSTEI_NS, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $688.32 Invoice 797144 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $688.32 11 JJ TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN _Refer _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,899.32 Invoice 2454304 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $49.20 Invoice 1495541 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,948.52 Refer_ »r 12 JJ TAYLOR, DISTRIBUTING MINN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $5,967.48 Invoice 2454338 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $36.80 Invoice 2454339 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,004.28 13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR _R_efer�.,x. Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $44.50 Invoice 5317167 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,954.93 Invoice 5317165 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $2,653.10 Invoice 5317166 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 60949750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $2,771.56 Invoice 5317168 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Wa,�x.,.x.w 10100 ,,.�x..,.,�x..x�»•x.,.,».,.�,.„.x�.,.,..�,.� Total $8,424.09 Refer �.......>•>.. m 14 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR_ Cash Payment E 60949750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,766.20 Invoice 5312565 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $5,151.33 Invoice 5312566 11/24/2015 -3007- CITY OF MOUND 12/04/158:08 AM Page 3 Payments Invoice 120815-2 11/20/2015 Current Period: December 2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $4,293.43 Invoice 5312567 11/24/2015 Invoice 15138 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total ,P�--� , �— $11,210.96 � - Refer -,-.. a — 15 MARLINS TRUCKING DELIVERY .----------�- _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11-16-15 $37.70 Invoice 31313 11/16/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11-20-15 $374.10 Invoice 31331 11/20/2015 Wells Fargo Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11-25-15 $317.55 Invoice 31351 11/25/2015 11/30/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight DELIVERY SVC 11-30-15 $36.25 Invoice 31356 11/30/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $765.60 Refer ta 16 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINT_ENA Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic WASH WINDOWS INSIDE & OUT 10-19-15 $65.19 Invoice 928046483 11/8/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $65.19 Refer 18 MOUND MARKETPLACE_���-� ASSOC Cash Payment E 609-49750-412 Building Rentals DECEMBER 2015 COMMON AREA MTCE & $481.72 INSURANCE HWS Invoice 120815 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 �. ,. ...�.. Wells Fargo 10100 Total ..............�...„.d..,,,..-,a...,�.�.,....,...,.,>.�.�,- ,«,.....�....w,wm„�,,..,...,». $481.72 111— .,.,..— ---- __ ReferMOUND, ,,., .._ =.„.,., .... OF , Cash Payment E 609-49750-382 Water Utilities WATER SERVICE 10-1-15 THRU 11-2-15 HWS $52.27 Invoice 120815-2 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer_ 19 PARLEY LAKE WINERY�_��� Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 15138 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer 21 PAUSTIS ANDSONSWINE COMPA Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8525186 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8525186 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo Refer 20 PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPA�--- Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE Invoice 8525716 11/30/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT Invoice 8525716 11/30/2015 10100 Total 10100 Total 10100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE CREDIT Invoice 8523289CM 11/11/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT CREDIT Invoice 8523289CM 11/11/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 -3008- Total Total $52.27 $369.00 $369.00 $1,360.48 $20.00 $1,380.48 $1,723.33 $17.50 -$67.00 -$1.25 $1,672.58 CITY OF MOUND 12/04/158:08 AM Page 4 Payments Current Period: December 2015 Refer 22 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC _ $366.75 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,043.80 Invoice 2888645 11/24/2015 WINE $477.85 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,061.65 Invoice 2888644 11/24/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $844.60 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $2,105.45 Refer 23 PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $366.75 Invoice 2891750 12/2/2015 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $477.85 Invoice 2891751 12/2/2015 Cash Payment Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $844.60 Refer 24 SHANKEN COMMUNICATIONS, IN _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 11-15-15 EDITION Invoice SO484961 10/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For R WINE SPECTATOR PUBLICATIONS 11-30-15 EDITION Invoice SO488058 11/3/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total Refer ---� 25 SIMPLE GRACE PROMOTIONS 1N Cash Payment E 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms SWEATSHIRTS- 44 FOR HWS STAFF, SET UP, DESIGN & EMBROIDER OF NEW LOGO $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 $1,423.30 Invoice IN -1227 11/17/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,423.30 Refer 27 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,567.50 Invoice 1353770 12/3/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $3,803.13 Invoice 1353771 1213/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $507.50 Invoice 1350024 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $5,878.13 26 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF M _ _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,849.00 Invoice 1351914 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $355.79 Invoice 1351915 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $88.00 Invoice 1351916 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,056.00 Invoice 1351342 11/24/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $3,348.79 Refer � 2.9 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION, INC Cash Payment E 609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance HVAC PREV MTCE- COOLERS, $403.99 CONDENSERS HWS 10-29-15 Invoice 307247 11/11/2015 Transaction Date �,�- 12/2/2015 Wells Fa 10100 Total $403.99 CITY OF MOUND 12/04/158:08 AM Page 5 Payments Refer 35 WEBLEASE USA -3010- Current Period: December 2015 Refer 28 STA -SAFE LOCKSMITHS C_OMPAN _ Cash Payment E609-49750-400 Repairs & Maintenance REKEYED LOCK -COPY KEYS- QTY 10 HWS $155.00 Invoice 0020279 10/27/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $155.00 Refer, 30 SWEETLAND ORCHARD�� Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $360.00 Invoice 524 11/24/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $360.00 Refer-- 31 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPAN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $96.00 Invoice 997326 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $8,977.53 Invoice 997327 11/23/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $84.00 Invoice 999624 11/25/2015 _ Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $9,157.53 Refer Ate, 32 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COM_P_AN Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $4,577.40 Invoice 998618 12/1/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $165.00 Invoice 00110035 12/1/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,742.40 Refer 33 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED _ _ Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $991.00 Invoice 0138663 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $13.50 Invoice 0138663 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $112.00 Invoice 0138662 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $1.50 Invoice 0138662 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa SODA $40.00 Invoice 0138664 11/20/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $1.50 Invoice 0138664 11/20/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,159.50 Refer 34 VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,387.71 Invoice 0138909 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-254 Soft Drinks/Mix For Resa MIX $244.00 Invoice 0138910 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR CREDIT -$173.00 Invoice 0137045CM 11/10/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,458.71 Refer 35 WEBLEASE USA -3010- CITY OF MOUND Payments 12/04/15 8:08 AM Page 6 Current Period: December 2015 20111 aw1i. a, iVQRVI1 Cash Payment E 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Servic MONTHLY WEBSITE SVC 11-15-15 THRU 12- $99.00 14-15 HWS Invoice 67605 11/15/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $99.00 Refer-.,a.....,A,,...,„ 36 WINE COMPANY..�.�,.,,_.�-,...�.�.,„.....«...,,...�.....�...,...»�...�.�...,,�-..,,..�.....,...,.ro�,.....,...,,...„..,. Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $584.00 Invoice 410853 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-265 Freight FREIGHT $8.40 Invoice 410853 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $592.40 37 WINE MERCHANTS_ - _Refer Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $968.00 Invoice 7057424 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $869.00 Invoice 7058297 12/2/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $1,837.00 Refer 38 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER - Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $3,556.18 Invoice 1090495566 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $70.00 Invoice 1090495567 11/24/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $2,858.43 Invoice 1090498190 12/2/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $83.10 Invoice 1090498756 12/3/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $6,567.71 Refer 39 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRT.. yry�uwm���rt���MPn�W-��ry„W~ Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $1,244.14 Invoice 1080405743 12/3/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,284.55 Invoice 1080405742 12/3/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale WINE $928.00 Invoice 1080403110 11/25/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale LIQUOR $1,269.09 Invoice 1080403109 11/25/2015 Transaction Date 12/2/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $4,725.78 Refer 40 WYNDFALL CYDER AT HOCH ORC_����p�� Cash Payment E 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale BEER $192.00 Invoice 0139 11/23/2015 Transaction Date 12/3/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $192.00 -3011- CITY OF MOUND 12/04/158:08 AM Page 7 Payments Current Period: December 2015 ,„ P ��sA�«inti A+.SAu"Nui�, as �ru�tl�w"�Sa"srt�i'a'�NB�"'a;'SW\a"^`S,TT4Y' Fund Summary 10100 Wells Fargo 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND $96,881.68 $96,881.68 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $96,881.68 Total $96,881.68 -3012- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 Batch Name 120415TRUVAL User Dollar Amt $472.88 Payments Computer Dollar Amt $472.88 Refer 1 TRUE VALUE HWS Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129298 10/9/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129298 10/9/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129076 10/2/201.5 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Refer 2 TRUE VALUE MOUND (FIRE) Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129372 10/12/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129892 10/31/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 ReferV Pmi4�y� 3 TRUE VALUE, MOUND(PWPKS) Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129184 10/6/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129203 10/6/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129220 10/7/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129382 10/13/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129386 10/13/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129399 10/13/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129437 10/15/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129492 10/16/2015 Cash Payment E 10145200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129498 10/16/2015 Cash Payment E 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129532 1 10/17/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129548 10/19/2015 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 Operating Supplies Invoice 129577 10/20/2015 $0.00 In Balance RETURN CREDIT 30 GAL LARGE GARBAGE BAGS- HWS 30 GAL LARGE GARBAGE BAGS- HWS 12 OZ PERMATEX DRESSING- HWS 12/04/15 10:37 AM Page 1 -$4.80 $21.14 $10.57 Wells Fargo 1.0100 Total $26.91 VOTIVE CANDLES- FOR NFPA MASK FIT $3.56 TESTING -INCREASE AIR PARTICULATE 25V ELK STRAIGHT PLUG FOR HEAVY MTC $8.54 ELECTRIC FAN REPAIR Wells Fargo 10100 Total $12.10 100' COIL GALV WIRE, 8" LINESMAN PLIERS $43.17 32 W FLUORESCENT BULB $12.59 DRILL BIT $12.59 4 PK ROUND MOVER PADS- CENT BLDG $8.99 DRILL BIT $12.59 WAFTA-REIMBURSED 11-10-15-- 45'3/8" $63.55 PROOF CHAIN, 3 PK 1-3/4" COVER PADLOCK, SCREWS, NUTS, BOLTS MOUSE REPELLENT, LIQ DETERGENT, GRY $37.77 TOOL BOX/TRAY FURNACE FILTER WELL #8 $2.96 4 PK 13W LIGHT BULBS, 26W WHT FLOOD $20.23 LIGHTS TEFLON LUBRICANT, WHT LITH GREASE- $8.98 REPAIRS- HWS 3.5 QT PLUS 3 COMPOUND $8.09 MURIATIC ACID, GAL SIMPLE GREEN $18.43 -3013- CITY OF MOUND Payments Current Period: December 2015 12/04/15 10:17 AM Page 2 Invoice 129759 10/27/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 80W/90 MOTOR GEAR OIL, MOTOR TUNE $37.99 UP, FUEL LINE HOSES- PARKS DEPT Invoice 129799 10/28/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $433.87 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $190.42 $85.54 $84.34 $76.69 $35.89 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $472.88 Total $472.88 $472.88 -3014- Cash Payment E 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies PICTURE HANGING STRIP- CITY HALL $4.94 Invoice 129609 10/21/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies 1/2" X 300' RULE TAPE, ADAPATOR- SEWER $35.80 SUPPLIES Invoice 129663 10/23/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies 13 GALLON TRASH BAGS- PUB WKS BLDG $19.78 Invoice 129863 10/30/2015 Project 15-3 Cash Payment E 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 13 GALLON TRASH BAGS- CENT BLDG $19.78 Invoice 129863 10/30/2015 Cash Payment E 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies 13 GALLON TRASH BAGS- CITY HALL BLDG $9.89 Invoice 129863 10/30/2015 Cash Payment E 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 13 GALLON TRASH BAGS- FIRE DEPT BLDG $9.89 Invoice 129863 10/30/2015 Cash Payment E 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies JET DRY RINSE, LYSOL WIPES- SHOP $21.11 SUPPLIES Invoice 129149 10/5/2015 Project 15-3 Cash Payment E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies CONNECTOR, NUTS, REFRIG TUBES $5.42 Invoice 129739 10/26/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-220 Repair/Maint Supply PHILIPS SCREWDRIVER, 7" SCRAPER- $19.33 TOOLS PARKS DEPT Invoice 129759 10/27/2015 Cash Payment E 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 80W/90 MOTOR GEAR OIL, MOTOR TUNE $37.99 UP, FUEL LINE HOSES- PARKS DEPT Invoice 129799 10/28/2015 Transaction Date 12/4/2015 Wells Fargo 10100 Total $433.87 Fund Summary 101 GENERAL FUND 222 AREA FIRE SERVICES 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 10100 Wells Fargo $190.42 $85.54 $84.34 $76.69 $35.89 Pre -Written Check $0.00 Checks to be Generated by the Computer $472.88 Total $472.88 $472.88 -3014- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 21, 2015 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in a special session on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members Present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Ray Salazar, Kelli Gillispie, Heidi Gesch, and Jennifer Peterson Members Absent: None. Others present: Public Works Director Eric Hoversten, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Catherine Pausche, Fire Chief Greg Pederson, Director of Public Works Eric Hoversten, Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson, Director of Community Development Sarah Smith, Liquor Store Manager John Colotti, Field Officer Stewart Simon, Building Official Scott Qualle, Attorney Melissa Manderschied, Katie Morford, Len Princivalli, Joe Bruns 1. Open Meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Approve agenda with any amendments MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor, motion carried. 3. Fire Department - Greg Pederson Fire Chief A. Strategic Priorities — Personnel, Apparatus, Equipment, Facilities B. Long Term Financial Plan, including Capital Improvement Plan -10 Year C. Direction to staff on proposed CIP, including Ladder Truck and other apparatus purchases Discussion centered around the purchase of a new ladder truck that will also serve as a pumper. Chief Pederson showed the differences between the proposed ladder truck and the current 1981 model. Questions were asked including what would happen if the City did not purchase it, what impact it would have on the ISO rating, the benefits of a combined use vs. two separate vehicles, and types of situations it could be used in. Upon receiving the information, the Mayor concluded that he is in support of the purchase of a new ladder truck for the many reasons noted, including that it is a vital piece of equipment with enhanced safety features, efficiencies from replacing two apparatus with one, the enhanced flexibility, good financing climate, and the fact that the other cities are in support. Staff indicated a resolution authorizing the purchase would be placed on the next agenda. 4. Review and Discussion of Suggested Changes to the City Code and Miscellaneous Policies A. Chapter 30 - Burn Permits Chief Pederson noted that there is not a high demand for burn permits so Staff is recommending eliminating them because of the tendency to result in neighbor disputes over poor air quality. Pederson noted Spring Park and Minnetonka Beach eliminated them as well. Discussion ensued and Staff was directed to proceed but to change the timeframe that recreational fires are allowed to between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. B. ADMIN -003 - Policy on Vacation of Public Lands Leading to Public Water -3015- Wegscheid noted that this policy is a positive step because it will help streamline the process, gives future City Councils a point of reference for what issues the Council was weighing in the 2015 actions on the subject, and may help deter requests. Staff was directed to place the policy on an agenda for approval. C. Chapter 105 - Rental Registration Amendment Discussion centered around this being a baby step as the Council does not wish to grow government or regulation. The pros and cons of a rental licensing program were discussed and Staff was directed to see what information may be obtained through the Hennepin County GIS database that may be sufficient for planning and zoning purposes as opposed to implementing a voluntary rental registration program. D. Chapter 2 -Administration - Fines Staff emphasized fines would apply to a small subset of non-compliant nuisance offenders after other efforts were exhausted. Staff noted that going to court is really not an option, but if a case went that far, this would show the court the City tried to provide due process. The Council said they support fines in concept, but directed Staff to further develop the language prior to bringing it forward for consideration. E. Breweries/Brew Pubs/Tap Rooms & Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages The Council said they support in concept and want to be proactive about changes in order to be ready for development, including allowing micro distilleries, but that further work is needed to ensure the zoning ordinance is consistent with the alcoholic beverage licensing. In addition, the Council directed Staff to make the alcoholic beverage licensing consistent with state law and eliminate any additional restrictions. F. Chapter 42 -Nuisances The Council supported the proposed changes on tailoring maintenance standards to the type of property and directed Staff to place on an agenda for approval. G. Chapter 46 - Offences and Misc Provisions The Council supported the proposed changes on limiting the use of drones on private property and directed Staff to place on an agenda for approval. H. Chapter 70 - Traffic and Vehicles The Council supported the proposed changes to limit the use of vehicles, depending on type, on public lands and directed Staff to place on an agenda for approval. I. Chapter 2 - Administration - Residency Requirements The Council supported the proposed changes on residency requirements for commissioners and directed Staff to place on an agenda for approval. J. Chapter 18 - Cemeteries The Council supported the proposed changes regarding cemetery administration and directed Staff to place on an agenda for approval. K. Fees - Pet Licensing, Public Gathering Permits The Council supported the proposed changes in concept, including eliminating pet licensing, and directed Staff to do more work on public gathering permit fees prior to bringing it forward for consideration. Wegscheid noted he does not like the concept of "reduced fees" and wondered if the Parks and Open Spaces Commission might have insights on the public gathering fee structure. -3016- 5. Liquor Store — John Colotti Manager A. Marketing proposals Colotti summarized the two proposals for web design and hosting. Discussion ensued about changing competition, search engine optimization, blogging, use of templates for other purposes, and whether the domain is owned or hosted. The Council supported approval of a new website because it made good business sense and selection of Prime Advertising & Design as the vendor because of the content of the proposal and strong references and directed Staff to put it on an agenda for approval. 6. Public Works — Eric Hoversten, Public Works Dir & Hay Hanson Pubic vvorKs Ju A. CIP and utility rates B. Equipment replacement plan C. Technology update - nuisance abatement/asset tracking/workflow - Mobile 311 Hoversten reviewed the materials presented in the packet and emphasized the Mobile 311 was a good first step to implementing automated asset tracking and workflow management. Pausche discussed the changes to CIP from the prior year and recommended the street portion of utility infrastructure improvements be funded by the debt levy and not utility revenue funds because that would be more in line with the previous estimates and provide relief to the utility rates. Discussion ensued about the concept of tax rates being property value driven vs. user fees and the pros and cons of each. Salazar noted he likes the concept of user fees and Pausche noted that the utility rates and tax rates have to be balanced in order to remain attractive and competitive and that the City's utility rates are the highest in the area. Pausche also noted that general obligation bonds for the street portion mature in 15 years vs. 20 years for the utility portion and that the impact to the special levy could be managed over the next few years. Gesch said she thought this was the lesser of two evils and that she hears a lot of concerns over the high utility rates. Staff was directed to prepare the budget assuming the street portion of the utility improvements will be funded by the debt levy, which basically means the annual increases for the utility rates approved for 2015 - 2018 will remain at 8.5% for water, 9.5% for sewer, and 6.5% for storm. 7. Finance and Admin — Catherine Pausche Finance Djrector/Cle A. Explanation of revenues, anticipated changes to preliminary B. Supporting schedules discussion • Major contracts and procurement • conferences and training • Equipment replacement plans • Employee FTE assumptions Pausche noted that all changes to the preliminary budget will be highlighted and documented but that she did not anticipate anything significant. Pausche also noted staff will continue to refine supporting schedules and long-term capital equipment replacement plans. 8. Adjourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar to adjourn at 9:45pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Wegscheid -3017- Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Pace Center at Our Lady of the Lake Church 2385 Commerce Blvd, Mound, Minnesota 55364 If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. None if the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Auto -Owners Insurance general liability for $1,000,000.00 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTINGTO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Date Approved City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. -3018- PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATIONPSTATE.MN.US Minnesota Department of Public Safety r a rASll , < Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Date organized Tax exempt number Fr. Francis Jager Council - Knights of Columbus # 6005 11-14-1967 �7 0188 —1 Address City State Zip Code c/o Charles Walerius FS, 1736 Pond Lane WaconiaMN 55387 Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Charles Walerius _ 952-270-4706 952-479-1257 Date(s) of event Type of organization 2-12-2016, 2-26-2016, 3-18-2016 E Club ❑Charitable ® Religious (Z Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Charles Walerius Waconia I MN j 55387 Organization officer's name City State Zip Code �i MN Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Organization officer's name City State Zip Code (` MN D Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Pace Center at Our Lady of the Lake Church 2385 Commerce Blvd, Mound, Minnesota 55364 If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. None if the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Auto -Owners Insurance general liability for $1,000,000.00 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTINGTO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Date Approved City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. -3018- PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATIONPSTATE.MN.US d . ��AaMA i;Y+tRUmF��'kAtt7Y.� Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organizationgg Date organized Tax exempt number Address City State Zip Code mnuKd- Minnesota n^_ Name of person ma Business phone Home phone (_ —� 11�_60 7- W:3 Date(s) of event Type of organization r % ,Club ❑Charitable ❑ Religious ❑ Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Gv� Minnesota �� Organization officer's name City State Zip Code _ e? -STI G�` �^ ✓c`'CJ � 1 (� _ Minnesota j.`✓jo - Organization officer's nam City State Zip Code IMinnesota Organization officer's name City State Zip Code ��� Minnesota Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, dgscribe. y+d� �59b nafn >`rIr rem-_. is -K M v1 -S�.i3Cry� licant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the If the a�p name and address of the liquor license providing the service. ()0 If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. e-5/ J� /,000, berg, 00 k 41 Dcz-�, 000.6)® ✓ APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Date Approved Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Permit Date City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY, PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE ITY(COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPL7JT_ION SIGNED B TYi-3019: TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATiON,-STATE.MN.US 1 e �' ° ��`C' u �� ?L512 f Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 4AIcoholambling Enforcement APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization �Date organized Taxexempt number �n� / /l/✓Irk-f7 ti e /?i kii /,Ns) -!._l IV (I] I Address ` Cit r State Zip Code sMinnesota Name of person making application Business phone Home phone q5� ter 3 of event Type of organization ❑ Charitable ❑ Religious ❑ othernon-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code a56 4Ey �c Minnesota ��� Organization officer's name City State Zip Code • _ � � , � � Minnesota �jJc Organization officer's name City State Zip Code --� Minnesota �^� Organization officer's name City State Zip Code --� Minnesota Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. /�% `Qi a� ' lam/ - Zee �fj'jktw1iy o -o��g`' eve the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. If the appficaf�t MliEontract�or into— xi�tmg Ilquo s P6 If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide th /carrier's name and amount of overage. 20 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Date Approved City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL �THE /APPLICATION SIGNED BYCITY_3 20!TOAGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATIONIa7$TATE.MN.US CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15-_ RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP AS RELATED TO THE SOUTHWEST TRAILS SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City of Mound has acted as legal sponsor for Southwest Trails Snowmobile Association since 1991 with regards to their state grant-in-aid funds; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue with this sponsorship, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: 1. That the City of Mound continue to act as legal sponsor for annual applications for the DNR Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program (grant-in-aid program) as submitted by the Southwest Trails Snowmobile Association 2. That the City of Mound may enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota for the specific grant program mentioned above 3. That the City of Mound will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement 4. That the Finance Director act as the fiscal agent on behalf of the City of Mound Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Wegscheid -3021- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 - RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 2015 WHEREAS, The City of Mound is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and WHEREAS, The following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash sums set forth below to the City Name of Donor Amount Date Purpose Sharon Corl $ 200.00 12/02/15 Fire Department Donation Westonka Community Commerce 100.00 11/23/15 Fire Department Donation Westonka Soccer Club 1,000.00 11/12/15 Parks Department Donation Emil Dika Equipment 10/21/15 Fire Department Donation CenterPoint Energy 2,500.00 6/25/15 Fire Department Donation Iris Minner 30.00 6/10/15 Fire Department Donation Kay Truwe 250.00 1/23/15 Fire Department Donation Lauren Hofteig 100.00 12/15/14 Fire Department Donation WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The contributions described above are hereby acknowledged and accepted by the City of Mound. 2. The City Council of the City of Mound expresses its thanks and appreciation for the contributions. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mound this 8'h day of December, 2015. ATTEST: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor -3022- Date: December 2, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Subject: Changes to the Administrative Code The Administrative Code exists to insure uniform and equitable personnel policies and administration for all employees of the City, The Administrative Code does not apply to any recognized bargaining unit covered by a labor agreement unless specifically stated by the individual bargaining unit contract. Employees are given the opportunity every two years to request changes to the Administrative Code. The last time changes were made was in 2012 (effective 1/1/13), when the employee group agreed to concessions to bring the benefits more in line with other cities, including reducing the employers contribution to the Post Retirement Health Care Savings Plan from 4% of gross wages to a flat $100 per month, eliminating a payout of accrued sick pay over 900 hours, reducing the severance payout percentage for accrued sick leave, capping the accrued sick leave at 960 hours (120 days), and capping the annual amount available per employee for education reimbursement. No changes were proposed in 2014, so recommendations were made this year to be effective 1/1/16. The changes are considered minor with regard to financial impact and were agreed to by the Personnel Committee (Mayor Wegscheid and Council Member Gesch) at a meeting held on December 1, 2015. The impact of the proposed changes is as follows: #1. Changes to the employee contribution to the Post Retirement Health Care Savings Plan - Estimated impact $0 as this is 100% employee funded. Note: references to police unions were deleted as a housekeeping measure. 92 Increase non-union City apparel allowance from $50 to $75 - Estimated impact 250 although it should be noted that not every employee takes advantage of this benefit every year. #3 Employer provided life insurance policy increase from $10,000 to $20,000 - Estimated impact $162 annually (this coverage is only $1.00 per month per employee). Management and the Personnel Committee recommend approval of the resolution to approve amendments to the Administrative Code. No changes to the 2016 budget were necessary because of the negligible impact. -3023- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 -- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 412.651, the City Manager of the City of Mound ("City") is authorized to propose an administrative code and amendments thereto that provide the details of the City's administrative proceedings to the City Council for its adoption; and WHEREAS, on July 10, 1984, the City Council of the City adopted its Administrative Code (Resolution #84-105) and has since adopted several amendments to its Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Administrative Code is to insure uniform and equitable personnel policies and administration for all employees of the City except that the Administrative Code does not apply to any recognized bargaining unit covered by a labor agreement unless specifically stated by the individual bargaining unit contract; and WHEREAS, the Administrative Code authorizes and directs the City Manager to administer the Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 29.4 of the Administrative Code, the appropriate meetings have taken place and the proposed changes to the administrative code have been approved by the Personnel Committee of the City on December 1, 2015, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby approves the proposed amendments to the City of Mound Administrative Code as contained in the attached Exhibit A and made a part herein, to go into effect January 1, 2016, and that such policy is to remain in effect until amended by further resolution by the City Council. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -3024- Mayor Mark Wegscheid EXHIBIT A City of Mound Administrative Code Amendments Effective January 1, 2016 #1. eFrTION 14A HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN 14A.1 Monthly Contribution to the Plan All full time employees will make the following contribution of their gross pay, on a monthly basis, to the plan beginning January 1, 2005. All Non -Union Employees shall contribute 2% of gross wages.' #el��edule- .. QG e. -• ee• A4-a66rued4asatiAR #2.28.3 CLOTHING Each regular full-time employee shall receive wearing apparel with the City insignia on it not to exceed the cost of $50,00 $75,00 per employee, per year. #3. 14.3 The Employer agrees to pay the full premium payment for a tea twentythousand dollar ($420,000) life insurance policy, and a long-term disability insurance policy, for each regular full-time employee, starting from the first of the month following thirty (30) days of continuous employment. -3025- jej TO: FROM: DATE: PLANNING CASE NO. SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: PID NO. CITY COUNCIL DATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: ZONING: Honorable Mayor and City Council Sarah Smith, Community Development Director December 3, 2015 15-21 Waiver of Platting Fonda Broeckhuis on behalf of Belle Properties LLC 5040 Enchanted Road 13-117-24-12-0100 December 8, 2015 Low Density Residential R -1A Single -Family Residential BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a waiver of platting to allow the existing residential property to be divided into two lots. The property at 5040 Enchanted Lane consists of two lots (Lots 6 and 7, Block 21 ) that were originally platted as part of the Shadywood subdivision. The applicant would like to remove the existing 4-plex and construct new homes on each of the original platted lots. REVIEW PROCEDURE Waiver of Platting City Code Section 121-33 (2) allows for a parcel of land that has been combined for tax purposes or for other reasons to be separated or divided to its original lot lines if a waiver of platting is approved by the City Council. The waiver of platting does not disqualify the involved parcels from lot of record status. The waiver of platting must comply with all planning and zoning standards and objectives. DEADLINES FOR ACTION The waiver of platting application was submitted on September 24, 2015. Minnesota Statutes 645.15 sets forth the procedures for determining "Day 1" for the purpose of application of the 120 -day rule for subdivision was deemed to be September 25, 2015 The City therefore has until January 22, 2015 to act on the waiver application unless an applicant extension is provided. -3026- NOTIFICATION Abutting and adjacent property owners across the street from the subject property per Hennepin County tax records, were sent written notice on December 1st to inform them of the waiver request and that it was being included on the Tuesday, December 8, 2015 City Council meeting agenda as a consent item. As of this writing, no comments have been received. SITE INFORMATION The 12, 822 square foot lakeshore property is located on the north side of Enchanted Road and abuts unimproved Jennings Lane on the west side. The survey, dated 9-30-2015, shows a steep slope on the subject property on the north/lakeside which may include bluff conditions. Staff has requested confirmation from the applicant's surveyor whether or not the slope qualifies as a bluff. The existing 4-plex, which is a lawful, nonconforming use, straddles the subject lots and was constructed in 1956 . The applicant is requesting a waiver of platting to allow the parcel to be subdivided back to original parcel lines. The waiver of platting, as submitted, does not require any variances. ISSUES ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The City's current Comprehensive Plan guides this area for Low Density Residential, which allows for single-family detached and attached housing types within the density range of 1 to 6 units per acre. Density is computed area wide as opposed to an individual site. The proposed subdivision meets the Comprehensive Plan guidance. Zoning. The following table includes the lot area, width and setback requirements for the R -1A District as allowed for a waiver of platting. -3027- Lot Area Width (street/lakeshore) Depth Front Setback Side Setback(s) Rear Setback R -_1A 6,000 SF 50 FT 80 FT 20 FT *6 FT / 6 FT (unless a Most restrictive of garage is not included in the following: which case one (1) setback is required to be 15 FT - standard; or 10 FT) 50 FT - lakeshore Note: from 929.4 OHWM For Lot 7 (west lot), a of Lake Minnetonka; 10 -foot side setback is or required as it abuts an improved road that 10- FT from top of exceeds 15 feet in width bluff *denotes 'lot of record" setbacks. -3027- Council members are advised that both parcels, as proposed, meet the current regulations for a Lakeshore lot in the R -1A District. Waiver of platting allows lots to retain lot of record status which allows for minimum 6 foot side setbacks and hardcover up to 40 percent. See above notation for Lot 7 related to the minimum west side setback that is required as it abuts an unimproved road over 15 feet in width. Adjacent Land Uses — Land Use Plan. The subject property is surrounded on all sides by residential use(s) with the exception of the unimproved right of way on the west side of Lot 7. Floodplain. Based on preliminary review of aerial information and Figure 2.3 (Floodplain) in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the majority of the subject property is above the 100 year floodplain elevation of 931.0 for Mound. Per code, all new structures must meet or exceed the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation or be three feet above the ordinary high water mark of a wetland, as applicable. This will be a condition of approval for the waiver. Wetlands . Based on preliminary review of aerial information and Figure 2.4 (Wetlands) from the 2030 Mound Comprehensive Plan, there does not appear to be wetlands on the subject property. Park Land Dedication. Dedication of park land and/or payment of fees in lieu of land dedication is required by Sec. 121-121 of the City Code. If the waiver of platting is approved, Staff recommends the submittal of a cash payment in lieu of park dedication. For a waiver of platting, the approved 2015 fee is $1,100.00 per lot. As one credit would be granted for the existing lot, $1,100.00 in park dedication fees would be required for a proposed waiver. Park dedication fees will be collected prior to the release of the resolution for recording. INFRASTRUCTURE Storm Water - Stormwater permitting is under the jurisdiction of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) following regulatory authority turn back to the District by the Mound City Council which took place in August, 2011. