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CITY OF HOUND Mound, Minnesota AGENDA Mound City Council April 15, 1980 City Hall 7:30 P.M. CM 80-136 CM 80-127 CM 80-130 CM 80-132 CM 80-131 CM 80-129 CM. 80- 128 CM 80-133 CM 80-134 CM 80-135 5 6 7 8. 9. lO. II. 12. 13. Minutes Pg. 878-880 Jaycee Women's Request Pg. 877 Plans & Specifications for Parks Improvement Pg. 876+ 1980 Street Construction - Sulgrove Road Pg. 874-875 1980 LawCon Application Pg. 871-873 Water Rates Pg. 868-870 Energy Audit Pg. 864-867 Comments and Suggestions by Citizens Present (2 Minute Limit) 10,000 Meter Run-A-Thon Pg. 861-~63 License Renewals A. On & Off Sale Beer Pg. 859 B. Restaurant Pg. 858 C. Juke Box, Pool Table & Game of Skill Pg. 857 Payment of Bills Information Memorandums/Misc. Pg. 840-856 Committee Reports Pg. 881 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 14, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-137 SUBJECT: Addendum to C,M. 80-136 Attached is a copy of the proclamation the Mohawk Jaycee Women will be bringing for Counci! support and also a copy of the purpose and plan of action for "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Day" L~e~arc~ L. Kopp ms ~i o~ q 2 ~ members our ff ore~n ~~ri~, 8nd .kno~ ~hat ~~erlc~ ~s ~fiin~in~ ~.p,-~r et,, ~98o 'co Ge, ---- "TIE A YELLOW RIBBON DAY Purpose: To show support for the hostages and their families and call attention to the fact that Americans are being held against their will in foreign countries. Plan of Action: I - Contact our local city council and ask for their support and Mayor Lovaasen's signature on our Tie a Yellow Ribbon Day Proclamation. 2 - Contact the local merchants of Mound and ask'for their support through donations for the purchase of yellow ribbon and signing of the proclamation. 3 - Set up a 15 minute inter-denominational service with Mayor Lovaasen and the Mound businessmen and our local church ministers and priests for ll A.M., April 26, 1980. This service would take place at the tree located in the center of Mound where each would be given a yellow ribbon to tie onto the tree. 4 - Our chapter would purchase and prepare small yellow ribbonslwhich would be handed out to the public at no charge on April 26th from 9A.M. to 1P.M.. 5~- Contact TV, Radio and Newspaper for coverage in addition to flyers distributed locally. 6 - Letters of correspondance will be sent along with a copy of the proclamation to: a. Hostages in foreign countries b. The President of thelUnited States c. Vice President Walte~Mondale d. Govener Quie /' _ e. The Minnesota par~n~.t of f. National Jaycette~'P~,es~ e~[ B. Gre~ g. Minnesota Jaycee W~ident Pat Schult_~a_ h. Minis t e~o f o~Mound .~Gh~r~e~ i. The fomr TV stations: ~ '~ A wcco, WTCN, '"- ~. The major radio stations.~ WCCO, KSTP, WDGY, KDWB, WWTC k. Local newspapers: The Laker, The Sailor, Sun The Mohawk Jaycee Women are running this project in support of the Tennessee Jaycettes who came up with this idea from the words of the song "Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree; A simple yellow ribbon is all I need to set me free." We would hope that by our runBing this project that the word will reach the hostages to show th~m\_~..~ that we c~re andare hoping for~h~'i~r.. release to be soon. Please hel~ us to make this project the-~/ success our hostages need'. CIT¥ OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota 4-15-80 April 14, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-140 SUBJECT: Fire Truck Water Tanks In two of the Fire trucks, the water tanks have rusted through and badly need repair. Bids have been received and are as follows: General Coatings, Inc. Griggs Contract Mack # 11 Ford 1976 $950.00 $1,375.O0 1,853.OO 2,115.OO It is recommended General Coatings, Inc. be awarded the work. cc: J. Farness PROPOSAL GENERAL COATINGS, INC. Mound Volunteer Fire Dept. Mr. Jack Farness 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, PM 55364 L Please reply to: General Coatings, Inc. CONTRACTORS of Protective Coatings/Linings, Insulatlon & Fireproofing Systems NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by J us if not accepted within --~[L_ days. ! [~ 2805 Dodd Road 9030 North Freeway,/fl 12 [] St. Paul, MN 55121 Houston, TX 77037 (612) 454-6700 (713) 445-2266 Dear Sir: ' .... : We propose to furnish all labor, supervision, material, tools, equipment, transportation, insurance andtaxas necessary; subject to terms and conditions outlined on the back of this form, to perform work as specified below: We are pleased to offer for your consideration the following proposal to provide labor, equipment and materials to perform surface preparation and coating application, in our shop, on the following items: 1 - 500 gallom water tank on 1969 fire truck. Interior Only: SSPC-SP #5 white metal blast and 2-coats of Tmemec Series 66 Hi-Build Epoxoline epoxy-polyamide coating, minimum of 8 mils D.F.T. 1 ' 1,600 gallon water tank on 1976 fire truck. Interior Only: (Same system as above) Cost ' $ 1 375 00 Ail work to be performed at General Coatings, Inc. shop. Delivery to and pickup from General Coatings, Inc. shop in Eagan, Minnesota to be by Mound Fire Dept. personnel. Alternate #1: If both vehicles are available and delivered to General Coatings, Inc.~s shop for coating work concurrently, a price savings can be realized. Cost to perform specified coating work to both water tanks at the same time is . . . . ........ , .................. '$ 2,250.00. ACCEPTANCE Tl~e understgned hereby accepts your proposal and authorizes you to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work set forth in the I)rt)posal [)ursua[~t to the proposal terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof, for which we agree to pay you the amount set forth in the proposal Acc epted: Date_ By Title._ Respectfully submitted, .~ GENERAL COATINGS, INC - // i.- ,.~' , ' Title . ,.__~ales gu, g;i,~e_e_~_ _ ~ ~ 0 GRIIG{Jii 2113 CEDAR AVENUE ,' MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 554.04 ,. (612)339-4713 -. (612)339-2025 BID PROPOSAL Job Location: Description of work to be done: ':'.;~,'-:d 'bl.,:..._,b.,-' a~_,J Armor ""'~' ~ ,;~aso interior of te~nk on truck Armor ,-].o~'] i~.