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cz'~Y OF Mound, Minnesota AGENDA 79-321 79-324 .79-319 & 334 79-320 .79-327 79-329 79-331 79-323 79-328 79-325 79-330 79-336 79~322 79-326 79-318 79-333 79-332 79-335 Mound City Council September 11, 1979 City Hall 7:30 P.M. 1. Public Hearings Pg. 2627 A. Industrial Revenue Bonds - $325,000. - Ms. Dee's, Inc. Pg. 2622-2626 B. CBD Assessments Pg. 2616-2621 C. Bartlett Boulevard Assessment - Storm~13-2615 D. Sidewalk Assessment - Replacement P~2603-2612 E. Tuxedo Road Assessment Pg. 2594-26U2---- 2. Planning Commission Recommendations Pg. 2528-2593 3. Street Construction A. Retaining Walls 1. 3029 Drury Lane - Devon Lane Pg. 2524-2527 2. Heron & Three Points Boulevard Pg. 2523 3. Sparrow Road Pg. 2520-2522 4. Cumberland Road Pg. 2517--2519 B. Kildare Road Pg. 2515-2516 C. Driveway Entrance Pg. 2512-2514 D. Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 5, Block 7, Per,broke Pg. 2511 E.. Island View Drive Pg. 2509-2510 F. Radnor Road Easement (Be sent Monday) G. 19781'Street Construction Pg. 2508 A & B 4. Bike Hike Paths Pg. 2505-2508 5. Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 26, Block 11, Wychwood Pg, 2503-2504 ~. ~-~z 4 ~ ~7 ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ .... 12, ~z~alon ' 7. Licenses . A. Gambling License VFW Pg. 2499-2502 B. Dinner Dancing - Surfside Pg. 2498 8. Comments and Suggestions bY citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 9. Delinquen~ U~ility Bills Pg. 2496-2497 lO. Certification of Unpaid Sewer & Water Bills Pg. 2494-2495 11. Payment of Bills 12. Information Mem6randums/Misc. Pg. 2484-2493 13. Committee Reports Page 2628 CITY OF MOUND Mound, ~,Iinnesota August 28, 1979 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-97 SUBJECT: Shade Trees The State has appropriated some money for reforestation because of diseased trees. Mound's problem of 28 foot streets on 30 foot right-of-ways allows little planting on public land. Where we have 40 foot, 50 foot and 60 foot right- of-ways, there is no problem planting trees on public property. If we can get State money to plant or have someone plant trees on private property, is the Council interested? The amount of money we will get from the State won't be much so it is sug- gested it be spread as far as possible if the Council is interested in planting on private property. Suggestions are: That trees be given on a first come first served basis. Eligibility: A. To replace a tree lost by disease or street construction. B. The home owner picks up the tree, plants it and is responsi- ble for its care. This keeps the City off private property. (If the City is to go on private property and plant trees, then it is suggested we get the necessary easement and hire a private nursery -- by bid, of course--to plant and take responsibility for the trees.) If the Council is interested in this, we can check further as to avail- ability of funds, etc. August 23, 1(279 Leonard L. Kapp City Manager 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, M~ 55364 Dear Mr. Kapp: The Southwest Area Study is being conducted by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission to determine long-range plansfor Sewer Service Areas 4 and 5, which include your community. The study was prompted by the populatien and industrial growth projected by the Metropolitan Council within the service areas and by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. A copy of each of the study reports has been sent to Robert Shanley of your community. Informational public meetings will be held in or near your community in September. You will receive a schedule of the meetings as soon as this has been arranged. If you would like more information or wish to discuss this matter, plea-se feel free to contact me at 222-8423, ext. 196. ~ncerely~, Paul Di etz Project Manager PDI1 h CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 10, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-337 SUBJECT: Addendum to C.M. 79-327 - Street Construction Retaining Wall - Heron Lane Attached is a copy of a letter received from Thomas Hawley relative to his request for a retaining wall on Heron Lane. 9-11-79 CITY OF HOUND Mound, >~innesota September 10, 1979 COUNCIL MEMOF~NDUM NO. 79-338 SUBJECT: Radnor Road Easement (Cul-de-sac) The Council requested that Radnor Road be constructed with a cul-de-sac per copy attached. The owner of the land is asking the City to buy and give to him the following for the easement (see letter dated 9-5-79): The W. ~ of Lot 4 and the W. % of Lot 27, Block 12,'Avalon Cost $824. and the East 25 feet of Lots 5 and 26, Block 12, Avalon Cost 1030. Total Cost $1854. The owner already owns parts of Lots 1, 2, 4, 27 and 29 and all of Lots 3 and 28, Block 12, Avalon which totals 15,200 square feet. If the City will give them one half of Lots 4 and 27 and the 25 feet of Lots 5 and 26, they would have a total of 22,200 square feet or two building sites. The Council purchased parts of Lots 1, 2 and 29 for Tuxedo when it was built in 1967-1968. If the Council wishes to buy the lots in exchange for the easement, it will be necessary to request a private sale from the Council as well as returning the part of Lots 5 and 26 owned by the City on a tax deed. Lebnard L. Kopp ~ J~'[ PAUL C, THOMAS GEORGE Co kING CARL A. SWENSON FRE-~E~ICK A. COLLAT7 JA~E~ J- RYAN THOMAS, KING, SWENSON & COLLATZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW PIONEER BUILDING September 5, 1979 P.A. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 Mr. Leonard Kopp City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp: My wife owns the following parcels of land located in the City of Mound: ae Lots 1, 2, 3, East 1/2 of 4, East 1/2 of 27, 28 and 29, Block 12, Avalon; be Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, all in Block 15, Avalon. We understand that the West 1/2 of Lots 4 and 27 and the East 25 ft. of Lots 5 and 26, Block 12, Avalon, are available for our purchase, the total area being 7, 200 square feet. We understand that the City wants to acquire right of way over our parcel lo- cated in Block 15, Avalon, the total area needed being 3, 420 square feet. We are willing to make an even exchange whereby we would receive the West 1/2 of Lots 4 and 27 and the East 25 ft. of Lots 5 and 26, of Block 12, Avalon, and the City would receive a permanent roadway easement over the Block. 15, Avalon, property. We atso want the City's assurance that after the exchange, each of the parcels in a and b above will contain sufficient area to permit two building sites. If this proposal is agreeable to you, let me know a:~'] we will execute the appropriate documents. VGeo~rge guly yours, GCK/jlr cc: Buzz Sycks .~ ' 0 0 .~o LL--J, ss ,,,.L~?' ,u.~.'' ITt ::::::ii ::::: ::::ii::: ; ~ ~ ~ i i' - --' .... ' ....... ' ....... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r- 9-1 9 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 10, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-339 SUBJECT: 1979 Street Change Order # 3 Attached is a copy of.the change order for Dove Lane as directed by the Council. A part of Dove Lane was deleted from the 1978 Contract and added to the 1979 Contract. 1979 Street Improvements Change Order No. 3 Dove Lane Station 3+50 to 8+00 Mound, Minnesota Common Excavation = 250 C.Y. @ $3.80/CY = Concrete Curb and Gutter 550 L.F. @ $5.67/LF = M.H.D. 2331 Bituminous Base 330 TON @ $17.10/TN = M.H.D. 2341 Bituminous Wear 130 TON @ $18.85/TN = Turf Establishment (black dirt & Sod) 500 C.Y. @ $1.50/CY = Turf Establishment (black dirt & seed) 600 S.Y. @ $0.50/SY = Total Change Order No. 3 $ 950.00 $3,118.50 $5,643.00 $2,450.50 $ 750.00 $ 300.00 $13,212.00 Original Contract Amount Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2 Change Order No. 3 Revised Contract Amount $2,236.517.65 3,172.00 28,547.55 13,212.00 $2,281,449.20 APPROVED: HARDRIVES, ~NC. Date: APPROVED: RECOMMENDED: , INC. McCOblB~ES Date: ~/7 /~_~ CITY OF MOUND Date: CITY of MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA 55Za4 (612) 4f2-11~ September 10, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp Public Works Director Information Mano - Parks Island Park Due to the rain that we have received since the last report very little has been done. We took the loader in on Friday~September 7 and tried to push down a few humps of dirt, The loader sunk to the axles. I spoke with Mr. Widmer and he stated that he would sena his small 9radar to us on Monday the 10th, If for some reason it doesn't show we are 9oin9 to try to shape it up ourselves weather permittin9. It is my intentions to have it final 9raded this week and have the black dirt and seed in by September 28~ 1979. As'soon as the contractor completes back fillin9 behind the curb on Donald Dr. I plan to have the Parks Department begin installing the playground equipment. Three Points Park Thomas & Sons supposedly rough 9raded this for us. They did not come close to what the Engineer proposed for grade. The water is trapped by the tennis court. I had a meeting with Mr. Widmer and talked to Lyle Swanson about the problem. Widmers will bring in their excess storm sewer pipe and set another catch basin in this area. They will then final grade the park for seeding. I have set a da~¢ of completion on this of October 19. This date is not a real good time for seeding unless the weather really holds out. I:~~ there is too much of a flutuation of t~mperature~ I would like to propose do~ant secdin9 of this park. It worked very well for us last year on the new Little League Field. Doone Park We have no money left in the fund for this park this year. I took it upon myself to allow Hardrives to stock pile fill for behind the curbs in this area. The agreement is that when it is removed they will grade it off and we can seed it with the dormant seed method. Re sj~ect,fu! ly, ~/7 Robert Public Works Director PAR K Avon Park Bs_mon~ Tob Lob B!u£fs Tog Lob 7. Carlson Park Cemetery 9. Cenherview Beach Chester Park City Office Crescent Park Doone Park MONDAY TUPoSOAY .h.' BdgewaterTot Lot ~ .~. Highland Park ,6. Highlands Park -' ' ,?. Island Park 8. Island Park Hall 9- Langdon Heiflhts O. NOUnd Bay Park 1. Penbrook Park 2. PumpHouse ~fl 3. Ridgewood Access ~. Sabon Park on 3 P~s:'.]. Access Rds. Three Points Park ~.. Twin Park Tyrone Park Waterbury Access ). Wychwood Beach WgO~,IESDAY THUSIS DAY F~ ,IO~.. _ GUOD,__U ,TD!C~;J'~aqZIC[ qoea~/ pooaqo£;.1 'C ssaaa¥ £anqaaq ~:,,,1 ~.ze4 £e~ puno;.[ '0~ so, Rl3!aR uopfiue'I ;6] ~aed PUeiSI ~aed spueIqfi!~ 79I ~ae8 pueiq6!H. ,~I ~oq go& aaq~aBp~ ~aed auoo~ · Maed quaosaaD. 'gl 5[ae8 aaqsaqo "OI ttaee8 na.~z:aaquao '6 >:a~d uosI-ZeO ssaaov pooaaSp!H I# asnoH d~8 q~ed uu~£ 'L PAR K . ~;i0[,~ AY Ava ion Park Avon Pa~'k Belmont Tot Lot Bt~tff:; Toa Lo~ Brour~o~ PaFk Carlson Par'k I 8. Cemetery 9- Centervfew ,Beaoh 10. Chester Park 11. City Of£ice 12.. Crescent Park· I5' Doon¢ Park -. 1[. EdgeiraLer'To/ LOt t~' Hi§bland Park 16. Highlands Park 17. Island Park 18' Islm'~,J Park Hall 19- L~ngdon Heights 20. Flound Bay Park ~2. P~p House ffl ~3; ' Rid~ewood TUESDRY Access Rdso Thr¢~ Points on3 Park !7. Twin Park 8, Tyrone Park Waterbury Access O. Wychwoo'd Beach ..I ! 7'/ '- L C.'. c-~[ 911 PLANNING COMMITTEE NOTICE OF MEETING AND AGENDA September 12, 1979 ~l/. 10:00 AM St. Louis Pa~,t~Community Room 500~rmetonka Boulevard I. CALL TO ORDER II. III. IV. V. VI. 911 Service levels. (P. 01 or ?) Routing of 911 calls to University of Minnesota PD. ANI fault routing and call handling procedures. Fort Snelling Committee - progress report. ADJOURNMENT DON OMODT President 9-4-79 LA' NNETONKA CONSERVATION DIS'] L.M.C.D. ~ETING SCHEDULE September, 1979 :T Saturday 9-15-79 Water Structures & Environment Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, Wayzata Saturday 9-22-79 Executive Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, Wayzata Monday 9-24-79 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m., I~CD Office, Wayzata Wednesday 9-26-79 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 8 p.m., Gray Freshwater Biological Institute, Navarre 9-5-79 9-]! 9 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-321 SUBJECT: Public Hearings - September 11, 1979 I. Industrial Revenue Bonds - $325,000.' - Ms. Dees, Inc. II. CBD Assessments III. Bartlett Boulevard (Storm Drain Assessment) IV. Sidewalk Assessment - Replacement V. Tuxedo Road Assessment Industrial Revenue Bonds - attached is a copy of the suggested resolu- tion from Ms. Dee's Bond Attorneys. Special Asseasments - Copies of the assessment rolls are attached. FA EG R E 8.. EBEN SO N 1300 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5~5402 612/ 371-5300 August 14, 1979 Minnesota Commissioner of Securities Minnesota Department of Commerce Securities Division 500 Metro Square Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: $325,000 City of Mound Industrial Development Revenue Bond (Orville H. Huseby Project - Ms. Dee Inc., Lessee) Dear Commissioner: It is our opinion as bond counsel for the above- captioned issue that the proposed project described in the Application for Approval herewith constitutes a "project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.02, Subdivision la, and that, when issued, the bond will be a valid and binding instrument in accordance with its terms, assuming valid authorization. Very truly yours, FAEGRE & BENSON Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1979, at o'clock .M. The following Councilmen were present: and the following were absent: Councilman introduced and read the following written resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY ORVILLE H. HUSEBY UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES FOR APPROVAL THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman , and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BY ORVILLE H. HUSEBY UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES FOR APPROVAL THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF DOCU~ZENTS AND ~LATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT Resolved by the City Council of the City of Mound, Minnesota, as follows: 1. There has been presented to this Council a proposal by Orville H. Huseby, an individual residing in the City of Wayzata, Minnesota (the "Borrower"), that the City undertake a project pursuant to the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474), to provide financing for the acquisition and construction in the City of a building to be used as an office and warehouse facility, and the acquisition and installation of equipment therefor, together with any site improvements required in 'relation thereto (hereinafter called the "Project"). Under the proposal, the Project will be owned by the Borrower and leased to Ms. Dee Inc. (the "Company"). The Borrower will enter into a loan agreement with the City upon such terms and conditions as are necessary to produce income and revenues sufficient to pay, when due, the principal of and interest on up to approximately $325,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bond of the City to be issued pursuant to said Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, to provide monies for the Project, and the City will pledge its interest in the loan agreement to secure the bonds. 