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sewer Area Charge (SAC). The 2016 MCES fee for a SAC unit is $2,485.00. The MCES charge would be collected at the time of building permit issuance. Staff recommends the applicant contact the MCES and request a SAC determination for the 4-plex related to possible SAC credits that may be available for future use for the 2 single-family homes that are anticipated. -3028- City Water/ Sewer and Water Trunk Area Charge/Sewer and Water Connection Charge Trunk Fees. The 2015 trunk water fee is $2,000.00 per lot and the 2015 trunk sewer charge is $2,000.00 per lot. Payment of trunk water and trunk sewer charges for one additional lot will be collected prior to release of the resolution. Connection Charges. The 2015 sewer connection fee is $240.00 per lot and the 2015 water connection fee is $240.00 for one additional lot. These fees will be collected at the time of building permit issuance and shall be the amounts in effect at that time. STAFF/CONSULTANT/AGENCY REVIEW Copies of the applications and supporting materials were forwarded to City departments, the City's consultants and involved public agencies for review and comment. Members are advised that some comments received during review have been addressed and, are therefore, not included in this report. See additional comments which are summarized below: Eric Hoversten, Preliminary evaluation is that there is only a single water and swer Public Works Director service to the combined lot at present. Contractor's estimate for subject work to be provided in the amount of 125 percent, which shall be subject to review and acceptance unless the involved work is completed prior to resolution release. Applicant or applicant's representative or contractor is responsible for all required permitting. Greg Pederson, There are no fire code or life safety concerns with this project. Fire Chief Terrrance Chastan Davis The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District would not require a MCWD permit for subdividing the lot into two separate lots. MCWD would require permits for the two new single family homes when developed. DISCUSSION / INFORMATION 1. A survey of the subject property prepared by Coffin & Gronberg dated 9-30-2015 was submitted for the waiver application. 2. The proposed waiver application does not involve any construction activities. However, future construction of 2 new single-family homes on the subject lots is anticipated. 3. According to Hennepin County property tax records, the subject property is considered to be one parcel. -3029- 4. Waiver applications do not require Planning Commission review according to the City Code but may be remanded by the City Council, prior to action, if the Council feels their input is beneficial. 5. As the property includes one structure, municipal sewer and water trunk area charge, connection fees, and park dedication fees are required to be paid for the additional lot being created prior to the release of the resolution; also the required MCES SAC charges applicable at the time the building permit is issued. 6. Effective September 1, 2011, new Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) regulations went into effect and the City of Mound transferred its regulatory and permitting authority for Rule B (Erosion Control), Rule C (Floodplain Control), Rule D (Wetland Protection) and Rule N (Stormwater Management) back to the MCWD. 7. Approval of the proposed waiver of platting does not constitute or guarantee future approval of any building permit(s) or any other necessary approval by any other public agency. 8. The lienholder has provided the City with written acknowledgment of the waiver application. Formal bank consent will be provided following the City Council's action on the waiver application. 9. Drainage and utility easements for the new lots will be required if the waiver of platting is approved and requires execution by the owners of record; also lienholders. 10. Applicant is advised that the City's shoreland regulations are contained in Sec.129-385. There are also specific regulations related to activities that are allowed within bluff areas. 11. Applicant is advised that there are historic indian burial mounds and/or earthwork sites in and around the City of Mound. While many of the mounds have been severely impacted by development over the years, the mounds do, however, receive protection under state law; and penalties are imposed for unauthorized disturbance of mounds. The City maintains some general information about possible sites in an inventory of the "Earthwork/Mound/Burial Areas" and in surveys of the burial sites from Hill and Lewis in 1911 but the completeness or accuracy of this information is unknown. Additional information may be obtained through the Minnesota State Archaeologist. -3030- STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends Council approval of the waiver of platting subject to the following conditions: New driveways must be hard surfaced in accordance with City Code regulations. Minimum driveway width is 10 feet; maximum width is 24 feet. Minimum side setbacks of one (1) foot are required for driveways. 2. Drainage shall not be directed to neighboring properties. 3. Any curb, gutter and streets which are disturbed because of construction, including, but not limited to, installation of the water service, sewer service and small utilities, shall be the responsibility of the permit holder. 4. As part of the City's approval of the waiver, the dedication of public drainage and utility easements, to be determined by the Public Works Director, or designee, will be required and shall be submitted in a form to allow for recording at Hennepin County, and shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City, prior to recording. The standard drainage and utility easement is five feet wide on side and rear lot lines and ten feet in width along the front lot line but shall be as determined by the City Engineer or Public Works Director. Easement(s) shall be provided in an appropriate form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County and shall be subject to review and approval by the City prior to recording and require signatures from property owners and lienholders of record. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all public agency permits including the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 7. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the waiver application is approved. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met and all fees for the waiver application have been paid and the escrow account is in good standing. The submittal of additional escrow may be required. 9. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. -3031- 10. No grading or alteration is permitted or authorized below the 931.5 which is the 100 - year floodplain elevation for the MCWD. 11. All new construction shall take place at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation or 3 feet above a wetland. The RFPE for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 12. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). Any work in public ROW requires permission and coordination with the Public Works Department. 13. Grading and drainage plans for the future new homes will be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director time of building permit applications. 14. Sewer and water area trunk charges in the amount of $2000.00 each for one (1) lot shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. Total: $4000.00. 15. A park dedication fee in the amount of $1,100.00 shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. 16. Sewer connection and water connection fees for one lot shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. The amount due shall be the current rate in place at the time of resolution release. The 2015 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. 17. An MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing 4-plex structure prior to the release of any future building permit. 18. Future home construction on the new lots shall conform in all regards to the City Code requirements. 19. As applicable, if the subdivision requires the construction of municipal utility improvements (i.e., services, etc.), these activities must be constructed and installed prior to the release of the resolution or applicant shall be responsible for the submittal of a contractor's estimate, which shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Public Works Director (or designee) and submittal of a cash escrow in the amount of 125 percent of the contractor's estimate. 20. The applicant shall provide a bank release or written consent for the application from the mortgage holder(s) and/or all lienholder(s). This information shall be provided for review and acceptance by the City Attorney before the City's release of the resolution and/or other supporting documents for recording at Hennepin County. -3032- 21. The applicant shall provide the existing and proposed legal descriptions in electronic form (MS Word preferred) for inclusion in the official documents. 22. Additional comments and/or conditions from the City Council, Staff, consultants, and public agencies. Staff recommends approval of the waiver of platting based on the following findings of fact: 1. A lawful, nonconforming use is being removed and replaced with conforming lots that are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan guiding of Low Density Residential. 2. The new lots being created are along original platted lot lines and conform to the R -1A District regulations for a lakeshore lot. 3. The waiver of platting, as proposed, does not require any variances. 4. The subject lots have frontage on improved public streets and municipal utilities are available. 5. The proposed lot arrangement can accommodate the construction of new single- family homes on Lot 6 and Lot 7 with conforming setbacks and hardcover. 6. The waiver of platting will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or have an adverse impact on adjoining property REQUESTED ACTION A draft resolution to approve the waiver of platting for the property at 5040 Enchanted Lane has been included for consideration by the City Council. Staff recommends approval. -3033- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 - RESOLUTION TO APPROVE WAIVER OF PLATTING FOR 5040 ENCHANTED LANE PID NO. 13-117-24-12-0100 WHEREAS, the applicant, Fonda Broekhuis of Belle Properties LLC, has submitted a request for waiver of platting approval pursuant to City Code 121-33 (2) for the property located at 5040 Enchanted Lane in order to create two (2) lots; and WHEREAS, the property is legally described as Lots 6 and 7, Block 21, Shadywood Point and is proposed to be subdivided using original lot lines as follows: West Parcel Lot 7, Block 21, Shadywood Point East Parcel Lot 6, Block 21, Shadywood Point and; WHEREAS, the property is zoned R -1A and single-family residential is a permitted use; and WHEREAS, Lots 6 and 7, Block 21, Shadywood Point, are original platted lots and were combined previously by another owner; and WHEREAS, as proposed, the new lots meet the lot size, lot width and depth requirements for a waiver of platting in the R -1A District for a lakeshore lot; and WHEREAS, City Code Chapter 121-33 (2) states that a waiver of platting request may be granted by the City Council if it is determined that the proposal is in compliance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, lots that are separated by a waiver of platting retain lot of record status; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the waiver of platting request at its December 8, 2015 meeting and determined that approval would allow the property to be used in a reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, the City Council's decision on the waiver of platting was made within the 120 -day timeline as required in state statute; and -3034- WHEREAS, in approving the waiver of platting, the City Council hereby makes the following findings: 1. A lawful, nonconforming use is being removed and replaced with conforming lots that are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan guiding of Low Density Residential. 2. The new lots being created are along original platted lot lines and conform to the R -1A District regulations for a lakeshore lot. 3. The waiver of platting, as proposed, does not require any variances. 4. The subject lots have frontage on an improved public street and municipal utilities are available. The proposed lot arrangement can accommodate the construction of new single-family homes on Lot 6 and Lot 7 with conforming setbacks and hardcover. 6. The waiver of platting will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or have an adverse impact on adjoining property. and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Mound does hereby approve the waiver of platting with the following conditions: 1. New driveways must be hard surfaced in accordance with City Code regulations. Minimum driveway width is 10 feet; maximum width is 24 feet. Minimum side setbacks of one (1) foot are required for driveways. 2. Drainage shall not be directed to neighboring properties. 3. Any curb, gutter and streets which are disturbed because of construction, including, but not limited to, installation of the water service, sewer service and small utilities, shall be the responsibility of the permit holder. 4. As part of the City's approval of the waiver, the dedication of public drainage and utility easements, to be determined by the Public Works Director, or designee, will be required and shall be submitted in a form to allow for recording at Hennepin County, and shall be subject to review and acceptance by the City, prior to recording. The standard drainage and utility easement is five feet wide on side and rear lot lines and ten feet in width along the front lot line but shall be as determined by the City Engineer or Public Works Director. Easement(s) shall be provided in an appropriate form so as to allow for recording at Hennepin County and shall be subject to review and approval by the City prior to recording and require signatures from property owners and lienholders of record. -3035- 5. Applicant shall be responsible for procurement of any and/or all public agency permits including the submittal of all required information prior to building permit issuance. 6. Applicant shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with the land use request. 7. No future approval of any development plans and/or building permits is included as part of this action in the event the waiver application is approved. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for recording the resolution with Hennepin County. The applicant is advised that the resolution will not be released for recording until all conditions have been met and all fees for the waiver application have been paid and the escrow account is in good standing. The submittal of additional escrow may be required. 9. No building permits will be issued until evidence of recording of the resolution at Hennepin County is provided. 10. No grading or alteration is permitted or authorized below the 931.5 which is the 100 -year floodplain elevation for the MCWD. 11. All new construction shall take place at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation or 3 feet above a wetland. The RFPE for Lake Minnetonka is 933.0. 12. No materials shall be stockpiled in the 50 -FT lakeshore setback or 100 -year floodplain area(s). Any work in public ROW requires permission and coordination with the Public Works Department. 13. Grading and drainage plans for the future new homes will be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director time of building permit applications. 14. Sewer and water area trunk charges in the amount of $2000.00 each for one (1) lot shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. Total: $4000.00. 15. A park dedication fee in the amount of $1,100.00 shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. 16. Sewer connection and water connection fees for one lot shall be paid prior to the release of the resolution. he amount due shall be the current rate in place at the time of resolution release. The 2015 sewer connection and water connection fees are $240.00 each. 17. An MCES Sewer Availability Charge determination letter shall be provided by the applicant for the existing 4-plex structure prior to the release of any future building permit. -3036- 18. Future home construction on the new lots shall conform in all regards to the City Code requirements. 19. As applicable, if the subdivision requires the construction of municipal utility improvements (i.e.,services, etc.), these activities must be constructed and installed prior to the release of the resolution or applicant shall be responsible for the submittal of a contractor's estimate, which shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Public Works Director (or designee) and submittal of a cash escrow in the amount of 125 percent of the contractor's estimate. 20. The applicant shall provide a bank release or written consent for the application from the mortgage holder(s) and/or all lienholder(s). This information shall be provided for review and acceptance by the City Attorney before the City's release of the resolution and/or other supporting documents for recording at Hennepin County. 21. The applicant shall provide the existing and proposed legal descriptions in electronic form (MS Word preferred) for inclusion in the official documents. 22. Additional comments and/or conditions from the City Council, Staff, consultants, and public agencies.. This waiver of platting request is hereby approved for the following described property: Existing: Lots 6 and 7, Block 21, Shadywood Point Proposed: Lot 7, Block 21, Shadywood Point Lot 6, Block 21, Shadywood Point Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015 Attest: Catherine Pausche, City Clerk Mark Wegscheid, Mayor -3037- U2 1 WAIVER OF PLATTING t'ITyMOUNii_ APPLICATION 2475 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 58364 (: V&,AyAt d.L( Case No.„� �,-- Phone 952-472-0600 FAX 952-472-0620 City Council Rafe: n—j;—Han Gan nnri racrnw nannsif rantlirad at HMO of aoosieation. Has an agpligation ever been made for zoning, variance, co one use perms , or 8 p ( ) yes, IM no, if yes, list dates) of application, action taken, resolution number($) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or expianatlon given why this is not the case. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs Incurred by the City related to the processing of this application consomto the entry In or upon the premises described In this application by any authorized offcialof the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, of of pealing, maintaining nd removing such notices as /maybe required bylaw. y t( /L l/? �1 riS Applicant Signature ,, Date G'aa owner's Signatures ' Date Waiver of Platting Information (11212018) Page 4 of 4 -3038- coy`- !Y 11Y[i it Vl. e C PROPERTY Subject A dress -"'- 5 G Bflock EXISTING LEGAL Lot(s)P� Q(ij} SubdivisionS' /A[V DESCRIPTION A. Lot(s) LO.t io 63b 'ic �?- Block PROPOSED LEGAL Vi�c,,"q��K��T�t �yU fC jnc' r1tA^` tfi( (26.f Block DESCRIPTION B, Lot(s) Zoning District Circle: ISR -1A R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 B-3 PROPERTY Are there existing structures on the property? Ge;/ no Do the existing structures comply vdth the zoning ordinance for setbacks, hardcover, etc.? yes / no APPLICANT The applicant is: ovmer� other _ F -mal! =4" t'- (1 r Name Gt I" r a C t e r r f t G tG t �✓ Address(J � X1'0'-+�` /y /� Phone Home Sc)- -) )) J 5 (p1{ Work i �q ! � S7 q � Ili? Cell ' 4 9 �S yry�G 173 E -mall Address 'r' i� Name Email OWNER (if otherthan applicant) Address -- work,�, Fax Phone Ho,^me,� SURVEYOR! ,. ( 0-1 Name_ cj Ernst,"! r a, T /{ SENGINEER AddressUI^Vo cay— r urh�( OfficePhones a �� 7 iN ( Fax 'I t 't otherzonin procedure for this ropedv? Has an agpligation ever been made for zoning, variance, co one use perms , or 8 p ( ) yes, IM no, if yes, list dates) of application, action taken, resolution number($) and provide copies of resolutions. Application must be signed by all owners of the subject property, or expianatlon given why this is not the case. I certify that all of the statements above and statements contained in any required papers or plans to be submitted herewith are true and accurate. I acknowledge that I have read all of the information provided and that I am responsible for all costs Incurred by the City related to the processing of this application consomto the entry In or upon the premises described In this application by any authorized offcialof the City of Mound for the purpose of inspecting, of of pealing, maintaining nd removing such notices as /maybe required bylaw. y t( /L l/? �1 riS Applicant Signature ,, Date G'aa owner's Signatures ' Date Waiver of Platting Information (11212018) Page 4 of 4 -3038- coy`- October 19, 2015 Fonda Broekhuis Belle Properties LLC 17837 George Moran Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347 City of Mound Planning Committee Sarah Smith 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364 Dear Sarah and Members of the Planning Committee: I am writing today about our application and proposed plans for the property located at 5036-5040 Enchanted Road in Mound. As you know, this property is a Four Plex multifamily building in a neighborhood zoned R-1 and sitting in the midst of single family homes. I've had a survey completed and learned that this lot is actually two lots combined. I am very interested in demolishing the current building as it is, and building two single family homes on these two lots if the committee will so allow. My husband and I would like to build a house on the 5040 lot, and we have good friends very interested in building on the 5036 lot. There is a lot of cleanup to be done on the lot and the shoreline as it has been neglected for quite some time. We would be cleaning this up as well, as it will be our primary residence. I have a builder with an excellent reputation within the Real Estate investor community selected, and of course we would abide by all the necessary building codes and rules set by the Committee. Thank you for taking our application under your consideration. We hope to be residents of Mound, MN in the very near future! Sincerely, i Fonda Broekhuis Belle Properties LLC -3039- �a �Ox pd 9 s € JENNINGS LANE i NOT TRAVELED C \ \ t W CD o �$ 4 a `5 e 9iii�Io 3. F_�_"_-`•,, e.__. o-cZi-p ----� 'fJ,, �1ggt7; i ^j 11a Z pit' f� O M ` � W 5 00°20' 42" E 119.40 �7 5 m o -3 co a V z f Q m z b7 M C] z z C] O - H zZ _ 0nO�1 s N A x C) " 0 a _ 0mo a w 3 �C z H �a Es =' N Um o 3040- Excerpt from Chapter 121 of Mound City Code ( Subdivision Regulations) (2) Waiver ofplauing. Any parcel of land, either platted or unplatted, that has been combined for tax purposes or for other reasons, cannot be reseparated or divided without an approved subdivision or a waiver of the platting requirements of this Code. The city has many old subdivisions with small platted lots which standing alone do not meet current zoning requirements. Many of these lots have been combined for tax purposes and for various other reasons, i.e., to create a building site, to indicate a desire to combine to avoid or reduce special assessments for improvements, etc. A waiver of the platting requirement may be granted by the City Council after receipt of background information provided by city staff. A request for waiver of the platting requirements shall be signed by the property owner on forms prepared for and approved by the City Council, which shall include a provision to reimburse the city for all of its costs. This request or application for a waiver shall be referred to city staff for review. The review by staff shall be conducted to determine if the division or release of the tax combination and the creating of new property identification parcels for tax and building purposes is in compliance with this Code and all planning and zoning standards and objectives. The staff shall prepare written findings and recommendations for the Council's consideration. The waiver of platting and the release of the tax combination may be approved if it is determined to be in compliance with all city codes. The Council may impose conditions to the waiver and shall require the payment of any deferred or forgiven special assessments that have been avoided by a tax combination. The waiver may be granted without public hearings or without referral to the Planning Commission. Nothing herein shall preclude the staff or Council from referring the matter to the Planning Commission if it is determined that their advice will be helpful in determining if the request meets the city's planning and zoning objectives. Where the property does not or will not meet all zoning or platting requirements, this subsection (2) does not prohibit the Council from concurrently approving a variance application -3041- This information sheet only summarizes a portion of the requirements outlined in the City of Mound Zoning Ordinance. Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information contained herein. However, if any information is not consistent with provisions of the City Code, the Code provisions will prevail. For further information, contact the City of Mound Planning Department at 952-472-0607. General Zoning Information Sheet R -1A Zoning District — Single Family Residential PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS — Lot Area, Lot Width, and Setback Requirements Minimum Lot Area (non -Lakeshore) 6,000 Square Feet Minimum Lot Area (lakeshore) .................................................... ....10,000 Square Feet Minimum Lot Width (non-lakeshore)................................................................ 40 Feet Minimum Lot Width (lakeshore).......................................................................50 Feet FrontYard Setback....................................................................................... 20 Feet SideYard Setback........................................................................................10 Feet RearYard Setback.........................................................................................15 Feet MinimumLot Depth.. ..................... _ ........................................... ............... 80 Feet Lakeshore / Ordinary High Water Setback...........................................................50 Feet Minimum Building Floor Area Requirement.............................................840 Square Feet *Minimum lot frontage on an improved public street shall be 40 FT, except that lots fronting on a cul-de- sac shall be 40 FT at the front building setback line (i.e. 20 FT back from front property line). Applicable side/rear setbacks apply to lot lines abutting fire lanes, alleys or unimproved right-of-ways. Building Height. The vertical distance to be measured from the average grade of a building line to the top, to the cornice of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof, to a point on the roof directly above the highest wall of a shed roof, to the uppermost point on a round or other arch type roof, to the mean distance of the highest gable on a pitched or hip roof. No building shall exceed two and one half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. LOTS OF RECORD, Special Provisions Corner Lots Lot width Minimum side yar,setback 40 - 50 feet 51 feet or more 10 feet 20 feet Side Yard Requirements — The required side yard setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet. Side yard setbacks for lots of record shall be six (6) feet unless the structure or site does not contain a garage in which case, one side yard setback is required to be ten (10) feet to accommodate a driveway access. HARDCOVER REQUIREMENTS Impervious surface coverage of lots shall not exceed 30 percent of the lot area. On existing lots of record*, impervious coverage may be permitted by a maximum of 40 percent providing that techniques are utilized as identified in Section 129-385 (g)(2). Impervious cover is any surface impervious or resistant to the free flow of water or surface moisture, including all buildings, driveways and parking areas whether paved or not, tennis courts, sidewalks, patios and swimming pools. Open decks (1/4" minimum nnpninn between boards) shall not be counted in impervious cover calculations. -3042- 2013 Requirements An accessory building shall be considered to be an integral part of the principal structure unless it is five (5) feet or more from the principal structure or use and providing that the structure exceeds 120 square feet. Area and Size Requirements (see hardcover requirements on page 1) A. Accessory buildings shall not exceed a total gross floor area of 3,000 SF or 15% of the total lot area whichever is less. B. Each individual accessory building shall not exceed 1,200 SF of gross floor area. C. The total number of accessory buildings for lots measuring 10,000 SF or less shall be two (2). On lots exceeding 10,000 SF, accessory buildings shall be limited to a total of three (3). 2. Front Yard Setback. All accessory buildings shall meet the same front yard setback requirements as the principal building, except for lakeshore and through lots. For detached garages on a Lakeshore or through lots, a minimum twenty (20) foot front yard setback is required if the garage door(s) open to the street; an eight (8) foot front yard setback is required if the garage door(s) open to the side lot line. 3. Side Yard Setback. A detached accessory building may be located within four (4) feet of the side lot line in the rear yard with a minimum of a six (6) foot setback in side yard location. On through and lakeshore lots, a detached accessory building may be located within four (4) feet of the side lot line in the front yard. Whenever a garage is designed with the doors facing a side lot line, the minimum distance between the doors and the side lot line shall be twenty (20) feet. 4. Rear Setback. A detached accessory building maybe located within four (4) FT of the rear lot line. 5. Lakeshore Setback. Detached accessory buildings must maintain a 50 foot setback from the ordinary high water. DECKS See separate deck handout for more information. Front and Sides..........................................Same as Accessory Building Setbacks Rear..................................................................................................10 feet ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS Ordinary High Water Flood Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation LAKE MINNETONKA 929 MCW D 931.54 CITY 931 933 DUTCH LAKE 939.2 940 942 LAKE LANGDON 932.1 935 937 -3043- 2013 This information sheet only summarizes a portion of the requirements outlined in the City of Mound Zoning Ordinance. For further information, contact the City of Mound Planning Department at 952-472-0604. Shoreland Overlay District cm OF MOUND Lot Area and Width Regulations Overview 5341 Maywood Road, Mound, MN 55364 in R-1, R-1 a and R-2 Districts Phone 952-472-0607 Fax 952-472-0679 The City of Mound has enacted Shoreland Management Regulations to ensure the wise subdivision, use and development of shorelands and public waters. This overview is intended to assist property owners in the development of their R-1, R-1 a or R-2 zoned parcel. For more information and additional regulations which may apply, please consult Mound City Code, Section 350.1200. Shoreland Management Regulations for dwellings in the R-1, R-1 a and R-2 districts depend on whether the property is a Lakeshore lot. A Lakeshore lot is "a lot abutting public waters or abutting public lands abutting public waters with the exception of designated parks." If the lot does not fit within that definition, it would be a non-lakeshore lot. The charts below provide the minimum lot area and lot width requirements: R-1 Zoning District for Single Family Detached Dwellings R -1a and R-2 Zoning District for Single Family Detached Dwellings -3044- R -1a and R-2 Zoning District for Single Family Detached Dwellings (continued) R-2 Zoning District for Two -Family or Twinhome Dwellings Additional Regulations • Existing, developed lots of record which are in separate ownership from abutting lands can be redeveloped as long as the requirements of Section 350.420 Non -conforming Uses are met. • If, in a group of two or more contiguous lots under the same ownership, any existing vacant lot or existing developed lot is smaller than (i) 6,000 square feet and such lot is proposed to be sold, or is proposed to be developed for a single-family detached home, or (ii) is smaller than 14,000 square feet and such lot is proposed to be developed for a two-family or twin home (either or before or after sale), then the lot must be combined with the one or more contiguous lots under the same ownership so that each lot has a minimum lot area equal to 6,000 square feet if (i) is applical^304500 square feet if (ii) is applicable. EaCD ,ehhh T , /III, Consulting Engineers & Surveyors / ` 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952)448-8838•Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com December 3, 2015 Ms. Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 I RE: 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — East Three Points Blvd. City Project No. PW -14-01 Pay Request No. 6 and Final Dear Ms. Pausche: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 6 from GMH Asphalt Corporation for work completed on the 2014 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — East Three Points Boulevard, from July 1, 2015 through November 20, 2015. All items have been completed and the required documentation has been submitted. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend final payment in the amount of 535,307.39 to GMH Asphalt Corporation. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer cc: Eric Hoversten, Director of Public Works Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance -3046- DATE: 12/2/2015 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 6 and Final 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - EAST THREE POINTS BLVD CITY PROJECT NOS, PW -14-01, 14-02 BMI PROJECT NO. C12.107130 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 7/1/2015 THROUGH 11/20/2015 TOTAL AMOUNT BID ................. CONTRACTOR GMH Asphalt Corp. OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Bolton & Menk .1..1...11 $ 1,479,671.33 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS ..... ........ ..........._..........._.............................._...................._._.............. $ CURRENTCONTRACT AMOUNT......................... ...... ...... ............. ............. ......... 1.1..1 .... 1........ 1........... ... $ TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE.. . ...... .... ........ ....... ........ .................. $ TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE........._......._._........._......._._.........._..........._......._._.............................. $ DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED ............. ........... --...... ...... .- ................. . $ TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS ....... ............ ......... .............. ........ ......... ....... -......... ..........-- $ RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 0% )......... ......... ..................... .............. ...._...... ........ ... .......................'$ TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS .......................... ........... ....._.........._....... ...._......_..... .......,............. $ NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE ......... ..... ......... ....... ........... ........ ........ .............. ...... ...................... $ TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES PAY CONTRACTOR A$ ESTIMATE NO.6.................... Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a tme and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: GMH Aaphait Corporation 9180 Lake Town Road ssa By Na t Title /1 Date 1 a "6 - 1'5 CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By 7� • ��—yr..� _ , PROJECT ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner Date APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner, CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date -3047- 18,196.00 1,497,867.33 1,432,277.44 1,432,277.44 4,432,277.44 1,396,970.05 35,307,39 o eee AAA'Eac> L— 1 1 V& 1—,j P< , V, Consulting Engineers & Surveyors " / 1 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone(952)448-8838-Fax(952)448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com December 3, 2015 Ms. Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 1(OIC® RE: 2015 Street, Utility & Retaining Wall Improvements — Grandview Blvd. & Tuxedo Blvd. City Project Nos. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 Pay Request No. 6 Dear Ms. Pausche: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 6 from Geislinger & Sons, Inc. for work completed on the 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project — Grandview Boulevard and Tuxedo Boulevard from October 29, 2015 through November 30, 2015. The amount shown as "MCES Amount Due To Contractor" will need to be invoiced to the Metropolitan Council, along with a progress report, in accordance with the Construction Cooperative Agreement number 15I032, and processed as a re -imbursement to the City. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the ,amount of $138,145.22 to Geislinger & Sons, Inc. Sincerely, BOLTON & ME, NK, INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer cc: Eric Hoversten, Director of Public Works 1�: DATE: 12/2/2015 CONTRACTOR'$ PAY REQUEST NO. 6 CONTRACTOR Geislinger & Sons, Inc 2015 STREET, UTILITY & RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENTS OWNER City of MDune CITY PROJECT NO. PW -15-01, PW -15-02, PW -15-03 ENGINEER Bolton & Monk SMI PROJECT NO, C12.108886, 012.108867 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 10/29/2016 THROUGH 11/30/2015 TOTAL AMOUNT BID............ ..... ... ............... ............... ..... ,................... ....................... ..... ............... ...................... _... . $ 3,682,936.25 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS t EXTRA WORK ........................................... ...... -- ..... ............................. $ 90,359.76 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT . ........................... .......................................... ........ -- .............. .............. $ 3,773,298.01 TOTAL, CITY COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 1,454,444.92 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK TO DATE $ 325,716.52 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK TO DATE ... ........................... ........... ............. --.............. -- ........................... ............ .. S 1,780,161.44 TOTAL, MOUND STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ - TOTAL, MCES STORED MATERIALS TO DATE $ - TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE.................................................................................................................... $ MOUND DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ - MCES DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED $ - DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED. .............................. . ............ .............. $ TOTAL, MOUND COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 1,454,444.92 TOTAL, MCES COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS $ 325,716.52 TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS........... ........... .................. ...-................................................... $ 1,780,161.44 MOUND RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% ) $ 72,722.25 MCES RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.01/6 ) $ 16,285.63 RETAINED PERCENTAGE 5.0% )............ ........ ............................................................... ........ ....... $ 89,008.07 MOUND AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ - MCES AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS $ - TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS........................................................................................................... $ - MOUND AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 1,381,722.67 MCES AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE $ 309,430.70 NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE ............ ................. ........... ............... _.... ...... ......... I ..................... ....... $ 1,691.153.37 TOTAL, MOUND AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 1,298,728.83 TOTAL, MCES AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES $ 254,279.31 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ....... .......... _...... ....................... ,.-..................... _... ............. -_..... $ 1,553,008.15 CITY OF MOUND THIS ESTIMATE $ 82,993.64 MCES THIS ESTIMATE $ 55,151,38 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 6 .................. ...».......... ............ ............ ................... ............ .....,........------ ---- $ 138,145.22 -3049- Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed In full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is atrue and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Oeislinger & Sons, Inc. 511 Central Ave. S. P.O. Box 437 Watkins, MN 55389 By ItL-1 /Ol ec v— Name Title Date /a - -2—y/ CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & MENK, INC., ENGINEERS, 2266638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By ,OL'� �of..�p�iti CITY ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner Date %s APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: owner: CITY OF MOUND By Name Title Date -3050- II11=EaC> L-7rC>NJ &L V, Consulting Engineers & Surveyors / ` 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952)448-8838•Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com December 3, 2015 Ms. Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: 2014/2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project City Project No. PW -14-05, PW -I5-06 Pay Request No. 1 Dear Ms. Pausche: Please find enclosed Pay Request No. 1 from Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for work completed on the 2014/2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project from September 14, 2015 through October 2, 2015. This pay request includes the Change Order amount of $36,907.00 approved by Council on July 14, 2015. The change order simply added to the quantity of sewer pipe lining to take advantage of the good bid price. We have reviewed the contractor's request, verified quantities and recommend payment in the amount of $193,410.03 to Midwest Asphalt Corporation. Sincerely, BOLTON & MEW INC. Daniel L. Faulkner, P.E. City Engineer cc: Eric Hoversten, Director of Public Works 3051- DATE: 12/1/2015 CONTRACTOR'S PAY REQUEST NO. 1 2014/2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation City Project No. PW -15-06 BMI PROJECT NO. 012.108533 FOR WORK COMPLETED FROM 9/1 412 01 5 THROUGH 101212015 TOTAL AMOUNT BID CONTRACTOR Insituform Tech USA OWNER City of Mound ENGINEER Bolton & Menk ............ ....— $ 161,716.00 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS + EXTRA WORK....................................................................................... $ CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT ........ ...... ..... ........ ..._..... ._........ .... ......... ........................................ $ TOTAL. COMPLETED WORK TO DATE...................................................................................................................... $ TOTAL, STORED MATERIALS TO DATE.. .......... -- .... ......... ...... .................... .. DEDUCTION FOR STORED MATERIALS USED IN WORK COMPLETED ..................................... TOTAL, COMPLETED WORK & STORED MATERIALS .................................................... RETAINED PERCENTAGE ( 5.0% )...................................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF OTHER DEDUCTIONS .............................................. I...... NET AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE.... .......... ......... 11 ... 111--.1 ......... .. ... - TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ON PREVIOUS ESTIMATES ........................................ I......... 1. 36,907.00 198,623.00 203,589.50 203,589.50 10,179.48 193,410.03 PAY CONTRACTOR AS ESTIMATE NO. 1 ........... ...... ........ ......... .... ..... ....... ...... .......... ........ .... ............._................. $ 193.410.03 Certificate for Payment I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all items quantities and prices of work and material shown on this Estimate are correct and that all work has been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract for this project between the Owner and the undersigned Contractor, and as amended by any authorized changes, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount for the Final Estimate, that the provisions of M. S. 290.92 have been complied with and that all claims against me by reason of the Contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. Contractor: Insituform Technologies USA, LLC 17988 Edison Avenue Chesterfield, MO 63005 By Date CHECKED AND APPROVED AS TO QUANTITIES AND AMOUNT: BOLTON & ME/N�K, INC., ENGINEERS, 2638 SHADOW LN, SUITE 200, CHASKA MN 55318 By U<'iGVt.cR..V L."dl vw'i'"^. PROJECT ENGINEER Daniel L. Faulkner L. Date 1A + 3 /a;i.0L.'f APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Owner: CITY OF MOUND By -3052- Date December 3, 2015 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200 • Chaska, MN 55318-1172 Phone (952) 448-8838 • Fax (952) 448-8805 www.bolton-menk.com Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 RE: Professional City Engineering Services Agreement Dear Mayor and City Council Members: I NC� Bolton & Menk, Inc. has been providing city engineering services to the City of Mound since 2006 and we are pleased to offer the attached Agreement for continuation of our services in the coming year. We look back with great satisfaction on the important projects we have been able to complete with you and your staff at the direction of the City Council. I have every confidence that our long-term knowledge of the Community and understanding of the City's needs will result in the successful completion of the projects identified by the City for 2016. The attached Agreement continues to offer the "municipal discount" for general engineering service items provided by key staff members serving the City of Mound as well as a set amount of $60/meeting for staff attendance at City Council and Planning Commission meetings. It is our commitment to continue to provide you with high quality and full service municipal engineering services with increasing value and efficiency. Respectfully Submitted, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Kreg J. Schmidt, P.E. Vice President C\Users\danfa\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\VHDQW3P5\2015-12-03 Submittal Ltr to Council 2016 services Agreement.docx DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Menk is ar 3053-portunity employer CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15-_ RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND ACTING CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City provides services and construction projects that require professional engineering and surveying services; and WHEREAS, the City has contracted with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for professional engineering services since 2006; and WHEREAS, Bolton & Menk is well established with a good reputation and the necessary skills to provide professional engineering services; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the Mayor and Acting City Manager to enter into a contract agreement with Bolton & Menk, Inc., for professional engineering services as shown in Attachment A and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015 Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -3054- Mayor Mark Wegscheid AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSULTING CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF MOUND MINNESOTA This Agreement, made this the day of 2015, by and between the City of Mound, Minnesota, 2415 Wilshire Boulevard, Mound, MN 55364-1687, hereinafter referred to as CLIENT, and Bolton & Menk, Inc., 2638 Shadow Lane, Suite 200, Chaska, MN 55318-1172, hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT. WITNESS, whereas the CLIENT requires professional engineering and surveying services in association with providing Consulting City Engineering Services and whereas the CONSULTANT agrees to furnish the various professional services required by the CLIENT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto, it is agreed: SECTION I - CONSULTANT'S SERVICES A. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform professional engineering and surveying services as described in Exhibit I. B. Upon mutual agreement of the parries hereto, Additional Services may be authorized as described in Exhibit I or as described in Paragraph N.B. SECTION II - THE CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. The CLIENT shall promptly compensate the CONSULTANT in accordance with Section III of this Agreement. B. The CLIENT shall place any and all previously acquired information in its custody at the disposal of the CONSULTANT for its use. Such information shall include but shall not be limited boundary surveys, topographic surveys, preliminary sketch plan layouts, building plans, soil surveys, abstracts, deed descriptions, tile maps and layouts, aerial photos, utility agreements, environmental reviews, and zoning limitations. The CLIENT will assist the CONSULTANT in determining the extent to which the information provided may be relied upon to perform CONSULTANT'S services. C. The CLIENT will work with the CONSULTANT to obtain entry upon both public and private lands effected by and associated with CONSULTANT'S services. D. The CLIENT will give prompt notice to the CONSULTANT whenever the CLIENT observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in CONSULTANT'S services. E. The CLIENT shall designate a liaison person to act as the CLIENT'S representative with respect to services to be rendered under this Agreement. Said representative shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive instructions, receive information, interpret and define the CLIENT'S policies with respect to CONSULTANT'S services. -3055- I of 1 055 Iof11 F. The CLIENT shall provide such legal, accounting, independent cost estimating and insurance counseling services as may be required for completion of CONSULTANT'S services. G. The CLIENT will work with the CONSULTANT as needed to apply for any and all regulatory permits required for the proper and legal execution of CONSULTANT'S services. H. The CLIENT will hire, when requested by the CONSULTANT, an independent testing company to perform laboratory and material testing services, and soil investigation that can be justified to complete a proper design and the CONSULTANT'S services. The CONSULTANT shall assist the CLIENT in selecting a testing company. Payment for testing services shall be made directly to the testing company by the CLIENT and is not part of this Agreement. SECTION III - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES A. COMPENSATION CHARGE METHODOLOGY Compensation for all services performed by the CONSULTANT on behalf of the CLIENT in accordance with Exhibit I will be on an hourly basis in accordance with the 2016 Billing Schedules included below. B. HOURLY BILLING SCHEDULES 2016 Hourly Billing Schedule For Key Mound Staff Dan Faulkner, P.E. - Consultant City Engineer .......................$ 154 $ 65 Brian Simmons, P.E. - Assistant Consultant City Engineer .....$ 124 $ 55 Primary Resident Project Representative (RPR)*** ................$ 104 $ 55 Edward Rock, R.L.S. – Primary Surveyor ................................$ 128 Robert Bean, P.E. - Water Resources Engineer .......................$ 112 Josh Eckstein, P.E. - Design Engineer ......................................$ 124 * Any modifications to the list of Key Individuals prior to the end of contract period shall be approved by the CLIENT. **Applies to non -project related general, non -project related city engineering services: Dan Faulkner, P.E. — first 20 hours per month Brian Simmons, P.E. — first 10 hours per month Primary RPR — first 10 hours per month *** The CLIENT must approve the Primary RPR to be used by the CONSULTANT. -3056- 2of11 2016 Hourly Billing Schedule For General Staff Senior Principal Engineer/Surveyor............................. ............. ............... $170-240/Hour Senior Project Manager — Principal Engineer/Surveyor ........................... $127-180/Hour Senior Transportation/AviationPlanner.................... ............................... $125-175/Hour Project Manager (Includes Landscape Architect/GIS) ............................. $106-170/Hour Project/Design Engineer/Planner/Landscape Architect ............................$52-170/Hour Licensed Surveyor (Includes Licensed Project Surveyors/Manager) ....... $94-165/Hour ProjectSurveyor.......................................................................................$82-130/Hour Specialist (Natural Resources/GIS/Traffic/Graphics/Other)... ................. $47-140/Hour Senior Technician (Includes Survey) ... ..................... ................................ $72-165/Hour Technician (Includes Survey).............................................................. ...... $33-140/Hour Administrative Support & Clerical........................................................... $29-110/Hour Structural/Electrical/Mechanical/Architect............................................... $120-215/Hour City Council Meetings/Planning Commission Attendance .................$601Meeting GPS/Robotic Survey Equipment............................................................... No Charge CAD/Computer Usage.............................................................................. No Charge Routine Office Supplies............................................................................ No Charge Routine Photocopying/Reproduction....................................................... No Charge Field Supplies/Survey Stakes & Equipment ............................................ No Charge Mileage...................................................................................................... No Charge Hourly charges for work completed are based on hours spent at the hourly rates in effect for the individuals performing the work. The hourly rates vary according to skill and experience. The Hourly Billing Schedules identified herein shall apply for the period through 2016. These rates may be adjusted annually thereafter to account for changed labor costs, inflation or changed overhead conditions. The hourly rates identified herein include labor, general business and other normal and customary expenses associated with operating a professional business and include vehicle and personal expenses, mileage, telephone, cell phone, survey stakes and routine expendable supplies; and no separate charges will be made for these activities and materials. Extraordinary expenses beyond the agreed scope of services and non -routine expenses, such as outsourced photocopying/reproductions, out- sourced graphics, document recording fees, and permit fees will be pre -approved and invoiced separately. C. The payment to the CONSULTANT will be made by the CLIENT upon billing at intervals not more often than monthly at the herein rates and methodology. 3057- 3of11 SECTION IV - GENERAL A. STANDARD OF CARE Professional services provided under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the Consultant's profession currently practicing under similar conditions. B. CHANGE IN SERVICE SCOPE In the event the CLIENT changes or is required to change the scope of the CONSULTANT'S services as described in Section I and/or the applicable addendum, and such changes require Additional Services by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be entitled to compensation at the applicable hourly rates. The CONSULTANT shall give notice to the CLIENT of any Additional Services, prior to furnishing such additional services. The CLIENT may request an estimate of additional cost from the CONSULTANT, and upon receipt of the request, the CONSULTANT shall furnish such, prior to authorization of the changed scope of work. C. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CLIENT and its officials, agents and employees from any loss, claim, liability, and expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation) arising from, or based in the whole, or in any part, on any negligence act or omission by CONSULTANT'S employees, agents, or subconsultants. In no event shall CLIENT be liable to CONSULTANT for consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages. CLIENT shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CONSULTANT and its employees from any loss, claim, liability, and expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation) arising from, or based in the whole, or in any part, on any negligence act or omission by CLIENT'S employees, agents, or consultants. In no event shall CONSULTANT be liable to CLIENT for consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the CLIENT or the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT'S services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the CLIENT'S benefit and no other entity shall have any claim against the CONSULTANT because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. The CLIENT agrees to include a provision in all contracts with contractors and other entities involved in this project to carry out the intent of the paragraph. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as a waiver of any liability limits or immunities contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. D. INSURANCE The CONSULTANT agrees to maintain, at the CONSULTANT'S expense, statutory worker's compensation coverage. The CONSULTANT also agrees to maintain, at CONSULTANT'S expense, general liability insurance coverage insuring CONSULTANT against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of CONSULTANT'S general business activities (including automobile use). The liability insurance policy shall provide coverage for each occurrence in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. -3058- 4 of 11 During the period of service provision, the CONSULTANT also agrees to maintain, at CONSULTANT'S expense, Professional Liability Insurance coverage insuring CONSULTANT against damages for legal liability arising from an error, omission or negligent act in the performance of professional services required by this Agreement, providing that such coverage is reasonably available at commercially affordable premiums. For purposes of this Agreement, "reasonably available" and "commercially affordable" shall mean that more than half of the design professionals practicing in this state in CONSULTANT'S discipline are able to obtain coverage. The professional liability insurance policy shall provide coverage for each occurrence in the amount of $1,000,000 and annual aggregate of $1,000,000 on a claims -made basis. In addition, the consultant shall name the CLIENT an additional insured and maintain this status during the term of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT shall provide CLIENT with certificates of insurance, showing evidence of required coverages. E. OPINIONS OR ESTIMATES OF CONSTRUCTION COST Where provided by the CONSULTANT as part of Exhibit I or otherwise, opinions or estimates of construction cost will generally be based upon public construction cost information. Since the CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of labor, materials, competitive bidding process, weather conditions and other factors affecting the cost of construction, all cost estimates are opinions for general information of the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of construction cost opinions or estimates. The CLIENT acknowledges that costs for project financing should be based upon contracted construction costs with appropriate contingencies. F. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES It is agreed that the CONSULTANT and its representatives shall not be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, schedules or procedures of construction selected by the contractor or the safety precautions or programs incident to the work of the contractor. G. USE OF ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL DATA Because of the potential instability of electronic/digital data and susceptibility to unauthorized changes, copies of documents that may be relied upon by CLIENT are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are signed or sealed by CONSULTANT. Except for electronic/digital data which is specifically identified as a project deliverable by this AGREEMENT or except as otherwise explicitly provided in this AGREEMENT, all electronic/digital data developed by the CONSULTANT as part of the CONSULTANTS services are acknowledged to be an internal working document for the CONSULTANT'S purposes solely and any such information provided to the CLIENT shall be on an "AS IS" basis strictly for the convenience of the CLIENT without any warranties of any kind. As such, the CLIENT is advised and acknowledges that use of such information may require substantial modification and independent verification by the CLIENT (or its designees). Provision of electronic/digital data, whether required by this Agreement or provided as a convenience to the Client, does not include any license of software or other systems necessary to read, use or reproduce the information. It is the responsibility of the CLIENT to verify compatibility with its system and long-term stability of media. CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT and its Subconsultants from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from third party use or any adaptation or distribution of electronic/digital data provided under this AGREEMENT, unless such third party use and adaptation or distribution is explicitly authorized by this AGREEMENT or subsequent agreement(s). H. REUSE OF DOCUMENTS Drawings and Specifications and all other documents (including electronic and digital versions of any documents) prepared or furnished by CONSULTANT pursuant to this AGREEMENT are instruments of service -3059- 5of11 in respect to the Project and CONSULTANT shall retain an ownership interest therein. Upon payment of all fees owed to the CONSULTANT, the CLIENT shall acquire an ownership interest in all identified deliverables, including Plans and Specifications, for any reasonable use relative to the Project and the general operations of the CLIENT. CLIENT may make and disseminate copies for information and reference in connection with the use and maintenance of the Project by the CLIENT. However, such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by CLIENT or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project and any reuse other than that specifically intended by this AGREEMENT will be at CLIENT'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT. I. CONFIDENTIALITY CONSULTANT agrees to keep confidential and not to disclose to any person or entity, other than CONSULTANT'S employees and subconsultants any information obtained from CLIENT not previously in the public domain or not otherwise previously known to or generated by CONSULTANT. These provisions shall not apply to information in whatever form that comes into the public domain through no fault of CONSULTANT; or is furnished to CONSULTANT by a third party who is under no obligation to keep such information confidential; or is information for which the CONSULTANT is required to provide by law or authority with proper jurisdiction; or is information upon which the CONSULTANT must rely for defense of any claim or legal action. I. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT OIR.f, fit) 4 CAIr This Agreement will remain in effect for a period of4h€ or after which time the Agreement may be extended upon mutual agreement of both parties. K. PAYMENTS If CLIENT fails to make any payment due CONSULTANT for services and expenses within thirty days after date of the CONSULTANT'S invoice, a service charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, will be charged on any unpaid balance. In addition after giving seven days' written notice to CLIENT, CONSULTANT may, without waiving any claim or right against the CLIENT and without incurring liability whatsoever to the CLIENT, suspend services and withhold project deliverables due under this Agreement until CONSULTANT has been paid in full all amounts due for services, expenses and charges. L. TERMINATION In addition to the right of termination granted client in paragraph TA. this Agreement may be terminated by either party for any reason, which reason shall be deemed legally sufficient, or for convenience by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. In the event of termination, the CLIENT shall be obligated to the CONSULTANT for payment of amounts due and owing including payment for services performed or furnished to the date and time of termination, computed in accordance with Section III of this Agreement. M. CONTINGENT FEE The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from award or making of this Agreement. -3060- 6 of 1 I N. NON-DISCRIMINATION The provisions of any applicable law or ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. The CONSULTANT is an Equal Opportunity Employer and it is the policy of the CONSULTANT that all employees, persons seeking employment, subcontractors, subconsultants and vendors are treated without regard to their race, religion, sex, color, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, public assistance status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. 0. CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the State of Minnesota. P. DISPUTE RESOLUTION CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree to negotiate all disputes between them in good faith for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of notice of dispute prior to proceeding to formal dispute resolution or exercising their rights under law. Any claims or disputes unresolved after good faith negotiations shall first be submitted to mediation by a mediator mutually agreeable to the parties. CONSULTANT and the CLIENT agree to require an equivalent mediation process governing all contractors, sub -contractors, suppliers, consultants, and fabricators concerned with this Agreement. The parties reserve all rights and remedies available to them at law or in equity in the event the dispute is not resolved by mediation. Q. SURVIVAL All obligations, representations and provisions made in or given in Section IV of this Agreement will survive the completion of all services of the CONSULTANT under this Agreement or the termination of this Agreement for any reason. R. SEVERABILITY Any provision or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any law or regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon CLIENT and CONSULTANT, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. RECORD KEEPING Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 1.6C.05, Subdivision 5, CONSULTANT agrees that the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of CONSULTANT, that are relevant to the contract or transaction, are subject to examination by the CLIENT and either legislative auditor or the state auditor for a minimum of six years. CONSULTANT shall maintain such records for a minimum of six years after final payment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.05, Subdivision 11, all of the data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by CONSULTANT in performing this Agreement is subject to the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, and CONSULTANT must comply with those requirements as if it were a government entity. The remedies in Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.08, apply to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT does not have a duty to provide access to public data to the public if the public data are available from the CLIENT. -3061- 7of11 T. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The CONSULTANT shall not assign any interest in this Agreement and shall not transfer any interest in the same without prior written consent of the CLIENT. 2. For the purposes of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and not an employee of the CLIENT. Any and all agents, servants or employees of the CONSULTANT or other person, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required to be performed by the CLIENT under this Agreement, shall not be considered employees of the CLIENT and any and all actions which arise as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT, its agents, servants, employees or other persons shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the CLIENT. The CONSULTANT, its agents, servants or employees shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges or benefits of the CLIENT employees, except as otherwise may be stated herein. 3. The CONSULTANT further agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws or ordinances, and all applicable rules, regulations and standards established by any agency of such governmental units, which are now or hereafter promulgated insofar as they relate to the CONSULTANT'S performance of the provisions of this Agreement. 4. If, for any reason, the CONSULTANT shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner the obligations under this Agreement, the CLIENT shall reserve the right to terminate this Agreement by specifying the date of termination in a written notice to the CONSULTANT at least thirty (30) calendar days before the termination date. In this event, the CONSULANT shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed. 5. No official or employee of the CLIENT who exercises any responsibilities in the review, approval or carrying out of this Agreement shall participate in any decision which affects his or her direct or indirect personal or financial interest. 6. All communications in writing between the parties shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee if delivered to the other party, or if sent by post or by facsimile addressed as noted above in this Agreement. 7. Neither the CLIENT nor CONSULTANT shall assign this Agreement without the prior consent in writing of the other. -3062- 8of11 SECTION V -SIGNATURES THIS INSTRUMENT embodies the whole agreement of the parties, there being no promises, terms, conditions or obligation referring to the subject matter other than contained herein. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf. CLIENT: City of Mound, Minnesota By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Attest: Printed Name: Title: Date: CONSULTANT: Bolton & Menk, Inc. By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Attest: Printed Name: Title: Date: 3063- 9of11 CONSULTING CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA In accordance with the Request for Proposals dated October 14, 2005, the CONSULTANT will furnish the following Consulting City Engineering Services, as requested and authorized by the CLIENT: A. General and Project Management • Assist in planning, coordinating, supervising and evaluating programs, plans, services, equipment and infrastructure • Develop and recommend policies and procedures for effective operation of the department consistent with city policies and relevant laws, rules and regulations and ensures council actions are implemented. • Evaluate public works needs and formulates short and long range plans to meet needs in all areas of public works improvements, including but not limited to streets, water, sewer, storm drainage, street lights, parks and buildings • Direct engineering activities on projects and oversees project management for the construction of the municipal public works projects • Ensure that costs and fees are charged back to development projects; work with the Finance Director to monitor charges and revenues associated with development projects • Assist with the preparation of annual engineering budget and monitors expenditures B. Construction Services (Public and Private Projects) • Plan and review construction projects and specifications • Monitor the construction process for compliance with codes, regulations, standards and with approved plans; assure financial accountability of private projects as they relate to escrows and letters of credit. Provide advice to the City during performance of construction projects and shall give consideration and advice to the City during the performance of services • Prepare and review construction plans • Review bids and prepare bid tabulations • Perform construction staking and surveying C. Preparation of Engineering Reports and Technical Correspondence • Determine the need for preliminary studies, reviews all preliminary studies for compliance with ordinances, comprehensive plans, engineering standards and financial guidelines including: • Feasibility reports • Construction inspection • Assist with assessment rolls • Plat review • Utility studies • Traffic studies • State aid reports -3064- 10 of 11 • Storm water system analysis and Management Plan • Capital Improvement Planning studies • Prepare comments regarding reports, plans and studies of other agencies • Present feasibility studies at public meetings D. Participate in City meetings, including: • Internal and external meetings involving engineering questions and issues • Meet with developer and members of the public on proposed development projects, in order to relate the processes and procedures involved with engineering and infrastructure development. Review development proposals for conformance with City Standards • Act as City liaison and City representative with other communities and county, state and federal agencies in areas of responsibility • Attend City Council meetings and work sessions, as needed • Attend Parks, Open Space and Docks Advisory Commission, and Planning Commission meetings, as needed • Attend other City meetings, as needed E. Respond to Constituent Requests and Issues as Directed by Staff • Perform field inspections • Address constituent concerns personally and in writing • Make public presentations • Provide recommendations to staff and City Council -3065- 11 of I1 CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 -- RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND ACTING CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council designates a City Attorney to serve as the legal advisor to the Council and the City Manger pursuant to Section 2-89 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, the City has contracted with Kennedy & Graven for legal services for many years; and WHEREAS, Kennedy & Graven is well established with a good reputation and the necessary skills to provide legal services; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, hereby authorizes the Mayor and Acting City Manager to enter into a contract agreement with Kennedy & Graven, Chartered, for legal services as shown in Attachment A and made a part herein. Adopted by the City Council this 8`h day of December, 2015 Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -3066- Mayor Mark Wegscheid ATTACHMENT A AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES This Agreement, entered into between the CITY OF MOUND, a Minnesota municipal corporation (City) and the law firm of KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED (City Attorney) as of this 1 sc day of January, 2016, provides as follows SECTION 1. Background: Findings. 1.01. Authority. The City Council designates a City Attorney to serve as the legal adviser to the Council and the City Manager pursuant to Section 2-89 of the City Code. 1.02. Council Determination. At a duly called regular meeting of the City Council held on December 8, 2015, the City Council determined that the firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered be engaged as City Attorney, with Melissa J. Manderschied of that firm serving as primary legal counsel for the City and directed the Mayor and City Manager to execute an agreement between the firm and the City setting forth the terms and conditions of the engagement. SECTION 2. Terms and Conditions. 2.01. Consideration. In consideration of the mutual promises and conditions contained in this Agreement the City and the City Attorney agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.02. City Attorney Appointment. The City appoints the firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered as City Attorney, with Melissa J. Manderschied as primary legal counsel for the City. 2.03. Usual and Customary Legal Services. The City Attorney agrees to perform all usual and customary legal services for the City in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to the following: a) Attend City Council meetings and other City board, commission, or committee meetings as requested by the City Council or City Manager; b) Draft ordinances, resolutions, and correspondence as requested; C) Review of all City Council, Planning Commission, and other public meeting agenda packets and minutes and provide email comments and suggestions regarding the same; d) Participate in meetings and telephone conversations with and advising Mayor, Council Members, City Manager, Department Managers, and designated individuals on general legal matters; e) Review of municipal contracts, including contracts for public improvements, joint powers agreements, construction, purchase of equipment; f) Represent the City in the acquisition of properties for public projects; g) Represent the City in condemnation proceedings for public projects; h) Represent the City in matters related to the enforcement of city building, housing and zoning codes; -3067- 471984v I MJM MU220-2 i) Represent and advise the City in employment related issues, administrative hearings, and in litigation involving the same when requested by the City Manager or City Council; j) Research and submit legal options on municipal or other legal matters requested by City Council or City Manager; k) Provide legal briefings to the City staff and Council regarding new or proposed legislation affecting municipal operations and activities when requested by the City Council or City Manager; 1) Defend the City in all litigation, except in those cases where insurance companies are required to exclusively provide defense, including, but not limited to: (1) human rights claims; (2) zoning and land use regulation matters; and (3) permits and administrative actions; m) Review public improvement contracts; and n) Respond to City staff and City Council inquiries. 2.04. Compensation for Legal Services. For legal services in the year 2016, except as provided in Section 2.08, the City agrees to compensate the City Attorney at the following hourly rates for services indicated below: a) For all attorneys in general municipal matters not covered below: $145/hr. b) For all attorneys in litigation and administrative proceedings: $175/hr. C) For all attorneys in real estate and economic development matters in which costs are not passed through to the developer or applicant: $180/hr. d) For all attorneys in real estate and economic development matters in which costs are passed through to the developer or applicant: $195/hr. e) For all attorneys in specialized matters, such as telecommunications: $170/hr. f) For all law clerks in matters (a) through (e): $80/hr. g) For all paralegals in matters (a) through (e): $90/hr. Hourly rates for services indicated above may be adjusted annually by mutual agreement. 