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C'ITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota AGENDA CM 80-112 CM 80-113 CM 80-114 CM 80-115 CM 80-111 CM 80-110 Mound City Council April l, 1980 City Hall 7:30 P.M.. 1. Commendation - Kent Alan Melenich, Eagle Scout .Pg. 749 2. Minutes Rg. 746-748 3. Public Hearing - Street Vacation Pg. 743-745 Part of Wildhurst Lane abutting Lot 3, Block 3, Shadywood Point 4. Planning Commission Recommendation Pg. 736-742 5. Water Rates Pg. 732-735 6. Repair - Water Tower, Shirley Hills Pg. 727-731 7. City Hall Roof Pg. 725-726 8. Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present 9. Street Construction 10. Fishing Contest - June 15 Pg. 720-724 11. Transfer of Funds 12. Payment of Bills 13. Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 661-719 14. Committee Reports Page 750 CITY OF HOUND Hound, Hinnesota January 24, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-7 SUBJECT: League Legislative Meeting The attached letter advises of the annual Legislative Meeting on. Wednesday, February 20th. Please advise at the February 5th meeting who wishes to attend so we can send in reservations. · i!ii Ilili league of minnesota cities January 7, 1980 TO: Mayors, Managers and Clerks in Member Cities (Please call to the attention of the council) The League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities a~e jointly sponsoring a mid-session Legislative Action Conference again this yea~, and we urge every member city to send representatives to the conference and ~eception for legislators on Wednesday, February 20° The program this year: .o Mid Morning - Legislative Policy committee meetings, leaders as panel and guests · Luncheon Session - with Legislative guests o Two general afternoon sessions - 1) Governor Albert Quie invited, speaking on the constitutional amendments he proposeso 2) Labor relations address and a question and answer session by the League lobbyists, F~om 5:30 to 7:30 pomo the League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities are inviting all legislators to be our guest for a reception. This will be an opportunit~~ to make contact with local legislators and ~s a very important part of our lobbying effort. The conference this year will be held at the Holiday Inn, Sto Paul located at 161 St° Anthony Street, St° Paul, Minnesota -- just off I94 at Marion Street exit nea~ junction wqth I35, only blocks from the State Capitol. Also enclOsed in this mailing is a registration form and we encourage you to pre-~eg~ster, if it is possible for you to do SOo The conference fee for city o~¢~c'..als is $20 for any portion of the meeting~ S~pcerely, Donald A~ Slater E~ecut~.ve Director Leag~e of M~nnesota Cities DAS:VP:kgj 300 hanover building, 480 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 551 01 Vern Peterson Executive Director Association of Metropolitan Municipalities CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota January 24, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-8 SUBJECT: Liquor Inventory Attached is a copy of the Liquor Store Inventory on January 1, 1980. In calculating the inventory against 1979 sales, it appears that the inventory turnover rate exceeded 8 times which is exceptionally good. The Liquor Manager and his aides are congratulated on a fine job for 1979. -I_ebnard L. Kopp ~'' cc: Liquor Store MdE I ~IPIIL LIQtlOR ST'ORE J~xJu~ ~'y / 19~0 IMINNETONKA CONSERVATION DIS~CT NOTICE and AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING and SPECIAL BOARD MEETING 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 30, 1980 LMCD Office, 402 E. Lake St. (depot), Wayzata 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Hearing - DUA Variance, Libbs Bay Boat Club 4. Variance and Dock License - Libbs Bay Boat Club 5. Other 6. Adjournment 1-23-80 DATE: January 21, 1980 l'O'. Planning Area 5 Communities ,"E)~'Ni ):ROM: Urban Hennepin County m)ll SUBJEOT: Urban Hennepin County/Year VI Application/Final Planning Target Amounts The accompanying is a distribution of Urban Hennepin County"s Year VI entitlement grant amount of $4,379,000. The amount shown for each community represents an increase over the original planning amounts participant communities were directed to use. Please revise the planning target amounts included the initial grant applications. 'If assistance is needed or there are questions, contact Larry Blackstad at 348-5859. mah Attachment 08/01/[ - Ilda/ddO 000'6l£'~ 006'l~ O£Z'~ 90L'~ 90Z'6[ ZZ9'8 280'B~ 9£O'LL Z6L'L~L §O~Z£ 6f6~Z£[ b99~Z9 ~OZ'OOZ ,.-, 69Z'9£ ZZZ'8 O£L'66Z ~Lg'~L L~6'£ 590'6 .L~£'ZL L~6'£ L~'6§L ZLO'6£ ~L0'6£ 6Z0'9~$ ~8' ~5' 05' 8Z' L ~:£'OL 88' O~ '6 O~'C ~L'L 6~'L 26' L2' 6~'Z ZZ' 0~" ~6't OL' OL' ~L' ~0' b ES' ~'Z ~6~ L 66' ~Z' '66' ~Z'L ~'Z 8Z'8 §0' LZ' 5L' 00' L 25'~ S~' 02' 9~'~ 25'0L 80'~ 96' 80't L9'9 90' ~0 '9 ~6' eL' ZL' Z~' 9~' ~0: 80' 6~' ES'L Lg' 80' L 6Z' ~9'L ZS'8 ZL'~L 9L' bO' L 6Z' 9Z' '09' L 06'0[ 96' 9£' OZ '8 O£'Z L~'L 98' L' ~L-~ 90'L 08'L 60' OL' ~L"L L~' ~L' 6L' 6~' 08'~ 90' L 26'Z 50 '2 ~' L ~9' ~6'Z 6~'L 06'L ZL'Z 08'9 06' ~£' f6' 66'0[ ~L' OZ'[ ZL' ~5 '£ ZO'OL ££ '5 69' 05'L LO- L ~79' £L' 6~ '8 OL' Z~' 06'L ZO' 9~: 9~' OZ' ZO' LL'5 65' 2£'0L LS'L L9' 90'/ Oc_;.' L 56'9 £~unoD u~d~uuaH' pu~pooM ~jed fitl~Jds poo~do~s ~drd s~no~ sn~r~uo8 '~S. £uo~lu¥ sd~6o~ ~L~psu~qqo~ PL~b~M~ M~no~£Ld o~sso ouodo ~doH puno~-- ~ls~l~uu~N q~a8 ~uolauu~w ~Muo~auu~N ~u~PaN U~Ld aLdeN aAOJ9 aLdeN a~el 6UOl aouapuadaPuI poo~uaa~9 pLa~uaa~9 £a~t~A uapLo9 ~o~s~a~x3 · ' ~u~p3 ~L~d uap3 U~A~qda~Q uo~£~Q u~oo~o3 u~tdm~q3 H~d U£LHOO~ ~a~ua3 u£~Hoo~ ~eLLOd 6u~uu~Ld %~ufl suosJad 6u~snoH £1Ja^od pap~oJ~Ja^O Xluno3 ueqJfl ~2uno3 ueqJ~ OZ6L % OZ6L % uo~%elndod ~3uno3 ueqJfl ~Z61% £3~unu~uo3 6u~lgd~3~3Jgd NOII¥2OllV 9NINNVld IVNI~ - IA UV3A 391IIN3 9~d3 ilNflO9 NId3NN3H Ivln/D~T 3049-B (1- 79) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARtmeNT OF TPu&NSPORTATiON ST. PAUL, ~IINNESOTA 55155 Engineer Address Date Notice of ~mnual ~pportionment Municipal-State Aid Street Fund For the Year ~b JAN 2 i Ig$O Total Allotment }~intenance Construction' The above allocations have been credited to your City (Village) in como!lance with the Co~nissioner's Order dated,' t~!~-~ , and ~11 be released in accordance with the established Rules and Regulations currently in force. ~cnard P. Braun Commissioner olo~ 3OO 301 311 312 313 3~4 399 ~99 5OO 50~ 5O6 516 521 5£2 5Z6 536 546 54? 556 ~57 56O ~76 5-1~ 580. 599 0002 ................................................. £!.ty. cF ~LNO MUNICIPAL LICU{JR FUND .. ....................................... INCOME ...STATENENI ............................................................. NOVEMBER 30, 1979 11 MONTHS .................................................................... C. UR. r E_~_T. _P_..E.E~_O0. ....... '_ ................ Y e a r,! o =...DA T. E AMOUNT ratio AMOUNT ~LES WiNE 10,671 18.35 86~285 14.94 ~THER i ,026 1.76 II,SB3 2.06 TOTAL SALES $ 58,168 100.00 $ 577,708 100.00 CGS1S OF SALES $ 44,789 27o00 $ 444,835 77.00 GROSS PROFIT 13,379 2~.00 ~ 132,873 23.00 SALARIES MANAGER $ 1,373 2.36 $ 15~790 2.73 SALARIES SELLING 4,676 8.04 31,553 5.46 ADVERTISING 35 o01 EEPREGIATION 3,500 .61 DUES AND S~BSCRIPTIONS 25 INSURANCE 600 1.03 6~600 1.I4 H I SCELEANEOUS OEFIGE SUPPLIES 492 REPAIR a ~AiNTEnAhcE 32Z .55 1,908 .33 L~UNDRY ~79 08 ~ELEPH~NE 62 .II 513 .09 ACCOUNTING g AUDITING' 830 1.z~3 2,790 Pos T_~..q g ~ Z~ .......... ELECTRIC II 226 .39 2~33~ .60 FUEL I~533 JAN ITUR I AL 136 . Z3 1 ~ O 7Z .19 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFI1S I,I78 2.03 8,645 I.SD _ LEGAL . · ............ 350 ............ 06 IO'TAL EXPENSEs $ I0~93 I8.0~ $ 87~653 i5. I7 GREEN - T ACC£UNI'ING CUR,~ENT__.PERI OD ............. YE~I~TO~DA [E AMOUNT RATZO AMCUNT R~I'ZO [g,578 42.64 $ 201,853 41.08 9,073 19.76 'f5 ~840 15.43 7~ 1.71 10,067 2.05 ~5t353 '77.00 $ 377~908 76.90 10,560 2~.00 $ 113,490 23.~0 1,$08 2.85 $ 13,072 2.66 4,09.~ 8.g2 24~499 4.99 '350 .76 3,850 155 .OB · 160 . 6,000 1.2.2 575 1.25 6,379 18 .04 158 .03 .17 275 .60 901 .18 315 54 .12 594 .12 130 .28 2,79B 41 .09 15B 221 .48 ' ~57 .08 960 .20 104 223 ' .49 5,339 1.09 7,573 16.49 $ 72,529 14o76 2,987 6.51 $ 40,961 8.34 AHOUNT RATIO YEAR-I'G-~.DATE AMOUNT RATIO 600 611 INCCNE INT ER ES'[ INCONE $ 127 ,,02 OTHER 20 °03 1~034 o18 IN~ENI'ORY ~ARIA~ION 297 .05: 698 TOTAL OTF;ER INCOME $ 20 °03 $ 1,z, 58 .25 NET INCOME $ 2,906 5.00 $ 46,678 8.08 GREEN - I ACCCUNIING lOY' 98 99 104 110 120 139 1~,0 158 16~ 165 170 199 CURRENT ASSETS CASH ON t~ANO IN V ESI'HENT.S LOAN TI3 ~ENERAL FU~NO INVENTORY PREPAID EXPENSES CITY CF MOUND MUNICI PAL L.I QUOR t:UND BALANCE ·SHEET NOVEMBER 30, 1979 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS FURNI'JURE EQUIPMENT FIXTURES ACCUNULATEI~ DEPRECIATION LEASEHOLD IMPROYEH ENTS i ACCUP, U LATE~D ANORII ZATION NET F/XED ASSETS $ ~1~011 ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 1~125 94~892 17,200 3,8~0 99,262 9~923 $ 8,044 2~901 $ 226,282 10,9.45 .$ 237,227 GREi~N - T ACCOONTING 200 203 204 206 210 ~.98 ~.99 CURRE[~T LIABILITIES ACCOUN'JS PAYABLE TRADE SALES TAX PAYABLE LIABILITIES AND EQUITY ACCRUED .EXPENSES CASH GVER OR SHORT TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES E~UI1'Y FUND BALANCE TRANSFERS OUT NEI INCOf4E SUSPFNSE TOTAL E~UITY · TOTAL LIAI~ILITIES AND EQUITY 28,147 4,2445 { 35Z) 181,080 71,837) 46,678 51,052 GREEN - T ACCGUNTING $ 30,25~ $ 30,25~ 206,973 $ 237~227 OF ST. BONIFACIUS OFFICE OF THE CLERK April 1~ 1980 City of Mound ~3~.1Maywood Road Mound, Minneosta 55364 Dear Mr. Kop~: The City Council has asked that I contact you regarding a response for a draft or sketch for the proposed agreement for police service for our community. At this time the City Council has arrived at no definite terms to enable them to responed with a draft or sketch. They will con- tinue to study and work on this agreement and have a proposal to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Shirley Bren City Clerk Wednesday, Saturday ~r D'IST~ L,t~E MINNETONKA CoNsERvATION ICT L.M.C.D. MBETING SCHEDULE April, 1980 Public Hearing re Excelsior Bay Quiet Waters 7:30 p.m., Excelsior City Hall (339 Third Street) 4-12-80 Wate~ Structures & Environment Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, Wayzata Wednesday 4-16-80 Public Hearings: Lord Fletcher Apts; Seton Village 7:30 p.m., LMCD Office, Wayzata Saturday 4-..19-80 Executive Committee 7:30 a.m., Harts Cafe, WaYzata Monday 4-21-80 Lake Use Committee 4:30 p.m., LMCD Office, Wayzata Wednesday 4-23-80 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 8 p.m., Tonka Bay Village Hall 4901Manitou Road (County Road 19) 3-31-80 CITY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota 4-1-80 March.31, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-116 SUBJECT: Revenue Sharing Budget The Council tabled the consideration of the Revenue Sharing Budget when it was considered in October. In order to adopt a budget, a public hearing is required. Since some of the money will be need for the Spring Clean- up, it is suggested the hearing be called for May 6th. The attached memorandum was t.he suggested budget. ~'Le?nara L. ~opp ~' CITY OF MOUND 'Mound, Minnesoka October' 4, 1979 COUNCIL ~.~MORANDUM NO. 79-371 SUBJECT: Publi. c Hearing - Revenue Sharing Budget A'.budget of $4~:b00 has to be established for' t~e Reven.ue Sharing. Below are listed some suggestions for the Revenue' Sharing use: $~ring & fall Pickup $9,000.. Sum~er.Recreatio~.Program 5,500. New Police. Facility (Remodeling Site) 21,500. Park Development '. 3.'.... · .... ~:'.. -7,000.. ~prin~.&._Eal! Pickup The Revenue Sharing Fund has customarily handled this project. ~ummer Recrea~{on Program - This e×~enditure wouldali6w more expenditures within the Park fund. Police ~'acilities - If the Police Department is moved to larger facilities,~' funds will be needed for remodeling or rent or both. of the three sites, under consideration, all will require expenditures before they can be used. Since nothing was included in the Police Budget, this item should cover a big share of the expense.' Park Development'- Since }IUD Funds are no longer, available for Park develop- ment, the amount suggested could be used to complete work (if necessary) in Doone Park, Island Park and Three Points Parks. If not required in the above mentioned parks, other parks are in need of work. '--.--%---' .... Leonard L. Kopp'- ~' / 7 57' ~._C,. c.,. _ 4-1-80 Mound, Minnesota. March 31, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-117 SUBJECT: Renewal - Palm Reader License Attached is a copy of the application for license renewal for Palm Reading. License expired March 29, 1980. The City Code of Ordinance provides that the amount of fee for such license be fixed by the Council. Last year, the Council set the annual fee at $15.00. 7,5' & · CITY OF MOUND CiTY.OF MOUND 8341 MAYWOOD ROAD MOUND, MINN. 55354 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE - SECTION 38.01 OF THE MOUND CODE OF ORDINANCES Phone ~o. ~Z~-- ~ (Home) (Bus&ness) Check o~ w~&te s~ecific a~eas cove~e~ by ~ou~ business: A. Clairvoyant B. Palm Reader C. Phrenologist D. Fortune'Teller E. Mind Reader F. Astrologer G. Other 9. Length of time for which license desired / y~ , 10. Last location Qf business . ~. .~ ~on~ (~t n~to~y) ~n tn~ b~es~' ~/V;~ /- 12. Have you ever been denied a license? 13. Have you ever been convicted of a crime as a result of practice of this business? Note: License is required for each person. If more space needed for answers, use other side of this form. , ..~ .. r,r:"',', Signaturd/6f A~514cant .-/ CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 3], 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-33 SUBJECT: Cable TV Attached is a copy of an interesting artic]e how some communities are handling their Cable TV bidding in order to keep away from the prob]ems some communities find themselves in during the bidding procedure. L' Lbonard L. Kopp D?~'~ = ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ o 2 -, The Minneapolis Star _ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Thursday, M~ch ~, 1980 .... o ..... firms focus ~ 0~0~ '- '- ' 0n 5 t°Wns ', ' (Oable,o - ~ ~ ~ '~.a 'a '= .... ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ -- the Minnea~lis ~ble fr~chising ~ ~=~>~ ~.-~ _~..~,, war. - . ~ ~ ~-- ~ .... ~'-~ ~ ~,~ ~o~ The MinneapOlis'experience, ,'~ ~~.