2. As required by said Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, this Council conducted a public hearing on September 4, 1979, on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, after publi- cation in the official newspaper and a newspaper of general circulation in the City of a notice of the time and place of hearing, stating the general nature of the Project and an estimate of the principal amount of bonds or other obligations to be issued to finance the Project and stating that a draft copy of the proposed Application to the Commissioner of Securities, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, shall be available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, Monday through Friday, from a.m. to p.m. to and including the day of hearing; and all parties who appeared at the public hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. 3. It'~is hereby found, determined and declared that the purpose of the Project is and the effect thereof will be to promote the public welfare by the attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry, agriculture and commerce so as to prevent, so far as possible, the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chronic unemployment; the retention and development of industry to use the available resources of the community in order to retain the benefit of its existing investment in educational and public service facilities, by halting the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to other areas and thus preserving the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and facilities; and the more intensive development of land avail- able in the area to provide a more adequate tax base to finance the cost of governmental services in the City, County and School District where the Project is located. 4. The Project is hereby given preliminary approval by the City subject to approval of the Project by the Commissioner of Securities and subject to final approval by this Council and by the purchasers of any bonds to be issued as to the ultimate details of the bonds and the Project. 5. In accordance with Section 474.01, Subd. 7a, Minnesota Statutes, the Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk, and such other officers and members of the City as may from time to time be designated are hereby authorized and directed to submit an Application for approval of the Project to the Commissioner of Securities and request her approval'thereof, and'the Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk, and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized to provide the Commissioner with such preliminary information as she may require. The Borrower the Company, Messrs. Faegre & Benson as bond counsel, the City Attorney, and other City officials are also authorized to initiate the preparation of a proposed loan agreement and such other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to the Project so that, when and if the proposed Project is approved by the Com- missioner and this Council gives its final approval thereto, the Project may be carried forward expeditiously. 6. The Borrower and the Company have agreed to pay any and all costs incurred by the City in connection with the Project whether or not the Project is approved by the Commissioner and whether or not the Project is carried to completion and to indemnify the City, its officers and employees from all liability which the City and any officers and employees may incur in con- nection with the Project or the issuance and sale of the bonds. 7. The Borrower and the Company are hereby authorized to enter into such contracts, in their own names and not as agents for the City, as may be necessary for the acquisition and construction of the Project by any means available to them and in the manner 'they determine without advertisement for bids as may be required for the acquisition or construction of other municipal facilities, but the City shall not be liable on any such contracts. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ) ss., ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Mound, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the attached extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held September 4, 1979, is a full, true and correct transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to up to $325,000 in approximate principal amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the City to be issued in connection with an industrial development project to be undertaken by Orville H. Huseby. WITNESS My hand officially and seal officially as said City Clerk this day of , 1979. (Seal) City Clerk -4- ccoMBs~KNUTSON ASRCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~'2 LAND SURVEYORS ;;l SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industri,~l Park Boulevard Plymouth. Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 August 9, 1979 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound CBD Parking Maintenance Assessments Gentlemen: As requested, we are submitting the preliminary assessment roll for the maintenance of the central business district parking lots. The amount to be assessed was computed as listed below: CBD MAINTENANCE COSTS TO BE ASSESSED Rental of Burlington Northern Lot Special Assessments Snow Plowing - Contract Sweeping 128 hours @ $11.41 Snow Plowing - City 101 hours @ $7.61 Laker Newspaper (hearing advertisement) Preparation of Assessment Roll Refunds for lots leased to City NSP (lights) Miscellaneous expenses Garbage Pickup $ 3,300.00 364.77 3,341.25 1,460.48 768.61 24.22 194.25 1,554.49 34.87 17.98 38.00 Total To Be Assessed $ 11,098.92 Seventy percent of the cost is assessed on the basis of the number of parking spaces required per.property, which in turn is based on the number of employees and the factor of one parking space required for every 300 square feet of building. Fifteen percent of the cost is assessed on the market value of the property and the remaining fifteen percent on the footage. All of these items except market value are weighed by a distance factor as follows: Minneapolis - Hutchinson ~ Alexandria - Granite Falls Honorable Mayor & Members of th City of Mound August 9, 1979 Page Two '~ity Council Property adjacent to parking lot - distance factor = 1 0 - 100' from parking lot - distace factor = 1 100 - 200' from parking lot - distance factor = 2/3 200 - 300' from parking lot distance factor = 1/3 The detailed calculations for each property are attached to this letter. If you have any questions on this, we would be pleased to discuss this further with you at your convenience. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sj Enclosures ?RELIHINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL CBD PARKING MAINTENANCE (1979) PROPERTY .IDENTIFICATION ~$O'S 13-117-24 33 000! 13-117-24 33 0065 13-117-24 33 006!~ 13-117-24 33 0066 14-117-24 44 O001 14-117-24 44 0002 14-117-24 44 0003 14-117-24 44 0004 14-117-24 44 0006 13-117-24 33 0004 13-117-24 33 0005 13-117-24 33 0006 13-117-24 33 0007 13-117-24 33 0008 13-117-24 33 O011 13-117-24 33 OO14 13-117-24 33 OO15 13-117-24 33 OO16 13-117-24 33 O017 14-117-24 44 0046 13-117-24 33 0027 13-117-24 33 0039 13-117-24 33 0040 13-117-24 33 0042 13-117-24 33 0043 13-117-24 33 0045 13-117-24 33 0046 14-117-24 44 0036 144117-24 44 0037 14-117-24 44 0038 14-117-24 44 0039 14-117-24 44 0041 14-117-24 44 0042 13-117-24 33 0047 13-117-24 33 0049 13-117-24 33 0O50 13-117-24 33 0053 13-117-24 33 0054 13-117-24 33 0058 13-117-2~ 33 O031 13-117-24 33 0060 13-117-24 33 0061 13-117-2!t 33 0062 13-117-24 33 0063 MAINTENANCE CREDtT FOR LAND ASSESSEt.~£~FF LEASED TO CITY $160.11 35.28 599.88 181.93 320.17 476.33 897.48 402.82 40.14 181.33 737.77 264.18 80.18 39.74 377.01 120.16 227.52 258.66 170.93 50.96. 663.37 78.73 48.48 647.87 106.97 69.89 250.27 672.94 205.29 95.34 411.64 312.38 297.77 138.71 181.96 417.O7 13.76 58.14 677.34 6.56 48.44 6.24 54.92 12.26 TOTAL $160.29 5OO.OO 192.50 80.85 243.05 7.oo 112.~O OF ASSESSMENT ROLL AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED $160.11 /Mue.ller/Lansing 35.28w/ R 'C Wm. 599-88/G,N:~Y/ onCojohnsor 181.93 ~×Minn.Federal 320']7 ~'~nyder's Dru~, 476 33w'State Bank ofrlound ~737.19 /'Cont. Telephone 459.86~(Credit~arlson Parkg 181.33~House of Moy 737.77 ~ouse of 264.18 ~IP C~uni~. 80. ] 8 /ltoward Orn 39.74 ~'" " 377.0] ~ost 8f~ice 72.34w(Credit~obt Lmuer 227.52,/Mitchell/Lauer 258.66~Longpre's 90.08,~ " 50.96~Robt 663.37,~-~E. Bic~nm 78.73~m Clark 48,48 ~C0ast to Coast 647.87 ~Super Value 106.97~Super Value Pk Lot 69.89 City of }[ound 250.27~Bakery 672.94/Hillier Prop. _ 2D5.29 ~"R & L Sampler 95.34/Wayzata Bamk & Tr. 4]].64/3ack Eugster 69.33~Eberhardt Co. 290.77 ~w. R. Netka 25.9]-/ ?%arold ]8].96 w Lansing/Eoa~a~ 417.07 ~inley/Lans~ng ~3.76.~[ound Lodge .' 58.14~Hound Lodge 677.34 ~ ~-iedi~al Prop. 6.56~ ,, ,,. 48.44~[ueller Drug 54.92 ~Geo. Shepherd 12.26 ~" " $9,545-09 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-324 SUBJECT: CBD Assessment Attached is a note from the Engineer advising of an error in the CBD assessment roll. This building was demolished three years ago. Last year, Burlington Northern assumed the assessment, but does not wish to do so again. Since the spreading of the assessment roll will cost more than $35.38, it is recommended this be assumed by the City. , __COMB$-KNUT$0N ASSOCIATES, INC. Reply To: 700 Cedar Street Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 (61 2) 762-2157 August 28, 1979 Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: City of Mound CBD Assessments Dear Mr. Kopp: When preparing the CBD Assessments for 1979 P.I.D. 1317433065 was assessed $35.38. The Burlington Northern Railroad has called to our attention that this parcel no longeE has any buildings on it and has been removed from Hennepin County's tax roll. We would recommend that this parcel not be assessed for CBD maintenance costs. Yours very truly, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:jl Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls pr nt~',i on r~cycled 11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-319 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Recommendations Attached is a copy of the Planning Commission minutes. Council action: Item 1. Zoning The following require Subdivision of Land Lots 1-5, Block 1, Pembroke; Lots 1-6, Block 10, Pembroke; Lots 4 & Part of 5, Block 14, Avalon. Zoning - Block 1, Pembroke - A 1 10,000 Square Feet; Block 10 - Residential A-2 6,000 Square Feet and Block 14, Avalon - Residential B - 6,000 Square Feet for Single Family Dwelling This subdivision of land comes about with the Council's direction that a cul-de-sac he built at the end of Inverness Lane. The Planning Commission recommends the following divisions: (Square footage is after land is taken for the cul-de-sac and previously for Tuxedo) Res. B Parcel A 6,000 A-1 Parcel B 10,000 A-1 Parcel C 10,000 Res. B Parcel D 6,000 A-2 Parcel E 6,000 A-2 Parcel F 6,000 Lot 4 & Pt. of 5, Block 14, Avalon plus vacated Cumberland Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 1, Pembroke (10,480 Sq. Ft. with cul-de-sac land) Lots 4 & 5, Block 1, Pembroke taken previously for Tuxedo) 8,760 Sq. Ft. 8,760 Sq. Ft. (After cul-de-sac)' 9,770 (Land was Part of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block i0, Pembroke 6,858 Sq. Ft. Part of Lots 2 and 3, Block 10, Pembroke 5,930 Sq. Ft. Lots 5 and 6 and Parts of Lots 1,2 & 3, Block 10, Pembroke The Administration concurs. 6,210 Sq. Ft. plus road easement. 2. Vacation - Cumberland Lane, Stratford to Tuxedo except land in cul-de-sac The Planning Commission recommended the vacation because cul-de-sac reduces need for land. A public hearing is required. October 9th or 23rd is recommended. Subdivision of Land Lots 52 and 53, Phelp's Island Park First Division Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 79-319 Planning Commission Recommendations - Page 2 Item 3. The Planning Commission reco~nended dividing the land as follows (with stipulations listed below): Parcel A - Lot 52 and Private Street 9,450 Sq. Ft. Parcel B - Lot 53 and Private S~2reet 9,550 Sq. Ft. Stipulations: 1. That removal of breezeway be done by October 1, 1979. 2. That a bond be posted for garage removal with the understanding that garage be removed before October 31, 1980. The Administration concurs. Special Use Permit Lots 1, 2 & W. % of 3, Block 9, Mound Bay Park Zoned Commercial The Planning Commission recommended the permit for transmission zepair with the following stipulations: 1. No more than one car be stored outside. 2. Lights and signs be limited. A public hearing is required. October 9th or 23rd is recommended. Subdivision of Land Part of LOt 46, Aud. Subdivision 170 Zoned A-1 10,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended acceptance of the new legal des- cription for Part of Lot 46. The new legal comes about as the result of the exact square footage division rather than saying East 1/2 and West 1/2 of Lot 46. Each parcel has 24,400 square feet. The Administration concurs. Non-conforming Use and Side Yard Variance Lot 28 & Part of 27, Block 26, Wychwood Zoned A-1 10,000 Sq. Ft. (Lot has 11,239 square feet) The Planning Commission recommends existing 6.9 foot side yard variance so a new entry can be built. The Administration coacurs. 