~_terior o~. t~-t~ or. truck ~'1~ (Excavation Notes) Bid is valid for thirty days. Bid contingent upon current prices of materials. Bid is based on normal frost-free soil conditions; If poor soil conditions such as rock, water, or caving are encountered, there will be additional charges. G~IGG$ CO~IT~ACTI~G I~C. .;-, , /' ~/ .. /v",. , ,." ;' By " .... · ':, By ":' ..... · '~:'~ J. IF THIS BID IS ACCEPTED, PLEASE SIGN THE COPY AND RETURN; RETAINING ORIGINAL FOR YOUR RECORDS. G= IcRAL COATlbJ GS, Contractors for Protective Coatings, Linings, Insulation and Fireproofing systems Working on the ALASKA PIPELINE PROJECT-Serving YOUR future energy needs. April 10, 1980 Mound Volunteer Fire Dept. Mr. Jack Farness 2415 Wilshire Blvd. Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Sir: Thank you for your time and interest in discussing the interior coating systems needed for your 500 gallon and 1,600 gallon capacity water tanks on the 1969 model and 1976 model fire trucks. I have engineered the following interior coating system to assure that you receive the quality in surface preparation, materials and application to protect these tanks, which are in constant immersion~ for a maximum expected life of 15 years. As we discussed on Tuesday during our meeting, the key to a successful coating job starts with the surface preparation and ends with thorough quality control of a properly applied coating system, which has been designed for the intended service. In this case, constant water immersion. To this end I am pleased to offer for your consideration the following specifications. Tank interiors to include baffle plates; undersides of tank tops manways and manhole covers; vents and vent pipes; .sumps; float and float mechanisms; and outlets, including exterior flange or outer lip; is to be abrasive blasted to an SSPC-SP #5 white metal blast. Abrasive blasting is to be accomplished using a clean, dry abrasive material to remove all visible rust, mill scale, existing coating, dirt and other contaminants until the resultant blasted surface is a uniform gray-white in color. Surface profile of the blasted surface is to be a minimum of 1.5 mils and a maximum of'2.5 mils as measured with a surface profile comparator. Blasted surfaces are to be prime coated within (8) eight hours of completion of the abrasive blasting and/or before any visible oxidation occurs. Surfaces which show any visible oxidation are to be re-blasted to an SSPC-SP #5 white metal blast before priming. After the completion of abrasive blasting and before priming, all surfaces are to be vacuum cleaned of all dust and contaminants. The specified coating system is Tnemec Series 66 Hi-Build Epoxoline, epoxy- polyamide coating or approved equal, applied in 2 coats to 8-10 mils D.F.T. (dry Main Office - 2805 Dodd Road, St. Paul', Minnesota 55121 USA Teh~phone ($12).154-6700 Branch Of,ice -- Houston, Texas Telephone (713)445-2265 Sales Office - Representation Nationwide Mound Volunteer Fire Dept. Attn: Jack Farness - 2 - film thickness). Prime coat will be Tnemec 66-1211 Epoxoline primer applied to 3.0-5.0 mils D.F.T., followed by Tnemec 66-2000 Hi-Build Epoxoline, applied at 4.0-6.0 mils D.F.T., per manufacturer's recommendation instructions. Minimum D.F.T. is 8 mils. This coating system is to be inspected with a properly calibrated microtester and any areas found below 8 mils D.F.T. are to be recoated until the proper thickness is achieved. Curing time, a.t 75° F., is 5-7 days minimum. Attached is our proposal to re-coat these two tanks at our shop. I thank you for'the opportunity to quote this work, and if you have any questions regarding our proposal, please feel free to call me at 454-6700. Sincerely yours, JK/gg encl: Proposal GENERAL COATINGS, INC. Kollmer Sales Engineer 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 14, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-138 SUBJECT: Special Assessment Interest On Council Memorandum 80-lO8, the Council was advised that the owners of property (PID # 13-117-24 23 0043) had asked to pay the special assessment without paying interest because they did not receive notice. This has been checked with the Attorney and he advises that under Section 429.O71, Subd. 2, that the Council can reassess the property if it "determines on advice of the municipal attorney that the assess- ment or proposed assessment or any part thereof is or may be invalid for any reason" It is the Attorney's advice that an error occurred and the property be reassessed and they be allowed to pay the total assessment in the sum of $2,710.40. L~onard L. ~o~p "~7~ 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 14, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-139 SUBJECT: License Renewals - Addendum to C.M 80-133 & 80-134 The following license renewals have been received: On Sale Beer House of Moy Restaurant Restaurant House of Moy Restaurant Martin & Son 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 14, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-36 SUBJECT: 1980 Census Procedures Attached is a copy of a letter from the League of Minnesota Cities relative to 1980 Census Procedures. It is not certain when the lO days to review the data will begin, but know that there are a great, many people in I~ound who have not yet received a census form. ~~~~ ~~/ Lec~nard L. Kopp minnesota oities April , 1980 TO: FROM: RE: City Manager.~'~] Administrators, and Clerks Donald A. S~..~, Executive Director 1980 Census Procedures As you know, the Bureau of the Census originally planned to give local officials an opportunity prior to the census date to review the numbers of addresses and housing units within the city to help assure that all local residents are located and counted. Unfortunately, because of budget problems, the Bureau of the Census dropped plans for a pre-census review of local government officials. As it now stands, cities' only opportunity for input in the process before the results become final will be a post-census review of the preliminary results in mid~June~ Current plans would allow cities lO days in which to review these data. Some cities have .expressed concern that l0 days will not be sufficient time in which to perform a meaningful review, especially in light of the lack of 'opportunity for pre-census review. Because Census data are used as a basis for distribution of funds under several grant programs including general revenue sharing, it is important for cities to assure that the census results are as accurate as possible. There is some possibility that the Bureau might agree to extend the l0 day review period, though to date they have been reluctant to do so. If you feel that your city will need more time to review the data (because of extensive growth, annexations, etc. in the last ten years), you may wish to contact Senators Durenberger and Boschwitz, your Congressmen, and the Director of the Bureau of the Census, Vincent P. Barabba, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Room 2049, Federal Office Building 3, Silver Hill and Suitland Road, Suitland, Maryland, 20233. DAS: cat 4/9/80 hanover building, 480 oedar street, saint paul, minnesota ESS101 [812] 222!