~ uo~~ .,~= which ended in allegations of ~u~d.~==~ =~o ~: ~ briC. and laws~brought by ~>~'~Po ~o o~-6~oaog~ the Canadians in ~ attempt to ~fl~>~.~ ~ ~=~,,~_~o overturn a franchise award to ~ ~-~ --~~ '~ No~hern, h~madesuburbanof- '1TM~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ficials wary of cable company ~ ~ ~- ~ o-i ~ ~ i ,. ~ ~ ~ _a i ~ ~'a ~ ~ lobbyi~. . [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ,, = ~ ~ .~ = ~ o .~ ~ ~ ~ In hopes of preven~ng the Mnd · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ e of intense per~n~ lobbying that ~-- o ~ 0'-~ ~ ~ ~ O~ ~ ~o~s:~o ~--~ occurred in Minneapolis, the ~ C. o ~--a ~ - ,. ~ o ~._ - ~. > o southwestern citi~' officials and ~ ~~. ~o~--~m commissionmem~rshaveten~- , , ~., ', ~, ~~~ a tivelyplacedst~ctlimi~onlo~ ~.--=~.. - ~a -av~ .=a~ ~ byingactivities. · ~=~=~ ~.~E~.a~ ._ Officials will talkto~blecom- = ~. ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .= ~ ~ panics core'ting for the south- u~*~.._~ ~mr~..~~ ~ meetings. In a letter to appli- ~'~~ ~~u~ ~o ~ cants, C. WayneOou~ney, char- -~-~ ~-,~o ~~ ~ man of the southw~t commis* . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~-d ~ ~ a a ~ sion, ~id violation of the policy o~o~ ~'~ ~~ I ~ will ~ considered grounds for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ .~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ rejecting a company's pro~l. ~'~._~ ~ ~._~=-c ~ o ~Z ~ ~ o ~ ..... ~ Richfield City Council mem- ~.~.-~ I~ . ~a=a..~- hers have adopted that. policy, U~~~.5~ ~~< and council mem~rs from the ._ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ four other cities in the southwest o ~ ~ ~ o ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ o H ~ ~ ~ cable group are expected to fol- ~.~ ~ ,~. , ~ , ~oo~ , 10wsuit. ~o oo~o~ ~ n--~n None of the interested firms .=~ ~~o ~=~ "-~"~ has complained a~ut the ~olicy _~ .~ ~ ~ ~ . _~ ~.-~ ~ ~ .~ ..° ..~ ~ ~° ~.~ ~- o publicly. ~ivately, though, some ~.. _~ ~.-._~--~ ~ ~ .,~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~--~ ~ - ~,~ lobbyists angrily argue that offi- ~ =~- ~'~ .... ,, - ~ ~ =_ ....... ~.,., ~ ~ ~ .. cials will not receive'the educa- ~ ..... .- tion they need a~ut cable televi- ~ ~o~° ....... ~ ~~o~ ~ = ~-- sion from indust~ authorities as ~, -~o=~ ~5~'SeE~ aresult. , ~... ,-~ .... ~.= o_~o~o Richfield City Manager Karl j ~- ~ ~--~= --~ ._ ~o- ._ Nollenberger, whose city pro-~ . ~ ~ - ~ o ~ o ~ ~ .~ ~ - - ~-~ ~ o ~sed the restrictions, said the~ ~ .... o'~' '=~ .o'~o~ lobbyists argument is "a lot . ----~ ~~_~ ~ . ~.,~. hogwash." . , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m., ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ 9 ~ "There's nothing so complicat- ~ ~o~o~ ~o~o~.,~ ed a~ut this that would prevent ff ~ ~. ~,;~ ~ ~,~r~x~., ~ commission and councilmem~rs, ~.[ ~'~ ~ ~ .... ~-~ ~ ~-~,o- ~-~ ~o~~~~.~_~_ '=--o~ .... ~ ~o°'~' infr°m~ingablet°handlethis°uttheopen. Thepotentialexists I Z~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~~ ~ ._~ for the same ~hing that happened m~ ~-- ~ ~o .... ff.. ff~, in Minnea~lis t0 happen here, ~ ~~= ~~---~ o~ and I feel very strongly we -~ ~-~"~.=~'=~o° ~o=~=m.=~ ~_~ o~g should d0 eve~hing we can to i ~ ~'..~'~: o~ .~ ~ ~°~..o~ ~- prevent that," Nolten~rger said. ~ ~~~ ~ _"~ ~~~ '~ ~__ .~=~ .~o~~__ . theirC°mpanies~ingf°rthes°uth'pro~Is~ _.~ ~_ =~o~ .-~ ~ -- west area franchise probably will ~~'-~ -~o~ -~-~ ~ have until mid-June to make .... ~ ~ ---- ~ ~ Anita Benda, a consul~nt ad- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ E ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~- vising the southwest commi~ion, ~ ~ ~ ~< ~ ~ ~ == o o ~o ~m said officials will need about i ~>~ ~o ~~m--~ three months to analvze the vro- C C C: C 0 (- (- (- C 113 0 . 0 0 0 "-i C C C) C ~ U 1~ C ~ 0 C 0 3O REGULAR MSETING OF THE CiTY COUNCIL March 18, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on March 18; 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Gordon Swenson, Robert Polston, Donald Ulrick and Benjamin Withhart. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, City Engineer Wm. McCombs and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. COMMENDATION - JAMES"JIM" TULBERG Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-120 RESOLUTION COMMENDING JAMES "JIM" TULBERG T~e vote was unanimously in favor. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1980 were presented for consideration. Withhart moved and SWenson seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1980 as submitted. The vote was unanimously in favor. The minutes of the meeting of March ll, 1980 were presented for consideration. Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 11, 1980 with an addition on page 26 to the motions made to adjourn the public hearings as follows: "due to an instability in the current bond market." The vote was unanimously in favor. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INTEREST The Council requested the petitioners to meet with the City Manager to resolve the matter. TAX FORFEIT LAND Part of Lot 1 and Lot 27, Block 26, Whipple Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion to authorize the City Manager to nego- tiate to sell the property as a complete parcel. The vote was unanimously in favor. Lots 16, 17, 18 and ½ of 19, Block 8, Wychwood Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-121 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIVISION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED FOR RELEASE AT PUBLIC SALE The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS BY CITIZENS PRESENT No comments or suggestions were presented at this time. FIStIING CONTEST - AUGUST IO, 1980 Polston moved and SWenson seconded a motion 7¥? March 18, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-122 RESOLUT 1 ON AUTHOR I Z I NG THE F I SHI NG CONTEST SPO~ISOREO BY THE LUCKY 7 BASSMASTERS ON AUGUST 10~ 1~80 The vote was unanimous]y in favor. 31 CIGARETTE LICENSE RENEWAL Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-123 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CIGARETTE LICENSE TO THE HETRO "500" STATION The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYHE~I' OF BILLS Poiston moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as submitted on the prelist in the amount of $213,572.]8 where funds are available. Ro11 call vote was unanimously in favor. F. IRE STATION ARCHITECTURAL AGREEHENT Lovaasen moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-124 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN ARCHITECTURAL AGREEHENT WITH ALAN OLSON AND NCCOHBS-KNUTSON. The vote was unanimously in favor. PROPOSED JOINT ANQ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR POLICE SERVICES The Council discussed a proposed joint and cooperative agreement for police services. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1980 Streets The Mayor then reopened the public hearing for input on said 1980 Streets and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Gary Paulsen, 2657 Westedge Blvd.; Harold Meeker, 5132 Waterbury Rd.; Nancy Clough, 5732 Three Points Blvd.; Walter Baker, 5300 Three Points Blvd.; Rick Wolowicz, 5316 Three Points Blvd.; Roberta Swenson, 4949 Edgewater Dr.; Ron Gehring, 3215 Charles Ln. and David Miller, Waterbury Rd. The Mayor then closed the public hearing. Lovaasen moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-125 RESOLUTION WAIVING THE READING AND ORDERING CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1980 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND DIRECTING THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Roll call vote was four in favor with Swenson voting nay. Councilmember Swenson felt that this resolution was putting the cart before the horse. Ulrick moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-126 RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE 1980 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The vote was four in favor with Swenson voting nay. WATERMAIN EXTENSION ON WESTEDGE BOULEVARD The Mayor then reopened the public hearing for input on said Watermain Extension on Westedge Boulevard and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. No persons presented objections and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. ~A// ~ 32 March 18, ]980 Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-~27 RESOLUTION WAIVING THE READING AND ORDERING CONSTRUC- TION OF THE WATERMAIN EXTENSION ON WESTEDGE BOULEVARD AND DIRECTING THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPEC- IFICATIONS The vote was four in favor with Swenson voting nay. LEAGUE OF CITIES - LEGISLATIVE ITEM Withhart moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-1~8 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SENATE FILE 2201 AND HOUSE FILE 2214 REGARDING MUNICIPAL BOND INTEREST LIMITS The vote was unanimously in favor. ADJOURNMENT Uirick moved and Polston seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on April 1, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske CMC, City Clerk/Treasurer Leonard L. Kopp, City Manager 4-1-80 'CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 26, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-112 SUBJECT: Public Hearing ~ Street Vacation - Part of Wildhurst Lane A public hearing has been called to consider vacating a portion of Wildhurst Lane. The map attached shows the small portion requested for vacation. The vacation was recommended by the Planning Commission. The follow- ing indicated no objection to the vacation: 1. Northern States Power Company 2. Continental Telephone Company 3. Minnegasco 4. Public Works Department 5. Police Department 6. Engineer ..... Le~ard L. Kopp . ~POINT~ 7 / 3-/~7 ,- z,-/ /t' ,? LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY APPLICA[-IT: PLAT ~/~/~ PARCE, L~~ Applicant's Interest ~n Properhy_ ~J. Residenhs and owners of property abukting the street to be vacahed: g. L, 19 '¥ Recommended by Utilities: NSP v' ; Rccommen¢]ed by City: Public Works Po!j.c(.~ 'Chi O.['.._._t/~"___, Minnegas¢:o _~1~_; ConLinental Tel. /'; Fire Chief ; Engip-,~er ~; 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 26, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-113 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Recommendation The City Council continued the discussion on a Planning Commission recommendation for a variance and rezoning on Lots 38-41, Auditorls Subdivision 167. The Planning Commission recommended as follows: "Motion made to approve this proposed parking subject to contract parking provisions with the City and with the recommendation that additional parking be made available through reasonable long term provisions adjacent or across the street to provide at least 8 more parking spaces and further recommend that Lots 38 and 39 be rezoned to commercial and further recommend looking at the feasibility of the land the City is holding adjacent to this be made available to applicant on a long term agreement or for sale and it be rezoned as needed" The Council asked for a report from the Planner. See copy attached. The Planner recommends rezoning, granting variance and selling Lot 37. Rezoning can be accomplished in two ways~ An application by the applicant with a $75 fee or by Council !~n~tiati've, This will be on the April 1st agenda. L. Kopp cc: Mr. & Mrs. Rines C. Riesenberg APPLICATION FO ,rARIANCE CITY OF MOl'ND NAME OF APPLICANT Address ..i~ INTEREST IN PROPERTY ZONING PROPERTY PLAT _~ ! ~- gO PARCEL LOT. '~ [~3q "~O-ft/',/B LOCK Telephone FEE OWNER (if other than applicant) Address YARD FT. N. C. U.::" or OTttER (describe) LOT SQ. FO 0 TA© E~._7_~/,,~ , . N showing locatio n in relation to lc ' -, on property and~a~utt:ng a~z-ee-~s, .... Z. Give ownership and dimensions of adjoining property. Show approffimate locations of all buildings, driveways, and streets pertinent to the application by extending survey or drawing. 3. Attach letters from adjoining affected property owners showing attitude toward request. REASON FOR REQUEST: , ~',/-i. .... ;.S, /-- , _. . ~' / A building permit must be applied for within one year from the date of the council resolution or variance granted becomes null and void. Variances are no~ ~ransfera~31e/0 . '. . APPLICANT ~--i / 'Signatu~.~,~ ' [PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DATE COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO., DATE *non-conforming use CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota TO: FROM: RE: March 24, 1980 City Manager City Planner Report on Request for Commercial Site Development at 2537-2539 Commerce Boulevard ~, .P[oject Description and Existing Site Conditions The original commercial development proPOsal at 2537 Commerce Boulevard from the City Council's March llth meeting has been amended after subse- quent meetings with Staff. The site development currently being proposed has added land for parking on the north side based on a request to pur- chase the public land and a modification in the structure's front yard expansion of 8 feet. The existing site of Lots 38-41 is narrow (65 to 85 feet) and bounded by Lake Langdon and Commerce Boulevard. A 1979 project proposal called for duplex construction with the footings and concrete foundation Jn place. The present proposal is for a retail furniture store. Other site develop- ment data: a.. Total land area (Lots 37-41): .40 acres. b. C. d. Approximately 17,000 square feet or Building area: 2,304 square feet Number of parking stalls: 9 Setbacks: 1. Shoreland: 20 feet 2. Front: 24 feet 3. North side: 56 feet 4. South side: 43 feet Zoning: Present zoning splits the site whereby Lots 40 and 41 are commercial and Lots 37-39 are multi-family residential. Floodplain area: Ordinary high water level of 933.5 is established along Lake Langdon and consumes some 5 feet of shoreland area. I1 Need for Code Adjustments/Public Actions 1. Lot combination - The lots should be combined Into one new lot and forwarded onto Hennepin County. 2. Request to purchase tax forfeit land - In order to provide additional space for parking, Lot 37 owned by the City is requested to be pur- chased. While additional land beyond Lot 37 to the North is probable, Lot 36 is privately owned. 