7o Subdivision of Land Lots 7, 8 and W 40 Ft. of Lot 6, Block 24, Seton Zoned A-2 6,000'Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended the division as follows: Parcel A - Lot 8 & W. 20 Ft. of Lot 7 10,115 Sq. Ft. Parcel B - E. 30 Ft. of Lot 7 and W. 40 Ft. of Lot 6 9,380 Sq. Ft. The Administration concurs. COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-319 Planning Commission Recommendations - Page 3 Item 8. Non-conforming Use - Undersized Lot - Street Front Variance Lot 9, Block 11, Shadywood Point Zoned A-1 10,000 Sq. Ft. The Planning Commission recommended approval of adding a second story even though the garage was close to the road and the lot was undersized. The Administration concurs. 9. Non-conforming Use - Sideyard Variance Part of Lot 1, First Rearr. of Phe!p's Island Park 1st Division Zoning A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission approved the second story addition, but recom- mended 2 feet be removed from the garage to keep the structure~ own property. The Administration concurs. -~ ~ Sign Variance Commerce & Alder Zoned A-1 10,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended approval of a 4% Ft. by 6 Ft. sign'. The Administration concurs.~7'------~ ~. 11. Side Yard Variance - Possible Appeal Lots 19 & 20, Block 17, Arden ,~ Zoned A-1 10,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission r_~ecommend~e~ ~f a 22 foot wide garag? that would require a 5 foot side ya~ce. 12. Non-conforming Use - Side Yard Variance Lots 12 & 13, Block 16, Shadywood Point Zoned Residential B - 6,.000 Square Feet for Single Family The Planning Comm~s~ion recommende~_a 4.6 Ft. variance for the existing garage and a 7.2 Ft. sideyard variance for the existing house in order for them to build upward. The Administration concurs. 13. Non-conforming Use - Sideyard & Front Yard Variances Lots 10 and 11, Block 14, Seton Zoned A-2 6,000 Square Feet The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance provided the applicant apply for and receive a vacation of right-of-way. See attached application for vacation of Street right-of-way. ~-~ ~uired and a date should be set if the Council c0n6ur~ the Planning Commission's recommendation. 14. Sign Variance Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3~ Shirley Hills Unit F Zoned Commercial COUNCIL ~,IE!,~0RANDUM NO. 79-319 Planning Commission Recommendation - Page 4 Item 14. The Planning Commission recormmended a 4 f.~~ 5 foot sign for the Health House. 15. Carage Location The Planning Commission recommended a change of Section 26.06 Subsection c of the Code to the following: "that when locating the garage site on the plat plan, that it be accessible and be for a 2 car garage at least 20 feet wide by 22 feet long". MINUTES OF THE MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COmmISSION MEETING August 27, 1979 Present were: Chairman Russell Peterson; Commissioners Gerald Smith, Margaret Hanson, Lorraine Jackson, Gary Paulsen and George Stannard; Council Represent-' ative Gordon Swenson; City Manager Leonard L. Kopp; City Inspector Henry Truel- sen and Secretary Marge Stutsman. BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Subdivision of Land Lots 1-5, Block 1, Lots 1-6, Block 10, Pembroke; Lots 4 & P/5, Block 14, Avalon M. L. "Buzz" Sycks was present. Stannard moved and Jackson'seconded a motion that due to the fact that applicant is proposing land for street dedication for public right-of- way, taking that into consideration, the lot size variances be granted and all subdivision proposed be in continuity with one another as on proposed lot division revision dated August 17, 1979 by Egan, Field and Novak. The votewas unanimously in favor. 2. Vacation - Cumberland from Stratford to Tuxedo Boulevard Smith moved and Hanson seconded a motion to approve the vacation. The vote was unanimously in favor. 3o Subdivision of Land Lots 52 and 53, Phelp's Island Park First Division Steven Coddon was present. Jackson moved and Stannard seconded a motion to approve the subdivision request with the stipulation that removal of breezeway be done by October 1, 1979 and a bond be posted for garaga removal (amount to be determined before Council meeting) with the understanding that garage be removed before October 31, 1980. The vote was unanimously in favor. Note: Councilman Swenson asked that Planning Commission be notified of garage removal. Special Use Permit - Automotive Repair - Transmission Lots 1, 2 & W ½ of 3, Block 9, Mound Bay Park Craig Olson and Gordon Tulberg were present. Tulberg represented owner of building. Hanson moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to approve the Special Use Permit on condition no more than one car be stored outside and lights and signs be limited. The vote was unanimously in favor. Subdivision of Land Part of Lot 46, Auditor's Subdivision 168 Joseph Shidla was present. Jackson moved and Hanson seconded a motion to approve subdivision as requested with understanding the vague legal descriptions we have now be clarified with the torrens action. The' vote was unanimously in favor. PLANNING CO~@IISSION MINUTES August 27, 1979 - Page 2 Non-conforming Use - Lot Size and Sideyard variances Lots 28 and P/27, Block 26, Wychwood Mr. & Mrs. Volbrath were present. Hanson moved and Smith seco:~ded a motion to approve the variances as requested. The vote was unanimously in favor. o Subdivision of Land Lots 7, 8 and W. 40 Ft. of 6, Block 24,. Seton Owner, Dora V. Hansen, and Francie Schultz were present. Smith moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend subdivision of land be granted as requested. The vote was unanimously in favor. o Non-conforming Use Lot 9, Block 11, Shadywood Point David Thurston was present. Smith moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend approval of variance for proposed expansion of existing living area up and not to expand any further encroachment of perimeter of building. The vote was unanimously in favor. Non-conforming Use - Sideyard Variance , Part of Lot 1, First Rearr. 'of Phelp's Island Park 1st Division Jean Van Grasstek ~as present. Also neighbor on West was present and stated she h~d no objections to proposed request. Hanson moved and Jackson seconded a motion to approve request to expand structure upward provided 2 feet of garage be removed from West side to bring building within limits of lot. The vote was Stannard nay, all other voted aye. Reason for nay vote was that 2 feet was too tight for expansion. 10. Sign Variance M & B Description, Section 14 Don Oas was present for Mound Evangelical Free Church. Paulsen moved and Jackson seconded a motion to recommend sign variance be granted with the stipulation ground mounted lights be directed toward the sign and away from the roadway. The vote was unanimously in favor. 11. Sideyard Variance Lo~s 19 & 20, Block 17, Avalon Craig Henderson was present. Stannard moved and Smith seconded a motion to recommend side yard variance be denied. The vote was Jackson - nay; all other voted aye. 9eason for nay vo~e was that in view of fact existing structure au West was higher and said they did not object, could see no problem. 12. Non-conforming Use Lots 12 & 13, Block 16, Shadywood Point Patricia & Dean Pearson present. PLANNING C0~MISSION MINUTES August 2'7, 1979 - Page 3 12. Hanson moved and Stannard seconded a motion to aptvrove variance pro- viding its dormer construction should be set back 3 feet South of the North side of building. The vote was unanimously, in favor. 13. Non-conforming Use Lots 10 and 11, Block 14, Seton Richard P. Payne wn$ present. Hanson moved and Smith seconded a motion to approve variance provided 'that Applicant apply for and receive a vacation of right-of-way. The vote was unanimously in favor. Note: Applicant will not have to come back to Planning Commission on vacation request. 14. Sign Variance - Health House Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit F Applicant was not present. Paulsen moved and Hanson seconded a motion to recommend sign variance as requested be approved. The vote was unanimously in favor. GARAGE LOCATIONS Jackson moved and Smith seconded a motion to recommend to the Council that the Ordinance be changed "that when locating th~. garage site on a building site, that it be accessible and be for a 2 car garage at least 20 feet wide by-22 feet long". The vote was ~manimously in favor. Attest: ~GENDA FOR MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 27, 1979 7:30 P.M. Minutes BOARD OF APPEALS 1o M. L. "Buzz" Sycks Lots 1-5, Block 1 & Lots 1-6, Block 10, Per,broke; Lots 4 & P/5, Block 14, Avalon - Map 13 Subdivision of Land 2. Vacation - Cumberland from Stratford to Tuxedo (see Item I) - Map 13 o Steven Coddon of Park Metropolitan Investment Fund, Inc. (3054 Island View Drive) Lots 52 & 53, Phelp's Island Park First Division - Map 13 Subdivision of Land Craig Olson, 5680 Bartlett Boulevard Lots 1, 2 & W. ½ of 3, Block 9, Mound Bay Park - Map 9 Special Use Permit - Automotive Repair - Transmission 5o Joseph A. Shidla Part of Lot~46, Auditor's Subdivision 168 - Map 9 Subdivision of Land Marvin H. Volbrath, 4936 BrightOn Boulevard Lots 28 and P/27, Block 26, Wychwood - Map 12 Non-conforming Use - Lot Size and Sideyard Variances 7o Francie Schulz for owner Dora V. Hansen, 4637 Carlow Road Lots 7, 8 and W. 40 Ft. of 6, Block 24, Seton - Map 7 Subdivision of Land David Thurston, 1933 Lakeside Lane Lot 9, Block 11, Shadywood Point - Map 2a Non-conforming Use Jean Van Grasstek, 4327 Wilshire Boulevard M & B Description, Part of Lot 1, First Rearr. of Phelp's Island Park 1st Division - Map 7 Non-conforming Use - Sideyard Variance 10. Mound Evangelical Free Church, 2117 Commerce Blvd. M. & B. Desc., Section 14 - Map 4 Sign Variance 11. Craig Henderson, 4435 Dorchester Road Lots 19 & 20, Block 17, Avalon - Map 13 Sideyard Variance 12. Patricia & Dean Pearson, 1761 Heron Lane Lots' 12 & 13, Block 16, Shadywood Point - Map 2 Non-conforming Use 13. Richard P. Payne, 4739 Kildare Road Lots 10 and 11, Block 14, Seton- Map 7 Non-conforming Use AGENDA - MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING CO~MISSION MEETING August 27, 1979 - Page 2 BOARD OF APPEALS 14. Mim Heggen, 5307 Shoreline Boulevard Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3, Shirley Hills Unit F - Map 5 Sign Variance MOUND ADVISORY PLAHNING C MEETING - August 27, 1979 I ON F ROM: TO: SUBJECT: 1) City Inspector Planning Commission Board of Appeals - Revision on lt.L. "Buzz" Sykcs H.L. "Buzz" Sycks Lo,ts 1-5, Blk 1 & Lots 1-6, Blk 10, Pembroke and Lots 4 S P/5 Blk 14, Avalon Subdivision of Land Parcel A has minimum buildable structural area. Parcels B.& C the square footage noted on these two parcels are not accurate because the square footage of the. cu.l-du-sac and the sub- division of that part of Lot 2 have not been excluded from that sq. footage. " Parcel B & C are undersized. These two parcels are in A-1 zoning. Parcel B is 1090 sq feet undersized. Parcel C is 230 sq feet undersized. The developer should probably request a iot size variance. He should also request a variance for a side yard on Parcel A. He has 139 foot front footage, which would require a 14 ft sideyard. Parcels D, E"'and F are in A-2 zoning. Parcel E is undersized by 69.6 sq. ft. The following lots front abutting Cummerland Road are also A-2. Each individual lot by itself is u,dersized as a building site. it would then require two lots as a building site, which would require a 10 ft. sideyard variance. The developer has chosen to subdivide the property into lots of 50, 55 and 60 foot widths. These lots will then become lots of record requiring only a 6 ft. sldeyard. He has two proposed lots, one 65 feet in width the other 75 feet in width for the convenience of gravity flow for sewer purposes. These lots would be greater than the 60 ft. width minimum and require a 10 ft. sideyard. At the previous workshop meeting, sideyaFds have become a debatable subject, maybe this type of subdivision for development is not really what the Planning Commission had in mind. it has a tendency to reduce the sideyards of buildable area between structures. If the block were to remain as platted, there would be an 80 foot frontage with a 10 ft. sideyard requirement. However, this may be construed to be excessive lot square footage for a development. ! do feel that 50 and 55 foot lots ar~ rather restrictive for develop- ment purposes and due to theLterrain of this particular area the home owner is going to have very little accessible use to his rear yard. Note that there are two sq ft designations to each building site, one without the right-of-way dedication and the lesser sq ft showing the actual building site sct ft less the right-of-way dedication. MOUND ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 27, 1979 Boa rd of Appea 1 s' M.L. "Buzz" Syks - Subdivision of Land Lots 1-5, Blk 1 & Lots 1-6, Blk lO, Pembroke, Lots 4 & P/5, Blk 14 Avalon Have some reservations about the buiidable area of the proposed site on the Parcel marked "A" The buildable area would allow for a 24 x 40 ft structure only, maximum. The garage would have to be a tuckunder. Buildable'area appears to be rather restricted.. Parcel marked "C" is undersized by 160 sq. ft. by proposed plot ~easurements. Please note legal descriptions for Parcels D & E are reversed on your maps. Vacation - Cumberland from Strafford to Tuxedo Would concur with suggested vacation. Steve Coddon - Subdivision of Land Lots 52 & 53, Phelp's Island Park 1st Division Would suggest that the breezeway and garage are removed prior to the sub- division being approved. Craig Ols°n - Special Use Permit, Automotive Repair-Transmission Lots.l, 2 & W ½ of Lot 3, B]k 9, Mound Bay Park Would llke to recOmmend NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF VEHICLES, LIMITED SIGNS & LIGHT- ING as there is abutting residential use district across the street. Joseph A. Shidla - Subdivision of Land Part of Lot 46, Auditor's Subdivision No. 168 Would concur with subdivision. Would s~ggest clarification of a rather vague legal description of this propery as now recorded on existing tax roll. Marvin H. Volbrath - Non-conforming Use, Lot size and sid.eyard variance Lots 18 & P/27, Blk 26, Wychwood We have an existing sideyard deficiency of an existing garage. Proposed entranceway in the street front will not encroach on street front setback. Can see no problem in allowing NCU to expand. Francis Schulz for owner, Dora V. Hansen - Subdivision of Land Lots 7, 8 & W 40 ft of Lot 6, Blk 24, Seton I believe this falls into the probable Wetlands area of the new zoning map. David Thurston - Non-conforming Use Lot 9, Blk 11, Shadywood Point Undersized lot and existing NCU assessory structure (garage). Can see no problem in allowing expansion of the dwelling unit. Evidently the garage was allowed by a previouls Council action, can find no record of it. This might be an opportune time to try and obtain a more conforming setback on an existing NCU garage. HOUND ADVISOF~Y pLANNING COMI~SION MEETING - August 27, 197~. page two Jean Van Grasstek - NCU - Sideyard variance P/Lot 1, 1st Rearr. Phelp's Is. Pk. 1st Div. Metes & Bounds Structure is over property line. Consulted with owner and approached her on the probability of removing 4 ft. of garage to get it back on main property. This may be the time to insert'this type of stipulation and have it acted on. 10. 