2.05. Compensation for Expenses. The City will compensate the City Attorney for the following actual and necessary expenses incurred by the City Attorney on behalf of the City: The firm will bill its out-of-pocket costs for such things as postage, long distance telephone calls, photocopying, filing fees and witness fees, and similar items. I.: 471984v1 MSM MU220-2 Photocopying: $.10 per page Mileage: IRS -approved reimbursement rate Westlaw or Lexis fees: Actual cost charged Other charges such as: Actual cost charged Messenger service Postage Filing fees The monthly billing statements provide detail for all fees and costs. Travel time and mileage to attend meetings at City Hall or the Centennial Building will be provided without charge to the City. Travel time and mileage to meetings at locations other than City Hall or the Centennial Building will be billed from our Minneapolis office. 2.06. Billing Statements. Billings by the City Attorney to the City for services will be on a monthly basis, except as may otherwise be agreed upon by the parties. The billing statement shall be of sufficient detail to adequately inform the City concerning the tasks performed, the attorney or staff performing them, the time spent on each task and the nature and extent of costs and disbursements. The statement shall also contain a summary that shows the total time spent for each category and the total fees, charges and disbursements for each category. 2.07. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year and can be renewed by mutual agreement. 2.08. Other Services. (a) The firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered also acts as counsel to the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority. These services are not part of this Agreement. (b) The firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered will act as approving bond counsel for the City if so requested by the City. These services are not part of this Agreement, but may be made such by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event such services are desired by the City, fees for these services will be those usual and customarily charged by the firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered. (c) Historically, the City has retained outside counsel for labor matters. The firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered will also provide such services if so requested by the City. These labor counsel services are not part of this Agreement, but may be made such by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event such services are desired by the City, fees for these services will be those usual and customarily charged by the firm of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered. 2.09. Primary Legal Counsel. It is the intention of the parties and it is hereby agreed by the City Attorney, that the term "primary legal counsel' as used herein means and refers to Melissa J. Manderschied who will, except in the case of extraordinary circumstances involving disability, unavoidable conflict or other good and substantial reasons, be responsible to the City for the legal services to be provided. 2.10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, any attached exhibits and any addenda or amendments signed by the parties shall constitute the entire agreement between the City and the City Attorney, and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the City and the City Attorney. This Agreement can only be modified in writing signed by the City and the City Attorney. -3069- 471984vl MUM MU220-2 2.11. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by the City at any time or by the City Attorney upon 60 days written notice. 2.12. Conflict of Interest. The City Attorney shall use best efforts to meet all professional obligations to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of impropriety in representation of the City. In the event of a conflict, the City Attorney, with the consent of the City, shall arrange for suitable alternative legal representation. It is the intent of the City Attorney to refrain from handling legal matters for any other person or entity that may pose a conflict of interest. 2.13. Agreement Not Assignable. Except as provided in Paragraph 2.12 of this Agreement relating to conflicts of interest, the rights and obligations created by this Agreement may not be assigned by either party. 2.14. Agreement Not Exclusive. The City retains the right to hire other legal representation for specific legal matters. 2.15. Independent Contractor Status. All services provided by the City Attorney pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided by the City Attorney as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the City for any purpose, including but not limited to: income tax withholding, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, FICA taxes, liability for torts and eligibility for employee benefits. 2.16. Work Products. All records, information, materials and other work products prepared and developed in connection with the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement shall become the property of the City. 2.17. Insurance and Indemnification. City Attorney agrees to maintain a valid policy of Professional Liability Insurance for the duration of this Agreement. The value of the policy shall not be less than the cap for municipal tort liability as established by Minnesota Statutes. City Attorney further agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents and employees against all causes of actions against the City or any of its agents or employees that arise from or as a result of the City Attorney's negligent actions or advice under the terms of this Agreement. 2.18, Data Practices Act Compliance. Data provided to the City Attorney under this Agreement shall be administered in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. 2.19. Choices of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by -3070- 471984v1 MJM MU220-2 their proper officers and representatives as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MOUND, MINNESOTA Mark Wegscheid Its Mayor Its Acting City Manager KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED Melissa J. Manderschied City Attorney -3071- 471984x1 MJM MU220-2 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 (952)472-0604 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Sarah Smith, Community Development Director Date: December 3, 2015 Re: Planning Commission Appointments City of Mound Planning and Building Department Summary. The Planning Commission terms of Pete Wiechert and David Goode Penner expire at the end of the year. Both Mr. Wiechert and Mr. Goode are requesting reappointment. The Planning Commission, at its November 3, 2015 meeting, unanimously recommended the City Council reappoint Mr. Wiechert and Mr. Goode to the Planning Commission. Council members are advised that the Planning Commission terms are for three (3) years and begin on January 1, 2016 and end on December 31, 2018. -3072- rurjlz� 10 Date: December 3, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Eric Hoversten, Public Works Director Subject: Parks and Open Spaces Commission Appointments Brian Roth served on the Parks and Open Spaces Commission(POSC) from 2013 - 2015, but moved to Minnetrista so is not eligible for reappointment. We thank Brian for his leadership. One application was taken from Shawn Seiler and Mr. Seiler was interviewed by the OSC on November 12th. A draft of minutes from the meeting are included in the packet. The POSC voted to approve the recommendation of Shawn Seiler unanimously. Staff recommends the appointment of Shawn Seiler to the Parks and Open Spaces Commission for a three-year term expiring on 12/31/18. In addition, Commissioner Gina Nettle requested to be reappointed and Staff recommends approval of her reappointment for a three-year term ending 12/31/18. -3073- MEMORANDUM Date: December 3, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Subject: Docks and Commons Commission Appointment David Osmek was appointed to the Docks and Commons Commission in 2014 to serve the remainder of Mr. Drahos' 3 year term (non -abutter), which ends on December 31, 2015. Mr. Osmek requested that we continue to look for other volunteers due to his other commitments. Two applications were taken from non -abutting multiple slip holders currently in the Dock Program. Interviews were held on November 19th and the draft of minutes from the meeting are included in the packet. Applicant Heidi Peterson received 4 of 5 votes and the Dock Commission approved the recommendation of Heidi Peterson unanimously. Staff recommends the appointment of Heidi Peterson to the Docks and Commons Commission for a three-year term expiring on 12/31/18. It should be noted no other terms expired this year, so the other commissioners remain in place: Funk, Gardner, Hentz, and Beystrom. -3074- MOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 24, 2015 The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, November 24, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch, Ray Salazar, Kelli Gillispie Members absent: Council Member Jennifer Peterson Others present: Director of Public Works Eric Hoversten, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, Assistant City Engineer Brian Simmons, City Engineer Dan Faulkner, Director of Community Development Sarah Smith, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Catherine Pausche, Interim City Manager Bob Derus, Katie Morford, Douglas Dion, Ray Chamberlain, Jackson Long, Nancy Long, Marjorie Lemke, Steve Hudak, Bev Beno, Laden Acanal, Chuck Levake, John Petersen, Gene & Becky Hill, Tom Lavoie, Andrew Sletten, S. Johnson, John & Kristin Beise, Andy Weigman, Cheryl Goode, Dave Goode, Jim Bedell, Dan Jensen, Julianna Aurondola, Ralph Kempf, Todd Courneya, Glenda Sime, Brett and Thea Herdendorf, Carolyn & Howard Leopold, T. Emry, Sophie Nagel. Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence. 1. Open meeting Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Wegscheid acknowledged students from Westonka High School who were at meeting to observe. Laden, an exchange student from Turkey, introduced herself as a representative from Westonka High School. 3. Approve agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent agenda MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the consent agenda. Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried. A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $253,711.13 B. Approve minutes: Nov 17, 2015 Special Meeting - Town Hall C. Approve policy ADMIN -003 Vacation of Public Lands Leading to Public Water D. RESOLUTION NO. 15-135: RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCES TO ALLOW SIX (6) FOOT WEST SIDE SETBACK AND 40 PERCENT HARDCOVER FOR 1989 LAKESIDE LANE, PLANNING CASE NO. 15-19, PID NO. 18-117-23-23-0077 E. RESOLLUTION NO. 15-136: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC. -3075- Mound City Council Minutes — Nov 24, 2015 F. Approve pay request No. 11 and final from GMH Asphalt Corporation in the amount of $11,800.90 for the 2013 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project, City Project Nos. PW -13-01, PW -13-02, PW -13-05 G. Approve payment of invoice from Braun Intertec in the amount of $4,572.00 for construction testing services, Three Points Boulevard West Street Improvements, City Project No. PW -14-01 H. Approve payment of invoice from American Engineering Testing, Inc. in the amount of $2,870.45 for construction testing services, 2015 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvements - Grandview Blvd. and Tuxedo Blvd., City Project Nos. PW -15-01 and PW -15-02 I. Approve Pay Request No. 2 from Pember Companies, Inc. in the amount of $7,691.58 for work completed on the 2015 Lift Station Improvement Project, City Project No. PW - 15 -04 5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda None. 6. Action approving minutes from November 10 2015 regular meeting MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the minutes. The following voted in favor: Wegscheid, Gesch, Salazar. The following voted against: none. The following abstained: Gillispie. Motion carried 7. D..hlir Hanrinn Simons stated nothing significantly has changed since last feasibility report to the Council. Simons stated that the Bartlett Boulevard reconstruction project has an estimated cost of $1.2 million. The assessable street cost is estimated at $472,000 based on the City paying 1/3 of the assessable cost. The Tuxedo Boulevard project has an estimated total cost of $801,000 with an assessable street cost of $415,000. The Cypress Lane and Maywood Road project has an estimated total cost of $541,000 with an assessable street cost of $196,000. Simons stated the three projects will not expand the size of the street and will use existing sidewalks and curb stops if in good condition. The assessable cost to residents is the cost for replacing a standard width street. Simons noted the projects will also replace and upsize a significant amount of water mains and that there will be minimal sanitary sewer work. The storm sewer catch basins will be replaced if needed and additional catch basins will be added to improve drainage in some areas. The Bartlett and Tuxedo projects will include retaining wall improvements. Simons stated that after the October 27 meeting when the original feasibility report was presented, he met with City staff to evaluate the Equivalent Residential Units (ERU's) -3076- Mound City Council Minutes —Nov 24, 2015 related to the three projects. The Lakewinds Condominiums wasn't part of the original feasibility report / assessment roll but has been added and all Lakewinds residents have been notified of potential assessments. Staff then re-evaluated the costs and assessments of the project with the additional ERUs attributable to Lakewinds, which reduced the estimated assessment amount per ERU. Staff also looked at factors which affect the assessment to the properties adjacent to the project and completed a Comparative Worth Analysis which recalculated the assessments so no residential property owner would pay beyond a $6600 assessment per ERU. This maximum assessed amount has been the standard for projects completed in the past 11 years. Simmons stated any amounts above the $6600 would be funded by the City's special debt levy. Simmons noted assessed values of the reconstruction is $7,307 per ERU for the Bartlett Boulevard project. Commercial property assessment estimates have not changed and will pay the full assessed amount. Salazar says it may not be fair that the residential properties don't have to pay the full 2/3 assessment as other residents have done in the past. Mayor Wegscheid asked Simmons to comment on the Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds available to pay for a portion of the projects. Simmons said the City uses these funds to build stronger and wider streets per the state aid standards, but that the MSA funds are independent of the assessment process because the assessment amount only reflects a standard street. Simmons said the estimated Tuxedo assessment is $7,701 spread across 33 ERU's. Cypress and Maywood ERU is $6,786 with the commercial properties taking up a large portion of the assessment. Salazar and Simmons discussed the particulars of these projects and if it was equitable to cap the assessed amount to each ERU. Hoversten suggested that the Council take into account what the value of a new street is in front of any lot and question the amount of traffic and people who benefit from the improvements in addition to just looking at the number of people who live on the road. Hoversten noted using the $6600 comparable value of the improvements is more fair to property owners on these roads that have fewer ERU's than past reconstruction projects but are used by a greater number of residents as they serve as feeder streets. Gillispie also noted there is less utility infrastructure to reconstruct on these projects compared to the past projects and therefore other funds are not available to help defray the street assessment costs. Simmons presented the timeline for completion of the projects. Bids would be accepted in March 2016. Construction would begin in June 2016 and be completed by June of 2017 with an assessment hearing scheduled for the Summer/Fall of 2017. Simmons noted that the assessable amount above the $6600 cap is estimated to be $62,000 which would be funded by the special debt levy. Hoversten added the assessment will be certified to the County in November of 2017, so any unpaid balance would be spread over 15 years and begin with property taxes payable 2018. 3077- Mound City Council Minutes — Nov 24, 2015 Public Hearing for the Bartlett Boulevard Proiect Mayor Wegscheid opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m David Goode, 4991 Bartlett. Goode stated that he has lived there 22 years. Goode stated there are no sidewalks on Bartlett and it is used as a thoroughfare with heavy use by commuters and residents walking along the street as well as commercial trucks which are driving over the 30mph speed limit. Goode stated that the width of Bartlett enhances the tendency of drivers to speed on the street. Goode encourages emergency vehicles to use other roads whenever possible, to paint bike and pedestrian lanes and to consider installation of speed bumps to slow traffic down for safety. Ray Chamberlain, 4913 Bartlett, said he is also concerned with width of Bartlett. When Bartlett nears Norwood the street gets narrower. He asked if the whole section of Bartlett could be widened. Simmons commented that the City will be replacing water mains but not the sanitary sewer. Hoversten stated the sewer lines in this area are structurally intact and future repairs will be done by sewer cure -in-place lining which does not require extensive excavation. Hoversten stated this is a more precise method in repairing sewer systems and will be completed city-wide based on more immediate need. Chamberlain asked about parking during the project. Simmons stated residents will be able to use their driveways most of the time during the project and will be notified when their access will have to be blocked. Simmons commented that residents will be able to get in and out of their properties during the morning and evening. Jim Bedell, 2627 Wilshire, stated he owns 2 commercial properties on Bartlett. Bedell asked why there is a $1 M difference between Tuxedo and Bartlett projects. Simmons and Hoversten commented there is a $400K difference in the projects which is due to the sidewalk replacement on Tuxedo. Mayor Wegscheid closes public hearing for Bartlett at 7:44 p.m Mayor Wegscheid commented that there was good feedback from residents. There was no further discussion by the Council. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gesch, to approve the resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. A. RESOLUTION NO. 15-137: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR 2016 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - BARTLETT BOULEVARD - CITY PROJECT NO, PW -16- 01 Public Hearing foe the Tuxedo Boulevard Proiect Mayor Wegscheid opened the Public Hearing at 7:46 p.m. John Beise, 3124 Tuxedo Blvd., read a statement with 5 points of concern regarding residents in the project area: -3078- Mound City Council Minutes — Nov 24, 2015 1) The high percentage of partial ERUs on Tuxedo Blvd. Beise and residents are asking the city to look for a solution to help level out the cost imbalance for this project in comparison to previous projects. 2) The ERU system for assessing property owners seems unfair. Calculations for Seahorse, Grandview, and now Lakewinds are different than previous standards. Beise questioned why Lakewinds wasn't assessed with more ERU's. 3) Tuxedo assessments are high because utilities can be serviced instead of replaced. Residents are asking this to be considered when setting a fair assessment rate for Tuxedo. 4) The age of Tuxedo and how long it will last. This road was replaced in 1990 and is already past due for replacement again. Due to high traffic on this road Beise stated Tuxedo will need to be replaced twice as often as any other city road in Mound. Residents on Tuxedo will be paying double since they will pay twice as often as other residents of Mound due to it being a main collector street. 5) Proposed optional cap of $6600 is still high. Beise suggests the ERU cost should only be about $5,585. Nick Peterson, 3136 Tuxedo, asked if the retaining wall was getting replaced on Tuxedo and Simmons said retaining walls are going to be reconstructed. Peterson asked what else is being replaced under Tuxedo. Simmons stated that there will be some digging and repairing of valves and hydrants and storm sewer replacement. Bev Beano, 3000 Tuxedo, brought up the number of potholes on Tuxedo. She noted the heavy equipment and traffic using Tuxedo. She believes these vehicles are over the tonnage limits. She asked if Tuxedo will be stripped and was informed that this will be done during project. Vince Forystek, 3131 Inverness, stated there are no driveways onto Tuxedo from the Lakewinds Condos. There is nothing Lakewinds does with Tuxedo. He stated the building and driveway are actually on Wilshire. Hoversten commented that Wilshire at the front of Lakewinds is a county road and the assessment is not based on where your driveway is but if your property affronts the street. Forystek noted there sidewalk narrows and there are no street lights operating in the area. Forystek also asked the City to clean up the leaves in the area. Brad Herdendorf, 3118 Tuxedo, wanted to get a better understanding of the policy on determining assessments. Mayor Wegscheid closed the public hearing for Tuxedo at 8:03 pm Mayor Wegscheid responded to the points of consideration which John Biese presented during the public hearing including the ERU procedure which the Mayor stated he felt the staff recommendation was fair. Simmons responded to the Lakewinds ERU question. He described that he took the frontage of the Lakewinds property which is 171 feet and divided by 60 which is the standard frontage of city lots and came up with the 3 ERU's. This is based on the comparative worth of the benefit of the project to the property. Gesch stated the frontage is on both Tuxedo and Wilshire but Simmons noted Wilshire is a County Road and will not be assessed for future improvements. -3079- Mound City Council Minutes — Nov 24, 2015 Mayor Wegscheid thinks this calculation may need to be reviewed again. Hoversten stated there will be another assessment hearing at the end of the project. Mayor Wegscheid re -opened the Public Hearing for the Tuxedo Project at 8:22 pm. Chuck Lavake, Lakewinds Condo on-site manager, said he spoke with city engineer and staff and that they were given a dollar amount of $125 per condo when he spoke with city staff. He is the manager of Lakewinds and told these residents of this estimated assessment. Tom Lavoie, stated he has holdings at Lakewinds. There are 189 units at Lakewinds, though they vary in size. He stated the property is mostly the building and parking lot. He also stated most of the people at Lakewinds don't know where Tuxedo is as residents use Wilshire to get out of parking lot. Ralph Kempf, 3675 Togo Road, owns property at Lakewinds Condos. He stated the length of the entire project is very long and Lakewinds should not be assigned 1/3 of the project costs. He believes that assessment would not be fair. Mayor Wegscheid closed the public hearing for Tuxedo at 8:30. Mayor Wegscheid and Bob Derus conferred on the resolution which will be voted on without the ERU's being established at this time. Gesch noted the 4th "whereas" in the resolution does have the ERU amount assigned and should be removed from the resolution. Mayor Wegscheid noted that staff will continue the analysis of the Lakewinds Condos and total ERU's and stated that there will be another public hearing on the ERU's in 2017. MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to approve the resolution as amended with the 4th whereas stricken and directing staff to continue the analysis of the Lakewinds Condo assessment and how it impacts the overall project. All voted in favor. Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. 15-138: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR 2016 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - TUXEDO BOULEVARD - PHASE II - CITY PROJECT NO. PW -16-02 Public Hearing for Cypress/Maywood project discussion opened by Mayor Wegscheid at 8:38 p.m. No one came forward. Mayor Wegscheid closes public hearing for Cypress/Maywood at 8:39 p.m. MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Gillispie, to approve the resolution. All voted in favor. Motion carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. 15-139: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR 2016 STREET, UTILITY AND RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - CYPRESS/MAYWOOD - CITY PROJECT NO. PW -16-03 1:1 Mound City Council Minutes — Nov 24, 2015 8. Information/Miscellaneous A. Comments/reports from Council Members/Interim City Manager Mayor Wegscheid reminded the audience not to forget the End of Prohibition Sale at Harbor Wine and Spirits on December 3rd. B. Minutes: Docks and Commons Commission - Sept 17, 2015 C. Reports: D. Correspondence: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Board Appointments 9. Adiourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Salazar, to adjourn at 8:41 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -3081- Mayor Mark Wegscheid n MEMORANDUM December 1, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Re: Listing of City Vendors and Contracts City Policy FIN -003 - Procurement Policy was approved on July 14, 2015 and an excerpt of Section 1.7.1 Quick Reference Guide is attached. The policy requires that a list of the 'regular" consultants will be provided along with the approval of the final budget each year. Attached is a list of the vast majority of vendors for the City of Mound. Under the column labeled "Contract', those vendors marked with an "X" indicate vendors where a signed agreement is in place. Those agreements will be approved by the Council upon renewal and any consultant not on the list and/or marked with an "X" will also be approved in advance by the Council. Other vendors that fall within the "normal and customary" and within budget definition will be subject to the commitment authority/approval process as outlined in Section 1.7.1. Staff will continue to refine this list and use it to prioritize which contracts need to be renewed and a request for proposals (RFP) or quotes (RFQ) need to be issued. This is also an opportunity for the Council to ask questions or give direction regarding the City vendors and contracts. Going forward, the list of vendors where a signed agreement is in place will just be part of the supplemental budget information. Please let Catherine know if you have any questions regarding this information -3082- Section 1.7 Purchasing Guidelines 1.7.1 Quick Reference Guide - Assumes normal operating and capital expenditures within budget, excludes liquor product purchases Value of Purchase Quotations Needed Payment Request Advance Approvals Options Needed Prior to Purchasin Less than $1000 Departmental Discretion Petty Cash < $25 Department Spv Yes No (Note: City Manager approves all training Credit Card Check Request Finance City Manager No and staff exp City Council No reimbursements) $1000-$4,999 Departmental Discretion Credit Card Department Head Yes Check Request Finance No City Manager No City Council No $5,000-$24,999 Two Written Quotes or Check Request Department Head Yes No RFP's Purchase Order Finance City Manager Yes City Council No $25,000-$99,999 Two Written Quotes or Check Request Department Head Yes Yes RFP's for capital items, Purchase Order Finance RFP's only for services City Manager Yes (see RFP Sec. 4.5 Cit Council No Greater than Sealed Bids, solicited by Check Request Department Head Yes $100,000 public notice Resolution ta Yes accepting bid ManagerFinance Cit Council Yes Notes: (1) If a cooperative purchasing agreement is in place, quotations are not required, but the agreement being used should be documented. Examples: State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV), LOGIS for employee benefits, NJPA, etc. (2) Formalized contracts or leases for a period exceeding one year must be approved by City Council resolution. (3) See Staff Expense Reimbursement Rules and Out of State Travel Policy for additional restrictions on employee related expenses and employee recognition events. (4) Definition of "Normal and Customary" assumes expenses incurred in the normal course of business within budgeted levels (examples include Met Council Environmental Services wastewater treatment, Xcel Energy, Frontier, payroll related, operating supplies, repairs and maintenance). On an annual basis, a list of the "regular" consultants will be provided along with the approval of the final budget. Any consultants not on the list whose services are needed will be brought to the Council for approval in advance (examples include American Engineering Testing (AET), MP&G Marketing). -3063- -3Ut54- Contract Expires RFP/Q? Est. $/YR Fin & Admi P/1 PVV Fire Liquor ($000) X 2016 30 X ABDO SICK AND MEYERS, LLP P X AFLAC INSURANCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD (Employer and Employee Conti) X 2016 2016 300 X 'BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION/ EHLERS FINL ADVISORS X CAPITAL GUARDIAN TRUST CO. P X P X DELTA DENTAL X DEPT OF LABOR&INDUSTRY BLDG X 2016 2015 X DERUS GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTING P X FEDERAL WITHHOLDING -- X 2019 2015 25 X ENE TECHNOLOGY X 2015 2016 50 X FRONTIER/CITIZENSCOMMUNICATIO X 2016+5 N/A 60 X GILLESPIE CENTER X 2016 112 X HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSORS OFF X Annual N/A 12 X HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION TECH X HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTYTAX X HERREI) & ASSOCIATES - P X ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 _. - P X ING-LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY P X INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE -OH X - 2016 5.6 X ]ESSEN PRESS INC(QTRLY Newsletter) X 2016 60 X KENNEDY AND GRAVEN LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION X N/A N/A 48 X M 22 X LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT X Annual X LEAGUE MN CRIES INSURANCE TRU .250 M 9 X LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CRIES P X LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANC X 2010 4.5 X LOFFLER COMPANIES, INC. Copier Maintenance P X MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT _ P X MINNESOTA DEPT OF REVENUE -WAGE P X MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 MN CLEAN SERVICES, INC. (Janitorial) X 2/26/2017 2015 12 X X X P X MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM - X MP&6 MARKETING SOLUTIONS, LLC X 2016 13 X MULCH STORE, THE P X OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORC OPUS 21 MGMT SOLUTIONS (Including postage) X 2018 2013 50 X X 2022 2012 1.7M X ORONO,CITY OF X POSTMASTER (QVIy Newsletter? X 2018 2012 50 X POTTS, KENNETH N. P.A. (Prosecution) P X PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOC - - REPUBLIC SERVICES (Curbside Recycling, Garbage for City Bldgs) I X L2016 2016 170 X X -3Ut54- 3085- Contract Expires RFP/Q? Est. $NR Fin& Admi P/I PW Fire Liquor ($000) X 2013 4.8 X SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS, INC. X SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (Microsoft software) X 2019 2015 5.5 X X X X SIMPLEX GRINNELL X SOUTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATION P X STATE WITHHOLDING - P X SUN LIFE FINANCIAL X SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER X 5.5 X X THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORA X X X ULINE(Facility operating supplies) X STATE 13 X VERIION WIRELESS WELLS FARGO P - X X 2018 S X WESTON" PUBLIC SCHOOLS X 2016 18 X IHOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, INC x METROPOLITAN COUNCIL SAC CHARG '.MNSPECT X 2016 125 X X 'ADVANCED WALL STRUCTURES, INC X ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY X AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING X ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS X ASPEN EQUIPMENT - X (ASSURED SECURITY, INC. BENIEK PROPERTY SVCS INC. X 2019 2014 30 X X �BIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROOMS X BIGS EASY LIFE X 2016 1M X BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORATED X BOYERTRUCKS - X BRAUN INTERTEC X CARQUESi OF NAVARRE (P/W) X COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA X CONCEPT LANDSCAPING X CUES, INC. (Sewer Camera Equip) X CUMMINGS NPOWER,LLC (Generator Repairs) X CAVES MULCH STORE - X DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS - X DISPLAY SALES (Wreaths) X DOCK AND LIFT, INCORPORATED X 2017 2015 13 X DOCKMASTERS OF LAKE MINNETONKA (In/Out) X DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES X DURKIN, DAVID X EGAN COMPANIES X ELECTRIC PUMP 3085- -3086- Contract Expires RFP/Q? Est. $NR Fin & Admir Pit PVV Fire Liquor ($000) X EMERYS TREE SERVICE, INCORPORA X X G & K SERVICES - X GEISLINGER AND SONS, INCOPORAT X GMH ASPHALT - X H & L MESABI AGGREGATE CONSTRU (Plow Blades) X HAUGO GEO TECHNICAL SVCS, LLC - - X HAWKINS, INCORPORATED - X HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD X HFVII SAFETY WEAR X HOME DEPOT/GECF(P/W) X HYDRO KLEAN - - X KLM ENGINEERING, INCORPORATED X KOHIS FOAM SYSTEMS, INC. - X LAKE MANAGEMENT, INC. X METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTEWATE X MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION _ - X 2016 2015 X MIDWEST SERVICES, LLC (fleet&equip maint) X MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH (Training/Fees) X MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT-(SCHARBER) - Sm Equip Repair X MINT ROOFING - X MN DEPT TRANSPORTATION - X MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS (Ldsp & Street Materials) X NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR (Pump Repair) X NEWMAN SIGNS (Sign repair materials) 2015 2615 X NS/I HORWITZ MECHANICAL CONSTR =_> Move to UHL X PEMBER COMPANIES, INC - - X PENN CONTRACTING, INC. X PRECISION SEALCOATING, INCORPO X PROLAW NS ON THE LAKE X R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED X RAYS SERVICES (Tree Removal) X SCHNEIDER EXCAVATING AND GRADI X SOLDO CONSULTING, P.C. (Employee Relations) X TONKA PLUMBING HEATING &CLG X TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) - X 2016 2015 X UHL COMPANY(City Halt antl Centennial HVAC) -T&M X VESSCO, INCORPORATED (Repairs, chemicals and supplies) X WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE, INC (Leak locates) X WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AND SO X WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC X - AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY (Repairs and supplies) -3086- KEY X = Signed Contract P = Payroll vendor for benefits, taxes and withholdings M = Membership -3087- Contract Expires RFP/W Est. $/YR Fin & Admi P/I PVV Fire Li uor ($000) X EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC X FIRE GATT L.L.C. X FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES, IN X MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION - X ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE X ARTISAN BEER COMPANY - X BELLBOY CORPORATION - X BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VENDING X COCA COLA BOTTLING-MIDWEST X DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC X DAY DISTRIBURNG COMPANY X HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED X T TAYLOR. DISTRIBUIING MINN X JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR - X MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY X PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPANY X PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC X 2015 1,2 X PRIME ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC (Website Monthly Managed Svc) v�LL' X SOUTHERN WINE &SPIRITS OF MN X SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA X SUN NEWSPAPERS-HWS ACCT. X THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY X 1.5 X TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, INC. (Annual Support +T&M) X VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED - X WINE COMPANY — X WINE MERCHANTS X WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER X WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN WINE SPIRITS - KEY X = Signed Contract P = Payroll vendor for benefits, taxes and withholdings M = Membership -3087- -3vua- Contract Expires RFP/Q? Est. $/YR Fin & Admir Pill PW Fire Liquor ($000) X 2016 30 x ABDO EICK AND MEYERS, LLP P x AFIAC INSURANCE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD (Employer and Employee Cont') X 2016 2016 300 x x BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION / EHLERS FINL ADVISORS P x CAPITAL GUARDIAN TRUST CO. P x DELTA DENTAL x DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY BLDG x 2016 2015 x DERUS GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTING P x FEDERAL WITHHOLDING X 2019 2015 25 X FIVETECHNOLOGY X 2015 2016 50 x FRONTIER/CTTRENS COMMUNICATIO X 2016+5 N/A 60 x GILLESPIE CENTER X 2016 112 x HENNEPIN COUNTY ASSESSORS OFF X Annual N/A 12 x HENNEPIN COUNTY INFORMATION TECH x HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY TAX X HERREID &ASSOCIATES P x ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 P IN(TLIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY P x INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE-OH -- x - 2016 5.6 x LESSEN PRESS INC CTRLY Newsletter) x 2016 60mxi KENNEDY AND GRAVEN x N/A N/A 48 LAKE MINNETONKA COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION M 22 LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT X Annual 250 LEAGUE MN CITIES INSURANCE TRU M 9 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES PLOFFLER LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANC x 2010 4.5MINNESOTA COMPANIES, INC. Copley Maintenance P CHILD SUPPORT P MINNESOTA DEPT OF REVENUE-WAGE P x MINNESOTA TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 x 2/26/2017 2015 12 x x x. AN CLEAN SERVICES, INC. (Janitonap P x MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM x MP&G MARKETING SOLUTIONS, LLC X 2016 13 x MULCH STORE, THE OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORC 2013 50 x OPUS 21 MGMT SOLUTIONS (including postage) 1018 022 2012 13M x ORONO, CITY OF x POSTMASTER Ctrly Newsletter) 018 2012 50 x POTTS, KENNETH N. P.A. (Prosecudon) P x PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOC REPUBLIC SERVICES (Curbside Recycling, Garbage for City Bldgs) x 2016 2016 170 x x -. -3vua- �y Contract Expires RFP�($000) P/I PW Fire Liquor X 20134.8 X SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS, INC. X SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION(Microsoft software) X 2019 2015 5.5 X X X X SIMPLEX GRINNELL X SOUTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATION P X STATE WITHHOLDING P X SUN LIFE FINANCIAL X SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPER X 5.5 X X THYSSEN-KRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORA X X X ULINE(Facility operadng supplies) X STATE 13 X VER]i WIRELESS P X WELLS FARGO X 2018 5 X WESFONKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS X 2016 18 X HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP, INC X METROPOLITAN COUNCIL SAC CHARS X 2016 125 X MNSPECT X ADVANCED WALL STRUCTURES, INC X ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY X AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING X ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS (Henn Co Radios) X ASPEN EQUIPMENT - X ASSURED SECURITY, INC. X 2019 .t 2014 30 X BENIEK PROPERTY SVCS INC. X RIFFS, INC PORTABLE RESTROOMS X BIDS EASY LIFT X 2016 1M X BOLTON AND MENK, INCORPORATED X BOYER TRUCKS X BRAUN INTERTEC - X CARQUEST OF NAVARRE (P/W) X COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA X CONCEPT LANDSCAPING X CUES, INC. (Sewer Camera Equip) X CUMMINGS NPOWER,LLC (Generator Repairs) X DAVES MULCH STORE X DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS X DISPLAY SALES (Wreaths) X DOCK AND LIFT, INCORPORATED X 2017 2015 13 X DOCKMASTERS OF LAKE MINNETONKA (In(Out) X DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES X DURKIN, DAVID - X EGAN COMPANIES (Street light maintenance) 7x7=-- ELECTRIC PUMP �y -jvW- Contract Ez Tres RFP/(1? Est. $/YR Fin &Admi P/1 PW Fire Liquor ($000) v X EMERYS TREE SERVICE, INCORPORA X X G & K SERVICES X GEISLINGER AND SONS, INCOPORAT X GMH ASPHALT - X H & L MESABI AGGREGATE CONSTRU (Plow Blades) X HAUGO GEO TECHNICAL SVCS, LLC X HAWKINS, INCORPORATED X HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD X HI VIZ SAFETY WEAR X HOME DEPOT/GECF(P/W) X HYDRO KLEAN X KLM ENGINEERING, INCORPORATED X KOHLS FOAM SYSTEMS, INC. X LAKE MANAGEMENT, INC. X METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTEWATE X MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION MIDWEST SERVICES, ULC (Fleet&shun maim) X 2016 2015 X X MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH (Traming/Fees) X MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT-(SCHARBER) - Sm Equip Repair X MINT ROOFING -- X MN DEPT TRANSPORTATION - X MUELLER, WILLIAM AND SONS (Ldsp & Street Materials) X NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR (Pump Repair) X NEWMAN SIGNS (Sign repair materials) - 2015 2015 X NS/I HORWITZ MECHANICAL CONSTR==> Move to UHL X PEMBER COMPANIES, INC - X PENN CONTRACTING, INC. X PRECISION SEALCOATING, INCORPO _ X PROIAWNS ON THE LAKE X R.C. ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED X RAYS SERVICES (Tree Removal) X SCHNEIDER EXCAVATING AND GRADI X SOLDO CONSULTING, P.C. (Employee Relations) X TONKA PLUMBING HEATING & CLG X TRUE VALUE, MOUND (PW PKS) X 2016 2015 X UHL COMPANY (City Hall and Centennial HVAC) -T&M X VESSCO, INCORPORATED (Repairs, chemicals and supplies) X WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE, INC (Leak locates) X WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE AND SU X WIDMER CONSTRUCTION, LLC X AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY (Repairs and supplies) -jvW- KEY X = Signed Contract P = Payroll vendor for benefits, taxes and withholdings M = Membership -3091- Contract Expires RFP/Q? Est. $NR Fin & Admir PA. PW Fire Li uor ($000) X EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANC -- X FIRE GATT L.L.C. -- X FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES, IN — X MOUND FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION - - X ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE X ARTISAN BEER COMPANY X BELLBOY CORPORATION - X BERNICKS BEVERAGES AND VENDING X COCA COLA BOTTLING -MIDWEST X DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC X DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY X HOHENSTEINS, INCORPORATED X A TAYLOR. DISTRIBUTING MINN X JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR X MARLIN S TRUCKING DELIVERY X PAUSTIS AND SONS WINE COMPANY X PHILLIPS WINE AND SPIRITS, INC - X �)� 2015 1.2 X PRIME ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC (Website Monthly Managed Svc) X SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRF-S OF MN - X SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA X SUN NEWSPAPERS -HWS ACCT. X THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY X 1.5 X TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, INC. (Annual SUPPOrt +T&M) X VINOCOPIA, INCORPORATED - X WINE COMPANY X WINE MERCHANTS X WIRTZ BEVERAGE MN BEER X WIRTZ BEVERAGE AN WINE SPIWTS - KEY X = Signed Contract P = Payroll vendor for benefits, taxes and withholdings M = Membership -3091- MEMORANDUM Date: December 1, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Accepting credit cards at City Hall for certain transactions At the August 25th regular meeting, Staff presented three options for taking credit cards at City Hall . The original memo is attached. Per the discussion, additional analysis is provided on the following page, including: Estimate number of transactions and average transaction amount by revenue type Calculate projected fees under each of the scenarios Provide survey results to show what other cities are doing In addition, it was asked whether a maximum transaction amount or "cap" should be considered. Regarding a cap, I think we should just eliminate the use of credit cards for liquor licenses if we want to limit our liability as opposed to having a cap because the Staff may be put under pressure to split transactions, etc. Staff asks that the Council take this additional information into consideration and direct Staff on whether or not the Council wants to accept credit cards at City Hall and what payment option it prefers: Scenario 1: City pays all transaction fees Scenario 2: Customer pays a flat convenience fee, City pays the remainder Scenario 3: Customer pays all fees If Scenario 1 or 2 are chosen, the estimated fees would need to be added to the 2016 budget: of Rev Scenario 1 (100%) Scenario 2 (Partial) Credit Cards Gen Fund Dock Fund Gen Fund Dock Fund 30% 2,281 1,521 1,078 718 50% 3,802 2,535 1,796 1,197 75% 5,704 3,802 2,694 1,796 The Council may also further limit what fees credit cards are accepted for. Please let Catherine know if you have any questions regarding this matter. -3092- Credit Card Analysis R 101-42000-32020 'Temp Liquor License R 101 42000 32030 !Garbage Licenses ..__.....__.. . R 101-42000 32172 Public Gathering Permit R 101-42000 32180 Other Licenses/Permits R 101-42000-32190 ! Misc. Business Permits „ *10142000-32210 Building Perm its R 101-42000-32220 (Electrical Permit Fee R 101-42000 32230 ''.Plumbing Connection Permits R 101-42000-32235 Heating Permits _. R 101-42000 32270 Grading/Excavating R 101-42000-32280 Moving Permits R 101-42000-3229b MGC, P&IFees R 101-42000-34104 Plan Check Fee R 101-42000-34114 'Planning Commission Application R 101-45000-34110 Depot Rental R 101 45000-34940 Cemetery Lot Sale R 281-45210-34725 (Dock Permits R 281-45210-34735 '1. Multiple Slip Permits R 281-45210-34737 Villa Slip Revenue R 281-45210-34745 'Wait List Fee 4, $475 00 $118 75' -. $5000001 269 $18275.73 City Pays -- $67941 Customer pays --.. $2,000.00, _3 .. ___.. $215.00 Disc Fee _- $71.67 _..$20000' PayGov 3% __. $0.00 _— _ _. 1 .._...$20000. Shorewood -Utility _. $ _ $0.00 -_ _.. 3 -...$301.75 $ $10D 58:. - $50,000.00, 434 $63,790.35 Dock Fees $146.98.; 400.00 $ $5,000.00 --26$7,739.7T. 12.00 $ 3.50 $297.681. $ $5,000.00 36-$451250 $ 120.00 .,,$125.35'. _.. $2,500. _ _00 ..._.. 54,- $4 015 00 $74.M $114,615.00 - - 400 $117,630.11 $294.08, $36,000.00 foot $34,450.00 $344.50'. . $7357.00 371 -$55210.00 $149216i. - $2,500.00, 150 $3 060 OOI $20 40'' Total revenues for which credit cards will be accepted 1,911 $506,987.54 $265.30 i% Disc S Collected Fee I if flat $3.50 fee Estimated amount charged to credit cards cu -re > 1JL,u>o.ao a.,,3,,.^- 77 6 37 34 1 3,344.25 (Note: Liquor Store - 74% charged to credit 75% $ 380,240.66 $ 9,506.02 $ 5,016.38 cards, although checks no longer accepted Chy vendor Fees Amount What other cities are doing: Municipay customer pays fee y3.00 Akeley cke '.Breckenridge Municipay Customer pays fee $3.00 Cass Lake Municipay Customerpays fee -$3 or 2.45% Clear Lake Municipay Customer pays fee 2.45°% Fulda Govpaynet customer pays fee 3% Hill City Govpaynet Customer pays fee 3% Spring Park Cash or Check Only N/A City Pays Customer pays Customer pays Minnetrista - Other Cash or Check Only 2.5% Disc Fee Payment Service Network PayGov 3% flat $3.50 convenience fee Average Transactions: N/A Shorewood -Utility Online Credit Card Payment $ 3.00 $ 3.50 Misc Charges <$100 $ 100.00 $ 2.50 -3093- Dock Fees $ 400.00 $ 10.00 $ 12.00 $ 3.50 Liquor Licenses/Large Projects $ 4,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 120.00 $ 3.50 1. Chy vendor Fees Amount What other cities are doing: Municipay customer pays fee y3.00 Akeley cke '.Breckenridge Municipay Customer pays fee $3.00 Cass Lake Municipay Customerpays fee -$3 or 2.45% Clear Lake Municipay Customer pays fee 2.45°% Fulda Govpaynet customer pays fee 3% Hill City Govpaynet Customer pays fee 3% Spring Park Cash or Check Only N/A .Excelsior Cash or Check Only N/A Minnetrista - Other Cash or Check Only N/A Minnetristo- Utility Payment Service Network Customer pays fee Shorewood -other Cash or Check Only N/A Shorewood -Utility Online Credit Card Payment wayaata Clear Pay Financial Solutions City pays charges Orono Payment Service Network city pays charges -3093- Date: August 20, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Accepting credit cards at City Hall for certain transactions Customers, including contractors and residents, often ask to pay by credit or debit card at City Hall. Expanding payment options for citizens has to be balanced with the associated costs and how those costs will be funded. Staff is providing three different scenarios for accepting credit and debit cards. Scenario 1: City pays any transaction fees and considers them a cost of doing business. Pros: This is what most people expect and would create the least amount of backlash. Cons: Additional costs only benefit those who chose to pay via those methods. Cost increase estimated to be $250+ per month, or $3,000 per year, based on $150K in charges at an average 2% discount rate. Scenario 2: City pays any transaction fees but passes on a "Convenience Fee" to anyone paying by credit or debit card. Entities using this approach usually charge $3.50 to $4.00 per transaction. Pros: City recaptures some, if not all, of the additional cost. Cost allocated to those who benefit from the convenience option, not the tax base overall. Cons: Negative perception of customer service levels. Scenario 3: City uses a third party provider that does not cost the City anything but the customer is charged 3% per transaction. This service is provided by PayGOV.us and is used by many counties. Pros: Cost neutral for the City and can be implemented immediately. Cost allocated to those who benefit from the convenience option, not the tax base overall. Would give the City more info on what to expect if we converted to a more traditional payment option (Scenario 1) Cons: Most expensive option for the customers. Negative perception of customer service levels. -3094- I do not recommend accepting credit cards for utility bill payments at this time. We have the assessment process to ensure payment and the utility rates are already high. We offer auto -pay using an ACH authorization to debit checking or savings accounts as well. We see the most demand to pay by credit cards in the building permit process. Other fees that could be collected via credit or debit cards include: liquor licenses, animal licenses, dock licenses, depot rentals, cemetery lot sales and markings, public gathering permits, and solicitor's licenses. Finance Directors often poll their peers as to who accepts credit cards and whether or not additional fees are assessed. My impression is that the majority of cities accepting credit cards are absorbing the fees. It is more common to see convenience fees charged by counties, school districts and major utilities like Xcel. I believe in Wisconsin a state law was passed making it illegal for local governments to absorb credit cards fees, thus you will see many more cities in Wisconsin using Scenario 3. Minnesota law does not restrict local government in the same way. Lastly, it should be noted that credit cards were accepted in the early 2000's at the City of Mound, but the Council at the time voted to discontinue the service due to the associated costs. The Council is requested to direct Staff on what scenario, if any, they would like to pursue and/or if they need additional information or analysis. -3095- MEMORANDUM December 4, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Catherine Pausche, Director of Finance and Administrative Services Re: 2016 Fee Schedule Attached is a resolution approving a fee schedule for 2016. Many of the changes should be considered housekeeping, either eliminating outdated fees or language or providing clarification. The utility rates reflect the increases that were discussed and approved for 2015 - 2018: Water +8.5% Sewer +9.5% Storm +6.5% Staff continues to research alternatives for public gathering fees and when a viable solution is approve, the corresponding changes to the City Code and Fee Schedule will be brought forward. This should be completed in the first quarter of 2016. Please let Catherine know if you have any questions regarding this information. -3096- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 -- RESOLUTION ADOPTING FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2016 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota: Fees shall be hereby established. In the event of a conflict between this schedule and the City Code the fee schedule shall prevail. An application or code provision may require payment of fees for consultation with experts, professionals, or other qualified persons or for other matters which may result in the imposition of a fee greater than listed in this fee schedule. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES & CHARGES Comprehensive Plan $30.00 Copies $0.25/page Faxes $0.25/page DVD/CD with electronic info $5.00 each 38-23 Duplicate license/permit $10.00 each Board and Commissions Minutes (not Council) $0.25/page Notary (set by State) $1.00 each Returned Check $30.00/check Zoning Ordinance $20.00 74-129 Late fee for invoices not paid within 30 days 1 % per month (for billable services provided by City) AMUSEMENT & COMMERCIAL RECREATION Amusements: (Set by State) Expire April 30 10-37 Mechanical Amusement Machines Arcades: Expire Dec. 3181 10-37 Arcade Permit (fee per machine) Carnivals Shows, Entertainment: 10-73 Circus, carnival, or show, game er-ease# Indoor show Outdoor show Tent shows $15.00/location+ $15.00/machine $15.00/location + $15.00/machine $100.00/day $100.00/day $100.00/day 10-73 Musical concert $50.nn— av Parades: 38-1 Parade -3097- N/C BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS Alcoholic Beverages: Expire June 301h 6-112 3.2 beer license investigation fee $500.00/investigation 3.2 beer off -sale $150.00/yr. 3.2 beer on -sale $500.00/yr. 3.2 beer on -sale temporary (non-profit) $25.00/day (for profit) $50.00/day 6-21 Set-ups (+State charges $150 for $300.00/yr. Consumption & Display Permit) Temporary (one -day) set-ups $25.00/day 6-49 Liquor Lic. Investigation fee per investor (in state) $500.00/app (out state) Actual (up to $1,000) 6-48 Liquor on -sale $5,000.00/yr. Liquor on-sale/cabaret $5,000.00/yr. Temporary On -Sale Liquor 1-4 Da $50.00/dayevent 6-48 Wine on -sale $500.00/yr. Investigation fee $500.00/investigation 6-48 Club license (regulated by State) Membership 200 or less: $300.00/yr. Membership 201-500: $500.00/yr. Membership 501-1,000: $650.00/yr. Membership 1,001-2,000: $800.00/yr. Membership 2,001-4,000: $1,000.00/yr. Membership 4,001-6,000: $2,000.00/yr. Membership more than 6,000: $3,000.00/yr. 6-48 Sunday liquor $200.00/yr. 6-53 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and/or revocation of license 6-117 Civil Penalty for violation to comply First violation $500.00 Second violation $750.00 Third violation $1,000.00 plus public hearing before City Council to consider suspension and/or revocation of license Charitable Gambling: Investigation fee (set by State) $200.00 Cigarettes: Now regulated by the County. -3098- Fireworks: 38-253 License to Sell Consumer Fireworks $100.00/yr. Additional inspection if needed +$35.00 Garbage Collection. 54-48 Permit Fee $500.00/yr. Secondhand Goods Dealer Background check/investigation fee $100.00 first year Dealer License annual baGkgFOURd GheGk $100.00/yr. Peddlers & Solicitors: 38-152 Transient merchants, Peddler, Hawker One day $30.00 One week $50.00 One month $75.00 One year $200.00 CEMETERY FEES 18-22 Adult grave - resident (or prior resident with proof) $600.00 Adult grave - non-resident $1,100.00 Baby grave -resident (1/2 Grave) $300.00 Baby grave -non-resident (1/2 Grave) $550.00 Ash burial - resident (1/2 Grave) $300.00 Ash burial - non-resident (1/2 Grave) $550.00 Locate Actual cost (min $35.00) Maintenance Agreement (June -Oct) $15.00/mo. Ash burial placed on top of casket limit 1 urn $50.00 DOCKS: 78-38 Commercial Boat (fee per boat) $30.00/yr. 78-56 Commercial Dock Renewal $500.00/yr. Slips $30.00 ea/yr. Boats stored on land $10.00 ea/yr. 78-76 Charter Boat License Fee $1,000.00/yr or $100.00/occurrence Investigation Fee $100.00 78-101 Non-refundable processing fee for wait list Application $20.00/yr 78-101 Processing fee for full dock refunds $50.00 78-101 Late dock license application fee on or after March 1st (abutters only) $50.00/mo. 78-101 Late dock license application fee for applications received between March 1st and March 31St (non -abutters only) $100 78-101 Dock fee that includes primary watercraft (1 boat) $325.00/yr 78-101 Each secondary watercraft $100.00/yr. 78-101 Sailboat mooring $325.00/yr 78-103 Shared dock application - filed on or after March 1St $25.00 78-102 Temporary Visiting Dockage Permit - up to 21 days $50.00 78-103 Shared dock (Secondary Site Holder Fee) $175.00/yr LMCD charge (based on boat length) Set by LMCD LMCD charge (no boat) Minimum as set by LMCD -3099- 78-104 Penalty fee for undeclared boat at dock (license holder) $100.00 78-104 Penalty for undeclared boat at a slip (license holder) $100.00 78-121 Multiple Slip Fee $375.00/yr 78-121 Multiple Slip LMCD Fee $15.00 78-121 Small watercraft slip fee $100.00/yr 78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (Villa of Lost Lake Residents) $1,148.00/yr 78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Mound residents who are not 5th -10th $250.00 Lost Lake residents) $1,950.00/yr. 78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (to Non -Mound residents or Lost Lake Residents for second slip) $2,050.00/yr 78-121 Lost Lake Slips Multiple (After August 1St of the year) $1,000/yr 78-121 Lost Lake Slips LMCD $18.75 78-121 Multiple Slip Refundable Key Deposit $50.00 78-123 Processing fee for full slip refund $50.00 78-123 Processing fee for voluntary suspension of license $50.00 78-123 Penalty for boat at slip after October 15th deadline $100.00 FIRE/EMERGENCY SERVICES: Fire report (MFD Report) $10.00 Slow 3Q 51 RUFRiRg PPFMit 30-5.1-26=56 False Alarm (per calendar year) Fire and Burglary Separate 1 St $0.00 2nd $0.00 3rd $50.00 4th $150.00 5th -10th $250.00 ea. over 10 $500.00 PARKS & RECREATION: Depot rental - residents $125.00/day Depot rental - non-residents $250.00/day _.. mnv nnI,a. Damage deposit $350.00 plus $50.00 cash Cancellation fee (depot) $50.00 City Hall/Centennial Building room rentals $75.00/day PUBLIC GATHERING: TO BE DETERMINED 50-20 Parks or commons use fee: $300.00 - $600.00/day Damage Deposit $500.00 - $1,000.00/day Permit fee and damage deposit to be determined by City Manager and City Staff upon receipt of application stating specific use and requirements. TAX FORFEIT AND/OR CITY -OWNED PROPERTY Fee for staff review of request for release of tax forfeit and/or city -owned land $200.00 Escrow Deposit for above $500.00 -3100- POLICE SERVICES �. 14 39 •- spayed, with proof gf rabies vaccination -.90 0 IDO&IGat liGPRW 2 year UR Reutered- �11 An spayed •upliGate Tag &4 ._. -_'�peF • •. uaNgRtine F day - Kennel:i• 14-44 Commercial Late application: 0 0i 14-1 Redemption of impounded animal (See City of Orono Impound/Release Fees) ... .. --- above fees, plus liGense PUFGhaS8 and follewing-kenneOees---, .. .. -$46.001dRy - SPECIAL CONTRACTOR LICENSES Heating AC, Ventilation: Contractor registration: $0.00 Tree Surgeon: Expires April 13t 38-207 Tree surgeon (removal & treatment) $200.00/yr. Street Excavation: 61-23 Street excavation: Unpaved street $100.00+$500.00 deposit Asphalt $100.00+$500.00 deposit Concrete $100.00+$500.00 deposit Late Fee Penalty — For all bills not paid on or before the be added for the current amount due. Water: 74-46 Service Contract Violation 74-77 Water Meter (with MXU) 5/8 x3/4 3/4 1 For (2) 5/8" meters For (2) 3/" meters For (2) 1" meters 1-1 Y2 2 2 Hpt 3 Hpt 4 Hpt 2 tru/flo -3101- date specified on the $35.00/upon t -o $275.00/meter $300.00/meter $340.00/meter $392.00 for two $495.00 for two $560.00 for two $525.00/meter $650.00/meter $700.00/meter $950.00/meter $1,500.00/meter $1,610.00/meter a 10% late tee 3 tru/flo 4 tru/flo MXU only Sprinkler Meters (without MXU) 5/8 x 3/4 1° 74-128 Water Meter Test 74-127 Water gallonage rates Service Charge User Fee Residential (Quarterly) Tier 1 1-5,000 gallons Tier 2 5,001-25,000 gallons Tier 3 25,001+ gallons User Fee Commercial (Monthly) Tier 1 1-2,000 gallons Tier 2 2,001-15,000 gallons Tier 3 15,001+ gallons New Account Charge On/Off at curb box (during normal business hrs.) On/Off at curb box (after normal business hrs.) Repair Fee Reconnection Fee Sprinkler System 2 inch 4 inch 6 inch 8 inch 10 inch 12 inch 74-27 Water Trunk Area Charge (WTAC) Water Service Connection Fee 74-44 Water Turn -on 74-45 Plumber Violation Sewer: $2,225.00/meter $3,000.00/meter $135.00 ea. $125.00 $275.00 $50.00/test $46.06!mo/asst. $17.43/mo/acct. Actual Cost Actual Cost $35.00 $3.00/mo $4.00/mo $6.00/mo $15.00/mo $25.00/mo $33.00/mo $2,000.00/unit $240.00/unit $35.00/event $100.00/viol. 105-100 Master plumber registration $0.00 74-241 Connection to sewer, but not water $130.69 Treatment rates: Residential: 10,000 gals or less $55-59min/gt+ Over 10,000 gals/1,000 gals. $5-3-1 Minimum quarterly charge $85.59 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling or apartment which is in accordance with existing sewer department policy. Commercial, Industrial & Multi -unit Dwellings: 3,000 gals or less $23534nlmo. Over 3,000 gals/1,000 gals. $5 -31 - Minimum monthly charge/unit $28.53 $4.54/1000g $5.22/1000g $5.99/1000g $4.54/1000g $5.22/1000g $5.99/1000g $143.11 $93.72min/qtr $5.81 $93.72 $31.24min/mo. $5.81 $31.24 Single Family Dwelling - The sewer rate shall be based on the actual water used. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. -3102- Two -Family Usage and Multiple Dwelling Usage — It is computed on the same basis as a single dwelling, except that the total quarterly charges on all such properties shall not be less than the number of units multiplied by the $28-53 $31.24/month minimum charge per unit. Water used but not placed into the sanitary sewer may be deducted providing it is metered. Dwellings Connected to Sewer but not Connected to Municipal Water— Shall pay a quarterly rate of $138 9 $143.11. If such users wish to pay sewer rates based on gallons of water used, they can purchase a water meter from the City and have their own plumber install the meter on their well. 74-241 Sewer Availability charge(SAC) $2,435.00/unit (passes through to Metro Council Environmental Services Agency) Sewer Trunk Area Charge (STAC) $2,000.00/unit Sewer Service Connection Fee $240.00/unit Storm Sewer: Single -Family or Two-family Residential $ 28.714t/gi $30.58/lot/qtr. Cemeteries $ 3.82/aere% $4.07/acre/mo. Parks and Railroads $11.6&asre/mo $12.41/acre/mo. Public and Private Schools/Institutional Use $49481asre/me. $20.72/acre/mo. Multi -family Residential Uses $ $49.77/acre/mo. Commercial/Industrial/Warehouse Use $78.36/aere/ma $83.45/acre/mo. Churches $-19:46/aGF&FRe- $20.72/acre/mo. Recycling Household Chante: Fee per household per month $4.00/mo. Street Lighting - Franchise Fee per account per month $1.50/mo. Miscellaneous Fees: A miscellaneous fee shall be paid by the applicant for land use application expenses which the City incurs in regard to the review and processing of that application, and which exceeds the application fee. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, direct City payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants or professionals acting as an agent of the City, the cost of printing, mailing and supplies. Such miscellaneous fees shall come due immediately upon notification by the City. The City shall provide, upon request of the applicant, a breakdown of the various expenses incurred by the City. The City may withhold any final action on a land use application and/or rescind prior actions until all miscellaneous fees are paid in full. The City may request additional deposits if deemed necessary. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk -3103- Mayor Mark Wegscheid CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 - RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEVY OF $197,008 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF OPERATION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MSA 469 OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF, AND FOR, THE CITY OF MOUND FOR THE YEAR 2016 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mound is the governing body of the City of Mound: and WHEREAS, the City Council has received a resolution from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of, and for, the City of Mound entitled "Resolution Authorizing The Levy of a Special Benefit Levy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and Approval of a Budget for Fiscal Year 2016'; and WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469, must by resolution consent to the proposed tax levy of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mound. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, that a special tax be levied upon real and personal property within the City of Mound in the amount of $197,008. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said levy, of $197,008, is approved by this Council to be used for the operation of the Mound Housing and Redevelopment Authority pursuant to the provisions of MSA 469 and shall be certified as a tax levy to the County Auditor of Hennepin County on or before December 29, 2015. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Wegscheid -3104- CITY OF MOUND RESOLUTION NO. 15 - RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2016 FINAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,348,219 ; SETTING THE FINAL LEVY AT $5,649,172 ; AND APPROVING THE FINAL OVERALL BUDGET FOR 2016. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the following final 2016 General Fund Budget appropriation: TOTAL GENERAL FUND $5,348,219 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby direct the County Auditor to levy the following final taxes for collection in 2016: SPECIAL LEVIES Fire Relief 67,063 G.O. Improvement 2008B 80,000 G.O. Improvement 2009A 215,600 G.O. Tax Increment 2009D (Dump) 200,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds 2011A 351,774 G.O. Improvement 2011 B 189,373 G.O. Improvement 2012A 50,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds 2012B (PS Building) 349,000 G.O. Improvement 2013A 100,000 G.O. Tax Increment 2013B 45,000 G.O. Improvement 2014A 37,655 G.O. Refunding Bonds 20148 75,000 G.O. Improvement 2015A 287,700 Total Special Levies 2,048,165 FINAL REVENUE LEVY 3,601,007 Final Certified Levy $ 5,649,172 -3105- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, does hereby adopt the final overall budget for 2016 as follows: GENERAL FUND As per above $5,348,219 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Area Fire Service Fund 1,255,004 Dock Fund 232,271 HRA Transit District Maintenance Fund 50,700 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1,537,975 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Recycling Fund 183,190 Liquor Fund 630,657 Water Fund 2,086,877 Sewer Fund 2,371,413 Storm Water Utility Fund 498,427 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 5,770,564 F'IilPil x,lL / General Fund 5,348,219 Special Revenue Funds 1,537,975 Enterprise Funds 5,770,564 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 12,656,758 Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of December, 2015. Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk Mayor Mark Wegscheid -3106- MINUTES MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 3, 2015 Vice Chair Goode called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. ROLL CALL Members present: Vice Chair David Goode; Commissioners Jason Baker, Jeffrey Bergquist, Bill Stone, and Jennifer Peterson. Members absent: Cindy Penner, Pete Wiechert, Jameson Smieja, and Doug Gawtry. Staff present: Community Development Director Sarah Smith, Consultant Planner Rita Trapp, and Secretary Jill Norlander. Members of the public: Jasmine George -Brooks (2363 Robin La), Marlene Graham (2363 Robin La), John Mundt (1737 Canary La), Mike & Jack Laurance (141 Peavy La, Wayzata), Jimmy Brand (1724 Canary La), Rodd Courneya (1989 Lakeside La) APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Staff recommends that items 6Ai and iii be postponed until next meeting. MOTION by Goode, second by Baker, to approve the agenda. MOTION carried unanimously. REVIEW AND ACTION ON OCTOBER 6 2015 MEETING MINUTES MOTION by Baker, second by Stone, to approve the October 6, 2015 meeting minutes as written. MOTION carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPEALS Planning Case No. 15-19 Variance 1989 Lakeside Lane Applicant: Todd Courneya The applicant is requesting variance approval to allow one six foot side setback and 40 percent hardcover for the property. A variance is also requested for a zero foot side setback to accommodate a future addition on the east side of the house. The property includes a single-family home that was constructed in 2004 by a former owner. The property at 1989 Lakeside Lane is located on the south side of Lakeside Lane and has frontage on Lake Minnetonka. This lot was part of a minor subdivision approved in 2003. The subdivision involved a shifting of the interior lot line to the east between the neighboring lot (1975) to create 2 lots. The subdivision also included variance approval for the subject lot to allow a 10 -foot setback from Beachwood Lane. During recording, an error was made that returned the lots to their original configuration. Due to the hardship created by this error, a -3107- variance was granted in 2015 for 1975 Lakeside Lane to allow for 6 -foot setbacks and 40 percent hardcover. Staff recommends approval of the 6 -foot side setback and 40 percent hardcover; however, not for the zero foot side setback. Todd Courneya (1989 Lakeside Lane) is looking for the same treatment as the neighboring lot and, with how close the houses are, the zero setback would make an addition less impactful. Internally the request for the east side makes a lot of sense. Discussion Vice Chair Goode summarized the recommendations. No attendees wished to be heard. MOTION by Baker, second by Bergquist, to recommend approval of the 6 -foot variance and 40 percent hardcover with staff recommendations 1-9 and findings of fact 1-5. MOTION carried unanimously. MOTION by Baker, second by Peterson, to recommend denial of the east side 0 -foot variance with findings of fact 1-3. MOTION carried unanimously. Planning Case No. 15-23 Variance 1732 Canary Lane Applicant: Steve Kleineman (owner Troy Koopman) The applicant has requested a 4.4 foot rear yard setback variance for a new home and 4.1 foot rear setback variance for a new pool on the property. Due to zoning details resulting from the acquisition of the Dreamwood commons property, staff has determined that the 4.1 foot setback variance is not needed. Staff is recommending denial of the 4.4 foot rear yard setback for the house portion of the project. Steve Kleineman (SKID Architects, Plymouth, MN) believes that the 80 -foot wide property is limiting. Their key requirement is to take advantage of the view while being respectful of the view for the neighbor to the north. The projection along the east aesthetically broke up what would be a long, deep wall. Troy Koopman (homeowner) said he enjoys the area. They are taking out the nonconformity in the front and asking for consideration at the back. David Beeker (Denali Custom Homes, Deephaven, MN) thought that, as in many communities he has worked in, the north and east should be considered to be sides and the lake as a rear. -3108- Jimmy Brand (1724 Canary Lane) thought that the variance is negligible. The Koopman's are terrific neighbors and the kind of people Mound should want to hang on to. Bergquist asked if Brand had any objection to moving to west. He did not. Smith offered a comment that if they feel that the pool is a rear that needs to be acted on. Koopman clarified that the house couldn't be moved towards the lake because the pool is at the only place it can be due to elevations on the property. MOTION by Bergquist, second by Stone, to recommend approval of the rear yard setback variance. MOTION carried unanimously. Findings of Fact: 1. East lot line functions as a side as oppose to a rear. 2. Only a portion of the house requires a variance. OLD/NEW BUSINESS a MOTION by Baker, second by Stone, to recommend approval of Goode and Wiechert for reappointment. MOTION carried unanimously. B. City Council Liaison/Staff Update • Three Points project was approved • Brewpub, brewery and taproom ordinance amendment will come back ® Admin citations • Tree lighting on November 19th • New Interim City Manager ® One application pending for next meeting • 2 sections of the Comp Plan (Parks & Transportation) for next meeting • Next meeting December 1 ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Stone, second by Baker, to adjourn at 9:23 p.m. MOTION carried unanimously. Submitted by Jill Norlander -3109- PARKS AND OPEN SPACE COMMISISON MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 2015 DRAFT The Mound Parks and Open Space Commission met on Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Present: Commissioners Brian Roath, Travis Mills, Council Representative Heidi Gesch Absent: Derek Goddard, Gina Nettle Others Present: Director of Public Works Eric Hoversten, Parks Lead Worker Brian Swartzer Public Present: Shawn Seiler, Mayor Mark Wegscheid 1. Call to Order Commissioner Brian Roath called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Mills, seconded by Gesch, to approve agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 4. Approval of Oct 8, 2015, Minutes MOTION by Mills, seconded by Gesch, to approve minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried. S. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present: None 6. Interview of Candidate Shawn Seiler Seiler said he found out about the open position in the City newsletter. Seiler said he has always been interested in serving as he is an attorney. He has lived in Mound for 5 years. Seiler said he uses Sherven Park the most frequently and that he has 2 small children and they go to that park 4-5 times per week. Seiler said he has ideas of how to raise money and is not afraid to make phone calls. Seiler said he feels parks should be made more universally usable by everyone and that smaller parks on waterfront could be used a little better. Seiler said no one uses Sherven Park in summer for swimming and questioned the L-shaped docks in the area that are part of the dock program. Seiler was questioned on how the City could get people to use parks more frequently? Seiler noted that the L-shaped docks benefit a few people, while no -3110- Mound POSC Meeting Minutes Nov 12, 2015 docks would benefit many and perhaps a survey of the residents could be done to determine best use. Seiler was questioned if he had any experience in grant writing? Seiler responded no, but that he would have interest in drafting grants. Seiler noted he has experience working with zoning officials with his position and has been before City Councils making presentations. Seiler noted he would not have a problem making the one meeting per month and would interested and willing to serve extra time to help with grant writing. Seiler asked the commissioners what they think is the biggest challenge they face. Commissioners responded that POSC serves in an advisory capacity to the council and that the commission is a self-starting type of entity, seeking out things to address. It was also noted that since the new Public Works Director, Eric Hoversten was hired, questions have been answered, and things are going much smoother. Council Member Gesch stated that the City has many parks that need to be maintained, and has difficulty coming up with the funds to do that. Adopt-a- Greenspace is something that was implemented to help with maintenance of parks and the Commission is working on tennis court grant. Gesch also noted that commissioners are willing to help clean up parks in their free time. Gesch also said the soccer club came to the commission requesting permission to utilize parks for practice. In turn, they gave the City $1,000 for park improvements and that other groups could be sought to do the same in the future. Seiler agreed that it is a good idea to partner with organizations and businesses for funding sources. Silent Ballot Commission voted. It was noted that business partnerships are a great thing to pursue and it is good that Seiler has this experience in this area as well as other good, creative ideas. 8. Action on Candidate Recommendation MOTION by Roath, seconded by Mills, to recommend that City Council approve appointment of Shawn Seiler to Parks and Open Spaces Commission to fill the seat being vacated by Brian Roth. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Reports: City Council Representative - Gesch shared with the commission that the Westonka Soccer Club came to council meeting and gave them a $1,000 check. This club needs to find a different park for next year as the one they used in 2015 tended to have the soccer ball run down into the street, which was a bit dangerous for the kids. Gesch -3111- Mound POSC Meeting Minutes Nov 12, 2015 noted the money could be used to improve and level the park area. Staff Comments - Swartzer talked about different parks that they considered for the soccer club and that some issues could be fixed at Highland Park to improve the play surface for the kids. Swartzer said other parks will be considered as well, including the ones with ballfields. Hoversten will invite soccer club to meeting on Dec. 10 and will discuss grant writing update with Gina Nettle. Commissioner Roth will contact Nettle to insure she is in attendance. Gesch said she is concerned with attendance record and may need to request attendance records from Staff. Gesch said Commissioners should let city staff know if they will be able to attend the meetings. 10. Adiourn MOTION by Gesch, seconded by Roath, to adjourn at 7:39 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Submitted by: Mary Mackres -3112- MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 2015 DRAFT The Mound Docks and Commons Commission met on Thursday, November 19, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Centennial Building. Present: Chair Jim Funk, Commissioners Derrick Hentz, David Osmek, Susan Gardner, Rodney Beystrom, Council Representative Kelli Gillispie Excused: None Others Present: Director of Finance and Administration, Catherine Pausche, Administrative Services Coordinator, Kevin Kelly, Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Heidi Gesch and Ray Salazar Public Present: Jennifer Peterson, Becky Hall Chair Jim Funk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda. MOTION by Hentz, seconded by Gardner, to approve agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 2. Approval of Minutes from September 17, 2015 meeting. MOTION by Hentz, seconded by Funk, to approve the minutes from September 17, 2015 meeting. The following voted in favor: Funk, Beystrom, Gardner, Hentz, Osmek. The following voted against: none. The following abstained: Council Member Gillispie. Motion carried. 