-2E~G 1 CHANHASSEN CHASKA EDEN PRAIRIE WES; EXCELSIOR LONG LAKE MAPLE PLAIN WAFTA AREA FIRE TRAINING AC~EMY MAYER MOUND ST. BONIFACIUS VICTORIA WATERTOWN ~he :.:arch 19, 1980 ;4AFTA meetin~ was called to order by Chairman Jerry Sc~._lenk at 7:30 p.m. at the WAFTA site. A motion was made by Maole Plain and seconded by Eden Prairie not to read the minutes of the February meeting. Motion carried. Treasurer's report: Checking acco~mt .$300.77 Gavin§ s account 7,000.00 Time Certificate 5,000.00 Money ;,Jarket Cert.10,0OO.O0 Bills to pay: Bruce Bren ~:omes i,~.-Victoria Oil Co. NSP Quality Builders Contential Telephone ~rank Blackowiak & Sons John McCoy 1,350.00 1,290.75 77.72 272.16 56.96 20.00 10.00 R~y ~,~tchell reported on the schools planned at the site for this su~er. Fees for these schools were discussed. A motion was ~ade by Long Lake and seconded by Mou~ud to set the fee at ~20.00 for me'tuber cities and $~0.00 for non-member cities. The fees would include a lunch. Motion carried.. Anyone wishing to mow at the WAFTA site should turn their sealed bids in by The April 16, 1980 meeting. Bids should be on an amount per hour basis. Member city not represented at t,hts meeting w~s Excelsior. The next meeting will be at the site at 7:30 P.M. on April 16th. Respectfully submitted McCoy Secretary-Trea surer 36 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL April 8, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on April 8, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Benjamin Withhart, Gordon Swenson and Robert Polston. Also present were Acting City Manager Mary H. Marske and City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson. L MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1980 were presented for consideration. Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of April l, 1980 as submitted. The vote was unanimously-in favor. TONKAMOBILE Judith McCort, representing the Metropolitan Transit Commission, appeared before the Council to explain the new special bus service to be provided by the Tonka- mobile. * Councilmember Ulrick arrived at 7:50 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION OF SHORT ROAD The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official newspaper of ~ the notice of public hearing on said Vacation of Short Road. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the public hearing for input on said Vacation of Short Road and persons present to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views thereon. The following persons offered comments or questions: Leo Palesotti, County Road 110. The Mayor then closed the public hearing. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-137 RESOLUTION VACATION SHORT ROAD AS'RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION The vote was unanimously in favor. Action rescinded later in meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Subdivision of Land - Part of Lot 25, Lafayette Park Potston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RSSOLUTION 80-138 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOM!'~ENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SUBDlYISION AS REQUESTED The vote was unanimously in favor. Lot Size Vz;riance ~ Lots 17 & 18, Block ll, Wychwood Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion April 8, 1980 3 RESOLUTION 80-139 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE SAME STIPULATIONS AS STATED IN RESOLUTION 78-473 The vote was unanimously in favor. F'ront and Rear Yard Variance - Lots 17 & 18, Block 24, Whipple Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a substitute motion RESOLUTION 80-140 RESOLUTION TO DENY THE VARIANCE REQUESTED The vote on the substitute motion was unanimously in favor. Subdivision of Land - Lots 9, 10, 23 & 24, Block ll, Wychwood Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-141 RESOLUTION TO CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION The vote was unanimously in favor. Sign Variance - Gustafson Motors Swenson moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission with stipulations as stated. Withhart moved and Poslton seconded a motion to table this item. The vote was four in favor with Swenson voting nay. VACATION OF SHORT ROAD Withhart moved and Ulrick seconded a motion to reconsider the vacation of Short Road. The vote was unanimously in favor. Withhart moved and Po!ston seconded a motion RESOLUTION TO VACATE SHORT ROAD The vote was none in favor with all members voting nay, Resolution 80-137 rescinded. PARK COMMISSION MINUTES Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-142 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A LAW CON GRANT FOR UPGRADING OF MOUND BAY PARK The vote was unanimously in favor. COHMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT No comments or suggestions were presented at this time. TAX FORFEIT LAND Lot 17, Block 7, Shadywood Point Poiston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-143 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND RESALE OF LOT 17, BLOCK 7, SHADYWOOD POINT lhe vote was umanimously in favor. Lot 23, Block 7, W~ od Lovaasen moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-144 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AND RE~ALE OF LOT 23, BLOCK 7, WYCHWOOD TO THE OWNER OF LOT 6, 7, 24 & 25, BLOCK 7, WYCHW00D The Vote was unanimously in favor. LICENSES Dock Permits Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RES(~'t_UTION 80-145 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF DOCK PERMITS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE DOCK INSPECTOR The vote was unanimously in favor. Restaurant & Juke'Box Licenses Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-146 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF RESTAURANT AND JUKE BOX LICENSES AS LISTED ON C. M. 80-126 The vote was unanimously in favor.- , DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-147 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS TO BE HEARD ON MAY 6, 1980 AT 7:30 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as 'presented on the prelist in the amount of $48,592.27 where funds are available. Roll call vote was unanimously in favor. HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS The Council briefly discussed the memo from the Public Works Director regarding the Health Department recommendations. DEFERRED ASSESSMENT Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 80-148 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DEFERMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 8, BLOCK 3, WYCHWOOD IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,746.82 The vote was unanimously in favor. POLICE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT The Council discussed the conceptual provisions submitted by the City of Minnetrista. L GOODWILL BOX PLACEM~ The Council concurned with the recommendation of the Acting City Hanager to authorize placement of a Goodwill drop box in the City of Hound. CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CASE The City Attorney updated the Council on the telephone rate case. Withhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion to authorize the attorney to attend the meeting regarding telephone rates as the Citys' representative. The vote was unanimously in favor. 1980 LEGISLATION The Council briefly discussed the legislative status regarding general obligation bond interest rates. ADJOURNHENT Ulrick moved and Withhart seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on April 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so adjourned. Mary H. Marske CMC, City-Clerk/Treasurer Mary H. Marske, Acting City Manager 15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 11, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-136 SUBJECT; Jaycee Women!.s Request Membeps of the. Jaycee Women's Organization have requested to be on the Counc}l .agenda for April 15th? Bonn}e Larson~.Chairman of a "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" Project, will be present to make a request for lo~al government support and a proclama- tion declari, ng April 26th as a special day to show support for alt hostages. ms 5-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 10, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-127 SUBJECT: Plans & Specifications for Parks Improvement The Engineer will be present at the April 15th meeting relatiVe to improvement of the following parks: Three Points Park Island Park Park Avalon Park Doone Park The Engineer will be requesting going to bid on the Parks Improvement Plans and Specifications as soon as possible to get the best growing season for grass. Attached is a copy of the Plans and Specifications. Leonard L. Kopp ms ,f'7 z. e 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April ll, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. ~O-130 SUBJECT: 1980 Street Construction - Sulgrove Road Attached is a copy of a letter from Minnetrista relative to Sulgrove Road. It is true that all of Sulgrove Road is in Mound, but Minnetrista resi- dents receive benefit from the road. If Minnetrista will not be contri- buting toward the construction cost, I would recommend that we run in half a road; construct concrete curb and gutter on one side with a 13 foot wide blacktopped street. Leonard L. Kopp 7701 COUNTY ROAD 110 W [] MOUND, MINNESOTA 55364 [] 472-3484 April 9, 1980 Mr. Leonard Kopp City Manager City of Mound 5341 Maywood Road Mound, Minnesota 55364 Dear Leonard: In response to your letter dated March 25, 1980, I can find no real support for the Sulgrove pro- ject in Minnetrista. From our review, it appears that Sulgrove lies within Mound and I am informed that we do not maintain any portion of Sulgrove. The issue will be discussed at our Council meeting of April 21st. I will inform you as to Council direction. Sincerely, CITY OF MINNETRISTA Eric B. Sorensen City Administrator EBS:bjs 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 8, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-132 SUBJECT: 1980 Lawcon Application Attached is a copy of a memorandum from the Planner suggesting a lay- out of Mound Bay Park. If the Council agrees with this, they should approve the preliminary concept and authorize the Planner to proceed with the LawCon Grant request. Leo~nard L. Kopp CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota TO: FROM: RE: City Manager City Planner 1980 LawCon Application At their last meeting, the Park Commission recommended to the City Council to make 1980 LawCon Application at Mound Bay Park. From their direction and based on past develop- ment plans at the site, the enclosed site plan and prelimi- nary cost budget is requested for City Council approval. Chuck Riesenberg 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 11, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-131 SUBJECT: Water Rates Attached is a copy of a proposed resolution for the change in water rates. The effective date has been left blank. Some new items have been added to the rate structure and other service charges have been recommended for changes. The new items added to the rate system are: 1. A minimum monthly charge for each apartment. 2. A minimum charge for commercial and industrial based on meter size. 3. A monthly service charge for sprinkler systems. The changes made in service charges are: Turning off Water at Curb Box - from $3.00 to $5.00 Installing Meter - from $7.50 to $12.O0 Removing Meter - from $7.50 to'$12.00 Leonard L. Kopp RESOLUTION NO. 80- RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 73-79 AND 76-216 "RESOLUTIONS ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE RATES" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MOUND, MOUND, MINNESOTA: That Resolution No. 73-79, "Resolut'ion Establishing Water Service Rates", adopted March 13, 1973 and 76-216 dated May 25, 1976, be amended to read: 1. The following schedule of rates for water service connection, turning on or shutting off of water, and water consumption be, and hereby is, established: a. Turning on or shutting off water at 5.00 curb box b. Meter Installation 12.00 Meter Removal .... 12.00 c. For water consumed~- Residential: Quarterly Water Consumption First 6,000 gallons or less Next 24,000 gallons Next 20,000 gallons All over 50,000 gallons per quarter Minimum Monthly Bill Quarterly Charge $6.00 (Minimum) .60 per 1,O00 gal. · 55 per 1,000 gal. .45 per 1,O00 gal. $6.00 Note: The above minimum applies to each single family dwelling. Where one residential meter serves more than-one household, each additional apartment would pay a quarterly minimum of $6.00. This mini- mum amount per apartment would be in addition to the above $6.00 minimum. All water usage in excess of minimum would be billed under the above rate schedule. Seasonal users will be billed the full minimum charge for the quarter in which water is turned on and the quarter in which the water is turned off. If the actual usage exceeds the minimum, they should be billed the actual charges computed. 