11. Hound Evangelical FFCC Church - Sign Variance Section 14 - Metes & Bounds Have no objections, as long as Police Dept. would concur that the proposed sign will not obscure traffic visibility or endanger traffic safety of in- gress onto county right-of-way. * Craig H~nderson - Sideyard Variance Lots 19 & 20, Blk 17, Avalon Would approve a 3 ft variance for the proposed garage but have reservations about a 5 ft variance because of drainage. 12. Patricia & Dean Pearson - NCU Lots 12 & 13, Blk 16, Shadywood Point Can see no problem in allowing expansion of dwelling unit. Would like to request that Commission insert stipulation that existing garage, which is NCU, not allowed to be expanded in the future, beyond the 6 ft side and rear yard setbacks. 13. Richard P. Payne - NCU Lots 10 & 11, Blk 14, Seton Structure is on City right-of-way. structure to expand in any manner. I have reservations about allowing this Mim Heggen - Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk 3, Shirley Hills Unit F Sign Variance Can see no Problem with proposed sign request. City Inspector H1F/dd cc: * Police Dept. FEE OWNER A?P]~-ATION FOR SUBDIVISION Sec. 22.'03- a VILLAGE OF MOUNi) AND FEE Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: To be divided as follews: ZONING PARCEL 4'~ (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet This application must be signed by all the OWNERS of the property, or an explan- ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION DATE DESCRIPTIONS'FOR ~[. L'."BUZZ'" SYCKS PARCEL A: .. Lot Four (4) and the South One-hklf (S~) of Lot Five (5) in Block' Fourteen (14) of'Avalon, according to the plat thereof on file an~ of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for'said' County of Hennepin. Including all of Cumberland Lane adjoining said Lots 4 and 5, vacated or to be vacated, Lot 1, Block 1, Pembroke, according tothe plat thereof on file. or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin. Subject to road easement for Tuxedo Road as per Document Numbers 915676 and 915678 and slope easement as per Document Numbers 915677 and 915679. PARCEL B: .. Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Pembroke, according to the plat thereof on. file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin. SubJect to road easements for Tuxedo Road as per Document Number 915676 and slope easement as per Document Number 91567Z. PARCEL C: Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Pembroke, according to %he plat. thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin. Subject to road easements for Tmxedo Road as per Documenh Number 915676 and slope easement as. per Document Number 915677. Pa£e 2 Descriptions for M. L. "Buzz" Sycks August 2, 1979 PARCEL D: All %hat part of Lots 1 and 2, Block lO, Pembroke, which lies North of a tlne drawn 52 feet Sou~h of, measured at a right angle to and parallel with th~ North tine of said Lot 1 and East of a line drawn 110 feet East of, measured at a right angle to and parallel with the West line of Lot 55, Block 10, Pembroke, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in %he office of the Registrar of Titles i~ and for said Comnty of Hennepin. PARCEL E: : 'All %hat part of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1'0, Pembroke, which lies South of a line drawn'52 feet South of, measured at a right angle to knd parallel with %he. North Tine of Lot 1, Block 10, Pembroke, and East of a line drawn 110 feetJEast of', measured at a right angle to and ' parallel with the West l~ne of Lot 55, Block 10, Pembroke, according to the plat therecf on file or of record, in the office of the Regis- trar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin.. .. · PARCEL F: .. All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 56, which lies East of a line drawn 50 feet EaSt o~, measured at a right angle, to and parallel with the- West line of Lot 55 and which lies.' West of a line dra~m ilO'feet' East of, measured at a right angle to and parallel with %he West line of LOt 55, ali in Block 10, Pembroke, according %o %he plat %hereof on file or of record in the office of %he Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Hennepin. , 5341 MA f'A'OOD pO,~[; August 17, 1979 MOUND, MiNNE$OFA (612_) 472 1155 TO: The Planning Commission FROM: The City Manager SUBJECT: Vacation - Cumberland Lane Attached is a copy of the preliminary plans for building Inverness Lane. When the cul-de-sac is put in, Cumberland Lane from Stratford to Tuxedo will not be needed and the vacation is recommended. OPPLICATION FOR STREET VACATIi CITY OF MOUND CITY COUNCIL FEE $ Waived APPLICANT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY APPLICANT: PLAT LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION PARCEL STREET TO BE VACATED Cumberland Lane from Stratford Road to Tuxedo Boulevard except portion of cul-de-sac for Inverness Road ~%EASON FOR REQUEST SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Address . Applicant's Interest in Propert~ Tel. NO. Residents and owners Df property abutting the street to be vacated: Recommended by Utilities: NSP Recommended by City: Public Works Police Chief Plannln~ Co~r~tission Reco~neudation ; Minnegasco ; Fire Chief ; Continental Tel.. ; Engineer AP PI~g'ATION FOR SUBDIVISION ND Sec. VILLAGE 22.03-a OF MOUND FEE FEE OWNER · / ~ ~ PLAT PARCEL Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: (signature) Applicant's interest in the property: -~./~-Eq.,/~ ,~z~-c,~,p~ ,- ~--¢ This application must be signed by all the OWNERS of the property, a',ion given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMt~ION RECOMMENDATION: ~ ~; .... ~.- < .... /~.~o ...... o Denotes iron monument Proposed lowest floor elev. = ~ Denotes offset stake Proposed top of foundation elev. = x ooo.o Denotes existin9 eleu. BENCH MARK: (ooo.o } Denotes Pro~sed e]ev. ~ ~. Denotes surface drainafe Proposed garaBe floor elev.= ' I herebv certifV that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of File No. the boundaries of the above descried land and of the location of all buildings, DEMARS -GABRIEL if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. LAND SURVEYORS, INC. ~~ d~ o~'-~/ 7~ Book- Plymouth MN 55441 ,, ScaPe Phone: (6~2) 559-0908 I RTIFICATE' OF SURV Foa: -¢. => Page 2 of 2 Lot 52 in Phelp's Island Park First Division and that certain piece of land lying between the easterly line of said lot and the shore of Lake Minnetonka and the northerly and southerly' lines o~ said Lot produced in a straight line in an easterly direction to the shores of said Lake~ according to the plag thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. Also Lot 53 in Phelp's Island Park First Division and that certain piece of land lying between the easterly line of said lot and the shore of Lake Minnetonka and the northerly and southerly lines of said Lot produced in a straight line in an easterly- direction to the shores of said Lake, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. o n X 000.0 ( OOO.O ) Denotes iron monument Denotes offset stake Denotes existing elev. Denotes Proposed elev. Denotes surface drainage Proposed garage floor elev. = ' DEMARS - GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 3030 Harbor Lane No~. Plymouth MN 55441 Phons: (612) 559-0908 Proposed lowest floor elev. = Proposed top of foundation elev. = BENCH MARK: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey'of the boundaries of the above described land and of the Ioca tion of ail buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any from or on said laod. As surveyed by , 19'7__~. ~lnn. Heg. r~o. File No. Book - Page Scale :jeej ~...~, u!qH~ AtJedo~d jo 'sJau~o pue sjuop!sa~ ~_.~f_.~ ' /,1Jado~d u! lsaJajuI s,iu~g!ldd~ ~,ue~!ldd~' jo o~m, eu§!s (osn) ll141EI3d 3sn -IVlD3dS 3NOHd3q31 NOI.LdlEIDS3CI qYD3q d 3SFI "IVIDqdS }JO-I NOI AP ;ATION FOR SUBDIVISION Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGa OF MOUND FEE OWNEH Location and compl..te legal descripticn c;¢ pr'.p.rty to be divided: To be divided as follows: (attach survey or scale drawing showing adjacent streets, dimension of proposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: APPLICANT ~' -- ~ ~" ~ ~ · // /'/ (signafure)'~''~r'~ TEL. NO. Applicantt~ i~erest in the property: ' This application must be signed by all the OWNERS o[ the property, or anexplan- , ;" ' ' · ' ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No. DATE APPROVAL OF THIS DIVISION IS DEPENDENT ON THE LEVYING OF ANY DEFICIENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BY WAIVER, THE FILING OF THE DIVISION AS APPROVED AHD THE NECESSARY PAYMENT OF TAXESRY THE FEE OWNER WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE P, ES~LUTIONOR IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID. A list of resider, ts and owners of property within .feet must be at!JcheJ. AGREEt'.ir_.t,i PERTAINING TO THE SALE OF I.AND$ TtllS AGRE, E,.,E,,,t, :lade and entered into this day of 1979 by and between DAVID G. TURNEY and MARIAN g. ~'~.nnes o t a 55343 and wi:ftc, of '>54,_. tl(,'.[Ly. Road, I[onkSns. ~. __ , *~' ~ (hereinafter referred Lo :ts "Sellers"); JOSEPH SHIDLA, an unmar- tied man, of 4505 '83rd Circle North, Brook].yn Park, Minnesota 55443 (hereinafter referred to as "Shidl. a") and DeWAYNE C. LaGOW and BETTY L. LaGOW, husband and wife, of Mound, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "LaGows"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Sellers above referred to are the purchasers of tax-forfeited lands lying and being in the 9ounty of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, described variously as follows, to-wit: Parcel 1: The West half of that part of Lot 46, lying South of the Westerly extension of the Northerly line of Lot 14 of the North line of Lot 55, and East of the West 25 feet of Lot 46 of AUditor's Subdivision No. 146 or, alternatively, The West 87.0 feet of that part of Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 168, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corfier of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence East along the North line of Lot 55, in said Auditor's Subdivision, and its extension to the East line of said Lot 46; thence North along Said East line to the Northwest corner of Lot 14, in said Auditor's Subdivision; thence Westerly along the extension of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence South to the point of beginning. as reflected on the tax rolls of the City of Moun~ as Plat No. 61270, Parcel No. 4640, and Parcel 2: The East ha.tf of that part of Lot 46, line South of the Westerly extension of the Northerly line of Lot 14 North of the North ].ine of Lot 55, and East of the West 25 feet of Lot 46 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 168 or, 'alternat:ivelv, Tt~at pat-t o£ Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUNBER 1.68, Henenpin County, Minnesota, described as fotlovzs: Begin- ning at the Southeast corner of ~:he West 25 feet of said Lot 46; el'~ence East along the North line of Lot 55, in said At~lito~5's Subdivision, and its extension to the East lj_t'te of ~aJd Lot 46- thence North alon? said East line to the No:-thwest cot-net of Lot 14, in said Auditor's Subdivision; thenc~ Weste~'ly along the extension of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the West 25 feet: of said Lot 46; thence South to the point of t0eginnin%; EXCEPT the West- 87.0 feet thereof. otherwise reflected in the tax rolls of the City of Mound as Plat No. 6].270, Parcel No. 4635; and WHEREAS, the Sellers previously had entered into a purchase agreement to conveY the West half of that part of Lot 46 line South of the Westerly extension of the N~rtherly line of Lot 14 North of the North line of Lot 55 and East of the West 25 feet of Lot 46 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 168 to Lagows and have subsequently entered into a COntract for Deed for said sale, dated December 30, 1978; and W~iEREAS; ci~e'S'eiie'rs'have P'r'eviogSl'~ehe'ere~"fnt6 ~a"'p~'~'haj'e- agreement wi'th:!~:~Shidl'a to convey to Shidla the East half of that part of Lot 461'line South of the Westerly extension of the North- erly line of Lot 14 North of the North line of Lot 55 and East of the West 25 feet of Lot 46 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 168, and, subsequently, on December 30, 1978, entered into a Contract for Deed to convey to Shidla said properties; and %,DiEREAS, in order to render said properties more saleable at an earlier time plats had been fil.ed and approved by the City of Mound, which is reflected by Exhibit A (a copy of v:hich is .attached), being a copy of the Tax List, dated March 18, 1975; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the transfer of title to the above-referred to properties a Torrens proceeding was commenced by the seller, through his attorney, Robert E. Johnson, Eso. Copies of the Order and Decree of Registration and report, which are here- by attached as Exhibit B; and -2- WftE.