3. Comments and Suggestions from Citizens Present: None. 4. Vacant Dock Commission Seat- Interview Candidates The Commission interviewed two candidates, Heidi Peterson, 1613 Finch Lane and Becky Hall, 4430 Manchester Road, for the seat being vacated by Commissioner David Osmek. Chair Funk explained the interview process to the candidates and said the questions from the Commission will be from the application the candidates submitted and the candidate is invited to expand on the answers they gave on their application. Funk noted additional questions can be asked by the Commission, but that both candidates will be asked the same questions. The first candidate, Heidi Peterson, 1613 Finch Lane, noted she owns property on Big Island and serves on the Big Island board. Peterson described all the places she lived in the area, many with access to or on Lake Minnetonka. Peterson said she works in the financial industry and owns a business with her husband in the area, Albin's Septic. Peterson said she loves the unique nature of the town and this program that gives everyone access to the lake. -3113- MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES 11/19/15 Regarding the most pressing issues for the next two years, she thought the demand for docks in the program will go up with development increasing and there is a pressing need for rip rap improvements. Peterson also stated that off -lake resident interests need to be represented. Peterson said she looks forward to educating herself further on issues coming before the DCC, to reach out to community members to determine their needs and work with fellow commissioners to achieve the goals of the Commission. Commissioner Osmek asked the applicant about a scenario where there is a challenge between determining what is reasonable use of a dock by a dock holder and what is allowed in the City Code and where Peterson would fall in making a decision. Peterson said she thought she would follow the Code initially. Commissioner Gardner asked if there was a personal issue that was motivating Peterson to apply to be on the Dock Commission. Peterson said her husband grew up here and was grateful to have access to the lake and she wants to preserve the Dock Program and would like both the "abutters' and "non -abutters' to work together to preserve the program. Commissioner Gillespie asked if the Dock Program should be financially self supporting and what Peterson thought about the dock fees. Peterson mentioned an additional assessment that she had to pay for stairs leading to the commons and she thought that was fair and was glad to pay for something in which she used. The second candidate, Becky Hall, 4430 Manchester Road, noted she has been a volunteer for her local church and at her children's schools, Shirley Hills Elementary and Grandview Middle School in both fundraising and curriculum advisory activities. Hail said her job also involves her serving on many committees. Hall said she is engaged with Minnesota Career Development Association and served as the President and President elect and did work on aligning the mission with State regulation. Hall said the most significant issues for her involved responding to invasive species on the lake, the use of boat lifts at multiple slips and preserving the dock program. She also is interested in navigability issues like in the Lost Lake area where more people along the channel may need increased access to the Lake. Hall thought her short term priority would be to learn more about the priorities of the DCC and in the long-term to work with her fellow commissioners to address concerns and move priorities forward. -3114- MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES 11/19/15 Gardner asked if there were any personal motivations for applying. Hall said her personal motivation is to look at the use of lifts at slips and is interested in being a good steward of the dock program. Commissioner Osmek asked the applicant about the scenario of the challenge between the reasonable use of their dock and what is in the City Code and where she would fall in responding to the issue. Hall said she would try her best to understand the City Code first and then try to hear the concerns, but both being reasonable, she would lean toward the resident and look at how the code could be amended. Commissioner Gillespie asked if the Dock Program should be self supportive and what Hall thought about the fees. Hall said, yes, fees should be raised responsibly to keep the program self supportive. 5. Vacant Dock Commission Seat A. Silent Ballot — There was a short discussion and the ballot was completed by the Commission members. B. Tally Votes — The votes were tabulated and Heidi Peterson received five first place votes and Becky Hall received one first place vote. C. Action to make a recommendation to City Council MOTION by Funk, seconded by Hentz, to recommend candidate Heidi Peterson to fill the seat on the Docks and Commons Commission being vacated by David Osmek. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 6. Discussion: Changes to the City Code Chapter 2: Administration Pausche said the City Council approved code amendments related to the Dock Commission at the November 11, 2015 meeting. Those amendments included adding a City residency requirement for residents to serve on City Commissions with Dock Commission members serving in their seat to the end of the calendar year if they are no longer residents of the City. The other code amendment is allowing for individuals on the wait list to serve on the Dock Commission if there is no abutter or non -abutter applying to serve on the Commission. Osmek questioned whether it is a good idea to allow someone from the wait list to take an abutter seat since a person on the wait list is by default a non -abutter and could skew votes if abutters are in a smaller minority of the DCC. Pausche stated she would make abutters aware of this potential dynamic when recruiting for future Commission members. Pausche also stated that the DCC is an advisory commission and if there is a dock issue where the abutters and non -abutters are opposed on an issue the City Council will be making the ultimate decision. Review: Dock Map The Dock Commission is required by ordinance to review the Dock Map annually. Staff recommends no change to the Dock Map at this time. -3115- MOUND DOCKS AND COMMONS COMMISSION MINUTES 11/19/15 8. Review: 2016 Calendar The DCC will meet the Third Thursday of the month in 2016. The first meeting of 2016 will take place on March 17 to establish the wait list lottery. 9. Reports: Gillispie stated that the City Council held a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday November 17. The Mayor and Interim City Manager gave an update on the city and search for the new City Manager. Residents gave feedback on the City and on what they would like to see in a new City Manager as well as asked questions. Pausche stated the City Manager position has been posted and applications are due December 4 with interviews scheduled for mid-December. The City is being served by interim City Manager Bob Derus who is heading up the City Manager search. Pausche stated that the City hired a new Public Works Director earlier this year. MOTION by Funk, seconded by Osmek, to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Submitted by: Kevin Kelly -3116- Harbor Wine & Spirits November 2015 Date Weather Cust 15 Cust 14 Variance 2015 2014 Difference +/- 11/1/2015 499 -499 12336.75 -12336.75 11/2/2015 warm sun 70 275 275 5503.44 5503.44 11/3/2015 sun 71 332 273 59 6136.32 4842.76 1293.56 11/4/2015 sun 69 273 324 -51 5185.39 6994.66 -1809.27 11/5/2015 pt sun wnd 58 332 266 66 7341.75 4626.36 2715.39 11/6/2015 pt sun 62 548 312 236 13461.64 6741.5 6720.14 11/7/2015 sun 65 565 530 35 13439.59 13099.47 340.12 11/8/2015 539 -539 13349.74 -13349.74 11/9/2015 Sun 65 271 271 4863.81 4863.81 11/10/2015 sun 62 304 280 24 6376.76 5255.59 1121.17 11/11/2015 Rain low 50 285 314 -29 5920.54 5808.04 112.5 11/12/2015 rain 48 311 284 27 6404.28 5702.3 701.98 11/13/2015 sun mid 50s 554 297 257 12850.62 6965.76 5884.86 11/14/2015 sun 60 546 467 79 14215.8 11015.16 3200.64 11/15/2015 557 -557 15049.27 -15049.27 11/16/2015 rain 56 280 280 5964.67 5964.67 11/17/2015 rain 55 297 246 51 5472.78 4966.32 506.46 11/18/2015 wnd rain 50 267 271 -4 5598.23 5108.02 490.21 11/19/2015 high wnd 45 313 284 29 8192.96 5360.23 2832.73 11/20/2015 SUN 40 533 331 202 13457.72 7447.84 6009.88 11/21/2015 sun mid 30s 574 512 62 15481.82 12472.52 3009.3 11/22/2015 588 -588 16482.91 -16482.91 11/23/2015 sun 45 317 317 6958.82 6958.82 11/24/2015 ovrest 45 377 321 56 9266.44 8158.91 1107.53 11/25/2015 pt sun 50 853 379 474 28281.24 10832.92 17448.32 11/26/2015 909 -909 30392.17 -30392.17 11/27/2015 sun 40 453 453 10694.74 10694.74 11/28/2015 sun 40s 474 454 20 11313.99 11017.14 296.85 11/29/2015 448 -448 11475.39 -11475.39 11/30/2015 snow 31 313 313 6840.83 6840.83 TOTALS 9647 9685 -38 229224.2 235501.7 -6277.55 -3117- Y) n OJ M O O d Y> M M m - - m n f0 M M M O M N O N O m N m n d Y) Of N m (O m N m O> M Y) M N � N � h M O N Y F ypY)`-'M dNN�mmM N e'd'�dM Vd M N (� N � W m F N (O n r M (O M m O N m M N N O N N n (O M f0 N M d N N M r Ql O '! 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Units 66,15E 675-49425-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - 675-49425-36210 Interest Earnings 486 675-49425-36240 '.Refunds and Reimbursements - 675-49425-37270 Storm Sewer Revenue 361,063 675-49425-37271 Storm Sewer - Commercial 36,614 '.675-49425-37275 Storm Sewer Penalty 6,485 675-49425-39203 Transfer from Other Fund 675-49425-39320 'Premiums on Bonds Sold 17,658 670-49425-39999 !Prior Period Adjustment 24,270 TOTAL REVENUES 512,732 448,000 526,030 477120 508,133 6.50 S:\FINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File 675 -56- 12/4/2015 -55- CITY OF MOUND °- SEWER RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1998 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $40.00 6.00% OVER 10,000 $2.50/THOUSAND 6.00% 1999-2001 NO CHANGE 0.00% 2002 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $42.00 5.00% OVER 10,000 $2.60/THOUSAND 5.00% 2003 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $44.10 5.00% OVER 10,000 $270/THOUSAND 5.00% 2004 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $48.50 10.00% OVER 10,000 $3.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 2005-2006 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $50.90 5.00% OVER 10,000 $3.15/THOUSAND 5.00% 2007 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $56.00 10.00% OVER 10,000 $3.45/THOUSAND 10.00% 2008 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $58.80 5.00% OVER 10,000 $3.65/THOUSAND 5.00% 2009 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $61.74 5.00% OVER 10,000 $3.83/THOUSAND 5.00% 2010 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $62.36 1.00% OVER 10,000 $3.87/THOUSAND 1.00% 2011 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $62.36 0.00% OVER 10,000 $3.87/THOUSAND 0.00% 2012 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $67.03 7.50% OVER 10,000 $4.16/THOUSAND 7.50% 2013 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $71.06 6.00% OVER 10,000 $4.41/THOUSAND 6.00% 2014 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $78.16 10.00% OVER 10,000 $4.85/THOUSAND 10.00% 2015 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $85.59 9.50% OVER 10,000 $5.31/THOUSAND 9.50% 2016 MINIMUM UP TO 10,000 $93.72 9.50% OVER 10,000 $5.81/THOUSAND 9.50% 12/4/2015 -55- Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* 2015 Budget 2016 Proposed SEWER OPERATING REVENUES 959,110 2011 956,437 2013 995,027 Actual 998,870 Actual 1,080,344 170,448 1,035,487 -340,712 1,142,893 1,261, 953 1,275,722 % 1,319,761 3.s'i 1,377,136 4.3% 1,411,833 2.5r 1,445,498 2.4% 1,402,765 -3.0% 1,425,029 1.6% 1,446,242 1.5% 1,520,939 5.2i 1,764,975 le.oi 1,784,850 1.1% 1,954,411 9.5% OPERATING EXPENSES -1,013,287 -994,534 -871,928 -781,222 -928,175 -968,307 -1,045,174 -1,064,856 -1,121,323 -1,235,632 -1,453,146 -1,335,043 -1,518,012 -1,457,791 -1,700,328 -1,914,126 -1,698,993 -1,829,489 -2,027,464 -1,946,354 OTHER REVENUES (EXPENSES) NOTE: Budget and Proposed excludes capital expenditures UNRESTRICTED FUND BALANCE 12/31/xx -7,802 2,389 1,498 22,717 14,157 -7,646 -3,599 8,273 33,307 53,264 69,175 -3,293 -86,462 -114,714 -101,764 -147,664 -58,079 -120,025 -245,832 -272,138 2010 2011 2012 2013 Actual Actual Actual Actual 473,594 170,448 -403,962 -340,712 NET INCOME LOSS -61,979 -35,708 124,597 240,365 166,326 59,534 94,120 205,370 187,706 137,393 -6,835 73,497 -158,976 -169,740 -377,063 -615,548 -236,133 -184,539 -488,446 -264,081 2014 Actual 1,517 Note: Operating expenses includes non-cash depreciation expense, which is much higher than the debt service, therefore rates are managed to keep pace with cash flow requirements. In 2010, we did not bond and used reserves to fund projects. In 2013, we bonded to reimburse for the 2010 expenditures. * 2014 Excludes Prior Period Audit Adjustment of $230,528 to transfer cash & assets from water fund for projects. Revised 2013 estimate, net impact zero. DEPR EXP 363,094 436,091 470,530 485,000 593,000 610,000 -54- 12/4/2015 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -53- 602 2013 2014 2014 2015 -; 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Bud et Actual A'roved Re uested 'Chane Sewer Utility _ - 602-49450-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 2,873 3,150. 3,808 3,150 3,150' 602-49450-305 Medical Services 1141 400: 5581 400 400 602-49450-307 Admin/Finance/Comp/OPUSChgs 40,164 45,547 41,702: 45,547 45,547 602-49450-315 Service Charges 1,105. -255'. - - 602-49450-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 8,760 ,9,.000 8,222 9,000 7,000 602-49450-322 3,453. 4,000 4,035: 4000: 4000' 602-49450-328 _Postage Employment Advertising 216 100 1,482 300:. 3001 602-49450-351 Legal Notices Publishing 683 200 771! 200 700.. 602-49450-361 General Liability Ins 14,974' 15,500 15,604' 15,500 15,500 602-49450-381 Electric Utilities 43,3621 37,000 44,277' 37,000 45,000 602-49450-383 Gas Utilities 7,7781 4,000_ _ 6,954: 7,000, 7,000. 60249450-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 964 400 573'. 600' 600 602-49450-388 Waste Disposal-MCES 572,6451 672,645: 616,872' 770,000-. 668,829 0.04% 602-49450-395 Gopher One-Call 1_,239 1,000 1,181 1300; 1,500 602-49450-400 Building Repairs and Maintenance 5,1000 602-49450-404 Machinery/EquipRepairs/Maint 5,105. 10,000' 2,358 7,000 7,000 602-49450-405 Depreciation Expense 470,530 485,000 516,874 593,000' 610000, 602-49450-433 Dues and Subscriptions 448: 300.. 310: 300' 300''. 602-49450-434 Conference & Training 4,408 7,000 7,647 7,000 7,000 602-49450-438 : Licenses and Taxes 626 400 214 400' 400 602-49450-440 Other Contractual Services _ 52,131 27,600'. 74,625'. 35,000' 35,000' 602-49450-455 Permits 500 500 500. 602-49450460 Janitorial Services 2,810 1,000 1,040' 1,000 1,300 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay FA 41,951 27,570 5,734 96750'. 21,750 602-49450-611 .Bond Interest 188,014 214,570 208,942: 228,8321 255,138 602-49450-620 602-49450-621 Fiscal Agent s Fees Discount on Bonds Issued 1,079 34,876 1,000 16,000 1,125 30,9941 1,000' 16,0001 1,000 16,0001 602-49450-700 Transfers - 230,528 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,922,958 2,036,483 2,301,079 2,370,046 2,240,242 •5.48% _ ICHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (236,138) (406,483) (184,539) 585,196 (285,831 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE J 3,252,909 3,016,771 3,016 771 2,832 232 2,247 036 .INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 236,138) 406,483) (184,539 (585,196)(285,831) _ ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,016,771 2,610,287 2,832,232 2,247,036 1,961,205 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -53- 602 602-49450-101 F T Empl Regular 2013 : 2014. 2014 -'2015 (:: 2016 % ; Arrn mt.Number Description Actual ; Budget Actual Approved Requested %Change Sewer Utility I I 'Part -Time Employees _ i I _ 1. 602-49450-33100 .Federal Grants and Aids - - 15,571 - 602-49450-33400 State Grants and Aids - - 62,284' - - 602-49450-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,341 - - - -' 602-49450-36210 Interest Earnings 1,578 9,368 328 - 602-49450-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 30. - 2,540: - - 602-49450-37197 Sewermain Assessment 30,000. - 7,500' - - 602-49450-37200 'Sewer Sales 1,251,733 1,630,000 1,356,974. 1,784,850. 1954,411 502-49450-37201 'SewerSales- Commercial 205,839' 602-49450-122 330,223' 16,838. 502-49450-37250 :Sewer Connect/Reconnect Fee 487'. - 27,285' 'Employer Paid Health 502-49450-37255 Sewer Inspection Fee 875 - 875: -- - 502-49450-37259 (Sewer Connection Fee 3,600; - 2,400' - - 302-49450-37260 Swr Penalty 28,402 42i 39,718 44 30249450-39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets - - 15,000'. - - 302-49450-39203 Transfer from Other Fund 602-49450-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 230,528 - 502-49450-39320 Premiums on Bonds Sold 62,018 - 25,314 -' 302-49450-39999 I Prior Period Adjustment 99,917 565. - - 5,003 TOTALREVENUES 1,686,820 1,630,000' 2,116,540'. 1,784850' 1,954,411 9.50% 602-49450-101 F T Empl Regular 157,194: 213,238' 162,605' 224,019 226,123 602-49450-102 F T Empl Overtime 25,006( 37,440. 24,997 37,440 37,440 602-49450-103 'Part -Time Employees 4,788' 8,000. 4,620 8,000 9,000' _ 602-49450-112 Comp Time Pay 3,159 5076: - 60&49450-113 Vacation Pay 13,836 13,194 - '.. 602-49450-114 Holiday Pay 9,639 9,368 - 602-49450-115 Sick Pay 7,139'. - 10,351'. - - 602-49450-116 'Severance Pay 9,689 6,614 602-49450-121 PERA 16,596' 18,174' 16,7551 18,956' 19,767' 602-49450-122 FICA 16,838. 19,789' 16,343' 20,614 20,851'. 602-49450-131 'Employer Paid Health 41,150 43,572 41,513 45,852 46,535 602-49450-133 'Employer Paid Dental 1,813 2,106 1,842 _ 2,137 2,391 602-49450-134 Employer Paid Life 38'. 42i 41 44 53' 602-49450-135 : Employer Health Care Saving PI 5,185, 4,320 4,320 4,440 5,040 602-49450-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 1,701 - 1,736'. - -' 60249450137 LTD _ 876 398 945 466: 565. 602-49450-140 ' Unemployment Comp 5,003 98 60249450-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem 23,614 31,922 28,847 29500. 10562' Total Payroll Related 343,264' 379,001: 349,265' 391,467' 378,328 -3.36% 602-49450-200 Office Supplies 232. 500 309. 200 300'. 602-49450-202 Duplicating and copying supply 136 100: 228 100 200 602-49450-205 ComputerHW/Software/Scada 612' 3,500! _3,755 3,500' 3500'.._ 602-49450-210 Operating Supplies _ 14,491 2,500 7,676 2,500 7500. 602-49450-212 Motor Fuels 14,870 15,000 16,233 15,000' 14,000' 60249450-218 'Clothing and Uniforms 3,481 3,500. 3,860' 3,500 3,500 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance 602-49450-220 :Supply 13,295 12,500 15,232 11000.. 11000; 602-49450-223 Building Repair Supplies 7,378 5,000 7,566 5,000 5,000 60249450-224 'Street MaintMaterials 7,917 6,000 2,472 _ 7,000 7,000 602-49450-300 'ProfessionalSrvs 16,974 25,000 67,798 50000' 50000'. S:TINANCE DEPT\BUDGETT016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File 602 -52- CITY OF MOUND (� WATER RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 2006 BASE RATE $6.70 10.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.00/THOUSAND 10.00% 2007 BASE RATE $7.70 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.30/THOUSAND 15.00% 2008 BASE RATE $8.86 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $2.65/THOUSAND 15.00% 2009 BASE RATE $10.18 15.00% FLAT RATE PER 1,000 $3.05/THOUSAND 15.00% 2010 BASE RATE - MONTHLY $5.00 47.35% FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 15.08% SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 32.46% THIRD TIER 15,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 52.13% 2011 RES BASE RATE -QUARTERLY $40.50 170.00% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.04/THOUSAND 0.00% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2011 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $13.50 170.00% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.51/THOUSAND 0.00% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.04frHOUSAND 0.00% COM THIRD TIER 15,001+ $4.64/THOUSAND 0.00% 2012 0.00% 2013 7.50% 2014 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $44.41 2.00% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $3.85/THOUSAND 2.00% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.43/THOUSAND 2,00% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $5.09/THOUSAND 2.00% 2014 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $14.80 2.00% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $3.85/THOUSAND 2.00% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.43/THOUSAND 2.00% COM THIRD TIER 15,001+ $5.09/THOUSAND 2.00% 2015 RES BASE RATE - QUARTERLY $48.18 8.50% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $4.18/THOUSAND 8.50% RES SECOND TIER 5,001 - 25,000 $4.81/THOUSAND 8.50% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $5.52/THOUSAND 8.50% 2015 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $16.06 8.50% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $4,18/THOUSAND 8.50% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $4.81/THOUSAND 8.50% COM THIRD TIER 15,001+ $5.52/THOUSAND 8.50% 2016 RES BASE RATE -QUARTERLY $52.28 8.50% RES FIRST TIER 1,000 - 5,000 $4.54/THOUSAND 8.72% RES SECOND TIER 5,001-25,000 $5.22/THOUSAND 8.61% RES THIRD TIER 25,001+ $5.99/THOUSAND 8.51% 2016 COM BASE RATE - MONTHLY $17.43 8.50% COM FIRST TIER 0 - 2,000 $4.54/THOUSAND 8.72% COM SECOND TIER 2,001 - 15,000 $5.22/THOUSAND 8.61% COM THIRD TIER 15,001+ $5.99(THOUSAND 8.51% 51 12/4/2015 NOTE: Estimate and Proposed excludes capital expenditures UNRESTRICTED FUND BALANCE 12/31/xx 2010 WATER FUND HISTORY 2012 2013 2014 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 1,005,940 883,718 1,013,240 867,275 748,405 OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVENUES INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES (EXPENSES)L( OSS) 1997 440,308 3.8r -377,634 6,283 68,957 1998 491,127 11.5% -359,407 11,462 143,182 1999 472,661 3.aro -416,955 15,856 71,562 2000 467,680 io -420,255 31,716 79,141 2001 480,467 2.7% -494,771 10,733 -3,571 2002 608,703 26.7% -557,538 -32,072 19,093 2003 613,653 o.8r -590,322 -29,282 -5,951 2004 624,087 t7r -572,075 -49,906 2,106 2005 664,400 6.5% -634,541 -26,284 3,575 2006 730,754 lo.oro -758,797 -131,355 -159,398 2007 873,412 19.5^r -899,302 -218,222 -244,112 2008 890,770 2.0% -1,049,222 -321,773 -480,225 2009 1,011,968 13.6i -1,093,270 -397,726 -479,028 2010 1,222,848 20.8 -1,108,649 -432,692 -318,493 2011 1,525,082 24.7% -1,108,019 -431,169 -14,106 2012 1,672,286 9.7% -1,116,999 -406,385 148,902 2013 1,887,698 12.9% -1,311,290 -526,463 49,945 2014* 1,626,188 -13.9% -1,345,205 -374,589 -93,606 2015 ESTIMATE 1,752,218 7.7% -1,395,308 -468,317 -111,407 2016 PROPOSED 1,901,156 8.5% -1,479,888 -529,439 -108,171 NOTE: Estimate and Proposed excludes capital expenditures UNRESTRICTED FUND BALANCE 12/31/xx 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 1,005,940 883,718 1,013,240 867,275 748,405 * 2014: Excludes Prior Period Audit Adjustment of $539,973 to transfer cash & assets to other funds for projects. Revised 2013 estimate, net impact zero. -50- 12/4/2015 2013 2014 2014 2015`. 2016 Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual 'Approved Re uested Chan e Water Utility 60149400-224 Street Main Materials 18,744 8,1000 14,449 9,000 9,000' 601-49400-227 Chemicals 11,081 12,500 11,410 12,500 12,500 601-49400-230 Shop Materials 6,399 5,000' 5,878 5,000 5,000 '.601-49400-300 Professional Siva 17,528' 15,000 20,879 15,.000 601-49400-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 2,873 3,150 3,808 3,150 3,150 601-49400-305 Medical Services 39' 550'' 944 550 1,500 60149400-307 Admin/Finance/Comp/OPUS Chgs 47,227 52,600 48,764 52,600 52,600' 601-49400-315 Service Charges 1,720 1,100 - - 601-49400-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 7,980 9,500! 7,578 9,500 8,000 601-49400-322 Postage 3,535 4,000' 4,441 4,000 4,000 601-49400-328 Employment Advertising 216 100: 1,482 100 _ 100 601-49400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 1,148 800 2,144 1,100 1,100 601-49400-361 General Liability Ins 16,133' 16,700' 16,812 16,700 16,700 .601-49400-381 Electric Utilities 45,001 42,000 45,326 42,000 42,000 601-49400-383 Gas Utilities 1,300': 4,000 3,587 ,5,000 5,000, _ 601-49400-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 260 5001 573 500 601-49400-395 GopherOne-Call1239- 1,300 1,181 1,300' 1,300,. 601-49400-400 Building Repairs and Maintenance 5,000, 601-49400-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint Trucks 1,354 9,000'. 2,728 4,000' 4,000 601-49400-405 Depreciation Expense 644,058 610,000 637,337 716,950 770,000 601-49400-430 Miscellaneous 316! 1001 150 100 _ .601-49400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 448 750 285 750 750, 601-49400-434 Conference & Training 3,073 7,000 3,878' 7,000 7,000 601-49400-438 Licenses and Taxes 1,172 400 1,996 1,500 1,500 601-49400-440 Other Contractual Services 67,138 65,000' 110,183 75,000 85,000 601-49400-455 Permits 1,720 1,000 1,275 1,500 1500' 601-49400-460 Janitorial Services 545 1,000 1,033 1,000 1,300 601-49400-470 Water Samples 1,035 1,000 1,049 1,000 1,200 601-49400-500 Capital Outlay FA 7,368 27,570 18,025 95,650 77,550 601-49400-611 Bond Interest 420,223 430,564 421,944 437,317 498,439 60149400-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 1,901 3,000 2,050 3,000 3,000 601-49400-621 Discount on Bonds Issued 27 280 _ 28,000 112,432 28,.000 28,000 601-49400-700 Transfers 539,973: (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,760,696 1,757,460 2,421,612 1,959,275 2,086,877 _ 6.51% :::(1:85:721]) ICHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 49,945 (62,460) (93,606) (6,275) 1,416,1061 _ 1,466,051. 1. _. 1466,051. 1,372,445 1,366170 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE _.. _..__ INCREASE/ (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 49,945 (62,460) (93,606) (6,275) (185,721) ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,466, 051 1,403, 591 1,372,445 1,366,1.70 1,180,449 TOTAL REVENUES 1,810,641 1,695,000 2,328,006 1,953,000, 1,901,156 -2,65% 01-49400-101 2013 2014 2014 S. 2015 ^2016 % Account Number Description Actual -. Budget Actual Approved Requested Chane Water Utility 24,939 28,000 24,998 601-49400-36100 Special Assessments -' - - - 601-49400-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues (2,722), - - -" '.. 601-49400-36201 Sales Tax Refund - -. - - 601-49400-36210 Interest Earnings 2,458: - 1,410 - -- 601-49400-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements - - 6,196: _ 601-49400-37100 Water Sales 1,652,713 1,695,000' 1,346,373 1,953,000 1,901,156. 601-49400-37101 Water Sales -Commercial 158,700' 214,469: 10,352. 601-49400-37144 Sales of Meters & Reader 9,948' - 5,381 - - 601-49400-37155. Sprinkler Charge 150! -' - 601-49400-37160' Water Penalty Charge 29,457 - 38,463 -' - 601-49400-37170 State fee- Water 321 - 691 -' 601-49400-37185 Inspection Fees 630'.. - 700 - -' 601-49400-37190, Connection Fees 8,501' -' 6,415 - 601-49400-37195 Watermain Assessment 30,000, - 7,500 -: - 601-49400-39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 26,000 55,000 Employer Paid Dental 601-49400-39210. Duplicating Service Charge - -' - - 601-49400-39320Premiumson Bonds Sold 43,281 - 105,435 -' -' 601-49400-399991Prior Period Adjustment (148,796)' 539,9731 53' TOTAL REVENUES 1,810,641 1,695,000 2,328,006 1,953,000, 1,901,156 -2,65% 01-49400-101 FT Empl Regular 188,836'' 215,318 162,415 224,019 226,123' 01-49400-102 F T Empl Overtime 24,939 28,000 24,998 28,000 28,000 01-49400-112 Comp Time Pay 3,057 -' 5,076 01-09400-113 (Vacation Pay 13,643; - 13,194'. -. 01-49400-114 Holiday Pay 9,429' - 9,369 - 01-49400-115 Sick Pay 6,558 10,352. 31-49400-116 Severance Pay 9,689' - 6,614'. - - rt -49400-121 PERA 16,606 17,641 16,756 18,271 19,059 )lA9400-122 FICA 16,523 18,614' 15,990 19,279 19,440 )1-49400-131 Employer Paid Health 40,981! 43,572; 41,513' 45,852' 46,535: )1-49400-133 Employer Paid Dental 1,787 2,106 1,842 2,137 2,391' )1-49400-134 Employer Paid Life 38' 42' 41' 44' 53' )1-49400-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 8,025 4,320 4,320 4,440' 5,040 11-49400-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental 1,701 - 1,736 r1-49400-137 LTD 877 399 945' 4661 565 11-49400-140 Unemployment Comp 2,374.: -' 98 - - 1-49400-151 Workers Comp Insurance Prem 10,367' 14,014; 13,940 12,950 8,931'. Total Payroll Related 352,430 344,026' 329,199 355,458 356,138', 0.19% 1-49400-200 Office Supplies 284' 600 2711 300 300, 1-49400-202 Duplicating and copying supply 320 250'. 273: 250 250: 149400-205 Computer HW/Software/Scads 612' 2,500 3,476 2,500 2,500'' 1-49400-210 Operating Supplies 1,988' 2,000 794 2,000' 20,000' 1-49400-212 Motor Fuels 9,1681 16,000 9,912 16,000 14,000' 1-49400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 2,823 3,000 3,093 3,000 3,000 1-49400-220 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance Supply 25,608 24,000' 27,928 24,000' 24,000' 1-49400-223 Building Repair Supplies 7,409 5,000' 1,972 5,000 5,000' -48- A m N C N ai 3 d N v is O 0 0 0 0 N M r r r r O M O M r M r O N Q M O N N m r M i1J V N 0 N V 6 Z r M V m m rn M Q ¢ r Q M r Q O Q N O O O O (V N Z Z [7 Z Nj Z V Z M V K V V M of N ro W O O M O r N N rn O V U1 rn M m O Q Q uoi Q uoi oo r� Q m o w m T of r Z Z r N Z N O N Z r. r of N rn N M O 0 N tNfJ (MO (00. O N M N (rD V CD N M. O W N C5 r rn N rn O O N r N N N M rn M rn O M 9 N rn r O r O N O r N rn O M N N N N N N M r N M N M M M V rM c r r r r r r N U rn ON N N N w O N r V rn0 l0 M O M � cq O O O O ad. O .. 0 W O V W O O V O U r w c -—- r r r � •- N > d d wd «� > = Z S ac+ Y c U M V N N wd ;O C N N N d c c o v c E c c 'o ,d, a U 0 O > 2 ut0. g N c9 3 ¢ a Q a` NOr to QU!-7QJ 0-'Qh W V7 -47- 0000 m� aD N N W C t M tp W OD U v 1n ao V 0 0 0 O c0 N rn rn N N O N Nr rn r n m M _O OO N rn W V V r OJ M M O (0 01 V rn o 'c o 0 0 0 � co v r r co of m o v ro c m m m u1 r co r v M v m m co m m o1 rn N O 0 0 0 0 N M r r r r O M O M r M r O N Q M O N N m r M i1J V N 0 N V 6 Z r M V m m rn M Q ¢ r Q M r Q O Q N O O O O (V N Z Z [7 Z Nj Z V Z M V K V V M of N ro W O O M O r N N rn O V U1 rn M m O Q Q uoi Q uoi oo r� Q m o w m T of r Z Z r N Z N O N Z r. r of N rn N M O 0 N tNfJ (MO (00. O N M N (rD V CD N M. O W N C5 r rn N rn O O N r N N N M rn M rn O M 9 N rn r O r O N O r N rn O M N N N N N N M r N M N M M M V rM c r r r r r r N U rn ON N N N w O N r V rn0 l0 M O M � cq O O O O ad. O .. 0 W O V W O O V O U r w c -—- r r r � •- N > d d wd «� > = Z S ac+ Y c U M V N N wd ;O C N N N d c c o v c E c c 'o ,d, a U 0 O > 2 ut0. g N c9 3 ¢ a Q a` NOr to QU!-7QJ 0-'Qh W V7 -47- (481,815) (306,739) (122,463) 46- 12/4/2015 LIQUOR OPERATING INCOME B4 COST OF GOODS GROSS OPERATING DEBT SVC/ YEAR SALES SOLD PROFIT EXPENSES TRANSFERS 1998 1,671,286 1,258,919 412,367 216,441 195,926 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 9% 24.7% 78,500 1999 1,756,800 1,319,085 437,715 236,993 200,722 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 5% 24.9% 348,500 2000 1,861,914 1,406,548 455,366 282,530 172,836 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 6% 24.5% 79,500 2001 1,899,857 1,434,850 465,007 336,877 128,130 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 2% 24.5% 219,000 2002 1,881,175 1,438,619 442,556 367,505 75,051 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ -1% 23.5% 194,000 2003 2,099,734 1,612,498 487,236 488,481 -1,245 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 12% 23.2% 0 2004 1,872,304 1,474,015 398,289 486,859 -88,570 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ -11% 21.3% 0 2005 2,134,980 1,685,952 449,028 508,100 -59,072 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 14% 21.0% 0 2006 2,291,715 1,740,257 551,458 505,960 45,498 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 7% 24.1% 0 2007 2,525,960 1,855,331 670,629 493,336 177,293 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 10% 26.5% 0 2008 2,696,660 2,042,182 654,478 533,222 121,256 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 7% 24.3% 0 2009 2,751,455 2,057,481 693,974 552,880 141,094 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 2% 25.2% 0 2010 2,738,976 2,018,639 720,337 568,003 152,334 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 0% 26.3% 0 2011 2,675,527 1,997,081 678,446 581,533 96,913 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ -2% 25.4% 0 2012 2,835,506 2,136,309 699,197 519,965 179,232 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 6% 24.7% 50,000 2013 2,887,226 2,148,246 738,980 535,791 203,189 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 2% 25.6% 50,000 2014 2,919,731 2,158,289 761,442 540,991 220,451 Growth in Sales/GP%!Transfer $ 1.1% 26.1% 50,000 2015 Approved 3,000,000 2,230,000 770,000 567,452 202,548 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 3% 25.7% 50,000 2016 Proposed 3,025,000 2,247,575 777,425 573,251 204,174 Growth in Sales/GP%/Transfer $ 1 % 25.7% 50,000 Unrestricted Net Assets 2012 2013 2014 Actual Actual Actual (481,815) (306,739) (122,463) 46- 12/4/2015 -45- 2012 4 2013 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number.. Desch tion'`. a Actual a-` Actual_ _ ,u Actual A rpp oved - Requested .Change_ Liquor Store 8500Y - 7,093:__ 609 -49750-151 .Workers Comp Insurance 6,522 7,486 9,1521 _- Total Payroll Related _289,3 303,851! _ _ 296,6621- 301,5891 _._. 314,076 4.14% 609-49750-200 Office Supplies 609-49750-202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,425 343 1,567 76 3,461' - 2 000 1841 3001 2,000 600 609-49750-205 Computer Hardware/Software _- 2,563, 609-49750-210 Operating Supplies 5,6521 6,572 7,05311 6,5001 6,500 1,202 277 1,881 1,000 3,000 609-49750-218 Clothing and Uniforms ) - - 2001 1,000 500 609-49750-300 Professional Srvs �- 4,632 4,378 6,7701 5,600 6,500 609-49750-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 609-49750-305 'Medical Services .------ 609-49750-307 Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs - 33,780 - 33,78033,797 -50 33'11001 50 33,800 f 609-49750-321 Cells & Radios ,- 6,576 6,862 7,5471 8,000 8,000 .Telephone, 609-49750-322 Postage 609-49750328 Employment Advertising 10 - 23 - 333 300 - 1,000 609-49750-331 Use of personal auto 414 922 7311 500 500 609-49750-340 .Advertising/Marketing ! 17 237 14 959 12,041 20,000 25,000, 609-49750-351 Legal Notices Publishing 72 1391 200 200 609-49750-361 General Liability Ins 127,458 27,5921 28,5651 :28,5001 17,0001 17 00 609-49750-381 Electric Utilities 16,309 18,653 18,767 -- - -- -- 609-49750-382 Water Utilities 609-49750-383 Gas Utilities 510 1,461 - 560 2,587 --- 590 6001_ 3,537 4,0001 - - - -r 6001 4,000 -- -- _ 609-49750-400 Building Repairs/Maintenance 48341 5,582 8,7371 8,000 8,000 609-49750-405 Depreciation Expense 609-49750-412 .Building Rentals 35,3131 13,561 35,313 13,312 35,397 35,3131 12,5461 14,0001 37,000 10,000 200 125 609-49750-430 Miscellaneous 3,116) 556 1,317. -- -- -- 53 153 - _ 42�,- 300 100--- 00609-49750 _- 609-49750-431 .Meeting Expense 1,570 2,090 1,5651 2,000 2,000 433 Dues and Subscriptions 609-49750-433 609-49750-434 ;Conference &Training 5941 643 9431 1,200 1,200 609-49750-440 Other Contractual Services - 9,392 5,685 8,564 - 9,000 9,000 609-49750-460 Janitorial Services 3,585 _3,474 4,2801 _ 3,500- 4,000 _ 609-49750 485 '.Credit Card Charges 1 41,497 43,760 45,3201 50,000 1 50 000 -- 609-49750-500 Capital Outlay FA - 13,000; Interest 9,493,__,_ 7 406' _ 609-49750-611 .Bond -, - _ _ 609-49750-700 Transfers 65,452 63,5151 61,5291 50,0001 50,000 �602,50O26,945-630,657 TOTAL EXPENDITURE S 585,418 599305 , CHANGE IN NET POSITION 113,780 139,763 158,969 143,055 146,768 BEGINNING NET POSITION 450,563 564,343 704,106 863,074 1,006,130 INCREASE / (DECREASE_) IN NET POSITION 113,780 139,763 1 158,969 143,055 146,768 -- I ENDING NET POSITION 564,343 704,106 863,074 1,006,130 1,152,897 -45- 2012 z 2013 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number ( Description _ Actual ;, Actual Actual Approved Requested Change r .Liquor Store 609-49750-36210 i Interest Earnings - '_--_221____.-. --- - 89 -- 609-49750-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements .609-49750-37811 Liquor Sales Off Sale 609-49750-37812 Beer Sales -Off Sale 609-49750-37813 ,Wine Sales -Off Sale 927,932 1,093,151 950,684 1,095,403 963,356 1,112,151 990,000E 1,140000Tj 998,250 1,149,500 - 737,108 772,872 783,591 810,0001 816,750 -_ 609-49750-37814 Taxable Mix & Misc. 609-49750-37815 Other Merchandise -Off Sale 34,749 32,087 39,022 23,609 37,465 24,079 60,000 - 60,500 _- -_- -_-_ 609-49750-37817 Promotional Event 437 28 101 _-_- 609-49750-37835 Cigarette Revenue 609-49750-37840 Cash Over -Off Sale t 11,269 - (370) 6,925 (180) 240 T---- (930) (1,138) (1,156) 609-49750-37850 ,Liquor Bottle Deposits TOTAL SALES 2.835,505 2,887,314 2,919,758 3,000 0001 - 3,025,000 --- 0.83% 609-49750-251 Liquor For Resale 609-49750-252 Beer For Resale 609-49750-253 Wine For Resale - 712,249 719,274 --58-� 730,018 748,4861-754,723 - 844,836 829,825 840,1701 864,1101 871,311 _ 514,904, - 539,591 534,313 6 565,84 570,563 609-49750-254 Sok Drinks/Mix For Resale 609-49750-255 Misc Merchandise For Resale 609-49750-256 Tobacco Products For Resale 23,991 22,699 2 1 11,473 9,825 ,71 94 51,557 50,979 I- ( 8,730 5,734 _ _- I - - 609-49750-260 'liquor Discount 609-49750-265 Freight - _ 20,126 - ----- -- 21,298 - --- 19,402 _-- -„- - - - TOTAL COST OF SALES 2,136,308 2,148,246 2,158,2891 2,230,000 2,247,575 0.79% 699,197 739,068 761 4691 770,0001 777,425 GROSS PROFIT GROSS PROFIT - % i - 609-49750-101 'F T Empl Regular 609-49750-102 'F T Empl Overtime 24.66%1 ---- 126,645 25.60% 140,767 26.08%1 ------ 131,0121 25.67% 146,806'1 25.70% I 149,302 0.13% - 9--- 76,653 77,672 78,832 82,000 90,000 - - 609-49750-103 'Part -Time Employees - -. . -- 609-49750-112 Comp Time Pay - - --_- ---- 7,285 7,776 8,722 - - 609-49750-113 (''.Vacation Pay 7,071 6,413 6,591 - 609-49750-114 Holiday Pay 609-49750-115 Sick Pay �.---- 2,366--1,5751 609-49750-116 Severance Pay 1,609 - ---- 609-49750-121 PERA 609-49750-122 FICA 15,545 15,743 _ _ 15,789 15,404 161255 15,351 16,588 17,504 17,948 18,307 609-49750-131 (Employer Paid Health 22,200 22,800 23,4001 24,000 25,200 964 997 1,0181 1,018; 1,018 609-49750-133 Employer Paid Dental 609-49750-134 'Employer Paid Life 609-49750-135 Emp Health Care Saving Plan 609-49750-137 LTD 609-49750-140 Unemployment Comp 23 21 23 24 25 5,648 2,516 2,400 2,400 -- 656 4881 601 3,2471 656 1,675'1 -. ,2,4001 749 2,000 784 2,000, SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -43- 285 1 2014 1 2014 1- 2015 '. 2016 .A -- AccountNumber I Description Actual Approved Requested >: Change Transit District i I,. i __. 285-46300-31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 16,854 7,541 7,541 944', 33,308 285-46300-31040 Fiscal Disparities 285-46300-33402 Mkt Value Homestead Cr -- - - 285-46300-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues - - - 285-46300-36210 Interest Earnings 103 - 54' -! 285-46300-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 3,500: 285-46300-39203 Transfer from Other Fund - - - -' TOTAL REVENUES 20,457 7,541 7,595 944 33,30& 34256/. Transit District 285-46300-300 Professional Srvs 285-46300-430 Miscellaneous -' -' - - - 285-46388-200 Office Supplies -' 100 -' 100' - 285-46388-202 Duplicating and copying supply (237) 285-46388-210 Operating Supplies - - 344 - 500 48' - 500, - 500 285-46388-212 Motor Fuels - 285-46388-220 Supply 445 500 899 500 500' 285-46388-223 Building Repair Supplies 5'. 500 500,. 500„ 285-46388-300 Professional Srvs -' - - - 285-46388-315 Service Charges 72 - - 43 - - -' 28546388-322 Postage 46!- - - 285-46388-361 General Liability Ins 4,956 5,200 5,200' 5,200' 5,2001 285-46388-381 Electric Utilities 20,756 22,000 22,277', 22,000 22,000 285-46388-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal — 500! -: 500 500, 285-46388-400 Repairs 8 Maintenance 1,818 3,000 21597 3,000 3,000' 285-46388-401 Building Repairs - 2,500' 15. 2,500 2,500 285-46388-430 Miscellaneous 98 1,000' 100' 1,000' 1,000'. 285-46388-440 Other Contractual Services 5,552 15,000 4,920 15,000 15,000' 285-46388-500 Capital Outlay FA - -' --- - -' - - - - -' - 285-46388-700 Transfers - EXPENDITURES iT' OTAL EXPENDITURES 3 ,855 0,iS00 N,8�(i 50,7,W -0.20% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (13,398 (43,259) (28,504) (49,856)(17,392) I BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 46J32 32734 32,734 4,230 (455261): INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE (13,398) �(43,259)�5O�(49,856)�7,39�2) ENDING FUND BALANCE SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -43- 285 S:\FINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMB! Zj) Working File 281 2013 2014 2014 ' 2015 2016 1 % Account Number Descri tion Actual Bud et I Actual Approved Re nested Change !TOTAL EXPENDITURES 164,904 224,228 158,955 223,813 232,271 3.78% =1 CH N E IN FUND BALANCE _. BEGINNING— FUND BALANCE_ 21,852 158,740 6,856 180,593 59,28 176,498 239,878 7,4 226,792 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE ENDING FUND BALANCE ( 21,852 176,498 6,856 173,738 59,285 235,783 8,991 230,887 17,449 209,343 S:\FINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMB! Zj) Working File 281 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBP41'1 Working File 281 2013 1 2014 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual I Approved Requested Chan2e Commons Docks _ 1 11 281-45210-347051MCDFees 6,159 6350 6,366 6,350 6350 281-45210-347151IPublic Land Structures Permits 281-45210-34725 Dock Permits - 106,295 114,615, 117,630 114,615.. 114,615'. 281-45210 34735 Multiple Slip Permits 34,375... 38,550'. 34,450 36,000 36,000 281-45210-34737 Lost Lake Slip Revenue 35,764 55,2o7 55,210 _ 55,207 55,207 281-45210-34745 Wait List Fee 2 860 2 500' 3,060 2,500 2,500 281-45210-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 501 -. 150 - -_ 281-45210 36210 Interest Earnings 753 150 1,374, 150 150; 281-45210-39101 !: Sales of General Fixed Assets 500 -' - - ..... __ TOTAL REVENUES 186,756- 217,372' 218,240. 