3. Rezoning - The zoning split on the property is proposed to be solved by rezoning the property on the North 1/2 of the site to commercial. The zoning split did ~ot create a problem for the t979 duplex con- struction proposal, based on the situation where multi-family resi- dential is permitted in Mound's commercial district. However, the reverse is not true where commercial is not allowed in the multi- family residential district. Therefore, the multi-family zoning on Memo to City Mana9er From City Planner March 24, 1980 - Page 2 the North 1/2 of the site is proposed to be consistent with the intended use. 4. Parki. n~ Variance - The total number of parking stalls proposed fall short of ~he Mound Zoning Code Requirements. With a 2,304 square .foot building resulting in 3 times the space for parking (6,912 square feet) divided by 270 square feet per stall equals 25 stalls required. A maximum of 9 stalls are capable at the site, calling for an.16 stall variance. 5. Setback Variances - Based on the site's narrow width, the front and shoreland setback requirements are not met by the proposal. The shoreland setback of 50 feet is short by 30 feet, while the 30 foot front yard is short by 6 feet. Please note that the shoreland set- back of 50 feet, in part, is a regulation of the Watershed District. Iil Recommendations The site is not well suited for development because of its lot configura- tion of narrow width and overall land area size. If development is to proceed on the site, the host of Zoning Code requirements will'not be met resulting in the host of variances and rezoning, etc. It has been the intention of the Staff to modify the proposal to mitigate as many vari- ances, etc., as possible trying to develop the best possible site plan. I't shall be the City Council's opinion as to whether these modifications are sufficient enough to grant the rezoning ahd variances on. Therefore, if the development is to proceed, the following is recommended: a. Rezoning - The proposal needs a rezoning on Lots 39 - 37 from Multi- ple Family Residential to Commercial. In keeping with consistent zoning along Commerce Boulevard, the remaining lots North to'the Apartment Complex (Lots 34 - 36) likewise are logical to rezone to commercial. This treatment of land use regulation along Commerce as commercial designation, in part, follows preliminary zoning policy established to date in the Planning Commission draft and is recom- mended by Staff. b. Variance Setbacks - If any structure is to be built on the narrow ~ -"85 foot wide lot with 50 and 30 foot shoreland and front yard setbacks required, a minimum 110 foot wide lot is called for. If variances are not given, the lot is unbuildable. It is the Staff's · recommendation not to place additional building st.ructure closer to Commerce Building by 8 feet as the March proposal planned. The variance needed, therefore, to the front setback would be 6 versus 14 feet. c. Parking Variance/Additional Land Purchase - The only way to mitigate additional need for parking is to acquire additional land area. Ger- mane to the project is more space for parking. It is recommended that Lot 37 currently owned by the City be sold to offer needed land space. No other solution to the parking is conceivable. Parking across Commerce Boulevard for this site would not make for good site planning pedestrian safety. Chuck Ri esenberg 73~ 737 ' / o, I o .I ,~ ! .... 15.~Zo5 Cc s./9?o) .... "£'[e~ ~6 u-.[S 4-1-80 cITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 27, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-114 SUBJECT: Water Rates With Council Memorandum 80-98, the Council received suggested Water Rates to meet operating expenses plus some extra revenue. The Council asked for a report on cos[ of a ground storage tank and a well for Island Park. The estimated costs are: 500,000 gallon Ground Storage 750 GPM Well Total $238,200. 158,400. $396,600. The attached report also shows what inflation will do to these costs. bonds were sold at 9% interest for 20 years, the annual cost would be: 1/2th of $400,000. 9% Interest 1st year If $20,000. Annual.Principal 36,000. Interest $56,OO0. Total Principal & Interest If $310,000 is required for operation plus $56,000 for construction, then $366,000 income should take care of the costs. Schedule lC would produce $365,463. Leonard L. Kopp cc: G. Boyer Date: To: 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 (612) 473-4224 Project: P~9/~ 5 ~'J,...~' Gentlemen: We are sending you (herewith) copies of the following: ~ / These are (as indicated below): 2. 3. 4. Remarks: Submitted for approval; Approved as noted; Returned for revision. _~ For your information. Correct and resubmit. Yours very truly, E. A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. ~?, 7oo /~2,000 .~ooo ,z5, ooo EUGENE A. HICKOK 8. ASSOCIATES $ IS,X, o,:vo CONSULTING HYDROLOGISTS-ENGINEERS Proje.ct __ Date .Z"P Oans~lr~¢7Zn:J 5z5, ~ - EUGENE A. HICKOK 8 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING HYDROLOGISTS-ENGINEERS 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 28, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-115 SUBJECT: Repair - Water Tower, Shirley Hills Attached is a copy of a report from the Public Works Director on the condition and cost of repair to the elevated storage tank in Shirley Hills. The bottom line is $19,440.OO. t612) 472-1155 March 27, 1980 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Leonard Kopp Public Works Director Repair to water tower On March 18, 1980 at about 11:30 p,m. Greg skinner called me to meet~him at the old water tower. Water was coming out at the bottom of the standpipe jacket. A't that time we turned off the main to the tower. March 19, 1980 I called and contacted Mr. Ambrose Brown of Brown Enterprises to look at it and give me an estimate of cost for repair. Upon investigation he gave me a cost of $5,200 to remove and replace the jacket and make necessary repairs to catwalks so they can be used used during the repairs. On the morning of March 20, I notified Mr. Kopp of the above price and he contacted the Mayor and as many councilmen as possible receiving approval to go ahead on an emergemcy basis. I then notifed Mr. Brown to begin work immediately to find the leaM. He moved equipment in on Friday p.m. and began wdrk. Due to the snow storm on Saturday he was unable to work but came back again on Sunday. Tuesday p.m. his crew completed the removal of the three layer jacket on the standpipe. At this time the following problems were found. 1. All of the pipes except the bottom section had frozen and busted. 2. The expansion joint and valve on the bottom of the tank is frozen and not working. This has caused the dish on the tank to act as an expansion joint causing the paint to begin peeling off. There is a slim possibility of this joint being freed and still usable but at this time is highly improbable. 3. Upon climbing to the top of the tank we find the top ladder is being held by only one bolt at this time. It also comes no where near meeting O.S.H.A. standards. 4. The catwalks have numerous boards missing and rotten making them unusable and the City subject ko a fine if O.S.H.A. should see them in their present condition. 5. The riser pipe inside of the tank protrudes 18" and the tank is full of scale and scum that has built up over a period of years. A tank should be cleaned and checked each year to avoid this. To my knowledge this has not been done since I joined the Water Department in 1967. SUBJECT: Repair of Water Tower (Continued) Page 2 6. The overflow discharges are at the bottom of the tank roof at this time. According to the Health Department this is illegal and must be extended to within 12" to 14" of the groumd surface. This will be given tO you at the April 8th meeting in a complete report form with the Water Department recommendations and items currently completed. On March 19th I also checked to see who else we could get for estimates quickly~ the following results were found. Larson Tank ~f Minnetonka went out of business last year. Toombs Construction is no longer in business. Watertower Paint and Repairs Co. of Clear Lake , Iowa could come in during the week of the 24th to give us an idea of what we needed. We felt at the time we should not wait this long due to the loss of 75,000 gallons of water storage. Also the fact that a local contractor with good references could do the Job cheaper due to the fact that it is not necessary to pay workers such things aslodging, meals and travel to and from the site. Mr. Brown has already ordered the necessary parts to replace the jacket and cat- walks which were the original items that will be needed as soon as the standpipe is replaced. His proposal isin'the hands of the City Manager and reads as follows: 1. Remove old wooden jacket from standpipe. Replace with 3" formed Eurothan jacket and covered with .025" aluminum. $4,700 2. Remove and replace planking on catwalk and platform $500 3. St=aighten out roof ladder and make necessary changes to meet O.S.H.A. requirements. $650 4. Install overflow pipe and clean out pipe required by Health Department. $2,125 5. Remove old pipe and expansion valve. Weld in new disc in tank' drum. Install Stainless Steel Balows type expansion joint. Necessary sections of standpipe except first section above ground. Cut out and install clean out plug and all labor and equipment. $11,190 6. If old expansion joint can be used deduct'S2,948. 7. Clean out inside of tank and re-clorinate. $275.00 8. Touch up where necessary with primer and finish coat of paint. N/C Total Cost $19,440.00 SUBJECT: Repair of Water Tower (continued) Page 3 Mr. Brown stated that this price includes the 5% discount he receive~ on parts. For that reason he would like also the payment made as follows: 40% April 4 with the balance due on June 4, 1980. I would recommend we aacept his bid due to the emergency situation and the fact that we gave him the original go ahead on this same basis. His proposal of 40% does not seen unreasonable due to the fact that it saves us money and he will have more than that in parts and work completed by that time. Mr. Brown will be the Council meeting to answer any question. Resp_~ctfully, Robert Shanley Public Works Director RS/ich n Tower mainten;ance uo. " Route 1 Box 336 DFLANO, MN 55328 (612) 479-Z560 or 972-2129 PROPOSAI~ StJBMI1 ~TO ---7/ ~ 4 ( ? / .,,, CITY, S-'"J~TE AND ZIP CODI~ ' ^.CHI~ECT I D^TE O~ PLANS I We here~y submit specifications-and e,s~timates for.; PHONE J DATE JOB NAME J .~~ 2 '- ' ." ~Jf' ~Jl'llp[l~J' hereby to furnish material and labor --complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: -.., '., ., All material ~s guaranteed to be as specified AU work to be completed in a workmanlike ~~~ ....... Authodz bors involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will be:omo an SigRat extra charge ove~ and above the estimate. All a~reements contingent upon strikes, accidents or de~ays beyond our control Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insuran:e. Note: ~his prop~may be' Our workers are fully ...... d by Workmen's Comp .... ti,,r, I ...... a .... withdrawn by us if not acct.: -/ _ days. A, rreptanre of ~rr~po~al -T,,~ above prices, spec,fications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment wdl be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: _ %____ Signature Si gnat ,, re CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 19, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-111 SUBJECT: City Hall Roof Councilman Swenson has requested to be on the April 1st agenda to discuss repair of the City Hall Roof. Attached is a copy of a letter from the Architect. WILLIAMS/O'BRIEN ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS March 20, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Leonard, We wan% to acknowledge receipt of both your letter and the letter from Mr. Pearson. We are preparing some sketches for the possibility of hav- ing a roof put over the skylight area with a south facing clerestory to provide natural light. In addition, we are checking the possibility of replacing the skylight with a Kalwall system designed for that pur-. pose. In the meantime, we will have the present water problem corrected. We will have the same contractor who did the work last summer patch it temporarily. We also think it is worthwhile looking into a new roof membrane. There are several PVC materials now made that may be worth considering. S ~in~erely, : / Ja~ W. O'Brien, Vice President AIA ~Williams/O'Brien Associates, Inc. 45 South Ninth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 JWO/kp 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Hinnesota March 19, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-110 SUBJECT: Fishing C~ntest - June 15 Attached is a copy of a letter from the Minnetonka Bass Club asking for permission to hold a fishing contest from Surfside on Sunday, June 15th. This will be listed on the April 1st agenda. Leonard L. Kopp cc: Police Dept. Public Works Dept. 72. / Bill Hurley 4231 Queen Ave No Mpls, MN 55412 Phone: 521-4996 March 10, 1980 Leonard L Kopp City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Dear Mr. Kopp; Our club (Minnetonka Bass Club) is tentatively planning on holding a bass tournament on Lake Minnetonka, Sunday, June 15th. Our club would appreciate a special events form needed for this tournament, from your fair city. All activities will be centered at the Surfside Supper Club. This is a money-tournament with approximately seventy-five boats to be entered. This tournament will be supervised and patrolled by our club. I have enclosed a set of the governing rules and regulations of the tournament. Also I have enclosed a flyer that will describe the event to the contestants. Your help in obtaining the necessary form~ in a timely manner, will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Yours; Bill Hurley Representative Minnetonka Bass Club ~JINNETONKA BASS CLASSIC RULES RULE CtlANGES: The Following rules of this tournament will be changed only by the ,Minna'tonka Bass Club Board of Directors. Interpretation of rules are up 'to the tour~lament committee and will be final in all matters. PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: Any person 16 years of age or older may participate. $100.00 entry fee must'be paid in full by :fifteen (]5) days prior to the tournament or a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. PRE-TOURNAMENT PRACTICE: Lake Hinnetonka and all accessab]e waters arc off Jimits the day before the tournament. Contestants may fish Lake Minnetonka any date prior to this date, including any tournaments. REGISTRATION: The only requirement is that each team must return completed entry form with full payment. The evening before the tournament these rules will be reviewed and interpreted. Boat positions will be drawn at this time. SAFETY: All contestants are required t-o wear a. Coast Guard approved chest-type ]ifc preserver any tinle thc' main combustion engine is operating. All boats are required to be equipped with a safety tether (kill) switch. Any boat 16' in length or longer; and/or has a built-in gas tank is required to have a fire extinguisher, horn or whistle, a~d throwab]e life Preserver. '6. SPORTMANSII I P: Maximum courtesy should bo shown at ali times. Any boating rules br;)ken are cause for immed.iate disqualification...