~EAS the descriptions were changed in the 'For_tens pro- cued.Lngs as therein L-eflected in the mistaken belief that said c" ~dnoe~s mere]_)' re-described the above-referred to legal, descrip- tions; and WIIEREAS, a.fte~: a survey (copy of which is attached E>:hibit C) was prepared, showing that said legal descriptions as used in the Torrens proceeding were not merely a re-des¢crip- tion of the same properties previously referred to, but, in fact, changed the areas involved; and ~EREAS, .pursuant to a letter from the surveyor (copy of which is attached as Exhibit D), it would be necessary to trans-' fer to LaGow, from Shidla, the Westerly 7.1 feet of what was described as Parcel 2 in the Torrens proceedings so that LaGow would receive in a~di. tion to Parcel 1 the Westprly 7.1 feet of Parcel 2 in order to make the actual transfers between the seller and the buyers conform to the previously described property to be conveyed in accordance with the property as otherwise described on the tax rolls of the City of Mound; and WHEREAS, a hold order has been placed on a building permit received earlier by Shidla because the legal descriptions set forth in Exhibit C and B of the property which was to be cpnveyed to him was not in accordance with the platting on file with 'the' City of Mound; and ~EREAS, .the changes hereinafter referred to will be'in compliance with the parties' earlier intentions and the platting previously filed with the City of Mound, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and reciprocal agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Sellers shall convey, oursuant to the earlier purchase ao~eement, Contract for Deed and/or addendums thereto between the Sellers and LaGow and otherwise in accordance with the terms the~eof, lands in the County of ~lennepin, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The West 94.1 feet of that part.of Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 168, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast co~.~ne~.~ of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence East along the North line of Lot 55, in said Auditor's Subdivision, and its extension to the East line of said [,ot 46; thence Noz-th along ~aid East line to the Northwe~t corne~- of Lot 14, in said Auditor's Subdivision; thence Wester'ly along the extensio~ of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence South to the point of beginning. . which conveyance shall be accepted by LaGows as represent- ing that portion of the property that they previously contracted to purchaSe from the Sellers. 2. The Sellers shall convey, pursuant to the earlier purchase agreement, Contract for Deed and/or addendums thereto between 'the Sellers and Shidla an~ otherwise in accordance with the terms thereof, lands in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, described as follows: Tha't part of Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 168, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Be- ginning at the Southeast corner of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence East along the North line of Lot 55, in said Auditor's Subdivision, and its extension to the East line of said Lot 46; thence North along said East line to the Northwest corner of Lot 14, in said Auditor's SubdiviSion; thence Westerly along the extension of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the West 25 feet o'f said Lot 46; thence South to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the West 94.1 feet thereof. which conveyance shall be accepted by Shidla as represent- ing that portion of the property that they previously contracted to purchase from the Sell~rs. 3. That the above-referred to conveyances shall'be subject to easements, restrictions and mineral reservations of record, if any. 4. That the Sell~:'s shall be responsible for causing any and all further changes that may be neccssary to comply with the platting restrictions of the City of Mound and to otherwise provide the purcha~';ers, Shidla and LaGows, with good and ma:ketable title on properties which the City will issue a building pe:mit for forthwith and/or lift the restrictions previously issued as to building permits. 5. That the Sellers shall take such action as may be deemed necessary as to cause the legal descriptions' in the previously referred to Torrens proceeding to be. changed to comply with those expressed herein at no additional cost to Shidla or LaGows. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands' the day and year first above written. WITNESSE'S: David G. Turney Marian B. Turney ' }' --" ep ~hidla .' STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ,~,~T. he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of August, 1979, by ~n.~ ~ :q~:~zgZ~ MPP,~X~ B. :~P~ ~:p~H6 z~,/O N~t'a r y Publi6 / -5- ,:.~.[E OF H[NNESO'J_'A) COU.NTY OF HENNEpf. tI) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of August, ]_979, by Nora L-y Public STATE OF I4INNESOTA) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __'day of August, 1979, by Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Michael L. Kiefer, Esq. 1625 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: (612) 336-8611 -6- ItlS'IRI(:T ('()I.'R I' !:()1.~I~11! .I tL!)lCl,\l, l)l.'-;FttlC 1'. ()1(I)1':1~: ,,\ NI) ()1: thc lus! ol'l'iciul ). I'h;,t all Iht ro. luilcmcnlx ,~1' lh¢ l;,v. in rcspccl h~ Ibc apldic';~li~m anti iInv vt,l~plicd wilh and Ih;il :~ll ~,f Iht d,.'l'cl/~lanls in lids i~,'.cccdin,..z h~s'c bce. dvlv'scrvcd with la~ ~u- have c~mscnlcd I~ Iht I,.:~istI',~Hioll hcl'Cill and ii I'urthcr ;q¥cars Ihal no' A.swcr or Noli.cc o[ ilIIIi'C;.II'[III~'C ha'¢ I~ccn filed in lifts proccctlin~. .'l. 'J'JlilI. C.xcepl a.~ hcrcim~l'lcr i)r,~vidcd, none of thc dcfcnd;inl~, or .~t,pl~lcmcnl.s Iherclo. have any righl, lille, cxlal¢, lie, t,r inlcrc.sl in Iht real cslalc hcrcinal'lcr dc.scribed. Thai I. hc prc,niscs hcrcimfflc~ dc.scs'ibcd arc not occupied hum ~ttO' uddition,d.findings ttnd. number them. bt,ginnhtg with numberS] 5. That the owners and occupants of tracts adjoining said pr'cruises to the south have no rights in the premises and the use of the land for any pdrpose. Any possible use is merely at the sufferanceo of the applicant. 6. The City of Mound has no interest in Jny portion of the premises.' 7. That Alden C. Helleksen and Virginia J. Helleksen have no intere.st in the premises. 8. That the residuary heirs of Ethel A. Tyler, dec'eased, were duly 'served by mail pursuant to Statute and have .interposed no answers and have no interest i~ the prenffses. 9. That Theodore Breen, the tenant and one of the occupants of tracts adjoining said premises to the south has been made a defendant, has interposed no answer and has no interest in the premises. 10. That Stanley Hobert Tyler recommended as a defendant,'deceased, that there has been no probate of his estate in Minnesota. His unknown heirs have been served by publication and his known heirs, Mary Tyler, William ~. Tyler, Hichael G. Tyler, and Kathy Lynn Tyler have been made defendants and were duly served by mail pursuant to Statute and have interpoxed no answer and have no interest in the premises. I OV ER I EXH I B I T 'b tI-'IIAN(; S'I'AMI' CLI{PIK ()F I)I.VI I~IC'i"Ct)I.;ICI'~ 1 9 1979 .H£NN. CO. DIST. CT,, NOW. TiiEREFORE, IT 1S IIHREIIY ORDEREi), ADJUDGED AND I)I~CRt{I'H), as follow.s: !. Th;il a defauh ax to each dcfc'ndanl n;tmed in the summons u,d any amcndment.s or .st, pplentcnts thereto and ali hr:irs and devi.secs of any of I!!C pe,'so,~.s n:,ltcd Ihercin who art: dcct:ascd and. "all other pcrson.s or parlies ,nknoxvn claiming any right, lillt:. C.slale, lit:n or imcres~ in II~¢ real t:slalt: hercinafler described." is hereby t:~ilcrcd in Ibc al,ore cnlhlt:d i~clion. 2. Thai the State of Minnesota whoseposl-ol'ficcaddrcs.sis Minnesota Sta'te Capitol Building Cily of .St. Paul County of Ramsey . Sv,lc of __M..i._n_n__e_s._p._t._a__'' is (~J) thc ownc,'(m of ;m estate in fcc simple arrd-wpprrrm~s~-q:n~'n~(.-stfike-w~t~t~m~df:~lotapplic, qble)in hind in thc ('ounty of ilcnncl)in. State ol' Minnesota, described as follows: Parcel 1 The Tfest 87.0 feet of that part of Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N~IBER 168,. Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: B~ginning at the Southeast cor~er of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence East along the North line of Lot 55, in s~id Auditor's Subdivision, and its extension to the East line of said Lot 46; thence North along said East line to the Northwest corner of Lot 14,. in said Auditor's Subdivision; thence Westerly along the extension of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence South to the point of beginning. Parcel 2 That part of Lot 46, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 168, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the West 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence East along the North line of Lot 55, in said Auditor's Sub- division, and its extension to the East line of said Lot 46; thence North along said East line to the Northwest corner of Lot 14, in said Auditor's Subdivision; thence Westerly along the extension of the Northerly line of said Lot 14 to the East line of the We~t 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence South to the point of be- ginning; EXCEPT the West 87.0 feet thereof. a~ ~hc lawful Subject to unrecorded Atlditor's Certi£icates of Purcha$c of Tax Forfeited Lands as to Pat:cc] 1 and Parcel 2 in favor of David G. Turr~.~y and Marian D. Turney, husband attd wSfe, as Joint Tcna~ts;. · .,, x x x.' x." X X · * \ '" '"' STATt.~" OF 'tlINNk]SO'I'A : .... IN COUNTY t¢o. 1,'513 DISTRICT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Tn the Hatter of the AppTication of ) ) STATE OF HINNESOTA ) ) , ) ) To Register the Title to Certain Land) Therein Described. ) R E PO RT Pursuant to ORDER OF REFERENCE TO T}t~'~ t{ONORABLE JUDGES OF TIlE DISTRICT COURT OF HENNEPIN COUNTY: Whereas the above entitled cause was referred to the undersigned as Deputy Examiner of Titles under and pursuant to Section 508.13, Minnesoth Statutes of 1978, to try, hear and determine the issues of said cause and the' truth of the matters set forth .in the Application herein, and to report in writing to the Court the substance of the . proof and my conclusions therefrom, I respectfully report: That the matter came on for hearing before me at the Hennepin county Government Center in the City of Minneapolis, said County and State on the 19th day of June ,19 79 , and that I received in evidence certain documentary proof, and took the testimony of attending witnesses who were duly sworn by or before me and examined. That the Summons heretofore issued herein has been duly served upon each and every defendant named therein in the manner provided by statute, and the Court has full and complete jurisdiction of the parties and the subject matter; that no appearance has been made by any of such defendants, or none which raises an issue or which asserts a right not admitted by the decree proposed for entry herein. That all the requirements of the law in respect to the Application herein have been duly and strictly' complied with. Tliat the substance of the oral and documentary evidence, without reporting the same verbatim or in .detail, is contained in the Order and Decree in said cause hereto at%ached, which is hereby adopted and made a part of this report to the same extent as if the findings and conclusions therein'were fully set forth herein. I therefore recommend that the Order and Decree of Registration hereto nttached be entered herein in pursuance of the prayer of the app!ican, t(s) herein; that the land described in said Order and Decree be brought under the operation of an Act concerning land titles, being Chapter 508, Minnesota Statutes of 1978 for the State of Minnesota and Acts amcndatory thereof; and that the title of the said STATE OF bilNNESOTA to said land be confirimed and registered, as provided in and by said Acts, subject to any oil the rights or encumbrances which mo.y be sub- sisting, specified in Section 508.25 of said Chapter. All of which is respectfully submitted this 19th day of Ju~e , 19 79 . ~4oo .s,t. F-f-. lhe ~und~qes of the a~ve ~ri~d t~nd and ol the I~at~on of all As su,ve./~d by rn~ th~ ~ / ~/ . clay o~,,~_.~T_ . 19_~. ~-, < ~. '~~. .................. PREPARED FOR ~'' · .RO, OSED ... I.~.l,A~, DESCRIPTIONS FOR p -o LA,ND ~, ~. ' s Suoctzvislon Number [68, .Hennepln Cour~ry, ~.lLnnesota, described as follows: ' ' ~n,, ar ~he southeast ('or~3er of ~he west 23 .fe,~t ~f said Lot 46; ahence east aiong ti~e ~,or~h ~ i. ne of Lot 55, i,~ :'~aid Auditor's Sub~,~s/on, and it~ exaansion to the.ease l.[ne 0g Sa~ ~ g " . _(, hot 46; 'thence.. north alon said eaot line to the northwest corner of Lot 14, in said. Auditor's Subdivision; thence westerly along the extension of the northerly line of said Lot 14 to the east l'ine of the west 25 feet of said Lot '46; thence South to t~e point of beginning. (Contains 24,4OO'square feet.) PARCEL B That par.t.of'Lot 46, Auditor's subdivision Number'168, Hennepin County, Minnesota', described as follows: Beginning at.the ~outheast corner of the west 25 feet of said 'Lot 46; thence &ast along the north line of Lot 55, in said'Auditor's Subdivision, and its extension fro the east line of said Lot 46; thence north along said east line to the northwest corner of Lot 14, in said 'Auditor's Subdivision; thence westerl'y along the extension, to t'~e northerly line of said Lot 14 to the east line. of the west 25 feet of said Lot 46; thence south to the point of.' beginnin'g; EXCEPT the west 94.10 feet thereof· (Contains 24,400 square feet.) Propo-.cxt lowest floor ele~. = ~-~,_~ Proposed top of foundation el~. =, ~ 0 · o BENCH MARK: OR: APP LI CA TION FO~VA CITY OF MOUND INTEREST IN PROPERTY ' 2/" ' '? ~ ~-I ~'2'Z. ,. ~ . ~ . Number ." "/' .v j~- ADDITION PROPERTY . ? ~ , ..... .' ,LOT ¢%~-:~/..< '/ . BLOCK _ ~(~ . FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Addre s s Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT [ .1 ACCESSORY! YARD FT BUILDING SIDE FTJ YARD I Y' ~ LOT SIZE NOTE: FT.I LOT SQ. FOOTAGE/4 ~....~'~f. F8 REAR N. C. U. * or 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimension§ of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the applicati°n by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. OTHER (describe) ~ ~ · REASON FOR REQUEST: ./9~~ ~~ ~ ~ .