214,822 214,822 6.00% Commons Docks 281-45210-101 FT Empl Regular 51,042 33,000' 33,570 3.3,000 36,272 281-45210-102 F T Empl Overtime 43 - - 281-45210-103 Part -Time Employees 16,210 21,500 17,491 21,600 21,600 281-45210-121 PERA 187 399'_ 6 602 628 281-45210-122 FICA 406. .421. _ 120 _ 636._.._ 640 281-45210-131 Employer Paid Health 570 4 132 281-45210-133 Employer Paid Dental 25-'. _ - - .._. 25 281-45210-134 Employer Paid Life _. 1 _ 1 281-45210-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 305 - - - ... 60 _ 281-45210-137 LTD 12: _ 1 281-45210-151 Workers Comp Insurance Prem 1,969 loo 1,592 1,486 1 460 Payroll Related 70,863 56,920' 52,783 57,318 60,838 6.14% 281-45210-200 Office Supplies - 500' 4 500 100 281-45210-202 Duplicating and copying supply 193 1,100 92 1,100 200 281-45210-210 ,Operating Supplies 278 2001 321 200 _ 300 281-45210-212 Motor Fuels 1,350 1780, 1,780 1,780 1780 281-45210-220 Equip. Parts Repair/Maintenance 6,0M 2,500' 163 2,500 2,560. 281-45210-223 'Building Repair Supplies 1,190 7151 715 715 715 281-45210-300 Professional Srvs _ 310 500' 288 500 500 281-45210-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 1,094 _ 1,200 1,451 1,200 1,200 281-45210-307 'Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs 8,775 8 8b0' 8,775 8,800 8,800 281-45210-315 Service Charges 527 1,068 - - _ 281-45210-321 Telephone & Cells - - 281-45210-322 Postage 780. 1,400. 416 1,400 1,000 281-45210-331 Use of personal auto -' 180 250 281-45210-340 Advertising 298 - 281-45210-351 Legal Notices Publishing 408 500, 552 500 500 281-45210-361 'General Liability Ins 6,839 6,900 6,911 6,900 6,900 _ 281-45210-381 'Electric Utilities 1,211 1,800 1,151 1,800 11800 281-45210-383 'Gas Utilities 1,200 860 860 860 860 281-45210-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 1,100' 7851 785 785 785; 281-45210-400 Repairs & Maintenance - 1,930 11 - 281-45210-404 'Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 990 990 990 990 990 281-45210-409 'Other Equipment Repair 710 700 700 700 700 281-45210-430 Miscellaneous 240 650 178 650 650 281-45210-431 'Meeting Expense 130 60 248 60 60 281-45210-433 Dues and Subscriptions 90 mi 85 85 85 281-45210-434 'Conference & Training 480 _ 220; 226 226 _ 220, 281-45210-438 'Licenses and Taxes -' _ - 281-45210-439 ILMCD5,285 _ 7,000 6,651 7,000 7,000 281-45210-440 Other Contractual Services 13 ,732 12,800 16, 692 14,000 14,0 00 281-45210-500 'Capital Outlay Parks Equip/FA, 7 450 _ 2,713 2,713 5,400 188 281-45210-515 Capital Outlay - Improvements 50 000 50,000 66,500 281-45210-525 Captial Outlay Deck Repl 4,724 7,700_ 5,000 281-45210 533 'City Tree Removal 215 7,000 2,400 5,000 5,000 281-45210-700 lTransfers -Debt Interfund Loan 1 28,407 47,850 47,853 47,850 47,850 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBP41'1 Working File 281 9 rl ( ) \ � \ \\ � |\ ■■ /\ rd jj 5% \ m to �\\\\( & §q a / } \ / �ƒ \ a7 \°©g �( \ ( r/ )a.a) \ \) @ 5 S (+/f/.0 5 y.4# / ) Cl ®/ 5 -39- e - p O O O O O Mb Ns M p. ❑ 00000 sG N 6 o o e o o a N O M Q Oi tArm V O OOM A V �- ONi M N Q N N a o o e o o 0 0 O O N V o r a m N ap V N O O y N a N 0 m0 � p 5 miQ«o O R:m � 1�V CI fV 1"1 O yy J � {mDNrptMC N� 1�0 p O ❑ O 7 C N r' N O O � V m -39- Mound Fire Department July 28, 2015 Cateeorv/Descrintion Budget Total 2016 ® Operating Expenses & Pension Contribution — Relief Assn. * Building Rental, Lease, Debt Service Operating Expenses (from above) « Salaries for all Staff (all inclusive) ® Operations and Supplies w Capital Outlay Salaries for Staff Information: FINAL DRAFT 2016 Budpet $ Amount Percent $1,147,544.00 100% $ 739,604.00 64.45% $ 125,000.00 10.89% $ 282,940.00 24.66% $ 739,604.00 64.45% $ 429,554.00 37.43 % $ 213,600.00 18.61 % $ 96,450.00 8.41 % m Firefighter Response hours 10,200 per year @ $9.50 per hour = $ 96,900.00 o Duty Crew or Duty Officer Pay (in lieu of firefighter response pay) = $20,400.00 a Firefighter in-house Training hours 3000 per year @ $5.00 per hour= $15,000.00 * Firefighter Station Maintenance hours 980 per year @ $11 per hour= $10,780.00 a Apparatus Heavy Maintenance hours 312 per year @ $14.00 per hour= $4,368.00 a Fire Officer Pay (refer to separate list for officer pay details) = $28,450.00 ® Firefighter meetings, PR events, other hours 1600 per year @ $0 per hour = $0 No W U z Q OJ z D LL W U W U) W of W W of Q r N N rLO «7 Ir O O Cl) C�l O Cl) M LO N O (O '�f' (O tet' !� to (O Cl) V M U) 00 O W M r r r r M -37- J r O N co N I O O N U) W M o U) W W ~ W W U m Q g W W W LO W `- :D� `Z W X W O z z m Of W o O d z 0 W U X W W Q Q z Q Lo Lo U') � g ~ z N N N m D D D W W W W W (p cD LLJ Lij N W N Q W a- m W W W Q J d -37- J r O N co N I -36- T C) O N 00 N r N m O It m N IR O V 'T Lo F O r {e N -I CA M V OD (O r (fl O I- Lo N O O N N r O O ` N LO N Lo 't CA (D C7> V' N N M COO NIlq- 0- c" O M O CX) O N LO N N O O N NL N , Lo O r LO (D MOCO 00 Cl) OD M 0 CD tl- (D CO 00 J(CNO pI CND N N � N N r LO I- O r� N o CO r (D t�CO N V' LO O O N --00 `- N O co O 00 O oi 00 Il- CY)Q N N N r Lo } � Z F �U (D O m Lo m Iq 00 ON N o W m N Cl) N co O N Cl)O i O N Cl) CD N- CD N I— N ly U) w U) U W LL Cl) Lo Lo O N Lo 0 2� O W O u- (° Lr (YJ O N LI) a N W U co 00 (N co x w Q w' S U Q W QF¢- QY Q N z p O 3: a c W w 0 Q w Z Z c Z z z oof0 .� -36- T C) O N 00 N r T O co � O C) N N U M o) CD N Cl) LO UI W I` N m Ln 00 � � LO � (n r� O 0 0 co m N U N 2 U Q W Qm Y Z CO OLU w z z ME co co 'cYI rl- m m M I� N N O r U) Ln O Ni N O N M Lo N , Cc co ce) NI O O10 ZZ N iM0 V Ei � W N O N � Q (O ma W Lo M MO Q W co V' M d Z W Q co Ln N O U O Ir N r N p Y LP) �jz� m tip Cl) Q0Lij M J� z Q C) l m 0 N m T ti W CD 0 D I— W O N v O m a. U W p v LO p D r m 2 U Q W Qm Y Z CO OLU w z z ME co co 'cYI rl- m m M I� N N O r U) Ln O Ni N O N M Lo N , Cc co ce) NI O O10 CC)O N r r (O r In W Lo M MO m V' M c: Ln O O O N M N r N r co LP) In r M N M d- O r C L C) ti ;..qtr. p V O Q O n. Lij Z Z p �d0 U) U) 73 -35- V C N co N r -34- N O N co N I Ln O O O((� �- �- O O M LO N 00 O "t V to n (f) 1l- co O c V O O) (n N V O) O O (D M CO ((J N (fl N r V cl Il V (A N co V CO r � O (O (O (D <- N N V (p H U CD Z N Q o 0 0 0 0 0 (O (t) O O (0 O z Z N N r N O U 2 U Q W a O x x x x x LL Q Z a 3: LU (n (O LO Ln (n C)z 0000 000000 w �0 m �U Lu Z f- i- �a O O 2 LL Z U U (q ) W W W C� W w O Q J 7> 0-- z m cow UF - Q U- ~ p a �d YH W' NW z zco p¢ F_ J N O x 3: a 0 Q Z a LLI J mW D Q 0 Z Z _Z Z < wa CL Q � = f- - z_z_ ��� O O U LL m O N (n (n H -34- N O N co N I -33- 2013 2014 ';2014 2015 ,. 2016 Percenta 2e. Account Number Description. Actual Bud et Actual A roved Re nested Chane 222-42260-315 Service Charges 5761 - 742 222-42260-321 Telephone, Cells, & Radios 13,669 13,400 20,187 16,600 16,800 222-42260-322 Postage 495 600 455 600 600 222-42260-325 Pagers -Fire Dept. 4,450 4,800': 5,138 4,800- 4,800 222-42260-331 .Use of personal auto - _ 400 26. 400 400 222-42260-361 General Liability Ins 19,321'' 20,0001, 20,134 20,000 20,400' .222-42260-381 Electric Utilities 16,897 12,000, 17,947' 15,000 16 000 222-42260-383 Gas Utilities 4,107 6,600; 6,877 6,,600 6,600 222-42260-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 1,406 1,2001 1,718 1,500 9,200 222-42260-401 Building Repairs 2,463 4,000 1,812 4,000 4,000 222-42260-402 Building Maintenance 1,862 4,500 4,992 4,500 4,500 222-42260-409 Other Equipment Repair 25,018' 19,800 37,027' 21,000 21,000 222-42260-412 Building Rentals 282,940 282,940 282,940 282,940 282,940 222-42260-430 Miscellaneous 942 1,000 809: 1,000 1400 222-42260-431 Meeting Expense 453 360 547 360 360 222-42260-433 Dues and Subscriptions 3,863! 4,800, 4,093' 3,900 3,900 222-42260-434 Conference & Training 15,177 18,000 17,721 18,000 18,000 222-42260-440 'Other Contractual Services 10,074 11,800 12,190 11,800 11,800 222-42260-460 Janitorial Services 2,853 2,400 5,974 7,200 7,200 222-42260-500 Capital Outlay FA 40,113' 3,000 4,321 11,000 39,000 222-42260-525 Other Capital Improvements - . 8,000 222-42260-580 Other Equipment (Truck Fund) - 28,000 -' 48,000 2,000 222-42260-600 Debt Sry Principal 25,000 25,000' 25,000' 25,000 25,000 222-42260-600 222-42260-611 Bond Interest 6,913 6,526 6,225' 5,475 4,725 222-42260-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees 227. -' 225: 225 225. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,191,955 1,206,296 1,204,192 1,224,332 1,255,004 2.51% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 7,772 (0) 16,186 (0) I BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 312,083 319,855 319,855 336,041 336,041 INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 7,772 (0) 16,186 (0) 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 319,855 319,855 336,041 336,041 336,041 -33- AREA FIRE SERVICES 8,555 2,700 31,141' 4,800 6,000 222-42260-101 F T Empl Regular 132,179 154,419 135,340 157,539 157,955 222-42260-102 FTEmplOvertime 167 .. _ - _. -.,_ - _. '... 222-42260-103 Part -Time Employees 6,023 2,500 -. 14,505 14,500 222-42260-112 Comp Time Pay _.. 230., 222-42260-113 Vacation Pay 11,353 -'., 11,062 222-42260-114 Holiday Pay 6,888 _ - 7,068 222-42260-115 'Sick Pay 1,066 _. - 222-42260-121 PERA 18,204,19,487 19,272 19,658 20,766 222-42260-122 'FICA 15,749 18223241 16,063 18,504 19,183 222-42260-124 Fire Pens Contrib 155,800 147,000' 147,000 125,000 125,000 222-42260-124 '2% Fire State Aid flow through 102,396 99,575 99,575 100,000 107,459 => Not part 222-42260-131 Employer Paid Health 18,771 20,532 20,796 22,080 21,9010 of contract $, 222-42260-133 Employer Paid Dental 981 1,027 1,018. 18 1,018 222-42260-134 Employer Paid Life - 21 22. 23 24 25 - 222-42260-135 Health Care Saving PI 2,494 2,400 2,400 2,400 2 400 222-42260-137 LTD 626 695 688 803 829 222-42260-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem 32,890 27,791 27,645' 29,736 29,580 222-42260-170 Fire Chief -Officer Pay 22,643 30,350 27,600 28,450 28,450 1222-42260-175 Fire Duty -Officer Pay 7,350 222-42260-180 Fire -Drill Pay 10,830 14,880, 10,250' 14,880 15,000 222-42260-185 Fire -Maintenance Pay 10,556 14,140 14,465 14,140 1.5,148 222-42260-190 Fire -Monthly Salaries 91,568 103,700 81,503 109,800 117,300 Total Payroll Related 641,205 656,751 629,450 643,032 662,014 2,95% 222-42260-200 Office Supplies 1,730 2,400 1,597 2,400 2,400 222-42260-202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,216 _. 900! 1,337. 1,200 1,320'.. 222-42260-205 Computer Hardware/Software 1,939 600,--309 1,500 1,500 1222-42260-208 Instructional Supplies 986 800 498 800 800 222-42260-210 Operating Supplies 21,801 23,800 28,498 21,000 22,000- 222-42260-212 Motor Fuels 8,851 8,400 8,163 8,700 9,000 222-42260-216 Cleaning Supplies 3851i 720 _ 232, 720 720 222-42260-217 Fire Prevention Supplies 1,6391 1,800 1,796 1,800 1,800 9 Safety supplies 8,555 2,700 31,141' 4,800 6,000 0 Professional Srvs 2,376 3,600 2,450' 3,600 3,600 1 Auditing and Acct g Services 3,192 3,600 4,352' 3,780 4,400 5 Medical Services 4,324 3,600 2,764 3,600 3,600 7 Admin/Finance/Computer Chgs 14,505 14,500 14,505' 14,500 14,500 42260-308 Building Inspection Fees 432 3,000' 3,000 3,000' -32- 2013 ' 2014 ':2014 2015 I 2016 I Percentage. AREA FIRE SERVICES 222-42260-31010Current Ad Valorem Taxes 83,782' 78,920' 78,920'' 67,171' 67 063 222-42260-31015' Ad Valorem Taxes for Rent 157,169 157,400 157,400. 157,145 156,409 _. 222-42260-32215 Fire Permits 222-42260-32216 Burn Permits 40i -; 60'. - - 222-42260-33100 Federal Grants and Aids -I; - - 222-42260-33160 Grants from other Govt. Units 4,600, 4,600. 222-42260-33400 State Grants and Aids 112,296! 99,575' 107,9751 100,000' 107,459' 222-42260-33401 Local Government Aid - -' - - 222-42260-34200, Public Safety Charges for Srvs 5301 -; 115. - 222-42260-34202 Fire Protection Svc Contracts 495,344 504,927, 504,927' 515,047 527,273 222-42260-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 10:1 -�' 20 -' - _ 222-42260-36210' Interest Earnings 823 -' 954',. - - 222-42260-36230Contributionsand Donations 1,588 - 3,877., - - 222-42260-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 1,980! -' 656'; -- - 222-42260-39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets -! -I -' -" -. 222-42260-39203 Transfer from Other Fund 346,165 360,874, 360,874 384,968 396,800 222-42260-39301 Capital Lease Proceeds 222-42260-39310 Proceeds -Gen Obligation Bond TOTALREVENUES 1,199,727 1,206,296 1,220,378' 1,224,332 1,255,004 2.51° -31- 1— 2013 2014 _ 2014 I 2015 I 2016 1 % I Account Number Description I Actual Budget Actual Approved I Requested I Change Cemetery Trans - FIRE (Pension/Bldg so levy) -. 346,165''. 360,874' 360,874. 384,968: 101-45250-103 Part -Time Employees Transfers - SEAL COAT 80,000 80,000' 80,000 101-45250-122 ,FICA _ Professional Srvs - LMCC TV 49,1221 - 101-45250-210 Operating Supplies - 500 - 500... 500' 101-45250-232 Landscape Material - 600 52':. 600 600. 101-45250-400 Repairs & Maintenance - 1,000, 1,112 1,000 1,000 101-45250-430 Miscellaneous 9541 200! 60 200' 200, 101-49999-430 Miscellaneous (Abatement/Trans) 137,351 10 000'- 4,256 Total 954! 2,3001 1,224 2,300 2,300'. Other 101-49300-700 Trans - FIRE (Pension/Bldg so levy) -. 346,165''. 360,874' 360,874. 384,968: 396,800. 101-49300-700 Transfers - SEAL COAT 80,000 80,000' 80,000 80,000', 80,000 1'101-49840-300 Professional Srvs - LMCC TV 49,1221 57,133 46,658'1 50,000 50X0 101-49999-140 Unemployment Comp - 25,000' - - - 901-49999-300 Professional Srvs 2,429! 5,000: 7,794' .160 13,000 13,0001 101-49999-403 Improvements Other 25,069 _. 101-49999-430 Miscellaneous (Abatement/Trans) 137,351 10 000'- 4,256 17,0001 17,000' Total 640,136- 538,007 499,742' 544,968 556,800 2.17' EXPENDITURES 4,888,661'' 4,994,673' 4,874,522 5,136,5271 5,348,219 4.12` -30- Total 450,942' 472,810' 456,042 467,7611 496 261 -29- 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual 1Approved 'Requested Change 101-45200-232 Landscape Material 17,264-. 12,0001 _12,069; 12,000 12,000 101-45200-300 Professional Srvs 3,914 500 - 500 500'. 101-45200-305 Medical Services 694'-. 500': 2111 500 700'. 101-45200-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 2763 4,020 2,796 4,020, 3,000''. 101-45200-322 Postage 439' 200 25 2001 100; 101-45200-328 Employment Advertising 305. 300 296, 300' 300'- 101-45200-351 Legal Notices Publishing 142 100 _ 483 100 100 101-45200-361 General Liability Ins 3,574 3,700 _ 4,725, 3,800, 3,800 _ .,...... 101-45200-381 Electric Utilities 1,845 3,000, 1,764 2,000 2,000 101-45200-383 Gas Utilities 5,556 6,000 7,914 7,000 8,000 101-45200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 2,082, 5,500'; 2,860', 2,700' 3,200' 101-45200-400 Buildings Repairs & Maintenance 12,267- 25,800 24,906 18,000 3 000' 101-45200-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 4,028 11,800 1,554 7,500 3,500 500101-45200-410 101-45200-410 Rentals (GENERAL) 6,630 6,000: 7,643. 6,000 8,000'. 101-45200-431 Meeting Expense 290 950-'. 155 5001 500, 101-45200-433 Dues and Subscriptions (90) 600; (47), 300: 300; 101-45200-434 Conference & Training 847 1,500'. 2,044 1500, 3,000 101-45200-438 Licenses and Taxes 201 _ 600' 687" .433 600' 600 101-45200-439 LMCD 101-45200-440 Other Contractual Services 9,318 1,000', 2,622' 2,000' 15,000' 101-45200-500 Capital Outlay FA 59,735' 23,988' 19,673' 32,350 45063 101-45200-533 City Tree Removal 14 106 28,000 19,348 28,000' 25,000 Total 450,942' 472,810' 456,042 467,7611 496 261 -29- 1 1 2013 1 2014 1 2014 1 2015 ( 2016 1 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change Parks 101-45200-101 FT Empl Regular 147,099 186,611 147,450-' 189104! 193,160: 101-45200-102 F T Empl Overtime 7,178': 10,0001 7,668 10,0001 10,000' 101-45200-103 Part -Time EE ($35K Gross) 8,0801 19,000 18,515' 19 00oz 21,000'. 101-45200-112 Comp Time Pay 5,450 7,967. " 101-45200-113 Vacation Pay ... 8,982 12,068 ..7,775... ... 101-45200-114 Holiday Pay 8,2341 -'.. 101-45200-115 Sick Pay 9016-! - 10,614" 101-45200-116 Severance Pay - - 3,533'. -. - 101-45200-121 PERA 13,333 14,2541 13,821, 14,435 15,237 101-45200-122 FICA 15443 17,7181 16,449 17,909 18 372'', 101-45200-131 Employer Paid Health 29,674. 32,289'. 31,725 35,160 40,785 101-45200-133 Employer Paid Dental 1,597 1,669, 1,606: 1,654', 1,654 101-45200-134 Employer Paid Life 33,. 38+ 53. 39: 41'. 101-45200-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 4,535" 3,900•., 3,787 3,900 3,9001 101-45200-137 LTD 724' 7521 782 861! 9061 101-45200-140 Unemployment Comp 1,630 - 130, - - 101-45200-151 worker s Comp Insurance From 9,114.: 12,320': 12,255 11,380 10,594-." Payroll Related 270,122 298,552' 296,198, 303,4411 315,649 4.02% 101-45200-200 Office Supplies 41 1,300' 130. 200: 200' 101-45200-202 Duplicating and copying supply 91 400' 100 200' 200' .101-45200-205 Computer Hardware/Software 375 - 550. 550- 550': 101-45200-210 Operating Supplies 6,742, 4,000'. 12,478 4,000 8,000 101-45200-212 Motor Fuels 10,43211 12,500 11,598' 12,500 12,500, 101-45200-218 Clothing and Uniforms 3,847 4,000; 4,118 4,000 4,000 101-45200-220 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance Supply 12,728' 11,000; 18,709' 12,0001 16,000' 101-45200-223 Building Repair Supplies 835z 5,000: - 1,000'. 1,500 M. -27- 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 1 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested I Change 101-43100-220 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance Supply 17,499, 12,500: 10,922 12,000 12,000 101-43100-223 Building Repair Supplies 6,822 5,000 2,214 5,000 8,000.. 101-43100-224 Street Maint Materials 72,984: 75,000' 73,016 85,000 85,000 _ 101-43100-226 Sign Repair Materials 14,153 15,000 9,291 15,000 15,000' 101-43100-300 Professional Srvs 17,818 12,000 37,306' 12,000 20,000 101-43100-305 Medical Services 546' 800 6531 800 1 400' 101-43100-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 7,899 9,000' 7,167 " 9,000 _ 7,000'. 101-43100-322 Postage 62 400 93 200 100; 101-43100-328 Employment Advertising 216 -.' 1,482 200 200. 101-43100-361 General Liability Ins 15,940 16,500' 17,610 16,800 16,8001 101-43100-381 Electric Utilities 89,339 100,000 85,488, 100 000 90,000' 101-43100-383 Gas Utilities 1,300 5,0001 3,587' 6,000 6,000 101-43100-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 260 500' 573 _ 500 101-43100-400 Buildings Repairs & Maintenance 18,825 10,000 11,224 10,0100 10,000' 101-43100-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 6102' 30,000! 9_,480 30,000 15,000, 101-43100-430 Miscellaneous 299 3001, 532 300; 300' 101-43100-433 Dues and Subscriptions 168. 25011 180 250 250 101-43100-434 Conference & Training 2,002 3,000' 2,577 3,000 3,000, 101-43100-438 Licenses and Taxes 4,846 400' 220' 400 400' 101-43100-440 other Contractual Services 35,824'.. 31,500'. 48,781 _ 35,000 35000 101-43100-455 Permits 260 260 260, 101-43100-460 Janitorial Services 545: 1,000 1,033 1,000 1,300 101-43100-500 Capital Outlay FA 129,329' 153,570. 145,381 74,7501 190,750 Total 872,711" 926,355 909,759' 880,292 969,111 10.09% -27- -26- 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change Streets 101-43100-101 FT EmplRegular 194,885 241,403' 189,6111 250,167' 256150' 101-43100-102 F T Empl Overtime 8,861 15,000 10,287 15,000 15,000 101-43100-103 Part -Time Employees 41840' 8,000 4,620 8,000 9,500 101-43100-112 Comp Time Pay 2,829 _ ,. 3,840 ,.. - 101-43100-113 Vacation Pay 15 912. - 22,149' - -; 101-43100-114 Holiday Pay 10,985 - 11,373 101-43100-115 Sick Pay 11,268 -' 12,438 - - 101-43100-116 Severance Pay 6,921 . -� 6,794 - -, 101-43100-121 PERA 17,664-. 18,589' 17,914 19,225. 20,224 101-43100-122 FICA 17,391' 20,227 17,185 20,897 21,355 .101-43100-131 Employer Paid Health 42206, 59,157; 42,947 63,168 57775: 101-43100-133 Employer Paid Dental 1 962 3,621'. 2,006-. 3,612? 2,595, 101-43100-134 Employer Paid Life 42; 48', 45 49 52! 101-43100-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 5,428 4,860, 4,730 4P920 4,920 101-43100-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental : 15,391, 14,295 101-43100-137 LTD 990 825' 1,073 944' 994' 101-43100-140 Unemployment Comp 4,502 - 98 -, -' 101-43100-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem 22,263 30,096'. 28,847' 27,800 18,587 Payroll Related 384,340 401,8251 390,252 413,782' 407,151 -1.60% 101-43100-200 office Supplies 296-, 750: 241 750' 500 101-43100-202 Duplicating and copying supply 78' 200'. 292 200 200. 101-43100-205 Computer Hardware/Software p 612' 5., 00'. 1,171 1,000 1,500 .: 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies 12,557, 13,6001 15,895 13,600 13,000 101-43100-212 Motor Fuels 2.7,603 24,000' 29,788 30,00& 25,000' 101-43100-218 Clothing and Uniforms 4,447 3,500 3,310 3,500 3,500.- -26- -25- 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 Account Number Description Actual Budget al Actual Approved Requested Change Planning & Inspections.' 101-42400-101 F T Empl Regular 125,118 147,961 123,864 166,296' 169,042 101-42400-102 F T Empl Overtime 427 1,000 446' 1,000' 1,000' 101-42400-112 Comp Time Pay 212 - 131 -' 101-42400-113 Vacation Pay 11,7531 - 9,937- - -' .101-42400-114 Holiday Pay 7,257- _ _ - 6,816 ..... -" 101-42400-115 Sick Pay 5507` - 4,278": 101-42400-116 Severance Pay 4,630 101-42400-121 PERA 11,076 10,800 10,562 12129' 12,753 101-42400-122 FICA 11,083' 11,396 10,626' 12,798 13,008' 101-42400-131 Employer Paid Health 31,844 23,400 18,243' 26,400 19,437' 101-42400-133 Employer Paid Dental 1,232 1,027 954 1,119 1,119 101-42400-134 Employer Paid Life 26. 23 21 26! 28. .101-42400-135 Employer Health Care Savings PI 3,104 2,400 2,250, 2,640 2,640: 101-42400-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental - -' -' - - 101-42400-137 LTD 6861; 560! 680 721_ 75411 101-42400-140 Unemployment Comp 517 -'- _ - -' 101-42400-151 Worker s Comp Ins Prem 2,889 3,550 2,487 2,764,. 1,943' Payroll Related 212,731' 202,116' 195,925 225,894 221,724'. -1.85% 101-42400-200 Office Supplies 536' 500. .321 200 200' 101-42400-202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,352 1,500: 2,344 2,000 2,000. 101-42400-210 Operating Supplies - 200 233 200 200' 101-42400-212 Motor Fuels -' 100' 7". - 2,000 101-42400-218 Clothing and Uniforms 48 1001 71 _". 100 ".. 300.: 101-42400-300 Professional Srvs 8,963 15,000 14,650 15,000' 27,250: 101-42400-305 Medical Services 50- 100 94 1001 100." 101-42400-308 Building Inspection Fees 123,96211 115,000 146,811' 125,000 125,000 101-42400-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 234''. 250; 590: 250 2501 101-42400-322 Postage 653 750. 4631 750 9001 .101-42400-331 Use of personal auto -' 100j 20'. 100 100'. 101-42400-351 Legal Notices Publishing 302 500; 370 500 500- 101-42400-361 General Liability Ins 2,512 2,600 2,617 2,650 2,650 101-42400-430 Miscellaneous 153 2,500 124 -. -' 101-42400-431 Meeting Expense 195 600 242 600 300 101-42400-433 Dues and Subscriptions 125 100'. 120 100 120 101-42400-434 Conference & Training 338 1 500' 399 1,500 2,500, 101-42400-440 Other Contractual Services 1,816 1,900 1,595 6,900 6,900L 101-42400-500 Capital Outlay FA -' -' - 11,000- Total 353,970 345 416' 366,996 381,844 403,994' 5.80% -25- -24- 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change Emergency Preparedness 101-42115-101 F T Empl Regular 223 20,374'. 15_,612' 8,128'_ 13,858 101-42115-112 Comp Time Pay 37 131' 101-42115-114 Holiday Pay 111'. 710: 101-42115-115 Sick Pay 604 101-42115-116 Severance Pay _4,630. 101-42115-121 PERA 27' 1477 1,238 589' 1,039, 101-42115-122 FICA 28 1,559 1,336- 622' 1,060 101-42115-131 Employer Paid Health - _ 5,850" 3,267 1,800 395; 101-42115-133 Employer Paid Dental - 257: 191 _ 76 761 101-42115-134 Employer Paid Life 6' 4 2' 2' 101-42115-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI - 600! 450. 180:. 180 101-42115-137 LTD 46. 62- 6- 6,,. Payroll Related 426' 30,1681 28,235 11,403 16,617•. 45.72% 101-42115-210 Operating supplies 2,711 _ _ 4,000'1 1,573 4,000 4,000: 101-42115-212 Motor Fuels I 2,000 101-42115-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 372 420 101-42115-329 Sirens/Phone Lines 1,636' 1 550': 1,5061 1,550 1,550 101-42115-361 General Liability Ins 290 3001 302 310' 310' 101-42115-381 Electric Utilities 465 300'i 531 300' 300. 101-42115-431 Meeting Expense -' - -' _. -. - 101-42115-434 Conference & Training 200- 2,000 - 2,000' 2,000 101-42115-440 Other Contractual Services 3,394 2,300' 101-42115-500 Capital Outlay FA 28,000. Total 5,728 38,318' 35,913: 19,563 57,4971193.91% -24- Payroll Re[ (retiree ben '14 on) 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels -42110-300 -42110-321 -42110-322 -42110-361 -42110-38X -42110-40X -42110-404 -42110-430 -42110-434 Professional Srvs Telephone, Cells & Radios Postage 25,303 31,025' 8,498 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change _ 6,420, _ 2,784 3,000, 131 1 City Hall (2415 Wilshire) _ 5100 5100 101-41930-200 Office Supplies -'. 1,000 1,504 1,000 1,300', 101-41930-202 Duplicating and copying supply 2,256 2,000 2,000 101-41930-210 Operating Supplies - _ '. 1,899 - 2,000; 101-41930-220 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance Supply, - -' ..558 - - 101-41930-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 15,000; 10,372 12,000 10,000 1101-41930-322 Postage 4003. 52 _ .. 300 300' 101-41930-361 General Liability Ins - 51000: 5,.033 5,100 5,100,. 101-41930-381 Electric Utilities 1,478 14000! 17,947 22,000 22,000 101-41930-383 Gas Utilities - 5,000; 6,877 10,000 10 000 101-41930-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal - _.. 1,200! 1,718 1,800 1,800 101-41930-400 Buildings Repairs & Maintenance 6,500', 13,364 .6,500 6,500- 101-41930-440 Other Contractual Services - -'! 2,972 - 1,000. 101-41930-460 Janitorial Services 17,000' 18,026 17,000 8,000 101-41930-500 Capital Outlay FA - -- - 7,000. 7,0001 Total 1,478 65,100' 82,578' 84,700 77,000 Payroll Re[ (retiree ben '14 on) 101-42110-210 Operating Supplies 101-42110-212 Motor Fuels -42110-300 -42110-321 -42110-322 -42110-361 -42110-38X -42110-40X -42110-404 -42110-430 -42110-434 Professional Srvs Telephone, Cells & Radios Postage 25,303 31,025' 8,498 6,316 7,148 13.17%' 2,657 600'' 429 600 600 5,230 2,0001 2,108 2,000 100.00 100 65 _ 6,420, _ 2,784 3,000, 131 1 _ 5100 5100 General Liability Ins 9,660 5,000 5,033 Electric/Gas/Refuse Utilities 20,932 Buildings Repairs & Maintenance _.. 3,609 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint _ 77.00, Miscellaneous 61.00 Conference & Training 100.00 100 -42110-438 Licenses and Taxes 42.00 _ _ _ - -42110-440 Other Contractual Services 1,551,107 1,583,625: 1586,519 1,623,216 1,663796, 2.50% -42110-460 Janitorial Services 3,031 - Total 16284251 1,622,250 1,605,472 1,637,231 1,679,644' 2.59 -23- 2013 2014 2014 2015 I 2016 1 % A,,M N,imher Descriotion Actual Budqet Actual Approved Requested Change Centennial Building (5341 Maywood) 101-41920-200 Office Supplies 101-41920-205 Computer Hardware/Software 101-41920-210 101-41910-200 Office Supplies 1,467 -- 6941 101-41920-500 Capital Outlay FA 101-41910-202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,596, -i. 84 500 500• 101-41910-210 Operating Supplies 2,404 2,000' 487 2,000 2,0010 .101-41910-220 Equip. Parts, Repair/Maintenance Supply'. 1,028 1,4001 1,003 1 4001 1,400': 101-41910-300 Professional Sws -' 101-41910-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 12,909 -' 1,729 1'8M 1 8001. 101-41910-322 Postage 50'. 1- - -' 101-41910-361 General Liability Ins 1,063 1100 1,107 1,120 6,500 101-41910-381 Electric Utilities 13,458' 12 000' 11,944 12,500 12,500 101-41910-383 Gas Utilities 6,542 12,000 8,290 7,000 7,000, 101-41910-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal 1459, 1100 1,788 1,800 1,800' 101-41910-400 Buildings Repairs & Maintenance 7,2421 4,000'' 2,049 4,000: 3,000, 101-41910-401 Building Repairs 4,200: 10,000. 11,767,5,000 _ 10000._ 101-41910-430 Miscellaneous 2,920: - 43 - -' 101-41910-438 Licenses and Taxes 200'. 100 101-41910-440 Other Contractual Services 11,988 13,000,, 12,243 13,000 13,000' 101-41910-460 Janitorial Services 10,685' 12,0001 7,038 12,000 9,000, 101-41910-500 Capital Outlay FA - 35,000 - Total Information Technology 101-41920-200 Office Supplies 101-41920-205 Computer Hardware/Software 101-41920-210 Operating Supplies 101-41920-321 Telephone & Cells 101-41920-440 Other Contractual Services 101-41920-500 Capital Outlay FA 79,211 68,600 60,366 96,620 68,000'' -29.62% 100 169 _ 100, 1001 _. 5,903 - 1,000, 491: 500; 500 500• 4J04 3,500 6,874: 3,500' 4,000 29,264 27,748, 28,833 27,748 36 OOOi 2,818' 25,000, 10,000'. Total 36,6-i 31 848', 41,779 56,848, 51,60& 4 Total 297,655 330,337' 297,145 407,723 420,968! 3.2'. sessor 1-41550-202 Duplicating and copying supply 24 1-41550-322 'Postage 26 1-41550-350 Printing - 1-41550-440 Other Contractual Services 96,227 Total 97600: 107,439 111,600 112,150' 0.490Y 101-41600-300 . Professional Srvs -K&G 2013 2014 1 2014 2015 1 2016 1 % Account Number Description Actual Budget 'Legal P&I . Actual Approved Requested I Change 101-41500-200 Office Supplies 699'; 500 ,. 766 500 500, 101-41500-202 Duplicating and copying supply 1,512 1,500,, 1,258 1,500 _ 1,500 '.. 101-41500-210 OperatingSupplies _ 1931 800 648 800 800 101-41500-218 g_ Clothing and Uniforms 150 150' 131 150 250' 101-41500-300 Professional Srvs 331 -' 29, -' - 101-41500-301 Auditing Services(OPUS'13) 12195 6,800': 8221 i 5,125 7,500: 101-41500-305 Medical Services 100, 50I 274' _. 50 501 101-41500-315 Service Charges - Bank Fees 2,421 - 3,877 - _ 4,000, 101-41500-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 101-41500-322 'Postage 1,499; 2,200' 1,563 2,200 2 000 101-41500-328 Employment Advertising 722 -i 1,098 - - 101-41500-331 Use of personal auto 330 700. 121 700 500 101-41500-351 Legal Notices Publishing 99. 500'.. 1,037 500 1,00& 101-41500-361 General Liability Ins 2,608 2700 2,718 2,800 2,800 101-41500-430 Miscellaneous 39' -'- _ 78 - - 101-41500-431 Meeting Expense - 150', - 150i 150: 101-41500-433 Dues and Subscriptions 924 1200' 1,140 1,200 1200; 101-41500-434 Conference & Training 1,676' _ .2,346 3,500, 1,590;, 3,500;_ 3,500' 101-41500-438 Licenses and Taxes -' 1,222 1,000 101-41500-440 Other Contractual Services - Shred 329. 100, 128 100 150, Total 297,655 330,337' 297,145 407,723 420,968! 3.2'. sessor 1-41550-202 Duplicating and copying supply 24 1-41550-322 'Postage 26 1-41550-350 Printing - 1-41550-440 Other Contractual Services 96,227 Total 97600: 107,439 111,600 112,150' 0.490Y 101-41600-300 . Professional Srvs -K&G 15,195', 4( 101-41600-304 Legal Fees- Prosecutor 50 000 5( 101-41600-312 Legal Police 108 . 101-41600-314 Legal PAN . 1,159 ..4853 .............. 101-41600-316 'Legal P&I . 101-41600-318 Legal Parks 2,813.: 101-41600-361 :General Liability Ins 483'. 5001 503 510 510 .101-41600-450 Board of Prisoners 5,485 15,000, 4,5851 15,000 10000, Total 80,096! 105,5001 83,379'' 105,510' 100,510' -4.74° -21- Total 1,555 12,100 678.W. Finance & Administration 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 % Account Numbarl Description 165,527 Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change 191 101-41500-103 Part -Time Employees' Elections I i 101-41500-113 vacation Pay 3,651 101-41410-102 FTErrol Overtime -' 500; 167': -' 200ii 101-41410-103 Part -Time Employees _ - - ;.. __.... 400 ..... ._ -i _._. 101-41410-121 PERA 50 12 ,. 50, 101-41410-122 FICA 50 43 1,165. 50, 101-41410-131 Employer Paid Health 200.. 17,148 18,600'. 16,434 101-41410-133 Employer Paid Dental -' - 2 - 19,626 101-41410-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 24,258' 4! -, 34,019j 101-41410-137 LTD ,. 1. 101-41500-133 Employer Paid Dental 101-41410-200 Office Supplies 200. 75 - _ 2001 101-41410-202 Duplicating and copying supply 3� 300, 262 - 3001 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies 390'- 1,000' 946 -' 1,000'. 101-41410-300 Professional Srvs -' 7,000 5,178 - 7 500, 101-41410-322 Postage - - 4001 376 50. 400! 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing 100, . 116 Worker s Comp Insurance From _ 100, 101-41410-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint - 2,000!. 2,096 1,505, ,. 2,100 101-41410-430 Miscellaneous - 100'x. 150'. -- 100' 101-41410-431 Meeting Expense -', 100'. 2 -' 100, Total 1,555 12,100 678.W. Finance & Administration 101-41500-101 F T Empl Regular 158,432: 223,047 165,527 279,926 - 283,5918 101-41500-102 F T Empl Overtime 7 191 101-41500-103 Part -Time Employees' 1,098 101-41500-113 vacation Pay 3,651 -' 10,576 101-41500-114 Holiday Pay 11,514 -' 10,538 101-41500-115 Sick Pay 6,918 -' 8,884 ,. 101-41500-116 Severance Pay 1,165. -' . 101-41500-121 PERA 17,148 18,600'. 16,434 22,687 23,7821 101-41500-122 FICA 16,1481 19,626 16,006' 23,939,, 24,258' 101-41500-131 'Employer Paid Health 34,019j 38,082; 31,459.' 49,680' 49,890, 101-41500-133 Employer Paid Dental 1,641!, 1,7971 1,6081 2,1881 2,188' 101-41500-134 Employer Paid Life 3& 41; 481 51 54, 101-41500-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 4,097 4 200! 3,742 _5 160 5 160 101-41500-137 LTD 961' 1,0941 986 1,538 1,604 101-41500-140 Unemployment Comp - 790' -' - - 101-41500-151 Worker s Comp Insurance From 4,419' 3,000' 2,984' 3,280 3,533 Payroll Related 269,780 309,487' 271,246 388,448 394,068 1.45% w in 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Budget Actual Approved Requested Change City Manager .101-41310-101 F T Empl Regular 106,648, 137,048', " " 112,246 140,444 142,153! 101-41310-102 F T Empl Overtime 171 -� 223 -. - 101-41310-113 Vacation Pay ! 15,691'. - 15,671 101-41310-114 Holiday Pay .. . 5 992 -' 5,992' 101-41310-115 Sick Pay 5067 -I. 3,283 101-41310-116 Severance Pay - . -:" 101-41310-121 PERA 9,066 9,9361 9,362 10,182 10,662' .. 101-41310-122 FICA 9472 9,868-'. 9,923 ._.10,298 10439., 101-41310-131 Employer Paid Health 10,308: 11,17Z 12,021 13,680 13,080; 101-41310-133 Employer Paid Dental 598 616.; 636 661 661! .101-41310-134 Employer Paid Life 13 14 _ 14r 15.. 16 101-41310-135 Employer Health Care Saving PI 1,656'. 1,440' 1,500 1,560, 1,560. 101-41310-137 LTD 601 568 6681 658 685' 101-41310-140 Unemployment Comp 808,. -' 101-41310-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem 4,516, 2,500, 2,487 2,310 1,14$ Payroll Related 170,607 173,163' 174,026 179,809 180,405, 0.33% 101-41310-200 Office Supplies 186' 600; 365 600 6001 101-41310-202 Duplicating and copying supply 444 1,300'. 768 1 300 1,000 101-41310-210 Operating Supplies 259 300!1 240' 300_ 300'. 101-41310-218 Clothing and Uniforms -'. 50'. - 50 50' 101-41310-300 Professional Srvs - 100! - 100 100. 101-41310-305 Medical Services 50 1001 - 100 _.. 100 101-41310-321 Telephone, Cells & Radios 1,262 _ 1,500. .,743 _ 1,500 1,200' 101-41310-322 Postage 337 300. 267 300 300 101-41310-328 Employment Advertising 216 -' _ - - -' 101-41310-331 Use of personal auto 983 1,000 773 1 000 1,000, 101-41310-361 General Liability Ins 1 932 2,000', 1,007 2,040 1,000, 101-41310-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maim 101-41310-430 Miscellaneous 718 300 767 300 300' 101-41310-431 Meeting Expense 433 500, 231 500 500 101-41310-433 Dues and Subscriptions 1,127:. _ 1, 100!1 1,184 1,100, _ 1,200! 101-41310-434 Conference & Training 2,890: 200 4, 1,588. 420Q 4,200,, Total 181,444 186,513 181,959 193,199, 192255' -0.49% in 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 % Account Number Description Actual Budget 101-41115-430 Actual Approved Requested I Change Miscellaneous - LMA Milfoil Tx 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000, 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous - WSD Crossing Guard 1,500' -( - 5,000. City Council 1. 101-41110-103 Part -Time Employees 15,616 16,5M 16,500 16,_5M 16,500: 101-41110-122 FICA 1,195; 1,262; 1,262 _.1262 1,262., 101-41110-151 Worker s Comp Insurance From 45; 55 55 50 67' 101-41110-200 Office Supplies -- 500; _. 24 _ 500 100! '..101-41110-202 Duplicating and copying supply 2,041 _.. 3,000: 2,172 3,000. 3,000, '.101-41110-210 operating Supplies 784. 5001 33 500 _ 500, 101-41110-300 Professional Srvs -� 7,500;. - 500 500 101-41110-322 Postage 3,664i 4,0001 3,7831 4,0W 4,000' 101-41110-350 Printing 6,541 6,500; 5,600 6,5001 6,500; 101-41110-351 Legal Notices Publishing 265' _ 700 ,.. 77 700. 700;. _ 101-41110-361 General Liability Ins 8,098. 7,506 8,272 7 600 8,300,. 101-41110-430 'Miscellaneous 1,134; 1,800 1,414 1,800 1,800f 101-41110-431 Meeting Expense 171 1,00011 190 1,000 1,000, 101-41110-433 Dues and Subscriptions 30,821 34,300.. 30,973 34,300i 33,300' 101-41110-434 Conference & Training 299; 600'. -', 600'; 1,000! Total 70,674' 85,717 70,355 78,812 78,529 0.36% Promotions 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous -Gillespie 60000' 61,500; 60,000 61,500' 60,000' 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous -Festival 1,500 1500: 1,500 1,500 1,500! 10141115-430 Miscellaneous - LMA Milfoil Tx 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000, 101-41115-430 Miscellaneous - WSD Crossing Guard 1,500' -( - 5,000. Total 66,000 66,000' 64,500 66,000 69.500 5.30%' 0 v a e e v o e v e o e e v o o v e a o e e 0o amv.-• �navcvim rn�n Mv��no<ov o, s U' rnrn b^ rninmorn�m,-N N �.o ro M WU jy M c: O O O O O O O O o O O O Q 4y M V� O" O O'O O O" O O O O rn E o e oo eo oo 000"o ry J C O O O O O O O N N N Q k U U S O O O O O O O O O O O O O K O O O O O O O O O O O O O N(7w O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O h O O O O O O O O O O O O" O O 4,5 O 6. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Q G O lJ vt V O O O O O O O O O O O O O m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O V O O O O O O O O O O cJ O b O O O O O O O O O O" T k W M O O O O O O O O O O O O din .- ono o"o o"o o o"o"o oo o" �,E�M"o"o No 0000000Noo k w' �°`°OMMM y�,v,�MoorP Q Vk N V m M M m N N^ V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C M O ID" `O lD 'G � N M Vl Vl Vl Vl VI Vi ^ Vl Vl VI h v) Vi Q. k O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 C 0000�o �0000w"o �o�w��o oo w moo ao o .o C,C a E' b ON OM vi O N d' Oi d' m y vNOi Ch ol,o-- M W .J -17- CITY OF MOUND 5,286,223 5,513,960 5,448,864 5,544,362 5.649,172 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR TAX LEVY RECAP -1.18% 1.15% 1.89% REVENUE LEVY 3.474,798 Scen 1 +3% 3,394,294 3,496,123 3,601,007 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR -6.75% 2.00% -4,23% 3.00% 3.00% 101 Revenue - General Revenue 3,474,798 3,544,294 3,394,294 3,496,123 3,601,007 222 Fire Relief Contribution Special 82,069 83,782 78,920 67,171 67,063 355 G.O. Tax Increment -20138 Special 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 368 G.O. Improvement -2005A Special 85,000 85,000 85,000 -- CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 368 G.O. Refunding -20148 Special - - - 85,00062,00 75,000 369 G.O.Improvement-2006A Special 58,000 58.000 0 62,000 - 361 G.O. Improvement -2007A Special 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 - 362 G.O.Improvement-20086 Special 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 80,000 334 G.O. Equipment Certificate -2008D Special 46,400 -- MUNICIPAL TAX RATE - 363 G.O. Improvement -2009A Special 235,000 215,600 215,600 215,600 215,600 335 G.O. Equipment Certificate -2009C Special 7,850 46,675 28,425 - 56.577% 375 G.O. Tax Increment - 2009D (Dump) Special 125,048 214,400 200,000 200,000 200,000 370 G.O. Refunding -2011A Special 387,190 376,923 367,440 362,736 351,774 364 G.O. Improvement -20118 Special 191,368 191,105 190,685 190,108 189,373 365 G.O. Improvement 2012A Special - 113,181 110,346 107,511 50,000 371 G.O. Refunding - 2012B (PS Building) Special 357,500 349,000 349,000 349,000 349,000 310 G.O. Improvement -2013A Special - - 131,154 133,044 100,000 311 G.O. Improvement -2014A Special 40,069 37,655 312 G.O. Improvement/Ref-2015A Special - 287,700 TOTAL LEVY 5,286,223 5,513,960 5,448,864 5,544,362 5.649,172 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR -2.24% 4,31% -1.18% 1.15% 1.89% REVENUE LEVY 3.474,798 3,544,294 3,394,294 3,496,123 3,601,007 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR -6.75% 2.00% -4,23% 3.00% 3.00% SPECIAL LEVY 1,811,425 1,969,666 2.054,570 2,048,239 2,048,165 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 7.75% 8,74% 4.31% -0.31% 0.00% 2016, 285 HRA - Operating HRA 48,498 16.854 7,641 944 33,308 350 HRA - Transit 20168 Tax Abate HRA 172,325 174340 175,187 176,891 163,700 TOTAL LEVY 220,823 191,194 182,728 177,835 197,008 LESS: FISCAL DISPARITIES LEVY (16,397) (16,830) (15,629) (15,944) - NET LEVY 204,426 174,364 167,099 161,891 197,008 CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 7/ -17'/. z - 2012 2016,", -IRate:-- - - - - - - - Tax Calculation CERTIFIED LEVY 5,286,223 5,513,960 5,448,864 5,544,362 5,649,172 LESS: FISCAL DISPARITIES LEVY (363,097) (405,203) (457 822) (476,157) (476,457) NET LEVY 4,923,126 5,108,757 4T991,042.... 