(speeding in slow zones). No al. coho]i(: beverages are al'low~d in contestants boats. No alcoholic beverages are to be consummed by any contest- ant until they have weighed their fish in. TACKLE: Only artifi~ baits are allowed. No trolling or drifting. 8. IlORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: Overpowering of boats is not permitted. Engine horsepower must. not exceed the horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. LIVEWELLS: All boats are required to have operating 15vcwel[s either recirculating or flow-through. ~,linnow-typo aerators are not allowed. 10. il. 12. OFF-LIMIT FISIIING LOCATIONS' (Jont:c~sta. nts will not fish any marked spawning grounds. Contest,'~n'Ls will not fish within 50 yard.~ of any gas pump dock. Courtesy must be observed while fishing same shoreline. Courtesy should be observed to other contestants anchored. Stay clear of their castable waters. OFFICIAl, CtIECKPOINT ' Ease off and weigh-in w:[1] be held at surfside. SCOR I NG' Only 1.'trge-mouth and small-mouth bass will be weighed, twelve fish per boat. There j.s a ]2" minimum length (common Bass Pro Shop ruler wi1! be used). Any short fish weighed will be deducted from the'remaining catch. Two bonus ounces wi].1 be awared for each fish weighed-in alive. 13. LATE PENALTY: 14. 15. Anyone arriving late fox' ease-off will be all. owed to fish after boat inspection. Contestants not in for weigh-in on time will be disqualified , no exceptions. TIES: Two levels of tie-breakers will be used. The first shall be the toal quantity of bass weighed; if still tied, the second shall be the weight of the largest :fish. Any remaining ties will be determined by the ?lip of a coin. GRIEVANCES: All grievances must be brought before the tournament director before the award ceremonies. The tournament director has the final decree on any grievance. 2 PERSON TEAM ,-TOURNAMENT RULES SIMILAR TO B.A.S.S. 12" MINIMUM~l- 2 OZ. BOMUS FOR LIVE FISH TOURNAMENT HEADQUARTERS: SURFSIDE SUPPER CLUB LAKE MINNETONKA PRIZE MONEY lstr.. $1 500 2nd,..$ 750 3rd. ,~$ 500 4th...g 400 5th, ..$ 300 6th.,.$ 275 7th,.o$ 250 8tn.., $ a25 9tho..$ 200 loth.,, $ 1OO 11th.,.$ 100 12th...$ 100 13th,..$ 100 14th.. o$ 1OO 15th...$ 100 TOURNAMENT DATES: PRELTOURNEY MEETING (REQUIRED) JUNE 14, 1980---7:00 P.M. SURFSIDE SUPPER CLUB TOURNAMENT EASE-OFF (BY DRAW) JUNE 75, 1980---5:30 A.M. SURFSIDE SUPPER CLUB TROPHIES TO TEE TOP THREE TEAMS *** (2 TROPHIES PER TEAM) PRIZES BASED ON 75 TE~4S--FULL TOURNAMENT ************************************************ PRE-TOURNEY PRACTICE: *** $50 per.pound for LARGEST BASS *** ($350 maximum) *** 4-PERSON (2 boat) TEAM. COMPETITION ENTRY FEE: $25 PER TEAM. 100% PAYBACK ENTRY FEE: $50 per person. $100 per boat. ~ATE FEE AFTER JUNE 1, 1980 - $10 per person LAKE MINNETONKA CLOSED TO CON- TESTAh%TS'~ON JUNE 14, 1980. MAIL ENTRY FORM AND CHECK TO: MINNETONKA BASS CLASSIC SECRETARY/TREASURER RT. !, BOX 266 MONTGOMERY, MN 56069 PHONE: 364-5149 (TEAR AND SEND WITH ENTRY FEE) TOURNEY-- ENTRY FORM NAME . NAME ADDRESS .ADDRESS CITY/STATE . .~ .CITY/STATE ..... . TELEPHO~.NO. . TELEPHONE NO. P~KE & MODEL OF BOAT .HP CITY OF HOUND Mound, M|nnesota March 26, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-28 SUBJECT: Police Contracts The Council asked for detailed replies to what contracting Communi- ties wanted in a new Joint Powers Contract. Attached is a reply from Spring Park. ~e6nard L. Kopp 7/? of pr ng P. O. BOX 452 4349 ,WARREN AVENUE .~PRING PARK; MN 471-9051 · 471-9055 March 25, 1980 To: Leonard L. Eopp, City Manager City of Mound From: Spring Park Police Committee Subject: Provisions for consideration on a new agreement. The City of Spring Park requests the Mound Council to consider the following provisions for Police service under a Joint Powers Agreement. 1. That a Joint Powers Board control the Police department as a separate entity. 2. The the Chief of Police be accountable only to the Joint Powers Board. 3. That the Joint Powers Board with the Chief o£ Police, would determine a formula for allocation of costs and level of services for each community. 4. That the Joint Powers Board would determine a) All department policies b) Budget c) Amount each Cow, unity would pay d) General operations of the department with hiring and firing rights. Thet the Joint Powers Board would be comprised of one elected of£icial selected by the City Council of each City. The chief administrative official to serve as an alternate member of the board. 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound ~ Minnesota March 26, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-29 SUBJECT: Water Supply Attached is a copy of the report furnished by the State on the Mound Water Supply along with several recommendations. By copy of the memorandum, the Public Works Director is being requested to respond to each recommendation so the Council will know the possi- bilities with regard to implementing the recommendations. Lednard L. Kopp cc: Public Works Director 7/7 minnesota department of health 717 s.e. delaware st. minneapolis 55440 (6 2 296-5221 City Council c/o Mary Marske, Clerk-Treas. 53q! Maywood Road. Mound, Minnesota 55964 ['ii,, r; r, Gentlemen: We are enclosing a copy of the report of our district office covering an investigation of your municipal water supply. If you have any questions concerning the information contained in This report, please contact Mr. David Engstrom, Pub!ie Health Engineer, at 612/296-5275. is very truly, gineering ' Enclosure CC: Robert Shanley, Water Superintendent Dr. K.B. Romness, Health Officer an equal opportunity employer " REPORT ON INVESTIGATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY Name of Waier Supply PW$ ID Number P[ound ~-~unicipal %Tater Supply 1270038 Street Telephone Numbers: 53L~1 Ha_ywood Road City ' I State I Zip Code City: bt7 2--~5 5 HoundI MN ~ 5536~ Operator:~72-1251 ,, County I District . . .' Henne.pin ] Metropo~mtan Other:Engineer: 472-4688559-3700 Water Superintendent Classification Plant Classificat,on Owner Type. Robert Shanley B C Municipal Other Operato'rs Classification Plant Type Plumbing Permits and Greg Skinner N C. Co.unity ,.,p~,~o.,R~ * Yes No G~eg De~quist N.C . Date of preVious Su~ey ' Date of ~rvey " City Engineer. McCombs-Knutson and Associates SERVICE AREA CHARACTERISTICS: ' ' ~Municipal ~ School or Collie ~ Recreation Area ~ Mobile Home Park ~ Hotel/Motel ~ Campground ~ Company Town ~ Resort ~ Rousing Development ~ Institution ~ Restaurant ~ Other Population Served Se~Jce Connections Storage Capacity: 8 ~ ~00 2 ~ 900 (ZeaG-0) (List ~par~ely) Design ~pacity (gal/day) . Ave r ag~Da i~ ~ r~d u~t[oQ (gal/day) 4,300,000 1,750,OOU 75,000 gal elevated 350,000 ~al elevated Emergency Capacity (gal/day) Highest Daily Production (gal/day) 2~,800~000' 2,500,000 'Total: 425,0.00 gallon TREATMENT WELL DATA .9 8 ~ o g g ~ ~ Well ~1 G P 193~ 10 U 285 Drift 2~ 17 VT Well ~2 G X ' 6 505 Well ~3. G R Dc ~]e Va 1950 20 U 296 Drift 90 26 VT 450 *Well ~4 G E Dc qe Va 1962 10 600 729 Mt.~c70 50 750 Well ~5 G R De ~e ~Va 1970 8 140 1~0 Drif~ ' 69 9 VT ~00 *Well ~6 G P Dc ~c_Va 1976 20 1~5 30 175 Drift 70 ~e'll ~7 ~ P De Ke ~e ~a 1077 1~ 133 ~0 1~ D~ft ~ BaSed on emergency po~e~ fo~ wells ~[ and ~7 S~evedbv: D. ENGSTROM ~ Inactive at timo of s~vey ~ -2- 11. 12.' Well #2 should be re]~aired and restored to operatJn?, condition or be properly abandoned as outlined in the Water Well Construction Code. Ail casing vents should be properly screened on Well #1. A Screened i~ inch diameter downturned casing vent extending at least 24 inches above the floor should be installed on Well #$. The air-release val~e should be properly screened. A solenoid controlled pr·lubrication linc with a valved bypass should be installed to replace the continuous pr·lubrication line on Well #S and #5. The'drain line for all pumphouses shall discharge to a gravel pocket located at least S0 feet from the Well #1. Chlorine rooms should have: a. A louvered air intake located near the ceiling and as far away from the exhaust vent as possible. b. Switches for the exhaust fan and lights located'outside the chlorine room,'preferably near the inspection window· c. Sealed walls between the pumphouse and the chlorine room· Undersized mains (less than 6 inches in diameter) should be replaced as the opportunities present themselves. Underwater crossings should be pressure tested annually. The City should begin a comprehensive program for. the detection and correction of defective plumbing on the distribution system. The average daily water usage greatly exceeds the guideline of providing a minimum of one day water storage capacity. We recommend that a study be conducted to determine the adequacy of the system and the possible need for increased water storage facilities. The overflow of the elevated tower should be extended to within 12-14 inches of the ground and be discharged over a splash plate. ].%. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. .20. 21. 22. a. fluoride added per well (daily) chlorine added per well (daily) fluoride concentrations on the system d. chlorine residuals on the system The operator should check chlorine residuals at least weekly on the distribution system using a DPD test kit. A combined chlorine residual of at least 1.0 milligram per liter should be maintained on all points of the distribution system. To have an effective fluoridation program, a residual of between 0.9 to 1.5 milligrams per liter should be maintained on the distribution system. The electrical service for the flouride pumps On Wells #$ and #7 should be through a programmable, plug and outlet. Static water levels and drawdowns should be taken at least monthly and permanently recorded. A comprehensive program of cross-connection surveillance should be instituted to protect the municipal water supply. This should include the detection and correction of cross- connections to unsafe water supplies. The stock polyphosphate solution should be disinfected with a free chlorine residual of at least 10 milligrams per liter. The chemical feed lines for Well #7 should be attached to the walls .in a more efficient manner. The City is engaEed in tank truck filling from hydrants. · A permit is issued to the user; however, little or no supervision is employed during filling. Filling tank trucks from hydrants without suitable backflow protection constitutes a cross- connection and could result in the backsiphonage of toxic materials into the municipal drinking water supply. If the City wishes to continue this practice one of the following steps should be taken: A permanent air-break (see diagram) can be installed on the discharge end of each hose used for tank-truck filling; or A reduced pressure zone prJnci~!e backflow preventer can be installed on the supply line; or A vacuum breaker can be used if permanently located at least 12 inches above the outlet of the pipe and the overflow rim of the highest truck for each filling point. for anyon~ engaged.in this field. Dav!d B. Engst~, P.E. 23. The opportunity for additional training in water supply work should be m~de available to the operator. Attendance at the annual water works operators seminars, held in the metropolitan. area, is a valuable experience Approved: Public Health Engineer Section of Water Supply and General Engineering Roman J..~.och' . 'Senior Public Health Sanitarian Section of Environmental Field Services iNI~ESOTA DHPAR-I-NENT OF tt, Se¢~.ion of ~/ater Supply and 6enera] £ngineering Sanitation Safety Rating of M___OUND MUNICIPAL Date ~ate? Supgly Perfect Score Found I~®c orm~ended See Recomt. endation #o. In Attached Report Distribution System Street mains Building services P1g~nb ing Hydr an t s Svorag~ Pressurs Re servo irs ? Equipment housing 3 Sub -total 30 Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 30 4O 8 7 5 5.51 ? 2,3 ? ? .......... 2.,..s._f ............ 3 .......... .............................................. __.2.7 Prime Moving Equipment Well or intake Pumps Piping arrangement Total Hazard adjustment factor deducted 2 1 3 2 2 Tap water quality j 3 ' ..................................................... ~:%:F:{~-~'f'} ......... Hazard adjustment factor deducted ~ 0 To* al I ,t., ¢ IS.5 19 (D) Operation and Operators Control of system 3 0 : 3 13,1~,15,16,17,18 ' Condition of system 2 0 Operator qualifications 5 ....... : ............................................... 2~FzYg~'f'] tlazard adjustment Factor deducted J 0 Total__ i 10 5 10 .90 a~ld up~arfJ - high degree of safety. B'atch~l maintenance needed. ___~8'5 ...... to 89~:-* ......... m~lerately high degree of safety. Correction and maintenance program continued, 70 to ~ - poor to dangerous condition. Prompt corrective action urgently needed. 5 1.5 2.5 t 2 8,9 10 : 11,12 (A) Source Sanitary Safety ~j ~dequacy of treatment Jj 20 20 20 1 Bacteriological wualityJ !0 l0 lO Physical quality 2 2 2 Chemical quality 4 ~ 2 2 Biolooical quality 2 2 2 J ' Adequacy of duantity 2 ~ ' '~ 'J Sub-total 40 J Samples Collected By D. ENGSTROM ~MOUND, Field Town, County, Etc. Number HENNEPIN This line for Lab. use only. Sample Number Date Collected Time Collected l~- Temperature OF Date Received by Lab. Coliform ( M.P.N. per 100 mi. group t Con. o Comp. organisms: M.F.C. per 100 mi. ~ FTELD TEST Total Solids Turbidity Color To.tat hardness as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 pH value h'on Manganese Chloride Residual Chlorin~-,~ .., -; /' ~-~ ,-,'1 ,q ~, Sutphate Fluoride Total Phosphorus Nitrite Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Methylene Blue Active Sub. as ARS Calcium as CaC.O:~ Sodium Potassium Spec. Cond. lJmhos/cm @ 25°C.. pHs O 50 cc. 10222 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL'~ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT'I~ ANALYTICAL DATA Report To !