2. Commercial, Industrial and Including Multiple Dwellings* Monthly Water Consumption First 2,000 gallons per month Next 8,000 gallons per month, per 1,000 gallons Next 7,000 gallons per month, per 1,000 gallons Over 17,000 gallons per month, per 1,000 gallons Monthly Rates $1.00 per 1,000 gal. (Minimum $2.00) .60 .55 .45 * More than four apartment units. Resolution No. 80- Page 2 Amending resolutions establishing water rates 2. Continued Note: (a) Minimum Monthly Bill Per Apartment (b) Minimum Monthly Bill for Commercial customers by meter size is as follows: $2.00 Minimum Monthly Charge for Commercial & Industrial is based on meter size. Meter Size Minimum Charge 3/4" $ 4.00 1" to 1½" 10.OO 2" 15.00 3" 35.00 4'l 60.00 6" 150.O0 Water service to customers who have more than meter shall be billed under the above rates for each meter on an individual basis. 3. Sprinkler System Structures having a sprinkler system shall pay in addition to the water usage rate, the following charge of the sprink- ling system: Size of System Monthly Rate 2" $3.00 4" 4.00 6" 6.00 8" 15.O0 10" 25.00 12" 30.00 Said rates as provided herein to become effective 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April ll, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-129 SUBJECT: Energy Audit Attached is a proposal to do the energy audit on the City buildings. The Building Inspector has been trying to do some of this work, but it is too time consuming with his other duties. The proposal offered in the attached letter seems fair. A resolution authorizing entering into the agreement is requested unless the Council would like us to contact another engineering firm. A copy of a Mini Audit is available if the Council wishes to look at it. Note: The L. P. Pederson that wrote the letter was County Engineer until 1965 and worked with us on the sewer project, the proposed 15 by-pass and was one of the original suggesters of the ring route that Orono has started. cc: H. Truelsen April 8, 1980 Mr. Leonard Lo Kopp City Manager - City of Mound 5341Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 Re: Energy Study Dear Len: rieke carroll muller associates inc architects engineers land surveyors planners It was indeed my pleasure to have that nice visit with you last week in your office and to reminisce the project we worked together some 15 years ago. I appreciated it very much. As per our discussion, I am submitting the energy data for your con- sideration with the City Council. Step I - Energy RepoEt This report details the square footage for each building and the build- ing's energy consumption. The consumption information is generally available from your utility bills. The report normally is completed by someone on the City staff. Your office should have already submitted this report to the state. Step 2 - Mini-Audit The mini-audit is the first task where RCM normally becomes involved. The Audit is a quick review of the buildings to identify items for energy savings. The mini-audit must be completed prior to filing the maxi-audit, but both studies may be completed simultaneously. The state recommends that a party other than the owner complete the steps so a "fresh" assessment is obtained. Step 3 - Maxi-Audit The maxi-audit is a review of the systems within the facilities. The review that RCM proposes will include the study and interviews with oper- ating and maintenance personnel. Our experience indicated that such in- volvement brings about more relevant data and a greater willingness on the post office box 130 lOt 1 first street south hopkins, minnesota 55343 612 935-6901 Mr. Leonard L. Kopp April 8, 1980 page 2 part of the operators to use the results of the study. The study makes specific recommendations and indicates their estimated payback, period. Reimburseable fees The state has established guidelines for the amount they will reimburse various governmental agencies for energy studies; the amount reimbursed will be $400.00 for buildings to 30,000 gross sq. ft.; $500.00 for build- ings between 30,000 to 100,000 gross sq. ft; and $600.00 for buildings 100,000 gross sq. ft. and larger. The above quotations are for the mini-audit and that money is available by your submitting the mini-audit grant form which is on page 2 in the mini-audit manual (green book) which was mailed to your office. The maxi-audit will also be required by the state. According to our in- formation the state will reimburse between 6¢ to 10¢ per gross sq. ft. The actual funding for the maxi-audit is not available at this time but the state expects to have funds after this session of the legislature. Money is available for the mini-audit. Fees For Study Rieke Carroll Muller Associates agrees to perform the studies for its clients for the following amounts: Mini-Audit - Amount Stipulated by the State Maxi-Audit - 6¢ per gross square foot The above fees are based upon RCM performing both the mini and maxi-audits. A proposal based on the above costs would anticipate that we would gather the necessary information for the mini and maxi audit at the same time. If this proposal is agreeable, please sign both copies, retain one copy for your files and return the second copy to us. Should you require more information, please feel free to call me and I'll give what assistance I can. I have submitted a sample copy of one of our mini-reports that~we have completed. Mr. Leonard L. Kopp April 8, 1980 page 3 We would appreciate a desicion to select Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. for the study for the City of Mound. Sincerely, L.P. Pederson, P.E. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. Manager/Electrical - Mechanical Department Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. Accepted: City of Mound By: Title: Da te: LPP/mr 4-15-~0 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 10, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-128 SUBJECT: lO,O00 Meter Run-A-Thon Attached are copies of letters from Lord Fletcher's and the American Cancer Society asking for permission and approval to hold a lO,O00 meter Run-A-Thon in the Lakes area for the benefit of the Cancer Society on Sunday, June 14, 1980. Also attached is a copy of memorandum from the Police Chief endorsing the event. cc: Police Dept. -'-"' "' ' ~': ;': .'" 