~. :-. ~ 3':~i ~o~n ~omtio~ or ~a~ia~ g~t~a S~o~s ~mt ~d ~oid. DATE l PLANNING COMMISSION RE COMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO., *non- conforming use / I / f ! T h;r.~'~, certify +~at +'' is true and e,.~rr;~7~n ";~-~ ....... ~--"+',+ :-~ of su_~'ey r,f ~'~ '-, ..... ~ ~ .... ~'~'t ' Line ..... e ~o .... ~r] .~, of ~t 27 ex"-.,,,.~ t.l'.at :~art tyi:~ .... oe drt'r '-.,-.-: .~ ~r'-,~,.+ o~ ~"~ t',,,,:-,..,--~. ;,., ; ..... ,- l~-~; o[ .'::].:l Lc:,~ ~ 4~[ .... erly corr:,r of said Lot ~ and ~ ~ ~i~ ~,L~ Lot 28, in Block 26, of ,~'ychwood, · =n'd ~ ,.,-,.:. i- -~ of all ~ ..... ~,~ . . z:,u ....... on e:cistin.i b:~1,~--,, thereon it does not ua,~e : Land o , APPIATION FOR SUBDIVISION O Sec. 22.03-a VILLAGE OF MOUND AND FEE OWNER PLAT PARCEL /';7 3 9 Location and complete legal description of property to be divided: To be divided as follows: ~u.,-~,._~1 -I-j }}F_. ~'l'"F,chtd lpr~P-ta [:;~ tF~--?~1 planhin~i COh-~l~,ts~'~r~ . (attach survey or scale drawidg showing adjacent streets, ~lim[,nsion of p~/oposed building sites, square foot area of each new parcel designated by number) A WAIVER IN LOT SIZE IS REQUESTED FOR: New Lot No. From Square feet TO Square feet Reason: ....... ~ ~slgna~ure~ ~/ Applicant's.interest in the property: ............ This application must be Signed by all the OWNERS of the property, or an explan- ation given why this is not the case. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE Pill INI. PII APTIi~NI. DATE 5' -_,qNO~JA L 1 0 02 APPLICATION F. ~_VARIANCE CITY OF MOUND NAME OF APPLICANT Address FEE ZONING ./ PROPERTY ADDRESS .~ PLAT ~- ! Cl %: PARCEL LOT ADDITION INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Te le phone Number L/7 ,) ' '~,- FRON~ | _ I ACCESSORY YARD I/ff FT.I BUILDING SIDE I YA'RD . LOT SQ. N. C. U. v..- or OTHER (describe) X REASON FOR REQUEST: NOTE: _1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement FT.[ in relation to lot lines, other buildings ! on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimension~ of ---' L~/~/,)~{~adjoining property. Show approximate LOT SIZE ~ ' ' - '~ locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution <>aa variance granted becomes null and void. Variances are not~crAnsfe~ableq z // ~ PLANNING COMMfSSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION DATE ~':: n on -I c on fo r r?.. ing llse 70-216 8 -11-70 RESOLUTION NO, 70-216 RESOLUTION. GRANTING SIDE-YARD VARIANCE (Lot. 9, Block 11, Shadywood Point) the owner of Lot 9, Block 11, Shadywood Point has requested a side-yard variance of 8" from the required 8-foot side yard in order to make an addition to his house, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended the variance be · · granted, NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE VITJ~GE COUNCIL OF HOUND, HOUND, HINNESOTA~ That a side-y~cd variance of 8" be granted provided all other requi~ement8 a~re met and that ,there i~ no overhang. Adopted 1~ the .Counoil this llth day of, August, z 70. · "· ! . ' .... of ~2 ~, tllock il S · - ' ''? :'-' · ~ ~h~:dl~ocd Poln~ - - : " ~ ' '}I~ur~epln ~ t ',.~.i_tnn~ot~, .- ": '':;.": ~ :" ~~ , · . ... ~- . ?.,-.~' '.%:., ::-.-',.'' .-; -........ .~"~., . , . . - ., ..-. ,. ~ .~.. . , · ~ ...... .::~. · . . - . .. . . . . .., . . ; ., · . . ~- ~ - , . . -, ,.....; '..'.. -. . . ~ ....... · ,~. · ..... .. .- .... ,~ % . .... . .-'~..~ ~ '~ . · . . .,,' - .~> .., .~ : · . . · '., -:' k,%N~5~D-- ': ~:".. '- ':-.-' .... _2--[~',' , - .... ~oa~> · .:.-~ ,., ~r · -~ ...... '-' :'~ · "- ...... . '~,- .... :. ~ . . . . . -- ~ ---...-.- . . ~/ /-- ~- ~ -./ .. ~ · ~.. -. .. -, , , ., · ~ .- .. ~' . ..... -. v ~ ~ ~ . ~' ~ . .." - * .... ..- · . - . ' · -.'. . . ,~ '. . ' ." ', ' <": ::' '-'~':' "~"g~%~ ~,/~ "'-'-- ..... .- -... -:. -.'--',--: -~- ~ · _ ~ ' -'..'/ ........ :':~ ..... .'- "'~:' ',' ' -' '- .... , .... -" -u:':' ' - · . ~" .. ,~~,~L-:''-:~[:' '-. - · . " ' "~'- · ' t -' . ~-~k~:~,] -{ ~- '~'~:;-..-,.-~:.-.~ ' '- - .. ' -,' · ' .'. '.:..' '::q'.' .. · ~.~ ~ ~ [ ~. '.. :~ ~;~.'... -:.-.'- .... . . .-.. . '. -.-~.-..,.... ..... -~[~J-,$~ ~-.;'.'-.:~-:'t ~.: ~.~-~-.. · . . . .... ~ :,.-- · -' .."' ~.~, ~.~) .. - .... · · :".'~ ".~..-',.": .... -.'_ ~ ' ' ' . ...... .... ~' I ~ I .".' ~ -;: ;':.-. ~ hereby c~rtiry %hat thts ~s a true an,~ '~' "-- - . :' -. I -.- .- *- -.. ;.' . ~',,~.,~, ' ~: -. ~ ~ - ' ~ -- ~ .- ~- . , .- . . 7...,. '~,_,--..:-- ;.:,,-.., bound~feo oF Lot 9, Bloc~ 11, ohas~ood ' -: -' -'-:-- < ' ' - ' ' '- . - ' ' '.-r . ?' "2 ....:D"' '~ ~ ' x ' . ~ _-- ~ ' . . . , ~.~ ::~ .:-.~; ~.,-.~ ..:..~:~,~.~oint, ~nd o~ the locau~on o~ al~ b~loin~s · ~ '" . --~..-~.. ~ .~, . .'-.-., ~, . . . . * .. - .:. ~ . - ': - · ",--I_'-~- ..,.: I-.. '~ ~,,t...t.>.....~.thereon, and all visible encroachmenBs_ . '.. ~ '. .- ~)~, .- .- ::~ '.....-~-~.: '.-. ~- ~ ~ E · ~:-.- ~-C.I' '~ -' .-%",' '~j$";~),' from or On saf~% lan{Ii and of %he pro- ~ -.u t-:'-..- . · , /~ . , . %..- ..,. ..-~'~.~: · ... , , .. : . -. - . . ~ ~-.,:;~- -:.:. rm~~' E '., -..[ .-'~;.'~'.~ , - ..-; .;;-. .:.- -.- · - -~ . ~ '~ - .-'. ,~,-:.--.' .... . ,-,------ : ...... ....... ..... ':~ - · ~ ' ' i C%-~. -' '- '," ' ' '. ' ' · ~ ~ ' '"'' ' .''-- · · · - ' '. - · ~ '~'h% '--.- '''-" ~ ' "~..' · --'; · ' - ' ' , . . . .....:,.~.:; ~.- .--.-z~:~ ,,...,- .... . .- . .,,, ~. ~:.. ~- . ~'-.~,~., .- -~.-;,.-, .', ~ .... -. -..-~,~. ~. ~n~x, ~. "' ~ ~:o ~-~ .... -':- k~ ~';' ,'-,'~ '2% '. ' ;;/" ':.'' ·Bruce R. Kelley . Rez. Eo, 5713 .... % · , . '' ....... :~j-:' ' '...C:~ ".i " ~ ' - ~ · ' "-' ~': -:' . · '. ..--,,.~--~-.~. :: · :' . : ~ .' ~ordon r,, C~fin .-- Re~, No, 6O6A' -'-:'-' -' . . ,~. - ~- . .~.~-. ~.. . · . . . . .... .: . . · ,~ : . . ~ ..~3~%~. ~ · .. -. ~ . · . . . . · . . '. ~'''.:'' ~ ...'.. ~ -" .~ K~L~ & E.~LL~, ~tn~ers & S~vevors ""- .'.- ' ' ~ ; C...'' '¢'' .... ~nZ ~ke, ~a~eso~ , ' · ' ' '"L"' "' . : ~ . ~. ,, . .. . . . ..'...>.. ~:.' . . . [ ' -- -- ~ ~ _~ ~ ' . . ' . . . ~'~ -.. APPLICATION FO~ARIANCE CITY OF M(J~2XlD NAME OF q ~/ /~ ! APPLICANT 'j ~:"~ r~ \ h r/ (.,~ J(~ © C '~ Address t~,~"] [~-[[.) ~ 2 k ~ ~_%= Te le phone Numb e r INTEREST IN PROPERTY 0 (:,,,; ~'~, ff tx. c.[' oo PLAT~'7 ,~9 0 PARCEL 1,~ C 0 FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Number VA PJ_ANC E REQUESTED: NO TE: FRONT [ ] ACCESSORY I YARD FT. BUILDING [ ' FT. SIDE YARD FOOTAGE£P/ t~/7/~) N. C. U. * or OTHER (describe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property aM abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of ail buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward H i~'~ ~- /::frm2~~ ~ A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted bec//~nes null and void. Variances are not/tr~sferablev/ Signa~r~ PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-con£orming use / / ! hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: That part of Lot 1 and the private road adjoining said Lot !, the First re-arrangement of PHELPS' ISLAND PARK 1ST DIVISION, described as foll~vs: Commencing at a point in the southeasterly line of County Road No. 125 distant 60 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly corner of Lot "a" in said addition; thence South 38 degrees 40 ' minutes West along the southeasterly line of said County Road No. 125 a distance of 53.4 feet; thence South 57 degrees 20 minutes West along the southeasterly line of said County Road a distance of 41.6 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described, thence continuing South 57 degrees 20 minutes West along the Southeasterly line of said County Road a distance of 55 feet; thence South 21 degrees t5 minutes East a distance of 123.6 feet, more or less, to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; thence northeasterly along the shore of Lake Minnetonka to its intersection with a line which bears South 46 degrees 38 minutes East from the point of beginning; thence northwesterly along said last named line to the point of beginning. The four corners of above land having been marked by judicial landmarks, and situate in Hennepin County, M i nnesota. And of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachment if any, from or on said land. As surveyed by me this 15th day of Augus.t, Thon, as S. Bergquist ~. Land Surveyor, Minn. Reg. 772 9-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 7, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-334 SUBJECT: Addendum to Planning Commission Recommendations Agenda # 9 Attached is a copy of a letter objecting to side yard variance at 4327 Wilshire Boulevard and to garage, encroachment by owner of adjoining property. Leonard L. Kopp ms September 5, 1979 4333 Wi!shir~ Blvd.. Mou~:~d, >,!inn. 55364 lkyor of t!ound and City Council Ifsn~bers 5541 ~,k~vood Road Mound. Minnes otto Centlemen: On your agenda at your next Council meeting is a matter of utmost in~ortance tome, and since I cannot be present at that meeting, please review this matter carefully in the best interests of all concerned. I refer to the petition of Jean van Grasstek, 4327 Wilshire Blvd. for a sideyard variance on her property at that address, and for a permit toadd a room over her garage, which presently is situated approximately 10 feet away fr°m our dwelling, and at the rear is actually less than 8 feet away. This is because one corner of said garage is actually built over the property line and en- croaches onto our lot. This situation has existed for many years, and while an unsightly arrangement, has not been a problem until last fall, when a fire started at the rear of the garage while the former ovmerwas away. Fortunately, my wife was at home and called the fire department before serious d~ge ~as done to both d~llings. I wish to formally register m~ objection, first to any addition to that property closer than ten feet from the existing property line. 'And secondly, to that garage being allowed to remain there at all. It is an unsightly detriment to our resale value, as well as a real threat to our safety. We understand and symPathize with the new resident's need for ~or~ space~ but ~ ~.ust try to protect our interests and our inves~ment. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, t~rlin X. Bee B/¢ PROPERTY PLAT ~.,[2[.q-PARCEL-' ~.~.00 ... Te le phone INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Te le phone Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: FRONT [ ] ACCESSORY[ FT.[ YARD ~[' ~- FT. BUILDING SIDE FT.[ FT.] YARD [ t% , LOT SIZE REAR[ [ LOTSQ. YARD FT: FOOTAGE N. C. U. ::" o r OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners show4ng attitude toward request. , A building permit must be applied for within one year from council resolution or variance_granted becomes null and Variances are no . ,' APPLICANT~~ ~.~b~ i ~~ DATE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO :::non- conforming us e OMME RC E BOULEVARD 175' ~-----34.5' 200' A D L E R R O A D Mound Evangelical Free Church 2117 Commerce Boulevard MOUND EVANGELICAL Sunday School FREE CHURCH 9:45 Morning Worship Service 11:00 Evening Service 6:00 Wednesday Family Night 7:30 Thomas t. Jensen Pastor NAME APP L!CANT Address ._3 FEE PROPERTY Telephone Number LOT / ~- ADDITION INTEREST IN PROPERTY FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE P. EQUES TED: NOTE: FRONT YARD ACCESSORY FT~ BUILDING 'SIDE YARD FT.] LOT SIZE YARD FT,. LOT SQ. FOOTAGE N.C.U.~' or.,- OTHER (describe) REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement. in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give ownership and dimension~' of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending.survey or drawing. 3--. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. J /-'/' ' · ' ' / ' 't' o ~ /' ' A budding permit must be apphed fo.~/w~hm one y~.ar from ~he date of~e coancil resoluMon o~riance gran~d becomes null and void. Variances are not~r~ferabl~../ ~ Q . - / S{gnature DATE RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use of S uw:ey for Craig V. ife?,d.~rs,on Hennepin Co~;uty, "; "~ ' "~. £~ . ~-J'"~'- , I .-<,::: ~_ / ·. ' "-,0,,~, / / x I hereby certify that this ts a / ~. t~e and co~rect representation of a s~veyo.'" the ~udar~es of ings thereon. It doe~ no~ ~r~ ~o sho~ obher improve~n~a o~ Scala: 1" = 30' Date : 8-13-7') ,Z.~zdon ,~. Coffin Re~_l. t~9. 606~ Alvin R. l{ehder Reg. No.13295 Land Surveyors and Planners ~,on~c Lake, Minnes(~ta AP1:> LICATION FO~VARIANCE CITY OF MOUND FEE $ ZONING Te le phone INTEREST IN PROPERTY PROPERTY ADDRESS PLAT /o/~/,3 PARCEL LOT ~- AY BLOCK FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address Telephone Numb e r VARIANCE REQUESTED: NO TE: FRONT YARD ! FT.I ACCESSORY[BuimDiNG FT.] SIDE FTJ FTJ YARD [ /Z LOT SIZE , YARD LOT SQ. FOOTAGE,/// N. C. U. '4: or OTHER (describe) 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2, Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward re que st. REASON FOR REQUEST: A ..,.bmldzng 'permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council re'solution or variance granted becomes null and void, are not transferable. !/ APpLICkNT ?,¢1., -'~_~ . [,/'~ ~-- ,/ PLANNING COMMISSION RE COMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO.., DATE :::non- conforming use / : APP LICA TION FO] CITY OF MOUND Address INTEREST IN PROPERTY ~NCE NAME OF fZ APPLICANT[ / :~o/"k a£¢~ Te le phone ZONING. PROPERTY PLAT _--~ 7 ~(-~?"-),, PARCEL LOT., //~:~ //BLOCK FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Addre s s Te le phone Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: FRONT YARD i ACCESSORY FT. BUILDING SIDE LOT SIZE REARI iLOT SQ. YARD. FT- FOOTAGE NOTE: N. C. U. v.: or OTHER (describe)X PJ. (7- O~ REASON FOR REQUEST: '7/~/~- /76e-0[ 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing ~-howing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. 2. Give Ownership and dimension~ of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the ~ -'-_ .q'~ ....~0'uhcil resolution or v~ance gran~~s null and void. t. ~,5 ', -Variances are not ~~rableT//~~ -,. ::'::i¢-'i'"' ":'. :. -:p. ' -'~ 6~N~No COM~SS~ON RSCOM~SNDAT~ON I DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non- conforming use FOR: ,ERFII~ICATE OF -]4.-/ /~./ -I- ;,; ;% I L ,ID E.q C ,R I P T/OA/ Z; OT5 AG ,4/'¢'o lA ,,c~Z 0~,/<' ?