5,068,205 5,172,715 MUNICIPAL TAX RATE 47,525% 54.709% 55.243% 50,077% 48.570% H RA TAX RATE 1.973% 1,867% 1.850% 1,600% 1,850% - TOTAL DIRECT TAX RATE 49.499% 56.577% 57,092% 51.677% 50,420% r2012 2013 2014 201 F --Tax �Caacl :Information TAX CAPACITY 10,972,410 9,917,462 9,609,636 10,766,187 10,897,711 LESS: FISCAL DISPARITIES (242,557) (251,926) (263,862) (261,070) (270,000) LESS TAX INCREMENTS (370,849) (327,557) (311,005) .. (384,355) (385,000) CAPACITY FOR LOCAL RATE 10,359,004 9,337,979 9,034,769 ..10 10,649,980 FPro -Jaoted�Tues ValueOf �HOM, 150.000 225,000 400,000 600,000 1,000,000 � 2012�l $ 742 $ 849 $ 856 775 $ 756 $ 1,114 $ 1,273 $ $ 1,980 $ 2,263 $ 1,285 $ 1,163 $ 1,134 2,284 $ 2,067 $ 2,017 $ 3,094 $ 3,536 $ 3,568 $ 3,230 $ 3,151 $ 5,569 $ 6.365 $ 6423 $ 5,814 $ 5,672 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\20162016-BUDGET COMBINED VV , g File 12/3/2015 -16- -15- City of Mound General Fund Summary of Revenue and Expeditures 2013 �: 2014 :2014 2015 2016 % - Classification Actual Butl"et Actuals A roved - Re uestetl Chan e Revenues Taxes 3,626,084 3,413880 3,479,885; 3492,6281 3,648,420 45% Business Licenses &Permits 25,150 20,500 29,325' 20,5001 26,250 28.0% ------__ _. Non -Business Licenses &Permits 179,830 138 500 - 189,966 144,500 154,000 6.6% .. _ Intergovernmental 68,219 357,996 358352 391,693 400,471 22% for Services 731,097 710,107 _.743,674 _ 716,516 725,416 12% _Charges Fines & Forfeitures 68,435. _ 58,000 65,01 60,000 58,000 -3 3% _ Other 30 0,906 200 515, 241,512' 204,515 213,350' 4.3% TOTAL REVENUES 4,999,721 4,899 498 - - 5,107,785. 5,030 352: 5,225,907 3.9% ExpendituresCitCouncil Y 70,674 85,717 - 70,355 78,812 78,529 -04% Promotions 66,000 66,000: 64,500 66,000. 69,500 53% City Manager -181,444 186,513 181,959 193,1991 192,255 -0.5% Elections 393. 12,000'. 9,830 -297 1,555-. 12,100 6781%° Finance & Administrative Services 297,655 330,337 145' - 407.723 420,968, 3.2% 96,277 97,600 107,4391 111,600'. 112,150 0.5% _Assessor Legal 80,096 165,500 83,379 105,510: 100,510 -4.7% Centenial Building 79,211 68,600 60,366 96,620 68,000 29.6°/ - Information Technology 36,677 31,848 41,779 56,848. 51,600 -9.2%° City Hall (2415 Wilshire) 1,478 65,1 ob 82,578 84,700: 77,000 4 1% _Police 1,628,425' 1,622,250 1,605472' 1637231'. 1,679,644 26% Emergency Preparedness 5,728 38,318 35,913, 19,563 57,497 193.9° __.._. Planning &Inspections 353,970 345,416 366,996 381,844' 403,994 5.8% _ Streets 872,711. 926,355 909,759 880,292: 969,111 10.1% Parks/Cemetary 477,786 475,110 457,310 470,061 498,561 6.1% Other 640,133. 538,0071 499742', 544,9681 556,800- 2.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,888,658 4,994,673 4,874 5221 5,136,527 5,348,219 4.1%' _CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE _ 111,063 95,175 233,263 (106,175)1 122,312 -15.2% NNING BE FUND BALANCE 2,253,586 21338,759 1 2,338,759 2,572,022 2,465,847 _ Park Dedication NET 25,890) --- INCREASE /(DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 111,063 95,175. 233,263 106,175 122,312 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,338,759 2,243,584 2,572,022 2,465,847 2,343,535 -5.0% Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/xx 2,253,586 2,338,759 2,338,759 2,597,912 2,465,847 Nons endabie for ,._ Prepaid Items 2,934 - 2,620 Liquor Fund Loan -Lon _Term _ 441,033 359,087 275,080 Restricted for Park Dedication - -188,960 _ Committed for -359,087 Interfund Loans - Deficit Cash 800,000 Severance Pay 188,428 _ 200 000 166,685 205,000 205,000 Next Year Bud et Deficit 95,174 110,000 106,175 114,562 100,000_ Unassigned 1,611,190 1,574,497 1,963,345 1,071,205 1,049,575 Total Fund Balance 12/31/xx 2,338,759 2,243,584 t_ 2,597,912 2,465,847 2,343,535 Unassi ned as a °/ of Ex 33% 32% -15- -14- CITY OF MOUND GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2013 ':2014 <12014 2015 2016 - % Account Number Descri tion Actual Bud et 'Actuals Approved Requested Chane' 101-48100-37290 Street Lighting Fee 73,864 75,000 80,333 74,000 _ 76,000 101-48100-37295 Street Lighting Penalty _1,246 1,000 1,811 1,000 101-48100-38051 Cable TV Franchise Fee 105,072 105,000 _ 104,671 105,000 103,000 101-48100-38053 Cable TV Peg Access Fee 30,326 34,641 28,566 ____--W,000 28,000 101-48100-38060 Center Point_ Franchise Fee_ _ 125,828 125,000 1.26,568 125,000 125,000 _ 101-48100-38070 Xcel Energy Franchise Fee 150,845 147,000 152,701 150,000 150,000 101-49300-34108 _ Admin Charges to Other Funds 136,241 132,866 132,866 132,866 132,866 Total 731 097 -- 710,107 743,674 716,516 ':� 725,416 1.2% Fines & Forfeitures _ 101-42000-35100 Court Fines 59,258 50,000 54,379 50,000 50,000 101-42000-35150 Administrative Fines 9,177 8,000 10,692 10,000 8,000 Total 68,435 58,000 65,071 60,000 58,000 -3.3% Other Revenue _ 101-41000-36100 _ Special Assessments 33,163r-1,000 _21,055 10,000 15,000 _ 101-41000-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 899 1,000 198 _ 1,000 101-41000-36230 Contributions and Donations _ 1,150 - - - 101-41000-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 41,754 20,000 26,067 __„ 30,000 25,000 .101-41000-36205 Check Processing Fees 210 330 _ 250 101-42000-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,055 _ - - - - ! 101-42000-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 814 - _ (36) __ - 3,600 101-43000-36200 -Miscellaneous Revenues ,_ 2,341 _ - - - - 101-43000-36240 Refunds and Reimbursements 424 - 11,961 - - 10145000-34750 Park Dedication Fees 26,100 - 2,200101-45000-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 235 - 101-45000-3240 Refunds and Reimbursements 1,260 _._-_ 101-48100-3 1 8055 Antenna Leases 89,338 90,000 96,291 90,000 90,000 101-48400-36210 Interest Earnings 3,460 6,000 _4,857 4,000 4,000 _ 101-48500-39101 Sales of General Fixed Assets 20,690 -' 7,000 _ 12,000 101-49300-39210 'Duplicating Service Charge 5,507 1,000 8,800 ,000 _ 6,000 101-49300-39203 Transfer from Other Fund _ 63,515 _ 63,515 61,529 63,515 57,500 101-49999-39999 Prior Period Adjustment 10,251 1 - -{I 'Total 300,906 200,515 241,512 204,515 213,350 4.3% TOTAL REVENUE 4,999,721 4,899,498: 5,107,785 5,030,352 5,225,907 3.9% -14- CITY OF MOUND GENERAL FUND REVENUES 101-48000-31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 101-48000-31020 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 101-4800031040 Fiscal Disparities 101-48000-31910 Penalties and Interest AdVa1Tx Total Percentage of Levy Captured Business licenses & Permits 101-42000-32010 Liquor Licenses 101-42000-32020 Temp Liquor License 101-42000-32030 'Garbage Licenses _ 101-42000-32172 Public Gathering Permit . 101-42000-32180 Other Licenses/Permits 101-42000-32190 Misc. Business Permits -; Total. Non -Business Licenses & Permits _ 101-42000-32210 Building Permits - 101-42000-32220 Electrical Permit Fee X101-42000-32230 Plumbing Connection Permits 101-42000-32235 'Heating Permits 101-42000-32236 Public Land Permits 101-42000-32239 Mechanical Registration ''.101-42000-32240 Animal Licenses .101-42000-32241 Dog/Cat Licenses '.101-42000-32270 Grading/Excavating 101-42000-32280 Moving Permits 1101-42000-32290 Misc, P&I Fees ; Total 101-41000-33100 Federal Grants and Aids 101-41000-33422 Other State Aid Grants 101-42000-33421 Police State Aid 10142000-33430 Other State Grants and Aids 101-43000-33418 Muni State Aid St Maintenance 101-48200-33402 Mkt Value Homestead Cr 101-48200-33425 PERA State Aid. Total... Charges for Services _.... 101-41000-34101 Centemal Building Rent 101-41000-34105 Sale of Maps and Publications ! 101-41000-34107 Assessment Search Fees 101-42000-34104 Plan Check Fee 101-42060-34114 Planning Commission Approval 10142000-34191 Surcharges 101-42000-34203 'Accident Reports _ 101-42000-34210 Dog Pick-up Charges _ 101-42000-34215 'Kennel Boarding Fees 101-42000-34220 Filing Fees _. 101-42000-34230 Misc Service Charges 101-42000-34310 Container on Right of Way 101-45000-34110 'Depot Rental _ .r., �cnnn �e onn !`omuhory I M Rale 1 [Tdr] 15,000 153,1/7 __721 3,500 8_000 E 5,000 _9,649 18,276 ` 63 31000 2,548 _ 1 4,000 215 200 302 3R 500 m 189.966 144 6 291,731 561 9 60,000 7,905 3,Uuu _ 350 30 200 _ 64 a¢ -13- 14 ill iGL1 0 _ 0 1,000 0___l 54,000 3 334,411 -12- _Tj; O N M N 0000000 0000 000 oroo w W O O N O O O N O N O O N O O O w 0 w w F O NNOw NNOO i� NN 0,- �phZ N� V w� �wN �� c N tNo (00 N 0 2 w< CL 0000000 O O N O O 01N11 0000 O N O O oil Mil Coll O O oroo O w 0 w w W F O N N O w O N yZ N� N r(ON rNn� tN0 ` (NO r N d Q W d' v 0 N C_ N O a 0 C N N O O O @ o U N O o M O N @ O r CL o o U 0 d 3 > U N o 0 z 0 @ z U @ cl U W U @ o rn m 'o O O U O @ U W U @ N 02 0 U - LL @ d "O @ @ O N 1 N V @@ N@ Z E 3 0 E E N N �0 n0� .- CI) 02 � oa m a`oQ Qmu°'.o �� coo u@. mQ 0 N o IL o m U LL m U >y o m m m @ D �= =� T m N O @ O O@ 0 c zl-4-LL �iU O F-I-xz z c @ U C (nLLJ C C Z w z OZ zWl-Q K m c y W W 0 O X (n U) J Lu O O d @ E 0 N u -Q7 0 3 `0 0 O ~0� >@ J U U o r > eco > UU� -12- _Tj; O N M N -11- v 0 N N m 0- dIV] Q 0 0 0 0 W M X 0 0 0 0 N (O M O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O W �-- N O t0 t0 O of O O O O v m n o i mN�or of Gill per N N r O 0 0.' 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 o m M o o M 000000 0 W }-. 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The City Council will continue to be asked to direct staff on any requests from various organizations to become a member or to make a contribution. Any contribution would be in the form of a contract for services so that the public benefit can be highlighted. Tax Levy Recap The 2016 budget impact, as proposed, is depicted in the following summary: General Fund Levy Summary 2016 Change to GF Levy $ @ 87.15% capture $91,410 Change to General Fund Levy % 3.00 Change to Total Levy % 1.89 Change in Gen Fund Balance $ ($122,312) Unassigned Fund Bal as % of Exp 20% Total Fund Balance as a % of Exp 44% Funds Available for Interfund Loans $800K Another consideration is the City Property Tax Rate. Even though many recent levy increases have been negative or flat, the tax rate has often increased due to our decline in Tax Capacity (Net Levy/Tax Capacity = Tax Rate). Tax Capacity increased in 2015, the first time since 2009, resulting in a projected tax rate of 51.7%, down from 57% in 2014. Projected tax rate for 2016 is 50.4%. Fund Balance is important to maintain in order to provide cash flow between the bi-annual tax receipts and for emergency reserves. Unassigned fund balance is a key factor in the City's bond rating and a reflection of its fiscal strength. The City of Mound has an informal target of 20% unassigned fund balance as a percentage of expenditures, which we have been able to maintain at or better, with the exception of 2011 when the classifications changed due to the implementation of GASB 54. The Office of the State Auditor recommends a total fund balance of 35% - 50%, a range we have also been able to consistently maintain. Standard and Poors renewed the AA Stable bond rating for the 2015 bond issues. Conclusion Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns in advance of the December 8th meeting so I can research your questions and be ready for the discussion and action on the final budget for 2016. Thank you for your kind consideration. Respectfully, Catherine Pausche Director of Finance and Administrative Services -7- It should be noted TIF proceeds for TIF District 1-3 are insufficient to pay the debt service on the Dump Bonds (2009D), and there are inter fund loans with the General Fund and Dock Fund to supplement. Staff estimates TIF may not catch-up to repay these loans, therefore it is important to establish reserves for that shortfall and other priorities. 2016 OPERATING BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - EXPENDITURES Capital Purchases. Large equipment purchases had traditionally been funded by issuing equipment certificates, which are paid back over five or ten years. Due to high issuance costs, the City has not issued any since 2009 for plow trucks and other equipment. Large expenditures, such as the sewer vacuum truck and fire ladder truck will be included on a General Obligation bond issue and financed over 10 years. Human Resources. Personnel costs will always be the largest expenditure of local government, since it is a service agency and it takes people to provide the services. Salaries and wages in all departments reflect step increases for employees with less tenure, as required under the City of Mound Pay Equity Policy. The general wage adjustments reflect the $0.60 per hour increase which was agreed upon in the 2015 - 2016 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement and which extends to all full-time administrative staff as well. It should be noted that the increase in minimum wage required by state law is putting pressure on keeping our part-time liquor store clerk, volunteer fire fighter, and seasonal public works maintenance worker positions competitive. In Minnesota, the City is considered a large employer with over $500,000 in revenues. Minimum wage for large employers effective August 1, 2015 is $9.00 and $9.50 effective August 1, 2016. Although our starting wages for the part- time and seasonal positions are at or above those amounts, we no longer enjoy the competitive advantage that we once had and will continue to monitor the situation closely. Programming. Our charge as City officials is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. That generally means providing for the basic needs. Other services beyond that scope can be thought of as enhancements to quality of life and can oftentimes be reduced or eliminated. Programs, being a matter of policy, should be designated by Council Members. The following list of services that could potentially be reduced or eliminated has been developed over the years and is included each year in the budget packet: --designating several parks as natural, sewing them with wild flowers and prairie grasses --reviewing the status of green spaces, to determine other possible uses --increase the snow accumulation before the start of snow plowing --eliminate Clean Sweep nuisance abatement 0 in the water rates for 2015 - 2018 was approved in 2015 and has been reflected in the 2016 budget. Sewer Fund. Lift Station Upgrades - The City has 30 sanitary sewer lift stations, 17 of which have been replaced as of 2015. The plan is to replace one per year or perhaps more if bids are favorable or smaller lift stations can substitute. In addition, sewer pipes are being relined to eliminate inflow and infiltration (I&1). This program addresses mandates from the Metropolitan Council for upgrading our infrastructure which is intended to reduce our fee to Met Council for wastewater treatment and to avoid any penalties for overflow. (The City applies Met Council grant dollars against the project each year.) Metropolitan Council - The City's effort to reduce I & I has resulted in a reduction in fees in some years, but the historical rainfall in 2014 has resulted in a 25% increase for the MCES wastewater treatment for 2015. Fortunately, the flows were down and rates will decrease (13%) for 2016. This is a highly volatile line item for the sewer fund and Staff will continue to work with the Met Council to evaluate its formula and meter inflow into Mound lines from both the Met Council and neighboring city lines. The City is also collaborating with Met Council on joint projects that are streamlining the system, reducing I & I, and minimizing the chance of backflow. Storm Sewer Fund. Storm sewer projects have increased dramatically in the past few years. In 2009, we began allocating some payroll due to increased staff time on these projects. We will be recommending a storm sewer rate increase and water and sewer rate increases during the October budget workshop. Rates will also be discussed at the December meeting as part of final budget approval. Recycling Fund. We negotiated a 9% reduction on our Allied Waste curbside recycling contract, from $4.00 per month per household to $3.63 for the contract period 2012 — 2016. Residents pay $4.00 a month. We have other costs related to administering the program, including the leaf drop off and Spring Clean-up Day. We are looking for ways to make this fund self-supporting and minimize costs for residents. HRA Levy The HRA levies to fund the municipally -owned portions of the Transit District which was established to spur development. An HRA budget in Fund 285 has been established for the Transit District's routine care and long-term maintenance, which are costs that go beyond the debt service requirement. This fund had a deficit balance of ($10,525) as of 2014 year-end. The HRA levy amount, which is limited to 1.85% of the prior year taxable market value, has decreased due to our declining tax capacity, until this year. Staff recommends the savings from the transit center bond refinance be used to build up reserves in Fund 285. Fund 285 can also be used to fund other redevelopment initiatives as well. -5- for the first time since 2003, which allowed the City to decrease its General Fund levy by $150,000, or (4.23%), even after many years of negative or flat General Fund levy changes. Because of the history and politics, it is the goal of the City not to over -rely on LGA. As a result, the $334,441 allotted for 2016, $150,000 reduced the levy (carryover from 2014) and the remaining $184,441 should be thought of as partially funding the $291,813 of capital expenditures requested in the General Fund for 2016. If LGA is eliminated in 2017 or beyond, the bulk of offset would need to come from alternative revenue sources (e.g., increased levy which may be offset by reductions in debt levies depending on the year, issuance of equipment certificates, or use of reserves) as savings opportunities have largely been maximized on the expense side. Franchise Fees The $2.75 per month per meter franchise fee for gas and electric customers is assessed by the utility companies, Minnegasco and Xcel, at the request of the cities, and is paid to the City on a quarterly basis. The Council approved keeping these fees in place through December 31, 2016, at the same rate of $2.75 per meter per month. It should be noted that Public Works and Fire Departments support the gas and electric companies on a frequent basis during storm -cleanup, after lines have been severed in construction, in response to gas leaks, etc. Land Use & Building Permits/Applications. Permit revenue continues to increase since the start of the recession. Cities are not allowed to profit from permit fees and other fees and any increase is theoretically offset by an increase in building inspection inspections, although timing issues apply. We continue to pass through many of the planning and building costs through user fees and by direct charge of the costs to our customers who use the services. Enterprise Funds. Liquor Store Fund. The Liquor Fund began contributing to tax relief again in 2012, assuming $50,000 per year for 2012 — 2016. The dollars are transferred from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund because Minnesota State statute prohibits the transfer directly to the Seal Coat Fund. Ultimately, the General Fund will transfer the equivalent dollars received to the Seal Coat Fund. Seal Coating is an integral component of extending the life of our new streets. The plan is to seal coat the streets every 5 — 7 years. That, along with a one-time mill and overlay, should make the new streets last over 30 years. The underlying water and sewer infrastructure is expected to last 40 — 50 years. An interfund loan exists between the liquor store and general fund to pay off the bonds issued to build the new store in 2002. The interfund loan repayments are approximately $90,000 per year and will be fully paid in 2019, thereby increasing amounts available for tax relief. Water Fund. The City has had an informal policy of increasing rates steadily over time. The tiered rate system has been in place since 2010 and infrastructure improvements are expected to diminish once the street and utility reconstruction projects have been completed in 2018. A 8.5% increase -4- DEPARTMENTAL HIGHLIGHTS The City of Mound is dedicated to keeping our City well maintained, financially stable, and attractive to residents and investors, both current and prospective. Examples of initiatives to ensure service excellence are listed below. Public Works • Met Council pledged upwards of $30M in Mound projects the next 5 yrs • Since 2003, the City has invested $30M+ in: (a) Water quality, pressure, & volume (b) Replacing 17 of 30 lift stations (c) Improved storm water drainage Community Development • City funded a marketing study and marketing brochure to promote opportunities and awareness • There has been an uptick in developer interest since the recession, with three major development projects currently on deck Area Fire Services • Implemented Box Alarms to increase efficiency and coordination with neighboring departments • Implemented Duty Officer Program to improve efficiency and day time response times • Implemented pension plan reforms to help retain experienced fire fighters • Upgraded apparatus and equipment for safety, efficiency and cost control • Maintained or improved ISO Ratings in 2009 & 2014 resulting in better safety and reduced homeowners insurance rates Finance and Administration • Bonds for public safety building and liquor store mature by 2022, freeing up funds for other priorities/tax relief • Refinanced bonds resulting in over $2.4M in interest savings since 2011 • Partnering with Aeon to revitalize Indian Knoll Manor Public Housing and ensure affordability for the long-term • Developed a long-term capital plan for shoreline improvement projects for the Dock Program • Municipal liquor store contributions to General Fund reduces need for levy increases State Aid During 2013, the Legislature implemented General Fund levy limits of 3% for 2014, exempted cities from sales tax, and restored Local Government Aid (LGA). Mound received LGA in 2014 -3- December 3, 2015 Mayor Wegscheid Council Members City of Mound 2415 Wilshire Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mayor and Council Members, Please find the attached 2016 Proposed Budget for your review and consideration. 2415 WILSHAE BOULEVARD MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 PH: (952) 472-0600 FAX: (952) 472-0620 WEB. www.cilyofmound.com General Fund expenditures are proposed to increase 4.1 % in 2016 for a variety of reasons and it should be noted that the average increase between 2009 and 2016 was 0.56%. The major reasons for the 2016 increase include the following: • Election Year (+$ I OK) • Comprehensive Plan Review- every 10 years (+$ l OK) • Capital Expenditures increased $117,713 over 2015 If these items were removed, the General Fund expenditures would have increased 1.44% over 2015. It should be noted that the tax rate is still decreasing even with a proposed 3% General Fund levy increase and 1.89% overall levy increase. City staff is committed to keeping expenditures in line with revenues and will continue to try to create opportunities for savings and to minimize spending where possible. We are benefiting from many initiatives that were started in previous years, including contracting for police services, moving to a flat fee for prosecution legal services, and the many department/staff reorganizations that resulted in a reduction of 7.4 full-time employees, or 21%, since 2008, excluding the police contract. The contract for police services with the City of Orono will allow us to predict increases for a large portion of our General Fund budget for the next 10+ years. This partnership saves the City an estimated $200,000 a year without impacting services levels. In addition, all of our officers were hired by Orono and 9 out of 10 of them received a raise, better supervision and promotional opportunities. The public will be allowed to speak on the budget prior to its approval the evening of December 8. printed onrecycled paper -2- LEGISLATIVE BODY Mayor Mark Wegscheid Council Members Jennifer Peterson Heidi Gesch Ray Salazar Kelli Gillispie ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Interim City Manager Robert Derus City Attorney Melissa Manderschied Finance Director/Clerk/Treasurer Catherine Pausche Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok Public Works Director/City Engineer Eric Hoversten Community Development/City Planner Sarah Smith Public Works Superintendent Ray Hanson Fire Chief/Emergency Management Gregory Pederson Liquor Store Manager John Colotti -1- PLANNING & INSPECTIONS 25 STREETS 26-27 PARKS 28-29 CEMETERY 30 CONTINGENCY & TRANSFERS 30 AREA FIRE SERVICE FUND 31-40 DOCKS 41-42 TRANSIT DISTRICT MAINTENANCE 43 ENTERPRISE FUNDS LIQUOR 44-46 WATER 47-51 SEWER 52-55 STORM WATER 56-59 RECYCLING 60-61 SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING SCHEDULES LOG OF CHANGES FROM PRELIMINARY BUDGET 62 EMPLOYEE FTE ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT 63 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PLANS 64-67 AUTHORIZED PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS 68 CONFERENCES AND TRAINING ASSUMPTIONS 69 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROPOSED BUDGET YEAR 2016 LEGISLATIVE & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1 BUDGET MESSAGE 2-7 ORGANIZATION CHART 8 KEY STATISTICS 9 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-12 GENERAL FUND REVENUE 13-14 GENERAL FUND - SUMMARY OF REV & EXP 15 TAX LEVY RECAP 16 DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVIES 17 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL/PROMOTIONS 18 CITY MANAGER 19 ELECTIONS 20 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 20-21 ASSESSING 21 LEGAL 21 CENTENNIAL BUILDING 22 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 22 CITY HALL 23 POLICE 23 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 24 O O N CO o') M 'N O (D Y Cl) M Cl) m N N N N N N N N N O O O 00 00 O O O O O O [ N N N N N N N N N N N N N �I O O XXx O O O lD x X XX O I- I` W M O O )I O LOO � N O O O O 00 I 0 � O � 0 0 0 0 O O 00 v o NLo M M to ID 00 O M via �Y' M h O O ID 7 00 H N D\ 00 O O ti N M go M O GO b kn ti N b D\ M N M h .� M P N 7 7 M 7 A ri) A v, C C G .�. 'i Q .� o. bD .p V] Vt v y 9 y a C R V1 Vi p Vi R [� H O a O O N L N Y d' L L L y Vi i O liD .-i OD .w py py +' E S E >• E i E O; u O 0 v �; voi h �, o a C °' � o o o � M ••� ti d iL Vl L L b d p p R 3 s 3 3 e 3 V, w V, w bD C N w h N kw 3 w; w 3 w 3 w w v, W. w w w V w w as m m rJ w U z U E~ M N N ti l 1.0 V1 M N N N 7 GO It kn kn 7kn ^°'i z 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N E O. w w w �+ �+ Y. L L L L a•� LO Ctl Cd ftS C0 CC CC 0 � of � w � m v v � Q w v� d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333wwaaa�awwww V z w w w 333 y w w w w w w w a) m a) -0000000- ,Q O O O O M N t N 7 N M N O� M N .•i ws .-: .-a O O ti kw 0 .-a O ti 0 0 try Vl V1 .a ra M M V1 [- N N -65- co v a WItT 0 0 0 0 N N N N .7 ^t y X O OLxi O T X O O O X C�f V XLd m N X 0IV O OLfi O O O O O N 4IO M h ti O O �I O «7 � 7 M N of r-+ a1 4' 00 h 7t T .•s T b00 .-+ 00 00 eq N N h h O N V) V7 M E` 00 00 N N V) IV IV eY O �•-i O V) O N O O Q\ OO h N N b u p � R R R d CUC O F ttl �i L f v c Z v) V) L O w a O w O a w O w z N w w O w O w ca O w O w O w •d U O w L w �;;) U p p v H p w c 00 00 kn�z h 01 00 V7 h 7 7 7 tn N O\ 7 0� N 01 01 'Ir eF kn N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O a1 C O O O Q1 O .-� ..d N 0 N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N G O i O y C7 L3 C3 CC RS RS C0 CC CC LC l'C CC l3 y y y y y y C d U a+ •� aaaaaaaaaaaaa � v� v, v,�r,v� ) z ��� z 00 V) ID h 01 0\ 00 V) In O O O O V7 N 0� 7 0\ M 0\ 01 C 7 in N N M M M M1�0 hC It ti N N N N 7 7 )OO b ti ti M ��„� Supplemental Budget Information - 2016 nA Employee Allocations by Department Department Full Time Part Time Seasonal (Approx) (Approx) City Manager 101-41310 1.30 0.00 0.00 (1.0 City Manager, .30 Admin Support) Finance & Admin 101-41500 4.30 0.00 0.00 (4.0 - Dir Fin & Admin, Accountant, Admin Svc Coord, A/P & P/R Clerk, .30 Admin Support) Planning & Inspection 101-42400 2.20 0.00 0.00 (1.0 CDD, .70 Admin Support, .50 Field Officer) Streets 101-43100 4.10 0.00 2.00 (.30 PW Dir, .30 PW Superintendent, .10 Field Officer, .20 Admin Support, .20 Mechanic, 3.0 PW Maint.) Parks 101-45200 3.25 0.00 6.00 (.10 PW Dir, .10 PW Superintendent, .05 Admin Support, 1.0 Lead Worker, 2.0 PW Maint.) Emergency Prep 101-42115 0.25 2.00 0.00 (.25 Field Officer) Docks 281-45210 0.05 0.00 1.00 (.05 Field Officer, $33,500 alloc from Finance, $16,000 alloc from Parks for maintenance) Fire 222-42260 2.00 40.00 0.00 (2.0 Fire Chief & Admin Support, 40 volunteer fire fighters) Water 601-49400 3.65 0.00 0.00 (.25 PW Dir, .25 PW Superintendent, .05 Field Officer, .20 Admin Support, .40 Mechanic, 2.5 PW Maint.) Sewer 602-49450 3.65 0.00 0.00 (.25 PW Dir, .25 PW Superintendent, .05 Field Officer, .20 Admin Support, .40 Mechanic, 2.5 PW Maint.) Recycling & Storm 670 & 675 0.25 0.00 0.00 (.05 Admin Support, .10 PW Dir, .10 PW Superintendent) Liquor 609-49750 2.00 8.00 0.00 (2.0 - Mgr & Asst Mgr, 8 Part -Time Clerks) Total FTEs: 27.00 50.00 9.00 S:\FINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\Ongoing Spreadsheets to keep updated\Supplemental Analysis -63- U E C u E M -62- 5\ I m N Q m Z C LL LL m cc N O O O O O O O O p p O O O O O O O O O O O O O LO O Y N N O O LO O O n N M N N N co M Cl) + O 0 O CN OO (D O x W O O Xcli a (D O O O O O -62- 5\ I m N Q m Z C LL LL m cc N O N c a) c 0 a (D v Q) = Z m 0 c d E 0 c t O. �- U NU cu D J O C @ m K U N m c 0 LL m C m O y c T U c O a LL 0 0 o w a° o U E o o E o Q Q W Q N M LO co r -62- 5\ I m N Q m Z C LL LL m cc N 12/4/2015 -61- RECYCLING RATE HISTORY YEAR GALLONS RATE INCREASE 1995 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,522 1996 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,949 1.40% 1997 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.50 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,802 -0.47% 1998 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $1.75 16.67% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $31,172 1.20% 1999 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 14.29% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,842 -1.06% 2000 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,182 -2.14% 2001 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $30,009 -0.57% 2002 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,848 -0.54% 2003 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.00 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,001 -9.54% 2004 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.20 10.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,446 1.65% 2005 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.40 9.09% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $26,716 -2.66% 2006 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 14.58% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $26,805 0.33% 2007 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $2.75 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.73% 2008 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.00 45.45% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% 2009 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 6.25% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% 2010 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $27,000 0.00% 2011 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.25 0.00% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,700 10.00% 2012-2016 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH $4.00 -5.88% HENNEPIN CO. GRANT $29,700 0.00% 12/4/2015 -61- 2013 2014" 2014: 2015 2016 % Account Number Description ;Actual Budget Actual= A roved Requested Chane Recycling Utility 670-49500-33160 Grants from other Govt. Units 29,920 29,700 30,027 29,700' 29,700'' 670-49500-36200 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,409'. 8,000: - - - 670-49500-36210 Interest Earnings 116' -. 2141 - - 670-49500-37280 Recycling Sales 159,934' 165,000, 173,274. 165,000' 170,000' 670-49500-37285 Recycling Penalty 3,401! -: 4,578 -. - 670-49500-39999 Prior Period Adjustment 14,358, 'TOTALREVENUES 214,138: 202,700' 208,093. 194,700 199,700' 2.57% 670-49500-101 F T Empl Regular 2,9181 2,6831 2,315; 2,709 2,7721 670-49500-102 F T Empl Overtime 663', 1,2001 316' 1,200' 1,200' 67049500-121 PERA 238 282! 1661 283; 2981 670-49500-122 FICA 243', 297' 200 299! 304'' 670-49500-131 Employer Paid Health 815, 585 195 600 465 670-49500-133 Employer Paid Dental 25'. 26'. 241111 25; 25. 670-49500-134 Employer Paid Life 1 1 1 1' 1 670-49500-135 ' Employer Health Care Saving PI 80, 60, 56' 60,.. 601 670-49500-136 Post Retirement Health/Dental -'' -' - - -' .... - _.... .. _ _.. 670-49500-137 LTD 17,.... 1 12 1 1 Total Payroll Related 5,000! 5,134! 3,285 5,178' 5,125' -1.03% 670-49500-200 Office Supplies -' - - - -- 670-49500-202 Duplicating and copying supply - 9' - 9- 9'. 670-49500-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 730 789': 967' 800 800 670-49500-307 "Admin/Finance/ComputerChgs 8,381'. 8,381'. 8,381'. 8,381 8,381. 670-49500-315 'Service Charges - 81'.. -: 1721 -. 670-49500-430 Miscellaneous (Leaf drop) 12,813 12,875 12,857 12,875 12,875 670-49500-434 Conference & Training -' -' -' - 670-49500-440 Other Contractual Services 155,901! 156,000' 155,901' 156,000' 156,000' - 670-49500-460 'Janitorial Services 6,669': 13,169' 11' -i - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 189,575 196,357 181,574 183,243 183,190 -0.03% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 24,563 6 343 26,519 11,457 16,510 82,112 106,675' 106,600' 133,119 144,576; BEGINNING FUND BALANCE INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 24,563 6,343 26,519 11,45716,51 _ ENDING FUND BALANCE 106,675 113,018 133,119 144,576 161,086 nSTORM WATER RATE HISTORY 6.50% YEAR GALLONS 2003 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF $83.45 1 REF=$8.55/MONTH 2004 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 6.50% 1 REF=$9.40/MONTH 2005 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH 2006 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =115 REF 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH 2007 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH 2008 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =115 REF 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH 2009 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$10.80/MONTH 2010 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$20.00/MONTH 2011 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$33,35/MONTH 2012 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$35.85/MONTH 2013 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$41.20/MONTH 2014 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =115 REF 1 REF=$44.90/MONTH 2015 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$47.84/MONTH 2015 HOUSEHOLD/MONTH =1/5 REF 1 REF=$50.95/MONTH REF = Residential Equivalent Factor Note: Only Single Family or Duplex Rates are listed above. Other classifications include: Cemeteries Parks and Railroads Retail/Commercial/industrial/Warehouse Church/Schools/Institutional Use Multi -Family MONTHLY % RATE INCREASE $1.71 5.00% $1.88 10.00% $2.16 15.00% $2.16 0.00% $2.16 0.00% $2.16 0.00% $2.16 0.00% $4.00 85.19% $6.67 66.67% $7.17 7.50% $8.24 15.00% $8.98 9.00% $9.57 6.50% $10.19 6.50% Current Rate Proposed Rate er month Per acre per month per acre $3.82 $4.07 6.50% $11.65 $12.41 6.50% $78.36 $83.45 6.50% $19.46 $20.72 6.50% $46.73 $49.77 6.50% Rates for these classifications are higher because of the amount of hardcover typically associated with these properties. -59- 12/4/2015 NOTE: Approved and Proposed excludes capital expenditures UNRESTRICTED FUND BALANCE AS OF 12/31/XX 2012 STORM SEWER 2014 Actual Actual _._nry 1 _ (112,309) 14,439 154,438 OTHER NET OPERATING OPERATING REVENUES INCOME Year REVENUES EXPENSES (EXPENSES)L( OSS) 2004 129,194 46,365 (38,845) 43,984 2005 153,442 1&8% 27,121 (26,633) 99,688 2006 155,099 1.1% 64,524 (15,536) 75,039 2007 151,694 -2.2% 61,370 (12,495) 77,829 2008 151,826 o.1% 117,948 41,799 75,677 2009 171,075 12.7% 268,674 (230,768) (328,367) 2010 255,116 49.1% 281,081 (101,196) (127,161) 2011 353,293 38.5% 255,072 (116,242) (18,021) 2012 359,905 1.9% 257,445 (116,171) (13,711) 2013 404,162 12.3% 263,735 (20,922) 119,505 2014` 479,588 18.7% 254,335 (124,227) 101,026 2015 Approved 477,120 -0.5% 315,768 (138,300) 23,052 2016 Proposed 508,133 6.5% 300,675 (145,252) 62,206 NOTE: Approved and Proposed excludes capital expenditures UNRESTRICTED FUND BALANCE AS OF 12/31/XX 2012 2013 2014 Actual Actual Actual (112,309) 14,439 154,438 * 2014 Excludes Prior Period Audit Adjustment of $38,682 to transfer cash & assets from water fund for projects. Revised 2013 estimate, net impact zero. 58 12/4/2015 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -57- 675 2013 2014: 2014 2015 :2016 % Account Number Description , Actual. I 11 ,Budget., Actual ,Approve_d, Requesteii ;Change Storm Water Utility 675-49425-101 F T EmplRegular 16,068 18,776 13,160 19,725: 19,9741 675-49425-102 FT Empl Overtime 675-49425-112 .Comp Time Pay 675-49425-113 vacation Pay 1,044 - 1,345'. -' - 675-49425-114 Holiday Pay - 887 865 -- 675-49425-115 'Sick Pay 293; - 914. - - 675-49425-116 Severance Pay -- -. 2,252; - - 675-49425-121 PERA 1,3261, 1,361 1,360 1,430! 1,4981 675-49425-122 FICA 1,395i 1,436 1,326 15091 1,5281 _ _ _ --- 675-49425-131 Employer Paid Health 2,149'1 2,340 2,296' 2,400' 2,520 675-49425-133 Employer Paid Dental 102':. 1031 102: 102. 102 675-49425-134 Employer Paid Life : 2 2 2 2. _,3L 675-49425-135 :Employer Health Care Saving PI 385, 240 240' 240 2401 675-49425-137 LTD -711 .. 8 77.. _. 10, .. _.. _1 O .675-49425-140 Unemployment Comp -. - -1 675-49425-151 'Workers Comp Insurance Prem 384! 264:. 26311 250, - Total Payroll Related 24,106' 24,531 24,202' 25,668' 25,8751 Total 675-49425-300 Professional Srvs 26,587 35,500 21,647 25,000 25,000( 675-49425-301 Auditing and Acct g Services 730 800' 967: 800:: 8001 675-49425-307 Admin/Finance/ComputerChgs 19,269 20,000 19,269' 20,000 20,0001_ 675-49425-315 .Service Charges 340 - 9 -: - 675-49425-351 Legal Notices Publishing 33 - 42.- 675-49425-404 Machinery/Equip Repairs/Maint 1 675-49425-405 'Depreciation Expense 173,085 177,000 178_,213 202.600 209,0001 675-49425-430 Miscellaneous 3,274 5,600 455 5,300 675-49425-438 Licenses and Taxes 675-49425-440 'Other Contractual Services 15,744; 20,000 9,530,, 20,000 20,000 _ _ ------- Capital Outlay FA 569, - - 17,00T 52,500 675-49425-611 Bond Interest 116,105 122,029 120,395 125,300 132,252 675-49425-620 Fiscal Agent sFees 1,004' 1,000' 1,054 1,000 1,000 675-49425-621 Discount on Bonds Issued 12,382, 12,000 1U37 12,000 12,0001 675-49425-699 (Prior Period Adjustment 38,682'. 0.81% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 393,228 418,460 425,002 454,068 498,427 9.77% CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 119,504 29,540 101,028 23,052 9,706 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 83,820 203,324 203,323 304,351 327,403 I INCREASE/(DECREASE)IN FUND BALANCE 119,504 29,540 101,028 23,052 9,706 ENDING FUND BALANCE 203,324 232,863 304,351 327,403 337,109 SAFINANCE DEPT\BUDGET\2016\2016-BUDGET COMBINED Working File -57- 675 Supplemental Budget Information - 2016 Conferences and Training Assumptions (THIS IS A WORK IN PROCESS AND A REVISED PAGE WILL BE ISSUED) Me Oepaitmenh' ?a, uescripUgwbf Conferenges &11 at; City Council 1,000 City Manager `. 41200 Finance & Admin 3,500 Emergency Prep is 2,000 Planning :& Insp i 2,500 Streets &Parks ; 6,000 Utility Funds 14,000 Area Fire 18,000: Liquor 1,200: TOTAL 52,400': Me C -A) 1 � � N p N Y O c0m m t+C" t0 LL- O N 1p m a O O C 0 N (0 U.. E-5 3 0o N _ N Noi N `o co co co co n <o m� c c b w m o o o o f0 0 o c o 0 0 o N o 0 N N N N 0-21 N N W U U E N N N d m � 0 o a E U m E E D c � m 0 o d y d N w Q Cf) N Ol D) Ol 0 N 2 0 Q Q] N S 'c D E c N vO o `o - N C 0 N C Z N p> d = O m U co - Q. Q n = _ LL F Q K n J O d W O O O O N O O O O O O O .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 o s m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 > N Ld C5 6 + N (O N N N N V O (p n O � 0 o a IV o V. A W U E Z LL .sv.0 F = D z U J < o a w z h O Z z O a a Or- O U U) 0.. p X z U) w h U z z yp: W x W H O S a z z ui ¢ }Q>' w O C9 U (r7 F- S z O LLI.,"pEi,: O o O z z 0 O F- W LLJ C) Y z z o O U g z t;�; '.... a z OY ¢ o> m O z z S U Q O o z W< zz W z Y :N. W U -i [n W N ZW of U N U) WZ ¢ a ° o w> Wy g J- p Y S ¢ u_ S 2 0 a m G C C C r. E E E E E E E E E E 4 a7a 06 06 dal of ,... _ C C C C C C C G G C Q d d lL LL LL LL ILL LL LL tLL li. E d [C r 0 Z M O 5. LL O T -67- LL ral a N N co N O O I N cli F O N N O O TI O O O O l 1 V � CD CD O 00 qI O OD OD � O n N lx t V t O � u I 1c) ti c c c Df c � u c L 3 L bn L d L o bD R E g o x O pv F W v Q o t0 „ cR a R r Y A d A d A L L7 y N rn �5 � 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 � Y a cOtl G COtl cOtl � � 0 WaWaxaa 0 7 0 0 0 0 o.-0000 o c L7