9808 Wayzat Boulevard ~. ~' "' ': ' ': SL'Louis Park. Mmnesota 55426 '" *' : : --' - - : . -- ;-.-.:: ,. 612-546-2412- - . - .. . -.. ~, ;¥' ,:;' ,,:;-;' ?,;,_: .'- ~:. _',, " LORD FLETCHER'S WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR A 10,000 METER RUN-A-THON ON JUNE 14, 1980, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AHERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. ALL ENTRY FEES AND PLEDGES PER MILE WOULD BE DONATED TO THE - 'AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. ' ' .... · - '.:~:.~ ~ IF-THERE ARE AN¢ IONS CONCERNING THIS EVENT,' PLEASE'CONTACT -'- YOURS',TRU~~ ""- ' ....... ' ' '"' ' .... ;"~':' ~; .... ' ..... ' "EL . .... ' ' '' ' ' ' ' " " .... : - ~'*"':*¢: '"' :"'"';'*~"* .... LORD FLETCHE~5~- ': ' ' : .~:- '.7'" _'...'' ::-."::"'.-'"."';-' .':,:--~ -' ':':: :-'~;' "-,'~';"- . ,,.. .... . · , ;:_- .... ... _.... - . . - . . - .,,.-. ;' . .' ,. _. ;;. .:; ... .;:¢:.;- . . '.-~ . :.'.' . ~ .~.;. .~ ;, ' . ¢..-' .-. , , -:' - ':,~ .'. Z;.?,"~.," . . . ., :., .:--.' :..;.,:' . ..... . .... ~ -"..-""'"'/::'"----':"-:'~-¥'~'..":' ': .... . ' ~..':.5 ",::' ':'... ...... - .... . :- ,~.¢ .-,. '.;.. Lord Fletcher's of the Lake - The Beanew · B. Flanagan's Bar · Pracna on Main · Amalgamated Underground · Forepaugh's · D.B. ~arl~ .- American Cancer Society Minnesota Division Incorpora[ed 2750 Park Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55407 Phone; (612) 871-2111 April 3, 1980 City Council of Mound 5341 Maywood Rd Mound, MN 55364 Gentlemen: It is our understanding that Mr. Nigel Chilvers, President of Naegle Restaurants needs your permissiOn and approval to hold a 10 meter run in the Lakes Area. We have met with Mr. Chilvers and are excited and very grateful that we will be the recipents of the proceeds that will be realized from this run. This "RUN FOR CANCER" will be the first for us in Hennepin County and we certainly hope that you will give your approval and permission. The funds received will be used to support the American Cancer Society's programs of' Research, Education and Patient Service. Thank you for your consideration of this first and we hope annual event to benefit the American Cancer Society. Sincerely, Marsha Holmberg Volunteer Special Event Chairman MH:cas I TEROFFICE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mr. Leonard Kopp - City Manager Charles Johnson - Chief of Police Lord Fletcher's 10,000 meter run DATE I have been contacted by Mr. Alan Bell, the manager of Lord Fletcher's Restaurant, with reference to a 10,000 meter (6.2 miles) benefit run for the American Cancer Society to be held Saturday, June 14, 1980, at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Bell contacted me to discuss the event and proposed route to ascertain my feelings on the event and if I had any objections or suggestions. He explained that 100% of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society and the event will have their sanction. It is anticipated there will be approximately 300 runners that would enter the event. The proposed route is for the runners to go south on CtY. Rd. 51 from Lord Fletcher's to Cry. Rd. !5, then west to Cty. Rd. 125, then south onto Island Park. The route would then follow Tuxedo Blvd. to Brighton, then north on Brighton to Wilshire, then east to Tuxedo, then north back to Cty. Rd. 15, east on Cty. Rd. 15 and north back to Fletcher's. It is expected that these faster runners would complete the course in approximately 30 minutes and the slowest of the runners would finish in approximately one hour. I endorse both the event and the route. I forsee no traffic nor crowd control problems that the department would have any trouble handling. It is anticipated that the Police Reserve and Explorer Scouts would provide assistance. I believe you can expect a letter from Lord Fletcher's describing this event. tie is writin§ it in my suggestion that both the Mound and Spring Park City Councils be fully advised. Respectfully, Charles 3dhason, Chiet Mound Poi ice Department Cd/sh CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 10, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-133 SUBJECT: Beer License Renewa!s On and Off Sale Beer Licenses expire April 30th, renewals have been received: On Sale: A1 & Almals Supper Club The following Off Sale: A] & Almats Supper Club Leonard L. r~opp / ~'/ ~ 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 11, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80~134 SUBJECT: Restaurant License Renewals Restaurant licenses expire April 30th. The following license renewals have been received: Hole-in-One Bake Shop V.F.W. Club 5113 A1 & Alma's_Supper_Club Minnetonka Fost 39~-American Legion Leonard L. Kopp ' ! / 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 10, 1980 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO. 80-]35 SUBJECT: License Renewals - Juke Box, Pool Tables, Games of Skill Licenses for Games of Skill, Juke Box, Pool Tables, Bowling Alleys, etc. expire April 3Oth. The following renewals have been received: Juke Box 'V.'F.W. Club # 5113 1 American Legion - Post 398 1 Pool Table V.F.W. Club # 5113 1 Game of Skill A1 & Alma's Supper Club 1 Machine Leb.nard L. Kopp ' 4-15-80 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April 9, 1980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80-34 SUBJECT: Reconstruction of the Arcola Bridge Attached is a copy of a Resolution Or'ono passed relative to the subject bridge. Orono apparently has approved the plans with stipulations. Without a doubt the reconstruction of the bridge will effect Mound residents traveling to and from Minneapolis or Wayzata. It is not clear whether Orono wishes other cities to send resolu- tions since no letter accompanied the resolution. It would seem the resolution was sent for information only. Does the Council wish to pass a resolution either supporting or refuting Orono's resolution. REsoLuTION ~1127 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ARCOLA BRIDGE WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Department of Transportation constructed the Arcola Bridge, ~275-10 Federal Aid System #5-6314-3, during the summer of 1962 using construction materials and techniques that were consistent with construction sta~dards at that time for the bridge, and WHEREAS, the construction materials and techniques utilized in the construction of the Arcola Bridge have proven inadequate to withstand the Minnesota climatic conditions requiring the extensive use of salt and other