¢ . S~-7-0/¥' o x ooo.o ( ooo.o ) DESIARS - GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 3030 Harbor Lane No. Plymouth MN 55441 Phone: (612) 559-0908 Denotes iron monument Denotes offset stake Denotes existing elev. Denotes Proposed elev. Denotes surface drainage Proposed garage floor elev. = I [~ereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and of the location of ail buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on s~ict land.. Proposed lowest floor elev. = Proposed top of foundation elev. = BENCH MARK: "Id File No. Book - Pa~ Scale CITY PLANNING CO~P~ISSION ~R VARIENCE TO E~f~ARGE A DECK AT W}~ KILDA~EROAD~ WE HAVE R.~/'IEWED THE PRO?OSED DECK EXPANSION WITH THE OWNERS, RICH AND >~RY SUE PAYNE. THIS Wi~ :,3~ _ ILL ' ~ ~,O~ ~I~ WiLL NOT ~'iLL . '.~LL ~OT ~ ~LL_~-~ OBSTRUCT OUR ViM~' OF THE LAKE. OBSTRUCT OUR VI~ OF-ANY NATL~IAL SETTING OF INT~KEST TO~ US. OBST?~CT ~CCES$ TO OUR PROP.ZRTY. IMPROVE TH~ VALUE OF THE PRESENT PROPERTY. OTHER CO;',I,',~NTS: '"' C iY ?LAN ;ING RE: REQJ~3~ FOR VARIENCE TO Ei"ZAR. G~ A DECK AT ~73~ KiLDARE ROAD. . . ,.Z',-L','..,z'- --~ · WE il.'J,~E ~,~/r...,,. TIIE P~,O?0SED DECK EXPANSION WITH THE O'd!,,qLF~.S, RICH ,~.',~. 5~RYoc' ~ r',~:;~':.. THIo EX?ANSiON: WiLL WiLL %ffL5 NOT WILL OBSTRUCT OL~ V£E~i OF THE LAKE. OBSTRUCT 0:~. VI~ff OF ANY NATL..AL SETTING OF INTE?~EST TO~ US. OBSTP~UCT :<CCESS TO OUR PRO?~.TY. IMPROVE T}~ VALUE OF THE PRESE~T PROP~TY. OTHER COi.~,%NTS: SIGNED BY ~DDRESo. : S,LN~,3'~OO '82IIL0 :NO!SI';VJ]~H EiH.L 'HN.IVd a~,$ 7~.,'a CHV HOI~ ~gHZNNO ZH~ HL!b~ NOISNVJX~ ]~OZ~ ~SOdOIZ ~t,T, GZIiZI~H ZAUH ~ * NOIg~i~,~OO O,qI~NV~J liIO O2ii~.C~'~ . C~ 'S~' '~ "~ ' ~"C ~ ...... ~"~. .... ~'~'~ " ..... LEGAL. DE~kt~.~ON OF ~.~.;~z,k~Y O,IN,,O ~' ~..~.~, ~.:~.: PLAT LOT / /) cZ', / ,/ ~LOCK / L/ SU~DtVI..LO,,, STREET /tiff-) A "i'ei.- ~o. q ? 2-'-4 c/'7 Z A~plicant's Interest %n Property, 'Residents and owners of property abUtting t the street to be vacated: Act 'i on ...................... APP LICA TiON CITY OF N,{OUND lANCE .I / .Aad_ess PROPERTY U/.- ::' '- /'/t/ . { .; ,'t,:~ PLAT .... ' ..... U: LOT :__:. ___ .... , Number"~'J Z ¢~,J / ADDITION INTEREST IN PROPERTY [d4~ ~O5- ~; '[[/. "~[~ OP~,:~r;'t~O FEE OWNER (if other ~han applicant) '--~ ~4'[' ~) Te le phone Addre s s Number VARIANCE REQUESTED: NOTE: FRONT [ I ACCESSORY[ YARD FT. BUILDING FT. SIDE YARD 1, FT.! LOT SiZE [ FT.] REAR[ ] LOTSQ. YARD FT' FOOTAGE N. C.U.* or ~/_ OTHER (describe) 5tZG~ D~c 1. Attach a survey AND scale drawing showing location of proposed improvement in relation to lot lines, other buildings on property and abutting streets. Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approximate locations of ail buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application' by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. REASON FOR REQUEST: ...... A building permit muse- be apphed for w~th~n one year from thel · - · coancxl resolutxon or 7arzance granted becomes null and void. Signature PLANNING COMMISSION RE COMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO DATE *non-conforming use ? Uxi' CITY 0£;' MOUND Mound, .~,Iinnesota September 4, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-320 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Retaining Wall 3029 Drury Lane - Devon Lane Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer with regard to a retaining wall on Devon Lane which is the side road of 3029 Drury. This item will be listed on the September llth agenda. cc: Engineer Daniel Anderson COMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. August 31, 1979 Reply To: 12800 b~dustri:~J Park Boulevard Plvn'touth, Mirtn~-~,o[a 55441 (612) Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1979 Mound Streets Retaining Walls Dear Mr. Kopp: ~.(.~//- The property owner at 3029 Drury Lane has requested a retaining wall be added to the project--al~ng his property on Devon Lan~. He owns lots 8 and 15, Block 11, Pembroke. The driveway to the property is on the Drury side with his yard on the Devon side. Devon Lane at his property is 14 feet lower. We had proposed to slope back 6nto the private property, but he is unwilling to sign an easement allowing us to do that. His point is that the slope would come very close to his house and completely eliminate the yard on that side. This is one place something has to be done. If the bank were just left with a vertical cut the whole hill would wash down and end up in the street. This high bank continues to the north across Lot 16 before it flattens out on Lot 17. Because of the problem with ending the wall at the highest point on the bank we would recommend constructing a wall across all three lots. I have estimated the cost for this at $7,570.00. Enclosed are drawings showing the wall in plan view and cross sections with the slope and proposed wall. Even though the cost for this is high, I don't see any other alternative. If you have any questions please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOPLBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ,J// ,I Ly]~ Swanson, P.E. LS;sc =4213 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls ('\ G I / :. ..... ;:1 ...... :,. t ,..:. , .. r, . .. ~ ~::::::{':t::::ll: ::::::::::il:: I :~. : .... / ..... l::[ ..... ':- ~.:i ..~ ..... ........ : ........... ~ l:'il:' ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =============================================== '/-- ............ :~~:~- .....~-:---~--, .... i .......... ............ :/ .... /. :: i::::::: :,:4~+'.-:-'.-'. :~-:-'. ...... !..,."':,.. :' :' i~~.~ :' b¢l:.t;~:,,'F,.~' ;' .' i' :':' :' :' :' :':':':'i:/.':. ..... ,. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~.:.:.:/.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i. -.i .........i ........ !,/ ....... ~,'./ ..... ! .........i .........i .........i ......... ' ·: ' ~_,o-~-~0' :l'"~ .'Z. '.:.~,/ .......... ~ ......: ........~ [:: .......: .........: .........: ::!:'~ ~ ':~,~:.i~.,::.:..!:::::::: ~.:-.:.~h'h.~/~::c:~,~h~~'>_,.'~:::::!::: : : i :: ::::! · .: .: . ~:"~ ~,, ~,~-Z,,~ .,,/..: ......... / ....... : ......... i ......... : ........ : ......... : ........... : ..... / .......... : .................... I .............................. ~.~ ....... ~_: ~: ......... , ..... ',.,',-~-~' - - : ......... : ......... : ....... c,~ .... ~ ~-, . ~ ............................. ~.,-%'. ~c:3,~ ~ :> .~f~ ~ ~/~ .--, . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...................... [ . -.~ -~, . ................. ,~ ..... ~ .............................. ............................................. : ......... .~."~ ~? ........................ : .............. 4~, . · ~ ............................................................. · . . : .'~'7'-.~ .... : ......... ...................... : ......... : ........ :'Z-T.~77-::'. .-:--~-. . .............................. 9-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound~ Minnesota September 6~ 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO, 79-327 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Retaining Wall A request has been received by the Engineer to construct a retaining wall at the corner of Heron Lane and Three Points Boulevard. This will be listed for discussion on the September llth meeting. The Engineer will have material at this time showing cost~ etc, eonard L. Kopp ! T. Hawley Engineer -79 CITY Mound, Minneso~-a September 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-329 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Retaining Wall - Sparrow Road Attached is a copy of a letter requesting a retaining wall on Sparrow Road. The Engineer by copy of this memorandum is requested to have a report for the September llth Council meeting. cc: Engineer Pearson's 1-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota september 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-331 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Retaining Wall - Cumberland Road Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer about the owner of 4548 Cumberland Road asking for a retaining wall. This will be on the September llth agenda. cc: Engineer G. Gasparini COMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ LA~',~D SURVEYORS ~.~ SITE PLANNE'~S September 5, 1979 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 }~. Leonard Kopp City Manager City,of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1979 Mound Street Improvements· Inverness Lane Dear Mr. Kopp: In the processlof obtaining the necessary easements for Inverness Lane, Mr. Gary Gasperine, 4548 Cumberland Road haS requested a re- taining wall. With the construction of the cul-de-sac at the end of Inverness, his house Will now face this new.street. There is a very steep slope from the edge of the existing lawn down to the proposed curb line. The'attached drawing shows the proposed location of the wall. I would.recommend the retaining wall be added to the Project. The estimJted cost for this wall·would be approximately $1,500.00. .Very trulyyours, JRC:sc Enclosure #4845 McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls CI'['Y OF MOUND Mound, MinnesoLa Septer~er 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-323 SUBJECT: Street Construction 1979 - Kildare Road Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer recommending that water, sewer and street on Kildare Road be deleted from the project. August 21, 1979 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound .5341 Manhood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1979 Street Improvements Kildare Road .Dear Mr. Kopp: .We have been unsucesSful in obtaining the necessary easements for theconstruction of sanitary.sewer, watermain and street improvements for Kildare Lane. This.street'is included as part of the.1979 Street Improvement Project. The'owner of the property which fronts most.of this project has.stated'that he'does not want.the sewer installed or the street improved. Because easements are required in order to do this project, we are recommending that Kildare.Road be deleted'from this.years project. If you have any questions, please contact me. .Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. LS:sc #4213 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls !-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-328 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Driveway Entrance The Engineer has received a request for a driveway apron to be constructed on a vacant lot. Since this is contrary to the City's policy. This will be listed for discussion on the September llth Council meeting. Leohard L. Kopp cc: J. A. Whalen Engineer Mc'COMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS ~i SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Botd,~v~r'd Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 August 28, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, ~AN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1978 Street Improvements Dear Mr. Kopp: Attached is a letter from Jeonette Whalen, who owns lots that front on Eagle and extends to Finch. She is requesting that an apron be installed on Finch. It has been our policy not to place aprons on vacant lots unless specifically requested because as often as not the apron would be in the wrong place when construction takes place on the lot. This may be a somewhat different situation. What do you advise. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:bb Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls 2 13 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-325 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 5, Block 7, Pembroke The subject lot is tax forfeit and the City needs an easement for street construction as follows: A perpetual easement and a temporary construction easement for street purposes over, under and across the following described property: Lot 5, Block 7 of Pembroke Said perpetual easement being that part of said Lot 5 lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 5 distant 15.00 feet southeasterly of the angle point in said Lot 5; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said Lot 5 and there terminating. Said temporary construction easement being the northeasterly 10.00 feet and the northwesterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 5. Said temporary construction easement expires August 31, 1980. It is recommended the Mayor and Manager be authorized to request the land. Lednard L. Kopp / -- cc: Engineer CITY OF MOUND Mound, MinnesoLa September 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-330 SUBJECT: Street Construction - Island View Drive Attached is a copy of a letter from the Engineer discussing a request for the narrowing of Island View Drive from Radnor south to Dorchester. This will be on the September llth agenda. cc: Engineer Paul Voight September 5, 1979 McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ LAN~ SURVEYORS ~::'~ SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (Gl 2) 559-3700 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: 1979 Street Improvements Island View Drive Dear Mr. Kopp: Mr. Paul Voight, 4420. Radnor Road has.requested the remaining section of Island View Drive be narrowed to 24 feet, back to back of curb. This wouldbe from Radnor to Dorchester~ Previously the CoUncil had changed the section from Radnor south to 24'. Mr. V0ight has already signed his easement. There is only one easement.left to be signed on Island View and that party will sign his for either the 24 foot or 28 foot width. I would recommend that this portion of Island View Drive be left at the standard width of 28' back to baCk. If you have any further questions please contact me. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sc #4213 Hutchinson Granite Falls ,v,,nneawo,,s - - ,-,,e^an~,r,a - .24'o 9-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 7, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-336 SUBJECT: 1978 Street Improvements and Storm Sewer Attached is a copy of a letter from Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. asking for a reduction in retainage on the 1978 Street Construc- tion and Storm Sewer. The Engineer will make a report and recommendation on this at Tues- day's meeting. Leonard L. Kopp ( ?~f~ cc: Engineer THOMAS AND SONS ~ ....... 419 3rd St. S.E. O~seo, Mn. 55369 September 5, 1979 Mr. Leonard Kopp City of b~und .5341 Maywood Road Mound, ~. 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp: Re: 1978 Street Improvements and Storm Sewer This letter is a formal requeSt for a reduction in retainage on the above named project. As of July 31, 1979, a total of 10% or $137,736.20 has been retained. The project is nearly complete, and we would like to see the City Council act on this request at your next meeting. Yours truly, ~ even d. 'l~omas, President Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. SJT:ct cc: Lyle Swanson CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota Septe~mber 5, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-322 SUBJECT: Bike Hike Paths On Council Memorandum 79-266, the Council was requested to approve plans and specifications for Bike Hike Paths on Bartlett Boulevard and Wilshire Boulevard - all County Road 125. The Council asked for discussions with the County regarding the paths. The County has previously indicated that as soon as the bridges were built, they would be discussing turning # 125 over to the City. The attached letter from the Engineer confirms the # 125 turn over idea. If the Council doesn't go along with these bike hike paths, arrange- ments should be made to either build other bike hike paths or transfer the money to another expenditure. L~onard L. Kopp Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota .~.~4~1 (612) 559-3700 August 29, 1979 Leonard Kopp, City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota Subject: Mound, Minnesota Private Boulevard County Road 125 - Bike Hike Path Dear Leonard: 'In furtherence of our letter of August 24, 1979 we have subsequently received the attached letter from Hennepin County Department of Transporta- tion. I think it agrees with essentially everything I said in our letter dated August 24th. However, it does indicate that the County is getting ready to begin negotiations to transfer County Road 125 to you and that they do have some overlay proposed. It seems appropriate that maybe this overlay of these shoulders could be added in as part of that negotiation. They also point out that the six foot wide (shoulders) that we proposed are should be 8 foot as a recommended minimum. I'm sure that we would be able to get their approval though of either a'6 or 8. We will wait your's and Councils further instructions on whether to proceed with the award of the contract or how to handle this from here. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. William H. McCombs, P.[. WHM:j 1 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria -- Granite Fails prir',"?.'i.~ c~,~ , ~:,~,:: , :, ,' ' 'h-;I,... McCOMBS-KNUTSON A,,S SOCIATES, INC. August 24, 1979 Reply To: 700 Cedar Street Alexandria, Minnesota 563(}8 (612) 762-2157 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: Bartlett Boulevard County Road 125 Bike-Hike Path Dear Mr. Kopp; As your aware we previousily have opened bids on construction on the subject bike-hike path. After the bid opening the Council asked us to see if the County would not agree to construction of the bike- hike path or would permit construction of barriers'between the paved shoulder and the traffic lane. We have talked to several people in the County up to and including Herb Clausner regarding the possiblity of the County blacktopping these shoulders. They have all emphasized that the County does not have this in their budget, there is no traffic need for paved shoulders on this street, and the County will not pave the shoulders for the bike-hike path. To explain a little bit futher, the County feels that designating bike-hike paths on shoulders is not a safe mixing of bike traffic with County Highways which carry higher volumes of traffic. When they .need paved shoulders on a county road, they will pave the shoulders and permit its use as a bike path figuring having bikes on the shoulder is safer then having them on the main travel lane. Consistently with this opinion, they will therefore not label the shoulders for bike paths as many municipalities do. Herb aT-la~sp~r~om assures me that there is no need for paved shoulders as far as the County is Concered on this stretch highway. He also assures me that there is no money in the immediate future for paving these shoulders even if it was necessary. I asked him "if p~ved shoulders were a requirement for the City to accept ownership of the street could he find the money to do it?" He merely smiled. Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls printed on rec,~,.'led Mr. Leonard Kopp August 24, 1979 Page Two There is a definate opinion that the County will~ under no circumferences, pe~nnit any type of barrier along the edge of the travel lane and the bike lane. I have to agree with that opinion. I think that to put any type of barrier as was discussed such as curb blocks or reflecter stakes would interfer with the use of the road and present more of an overall traffic hazard then would exist with just bikers using the shoulders. Hope this information will be helpful to you to determine whether to awards the bid on the bike- hike paths. It does not look good that the County would consider paving these shoulders. There does not seem to be money in the budget for it and we have experienced this with several other projects that the County has eliminated. As a final of all this, we have asked several times for the County to confirm their position in writing and they have not done so. I have the feeling that they many never do so. We realize this is not a very definitive answer, but I think that it can be assumed that the County is not going to provide paved shoulders unless they receive substantial pressure to do so and probably the City taking over the County road is tied in with the pressure. If you have any further questions or if we could be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIAES, INC.. William H- McCombs, P.E~ ~THM:sc 1-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-326 SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Land - Lot 26, Block 11, Wychwood Attached is a copy of a letter from the prior owner of the subject lot requesting to repurchase the lot. It is recommended the Council authorize the resale and purchase by the City at a private sale. This will be listed on the September llth agenda. %'"'/L}eonard n. Kopp' ~ ~ ~ cc: G. O'Hair 79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 4, 1979 COgMCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-3.18 SUBJECT: Gambling License VFW The VFW has applied for ~ gambling license. It was thought a public hearing was required, but it is not necessary. By copy of this letter, we are advising the VFW that this will appear on the September llth agenda for action. The license is recommended. ~[e;~nard . opp ~'~ cc: VFW CITY OF MOU~D Mound, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR GAHBLtNG L~ERMIT Naue of Organization t Ad~ress applic~ for a /-% k '~ [~_ ,~ ~ galling permit. annual/single occasion hereby Phone Number of Organization Date Organization was organized cZ_ ..'~L..? -- / y _~ . ~' Purpose of Organization - F~.~- ~ 7. Type Of Gambling to take place: Paddlewheel Yes No ~ Tipboard Yes P~ No Raffle Yes ~' No Location of Gambling: Is the building owned or leased by the organization (.0 bJ Yx C_ d Date ownership was acquired />~ /-~ U~ 6u ]~i:~x. / q '7 /.' I{ leased, expiration date of lease (Copy of lease must accompany application) GmTolLng Manager: Name of Ganmbling ManageE ..... // ~ ~ ~-~I 1~ U ,n ~ / Is Gambling Manager an active member of organfzation y,&~ Is Ga~mbling Manager paid by the organization :for handling the ga~r~ling (The answer to this question must be no - Sec. 43:40) (Required) i~ane of Company furn~shinq Bond \-:~7.~ aq~ree to file a copy of the bonc~'with the 'City Clerk. Bank >::count Nunq~er for ~a~Foling funds Are fun~i~ in the above account mixed with other funds (Answer mush be "No") (At least $10,000.) and ~.;e AGREEMENT '£he ~ ~ pjS N, ~_~ hereby agree~.:.~.~at if the license herein'is" Name of Applicant ':":'" ' .. granted ~hat the __~__~J__. ~/~-'5 ' - ~': will ~ave the City, .its officers and Name of Applicant agents harmless against any claims'or actions 'and the cost of defending any claims or actions arising out of or..by reason .of the granting of the'license or the conduct of any of the aCtivities autho.rized by the license. ~ It is-further agreed that monthly reports shall be furnished thg City by the Gambling Manager as directed in the ordinance and the //~-i./[/~ ~(.! q: J~/,_~ _ " Name of Applicant hereby authorizes the Bank .named above as the keeper of gambling funds to allow the City access to the figures and activity of account ~umber listed above. Si~_~ed by authorized Officer of Organization The ~ove application is made on behalf of the ~ ~ ~ ; 5 17~ and all information given herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, an~ belief. Annual Licenses: E'...'p:[rc on Jhn. uary~/31 of each year. Fees are not prorated for licen:cs purchased after February 1. (Gl2) ,:7';4-I 153 August 3, 1979 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard. Kopp - City Manager' Charles Johnson- Chief of Police Gambling License Application for VFW Post 5113 Please be advised that the police department is aware of no information that would tend to show that the VFW Post gambling license application should be denied. Approval is recommended. Respectful ly, Charles (Johnson Chief of Police CJ:lao Dona;d E. Oliver Mih,,aukee, Wis, (.)F MARYLAND 2850 Metro Drive--Suite 619 Minneapolis, Minn. 55420 Telephone: (612) 854-5234 INSURANCE Donald W. Hater Manager August 29, 1979 City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Mn 55364 Attention: Marge Gentlemen: Re: Policy No. 91 61 941 -. Chamberlain-Goudy VFW Post No. 5113 This is to certify that Comprehensive 3-D Policy captioned abov(.~, and dated September 1, 1977, remains in effect, subject to all its agreements, conditions and limitations. Very_. truly yours, Donald W. Harer Manager DWH:mpb 9-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 7, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-333 SUBJECT: Dinner Dancing Permit Surfside, Inc. has made application for an annual dinner dancing permit from July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1980. Leonard L. Kopp CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 6, 1979 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 79-332 SUBJECT: Delinquent Utility Bills Attached is a list of past due water and sewer accounts. These accounts are over six months past due and should be turned off for non-payment. In order to turn off the water, the Council should hold a public hearing. A suggested date for the public hearing would be October 2, 1979. ~--L'e~nard. L. Kopp '- '"' Account ['.I o, 1101673611 11022157101 11028166991 11031167351 llOh61743hl llO~250011Z 11055503781 11067180161 11085509871 lZ].o~592591 11166225701 11187544h71 1122353oh61 33~06261611 33S~2~2~31 33~63~7o511 33530312!81 33587302691 3359Ph78~31 3362030185~ 33620h75771 336~0h8~86~ 3362oh8658~ DELIN QUi,~,..: T U'i[[ L! TY BI LLS --(over Six .~[onths Old~ ~.! ame Allen Do!ejsi Geo Hough K, Ke tch~Lm Douglas Jensen John Anderson Jerry Pehrson Bob Matson Louis Anderson Three Pts Inn Steve Schmidt Steven Lorentson Gary Palesotti S. Kirsch O Riggs & Ash G. Paine K. Sa_ndmi e r S. Kak'<&es John Leu James Just Sa~,dra Andrews Fe ~_e r Johnson J~es Kelly Douglas Nelson Steve Pulbrabeh Total 64.18 3h.o$ 3h.o8 47.l~o 107,2 ? 34.a~ 61,27 62.12 h2.81 38.65 3a.o8 33.?4 46.3h 5~.4o h6.3h 83.88 34.08 34.08 h7.30 36.3! 1177.56 9-11-79 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 6, 1979 COUNCIL ~MORANDUM NO. 79-335 SUBJECT: Certification of Unpaid Sewer and Water Bills Attached is a list of sewer bills unpaid that should be certi- fied. There are also two or three water bills on this list. The sewer accounts are sewer only and they cannot be turned off. It is recommended these be certified for collection with taxes. · ~eonard L. Kopp 9-6179 PID // 13-117-24 21 0023 13-117-24 13 0007 13-117-24 11 0091 13-117-24 11 0059 13-117-24 41 0056 23-117-24 34 0007 13-117-24 43 0025 24-117-24 11 0018 24-117-24 41 0074 19-117-23 31 0005 19-117-23 34 0042 24-117-24 44 O081 Sewer Accounts Only (Cannot be turned off) Acct. No. 11-013-~717-81 110-22-1716-11 11-052-4940-11 11-052-5OO1-11 * Indlvidual Vi Doerr R. Diamond Penn Ave. Corp Jerry Pehrson 22-238-4891-81 ** Garfield Andersen 22-289-3025-71 W.V. Freeman 22-373-5063-81 ~ C. Kelly 33-415-4808-31 John ~oogesteger 33-439-4919-81 *** Ron Gehring 33-442-4586-91 Robert Lavall 33-503-4432-51 Harry Lund 33-539-4852-81 Michael Gray Ail items sewer only except ones marked * & ** (*) on Turn Off every quarter but never can pay all of it (**) Is taken off and vacant (***) This land purchased from an Estate & bill was on already. Arno u n t $43~00 69.76 43.00 107.27 87.18 52/70 145.00 43.00 43.00 42.00 48.30 6O.68 $784.89 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota September 5, 1979 INFOP~MATION MEMORANDUM NO. 79-98 SUBJECT: Community Center Name When the Westonka Chamber of Commerce had the "old depot" building, the Council named the building, the Westonka Community Center. Inasmuch as the building is under the City's operation and a sign is being prepared at no cost to the City, the Park Commission recommended it be named on the sign: MOUND DEPOT COMMUNITY CENTER If the Council has no objection, this will be done. Also, the Vanguard Cee Bee Club has painted the building; the City furnished the material. I have told the Club that when the Club wishes to use the building, we will credit the rental cost to their paint job. The Club uses the building 3 or 4 times a year. It was felt this was an inexpensive labor cost for scrubbing and scraping the building, putting on a coat of primer followed by the finished coat of paint. Leonard L. Kopp DATE CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE GROSS: 521,00 EXPENSES: ~ALES TAX ~!-~ 100.90 PAYOUT AS PRIZES: ,~100.90 ,4!1666 ,~ 1425. O0 . . PROFIT= ,..LU ~,. ,~;3~ , DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS: SCHOLARSHIP FU~D LEG. BASEBALL TRIP ALANON {400.00 ~aoo oo ~5o.oo {: ~'oo. oo ~ =n a ~3628 00