/17/80 Sampling Point and Source of Sample Nelson Res, S.T. Fime Hall, S.T. Public Works Shop, Well #1, P.D. Well ~3, P.D. !Well ~7, P.D. 10223 0.21 · 0 0.0 , D .,, 2zo 26:72.. 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 26, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 8'0-30 SUBJECT: Cable TV Contact has been made with the TV Company as well as Minnetrista, Spring Park and St. Bonifacius. (The Orono Administration has been advised of what we are doing.) Spring Park will discuss it at their next meeting and probably appoint a Council Committee. The Administrators of Minnetrista and St. Bonifacius have been advised and will attend a meeting. The next steps are to: 1. Get an approved area. (The Cable TV Company suggested the Communities discussed above.) 2. Specifications for bids follows. A meeting is planned early in April to begin the application for the area. 4-1-80 .~ CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 27, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-31 SUBJECT: Baypoint Attached is a copy of a letter from Baypoint to their tenants telling them how they and their friends can use the racquetball facilities, etc. The Attorney was asked Tor his opinion. A copy of his reply is at- tached. The last paragraph sums up the situation: "'It appears to be a s~tuation to be watched, but based on what you have submitted, it does not appear that there is a violation of our zoning ordinance". L. Kopp cc: Police Dept. Building Inspector J. [~ENNI5 0'BRIEN JOHN E, DRAWZ DAVID J. KENNEDY JOHN B. DEAN GLENN E. PURDUE JAMES D. LARSON CHARLES I. L£FEVERE HERBERT P. LEFLER. JEFFREY J. STRAND JAMES P. O'MEARA MARY J. BJORKLUND LAW OFFICES LE:FEVERE, LEFLER, PEARSON, O' BRIEN & DRAWZ IIOO FIRST NATtONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE {612J 333-0543 March 18, 1980 BROOKLYN CENTER OFFICES 610 BROOKDALE TO~'ERS 2810 COUNTY ROAD 10 BROOKLYN CENTER. MINNE~.OTA 55430 (612156~-32OO RICHARD J. SCHIEFFER Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Re: Bay Point Dear Len: This will acknowledge receipt of your memo of March 14, 1980. It would appear that the Bay Point people are attempting to find a way around the refusal of the City to grant a permit to operate a recreational and marina facility. In reading the letter I do not see any violations which we could charge against this type of practice. It appears that the only people that will be allowed to use the facilities will be tenants and their friends. That may be stretching a point, but they are not charging a fee for belonging to the club and I do not know. that we would have the authority to restrict tenants from having guests join them to play racquet ball. It appears to be a situation to be watched, but based on what you have submitted, it does not appear that there is a violation of our zoning ordinance. Ver? truly y~urs, Cfirtis A. Pearson City Attorney CAP: ms 4363 WlLSHIRE BOULEVARD · MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 TELEPHONE 472-4621 Dear Tenant, First, I have some great news - the two new racquetball courts are now open! Reservations can be made by calling 472-3977. Second, I would tike to explain the new procedure for use"of the Bay Point Club. Only tenants & their guests will be permitted to use the facilities. There will be no guest charge if tenants accompany their gUests the entire time. If a friend of yours would like to play racquetball or swim, etc., but you cannot be with them, they may still do so if their name is listedin our file as one of your permanent guests. This permanent guest file is explained below. There will be a $2.50 guest fee for each guest using the exercise room, swimming pool, sauna or whirlpool, and not accompanied by a tenant. For 2 non-tenants playing racquetball, only the court fee will be charged. If more than 2 people want to play racquetball together, there will be a $2.50 guest fee each for the 3rd and 4th person. Each tenant will have a permanent guest list on file. This file is in the club office in the 4387 building. The files & the check-in desk will soon be moved downstairs to the entrance under the awning). All guests using the recreational facilities must register by signing in at the club office. (Or at the front desk after we move downstairs). Please return the attached sheet listing the names of friends you would like to have listed in your guest file to the club office. This must be turned in, in order for your friends and guests to use the recreational facilities. When you turn in your list you will be given a guest card for each of your guests. When not accompanied by you, this card must be presented by your guest in order to gain entrance to the club. Remember this is your own private club for use by you and your selected guests. Sincerely,, Nancy tHalvo~son Manager NOTE: A few reminders: Cancellations must be made at least 2 hours in advance or you will be charged for the court time. Please be sure your guests are aware of this. Court fees are as such: A. Prime Time ($7.00) includes Saturday & Sunday. Also, on weekdays if your court time begins be~veen and including 11:00 a.m. and 1:40 p.m., .and 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. B. t,on-Prime Time Monday through Friday ($5 00) includes court time beginning with and including 8:00 a.m. and 10:40 a.m., and 2'00 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. -ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE MINNETONKA . Z~ CITY OF MOUND Hound, Minnesota March 28, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-32 SUBJECT: Televising Well No. 6 After Well No. 6 was test pumped, it was recommended that the well be televised and a purchase order was issued. The information attached shows the results of the pumping. The televising has been ordered and the results should be in soon. L'eonard L. Kopl~ ) 534! MA',','. '}O,9 ROAD MC)L~h'D. t,,',tN~;6iS,'.)TA 55364 (612) 472-1155 March 27, 1980 TO: Leonard Kopp FROM: Public Works Director SUBJECT: Well #6 Attached is a copy of information compiled by Stevens Well Co. during the work on Well #6. It is their recommendation that we have the well televised at this time while everything is removed from the column pipe. Upon this recommendation I began calling for prices to have the job done. The following items are the results. 1. Midwest Underground. Inspections - T.V. inspection $750, video tape if kept by us $75 each. Attached is their bid in writing. 2. Viking Pipe Services Co. - do not televise wells. 3. Soil Solidifcation - do not ~elevise wells. 4. Roto Rooter - do not televise wells. 5. American Consulting Services - do not televise wells. We have run out of people to call. I would recommend that the bid of Midwest Underground Inspections be accepted for the above reason. Also they were recommend by Stevens Well, McCarthy Well and Layne Minnesota as the company they all use. Res~ectfull~y, ,"/ ,', Robert Shanley Public Works Director RS/ich ,' MEMBER National Water Well Drillers Association Minnesota Well Drillers Association WELLS -- PUMPS -- flEPAIFIlNG Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 Office ~, Maple Plair~ ~t79-2250 D elan,"} 972-3430 March 25, 1980 City Council City of Mound ~4ound, ~inn. 55~4 Attn:. Bob Sh~nley Re: Pu~uphouse #6 Gentlemen: Here are the results of the pumping test on Well #6: Static Water Level Pu~ped at Pumping Level stabilized Dr aw d own Specific Capacity Sand 72' 6" 300 GPM 116' in 10 minutes 43~ 6.9 gal. pep ft. ~ "in gal, jug After pu.!'~.ing the pump a few feet of sand w~s bailed out of. the screen. The sand samples are ew~ilable st our ~hopo Sincerely, STEVENS WELL~)RILLING C0, INC. ~om Sbevens-Ppo8 U MI insPeCT?ns Robert R. Friedle PRESID~ .q ;' CLEANING Al'ID TELEVISIOIV IN.SPECTIO;"! OF PIPELINES 140 WOODLAND DRIVE, ISANTI, MINNESOTA 55040 TELEPHONE: (612) 742-5501 ::arch 25, 1980 City of Mound t.:r. Bob Shanley 5341 Maywood Road Mound, I,DI 55364 D~ar Sir: As per ~our phone conversation with our office today we are pleased to quote you the following for the Television Inspection of your Water supply Television Inspection Video Tape - if you wish to maintain it for a permanent record Travel charges $750.00 $ 75.00 each N/C within the twin city area. If we can be of any other service to you please feel free to contact us at any tiiae. Sincerely, ,-:TD.,.ES_ UNDERGROL~JD INSPiRaTIONS, INC. Po%err ~. Friedle President REF:kk March 27, 19S0 ROAD iM~ ;'~:2SOTA :55364 472-1155 Lyle Swanson McCombs Knutson Associates 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, MN. 55441 Subject: M.S.A. Maintenance Allowance Dear Lyle: Attached is a copy of a letter from Weichselbaum relative to increasin9 the maintenance allowance. What is the next step? Sincerely, L'eonard-£.- KOpp "City Manager LLK/ms Encl. cc: E. Clark City Council Milll~esota Department of Transportation District 5 2055 No. Lilac Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422. March 25, 1980 (612) 545-3761 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 RE: Increasing the Maintenance Apportionment in Mound Dear Mr. Kopp: Your letter requesting an increase in maintenance apportionment has been reviewed. We have a problem determining your actual maintenance costs, both present and projected. If you have trouble coming up with these figures, we would be happy to meet with you and see if we can't work these figures out together. The council resolution will have to state that the city will submit a detailed annual maintenance expenditure report to Mn/DOT each year, The justification and resolution will have to be submitted prior to December 15, in order to adjust your next apportionment. We are available for any questions you may have. Sincerely, ,.' .,_ ~ ... ~ . t/ / ~';'? . Charles E. We~chselbaum, :P.E. D~str~¢t State Aid Engineer Equal Opportunity Employer March 26, 1980 5'J4 I i'/,.t, /. ;'~r.._..r, ROAD MOUND, .MI'.:~:~_SOTA 55364 (612) 4z2-1155 Mr. Herbert Klossner, Director Hennepin County Transportation Department 320 Washington Avenue South Hopkins, MN. 55343 Dear Herb: At the March 11, 1980 meeting, the City Council passed the follow- ing motion, "To submit the plans for a parking alternative on County' Road 110 to the County and advise the County that the Council is in agreement with the County plan to upgrade County Road 1.10"'. They request the improvement of County Road 110 from the North City Limits 'to County Road 125 (Bartlett Boulevard). They also approved unanimously the request of the merchants for off street diagbnal parking behind the curb. Attached is a copy of the plan the merchants suggested. They will provide an easement for the sidewalk, but wish to keep the parking private. You will note they show a 2 foot divider between'the street and the parking while your plan called for one.somewhat wider. 'S i ncere 1 y, ,".,~-.--~.~ ...... ~-¢.,~., '7<' Y '7//~-~'' ~t~eonaro E-. I~opp' s ~ City Manager LLK/ms Encl. cc: A1 Herzog City Council C L I I~I IC ' cCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. March 20,. 1980 Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 Mr. Ted Peters6n 5933 Bartlett Boulevard Mound, Minnesota 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1978 Street Improvements Thomas & Sons Dear Mr. Peterson: I have asked the City Manager of Mound if the City could reimburse you for the dirt from your lots which was used in the construction of Beachwood Road. 'The City Attorney has advised us that you should collect this money directly from Thomas and Sons since the understanding was that they would pay you 25¢ per cubic yard of dirt used. We have measured the amount of dirt at 1700 cyd and at 25¢ per cubic yard this comes to $425.00. Thomas and Sons's address is Thomas & Sons Construction 491 3rd Street Southeast Osseo, Minnesota 55369 The superintendent on the job for Thomas and Sons was Bill Priebe.' Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sc #3880 Minneapolis- Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls p;in:,.:-ct r,n ;~:c¥c.¢d March :~5, i980 (6:"t Mr Eric Sorensen, Administrator City of Minnetrista 7701 County Road llO West Mound, MN. 55364 Dear Eric: The City of Mound has approved the street construction program for 1980. Included in the program is Sulgrove Road which I previously wrote you about and on which we'have had some conversation. I asked our Engineer for a cost estimate as to what the estimated cost would be for Minnetrista's side of Suigrove and a copy of that report is attached. We hope to open bids on our project in May or June and start work in early summer. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them; as will our Engineer, Lyle Swanson, whose phone number is 559-3700. Sincerely, "[~onard L. Kopp City Manager LLK/ms Encl. cc: k. Swan son City Council C'OMBS-KNUTSON. ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYOR,S m SITE PLANNERS Reply To: 12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) 559-3700 March 21, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Construction Sulgrove Road Dear Mr, Kopp: As requested, we have estimated the Minnetrista share of the Sulgrove Road construction. Based on the estimated assessments for the total project in the Preliminary Engineering Report, Minnetrista's "assessments" would total $29,308. The breakdown is as follows: 6 units at $ 2,230 = 435 front feet at $ 12.71= 80,000 sq. ft. at $ 0.13= $ 13,380 $ 5,528 $ 10,400 Total $ 29,308 If you have any questions on this, please call. Very truly yours, McCOMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lyle Swanson, P.E. LS:sj #5248 Minneapolis - Hutchinson - Alexandria - Granite Falls 161)) 47~-9634 Offices: 130 State Office Building St. Paul. Minnesota 55155 (612) 2964121 930 Dain Tower Minneapolis. Mianesota 55402 (612) 338-3873 March 25, 1980 Stnte of Minnesota Minnesota Department of Administration Building Code Division 408 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: The City of Mound has contacted me about approval chair lift standards. Is there anything I can do approval of these standards? GPS:ef cc: Leonard L. Kopp ~ Sincerely, of wheel to expedite ('O.MMITTEI'~S - I!l-.'ctior,';. F. mploymcnt, i':inancc. Rule.