chemicals, which has resulted in~remature deterioration of the bridge deck, as well as the exterior surfaces of the bridge piers, and WHEREAS, the deterioration of the Arcota Bridge is now accelerating thus requiring the replacement of the entire bridge deck as well as repairs to the exterior surfaces of the bridge piers, and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Department of Transportation has proposed reconstruction of the Arco!a Bridge deck and piers during the 1980 construction season using Federal funds available for such brae replacement, and repairs, and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Department of Transportation has prepared plans and specifications for the letting of contracts' for the reconstruction of the Arcola Bridge, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that if the Arcola Bridge is closed during the reconstruction a detour would cost the general publ-ic $267,750 in additional energy consumption, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Orono and Minnetonka Beach have determined that the closing of the Arcola Bridge to all vehicle traffic during the reconstruction period would constitute a public safety hazard because of the increased response time for police, fire and ambulance service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City CoUncil of the City of Orono does hereby approve the reconstruction of the Arcola Bridge subject to the following conditions: 1) That the reconstruction of the Arco]a Bridge be delayed until such time as Federal funds can be used for such reconstruction project. Arcola Bridge Page 2 olution 2) 3) That the reconstruction of the Arcola Bridge be delayed to a construction year when the bridge may be started early enough in the spring so that the entire reconstruction can take place during one construction.year. That the reconstructed bridge deck does conform and is consistent with two-lane Hennepin County ~15 and the Tanager Lake Bridge. Widening of existing sidewalks shall be deducted from the existing bridge deck using the present driving lanes to assure that additional overall bridge width is not attained. 4) That the Hennepin County Department of Transportation is to keep at least one lane of traffic ooen during the entire reconstruction period and that in the event that the reconstruction project should be halted for any reason for more than one week, that the barricades shall be rearranged so that two lanes of traffic, one in each direction, shall be maintained until such time as the reconstruction project is resumed. 5) That the Hendrickson Bridge not be reconstructed during the same construction year. 6) That the Mayor of Minnetonka Beach and the City of Orono's City Administrator be included as active participants in the preconstruction meetings , as well as all construction meetings during the reconstruction project. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be transmitted to the following: City of Spring Park City of Mound City of Minnetrista City of Tonka Bay. Hennepin County Board of Commissioners Hennepin County Department of Transportation State Senator.George Pillsbury State Representative Robert Searles Metropolitan Council Adopted by the City Council regular meeting held March Wa~,/R. Benson, of the City of Orono, Min_nesot~ at a 24, 1980. /~ / / [~¢.l~_{am B.' Van ~st, Ha~or 't' City Administrator 4-15-~0 CITY OF MOUND Mound, Minnesota April ]O, ]980 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 80- 35 SUBJECT: Diseased Trees List 7 - 80 Attached is a copy of a list of payments due property owners for · removing diseased trees. These items will appear for payment on the list of bills. Eec~nard I_. Kopp ~ - ~ cc: City Clerk CITY oF MOUND MOUND, MINNESOTA LIST f/7 - 80 NAME ADDRESS NO. OF TREES TOTAL DBH DOLLARS Earl Lindskoog 3036 Island. View 1 20" $40.00 Steven Anderson 1901 Shorewood Ln. 2 56" $112.00 George Shepherd 5275 Bartlett Blvd. 3 66" $132.00 A1 Schwingler ............ 5301 Bartlett Blvd. 2 54" $108.00 Paul Ohnesorge 3066 Island View Dr. 4 43" $ 86.00 I Gene Goede 5943 Ridgewood Road 1 36" $72.00 Bruce Larson 1968 Shorewood Ln. 6 149" $258..00 James Strilich 5053 Wren Road 1 30" $60.00 John Ringstrom 6190 Red Oak Road 1 18" $36.00 Ben Ramsgro 5238 Seabury Road 1 23" $46.00 Harlan Dugstad 5881 Fairfield Rd. 1 48" $96.00 Pat Osmonson i.~ 5100 Edgewater Dr. 1 34" $68.00 John Nelson 5429 Bartlett Blvd, 1 24" $48.00 Victor Smith 4925 Bartlett Blvd 1 30" $60.00 Howard Jensen 37~. Game Farm Rd. 1 20" $40.00 ~nle--RL~in,553ig_ Sylvia Ogren Don Buboltz Mitch Erickson Chris Malik Jane Heckl Willard Botko Edward Olson Ward Hoag Florence Sager Richard Anderson Kenneth Rohlik Daniel Anderson Charles Grindahl Gene Zertz Steve Williquett 1755 La£ayette 1735 Lafayette 1713 Canary Ln. 4908 Three Pts. 2101 Belmont Ln. 2149 Cardinal Ln. 2270 Langdon Ln. 3020 W~stedge Blvd 5072 Woodridge 5163 Emerald Dr. 4717 Hampton Rd. 3029 Drury 4921 Tuxedo Blvd. 4720 Island View ~2 3 141" 39" 84" 38" 63" 51" 122" 37" 34 ~' 57" 56:' 10" 50:' $282.00 $78.00 $!68.00 $38.00 $76.00 $126.00 $102.00 $244.00 $74.00 $68.00 $114.00 $112.00 $20.00 $100.00 Howa~'d Martin 4861 Hanover 4 72" $144.00 Hussman Inv. Co. Jerry Palen 4416 Denbigh Rd. 3140 Harbor Ln. Mpls, Mn. 55441 6547 Bartlett Blvd. 1 10 35" 197" 34 ~' $70.00 $394.0O $68.00 TOTAL $3,540.00 0 BS-. S© ES,' April 1, 1980 Fleply To: 12800 Industrial Park Bou!~vard Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 (612) ,559-3700 Mr. Richard Dougherty Metropolitan Waste Control Commission 350 Metro Square Building 7th & Robert Streets St. Paul, Hinnesota 55101 Subject: City of Mound 1980 Street Improvements West Edge Boulevard Dear Mr. Doughtery, The City Council of Mound has ordered preportion of plans and specifications for Street Improvements to be constructed in 1980-1981. One of the streets to be improved is ~lest Edge Boulevard ~vhich fronts on the former MWCC Treatment Plant site in Mound which is still MWCC property. The street project on West Edge Boulevard consists of construction of a 28 foot wide, bituminous surface street ¥~ith storm se~er. The streeb will be realigned in the R.O.