2017-06-13 CC Meeting MinutesMOUND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
June 13, 2017
The City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in regular session on
Tuesday, June 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Centennial Building.
Members present: Mayor Mark Wegscheid, Council Members Ray Salazar, Jeff Bergquist, and
Jennifer Peterson
Members absent: Council Member Kelli Gillispie
Others present: City Manager and Director of Public Works Eric Hoversten, Community
Development Director Sarah Smith, Administrative Assistant Mary Mackres, City Engineer Dan
Faulkner of Bolton & Menk, Troy Swanson, Kimberly Noonan, and Pam Dahm
Consent agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in
nature by the Council. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council
Member or citizen so requests, in which event it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
considered in normal sequence.
1. Open meeting
Mayor Wegscheid called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Pledae of Alleaiance
3. Approve agenda
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
4. Consent agenda
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Bergquist, to approve the consent agenda.
Upon roll call vote, all voted in favor. Motion carried.
A. Approve payment of claims in the amount of $635,003.67
B. Approve Minutes: 05-23-17 Regular Meeting
RENEWALS • 2017 - 2018
F. Approve Pay Request No. 7 from Ryan Contracting in the amount of $10,302.28 for the
2016 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project; City Project Nos. PW -16-
01, PW -16-02, PW -16-03, PW -16-04
Mound City Council Minutes — June 13, 2017
G. Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Park Construction in the amount of $138,913.28 for
the 2017 Street, Utility and Retaining Wall Improvement Project; City Project Nos. PW -
17 -01, PW -17-02, PW -17-03, PW -17-04
5. Comments and suggestions from citizens present on any item not on the agenda.
Pam Dahm, 5108 Edgewater, requesting the need for ordinance on short term rentals on
Lakeshore lots less than 50' wide.
Dahm is at the meeting on behalf of Jane Anderson, who lives next door to a weekly rental
property which is pretty disruptive to the neighborhood. Dahm is concerned because the
people renting are there on vacation and every night is a party. Dahm's concern is that
these are 40 -ft wide lots, making the rental property very close and it is so noisy that the full-
time residents can't keep their windows open. There is constant activity at this rental
property. Dahm says the garbage cans are overflowing with the raccoons getting into the
garbage. Residents are left to pick up the garbage from the street. There are an excessive
number of cars and trailers that these rental people bring to the neighborhood. The renters
infringe on the residents' Lakeshore with their watercraft. Renters don't understand the rules
and it's the neighbors that suffer.
Dahm is asking for a recommendation that lots with less than 50 -ft have a minimum rental
length of monthly, not weekly, and restrict the number of guests and vehicles allowed.
Dahm wants to ensure that these renters are paying taxes on rentals and added that in light
of the Super Bowl coming next year, Minneapolis and St. Paul are putting a rental ordinance
in effect. Other cities have these ordinances as well.
Salazar asked why Dahm mentioned lots less than 50 -ft in width or less. Dahm said that the
houses are so close together and the residents are trying to be reasonable in saying 50 -ft or
less. Salazar stated that Mound is no longer a resort community, but a residential
community. Mayor Wegscheid thanked Dahm for attending and said he is sure additional
consideration will be brought forward.
6. Planning Commission Recommendation
A. Public Hearing - Review of application to rezone property at 2875 Tuxedo
Boulevard from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-2 Two Family Residential
Applicant: Troy Swanson/MHCS Investments LLC
Sarah Smith, presenting application for Troy Swanson to rezone parcel of property at
2875 Tuxedo from R1 to R2. Proposed plans include the construction of a duplex on
this property. There was previously a single family home on the property which was
removed. This parcel abuts the R2 designation. Current zoning is R1 and the
proposal is for it to go R2. Both of those zonings are consistent with low density
Mound City Council Minutes — June 13, 2017
guiding of the comprehensive plan. This zoning request does not trigger an
amendment to the comprehensive plan.
Smith said the Planning Commission reviewed the application in May and it was
favorably received. Planning Commission felt that the rezoning allows for similar use
that currently exists to the north. It should be noted that the unimproved right-of-way
won't be developed. R2 allows for single or two family, giving the property owner
some options.
Smith said the publication and notification requirements in City Code Section 129-34
to hold the public hearing to consider the rezoning request have been satisfied. No
concerns or objections were received.
Smith notes that there are two actions requested this evening, based on Staffs
recommendation that was accepted by the Planning Commission. The first is an
action on an ordinance amending the city code as it relates to the zoning map to
rezone the property. The second action is on a resolution authorizing publication of
the ordinance by title and summary.
Mayor Wegscheid opened the public hearing at 7:18 p.m., and upon receiving no
comments, closed the public hearing.
Salazar says he lives near this property and is glad to see something will be done
with this property. Salazar says it will fit nicely in the area.
Requested Actions
L Adopt Ordinance No. XX -2017 Amending City Code Chapter 129 (Zoning
Ordinance) as it relates to the zoning Map to Rezone Property at 2875 Tuxedo
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve ordinance. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
ii. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Publication of Ordinance No. 04-2017 by
Title & Summary
MOTION by Salazar, seconded by Peterson, to approve resolution. All voted in
favor. Motion carried.
7. Dan Faulkner, City Engineer with Bolton & Menk, presenting the 2016 Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Annual Report to meet the public meeting
Mound City Council Minutes — June 13, 2017
Dan Faulkner, Bolton & Menk, introduced the annual public meeting for the City's Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), saying it is an annual requirement and
important. Faulkner said the program was published in the Laker newspaper and that the
main purpose is to give the opportunity for public input.
Faulkner said this system is managed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
and that Mound has had a plan since 2003. The plan contains a lot more than the six
minimum control measures listed below:
1. Public Education & Outreach — Some examples of this include the City's
quarterly newsletter where articles are posted as well as the City website.
According to Faulkner, the bottom line is to improve water quality. Faulkner
mentioned that the Carlson Park improvement is out for bid now. The
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is participating in the Carlson Park
project at 75%. The signage expected to be at Carlson Park is part of the public
education and outreach.
2. Public Participation & Involvement — Tonight's meeting and notice are part of
that. Faulkner suggests that the SWPPP could be referenced on the City
website as well.
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination — Faulkner said that last year, the
Council passed an ordinance explaining what they are and what can be done.
4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff — Faulkner says there is a separate
SWPPP just for this and that the plan directs the contractor what to do, one of
which is the storm water inlet detection devices to filter the storm water.
5. Post Construction Storm Water Management — A storm water plan needs to be in
place for after the work is done requiring turf establishment to be complete.
6. Pollution Prevention Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations — Faulkner
says there is a requirement that the City inspect 20% of all outflow structures
each year and must certify it is being done.
Faulkner says this meeting fulfills the requirement and allows the City to fill out the report
and submit it by the end of the month.
Hoversten says this is not a hearing as notification and agenda item fulfills the need for
public notification.
8. Information/Miscellaneous
A. Comments/reports from Council Members
Hoversten reminded all of the Music in the Park series on Thursdays in June and July, said
the Spirit of the Lakes Festival is July 21-22 and said 'thanks' to all for Fish Fry success.
Hoversten said proceeds go to the Fire Dept Relief Assn, which supports municipal
operations and donations to Fire Dept.
B. Reports: Finance Department - April 2016
Fire Department - May 2016
C. Minutes: Planning Commission - May 2, 2017
Mound City Council Minutes — June 13, 2017
D. Correspondence:
9. Adjourn
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergquist, to adjourn at 7:29 p.m. All voted in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Mark Wegscheid
Attest: Catherine Pausche, Clerk