-; and :\dmi,fi.strati.n - I.cy. iq~ttive Audit SERVING - Cm'cor:,n. l)avtm~, l)ccphaxcn. Excclsk~r. (ir,rcnlicht. Grccl}~,md. llam,vcr, ll:u;s:m, lmlcpcmtcncc, l..ng l.akc, l;orcllo. Nl:qdc (i~.~c. Mai,lc PI:tin, Nlcdin:t. Mhmct.nk:t Ilo:ich. City of Motund, Minnesota c/o Mayor Lovaason, We are trying to do our share in the fight against inflation, and expect our elected officials to do their share also. Just 'being aware of the tremendohs expenses of the planned road improvements is not enough as the cost of funding these pro- jects should also include the cost of the interest charge to the home owners who must pay. With the papers full of the problems financing and floating bonds for improvements, the number of businesses that are having troubles just keeping up with inflation and having to lay off, and the number of large corporations that are floundering or leaving the area for better financial climates should make our officials go slower in spending the tax-payers money. We understand your concern with the thought that costs to do these projects can go up, but if there is a crash (and many of us have lived thru more than one depression) the cost can also go way down. We feel that at this time, only the most pressing of these road improvement should be done. Take our area of Bartlett Blvd. for instance - all that really needs to be done. is repair the black top and build up and maintain a good shoulder. As you are well aware there were many city home owners against the repairs proposed for their areas, yet from what.I read in the papers, it is apparent that you and the other council members are planning to do the entire project as planned. Disregarding their, wishes. After talking to many home owners who were in the other areas already finished, I. find a lot of discrepa'%cies in the "quoted" costs and the actual cost to the owners. Contrary to what was told us at the meeting for these latest improvements. We are hopeful that you and the council members will try to listen to the homeowners and regard their wishes as far as possible. Sincerely, MAKE YOUR MARK IN TH FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION- iNFLATiON I.ET'S SELF-CONTROL IT. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission on Wednesday, May 7, 1980, at 7 p.m. in the Commission's Board Room, 350 Metro Square Bldg., 7th and Robert Sis., St. Paul, Minnesota. The purpose is to entertain public comments on a project for the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant at 2400 Childs Road, St. Paul, Minnesota. This project is to be located within the existing treatment plant site. The project under study ~nd intended for construction (1981-83) is: Addition of Four (4) Aeration Tanks and Three (3) Final Tanks - Construct tanks necessary to meet standards for secondary treatment which are mandated by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500). The existing discharge permit requires that the Metro Plant reach secondary treatment on a monthly basis by November 1981. Presently the plant can. meet secondary treatment, but not on a uniform monthly basis. The plan to be considered at this hearing is designed to achieve secondary tre~timent at least ll months a year. Failure to meet secondary treatment in all months may occur due to uncon- trollable loadings to the plant. The cost of this project will be distributed among all Commission sewer service users. Estimated capital cost is $51.6 million (1980 dollars). Operating costs at the plant will increase approximately four per cent or $600,000 when construction is complete. The Com~ssion anticipates receiving federal and state grants to finance 90 percent of capital costs. If so, the cost of the project will be approximately $0.57 per year for the average metro area household. This estimate reflects the increase · over the present annual household charge (for collection and treatment of sewage) of $42. At the hearing all interested persons and agencies will be afforded gu opportunity to be heard with regard to all aspects of the project including environmental and economic impacts. Interested persons may submit oral or written comment. Project engineering reports are available for public inspection at Rm. 240, Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul, Mdnnesota. For information contact M~. Hugh McConnel! at 222-8423. The consulting engineers for this project are Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates/Metcalf & Eddy, !nc., a joint venture. Richa~ J. Do~herty, C~f ~i~trator 300 Metro Square t~uilding, 7th Street azld l~obert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 TO: Prospective LAWCON/LCMR Applicants in the Metropolitan Region Applying for Lake Access Grants SUBJECT: Correction on "Table A - Lakes for Public Access LAWCON/LCMR Priority Ranking" In the LAWCON/LCMR preliminary grant application you received a memorandum, from the Metropolitan Council, dated March 17, 1980, which included an incorrect version of Table A - Lakes for Public Access, LAWCON/LCMR PrioritY Ranking. Enclosed is the corrected version. Some lakes are included in both lists, however, please note that some lakes in the incorrect version have been removed and a couple lakes not listed on the incorrect version have been added. AS/mf 3/19/80 3/8O FY '81 TABLE A (Revised) · Map No... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. --'13. 1¢. 1~. 16. 17. 18. ~0. ~1. ~3. Lakes for Public Access LAWCON/LCMR Priority Ranking* Lake and County Ann, Carver Bass, Hennepin Bone, Washington Burandt, Carver '.-Clear,'Washington Crooked, Anoka DeMontreville, Washington Dutch, Hennepin Glen, Hennepin Jane, Washington Josephine, Ramsey Langdo~ Hennepin Little Long, Hennepin Long, Hennepin Lotus, Hennepin Lucy, Hennepin Miller, Carver Mitchell, Hennepin Netta, Anoka Olson, Washington Orchard, Dakota Pine Tree, Washington Sunset, Washington Thole, Scott Upper Twin, Hennepin Virginia, Carver 120 175 206 138 400 130 156 170 170 159 110 168./T. ]O4 279 254 ]37 145 ]]6 162 ]00 243 ]74 124 ]3] ]3O 239 * The lakes are listed alphabetically with the map number being the key to. the lake location on the map mailed previously.. 1980 Lake ,'~nnetonka Conservation Distric ~ 400" · ~a~t L~k~ ~:7.~yzat;a. ~:~ 55391 D~ar Frank ~ behalf of ;ay c!ient~, },:r. nd t~rs. Jots I~. Wa~mau i am ~questing that you t~a pro~dt action to regulate boat traffic through the clip,el entering Lost ~:e froze Cooks Bay. l~y clients o-~ Lot 16 1%e Bartle~t Place, Upper ~ke ~nn- tonka. ~tmlr ho~.~ address is 5469 Bartlett Blvd., l.D~d, C~e. to iucreased boat graf fit the last few years wave action by pa~slng boats .has unae~£ne~ their lawn a~'~d Is ~reateni~ ~eir garase ~nd ulCiI.~t.ety their ho~e. They have no desire to ha~%)er anyone8 enjo~nc of 'the lake or ~o deny access to m%yon~. It fs only because* this i~ an e~uergency uit~ion tkaC they feel action% On your !)ar~ !s iu~erati~. %,~'len traffic is ~-~>torized, titan wave~ occur amd further de- terioration of their prop~rty ~akes place. They are of course asking the p~oper govaz~mnt autt~orities to piaee riprapping along the cha~mei so -khat ~torlz~d traffic ~n't ~ge the L~tfl suck ti~*~ as rip-rapping has been placed, th~y t.~at you prohibit any motorized traffic througi% fully req~st ~lat part of the gha~el where the east balm is ~l)rot~c~ed. We appreciate of ~o~Se ~h~It. t~s would nocessi~aze using paddles, oars or poles but we zeei this wo~d be a s~ll favor to ask of ~ ' Sincer!y yO~S, Roger W. CC: ~.~r. and r.,rs. John '~v Hr. ~onard L. Kopp, City '~anager polit t C · · Metro an Trans omm ss on 801 American Center Building St. Paul,'Minnesota 55101 ,,-. . 612/221:0939 March 26, 1980 TO The ~ities of Precinct H: Mound Orono Minnetonka Beach Greenwood Shorewood Chanhassen Savage Apple Valley Rosemount Mendota Heights Spring Park Woodland Bloomington Excelsior Mendota Chaska Shakopee Burnsville Sunfish Lake~ South St Paul Long Lake Deephaven Eden Prairie Tonka Bay Lilydale Victoria Prior Lake Eagan Inver Grove Heights West St Paul In the Senate Tax Bill currently being confereed and the Hous~ Tax Bill there is a provision to raise the property tax levy in the b~TD from 1.72 to 2 mills. If your city has a particular point.of view it wishes to express, it should be done now. The house position has been that there should be no property tax increase at this time. The senate position is that there has never been an increase in that levy and that it is appropriate to do so in light of the MTC's deficit. Enclosed' you will find a copy of a letter sent to our area legis- lators in February by me. Again, if you want to have input on this matter, it will need to be now, while the conference cormmittee is meeting. If I can be of any assistance or if you need more information, ~please call. C~oo2~ s sMioK~ a nn'o n -- ~ftC Precinct H kw cc Kathy Ridder Jim Daly Metropolitan Tran'sit Commission 801 American. Center Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612/221-0§39 · February 7, 1980 TO: FROM: Legislators - Metropolitan Transit Commission, Precinct H Gayle' Kincannon Most of you are aware that there is a Senate File proposing to raise the property tax levy for operating expenses of the Commission from 1.72 mills to 3 mills as a means of funding the MTC's deficit. As the Commissioner for Precinct H - I feel it encumbent on me to bring this to your attention as well as the following remarks and information, hopefully, to assist you in your deliberation~ over this matter. These remarks are my own and not thOse of the Commission which has not taken a position on this matter~ Precinct H includes approximately 1/4 of Hennepin County, all of Carver and Scott Counties, and most of Dakota County. Altogether 83 cities and townships of whi6h 30 are within the Metropolitan Transit Taxing District (MTTD) and pay 1.72 mills toward the operating expenses of the MTC. The remaining cities and townships are in the Metropolitan Transit' Taxing Area (MTTA)and pay 1/10 of the costs levied upon those cities in the MTTD in their county. Of the eight MTC precincts, Precinct H still is the only one to pay more in property tax than the subsidy required to operate the amount of bus service it' receives. It ~s not true of each city in the precinct but for the precinct as a whole. (There are cities in other precincts who contribute more th~% they receive in service but those precincts as a whole reqnire a subsidy level greater than their contribution.) Of the 30 communities within the MTTD, four do not have a bus line passing thro-gh their community at all. Seven have 2-6 trips each day, 8 have from 12-25 trips, less than half have some day and weekend service. All pay the s~ne equalized mill levy. (Attachment) We are all familiar with the arguments involved and I shall not repeat them -- suffice to say they are all correct and I hope you will agree that the funda~ mental issue is one of equity - the legal test for any tax. The t~:operty tax has long been associated with payment for services and even if we do not all use them' (i.e., welfare, fire, OAS and schools) - if we should need them, comparable services would be available to each of us. L27 -2- ~hls is not true for bus services and while my:goal and desire is to provide comparable service to all residents of the area, it is not possible because of the legislatively required route subsidy limits as well as the limits of the Metropolitan Council Transportation Policy Plan which the MTC is honor bound 'to implement. Reviewing 'the bus service for just this area makes the problem apparent - one which could only be compounded by raising the tax levy across the board to all ~TD cities. Property taxes are a viable way to cope with the MTC's deficit and should be considered by the legislature, and if the legislature should choose this route, (no pun intended) I believe it is possible to raise, the dollars necessary as well as address the fundamental issue of equity. One solution might be to hold the '1.72 mill levy for those cities receiving limited service and I'm sure there are other remedies. No city .has asked to be released of its obligations - no city'wishes less service, only more. They only ask to be treated as fairly as we are able. This letter is being sent because I will be out-of-town from February 8 - 24 and ~ossibly not here when this bill is discussed. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further upon my return if you so desire and in the meantime, any further information you might need can be obtained from the Commission through Mr. LaShomb's office. My best'wishes for a successful legislative session. ~incannon ' Commissioner Precinct H cc Senate Transportation Cormmi.ttee }~C Members FflEMOYGkNDUR! ' ' TO FROM Commissioner Gayle Kincannon John Dill~ry, Routes, Schedules & Planning Department DATE February 6, 1980 SUBJECT Current MTC Daily Bus Volumes HENNEPIN: Community Daily Bus Volume (One-Way TriPs) ~Mound 65 ~Spring Park 51 ~Long Lake 14 ~Orono 14 Woodland 0 Deephaven 18 Minnetonka Beach 51 Bloomington (Western) 68 Eden Prairie 12 ~Greenwood 18 Excelsior 21 Tonka Bay 6 Shorewood 6 CARVER: SCOTT: Chanhassen 18 Savage 4 Shakopee 4 Prior Lake - 4 DAKOTA: Apple Valley 19 Burnsville 51 Eagan 26 · Rosemount 2 Sunfish Lake 34 ~ Inver Grove Heights 96 ~ Mendota Heights 87 Mendota 0 Lilydale 0 ~ South St. Paul 176 &West St. Paul 345 JD/kal 2-6-80 cc: John Capell METROPOLITAN I~. ~kLTH BOARD ~'~ c~ · Office of Regional Health Planning, Region V Commissioner of Health, Minnesota Department of Health Director, State Health Planning and Development Agency · State Health Coordinating Council · Foundation for Health Care Evaluation (PRSO) · Contiguous Health Systems Agencies · General Units of Local Government State Rate Review Program, Minnesota Department of Health · Program on Aging, Metropolitan Council Area Mental Health, Chemical Dependency and Human Service County Community Health Services Agencies · Minnesota Hospital Association · Minnesota Association of Health Care Facilities · Council of Community Hospitals · Physicians Metropolitan Health Force 300 Metro Square Building, ?th Street and Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Area 612, 291-6359 MEMORANDUM. March 21 ~ 1~}80 TO: ..... .