~V. The existing street is on the very northerly edge of the R.O.W. If the NWCC property were to be assessed for the project on the same basis as other properties in Mound, the assessement would be $48,850. ~Ve would appreciate a letter from the M~VCC setting forth their policy in participating in the cost of this type of improvement. Very truly yours, Swanson Mound City Engineer LS :bb #5248 Leonard Kopp Mound City Manager Mir, neapofis - Hutchinson - Alexandria- Granite Falls ~'~,~ 1980.BUDGET REPORT : H~rch. 1'980' EPAR. THENT BUDGETED , CURRENT EXP. Y-T-D EX~. AL-[-'0-TclE'D ' ' ACTUAL 3Ol2 tlUHAN RIGHTS 450.O0 . . o . o 112.5o o 4013 MANAGER ' 90.208.00 j 15,881.59 ~ 32,~57.O1 22,552.00 ~ ..3560 6014 ELECTIONS 6,4~0 oo ~ ~ ~ I _~ __ _ ~ ~ ....... · . . · . ' .;I'Y~. ~. . ~,00. ~ 1,622.5~ .0]~0 ,. ,7015 ASSESSING 34',050'00 ' 42 OO 246 O6 '8,512 50' 0070 lO18 LE6AL 14,OO0.OO ~ 1,166.67 3,500.01 , 3,500.00 ' .=5oo 1118 PROSECUTING 11,275.OO 2,151.50 2,508.00 2,818.75 .~220 7032 FIRE !15,920.OO IO,167.26 16,501.95 ~ 28,980.00 .1420 9B33 PLAHNING ~ 13,655.OO 1,953.89 , 5,627.59 3,413.75 .4120 ~O34 CIVIL DEFENSE 9,045.00 111.20 305.O1 2,261.25 .0340 ~o~~ ~,~,- ~,~.oo ~,~o.~ ~,~.o~ ~'~.~ ".~'o 9743 SHOP ~ STORE 37,295.00 2,10~.72 6,878.23 I 9,323.75 5847 DISEASED TREES q9,0]5.00 ~,737.00 8,5~].50 ' ]2,253.75 ' 406S PARKS ' 74,725.00 6,~62.05 18,q23.]~ 18,68]~25 .2q70 oo~ ~,.,~o~ ,~o~ ,,ooo.oo ~ ~o 'S ~o ,.°oo'00 ..... ~'~0~ 0078 SE¥!ER 390,325.O0 28,785. IF 8q,616.86 97,581.25 .2]7~ I 0173 WATER 250,667.O0 2] ,~73.28 6] ,05F.48 62,666.7F .2~0 8 IMP E~UIP OUTLAY ]00,670.00 2,362.50 16,387.5o 2F,]67.50 .]630 O CE?,ETERY 4,3FO.00 ]03.00 ]O3.O0 ] ,087.50 .O230 2 RETI REHE;IT 75,5] 8.O0 ' 6,178.81 18,791.71 ! 8,879.50 .2~90 5 FIRE RELIEF 4~,306.00 0 O 11,~76.50 0 5 ¥~AT E ~t I~EVEI,IUE 37,136.O0 O 29,841.93 9,28q.00 .8000 aoueuaqu ! w.'! e°tlS 96a# sub ! S 'qu! al,! I6d# 0 'r, Su .maaaS I a ! '4uap ! sa}_{ °u!paI~ qaaa~S IaaOmaa .~-muS Igd# I a^°u~)~t aaus qsaR a~a~ oq qqucH aqeQ o.L ~eaX s!q£ qse~ jtt~uoH .... s!qL so, iufl actosauu !K ' punoFl Q · LI9# sI°°~aS 809] 'asui ~ 'qu!ai'! u°~%eqS uo!qgaqs!u!~PV I ,~/~ o09# qquoFl MquoN .~o tp, uoi, I eqoseuu .%I / 0 ~se7 W. qUOH slqj. qli~.~L-~-uc?[ suo u.:n.L 5o 'oK qdauh'(ad-uoFi sJj. O uanl 2.0 -o~2 suO uan,L jo 'O.;.i s550 uan£ 3'0 s.~emoqsnD .za':~a!.'~ 30 'oN sq .~uR ~izo:.i 0~61 qoaaN dO H.LI'IO~g ViO ~ I~N I N · C N N014 (Jr;1 f'lO!;! ,JO CITY OF NC~JND I"IOU?JD, I, iINt, IESOTA Monthly Activity Report of Water Department }lonth of Nprcb 1980 I This Last This Year [ Lost Year I,~onth I-lonth to !)et~; { to D~te ~ - ~- _!_ _. aY L _I Work Units No. Tlm~_, Che, cked Pumo ?:o. Ttr.~es ;,,h.cked Btmo ,~2 No. Ti=a~ Ch~c~e.d Puam ~3 b'o. Tir::es Checked No. Ti.::;as Checked '~.Io, Ti~:;es Checked Pumo ~6 No. Times Checked Puma Shod !/999 COM ~4 IS$10N £ 1~. PHONE 348-3084 , BOARD OF IqENNEP/N COUNTY CO~X41~lI$Sl~WE 2400 GOVERNMENT CENTER //./ N41NNEAPOLIS, ~41N~ESOTA 55487 April 4, 19~ Hr. and Mrs. John Wagman , ~ 5469 Bartlett Boulevard d ~ ~ Mound, Minnesota 55364 ~ ~ Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wagman, RS My apologies for having delayed so long an answer to your request for background information about the Lost Lake Channel into Cooks Bay, Lake Minnetonka. County files on this subject are sketchy at best. Apparently the original channel was dug through this marsh to Cooks Bay by the Great Northern Railroad "to allow passenger boats to come up'to the depot". Further dredging has been proposed to provide fishing in Lost Lake. Some land development around the marsh has occurred with resultant drainage problems. Environmental and developmental objectives appear to have foundered on cost/benefit shoals (who should pay how much for what) over and over again. The sheet steel piling to help protect your property at the Cooks Bay entrance to the channel apparently was installed by Hennepin County in 1949. It is my opinion that your request to prohibit: any motorized boat traffic through the channel offers you the best protection (beyond your ox,un resources) at this time. I anticipate no major county involvement in Lost Lake or its channel to Cooks Bay in the forsee- able future. If you have further questions, kindly let me know. .. .oR b , C o mm i o s i on e~.* cc: Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Minnesota Department of Conservation City of Mound Roger W. Reed, Attorney Ar~ J. Lee, Associate Administrator, Hennepin County AGENDA Minnehaha Creek Watershed District April 17, 19B0 Wayzata City Hall 7:30 p.m. 2. 3. 4. Call to order; present, absent, staff. Reading and approval of minutes of regular meeting, 3-20-80. Approval or amenfLment of April 17, 1980 agenda. Hearing of permit applications. 77-112. Methodist Hospital - permit extension, for the construction of a parking lot at Methodist Hospital, 6500 Excelsior Boulevard at Minnehaha Creek, St. Louis Park. 79-16. Korunsky, Krank, Erickson Associates - permit extension for the grading/drainage plan of "Christmas Acres" and review of the utilities plan, southwest shore of Christmas Lake, Chanhassen. 80-19. D. Hansen - lake setback variance request, 2429 Black Lake Road, Spring Park. 80-20. Laketown Township - after-the-fact considera- tion of a drainage alteration and culvert placement, Bayview, Laketown Township. 80-21. R. Duvick - Rip-Rap shoreline and channel dredging, Priest Bay-Lake Minnetonka, 6120 Pine Circle, Minnetrista. 80-22. D. Taylor - Rip-Rap shoreline, placement of fill, Priest Bay-Lake Minnetonka, 5991 Ridgewood Road, Mound. 80-23. Nelson, Fried, Gray, Chapman - construction of a retaining wall, St. Albans Bay-Lake Minnetonka, 5135 Greenwood Circle, Greenwood~ 80-24. J. Anderson - excavation in a waterway for the placement of a sanitary sewer line, 2501 Crosby Road, Minnetonka. 80-25. Design Management - grading/drainage plan for an office building to be located north of Lake Street between Wayzata Pet Shop and the Nicollet Clinic, Wayzata. Correspondence. Hearing of requests for petitions by public for action by the Watershed District. Reports of Treasurer, Engin'eer and Attorney: Treasurer's Report - Mr. Russell (1) Administrative Fund Report (2) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project Fund Report Engineer's Report - Mr. Holmquist (1) Creek Improvement Project Update (2) Galpin Lake Drainage Petition - City of Excelsior (3) Three New Bridges Over Minnehaha Creek - Minneapolis (4) .Minnehaha Creek Flow - Contribution of Process Water (5) Hydro-Data Report 1979 - Distribution Update Attorney's Report - Mr. Macomber (1) Filing and Distribution of 1979 Annual Report (2) Filing of 1979 Audit (3) Bridge Obstruction at 11907 Cedar Lake Road (4) District Regulation Revision (5) Upper Watershed Storage and Retention Project (6) Municipal Stormwater Management Plans (7) Minnehaha Creek Improvement Project/Pending Items (a) Contract with Minnetonka (b) Insurance 8. New Business. 9. Adjournment.