~~ . Boa rds . Areawide Hospitals ~. ...... ~' . Areawide Nursing Homes ~ "' ' Areawide Group Ho~s ~'~ ~yv . State, County a~~~t+en_.of.Re~ired Citizens ~ SUBJEC . l lc Hearing April 24 · The Nationa~]~h Plann[og_and Resources Development Act of 1974, as amended in 1979', requires the Metropolitan Council-Metropolitan Health Board (as the Seven-County Metropolitan Area Health Systems Agency) to adopt procedures and criteria for conducting reviews of a number of health-related proposals. Such reviews include Certificate of Need and-or 1122 proposals, proposed use of federal funds (PUFF), appropriateness reviews, hospital energy con- servation grants, ambulance license requests, community health service agency plans and "A-95" reviews. Regulations governing the. implementation of the law stipulate that the adoption of review procedures and criteria must include the opportunity for citizen and organization review and comment. To meet this regulatory provision, the MetropOlital, Council-Metropolitan Health Board will hold a public hearing at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 24, in the Council offices, 300 Metro Square Bldg., St. Paul, to receive comments on proposed revisions to the Operatigg. Proceduc~s and Review Criteria. Manual. A copy is enclosed. You are encouraged to attend the hearing and offer testimony. You may register '~ in' advance by contacting Eleanor Suneson of the Health Board staff at 291-6352. Written comments are also encouraged, and will be accepted through May 1. Sincerely, Charles Weaver. Chairman I ~l~'"" counseling, day care, foster care, homemaking, information and referral child protect ion, mental health treatment, chemical dep'endency treatment, 'and service for the mentally retarded. ~ Hennepin Count,y must submit a plan to the State regarding (.,~/~wt?~, ! the many services funded through the Community Social U~'.~"~-~ J Siner~,~:Sp~:nt] This Act requ.ires that citizen's have a voice important C~~~ These ,services are- - - ' / Ipttblic mee[in~l ?:00 p_m. HinnetonlLa C. ihj Hall lq[~O I~ltl(a_ Bl~d_ Call your friends and co-workers and let them know about the meet lng. ' What you have to say is important. (If' you don't feel comfOrtable speaking, attend anyway. Your interest and attendance i.__~s important! ) Fo4 mo~e lnformatlon call: Wes~ Henn~pln Human Servlces ?lannlng Boand 920-5533 M INN ETON KA CONSERVATION AOENDA ~ICT Regular Meeting, 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 26, 1980 Tonka Bay Village Hall 4901Manitou Road (County Road 19), Tonka Bay 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Roll Call Minutes: February 27, 1980 Treasurer's ReRprt A. Monthly Financial Report B. Bills C. 1979 Financial Statement Committee Reports A. Water Structures ~ Environment Committee (1) Public Hearing Report: Lord Fletchers (2) " " " Mtka. Edgewater Apartments (3) " " " Sailors World (4) 1980 Dock License Renewals (5) 1980 District Mooring Area Permits -' (6) Commercial Dock Service Buildings (7) Boat Storage Density Review (8) Other Lake Use Committee (1) Ice Chunks & Frozen-In Buoys: Snoblazer Petition (2) Black Lake "QW" (3) Littering & Use of Floatable Containers (4) Fish House Cleanup Report (5) Seining Program (6) Water Patrol Report: 1979 Activity Survey (7) Special Event Permit: Ski Diving (8) " " " Log Rolling (9) Other Code Amendments: Second Reading A. 929.4 Shoreline for DUA's B. Deicing Permits Exemption for Dams Other Business Adjournment 3-21-80. LAKE MINNETONKA CQNSERVATION DISTRICT .RECULARM~ETINC TONKA BAY VILLAGE HALL February 27, 1980 The regular meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District was called to order by Chairman Paurus at 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, February 27, 1980 at the Tonka Bay Village Hall. Members present: Jerry Johnson (Excelsior), Robert Brown (Greenwood), Robert Pillsbury (Minnetonka), Norman Paurus (Orono), Robert Naegele (Shorewood), Frank Hunt (Spring park), Ed Bauman (Tonka Bay), and Robert Slocum (Woodland). Communities represented: Eight (8). Hunt Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the minutes of the January 23, 1980 meeting be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Johnson Moved, Brown Seconded, that the minutes of the special meeting on January 30, 1980 be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Hunt Moved, Johnson Seconded, .that the Treasurer's report be approved and the bills paid. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). WATER STRUCTURES & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Brown reported that the com- mittee reviewed 1980 dock license renewal applications and recommended approval. Dan Chabot appeared to request further review of the Loring Acres Beach Association application because the outlot no longer may be jointly owned and dock spaces may be rented by a single owner, that a sizable erosion problem continues to exist, and the District did not grandfather the situation last year. The application was referred to committee for review. Brow~ Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the following 1980 dock license renewal applications be approved: Bayview Apartments Foxhill Homeowners Association Grewe, Bender, Evans, et al Harts Cafe Howard's Point Marina, Inc. Johnston, Adeline D. Kelly Ave. Duplexes Co. Kuechle, H. Bo Lafayette Club Lake Place Martin & Son Boat Rental ~ Methodist Lakeside Assembly Grounds Minnetonka Yacht Club Surfside, Inc. Upper Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club Victoria Estates Homeowners Association Wayzata Yacht Club (Big Island) Woodend Shores Beach Association Boulder Bridge (upon receipt of the village certificate) Motion, Ayes (7), Nays (1), Brown voting Nay. The committee reviewed the public hearing report of Hennepin County's docks on Spring Park Bay and recommended approval with the following stipulations: (1) that the County rules be updated; and (2) that no sub- leasing be permitted at the docks. CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE MINUTES TREASURER'S REPORT DOCK LICENSES LMCD Board Minutes February 27, 1980 Page 2 Brown Moved, Naegele Seconded, that the 1980 dock license application of Hennepin County for docks on Spring Park Bay be approved with the above stipulations, and that the commercial section be for transient use only. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Brown reported that public hearings were held February 20 for dock license applications of Lord Fletchers of the Lake, Mai Tai Restaurants, Maple Crest Estates, Minnetonka Edgewater Apartments and Sailors World at Paul's Landing. Other hearings will be scheduled as needed. The committee reviewed a deicing permit application from Dennis Carlson and recommended approval. Subsequent to the committee meeting, a de- icing application was received from Wayzata Yacht Club. Brown Moved, Bauman Seconded, that deicing permit applications from Dennis Carlson and the Wayzata Yacht Club be approved provided that (1) the permits are not issued until the installations pass inspection, (2) the state sign notice is included with each permit, and (3) the permits stipulate that all de{cing be contained within the dock use area. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). District Mooring Area permit renewal applications for 1980 were reviewed by the committee', and were recommended for approval. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded, that 1980 District Mooring Area permits for: City of Deephaven City of Excelsior Lord Fletcher Apartments Minnetonka Yacht Club be approved. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). The committee reviewed and recommended for first reading a proposed Code amendment providing for the measurement of authorized dock use areas from 929.4 shoreline. The first reading was given. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded, that the first reading be accepted of a pro- posed Code amendment providing for the measurement of DUA to be taken from 929.4 shoreline, and further providing that during low water con- ditions declared by the Board, the Executive Director may issue a permit for temporary dockage extensions to provide comparable navigation depths, where the need is demonstrated. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). The committee reviewed and recommended for first reading a proposed Code amendment which provides an exemption to a deicing permit application. The first reading was given. Brown Moved, Hunt Seconded, that (1) the first reading be accepted of the proposed Code amendment providing conditions under which political sub- divisions may operate permanent dams on the Lake without securing a special permit from the District for deicing purposes; and (2) the pro- posed Code amendment be submitted to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for comment. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). HENNEPIN COUNTY DOCK LICENSE DEICING PERMITS DISTRICT MOORING AREA PER,MITS CODE ~MEND~NT: 929.4 SHORELINE CODE DEICING - D~MS EXE~TED LMCD Board Minutes February 27, 1980 Page 3 Slocum Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the committee report be accepted. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). LAKE USE COb~ITTEE: Pillsbury reported that the committee reviewed an application for a special event permit by Lord Fletchers of the Lake, for a broom ball court to be located in the small lagoon, and r~commended approval. The committee also reviewed a change in the special event permit applica- tion by T. Butcherblock Restaurant that moved the dog sled races from January 26 and 27 to February 15 and 16, and recommended approval. Pillsbury Moved, Johnson Seconded, that a special event permit applica- tion by Lord Fletchers of the Lake for a broom ball court, and an amended application for the T. Butcherblock dog sled races, be approved. Motion, Ayes (7), Nays (0), Abstains (1), Naegele abstaining. The committee reviewed the Rappaport request for an additional Slow Buoy to be placed between Light House Island and the Rappaport shoreline in the Carsons Bay-Bay St. Louis area, and tabled the matter to determine (1) the availability of county slow buoys, (2) the possibility of Deep- haven providing a buoy, or (3) whether the District shou2d authorized placement by the property owner. The committee reviewed the proposal for establishing quiet waters in Excelsior Bay and the request for further dockage in the area, and set a public hearing on the matter for Wednesday, April 2. Pillsbury reported that Joe Smith, a member of the Excelsior diving club, was invited to the committee meeting to discuss the club's findings in the .Excelsior. Bay area during their diver training exercises, this past season. Smith reported that in the areas of the transient dockage at restaurants (1) the bottom was littered with plastic glasses and some regular glasses and cans; (2) off the park shore there were glass and junk, including barrels and tires; and (3) others indicated the ice now is stre~ with beer cans, bottles and debris from automobile parties and dog sled races. The committee determined to discuss further the possi- bility of requiring the use of floatable glasses on the Lake, and that suitable trash containers be maintained at the docks. The committee reviewed the proposed Code amendment to discourage organized motorboat races at speeds in excess of Code limitations, and motor vehicle races, including snowmobile races. The committee recommended that snow- mobile clubs be provided an opportunity to respond to the proposal at a public hearing, before final consideration by the Board. Fish house cleanup flyers have been mailed to fish house o~ers, and snowmobile clubs are posting individual fish houses. Pillsbury Moved, Bauman Seconded, that the conzmittee report be accepted. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). SPECIAL EVENTS: T. BU BLOCK LORD FLETCHERS SLOW BUOY EXCELSIOR BAY EXCELSIOR BAY DEBRIS CODE ~MENDMENT: RACES FISH HOUSE CLEANUP, LMCD Board Minutes February 27, 1980 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS: The Findings and Order in denying the variance requested by Boat & Motor Mart of Excelsior to maintain a service structure after- the-fact on its dockage was presented to the Board. Attorney Gary Clark appeared for the Boat & Motor Mart to substantiate the variance request by showing that a hardship exists in the need for storage of extra fire- fighting equipment, or to request an ordinance change to permit marinas to house public safety equipment on dockage. Brown Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the Order denying the variance be approved, but with the stipulation that the order be stayed 120 days to allow further consideration of ordinance change relating to service structures on the Lake. Motion, Ayes (6), Nays (2), Naegele and Pillsbury voting Nay. Recent proposals which would add or convert residential multiple dock density to commercial by establishing "private clubs" at residential facilities, and the possibility of renting slips, indicate the need for review of the Code in these areas. Pillsbury Moved, Hunt Seconded, that the committee review the status of private club regulation in the LMCD Code. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). Litigation processes were reviewed by the attorney in the matter of the North Shore Drive marina, and its 1980 dock license status was considered. Hunt Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the 1980 dock license application from North Shore Drive Marina be denied. Motion, Ayes (7), Nays (1), Naegele voting Nay. The Excelsior Lake Minnetonka Historical Society requested a letter from the District supporting Society applications for grants to fund the res- toration of the "Onawa" sailing sloop. The Society also is considering the establishment of an Inland Boating Museam on Lake Minnetonka. Bauman Moved, Johnson Seconded, that such a letter of support be prepared for the historical society's restoration of the "Onawa." Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). ADJOU~\qMENT: Bauman Moved, Johnson Seconded, at 10:25 p.m. that the meeting be adjourned. Motion, Ayes (8), Nays (0). BOAT & MOTOR MART VARIANCE DENIAL PRIVATE CLUB REVIEW NO. SHORE DRIVE MARI~ LICENSE DENIAL "ONAWA" SUPPORT ADJOURNED Submitted by: Jerry Johnson, Secretary Approved by: Norman W. Paurus, Chairman 4-1-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 20, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-27 SUBJECT: Police Contracts The Council asked what the contract charge that was made to the Contracting Communities for 1980. The charges are: SPring Park Minnetrista St. Boni facius Tota 1 '$96,333. 96,333. 1.9,~33. $212,499. LeOnard L. Kopp l'O; Police Committees; M!nnetris~a St. Bonifacius Spring Park The City Council on March 18th discussed the minutes of the March 5th Joint police Committee meeti.ng and the proposals r.egarding a new joint powers .agreement. The Council directed.that ! write and ask each community to draw up a "rough draft" of a new proposed agreement or give us a sketch Showing in detail the provisions each would like to see in a new agreement so they may consider them prior to the next Police Committee meeting. If we could have the proposals before April Ist, the Council could consider them at both their April 1st and April 8th meetings. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, L'"'~or;~ ~'d L. Kopp City Manager LLK/ms cc:' City Council POI,ICE/CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT C;ities of MINNE TRIS TA MOUND, SPRING PARK, Month & ST. BONIFACIUS FEB. Yea r I. Gt~NF_RAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY MONTH TO DATE TO DATE traffic control (citations & warni.ngs) 464 923 836 DV, rI 7 13 14 Property damage accident 18 30 69 Personal injury accident 6 13 10 Fatal accident 0 0 O. Ad[tit felony & misdemeanor arrests 20 42 19 [uvenile felony & misdemeanor arrests 9 17 Medicals 26 50 27 kni~nal complaints 70' 190 205 Part I g: Part II offenses 95 174 97 tther general investigations 889 1775 1574 ---;-]7_ ~- : ~ ~ __ - ............ I'O TA L I ,604 3,227 2,877 Pi[OPERTY LOSS/~COVERY SUMMARY lES £OI'tBIHED - FEB. 80 Bikes Boats Clothing ITEM. 3urrency, notes, etc. rewclry & prec{ous metals Gllns Home Furnishings Radio & Electronic equipment Vehicles & vehicle equipment ~ ] s c ell~ neous T 0 'I~ L STOLEN 260 438 57 570 1,204 445 2,920 1,365 27,297 REGOYERED 19,867 $ 34,556 $ 19,8.67 ~l~ombJned- Feb. 80 III. OtrFENSE ACTIVITY SUMMARY PART I CRIMES Homicide ~ape Robber7 ................ ~ssault Ceh~cle The~' ........ :PART II CRIMES $.imple Assault ~o_r~ery & Counterfeit. in Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Pr o}!F: rty Yandatism We~. ~ons Prostitution & Commerc Sex O£fenses Narcotic .drug laws Offenses against fa___mjl_x Driving under the h~rluenc Liouor Laws Public I°ea c e All other offenses TO TA L : iali zed' Vice : 5 5 5 .... "&' children .4 ~. .' .......... nee . . .7. 7 . 6 ,6 ....... 6 ..... !, 2 45 0 45 5 17 4 TO'i'AL, PAtl'I' I & PART II CRIMES City of POLICE/CRIME ACTIVITY REPORT .. t~outlP 1Vlo nih FEBRUARY. Year 198o I GENER L ACTIVITY SUMMARY ACTIVITY Traffic control (citations & warnings) )arty damage accident sonal injury accident tal accident dult felony & misdemeanor arrests 'uvenile felony & rnisde~neanor arrests dicals nimal complaints Part I & Part II offenses Other general investigations I 'O"J"A I. THIS M ON TH 311 2 3 0 6 14 49 54 607 i,058 YEAR TO DA TE 629 8 lO 8 24 13 29 99 1224 2,175 LAST YEAR TO DATE' 601 7 39 4 13 16 155 64' 1,832 II. PROPERTY LOSS~ ;GO'VERY SUMMARY ltOUND- Feb. 80 I ts g ;urrency, notes, etc. precious n~etals ins omc ~Fur nishings adio & Electronic equipment reliicles' & vehicle equipment [iscellaneous ?OTAL (for individual city) GRAND TOTAl, (ali cities combined) STOLEN A73 1,150 2,920 668 15,632 $ 20,843 .... .$_34,556 RECOVERED 13,422 13,422 19,867 · MOUi'ID - Feb. Iff[ OFFENSE ACT, IVITY SUMMARY PARTZCaZ S <o Adult Juv. Homicide Rape . Assault S .~urg~ry ....... ................. ~ 1 ~arceny 25 2S 2 2 Vehicle Thef~ ............. . ~ .... : ..... PART It CRIMES .S.imple Assault- Forc, ery& Counterfeiting~ Fraud Emb e z zl e m e nt Stolen P r o p__'~' rlEiZ Va nda li s m Weaoons Prostitution & O0mmercialised Vice Sex Offenses Narcotic drug laxvs Gambling . Offenses against fa.~Tdl.Z & children D__riving, under the influence Liquor Laws Public Peace All other offenses TOTAL, TO'fAL PART I & PART II CRIM]~TS .~. ~ il-z_r-----Tl -- - March 12, 1980 McCombs-Knutson Associates, Inc. 3600 Kennebec Drive Egan, MN Attention: Lyle Swenson Reference: Mound Shorewood Lane Project Mr. Swenson, per Our conversation at Shirley Hills School below are the points we discussed: ne Existing Conditions (see attached Lots 10, 11, and 12 composite surveys). 1. Existing Road 22' - 0" ± . 2. Inconsistant roadway drainage causing long ~erm standing water on Lots South 10, 11, and Northwest 12. 3. Existing roadway and driveway to Lot 13 encroaches South Lot 12. 4. It is our understanding that the existing sewer and water piping are presently supported upon piling. 5. The existing roadway is without proper sub- base, consequently causing damage by heavier vehicles. B. Proposed Roadway - Leading Particulars. 28' symetrical with right of way center line. Driveway aprons are included. Proposed roadway shall not exceed the exist- ing roadway elevations and adjacent to Lots 10, 11, and 12 shall be lower than the exist- ing roadway to alleviate the existing drainage problem. Mound Shorewood Lane Project March 12, 1980 Page Two B. Proposed Roadway (continued) 4. New roadway shall be of 5 ton design C. Recommendations 1. To reduce cost, eliminate above stated encroachment, and due to the lack of traffic decrease the proposed 28 foot roadway to 24 feet. 2. Upgrade roadway sub-base with properly compacted fill material, to ensure new roadway performance. 3. Align southwest side of proposed 28 foot and 24 foot roadways to decrease the chances of~a safety hazard to and as a result of South bound traffic. (See area denoted "A".) 4. To reduce cost and insure roadway drainage, eliminate all driveway aprons to Lots 10, 11, and 12. In lieu of the driveway aprons, it is suggested that the low type 4" curbs be poured continuously adjacent to Lots 10, 11, and 12. It is our intent that the new roadway be aesthetically and functionally compatible to the existing residences, partic- ularly in the water drainage area. During construction the residences require fire, police, and other emergency protection. How will this service be maintained? Private vehicle security is also important as vandalism, etc., continues to increase. Will a temporary roadway be maintained during construction to allow our vehicles to be parked at our residence? Thank you for taking the time to discuss with us the proposed roadway design. I agree with you that through our discussion many pitfalls and expenses may be avoided. Also, per our discussion it was understood that the office of McComb-Knutson would contact the undersigned by April 3, 1980, to review the current design status. If you have any questions, please contact me. at: 574-5546 (office) 477-1558 Sincerely, Tom Davison I may be reached (home) - Tom Davison. J. Webster CC: Mound City Council File Is~A~ £~ aGuo~ 'q~JoN/..Il d!qsu''~o'L '81 uo!i3a$ '3AY klIJ]NN3H [$¥1 TZOZ CERTIFICATE of' SURVEY f~ONSULTIRG E#GINIEER~ LA, lID SURVEYOR1 I ~IEREBYCERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER /~Y DIREC~ SUP~R¥1SION A~D ~HAT I A~ A DULY ~GISTERED ~ND SURVEYOR B~UCE a. ~O~ ~EG. NO. 9232 DATE ~AYNE R. LONG BEG, NO. 76~2 2021 EAST HEflNEPIN AVE. - SUITE 238 · MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOtA 55413 * ~612) 331-8660 SCALE~ 1" = .~0 feet Section lB, Township 117 North~ Ronge 23 West i. ore Mippet°~R° '\ IO Survey for: Tom Ddvison Survey \ \ DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS 0;5 OR FROM LOT I0 of= Lot I0, Block I, "SHADYWOOD POINT" CITY OF MOUND HENNE PI N COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pl~t' of H~nn~. ~in Count'/ ,/ ./ \ \ I h,~ol'.,,' c.~rtify that %ht~ 1~ ~ true ,, ~.nc corr,~ rq~r~nan~tlon of a surv,~? of %b~ l~,~,,rl.,s of ~ts 11 vnc 12, hlo~ 1, ~acy'~o~ f~lnt. except t~o ~tldinga on ~t 1], aatc ~oca 1, ~} a portion of a ~rive- % \ Sc~i-, 1" ' 30' Iet~ : 3-29-6q o I Iron nmrk,r March 15, 1980 Dear CUstomer: On October 31, 1979, we filed tariff changes with the Public Service Commission to restructure and re-price rates for certain telephone services in Minnesota The changes are being requested because recent studies indicate that prices for these services are currently not adequate. propo~'C'h~nges would apply on dedicated private line service~"-- ~en two or more locations, extension phones away from the customer's main~ d_.i:nstal~l~ation--charges fo~ these services. The increase (or decrease) on your b'ill would depend on the services have. Because of the increased amount for some of the services, we have that the new rates for these Services be implemented over a three The matter has been referred to the State Office of Hearing Examiners for hearing. The Hearing Examiner has scheduled a pre-hearing conference on these proposals for March 26, 1980, 10:00 A.M., in the Large Hearing Room, 7th Floor, American Center Building, 160 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul. The purpose of the pre-hearing conference is to set procedural rules and dates. You also may get information as to how the filing may affect your 1 by calling the Business Office. Si Mi re un~ Petitions to intervene should be sent by April 1 to Mr. Bernard ~ger, Office of the Hearing Examiners, 1745 University Avenue, St. Paul, inesota 55104. The Commission may order a lesser or greater increase than the one dested by the Company. In any case, the new rates will not be implemented il approved by the Commission. CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota March 17, 1980 TO: FROM: RE: City Manager City Planner Henry & Marjorie Rines Development Request on Lots 38-41, Auditor's Subdivision 167, on Commerce Boulevard After an initial revi'ew of the development request and meeting with Mrs. Rines, it is advised that this development request be held over until the April 1st City Council meeting in order to better work out the issues. I'll call you tomorrow on this. Chuck Riesenberg DATE: TO: ~., --~, ...... .' ~. . March 14, 198(} .... ~.: URBAN ~ENN~PIN COUNTY CDBG COOPERATING COMMUNITIES Henn'epin County ~,~~ ... URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN/YEAR VI Hennepin County was instructed by HUD to identify communities with poor per- formance relative to assisted housing in the Year VI Urban Hennepin County HAP. In response, priorities were assigned to those communities which have not produced a significant number of units for a particular household type (elderly, family, large family), but which does not assign a specific numer- ical goal. (See attached table.) Although this approach generally parallels that previously sent you by the County, your questions and 'comments are requested. Please respond by March 21. The assignment of priorities derives from Urban County proportional need by household type (based upon Metro Council data), minus production (based upon HUD, MHFA and Metro Council ~ata) of Section 8 (Existing or New Construction) and Section 202 units. Through this approach a communitymay not receive a high priority ranking, even though it has had little or no production, because of its proporti'onately small need..Alternatively, a community may have pro- duced units and, nevertheless, receive a high priority because of a propor- tionately greet need. Although HUD will not officially comment upon the HAP before they receive it for their review they and MHFA indicate concurrence with this approach and the associated rankings. (This same approval may not be forthcoming from the Metropolitan Council.) Although this approach reflects priorities for all types of assisted housing its primary use is intended to be in the allocation of Section 8 and Section 202 New Construction funding. (Housing assistance production could be achieved through Section 8 Existing rental assistance if local circumstances permit. See below.) In this regard, it is proposed that future Notices' of Funding Availability (NOFA) from HUD or MHFAwill reflect these priorities and applications will be ranked accordingly. (HAP language will indicate that proposal specifics may necessitate other than strict adherence to these priorities.) One particular exception to this approach occurs relative to Planning Area IV where insufficient data exists to assign priorities. Any application from Planning Area IV will, therefore, have to be analyzed inde- pendent of this system (Corcoran, Greenfield, Hanover, Hassan, Independence, Loretto, Maple Plain, Medina, and Roger§). The problems of high rent levels and low vacancy rates continue to exist, but Section 8 Existing (rental assistance) goals in Year VI will, nonetheless, be increased. There are two reasons for this increase: the availability of Section 8 assistance for mobile home pad rental; and the potential for use of Existing certificates throughout the Urban County, including, for example, such areas as Rogers, Medina, Maple Plain and St. Bonifacius. bl URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY PRIORITY AREAS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION/EXISTING ASSISTED HOUSING BY HOUSEHOLD TYPE Planni~n Area I Brooklyn Center Crystal Golden Valley New Hope Robbinsdale St Anthony Planning Area II Eden Prairie Edina Minnetonka Richfield St. Louis Park Elderly NP I NP II NP NP II I NP NP III Plannin~ Area III Brooklyn Park Champlin Dayton Maple Grove Medicine Lake Osseo Plymouth NP NP NP II NP NP I Planning Area IV See text Planning Area V Long Lake Minnetonka Beach Minnetrista Mound Orono Shorewood South Shore Spring Park St. Boni facius Wayzata Woodland NP NP NP NP III NP III NP NP NP NP NP: No priority established' Family Large Family NP I NP NP III I NP I NP NP NP II III NP I NP NP I NP NP III II II II III III NP II NP NP II NP NP NP II NP III I I II NP NP NP I NP NP I NP NP NP NP III NP II III NP III NP UHC 3/14/80 MOUND GROSS: VFW POST 5113 , / CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO DATE PAYOUT AS PRIZES: PROFIT: DISTRIBUTION-OF PROFITS: